#so many mods I want to get...
victorluvsalice · 2 years
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Well, Alice was mostly wandering around outside, dealing with the full moon and her rapidly-building Fury. While Smiler worked on their Inner Peace with some yoga, and Victor worked on his by trying out the flower arranging bench for the first time, Alice worked on hers by indulging in some howling, some more scavenging, and a milk, honey, and oatmeal soak. Hey, given she was guaranteed to rampage that night, I felt she deserved it.
Before rampages, though, we had an important event to attend -- the Spirit Squad bar night! Because I was in a race to see if I could max out Smiler’s Spirit Squad rank before they graduated, and hanging out with their fellow Squad members seemed like a great day to do that! Smiler started things off by giving everyone nearby a boost of happiness and doing a few cheers. . .
And then the “Erratic” trait kicked in, and they started showering in the rain before trying to lead another Foxbury cheer while still naked. As you can see, their fellow patrons kind of objected to that. XD The animation never completed, though, so I was able to get Smiler back in clothes to continue the night. They had a pretty nice time, overall -- goofing around with their friends, Detecting Personalities on people they didn’t know very well, and taunting rival students before instantly making friends with them because they’re just so lovable when they introduce themselves. :P Didn’t get as much progress on the organization’s membership bar as I hoped, but completing the “Taunt Rival Student” task and a few cheers did move it in the right direction. At least there’s still a chance of maxing it out while Smiler’s still a student!
But the bar night didn’t last forever, and soon Smiler had to go home and face the full moon. . .
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vynnyal · 6 months
OK, fair warning to the few people I actually managed to convince to try the game??
Rain world does NOT play like hollow knight, and you'll get your butt kicked if you approach it like that.
It's really hard. Like, really hard. Instead of the game literally giving you abilities in the form of power-ups and damage buffs, the only abilities you gain is from what you learn and your own ingenuity. You're a rat from beginning to end. If you just beef your way through it, it's gonna suck and you're gonna be confused and frustrated all the time. But if you pay attention, take it slow, and learn how the ai works and how everything interacts with each other, you can consistently get through and dominate situations you thought were impossible to do so when you first began. Now get out there, kill some lizards, and bully some old computers!
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mechanismslorearchive · 3 months
everyone has their mechanisms white whale. be it the librarian (miralines) or Folly Bridge Inn (the show i would pick out of all of them to see) (tims debut).
If you all could pick anything, anything at all, to have answers too, or a video of, or content otherwise, what would it be?
Mod travis
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mishapen-dear · 10 months
HUGE probs to cc!forever btw i thought he added the furniture thing as a joke option to like- legitimately get under q!bad's skin to give cc!bad an excuse to give his cubito more problems. but no apparently his chat were just instigators and made that suggestion to him 😭
i'm so impressed by how he got blindsided by a Full Lore Mode angry q!bad and kept his cool, and worked to communicate, and admitted when qbad had a good idea about the voting (qbad could NEVER), and went and got Cellbit when he realized the language barrier was too much. absolute king shit over there. like here he is trying to legit make the server better on a meta level and gets blindsided by q!bad's lore problems and he rolled with it so so well. he's doing legit such a good job for the server
and this is like- me being a bad fan, and i know it was an accident, but im very grateful to him for how that shook out. every time bad starts to get a little lore moment or something dramatic for his storyline, it fizzles out or gets overtaken by something else. cc!bad has been doing a great job with his storytelling/roleplaying and building up a narrative of feeling unappreciated/like a helping object instead of a person (and i could GUSH about the parallels between qbad and qforever and how they recognized those feelings in each other) but!! the point is that cc!forever did it. even accidentally. he created a catalyst event that could finally get my favourite little cubito off of his rocker (FINALLY), and bad is a good person to get off of his rocker. this is going to be a gorgeous little storyline that i am going to enjoy so so much. forever wanted to do good for the server and the story and by god he has done it
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avacdavra · 1 year
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Blessed be the Daughters of Cain
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nyaagolor · 7 months
I plan on making a mini zine / infographic about the topic to make it more digestible, but genuinely I wish more people in America understood how absolutely off-base our understanding of tea is. Tea bags are like the instant coffee of the tea world— they’re made from the scraps left over from regular tea production, all the stuff that would normally be thrown away. They also taste almost nothing like a good loose leaf tea
Tea is full of tannins— they’re these big chemicals that bind to proteins and give things a bitter and astringent taste. They’re found in tea, but also in coffee, in beer, and wine (and are also responsible for a lot of the tummy issues and headaches some people get when drinking wine). They’re big though, and released through tea leaves pretty slowly— unless, of course, the tea leaves are cut up or shredded like they are in tea bags. They’re released so fast from these shreds that they often overwhelm the other tastes by the time you’re done brewing. Most tea is NOT bitter unless you oversteep it. The reason that British people popularized tea with milk is because when you add milk to tea, the tannins bind to the milk proteins which makes the drink seem less bitter. But with loose leaf you don’t have to!! It isn’t bitter!
There is a massive world of tea out there that ranges from floral to earthy to umami to creamy and most Americans I know have never so much as heard of most of this nevermind had the opportunity to try it and it’s such a shame. I’m holding out my hand. Drink some tea with me
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tallbluelady · 15 days
— “are you blushing?! that’s adorable.”
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Despite her secrecy, Rowan should have known that a master spy and the nosiest woman on the Star would have figured out what she and Urianger had gone to do in the Bookman's Shelves for the weekend.
Nothing could have prepared her for the cake, however.
Yloise is (@yloiseconeillants)
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ask-season53-cast · 8 days
Thank you all for the enthusiasm as the Q&A kicks off! The amount of questions we have received has been unexpected, and we are thrilled that so many of you are continuing to enjoy what we at Team Danganronpa have to offer.
That being said, as to not overwhelm our cast, we will be closing the askbox temporarily at 11:59pm PST tomorrow night! If you have any burning questions for your favourite character, get them in before it closes! We will reopen the askbox once the volume of questions has been reduced. Thank you again for the support!
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cleric4vampire · 5 months
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aune's darting around camp taking pictures of everyone with her brand new ye olde camera and being a general bother. someone stop her (I got freecam)
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r0semultiverse · 10 months
Eida knows Sarada & Sumire are immune to her abilities.
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Whats weird to me is that Eida just doesn't further question that Sarada & Sumire are acting so normal, like I would have never bought Sumire's excuse. NO SHOT!
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I think Eida is protecting those two from her clingy little brother.
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She has stated before that she wants to have actual friends, but probably knows Daemon would try to kill them potentially if he figures it out (that part isn't so much stated but it's the way he's looking at Sarada & Sumire when he's considering they may not be affected).
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He's overprotective, clingy, & overpowered; a terrible combination for her to be around in this case where she would like some actual friends. He's also very eager to fight people!
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She 100% went along with Sumire's bullshit excuse to keep those two safe from her brother. She literally pauses for a moment before agreeing with them!
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We'll see how good the excuse is when the official translation is out, but I think Eida's playing along so she can have actual friends around her. She knows whats actually going on here, she isn't a fool.
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wetthandss · 7 months
i have never and will never use rails and minecarts in minecraft because they are just so inefficient and expensive for such little gain. theyre incredibly slow unless you use a rare and expensive material thats difficult to find and much more so get in large amounts to make a small number of powered rails that you have to place pretty close to one another if you want to reach an actually useful speed, and if youre making a rail system that small whats the point you can just walk or run there. there are no other relevant blocks for rails except detectors. no bumpers or launchers or stations or anything, very little utility outside of complicated redstone machines for furnace, hopper and chest minecarts that most players arent concerned with. i think theyre a horribly underdeveloped feature but also one that has SO MUCH potential. here's what i would do to make this feature better and how i actually would use it if it was that way.
i would remove the need for powered rails to go at any useful speed. you could travel in the minecart at the speed you can with a powered rail in the game now just by holding the direction you wanna go. powered rails are still there, and you can use them to go even faster if you want. they're like a speed upgrade rather than a necessity for travel. secondly, you dont have to keep holding down the button to keep moving, the minecart wont lose speed as it goes unless it hits a powered rail, where it will decrease in speed similarly to how it does in the base game, but only down to normal speed and not to a snail pace or complete stop. if you push a minecart (without being in it) it will slow down quickly to a stop, because itd be pretty annoying watching it run away on you if you accidentally push it. but also that already happens when you have to place powered rails down every 10 blocks and if the minecart touches them it just runs away on you. in my ideal update, to push a minecart down a track without losing speed, you can either get in it and get out of it when you reach speed, or you can use a powered rail to get it going. ADDITIONALLY, powered rails just act like normal rails when inactive instead of stopping entirely. if you want a rail that automatically stops the minecart, keep reading cause i have a replacement for this usage.
i would allow diagonal rails to exist, including on slopes. this is something i wish for other blocks that connect to each other in minecraft too, like fences, walls, iron bars etc. the zigzagging pattern is very ugly in most use cases and requires you to use double the materials. this would also be useful for setting up proper train stations where a train can be pulled to the side of the track either to let another train pass or to be filled with passengers/items.
i would allow multiple rails to connect to one another, letting you have multiple paths. a redstone activated directional rail could control which path you go on while in a minecart, while the default is just continuing straight.
I would add rail signals with an associate redstone connected rail that can decide when a minecart is allowed to pass or be stopped, or set a precise timer that counts down before making a redstone signal. you can set it to repeat or to only start its timer when receiving a redstone signal. would this remove the need for other forms of redstone timers? yes because i think its such a simple thing that requires incredibly complicated setups to do precisely that are frankly unnecessary to the average player and would allow them to make redstone more useful to them without having to spend nearly as much time and energy fine tuning multiple different complicated timer setups. you can still use the complicated timers if you want. no one is stopping you. anyways, this would let you automate trains a lot easier or automate a round trip rail system with consistent schedules, or to send a minecart back to you after sending it away.
Minecarts will have an updated model with a clear front side and a back side. you can flip directions whenever you want if youre riding in it, its mostly just an aesthetic change, but ive run into situations where if i stop a minecart on an inactive powered rail and activate it again, it will start going back in the direction it came from rather than continuing forwards and that is REALLY ANNOYING. i get that thats useful for sending a minecart back and forth but my bumpers would solve that issue while the clear front/back side fixes the one i mentioned above at the same time, as well as just making it more predictable and visually clear.
I would also aesthetically change the chest minecart cause i think it looks really ugly, i would prefer the chest minecart to show the minecart filled up with the sprites of the items that are inside it. i think that would be way cuter than just having a big wooden chest inside a metal minecart.
finally have actual linkages to tie minecarts together. it can just be a lead idc.
maybe a minecart that can be filled with rails that it automatically places as it goes? idk about this one
another maybe is that detector rails could be configured to only activate one-way.
a third maybe is having "lazy rails" that let the minecart travel at the speeds that they do now, so people who would inevitably complain about these changes ruining their finetuned overly-complex redstone rail machines could have something to use.
And finally i would have a bumper rail that can bounce back a minecart at half its speed, or its full speed with no loss if powered with redstone.
so i would definitely use rails and minecarts WAY more if these features were in place, they would be actually efficient for long and short distance travel, more versatile and less rigid in how you can actually place them, you can use redstone and train linkages to create more complicated railway setups if you want, it would all LOOK better, and it could actually be useful for putting in mineshafts. as it stands now, you have to put powered rails all over the place (a full chest minecart can only move 16 blocks per single powered rail boost! and it will slow down heavily before reaching the next too), fill up your stupid looking chest minecart and push it down where you then have to have a big redstone setup to automatically send the cart back, timed with a redstone timer (either a massive repeater one or a smarter comparator/observer one) so that the cart has time to unload into the hopper below it before being sent off again where it can make its way back to you.
in my update, you can fill the (good looking) chest minecart and use a single powered rail to push it where it will continue to the end (slowly, but at a far more consistent and as a baseline FASTER pace) where it will reach a detector rail connected to a rail signal which will start its timer, stopping the minecart. the cart will unload into the hopper, the timer will finish, sending the minecart into a powered bumper rail on the end where it will flip directions and be sent back, it will pass through the rail signal (because the detector block is on the other side) as if it were a normal rail, and come all the way back to me.
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the-magnus-protocol · 4 months
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Got the chance to explore the local state theater after hours for a film project, including their creepy no-access basement that was built in the early 1900
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thigh-inspectors · 1 month
oh no, accidentally awake at 4am which means it's feel-weird-about-things time 🤡
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naomiknight-17 · 1 month
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"Please mom I've been doing literally everything to plan and arrange this fence repair can you make one single phone call to the neighbour for me"
"Nah you can just do it tomorrow"
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lunarbun-ships · 6 months
i hope this doesnt come off as some type of way, but i really wish rb karma or whatever its called was thought abt more :c
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thebramblewood · 11 months
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Bonnie wanted to show Lu that a fun night out is possible in Chestnut Ridge too, so they soaked up the sunset while enjoying glasses of apple nectar. Then Bonnie introduced Lu to a few other locals, and they danced the rest of the night away.
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