#so many tags o_o
quackelly · 2 years
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winter kanadia or something idk
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skrunksthatwunk · 5 months
non-comprehensive haruhi autism creature comp
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i mean just look at him she's literally
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monotone-artist · 1 year
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i lost the battle of wills and made zelda ocs. i'm actually super excited about them aaaaa
they were both orphaned when calamity ganon came, and they found each other and became each other's family instead <33 i want to make a gerudo, zora, and goron too but i'm waiting for the Inspiration to strike me (hopefully before art fight comes around asjdhsdfj)
[id: reference sheets for a couple legend of zelda ocs, a rito and a hylian. the rito, fesyvi [faye-see-vee], is primarily gray and white. she has black patches on her shoulders; a black-and-white tail, ponytail, and braids (two that go over her shoulders); a black tuft of "hair" over her face; a single black stripe from her eye to her beak; and freckles. there are pink feathers at the outward corner of her eye and the ends of her braids. she a big wooden bead in each braid, red hairbands, and golden eyes. she's wearing a yellow shirt with leather straps, a red cloth on her waist, a blue midsection, and pants with purple, green, and pink patches sewn on them. there's a drawing of just her outstretched wing to better show the colors. she's standing in a wide stance, one hand on her hip, the other lifted as she holds one finger up smiling.
the hylian is atai [uh-tie]. he is black, with dark hair in a wolf's tail and an undercut. his eyes are dark brown. he has a single pink earring, which has a black-and-white feather connected to it, and a leather cord shell necklace; both of these have a separate drawing to show them in more detail. he's wearing a black hylian hood, a light blue tunic with purple squiggly markings on the sleeves and hem, green arm wraps, dark blue pants, and pinkish-red boots. he has a red sash, a belt with a pouch, leather knee and elbow pads, and black fingerless gloves. his nails are painted bright green. he's standing similarly to fesyvi, with one hand on his hip and the other holding a finger up, also smiling. end id]
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loves2spwge · 2 years
slides you a 20 dollar bill. gimme your best style fic recs (im new here)
omg! hiii anon. im sorry, im kinda terrible for recs bc i tend to go for more smut kind of fics 🫣. not even a year into sp yet and i still have soooo many fics i want to read!!!!!! but, im just gonna do a quick list for my most favorite style fics 🙇
Sleeping Lessons by sleep2thefr33zing
"Hey Stan? Have you thought about seeing a doctor, maybe? Instead of asking your friends to knock you out?" Stan rubs his arm abashedly. It’s not like he doesn’t know he sounds crazy. At this point, he’s desperate. (Or, Kyle is leaving for Harvard and Stan can't sleep)
words: 7,506
Pour my love out, spill it on the ground by sleep2thefr33zing
Recently done with junior year and freshly broken up with Wendy, Stan spends the summer with Kyle.
words: 11,855
Digging Two Graves by heelbruiser
Kyle returns home for winter break from his junior year at college, and after some odd years of not speaking, Stan comes over one night and makes a rather strange request for his help in aiding him in revenge. He won't tell him why, and he doesn't particularly care; he's just glad Stan's talking to him again.
words: 10,406
Once, and Only Once by heelbruiser
A very drunk Stan abruptly disturbs Kyle from his sleep to request a late-night ride home.
words: 24,973
You do it to yourself, you do (and that's what really hurts) by sleep2thefr33zing
The night always starts off right. (Or, the way a party with Stan plays out through Kyle's eyes)
words: 5,102
Beauty and the Geek by Godlizza
Kyle, resident nerd, has somehow bagged popular cheerleader Stan as his boyfriend. Aware of their vastly different social statuses, Kyle is determined not to give Stan a reason to dump him, but maybe he should be more worried about just how tall an order dating Stan can be.
words: 7,656 | part of a series
interim by Anonymous
It’s stupid. He’s stupid. He kissed Stan, right in his bedroom after his birthday party, because maybe he wanted to know what it tasted like and maybe he was a little intoxicated and maybe he was afraid that he’d never get the chance again. Maybe he was afraid that if he didn’t do it then, Stan would find out some other way, and then he’d stop talking to him. And that would really be shitty, because they’re not supposed to be away from each other. It doesn’t feel right. The past week has been terrible, few texts from Stan, and maybe he should have thought to make other friends too before he devoted his life to somebody who could ruin it so easily. or: they're in love etc etc
words: 2,829
Friends ̶t̶o̶ and Lovers by Green_Evening
“Hah, okay. Think like this.” Stan gestures vaguely. “Teenage years are like a tutorial… but for real life, ‘n time is running out for you. So here’s me, but not me, hot–girl me, asking you on a practice date.” He watches him for a second, processing the words, then sinks back into bed with a heavy sigh. “It’s too fucking early for this.” Stan kisses him again, gently, tiredly, and there’s no resistance. He snuggles closer. “C'mon. It’ll be soo fun.”
words: 4,464
Science and Art by apollos
The way Stan plays dead is the intersection of science and art, but Kyle's not buying it. High school is over, after all.
words: 16,296 | chapters: 5 | warnings: stan/other, angst with a hopeful ending
Seven days of alien summer by applecrumbledore
Stan asked, “What would you say if I told you I got abducted by aliens last night? With Craig, Tweek and Cartman?” Kyle raised his eyebrows. “I’d say that your wet dreams are getting weirdly specific and you should stop telling me about them.”
words: 16,583
Books That Did and Didn't Burn by hollycomb
In high school, Stan's mother thinks his old friend Kyle will be a good influence. Kyle doubts it.
words: 23,301 | chapters: 3
A Lifetime Supply of Crab Wontons by hollycomb
Five times P.F. Chang's has influenced Kyle's emotional development.
words: 4,790
It's Not Your Time by SekritOMG
One morning shortly after his 13th birthday, Stan wakes up in his own future.
words: 64,844 | chapters: 9 | warnings: mentions of infidelity
Stan Mars and The Kyle by Icandigelvis
When pilot Marsh got ready for his shift at the space- and air force facility in Nevada he didn't exactly expect the night to end up with him being the unintentional spokesperson for humanity. Especially when he was trying to communicate with this creature that killed without moving a finger. Fucking Craig and his theory that aliens just looked like DreamWorks guys fishing from the moon. Because really, this alien just looked like a man.
words: 60,521 | chapters: 5
Joyless Street by julads
Suicide in the 21st century.
words: 4,005 | warnings: angst with a hopeful ending
Let It Happen by bloodmage69
If someone were to ask Stan if he was in love with his best friend, he could easily respond with an entire list of reasons as to why that could never happen. However, even if he came up with all of the reasons in the world as to why he shouldn’t be in love with Kyle, that wouldn’t necessarily mean he wasn’t in love with Kyle. It was, of course, much more complicated than that.
words: 57,828 | chapters: 6 | warnings: mentions of a ky/////////mn smooch lolz
We’re Not Really Strangers by haildeleah
Pulling back, Stan stares at him. It lasts for a moment before he bursts out into laughter. “I like that.” “Like what?” Kyle asked, noticing that Stan’s hair had grown longer, a little more unkept. He must’ve freshly shaved today, Kyle smells the citrus of his aftershave. They haven’t been apart for very long, but it felt like an eternity. This was proof that it wasn’t. “How you talk to me like it isn’t the first time we’ve spoken in weeks.” Or: How Stan and Kyle became strangers, and all the ways they realize they could never be.
words: 12,846
giving (taking) by kuchi
Kyle somehow always ends up letting Stan lead him into the most amazing sex, even when it's the last thing he'd expect.
words: 2,995 | smut
Feedback by kuchi
A little post-shower playfulness turns out to be an interesting night of firsts for Kyle.
words: 6,010 | chapters: 2 | smut
Light Up by kuchi
Stan is ready to try something new with Kyle.
words: 3,291 | smut | part of a series
Fate Up Against Your Will by SekritOMG
February 14, 2016 // December 24-5, 2015
words: 6,919
Kyle and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by metrophobic
Kyle has the worst luck in the world, and then this asshole won't stop antagonizing him.
words: 11,962 | chapters: 2
I Need Some Space by LozisLaw
Kyle is celestial. Not that kind of gross horror movie alien shit where he lays eggs in people's guts for fertilisation, and not just another way of saying he's goddamn gorgeous. He's kind of a dick. So much of a dick that sometimes Stan thinks he should get surgically dissected by Mephesto to stop those fluttery gut tugs every time those fucking alien eyes stare down at him.
words: 35,704 | chapters: 2
Plain Bread Is Better by Blame Canada (OneHitWondersAnonymous)
Stuck in a life he deigned to lead, Kyle watched each aspect of his life fall to pieces, one by one, cracking beyond recognition. He watched his marriage crumble, his own mind splinter, and his perception of reality warp. Then, that perception became reality, and he was none the wiser. You see, Kyle had himself so thoroughly convinced that something was wrong that he didn't have the capacity to realize that the something that was wrong was maybe, just maybe, himself. Once he saw that self in the mirror, however, in an act of assured self-destruction, he chose to ignore it anyway.
words: 9,308 | warnings: angst with a hopeful ending
Herbert Garrison's Night School for Unwed Fathers by hollycomb
Pregnant and jilted, Henrietta places a vengeful spell on the senior class boys, wanting them to feel her pain. Stan and Kyle are just two of the unwitting victims.
words: 198,135 | chapters: 17 | warnings: mpreg :3
Lessons Learned by Kasen
They’ve been through it all at this point, why bother denying the freakish intimacy of their platonic relationship? They shut themselves in a closet for seven minutes and actually did the deed wherein nothing changed between them (that lasted, anyways); so, what was a few deeds more? No one had to know.
words: 36,862 | chapters: 9
The Truth About Kyle by maxette
Kyle is house sitting while the Marshes are out of town and he decides it's a good idea to masturbate on Stan's bed. Stan comes home early. Oh, and Kyle has a vagina.
words: 6,360 | smut
All To Myself by KirkApologist
Kyle knows about Stan and Craig, and he really shouldn't care... But, he can't help it. Stan belonged to him. A truth that Stan is all too happy to prove.
words: 2,538 | smut | part of a series
Aftermath by Icandigelvis
South Park AU depicting the years the boys grow up, from kindergarten to uni and continuing, with one little addition. It's an omegaverse.
words: 109,498 | chapters: 11 | warnings: A/B/O, mpreg, uhh kyle/others and some stan/others
Small Town Weirdness by fruitloopzed
Summertime, three years after Shelley Marsh’s disappearance. Artist in Residency Kyle Broflovski arrives in the small agricultural town of South Park. Stan Marsh is the rowdy owner of Tegridy Farms. Secrets buried beneath the prairie begin to rise to the surface when infatuation gets the best of them.
words: 67,994 | chapters: 6 | on going!!!!
The Summer of ‘99 by PinkFan_Gurl
Working at a shitty ass gas station isn’t what it’s cracked up to be, especially when all of your friends are making memories off at college, but 19 year old Stan Marsh is determined to make a name for himself. Unfortunately, things don’t go according to plan when two of his band mates suddenly up and quit, leaving him without a drummer and a bassist. Throw the cute redhead that works down at the drive-in into the mix and it’s shaping up to be one unforgettable summer.
words: 32,814 | chapters: 2 | on going!!!
Those Days by hehepoopoo
His idea: “let’s go into that barn and fuck there.” Kyle stares at him, deadpan. “Dude.” Stan grins, “What?” “People could see.” “So?” Kyle stares at him, mouth agape in offense which Stan knows is just for show, catching the way the corners of his lips curl upwards, the ‘yes’ unspoken.  “People could see.” Stan goes to hold him in a way that is too intimate for the public, maybe too romantic, maybe too soft. But Kyle softens completely in his arms, trusting his completely, eyes big and willing. Stan whispers, “what if I want them to.” -- Or: Stan and Kyle fuck in a barn.
words: 3,173 | smut
suspense by stella_lunar
kyle teaches stan about edging
words: 2,627 | smut
Badly Trained by Clayp00L
Kyle hasn’t been showing his pet enough affection after something happened, but he’s finally ready to give him a second chance.
words: 10,739 | chapters: 6 | kind of on going !
I Thought the World of You (I Still Do) by bloodmage69
When they were kids, Kyle had truly thought the world of Stan; he had looked up to him. His best friend had always seemed so goddamned perfect in his eyes. He was a passionate, sensitive, and caring boy who always went out of his way to make Kyle feel like the most important person in the world. But now that he was older, wiser, Kyle could see all the parts of Stan that his child self had turned a blind eye to. His best friend was insecure, cowardly, and selfish. And yet, even as every flaw broke through Kyle’s false reality, he only seemed to fall more in love with Stan.
words: 7,042
The Scenic Route by hollycomb
The boys embark on a six day road trip to California before separating for college. Cartman is a pain in the ass, Kenny has no future, Butters is in crisis, and Kyle doesn't know how he'll say goodbye to Stan.
words: 116,313 | chapters: 8
crucify my cravings by pastanoodles
"Oh, I meant to ask earlier—do you think I could stay over again sometime?" he asks, not quite how he'd imagined it to sound the thousand times he'd rehearsed saying it in his mind. It's close enough. Kyle's eyes widen, even if only for a second. He sucks a breath in and relaxes his expression, and Stan's lips curve upwards. "Oh, sure," Kyle says, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and shutting his locker, perfectly casual, as though he doesn't know what he's implying. Like they're normal friends who'll be doing normal things. Or, in which Stan and Kyle are deeply uncomfortable with the fact that they're gay. They somehow turn this into a kink.
words: 2,473 | smut
Kyle’s Boobs Destroy Society by autumnpark (betaot4)
Or, rather, Kyle's boobs destroy Stan's mind, to put it more accurately.
words: 4,132
Super Best Fiend by ValeryKae (valorikei)
Stan is dumped once again and decides the best way to handle his loneliness is to summon a demon to have sex with and make him feel better. He is not at all prepared for the fiery babe that appears. //// human Stan and demon Kyle!
words: 6,347 | smut
I still hate summer, but it's a little better when I'm with you. by writtenApologies
Kyle is hanging out at Stan's house one afternoon, before he realizes he's gone into a heat. Due to Kyle's past with heats, Stan convinces him (out of good will) to not take his anti-heat medication. One accident leads to the next, and Stan realized he'll have to help his omega best friend with his heat-- even though Stan is an omega, too.
words: 12,283 | chapters: 2
In Conclusion by Kasen
The thing about gay awakenings is that sometimes someone will have one so anti-climatic that they almost feel guilty for how boring of an epiphany it is.
words: 10,910 | part of a series
Something Sweet by Kasen
It was Bebe’s recommendation. Kyle didn’t have much of a sweet tooth after middle school, but pastries were always the exception when he could have them with coffee or tea. He was never one to seek them out, but when you’re out with friends and have nothing better to do but find a place to sit and eat, you couldn’t help but grow tired of visiting the same old sites. For this reason, Kyle lets his friend guide him through the sunny streets of the city and towards the delicious smell of baked goods. OR Kyle Broflovski is dragged by the wrist into a cute café. It's there that he sees a handsome young man working in the kitchen. When their eyes meet, Kyle does what any average person would do. He makes a break for it.
words: 16,557 | chapters: 6
Kink Meme Collection by hollycomb
specifically just for chapters 1, 6, & 14 ! !
kinktober 2k18 by guineaDogs
chapter 22
A Cliché of Fictions by LozisLaw
all of the these tbh but 3 & 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<333333 my favorites
also, this isnt really a style fic. theyre mostly mentioned a few times but this fic made me so???? insane for both creek and style and theres this one line about stanky that literally changed my whole life and like????? idk, after i read this i just let style consume my life
Interlude by PBJellie
Tweek Tweak's mental health is declining. Craig Tucker, his boyfriend, and legal guardian in the eyes of the court, tries his best to hold the pieces together through a particularly rough patch.
words: 72,867 | chapters: 39 | rating: E
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ectoplasmer · 1 year
HEY if my constant posting about them and dumb amount of stubborn determination hasn’t made it obvious enough i love my boyfriends very very much okay bye
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mobs-99 · 2 years
I think so much abt teru and shous relationship to masculinity sooo much and how that relates to their relationship with violence and their emotional expression and how I hc them as trans and how that reflects in their performance of masculinity.
But I cant talk about that. Because I'll go crazy.
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obscuremechala · 2 years
One of these days ill post some art but in the meanwhile, even more photos of Prowl being pet
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eyeritestuff · 3 months
Billy Kid x Reader Headcanons ☆
A/N: super into ZZZ right now (and billy.)
CW: nothing, maybe a few suggestive jokes but everything is generally SFW :3 i’m super sleepy and writing this at 1am so bare with me when it comes to spelling and grammar :’)
Reader: Gender Neutral [they/them]
Billy takes a lot of selfies, especially when on missions, and sends them to you. You don’t know what made him start doing this, but you save each and every one of them and you make sure to drop whatever you’re doing to ask him about it.
Billy is on the spectrum. Don’t ask me the logistics of it, yes he’s sophisticated AI, but hear me out! Though you like to indulge in some childhood nostalgia, you aren’t particularly fixated on watching just one media from your childhood. However, one of the medias you watched back in the day is called Starlight Knight. As soon as you told him you enjoyed that show, he would come to you to talk about it. It wasn’t all the time, of course, but whenever conservation went dry (in person or via DMs), he’d make it a thing to talk to you about it for hours. It didn’t annoy you, not in the slightest. It made you happy to see him so happy about the children’s show, and so you entertained it as much as you could.
When Billy texts, he uses old fashioned emoticons as punctuation. Think ‘ :3 , ^_^ , o_O ’ and then replace it everywhere a period, an exclamation point, or a question mark would be. So many emoticons…
Billy loves to play video games, especially at the arcade. He invites you, and usually you tag along. When you can’t, he sends a selfie of him making a sad face. He’d probably captions it something like ‘Missing my pookie.. 💔💔’
On that same note, Billy will pick up on vocabulary you use and steal it. So if you have a habit of saying ‘pookie’ ? That’s his now. He’s using it all the time.
Billy panics easy when it comes to you. not only when it comes to safety, but also when it comes to romantic scenarios. During times you hang out with Anby and Nicole, they spill all the details of how Billy went on a rampage to find the perfect flowers, or how Billy sat in a corner all morning whining about how he didn’t find the right color outfit for you. Things along those lines!
Sortve related, but Billy gets flustered easily. Especially when you make dirty jokes, most of which aren’t really directed at him. He doesn’t get the jokes at first, but when he does understand them, he reacts in such an over the top and dramatic manner. Flailing around, gasping really loud, whining, yknow the works! One time you made a joke about ‘whimpering audios’ and he didn’t understand it. For a while too! Once he asked enough people (Anby explained it to him), he went silent and locked himself in his room for a considerable amount of time. He wasn’t sad or anything, just… shocked.
Billy isn’t human, so he doesn’t necessarily get injured in the traditional sense. One time he came back from a commission with his arm all battered up. You never seen him so down in spirits! You were able to help him, luckily, because it was only one part on his arm that was damaged that really messed up the rest of it. You kissed his hand, and immediately after inspecting your handiwork, he stuck his hand out again. “I dunno.. my arm still feels wonky. How about another kiss for good measure?”
When you’re bored, you love to dress up as Billy. Well, you’re not really dressing like him, you’re just wearing his jacket. You also like to wear the jacket with certain outfits you think it would look best with. Since your boyfriend is so tall and broad in the arms, you mostly wore it as a shoulder drape in an odd anime fashion statement. Regardless, Billy loved to see you wear it.
Earlier I mentioned Billy loves to take selfies, but I forgot to mention how most of them include you, and despite having all of those selfies of himself, half of his camera roll is you. He likes to sneak pictures of you sometimes! It’s one of his more odder behaviors, but he takes such cinematic pictures of you, even when you’re wearing the worst outfits. You didn’t know how he did it, but it’s one of the things that made the random picture taking somewhat okay.
Billy loves hugs. Don’t ask me how it works in terms of comfort. I would assume it’s the equivalent of sleeping in a car. However, Billy does have plenty of plushies thanks to you, and you use those to your advantage… so it’s not all bad :)
You asked Billy to teach you how to sling guns, and the entire tutorial sesh was just him feeling every inch of your body, memorizing and admiring how you looked. He loved you. All of you! He thought he was being sneaky, but you knew (and secretly loved it too).
Billy loves to carry you on his back and walk around. All I’m saying is, he’s got handlebars on that jacket for a reason… this has to be one of them……
Billy loves stickers. Self Explanatory!
Billy loves giving you gifts. He puts your needs over his more than he should, but luckily you’re not in this relationship to take advantage of his immaturity and inexperience. You give back as much as you can.
Billy is clingy. Needed to type it out despite it being loud as hell in this list.
Billy cant cook. Not like he needs to anyways, but he wants to learn for you! So when you’re cooking, he watches close behind you and asks you every question he can think of.
Billy likes to ask why… a lot. It gets frustrating sometimes, but he genuinely wants to learn.
A/N: thx for reading! idk might make a part 2 i’m gonna go fall asleep now :3
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yujajacha · 2 years
welcome home
pairing: rei suwa x reader
synopsis: rei doesn't like working, preferring to laze around all day. however, coming back home to you always cheers him up. one day, he comes home to you in a maid dress.
wc: 4.5k
cw: nsfw/mdni, fem!reader, sub!reader, maid dress, fingering, blowjobs, penetration, master, rough sex, etc
notes: my first full fic.. enjoy and happy valentines! btw i will edit tags and formatting later :3 also this deviates from canon —> no miri or kazuki.. sorry o_O + posted on ao3 here ! thanks for reading!!
your doorbell rings. you drop what you’re doing and excitedly rush to the door, wishfully hoping it to be your boyfriend, rei, returning home early. it isn’t him, which is what you actually expected. he’s been gone on a mission for most of the day, and it was planned that he should be back much later. you aren’t that disappointed though, as your interest is shifted to the delivery. it ended up being a package you ordered recently. it was actually an order that you ended up forgetting about, despite the contents not being forgettable. you have other stuff to do before opening it, so you decide to put it aside for later, placing it in your room and opting to finish your endless list of daily tasks.
awhile has passed since the delivery that shooked your routine and luckily many things around the house we’re getting done. rei’s pile of used cigarettes were thrown out properly, his endless pile of new games put away, his messes (empty chip bags and more) on the couch were cleaned up, the laundry was washed and folded, packages were packed away and more. rei should be back soon, at least you’re expecting him to come back in not too long. you’re aware he won’t be back just yet, but this gives you enough time to prepare your surprise.
in the meantime, you finally decide to open your package. everything was neatly packed. while opening it, you’re starting to get embarrassed. it’s a maid outfit and it’s making you feel really shy. the material is great and all the frills are cute. the order comes with cute accessories, and the dress itself is really your style, it’s just a bit revealing as well. there’s no way you’re gonna let yourself get cold feet, especially knowing how much rei would enjoy it, but the idea of wearing all of this is making your headlight.
you sheepishly try on the headpiece. you decided that they’re pretty cute. with a bit of hesitation, you start putting on the rest of the costume. you put on the dress, then add the apron, the arm accessories and the matching thigh highs. it fits pretty nicely and is rather flattering on you, and you shyly admire yourself in the mirror. after sheepishly putting everything on, you patiently wait for his arrival as you assume he should be finally home.
there’s finally a faint rustling of keys that can be heard in the distance. your body shifts towards the noise. “i’m home,” rei announces, locking the door and removing his shoes while making his way through the front door.
upon hearing this sound, you make your way towards the front and come greet him with a shy “welcome.” you can’t meet his eyes out of embarrassment and just end up looking away. you can feel his gaze piercing through you.
whenever he comes back home after a mission, rei’s always pleased with seeing your face cheerfully come greet him. just thinking about you makes him feel better anyways. however, this time not only is he greeted by you, which is already such a treat, but also you’re wearing those clothes. it takes him a second to take everything in. the kind of clothes that make his pants feel unbelievably tight. he can’t lie to himself, he is so pleasantly surprised by all this. he thinks it’s really cute of you to want to surprise him by acting like his maid, it wipes the scrowl off his face immediately. he just stares at you, taking all the details of your outfit in and observing the cute expressions on your face as well as how your body looks so good. the clothes just flatter you so well.
“how was work?” you stutter out, trying to make conversation while ignoring your obvious choice of attire. you want to wait until he brings it up, which you know he will do so promptly.
rei puts his hands around your waist, and proceeds to bring your body closer to his. you look up towards him, bringing your face into his and give him a welcome back kiss, something you always make sure to do. he always enjoys your kisses the best. this time it’s honestly more like a peck. you can tell he likes it anyways, and gladly accepts the peck. the way you’re acting shy, as if you’re not the one who decided to put this all on your own, gets him really going. he puts his face into your neck and rubs it like the cat he is. he then gives it a kiss. “it was ok,” he eventually speaks out a reply, “i’m more interested in what you’re wearing. what’s all this?”
“nothing,” you reply, face red, looking away from his intense gaze.
“really?” he teases. “there’s no way this is nothing,” he bluntly states as he brings up his hand to brush the tip of the lace of the headpiece that are adored on the top of your head. he’s really intrigued by your current appearance, but with good measure. “you prepared all this just for me?”
you avoid the intense look he gives you while you bring your arms around his body, hugging him back.
“maybe,” you finally answer back after a small delay, still feeling very flustered.
thinking of you as wearing these kinds of clothes makes him really excited. “does this finally make you my maid now?” he says with a flight excited tone in his voice. his hands are currently toying with the bell on the collar.
you don’t answer back, even if you would find the words to answer back you physically couldn’t. he already has his lips back on yours before you could even come up with an answer. he kisses you until you’re out of breath. he only pulls away once you slightly push on his chest for air.
you then nod to him, looking up dazedly into his eyes as you don’t have it in you to answer as of right now.
“hm?” he taunts, “you already can’t speak? i haven’t even touched you properly yet.”
“well.. y’know..” you know what he wants to hear but you can’t bring yourself to say it.
he holds your face roughly with one of his hands and tilts your face to make sure you’re looking at him in his eyes. “come on say it, you’re gonna be a good maid for me, aren’t you?” he playfully exclaims.
“yeah, this does make me your maid, rei,” you answer back.
he shakes his head. “if you’re my maid, doesn’t that make me your master?”
“ah. yeah..” you hide your face in his chest.
“then you’d have to address me properly, no?”
“i’m.. your maid, m-master” you muster up.
“didn’t you also forget to greet me properly when i came in?” he snickers and abruptly lets go of your body, taking a step back, putting a bit of physical distance between both of you.
you stare at him with a confused look, but then it hits you. “ah, yeah.. welcome back, master,” you say embarrassingly. you bring your hands to your skirt, ruffling the bottom and lifting your skirt up, revealing to him the lewd matching panties you got specifically for this outfit. you can’t help but feel shy when facing him in those clothes, saying those words. you’re sure he’s gonna appreciate that act of boldness.
in response to that lewd act of yours, rei swallows out of arousal. he takes a step forward and meets your face. he leans into your body, slightly towering over you. “i can’t believe such a lewd maid is greeting me like this,” he sneers. he brings himself even closer to you, to the point where you feel the warmth from his body.
you let out a whimper when he brings two fingers to your clothed pussy and rubs it roughly. you almost let go of your skirt before he gives your skirt a slight pull with his other hand, “make sure to keep still and don’t let go. you don’t want me to punish you already, right?” you murmur an agreement to his words.
“these panties are so wet,” he says, pressing into the evident dampness even more, “it doesn’t surprise me from such a perverted maid,” rubbing more intensely at your cunt through your panties. you moan back at him. he moves his hand to cup your pussy, which makes you shudder. he hooks his fingers to your panties and swiftly moves them to the side. he doesn’t even bother completely taking them off, he’ll do it later. right now, he’s honestly out of patience.
he enters his finger into your dripping wet cunt which makes you gasp. it’s so tight and wet, he really wants to dig in. he makes sure that his finger is fully inserted before he brashly removes it. he then promptly sucks your juices off his finger. he thoroughly sucks it while making sure you look straight into his eyes. you give him a dazed look, to which he purposely removes his finger with a loud pop sound, “tastes so good,” he announces and the flavor makes him automatically lick his lips, itching for more.
now with two fingers, he enters into you once more. he rubs inside, looking for the spot that makes you see stars. he draws his fingers in and out of you, until he finds that spot. once he hits it, your legs quiver. with his other hand, he lightly rubs at your clit in a circular motion.
you almost let go of your skirt out of shock because of all the pleasure to which rei definitely did not miss. he purposely rubs onto your clit harder and starts pumping his fingers in and out of you quicker. “hold on properly until you cum,” he deadpanly warns. you can’t help but moan out and clench onto your skirt.
you’re standing there in front of him, coating his fingers with your juices. he enjoys the sounds that come out of your squelching pussy so so much. he wouldn’t have it any other way. it is really a treat to come back home and already have you like that for him.
he’s gradually sped up more and more, and you start feeling your orgasm take over. your pussy spasms around his fingers and he doesn’t slow down. you feel it come throughout your whole body. your legs shake intensely and you finally let go of your skirt.
he intensely watches you while you cum, “you’re such a good girl, cumming like that for me.” he pets your head, proud of you for behaving.
he then brings your face right up to his. he rests his hand on your cheek, before bringing his fingers to your lips and caressing it. your eyes meets his and he gives you another lazy lustful stare. you shiver knowing what’s going to come next. you close your eyes while he leans into your lips. the kiss is sloppy, with his tongue eagerly entering your mouth full of need and want. a string of spit connects both of your mouths when he ends the kiss. it makes you feel so vulgar for just a kiss.
“this isn’t enough to satisfy me, you know,” rei chuckles, bringing his hand down to your neck, where the collar resides. he plays with the lace that’s on it. rei reminds himself how cute it looks on you.
he completely lets go of your face before picking you up bridal style. you cling onto his body. “let’s go somewhere more comfortable,” he declares while landing a kiss on your face and moves away from the entrance. he carries you with ease given the strength he possesses.
he doesn’t go too far and decides on settling you on the couch. he wants to indulge you quickly, and your shared bedroom is too far, he doesn’t have enough patience for that today. the couch is good. the position he places you has you sitting with your legs dangling off the edges. he makes sure to place you comfortably. he lets his body fall on the couch, right besides where you’re sitting. you slightly jump when his body weight makes the couch dip. he brings your body over his and makes you sit above his crotch, facing his chest. you can already feel how hard he is. it excites you how he’s really raring to go.
rei toys with the maid skirt again, while grinding his hips into your crotch. his hands start caressing your thighs, playing with the socks. he gives your legs a firm squeeze. eventually, his hands go up your body, from your hips to grasping at your waist and he stops at your boobs. he cups your chest over the soft fabric of the maid outfit. he holds each of them firmly and rubs your nipples with his thumbs. he can feel how erect they’ve become through the clothes. you then bring down your face and start kissing him again. once the kiss end, he starts regaining focus, “you just came,” and he draws out a breath, “i deserve a reward, don’t forget, i’m the master.”
your mind already feels clouded after your first orgasm and the kissing didn’t help, so you just reply with a tiny whine. you get a slap on your cunt for not properly answering. your body jumps at that. “be a good girl and reply properly, what did i say about actually answering?” he grinches.
“yeah, yeah, yeah,” you whine back while nodding, finding it hard to properly form your sentences.
“hm? yeah to what?” he grunts out.
“you deserve a reward, master,” finally comes out of you. it sounds more like a whine than proper words. you’re surprised you’re even able to still form coherent thoughts.
he quickly grabs your hips one last time and grinds himself on you. you can feel how hard he is. he then gives your ear a quick kiss before letting himself lay back and relax on the couch.
you then absentmindedly lift yourself off rei and drop to your knees, between both of his legs. your hands are placed on both of his thighs, slightly gripping the fabric of his pants. you bring your head right above his crotch and rub your face on it. he signals you to start unzipping his pants, so you comply. he then lifts his own hips to help you remove them with ease. he’s now in black boxers and it is so obvious to see how hard his dick is. you decide to give it a few licks through the cloth, letting him feel the wetness seeping through from your mouth. when you retreat, he roughly palms his dick before letting his cock jump free. he quickly discards everything on the floor.
your face is still inches away from his dick, and is still very close. however, before you can actually grab his dick, he uses it to tease you. he loves how obedient and willing you are to serve him, however he loves toying with you even more. he drags the tip along your lips and pulls back with a “uh uh” when you bring your face to try to lick it.
rei squishes his tip to your lips and coats them with his precum. he's making sure to drag it, so that your lips move. he then decides to move his arousal on the rest of your face. your face always looks so attractive to him, but it’s just something else when his dick right in front of it. no words can describe how much he likes it.
eventually, he stops purposely teasing you and lets you grab his dick. you hold onto the base and start from there, giving his cock, small, kitty licks. one of your hands holds his balls, while the other starts gently squeezing his tip. your tongue moves up and finds itself at the tip. you then give it one big suck. this makes rei’s hands find themself into your hair. he gives your hair a good tug. he then decides to move the stray strands of hair and place them behind your ear.
you remove your mouth from his tip and continue licking the rest of his dick. your hands massage and stroke him. “this is a special massage you know?” you tell him between licks. he then thrusts into your mouth which makes you gag. “what do you mean by special?” he asks, already being fully aware of the answer, but wanting to hear it directly.
“well, you know..” you stutter out, still licking.
“know what?” he answers back.
“it’s a special maid service, okay!”
he silently chuckles at your flustered reply, firmly holding your head the whole time. you then meet his eyes. the look you give him when you look up into his eyes with his dick stuffed into your mouth could make him cum on sight, but he has better plans. he would really want to fuck your mouth, so badly, but he’ll do that another time. “i’d rather cum inside your pussy,” he warns you. you remove your hands and let go of his dick, letting your mouth make a “pop” sound.
he brings his hands under your arms and lifts you up. with a small delay, you shuffle, trying to sit up and he helps you by lifting you up. he’s so strong that he doesn’t have any difficulties manhandling you to his will. it always shocks you how he does it with so much ease. nevertheless, it never fails to turn you on. you’re now facing him again, with your legs around his hips. you put your hands on his shoulder and lift your hips so he can remove your panties. he puts them aside and starts spreading your pussy lips, admiring how glistening it is.
rei then takes his dick and taps at the front of your pussy. he then rubs his tip all along its length, making sure to cover his dick with the wetness that’s leaking from you. he rubs the tip in a circular motion all around you. he pushes the tip of his cock into your pulsing heat. it’s so wet he can easily slide in. he lets out a grunt before snapping his hips up to meet yours, thrusting his whole length inside. your cunt sucks him in. you moan at the sudden feeling of being so full. you can feel him stretching you out.
“don’t hold back any of your sounds,” he grunts out, watching you bite your lips. hearing every little moan, whimper, whine you do makes him crazy. any word that comes out of your mouth in that voice of yours makes him speechless. even if you wanted to stay quiet, you wouldn’t be able to, not with the way his dick is reaching so deeply into you.
“i won’t,” you need a second to gather your thoughts, “i won’t hold back any sounds.” he feels fulfilled by your reply and rewards you with a kiss.
you feel so warm that he can’t help but grab your hips even harder, to the point of bruising them. even if he wanted to be gentle, he wouldn’t be able. you’re so wet. your pussy drools around him, coating his cock with your juices. he starts setting a harsh pace, which you brace yourself by holding onto his upper body with a tighter grip. “it feels really, really good master,” you tell him. he can’t help but buck his hips in pleasure, letting you know he heard you. your gummy walls squeeze him so well.
your hands eventually find themselves under his shirt, craving his warmth even more. however, you can’t help but scratch his back and claw at it when nearing your high. “you’re just like a cat, scratching my back,” he says, amused and turned on, “those are my favorite kind of marks.”
he then grips your hips and starts setting a brutal rhythm. he feels your body trying to scramble away from the pleasure, “c’mon, take my cock like a good girl, you’re supposed to be a well behaved maid.” you hold onto him more, trying not to let go. with the way he’s fucking you, you feel your body shake at his thrusts.
“you’re gonna cum soon, aren’t you?” he tells you. there’s no way he wouldn’t be able to tell, with the way your body is tightening up around him with your walls spamming, how you’re slurring every word, just looking at your face is enough to realize.
you nod to him and desperately moan out a yes. he brushes your hair out of your face, “then what should a cumdump like you say?” he asks, landing a kiss on your forehead. that gentle action is so different from the rough way his hips are moving and the filthy words that come out of his mouth.
you know immediately what he wants. he always likes making you beg and you’re sure that with the maid outfit he wants to hear it even more. “please let me cum, please master,” you mutter out.
he twitches at that pleading scream of yours. “wow, you have good manners now,” he says in between thrusts, “you really wanna cum that bad?”
“please!” you whine out, bringing your hips back to meet his, trying to chase your orgasm. he could listen to your voice begging and pleading to him for days on end. no matter how many times he hears them, they never bore him. “i want your cum, please master,” finally comes out of your mouth.
“fuck, you’re so naughty,” he makes sure to bring your face into his, while his other hand comes to flick at your clit, “come for me, you naughty maid.” your orgasm takes over your whole body, as well as his. he cums so much, and it fills you up. you can’t help but clench, wanting to milk him. you feel so good and full. he loves pumping you full.
you both reach your high, however he isn’t finished yet. he thinks to himself how he needs more. he’d be a fool to end it right now. he hikes your skirt up and stares at the place where you’re both connected, before removing you from his cock. he makes sure to watch it attentively, not missing any detail. his cum spills out and he swears that it just fires him even more. he wants to stuff it back into you so badly.
he stares at it, letting his cum spill down your pussy. he brings his finger and scoops up the leaking cum, fingering it back inside of you. you jitter at the intrusion of his finger, your breathing still ragged. your worned out sex face meets his now eager eyes. for someone who’s so lazy, he just doesn’t want to stop yet, “if you give me those eyes, you know i won’t leave you alone.”
he then flips you, head now facing down and back to him. you’re laying on the couch, on both of your knees. and you eventually find yourself head down. he brings both of your hands behind your back and firmly holds them there with one of his hands. you slightly shuffle in response. rei then spanks your ass, “stop trying to tempt me even more,” and with this, his cock enters your cunt once again. he’s fucking you from behind, not trying to go slow and gentle at all. he is not envisioning a break anytime soon.
once he lets go of both of your hands, you place them to your sides, supporting you. it’s not long until he places his own hands on top of your arms, gripping onto you again. he cages you with his body.
“i wanna keep you like this forever, not being able to do anything at all,” he shamelessly tells you. you’re practically drool all over the couch at his words.
“rei” you moan out, gripping the couch out of pleasure. he really wants to fuck you stupid.
“you should just always be my maid,” he says, treating you like a fleshlight. you wouldn’t be opposed to his suggestion. being treated like that everyday would make you lose your mind, in the best way possible. “you’d like that wouldn’t you? being fucked senseless everyday by me.”
you frantically nod. “yeah, i would, would want that so much,” you reply, desperately.
“i know you would, you wouldn’t have to think at all, just like right now.” you tighten up even more.
“you’re mine right?” he says after a particularly hard trust, you’re words are working him up. it was so hard you can even hear his balls slapping on your ass. you arch your back, whining out a yes. “who does this cunt belong to?”
“you, master,” you scream out, “my whole body belongs to you.”
“yeah? everything?”
“yeah.. it’s all yours, all of it,” you mutter out.
“good, with the way you’re taking my cock, fuck, i never wanna leave this pussy,” he slams his hips into yours. you honestly don’t want it to end either.
this time his thrusts are even more rushed, he’s losing control and wants nothing more but to chase his pleasure, using you. you love it as well. god, you want nothing more than to be used by him. “i love using your body like this,” he mounts?
when he finally cums, he’s making sure you’re aware of his body on top of yours, and he sinks his teeth into your neck, in an animalistic manner. you take him so well, and the fact you’re now stuffed with his cum really excites him. you don’t have any more strength and let your body fully relax. he then removes himself, and also lets his body slump besides yours, being careful enough to not squish you too much, but just a little bit. he cups your face with his hands and lovingly stares into your eyes.
“let’s go take a shower,” you giggle at him.
he then rubs his face into your own and grunts, “sure, but let’s just stay like this a bit longer,” he sighs, satisfied. you also want to bask in the afterglow, so you hum an agreement.
“oh but.. since you’re my maid, that means you’ll wash me up in the shower, no?” he smirks.
“ahh, really? i thought you wanted to rest more,” you sigh. your legs are still twitching.
“a maid shouldn't talk back to her master,” he giggles while kissing you on the cheek, “maybe i should discipline you.”
you shuffle in his lap, “i behaved more than enough,” you say jokingly sighing, but still making sure to return his kiss playfully.
“i love you,” he reminds you. before you even get time to reply, rei stands up, which ends up distracting you. he brings his arms around you, lifting you up in the process. you giggle playfully at him, letting him carry you to the shower.
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yanderecrazysie · 7 months
Oooh new au! I'm in love with this idol stuff!
But think about twst boyband x idol! reader, where she collabs with (or one of) them and ended up falling in love with her. Didn't help that all the songs she wrote for the collab were Disney like dreamy love songs. And instead of being jealous of her fans' adoration, they used their now combined fanbase's shipping of them to push her into a relationship. (that even her manager and team encouraged her to do so)
You just know that the boys would be exploring the fanfiction tags where they're shipped with you. Eating up every comment about how cute you would look together.
And wouldn't you know it, your manager starts pushing the relationship. You'd make so many fans' dreams come true! It would be great for publicity!
And you start dating. For you, it's just for show, just for some publicity. For him? He's having the time of his life.
But my precious anon what if she started dating one boy band member, but another member of the band is the yandere being consumed with jealousy? O_O
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mimiri22-6 · 8 months
Ok guys, I'm gonna say something controversial so buckle up
Adam = Keith
Shiro = Lance
I take no criticism but I will take comments and questions.
I spent an actual hour writing in the tags. Holy shit I did Not mean for that to happen O_O
I can connect SO many parallels between Lance and Shiro, but I can't connect that many parallels between Shiro and Keith. Personality wize. Sorry, I just really wanted to make this because holy shit idk how it happened but I could have sworn this was universal and then they killed Adam and then everyone started making Adam the jokester between him and Shiro. Like, with what little screentime Adam got I could have sworn, I don't think he smiles. Like, that is not the Lance parallel between klance and shadam (i don't remember their ship name) this is just how it is. I could have sworn Shiro was the type of leader/person that could crack a joke, a dad joke, and lift the crew's spirits just by entering the room. Keith had to pull his own teeth to even get a motivating speech out. Yes yes it was his first time leading, but who was leading Keith through his blind anger episodes? Lance. The right hand man. The leader behind the leader. Lance was the Leader in the first fucking episode at the Garrison!!
☝️AND another point I just remembered, Shiro was the heart of the team before he 'died' he was the bridge for Keith, Pidge and Allura into the team. After he's gone, Lance is the bridge for the Entire team. The glue. The Heart of Voltron. He has a connection with every crew member. Maybe the least with Allura but he was constantly ready to be open with her. His door was open to her to have deeper conversations as shown in that one scene where she identifies his bayard as an altean broadsword. Keith? He left the team for a really long time, especially on his end. 'Keith what is Pidge's favorite band/food/color???'😳🤨🤔🤷 There's a reason there are So many fanfics of Lance leaving/getting kidnapped/dying and the crew falling apart. Sometimes not to the point of total collapse but enough for a noticeable strain stiffness and loose seams.
Like when Shiro vanished.
*sigh* this post started because i remembered the era of black paladin Lance and come across a tiktok along the lines of 'lancestans: he should have been the black paladin. hes a punching bag for the creators. hes a sad boi. he had so much set up. ect. (so on and so forth. I forget the rest) *cut to shiro* what about him, the real tortured, punching bag for the writers?' and I gotta be honest, that tiktok set this whole thang off.
I could go On and On And On! I have so many more examples, but I don't have the time for a 30pg essay rn. PLEASE ask me about my Lance and Shiro parallels/black paladin Lance reasonings! I wanna ramble about my boi touching the stars! 🤩
(also I get it w Keith, sometimes a leader is someone that learns to be one before they even want to be one, but also 1)Lance has wanted this forever 2)Lance is already close with everyone, he's an extrovert(not that introverts can't be leaders, I'm an introvert and I know all about introvert leaders) 3)Lance and Shiro get hurt the most, but still have that calming effect, wether you wanna admit it or not, Lance has those vibes)
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megaderping · 1 year
Saw a rather mean post last night, and genuinely, I do not understand how people can play Persona 5 (particularly Royal), and come out thinking Akechi genuinely hates Joker when Morgana outright states for the audience, "You don't really hate Joker, do you?" Akechi laments how they didn't meet a few years earlier and how they could've been "great rivals, perhaps even friends." o_O Like... is this a vanilla thing? I genuinely don't get it. The interrogation room wasn't even his idea (SIU director mentions as much). It's not even about the ship- the game spells out that their bond is more complex, and it just so happens that a lot of people like to explore it as one. Even as platonic, tho, there's a shit ton of depth. Idk, any time I see discourse (especially people making fun of Shuake fans and stuff), I just question how many people actually paid attention to the dialogue. Even the "I hate you speech" reads as him being extremely emotionally constipated and conflicted. Plus, y'know...
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Very hateful. Sure. :p Idk, maybe certain playthroughs of the game remove all those moments where the game spells out that they have a special bond (Maruki even states it isn't based on hatred, but that's only if you get his third awakening). Just wish people would get off their high horses, if anything. Sometimes I see people get really condescending about liking Akechi or liking Shuake, and like... just block the tags if you don't like these things instead of posting untagged ship/character bashing and making fun of fans? At least have the decency to tag it as something that Shuake fans can filter because some of those posts are really mean-spirited. :/ You think we haven't heard it all before? I may be new to the fandom, but I have heard that this BS has been going on for years.
I don't think it really matters if there are "healthier" ship options because some of us prefer the messiness, the depth, and complexity. It's not for everyone, and I respect favoring more straightforwardly sweet and wholesome dynamics or wishing your favorite pair got more spotlight. I'm a Riku and Kairi shipper in Kingdom Hearts, for crying out loud. :P I get it, but you're not gonna win anyone over to your side by telling them that [insert ship here] is better. In my case, it makes me more averse because of how deeply their relationship in the confidant, engine room, and third sem touched me and seeing people go "yeah, but you are wrong for feeling that way, THIS is better" is just... yeah. :/ (Also, people gotta learn the difference between hitmen and serial killers. Akechi is the former, which I've ranted about before, but yeah.)
So many fandom problems could be solved if people didn't take the piss out of others for shipping something they don't personally like. x_x; By all means, feel the way you feel, it's okay to not like things.
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lunarleonardo · 16 days
Ok, quick question, do you have an idea for how long you want Love Letter to be? Because I genuinely need a vague idea of how long it's going to be until the comfort because IM DYING. I NEED A RESOLUTION, PLEASE. YOU DONT EVEN HAVE TO TELL ME WHAT YOU'VE PLANNED OR ANYTHING, JUST AN APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE FOR HOW MANY CHAPTERS THE FIC WILL BE. I don't usually read stuff this gruesome, so I'm like suffering right now because of my own dumbassness because I need a happy ending. I'm slowly dying from the suspense. I eat your content up every time, and like out of the maybe 4 or 5 fics you recently have made on the saiouma tag, I've only recently realized you wrote them all. YOU WERE LITERALLY THE SAME PERSON AND I WAS JUST SHOCKED. (How are they pumping these out left and right?? What type of stuff do they think about to come up with this stuff? How do they stay so serious when writing?)<- genuine thoughts I had a few weeks ago. ANYWAYS, keep up the good work. I'll be waiting in dread until the comfort comes, but I'll still be eating the love letter chapters whenever they come out no matter what. Also, please shuichi do not cannibalize yourself. Please. Do not. That last paragraph in chapter 9 has e so worried.
Hi sorry! I would have answered this much sooner, but I got stuck in an Uno game that lasted for over an hour. BUT I'm finally free (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
I'm expecting Love Letter to be at least 20 chapters or so. There will be two more nighttime segment chapters (Shuichi's pov), and the rest will be the daytime segments with Kokichi and Maki. We're nearing the end of this arc, and after that, the recovery will start. I won't give away too much, but we're drawing ever closer! ^_^ As for an estimate until the recovery chapters... I'd say at least 7 or 8...? Maybe?? I don't have the last few days planned out chapter-wise, so we'll have to see for that one ;o; it's at least over 5
If you can't stomach the gruesome bits, I really don't recommend reading the fic (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) at least not the nighttime segments. Don't force yourself to read anything that makes you uncomfortable or ill!!
I can answer those three questions!
I have a lot of free time @_@ . Whenever I'm bored, I start writing. I have sooo many ideas and I love to share them! Everyone has been so supportive, and it's given me the confidence to post more and more of my stuff :) I write a lot and I write fast lol
Ever since I was little, I enjoyed the darker parts of fiction. I enjoy whump especially :p so I'm always thinking about different whump tropes and applying them to my favs. I also take a lot of inspiration from music and games-- M5DP was born between my replaying Your Turn To Die and an event that happened in a roleplay between me and my gf. The base idea for Fever Frost was born from the third Wings of Fire book, and reinforced with Kitchen Fork by Jack Conte. Impermanent Attachment happened because I found it funny to give Shuichi a gun, but also mostly because I had a Komahina timeloop fic I wanted to write for ao3 and just never got the confidence to at the time. (If anyone wants me to go more in depth with how I put these fics together, just ask. I have lots of notes o_O) I'm ALWAYS thinking and having ideas ^_^ trust me i would have way more fics up if i came to ao3 with the confidence to post my mer / vampire / dragons fics
? Honestly I'm not sure what this means, sorry QwQ I've been writing since my hands could touch a keyboard. I submitted a Pokémon fanfic for one of my 1st grade creative writing assignments. I take every story as seriously as the writer wants me to, and in the case of my own fics, there are some parts where the tone is serious and some parts where it's just like "wtf is going on". That "two late!" joke in Love Letter wasn't planned at ALL, it only happened because the idea made me giggle ;P
Anyhow, thank you!! Dread is a good emotion to have when it comes to Love Letter updates <3 /j I PROMISE the comfort will come. I cannot physically handle an unhappy ending,, or at the very least a hopeful one xD
As for Shuichi... well. I can't promise anything. O_o
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mecachrome · 2 months
this is very random and i have no idea who to ask (i just unfollowed the person i'd usually go to 😕) my dash is incredibly dry after the unfollowing/blocking spree i had to do after hungary and the tags are currently a minefield. as it turns many 481 blogs aren't actually 481 blogs when team orders come to play, who knew? i was wondering if you had any recommendations of people to follow on here? i don't really mind which driver they're more inclined to just so long as they don't take every opportunity to hate 😭
hlkshdlfh i feel you anon, i was basically already over it by the chequered flag so some takes had me like Damn i didn't know we were moving like that o_o unfortunately i don't know how much i can help because i'm extremely discourse-averse so i've always kept my dash as quiet as possible TT but i did answer an ask about op81 blogs earlier so that might be a place to start!!! i think everyone i follow is very nice and normal and doesn't usually interpret things in bad faith so... @goingxmissing @chelemlem @nyoomfruits @l0veyourselfirst @bonolewis @miamimaiden all post a lot of Positive 814 content imo :')
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fishyychipyy · 3 months
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hey hey! even though i barley use tumblr here’s an intro because i’m too lazy to make on tiktok!!
all my posts will have the necessary warnings if needed, this includes flash warnings. all my posts are (hopefully) friendly for users screen readers as well.
(please note i have to idea how to even use tumblr so sorry if my posts look kinda bad:/ )
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
i go by many names, C6RY, Corey, Kuro, and Fishyy. i use xe/him/zyrs (in order of preference). I am Canadian with a Ukrainian background.
i am an ISTP-T (BORING!!!!!)
i like to draw and write occasionally.
the fandoms i’m in are Slipknot, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, KoRn, System Of a Down, Murderdolls, Bugbo, A Good Girls Guide To Murder (the book), Murder Drones, BFDI (object show)(i haven’t rlly watched their newer eps tho 😭 same with ii) , ION (object show), ONE (object show) Inanimate Insanity (object show), Super Cat Tales (dont judge me i love this game very much!!) and a bit of Vocaloid. I typically talk about Slipknot and JJBA the most though
erm idk what else to put here so ima just get to work on the DNI list 😭
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
- basic DNI criteria
- “___ isn’t real metal!!” people
- people under the age of 11 and people over the age of 20 (unless ik u irl and trust you with my acc)
- weird people in general
- people with “dark humour” but it’s all just homophobia and misogyny
- Slipknot shippers
- comshippers/ pro shippers and whatever names you go by as well.
- VERY CERTAIN PEOPLE (you know who you are S, L, A, and AM.)
erm that kinda just it, i will block you if you make me uncomfortable or if you are/ do any of these :P
More about me
I’m AroAce (little attraction) and i prefer not to discuss my gender at the moment. (idc if you call me a girl or guy) . i try to be as respectful and inclusive as possible but i do like to be mean as a joke (if you’re not fine with that just tell me and i’ll stop) I don’t typically need tone tags but i do use them to try and make my point clear. i’m a professional “:3, :0, =_=, :^, :)), O_o” typer and am i very skilled in yapping
and yeah that’s it! if you have any questions just ask.
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mirrorthoughts · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I got tagged by the lovely @lavender-lotion 💕💕💕 Thank you, dear!!
How many works do you have on ao3?
53, translations (of my own works) included!
What's your total ao3 word count?
I just cracked the 200k with How wrong you are! :D
What fandoms do you write for?
Currently mostly (like, 99% of the time) Teen Wolf, though I do dabble in Assassin's Creed (Desmond lives!!!!!) and sometimes I post original stuff.
Top five fics by kudos:
Wolf Heart
Dead on Time
Not afraid
All of them Teen Wolf and Steter 😂💕
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I try to answer all of them!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ouf, that's a hard question? I don't like to end stuff angsty - I need my happy endings. So I think currently the angstiest is probably Dead on Time bc of a slight cliffhanger/foreshadowing thingie for the next parts?
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have literally no idea o_O... As I said before I do like to end on happy endings (or at least something intriguing and hopeful) so I'd say most of my stories have the same kind of happy ending?
Do you get hate on fics?
Luckily not yet! Usually most people mean well and are nice even if they sometimes phrase their words weird. I did get a (for me) lot of comments asking if I abbandoned a certain fic, though, which rankled and baffled me the same way?
It's The little things, which is currently on Hiatus bc I had to concentrate on the Secret Santa I wrote at the time and I decided that I would chance my MO and try to finish the story before I would return to posting chapters! Because the pressure of writing and posting (and not being able to do so) in a certain time frame was burning me out!
So, just for the record: None of my fics/WIPs are abbandoned! If they were I'd write it in the author's notes and/or tag them as such!
Do you write smut?
Craziest crossover:
Probably Hello World, which is currently just the first chapter/more like a prologue because I had too many WIPs at the time and decided to concentrate on other stories.
It's supposed to be a Murderbot Crossover where Peter's a technician/programmer on the ship the Hales own and who makes an AI he's programmed and called Stiles (who got messed up by a virus) into a construct that's learning how to live.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know! Knock on wood and all that!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not by other people! But I do translate my own stuff! I started with writing in my first language (German) and translated my stuff to english, though by now I mostly write english. So if someone wants to read something in German, they can just ask (nicely) and I see that I'll get the story translated!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not really, no.
All time favourite ship?
I can't really answer that question 😂 I love all the ships I love forever 😂 Even from the fandom that shouldn't be named, I still love the same ships I've loved for years.
But I'll say that Steter has a special place in my heart, since I mostly write them?
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't think I currently have a Wip like that?
What are your writing strengths?
I'm good with knitting plot points together and explaining inconsistencies away 😂 Also I do think I'm good at getting a certain vibe across and I have good ideas
What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not good with descriptions - especially when it's about facial expressions or emotions! Also I think I tend to soften the edges of the characters I write - or at least it feels like I do that!
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Depends on how the author's using it? I'm not entirely against it and as long as I get either a translation (i.e. with a foot note or because the character translates the words or at least their meaning), it's a generally known phrase (like Alea iacta est) or you can interpret it by context clues, I'm okay with it! It actually makes me want to dive back into learning more languages, to I'd say that's a plus 😂
First fandom you wrote in?
Vision of Escaflowne! It was a Mary Sue-ish self-insert and is lost to time and me clumsily stumbling over and thus crashing the external harddrive it was saved on 😂 I'm both sad and glad about that 😂😂
Favorite fic you've written?
Aaand ending with a really hard question, I see 😂😂
uuh... I do love most of my stuff, but for some reason one of the shorter ones, No Love Letters, has a special place in my heart? :3 I do like the whole scene - even if it isn't much more! 😂
Low-/no-pressure tagging for @aurevell, @midmorning-bomb, @dear-massacre, @tkwritesdumbassassins, @vmures, @meggie-stardust
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