#so my bad
addsalwayssick · 2 months
@rosekillermicrofic || prompt: infinite || word count: 334
“Fuck me,” Evan groaned. He slammed his quill down on the desk in front of him.
Barty looked over to him. “Dude, what’s the problem?”
“I don’t know how long this potion lasts.” Evan tells him, sighing.
Barty gets up from his place on Evan’s bed and walks over to Evan. He grabs the quill from where it sits on the paper and leans over Evan. He feels Evan stiffen underneath him.
Barty hums. “I suppose it would last infinite,” He whispers next to Evan’s ear.
Evan’s face goes bright red as he coughs. “Jesus, back up Bee,” He says.
Barty doesn’t move. “Why? Think i’m gross or something?” He teases. Barty runs his hands along Evan’s chest teasingly. “Don’t you just hate when I do this?”
Evan pushes his chair back. “Barty I said knock that shit off,” He hissed at him.
Barty puts his hands up in defense. “Just messing around man. What’s got your knickers twisted?”
“Nothing,” Evan huffs.
“No, genuinely, what the fuck is so bad about touching me, Evan?” Barty asks, raising his eyebrow.
“Leave it, Barty.” Evan grumbles.
“Am I that disgusting to you? God, Rosie. We’ve been friends forever. I’ve touched you before. Lately you’ve been like this- what the fuck did I do to make you stop wanting to touch me? Jesus, Ev, just tell me and i’ll change it, I-“ Barty says, throwing his hands out, his voice breaking.
Evan seems to have an internal battle with himself before grabbing the front of Barty’s shirt and pressing their lips together. Barty hesitates for a bit, and Evan thinks he made a grave mistake before he feels hands in his hair and lips moving against his.
“Oh,” Barty says dumbly as Evan releases him. “That’s why.”
“Yeah that’s why,” Evan tells him.
“So does that mean you like me or…?” Barty asks.
Evan covers his face with his hands. “For how smart you are, you’re so stupid,” Evan tells him. Barty gives him a crooked grin.
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and when I was younger
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I knew a boy and a boy
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best friends with each other
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but they wished they were more
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cause they loved one another
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but they never discovered
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cause they were too afraid of what they’d say
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moved to different states
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lilac-cat-draws · 2 years
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Props to Tighnari for tracking the scarabs, finally got Cyno to lvl 90
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daintylovers · 1 month
Could you maybeee write more brat!tamer dally stories?? They’re sooooo good 😻
...maybe just one more...for old times' sake...
let's say you're at bucks place for one of his "lowkey" parties. except, it's of course, anything but lowkey. girls from school are dancing on top of the bar and every greaser who ever lived is crowded in the tiny space.
and it is irritating you to no other. people keep pushing you and elbows are flying everywhere. and where the fuck was dallas?
he had begged and begged and begged to get you to come here tonight. picked you up from your house and everything, all just to disappear a few minutes in.
if you were a cartoon character, steam would fly out of your ears.
so you start asking around for him.
but it's as if everyone has cotton in their ears, or is just plain dumb.
god, that good-for-nothing boy. when you got your hands on him, you would lay into him. tell him how you weren't ever going to go to another party with him again.
better yet, you would just leave now. whats the use in staying if you don't want to be there.
of course, you weren't stupid, so you found steve and told him how you were going to leave, and that if he saw dally he better tell him how anger you were.
actually, the exact words were, "and if you see dally, you tell that pea-brained boy that someone else is driving me home. and that i like him a hell of a lot better than i would ever like dally. don't forget to emphasize the him part."
sure, no one was actually going to drive you home. but if dally were to hear about that PLUS it was another boy driving you home, it would surely grind his gears. which is exactly what you wanted. no fair that he gets to play this game. you were not the one to mess with.
after your brief chat with steve, you started your trek. steve, on the opposite end, was frantically trying to find dally. and when he did, dallas was quick to ask if steve had seen you recently. and oh boy had steve.
after reiterating your speech to dally, steve was quick to get out of his way.
dally stormed out of the building, getting into his car, determined to catch up to the car you were supposed to be in.
now- did he know which car to look for? no. did he know who was driving you? no. were you really that pissed that you would actually drive home with someone else? he wasn't so certain about that answer.
but he didn't have to be, because you had only made it five blocks from the party.
you knew it was him pulling up beside you by the rev of his engine. his windows where rolled down and he leaned over to shout at you from the drivers seat, "doll, get in the car."
"leave me alone, dallas."
"sweetheart, i won't ask again. get in or i'll make you get in."
scoffing at him, you stopped your walking, and leaned your head into the open window, "i'm not getting in your shitty car."
you barely pulled away when he practically jumped out of the car, and walked over to your side. he grasped at your chin, angling your head up, so he could look down into your eyes, "first of all, my car's not shitty. second of all, you know better than to use that language. get in the fucking car. now." he slightly shook you when uttering the last words, steely gaze trapping you with its intensity.
and just to make sure you would listen, he moved his hand to your wrist, gripping it tightly, and opened the door for you. once you got in, he slammed the door and walked to the other side.
the rest of the ride back to your place was silent, but once inside, it was anything but silent...
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malarkgirlypop · 4 months
MEDIC! Part 29 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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Listen when I say these characters have a mind of their own, I mean it. I was just chilling writing the start of the last episode and then all of a sudden boom, we kissing and shit. Like ah excuse me, this wasn't in my plan, what are we doing? But hey they deserved a we treat and I mean so do we. So this chapter is definitely rated, if you aren't over 18, back! Back, I say! 🤺
TW: sexy time lmao, long chapter
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, not hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @imusicaddict, anyone else please let me know.
We entered Bavaria in early May, and we had been tasked in capturing Berchtesgaden. It was a town high in the Alps, and was the symbolic home of the Nazi party. Apparently all of the important men of the party had houses there. Even though the man was dead, Hitler had ordered the SS to make it their last stand to keep the enemy out of their “sacred” town. 
I sighed, staring at the mass of boulders that blocked our way up the mountain, the hot sun beating down on my back. We had been stuck here for hours, waiting for someone with more artillery than we did, so we could blast our way through. 
I hummed a tune twirling a curl around my finger, trying to remember all of the words to the song I had stuck in my head. I couldn’t for the life of me remember the lyrics, only the melody played on and on in my mind.     
Lieb leaned against the wheel next to me smoking. “How long does it take for engineers to arrive?” I asked while shielding the sun from my eyes as I looked over to Lieb. 
“Who knows?” He said while taking a deep drag from his cigarette, blowing the smoke in my face. 
“Lieb!” I whined pushing him away as he chuckled. 
“Stop humming, you’re driving me insane.” He retorted, shoving me back. “You just keep repeating the same part over and over again. You’re just as bad as Web and his stupid quotes from his literature.” I gawked offended by his comment, no way I was as annoying as Web.  
“Ugh, rude!” I got up from my position, dusting the dirt off the back of my pants. Lieb grinned at me, knowing he had wound me up. 
“Stop smirking!” I nudged his leg with my boot. “Take it back!” I crossed my arms over my chest, giving him my best pissed off face. 
“You’re not as annoying as Web.” Joe held his hands up in surrender. I laughed, smiling down at Lieb, who grinned back at me. 
“What about me?” Web startled me as he snuck up from behind. My eyes grew wide, plastering a smile on my face. 
“Web you need to stop sneaking up on me, seriously.” I burst out laughing, fortunately he hadn’t heard what we were talking about. 
I loved Web, he was so sweet, but his endless love for literature got very tiring. Somehow the conversation with him always ended in his love of books and all things written. Half the time I had no clue what he was talking about, I would nod and smile adding in, “Oh that’s so interesting.” But I wasn’t listening by that point anymore. 
“We were just talking about how long it would take the engineers to arrive.” I skipped over the most recent conversation we had, I didn’t want to hurt the poor man's feelings.  
“I think they are going to try something right now. Everyone is getting tired of waiting.” Web pointed to the pile of rocks that blocked the road. 
I peaked my head over the truck to catch a glimpse of two soldiers standing in the middle of the road with one of the bazooka's we had with us. I covered my ears just in time to muffle the explosion that blasted into the debris.
“I don’t think that will work.” I huffed, it had hardly made a dent in the huge pile. 
“No, but that does look fun.” Web grinned admiring the massive explosion. 
“Yeah!” Lieb launched to his feet. “Web, we should go help.” Web and Joe excitedly nodded at each other racing off to the front of the road.
“Ok, bye.” I said to the pair's back as they enthusiastically scurried away.  
I slumped down again, the same song still stuck in my head. 
“Aw, Em.” A large hand reached down and ruffled my hair. I looked up to find Bull standing over me. 
“They ditched me, for explosives. Can you believe that?” I asked in astonishment. 
A wry grin formed on Bull’s lips, he tilted his head to the side with a hearty chuckle. “I can’t say I am, little lady.” He said in his thick country accent. 
“No you’re right. I’m not shocked.” I laughed, shaking my head. 
I looked over to find Web and Lieb stacking grenades on the landslide of rocks. They sprinted back to where the two other soldiers stood still with the bazooka. Their grin’s were child-like as they ran back. 
Bull and I watched them, laughing at how excited they all seemed to be. Was it really that much fun blowing things up? 
They didn’t wait long, firing the rocket right into the pile of explosives the pair had set. The ground shook, as the booming echoed around the mountains. But still the pile of rocks seemed to remain the same, at least they were having fun. It was nice to see genuine smiles on their faces. 
“Easy!” Speirs yelled from the front of the trucks. “Let’s move out!” Spiers grinned widely with a skip in his step as he made his way back through the parked vehicles. 
“Are we not waiting for the engineers anymore?” I leaned over to Bull. 
“Guess not.” Bull smiled. “We better get moving, come on.” He took me by the crook of my arm, leading the way behind Speirs who was getting together all of Easy so that we could leave. 
“It’s so quiet.” I whispered to Don as we walked. He nodded in agreement before turning back to the task at hand. 
Easy Company tiptoed silently down the empty streets, the group had found an alternative route up the mountain. We had been told to be on guard, and to expect the unexpected. 
So the soldiers walked through the streets with their weapons drawn, readying themselves for whatever was waiting for us.   
The town was eerily still, white flags hung from the windows of the houses we passed. The town appeared empty, there was no one present. The deserted village sent shivers up my back. Something that should be so busy and bustling with life now sat forlorn and abandoned.
Still I couldn’t deny that the place was beautiful even in its abandonment. The houses looked cosy and quaint as the tall mountains loomed over the small village. 
My eyes darted from one place to another, taking in all the sights that laid before me. A large red banner caught my attention. 
“Jesus.” I muttered to myself, eyes practically bulging out of my head as I took in the large swastika that covered the building in front of us. 
It was strange to see a symbol that meant peace and well-being have such a sinister feeling now attached to it. 
“Well, they really weren’t hiding it were they.” Grant said from beside me as we both gawked at banner’s. 
“Nope.” I agreed with the man. 
We made our way inside the big building that had ‘​​Berchtesgadener hof’ proudly displayed over the entrance. 
“Was it a hotel?” I leaned over to whisper to Don as we walked inside what appeared to be the foyer. 
“I think so.” Don confirmed. 
Like the town the hotel was just as quiet, no guests seemed to be staying or staff either.
I shied away from the brass sculpture of Hitler, that was prominently displayed in the middle of one of the rooms we walked through as we continued to search the building.  
A clanging made me jump from my skin, we rounded the corner to find a lone clerk being held at gunpoint by Lew. His eyes darted from Nixon to the rather large book that sat on the desk. 
“Looks like a guest book.” I said loudly, glancing over to Lew who nodded his head. 
“Everyone who was anyone signed into this hotel. And now we have all the dates and names of anyone who ever supported Hitler in his plans.” Lew said as he flicked through the book. 
“Guess there are staff after all.” I mused, watching the clerk scamper away.
Don and I walked around together forgetting the mission at hand, being too caught up in the lavish hotel. 
“Should we sneak into one of the rooms? See if the bath works?” Don asked suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows at me. 
“Donald!” I giggled at the man giving him a whack. “No, well. No, we couldn’t. Well.” I debated the very enticing idea. 
“Oh come on! Speirs is probably out there now stealing all the silverware.” Don grinned at me, his fingers finding the nook of my arm to bring me along in his mischief. 
“Fine! We will look, quickly.” I added but not putting up much of a fight as Don dragged me down one of the halls.      
We pried open one of the doors, standing in the entrance way admiring the room. In the middle of the room sat a giant four poster bed. The duvet looked elegant, satin and lace coverings, with large fluffy pillows adorning the head. Across the room a tall window opened up, looking over the alps that surrounded the town. 
Don and I moved further into the room, finding our way into the bathroom, which seemed to be even bigger than the master suite. A white clawfoot bathtub stood proudly in the middle of the space. 
The far side of the room was taken up by a vanity that covered the width of the wall, with large basins that you could bathe in, if you so wished. 
“Fucking hell.” I uttered, completely in awe of it all. 
“Yup!” Don nodded as we looked over all of the interior. Even the ceilings were beautiful, fluffy white clouds and the bluest sky had been painted onto the roof of the bathroom. Gold accents of branches and leaves vined out into the sky. Everywhere my eyes could see the room was filled with exquisite details. 
“It’s stunning.” I couldn’t pick my jaw off the floor. 
“Eh, it’s alright. I’ve seen better.” Don shrugged, not seeming impressed with the glamour. 
“What?! When?” I asked in disbelief. 
“I have, truly.” I shook my head scoffing at him. 
“When?” I eyed him suspiciously. 
“Well.” Don started slowly making his way over to me. His stride was confident, freezing me in place. I sucked in a breath as he drew near, suddenly it wasn’t funny anymore. The look in his eyes sent the butterflies in my stomach into a frenzy. 
“There’s you.” Don had moved closer to me, my back pressed into the cold marble basin. My breath hitched in my throat as he leaned even further into me. 
We weren’t even touching yet, but the way Don took up the space had me stunned into silence. 
“You’ve gone all quiet on me.” He teased, deliberately placing his hands either side of my body, caging me into him.   
Goosebumps rose on my skin, I felt my cheeks flush. How had he turned this around so quickly?
“Emily?” My full name dripped off his tongue, as he smirked at me tilting his head ever so slightly. He knew what he was doing to me. 
I swallowed, trying to find my voice again. 
“What are you doing?” I asked softly, scared if I raised my voice too much it would disturb whatever was happening. 
“Nothing.” Don breathed, leaning further forward. “Is there something you want me to do?” His whispers tickled my neck. I hid away the sensitive skin, turning to meet his gaze. 
My heart pounded in my ears as our eyes locked. His stare was full of want, I almost melted into a puddle right then. 
“Stop teasing me.” I pleaded. The tension was overwhelming but exhilarating at the same time. It felt as if I was a raw nerve, the slightest of touch would set me on fire. 
“Oh my love, I’m not teasing.” Don smiled, but it wasn’t his normal smile. There was another intention behind it. I gasped as his hand cupped my cheek gently tracing over my jawline, it was only a slight brush but I found myself leaning into his palm. He didn’t give me the satisfaction, stealing away the brief contact. 
I glared at the man. Don was clearly teasing me. 
“Don.” I protested, trying to find his hand to bring back up to my face. But instead he found me first, holding my wrist still. 
I tried again with my free hand but it was no use Don had me pinned. 
I groaned in frustration. 
“You’re teasing me.” I whined, huffing. 
My annoyance didn’t seem to deter Don from his antics. He moved forward his mouth inches away from my ear. 
“You have to ask nicely.” Don’s lips brushed over the sensitive skin of my jaw. I suppressed a moan by trapping my lip between my teeth. 
“Please. Donald Malarkey, you have me. Now do something about it.” I challenged him. 
A smile formed on his lips but I only saw it for a split second before his lips crashed into mine. I sighed into the kiss as his hands cupped my face pulling me closer to him. My hands roamed around his body, tracing anything I could get my hands on. I didn’t realise how much tension had built from our last kiss, but I needed him so badly it hurt. 
Don swiftly lifted me up, sitting me on the edge of the basin as we continued to kiss. I opened my mouth as our tongues swirled together. It was an addiction, I couldn’t get enough. I needed him closer. I grabbed at the fabric that impeded me from Don. 
I tugged off his jacket, too busy kissing him to see where I threw it. Don’s hand’s did the same pulling the material from my arms tossing the item to the side. I gasped as he pulled me forward, sliding me to the very edge of the bench. Don pressed himself to me, even with pants on I could feel everything. 
“Off, I need this off!” I said breathlessly, pulling at his collar. I helped him tug off the t-shirt, admiring his body lovingly. I raked my fingers down his chest, sliding my hand below his belt. Don shuddered seemingly immobilised as I palmed his front. 
Don snatched my wrist, a wry grin forming on his features, “We have plenty of time for that later.” 
A pout formed on my lips. He moved forward kissing me gently. Unlike before he savoured the kiss. Don’s lips moved over my face, gently placing kisses at the corners of my lips, by the creases of my eyes, my temples and cheeks. His touch was so soft but everytime he moved to a different spot I could still feel the last caress. 
I captured his face in my hands, my thumbs tracing over his features. With each movement I kissed him gently. 
I sighed in pleasure as Don’s hands found the small of my back pulling me even closer. 
“Take it off.” I begged, needing the fabric that separated us to be removed. Don’s finger’s found the hem of my shirt, slowly dragging it up my body. I arched into him, enjoying the feeling of his fingertips brushing on my skin. 
Don threw my top to the side, I didn’t have the patience to be admired just yet, still sporting a bra. I brought his hands around my back to the clasp. 
He made quick work of the fastening. I felt it loosen from my back as he pulled the straps over my shoulders and down my arms.  
I sat half naked watching Don take me in. He blew out a breath, shaking his head slightly. 
“Fucking hell. And you’re all mine.” Don said to himself, I giggled at him. 
“Donald, stop gawking and kiss me.” I said my tone was playful. But I didn’t need to tell him twice. He moved forward pressing us together, his fingers dragged down my exposed back sending shivers up my spine. 
Don’s head dipped down to my neck slowly trailing his lips down my skin. I leaned back enjoying the feeling of his tongue swirling down my body. I gasped when his mouth latched onto the soft flesh of my chest. 
Don’s lips nipped and sucked, finding his way down to my erect nipple. His other hand massaging my other breast as he assaulted my nipple with his mouth. I leaned my head back, mouth open in pleasure, moans and gasps fell from my lips in hasty succession. 
He moved to my other breast giving it the same treatment as the previous. I panted and bucked against him, the feeling of his kisses and hands sending me spiralling. 
“Fuck! Holy fuck.” I groaned watching him enjoy me. The wetness between my legs somehow grew more. I pulled his face back up to mine, needing his lips on my own again. 
My hands snaked down to his pants, trying my best to undo his belt while not being able to see. It was harder than I thought, after a while of fumbling around I finally pulled away to glance down at what I was doing. 
“Desperate?” Donald asked, smirking. I didn’t even deny it, breathlessly nodding my head while still trying to yank the belt from his pants. 
“I have waited far too long for a belt to put a stop to it.” I groaned, still failing at the simple job. 
“You’ve waited, oh my love, you don’t know the half of it.” Donald’s hands found mine, taking over the task. I watched him easily pull the belt free and remove it from his trousers. Don undid the button, loosening them around his hips. I greedily licked my lips moving my hands to his waistband tugging them down. I bit my lip, a shy smile formed on my mouth. 
I couldn’t wait any longer, my own hands unbuttoning my pants and trying my best to shimmy them down while still being perched on the counter. 
“So impatient!” Don tutted, his arms lifting me so I could successfully pull down my clothing. 
I kicked off the green cargo pants, leaving us both in just our underwear. I giggled, somehow the innocent looking in the rooms had gotten out of hand. 
Don kissed me again, his fingers lazily dragging around my body and into my hair. I did the same, tangling my fingers in his and pulling gently. A low moan left his lips as he moved his mouth over mine. The electricity between us was almost palpable, with every touch and sound I could feel the lustful energy flowing through my body. 
I yelped in surprise as Don lifted me so easily from the basin. I didn’t look where he was taking us too busy assaulting his face and neck with kisses. 
We landed gently on the decadent bed, but Don and I were too enraptured in each other to truly appreciate the comfort of the soft mattress and the silk sheets against our skin. 
Don ran his fingers down my side, teasingly stopping around the hem of my underwear. He pulled it back, snapping the waistband against my skin. In the same movement Don dipped his head down, trailing soft kisses down my skin and stopping near my collarbone to nip at the sensitive skin.  
His hand slipped down between my thighs, caressing around my hips. I rocked back, eyes closed in pleasure. I couldn’t stifle the loud moans that fell from my lips. 
I could feel his smirk as he placed more feverish kisses around my navel, his hands roaming around my thighs never quite landing where I needed them too. Don was making me beg for it. 
Don’s touch continued down towards my hips, his lips finding the right spots to make me squirm and bite my lip in desperation. 
“Don.” I pleaded through my pants.  
“Yes my love?” He said with a smirk, as his kisses wandered down, his touch still tantalising and teasing. I could feel Don’s breath against my core, as he continued to run his fingers along my inner thighs.
“Stop teasing me!” I whined. 
Don chuckled at my pleading, looking up at me with a devilish smile. I watched as he bit my inner thigh gently in response. 
“Beg for it.” He said in a low husky voice that was filled with desire. 
“Please Donald, make me feel alive!” I begged, feeling so vulnerable in his arms. 
“I love you.” Don said before he pulled my underwear from my body, taking his time admiring me placing sweet kisses to the soft skin between my legs. I groaned as his mouth found my core, his hot tongue swirling over my bud of nerves. 
I cried out in pleasure as he feasted on me, I gripped onto his hair hanging on for dear life as he shook me to my core. I trembled in ecstasy as Don’s tongue dipped inside of me.   
Don seemed to enjoy seeing me come undone, moaning against my core. His fingers slipped inside of me pulling in and out with force. 
I threw my head back screaming into my free hand that covered my mouth. I arched and bucked against his every move. Don’s free hand pinned me to the bed to stop me from escaping the overwhelming feeling that rippled throughout my body. 
He sucked and nipped at my sensitive core as he worked his fingers in and out of my entrance. 
Bright colours swarmed my vision as I shook, I had reached my climax. I held onto Don, the only thing that seemed to be grounding me to reality. It felt as if I had left my body, floating above the scene that was playing before me. Don did not stop his movements, riding out the orgasm as long as he could. 
My breath left me as I writhed under his touch, I didn’t think that it could last long, but I was still overcome by my euphoric satisfaction.    
Finally he let me come down, pulling away from my core. I caught my breath, eyes still closed trying to come back to the real world, rather than the cloud I was floating on. 
“I think you were trying to kill me.” I panted as Don moved back up to kiss me gently on my lips. 
“What’s more alive than being nearly half dead?” Don chuckled as he lay against me, his fingers tangling into my hair and pulling me towards him. He rested his forehead against mine, our breaths mixing together as we enjoyed the quiet moment. 
I closed my eyes enjoying the simple sounds, his soft breaths fanning on my face, and the quiet heartbeat that pulsed against my own chest. I kissed him again, I kissed him like I would never see him again. 
My hands travelled down his torso, it was my turn to show him how much I loved him. I palmed his hard cock through his underwear. Don groaned into my mouth, keeping his eyes squeezed shut. 
I trailed my kisses down his neck, chest and stomach. Don sighed in pleasure, lying his head back against the bed. Every touch under his hands and the feeling of his skin on mine, I felt the love and desire he had for me, I wanted him to feel the same as I kissed him. I wanted to make him want me more than ever.  
I let my tongue drag down his hips, swirling over the sensitive skin. I needed to drive him insane with desire, like he had me only moments before. 
Tugging down his briefs his hard cock sprung free. I tossed the item of clothing to the side. I bit my lip taking in his size, how he had hidden that from me I had no idea. I wrapped my hand around the base stroking my thumb gently up the shaft. Don shuddered under my grip, groaning huskily. 
Don propped himself up on his elbows and I started slowly moving my hand up and down his length. I licked my lips desperately wanting to taste him. 
“Jesus christ Emily, you’re going to be the death of me.” Don muttered a mix of shock and pleasure on his face. 
I grinned. I continued to stare at him as I moved forward, my tongue darting out to swirl around his tip. His cock twitched in my hand, Don looked as if he was going to pass out. 
“Now who’s teasing?” He leaned forward brushing a curl out of my face. I wrapped my lips around him sucking. Donald inhaled sharply tensing under my touch. I moved further down, bringing more of him into my mouth. Don’s breaths grew uneven as I continued. 
I bobbed my head up and down, taking as much of him as I could into my throat. My hand still gripped the base of his cock moving as I sucked and licked. 
“Oh god!” Donald moaned watching me with lust filled eyes. 
I pulled back sucking in air as I continued to massage his cock with my hand. Don gripped onto the bed sheets panting heavily. His fingers weaved into my hair, gripping just as tightly as he was the fabric under him. I continued my assault, my pace becoming faster. 
“Don’t stop my love.” He begged, he was almost to his limit. I did as he asked, continuing my rhythm. 
“I’m going to cum!” Don whined pulling back from me, but I held his hips steady, looking up at him through my lashes. I wanted to taste him like he tasted me. I didn’t stop, bobbing my head and sucking. I felt his body jolt under me, hot liquid filled my mouth as I watched Don’s eyes roll back in his head.      
“Em.” Don breathed, sitting up from his position and moving down to where I knelt between his legs. His hands cupped my face peppering my skin with light kisses. Don pulled me up to him, as we laid back down against the bed, limbs tangled and bodies entwined. A moment of pure serenity as we embraced each other, basking in the warmth of one another. 
“I love you.” I whispered as we gazed into each other’s eyes. 
“I love you.” Don lips brushed against my skin. 
“Guys we’re leaving!” The door burst open as Babe and George sauntered into the room. Both Don and I screamed in surprise, scrambling to hide ourselves. Don dove over me, covering my body with his. His ass out in the wind for all to see. George and Babe’s eyes bulged seeing their friends bare butt pointing right in their direction. 
“Get out!!” Don screeched, as I hid beneath him trying to contain my fit of giggles.
“Oh my god!” George gasped covering his mouth as Babe stared wide eyed at us. 
“Guys get the fuck out, right now!!” Don demanded the men leave. But it still didn’t work, the pair didn’t budge. 
“What is going on here?” George asked through bouts of laughter he shared with Babe. 
Don grabbed the nearest pillow chucking at the heads of the two men who were crying with laughter. 
“OUT!” Don yelled, but he was trying not to laugh as well. I wrapped my arms around his waist keeping him close to me. Don was the only thing keeping my naked body out of sight of the pair of idiots who howled with laughter in the still wide open door. 
“Fine, we will go. But it’s going to cost you.” George waggled his finger at us as he hauled the still hysterical Babe out of the room. The door clicked shut, as it did so both Don and I sighed in relief. 
“You didn’t lock the door!” I playfully smacked his chest as he grinned down at me. 
“Neither did you!” But we couldn’t stop our own giggles from escaping our lips.
Chapter 30
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soapgraves · 7 months
Please know nothing in my life matters more to me than connie maheswharan.
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rainbow-wolf120 · 1 year
Rayman oc dump. We got Rayven, Tempast, Raytic, Ripley, and Eron.
(This is kinda lengthy, my bad)
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Raven's nonbinary, aroace, anxious, pyromaniac, logical, overthinking, constantly stressed Thingamajig. They can see the future, which is a reason for their massive amounts of panic. They're made up of all lums and a single hoodlum.
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Post story Rayven ^
Rayven's still nonbinary, still aroace, sill anxious, a redeemed villain, roommates with Rayman and Raymesis, and still has an ability to see the future. They're a little stressed, but Rayman's a great therapist.
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Tempast was an experiment from a blob of goop. It was given life and the ability to commit identity theft. It's just trying to survive and has no malicious intent. It just happens to frame everybody it impersonates.
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Post story Raypast ^
Raypast grew a liking to Rayman's form, but everyone kept mistaking it for him, vice versa. So, it decided to add its own spin onto the form, creating Raypast. Despite its appearance, it's not a Limbless, just a blob of goop.
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Static Rayman (Raytic) is the embodiment of Rayman's hatred for the Rabbids. He was somehow given life from a broken TV screen, which made him constantly on the line between fact and fiction. He despises changes and hates the Rabbids. He disconnects from Rayman because of his forgiveness, despite being him.
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Ripley is one of the only Teensies who has no royal heritage, making him weaker than the rest. He aspires for three things: fame, fortune, and power. He owns a library filled to the brim with spell book and history, rarely having any fiction story. Despite being not rich, he does have a good amount of money. He claims it's all hard work and not bargening.
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Eron is the son of the ruler of the near extinction Minotaurs. He's still naive for a Minotaur, being not fully grown. He was teleported from Hell to Ripley's library after the mishap of a spell. He's a massive geek for history, curious to hear the other side of any story.
Ragghhh they're so silly
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I miss Yoongi already. We had so much content with the tour and everything that I feel deprived. I dont know what I am going to do for 18-24 mths.
Oh, I’ve been preparing and I’m ready to moonlight as a serial killer, just to feel something, anything again, during that time.
Or maybe I’ll finally open a Yoongi ‘pout’ account.
I don’t know really. Maybe do what some of my friends are doing and have a baby so that by the time BTS and Yoongi are back in 2025/2026, I’m dealing with a toddler not a new born, and it’ll be easier to go to concerts.
Sorry Anon, I’m just spitballing here.
Fingers crossed Yoongi has prepared something to release while he’s enlisted. I’m hoping and praying there’s a documentary and live album for his D-DAY tour, and/or maybe a collab or some other project. Since Jin’s enlistment last year, I’ve not felt any real anxiety or strong emotion around their enlistment, to be honest. I know the guys are all preparing for it, Yoongi is probably spending this time with his friends and family since he was traveling for most of the last few months. I’m sure he’s keeping his health up and making sure all his ventures remain profitable while he’s in the military.
It’s likely this time passes without much incident and before you know it, we’re in 2025. I mean, can you imagine Butter was released 2 years ago? Time passes and with all the drama in k-pop fandom, I think it will pass fairly quickly too. At least I hope so. Dissecting bodies sounds like tiresome, gruelling work.
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starscelly · 9 months
can’t get my roommate to care abt Sport or my favorite team but Man Do They Love Timmy Stu
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jonathanbyersphd · 2 months
If you've sent me an ask in the last 48 hours I'm sorry I haven't answered I have adhd
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a-gaime · 1 year
Au Mei au Mei au Mei au Mei au M-
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aimfor-theheart · 6 months
i’m sorry to friends followers mutuals who have to put up with my sudden fixation on trigun again but it hit me over the head like a fucking brick last week and has only gotten worse somehow
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cowboy-like-moony · 1 year
Fuck periods. What did I do to deserve being tortured once a month?
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f1nalboys · 1 year
me spamming tati like pls get a fucking life
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kyugens · 1 year
just read the hottest 2ha fic of all times now i'm ready to go to work
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seasonal-writes · 2 years
I'm very sane while I'm waiting for chapter 8 (<- lie)
ME ME ME ME RELATABLE ME TOO MAN I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU GUYS TO SEE IT !! i think it's one of my favorites that i've written so far. but i've been saying that about a lot of the chapters. so. who knows. i guess this is a good time to say it will likely be out by either tonight or tomorrow morning (sunday)! i'm onto editing it, but unfortunately as an academic weapon, i hear the siren's call of homework and must accept her embrace—no matter how it will likely kill me in the end.
but look forward to chapter 8 in the next day or so :D
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