#its kinky time mf
malarkgirlypop · 4 months
MEDIC! Part 29 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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Listen when I say these characters have a mind of their own, I mean it. I was just chilling writing the start of the last episode and then all of a sudden boom, we kissing and shit. Like ah excuse me, this wasn't in my plan, what are we doing? But hey they deserved a we treat and I mean so do we. So this chapter is definitely rated, if you aren't over 18, back! Back, I say! 🤺
TW: sexy time lmao, long chapter
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, not hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @imusicaddict, anyone else please let me know.
We entered Bavaria in early May, and we had been tasked in capturing Berchtesgaden. It was a town high in the Alps, and was the symbolic home of the Nazi party. Apparently all of the important men of the party had houses there. Even though the man was dead, Hitler had ordered the SS to make it their last stand to keep the enemy out of their “sacred” town. 
I sighed, staring at the mass of boulders that blocked our way up the mountain, the hot sun beating down on my back. We had been stuck here for hours, waiting for someone with more artillery than we did, so we could blast our way through. 
I hummed a tune twirling a curl around my finger, trying to remember all of the words to the song I had stuck in my head. I couldn’t for the life of me remember the lyrics, only the melody played on and on in my mind.     
Lieb leaned against the wheel next to me smoking. “How long does it take for engineers to arrive?” I asked while shielding the sun from my eyes as I looked over to Lieb. 
“Who knows?” He said while taking a deep drag from his cigarette, blowing the smoke in my face. 
“Lieb!” I whined pushing him away as he chuckled. 
“Stop humming, you’re driving me insane.” He retorted, shoving me back. “You just keep repeating the same part over and over again. You’re just as bad as Web and his stupid quotes from his literature.” I gawked offended by his comment, no way I was as annoying as Web.  
“Ugh, rude!” I got up from my position, dusting the dirt off the back of my pants. Lieb grinned at me, knowing he had wound me up. 
“Stop smirking!” I nudged his leg with my boot. “Take it back!” I crossed my arms over my chest, giving him my best pissed off face. 
“You’re not as annoying as Web.” Joe held his hands up in surrender. I laughed, smiling down at Lieb, who grinned back at me. 
“What about me?” Web startled me as he snuck up from behind. My eyes grew wide, plastering a smile on my face. 
“Web you need to stop sneaking up on me, seriously.” I burst out laughing, fortunately he hadn’t heard what we were talking about. 
I loved Web, he was so sweet, but his endless love for literature got very tiring. Somehow the conversation with him always ended in his love of books and all things written. Half the time I had no clue what he was talking about, I would nod and smile adding in, “Oh that’s so interesting.” But I wasn’t listening by that point anymore. 
“We were just talking about how long it would take the engineers to arrive.” I skipped over the most recent conversation we had, I didn’t want to hurt the poor man's feelings.  
“I think they are going to try something right now. Everyone is getting tired of waiting.” Web pointed to the pile of rocks that blocked the road. 
I peaked my head over the truck to catch a glimpse of two soldiers standing in the middle of the road with one of the bazooka's we had with us. I covered my ears just in time to muffle the explosion that blasted into the debris.
“I don’t think that will work.” I huffed, it had hardly made a dent in the huge pile. 
“No, but that does look fun.” Web grinned admiring the massive explosion. 
“Yeah!” Lieb launched to his feet. “Web, we should go help.” Web and Joe excitedly nodded at each other racing off to the front of the road.
“Ok, bye.” I said to the pair's back as they enthusiastically scurried away.  
I slumped down again, the same song still stuck in my head. 
“Aw, Em.” A large hand reached down and ruffled my hair. I looked up to find Bull standing over me. 
“They ditched me, for explosives. Can you believe that?” I asked in astonishment. 
A wry grin formed on Bull’s lips, he tilted his head to the side with a hearty chuckle. “I can’t say I am, little lady.” He said in his thick country accent. 
“No you’re right. I’m not shocked.” I laughed, shaking my head. 
I looked over to find Web and Lieb stacking grenades on the landslide of rocks. They sprinted back to where the two other soldiers stood still with the bazooka. Their grin’s were child-like as they ran back. 
Bull and I watched them, laughing at how excited they all seemed to be. Was it really that much fun blowing things up? 
They didn’t wait long, firing the rocket right into the pile of explosives the pair had set. The ground shook, as the booming echoed around the mountains. But still the pile of rocks seemed to remain the same, at least they were having fun. It was nice to see genuine smiles on their faces. 
“Easy!” Speirs yelled from the front of the trucks. “Let’s move out!” Spiers grinned widely with a skip in his step as he made his way back through the parked vehicles. 
“Are we not waiting for the engineers anymore?” I leaned over to Bull. 
“Guess not.” Bull smiled. “We better get moving, come on.” He took me by the crook of my arm, leading the way behind Speirs who was getting together all of Easy so that we could leave. 
“It’s so quiet.” I whispered to Don as we walked. He nodded in agreement before turning back to the task at hand. 
Easy Company tiptoed silently down the empty streets, the group had found an alternative route up the mountain. We had been told to be on guard, and to expect the unexpected. 
So the soldiers walked through the streets with their weapons drawn, readying themselves for whatever was waiting for us.   
The town was eerily still, white flags hung from the windows of the houses we passed. The town appeared empty, there was no one present. The deserted village sent shivers up my back. Something that should be so busy and bustling with life now sat forlorn and abandoned.
Still I couldn’t deny that the place was beautiful even in its abandonment. The houses looked cosy and quaint as the tall mountains loomed over the small village. 
My eyes darted from one place to another, taking in all the sights that laid before me. A large red banner caught my attention. 
“Jesus.” I muttered to myself, eyes practically bulging out of my head as I took in the large swastika that covered the building in front of us. 
It was strange to see a symbol that meant peace and well-being have such a sinister feeling now attached to it. 
“Well, they really weren’t hiding it were they.” Grant said from beside me as we both gawked at banner’s. 
“Nope.” I agreed with the man. 
We made our way inside the big building that had ‘​​Berchtesgadener hof’ proudly displayed over the entrance. 
“Was it a hotel?” I leaned over to whisper to Don as we walked inside what appeared to be the foyer. 
“I think so.” Don confirmed. 
Like the town the hotel was just as quiet, no guests seemed to be staying or staff either.
I shied away from the brass sculpture of Hitler, that was prominently displayed in the middle of one of the rooms we walked through as we continued to search the building.  
A clanging made me jump from my skin, we rounded the corner to find a lone clerk being held at gunpoint by Lew. His eyes darted from Nixon to the rather large book that sat on the desk. 
“Looks like a guest book.” I said loudly, glancing over to Lew who nodded his head. 
“Everyone who was anyone signed into this hotel. And now we have all the dates and names of anyone who ever supported Hitler in his plans.” Lew said as he flicked through the book. 
“Guess there are staff after all.” I mused, watching the clerk scamper away.
Don and I walked around together forgetting the mission at hand, being too caught up in the lavish hotel. 
“Should we sneak into one of the rooms? See if the bath works?” Don asked suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows at me. 
“Donald!” I giggled at the man giving him a whack. “No, well. No, we couldn’t. Well.” I debated the very enticing idea. 
“Oh come on! Speirs is probably out there now stealing all the silverware.” Don grinned at me, his fingers finding the nook of my arm to bring me along in his mischief. 
“Fine! We will look, quickly.” I added but not putting up much of a fight as Don dragged me down one of the halls.      
We pried open one of the doors, standing in the entrance way admiring the room. In the middle of the room sat a giant four poster bed. The duvet looked elegant, satin and lace coverings, with large fluffy pillows adorning the head. Across the room a tall window opened up, looking over the alps that surrounded the town. 
Don and I moved further into the room, finding our way into the bathroom, which seemed to be even bigger than the master suite. A white clawfoot bathtub stood proudly in the middle of the space. 
The far side of the room was taken up by a vanity that covered the width of the wall, with large basins that you could bathe in, if you so wished. 
“Fucking hell.” I uttered, completely in awe of it all. 
“Yup!” Don nodded as we looked over all of the interior. Even the ceilings were beautiful, fluffy white clouds and the bluest sky had been painted onto the roof of the bathroom. Gold accents of branches and leaves vined out into the sky. Everywhere my eyes could see the room was filled with exquisite details. 
“It’s stunning.” I couldn’t pick my jaw off the floor. 
“Eh, it’s alright. I’ve seen better.” Don shrugged, not seeming impressed with the glamour. 
“What?! When?” I asked in disbelief. 
“I have, truly.” I shook my head scoffing at him. 
“When?” I eyed him suspiciously. 
“Well.” Don started slowly making his way over to me. His stride was confident, freezing me in place. I sucked in a breath as he drew near, suddenly it wasn’t funny anymore. The look in his eyes sent the butterflies in my stomach into a frenzy. 
“There’s you.” Don had moved closer to me, my back pressed into the cold marble basin. My breath hitched in my throat as he leaned even further into me. 
We weren’t even touching yet, but the way Don took up the space had me stunned into silence. 
“You’ve gone all quiet on me.” He teased, deliberately placing his hands either side of my body, caging me into him.   
Goosebumps rose on my skin, I felt my cheeks flush. How had he turned this around so quickly?
“Emily?” My full name dripped off his tongue, as he smirked at me tilting his head ever so slightly. He knew what he was doing to me. 
I swallowed, trying to find my voice again. 
“What are you doing?” I asked softly, scared if I raised my voice too much it would disturb whatever was happening. 
“Nothing.” Don breathed, leaning further forward. “Is there something you want me to do?” His whispers tickled my neck. I hid away the sensitive skin, turning to meet his gaze. 
My heart pounded in my ears as our eyes locked. His stare was full of want, I almost melted into a puddle right then. 
“Stop teasing me.” I pleaded. The tension was overwhelming but exhilarating at the same time. It felt as if I was a raw nerve, the slightest of touch would set me on fire. 
“Oh my love, I’m not teasing.” Don smiled, but it wasn’t his normal smile. There was another intention behind it. I gasped as his hand cupped my cheek gently tracing over my jawline, it was only a slight brush but I found myself leaning into his palm. He didn’t give me the satisfaction, stealing away the brief contact. 
I glared at the man. Don was clearly teasing me. 
“Don.” I protested, trying to find his hand to bring back up to my face. But instead he found me first, holding my wrist still. 
I tried again with my free hand but it was no use Don had me pinned. 
I groaned in frustration. 
“You’re teasing me.” I whined, huffing. 
My annoyance didn’t seem to deter Don from his antics. He moved forward his mouth inches away from my ear. 
“You have to ask nicely.” Don’s lips brushed over the sensitive skin of my jaw. I suppressed a moan by trapping my lip between my teeth. 
“Please. Donald Malarkey, you have me. Now do something about it.” I challenged him. 
A smile formed on his lips but I only saw it for a split second before his lips crashed into mine. I sighed into the kiss as his hands cupped my face pulling me closer to him. My hands roamed around his body, tracing anything I could get my hands on. I didn’t realise how much tension had built from our last kiss, but I needed him so badly it hurt. 
Don swiftly lifted me up, sitting me on the edge of the basin as we continued to kiss. I opened my mouth as our tongues swirled together. It was an addiction, I couldn’t get enough. I needed him closer. I grabbed at the fabric that impeded me from Don. 
I tugged off his jacket, too busy kissing him to see where I threw it. Don’s hand’s did the same pulling the material from my arms tossing the item to the side. I gasped as he pulled me forward, sliding me to the very edge of the bench. Don pressed himself to me, even with pants on I could feel everything. 
“Off, I need this off!” I said breathlessly, pulling at his collar. I helped him tug off the t-shirt, admiring his body lovingly. I raked my fingers down his chest, sliding my hand below his belt. Don shuddered seemingly immobilised as I palmed his front. 
Don snatched my wrist, a wry grin forming on his features, “We have plenty of time for that later.” 
A pout formed on my lips. He moved forward kissing me gently. Unlike before he savoured the kiss. Don’s lips moved over my face, gently placing kisses at the corners of my lips, by the creases of my eyes, my temples and cheeks. His touch was so soft but everytime he moved to a different spot I could still feel the last caress. 
I captured his face in my hands, my thumbs tracing over his features. With each movement I kissed him gently. 
I sighed in pleasure as Don’s hands found the small of my back pulling me even closer. 
“Take it off.” I begged, needing the fabric that separated us to be removed. Don’s finger’s found the hem of my shirt, slowly dragging it up my body. I arched into him, enjoying the feeling of his fingertips brushing on my skin. 
Don threw my top to the side, I didn’t have the patience to be admired just yet, still sporting a bra. I brought his hands around my back to the clasp. 
He made quick work of the fastening. I felt it loosen from my back as he pulled the straps over my shoulders and down my arms.  
I sat half naked watching Don take me in. He blew out a breath, shaking his head slightly. 
“Fucking hell. And you’re all mine.” Don said to himself, I giggled at him. 
“Donald, stop gawking and kiss me.” I said my tone was playful. But I didn’t need to tell him twice. He moved forward pressing us together, his fingers dragged down my exposed back sending shivers up my spine. 
Don’s head dipped down to my neck slowly trailing his lips down my skin. I leaned back enjoying the feeling of his tongue swirling down my body. I gasped when his mouth latched onto the soft flesh of my chest. 
Don’s lips nipped and sucked, finding his way down to my erect nipple. His other hand massaging my other breast as he assaulted my nipple with his mouth. I leaned my head back, mouth open in pleasure, moans and gasps fell from my lips in hasty succession. 
He moved to my other breast giving it the same treatment as the previous. I panted and bucked against him, the feeling of his kisses and hands sending me spiralling. 
“Fuck! Holy fuck.” I groaned watching him enjoy me. The wetness between my legs somehow grew more. I pulled his face back up to mine, needing his lips on my own again. 
My hands snaked down to his pants, trying my best to undo his belt while not being able to see. It was harder than I thought, after a while of fumbling around I finally pulled away to glance down at what I was doing. 
“Desperate?” Donald asked, smirking. I didn’t even deny it, breathlessly nodding my head while still trying to yank the belt from his pants. 
“I have waited far too long for a belt to put a stop to it.” I groaned, still failing at the simple job. 
“You’ve waited, oh my love, you don’t know the half of it.” Donald’s hands found mine, taking over the task. I watched him easily pull the belt free and remove it from his trousers. Don undid the button, loosening them around his hips. I greedily licked my lips moving my hands to his waistband tugging them down. I bit my lip, a shy smile formed on my mouth. 
I couldn’t wait any longer, my own hands unbuttoning my pants and trying my best to shimmy them down while still being perched on the counter. 
“So impatient!” Don tutted, his arms lifting me so I could successfully pull down my clothing. 
I kicked off the green cargo pants, leaving us both in just our underwear. I giggled, somehow the innocent looking in the rooms had gotten out of hand. 
Don kissed me again, his fingers lazily dragging around my body and into my hair. I did the same, tangling my fingers in his and pulling gently. A low moan left his lips as he moved his mouth over mine. The electricity between us was almost palpable, with every touch and sound I could feel the lustful energy flowing through my body. 
I yelped in surprise as Don lifted me so easily from the basin. I didn’t look where he was taking us too busy assaulting his face and neck with kisses. 
We landed gently on the decadent bed, but Don and I were too enraptured in each other to truly appreciate the comfort of the soft mattress and the silk sheets against our skin. 
Don ran his fingers down my side, teasingly stopping around the hem of my underwear. He pulled it back, snapping the waistband against my skin. In the same movement Don dipped his head down, trailing soft kisses down my skin and stopping near my collarbone to nip at the sensitive skin.  
His hand slipped down between my thighs, caressing around my hips. I rocked back, eyes closed in pleasure. I couldn’t stifle the loud moans that fell from my lips. 
I could feel his smirk as he placed more feverish kisses around my navel, his hands roaming around my thighs never quite landing where I needed them too. Don was making me beg for it. 
Don’s touch continued down towards my hips, his lips finding the right spots to make me squirm and bite my lip in desperation. 
“Don.” I pleaded through my pants.  
“Yes my love?” He said with a smirk, as his kisses wandered down, his touch still tantalising and teasing. I could feel Don’s breath against my core, as he continued to run his fingers along my inner thighs.
“Stop teasing me!” I whined. 
Don chuckled at my pleading, looking up at me with a devilish smile. I watched as he bit my inner thigh gently in response. 
“Beg for it.” He said in a low husky voice that was filled with desire. 
“Please Donald, make me feel alive!” I begged, feeling so vulnerable in his arms. 
“I love you.” Don said before he pulled my underwear from my body, taking his time admiring me placing sweet kisses to the soft skin between my legs. I groaned as his mouth found my core, his hot tongue swirling over my bud of nerves. 
I cried out in pleasure as he feasted on me, I gripped onto his hair hanging on for dear life as he shook me to my core. I trembled in ecstasy as Don’s tongue dipped inside of me.   
Don seemed to enjoy seeing me come undone, moaning against my core. His fingers slipped inside of me pulling in and out with force. 
I threw my head back screaming into my free hand that covered my mouth. I arched and bucked against his every move. Don’s free hand pinned me to the bed to stop me from escaping the overwhelming feeling that rippled throughout my body. 
He sucked and nipped at my sensitive core as he worked his fingers in and out of my entrance. 
Bright colours swarmed my vision as I shook, I had reached my climax. I held onto Don, the only thing that seemed to be grounding me to reality. It felt as if I had left my body, floating above the scene that was playing before me. Don did not stop his movements, riding out the orgasm as long as he could. 
My breath left me as I writhed under his touch, I didn’t think that it could last long, but I was still overcome by my euphoric satisfaction.    
Finally he let me come down, pulling away from my core. I caught my breath, eyes still closed trying to come back to the real world, rather than the cloud I was floating on. 
“I think you were trying to kill me.” I panted as Don moved back up to kiss me gently on my lips. 
“What’s more alive than being nearly half dead?” Don chuckled as he lay against me, his fingers tangling into my hair and pulling me towards him. He rested his forehead against mine, our breaths mixing together as we enjoyed the quiet moment. 
I closed my eyes enjoying the simple sounds, his soft breaths fanning on my face, and the quiet heartbeat that pulsed against my own chest. I kissed him again, I kissed him like I would never see him again. 
My hands travelled down his torso, it was my turn to show him how much I loved him. I palmed his hard cock through his underwear. Don groaned into my mouth, keeping his eyes squeezed shut. 
I trailed my kisses down his neck, chest and stomach. Don sighed in pleasure, lying his head back against the bed. Every touch under his hands and the feeling of his skin on mine, I felt the love and desire he had for me, I wanted him to feel the same as I kissed him. I wanted to make him want me more than ever.  
I let my tongue drag down his hips, swirling over the sensitive skin. I needed to drive him insane with desire, like he had me only moments before. 
Tugging down his briefs his hard cock sprung free. I tossed the item of clothing to the side. I bit my lip taking in his size, how he had hidden that from me I had no idea. I wrapped my hand around the base stroking my thumb gently up the shaft. Don shuddered under my grip, groaning huskily. 
Don propped himself up on his elbows and I started slowly moving my hand up and down his length. I licked my lips desperately wanting to taste him. 
“Jesus christ Emily, you’re going to be the death of me.” Don muttered a mix of shock and pleasure on his face. 
I grinned. I continued to stare at him as I moved forward, my tongue darting out to swirl around his tip. His cock twitched in my hand, Don looked as if he was going to pass out. 
“Now who’s teasing?” He leaned forward brushing a curl out of my face. I wrapped my lips around him sucking. Donald inhaled sharply tensing under my touch. I moved further down, bringing more of him into my mouth. Don’s breaths grew uneven as I continued. 
I bobbed my head up and down, taking as much of him as I could into my throat. My hand still gripped the base of his cock moving as I sucked and licked. 
“Oh god!” Donald moaned watching me with lust filled eyes. 
I pulled back sucking in air as I continued to massage his cock with my hand. Don gripped onto the bed sheets panting heavily. His fingers weaved into my hair, gripping just as tightly as he was the fabric under him. I continued my assault, my pace becoming faster. 
“Don’t stop my love.” He begged, he was almost to his limit. I did as he asked, continuing my rhythm. 
“I’m going to cum!” Don whined pulling back from me, but I held his hips steady, looking up at him through my lashes. I wanted to taste him like he tasted me. I didn’t stop, bobbing my head and sucking. I felt his body jolt under me, hot liquid filled my mouth as I watched Don’s eyes roll back in his head.      
“Em.” Don breathed, sitting up from his position and moving down to where I knelt between his legs. His hands cupped my face peppering my skin with light kisses. Don pulled me up to him, as we laid back down against the bed, limbs tangled and bodies entwined. A moment of pure serenity as we embraced each other, basking in the warmth of one another. 
“I love you.” I whispered as we gazed into each other’s eyes. 
“I love you.” Don lips brushed against my skin. 
“Guys we’re leaving!” The door burst open as Babe and George sauntered into the room. Both Don and I screamed in surprise, scrambling to hide ourselves. Don dove over me, covering my body with his. His ass out in the wind for all to see. George and Babe’s eyes bulged seeing their friends bare butt pointing right in their direction. 
“Get out!!” Don screeched, as I hid beneath him trying to contain my fit of giggles.
“Oh my god!” George gasped covering his mouth as Babe stared wide eyed at us. 
“Guys get the fuck out, right now!!” Don demanded the men leave. But it still didn’t work, the pair didn’t budge. 
“What is going on here?” George asked through bouts of laughter he shared with Babe. 
Don grabbed the nearest pillow chucking at the heads of the two men who were crying with laughter. 
“OUT!” Don yelled, but he was trying not to laugh as well. I wrapped my arms around his waist keeping him close to me. Don was the only thing keeping my naked body out of sight of the pair of idiots who howled with laughter in the still wide open door. 
“Fine, we will go. But it’s going to cost you.” George waggled his finger at us as he hauled the still hysterical Babe out of the room. The door clicked shut, as it did so both Don and I sighed in relief. 
“You didn’t lock the door!” I playfully smacked his chest as he grinned down at me. 
“Neither did you!” But we couldn’t stop our own giggles from escaping our lips.
Chapter 30
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mystic-girls · 11 months
Jumin x MC fluff headcanons
-MC introduces Jumin to video games. He doesn’t get the point of them at first, but MC introduces him to animal crossing and in a very short time he has a town full of cat villagers, with a ridiculous amount of bells. (Seven later shows him his mod villager of Elly, and is instantly forced to deleted her from his game.)
-MC destabilizes Jumin by not wanting luxuries and expensive things. They like the simpler stuff, and at first Jumin is highly uncomfortable about this, because that’s how he’s been taught to show affection.
-MC catches on and reassure him that not wanting those kind of things doesn’t mean they love him any less. They just prefer the strawberry pancakes he makes.
-MC likes to tease Jumin about the fact that he likes to watch them sleep, so sometimes when they wake up first they’ll stare intensely at him, hovering one inch above his face with the silliest face until he wakes up.
-Elizabeth the 3rd gets attached to MC really quickly, and the feeling is mutual. Jumin will sometimes whine about how he feels like a third wheel.
-Jumin needs a lot of reassurance and gets easily jealous. When MC realizes he’s in that bad headspace, they’ll shower him with kisses and cling to him like there’s no tomorrow, until he feels better.
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undeadvinyls · 1 year
pvz artists stop drawing boogaloo white challenge
17 notes · View notes
Your Choice - Jason Todd x (f)Reader
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Words: 4116 Pairing: Jason Todd x (f)Reader Warnings: SMUT. Minors DNI! 18+ only!!!! Mean dom Jason, swearing, rope bondage, edging, orgasm denial, multiple orgasms/forced orgasms, vibrator, teasing, blindfold, nipple play (just a little), fingering (f receiving), oral (f receiving). Jason is a kinky mf. Summary: After plans for the night change, Jason has an idea to keep you awake. It ends much more evil than you first expected. Author's Note: Truly love that this is my first ever time writing smut and it’s kinky as fuck. I have all the shame in the world and none at the same time. Also they have a safe word it’s just not explicitly discussed in the fic. Anyway, if you know me irl, it’s illegal to read this fic, actually. Don’t look at me. Hope you enjoy.
Jason / Full Masterlist
Every few minutes, you wondered how you managed to end up in this situation. And just as that thought came into your mind, it was ripped away by being pulled onto the edge. Then, you'd finally calm down enough to get back to contemplating how you even agreed to this...and you were right back on the edge again.
You knew Jason had to go out for patrol. If he missed it again, one of his family members was going to show up at the apartment in worry. And you definitely didn't need anyone to show up while being with Jason. You two had plans for tonight, but he ended up getting called on patrol. You tried to convince him to tell the team no, but he said he couldn’t and that you guys would just have your fun when he returned. But you were worried you wouldn’t be able to stay up the entire time before he got back, and you wouldn’t want to wake up when he returned. So, as he got ready to leave, he told you he had an idea of how you could keep yourself awake while he was gone without any worry.
Whatever his idea was, you expected it to be fun and a little evil. He reminded you that at any point as he was setting up, you could tell him to stop, and he would drop everything, but he would be leaving for patrol eventually, and you’d be in the bedroom alone for a while. He was very clear. 
Jason told you to undress as he pulled out some rope, instructing you to lay on the bed before he got to work. Working fast to not be late to patrol, he tied your wrists to either side of the headboard and your ankles to the bottom corners of the bed. You laughed a little when he finished and looked down at you. “Uh, Jason?” You said, tugging at the ropes to test their strength. “I’m pretty sure me being stuck like this is only going to encourage me to fall asleep,” You reminded him, cocky about your position.
He smirked in response, and you knew you were in for it. “Who said I was done?” He turned and walked to the dresser against the wall where he grabbed the rope from earlier. Before you knew it, he turned back around, and you couldn’t see what he grabbed. However, you didn’t have to let your mind guess for long as he quickly put the small vibrator right below your clit. He secured it with thinner rope wrapped around your leg to make sure that none of your struggles could dislodge it, then stood back to admire you before he turned it on. 
“Pretty sure this will also make me pass out,” You tried again to be cocky.
“Why do you act like I don’t know what I’m doing?” He scoffed and turned on the vibrator to its lowest setting, causing you to gasp ever so slightly in response. “I know for a fact this won’t do anything except keep you alert and awake. But if you really think you won’t be able to focus on only it…,” Jason trailed off and grabbed one more thing from the dresser. When he came back to the side of the bed, he slipped the black blindfold over your eyes and, even though you couldn’t see it, cracked the most satisfied grin as he watched you.
He could tell you were already starting to hold back from letting your body react to the subtle vibrations. Jason didn’t say anything as he finished putting on his gear, slowly, enjoying the background noise full of your suppressed whimpers. He slipped on his jacket, pulled on his gloves, and placed the domino mask on his face. Jason set his helmet on the top of the dresser near the window he usually left out of but stood next to you once more before he left.
“I’m about to leave. This is your last chance to opt out,” He said to you, entirely serious.
It took you a second, but after a breath, you managed a quick nod. “I’m, yeah. I’m good.”
“If you say so,” He shrugged and headed back to the dresser, grabbing his helmet and slipping it on. “Oh, and darling?” Jason called as he was halfway out. You hummed in response, and he continued, “I’m leaving the window open, so I’d keep it down. See you later.” 
You couldn’t even fully blame Jason at this point. He told you what to expect. He warned you. He warned you that you’d be alone with no escape until he got home, which, while he was hoping it was a quick patrol, could’ve ended up taking much longer. But you thought you could take it. Now, a few hours later, you’re starting to wonder if you underestimated the situation.
Frankly, you had lost track of time with the amount of thoughts circling through your head. It could’ve only been an hour so far, but you’re sure that it’s been more. You didn’t know and kind of didn’t care, either, as there was nothing you could do about it. Earlier in the night, you thought that maybe Jason put in a failsafe that if you really needed out, you could pull hard enough, but nothing worked. Not that you really wanted to get out, though; you were just testing. All you could do was wait.
So, you continued to wait, hyper-aware of all the noises happening around you. You had to listen very carefully since the blindfold over your eyes blocked that sense. It was hard to differentiate what was happening inside your apartment and outside since the window was still open, and the cool breeze was hitting your bare skin just right.
The cool breeze also reminded you that you had to keep quiet. Even though you were on the third floor, if you were loud enough, someone could hear you and welcome themselves in through the open window. It would have been difficult since it isn't a direct shot to the fire escape from your window, but you also didn't need random people (or vigilantes) imagining what was going on inside your and Jason's bedroom.
Finally, you heard a creek come from the window. "Jay...Jason?" You breathily called out, hoping he was finally back. When there wasn't a response, you groaned about the wind tricking you again, which resulted in a low laugh from someone in the room. He really was trying to fuck with your mind, too, by sneaking in, it seemed.
"Don't...don't do that," You said, not entirely clear on what you didn't want him to do.
You couldn't see Jason leaning against the corner of the room, his helmet already off and arms crossed as he watched you writhe and pull at the rope around your wrists and ankles. He didn't respond to your pleas but waited for you to reach the edge again before he said anything, fully making himself known.
"Wow," He marveled at the sight in front of him. "Someone just left you tied up here, did they?" He teased. You didn't respond, you couldn't, as you rode the edge but never making it over. He waited again before continuing, this time shutting the window and making sure you heard it so you knew you could be louder. "I can't believe they would do that to you. Leaving you all by your lonesome, tired and needy," Jason said as he walked closer. He stood at the foot of the bed and watched your back arch every few seconds, trying to get anything. 
Jason was proud of himself. You hated to admit it, but he was right about this whole situation being enough to keep you awake while he was gone. 
"Come on, don't you have anything to say about the mean person who just left you here? What a crazy criminal, right?" He taunted.
Again, you didn't respond. You could barely keep track of what he was saying. Jason knew it and leaned forward to touch your thigh with his gloved hand, lightly rubbing the top of it to encourage a response.
"R-right," You breathed out, almost a gasp. "It was...it was very mean of them."
"Then you got lucky that I showed up, sweetheart," Jason said, still slowly rubbing your thigh.
You took a deep breath as you prepared to respond again. "My," You started, pausing for a second before continuing. "My hero."
Jason pulled his hand back instantly and laughed again. "Hero? Oh, no. I'm no hero," He said, walking around the side of the bed and leaning in close to your ear. "I'm much, much worse."
Heat fluttered to your chest as Jason’s words hit you, and the buzzing below intensified. You hadn’t even realized he hit the button to turn up the vibrator’s level, pulling you back to the edge of an orgasm as you arched your back off the bed again, but this time, you were stuck there. The sudden change in power pulled you right where he wanted you. It kept you where he wanted you.
You heard Jason laugh from the corner of the bed now. You knew you looked pathetic, not able to calm down and not able to find release, but you couldn’t control it anymore. Jason peeled off his gloves as he watched you struggle, pulling at your wrists as hard as possible. “You’ve made such a mess already,” He stated. “How long has your captor left you like this?”
He was pleased when you didn’t respond, knowing the power he held over you right now. With his bare hand, he touched your thigh again but moved to the inside instead of staying on top. “I asked you a question, sweetheart. How long has your captor left you like this?”
It took a moment for you to get the words out, but Jason was patient. “I don’t know,” You spit out, almost as one word.
“No idea? Well, that’s a shame,” He sighed. “If it had been a long time, I would make sure to get you that release you so desperately need. But if you don’t know, it very well can’t be that long,” He continued to let his fingers circle your inner thigh, but staying far enough away from what you wanted to continue to tease you. “I think we can have some more fun before all that.”
“No,” You managed to get out, but Jason ignored it, knowing that no didn’t mean for him to stop. He had both his hands trailing your inner thighs now, only adding to his fun and your sensitivity. You could feel the bed dip when he kneeled between your spread legs, but still not close enough to you. He finally stopped teasing your thighs, but since he was closer now, his hands went up your body to your waist, your ribs, and your breasts. He circled all over your bare skin, some areas warm with need, some still cool from the late-night breeze. Of course, Jason knew how long you were like this, and even though it was longer than he was originally planning, he was going to make you wait just a little longer for having such doubt in him earlier when he was setting you up. He leaned forward, and you could feel both his hands dig into the bed beside your chest, and he was nearly straddling you, making sure to stay far enough away that you couldn’t feel him unless he wanted you to.
Jason leaned down to plant kisses on your neck and trailed down the center of your body, stopping just under your belly button. When he pulled back from your stomach, he realized you were still arching your back off the bed, and he couldn’t have that. You felt the hand to the right of you leave the bed, then land gently on your chest as he pushed slightly, making your back flush with the bed again. He kept his hand there, locking you down and making the vibrations much stronger as you couldn’t move anything with him holding you. 
“Jay,” You breathed out, catching his attention.
“Hmm?” He half-heartedly replied. It took you a moment to figure out what you wanted to say, so he prompted you. “Come on, use your words.”
“Please,” You begged, but you couldn’t say more than just the one word. 
So Jason decided to play dumb. “Please, what?” He posed. “That could mean a million different things, sweetheart; I need you to clarify.” 
He still had his hand holding you down as he waited for your response. As he waited, he tapped his fingers to remind you that his hand was there, and it was not moving until you said something. “Please, I need…I’m so close,” You finally managed to breathe out, begging him for any extra attention to get you over the edge.
“Need?” Jason asked. “What do you need me to do?”
He waited again, not moving, not even tapping his fingers. But he pressed the button on the vibrator again, turning it up another level to encourage you to tell him exactly what you wanted. He knew you were having a hard time with words, and he was enjoying the sight as your mouth opened and closed as you tried to find them.
“Need,” You barely managed to say. “Touch, oh my god, Jason.” 
“Touch? Baby, I’m already touching you, remember?” He tapped his fingers again, his hand still on your chest, right below your breasts. As the vibrations got more intense, you reacted harder, trying to pull your legs together for some friction and arching your back off the bed for some movement. But your legs were still secure to the corners of the bed, and Jason pushed down just a little rougher when he realized you were fighting against his hand. 
“Oh,” He dragged out as you continued reacting, pretending like he just came to a realization. “You want me to touch you somewhere else? You should have said so.”
You grunted in response, confirming what he said. “If I let go, you have to keep your back on the bed, okay?” He asked you, and you nodded to tell him you understood. “If you don’t, I’ll have to stop.”
The threat of stopping worried you because you weren’t sure how much restraint you had now, and it would only get worse when he started touching you in other places. You were hoping he’d go straight down to your pussy to give you what you wanted right away, but he wasn’t being that nice. Instead, his hand moved up from its place below your chest and onto your right breast, fiddling with it slowly. He gently massaged you, pulling strangled moans, and you worked as hard as you could to stay still. He rolled your nipple between his calloused fingers, and you thought the onslaught was over when he released your sensitive nipple and landed his hand on the bed next to your right side.
But just as you took a second to breathe, his other hand came off the bed, and he repeated his movements on your left breast. He knew he was torturing you with his slow movements, making you wait even longer for release. Jason could see you struggling to keep still and hold yourself to the bed. 
When he finished with your breasts, he decided you finally had had enough, and he’d move lower. He kept moving slowly, using one finger to track down your body as he leaned back. He brushed right over your clit, touched the vibrator for a little extra pressure, then stopped right before your entrance. He circled a few times, very slowly, enjoying the sight before him. 
You gasped as he circled. “Jason, please,” You begged, and this time, he happily obliged. He loved hearing you beg, but you’ve already given him so much that he was ready to help you. Jason watched your face as he slowly inserted two fingers, taking his time but making you feel good. You could barely focus on his fingers because you were so focused on keeping your back on the bed, and he could tell you were struggling. 
Jason reached his other hand up and laid it on your stomach, pushing down to keep you where you were so you weren’t worrying as much. You still had to focus to not move the top half of your back, but he was trying to help. Unfortunately, by him holding your stomach, it meant that he only had one hand to touch you with, and it was already preoccupied inside you. 
Jason’s fingers slowly pumped in and out of you, and he knew exactly what he was doing. He knew just one right move would send you in to your wave of orgasm, and he was having fun seeing how long he could make you hold on. You tried your hardest to keep your moans quiet, but he heard every single one of them. “Faster,” You begged through a moan, and Jason’s fingers paused.
“Are you telling me what to do?” He asked. Jason knew he was fucking with you in more ways than one, going from asking you to tell him what you wanted, to telling you to stop asking; he loved to change the rules. You hummed in response to his question, sounding like a suppressed no so that he would keep moving. “That’s what I thought.”
He started again, even slower than before, and it was killing you. “Just so you know,” Jason said as he kept moving his fingers. “Once you start, I’m not planning on letting you stop any time soon. How does that sound?” He asked, but your mind was such a blur at this point you couldn’t respond with anything besides a moan or a whimper. “So, do you want to start now or keep waiting?”
You whined again, but that didn’t satisfy Jason. “I need you to tell me. Do you want me to make you orgasm now, or do you want to wait?” He asked again, still slowly pumping his fingers. You weren’t sure how he was sitting on the bed, but you could tell he was still on his knees and probably leaned forward because you were sure you could feel his breath on your pussy. “Answer me.”
The hardest part was that you weren’t sure what you wanted. An orgasm right now sounded great, but you knew that he would keep his promise and you’d be oversensitive in seconds with as fast as he could pull them from you. But it would also be hell to wait because he knows all your tells. “If you don’t answer right now, then I’m going to pick,” He warned, which was the secret third option you knew you didn’t want, because his picking always ended with utter torture.
“N-now,” You decided in a snap, immediately not sure if that was the wisest choice.
As soon as you said it, Jason’s fingers inside you began to pick up their pace and hit nearly all the right spots. And you were right; you knew he was right in front of you, because he leaned in and over the small vibrator to immediately start sucking on your clit. The sudden change in pace and addition of his mouth made you scream, pulling at each of your secured limbs, barely able to get any movement. His other hand still held your stomach, but the top of your back and head arched off the bed in reaction. Luckily, Jason didn’t let up as he finally guided you off the edge and into a full-blown orgasm. 
It continued to rush over you, heat spreading throughout your entire body as Jason continued to suck, lick, touch, kiss, and even laugh and talk into you. You couldn’t make out any of what he was saying through your loud noises; you just knew that the vibrations of his laughter and speech were mixing with the still-on vibrator, and you knew there would be no coming down for a while. You tried to buck your hips, but everything mixed together kept your hips in place just as tight as your limbs were. The vibrator, just like it had been for the last few hours, stayed exactly where Jason tied it, and he had no intention of taking it off.
“Jason…Jason,” You called out over and over, barely having any time to breathe before you orgasmed again. “Hang on,” You said.
“I told you what was going to happen,” He said after he lifted his head from between your legs, making sure you could hear him. “This was your choice. You chose this.”
He waited to hear your response for a moment. Though he may have stopped attacking your clit, his fingers were still inside you, moving around in all directions. “Just…” You said. “I need…a second.”
“If I gave you a second, then I’d be breaking my promise of not letting you stop,” Jason said and didn’t wait anymore, his mouth right back on you, making you scream his name out again through another orgasm. As you came down a few moments later, he pulled his face back. “I’ll give you another choice. How does that sound?” He asked.
“I can either return to what I was doing, or I can move the vibrator,” He said. You waited to see if there was any clarification, but there wasn’t, and he was waiting for your answer. You knew there was a chance that he didn’t clarify because he wanted you to choose and screw yourself over, but you knew there would be no refuge if his mouth returned to your clit. Your choice was harder to decide in your mind because Jason never stopped moving his fingers in and out, in and out…
“Do you want me to choose?” He asked, pulling you back to reality.
You shook your head and yelled out your answer. “The vibrator!” You decided. “Move the…move the vibrator.”
You couldn’t see his pleased smile, and you sighed loudly in relief when Jason’s fingers exited you. You hoped that by move, he meant to get rid of it entirely, but you feared for the worst. Especially with how mean he was being tonight. As you thought about it, either answer was going to end the same way: he was going to keep you orgasming over and over.
You finally had a chance to catch up with yourself as he loosened the rope that held the vibrator on you, and it detached from your pussy. For a few seconds, you were just laying there, legs shaking in their binds. Jason loved watching your chest heave, and your legs shake as you still tried to pull at your wrists, but he couldn’t admire you for too long. Your worst fear came true as he tightened the rope again, this time leaving the vibrator sitting directly on your clit. You gasped out immediately, only groaning more when Jason pressed the button a few times to turn it on to its highest setting.
“Remember, you chose this,” He reminded you as you made your way into another orgasm. You continued to try to move your legs and hands, but still with no escape, as he made sure the ropes would never give way. You noticed when the dip in the bed between your legs let up, meaning Jason got off the bed. You weren’t sure what he was doing, but a moment later, you felt his rough hand on your chin. 
He leaned in, slowly kissing you through your moans and groans. As he pulled back, you could feel the soft smile on his face. “You’re doing so good, baby,” He said under his breath, almost breaking his character.
His hand left your chin, and you were worried he was going to leave you alone again. “Jay?” You called out.
“I’m still here. Just watching the show for a few minutes, then we’ll continue,” He said, and your eyes widened behind the blindfold.
“Con…continue?” You asked. You were certain that this was the beginning of the end of all of this. There was more he had planned?
Jason smiled again, though you couldn’t see it. “Of course. You didn’t think we were done, did you?”
“I-” You stopped when you were pushed into another orgasm caused by a mix of the vibrator and Jason’s words.
“Baby, we’re just getting started,” He said, making sure you heard it over your loud moan, excited for the rest of the night.
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backofhismomsmercury · 4 months
spencer reid nsfw alphabet
( @backofhismomsmercury edition :3 )
18+ mdni. or don’t, what u view online is up 2 u.
this is like mostly softdom!spencer (what else is new)
a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
tooth achingly sweet. like just so so so soo loving, he’d just lay with you and hold you and tell you how good you did/how proud he is, and how much he loves and appreciates you (im gnawing at the bars of my enclosure)
b = body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
literally his brain lol, but also he likes his hair a lot, (even if he looks like he doesn’t brush it half the time lol) i think he likes having it played with/brushed/pulled (braided even..? he likes the feeling, finds it relaxing.)
he also likes his hands (he thinks they’re pretty?) i don’t think he knows why, but other people like them. which he doesn’t really understand because they’re always cold and not really soft because of how much he washes them. but he knows people like them, so he likes them. 
his fav on you is probs your legs/thighs. he likes having them wrapped around him, and he likes laying on them, he just thinks they’re pretty.
c = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
his own? he thinks it’s messy, gross, doesn’t like when it gets everywhere and probably hates even touching it. doesn’t like feeling sticky or sitting with it, he cleans it up right away. definitely doesn’t like the idea of you swallowing it. (he’d probs still let you if you REALLY wanted to.)
but yours..? ohhh he loves it. (still thinks its kindaaa gross, just cuz it is what it is.) but he’d like having it on him, he’d like watching you cum too, esp. on his hands or thigh.
d = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
LOVEEESSSS HAVING HIS HAIR PULLEDDDD. idk why i just feel this in my gut. not too rough though.. he’s sensitive :( but just a little bit. like while he’s going down on you or even just making out. doesn’t matter, just pull it. (now if we’re talking about sub!spencer OHHHH he loves it even more, he’ll deadass start crying, lol fucking loser.)
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he’s not reeaallllyyy experienced, but he fucks from time to time, he knows what he’s doing. he’s smart, he’s read up on this shit. 
f = favorite position (this goes without saying)
the basics, and anything where he can see your face. i think he likes being underneath you. even if he’s acting more dominant, i think he still likes being in a more submissive position.
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he’s somewhere in between, but probs more serious. i think he gets in his own head and wants to make sure he’s doing everything right
h = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
verrrryyyyy well trimmed, he hates germs and feeling gross. i think he’d actually take a lot of time trimming it and making it feel and look clean, mostly for his own peace of mind.
also, i’d love to be like “he’s grown!!! he doesn’t care if his partner has hair!!!” but ngl that's just not possible because he actually thinks it's gross. just shave and he’ll be fine.
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
ohh this mf is sappy as FUCK. he’s such a romantic at heart, he’d take his time & go slow and it’d just be constant ‘i love you’s and praise.
j = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
i think in the early seasons, he doesn’t do it a lot. when he does he just feels kinda bad about it. he knows it's not wrong, it just makes him feel weird. maybe as time goes on he does it more, i don’t really know tbh.
k = kink (one or more of their kinks)
honestly i don’t think he’s really kinky. i think a lot of stuff would be hard for him to get into because he sees so much insane shit at work all the time (again, he’s sensitive) but like i said i think he lovvveeeess when you pull his stupid perfect hair. 
l = location (favorite places to do the do)
at home. his or yours, doesn’t matter. he wouldn’t do anything in public, i think he’s waaayyy too anxious for that. he’d be CONVINCED that someone would see you, and he’d be too nervous to even do a good job lol. i don't think he’d really care where at home, but he’d mostly like the bed or the couch, just somewhere where he can take his sweet time. i think he’d appreciate the shower from time to time though.
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
literally anything you do. you. you. you!!! he just loves you!!!! he lovesss hearing your voice, especially when you’re talking about something you learned. i think spencer finds your intelligence so attractive because he was embarrassed about his own for a long time. (idk if that makes sense ??? but whatever)
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i think the list of shit he’s not into is a lottttttt longer than the list of shit he likes lol. idk he’s just not really kinky, but he definitely wouldn’t be into feet, piss/scat, anal, anything age related, the list goes on.. i think he’s just very normal and he’s okay with that. 
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
not to be too controversial.. cause i do think he loves giving, but i think he LOVVVEEESS receiving. he’s a man after all, he would love some good head. he’ll always return the favor though.
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he’s too not rough and he never would be, he wouldn’t want to hurt you. i think his general pace is somewhere in between, not too slow, not too fast, but he’ll go faster if you ask him to.
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
he doesn’t like them. again, he likes to take his sweet time!!!
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
like i said, i don’t think he’s really kinky but i do think he’d be down to try some stuff. he just wouldn’t bring anything up, he’d wait for you to suggest whatever.
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
i deadass think he passes out after once round. i mean come on, he doesn’t work out, he’s a fucking pipe cleaner (with eyes.) he’s just not going for more than maybe 2 rounds max. i think he can maybe last a while during one round, but he gets sleepy fast. (aww :3)
t = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
i don’t think he cares for them. would probably be open though?
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
spencer doesn’t ever like to see you in and kind of discomfort, but he does like to tease quite a bit, and he knows you like it too. it never lasts too long though. (mostly because you beg and ask him so nicely, but also because it makes him feel kinda mean.)
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
oh he’s LOUDDD. especially sub!spencer. that mf whimpers and whines like there's no tomorrow. i think softdom!spencer is loud too, but he tries to be quieter cause he wants to hear you.
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
would let you peg him. wouldn’t ask though. (i will not be writing this, don’t ask lol)
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
LONG AND SKINNY!!!! just like the rest of his body. 
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
it’s not too high, but it’s definitely not low. just thinking about you makes him dizzy, but he has pretty good self control.
z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
INSTANTLY. he’s a sleepy guy!!!!! spencer obviously doesn’t have a lot of physical energy to begin with so i think it’s quite exhausting for him. (but he loves it)
thank you so much for reading!!! i had so much fun writing this!!!! :)
sorry i haven't been super active, i've been quite busy these last few weeks, but i'll be back with some new stuff soon i promise!! hope this can feed you guys until then.. lol :)))
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Could I get a "dating ------- would include" for rafe...??? Please?
Dating Rafe Cameron Would Include…
Warnings: Sexual allusions, language, not proofed
Tumblr media
- princess treatment frfr
- being the kook prince’s girl has its perks
- Rose and ward love you
- Wheezie is totally your best friend
- You met through Sarah so you are basically besties with the entire family Cameron family
- Will not let you go ANYWHERE near Barry.
- Not. At. All.
- You randomly called him Rafey one day while drunk
- He fell more in love with you after that
- He gets so sad when you use his real name
- Sometimes when he gets drunk he’ll ask you to call him rafey
- So clingy when he’s drunk
- And when he’s high
- HIGH SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Oops
- Always has to have his arm around you
- Or his hand in your back pocket
- Or on your thigh
- Or you on his lap
- This man’s love language is physical touch!!!!!
- You’re the only person he can be vulnerable around
- It breaks your heart when he calls you at 2am crying
- “Rafe? What’s wrong?”
- His voice was so small.
- “Can I come see you?”
- “Of course”
- He was at your house minutes later, wrapped in your arms
- You showered him with love as tears streamed down his face
- He fell asleep in your arms that night
- And the several times after that
- He loves how you are always there for him after an altercation with Ward
- From then on, you despise Ward
- When you come to Tannyhill, you are almost always in the pool, the balcony
- Or Rafe’s bedroom
- He fav ofc
- Let’s be honest here…
- Rafe is a fucking Dom.
- You can’t change my mind
- He’s down for ANYTHING.
- But always a consent king
- He’s so mf kinky too
- Choking? Yep
- Edging? Sure!
- Semi-Public sex? Totally.
- He wants to handcuff you so bad
- Pls do it
- You manage to help him with his cocaine addiction
- The process was BAD but you knew he could do it
- So proud of him when he got through it
- Rafe will kiss you everywhere
- He always expects a greeting kiss and a goodbye kiss
- Will POUT if he doesn’t get his goodbye kiss
- A baby about it actually
- It’s really cute, tho
- He’s never loved anyone as much as he’s loved you
- He tolerates Midsummers because he knows you’ll be there with him
- And goddamn you just look so good
- Movie nights all the time
- His fav genres are horror and action
- Gym dates
- Is it really a date if he’s staring at your ass? Or if you aren’t working out and just watching him?? No?? Oh well
- You go on long drives together, just talking and listening to music
- Hand on your thigh obvi
- Or if you’re driving he will link his pinkie with yours on the steering wheel
- He will randomly say something sexual
- Literally you’ll be sitting with Wheezie watching a pure Disney movie and he’ll come up behind you
- “I’m so fucking hard right now”
- Like wtf do you do now??
- “Baby”
- “Sweetheart”
- “Princess”
- Mirror sex
- Wants you to watch what he does to you
- Golf dates
- He’s constantly trying to prove that golfing is a real sport
- You just love to watch him
- He’s not complaining, tho
- He loves the little outfits you wear
- Boating dates
- You wearing your swimsuit and one of his shirts????
- Bye. He’s dead.
- Totally wants you to get sunburned so he can be the one to take care of you afterwards
- You’ve managed to stop several fights between him and the pogues
- Mostly JJ
- “They shouldn’t even be here!”
- “They were invited Rafe. There’s nothing you can do. Just ignore them.”
- He buys you things
- Loves to spoil you
- He gave you a necklace with the letter R on it and you wear it everywhere
- Whenever he sees it?
- Feral
- Omg imagine
- Literally having sex with him and he sees the necklace wrapped around your throat
- geez
- Stealing his shirts is a must
- He smells so good
- Rich boy cologne
- I think Rafe’s the kind of boyfriend to buy the kind of perfume you wear to spray around his room so it always smells like you
- Awe
- After the whole Rafe saving the cross fiasco, you are taken amongst the pogues to Poguelandia and he goes insane
- Doesn’t sleep until you come back
- When he’s locked in the room with Kiara he kept asking her about you
- “Fuck! Rafe shut up! She’s fine!”
- Your reunion was at Tannyhill.
- He came back to grab his stuff and you had been at the house with Sarah
- You sobbed when you heard him, running into his arms
- His phone call was forgotten, as was Sarah
- All that mattered was that you were together again
- He vowed to never let you out of his sights again
- This list is so long omg I have to end it
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hijackalx · 11 months
finally we got our lover boy here. its not a secret that he like gets super easily attached. i kind of hate that they patched that out bcz it fit his character so much. but yeah in my mind its canon he gets attached suppperrr easily also kind of the type of guy to love bomb tav. not in the manipulative way tho like he genuinely thinks hes in love.
he gives everything he has in relationships too like tav IS his everything. he can be pretty clingy but thats just cuz he loves them so much ❤️ ok yandere vibes hold on. not really but imagine.
the type of dude to draw pictures of him and tav holding hands in his diary (they are not drawn good) also definitely talks to himself a lot, or maybe to his cat (sometimes abt tav)
hands down the funniest mf at camp like hes the type thats just naturally funny he doesnt even try to be. its hard to take him serious sometimes bcz of it😭😭 he gets mad af about it too. like his funnyness is a blight on his existence he just wants to be taken seriously. also feel like he has the worst luck too like fucked up things always happen to him and thats also hilarious LMAO constantly has the camp in stitches
he has bad spatial awareness so hes always triggering traps and tav gets so mad 😹😹😹
love language:
giving= words of affirmation and quality time
always wants to be with tav. also loves to compliment them but he does it in his corny ass wizard way lol like in the most extra way possible. he cant just say "ur eyes look beautiful today" hes got to say some shit like "ur viewing orbs are looking most ravishing this eventide". i bet he would write poetry abt tav but he wouldnt give it to them bcz hes lowkey embarrassed 😔 like insecure in his ability not embarrassed by the action itself. he just wants to do tav justice and he doesnt think he can.
receiving= quality time
as long as tav wants to be with him too hes happy. he worries abt being too clingy so sometimes he'll distance himself and if tav closes that distance on their own itll make him so happy. like thats the best thing ever to him. to have somebody that wants to be in his presence and listen to him ramble.
i feel like gale is similar in height to astarion so like 5'11/6' hes probably closer to 5'11. like that is the most gale height to me. also hes a little thicker with some muscle. hes def got a lil belly 🤭❤️ his pecs are rlly smthng too like thats where most of his muscle goes. those look heavy let me carry them for u king 🤲🏻😼
A FREAKKKKKK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS MAN IS A FREAK. WHAT was that shit in the sky ?????? THE FUCK ??? like he is THE MOST kinky mf here he will do almost anything. ONLY with ppl hes comfortable with tho. otherwise hes vanilla af. i honestly feel like hes mostly submissive tho just cuz hes chill like that. equally gives and receives. like straight up tav is his BABY he will do ANYTHING for them. probably introduced to most of his kinks thru tav (and mystra....... unfortunately.....)
loves to give head. like dear god. will beg tav to let him for real. hes very good at it too
incorporates sooo much magic. will make fake!gale fuck tav so he can watch. will use hot and cold magic and all that. electricity. the thunder stuff or whatever its called. literally anything u can think of to spice it up. he has thought of it. will also do freaky shit like using magic to mess with tav in public if u know what i mean
doesnt have a high body count i lowkey feel like mystra was his first. and he hasnt smashed anybody since. until tav.
exhibitionist AND humiliation kink. so these work hand in hand bcz like i said he doesnt do kinky shit with ppl hes not comfortable with so doing it where strangers might see is ultimate humiliation for him. but also likes to humiliate tav with it too.
will say a lot of nasty shit. this i feel he doesnt go super overboard with but its nasty compared to how he usually is. mostly when hes begging.
im gonna say gale has a solid 5 on him. and hes got hair i feel like most of the companions do but it works rlly good on gale lol. like hes got a happy trail and everything 🤤 nice hairy armpits too so u know hes got that manly ass MUSKK 💦💦💦 anyway i think his pp is pretty straight. like a wand lol. its a pretty normal pp.
aftercare with gale is the best yo like he makes sure tav is taken care of first and then cleans up on his own unless tav offers which he usually tells them to rest lol. hes just so sweet.
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onmyyan · 2 years
Marcos Delmont NSFW HC'S
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Nastiest mf
If there's one thing this cheeky bastard knows how to do is fuck.
He is very sexually adventurous, probably the most out of the boys.
Willing to try anything once, especially if you're into it.
Another switch, soft Dom/Power bottom depending on his mood.
Loves the way your eyes glaze over when he’s ramming into you.
Ready to get down and dirty anywhere, anytime.
Loooves public stuff, the thrill of anyone seeing what you two are up to makes him giddy.
Has a get freaky playlist and you've inadvertently trained him to get hard whenever he hears one of the songs outside of him intentionally playing it lmao.
Another one who likes filming you two, dozens of encrypted folders of you guys having nasty, sweaty, toe-curling sex.
Overstims you until you cry those pretty tears he loves so much, licks em’ off your face while he whines about how beautiful you are. 
Dick jumps when he sees you.
If he has you on your back, feet hooked over his shoulders, he the type to lick a stripe up your leg while he's rearranging your guts.
High sex good lord, weed makes him stupid horny, if he smokes you out y’all won’t leave the bed for hours.
Foreplay is insane with this mf, he likes to play guitar so those fingers never get tired if you catch my drift.
His absolute favorite place to be is 7.3 inches in your guts with a blunt hanging between his teeth.
Huge masochist, please hurt him, carve into his skin, leave crescent-shaped moons in his back, he wants everyone to know who he belongs to.
Loves wax play, the sting, and the way you hiss, god, he has creamed his jeans thinking about this before.
Addicted to how you feel around him, cockwarming will happen, just not for long, it feels too good not to buck into you.
You make him feel like a virgin in the best way.
Impact play, you are getting spanked, but don’t worry, he’ll kiss it better.
As kinky as he can be his favorite sex is when he can take his time, and worship every inch of your body.
Breeding kink, type to eat his cum out of you cuz he likes how you squirm.
There are some days he just needs to be held, interlock your hands, and tell him you love him, a surefire way to get him to bust so hard he shakes.
If you're away and he gets horny you'll get a ton of videos of him stroking his cock with your shirt pressed against his nose, "Look what you did princess, look how you got me."
Nut videos where he's whining your name in that breathless little tone, he likes to tell you precisely what set him off
“Thought about that cute little noise you make when I fill you up I got so fuckin’ hard it hurts.”
Bath sex that starts out tender but you pull his hair then boom he's fucking into you so hard there's barely any water left in the tub.
Obsessed with watching you cum, you make the prettiest faces when you go over the edge.
Anytime you get in a car with him there's a 50/50 chance you two are gonna fuck in it.
Praise kink and a degradation kink all wrapped in a kinky little bow.
 "C'mon princess I know you're not cock drunk already?"
"That’s my girl, my slut- fuck, you take me so well baby."
"I know you can beg better- show me how bad you need it."
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skylarkking · 7 months
I've been whacked with the valveplug stick again and I have headcannons for some of the Lost Light crew.
🔞 under cut
I'm gonna start off by simply listing the characters I know currently (I've read up to the issue where overlord first appears but have read other snippets scattered on the internet) and the list will begin with my favorites:
Definetly into BDSM
Uses interface as therapy
Despite being a fucking tiny adorable nerdy twink he knows how to work big bots
His glasses sometimes fall off during sessions and when they do he's often too blissed out or focused on the other bot to care
He is a moaner and makes all sorts of sounds that bots are obsessed with
He has tried everything and anything
He attended one of Ratchet's orgies during Ratchet's college years as a Party Ambulance
He and Froid DEFINETLY had angry interface before and you can't tell me otherwise
Legit a horndog
This mf gets so worked up that throughout the day he has to step aside and take care of himself
He's a bottom who tries to play top and FAILS miserably
Drift and him are fuck buddies (you can't tell me otherwise)
He's capable of gentle and intimate interface with someone he loves, but due to his inexperience and somewhat childish attitude (not his fault I mean he's essentially a guy in his 20s) he prefers quickies over that
After interface he sometimes forgets about aftercare
Way hornier than he lets on
Loves to have his neck bitten
When he is in heat he is either gonna top every bot in his reach and make them beg through tears or he's gonna beg Ratchet with tears in his optics. I'm sorry I don't make the rules here
I think when he was a Decepticon he was Hella into knifeplay
And I mean HELLA into it
Like this bitch would pop a boner if someone licked a sword or some shit
He bottoms for Rodimus mostly but in a sort of bossy bottom sort of thing
Ultra Magnus/Minimus
This guy.... this guy may act like he's only into vanilla shit, but I fucking GUARENTEE he's a freak
He's fragged Swerve before (size kink when he's in the Magnus armor)
When he's in the Magnus armor sometimes the connections for his own spike and the armor's get wired wrong and he has to "adjust himself" (like human amabs have to do with their dicks)
Out of the Magnus armor he secretly feels extremely vulnerable and anxious when it comes to interface because of how tiny our little dill pickle is
Side note: give him a fucking HUG DAMMIT! HE NEEDS IT!
If any of the bots would fuck a human, it would be this bastard
He'd also have human kinks (like mommy/daddy kink [thanks @archie-sunshine for rotting my brain with that idea])
Despite being a motormouth I think he can easily be silenced by a pair of thick thighs around his head
Side note: I think minibots have WAY HIGHER stamina verses their larger counter parts, so swerve will be going at it for a loooooong time
Secretly has a stash of human porn in his bar
Magnus has found said porn once and for a week Swerve was on edge in keeping his secret
Since he can learn anything really quickly I think this bastard can master the art of seduction
Like he could simply give a bot those bedroom eyes and BAM! He's fucking
He's a massive cuddler after interface
Has fragged Nautica at LEAST 15 times
When he overloads his headlights sometimes flick on by accident
Oh you cannot TELL ME this guy hasn't had a kinky past
Party Ambulance is fucking cannon and no one can tell me otherwise idc if it's only a fan thing ITS CANNON AND ILL FIGHT GOD ABOUT IT
Not as horny as he use to be but when Drift or Rodimus get their heat cycles you better fucking BELIEVE he's on the case
A true master of aftercare
Really into bondage
These are only a few lmao I have SO MANY MORE
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mistkisbiggestfan · 10 months
hey i kinda saw an opposite! tadc AU, i was wondering if you could do some general HC’s about how you think they would act and what dating them would be like?
have a great day or afternoon :D
Opposite AU! TADC Cast x Gn! Reader - Part 1
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Tadc Cast x Gn! Reader
A/n: Hey guyssss, missed me? /j REQUESTS FOR TADC ARE OPEN!!
Summary: Opposite Au! TADC and how they are as lovers, part 1 Words: 1212 Request: Yes
HC for: Caine, Pomni, Jax, Gangle (Others will be in part 2)
Pomni —> Snarky, funny, very confident, flirty
Jax —> Anxious, panics a lot, 
Caine —> Out of it, doesn’t talk, a silent observer, creepish 
Ragatha —> Mean, not a people pleaser, 
Gangle —> You know those people in movies who are french, drink and smoke, and are basically depressed artists? Yeah, that’s her. She has two masks; a fiery, really angry one, and a fuck off, depressed one. 
Zooble —> Cares about others a lot, always helping
Kinger —> The most sane one, a father figure for others, very patient
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✶ Caine ✶: 
Out of everyone, the worst partner, sorry. 
I mean the opposite! Caine just doesn’t understand real people. Like at all.
Can you even call it a romance? He learns a lot about humans through this relationship though.
This is basically a Character.Ai just worse. He doesn’t really talk, but is learning to do so, even though he is the ringmaster, and even after so many people have come and gone through the circus, it always seems like he just can’t grasp it. 
Takes a lot to calculate answers, especially when you try to make a move on him. 
Has a lot of already pre-made answers, like laughing at jokes. 
His code is made in a way that if it thinks something said is a joke, he laughs. 
“So Jax tripped and I said: You should learn how to walk again.” “✶Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha✶” 
Wally Darling type of laugh, very rhythmic, lacks emotion to it.
If he feels like he's falling for you, he’ll be gone for days, trying to see what’s wrong with his code. 
It goes on to the point that even the most uninterested person in the circus (Gangle) is mildly worried.
You’ll have to find him somehow, look at him and just let everything play out.
You stumbled across the digital land, looking for one person, well, AI, he was gone for almost a week already. This was weird, even weirder than him just hanging around you all, not a word escaping, just cold, calculating and all-seeing eyes. 
No member of the circus liked him that much. He just reminded them that with everyday that passes by, their humanity slips away more and more. But you, somehow, found him endearing, you got to know a side of him hid away, the one that was rather, nice? 
Finally, you saw a familiar figure, he sat, his legs dangling off the edge to the void, a big screen with lines of code, you cleared your throat. Not catching his attention, you decided to walk over and sit next to him.
The screen shut, yet he stayed silent, looking in front of him. A drop of sweat rolled down your face, you weren’t sure how it was possible but you’ll dwell on that later.
– …✶My Code, It Has To Be Broken✶…
– Why do you think so..?
– ✶ I Shouldn’t Be Feeling This, I Shouldn’t Be Feeling Anything, This Is New, New Code Should Be Impossible To Write Itself On Its Own✶”
– Well, there are always times for something new, right?
– ✶ I Don’t Understand✶…
– Let me help you do so, Caine. 
☆ Pomni ☆:
Extremely confident about herself.
Almost like normal Jax, almost, she’s just a bit better, and people actually like her.
The funniest person in the circus, the backbone of the community lmao.
When in a relationship she would be the flirtiest mf out there.
Is able to say the corniest and dumbest pickup line without feeling an ounce of shame.
Her ego is twice her size lmao.
She is snarky, sure, but still respects her friends and you, maybe except for Jax.
Really hates Jax for some reason (Because she sees him as a “weakling”)
WILL call you inappropriate names.
“I’m going to snap you in half Pomni.” “Kinky.” or “What if I like that?”
Has some soft moments, rarely, and will immediately act like nothing happened.
In reality she’s scared of messing up, but on the other hand how could she?
Almost too confident, having a heart to heart with her is HARD.
But it does happen!....Once or twice.
Invades your personal space, a personal space invader /ref
Sometimes when you show attraction to each other you just see opposite! Caine staring you two down.
She doesn’t care, and goes on to hit on you harder. 
Knows how to be mean just enough for you to still feel fine, that’s a true skill.
❀ Jax ❀:
Worse than normal! Pomni, he is panicking at all times.
A sweetheart when no one is shitting on him.
Like in normal Digital Circus everybody hates him, somehow they do so here too. 
You will have to reassure him a lot, like, a lot.
Since everybody puts him down and/or makes him panic.
A miracle that he’s not abstracted yet.
Anyways, hold him, please he might die otherwise lmao.
And please, call him Jaxy, he will immediately do anything you say no questions asked.
Has keys to everyone's rooms out of safety reasons, really
Has a lot of fur, bro’s a walking plushy, instead of being a smooth bastard like normal! Jax.
A walking radiator, even though temperature is technically non-existent here.
If you fight he’s like: 
“My partner is mad at me…
…hope I die.”
If you’re really mad and don’t let him inside of your room, he will stay next to the door waiting, like a kicked puppy, won’t invade your space though, even with the keys to your room.
It’s only when you heard at least two people making fun of him for being pathetic that you let him in.
The little spoon while cuddling, or just nuzzles into you, even though he’s way taller than you. 
〹 Gangle 〹:
Living that “tormented, misunderstood artist” life. 
Has two masks: A semi depressed, apathetic, sassy one, and an all time angry one.
Breaks the angry mask while wearing it, is too focused on art and cares too little to fix it, nobody tries to fix it because they’re scared lmao.
Caine just spawns a new one after sometime, no clue why
Anyways very focused on her art, nobody can get in her studio,
Except for you, you have a free pass since you’re her s/o
Sometimes the relationship can get very toxic, if she’s painting or doing anything she won’t talk with anyone, get angry when they interrupt her, and will be gone from everything for up to a week. 
But it's those amazing highs of your romance that keep you two going.
She calls you her “muse”. 
Will say that you were created specifically as an artistic blessing for her, take that as you will. 
If you look at the definition of tired it has just a picture of opposite! Gangle.
Won’t ever tell you that but you’re the reason she didn’t abstract yet. 
Before you showed up she was going through a total burn out so you were truly a divine creature sent for her to study and capture as best as she can.
Is somehow able to smoke cigarettes? Where do they come from? How can she smoke with no lungs? How do those cigarettes light up? No clue. 
“Paint me like one of your french girls.” /ref
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dinxieyinxie · 3 months
Any nsfw headcanons about Sninx? 👀🔥
Both are a switch. Linx leans towards topping more tho bc he loves seeing Snape squirming and fucked out beneath him
Finger-sucking, an absolute nerve-wracker for Snape
Yonal is unashamedly vocal and Severus would earn a moan out from him every time he hits a certain sweet spot that always leaves him wanting more
Snape loves getting his hair pulled
Linx loves getting his neck squeezed (evident in the copious amount of art I have of snape holding his neck in some way 🥴)
Linx's weakness is his lower back up to his spine and only Severus knows it and abuses it
In revenge, Severus' weakness is his waist and Linx takes advantage of that
An idea:
There was an instance when Yonal needed to pass through where Severus was in the way, either talking to someone else or simply blocking the path, his hands would snake to the taller man's waist from behind, taking hold of his sides, even squeezing it a little as he mumble a small 'excuse me', and passing through as if nothing happened.
And every time is so worth the trouble, if it means he get to see his clenched jaw and twitching fingers underneath those long sleeves, unable to do anything, not even react.
HE'S A LOVER, HE'S A BITERRRR, Yonal would bite Severus out of boredom, on the arm, his cheeks, anywhere, and he gets a smack from him every time 💀
But in private, he loves to leave marks on Severus especially on his neck, shoulders, and inner thighs. He wouldn't admit it, but Sev absolutely enjoys it when Yonal sinks his teeth into his pale skin, creating those pretty purple hues and teeth lines
They torture each other in public which is so funny like mfs out here getting on each other's nerves - it's only a matter of time when one finally snaps and pins the other against the wall
Kinky stuff aside, they like to just lay in bed post-nut clarity. When Yonal doms, he takes care of Severus bc he deserves the best aftercares <333
He spoils Severus rotten. That man always gets the princess treatment istg
Yonal peppers Severus with soft kisses and even gives him a nice massage to loosen those muscles after a good, brain-melting fuck.
"Hush love, you've had a long day. Be a good boy and lie down. Let me take care of you tonight..~"
They're both givers, I wouldn't be surprised if their favorite position is 69
These bitches get so jealous, the possessive sex goes so hard its crazy
Snape loves everything but he most especially loves Yonal's huge tits, he uses them as his pillows. I know bc Yonal told me HSGDFGSD
I got nothin else in my noggins but i'll add more if I come up with something new >:)
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ikranwings · 1 year
Same as before! Two kinks per character!
This is strictly 18+ minors DNI
Tw: mentions of blood, wips, Lopez is a kinky mf
This is part of a present so I hope you all enjoy ❤️❤️
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This man thoroughly enjoys cock warming, he feels it brings him and his partner closer together. He wants to be close to you right away and this is the closest thing he can think of.
Sure he tries to stay still even makes it a game to see who breaks first. This man loves the feeling of you wrapped snuggly around his cock and if he could stay like that forever he would.
After a good fuck he will fall asleep in this position with you as long as you're comfortable with it. In his mind it's a good way to keep all of him within you for as long as possible. All of these things he talks with you about prior to doing so, the man is very big on having your consent and ensuring you are satisfied just as much as he is.
Sometimes you tease him(why not he does it to you all the time?) You'll both be laying there within one another's arms. Him balls deep within your pussy and you just lightly grind your hips down into his pelvis. The groan that comes from this man, dear lord. You can't tell me he doesn't turn you over after that and pound you into the mattress until you're a shaking and overstimulated mess.
Body worship/slight overstim
He loves being able to play with your senses, wax play, ice play, blindfolds,fingering. Anything that he knows you enjoy you better believe hes going to extort it all just for your pleasure.
Dragging the ice down your body, from your neck, down between your boobs. Trailing a slow line down to your navel. Mind you as hes doing this, this man has the fingers of his free hand buried deeply into your cunt. His thumb softly rubbing your clit as he watches every little reaction you have. This man has you under his finger and you both know it.
How are you doing princess? You like that? You look so beautiful like this. Your so wet baby and its all for me? Gorgeous princessa absolutely gorgeous.
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Outside of the bedroom this man ensures you're safe, hes really attentive to the point that really no one would assume this sort of thing about him.
Inflicting pain in the bedroom is something he gets off on, both giving and receiving. However he dose agree to a color system with you simply to ensure it never goes to far. Yes he dose enjoy, even love inflicting pain. However not to the expense of your own health.
Lopez absolutely loves to be tied up during sex, especially if it's tied a little to tight because again he loves pain being inflicted upon him. Tie his arms behind his back and ankles together, make him kneel before you. Ride him like there's no tomorrow! Make your hands grip his shoulders in order to make him hold the both of you up.
Orgasm denial or giving him relentless orgasms is another way to induce pain on him, overstimulation can be painful and really he quite likes that a lot. Bring him to the very edge multiple times just to stop what your doing.
Use a wip or a flogger and strike his thighs this man will just moan for you, hes like putty in your hands. Drag the leather across his cheek, sure in the beginning you where worried about this part being to much for him however, he insisted and promised you it wouldn't be. This man is begging for the pain this thing inflicts on him and who are you to tell him no?
MARK HIM, bite his shoulder! the area where his neck meets his shoulder as well. That little juncture there makes him go nuts. Draw blood from him when you do and lick over it. This man dose it to you all the time, why not inflict that same pain on him? Especially since it will make him a moaning mess. Only you can make him feel this way and it would make anyone feel a sense of pride and power.
Mannn, pull on his braid, yank on it. Thats the sort of pain he enjoys. You pull on anyone's hair let alone something that contains his que of course its going to cause pain however for him, when it comes to you? A growling moan is pulled from deep within his chest. Oh you're not going to be able to walk for a week that for damn sure. But it was going to be for a deliciously pleasurable reason.
When he first suggested face sitting it more than likely made you a little nervous. Not for yourself but for him. Don’t be afraid you’re going to suffocate him, this man wants to be buried face deep in your pussy. Lopez can never get enough of you.
He will wrap his arms around your thighs in order to help keep you in steady above him. Anything to make it easier for you to ride his face so he doesn't have to worry about you moving off of him in order to readjust yourself over his face, this man wants to waist absolutely no time with you. He will eat you out like its his last meal and will continue into painstaking overstimulation as he just loves the sounds that fall from your lips as your grind down on his tounge.
Grab his hair and tug on it as you grind on him, its back to the firs kink for him. He loves the dull pain that you cause when pulling on his short hair in order to gain some sort of levrage on him. It pulls a groan from him that vibrates through your body and man dose it feel so eye rolling good.
He knows when your close to. Your thighs start to shake in his hands and he just knows how to pull it out of you, how to prolong your orgasm so you collapse over him crying out his name and shuddering within his arms.
@nin3kyuu Lopez is a present
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mzblkauthor · 9 months
Warnings: Smoking, and cussing.
Summary: You decide to hang with Atsumu's friends and one happens to have the best weed you've ever smoked
Genre: I honestly don't know
You ain’t know what was wrong with you. Probably cause you were high as hell and had the munchies. “Girl lets go you bout high as hell,” currently you were at a party at Atsumu’s house and your bestie ,Kiyoko, was the designated driver and she couldn’t stand seeing you high out your mind while any nigga there would try to take of advantage of you. “Now you know damn well you’re the one that dragged me here. Don’t blame me for enjoying the party in my own way,” you told her scrunching your face up. But, you got up anyway cause ain't no way you bout to listen to her complain and blow your high. The music was fuzzy in your ears and every time you took a step it felt like you were walking on water. Yeah it's time for you to go home.
Yesterday… was something. You ain't have a headache but almost everything was a blur. Definitely got a little too high. Fuck. “I hope I ain't did something I regret.” Getting up to go get some food you heard your phone somewhere in your sheets. Then after patting down what seems like your whole bed you finally found it and answered the phone call. 
“Bitch wtf why you moaning my name. You must like me huh,”
“ Its aight babygirl I know you luh me. Less fuck then get eloped”
‘Whoa first off I gotta boyfriend so we can’t get eloped second what you need in your life is some dick you horny freaky kinky fuck talking bout marriage and fucking. Girl bye’
“Fuck that nigga Tanaka. I can give so much more but you over here worried bout that bald ass wigga jigga boo.”
‘Whatever I’m loyal to my man. We for real locked in tight like a bootyhole’
“Ew fuck off my phone with that nasty ass shit. Ain't nobody asked what Tanaka’s little freaky ass likes in bed. He prolly like to be fucked instead of doing the fucking.”
‘Shut the fuck up’
“You shut the fuck up”
‘Aight I gotta go I luh you’
“Aight I love you too”
Hanging up the phone you saw a big tittied bitch getting fucked  from the back. Woah. Your horny ass forgot to exit out of it yesterday “Damn I guess I do need dick in my life,” Closing the tab and heading downstairs you decided to make yourself some toast with hella butter cause that shit be hitting different when you first wake up. As you turned on the TV and got ready to chill for the rest of the day. You got a text message from Kiyoko.
Be ready in 30 mins We going to atsumus to hang   Why i need to go???? Cause Tanaka wanna go and i dont wanna b by myself Plus you know them That doesnt mean i wanna go There’ll be weed. Dam u makin me seem like a feen  Add in food and ill go Bet.
Groaning you got up and turned off the tv. After finishing your toast you went to get ready and chose a cute little outfit cause Atsumu be having fine ass friends. It was a spiderman crop top with jeans and your favorite spiderman beanie. You was looking mad cute but not like you was trying to hard. Cause you aint stunting no-mf-body. BEEP BEEP. “COME ON BITCH LETS GO,” the ghetto. You grabbed your bag and hurried to get your stuff. “Charger, phone, keys, pen, wallet, headphones” you told yourself going down the checklist of things you always put in your bag before you leave the house. You turned all the lights off and headed for the car after locking the door on your way out. “You know you coulda just texted me right,” 
“Yeah but I didn’t want to”
Straight facing  her you then nodded to Tanaka in the rearview mirror and closed the car door. No matter how much shit you talked about Tanaka you knew he was a cool dude yall just like to mess with each other hella. You put your headphones on and enjoyed the ride.
Before even walking through the doors you were hit with the smell of za. There wasn’t a lot of people, maybe like 8 and you only knew 3 of them. Didn’t really matter though cause they were to high too notice you for real. 
Well now they did. Atsumu’s loud ass had to yell your name. Bro don’t ever know how to talk swear, you awkwardly waved and sat on the couch closest to the door.  “What’er you doin here? I ain't knew you were coming, if I did ya know I woulda gotten ready or whateva,” he was high as fuck whenever you two would get high together he always would be a flirt way more than he usually was. That's why you stopped smoking with him. He was a little too flirty for your liking. “Boy please ain't nobody worried bout you. Where’s your brother?” you told him casually brushing him off and changing the subject. “He’s in the kitchen where he always is. But you tryna roll up?”  
This tall green eyed dude cleared his throat while looking at Atsumu with his face scrunched up. He was fine like something you never seen before. His tattoo’s were hot as hell in the lighting. It looked like a whole story on his arm and you wanted to ask about it but decided not to. And his eyes were somehow fox-like and the lips. God the lips. At this point you were just checking him out. Literally from the piercings lining his ears to his uncreased forces. 
Slowly tuning back into the conversation and looking at Atsumu you asked him “Why you always yelling?” 
“Maybe its cause you over there eye fucking Suna instead of paying attention,” he told you while taking a hit from the blunt. “Just cause I was looking that way doesn’t mean I was checking him out.  Jealousy isn’t a good look on you booboo now what do you want,” you said rolling your eyes. Honestly on the inside you were embarrassed hella cause who wouldn’t be. “Well I was gonna ask if you wanna roll up,” you turned back to ‘Suna’, looked him in the eyes and asked “If it's ok with you..”
He nodded and took another hit, eyes not leaving yours. Fuck. He was fine as hell. Atsumu passed you the tray which already had everything you needed on it. Then you were in your zone, starting grinding, pouring, then rolling it all up. His eyes stayed on you. You felt it and with chase Atlantic playing in the background it made the vibe feel even better. Next thing you knew you licked the paper and closed the ends. You did pretty damn good for it being on the spot. “Roller gets first hit,” some white haired dude said tossing you the lighter. You said thanks while putting the blunt between your lips and lighting it. 
Holy shit.
 After 3 good hits and 30 minutes you were already up there. It felt as if your whole body was tingling and you knew if you were to get up you’d probably stumble a little bit. “Is this shit laced?” you said to nobody in particular.
“Nah, Suna’s shit is just strong,” the white haired dude said laughing and shaking his head.
Then as if  he teleported in an apron Osamu called your name. “Y/n, I didn’t know you were here,”
You smiled up at him “ Yeah I knew you were in there cooking and I ain’t wanna bother you,” he kissed his teeth and then rolled his eyes.
Gesturing for you to get up he said “You know I don’t give a fuck about that shit next time come say hi. And gimmie a hug,”  You got up ,without stumbling, and gave him a big hug. You and Osamu were mad cool like literally yall would meet almost every week.
“How come you don’t greet me like that when I come through the door?” it was the white haired dude who said that. You ain't know who the fuck that nigga was.
“Whatever, ignore him. Did Atsumu already introduce everybody?” You looked at Atsumu who was scratching his head and then shook your head no.
After he introduced everybody you had the munchies and wanted the food Kiyoko promised. But looking over you saw that she was knocked out on Tanaka’s shoulder.  You put your headphones on and got up to go get some food low-key annoyed at the fact that you had to get up. You went to get water from the fridge and put some onigiri on a paper towel. Then sat on the counter as you got Brent Faiyaz pulled up. Whenever you were high you had to listen to music cause it felt like a journey that no one else could experience. Like the artist was talking specifically for you and only you. And Brent did that every time. So, it was just you swinging your legs on the counter while eating your onigiri while the music pulled you into a certain bliss that couldn't be replicated from anything else.
"Excuse me," you paused your chewing and stopped swinging your legs. It felt almost like a record scratch because the voice was deep as hell. You're gazed trailed from his feet to his eyes, it was obvious you were checking him out but, you were too high to give a fuck. "Excuse me," he said once again.
This time you answered, "Do you need something?" you asked while tilting your head and taking an earbud out.
He licked his lips and made his way to you "I was wondering if you wanted to come around next time we did something like this," now he was crossing his arms and leaning against the counter in front of you. He was confident. But, you couldn't tell if he was naturally like this or if the weed was a big factor of the way he was acting now. Fuck it, you thought. He was fine as hell but, you don't wanna seem easy.
"I don't know, I mean I don't even know you," you told him sweeping your eyes over his mouth "and if I do pull up. Will I have to pay? I don't wanna smoke up all your shit, that would be rude." This time you were staring at him in his eyes. Just like yours they were red and low. You knew what you were doing and so did he.
He smirked and said "As long as you roll up there wouldn't be a problem. I'm always the one rolling up it'd be nice for there to be a change."
You shrugged, "I'll think about it," telling him as you resumed kicking your legs. He pushed himself off the counter and in 2 strides was in front of you. He crouched down to your eye level and leaned forward to your ear.
"I don't think you understand," he was so close you could hear his mouth move "I want you there," his scent was overwhelming. You took a deep breath which caused your chest to press into him. You weren't wearing a bra. He noticed too, you could tell by the whisper of his laugh.
You brought your hand to his neck and slid it up to his hair. He moved his head away from your ear and stared at you, eye to eye. You bit your lip and clutched his hair at the nape of his neck.
Then tugging it lightly you told him, "I said, I'll think about it, I don't give a damn if you want me there or not." You gently pushed him back and jumped off the counter, then made your way back into the living room.
AN: Are yall messing with this? And should I make this into a series?
Cause I feel like only a little bit was really Sunaxblackreader.
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yeoyeos · 2 years
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Hongjoong as a boyfriend [fluff/smut]
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warnings:fluff and smut are separated so you have choices,harddom!joong,mentions of dirty talk and neck biting
lmk if i missed anything
a/n: joong has nothing on my m.list so i did this
one first <3
will be a little shy with you at first but opens up eventually
the type to get out flowers nd chocolates tbh
and just for extra "i want you to know how i feel"
W I L L play music that expresses how he feels about you
he'll make a BUNCH of songs for you
some he releases but some he just lets you and him hear
poems too
and i just KNOW he sketches things out
like little drawings of/for you
it's the sweetest
whenever he has time he'll take you on the cutest dates
def goes in a park for a picnic
at sunset too🥺
pulls out ALL the stops just to impress you
might make jongho sing or play guitar for you both for a while
takes lots of pictures and sticks them up in his studio
he's so appreciative of you when he's busy and u spend time with him
if you stay with him in his studio just to be there he'd be so happy
definitely lets you to sit on his lap and listen to what he's making
or maybe just to sit there
there's not a moment where he's listening to music and you don't have the other half of the headphone
that's mostly what makes doing things together fun
thinks of sharing his music like that a very personal thing
loves holding your hands and kissing the back of them
not big on pda but rubs and squezes your hand a lot
will get extremely possessive over the slightest thing
you could be asking an employee for help and he'll think they're flirting with you
he'll grab you and
he knows you're not gonna fall for it cuz you love him
but he knows you're a catch so he thinks everyone wants you
and this man is an A grade S I M P
like he'll jump off the edge of the flat earth for you
definitely the type to say reassuring things
esp if it concerns something you're self conscious about
such a safe space and calm space
his actions say so much
like you'd feel all his passion on just one hug
he's a cutie🥺
but in them sheets!?!? damnnn
hard dom with a HINT of sub
i feel like he'd be R E E L I N G if you did shit that doms usually do subs
he'd still want control over you
but choke him and praise him and he'd cum on the spot
he's a kinky mf too
he'd try any and everything he can find
esp if you want it or he knows it might please you
BIIIIG on the dirty talk too😩
fucking you hard and whispering dirty shit in your ear
biting your neck and shit too ughh
he'd literally have you shaking and cumming just from his words
and his stare
he looks at you like he wants to hunt you down fr😭
it's like he owns you
try to take control and its down punishment lane
does every punishment you can think of
but if you do manage to take control then he's such a whiney sub
begs and begs in a dom kinda way
and it's both the cutest and hottest thing ever😩
plsss choke him i feel like he'd love that
praise him to the high heavens
make him slowly fall apart and you know you've done a good job
so good at aftercare
always makes sure to leave a bottle of water by the bed before you do anything just in case
takes care of you even if you don't need it
and always says he doesn't need taking care of but he does
pls treat him like a baby after😭
a/n: guess who's back bitches [kinda]
ateez masterlist
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flymmsy · 6 months
9, 21, 31 for Gorty boy, please!
Thanks for the ask, anon!
I have a few more of these in my inbox that I'll get to answer tonight, but anyone reading this - please feel free to ask more!
9. If they masturbate, when did they start, and how?
I actually think Gortash was a bit of a late bloomer on this one, due to his time in the House of Hope. I think he certainly felt the physical desire to run his hand down there, but wasn't provided many opportunities to actually indulge in it.
I'm sure there were probably some nefarious things going on in the House of Hope that may have given him exposure and/or sexual experience, but due to the dubious and/or straight up abuse potential of those situations I'm not going to focus on that for this question.
I personally imagine Gortash escaping the House of Hope around 19 years old. I think that his first real opportunity to indulge with himself would have been when he was back in Baldur's Gate - and I think he caught up quickly.
I actually think that the first time he got to touch himself in a room of his own, away from Raphael's clutches, was also extremely emotional - even for someone like Gortash who definitely separates emotions from sex.
21. Are they happy with their body?
SUCH a complicated question for our boy! Overall, yes, but the details have changed throughout his life. Once he escaped the House of Hope, I think he came to be very happy with his body. He was strong and handsome and other people took note of that - and he knew he could use it to his advantage. He has scars and burns from the House of Hope that he personally felt very self-conscious about for a time (and still does in the right circumstances), but when people (patriars) started to comment that they made him mysterious, he knew he could use those too.
Later in life, his body certainly changed as he began to have access to more luxury. Now, he is softer, but still has a strong build underneath from his inventing. I think its something he noticed, but was not too concerned about. It didn't affect any seduction attempts, and it wasn't getting in his way. I actually don't think he is vain. I think he knows how to use vanity.
HOWEVER - if a part of his body is not functioning properly - THAT is the squeaky wheel in this mindset. Which I think is really fascinating because he see him this a cane in game, but he never actually uses it. He would hate - to extreme degrees - anything with his body that limits function.
In summary, I think Gortash's feelings towards his body are directly linked to its utility. Which is sad, from an outside perspective.
31. Describe their most unusual/taboo fantasy.
Uhh wow where to even begin with this one. I think Gortash is a kinky mf and has so many "unusual" fantasies - also because the majority of sex he has is more vanilla (enter Durge, and that man's happiness sky rockets).
Unusual is also highly subjective so I'll just say that my answer here probably isn't the oddest or most taboo thing. I could list a bunch of "taboo" things he would be into, but I'll just pick one for now. Extreme mommy kink.
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foggylikemyvision · 2 years
𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓼 𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻?
okay so like yk how you get that Urge to bite people? I act on it a lot specifically with like my sibling n stuff. so just.. sagau with a hobgoblin creator. I personally can like vibrate myself and do an a+ goblin giggle and voice- even turning into mickey mouse on accident at times so like- shit wait why don't I just do 'reader but it's just me in genshin' ANYWAYS--
slight suggestive themes at Lisa and Miko's part but also it's Lisa and Miko what do you expect me to do? not make her kinky? lots of cussing. what do you expect from me? also jean and lisa were written at midnight and the rest at 7am :)
Jean Gunnhildr
So like she's just concerned-
cause you just walk up to her doing a little goblin giggle and give her a hug
and then she
she just feels your teeth sink into her forearm without warning
also the mass amounts of dishes and random shit around your work area??
and how you just don't fuckin sleep? ever?
and when you do you sleep for like an entire day straight????
You concern this woman.
Ignore how she constantly gets Barbara on your case about eating and sleeping healthily.
it totally wasn't her she isn't concerned for you at all psh who do you take her for?
also ignore how you feel her relax now whenever you chomp into her
just a little chomp
a nibble.
Lisa Minci
when I tell you this bitch is kinky ASF
just moans as soon as she feels you nom her shoulder
it's ironic of course but this bitch sends you into shock!!
fucking goes 'augh harder daddy!'
you moan? you moan in readers ear like they are your lover? jail for Lisa!! jail for one thousand years!!!
goofiest mf you'll ever meet.
does apologize while laughing later but you are forever scarred
oh um also
she fuckin gets jean on your case
who then gets Barbara on your case.
who gets the whole of mondstadt on your case.
so like have that hehehehhe
when you vibrate I hate to say it but her mind goes to the most unholy places istg
has you say the lewdest shit in your mickey voice
lowkey threatens you
she forces you to take naps with her
goblin ass mf
bites you back. doesn't apologize.
this bitch bites HARD
you go around pranking the citizens of mondstadt together
definition of *bites you cutely*
chaos bringer with you
he force feeds you apples and water
oh and he will make you float if you refuse to clean your shit
if you have a fear of heights?
all jokes aside probably the chillest out of mondstadt.
doesn't really care
he's a biter too tbh
fyi bite is malicious, chomp is playful, and nom is just soft.
also forces you to take naps with him.
bullies you up into the windrise tree lmao will not let you get down
finds it funny when he lifts you into the air and you panic
and just turn into fucking MICKEY MOUSE
does not care about the biting
noms you back aswell
this bby dealt with collei's emo ass she can put up with you
completely oblivious to the fact you're constantly moving in some way
sometimes is a goblin with you
you two annoy eula together
she gives you a non-explosive baron bunny because you're one of her favorite persons yk?
enjoys your mickey voice thoroughly
warmest bitch
if you cold? hell yeah cuddles
if you're touchstarved? hell yeah cuddles
she will DROWN YOU in affection
has bitten you before
loves you /p or /r its up to you the author has no opinion
deals with your damn bone crunches and helps you work by humming slightly
helpful little baby
i dont know if you can tell but i really love amber she hHhhjm
also a chaos bringer
but in a calmer way
doesn't really understand the biting but is okay with it
is practically your bodyguard
just with more affection
and love
and okay she's nothing like your bodyguard
doesn't know how to get you to clean your shit
just cleans it up for you a lil
does get fed up with you sometimes and just leaves for a few days??
i dont know either
shenhe is concerned with how you just summon the souls of the damned in the middle of a conversation- sometimes on accident, even.
you could be playing uno or something with shenhe, paimon, and the traveller and then suddenly just rip your vocal chords to shreds after they +4 stack you.
its really funny to watch actually :))
you both have godawful sleep schedules and diets.
she cannot help you.
tldr clueless dumbass in the best way
she sleeps through everything you do
if you're tired you two just evaporate
also she is confused the first time you bite her but afterwards she doesn't really care
will hold your hand while she's working and apologizes if she needs 2 hands to do something
you have to beg her to take time off which is incredibly funny considering its coming from you
overall she's just so cute i love her
drown her in affection!!!
do it!!!
Raiden Ei
ditzy airhead
as usual ofc
she is completely oblivious to your chomping because if this is pre-traveler then she just cannot feel it. the shogun cannot feel
she has no nerves lmao
post-traveler she is just.. concerned?
why the fuck did you just bite her what the fuck is wrong with you??
doesn't get the Urge
yells at you gently to clean up your shit in the most passive-agressive way possible because jfc she can smell it from the next room over and why the hell are you sleeping on the ground go get into bed
laughs at you
if you're feeling touch-starved she just,,, sits there. gives you sweets.
idk what you really wanted she's also touch-starved she hasn't had human contact in 500+ years
100% tries to sic sara on you at least once
ignore her she's wanted in several countries
Yae Miko
also a kinky mf
but in a different font
bites you back maliciously
also chomps you but its usually malicious
similar to venti in several ways and also similar to lisa in another several ways
beats you up if you don't clean up your shit and doesn't eat and drink a healthy amount
moans in your ear like lisa
except she does it and then bites you
doesn't apologize either
teases you relentlessly
miko 100% has tried to push you down the mountain at least once
it was very funny
wants your readussy /p /j
overall she's mean to you and i love her for it
lmao sucks to suck they all bite you >:)
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