#so my hc is that when you're on it it will heal you but once you're off it it starts to deteriorate your body slowly on a cellular level
nofacednerd · 9 months
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finally figured out how to draw blorbo from my shows so I made a reference sheet so I can remember how to draw him LMAO featuring some personal headcanons :)
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Full headcanons of MC being forced to attack M6 please 🙏🏽🙏🏽
The Arcana HCs: When MC is forced to attack M6
~ oh boy, anon friend, we're really not holding back today are we XD Hope you enjoy this sequel! ~
CW for non-gory injury descriptions, trauma disassociation, and intense guilt
-- to set the scene --
You don't know if you'll ever be able to forgive yourself.
In the moment, all you could feel was terror. The mage you were fighting rippled away as a haze of fear washed over your senses, and suddenly your worst nightmare was right next to you and readying itself to tear you limb from limb. You don't know how long you screamed and lashed out for. You don't know how many rules of fair fighting you abandoned to stay alive.
All you know is that, eventually, the terror subsides, and now you're looking at the pained face of your beloved as blood slowly trickles down their temple.
The first thing you feel is the way his arms are pinning you to him, effectively restraining you with a desperate hug
He's quietly talking to you, watching your eyes clear as you return to your senses, whispering "hey. hey, I'm here" over and over again until you're able to stop struggling and meet his gaze
You're almost relieved to see that you only managed to hit his head once, until he shakily loosens his grip and you can feel where your hands have angrily clawed and pummeled at his back
He's already nudging you to get back home, leaning a little heavily on your shoulder and telling you over and over again that it's not your fault, the threat's gone, nothing's hurt that can't be fixed
Refuses to take care of his own wounds until you've let him tend to yours and until you've started to believe that things will get better
It's hard not to let your heart break when he finally takes off his shirt and lets you get a look at his back. You tore it to shreds
Not to mention the cracked ribs that clearly make breathing hurt
He doesn't let you dwell on it, instead passing his doctor's tools back to you and talking you through the process of patching him up. Any apology is interrupted with "ah ah ah, my dear, doctors don't say sorry when they're helping people. It's not your fault."
Beyond the initial fear of losing you to the madness, he's not shaken up by your capacity to hurt him. If anything, once he's healed up, he starts praising your ferocity whenever he can
They're a little ways away from you when you regain lucidity, one shaking arm extended to hold up the magic barrier you were just struggling against. They look terrified - and heartbroken
As soon as you stop fighting and your legs begin to give out, he's sprinting the several feet over to catch you. There's a stream of apologies and reassurances leaving his mouth as he reaches you
"It's okay - it's okay - I'm so sorry, it's going to be okay - I'm sorry I didn't stop it sooner. Just hold on, my love, it'll all be okay -"
Doesn't want to let go of you. Mostly because they're injured and exhausted too, but also because it's easier not to let you see how badly they're hurt if you're both hiding in each other's necks
Won't let you look at him until he heals you first
When you do, you have a to keep a strong face, or you know they'll cover it up and take care of it themself. You didn't get through the barrier, but it seems your powerful magic attacks did. Effectively
The arm that was holding up the shield has bruises and cuts all over it. There's angry red lines reaching from his elbow across his chest where you apparently sent lightning dancing over it
They let you heal them because they know it'll help you, but they won't talk about such a painful thing openly. They don't want you to feel like you have to apologize. The nightmares think otherwise
When he does talk about it, it was seeing you so scared of him, like he was a threat to you. Like he'd hurt you. It's his greatest fear
You open your eyes to find yourself at the other end of her drawn sword, the blade carefully hovering at an angle where only the flat of it will strike you. Her eyes look wide and scared - vulnerable
You can tell she's been moving defensively this whole time because she doesn't take advantage of your sudden pause. Rather, she watches you cautiously as you sink to the ground
She wants to believe it's over, but she's not putting her sword away until she knows for certain that it's done. Prove you're back to her
Can't bring herself to touch you or to let you touch her until you're both finished talking. You need to tell her what happened to make you act like that. She needs you to know what she did and why
She did everything she could not to hurt you. She promises
Doesn't hold it against you at all. She knew from the moment your eyes went hazy that you weren't acting of your own volition, and she feels truly sorry for the frightening thing you must've endured
But that doesn't change how startling it was to be on the receiving end of your fear and aggression. She needs to know you're okay. She needs to know she's okay. She needs to know it'll stay that way
Has a Palace medic tend to your wounds separately, but does eventually let you use healing magic on her once she's comfortable with your touch again (though that might take a few hours at least)
Insists on holding you close that night and the following evenings. She knows she's safe with you and refuses to feel otherwise
The more your vision clears, the more your terror changes to horror. He did nothing to stop you. He did nothing to stop you
The blood trickling down his temple meets with several gashes on his jaw and neck, there's jagged gouges across his chest and shoulders, and bruises already blooming across his stomach
And yet he's giving you the gentlest look, reaching out to you slowly the same way you've seen him calm wounded beasts in the forest. You've still done much more damage than a scared rabbit
Doesn't say much, just catches you by the shoulders when you start to fall and carefully cradles your cheek when you start to cry
You don't realize how much trauma he's fighting until you've made it back to the hut and the fine tremble in his hands hasn't left
And it's because he's so busy fighting his own awful memories that he accidentally shuts you out, not saying a word, not hearing a word, turning away after setting you down so you can't see him numbly dab at his wounds and try to get the blood out of his sight
Doesn't start to break until you start to break. Somewhere in his mind is a conviction that he's not allowed to feel bad about this because he's had worse, and your tears are his permission
Healing really begins late that night as he holds you in his lap by the fire, learning to let his own tears fall while you tend to his injuries and lament the fact that Muriel didn't protect the person most precious to you - himself
When the haze lifts, you're flat on your back, all of Portia's weight on your middle while she pins your hands to the ground above your head. The worst part is that she's openly sobbing
You can feel throbbing aches and pains all over your body where you know she fought back and you've never been so happy to be injured in your life. Sadly, you still did a fair amount of damage
So relieved to see you stop struggling and recognize her that she collapses into hugging you and telling you it's over and it's okay and she loves you so much and she's so glad you're back
Furious at the mage that pulled this kind of trick on you, to the point that she can't even hear you bring it up without immediately venting all her anger at them and all the things they deserve
This accidentally makes it impossible for her to accept any kind of apology from you, because to her you're a victim. (which, you are, but that doesn't change the injuries your hands gave her)
Quick to try to cheer both of you up, dragging you home to her cottage, pulling out her first aid kit, and handing you what you need to patch her up while she gets started on you. It'll be okay
Starts processing it pretty openly the next day, at which point you're finally able to share more of how you felt through the whole thing and make the apologies you want to make (she forgives you)
There's a short period of time where you're both extra careful about consensual touch, but all in all, she bounces back quickly
You can see his golden arm up and guarding his head while he readies his human hand to push you away again. His gaze is scared and worried, and yet vacant enough to know he's acting on instinct
Stays frozen as you fall, still mentally struggling to realize it's over, before finally collapsing next to you and reaching out to pull you into a hug. You're back. You're here. He's so glad you're here
Shaking and terrified that everything's going to fall apart after this. He just saw you more scared and angry than he's ever seen you before - as scared and angry as he's seen others often look at him
He knows deep down you were under a spell that made you see something else, but there's a worry present in his brain that this was actually you awakening to your true feelings about him
It doesn't help that he doesn't remember what all he did to fight back. Years of combat experience and battlefields kicked in, and all his thoughts went on hold while his body went on autopilot
And the last time someone he loved fought to kill him - well - it was his mother. That did not end well
He can't bring himself to care about injuries until he knows you won't leave him, until he knows you're going to work through this with him. Until he knows you can still love each other
Once you're reconciled and bandaged up, he's in his element. The amount of tender attention you're showing him is feeding his soul
Still subconsciously keeps his guard up around you, for a while
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leovaldezluvr · 5 months
"my honeybee, come and get this pollen!"
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synopsis : hc's of leo valdez and his gf !!
pairing : leo valdez x daughter of apollo!reader
warnings : swearing / cursing, intentional lower case writing, kissing, nothing crazy tho!
requested ? yes! by the amazing @sunnitheapollokid 😚
masterlist : coming soon!
nai yapps : HI BABIES 🤭 first time writing hcs, hope ya like!! it turned out longer than expected so yeah haha, not proofread so please don't mind the grammatical errors 😭
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on the radio . . . "espresso" by sabrina carpenter
in my opinion, leo is kinda insecure (just like percy) so it took him a while to realize that you liked him back !!
in the meanwhile, he would fangirl about you to his friends
oh and trust me, they were SICK AND TIRED of that boy
"guys, did you see the way she looked at me at dinner??"
(which he told them like for the 1293858th time that week)
and don't act like you didn't do the same thing as well, because we all know damn well you did
yapping about leo to annabeth, silena and piper at the cabin 10 sleepovers is a weekly (almost daily) occurrence
like i've mentioned in the beginning, leo's probably really insecure, so he uses his flirty and cheeky personality to cover it up!
which has you giggling and kicking your feet
because that boy flirts with you more than anyone else
oh and when he found out that you work at the infirmary with will solace?
it was his most visited place other than bunker 9
leo is naturally a really clumy person (me too lmao) so he injures himself on accident quite often when working on something in bunker 9, but one way or another he'll find an excuse to come visit you there (even if he's not hurt) and say shit like
"you come here often?" or "can you kiss it better?"
with a shit-eating grin as you heal one of his injuries
since you're a child of the music god, you have AMAZING taste in music
so every once in a while you'd come over at bunker 9 and play some of your music while leo works on his projects
you'd be on his bed, painting away or even working on poems
speaking of poems!
you once wrote a poem about leo and after building up courage (with the help of your girlfriends) you read it out to leo!!
and let me tell you, that boy turned as red as a tomato
and he couldn't stop thinking about that poem FOR DAYS.
like girl you had that boy wrapped around your finger 😭 (hence the song i choose for this blog)
after that, he decided it's time to ask you to be his gf!! (screaming)
him and his friends (percy, jason and frank) have been planning and scheming on the best way leo can ask you out
since percy has a big mouth, he told the news to his girlfriend, annabeth.
your and leo's friends were pretty much one big friend group, so you guys hung out quite often
soon enough, piper and silena found out about leo's plan too
basically, the group decided to hang out at the beach is Montauk
percy yelled, all the boys racing to the sea, except for leo.
"boys." annabeth muttered, rolling her eyes, causing piper, silena and you to giggle.
you had your beach towel spread out onto the sand, your tote bag to your left and a book in your hands.
leo sat at your right hand side, applying sunscreen onto his arms and upper body as he watched the boys splash and attempt to drown each other.
"could you please apply sunscreen on my back, y/n?"
you look up from your book you're reading and place your bookmark between the pages. a smile grew on your face as you nod, signaling leo to turn so his back faces you. he obliged and did as you said, he pulled his knees closer to his chest leaned his head onto his arms. (kinda like this I'm bad at explaining haha 😭)
hours pass by, the group has all been at the sea having a splash fight, then also played volleyball. now they wanted to have some snacks and drinks
and of course the group decided to pick you and leo to go get the snacks
you, oblivious to their intentions, started putting your flip flops on. as you weren't looking, leo shot a look at the smirking teenagers he calls his friends. piper and frank were showing thumbs up for support. while jason and percy gave him a knowing look. leo saw annabeth mouthing "now or never" to him.
"lee, you ready to go?"
he put his attention back on to you and nodded, heading to the corner shop with you next to him. he glanced back to his friends one last time, seeing them look at the pair walking off and cheering for leo, but silently of course, so you wouldn't suspect anything.
after you two have bought the snacks and drinks the friendgroup wanted, you head back to the beach.
leo noticed the group playing volleyball again, and used to opportunity to confess now. He stopped walking, standing at this area.
"hey, y/n. could we talk for a sec?"
you didn't think much of it and nodded, walking closer to where leo was standing.
then, his nervousness got the best of him and that boy just started rambling.
"so i just wanted to say that Iive liked you for REALLY long time. like a i like you A LOT and I really want to be together with you but i'm not sure if you feel the same and i really don't want to ruin this friendship. but i've never felt this way about anyone and–"
then he got interrupted with kiss!! (by you of course)
he froze, definitely not expecting that. but quickly kissed you back. his hands on your waist, pulling you closer as your hands wrapped behind his neck.
you soon pulled away, both of you catching your breaths.
"i like you too, leo."
a bright smile appeared on leo's face, him leaning his forehead onto yours.
"can i be your boyfriend, y/n?"
you act like you're thinking about, rubbing your chin jokingly, but ultimately day yes.
he kisses you again, but pulled away quickly as you two heard screaming and cheering from the back.
the pair turn around to see their friendgroup being the cause of this loud noise.
piper, annabeth and silena were the ones screaming, holding each other's hands as they jump up and down like little girls. While the boys were cheering and clapping, Percy even started jumping up and down with the girls. (LMFOAOA DON'T TELL ME HE WOULDN'T DO THAT)
anyhow! that's how i imagine it'd happen
leo and you are both you clingy mfs, even before dating. but now you two are glued to the hip.
he definitely calls you cute nicknames in spanish (#latinoking)
"mi amor" , "cariño" , "mi vida" , "hermosa" , "mi corazón" , "mi sol", "mami/mamas"
he loves, and i mean LOVES when you help him with his projects (cough this fic cough)
whenever a piece of your jewelry (earrings, necklaces, ect..) breaks, you already know your boyfriend is there to fix it for you.
despite being the daughter of the sun god, your hands were always FREEZING. that's why you had your fire boy to warm you up
that boy is basically your human heater. while you two would cuddle in the summer, you would get so hot while being in his embrace, but you just suffered, because his grip is strong as steel.
your guys' dynamic is sunshine x sunshine protecter!! (the protecter being you because leo doesn't do shit to stand up for himself)
#1 princess treatment giver!!
"baby, i can get out of the car myself–"
"shh, don't worry about it mami."
wow this is getting way too long woopsie
in conclusion, leo valdez is the best boyfriend ever and you two are the power couple of chb!!!
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taglist (pls tell me if I should remove / add you!!) : @thesnshinee @graceslcver @gentlehue @ssparksflyy @coolestgirlintheworld112 @ghostlyloversworld @percyslcver @lovely-calypso @woodlandwrites @brainsofseaweed @mershellscape @hopelesslyromanticshark @canonfeminine
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How would Jason Grace spoil you? boyfriend hcs list
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author's note: ik i have an angsty jason grace prompt in my asks and i swear im working on it! But this idea just popped up on my mind and I've been thinking about it all night yesterday omgg. Let me know if you guys want a Leo/Percy/Frank version of this, I mostly write for Jason since he's my bbg but I might actually do the others this time since the idea is so cute!
I'll start off by saying, Jason is a selfcare supporter bf.
Okay so yk how the Romans in CJ have such high standards? They literally exhibit royal/regal energy, and are super fans of luxury stuff.
Jason despite being influenced by greeks would always be a roman. Whether he likes it or not, there will always be roman blood in him. So he makes these cute/simple ideas for dates/gifts but his execution is just pure sophistication. He's SO simple yet so fancy, and Ik they're contradictions but I promise I'll explain.
like this boy would make sure to run you a nice warm roman bath after you come back from a dangerous/tiresome quest to ease your muscles. Cute and simple right? Wrong. This man would buy all sorts of expensive bath perfumes, bath bombs, fragranted petals, etc to make it extra special for you.
See so this is what I mean when I say his ideas are cute, but executed in a very fancy way.
He LOVES spoiling you with self care products, like sheet masks, lotion, cleansers, hair masks, etc. like he simply does NOT care about the money, as long as his girl is taking care of herself?? That's all that matters tbh
This is mostly because Jason, as a kid soldier, never had any time for himself, the closest thing he's ever done to "selfcare" is probably take long baths + trim his hair lol
jason was blessed with his mother's ethereal actress beauty okay. So selfcare or no self care would have zero effect on him physically bc bro would still look majestic.
ANYWAYS he feels like his inner child just kinda heals when he sees you prioritising yourself and he admires it sm :((
would be ecstatic if you rope him into self care. He would be sceptical at first but then as you're applying a face mask on him he'd be like "wait this is actually so relaxing what" and you love the way his face muscles soften at that. Like he really deserves a break and some relaxation, you'd often trick him into using your skincare products intentionally bc he deserves self care.
once he felt so soothed with the lemon facemask he was wearing that he fell asleep on your shoulder and was all zzz 🥺
and would make sure to restock all your products if they run out.
he feels that the self-care has more of a mental and emotional effect on him rather than physical
Which is what matters to him
honestly?? He supports you if you want to wear makeup. Like he'd think you look gorgeous either way but if you like wearing lipgloss? So be it. You get any lipgloss you want he's paying. He just LOVES that you love yourself too :( and would do anything to make you feel comfortable.
This man loves investing on food. Again, it's bc he never even had the time to properly eat as a legionnaire :(
So he'd love to take you out to places and just munch on tasty food and talk. New Rome has bomb food okay. Bro just never got to eat them.
Lmao he's like everyone's grandma when it comes to food. "Have you eaten? You HAVE to eat!! I'll get you food! Go back to your room!"
would spoonfeed you soup if you're sick bc nuh uh you ain't going without eating hun 😤
hes the worried anxious mother hen bf okay fight me.
Food + selfcare = Jason Grace's love language
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Could I request some hcs with Atsv Miguel x Milf Reader? Instead of (Dilf) him with Gabriella like the fic on ao3 what about a mommy or spider woman mommy reader with his child?
ugh ima go crazy with this one yall *barking* like miguel enjoys a domestic life
Miguel O'Hara x Milf!Reader Headcanons
Miguel is definitely overprotective of you during your pregnancy. He always calls or texts to check in on you and the baby, attends every ultrasound and asks a CRAZY amount of questions, and if you're about to run out of prenatal vitamins, he goes to the store to buy you two extra bottles.
He attends to every need. If you call him while he's patrolling the city for a hot dog or a cheeseburger with a jar of mayo, you bet your ass he's buying what you're craving.
He adores your round belly. Hands have to be constantly on it. Whether the two of you lay in bed or out in public, his hands are always on your belly.
By your side the entire time during your labor. Massages your aching hips as you go through contractions and supports you as the two of you walk around the hallways. He wipes away your tears and tells you how good you're doing. He holds your hand as you push, smiling once he hears the cries of his newborn baby.
A little girl, because come on, he's a girl dad.
Miguel first makes sure both his girls are good before going to get your burgers, because during your 47 hour labor (yeah it was long) you were only allowed ice chips and you were STARVING. So he got you two burgers and a large fry, because his wife just went through hours of grueling labor and needs to fill that belly up.
Loves your body before the birth and loves it after. Your belly is wrinkly and covered in stretch marks, love handles pudging out and thighs big. He noticed once the two of you got home that you were having a hard time with yourself, and listed off a number of reasons why he adores your body, which actually took thirty minutes and if you hadn't stopped him he would've kept going
Miguel is appreciative of you. Nine months of growing his baby inside of you and going through a long labor, making him a father. He loves you for your time and sacrifice and always make sure you know it. Whether its buying you flowers every two weeks or kissing you all over, telling you how much he loves you
He'll get up in the middle of the night whenever the baby cried or allowed you to sleep in. He does skin to skin contact with the baby, sitting in bed with the baby resting on his chest while checking updates on the multiverse on his watch.
The baby will make noises of distress and he'll smile, turning off his watch and holding his little girl in his hands. "What, mamas? What is it? Are you hungry? Or were you having a bad dream?" He'll rock her a bit before she settles down, and place a kiss on top of her head, breathing in that new born scent. "I'll always keep you safe, mija. You and mama are my world. I promise you, that with me, you will never have to worry."
Once the six weeks of healing are up, the two of you do wait an additional few weeks before having sex. Miguel didn't want to risk hurting you or getting pregnant again, considering you just had a baby. So when the baby was old enough to stay at your parents house for a night, the two of you threw yourselves at each other like wild animals.
Miguel went crazy with his mouth on your cunt, pushing your legs down to your chest, tongue swirling all over your wet folds before slithering into your hole. He focuses on your pleasure first before his own, because after all, you were the one who sacrificed your body. He was just the guy who nutted in you.
Loves wrapping his lips around your aching breasts and drink your milk, rubbing his condom covered cock against your pussy before sliding himself in, you digging your nails into his back as pleasure consumes your body.
"Yeah, that feel good?" he'll groan into your ear, his lips coated in golden nectar. He grinds his hips slowly into you, making sure not to hurt you. Until you begged him to move faster does he fuck into you, his arms on either side of your head, moaning into your ear.
After sex, he'll clean you up, dress the both of you in his t-shirts (his shirt fits on him snug but it's like a night gown on you). Miguel will hug you close, kissing your neck, saying, "You've made my life 100 times better, you know that, right?"
Miguel loves the little family he has and will anything to keep his family safe.
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tending-the-hearth · 9 months
so bc they're on my brain and the amount of people acting like clarisse should be hated on the same level as luke is making me go feral so hcs about one of my favorite girls and her annoying brother percy <3
she and percy's names in each other's phones are "rissy" and "prissy" and they absolutely refuse to tell that to anyone
the only time people find out about the nicknames is post-blood of olympus when the head counselors meet with the camp jupiter senate and they go off in private and percy just grins at clarisse and says "hey rissy" and it's one of the only times anyone ever sees her truly cry and they have a teary reunion where they're definitely hugging each other way too tight
clarisse definitely gets closer with sally and paul when percy disappears. she visits more, and even spends the weekends there if she's having a bad time. she also bonds more with annabeth during that time too
post-chariot quest percy and clarisse check in on each other a little more. for them, it's in the form of sparring, so people think they're back to their rivalry, but they're really just having the time of their lives, laughing and grinning at each other
they have a heart-to-heart in the time between battle of the labyrinth and last olympian, where clarisse genuinely apologizes to percy, and they have a talk about everything percy's ever overheard, everything that happened with chris, with ares, with gabe, end it's very very healing for both of them
honestly that's the point where they start to see each other as siblings. percy brings clarisse back to the apartment, and sally and paul immediately just fall in love with her and are ready to adopt her then and there
clarisse and grover are the next ones that sally and paul reveal the pregnancy to, and clarisse tries so hard not to freak out until sally talks about how happy she is that estelle will have two wonderful big sisters to look up to.
GOD when percy first disappears, and clarisse wakes up to the sound of annabeth screaming for her boyfriend. it's the first time since silena's death that she's felt utter and horrifying fear in her heart
clarisse is one of the main campers to go out looking for percy, to the point where she's barely at camp
they send each other the stupidest photos, like i mean the absolute ugliest photos in the entire world, and each of them has a separate folder in their camera roll for it
there's a point during heroes of olympus where clarisse starts calling sally and paul mom and dad, and when percy comes back and it happens in front of him he just gets the biggest, stupidest smile on his face before clarisse punches his arm and shoves him off his chair
clarisse and percy have weekly dinners at sally and paul's <3333 where it's just the four of them + estelle once she's born
percy, texting clarisse after living in nr for a while: "hey i'm visiting mom for the weekend do you want to get lunch"
clarisse: "i hope your bus crashes and you die in a fireball"
also clarisse: "noon @ mcdonalds tomorrow if you're late i'll have a panic attack"
annabeth and chris see their text conversations and half of it is the two of them threatening to kill the other and use every piece of blackmail they have on each other and the other half is the deepest, most emotional conversations they've ever seen
literally no one understands their friendship, the rest of the seven asks annabeth about it one evening after seeing clarisse clothesline percy and steal his food before he sits down beside her and they engage in a quiet, obviously personal coversation that ends in a tight hug and annabeth just shrugs
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pictureinme · 1 year
hcs for taking care of cillian charcters when they’re sick & when you get sick in return?
thank you thank you for this! i decided to put a few more characters for this, i love the concept LOL
patricia 'kitten' braden
» she is the epitome of 'woe is me' when she's sick - pillows upon pillows, tissues everywhere, a hand upon her forehead as she wears her most extravagant nightgown... she has appearances to keep up! » she requests you to dote on her every need - spoon-feeding her soup, putting on her favorite records and lighting the loveliest of candles when the overhead light is just too much to bear » once she recovers, you've fallen just as ill - she apologizes PROFUSELY for making you kiss her constantly, but how could she abstain from you?! » she cooks for you, making sure you're getting every single nutrient to heal fast - picture soups full of veggies, assorted fruit, and, frankly, disgusting smoothies because she read about it in cosmo
neil lewis
» honestly pathetically arrogant, let's be real - swears he's just fine, tries to keep running the store but he sneezed on a copy of 'dr. strangelove' a customer was trying to rent and lucien kicked him out (for everyone's benefit) » once you have him at home, he wears three masks and gloves, spraying everything down with lysol for fear of getting you sick - the only thing he accepts from you is little snacks and the meds he forgot » you somehow get sick despite his best efforts ... even though he did make you throw out all of his various tissues - he immediately goes to webmd with whatever symptoms you present & definitely micromanages your meds schedule » asks marcia and her husband for advice, but only kind they've got is related to their little bundle of joy - they do, however, send him back home with a fuck ton of goodies for you to wake up to from your sickly nap
emma skillpa
» hides her sickness from you as long as possible, to the point of her passing out mid cleaning - luckily you catch her, and she is beyond embarrassed. "oh, please don't worry, i'll be back on my feet in no time!" » you carry her up the stairs, laying her on her bed, and she can't help but swoon at your control of the situation - she tells you exactly the things she needs, sometimes attempting to get out of bed herself to get them. she already has some soup frozen in the ice box, so all you have to do is thaw them » she goes full emma mode when you've fallen ill after taking such good care of her - calls your place of work, telling them you've fallen deathly ill and need a week off (what a gem she is). makes sure you drink every last bit of soup, no ifs or buts » genuinely does not let you leave the bedroom for the entire week, even if you've already recovered by that point - spends time with you, of course, but she has lots to do around the house! maybe being held captive by emma wasn't so bad, hm?
jackson rippner
» cannot STAND being sick, especially with the delays in his job that could occur - however, he very much enjoys you doting on him like his little caretaker. he can't resist playing house » makes sure you attend to his every need, especially while wearing a cute little outfit (nurse costume unnecessary, but not out of the question) - "come on, do a little spin for me, it's the least you can do. i'm a sick man who needs his meds from his oh so sexy wife!" » you falling ill was not in the itinerary, but he loves how cute you look bundled up in the sheets - he pokes fun at you, but still gets you all the stuff you need » if he has to leave for a job in the middle of your sickness, he leaves you with a nest of items you could ever possibly need, as well as an on-call doctor he knows for... reasons - "i'll just be a few states away, but if shit gets serious, don't hesitate to call my burner. yes, i need it for this job, i don't know why. please stop asking so many questions."
jonathan crane
» you can barely tell he's sick for the first few days, but you notice the redness around his nose - when you bring it up, he immediately shoots you down. "darling, if i was sick, i couldn't be doing my job, now could i?" » meanwhile, the next time you see him, he's passed out in his office chair with tissues stuffed in his pocket like a lapel. you bring him back to your place so he can properly rest - he wakes up confused, but silently grateful for the glass of water and medicine you placed on the nightstand next to him » having him stay at your place got you sick pretty fast, and you couldn't believe how he was surviving with the level of congestion you're having - he stays home from work enough to dote on you in his own special way, taking note of your symptoms to properly take care of you » he only goes to the office a few times to bring you back some high doses of medicine you couldn't get over the counter at a cvs, so you could heal as fast as possible - "i know the pills are bigger than normal, but you only have to take them once a day for the rest of the week. don't be such a crybaby."
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strwbrryeyes · 4 months
can u do daichi and/or tsuki x tennis player! reader who plays singles (1v1 instead of doubles which is 2v2 lool)? hcs or fic would be fine :3 esp w a reader who hurt their wrist mid season n is rlly frustrated bcus they can’t play until next season unless their wrist gets better bcus that happened to me <//3 (i play anyway even if my wrist is shit bcus i love tennis; daichi would scold me so bad for it too <//3) thank uuuu, i think u mentioned exams (or finals idk the difference) in ur latest posts so i hope they went well!!!
𖦹°。⋆ Wristache and heartache (daichi x reader)
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⟡ cw: angst, reader has an injusry and feels hopeless, comfort, fluff, lmk if i missed anything
⟡ a/n: i dont know anything about tennis. im alos bad with titles.
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Daichi Sawamura had always admired your dedication to tennis. As the captain of the Karasuno volleyball team, he understood the love and passion that athletes carried for their sport. Daichi also knew the importance of listening to your body, something you seemed to be struggling with ever since you badly injured your wrist.
The injury has been a big  setback and it was starting to take a toll on you. The season was in full swing, and you were supposed to be playing singles matches, something you were no doubt the best at. Yet here you were, on the sidelines, forced to sit out due to the sharp pain in your wrist. You couldn’t even try to step foot onto the court during games or team practice because your coach had made it clear: no matches until you were fully healed and cleared by the doctor and although this decision was the right one and a necessary one, it still left you feeling frustrated and heartbroken.
Despite the pain and coach’s orders, you couldn't stay away from the court for too long. Every day after school, you'd find yourself at the community center’s tennis courts, practicing your serves and forehands, wincing occasionally when the pain shot through your wrist. You knew it was risky, but tennis was your entire life and ticket to a scholarship for university. You couldn't afford to be away from it for possibly the rest of the season. However, your secret trips to the tennis court were short lived.
Daichi watched you from a distance one afternoon, his brows furrowing with concern. He had come to pick you up like he has been for the last few day, but seeing you push yourself despite your injury was beginning to worry him more than usual. He approached you slowly, hands in his pockets, trying to find the right words.
“[name],” Daichi calls out with a firm voice that had a hint of worry “we need to talk.”
You looked up, surprised to see him there. You hadn't expected him to come this early. "Hey, Daichi. Just give me a few more minutes. I need to work on my backhand." You said before turning back to throw a tennis ball into the air until Daichi took the tennis racket away from you.
Daichi shook his head, his expression stern. "No, we need to talk now. You're pushing yourself too hard. You need to rest."
You sighed, frustration bubbling up inside you. "I can't just sit around and do nothing, Daichi. Tennis means everything to me. If I don't practice, I'll lose all I’ve worked for these past three years!" you say as you snatch your racket back from him.
He walked over to you, taking the racket from your hand gently once again and setting it aside. "And what good is practicing if it only makes your injury worse? You won't be able to play at all if you don't let your wrist heal and then that’ll make you feel worse!”
"But what if I never get better? What if this is it for me?" Tears of frustration welled up in your eyes as you shout at Daichi.
Daichi's expression softened. He reached out, cupping your face in his hands. "You will get better but to do so, you have to be patient. I know it's hard and the last thing you want to do right now, but sometimes the best way to keep going is to take a step back and heal. I'm here for you, and I am sure your team is too. You don't have to go through this alone."
"I just miss it so much, Daichi. I feel so useless." You leaned into his touch, finding comfort in his words, allowing you to let a few tears roll down your face.
"You're not useless," he assured you, his thumbs brushing away your tears. "You're one of the strongest people I know. Strength isn't just about pushing through pain, it's also about knowing when to rest and take care of yourself."
You nodded, his words sinking in. "Okay," you whispered. "I'll try to rest more."
Daichi smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "That's my girl. And don't worry, I'll make sure you stay out of trouble."
You chuckled softly, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. "I'm counting on you."
The following weeks were a test of your patience but as promised, Daichi kept a close eye on you, making sure you followed the doctor's orders and rested your wrist and the rest of your body, making sure you were fully relaxed and at ease. It wasn't easy, and there were days when you felt like giving up, but Daichi's support helped you stay strong the whole way through.
He'd often join you at the courts, not to practice but to keep you company as you watched your team practice while you were on the sidelines. He'd even bring his volleyball team along, turning your forced downtime into fun, supportive gatherings as everyone loved their captain’s sweet girlfriend. It wasn't the same as playing tennis with your team in the moment, but it reminded you that you had a strong support system no matter where you went, and that made you feel so much better about this tennis break.
Slowly but surely, your wrist began to heal and you started feeling better. The day you were finally cleared to play again was a moment of pure happiness, not just for you, but for everyone who had supported you through this slump and setback.
As you stepped onto the court for your first match back, you looked over to the sidelines where Daichi stood along with his own team, cheering you on with a proud smile. You knew you couldn't have made it through without him. 
And as the match started, all you could feel was happiness, determination, and most importantly, thankful for your loving boyfriend who was there for you every step of the way because without him, you aren’t sure you would have made it through these last few weeks.
With Daichi by your side, you can do anything.
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crypticjackal13 · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering when you have time, can I request wukong,macaque,nezha and Mk with an Angst to fluff with their s/o who got possessed in the fight with Lbd but then un-possessed s/o leaving them injured bc the attacks didn’t do as much damage as she thought?
I think I understand what's being asked but if I got it completely wrong please correct me! Also this is going to be Headcanons because it makes more sense for my brain ;-;
Wukong, Macaque, Nezha, and MK x S/O who was previously possessed by LBD (Angst to Fluff Romantic HC's)
Wukong - a wreck. Absolutely furious at himself for letting this happen to you, how could he be so stupid and let you be possessed by his enemy? Even worse, she had abandoned using you as her host and you were hurt! Probably trying ridiculously hard to keep up a positive front but he is breaking down on the inside. After it's all over he takes you back to Flower Fruit and gives you the best healing magic he can find. Lots of attention, and you'll have to reassure him you're okay and that it's not his fault because he 10000% thinks it is. He loves you very deeply, so the thought of losing you is just super overwhelming for him. He stays as close as you'll allow him to be while you recover, and is at your beck and call. This is a perfect time for you to either exploit this and get whatever you want OR coax him into doing self care with you. Or both :)
Macaque - beyond pissed. If anyone should've gotten hurt, it should've been him! You shouldn't have been anywhere close to this situation, and there you were being used as her host! As soon as he sees your discarded body he gets you someplace safe until the fight is over, and then he takes you home to help you recover. He might pretend to be a bit mad at you for having been involved but just know he doesn't really mean it, what he means is that he is utterly relieved you're okay. Once he has you set up with whatever medical supplies are needed, a drink, and a warm meal, he cuddles up to you and keeps watch while you get better. Apologizes over and over.
MK - this poor boy DOES break down. If he had done better, if he had been stronger, he could've stopped the Lady Bone Demon before she was able to possess you! He's crying a bit as he's fighting because he knows that you're probably in so much pain, just like he was whenever she was speaking to him. The fight ends, and he's absolutely RUSHING to get you home so you can get medical attention. He doesn't leave your side, he feels like if he does then something bad will happen to you. Similar to Wukong, he will find a way to get you anything you want, because you deserve the best, especially from him. Very clingy afterwards, but if you ask him to he will back off a bit so you can breathe.
Nezha - so so so concerned. How could he have been so blind? In dealing with Wukong and getting his ass handed to him he left you vulnerable! He feels incredibly guilty like he's let you down and multiple times throughout recovery he asks if you honestly want to keep being with him. He gets you to Heaven's best doctors, and urges you not to lift a finger until you're completely healed. He's super protective and may overreact to small things, just make grabby hands at him and he'll soften up and give you cuddles or whatever it is that you want.
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saltymongoose · 1 year
Ok I got a request, its ok if you don't want to do it, I wont push you or force you:
so my request is what if Player had a giant scar on their back or on their side from an accident before meeting the main 4, like they got it from building something or helping a family member. So how would the main 4 react seeing a giant scar on player body and player still feels the pain a little bit. . .
That's all and... here...
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Thank you for the frog gif, it's absolutely lovely lol. Here are your hcs!
Their Reaction to the Player having a Large Scar ft. The Main 3 + 2BDamned
(TW: Yandere, Obsessive Behavior, Mentions of Injury)
It doesn't have to be said that Hank's been through a lot of fights, and his fair share of scars are a byproduct of that. So, he really isn't phased by you having a scar once he catches a glimpse of it. If anything, he's more curious about how you got such a large one in the first place. (Were you fighting some huge enemy back in your world? And how powerful was the thing if it could manage to injure you, of all people?)
That was before you made any mention of how your old injury still causes you pain, though. Hank's not the type to be worried about other people in general, but you're the one exception to that. He's not going to fret over you like a mother hen, but his concern will make itself known with how he refuses to let you strain yourself to do much of anything.
He's not very medically inclined (understatement, it's not like he even cares enough to patch himself up most of the time), so he's at a loss of what to do save for making it so you don't have to lift a finger for anything. In a way, this honestly kind of angers him, because he genuinely wants to be able to help you in any possible way, but he just…doesn't know how.
However, Hank's not one to beat around the bush if he wants something, so he'll likely just ask you directly if he can do anything to ease your residual pain. It doesn't matter if it's something that requires him to trek all the way across Nevada to get for you, or just some extra physical affection you want, he's pretty much at your beck and call if you think it will help you.
If you'd like, he's also willing to show off his own scars; he figures it's only fair since he saw yours. Neither of you mentions how his breath turns shallow when you trace a finger over the ones from more serious wounds.
(And, for the record, he would be very pissed off if you told him that you got it from helping a family member. It's unreasonable to blame them for the accident that caused this, but he will anyway. He's that delusional.)
Sanford is opposite to Hank in many ways here, namely in how he'll immediately get close to gauge the severity of your healed wound and ask about how badly it aches still. He's wary not to pry too much - as he doesn't want you to feel like you have to delve into anything traumatic - but he still wants to know if they (he) can do anything to help you.
You'll notice a sort of shift in his behavior after finding this out, and this is mainly seen in how he tries to make sure you don't have to do any difficult work or stress the part of your body where the scar is. He knows from personal experience how aches and pains can get triggered by this sort of thing, so he thinks he should assist you whenever he can.
He'll ease up if you ask him too of course, but you can get where he's coming from. If you were anyone else, he'd probably just leave you to deal with it on your own, but you're his Player; he can't justify allowing you to potentially cause yourself pain if he knows he can prevent it. That'd make him a bad vessel (and future partner, for that matter).
Although, when you tell him about how you got your scar, he immediately calms down a bit (grateful that it wasn't from an enemy or an intentional wound), it doesn't erase all of his concern. On one hand, he's happy that you didn't have to deal with the stress and fear that comes with someone trying to attack you, but the wound still happened regardless, so the thought still pains him. He doesn't want to imagine anything hurting you.
Sanford also gets it if you got your wound from helping a family member with something; he finds it relatable since he too has injured himself doing similar stuff for his folks as well. He'll give you this look of deep understanding when you refer to the cause, one that would almost be comical if the topic weren't so distressing.
- [DEIMOS] -
Deimos' reaction to seeing your scar is to freeze and go completely silent for a moment - he never expected to see something like that marring your flesh. However, while he internally breaks down into worry, he won't outwardly have much of a reaction in that moment. He doesn't want to bring up anything or make you feel self-conscious, so he'll probably just act like he never saw anything to begin with. It takes you mentioning it directly to pull his full thoughts from him.
He's a bit tentative about this whole thing oddly enough; perhaps it's just the discomfort at the idea of you being hurt, but he'll try to gloss over the seriousness of it to whatever degree he can. If this includes showing off a large scar of his and joking about how you match, then that's just how it is.
Like Sanford, he definitely loses some of his stress over this when you mention how this isn't from someone hurting you purposefully, or you getting into a tussle over something. Although he laxes up a lot more, and will relegate any worry to simply asking if you'd like his help when he sees you doing something. Sometimes he'll insist though, especially if it involves lifting anything heavy.
(A chance to flex his strength and do some service for his Player? It'd be stupid for him not to take it.)
Provided you aren't uncomfortable with it, Deimos will make jokes about your scar and how "badass" it makes you look.
If he was the first to find out about it, he'll make up long, elaborate explanations that you 'told him' about how you got it. It includes everything from a battle between gods (you being one of them) to you heroically saving some damsel in distress from a terrible beast. They aren't believable at all, but they aren't supposed to be. He just wants to make you laugh.
- [2BDAMNED] -
Despite not being an actual medic by any means, 2BDamned's reaction to seeing your scar is to ask what it's from and how it healed. He's also quite perceptive, so it only takes him seeing a sliver of your skin to call it out. Privately, of course, he doesn't want to push you on intimate matters in front of the others (especially if he didn't think they knew about it).
Really, Doc wants to know everything possible about it that you'd be willing to tell him about your old wound; it's important information, he reasoned since he wants to find out more about humans (you) in general, and someone has to be competent enough to care for your medical needs here.
Never mind how worried it made him to see it; it's hard to tell because of his mask, but he had to do a double-take when he caught a glimpse of it, and his horror only grew once you confirmed his concerns. Doc also knows that humans are generally more fragile compared to grunts at this point too, which just amplifies this feeling.
He's the first to ask if you need any scar cream or pain meds of any type to alleviate any discomfort you have - whether it be from the soreness of your old wound or the way it looks - and he'll get said medications as soon as possible. He'll also offer to help you apply whatever it is if it's a topical medication of some kind. If you'd like him to, of course.
While a part of him is relieved that the wound your scar was born from wasn't given to you purposefully, this becomes a sidenote to him more than anything. He wants to know what he can do for you here and now, with your residual pain and discomfort being his top priority.
He also won't even mention it around the others, as he thinks it's a private topic. Whether you show it off or not is immaterial; he views yours as similar to his own facial scars and thinks it would be better to just treat it as a completely normal thing instead of making a huge deal out of it. (Once he knows it's history and how to help you with it's lasting effects, of course. What else would you expect from one of your most competent vessels?)
Plus, your history and any past wounds are only yours to discuss anyway. He merely wants to be there for you to rely on, so he hopes you know that you can come to him for anything - scar related or not. It's the least he can do in return for all that you've brought to his life.
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Bachelors and Having a Baby
I saw another hc blog do this and I wanna do my own take~
Sebastian --
Extremely shocked when you tell him you're pregnant, but would react with a blank face and "oh, huh. Interesting." It does not sink in for a few minutes to an hour, and then he's losing his fucking mind.
Never thought he would be a dad, and convinced himself he would be a bad one. Even if him and the farmer weren't using protection, it still blindsides him
He cuts back on freelance work to help more around the farm, especially in the last trimester. The farmer is NOT allowed to do anything more strenuous than play video games. He will prob call on Abigail and Sam to help, he's not exactly the most athletic guy in the world.
Despite his fears that he wouldn't do a good job, he certainly works to make sure they won't come true. Reads a lot of parenting books and talks to Robin a lot. Those talks heal a bit of the rift between them.
Robin jokes that she's too young to be a grandma, but Demetrius cries when he's given a World's Best Grandpa mug. Maru happily steps up as an aunt and will spoil the baby with custom made toys and a ton of STEM for baby books.
Abigail and Sam are the chaotic aunt and uncle I imagine Shane was to Jas. They will babysit (mostly Sam) but expect funny pictures and wacky situations.
Elliott --
He is overjoyed when you tell him the news. He's going to be a papa! Lots of hugs and swinging you around. He doesn't strike me as the type to seek parenthood, but would lovingly embrace it once given to him.
It doesn't hit him for a while that a baby is going to mean changing his lifestyle quite a bit. No more all nighters, he won't be able to write for hours and hours at a time anymore. He finds it worth changing that aspect of his life to adjust to this new addition, a physical manifestation of your love.
Starts to change his habits early on so he'll be better suited after the baby arrives. Fully supports when you go nest mode and will move the furniture around as much as you want.
Has had a list of names for years before you even meet him. And all of them are beautiful
Leah takes on an aunt type roll, and loves teaching the baby about art and colors.
Sam --
Panics hard at the announcement. It doesn't matter that you're married, he still feels like he's sixteen sometimes, and he's worried about getting in trouble
Jodi and Kent are overjoyed at becoming grandparents, and Vincent thinks it's cool he's going to be an uncle.
Abigail and Sebastian make fun of him for being so worried about it, and help him get ready mentally to be a dad. They may need to remind him how much he helped with Vincent.
Once he calms down and realizes his family isn't going to be mad and his friends will stick around, he's extremely excited. He helped make an entirely new person! Someone he can teach music to! Can you skateboard with a baby?
Happily becomes the stay at home dad and handles a lot of the childcare.
Absolutely writes banger after banger of goofy songs for his kid
Alex --
I think he would be the type that always wanted to be a dad, just to spite how bad his was. When you tell him he's going to be one, he's over the moon. One of the few times you ever see him cry is when you tell him about the pregnancy, and again when the baby arrives.
Immediately befriends all the moms in Pelican Town and joins their gossip groups so he can get their advice and help as you prep for the baby. They adore him. He's like their pet.
Gets into what-to-expect books and takes over farm chores basically as soon as you tell him. No, you don't need to be doing all of that. He's got it. Which, I do think he would be pretty involved on the farm. I don't think he's the type to slouch while his spouse does everything. You can trust that he'll do well.
Evelyn and George are shocked by the news. George especially didn't think they'd live long enough to see it. They both love the little one quite a bit, and despite George's general attitude, he only speaks sweetly to the baby.
Haley will absolutely bury you in baby outfits as gifts.
Harvey --
Probably the most panicked on the list. He's not an ob/gyn but he IS medically trained and knows how easily everything can go wrong.
This doesn't mean he isn't thrilled and amazed in equal measure. Sure, you knew it was a possibility, but... He's so happy. He always wanted to be a dad, and now it's happening! He gets very misty-eyed.
He starts taking over cooking to be sure you're getting all the nutrients you need. You will find snacks in your bag, all healthy.
He also wants you to cut back on the farmwork, maybe hire someone for a season or two to hold it down. He would take over if he could, but being the town's only doctor keeps him too occupied.
He will absolutely do every type of birthing partner class.
He also helps set up the birth plan. He handles your medical needs until the birth. The plan is to go to Zuzu City about when the baby is due, deliver in the big hospital where he can be by your side and let someone else be the doctor. This plan fails when you deliver early and he has to step up. Everything goes well.
Shane --
He never thought he would be a dad. He didn't think he was good enough to take in Jas, and for the longest time, he didn't think he was good enough to be involved enough to have a kid.
He's come so far since when you first met. He's still got his issues, but he has a healthy grasp on them anymore. He isn't filled with loathing when you tell him, but tears up and holds you close. He feels incredibly lucky to have someone that loves him enough to welcome a child from him.
He is excited to prep for the kid. He was around when Jas was born, so he still remembers a fair bit about the baby years.
Jas can't wait to be a big sister. She likes playing with Vincent, but it would be even better to have a brother or sister. Marnie tears up when you both tell her the news. She's already a great-aunt to Jas, but looks forward to welcoming your baby as well. If you call her Grannie she will melt.
Shane absolutely faints in the delivery room. Man thought he could handle it. He cannot.
He's a very attentive dad. He never, ever wants this part of him to feel like it's not loved or good enough.
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Would you write for the M6 with an MC who's touch-starved and craves affection? Thanks in advance!
The Arcana HCs: M6 with a touch/affection-starved MC
Sequel is here! M6 with an MC who's been bottling up their affectionate tendencies
~ honestly I don't know why I didn't think of writing this one sooner, these kinds of headcanons are always my favorite to read and now I get to write some! many thanks @lemon-len ^.^ ~
If you think he didn't notice the way you melted into his touch when he healed you of that vampire eel bite that first night, you are wrong
He totally noticed
Most of it he chalked up to chemistry, but it definitely piqued his interest
He's also a champion at writing off his own impact on people, so the whole time you're unraveling the mysteries of the Red Plague and stealing moments with each other he's assuming it's the adrenaline high
It doesn't become apparent to him until after, when he's checking over all the bumps and bruises you've accrued, that he sees the way you lean into his touch
He's told you he loves you, and he knows you love him too, so he doesn't have to be hesitant (though really, when was he ever?)
Now he's folding you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you as snugly as he can and tucking your head under his chin
You're all surprised and tensed up at first, until he presses a gentle kiss to the top of your head and you melt
He can feel the tension draining out of you and the way your fingers are tying themselves into the back of his shirt, and how you're burrowing into his chest
He's always been "too much" in his relationships as to how much physical touch he likes to initiate, but now he's found someone who wants what he has to offer and it's the person he's promised his life to
You can fully expect him to make you a solemn vow to never let you go uncuddled again
If you thought he was already generous with the PDA, it's about to get waaay worse
In case it's not obvious, their love language is touch
One of the hardest parts of hiding his affection for you those three years was not letting himself touch you
They already knew it was something you craved, it was obvious when they were your caretaker
But the first time he pulled you into a pillow pile with him to snuggle the familiarity of it rocketed you into inhuman levels of pain, and he wasn't going to risk that again
Once it became clear that you had grown enough to learn about the past and accept their affections, it was on
You have five minutes? cuddle time
There's a seat next to you? He's sliding into it and falling into your lap
You're walking by while he's sitting down? They're pulling you into their lap
You're getting ready for the day? He's doing your hair
You're having a conversation with someone that they're not a part of? They're standing behind you with their arms around your waist and their head on your shoulder, letting you take their weight
He has been known to fall asleep on you in public like this, most notably in the town square during a royal proclamation
If you're each doing your own unrelated tasks, they're either sitting beside you with your knees touching or behind you so you can be their backrest
He also knows how people tend to associate the feeling of different clothing articles with the people who wear them
So anytime they leave the shop while you're asleep you can expect to wake up wrapped in one of their shawls
He fully expects you to let him take your clothes with him on long journeys too, which is fine for the most part except for when it's one of your favorite pieces (you still want to wear that!)
Her favorite way to love people is to provide for them
It demonstrates her commitment to being an important pillar in your life for you to lean on
Which is why she is completely tuned in to picking up on any of your needs, so she can satisfy them
So she figures out early on that physical contact is a desired and effective method of showing affection to you, but she can't figure out why you never ask for it
She guesses this could make a fun game, so she tries holding back a little and waiting for you to initiate
And then she watches you slowly withdrawing for a whole day, the confidence you always show in her is wavering slightly, and by the time dinner rolls around you're picking at your food with a face full of hurt and confusion, but you haven't said anything!
That's when it clicks for her that there could be another layer to this
Maybe one of the reasons you cherish affection so deeply is because you know what it's like to live without it
Now she's bodily lifting you out of your chair and dragging you to a more secluded spot to make up for her mistake
She feels awful, she should have known not to trifle with depriving you of something that obviously meant so much to you
She has you reclining in her lap, insisting on feeding you your dinner and apologizing for making you worry
Words are very important to her though, so she's going to ask as many questions as you're comfortable with answering about why you don't ask for affection and how to help you get there with her
Now she checks in with you every day by taking both your hands in hers and not letting you go until you've requested some gesture of affection from her
He is so generally touch-averse that it took a long time for him to feel comfortable with giving or receiving any kind of physical affection
This didn't bother you too much until your trip south into the tundra
Because it was so cold down there you were incapable of keeping yourself warm at night, and needed to share a blanket and sleeping space with him
Oh my, that did things for your heart
Every night for several weeks you got to finish a day of uncertainty and training and exhaustion by sliding your back right up against his and melting in the waves of body heat he produces
It got easier as he relaxed around you, sometimes you'd wake up to his arm slung around you in his sleep and then you'd happily suffer through Morga's unimpressed stare as you savored the moment
But he was still so self-conscious of how big and intimidating he was, and you were still too hesitant to initiate contact whenever you wanted it, so things stalled for a bit there
You also have to be careful navigating his own relationship with his body
He's got so much trauma from the physical pain he was put through and the deprivation he endured that he's still learning how to taste the food he eats
Eventually you're able to ask him why he doesn't want to touch you, to which he responds that he's not used to touching someone without hurting them or them being afraid of him
It's progressing slowly, but now you have permission to initiate or invite cuddles, and it's changing the world for him bit by bit, because you're showing him that his touch can be a good and precious thing
She notices how much you love it when she touches you, but she doesn't really get why it's such a big deal at first
She grew up with a sibling and a grandmother and a town of friends and she does manual work elbow-to-elbow with a multitude of palace servants, touch is normal
Until she's sneaking another chapter of a favorite novel and encounters a character for whom touch is not normal
And now she's drawing connections between you and the character, is this why you relax as soon as she puts her hands on your face or your whole body sags when she hugs you?
She can't imagine a life without hugs and tussles and elbows to the ribs and tripping over other people's toes
As soon as you're both back in the cottage that evening she's pulling you onto the couch with her for cuddles
She's telling you all about the book character and listing all the ways you're similar to them, how you don't touch people often but you melt as soon as somebody does, how the character was that way because they weren't used to being touched
Was it the same way for you? Who gives you hugs? How many hugs did you normally get? Did you also get locked in a tower and use glass slippers to climb a beanstalk out?
You're surprised by the onslaught of questions, but her tone is purely curious and slightly concerned, without an ounce of judgment
Once you tell her more about why you crave affection so much she's determined to give you as much as you can handle
This is her partner in crime, her ride or die, you have always had her back and she is going to watch yours
Besides, she thinks you're the most attractive human to walk the planet, who wouldn't want to cuddle you for hours?
He clued in faster than you expected him to
He's not very emotionally intelligent, but he is physically intelligent
He grew up in a warring tribe and spent his youth as a mercenary, interpreting people's body language for strengths and weaknesses is second nature
So here you are, dragging him through mystical realms he's completely vulnerable in, and he's watching you like a hawk
And he picks up on it quickly, any time you two make casual physical contact your guard slips a little
At first he's thinking of ways to use it against you, but your charm gets through to him fairly quickly and he never acts on it
It's the night you spend in the labyrinth that settles his doubts for him
You're stumbling every few steps but you're too hyped up to rest, until he sits next to you and pulls you into his side
He watches the way you tense and then completely relax, falling asleep on his shoulder while he's still holding an open weapon in one fist
He's briefly wondering if he'll have to make a habit of this, pausing everything to guard you so you can sleep
And then he's getting an emotional punch to the gut by feeling just how much trust it takes for someone like you to fall asleep on someone like him
He can't remember the last time somebody trusted him at all, much less this completely
By the time your eyes are fluttering open he's decided he'll be willing to keep watch while you sleep as often as you want him to
He's not shy about showing affection at all, so once you two save the world and start your new life together you can expect to receive some kind of physical affection several times a day
(an extra note from brainrot - this prompt has me inspired for a second one, which would be the M6 with an MC who has a lot of affection to give, but has been bottling it up and is just now getting to share it with someone who wants/appreciates it. Would anyone like to see that?)
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robby-bobby-tommy · 11 months
I haven't watched purgatory streams cuz I am too busy rn, but here's some hcs
- Only emotionally charged scars stay on the body. Like both Phil and Fit have their scars because they felt so betrayed. The other wounds heal with respawn.
- Fit thought that Pac not only helped to kill him, but also agreed to be a bait to lure 2b2t veteran in a trap. After this "betrayal" Fit's eyes change.
- as a dumbahh who watched arcane, I really like the idea of eye changing with emotional stability. Like powder — blue/grey eyes, Jinx — pink eyes. So I have a HC that after the incident Fit's usually brown eyes change to almost toxic green eyes.
- Fit has severe PTSD about 2b2t. The betrayal triggered it and now he doesn't trust people.
- also Fit has 2b2t gravured in his prosthetic arm/gauntlet.
- every time étoiles kills someone, they have a star shaped scar.
- Phil has star shaped scar. Also the majority of his scars from nightmare and code fight. Also some from earth smp.
- Phil had a very speedy, flying oriented battle type. Now he has a different fighting skills, but likes to attack from above (using paraglider)
- Fit's battle skills are way more grounded, he puts way more force in his punches and swings. He also used to fight with only gauntlets/bare hands, so he's a master of hand-to-hand combat.
- Étoiles is just a goat, but he's something in between. He's also very grounded, but is jumpy.
- Roier is a funny but quiet kid, when it comes to battles. Nobody expects it, but he's a pro. He's super good at breaking through shields and at unarming opponent.
- Fit and Phil train together, and it's fun. But sometimes when crowza accidentally triggers PTSD, Fits fighting style suddenly changes. He now doesn't fight to better his skills, he fights to survive. His punches become more chaotic and heavy. They both apologize later.
- Jaiden is literally "I'm a helpless little girl. And j set the building on fire by accident, tooootaly by accident. Also I brought this dynamite. Goodbye:)" And then everything blows up. She's the epitome of "act weak when you're strong".
- Pol (i sadly haven't watched any of his streams cuz of language barrier, but I think he deserves more recognition) only pretends being oblivious and indifferent towards federation. Like he's the first person from all frozen members to remember his past and cooperate with cucurucho.
- I kinda feel like Rubius is one of the old residents of the island.
- Aypierre is Ayanami Rei (/j but I honestly don't understand his lore. I use Tumblr as a news channel and I still don't know what happened to Pierre. Is he ayrobot? Do they now share a body???)
- after the nether Forevers hair go to shoulders.
- Rubius once was just a man. He was an original old resident. After a few years of working with people on the server he was promoted to an angel/devil entity. For it was funny at first, but soon enough it became boring, cuz he wasn't allowed to interact with people apart giving them quests. So he disguised himself as a man and left the island. Later he came back on train with everyone. For escaping and messing with people, giving them illegal stuff ect he was demoted and "fell from heaven". (This HC has literally no reasons, but I like it.
- Carre likes to stretch like a cat.
- team bollas sleep close to each other, but don't go under blankets, cuz in their base there's literal lava above the celling.
- Fit is severely touch starved but he doesn't always trusts enough. During qsmp he became more affectionate, and started to initiate touching. He always puts his hand of someone's shoulder to comfort them (baby steps). I don't feel like after purgatory this stays like that.
- it's not my headcanon, but I adore when people draw Bagi muscular. Like, I dunno why. But I love it so much.
- Missa is a real skeleton, so when death duo reunited for the first time, Phil literally detached wet cat's skull from the neck, yelling "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN"
- Some people have things that represent their close ones. Phil has skull, trinket (is it how it called?) of his kids on his back, flowers from forever, star keychain from étoiles and a bomb from Fit. Fit has Philza's feather, a necklace with a pacman on it, a bolt from Tubbo, and Ramon modifies his arm a lot. Ect ect.
- waaaay back when Slime went on a rampage after Juana's death, Fit called him to a tête-à-tête dialogue. At first he pushed Slime to the tree and put elbow on his neck, but during Charlie's monologue he let his guard down and even wanted to place his hand on the shoulder. Yet before that they were interrupted by Roier. (Also Charlie asking advice and trusting Fit all this time was quite sweet. Like, he even asked advice when dead eggs came back)
- during purgatory Phil balances himself with weapons.
- Charlie always suspected CodeFlippa wasn't the real one, but he deliberately chose to ignore that. Ignorance is a blessing.
- gladiator by Jann but Étoiles, you see what I see???
- Phil and Fit are terrible sleep bros. When they went to adventures with kids and had to sleep in the open, Fit couldn't sleep, listening to players steps, and Phil tried to figure out mobs. Also they play footsie (they said it on one stream, this is cannon. I really dunno are they besties or homos anymore)
- one of the ways to know if an avian on the server is sick is to see how their feathers react to water. If I'm correct, irl birds have a special stuff on them to not get wet. Only birds with sickness appear to be wet (mb not all birds are like that, I don't remember)
- just "are we still sisters?" Dialogue from arcane but Bagi and Cellbit
- everyone has bags under the eyes
That's all for now.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
hi! i love your hcs for ken!! can you do hcs about what ken would be like if i got sick/if the reader got sick?
Awe thank you!
Note: Both are humans in this (with Ken's transition to humanity being very recent, like a few days in)
Ken has been to Doctor Barbie for injuries, although he's never been sick.
He's seen other dolls go to her for colds, stomach aches, etc. and they're "healed" right away (ie "in the time it took for me to say that sentence, you're already cured!").
After he goes to live with you in the Real World permanently and becomes human himself, he's been contemplating mortality and discovers that sickness is dealt with differently here, both of which stress him out.
He tries not to bother you about these thoughts, however....
Until one morning he wakes up to see your side of the bed empty, finding you in the kitchen wearing a mask and looking rather lethargic.
He's confused and pouts that you didn't give him the usual good morning kisses, wondering if he did something wrong.
"Are you feeling okay, babe? And what's with the mask?"
"Oh, it's just so I don't sneeze over everything, Ken.." You answer with a stuffy nose and sore throat.
"...what do you mean? Why do you sound like that?"
"I caught a cold at work, and-"
"Wait, you're sick?!!!" His eyes go HUGE and he's very much panic-striken, insisting you go see the doctor.
"I'm fine, honey. I just need to rest-"
"No!! We need to go right now!! Where are your car keys???? I'll drive us!"
"Ken. You don't have a license. I promise it's just a simple little cold.....if you don't believe me, you can Google it."
He takes your words seriously and searches up symptoms and causes of the common cold..
However, he goes a bit too far down the Internet rabbit hole, and now he's fully convinced that you're gonna die if you don't see a doctor.
He just starts crying, clinging to you like it's your last day on earth, and his anxieties over human mortality eventually spill out as you hold him.
Obviously, asking him to keep his distance from you was impossible at this point.
He's a mess, but fortunately you're able to stop his blubbering, explaining that a common cold isn't going to kill you, and that you have remedies here at home to treat it.
Once Ken calms down enough to listen, he'll retrieve whatever you needed. Medicine, tissues, pills, pillows, etc. Anything to make you feel comfortable.
Throughout the day he asks if you're absolutely sure you don't need to see a doctor.
He can and will cuddle with you despite your initial protests, nuzzling into your chest as you're laying on the couch/bed together.
"Can I kiss you? Please?"
"...Ken, I don't want you to get sick, too." You shake your head, feeling guilty when you see his puppy-dog eyes staring up at you. "I promise you don't wanna feel this way-"
"But I wanna share in your suffering." He insists. "If I'm gonna be human for the rest of my life, I might as well experience this at least once."
You eventually give in and pull your mask down, allowing him to kiss you as he pleased.
Spoiler: Ken gets a cold a few days later and whines about it the entire time, but you help him through it. Just as he helped you.
He still thinks it's worth it.
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the-dawn-star · 1 year
ooohh you're open! Would it be alright to request a very angsty and fluffy Aro x sister reader. When they were still humans, Aro, Didyme, and reader were very close (They practically raised her) tho reader has a huge age gap between her siblings. Can you do a reunited fic? Like Aro and Didyme thought reader was killed when they were human. Aro and reader reunited at the final battle with the Cullens. Reader never knew Aro was still alive (idk how it can be up to you) so when they saw eachother it was unbelievable. Let's just say that reader looks similarly to Didyme so angst ensues for Marcus baby (Can also be Marcus x reader). Reader looking for her dear older sister only to be told she's dead. I know it's a lot so I'll understand if you can't do it or would like to change the plot a bit.
A/N: Hello and thanks for the req, I loved writing this! The twilight wiki was my best friend while writing this, so all the historical content was got from there. I changed your idea a bit (Aro turned reader). Also let’s ignore that Edward and Aro can read minds and Carlisle spent time with the Volturi coven. This has a lot of back story but I think it is cool to know just the debts of vampire mourning.
PSA: I don’t remember much from breaking dawn part 2 so the battle is inaccurate.  
TW: Talk of kidnapping, murder, vampire fuckery, family dying, starvation, a mention of Refrigerator (Renesmee for the uncultured), I feel like Aro always needs his own warning so, Aro.
1000ish words (this turned out to be a lot longer than usual hcs for me).
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You were a child when Aro and Didyme were turned, and with your parents dead your siblings started to take care of you.  
Aro acted like you were his own child while raising you and protected you from anything that could cause any harm to your still human body.  
Didyme sang you to sleep for years and pushed all suitors away from you when you got a bit older.  
Aro turned you when you were about 20, and with a small disappointment he realized that you didn’t own any special abilities. Aro once had a massive rant that how someone as amazing as you, didn’t have any powers.  
You lived with your siblings for a long time and your coven got bigger and bigger while all the members got fiercely protective of you.  
But all took a turn for the worse when you were taken by some angry vampires, leaving your whole coven to believe that you were dead.  
Your captors told you that your coven was murdered by them. 
When you got out from the vampires, going back to Greece was too painful. So, you started to travel as far away as you could trying to find some happiness in your life without any of your family.  
For a long time, you didn’t talk to anyone and avoided all contact, leaving your house only to hunt. 
That was the time when you started to drink less and less, building such a good tolerance that your black eyes or sandpaper-like throat didn’t bother you. 
But time forces you to heal.  
In the 1900s you found a friend in New York, a lovely girl called Rosalie. It was nice, so human and the girl was so genuine with you.  
Rosalie disappeared from my life for a moment, then you walked in on her drinking from a rabbit and having the yellow eyes you had seen once or twice in your life.  
You spent a few years with Rosalie, Carlisle and Edward, but never joined their coven, you lost yours already and no time could heal it.  
But you were their friend staying with them from time to time and disappearing when it started to feel like you were replacing your old family.  
Rosalie called you first telling of the mess that was starting to unravel in America and you were on the first flight to Forks, after you hung up.  
You didn’t talk to any other vampires and stayed hidden, so you had no understanding of vampire law. After all the so-called kings were most likely younger than you so why should you listen to them.  
You stayed mostly alone while the others were talking of strategy with the other vampires all around the world.  
They were fighting for their family... something that you couldn’t do all that time ago.  
You stood at the edge of the field, back behind all the other vampires.  
You had barely fought anyone in your life, even if your age had brought you strength. But the Cullens had promised that this wouldn’t turn into a fight.  
Then a massive group of vampires appeared to the other side of the field.  
You couldn’t concentrate on looking at any of them, instead focusing on the snowy ground. You were there as a number and silent, and for you it was just fine.  
You hear Edward talking to one of them, only to hear the sound of a ghost... The sound of your lovely brother’s voice, Aro. 
You raised your head, looking around from the surprise. Were you really going mad, right now? 
You took a good look at the royal coven only to see ghosts all over it.  
Your feet started to move before you could stop them. You walked through the crowd of vampires stopping when you reached the Cullens at the front.  
Still your coven was there.  
You made eye contact with the ghost of Marcus. 
“Didyme?” It was a small whisper from him, but it got everyone's attention and slowly people turned to look at you, the one who got Marcus’s attention so completely.  
You always joked how you and your sister looked so similar even when you were just a human child.  
The ghost of your brother turned to look at you before slowly saying your name like a small prayer.  
Is this really just ghosts and are you going insane? Were they really there? 
“Brother?” You said, taking a step forward.  
“Sister?” Aro said, and you could only nod and straighten your hand as an invite for your brother's powers.  
Your brother was in front of you in a second and his hands were pressed to your cheeks, forcing you to look at him while looking at your memories. 
When your brother had enough of your memories, he pulled you to a hug that you had missed for centuries.  
“Brother, am I going mad” you asked in your native language that you hadn’t spoken for so long.  
Brother pulled back from the embrace. “No, my little sister, you just have been lost from me for too long.”  
You turned to look at your brother's company seeing your old coven mixed with a lot of new people. But you couldn’t find your sister.  
“What has happened?” you asked, looking back to your brother.  
“We took down the old rulers and we became the new one. Our coven has been royalty for over a millennium now.”  
The rest of the night went on in a haze. You couldn’t listen to any of the Cullens or the struggle of the immortal child. You just needed your brother.  
Your coven was in a private plain with you back to town in Italy, that was the capital of the vampire world apparently.  
You were glued to your brother’s side while you and your coven told you what happened after you disappeared.  
Aro and Marcus’s eyes were pooled with venom while Caius was silent but clearly as emotional as his friends.  
No one had mentioned Didyme the whole time and in your heart, you knew why, you just weren’t strong enough to get the confirmation. But you needed to know what happened, who took your sister away from you.  
“Big brother?” You asked in your mother tongue, getting Aro’s attention. 
“What happened to her?” You asked, afraid to get the answer.  
“She was attacked and killed a long time ago, but fear not she has been looking after you this whole time. And now she cries tears of joy after seeing us together at last.”  
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luckybunny555 · 1 year
Spidey Gang X Hyper, chaotic reader who always needs saving
Gwen, Miles, Pavitr and Hobie x Harley Quinn/Gwenpool(inspired) GN!reader Platonic and general HCs for the whole group(together)
BIG warning: unfortunately, I have never read any Gwenpool or Harley Quinn comics! Most of the things I know about them are just from pinterest, so I'm sorry if this is totally inaccurate, the reader was mostly based on my own preferences either way, I just did this inspired by them because I saved some cute icons and fragments of comics on my board and they inspired me.
Other warnings: cussing? idk if I gotta put a warning for this, but yeah, very brief mention of wounds
A/N: I made this first one with all the characters together, but I'm making one with specific sections for each character, still platonic
edit: part. 2 here!
This is how I'm healing my inner child, sorry if it seems too childish
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How they met you
When you were first introduced to the Spider Society by Jess and Miguel, let's just say it was hard to not notice you
You were so excited, asking them a hundread questions and talking so fast and loud, you caught many eyes just by stepping out of the elevator while rambling to them about how you had been dealing with this whole "Spider-Person" thing
You were so focused on your super interesting story(at least for you, it was!) that you didn't even notice how the four Spideys were staring at you - so curious and intrigued by this new recruit
The three boys somehow convinced Gwen to ask Jess later about who was the new Spidey that caught their eyes
For a while, they just keep an eye out at the HQ, trying to get a glimpse of you and find out more about this new recruit
Soon enough, you all get properly introduced for a mission together
Your excitement was totally contagious, and you were so friendly and fun that it was only a matter of time until you became friends
After that mission, they just decide to adopt you basically. You're part of the group now, no escape(and you were so happy about it)
How they are with you(general group HCs)
Whenever you see them at HQ, your first instinct to greet them is to run towards them and jump into their arms or on their back, and they always catch you(specially because of their Spider-Senses), usually spinning you around before letting go of you
You are a menace to Miguel - he totally hates you, specially when Hobie teams up with you to annoy the shit outta him. But you get the job done, one way or another, so he doesn't really have a reason to kick you out of the Society
And unfortunately for him, the five of you work really well in missions, so most of the time, you all get paired together
They're always giving you piggyback rides, not only because you think it's fun, but because that's how they make sure they know where you are and they keep you from running into more problems
You also get thrown over their shoulders more times than you can count - they always gotta drag you away from trouble because you do not know when to stop messing around
They got used to you always running into trouble, so now their protectiveness is almost intuitive
Like catching you right before you trip, without batting an eye
They're not even that surprised anymore when their Spider Sense alerts them that you're in danger during missions(or other occasions), they just rescue you right in time
You tend to get easily(but briefly) distracted during missions. There's always something colorful and sparkly catching your eye, or maybe something cute like a stray cat!
So you just have to stop for a second to pet it and take a picture with it, leading it away from danger until the others are yelling at you to focus on the mission
Or once, when the five of you were in a fight in your universe, and you ended up seeing a cute little kid with a costume just like your Spider-Suit. It was the first time you saw that. You couldn't resist it, you had to go talk to the kiddo(who could blame you, though? so cute!!)
It was adorable, but you quickly lead them away from the fight because everyone was yelling at you to focus on fighting the villain
Internally, they were melting over your cute interaction, but that should be gushed over later, when no one was trying to kill all of you
They had to make deals with you at some point, because Miguel was almost done with your shenanigans: if you didn't get distracted during important missions, they'd take you to your favorite burguer joint after, or let you plan a sleepover for the five of you, or play some game you'd been begging them to play with you... anything they could bribe you with, really
You couldn't refuse, the deals were always too good not to take. They'd accept any hang out ideas you had just because you focused on kicking the villain's ass and saving people?? Oh, you'll have so much fun planning these hang outs
Also, how do you manage to always eat or drink something during missions? No idea. But you do keep everyone fed by sharing your snacks, even when you're fighting some villain in another universe
That's only for snack though, they're actually the ones to make sure you have eaten enough meals, and not only candy and chips
You never mess up that badly during missions though, if there's something you're good at(besides being a menace and causing trouble) is kicking villain ass
You're always giggling and having fun while you're fighting them, and your Spidey friends always appreciated your excitement and playful energy
You insist on taking group selfies when the mission is over, usually with the villain tied up in a web-cocoon in the background, and they just go with it lol
They'd take turns on who would patch you up after you almost got your ass beaten during more demanding missions(not that they mind it, though, because they do love you)
You keep a collection of cute band-aids and first aid items, like Hello Kitty(my personal favorites) or other cartoon themed band-aids, and they always use those for you because they know you love them(and they find it adorable, too)
And you always make them laugh when you ramble about the mission or something cute that caugh your eye while they're taking care of your scratches and wounds
You thank them with friendly kisses on the cheek and tight hugs, which they love
Your 'thank you's were also taking care of their scratches when they got hurt as well, making sure to clean them properly(because you might be reckless but you don't want any of your friends to get sick or hurt even more) and treat their bruises gently
They really appreciate how calm and focused you are in those moments, showing just how much you care for them(even though they already knew)
During Miguel's meetings and 'lecture sessions', they had to be even more careful with you lmao
You were on thin ice with him, and being bored was not something you delt well with...
So they always have to find ways to distract you, or you and Miguel will start an argument and this will last hours
Sometimes, you do that job yourself. Distracting yourself by climbing on the walls, or sitting on the ceiling, spinning around in a rolling chair... you couldn't stay still for very long
Whether in a meeting or just hanging out, though, they're always amused by the way you're always climbing and sitting in unusual places
Or swinging upside down with your webs
Once you got stuck in your own spider web, they all laughed for a while before helping you get out of it lol
(Miles kept taking pictures of you just to tease you later)(he loves you tho)
You're always saying weird, conspiratory stuff they never understand, but it always gets a laugh out of them
Like those 3am "What if..." theories, or silly questions like "can worms have feelings?"
Or even weirder things when it comes to spiritual/universe/philosophical themes, "are you real? can you prove it to me? how can you be sure? how can I be sure?"
If they have time(like, not during a mission), they'll take some time to think about your questions and continue the topic lol
It's even funnier when Miguel is around, because he's trying to get you to listen to him but the five of you are just discussing whether or not someone can prove if they're real to someone else
It's just like that scene where he's like "no puedo más, no puedo más", hilarious
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