#so obviously no spoilers pls
cerealbishh · 7 months
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"Good job, Aerith!" "It was nothing compared to you!" // "I'm so glad you're all okay!" "Right back atcha."
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120percents · 1 year
i just think it’s so funny that zoro does not even wanna comment on the usokaya situation when usopp explicitly asks and he very pointedly looks away when they kiss and yet he proceeds to butt in every single time sanji flirts with a woman or implies he knows about romance to redirect attention back on himself like god i wonder where your interests lie…
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littlestarbigfangs · 11 months
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[Was it true what they said? That you gave up fighting him long ago?]
"You don't know what it was like! There was no way out!"
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ttoya · 1 year
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That old familiar body ache The snaps from the same little breaks in my soul I know when it's time to go
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threnodians · 5 months
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not pictured: me kicking my feet and giggling
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andi-o-geyser · 1 month
“oh the gods are bad the gods are bad” i actually realized i dont give a fuck. crazy concept i actually realized i do not give a fuck lmaooo. people have lived not liking or worshipping the gods for so many fucking years its actually CRAZY like people honestly just go about their day to day lives. they believe or they don't! big whoop! they just care about the price of milk and if the world isn't ending!!
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crunchycrystals · 6 months
do y'all think lydia and kalina did the spies tongue curse thing together and thats why kalina can only say ragh's name???????
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fortanuvasyama · 1 year
I was REALLY REALLY curious about some of the logistics of the whole adrenaline-fear-thing Bruce stuck in Jason, so I went down a rabbit hole of googling! From what I was seeing of other people's posts, it seems like general consensus is that there's a chip in Jason's head that's making the
disclaimer: I'm not a medical professional. I googled this and looked at articles and research papers but I definitely could have misunderstood things! talk to a doctor for better info!
As I listed in another post, adrenaline gets triggered in the body for multiple reasons, one of the most obvious being fear. Keep that in mind.
So, first off, when adrenaline hits your system, it does a ton of things: your sensitivity to pain decreases, your pupils get bigger, your vision gets better, your heart starts racing, your blood pressure increases, your hearing improves, your digestion slows down, the air passages in your lungs expand, your blood gets redistributed to your muscles, and your blood glucose levels increase.
(Your adrenal glands, of which the average person has two, are on the top of each kidney, btw. That's where they link up with the endocrine system.)
Short-term, these things can help you escape a situation your brain decides is dangerous. But if they go on for a long time, well... I think you can guess.
Generally, anxiety/fear -> panic attack -> hyperventilation, and if the hyperventilation goes on for too long it can increase the levels of oxygen in your blood to dangerous amounts. Most people would pass out before this got to the point that it could cause death, and because they're unconscious, the body has a chance to get breathing back to normal levels (though of course you'd most likely have negative side-effects after this).
Most importantly: Adrenaline is straight-up toxic in huge quantities. As in, it will kill you if there's a massive amount for a long time. I can't get a reliable source on how long this takes or exactly how much it takes to kill you, but there are cases of people dying during surgery when accidentally given massive amounts of epinephrine (adrenaline). And there are definitely reports of people straight up dying of fright (of note is that most of those people had varying conditions that weakened their hearts already). Basically, adrenaline ends up opening the heart to calcium, and if too much calcium builds up it impedes the heart's ability to work, thus damaging it, and eventually the whole system collapses. I couldn't find any real time estimates on how long the calcium build-up takes 🤷‍♀️
So you can imagine, if you decided to, say, make a little computer chip that forced your brain into feeling fear every time it sensed adrenaline hitting the system, then the obvious result you're going to get is... more adrenaline entering the system. Which then kicks off the next wave of fear! Is it worse than the first? Possibly! That fear kicks more adrenaline into overdrive, which means more fear which means more adrenaline, which means more fear which means more adrenaline which means more fear which means more adrenaline which means more fear which means more adrenaline which means more fear which means more adrenaline which means more fear which means more adrenaline which means more fear which means more adrenaline and so on and so forth!
And that is to say nothing of the fact that - if we work under the assumption that Bruce put a chip in Jason's brain to cause the fear response to adrenaline being released - it means HE PUT A CHIP IN JASON'S BRAIN. HE PERFORMED BRAIN SURGERY!!! THE MAN WHO DITCHED MEDICAL SCHOOL PERFORMED A BRAIN OPERATION!!! TO PUT SOMETHING INTO SOMEONE'S BRAIN!!!!
conclusion: realistically, jason would be dead by the end of the day. if we go by dc logic, he'll probably turn into a speedster (kidding! I'm kidding. though you could make a case of adrenaline = hysterical strength which means tons of adrenaline = superman strength. probably not going to happen.)
Thank you for listening to my tedtalk on why bruce wayne is a fucking moron (and dc writers don't give a shit about biology 🫣)
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kokitschi · 1 year
AITA for getting two of my classmates killed?
Okay, okay, I know the title sounds bad but hear me out first.
So we're in this (involuntary) death game, right, long story. Basically the goal is to get away with murder but if you get caught, you get horrifically executed. Fun stuff.
Anyway, so this whole situation kinda takes a toll on me, but I keep it lowkey. Well, actually, my strategy was to act like I'm really enjoying this whole game, get chummy with the game master and stuff like that. I was apparently very convincing, even though I kept dropping hints that I'm not having a good time. So everyone was convinced pretty early on that I'm some psycho who gets pleasure out of watching people suffer, which admittedly I can't fully blame them for. But they were literally convinced I was satan incarnated before I ever did some heinous stuff just because I wasn't very nice and friendly and didn't want to pretend like we can just friendship-is-magic our way out of this. They literally got upset at me for freely speaking about the death of our classmates and trying to warn this sweet naive fucking idiot about being too trusting and the consequences of cooperating under these circumstances. No, I was not nice about it. But like, get real. They just didn't want to face the reality of the situation and that's fucking dangerous.
Anywayyyy, time passes, people get killed, everyones on edge and depressed and shit. Despite what I just said, I didn't actually believe that we all shouldn't cooperate under any circumstances. I just thought we shouldn't do it so openly. So there were two people I mainly cooperated with, let's call them G and M.
G is the aforementioned sweet naive idiot, he also happens to be an absolute mountain of a man. I saw potential in him, I knew he wasn't actually that dumb, he was just, naive and trusting and he really really wanted to protect people. I thought that was a dangerous combination. So I took him under my wing and we did spend a lot of time together.
M is... well, she's a dumb fucking bitch. Obnoxious as hell. But she's also pretty brilliant in making stuff. Like, inventions I mean. VERY USEFUL. We didn't get along much, but I knew how to handle her and we ended up collaborating on several creations and gadgets.
It was really powerful stuff, y'know? I was sure we could use these to take down the game master. I said as much to her. But she... was unsure. Actually, I guess it would be more accurate to say that she was scared, if not terrified. She didn't believe that we could win this way because she thought our classmates would definitely betray us! Can't blame her for thinking that, I guess. It was still pretty discouraging. It would've been fine if the issue had ended here, probably.
But then... long story short, I found out that she was trying to kill me. :')
I would've laughed but it really wasn't that funny, was it. I thought we had at least a truce, you backstabbing fucking bitch. Haha.
I couldn't let this happen. Of course I didn't want to die, but I did also think that if I die here, everyone else will also die. Even if she didn't get away with it, which is debatable because there would've only been about 1.5 competent people left alive to figure it out, I had plans to properly end this game. I couldn't die here.
I had to eliminate her first. She was simply too big of a threat. Not only was she actively planning to murder me, after we've literally created another possibility, she was also emotionally very unstable. It was too risky to solve this another way. Even if we had managed to pacify her now, she was still the biggest risk factor.
I had probably squeezed out all the valuable uses out of her anyway at that point, hah.
So yeah, I decided to strike her down before she could strike me down. But I didn't want to risk either getting everyone killed (because obviously I could've planned a murder I could get away with, duh) or getting executed myself. That would kinda be against the point of ending this game with more than 2 people left alive.
G had grown very depressed over the course of the game. He's always had a tendency to self deprecate and he's been offering himself as a meat shild since the very beginning but especially lately. So I thought I would be so kind and take him up on his offer :)
You guys don't know just how much he's been begging to be used, be useful, protect someone. Literally.
I planned the murder. I manipulated G, convincing him that this was the way to save everyone and he executed my orders. He killed her. I didn't have to get my own hands dirty. He even bought in his own ideas to cover up the murder scene!
The only information I hid from him was that I never planned to let him get away with this. He still chose to kill her, yknow? I didn't force him to do it. I did push his buttons. I knew he would do it if I just said the right words. But if I hadn't manipulated him like this, someone else eventually would've. And he would've done it for them too. Maybe it was always gonna happen!
Anyway, G got executed. Despite some hiccups during the trials, we unraveled the murder and well. He's dead now. My classmates are very upset with me hahahaha :')
But I didn't have a choice. What was supposed to do? Is it wrong of me for wanting to live? For thinking about the situation realistically? For thinking I was more necessary to end this game than either of them?
Edit: I've usurped the game master. Surely me officially ending this game will prevent people from murdering any more. :)
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swimmingchicken9 · 4 months
no but I feel like kanji had the potential to be a great character and positive gay influence but unfortunately he was doomed by the narrative
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This exclusive radio accompanies Victor’s mind quest Not the Slightest Gap (至无隙无间).
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⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for content yet to be released in the global server! ⌚
Victor: Come in.
Goldman: CEO, the Digital Twin technology project we participated in is already moving forward according to the plan.
Victor: Mm, is the meeting in question scheduled for tomorrow?
Goldman: Yes, it’s tentatively scheduled for tomorrow at 3 pm. Do you see any need for adjustment?
Victor: Mm... bring it forward to the morning.
Goldman: Okay.
Victor: By the way, there’s one more thing that I need your help with.
Victor: Help me find a Latin dance studio that offers professional Paso Doble dance courses.
Goldman: Are there any specific requirements?
Victor: One-on-one class. The class time needs to be flexible so that it can be adjusted according to my schedule.
Victor: Aside from being professional, the instructor must be patient.
Goldman: I’ve made a mental note.
Victor: Sign up for two people.
Goldman: For two people… are you going with MC?
Victor: Mm.
Victor: …the setting needs to be better. I guess she will want to take pictures when we check-in.
Goldman: Okay. Do you need help with the outfits for the two of you for your dance classes?
Victor: No need. I’ll take her myself tomorrow.
Victor: That’s all. If you find something suitable, feel free to send me any time.
Goldman: Roger. If there’s nothing else, I’ll take my leave now.
Goldman: [after walking a few steps] CEO, can I ask you a personal question?
Victor: Go on.
Goldman: How do you still manage to have the energy to exercise after getting off work? When I go home every day, all I want to do is lie down.
Victor: Each individual obtains their energy in different ways.
Victor: For me, proper exercise works as a stress reliever.
Goldman: Eh? But don’t you go for an early morning jog every day?
Victor: …dancing is not the same as a morning jog.
Goldman: It’s not the same?
Goldman: Uh, I mean, it sounds like they are both aerobics…
Victor: Do you want me to make a report for you on that?
Goldman: No need, no need. I’ve been blabbing. I’m just curious.
Goldman: And one last thing. Since you two are learning ballroom dancing, then for the company’s annual meeting program…
Victor: How come I don’t know that you’re doing all the administrative work now?
Goldman: A-ah, I’m just asking since I’m here…
Victor: Get off work if there isn’t anything to do. Or don’t you want to go home and lie down tonight?
Victor: There will never be a shortage of things to do in the company.
Goldman: …got it. I’ll go and do what you asked me to do.
Victor: Wait, there’s one more thing.
Victor: About the dance studio, try to choose a place as close as possible to MC’s company.
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blue-mood-blue · 10 months
Seeing as how I’ve now read two mxtx series where “arms tonight” by mother mother would be an appropriate addition to the playlist…
…how appropriate an addition to the playlist would “arms tonight” by mother mother be for tgcf
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lockree · 2 years
tbh it really really broke my heart when ángel was mumbling 'la tarara' all to himself in order to calm down during ep 5 when people started to jump off the kerberos. it's a traditional song for children and now i'm wondering how deeply traumatized he really is urgh i -
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starlooove · 1 year
This might be too niche for the non Afro Latinos but miles reaction to Miguel rejecting him wasn’t just about the spider thing and I felt it when Miles called him Tío and got that reaction.
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woundedheartwithin · 11 months
KK not realizing that the safehouse was cursed, despite having the affinity and being very sensitive to this shit, is funny enough, but the fact that either Ed, Dale, Rinko, or Erika put the picture in the very bottom of the box for KK to find instead of JUST TELLING HIM ABOUT IT is the funniest shit in the universe
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mostlyihyperfixate · 2 months
Oh, what's this? Simon, your sister is hot.
*spends three minutes with her*
nvm she called Athena a dull creature all hot points lost
EDIT: Waaaaaait. I'm recalling that at the beginning of this, Athena recognized Simon's last name. Then they have shared exactly zero indications that they know each other. Did she know Aura previously?
it doesn't matter. she was still mean to that poor robot.
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