#so okay my dad wanted to make google before google apparently
sevensinswithin · 2 months
Okay so to everyone who was here for the original post, here’s basically how Alicent and Laenor get married in my lavender marriage au:
The entire thing starts because Alicent catches Laenor and Joffrey fucking in a secluded part of the castle a few weeks before Aemma dies. The boys only realize they’ve been caught because Alicent runs away from them like her ass is on fire. That girl had no idea gay male sex was an option in life and now needs to reevaluate everything in her life after catching them.
Laenor then spends the next few weeks trying to find a way to get her alone because guess what. Fucking in a secluded but also public area is not a good strategy if you want to keep your gay love affair a secret. So now Laenor is hoping to convince Alicent to stay quiet about what she saw because his dad seems to think he'll grow out of it (do not attack me, this literally happens in canon) and he doesn’t want anyone to know yet since it might impact who he’ll get married to eventually. Meanwhile Alicent is desperately trying to forget that she ever saw anything and doesn’t tell Otto about seeing Laenor and Joffrey because let's be real. This man said “childhood companions” like it was a slur in that one scene, so she knows that her father would do something with this information. Alicent does not want to be the reason Joffrey and Laenor are in trouble for their relationship. Nevermind that she’s suddenly having the realization that women liking women isn’t that far of a stretch after all.
Unfortunately, to everyone else in the world, it looks like Laenor is trying to court her and that Alicent is just trying to be very polite about his interest in her since she never wants to be alone in a room with him unless they’re around other people. Which is something that is totally normal and not weird at all. Why would you say otherwise?
Then Aemma dies and Otto sends her to see Viserys in his room and Alicent is now very stressed about something else in her life because she wants to do what her father says, but she also doesn’t want to betray Rhaenyra.
So during those six months after Aemma dies - which is apparently how much times passes between Aemma’s death and when Viserys decides to marry Alicent according to a HOTD article I read - Alicent, like in canon, is sent by her father to Viserys’ chambers and desperately hopes that her father’s ambitions won’t happen and that Viserys will simply see her as person that is supporting him in his grief.
(Life Hack: If you ever want to read an article and it says you have to make an account to read the rest of it, just go back to the google page you found it on, right click the link, and save the link as an HTML document. That lets you read the article without having to make an account. I found this out from someone on the internet and damn did it help when I wanted to access any account restricted article. Anyways, back to the plot.)
So to counteract that and make it so she’s less appealing to Viserys, Alicent always mentions Laenor and how fond of him she is during their talks. She also mentions how worried she is about Rhaenyra and her position as heir because there seems to be so many people that seem to be under the impression that they can replace her by having Viserys marry one of their daughters and convince him change his heir to one of the possible children he might have with those daughters.
Meanwhile, Laenor is absolutely losing his mind because all of a sudden Alicent is always around him and receptive to interacting with him, even though literally weeks before she avoided being around him like the plague. During this she also manages to wring out of him the fact that his parents (mainly Corlys, let's be real) are talking about potentially marrying Laena to Viserys and that he hates that idea as she’s way too young in his eyes for that. Eventually Alicent manages to find a way to be alone with Laenor and make him swear to secrecy about what she'll tell him because telling anyone might mean that his sister will actually have to marry Viserys. He does and she fills him in on what her father wants and what she’s attempting to do, and that she needs his cooperation to get him to at least appear like they’re courting.
So Alicent and Laenor put up the appearance that they’re at least attracted to each other to get people talking, which totally doesn’t ignite jealousy in Rhaenyra at the idea of Alicent being in love with her cousin. Cue Rhaenyra absolutely doing everything in her power to make Laenor appear like a loser to Alicent and the rest of the court. Alicent makes sure to get her to stop that shit real quick and tells Rhaenyra that she and Laenor are only pretending to be in love in order to avoid having to marry someone that would disrespect Laenor’s preference for men and disregard Alicent’s autonomy. Alicent also mentions that possibly marrying Laenor means that Alicent and Rhaenyra will be allowed to see each other very frequently as she will be Laenor’s wife and the Velaryons are often at court since they are related to the royal family. So now they have Rhaenyra on board.
Eventually the night before that one small council meeting where in canon Viserys announces that he’ll marry Alicent, Alicent “confesses” to Viserys that she’s in love with Laenor and that she wants to marry him, but that her father would never allow Alicent to marry Laenor because he and Lord Corlys dislike each other. She also lets it “slip” that Otto is very adamant that Viserys must have a male heir despite the fact that Rhaenyra has already been made heir, and that he sees Alicent as a potential bride for Viserys despite her unwillingness to marry her best friend’s father. She also sprinkles in the fact that Rhaenyra would be devastated at the idea of her father remarrying, especially if the bride in question were her best friend or even her little cousin (Yeah fuck you Corlys, you’re on thin ice for that and the grow out of it comment), and the fact that surely his wife would want him to defend his daughter’s claim to the Iron Throne from potential usurpers, which is something that would definitely happen if he had a son.
This causes Viserys to absolutely lose his shit, but Alicent calms him down and he sends her away from his chambers. However, not before Viserys hints that he would not dissolve a marriage between a highborn lady and lord if they eloped and consummated the marriage. So instead of heading straight to her rooms, Alicent instead books it to Laenor’s chambers. The two of them run off to a sept and convince a septon to marry them with a few commoners as their witnesses because they can’t take any nobles in fear of being stopped (and to also have the commoners spread the fact that Alicent and Laenor eloped). Then she and Laenor head off to Laenor’s chambers to consummate the marriage with the help of Joffrey, who they had stay in Laenor’s chambers so that no one would get him in trouble or notice that he was in the room with them during the consummation, and to have Alicent stay over so that people could catch them together in the morning and spread the news of her “ruined reputation”.
The next morning Laena bursts into Laenor’s chambers like she always does and “catches” them before running off to tell Rhaenys the way all little siblings do. So then Rhaenys and Corlys show up, as does Otto; he caught wind of the situation through a servant he paid off to spy on the Velaryons. Once there Otto starts shaming Alicent about her ruined reputation and Laenor retorts that she didn’t ruin anything as he married her before he bedded her. Otto then explodes at the pair when Laenor says that and Corlys rushes to defend his son against all the stuff Otto is saying and threatening him with.
Eventually their argument gets so loud that a servant rushes to get Viserys and a few guards since they’re afraid that the two lords will resort to violence. Trailing after them is Rhaenyra and the Small Council, as the meeting was supposed to start half an hour ago but certain people were missing and needed to be found. So now the entire Small Council, Rhaneyra, and Viserys are at the doorway of Laenor’s room while a furious Otto and Corlys trade insults. Meanwhile Rhaenys sees how afraid Alicent and Laenor are and rushes to the pair’s defense (because they need someone in their corner that isn’t shaming the other party), saying that perhaps the two wouldn’t have resorted to eloping if Otto and Corlys weren't always at odds. Seeing the King, Otto rushes to demand that he have the septon reverse the marriage, but Viserys reveals that he knows about Otto’s plan to make Alicent marry him and how he knows that she wished to marry Laenor instead. He then fires Otto from being Hand and sends him packing to Oldtown, approving of Laenor and Alicent’s marriage as a final insult to Otto. He also firmly informs the small council that he will not be getting remarried, that Rhaenyra will remain his heir, and that anyone who objects otherwise is speaking of treason.
So there you go, the outline for a story that I’m most likely going to write in non-linear bits. In this world Alicent is Lady of Driftmark, Laenor and Joffrey get to be happy, and Viserys prioritizes making sure that Rhaenyra’s claim to the throne is secure. Also somewhere down the line in this universe Rhaenyra and Alicent get their shit together and realize they’re in love with each other, and Rhaenyra gets to marry Harwin because Daemon never takes her to the brothel and so she gets to pick her husband and be the polyamorous bi queen we all love.
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More little incorrect quotes from Descendants with CharmingHeart/Glassheart.
(and other ships)
Red: Amore, what does IDK, ILY, and TTYL mean?
Chloe: I don’t know, I love you, talk to you later.
Red: Alright, I love you too, I'll ask someone else.
Chloe: Wait- Red, no-
(Red didn't really know much about texting)
Red: A person can really hear themselves think out here.
Red’s mind: Did you leave the door unlocked? Does your mother actually love you!? WILL YOU DIE ALONE!?
Red: Well, that was a mistake.
(Beginners mistake, Red. You'll get there..)
Chloe: Okay, but what if we went to dinner not as friends this time?
(Chloe doesn't know if she wants to laugh or cry)
Red: That was so hot, Chloe.
Chloe: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenterate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets.
Red: I'm so in love with you.
(Red loves this side of Chloe, when it's not directed at her)
Dizzy: Tell me a little about yourself.
Red: I'd rather not, I really like this group.
(Dizzy and Celia joined Red and Chloe's friend group. Dizzy is Chloe's cousin.)
Celia: Can I get a waffle?
Red and Chloe: *fighting and yelling at each other*
Celia: Can I p l e a s e get a waffle?
(Alternative Universe where there was no coup and Red and Chloe became roommates and get on each other's nerves a lot)
Red: Who wants to make fifty bucks?
Dizzy: How?
Red: I need someone to take the fall.
Celia: What did you do?
Red: I can't tell you. Yes or no, no questions asked.
Chloe, from the other room: Oh my god.
Red: ...
Chloe: OH MY GOD!
Celia and Dizzy: Make it a hundred.
Red: Deal.
(Same Universe as before)
*In a horror movie situation*
Dizzy: I've got no service in my phone here.
Chloe: Shoot, my battery just died.
Red: Sorry guys, I just broke my phone with a hammer.
Celia: Guys, my phone is a playing card.
(Damn. Bridget has been worry spamming her and Red couldn't take it anymore.)
Mal, to Evie: I mean, I get complimented all the time-
Carlos: *starts cackling*
Mal: I do!
Jay: *laughs harder*
(They love getting on her nerves)
Mal: A stake to the heart won't kill a vampire if their tits are big enough.
Carlos: Yeah, you just catch it.
Evie: Nah nah nah, deflects it. Stake? Just bounces right off. Done. Back to doing hot girl shit.
Jay: Then I just use a spear instead.
Mal: You are trying so hard to kill a vampire with big bazongas, and for what? Why would you do that to the ecosystem?
(Yeah Jay! Why? Like damn)
Jay: Who would you swipe right for? Audrey or Uma?
Mal: I would delete the app.
(Jay, stop. Evie and Mal just had a small fight. It's not a break up)
Jay: Mal and I are so close we even share a toothbrush.
Mal: We what?
(No Jay. Why. But true)
Mal: Do you love me?
Evie: We’re literally married.
Mal: Yeah, but as friends or—
(Mal, you're too insecure. Evie, kiss her insecurities away)
Mal: My dad has a spiked collar.
Mal: *dog
(wait let me fix this real quick)
Mal: My dog had a spiked collar when he was a teen.
Mal: *dad
Hope you like it.
Also I'm so glad I finally found other teenagers that Red and Chloe can hang out with other than their teen parents lol
Celia and Red would thrive
Ok byeeee
I wanted to Google how old Celia and Dizzy were. I was thinking 12-13 and they are 13. And Red and Chloe are 16 but since there was a time skip from Descendants 3 to the Rise of Red. I thought they'd be the same age.
The time skip was apparently 16 YEARS (which may have been mentioned at the beginning of the movie and I forgot. Idk) also that would mean Chloe and Red are born when descendants 3 ended or somewhere in that timespan. Damn.
Buuut I shall make Celia and Dizzy 16. Because I said so... We don't talk about the complications.
Ok byeee again
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puckpocketed · 4 months
new babygirl unlocked!! and he has HAIR!!!!!!
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[ID: Photo of Los Angeles Kings prospect Aatu Jämsen in his Pelicans uniform. His hair is backlit to almost seem white, and streams out from under his helmet. /. End ID]
oh my GOD!!! new babygirl indeed... its giving barbie its giving goldilocks its giving hair on a my little pony toy... !
Quick notes on Aatu Jämsen. i am quite endeared. he is exactly my type of hockey guy <3
Plays RW! Drafted 2020, round 7, 190th overall. Before signing with the Kings, was playing for the Lahti Pelicans. Bit of a late bloomer, but he's tearing it up lately!! Probably why he got the nod from LA.
Per EP Rinkside, "Players with Jämsen's creativity are a rarity in Liiga. In a league where systems and team-wide strategy are at the forefront, Jämsen stands out with his puck skills and a flair for the dramatic. He's a legitimate dual-threat weapon in the offensive zone, and has also made some slight improvements to his physical game; a necessity if he wants to try to conquer North America next season."
So he's known for being very flashy. Quick, soft hands. Creative. Highlight reel stuff. GOATED on the shootout, apparently always trying crazy dangles in game... I'm SURE this type of prospect will be fine in the LA Kings system (<- lying but hopeful!! aslkdaskjl)
Here he is bullying the shit out of NHL24 champ/youtuber/ex-goalie Eki in the shootout. he yells "KUCHEROV" in triumph at one point after scoring on this guy who (checks notes) laced up skates to play goalie 2 times in the last 4 years - and i think that's so fucking lame and deeply charming.
and I am not surprised at all; he is VERY popular in the Finnish league.
Last month he got into a fight with Tampereen Tappara's Otto Rauhala. VERY unexpected, he's not a fighter at all. Rough google translate from this article, cleaned up a little by me:
Interviewer: What happened there? Jämsen: I don't know. Interviewer: So would you say Rauhala started it? Jämsen: You could say. I didn't appreciate his check in the first period of the game. Nothing more than that."
This is whole exchange is SO funny to me. what happened? he doesn't know. but if he had to say? then that guy fucking started it!!! but that's all <3 LMAO
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HE MOONLIGHTS AS A RAP MUSICIAN. HELLO. His stage name is KIDJAM$EN kjlasdkljadlak HELP..,, here is one of his songs set to a short looping montage of Pelicans hockey players.. i think its a playoffs hype song??? I cannot understand a word of it. it DOES bang though!!! He plans to pursue music as a career if hockey doesn't work out. jumping from one risky career to another with no fear honestly go off!!! faith trust and pixie dust <3
everything about him i can dig up is like He's SOO flashy. eccentric. strange creachture. He bleaches his hair to get it that light. he did it to imitate Otto Salin, per this article. The picture is worth a thousand words tbh:
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the fucking. LV sweater. the sunglasses. the coy look up at the camera. okay!!! cunt !!! <3
In the same article: he got very serious about nutrition and exercise last season after coming back from a break and getting BLASTED by his coaches for being out of shape. from the sounds of it, this dressing-down triggered his current meteoric rise? He was nawwwt taking his conditioning seriously before this. Since then, he's gained weight and become stronger, and has dedicated himself fully to going pro!
same article again: he's the scion of a hockey family - and god isnt that always the story?? His dad played for the Pelicans. his brothers Juuso and Vili also play hockey. The three have distinct play styles like a cute little set <3 Juuso the goal scorer, Aatu the playmaker, and Vili the GOON!!!
ough MIDDLE CHILD ALERT!!! it all makes SO much sense now....
Due to his flashiness on-ice AND off-ice, he naturally is a lightning rod for criticism. ice hockey is notoriously conservative as a culture and everything about him goes against this. Jams... Jammie... Jammer... idk what to call you BUT. your swag too different your slay too cunty, they're trying to kill you but you wont let them!!!!!
it seems instead of pivoting and making himself more palatable, he's only doubled down. i love and support him for this. if anyone has been on my blog they know i enjoy my guys with big personalities just as much as i love the quiet/underrated ones.
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preciadosbass · 2 months
26/7/24 🕷️ [yesterday, cuz i didn’t write on the day] // possible tw for talk of cals (???)
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i’m just gunna assume i woke up at 11, because i have been doing so ever since i left school. i had a cream cheese bagel for breakfast, which i shouldn’t really be having as apparently they’re like 350 cals — butt, i’ve gotten into a habit of going on decently long walks consistently so i ended up cancelling it out further along in the day.
since i’ve been [unintentionally] going to sleep at 5am every night and eating less then 400cal a day i’ve been forgetting literally EVERYTHING. but i do remember listening to ls dunes for the first time after i had breakfast. i don’t think i’ll forget it and i don’t think i’ll ever forgive myself for not seeing them when they were over at the uk. anyways, i’m kind of surprised i haven’t listened to them before. i’ve listened to every other one of franks projects. then i downloaded a few videos of tony [perry].
i watched sam and colby/ronnie radke streams, put up photos of max green + cuddled boris [my cat] up until 3:30 which is when i have to get ready for youth club. i’ve been like three times to this particular one, and i think it’s okay. i mean, i’ve gone from not going outside for a year to being around 40+ teens so its obviously gunna be weird for me. i only really go in hopes that i’ll find a friend, but i haven’t even gotten close to learning about the people there yet.
anyways, this time i was going solely because i got spoken to properly for the first time last week 2 minutes before i had to leave and i wanted to see those same girls again. spoiler alert, they weren’t there. but there is this energetic person.. girl? boy? [i don’t know, they haven’t told me yet] called jester that tries to involve me in their small friend group so i sat outside and just people watched for three hours. i don’t mind going, i just cant wait until people actually talk to me there so i don’t have to be alone. i do really try to socialise.
that was about it, really. i just listened to everyone until it was it 7 and i could text my mum to pick me up. i intended to ask jester if i could have their number/the number of anyone else there but i forgot. i cant tell whether i regret it or not, because if i did ask, i’d probably freak out trying to. at this point i’d had 515cals and burnt 200 and i was soo hungry so i asked my mum if i could get food, which i DO regret and the guilt is still overwhelming.
when i got home i listened to falling in reverse and finished my food [embarrassingly] and somehow convinced my mum to go on a walk with me again. i wish i could go out alone, as much as i don’t dislike walking with her. i made a deal with her that i’ll make a collage quickly before it got too dark so i did that aswell. it was made up of entirely receipts this time.
i changed again so i wouldn’t get eaten alive by gnats in the woods and we left at like 8ish. we walked around the park just down the road from us and thankfully but unthankfully it was all uphill. i was tired after not doing much exercise since like year 5 but according to google walking uphill burns more cals than walking normally and i really needed to make up from my mess up.
i took my dads phone with me incase i needed to call the home phone and because i wanted to take a picture of myself with a beanie on because i haven’t worn one in years and i know how the landscape is there but it started lagging and ran out. it’d been an hour and a half before we got round the park and me and mum just so happened to run into my neighbour [that ive never met, my neighbours are ages away] right before we got to our house.
he was ‘reflecting’ with a glass of wine. he talked to us for like 30-40 minutes while we stood at the side of the road, he was really drunk, but he was really nice. he invited us to a party and kept on saying about how happy he was to run into us. he then started to get really passionate about his landlord stuff, which i didn’t understand, but i acted like i did. we eventually got home and i was wondering if dad would think something happened to us because he couldn’t call his phone to see if we were okay, and originally, i thought our neighbour was him looking for us. but long story short, he wasn’t, so i just told him about seeing that neighbour.
i hope i do get to go to that party because he [my neighbour] has a grandkid i never knew about and i’m genuinely desperate for a friend, especially nearby. my cals ended up being 474 by the end of the day [cuz of what i’d burnt] which still isn’t great but at least it’s not terrible, i think. i was gunna watch a good girls guide to m*rder [or whatever it is, i have the book and my dad told me there’s something on tv either inspired or made about it.] but my mum wanted to sleep and i’ve gotten it in my head that i have to ask my parents questions about my cat every night for him to be okay so i did that instead.
we surprisingly didn’t argue this time round so afterwards i just went downstairs to do my teeth while listening to hawthorne heights and say goodnight to boris. i generally spend two hours doing that but it took 27 minutes today because i was falling asleep. when i was falling asleep he kept on coming into my room and went under my bed a few times which is extra cute considering asked him to a few minutes earlier.
have a good day/night -_<
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pics from youth club ^
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yellowcry · 7 months
So, a few months ago I was listening to "Google sings We don't talk about" which later inspired me to write reaction fic that wasn't exactly finished
I remember about it, so... That's just a random dialogue heavy craziness.
Original Song link
Mirabel blinked from the bright flash. A second before she was coloring with Antonio and now she was in a strange room with a strange black...paper? (or whatever it was) and a couch.
"Okay, what's going on?" Camilo winced, looking around.
"I was working and... Uh... Just got here?" Luisa spread her arms unsurely as she bit her lip.
Mirabel looked at everyone. The whole third generation except Antonio was here with Tío Bruno, who was knocking on the wooden table. Mirabel sighed, knowing that ot was extremely normal for him.
"But really..." Isabela sighed, "What's going on?"
"Oh, well, hello." They all starled at the unfamiliar voice.
"Okay, and who are you?" Camilo crossed his arms.
"Ah, nobody." They shrugged indifferently. "So, you're going to react to a song"
Luisa raised an eyebrow. "What?"
Mirabel looked around. "It doesn't make any sense. Also, are you crying?"
"Ah, that's normal, don't worry." The person threw their head back in their hands. "You just have to listen to a song. Basically, 'We don't talk about Bruno' was translated in google translate many times and it became crazy."
Dolores squeaked. "Goo.. Gogl what?"
"Oh!" Bruno smiled, "I saw it in a vision once. It's a robot that translates stuff."
Five grandkids blinked at Bruno with faces like "What the hell are you talking about?"
Mirabel sighed, fixing her glasses. "Okay, so... We'll listen to some random human being, and react to a song?"
Bruno smiled awkwardly. "Seems like completely sane behaviour for me"
Isabela rolled her eyes. "Tío, we all know that sane is the antonym to our family."
Dolores nodded, obviously agreeing with this statement.
The six of them spread out on the sofa, staring at the monitor, waiting for the song to start.
"Emma's hot barista, no no, no"
"Who is Emma?" Isabela raised her eyebrow.
"Emma's hot barista."
Mirabel looked thoughtfully. "Well, it's Tía's part..."
Luisa scratched her hands. Do you offer to ask her?
"Call the wedding (call the wedding)"
"I think she's getting married." Camilo smirked.
"I'm about to finish. No cloud, no CEO (no, no cloud no CEO)"
Bruno asked nervously, holding his hands together. "Uh, what is the CEO?" According to everyone's confused looks, he understood that no one actually knows.
"Ryan enters with a mischievous smile."
"Are you sharing this, Cory?"
"Okay, who's all those people?" Camilo asked, tilting his head.
"I'm sorry, my heart, it's over!"
"Oh, sad." Bruno shrugged indifferently.
"'Santa' burgundy said"
"Who are all those people?" Dolores squinted, whispering as she desperately tried to understand what the hell was going on.
"It's like 'We don't talk about Bruno', but you're actually don't talk about Bruno." Mirabel pointed out, fixing her glasses.
"As he puts in"
"Overflowing brainholes."
"Grandma, take a nap."
"I feel like dad just wanted to get rid of Abuela." Camilo smirked, crossing his arms.
"Male hurricane"
Luisa sighed. "Okay, apparently Tía's hurricane can now create men."
Dolores let out a laugh. "That's how Camilo was born."
Camilo smiled, nugging her. "I probably should be offended, but being created in a hurricane sounds cool!"
"Happy day, but whatever..."
"We're not talking 'bout brunching, no, no, no."
"We're not talking 'bout brunching"
"Me, forgetting about the existence of lunch again be like." Luisa propped up her head.
Mirabel sighed. "Okay, that's definitely canon."
"Does it mean that Luisa was the one who sang?" Camilo asked, crossing his arms. "You better not, as it will mean that I wasn't created in a hurricane."
"Hey! Began to fear life and Bruno fell asleep."
"Wow, we finally remembered about Bruno." Isabela starled as the song finally mentioned her Tío.
"But I thought it's not going to talk about me?" Bruno sighed.
"I can always hear him tweet and tweet."
"Tweet?" Camilo raised an eyebrow.
Bruno waved his hand. "Oh, it's also something from the future. Hard to explain."
"When the sound of sand hits the wall,"
"Maniacal laughter"
"Uh... are you alright?" Isabela pursed her lips, and everyone stared at Dolores.
Dolores looked away nervously.
"He is a minor terrorist."
Bruno put his arms into pockets. "Wow, rude."
"Grandma and the family are always noisy."
Dolores sighed, leaning back on the sofa. "I have no words to describe it better."
"Oh, cmon, it's not that bad." Isabela rolled her eyes.
"I hear everything. And this family is the loudest in the whole Encanto."
"War irritates our emotions. You know."
"It's a two-meter-shaped figure with a mouse on it."
Bruno pursed his lips. "I'm going to assume that this is about someone else. I mean, I don't even have mice. And the only two-meter-tall person I know is Luisa."
"I'm not. A bit shorter than this." Luisa shrugged, pointing this out.
"When you write your name, everything goes wrong!"
Camilo raised his head. "Okay, so I won't write my name."
Mirabel rolled her eyes. "And you're going to use this as an excuse not to write exams, are you not?"
Camilo put his hand on his chest dramatically. "How could you assume something like that?"
"He definitely would," Dolores nodded.
"Yes, he has a dream about you and... congratulates you for crying."
"Uh, congratulations?" Bruno said it unsurely, clapping his hands. "You can have... Okay, I don't really have any prize"
"Emma's hot barista, no, no, no"
"Emma's hot barista"
"And Emma is back." Mirabel sighed.
“Tell me my fish will die.”
“Why would you even ask for this?” Isabela looked confused.
“Yes, I'm dead.”
Wait, how is it related?” Luisa asked.
“Ah, it's nothing unusual." Bruno shrugged. “Typical Wednesday”
“My appendix hurts like no other!”
Mirabel tilted her head. “Maybe you should go to Mami."
“Her hair is messy! See, it's really messy.”
Mirabel crossed her arms. “I feel insulted.”
Camilo smirked. “Sorry, prima. Not our fault.”
“Well, at least I'm brushing them instead of shapeshifting.”
Luisa laughed. "Tia've gone so crazy trying to brush him when we lost our gifts."
“Literacy with the help of teachers”
“Tell me my thirst for life”
“Growing plants and causing chaos,” Dolores reminded.
"Obviously,” Isabela gave her a smug expression.
“I will stay in covenant and repent.”
“Excuse me?” Isabela rolled her eyes.
Mirabel sighed. "It's literally impossible"
“Tell me my skills are better in connection to Winnie the Pooh.”
Luisa shook her head. “Now we have some yellow bear.” She clasped her palms together. “At this point, we can create a list with all those random people.”
“At least marijuana.”
Mirabel's eyes widened. “It's Abuela's line.”
A wave of awkward laughter spread across the room.
Dolores sighed. “I'm not even surprised."
“I thinks.” he is the man of my dream"
“At least something is normal,” Mirabel exhaled.
“I'm busy. I have other interests.”
“Forget it.” Mirabel whispered before Dolores hissed at her.
"I'm my own person.”
“Hello CC.”
“Uh, what kind of name is it?" Camilo gave a skeptical look at the screen.
Bruno smiled agilely. “Oh, it's a child from FNAF”
Luisa sighed. "You realize that it doesn't make anything clearer for us, right?”
“I don't like you.”
“What?” Isabela spoke. “How does it even relate to this mess?”
Luisa muttered. “Why are you even surprised? I completely lost it on the fourth line.”
“Yes, chocolate mountain.”
“Okay, now it's just a set of random words,” Camilo said, crossing his arms.
“That's all I know about Bruno.”
“What a great amount of information!" Mirabel rolled her eyes sarcastically.
“Wait, you have a chocolate mountain?” Camilo looked at his Tio, interested. “Can I have it as a prize for crying?”
Bruno shrugged. “Never heard about this before, sorry, kid.”
“Give me the truth and all honesty, Bruno.”
“Isabela, your girlfriend's here!”
Isabela smiled as she put her hands on her sides. “I like this line way more than 'Isabela, your boyfriend's here.”
Mirabel hit the table suddenly. “I get it! Emma is your girlfriend.”
She let out a laugh. "Well, they called her 'hot'”
“Time to dump her.”
“Well, those were fast relationships,” Dolores spoke, tilting her head.
Isabela huffed in annoyance. “Cmon, give me at least some time.”
(repeating the song)
Dolores winced at the sudden screaming.
“In our Bruno show”
Do you mean where he congrats us for crying?” Luisa asked,shaking her hand.
“And gives us a chocolate mountain,” Camilo added.
“Why are you talking about Bruno?”
Bruno smirked. “The fun part is that almost no one talked about me. Especially compared to the original.”
“Is there a way to hear it?” Luisa asked, interested.
“Weren't you there when we singed it?” Isabela gave her a puzzled look.
“Uh, yes, but I was mostly having a mental breakdown over losing my gift.” She reminded, scratching her hands.
“Bruno doesn't call”
“Considering that he was in the walls when we sang it, he really doesn't call to anyone,” Dolores reminded.
“I never should give birth to Bruno.”
Bruno pursed his lips. “Ouch-”
“What a great line to finish." Isabela scoffed.
“I mean, I really shouldn't give birth to my uncle...” Mirabel shrugged awkwardly.
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Apparently telling someone that the issue isn’t the Harry Potter game and wishing death on every player isn’t okay. And that the real issue is the governments especially the US one and asking why they aren’t getting angry at them. Commenting to the governors instead of getting mad at strangers online who don’t want to crucify their 50+y dads. Could result in them proving they are worse then the game players.
(There is a poll at the bottom)
Telling someone you will watch as they get raped and killed doesn’t make you a good person. I believe people mad about the game are good people. Y’all have reason to be. I just look at the situation differently that the government is a hugely different problem. And it’s proving so. If someone disagrees with me I’m okay with that. But to tell me to die. Or kill myself or that you will watch as I get raped by Nazis. Tells me. You are not as good a person as you think you are. You are just as bad as the Nazis. Cause that is beyond messed up to say to someone.
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Even said to me that I’m a traitor to my gender and the community doesn’t accept me. That’s also fucked up to say. Not as much. But still not good. You pretend you have the moral high ground. But ignored everything I said in these comments. Which tells me I’m right. It’s not that you have the moral high ground. You want to feel as you do. Because people that actually care. Would care about how Florida wants to kill parents who let their kids be trans. Or one state banned all reaffirming care for everyone under 18. And if above are not allowed to have any mental illness. Or that trans people are not allowed in the correct bathrooms. And have to put their lives in danger just to go to the bathroom. Cause a dad might not understand why a buff man is using the woman’s bathroom. Or what’s happening to Zooey Zepher. Or the fact that all “pro trans” business have been really quiet and proving they aren’t really. Except funny enough. BudLight
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Anyone who wants to read the full Exchange it’s under one of my posts explaining where Sirona comes from (also before anyone sparks that again. It’s not a transphobic name. But was a horrible choice for them to do)
For everyone wanting to learn more about real issues going on that are really anti trans here’s a link of all anti trans laws they are doing
I would post more articles but the apps not letting me paste atm so feel free to google it
To address some of the other stuff expressed to me in the comments.
Someone told me the whole gaming and media industry isn’t needed and that they would be okay if the whole thing collapsed. I will explain why it is needed. People watch/play for many reasons. It builds serotonin. Entertainment and joy are vital in helping lowering suicide and depression.
And the media industry is one of the biggest in the US and it is hugely vital for the economy. The writers strike will help cause another depression (not blaming the writers but the asses that refuse to pay them) and people don’t even realize that outside the writers that are striking. Thousands of others are losing their jobs. Editors. Animators. Costume design. Set design. My sister. (No seriously she lost her job editing frames for shows)
If the entire industry collapsed so would the US. and even other country’s. The sad part is when I explained that. They didn’t even care. They don’t care that people will go homeless and starve with their families. It was messed up.
Or one person said they hoped everyone who played the game or worked on it dies.
Saying stuff like this shows me you are on a false moral high ground. That you are just as bad or worse then the people you are upset at.
Disclaimer: I do not support jk assface. She is a cunt and a bitch. I understand why people are upset about the game. I am not disagreeing or mad at you. I personally have never played the game. Will I someday? Idk. Probably not. I am Non Binary and Pan. I am more upset at the US government then my elderly father.
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namor-shuri · 1 year
I swear your commentary on posts is hilarious af 🤣☠️ These video and photo edits are so cool too. Is there a reason why you don’t post more to Twitter (not that you have to, just an observation)? Thanks for everything
Hey 👋🏾💜 Thank you for the kind words. Y’all need to stop gassing me up. My dad jokes/ corniness will know no end lol.
With my Twitter page, sometimes I question whether or not people think I’m stealing work from this Tumblr page bc both my pfp and handles are not the same 🥲 I made my twt before I made this side blog so the handle and pic was a quick “slap together” choice. The phrase “be f*cking for real” is too funny to me so I just ran with it. And then my brain was completely uncreative and was like “namor-shuri” will do rofl. Hopefully people understand by now that I’m the same person, but alas.
To answer your question, I think it’s broken up into two parts. One chunk of it is that I rant A LOT so this platform makes it easier for me to do so while also being creative with color fonts and all that jazz. I also just love the freedom of layouts and stuff like that. From a creative perspective, of course it doesn’t help that Tumblr messes with quality but what I lose in quality, I gain in possibilities [I swear I don’t work for Tumblr and this is not me promoting them rofl].
The other half of the pie is the stark difference of engagement on Twitter vs Tumblr, in my personal experience thus far. Like I said, I made my Twitter first back in late December of last year. It was kind of a random decision but once I realized I was super into the Namor x Shuri ship, I wanted to engage with the fandom more directly and pour into it. Since then, I’ve been able to have a lot of fun with making different artworks, edits, videos, playlists, you name it! Ya girl has been BUSY to say the least lol And what’s been dope is that this fandom has been a fun outlet outside of my professional artwork and stuff like that. All that being said, what slowly became apparent to me was that I wasn’t feeling as included or apart of the fandom as I initially hoped I would. I would try and engage with people or joke here and there and most of what I would get back was crickets, whether it would be on my own posts or my commentary on others. And to be fair, I know it takes time for people to get to know you and build community but it just felt slightly strange. Especially when I would see new pages pop up and everyone would immediately flock to engage with them. I say this to say that absolutely NO ONE owes you anything in life so to be upset that someone isn’t your friend [whether it’s in person or online] is a human experience but you have to understand that not everyone is going to jell with you. There are billions [billions? *does quick google search] of people on this planet. Someone is bound to hate you, while another will worship the floor you walk on. Someone’s going to think you’re okay, while you being your raw and authentic self makes another person’s day. It’s nothing personal. It’s simply a numbers game. So inherently I understood that but it still hurt the 3 year old in me that was just trying to make friends at the playground, you know? lmao But I think what set it off was when I would look up and then see my edits used for people’s banners, fan art, post ideas, etc without asking me or giving me any credit knowing that they also aren’t following me or even engaging with me in any way. It still wasn’t cool but I think what would have made the whole thing feel a little different is if I was more “in the group” but because I’ve been on the outskirts the majority of the time, it just made it sting that much more.
Then I started to get slightly paranoid and wondered if I was missing something. Did I do something wrong? Did I say something that was off? I felt like a message was being sent and that confused the hell out of me [and lowkey still does]. BUT SOB STORY ASIDE lol I brushed my shoulder off, switched gears and thought “f*ck it, let me make my own side blog and do my thing on there” and that worked for me! I got traction after that, people were responding to my stuff and throwing in their own ideas/commentary/analysis etc. I felt like I could engage with people more, even with the limitations Tumblr puts on side blogs. And just the whole vibe overall started to feel really f*cking good. The funny thing too is that I’ve noticed that a lot of Twitter is on here and vice versa so it’s the same folks but for some reason I think this platform has opened up more possibilities for engagement in my experience. Twitter lends to a wider audience than Tumblr unfortunately but I’ve accepted my humble abode on here.
This rant is getting super long so I’ll end with this; I have nothing against the Nashuri fam on Twitter. Just because I’m not necessarily apart of the “crew” doesn’t mean that I don’t find everyone hilarious or amazing in any way. If you think I’m funny anon, you need to read what these girls say because it is SUPERB *chefs kiss* The talent from artworks to fics to think pieces and everything in between is incredible and oozes from that community. But for me, I think I just haven’t found my footing or people over there and as much as it’s been a bummer, I’m still going to be on there to support the dope stuff that comes out of it. I also want to say that just because this has been my experience doesn’t mean it will be yours. I fully encourage you to branch out on different platforms and try and engage with as many people as possible [fandom or not]. I think I just got my finger burned once and immediately gave up rofl. One of the biggest blessings that have come out of the Nashuri fandom in general is it’s vast bipoc community. As a black woman myself, I haven’t experienced this level of inclusivity when it comes to race, gender, language, culture, ages etc in other fandoms. It’s beautiful and I will always be thankful for that.
I also want to drive home that everyone needs to find what works for them. You owe yourself that. If you feel like your aren’t getting what you desire out of Instagram, move to Twitter and see what happens. If Twitter isn’t cutting it, move to Discord. Move to Tumblr, you name it! I think that move for me made a HUGE difference and honestly made me feel better about being in this fandom in the first place. And also this just goes for life in general but just because you might not feel included somewhere doesn’t mean you or the place is a problem. You might just need some scenery change.
Ps: If you are in the fandom and are on Twitter, definitely hit me up and add me! I would love to be mutuals. I’ve seen some familiar accounts from Twitter add me on here and vice versa and it’s been really cool. I appreciate the blogs that engage with me on there and all that jazz. I’ve never had a Twitter before so I’m lowkey new to that world still but grandma’s getting the hang of it slowly but surely.
Thank you 💘
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nullio · 2 years
I haven't seen other ppl say this (but maybe I just haven't looked hard enough)
That Unwanted Animal by The Amazing Devil is a song abt a married couple trying to have not-boring sex right??
Like, obviously all their songs have deep and complex themes/meanings but surface level its a song abt sex right
I will now analyze the lyrics and show how I came to that conclusion
"...And I make sure the bairns are fed
You turn the telly on to drown out your fear
You make the bed up silent on the floor, so no one will hear us
You try so loud to love me..."
Exhibit A I guess, so when I read this the picture I get is a married couple putting their kids to bed [bairns: Scottish / Northern English slang for kid] and the Dad, in an attempt to keep things quiet, sets up sheets on the floor so they can stay quiet while they boogie
The lyric "You turn the telly on to drown out your fear" is especially intriguing because OBVIOUSLY you don't want your kids to hear you fucking, that shit is traumatizing, but the word fear got me there- listening to the whole song I get the feeling that the Dad figure is scared/ashamed of his sexual nature
"You try so loud to love me
I cannot seem to hear"
These lyrics hit home the vibe for me that effort is being put in but the feeling, the spark isn't there
"But beneath all of our panting..."
This one feels obvious, Sex -> Things get steamy -> Panting
"And as you grip me like an animal that you're about to spear"
In this example, my dear reader, the "Spear" is his "Penis"
"And we fall into each other, the scratching grows so loud
Because that unwanted animal wants nothing more than to get out"
According to my sources (my brain and 1 Google result) the phrase "fall into eachother" can mean to fall in love and/or to initiate sex
This is a good time to mention that I consider the actual "Unwanted Animal" in the song is a metaphor for desire/lust/passion etc
The couple (mostly the Mother character) are used to suppressing this extreme desire but the monotony is getting to be too much and the "Animal" (the desire) has grown too strong
"And I scream, "What's the time, Mr. Wolf?"
But you, you're blind, you bleat, you bear your claws"
"Whats The Time, Mr.Wolf" is a popular UK playground game that's similar to "Red Light Green Light" if ur American
Rules are as follows: The players chant "What's the time Mr Wolf" and the wolf replies with a time. The players hop that number of spaces forwards on the hopscotch court. If "Mr Wolf" answers with "It's dinner time" the players try to run back to the beginning of the hopscotch court before they are caught by "Mr Wolf".
So wtf does that mean here?? 🤔 I could b grasping at straws but if we're playing by thr rules of the game, I take it as Mom asking Dad if she has permission to move closer and/or if it's "Dinner Time" a.k.a time to 👏get👏things👏moving
"Oh, and you rip my ribcage open and devour what's truly yours
And our screaming joins in unison, I cry out to the Lord"
Not gonna, this kinda threw a wrench (a spanner, haha) into my whole theory- it sorta draws the line of
"is this a song abt repressed lust and boring sex? or a loveless/abusive marriage finally boiling over???"
Anyway, either 'ripping the ribcage open and devouring' is a metaphor for cunnalingus or a metaphor for an argument
"Well, hello, my hollow Holofernes"
I wink, but you don't get the joke"
Everybody and their mother have tried to figure out what in the sam hell "Hello my hollow Holofernes" joke means and noone has gotten an answer
From context clues like the winking and the fact that it is a joke, I can only assume that she was trying to make a euphemism and it flew over everybody's head
"Be good to me, " I beg of him
"Be good to me, " I beg of him..."
"...And he replies (oh), "No, no, not I"
Again, this lyric here is throwing me off and makes me wonder again, if this is a song abt repressed lust/boring sex OR loveless/abusive marriage
The last thing I can say abt all this is that it seems TAD have a lot of religious imagery in their songs, including this one
(DISCLAIMER: I was not raised religious in the slightest, I'm going off of what I've seen other people say)
from what I've gathered abt religion, specifically Catholicism and Christianity is that there's a lot of shame surrounding sexual desire so, that helps there (and again 🥲 i know next to nothing abt religion so that could all be an entirely false takeaway)
So that was fun, lemme know what u think. Maybe I'm not alone in this theory, maybe I just haven't looked hard enough. XoXo
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hungrydogs-if · 2 years
I could imagine a scenario were Aurora got separated from Angel then she bumped to MC and they would help her find her parent while not knowing the her parent is that infuriating hot cop that been hunting them
aggressively googling "how articulate are five year olds" because apparently i have never perceived a child. so in this universe aurora is either super smart, or i have to adjust the ages and timelines 💀 groan.
disclaimer: not exactly bumping here since aurora's personality wouldn't have her randomly wandering into someone (or wandering away from angel but let's think it an exception). a meeting nonetheless! also, very casual mc.
this ended up being 1,055 words long.
i'm sorry (no i'm not)
The child that wanders around can't be more than five years old. Bright orange ribbons bounce along with her hair when she stomps around, and you take a step back to let her pass. Ignoring the situation would be the easiest choice, but the girl comes to a stop right in front of you.
She has a pout on her face, and she's frowning. Around you, no one seems to be paying attention to her and you're left alone under her determined stare.
"I'm not buying anyth- " you begin, but get a index finger raised to your face.
"My mamá/papá lost me."
You blink, surprised by her tone. She crosses her arms and huffs as she looks around, looking for the missing parent.
"Mamá/Papá's job is to find things but I am still lost! Now I have to find instead. I want you to help me. You have to."
"I- uh..." Could you say no to a child? The answer is given for you when her tiny hand grabs yours and pulls you along. She yanks you towards the boardwalk that hugs the marina, her grip solid on the sleeve of your jacket.
"What's your name?" She asks, easing her power walk to a normal pace. "My name is Aurora. Like the lights! I want to see the lights one day." She babbles on but doesn't turn to look at you.
It's... Endearing, in its own way. Since you have no choice but to follow her on her adventure, you relent. What could a little girl do if she knew your name anyway?
"Y/N," you reply, wracking your brain to come up with something as cool as 'those lights'. She finally let's go of your sleeve and falls in step with you, lifting her head to glance at you.
"You don't look like a Y/N. Why does your jacket say Vee President? I saw the president on the tv, you're not the president."
"Right, what does your mom/dad look like?" You interrupt before her questioning continues. Subconsciously you brush over the patch on your chest, picking at the loose thread. She perks up, as if she had forgotten what this mission was all about. The jumps in front of you, stopping you in your tracks.
"Yes! Mamá/Papa has hair like me, but shorter. And, um, tall! But walks like," she imitates a slouch, drawing her shoulders down. It's almost an imitation of a zombie, "and, and, um..."
She deflates, suddenly looking a lot more like a lost child. She glares at your boots with an intense look of concentration.
"Do you remember any clothes? Like a jacket, or -"
"I want to dress bright but mamá/papá wears boring clothes. It makes her/him look tired. Mamá/papá always looks tired."
Well, you made her sad. Her small hands wring into the hem of the frog motif shirt and she looks on the verge of tears. You knees protest when you crouch in front of her, trying to look as reassuring as possible. She tries to throw you a glare but there's a shimmer of tears in her eyes.
"We're going to find your mom/dad, don't worry. Where was the last you saw them?" You try to keep your voice soft, but it's been a while since you consoled anyone but a twenty-something after a bad trip. She sniffles and turns to look at you, maybe to figure out if you're lying. Hazel eyes, huh. Maybe that helps you find the parental unit.
"Okay." She whispers, and you take her tiny hand in yours as you continue down the boardwalk.
Half an hour later, and the marina starts growing empty. Aurora has told you much about different frogs and how they're awesome, and in turn you've told her massively watered down versions of your own adventures.
"Mamá/papá always wears a necklace when she/he comes pick me up. I think it looks dumb." You chuckle at her grimace. She really has a lot of opinions.
"Why? Is it a boring color too?"
She nods briskly. "But there's a pretty part in the middle. Like gold, but the stupid text makes it look boring."
You shake your head as she continues with something unrelated, but there's a nagging feeling in the back of your brain. Gold on black, with text. You're just about to ask Aurora what the stupid text says when she rips her hand out of yours and takes off running. You take a few hasty steps to follow her, but her voice stops you.
"Mamá/Papá!" She crashes into waiting arms of a figure who quickly smothers her in hugs and speaks rapidly. You catch some endearments in Spanish before scolding follows. As you slowly meander closer, that feeling in the back of your brain growing more insistent.
Not close enough to hear what they're talking about, you shove your hands in your pockets and wait. You could just walk away, but the girl points in your direction with an outstretched arm and bright smile. That smile is not, however, shared by the parent. They look infuriated, completely still as their hazel eyes bore into yours. They really do look tired, Aurora wasn't wrong, but also frazzled and like they've been crying, hair sticking in off angles.
"Mamá/papá?" Aurora speaks, shaking the poor detective out of the trance. A small smile is offered to her, and wow, that's the first time you ever saw the dog catcher look anything but menacing.
As they straighten back up, gold glints from the badge resting on their chest. Straight from work if you were to guess, but they don't make a move towards you, and you don't move to change that. The look that you get is venomous, but conflicted. Duty battling gratitude, and a shake of their head let's you know you're free to go.
Aurora grips the hand of her parent, but turns to yell at you before she's too far.
"Thanks, Y/N! Remember what I told you about the froggies!"
You give her a wave, watching the detective flinch at her cheerful attitude towards you. To add to the insult you can't help but yell back. "Good luck with your toad army!"
She looks ecstatic. The detective pinches the bridge of their nose.
And you have a very interesting story to share with the crew tonight.
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spookyblazecoffee · 2 years
This is literally called “Bye Cam...” in my Google Docs prepared to be sad.
There are two definite times Liam will visit his older brother's grave. Sometimes he’ll go without planning on going that day, but most of the time, he goes on his birthday and Camden’s birthday. Some years, if he finds something that he thinks Camden might’ve liked, he’ll find time on Christmas day and put whatever he found on the grave, after putting stuff in it, or on it, to weigh it down of course.
The first Christmas without Camden
Liam snuck out of the house after everyone had opened their gifts. The cold air hitting his face as he walked towards the cemetery, stuffed bear in his hands. The fishing weights he had sewn into it made him almost drop it multiple times, but it was worth it because his older brother would get a Christmas gift.
After he reached the cemetery he looked for the grave he hadn’t been to since the funeral. When he found it he walked over to it and set the bear down.
“I had mama and David buy him, but I sewed him up myself after I put the weights in him. Mama said I did a good job. I have to get going before they realize I’m gone, but… I wanted you to get a gift.” Liam said to the grave in front of him. “I miss you Cam. Bye.” he added, before walking away.
Camden’s 21st birthday
(Mid Summer)
“I had to mow a ton of yards to get enough money for all of this.” Liam said as he sat down in front of the grave, putting the container with a slice of chocolate cake down on the ground in front of him. The warm sun shining on his face. He put the candle in the cake and lit it with one of the matches he brought. 
“Happy birthday, Cam Cam.” he continued, before blowing the candle out himself, tears spilling past his eyes. He got the plastic forks out of the bag he brought with him, “I know you don’t like to use plastic utensils, but, I couldn’t find anything else.” Liam stated putting one of the forks on the bear he put there last winter.
“Dad would kill me if he saw me crying.” he choked out putting the first bite of the cake in his mouth. Once he finished the piece of cake, he pulled one last thing from his bag. It was a small tiger plush that Camden had growing up. “I found this at a Goodwill, apparently dad had donated her after you died. But look, she’s the exact same one. See? She has the initials C.L. embroidered at the back of her neck. I made sure not to cut over that when I put the dancing weights I got from Lori in her.” Liam said proudly, “Lori told me I could take her old dancing weights when I asked her and Brett if they had anything to weigh something down enough, and mama said I’m getting better at sewing, maybe I’ll be able to make you a gift next time.” he added.
After a little while of Liam talking to the grave he stands up. “I don’t want to go, but I told mama and David that I’d be back by lunchtime.” he told the grave sadly, “I’ll try to come back before dinner though.” he continued, as if trying to cheer up his older brother.
He didn’t have the time to come back that day.
Two weeks before Liam’s 11th birthday
(Late Summer)
Liam ran to the cemetery after school ended, he didn’t get there as soon as he thought he would, but when he did he practically fell down in front of Camden’s grave. “Sorry I’m late. I didn’t think it would take so long to get here.” he said out of breath as he got out his notebook, “I hope it’s okay that I do my homework, I probably won’t have any other time today since Isaac and I are staying at dad’s house tonight. He’s been really different since you died, meaner, angrier, stuff like that y’know?” he added, starting on the social studies homework he got.
“I don’t have much homework, but I still like doing what I do get as soon as I can.” Liam stated after a few minutes of silence.
A red-headed girl and her parents walked around the cemetery until it looked like they found the grave they were looking for. “I wonder if she knows Izzy, she looks around his age, don’t you think so?” Liam asked the grave in front of him, before looking down at his watch, “I have to get going, mama and David are gonna take me and Iz to dad’s house soon.” he added.
“Bye Cam. I miss you.” Liam said after he stood up.
Liam’s 11th birthday
(Early Fall)
“I know it’s my birthday, but, I brought you some flowers.” Liam stated, putting the chrysanthemums on the grave in front of him, “They’re your favorite flowers, Cam.” he added.
“I really miss you.” Liam said, his eyes starting to sting. “Dad started to drink more, he hit Isaac last time we were over there. He yells more too… I don’t like it when he yells, I never have. I wish you could be here to hug me and tell me it will be okay like you used to.” he continued, tears falling from his blue eyes.
“I have to get going now. I’ll come back as soon as I can though.” Liam said, standing up and wiping away the tears.
The second Christmas without Camden
“I couldn’t find anything that you would like at any stores, but I wanted to come anyway.” Liam started, “Sorry I couldn’t come sooner, I was really busy with school and dad doesn’t let Isaac or I leave when we’re at his house. He hit me when I asked to go to Mason’s house with Brett and Lori, I’ve learned to not ask to go anywhere.” he added.
After a while of talking to the grave Liam stood up, “I have to go, mama and David are probably going to get worried soon. David’s sister and her son are joining us this year.” he said, “I really want you to come back Cam Cam.” he continued before turning around and leaving.
The day after Isaac’s 14th birthday
(Early Spring)
“Grandma came over for Izzy’s birthday yesterday, it was nice seeing her. She said that I remind her of you.” Liam said, tears falling down his face, “I miss you so much, and I want you to come back.” he continued, sobs making him shake.
Liam sat there, crying as much as he wanted to, knowing that no one could see him. After a while he stopped crying and just sat there quietly. He felt someone sit down next to him and wrap their arms around him. When he finally looked up he saw his grandma.
“Hey sweetie.” she said softly, “I miss him.” Liam whispered, “I know baby, we all do.” she responded, “And, it’s gonna hurt… for a long time, probably forever. But, he would want you to be happy. Okay?” she added, Liam nods, “Good, now get up, if you’re out here any longer your mom and dad are gonna get worried.” she stated, standing up.
That was the first time someone ever said David was Liam’s dad out loud, and it wouldn’t be the last.
Camden’s 22nd birthday
(Mid Summer)
“I couldn’t find the same type of cake as I did last year, but I got a slice with sprinkles!” Liam said when he got to the grave, “Sorry I took the bear from Christmas back yesterday, but I had the idea to put your initials in the back of his neck and I just had to do it.” he added, putting the bear back in its original spot and lighting the candle.
“Happy birthday, Cam.” he then blew out the candle like he had the year before. He took the first bite of the slice of cake.
“The cake is really good, I think you would like it, Cam.” Liam stated when he finished the slice.
He pulled another stuffed bear from his bag and put it in his lap, “I made her myself, mama said I did a really good job when I showed her. Her name is Isla, y’know, like grandma.” Liam said smiling, “I hope you are okay with me naming her.” he added, setting the bear down next to the one that has been there since the first Christmas without Camden.
“I just remembered, I forgot to tell you the first bear’s name.” Liam said suddenly, “His name is Calum, I thought you would like that I named him after mama’s dad and that I named the other one after mama’s mom.” he added, giggling a little.
A while later he stood up. “I have to leave again, but I’ll visit soon.” he stated before leaving.
The last day of summer vacation
“I’m starting 6th grade tomorrow.” Liam said as he sat down, “Dad, David not y’know, said he might take me here if he gets off of work in time tomorrow.” he added.
“I got a new history book, it has a lot of stuff about different mythologies, I really like it.” Liam states after a bit.
He talks to the grave for a while longer until he has to leave. “Bye Cam, I’ll try to come back tomorrow.” he repeated.
Liam’s 12th birthday
(Early Fall)
“Dad’s sister and her son came over last week.” Liam said, hoping that Cam would understand that when he says dad recently that he means David and not their father, “It’s nice having a cousin, even if we aren’t related.” he added.
Liam sits and talks to his brother for a while, even reading one of the stories from the book he told Cam about the last time he visited.
“Mason, Brett, and I are hanging out next week. It’s nice to have friends that understand everything going on since you died.” Liam said before he left.
The day before Halloween
“I thought I’d visit you today.” Liam stated, sitting down in front of the grave, “I called David ‘dad’ to his face yesterday, I’ve only called him that when talking to you, he was so happy.” he added, smiling.
“I brought you another stuffed animal. I put your initials in the same place as the others too.” Liam said, pulling a small bat out of his backpack, “I told Lori, Brett, and Mason that I visit you a lot, they said that they might join me next time. I also told them about me bringing you stuffed animals, Lori asked me to name the next one after her, so here you go, a stuffed bat named Lori. I’ll probably bring a similar one named Brett next time, if he bothers me enough about it.” he added, laughing a little and placing the bat down next to the tiger.
Liam sits and does his homework until the sun starts to go down. “I have to go, but I’ll try to visit you tomorrow while trick-or-treating.” he commented, before turning and leaving.
The day before Isaac’s 15th birthday
(Early Spring)
“Hey Cam.” Isaac said, “I know it’s been a few weeks since I visited outside of work, but I wanted to come here.” he added, sitting down in front of the grave, looking at the stuffed animals he knows Liam left there. The bears, the tiger, her name is Chrys named after Cam’s favorite flower, and the two bats, all placed so that it looks like they are sitting against the headstone.
Isaac chuckled to himself, Liam had obviously been there recently given that the second bat was new. “I don’t know how he got that other bat. All the stores are out of Halloween themed things.” he stated.
“Liam’s doing fantastic in school. You’d be proud of him.” Isaac said, “He looks so much like you, he doesn’t think so though… He still doesn’t wear his glasses, no matter how much mama, dad, and I ask.” he continued.
“I still laugh at Li’s stupid jokes, but not as much as I should. I laugh like me again though, and h-he laughs like you.” he commented after a few minutes of silence, “Our father has gotten worse, but… as long as he isn’t hurting Liam, y’know?” he whispered, tears starting to roll down his face.
“I have to go, Lacrosse practice… Bye Cam.” he said, getting up to his feet and leaving.
Camden’s 23rd birthday
(Mid Summer)
“I got a chocolate cake slice exactly like the one from two years ago!” Liam exclaimed when he sat down, “Happy birthday, Cam.” he added, before blowing the candle out like he had the previous two years.
Liam reached into the bag he brought with him and pulled out a stuffed lion. “His name is Mason, mostly because Mase wouldn’t stop bugging me about naming a stuffed animal after him, but also because I know how much you loved hanging out with all of my friends. It felt fitting that you hang out with stuffed animals named after them… even if you aren’t here anymore.” he stated, tears slipping past his eyes.
“Why’d you leave me?” he asked, after he sat and cried for a while, “I know that you didn’t want to, but, I miss you so so much. Please, come back.” he added.
Liam cried for a while before standing up. “Bye Cam…” he said then left.
Liam’s 13th birthday
(Early Fall)
“I brought you some chrysanthemums. I’ve grown to love these flowers, I know I didn’t love them as much as you did, but they are really beautiful.” Liam said, sitting down in front of the grave.
“Isaac’s been doing really well at Lacrosse, I want to join the team when I get into high school, so does Brett.” he stated after a while, “I miss our road trips. I don’t think I’ll be able to go on one for a while, maybe never again.” he added.
He sat and talked for a long time before he knew it was time to go home. “Bye Cam, I’ll come back soon!” he said before he got up and left.
 A week after Isaac’s 16th birthday
(Early Spring)
“Our father’s dead, and Isaac has been acting really weird lately… it could be something to do with the death, but he was acting weird before his death so… I don’t know.” Liam said to the grave in front of him, “I wish you were here. No one knows how to comfort me… B-Brett isn’t friends with Mase and I anymore, and I know that sometimes you lose friends a-and there is nothing you can do to st-stop it, but… he’s been friends with us since we were two.” he added, wiping away his tears.
“Bye Cam.” Liam said and walked away.
Almost a week after Brett and Lori die
(Late Summer/Early Fall)
[Liam has visited a lot in between the last visit I wrote and this one, but I didn’t want this to be too long.]
“Hey Cam, sorry my visits have been irregular recently.” Liam said, crying as he sat down, “Brett and Lori are dead. They have been for almost a week. Mason isn’t even doing anything to grieve them, and if he continues not doing anything, he’s going to break down in the middle of a fight against the hunters… and I don’t want to see him like that.” he continued.
Liam grabbed a few rocks from his bag and placed them in front of the grave. “You might be wondering what I’m doing.” Liam stated, “Do you remember the pact Mason, Brett, Lori, and I made when we were younger? Y’know, the one where we said that when any of us died the others would find a place of significance and place rocks in front of it?” he asked, “Well, this is a place of significance, according to all of us, not just me. Mason has his own place in mind, he didn’t forget.” he added.
“I don’t know what to do without you or them, or anyone that I love and care for… I’m scared, Cam. I’m so scared.” he stated, “Scared that Jordan might die. Scared that Mason might die. Scared that everyone that I love will die, and I will be the only one left. I don’t want that to happen. I don’t want to be alone, I hate being alone. I need you to come back, just for a minute, I need you to tell me I’ll be alright.” he continued, as it started to rain.
The tent someone, probably Isaac, set up protecting the stuffed animals from getting wet. Liam looked at all of the stuff he made, or bought, and left there with teary eyes.
“I want my big brother back. I want my friends back.” Liam said.
He stood up when he got a text. “I have to go again.” he stated, “Mama texted, I’ll come back when I have the time. Bye Cam…” he added, picking up his bag and leaving.
A week and six days after the zoo, the day before Liam’s 17th birthday
(Early fall)
“Hey, this isn’t like last year, I can’t do anything to save anyone. I tried killing someone the other day. I can’t control my anger no matter how hard I try, and I’ve been having these nightmares. I can’t sleep because of them.” Liam said, “Only one person can help me with my anger, and I don’t even like him. D’you remember me telling you about Theo Raeken? Because apparently, he’s the only one who can help me. If you were here you could help, so please come back… please Cam.” he added.
“I don’t want to be in this town anymore. I don’t want to be anywhere anymore.” Liam stated after a few minutes of silence. Tears start to run down his face and silent sobs make his body shake. There was a sound nearby and he immediately jumped up.
“Hey Liam.” Theo said, “Go away, Theo.” Liam yelled, “Not this time.” the older one retaliated, “Why not?” the shorter asked, “Were you following me?” he added, “Yes, I was. I’m sorry.” the taller answers, stepping closer to the other.
“Go away. Please.” Liam started, backing away, “You didn’t let me tell you why I won’t.” Theo stated, Liam stared expectantly, “You are clearly upset, and I don’t want you to be sad.” he added, “Why are you sad?” he asked.
Liam stayed silent for a while.
“My friends are dead, I couldn’t protect them, a-and I’m scared that everyone else that I love and care about is gonna die too. So I came and cried in front of my brother’s grave! Okay?” Liam yelled, “Okay.” Theo responded, “I’m sorry I yelled, I’ve been trying to work on that.” Liam said, “I know, Liam.” Theo stated.
Liam sat back down, and Theo stood behind him not sure what to do. “You can sit down if you want. I don’t care.” Liam uttered after a while.
Theo sat down next to Liam silently.
“I’m pretty sure my sister is buried here.” Theo said after they had been silent for a few minutes, “Almost everyone who lived and died in this town is.” Liam responded, “Oh yeah?” Theo asked, “Yup, I spent most of my childhood here, I would know.” Liam answered, “Most of your childhood. How much do you visit your brother?” the taller questioned, “A lot, but I also spent a lot of time here because my father owned it.” the younger replied.
“If you want I could point out a few graves. Maybe even your sister’s.” Liam said after almost an hour, “Really?” Theo questioned, “Yeah. It would distract me from everything going on.” Liam answered, “Go ahead then.” Theo replied.
Liam stood up and Theo followed suit.
Liam walked over to the grave that he knew was the one he saw the red-headed girl and, sometimes, her parents had visited multiple times since he first saw them.
“Lorraine Martin…” Theo said, “Lydia’s grandma, I saw her and her parents visiting a couple times growing up, her parents don’t come as often as she does though.” Liam stated, walking over to another grave.
They walked around for another thirty minutes before they heard a police car pull up. “Shit.” Liam said, “Get out of the cemetery, it’s closed!” a voice yelled, “One minute Jordan!” Liam yelled back.
A few seconds later Jordan Parrish ran up to them. “Liam? What’re you doing here?” he asked, “I was originally visiting Cam, but Theo was following me, so I told him I could find his sister’s grave. We already saw it, but I need to do one more thing.” Liam answered, “Okay, be quick, I don’t want to get in trouble.” Jordan responded.
Liam walked over to the grave he was sitting at when Theo found him. He placed a stuffed animal at the headstone. “I made him, named him after Mason’s boyfriend, thought you might want to get to know him before we all die. His name is Corey. Bye Cam...” Liam said.
As they left Theo made sure to catch a glimpse at the stuffed animal Liam had set down. It was a chameleon. Theo chuckled to himself as he drove Liam back to his house.
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milkyruins · 2 years
## THE RPD ROMANTICS, TRACK 17: proud beta fish dad
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summary: omg it's finally happening y'all it's finally happening (aka ynseong... ynseongs) (+ includes a written part, ~.7k)
link to the rpd romantics masterlist
link to the rpd romantics spotify playlist
our story continues under the cut!
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the night felt suspended in time. 
rather, being around jay made the world halt to a stop. when you were with him, you two existed in your own separate universe unbounded by the restraints of time. he just had that effect on you; you just couldn’t see anything else but him.
so it was funny when you realized that after god knows how long, your legs were starting to tire from aimlessly walking around campus with him. 
it was by the 10,000th bike rack you’ve passed with him that you mentioned it. “hey, can we sit down somewhere? i think my legs are starting to ache a bit.”
jay looked over you and your heart skipped a beat. “sure, there’s a bench over there.”
after sitting down, you finally took in the scenery. even in the dimlit night, you could tell that you had no idea where you were.
apparently, jay was thinking the exact same thing. “y/n… where the fuck are we?”
you laughed a bit. “i was just about to ask.”
even if you were lost, it was okay. you were with someone you trusted immensely and, well, google maps existed.
you two filled the chilly air with some idle, but comforting chatter. like always, everything felt easy when you were with him.
somehow, in the midst of your conversation, you guys scooched closer together. when you finally turned to face each other, you guys were mere inches apart. close enough to feel his breaths, warm and steady.
you two fell silent, just admiring each other. every little feature of his was committed by memory: the heart-shaped mole on his neck, the small ones under his eyes, just how soft his skin looked even under the fluorescent street lamp’s glow, and so much more. 
“can i say something crazy?” his eyes met yours, and you became incredibly aware of how close his lips were to yours.
slow inhale. “yeah, of course.”
“feel free to tell me off if this is weird to you, but-” his eyes drifted towards your lips in the most painfully obvious manner. “i’d really like to kiss you.”
the air caught in your throat as you struggled to comprehend him. you probably heard him wrong, right? there’s no way-
“can i kiss you?” 
holy shit. 
with a bit of effort, you snapped yourself out of your daze to reply. “yes. please.”
the first kiss was hesitant. it was light, faint, almost as if you kissed each other too hard, they’d break. but it was considerate and by all means romantic. besides the aftertaste of fried chicken, but that was  a minor detail.
you spilled first. “i guess it’s a good time to tell you that i like you a bit more than a bit.”
a soft smile tugged at his lips. “i like you too, y/n.”
you inched your hand over until it grasped onto jay’s. his eyes widened for a second, before settling on your intertwined hands. “i was really happy when i got to hold your hand earlier, even if it was because you could’ve been majorly concussed.”
he chuckled at your witticism. “i was too. the boys were teasing me for being, well, a bit red after you rescued me.” he groaned. “y/n, please tell me to just… stop talking. i’m making myself look bad.”
“no, i won’t tell you that, i like hearing you talk.” you paused, eyebrows knitting subtly. “wait, does that mean they knew… you liked me?”
he scratched the back of his neck. “yeah, that’s why they all had some bad excuses for plans tonight.” 
“that makes… incredible sense. i was wondering why jake suddenly became a proud beta fish dad.” 
jay untangled your hands and used his now free hand to cup your cheek, which was now burning hot. “can you do me a favor?” you nodded. “can we not talk about the boys right now? i really don’t want to talk about them right now.”
you batted your eyes at him, tauntingly innocent. “then c’mere and shut me up.”
and so he did.
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years
The 2022 writing Advent calendar: Day 4
4. Christmas Wishlist
Timeline directory: This is happening between SL Seasons 1 and 2
Luna picked up a silver glitter pen from the cup of pencils she had on top of her drawer. It had been a wek since they had arrived back to Cancun and she did miss her friends she had made in the past year, and she really missed Roller, but nothing could keep her from being excited for Christmas. Now it was time for one of her favorite holiday traditions. 
IT WAS TIME FOR HER WISH LIST! Luna was terrible at art, but she still had, since she had been a kid, written all that she wanted for Christmas on paper with her special glitter pen and decorated the whole list, before giving it to her parents. She never expected to get everything she wished for, but Luna always loved what her parents got for her. 
As she wrote the last thing to the list, she suddenly remembered that she would need to figure out a way to ship gifts to Simon and Nina, back to Buenos Aires. She had gone to Cancun’s huge merchants' market a couple of days ago and had gotten Simon a new guitar pick and a new beanie. For Nina, she had found this beautiful hand-woven notebook. 
Luna opened her phone and was about a google how you’d ship things from Mexico to Argentina when a text from Matteo popped up. Luna smiled at it as she read it. She quickly added one last thing to her wish list. 
Suddenly her phone rang. 
“Hi!!!” Luna answered Nina’s facetime call enthusiastically.
“Hi Luna! How is it going there?”
“Fine,” Luna answered, “We're back here at the Cancun mansion, but I miss Roller already. Excited about Christmas, I just finished my wish list, but I am sad that we can’t spend it together.”
“Christmas with Ambar…” Nina furrowed her brow, “I can only imagine.”
“We’re not spending it together per say…” Luna rolled her eyes, “Mom cooks them the dinner and stuff, but then we’ll celebrate together just the three of us. How are you spending Christmas?”
“You don’t wanna know,” Nina sighed, “Morning is with Dad, and evening with Mom. They fight about it every year.”
“But now you have a new thing to focus on,” Luna smiled mischievously, “A boyfriend.”
“Yes,” Nina laughed, “but we can’t spend Christmas together, even if we want to. Mom is not letting me, since apparently “family traditions are more important”, but in my family that means arguing, so I’d rather skip it. But actually… I am actually meeting Gastón parents, on Friday.”
“Nina, that is exciting!” Luna jumped up from her bed and almost dropped her phone.
“Yes, it really is,” Nina smiled, “I mean, I am his girlfriend. I still can’t believe it.”
“Sounds like a Christmas wish come true,” Luna continued excitedly.
“Yeah, I am so happy, but also scared.” Nina shook her head, “I don’t know why I never realized his mother was Isla Perida.”
“Who?” Luna asked confused.
“She is the most well-known real estate agent in Buenos Aires,” Nina explained. “She deals in all kinds of expensive houses, just like the one you live in.”
“Wow, well that sounds nice.”
“Well, anyways, enough about that. You said you were writing your wishlist, wanna tell me whats on there?” Nina asked, “I already sent you your present. Hopefully, it will make it there in time.”
“Sure!” Luna said picking up her wish list. “So, I asked for this skate customizing kit, that I saw on this website. It has all kinds of beads and paints on there, so I can make my skates whatever I want.”
“Are you going to change your skates?” Nina asked.
“Nooo, not yet,” Luna laughed, “But I might want to customize them a little bit, and they won’t last forever. Then I can make my new skates myself. Maybe they could be yellow.”
“Okay, what else?”
“Oh right, back to the wish list.” Luna jumped back down on her bed, “Then I asked for a couple of new Mexican necklaces, a new pillow for my room, this shirt I saw… it was so cool you should gave seen it. It read: “I am limited edition”. So cool, right?”
“I don’t think that is grammatically correct.”
“Anyways… then I asked for some colored markers, new socks, and a banjo.”
“Luna why do you want a banjo?” Nina asked with a bit of concern in her voice.
“Because it looks so fun when people play it.”
“But do you know how to play it?”
“Well it can’t be that hard, it looks like a guitar.” Luja shrugged, “And Matteo knows how to play that, so It seriously can’t be that hard.”
“I don’t think you play banjo exactly the same way as a guitar,” Nina was still looking skeptical. “But if that is what you wished for, I hope you get it.”
“Oh, and the last thing on my list was that Matteo comes back from Italy.”
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shwarmii · 1 year
very fucked up that build-a-bear made my gift to my mom so hard to achieve. like okay
so my mama has this lavender-scented cat plush for her anxiety. she's very emotionally attached to it, very sentimental; she's had it for less than a year, but the lavender scent apparently helps her a lot
BUT it's rapidly lost its lavender scent (again. has had it for less than a year). she's tried essential lavender oils on it, she's tried lavender drawer-scent baggies, everything, she finds fault with every method she tries
so im like "well, one of my friends got a Toothless from HTTYD Build-A-Bear and got it scented in cotton candy. it apparently has kept its really strong scent, despite having gotten it before my mom got her cat." so i wanted to get her the "Lavender Scentiment" as its called, but i knew my mama would pout about having seam-rip and sew up her cat, esp if this was a process she would have to repeat. so, instead, i got a little build-a-bear "wristie", which is a plush item your build-a-bear can hold via whats basically a rubber-band; and it'll be easier to comvince her to seam-rip and sew up for a scentiment to go into a wristie than it will be her cat
now, i dont care about surprises, so i told her all this and she is excited, because it sounds more promising than anything she's tried
we figure out which wristie she wants (weirdly: a Girl Scout's cookie wristie. it barely even looks like a cookie. but okay.) and i go to buy it for her
now. i have assumed lavender would be a scent they'd have in-store because, y'know, it's a basic, common scent. buT NOPE. SHIT IS ONLINE ONLY
which is a problem because they only allow scentiments online to be sold if you also buy a bear. and even then, it cant be any bear; they have several that are off-limits for scents/sounds. so, after seeing all the plushes i would want, as well as ones my friends would want, are ones on the "do not customize with scents/sounds" list, i go "fuck it" and have to buy the cheapest bear they got to donate to Goodwill after i get the lavender scentiment out. so a $5 scentiment is now being purchased with a $14 bear and enough shipping/taxes to make the entire thing fucking $30. on top of the $8-or-less Girl Scout cookie wristie or whatever
"but shwarmi, why don't you just look online for someone selling the lavender scentiment from build-a-bear?" bECAUSE I DID, AND I FOUND NOTHING. AND I MEAN THAT: I FOUND NOTHING. i found the usual store scentiments (cotton candy, birthday cake, bubblegum, and strawberry), i found fucking pumpkin spice as a scentiment, i found fresh cut flowers scentiment, i even found scentiments that no longer are sold like peaches and blueberry and coffee and roses and whatnot. buT NO FUCKING LAVENDER, ANYWHERE. i checked google, ebay, amazon, depop, mercari, poshmark, and all that shit but NOPE. un-fucking-available
hence, me buying a $30-something bear i plan to donate to get my mama a lavender scentiment that should have only cost me $5 if the build-a-bear website was not cruel to me. like. what the fuck
also: i did this the day after fighting with my mom. we have been fighting for two days, a different fight each day (first day: how she always prioritizes my abusive father over her children. she refused to acknowledge her inaction/decision to stay with him impacted my pysche and sense of self-worth. second day: she accepts me using they/them but is pouting over using those pronouns in front of dad bc he will, guess what, be an abusive pill about it and she doesn't want to deal with that. that one, at least, we came to an understanding about where she will just have to deal with it). never say i dont love my mama, even when she fucking SUCKS. jfc. someone rich marry me and take me away from this bullshit, i would like to be pampered and prioritized for once please and thanks
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Send me a scenario and I'll tell you what character I write for that this would fit, I might even write a short 100 word Drabble if it inspires me.
- Reader is in the wine aisle when she spots another customer (Frankie) having a panic attack. She helps him regulate with some grounding exercises.
#frankie morales #triple frontier
Uhhh okay. Full disclosure I never had a panic attack nor did I see someone have one so google helped me
Warnings: fem. Reader, panic attacks, some cuteness in the end
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It was late this Saturday. Your had spent the whole day preparing next week classes and forgot to get… well anything. And you couldn’t have pickles and crackers for dinner again.
You’d almost ran into Mr. Morales, Frankie, as you entered the supermarket. Mr. Mora… Frankie was the dad of Sofia who went into your second grade art class. She was a bright young lady, always telling you about how much her daddy loved the paintings she made in your class.
You ignored the butterflies in your stomach everytime you saw him or even better/worse when he talked to you. You were harboring a serious crush on the single dad (he had made a point of telling you about his divorce after Sofia had a bad day missing her mom in school) and it was messing with your mind.
He always seemed to linger when he picked Sofia up, making the effort to talk to you. Even your colleagues were teasing you by now, apparently there was a bet going on when he would finally ask you out.
He only gave you a small smile at the store, saying "Boys night, forgot the booze," to which you just told him to get some snacks too. He had winked and walked away, leaving you watching his back until he walked into an aisle and was out of sight. You sighed, making your way through the supermarket.
You turned around the corner into the wine aisle, wanting to treat yourself to your favorite rose when several things happened at the same time. You saw some teenagers laughing loudly in the middle of the aisle, not watching where they were going. A employee of the supermarket was in their way unpacking new bottles of wine. The teenagers stumbled over some boxes, making them fall to the ground, the glass breaking with a loud bang, spilling the beverage all over the floors. And you saw Franke, letting himself fall to the ground just in front of your cart, his hands over his head in the same moment.
The noise must have startled him.
You sucked your bottom lip in, letting go from your cart to get to Frankie. You knew he was ex military. Your father had problems with loud sudden noises all his life.
You got on your knees, not caring for the people around you as you lowered yourself to the ground in front of him.
"Frankie..." you whispered. His head snapped up, his eyes unfocused but on you and you could see that he had trouble breathing. It broke your heart.
"Frankie listen to my voice. Listen to my breathing..." you continued taking loud breaths. You wanted to touch him, but you didn't know if he would want that. His eyes were still wide but his gaze dropped to your lips as you took deep breaths.
"You're in a supermarket in Florida, Frankie. You're okay," you breathed. He closed his eyes for a moment before you felt his hands on top of yours on the floor. He took some deep breaths before his eyes opened. He still looked spooked.
"Are you okay?" you asked. He gave you a nervous smile.
"That... Hasn't happened in a long time," he whispered. You smiled softly at him as he squeezed your hand.
"Are you okay to get up from the floor?"
He nodded, pushing himself off the floor and helping you up. Before you could put some distance between the two of you, his arms wrapped around you, hugging you closely.
"Thank you," he whispered against your ear. You put your arms around his back.
"Nothing to thank me for," you whispered back.
You didn't know how long you stood in the middle of the wine aisle in his arms before his arms loosened and he let you go.
"Are you okay to drive home?" you asked. He nodded.
"Yeah. Yeah, I think so..." he looked at you and you smiled nervously, not knowing what to do.
"I think I should go..." "Can I invite you for dinner?"
You both said at the same time, before you both chuckled.
"I wanted to invite you for dinner for months but I didn't know if it's appropriate with you being Sofia's teacher..." he said, almost shy.
"I don't think there's a rule against it," you whispered with a small smile.
"Can I take you to dinner next Friday?" he asked.
You nodded.
"I'd like that, Frankie."
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x-chubby-reader · 4 years
Oh MY GOD what about Bakugou, kirishima, and sero who get hit by a quirk who turns them into a lil toddler or whatever and they’ve got the biggest crush on their chubby/plus size classmate 🥺🥺
A/N - I literally love this idea so much, thanks to @fandom-fander for helping out with this headcannon.
Not Prof Read
Lowercase Intentional
Toddler!Bakugo, Kirishima, and Sero x Plus size reader
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aizawa sure as hell didn't feel like dealing with the angry pomeranian in minature form
he decided to leave the boy with the class and let them decide among themselves on who should watch the little firecracker for the day
extra credit anyone?
everyone immediately pinned the responsibility on you
kirishima, he didn't feel like getting screeched at by a small bakugo and needed to apparently go study
he also knew that bakugo had a fondness for you in his teenage form, so why not see if he still has it
fr little bakugo pretends to hate your guts
somehow this little toddler has the most hurtful insults
“you can't even get a boyfriend? that's pretty sad.”
suddenly choking out a child is okay
do it… no one has to know how it happened
even though he had pretended to hate you, he still kept trying to show off to you 
you decided to take him out on a little bike/tricycle ride? homeboy flipped it trying to show off how fast he could go and then proceeded to complain about scraping his knee
hey at least he got your attention
he is a literal leash kid fight me oh my god
bakugo will simply run away
you expected him to listen? oh you're in for a surprise
the only option that you give him is to either wear the embarrassing monkey pack or to hold your hand
he immediately grabs your hand and is literally so giddy and its adorable my lord-
smiles for days my heart i can’t-
he may seem all happy and nice, but that can flip in a minute
he’s the biggest brat sometimes and you are literally this close to punting him across the room
you don't get him something that he wants? little pomeranian boy will turn into a velociraptor child in an instant
the decimals that that kids voice can reach up to is kind of impressive not going to lie
“no bakugo, you can't have that right now maybe later-”
thankfully he tires himself out quick enough to set him down for a nap
but nothing is ever simple, is it?
he wont go to sleep without you though, claiming that there are monsters and he needs to know where you are so he can protect you
no matter how many times you had explained to him that there weren't any monsters around, you slowly succumbed to his pleas
almost feeling bad for him, he just looked so serious about how you could get hurt that it made you feel bad
you didn't notice how much taking care of a kid took out of you until now
you had made a mental note to apologize to your mom for having to deal with you when you were younger later
As soon as you settled down on the couch with the toddler laying on top of you, you almost instantaneously passed out
oh boy were you in for a surprise when you woke up to a teen bakugo, still curled into your torso
he looked up to you after feeling you stir, he almost had a smirk on his face before burying his head back  into you 
mostly to hide the redness spreading over his face, he wasn’t going to admit that he was blushing
no way in hell
he just mumbled a “later” before his breaths softened into a steady pace
yeah, you may be stuck here for a bit
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you were there for the whole thing
red-top had pushed you out of the way of an incoming quirk blast and suffered the consequences
he became young again, almost too young
you felt bad
and who wouldn’t
so of course you took it upon yourself to watch him until the effects wore off
the thing you learned about him was that he was an even touchy-er child
homeboy just wanted to be held all the time
just climbing up and latching himself onto your calf
it was adorable but hard to walk with
If you pick him up, you’ve basically sworn an oath with the devil himself
you cannot put him down 
he gives the most pitiful looks when you do and drags his feet when you walk
he also wont leave you alone
so curious in whatever your doing at that exact moment
and he is impressed by everything you do
“what are you doing?”
“wow so cool!”
a bug came in through the window and he screamed
you walked in all nonchalant, grabbed your shoe, and smacked that some of a bitch into a next dimension
he lit up omfg
“wow y/n, that was so manly!”
you brought him in to class since it had been a school day and were too afraid to tell aizawa about the incident
the girls were literally all over him
i mean, who wouldn’t be all over an adorable and friendly (looking at you bakugo) kid?
and the pebble boy was lapping up the attention like a thirsty dog on a hot day
you never expected him to act like this
shy maybe, but then again he was pretty outgoing in his teenage form
he was grinning from ear to ear
literally posing like a mini body builder and making little huffing noises
even you couldn’t help it, letting a little aww out like most of the other girls
this had been causing a slight disturbance to the class
so the whole going to school thing was pointless as aizawa sent the two of you home anyways
he is already a tired dad, he dosen’t need to be dealing with a toddler right now
putting the little strongman on your back you began to walk
you had been hoping that the effects would wear off in a few more hours 
but nothing ever goes to plan dose it?
while you had been walking, you noticed a significant weight increase, but just decided to ignore it
hey you were more sturdy and thicc, you wern’t no pussy, why stop all of a sudden because of the extra weight?
the only single thing that had alerted you to kiri being fully back was the whisper in your ear
instead of a sqeaky and mousy voice, you heart a more smooth and even comment
“hey stranger”
girl you dropped him and ran, him having to catch up to you
he has the audacity to give you a heart attack, he better suck it up
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this was the same situation as bakugo, aizawa just didn’t want to deal with the kid
and especially a kid who kept mixing up two languages
he really was just so one
aizawa gave him the option to go to anyone
of course he ran straight to you, clinging onto your calf, as that was as high as he could reach
hey you looked the most inviting and least scary
he was literally terrified of bakugo and almost started to bawl is eyes out when he went near him
though he calm down slightly when he went down to get to a similar height as him. 
why wouldn’t you take the opportunity to watch a cute little kid and skip class
hey, aizawa said whoever watched him got extra credit
but there soon was a slight problem that you noticed
well not really a problem, but more of a hurdle
with sero being raised in a household that spoke both english and spanish, he started to mix the two, not knowing any better
he would be asking for “leche” and you would just stand there trying to understand with your limited vocab
just the loading circle above your head whenever he started to talk
but you managed with google translate and going off of the vast amount of spanish soap operas you watched at 3 am once a week
surprisingly, he was a very artistic kid
at least every ten minutes he would walk over to you and hand you a squiggly picture of a flower, you, or him and you holding hands
and he would just giggle before running away to make another
bro heart go melt 
being pre occupied with some papers that the father teacher had sent home with you, sero couldn’t get your attention
he might of forgotten your name and got stuck in a predicament
then the most rational thing popped into his head
well his dad called his mom “mi amor” and you and his mom were both pretty ladies
it made total sense to him so he went with it
nothing again
“hey... mi amor~”
your head shot up immediately
since he noticed that the name had gotten your attention, he just started using it
when he had shifted to being a teen again, the two of you never mentioned the name again
until a few days later when he was back to normal in class
homeboy was trying to get your attention and the multiple taps on the shoulder weren't cutting it
he got an idea
“hey... mi amor~”
yep that got you immediately
and he still uses that nickname for you
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ktmarison · 2 years
album  sentence  starters.
’  at  least,  that’s  what  google  told  me.  ‘  
’  but  sometimes  critics  would  murder  all  the  artist.  '  
’  an  album’s  not  forever.  '  
’  it’s  a  dangerous  endeavor.  '  
’  an  album’s  not  forever,  but  the  writing  on  it  is.  '  
’  when  i  was  born,  i  looked  like  a  hairy  gnome.  '  
’  i  imagine  a  future  version  of  me,  it’s  the  man  who  i  would  become  if  i  could.  then  i  think  of  my  current  reality.  '  
’  i  look  nothing  like  the  anxious  boy  in  photographs  whose  dreams  felt  so  completely  far  away.  '  
’  now  life’s  worth  living,  but  the  self-doubt’s  still  at  play.  '  
’  kids  are  completely  bewildered  by  the  idea  of  music  that  you  can  hold.  '  
’  the  slang’s  outdated,  but  the  point  is  still  well  heard.  '  
’  family  is  forever.  '  
’  passion  is  forever.  '  
’  dreaming  is  forever.  '  
’  memories  are  forever.  '  
’  theatre  is  forever.  '  
’  critics  are  forever.  '  
’  breakup’s  not  forever.  '  
’  existence  is  forever.  '  
’  anger’s  not  forever.  '  
’  your  struggle’s  not  forever.  '  
’  when  a  fire  starts  in  the  hull,  how  much  time  do  you  have  before  it  spreads  to  the  deck  ?  '  
’  how  do  you  tell  your  family  that  you  wanna  quit  school  and  just  play  with  your  band  ?  '  
’  when  a  fire  starts  burning,  how  much  time  do  you  have  before  it  burns  itself  out  ?  '  
’  why  do  i  feel  like  i’m  choking  lately  ?  '  
’  maybe  for  once  i’ll  really  try,  or  fuck  it  all  and  just  get  high,  'cause  that’s  an  answer.  '  
’  what’s  the  furthest  distance  a  ship  can  be  from  the  shore  before  it  loses  its  signal  ?  '  
’  maybe  i’ll  practice  my  guitar,  or  read  a  book,  or  steal  a  car.  '  
’  i’ll  get  a  job  and  get  paid,  or  get  a  girlfriend  and  get  laid.  '  
’  i’ll  join  the  army,  go  to  war.  '  
’  i  need  an  answer.  '  
’  maybe  it’s  okay  that  i  don’t  have  a  plan,  and  i  don’t  have  a  clue.  '  
’  i’m  nineteen,  and  that  doesn’t  mean  that  i  should  know  exactly  what  i  wanna  do,  right  ?  '  
’  i’ve  got  time  to  make  mistakes.  '  
’  but  i  am  scared  and  i’m  afraid  that  a  decision  won’t  get  made,  and  i’ll  be  like  this  forever.  '  
‘  time’s  up.  ’  
’  to  beat  malaise,  i  think  i’ll  clean.  '  
’  that  doesn’t  look  like  me  at  all.  '  
’  i  remember  taking  this.  i’m  all  aglow  because  he’s  giving  me  a  kiss.  that’s  how  i  know  how  long  ago  it  was.  '  
’  ignore  the  black  marks  on  the  wall.  '  
’  i  know  she  did  it  to  provoke,  'cause  she’s  exactly  like  her  dad.  '  
’  nothing’s  wrong,  and  i’m  no  longer  crying.  '  
’  that  mailman  likes  what  he  just  saw.  '  
’  aw  shit,  i  love  to  clean  the  house  !  '  
’  rip  the  pictures  off  the  wall.  '  
’  i  love  it  more  than  i  love  (name).  if  i  could  marry  it,  i  would.  '  
’  it  drives  me  wild,  it  does  the  job.  does  what  that  asshole  never  could.  '  
’  my  daughter  used  to  love  me.  she  doesn’t  anymore.  '  
’  every  time  you  make  a  compromise,  it  comes  at  quite  a  price.  '  
’  my  day  was  fine.  and  how  are  you  ?  '  
‘  i  feel  no  sorrow  because  i’ll  see  you  tomorrow.  ’  
’  i’m  sorta,  like,  the  neatest  guy  in  school.  '  
’  when  things  get  chilly,  that  is  when  i  want  them  hot.  '  
’  it  might  sound  silly,  but  it  bother’s  me  a  lot.  '  
’  they  know  the  way  their  whole  lives  will  play  out.  but  me  ?  i  don’t  have  a  clue  of  what  i’m  gonna  do  or  even  what  my  story  is  about.  '  
’  he’s  never  making  up  his  all-american  mind.  '  
’  i  hung  my  barbie  with  a  wire,  then  i  set  her  hair  on  fire.  she  looked  better  that  way.  '  
’  i  brought  her  carcass  to  class  to  keep  me  company.  a  move  which  was  apparently  not  cool.  '  
’  i  don’t  crave  acceptance.  '  
’  i  like  studying  bugs.  '  
’  no,  i  don’t  want  your  hugs.  please  just  leave  me  alone.  '  
’  i  am  a  strange  and  unusual  girl.  '  
’  i  need  a  place  where  i  show  my  face  and  strangers  don’t  tell  me  to  smile.  '  
’  i  need  a  place  where  a  girl  can  just  be  herself  for  a  while.  '  
’  you  need  a  pill,  you  need  a  bed.  that’s  what  they  say  when  mommy’s  dead.  '  
’  i’m  sad  my  mother  died  for  sure,  but  i  was  so  this  way  before.  '  
’  it’s  dumb,  just  let  me  be  numb.  '  
’  is  that  place  really  far  ?  '  
’  is  there  room  there  for  me  ?  '  
’  we’ll  be  together  there  in  the  nether,  laughing  as  death  knells  sweetly  chime.  '  
’  i  know  you’re  fine.  '  
’  i  know  you  don’t  need  me.  '  
’  i  just  get  scared  and  act  like  a  jerk.  '  
’  nothing’s  going  to  hurt  you.  not  on  my  watch.  '  
’  i’m  gonna  protect  you  from  former  mistakes.  '  
’  i’m  gonna  protect  you,  i  swear.  '  
’  i’ll  be  there  to  protect  you  from  all  of  the  bad  things  that  happen  in  florida.  '  
’  please  don’t  shout.  '  
’  i  know  you  know  what’s  best.  '  
’  it’s  not  that  i  don’t  trust  you.  it’s  just  i  don’t  just  trust  this  town.  '  
’  yeah,  i  really  didn’t  wanna  argue  today.  '  
’  if  you  really  listened  to  the  things  that  i  say,  you’d  hear  they  come  from  a  good  place.  '  
’  i’ve  seen  what  can  happen  to  people  like  us.  it’s  enough  to  make  you  sick.  '  
’  i  know  it’s  silly  that  i  worry,  but  i  do.  '  
’  i  wish  i  had  someone  who  said  this  shit  to  me.  '  
’  you’re  looking  blah  as  ever.  '  
’  my  daily  routine  is  all  such  an  endeavor.  '  
’  no.  not  gonna  happen.  '  
’  he  got  his  hoodie  at  the  fulton  flea.  '  
’  i  see  ironic  patches  and  my  soul  detaches.  '  
’  i  can’t  feel  a  thing  anymore.  '  
’  it’s  all  been  done  before.  '  
’  everything’s  a  horrible  bore.  '  
’  living  is  a  terrible  chore.  '  
’  there’s  nothing  new  to  do  in  brooklyn  anymore.  '  
’  i  didn’t  always  use  to  be  this  way.  '  
’  remember  how  i  felt  on  move-in  day  ?  i  was  so  young  and  connected.  '  
’  i  think  i  need  a  change.  '  
’  i  need  to  feel  some  heaven.  '  
’  i  don’t  care  where  you  were  on  9/11.  i  mean,  you  didn’t  even  live  in  new  york  at  the  time,  so  it  wasn’t  really  a  thing  for  you.  '  
’  it’s  totally  late.  '  
’  we’re  by  that  club  that’s  owned  by  beck.  ’
  ’  that  was  kind  of  whatever,  but  it  was  mostly  dumb.  '  
’  would  i  feel  different  if  i  lived  in  queens  ?  '  
’  it  doesn’t  matter  anyway.  '  
’  there’s  nothing  new  to  do  in  new  york  anymore.  '  
’  there’s  nothing  new  to  do  in  america  anymore.  '  
’  there’s  nothing  new  to  do  in  the  universe  anymore.  '  
’  it’s  all  been  done  before.  '  
’  i’m  feeling  alright.  a  little  depressed,  but  mostly  alright.  '  
’  oh,  how  i  love  a  novelty  mug.  '  
’  you  can  tell  that  she’s  got  guts  !  '  
’  she  struts  so  effortlessly  and  delicately,  she’s  so  different  from  me.  '  
’  i  don’t  want  her  to  think  that  i’m  some  perv  on  some  voyeuristic  trip.  '  
’  i  promise  i’m  not  looking  out  of  carnal  frustration,  it’s  more  i’m  just  observing,  rapt  in  admiration.  '  
’  you  make  me  feel  so  clean.  '  
’  please  show  me  what  to  do.  '  
’  i  wish  i  was  just  like  you.  '  
’  i  think  it’s  time  that  we  meet.  '  
’  wait,  how  did  i  even  get  on  the  street  ?  '  
’  a  couple  couples  see  me  fall  all  over,  but  none  of  them  cares.  '  
‘  i  wonder  what  you  think.  ’  
‘  your  life  will  be  the  same,  but  i  am  not  the  same.  ’  
’  i  dream  about  a  time  many  years  ago,  back  when  things  were  better  in  many  ways.  '  
’  at  least  we  still  got  one  thing  that  looks  the  way  it  did.  '  
’  it  might  be  safer  for  you  to  walk  to  school,  but  you’ll  never  be  as  cool  as  raul  julia  heading  to  rehearsal  in  the  fall.  '  
’  new  york  at  the  moment  is  a  troubling  place.  '  
’  take  me  back  to  the  way  back  when,  'cause  i  know  that  life  was  better  then.  '  
’  change  is  good,  but  at  what  price  ?  sometimes,  i’m  just  not  sure.  '  
’  i  know  we’re  better  for  the  progress  made,  but  i  still  dream  of  when  the  city  was  pure.  '  
’  better  now,  or  better  then  ?  how  do  you  compare  ?  '  
’  it  wasn’t  all  perfect,  last  i  checked.  i  know  that  things  look  different  in  retrospect  and  with  every  cause  comes  so  many  effects…  good  lord,  nostalgia’s  so  complex.  '  
’  man,  i  envy  girls  like  that.  '  
’  everybody’s  all  hypnotized  by  her  little  display.  '  
’  i’m  not  surprised,  i  see  it  every  day  of  my  life.  '  
’  i’m  playing  the  whore  and  the  wife,  but  that’s  fine.  i  don’t  wanna  play  the  princess  anyway.  '  
’  i  will  not  blend  into  a  crowd.  '  
’  please  let  it  be  understood  that  even  if  i  could,  i  wouldn’t  wanna  play  the  princess  anyway.  '  
’  confidence  is  not  a  skill  i  learned.  '  
’  they  get  pretty  far  playing  rough,  but  i  kinda  wish  i  was  that  tough.  i  mean,  i’m  fine.  '  
’  i  mean,  i’d  do  it  as  a  joke.  '  
’  i’m  allergic  to  flowers.  '  
’  i  bet  she’s  not  allergic  to  flowers.  '  
’  as  much  as  i  do  hate  to  say,  i  think  that  it’s  sorta  okay,  if  she  wants  to  be  that  way.  '  
’  she  had  potential.  '  
’  i  think  it’s  worth  a  shot.  '  
’  yeah,  you  should’ve  heard  the  cheering  in  the  place.  '  
’  her  skin  was  in  a  mushy  pile  of  blood  in  the  middle  of  the  floor.  '  
’  it’s  amazing  how  quick  things  can  move  when  unique’s  not  in  the  way.  '  
’  there’s  no  more  passion.  she  just  sees  it  as  logistics.  '  
’  see,  the  star  don’t  need  a  mouth.  she  just  needs  a  name.  '  
’  her  stratospheric  rise  and  fall  is  nothing  new.  '  
’  somebody  help  !  '  
’  she  just  keeps  crying  on  and  on  and  on.  '  
’  she  was  usually  screaming  anyway,  so  her  yelling  didn’t  cause  dismay.  no  one  checked  on  her  for  at  least  a  day.  '  
’  here’s  the  moral  of  the  story:  if  all  you  do  is  just  sing  loud  and  high,  when  you  die  nobody  cares.  '  
’  it  doesn’t  feel  good.  '  
’  things  are  just  weird.  '  
’  words  don’t  come  easy  for  me,  i  can’t  really  explain.  '  
’  how  could  you  leave  me  this  way  ?  '  
’  what  you’ve  done  to  me  is  wrong.  it’s  been  your  fault  all  along.  '  
’  i  promise  i  won’t.  but  if  i  did,  would  you  be  mad  ?  '  
’  you’ve  got  no  heart.  '  
’  you’ve  got  no  soul.  '  
’  your  brain  is  what  is  wrong.  '  
’  i  don’t  care  if  you  can’t  or  you  can.  if  you  can’t  say  it  to  my  face,  then  you’re  no  kind  of  man.  '  
’  hey,  at  least  change  my  fucking  name  when  you  goddamn  write  your  song  about  me.  '  
’  all  the  mistakes  that  he  made  about  the  girl  don’t  bother  him  as  much  as  everybody  things.  '  
’  all  the  mistakes  that  he  made  about  the  girl  are  different  from  the  mistakes  he  makes  when  he  drinks.  '  
’  i’d  bet  you’d  like  to  think  he’s  got  so  many  regrets,  but  the  way  he  sees  it,  he  did  nothing  wrong.  '  
’  the  anger  and  the  objects  he  would  hurt  were  not  the  things  that  made  life  unlivable.  '  
’  so  what  if  he  had  trouble  letting  down  his  guard  ?  it  wasn’t  his  fault  she  was  so  quick  to  feel.  '  
’  she’d  melt  every  time  that  he’d  sing.  '  
’  what  are  you  scared  of  ?  '  
’  yes,  there  were  mistakes.  but  it  doesn’t  matter  anymore  because  she’s  not  coming  back.  '  
’  all  the  mistakes  that  he  made  about  the  girl  keep  fucking  with  his  life  in  such  surprising  ways.  '  
’  he  likes  to  think  that  if  he  had  to  do  it  again,  he  could  fix  the  things  that  he  did  all  wrong  and  he’s  not  the  same  as  he  was  back  then.  '  
’  the  one  thing  that’s  totally  clear  is  he  wishes  she  was  still  here.  '  
’  he  tries  to  be  different,  but  he’s  still  out  of  touch.  '  
’  well,  that’s  what  i  would  do  if  it  were  me.  but  it’s  obviously  not.  '  
’  i’m  filled  with  sorrows  in  a  million  ways.  '  
’  i  hate  today.  '  
’  i’m  just  not  meant  for  these  times.  '  
’  i  try  to  be  like  other  guys  and  everybody  rolls  their  eyes.  '  
’  i  pretend  that  i  don’t  care.  '  
’  most  people  think  i’m  weird.  '  
’  all  my  friends  have  disappeared.  or  i  guess  they  were  never  there.  '  
’  my  social  life  would  be  on  fire  if  only  i  was  born  sixty  years  prior.  '  
’  everybody  on  their  phone  makes  me  feel  so  all  alone.  '  
’  life  is  complicated,  things  don’t  go  as  planned.  people  act  in  ways  that  i  don’t  understand.  '  
’  it  all  came  crashing  down  through  no  fault  of  my  own.  '  
’  i  tried  to  fit  in  and  they  told  me  i  could  not.  '  
’  the  outside  world  is  overrated  by  a  lot.  '  
’  i’ll  build  a  fort  all  by  myself,  alone.  '  
’  man,  it  sucks  that  there  is  no  one  who  really  understands  me.  '  
’  if  you  try  to  enter,  you  will  be  denied.  '  
'  i  have  been  away  so  long,  been  afraid  to  show  my  face.  but  i'm  a  man  now.  '  
'  i'm  not  a  man,  i'm  just  a  shape.  '  
'  everything  looks  weird  and  new.  '  
'  i  went  back  to  the  old  house.  it  was  crumbling  like  a  grave.  '  
'  if  i  can't  get  you  back  today,  i'm  gonna  make  this  whole  town  pay.  '  
'  welcome  home.  '
'  i  let  you  take  advantage  of  me  because  i  like  it  when  you  shove  me.  i  know  it  makes  you  feel  good.  '  
'  although  it  is  understood  that  you'll  be  the  death  of  me,  still,  i  got  the  sympathy  for  the  killer.  '  
'  i'm  grateful  every  time  you  choose  me.  '  
'  we  agreed  to  our  roles,  and  we  may  not  be  couple  goals.  .  .  '  
'  darling,  i'm  a  dying  breed.  '  
'  danger  is  impending,  i  can  guess  the  ending.  i  should  run.  '  
'  poor,  poor  baby.  '  
'  i  let  you  take  advantage  of  me,  it's  how  you  show  me  that  you  love  me.  '  
'  i'm  glad  that  you're  in  my  life.  '  
'  here's  where  you  put  the  knife.  '  
'  darling,  sweetie,  look  at  me.  '
'  i  try  to  focus  on  the  work,  but  it's  hell.  '  
'  i  try  to  not  just  go  berserk,  but  that  is  not  going  well.  '  
'  these  days  it's  harder  than  it  seems  to  ignore  that  she's  accomplished  all  my  dreams  then  some  more.  '  
'  i  know  that  jealousy  should  not  be  allowed  in  my  heart,  but  then  i  see  a  poster  of  her  and  i've  got  to  just  rip  it  apart.  '  
'  i  try  to  channel  all  this  hate  into  good.  '  
'  i  wanna  sing  about  hope,  about  faith,  about  loving  and  persevering.  '  
'  i  wanna  sing  about  me  and  you.  '  
'  my  psychotherapist  is  great.  well,  except,  when  she's  not.  '  
'  she  says  i  must  eliminate  this  fixation  i  got.  '  
'  i  swear,  someone  would  think  i'm  ill  if  this  didn't  make  sense.  '  
'  it's  not  lost  on  me  you're  here  at  my  show.  with  your  support,  i  try  to  let  my  anger  go.  '  
'  as  i  look  out  at  your  face,  i  can  tell  you'd  rather  be  with  her.  '  
'  i'm  gonna  sing  until  the  anger  and  jealousy,  illness  and  horror,  just  numbs  me.  '
'  without  her,  i  would  not  survive.  '  
'  she  feeds  me,  comforts  me,  she  is  my  family.  '  
'  my  thoughts  start  to  splinter  and  she  keeps  me  sane.  '  
'  you  say  she's  not  my  type,  but  i  don't  think  you  understand.  '  
'  she's  not  the  one  who  keeps  me  here.  no,  i  am  the  one  who  wants  her  near.  '  
'  i  could  leave  her  if  i  choose.  '  
'  it's  not  like  i  wanna  quit.  ’
‘  i  just  pull  away  a  bit.  .  .  she  does  not  like  that  very  much.  '  
'  thanks  for  all  you  gave,  but  i  am  not  your  slave.  '  
'  she  burns  me  and  beats  me  and  ties  me  to  bed.  '  
'  she  loves  me,  she  hates  me.  '
'  aw,  shucks,  it's  no  big  deal.  '  
'  i  mean,  it's  not  like  i  didn't  know  that  this  was  your  m.o.  '  
'  if  i'm  buying  beer,  you're  dear  and  kind.  but  if  i'm  not  near,  you're  deaf  and  blind.  '  
'  i  try  to  not  hang  on  too  tight,  but  if  i  don't  you'll  just  take  flight.  '  
'  i  hate  you  until  we  reunite.  '  
'  it  aggravates  the  piss  outta  me,  'cause  i  thought  we  had  a  history.  '  
'  doesn't  it  count  for  something  ?  '  
'  if  you  knew  just  how  bad  that  it  hurt,  you'd  be  ashamed  of  yourself.  '  
'  if  you  knew  just  how  hard  i  cried,  you  wouldn't  look  in  the  mirror.  '
'  i  know  you're  really  not  that  bad  of  a  man  and  that's  what  makes  it  all  worse.  '  
'  if  you  can't  really  see  all  you've  been  putting  me  through,  i  hope  you  try.  at  least  try.  '  
'  safe  travels.  '
'  the  saddest  thing  about  having  one  leg  is  that  it  isn't  the  saddest  thing  about  me.  '  
'  it's  becoming  clear  everybody  does  fine  without  me.  '  
'  condescending  pity's  not  my  fave.  '  
'  i'm  just  being  real.  no  need  to  smile  or  frown  or  get  all  pouty  and  weepy.  '  
'  he  don't  have  to  be  from  france,  i  just  want  somebody  to  spoon  with.  '  
'  see,  i  have  never  been  touched.  '  
'  ew,  get  away.  '  
'  he  don't  have  to  taste  like  honey,  he  can  be  a  fuckin'  slob  !  '  
'  i  don't  want  a  rose,  and  i  don't  want  the  moon.  all  i  want  is  a  dude  who'd  be  down  for  a  really,  really  good  spoon.  '
'  i  just  want  her  to  feel  alright.  '  
'  we  all  get  a  little  sad  sometimes.  '  
'  i  want  to  watch  her  chew  her  food.  '  
'  we  all  act  a  little  bad  sometimes.  '  
'  if  you  rearrange  the  letters  in  both  our  names,  you  get  one  away  from  normal.  '  
'  we're  not  in  love,  i  wish  we  were.  '  
'  i  can  tell  you're  hungry  and  you  need  some  food,  and  if  i  didn't  offer,  i'd  be  awfully  rude.  '
'  baby,  let's  go  to  bed.  '  
'  the  moonlight  taunts  me.  '  
'  now  i  have  to  run  away  from  you.  '  
'  i'll  be  back  here  in  the  morning.  '  
'  if  you  could  see  me,  you'd  be  frightened  half  to  death,  even  if  you  knew  the  motions  i  was  going  through  i'd  done  a  thousand  times.  '  
'  there  are  times  i  don't  feel  as  guilty  as  i  should.  '  
'  i'll  seem  innocent  as  ever.  '  
'  please  try  to  be  discreet.  '  
'  feed  your  filthy  hunger,  but  clean  up  the  evidence.  '  
'  i  say  it's  just  because  i  love  you  so  much,  but  i  think  we  both  know  that's  a  lie.  '
‘  i’m  sorry  for  the  times  i  ran  away.  ’
'  there  won't  be  no  snow,  won't  be  no  joy,  because  i  had  to  go  and  be  a  naughty  little  boy.  '  
'  she  shed  a  tear  when  i  said  she  wouldn't  see  me  on  the  25th  this  year.  '  
'  i  committed  a  crime  at  christmas  time,  so  i  won't  be  coming  home.  '  
'  i'll  serve  my  time,  unless  santa  stuffs  my  stocking  with  a  pick-axe  and  a  file.  '  
'  i  never  cared  for  christmas  much  before.  '  
'  now  i'd  atone,  i'd  scream  amen,  if  it  meant  i'd  get  to  taste  my  mama's  stuffing  once  again.  '
'  they  tell  me  that  my  songs  have  gone  out  of  style.  '  
'  what  else  you  got  ?  '  
'  if  you'd  come  in  here  in  '73,  you're  the  kind  that  i  would  have  signed  instantly.  but  it's  now,  not  then.  '  
'  they  don't  like  my  sound.  they  tell  me  my  singing's  out  of  style.  '  
'  i  remind  him  of  a  girl  who  used  to  work  in  this  place.  she  made  it  big.  '  
'  i  could  smell  the  alcohol  upon  her  breath.  '
'  they  were  friends  but  kind  of  competitive.  '  
'  they  were  real  new  yorkers  down  to  the  core.  '  
'  things  in  new  york  are  temporary.  you  can  beg  it  to  stop  changing,  but  it  won't.  '  
'  remember  the  thing  you  once  admired.  '
'  you're  used  to  thinking  about  him  in  a  certain  way  from  the  persona  that  he  displayed.  then  something  changes,  and  he  changes  from  a  guy  that  you'd  never  be  into  into  a  guy  that  you'd  kinda  be  into.  '  
'  i  don't  always  relate  to  other  people  my  age,  except  when  i'm  on  the  stage.  '  
'  why  am  i  telling  this  to  you  ?  i  guess  there's  a  part  of  me  that  wants  to.  who  knew  ?  '
'  i've  got  a  little  problem  that's  really  got  me  low.  i've  got  a  crush  on  this  beautiful  boy,  but  nobody  can  know.  '  
'  if  we  were  ever  seen  together  in  public,  my  friends  would  scream  and  mother  would  die.  '  
'  his  hair  is  dirty  and  he  paints  his  nails  black.  '  
'  he  curses  like  he's  got  tourette's,  and  he  tokes  and  smokes  clove  cigarettes,  and  i'm  in  love.  '  
'  we're  like  mickey  d's  and  fine  wine.  '  
'  in  that  instant,  i  saw,  i  knew  that  his  nipples  were  pierced,  but  his  heart  was  too.  '  
'  he's  in  love  and  he  wants  me  to  know.  '
‘  i’m  in  love.  ’
'  it's  no  big  thing,  i  swear.  '  
'  i  was  bored  and  she  was  there.  '  
'  you  wanna  talk  a  while  ?  '  
'  i  went  because  i  was  feeling---  well,  no,  feeling's  not  the  right  word.  no,  i  went  because  i  was  crying.  well,  not  crying,  more  like  choking.  '  
'  what's  happening  to  me  ?  '  
'  sometimes  i  think  about  something  that  i  can't  stop  thinking  about.  '  
'  i  care  so  much  it  scares  me.  '  
'  i  mean,  it's  just  like,  whatever.  '
'  i  fell  in  love  in  juvie  hall.  '  
'  i  used  to  freak,  i  used  to  cry.  i  wanted  to  kill,  wanted  to  die.  '  
'  would  an  angel  such  as  she  ever  get  with  me  ?  '  
'  the  way  she  looked  at  me  in  anger  therapy...  it  made  all  my  defenses  fall.  '  
'  i  just  gotta  tell  you  that,  um,  i  think  you're  pretty  fine.  it's  not  just  your  looks,  it's  everything  about  you.  '  
'  people  say  that  i  got  too  many  feelings  for  one  little  body.  '
'  there's  a  crazy  little  dance  that's  sweeping  the  nation.  '  
'  it's  an  easy  little  cure  for  your  frustration.  '  
'  now  it's  time  for  everyone  to  dance  with  me  !  '  
'  i  hope  your  body's  feeling  limber  !  '
'  when  you  get  made  fun  of  at  school,  they'll  tell  you  them  bullies  are  jealous  and  stupid  because  you're  so  cool.  '  
'  when  it's  time  to  go  to  prom,  they'll  give  you  a  condom  and  a  shot  of  binaca.  '  
'  you're  the  bomb.  '  
'  they'll  made  disapprove  a  little  and  grit  their  teeth,  but  they  will  understand  what's  underneath.  '  
'  they  love  you  so  much  that  they  will  tolerate  all  the  silly  crap  you  say.  '
'  i  heard  him  coming  from  miles  away.  '  
'  we'll  be  friends  until  the  day  we  die.  '  
'  that's  nice,  you  say  i'm  a  stand  up  guy  even  though  i  have  terrible  scoliosis.  '  
'  have  you  been  taking  dance  classes  ?  '  
'  we  very  rarely  fight.  '  
'  when  life  gets  tough  or  too  intense,  i  know  he's  got  my  back.  '  
'  i  love  it  that  you  have  skin.  '  
'  i  love  you,  you  old  bag  of  bones.  '
'  it  always  seems  like  i'm  out  of  place.  '  
'  everybody  screams  when  they  see  my  face.  '  
'  i  try  best  at  the  latest  fashion,  but  my  issues  still  feel  unresolved.  '  
'  my  awkwardness  is  so  distinct.  '  
'  i  wonder  why  i'm  still  alive.  '
'  i'm  beautiful.  i'm  perfect  too.  '  
'  i'm  a  celebration  of  time  and  modulation.  '  
'  i  am  confident  in  who  i'll  become.  '  
'  honey,  don't  be  dumb.  '
'  who  i  am  currently  isn't  who  i  am  gonna  be.  '  
'  i  don't  care  and  i  don't  mind,  but  what  if  this  transition  is  the  thing  by  which  i  am  defined  ?  '
'  i  think  i'm  starting  to  forget  his  face.  '  
'  i  think  i'm  starting  to  forget  his  hands.  the  way  they  looked,  the  way  they  felt  when  holding  mine.  i  think  i  remember  they  felt  strong,  but  i  can't  be  sure,  it's  been  so  long.  '  
'  he  gave  me  a  kiss  and  whispered  something  to  me,  but  i  can't  remember  what  he  said.  '
'  don't  you  fall  down  now,  you're  almost  to  the  other  side.  '  
'  if  you  don't  pull  through,  you're  gonna  scar  the  children  who  had  faith  in  you.  '  
'  as  you're  choking  on  a  cloud,  think  of  just  how  freaking  loud  they  will  scream  when  you've  returned.  '  
'  every  compliment  you  field  is  another  wound  that's  healed.  '  
'  my  power's  gone.  i  need  to  pay  the  bill  to  get  it  turned  back  on.  '  
'  i  think  how  lately  i  just  feel  beat  down  and  tired.  the  motivation's  not  the  same,  my  drive's  expired.  '
'  i  can't  dance  in  the  rain  because  i'll  corrode  and  rust  up.  '  
'  i  wish  i  was  flesh  and  bone.  '  
'  i  know  that  next  to  them  i  just  look  like  an  appliance.  '  
'  i  keep  keeping  everybody  at  an  arm's  length.  '  
'  i'm  more  than  some  discarded  steel.  '  
'  i  can  freak  out  and  feel,  i  think  that  that  means  that  i'm  real.  '
'  i  threw  out  my  tickets  to  the  opera  because  nobody  wanted  to  go.  '  
'  i  thought  i'd  just  sit  here  contently.  '  
'  i'm  gonna  put  a  party  hat  on  my  cat.  '  
'  we'll  be  laughing  and  doing  the  lindy,  and  i'll  be  the  belle  of  all  things.  '  
'  you  back  the  hell  up.  i  don't  want  no  part  of  that.  '  
'  why  do  i  do  this  ?  '  
'  it's  better  than  living  in  a  dumpster  !  '
‘  you  are  quite  something.  ’
‘  that’s  what  my  therapist  says  !  ’
'  you  better  thank  your  lucky  stars  that  i  exist.  '
'  i'm  hanging  around  and  dreaming  of  chicks.  '  
'  i  would  thrive  in  the  caribbean.  '  
'  sometimes  my  mom  forgets  to  feed  me.  '  
'  they  don't  understand  when  i  make  a  noise  or  when  i  try  to  escape  or  break  my  toys,  that's  just  how  i  communicate.  '
'  he  was  supposed  to  be  watching  me,  but  he  was  stoned.  '  
'  when  he  slept,  i  went  through  all  of  his  stuff.  i  found  pills,  and  a  gun,  bit  a  beer,  bit  a  snuff.  '  
'  you're  the  best.  '  
'  we  love  how  you  play.  '  
'  i  was  nervous  and  nerdy  and  totally  shy.  '  
'  this  is  better  than  anything  else.  '  
'  my  acne  is  gone  and  my  mom's  not  divorced,  and  it's  all  good.  '
‘  it  hasn’t  all  been  perfect,  but  it’s  been  better  than  anything  else.  ’
'  i'm  gonna  find  the  bastard,  get  my  woman  back,  and  be  with  her  again  beneath  the  setting  sun.  '  
'  they  done  me  wrong,  i've  been  abused.  '  
'  revenge  has  long  since  been  defused.  '  
'  the  only  thing  i  know  how  to  do  is  to  live  and  breathe  and  die  for  you.  '
‘  no  one  else  would  understand.  ’
'  i  would  never  last  on  land.  '  
'  the  rules  that  we've  invented  allow  us  all  to  play.  '  
'  when  exits  are  presented,  we  stay.  '  
'  there's  so  many  strangers  there.  '  
'  everybody  lives  so  far  apart.  '  
'  we  find  the  solution  to  escape  our  fates.  '  
'  i  don't  know  where  i'd  be  if  you  weren't  here  with  me.  '  
'  lord,  what  would  i  do  if  i  didn't  have  you  ?  '
'  someone  else's  success  is  not  your  failure.  '  
'  hey,  it's  okay.  i  still  love  you.  '  
'  if  life  don't  give  you  what  you  need,  just  try  and  try  again.  '  
'  you  gotta  know  that  even  though  it's  so  cliche,  you  must  go  on  with  the  show.  '  
'  just  dust  yourself  off,  honey,  and  respect  that  that  was  a  sign.  '  
'  if  your  suicide  goes  bust,  then  you  absolutely  must  not  try  again.  '  
'  fuck  those  bastards,  find  a  friend.  '
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