#so pretty awful xD
What did Susan choose for the grave stones?!?! (I'm totally calm and normal about this)
Lord Digory of the Apple - When he remembered the face of Aslan, he did hope.
Lady Polly, Ringbearer - No one is told any story but their own.
Eustace, Rescuer of a Prince - I'm the King's man; and if this parliament of owls is any sort of plot against the King, I'm having nothing to do with it.
Jill, Bold Companion - Our guide is Aslan.
High King Peter the Magnificent - For Narnia and for Aslan!
King Edmund the Just - Even a traitor may mend. I have known one who did.
Queen Lucy the Valiant - Courage, dear heart.
And her own-
Susan Pevensie, once Queen Susan the Gentle - You have been listening to fear, child.
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nats-uvi · 7 months
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Angst time :D👍
You can read my rambling about her in the tags
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desultory-novice · 7 months
Wow a lot of March Kirby birthdays
Out of curiosity, would Noir have the same birthday as Dark matter swordsman or different birthdays?
If they have different birthdays, then that's funny in the sense that both him and Adeleine have 2 birthdays technically*
*(in the case you believe Ado and Adeleine are the same)
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It was hinted at as an easter egg in this AU AU-verse comic, but yes, Noir has the same birthday as Dark Matter Swordsman, March 21st. Just a few days before his sister's birthday! (It's kind of funny how that works out as that would mean both of the shiver siblings were conceived in the summer, which I find dreadfully fitting!)
As for Adeleine's two birthdays (she is also Ado in Apologies (1) as "Ado" is how King Dedede addresses her - he was only half paying attention when she told him her name!) March 27th was the day she "arrived" on Planet Popstar, making it her Popstarian Birthday! (2)
Adeleine having two birthdays and Noir having one is kind of emblematic of how he treats her vs himself. I imagine his own birthday passes with that sick dread that is most of teen Noir's life. He wants it to hurry and pass by so he can focus on finding ways to escape / distract / forget / avoid / run celebrate his sister's.
But that's because he's the only one with concrete memories of their parents. I imagine one of the reasons his birthday hurts so much is that he can still recall a time when they were both protected; when he didn't have to grow up fast; when there weren't lives hanging on his dumb kid decisions; when he had people he could trust.
Apologies Adeleine is neuro-divergent (in case anyone wondered why she's still so "childish" seeming even at 13) so HER earliest memories are playing games with her brother in the dark of their old empty home. She cannot remember the faces of their parents.
Anyway, have a semi-relevant bonus sketch from my files! (3)
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Outside of Apologies-verse, I'm kind of torn on whether I believe they're the same or not. I feel like HAL would say it already if they weren't cooking something.
"But Apologies takes place in summer! Wouldn't Noir have sent her off at the tail end of summer, not spring?" Yep! But Adeleine...did not get to Popstar via normal means of linear time, so it's still possible for her to arrive there in March!
This is a multi-layered joke based on synesthesia, Adeleine playing the keyboard in a scrapped Kirby 64 mini-game, and the colored "composer credits" in various Kirby games. ...Also, Dess will neither confirm nor deny whether songstress Neichel is the children's mother in the Apologies-verse, but... if Noir had to wake up to the sound of his mother's singing voice on the radio like a lullaby every morning only to hear everyone else grumble and call her a traitorous bitch throughout the day...that definitely would mess with you, huh? ^^
"Who's that, Noir...?" "...Dunno. Everyone seems pretty mad at her." "Why? She looks nice." "...Yeah."
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motherforthefamicom · 1 month
finally got the new desk set up in my room and cleaned out my dresser nd closet (had barely touched anything in there for Literal Years cuz of how much of a mess they were). feels surreal
#we still gotta figure out a new chair situation cuz the one ive been using#is Not Good its this awful office chair my dad had since before i was even born and its the most uncomfortable thing ever#also theres still a lot in my room that needs to be cleaned…….namely everything on top of the dresser XD#nd i gotta sort out a lot of my closet still ive been using it to store all my art n stuff for years its piled up so much stuff#that ive been meaning to get more organized AND scanned since its just. so much theres no real way i could take all of it#whenever i end up moving out.. i want to be able to still look back on it even if its not all physical#i found some goofy stuff while throwing out these old binders frm middle school i might post em#inquisitivewaltz.txt#realizing as im typing this out its a little. silly that this feels like such a big accomplishment#my rooms been fucking disgusting and an absolute mess for years now and im not very good at taking care of. well anything#so little stuff like this feels sorta relieving like. im kind of getting my life together in some sorta way#idk#oh wait also we didnt end up having to move as much as originally expected which im#pretty happy about i was really reluctant abt getting the new desk purely cuz itd completely alter the layout of my room#….which isnt very good rn but i didnt want to have to deal w the new thing i know for a fact what my parents had planned wouldve been worse#also the new desk has shelves so have more room to put shit and itll hopefully be actually more organized instead of#just throwing things onto my dresser and forgetting it even existed in the first place becuz it gets completely buried by everythint else
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I get to come hoooooome 😭🥳
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hirazuki · 2 months
Damn, y'all have my sincere condolences.
And ofc we just had to get one last one dig in at Shigaraki specifically, right, I mean why not 🙄
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echo-starflower · 2 months
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!
Hello!!!! Thank you for the ask mystery person!! ^w^
Three fun facts about me! o(^▽^)o
1. I play three different instruments! In order of proficiency: Piano, Ukulele, and Ocarina! I’m also learning guitar and violin! though out of all music things singing is my favorite haha! (I also play kazoo and ottamatone but both of those are just for the memes heh)
2. I’ve been playing dungeons and dragons since I was 11! I learned at hacker camp and went back home bursting with energy at the idea of getting to wield magic and go on adventures with my friends! Been playing regularly since then and it’s led to meeting so many fascinating people world wide I never would have otherwise! Including my best friend!
And finally 3! I have dyed my hair 11 times! (Not counting touch ups) it’s been pink 6 times (including currently!) purple 2 times and blue three! (Does blue count if it always turns out greenish gray? /silly)
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mrs-luigi-vargas · 11 months
A Burning Secret
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Characters: Bowser Jr, Rosalina, Luma, Bowser Relationship: Bowser Jr & Rosalina, Bowser Jr & Luma, Bowser Jr & Bowser, Bowser & Rosalina Tags: Implied/Referenced Character Death, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Almost half a year after the universe was reborn, Bowser Junior lets Rosalina in on a secret. Word Count: 1,995 words A/N: Inspired by this post!
[AO3 Link]
Rosalina’s afternoon was proving to be peaceful so far.
Shortly after lunch, she’d taken to walking in a nearby park with one of her Lumas as company, enjoying the time before she needed to get ready for the next scheduled kart race. She’d run into Mario and Peach, who’d evidently had a similar idea. Mario had even given her a spare bag of birdseed before they’d parted, which she was sitting on a bench near an empty playground and using now to feed an eclectic variety of local birds.
Or at least she had been doing that, until a green and yellow blur sped into the cluster of gathered birds with a yell, sending them all squawking and flapping their wings to flee, which likewise sent her Luma into a giggle fit. When Rosalina lowered her arms after the cacophony had ended, someone was standing in the middle of the space the birds just left, laughing triumphantly about their departure.
“Bowser Junior, was it?” Rosalina asked, and he turned to grin broadly at her.
“Yeah, that’s me!” He puffed up his chest, looking every inch his father’s son. “Prince Bowser Junior! Hey, you’re that Star Lady from space!”
“Princess Rosalina,” she corrected, but Bowser Junior was only half-listening, looking for more birds to scare.
His search, despite bearing little fruit after the ruckus he’d caused earlier, only extended a certain distance away from Rosalina’s bench. “Dad got lost,” he told Rosalina when she asked why that was, “and this is where I’m supposed to wait for him if either of us gets lost.”
“...I see.”
Bored with searching for birds, Bowser Junior cambered onto the bench next to Rosalina. Eventually, now that everything was still, some birds came back to eat the remaining birdseed on the ground. Rosalina tossed them some more to snack on.
Floating above them, their Luma companion mused about the birds they were feeding, and how tiny and insignificant their lives were. Like theirs, it supposed, small stitches in the vast fabric of the universe. Stitches that affected the fabric the most when cut. It giggled. “Ah, to have my string cut someday...” it mused, bobbing and twirling in the air. “To leave behind a void that will never be the same, even if it’s filled...”
“Cut...like dying?” Bowser Junior furrowed his brows in confusion.
“Of course! The string of fate, sliced clean by the blades of the unturnable~!”
“...You’re weird,” Bowser Junior said. The Luma giggled again.
Rosalina’s eyes slid from the regrowing crowd of birds to the child sitting next to her. She considered giving him her bag of birdseed, so he could have a go at feeding the birds and perhaps deem that a better way to interact with them than scaring them off, but he looked too deep in thought to be bothered. And sure, almost half this planet’s orbit ago he had been a whole lot of trouble as part of Bowser’s attempt to take over the universe, but that was more his father, not him. Which was why she felt the need to ask him if there was something wrong. “Sorry about my Luma,” she added, thinking something it said had upset him. “Its demeanor can be...off-putting to most.”
Said Luma pouted at her. Bowser Junior huffed a laugh. But he still looked rather troubled for someone so young, fiddling with his bandanna and staring off into the distance. Rosalina decided not to push him, being patient. And that patience paid off, as with a final look between her and her Luma, he asked, “Can I tell you a secret?” in a small voice.
The Luma floated toward him, curiously. Rosalina leaned in, subtly.
“I died once,” Bowser Junior quietly told them.
“You did?!” The Luma gasped, an outward echo of Rosalina’s own surprise that exchanged her muted horror for amazed delight.
“Shh!” Bowser Junior covered its mouth, looking around furtively. “Quiet! It’s a secret!”
Whatever the Luma wanted to say next was muffled under Bowser Junior’s hands. “When?!” it asked when Bowser Junior removed them, obediently dropping its voice to a hushed whisper.
“Uh...a couple months ago, I think?”
Ah, Rosalina thought. “That supernova...you were sucked in by its black hole.”
“Huh? Black hole...?” Bowser Junior looked confused, as if he had no idea of the event that almost had the entire universe destroyed, despite being near the epicenter of it. But his face quickly cleared, and he shook his head. Rosalina’s stomach sank. It was something else...?
“What was it like, what was it like?!” the Luma asked, vibrating in excitement.
“Um.” Bowser Junior backed away from the Luma’s enthusiasm, bumping into Rosalina. Looking down at him in concern, she was about to tell him he absolutely did not have to indulge the Luma’s curiosity in the slightest, but then he took a breath and began speaking, each word carefully considered.
“I fell,” he began, frowning. The Luma leaned forward in anticipation. “And the ship fell, too. And then...and then...” His voice trailed off.
“You don't have to discuss it,” Rosalina interrupted firmly, with a stern glance at her Luma. “Not if the memories are too much to bear for you.”
But to her surprise, her words had the opposite intended effect; Bowser Junior’s vulnerable expression was joined by a stubborn glint in his eye, and he barreled on.
“I fell and it got hot,” he said in a rush. “And bright,” he added. “And really hot. And then...” The resolve faded. He searched for what to say next. He swallowed, thickly. “I woke up,” he finished simply, head bowed and shoulders hunched.
Though his description was vague, the Luma practically had stars in its eyes hearing it. “...Did it hurt?” it breathed, enraptured.
“I’m sorry,” Rosalina said, heart heavy.
“It's okay, I think...you didn't do anything,” Bowser Junior reassured her, as if that wasn't the entire problem with this situation. But she'd been too far away to even see most of what was going on in Bowser’s galaxy back then, let alone do anything to help. And there was no way Mario and Peach knew either, Rosalina realized abruptly, though they'd been closer to the action. They'd be beating themselves up about it endlessly if they did. But what about — ?
“Does your father know?”
“No!” Wide-eyed, Bowser Junior grabbed at her dress. “Don't tell him! Or he won't let me go fight Mario with him anymore...! He already barely lets me help, now...!”
...She should probably tell his father. But Bowser Junior had started tearing up some, so...
“Alright, I won't tell,” Rosalina promised. Bowser Junior sighed in relief. “But,” she continued, “only as long as you promise to tell your family about what happened soon.”
“Yes, you should tell them!” the Luma cheered, twirling around the pair. “The knowledge of what's after death! It deserves to be treasured and shared~!”
“...You’re weird,” Bowser Junior told the Luma, but there was the faintest of smiles on his face as he wiped at his cheeks. “Okay,” he said next, and Rosalina gave him a starbit to munch on for it. And then a couple more when he started pestering her for them, and then a few more after that.
Not long after, Bowser walked down the path towards them, face pinched in worry and clearly in search of his son. “Dad!” Bowser Junior exclaimed, hopping off the bench and running up to meet him.
“There you are!” Bowser knelt to ruffle his son’s hair. “Didn't I tell you to stay with me so you wouldn't get lost?”
“I wasn't lost,” Bowser Junior grumbled. “You’re the one that disappeared.”
Bowser chuckled indulgently. But then Bowser Junior’s exasperated expression became overshadowed by uncertainty, and Bowser’s grin dimmed to match. “What’s up, son?” Bowser asked, voice softening.
“Um,” Bowser Junior said, and then quieted. His eyes flicked to the ground, to his father, to the Luma who had floated into his periphery, to a different spot on the ground. He shook his head. “Nevermind.”
Bowser bent down further to better meet his son’s eyes. “You sure?”
Bowser Junior nodded.
“Oh.” Bowser straightened, putting a hand on Bowser Junior’s shoulder. “Okay. Uh, you know you can tell me anything, right?”
“I know!” Bowser Junior chirped. He smiled at Bowser, small yet light. “Maybe later. I’m going to go play over there now.” he pointed at the nearby playground.
Though he still looked worried, Bowser met his son’s smile with his own, similarly warm. “Go for it,” he said. “Just don't wander off again, yeah?”
“You wandered off,” Bowser Junior insisted with a sigh. Nonetheless, he ran to the playground. The Luma followed him, sprinkling stardust as it floated about his head, stardust that caused Bowser Junior to sneeze. The Luma laughed, and when Bowser Junior began chasing it around in indignation for doing so it flew off to a hiding place underneath the slide with a wide grin. Bowser watched them go with a thoughtful look, but he seemed to accept his son’s new friend in the end.
But then he noticed his son’s new friend’s guardian, and he flinched at her cool stare. Rosalina kept it up even as he worked up the nerve to say something, perhaps because their charges were getting along mere yards away.
“So, uh.” He tried to meet her eyes. He didn't succeed. “He didn't bother you too much, did he...?”
“...He was fine,” Rosalina replied tersely. Bowser huffed at her answer.
“No, he was definitely a handful," he said. "He’s always a handful.”
Despite the complaint, he sounded fond. Rosalina understood that feeling intimately. So she decided to throw him a bone. “No more than any of my Lumas can be,” she offered, and Bowser laughed a little, relaxing slightly.
“Yeah, I guess you’d know about that.” He grinned at her like she was just a fellow parent, and not like he was the monster who had attacked her home, scared her children, and almost destroyed the universe months prior. There was really no reason he couldn't be both, Rosalina mused. But as a fellow parent, Rosalina should probably tell Bowser something about what his son had told her. She’d promised not to, though, so she didn’t. Instead, “After the universe was reborn,” she said, “how did your son fare?”
Bowser looked surprised at the question. “He, uh, fared fine. He’s lucky he didn't get hurt, from what I heard. Though” — Bowser frowned — “there’ve been nightmares. And some art. Of vents or somethin’, I dunno; he won't let me see any of it. Don't blame him, though; I shouldn't have lost track of him near the end of all that. ” Bowser’s face twisted into something guilty. “Gonna be keeping a better eye on him from now on, for sure,” he muttered, crossing his arms and looking off in the direction of the playground, where the Luma was cheering as Bowser Junior scaled the jungle gym. “We’ll get through this, and then I’m not losing him like that ever again.”
Rosalina hummed. She hadn't been sure about what Bowser’s answer would be, but the one she heard at least assured her that Bowser Junior was in good hands, and would continue to be so after he fulfilled his end of their promise.
“Dad!” Bowser Junior called from atop the jungle gym. When Bowser didn't move within milliseconds, he called for him again. And again. And —
“Alright, alright, I'm coming!” Bowser yelled back, amused. Without a second glance to Rosalina he ambled toward the playground with large steps. When Bowser Junior shouted at him to hurry up, Bowser smirked and all but stopped moving. He laughed at the resulting groaning about it, grin widening as said groaning turned into laughter of its own. As he walked further away, Rosalina tuned out the rest of his and his son’s exchange. With one eye kept on the playground, Rosalina sat back and resumed feeding her birds.
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years
genuinely shocked that I'm not actually 17 anymore
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razzek · 1 year
Man. My dudes. I used to think I knew what sleep problems were, what with having two sleep disorders and all, but jeebus. I miss those days. I'm so sleep deprived even I can see the shadows under my eyes in the mirror. Fell asleep for maybe an hour earlier, after hours of nodding off but not quite sleeping, only to startle awake into a panic attack for no reason except that hot flashes fuck with your brain. Did you know you can have depression nightmares? I didn't, but oh my god I would like to switch back to the pants shitting terror ones please.
Anyway I'm really fucking tired. Think I'm going to see about meeting with the sleep specialist again to see if there's anything to be done about all this. I don't think I'll survive four or five years like this if the past month of increasingly bad sleep is an ongoing trend.
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fitzrove · 2 years
cute and mysterious dark academia quotes ~~
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(Peter Fleming, Dark Academia)
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sadrockandwaltzes · 3 months
Just me making (sort of unfair) digs at Jim Gordon's love life from 16 episodes into Gotham (Sorry Jim☹️) So spoilers up till that point😅
Jim really isn't made for this whole relationship biz huh😅
He's too brave for Barbara and not brave enough for Lee
He wants to work 23/7 whenever he gets a call but also have someone who will be there to spend time with him that last hour of the day, but not waiting desperately for him so that he's not nagged. He doesn't feel comfortable doing his work with them around, and basically seems to enjoy the single life more than anything...
So either stay single, long distance date, or date Bullock, since he's already used to working with him (except something tells me he'd get uncomfortable with him on police calls too if they got together, proving that dating coworkers is a dangerous thing...)
Well the last paragraph's mostly a joke but I assume since Barbara and him are end game that she'll stay out of his police work and cool down emotionally, and he'll stop looking for someone braver and be happy with a girlfriend who's totally uninvolved in his life. WHICH- what does Barbara do??? She's rich enough to afford the penthouse suite?? But we've NEVER seen her work, and her fam seems to not ever want to see her. Do they send a check in the mail once a month??
Oh and unrelated but I met the Joker!! Kinda like him ngl. Time will tell if that stands...
#Gah Thompson is so freaking cool#I love her so much#like usually shows give the cool mc bland/uninteresting/unlikable love interests which is why people get so into slash ships#but I actually really like both of his! And when they're doing well with him I'm psyched#but I do wonder if either of these couples is good for each other#I hear that a lot of peeps ship him and Harvey so I guess I'll have to see on that... So far for s1 I can't t really imagine it on Jim's en#I can imagine Harvey liking him (cause he's so cool!!) but so far he just seems in awe and puzzlement/bewilderment of him#I hope we get to see lots and lots more of Lee and that she finds someone who's a good match#cause she definitely enjoys being in relationships but she's around such squares😫#“you're an unusual woman” “you just don't know many women” <- SO TRUE#Jim has good taste in love interests but he always crushes out of his depth#Rip Barbara's heart near the end... It's for the best I think. She's not in a good place for them to get back together just yet#she needs friends and a support system outside of squatting kids and her (formerly?) toxic and obsessed ex#and to get back her personal mojo and self confidence#I'm rooting for you!!#also- love how Penguin made his club umbrella themed to really own up to his humble roots as an umbrella carrier XD#he's so endearing#Well the club thing's going pretty bad rn so I guess it's best for him that Jim didn't show...#poor guy's out here looking ready to cry :/#Send a new invite when things are really swinging#And I totally forgot to mention but I like this Szaz guy and his stylish crew#Glad to see Butch is alive... But WHAT DID THEY DO TO HIM#Mooney and Butch are such an awesome duo#love how she's kicking @ss as per usual despite the unfortunate circumstances she's found herself in#very random but I never noticed how freckley Ozzie's face was until this ep... I don't know if it's the lighting or him going red with ange#but yeah#Why is he so red this episode?#Gotham#spoilers#jim gordon
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ner0ticmemories · 7 months
kasin isn't necessarily an exhibitionist though he isn't against spontaneous fun like that, but he is the type to get so focused and zoned into his lady that the surroundings will simply vanish.
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motherforthefamicom · 9 months
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uh heres a ness i did on freedraw the other day
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clenastia · 1 year
self confidence is a skill that can be learned and you have to let yourself and your art exist distinct from how others perceive it. you will never exist or create in a way that nobody criticizes and that is NOT a bad thing. you obviously care a lot about your work or you wouldn't fret over it this much, but fixating so heavily on the potential opinions of people you made up to criticize you isn't healthy and isn't doing you any good. you're allowed to set that weight down and I truly believe you can do it.
I do try! when i catch myself spiralling i generally try to forcfully redirect my thoughts, even if it means completely ignoring whatever triggered it, but unfortunately sometimes i feel like im stuck in a loop because thinking of getting published triggers spirals of anxiety so i cant think too much about it which means i never get around to DOING it which makes me upset because i've always WANTED to get published, but when i try to seriously consider it i get all tangled up in the anxieties and ugh.
in all honesty i fell into the trap of thinking therapy would be a quicker fix than it is, where the therapist could give me a list of steps to do and my anxiety/issues would go away once i did them. so i put a bunch of unrealistic expectations on therapy but unfortunately there IS no magical list of steps to making your brain work right. you just. gotta wake up every day and push your way through the spirals and face the things you're afraid of. meds help, for sure, i don't get panic attacks anymore and the anxiety doesn't stress me out so much i end up crying or shutting down most of the time. but like. everything else, the solution is just: ignore it. keep trying. and there's no. fucking. steps to just. "do these three things and your brain will work like a neurotypical one!" and it fucking sucks and i hate it and i still gotta keep trying if i wanna get anywhere.
I haven't been on meds for a full year yet, and therapy less than that, so im sure with time I'll get to a place where i CAN push through those specific fears and get to where i want to be, and that in a lot of ways i'm still just rushing things and wishing i could be better NOW instead of having to put in months and years of work.
a lifetime of self-worth issues don't get resolved with pills and six months of therapy, but sometimes its just so GODDAMN unfair and i just want a magic cheat sheet to getting better :(
or maybe someone who can do like. literally everything for me so i don't have to face it myself lol.
can there be a business for that? like. be your own ghost writer. someone else gets all the credit and hate mail and deals with all the publishers. but you get to write your silly little stories and still make profit.
that'd be nice xD
totally ripe for abuse and probably actually a terrible idea but like. in an idealistic way. it'd be nice. y'know?
#clena's ongoing issues with “i can't handle when strangers on the internet think poorly of me”#except. you know. that's basically the job of strangers on the internet.#i still get haunted by the one and only time i tried posting on deviantart#and one day when looking at someone's fanart and reading comments someone's signature said click here to see the worst art ive ever seen#and i clicked on it out of morbid curiosity and saw my own art#and never drew another fucking thing in my life because it hurt so much i couldn't handle it#it was probably a script link or something that randomly took you to one of your own drawings#and wasn't targeted at all#but it. you know. completely destroyed a teenage-clena's ability to continue with art#and now years later i WANT to draw but still struggle to get into it and tend to quickly give up on whatever i try#awful prank for strangers on the internet to pull on people. but then. that's what they do and if you wanna be on the internet#you gotta be able to put up with it.#assholes on the internet may be the minority#but DAMN if one well-placed blow doesn't do more damage than a thousand encouraging comments can hope to repair xD#and i KNOW thats why they do it. that those sorts of trolls live for the feeling of power that comes from knowing they can affect you#and that you shouldn't give them what they want and shouldn't give in to their petty bullshit#but it's just so goddamn hard. and there's no magic fix. which still pisses me off.#can i have my magic don't-give-a-shit-about-strangers-opinions potion. please. pretty please.#pretty pretty PRETTY please#i'd sell my non-existent firstborn for it#i would probably go through the grossness of HAVING a first-born for it#like. seriously.
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blimgus · 3 months
Hey guysss blimgus here
guys guys listen i've got an idea.
Imagine spending your sweet time in Gehenna. Peaceful slow time in the capital passes with the occasional random explosions in the background. However, when the night comes it's time to head back to Satan's castle for a rest. But due to some devils fighting over your attention with each other, you decide that organizing a big sleepover would solve the problem!
By bribing Ppyong with some chocolate you get the necesarry stuff you needed from Minhyeok's room. You grab the definitly too big bag from the tiny Red Lump Devil and hand over his reward.You check the contents of it,while Ppyong stuffs a bunch of ferreros in his mouth.
○ pretty chill about organising a sleepover, tells you that's a good way to boost morale
○ tbh i imagine he'll pick a classic white tank top and some heart boxer briefs xD
○ imagine having a casual romantic talk with him while cooking marshmallows over a burning toaster
○ he's totally up to play some games and have fun with you ( and his subordinates)
○ causes a massive pillow fight to unleash, anihilates most of the others(don't worry he'll go easy on you, but you will not escape your fate *yeets a pillow*)
○ however true chaos starts when you introduce him to Mario Kart
○ oh God I have the absolutely cursed idea. Like imagine playing Mario Kart with him as a foreplay later (gfhsjsbsb)
○when the time to sleep comes he'll flop down on the huge bed like some kind of a log
○ yeah you wake up to grab some water or go piss and have a Satan jumpscare bc either he sleeps with his eyes open (which totally glow in the dark believe me) or he just pretends to be asleep and we will never know the truth
○ahhh Sitri my baby
○ like he's totally rocking the leopard print luxury pyjamas bc like that's so Sitri-coded
○he'll spend most of the with his tea on the sofa.The only person allowed to sit next to him is you, just so he can listen to your heartbeat a bit better ~♡
○ paint his nails, paint his nails
○ i totally see Sitri sitting with you in the kitchen, blind testing some awful convenience store tea and listening to him shit talking the diffrent brands while offering you to try some REAL tea (we all know how it may end)
○ when the places for everyone to sleep were decided, he got kinda fussy bc he was somehow expelled from the bed
○ baby got angy, but at least he gets to calmly listen to your heartbeat when you sleep...
○ No.1 sleepover fan
○ Literally teleported to you when he heard you say the word ,,sleepover "
○ Literally girls night , painting nails, eating snacks, doing each others hairrrr, playing dress-up
○ totally into watching Barbie movies, especially the Old ones, or some shitty romcoms
○ came up with the idea of organising a Just Dance tournament to decide who gets to sleep next to you,
○ offers you to help you clean off your make up before sleeping to get alone with you for a while
○ good night smooches from Paimon♡
○ Golden retriever energyyyy
○ he would probably wear a kigurumi, or some cute long sleeved pyjamas with a teddy bear pattern
○ gets destroyed at Mario Kart oof
○ tbh I headcanon that the whole pillow fight started bc he accidentaly sniped Satan with a pillow from across the room.
○*insert boss battle music*
○ *insert the sounds of gunshots and screams*
○ all Hell breaking loose
○ also he gets really invested in the Barbie movie's story???
○at the end of the day, he goes to sleep with one of satan's decapitated plushie~
○Happily agrees to joining the party!...*insert jjyu cursing*
○ he comes wearing matching dark read top and bottom, ngl the colour matches his hair highlights nicely
○ also Jjyu is here with a tiny night cap
○Belial seems like that one person who comes to the party to share some banger music they found on Spootify
○ ya know some small talk with himm while the musics plays in the background
○ some time later puts Jjyu in time out bc he got a little out of control
○ in order to keep chatting with him without straining his voice, you decide to whisper to each others ears
○ so romantic
○ Most of the time he just keep to himself. Don't worry he's enjoying himself, just not too good with talking.
○honestly i think he'll wear a black tank top and some totally normal pants. Idk he just seems like the neutral clothing type of guy to me.
○Tries to learn some Mario Kart. I mean he still ends on a higher place in the races than Leraye due to everyone """accidentaly""" targeting him.
○ Have you wondered who won the Just Dance tournament?
○Yeah, it was Zagan.
○ He absolutely destroyed Paimon and Sitri, much to their dismay.
○ Now he gets to sleep next to you!
○ Don't worry we keeping this situation "non-horni" so no naughty stuff or smth
○sooo he just lays there with you on his right side and on the left... there's a drooling and snoring Leraye.
○ honestly nobody expected him to actually show up
○but heyyy he and his snake are here!!
○ totally wears the darkest coloured robe and some classy black fluff slippers
○ kitchen talk with you, him and Sitri so real
○ low pitched chuckle coming from him when he sees you goofing around with others
○he loves hearing your laugh
○ agrees to tell you a bedtime story as long as you'll promise him to repay the favour later~
○ he spends the night on the armchair, his snake chilling on his shoulders, while he reads a book he brought to the party
Paying my respects to people writing fanfics, bc it takes a lot of dedication to push out that many words and not go bonkers...
First time writing anything like that on this site, English grammar defeated me here.
Hope you like it!
-blimgus out
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