#so so far the planning is like: make the characters angsty. now put them in the most silly and whimsical situations KJDSKJDFHDF
Plotting fanfic is a hobby in and of its own. Tell me a single thing better than choosing a theme and using it to weave together silly little words to form a Concept
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kurokens · 3 months
Everything I Love Will Make Me Cry | Satosugu
anime/manga: jujutsu kaisen
character: gojo satoru & geto suguru
words: 1.5k
pronouns: they/them
request: none
notes: part 3 of In The Middle, my first satosugu piece. trying stg new by including some texts in the middle but idk if i'm a fan, just didn't know how to convey it better than this way.. don't judge the quality of the text this is an app i used to use back in 2020 and i didn't want to try and find a new one. also thank u to 🪼 anon, ur message helped me get out of writer block, this one for u!!
not proof read
song rec: Everything I Love Will Make Me Cry - Movning
genre: hurt comfort, fluff, slowburn, a little bit angsty, poly?
warnings: satosugu are in a loving relationship, misunderstanding, pinning, a lot of pinning on satosugu's end, reader is so oblivious, insecure and self conscious reader
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Taking all of your clothes and getting out of the apartment was probably one of the hardest thing you ever had to do in your life. Especially what forced you to do it. But what else could you do? You no longer were welcomed there, and you knew it, the longer you stayed and the worse it would hurt. So you took advantage of both of your roomates being gone for the day to pack your essentials, write a note and get out of there. Not without your vision blurred by your tears. You didn't really plan your next moves but it felt like an evidence to just go and crash at Shoko's, such an evidence that you refused to do it. After all she was just as close with these two as you were, well, as you used to, so it would be quite an awkward position for her, and you refused to impose this on her. That's how you found yourself at the door of an old friend of yours, looking like a kicked puppy. "What are you doing looking like a sad little puppy?" Namami said after opening the door.
"Please don't, I already told you, and I don't want to cry any more than I've already did." You replied in a whine, to which he just gave a roll of his eyes, stepping aside to let you in.
"Haibara is in the kitchen, he is making some food for you. He thought you could use a warm meal right now." The blonde man told you, leading you towards the kitchen.
"M'not really hungry though..." You sighed, following him without another complaint.
"Ah! Don't say that, I've poured my soul into this meal. You better eat and appreciate it!!" Haibara exclaimed, popping his head through the door after hearing you two coming his way. "I made your favourite!"
"It smells wonderful Yū, I'll eat it, just for you. And enjoy it, that's for sure." You giggled, seeing his enthusiam and the effort he put into this, pulling the younger boy in your arms.
"You can stay here as long as you need. And I promise I won't say a word to Satoru and Suguru about your whereabouts." Nanami chimed in, a soft smile on his face at your interactions.
"Haha, you don't have to worry about that. They're probably not gonna look for me at all, on the contrary." You whispered the last part, tears starting to well up again.
"Just, don't rush yourself to find a new place okay? You're more than welcomed to stay there. And I'm sure all of this must be a big misunderstanding." He gently answered.
"Thank you so much. It means a lot, even though I do doubt your last words." Was all you could muster as an answer.
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To say the lovers were frantic was an understatement, they need to find you, they needed to tell you what they felt and how all of this was a misunderstanding. There was no way they were about to lose you over this, no not like this, not before you knew what you meant to them. It couldn't end with you thinking they hated you, lord, it was so far from the truth. They would never forgive themselves.
"Try calling them!!" Satoru shouted, pacing around your empty room.
"I already tried Toru, they're not answering, I go straight to voicemail." Suguru replied, his heart sinking at the potential meaning of his calls going straight to voicemail.
"No, no, no... You have to try again, please Sugu, try again!" The white-haired man begged, his voice breaking as the tears made their way up. "Sugu, this can't be it. Sugu we need to find them, this can't be it, please this can't be it."
All Suguru could do was take his lover into his arms, letting him break down and cry on his shoulders. Words stuck in his throat, as his own tears made their way down his cheeks. He never felt this helpless.
"Maybe..." He began slowly, "Maybe we should try and text them. So they can read it whenever they feel like it and not feel pressured to answer right away."
"Let's do that." Satoru grundgingly said, his pout never leaving his face.
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Both of them let out a breath seeing your answer, it wasn't really positive one but at least they weren't blocked, and right now it meant already a lot for them. They would give you all the time in the world you needed, they were ready to wait an eternity if it meant that you would come back to them in the end. Well, at least Suguru was ready for that, Satoru was a whole other story. "M'gonna die Sugu. M'gonna disappear from the face of the earth if I don't see them soon." The youngest whined, holding onto his lover for dear life. "Why don't we call Shoko? I'm sure they're with her. Even better, we could just go there and tell them how this is just a misunderstanding, and we can tell them how much we love them and how we want them in our space forever, and never out of it."
"Baby, we have to wait and you know it. We don't know what they heard, and why they're so hurt. It made them leave our place Toru, it's not something we can fix that easily. We probably lost their trust, and winning it back won't be an easy task. That's why we can't force this on them. We have to be patient, and wait for them to come to us, no matter how much it hurts." The dark-haired man explained, not fully convinced by his own words, but one of them had to be rational in order to mess this up further.
"I know you're right, but knowing we hurt them and that we can't make it better is so hard. I never wanted to hurt them in the slightest, and now we drove them away. At least, I'm glad I have you in all of this." Satoru confessed, hiding even further in the crook of his lover's neck, hoping this wouldn't last too long.
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You couldn't help the small smile that made its way on your face after reading your conversation, but it didn't stay for long. After all, you heard what you heard, and there was no way you could have gotten it wrong in any way, it was pretty clear who they were talking about, so this all misunderstanding thing seemed like a lie to you. But why would they lie about that? What was the point in hiding the truth now that you knew about it? Wouldn't it be easier for them now to get rid of you? Not having to go through the burden of telling you directly to leave and everything?
You were confused, a part of you wanted to believe they were telling the truth, that all of this was a misunderstanding, and your best friends didn't hate you. But at the same time, another part was scared because what if they really did hate you, and they were doing all this just to be able to humiliate you even further, and have the satisfaction to tell you in your face how much they wanted you out of their life. You were kind of used to be the odd one in friend groups, and ultimately being left out, so why would it be different this time?
"You realy should hear them out." A voice suddenly said, making you jump.
"Gosh Kento you scared me." You squeaked, hand on your chest in a futile try to appease your beating heart.
"I'm sorry, but really. I'm not the biggest fan of these two, and I think that's why you decided to come here, but I know they would never hurt you." Namami chuckled softly, sitting down next to you.
"Well, look at that, for once in your life you're wrong." You tearfully laughed.
"I've been wrong a lot of times in my life, but not on that. I promise you, they would never intentionally hurt you, especially not with their words." Your blonde-haired friend affirmed, and the look in his eyes told you there was no convincing him otherwise, almost as if he knew something you didn't.
"I don't know, I need time, I don't think I can face them yet." You explained, curling into a ball next to him.
"Take all the time you need." He simply replied, petting your hair as if to comfort the crying child you were. And for now it's all you needed, some time and a comforting friend, you would deal with all of this later, maybe.
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oki here it is!! sorry im not quite satisfied with this part, i wanted to make it longer and have them maybe meet to talk it out but i also didn't know if it was the mood of this part or not... also, yes, don't worry there will be a part 4! part 4 here!!
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
You seem to draw Donnie covered in Spray paint (pink and blue) a lot. Why is that? What got him hooked to it and why doesnt he have to mix the colors himself?
(BIG fan of the angsty separated au!!!!)
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Draxum’s lab is pretty dull color wise, and Three wanted to differentiate his tech from Draxum’s. Huginn and Muninn are the ones who buy Three his spray paints! One of those small, nice things they try to do to make the kid a little bit happy. Purple is Three’s favorite color, but sometimes they’re limited in what they can bring him. (Also the pink and blue colors are a nod to Jinx—It’s kinda funny that her colors, pink and blue, when mixed, make purple)
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It would be maximum shock if they all met right when Leo and Donnie rejoined the family, before they kinda started their healing process, cause they’re probably the most different at that point.
Rise!Donnie would be appalled at AU!Donnie, from silly things like the way he accumulates layers of grime without a care—to the rude way he treats April. AU!Leo and Rise!Leo would keep a wide birth from each other and probably stick to a buddy system with their respective brothers just in the hopes that they don’t ever get left alone with the other (their bros of course conspire to do exactly that, so they can get to know each other)
Rise!Raph would probably be really worried about AU!Raph just cause he thought his brother’s make him stressed and tired? But between dealing with Leo’s anger issues, and Donnie’s…everything, AU!Raph looks ready to drop any second. AU!Mikey would love Rise!Mikey, cause he’s adorable, but he’s a little sad when he looks at him, cause he acts just like he used to, before he was thrown into the arena, so he tries to tone down the bad and make it sound more exciting so that Rise!Mikey doesn’t know how horrible AU!Mikey had it.
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The Kraang would def be the Rise Kraang version. The movie would take place a little while after the defeat the Shredder. I’m still working out the timeline cause when I was first deciding their ages, I forgot about the two years from the end of the series and the start of the movie 🙄. So I’m doing some reworking on that end. I think I’ll either change them to be a few years older at the start of the AU than I made them, OR the AU and the fight with Shredder will go for a longer stretch of time than it did in the series. That way there’s not a huge two year gap of unknown time between Shredder’s defeat to the start of the movie. EDIT Now that we know the series took place over two years and it was only a couple months between the finale and the movie. Their ages are gonna be the ones listed on their character charts!!
I’m still not even sure if I’ll manage to make it that far, but hopefully we will get there eventually! Cause I really wanna get to Casey. In fact, I’d probably make it less about Leo growing into a more serious role (cause obviously he’s already there), and more about him really accepting the love of his family. We might even see a future Leo come back with Casey?? It would be so hard not to go that route cause I love that idea so much 🤣
But I honestly don’t know yet what I’d really like to do. And I’d hate to give an answer that I’d have to redact later. I’ve got a lot of ideas, but I can’t even think about them, until I put out all the other stuff I’ve got planned. So let’s all cross our fingers and hope we get there some day lol!
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2012!Leo would go MOM MODE™️ EXTREME, 2012!Raph and Don would take off like a rocket with the intention of hunting down and murdering Draxum, Shredder and Big Mama, and Mikey would probably be caught between holding back tears and doing his best to tell jokes and ease the tension, or following after his brothers in their murder spree.
Basically as much as the 2012 boys would be thrown off at first over how different the AU boys are from the other versions of themselves they’ve met, they’d go HARD as the protective older bros. But the only one who’d probably actually appreciate it would be AU!Raph cause he never gets to be the little brother lol.
@smoldevelopingcookie @c00k13san2 @luvrbug @organisedchaosstuff @uniqueness351217
Separated AU tag
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prettyboybuckley · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @saybiwithme @bi-buckrights @zainclaw
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
I've mostly written for 9-1-1, though I started off with Shameless (6 fics) and I have written some for Teen Wolf (5 fics). There's one 9-1-1 crossover with Schitt's Creek.
Top five fics by kudos:
parents always yelling (telling us to get our acts together)
i just want something to hold on to (and a little of that human touch)
I will come to you (even in my sleep)
open up again (i believe in second chances)
exes and the oh's
Do you respond to comments?
Always, even if it takes me months. I actually just caught up again (there's still a bunch to go, but right now the oldest is 17 days ago instead of 250 days...). It's just a rule I have for myself, and even with the backlog I've kept it up so far, so I'm not going to stop doing it now.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm not a big fan of angsty endings, I generally try to at least make it a hopeful ending or, in the case of the college au, use an epilogue to fix things.
But I guess sunny skies & summer highs qualifies as an angsty ending simply because of the cliffhanger (and yes, there is still going to be a continuation, I'm working on it 🙈).
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Choosing one out of 160 is really hard, but I think tell me, will you stay or will you run away is definitely one that deserves a mention here, because it already has a happy ending and then the epilogue just makes it even better 🥰
Do you get hate on fics?
Not commented on the fic itself, no. I've had some people talk shit about my fics on twitter, though, and not even vaguely but calling me by (user)name.
Do you write smut?
Is grass green? Yeah, I write smut 🤭 Thanks to two times kinktober, I have 95 explicit fics, by far the most used rating for my fics.
Craziest crossover:
let's have some fun tonight is my 9-1-1/Schitt's Creek crossover fic for 9-1-1 Rarepair Week, and my only crossover fic
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
My head over feet Buddie valentine's two-parter got posted as one chapter in Wattpad work with over 30 fics once. Filed a DMCA and Wattpad took it down within two hours.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Two of my fics have been translated into Russian afaik, one on ao3 and one on Ficbook
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Nope. It may be a nice challenge for the future? Not sure who I'd do it with.
All time favourite ship?
Gotta go for Buddie on that one, lol. Especially if you look at my writing history. But I often tend to hyperfixate on one ship at a time (current reading obsession is McDanno)
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Buck's POV of if love is art then you might be my masterpiece. I really want to, but at this point it's been two years since the original so I don't know if it'd be worth it either. (I know not everyone was happy about how I ended it, but I doubt any of them are still waiting for more). Writing a different POV of the same fic takes an amount of planning that my brain just really struggles with. And I could pick up where the last chapter (before the epilogue) picks up, but I think that way there would be some crucial information about Buck missing.
What are your writing strengths?
I've been told quite a lot of times that I am good at keeping characters, well, in character, even when putting them in partial or complete AU's. Of course, what is in character or not is subjective, but I do always challenge myself to work as much of the canon backstory and personality into who they are in the AU as possible.
And I like to think I'm pretty good at writing smut.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm terrible at pacing, which multiple of my long fics prove. It'll be drawn out first and then suddenly rushing. And being ESL I do struggle with things like sentence structure and grammar pretty regularly still.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
As long as there is some kind of translation provided somewhere I like it, but I'm not so quick to use it myself. Not beyond a few Spanish words here and there (generally pet names between Eddie and his family we've seen on the show or the occasional curse word when I feel it fits better than an English one, but I usually need to employ help from Spanish-speaking friends for those).
First fandom you wrote in?
Shameless! I binged that right before I started 9-1-1 and combined with the creative writing minor I was doing, it was actually what got me back into writing in general and what made me write my first ever fic.
Favorite fic you've written?
My in your arms i feel safe-series (which I always lovingly refer to as the ace kink fic) is definitely one of my favorites simply because of how personal it is to me and for the reason behind me writing it in the first place.
Other strong contenders are i would've loved you forever (it's never enough but i wanted it to be) and i'm begging you, come home to me (Teen Wolf, Thiam)
tagging @monsterrae1 @rogerzsteven @loserdiaz @watchyourbuck
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ckret2 · 1 year
youve gotten a few asks about billford before, and your plans for ford's relationship with bill in your fic, but im curious if you personally ship it yourself/*like* it. and, just for the hell of it, if you have any opinion on billdip too, since that one's even more controversial.
I'm gonna put most of this under a cut since it's not only long, but also long about two different topics, but the tl;dr is:
Yeah, I'm a fan of billford. I don't think it's canon, inevitable, or necessary to their dynamic, and I'm still on the fence about whether things will tilt toward the romantic in my fic or if it'll stay platonic, but I do enjoy the ship a lot because it has a lot of (obsessive, weird, unhealthy, angsty) elements that interest me to explore in ships. Billdip, on the other hand, does nothing for me. I don't care about how people ship imaginary characters in their fictional fandoms and I'm not gonna block anybody for liking it, so this isn't a moral stance, here—I just don't like it personally.
One of the things that intrigues me most about a ship is the idea of love that's gone so far it isn't even love anymore but punched out the other side into unhealthy obsession, and "I'll spend the next thirty years of my life hunting you to death" versus "What if I turn you into a gold statue and carry you around to stare at you a lot" sure fit right into "unhealthy obsession." On top of that, some of my favorite ship dynamics are:
the worshiper and the person they've picked to revere as their god, either metaphorically or literally—with bonus points if the person they've devoted themself to doesn't deserve that worship and maybe isn't even all that special, and the worship actually reveals more about the mind of the lover than it does about the (un)divine nature of the beloved
the mad scientist and the muse who gives them ideas and inspires their work (one of my all-time OTPs has a line where the mad scientist says to his ex "we were each the muse to the other"), with bonus points if they both get so caught up in "what can we do together? What dreams can we make reality—" that they plunge into full "so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should" territory—and bonus bonus points if they eventually come out of the haze of SCIENCE and one of them is horrified by what they've done... but maybe the other one isn't.
two people who are wildly compatible with each other (similar hobbies, tastes, worldviews! they fill in the gaps in each other's personalities! they each happen to be the other's type! they understand each other like no one else can! whatever, fill in the blank!), but for some reason one betrayed the other, they've tried to kill each other, and now things are vicious and bloody and painful and raw between them; but if they talk to each other and accidentally let their guards down for even a split second, all that history is still there, they still like the same stupid movies and share the same stupid inside jokes no one else will ever understand and have the same stupid complementary life dreams, they could have been good for each other, but there's no road back to where they were before the betrayal. Their chemistry is like two huge magnets strapped to land mines: the attraction is as powerful as ever but heaven help them both if they ever touch.
or, alternatively, two people that have all that chemistry, but are just really toxic and do bad things when they're together and enable all each other's worst tendencies, even if they don't necessarily do bad things to each other; and they've got to navigate the fact that they might adore each other so much but they are objectively worse people when they're together.
I like ships with inhuman things. As a writer I like waxing romantic about the inhuman things and trying to convince the reader that yes, this too is beautiful and lovable when seen through the eyes of a lover. I will make you take the stupidest love interest seriously for five minutes. I've romanticized a sticky pile of goo, I've romanticized a robot spider, I've romanticized the concept of being a disembodied voice, I've romanticized a pteranodon made out of lava, and I'll romanticize a cyclopic gold-plated corn chip too, don't test me. Who better to adore a sentient triangle than a scientist-artist who sees the beauty in precise angles?
Depending on the headcanons and/or AUs you're working with, you can get all of these pretty darn easily out of Billford.
I like writing Ford as the awed naive intellectual, hungry for knowledge, for the secrets of the universe, for more, who was utterly dazzled and starstruck by this divinity who tantalized him with esoteric secrets—and who's been furious at Bill for thirty years for betraying him, hurting him, threatening his home and everyone he loves, but underneath all that also furious at him for not being what he advertised when he could have been that; and Bill, meanwhile, playing it cool, far too comfortable playing the role of faux god, but privately, secretly distraught that his favorite "student"—the one who takes Bill's "teachings" and gets creative and inventive with them, the one who always wanted to know more, not just about the universe but about Bill personally—his favorite student no longer worships him, doesn't even respect him, doesn't even see him as an equal, but looks at him like he's the scum of the universe, and Bill won't even admit that it bothers him but it's killing him that nothing he does can get his favorite to so much as smile at him again.
That's the dynamic in my head when I write them. You could play it as purely professional, a god disappointed to lose a worshiper like a boss disappointed to lose his best employee or a celebrity disappointed to lose the president of his fan club; or you could play it like platonic friendship, maybe a QPR; or you could play it like a romance. I like the zest added when you toss romance into this already nasty mess of emotions. I like capping off all that heartache with, "—and if things had turned out differently, maybe I would have taken your hand and traveled with you to the ends of eternity, if only you weren't [such a brutal heartless backstabbing piece of shit]/[unable to forgive a few white lies and some light torture]."
Billdip, on the other hand, does absolutely nothing for me. Not even just for the age reason—that does squick me out, but even if I try to look at it like "okay pretend he's aged up" or "stick it in an AU where they're both dumb kids having dumb kid crushes" I just, see nothing there. I don't even see anything there platonically. Like, legitimately—for the fic I'm working on, I've been trying to figure out what kind of dynamic/interactions they'd have beyond just "Dipper scowls at Bill a lot" and even on that level I've been struggling to think of something compelling between them. I look back on the fact that for a good few years billdip was the ship in the fandom and I go, "why? where's the meat? what do they do for each other?"
I'm forced to imagine that the ship must have been based on some combination of "fandoms naturally want to ship the everyman main character with the charismatic fun villain," "a bunch of teens with crushes on Bill were using Dipper as their self-insert stand-in," and "people assumed Bill wasn't lying when he said Dipper impressed him and didn't start revising that opinion until we got to see firsthand that he uses lines like that on everybody." It feels really uncharitable of me to the shippers to assume that their OTP is founded entirely on statistically average fandom trends and character misinterpretations rather than, like, y'know, traits actually present in the characters, so I'm taking it on faith that there's probably more to it than that and I just don't see it because it just ain't my jam.
When I do try to speculate harder on "how would I get them to interact with each other in a compelling way, like, just in a platonic sense?" my brain starts going "well, dipper's a nerd who's into the paranormal, he wants to know about mysterious things? maybe he's fascinated with bill as a mysterious thing? and maybe... idk, why would bill give a hoot about dipper—maybe bill takes advantage of that fascination, tempts him with more information, maybe he's amused by Dipper's curiosity about weird things—?" and that's usually about the point where I go "this is just, the way Bill and Ford met. This is the watered-down junior version of Bill and Ford's first few weeks." In trying to figure out what the heck Bill and Dipper would even talk about I keep accidentally recreating a less interesting version of Bill and Ford's dynamic.
I want and need Bill and Dipper to have an interesting character dynamic in this fic so being unable to come up with something that personally compels me has been actively frustrating me lmfao, but it does serve to illustrate my main point here: man, billdip does nothing for me so hard that I can't even see them platonically interacting.
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justagalwhowrites · 3 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag, @sawymredfox!!!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
2. what’s your total AO3 word count?
1,032,269. When you throw in the Tumblr only stuff I think I'm closer to 1.2 million overall.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Pedro Pascal fandom, mostly TLOU! But I'd love to spend some time with Poe Dameron, my beloved, so I might dive into Star Wars beyond Mando at some point :)
4. top five fics by kudos 
I'm really not sure on Tumblr? Individual chapters don't get as much attention and I don't write many one shots, my highest single post on Tumblr is probably a one shot but I have NO CLUE which one!
On AO3:
Beskar Doll
New in Town
Lavender No Outbreak AU
5. do you respond to comments?
I used to be so much better about doing this and I've just not been keeping up with it lately. I want to get back to it! I LOVE getting comments, they make me so happy! Part of my issue is I read them immediately even if I don't have time to respond and I'm like "I'll respond when I post the next chapter" and then I post the next chapter super late at night and I'm so tired and I'm just like "I'll reply later" and then I never do.
ANYWAY! I want to get back to replying to comments because I love them. I used to reply to every one. Less now.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Proof of Life, an angsty as hell QZ!Joel era one shot. I traffic in angst but I like my happy endings, especially for long fics :)
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Lavender I think. After all that angst, they got the life they wanted and saved the world. Not too shabby.
8. do you get hate on fics?
I haven't really! I've had a few people disagree with directions I took characters or plot lines and a few people send asks that didn't feel so nice but I'm not sure they were intended to not be nice. I try to not take those things personally. But everyone as been exceedingly kind, probably kinder than I deserve!
9. do you write smut?
I do but I feel like it's my weakest area. If you're looking primarily for smut and reading my stuff, you're probably in the wrong place, I'm sorry! I wish I was better at it! I feel like I'm getting better at it. But alas!
10. craziest crossover?
I haven't written any and I haven't really read any, either. Closest thing I came to a crossover I think is tying the prequel trilogy and the original trilogy of Star Wars into Doll's history in Beskar Doll.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
None so far!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Not shared anywhere but I do have commenters in other languages tell me they've put my fic into Google Translate to read it! I think that's immensely cool .
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't but I'd be open to it! 
14. all time favorite ship?
Of characters that actually exist in canon? Probably Han Solo and Leia Organa. I LOVE them. Love love love love LOVE them. The "I love you" "I know" in Empire followed by the reversal in Jedi? TO DIE FOR.
15. what’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
As far as fics go? None. I have the stories so thoroughly planned there I'm compelled to finish them, I can't help it. I wasn't always this thorough of a planner, though, and I have so many books that I've started and written like 40k words of that I'll probably never finish. That breaks my heart a little. All these characters who won't get to live their whole lives because I can't get their stories across the finish line. But I'm not sure I have enough hours left in the rest of my life to tell every story I've got inside me so it'll have to be what it will be!
16. what are your writing strengths?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Everything else lol especially smut. I feel like my descriptions are often lacking, too.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Yes please! As long as the author can do it right (either because they know the language enough or get help from someone who does - the translate tools just aren't great at grammar and it takes me out if it's a language I know.)
19. first fandom you wrote in?
The Pedro fandom! Specifically, the Mandalorian. Beskar Doll, my first baby <3
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
Probably Lavender? Maybe Yearling. It's so hard to say! I'm probably the most attached to Doc and Joel, though.
NP tags: @dancingtotuyo @beardedjoel @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @netherfeildren and anyone else who wants to play!
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Sweet past - Ch.1
Summary: 3 years ago, you moved away from Austin, leaving your wreck of a father behind. Now, some news brings you back, and you try to navigate the new life with your dad's best friend, Joel, by your side.
No outbreak is happening here.
Pairing: dbf!Joel x reader
Warnings: mention of death, some foul language, angst.
AN: This is my first time writing for any Pedro Pascal character. The story is a bit angsty and a little different from typical dbf stories out there. Nevertheless I hope you will enjoy it :)
Words: 1 231
Masterlist Chapter 2
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It was one of those days when you really just wanted to lay down in bed and do absolutely nothing. You normally work with competent people, but somehow, all of them forgot how to actually think today.
Putting your shopping away, you turned on some random movie, poured yourself some wine, and just sat down, opening Instagram for a while. Just to see how the world looks outside your four walls.
Life was good. It wasn't perfect—far from it—but you finally started to stand on your own two feet. You thought less and less about that awful memory, and your job was getting better. You got promoted to sous chef recently, and you actually liked it. Likewise, you never thought you'd work for a restaurant, but hell, you can't really predict anything in life.
You jumped when the phone in your hand ran. A frown appeared on your face as you saw a number you thought you would never hear. You felt your heart quicken, if he was calling you, it meant that something distressing had happened.
“Joel?”, you answered, your voice small and uncertain. You haven't heard from him for three years now.
“Hey kiddo.” Yes, this was definitely Joel Miller. A gravelly, hoarse and husky voice that hasn't changed since all the years you have known him. The voice was so specific that you would recognize him anywhere. “How are you?”
“What happened?” You asked, ignoring his question, not in the mood for a small talk when your gut was telling you that something was wrong.
“What made you think…”
“Joel”, he sighed, hearing the sternness in your voice. You felt it waver a bit, like he was nervous. Joel Miller was never nervous. Grumpy, annoyed. Sure, but never nervous.
“This is not something I want to talk about on the phone, but you never left an address.” He trailed off and took a deep breath. You heard him take a seat and made yourself ready for whatever bad news he got. Was it your father? Was he back to his old habits? Is he in jail or something? “He never wanted you to know. He didn't want you to worry…” You let him talk, take his time. Whatever it was, it was difficult, even for someone like Joel. “He's gone, kid”, your heart stopped, or at least that's what you thought. The same as the surrounding time. You looked straight ahead, unable to comprehend whatever was happening. “I'm sorry.” He said your name, but you weren't able to focus. “I… I… his liver…”
“Was he in pain? When he died?” Your voice shuttered, and tears appeared in your eyes.
“Sweetheart, this is not a talk to be done over the phone.” You sniffed and closed your eyes. He was right. It wasn't, and yet you weren't sure if you would be able to have that conversation in person. “I can plan everything out if it's too much for you.”
“I'll be there in three days. Thank you, Joel.” Turning off the phone, you laid back in the coach, letting your cries put you to sleep.
Austin was one of these places that brought so many happy memories, only to make you suffer when you truly tried to remember. Leaving the town was painful, but coming back here felt like someone was ripping your heart out. You knew you were coming back to nothing, but something was pushing you towards the path of the memories.
The ride to your old home wasn't that long and, thankfully, was spent in silence. The scenery hasn't really changed since you left the town 3 years ago. It was like the town stayed the same without a will to improve. And yet you knew and saw more and more new houses and shops. Yet they all looked like they could have been built all these years ago.
You thanked the driver, took your bags, and looked up to look at the house where you grew up. You smiled softly at the good memories. The one way before everything went to shit. Yes, you had a pretty good childhood. Two loving parents, a nice house, a good school and some good friends turned out to be more like colleagues when all went to shit.
You opened the doors with the key your father gave you the day you left. He was hoping it would make you stay and stop you from leaving the town, the house, and him. You kept it just in case, but you never knew you would use it so soon. 3 years sounded like a long time, but it went by way quicker than you thought. So much has changed since then, and you still weren't sure how those changes would affect the present you. You didn't know why you were even here. You didn't know what you expected from it.
You frowned in the hall of the house. It looked much cleaner than the last time you were here. The bottles weren't lying around, there was no smell of alcohol around, and the walls seemed to have been repainted even. A new carpet, and you froze, seeing the pictures hanging on the walls. Pictures of you when you were a child. Pictures from your high school graduation—the ones with your mom and dad. Before all went to shit. Such happy memories are all gone now.
You closed your eyes, stopping the tears from falling. Life was good then, even happy. You left the bags behind and walked around the house, surprised to see it in such a good state. It looked like your father had made some changes since you left. It looks like your money didn't go to waste after all.
Other than some refreshments, nothing has really changed in the house. It was just the way you remember. Your heart clenched when you walked to your room. He hasn't moved anything. There were still posters hanging, some pictures, and the same books you read in school. Even some CDs and DVDs you loved to watch with your parents on Saturday movie night. The three of you would prepare some snacks and watch whatever movie was chosen for the night. You loved those nights, they were like a fresh breath in your busy life as a student.
Your fingers reach for one of the movies when the bell runs around the house. You frowned and walked towards the doors, looking through the peephole. Your eyes widened as you saw who was on the other side of the doors.
“Long time no see, kiddo!” The man hasn't changed a bit. Still the same handsome face, rugged, tall, dark hair and beard signed with grayish strands. The familiar smile that looked more like a smirk. Something he would always send your way. Something soft and familiar now that you think about it.
“Joel!” You smiled, and without really thinking about it, you hugged him tightly, hiding your face behind his neck. You exhaled when his arm rounded you and hugged you back. His deep voice sounded like your name, almost unsure if you were really here.
“Let's come in; I've stocked you up a bit.” Holding your hand, he pushed you back into the house, ignoring the single tear that fell. It wasn't the time for it. Not yet, at least. Not after he already brought you the pain himself.
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colibrie · 2 months
So I
I read the Rise x Star Wars crossover
Everything hurts 👍
I LOVE the way you write. The descriptions of everything from Leo's numbness, to Donnie's memories of the temple, to Mikey's real life healthy way of processing emotions, to Leo's face man persona, to Donnie's box, to Raph being Raph and taking the blame, to Krang's perspective... ALL SO GOOD. I love the connection between the twins through the force. Absolutely immaculate.
I can't WAIT to see where this goes. Inquisitors vs Jedi is inherently angsty because of the bond once shared, but you've somehow managed to make it even more painful. Incredible!
@trilobitepunch 's art also adds so much. The style matches up with the writing perfectly, and the angles are so awesome. I especially love the use of shadows from Don and Raph's helmets. And the way Krang is drawn??? Terrifying. Absolutely accurate to Star Wars style.
I'm excited to see where this will go! The brothers working their way back together as Krang breaks Raph and Donnie down further and further... I of course hope that there will be a happy ending but I now from my own writing experience that the paths to happy endings are paved with miles of angst.
I just have some questions! Are you planning for April to make an appearance? When did Donnie build 5HE-DN and does Krang know?
Anyway, thanks so much for writing this wonderful story! I eagerly await further updates, but be sure to take your time and take care of yourself! Sorry it took so long for me to get around to it
*Takes deep, professional breath*
This made my night! Especially because I just got done devouring your writing (which has me utterly emotionally wrecked. Sincere thanks for that btw!)
I am happy you've found so much to enjoy. As my first foray into the Rise fandom, it's been tricky at times trying to blend all the parts together into a cohesive unit. But I love writing description, and in tinkering with descriptions I feel like I've slowly gotten a better grasp on who these boys are. Shockly, (likely to absolutely no one) Leo and Mikey are the easiest for me to write. Donnie is the most difficult, but lucky for me I have my own brilliant genius!
Trilo is INCREDIBLE to work with. There have been times where I have been struggling to put a scene into words, and she returns with a page or a picture or a paragraph that just instantly helps things to click. I swear, it's magic! Her command of shadows, expressions, and body language are astounding, and there have been several scenes that tripled in length because her art inspired me so much.
We've built out much of how this story will unfold, and as a fellow angst lover (and self proclaimed angst fairy), I can confirm that there is a light at the end, but the path to reach it will push all four of them to the limit.
To answer your questions:
We debated whether or not to include April. We both love her character, but we ultimately decided that we wanted to keep the cast small so we could keep the focus on the boys.
5HL-DN is the fifth in a series of droids designed by Donnie. The first one was built when he was a still a child. He is by far the most sophisticated, and the one with the most developed personality. As for the circumstances around how 5HL-DN came to be.... spoilers. I promise you'll find out.
Yes, Krang knows about 5HL-DN, but he doesn't see him as particularly important. To Krang, droids are tools. Weak and easily expendable. He's aware that Donnie built 5HL-DN and he considers Donnie's investment in 5HL-DN to be a foolish weakness, but Raph is a much better and more effective tool to hurt Donnie with so Krang mostly ignores 5HL-DN. Plus, he has his utility in keeping Krangs favorite toy in the game....
This story is a joy to write, and I'm so glad my words can do justice for @trilobitepunch 's amazing art work. This au is a labor of love on both our parts and seeing it come together to get this kind of reaction is one of the greatest feelings. We are working on the next installments as we speak, so I hope you'll enjoy those as well! In the mean time, if you or anyone else has any other questions, feel free to ask!
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zuppizup · 7 months
Hiiii I just finished the first two chapters of Fuel the Pyre! I'm super excited for it, it's very well done!
I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about your writing process. How do you outline? What kinds of things need to be in an outline in order for you to visualize the story? Do you outline the entire story, one chapter, or just one scene at a time?
Thank you for your time!
Hello! Thanks so much for your kind words! I’m so happy you’re liking the fic so far.
This is a super fun ask. Not sure how coherent or helpful my response will be, but I’ll give it a try. 😆
So, stories like Purgatory, Fuel the Pyre or my WIP dark magic AU, always start out as a bunch of questions.
What if Ezran hadn’t interrupted Callum and Rayla in Viren’s study…
Could a human/elf halfling do primal magic? Can all of them or just a few? What would control that?
What would the world be like if dark magic actually was controlled and regulated.
I usually don’t start out planning a fic when I ponder questions like this, it’s usually just my mind wandering. For me, while I love big, wonderful, imaginative worlds (like the world of The Dragon Prince) what I’m really more interested in is how these things affect individuals. I actually tend to visualise the story before I outline. In fact, I often visualise far beyond where I think I’ll finish the story. (I say where I think I’ll finish because both my current long fics are now firmly in the “after the end of the planned fic” territory)
So, in Fuel the Pyre, for example, I imagine there’s a lot of unknowns for the people involved. Halflings would be pretty new on the scene, all things considered, so the characters themselves wouldn’t have the answer to these questions, which felt like a great excuse to add tension and drama.
Once an idea has got me and I can imagine how that conflict is going to affect the characters, the general outline tends to sort of write itself. I am a planner, so I by the time I start putting pen to paper (so to speak), I’ll usually have a beginning, a rough middle and an end. There will be plot points, tangents, twists and sometimes side stories that I haven’t figured out, but I’ll have a plan for the general flow of the story.
From there, I’ll come up with a pretty messy draft. So, I just sort of go wild in a document. Usually, when I’ve decided I want to write a longer fic, it’s because certain scenes just play on repeat in my head, so I’ll indulge myself and write those out. Then I’ll go back and make rough chapter/arc notes, which usually leads into some other fun scenes I get inspired to write, and slowly, piece by piece, I sort of string the fic together like that.
I used to outline more linearly, starting at the first chapter and working from there, but I found I’d get stuck on transition scenes (the bane of my writing life) and then avoid the fic. (If I put my fingers in my ears and sing very loudly, the transition scene can’t hurt me). I find letting myself write the scenes I’m excited for makes me much more productive. They usually give me ideas for other fun (I use the term loosely, I generally mean “angsty”) scenes and I essentially build my story like that. I do like adding foreshadowing and twists, which is made a lot easier by writing like this too.
In Purgatory, for example, I tried to drop a lot of subtle hints about Callum and his slowly building arcanum connection. It’s so fun when people pick up on that stuff, but I also don’t want it to look like I just pulled a twist or a revelation out of my rear. Nowadays, I do prefer to write the bulk of a story before posting, which this method obviously works better for.
Often, when I start a fic, the beginning and the ending are the most defined parts of the story and the middle is the area that requires the most work, but by stringing the various elements together, I sort of “discover” new conflicts and fun elements to explore, which (hopefully) makes for a richer, more entertaining story.
So, not sure if that was what you’re looking for, but if you could describe the stream of consciousness that is how I write, a process, this is mine. 😅
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cousticks · 11 months
You mentioned that
"Beast canon means very little to me honestly as far as the actual novel, when it comes to anything having to do with dazai or chuuya or anything. and i ignore the movie entirely."
With that said, what HCs do you have about Beast? Things that you wished happened in canon or ideas you have that makes Beast a lot better?
(no pressure ask btw 💗
answer only what u want, take ur time, or ignore if ud rather not)
have a good day!
(if you do share, feel free to go all out. I love buffeting on bsd analyses 🤭
xoxo ❤️
--- w
ooooh my beast headcanons? oh buddy. i think i've mentioned a lot of these before here but i'll summarize some of my major points and see if i think of anything else. this is long, so i'll put a read more to not clog anyone's dash up too bad!
i'll first mention what i discount, which is... mostly whatever chuuya's ending is with the chains and the freakout and whatnot. i ignore that. it didn't happen and cannot hurt me. whatever. anyway,
i've mentioned it a bunch before but i like to think that dazai's takeover of the mafia in beast was in the aftermath of the dragon's head conflict so its just... bad to worse, really.
one of my first posts on this account is an angsty tidbit on my hc that after dazai's fall, chuuya takes the scarf off the dead body. no he does not wash the blood off. that's just his now. do not ask him about the scarf.
dazai treats the mafia as a plaything. he needed a way to control as much of the dark side of yokohama as possible, and expanding the mafia was his easy route to do so. i believe that his major focus was taking out competing organizations, so they could never cause trouble for oda. dazai couldn't care less about the mafia itself, but it is a useful tool to him, so he made it powerful and ruthless.
consequently, i like to think that the ada in the beast timeline has a much easier job of things, honestly. ever since oda joined the ada, any major threats to it aside from the mafia itself just... mysteriously disappear. they see it as the city maybe getting better, or something, though to the whole of the ada the mafia is still a present threat, even if it... oddly avoids them, generally.
outside of his targeted projects, i don't think dazai does a lot of the actual running of the mafia outside from actually giving commands. he doesn't meet with executives often, he doesn't get as involved as one would expect. he gives his orders and he observes and outside of that he does fuck all. that's all chuuya, as his right hand/bodyguard whatever. chuuya is the one meeting with the executives, running the day-to-days, all except ensuring that the plans are carried out.
reminder that i ignore the canon ending of beast with chuuya in it. anyway. it kind of sucks that most characters end up with a better ending, except for chuuya (and dazai who is dead). no matter the universe, chuuya is in the mafia. which, we know he never really <i>wanted</i> to be boss, so it kind of sucks for him. but going along with my headcanon that its chuuya running much of the day-to-day already, it kind of pre-sets him up to take over as boss. dazai was always going to die, right? by making chuuya the face that the organization works with, when he ends up ascending to boss after dazai's death, there's no split loyalties, no one opposing the order. chuuya was already running the mafia and running it well to begin with, which makes the transition easier, i think. after dazai's death and chuuya's organizational loyalty, i think having to deal with dissenters would weigh on him. sure, he still has to be in the mafia. someone has to run the mafia to keep the city stable, that falls to chuuya, dazai knows he's the best choice. but at least he had the decency to make it easier, by not making chuuya deal with dissenters against him. (i do believe that during the takeover after dragon's head, dazai had chuuya's help in smoothing the transition and squashing mori supporters. however, chuuya didn't have to see that as defending his own right to run the mafia or anything, he would have been able to frame it as helping dazai and stabilizing the mafia. when its chuuya's own rank in question, the dissenters would be a real problem for him ((see: the sheep)) due to his loyalty to them. so by eliminating the probability of dissenters, it eases the transition).
back on the whole oda-protection thing. i kind of like to think that dazai, knowing how powerful atsushi and akutagawa are when they work together as he's seen it in other timelines, kind of ensured they both ended up in the ada because they are incredibly strong and, in their own ways, fiercely loyal and willing to prove themselves. they'd do GREAT at protecting oda after dazai is kaput. put them in the same organization so they don't get too distracted fighting each other? boom, powerful protectors of the ada, just like that. plus the added bonus of i think chuuya feels a little responsible for atsushi's wellbeing, knowing he was a pet project of dazai's at the very least, and would keep a light eye on the agency just to make sure the kid is doing okay, which kind of extends to the rest of the ada, as long as they aren't interfering in mafia business.
i'm sure i have more beast headcanons but this is all i can think of at the moment.
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eveenstar · 2 years
Hello!! Glad to see new people in the fandoms (just saw the post abt GOT and house of the dragon)
Can I please request a soft scenario with Jon snow? He's angsty about being a bastard and the reader comforts him with hugs and kisses, saying how important he is to her and in general, that he's doing great and him being a bastard doesn't matter. Just fluff, seeing him happy is just so heartwarming idk
If you accept the request, thank you and know that i appreciate your work <3
Hello there! <3 Soooo happy you requested for Jon! I feel like we're in desperate need of more Jon content. This got a bit longer than I planned it to be but I hope you like it! Last year (when I first got introduced to GOT) I told myself I wouldn't write for the fandom because the characters were too complex but yelp, here I am.
Tags/Warnings: Angst, secret marriage, reader is referred to as a noble lady but you can imagine what house she belongs to. There might be some inconsistencies since it's been a year since I last saw the show so my bad!
The door slowly creaks open. The night had long ago fallen in Castle Black. Jon could barely make out the silhouette of the beautiful woman laying on the bed. He closes the door with a soft thud and his cloak falls to the floor.
There's a dark gloom over his face as he makes his way towards the bed - the one he'd often find empty up until a few months ago. Now, a beautiful young woman lays in it most of the nights, but not all, it was too much of a risk to have anyone suspicious of their marriage.
Jon pulls a chair over to her side of the bed, and he sits down. At first, he doesn't say anything as he doesn't want to disturb his wife's much needed rest, and also because Jon himself has no idea of what to say.
As if sensing her husband's troubled mind, (Y/N) rolls over in bed and looks at Jon with tired eyes and a sleepy smile, going as far as reaching for his hand to pull him into bed - when her invitation is left hanging, she realises something is wrong. "What's the matter, my love?"
The question is left out in the open for a few seconds before Jon looks away at the fireplace, as if pondering whether he should sleep off his feelings or admit them to his lady wife.
"I know that you're tired - but I need to talk to you, (Y/N). It's about our marriage." Jon begins, his tone heavy with worry.
The young woman slowly sits up and rubs off the sleep off of her eyes. "What about our marriage?"
"What I meant to say is..." Another pause, one that sends (Y/N)'s heart racing. He seems a bit anxious about what he's about to say - but he also seems resolute about doing so. That doesn't stop him from looking away. "You deserve better. A better...husband."
There it is, the truth. His wife's gaze hardens in worry, mind racing over everything they've been through so far. It didn't take her too long to put two and two together, and her gaze softened as did her voice.
"Because you're a bastard?" (Y/N) asks a question with the answer already in mind.
"Because you're a noble lady, (Y/N)," A forced smile plays in the corners of Jon's lips as he says this. He's always wondered how he managed to marry her at all, due to their differences. He looks down at the floor for a few long moments, his heart heavy. "And I am a bastard."
A soft sigh leaves her, "Jon..." She takes his head in her hands, gently cupping his cheeks. "You know I couldn't care less about your bastard status."
"I know, (Y/N)," He looks up at her as (Y/N) takes his face in her hands and cups his cheeks. He smiles at her - but this time it's not forced, but a genuine smile that's laced with both sadness and admiration. "I know. I just... I'm putting you at risk. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. You could easily marry into a proper house with a good lord."
(Y/N) shakes her head in disbelief, as she has done the last time they had this discussion - which was the day they secretly married.
"Are you forgetting I am also married to you? I knew the risks when we said our vows." Her voice is stern, but her gaze is full of understanding and love. "We will be alright."
"Do you really believe that, (Y/N?" Jon asks quietly - though there's a hint of uncertainty in his voice. "I broke my vows for us. You're a noble who married a bastard of the Night's Watch - if the truth comes out one day-"
"I don't care what the realm thinks of our relationship." (Y/N) looks into his eyes, "No one will hurt you as long as I'm around." (Y/N)'s thumbs caress the sides of his cheek. "What brought up all this, hmm?"
Jon meets (Y/N)'s eyes, and he takes a deep breath. If he could - if the world was kind - he'd lean against his wife's touch and never leave. No more Night's Watch, no more wars, no more fighting... just her.
"I married you. You're a nobleborn, and I'm just a bastard. When I look at you..." Jon takes another deep breath, his voice a bit heavier with emotion. "...you make me wish that I was better."
"You think you're just a bastard?" There's a hint of sorrow in her voice as she repeats Jon's words. The lady was well aware of Jon's thoughts about being a bastard and also his tendency to pretend he had made his peace with it, but she knew the man she married. Hells, she might even know him better than she knows herself.
"Isn't that what I am?" Jon asks quietly. He looks at (Y/N) again as if he was looking for reassurance. "I'm not a Stark, not by name. I don't have any titles, like all of the other men in this world. I don't have a family name - just Snow. I'm just a bastard (Y/N)."
She sighs with a frown in her features. (Y/N) hates when she hears her husband speaking so low of himself, something she's been trying hard to correct.
Jon avoids her gaze altogether as he continues to speak. Though he can admit he feels like there's been a weight taken off of his shoulders as he does so. "Eddard raised me with many ideals - honour, honesty, loyalty. He taught me the customs of the North and about the history of our family. But he never talked about being a... well, a bastard, my love. He never told me how to deal with it... how to be a... to know that you don't belong."
"Mmm." (Y/N) hums, acknowledging his words. She pushes a few strands of his hair out of his face. "And yet you're far more honourable than any of them." Another smile plays in her lips, "I would take you over any trueborn man any day."
Jon's heart flutters at her words, yet he continues to look down at the floor, shaking his head in what could be resignation. "You can be honest with me, my love. You can tell me that you've always wanted a trueborn husband and not a bastard of the North."
"All I want is you." (Y/N) replies, "You're the one I want to wake up with," She rests her forehead against his, "Is that too much to ask for?'
Jon's eyes are filled with remorse as he gains the courage to finally look at his wife's face and takes in her features as a breath of fresh air. If the world was truly just and fair, he would deserve her. He just wished that the pain he had to go through in this world - the pain of feeling like he had to prove himself over and over again - would go away. He wished that he could truly be better so that he could one day be the man that (Y/N) deserves to be married to.
"Now, why don't you come to bed? Tomorrow I'll make you a family cake recipe." (Y/N) adds with a playful smile as she pats the side next to her in bed.
His wife's smile is enough to convince Jon, as it had always been. It was with a smile that he fell in love with her, and it was also with a smile that she convinced him to marry her. Jon climbs into the bed and wraps an arm around her.
"Yes, I would love that."
Jon has been a part of the Night's Watch for years - but it's only here, now, that he finally feels at home for the first time ever since he arrived at the Wall. If the Gods are fair, Jon and (Y/N) will go live to her family's homestead, far, far away from the problems of the Seven Kingdoms.
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useless-moss · 9 days
Getting back into my shenanigans and a 'Dagur working through prison trauma w/ Hiccup' fic reminded me of an old angsty idea @reallyprofoundkryptonite and I had for the Kin All the Same AU. Also nutmeg idea inspired by that one @evilwriter37 Heather fic. (I'm almost certain it was one of their fics at least-)
TW: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Referenced Kidnapping, Implied/Referenced Rape, Rape Aftermath, Implied Pregnancy and Abortion
Characters: Original Trans Male Character (Magnus), Viggo, Krogan, Dagur. Other characters mentioned.
The last few weeks have been... Hell, to put it lightly. The panic of Magnus' initial disappearance, followed by the anger and fear of learning he'd been taken by Grimmel, and then the fight to get him back. A fight that was doomed to be a bloodbath from the second the hunter dared lay his hands on Magnus. For rather obvious reasons, in retrospect. No sane person, or person even vaguely aware of the consequences, would reasonably try. And for good reason.
Viggo, Dagur, and Krogan saw Magnus as their own. They'd worked together to raise the boy, and they didn't tolerate their son so much as being insulted. Dagur has thrown men overboard for challenging what Magnus says in regards to the dragons he handled. He's struck a few idiots with an axe for suggesting the boy be used as 'stress relief' during some particularly rough weeks at sea. Krogan has outright killed a few men, his own flyers and Viggo's hunters alike, for similar reasons. One poor bastard thought it would be funny to grab the boys chest once. There wasn't enough left of him to even throw to the fishes, and Krogan's clothes were soaked in so much blood you'd believe they had always been that red. Viggo, ever the voice of reason (about 90% of the time at least), was less violent. But he's still fired men on the spot for making the wrong comment, even jokingly, about Magnus.
The battle, the raid of Grimmel's camp, had been a gory mess. A vague plan of action, but endless violence otherwise. Men had been ripped apart like paper or gutted like fish. Broken bones, charred bodies. Even Hiccup refused to hold back, letting the dragons fight however they thought best. Letting the dragons, for a few moments at least, sink back into their wild nature. Some men had bites taken out of them, courtesy of Krogan and Hookfang. Grimmel himself had barely escaped, and even when he had he'd been one arm and almost an entire camp short. Those that survived the attack would be permanently scarred. Permanently mutilated, and carrying the memory of violence they've probably never even imagined before.
Magnus wasn't in good condition, physically or mentally. He was blind in one eye now, a fact that made both Viggo and Krogan's hearts ache. They both knew what that was like, of course. The scales around his left eye that created a birthmark-like appearance, that marked Magnus as having Lycanwing blood like Krogan did, had also been flayed off. Cut and pulled. Separated from skin and muscle in a manner that was grotesque, yet neat. Showing Grimmel had drawn out the process. Broken bones that had begun healing wrong and needed to be painfully readjusted. Dehydration. The list seemed extensive, yet far too short, considering this was Grimmel who did it.
"Do you need anything else?" The voice is soft and smooth. Very characteristic of Viggo, but lacking the usual edge it carried. There's a pause. A moment of silent consideration, then a shuddering breath.
"Nutmeg. A large dose." The answer is straightforward, like Magnus has been thinking about it for a while now. Which, in retrospect, he probably has. He'd picked up a fair bit of Viggo's planning ahead habit over the years. And, of course, being the resident healer of the hunter's gave him plenty of knowledge.
The younger ones in the room, helping monitor and tend to Magnus's injuries and mental state, don't understand the implications. But Viggo does. It makes him feel nauseous and enraged all at once. It makes him feel guilty as well.
"... Grimmel..?" The question is asked by Krogan this time, in a clipped manner. Like the dark skinned man is just barely holding himself back from screaming and punching a wall in a mix of grief and rage. A simple nod is the answer, and then Krogan is storming out. Ryker follows. Viggo swallows the lump forming in his throat, and nods to Hiccup and Fishlegs. A silent gesture for them to go get what Magnus requested. Dagur and Viggo stick with the boy. Until Krogan's yelling grows audible, at least, and then Viggo leaves to try and help his brother calm the man.
Dagur refuses to leave the boys' side. He sticks by Magnus like a tick to a dog, fingers carding through reddish brown hair. They sit mostly in silence. There isn't much to say. No amount of comforting words or promises seemed to be enough. No vows for revenge felt right. The thought of telling the boy about his time in prison doesn't seem right at the moment either, and Dagur highly doubts Magnus wants to hear how his adoptive father had gone through a similar thing in the first place. It would likely hurt the boy more than anything else.
Krogan and Viggo returned at some point. Ryker left to go make some food and to give the immediate family some time. It's been weeks since they've all been together, after all. So they're given time to just be there for each other. Krogan, the man was surprisingly cuddly when he trusted someone, kept Magnus up against his side in a protective embrace. Dagur crowded the boys' other side, resting his head on Magnus's shoulder. Viggo sits next to Krogan, fingers lightly interlocked with the boys own as a reminder that he's here as well.
And when the bleeding starts, when it's clear Magnus needs his dad's more than anything else right now, they stay. They wouldn't dare leave, no matter how much the evidence of the horror their son experienced hurt. Their pain is miniscule in comparison.
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samaraxmorgan · 11 days
HIIIIII HERE TO FORCE YOU TO TALK ABT YOUR WIPS >:) SOOOOOO. first of all, for roommate sukuna, what are you MOST looking forward to writing/exploring???? i feel like there’s SO MUCH w their relationship to see and i am SO EXCITED FOR ALL OF IT!!!!!!!
So I’m REALLY excited to put out Ran From The Cops!! Basic synopsis for that one is p much that we ask Sukuna for a ride home from work but he’s the world’s most reckless driver SKAKSK!! That one is the idea I had that started the entire series!! Him driving like a maniac on his motorcycle while evading the cops and we’re SCREAMINGGG at him to pull over but he refuses to <3 He’s such a menace I love him to death
And I’m ALSO really excited to finally reveal his backstory!! In some parts that I haven’t posted yet I have some very subtle little hints thrown in to foreshadow it >:) and also some… not subtle hints BUT I’m just really excited to show the depth of his character!! It’s gonna be angsty and plot twisty and I’m SO excited for everyone to see it!!!!
SO for DDR Yuuji I have the outline written for most of it!!! I just need to actually make it pretty :) I’ve just had so much Sukuna on the brain that I haven’t really been working on it unfortunately :(
And for early 2000s Unckuna SOOO!!! That was the first fic I ever wrote and I only have the draft of the first chapter and a half written, but I haven’t worked on it in MONTHS I really wanna rework it now that I have more writing experience!! I’ve written like 6k words for it and I’ve had some ideas kinda rotating around in my head with it, like I originally planned to make it really angsty but I scrapped the idea bc it was already gonna be so long. I wanna write the full series and THEN start posting it once it’s done so that I can play around with it a lot and not get stuck in a certain plot line bc I already posted stuff and then can’t change it anymore yknow? I have an itty bitty little teaser here if you want a little glimpse into it!!!
Okay and MORE on Tough Love, the original idea I had for it was that there would be no reader insert or any romance and that it would be completely revolving around familial love with Sukuna and Yuuji. Basically it would be a series of oneshots taking place at different times in Yuuji’s childhood that weren’t in chronological order, and then you would be able to piece together The Lore(tm) as more parts came out!! But I scrapped that idea and made it romance because I didn’t think anyone would care about reading something that isn’t romance :( so I think that’s WHY I’m struggling writing it so much is bc I wasn’t originally planning on going the “Sukuna dates Yuuji’s babysitter!” route and it was moreso gonna be “Sukuna helps Jin coparent after his wife (Kaori) dies and Sukuna is BAD at parenting BUT HES DOING HIS BEST!!”
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sproutwings · 9 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
The lovely @crestfallercanyon tagged me for this weeks ago, and I haven't been ignoring it - I just didn't get around to it sooner. Sorry!
How many works do you have on AO3? 380 (382, technically, because two are still anon/unrevealed exchange works.)
What’s your total A03 word count? 1,123,214
What fandoms do you write for? Currently, mostly DCU, The Flash and a bunch of tiny fandoms, but I've been writing fanfic for ages, so I went through quite a few fandoms.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
a) cut me open, take my heart (DCU, JayTim, 1744 kudos) b) A Bird in the Hand (DCU, Dickstroke, 1694 kudos) c) Hook(er), Line and Sinker (The Flash, Coldflash, 1586 kudos) d) No Shortage of Blood (Original Works, Starving Vampire/Vampire Hunter Having A Moral Crisis, 1453 kudos) e) Portrait of the Artist as a Middle-Aged Man (Gossip Girl, Dan/Blair/Chuck, 1149 kudos)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I always try to, but sometimes it takes a while to get around to it. /o\
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have no idea. I used to write a lot of angsty stuff back when I was younger but the older I get the more I gravitate towards fics that leave the characters in a... well, maybe not necessarily in a good place exactly, because I tend to ship a lot of dysfunctional ships and write unhealthy relationship dynamics, but I don't want the characters to feel hopeless and unhappy in the end, so even when they're in a bad situation, they're making the best out of it.
A very old, very angsty fic of mine is Too Close To Touch (Harry Potter, various permutations of Draco, Harry and Hermione). I don't know if it's the angstiest overall, but it occasionally still gets comments so it's fresh in my mind despite having been written almost two decades ago.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh no, this is similarly hard to answer. Maybe Throw Away the Plan (The Flash, Coldwestallen)? Most of my endings seem to be "the main conflict of the story is dealt with, the ship kisses and things are okay-ish for now". 🙃
Do you get hate on your fic? Maybe once or twice, but nothing dramatic or memorable, luckily enough.
Do you write smut? Sometimes.
Do you write crossovers? No.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes! Someone copied a few of my fics word by word, replaced the names and posted them as Kpop RPS. D: D: D: I got the author to take them down, but they did it with a lot of people's fics and eventually AO3 banned them.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, a few! I blanket allow translations, as long as they're credited properly and not posted anywhere but AO3.
Have you ever co-written a fic? Yes, but it was a really long time ago, and coordinating was pretty stressful. I prefer to work on my own schedule.
What‘s your all-time favourite ship? Noooo, don't make me choose. I love so many ships! If I absolutely had to pick one, it would be Tommy/Bubonic from Eye Candy, but it mostly depends on what I'm in the mood for right in that moment.
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? There's Coldflash BDSM fic based on a long-forgotten Tumblr prompt I would have loved to write one day, but it would be far longer than anything I'm comfortable writing and it's only 'in progress' in so far that I have a few dialogue snippets from it written down yet.
What’s your writing strengths? Character voices and snappy banter, probably.
What’s your writing weaknesses? Plot!!!! As you can see by every fic I've written where the characters get captured or attacked by some nameless villain for nebulous reasons. I always handwave stuff like that because I simply can't bring myself to care about it or put any thought into it. 😅 Sorry!
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? As a reader, It always throws me out of the story. :(
First fandom you wrote for? The X-Files! Mulder/Krycek was teenage Sandrine's first fanfic obsession. (Though technically, I wrote terrible Star Wars and The Three Musketeers fic long before I knew what fanfic was! But I've decided that doesn't count. 😅)
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
(never been) so much at stake (OW, Vampire Moonlighting As A Barista/Exhausted Vampire Hunter In Search Of Caffeine) is probably the best, but The Biggest Score of All (The Flash, Coldflash) has my heart!
I'm supposed to tag people here, and I'm terrible at this, so @waysheswings, @sunherirai, @moriavis, @zeroducks-2, @hithelleth, @elasticella - if you want to do this, consider yourself tagged and if you want to ignore it, pretend I never mentioned your name. And anyone else who sees this and wants to answer, you're also tagged! Yes, I mean YOU. :D
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harapeveco · 1 year
ik no one asked me but personally i feel like the ONLY reason why the light novels even exist is because eve originally wanted to shift focus off of rei and onto tobi in knk but didnt know how to do it properly without like messing up the story or something ( even though i am fully convinced eve does NOT have this stuff written down and is literally just making it up as he goes ) so he just decided to write a spinoff series instead thats basically like an oc insert au fanfiction for knk,,,
this is not to make fun of eve though i PROMISE,,, i feel like hes just like a little kid showing off his first ever oc hes made that hes totally obsessed with and were all just the parents and family members that just need to nod and go along with whatever hes talking about / aff / lh
Oks so first of all dw bestie I know you are not making fun of him I know you are voicing your opinion and I think you are right actually he’s showing off his angsty emo OC kdkekdkkd
Now the truth is idk about enough about the manga or light novel industry so I honestly can’t say how the novels came to be tho what you say may be right. To me it feels more like he wanted to do more with Tobi and expand more on him in knk but bc knk has a story that has to be followed there are some restraints of what he can show and where can he show it so yeh it would make sense to make a spinoff or a different series that can get into that. Like I said idk enough about the manga/light novel industry but I believe it’s cheaper to write them in novels rather than a manga so ig he had the opportunity and took it y’know?
As for the feeling of “Eve going along with whatever at this point” I agree completely with you bc i remember when the manga was first announced (yeh im that old I saw this shit come out) it was promoted to be a manga with Mah characters that’s why the Mah characters even appear in the first cover…this is speculation but I feel like they were supposed to appear earlier or something but were pushed aside in favor of Tobi THO it’s kinda complicated to say bc rereading Nagi’s arc i noticed that, even if there’s some inconsistencies in it, it feels like there was some planning and feels for the most part cohesive. I remember I complained a lot back in the day about it bc it didn’t make sense but now that the arc is completed it does! The current arc tho….I’m not so sure like it makes sense too for the most part but so far so many things are left unexplained that it makes me wonder if he really wrote down at least some of it or if he texts Newo at 2 am to tell them the idea he had so they can draw it 😭😭😭
The time line is kinda messed up to me it’s been 3 years after all so if someone can help I would appreciate it very much, anyway my theory is that yeh Mah characters were meant to appear earlier and that Tobi was actually meant to be a character early on too but just got way more popular than Eve expected. Going back to the time line knk was released on April 15th 2020 and Tobi appeared a month later on May 15th 2020 HOWEVER the int MV came out exactly 7 days after that chapter on May 22nd 2020…so like I said I could have the time line messed up bc it’s been years but like i remember that chapter coming out and me and a lot of people being excited about him appearing but technically his MV wasn’t out yet like I feel we all knew him and that so I wonder if it was bc around that time Eve started to promote him a lot? I know that the reason why int even exists is bc Mariyasu made a mini MV of the song I think and people liked it so much both them and Eve went with it but yeh…just wanted to point this out bc if it was popularity based if they put him bc the MV was insanely popular then it would make more sense that the character of the MV came before the one in the manga and that the MV’s influence put him there but he came before??? Idk besties if someone can help me with this one…
Anyway yeh I just feel like Tobi got too popular and was the one appearing in fanarts, official arts, merch and all that stuff and with time Eve just…probably started seeing him in a different light and started caring for him more. Like I said idk anything about the manga industry but I also think that when it comes to Rei it has to be harder to do something with him bc I assume the magazine has some ownership over him I feel Eve can’t use him as freely but that also wouldn’t explain the Tobi case bc even after knk and the int novels came out that could put some restraints on his usage he still was marketed as he always has been so…I really don’t know all I know is that most we have on Rei that is not knk is a few promotional drawings made for the magazine and that one drawing Taiga did for the app that was just dropped there and disappeared into the ether when the app died
It’s really sad bc Rei as a character has potential…we could had a soft boyo that the more he learns about his missing memories and the more fucked up things he experiences the more he changes as a person and the more he loses himself. The very famous phrase “find me before I eat myself” from int I always interpreted it as “find me before I lose myself” and like idk how to explain it but it fits not only Tobi but Rei too???? Like it works???? The fact that his memories are fucked up and his past is fucked up and everyone he loves is getting fucked up is perfect to use in this concept and Eve is not doing anything with it. Like literally Rei has no personality other than being friends with Yukito, not knowing shit about anything and lowkey not liking Tobi that much and like that’s all I can think about him and it frustrates me! He can be more! He can do more! But no! It’s just Tobi! It’s only Tobi!
Anyway I won’t make this any more longer I think I ranted enough so yeh you are completely right anon he just likes his angsty emo OC a lot and we’ll have to nod and go along with it
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j-nipper-95 · 11 months
20 Questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tags for this @theearlgreymage and @wellbelesbian. I'm so slow at responding to these sorts of posts. Also, this one is going to be a little tricky, as I only have the one fic up on AO3, so I will be throwing in a few stats from my original novel, 'A Survivor's Revenge', as well.
How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently just the one, 'The Trails We Blaze'. But there is also ASR, my long term original novel, that I'm going to be focussing on again in November.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
TTWB currently has a published word count of 20,059 words, with a total of 68,238. (the will only continue to grow - there's still so much of the original plot of El Dorado to adapt for this AU!) ASR on the other hand is already a monster. Before I split the original draft in two to make the first two books, the draft came in at around 130k, incomplete. Currently, the first book is sitting at 78,278 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Carry On. It's also the only fandom I read fanfic for.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'm still shocked by how well Trails is doing after only a month or so of posting, so thank you thank you THANK YOU for showing this fic so much love. 1,247 kudos is more than I thought the fic would ever get in its entirety, and we're barely scratching the surface of this chaotic journey.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I've loved replying to comments on this fic. It's so nice to know that the fic is resonating with people, and what everyone enjoys about the chapters. I especially love when people pick up on lines from canon, and even mention things I didn't consciously notice when I was writing that reference canon. And just getting to nerd out about the research that's gone into this fic. Anyone who knows me IRL knows how much of a classics nerd I am (unsurprising given I have two degrees), and it's been fun flexing those muscles again. It's also been wonderful seeing what resonates with people over here on tumblr when I share snippets of ASR for WIPsDays. Everyone in the CO fandom has been so supportive of me sharing those snippets, and I can't wait for the day when I get to share Lauren and her story properly with the world.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Trails is unlikely to be especially angsty (I haven't actually planned the ending, but if we're going by the ending of El Dorado, there's likely to be a happy ending. But I don't know, it's a mystery to me at this point!) ASR on the other hand ... Book 1 and book 2 have especially angsty endings. Where the series as a whole is concerned, let's just say I made myself cry when I wrote a line for a scene from the final book. It'll be multiple books of build up for a gut wrenching finale. Only one character is guaranteed to survive from the entire cast. You have been warned.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
None so far, but it's likely to be Trails. Only time will tell!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
So far, no. Everyone has been so so lovely with feedback about ASR and Trails!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I am an aro/ace bean who's not really experienced much, so whenever I try to write smut I struggle due to lack of practical experience (that's such a clinical way to put it, but brain no work right now, so that's the best way I can think to phrase it). But if I ever do write anything considered smutty, I try to focus on the emotions and sensations rather than the act itself. I love to read fic where the emotional intimacy is front and centre, but won't turn my nose up at reading some really raunchy debauched sex. As someone who's questioned her sexuality multiple times since first coming out I've lived under multiple labels before finding the one that suited me. Grey ace, ace bi-romantic, demisexual bi-romantic, I've thought all of them fit me at one time or another. It wasn't until last year that I realised dating wasn't working for me, it never would work for me, and that was ok. Aro/Ace isn't a zero sex/zero emotions identity, it's a spectrum in itself, and I've finally found something that suits me. Back on the topic of smut I write, I haven't written anything smutty for Trails yet beyond some heated kisses and heavy breathing. Maybe some rolling of hips. But I will be taking that M rating to its limit, don't you worry! As for ASR, again, nothing majorly smutty has been written, at least not what I would consider majorly smutty. Just a lot of emotional pining, and a bit of foreplay that starts to lead somewhere, and then DRAMA.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Back when I was first getting into creative writing (we're talking pre-teen/very early teens Jess, before ASR was even a vague concept), I wrote fanfic without even realising that's what I was doing. It was just a self insert series of stories that crossed over with multiple franchises, as well as straight up stealing plot points and tropes from other franchises. Will I tell you what they were? Absolutely not! And they will never see the light of day, because they are absolutely God-awful!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, and I hope that never happens.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I'd love it if someone ever wanted to. For ASR especially it would be incredible to see it translated and reach more people around the world. Seeing published authors announcing translation deals is something I aspire to!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not technically, but I suppose you could call Trails and Art-Collab fic, because Ashton's art is fucking fantastic!! Whenever I get to posting day and I wake up to see an art DM from her I get so excited! The style she's gone with for this fic was something we talked about for a while and she's just excellent at capturing the images and emotions I hope my writing is portraying. Ashton is a gem, and I am beyond lucky and don't know what I did to deserve her as a friend!!!
14. What's your favourite all time ship?
SnowBaz have been an obsession since mid-2021, and they show no signs of relinquishing the top spot in my heart when it comes to fandom ships. But it'd be remiss of me not to mention my OC's here. Lauren and Mike are my chaotic, dramatic, hopelessly and cluelessly in love MC's for ASR. You know how Baz pines in CO ... yeah, we're talking similar levels, if not slightly above that for Lauren and Mike. One of my favourite messages from my alpha reader was 'How in the hell did these idiots ever think their feelings were platonic?', and honestly, I don't even know. AND I WROTE THEM!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'm working on an epic high fantasy saga with a friend that we describe as 'Japanese mythology meets J R R Tolkein'. It's so fun writing with someone else, as we both have different strengths. Nori is very much at home with the darker elements, the world building, and character development, whilst I love writing the character relationships, romances, and political manoeuvrings. It's just difficult when you're in different parts of the country, and both have other WIPs you're working on. Maybe one day this saga will see the light of day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I used to think this was a weakness, but since working on ASR edits I think I've become better attriting action sequences. At least, the comments on Trails have led me to believe this. I hope. Since writing that opening chase scene through Southwark it's really bolstered my confidence. But I think my main strength is dialogue full of banter and flirting. Give me a chance to have two characters in a room just bouncing off each other. No need for dialogue tags, just back and forth dialogue. Flirty dialogue is some of my favourite to write, and both SnowBaz and Lauren and Mike allow me to do this in spades! I also think writing pining is a strength, but that is a double edged sword that can cut the wielder if not used sparingly. Pining is great, when not overdone, and I'm praying I've not overdone it with Trails.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action and intimate sequences are still aspects of writing I struggle with, and I'll tell you why. Pacing. Pacing is my nemesis. I just want to get from point A to point B and move on to the next scene. I know first drafts don't have to be perfect, but yeah ... pacing in certain scenes within first drafts is my biggest struggle.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I had to work out how I was going to tackle this for Trails with the most recent chapters I've been writing. HOW DO YOU WRITE A LANGUAGE THAT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST, AND IN YOUR FIC HAS BEEN DEAD FOR MILLENNIA? Atlantean has been a pain to try and work out, and I'm still figuring out a way to write the language itself in dialogue. I really want to try and get some actual Ancient Greek in here as well at some point, so if anyone wants to help translate some riddles and prophecies for me, hit me up! I'm a bad Classicist and never learnt any ancient languages!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Published: Carry On The secret ones I'll never show anyone: that knowledge goes with me to my grave.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Trails is my only published fanfic, therefore it is my favourite. But also I love the source material (both 'Carry On' and 'The Road to El Dorado) so much. But my favourite fiction I've written, out of all the original ideas and bad fanfic, has to be 'A Survivor's Revenge'. These characters and their story have been on my mind for the last fourteen years in some form or another, they are my babies, and I don't know what my life would look like without them in it. Lauren is my favourite morally grey chaos gremlin, and I'm so glad other people like reading about her whenever I share snippets.
Ok, so tagging. I have no idea who has and hasn't done this already, so I'm sorry in advance if you don't want to do this/already have done. Just think of it as me saying hi and how much I love the work you all do!
@aristocratic-otter @bazzybelle @bookish-bogwitch @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @cosmicalart @fatalfangirl @larkral @palimpsessed @phoxphyre
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