#so that guy had to help me twice i was so embarassed
asterkiss · 11 months
“I think they bought it. We can leave now.” “No way, this was just 5 minutes and I have a reputation to uphold.”
“There is actually no downside to acting like we would be dating.” “Yes, except the part where people would think I was dating you.”
Fake Dating Prompts Modern AU where all the kids + Bill go to highschool together. Again, everything I know about American highschool is taken from movies and TV shows.
Mabel was usually rather proud of who she was. She didn't pay any mind to the whispers behind her back, nor did she let it get to her when the girls giggled and pointed in her direction. So what? She knew she was a little weird by their standards but she wasn't going to change for anyone(!) - let alone a bunch of mean classmates she wouldn't ever hang out with again after graduation.
Still, when Pacifica Northwest made needling comments regarding her love life and lack of a date to the Homecoming, Mabel may have snapped a teensy bit.
'Actually, I do have a date! And he's great and handsome and even better than your boyfriend, Pacifica!'
Urghhhh, why had she said that? Whyyyy!? She didn't have a date! Or a boyfriend! Heck, she was the furthest thing from having any kind of romantic interest after being rejected twice in the last month.
Not to mention that last comment had definitely shot her in the foot. Pacifica was dating the highschool quarterback in typical cliche fashion, and he was a beautiful hottie wrapped up in like, even more hottiness! How was she meant to top that?
Heck, there was only one guy in the entire school who was on par with that level of attractiveness. Although, he was also kind of a two-faced asshole who scared everyone.
―But hey, the alternative was letting Pacifica win.
'So, wanna go to Homecoming with me?' She offered a toothy smile, putting on her best cutesy look as she gazed upon the sight of Bill Cipher. She'd tracked him down to one of the club rooms as it turned out he was in the forensice science class. The brunette couldn't help but notice how the few others in the room were on the far side keeping their distance.
Bill stared at her with a pensive frown, eyebrows drawn together as he scrutinised her face. She couldn't help noticing his eyebrows were dark but his hair was almost platinum blond - did he dye it? She couldn't see any roots from this distance. This colour definitely made his blue eyes pop though. He'd look dreamy if he smiled but instead the guy was staring at her as if she'd grown a second head.
'Well?' she asked, tilting her head when he said nothing.
After a moment he returned his attention to the slides and forensic scope before him. 'Nah.'
Her expression dropped. Nah?
'Why not?'
'Why yes?' he quipped back without glancing her way. 'I don't even know you-' He cut himself off, casting her another curious frown. 'Right?' He seemed to be asking himself as much as her.
'Um, well not really. We haven't spoken per say-'
'Then nah. Nothing in it for me, ya can go now.' He waved her off dismissively.
Mabel huffed, not one to be easily dissuaded. She wasn't going to rejected three times in a month! 'Well, um, what if I did give you something?'
'Doubt there's anything you have that I want,' Bill drawled. 'No offense. Honestly, that's more a compliment than anything else.'
'Uh, thanks?' she replied, before returning to the topic at hand. 'And look, I'm not asking you out because I like you or anything.' Although he was defintiely attractive. 'But I sorta got myself into a predicamenet aaaand... um, well I kinda need to show up to Homecoming with you as my date to avoid schoolwide embarassment?'
Icy blue eyes wandered in her direction. 'Uh huh, and how is that my problem? Ain't my fault you talked yourself into it with the Northwest chick.'
Oh, so he did know about it? Then again, she had kinda got into it with Pacifica in a rather crowded place and neither girl had been quiet.
'If anything, it should be entertaining for a few minutes,' Bill went on with a shrug. 'Otherwise, I'm hoping the spiked punch and bribed DJ will make this thing a concotion of disaster by the time the night's over.'
She ignored his concerning statements. 'Please? It's just one night! There's no downside to us acting like we're dating for one night.'
'Yes, except the part where people think I'm dating you.'
She gaped. 'Hey, what does that mean? I'll have you know I've been called cute on several occasions!'
'Yeah you're cute,' he replied without missing a beat. 'But that begs the question why you haven't already got a date so there's obviously something up with ya if like me you're going alone. I know I'm messed up in many ways, so what's your issue?'
She flushed, partially because he'd called her cute so easily but also because he'd called her out instantly. It was also annoying that he was clearly enjoying her reaction, although she saw the same pensive look cross his face as he glanced her way.
'...Okay, okay, seriously have we met already? Have you asked me out before? Were you one of the girls I turned down in the first year?'
She opened her mouth to respond when he cut her off with a sudden yell that made her flinch in surprise.
'Wait, wait!' he yelled, looking deleriously excited as he stood up. The other students in the room jumped, looking towards them anxiously. Bill grinned, eyes wide with delight when he jabbed a finger in her direction. 'You're not- Wait, are you related to Pine Tree?'
'Pi- Dipper Pines!'
'Um... yes? He's my twin brother?' Did he know Dipper?
Bill's grin widened, splitting across his entire face. Mabel jumped when he grabbed her by the biceps, suddenly invading her personal space as they stood toe-to-toe. She swallowed, heart skipping a beat from the abrupt turn of events. 'Uhhhh....'
'Tell me, do you and your brother get on? Or is it more a case of you hating one anothers guts?' Bill said, dropping his voice to a whisper as he leaned nearer. Oh, her heart was dancing all over the place. She wasn't used to being up this close and personal with a guy. Wow, he had really good skin up close - did he use product? She should ask him―
'Hey, cm'on, answer me Shooting Star,' he said, raising one hand to flick at the dangly stars hanging from her ears.
'Yeah, we're close,' she replied, finding her voice. 'So what?'
Apparently she'd given him the correct answer because his eyes twinkled in delight. It was startling how different the boy seemed from when she'd first entered.
She was so confused right now. 'Soooooo.... about Homecoming.'
'Hm? Oh yeah, we're totally doing that.' He stepped away. 'Feel free to tell people we're dating right now if ya want.'
'Wait, really?' A pause. 'Is this something to do with me being related to Dipper?'
'Oh definitely, I'm only going out with ya cuz I reckon it'll wind him up.'
Hmmm. Mabel turned that information over in her head. Did that mean he and Dipper didn't get along then? Wasn't surprising, having only spoken to Bill for a couple of minutes she couldt definitely see how the two would butt heads.
....Oh well, she was only doing this for her own reasons that benefitted her so she couldn't really be annoyed at him for doing the same. She'd deal with Dipper and any issues that came from it later.
'Okay, cool!' Great, she'd be able to deal with Homcoming and Pacifica in one swing. Now she just had to decide on her dress. As Mabel was mulling over this new issue and turning to leave, a firm hand grasped her shoulder from behind. She turned her head to peer behind, only to find his face inches from her own as their gazes locked. She felt his lips brush against her own, chest tightening and eyes bulging wide in response.
And then there was a flash and click.
He pulled away with a chuckle, whilst Mabel blinked away the light and stood rooted to the spot. 'What just happened?'
'I'm gonna add you on Facebook so I can tag you in this,' Bill replied back, glancing down at his phone. 'Make sure you accept both, alright?'
Wait, huh?
Had they just kissed? They had, right? Their lips definitely connected.
More and more questions bounced around her mind as Mabel finally left the classroom, pulling her phone out of her pocket as it buzzed. She stared at the friend invitation from Bill Cipher.
She was beginning to wonder if she'd gotten more than she bargained for with this. It would be worth it to see the look on Pacifica's face, right?
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kristenwell · 5 months
Your Muse - Leo Valdez x Male!Apollo!Reader pt.2
a/n: f/f = favourite flower
Part 1
„I can’t believe you did that!“ He was pacing around in the Apollo cabin and contemplating whether or not to strangle his brother. Y/N could feel his heart pounding against his chest.
„This is the thanks I get for helping you?“ Will chuckled at his brother’s overreaction. It is rare to see the usual calm and collected guy lose his mind over something as trivial as this. It’s apparent that Leo is capable of riling him up.
Y/N sent him a look of disbelief and pointed an accusing finger at him.
„You call this help? My bow is not damaged, how am I going to face him after you told him that? He’ll think I’m a liar and a waste of his time.“ He took a deep breath and sat on his bed.
 „You’ve gottta man up, little bro. Now go and meet him and DON’T chicken out.“ Will ruffled his younger brother’s hair slightly. Y/N nodded and wordlessly left to the Bunker 9.
*knock knock*
„Yeah?“ Leo took off his goggles and turned to look at the Bunker 9 door. Y/N entered in all his glory which made Leo smirk. He shamelessly looked him up and down as the other male approached him.
„About time you showed up.“ He grinned, that stupid grin which always gave Y/N butterflies.
„Hey, sorry I had to help Will in the infirmary.“ He noticed his bow on the table, now it looked brand new.
„Here, I fixed your bow. It was very damaged almost beyond saving, but of course, yours truly – the incredible Leo manages even the impossible, heh.“ He crossed his arms behind his neck and leaned in his chair, obviously very relaxed. He peaked at the taller male. „you know, you could’ve just come over if you wanted to see me but I admit, your creativity is cute.“
Y/N wanted nothing more than to wipe that smirk from his handsome face so he opted for the second best move: denial.
He covered his hot face with his hand and mumbled into it.
„Don’t be silly, some Ares kids just got violent and my poor bow was the victim.“ He shook his head.
Leo spoke without thinking. „You don’t have to be shy about it. I mean, all da ladies and gents love the bad boy supreme.“ His ego got the better of him.
Y/N grumbled under his breath, his face was so hot it even rivaled the Sun, which might have actually made his father proud.
„Anyway, thank you for repairing it.“ Y/N grabbed the bow swiftly and made his way towards the door. „Goodbye!“
„Wait!“ Leo called out but he was already gone. He cursed under his breath and slumped in his chair. Great job, Leo, he thought to himself.
The next few days were even more awkward since Y/N avoid Leo like the plague. Y/N was too embarassed after their interaction and would flee every time the two of them were together.
Leo now felt terrible for scaring his crush away so he turned to the most reliable person he knew when it comes to stuff like this.
Piper McLean.
„Pffft, hahaha!“ Leo glared at her while she giggled like a maniac. Piper calmed down after a few minutes and wiped a tear from her eye and looked at him with now a serious expression.
„I’m not saying you ruined your chances but you’re on thin ice, buddy.“
Leo scratched the back of his head in frustration, his friend wasn’t reassuring him in the slightest.
„Come on, help a guy out? How do I approach him now?“ Piper stood up from her bed and grabbed his shoulders.
„How to approach a timid guy, you say?“ She tapped her forehead twice as if in a deep thought. „I got it!“
She leaned in and whispered her plan in his ears. Leo bit his lip and looked at her skeptically. It sounded simple but he wasn’t sure if he could pull it off. He shook his head in an attempt to rid of the negative thoughts. He looked out of the window and saw Y/N helping some of the younger kids with archery.
„Okay, I’ll do it, hope it works. Thanks, Pipes.“ His friend nodded and watched him leave with a small smile.
„That idiot, so oblivious.“
In the evening
Y/N sighed as he finally got to the Cabin 13, this day has been too  long for his liking and even if he loves working with the kids, his social battery is drained.
He got to his bunk bed, all sweaty and gross. Now he wants only two things: a hot shower and his warm bed (and possibly some late night reading)
Just as he was about to sit on the bed, his e/c caught something gold and shiny covering his pillow. Y/N looked closer and noticed a mechanical f/f adorned with beautiful ruby stones. He took it into his hands and observed it.
No note was attached to the flower so now he didn’t know who gifted it to him. He shook his head and put it away on his table. He’ll try to solve it tommorow.
Y/N steals one last glance at it and went to prepare for bed.
„So, did your boyfriend liked the flower?“ Leo’s older sister, Nyssa teased him. He sat at his bed, lovesick expression painted on his face. He frowned at her question.
„He’s not my boyfriend... yet, and anyways I didn’t stick around to find out. That would defeat the point of the element of surprise, ya know.“ He said, as a matter of factly.
 „Sure, sure, hermano. What did you write anyway? Some sort of half assed apology?“
Leo straightened his back almost instantly. „Write?... As in with words?“
Nyssa shook her head. „You’re hopeless, you know?“
Leo groaned and smacked his forehead. He forgot to sign his gift for Y/N. He really is stupid sometimes.
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*me who woke up at 6am just got home from school*
Hiiiii !
Let's go for mom and son bonding
When she was younger Gabriella, Taka's mom, always wanted a daughter and not for the "oh yeah she will be calmer" or stuff like that. It was a very specific reason. She wanted her daughter to wear her wedding dress, the same one her own mother got married in. (At least for the ceremony, like i said she is Christian.)
When she got married to Takaaki, she was alredy pregnant, her mother didn't really care about that though, after all she had her first baby out of wedlock too. She was just happy to have her kids after so many years of dreaming of it.
When they learned that her baby wasn't a girl, she was sad but she was conforted by the Idea that her baby boy may get a girlfriend one day and that she could maybe talk her into that ! It was genius idea !
She watched her kid grow not really thinking too much into Taka's friendship, but still keeping an eyes over it.
But now, she is gonna watch her baby get married to a man. A manly one out of that. No way she could get any of them to do her idea... Don't get her wrong ! She was happy for her niño precioso's wedding ! She just wished her dream could have become truth.
She mentioned it. Once or twice to Taka but she never though he remmember, how wrong of her.
Because on his side Taka was getting ready after the ceremony, helped by Aoi, Kyoko, and Sayaka to put on his mother old wedding dress. Sure he was a bit embarassed but with Sayaka it wasn't the first time he wore a dress and to be honest... He just wanted to do something nice for his mom, she always supported him in everything he did.
"And it would be a nice surprise for Mondo" Aoi had said, yes. I guess that is point to count. A little bonus. Just a little though. Even if Kirigiri is smirking slightly at his word.
So here he was walking back into the reception, and before Mondo could stutter even a word his mom trew herself at him, crying and thanking him for his beautiful gift.
Kiyondo, who wasn't on the surprise, first grumbled that he could have helped Taka with the dress himself but then started to embarassed and making hum hum sus remarques
He mostly told to keep the "kinky stuff" in their bedroom and "to not rub their weird shit in their face". What a great brother.
And Takaaki on the other who just got over the fact that Taka was married, cried even more when he saw his son, looking so similar from his ex wife and so perfect. What an emotional guy <33
(Bonus with Takemichi, Daiya and Mondo !!)
While Takemichi was quietly congratualiting Taka on his wedding and complimenting him on his dress, Daiya on the other hand was BAWLING his eyes out of laughter, not against Taka, but against his little brother who was very VERY happy to see Taka (if you know what i mean)
(is it bad for me to make so many dirty joke ? Probably. Btw they had a more "western" like wedding before doing a more traditional japaness wedding. To respect both Takas' mom's family and Idhimondo's family)
STOOOOPPPP, THIS IS SO CUTEEEE!! Fjdbe, Mondo was very happy to see Taka. *wiggles eyebrows* I love this. And Taka wearing his mom's dress is just AWWWWWW <333333
We're definitely gonna need a towel or bucket at the ready for Takaaki's tears LMAO. And a wet floor sign, too LMAO. He's so emotional and me fr. And of course Kiyondo would make some very uhm...interesting remarks and comments. The girls helping him is just cute. Daiya over here embarrassing his younger brother is so funny LMAO. Even on his lil' bro's wedding, he's even got to embarrass him on his very visible...excitement.
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luneshallshine · 2 years
✂ ateez as songs
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a cute filler as i wrap my head around writing that san fic...
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pure fluff! some profanity..
ღ seonghwa
♫ playing now : pretty u by seventeen
does she love me? does she love me, not?
omg he fits this song so much !!
this song is so sweet and full cute lyrics
i can definitely see seonghwa as the last verse
i am counting flower petals all day long does she love me? does she love me, not? what will the petals answer to me?
imagine him picking petals to see if he should confess :(
he's such a sweetie
according to twt one of his fav svt songs is pretty u :(
he's so sweet
he WOULD be that boy next door trope
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ღ hongjoong
♫ playing now : celebrate by ateez
you're the one, only one (only one) from 7 billion, the only one (only one)
the lyrics to this song
like hongjoong would say these words to you if you're having a bad day
you're the one, only one (only one) so i celebrate you, all about you
hongjoong is such a mature person at heart
he would write so many songs to uplift you
this song is one of my favorites bc of its lyrics
and i rlly feel like hongjoong said sm truth with this song
he would also help you overcome your insecurities :((
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ღ yunho
♫ playing now : the feels by twice
'cause you got me good and i wanna be ya boo if it's dumb, well, i wanna be a fool (fool, fool, fool)
this song is so
idk i just felt a connection
yunho's our vitamin and i feel like he just has to have an upbeat song
this song is also kinda goofy and i think it fits yunho's vibe
underneath the neon lights, baby electricity tonight, baby
i can see him slaying this part^
he's just so positive that he makes me smile when i watch him
also he became one of my favs after the ateez concert in oakland bc he noticed me &lt;;/3
our golden retriever :((
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ღ yeosang
♫ playing now : antifragile by le sserafim
i'll climb higher top of the world i itched for (ah-ah)
the lyrics are so good like yeosang is such a hardworker
all of ateez are
and like he killed the dance so...
no biggie if i were to fall i'm antifragile, antifragile
also like??? yeosang gets so little attention for his performance skills i'm :((
i feel like he's such an emotionally strong person so
he's quite literally antifragile
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ღ san
♫ playing now : moth to a flame by the weeknd
like a moth to a flame i'll pull you in, i'll pull you back to what you need initially
tiktok has ruined me
he's either your bias or your biaswrecker, there's only two options
i thought i would only bias hwa and then san rocked my world
i feel like you can't help but be pulled to him (like a moth to a flame ahaha..)
it's just one call away and you'll leave him, you're loyal to me
he would be that one ex you'd fold for
don't disagree bc i'm right
everyone's guilty pleasure
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ღ mingi
♫ playing now : all i wanna do by jay park
girl, tell me how you feel right now baby, let’s go up to the sky all i wanna do is kick it with you
off topic but the korean lyrics are so much more sweet than the english version LMAO
i was battling with putting this song for san or mingi
but mingi is such a big jay park fan i had to
the lyrics are so idk like vibe-y?
like they just want to have fun
i think it fits mingi very well
he'd want a relationship where they can be comfortable with each other and just chill n have fun
just like your outfit today, your heart is see-through all i wanna do is kick it with you
mingi can fucking rizz me up if he sang that to me
i mean he can regardless but
he just gives off that vibe on stage
if he ever went solo, he'd be wilding like jay park does
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ღ wooyoung
♫ playing now : embarassed by bts
why am I getting weirder in front of you?i’m not a pre-schooler but why is everything so childish? ;ook at my eyes, my jokes aren’t serious
idk this song makes me so giddy
woo gives off no decorum but also self-cringe vibes
also imagine woo singing this song
it could be so good
he's also such a loyal yet childish person
he'd be that puppy love typa guy, the love that lasts ofc
i was too shy to become your sun so i became a cold moon but afterwards, i keep making a wave of blankets on top of my ocean bed
woo to this song fits so well im crying
just imagine him getting so shy around you, but still trying
aaahhh ideal boyfriend i swear
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ღ jongho
♫ playing now : leave the door open by bruno mars
i ain't playing no games every word that i say is coming straight from the heart
they killed this fucking cover
bruno mars-lover jongho gets this song ofc
i literally can't listen to the song normally without hearing his voice LMAOO
this song is such honeymoon phase vibes omg
i'm here just waiting for you come on over, i'll adore you
liiiike jongho gives me husband vibes
like he doesn't fuck around
all genuine love
probably gives the BEST bear hugs in the fucking world
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aight fuck tumblr they keep fucking up my format :((
writer's block sucks, but this was quick n easy :D
ღ lune
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obigem · 9 months
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Jai helped Cordelia back onto her feet, but was still very cautious with her as he held onto her.
"You sure, you're OK?" He asked again.
"Jai, I'm fine. These shoes are just a bit new and I got a little clumsy footed. Thank you for saving me."
"Any time." Jai smiled at her.
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Cordie was glad that Jai was there to save her, but she couldn't help but feel so embarassed. She almost fell on her face in front of Jai, and worse of all, Matthew. But Matthew was less reveling over the flub and more seething over the interaction he was witnessing.
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Not only did this guy swoop in and do the whole knight in shining armor routine by catching her before she fell, but every word that fell out of his mouth was textbook charming prince. And the way she looked at him, it was so....soft. She didn't look at him that way.
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He could hardly stand it much longer. Matthew cleared his throat.
"I'm sorry. Wasn't it you who said we were late and you had to get to school early to do all your madame president preparations?"
"Oh, that's right. Oh, I can't believe this, I'm gonna be so behind schedule!"
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"It's fine," Jai reassured, "Izzy and Jordie will understand if we're a little late. I mean you almost got hurt."
"I know, but there's so much to do, what if—"
"We have to make sure you're safe first." Jai pressed.
"Well, can we do that as we walk to school?" Matthew insisted.
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"He's right, Jai, let's—" but before she could get one foot in front of the other going again she was stumbling once more. Except this time it was back into Jai's arms. She could feel her face heating up in embarassment. At this rate she'd never make it to school on time.
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Worse, she was flustered now. Before she just had to focus on one foot in front of the other, but now her mind was a mess and she wanted to die from falling twice.
Jai could sense her panic so he offered,
"Hey, how about I hold your hand?"
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"That way if you fall again—" He noticed her bite her lip in frustation so he reworded, "you're OK, just lean on me a bit and trust yourself. We'll hold hands and walk to school together."
"Oh, well, won't that be weird?"
"Not for me, if you're OK with it?"
"I guess, then yeah"
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It was another moment where perfect words were being exchanged. Just the right actions were being taken, and Cordelia had softened, submitted to every bit of it, and Matthew had been made to watch it unfold as it took everything inside of him to quiet his rage.
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He didn't like how close the two of them seemed, or how invested this guy was in making her feel comfortable and cared for, or that he still had his arms around her, or that he offered to hold her hand and she accepted. Most of all, he didn't like how crazy this was making him.
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digital-roots · 2 years
Doing the tdi simulator and i want to share some highlights rn (which are mostly abt Cody)
- Owen was the first to get eliminated
- Leshawna has gotten close to getting eliminated FOUR TIMES already
- Cody is the best player in Screaming Gophers and is in two alliances: One just with Izzy and one with literally everyone else EXCEPT Noah (whos the only person that disliked him so far)
- Noah and Trent are close but Cody gets Noah eliminated, making Trent dislike Cody and leaving the alliance
- so Cody (who everyone else in the Screaming Gophers like) gets Trent eliminated right after Noah (Its shown that Cody voted both Noah and Trent out too)
- Im actually really impressed at how Cody is doing what the fuck why is he being so smart
- also i want to point out that he still has his two man alliance with Izzy. (Anyone here watched the Izzy isnt crazy conspiracy video. What if he knows)
- oh god Cody dislikes Beth shes gonna be next
I've been trying to put a readmore here but tumblr wont help im sorry yall
- Geoff and Bridgette hate each other :(
- Cody and Justin just had a MAJOR fight
- this has quickly spiraled into me liveblogging abt Cody boybossing his way into victory
- the entire time most of the Killer Bass fucking despise each other
- Gwen, Izzy and HEATHER all feel an unbreakable bond towards Cody. He gets bitches!!!!!!!!!
- im going insane HOW does he do it. Cody literally Screaming Gophers' saving grace
- whats gonna happen to his reputation??????
- Sadies impressing her team :)
- Tyler just got eliminated and i forgot to mention how he had two alliances in the beginning. And he left both of them
- Cody and co havent seem to change anything (oh and btw heather and beth have an unbreakable bond now)
- Sadie has also been close to elimination three times now bruh
- Cody and Izzy still have their alliance. Maybe he's trying to focus more.
- the screaming gophers have been winning back to back so much damn
- Cody and Beth fought but then they made up after
- Sadie literally competing with Leshawna on who can get the most amount of almost elimimations
- Courtney and Ezekiel of all people have an unbreakable bond
- can the killer bass win one time guys. Can the screaming gophers stop being infinitely better than them
- Beths impressing the rest of the team....
- oh and the alliance is falling apart....ever since cody left gwen and heather left too
- despite being a boyboss cody still sucks at sports
- holy shit katie voted for her what a twist
- its literally so pathetic that the Screaming Gophers has 7 members while the Killer Bass has. 3
- ohhhhhhh shit yeah this is the part where it gets grouped to guys and girls now. Uh oh Cody only has Ezekiel and Justin now
- ok merge time
- Harold and Tyler return!
- wish it was either Trent or Noah tho
- Cody has so many unbreakable relationships its unreal
- of course Heather gets a torture where its literally just listening to her own voice
- izzys final torture is literally just getting pelted by water balloons and She LOSES how embarassing
- Everyone else thinks Izzy was cringe and all vote her off
- and ofc Justin wins cologne
-if cody actually wins i might get mad everything thats happened so far HAS to be because he'll lose
- harold elimimated Cringe
- Cody at the very least is still pretty weak theres been numerous times where hes almost cost his team (and despite it still winning)
- oh and ofc he wins invincibility again. Cody you goddamn rascal
- Literally only Heather and Gwen didnt win the challenge (Gwen got voted off)
- oh cody and justin have an alliance now
- leshawna :(
- oh shit cody only has heather now
- huh ezekiel has actually won a lot of challenges i just realized
- codys noticed ezekiels winnings. He does not like that
- Heather chose a chipmunk for the challenge and she LOST that mustve been a hilariously long time wrangling that chipmunk
- OH. MY. GOD.
- Ezekiel was the enemy he found out about too late
- Im so mad this simulator game has made me feel so much for Cody that i'll miss him so much im never seeing boybossing Cody ever again
- Im actually rooting for Ezekiel now what
- Ezekiel got eliminated.
- everyone hates Katie wow
- the final four are Courtney, Heather, Justin, and Tyler
- Tyler naurrrrr he was so close :(
- fuck this Cody aint in total drama action
- oh my god. This was a lot.
Here all the placements btw
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- Katie and Sadie have the most votes wow
- Screaming Gophers literally won 7 times in a row. Unreal
- I think i need to lie down that took so much out of me
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sofsdragons237 · 1 year
Your "friends" are bullying you ~Bakugo x TN ~ (Bakusquad)
I know It has passed a lot of time not seeing, but...I hope this scenario can fix, a little 😅 my escapatory
Bullying references (Comfort ☕️)
Some sad female TN
Sorry if there is bad grammar
Hope you like it, I didn't have so much inspiration 🙈 so I hope this could be ok
You and Bakugo were childhood friends, both of you were classmates for a short period of time in school, and practically the only interaction you had with him was for a project you didn't remember so good which topic was.
Today was an incredible day, because your institute was going to be open for all the public of everywhere, there were going to do activities of water, sports and videogames...it was a big colaborarion to help your academy with some problems they got with the infrastructure, and new oportunities to catch students interest.
You were going through the hallways searching for your friends, people was starting to reach and they were curiosly looking at the classrooms - Nothing interesting - you said to yourself, then you bump with someone and went down crushing with the floor.
- Oh, I...I, I am sorry - you feel a little embarassed.
- The next time be careful dumbass
You recognize that voice, your eyes widen, asking to yourself if it was who you were thinking of, you see to your right and in there was a tall blonde guy with that characteristic crimson eyes
- Bakugo...is that you?
- Who more idiot?
You stand up with the help of someone you didn' t recognize in a begginning, it was a red hair boy with a bandana in his forehead, showing a big sharpy smile - Are you okay? -
- Hmmm, oh yeah, thanks
When you pay more attention to your surrounding, there was a pinky girl, a black hair guy and a mustache hair boy with a black thunder painted in one side, you wanted to said something, who are this people or what you have been doing for the past years Baku? But before you can opened your mouth, you listened someone behind calling you desesperately.
Oh gosssh, you forget that in aproximately two minutes you got a championship of soccer, you ran leving Bakugo and his friends behind to go to your's, they were a little mad when you were approaching, yesterday you practice a lot, you were searching for winning, but you recognize you weren't so good at it.
- Hey guys, I'm sorry I completely....
- Just shut up and let's go, the match is starting...I hope we win, but I dunno we are, with you in our side pffft.
Some of your friends laugh and then go to the field making you feel bad for what they said, you go changing quickly and then go running to participate in the game, nevertheless, when you arrive, your team was losing, you don't think it twice and try to help.
When the time goes, you were at the border of tears, not for losing, it was mostly for the strange behaviour you friends and team got during the game. They push you when you run towards the ball to make a goal - QUIT IT, I AM DOING IT - or they make you seat near to the couch on the bench excluding you, at the last minute you were the goalkeeper, but it wasn't how you expected, now you got a lot ot small scars in your arms and a big one in you knee that was bleeding, someone at the end of the game push you and you fell in a rock, then he just spit you on the face and now you were washing it in the bathroom.
- huh? - You turn your head at the door, one of your friends walks towards you and punch you on the face
- What?...I did what I can, I promise it, but you most of the time screamed at me to seat on the bench, practically I didn't played, just at the beggining and at the last minutes.
- So, are you telling me it was my fault?
His voice tune was thereatenig, he was ready to give another punch, you flinch and close your eyes waiting for the pain, but...nothing happen, you start to open them, someone was taking his wrist with so much pressure that was turning red, a big figure so frigthening was behind him - It was actually your fault piece of idiot - then in a least of a second he was on the floor, and the others run out of the place.
- Bakugo...?
He turns to my side and look at me expressionless, then he turns to my face and keep staring at me for some seconds -You hurt her - his view now was on the guy that was trying to stand up.
- She...she thinks that everyone is her friend, but no, she is so alone that tries to search for someone to make that deep goes away...so clumsy...
Bakugo was really mad, his hand was forming a lot of little explosions that were increasing at the rithym of his steps, god, this was looking so bad. I was going to stop them but the red hair guy do that movement first.
- Bakugo, stop...this is not the way
- Move...Kirishima
- Listen to your...- A piece of tape covered the mouth of the guy.
- Stop talking - It was the black haired boy from before
- Did you know that harming someone like that, specially a girl is not so manly right? - Red haired said annoyed
Tears run down your cheeks, this is not the first time this happen, he...in certain way was right, you just wanted to feel someone's presence, want to be someone's friend and confuse pain with friendship, all this...was your fault, you thought.
You run to the door and without looking back you go to the lonely place of the highscool where no one can find you. You start crying a lot getting smaller and smaller, pushing yourself down the wall of the building. You head started to hurt and your body feel vulnerable.
- Am I so rare? That's the reason why no one wants to be my friend? Or because I search for someone desesperately for not being alone.
- That's not true extra
You panick, you see Bakugo standing in front of you.
- Go away Bakugo, go with you friends and let me alone.
- Oi, don't tell me what to do.
He sit next to you looking down searching for the right words
- The problem is not coming from you, is coming from them...you are not rare, it's only that you choose the wrong people.
He took your arm in a savage way and look at your scars.
- This is going to be painful
He put his hands around the arm and you started feeling a strange heat moving through all your body.
- I don't feel pain at all, what are you talking abo...
He doesn't pay attention to your words and then he put his hands in your knee, you scream in pain, that one hurts a lot, the blood now was dry on your skin
- Sero, your tape is gonna function for this
- Copied
From behind, the black haired guy appeared again, so...that was his name, Sero? It was an interesting name, you look with surprise how Bakugo was healing your arms and knee, using the tape as bandages to heal your scars.
- Ready dumbass
- That was...woow
You feel an hug from behind your back and a curious face with a giant and playful smile appear.
- Hi sweetheart, my name is Mina
Then the mustache guy walks towards you and start doing some electroshocks to himself and making weird faces, it was funny. You started laughing.
- That's Pikachu - Bakugo response
- Eeeey, don't call me that, I am Kaminari.
And finally the red hair present himself saying that he was Kirishima, all of them were around you cheering you up, Mina and Kaminari start saying bad jokes without sense, Kirishima said you motivation words, Sero was supervising the zone and Bakugo clean the blood that was on your leg.
- Thank you old friend
- Uggh, a pleasure...whatever
You stand up feeling a little better, you give Bakugo a giant bear hug and refuse to let him go.
- I miss you
- We didn't get a friendship relationship before extra, don't talk...
- It doesn't matter, there is people where you don't get nothing with and it could mean the world for you...like, when you are in love.
You look Bakugo's face that was a little bit annoyed, but you see his colored cheeks expanding through all his face, he notice that you were seeing his blush and he broke the hug.
- Let's go bunch of idiots, I want to go for the spicy food.
- Alright bro
All of them start walking away and you were left behind, you want to go with them...but something stop you...you start walking in another direction to see where you were going to stay for the rest of the activity, you were starting to feel sad again.
You turn back and all the squad was there smiling (Excepting Bakugo 🥲👍🏻) for you to go with them
- Really?
You run to them excited, after all, Bakugo was right, all we deserve to be love and not to be exclude, that's not friendship...you just need to choose, the right people...
~~~~~~~~~Thanks for reading-----------
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vxvidlandmine · 2 years
I have been having a weird couple of days.
I passed both of the exams of this semester, which leaves me with a whole month to catch up with stuff I already studied.
In the middle of December I decided to connect more with people I know. I have been going out with a friend of mine in the last few weeks. Every two or three days we went for walks since we live close to some wheat fields. We also went to the supermarket twice and it was the most fun I have had in a while. I knew she was a fun person to be around but after coming home I have found myself wanting to go out more and more every time. Now that the new semester hasn't started yet, I want to spend a lot of time with her, which is problem.
I have a weird love-hate relationship with this girl. We have known each other since we were children, but we got somewhat close at 13-14. I fell for her really hard. She was cute and gave me attention, and I was lonely. Every evening we would hop on Skype and just talk until one of us was too tired to stay awake. In high we were in the same class, and whenever I was too exhausted to listen to the teacher I'd just lie down and I'd gaze at her figure for wayy too long. A couple of times she caught me and the reaction she had made me realize that a) that might have been creepy b) she probably wasn't into me in a romantic way.
But I decided to ignore it, and study the situation just like a regular weirdo would do. I started noticing all these little cues that in retrospect are really easy to catch, but not so much when you desperately want your crush to like you back. I was just a friend to her, a close one, the one you go to when you want to share an embarassing story and laugh about it. If no one was around, we'd talk there was no problem. The moment someone else appeared, she'd just brush me off.
I noticed how she looked at other people, guys she'd have flings with in my class, and how she looked at me. With me, her eyes were serious and seemed darker than they actually were. One time I happened to glance at her right after someone told a joke. It was like her pupils were replaced by stars, and her smile was genuine. I was really sad that day, and slowly I started losing interest. Nothing much changed immediately in how I felt, but she noticed I was nervous around her and started being much less kind. It got to the point where if I looked at her for more than was socially acceptable, she'd get visibly angry and would start shouting "Stop looking at me!" and giggle like an evil witch. In my defense, I was really stupid.
We slowly stopped talking everyday, and we would go out together with our group of friends much and much less over time.
At 16 I was over her, she treated me badly and I didn't even got to confess my feelings for her. After seeing how shallow and insensitive she could get I lost every bit of "love" or infatuation left.
After high school, we went to study in the same city. With no one else from our hometown but us, we reconnected a bit. She changed, I changed, and now we get along better than we used to.
Or so I think. I'm not an idiot, I'd never make the same mistake twice. I don't have a crush on her. Yet despite all of this, I find myself wanting to spend more and more time with her. Last time we met she told me of a serious problem she's been dealing with. When I went home, in-between study sessions (and after I was done) I started coming up with way to help her. What she told me "hits close to home" as I dealt with something similar in the past, maybe that's why I'm so hung on it but again, why am i fixating on in? Why do I want to help her? She's my friend of course, and I like helping people.
Anyway. A few closing remarks.
We could hove gone out today but she said she didn't have enough time to get everything done. Another friend of mine hit me up and asked me something exams-related. Another friend of mine texted me out of the blue, although I planned on texting him after exam session ended. Yet after 5pm a void started materializing inside me and I got nothing else done. This is why I'm writing right now, I need to get this off my chest. Maybe it's because I'm turning 21 soon and whenever my birthday arrives I always realize how much I have missed on and how many more things I'll miss because im a lonely idiot.
I'll probably make another wall of texts with all the thoughts related to my birthday.
Bye bye surrogate of intimacy.
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whatsupwither · 2 years
Valentines was shit haha. It was last week and I didn’t spend it doing anything notable. I practiced once during the evening and went home. I did signed up for a blind date thing. I met I think about 5-6 men and non of them really sparked anything. there’s some sort of an adrenaline to talking to someone blindly and just try to figure out where we connect exactly. I did not regret it but at the same time would prefer doing something more meaningful. I have not talked or connected with anyone from there and would not be signing up for it again. I met a guy there who literally had done it 7-8 times. I don’t know exactly what he’s hoping to find on there since I thought it was pointless. I did it for the fun of the moment.
what’s worse is that during valentines after training, Randy who’s a guy from training who also happens to train live in another building in the same apartment decided to give me a ride back. I didn’t think twice about it but then he insisted we have coffee and we talked. I made sure that our conversation was very ‘bro’ ish. After that he literally sent me a picture of his chest, trying to show me a bruise from training. ITS WEIRD. WHY WOULD YOU SEND ME THAT EW. 
I ghosted him. I didn’t know what else to do but that. I don’t regret it, I’ll just come up with some kind of reason like an error or something that’s causing me not to recieve his texts or that it simply sinked since I had a lot going on. Oliver and I finally met, of course through the help of Mark, but we met and talked. HE TOUCHED MY ARM AND I DONT KNOW HOW TO FEEL ABOUT IT. I didn’t really like it but I’m not completely opposed to it either. Before we met I was hanging out with my friend Adam. We were talking literally about everything but mostl sex. He has a very sexually active lifestyle. So I decided to use the opportunity to ask as much as I can about Men and their bodies (yuck). Adam was very cool about it thankfully. At some point we even flirted a bit which was kind of refreshing having to have a conversation where you can just turn it off and on yknow. I spilled my feelings about oliver to Adam and he found it kind of cute haha. 
Anyways I hanged out with Oliver and Mark and after that Mark saw me home, we took a car and train together which was very nice of him. Mark is like an older brother figure to me so I decided to just tell him how I feel about Oliver. He didn’t have much of a reaction thankfully but he did mention a very important detail. Oliver is looking. desperately so. Mark is trying to set him up wiht some of his corporate friendst but so far it hasnt been successfull. One thing he highlighted was the fact that he’s looking for somoene in the same religion. Oliver and I don’t have the same religion. It oddly hurts a bit, just for a while and just for a bit. its nice to know Im not the only one struggling though. We continued to chat after that thankfully, Oliver and I. 
After hanging out with Adam I figured out a lot about my sexuality. It appears I might not enjoy being touched or being openly intimate (emotionally and physically) but what I do like is to take charge. I’m more comfortable doing the touching and taking control when it comes to physical intimacy and I prefer to really sit on my troubles or well secrets to when its not relevant before pointing it out. I found out that Adam and I are sexually very compatible. He (in a way) is the complete opposite of me, he likes giving his partner control, he prefers it even. basically if I were to give him a call and tell him that I wanna do it he’d come here this very instance haha. I will not be doing that though. Adam and I are friends and we’re keeping it that way. He maybe sort of cute but thats where the attraction ends.
I am however are off the pills. I think its making me uh... loose down there somehow. I’ve been queefing throughout certain poses during training anf its embarassing as hell. I’m getting off them and see how it goes. Which is also why I’m sexually more frustrated than ever before. God help me.
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dr4cking · 3 years
draco malfoy x reader | smut | (no plot just smut)
It was in the common room, draco and y/n was sitting with their friends hanging out like usual, y/n sat on draco's lap cuddled up to him while still talking and laughing with their friends, when suddenly she rolled her hips hard on accident while trying to contain her laughter when blaise was telling them a really funny joke. she didnt realized it but draco behind her already stiffened and trying hard not to moan when she keeps moving on his lap still laughing at blaise. that is until pansy walked in with a bag of candies and snacks in her hands and placed it in front of their friends. y/n stand up wanting to get something, draco let out a relief breath because if she sits longer in his lap, she will realized he had a boner it would be embarassing.
to his luck, y/n now sit beside pansy but it didnt help his horny ass as he watched her putting a lollipop into her mouth and sucking it deliciously, making his mind go wild as he imagined how would it feels to have her mouth sucking his dick. he shakes his head throwing off the wild imagination of his best friend since they were still in diapers. but the more he stare at her the more he cant control himself, he get up quickly covering his boner with his oversized tshirt.
"guys, i gotta head to bed, im really sleepy, see y'all tomorrow" draco runs to his room while y/n stared at him in confusion, she knows him too well, he doesnt go to bed at this time.
when draco finally arrived at his room, he closed the door and immediately go to his bathroom and sits on the closed toilet, pulling down his sweatpants and boxer, kicking them off onto the floor, his hard dick slapped up to his stomach, he hissed and begin to stroking himself. his mind instantly drift to the girl who made him do this, his thoughts of her sucking the lollipop earlier popped out in his mind, he lets out a moan imagining it was his dick that she sucked off. his breath got stuck on his throat and he fastened his pace while his thumb teasing the tip of his cock, collecting the precum and use it as a lube.
"fuck y/n" draco moaned louder at the thought of y/n on her knees, looking up at him with her innocent eyes, smirking to him while running her hand on his length, stroking it up and down before putting it into her mouth.
sweats started to running on draco's face while he brought his hand to his mouth to spit on it and use it as a lube to his cock. the thoughts of y/n having him inside her mouth and bobbing her head up and down, sucking him deeper until it touched the back of her throat causing her to gagged, looking up to him with her eyes watering, saliva dripping off her mouth, making him moaning louder and going faster.
on the other side, y/n was now walking to draco's room, she opened the door and raised her eyebrows in confusion when she didnt see draco in his room, until she hears a faint moans coming from the bathroom, her hand covered her mouth realizing what is happening, but what shocking her more that the curiousity got into her making her walking to where the sounds were coming. she stands straightly at the door of draco's bathroom that he doesnt bothered to closed, not be able to move but just watching the scene in front of her, she feels the wetness down there starting to grow when she heard her name repeatedly coming from the boy in front of her and just looking at how hot his face looks right now.
"fuck- im so close, y/n, please" draco screamed her name loudly as he feels his cock twitched on his hand.
but as he was about to come, his eyes suddenly opened and looking at the door and his heart dropped to his stomach as he realized the girl that has been on his mind standing alive at the door of his bathroom, jaw dropped, mouth hung open and eyes widening, looking at what he did right now. her cheeks is tinted red.
"draco?" y/n called out his name as she looking at draco who's still froze, his face full of panicked.
"holy shit, y/n! im sorry! i- i didnt- i was just- i was just- merlin! you werent supposed to see this" draco seems lost at his words trying to explained the whole situation to y/n while covering his part, looking down, scared at what her reaction.
to his surprise, y/n walked in to the bathroom, locking it and approaching him. she stood in front of him making him looking up at her and widening his eyes as he watched her stripped down her clothes showing him her body.
"oh draco, you're definitely not sleeping, baby" y/n smirking and dropped to her knees, spreading his legs so she gets the full view of him, draco's breath got stuck as he feels her hands running on his thighs and her lips kissing them softly.
"y/n are you sure about this? you dont have t-" draco's words got cut off by y/n placing her finger on his lips indicating him to shut his mouth.
"let me help you, draco" y/n grabbed his cock and pump it a few times before putting it inside her mouth. draco let out a groan when her lips touched his tip. she decided to tease it, give it a little blow, and kiss it softly. draco was getting impatient and grip her hair shoving his cock fully inside her mouth making her moan at the sudden contact. he throw his head in pleasure as y/n started to bobbed up and down, her nose touching the base as she keeps going down, sucking deeper.
"fuck just like that, baby" y/n keep sucking him harder and faster, she pulled away to catch her breath for a second and back again, she lick a straight line on his cock and putting it back on her mouth, her hand playing with his balls squeezing it softly, she swirls her tongue sucking him deeper, deep-throating him until she gagged, the vibration triggering draco to cum hard in her mouth, shooting his thick cum inside her, its so much that it started to drip out of her mouth, draco moaned as she swallowed all his cum and wipe the cum that dripped down on her chin with her finger, licking it clean with a 'pop'.
y/n stand up and straddling draco who is still sitting on the toilet. she grabbed his cock and pump it twice before pushing it inside her tight hole. they groaned at the feeling of each other. draco grabbed her jaw and kissed her passionately, their tongue move in sync swallowing each other faces. y/n pulled away and started to kiss his earlobe and jaw then sucking hard on his neck marking him, sending butterflies to his stomach while still rolling her hips on his cock. she pulled away, moaning his name and throw her head in pleasure as his cock keep hitting her spot. draco's lips instantly attached to her neck marking her too. his hand found its way to her neck and squeezed it tightly, choking her. his lips move down to her nipple, sucking hard and biting softly making her aching her back. his other hand gripping her hips helping her bouncing faster on his cock.
"fuck baby, you're so fucking tight" draco's hands holding up her thighs lifting her a bit and started to thrust upwards into her faster and harder making them both a moaning mess. y/n rest her head on his neck, her nails clawed at his back as she feels she's close. draco keep pounding hard into her biting her shoulder lightly as he feels his cock twitched inside her.
"d- draco im so close" y/n moaned and now looking up at him pressing her forehead to him keeping the eye contact.
"me too baby, lets do it together" and with final thrust, they came together, hard, screaming each other names loudly, both panting. draco grabbed her face and kissed her with so much love, muttering a 'thank you' and praising her before pulling away. they both stand up, staring at each other in disbelief and laughing together.
"i love seeing you with my cum dripping off your thighs, y/n" draco smirked while grabbing the tissue to clean her up.
"oh shut up dray! i cant believe i just fucked my best friend" y/n let out a small chuckles while giving him soft kisses on his face.
"you know i've been wanting to do that since forever, y/n. you're driving me insane but in a good way, i've fallen for you since years ago." draco said as they both walked out of the bathroom and lay her down gently on his bed before joining.
"trust me draco, me too." draco pulled her body into his, hugging her tightly, kissing her again showing her how much he loves her.
"be mine, darling? let me take you on a date tomorrow." draco said as he pulled away and caressing her cheek softly.
"i'‘ve always been yours, draco" with the last kiss, they both fall asleep cuddling to each other.
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cat-126 · 2 years
>Hard to Love* ੈ✩‧₊˚
ʚĭɞೃ; Part 2: Is this guy serious..?
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Summary: Y/N is in their Junior year taking sciences, and has been elected as the Class Procter for the current year, as Class Procter she must fullfill certain objectives, but what happens when she runs into someone who claims to know her from her past?
Warning: Contains swearing.
Story Notes: Gouba is suppose to be Xianglings younger brother, Scaramouche is a part of childes friend group.
♡> prev here next <♡
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;The chatter of other students filled the room. Childe and his friend group was loud like always, typical Highschool guys. Break was about to begin, but luckily you and your friends had the same class prior to break. Sitting on the right side in the back of the class room with your friends, you sat quietly listening to them talking while doing your Chemistry homework.
"And I kid you not...she looked at me NOT ONCE...BUT TWICE!"
'Hutao really likes her..'
"SHE WANTS YOU..for real."
"or maybe she was looking at you because you had something on your face... "
"Haha! Let Tao be delusional, Chongyun."
"Ehm." Ah, it was Mr. Zhongli
"Ms Tao, you are quite loud I would appreciate it if you were to..tone it down a bit" the whole class was looking towards your group, embarassing.
"Ms L/N. Would you please come to my desk for a moment? I need to discuss something with you."
'Shit. I hope it's not about my Geography test..'
Walking nervously to his desk, you looked back to see your friends giving you thumbs up and hearts; if you weren't embarrassed before, you were now.
"You are well aware that you are our class procter, aren't you?"
"Yes ,sir."
"Ah well, I hope you remember what I requested you to do yesterday."
"You wanted me to show the new kid around?"
"Good to hear you remembered, have you gotten to that yet?"
"No sir.."
"Well, you have until after break, please come to me once you are done, you may return to your seat now" As much as I enjoy playing the role of class procter, I'm too shy to approach people I barely know.
"Y/n! enlighten us, what did Mr. Zhongli say to you?"
"Is he removing you from the class procter role?"
"No, he is not removing me yun, he wants me to show the new kid around but i'm way too nervous to talk to people i just met.."
"Ayaya.. typical y/n, you havent changed one bit since middle school."
"Tao!! please don't remind me of myself from back then!"
"Haha, its okay im sure one of us will be free to accompany you, but let me tell you this..I will not be free, I have club meetings to attend, sorry.."
"It's okay Xingqui, Tao, Yun, Xiangling? what about you three?"
"Sorry!! I promised Yanfei that I would meet up with her at the library.."
"Err..I have a Computer Science test.."
"I have to take care of Guoba!!"
'Ah..so I really have to do this alone now..'It's okay Y/N you're old enough to do these baby things on your own. It will be okay!'
"Oh..it's okay, ill manage on my own! As a matter of fact"
You stood from your seat
"Ill go talk to him right now! and tell him to meet me infront of the lockers outside the classroom."
"Ah..are you sure tha-"
"Well we cant stop her now shes already on her way."
"Lets hope she dosen't embarass herself.."
Walking to his seat with false confidence you were about to lightly tap his shoulder, but before you could.
"Y/NNN HIIII" Childe.
The rest of the group greeted you as well, you were quite good friends with them. "Hello Childe...Hi guys!" you said Childes name with a bit of bitterness, obviously as a joke.
"Haha, what brings you here?"
"Just needa talk to Scaramouche, not much"
"Tch dammit".
"What do you want?" he said blankly
"Oh uhm, im Y/N , the class procter Mr. Zhongli told me to show you around and help you with the school schedual and things, could you meet me during break near the lockers?"
He suddenly, yet slowly with a bit of confusion looked at you,your friends in the back, and, then his. Both groups were teasingly throwing fists, hearts, and, thumbs ups in the air silently cheering the two of you. All that work just to embarass the both of you.
His confused expression quickly went away as he heard your words, and was replaced with a more approachable and softer face. "Hah..Did he really say that?" he said while looking at your face with a smug look.
"...Yes. Is there a problem?" 'If he can be sassy so can I',
"Are you sure you're the class procter? You dont seem very procter like to me.." he spoke very casually with a chuckle.
"Excuse me?"
"Haha! ahh.. you really don't recognize me do you?" 'is he..fucking with me? and why is he smiling like that, creep.'
"No..? Am I suppose to?" 'Seriously , who is this guy?'
"Wow, personality wise you really haven't changed one bit N/N haha, talk to me once you remember who I am." 'how did he know that nickname, hell not even my friends know about it..'
He gave you a harsh flick on your forehead, looked back at his notebook and continued his work.
From the corner of your eye you could see Childe and Kaeya hitting each other and whispering, they seemed quite excited...
With your arms crossed, confused you spoke again "Uhm.... So is that a yes or no to meeting me at the lockers?"
He looks back at you with a amused face "Fine ill meet you there, your friends looked quite offended, better go to 'em"
"Oh, yea ill see you later i guess..."
Making your way back to your seat with a confused look, you could hear Scaramouchs' friends teasing him.
Then you saw your friends faces.
They looked almost offended? Shocked? Baffled?
"No fuckin way."
"Tao shhh.." you spoke while calmly sitting down
"Ah...well what happened..?"
As soon as you told them they started taking guesses as to who could it be, who was it that laid their flithy hands on their Y/N..the audacity.
"How dare he act so frank with you" Xiangling said obviously as a joke, but she acted as if he commited a crime.
"Well break is about to start" Chongyun stood up with his Computer Science notes.
"Good luck on your date"
"He is not my date!"
Xingqui stood up too following the boy "Well bye bye N/N good luck!!"
Slowly Hutao and Xiangling left too, leaving you on your own.
'I guess ill just go to the lockers and wait for him..'
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A/N: (sorry if there are any mistakes) text like this -> 'i wanna kms' is like y/ns thoughts ? like inner dialouge ykk😘😘 anyways omg ?!?!1?1?1 so hot so mysterious scara wowowowow😍😍 i wonder whar will happen next part?!!!!!1!1!1! 🥺🥺🥺🥺 yea updates will be on the weekends yk school n stuff gotta study hard for money💖💖 if that dosent work i cqn be a sugar baby its ok😊😊
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
pairing: bucky barnes x f!reader
genre: fluff, angst if you squint
warnings: none
requested: nope
summary: y/n thinks she's made bucky a laughing stock, and now he hates her. that couldn't be any farther from the truth.
author's note: hiya peeps! i've noticed that all my recent fics are either mob or ceo themed so yeah,,,, no more of that. have an avengers themed fic for a change 😌🥂 enjoy!
"your hands are magic, i swear, y/n."
"well if that's the only superpower i can have, then so be it."
both bucky and y/n laughed
it was a cool saturday afternoon at the avengers compound, and both of them were sitting in the compound's recreation room
y/n was giving bucky a head massage
everyone on the team knew that y/n gave excellent massages; whenever they were stressed, or were building a headache, they'd always go to y/n
she made their headaches and worries disappear in seconds
currently, bucky was sitting on the floor next to the couch as y/n sat behind him, working her magic
he'd returned from a long mission mere hours ago; all he wanted was to relax and get a nice head massage from the team's masseuse, who also happened to be his long time crush
"seriously though, this is an amazing skill, where did you learn this?"
y/n shrugged
"dunno. when i was younger my mom always oiled my hair and gave me awesome head massages. somewhere along the line i must've picked it up."
"that sounds lovely."
a few minutes passed, and bucky's eyes started getting droopy
y/n chuckled when he outright yawned, resting his head on her lap behind him
"you can sleep, i'll wake you up in a few minutes."
he didn't need to be told twice
y/n continued running her fingers through his hair, smiling
his hair was so soft
and long
and perfect to try new hairstyles on
he was asleep anyway, he wouldn't notice, right?
picking up the comb that was lying next to her, she started running it through his tangle-free hair
"how soft," she whispered to herself, collecting the hair in one hand
she let some of it fall free, until she was holding his hair in what closely resembled the half-up, half-down hairstyle
with the hair that was still in her hand, she started braiding
it turned out to be a really beautiful braid; he was blessed with amazing hair, truly
she took out her phone and clicked some pictures
but as she sat there admiring bucky's hair, she failed to hear some footsteps echoing behind her
sam wilson had just walked into the room, and when his eyes landed on bucky, he couldn't help the laugh that left his mouth
soon he was out of control, laughing so hard that he clutched his stomach, bending forward to alleviate some of the pain in his stomach
bucky had never looked more ridiculous to him
to be honest, bucky always looked ridiculous to him
he looked like a character from a TV show that day though, and sam wheezed
"guys!" he shouted, probably for the whole compound to hear, "guys, come see this! look at bucky's hair!"
still giggling, he ran out of the room
y/n simply rolled her eyes; when sam and bucky's banter was gonna end would forever remain a mystery
but a few minutes later, a few others walked into the room along with sam— steve, natasha, wanda, vision, tony and peter
even natasha and steve cracked up when they saw bucky
"he reminds me of legolas, i don't know why!"
"that is the funniest fucking thing i've ever seen, oh my god!"
"he does kinda look like him, doesn't he? except bucky's brunet."
hearing them making fun of bucky's hair and laughing, y/n started feeling a little embarassed. maybe she shouldn't have braided his hair, now she'd gone ahead and made a laughing stock out of him
"thank you so much for this, y/n," tony wheezed as he clicked a few pictures on his smartphone
"you're welcome," y/n mumbled, wishing the building would collapse right that second
hearing all the commotion happening around him, bucky slowly stirred himself awake, yawning as he sat up straight
everyone went quiet when they noticed he was awake
"what are you all doing here?" bucky asked, an involuntary scowl showing up on his face. they'd disturbed his peaceful slumber
there was silence for a beat
and then everyone started laughing again
"i used to call barton legolas, now i think it's time to relocate the nickname!"
they all continued poking fun at his hair, which caused bucky to turn to y/n
she was desperately avoiding eye contact with him, staring at the floor
bucky looked around until he found a polished, reflective surface and quickly went there to check his hair
y/n had tied it up in a hairstyle bucky thought was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen
why were they all laughing at that? he looked nice
after a few minutes of admiring himself in the surface, he turned to everyone else
"can you all leave? i need to talk to y/n."
they all left, and bucky rolled his eyes when he heard another legolas joke
the moment they were all gone, though, bucky crouched down in front of y/n
"i'm sorry."
bucky was taken aback at the watery voice
he gently grabbed her jaw and turned her face towards his, surprised to see tears streaming down her face
"baby, why are you crying? you did nothing wrong, look at me," he insisted in a whisper, wiping her tears off
"they all made fun of you," she hiccuped, "all because of me. i made a laughing stock out of you, bucky, i'm so sorry."
sighing, he got up and sat next to her, pulling her into his arms
"so you think i'm mad at you?"
she nodded, sniffling
"and if i was mad at you, would i be hugging you like this?"
at that, she froze. he was right; so did that mean he wasn't mad at her?
"you— you're not angry?"
"hell no!" bucky laughed, "i look awesome, all thanks to you. the hairstyle is really cute, y/n, and it looks nice on me, too. fuck the others, i think i look fabulous!"
she burst out laughing when he flipped his hair in a dramatic way
bucky only smiled, happy that she was happy
"you're the best, bucky."
"no, you are."
they sat there in each other's arms for a while longer; bucky was gently rubbing her back as she tried to get her tears to stop
"you can braid my hair anytime, you know. try different hairstyles, see what looks nice... my hair's all yours, how does that sound?"
y/n grinned, her head resting on his shoulder, her face buried in his neck
bucky smiled along when he felt her smile against his skin
"thank you! i'll use this offer of yours to full advantage, so be warned!"
"wait, doesn't that mean we'd be spending a lot more time together? with you doing my hair and everything?"
"um, yeah, probably."
"well, before that, there is something i want to ask you."
"oh, go ahead. what is it?"
"will you go on a date with me?"
the question threw her off completely
she pulled away from him, looking at him in shock
"wait... you like me?"
"i wouldn't have asked if i didn't."
she couldn't believe her ears, mainly because she liked him as well, had liked him ever since they met
she just never thought he'd feel the same way
"so? is that a yes or a no?"
excited, she squealed and threw her arms around the man's neck, hugging him tight
"yes! yes yes yes yes yes! so many times yes!"
bucky laughed at her enthusiasm, hugging back just as tightly
then he lightly pushed her away, only to connect their lips
y/n kissed back happily, and only pulled away when she was short of breath
it was a cool saturday afternoon, that had just become a hell lot more cooler
a/n: thanks for reading! leave a like if you enjoyed!
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angelecho · 3 years
Can I request some First date hc's for Karasuno? 🌼
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going by jersey number order and then the two managers!
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Daichi Sawamura:
→ i feel like he's a really old fashioned guy
→ he'll show up to your house dressed nicely, and tell your parents that he'll bring you back before the curfew ends
→ he'll most likely take you out for dinner then go to the theater and watch a movie, then drive home together
→ he'll take multiple photos of you and send them all to you for your Instagram or for personal use
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Kōshi Sugawara
→ the both of you will plan beforehand what kind of food/snacks/aesthetic you're going for, and then he'll go and set it up to surprise you
→ he'll play a Spotify playlist that he made just for you
→ and he'll "accidentally" have WAP in there
→ and he "accidentally" know the entire dance
→ and will "accidentally" dance it for you
→ also if you want this to come true, there's a literal playlist on youtube of this that I ABSOLUTELY live for
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Asahi Azumane
→ coffee date!!
→ it'll be at one of those really aesthetic cafes with nice sofas so that you two can talk in comfort
→ and maybe a walk around the neighborhood once you both finish your coffee
→ the walk might take a while because every time a person with a dog passes by, he'll ask to pet the dog
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Yū Nishinoya
→ he skateboards and you can pry that headcanon out of my cold, dead hands
→ he probably either teaches you how to skateboard or if you know how, then takes you around the neighborhood
"Noya, where are we going? We've just been going around in circles?"
"Shh, i know the popsicle vendor is somewhere here, but I somehow can't find it"
"... we passed it two blocks ago"
→ after getting popsicles, he'll drop you off at your house first before going back to his
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Ryūnosuke Tanaka
→ he would rather die than admit it but he was really nervous making sure everything was perfect
→ he planned out a little day trip around the city (stops included the bakery, a park, a cafe for lunch, and then a movie)
→ he strikes me as the type of guy to dabble in photography so he would have a pretty nice camera around his neck to take photos of you around the city
→ like he would lie down on the middle of the road in traffic to make sure to get the best shot of you
→ he sends them all to you and probably keeps one of them in a photo frame on his desk to motivate him when he studies
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Chikara Ennoshita
→ he'll also take you on a day trip, but it's more of a one destination type of thing
→ the place is wherever you expressed the most interest in (ie: the zoo or the aquarium or the gardens, etc)
→ he'll also film parts of it (he won't tell you this yet, but he's planning to compile any and all videos of you to make a short movie/video for your one year anniversary)
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Hisashi Kinoshita
→ he would probably take you to an ice cream parlor!
→ after eating icecream he would probably take you on a walk around town and buy you a flower
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Kazuhito Narita
→ baking together!!
→ one of you would probably end up burning something on accident, but it would still be fun
→ some sort of feel-good movie would probably be playing in the background
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Tobio Kageyama
→ to be honest, he's a bit newer at love in general, so if you were to look at his search history it's literally just
"what do you do on a first date"
"first date best places to go to"
"is it too early to kiss on the first date"
→ and Hinata is of absolutely no help (no surprise there)
→ in the end, Daichi suggested that he go watch a movie with you
→ so he did, you guys ended up watching a movie but Kageyama fell asleep because he got up at 4 in the fucking morning to practice volleyball with Hinata before school
→ he ends up accidentally cuddling/clinging to you (which is absolutely adorable)
→ he wakes up near the last 5 minutes of the movie, and unclings himself from you in an embarassed frenzy, but was relieved to see you were asleep and probably didn't notice (news flash: you were awake but pretended to sleep to save him his dignity)
→ you guys end up texting late into the night after getting home
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Shōyō Hinata
→ he would take you to the amusement park or whatever state fair is going on locally!!
→ somehow??? he doesn't get lost and can always find you, despite constantly disappearing for the first half of the date
→ you both go on rides together and he does the rope ladder to get you a giant stuffed animal and goes again to get one for himself
"Shoyo, how did you even get up that? twice?? It's rigged to make it hard."
"Oh, I know it's rigged. I purposely built one exactly like it so I could get used to it and practiced on it"
→ the entire way home he's smiling ear to ear and waves you goodbye
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Kei Tsukishima
→ for your first date you guys go get coffee and walk around and come back home
→ the next day when Tanaka pesters him about it he's confused
"how was your date?"
"What date?"
"??? did you not go somewhere with y/n?"
"I did go somewhere...we went to the coffee shop."
"mhm, and??"
"and what?"
"AND??? you're dating them!!"
"oh shit-"
→ so he apologizes and asks to go on another "first" date, to which you agree
→ you guys end up going on a study date at the library followed by another cup of coffee
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Tadashi Yamaguchi
→ he would take you to a place like color-me-mine and have a duo spotify playlist to play while painting
→ at the end, he would take you to get a meal at a local restaurant or cafe before walking you back home
→ when you get it back a few weeks later, he would the one he painted to you as a gift
→ it's a beautifully painted coffee cup in your favorite aesthetic
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Hitoka Yachi
→ Yachi was talking with Kiyoko about where to take you because she wanted it to be perfect
→ Tanaka overheard and suggested a beach trip, to which she agreed was a good idea
→ however, what was not mentioned was that Tanaka and Nishinoya would be following along
→ they promised to be quiet and "unnoticeable" but that meant that they were wearing terrible disguises (Tobiyolo Swaggeyama part 2)
→ the trip overall was hilarious and you both had a good time and fell asleep on the ride back home (Tanaka got a photo but it ended up being shaky because Saeko was driving them home, but it was a picture nonetheless)
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Kiyoko Shimizu → she would probably take you on a light bike ride around the scenic part of town
→ of course, she would take photos of you whenever you asked
→ you would stop by a cafe to cool down before heading over to a pet cafe of some sort
→ the entire event would be lighthearted and fun
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
hope you enjoyed it!!
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grogusmum · 3 years
Trying this again since you took the easy way out 😉 it’s my fault for not disallowing all things Pedro as the answer. Clearly I’m out of slumber party shape 😂
So instead I’ll ask how did you meet your honey? And/or what’s your favorite book?
Also, here’s a cute bunny for you…
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Hahaha, sorry I didn't mean to cheat, currently Tumblr and Pedro really are my guilty pleasures, anyway... how I met my honey is a cute so Story Time!
Okay I am super outing my age so no one be mean and respect your Nana!
Back in the time of penny candy and those bicycles with the really big front wheel... just kidding
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My sweet bride is trans, and when we met she was mostly presenting male (though this was before the term was coined, she identified as bi gender).
We had a mutual friend, that I had known since 1st grade, and she met in college.
We started hanging out as a group when they would come down from school and I became smitten while at a Renn Faire she was cute and funny... we went rock climbing that weekend too. Her college was an Outdoor Ed school and while home they got some new equipment at REI, including a new harness that buckled different than they were used to. So I got strapped into it and repelled down to where she was... I started to unbuckle but something wasn't right, so she tried to help, our friend who had helped me into it had threaded the straps incorrectly, luckily it was stuck instead if me falling out of it, so anyqay my honey was trying to work at it.
(At the time I didn't not know I was bi, she is presenting male and I did know she was trans, my friend had told me)
So she is this outdoor ed major who is climbing, camping etc all the time ... she was trim and strong, with an Adonis belt (a weakness of mine), and longish dark brown curls. She is standing inches from me, and tugging at these straps at my hips, pulling me closer, and the waistband of my jeans are kind of going with the harness so I can see right down my pants I was a little embarrassed, but other feelings were overriding the embarassment (luckily I had some cute undies on) and I was assuming she could see too, but she was very polite because that was when she gets down on her knees in front me to work on this harness without looking straight down, I am literally holding her shoulders and her face is right at my belly... it was the hottest fkng thing that had ever freaking happened to me up to that point in my life.
She eventually gets it off me, she stands and we are just looking to each other, feeling the intimacy and tension on the moment then in unison we look up at the top of the rock and the friend who put me in the harness, I swear he was looking at us like 'you're welcome.'
Anyways she goes back up to school, and she was seeing someone so I knew nothing more was going to come of it...
Well, we have a few other weekends that we spend together with the group. Including coming out to me, and presenting femm and going for Chinese. She eventually breaks up with her girlfriend (gf was not okay with her being trans, was sneaking around with some other guy and my honey was beginning to like someone else- psst that me).
And she tells our mutual friend that she likes me and would she be like her 8th grade friend and ask me if I like her. And I told our friend to tell her I did.
Okay so this is all before email and cell phones, when we called on landlines we had to pay for long distance by the minute... so we wrote long hand-written letters, and sent them snail mail. And called once or twice a week, but we had to be careful with how long we talked.
Thanks for asking lovely Kitty Kat!
Sleepover Saturday
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theglitterypages · 3 years
Title: Potty Mouth
Pairings: Levi x fem! Reader
Summary: (Just Guess how this would go LOL)
Warnings: 18+ language
Word Count: 1000+
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“Woah Levi! I can smell you from where I stood! You're risking it all now, are you?” Hanji teased as she saw Levi came out of his room all dressed up, he's not wearing his uniform but he's all fancy.
“Where is she?” Levi asked as he fixed his collar anxiously, Hanji laughed out loud and tapped his shoulder lightly, “With her brother, Erwin is probably telling her to pass some papers to Pixis, she'll be leaving soon. Better take your chances, Levi." After that, Hanji left Levi alone, she knew she had to give him time to prepare himself today.
Levi's chest was pounding as he made his way to Erwin's office, he's silently praying that she's still in Erwin's office because if she's already gone then everything that he prepared for a week would all be wasted.
When he knocked at Erwin's office he straightened his posture and he stood so stiff to the point that he looked awkward as he stare at the wooden door.
“Oh, it's just Captain Levi. Come on in, Cap.” You smiled as you saw the Captain outside but your mouth gaped open when your eyes settled in the clothes that he's wearing, he's not wearing his usual casual clothes, did he buy these new clothes or this is just the first time you've seen him wear these?
When you realized that you've been staring at him for so long you blinked twice and opened the door wide enough to let him in, “Do you have something to say to Erwin?” you whispered as you glanced at your brother whose back was facing you and Levi.
After closing the door you gestured Levi to sit across from you, “Erwin, Captain Levi is here.” you spoke, trying to get your brothers attention, Erwin has been spacing out a lot these days it may be because of what's happening but you gotta help your brother keep his sanity.
“Oh Levi, what brought you here?”
“About this...mission.” Levi meaningfully looked at Erwin as he licked his lower lip, his commander is the first one to know of his feelings for you, at first Levi was scared of what Erwin would think but Erwin was not surprise at all when Levi admitted that he has feelings for you, Erwin even laughed and told him that he already knew and ever since that day Erwin was generous enough to purposely let you and Levi work together.
“You gave him a mission?” you asked your brother and Erwin grinned at you as he hummed while tapping he fingers in his table, “Captain Levi started this mission by himself, I'm just helping out because he's having a hard time.” there was something off with his tone yet you chose to ignore it, instead you stood up and looked at Levi.
“Seems like the two of you are gonna have a long talk, I must go to Mr. Pixis now.”
“You don't have to lady Smith, your brother himself summoned me. Oh Captain Levi, you're looking good, finally going for it?” Pixis suddenly entered the room with a grin as he looked at Levi.
Levi shifted on his seat uncomfortably, hating how everyone's teasing him right now, this made the whole situation much worse, he's embarrassed and his mind is blank! “Can I take your seat lady Smith? Just seat beside the Captain, I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't mind.” Pixis told you, his cheeks are crimson red, the old man is drunk again.
You sat down beside Levi and you felt yourself shiver when your knees met.
“We're actually fixing schedules for trainings again, do you have any suggestions?” your brother asked.
“I'd have to take your sister with me Erwin. Her skills would be useful in teaching new recruits.”
Erwin tried his best not to laugh at Levi, his ears are getting red while you are oblivious of everything happening. Pixis crossed his arms over his chest as he observes the two of you, he thinks that you and Levi are an interesting pair, he's wondering how the two of you would work as a couple.
“Would you mind that?”
“Not really, I'd be glad to be in Captain's service.”
“I'm glad too.” Levi said as he tried acting cool, Erwin internally shook his head, this whole thing is ridiculous. Levi is so bad at flirting, he couldn't even say anything and that was when an idea popped into his mind.
“Sunny.” Erwin calls you using your nickname, and your eyes immediately shot up, your brother has a devious smirk when he looked at you and you'd be glad to punch him in his perfect teeth.
He knew about you having crush on the Captain, he was at first professional all about it but lately He's been teasing you a lot and you hated him for that.
“Captain Levi looks good today right? I wonder what's gotten into him, he's all dressed up, he even showered his new perfume.” you narrowed your eyes at Erwin as you cross your legs, your gaze landed at Levi then, you looked at his whole before looking back at your brother with a smirk, if this is how your brother would plan to humiliate you in front of your crush you better turn the tables.
“He always look good but heck yeah, he looks better today but—”
“But what?” Levi immediately questioned, curious of what's going on in your head. Did he mess up? Did he did his haircut badly? No that's impossible he already perfected the art of cutting his own hair what went wrong with his get up today?
“I prefer your old perfume, Captain.”
Levi frowned while his adams apple bobbed up and down as he look at your eyes, he could hear his own heart go beat crazy fast while you look at him. “I wear no perfume, this is my first time to use one.” you almost choke in your own saliva while your eyes widened.
Goddamn all this time that scent you've been searching for doesn't exist because it was Levi's natural scent?!
You loved his scent so much that you spent some of your days looking for perfumes that would smell like him, creepy yes but can anyone blame you?
“Oh my bad, I gotta go Captain, Sir Pixis and brother mine. I have stuffs to do.”
You stood up as you flipped your hair over your shoulder but Pixis called you before you could even leave the room.
“How good looking Captain Levi is?”
You eyed the old man with suspicion, Pixis has been teasing you too about the Captain but you highly doubt that Erwin told him about you crushing on Levi but if he did, then Erwin is the shittiest brother ever.
“Do you guys want me to be honest or...”
“BE HONEST.” the three men answered.
You pursed your lips together and playfully looked at Levi, you're gonna make sure your brother would be the one who's embarassed and not you. He might scold you later but seeing his face once you do it would be fucking beautiful. “Can you stand up for me, Captain?” Levi immediately complied but his hands were secretly shaking that's why he stuffed them inside his pockets.
You walked towards Levi and let your fingers played with his collar as you tilt your head side by side as if inspecting his face, those gray eyes would be the death of you and that jawline could cut your fingers once you run them on it but you won't mind.
“Captain Levi looks so good, Id let him tie me up on his bed, he looks so damn good I'd drop on my knees and I'd gladly let him ruin any other man for me. Is that enough for you guys to hear?”
Erwin's jaw literally dropped on the floor when you suddenly grabbed Levi by his collar just to press your lips on his.
“Yummy.” you whispered teasingly.
When you let Levi go, he immediately felt his knees weakened while you made your way towards the door.
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ha-hatdog · 4 years
little one / daisuke kambe
i definitely did not swoon while writing this. again, i did not know if you wanted hcs or one shot but i'll go with one shot. this is a good time to post this since the latest episode showed pics of smol daisuke omg. also, the name of your son is kakeru - yes, as in kakeru from run with the wind lmao
and to those who are saying i should add read more to my long fics, i really want to but i don't have a laptop or computer. i write everything on my phone, on the tumblr app. so if you know how to add read more in posts using the app, then please do dm me. thank chu💛
requested by anon: one where daisuke and reader have a two year old son together? lots of fluff
Your palm concealed your amused lips, a snort emanating from your wrinkled nose as you took in the sight before you.
Kambe Daisuke was a man of little words and little expressions, and even now, after being married to you for four years and having a son who was now at the age of two, that has not changed. He was still the stoic and cool detective millionaire you have met many years ago - which is exactly what makes the unfolding scene before you much more hilarious.
Monotonous Daisuke, the same man you had seen take down criminals twice his size, was haphazardly sprawled on your carpeted ground, arms and legs outstretched, cheek pressed flat against the material of the carpet as a smaller and cuter carbon copy of him perched comfortably on his back, oblivious to the position he had set his father on, doing nothing but lie down on his father's back and sleep soundly, eyes closed, snoring and wearing such an adorable sleeping face that it was difficult not to coo.
The sight alone was already adorably hilarious, but seeing the genuine distress on Daisuke's face had you doubling over, your palm muffling your laughter.
"Look at you," You whispered at him by the doorframe, your knees bent and your other hand sliding along the frame of the door. "You look so dumb, Daisuke."
"I'm happy at least you find this amusing, but I do not." Your husband responded back in an ired puff, azure eyes glaring at you from the floor. It took all of you not to swoon.
"Don't look at me like that, my love. I can't take you seriously when our son is using you as a mattress." Daisuke's glare intensified, but as your previous statement suggested, all purpose of threat was dulled by the position he was in. "How did you even get yourself in this situation?"
"I find it unnecessary to tell you." Answered Daisuke, and from how his cheeks tinged red, you could only assume it was something embarassing. "Will you help me, love? Take Kakeru off of my back."
You shifted your gaze back to your slumbering son, and a fond smile sprouted on your brims.
Sometimes you wonder how you were even able to make this precious, big eyed, nuzzling baby. He was an exact copy of Daisuke, not a single hint of your genes. Blank face, quiet, raven hair, blue eyes, the little shine in his eyes whenever he saw you - it was like seeing Daisuke when he was a child, and it was because of this fact that you were at least feeling a little bit alright with your son having no semblance with you.
"Kakeru," You whispered to your son as you stepped closer to your best boys with quiet footfalls, and he scrunched his face ay the brief interruption of your cooing voice. You stopped yourself from squishing his cute little face, and knelt down beside them. "Kake -"
Your sentence was cut off when you felt a hand under your knee. Immediately, Daisuke retracted his hand away, hurling your way a soft glare. "Watch where your knee is going."
You chuckled at his dilemma and reached down to stroke his head. "Mattresses don't talk, Daisuke."
"Normal people don't talk to mattresses." Countered Daisuke, huffing and averting his gaze away from you. You stifled your laughter as his pout grew more prominent. It might be very obvious already with how Daisuke has everything handed over to him with a single breath, but your husband absolutely hated losing in any forms ; even in your daily banter, he must always have the last word. People often mistakenly thought that you, being his darling wife that he had persistently courted for a whole year, would be exempted to this childish pettiness you consistently deny her allegations, firmly believing you were receiving the worse end of it. This man cannot forget the times you have successfully reigned victory over his own game, months or weeks, it never failed to be permanently ingrained in his mind ; and this resulted to puzzling moments which goes by a chronological sequence - a relatively normal day, an opportunity to divulge the opening you have unknowingly presented before his feet, and then comes his last word, to which he will remind you as your confused face stared back at him when his out of the blue statement has originally birthed from.
However, there was only one person who could defeat him at that, would never let him get the last word and that is your son Kakeru. As you stared at his sleeping face, you cannot help but smile as you reminiscent that particular day.
Haru Kato has been invited to your house to meet Kambe Kakeru. Daisuke has been mildly cross with Haru meeting his son because he was petty and said that Kakeru needed no other man than him but seeing that Daisuke has become good friends with Haru in the two years they were partners, you insisted that he meets him. It was already unfair that Haru had to wait until Kakeru was two to meet him, the first and last time he saw him being after you had given birth (Daisuke only let him have a glimpse then pushed him out of the hospital room because he doesn't want Kakeru thinking he was his father).
"Kakeru," You chided as you crouched beside your son who was hiding behind Daisuke's legs and peering at the gray haired male, eyes curious yet cautious. "Don't you want to meet Uncle Haru?"
Haru stepped closer to the three of you, bent down near Kakeru's height, and outstretched his hand for him to shake. "Hey there, Kakeru." Haru greeted with a smile.
Kakeru recoiled and hid himself further behind Daisuke, hands around his pants tightening. "Daddy," He whimpered. "Bad man."
Haru's face fell at the enunciation, and you covered your mouth to keep yourself from laughing. Daisuke stared blankly at Haru as his hand travelled behind his back to stroke Kakeru's head. "You heard my son. Get out of here, bad man." Daisuke uttered his command.
A tick mark appeared on Haru's forehead at Daisuke's vocalization and before things could escalate out of the power of your responsibility, you interjected, regaiming your proper posture and clasping your hands together. "Kakeru is just wary of Haru because this is the first time he's seeing him, no need to fight." You told them off.
"No, Haru is just naturally scary." Daisuke stated with bantering finality.
"This is coming from a man who barely smiles." Argued Haru, scowling.
"And this is coming from someone who seems to be making a living screaming at me." Countered Daisuke.
Kakeru's eyes widened at what his father had said and shot Haru a small glare, yet his stance never wavered from its hiding place. "He screams at daddy . . . " Murmured Kakeru in a thoughtful trance, and pointed at Haru, shocking all three of you. "D-Don't scream at daddy again!"
Alarm made its way to Haru's facr at the accusation. "No, I have not once yelled at your dad - "
Daisuke turned around and knelt in front of Kakeru. Daisuke stared into his son's eyes and Kakeru stared back. "Don't listen to him, Kakeru. You should never listen to him, never ever. He makes daddy get all angry when we're doing police missions together."
"O-Oi," Haru inserted, fuming. "You're the one who always makes me mad! Don't turn the child on me!"
But Kakeru was not listening to Haru, as his beloved father has told him. Kakeru nodded firmly, lips curling. "Yes, daddy." He vouched in determination.
"Daisuke, stop it." You chastised, sighing and turned to the other detective that was not using your son to his advantage. "Sorry about this, Haru. Kakeru really looks up to Daisuke so he does anything he tells him to."
Kakeru, all of a sudden, began trotting away from the three of you, leaving all of you confused. After a few minutes, Kakeru returned, a determined look on his face.
"Kakeru, sweetheart, where did you go?" You asked as you approached him. "It's rude to leave our guest hanging, you know."
"Fight bad man," You and Haru gasped in horror when your son suddenly brandished a gun to Haru, not just a toy, but a real one. His tiny hands trembled as he was not used to the weight of the metal weapon burdening his grasp, and he was still glaring at Haru. "I pew pew bad guy, mommy, like daddy do with bad guys!"
"Kakeru, where did you get that gun?" You questioned, alarmed and and genuinely frightened. You looked to your husband to assess his reaction, but much to your mortification, Daisuke looked calm as he always is, as if your son wasn't capable of hurting a person as of the moment. "Daisuke, what the hell?"
You let out a yelp when Kakeru turned to you, and in the process, turned the gun to you. "Bad word, Mommy." He scolded. "I don't like."
Daisuke drawled. "It's not a big deal."
Haru growled. "Your son has a weapon! How are you not freaking out?" He then turned to Kakeru and extended his hand. "Give me the gun, Kakeru. Give it."
But Kakeru shook his head defiantly. "No!"
Daisuke frowned at his wife and his partner. "Why are you making a big fuss about this?" He questioned. "It's unloaded and the safety is on."
At the mention of those, you and Haru felt a brief sense of relief until Haru spoke out, "Just because it's unloaded doesn't mean it's okay!"
"It's basically a toy." Retorted Daisuke.
You walked towards your husband and pulled at his ear. His face did not at all change, seemingly expecting this reaction from you. "Daisuke, where did he even get the gun? Has one of yours been just lying around his reach?" This concerned you. If your son was able to get a weapon easily, what more is your husband letting him get?
"I gave him one." Answered Daisuke.
"And why would you give our two year old a gun?" You snapped at him.
"Kakeru said he wanted to hold a gun. Just like you, I said no." Daisuke glanced over at Kakery who was watching the three of you curiously. "However - " He turned back to you, and looked away. " - he's too adorable, as you might say."
You and Haru, in unison, slapped your hands to your forehead, exasperated with Daisuke's response.
"Kakeru probably looked sad when Daisuke said no." Haru remarked. "I can't blame him to be honest."
"He's spoiling him in ways too many." You added, and removed your hand from your forehead. "Daisuke, I know you love our son and pampering him but he can't just have a gun."
"Why, mommy?" You all looked at Kakeru, and immediately understood why Daisuke was forced to give him an unloaded gun. "Not love me?"
"A-Ah," You shrieked, horrified. "The secret move!"
Haru gulps. "This boy knows a little too much about his abilities."
"Even if it doesn't have any bullets?" Daisuked asked you.
You hurtled him a glower. "Even if it doesn't have any bullets and yes, even if it has the safety lock on." You immediately added when you saw Daisuke open his mouth.
Said man huffed. "Fine. If I knew you were going to react like this, I wouldn't have done it."
You and Haru watched as Daisuke knelt down in front of your son. Kakeru stared at his father, eyes wide and admiring. Daisuke lets out a sigh and extended his palm, "Give."
Kakeru shook his head vigorously, and his face scrunched as if he was going to cry but was trying to suppress it. "Daddy no love me too?"
You waited for what Daisuke would do, but he did not move. More seconds has passed, and he was yet to move. You and Haru exchanged glances before you moved over to him, checking him out. "Daisuke, love, what - Daisuke?"
A torn man was what Daisuke coukd be called at that moment. His face was deadpanned, but being with him longer than anyone else, you were able to pick up the small difference his expression held right now.
"U-Uh, Daisuke, are you okay?" You questioned in a form of a titter, eyebrows connected. "Daisuke?"
Haru walked over to Daisuke and leaned to look at him. "A-Ah, he looks like he's suffering."
"No, no," Denied Daisuke, frown deepening as he tried not to fall for his son's adorable trap. "Daddy loves you. But mommy and I agreed that you can't have that kind of toy, Kakeru."
"But," You all drew in a breath Kakeru hugged the gun to his chest, tears prodding the corners of his eyes. "My favorite toy is this."
"But why that, baby?" You asked softly. "You have so many other toys. Why that one?" You recalled the heaping amount of toys Daisuke bought for Kakeru.
Kakeru pouted, cheeks puffing. You couldn't help but imagine little Daisuke like that. "Because Daddy gave me this." Said Kakeru. "I want to be police, like daddy."
Daisuke turned to you, the internal struggle in his eyes prominent but you shook your head at him. Your husband sighed and looked at Kakeru again. He put his hand on top his head and ruffled his hair. Kakeru closed his eyes at the affection, welcoming it and his rigid frame loosening. Kakeru opened his eyes and let out a small noise of surprise as Daisuke wiped a stray tear from his cheek.
From what you can deduce, you knew Daisuke was about to say something brilliant to your son, to teach him something valuable. But before Daisuke could even open his mouth, Haru cut him off -
"A gun doesn't make a cop, Kakeru. It's the sense of justice to do the right thing and keeping people safe does." Haru then proceeded to take out his badge and handing it to Kakeru with a large smile on his face. "You can borrow this for a while, while I'm still here. As much as I want to give it to you, I need it to do my job as a cop. But maybe in the future, you can get one of your own. You'll be just like your dad."
You were impressed by what Haru had said, but Kakeru - his eyes were wide and glittering with admiration as he stared at Haru, all fear of the bad man gone. You swear that there was light all around Haru if you're ever seeing through Kakeru's eyes. But one member of the group disliked this mild change, and it was your irritated and pouting husband.
You covered your mouth to keep yourself from laughing. Daisuke was obviously feeling jealous of Haru now that his son was ignoring him - the emotion only worsening when Kakeru took the badge from Haru and dropped the gun on the ground and stared at the shiny object, whispering, "Uwahh,"
A cloud of dread hung over Daisuke and you patted his back in comfort. "There, there, Daisuke, he's just making a friend."
"But why with Haru?" Grumbled Daisuke, sulking. "And why is he looking at him like that? I should be the only one he's looking at like that. You too, I guess."
You let out a sigh. "You're really jealous when it comes to me and Kakeru."
Haru looked proud of the achievement and improvement he had made with Kakeru, his hands over his hips. "Looks pretty cool, right?"
Kakeru nodded enthusiastically, examining the badge thoroughly. "Very cool." He murmured, and then stared at Haru intently, lips pursing. "I wanna be like Mister Haru when I grow up!"
That was the first time you have seen Daisuke speechless and the last time Haru had seen Kakeru for six months. You were certain Daisuke did not speak to Haru for about two weeks, only communicating through nods and grunts, and Haru did not know whether to feel relieved or irritated at that. Maybe a little bit of both.
But, that was the only time Daisuke did not have the last word.
Kakeru certainly has Daisuke around his little finger.
You reached forward and shook Kakeru awake softly. "Kakeru," You chimed, and he scrunched his face again, not wanting to be disturbed sleeping on Daisuke's back. "Wake up, baby,"
Kakeru let out a small groan, and slowly opened his eyes. A familiar pair of blue hues greeted you, the same eyes that you wake up to every morning. Kakeru let out a big yawn and rubbed his left eye with his hand, groaning out, "Mommy," He then looked down at Daisuke who was craning his head to watch his son. "And Daddy."
You smiled at him and opened your arms, hands making grabby movements towards your two year old. "Come here, baby," You cooed sweetly.
Kakeru perked up and a glimmer crossed his eyes, the same glimmer when Daisuke had seen you for the first time. You could never forget that time, and you can never find it more beautiful than seeing that in your son's eyes whenever you offer him affection. Immediately, the two year old scrambled out of Daisuke's back - Daisuke grunted as his little feet padded on his back a few times as he struggled to get to your lap and arms - and sunk in your embrace. Your eyes grew gentler as Kakeru snuggled closer to your chest, cheek rubbing on your clothing and his hands clinging to the fabric.
"Are you tired, baby?" You questioned as you stroked the back of his head, finger running over his hair.
Kakeru nodded tiredly. "Daddy played cops and robbers with me."
"Let me guess, you were the cop and he was the robber?" You commented.
"Yes, and I captured Daddy many, many times." Answered Kakeru, proud with himself.
"Oh, is that so? That's amazing, baby. You're going to be a great cop like Daddy." You then turned over to Daisuke who was now recovering from being used as a bed. He dusted himself as he sat properly on the ground in front of you. "Is that why you were under him? Because you were arrested?"
Daisuke looked away. "I think I need to teach him how to properly apprehend a criminal."
You giggled. "When he's older, Daisuke."
He faced you with a sharp twist of his face, expression determined. "He won't grow older."
You frowned. "What?"
You and Daisuke looked down to see Kakeru fighting the need to sleep, his eyes opening and closing.
"I don't . . . " Daisuke trailed off, and a trace of embarassment scrawled on his face. You rarely see your husband embarassed and so you waited for him to continue. " . . . I don't want Kakeru to grow up."
You shook your head lightly, smile broadening. "Daisuke," You whispered, and when he did not look at you, you called him again. "Love, look at me."
He did so, and with one hand, you cradled his face. "I know how you feel. I understand where you're coming from. But - " You mused. " - don't you want to see our son grow up to be a fine man? To be the person he aspires to be? To be like you?"
Daisuke stares back at you, and took a gander at Kakeru who was beginning to fall asleep. He lets out a sigh and nodded in agreement, "I guess that would be pleasant to see."
"And he'll marry a great girl." You added.
"Marry mommy," Kakeru drawled. He was forcing himself to stay awake but his eyes was not cooperating with his spirits.
Daisuke scooted closer to both of you and brushed his knuckles on Kakeru's forehead. "Marry mommy? You're going to take mommy away from me?"
Kakeru shook his head. "Marry someone like mommy," One of his hand extended and took hold of Daisuke's shirt, the other still clinging to you. Kakeru looked up at both of you, still comfortable in your lap and chest. His eyes, again, were bright. "I want family like me, and mommy, and daddy."
Warmth swathed your chest, your heart melting. You took a gander to Daisuke and saw that the expression he wore - love, care, and the promise of sacrifice when it comes to it and when he looked at you, the emotions never faltered, and they only grew stronger. Sometimes you wonder just how much Daisuke loved you and Kakeru.
"A family like the three of us." Kakeru let go of your clothing and showed three fingers of his and quickly pressed the three digits together. "A happy family."
Kakeru fell asleep after his statement. His arm dropped and his head moved to one side, his eyes closed and lips parted.
"We should tuck him in." Daisuke declared.
"Yeah," You agreed and Daisuke helped you stand up, making sure you two aren't waking your sleeping son. You moved him to his bed, setting him down the mattress gently. Daisuke took the liberty of putting the blanket over Kakeru. Your child shifted in his spot, and cuddled to his pillow.
You sat on the bed beside Kakeru, observing your son. "Already tired when the morning has just barely started." You chuckled.
"He said he needed practice to be a cop, and I couldn't say no." Daisuke inserted.
"You can never say no to Kakeru anyways." You jested.
"Same with you." Daisuke knelt down beside the bed, arms resting on the mattress and his head level with his son's. He admired Kakeru, his deadpan expression gone and a small smile on his face. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against Kakeru's cheek, lingering for a while before pulling away.
Daisuke faced you and you raised an eyebrow as he took your hand.
"You have given me a beautiful son. Thank you so much, my love."
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