#so the beginning part definitely still needs more fleshing out but. maybe not so much? a few pages maybe?
thesamestarlight · 10 months
today was SUCH a good day even though i didn't do the thing i wanted to get done and i know it was because i CREATED!! i meant to just jot down an idea in a google doc but that accidentally turned into like four HOURS and almost 3000 words and i??? feel so good?? i've been lamenting a lot lately that i have all these fragments floating around in my head but i haven't been able to actually Make anything with them and then today i finally did in a way that i completely didn't anticipate and that came out of nowhere and it felt GREAT. and then i sang in the car and saw the sunlight in the trees and watching a funny show and lived laughed love the spirit of small joys saturday!! i love you guys!!!
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sinning-23 · 7 months
Net (Shanks x Siren!Reader)
warmings; none
enjoy loviesss
Pt.2 found here
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Scales of opal catch against the harsh netting, tearing them from your tail. You thrash around, breathing raged as you claw feverishly. Tears fill your eyes as the horror of your situation settles in.
You’re surrounded by men, all of whom are either too afraid to come closer or are simply watching you spiral into a panic attack. The sound of your jewelry clangs as they tangle with netting. You scream, the men covering their ears at the pitch and ferocity of the sound.
Your native tongue rolls off your lips with a hiss and you pull some of the net off your face and arms, it's wrapped tightly around your dorsal fin, the digging drawing more blood now. It mixes with the puddle of seawater on the deck, staining it red. They'd kill you...use you, sell you maybe.... mermaids were nice, but a siren...sirens were more of a treat considering they are far harder to catch
Helplessly, you curl into yourself.
"Captain, it was caught in one of the nets." One speaks, the rest of the men making space for this so called 'Captain' to observe you.
The blow of a sword never comes, and your scales are met with a gentle, warm touch. You flinch, trying to crawl away only to have the net that was very much so injuring you, tug against a tail. You yelp, feeling your legs begin to form from being dry for so long.
You still fight, trying to use the shredds of the net to cover. It proves to be unnecessary though, when a much larger, less torn piece of fabric covers you.
"You’re injured. Let us help." He speaks, finally earnign your attention.
And there it is. The calm silence that makes you slow. Lucky is what you were, that you'd been accidentally caught by a different kind of pirate. His eyes scan yours, not a hint of malice written in them.
Your gills are melding into your skin now, not completely hidden though, they always seemed to leave a sparkle behind along the flesh there. Your whole body did, hints of what looked like glittery scale tattoos covering parts of your neck and shoulders. He cuts the net now, your new legs scratched pretty deep.
The bath was warm, somehow soothing against your injuries as you gently cleansed your body with a simple soap and cloth. The red-haired Captain insisted you stay in his quarters for the time being, just until you were washed up and relaxed. You didn't speak, still trying to comprehend the language, your brain far more advanced in the sense that you only had to listen to one or two conversations to pick up a language. The light rapping at the door pulls you from your thoughts your eyes focused on the slap of wood.
"Yes?" Your voice is shaky, as if unsure of how to use it.
He clears his throat, trying to find the words.
"You're more than welcome to stay aboard until your injuries heal. And, then you're free to go." He explains, awaiting a response.
They weren't going to kill you? Had you actually lucked out and landed amongst some, less violent pirates? No. No they were definitely violent, but maybe only when they needed to be? Earlier had they seen no reason to be violent with you? Or fearful?
They really did just want to help...guilt floods your chest and you one your mouth to speak, an accent slightly remaining from your native tongue as you try to adapt to the English.
"Thank you"
_____6 weeks_________
Your legs were fully healed now, but you had yet to make your great escape back to the ocean.Mostly in slight fear of being captured by a ship far less friendlier but also in fear of never seeing him again. You had managed to spend every minute of the last 42 days shadowing him, helping his crew, and making yourself useful. At this point, you didn't really want to leave, and damn it could he tell.
You shared more...intimate touches than any Captain would a crewmate, and you couldn't help but melt at the new feeling. He was charming funny, and witty. He ensured you were safe, always having your pinkies interlinked or keeping you close in any way he could.
One night, he found you sitting alone at the ships helm, hair being blown by the breeze and moonlight dresses you in aglow. Your skin is illuminated with glitter, most likely just your biology as a mermaid. In any case, he's entranced. And while he takes in your calmed form, he hears it. The thing that made you a siren in the first place. that beautiful, beautiful voice. Low tones and melodies whisper lyrics he couldn't understand but he didn't care.
He just wanted to hear more of it. You freeze when one of the floor boards creaks underneath him and your head whips around in surprise. Shanks throws his hands up in defense and you flash a smile in return.
"Are you spying on me?" you joke, moving to come face-to-face with him. He shakes his head with that boyish grin.
“Not innitially, your voice caught me off guard guppy." He teases, the nickname making your heart jump.
"Why dont you go back home?" He asks, seeing your gaze move to the pitch black ocean below.
You swallow, debating wether you should amit to your current feelings for the Captain.
" Im scared I'll be captured again... and if I leave what if I never see you again." You voice, inhaling sharply whenhe wraps around you in a warm embrace.
You return it, finding yourself breathing him in with a smile, your arms squeezing him just as tightly as he was squeezing you.
“Then stay, y/n. With me.” He speaks, lifting your chin so your eyes meet.
You only nod, your lips connecting with his in a silent agreement. It’s soft but feverish, your bodies flush against one another and for once you were thankful to have been snagged in that net.
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This is a follow up to my aninal lover post.
Confused as to where you got an actual cat in Hell.
At least it's not a dog.
Will say he doesn't like cats and complain about it getting fur everywhere but constantly has the cat near him while he's boradcasting, idly petting it.
If the cat is a menace and knocks things over a lot, especially while he's broadcasting he's using his shadows to restrain it or throw it out.
He literally makes a shadow cage for it sometimes when it has zoomies and attacks his feet.
Is annoyed with you for laughing and calling it "baby jail".
The cat better be useful and actually hunt the pests around the hotel.
He's feeding it flesh as a treat guys. Just accept it.
She wants your cat and Kiki to be best friends.
Buys all of the cat toys. Expensive multi level cat trees. She cooks for it.
If it's not a cuddler, she's willing to suffer dozens of scratches just to hold it.
Has dozens of nicknames for your cat and spoils it all the time with treats.
Prefers dogs probably, but won't complain about the cat because it's more practical for people who are as busy as you all are.
He's mildly annoyed by all the cat hair everywhere, especially if it gets in his wiring or joints. Is also annoyed because he generates heat and hums from his mechanical parts, so the little shit literally won't leave him alone. It's hard to be an intimidating Overlord when there's a ball of floof on your lap/chest, and it purrs really loud to match your humming.
He swears he doesn't enjoy it, and you can hear him scolding the cat like it's a child whenever it does something, it shouldn't. Also has a kennel/cat carrier made to put the child, he means cat, in timeout. Threatens to feed it to his sharks while he watches it bap the tank glass for hours.
Buys it little ties and suits with his colors and logo on it since the damn thing wants to be with him at all times. If the child (cat) wants to come to meetings it's gonna dress the part. The cat is literally your child with him he just refuses to acknowledge it.
Let's go with him not being the type of guy to shoot a pet for being annoying.
At first, Valentino doesn't like it because he just isn't an animal person. Like I said before he likes the idea of them more than actually having one. He does get annoyed with cat hair on everything and the little shit knocking things over.
However, let's say this cat is very sweet and snuggly. I think overtime he'd get used to it and begin to enjoy petting it and snuggling it. Maybe you, him, and the cat, all cuddled up to watch a movie. It helps him relax, especially if the cat is purring. He's also the type to dress it up and take photos with it.
Overall, I definitely think it's still more your pet than his, but he doesn’t hate it, and it does help him a lot, and he enjoys seeing you happy.
Cat dad. Immediately commits to that being your first child together. Like Charlie he will suffer unholy amounts of scratches to pet and cuddle it. Buys it fancy clothes and collars. Cooks homemade food for it. That's how I view it going down no matter where or how you acquired the cat.
Honestly, he's probably the only one where you suggest outright getting a pet and pick out the cat together. You didn't even know an actual normal cat was an option for a pet in Hell, but he surprises you by taking you to some fancy ass place where high ranking demons have collected things from the mortal world and sell them. Running an actual high class, well documented, and strictly maintained cat breeding business, is a cat demon, and you two spend days meeting different litters of kittens and interacting with them in various scenarios to get a feel for their personality.
You guys definitely get a snuggler, because Lucifer really needs as much extra love as he can get. He excitedly tells Charlie she and Kiki are big siblings now and posts dozens of pictures on day one of owning it. You guys have a family portrait with the cat, Charlie, Vaggie, Razzle, and Kiki.
Refers to it as his child when speaking and calls himself dad and you mom (regardless of gender. You're mom)
Alternatively, he's mom and you're the father. He thinks gender norms are bullshit anyway. He can be a mom, he can shapeshift. (Also ya know, he apparently birthed Charlie).
Charlie loves her new feline sibling and brings Kiki and Razzle over to play all the time. It helps her spend more time with her dad too.
Angel Dust
He's a pet mom too! Will bring Fat Nuggets with him to play with your cat.
You guys dress them up and do photo shoots with your cats. Angel has an entire social media account now dedicated just to your cat and Fat Nuggets and eventually the other Hotel Pets.
He likes that both your cat and Nuggets can tell when he's had a bad day, and therefore you can tell. He likes that you can just sit with him in quiet solidarity, or play music, or a podcast, or just talk shit to distract him. He loves Cherri, but her method of getting through stuff is kind of exhausting for him sometimes.
Your voice, a kitty purring (if only it was Husk), Nuggets nuzzling his floof, that's kind of all he needs right now.
He and the cat just stare at each other, sometimes for hours, just staring. The cat will make little chirps, and he'll do it back if he's not thinking about it.
If the cat hisses at him he hisses back.
Skippity baps. The cat started it, he swears, and he just bapped it back.
Both of them high and catnip with zoomies. So much shit gets knocked down. Alastor strictly forbids Husk to ever get near the stuff again afterwards.
Alternatively, he, Kiki, and your cat, sprawled in a patch of sunlight, and all purring as they doze.
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jesterwriting · 8 months
pairing: crocodile x gn!reader
contains: awkward!reader, passing mentions of masturbation, second hand embarrassment, mentioned sexual fantasies, crocodile thinks you’re amusing, probably kind of ooc
word count: 1.6k words
playlist: off to the races by lana del rey
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Crocodile stared down his nose at you, a cigar hanging from his lips. Your throat bobbed as you followed the lit end to his face — knit brows, hard eyes, and a frown, all tell tale signs that he was in a sour mood. You cursed whoever put him in one to begin with. They could have at least waited until you were out of the crossfire. The rings that adorned the fingers of his flesh hand glinted in the low light, nearly outshining his hook. Even now, with your heart pounding and sweat dripping down your temples, you couldn’t help but admire your boss.
“Do you know why I called you in here?”
You assumed to reprimand you for your shoddy work, though you kept your guesswork to yourself. There was no need to dig yourself an even deeper hole with the most terrifying man you’ve ever met. You had barely been working under him for a few months, only ever catching glimpses of him from afar. Yesterday, you dreamed of your chance to finally talk to him. Today, you wanted to throw yourself down the closest fire escape.
You shook your head and fidgeted with your fingers behind your back. “No, sir.”
Crocodile hummed as he uncrossed his legs. His cigar bounced, a bit of ash dribbling from the end as he straightened. Your knees shook slightly. Despite sitting while you stood, Crocodile towered over you. He was made to seem even larger by the ostentatious desk and plush chair that was surely worth more than a year's worth of paychecks combined. He could break you with one hand if he wanted to. It wouldn’t take much. Maybe a twitch of his fingers, a flick of his wrist, and you’d be snapped in two. You felt nervous — and a little hot under the collar, though you tried not to focus on that part — just thinking about it.
“I see.” He exhaled smoke and you fought the urge to cough. Crocodile slowly tilted his head to the side as he eyed you, like a predator staring down its prey. “You can’t think of any reason I would call you in here?”
If this was a romance novel, you would saunter over and sit on the edge of his desk, allowing your shirt to untuck and reveal the small of your back. With a sultry smile, you would pluck the cigar from his lips and bring it to your own. Obviously, you would exhale smoothly and not hack up one of your virgin lungs. Crocodile would be impressed by your boldness and invite you to sit in his lap, where you would eventually spend the rest of the evening with his cock down your throat. Expertly swirling your tongue around the head and definitely not gagging through snot and tears.
But this wasn’t a romance novel and you weren’t the hot secretary you always dreamed of being. You were quiet, woefully inexperienced, and, most egregiously, kind of awkward.
When a bead of sweat dribbled from your forehead and off your chin, Crocodile pinched the bridge of his nose. He heaved a sigh as his gaze softened ever so slightly. It was still hard enough to cut steel, but you no longer felt like he was going to cross the room stomp on you like a bug. That wasn’t to say you would complain if he stepped on you, you would simply rather survive the ordeal.
“In comparison to your colleagues, your work has been exemplary. I’d like to offer you a promotion.”
You blinked, unsure if your ears were working correctly. While you completed every task given to you on time, it wasn’t with vigor, nor did you go ‘above and beyond.’ To be frank, you did the bare minimum. How badly were your coworkers fucking up that you were being praised like this?
Crocodile studied your reaction. “You seem surprised.”
“Well, sir, I’m no model employee.”
You watched as he took another drag off of his cigar. “I need a secretary. Will you do it?”
Frank and straight to the point, you appreciated it, if only because you felt your stomach drop to the floor. This was a dream come true. Literally. You had dreamed about being Crocodile’s secretary before, except instead of fearing for your life, you were far sexier and he was fucking you dumb. Now, with a golden opportunity laid down at your feet, all you could manage was a coarse, “Wuh?”
“Yes or no.”
With a hesitant nod, you straightened your back and met Crocodile’s eyes for the first time the entire meeting. If you weren’t mistaken, you caught a glint of amusement in them before it was promptly snuffed out. “Yes, sir.”
“You start tomorrow.”
And thus began your life as assistant and secretary to the warlord Crocodile. It was easier than you expected. While your workload doubled overnight, your work ethic tripled under the watchful gaze of your boss. When Crocodile said jump, you asked how high. When Crocodile said to run, you sprinted. When Crocodile wanted papers on his desk in an hour, you got them there within thirty minutes. All of it, just to hear a clipped ‘thank you,’ or, on the rare occasion, watch his expression soften for a split second before he dismissed you.
Nights, however, were rough. Your head was clogged with thoughts of how Crocodile’s rings would feel pressing into your windpipe, or how much his dick would split you open while he fucked you. No matter how many times you made yourself cum, you couldn’t get thoughts of your boss out of your head. It was like he crawled in your ear and set up a tent in your brain. A tent full of lit cigars and the smell of expensive cologne.
You started to work yourself to the bone. Both out of fear of what Crocodile would do if you failed him and desperation for the small nuggets of praise he would give you. Sleep was tossed to the wayside. All that mattered was setting up Crocodile’s appointments, organizing his paperwork, and trying to keep yourself somewhat sane in the awkward situation you found yourself in.
You could hardly look at him during the work day. He was too attractive and you were too embarrassing. The sexy secretary schtick from your dreams seemed farther and farther away each day that passed. Now that you were in close quarters, he caught you, more than once, tripping on your own two feet. You still cringed when you remembered how Crocodile walked in on you threatening to throw the copy machine out of the window. In response, he merely looked you up and down before he walked away, leaving you to bang your head against the wall until your embarrassment was gone. Until he caught you doing that too, and you wanted nothing more than to die on the spot.
“Boss,” You called, poking your head through the door. Crocodile spared you a glance before he beckoned you into his office. Papers in hand, you trotted in and prayed your sweaty palms didn’t dampen them. “I need your signature on these.”
Without a word, Crocodile plucked them from your fingers and set them on his desk. He leaned back in his chair, and you fought the urge to trace the tendons of his neck with your eyes. Instead, you trained your gaze on his desk.
“Y/N,” Crocodile said.
Your head spun from how fast you looked up. “Yes?”
“How do you like the new copy machine?”
“The what?”
Crocodile’s lips twitched upward. “You brought it to my attention that the old one was broken so I bought a new one.” He paused as he mulled over his next words, and, if you weren’t mistaken, it almost looked like his eyes were dancing. “Any urge to throw this one out of the window?”
You felt your face blaze. With a sharp intake of breath, you covered your face with your hands. If you were alone, you would scream into your palms. But, you weren’t. You were standing in the middle of Crocodile’s office, praying that by some miracle, you would melt into sludge and slink away to find some dark corner to rot.
Prying one hand from your cheeks, you gave your boss a thumbs up. “It’s great, thanks.”
“Is there any more broken equipment I should know about?”
Was this a test? If you complained, would he fire you? Was that why he seemed so amused at your distress? You shuffled your feet and glanced around the room for any hidden cameras. “Well, the coffee machine is pretty banged up.”
“Put in an order for a new one.” Crocodile’s eyes roamed your body, studying your reaction. You shivered under his gaze. Your blush, instead of dissipating like you wanted, only darkened as Crocodile’s frown turned into a smirk. “Come here.”
“Uh?” Words caught in your throat and refused to come out. It was almost as if you were in one of your dreams, but instead of adopting the confident persona you always wanted, you were still bumbling old you. Your hand raised of your own accord to point at yourself. Casting a glance over your shoulder to make sure Crocodile wasn’t talking to someone else, you muttered, “Me?”
He furrowed his brows and gestured for you to come closer with his index and middle finger. “Who else?”
Nervous, you shuffled over to Crocodile until you were right next to him. Using his hook, he tapped the metal under your chin. You shivered. Crocodile watched your expression for a few more moments before he rumbled, “Keep up the good work.”
With that, you were dismissed. You stumbled out of his office with a blush on your face and way too wet underwear.
Good God, how were you going to survive this?
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
Tbh CC, I don't think MC is still in love with the brothers after everything that's happened,,, thinking about it, it feels more and more like MC is just putting up with the brothers and taking care of them rather than loving them
Imagine MC admitting their love for the brothers died a long time ago and now they're just here to keep things in check, what do you think would happen?
Oh hey Lucifer, bringing me the angst today I see! Ouchies!
I think it probably depends on the MC involved. Generic OM MC is highly tolerant, slightly crazy, and somehow insanely resilient. They've definitely been through a lot and I think it's interesting to note that they have never once had any kind of emotional breakdown. They've had little outbursts here and there, but that's about it.
I think part of this is due to the story format. We've got a situation where MC is a character that doesn't say or do much. They're very reactionary in general.
But if we consider how this same story might go if it was a specific MC, one who was a fully fleshed out character, things can change dramatically. And there is absolutely a chance that MC could fall out of love with the brothers or even not fall in love with them to begin with.
It's kinda funny because I have a preference for the side characters in general and I think it's because they don't need MC to take care of them. The brothers are all very demanding and don't like when MC isn't with them all the time. But the side characters have their own stuff going on and are independent. They're all still hopelessly in love with MC, but they don't rely on MC the same way the brothers do.
But let's consider the scenario where one day MC has reached their limit. They don't explode or anything, but they quietly admit that their love has died and they only stick around out of obligation.
The thing about this is that I think all the brothers would have picked up on it before this moment, but some of them wouldn't know what was happening and others would. For instance, I see Lucifer and Asmo just sorta being like yeah we expected this. Whereas Mammon and Levi would be like okay we knew something was up, but we didn't think it was this!
I think at that point, the brothers would do all they could to change things. They can all be idiots and they get carried away and often cause MC more stress than anything. But I think if they knew how MC felt, that they were feeling this way, they would try to change.
It might not work. These demons are old and old people are often set in their ways. It might be hard for them to change. Then again, they were also created to live as long as they do, so perhaps they're better at adapting than humans are. Maybe they would find it isn't so hard for them to make the changes they need to in order to have MC be more comfortable again.
The problem is that even if they succeed in changing their behaviors, that doesn't mean MC will love them again. No matter what the brothers do, MC won't be able to make themselves love again. It's not impossible, but it's not something that's predictable, either.
I think part of the solution would be MC spending time away from them. Whether that's staying in the Devildom, but living somewhere else such as the castle or Purgatory Hall or going back to the human world, I think it would require some time apart.
I think a lot of times people fall out of love because they change in different directions. So if MC has changed, but the brothers haven't, that could be the cause. It could be that MC and the brothers have both changed, but differently enough that they no longer have that same chemistry from before. And sometimes you just can't fix it.
MC would have to make their choice at that point. If they all spent some time apart, then the brothers actively tried to change, but MC still finds that they aren't in love with them anymore, then MC has to decide. They have to decide if it's worth spending the rest of their life taking care of a bunch of demons who have already managed to survive a long time without them and who will likely live on far after they're gone. If MC is still mortal, they may decide they don't have time for that. Maybe they'll permanently move in to the castle or Purgatory Hall. I think that has a lot of angst potential because they'd still see the brothers a lot, but it'd be like there go my seven exes lol.
Ahhh it's such a sad scenario! And there are a lot of ways it could go, depending on the MC involved. My MC is more likely to lose their shit way before it ever got to this point so I can't even imagine it with them lol. But a quieter MC who feels the responsibility of being everything the demons expect them to be might certainly stick around long enough.
Anyway, this is getting lengthy, but I think it'd be a difficult time for all if this happened. The brothers might try to fix things, but I think in the end everybody would want MC to make the right choice for themselves.
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tulipsinthedas · 2 months
Just finished binging the Fallout tv show and 🤯 I've got so many thoughts running through this little brain of mine. So here's a very long rant no one asked for. Maybe I'll make a more digestible version later. Obviously SPOILERS AHEAD!!! Be warned!
First off - the lore. So many interesting things were added into the lore by this show that I find so fascinating, as well as theories I've had that were touched upon. All of which makes this very exciting but also leaves me DESPERATE for season two. The main thing that has really stuck with me is the confirmation that Vault-Tec were the ones to drop the bombs like hello??? I've always had an inkling ever since I started delving into fallout lore a good year or two ago that they were behind everything, but finally having it confirmed is so fun. Of course, some people out there are going to be irritated (L take) but this imo will make replays so much more interesting. Same with the addition of ghouls needing medication to keep from becoming feral. Although this begs some questions; what is the medicine? Is it just radaway, or something else entirely? Maybe it's connected to whatever Hancock used to ghoulify himself? Or maybe it's connected to Doctor Barrows' research into ghouls fom Fallout 3? Idk! But I hope it's answered in season 2.
Cooper being the inspiration behind the iconic vault boy mascot absolutely gagged me. It was kinda hinted at even in the beginning at the kids birthday party but I was still surprised. Pleasantly, of course. Other smaller things, like the BOS branding and helmets opening up, among other things, were also fun touches that develop the lore in ways that the games probably never would have. It's small things like this that despite livening up the wasteland, would be unnecessary uses of resources from a game-development standpoint. So I think if season 2 ends up being a banger like season 1, we could see a lot more tiny additions to the lore like this!
Secondly - the characters. I don't even know where to start. They were written so well which is such a critical part of a good series. Lucy, despite everything she goes through, stays true to her morals and by doing so, probably unknowingly, is changing those around her. Despite being stubborn, she's willing to listen and understand other viewpoints and adapt herself. It's so refreshing to see a main female lead who isn't written as either weak and naive or strong and boneheaded; she'd a perfect mix of both. I also appreciate them not making her a total push over, even in the beginning before she is given any reason to change. She grows, but never fails to stay true to herself. Plus the whole sex positive thing is an amazing touch to add as well, especially for a woman.
And while on this topic, Maximus is such a cutie pie. Writing characters that are selflessly aligned can definitely be a hit or miss, and without properly being fleshed out, can be one-dimensional, but I never felt that way with him. Despite trying to help others and be a good person, he still has flaws and does feels selfish things. They took the trope of the knight in shining armor, literally, and gave him actual human characteristics that made him feel real. Underneath his heroic demeanor, he's just a little guy who likes slippers and vault popcorn. Who just wants to be somewhere safe away from war and danger, to be where he can just relax and not have to worry. And his romance arc with Lucy is just way too cute. From the moment they met in Filly I knew something was going to happen and I was so excited when they finally kissed lmao. The sweet, innocent love at first sight thing they have going on is the perfect dichotomy to all the bloodshed and heavy themes going on in the rest of the show.
And finally, Cooper is reviving the inner ghoul lover in me and I cannot complain at all. As a certified Hancock lover, I feel seen ✋ also Walton Goggins is just incredibly fine. But that's besides the point. His character is arguably the best written because despite being an undeniably evil person, he is still likeable. 200 years have turned him into a man who had to lose his humanity to survive, and the pre-war flashbacks being shown through his eyes give him, and the story, so much depth. Despite his ways, you can't help but still feel for him, to still root for him and hope that he still has a little bit of that humanity left within him. Which imo was shown multiple times; for example him not killing Maximus in episode two even though he easily could have done so. And the fact that he's still searching for his family all these years later? When he was asked what has been keeping him going so long, I think they are his reason. Whether he is searching to reunite or to exact revenge on Barb for dropping the bombs while him and Janey were outside idk. But it makes his story all the more heartbreaking. I also love the writing for Norm, Moldaver, Dane, and so many others, but this is already too long ass it is.
Overall, this series was so good and I'll be impatiently awaiting season 2! Some things I'm hoping to see next seasons are super mutants for sure, as well as synths and more of the enclave. I think they went easy this season to test the waters and see just how interested people are. And now that they know people are very interested, I think they'll be more willing to invest a larger budget, and add more. Rant over!
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
YanDad!Daemon Targaryen vs YanMama!Rhea Royce?
The custody battle that everyone thought they never wanted but needed it.
They baby daughter who was a result of a reluctant consummation of their wedding night- the child they thought they’d never wanted until they’d finally met them in the flesh after birth. She Targaryen and Royce altogether which I don’t doubt Daemon will smugly say his bby is all Targaryen which will lead to Rhea giving him a snarky comeback in return that they’re definitely a full-on Royce while clinging into their confused bby.
And the best part- Daemon gives her the biggest dragon egg he ever finds from the dragon pit. Then boom! Three dragons comes out of that egg which makes everyone shooketh. 😌
I imagine their child being the result of the one and only time they ever consummated their marriage and Daemon was probably drunk off his ass at the time too. Even if Rhea didn’t like Daemon, she was dutiful in her part of the marriage and that was to give him a child and that’s what she did. It wouldn’t be a surprise of Daemon wanted nothing to do with the child, he did his part in lending his seed, what more was there for him out of this arrangement.
You are right though, it wouldn’t be until their child is born that both of them have a change of heart. They still don’t care for each other and have no need for either to be in their company but having their precious child in the picture would only cause for Daemon and Rhea to be more estranged. Viserys or even Alysanne when she was still alive probably forced Daemon to be there when Rhea was giving birth. Daemon was most likely annoyed and would have rather been literally anywhere other then there but the moment he does set his eyes on his child, he utterly adores them. It’s also probably due to Alysanne that their child has an egg to begin with, she most definitely handed him an egg she picked out herself before sending him off to the Vale.
I imagine their child looking mostly Targaryen except for maybe their eyes, them having Rhea’s eyes or something. This would definitely give Daemon the impression that his child is all Targaryen and no Royce, only for Rhea to bite back that they have her eyes and that when they get older they’ll see him for who or what he really is because of it.
Daemon would want to leave with his child as soon as possible and show them off to everyone and celebrate. Not to mention get away from his wife. He would really not want to leave his bby with Rhea knowing damn well she’ll shit talk him to their child. He’d rather be a single father and raise his child to his standards then leaving them to be raised by Rhea. And no them co-parenting together is not even a thought nor would it be a good one.
It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to say that once Daemon sees and holds his child for the first time that’s when he decides for sure that Rhea needs to go. Doesn’t help that she probably made a comment about their child being the only good things he’s ever done or something that would rub him the wrong way.
Given when Daemon and Rhea get married it wouldn’t be a surprise if their child and Rhaenyra were childhood friends, Daemon would especially ensure that it happens, whether Rhea allows him to leave with their child and take them to King’s Landing or not. And we all know Daemon would totally take their child without Rhea’s knowledge or permission.
As their child grows up I think Daemon and Rhea will come to the unwanted realization that their child is the dangerous mix of both of them. And neither particularly likes that the other is so prominently ingrained in their child’s development. But that doesn’t make them care for their child any less, if anything it makes both of them want to further bring out their own behaviorism and tendencies out of their child.
In regards to their child’s dragon egg, I think it would be even better if instead of three dragons hatching from the same egg, it is instead a three headed dragon. It would be even cooler if the three heads breathed a different color of dragonflame.
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rottenbrainstuff · 4 months
BG3 playthrough - CAZADOR
Spoilers and my thoughts on spawn vs ascended Astarion below.
But let’s begin with a disclaimer, because everyone is taking this discourse way too seriously: these are MY THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS, I am talking about MY PREFERENCES AND MY OBSERVATIONS. I think everyone should play the game however they like and leave everyone else alone. YES, EVEN IF they are doing things you don’t agree with.
My poor little computer continues to chug its way through the city, but I’ve been getting a bit bored with the little random arbitrary quests of act 3 and I wanted to do something fun this weekend, so I decided to go to Cazador’s palace.
It definitely does feel like there was initially a plan to have more content in there that they weren’t able to get around to finishing… stuff like the unresolved threads with Amanita Szarr, stuff like the bizarrely empty basement, stuff like the aftermath of the big party, Victoria’s body (which I understand you used to be able to talk to, which was since cut out since her lines contradicted the plot in other spots?) sure, unfinished, but I’m really not THATbothered by it. I dunno. I’m still enjoying the game a lot. I can feel how much work and care went into it, I understand how long it was in development for and what a risk they took with it and how they almost went bankrupt trying to get it finished. In a perfect world I wish they could have had all the time and money that they needed to make act 3 as slick and organized as act 1, sure, but am I still enjoying myself? Am I still emotionally invested? Do I appreciate the work they did? Yes yes and yes. I’m not bothered.
Ok thoughts. The lore here is only fragments so you really have to flesh it out in your mind. It’s interesting how long Cazador managed to survive compared to his ancestors. I think it can be assumed that this is because Cazador was much more reluctant to make other vampires than his predecessors. We get only a tiny glimpse into what Vellioth was like, and I think it’s very interesting to think about how the game shows us that Astarion was punished with a year of being locked away, while Cazador was punished with eleven years of impalement. I’m sure in Cazador’s mind he is a more benevolent master, and his ungrateful spawn don’t understand how good they have it. It’s like an abusive parent who doesn’t understand why you complain so much, because when they were a kid they got the strap, look at how much nicer they are to you, you’re just being ungrateful! Cazador is really strikingly unimpressive for all the buildup he got, and I can’t decide if that’s funny, or a lost opportunity. Ever since I since I started playing, I wished there was an element of cycles of kindness and apology mixed in with Cazador’s abuse, because in real life that’s such an important part, these moments of calm where you think things might get better and things could work and you want to believe the bullshit that they’re saying. There’s none of that at all with Cazador, but maybe it just would just make the narrative more complicated, and also more disturbing, so that’s ok if it’s not there, it’s just a thought.
The fight was a lot easier than I was expecting and I found that a little disappointing. I skipped ahead one night just to see what the fight at the House of Grief was like and I was really challenged by that… Cazador is a whiny little asshole, comparatively. I wouldn’t have minded a bit more of a challenge. And yes I know I can bump the difficulty level any time I want, but I haven’t had to do that for any other fight. I’m just saying, I think the fight could stand to be a little trickier.
So here’s Astarion’s big choice - similar to Wyll, and different from Shadowheart and Lae’zel, you can’t just leave him to decide by himself and see what he picks to do. You must decide either to help him, or you must decide to talk him out of it.
I did the spawn choice first, because this is what my Tav would do. Wow, beautiful scene, so emotionally satisfying and cathartic. I really like that there was no attempt to be like, well, you can’t kill Cazador because then you’d be just as bad as him… no, even with the spawn route you are able to at least get that piece of revenge. I like it. I chose to release the 7000 spawn. It’s supposed to be a difficult choice, and for sure it is, but for me there really isn’t any other option in the end. After learning it isn’t 7 souls on the line but 7 fucking thousand, Astarion stubbornly tries to justify his commitment to going through with the ritual by saying these spawn are so far gone they’re better off dead now, but I disagree. That’s not at all the impression I get talking to Sebastian and talking to the Gur girl. I think that’s him feeling uncomfortable with suddenly being shown the consequences of 200 years of collecting victims. 100%. Sebastian has been there almost since the beginning and he is coherent and can express that he doesn’t want to die. It’s heartbreaking. I can’t condemn 7000 people to death because they MIGHT hurt people later. Look, I know, 7000 spawn loose in the underdark, they are going to hurt people. I’m not naive. But the last time I checked, even in places where capital punishment is a thing, you’re not actually allowed to execute someone preemptively because you think they MIGHT do something wrong EVENTUALLY - you have to actually wait until they do something wrong! It’s not a good situation, for sure. I can totally understand why other people in the world would be angry at me for it. I can totally understand why the Gur are angry at me for it. Totally get it! But like. The bottom line is, I can’t decide to destroy 7000 sentient people.
(I’m ok with the Gur being angry, but I DID really appreciate that at the very very least, Gandrel is talking about wanting to go and find their missing children. Yes thank you, at least one single person who wants to at least TRY and see if something can be done)
Everything after this is just so breathtakingly lovely: Astarion’s confusion about feeling numb afterwards, which ties nicely back into Aylin’s feelings after she cracked Loroakan in half, and the beautiful act 3 romance. Man. Like. It all really got me thinking about just how much Astarion has changed since act 1, how he’s being so honest here, so vulnerable, so sweet. His act 3 romance is all about moving forward and becoming free and why it isn’t easy. I’m so proud of him. Man. Man.
After this, his conversation dialogue changes yet again, and a dark urge has the option to try and break up with him because you’re afraid you might hurt him, which prompts him to give this amazingly sweet and supportive dialogue, man. Just. Babe is so sweet with a dark urge tav, I can’t stand it.
So some people have said they wish Larian had added in an option to hug Astarion while he’s wailing after killing Cazador - adding my disagreement here. This moment is all about Astarion. He’s letting out 200 years worth of grief and anger and pain, this is his moment, it feels really odd to me to insert myself into that, leave him alone with it. He wants to let it out, not have a hug. There is plenty of time for comfort later, there are two conversations about it post-fight, even.
Some people have also expressed discomfort with how Astarion uses the line “I could be persuaded” (to have sex). Personally I do not have an issue with this line the way it’s used here. I think his word choice is meant to be funny and to deflect the seriousness and significance of this milestone he’s suggesting, because he’s still working on this whole vulnerability and honesty thing, and I think people are getting too hung up on the literal wording and missing the contextual cues. I think Astarion’s intentions for the night were clear in his mind from the beginning. I think his entire plan for the evening was to have this chat with Tav and try sexual intimacy again. If you tell him you’re not in the mood, he acts surprised. If you go along with it, he is very much in control and setting the pace. “I could be persuaded,” he says, as if he wasn’t the one who asked Tav to meet him there, as if he hasn’t just turned to them expectantly and taken their hands like he wants to talk about something very important, as if telling him you don’t know what he means causes him to clarify that he wants to be sexually intimate, as if he doesn’t express surprise if you say you don’t want to. He doesn’t need persuading, this is the whole reason he’s set up the little graveyard date. I think……. I think people place too much emphasis on literal words. In real life things are rarely so neat and efficient. That’s totally valid if some people are bothered by the line, but I do think it was NOT the intention to suggest Astarion HAS to be persuaded. This is just how Astarion likes to talk.
While talking to the imprisoned spawn, a certain path of dialogue leads to Astarion having a bit of a revelation about how up till now he’s always clung to the reassurance that he’s not responsible for any of this because he was enslaved by Cazador. “Yes this was horrible what happened, but it’s got nothing to do with me, I couldn’t help it. While we’re here we might as well make the best of a bad situation, right?” But now he realizes… it’s very true that back then he didn’t have a choice, and I don’t begrudge him that at all, not for a second… but now he does have a choice. And he needs to think very very carefully about what he is going to CHOOSE to do. I’m so happy he realized that. He’s always clung so stubbornly to this rationale as we learn worse and worse things about the ritual, and I think this is the first little light shining through the crack that he needs to challenge himself.
After that was all done, I decided to try letting him ascend.
I knew what happens, I knew how things change, I’d seen clips of the alternate romance so it’s not like I didn’t know what was coming. Somehow though I was still surprised, much more than I thought I would be.
Cause ouch, it hurt. It hurt WAY more than I was expecting.
And hey kudos to Neil, A+ acting, this is why he’s winning all the awards: man, ascendant Astarion is a totally different character. Immediately, and completely. He immediately begins speaking to me differently. He SOUNDS different. He talks different. As soon as I heard him laugh for the first time I knew that I would never be able to do this in a normal run.
Ascended Astarion is very sexy. He’s very much now the hot bad-boy vampire, the bad guy from the movie that everyone writes fics about. He’s now very much the sexy bastard with the delicate little love interest sitting demurely on his lap while he rules a kingdom with an iron first type thing. I’m all for that, normally. If this was the Astarion we met in act 1, I’d probably still love it.
The problem for me is that IT’S NOT the Astarion we met in act 1, and that HURT MY FUCKING HEART.
The Astarion I have traveled with for two and a half acts is a bit of a bastard, yes, but he’s also silly, and cranky, and insecure. He’s been struggling with allowing himself to be vulnerable around me, and as he’s gotten more willing to drop his guard, this really beautiful personality has been emerging. He has a capacity for empathy that Cazador couldn’t even torture out of him after 200 years. The BEAUTIFUL things he’s said to my durge! The BEAUTIFUL thoughts he has in the spawn romance scene!
That is GONE. It’s dead. As soon as I heard him laugh for the first time, I knew how much of a mistake this would be. My precious, mean, beautiful, sharp, silly, sad Star was gone. Ascended Astarion will never be honest or vulnerable ever again.
I was shocked, very shocked, how quickly and completely Astarion changes with his dialogue and how much of a bad taste in my mouth it left. He sound different but he is also very much above everything happening, very much above me. After we left the palace and I had the chance to have a conversation with him, at first I tried to roleplay the conversation naturally, and I responded to him in a less than enthusiastic way, the “wrong” way, and he fucking shouted at me, and it just. It made me sick, absolutely sick. It reminded me of accidentally saying the wrong thing to my abusive ex husband and suddenly I’ve triggered a fight and I’m scrambling to say all the right things to placate him. I hated it. I hated it. I hated it SO much more than I was expecting.
The ascended romance has some of the same beats as the spawn romance and I think it’s obvious that’s on purpose. Again, it’s a contrast that hurts my heart. Rather than taking the lead because he is exploring his desire, allowing himself to HAVE desire, here he is taking control because he’s enjoying the feeling of having you underneath him. Rather than being honest and vulnerable and sharing this last piece of his history with you and pondering the trajectory of his life and his future, he’s talking to you in this syrupy voice and putting on a grander performance than ANYTHING he ever did in act 1 and there’s nothing behind it except possession and control. HURT! MY! HEART!
Astarion is strong and powerful now, and no one will ever hurt him again, that’s for sure, but here’s the thing: being alive means being hurt sometimes. You can’t make yourself strong by stepping on the backs of people the same way you were once stepped on, and you can’t prevent your heart from being broken by just burning out your heart. That’s not freedom and that’s not happiness. Without honesty and vulnerability, there can be no love, and it makes the act 3 romance feel depressingly hollow.
My resisting durge tav’s entire story has been about how he’s trying to resist his dark urges, resist his biology, and be a new, different person, and Astarion has been helping him. Similarly, my tav has been trying to help Astarion to do the same. The only reason my tav would ever NOT stop Astarion from ascending is if he tried and failed to convince him, and he now has to watch sadly as his love makes this terrible choice and lets his fear win.
So yeah. That’s my thoughts on that. I’m usually 100% all for the bad guys, I love the bastards. If that was the bastard we started with, I’d probably love it. But I fell in love with a different bastard who is already beautiful exactly the way he is, and who is basically totally destroyed if you go down that route. It hurts me to see him change like that. I do really enjoy that the game gives you both options, so you can play how you want to play, and so you can explore and see what happens down each path. I love how people have different reactions, I get how some people find a kind of catharsis or satisfaction in putting Astarion down that darker route. For me it’s a hard pass, hard pass, a much harder pass than I was expecting. Kudos to Neil and kudos to the writers for developing everything so beautifully.
I still can’t get over how silly and sweet Astarion is being in the dialogues with me now though. I think as they explore more sexual intimacy, my tav would tease Astarion a lot about how it must feel to be a little vampire spawn who has bhaal’s own son at his complete and utter mercy and I think Astarion would get off on that, haha. Up next I guess I’m going to head over to the Elfsong and do the Emperor’s bullshit errands. Man this is such a good game. I’m so glad it’s being so recognized with awards, but I also hope it’s been selling a lot?
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alistarascendance · 2 months
As a fellow gay man (I understood from a previous ask you are one, if that's not the case please tell), I must admit I also had no idea about lesbian visibility week. So I hope that serves as a small consolation. Your ignorance is not unique to you.
But going to a more lighthearted topic than being bad at being part of the LGBTQ+ community, what would the RO's do (once they are in a relationship with MC, maybe close to a year together), if MC wanted them to build a house together? Would they like the idea? Or would they prefer someone else built it, but MC and RO designed it? Or would they prefer to steal one?
nope, you’re right, I am one haha. I thank you for your consideration 🙏 I also applaud your grammar, I LOVE learning and being knowledgeable on grammar and vocabulary when it comes to the English language.
HAHA stealing one is hilarious… I love asks like these; they’re creative and helps me further flesh out my characters :))
Seven would definitely design it with MC, at the very least. If it’s a small house or something like that, he’d be willing to build it, but anything large, he’d prefer to work with or hire others to do it because, while he does have mechanic skills, he’s only one man, and he’s a busy one. This’ll come up in the near future, actually.
Saturn would not want one. He’s on the minimalistic side; if it’s not needed, then why waste time and money on it? It’s that “survivor” mentality of his, always working in overdrive. He might buy a house (he currently lives in a small apartment) if you insist on it, but he doesn’t really see a point in designing or building it. At least if he buys it, he can paint the walls over, as he’s a fairly good artist. This gets brought up in the recent future as well :)
Chain already lives in an incredibly nice apartment (or, will, anyways), so he also doesn’t see the purpose in getting a house. He can buy you anything else—chocolates, flowers, plushies. He’ll entertain whatever ridiculous fantasies you have. Just… not a house.
Orion would be surprised at first. He doesn’t really understand why you would want a house? But maybe you don’t like his highrise apartment (he’s never home)(it’s so empty) so if you keep on begging and giving him puppy dog eyes, he’ll eventually cave. He has so much money laying around for some reason (the HIVE gets paid well and Orion literally never buys anything) so he’ll get a house for you and treat you like his personal lapdog. But it still doesn’t solve the issue. If you keep on insisting, he’ll start spending more time with you.
I feel like wanting to build a house with your SO a year into a relationship is a huge step… most of them aren’t very trusting still. They feel something towards you, but that doesn’t mean that it’s healthy nor love.
It’s also a very troubled world; even after beginning to date, the world doesn’t stop, because it doesn’t revolve around MC. Several of them are going through things, and depending on where in the story this is, some are… struggling more than others.
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crimsoncorpz · 2 years
Such A Brat
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Such A Brat
Summary: Teasing..
Note: First time posting something like this. No idea how this works as I stick mostly to reading everything.. Forgive me if this sucks. Also GIF is not mine, so credit where credit is due.
Word Count: 754
Warnings: None yet... some word play maybe? Teasing, groping, the beginning of female pleasure..
        I could feel the board of drywall crack behind me as the blonde surfer pushed me into the barely put together home. He followed me quickly, our lips barely disconnecting before he was pulling at the black swimsuit cover I threw on. “That guy was wrong,” he breathed, his lips hovering temptingly over my own. “You’re not a snack, you’re a fucking seven course meal.”
        Holy shit.
        “Then eat me already,” I challenged, brushing my lips delicately across his, hoping he would take the bait. He did.
        “I’m going to ruin you,” he groaned before slamming his lips into my own, his hold on me rough as I melted into him. I wanted him to, he could destroy me, and I wouldn’t mind. Ever.
        HIs lips weren’t enough, though. I needed more of him, I needed all of him, I needed him rough with hints of sweet. I needed him to mark me, stretch me, and have me begging for a hospital bed by the end of the night. “Prove it,” I demanded, pushing him and slipping from his grasp as I bolted further in the house.
        He didn’t seem like the type to give chase, especially when I heard him mutter, “are you fucking kidding me?”. Of course, it caused me to smirk as I tried to find a decent spot to hide or really, be discovered and dominated.
        I should have known he knew the layout of the house better than myself, obviously he worked here, he had to know. But it still took me by surprise when he suddenly cornered me in the kitchen. I was trapped between the unfinished island and the just laid granite countertops on the other side. I hadn’t ever had sex bent over a countertop before. Interesting.
        His eyes were dark and steady on me, forcing me to stay still as he took a predatory step toward me, deliciously slow. “Here I thought you were going to be a good girl,” he said, his tone a little mean and disapproving. Good, he shouldn’t have a problem giving me what I want now.
        I gave him a smirk, “you thought wrong.”
        He continued his slow steps, caging me in as if I would bolt again. “Such a fucking brat,” he growled. “You’re going to wish you were good from the beginning.”
        I shrugged, “I highly doubt that.”
        Suddenly he was right in front of me, his right hand fisted in my hair, pulling it back as his left hand traced my lips and down my neck toward my chest. I shuddered, my body hot and burning under his touch. “Can’t run from me now,” he descended his lips to my exposed neck, biting into my skin as I gasped. This was definitely part of my punishment and I welcomed it, loving how his tongue licked at the spot as if making sure the mark stayed.
        His left hand was busy slipping under the flimsy cloth of my top, my breast fitting perfectly in the palm of his hand as he kneaded the soft flesh. When my eyes were closed, he left it in favour of going for my back, loosening the knot before coming back for better access.
        What I wasn’t expecting was for him to suddenly pull away, a few strands of my hair going with him and leaving a slight sting on my scalp. Though I hadn’t much time to think about it when he roughly spun me, my back pressed against his bare chest, and his hands finding purchase on my breasts, holding me against him. “Oh,” I breathed out. A mistake.
        His lips curved into a smirk of his own as they kissed at the curve of my collarbone, his hands moving to better hold me. His right going back to my hair, pulling my head to the side a little harder than I was expecting. His left hand pinched my nipple, leaving me gasping as he slowly dragged it down to hold my stomach, stopping just under my belly button, teasing the thought of going down further.
        If he didn’t, I was going to— “Oh, fuck.” I groaned, his fingers suddenly dipping low and curling perfectly within me.
“That’s right baby, and we’re only just beginning,” his lips nuzzled into my neck, trailing hot kisses along my collarbone as he held me. His smug tone was irritating, but there was nothing I could — or wanted to — do about it. I was his to torture and tease for the rest of the night.
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Honestly a TLOU2 about Abby going on her revenge journey and still having all her bonding time (or, you know, more) with whatstheirfaces and then... you know, basically giving her Ellie's arc, where she has to choose NOT to enact revenge against Joel... that would have been a good game.
oh definitely! if their goal was to parallel abby/lev’s journey with joel/ellie’s that would have worked SO much better. if we had met her on her journey TO jackson and travelled it with her and along the way she met lev and yara maybe trying to escape seattle and the seraphites (for a different reason plssss cus idk why we still have to have transphobia 20 years into an apocalypse) and there’d be that same arc but fleshed out and over a longer period than 2 fucking days (their day 1 together hardly counts lol) and through that bond growing abby begins to understand why joel saved ellie cus she’d do the same for this kid - in fact, she does in a way when she kills all her own people for him but it would have stuck better if a) it had been longer than a day to get her to that point of turning on the people she’s known and fought beside for years and b) we’d seen a moment of clarity like ohhhh now i get why he did it and why my revenge was unjust and wrong. it’s really amazing how they wanted to parallel abby and joel but they couldn’t even make that basic connection of abby gaining some clarity and ppl say it’s well written lmfao???!!! it was right there in front of them… but yeah anyway if she’d had that moment of understanding why joel did it and then be able to grapple with this revenge she’s set out on it would have been SO much better.
the issue is this. neil wanted to tell his story about abby. that in itself is not an issue. the issue is that bcus he wanted to pull in those big numbers, he decided ellie and joel needed to be a big part of the story too. the result is a ham fisted and heavy handed mess that doesn’t work narratively or structurally. the way it’s structured to accommodate for all the different parts makes it feel like such a slog to get through. ive played longer games that felt shorter to play than tlou2. and narratively it’s just a mess bcus the stories have been forced together in a way that doesn’t work and ends up being a hypocritical, unsubtle mess. if neil had just told a story about abby in which ellie and joel aren’t there in person (only in presence through abby’s journey) or are just there at the end when abby gets to jackson, it would have worked better narratively and structurally. and like fix the abby issues too pls - it’s extremely weird to be trying to make me sympathise with her when she’s so brutal (the way she killed joel, being sad she has no time to torture seraphites, the fact she’s top soldier in her authoritarian militia and has no qualms about wiping out a whole group and killing children etc) and generally unpleasant (horrible to mel, sleeps with owen when mel is pregnant, has a serious lack of empathy towards ellie ‘we let you live and you wasted it’ ok well u also killed someone clearly very important to her, maybe show remorse and empathy bcus losing ur dad was so painful to you?? again it’s wild the point of the game is to find empathy for abby when she behaves as she does). but again, if there’d been more than 3 days and we’d been able to see her grow and change from that person to a better person the way joel did, it just would have worked better.
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Watching Black Sails 3x2
Fighting hard against my urge to keep watching Shameless instead. I know S3 will be... difficult emotionally, and I'm not ready. But this time I'm gonna stay strong (I cannot have any more unfinished shows on my list, by god).
This show is so much more relaxing to watch with subtitles, honestly.
I love ships, but seeing these English warships sure makes me nervous. Also I don't like what Eleanor is doing here, but I still love watching her do it.
So I expected the men to spend their gold on drinks and whores, same as Flint, but what do you mean, you just lost it??
Aww, Max and Jack both looking out for Anne's future. I know they're not really in a poly relationship anymore (although, aren't Anne and Jack still life partners in a way?), but they are way healthier than the setting of this show would have you expect.
"Got to do my part somehow." Silver, is that really you??
"Does that mean we're married?" Awww.
Honestly, seeing Silver's relationship with the rest of the crew develop is delightful, but also kind of scary from his perspective. He never wanted to be a pirate and here he is, relying on these people.
Flint, will you TAKE the fucking canvas in??
I've read books about having to take the sails in in a storm, but seeing it is much scarier.
Oh nice, we're fleshing out Eleanor's timeline. Also tea!
It's really interesting to hear how Eleanor got to where she was at the beginning of season 1.
Okay, Charlestown burning wasn't really Vane's fault. Also I think Flint is way beyond the point where he can be reasoned with (but she might not know that). But yeah, Vane doesn't know when to give up, I'll give her that. So revenge or good counsel? Maybe a little bit of both. Either way, Eleanor for sure hasn't lost sight of her best interests.
Vane working out his frustrations next to the slaves. And here comes another part of his past to rattle him. He looked more relaxed when he thought somebody just wanted to kill him.
Haha, his face in that hug, like 'What the Fuck'.
"They are both dead." So to whom are you lying here, Blackbeard or yourself?
Okay, I expected Vane to be more apologetic, but good for him.
Oof, but Blackbeard implying that he could have killed him and left instead adds layers.
"Ours." Nassau invents communism in the face of the English threat?
God, the Walrus looks like a toy ship out there in the storm.
Is Flint gonna save his ship single-handedly? - Oh FUCK, he's letting the mast go. Well, the top of it.
Nooo, Silver's new friend! God, that's gotta be one of the worst death scenes on TV ever.
"Just exactly how stupid are your men?" "It's hard to say." I'm getting tonal whiplash here. But at least Jack can be relied upon for a little comedic relief, and god knows we need it.
Okay, now I want to know what "Jack trying desperately to join Charles' first crew" looked like. Also that means they've been together for quite a long time - and I assume Anne and Jack were already a package deal back then? God, I really want a timeline for this show, or pre-canon at least.
Vane out there once again defending Jack, and this time we get to see it. He definitely didn't have his back as much in S1. He didn't even try to save him from drowning! (Although maybe he just knew Jack can swim?)
"He's been employing [the gold] to provide for Nassau's defense." Vane stretching the truth a bit. Those are your slaves up there hauling stones!
Interesting that Teach wants to go back in time in regards to Nassau being a savage place, while everybody else seems pretty content with the way it turned out. I can definitely see why Eleanor had to get rid of him.
Vane right now wondering if there isn't a little bit of truth in his old mentor's words.
Love the contrast between the way Anne and Max dress. Also silent communication for the win. Both of them wondering what happened to make Jack change his mind.
God, I love these two so much. Please don't break my heart.
I will never get tired of Flint and Billy.
God, look at Silver's face. They made him care about someone other than himself and look at what it's doing to him now.
Flint, can't you simply tie that steering wheel to something, instead of getting waterboarded by the ocean?
Rogers gets a bit of his backstory revealed, but I don't care, because I've already decided I don't like him.
Ugh, traitors!
Hornigold is not happy to see Eleanor, but I am. Even though she's, potentially, also a traitor.
Hah, as if Flint would let a measly tempest be his doom. He probably threw that flag overboard himself.
At least his crew can't say that he isn't willing do do as much or even more than what he asks of them.
"We are becalmed." Never expected that to sound so scary.
The walrus looks very lonely out there.
Also sorry that these things get ever more longwinded, but I need all these little breaks during watching because otherwise my heart will combust.
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toomuchalexis · 2 years
Two Days With My Love
This is about AU John Wick and the love of his life Emerald. They are both very cautious with their feelings, but in need of the love of the other.
Warnings: a couple f bombs in the beginning. That’s about it.
All my work is intended for an 18+ audience.
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        It had been 2 days of love making. Not fucking. Just slow, passionate, connective, soul quenching love making. Neither of them planned this. In fact, whenever John and Emerald hooked up, they preferred the hard, sweaty, shoulder biting, ass slapping, sore for days fucking. Yes, this was definitely new territory.
              “Don’t get up yet” Emerald pleaded. Her eyes were still closed as she absorbed every ounce of his embrace into her flesh. “I don’t want to crush you” whispered John. He was still nestled blissfully inside her as the euphoric fog slowly dissipated from his brain. He shifted his weight until his burly frame allowed his lips to meet her cheek. John was nearly a foot taller than Emerald. While she craved the pressure from his weight, her very own muscular security blanket, John was concerned that he would suffocate her one day. He smirked at the thought. He knew her kinks, she would probably be into it. “Please, J. Just lay here a little bit longer”. She still hadn’t opened her eyes. John studied her breathing. He knew something was going through her head, but was unsure of how much to pry.
The pair had known each other for the past 7 months, but had strict rules for their meetings. They absolutely cared for each other. More than either had cared for anyone before. It was that not so small thing that hung between them that wouldn’t allow them to be more than a hook up to each other. At least not yet. Pain. It was sad really. Anyone they passed could tell they were perfect for each other. That’s the thing about this type of pain, its hidden and not easily discussed with the one you don’t want to see you cry. Even with their loving looks and flirtatious interactions, it was still there, and would continue to hang silently between the two until they were ready to push it behind them and truly embrace the love they both craved from each other.
             After a few more moments of blessing Emerald’s neck and cheeks with his sweet thanks in the form of kisses, John removed his body from hers. She shivered for a brief second as the cold air rushed between them to replace the warmth of his heated body. John searched deep in her eyes for clues of what his sweet Em was thinking. She smiled a curious grin up at him. She knew he was deep in thought. She wanted to ask what about…but, damn those eyes. Emerald always got distracted by the beautiful, golden honey-colored orbs that seemed to look directly into her heart.
              Emerald met Johns lips with her own. She felt his desire for her with his equally desperate response. “Give me a minute?” John helped Emerald up from the nest of sheets and blanket they had been carousing in and went in search of a refreshing liquid while she freshened up in the bathroom. John returned to the bed first. While he would never get used to hotel mini bar prices, they never disappointed with their selections. John laid out a collection of Emerald’s favorite snacks on her pillow and cracked the seal on the champagne they impulsively ordered for breakfast but had yet to open. It wasn’t his most romantic gesture but he hoped she would appreciate his attempt given his limited on-hand resources. He sat back and started to worry when he determined she was taking longer than usual. Ok, it was time to ask what thoughts she was having in her beautiful head.
             A few moments later Emerald emerged from the darkened doorway of the bathroom. She had a forced smile plastered on her face. She walked over to the bed to make her sustenance selection. John noticed that her eyes stayed low and never quite reached his. He began to think maybe this was the end of their trysts. Maybe she no longer wanted the limited part of him that he had to offer. He wanted to give her more, but he was afraid she wouldn’t love him back.
After Emerald settled on the bed with her caramel M&Ms and glass of champagne, John quietly broke the silence that was hanging in their rented room. “What was that about earlier? You not wanting me to get up..was everything alright?” She looked up, not really at him, just slightly in his directions. He noticed instantly. “Yeah of course. It was really nice, and you were really warm.” Emerald ended her statement with a smile, hoping that was the end of it. She had finally willed herself to stop crying before she emerged from the bathroom. She thought if she started again, she wouldn’t be able to stop her emotions from flowing freely. John reached for Emerald’s hand just when she picked up a piece of caramel filled chocolate. He lifted her hand to kiss it, but stole the candy with his skilled tongue instead. She laughed and appreciated his attempt to keep the conversation light. She looked at him this time. Right into those beautiful, distracting eyes and thought this is as good a time as any to bare her soul and be honest about how she needed him. “John, I’ve been feeling things… and I don’t know if I can say what I need to say to make you understand, or if maybe I shouldn’t say anything at all. I’m confused, and I’m probably confusing..” John lifted her hand once more, this time kissing her palm. He looked into her heart through her eyes again and said “Just tell me what’s going on. We can work it out together.” Grateful for his peaceful interruption, Emerald took a deep breath and started again. “When you were on me, kissing me, I just kept thinking about how much I didn’t want it to end. I know we only have another day and a half together…I just don’t want it to end. Not like it usually does. I care for you John. A lot. I know we have an agreement about our relationship and I’m happy spending time with you in this way. I was just starting to feel like I want more from you. From us. I don’t know what I want exactly, I just know I want more. I want you to hold me, tight. Like I’m someone you never want to let go of. I don’t know. Maybe that’s all I need. I want you to make me feel like you want me.”
“You don’t feel like I want you?”, “I do, but I want to feel like you want me more than for sex. Like you want me in your whole life.” John puzzled for a moment, wondering how he had failed to show her just how badly he wanted her. Needed her.  “Put your glass down and come here.” John waited for Emerald to discard her glass and candy to the awaiting side table. He lifted the covers and watched as her soft, toasted caramel complected skin floated across the bed to be next to him. He enveloped her torso until there was no space between their naked skin. “Is this tight enough” he asked as he kissed her cheek. He tightened his grip when he felt her shake her head. He could feel her warm tears slip in between the shallow crevice where her cheek and his chest met. She pushed away from him and sat up to hold her face. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m crying. I know this isn’t really our thing or in our agreement.”  John reached around Emerald’s back to pull her closer to him, “Maybe we can rewrite our terms”. The silence came back. It hung gingerly above them as both were trying to proceed with caution. “I do want you in my whole life” John said as he kissed her temple. “I care for you a lot too. I didn’t want to scare you away. I know you got out of a shitty thing when we met, and I didn’t want you to think I was trying to take advantage of our friendship. I’m not really sure what to do.” “Just keep holding me” was all Emerald said.
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suffcring · 6 months
META   + rabbit and the ghost project.
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It's strange to Rabbit, to worship a single deity -- and not even a g-d, really, but a fallen angel. The fallen angel.
Rabbit's family (I won't get too much into the history and lore -- just please know that Rabbit is an oc I've written since 08 and have briefly considered writing a novel for, and I definitely have to do a condensed explanation that isn't the mess I have for her character bio) has it's own pantheon of g-ds, some of which are adopted from other religions, but mostly have been consumed by Nyarlathotep (particularly my pal CJ's rendition, but overall)
Within her family's religion, Rabbit's necromancy is, as you might expect, forbidden but also still revered. It's a gift from their "evil" g-ddess and comes and goes throughout the generations, unlike the more common animal shapeshifting most of the family has (Rabbit does not). So she's kept separate -- and for a family of two hundred and something relatives, living in a compound (almost like a village or a neighborhood just filled with family), where the children are taught within the community and have little to no contact with the outside world until they go to college and maybe get married or have outside jobs (a lot of the family only lives in the compound part time or only comes back for holy days), that can absolutely fuck up a child who is ostracized.
So Rabbit meets a musician, falls in love, escapes and runs off with his band. It's a few years, and they're beginning to pick up; Rabbit keeps trying to tell herself she's happy like this. She loves Amour, she's supported and loved (even if his band thinks of her a little like a Yoko Ono, despite her best efforts to help out. She is dour and quiet and angry, still, despite it all) -- so what is it that still plagues her? Coachella. It's broad day light. Amour's band has already done their set, and they're meandering through. And she hears it, from a distance. Tells Amour she'll be right back, but unfortunately she never really does come back.
Secundo's in his prime as Papa, sunglasses perched on his nose, and Rabbit feels a pull in her gut. She drifts through the small congregation; at that time, there were only about two hundred people drifting in and out of the space, very few there to worship. But Rabbit finds herself in the middle of it, all the same -- this band, it doesn't sound like Amour's softer acoustics, gentle poetry lyrics that wrap around hearts. It doesn't sound like much of anything she's ever heard, the thrum of it in her throat and in her gut, igniting something inside of her she doesn't understand. Primal and reverently dark; her flesh ignites in goosebumps.
It's an easy enough thing, to approach them afterwards. To go back to the Ministry. To worship amongst siblings who might not feel exactly the same way she does, but who don't have the space nor the heart to judge her for it.
I typically write her as Secundo's assistant, and sometimes she tours with the project and sometimes she doesn't. There's a lot of overlap, with necromancy and ritual; she sets the ritual circle in blood before the shows, helps with small things that need to be done. Even backstage, even after dozens of shows, it feels the same to her, when she hears the music; the rightness of the choice she has made. How she belongs. She knows she would kill for him, or for them. Knows it without even being asked.
In her eyes, it is the perfect way to get The Word out. Afterall, it worked so well for her, didn't it? Sometimes, she does wish it didn't need to be done; there's something said for the times where Papa and the Ghouls are home. But she understands it's place, and the music always brings her right back to the first time she heard Papa.
And that's good enough for her.
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staymauy · 2 years
Hello hello!! When you've got the time, if you wouldn't mind sharing your ideas for Adrian's future after the DoU? If you have any? I LOVED ur lore hcs and would like to hear more :D
Of course! i’d love to!!
Starting off a bit generally, i think all of the coven heads would receive some sort of “punishment” for blindly operating under the emperor, at least to some extent. Of course, it wouldn’t really be a punishment, more of a debt they now need to pay.
As teachers! Teaching their seasoned magic abilities to young witches eager to learn! So they all get sentenced to teaching duty at Hexside, each in their respective categories of mastery of course!
Now onto specifics! Specifically Adrian!
Adrian, of course, would be teaching Illusions, how to use them, how to strengthen them, and maybe even how to use artifacts or gadgets that go with them! Possibly synthetic ones manufactured by the man himself, Alador, but this time on his own accord :]
Of course that means he needs to get along better with, well- everyone- So he seeks out some help to strengthen his people skills. Dealing with his own issues properly for once, he can stow away his once snotty personality into something more friendly! He’s trying to make up for some of the things he’s caused, slowly at least, but it’s hard to take back all of them at once. Especially since he likes to make excuses where they shouldn’t be made out of instinct.
He’s still the same enthusiastic theatre-nerd of course, he loves seeing a good performance, especially from his students! He says he doesn’t play favorites but definitely has his top students. And also people to gossip with, the kids always have the freshest gossip on everyone. And now so does he lmao ;]
Looks wise, he stuck to his old colors, soft tones of blue and beige. Possibly due to the blinding lights or part of the draining spell, he now adorns a pair of small, circular glasses, because he thinks the bigger ones make his face look off. [and he can’t have that! no no no! pfpf] He still uses the concealment stone on his tail, mainly for decoration, but also incase he’s ever too lazy to fix himself up in the mornings. Speaking of Adrian’s tail, he’s stopped wearing the cover on it, having its fuzz be out as is. [He’s got to admit, it feels so much better to have it not be constrained, plus, it makes it easier to grab things]
Speaking of grabbing things, his tail can hold quite a bit of weight, so when his hands are full, he keeps his books and papers firmly tied into his tail. Sometimes he ever pushes the kids out of the way [gently of course] with it
Honestly my guy is trying his best right now, trying not to be as nasty as he used to, in slow steps :]
[parent-teacher conferences with Perry at the beginning are quite nerve wrecking lmao- and so are lessons with Gus, though Adrian doubts he even needs lessons]
there’s definitely more i can flesh out but man oh man idk right now hahah-
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gregorygerwitz · 1 year
i would love to hear more thoughts about he/him enby mouse if you have any to share?
he/him enby mouse my absolute beloved
Okay, this headcanon is not super fleshed out, honestly? I've had it for like a year but have I developed it at all beyond slapping a label on him? No.
It also started... as a joke? I'm sure I'll bring the post back eventually but I've made the joke that no cis person goes by "Mouse" for 10+ years many times. And I stand by it. It's true. I'm non-binary and it was a silly throwaway joke I made I think just to Kit and a few IRL friends don't come for me but like... I've just adopted that headcanon now. It's part of my personal belief system.
Because "Mouse" started out as a silly nickname, something that Jay definitely continued to call him when they came home, and then he just... liked it. I think canon kind of confirmed that for me last year? Because Jay does not still use "Ricochet" at all, and was openly uncomfortable when Knox used it, but Mouse is exclusively "Mouse" with a few exceptions:
When Jay introduces him to Voight in 2x16, it's "this is Greg Gerwitz, aka Mouse"
In 3x03 when he's being held hostage by Fraser, he introduces himself with "I'm Greg Gerwitz, but everybody calls me Mouse"
And in 4x05 when he and Jay are arguing, and that is the only time when Jay pulls out the first name, when he's terrified of losing his friend, and it's just "Greg, it's a war"
Non-binary!Mouse headcanon aside, he picked that name. He chose it over "Greg" and whatever reason he has for that is valid. Whether it's because he's trying to further distance himself from his parents (this blog remains an anti-Gregory and Thelma place at all times) or because he never liked "Greg" much to begin with (which is fair, I only know one Greg IRL and he's chill but like... he's my uncle and he taught me how to drive of course I like him) or he just got attached to his found family when he was deployed and keeping the name helped him feel close to them even after he was back in Chicago. Whatever it is, good for him.
(I'm also not generally a pro-Voight person but he is slowly growing on me ten seasons into this stupid show and the fact that he never once deadnames Mouse, even when he's frustrated and angry in 4x05, definitely wins him some points in my book tbh. good job, Hank)
(honestly the fact that no one deadnames him once, at least that we saw, is so important to me actually. I also disregard most of the writing around Mouse in s4 because it was messy but "Greg, it's a war" does hold a special place in my heart so Jay's not on thin ice for that I actually think he should do it more but that's just me and my love of angst)
But just... he's not Greg. He's Mouse. He was never "Greg," not really, not since he met Jay, at least, but the fact that he doesn't change his pronouns is just because... he doesn't feel like he needs to? Even if/when he puts a(nother) label on his identity? I'm trying to think of how to explain the feeling with words because it's hard, but...
It's just gotten to the point where "Greg" just feels wrong. That's not who he is. But the use of he/him pronouns has never made him uncomfortable. Maybe it's because they're part of his everyday routine and the idea of switching it up, even to he/they, is stressful (mood), or he's not so disconnected from being raised and socialized as a boy that he feels the need to change it. He/him pronouns feel right in a way that "Greg" doesn't anymore.
And, I did show @okayhotshots this gif while infodumping to them about my baby once:
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Their exact words were "no cis-person dresses like that." And they're absolutely correct. They should be louder.
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