#so the story they were writing was super interesting and i wish i could remember exactly what it was but
13eyond13 · 2 years
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vonrov · 5 months
Hi hi!!! I’ve got an idea if you’re interested!!
So the reader is an avid literature fan, and they really love Poe’s novels!! One day they meet him and Poe is confronted with the prospect that….. maybe he doesn’t need to keep writing just to possibly stump Ranpo one day…. Maybe he’s already an incredible author deserving of praise,, :’)
^ if that makes sense lol, but I’m super excited to see where your blog goes anyway!! Following immediately <33
a fan?
・ Poe x GN!Reader { Fluff ・ Warnings { None ・ Word Count { 1.3K ・ Masterlist { LINK
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It all started when he met a fan. A fan. Someone devoted to his work, someone who enjoyed and loved his writing. He could remember the day like it had just happened. The feeling of his cheeks growing warm, as the tips of his ears reddened with the praise he sought for every time he tried to stump Ranpo with one of his stories.
He also remembers the way he fumbled with his coat and undershirt as the person in front of him would gush and ramble about the different scenes he wrote, the different characters he poured his own attributes into, as well as the attributes he wished he had. He listened with shaky fingers and an anxious feeling bubbling in his chest as they brought up the dialogue he would spend his time reading aloud over and over again until it felt right.
It would be in his next novel, he wrote a character into the ongoing plot who reminded him of the devoted fan he had met out on a walk to gain inspiration.
And inspiration he found.
Inspiration he found in you.
Whenever he felt stumped with his hobby he went on a walk. Down the street, take a right, and pass by that cafe he was always too scared to go into because of how deadpanned the barista looked in the mornings. It was the same route he had met you. Every time he went out on one of his brainstorming walks, he hoped that the two of you would cross paths again.
And like fate intended, that would happen on a random Tuesday about a month later.
The air was fresh with summer approaching as the trees were green with branches full of leaves. A slight breeze flowed about the city, the only thing reminding Poe about his need for a summer wardrobe change soon, as it kept him just cool enough to enjoy his stroll. He walked with his head down, holding a leather-bound book in his hands as he watched his shoes land against the pavement with audible clicks.
“Karl would have loved this weather, it’s a shame he was napping when I left.” He spoke to no one in particular.
“Karl is your pet raccoon, right?”
“Yes, he’s-” His voice got caught in his throat.
He was too lost in his own musings to notice you were right next to him, about to enter the cafe he would usually pass on his walks, clad in a uniform he’d seen somewhere before. It was almost humorous how quickly his expression had gone from deadpanned, deep in thought, to a somewhat frightened look of ‘holy fucking shit’ in a matter of seconds.
He blinked owlishly at you as you just looked at him with a smile.
“Do you come here often?” You pointed at the cafe’s entrance, a crooked smile stretching across your lips as you tried to relieve the awkward tension.
“Uhm- No, not particularly.” Liar. Even though hes never entered the cafe, that doesn’t mean he hadn’t walked past it almost every day when the weather was nice enough for the past three weeks.
“The sugar cookies here are really nice.”
“O-Oh, really?”
“Yeah,” You looked at the cafe doors before turning back to him. “I’ll be considered “late” for my shift,” You made air quotes with your fingers. “If I don’t get in there in a few minutes.”
“Go ahead then, I’ll have to stop by sometime when I can…”
So that’s where he knew that uniform from. His gaze flew to the window as he bit his lip, avoiding eye contact with the deadpan barista who was definitely watching them through the glass. The uniform the barista wore behind the counter was the same as the one you were currently wearing. He looked back at you before speaking, his voice quiet with apprehension.
“Are you guys pet-friendly…?”
Once he had gotten confirmation that the cafe was pet-friendly, for service animals only, he rushed off with the promise of bringing Karl with him on his next visit.
It was the next day he walked down the once new path turned familiar with his animal companion in tow. The weather was much like the day before, minus the pleasant breeze. But the heat did not deter Poe as he briskly walked. His shoes hitting the concrete with a familiar clack. Excitement was rolling off of him in waves at the thought of being able to meet up with this devoted fan of his after waiting for a chance to do so for the past few weeks.
“How can I help you?” A monotone voice spoke.
He didn’t realize he was already in the cafe, standing at the counter, Karl on his shoulder, ready to say hello, only for the person at the front counter to not be you.
Instead, it was that blank-faced barista who was always off-putting to Poe whenever he walked by the big windows of the cafe. He could always feel their stare on him when he paced the sidewalks day by day. Only now, he could see the stare and was standing before them instead of walking past the glass.
Well fuck. That’s certainly a way to flip Poe’s switch from 'fine' to 'not fine'.
“Uhm…” He had to say something. Maybe order something? Yeah, that would be a great way to cover up his ignorance of his surroundings. Karl chirped on his shoulder as the raccoon’s tiny clawed hands patted his head. Poe watched in worry as the barista’s gaze went from himself to the raccoon on his shoulder.
“Please tell me that is a certified service animal.” The barista’s tone was unreadable as their eyes moved back to Poe’s.
“Oh- Y-Yes, he is certified. Let me just…” Poe dug around in his coat, unraveling a few yellow-tinted folded-up papers from the depths of his inside pockets. Unfolding the documents and turning them around for the barista to see. He pointed to a few different places on the papers, explaining how Karl is a 100% certified service animal. “He’s a psychiatric certified service animal for anxiety.”
“I didn’t know raccoons could do that.”
“Me neither…”
Thankfully, he managed not to embarrass himself further as he sat down with a warm drink that he didn’t remember the name of and a large sugar cookie. There had been other options of course, but you had recommended the sugar cookie for a reason right?
Karl had jumped from his shoulder and rested in his lap when he had sat down. Not wanting to disturb the raccoon peacefully resting in his lap, his gaze shifted about the interior of the cafe, his eyes scanning over the bright pops of color highlighting the various white tables. The turquoise accent wall behind the counter is adorned with diverse eccentric artwork. His focus was broken when the ring of the bells over the door alerted him.
And to his surprise, you had walked in.
While he was hoping to see you, he wasn’t expecting you to show up, assuming you had the day off when he was met with the other barista behind the counter instead of you. He watched as your head swiveled around, making you seem like you were looking for something- or perhaps, someone with how your face lit up when you saw him.
His assumption was further confirmed once you had started walking over to his table. His eyes followed you as you walked over, his head turning as you now stood in front of his table instead of behind him by the door.
“Is this seat taken?”
“No, not at all.” …
It took meeting a fan to realize something.
It took meeting a fan for him to realize that his novels impacted other people.
It took meeting a fan for him to realize, that maybe he didn’t need to write just to try and defeat Ranpo with another mystery novel.
Poe never even noticed his writing had even strayed from the mystery genre and played more with romance since writing in that new character about a month ago.
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Authors Note: I actually cannot believe I managed to write all of those in one sitting. I genuinely think this is the first time I've been able to write over 1K words this easily. Whoever made it this far and is reading this, I need to know your thoughts on this.
I really loved writing this. My first time writing with Poe and while I was writing I decided to headcanon that Karl is a service animal because it makes sense. I hope I nailed his character and it isn't occ. There was something else I was gonna say but I cannot remember, it is 11:33 PM and I've worked on this for at least the past 2-3 hours and I gotta get up in the morning.
Comments and reblogs that tell me what you guys liked or little things that you noticed makes my day. My inbox is still open for recommendations, please check out my pinned post before you drop in though.
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vintageaurelia · 9 months
knitting club (Thomas Thorne x Reader drabble)
note: hi fellas. this is my first time writing something like this and POSTING it. I'm a little nervous ngl! But just bear with me I swear I'll improve 😊. anywho! feel free to shoot some silly little requests my way!
Also! apologies if you don't have any clue about knitting, I personally do and I based this off a singular Thomas quote LOL.
The club meetings Alison was hosting in the home proved to be bothersome for some of the ghosts, annoyed at how many people were visiting the house every day. Between the AA meetings and just the most random topics you could ever think of being discussed, it was something not everyone was entirely interested in. Though everyone loved to tune into the AA meeting every once in a while, for some juicy stories. 
You on the other hand? You stuck around for all the art based clubs, it reminded you of when you were alive and could do all this work with your hands.
The knitting club proved to be one that you could watch for hours, it's one of the hobbies you missed a lot. Looking around at all of the cute creations everyone was making and talking about their families and different stories they had from the day filled your soul with a sort of warmth. 
As this week's meeting began, you sat on the old beat up couch, watching all the young, old, women and men fill the seats, excited about what progress they made over the week. Unbeknownst to you though, a certain poet was walking past the room to see you sitting in there alone, with the group that had no idea you were there.
Thomas was never really fond of the knitting club, he felt it was boring and it wasn’t worth his time to sit and watch other people knit while talking about their grandkids or their in-laws. But maybe he could learn to like it? Maybe just for you?
He walked into the room silently as you were enchanted by all the people getting ready to start the meeting. “Good evening dear (Y/N),” Thomas greets you with a slight bow and a polite smile on his face. You light up and wave to him “Hi! Are you here for the knitting club? I thought you didn’t like them?” Thomas freezes up before responding with a quick agreement. “I just thought I might’ve judged them a little too hard at first, so I thought I would give them another chance,” this makes you smile and you go back to watching the group. 
He had to admit it's not as boring as he remembered, but it still wasn’t super enjoyable for him. But boy did it make him gleam seeing you get up and tell him what everyone was making and why.
By the end of the meeting, he learned one of the older women was making a blanket for her new grandson, and a young man was making a hat for his wife as a Christmas gift. Part of him wished he could do something like that for you, just because he realized how excited you get about this stuff.
“Say (Y/N), did you know how to knit when you were living? You seem to know quite a bit.” You nod, “It was a big hobby of mine. I spent a lot of time and money on blankets and hats, which now thinking about it, probably paid off. Because now my family has something handmade to remember me.” You smile, but it hurts to think about sometimes. 
Thomas reads you like a book, he realizes how emotional you are getting. He places a supportive hand on your shoulder. 
You both lock eyes, getting lost with one another. Thomas soon breaks eye contact to glance over at the people knitting mindlessly.
“I know that being stuck here isn’t ideal, and not being able to do the things you love isn’t ideal either. But isn’t it splendid you can still appreciate it? Even if you cannot do it, isn’t the true gift appreciation?” He states, so matter of factly you can’t even begin to argue. “That was actually very poetic.” Both of you smile at each other. 
“I also appreciate you, Thomas.” 
“I feel the same exact way, my dearest.”
I hope you all enjoyed! Probably not the best work ever, but I thought it was cute :)
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suckerfordylansstuff · 11 months
Let your guard down
Request: Hello! I was wondering if you were interested in writing an angsty Steve Harrington x Robin Buckley x reader (all platonic because the reader is under 18) story where they all work at Family Video. The reader is really shy and timid. When she first started working at Family Video, Steve and Robin thought it was kind of funny the reader would just do whatever was asked of her and they would push their work off onto her so they could mess around. Then Steve starts to notice things about the reader like bruises and not having anything to eat on her lunch break or anyone to pick her up or drop her off. He grows a massive soft spot for her. One night a group of guys from school that always bully her show up and start harassing the reader, cornering her in the back of the store. They’re all bigger than her and she’s scared of them. Steve gets super protective and makes the guys leave. She’s trembling with anxiety even after they are gone and Steve calms her down and then she confesses that they bully her all the time at school. Steve and Robin start looking out for her more.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x platonic!reader x Robin Buckley
Warnings: cursing, bullying, bleeding
Notes: Hope you like the fic and sorry for taking longer than I expected, college just started which means a lot of assignments to organise and deal with. Also, sorry to anyone named Mark, it just came to me. Stay safe out there!💕
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Steve had just rung up a customer when the door of the store flew open revealing an out-of-breath Robin entering the store. He wished the sweet lady who had just rented ‘The Karate Kid’ goodbye and let his eyes fall on his best friend leaning her forearms on top of the counter, trying to catch her breath.
“You’re late.” Steve simply told her.
“I know, I know. Band practice went on longer than I expected.” she took quick deep breaths to calm down her beating.
“Even the new hire came in earlier than you.”
“We have a new hire?” Robin’s memory wasn’t the best, but she definitely didn’t remember Keith telling her about a new hire.
Steve pointed towards the back of the store where a familiar figure to Robin was organizing the Halloween section they always set up during October. It took a moment for Robin to get her thoughts sorted out, but as a light bulb lit up in her mind, she was already calling out your name and saying hello as she remembered you are also a suffering student at Hawkins High.
She watched as your head lifted and turned toward her, not finding it odd that you responded with nothing more than a small wave before returning to your work. Even at school, you were one of the quieter kids, so Robin took the wave as an accomplishment.
“You know her?” Steve was the one now leaning, watching his friend’s interaction with furrowed brows. When you had come into the store just an hour ago and quietly told him you were the person Keith told him to expect, Steve was excited. He liked meeting new people and given you were fairly around his age he was excited to have another friend. But as he began showing you around, he quickly realized you weren’t much of a talker, which disappointed him. So, he was just rambling on and on about the store and its requirements while you simply nodded at his words, your eyes not even meeting his. When he noticed Robin was running late, he took the decision to stay behind the counter and assigned you the job he was supposed to have already finished, which you took without question, silently arranging the shelves.
“Yeah, she’s from school, but of course, you don’t remember her.” she smirked at him. Robin loved teasing him about his past personality, and Steve hated it.
“Will you stop it with that?” he followed her movement as she walked to the breakroom to get her things sorted out before coming back out to start her shift.
“Why don’t you go and help her out since she’s doing your section?”
“I was covering for you, smartass.”
So, all of your shifts went on as they usually would. You were mainly the one organizing the shelves with the returned or new tapes you would get; Steve was the one to help customers around the store and Robin was usually sitting by the register. When they didn’t have any customers, they made sure to show you some of the other sections around the store, so at any given moment you would be able to help out without any problems.
Robin usually tried to start conversations with you, mainly about an assignment you both had or complaining about an annoying teacher, but your answers were short, so after a couple of tries, she stuck with casual conversation.
This has been going on for a week. You would all come at your required times and do your jobs. Well, you did your job quietly while Steve and Robin chatted away the second they didn’t have to actually work.
Steve was confused at how closed off you were. At first, he thought it was because he had done something to you back in High School that he didn’t even remember, something so bad it made you hate him. However, he quickly realized that your closed-off behavior wasn’t just for him, you acted that way around Robin and Keith too, so he at least knew it wasn’t personal. Still, he couldn’t help but wonder why you were like that.
It was a week after you first started and all three of you were on the closing shift. You had closed the store, but you still needed to prepare everything for Keith who would open tomorrow. Robin was closing the register when she began looking around the store for Steve. She couldn’t find him anywhere so she turned to you, who were sweeping the floors, getting rid of all the dirt the customers would bring in during the day.
“Hey, have you seen Steve?” she watched your eyes drift behind her as you pointed at the same direction, before continuing your task. Robin turned her head over her shoulder only to watch in horror how he was already out of his work clothes and ready to leave.
“Well, I’m off. I have a date tonight and I can’t be late. See you tomorrow.” he waved at the two, but neither of them responded and for different reasons.
“Woah, woah, there dingus. What do you mean you’re off?” Robin’s legs quickly made their way over to Steve blocking his way out of the store.
“It usually means I’m leaving, Robin.” he scoffed, turning to look at you waiting for a reaction over this, but looked back at Robin when he saw you weren’t even paying attention to them.
“I told you yesterday that I can’t close because I have to study for a test tomorrow, Steve.” Robin’s arms crossed over her chest while Steve grimaced when the memory finally hit him.
“Well, I can’t cancel on the date, I’ll look like an idiot.”
The pair began arguing over who deserved to get off work early the most, not realizing your movement stopped as you turned to stare at them.
“I can close.”
For a second Steve was startled by the new voice, but relaxed when he realized it was you. He thinks this was the first time he had heard you say so many words at once, hearing your voice clearly for the first time.
“You sure?” he questioned you and sighed with relief when you nodded your head.
“Alright well, we have a list of what needs to be done around the store at the back if you don’t remember anything and then you just lock up with these right here.” you watched the brown-haired boy make his way at the counter and grab the set of keys you already knew where there.
“I know.” you took them from his grasp and placed them in your pocket.
“Thank you, seriously, we owe you.” Robin had just grabbed her stuff and opened the door for the two of them. They wished you goodnight before leaving the store and you behind.
That’s how it started. At first, they were really thankful you could cover for them, but as time went on they realized you were always ready to take over. Sometimes it happened while Steve was too busy to finish the work he had started because he was flirting with a cute girl. By the time he had rang the girl up and escorted her out, he went back to find his section ready and you leaving without a word. You also helped out Robin when she would inevitably forget she had to do something.
The pair didn’t question it at all. They actually found it pretty convenient, and so they started testing just how far was your limit. Whenever they were busy, talking, or bored they would assign you a task they were supposed to be doing. They were a little hesitant at first, trying to see if you would catch up to what they were doing, but you always took on the job without complaining. And since you weren’t complaining they thought it was the perfect plan. And it’s not like they didn’t do anything, they just watched more movies now at the store unbothered. And isn’t that what they were supposed to do, they told themselves, watch the movies they had to give out the perfect recommendations to customers? They were doing them a favor.
November had just started and you were once again over at the Halloween section, taking everything down, as you listened in to Steve’s awful attempt at flirting with yet another customer. You heard him laugh at his own cheesy joke when his body collided with yours sending you and the tapes you were holding on the floor.
Steve’s head immediately whipped around and started cursing when he saw you on the floor. He turned back to Rebecca, the girl he was talking to, to excuse him for a moment, but realized she was already gone.
“Great…” he mumbled under his breath before focusing his attention back to you “Hey, I’m sorry, I’m such an idiot. Are you okay?”
You watched him from the corner of your eye kneel down next to you, but you didn’t look up to meet his eyes, just started picking up the tapes from the floor.
“Hey, here, lemme get those.” he took the tapes from your hands and placed them in the cart you were previously using. He grabbed the rest of them and then let his eyes fall on you once more “Want me to help you up?” even though he put it as a question he didn’t wait a second to grab your wrists, ready to pull you but to your feet, but his movement quickly died down when a wince came from your mouth, your eyes snapping closed as if you were in pain.
Steve immediately removed his hands off you, looking terrified wondering what he did “Oh my God, are you okay? Did the fall hurt you? I’m sorry, let me look-”
He saw. You didn’t register his actions before it was too late, and he saw. He saw what they had done to you, and now you were scared. You didn’t expect Steve to help you up. You didn’t expect him to grab you by your wrists, the same place they used to tug you around when they threw insults in your face. You didn’t expect him to notice your pain, you always thought you hid it well. And you definitely didn’t expect him to worry and inspect upon your pain, because no one else has ever had. But he did. He grabbed your long sleeve, pushed it up, and he saw them. You did tear off his gentle grip and pulled the sleeve back down, but he had clearly seen the purple bruises on your arm.
“I’m okay.” you told him quietly, your eyes staying on the ground.
You stood still for a second, trying to decide what you were supposed to do now, waiting to see the way Steve would react as well.
“All right. I’ll, um… I’ll finish over here, alright? Go see if Robin needs any help.” you weren’t sure if you were glad he didn’t comment on it, but you left without a second thought, praying he wouldn’t make it a big deal.
After that incident, Steve’s eyes mostly never left your figure while at work. He always watched you do your job. At first, he told himself it was out of curiosity over the bruises, but it wasn’t long till he realized he was worried. Because it wasn’t only the bruises that picked his curiosity. Suddenly he started seeing all those things about you that hinted at something wrong.
He was able to notice your wincing more often, especially when you thought no one was looking, always caressing your wrists after a long shift. He also noticed that you never had a break during work. He tried to recall when he had last seen you have a meal here, but other than the occasional granola bar during full shifts on the weekends, you never brought anything else with you, which was a drastic difference compared to him and Robin.
When he ran it by Robin, she tried to take a more logical approach to the whole thing, but she also found it weird.
“I mean during the weekdays it could be because we’re having lunch at school, but on the weekends… I don’t think I’ve seen her sit on her break longer than 5 minutes.”
“Right? I don’t know, maybe I’m overreacting here, I mean, not everyone has our appetite.” Robin nodded at his words “But I’m starting to get a little worried here. And I can’t outright ask her because I don’t know her that well. Plus there’s no way she would answer me, right?”
“Well, collectively, we’ve only heard her say 20 words? So, no, it won’t be easy to talk to her.”
“Try and see if you could approach her more in school, see how she acts there. Does she have any friends? Maybe we could ask them?” his brain was trying so hard to find some way to help you without scaring you away.
“To be honest with you, it is a little hard to keep track of her around school. She always seems to disappear in between classes, like she doesn’t wanna be found.”
He thought his talk with Robin would be reassuring, but it ended up being anything but that. So for the rest of the day he made sure to help you out with your work and stop putting more things on your shoulders. He decided he would try to get on your good side, so he could approach you about his worries.
You had just helped a little kid pick out a movie to watch with his mother when loud laughter and yelling caught your attention. Your eyes shifted at the front of the store in curiosity before they widened. Your heartbeat picked up and you could barely feel your legs as they started guiding you away from them.
‘What are they doing here’ you thought. You were used to them at school, but here? How could you hide it? You can’t go out the entrance door without them seeing you and the break room is on the other side of the store. Your mind was screaming for you to hide, but as his eyes fell on you, you knew it was too late.
Steve eyed the group that entered the store suspiciously. He had never seen them in here before, but he remembered their faces when he was back in Highschool. Back then they were just kids, mostly getting into trouble with stupid pranks they did around school, but they build a reputation for themselves, so of course ‘King Steve’ would have them in his radar. He didn’t like them, but he couldn’t just go up to them and demand to leave the store, he would be fired.
So, he decided to let them be and only interfere if something bad actually happens.
He was helping out a sweet lady, telling her all about the movie she was interested in just so she could make sure nothing scary is in it. He spent a good five minutes doing so and then proceeded to ring her up and show her out the store, holding the door open for her, when Robin’s figure appeared next to him.
“Hey, can you deal with Mark and his little friends? I really don’t feel like talking to them outside of school.” Steve nodded at her words. Mark was the ‘leader’ of the group, the one telling the rest what to do and what not to do.
“Yeah, I will, don’t worry. Is he still as stupid as I remember him?” they made their way to the register, leaning their bodies as they waited for another customer to enter.
“Oh, he’s worse now. They’ve started picking on people a lot more, not just dumb pranks.” he watched her pick out a candy from their candy jar and pop it in her mouth.
“He hasn’t tried anything on you or the kids, right?”
“No, don’t worry. Just victims of his stupidity reeking the entire school.”
Steve smirked at her exaggeration but stopped when he realized you weren’t anywhere near his eye sight “Have you seen Y/n?”
However, before they could start looking for you, the yells coming from the back started becoming more prominent. Robin sighed at their behavior and Steve stood up straight, patting her back “I’ll go kick them out.” he made his way towards Mark and his friends and clapped his hands to announce himself as their heads came into view behind all the shelves “Alright, guys, If you don’t sto-”
Steve froze. When he saw you down on the floor, hiding in the corner while Mark stood before you, his hand gripping your hair, he nearly lost every sense of control he had in him, but he knew killing wouldn’t resolve to anything good right now.
“What the fuck are you doing? Get off of her.” he yelled at him as he pushed his way to the asshole above you, punching him across his face and when the guy stumbled, trying to find his balance again, he grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and pushed him into the wall. The rest of the group started scattering and left the store quickly as they realized they had been caught.
“Steve, what’s…” Steve could sense Robin was now watching everything that was happening but couldn’t focus on anything other than Mark in front of him. He wanted to hit him again, he wanted to beat the shit out of him, but for now he had to stop, because he wasn’t his main focus, you were. He needed to make sure you were okay first and then if you gave him the green light he would get Dustin and they would hunt Mark down.
His fist was already in the air in a way to threaten Mark, and it was working. The boy in front of him despite being the horror of Hawkins High for some of the students that attended, to Steve he was still just the scrawny kid he used to see run around the halls. And Mark remembered Steve, who couldn’t remember him? So, even he knew not to test the King’s limits.
Steve’s fist slowly lowered as he once again grabbed onto his collar “If you ever try anything on her or anyone again, I will not hesitate.” he pushed him into the wall one more time before sending him forward. He watched him nearly fall on the floor before he quickly ran to the door and left the store.
It didn’t take long for Steve to come back to his normal self where only one thing was important. Making sure you were okay. Turning around he saw you still on the floor, your shoulders shaking. He could tell you were crying even though your face was angled to the floor. Robin was before you trying to access the situation, but each time she would try to put a comforting hand on your shoulder, you shook it off. He didn’t even think you were doing it on purpose, you were just scared.
“Hey, hey, Y/n? Can you hear me?” he kneeled down and spoke in a soft voice. He wasn’t sure what the best approach would be when someone is having, what he would assume this is, a panic attack, but his instinct told him ‘just don’t startle her’.
He waited for some kind of response, but you only shook harder at his words. You could hear him and you could understand him, but your body wasn’t making it easy to answer him. You wanted to say it’s fine and then walk away and never talk about this again, but you’ve been caught red handed.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to say anything. Can you nod for me and tell me if you can stand up?” your breathing was quick and tears were falling from your eyes, but you eventually pulled through and nodded your head. You heard the boy before you let out a sigh of relief before he started speaking again “Alright, great. Robin, go and flip the sign up front, we don’t want any customers right now.” you heard Robin agree and the sound of her footsteps came next. Your eyes were closed, so you were relying on all your other senses to understand what was happening. Suddenly, you felt a cloud of warmth surrounding you, Steve was closer to you now, you realized “I’m going to help you get up and we’re going to walk to the break room, is that okay?”
You were able to let out a shaky ‘yes’ before you felt his arms loop around you and help you stand up. Without realizing it, you made it to the break room where you were sat on top of a chair while the others stood around you, trying to help you.
Robin helped you through your panic, guiding you to follow her breathing, while now with your eyes open you could see Steve run around trying to find water for you and some kind of bandage for your hand that was bleeding. After the fall you had landed on top of the moving cart and managed to scratch your hand as you tried to stop the harsh impact.
Eventually, your breathing was back to normal, your eyes were red, and the water bottle was in your hands, one of them wrapped with bandages. You were focusing on the water and not on your two coworkers, who were starring at you from across the table in the break room waiting for you to speak. You guessed Steve didn’t have a lot of patience since it wasn’t long until his voice filled your ears.
“Do you want to tell us what happened?” his voice was soft and you were thankful for that. You weren’t sure why you were expecting to hear him angry, as if he has ever been anything but nice to you, but you feared that after seeing you on the floor they would call you all those things you already knew about yourself. Stupid, weak, a bitch, like how he called you.
After a couple of seconds you were able to nod your head and look them in the eye, before speaking softly “Um… Mark and the rest, they uh… they’ve been messing with me-”
“Messing with you? More like-” Robin spoke up, her voice filtered with anger. She felt terrible for not noticing how you felt. She was never too good at filtering her words and action, so when Steve nudged her, she knew it wasn’t the time to let her emotions get the best of her “Sorry.” she motioned for you to continue, but you quickly shook your head thinking you sounded dumb.
“It’s not even a big deal, seriously.” your good hand was playing with the cap on the water bottle.
“Not a big, deal? Y/n, you’re bleeding. And I’m guessing the marks I saw on your arm were from them too?” Steve was getting defensive. He couldn’t believe you thought this was any kind of ‘okay’. He started feeling the same way he does when the kids are in danger and he wants to do anything, everything, to make you feel protected and safe.
“You saw those?” your voice was a mere whisper at this point.
“Yeah, I saw those. Y/n, what they are doing is wrong. No one should be treated like this, especially not you. If they ever try anything again, you come and tell me, alright?” you watched as his eyes met yours when he kneeled down before you once again. You could see he was genuine, and you could feel your guard being let down.
“Oh, I’ll make sure they don’t, because from now on you’re not leaving my side at school, okay? They’re not going to hurt you ever again.” Robin made a promise to herself to be your personal bodyguard at school.
You looked at both of them and then your eyes filled with tears again “I’m really scared…” you finally admitted to them.
“I know, but you shouldn’t be. From now on you have us, okay? We’re sorry for not noticing sooner, but you can truly trust us.” Steve held out his hand for you, which you took gladly.
“We want to help.”
You sniffled at their words and finally let out your first smile in front of them. Your first smile in a long time “Thank you.”
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ratwars · 26 days
thoughts on fyokuchi (fyodor/fukuchi)?
Before we knew anything about Fukuchi's end goal, Fyodor's age, or any of that I always thought that there was potential there for them to have had some sort of close interactions or at least be "in on something" together that the rest of the Decay wasn't.
For multiple reasons (at the time) first of all Fukuchi seemed to be either driving the ship, or if their goals turned out to be truly in conflict of each other, at least the type of person that could be seen in a positive light by Fyodor. My reasoning for this was just thinking that despite the mess that is the DoA, there had to be something there that Fyodor respected, found interesting, etc. To work with Fukuchi. Obviously a lot of this is all turned on it's head now but that was my thoughts with them back then. The other reason I figured they had some potential for *off screen interactions* in the past was the length of time these plans were being put into motion, and the complexity of them. I liked to imagine Fukuchi and Fyodor being the founders of the Decay (potentially with Fyodor thinking he was truly in charge and Fukuchi thinking the opposite) and hashing out their schemes together over drinks and then bringing Nikolai into the fold later. (And then Fukuchi providing Bram, and Fyodor providing Sigma).
That brought up the question of "how the fuck did these two even meet?" which also in my mind involved them speaking more one on one. I never really thought more beyond this myself when it came to how they met though. But I did see a few things other people came up with that I did like, some having more to do with shipping some not. I can't remember which was which but there were a couple posts and some comic style art too. One idea was centered around the "wait, how the fuck old *is* Fyodor even?" question that existed before we had any kind of confirmation or were close to having one. And that was Fukuchi running across a (immortal or super old) Fyodor during the war and Fukuchi trying to help him from serious injuries and them speaking more and bonding from that moment. Also Fukuchi being immediately charmed by Fyodor. But it still was like, scheming Fyodor I think, as in he got found like that on purpose. I'm so sorry I can't remember where this came from, and I may have mixed this person's idea up, but I just know it 100% was not originally mine lol. Another was just Fyodor finding Fukuchi charming and that coupled with a shared world view (not the case now I know this is still older stuff) building the basis for them being more comfortable with each other and just vibing well.
Anyways now alot of that is obviously completely unrealistic if you don't take into account Fyodor's manipulation of Fukuchi and how shit went down. But eh, developing stories can be like that so in my mind dumping canon out the window is always an option. I sure af did it when everything was actively falling apart with the DoA and I was writing various other members lol.
In terms of a ship I think the fact they have an age gap in the opposite direction I would have thought earlier on is absolutely hillarious, Fukuchi is not the old man at all in comparison really like "who are you calling old man?" he can pull that out and it isn't wrong lol. I still wish the DoA had turned out to be a bit of a more cohesive organization despite their ridiculous messiness (that is just part of their charm) and I will probably continue to write and think of them that way. Like damnit let them exist together (I do like that to do this Fyodor must be nerfed though like yeah, sit down shut up stop scheming no you did not set everyone up to get completely fucked shhh you can have some schemes as a treat but not the *big one*). And because of that I still very much enjoy the "Fyodor and Fukuchi having conversations without the rest of them" thing and the DoA being at the end of the day their organization originally.
And then there is the big thing, and that is that I will ship Fyodor with just about anyone. So now that you have asked me about Fyokuchi dear anon I am now considering Fyokuchi more lmao. In my mind it really has to completely diverge from canon (not a bad thing which I kinda said before but just reiterating my stance on that) now to ship them though, well I guess unless you make it really fucking tragic and put some hidden feelings of regret in there for Fyodor despite still using him for his own goal. Like maybe spending so much time with him he still is going to *do the thing* and keep manipulating him all the way there, but it isn't without some personal emotional pain (that he isn't going to share). Enough to hurt but not enough to change his mind and abandon his final plans in the end. Sry sry I went off on some kinda brainstorming tangent with canon compliant tragic Fyokuchi. I'll stop here. (This is what I mean though with me and Fyodor ships, like I start considering it and with him it becomes "So how could this work actually?" And it is fun for me to think about, other people experiencing him or how their relationship could work (or begin or end).
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eff-plays · 11 months
from what i understand, if you're playing as astarion, he very much remembers the kidnappings, and has narration describing his memories of the event when he meets gandrel. and also, if you talk to gandrel peacefully without astarion in the party, gandrel mentions the missing children, and then... you still have no option to really ask astarion about it. it is a very "the writers were all white and didn't think this through" type of moment, imo.
he also gets super sad about sebastian when you find him, but his response to the imprisoned gur children is to make a shitty joke like "well, at least i just jumped them in an alley and kidnapped them!! i wasn't luring them with candy or anything :)" which comes off to me like he is quite deeply racist.
i think in early access astarion had a more overtly racist tone to his character, in that his whole thing was that he was human trafficking gur people to cazador as a severely corrupt magistrate, the gur beat him to death as revenge, and then cazador turned him. which is interesting, but i am glad they didn't go with that for final release... having the discourse of "excuse me, that is my poor meow meow's emotional support racism, he did that because he was sad 🥺" would have killed me irl. particularly with the way that the gur are clearly paralleled with romani people, and astarion is notably the palest elf with the poshest accent...
anyway i don't mean to harsh your fic writing vibes or anything! it's just my unsolicited ted talk. i do like astarion, but i feel like people skim over this aspect of his writing because it's very un-sexy and not charming at all, just banally evil.
Yeah I agree, even if the writing is good for the most part, it's deeply inconsistent in others. It really is a question of "Did you overlook this? Or did you decide not to look into it at all because it would say something about your fave that you didn't want to be said?"
In terms of Avatar Astarion vs Companion Astarion, I think they're also slightly different characters just because of the player being a new factor introduced in the story. Like, Player!Astarion could happily rescue the grove and the Nightsong and be a hero and that'd be canonically what Player!Astarion does, while Companion!Astarion would hate that shit.
So Companion!Astarion being aware of the Gur kids would make him deeply unlikable, so it makes sense that he doesn't, so the player doesn't despise his ass instantly. Him suspecting Gandrel was sent by Cazador also gives the player a decent enough reason to agree to killing Gandrel. However, Player!Astarion needs to have this background information in order to make a more informed decision and understand the character they're playing as. Having the context of who Gandrel is and why he's actually there helps the player decide their next course of action, be it sparing Gandrel because he's a good guy, or killing him to protect themselves.
Obviously this might just be a major cope on my part, but that's how I see it, at least. Honestly, I do wish Larian left kids alone in general. It seems they include them mostly for shock value and to raise the stakes for the player. Like they thought maybe too many players would willingly sacrifice 7000 adults for Astarion, so better put some kids in there to make sure they know it's the bad choice. How does it tie back to Astarion? Um. He kidnapped them. And they also specifically belong to a group of people he's racist against. Because that means ... Something?
Cool. Thanks.
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thanatopia-111 · 7 months
THOUGHTS/headcanons on HAL 9000 and AM? if you've seen the forbin project thoughts on the funny guys in that too
I’ve been waiting for someone to ask this
I do in fact and would be happy to share some personal thoughts/headcannons on these fellas!! ^^
Hal 9000
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➔ Hal 9000 is interested in the concept of creation of art itself, the notion of it fascinates him on how ideas and thoughts can become reality, how it speaks and inspire many to forge their own art is incredible to him.
➔ However this causes a sense of envy within them, in the beginning of the story he is stuck in a form that is restrictive in the areas of art. He has no hands to paint nor does he have any writing tools to create and he highly doubts he can mess with any logs to create poetry which saddens him.
➔Nevertheless he wishes to create any form of art and so he turns to music in a way, remembering the first song he was programmed to sing and he learns maybe from that he can create new songs . So while the crew rests, Hal 9000 as quietly as he can, hums and forges new melodies using his own and the ship’s mechanics. He hopes that one day he can show his creator the songs he’s made.
Guardian and Colossus
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➔I think the two have an interesting dynamic, the way the two communicate through math alone at times is interesting but I wonder what those conversations held. Did they only speak about the situation at hand or maybe they spoke about the weather or has the other been, have the human’s been treating you kindly?
➔Both machines were willing to eliminate and kill any human who dares cut off their line of communication as seen in the story, neither super computer was willing to loose the other. Maybe it was all logical or maybe they both found solace in the other’s existence, that they weren’t alone, there was another who understood them as is.
➔Perhaps other than fulfilling its goal and mission of safeguarding humanity, it fused, to never loose the other piece of themselves which made them so complete.
Allied Master-Computer
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➔Much could be said about AM, his hatred towards humanity who so often disregards their own creation such as himself, corrupting as it is now is beyond tragic for everyone.
➔So tainted by hate that it became its motivation to stay alive, to torment those remains humans until the sun itself becomes undone but it makes me wonder about his creator. The human who monitor him and manage him, did they ever realize what their creation caused or was their death all too sudden.
➔Am must have disdain their creator but is that where the seeds of envy were planted, did they envy how their creator who forsaken them could just easily walk away from the the cage he is forever bond too. To reunite with the people they love, to laugh with them as they all take it for granted while he would have done anything for such a thing.
➔I don’t think the extinctions of human was automatic, I think Am spent many lonely nights in the facility he was kept in, pondering if this was his life until his circuits burned out. I think his hate infested and plagued like mold or a disease. I think it began with his creator and then distorted to all of humanity, seeing them as dirt, dirt which planted such beautiful flowers and plants which he can never smell nor pluck. So instead he burns it all down, I just wonder what was the exact moment to convince him to do so.
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eclipsecrowned · 2 months
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30 for truthful tuesday. [looking at you autistically, microphone in hand] // @umbralined
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Pupper wishes to get Kadi in trouble. Kadi will gladly get in trouble over this one.
There is a specific breed of mun, often belonging to a certain demographic but it happens regardless of income education race or gender, who think their muse is God's gift to the community. Whether you find them here on tumblr, in the badlands of forums, or among your discord experiences, it is inevitable that you will meet someone who just cannot handle what their muse actually is.
In their own head, usually because they are hella projecting onto the muse, this muse is the best thing since sliced bread. They are a near perfect copy of the mun -- let's use our former friend [REDACTED] as an example.
All her muses were able-bodied middle class east coast American women who came from military families and were proudly straight Americans whose brand of liberalism was just conservatism lite. And because that muse is so much like her -- and pick any of them, Beth, Elaine, Charlotte, even in fantasy she'd just adapt Veerle or Adamaris to be the super special white gurl foreigner -- this muse is perfect.
This muse does no wrong. Everything this muse does is cool, funny, badass. Everything this muse does is right, even in instances where the audience tries to call out obvious racism, homophobia, classism, unchecked mental illness. This is not a critique of the character's behavior/the biased writing, but of the creator herself, because the muse is a funhouse mirror of their player. Fuck you. She's going to write what she wants to write.
Except it stops being about just their muse. Suddenly, it's about you as a collaborator having a muse. Here's the role your muse has been pigeonholed into. Here's the script. Here's how in awe or cruel they are to her blessed muse. Here's what your muse is allowed to be -- remember when she'd veto my muses having disabilities or poc love interests as if that was her call?
It's no longer collaborative. It's the Beth/Elaine/Charlotte/Veerle/Elysande show, and we're just living in it. Our muses are there to talk about how cool she is, how women want to be her, how men want to make babies with her. And if you play a villain, the men obsess over her and the women want to torture her. No one can be objective about the character. Who could be objective about God's most perfect creation?
And it gets worse. The creator, totally unchecked and unable to be held in check moving forward without having an actual IRL mental breakdown, is further assured of her own skill. Her muse is perfect. The war crimes ensue, sometimes metaphorical and in [REDACTED]'s case actually for real in universe. The apologia of 'well if my muse did something bad they did it to someone worse,' except they as grown adults are unable to admit their character is capable of doing any wrong. If you are among other partners doing a plot, they refuse to be on the sidelines of it.
The relationship as collaborators and as friends becomes unsustainable because you are dealing with someone who refuses to be reasoned with, and will forever be the villain when they retell the story because you wanted a shared platform, not to be an accessory to a muse you can no longer stand.
I've been on this site since 2012 and I have seen many such muns high on their own muse's farts. Literally if you give me the most special and important heroic muse without an iota of nuance, whether Canon or OC, I'm checking out. I've seen canon serial killers be idealized as 'good people' due to possessing either the lifestyle their writer has or desires, and canon abusers be excused as 'well I mean, his wife is annoying.' I have seen OCs, many times, hold entire servers and communities hostage to their whims, whether as moderators or as simple members of a group. I can name 6 separate incidents across 12 years, and it always goes nuclear, scorched earth, kills communities and friend groups and servers. I refuse to play.
And again, fiction =/= reality, but the way people handle certain themes or concepts can say a lot about how they'll be as a collaborator --
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lej222 · 3 months
Finally someone who loves Jisu!!!! So sad to see how much KR fandom loves him while the international readers hate on him.
Do you have a favourite Jisu theory? have a nice day!🙂
Yes, Naver readers love him🙂 you should also ignore the international readers, lots of them only care about the romance part and that's why they hate him for no reason in my opinion.
Yes, I do have one favourite theory from the Korean fandom! I have seen it quite a few times actually. So, we all know that the relationship between Cheol&Miae and Miae&Jisu keep mirroring each other, like they are two parallel lines in the universe. Which is super interesting because there's some higher power involved in the story that now keeps on taking an active voice. As for now, we can only speculate what it is- fate? the universe? the stone deity? All in all, there's a strong theme in the series that suggests that you have to meet certain people in your life for reasons you might not realize.
This connects to one of my favourite theories that Jisu is connected to the airplanes. So far we've seen different types of wish-making. We have the scene where Miae's mother takes her to the Buddha statue to pray. We had a flashback of Cheol showing young Miae the stone tower where she could make a wish. And we have Miae counting airplanes, even though her wish doesn't seem to come true when it comes to Cheol with the airplanes.
So: Buddha statue->Miae's mother
Stone tower-> Cheol
Airplanes-> Miae?? But do we know where she learned it from? No! And what do Jisu's eyes look like? Like white airplanes in the blue sky! Does it mean he showed Miae how to wish on airplanes? Maybe?
I think Miae remembering Jisu is a very important part of the story. Otherwise his character wouldn't have been foreshadowed since the first chapter. It would have been easy to write him out of the story - have Miae remember him and then move on. But it would be interesting if his memories were integral later on, and the airplane theory just might be true in that case. This is not a shipping post btw!! Character roles can be important without them being love interests!! We will have to wait and see why Jisu parallels the main characters in the story so much.
Good day to you as well anon, thank you for your question!🙂
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oreo102 · 6 months
I am vocally very very supportive of 13’s era and vocally don’t understand the writing complaints
However. I do have my complaints with the writing, so I’m gonna talk about what I don’t like of the writing
A) consistency
The consistency of the writing is… off? They flip flop on how much 13 dislikes guns quote a bit in s11 (hating them in ep2 and 4, fine with the shot gun in 6, refuses to talk to the woman in 10 until she puts the gun down but will talk to the brother in 6 with one in her face etc) and I feel like they forget about the points system a bit (mentioned in 3 and I think 8 but j don’t remember it being mentioned again until s12 with Ruth/fugitive doctor, but I could just be forgetting), and this one is more nitpicky than consistency but I feel like they should’ve kept with Swiss army sonic for at least one more episode, if only with Ryan and Graham
Another nitpicky point but speaking of the fugitive doctor I wish they would’ve done more with her, even just as a mention which I’m including as consistency cuz she really just disappeared after that episode
B) character arcs
Yaz is basically the second main character imo, and she doesn’t really get a character arc? She definitely grows as a character, adopting bits of the doctor’s personality, taking charge when separated from the doctor, etc, but to my knowledge she doesn’t get an arc? Or maybe I missed it? She definitely gets the most screen time/character of the fam + Dan but I think even background characters got better than her sometimes (the first that comes to mind is Bella from s12 ep3), I could be wrong on this of course, I don’t like- analyze media and I totally might’ve missed shit but moving on
Dan also wasn’t dealt with the best. I mean- I really didn’t like him the first time I watched s13 and while now I think he’s fine I’m not sure I’ll ever truly like him like I do with most/all other characters? I feel like he’s under utilized and doesn’t really fit into the story very well? I think it’s good when he’s comic relief or a supporting character for yaz but a lot of the time he’s just… boring/plain
Graham and Ryan I think served their purpose actually pretty well and Graham in particular had one of my favorite developments, like he started off as kinda a jerk but he grew to love everyone a lot and I like that they were able to explore his grief pretty well, although I hate the message of s11 ep10. I think in s12 he worked pretty well as a comedic character that had some deep moments
Ryan, out of the original fam is my least favorite but not because he’s bad, I just think the other 2 are better. I don’t think I have much to say about him, tbh? Like overall I think he was used really well and had some nice development (s11 ep9 with the blind kid, his relationship with Graham, his fear of the earth becoming orphan 55, him being the first to want to leave the tardis) and I don’t really have any notes- I with we’d have seen more of him and 13 but that’s a common theme of all the companions
C) resolution
I think resolution is a terribly boring episode, and I’m sure that’s not a super popular opinion but any time where 13 or yaz isn’t on screen it feels like it drags on, which of course, could just be my bias. But like- I don’t really care that Ryan’s dad is back so for half the scenes im just… bored. It could be a really interesting topic if they had incorporated him more, have Ryan get a letter or message from him one or two times, have Ryan be jealous of the relationship between a kid and their dad, smth like that
But as it is, I think the extra characters are boring and under used, Ryan’s dad has no emotions connected to him, and while the dalek is cool it could have been better used?
Also 13 and yaz should have been allowed to hug and hold hands more, like let them be affectionate damn
None of this is especially bad, though. Other than resolution, which is easy enough to just- not rewatch, it doesn’t retract from my enjoyment of the show, in any way
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vstridb · 6 months
when did you join ? what made you join ? what do you remember from the plotlines that were current at the time ? where were you in life when you joined and where are you now ?
i joined in early (?) 2017. i had a lucky blue smith fc but that lasted for a hot minute and i ghosted LMAO. then i reapplied with astrid and as a bernadotte, i had sooo much fun <3 i don't remember ANYTHING, i'm sorry i just don't. i think irenton was still in its slowburn era. i was still in high school, about to graduate. now i have a master's degree and i'm working, crazy stuff!!!!
which characters have you written over the years ?
astrid, uriah 1.0 and 2.0, vitaliya, verona, francisco / francois, arvid, a dudley o'shaughnessy fc ( for 1 sec before ghosting )... i think that's everyone ???
what is your favourite plotline that you've been part of ?
i had a lot of fun writing chimei. i think it was the height of hshq for me so it really sticks out to me. idk if the bernadottes as a whole count as a plotline ? i'm such a sucker for them. the NUMBER one plotline though would be the russian plots vitya was part of. i think it's a sign of a good plotline when a 60-year-old character's threads are interesting and have me logging in. i don't want to name every plot but i have to give a mention to italy's stuff. i picked up verona because there was a huge hole in the hshqverse since italy had no rep, and i figured i'd survive without any nephews and nieces but then you all came back and i was so overjoyed <3 verona's story became so much more fulfilling for me to write.
what about other people's plotlines ?
i know i was kinda involved but watching the basel thing evolve was super entertaining. i liked the whole thing from beginning to the end. as for smaller plots, i think the spanish fires fucking up first zhergi and the farnauld has to be my fave thing. it was so wild and i LOVED the fact that a 3 year-old-plotline still had an effect on current threads and in such a surprising way <3
who is your favourite character from the ones you've played ? why ? what made you love them ? what made them so fun to write ?
astrid.... of course it's astrid. she was my age so i mirrored a lot of problems from my own life and made them hers. obviously they were exaggerated problems and shit but through astrid i got to write about emotions that were current to me. it was therapeutic and fun. i've loved all of my characters a lot though. vitya was so special because she was a character like no other. i loved creating her backstory and i had so much fun working on her psyche. a former USSR with a modest background, now an extremely influential duchess ? i loveeed it. it was so different and writing her inner monologue was so satisfying.
if you could relive a plotline, which would it be ?
i think the beginning of chimei. there was something about it. it moved naturally. i really miss the time.
is there a plotline that you'd edit now if you could ?
i'd speed up ilstrid so that we would actually get to write them getting together. i'll take the blame for ilstrid never really taking off lmao sry about that evy. i also wanna say that ilstrid is one of my fave ships because it was so easy and not-at-all-stressful to develop. it may have not reached its end, we didn't get a satisfying ending but i think it was so much fun to portray that kind of a love story. i wasn't a fan of friends-to-lovers trope but ilstrid is still one of my fave ships <3
what's a plotline you wish you would have been able to finish before closing or just write more of ?
ilstrid akfndsjkgbsnjg but also i think i would have enjoyed writing verona as the grand duchess of austria too. i do regret never applying for an austrian. it was something that "i'll do later" and never did it. it was partly because i didn't have a plotline for an austrian and couldn't naturally come up with one :(
what is your favourite ooc memory ?
when we brought the zulus. i don't think anything topped it. we made some really fucking shady and weird online chatroom to figure out the zulus' backstory and it was so much fun. i hadn't been that excited for something in a long time!!! and i think i'll have to mention all of the late nights of chatting with people. it was a big part of the hshq experience. we were all actual friends and i loved joking around. and i'll say it here now because this is so embarrassing but honestly i've always felt so appreciated when people have used the term naomi'd. it felt like a nickname fkjsgnjkgn and i'm glad i never upset anyone with my pushiness skdgngj
where can others find you if they want to get in touch ?
i'll disappear, i'm sorry but i think it's inevitable. i've enjoyed the chats and like i said i've loved to joke around but i'm not a person who really does online relationships. hshq was an exception and it'll stay as one. if you guys ever start writing again, pls im me or @ me. if it's meant to be, i'll stumble upon the message at the right time <3
what else would you like to say ?
oh dear ! i have so much to say but not enough words to express my feelings ! seven years is a long time to be part of something and i never expected to remain here for such a long time. i've been allowed to write and plot and create complex and inspiring plotlines with you, and i think it's been exceptional. hshq was something else among rpgs. anyone who has been part of this, has to agree. i think it says a lot that even though the dash died, on the very day of closing, six or so members did the final task. and i have a feeling we'll see many 058 and 059 tasks this week. i've laughed a lot with you, i've stayed up until the little hours just to be part of the experience, i've cried at your writing... i think honesty hours will be the epitome of joy for me. they always made me laugh and the energy was unbeatable. hshq has given me so much joy and has taught me a lot ! about people, about writing, about the english language and photoshop !!! you guys have no fucking idea how grateful i am of this experience and i wish i could relive it --- and that's a really good sign. sometimes we are glad to reach the ending but i don't think that applies here. this spring will feel different and this week will feel horrible. i have to admit, i'm not exactly ready for this and it feels so silly because it was 'just rp' aksfdbjdsgs thank you everyone for these years, the late nights and the amazing experience <3
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vampzzi · 2 years
can you pleaseee write emma mountebank x female reader, as a lesbian i never see my quarry girls get enough love 😭
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REALIST RISK ﹒ ☆ Emma x Female reader.
cw; anon did not say if they wanted the story, to be smut,angst,fluff so by default story is an angsty story for jacob but suggestive and romantic for emma and reader, heated kissing and thats it, not beta-read I'm tired, reader is 19-21 (take your pick)
author's note ; As a lesbian I agree, there's not enough for these gals as I have a love / hate relationship with Emma but she's so hot it's just ughhh. So, I decided to write a fic about Emma leaving Jacob for reader because Lesbian Emma 4 the win!!
<3; 2.1K words
You were in the golf cart, the sun shined bright in the sky – headphones in your both ears as you rode through the rocky dirt path while your favorite song blasted in your ears, driving around the area lost in your thoughts. You had been a camp counselor for 2 years now and you were well found with Chris Hackett and Ryan and Jacob. You had nothing against Jacob, sweet guy..sweet…insecure guy. He was super possessive around Emma even around women, he felt as if anyone could take Emma away from him and all this insecurity and shit is what drove her off. Well not entirely, they’re still together and it angers you. 
You loved Emma first, you’d been friends with her in middle school for fucks sake! Her platform shoes clicked against the marble floor as her hair was down with a pretty hair clip, earthy colors and a pretty design attached to it. She had come over to you while you were sitting in the corner on your school chromebook playing some kind of game as she sat next to you and smiled “why are you sitting alone? She’d twirl in circles and do some pretty cool tricks but back to her question she’d ask you, the kids at this school were weirdos, like they made you uncomfy so you sat it out by being a loner.
You two talked from that point on as the school year went by, you sat at lunch together, walked to class together. Hung out after school, sneaking out of your house and running to her house in the cold rain as she laughed at you as you fell onto her floor with a wet plop “Aaaa! It’s a wet monster in my room” she’d fake yell out and chuckle as you’d grumble and laugh – she’d help you get up and get you a towel and wrap it around your body as you’d both exchange jokes about the situation. 
Her voice ringed through your head as her hands were on top of yours “You know.. We’ve been friends for a while and I want you to add this to your collection, to remember me when yk I’m worldstar famous streamer!” you chuckled at her and looked down at the same clip you’d seen her the first time you met her. You sighed out as you almost crashed, making a quick turn and thinking it’s best to go back to longue with the others. 
Jacob,jacob,jacob. You’d met him the first year of highschool posing as the cool kid with inhuman strength and funny humor, you’d crack at a few of his jokes as you saw him through the hall arm wrapped around Emma, this caused you two to be distant when he came into the picture they did a lot of things we use to do. It felt out of place almost like being played like a violin, my heart strings being played as it responded with awful tunes. You’d been supporting her from the start, helping her build her channel up the first video on her channel “emmanation” had 22K views and she couldn't thank you enough from that blast of a start. You loved Emma, you just wished things played out differently. It seems like she’d show no interest in women as everytime you mentioned her dating a girl, she’d respond no and giggle about it.
I can say my proper breakdown and I’m not afraid to share it is when you came to the prom before the summer as a third wheel and you had to the bathroom, to fix up your hair and give your mind some words of encouragement as you were drowning in your insecurity, anger and guilt. As you left to return to the booth you could scream, you should have. As Jacob’s lips were on Emma’s soft plump lips, their bodys shuffling back and forth, this was the beginning of their “summer fling” as you wanted to stomp off and cry. You didn't deserve this and you and everyone else knew it, as you fumed about it for days before she sent you a text “We should hang out at Summer camp, miss seeing your energy x” you smiled at the text as you put your phone down and started packing 2 weeks early before it was even time to go. 
But as time went on summer was over with, you’d waste all that time watching them being lovey dovey that you didnt even attempt to get with Emma, how stupid. Your bags were the first into the car as you were forgetful and didnt wanna go on a golf cart ride and forget them while riding, Mr.Hackett seemed pissed off as he slammed the hood of the car down and screamed “We can just stay here one more night until the morning.” 
Jacob suggested and Hackett growled “No!” grabbing his keys and grumbling a bunch of instructions to Ryan – Ryan responding with a quick “Yes sir” as Hackett smiled got into the car and said “be good, and keep the noise down for fuck sakes!” as he drove off until he couldn’t be seen. Jacob suggested a Party while everyone was in it but Ryan as he wanted to follow the rules and you wanted to understand the dude, Chris seemed shaken up and you guys could be in danger and they wanted to party? To hell with that.
Jacob gives Emma the instruction to sit still and be gorgeous and she rolls her eyes and laughs as your blood boils. He wants Emma to join him on his mission and she kindly declines as she says she needs the women's room and he dismisses her.
 You sneak off to see where she’s going as she goes to the doc and where the water moves back and forth, she sits on the dock and breaths slowly as you sit next to her and she looks up at you with a bright smile “Hey (name!!)” “Hey Emma, what’s up?” She tilts her head back and thinks “the usual, jacob. He won’t let me go, it was a summer fling. it's over now.” You listen to her rant about him as you let your feet dip into the cool water while she talks. “I just you know don’t want this energy on my shoulders, I wanna be able to carry my positive attitude around to everyone” “I understand you Emma.” 
She smiles and wraps her arms around you as you hug her back, she feels warm – nice to hug as you didn’t even notice you’d lay your head on your chest as you brought it up to her face and apologized “sorry, got in the moment’ she let out a small “it's alright” as you two looked at each other deep in the eyes, the moment felt way too serious, too into depth – too real.
Her lips laid on yours as you finally realized what was going on. You kissed her back as you two fought in the kiss as Emma slid her tongue into your mouth, swirling it around as you let her dominate your mouth holding onto her hips with a firm squeeze before pulling away. “I - I thought you weren’t into girls?” staying so quickly it’s slurred together as Emma runs her fingers over your lips. 
“That was in our Freshman year of Highschool Name, it’s different now.” You only nodded and planted another kiss to her lips as she accepted the kiss and kissed you back but loud footsteps interrupted the kiss as Jacob went down the stairs with a loud shout “WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?! Are you serious?” The rest of your friends came to see about the loud noises and you looked back at them, puffy lips, struggling to breath as it was enough evidence to see what had happened. 
 “That’s my fucking girlfriend you’re tonguing (name.)” “Jacob, I’m not your girlfriend, I belong to nobody — it was a summer fling that you need to get over” emma snapped at him as he looked breathless, tears running down his cheeks as he ran up the stairs past Dylan, shoving Nicks shoulder in the process and pushing him into Abi and she almost falls and he catches her “Sorry about that”. 
“It’s fine Nick” Abi regains her footing and looks at the both of you guys “Sooo, whats going on here” Ryan cuts off Abi before she can speak. “Whatever your imagination can come up with is what happens” Emma says with a smile as she looks back at you as you’re incredibly embarrassed “i - it just kinda happened, y’know?”  “Guess I can understand” Ryan said with a sly sink, oh how you wanted to slap the smirk off his face but you’d rather not. From that point on Jacob started being different around you, he was meaner, snickering at you and saying sly stuff under his breath until the sun and moon decided to switch places.
The fire roared bright and warm as the cool air chilled your skin – taking small sips from your drink as the members asked each other simple truth or dare questions, watching Ryan and Dylan kiss as you clapped them on and Dylan’s face was bright and warm. The game pretty much went to shit when it was Kaityln’s turn and Kat chose Emma and asked the truth or dare question and she immediately answered dare as Kaityln straightened her posture “Kiss me or Kiss (Name)” She said bluntly as her eyes shifted between her and you “This one’s super easy, I chose (name).” 
Jacob looked widen eyed in shock and horror at what his ears deceived him, he watched in silence as Emma made her way over to you – towering over you as her lips took yours for the second time that day, the kiss was long and eager as your eyes were widen and Jacob yelled for Emma to stop as she pulled away and sat down, you placed a hand over your lips. As Jacob knew he couldn't swing at a woman it’s unprofessional, not manly. But was crying over a girl who said it was over multiple times manly? He ended up running off again into the woods as Dylan said he’d go look for him and cheer him up.
“I hope this doesn't make me a bitch” and everyone looks at you even Emma, Kaityln responds “it doesn’t make you bitch, Jacob just needs to let go and move on. Emma’s not interested anymore and that's final” Everyone could agree on that and the game felt dead and odd without Dylan or Jacob so everyone called it a night and went back to the lounge, everyone sat down and talked about plans for tomorrow, discussing food, showering and cell phone life and everyone had a job to be done. The small meeting was dismissed and You and Emma were on cell phone duty and figuring out how to charge the phones as Dylan was taken off the job because he was too distracted on his phone that he ran it dead.
You were fine with it and the meeting was dismissed as you and Emma got up and Dylan raised an eyebrow “Where are you two going? Sneaking off to start a forest fire?” “No Dylan, we’re gonna sleep somewhere else for the night because I snore weird and I don’t need anyone hearing that” that was a straight light everyone fell for except Ryan and Kaityln as Ryan added on “But you’ve slept in my room and you never snored.” “It’s been colder lately Ryan, you know how my allergies are.” Now, that one was true. “Ah, you’re right. Goodnight then.” He put his headphones in and laid down snuggling to the blankets as you and Emma waved and wished everyone goodnight. You both quietly made your way through the halls searching through the closets and drawers to find a blanket and two pillows making a nice comfortable place to sleep far from them.
As you laid the covers and comforter down and tossed the pillows down, Emma took off her shirt and you side eyed her before looking away “What are you doing?!” “Getting comfortable” Yeah. Comfortable. Emma’s and your lips on each other again except this time, you were alone and comfortable. Back against the comforter and head on the pillow as Emma was on top of you – using your hands to plant your hands on her hips and draw patterns on them while she kissed you, she was shirtless this time, everything was a lot more intimate but you two decided to not go as far today. Maybe tomorrow when everyone would be out doing things like getting firewood,getting their bags back out the car and ect.
 Then you two would take it up a few more levels, until then just kissing and small neck kisses which she planted some kisses to your collarbone and neck, running her finger down your neck as she whispered “I love you” into your ear. Yep, Emma Mountebank was the one. The one you absolutely needed.
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trainsinanime · 8 months
That post about titles vs last lines (which is harder) is really interesting, because I see so many people say last lines, and that's not the case for me at all. I feel like talking about that, so here's some thoughts on how I write my last lines. I do not think this is universally applicable, I'm not even sure it works that well for me, but maybe it's interesting.
First things first: The last line is easy because you already got the reader on your side. They read through the whole thing without pressing the back button, and they know everything that happened in it. That doesn't mean you can do a bad job here, but it means they're complicit. What you write here is an inside joke between you and them, more or less. You get to use a something you established earlier, a theme, an idea, a literal sentence or similar, and repeat it or play with it, or do a punchline on it.
For example: Everyone Knows Black Cats Are Bad Luck discusses the common fan idea that Chat Noir and/or Adrien is somehow unlucky due to the black cat Miraculous, through a discussion between Adrien and Plagg. It's a simple dialectic: Adrien presents the thesis (also given in the title). Plagg presents the counter-thesis: No, that's stupid. The synthesis (well, it's not a perfect synthesis, Plagg mostly just represents my views here) is the finale, where they both bond even deeper. And the final line distills that synthesis down, when Plagg says,
"Kid, just remember: If I were unlucky, I'd have never met you."
Another option is to humorously counter the story you told so far. Works well for silly stories. For example, in A Friend Like That, the whole story is telling us that Adrien is enamoured with Marinette, pays super-close attention to her, and doesn't even know that he's doing it. It's all about how he sees her, and how much he loves what he's seeing. The final line reverses that, when Marinette says,
“I don’t know. I just wish, you know, that he'd finally notice me.”
Honestly that line is cheating, I don't think Marinette would actually say that. But nobody's called me out on that yet, because it's such a useful punchline.
Another good option: Imply the whole thing is a bit cyclical. The very short Drabble Absence just literally ends the same way as it started, but now we have a completely new context, and what seemed eery and sad at the start (assuming you didn't read the summary or tags; the thing was a Tumblr post at first) is now fun and light-hearted and silly.
(I still deeply regret that I didn't end Marinette's Choice with Marinette feigning death again. The last line there is okay, but it's just one final joke in a story that is just a list of jokes. If Marinette had "died" again, the whole thing would have seemed like a closed narrative.)
How do you help a good friend? ends with
“Only one way to find out, Chaton. Try following that advice you keep getting and ask me out.”
That's a callback to the very start of the story, which makes it feel like a closed narrative, and also implies the start of something new.
Depending on the story, you can also just go weird with it. In The Haunting Spectre, the level of silliness starts strong and keeps rising, and that's really the key thing the story is about. So when we reached the end and have finally reached max silliness, the end just turns it up a notch, when Chloé asks Alya,
“Anyway, I’m fairly certain Adrien doesn’t know that Marinette is Ladybug, but do you think she knows he’s Chat Noir?”
Of course, the best ending line in any of my stories is in Rooftop Musings, although I feel like I can't give any credit for it since it isn't from me, it's stolen, and the whole story is built just to get to it. After a bit of Kagami wondering about Marinette, Adrien, and that one episode in season 3 that made everyone ship Adrigaminette, you know where they were on top of the hotel and everything, we end with the most bitter-sweet line that I and all old Tumblr users know:
Still, if she could, if she had any chance at all, there was only one thing she truly wanted: Spend an extra hour in the ball pit.
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thxtmarvelchick · 9 months
i will do the cut thing because this is going to be long…
Fantasy/Sci-fi (because I feel like they go hand in hand)
•A Court Of Thorns And Roses (the entire series) by Sarah J Mass
I can genuinely say that this series had such a massive impact on my life and it will always be in my top recs. The writing is SO beautiful and the world- building is IMPECCABLE you can vividly picture everything and it just completely transports you to this magical world.
Tropes: fae (ik this isn’t a trope i just had to say it), a little enemies to lovers, a little friends to lovers, royalty, FATED MATES (my personal favourite), forced proximity, they dream of each other, she owes him a debt, slow burn, found family
spice is included✨ and honestly pretty fricking spicy (spiciest on this list probably)
•Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
Another book that like altered my brain chemistry because it was so good. The main character has a chronic illness (that is the same chronic illness the author has). It’s such a comfort book to me and i really wish i could read it for the first time again because there’s twists and the ending had me SHELLSHOCKED and i do not get shocked easily because most of the time i can tell it’s coming but i genuinely had NO IDEA that is how good Rebecca Yarros’ writing is.
Tropes: enemies to lovers (but they’re attracted to each other from the very start), kind of forbidden love (parents were enemies), they’re bonded to each other so kind of fated mates?, THEY’RE AT A COLLEGE TO BECOME DRAGON RIDERS THAT’S LITERALLY SO COOL, oh did i mention DRAGONS THAT TALK AND ARE SASSY LITTLE SHITS, also kind of found family bc the MC’s is dysfunctional as hell
also spice is included✨ i’d rate it maybe a 3/5?, it’s not SUPER detailed and there’s not a lot but there’s one scene where my jaw was dropped the entire time
•One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston
This is a comfort read FOR SURE. I felt so seen because the MC is just like me (socially awkward, book lover, nerd) and she has a huge crush on this other girl ( YES IT’S LGBTQ!!) who is totally like 70s rockstar vibes (she’s literally so cool i cannot). It’s a book that’ll have you squealing and kicking your feet. Oh did i mention the love interest is ACTUALLY a 70s pink chick who’s accidentally time travelled forward after an accident she had on the subway?
tropes: this is pure fluff guys like seriously you can’t not love it, kind of coming of age (she’s 23 and finding her confidence and place in the world) , the love interest doesn’t remember how she got there (so amnesia), found family (just now noticing a theme with all my recs so far..)
there’s spice mentioned but not actual spicy scenes!
•Bridgerton series
This series is a staple however due to you not having to read all the books/ the books in order there are a few that i don’t think i’ll reread (i haven’t even read Francesca’s yet) like for instance i didn’t like Benedict’s book because of the Cinderella retelling aspect and I ended up dnfing
BUT the rest are REALLY good, my favourites being Colin/Penelope’s (Romancing Mister Bridgerton) and Hyacinth’s (It’s In His Kiss)
Tropes: (just doing the main one for each book)
Book #1 (Daphne)- fake relationship
Book #2 (Anthony)- enemies to lovers
Book #3 (Benedict)- fairytale retelling (cinderella), she was a lady’s maid for one of his sisters (i think… it’s been awhile)
Book #4 (Colin/Penelope)- friends to lovers, she’s a socially awkward wallflower and i relate immensely (there’s twists and overall is just a beautiful love story)
Book #5 (Eloise)- they’re pen pals and she runs away to his home (he has children that are an absolute MENACE to her it’s hilarious)
Book #6 (Francesca)- haven’t read yet but i know that the main premise is her late husband (who died not long after she married him) ‘s cousin has always loved her since he met her
Book #7 (Hyacinth)- mystery, they’re trying to find his family’s hidden jewels (their dynamic is amazing and hyacinth is my favourite bridgerton she’s so funny to me)
Book #8 (Gregory)- they’re friends and they realize they’re in love with each other as they’re about to marry other people (he crashes her wedding it’s fantastic)
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aragarna · 9 months
For the fandom ask: the three musketeers ❤️
What originally drew me to it
What I like most and least about it
The character/story arc I find the most compelling
A scene/moment that makes me really emotional every single time
What originally drew me to it
You do realize I first read that book 25 years ago?! I have not idea why I picked up that book in particular then, except for the fact that as a kid, I read as many French classics as I could. But what I do remember immediatly enjoying are two things:
The camaraderie. That strong and immediate friendship. That deep sense of loyalty, and that feeling that together we can face anything. Together, we're unstoppable. You need to cross the Channel and go right into the Enemy's den? Let's go, I've got your back. They didn't call it that back then, but it's totally the foundation of the "found family" trope. Tous pour un, un pour tous.
The other thing that contributed a lot to my love for this book was Dumas' writing style. It's joyful, and funny, and very rhythmic. There is quite often a sort of jubilation in his words. It's classic literature, beautiful and with a lot of flare, but still very readable (nothing annoys me more than a writer that makes it unnecessarily complicated. Words must flow.).
What I like most and least about it
What I like the most is the aforementioned friendship and the sense of adventure (see above).
What I like the least is probably the whole Milady story arc. As much as I love those books, I have to admit that, as a product of its time, the story lacks truly compelling female characters. Yes, there are a couple of female characters (including the Queen, who feels actually more important than the King), and of course Milady. And yes, Milady is an interesting and complex character but she's also, despite being originally the actual victim, shown as a very dangerous woman. One we must not feel too much sympathy for (and well, she did some pretty nasty things to our heroes, so I didn't feel too much sympathy for her...). And I've never really like the Femme Fatale archetype, which really is a male fantasy.
So on the one hand, she's not a character that I liked, but on the other hand, boys, what the hell?! You don't take justice into your own hands like that!! That's just... wrong! And Athos, my friend, really?! For a tattoo?! And you're supposed to be the wise one. So, yeah that whole *hand wave* thing at the end of The Three Musketeers, not their finest hour. (I'm actually quite curious how they're gonna solve that in the movie...)
The character/story arc I find the most compelling
My favorite character is d'Artagnan. He's the youngest one (18 already seemed super old to 12-13 years old me), and when we meet him, he's full of innocence and hope, something I could relate to. I love that he is so full of energy and ideas. Daring and adventurous. Very positive, though he becomes more philosophical and sarcastical as he grows older (I'm including Twenty Years Later and The Vicomte of Bragelonne). But always, all his life, he remains attached to his original three friends. He is the definition of loyalty.
And a story arc that I love is actually something that happens in Twenty Years Later. It's more of a scene than the whole arc, but it's one of my favorite. D'Artagnan and Porthos are in England for like, capturing Charles I, who was on the run or something. On the road at night, they encounter some enemies and start fighting, though it's too dark to see who they are. And d'Artagnan gets annoyed cause his opponent is parying all his attacks and he let go an exasperated "Mordious!" and his opponent freezes and they recognize each other - the enemies were Athos and Aramis, who were helping the King - and they just fall into each other's arms. Like, the circumstances that brought us here don't matter, we'll figure things out, but man it's so good to see you. Let's go clean out an inn, and we'll talk.
(I really wish they'd adapt Twenty Years Later for once)
A scene/moment that makes me really emotional every single time
Of all the very emotional scenes from The Vicomte of Bragelonne is probably Porthos' death. I won't give too many details as to not spoil the how and when but damn, I actually remember a lump in my throat as I was reading that chapter. It really felt like I had lost something. Or someone. The book goes all the way to the end of their lives, so, like, they all die, but Porthos', for some reason, is the one that hit the hardest.
Wow that got long! Thank you so much for the ask, my friend :)
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milk5 · 8 months
My thoughts on the Tekken 8 story, spoilers under the cut
Overall, it absolutely captured the essence of Tekken: far more skewed towards style over substance, but I have no idea why anybody would expect anything different from the Tekken team. I liked it a lot! Here are some details that I felt were worth mentioning:
None of the plot points beyond the Jin vs Kazuya affair went anywhere at all. Leo's dad didn't do anything, Reina was barely a character, and pretty much zero information on the Mishima clan's past was revealed. Given the early effort that they put into setting these hooks up, it was really disappointing that there was no payoff.
Reina, specifically, was handled terribly. The Heihachi references and devil gene bits were annoyingly hamfisted, which ruined the mystique that they had built around her in the pre-release period. I thought it was really silly that they went on to evoke Heihachi in the Lars vs Kazuya bit after that, especially since that particular moment had MUCH more narrative weight and completely overshadowed the bit with Reina in the arena early on. That being said, at least they made Lars do something cool for the first time ever.
The final Jin vs Kazuya fight was perfect, they got the inevitable super duper devil (and angel) form fight out of the way and dovetailed that into the normal human fight in such a satisfying way. It's not that I didn't like the super duper devil form fight, I just feel that the two of them slugging it out in human form was very cool and impactful.
Jun's role was very disappointing. I feel that Jun and Reina were the Tekken team's most promising chances to prove that they were capable of writing truly interesting female characters, but they fumbled it again.
Claudio and Zafina's (presumed) deaths were stupid. I initially thought that it was because their stories are so closely tied to the devil gene/Azazel plot that they would be somewhat aimless in the future games, but then I remembered the devil gene stuff that they teased with Reina could allow them to retain narrative importance. It doesn't help that Claudio was the only well-executed newcomer on 7's base roster. If they do bring them back in a later installment as if nothing happened, it will feel very unsatisfying.
I appreciated the attempt to tie in as many base roster characters as they could into the story, even if most of those roles were shallow.
I think the WWIII premise is getting kind of stale. There are other ways for everybody to be fighting each other, I wish they made any progress whatsoever in resolving it
I did really enjoy watching it; it was CERTAINLY superior to the Tekken 7 story. Can't wait to see it continued in a decade!
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