#so to cut a long story short it's just me trying to make myself sound vaguely more canon than i actually am like always haha
tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 7 months
#fiori sounds cool ! is crop haven likeee a farming life sim ? i#wonder what camellia being her rival means 🤔
In response to these tags left by @dmclr on the render I posted last night: Crop Haven is indeed a farming lifesim! It's inspired by the older Harvest-Moon-that-are-now-Story-of-Seasons games - if you'd like to know more, it has a Tumblr blog which I can link below for you!
The game is still very in-development, but it is available for download if you wanted to try it out - it's a very sweet little game so far, snd even though it is very about monsters it's definitely very light-hearted in a lot of ways~
Regarding me listing Camellia as Fiori's rival, this is simply because I was trying to replicate the format of the reference pictures that the actual in-game characters have on the wiki, as if Fiori was an NPC in the game itself. You as the player are able to marry many of the characters in the game, but there are also a number of "rival pairings" that can arise over time in the following years after that, where the characters will marry each other instead. So, in this case, it just means that if Fiori was actually in the game but the player didn't decide to pursue her romantically, then she would end up marrying Camellia instead, by default! So, Camellia would technically function as the player's rival for Fiori's affection, so to speak.
(According to the wiki, some characters will have multiple potential pairing options depending on the player's actions - for example, Martin will tend to marry Surge by default if you don't do anything, but you can potentially get her to end up with Ao instead, or even Jade if you really put in the work. For Fiori, I think her alternative option would be Polly, because I think she's adorable and both are monsters tied to the water in some way.)
I hope that this helps explain things!!
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rafeyscurtainbangs · 1 month
Please Please Please - Rafe Cameron Short Story (Part 1 of 6)
+18 Minor DNI
Older MobDealer!Rafe x Female Reader
🪄 re-uploaded because I had to make a new account.
⭐ republished ⭐
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+18 Minor DNI
3333 words
Warnings contain spoilers: domestic assault, cheating, swearing, name-calling, gaslighting, threats, and mentions of killing partner, general violence. Every chapter after this, will have Rafe as the focal point.
📖 Loosely based on the song and music video Please Please Please by Sabrina Carpenter 💕
✨“Stopping in your tracks, you watch the tall blonde struggle to break free. He grits his teeth, fighting against the cuffs, his broad chest gaping at the buttons of his black button-down shirt. He looks like he’s been through it; a gashed lip, the bottom of his pressed shirt half-tucked, his hair messy and sweaty against his dewy, tanned skin.”✨
*blue font is present day
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Reader’s POV:
Red wine, Tony’s favorite, Cabernet Sauvignon specifically. Tokara Telos, the first bottle of wine we shared on our very first date. Fitting for our two year anniversary. Slowly swirling the glass you watch the rich red wine cascade down the side. You look at the oven, eyeing the clock, watching a second hour pass. Nine… Dinner was set for seven. Where the hell is he? Maybe he texted me? Maybe he’s in a business meeting gone long or wrong?
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Unread to read. Your heart skips a beat as you watch the three dots impatiently; Tony finally acknowledging you, letting you know where the fuck he is and what the hell he’s doing.
The three dots disappear leaving behind the disappointing chain of messages.
Is he with someone else?
I hate that that’s where my mind goes first, since he’s assured me time and time again he’s faithful and I’m paranoid. It’s hard to give him the benefit of the doubt when there’s so much to doubt. Every excuse just sounds so fabricated with him, corroborated by his goons so I don’t have a leg to stand on.
Then there’s the talk around the country club… It’s just whispers, no real proof, but I swear it’s so goddamn loud. I’m rarely at the Island Club, but when I am, I can see the eyes on us. The cutting watch of women who Tony could possibly be seeing on the side; gossip shared just out of earshot. Everyones’ pity and focus always seems to be directed at me.
It’s embarrassing to feel like everyone knows my drama but me. No one opens their mouths. Ya know why? They’re scared… Scared of him. And I don’t blame ‘em. I’d be scared too.
So here I sit. Getting stood up by my boyfriend while he’s out doing god knows what, with god knows who, because he can. He can do whatever he’d like, break my heart, bruise my ego, because deep down I know there’s nothing I can do… The day I met him was the day I lost myself.
“Vlad,” you call from the kitchen, your voice bouncing off the walls of the lavish estate. “Vlad?”
“Miss?” Tony’s driver comes around the corner with a broad smile, taking in the smells of whatever lingers of the now cold pom de terre. “Smells delicious, Miss. I didn’t know you were a cook.”
“I’m not,” you sigh through a labored laugh. “Just thought I’d make what we had on our first date,” you hum, hearing the drunken slur in your own voice. Vlad cocks an eyebrow, clocking it instantly. “Umm… Dinner was supposed to be at seven,” you sough, gesturing with your glass toward the clock. “Do you know where he-”
“How was lunch with Anna?” He cuts you short, quickly changing the subject, leaving a sour taste in your mouth.
“Where’s Tony,” you return, trying your best to level your wavering tone, dismissing his “pleasantries”.
“The office-”
“What office exactly?” You snip, knowing it’s the Law Firm or The Country Club. Vlad’s gaze casts to the floor. He shuffles his Italian leather boot anxiously, not as good with his “excuses” as the other men on Tony’s payroll. It’s a wordless answer nonetheless - The Country Club. “Can you take me there? I want to make sure he has some dinner. I’m assuming he’s been there all day. The meeting just went long?” You ramble, without a verbal answer from him, gathering your things to leave as the older man flounders.
"Miss…” He cautions you, taking his turn with a faltering tone, making matters worse for Tony.
“Is there an issue?” You ask as you lift an eyebrow in his direction.
“Mr. Marietta is in an important meeting. As you know, they’re not usually the safest situations, and he demands your safety. Tony expressed to me that he would be home late. Would you like me to call him and ask when he’ll be coming home?” You roll your eyes, chuckling in disbelief as you stroll past him.
“I am perfectly capable of that,” you breathe as you snag a new bottle of red wine, heading out the door.
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦
The Country Club comes into sight, the gaudy neon sign flickering from a distance. The parking lot is packed, littered with cars; always jam-packed on the weekends. Kooks, Pogues, and tourists alike all brought together for their shared love of pussy.
“Park there,” you guide from the backseat as you spot Tony’s blacked-out Maybach truck parked under the streetlight. Vlad locks eyes with you through the rearview mirror.
“Would you like me to call him before you go inside, Miss?” You shake your head ‘no’ as you look out the window, drawing a deep, nervous breath before pushing out.
What am I walking into?
“Y/n?” Luis, Tony’s bodyguard and bouncer, calls from his seat outside the door. “What are you doin’ here?” He looks in all directions for watchers-on anxiously, the blood drained from his face like he’d just seen a ghost. Only a handful of people even know that Tony owns this shithole. To virtually everyone on the Island he’s just another Kook King. The Marietta to the Marietta and Klaus Law Firm. This is simply a front for something bigger, something Tony can use to wash his dirty drug money; a front. “You just missed Tony,” he lies through his gold-capped teeth.
“He’s here,” you smile as you step toward the door, grabbing the handle. Luis rests his large palm on top, looking down at you blankly. “He’s in a meeting, Miss.”
“And-” You ask as you twist the knob, but Luis doesn’t budge. “Move.”
“Get the fuck out of my way,” you snap. Luis’s jaw tightens as he shakes his head ‘no’ standing firm. “You said he wasn’t here. Now he’s here and I can’t go in? That’s my fuckin’ boyfriend,” you hiss.
“I have orders, ma’am.”
“Orders?” You scoff.
“Pussy,” you spit, turning on your heels, heading back where you came. Plan B. You pick up speed, clipping down the asphalt before he can intervene, following the line of men waiting outside, before slipping through the front door.
Your head hangs low as you walk through the dim, seedy hallway, pushing past patrons sauntering in and out of the gentlemen’s club. The main floor. I’ve never been here… The office is the farthest I’ve gone. You catch a few familiar faces from the Island Club, their eyes doubling in disbelief and shame for seeing you here and being seen themselves. Music blares as you storm toward the back; beautiful women dancing on the stage in nothing but Pleasers for the swarm of men gathered around, flicking and raining ones on the stage.
“Yes,” you gasp as you watch a stripper step out from behind the back-of-house door; catching it before it swings shut. Just a few paces and you’re there. You slide in your key and open the office door without a second thought, ripping off the bandaid.
Nothing… The office is dark, only the light of Tony’s laptop glowing in the empty post. Maybe he is gone. You step toward it, letting your heart rate settle as you circle his desk.
The corner of your lips curl into a trembling smile as you see a framed picture of the two of you on his desk. A post-it note affixed to the top with a reminder for tonight’s date.
Maybe I am paranoid… You pull out his large leather desk chair, taking a seat. Drawing a deep, needed breath, you let your shoulders fall, releasing some of your tension. It doesn’t explain why his truck is still here… Your eyes flash open, returning to the worry at hand landing on a bar napkin. Red lipstick.
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Your stomach sinks as you hold the note, your eyes flicking to the laptop screen. Oh my god. Your heart shatters as you watch a blonde bounce on Tony’s lap, his lips locked on hers.
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“I know,” you sigh as you relax your head back onto the cold brick wall of Kildare County Jail, looking up at the ceiling.
“Did ya kill 'em?” The woman asks in a gruff tone as she crosses her arms over her chest, tits spilling out of her tattered, lace bralette as she snaps her gum. “S'that why you’re in here?”
“Thought about it? But no. That’s not why I’m here.” You open your heavy eyes, taking in your surroundings, contemplating all the choices that landed you here. The worst of it, ever being with him in the first place.
“So, what happened next?”
There’s a brief separation as Tony draws away from their kiss, staring toward the door of the Champagne Room. Luis… He must have figured it out. Tony pushes the stripper off his lap, gathering his clothes as he frantically dresses.
Here we go.
You hear the muffled bang of the first door and the gritting of his key working the lock on the second. You watch as the knob twists, light flooding the room as Tony pushes into the office coming toward you fast. Tony grabs your shoulders, and you fight him off. “Don’t fuckin’ touch me,” you snap.
“Baby, please. You gotta talk to me? What’s going on? Why are you so upset? Please just talk to me,” he pleads like he’s done before; times when I gave him the benefit of the doubt; times when I believed I could be the problem here. “We weren’t doing anything.”
“Tony!” You cry. “Are you fuckin delusional? I saw you fuckin’ that stripper with my own two eyes.”
“Princess, she was just dancing. It was a lap dance. Alright? You have to believe me.”
“Just a lap dance…” You scoff looking down at his undone belt, zipper down, dress pants pitched from his hard-on. He follows your eyes, hastily zipping and fastening his pants closed.
“I don’t know what you think you saw-”
“We’re done,” you chuckle tiredly as you step back, throwing open the side office door. Tony immediately reaches for you, clawing for your arm. “Let go of me,” you struggle.
“You’re not leavin’,” he asserts, pulling you back inside.
“I am. I’m done with you. It’s our anniversary, Tony. Look at where you are. Look at what you’re doing. How could you do this to me?”
“Do what? It was just a dance. I just got out of a major deal. Alright? I was about head home-”
“Liar?” He questions. “Did you just call me a liar?” He asks as you feel the sting of his blunt fingernails digging into your arm.
“I know what I saw…”
“Princess… Even if I was lying. What the fuck are you gonna do about it. Huh? You’re mine, bitch. I own you. Where are you gonna go? What money do you have? How are you gonna afford this lifestyle you’ve become so accustomed to? Spending my hard-earned money like the gold-digging slut you are. You should be grateful,” he snarls as he steps toe-to-toe with you using his free hand to tug his leather belt from the loops of his pants.
You look up into his dark eyes as cruel words spit so readily from his wicked lips like he’s had time to prepare. I’ve seen this side of him, only once. He’s an evil man, and I know that. But this sort of cruelty has never been reserved for me. Until today. He grips his belt a little tighter in his fist making you take a few steps back but he stalks closer.
“You’re not goin’ anywhere,” he threatens.
“I am,” you whisper as you try to remain firm.
“I don’t think you understand this relationship we’ve got goin’ on, sweetheart. You go when I say you go,” he growls, tracing the belt along your bare thigh. “Do you think you’ll have a life after me? You think I’ll allow that shit.” He winds up smacking it against your skin. You gnash your teeth in pain, holding back tears, the most horrifying part knowing he could go far harder. “You know too much. You’re a liability. You have nothing. You are nothing without me. And you will be nothing without me.” Chills fall down your spine at his words and the crazed look in his eyes, his pupils blown from coke, pleasure, and rage.
“M'not scared of you.”
“You’re not. Huh? My tough girl.” He leans in; lips draw to your neck, kissing your pulse point, your rapid heartbeat calling your bluff as you inhale Cassidy’s cheap perfume lingering on his skin. You pinch your eyes shut as his large hand threads into your hair, tugging slightly while the other soothes your stinging thigh with his rough palm.
“I came from nothing, Tony. I’ll be fine.”
He scoffs as he uses his grasp on your strands to shove you away, letting the back of your head and body bang against the side door. Tony buttons up his still-undone shirt; bright red lipstick stained on the collar as well as his neck, a dark hickey forming to boot. Tears roll down your cheeks as you stand there defeated in your date night dress, your perfect makeup now streaming down your cheeks as you look into his soulless eyes.
“Fuck you, Tony.”
“Yeah. Yeah,” he chuckles as he pulls a cigarette out from behind his ear, placing it between his lips before snapping his lighter. “You leave, and I’ll find you. I own Figure 8, princess. Hell, I own this whole damn island. You better not make it too hard on me, baby doll. It’s our anniversary, after all. I’m sure you got somethin’ pretty for Daddy under that little dress of yours. I know you like it rough… but you might not make it out this time,” he laughs as he tosses his belt roughly toward his desk, the picture of the two of you clattering and shattering on the floor.
“Are you threatening me?”
“Me? Never… But if my hands are wrapped tight enough around that pretty little throat of yours and you don’t have enough juice to shout our safe word that’s on you, angel.”
“Go to hell.”
“I’ll give you a 5 minute head start, love. That seems fair?”
You grab the door and pull it open, taking a few steps before turning around again, pressing your back against the cool door, holding it shut as you look for an out. Luis is gone from his post, most likely keeping watch on the opposite end, Vlad in the parking lot, open water on the other side. There’s no way I can go back home. No family close by. No car. No escape. Looking out into the busy parking lot, you watch a squad car slow-roll through the back of the lot. Perfect.
Thank you, Luis. You reach down, snagging his Louisville Slugger perched against the weathered barstool. "Miss?” You hear his bodyguard’s frantic voice as he rounds the corner. You run into the lot as fast as your feet can take you, swerving around cars; dodging Luis.
You slam your eyes shut, swinging hard, nailing Tony’s Maybach truck, shattering the glass. The car alarm blares, echoing through the large lot. “Y/n!” Luis yells, but you swing and swing again.
“Y/n!” Tony barks from the door. You point the bat in his direction, twirling it before knocking off the wing mirror and sending it flying. A second siren fires, the sound of the police cruiser blares through the night, competing with the truck as it gets closer and closer.
You nail the glass, shards spilling into the truck as the cruiser pulls up, moving to the front of the vehicle you make your delinquency visible, quickly knocking out each headlight while the deputies climb out of their vehicle. “Get on the ground. Get on the ground now!” They holler.
“Deputy, this… this is a misunderstanding,” Tony assures as he enters the lot, softening his voice again.
“No, it’s not. And if I had a knife, I’d slash your tires, asshole.” The officers grab for you, expecting a fight, ultimately getting the latter. You cross your arms behind your back, smiling at Tony as they lock you in cuffs.
"Well, shit,” the older woman chuckles as she pulls you back to reality.
“Mhmm… but I’m a liability. After that little stunt I pulled, I know I’m living on borrowed time. Jail is the only place I could leave and be safe for the night. It’s just a band aid though; a temporary fix. I’m sure he’ll bail me out any minute, but who knows what’ll happen? I want to show him I’m not afraid.”
She purses her lips, debating whether to ask the million dollar question. “Are you?” She asks somberly.
“I wish I wasn’t-”
“L/n, someone just bailed your ass out. Let’s go,” an officer calls from outside the cell. The woman beside you taps your leg, giving you a little nod.
“He lays a finger on you, honey, I got no problem comin’ back here.”
“Thank you,” you whisper before turning toward the officer, giving her a wide, fake smile.
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You rise to your feet, fixing your dress as you walk to out-processing. “To the left.”
Shupe matches your gaze from his post, giving you a wary glance. “M'am, are these your belongings?” He asks as he holds up the plastic bag of goods. You give him a soft smile and a nod. “Sure you got nothin’ you wanna tell me, Miss F/N L/N. Now’s the time,” Shupe warns. “You know, it’s Tony who posted your bail. He’s waitin’ for you outside-”
“I’m fine. Just fine, Deputy,” you assure as you fish your lipstick out from your clutch, slicking it on in the reflection of the privacy glass. “It was nothin’. Just a misunderstanding, as I said.”
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“Just fine? Trashing Mr. Marietta’s Maybach truck was nothing? Just a normal night for the two of you?” He asks sarcastically.
You look at him and smile, dead-eyed and defeated. “It was our anniversary, actually.” Shupe’s eyes widen at yours, the occasion making your story even more unbelievable. “Have a great day, Deputy.”
“This is not a beauty pageant,” the female officer grunts, shooing you toward the exit.
I don’t know if I made the right choice… but I’m not gonna snitch. If I want to survive, I’m going to have to be strategic.
“I’m cooperating. Ain’t I?” You hear a deep voice echo down the hallway.
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Stopping in your tracks, you watch the tall blonde struggle to break free. He grits his teeth, fighting against the cuffs, his broad chest gaping at the buttons of his black button-down shirt. He looks like he’s been through it; a gashed lip, the bottom of his pressed shirt half-tucked, his hair messy and sweaty against his dewy, tanned skin.
His eyes match yours; even from a distance, you can see how blue they are. His entire demeanor shifts, softening as a smile pulls on his pretty lips. A smile so beautiful, you can’t help but return the same.
There’s something magnetic about him, an intensity drawing your focus to him like a moth to a flame. He winks, and in that instant, everything changes. There’s no mistaking the connection swelling between you.
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“Hey,” he mouths; your breath catches in your chest, pulse-quickening as time slows to a snail’s-pace. He looks at you until the last minute before being shoved inside his confinements. The metal door slams shut, jarring you from your daze, the bustle of the jail building from the solace in your mind.
Who was that?
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It was momentary… a fleeting beat. The calm before the storm. You get pushed along, shoved toward the exit, and away from a sweet dream, thrown straight into a nightmare.
Part 2
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randomfoggytiger · 15 days
I’ve been an x files fan for years now (since 2008ish) but fan fic has never been my thing. If I wanted to give it another go, what writers or pieces of fic would be a good place for me to start? Thanks! 😊
What a dream request, thank you!
Not much of a fic reader? Hm. I drifted to fanfiction because I wanted a canonical hole plugged in; but it sounds like you're looking for quality.
I'm narrowing these suggestions to long-form fics, and going to try to keep them as "fandom approved" as possible. (I'm also cutting back on the "famfic" recs because that's not everyone's cup of tea~.)
Authors whose works could (one could argue, should) be published as novels, in no particular order:
@amplifyme/Lydia Bower, @aloysiavirgata, @slippinmickeys,
@cecilysass, @teethnbone, @dreamingofscully, @sixhours,
@mashnotesofthemythopoeic/Penumbra, @sigritandtheelves/Darla,
@onpaperfirst, @melforbes, @ghostbustermelanieking/skuls,
Jenna Tooms, @seek-its-opposite, @settle-down-frohike,
@frostbitepandaaaaa, @leiascully, @darwin-xf, Beshter,
@scenes-in-between/scullywolf, @scullylikesscience
Here's a brief rundown on each author, to the best of my abilities:
My mother's embraces are frightening in their intensity, and I can feel her fear as though it seeps from her pores. Mulder's arms hold me easily but fully. And there is a calming effect in his touch. He restores me to myself, makes me strong again. I wish I had taken the chance and discovered that years ago.
-Dance Without Sleeping
One of the OGs. Her writing explores the paths of Mulder's and Scully's minds. The Scully in her stories is pragmatic, matter-of-fact, and protective of her secrets. The Mulder in her stories is tender, predictably mercurial, and secretive, as well. The most direct admittance can be the most damaging, and the most healing. Her longest work is, I believe, Dance Without Sleeping; but my favorite, though short, happens to be Light Don't Sleep. Her Ao3 is here.
“That’s a fair question, Senator,” Scully observes in her liquid nitrogen voice. She leans forward in her seat, just a little, just enough, to remind him that predators have eyes at the front of their heads. Scully crosses her legs and gives the Senator the full force of her blue eyes, the hard angles of her good cheekbones.  
She is magnificent, Mulder thinks, smitten. She is Themis, she is Ma’at. One day she will devour the hearts of the unrighteous, his own included.
-Singing of Mount Abora
One of the OGs. She treads the line between poetry and prose so seamlessly you are left, baffled, by her intelligence. Her writing features Mulder and Scully with a little bite: neither are fools, and neither will be trifled with. (They're also wickedly intelligent nerds.) Mulder is Jewish (though that rarely comes up) and was married before (though that only comes up when it comes up.) Canon halts in Season 7, but that doesn't stop her from writing Season 9 masterpieces with Mulder and Scully and their son-- which is where I'd recommend you begin, with By Falling In and In. If that's not your cup of tea, I'd say catch up on her canon divergent Waters of Babylon, Petrichor, and Singing of Mount Abora. Her Ao3 is here.
The boy winced and inhaled sharply as her fingers ran over the cleft where the fibula met the talus and she rocked back on her heels, eyeing the darkening horizon. Did he have people nearby? Could she leave him here without guilt? She didn’t really have the time or inclination to take on a project — she and Mulder had tried that before — banding together with other survivors, and it had always ended poorly. And boys his age, as few as she had seen, made her uncomfortable. Her subconscious would scan their features, looking for a genetic echo of the Scully-Mulder’s. Mulder would have to pull her aside and whisper “it’s not him,” and she didn’t have the space in her heart for the guilt. Even now she had to ignore the blue of his eyes and the way his gritted teeth had the same gnathic slant as the only man she’d ever loved.
-North of Zero
One of the OGs. Her Mulder and Scully are practical, capable, sleek survivors. Her writing exists somewhere between the clack of a gun slide and the omnipresence scent of a wild pine forest. She's written extensively on... everything: Colonization, space, POL, case files, mytharc, everything; and well. I'd recommend North of Zero for a starter. Her Ao3 is here.
It’s Mulder, she reminds herself. No matter how long you may have been gone, or what has happened in your absence, you know what to expect from Mulder.
At last he shuffles through the door, and it’s him, definitely him: head bent, looking weary and wilted. He turns to lock the door again, evidently not paying very much attention to his surroundings.
Her heart constricts. “Mulder,” she voices softly.
She can see his whole body go still from behind, but he doesn’t look right away. His back remains to her.
One of the OGs. Her Mulder and Scully are weighed by secrets, by their unspoken. Her writing dwells in the silences; and the tones of her work shift depending on the narrative: insular and psychologically exploratory, fast-paced and bitterly overwhelming, slow and unspooling and peaceful-- but always with a bittersweet aftertaste. I would do a disservice if I didn't recommend A Boy on the Beach first; but my personal favorite is Pause (and All the Dead Mulders and Not Orpheus, Not Eurydice.) Her Ao3 is here.
Mulder. Her genius. Who happened also to be her blithering idiot. A fresh swell of affection overtook her. This is how it was for her, even just talking to him. One minute she was standing in the shallows enjoying or enduring or surviving a day at the beach, whichever kind of day it was. The next she'd find herself walloped and rolled by the rogue wave of her feelings for him. Then she was surfacing, sputtering, salt-blind, struggling to find the steady line of the horizon.
-Vox Mulder: Fired and Wired
One of the OGs. Darwin's writing is clipped and "action" focused. Her Mulder and Scully are fond and quippy and silently torturing themselves with their own repressions or secrets. Vox Mulder: Fired and Wired covers the IVF arc concurrent with Mulder's (secret) brain disease diagnosis; and her notes tearing into canon's handling of the latter arc are incredibly detailed, incredibly satisfying, and incredibly hilarious. Her Ao3 is here.
They searched, staying together with Scully’s single flashlight. As she suspected, they didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. The cellar was devoid of sound and light, not a single rat or insect scurrying about. No more traces of the unknown substance.
They followed the trail of viscous fluid back to their room. Their adrenaline-fueled trek left her exhausted, and she was hopeful she would be able to sleep for a few more hours before dawn. Not even her fear could break through the cottony haze that clouded her mind. Collapsing on the bed, Mulder pulled off her slippers. 
-Surely, to the sea
One of the OGs. Her writing is practical and pleading-- the veneer that Mulder and Scully front, and the truth. Her Scully has teeth but prefers silence and distance. Her Mulder stubbornly walks the thin line between opening his partner up or closing her back together tighter. Trust-- in each other, in themselves-- can be broken and mended with the right words, the right meaning. I recommend starting with Surely, to the Sea (and my favorite short fic is this one.) Her Ao3 is here.
Frostbite Panda
“I make you a whole person,” she whispers. The slam of sudden memory is heady, destabilizing, threatening to spin her clean from reality. 
He leans forward, elbows on his knees, a sound escaping him that she cannot identify. Truth be told, he looks a bit ridiculous— wrapped in a green sleeping bag looking like a dormant pupa, not the wrecked and ruined man he was. 
-Four Days on the 63rd Parallel
One of the OGs (I believe.) Her writing is grand and touching, a microcosm of the macro effects Mulder and Scully face alongside, and with, each other. Her Scully is reluctant, doubting Mulder's beliefs but trusting him; and her Mulder is courageous and wallowing, afraid to try for fear of rejection. Four Days on the 63rd Parallel (and its follow-up In a Perfect World) explores what would have happened if Mulder and Scully had been trapped in Antarctica, in a snocat, alone, until help arrived. Her Ao3 is here, and requires you to be logged in.
Jenna Tooms
Then there's the matter of Mulder and his reaction to scissors and the razor. When he was first released from the hospital I took him to his old barber. He made it into a seat, and even let the barber tie the cloth around his neck. At the first flash of the scissors, though, he was up and out so fast for a moment I only stood in the waiting area dumbfounded, the baby in my arms.
He will, however, let me cut his hair and trim his beard--which he grew to cover his facial scars. I let him keep it as long as he lets me keep it neat.
-An Acceptable Level of Happiness
One of the OGs (if I recall.) Her writing is just north of canon, veering off to give us better, brighter spots to land Mulder and Scully. Her Mulder and Scully are soft, seemingly delicate with a touch of steel underneath. They've taken a beating, have internalized that beating, and are being supported wholeheartedly by the other person in their partnership. If you want canon-ish, I'd recommend An Acceptable Level of Happiness; if you want mytharc-ish further down the timeline, I'd suggest Truly, Madly, Deeply, and if you want canon veered off from and returned to-ish after Requiem (16 years later), then I'd strongly lobby for Shooting Star. Her Ao3 requires a log-in, here; but Jenna's works are also on Gossamer (here).
“Did you see this?”
She blinked at the screen of Mulder’s phone and gently pushed his wrist until it was at a distance she could focus on. Technology changed but Mulder didn’t. She couldn’t count the near misses with magazines and file folders, the threat of papercuts across her cheeks.
“Ford isn’t going to make Tauruses anymore,” he told her before she’d had a chance to actually read the headline. That was also standard procedure. Mulder was a scrolling marquee of odd headlines and interesting trivia. He was the original clickbait, drawing her in with his promises to change her world and alter her perception.
-Taurus Season
One of the OGs. leiascully's prose captures the essence and magic of ordinary things. Her Scully is secretly a wanderer, her Mulder an errant domestic. There is reciprocity in their strengths and weaknesses; and the world is always more beautifully strange together. I recommend her Visitor series, which rewrites Revival canon along necessary lines. Her Ao3 is here, and requires a log-in.
They slipped among the dumpsters at the back of the building and into the empty quivering night, jaywalking the shadows up the hill streets, ringing the manhole covers. False planetary lights floated about in the foggy sky. Scully opened her fawn umbrella. Mulder glanced often behind them, his fingers pressed into the suspension muscles of her hard young back.
-Bad Radio
One of the OGs. Her Scully is strong and silent and will not be swayed; her Mulder is withdrawn and foreboding. Her most infamous work is Heuvelmans' On the Tracks, but I know her better through this post Gethsemane cancer arc fic: its darkness, its inevitability, its immovable-object-meets-unstoppable-force. Her Ao3 is here.
Prufrock's Love
"He says a horse bit him," Duana translated for her mother. Duana stripped off Lord William's tunic and ruined shirt to reveal the wound. "He damages more clothing..."
Lord William stooped to show Caithrin the twin rows of tooth marks on his left shoulder, still telling his woeful tale....
Not sure what was expected of her and thoroughly intimidated, Caithrin did as she would with her own sons. She made the sympathetic face and clucked over him like a mother hen. Lord William, pacified, settled down on the stool by the fire to let Duana doctor him.
One of the OGs. Her Mulder and Scully are messed up, secrets upon secrets, love and miscommunication and chaos towards each other and themselves. Prufrock's prose and dry wit can't be denied; and she's most notably known for Belghor's Prime, a Mulder time-traveling story, and Paracelsus, a Civil War fic that loosely locks into her sprawling, transformative "past lives" series. I, personally, prefer Hiraeth, because the Mulder and Scully I read there aligns (mostly) with my interpretation of canon. Her Ao3 is here.
The chip was round and under a microscope the texture looked like fish scales. 
The procedure was over in ten minutes. Three tiny stitches at the back of her neck with a gauze pad taped on top. It shouldn’t have worked, but it did.
One of the OGs (if I recall.) Her Mulder and Scully are inherently bound, even if the plot has driven a wedge between them. They speak the same language with different words, they work back to each other with lightning speed, they are chummy, they are contented. Their humor is fantastic. Her longest, angstiest work is Snakebitten, a rewrite leading up to The Pine Bluff Variant; but my personal ones are (surprise, surprise) her "part one" and "part two" short fics, Home, Home and Honey Hi. Her Ao3 is here.
She leaves her rumpled partner in the car with the window cracked while she goes to the front desk, glancing back possessively over her shoulder as the woman behind the counter gets their keys. One room, two beds. “I’m not letting you out of my sight, Mulder.”
She keeps seeing him like she found him, on his knees before the ghosts of his childhood. She sees him praying to the barrel of his gun.
One of the OGs (I think?) She writes incredible meta on the series; but she's also written one of my favorite short fics, ever (and I have a lot of those.) You can navigate to the rest of her Ao3 through this link, but you'll have to get through photosensitivity first. >:DDD
“I’m fine, Scully,” indignantly going back to the task at hand. And she’d have believed him too, if he wasn’t looking through her, if his pitch hadn’t been a little too high, if he hadn’t forgotten the fact that her shoes were the very last thing to put on and she wasn’t even out of her hospital gown yet. She allowed it out of pity, mostly. Or humor. But his hands shook, fumbling with the laces like a feening alcoholic.
-for the WIP prompt: hospital
One of the OGs. She writes distraught Mulder incredibly well; and balances him with a Scully who is dry, caring, and bouyant all in one breath. I can't rave enough about her short fics (their links can be found here); but I'd recommend this and this and this because they tie together to form a Redux II whole. Her Ao3 is here.
The world is different now, after so much has been lost. It moves a little slower, takes for granted a little less. It is still a dangerous place—because fear is catching and learning that things are not as they seem can make some go mad with denial and rage and terror at the loss of their footing. But it is also more peaceful, in some ways—because loss reminds us to hold love close. Because all the hearts that stopped beating are still felt in their absence. Because people, in the end, come together in crisis. They don’t only tear each other apart.
“I think we did okay,” he murmurs. “With our quarter century.”
Scully leans her head back to look at him. “Just okay?”
“Mm hmm.”
One of the OGs. Her writing is pure sensation: cotton and earth and jeans and nine o'clock shadows and soft skin and the tangible grasp of wishes come true. Advent is her longest fic; but I implore you, on my hands and knees, to read all four of her pages on Ao3-- they're not only the gateway drug to other incredible, incredible short fic writers (ghostbustermelanieking, @baronessblixen, @o6666666, all the authors mentioned here, and so many, many more) but are also a shining example of family fic done well-- a very hard skill to pull off. Her Ao3 is here.
Back to sleep. Sleep. No big deal. Just go to sleep.
A minute passes, then two. He’s not tired, in fact, he feels incredibly awake. His heart is pounding, a distracting pulse in his ears. The bed is too soft, too deep, too…real. He can hear her breathing next to him, feel the warmth radiating off her body, his senses screaming at the level of detail, the texture, the vividness of it all. Instinct is a dog with a bone, and it won’t let go.
Something’s wrong.
One of the OGs. Her writing clips along at an even pace, the story driving Mulder and Scully ever forward. Mulder is most often on the outs, Scully most often peering at her partner silently, trying to figure him out and draw him in. But mostly, the two function independently of each other, content to drift further or nearer as long as they are together. I would recommend Lucidity as a primer. Her Ao3 is here.
He did not soften, at first.  Did not edge away, nor did he lean into her.  Much like that awful night when their office had burnt he simply stood cold with shock and while she supported him; the steadfast fidelity of their bond never questioned in the decade that they had been together.
“I was there,” she murmured into his shoulder.  /I’ll always be here./  He could accept it now.  She was finally able to press her arms about him in the night.  Feel the strong bones beneath unblemished flesh; amazed that he was even alive for her to hold after an ordeal that had indeed taken him from her for so long that she had lost all hope.  She shuddered and cinched her arms tighter; felt his ribs shift beneath the silky envelope of his skin.  They creaked in protest, but he did not move, and she spoke like one driven. 
-Amor Fati: Destinata (The Fated Love), Act Three
One of the OGs. So OG, in fact, that the butchery of Season 9's mytharc pushed her to write a mythology replacement. Scully is fearful, anxious, but strong to her core. Mulder is lonely, and loving, and afraid to slip back into dark places. Both push each other to become better than they believed they could be. Her Amor Fati, Destinata (The Fated Love) series is still being written; but it's detailed reconstruction is well-worth the read. Her Ao3 is here.
I separated these two authors out because they're the x and y axes of my personal taste:
She falls asleep before him. In some ways, it’s a burden to share a bed with someone, not a pleasure; if he moves, he fears he’ll wake her, but it’s horrible to stay so still for so long, especially when he can’t sleep. But he can see her eyelashes in the dark, and her cheek is squashed against her own pillow, and she checked the room when they arrived to make sure that there were plenty of tissues. Had there been a couch here, even a divan, he would’ve taken to that instead, let her sleep soundly without him. The day of the wedding - he almost tenses at the word wedding, not because he dislikes it but because it feels so strange and unreal, as if it never really happened even though he remembers it so easily and comfortably - they had a makeshift reception in her apartment, just cutting cake with her mother and then sharing slices with the Gunmen after her mother left. If anything, it felt more like a funeral than a wedding reception, so many questions tiptoed around, everything too urgent and human to be a celebration, but between guests, she grabbed part of her slice with her bare fingers and pressed the cake against his face unexpectedly, and he looked at her with surprise, and she laughed in an inward way that made her shoulders move. 
-seaglass blue
One of the OGs (I believe.) I have to start here because seaglass blue is grafted onto my heart. Set before Gethsemane, the author based it on a real couple's journey with impending death; and the way she wrote Mulder's POV-- how she kept us always locked in his head each and every day of his honeymoon with Scully-- is forever burned on my psyche. I don't see the emotional damage, if you will, as unnecessary or melodramatic or traumatic-- it's just a window into the slow approach to the end, or a fear of it. (However, if the writing is too "overlapping" or "run-on" for your taste, I'd recommend aloysiavirgata's gorgeously succinct prose, mentioned above~.) All of her works are fantastic; and, oddly, the rest are usually beautifully cozy (if you can find them on her page.) (Note: authors with their own uniquely similar styles include @teethnbone and @enigmaticdrblockhead -- can't recommend their work enough, particularly The Ansted Graft and this list here, respectively.) mel's Ao3 is here.
They follow Mulder's trail, Scully's heart thudding too hard against her ribs. Skinner is telling her that Mulder wouldn't do anything crazy when it comes, the headache. Pounding against her skull. And then she hears Will crying out: Dad!
Scully bends over, stomach against her knees, clutching her temple. “Scully?” Skinner is saying. “Scully, what's going on?” But she can't hear him over the roaring in her eyes. William is still speaking, rapid-fire in her mind: They're hurting him, Mom, they're hurting him! Make them stop!
In a flash, she can see what William sees. Mulder barely conscious, being dragged outside through the snow. An axe in the hand of his attacker. “Scully, are you alright?” Skinner protests.
-silent conversations
One of the new recruits (I think.) Her writing is an art form: painting broad, sweeping pictures on the tiniest canvases, in the shortest sentences. Her descriptions, characterizations, and dialogue all serve the plot-- not a hair out of place and not a nook or cranny neglected. I will never be over her short fics, but her longer works are crafted carefully, too. If you want a complete rewrite of the entire series' mythology, then the Half-Light universe does it, and does it better; if you want a Season 8 casefile, then snow in april manipulates Mulder and Scully to a very sinister town; if you want Season 7 to properly deal with Mulder's brain disease, encephalon's got you covered; if you want William to stay with Mulder and Scully, William AU (relent, silent conversations, noises echoing, not out loud) bends in that direction; and if you want a complete rewrite of Samantha's abduction, california winter is where I'd start. Her Ao3 is here.
And lastly, do you want to read long-form fill in series? These three are masterfully done.
There were few things in the world that Dana Scully could imagine were more arduous in her the world than family dinner night. Perhaps climbing Mt. Everest in the middle of a howling blizzard would be one. Maybe crawling out of the Amazon rainforest with a broken limb would be another. Even walking single-handedly into the desert with just one canteen of water between you and horrible death under the scorching sun could trump the monthly gathering of the Scully clan at her parent's house in Baltimore to have dinner with her parents.
One of the OGs. Her X-files Seasons covers every crack, crevice, and canyon in the show: Scully's life and family separate from Mulder, the journey drawing her closer into Mulder's world, and her own transformation from the green agent she was to the woman of diamond she became. Her Ao3 is here.
Over the course of the weekend, Mulder hardly talked at all. When he did speak, he was abrupt, flippant, and sometimes defensive. He still didn’t want to be touched, nor did it seem to Scully that he wanted to touch her. He kept a wall up around him, a protective shield. She tried to give him what she thought he wanted, space and distance, while at the same time trying to let him know that she was there if he needed her. It was a difficult balance. He seemed glad of her company, yet disinclined to talk to her at all.
-Chapter 87
One of the OGs. Her He is the Master of His Fate, She is the Captain of Her Soul series exquisitely fills in Season 7, Season 8, Season 9, IWTB, Season 10, and S11 while filing over and rewriting the incredibly stupid canon decisions along the way. Her Ao3 is here.
Mulder stirred again and mumbled something she couldn’t make out, and she wasn’t sure if he was talking in his sleep or actually trying to tell her something. She leaned over to put her face closer to his, listening.
“They’re not the same.”
She frowned. “What’s not?”
He shifted, blinking up at her. “Moth men. You might think they’re the same as the Jersey Devil, and the circumstances are similar, but they’re not the same.”
“You mean aside from the fact that this is Florida, not New Jersey?”
One of the OGs (I believe.) Her TXF: Scenes in Between series plucks one moment from each episode and builds upon it, providing a window into either Mulder's or Scully's psyches. She even tackles Mulder's (alleged) Season 7 brain disease. Her Ao3 is here.
If you want more fic recs, I have lists catalogued under my Collector's Edition tag. If you want even more fic recs, I wrote a fanfic resource post here. And if those aren't enough to appease your hunger, @lilydalexf and @fine-nephrit have pinned master posts that will probably have something for you.
Hope this helped~! And drop back in sometime-- let me know if you read something you enjoyed, or found fanfic still isn't your preference. :DDDD
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fabbyf1 · 10 days
*taps microphone* is this thing on?
oh, hello.
it's me, yah girl.
you'll never guess what grandma's been up to.
after avoiding my google docs for weeks months, i have finally dusted them off and started writing again. i'll be honest with you guys: i've gone through a lot of ups and downs with writing recently, where i loved it one day and hated it the next, which is why i took such a massive break. i don't like to post things i'm not proud of, and don't fully believe in, so i'm glad i took some time away to do other things and not let writing fanfiction ruin my mental health.
but now? WE'RE BACK BABY. i followed troy bolton's advice and got my head in the game and thought to myself, what would bring you joy to write? and there was really only one answer to that question.
so that's what i've done.
i set out to make this a one-shot pwp, and if that's what i decide it's going to be, then it's pretty much complete right now and just needs an edit. but i think i'm gonna try to add more onto it over the next couple days and make it a short story instead.
it won't be anything massive like long live or vapor, but maybe a little more than a one-shot.
happy charles on pole day, besties. thank you for sticking by me while i got my life together.
snippet under the cut.
context: friend-charles has a bad hook-up and asks friend-max to give him an honest blow job review
Charles stretched his neck to the left and right as if he was about to hop into his car. 
“Do you always stretch before giving someone a blow job?” Max asked, ignoring the sweat that was forming around his hairline. 
“Fuck off,” Charles said lightheartedly. He brought his hands up and hesitated for just a moment before resting them gently on Max’s knees. Don’t be weird, don’t be weird, don’t be weird. Max was proud when the muscles of his thighs didn’t twitch or anything at the contact. “Now move your hand out of the way,” Charles instructed, looking down at where Max was covering himself.
“You’re bossier than I thought you’d be,” Max said, trying to sound as normal as possible. 
“Is that right?” Charles asked, hands still gripping Max’s knees. “Do you think about me often, Max Verstappen?” 
“I—” Max squeaked, which was somehow more embarrassing than sitting with his cock out. He glared at him as he said, “Fuck you.” Charles looked delighted by his words, which only made Max narrow his eyes further. “Don’t make me regret this,” Max warned, finally letting his hand fall to his side. 
Charles looked at where Max was lying soft against his thigh. “Do you need me to flirt with you or something?” 
Max scoffed. “No, asshole, I don’t need—” 
“Ohhh, Max, you’re so handsome,” Charles cooed in a high-pitched tone anyway. Max’s jaw dropped open in shock. “You’re so big and strong and fast,” Charles continued, batting his eyes at him in an exaggerated way that would be comical if he wasn’t on his knees. “Mister three-time world champion with a big dick and a—”  
Max’s cock twitched, and they both saw it happen. 
“Oh my god,” Charles said, gasping loudly before cackling. “Oh my god, that actually did it for you?” 
“No!” Max snapped, covering himself again with his hands. “Fuck you! It was a coincidence!” But he wasn’t even sure if Charles could hear him over his roaring laughter.
This might be the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to him.
He always knew that Charles Leclerc would be his downfall, but he never expected it to be over a blow job.
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 months
Roger Barel Main Route - Chapter 18 His POV
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. I’m doing this for archiving purposes and you can probably find a better translation out there.
As I was about to be taken away by the Privy Council, Kate took my hand and led me to the garden behind the palace.
Kate: Roger, what’s the meaning of this? Arrest…
Roger: Calm down, Kate. Whatever’s going on is just as you heard.
Kate: …There’s really an arrest warrant?
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(Don’t look so sad...I can’t resign myself to this if you make that face)
A deep sigh filled the space between us.
Roger: …Yeah, long story short—I’ve been set up by the Privy Council.
I’m now a criminal and a traitor to Crown.
At first, I thought it was one of those Vogel guys behind it. Never thought it’d be one of our own.
Kate frowned in confusion.
Kate: …Traitor? You…? …There’s no way that will ever happen.
You would never betray Crown!
(Yeah, I know. I thought it was impossible)
(That’s why I made you that promise that day. I made a vow to myself when I purposely said those words)
~~ Flashback ~~
Roger: However, I’m gonna change my fate. It’s absurd to allow myself to be controlled by it. Kate, I’ve taken a liking to you so I’ll promise you this. I will never betray you without a reason. Never.
~~ End flashback ~~
As someone who spent my life trying to tame my curse, surrendering to it was like admitting defeat.
But—I completely lost.
Roger: …I could.
Kate: Roger…?
Roger: …It’s laughable, isn’t it…?
I was shaking with the anger, sadness, and despair rising within me.
Roger: I swore to myself that I’d tame my curse. I wouldn’t let fate drive me mad like God’s whim.
I resolved to never betray anyone unknowingly. ..And yet.
You can’t fight it…just by your will alone?
Kate: …
I’ve lived all my life fighting against despair.
But it’s like my curse was mocking me, saying “it was all useless.”
Roger: Is this how I meet my tragic end?
…Surrendering myself to my curse…
Kate: No…
You won’t! You can’t let your curse beat you—
I heard the voices and footsteps of those searching for us. Kate took my hand and quickly hid behind a hedge of Chinese privet.
I could hear their footsteps coming closer, signaling that our brief moment together was about to come to an end.
(It sounds pathetic, but the only thing I can do now is let her go. Can’t get her involved. I can do that much)
Kate: Run away with me, Roger.
Roger: That’d just make the crime worse.
Kate: …I still don’t have a complete grasp on the situation.
However, I know you’ve been falsely accused. Until that gets cleared up…
As if to stop Kate from weaving more kind words, I cut her off.
Roger: Kate, though we ended up spending time together by pure chance, I enjoyed it.
Kate’s eyes wavered.
Kate: What are you talking about at a time like this?
(...I can’t waver. I just need to tell her the truth as simple as possible) 
Roger: Take care of Ale. My old man should be back soon to pick him up.
I picked Ale up and shoved him in Kate’s arms.
Kate: Eh, huh?
Roger: And when your time as Fairytale Keeper’s up, turn to Victor. He’s a good one.
Kate: Roger, what are you saying?
Roger: And finally.
(“Finally”, huh?)
That word brought up emotions that I desperately tried to hold back.
(...Ah, damn it.  Love is such a foolish, troublesome emotion)
My body moved on its own—I impulsively took Kate’s lips with mine.
Roger: —Kate, I've fallen for you.
Kate: …
(...I didn’t plan to tell you this at the very end)
Roger: Heh, what’s with that dumb look? You didn’t notice? You’re pretty dense for someone that boasted about being a teacher of love. You’ve got terrible drinking habits and hate losing, but you’re earnest and stubborn. I know your bad points.  Still, even with all this trouble…Kate, I adore you.
Kate’s eyes were filled with a mixture of anger and sadness.
Kate: …Why are you telling me all of this now?!
Roger: ‘Cause I might never see you again. My ego’s telling me I’ll regret not telling you.
Kate: Never see me again…
(Kate. Anyone who says stuff like at the last moment’s no good)
(I’m a selfish man that wants a part of me left in you, even if just a little. That’s why)
Roger: I’m retracting my definition of “romantic love’s just a dysfunction of the brain or a misunderstanding caused by sexual desire.” Love definitely exists in this world. Q.E.D.
(You deserve to be adored by someone more kind and sincere. I want you to keep laughing and smiling for the rest of your life)
Privy Council member: There they are, I found them!
Roger: Whoops, looks like time’s up. They’re so impatient.
Kate: Roger…
Roger: See ya, Kate. Take care. Ale, you live a long life too.
Ale: …Kuuuuun?
Roger: …Can’t even pet you cuties’ heads with these handcuffs on.
I tried to smile like I usually do and turned my back on Kate and Ale.
Kate: No, Roger! Don’t go!
(...Don’t make such a sad sound)
Kate: …Roger, Roger! There’s no way you can’t hear me!
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(Yeah, I can hear you. I won’t forget your voice for the rest of my life)
Kate: Roger!
(Please don’t give in to despair. Be happy)
And thus—I disappeared from Kate’s sight.
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ghostofaboy · 5 months
... Your Call Is Important
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Summary: Dave, Marcus and Javier continue their day together. (Direct Sequel to Hold Please…)
Pairing: Dave York/Javier Peña/Marcus Pike Rating: Explicit | Word Count: 2457 Part 2 of 2
Warnings: Oral sex, anal sex, double anal penetration, threesome - m/m/m
Note: This has not been beta read so I apologize for any mistakes. This is a fic with gay/bi characters. Please make sure you’ve read the warnings. Dividers: @saradika-graphics
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As he rested on the large hotel bed, Dave found himself watching the tiny dust motes float through the air. Beside him, Marcus lay panting, his head tucked against Dave’s neck as the younger man came down from his stifled orgasm. The cool air of the room sent goosebumps dancing across their skin as their sticky, sweat drenched forms remained tangled together after the activities moments earlier. 
“You doing ok?” Dave murmured into Marcus’ hair, his gazed drifting down to the younger man’s still painfully erect cock, held in place with a black cock-ring.
“Yeah.” Marcus shifted his head to look up at Dave, his beautiful brown eyes looking darker than ever with dilated pupils almost erasing all color. “I’m good. Fuck, I wanna cum though.” Marcus laughed nervously, and Dave couldn’t stop himself from planting a kiss on his forehead. 
“You will, baby boy. You just have to be patient and let us old men get a second wind.”
“Who you calling old?” Javier muttered, striding back into the bedroom and throwing a hand towel over to Dave. “I’ll be good to go soon enough, precioso.” Javier threw Marcus a wink, cheekily waving his soft cock at them both.
“You haven’t changed at all, Peña.” Dave chuckled as he gently began to wipe the cum from Marcus’ face. “Still the same bullshit and swagger as always.”
“I could say the same to you, York.” Javier climbed back onto the bed and settled down next to Marcus, propping himself up on his elbow. “You still have to be in charge, don’t you?”
“You used to like me being in charge.” Dave threw the sticky towel back at Javier, who threw it down onto the floor, glaring. “Or at the very least you never complained when I’d have you cumming on my cock.”
“Listen,” Javier frowned, pointing at finger at Dave. “I don’t need another round of-”
“How did you two meet?” Marcus cut in, shifting to sit up. “You promised to tell me and well, neither of you are perking up just yet, so we have the time.”
“So rude, baby boy.” Dave chuckled, shaking his head, looking down at his still flaccid cock. “But, you’re not wrong.”
“You want to tell the story, I assume.” Javier smirked as he idly stroked his dick. 
“Well, I’ll start.” Dave grinned. “We were both at god awful joint departmental function and-”
“It was for charity.” Javier interrupted. “And it wasn’t that bad. Just, well, you know how these things are… just boring.”
“Right.” Dave rolled his eyes. “Anyway. I’m trying not to drink myself into a coma just for something to do when I spot this one.” Dave nodded his head towards Javier. “He was flirting up a storm with a very disinterested intern, and so-”
“She wasn’t an intern.” Javier scowled. “Fuck York, you make it sound like she was just a kid. She was a junior administrative aid, and for the record, she was very interested.”
“I thought you were letting me tell this story, Peña.”
“Well, you’re fucking telling it wrong.” Javier shrugged.
“So what happened then?” Marcus gave a small laugh. “After Dave spotted you?”
“Look, long story short, we ended up blowing each other in a side room.” Javier waved his hand dismissively. “After that we hooked up every few weeks until… until we didn’t.”
“Well, that’s a shitty version.” Marcus shook his head. “I want the long story, not the cliff-notes.”
“And I want to fuck you again.” Javier reached over to pinch Marcus’ nipple, before locking eyes with Dave. “And I’m ready to go again, viejo.”
Dave’s eyes wandered down Javier’s body and sure enough, jutting out proudly, was the other man’s growing erection. Glancing over at Marcus, Dave was just in time to see the young man lick his lips in anticipation before smiling at Javier. 
“I’ll tell you the full story next time, baby boy.” Dave purred into Marcus’ ear, kissing the younger man softly. “And fuck you, Peña, I’m ready.”
“Please let me cum this time.” Marcus gestured down to his trapped cock, his smile growing in relief as Dave nodded. 
“I got you.” Javier stroked a hand down Marcus’ face, gently cupping the younger man’s jaw, before leaning in for a long tender kiss.
Dave watched for a moment as his two lovers melded together, Javier’s tongue darting into Marcus’ mouth, all the while pumping his cock. Dave shook his head, allowing himself a smirk at Javier’s determination to get hard before him. The man never changed. And that was enough to wake Dave’s own member, and as he reached over to free Marcus from the cock-ring, Dave felt his dick twitch awake.
Marcus sighed into Javier’s mouth as Dave released him, tossing the ring onto the nightstand. Settling back onto the pillows, Dave watched and waited for the other two men to part, trying to push away the feeling of jealousy that tugged at the back of his mind. The softness that Javier poured into Marcus was something he and Javier never had, and something Dave could never allow himself to give to the younger man. Finally, Javier pulled back, smiling down at Marcus, their eyes locked on each other before they eventually turned to Dave.
“You good?” Dave forced himself back into the moment, pushing down any bubbling feeling, instead tugging on his erection.
“We’re good.” Marcus smiled back at him with flushed pink cheeks, while Javier simply gave a quick nod.
“Wonderful.” Dave reached over, pinching one of Marcus’ nipples hard, pulling a gasp and soft moan from the young agent. “Now, why don’t you come ride this cock and let me fill your ass. Let me add my cum to Peña’s.”
A low groan sounded from behind the grinning Marcus as Javier’s eye roamed down his body to Marcus’ ass, and Dave knew what he was thinking. He was thinking of the load he’d left inside Marcus’ already sloppy hole a short time ago. Perhaps once Dave added his own seed Marcus would be able to hold it in or perhaps, Dave hoped, he wouldn’t.
Swinging a leg over Dave’s torso, Marcus swiftly straddled him, his red leaking tip dripping onto Dave’s stomach as he moved. Over to their left Javier watched with dark, lust filled eyes, his gaze fixed on Marcus as he lined Dave’s cock up with his entrance. Then with a long, obscenely deep moan, Marcus sank down, engulfing Dave in his heat.
“Fuck baby b-” Dave pinched his eye shut for a moment to collect himself as Marcus immediately began to move. “In a rush?”
Placing his hand firmly on Marcus’ hip to still him, and after one final roll of his hip, Marcus stopped, staring grumpily down at Dave. Javier chuckled, shifting on the bed to kneel beside Dave’s head and nudged his cock against his lips. 
Locking eyes with Marcus, Dave slowly parted his lips to allow Javier entry, more than a little proud as both men groaned in response. Javier thrust lazily into Dave’s mouth, who flattened his tongue and sucked the tip hard. Held steadily in place, Marcus watched the show, his eyes flicking between Dave’s steely gaze and the sight of seeing the older, sterner agent with a thick dick in between his lips.
Releasing Javier’s cock, Dave began to kiss and lick along the length, pulling hisses and moans from Javier. Still holding an impatient Marcus with one hand, Dave beckoned him forward with the other, flicking the tip of his tongue across the slit of Javier’s cock. With a smirk that made Dave twitch inside the younger man, Marcus slowly leaned forward until he was face to face with Dave. 
Then quick as a flash Marcus pounced forward, his lips meeting Dave’s to kiss him sloppily and clumsily with Javier’s girth trapped between their lips. 
“Mierda.” Javier growled above them, thrust his cock toward to fuck between their mouths. “Both of you lick it. That’s right… fuck.”
Dave swirled his tongue around the tip while Marcus focused on the shaft, reaching out to fondle and tug on Javier’s balls. Dave kept his eyes fixed on Marcus, watching as the younger man sucked along the length before finding Dave’s lips to give him a slobbering kiss before working his way back up towards Javier's bush.
Satisfied that Marcus wasn’t going to blow his load the second he started to move now, Dave released Javier with a pop, turning his head to look up at the other man.
“I think it’s time to fuck our boy, don’t you?”
Javier frowned for a moment, before a single eyebrow quirked up as he caught onto Dave’s meaning. Glancing at Marcus planted on Dave’s cock, Dave could see the uncertainty in Javier’s eyes. Frowning again, Javier shook his head.
“Are you sure?”
“He can take it.” Dave playfully slapped Marcus’ ass, pulling a surprised yelp and laugh from the young man. “Can’t you, baby boy? Should I send Peña the pictures of you with that red dildo in you?” Looking back over at Javier, Dave grinned, dropping his voice to an exaggerated whisper. “I could fit both my hands in him afterward.”
Javier growled, pulling his cock back and away from Marcus and Dave’s lip, and climbed swiftly along the bed until he was behind Marcus again. From his seat atop Dave, Dave felt Marcus shudder in anticipation as Javier busied himself squeezing out more lube.
“You can take it.” Dave soothed, rubbing gently circles on Marcus’ hip. “We’re both going to fill you and it’ll feel so good when you cum.”
Marcus nodded, making a soft needy sound as Javier placed a hand on his back to push him forward slightly. As Marcus folded himself over, resting his face in the crook of Dave’s neck, Dave watched as Javier lined himself up. Dave could feel the other man’s heavily cock resting against the base of his own. Then slowly, achingly slowly, Javier began to push in.
Marcus arched his back and groaned, a low throaty sound that had Dave biting back his own moans as Javier continued to ease his way in. The sensation of Javier’s cock sliding against his own flooded Dave with a dizzying rush of heat that steadily built as the other man stretched Marcus’ entrance, splitting him open until he was fully buried alongside Dave. 
Marcus was panting into the crook of Dave’s neck, making soft whimpers and moans while his hole spasmed around them both. Javier’s face was flushed as he locked eyes with Dave, and Dave understood immediately. Despite all the swagger and bullshit earlier, Javier wanted, perhaps needed, Dave to take the lead.
With a simple nod from Dave, Javier began to slowly and cautiously move. Keeping his eyes fixed on Dave, Javier dragged his cock along Dave’s length, the two men held snugly inside Marcus’ ass. The feeling was electrifying, pulling a strangled cry from Marcus along with a muffled curse.
Javier began to roll his hips, tenderly at first, still wary of hurting Marcus, his eyes gazing into Dave’s. Eventually, Marcus lifted his head up, gasping as he looked over his shoulder towards Javier.
“Please.” His voice caught in his throat as he begged. “Fuck... fuck me. Hard. I want it hard.”
“You heard him.” Dave’s eyes never left Javier’s.
Baring his teeth, Javier bucked forward sharply, plunging his length deep into Marcus before withdrawing and jolting forward again. Grabbing Marcus by the shoulders, Javier began to fuck the younger man, taking control of the pace for him and Dave. All the while, Dave met his eye, feeling the lust inside him build as he watched it inside Javier's dark eyes. 
Despite his cockiness, Dave had never done anything like this before, and it was taking everything he had to keep his composure. Every nerve sang with Javier’s thrusts. His head throbbed with the intoxicating fog conjured by Marcus’ soft whimpers. All he wanted to do was throw his head back and howl as he came as the heat took over his entire body. But he couldn’t. He wouldn’t. So Dave held Javier’s eye and watched as the gruff DEA agent came undone. 
Red-faced with his breath coming out in bursts from between gritted teeth, Javier pounded into Marcus, the friction of his cock against Dave’s pulling both men closer to the edge quicker than either had anticipated. 
“F-fuck.” Javier stuttered, his hips faltering for a couple of strokes. “I’m gonna... I’m gonna…”
“Me too.” Marcus cried out as he came with a shudder, his muscles tensing around the cocks in his ass. With a cry, Dave felt Marcus spilling himself over the older man’s stomach, before collapsing boneless on top of Dave.
Javier kept his eyes locked with Dave as he came, his hips stuttering as Dave felt his cum flooding into Marcus. Dave was almost sure Javier mouthed something to him, but as his own climax hit, Dave’s vision blurred as he tumbled over the edge. Gripping the bedsheets, Dave arched his back as he emptied himself into Marcus. 
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“How was your meeting?” Carol’s voice was soft in his ear as Dave looked out of the hotel room window out onto the city streets below him. The sun was just beginning to set, sending streaks of orange flaring out into the sky. “Do you think you’ll be home tonight?”
“We ran over.” Dave glanced over to the bed and the two men fast asleep in each other’s arms. Shifting the phone to his other ear, Dave wandered over to the hard, modern looking chair, running his hand along the smooth gray fabric. “I’ll be home tomorrow. Afternoon at the latest. The hotel is nice, though.”
“Well, that’s a plus.” His wife laughed before a noise in the background caught her attention. “Oh! I have to go, Cindy’s back with the girls.”
“Ok.” Dave sighed at the mention of their neighbor’s name, the woman Carol had been fucking for two years. “You two have fun.”
“Oh, don’t be like that.” Carol teased, the sounds of the girls in the background getting louder. “You have your fun, I have mine. Say hi to Marcus for me. I’ll see you tomorrow, honey. I love you.”
“I will.” Dave couldn’t stop himself from giving a soft laugh. “Love you too.”
Hanging up, Dave looked over to the bed and the two naked men, finding them both still sleeping soundly. Marcus resting his head on Javier’s chest smiled contentedly as Javier huffed in his sleep. Climbing into the large bed to sandwich Marcus between him and Javier, Dave settled into the pillows, watching the dust motes dance through the warm beams of light while he waited for his lovers to wake.
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taglist: @aurorawritestoescape, @vabeachazn, @perotovar, @morallyinept, @for-a-longlongtime
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companionjones · 2 years
Road Trips (Back and Forth)
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Fandom: The Walking Dead (AMC)
Summary: After four long months, Daryl is finally back in your life.
Warnings: Smut with some plot at the end, Cursing
This is an AU story.
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    You woke to the sound of water running. Most people would assume they had an intruder, but you knew it could only be one person. Jumping out of bed, you rushed into your bathroom and shower fully clothed.
    “Daryl--!” you cut yourself off by crashing your lips upon his. It had been four months since you’d last seen him.
    Dixon was lucky enough to practically catch you in his arms before the both of you could go toppling over.
    You had a second to breathe in his scent before Daryl pulled you from him. “I was trying to wash myself of all this dirt and grime before I said ‘hello’ to you,” he stated.
    Shaking your head, you testified, “You should always say hello to me first.” You tugged him downward so you could connect your lips again.
    Daryl let the kiss go on. “God, I missed the taste of ya’.” He moved you so you were pressed against the shower wall. He was squeezing your breasts over your shirt before removing the piece of clothing from the equation entirely, and throwing it over the top of the shower.
    You cried out as Daryl roughly pinched your nipples, but Daryl just swallowed the sound. He roughly pulled down the shorts you’d been wearing, and you stepped out of them as soon as they hit the floor. Daryl threw them in the same direction as your shirt.
    “Oh God, Daryl, please!” you begged breathlessly as you parted from his lips.
    Daryl Dixon was never one to waste time. “You don’t have to ask me twice, baby.”
    You gasped as Daryl picked you up and you circled your legs around him, and you shouted his name as Daryl swiftly entered you.
    “That’s it, babygirl. You always take-me-so-well!” Daryl stated as he started thrusting in and out of you.
    “D-a-r-y-l-!” you sounded out Dixon’s name in harmony with the sound of skin slapping throughout your bathroom. You were holding onto him for dear life.
    “Fuck, that’s it. Fuck, you’re so good for me. That’s my good-little-girl!”
    “Fuck yes! D-daddy, please! Oh, oh God, you feel so good!”
    “Feel good too, princess. Hold on just a little longer. A little longer for Daddy.”
    Your fingers were making marks on his back. “Oh, please, please, please! D-Daryl!” You screamed when you felt his warm semen release inside of you. You felt your eyes almost pop out of your head as your mouth hung open and you came with him.
    As you calmed down, you felt Daryl petting the back of your head and whispering sweet nothings into your ear. “That’s my girl...Did such a good job...Made me cum so hard I nearly fell over.”
    You giggled at that last one.
    “There’s my girl.” He kissed your cheek. “Think we can finish up in here?”
    You chuckled, “That’s if I can stand, Dixon.”
    He smiled at that.
    Yes, you were able to stand (barely), and in no time at all, you had helped Daryl finish his shower, and the two of you were wrapped up in each other’s arms in your bed.
    “How is everyone?” you wondered.
    Daryl went on to tell you that his motorcycle shop he owned a few states away with his best friend Rick Grimes was profiting well. Rick’s wife Michonne had just opened a self-defence dojo for women, and that was going great. Michonne and Rick’s kids: Carl, Judith and RJ were growing into very good people as well. Daryl’s other married friends, Maggie and Glenn, owned a private practice that, Daryl reported, had “just donated an ass-load” of money to charity; and their child, Hershel, had just developed his first crush.
    You had met all of those people the couple of times Daryl had brought you on a road trip to his home, and you all got along famously. You cared very much what was happening in their lives, as you knew they did your life as well.
    Speaking of your life, you were finishing up your college degree. That was cute because you were just starting college when you and Daryl had met while he had been on one of his many road trips. That was cute because since then, none of Daryl’s road trips didn’t involve you.
    “You know,” you began once Daryl was done relaying his friends’ current adventures, “I’m almost done school...I was thinking...once I’m done...I could come back with you?”
    Daryl nodded. “Another trip? Of course. Just tell me when.”
    You shook your head. “Not another trip like the other ones. I’m talking...more permanent...?”
    “You want to come live with me? He said it like he was still unsure if that was what you meant.
    “I do,” you whispered. “I figured it makes sense ‘cuz all your friends are there--” You were cut off when Daryl pulled you into a loving kiss.
    “I love you so much!” he exclaimed, “Of course you should move in with me! I mean, I keep the place pretty crummy, but that was before I knew you were coming. I’ll hire some lady to clean it...what’re you laughin’ at?” Daryl asked with a smile on his face.
    “You. I’m laughing at you,” you happily admitted before rolling on top of him and continuing the kiss.
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I would also really appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, check out my masterlist. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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Wildflowers For A Hangman Ch. 12
Daisy, a career novelist, moves in with her college best friend Phoenix who has been permanently assigned to Top Gun with Dagger Squad. She finds herself instantly connected with a cocky pilot who's soft only for her and Jake can't help but want to know everything about her. When the past comes knocking at both of their doors, will they stand together or fall apart?
Or: The Dagger Squad can't cook and Jake falls in love with a woman who makes a mean lasagna while they work their personal trauma.
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x writer!femOC | 18+ (eventually) minors dni. Fluff, smut (eventual), idiots in love, past trauma.
A/N: Daisy needs to be alone to get her latest draft done but that leads to an unexpected situation...and confession...
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Previous Chapter
I had checked into a hotel room a week ago to get some writing done, which had been driving Jake crazy. When I was approaching a deadline I took a note out of Maya Angelou’s playbook, except, to a more extreme extent. She would rent a hotel room in her hometown, using it as an office of sorts, removing all distractions while she got her writing done. As a procrastinator who worked at the whims of her muses, I condensed the routine into a sprint. I wrote from 6am to 9pm with nothing in the room to distract myself except for a deck of cards and a thesaurus. 
The reason it was driving Jake crazy was the fact that I wouldn’t tell him which hotel I was at and that I would only text him before 6am and after 9pm. If given the chance, I knew he would have caved by day three and stopped by to see me, which would have derailed the entire process, Jake had begrudgingly agreed to her reasoning of keeping him out of the loop.
Cassandra was closing in on her killer, her and her partner Timothy were standing in front of the apartment door, weapons drawn and ready to go. They were going to do it. Except the scene that was in my head wasn’t the one that ended up on the page, Timothy kicked the door open and the apartment was empty except for a note addressed to her. The killer got away. For now at least. Jason and Grace would be ecstatic that the sequel was perfectly lined up but for me it felt like a blow to the chest. My detectives always got their man by the end of the story. Always. 
I spent close to four hours trying to rewrite the scene in a way that even vaguely made sense but nothing felt right. I glanced at the clock, it was past ten o’clock, Jake was probably ready to file a missing persons report at this point. I chuckled to myself, thinking about how he was. Jake liked to be by my side, even without the looming threat of me running off because of Rudolph Lance, he spent so much time at our apartment that Natasha had joked about charging him rent…which he had shrugged at and asked how much. 
When I pulled my phone out of the room safe I had three missed calls from Jake and Natasha and texts from most of the Daggers telling me to please, please, please call my boyfriend and best friend.
“Baby,” Jake sighed on the other side of the call. “Everything okay?” I giggled, it wasn’t even a full hour past when I was supposed to check-in and Jake sounded like I had been missing for days. “Daisy,” His serious tone cut my laughter short. Something had to be wrong. 
“I’m fine, Jake. What’s going on?” There was a long pause that had my heart rate shooting through the roof. “Baby, what’s wrong?” 
“What hotel are you at?” I started to repeat what I had been telling him all week about the importance of being left alone but he cut me off. “Daisy, I love you and I respect your process but I’m going to need you tell me where the fuck you are.” I flinched, surprised, he had never taken that tone with me before. 
“The Marriott on Sixth and Kewee. What the hell happened?” Jake shouted that I was okay to whoever he was with, probably Natasha. It hit me at that moment that Jake had just said he loved me but the next words out of his mouth ruined the moment.
“There was a big fire at the Marriott on Stiltson, the news said people died.” All the air rushed out of my lungs. All I had told him and Natasha was that I was staying at a Marriott, they must have been so worried. 
“Shit, Jake. I’m so sorry, I’ll come home. I can be there in-” Jake cut me off again,
“Stay put, I’m coming to you.” I plopped down on the bed, chewing on my thumbnail. The hotel was a five minute drive from our apartment, twenty from his. “We’re not doing this again, okay? Somebody needs to know where you’re at, somebody. Even if it’s Amelia for Christ’s sake.”
“Okay, baby, I promise.” Jake exhaled sharply. “I’m in room 108, come in the front doors and go right, I’ll be just a few steps away.” Another exhale, “Unclench your jaw, pretty boy, or you’ll give yourself a headache.” He didn’t say anything but I knew he was listening to me. “Now relax your fingers, you can drive at a speed I don’t want to know about without white knuckling it.” The time the huff had a hint of a chuckle, “You can’t come yell at me then smother me in kisses if you wrap your truck around a palm tree.” 
“I’m not going to yell at you,” He didn’t sound convincing, like he was still mulling it over. We sat in silence while he drove, a few torturous minutes passed by. “I’m here,”
“I really don’t want to know how fast you were going.” Jake sighed, “I’m not going to lecture you, just don’t tell me. I’m going to unlock the door for you.” I crossed the room, flipping the latch so that the door was held open, then I stepped back towards the center of the room. Jake rushed into the room not long later, sweeping me into his arms.
“Hi, baby.” He kissed my temple, hands shaking as he held me. Jake’s whole body was tense around me, showing just how concerned he was. I rubbed his back,
“Let it out, Jake, don’t keep it in.” He pulled away, gripping my face tightly but not harshly. Jake looked wrecked, eyes rimmed red, brow pinched, his jaw tensing and relaxing like he was fighting himself. “I’m right here.” 
“At least last time I knew where you were,” Jake’s tone was harsh. “I knew that you were safe,” I gripped his sides, digging my fingers in. He kissed me fiercely but pulled away before I could respond. “I don’t want to be a controlling boyfriend who tells you what to do, Daisy, but you’ve got to stop doing this to me.” Guilt flooded through me, my grip on him loosening. Jake shook his head tersely, “Please don’t pull away from me.” 
“I’m not pulling away, Jake,” I wrapped my arms around his waist. “I’m right here, tell me what you need.” Jake buried his face in my neck, hugging me tight. “Tell me what you need,” I whispered. “I love you too, Jake Seresin, just tell me what you need.” He didn’t say anything right away, he just held me. With every breath I felt him relax just a little bit more into me until it felt like I was holding all of his weight. “I love you, Jake. Just tell me what you need, I’ll give it to you.” Jake stayed quiet and I found myself filling the gap. “Have you heard of Life360? It’s an app, Harvey and his wife have it, lets them track each other's locations. I just won’t look at the weekly driving report so I won’t see how fast you speed.” 
“You don’t have to,” He kissed the crook of my neck, pulling away just to rest his forehead against mine. “If it makes you uncomfortable.” 
“I don’t mind, Jake,” I kissed him softly, “Not if it gives you peace of mind. Okay?” I slipped my hands under his shirt, resting them on his warm back, pulling him even closer. “Are we okay?”
“I love you, Daisy.” Jake kissed my nose and pulled away, smiling softly at me. “Not exactly how I planned on telling you, it just kind of slipped out.” I giggled, pulling him to lay on the bed with me.
“Well, nothing about this relationship has exactly been normal since the whole ‘FBI showing up at my house’ thing. So, I think it’s fitting.” I sat back on the pillows and Jake laid his head in my lap, I carded my fingers through his hair. “Let’s talk about things, Jake. What do you need?” He looped an arm between my legs, snuggling me like a pillow. 
“Can we get that tracking app? I promise I won’t look at it unless I’m worried.” I rolled my eyes, knowing that if he checked the app every time he was worried about me, it would be constantly open on his phone. The…hypervillegance surrounding my whereabouts on Natasha’s orders had lessened but hadn’t faded away entirely. It was something I had learned about Jake, he cared with his whole heart about all of the people in his life, and with that came a certain level of anxiety. 
“Check it as much as you need to, pretty boy,” I kissed his hair. “What else?” 
“I want to take you home for Thanksgiving, introduce you to my mama,” My fingers paused in his hair, the thought swirling around in my mind. What would meeting Jake’s parents be like? Would they be warm and welcoming or stoic and standoffish? What about his sisters? Would they like her? “Stop thinking so hard, that hamster wheel in your head is starting to smoke.”
“Shut up,” I laughed, my fingers moving in his hair once again. “Yes, I’ll meet your mama, what else?” Jake gently bit my thigh and I tapped him on the head, “Jake, baby, is there anything else you need to feel better?” 
“I’m going to marry you one day,” 
“Okay.” Jake turned to look up at me and I’m sure I had multiple chins at that angle but he was looking at me with nothing but love in his eyes and I couldn’t find it in myself to care.
“Wait, so, asking you to meet my family takes a full minute for you to think about but getting married is an instant yes?” 
Daisy tilted her head back against the headboard, a small smile on her face. In the last few hours, my emotions had been wrecked. Going from bored, sitting on the couch listening to Rooster and Phoenix argue about something I wasn’t paying attention to, then worried beyond belief when the news alert popped up on our phones, and then instant relief when her name flashed on caller ID. 
“I’ve never met a boy’s parents before,” 
“One, I’m a man, baby.” Daisy scoffed at me, her hand resting on my chest. “Two, you’ve never met someone’s parents?”
“Jake, I hadn’t even cuddled someone before you,” I couldn’t help the smug smile that grew on my lips. Daisy liked cuddling but she needed the conditions to be just right, apparently I was a “human heater” and she needed a fan to be running, more than one if she wanted to keep her beloved pajama pants on.
“My mama’s going to love you, already does,” I reached up, wrapping my fingers around the duplicate dog tags of mine she wore around her neck to pull her down for a kiss. The angle wasn’t perfect but her lips on mine could never be wrong. “Told her all about your lasagna and the way you’ve been feeding the team. My sisters already love you too, they’re both true crime junkies, apparently they have all of your books.” 
“No way,” She snorted, dissolving into a fit of giggles. Her whole body shook as she laughed and it was a beautiful sight. “I’ll sign them when I come to visit. Did I ever tell you that Grace and Jason spent a week arguing over how my signature should look?” 
“Seriously, I thought I had carpal tunnel by the time we figured it out. Well, I probably do but that’s neither here nor there.” I made a mental note to Google that later, see if there was anything to do to make it better. “What about your pops?” 
“God, he cannot wait to meet you,” I groaned, pulling her down for another kiss. “Pops won’t stop asking about his “new daughter” when I call him. I think my family’s going to propose to you on my behalf.” Daisy laughed but it wasn’t really a joke, my whole family had been calling, texting, even emailing me for information on Daisy and our relationship. Pops had even offered up his parents’ rings for us to use.
“There seem to be a lot of expectations for me to live up to, Jake.” She kissed me one, twice, three times before sitting back up, that same soft smile on her lips. “But I’m telling you now, if you propose to me before we’ve known each other for at least a year, I’m telling you no.” 
Taglist: @dizzybee03 @littlezee80 @nervousenemyduck @carolina-on-my-mind03 @mizzzpink @beltzboys2015-blog @writingrose @hookslove1592
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lootsofathousandsworld · 10 months
Flint x Reader Hurt Oneshot
Good lord I had this short story in my grammery for a long time. X'D
Anyway hope you like this folks. I'm trying to get my groove back on writing these stuff. I miss doing them :')
And as always sorry if you see any grammer errors.
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“What the hell happened?!” You’ve gotten used to Flint’s temper after living with him for a while now. This time, however, he was yelling at his crew member after getting hurt from doing something stupid. 
And oh man, this is probably the new record on his wrath that made your heart beat out of fright. 
And also your wound wasn’t too bad. It was only a scratch on your palm. Not too long ago, you wanted to try that dagger trick after you saw someone performing it on the street.
But you accidentally cut yourself after your feet stumbled and grabbed the blades instead of the handle. 
“S-sir we kept an eye on 'er!” One crew protested. "And to be fair cap'n, she wanted to perform this stunt. We didn't make 'er do it!" 
"Is that so?" You saw him look at you coldly which made you bite your lips holding your hand where the wounded were.
He exhales his nostril in irritation and turns his men, mostly at his first mate, Billy. "Take 'em to my ship. I'll be there shortly." 
"Aye, sir!" Billy replied. Then the Captain turns to you and grabs your arm. 
"You and I going have a little talk on yer act," With that, you and he walked away from the crew. When you and he are alone in the dark ally he speaks lowly.
"Let me see yer hand,"  
At first, your instinct tells you not to. Since you are afraid of what he’ll say or do to you. Then you hear your captain repeat in a strict tone.
“Let. Me. See. Yer. Hand.” 
You show your wound nervously and you watch him examine it carefully. After about a few seconds he lets out a frustrated sigh.
“Just what the hell were ye thinkin'?” 
You lowered your head in embarrassment. 
“It’s only a scratch,” You muttered. 
“But that stunt could’ve gotten yourself killed ye know that?!” Flint almost shouts. 
You flinch and manage to reply. “I know it was stupid.” You added while trying not to sound afraid. “I just. I only want to impress your men that’s all.”  
In the corner of your eyes, you watch him shake his head and take a few breaths silently to calm himself. You then feel your chin gently lift and your face is looking at his. 
His face was now a hint of worrying that he never showed this side to his crew. He also was on his knees so you can see his face better. 
“ Lass you don’t need to show your impression on my men. Since you joined my crew ye been improved your strength and agility. That dumb stunt is never the bonus. My men and I were already impressed with your skills lass." He brushes your cheeks with his thumb-bony finger and finishes.
" And what impresses me more is your improvement over a month living on my ship," 
You felt your cheeks almost blush at his compliment on your endurance living on his ship. But then your face made a frown when your Captain said this. 
"And from now on no more handling daggers unless yer supervised. “ 
“Then how am I going to defend myself without one?” You asked. Feeling upset you can’t have one after that stunt.
“That until you be taught how to handle it properly.” As he spoke he took out his ray cloth from his coat pocket and wrapped it around your palm to stop the bleeding.    
“Now promise me you'll follow this order, for yer safe sake.” He looked at you long and you made a silent huff, looking down with disappointment.  
Y/N." He spoke sternly.  
"Okay fine I promise, swear to pirate code," You gave in. Not because of his tone. More of there's no point in arguing with him. You felt it wouldn't change anything the more you tried to argue with him. 
Also, you want to be done with this situation. You were embarrassed enough by that dagger stunt. Instead, you muttered for him to hear. 
"Can we go back now Captain?" You hear him make a slight chuckle and begins to lead you back to his ship. While on the way he spoke lowly. 
"Once ye handle some daggers properly, I can perhaps give ya a few tricks of mine." 
"And how long that'll be until?" You asked, looking up at him. 
"A year." 
"A year?" You almost laugh. "Come on can you give me a month?"  
"Please?" You did your best giving a puppy pleading, thanks to B.E.N. showing you how to do it. You watch him avoiding your gaze and he clinches his teeth in frustration.  
Soon he rolled all his eyes, "Remind me to punish B.E.N. on teaching ye how to beg when we get back. 
"So is that a yes?" You grinned. 
 He snorted. "Maybe." That made your hope up, knowing he'll change his mind once you and him are on his ship...or as he puts it. Maybe. 
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vqrtualheartss · 1 year
Across the multiverse, Love Beyond Dimensions —𝑬42 𝑴𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒙 𝑭𝒆𝒎!𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌!𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
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Here is part one linked. But before starting off anything, I have to say and give a major thanks for the support on part one, I almost cried fr fr.
Part three
Lemme be informative:
I am in no way, shape or form trying to villainize Gwen, everything is just for plot. Infact, I love Gwiles, my only point of interest is Miles G.
As you're reading this best believe that I am currently working on part three and four so bare with me
The day in the story you are currently acting out until any indication of a change is Saturday, you got brought into the dimension, rescued by Miles and woke up in the same day
The purple "liquid thing" is Gentian violet, it's something used for minor cuts and injuries
At one point, you're gonna be like " why did I cry over that?" Listen, it's like because of how your body reacted to suddenly being harmed, kinda like how you'd cry if you experienced shock suddenly, or long answer short you just did
My eyes flickered as they opened, eyebrows knitted at the fact that I couldn't recognize where I was, completely ignoring the state of my body. At the time, I was laid out on a bed centered infront a mirror, framed on a rectangular shelf around it's perimeter was a collection of Nike Air's and Jordan 1's -sneakerhead much?- but that's not the point. Looking at myself I saw bandages wrapped around my limbs , specifically my left elbow and shoulder. Multiple small cuts around my body patched up with band-aids layering over a thin sheet of oils and some purple...liquid thing? I didn't question it. My lips had some type of balm on it to accommodate the swelling and bleeding, a big white patch secured to the right side of my neck.
Looking in the mirror, I noticed that my hair was tied up in two puffs and not just the one that I had before, assuming it was to place another bandage I felt around my head until my hand stopped at a soft material, I patted it, it didn't feel big nor did it place any pressure onto my scalp. Looking at my reflection once more, noticing the change in my garments, I tugged at the oversized shirt I had on, amazed at the difference in space between my body and the shirt. Attempting to get closer to the mirror to examine myself more, I put a foot infront the bed standing on it to ensure my balance. Steadying myself, I walked closer, the other half of my body was covered in grey sweats'. I saw my phone on a bedside table, a few cracks on the screen
I stood, contemplating if I should wonder around the place or not, -I mean , wandering was what got things done to me in the first place- but I am inside nevertheless, it can't be that bad.
Going against my self-judgement, I walked outside the room, going down a short hallway, I heard the sound of.. punching?
"Just how much violence is in one universe?"
Following the sound I was led upstairs to a door seemingly going up to a penthouse level, I could say that it was hidden well -given that the house was big- but you could easily find it cause of all the ruckus. Knocking on the door I heard the combat stop when the door creaked open revealing a boy behind it. To say that he was handsome is an understatement.
This man was a work of ART, God truly has his favourites and he is one- no doubts, with two braids climbing down the length of his neck, it accentuated his face shape so..perfectly? -Is there anything sharper than his jawline HELLO? - His eyes rested low, probably a result of beating the shit out of whatever it is in there, it didn't make him any less attractive though, can guarantee that. Leaning on the door frame, he still towered over my body at about 6"1 When I tell you this man has body, believe me, his abs legit looks like they were chiseled out of stone, whoever is his girlfriend is living THE life.
"Didn't your parents teach you that it's impolite to stare?" I narrowed my eyes at him, -there's something nagging me well, besides him. Is there's something I should be paying closer attention to.?- Suddenly it hit me
"MILES?" We both looked confused, he looked so similar yet different from the one I knew . I suddenly wanted to scream, cry, everything, but, I knew it would be so wrong to take out my emotions on the boy that didn't do anything to me. That surely didn't stop my face from expressing my sadness.
"Okay one, how do you know my name? That's some real stalker shit. Two, what's with your face.. Come in"
Should I be offended or what-, I walked inside observing the space as he closed the door behind me. There was training gear on shelves and randomly spread across the floor, barbells organized by weight size, a treadmill and other machines lined up around the room, a punching bag in the centre of the area. I sat on a bench facing three giant windows showcasing the sunset outside, I smiled at the scenery as he put his other boxing glove on.
"You're not very bright are you?" no manners. He started to perform another round combat on the bag but not as hard as before, decreasing the volume of his hits.
"Excuse me?"
"Everyone knows that Brooklyn is basically Gotham city at night. , so he's the hero
"Thought you knew that with your big ass forehead".
I covered my mouth and forehead, eyes widening in pure shock as he laughed, taking off his gloves he sat himself beside me on the bench, setting them on the floor.
"I'm not from here...worst first day ever in my opinion" I looked at my body once more, getting more curious with each passing second.
"Just be careful, I won't be around to save you everyday. Give me your hand" I obliged, looking down at him as he squeezed it.
"Does that hurt?" I shook no, if anything I wanted him to hold my hand, I fought myself from crying in the moment in all honesty
My heart missed him, even if it wasn't technically him
I knew it wasn't safe here for me, being from and in another dimension and all, but I didn't want to go back either. Even so, there was one place I knew I had to go to get home, I couldn't risk getting hurt until then. -Jinxed it- I started to convulse, bright flashes spreading across my body tearing me open as I fell to the ground. Tears uncontrollably started to fall as I layed on the floor holding onto my torso, waiting for the glitching to stop.
I felt Miles' grip on my hand tighten as he held me close on the floor, a worried look drawn onto his face as he wiped my cheeks. "What the actual fuck was that? Do you need anything? Man talk to me" His bitchy attitude slowly disappeared as his concern grew, as much as I wanted to answer, I couldn't. I buried my face into his chest, slowly sitting up being wary of any aftershocks that might happen. "Start talking so I can help you" "Yea, you're right , sorry." I tried to lift myself to get up off him but, my body was too weak. He put a hand on my shoulder "You can stay there", I weakly said thank you, as he smiled at me before starting off my explanation
"Thing is"
Time-skip, about 40 minutes. You've explained the multiverse and what it is, reason why it's so long is because y'all keep going offtrack and talking. Here's some convo glimpses
"So basically in all the universes there are we exist in every one of them?"
"Mhm, that's right and you might be somewhat similar or completely different in each one. And, logically, there might be two of me here"
"What's your name? I think I can find out for you" I was confused at his proposal but gave him anyway
"It's (y/n) (y/l/n)"
"That's a pretty name, " . I replied with a 'Thank you' before we reverted to silence, comfortable silence. My head was now laid in his lap as he played with my hair, finger coiling and twisting it. "So how'd you get here? Being in another dimension and all"
I toyed with my fingernails, examining each one as I answered "Long story short, there was this inter-dimensional villain that came, caught me, I fell into a hole leading to a different dimension. And that dimension is here"
I pointed towards the window at the end of my sentence, adding exaggeration. "I see. Think I know what can help with the glitching, well something, but that's for tomorrow. Right now, I want you to answer some questions for me" I narrowed my eyes, curiosity skyrocketing at his offers to help in the situations I had -the really wierd situations I had-, my gaze softening to the end of his sentence. "Okay, go on"
"Assuming that you knew me before, cause you know my name. What was I like? Be brutally honest"
If I went brutally honest I'd go ballistic
"Since we're being brutally honest. You cheated on me with a white girl" .
I tried to contain my laughter as his eyes widened almost comically.
"Stop playing with me" I stayed silent, my hand draped over my mouth, still trying to restrain myself. "I fumbled a bad bitch.. for a white girl?? Not even a Latina?? A WHITE GIRL?"
I shook my head as I finally let out my laughter, covering my face with both hands.
"That's whack..on behalf of the other Miles's we DO NOT claim that nigga"
"Ayee, 'preciate it. What's probably the worst part about it is she wasn't even from our dimension"
He dragged his hand over his mouth, dramatically expressing shock. "That is foul. He needs his head in the game ASAP". He snapped his finger, placing emphasis on the last word.
"It's cool" I started to lift my body off his, sitting beside him to watch the last stages of the sunset.
"Does that mean that we were together?"
"I mean yeah, but not us as in me and you. Kinda like a twin"
"I could never be related to that jackass" I chuckled slightly, eyes never leaving the scenery.
"It's getting late, and you haven't even eaten. I'll slap upside your head to take care of yourself" I looked at him, with an intentionally creepy smile "I can't cook" he looked at me blinking slowly "I'll cook for you if you stop smiling like that. please. It's creepy" I smiled widely at his offer to help me out. He got up, walking to the door "waittt."
"Ughh, what is it"
"I want a picture of the sky"
"Then take it"
"I want you to be in it" the creepy smile returning to my face to unease him.
His face screwed up, "Stop with that smile" frowning, I pouted my lips as I pointed jis phone camera to focus on the sky as I stood Infront it. The password was still the same
"What am I going to do with you" Miles walked over beside me, smiling as I took the picture. "Definitely my new wallpaper"
He rolled his eyes, smiling slightly "Come on" extending his hand as he walked over, leaning onto the wall next to the door. I held onto his hand, as he led me outside onto the corridor. He stopped, looking at me, hand resting around his chin other on his neck. The wind was blowing hard, the clothes basically acting as a parachute
"We need to get you some clothes". Looking down, I pulled on the shirt tilting my head as I looked up "Who changed me? " His face flushed bright red as he pointed at himself. I blinked about 6 times in a row slowly. "Oh." "Uh, let's get going shall we?" I shook yes, holding onto his hand again before he walked off, intertwining them as he looked down at me
"For someone with a big ass forehead you're cute"
"Do you have to mention my forehead every time?"
"Do you have to complain every time or can you just say thanks" I scrunched up my nose as he led me towards a kitchen island releasing my hand. "Thank you Miles Morales" "You're welcome (y/n) (y/l/n)" I stuck my tongue out at him "Don't make me cut that off" retracting my tongue,I raised my hand to flip him off , he used a double tooth fork to point at my fingers "Or those either"
Placing the utensil on the table he reached for an apron latched onto a hook.
"What do you want to eat" I shrugged in response.
"Anything you're allergic to"
"No, I don't think I have any allergies"
"You're sure" I shook my head yes "
Very sure? I'm not taking the blame if you die"
"Very sure" I repeated his words putting up two thumbs.
"I think I have something in mind for you" he turned around, grabbing different utensils and pots from shelves, racks and cupboards. I was told to grab different ingredients from the fridge and shelves to make the food.... and a fool of myself.
"Get that bottle of powdered sugar (y/n)" he pointed towards a shelf, looking at its height I was skeptical at first but I decided to try and reach it. I was jumping for a good minute trying to reach. "What's taking so long?" I suddenly heard laughter behind me, then the sound of footsteps coming. Reaching for it himself, he looked down at my face, narrowing his eyes as we made contact for a few seconds "I'm embarrassed for you" I sucked my teeth "It's not my fault I'm short" "Sure, but we should probably get talking to ensure your safety and all that" As he said that he returned to his position, and I to mine behind the table. "Talking about what exactly?"
"Well, for one, I'll be out early trying to get something for your glitching. If you can't tell, I hate hearing you cry" Reaching for a knife on the counter he cut a piece of a fried dumpling, taking it up with a fork he brought it up to my face. "Eat this" as my mouth touched the food, I immediately retracted my face, fingers pressing against my lips, my eyebrows furrowed as tears welled. "You're too soft" he laughed before starting to blow on the dumpling before handing it back to me. "Here, I'm sorry" smiling taking the food, I started to analyze it, shaking my head in approval.
"I like it.. what is it?" Miles turned around to flip the rest in the pot
"They're fried dumplings, my mother taught me how to make them" my expression stayed same as I digested, the answer was expected
"Hm, expected, is Tiá Rio doing okay?" He turned around with an inquisitive expression, leaning on the counter
"Tiá Rio?"
"Yea, your mother?"
"She'd love you for calling her that " he chuckled before continuing "She's always complaining that oh 'this generation has no manners, they're even calling parents by their first names.. it's shameful' "
"I can just hear her saying it" I laughed as he plated the food, it was about 2 pot fulls of dumplings.
It was nearing midnight now and somehow I found myself seated on the ceramic table top, Miles' arms draped on both sides of my legs, which were swaying freely under his body.
The things I'd do to stay in this moment.
The plate was finishing as the time went by.
"Look, here's a heart one." I blankly looked at it before deciding "It's too cute I can't eat it"
"I'll eat it for you" "You wouldn't dare" I looked down at him with wide eyes
"I'll make more heart-shaped ones for you" Hugging him, well .. his head, I pulled back "When?"
"Friday" "That's too long" "Stop counting the days then" I turned my head away.
"Goodnight Miles" he turned my head by the chin, "Come on estrella, don't be like that"
I tilted my head at the sudden Spanish, confused. His accent was definitelymore prominent than my Miles. "Estrella?" "Tch, you don't even know basic Spanish? Estrella means star"
I held my hand close to my heart, "That is the sweetest thing- yawn" I awkwardly folded my lips, using my index finger to scratch my head. "I believe it's wayy past your bedtime now is it"
I narrowed my eyes glaring at him, before I could use the stool as a step, Miles took me up in his hands carrying me around the room running. That resulted in both of us laughing and smiling as we laid down in his room. I was on the edge of the bed and he was on a small couch that was at the end of it. My hand wrapped around a finger of his as we talked.
"So depending on how tomorrow goes, your stay here can go one of two ways. If that thing can stop your glitching then we could take our time in sending you home, if not we'd have to find another way and fast" I hummed a 'mhm' in response, being too weak to move my body anymore
"In the case that you can stay longer we can enroll you in a school before the end of summer, change your appearance-" I held up a finger Infront his face to stop him before mumbling a "How so?"
"Well, you don't pay anything for my school, just pass the hard ass entry exam and that's it"
"If there is two of me there wouldn't that bring up suspicion?" I bent completely over the edge of the bed searching for his hand which he raised up noticing my actions.
"That's what I'm getting to, you'd have a fake name, new style, probably dye your hair-"
"Nuh uh"
"What you mean by 'nuh uh?'" I stretched over the bed looking at him.
"For 16 years I have had virgin hair, I'm too scared of damaging it"
"Temporary colour could work and I'll make sure we don't fry your hair"
"Thank you Miles, really-" -well shit- I started to glitch again, the sensations coming on worse than last time, he ran up onto the bed being cautious of harming me. B waiting for it to end, my body felt extremely weak, overstimulating as I uncontrollably shook afterwards, crying
" I think I'm dying"
" Shut up. I didn't let you in the first place I certainly won't now" I sat up as he layed down, climbing upwards he grabbed me, holding my body so close to his. I felt as if not even the universe could separate us.
Sunday 6:35 AM
As expected, Miles was nowhere inside the house, I know because I checked. Though, walking around something caught my eye a purple post-it note attached to a pile of clothes on the couch, written on it was:
''Here's some things for you until I get back. I'll be back late so I left food for you. Here's the thing to help your glitching, it should work. Lock the doors and stay safe mi estrella"
-I'll keep the note, it's cute - I took the clothes upstairs into a bathroom, bathing and putting them on. There was a plain white short sleeved top, (blue draws), brown cargo pants and a varsity jacket that looked dangerously close to the one I had on yesterday, I decided that it must've been a coincidence and moved on from the thought. There was an unusual bulk in one of the pockets so I pushed my hand in it, searching for the cause. My hand stopped at some type of bag, I grabbed at it, pulling it out. Inside was multiple pieces of jewelry, namely
two pairs of earrings - knobs and star-shaped
a gold barbell for my industrial piercing
a chain with my initial on it.
I was happy but confused at the fact he knew I had that many piercings, I mean it was obvious for my lobe and upper lobe but not the industrial. I shrugged it off putting on the jewellery, placing the knobs in my upper lobes and the stars in the bottoms. Looking back I saw some type of watch? Assuming that it was the device to help with the glitching I put it on looking at its structure, written on its screen were the words 'E-42'.
"That must be where I am" I decided to not interact with it too much knowing my luck , before heading back downstairs I went into Miles' room searching for my phone which I found on the bedside table. I looked at the phone screen before turning it on, my reflection looking back at me. "Well shit, I forgot about my hair" I sucked my teeth returning back to the bathroom, putting my phone in my pocket.
Looking around the shelves and drawers for any type of comb, product , something to do my hair with, I found some stuff in the sink's cupboard. Damn it's neat in here. I saw some gel, a few brushes and wax, I set out the items on the countertop "what would I tie my hair with?" I went back into the bedroom , grabbing my shoes from yesterday under the bed to take out the lace, heading into the bathroom I used soap and water to disinfect it. As usual, I did my hair up into a puff making sure to check underneath the bandage searching for any bleeding, there wasn't any, instead I felt two stitches. He really took care of me
I smiled at the thought while putting away the products, heading outside I finally took out my phone, securing the note from earlier with my other hand. My smile dropping instantly as I turned it on
Thu, 3 Aug - 2:35 PM (keep in mind it's nearing mid August so time is flyin')
I didn't have to look at the reminder underneath to know what date it was, It would've been my 2 year anniversary with Miles. I tried to not think about it but how could I? Walking downstairs I placed my phone face down on the countertop heading into the fridge, in it I saw two tupperware plates with the same purple note. It read:
"Por mi estrella" Alongside a little cartoon figure of myself.
Believe me when I say I didn't think twice before taking up the note. I tore the little cartoon off, placing it inside my phonecase ensuring to not turn it on. Nah ruin my owna mood.
Anyways, inside the plates there was pasta and in the other there were dumplings. Nah nevermind, I'm marrying him I smiled taking the second plate out, placing the cover underneath it I took my phone carrying myself up to Miles' room. Sitting down I opened my phone, scrolling through my feed. After a while I started to feel drowsy so I quickly went downstairs to put down the plate.
"Maybe, I can just sleep here for a couple minutes" Referring to the island and countertop I laid my head a top it, just for a few minutes tho. Hopefully
8:39 pm
I didn't know what time it was but judging by the view outside it was like really, really dark out. and I was getting worried. Good news though, I haven't experienced any glitching... I think I might stay here, I mean it's no way home right?
But seriously where is Miles, I looked all around for him and I can't find him. I was walking back down to the kitchen when I heard the main door start to open I stayed where I was, peeking around the corner of the wall. The door opened and I saw Miles come in, a taller man (Sisqó dupe) behind him I walked back into the bedroom, deciding to not eavesdrop this once. I went up to his training room instead, catching a glimpse of the sunset, rubbing my sore neck as I walked. Unfortunately the sky was pitch black already so I went back to Miles' room trying to make as little noise as possible, once in there I decided to take off the jacket, carefully placing it on the bedside table.
After a while of watching YouTube you heard knocking, a familiar personnel entered the room.
"Like the stuff I bought for you?"
"Like it?" I scoffed before continuing "I love them, but how'd you know I have my industrial pierced?"
"Anyone can see that from a mile away" I folded my lips, narrowing my eyes
"What's with your face?"
"Okay one, that's not nice and two, I got these pierced without my parents knowing"
He lauughed before answering "No way you can go home now"
"I mean, wasn't planning on leaving since this thing stopped the glitching" you pointed to the watch. He raised his eyebrows, face contorting into a smug smile.
"Is that the reason or is it because you don't want to leave me?" He folded his arms then dropped his eye lids slightly. "I know how you look at me"
You pointed at him "Touché nigga , don't think I didn't see you all over me yesterday and last night".
He used his hand to push away yours, pointing at you.
"You did not see shit"
"Tread carefully" you looked at him, eyeing him up and down before burstinginto laughter. "But for real though, thank you for everything"
"All good, I was raised right afterall" "Can back up that"
"You talk too much, the wickedness is astronomical let me remove your bandages"
A/n: I don't know how to end this
©vqrtualheartss 2023 ©dae 2023
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stayevildarling · 6 months
hellooo! I know you've already wrote a bunch of fics with these characters but could you possibly write a story with cordelia, wilhemina and billie where billie invites them all to a party and reader bumps into her ex who won't leave her alone during the party? I honestly adore these characters together and you write them so well! ❤️
Cordelia Goode x Wilhemina Venable x Billie Dean Howard x Reader- Tag you're it
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A/N: I don't know why but I can never write these three x reader and make it short. I kinda drifted a bit from the initial request but I hope it's enjoyable either way
word count: 7k (I apologise for any mistakes, I can't proofread long fics well)
tw: mention of physical and emotional abuse, past abusive relationship, cursing
taglist:  @lunaticwhittaker, @billiebeanhoward, @lanawinters-ily, @kenzbro, @minaslittleone, @httpfiftyshadesofgay,@whitelotus00, @ninaahs, @vintagepaulson,@isle-of-earle,@paulsonsratched, @stepintomyworld, @grilledcheeseandguavajelly, @lucyintheskywithxanax, @fanfics4world, @mymiraclewitch, @hazard-to-myself, @awritersometime
"Billie Dean, must you always be so dreadfully tardy?" Wilhemina's voice cuts through the air with the sharpness of a whip as she glares at the medium, who is leisurely applying another coat of lipstick in front of the mirror.
,,We are going to be late to this party you desperately wanted us to go to'' Wilhemina scolds, despite secretly admiring the view in front of her. Billie in a black suit, pearl necklace, the perfect set of heels, matching her acrylics.
Billie glances over her shoulder, her trademark smirk firmly in place. "Darling, punctuality is overrated. Besides, a lady always likes to make a grand entrance," she replies, fluttering her eyelashes in mock innocence.
Cordelia can't help but roll her eyes at the banter between her two girlfriends, already accepting the fact that they would be inevitably late to the party. ,,Can we pwease go Billie?'' you pout, your best set of puppy eyes meeting her brown eyes through the mirror.
,,Of course babydoll, let's go'' she smiles, glancing at Wilhemina before making a popping sound with her lips.
Wilhemina follows with an exasperated sigh, muttering under her breath how she was never going to do this again, at least if Billie asked. Cordelia and you shake your head in amusement, following the redhead and medium towards the car.
,,I'm driving'' the redhead mutters, trying to grab the keys off Billie Dean. ,,No way'' she argues before glancing at Cordelia with pleading eyes. Not in the mood for Wilhemina's road rage, Billie's driving skills that could for sure kill someone or Cordelia driving as slow as possible, you step forward.
,,Let me drive'' you beam, trying to grab the keys off Billie before you are met with three sets of stern eyes.
,,Absolutely not'' they agree, giving you that ,,you're a baby'' look. You simply roll your eyes, knowing it was quite bold of you and sigh ,,Well please can we just go then'' with your best puppy eyes yet again. And suddenly the three of them sort it out amongst themselves.
A while later, the music pulses through the dimly lit ballroom, as you examine your surroundings. You had no clue how Billie kept getting these invitations to exclusive parties but this was quite something. The theme must be ballroom meets club as the music was so loud you could barely focus. The decoration is fancy, chandeliers and even waiters walking around dressed fancy as they hand out champagne and food.
,,Would you like me to get us some drinks while you find our table?'' Billie's voice rings through the music and you quickly nod, wanting to get away from the crowds and loud music a little. ,,Do you need any help?'' you ask her but she quickly gives you a little peck on the cheek as she shakes her head, before you follow the other two, into another room.
This one is considerably more quiet, a fancy looking bar, the music still playing but less loud. ,,There we are'' Cordelia points out, extracting the chairs so Wilhemina and you can sit down. As you glance around the room you find Billie Dean standing by the bar, giving you a little wink before ordering the drinks.
,,What do you think of this place?'' Wilhemina asks as she places her hand on your thigh. ,,It's cool, I like the decorations'' you admit, meeting her brown eyes, wanting to make sure she isn't uncomfortable as you knew the redhead wasn't exactly one to party. ,,Are you feeling okay Mina?'' you ask and she stiffens a little at your statement.
However as her brown eyes meet yours, filled with such love and adoration, she quickly relaxes ,,All fine my love, especially when I'm anywhere with you''. Her statement causes you to blush as you avert your gaze, your cheeks growing red.
As you glance back towards the bar, you watch Bille struggle with the four drinks, so you quickly excuse yourself and make your way over to her. ,,Sure you don't need any help Ma'am'' you tease before she smiles and passes you two drinks. Your eyes wander to someone standing at the other end of the bar and your hands instantly start trembling a little. ,,Babydoll?'' Billie asks, noticing the shift in your behaviour.
,,Yes sorry, just thought I'd-'' you begin but simply follow behind her. ,,What? seen a ghost dear?'' she chuckles before you roll your eyes and hand the drinks to Wilhemina and Cordelia. ,,Thank you sweetheart'' the blonde smiles at you.
The four of you settle into the comfort of each other, music filling the background as Billie starts rambling about the party, the place and how she got the invite. ,,We should all go dancing'' Billie suggests, the excitement very visible in her voice and features. ,,Definitely not Howard'' Wilhemina warns, however as she glances towards you and Cordelia she is met with two sets of puppy eyes and she definitely has a hard time rejecting those.
,,Y/N I thought it was you'' a voice suddenly cuts through the air, causing you to jolt. ,,God please'' you think to yourself as your hands instantly start trembling, your whole body cringing and stiffening.
,,Samantha'' you mutter up your best smile, trying to hide the disgust in your voice.
Wilhemina and Cordelia glance at the person standing in front of you, brunette, about your age, wearing a very revealing red dress. Billie can't help herself, moving her hands toward the empty seat next to her ,,Please Y/N introduce us to your friend'' she ushers, and if looks could kill Wilhemina and Cordelia would have already sent the medium to the afterlife by now.
,,Um'' you stutter, unsure what to say or how to introduce her. ,,Cordelia, Wilhemina, Billie this is Sam- Samantha'' you tumble over your words. ,,Oh please Y/N, aren't you going to tell them we used to be a thing'' she teases before the mediums jaw drops slightly.
Cordelia's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, her gaze flickering between you and Samantha as she processes the revelation. ,,Oh, is that so?'' she remarks, her tone laced with thinly veiled curiosity.
Wilhemina's lips curled into a disdainful sneer as she fixes Samantha with a withering glare. "How utterly interesting," she remarks, her disdain evident in every syllable. "I must say, Y/N, I never took you for the type to indulge in such... liaisons."
Before you can say anything or control your breathing, you feel Wilhemina's hand under the table travel from your thigh towards your centre slowly.
Billie, ever the troublemaker, leans in with a devilish grin, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "How come you have never mentioned dear Samantha, babydoll?" she exclaims curiously.
You squirm uncomfortably under their scrutinising gazes, feeling the weight of the situation bearing down on you. Without realising you hold onto your left upper arm, a nervous habit of yours. Desperately trying to diffuse the tension hanging thickly in the air, you open your mouth to make some sort of statement but the brunette is quicker.
Samantha, unfazed by the palpable awkwardness of the situation, merely chuckles, her gaze locking with yours in a silent challenge. "Oh, but darling, you know what they say about old flames," she purrs, trailing a finger seductively along the rim of her glass. "Sometimes, they have a way of reigniting when you least expect it."
Instantly Wilhemina's grip on your thigh tightens causing you to jolt a little, Billie simply rolls her eyes, unable to understand what you would have ever seen in that girl, before announcing ,,I'm going for a smoke'' swaying her hips more than necessary as she leaves.
,,Billie wait'' you exclaim quickly and she stops in her tracks. ,,Please let me come with you'' you practically beg and she simply smirks before nodding and taking your hand. The silence hangs in the air awkwardly as Cordelia and Wilhemina glance at each other. Samantha simply clears her throat before standing up ,,I'll be at the bar, tell Y/N I'd love to speak a bit more later''. Cordelia's eyebrow again shoots up as Wilhemina's grip on her glass tightens so much that the supreme worries she might just break it.
As soon as Billie and you make it towards the balcony, you inhale and exhale deeply, panic shooting through you a little. ,,Now darling that was quite something'' she admits, taking a long drag of her cigarette. Your gaze averts hers, feeling both shy and embarrassed as well as slightly dizzy, the lack of food and then running into her definitely adding to your state.
Billie scoots closer after a moment before discarding her cigarette on the floor. ,,Now babydoll, before we go back in there, I wanna make sure everyone in there knows you are taken'' and as you gulp you already feel her lips trail down your neck, leaving marks as she causes you to moan a little at the sudden sensation. After she's satisfied, she presses a kiss to your lips, admiring her work, before taking your hand and leading you back to your other two lovers.
Your chest feels a little tight as you make it back inside, however as you see only the redhead and blonde at the table you feel a little calmer, however knowing the raging thunderstorm that was going to happen sooner rather than later. ,,Are you okay sweetheart?'' Cordelia asks gently, noticing how uncomfortable and stiff you seem. You simply nod, trying to meet Wilhemina's icy gaze.
,,Dear Samantha wanted us to let you know she would love to chat with you a little more'' Wilhemina informs. As your eyes fall to your lap, Cordelia and Billie give her a glare, knowing the redhead to be jealous and possessive and deep down so are the two blondes but they could clearly feel how uncomfortable you are. Billie's eyes linger on the bar before clearing her throat ,,Do you want to dance babydoll?'' she asks.
,,Sure'' you mutter out, following the medium to the other room again, Cordelia and Wilhemina following behind. As the music fills your senses, you let loose a little, relaxing in the presence of your girlfriends. Cordelia takes your hand, dancing with you, while Billie moves her body closer and closer to you. Wilhemina doesn't move much, she simply looks at you with her brown eyes, filled with lust. Before you know it she presses her lips on yours in a fiery kiss. Your two blonde girlfriends simply exchange knowing glances, expecting this to be a long night for you.
You find yourself caught in a whirlwind of passion as you dance with the three of them. Cordelia's movements graceful and elegant, her hand guiding yours with gentle touch. Billie's energy remains infectious, her body pressing close to yours, occasionally trailing more kisses down your neck, moving in synch with the rhythm of the music. And Wilhemina, with her intense gaze and commanding presence, leads you with confidence, drawing you deeper into her embrace.
With each step, each turn you feel the connection to your lovers growing stronger. Slowly forgetting about the incident and awkwardness from before. The air is charged with electricity, and the heat of their bodies against yours ignites a fire within you. You lose yourself in the moment, before you suddenly feel another body close to yours.
Samantha's sudden presence adds a twist to the dance, her body pressing against yours in a provocative manner. You feel her movements, her face moving closer to your neck as she tries to draw you into her rhythm. Cordelia, Billie and Wilhemina exchange glances, their expressions a mix of surprise and irritation at Samantha's sudden intrusion.
You try to politely disengage, subtly shifting away from Samantha's advances, trying to move closer to your redhead girlfriend, seeking her comfort and protection. However she persists, moving closer and her hands suddenly roaming your body, with a boldness that makes you severely uncomfortable. Sensing your unease, Cordelia steps forward, placing herself between you and your ex girlfriend, her expression firm as she subtly signals for her to back off.
"Hey, why don't you give us a moment alone?" Cordelia suggests, her tone polite but firm. Samantha's eyes linger on the supreme's and you can't believe her impossible behaviour. As you stand between Wilhemina and Cordelia, the music pounds against your eardrums, matching the pounding of your heart against your chest. Your entire body stiffens as you feel incredibly hot, your vision beginning to blur a little.
Before you can make your escape to the bathroom, Samantha's hand reaches for your upper left arm with surprising force, halting your retreat as you meet her gaze. The sensation sends a jolt of panic through you, your heart pounding in your chest as you instinctively try to pull away.
Cordelia instantly picks it up, the pieces finally falling together, having noticed, whenever you get nervous or feel uncomfortable, you would hold onto that same spot.
"Where are you going, darling?" Samantha's voice is disgustingly sweet, but there's a predatory gleam in her eyes that sends shivers down your spine. Her grip tightens, fingers digging into your skin, and you feel trapped, suffocated by her presence.
You glance uncomfortably at Wilhemina, Cordelia, and Billie, silently pleading for help. Their expressions darken with concern as they realise the gravity of the situation, their protective instincts kicking into overdrive.
"Let her go, Samantha," Wilhemina's voice is cold and commanding, cutting through the tension like a knife. But Samantha only smirks, her grip tightening even further as she leans in close, her breath hot against your ear.
"You can't hide from me, sweetheart," Samantha whispers, her voice laced with malice. "I'll always find you."
With a surge of adrenaline, you wrench your arm free from Samantha's grasp, stumbling backward in your haste to escape. Without a second glance, you flee to the safety of the bathroom, leaving Samantha's mocking laughter echoing in your ears.
Wilhemina's steely gaze follows you as you rush towards the bathroom, her jaw clenched tight with worry but mostly anger. But before she can even take a step towards you, following you, her attention is drawn to Samantha, who stands smirking in the wake of your departure.
,,What is it you think you are doing, Samantha?" Wilhemina's voice cuts through the air like a whip, her tone icy and unyielding. "You have no right to touch her'' she spits.
Samantha's smirk falters, replaced by a defiant glare as she squares her shoulders, unwilling to back down. The room crackles with tension as Wilhemina takes a step forward, her cane hitting the floor hard, her towering presence casting a shadow over Samantha. "I suggest you leave, Samantha," Wilhemina's voice is low and dangerous, her brown eyes flashing with warning. "Or you'll find yourself facing consequences you can't even begin to imagine."
Samantha holds Wilhemina's gaze for a moment longer, her expression a mask of defiance, before finally turning on her heel and striding away, disappearing into the throng of partygoers, faltering at the redheads words and demeanour. Cordelia and Billie exchange glances before heading towards the bathroom.
In the bathroom, the memories flood back with overwhelming force, each flashback hitting you like a tidal wave. You lean against the sink, struggling to catch your breath as tears blur your vision. The sound of your own sobs echo off the tiled walls, a painful reminder of your time with the brunette.
,,Y/N'' Wilhemina's voice breaks through the haze, her concern evident as she enters the bathroom, followed closely by Cordelia and Billie.
,,I'm so sorry Mina'' you whimper, scared of the consequences this night would have.
"Darling, are you okay?" Cordelia's voice is gentle. Billie stands beside her, a silent but reassuring presence, while Wilhemina watches you with a mixture of worry and confusion.
The redhead reaches out, taking a gentle step towards you as her cane echos through the tiled bathroom. As she tries to gently take your hand and guide you back into the present you suddenly take a step backwards, flinching at the redheads touch. Wilhemina halts, her heart breaking at the sight in front of her. ,,Sweetie, it's us'' Cordelia reassures and her words quickly guide you back into reality.
,,Can we take you home please?'' Billie Dean pleads before you simply nod, unable to form any words. On shaky legs you follow Cordelia before she asks ,,May I hold your hand sweetheart?'' and you take it without a moment of hesitation. Wilhemina and Billie follow behind you, quickly putting you onto the backseat as the two blondes settle in the front, Wilhemina next to you.
Three worried sets of eyes linger on you, and as Wilhemina takes in your trembling, exhausted form, her heart breaks yet again. Unsure whether she could touch you, considering you flinched earlier. ,,Little one?'' she asks drawing your eyes away from the window and towards the woman. As your scared eyes meet her own, you falter before you scoot closer, almost falling into her arms. ,,It's okay'' she coos, running her fingers through your hair, feeling a small sense of content at you melting in her touch.
As you're driven home in Wilhemina's arms, the events of the evening swirl in your mind like a never ending storm. Your vision blurs at the edges, the adrenaline of the confrontation with Samantha draining from your body, leaving you feeling weak and exhausted.
Once home, Cordelia gently eases you into bed, her touch soothing against your skin as she tucks you in with care. Your head spins with fragments of memories and emotions, the weight of the evening pressing down on your chest like a heavy weight, before everything goes black and quiet.
As you drift into a deep slumber, the three of them gather in a quiet corner of the bedroom, their voices low and earnest as they discuss the events of the night. Cordelia sits on the edge of the couch, her fingers absently tracing patterns on the fabric as she speaks.
"That was... unexpected," Billie begins, her tone tinged with a mixture of frustration and concern. Wilhemina nods in agreement, her expression grim. "It's clear she has no respect for boundaries," she says, her voice tight with anger.
Cordelia leans forward, her brow furrowed in thought. "I think there is more to this. Y/N has never mentioned her and judging by tonight, I'm not surprised'' the supreme admits.
Cordelia sighs, running a hand through her hair in frustration. ,,What do you mean?'' Billie asks, slightly oblivious and possibly tipsy. ,,I think she may have hurt her'' the blonde explains, knowing all too well about the effects of abuse, whether its physical or emotional due to her painful past.
Wilhemina's grip on her cane tightens, her blood boiling, regretting not having killed Samantha on the spot earlier. ,,We should talk to her tomorrow'' Billie opts, worry filling her features. Cordelia and Wilhemina simply nod, before collecting themselves, getting ready for bed to join you. Shuffling a little, you feel soft and gentle arms wrapping around you, causing you to feel safe, despite your slumber.
,,Do you still love me?'' you ask, voice low and hushed.
,,What makes you think I don't?'' she replies, voice angry and loud.
,,Because you never treat me like you do anymore'' you think to yourself, knowing if you say the wrong thing you would provoke another argument and outburst.
,,Pathetic'' she screams, her grip on your left upper arm tightening yet again.
,,Please stop'' you cry out, your body shaking vividly.
Your sleep is disturbed by a haunting nightmare, replaying the events of the evening with Samantha in vivid detail. In the dream, her presence looms over you like a shadow, her voice dripping with malice as she taunts and torments you. You're trapped in a never-ending cycle of fear and despair, unable to escape her grasp.
,,You aren't going anywhere'' she threatens, her voice raised with anger.
Each time you try to break free, she only tightens her grip, her eyes burning with a sinister intensity. You can feel the weight of her gaze bearing down on you, suffocating you with its intensity. Every whispered threat sends shivers down your spine, leaving you paralyzed with terror.
As the nightmare reaches its climax, you find yourself gasping for air, your heart racing in your chest. You awaken with a sharp cry, drenched in sweat and trembling from head to toe. The memory of Samantha's presence lingers in the air like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over your thoughts and leaving you feeling vulnerable and exposed.
Jumping out of bed, you retreat to a corner, holding onto that all too familiar spot on your arm again, where your ex girlfriend left you withs scars of the emotional and physical abuse you suffered in the past relationship. Cordelia woke first, noticing your shivering form, she tried to hold you, soothe you but you pushed her away, not realising it was your lover. Wilhemina and Billie woke when you jumped out of bed, stumbling over things before collapsing to the floor.
,,Y/N, sweetie'' the supreme coos, taking in your tired, scared and trembling form. ,,Please don't hurt me'' you mumble, still paralysed by your nightmare and the events from earlier that night. The three of them simply stand there, unable to form any words, your pain weighing down on them. Billie swallows hard, feeling guilty dragging you to that party to begin with, putting you through the obvious trauma again. Wilhemina boiling with anger, unable to believe how this subject only comes to the surface now and how you haven't told them about this yet. She scolds herself for all the times she has been rough with you, raising her voice slightly or indulging in other activities where she was anything but gentle with you.
Cordelia takes a leap, knowing there was no right way to go about this. She simply positions herself behind you, leaning against the wall before whispering ,,Sweetie, it's me Cordelia, you are safe and I am going to hold you now'' before taking you into her arms. As she gently wraps her arms around you, pulling you close despite your resistance. She can feel the tremors coursing through your body, the weight of fear pressing down on her heavily. But she refuses to let you suffer alone.
As you scream and thrash against her embrace, Cordelia holds you tighter, refusing to let go even as you push her away. She whispers soothing words into your ear, her voice a soft melody in the darkness admits the chaos.
Billie steps forward, unsure whether Cordelia was doing the right thing, seeing you struggle so much against her touch. Her eyebrows furrow with worry ,,Delia'' she whispers, tears streaming down the mediums face seeing you in so much agony. Your screams grow louder, more painful before slowly, ever so slowly, your struggles begin to subside, your sobs fading into quiet sniffles as you lean into her embrace. Cordelia holds you close, rocking you gently back and forth, her love for you shining bright even in the darkest of moments.
Billie lets out a shaky breath, before meeting the supremes eyes, a silent thank you for stepping forward and helping you in one of your darkest moments.
,,I'm so sorry for taking you there sweetie'' she apologises, rubbing soothing circles on your legs as she kneels in front of you.
,,What the fuck has that girl done to you Y/N?'' Wilhemina snaps, unable to control her emotions, before you shiver into Cordelia, Billie noticing your fear. She balances on her legs before approaching the redhead. ,,Mina, please she's scared'' the medium pleads and as her brown eyes fall onto your state, her eyes widen, guilt overtaking the redhead. She meets Cordelia's eyes before turning on her heel, leaving the room to cool off, retreating to her office.
Billie meets Cordelia's eyes, a silent conversation between their brown eyes, following Wilhemina while your girlfriend continues to hold you gently in her arms, rocking you back and forth as you let go, accepting her comforting embrace.
In the dimly lit confines of Wilhemina's office, the air is thick with tension, her usually composed demeanour cracking under the weight of her emotions. Papers are thrown across her desk, pieces of glass shattering, reflecting her anger and pain.
Billie enters the room cautiously, her gaze softening as she takes in the sight of her distressed lover. Without a word, she crosses the room and stands beside Wilhemina, offering her silent support.
,,Mina darling'' Billie tries softly, as she watches Wilhemina's trembling hand clutching the edge of her desk, her knuckles turning white with the effort to maintain her composure. But beneath the facade of strength lies a storm of anger, frustration, that Billie Dean could see right through.
,,Please Mina'' Billie tries again, trying to remain calm for her lover, despite her own emotions threatening to spill from her beautiful eyes any minute. ,,It's okay'' she tries, unsure what to say to calm the redhead down.
,,Nothing is okay Billie'' Wilhemina starts ,,This is our fault'' she snaps, sending another wave of documents flying across the room as she swipes her arm across her desk. ,,Darling, this isn't our fault'' Billie tries, despite not believing the words herself. ,,It is, have you thought about all the times we have been rough with her?'' the redhead snaps, anger overwashing her features.
Billie's gaze lands on the floor, unsure what to say as her girlfriend definitely has a point. ,,I don't understand why she has never told us'' Wilhemina admits, her voice quieter now. Billie watches in quiet awe as the redhead slowly begins pouring her heart out. She knows that behind the cold exterior lies a woman of unparalleled depth and love.
Without a word, Billie reaches out and takes Wilhemina's hand in hers, squeezing it gently, a silent gesture. ,,I don't know Mina but she needs us, we need to be here for her now okay?'' she replies before her eyes meet the redheads. Wilhemina simply nods before composing herself and feeling Billie's gentle manicured hands take her back to the dimly lit bedroom.
As they enter, they find you tucked into bed, softly asleep again as the panic subsided, a new set of clothes as you drenched the other ones. Cordelia gives them a gentle smile after putting a glass of water down next to you. ,,Are you okay, love?'' she asks gently, meeting her redhead lovers tired eyes. But Wilhemina isn't in the mood to lay her feelings out again, her walls up high after Billie has seen her outburst moments ago. ,,How is she?'' she urges, taking in your sleeping form. ,,She's okay now, I doubt she will remember much of this in the morning'' the supreme announces softly.
,,Let's go back to bed'' Billie pleads, yawning as sleepiness overtakes her again. Wilhemina hesitates ushering the medium to get into bed before quietly leaving the room. After tucking Billie into bed next to you, the supreme follows after her redhead girlfriend. She finds Wilhemina in her office, papers scattered everywhere, pieces of glass, a reflecting of her anger on the floor. ,,Love?'' Cordelia tries, shutting the door quietly.
With gentle steps she approaches Wilhemina, sitting on her desk chair, head turned away from the supreme. As Cordelia carefully makes her way over, she kneels in front of the redhead. ,,Darling, look at me please'' she ushers before she is met with glassy eyes. Cordelia closes her eyes for a moment, not being able to stand the sight of her girlfriend like this, knowing how much Wilhemina struggles with showing her emotions.
,,It's okay'' she coos before cupping the redheads cheek and suddenly Wilhemina melts right into her touch, a tear streaming down her cheek. The two of them stay like this for a while, before the blonde tries gently. ,,Can you talk to me darling?'' she almost whispers, meeting the redheads glassy gaze. ,,How did we not know Cordelia?'' she pleads with her lover, after the weight of the events crush down on her. ,,I assume she didn't want this darling or maybe she wasn't ready to tell us yet'' the supreme tries, unsure of your reasoning herself.
,,But she should trust us, should have told us'' Wilhemina argues. Cordelia hesitates for a moment before replying ,,We haven't told her either darling''. Wilhemina's eyes shoot up at the supreme's, the weight of her words causing for her walls to build right up again. Of course you could tell that the redheads past left scars on her soul, the same with Cordelia. The blonde rarely mentioned her past, her ex husband and the scars he had left on her soul but you could tell. Wilhemina exhales a deep breath ,,I wish I-'' she starts not wanting to finish her sentence. ,,Darling, you have been nothing but gentle with her'' Cordelia reassures, knowing exactly what lingered on her girlfriends mind. ,,Not always'' Wilhemina whispers, barely audible, thinking back to the times she had been loud with you, rough with you and angry with you.
,,And she handled it with such grace, never showing any signs of being scared or triggered'' the supreme starts. ,,Darling, do you know why?'' but Wilhemina simply shakes her head. ,,Because you- we make her feel safe despite it all''. A small smiles creeps it's way onto Wilhemina's features, wanting to trust her girlfriend, believe her words and a small part of her hoping this was actually the case. Not being able to find another logic explanation she simply nods, her features softening before she presses a kiss to the blonde's cheek. ,,Can we go back to bed now love?'' the supreme asks gently but her gaze lands on the floor, the traces of her anger still there.
,,Let me'' Cordelia suggests, before standing up and with a flick of her wrist Wilhemina's office is back to a normal state, paper neatly folded on her desk, the glass fixed back in its old state. With a gentle smile the redhead thanks her before allowing her to take her back to the bedroom, where they find you and Billie curled up, softly asleep in the comfort of each others arms, before they join you two.
The week that followed was certainly uncomfortable. The three of them tried to talk to you over and over again but you brushed the subject off each time. Of course you remembered the nightmare and Cordelia holding you down as your screams rippled through the walls of the academy. But a part of you didn't want to remember, acting towards them as if you didn't. This had been exactly the reason you never mentioned anything to them, not being able to stand Billie's guilty eyes following you everywhere. Cordelia hovering and treating you differently. You didn't want to be perceived as different, weak and broken. All you wanted was for them to see you for the way you are and always had been. Wilhemina had been quiet mostly, barely trying to bring the subject up and you aren't sure whether she is upset with you or simply wants to give you the chance to approach her about it.
As the four of you slowly settle into the normality of your lives again, Billie out working, Cordelia in the greenhouse in between teaching classes and doing her usual magic things, Wilhemina working in her office. You find yourself, feeling useless all of a sudden. Usually, whenever you aren't working, you would do things around the academy and help out, having learnt in your life that the price to repay them could be these little things. Your girlfriends often didn't notice, how clean the academy was and that it was through your efforts. The fridge would always be stocked up, washing done, and food served. Sometimes, despite not being a witch and having no clue about witchcraft you would even help out some of the girls with their tasks, at least to the extend your abilities allowed you.
Wandering through the academy, the sun slowly begins to set and coating the large white rooms in a beautiful orange, you think about what you could do next. However, you had already done everything, going shopping, preparing dinner, doing the washing and dishes, tidying Billie's office and helping Delia in the greenhouse. For a moment Wilhemina crosses your mind and whether you should bring her some tea or coffee but instantly you feel a little unease, knowing she would probably give you that broken face again or possibly questioning you and you couldn't stand it.
The thought quickly vanishes, as you hear a knock on the door. Innocently, you make your way towards the door, assuming it's one of the girls as you saw some of them heading out to the markets a while ago or even Billie, although you didn't calculate the fact that they all had keys. As you swing the door open with a smile, it vanishes quicker than it made it's way onto your features. ,,Sam- Samantha'' you stutter, hoping this was just some bad dream again.
,,So this is where you live now?'' she questions, her voice sounding softer than the last few times you had seen her.
As you take in her features, a sense of unease washes over you, having learnt by now that there wasn't a lot of genuine things about the girl standing in front of you. ,,Yes.. how did you know?'' you ask confused, your hand lingering close enough to the door-handle that you could quickly shut it, incase you needed to.
,,Well after the other week, I did some research'' she speaks softly, smiling at you. ,,You live with the Cordelia Goode'' she states, meeting your gaze.
And right there for a second you think about the first time you had met Samantha. Maybe it was the way her voice sounded so soft and loving suddenly or maybe the fact she is wearing something similar to your first meeting, you aren't sure. Recalling the first time you laid eyes on her, how your heart fluttered for the first time. You didn't even know you liked women at the time. Always having been confused about your sexuality as you hated the thought of ever being in a relationship or physical with a man. She was so sweet, showering you in compliments, slowly stealing your heart away. She would keep visiting at your old workplace, always tipping well before eventually handing you her number.
After about a year, the two of you moved in together and that's when everything changed. Samantha would be tired after work sometimes, completely ignoring your existence. Then suddenly she would be very emotionally hard to reach. From showering you in affection and love to nothing in the change of an instant. It took another year for things to get really bad and when her tight grip first made an appearance on your arm, you knew this was a bad idea. It took you a long time to accept your fate and what happened to you, before eventually leaving.
You hadn't seen her in about two years, meeting Cordelia, Billie and Wilhemina at one of the most unexpected moments of your life and hesitating at first, whether that was what you wanted. But they convinced you, so gentle, so beautifully and after a few months you moved in with them, always cautious if you aren't making a big mistake again.
,,Darling?'' a voice pulls you back into reality and you cringe at the pet name, feeling like Samantha has no right to call you this anymore. Not after everything that happened and all this time.
,,What do you want from me?'' you spit, feeling a wave of anger and pain wash over you, holding back the tears and the lump forming in your throat.
,,I wanted to apologise'' she suddenly starts and this causes your eyebrows to furrow.
,,Sam-'' you begin, and calling her by her nickname doesn't only take you by surprise.
As she takes a step closer, she moves her hand gently, trying to wipe the tear from your face but you step away, knowing she was unpredictable and this could escalate quickly.
,,Babydoll?'' you suddenly hear the voice of a certain angel emerging closer.
Rolling your eyes, you know this isn't going to end well. ,,Please go'' you plead with her, knowing that Billie for sure wasn't going to take this well. ,,Why? so you can go back to your sugar mommies?'' she suddenly snaps, anger overtaking you at hearing her statement.
,,Give me another chance, I can make you happy Y/N, I'm so sorry about everything'' she pleads, her voice sounding softer again.
Before you can even reply, you see Billie approach, after having parked her car and hearing your voice. The medium simply looks at you and Samantha before walking over to you, positioning herself in front of you, her hand reaching for yours hastily. ,,How have you found this adress?'' Billie asks sternly, her protective instincts kicking in.
Samantha simply rolls her eyes before scoffing ,,How hard do you think it is to find you all? Medium to the stars, Supreme to this coven and whoever the fuck that other weirdo is'' making some weird hand gestures as she exaggerates her statement.
,,Sam'' you express, stepping forward a little but Billie's grip on your hand tightens. ,,You need to leave, please'' you urge, afraid Wilhemina or Cordelia would get ahold of this situation.
,,Fine'' she mumbles before meeting your eyes again. ,,But do you know how I know you still love me?'' she asks as she turns on her heels. ,,You call me Sam- that same way you always have'' and with those words she leaves, leaving a furious Billie Dean behind as well as you struggling to comprehend the whole thing and her words.
,,Babydoll?'' Billie asks after she made sure Samantha left. ,,Are you okay?'' she tries, cupping your cheeks and noticing the dampness of them. ,,I'm fine Billie'' you mumble, reaching for her handbag she abandoned on the floor, before walking inside.
As you make your way to the kitchen, Billie following behind, her heels echoing through the quiet academy. ,,Hey, talk to me'' she tries, noticing how quiet and tense you seem, very unlike you. ,,Just please Billie, don't tell Mina or Delia, they will be furious'' you try as you meet her gaze.
However as her eyes wander from yours into the room, you can tell they are both already there. ,,Don't tell us what?'' Wilhemina questions, her voice sounding stern. You don't turn around, not wanting to meet their gazes and so you simply plead with the medium still standing in front of you. ,,Baby'' Billie tries, tilting her head, knowing she couldn't do what you are asking of her, especially with Cordelia being the supreme and being able to read both of your thoughts if needed.
,,Fine'' you simply mutter, before discarding her handbag on the table, leaving the room, not daring to look at Cordelia or Wilhemina as you make your way towards the stairs. ,,Where are you going sweetheart?'' Cordelia tries but you are already gone. Retreating to the comfort of your bedroom, lost in a whirlwind of emotions, Sam's words still replaying in your mind.
,,Billie darling, what's going on'' Cordelia tries gently, meeting her brown eyes with pleading ones. ,,Samantha was just here'' Billie admits, feeling guilty but knowing this couldn't be avoided. A bang of a cane follows her statement, anger overtaking the redhead. ,,What?'' Cordelia questions sternly, her gaze following where you stood moments ago and wandering towards the stairs. ,,How did she find her?'' Wilhemina exclaims angrily, scolding herself for not being there when this unfolded.
,,Apparently it's not hard to find us'' the medium exclaims, lighting a cigarette nervously. ,,Well what happened?'' Cordelia asks, ushering the medium to sit down and the same for the redhead. As Billie takes a seat by the kitchen table, Cordelia following behind, Wilhemina remains standing, balancing the weight of her emotions on her cane, her knuckles turning white. ,,I'm not sure, I found them talking, I think she was apologising to Y/N and she-'' Billie starts but stops herself before carrying on.
,,And what?'' Wilhemina snaps before Cordelia and Billie's head travel in her direction. ,,She said she knows Y/N still loves her and that she wants her back'' the medium can barely finish the statement before a tear rolls down her cheeks. An angry cane bang follows yet again, causing Billie to jolt a little. ,,Pathetic'' the redhead exclaims angrily, before turning on her heel and making her way upstairs, Cordelia trying to stop her with each steps she is taking. ,,Don't'' she tries but Wilhemina can't be stopped, despite their desperate attempts.
As the door swings open, you see the three of them walking in, Cordelia and Billie in front of Wilhemina, as to shield you from the force that was about to happen. Your hearts begin banging against your chest angrily, matching the banging of Wilhemina's cane. ,,So you wanted to keep this from us?'' she starts as she halts her steps.
,,Yes'' you mumble, meeting Cordelia's worried and Billie's guilty eyes. ,,And why is that?'' the redhead questions, her voice sounding more neutral than you expect it to, given the circumstances but Wilhemina knew how to compose herself. ,,Because of this'' you exclaim, anger overwashing your features as your voice raises slightly.
,,Are you actually considering it?'' Wilhemina suddenly snaps, her walls building up high. ,,What?'' you question confused before she finishes her final attack ,,Are you going back to her?'' she spits before Cordelia immediately cuts her off. ,,Wilhemina stop'' she threatens, stepping in between you and the redhead, not wanting this to escalate further.
,,No of course not'' the words flow freely from you now, unable to contain your emotions any longer. ,,Why would I want to do that?'' you question ,,Why would I ever go back to her? she hurt me, shouted at me if I didn't finish the dishes, washing, had food on the table when she returned. Why would I ever go back? when she treated me like she loved me so much but then would stop talking to me on other days?'' with each revelation of your past relationship Cordelia and Billie's jaw drop, only now understanding the extent of the abuse you have suffered. Tears linger in their eyes as they stand frozen in their spot.
,,And this'' you begin before pointing towards the redhead ,,This is what I didn't want, the constant hovering, worry, guilt in your eyes. Looking at me as if I'm some-'' you pause then as tears threaten to spill from your eyes. ,,As if'' you take a deep breath, the words and truth knocking the air from your lungs ,,As if I'm broken'' you admit before angrily wiping the tears from your face, not wanting them to see you so vulnerable and indeed broken.
Neither of them speak and you aren't sure what to take their silence for, not realising that both Cordelia and Billie are crying, Wilhemina's features so much softer but filled with so much pain at the same time. ,,I'll go'' you begin again, before walking over to your dresser, ready to fit all your belongings into a bag. ,,What?'' Billie questions shakily.
,,Sweetheart?'' Cordelia questions, not understanding your sudden change of demeanour. ,,I'll leave, so you can have your picture perfect live again, without me'' you admit, now tears streaming down your face again as you keep in the sobs that are threatening to follow soon after. ,,Without this broken me'' you mutter to yourself as you angrily reach for clothes and fail to crumble them into a bag that you found laying around.
,,Little one?'' you suddenly hear Wilhemina's voice ring through the chaos and storm, causing for your ears to ring, hence why you didn't hear her approaching. Her arms find their way around your trembling form, abandoning her cane. ,,Little one'' she tries again before you collapse into the redhead, sinking to the floor as you couldn't stand all the emotions within you, anger, shame, guilt, sadness. She kneels then, ignoring the aching of her back or Cordelia's pleas for her to take over. But she had upset you, so she needed to fix this.
,,Shh'' she coos as you sit on the floor, sobbing into her chest. ,,I'm sorry'' you muffle through sobs ,,I wanted to tell you all but I didn't know how'' you carry on ,,I never thought I would have to see her again'' you finish before the supreme takes over, steadying Wilhemina and taking your sobbing form over to the comfort and safety of the bed.
The room fills with silence as you sit on the bed, sobbing into Wilhemina's chest, her leaning against the head frame of the bed, her back now much more comfortable, although her heart singing a different tune against your head resting on her chest.
,,Sweetie?'' Cordelia tries gently, kneeling next to you and the redhead, Billie hovering nearby. ,,Listen to me, none of this is your fault'' she begins, meeting your eyes as she says those words. ,,It's within your right not to tell us and we aren't upset with you'' she explains. ,,We are worried about you and want to take care of you, will you just let us do that my sweet girl?'' she tries and you simply nod, meeting her brown reassuring eyes.
,,Good girl'' she praises, a sigh of relief leaving her lips.
For a while, you stay like this, you aren't sure how much time had passed as the sky was pitch black by now, the only light source a little lamp in the corner that Cordelia kept on for you, just in case. Billie and Cordelia eventually fell asleep, assuming that you also drifted off to sleep in Wilhemina's chest. However you are still laying awake, listening to the redheads heartbeat, thinking back to the couple of days and regretting your outburst before.
,,Little one?'' Wilhemina whispers, startling you a little as you didn't expect anyone awake. You look up, eyes meeting the redheads, her expression warm, soft and gentle. ,,I'm so sorry about before'' she begins, struggling initially to get the words out. She presses a soft kiss to your nose, causing you to giggle a little. ,,I just wish you had told me so I wouldn't have been as harsh and ..'' but she doesn't finish her sentence, her gaze simply averting yours. ,,Mina?'' you whisper, drawing your attention back to her. ,,I don't mind it, I didn't even realise any of that, because you.. you make me feel safe and I trust you'' you confess.
Her gaze averts yours again but this time you feel tears run down her beautiful features but you are quick to catch them. The redhead can't comprehend a reply, simply deeply touched by your statement and a weight lifting off her shoulders a little through your confession. ,,I'll always keep you safe little one, always'' she promises before you comfortable lay in her arms, Cordelia having sleepily overheard the whole thing and simply smiling contently before wrapping an arm around you.
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1000sunnygo · 10 months
The Three Captain's Interview (2021) : Hiroshi Kamiya as Law (Translated)
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Awfully late to the party again. Here's a partial translation of the "Three Captains QnA" interview conducted in 2021 to celebrate the 100th volume of One Piece. I think most readers already accessed the translation via auto translator, or maybe someone translated already (in that case, ignore this)
I didn't find any available translation so I'm putting all of Hiroshi Kamiya's answers here. Just in case you don't know, Kamiya san in Law's voice actor. His answers were particularly long and informative, so I focused only on him.
Starts below the cut!
Q. How did you feel when you got the role?
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- The casting of Namikawa san (Eustass Kidd) and I was triggered by the work "Ilya no Sora, UFO no Natsu", in which Namikawa san played the role of a timid boy in junior high school and I was a sharp-tongued senior. Hiroaki Shibata, who was the producer of that work, later became the producer of One Piece and then approached us.
I understood the flow of the process and was grateful for the offer, but both Namikawa san and I were good at giving higher pitched voices at that time. So, to be honest, we had absolutely no idea what he had in mind when he cast us. But since I was approached and I had no choice but to give it a go, I gave the character a rough, low-pitched sound that didn't go well with my personal theme but matched the character's appearance; and they gave me an OK...
But, adding a personal note, I voiced an unnamed role 'Pirate A' all the way back in the first episode. I had a few more roles afterwards, and eventually I was given the role 'Eddy' in the Sky Island Arc. After a short interval, I was very happy to be chosen for a major role with the name 'Law' and as a rookie with over a hundred million bounty like Luffy.
By nature, the sounds I make don't have a distinct quality, so I didn't have much of a chance to be cast in "ONE PIECE" filled with unique characters. But thinking about it, Law doesn't really have any outstanding feature either (laughs). Regardless, I am very grateful that I was selected out of all other choices.
(T/N: I made a separate post about Kamiya san's roles in one piece here.)
Q. Did you have any specific thoughts or feelings while playing in One Piece?
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- I really wanted to play Law as a child. The past with Corazon is inseparable from the present Law, isn't it? Since Law at the moment is here because of that past, I really wanted to incorporate the childhood Law into my character.
Also, in the long history of One Piece, Luffy is the only male character who is played by the same actor for both his adult and child versions. There had never been a male voice actor who had the chance, so I had a personal ambition to set a precedent. The moment I found out that Law's past was going to be portrayed, I made a blunt confession that I absolutely wanted to play the (child Law) role. I later auditioned and was hired.
When the time came to record the episodes of Law's past and I was given a script with "Law, Hiroshi Kamiya" right next to Luffy, it meant a lot to me. Seeing the senior members of the One Piece cast team playing the main characters and monopolizing the studio microphones, I had always wanted to play as a main character in the same place someday. Unfortunately, I never had the chance, so, that time it felt like a dream come true.
I think this, too, was possible because it's a story created by Oda sensei. To begin with, it's rare for me to put up my hand to take an initiative by myself. The possibility of trying out a role and then people thinking "Totally off, this shouldn't be their voice at all" - is terrifying, isn't it? I'm a person lacking self-confidence, yet, Oda sensei created a work that moved my heart and made me feel like I wanted to express my tone, and thus I was able to have such a joyful experience. So, once again, I think One Piece is amazing.
(T/N: Kamiya san talking about voicing young Law in a different interview can be found here.)
Q. Impression of the character you're currently playing?
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- I think he's a man with a deep sense of responsibility. After all, the alliance was originally formed to defeat Doflamingo by taking advantage of Luffy's desire to beat the 'Emperors', and now even after defeating him, they're still working together. That makes him an honest guy who keeps his words.
That said, he's the captain of the Heart pirates. I think he wants to reciprocate the feeling to the crew that follows him with a belief that he's the best in the world. That's why when he said "I hate breads!" and the Straw hats kept pulling him like "you're one of us too!" (laughs), he kept holding his stance, "I'm NOT gonna go that way!"
Q. Thoughts on Mayumi Tanaka as Luffy?
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- I saw Mayumi san leading the anime like a boss from the moment Luffy came out of the barrel shouting "I SLEPT WELL!" in episode 1. The fact that it continues to go strong and become more popular with the viewers to this day - is truly amazing.
Q. Thoughts on Daisuke Namikawa as Kidd?
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- I think Namikawa san is ridiculous! After all, back at that time he would only play characters with meek voices, I really thought he didn't have the voice range to be entrusted with such a dynamic role. I think he threw his own persona away to play Kidd.
Q. Do you think it's possible to win against Kaidou?
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- It has to be. I think Luffy would be able to beat him with something beyond Law's strategy. To Law, Luffy is the one person that can create unexpected circumstances. I believe their actions would blossom meaningfully in future.
Source: @Eiichiro_staff (search up the hashtag #三船長QA on Twitter)
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
i read an old fic that was tagged no archive warnings, but it had what i would call a fairly non-con scene. however, the author seemed to think that the character being assaulted consented because he was aroused (yikes, someone flunked sex ed!) even though he's in pain during the sex, but he just takes it and is ultimately ok with it in retrospect. it was a very violent scene - he was thrown up against the wall - and i felt really blindsided in an otherwise romantic fic. is this reportable? there were other comments seeming to be disturbed by the scene, and suggesting adding a non-con or chose not to warn tag, and other commenters who were disturbed. i'm not triggered by rape but it's not my cup of tea, the fact that the author seemed to frame it as the assaulter just being unable to help himself because his love was so strong threw off the rest of the fic for me. i could very easily see it being triggering for someone. there's nothing else in tags or rest of the fic that would indicate that was coming.
Hmm... Well, anything is reportable. Whether PAC will agree with you and force the author to pick between tagging CNTW and noncon is another story.
This sounds like a clear-cut case of mislabeling, especially if there's no dubcon tag on it.
Short answer: Yes, I would report.
Long answer:
It does not sound like this fic is actually that old if the author is responding to comments and disagreeing with people's interpretations as is sort of vaguely implied here.
People being potentially triggered is irrelevant: people are often triggered by things they project onto a fic or by things that don't require archive warnings. But if it's tagged inaccurately, then yes, PAC will take action.
Without reading the fic myself, I have no idea whether I'd agree it needs a tag.
My own perspective as a writer who loves dubcon and dislikes sad noncon is that readers very frequently project hard. There's nothing about the sex being painful or the character being thrown against a wall that necessarily suggests the fic is noncon. I've had painful sex on purpose because it was hot.
For me, a "very violent" written sex scene would generally involve blood or physical damage from sex. I'm talking vaginal/anal tearing or something, not finger-shaped bruises on arms from being shoved against a wall. (The fic doesn't have to be violent to be noncon. My point is more that wall shoving strikes me as small potatoes, so it makes me wonder if I'd share the rest of your interpretation or not.)
I've written plenty of things where the kink is clearly telegraphed and anyone who finds it hot gets what was supposed to be happening, but some readers interpret this as the "victim" being traumatized and in denial because they don't share this kink and find it hard to believe that anyone could be like that.
I've also written things where the "victim" is super into it but is genuinely trying to stop the proceedings for other reasons and the aggressor has zero reason to think it's consensual. I do generally think those need a noncon rather than a dubcon warning since there's an active no as opposed to just a lack of a clear yes. I've written things where the "victim" is fully consenting, but the aggressor isn't for various reasons. The most relevant tag really depends on exactly how something is played.
I've also had fic imported from old archives or uploaded my old fic and barely remembered it. I was just reviewing my old tags and thinking "Why on earth is this one CNTW... Oh my!", having entirely forgotten a rape scene in something that's considerably darker than what I usually write (but where there aren't really any emotional consequences, hence me having forgotten). If the fic is old old and the author isn't responding to comments, they may genuinely just not remember what the content is. (Granted, if this is actually what happened, they ought to have imported it with CNTW to cover their ass till they could review the work.)
A bunch of readers agreeing with you suggests that your interpretation is probably accurate in this case. The situation you outline is not unusual. It's just that I have plenty of experience with the other option.
If you think it's this clear cut, it's worth reporting. Hell, even if you think it's somewhat ambiguous, it's worth reporting.
The worst that will happen is that PAC will agree with you and the author will be angry or that PAC won't agree with you and you'll have wasted a little bit of staff time.
If the author isn't around, PAC has the ability to add the CNTW warning themselves (but not the noncon one).
Honestly, there's very little downside in reporting on AO3, regardless of what you're reporting or why. The consequences for the reported author are minimal, and cases are reviewed by actual humans, none of this nonsense where some platforms delete accounts that get reported too often.
Unless you're reporting 100 things a day or reporting things without reading the rules, you should never feel guilty about using that option on AO3.
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girlygguk · 1 year
fame - jjk (four)
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pairing ; idol!jk x idol!oc
synopsis ; christmas has come early this year when park dae-jung scores siren a chance to promote their latest single on a music show. the girls are excited to perform, hanna is wholeheartedly convinced this is going to be their breakthrough, and aera runs into two police officers coming out of the bathroom.
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previous chapters ; prologue | one | two | drabble1 | three | four | five
warnings ; explicit language
content ; how aera & jk met, dope era bts <3, the start of it all!!
word count ; 4.2k
a/n: so i know (award)shows are not exactlyy like how i describe them in the story but lets ignore that <3 also it's 2015 in this chap but jk & aera are 18 bc u wont catch me writing abt minors !!
a/n 2: so sorry for there being an insane wait on this chapter!!! next one will be coming way sooner as i split it in half bc i wanted to hurry and give an update!! not long until we're in the main timeline and get to the jaera juice!! tysmm for reading 💓
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📅 March 2015 — 3 months before their call...
"Oh my god!" Han-na's scream grabs me by the throat, dragging me out of my deep, dark, peaceful hibernation. My body jolts upwards with a groan, my eyes struggling to adjust to the light as I try to blink myself to life.
On the other side of our cramped dorm room, Ha-Joon is also coming to consciousness, her dirty blonde hair clinging to her pillow when she rises as if it's trying to haul her back down. "What the—" Joonie is cut off before she can finish her sentence, another wail from Hanna ringing in our ears.
I'm quick to shove the blanket off my body, jumping off my bed with a huff and dashing out of the room. I hear a soft whine behind me, our maknae reluctantly following my actions and trailing after me.
I slam open the door of Hanna and Nali's shared room, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion when all I'm met with is an equally groggy Nali. She's pushing herself off her mattress, no doubt on her way to finding the source of the scream as well. I turn on my heels and head for the last unexplored dorm, twisting the handle and stifling a laugh when Asami comes into view. She's sprawled out on her bed, a baby blue sleeping mask covering her eyes, and soft snores passing through her lips. She's fast asleep while our leader is possibly being brutally murdered. Shame. 
I leave the room with a shake of my head, the two blondes snailing after me down the hall as I follow the sound of our eldest's voice towards the office. My pace increases when I hear the tone of a male voice too. Please be getting beat to a pulp right now, Hanna, because if I walk in on you getting freaky in our shared office, I swear to god—
The creak of the door pulls me out of my submerged mind, and an enormous breath of relief leaves me when all I'm greeted with is an ecstatic leader and our Producer-Director, Park Dae-Jung. Smiles adorned both faces, our director standing tall in black slacks and a navy blue button-up, looking like he was halfway through his day already, whereas I was currently leaning against the door for support. My sisters and I sported similar outfits, pyjama shorts and simple tees—except for Hanna, of course. The early bird was dressed in a cropped singlet, her belly button poking out just above the waistband of the grey sweatpants that coated her long legs.
Relief washed over our huddle of three when our worry for Hanna's safety disappeared. Joonie wastes no time, spinning promptly on her heels and retracing her steps directly back to bed. Her eyes are basically shut as she walks, muttering something about it finally getting to the good part of her dream.
Hanna's "wait!" causes a giggle to bubble in the base of my throat, watching as our youngest stops in her tracks before letting out a muffled cry. "She's gonna make us start practice early! Look at what she's wearing, aiiiiiishhhhh!" She wails before being as dramatic as ever and stamping her sock-covered right foot against the ground.
The cackle that left me was loud, overpowering Nali's breathy laugh as she grabbed the hand of our maknae, hauling her into the office with us. I pulled Joonie towards me, wrapping my arms around her waist, and she leaned her head on my chest as we returned our attention to the slumber-ruining villains in the centre of the room.
I take a quick glance at the clock on the wall behind Hanna, and I almost start crying along with Ha-Joon. It's 6:15; we shouldn't be starting practice for nearly two hours. If she even begins to head towards that room, I will be leaving the group effective immediately.
"No, practice will start as scheduled," she rolls her eyes, "but Dae Jung-nim just surprised us with amazing news!" We stare patiently at the girl shaking like a chihuahua, our director turning towards us with a similar grin. Joonie untangles herself from me, and our tired trio deliver a quick bow to him in greeting.
"We're promoting on Inkigayo!" My mouth dropped as I stared at our leader that towered over us, turning my head to look at the girls standing next to me to see they were sporting similar shocked expressions. 
Our director was leaning against the table in the middle of the office with an easy smile, waiting for our reactions. My eyebrows furrowed, "I thought—"
Dae Jung-nim was quick to cut me off, "Times have changed, and we managed to secure you guys a slot. I know you might not want to promote there after they pulled a few of the debut stages, but..."
My sisters and I shook our heads, easing his worries with wide eyes and wider grins, "are you kidding? We would love to!" 
I could physically see the relief wash over him as I spoke, and I think he was downplaying how hard it was to get us on the show. Our director has been in the business for many years and acquired a lot of connections throughout his career. We are 1/2 of Park Dae-Jung's remaining active groups. Well, active-ish. 
Our male seniors, Poison, last had a group comeback almost two years ago now, most of them pursuing solo music and acting projects. They've been around since 2009 and were hugely influential for us as growing trainees, often mentoring us on their days off. Dae Jung-nim is like our Dad away from home, and while I still have vivid memories of him causing ex-trainees to break down in tears, I've come to see his sweet side. He's a big softie, really.
"I'm glad to hear it, girls. The more opportunities we have like this, the more the world will get to see your talent." He nods, hands clasped together humbly. Hanna is oozing with excitement as she jiggles on the spot whilst my other two sisters and I thank the lofty man with sleepy but ample smiles.
"All the info is here," he taps the thin file perched on the desktop, "and I've given Han-na a brief run-over."
My sisters and I part like the red sea as he pats Hanna on the shoulder before heading towards the office door. He flashes us one last sparkling grin before leaving the room, and Nali is the first to break the silence. "The things I would do for and to that man..." She sighs dreamily, head slumped against the wall to her left, and I swat at her arm teasingly.
"God, I'm so excited!" Our leader chirps, ignoring her roommate's crude remark, "This will be our breakthrough moment!"
Spoiler alert, it wasn't.
Suddenly, Joon brushes past me and treks further into the office towards the desk our promo file is sitting on, and I assume she's just going to peruse through it for a bit. I watch in interest as our youngest ignores the file entirely, her hand stopping over Hanna's phone that rests next to the folder. She taps the screen with purpose, the device blaring a painful 6:20 AM at her before she bites back a snarl and heads for the door.
"So about that early practice—" Joonie cuts off Hanna's teasing with a screech, already halfway down the hall towards her comfy bed. Nali and I share a knowing look, our eyes slowly, so so slowly, shifting towards our leader.
"Just go already."
That was all we needed for the blonde and me to fast-track out the damn door and back to our dorms to salvage the rest of our sleep.
"I'm waking you up at 8 o'clock sharp!" Our leader's voice booms from the room we just left, Nali and I not even reacting as we part ways to our separate dorms.
The sound of Joonie's heavy breathing hits my ears as soon as I enter my room, and I chuckle in astonishment at how she fell back asleep within seconds. Then, suddenly, it all makes sense as I flop onto my bed. The warm, cozy cover hugs me as my head sinks into my soft, cool pillow. As the darkness engulfs me in seconds, all I can think about is how Joonie is a fucking genius.
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Jang Han-na is a, if not the prime example of a perfectionist. She believes in planning, lists, sticking to routines and scheduling every waking moment of her life. She is a born leader, my longest friend, and I love the girl to death. I couldn't name a better fit for our mother bear title, truly. But at times like this, I can't help but imagine my hands wrung around her neck. Not in a sexy way. You know when you're trying to stop the air from entering someone's lungs? That type of way.
It's been four days since our director graced us with the delightful news that we're going to be able to promote our latest lead single on Inkigayo. If you told me that right now, we'd be on our sixth hour of rehearsal for the fourth day in a row; I would've told Dae Jung-nim to shove the offer down his freshly pressed slacks.
I love to practice. I really do. I will never take dancing with my sisters for granted. It's always a guaranteed laugh when somebody messes up, and we watch Hanna lose her shit, though it's even better when she's the one who messes up. But this isn't funny anymore. I'm hot. I'm bothered. And I cannot stand to listen to our song play one more goddamn time in this boiling dance practice room.
My eyes lift from the ground in my heaved-over stance, a pained laugh passing through my lips as I see my four members sprawled out in various exhausted positions. Asami, specifically, catches my eye; her limbs are spread out on the floor like a starfish, her jaw to the ceiling as she heaves out heavy, strained breaths and furrowed brows to tie it all together. I almost lose it when our song dares to fade out and is about to replay automatically when Joonie's voice echoes throughout the hot box. "I will break your phone, unnie. I really will." Her threat is acknowledged by the oldest as she rolls over from her spot on the floor with a grunt and crawls over to her phone. Hanna lifts a hand to tap over the screen blindly, a satisfied sigh leaving her when the opening line cuts off mid-sentence before flopping back onto the ground again.
"I'll go get us some water," I offer, standing straight after unbending my knees and heading for the door.
"Are you kidding?" Joonie's voice causes me to turn back to the girls, my hand resting on the doorknob as I shoot her a confused look. "You are not even tired. You're so annoying!" She cries before rolling over on her side, turning to face the wall dramatically as the older members chuckle. 
I shake my head at the melodramatic teen, a smile threatening to break through on my lips, "I am tired. Just not as much as you." My teasing results in our maknae attempting to pull off her shoe and launch it at me before she tiredly moans and gives up, falling back with a huff.
I exit the room with an amused giggle, making sure to leave the door open and let the hallway's cooled air pour into the studio.
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SIREN'S SONG: Rumour from Produce48 (no bc siren would eat this up fr) + SIREN'S STAGE OUTFITS (Left to Right) Ha-Joon, Asami, Aera, Han-na, Nali
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The warm air of the hand dryer does well to bring some heat to my cold, shaky hands in the bathroom of Inkigayo. Apparently, Joonie has decided that my hands are dry enough and dashes out of the room, the door swinging behind her as she abandons me. Feeling my eyes roll to the back of my head, I take a quick glance at the mirror and tuck in the part of my white blouse that's not sitting right under my belt before following after the hyperactive girl.
"Joonie, hold up," I whine as I push through the bathroom door, seeing her waiting against the wall opposite the toilets.
"I just wanted to get out of there. It smells like thirty different perfumes." She chuckles before pushing off the wall and starts to head in the direction of our members. I only make it a step towards her before a masculine voice joins our conversation.
"Hello. Are you alright?"
I turn my head towards the voice to see two guys in pilot? policeman? uniforms staring at me curiously. "I'm sorry?" I reply, my tone not doing anything to hide my confusion.
The strangled gasp of Joon from behind me reaches my ear before she almost trips over her own feet, jogging to my side. "Oh my annyeonghaseyo!" She splutters once she's next to me. Her head drops into an instant bow, and I catch on quickly, turning back to the two guys before bowing even lower.
They return the gesture with big smiles before the taller one with dirty blonde hair and a dimple I want to poke turns to me, "Did you need something?"
I feel his friend's gaze on me as I tilt slightly to look up at him before responding, "What do you mean?" What a confusing fucking interaction.
"You yelled out my name."
"Oh!" Oh I see. "Sorry, I was calling out to Joonie," I say as I gesture to the blonde on my left.
"His name is Joonie. Namjoon. Namjoon and Jungkook sunbaenim," she informs me in a low, pointed tone. 
I blink a few times at my younger sister before turning back to the police officers. "Oh, wow! Bangtan Sonyeondan!" I bow again, "I'm a huge fan!" I add as I rise from the bow, and my eyes meet the brunette's when I lift my head. With an amused smile painted on his lips, he nods in a way that says 'clearly' in the most sarcastic tone you could think of. 
"Kim Ha-Joon," she introduces herself politely before gesturing to me, "and this is Hwang Aera. It's great to meet you."
I mean, I am familiar with Bangtan Sonyeondan; I just didn't recognise them instantly. They make great music, and I share a room with Kim Ha-Joon, a boy group fanatic; it's literally impossible to be unfamiliar with most boy groups nowadays because of her. I am, however, more of an Exo fan. I would give up my firstborn for five minutes with Sehun, but that's another conversation. 
I remember the two members she obsesses over in this specific group; one being Park Jimin and the other being the tall glass of water in front of her right now. I'm surprised she hasn't fainted or puked yet.
My eyes drag over their outfits quickly and interestedly before they raise to meet Jungkook's. His eyes are naturally wide and curious, and I find myself wanting to keep staring into them. But, seriously, they're so big that it's almost intimidating. I hate that I like that.
I force myself to eventually look away, though he does not do the same as I feel his gaze on me even when I turn to Hajoon while she speaks. "So excited for your performance! We love your music!" She praises, and I nod in agreement even though I couldn't tell you the first letter of the song they're performing if you held a gun to my head.
"Thank you," Namjoon says humbly, "We're excited to see you perform as well." I almost let a snort escape at his words because it's highly unlikely he even knows who we are, let alone our music. Instead, Ha-Joon accepts the polite response with a toothy grin and fiery red cheeks. It's so cute.
Suddenly, my phone buzzes furiously in my hand, and I mutter a soft apology under my breath before looking down at it, trying my hardest to ignore Jungkook's stare that I feel on my every move and trying even harder not to comment on it out loud.
"Shoot," I mutter before looking up at Joonie, "we have to go before we get killed." 
She looks away from Namjoon for what I think is the first time since she laid eyes on him, and I see the faintest hint of a pout on her lips as she nods at me. I turn to the pilots, "I'm really sorry about the confusion. But we have to go before our leader comes to find us, and none of us wants that." I bow again for good measure and watch as Namjoon shakes his head with a chuckle and a dimpled smile.
"Good luck," Jungkook calls as I spin on my heels and head towards a heated Hanna. I grab the arm of my starstruck maknae as I retreat, throwing back a polite 'thank you, you too!' as I drag the girl down the hall with me. 
"Thank you SO much!" Joonie yells back, her free arm that isn't in my grasp lifting to give them a big wave. I am too distracted to laugh at her fangirl behaviour, trying to ignore the way the only two goddamn words he spoke during the entire interaction affected me.
Ha-Joon's borderline hyperventilating as we near the backstage area where our members are waiting pulls me out of my head long enough to glance at her and giggle. "You don't even know how shaky I am right now," she gushes, and I look down at my hand on her ghostly, goosebump-covered arm,
"I think I have some sort of idea."
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"Jesus, look at their stage," Asami grumbles aloud as the five of us huddle around the monitors that display the performance of the current act. In this case, it's the Bulletproof Boy Scouts—or whatever I just heard the MC announce. Apparently, they have multiple names, and now I'm confused again.
The rest of us nod in unison, astonishment and a little jealousy, as we stare at the beautiful, very expensive-looking stage decoration through the little monitors. I watch as the spotlights flicker green before the camera zooms into the guy in the centre, and it's no other than Mr Oogly from the hallway incident. 
"Ayo, ladies and gentlemen," Jungkook's voice is smooth as he moves confidently, eyes never losing the camera once he finds it. Once he finishes the intro, it cuts to another member, Jimin, if I recall correctly. I glance at Joonie in time to see her eyes widen excitedly when he appears on the screen.
When I look back at the monitor, the rest of the group is running into view, quickly getting into formation before they start dancing to the chorus' instrumental. My eyebrows furrow as they move, taking over the stage like seasoned professionals instead of young rookies. Jesus, they're good.
"What's that one's name, Joonie-yah?" Nali asks wide-eyed as a platinum blonde member makes his way to the middle. 
"It's Suga, unnie," Ha-Joon replies instantly, her eyes not leaving the monitor for a split second.
Our youngest is rapping along (or at least trying to rap along) to Suga's part under her breath, and I watch as he casually devours his lines with a cheeky smile and breath control to be desired. 
"I gotta make it, gotta, gotta make it," 
The next chorus approaches before I know it, and Jungkook slinks his way to the centre before I have time to register how the fuck someone can actually look like the guy who Joonie just informed me was named V.
"Jjeoreo!" They fall back into their choreo during the chorus, and my eyes float from each member before landing right back in the middle. Jungkook's staring into the camera as he sings his lines, and I shake my head in astonishment. He doesn't miss a beat while simultaneously singing his lines live during the intense chorus choreography.
Ha-Joon's singing along to the music is so cute; I pull her over and link my arm with hers. We're bobbing along to the chorus as we watch the group perform through the monitor with vibrant energy and stamina. I hope at least one person in this entire building was as impressed by our performance as Joonie is with theirs; she's basically shaking.
Their song comes to an end, and the loud screams from the crowd drag my sisters and me out of our haze. "Wow," Hanna breathes as we step back from the monitors while the show cuts back to the MCs.
"They're just insane, aren't they?" Joonie sighs dreamily with her head leaning on my shoulder. I nod in agreement and drag the younger girl along as we follow our leader through the backstage area while she says something about photos and a particular staircase.
"I haven't eaten today; I was scared I'd puke it all up. Apparently, all the food here is free. I'll bring back a bunch for all of us," Asami exclaims before breaking off from the herd and heading towards the cafeteria.
Joonie's ears perk up like a puppy at the mention of food, and it doesn't take long for her to detach from my side and jog over to the Japanese girl. They disappear around a corner and throw back an obedient 'yes mum' to Han-na when she tells them to hurry.
I hear a resounding chorus of chatter get louder behind me, coming from the area near where the five of us were just gathered around the monitors. Right where you dismount the stage. I ignored their cheers of glee and tried to speed up a bit to catch up to Hanna and Nali before a voice stopped me in my tracks.
"Hey! Aera, right?"
I watch my two older sisters get further away on their trek to the stupid fucking staircase, and I'm almost offended. I could be getting abducted right now, and they wouldn't even notice. I spin around to face the voice, and his wide starry eyes catch me off guard again. 
Nodding in response, I am about to lean down into a bow once again before he puts up a hand to stop me. Jungkook's smile is cheeky with an undertone of cockiness, abruptly halting my action. 
"It's rude not to bow to your sunbaenims, you know," I inform through hooded eyes, my palms resting on the skin of my bare thighs. Suddenly, I wish I went for trousers today.
"Sunbaenim?" His tone is so cheeky, "We debuted barely a year before you."
His response catches me off guard, and I blink a few times, waiting for his confident facade to crack. It doesn't. "How'd you know when we debuted?"
"Big fan." He says simply with a shrug, no doubt referencing my comment from earlier this afternoon in the hallway.
"Hm," I nod with a pursed-lip smile, glancing over his shoulder and seeing his bandmates looking in our direction. They notice my gaze on them and suddenly spin around into a huddle, pretending to have never looked at me to begin with. 
A laugh catches in my throat at his members' actions before I look back at Jungkook. "Your performance was really good." I praise, watching as his head tilts ever so slightly at the comment, his teeth poking out of his mouth as he smiles. Like a bunny.
"You think so?" 
"Don't say things like that if I don't mean it. You were great." I nod, watching his Adam's apple bob in his throat as he swallows.
"Thank you. You were incredible as well," Jungkook replies politely, and I brush it off as an obliged response.
"Seriously. You were." He assures, almost as if he could tell I didn't believe him.
"Thank you." 
I find myself looking at his eyes again. You can learn a lot about someone through their eyes, and his are wide and full. He doesn't even try to hide his emotions displayed in their glossiness, and I don't think he wants to. It protrudes confidence and security, and I admire that.
A few moments pass, and my eyes flicker from him to the members behind him before they return. "I have to go take photos in front of a staircase," I say as his eyebrows raise intriguingly, "I'll let you get back."
He nods wordlessly before patting his back pocket, "Could I—" he finally finishes the phone from his trousers, "grab your number?"
My teeth pull at the inside of my bottom lip as I watch him unlock his phone before looking up at me with wide, hopeful eyes. 
"I, uh—" I don't give my number out. To anyone. I lost a lot of friendships in my journey to debut. Work occupied ninety-nine percent of my time and attention. Any relationships I did have prior to Siren basically fizzled out due to our long and odd hours of practice and preparation.
"I won't bother you too much," he smirks, "promise."
My lips purse shut as I take the phone from his grasp before putting my number in his contacts.
"I won't bother you too much." What a fucking liar.
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this chapter is dedicated to @ibtiheler for your sweet comments & dms, thank u for supporting the story angel!! i hope ur having an amazing day &lt;3 love you xx
tag list — lemme kno if u'd like to be added <3
@0anodite0 @heartjiminie @aloverga @cuntessaiii @adeptiixiao
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riordanness · 7 months
he was sunshine - [w.solace]
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wordcount: 1.1K
warnings: death mentions (sort of)
requested: no
My senses weren’t working properly. My eyes were open, but I couldn’t see anything but darkness.
My touch senses were working fine, though. I could tell that I was lying on a bed, a blanket draped over me. The blanket felt kind of rough, but warm.
It was quiet. I couldn’t make out any distinct sounds. Either I was losing my ears, or I was all alone… wherever I was.
I blinked, and I could see again. Thank the gods. I glanced around, realising I was in the infirmary. Oh…
I hit my head. That was the last thing I could remember before my vision went dark. But, what was happening? Did Gaia actually rise? Was she defeated? Were my friends alive?
I had to find out. Ignoring the pain, I pushed myself up onto my elbows, sat upright, and threw the covers off. I was dressed in jean shorts and my camp T-shirt, what I always wore.
My sneakers were lying on the floor beside the bed, so I pulled them on. Spotting my weapons on the bedside cabinet, I grabbed them and slung them over my shoulders. Being a daughter of Demeter, I wasn’t usually picked out of a crowd to be a fighter, but I was wicked good with the bow. Good as some of the Apollo kids, even.
I ran a hand through my short, dark curls, trying to fix my bed hair. I got bad bed hair most nights, but other than that, my hair was pretty manageable. I didn’t usually have tie it back, given that it was only cut to just below my ears.
I left the cabin, and saw… no one. Usually, there would be tons of kids all around the cabins, playing basketball and chasing each other, heading to activities and playing pranks on other cabins. I couldn’t hear a thing. It was like the whole camp had vanished.
I searched the cabins, the Big House, the armoury, the dining pavilion, the strawberry fields, and the forges. The only place I could think of left was the amphitheater. Even before I reached it, though, I noticed a trial of smoke rising up from the middle of the amphitheater. That worried me. I hurried faster.
Just as I’d feared, it was a fire. The camp was burning somebody’s shroud. Or multiple somebody’s. As I entered the amphitheater, a couple of my cabin mates and friends waved at me. Anita, my half-sister, rushed over.
“You’re okay!” she whispered. “Oh, I’m so glad. You hit your head really hard. Will said you might not be up for a few days. Do you feel okay?”
Come to think of it, I felt awful, but I brushed it off as hunger or fatigue or something. I was totally fine!
I tried to smile. “Oh, yeah. I’m okay. Thanks. What happened? Was Gaia defeated?”
Anita’s face fell. “Uh, well… yes. But we lost some good friends.”
I bit my lip. “Who?”
“Samuel, Tracey, Olive, Nate, and… Leo Valdez.”
“Leo?” I gasped. “Oh no…”
Anita quickly told me the story: Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus, had bravely sacrificed his life to kill Gaia. He had died in a fiery explosion in the sky above camp.
I couldn’t speak. I’d gotten to know Leo pretty well over the months he’d spent working on the Argo II. He’d spent so many long hours and days busy working in Bunker 9, I’d made it my personal job to bring him food and water every day, and make sure he ate. During these little visits, we talked a lot. We’d become pretty good friends.
And now?
He was gone. I felt tears coming, but I tried to fight them down. “They were all too young,” I whispered. “This is all so unfair. I hate this dying business! Why can’t the gods just stop it and stop having poor kids who are targets for monsters?”
Anita looked at me sympathetically. “I know. It’s okay.” She took my hand. “Come on. You should sit down. Will Solace said you needed your rest.”
It was probably true. Will was the best medic I’d ever met. He knew what he was talking about. Besides, my head was starting to throb again, and I was feeling dizzy.
“Uh, yeah. Good idea,” I managed.
I sat with the rest of the Demeter cabin for the remainder of the funerals. The shrouds were burned, the proper things were said, but I was in a bit of a daze. I barely heard anything that was said.
It was so strange. It’d been the middle of the battle, Gaia had just risen up out of the earth and was trying to kill us all, Camp Half-Blood was surrounded by Romans and monsters, and everything had suddenly gone black on me.
I don’t know how I’d survived. I asked Anita, and she confirmed that Will Solace had found me unconscious and carried me off to the infirmary. For some reason, that made me blush.
I hadn’t thought much about the son of Apollo in my years at Camp. He’d always been around, even before I’d gotten here. He was always sunny and happy, always helping everyone, and always healing all of us silly demigods who got ourselves hurt.
My mind drifted. Back to my first year. My first time playing Capture-The-Flag. I’d been brutally beaten up by the Hunters of Artemis. My arm was cut up, my ankle was broken, and I’d gotten a concussion.
Will had refused to leave my side the entire time, even though he was only ten at the time, same age as me. He’d insisted on staying in the infirmary with me until I was well. I think I was the first person he’d ever healed properly, and on his own.
I was brought back to one particular occasion… I’d woken from a deep sleep, my ankle healing (which was slow even with the help of nectar and ambrosia), and found Will sleeping beside me. He was sitting on a chair, slumped forward with his head on his arms, his arms on the edge of my bed.
It took a bit of shuffling and fiddling, and a bit of pain, and a lot of grunts and hard work, but I finally managed to pull him up onto the bed with me. It was a pretty big one, a double bed size. I slid over to one side, spread half the blanket over Will, and snuggled down beside him.
I fell back asleep instantly, not even thinking about how weird this position would look in the morning when someone else came in to check on us. (Other campers, Chiron, and me and Will’s siblings checked on us regularly). I was just trying to do something nice for a friend, someone who was doing something nice for me.
I drifted off to sleep with Will’s breath on my hair.
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kepamount · 2 years
scary movie 👻
kepa arrizabalaga x reader x mason mount - a smutty ghostface one shot
warnings: explicit hard smut, sort of scary?? (y/n thinks she's being attacked by a murderer), potentially triggering content so please read at your own discretion!! sub!reader, dom!kepa & dom!mason, double penetration, anal, oral sex (m and f receiving), choking, slapping, dirty talk, degradation and praise, pet names, edging, overstim, crying, fingering, face-fucking, knife kink, mask kink, i think that's it but lmk if i missed something!
word count: 10.9k+ (she's big)
a/n: happy halloween bitches! i've literally been getting ready for a night out and i suddenly remembered that i wrote this lmao so here you go! this is not at all edited so pls be warned about spelling and grammar mistakes (i literally wrote this in a brainrot over night so it's probably almost unintelligible lol), and i don't have time to double check my warnings but this is kind of intense so pls pls be careful reading it! x
The shrill ringing of my phone breaks the calm atmosphere in the house, making me jump out of my skin. I pause the episode of Pretty Little Liars as I get up from the sofa, wineglass in hand, and I head into the kitchen, my phone sat on the counter. My heart lifts with the thought that it’s probably my boyfriend calling to let me know he’s on his way home from work, but disappointment floods through me when I see that the screen’s lit up with an unknown number. I reject the call with an irritated sigh before checking if Kepa’s texted me, but our last communication was a few hours ago.
I decide to distract myself by checking on the pasta in the oven (I always cover the top with a thick layer of cheese and put it in the oven for it to get nice and melty, just how he likes it). I don’t cook very often, but I thought I’d make dinner as a surprise for my boyfriend tonight. He’s been really busy recently – all the training and travelling and exhaustion from matches has meant we haven’t been spending a lot of time together. And the time we have managed to spend together is usually a couple hours with dinner in front of the TV until he’s snoring loud enough to make the neighbours’ dog bark.
To cut a long story short, I need Kepa to rail me before I lose my mind. They always say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but unlike other men, Kepa’s stomach leads to his dick. A good homecooked meal and a couple glasses of wine? The man’s ready to go all night. So I’m hoping a candlelit dinner tonight will lead to him bending me over the table. I even put on my good lingerie set, so I’ll be very disappointed if this doesn’t go to plan.
My phone starts ringing again, the unknown number persisting, but I reject the call. I don’t have enough patience to deal with a call centre right now. I knock back my wine, pouring out another glass and knocking back half of that too, my body full of impatient energy. I just want him to get home so I can touch him and kiss him. He’s been even sexier than usual recently, looking all big and hot in the goal, veins and muscles rippling whenever he saves a shot. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t having to press my thighs together during every match, praying I wouldn’t leave a wet spot on my seat.
The phone rings again, and I let out an annoyed huff when I see it’s the unknown number for the third time. I snatch the phone from the counter, pressing the green button and holding it to my ear. ‘Hello?’ I say, silence on the other side for a few long moments before I hear a low ‘hello’ in response. The voice is male and unfamiliar, sounding distorted. The line must not be great.
There’s another few seconds of silence after he speaks, and I roll my eyes. ‘Yeah?’ I ask, trying to keep my tone patient. ‘Who is this?’ he asks, and I frown. Does he not realise he’s calling me? ‘Who are you trying to reach?’ I ask, a low chuckle sounding in response. ‘What number is this?’ he asks, sounding amused, and I shake my head. Idiot. ‘What number are you trying to reach?’ I ask in response, getting another low chuckle in response, the sound making my pulse jump.
‘I… don’t know,’ he responds, and I can’t help but roll my eyes again. ‘I think you have the wrong number.’ ‘Have I?’ ‘It happens. Don’t worry about it,’ I say before hanging up, putting my phone back down on the countertop. I pick up my wineglass and head over to the sliding glass door that leads out onto the patio, my reflection clear in it. I really hope Kepa appreciates the effort I’ve made for him – this dress is sexy and not comfortable at all, meaning I look insanely good in it.
My phone starts ringing again, and I sigh deeply before picking up the phone, answering the unknown number despite my common sense telling me not to. ‘Hello?’ ‘I’m sorry. I think I called the wrong number,’ the man says, and I take a moment to compose myself. ‘So why did you call it again?’ I ask slowly. ‘To apologise,’ he responds, the smirk clear in his voice. ‘You’re forgiven. Bye now,’ I say chirpily, about to hang up before I hear, ‘wait, wait. Don’t hang up.’
‘Why?’ I ask, leaning against the countertop and running my finger around the rim of my glass. This guy’s probably just some perv trying to get off, but at least this is some entertainment until Kepa gets home. ‘I want to talk to you for a bit.’ ‘There’s trillions of numbers for that, creep,’ I respond with a small smile before I take a sip of my wine.
‘Yeah, but I called yours,’ he says, and I raise an eyebrow. This guy can’t have intentionally called me, can he? ‘I thought you said this was the wrong number?’ ‘I lied. Why don’t you want to talk to me?’ he asks, switching the topic before I can dwell on it too long. ‘I don’t know who you are.’ ‘You tell me your name and I’ll tell you mine,’ he says, and I let out a laugh despite myself. This guy’s deluded.
‘I don’t think so,’ I say, flicking the rim of my wineglass with a manicured nail. ‘What was that?’ he asks, and I roll my eyes again. This guy needs to learn boundaries. ‘My wineglass.’ ‘You’re drinking wine?’ ‘Mmhmm. It’s date night,’ I say happily, getting excited again at the thought that Kepa will be home soon. ‘Date night?’ ‘Yep. My boyfriend doesn’t know it, but I’m surprising him with dinner tonight.’
‘Just dinner?’ he asks, and I let out an irritated noise. ‘What do you mean, ‘just dinner’? I’ve spent ages making this.’ ‘No, I don’t mean it like that. Dinner’s great. It’s just… isn’t it usually dinner and a movie?’ he asks, and I smile to myself. I’m hoping we won’t have time for a movie tonight – I want to be preoccupied with other things. ‘Yeah, but I think we might skip the movie.’ ‘You can’t skip the movie! That’s the best part of date night. Especially if it’s a scary movie,’ he says, his soft voice taking on a sudden edge that makes my hair on my arms stand up in worry.
‘What? Don’t you like scary movies?’ he asks, no edge to his voice. I must have imagined it. I tell myself to relax, taking a deep breath. ‘I don’t mind them.’ ‘What’s your favourite?’ he asks, and I think for a moment. ‘I like Scream. Ghostface is a good villain. What about you? What’s your favourite?’ I ask, met with a brief silence before he murmurs, ‘guess.’
‘Um… Nightmare on Elm Street?’ ‘Is that the one where the guy has knives for fingers?’ he asks, and I roll my eyes for the twentieth time this conversation. How can he start a conversation about scary movies if he doesn’t even know Nightmare on Elm Street? ‘Yeah, Freddy Krueger.’ ‘Freddy, that’s right. I liked that movie. It was scary.’ ‘The first one was, but the rest were bad,’ I say, taking a sip of my wine before my eyes flit up to the clock on the wall. Kepa should definitely be back from training now.
‘So… you mentioned your boyfriend,’ he says, and I can’t help but laugh. ‘Yeah.’ ‘Where is he?’ he asks, and I frown. Even he’s wondering where the hell Kepa is. ‘Why do you care, stranger?’ ‘That’s not my name,’ he says amusedly. ‘You didn’t tell me your name.’ ‘You didn’t tell me yours either. What is it?’ he asks, and I take another sip of my wine before I respond, ‘why do you want to know my name?’ ‘Because I want to know who I’m looking at,’ he responds, voice deadly soft, but the words have the effect of if he’d shouted them.
My blood goes cold, my eyes flitting to the back door. It’s pitch black outside, too dark to see if there’s anyone lurking. ‘What did you just say?’ I whisper, legs feeling weak as fear stabs through my body, my pulse skyrocketing. ‘I want to know who I’m talking to,’ he says slowly, as though he’s speaking to somebody stupid, and I shake my head, knowing what I heard.
‘That’s not what you said,’ I say shakily, rushing over to the door to make sure it’s locked, the handle not budging an inch. I feel a bit of relief flood through me – as long as the security system is working, no one can make it into this house unless their fingerprint is on the database. Perks of having a rich boyfriend. ‘What do you think I said?’ he asks, tone playful, but a sick feeling has already settled low in my stomach. This isn’t fun and entertaining anymore – I just want Kepa to get home.
‘I have to go,’ I say suddenly, and he chuckles lowly. ‘Your boyfriend isn’t home yet. Don’t you want the company?’ he asks, sounding mocking like he knows how scared I am right now. ‘No.’ ‘Are you sure? You don’t like being alone, princesa,’ he says, that one word making all the tension flood out of my body.
I’ve been waiting for Kepa to get home, but he’s the idiot on the other side of the phone.
‘Oh, thank God. Kepa, this isn’t funny,’ I whine. ‘I’m not your boyfriend, y/n. Don’t thank God yet,’ he teases, my relief tainted by a little bit of uneasiness. What if it really isn’t Kepa? But it has to be. He obviously has a voice distorter on, which is hiding the usual Spanish lilt to his voice, and princesa is his pet name of choice for me.
‘Cut it out, Kep. You’re scaring me,’ I say quietly, and he laughs gently. ‘There’s nothing to be scared of, baby. If you keep on being a good girl for me, I won’t hurt you,’ he murmurs softly, and I let out a little breath. It’s definitely him – no psycho murderer would be reassuring me. ‘Fine. I’ll be a good girl for you. Just come home,’ I say, the fear in my stomach subsiding, replaced by the desire that’s been sitting there for weeks.
‘I’m on my way. But I want you to be ready for me, princesa.’ ‘I am ready for you. I’m wearing… my boyfriend’s favourite dress,’ I say lowly, trying my best to sound all seductive, and I’m rewarded when I hear him take a breath to compose himself. ‘I can see that. You’ve put his favourite perfume on too, and you’re drinking the wine that gets you all worked up and desperate. I’ve been watching your every move,’ he whispers, the words making me a shiver run down my spine. My eyes flit up to security camera in the corner of the room, identical to the ones in the corner of every room in the house. Both of us can watch from them live on our phones.
‘You might want to answer that,’ he says suddenly, words followed by the doorbell echoing through the house, making me jump. I keep the phone to my ear as I head out of the kitchen and into the foyer, shivering from my bare feet on the cold marble floor as I walk to the front door. I open it without any hesitation, the empty porch making me falter. I thought he’d be stood there, but there’s nothing there except for my car parked on the driveway, his nowhere to be seen.
‘Who’s there?’ I call out in a sing-song voice despite the uncertainty still swirling around inside me. What if this is an A-grade stalker, who’s pretending to be Kepa to lull me into a false sense of security? And I’m the moron throwing the door open and shouting out to him. ‘You should never say ‘who’s there?’. Don’t you watch scary movies? It’s a death wish, babe,’ he says suddenly, reminding me that he’s still on the other side of the phone, and I quickly shut the door, making sure it locks afterwards.
‘Okay, enough’s enough. You’ve had your fun. Just stop now,’ I say quietly, chewing on my lip nervously as I head back to the kitchen. ‘Or what?’ ‘Or… my boyfriend’s gonna be home soon,’ I say with a small smile, his little laugh reassuring me. It has to be Kepa I’m talking to. ‘Oh, really?’ ‘Yeah, and he’s gonna be pissed when I tell him what you’re doing.’ ‘Will he?’ ‘Yeah. He’s 6 foot 1, and super big, and he plays football, so he’s athletic, and he’ll beat the shit out of you,’ I reply, my words met with more rich laughter.
‘I’m sure he will, baby. Or maybe I’ll gut him like a fish,’ he says sinisterly, striking fear into me again. Calm down, y/n. It’s just Kepa. It couldn’t possibly be anyone else. ‘What do you want?’ I ask, putting on the helpless damsel-in-distress voice, and he chuckles softly. ‘I want to see what your insides look like,’ he murmurs in a velvet voice, the words laced with a dirty innuendo that makes my underwear dampen considerably.
‘But first… let’s play a game. If you answer my questions correctly, I won’t lay a finger on you. If you get any of them wrong, I get to do whatever I want to do to you,’ he bargains, sparking my competitive streak. If winning means I don’t get his touch tonight, fine by me. I’m too competitive to lose. ‘Okay. Go ahead,’ I prompt.
‘Here’s your first question. Who’s the killer in Halloween?’ ‘Hmmm, I’m not sure I remember,’ I tease, and he laughs lightly. ‘Come on, princesa. You know this one. White mask, stalks babysitters?’ ‘Oh, right... it’s Michael Myers!’ I exclaim, as though the name only just came to me. ‘Good girl. You’re doing well. Ready for your next one?’ ‘Mmhmm.’
‘Who’s the killer in Friday the 13th?’ he asks, and I roll my eyes. He really thinks he can trick me with this? ‘Mrs Vorhees, Jason’s mother, followed by Jason himself in the sequel,’ I say happily, and he lets out a little sigh, disappointed I got it right. ‘You’re too good at this.’ ‘You know it, baby. Come on, give me another one,’ I say tauntingly, and it’s like I can feel the atmosphere shift over the phone.
‘Okay. Which door am I at?’ he asks, voice deadly soft again, and I freeze, uneasiness filling me. ‘Kepa…’ ‘I told you already, princesa. I’m not your boyfriend. Now answer my question if you want to win,’ he prompts, and I take a deep breath. He’s using my pet name to reassure me that it’s him without ruining the act. I’m not in any danger.
‘Um… the front door,’ I answer, waiting with bated breath for a response. But I’m met with a long silence, the tension multiplying with every second that goes by. And then finally he whispers his reply, the one word sending a shiver through me. ‘Wrong.’
I hear the door behind me slide open and I whirl around, ready to greet my boyfriend with open arms, a big smile on my face. But the smile on my face slips when I’m met with the sight of a figure stood in the doorway, dressed in a floor-length black robe, face covered by a white Ghostface mask. The figure’s hands are covered with black gloves, and in one of them, he’s holding a knife. A very sharp, very shiny, very real knife.
My mouth drops open in a bloodcurdling scream, and I run for the foyer staircase without a moment’s hesitation, the sound of my feet hitting the marble echoing loudly as I sprint up the stairs. When I hear his thundering footsteps, my heart misses a beat, fear filling my veins, and I can’t help but scream again when I turn to see him following me up the stairs.
I look ahead, knowing I’ll fall if I’m not careful, and I head straight towards mine and Kepa’s bedroom. Once it’s locked, only he and I can get in with our thumbprints, so it’ll prove if it’s him or not. As soon as I’m in the room, I shut the door and lock it with shaky hands, the silence that follows making me feel even more on edge. He’s probably stood right outside, just biding his time.
I take a few deep breaths to calm my nerves, and it’s only when my ringtone sounds out into the silence do I remember that my phone’s in my hand, the sound making me jump again. I answer without any hesitation, met with low chuckles on the other side. ‘You’d make a good final girl, princesa. That was a real scary-movie scream,’ he teases, and I let out a low sob, tears in my eyes.
‘I’m scared, Kep. Why are you doing this?’ I ask, sitting on the edge of our bed before my legs give way. ‘I’m upset with you, babe. While your boyfriend’s been working so hard, earning money for you to spend on whatever you want, you’ve been crushing on his teammate,’ he murmurs, confusion filling me. What is he talking about?
‘Don’t act like you don’t know, y/n. I’ve seen how you look at him. How your eyes are glued to him on the pitch while your boyfriend’s in the dugout. You stare at his thighs, his hands running through his hair, his neck when he shouts and his lips when he spits. You want him, don’t you, princesa?’ he asks, and despite the fear still making my heart race, I feel guilty that I know exactly who he’s referring to.
It’s been a tough couple months for me. We’ve only had sex once in all that time, and he barely participated because he was tired (I’ve never been the one to do all the work so I didn’t enjoy it much). I’ve been frustrated. And when Kepa was still on the bench every match, my thirsty mind had to find someone to ogle for the 90 minutes. And that someone ended up being Mason Mount.
He’s an annoying cocky little shit, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t attracted to him, especially when he’s playing football. His corner kicks, his hair flicks, his spitting, his angry outbursts, his goals, his injuries. All of it is just so… hot. Kepa’s right – I’ve been trying to hide it, but I have a real crush on his teammate.
‘Kepa, I’m-’ ‘Don’t start trying to apologise now that you’ve been caught out, princesa. It’s too late for that now. And anyway, I feel for you a little bit. It must have been hard for you, with your boyfriend giving you no attention. I bet you’ve been trying your best to get yourself off. Do your fingers feel as good as his, baby?’ he asks, my underwear flooded with arousal now. He’s killing me – half of my mind is in panic mode, and the other half is thinking about dick. I don’t know which part I’m more annoyed with.
‘Show me, baby. Take off that pretty dress, lie down on the bed, and show me how you’ve been touching yourself, thinking of your boyfriend and his best friend,’ he taunts, my stomach clenching with nerves. One thing Kepa never does is call my pet names in English, yet the person on the other side of the phone has been calling me ‘baby’ and ‘babe instead of the usual ‘cariño’ or ‘querido’.
Before it can properly dawn on me, there’s a loud banging on the door, a startled scream escaping my lips. ‘I’m getting impatient, babe. Take off your dress before I come in and cut it off you with my knife,’ he threatens through gritted teeth, and I quickly get up off the bed. I put the phone on speaker, leaving it sat atop the sheets before I reach back to the zip on my dress.
My hands shake as I pull down the zip, my skin exposed to the room when I let the dress drop off me, leaving me stood in just my black lacy lingerie, suspenders and all. ‘Wow. Look at you, baby. So pretty. Did you dress up all for me? Or for your footballer boyfriend?’ he taunts, the cold air on my bare skin making me shiver.
‘Now lie down on the bed,’ he says in a gentle tone, and I do as he says, settling myself amongst the sheets, back against the headboard. ‘Spread your legs for me,’ he prompts, my actions following his words, exposing my clothed core to the room.
‘Slip your hand into your pants, princesa,’ he instructs softly, and I let my hand trail down my body before sliding beneath my underwear, a shaky breath falling from my lips when my fingertips brush against my clit. ‘So sensitive. I bet you’re so wet, so desperate for me to fuck you. Am I right, y/n? I’m right, aren’t I, baby? You’re so desperate for my cock, my fingers, my tongue. Anything I give you, you’ll be grateful for, huh?’ he asks, and I just nod, fingers ghosting across my folds, light tingles of pleasure running through me.
‘Are you gonna let me come in and fuck you, babe? I’m so hard for you, baby, so fucking hard. I wanna make you scream with my cock. Will you let me come in, y/n?’ he asks, and I shake my head, no. Despite my mind clouding over with a hazy fog, I’m still scared of the Ghostface on the other side of the door.
‘Well, if you remember correctly, baby, you got one of the questions wrong, which means I get to do whatever I want to you. Maybe I’ll use my knife to make you scream instead of my cock. Is that what you want, princesa?’ he asks, and the fear takes over, making me remove my hand from my pants and grab the phone shakily. ‘No, please. I’m scared,’ I whisper, and he lets out a low chuckle that makes my stomach turn.
‘You should be.’
The door swings open, Ghostface stood in the doorway, the only light in the room streaming in around his big frame from the hallway. His knife is still in one hand, head tilted mockingly, and the mask’s mouth is open in its perpetual scream, as though it’s warning me what I’m about to be doing too. ‘You look so sexy when you’re scared, baby. Your eyes are all big and teary, your teeth biting your lip, your chest heaving with deep breaths. I bet you look like that when you’re getting fucked as well, huh?’ the voice on the other end of the phone asks, cold realisation hitting me.
Ghostface only has a knife in his hand, the other one empty. No phone in sight.
‘Oh, princesa, you’re so cute. For someone who likes scary movies, you clearly don’t pay much attention to them. It was never just Billy Loomis. Stu Macher was with him all along. It was how they managed to do all their killing,’ the voice on the phone says mockingly, and then I hear the handle on the bathroom door turning slowly.
My breathing falters as I wait for the door to open, my heart stopping when another Ghostface is revealed, both of them standing in opposite doorways, staring at me. The new one has a phone and a voice distorter in his gloved hands, held up to his mouth. ‘Two’s better than one, baby,’ he says cockily, voice echoing through my phone.
I cover my mouth, a sob escaping my lips, and my eyes fill with tears that begin to spill over. I’m terrified despite how I’m pretty sure I know who both of these Ghostfaces are, my eyes flitting back and forth between the two of them. The first one walks across the room to me and I shrink away from him in fear, letting out a sob when his hand tightens around my throat and he pulls me closer to him. He lifts the knife to my face, gliding the tip across my skin, the cold metal making me shiver. The proximity means I can hear him breathing through the mask, and a familiar scent fills my senses.
‘What’s the safeword, cariño?’ a muffled voice asks from the other side of the mask, and I breathe a sigh of relief at hearing the Spanish accent, my nerves easing at him using one of his Spanish pet names for me. ‘Arsenal,’ I respond (hearing me shout his rival team is a definite way to get him to stop whatever he’s doing), and he nods, releasing my neck and lifting his hand to my face, wiping away my tears.
‘I like you scared, princesa. Your screams are so pretty,’ he murmurs softly, hand caressing my face with the most gentle touch before he reaches over to flick the lamp on. ‘I bet they sound prettier when she’s being touched than when she’s being chased up the stairs,’ the other Ghostface says, reminding me of his presence, and I suddenly realise what this is leading up to, the thought almost making me moan aloud. I’ve been desperate for cock for weeks, and now I’m gonna get two.
‘Much prettier. Come and find out for yourself,’ Kepa says, Mason stepping across the room to stand beside his teammate. My heart jumps at the two of them stood there in front of me, the two masks looking down at me with mocking screams. ‘Hands and knees, querido. Culo in the air for us,’ Kepa prompts, and I move into position, facing away from them and giving them a full view of my ass, supporting my body weight on weak arms.
‘I didn’t know it was possible to have a wet patch on black fabric,’ Mason teases, a gloved finger hooking through my pants and pulling them aside, both of them letting out appreciative noises at the sight of my soaked core. ‘Such a pretty pussy. So wet, babe. Is this all for us, y/n?’ Mason asks, his compliment making a thrill run through me. I let out a hum in response, a hand suddenly snaking around my neck, pulling my head back in an uncomfortable position.
‘Words, baby,’ Mason murmurs. ‘Yes, it’s for both of you,’ I respond, voice strained, and my neck is released from the hand’s tight hold. ‘Good girl. Do you want us to touch you?’ ‘Yes. Please,’ I whimper, feeling a finger ghosting over my folds a moment later. I bite down on my lip, embarrassed at how close I am to moaning when they’ve barely touched me.
There’s no more movement so I push my ass back, needing more contact, and both of them laugh, humiliation filling me and making me even wetter. ‘Our little princess is so needy for us, huh? Does our pretty girl want more?’ Mason asks, his dirty talk turning me on so much. Kepa drops a pet name or compliment (or insult – degradation gets me going) here and there, but he’s never been one for a running commentary like this.
‘Please,’ I whisper. ‘What do you want, baby? Tell us what you want, and we’ll give it to you.’ ‘Anything. Just something, please,’ I beg, the aching in my core thrumming through my whole body. ‘Shall we touch you with our knives, princesa?’ Kepa asks, and I take it as an innuendo before I feel the sharp tip of cold metal tracing down my spine, a harsh shiver running through me. ‘I did tell you I wanted to see what your insides look like, babe,’ Mason reminds me, smirk audible in his voice.
Even though I know it’s a joke, it sparks fear in me again, which only makes me gush with more arousal. Fear and desire have always gone hand-in-hand for me, which is how I ended up with an intimidating Adonis for a boyfriend. He scares me just as much as he turns me on, and that’s always been the case for everything. Whenever we watch horror films together, we end up fucking afterwards, because he knows how needy I get when I’m scared out of my wits. Halloween’s his favourite time of year.
‘Please don’t kill me, Mr Ghostface. I wanna be in the sequel,’ I say breathily, quoting Tatum’s line in the film, both of them laughing in response. ‘Oh, baby, we’re not gonna kill you. We’ve gotta have some fun with you first,’ Mason murmurs in a low voice, my heart racing at the possibilities of where this is gonna go.
Before I can respond, a finger plunges into me, a moan escaping my lips as I clench around the digit, head falling forward against my chest. I feel a hand wrap around my hair before pulling harshly, keeping my head back, and the knife appears at my neck, the blade like ice against my burning hot skin. The finger inside me is joined by another, the friction from the gloves making me whimper, and I feel my stomach clench when the fingers begin thrusting in and out of me, trying to open me up.
I don’t even know whose fingers are inside of me, or whose hand is pulling on my hair, the ambiguity making everything even hotter, and I can’t help the moans and whimpers slipping through my lips every few seconds. ‘Fuck, you weren’t lying. She sounds so pretty. So pretty and good for us,’ Mason murmurs, the fingers inside me curling against my walls, the feeling taking my breath away.
A third finger pushes into me, the painful stretch making me whine in pain, and I feel a hand rubbing my ass soothingly. I pant as I try to adjust to the stretch, the fingers pumping in and out of me as soon as my breathing calms down, and the hand resting on my ass disappears before landing back down heavily, the slap reverberating around the room.
With the fingers thrusting into me, slaps landing harshly on my ass, my hair being pulled and knife to my throat, I’m losing my mind, all sense disappearing and melting down into nothing but overwhelming pleasure. When a thumb appears at my clit, pressing down roughly, I let out a loud moan, sounding pathetic even to my own ears, and my walls clamp down around the fingers, legs shaking.
‘I’m gonna…’ I trail off, already feeling the tell-tale signs of an orgasm, the knot in my stomach tightening more with each circle being drawn at my clit. ‘You’re gonna what, babe? Are you gonna cum for us?’ Mason asks teasingly, the long fingers inside me curling against the soft spot that makes me cry out. ‘I think she’s gonna cum, bro,’ Mason says conversationally, Kepa chuckling. ‘Not without permission, she’s not,’ Kepa reminds me, and I begin pleading before he’s even finished talking.
‘Please let me cum. I need it so bad, please. I need to cum, please let me cum,’ I moan, not even thinking about what I’m saying before the words come out. ‘What do you think? Shall we let her?’ Kepa asks, as though he’s asking Mason whether he thinks it’s gonna rain, their indifference making me even more desperate for them. I’m a victim of the chase.
‘Hmm, I don’t know, bro. Has she earned it?’ ‘All she’s done is lie here and let us fuck her with our fingers like a dirty little slut,’ Kepa murmurs, sentence punctuated with a rough slap on my ass, his words prompting a moan to fall from my lips. ‘It’s like that? Baby likes being called a slut?’ Mason asks, sounding like he’s stumbled across a goldmine, and I can’t wait for the filth he’s gonna be saying to me tonight.
‘She loves it. Almost as much as she loves being a lazy little bitch in bed. I don’t think she deserves it.’ ‘Me neither,’ Mason agrees, their hands disappearing from me a moment later, my orgasm instantly fading away. I let out a whine at the loss of contact, even missing the feeling of the knife against my throat, and my whine is rewarded with another slap on my ass, the skin burning at this point.
‘Don’t be a brat, y/n. Thank us for what we gave you,’ Mason says, voice laced with malice, pushing me to see if I’ll do it. ‘Thank you for your fingers,’ I say pathetically, a light slap landing on my ass after I speak. ‘That’s better. You wanna be a good girl for us, don’t you, princesa?’ Kepa asks, and I nod, knowing I need to behave if I want to get off tonight.
‘Turn around, baby,’ Mason prompts, and I do as he says, tucking my legs beneath me as I turn to face them, my ass sore. I look up at the two of them, searching for their eyes behind the masks, nothing but empty darkness staring back at me, sending a shiver down my spine. Imagine if it’s not really them, and it’s two psychos imitating them, trying their best to sound like them. What if-
‘Are you still scared, querido?’ Kepa asks in the voice that always gets me going, his tone half-patronising and half-comforting, and I nod in response, looking up at them through my lashes. From this angle, I can’t even tell which of them is which, the two of them stood to close together to tell who each voice is coming from. The one on the left has the knife in his hand and he uses it to tilt my head up, my eyes on the ceiling.
‘Eyes on us, babe,’ Mason says, my gaze flitting down to the two identical masks again, sending a quiver of fear through me. ‘God, you look so hot when you’re scared. Just wanna fuck this pretty face,’ Mason says, a hand coming to tighten around my neck. ‘She’s all yours,’ Kepa says, one of the figures stepping back and taking a seat on the chaise lounge chair in the corner of the room, putting the knife down beside him.
The figure still in front of me – Mason – lets go of my neck and unbuttons his black robe just enough to let his hard cock spring free. He’s not as long as Kepa, but he’s still a mouth-watering size, thick enough that I know my jaw’s gonna ache after this. ‘Mouth open, baby,’ he prompts, and I part my lips enough for him to slide in.
But he only gives me two fingers, his other hand gripping his length and tugging on it a few times, the tip leaking with precum. It’s humiliating – I’m sat here in skimpy transparent lingerie with his fingers in my mouth, and he’s almost completely covered, jacking off right in front of my face. I feel my underwear flooding all over again.
Without any warning, he removes his fingers and pushes his cock into my mouth, letting out a low groan as he slides all the way in, tip hitting the back of my throat and prompting a loud gag. ‘Fuck,’ he moans, drawing the word out as he stills, my throat trying to reject the intrusion. I try to breathe through my nose, tears already collecting on my waterline, and when he finally pulls out, I gasp like I’ve been drowning.
‘Suck him off, princesa. Show him how good you are with your mouth,’ Kepa prompts from the corner of the room, drawing my attention back to him. The sight of him sprawled out on the seat, watching his girlfriend with another man is enough to make my stomach clench with arousal. The bedsheets are gonna be soaked if they go on like this.
I lean forward, looking up at Mason with big, innocent eyes as I press a kiss to his tip, a shaky breath audible through the mask, making me grin to myself. I place my tongue at the base, licking up to his tip against the vein on the underside of his cock before taking the head into my mouth, swirling my tongue around him and sucking like he’s a lollipop, cheeks caved in. I look up at him as I take him further in, eyes meeting the hollow black ones on his mask, and another gag forces its way up my throat, a soft groan falling from his lips.
I set a gentle pace, slowly bobbing my head up and down, taking him in as far as possible, hand leisurely tugging at what I can’t reach. ‘Like that, y/n, just like that. Feels so fucking good, baby,’ he groans quietly, head thrown back, hand fisting into my hair as my eyes begin to water, and I hum around at him at the praise, the sensation making him moan softly, the sound going straight to my core.
It’s not long before his hips begin moving, his hand controlling my head movements, and I grab onto his legs as he thrusts slowly. ‘Gonna be a good girl for me, babe? Gonna let me fuck this pretty little mouth?’ he asks, and I hum in response, tears filling my eyes again. He doesn’t wait another moment before his thrusts speed up and I gag repeatedly around him. The sounds only spur him on, and tears run down my face as he looks down at me, watching me try to take him as far in as possible.
‘Fuck, you’re so good. Such a good little slut, letting me fuck your mouth, and taking it so well. Love hearing you gagging,’ he says in a strained voice, thrusting particularly hard to prompt a gag from me, the noise making him moan. ‘You’re so hot,’ he murmurs, the praise making me moan, the vibrations making his hips falter. Tears stream down my face, saliva bubbles around my mouth and drips down my chin and neck – I must look like such a mess right now.
And then I remember that Kepa’s sat in the corner, my gaze flicking over to him, stomach turning when I see that he’s jacking off whilst watching us. The sight makes me moan again, Mason letting out a choked groan, the noise only making me wetter. He pulls out of my mouth a moment later, breathing heavily, chest visibly heaving.
‘You weren’t lying,’ Mason says, Kepa chuckling as he gets to his feet. ‘I told you, hermano. She sucks your soul,’ he murmurs, standing in front of me and wiping my face clean again. ‘Lie down for us, princesa,’ Kepa instructs, and I do as he says with a weak and shaky body, tension flooding out of me as I relax into the sheets, lying horizontally across the bed with my feet dangling off the side.
‘Look at her. So pretty. What shall we do to you, babe?’ Mason asks, the knife in his hand. He rests the tip of it against my thigh before running it down my leg, the sharp point a cold sting against my skin. ‘Anything. Please,’ I whisper, body already so tired but desperate for both of them, for whatever they want to do to me.
‘Gonna let me eat your pretty little pussy, baby?’ he asks silkily, a moan falling from my lips at just the thought of it. ‘I’ll take that as a yes,’ he says amusedly, dropping to his knees at the side of the bed, disappearing from my view. I’m about to sit up so I can see him take off the mask but Kepa appears behind me, a hand on my shoulder to keep me lying down.
He taps my bottom lip, the message in the action clear, and I open my mouth for him. I watch him, my boyfriend upside-down in my vision as he opens his robe. I’m too distracted watching Kepa wrap his hand around his cock that I forget about Mason until he spreads my legs apart and pulls my pants aside.
He doesn’t waste any time, tongue licking a bold stripe across my core, prompting a breathy moan from me. ‘Mmm. You taste so good, babe. So sweet,’ Mason groans, lips against my inner thigh, pressing soft kisses to my skin. ‘Thank him for being kind to you, cariño,’ Kepa prompts, a mocking tinge to his voice, as Mason dips his tongue between my folds. ‘Thank you,’ I whimper, voice hitching when he presses his thumb to my clit, rubbing slow and hard circles that send shivers through me.
He keeps himself composed for barely ten seconds before he loses control, beginning to eat me out like he’s starving. Obscene wet sounds fill the room as he licks and sucks me, prompting desperate moaning from me. I reach down to thread my hands into his hair, the fluffy locks soft against my fingers, and when I tug on it, he lets out a gentle grunt against me, the vibrations making me squirm.
‘Ready, princesa?’ Kepa murmurs, reminding me of his presence, and I nod, opening my mouth wide for him again. He taps his cock against my tongue, the angle I’m lying at allowing him to push down into my throat and, despite my gagging, he slides all the way in until his balls tap against my nose. He pulls back out with a shaky breath, allowing me to inhale deeply before entering my mouth again.
He thrusts shallowly, not going too far into my mouth, and I’m grateful for it. With Mason eating me out like a man possessed, I’m already struggling to breathe, constantly moaning around Kepa’s cock which only gets him even more worked up. I try my best to engage my brain, sucking on his cock as best as I can whilst pulling Mason’s face even closer to my core. He flicks his tongue inside me, nose nuzzling against my clit in a way that makes me moan his name, but it comes out as gibberish with Kepa keeping my mouth full.
Kepa’s broken breaths and pleasured groans become more and more frequent, his gloved hands resting softly on my face as his hips move slowly back and forth. He’s doing everything in his power to hold back from fucking into my mouth as hard and fast as he wants to, that in itself making me even wetter, the squelching from between my legs getting even louder as Mason laps at me relentlessly.
‘Are you close, querido?’ Kepa asks, voice strained, but I’m too far gone to be able to respond, squirming on the bed with my thighs trying to close around Mason’s head, heels digging into his back. ‘I think she’s close. Shall I let her?’ Mason asks against my clit, my back arching up at the vibrations, a high-pitched whine escaping my mouth. ‘No,’ Kepa responds shortly, and I feel my eyes welling up at the thought of being edged again. The knot in my stomach is so tight, ready to snap, but I feel it loosening the moment Mason moves away from me.
Kepa pulls out of my mouth a moment later, a shiver running through me at feeling suddenly empty, and I can’t help but let out a sob. ‘Turn over,’ Kepa prompts, and I roll onto my front, the man kneeling down in front of me. ‘Don’t cry, cariño. You’ll get what you want,’ he says comfortingly, running a gloved hand down the side of my face soothingly. His hand comes to rest over my eyes and a moment later, his lips meet mine in a soft kiss that tastes like my boyfriend – any doubt in my mind about who he is disappears instantly.
Before I can even deepen the kiss, I feel Mason’s hands wrap around my ankles, pulling me across the bed towards him. He flicks open my bra before flipping me over, his hands instantly grabbing at my boobs, gloved fingers tugging at my nipples, my head falling back against the bed as I let out a helpless whimper.
‘Gonna let me fuck you, baby?’ he asks, and I nod desperately, legs spreading unconsciously for him. His hands slide down my body to my pants and he pulls them down my legs, leaving me in just suspenders and transparent stockings, the rest of me on show for him. ‘Such a beautiful body, so pretty for us,’ he compliments, rubbing softly at my clit, and I let out breathy moans in response, tingles of pleasure running through me.
‘Does our pretty baby wanna be fucked?’ he asks again, clearly wanting me to say it, and push down the humiliation to reply, ‘yes, please fuck me. I need it so bad.’ ‘Good girl,’ he says amusedly, deftly catching the condom Kepa throws to him. ‘No condom, please. I’m on birth control,’ I say, his movements freezing for a moment before he looks at Kepa.
‘Are you sure, cariño?’ Kepa asks, out of my view, and I nod. Kepa and I almost never use a condom, and it’ll drive me crazy feeling Mason raw inside me. ‘Fuck,’ Mason curses under his breath, pulling my legs up to rest on his shoulders, insides of my ankles brushing against the cold plastic of the mask. He runs his tip up and down my folds before plunging in without warning, both of us moaning as he bottoms out inside me.
He’s thick enough for the stretch to burn but he rubs my clit to soothe the pain, hips keeping himself still inside me. ‘Please, I need it. Please fuck me,’ I beg desperately, and he doesn’t waste any time, pulling all the way out before slamming back in, winding me. He starts off gentle, his thrusts deep but leisurely, and it feels like the head of his cock is prodding against my cervix each time he slides back in, making me whimper pathetically.
‘Fucking slut,’ he murmurs, thrusting into me particularly hard, and my mouth drops open in a silent moan at the insult, back lifting up from the bed with his tight grip on my waist. He gradually picks up the pace, and I moan helplessly as his cock drags against my walls. I can’t help but clench around him, and I can tell he’s holding himself back from going harder, his breaths coming out laboured. He must be close to suffocation in that mask.
It seems he wants me to feel the same, his hand coming to my neck and tightening, cutting off my airways so a pleasurable haze clouds over my mind. ‘Fuck, you’re so tight,’ he groans, body tense with the effort of keeping himself together, and I let out a choked moan, eyes full of overwhelmed tears. He reaches to slip two gloved fingers into my mouth, and I can taste my own arousal on the material, the filth of it making me gush around his cock.
‘Fuck, you feel so fucking good. So wet for me. So wet for a man that’s not your boyfriend, dirty little slut,’ he taunts me, my brain barely processing his words, too focused on the tip of his cock scraping against the spot inside me that makes my eyes roll back, intense waves of pleasure rolling over my body.
‘Such a tight little pussy. Guess your boyfriend hasn’t been fucking you properly,’ he murmurs cockily, shooting a look over his shoulder to where Kepa must be stood now. ‘Watch it,’ Kepa warns darkly, Mason laughing at managing to piss him off. I can barely focus on their interaction, the knot in my stomach tightening again. I can’t even form words, babbling unintelligibly around his fingers, and both of them chuckle at the state of me. His pace slows down again, the boy leisurely thrusting into me, and my eyes fill with tears with the desperation for my orgasm, my vision blurred and head numb with pleasure.
‘Are you gonna cum, princess?’ Mason asks, and I don’t even nod in response, not wanting to be edged again. ‘That’s a yes,’ Kepa murmurs, and Mason pulls out of me straight away, a frustrated sob breaking free from my mouth. Mason’s hand comes down onto my pussy in a light slap, making me let out a strangled yelp and I shoot him a reproachful look, hearing a chuckle from beneath the mask.
‘Don’t give him that face. You should be grateful, cariño.’ ‘Grateful for what? Being edged a trillion times?’ I ask bitterly, and I can feel the sternness radiating from Kepa’s mask. ‘Don’t be bratty,’ he says, unbuttoning his robe and removing his gloves before pulling his mask off. His skin is flushed, curls unruly and eyes bright, my heart pounding at the sight of him. I beam, reaching a hand out to him and pulling him close to press a kiss to his lips.
‘Sit on my face?’ he asks against my lips, my pussy drenched at the thought, and I nod, ‘please.’ He comes to lie on the bed, his legs hanging off the bottom of it, and he’s wearing nothing but his boxers, relief filling me that I can finally see his face. I can’t see it for long though, as he pulls me towards him, wrapping his arms around my thighs to bring me close to his head, my body blocking the bottom half of his face.
He doesn’t even give me a moment to prepare before he licks a bold stripe across my slit, making my whole body quiver above him. ‘Joder. Sabes tan dulce. Could eat you all day, princesa,’ he says against my core, the vibrations making me whimper.
He starts relatively slow, tongue circling my clit before lapping up my slick and poking between my folds gently but it’s not long before he loses his self-control, abusing my heat with his tongue, hands holding me in a bruisingly tight grip as I squirm, unable to hold my weight up. My pussy must be suffocating him.
‘Please, please,’ I moan repeatedly, and I can see the amusement in his eyes as he breathes against my folds, his tongue circling my clit again and again. ‘Please, what? Words, cariño,’ he says against my folds, making me jolt forwards, head almost hitting the wall. ‘More, Kepa, more. I need to cum,’ I force out between moans, face contorted in pleasure, and he lets out a gentle chuckle.
‘My dirty slut wants to cum?’ he asks, words dripping with amusement, and I nod, mouth open in a silent moan as the waves of pleasure roll over me. He practically begins to make out with my pussy, lips moving against my folds as his tongue pokes into me every few seconds. And then he decided to torture me further, mouth moving to suck at my clit as he pushes two fingers into me and curls them, prompting a loud moan from me.
‘Let me fuck you then,’ he says against my clit, fingers disappearing from inside me, and I shakily lift myself up from his face, leaning down to kiss him briefly again, a soft smile on his face as he kisses me back. How can this be the man that chased me up the stairs with a knife a little while ago?
I move down his body, hovering over his cock and watching as he pushes his boxers down just enough to guide himself into me. I sink down onto him, the familiarity making me sigh as I take him all the way in, his length filling me up almost painfully. It’s like I can feel him in my stomach. I take a few seconds to adjust, suddenly remembering Mason, and I turn to see him sat on the chair in the corner, mask, gloves and robe gone, hand down his boxers and grin on his face.
I motion for him to come over and he stands beside the bed, turning my hand with a strong hand on my chin and pulling my face to his. Our lips meet in a messy kiss, teeth and tongues clashing, and I feel the thrill of kissing someone who isn’t my boyfriend, someone I’ve been secretly crushing on for a while. He bites down on my lip, making me moan into his mouth before he laves his tongue soothingly over where he just bit, my pussy gushing around Kepa.
I break away, remembering my boyfriend whose cock I’m sat on, but he’s watching us with an amused look on his face, leaning on his elbows for a good view. ‘I think I like seeing you with other guys,’ he admits with a grin, Mason laughing, and I raise an amused eyebrow. ‘Are you a dirty voyeur, papí?’ I tease, his gaze hardening and eyes narrowing, scaring me just as much as when he had the mask on, making me wetter again. ‘I’m gonna fuck you hard for that,’ he says darkly, arousal pooling in my stomach.
His hands tighten on my hips and he lifts me before pushing me back down onto his cock, thrusting up at the same time, making me moan with my head thrown back, almost falling off the bed but bumping into Mason instead. He presses kisses along my neck, biting colours into my skin as Kepa lifts me up and down on him, fucking up into me in a way that makes me whimper his name desperately.
He sits up after a few moments, my body sandwiched between theirs, and I grind down onto him, my clit rubbing against his skin, head going light at the pleasure. He dips his head to suck at my nipples, nipping at the flesh of my breasts as I try my best to ride, relying on him lifting me up and down. ‘Good girl, bouncing on my cock,’ Kepa murmurs as Mason’s hand slides around me to rub at my clit, my head falling back against his strong chest.
Kepa’s tip scrapes against the spot inside me that makes my back arch, and his lips stray up to my shoulder. The feeling of both he and Mason’s kissing and biting at my skin, Mason’s fingers at my clit and Kepa’s cock buried inside me, it’s all too much. I’m so close to my orgasm that I can almost feel the white-hot pleasure washing over me already.
‘Can we try something, cariño?’ Kepa asks with his lips at my jaw, his hands stilling my hips, and when I feel Mason’s hand on my lower back, a nervous shiver runs through me. I’ve only let Kepa in the back a couple times and it was… an experience, to say the least. ‘We don’t have to if you don’t want to,’ Mason says softly, mouth moving against my skin, but I shake my head. ‘No, it’s okay. We can try,’ I say quietly, Mason turning my head to kiss me again, the feeling so foreign and thrilling.
‘You’re so fucking cute. Such a good girl,’ he murmurs against my lips before breaking away. I watch as he spits, the parallel between this and watching him spit on the pitch almost making me laugh, and I feel his saliva land at my back entrance. He pushes his boxers down just enough to free his cock and he uses the head to spread his spit around, lubing me up.
‘Safeword if it hurts,’ Kepa reminds me and I nod, letting him capture my lips with his own as Mason gently pushes into me. He takes it slowly, the stretch of each inch burning more and more, but his and Kepa’s lips kiss the pain away. My breathing is laboured, head dizzy, and when Mason bottoms out, they both shower me in praise that makes me wet, my clenching around them making them both groan in pleasure.
‘Can I move?’ I breathe out after a while, feeling adjusted to them inside me, and they both tell me I can. I use my hands on Kepa’s shoulders and my knees resting on the bed to lift myself slightly before letting myself fall back down, all three of us moaning at the feeling. Mason’s mouth comes to my shoulder and bites gently, my head falling back against him as Kepa watches me intently to make sure I’m not in pain, his hands resting on my waist.
He quickly takes over, lifting me up and down with a gradually increasing pace, both of their cocks scraping against my walls, making me lose my mind.  The sounds of wet squelches, moans, grunts, groans and skin slapping against skin fill the room, Kepa’s hands gripping my waist tightly, Mason’s hands sliding around my body to play with my breasts, rolling my nipples between his fingers.
‘Faster, please,’ I moan, Kepa obliging, the three of us letting out more moans at the faster pace, my nails digging into Kepa’s back. Mason’s fingers stray down to my clit again, just as Kepa’s tip scrapes against my soft spot. Without an inch of warning, my orgasm washes over me, mouth open with a high-pitched moan, eyes screwed shut and head thrown back against Mason.
Hot pleasure burns through my veins, my head spinning and body convulsing, the two of them working me through my high with their hands, mouths and cocks, the sensations only prolonging the bliss. My legs shake as I come down, walls clenching to reject them, my body curling in on itself to try and give myself reprieve, but no such luck – the two of them are still rock-hard inside me, and I know they won’t be done with me until they’ve filled me up with their cum.
‘You’re gonna regret cumming so fast, baby,’ Mason murmurs lowly against my neck, an evil grin on Kepa’s face, and I let out a tired sob, tears in my eyes. ‘I can’t handle any more,’ I whimper, Kepa raising an eyebrow as he starts fucking up into me, Mason matching his pace, my body twitching with overstimulation, pained whines escaping my lips every few seconds.
‘Yes, you can, cariño. You’re a big girl. You’ll take whatever we give you, and you’ll thank us for it too,’ Kepa says in a soothing tone, kissing along my jaw, and I slide my fingers into his hair, head resting against Mason’s shoulder, heat radiating from both of their bodies. We’re all so hot, skin covered in sweat and desire, and I can’t help the tears running down my face as they continue fucking into me for their own orgasms, my body so overwhelmed.
I let out desperate moans of their names, both of them groaning in response, and I know they’re close. I am too, the sensitivity of overstimulation ebbing away into the build-up of another orgasm. ‘Rub yourself, baby,’ Mason prompts, hands playing with my tits again, and I shake my head. ‘I can’t… it’s too much,’ I whimper, Kepa’s gaze on me hardening as his hand tightens at my neck.
‘You can, and you will. He won’t ask you again, princesa,’ he says, tone laced with sternness, and I let go of one of his shoulders to reach down and rub at my clit again, sparks of pleasure lighting inside me, more tears running down my face. He kisses them away before his lips find mine, the saltiness of my tears finding my tastebuds as well as the faint taste of my own pussy, a whiny moan sounding from low in my throat.
I can feel their paces becoming sloppy, their thrusts erratic and their hands frantic on me, like it feels so good that they don’t know what to do with themselves anymore. ‘Fuck, you’re so fucking tight. Such a good girl. I’m not gonna last,’ Mason says between deep breaths, voice strained. ‘Joder. Me neither,’ Kepa says unevenly, slapping my hand away to rub at my clit himself, his faster and harsher pace making me scream, body thrashing at the overpowering pleasure.
‘Fuck, I’m gonna…’ I trail off, mind too numb to think straight. ‘Go on, querido. Cum for our cocks.’ ‘Does our little slut feel good? Are you gonna cum for us, baby?’ Their dirty talk almost finishes me off, but it’s an in-sync thrust from both of them that pushes me over the edge, mouth open in a silent scream as my high hits me, body tensed and shaking. Mason’s orgasm follows close after, the boy burying his head in my neck as he cums with a low moan of my name, and Kepa’s is last, my boyfriend holding me down on his cock as he cums deep inside me with his head thrown back.
We stay like this for a few moments, breathing heavily as their cocks soften inside me. I shudder when Mason pulls out, feeling cold and empty when Kepa lifts me off him to lay me down on the bed, tension flooding out of my body and replaced with relief.
I spot one of the masks on the pillow and I reach for it, holding it and looking at it, paying no attention to the two of them as they move around, talking lowly. I stare into the dark eyes of the mask, a low thrill settling in my stomach at the sight of it. I always found Ghostface hot, but now? He’s number one on my crush list and I think it’ll take a lot to replace him.
‘¿Estas bien, mi amor?’ Kepa asks softly, and I put the mask down, looking at him with a tired smile on my face. His hair’s all fluffy and he’s put on some pyjama bottoms, the sexy checked ones I love on him. His top half is bare, though – I already know I’ll be tracing my fingers over his muscles before I fall asleep tonight.
‘I’m okay,’ I reply in a hoarse voice, my boyfriend coming to sit on the bed beside me, a wet towel in his hand. He cleans me up with a gentle touch, running the towel up and down my body to soak up all the sweat. Mason comes out of the bathroom a moment later, also wearing a pair of sexy checked pyjamas bottoms with no top, his hair just as fluffy. He comes over to the bed with a handsome grin, pushing my legs apart.
I feel shy as both he and Kepa look between my legs, both groaning at the sight. I can feel their cum dripping out of both holes, the sensation only making me wet again. ‘Fuck, that’s so hot,’ Mason says, scooping up their cum and pushing it back into me with two fingers, making me hum in pleasure, walls clenching around him.
They both get me ready for bed, Kepa cleaning my makeup off with a wipe as Mason takes off the remainder of my lingerie before handing me my Ghostface pyjamas, making me laugh at the irony of it. ‘Are you hungry, mamí?’ Kepa asks, suddenly reminding me of my cooking. ‘I put a pasta bake in the oven. It’s probably burnt to a crisp now,’ I say miserably, both of them laughing. ‘I turned the oven off before I chased you up the stairs,’ Kepa says, his responsible behaviour making me smile amusedly.
‘It still won’t be good to eat now though.’ ‘We’ll order pizza. Still Italian,’ Kepa says, and I roll my eyes but nod anyway – I love takeaway pizza. Kepa taps away at his phone as I settle into the sheets, already feeling myself drifting off to sleep. ‘What toppings do you want, Mase?’ Kepa asks, Mason looking surprised. ‘I was gonna go.’ ‘No, stay the night, please. I want morning sex,’ I say tiredly, the two of them laughing again.
‘How can I refuse you, babe? I’ll have whatever, I’m not fussy,’ Mason says, directing the last part to Kepa who finishes the order as Mason climbs into the bed beside me. ’30 minutes,’ Kepa says, and I let my eyes flutter shut. ‘I’m gonna have a little nap,’ I yawn, Kepa chuckling softly as he runs a hand over my hair, sending tingles through me. I snuggle down into the sheets, resting my head in Kepa’s lap and throwing my legs over Mason’s, my boyfriend playing with my hair as Mason massages my feet. This must be heaven.
‘Sorry for scaring you, babe.’ ‘Don’t be. I loved it. You’re great actors,’ I mumble, getting chuckles in response. ‘Liar. You knew it was us.’ ‘I doubted it a few times though. I really thought you were Kepa on the phone. Your Spanish accent is great,’ I say, Mason looking proud of himself. ‘I’ve got a good teacher,’ he says, the two of them bumping their fists together with big grins at each other, and I roll my eyes at their weird little bromance. Though, I suppose, if it weren’t for their bromance, I wouldn’t be nearly knocked out after the fucking of a lifetime.
‘I do have to say, though. You two have nothing on Billy and Stu,’ I say tiredly, the two of them scoffing. ‘Billy and Stu wish they were us,’ Mason says confidently, and I raise a sceptical eyebrow. ‘Okay. Which one of you is which then?’ I ask, both of them answering, ‘I’m Billy.’ I laugh as they bicker over who’s who, both of them making compelling arguments, but by the time they ask for my opinion, I’m almost fast asleep, a contented smile on my face.
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