#so tomorrow I'm gonna splurge as much as I can
thelastspeecher · 9 months
Wow I just LOVE being diagnosed with another issue to cause dietary restriction right before fucking CHRISTMAS
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mixedcontents · 3 months
Thinking about how Alan and Alice love each other so much and what they're willing go go through for each other. Alan willingly being trapped in the dark place to get Alice out all his fighting for her and Alice willingly sacrificing herself in the second game knowing she'll be going to the dark place despite her absolute terror of the dark and her wanting to see and capture Alan/Scratch so badly she was willing to make so much of their apartment dark so he'd show up and her depression and grief so bad she probably would have succumbed to it had it not been for Barry who she did not like at all til after she got to know him truly without her husband and Barry loved Alan so much even though he went to hell and back he tried pretending it wasn't real and a reaction to the trauma of losing Alan and he spent the time since protecting and continuing Alan's work (being turned into shows/movies) and yet spent so much of his time caring for Alice in her grief despite his own saving her pulling her out of that darkness until she was able to pull herself out and stand on her own and yet even from across the country busy with Alan's work and meetings to get it perfect so Alan would be proud and happy with it were he there Barry still checks in with Alice daily and is gonna come back at the drop of a hat should she not reply for one day just all the love there and in the dark place we see Alan loving Alice wanting to get back to her and that's reflected a lot in the graffiti but also we see Barry there to like Wheeler Street and whatnot and then Saga and her grandfather and grand uncle and despite not knowing them feeling that connection and coming to love them they do everything to try to help and protect her walking into the dark place themselves her love for her daughter and husband her love for Alex Casey just it may be a horror story but at its heart Alan Wake is really a love story and it has been one of my favorite games since I played the first one and American Nightmare when they first came out 13ish years ago I was finishing up high school and so in love with the game for it's story and characters and unique and incredible game play and I desperately wanted all my friends to play and love it too and i desperately wanted more and then alan wake 2 was worth the wait and not knowing we'd ever have a sequel and then some it took what made the first game incredible and the love the fans had and the story and introduced new mechanics and characters and just built upon what made the first game incredible and more and I love it so much I was going through a really rough time and I was spending most of my time in bed trying to sleep the pain away and my depression getting bad bc i was unable to physically do anything and my mom was getting really worried about me as we waited for my specialist appointments (my mri for my knee is tomorrow finally!) And so I was like what can I do to convince myself to at least get out of bed and sit up for a while so i splurged and bought a ps5 earlier than planned just so i could play Alan Wake 2 cause it was the one thing I really wanted to do little did I know that the game would become the reason for getting out of bed excited for a new day and that it would help keep my own darkness (depression due to chronic pain and injury) at bay truly both games hold special places in my heart and mind for both what they are but also what they mean to me for the horrible things i was going through when playing them for the first time and the way they brought so much light and joy to my life may be a bit silly sounding to some but it means the world to me I truly am excited to play the dlc lake house when it comes out and I'm excited to see where Sam Lake goes next be it Alan Wake or new games I know I'll be happy to play em 💜💛🧡❤️
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olsenmyolsen · 9 months
Pressed Against The Glass / Making New Friends
Part 41 of On The Inside With Elizabeth Olsen
Word Count: 11.2K
⚠️ Spoilers for Multiverse of Madness ⚠️
May 4th, 2022
"I still don't know why I need to be blindfolded for this," I say, only to earn a huff from my ever-loving girlfriend.
"Because Liz, for the last time, it's a surprise!" Even though I can't see her, I know she's smiling, which makes me smile. "You said that last time." I chuckle, making her huff again. "I told you we could've stayed with Ash and Louis or rented a hotel room near the premiere tomorrow!"
Y/N softly squeezes my hand. "And I told you that I didn't want to do that because I took care of the accommodations! Plus, since you sold your place here. In New York, and I don't have one anymore, I'd be nice if you just let me splurge on you occasionally, Liz." She lifts my hand and places a kiss on my ring finger.
And don't freak out! There's no ring on it.
"I know," I respond with a calm voice. "I appreciate this." I squeeze her hand again. "But..." I start. "Yes?" Y/N asks. "Tell me again why I need to be blindfolded." Before Y/N can answer or ignore me, the black SUV comes to a stop. "Oh, thank God." I hear Y/N mummer under her breath. "Hey!" I respond.
"Don't lift that blindfold yet, Olsen!" I can feel Y/N pointing at me with a stern look before I hear her unbuckle her seat belt. I imagine her face trying to look as serious as possible, making me giggle. I give a fake salute and wait for Y/N to retrieve me once I hear her door close. Followed by the trunk and her thanking the driver.
"Okay!" Y/N says as she opens my door. "Unbuckle yourself and then gently lift the blindfold off. I don't want your eyes to get strained immediately." I do as she says and reach for her hand before I open my eyes. "You can look." She says once my two feet land on the ground.
I yank the blindfold off my head and surprisingly don't get blinded by the sun, thanks to Y/N holding her hands out above me. But I'm too focused on the size and elegance of the hotel to even make note of where we are staying. Regardless, it's too much. "Y/N!" I instantly turn around to scold her, but she's correctly assumed how I would react because she's already several feet ahead of me, waiting by the doorman with a smile. "Come on, Liz!" She says in a singsong manner.
I open my mouth to argue, but multiple bellhops pass by me with our luggage.
I've lost this battle.
Y/N notices, and her smile grows wider. "You know you love me!" She whispers to me once we walk inside the hotel hand in hand. "You're lucky I do," I whisper back, earning a chuckle from my girlfriend.
We get checked in, and Y/N doesn't let me look at the total cost of everything. I'm like 99% sure she and the woman behind the counter were speaking in code. But after giving a courtesy picture, Y/N and I have made it to our gigantic suite. Bags and suitcases lay open on our bed. Drawers open and hangers ready.
"You really didn't have to do this." I reaffirm to my loving partner. She looks up from her shirts and smiles. "I know." She says back before closing one of her bags and moving it to rest on the floor across the room. "Remind me why we packed so much for three to four days max?" She asks as she returns to open my next suitcase.
"Because you and I are a hectic couple." I send an air kiss Y/N's way, and thankfully, she looks up just in time to catch it. "Damn me and my contractual obligations," Y/N whispers, making me laugh. "Besides." I start as I move the lot of our dresses and designer brand wardrobe that shouldn't be creased. "You're gonna look so hot at the premiere tomorrow night." I wrap my arms around her and do my best to place my chin on her shoulder.
Why is she still wearing her shoes?
"And you are going to be the biggest star. Come Friday night, everyone will know the track list to your album, and Saturday radio shows don't just happen!" I hid my teasing smile as I kissed her clothed shoulder. "Oh, they don't?" She smirks at me as she turns to cup my chin. "You're a dream." She whispers just before her lips touch mine. "Only for you," I whisper back.
"And let's not forget the lunches with the twins and Scarlett. Oh, and SNL!" I add on.
Y/N holds me close as she kisses the top of my head. "No, you have SNL! I'm just there to support your one scene with Benedict!" I roll my eyes. "And I could never forget about Scarlett," Y/N says, burning my ears. "And the twins!" I make sure to emphasize, yet all I get back is. "Hmm mmh Scarlett..."
"Okay," I reply as I remove Y/N's hands from me to return to my suitcase. "Babe-" "Nope." I cut her off. "You did this to yourself."
Just for the record, I'm not actually mad.
But does finding out your girlfriend has a Natasha Romanoff Lock Screen and this would be your camera roll if you dated Natasha Romanoff picture on her Home Screen kind of rub you the wrong way?
Maybe. Who's to say?
I send a smile Liz's way and only earn a flat smile and a raise of the eyebrows.
Yep, she's still upset about the Lock Screen. A more intelligent version of me definitely would've changed it by now.
"Tell you what," Y/N speaks up after a long three minutes of silence. I look up at her and already feel myself warming back up when I see her puppy dog eyes and kissable face. "Why don't I take these." She holds up our toiletries bag. "Into our gorgeous, spacious marbly bathroom. Drop some calming oils and a bath bomb if you're feeling it into a hot waiting bubble bath. Would that make even..." Y/N moves around the bed and starts walking towards me. "The tiniest amount of difference..." She sits on the bed in front of me and pouts. "To make you love me again!"
I keep a glare on her, but the longer I look, the easier it becomes to crack.
And I do.
My jaw unclenches as I laugh with a huge smile on my face. "And I thought I was the award-winning actress!" I smirk as I see the glow on Y/N's face. "Oh, Olsen!" She laughs as her lips steal a kiss from mine. "You have no idea." She throws her arms around as she speaks and exaggerates. "I'd run the gauntlet. Emmys. Oscars. Tony's! You name it!"
"Would you now!?" I faux excitement as I close my last suitcase and place it into the corner of the room. Away from us. "Duh." She replies like a kid. I playfully roll my eyes as I pick up my last bag. My night bag. I begin to unzip it before Y/N stops me. "So, is that a yes?" She asks with her fingers on my left hand. I nod before leaning in. "Just kiss me." She does and tries her best to keep a moan inside, but I hear it slip out.
When our lips separate, she blushes and quickly sneaks to the bathroom. "Don't unpack. I'll do the rest while you relax."
I agree to her words, and as I wait, I find myself drawn to the ginormous window taking up the length of the entire room.
With the curtains drawn back from here, you can see the world move.
I place my hand on the warm glass from the late afternoon sun and do my best to look down but back away, scared. I swallow and take a breath as I make myself look up at the sky. The orange and pink colors rolling over themselves to change. The beauty and simplicity of it all.
I lose track of how long I've been looking out, only to jump and scream when a hand lands on my shoulder. Earning a scream back. "Hey!" My girlfriend turns me around to face her. "It's just me! It's just me. I didn't mean to scare you! I'm sorry!" She pulls me into a quick hug and kisses my forehead as I regulate my breathing. "It's okay," I respond. "I just didn't hear you."
Y/N pulls away from the hug and moves her hands down to my hips. "You okay?" She starts squeezing my side. The movement of her rolling thumbs makes me weak. "I am." I turn my head to the side and look out to the sky. "It's just very pretty tonight."
"I think it's beautiful every night." I laugh and turn my head back to face Y/N, who, of course, never looked out the window. "Cheesy," I say before kissing her. "Is it ready?" Y/N nods and begins to lead me to the bathroom before I speed past them. "Can I not take you there? Make sure the water is perfect?" I shake my head. "No, I think I can do that all on my own."
Y/N bites her lip. "Are you sure?" I turn on the innocence and scrunch my nose. "I think I can manage... why did you maybe think you were gonna.. Y/N Y/L/N!! You didn't possibly think you were going to help me get undressed, did you?!" I make a shocked face and practically moan with surprise. "What a bad girl." I bite my bottom lip and lift an eyebrow at Y/N, which only makes her groan and lean down to kiss me, but I back away just in time. "I think some unpacking needs to be done." And just as I'm about to close the door on my girlfriend's shocked face, I smile at her. "Thank you for this baby. Really."
I watch her face change and blush. "You're welcome, my love." She smiles at me and starts to lean in for one last kiss, but I pull back and bite my lips again before saying. "Change your wallpaper."
With that, the sliding door closes in front of me. I'm left shocked and proud at how Liz just got me.
"I love you too!" I call out to the closed bathroom as I turn around to feel the tips of my ears burning. "The water is perfect! Thank you!" I hear Liz call out, making me smile.
I look out the window and watch as the night rolls into the sky. There is something about a city like this once it's dark. It's like the flip gets switched off, and people can be freer. I bite my lip in thought before turning my body to the task at hand. Unpacking.
I shed my hoodie and be sure to place it into one of Liz's drawers so it smells like her. Thanks to my shower and act of hair washing, my hoodie is starting to smell like me, and we simply can't have that.
I turn back and unzip the last of Liz's bag to find some extra underwear and whatnot before feeling something hard under the surface layer. I stop briefly in fear. Slowly, I move my hand onto the object again. She didn't bag vegetables, did she? Maybe her kitchenwear again?
It's not until I reach the base of the object that I realize what my fingers have been touching. I quickly look up to the bathroom door and then back down. I carefully move everything else out of the way before revealing the stowaway.
My girlfriend's red 6.5" dildo with the strapon attachments sitting at the bottom of the case.
"How did TSA not pull her off to the side?" I whisper to myself as I hold the dildo in my hand. "When did she get you?" I question the fake cock as I looked down and grabbed that harness.
"Now what?" I ask nobody after standing there staring at the toy. And the longer I look, the more the fire grows inside of me to have my girlfriend on all fours for me. "Okay," I whisper and let the toy rest on the bed as I speed-run unpacking the rest of our combined things.
I didn't even bother to unpack the little vibrating toy that I had stowed away that I know Lizzie knows I brought.
Listen, sometimes your girlfriend's job can take up a lot of time, and she knows how hot she looks when she leaves to go promote movies, so a little relief never hurts anyone.
But now, what do I do? Where do I put it? Do I keep it out? Do I put it on? Do I wait for Liz? Do I tell her I found it?
I can feel myself becoming hotter as these questions knock around my head. But why am I so nervous?? I mean, she brought it for a reason.
I nod to myself and think it over before confirming my decision.
I stand up and slowly walk toward the giant mirror in our room. I stop and look myself over.
Then I smile.
I'm proud of how far I've come in the past two years. Proud of my body and the fact that I know how fucking hot I look.
So, with a smirk, I move my hands down from my hips around to the backside of my pants. Looking at myself in the mirror. I turn slightly, bend forward, and begin pulling my grey, comfy joggers off. Biting my bottom lip when I see my black lace underwear appear, knowing how much Liz loves it.
Truth be told, I forgot I put this pair on this morning.
The pair of joggers hits the floor, and I bring my hands up from the bottom of my ass. Holding onto my skin until I reach a high enough point where it slips out of my hands, causing my ass to jiggle as it reforms to a fuckable backside for Liz. I bite my tongue and turn ever so slightly again as I look at myself standing in my underwear and Liz's white Circle of Life t-shirt.
You know, the one she wears everywhere?
I move my hands to the front side. Letting my fingers glide over the bumps in the lace on the hips of my panties before they find the bottom of the shirt. I look down and begin pulling up the shirt. Gripping tightly onto the hem as it rises up my body. My fingernails dragging against my skin. The cool air making contact, sending a wave of goosebumps up my body. My hands make contact with my nipples as they become stiff.
I throw the shirt off my body and take a step out of the joggers at my feet, bending over to look at my face in the mirror.
I look beautiful. I smile and tilt my head before standing up and looking down. I push my hands into my boobs and begin roughly pulling and kneading my skin. Sending jolts of pain and pleasure to my pussy.
I can feel the lace that sits below my slit becoming wetter. I throw my head back quietly, moaning when I bring one of my hands down to touch myself. My middle finger runs over the damp spot before slowly bringing the tip of my finger up and to my clothed clit. I continue to move my finger up and down. The friction from my underwear makes it feel oh so fucking good.
I struggle to quiet another moan as my finger moves in a circular motion. I hold my mouth open and let out a shaky breath. "Fuck." I whisper as I bring my head back down to look at myself.
I can see the shine in my own eyes as my finger doesn't stop. I smirk as I move my one hand from my left nipple to my throat.
"Fuck Liz. I'm such a fucking slut. I'm such a slut for you." I cry out.
If I keep going, I won't stop, but I have to.
I let out another moan that rips through my throat as I stand up on my tippy toes before stumbling forward. Luckily, I grab onto the nearby desk.
As I catch myself and my breath, I look in the mirror and smile at the barely visible sweat on my forehead. My hair thrown into my face a bit.
The red hue on my cheeks.
As I'm now bent over with a hand on the desk, I return my right hand back to my clothed clit before bringing it back up to slip inside my panties. "Oh shit.." I cry out as I let my fingers flow through my hairs and down to my wet, soaked cunt.
My middle and ring finger sliding over my hole before bringing the tips up and inside. "Ahh!" My hand turns into a fist on the desk as my own teasing brings me closer and closer to the end goal. I pull my wet fingers out and back in before I run them up my clit once again before freezing.
The sliding bathroom door hits the end of the frame.
"Y/N?" Liz questions as I have my back to her.
But when I look in the mirror, I see her, and she sees me.
I catch my breath and smile as I don't pull my eyes away from the mirror, Liz. "Yes?"
A shocked Liz is wrapped in a towel. Just staring as she looks up my legs. To my panty-covered ass and then up my back muscles. In the mirror, I see her stop at my shoulder before he green eyes look at me in the mirror. "Is there something that you'd like to say?"
She's teasing me.
She caught me, and we both know it.
I shudder as I pull my fingers past my clit and out of my underwear. "I... I thought you would be longer." I then turn around to face my girlfriend. Who once again scans my body up and down with her eyes. I see the twinkle in them, and she does her best to hide the smirk on her face, but I see it. "I forgot something." Liz takes a step out of the bathroom door frame. "But now I can't remember what I forgot."
How convenient.
She smiles and bats her eyes. "Y/N?" Liz tilts her head as she moves her left hand to hold her towel up.
"Yes?" I ask when Liz's right hand comes down to my hand. The one that I was fucking myself with. "What brought this on?" Liz asks as she takes my hand up and towards her pretty pink lips.
"I want you to be honest."
Liz opens her mouth and rests my middle finger on her flat tongue before wrapping her soft lips around it, sucking it with a teasing smirk and a raised eyebrow. My mouth drops in pleasure. My finger slides deeper into her mouth with a moan as I find it hard for words to leave my own throat.
"I- uh- I f-found your toy." I stumble my way through with a flushed face as Liz pulls my finger out of her mouth, but not without a long lick of her tongue.
"My toy?" She asks with her green eyes staying on me.
I nod. "Your toy," I say, reacting to the cool air hitting my wet finger still in Liz's hand as I gesture with my head to the strapon lying on the bed. Liz turns her head and hides a smile before turning back to me. "You like it?" I nod. "Good girl." She says before allowing her left hand to let go of the white towel.
Liz brings my hand to her right breast and squeezes. "Kiss me." She whispers into the air that separates us, and within a second, my lips crash into hers. I let her tongue meet mine in the middle and moan into her mouth when her hand reaches the center of my legs.
"Keep making those pretty noises for me. I got you." Liz speaks into my lips as I yelp when her hand yanks off my black lace underwear.
"I'll buy you a new pair."
What remains falls to the floor. "Thank you." I nod and kiss Liz again before she cranes her neck. "No marks. I mean it." She sternly warns me as her hands land on my hips, pulling me closer to her. "Now come here." She bites a smile as we end up crashing onto the bed. Our bodies colliding with no intention of ever letting the other go.
The warmth builds, as does the sweat, and I can't find a better place for my hands to be than one in her hair and the other spreading open her legs to feel her wet pussy.
A moan ripples through Liz. The soft mattress and expensive comforter makes my body react as I roughly kiss my girlfriend's body again and again.
Going as far as to even bite her upper chest, earning a groan of pleasure. "Fuck, baby!" Liz yells out.
I smile and rejoice at the sounds coming from Liz's beautiful mouth, focusing on her boobs and doing my best not to mark them.
Meanwhile, my right knee pushes Liz's left thigh away. With a smile, I move my middle and ring finger down and in-between Liz's lips. Gathering up her wetness until I reach the source and softly slip my fingers inside without much struggle. "Oh, my Fu-fuck!" Liz lifts her head before crashing it back down.
"Don't stop, baby." Those three words drip from Liz like honey.
"I won't, sweetheart," I speak into Liz's ear as I bring myself back up her body. Liz nods with her eyes closed as I focus on her neck. Kissing the most intimate of spots as I pick up the pace to finger fuck my girlfriend's pussy. She's taking my fingers so well and coating them like it's our first fuck in months.
But we both know that's not true.
Liz exclaims as she breathes out another moan. Her hand running up my bare back to my hair. She bunches a fist in it as our bodies stick to one another. Every time I pump in and out of her, she moans into my ear.
"Oh god."
She grips my hair and makes my head pull back. It hurts, but it causes me to flinch in pleasure as my wet clit brushes past her knee.
"Y/N! Baby!" Liz moans. "Yeah?" I kiss her again and wait as my fingers feel Liz tighten around me. "I'm clo-close! Keep going, baby!" I nod and lazily plant kisses across the top half of her body as I move my hips in a circular motion on Liz's leg as my fingers keep their pace inside her beautiful pink pussy.
Liz gasps as I feel her tighten around my fingers. She's losing control over her body as her breath becomes more ragged, and her thighs start to move inward to close around my hand. "Y/N... F-fuck."
Her tangling body underneath mine makes me grow wetter for her. Her thighs finally close around my hand, making me smile as she gets pushed over the edge.
She whimpers and does her best to push my arm away, but I keep my fingers curled up inside of her.
"Not yet, sweetheart." I breathe out as I keep riding her leg. "You got to cum now; you can watch me," I say with a teasing smile as I do let my finger slip out from her, but all I do is bring them to her sensitive clit. Liz moans and whimpers, making me feral.
"Keep making those noises, baby."
It's not that much longer I find myself collapsing on top of her. The two of us covered in sweat and each other.
"You always amaze me." Liz turns her head and says to me, after several restful minutes. "I'm pretty sure that's you," I reply as my eyes look from her own green ones and down the marks I left on her body.
Liz laughs as she looks at the ceiling. "What?" I ask. "I think we got a little carried away and forgot something."
We both know what she's talking about.
"Did we?" I ask as I rest my head on my hand. "Or did you think this was just a one-round kinda night?"
Liz turns her body more to face me. "Oh baby, I never thought we would stop at one." I bite my lip to hide my smile. "Don't hide now, pretty girl." Liz pulls my lip from my teeth and cups my chin. "You were showing yourself off earlier, so don't hide now. Understand?"
Liz gently guides my chin up and down until I nod along. "Yes, Li- Yes, Mommy." Liz smiles with a sparkle in her eye. "I taught you well, haven't I?"
I nod again. "Come here." She whispers to me as she pulls my chin closer to her lips. "Kiss me." She gently requests.
The kiss is full of passion as we melt into one another.
God, I love her.
Liz removes her hand from my chin and brings it to my arm until I feel her hand move up and under my hair around the back of my neck. She gives a squeeze. "Baby..." I stop kissing her as and wait for her to continue. "Yes?"
With a smirk, she requests for me to get up and off of her. I oblige and sit up on the bed on my knees. Liz leans forward and kisses me before getting up. She gives her butt a little shake in front of me before grabbing the strap and walking towards the bathroom.
"Y/N?" She turns to face me, but my eyes never left her body. "Don't you think the city looks beautiful at night?"
Before I can answer, she slips into the bathroom, locking the door. I turn from the closed door to the giant windows now showcasing the black night sky.
She wants me to get up and look, right?
I make the decision and place my butt on the soft bed before moving to the edge. My clit brushes against the comforter of the bed, causing me to jolt in pleasure.
As my feet touch the cool floor, I feel a wave of wash over my warm body, making me smile.
The closer I get to the window, the more the glass disappears until, eventually, it feels like it is just me in the sky, looking at the glowing lights and distant stars. Until... I hear the bathroom door open.
My body aches as I turn and look at the gorgeous sight before me. "Fuck.."
Liz bites her lip and scrunches her nose at me as her hands fall from her shoulders to her boobs. She gives them a light squeeze as my eyes travel further down her abdomen, landing on the captivating red 6.5" dildo strapon.
"You know..." Liz takes a step towards me, and I hold in a moan as I watch the faux cock jiggle. "If you keep your mouth open like that.. who knows what could happen.." I bring my eyes back up and see Liz's green eyes are significantly darker.
"But maybe you'd like that?" Liz questions as she places her right hand on my hip. Cupping my chin with her left. "I mean, look at you." I try to, but she keeps my head in place. "Already wet again for me."
Liz's eyes pool to the center of my legs. And she's right. I feel it. I want- need her so bad.
"You want Mommy?" I quietly nod. "You can speak up; its okay." She coos as she pats my cheek.
"Yes, Mommy. I do."
Liz smiles and pinches my hip. She loves being in control, especially like this.
"Turn around for me, baby." She moves her hands across my body and up my back as I easily do what she says and turn my body towards the window. "Scoot up a bit. Get closer." Liz rubs her hands up and down before settling on my ass as she helps me. "Place your hands flat on the glass, baby."
It now dawns on me that I'm completely naked, standing in front of the window about to be fucked in before the whole city of New York.
I'm only broken out of my thoughts when Liz's hand makes contact with my ass.
I jump in surprise as the stinging settles and the skin turns red.
"I asked you a question."
"I'm sorry.." I turn my head to the side to try and look back at my girlfriend. "What did you ask me?" Liz moves her hands to my hips and brings her body closer. The tip of the dildo rubbing up against my pink folds. "I asked if you like the view?" I turn my head and look out once again. "I do."
"Good." She says with lust in her eyes as she moves them from the back of my head down my body. "Me too." She moves closer, forcing the tip to bump against my entrance. "Mommy loves you, and you're gonna take her so well, aren't you?"
I nod and do my best to look back at Liz, but I fail when she slides the red cock into me. Ripping a moan from my throat as I her thighs hit my own.
"Fuck you were wetter than I thought." I don't answer as I stand there with a shaky breath.
After a minute, to get used to the size, my hands spread themselves on the glass of the window. "Oh- fuck, Mommy!" The words fall from my mouth that hangs open. Liz reacts by moving in and out at a slow pace.
I squeeze my eyes shut and let the pleasure of Liz fucking me take over.
"So good." I manage to say, causing Liz to hum back as she squeezes my hips. "You feel so good, Y/N." Liz pumps in and out of me faster now as she feels the pleasure herself.
"You're taking me so well, sweetheart!" She joys at the sight of my lips, taking her fully. I moan. "Yes! Liz-!" 
Liz increases her pace as her hands roughly grip my hips. Her trimmed nails leaving crescent moons on my body. The pain feeling good. The markings of my girlfriend look good, too.
I hear her praises and feel her push my body up against the cold glass, creating another wave of pleasure flush throughout my body. My nipples are hard against the glass. "Keep making those noises, pretty girl!" Liz whispers as she leans closer and closer into me. Pushing the cock further in. "You're doing so good!"
I can feel the tightening in my stomach. "I'm gonna- fuck- I'm gonna-"
"Shh shh, not yet baby!" Liz wraps her arm around my chest to pull me closer. "Not yet, baby. I want you to cum with me." I shut my eyes tighter and do my best to hold on slightly longer, but it's a losing battle.
"Please, Mommy! Please!" I whine, forcing Liz to move her arm from around my chest to have her hand on my throat. "Just a bit more!" She breaths near my ear and squeezes my neck.
Another moan leaves my lips as it gets harder to breathe.
But Liz doesn't slow down her assault on my pussy with her cock. She goes faster and faster as her grunts and moans become more animalistic. Her kisses on my neck and back became sloppy. "Ah fuck! I want you to cum for me!" She cries out as my body gets sandwiched between her and the glass.
We both don't waste any more time as our overwhelming orgasms ripple through each of us.
Liz falls onto me as I hold myself up against the glass. Smudges and smears can be seen clearly. "I love you," Liz whispers as her lips touch my ear.
"I love you too," I say after catching my breath.
We gleam and glistle as the sweat rests on our skin. Our bodies ache, and it takes a while before we eventually remove the strapon and hardness from Liz and collapse onto the bed.
We lay naked and uncovered on the white sheets, just holding one another, whispering sweet nothings.
It's not long before I suggest that we should shower together.
But when I pull my eyes away from my markings on the window, I find Liz fast asleep.
For the first time in a long time. I wake up before Liz.
I blink my eyes open and do my best to move as the soreness flows through my body. I know it's going to suck later, but for right now, looking at my peaceful sleeping girlfriend is making me melt.
She's ethereal at all times, especially with this glow surrounding her.
I bite my lip and smile as I lean forward and gently plant a kiss on the forehead. My eyes move from her face to her exposed arms, and I make a face of the finest amount of regret when I see the hickies and spots of red leaving her neck.
I turn away and grab the hotel room iPad off the dock to order room service.
This will help later.
As I skim through the hundreds of options for food, I get hit with a memory of the morning after our first night together.
"Time for breakfast!" I go to help Liz, but she intercepts me and softly pushes me onto the bed, stopping me. I laugh at how cute she is being. "Oh no, you don't! I'm making breakfast for you! Waffles or pancakes? There's only one correct choice, Y/N!"
"Okay, Liz." She watches me with glee as I get myself comfortable in what I assume is her bed. I make a thinking face just for Liz, even though I know the answer. "Waffles." I confidently state.
Liz gives a big ole smile. "Correct, you are! I was worried I would have to kick you to the curb!" Liz begins getting off the bed, heading towards the door.
"I don't know, Liz. We had a good time last night, so I don't think you're getting rid of me anytime soon."
I look from the iPad to Liz, and my cheeks are going to start hurting soon if I don't stop smiling.
But I can't help it.
Despite multiple people, including Liz and myself... we're still together. Our love for one another grows more every day. And I know that whatever happens in the future, we'll be ready for it!
I hum and think as I look out the giant windows past the curtains and the smudges. It's the morning of daylight. The golden orange sun is doing its best to peek out from behind the fresh clouds.
I don't know how it exactly happened, but one second, I was finishing up the order for breakfast.
And the next...
I had my back to Liz, and I was on my phone going from one website to another.
Not satisfied with the options in front of me. With a huff, I open my maps app and start typing: ring shops ne-
I lock my phone and slip it under my pillow before turning over with a smile. A genuine smile as I roll myself closer to Liz. And no matter what she thinks about her morning breath, I kiss her.
I kiss her with the softness and passion that we share. I smile and whisper an I love you before she pulls me in again.
She whispers an I love you back before the next thing I know, she's fallen asleep once again. _
Breakfast and our shower feels like forever ago as I look away from glaring eyes.
Safe to say, Liz's makeup artist was not happy with me. In addition to that, I couldn't bring myself to look Clayton in the eyes once he arrived for Liz's hair. We briefly talked about my music and his career. The party at Kathyrn's house and about how he was in the city for another actress, so this was much to the benefit of Liz.
And I don't know how it happened, but Clay somehow got me roped into going to lunch with him once we get back to LA.
I think I just nodded along to whatever he wanted, as he knew what Liz's sex hair looked like.
Hours later, Liz and I are in the back of a black SUV on the way to the NY Premiere of Multiverse of Madness.
It's my second premiere, so I'm not as nervous as before, but that doesn't stop my mind from wandering as the car rolls to a stop.
"Can you give us a minute?" I hear Liz's voice kindly ask the driver, who steps out and waits outside the vehicle. "What are you doing?" I ask as she takes my hand in hers. "Making sure my girlfriend is alright."
Liz smiles at me. "Is she?"
I nod. "She is. Better now, too." Liz blows a kiss at me, knowing we'd both be crucified if our lipstick got smudged all over each other.
"Anything on your mind?" Liz asks me, and it's nothing pressing or super serious. "I think my nerves are just starting to bubble to the surface."
"Because of the premiere?" I shake my head. "Because of what comes after." Liz nods her head, understanding.
"I have the live stream for the tracklist tomorrow night at the studio. The radio show the next day—podcast in the afternoon. We have dinner with the twins. Then next week is the last cuts for the album." Liz places her hands on my cheeks and rubs her thumb up and down.  "Plus, I still have not heard back from the studio about the title."
"I'm proud of you."
Just like that, the world's weight is being lifted off my shoulders.
And I don't mean to have these two words come out of my mouth, but they do. "You are?"
I ask as I clear my throat.
"How many times do I have to tell you? I am baby." Her eyes shine to me. "You've come so far, and I'll never stop telling you. It's going to be stressful the next few weeks, and then the album is going to come out. And then your life will really change! But never forget how proud I am of you." She looks at me. "And if you need me, tell me."
I didn't know I needed to hear this, but Liz knew I did.
"I will. I love you."
"I love you too. Just let me know when you're ready."
Liz puts her hand in mine as she sits next to me. I take a deep breath, think back to this morning, and smile, knowing that I must finish my Google Maps search.
"Okay," Y/N says as she squeezes my hand back. "Oh, by the way." I stop her as she gets ready to exit the SUV. "I think you look hot." 
Y/N blushes. "Thanks, my girlfriend picked out my suit."
Y/N then leaves me no time to come up with a witty response as she steps out of the car to the roar of fans and media personnel. Cameras start flashing as I reach my hand out to Y/N's.
They love us.
An assistant is right there by our side as Y/N, and I walk hand in hand through the entranceway to the interior of the building.
"Okay. You both know how to do this. Y/N- sorry Hex, you and Lizzie will take photos together before Lizzie; you go to the next stop and get some by yourself for promo before you finish at interviews." Y/N and I nod our heads along. "Hex..." I still can't believe this is a thing. "Marvel wants Lizzie's interviews to be about Wanda and the picture." I tilt my head at this new piece of information. I see Y/N also glance my way out of the corner of her eye. "But feel free to join her. It's not personal. I think it's just cross-synergies the mouse doesn't want." They quietly say.
I see a sigh of relief leave Y/N. "Okay." She laughs.
"The internet loves you too! Have fun!" The assistant scurries off as other stars begin to show up. Rachel McAdams being one of them.
I rapidly turn my head away from her. I know I'll embarrass myself if I speak to her.
"Shall we?" Y/N looks at me with a smile.
"I hear the internet loves us!"
@DailyLizzieOlsen Lizzie Olsen has showed up at New York Premiere for the Marvel film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Will share pics soon!
@WandaIsMommy omggggg she's here! Lizzie is here!!
@DarkChokeHold Hex is here with Lizzie as well. Hopefully we get more cute moments of her with the mininmoffs 🥰🥰
@unhappyknob Does anyone else think it's weird that we have to call Y/N Y/N, Hex?? Like what's the next?? Also Lizzie could do better. Go back to Robbie.
@MadMaxMoore @unhappyknob kindly d*e 😌 thank you.
@DarkChokeHold 💀Hex is now standing off to the side watching Lizzie conduct an interview like a puppy.
@theGenevaCuntvention actually crying rn because I'm in the same room as Lizzie again
I watch Lizzie start conducting an interview in awe of her. God, I'm proud of her. Even after everything she went through while making this movie and after the fact. Our relationship. Robbie and me. Robbie ripping Hattie away from her.
I watch her stand tall and with a smile. She truly has a talent and personality I've never seen in someone else before.
I know the fans and media can see the heart eyes and goofy grin I'm wearing, but I don't care.
As she moves onto another person with a microphone, I look around and see cameras pointed in one direction. 
Might as well join in on the fun, right?
I pull my phone out and hold it up before opening my camera.
@DailyLizzieOlsen Lizzie Olsen photographed for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
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@WandaIsMommy @DailyLizzieOlsen MOTHER!!!!
@MakeMeBark @DailyLizzieOlsen WOOF WOOF
@DarkChokeHold Hex is now taking pictures of Lizzie with a huge smile!!!
@blueberryolsen @happywandaplease YES THEY SHOWED HER ON THE LIVESTREAM WHAT WAS THAT!!???
@kneelingforthewitch @happywandaplease gagging because it looked like a collage of Natasha Romanoff 💀💀 Lizzies own gf is a Natasha stan
@blueberryolsen @kneelingforthewitch @happywandaplease honestly iconic
@olsenmyolsen ummmm I found the wallpaper!!!
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@gaysplattynatty @olsenmyolsen NATASHA NATION RISE OMG
@babyspiderromanoff @olsenmyolsen 🥰🥰 my wandanat heart 🥰🥰
@romanoffthereal @olsenmyolsen @yikesjtshex interesting 👀👀👀
After my second solo interview, I finally caught Y/N taking pictures of me. She looks absolutely adorable behind the camera.
Who knows, maybe in another life, music didn't work out, and instead, we fell in love while she was directing a show of mine.
"Those better be deleted!" I say as I make my to Y/N's waiting arms. She does nothing but laugh and claims she has no idea what I'm talking about.
I playfully roll my eyes at her lame joke before looking out to the rows of fans that have been standing here watching. I wave and smile at the faces of the fans, who light up.
Y/N joins me, and the assistant was right. The internet must love us because the noise gets louder, taking Y/N and myself by surprise. Y/N keeps her smile wide as she wraps an arm around my waist. Pulling my body closer to her.
In an effort to keep my thoughts pure, I look at the faces in the front row of fans and stop when I look at a familiar-looking girl.
@theGenevaCuntvention SHE JUST LOOKED AT ME!!!
"Y/N..." I start as we move down to the end of the entrance to the premiere. "Yes?" She turns to look at me as I keep my eyes on the freckle-faced redhead. "The girl in the front..." I point at her. (Yes, I know it isn't polite. 🙄) "...she looks familiar- Oh My God!" It clicks. "That's Geneva!"
Y/N throws her head from me to Geneva and back. "The Geneva from the airport!? The one you mentioned in People's Magazine?!" I nod to all her questions and smile wide. "Wow, she's already growing up. Kinda like the twins- Y/N?"
When I turn my head to talk to my girlfriend, she's gone. It isn't until I look towards the fans that I see security chasing after Y/N as she is hugging a crying Geneva.
@DarkChokeHold omg Lizzie just pointed to a fan and Hex turned and waved before squinting and running over to them!
@DarkChokeHold I don't think she was allowed to do that because security quickly ran to catch up to Hex.
I watch the interaction with pride.
This is how I know Y/N will be excellent on the stage.
I take a few steps forward to meet Y/N halfway as security directs her back to me. Y/N has no regrets. I smile and go to pass Y/N to make my way to Geneva.
A 14-year-old girl at the time I met her. A teen who helped me figure out... well, me.
"Sorry, Ms. Olsen, we can't have you do that." A security guard stops me before I can get close enough. "Can I at least say something?" I argue, but they stand in front of me. "I'm sorry. It's a precaution." Another guard states.
I nod, knowing they're right and that they work hard to protect us. "Okay. Sorry." I mumble as Y/N takes a hold of my hand.
"Sorry, you probably could've if I didn't do what I did." I just shake my head. "They wouldn't let me." Y/N makes an un-agreeable hum as we get directed inside the premiere, with our awaiting peers.
I take one last look behind me and see Geneva turn around to speak to an older man I recognize as her father.
@theGenevaCuntvention Nooooo it looked like Lizzie wanted to come over but was escorted away
@witcheswhores anyone else watching the livestream and see Hex run past the camera???
@multiversemother    @witcheswhores yeah what was that?
@lizziesfutureex    @witcheswhores yep 
@scrunchnoselizzie    @witcheswhores I saw it too!
@WandasVersion    @witcheswhores according to @DarkChokeHold, Maria, a fan at the premiere live tweeting it. Lizzie saw a fan she recognized from something last year and Hex ran over to say hi
@DarkChokeHold    @WandasVersion @witcheswhores correct! The fan started crying. She must've made an impact to Lizzie in someway for her to be recognized months later!
As Liz and the rest of the cast had to get prepared for the introduction of Multiverse of Madness. I snuck out and asked an assistant for a favor.
Turns out the idea of having a fan joining a premiere, especially on behalf of Elizabeth Olsen, is something Marvel couldn't say no to.
So, fifteen minutes later, I watched security pull Geneva and her father out from the crowd. Cameras and phones immediately noticed, and being recently trained in celebrity eduque by one Lizard Olsen, I smiled and waved before focusing my attention on the redheaded teen in a Wanda Maximoff 1989 Polaroid-style shirt.
Damn, could we adopt this kid?
Kidding! I'm kidding! This was a joke!
@DarkChokeHold update on the fan! Security came to the barrier and escorted them and their father into the premiere where Hex was waiting!!!
Anyways... "Hi!" I greet Geneva once again, who looks more nervous than before. "Hi!" She smiles at me. I look from the Geneva to the gentleman with her. "Hello, I'm William Fehay. Geneva's father." He sticks his hand out with a smile that I instantly recognize as the same smile on the teen's face.
"Hello, sir." I shake his hand. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N." He smirks and glances at his daughter. "Y/N, huh?"
"Dad-" You can tell whatever Mr. Fehay is about to embarrass his daughter. "According to this one." He points to Geneva. "We're supposed to call you Hex. That's all I hear about. Hex this. Hex that. About your album." You can tell he's just teasing his daughter and that there is so much truth behind his words as he speaks with a smile, and Geneva glares at him.
"Well, sir, no need to worry. Calling me Y/N is fine." I then turn to Geneva. "Sounds like I converted another Olsen fan, huh?" Geneva wears red on her cheeks as she nods. "Don't worry, you can still tell her how much you love her."
"I'm gonna m-meet her?" Geneva speaks up. I nod. "Well, it won't be the first time." I smile brightly at the teen, doing my best to let her know that she has nothing to worry about.
"Come on. You can quickly chat before the movie."
"Wait... we're actually gonna see the movie!?" Geneva states as her and her father follow me as I follow the security team to the correct area. "Yep. I thought it might be a cool way to thank you for giving Liz a push she didn't know she needed last year."
Geneva takes that in.
"So, she actually remembered me?" Her voice cracks a little.
"She did."
I walk off stage as the applause from the cast, crew, and members of the audience dies down.
This is going to be the second time in one week I'm actually staying for the premiere of my own movie. I did in LA for Y/N, and tonight it'll be for Geneva. No matter how much I hate watching myself on screen. Or that I think every Marvel movie will be a flop.
Anyways... just as I'm about to get to my seat, a security guard stops me. I look at him with concern for Y/N before he points to the back of the room, where I see her standing with Geneva and her father.
I thank the security guard and make my way over to the three with a smile.
I quickly wrap Y/N up in a hug and whisper: "thank you for doing this." Into her ear. She gives me a quick peck on the cheek as we exit the hug.
My eyes scan over the teen and her face of excitement before I look at her father. "Elizabeth Olsen." I extended my hand and watch as he looks at me with a smile. "William Fehay." He shakes my hand. "Being a single father of a teenage daughter, I know that I'm meeting royalty right now."
My smile breaks into a laugh because what a silly thing to say!
"I always tell her that she's the people's princess." I playfully roll my at my girlfriend, making William and Geneva laugh. "Well, you're wrong, but I appreciate it."
My focus then turns to Geneva. I can see the nervousness in her hands as she plays with a ring on her index finger.
"So, does this beat meeting me at an airport?" I say, hoping this relieves any stress she might be holding. And it looks like it does when her eyes meet mine. "It's way better. Thank you." I shake my head. "You don't have to thank me. I should be thanking you. I appreciate you showing up and supporting this movie." Geneva shyly smiles and nods.
"So I wish we could all sit together, but we have assigned seats near the front. Yours are here." I see William's eyes get bigger. "However, we can always meet you two after the movie," I say.
"You mean we get to stay?" William asks, making me smile back. It seems like he didn't quite believe Y/N. "Of course. You have a wonderful daughter, and I wanted to show my appreciation and gratitude." Geneva looks up to her father, who looks back down with a watery smile. "Thank you."
"It's no problem," I reply and move my focus away so it's easier for him to wipe a tear from the corner of his eye. I wonder if anyone's ever been this kind to them?
Y/N wraps her arm around me as the lights above flash, signaling that we must get to our seats. Within an instant, an assistant walks to Geneva and William. "Okay, I have you two.." She speaks to them. "Over here. If you'll follow me." William nods, but Geneva looks back to me. "Thank you again."
"Of course. We'll see you afterwards."
"Yeah, I need someone to talk to about this movie because if I tweet anything, I'll get snipped." I nudge Y/N in her side and playfully scold her. "Hahaha, alright, can't wait!" Geneva says with a bright smile.
"I can see why you remembered her," Y/N says once we find our seats. "Right. She's a sweet kid."
"Smart, too. She's a Wanda Stan." I side-eyed my girlfriend and smirked. "Nice to know someone in this room is."
Y/N nods before looking confused.
"What do you mean?"
I play innocent. "Nothing... just don't go on Twitter."
Yes, I saw the tweets.
"What do you mean?" Y/N says, reaching for her phone. "Oh shh, the movie is starting," I say to Y/N before turning back to face the screen.
As the lights dim, I see Y/N look at her phone blowing up with notifications.
"Oh shit." She whispers, producing a grin on my lips.
By the time the last credit scene played, Y/N had changed her wallpaper to one of the two of us. _
MarvelActorsNews Elizabeth Olsen and Partner Y/N Y/L/N seemed to have had Twitter eating out of the palm of their hand earlier today. Find out why! Link
EntertainmentCelebrity Looks like even The Scarlet Witch Star, Elizabeth Olsen, isn't even their girlfriends own favorite superhero! According to photos attached here: Link That title belongs to none other than in real life friend Scarlett Johansson's Natasha Romanoff.
MarvelMedia Aside from Y/N Y/L/N, Hex, having a Natasha Romanoff collage as their wallpaper it appears that she and Elizabeth Olsen made friends with a father and daughter duo that was there to see the stars.
We're not quite sure who they are, but according to multiple sources and a fan who was present, it looks like Elizabeth Olsen met the duo sometime last year.
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@olsenmyolsen guys... do you think Lizzie got mad?
@MadMaxMoore lmaoooooo
@romanoffthereal whatever 🙄🙄
After the Marvel social media team grabbed a few pictures of Y/N and myself with Geneva and her father, we were free to do whatever we wanted since Y/N and I were going to skip the after-party.
"Elizabeth!" I heard Geneva, with a cracked, hurt voice, call out to me as we got closer to her seat. "Is Wanda really gone??" She asks with a panicked look.
I open and close my mouth multiple times.
Even looking at Y/N for help. "I hope not," Y/N speaks up. "And I don't truly believe so. I mean, we saw that red burst of power at the end! Like that was her teleporting away or using however much of America's power that she took, right!?" Geneva enthusiastically nods. "That's what I thought!!" Geneva says as she sniffles and leans back into her seat.
I clear my throat. "So... aside from the ending, did you like the movie?"
Geneva and her father stand up. "I did! I enjoyed it a lot. Had a few nitpicks, but you weren't the problem at all!" I tilt my head as the four of us head out of the theater and into the hallway. "What nitpicks?" Y/N asks the question I was thinking.
Geneva looks from Y/N to me.
"Is the writer here?"
I know for a fact he isn't. I shake my head no. "Good." She quickly states, ending the conversation as William scolds her. But Y/N is quick to come to Geneva's defenses.
I then watch Y/N and Geneva gang up on William before continuing to talk about the MCU as a whole. Most of it going over my head.
"Is there any way I can repay you?" I turn my head to my left. "What do you mean?" I ask William as we continue walking to the lobby. "You and Y/N have been so kind and wonderful. There must be something I can do. You gave us a once-in-a-lifetime experience."
I hum in thought.
"Y/N?" She turns to me as Geneva, and her stop their conversation. "We don't have anything going on in the morning, do we?" Y/N thinks before shaking her head. "No. I just have a call with Bo to go over the title of the album before the livestream at midnight tomorrow." I nod as Geneva questions Y/N about the album title and tracks.
It turns out, like most of my fans, she's become a big fan of Hexs' music.
"How about brunch? You and Geneva pick a spot, and we'll join."
Williams' eyes widen, and I'm beginning to think maybe he didn't think I'd take him up on his offer. But I can see the panic disappear on his face. "That sounds wonderful!" I agree with him as we all stop at the exit doors with paparazzi and fans on the other side.
Y/N and Geneva are still in a severe conversation about Wanda's death.
"I know I asked you before, but why care about a teenage girl and her father?" William questions me. Rightfully so, I should add. It doesn't make much sense on paper. Sounds more like fan fiction.
But I do my best to give an honest answer. "Because you're kind. Like I said before, it's clear you've raised such a polite and humble person in Geneva. I think it's sweet and refreshing to see. Plus.. she helped me discover myself when I needed it most. And trust me, I know that sounds like a ridiculous thing to say, especially when she was only 14 at the time, but it's true."
William gets real quiet as she digests everything I just told him. "William?" I question when I see him blink a few tears away. "It's alright. Umm.."
He lets out a shaky breath.
"Geneva and I have just been through a lot, so to hear those words come from someone as honest as you. It means a whole hell of a lot."
"Of course," I respond.
When I look to my left, I see Y/N looking at me as if to say everything alright? I give her a subtle nod. She gives one back just as Geneva pulls her phone out.
I see her open Instagram. "Whatcha doing?" I call out, forcing her to turn to me with a guilty look. "Nothing." She says with red creeping onto her face.
I look to my girlfriend, who looks at Geneva.
"Okay, next time, try not to look so guilty," Y/N says, making Geneva sigh.
"Okay, fine. I was going to make an Instagram post about the movie. No spoilers!!! Of course!!" She says, not looking guilty this time, making me laugh.
"Oh, okay," I answer for Y/N and I. "Oh my gosh, wait! Could I take a picture of the four of us on my phone?"
The three of us adults all eventually agreed, but Y/N and I had to deeply stress to Geneva that she should not post that pic. It was for her and only her.
We also reminded her that she couldn't talk about the movie until tomorrow.
She understood and took the picture just as an assistant came and told us that our car was ready.
"So I guess this is it... thank you once again, Elizabeth, and to you, Y/N! You're both super sweet and nice, and I had so much fun-"
I cut the teen off before she spiraled and rambled herself to death. "Geneva, we're getting brunch together tomorrow morning."
"We are!?" She looks at her father, who shrugs with a smile. "Oh, okay! That's great!"
"Yeah, I have to hear all about your trip to Oregon!"
"You remembered?" I laugh. "Yes, of course-" I go to speak some more but off to see my publicist Marla talk to an assistant before she turns to look at me. Y/N notices and quickly covers for me.
"William, could I see your phone?" Y/N asks as I turn back to the group. He takes it out and hands Y/N his iPhone. I watch and laugh as she quickly makes a new contact: Y/N's # please do not share. "Here you go."
Even William chuckles. "Noted," He says.
"So we'll see you tomorrow?" Geneva and her father nod and say their goodbyes, but not before Geneva asks for a hug. One I'm happy to give. "For me personally, I hope Wanda isn't dead. But for you, I hope you're happy with her journey." Geneva whispers in my ear. I nod. "Trust me, after recording What If...? I'm happy with where I'll be as an actress, just the same."
"You're going to be in What If..?" Geneva questions with excitement, before rapidly realizing that this information hasn't been publicly posted.
"Okay bye!" I begin to wave, making Y/N quickly do the same. Once Geneva and her father leave through the lobby doors, Y/N turns to me. "Brunch, huh?"
"Her father wanted to do something, and I would've felt awful saying no." Y/N hums. "Did you have fun tonight?"
"I had a great time. What about you? Have enough here or crashing Twitter?" That makes Y/N roll her eyes and shake her head. "I can't believe that happened."
"Well, it's nice to see you learned your lesson."
Y/N kisses me as a way to shut me up, and our lips only separate when we hear the clacking of heels walking toward us.
It's Marla with her phone in her hand.
"I need you to take a look at this."
"What is it?" Y/N questions as I take the black brick from Marla's hands.
Marla opens her mouth, but the words come out of mine. "It's from Robbie," I say once I read the email and the CCs. "..What??" Y/N asks as the tension surges throughout her body.
I remain silent as I read the words on the screen until I reach the end.
"I'm sorry, Robbie Arnett."
"He's giving me Hattie..." My emotions of relief, happiness, and, anger, struggle for the top spot as I can't believe this is finally happening. I have Hattie back! But at the same time, I'm beyond upset. I could never forgive Robbie for so blatantly ripping Hattie Harmony away from me.
Y/N watches me cautiously as tears start spilling from my eyes before wrapping me up in a hug. Moving the two of us with Marla following away from the doors to the outside world.
"Deep breaths, babe." She takes hold of my hands as she places me in a leather chair down a hallway. Y/N kneels in front of me on the carpeted floor. "I'm here." She reminds me, making me smile.
She'll always be here.
Moments after, when I have no tears left, and Y/N has read the email, Marla gives us some alone time.
"Can I ask you something?" Y/N awaits my nod before continuing. "Hattie was a big thing for you and Robbie. You both worked so hard on it. But it was your brainchild...." She stops to gather her words. "Clearly, he's giving it to you because he needs to focus on himself. But do you even want it now? Like, of course, you want Hattie. Like legally and all that, but... do you want to do anything with Hattie now?"
I exhale and think. 
"Honestly. I don't know... I think at one point this.. this was the next step for me and my career, but now I'm not so sure..." My hands tighten around Y/N's. "As much as it pains me to say I can't go back to Hattie. It's tainted." I can feel the frown form on my face.
"Okay... that's okay, Liz." I nod, knowing it is but hating that that's how I feel about it. I wish I could want to write Hattie again. Go back as a fuck you, Robbie, in a way, but it wouldn't be right. It wouldn't be what I originally wanted.
So it's best to leave it.
"But at least once legal gets it all sorted out, It'll be mine." My lips slightly curl upwards. "It will be." Y/N keeps her hands in mine as she sits up on her knees and leans forward to kiss my lips but misses and kisses my chin, making us laugh. "There's that smile."
I roll my eyes and remove my hands from hers. "Shush." I grab her face and plant a kiss on her pink lips.
"Obviously, you have time, but is there something else that you'd want to work on if not Hattie?" Y/N asks me as we sit in the back of the SUV on the way to the hotel.
I shake my head. "Not at the moment." Y/N kisses the side of my head as my phone begins to vibrate in my handbag. "I can take it."
I'm emotionally exhausted, so that would be nice.
Y/N unzips my handbag and pulls out of my phone. "Babe.."
I look over from outside the window and roll my eyes. "Here." I have Y/N place the phone in my hand.
I clear my throat and hit the green button with a smile. "Oh, Hey, Scarlett!"
Y/N cowardly looks away from me with a smile.
Oh, she's going to get it later.
"Yeah, no, I saw what Y/N's wallpaper..... Yeah, of course, we're still on for dinner!"
Posted to @theGenevaCoontvention close friends story on the car ride home.
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A/N: Sorry this took forever, but I hope it was worth it!! 
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robinruns · 3 months
I was two feet away from Worm and didn't demand answers from him regarding MCR5, so I think I deserve a goddamn medal for my restraint.
I made friends at the barricade once again and it was great.
I didn't babble incoherently when I met TBS again. In fact I wasnt even nervous! I was just like hey, come to Madison FFS, stop making me drive 5 hours!!
But honestly I'd do it again. And again and again. Taking Back Sunday puts on such an amazing show and it's just fun! Like I came out grinning because I had so much fun!
I got two pieces of merch in addition to my VIP merch. VIP merch included a water bottle, which is always appreciated by me!
I really don't know when I'm gonna fall asleep tonight. I'm wide awake and sorta hungry. I guess I could go to the lobby and get a snack, but it's probably best if I don't. It would just keep me up.
I really do like this hotel a lot. It's very nice. I do sorta like splurging on hotels because it's like, I dunno. I just like it. I also love having giant beds to myself and building a fort of pillows around myself.
I'm still not sure which way I'm gonna go home tomorrow. I hate knowing there is construction because it's like I wanna take the faster route, but it won't actually be faster probably. Plus I gotta factor in storms and whatnot. The weather wasn't too bad driving up here, some rain, sorta heavy at some points, but nothing too difficult. I am really glad I finally got new windshield wipers today though.
Goddamn it why didn't I pack more snacks?!
Thinking of food reminds me I don't have any plans for dinner this week. I gotta figure that out so I can grocery shop. I also need a card for Kyle's aunt's wedding next weekend. And to figure out a gift. It feels weird giving a gift to adults older than yourself who are more financially well off and established. Like ???
My throat feels scratchy from screaming along to all those lyrics. Seeing Keep Going performed live was so cathartic, you wouldn't believe it.
I think I'm running out of random thoughts. Ok I'll wrap it up here then. ✌🏻
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prentissluvr · 4 months
you know honestly i was really worried about having a horrible day today after the situation from last night kept me up so late and anxious. i only got like three real hours of sleep headed into the kind of event that usually makes me really tired and sometimes even discouraged, but i had such a lovely lovely day. i didn't worry too much about how much of my products sold or going in early or staying late to help set up or take down (which i think is totally a good thing to do, but sometimes i bend over backwards just to appear so so helpful). instead i took today to focus on what would be the most fun and enjoyable for me. i took my sister up on a favor i might normally feel too bad about, i took initiative and asked someone i'd barely just met to do a project together, and also hung out with that person and made a new friend! i charged more fair prices for my products and didn't feel discouraged when i didn't sell very much at all and focused instead on having fun with and interacting with the people around me. i decided what to grab for dinner with my friend where i'd normally be so indecisive until one of us literally just had to choose. i walked around the city instead of heading straight for the car once we finished eating and let my responses be a beat late because i was soaking up the feeling of having a good friend. i talked about things i wanted to talk about and splurged on way too many kpop albums, two boba drinks in one day, and enough food that i'd have leftovers for tomorrow. i forgot to do my classwork that was due yesterday and i'm not gonna stay up late to finish it or panic about it like i might on other days. i kinda just let go a little bit and it was so so nice and i'm honestly so proud of myself for that :)) things can be good and it's good to put yourself first in healthy ways like this <33 i guess this is just a reminder to let yourself breathe. be kind to yourself, you deserve it ever so much.
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physicsphddiary · 10 months
Update because I suck
Why haven't I written anything? IDK. I want to start doing this again so I will try once more. I've started organising my research notes into weekly journals rather than daily (Obsidian is so good); I will try to summarise the week every Friday.
Today I will just provide an update to things.
Research is going okay. I think right now I've got enough to write a paper. Above is a video of the fronts (it's very high-resolution). I think I've explained what it's showing before, the black lines are the temperature contours, the blue and orange lines are the stream-function, they show the flow direction (and distance between the lines show flow speed) in the z-x plane. The heatmap is the vertical vorticity, for an average here that's just the change in the x direction of the along front (y direction) flow.
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A shitty edit in paint of a diagram from Nature just to show the directions. The video is an average over the y direction of an "ideal" filament. We are interested in the mechanisms by which the filament evolves, particularly what the evolution of the horizontal gradient of temperature that defines it looks like. It's important for the resulting vertical transport of heat, momentum and chemicals, etc. The ocean components of full climate models (i.e. the whole Earth) are reaching horizontal resolutions of about 10km (largely thanks to the GPU), which is the typical size of these structures, so they represent the "biggest thing that the models can't model" and good parametrisations for them are important.
I will explain more in my update tomorrow, but I think I've reached the end of this line of attack that I'm doing right now, and hopefully can put together a draft paper before the year ends. Next I want to work on more realistic simulations than the kind of ideal stuff that I do.
I'm going to a conference in February, presenting a poster. It's exciting but I'm very nervous of course.
For me myself life is going well I think. I've got a new bike because the old one was a bit temporary. I still have it and keep it in my office, perhaps for emergencies. I got some kind of award recently. A whole $5k. Was pretty nice. I saved most of it but I just bought a new Surface Pro because mine was from 2017 and was the cheapest model. It was nice just to splurge on a computer I've never done that.
Unfortunately I had to also buy a new phone recently because mine (also from 2017, a release OnePlus 3t) kicked it. I got a Pixel 6a. I was very happy but then Black Friday happened and it became $200 off (I paid $500) so I feel bad lol.
I had some BANGING sushi last week. I went the first time because it was a free meal due to a department thing, and then immediately changed plans with someone to go to the restaurant instead two days later; we were gonna get sushi, but at a cheaper place (dw I paid). It was sooo good yum. First time I went I got a roll (and loads of takoyaki and alcohol because it was free), but with the friend we each got this special nigiri set. HOW do they do it. Like you know it's just raw salmon or whatever but it just tastes so good. Power of freshness I guess.
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I'm going back to the UK over Christmas. I'm excited. I didn't go last year so it's been 1 year 3 months and 7 days since I last had a Greggs sausage roll (shocking). I bought some bottles on Aliexpress and hopefully they get here on time, I want to fill them with maple syrup and give them out to people I see. I'm staying in London for a day to see some friends then going home. It's going to be the unhealthiest two weeks of my life I'm gonna eat and drink so much. I really miss making cocktails. I can't really do it here because I just can't justify buying all the stuff, I never have friends over and my roommate doesn't drink. Looking forward to seeing my uni friends again, it's been a long time.
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caffeinesam · 2 years
Just trying to save some money
We wanted to buy a condo. Our apartment was getting small, and it was far from either of our jobs. My commute was tedious and the bus ride took him hours. We had accrued a lot of debt over the last three years just, like, letting our expenses get the best of our credit scores. Just dumb twenty-somethings with unlimited desires and no one to stop us. No one taught us either.
We listened to my mother's advice; cut back on your little luxuries and save some money. Dad just nodded. His father told us to at least save some money for the minimal down payment, see what the interest rates were and work on our credit. His mom just nodded.
So we cut back on eating out and stopped buying lattes on our walks downtown. We tried to reduce our grocery bills by getting only what was on sale. We did our best but the interests on our credit cards kept up with what little we saved. Every month we came to the same conclusion.
"Do you have anything left?"
"I'm bled dry, I don't get it!"
"You splurge on anything?"
"Just the oil change. The brakes were due and he said something about the air sensor I didn't understand. Had it changed."
"This piece of shit is getting expensive to run."
But I still desperately needed it, no bus lines reached the hotel I worked at or the mall where the groceries were the cheapest. The city's planning didn't want to help us.
Our parents weren't worried.
"It's okay, it might take a little while but you'll get to it!" my mom tried to cheer me up "Surely there's something else you can cut back on!"
"I guess so."
I ran a budget app, with input from my bank and credit card statements, trying to find where I was bleeding money. But nothing, just the bare necessities, maybe a book last week, maybe this grocery trip had been a bit extravagant, my share of the rent, our insurance, fuel.
Our insurance.
Did we really need a 150k protection for a one-bedroom? We do not own that much! Did the old beat-up Nissan need full coverage? It was paid for a long time ago. I felt dumb. Every year we were paying more in insurance than the amount we bought it for.
"Babe? I'm gonna call the insurance company tomorrow. I think we're wasting, like a lot, with them."
And so our debt melted a few hundred dollars every month. I felt relieved. So relieved. And excited.
I started eating less. Not to lose weight but to make the groceries last longer. I didn't bring lunches to work, only water. I sneaked some bits from the buffet but otherwise just fasted all day.
One day I had an idea. I parked the car out back by the dumpsters and, making sure the line cooks weren't smoking outside, dove in at my break, filling the trunk with bags of food we had thrown away. It was safe, the freezing temperature would keep it from spoiling. It was safe. I would sift through it tonight, see what's still good, what's not.
"Uh... what's that?"
"I figured we could save up a lot more if I took some food from th..."
"Did you steal this from the hotel dumpster!?"
"It's not theft they were throwing it away!"
"That's not what I..." he stopped, sighed, pinched the bridge of his nose and scratched his head with both his hands. "I'm not gonna eat trash!"
"Fine! But fill up the car yourself if you waste your cash on groceries!"
Two months of that and I had paid off one of my credit cards entirely while he struggled with either of his. I sometimes slept in unoccupied bedrooms at the hotel to save on gas. It was better that way, we didn't really feel like hanging out anyway. I took double shifts when I could, it kept my mind away from the hunger and my fragile fingernails. They kept breaking. I had to be careful not get caught stealing for the buffet. So annoying.
He called me at work.
"Did you block my number? I tried texting you. Have you been here all this week?"
"Yes" I whispered "I'm trying to save on gas dammit!"
"You blocked my number?! Why?"
"No, no I sold my phone. I spent the week here."
"I sold my phone. I don't need it. You can take my messages and I only come here anyway."
"Your parents keep calling" he said after a long silence "maybe give them a call. We're all worried J."
"Will do."
"When are you coming home? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
"Okay" he paused "I love you"
I hung up. I was pissed. He would have me wasting our money on expensive meals at home instead of paying back his credit cards. He would have me drive 25 miles back and forth, on MY time, with MY gas money, so I would distract him from his boring life? What was I his Netflix account? I briskly walked back to the front desk, and briskly fainted on the soft carpet.
I woke up to my manager helping me up. Her soft arm and the warmth of her large body felt luxurious and wasteful. I got angry. My vision pulsed to my heartbeat. She sat me on a couch in the lobby. She was obviously angry too.
"I let go of your weird shit for the last few months Julie" she said with a soft voice holding her anger on a leach "but if you start fainting on the job I can't let you come in. Get some help. You look like a well-dressed corpse! You have sick days, take them!"
"I don't want to. I need to work."
"You can't come to work like that! You know the cameras see you sleeping in the rooms and dive in the dumpsters!" her voice got tremulous "Look I don't want to push you to the edge if you're afraid to go home..."
"It's too expensive..." I said, she looked at me dumbfounded and confused "Yeah okay. I will get some rest."
"Take a proper meal before driving. Please. We will talk about this later. I'll call you next Tuesday."
She was about to fire me. I knew it. I sat in the car, catching a glimpse of a gaunt stranger's reflection in the window. It was just me. Faint, my blonde hair dry and thinning, my eyes sunken and sad, my skin flaky and pale. She was about to fire me.
I drove towards home, but parked in front of a large bungalow.
"We could save on insurance by sleeping under their back porch maybe."
I tried the door, it was unlocked. I walked through the house, helped myself to the fridge, went to the garage and sneaked out with a gasoline can.
"We should make the insurance worth paying."
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sapphicmsmarvel · 4 years
JJ: Nothin but My Feelings
song: nothing but my feelings by little mix
probably the most smut ive ever written so uh, viewer discretion is advised. 
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kinks mentioned: public kink, “rich” kink, sitting on face, eating out 
I'm layin' here in nothin' but my feelings. 
JJ was having a rough time since the divorce, it’s been a year. All she could think about was your lips, her crush on you wasn't easing since Garcia asked her how she felt about you. 
Thinkin' 'bout our shadows on the ceiling
JJ couldn’t help but let her mind wander; her mind wandered to soft skin against each other. What your moans would sound like, how you would taste. She groaned at the thought, her hand wandered to her bedside table drawer, her hand grasped the silver bullet as she thought, “well might as well.” 
Waitin' for you
So you should probably come through
If you know what's good for you
Over the next couple of days, she noticed how you seemed more stressed than ever. So, she came up with a solution. 
The good ole one night stand agreement. Now, she just had to think of a way to ask you.  
It was just you two at work, “hey, Y/N?”
“Yeah?” You sighed. 
“You wanna stay at my place tonight?” JJ asked, “we aren’t gonna be done until midnight, I dontttt want you driving home late.”
“Okay, what’re we gonna do?” 
She saw an opportunity, and she took it. “each other?” 
She looked up despite her fear and saw you wide eyed. “JJ, I meant the paperwork but….” You shrugged. “Hell, I’m down.”
“You serious?” She asked, shocked. 
You swallowed. “Yeah.” 
I know we will never work, yeah (I know we will never work, yeah)
But if you lookin' for a workout, you should come 'round
Breaths dispersed from both of your mouths as your teeth and lips clashed together messily. JJ felt hot everywhere and you felt desire course through your veins. She pushed you against the wall, she picked you up and your legs were around her waist. 
You felt bursts of hot arousal spark in your pussy and through your thighs as your hips grinded against each other. You moaned as JJ kissed down your neck, and trail a valley of kisses down your cleavage. 
JJ wanted you underneath her, she wanted to taste you as you moaned and writhed against her clever mouth. 
“Where do you want me?” You asked. Your breathing was heavy, the swells of your breasts pushing against JJ’s face as you breathed heavy. 
It felt like heaven to her. 
“God, anywhere and everywhere. Preferably on my face.” JJ said. 
You felt your pussy grow wetter at her words. “Your wish is my command.” 
You ain't even gotta worry (You ain't even gotta worry)
'Cause ain't no strings up on my body
I aint tied down. 
By the end of the hour long hook up, you two were covered in sweat, sheets twined in between your legs. “So when can we do this again?” You asked, breathlessly. Enjoying the way your pussy ached, as well as your legs. 
JJ laughed breathily. “In ten minutes?” 
You laughed, “I meant after today, this can be a one night stand if you want it to be?” 
“It’ll have to be, I’m not ready for a relationship. Not with the kids.” “Babygirl, I was thinking of a good ole fuckbuddy agreement.” 
“So many more times?” “As many times as you want. No strings attached. We’re still best friends, we’re just friends that fuck.” 
She laughed, “we should’ve started this right after the divorce.” 
You laughed in response, then that turned into a noise of surprise as JJ rolled over on top of you to fuck you into next week. 
Cause I warned you, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
I told you, told you
You're my mood
Come over now
It became a regular thing that you two happily volunteered to room together on cases, when the case was finished is when the fucking would happen. Showers were a favorite spot. 
She also had a public kink. 
It was about 4am on the plane, every single team member had their own headphones in or else you wouldn’t have done what you were about to do. They had also been asleep for an hour so there was zero risk. And, you two were far, far away from everyone else. JJ was especially worked up due to the fact you two hadn’t fucked in two months due to the increased caseload and kids on her end. 
So while she was reading a book you told her, “if you can whisper-read through a whole chapter without moaning, I will go home with you and be your personal fucktoy for as long as you want. Anything is on the table.” You whispered in her ear. 
“And if I lose?” She breathed as your lips ghosted over her neck causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. “Then I get to control a vibrating egg in you while we grocery shop tomorrow.” She felt your teeth graze across her skin, she knew you were smiling. 
“Deal.” She gritted her teeth as your fingers trailed around her nipples through her t-shirt. 
“You don't have a bra on.” You laughed, huskily. “Naughty girl.” Her nipples were pointed, as you pinched her. “I don’t hear you reading.” 
And then she began reading. She took many pauses to regain composure as your fingers slipped under the waistband of her sweatpants, causing her to shiver. 
She was doing really well, you had two fingers inside of her, massaging her walls. She lost control when you pushed the tip of your finger against her g-spot. 
She came. 
As you licked your fingers clean, you smiled, “you lost.” 
I'm layin' here in nothin' but my feelings
Plus some diamonds, drippin' from my earrings
Waitin' for you
JJ had a “rich” kink. That’s the only way you could explain it. She loved you looking luxurious. She bought you a chest piece of sorts. It was all diamonds and white lace, it was a bralette with diamonds strung everywhere, it sparkled bright in the moonlight as you waited for JJ to enter the hotel room. You wore white heels and a white sheer thong. Everything was on display. 
You two splurged on a hotel room in vegas, you told the team you were visiting your hometown, and JJ was heading to vegas with her mom. 
Her flight had landed, you called the hotel lobby with her name and said she’d be picking up a key to your guys’ room. And now, you were waiting on the bed with your legs crossed and you lounging around.
Not to toot your own horn, but you looked hot as fuck
So you should probably come through
I'm layin' here in nothin' but my feelings
Your phone rang, “hey JJ.”
“Y/N, I’m so sorry. Traffic is so bad.” 
“It’s alright, I’m just laying here in nothing but my feelings.” You talked in a lower octave. “I bet you look amazing.” 
“Good enough to eat.” You responded. 
“Oh, I will definitely be doing that when I get there.” She said darkly. You knew her panties were wet. 
“Mm, well I have to go. The person I’m meeting tonight is running late, I have to go take care of myself.”
“I swear to God-” 
“Bye babygirl.” You said and hung up. 
Then you grabbed her favorite vibrator you use on her, you popped the tip in your mouth, and took a photo to send to her. 
Thinkin' 'bout our shadows on the ceiling
Waiting for you (Waitin' for you, baby)
You received a text back,  “god damn, do I wanna rail you so hard that the wall dents.” 
You giggled, then you laid back against the soft bedding as you waited for JJ.
You thought about all the times you two had hooked up. How much you loved the sound of her moans, the feeling of her thighs clenching around your face as you ate her out. How it felt when her hands cupped your ass as you sat on her face. The feeling of her walls clenching around your fingers as your tongue assaulted her clit rapidly. 
God, what’d you do for her to sit on your face right now. 
So you should probably come through
If you know what's good for you
“Y/N!” JJ said as she got in the room, you were in your fancy position. 
You looked up at her, bored. “Took you long enough.” 
She admired you, “I’m so sorry. You look like….God.”
“Goddess.” You corrected, smiling. 
She smiled, “how can I worship you? My beautiful, sexy, delicious Goddess.” 
“Oh I don’t know.” You mused, as she climbed on top of your lap. “Sit on my face, eat me out, fuck me with that strap on over there, the list is endless.” 
“She smiled, “well, who am I to deny the wishes of the Goddess?” 
Kinda tipsy but I'll wait up (But I'll wait up, wait up)
And I ain't takin' off my makeup 'til you take mе down
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, take me down
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Later on that trip at a casino, someone was flirting with you. And to get back at JJ for being late, you acted absolutely oblivious. 
You paid for it once you got back to the hotel room. She slammed you against the wall, her hand on the back of your head so you didn’t get hurt. “Baby, baby, baby.” She shook her head and tsked. 
You groaned, “you hadn’t been paying attention to me.” You said. 
“Oh?” She cocked her head. “Well, let me make sure my babygirl knows how much I love the taste of her.” You moaned as she picked you up, your lips slamming together, her hands cupped your ass, she laid you down on the bed. She used her arms as support as she looked down at you. Your flushed cheeks, watching your breasts rise up and down with your deep breathing, your swollen lips and the straps of your silk tank top down your arms, your tits nearly popping from your shirt due to you not wearing a bra. 
She yanked your short skirt down, and smiled when she saw the lavender colored thong. Her teeth scraped your hip bone as she grasped the flimsy straps between her teeth. You groaned as you looked down and met her eyes. Her hands cupped your calves as she pulled the thong down your smooth legs. She pulled your thighs apart, she kissed a trail from your knee up to your pussy. She blew on it causing you to moan. She licked a long stripe up your slit, flicking your clit with her tongue. “I want you to ride my tongue.” She said.
And who were you to deny her of anything? 
'Cause I warnеd you
I told you, told you
You're my mood
I'll show you tonight
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tamcitrus · 4 years
pairing | Akaashi Keiji x f!reader
words | ~1800
genre | aged up characters, romance
warnings | mentions of a fight
a/n: this is for July MPE <3
Prompt: “A” has had their first kiss with “B” planned out perfectly for weeks- and they aren't going to let anything ruin those plans.
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Akaashi would never understand how he ended up like this. Nevertheless, he was there every morning observing you. Not that he was there because of you -he wasn't a stalker or something-, you were an interesting addition to his routine. Every since Kuroo and Bokuto opened their own gym, Kenma and himself were around a lot. Kenma never worked out, never, even though they were there everyday. Akaashi started working out a few times a week until he finally found a light routine he could repeat everyday without feeling tired or gaining too much muscle.
Kuroo and Bokuto had a room on the left end of the gym and they never really knew what to do with it.
"I have a friend," Kenma said. "Maybe she'll be interested."
And he didn't explain any further. But you were there with Kenma next morning, you were a dancer and you were looking for a place to use to teach. That's how you entered his life, through his friends. He knew since day one he was gonna end loving you, even though he didn't admit it when you asked. Bokuto told him that too after some time: she's perfect for you Akaashi!
So, he started planning. He had to know how to confess in the perfect way, to see you smile like you smiled at him every morning when you arrived to the gym, to kiss your cheek and see you blush before kissing your lips.
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He liked to see you practice. He found a spot where he could work out and see you at the same time. You looked so confident and strong, but so delicate at the same time when you danced. He liked that duality.
"If you keep drooling like this you'll have to clean the floor, Akaashi-sensei," Kuroo's voice brought him back to reality. "Are you gonna confess? It's been almost a year since y/n started working here."
"I'm planning to. And I'm not drooling," he whispered and looked aside, not to you or his friend.
"It's her birthday soon, you should ask her out before that. I know many people who'd like to date her," Tetsurou sat by his side and observed you dancing too.
"I don't see the relation between her birthday and the other things."
"People will use her birthday to give her presents and shit, someone else might confess to her," he explained as he lifted a weight. "Come on, I thought you were the smart one of the group."
Hm. Well, maybe he could accelerate his plans a little. There was also the possibility that his friend was just messing with him.
"Akaashi-kun, do you have to go to your agency today?" you were at your little studio entrance, as beautiful as before a 30 minutes dance session. Keiji nodded. "Would you mind driving me near there?"
"No, not at all, y/n-san. We can leave whenever you like," he smiled. He would've said yes even if he hadn't go there.
"I'll take a shower then and we can go?" you asked and he just nodded again. You smiled back and disappeared in the women's locker room.
"You should just get in shower with her, no need to plan anything," Kenma whispered from the desk at the entrance.
Kuroo and Bokuto laughed and he just blushed on his way to take a shower (in the men's locker room, not with you).
"Kuroo told me it's your birthday soon," he commented once you were alone in his car.
"Yeah, I'm not a fan of my birthday. I was thinking maybe we can all go out for drinks or something. Does the famous writer drink?"
"I do, sometimes," he laughed. "Do you, famous dancer, drink?"
"A lot, I must say," you laughed too and slapped his shoulder playfully. "But you can't say that to my students."
"I would never," he stopped the car on the direction you told him you needed to be. There was a guy on the door waiting. He didn't see the awful look you gave to the guy.
"Wish me luck!" you said. "See you tomorrow, sensei," you kissed his cheek and got out the car.
He tried not to look at you or the guy waiting for you. Should he confess if you already had someone in your life? Would that ruin your friendship? He tried not to think about it and just kept driving to meet with his agent.
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A week later, you were all at your favorite bar, waiting for the clock to hit 12 so you could toast for your birthday. If Akaashi didn't know you already had someone, this would be the day he'd confess. He would've bought you your favorite drink and took you apart for a second so you could talk. And then he'd say "I'm in love with you" and when you'd say you felt the same -his endless mental simulations only considered this option-, he'd kiss you. But it was odd, it was almost midnight and no sign of the guy he saw that time.
"Happy birthday, y/n!" Bokuto hugged you and then Kuroo and Kenma did the same.
"Happy birthday," Akaashi smiled and you hugged him.
And then, chaos.
The guy he saw that time walked to your table, screaming. He said you could forget about anything you left at his place, how dare you dumping him, you would be nothing without him and stuff. He was clearly drunk.
"And now you're here with four guys?! You…" he was about to insult you but Kuroo walked a step closer to him.
"I would walk my way out, friend," Bokuto said standing by Kuroo's side. Both males were easily a head taller than this guy.
You were about to cry, Kenma was holding your hand. The guy was deciding if it was worth it to fight with those two guys defending you.
"Get her out of here, text us where you are when you decide a place," Kenma ordered Akaashi.
Akaashi held your hand for the first time and gave you a reassuring squeeze. You got out through the back door and walked to Akaashi's car.
"Are you ok?" he asked as he started driving. "Is there anywhere you want to go?"
"Can we go to your place?" you said.
"Yeah, of course, y/n. Text the guys where we'll be," he said.
You texted Kenma and before you knew it you were on Akaashi's couch. He offered you a glass of wine.
"Oh, thanks. Just what I need," you smiled at him.
"How are you?" he held your hand again without thinking and when he was about to let you go you held him.
"Better. It was just a scare. I don't think he would fight Tetsurou or Koutaro."
"I wouldn't fight them," he agreed. "Sorry your night got ruined. He's… that guy is a jerk."
Akaashi was about to have a mind shutdown. He had this little voice telling him this is it, this is your chance and another one saying this is not the time, she's scared and hurted right now.
"What are you thinking?" you asked and moved closer to him. Your crossed legs over the couch were touching his thighs and you put your tangled hands on his lap. He took the glass from your other hand and put it aside.
"I was… uhm, I…" even though he worked with words he couldn't seem to find them now.
"You're cute when you're flustered," you said.
"I love you," he splurged out the words. "I had a plan to say all this but now it's ruined? I must sound so selfish, I'm so sorry, you just went through an awful moment and I'm…"
His verbiage was interrupted by your hand over his mouth. He blushed in a second by the contact.
"You talk a lot when you're nervous, has someone said that to you, Akaashi?"
He blinked.
"No, no one did," he answered.
"What was your plan? Do you want to tell me?"
He explained to you the endless times he thought it through. How it always ended with your first kiss.
"So… you like me?"
"I like you, y/n. But I already said that…"
"I like you too, Akaashi. I should've said it sooner."
He smiled. He's been thinking about it for so long. Maybe he should've talk sooner too.
"This is the part where you kiss me, right? I don't mind to wait but maybe you should do it before-"
His lips were over yours before you finished your thought. You moved even closer to him and took his face between your hands. He moved apart for a second to look at you and smiled before kissing you again.
"Well, finally!" Bokuto laughed from the door.
"Happy birthday!" Kuroo laughed too and walked directly to the kitchen of his friends' apartment.
Kenma didn't say anything but his face gave away his thoughts.
"I… sorry, Bokuto has a key too, I tend to forget it," Akaashi rolled his eyes.
"We brought snacks and more alcohol," Kenma finally spoke.
"That's awesome, thanks. Are you guys ok?" you asked.
Kuroo and Bokuto gave you a thumbs up.
"He didn't even try anything after you left," the white haired guy laughed.
"You should've told us he was bugging you, y/n," Kenma said.
"I haven't talked to him or been with him in forever, I just went to grab something from his sister last week and he was there. I didn't think he'd come to find me."
"It's not your fault, don't worry," Akaashi said and kissed your cheek. "I'll get you something to eat."
The night was fun even with the bad moment and Akaashi could follow his plan in the end. You had an amazing birthday and started a new relationship, a nicer and healthier one.
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"I never thought I'd be dating a famous writer," you whispered to Akaashi.
"Shut up, you're more famous that I am."
"Kenma is definitely more famous than us," you laughed.
You were getting ready to go to the opening night of a movie based on Akaashi's newest book.
"Can we just leave?" Kenma was getting impatient.
"We can't leave the bodyguards behind," you laughed.
Kenma walked to the room where both guys were getting ready.
"I can't believe you're taking longer than y/n to get ready. Just come out, no one will be looking at you!"
Akaashi laughed at his friend rage to his partners.
"How did the three ended dating? Explain it to me, please Keiji."
"It was Kuroo and Bokuto first and Kenma went to live with them and they ended being three. I don't know the specifics. I thought you did," your boyfriend said.
"Oh no, Kenma just came one day and said 'these are my boyfriends' and I was like hey I'm happy for you, do you happen to have another good looking guy for me?"
"And I did," Kenma was back, Tetsurou and Koutaro followed him close.
"You should write about them," you said. "It'll be a best seller."
"You'd have to pay for our story," Kuroo said.
"I'll think about it," Akaashi laughed.
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waxingm00n · 3 years
food log ish: 4/14/21
ok so I'm too lazy to type everything out so here's a sc of my calorie app for today
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my limit was 1300 and I went a bit over that but surprisingly I'm not super upset about it I told myself when I first relapsed that I wouldn't go under 1200 cals for health reasons so i think I'm gonna stay at 1300 at least for this week and since I'm still loosing I think it's fine. I didn't burn as much as I wanted to but I was with my parents all day except for practice so I didn't have a way to exercise more so we'll see in the morning if I lost anything but honestly I'll be ok as long as I didn't gain lmao and depending on what I weigh in at tomorrow I might just make wensdays a high restrict- low exercise day cause it's my favorite day of the week and if I can I wanna splurge a bit yah know but if I gain fuck that we low restricting
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satisfiedesire · 3 years
okay let me write it all out for a second, let me follow a thought with words
i was alone then i wasn't (an unknown amount of times)
i felt alone in september. so alone i did a lot of drugs. like more than usual. and not the kind that make you feel good. the kind that make you forget your days & ruin your life as you know it.
now i'm not feeling so bad about feeling alone. not because i'm not or because i don't feel alone but because i know i'm picky anyway and the urge to grab and put people in my life isn't healthy and something i spent a lot of time unlearning just to unfortunately pick back up after this breakup. i just wasn't ready for it, i wasn't ready to leave the comfort zone of the relationship i had or to end it. and then in a blink of eye (thx drugs, it was actually two weeks) it was done and i had to move on.
it's january now, so it's been four months since that breakup. me and sasha don't talk too much. i've tried to set things up but it always falls through so i've given up.
i am talking to someone and i do like them the way i like all the serious ones. i haven't met them yet lol. they're another aquarius moon. they're also a 7H gemini venus. don't know how to feel about it overall but i'm attracted to it i guess. i always pick the challenging ones for me. aries venus maybe? they've already told me they're polyamorous, which duh gemini venus. my sister and best friend are both that. i feel like i have an okay grip on feeling that placement out and that makes it a little more scary. i'm excited. when i get my covid test results back, hopefully they're negative and if they are we're gonna go on our first date. they're rich and live with their younger sister in addison and im scared lol :) but excited. you know i love me a big fish to fry, metaphorically or whatever
it's almost 3am and i'm still awake but have the last of an interview tomorrow at 11am for a job. i hope i get it so i can make money by my birthday and have a fun time with my friends. i bought so much stuff lately and i have so many bills it's honestly another reason i need a job. i feel like a chuck e. cheese token machine thingy munchin shit up just consumin'. i wanna be comfortable. i wanna meet my own needs with no help
my dad told me if i save $4000 he will co-sign for an apartment for me so that's my money goal after my bday. that'll be my last splurge. then it's paying my bills and saving for an apartment. my apartment
i'm going to try to sleep now
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Chapter 6.5
"The idiot still isn't answering his phone? Is he working late or something?"
This would be such a simple answer and I wish I could just smile and say, "Sure! That is exactly what's keeping him!" However, I know that this is a lie and I have never been good at lying. I twitch when I lie, my lips betray me and form the most devious grin, and my voice sweetens itself to the point of me sounding like a cartoon character from the sixties. "No, he isn't working late. I walked by the café. It's closed, everyone is gone," I explain to Lyric, slapping my hand onto my knee to keep my leg from shaking. My friend purses his lips, a sign that he was either really irritated or really confused. (Good chance of it being both.) The two of us were in his studio apartment, plopped down on his couch, staring blankly at the muted television in the middle of the room. I came to Lyric's place about five minutes ago and caught him in the middle of watching the movie adaptation Hairspray for the thirtieth time. He invited me in and offered me a pop, but I declined. Caffeine was not what I needed right now. I was already jittery enough. Lyric lifts up his arms in a thoughtful gesture. "Have you tried calling his coworker?" I throw him a pointed look. "Why would I have Jasmine's phone number?" It's ridiculous for him to even assume I would have it. "I don't know. She's cute." Is he joking? I can't tell if he's joking. "Not my type. Or yours, I thought." I throw him a questioning look. Lyric chuckles, taking a sip out of a cherry colored bottle of pop. "Hey, I'm pretty open minded." In all the time I've known Lyric, he has not once actually showed any interest in another human being. When I say this, I don't mean he doesn't have romantic feelings for anyone. I mean he literally finds people the most boring beings on the planet, which is why I believe he enjoys acting so much. Up on stage, he isn't surrounded by people anymore, he says, but actors. Actors are not just people in his eyes. What they are is something so much larger with so many different layers to them. Actors are the only people he can discover any intrigue in. "Anyways," I huff, changing the subject back to a more pressing matter than Lyric's so-called open mindedness, "if Jimmy calls or shows up or you see him somewhere for some reason, tell me please? That way I will know he didn't get stabbed thirty-seven times in the chest or hit by a bus." "Why is it always a bus with you? Why can't people be hit by cars anymore?" Lyric points out, getting up from his sitting position and following me towards the front door. I stand there for a second, trying very hard to let my worry go and laugh along with him. "Jimmy is too sly to get hit by a car. If he's gonna be crushed, it'll have to be something huge," I reason, rubbing my lips together. They are so dry. When I see Jimmy, I'm gonna kick his butt for taking my lip balm. My friend reaches around my body and unlocks the door for me. "Jimmy is probably fine," Lyric assures me, his hand on my shoulder. He gives me a tight squeeze, an odd show of affection from the man who hates physical contact. I have to pause when he does this and stare, which he returns with a small smile. Lyric's smiles are so rare. He knows how much I love them. "Don't get all paranoid, man. Knowing that loser, he's probably in the drama room having dinner with his mama." "Why does having dinner with his mom make him a loser? His mom is really cool," I point out. I've never understood why kids are so anti-parent. Yes, my parents weren't perfect and spent eighty percent of their time nagging at me, but I never felt a need to shove them away. I was never ashamed of them, even if they might have been ashamed of me. During the period of time after I came out as pan to them and the day I announced I wanted to go to Broadway, they seemed a little iffy on how they felt about me. We cleared it up, though, and they went back to loving me unconditionally after the initial shock wore off. A group of blonde girls stroll by in matching purple dresses, trilling about some band they were going to see live. One of them, apparently, won free tickets off the radio and another splurged to get them a limo. Kudos for them. "His moms are pretty chill," Lyric agrees, setting his hip against the doorframe. "I'll see you tomorrow for rehearsal before class, Alto. If I receive any contact from the alien life force we know as Jimmy John, I'll let you know." "You are so weird," I laugh, listening to the sound of the door clicking shut behind me.
The dorm is in an oddly tranquil state when I return home sometime around midnight. Even though Lyric instructed that I don't let paranoia overcome me, I couldn't help but wander the school grounds for a few hours. I even walked all the way to Jimmy's favorite restaurant about a mile away from the school. Sometimes he goes there in the middle of the night to get some cheap noodles. That actually has become his routine during finals. Patricia, the owner, loves him for all the business he brings her. I even went as far as to actually call his mother when all else failed. She told me that she saw him at around three and hadn't heard from him since. To avoid freaking her out, I assured her he was probably just practicing somewhere secluded, wanting privacy. There's no sign of Jimmy anywhere. No call, no text, no email... Absolutely nothing. Something happened, I know it. I can feel it in my stomach every single time I think about him; this overwhelming, aching dread repeatedly splashes over me like a bucket of blood. Wherever Jimmy is, he isn't safe. I'm almost up the first flight of stairs when I consider calling the police. This might be nothing, but I refuse to take a chance. If Jimmy really is in trouble and I did nothing to help him, I will never be able to forgive myself. "Hey, Alto!" I hear someone call. I look up and find the sweet smile of Edda waiting for me. She is worn down and borderline weak looking, but still manages to be the brightest star in the room. "You were out late." I wave her off. "Hi, Edda. I was out looking for Jimmy," I explain, playing it off as if this were nothing. There is no reason to worry anybody else. "What were you doing? Partying?" "Yikes, me?" she chuckles, slapping her hand to her chest. Edda has lived down the hall from Jimmy and I since she started here last year. The two of us have a minor friendship made up of mostly childish banter and musical references. Also, she is one of the only people who does not look ready to barf when I make a terribly wonderful pun. (For example, H-2-Oh No! When I used this on my neighbor, Madison, she looked ready to slam my head in her door. Would I have blamed her? Probably not.) It's nice having a friend who doesn't treat me like the freak I know I am. I appreciate her more than I appreciate Jimmy sometimes and that is saying mounds about our simple contact. Edda pauses on the stairs before me and gestures to the tag on her shirt. "My staff kind of bailed last minute at the paper, so I'm pretty much on my own. I just needed to run back here and pick up some photographs I forgot for the front page." Ever since the beginning of the year, Edda has been the head of our school's newspaper. She is the one who compiles it all together, writes editorials, finds leads for her team of three (counting the resident cartoonist, Kam) to follow, prints everything out, and sets up the newspaper stand in the main hall. "That sucks," I say. "It keeps me busy," Edda shrugs, adjusting a strap over her arm. "Well, I best get going. Nice seeing you, Alto." "You too," I nod, watching her descend the stairs and exit through the side door. Just as I reach into my pocket, I feel my phone start to buzz. Finally, Jimmy has messaged! I pull out my device and see his name printed across the screen. Thank god, Jimmy! I hit answer and let out a breathe of relief. "Jim-Jam, you scared me to death! Where have you..." "Heads up!" the phone cackles and I'm propelled forwards. The stairs thud beneath me with each roll until I'm at the bottom, my body trembling with pain. I lift my hands and cradle my head, attempting to recollect myself. My phone lies beside me in about three different parts. For that to have happened, the fall must have been pretty intense. "Why?" I choke out, lifting my head. The attacker is nowhere to be seen. "W-where'd you go?" I try to get up but my body refuses. Every one of my limbs feels ten times its size. I can't even move my left leg. Did I break it? Could I have broken it after only falling down half a flight of stairs? A horrible thought strikes me quite suddenly and I feel bile in my throat. What if I was right and Jimmy was hurt? Maybe the same person who did this to him is doing this to me. My shoulder stings. There's something pricking it. Before I can look, what I assume is a bag is thrown over my head. I'm engulfed in darkness for a few seconds. I don't fight it. I lay there and wait for it take me away.
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