#so was born into the situation. then all got picked off til only she was left
vaugarde · 1 year
hgh wanna overhaul a main element of starfall again
#vague spoilers ig but its about how asha gets stranded again#i swear ive had a lot of iterations of it bc its like. convoluted ill admit that#the result is usually the same- she gets separated from atlas and castor and quinn- but the how and what happens#is all over the place#at the beginning of this iteration her parents were forced out of the pmd dimension by [redacted] and asha hatched slightly after#so was born into the situation. then all got picked off til only she was left#then the order of who got picked off kept changing. it was either atlas or castor as the final one#and currently its atlas#but then i changed it so that they all get stranded when asha is a bit older so she knows who [redacted] is personally#and gets more time with quinn before she disappears but everyone still got picked off#and now i kinda wanna remove everyone being picked off and replace it with JUST asha getting stranded#as in [redacted] happens and asha loses all 3 at once. really going into just how much it shook her world#and adds to the mystery of where everyone went maybe?#but also everyone being picked off adds some paranoia..... shes paranoid thats an aspect of her character#and this isnt even getting into the mess that is skylar rn. skylar's backstory is a mess#and how they get there worries me bc i think itll be confusing#sometimes im tempted to just. separate asha and skylar and have skylar come in later#but bc of spoilers idk how itd work#and i love them as a trio#but everything just... feels sooo uneven rn and i kinda hate it#its why u havent heard much abt starfall itself tbh i dont like where its at rn#i might honestly have to just tear out a lot of what i have but idk where to start in making it feel good#echoed voice
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softtcurse · 2 years
part two of ‘We’re just creatures of habit’
I changed a lot of things from the original teaser I dropped, so please keep that mind mind xx I wrote this listening to Satellite by Harry Styles on repeat, so the lyrics are included as well <3 enjoy
You got a new life
Am I bothering you?
Do you wanna talk?
We share the last line
Then we drink the wall
'Til we wanna talk
Jack Harlow had managed to become some paranoia to YN. Everytime she went out with baby Mila she always looked over her shoulder. Baby bag slung over her shoulder and a shudder always escaping her back once she heard his songs playing at the grocery store she was in. Or even when her family unintentionally brought him up around her. You were so tired of the looks of pity you got from your friends and family. You were so exhausted of looking at your three month old baby girl and tears stinging your eyes as you traced her freckles and her curly brown hair. Just like her dad’s. Once Mila came into your life it was like something was lifted off of your shoulders for at least a few hours. Your baby fresh out of the womb. Swaddled on your chest and tears streaming down your face, no matter how you looked at the moment you didn’t care. Your angel was here.
“She’s so beautiful Miss Y/L/N” the nurse smiled at you. A small nod as she typed away in her computer putting the birth certificate information in. The doctor that helped you deliver Mila getting her vitals, and you exhausted but felt so full of life in that moment. “Very strong baby too, she’s a fighter for sure.” Another sympathetic look thrown your way. Mila had been born seemingly unresponsive. The nurses couldn’t get a sound out of her for a couple of minutes. A lot of patting on her back and some coos and your baby girl was screeching at the top of her lungs. Holding her was nirvana. Her little heart beat beating against yours and her blue eyes opening up for the very first time.
“Is dad coming in to sign the certificate?” A nurse asked you cautiously. She didn’t want to be insulting and of course you understood, it was paperwork and mandatory. You shook your head and sniffled. Mila opening and closing her mouth already wanting to be fed.
“No, it’s just me on there for now, thank you” You said to her nodding.
“And what are we naming this gorgeous little girl?”
“Mila Isla Harlow”
I go 'round and 'round
“YN? YN?”
You look up at Urban. His eyes filled with concern and worry. You didn’t mean to space out. But sometimes you really couldn’t help it. His arms held Mila. Who was peacefully asleep suckling on a pacifier. Short breaths escaped her nose. And a tiny hand pressed against Urban’s clothed chest.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” You picked up your coffee mug from the local cafe you and Urban had met up. He had wanted to see Mila again, he had only seen her once before and that’s only when he discovered that you had a baby and demanded to know if it was Jack’s. You shamefully had admitted the truth to him. He wasn’t angry at all and promised that he wouldn’t tell Jack anything as long as you told him the truth. The truth came hard in this situation. It was all types of fucked up and you did truly feel bad. You just felt like you had no other choice with how his career was sky rocketing.
“I asked you, if Jack had called you any time this week? He doesn’t really like talking about it anymore and I’m starting to feel like a really shitty friend hiding this” He lifted up Mila gently to point emphasis. “From him”
“Urban can we please not have this conversation right now?” You sigh. Tapping your foot restlessly against the oak polished table that held your now cold coffee and stale muffins that had only a few pieces Sri led from when you were picking at it.
“You can’t keep running like this, you know? It’s only going to get worse the more you keep trying to run away from him. He’s going to find out eventually”
“I know that, thanks” you shot him a sarcastic smile. You knew you were in the wrong, and it ate you up alive everyday and the longer you kept your daughter’s father away from him. The guiltier you felt by the day. Urban was the only one from Jack’s team or entourage knew about Mila.
“I’m not saying this to make you feel bad, but do you know how hurt he’s going to be finding out that he’s missed out on
Spinning out, waiting for ya to pull me in
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
Spinning out, waiting for ya to pull me in
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
“I’m going to have to call you back Neelam…”
“Umm okay, everything okay?”
Pacing back and forth in the studio. Hands running through his beard and his face was flushed red. Anger, disappointment, and confusion ran all over his veins. He was beyond pissed, Jack Harlow was at his wits end.
Seeing his bestfriend carrying a new born baby, with his ex girlfriend sitting across from them with a soft look on her face as Urban held the baby, what kind of sick joke was the world playing on him? He knew Urban was minutes if not seconds away from walking through the studio doors. With a fucking stupid smile on his face, with an equally stupid tea he had offered to bring him from the coffee place he saw him and YN being a happy family. He stopped himself from crying on the walk back to his car. That didn’t mean that his eyes didn’t sting, fists clenched the entire care ride to the studio. As well as a few punches to the poor steering wheel, just because he has no other outlet to let his feelings loose. Calling YN would only lead him to say something he was going to regret.
Jack decided it was best to sit on the leather couch that sat on the corner of the soundboard. His head in his hands. He knows treating you the way he did was fucked up. His own fucking family didn’t let him live it down. Let alone Urban who gave him crap about it once he found out. He had no idea of Jack’s sneaky links and the ways he would lie to you about being in the studio or even with him. All meanwhile he was with some girl, doing the thing he only vowed to do with you. It never meant anything to Jack, and he pleaded his case with you when you angrily started throwing his shit at him and told me to leave so you could pack your own things and escape his life. He didn’t want you to leave, and maybe it was selfish. Selfish for not wanting to let you go, because if he did he would lose something worth loving.
The door knock jiggled and twisted
“Yo! You in here?” Urban yelled, Jack was sat away in a corner so he could see him.
Jack clenched his jaw. Standing up from where he was sitting he stalked over to Urban. Who was innocently holding a paper cup of tea. His blue bucket had covered his hair.
Up until Jack raised his fist and hit him clean in the jaw.
Black tea spilled everywhere. Managing to even staining some of the white walls.
“What the fuck!” Urban yelled holding his jaw in pain.
Jack got on top of him and started throwing punching to wherever they would land. Urban could fight back if he really wanted to, but he was so caught off guard and confused that he didn’t even have time to think.
“I fucking trusted you!” Jack screamed. “Is that why you were asking me if I fucking talked to her!? Huh!?” Urban pushes his hands against Jack’s shoulders. His eye was starting to swell slightly and his nose started bleeding. Jack fell back with force. His eyes started watering again. He finally let them fall. Everything he had been holding in since he saw YN, Urban, and the little baby together. “Why man?” Jack cried.
“What are you talking about bro?” Urban wiped his nose and looked at the wall, the tea dripping down on the marble floor.
“I saw you and her, YN, with a baby. When the fuck were y’all going to tell me?”
Urban’s mouth dried up. He wanted to say something but no words came out.
“Answer me before I knock the shit out of you again” Jack threatened, he was being very serious. As if him standing up again wasn’t a cue enough.
“She was going to tell you…she was scared Jack” Urban spoke. A sigh leaving his lips. “I found out myself a few weeks after Mila was born, and I was going to tell you too but it wasn’t my place”
“Wasn’t your place? You got her pregnant, both of you betrayed me in the most ultimate way and it wasn’t your place? Are you out of your god damn mind?“
Spinning out, waiting for ya
I'm in an L.A. mood
I don't wanna talk to you
She said, "Give me a day or two"
I go 'round and 'round
Spinning out, waiting for ya to pull me in
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
Spinning out, waiting for you to pull me in
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
“Hold on” Urban paused, rethinking Jack’s words. His face filled with confusion. “Got her pregnant? Me?”
It was silent for a few seconds, then Urban busted out laughing. “You think I got her pregnant? Me? Urban Wyatt?”
“I’m glad you think it’s fucking funny, it won’t be when I give you another black eye”
“Nah man, you’re actually insane if you think I would get YN pregnant, that’s like my sister, the fuck?”
Jack raised an eye brown. Huffing out a breath, mostly because the fight (more so him just hitting Urban since Urban didn’t hit him back). Left him a little breathless. “If you didn’t get her pregnant than who did? And why were you making excuses to me? And don’t lie Urban or I swear to god-“
“It’s your baby! Damn you stubborn ass motherfucker, Mila is YOUR baby. Not mine, not some random guy, hell not even Neelam’s if it makes you feel better. She’s yours. She looks just like you too.”
Jacks ears started pounding. The bomb dropped on him left him with a heavy feeling. It all felt surreal. His hands got sweaty. The man didn’t even notice the way his face was soaked with tears. “You’re not joking right?” Jack said, with his hands on his on his chest. Urban heard the helplessness as Jack’s interior fell apart. It didn’t take a mind reader to see the whirl of emotions he was feeling.
“I’m sorry man, she’s two months old a-and she’s the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen.” Although it was Urban’s intention to comfort Jack with his words, he knew there was no comfort until he spoke to YN, until he saw his daughter.
The world could collapse right at Jack’s feet and his emotions wouldn’t be as distraught as they were at that moment.
Right here, right here
Spinning out, waiting for ya
I'm here, right here
Wishing I could be there for ya
Be there for ya
Be there for ya, for ya
(For ya)
(Be there for ya)
Spinning out, waiting for ya to pull me in (spinning out, waiting)
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
Spinning out waiting for ya (for ya, for ya) to pull me in (for ya)
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
“It’s okay baby, shhh it’s okay my love I know” You cooed at Mila. Who resteslly writhed around in her cot. The soft sound of Brahm’s lullaby played on her sound machine beside the cot on the small baby blue night stand that had hand drawn clouds on it. YN spent forever perfecting it.
“Mommy’s got you” You laughed and shook your head. She had her eyes open, even at just two months old she was very aware of her surroundings, sometimes you would have her in the kitchen in her cot while you cooked up something for yourself when you felt the urge to eat something (which was a rare occurrence these days). Mila would be turning her head to head the sound of you humming. By instinct she knew you were her mother, her protector. That you wouldn’t let anything harm her. The attributes she shared with her father didn’t go unnoticed. Yes she had a lot of his physical features but you grew to notice that she also was similar in him with her developing personality.
Grabbing her from the cot and sitting in the rocking chair beside the window, you pulled down your nursing bra. Bringing her closer to your breasts until she finally latched on to your nipple. You adjusted her little head and kissed it softly when she let out a satisfied whimper. Her hand ghosting over the skin of your breasts before laying it there. Tiny nails scraping your skin, but you didn’t mind. The sound of your daughter getting her dinner filled the nursery room. Your eyes scanned until they finally reached the clock, 8:30 pm. Which meant as soon as her stomach was content she would go down to sleep and you could take your hot shower with the new body soaps you had ordered.
Champagne toast lotion was calling your name too.
You laid your head back. Closing your eyes for a moment.
Urban’s conversation with you from earlier that day aired in your head. He was right, it was about that time you told Jack the truth. And prayed to whoever was up there that he didn’t think you were trying to set him up, or even pin a baby on him. Of course, you knew he would never think that way. But you also thought he would never cheat on you, and here you were almost a year later with a two month old in your arms, debating if you should tell her father that she existed.
You wanted to laugh at yourself, you felt despicable, little of yourself, and ashamed. You family was very supportive of you, a few of them turned their noses at you and rolled their eyes at the thought of the ‘golden girl’ of the family having a baby with some rapper from Kentucky. Those who judged didn’t know Jack that well, so they only assumed that he was some small hometown wannabe rapper. In their mind he wanted nothing to do with you or your baby. Little did they know that he didn’t even have an idea. You didn’t want to waste your breath with people that you didn’t give a fuck about. So correcting them didn’t even matter.
A ring of your doorbell snapped you out of thought. You raised your eyebrows. Looking down at Mila who was looking back up at you. Still filling her stomach and blinking up at you. “All I want is a hot shower, is that too much to ask Lala?” You snorted as your two month old suddenly closed her eyes.
Before you even got the chance to fully pull up your bra and shirt, the person outside the door started pounding.
“I’m coming!” You snatched a blanket from Mila’s crib and covered her with it.
You muttered obscenities under your breath.
The walk down the stairs felt like eternity. Your back was aching and your feet were swollen.
Once you reached the door you unlocked it and help Mila to your chest. The man on the other side smiled at you.
“Delivery for Miss Y/L/N?”
The young man dressed in a delivery uniform carrying a bouquet and a clipboard held out the paper for you.
“Can you please sign here?”
You were very confused but didn’t want to question him. The knocks on the door seemed urgent and you didn’t want to keep him. Especially when you assumed it was from your bestfriend or your parents. They were always sending you little gifts for you and Mila to cheer you up.
“Thank you” You nodded at him and took the flowers. Closing the door with your leg.
“Another gift from grandma Lala?” You asked the sleeping baby.
However when you checked the note tag attached to the stem of the peonies you heart dropped and your knees felt like they were about to give out.
‘ I love you - J’
“Mama!” Your 6 month old babbled to you. Her tiny finger pointed at a bird she saw. Her cute little voice muffled by the pacifier that was safely tucked in her plump lips. You were trying to steer her away from them but she was very stubborn and refused to let go of her beloved binkies. No matter how hard you tried to introducir frozen fruit as an alternative to the habit she had developed she refused. It amused you to a degree. Knowing that it was a trait she got from Jack. But you decided to let her keep it for a little while longer.
“I see that baby, a bird. You’re so smart” You laughed and kissed her head. Her soft brown curls or more like wisps were growing longer by the day. You could already put them in small pigtails.
The park was remotely empty except for a few tamiles there with their kids. It wasn’t as crowded as it usually got during the spring time. Which you were relieved to see upon arrival with a baby that wanted to crawl all over the place and eat the mulch off the playground floor if you allowed her to. Mila wasnt crawling fully yet, she was more so getting to the point to where she was wanting to. At most she got on her knees and rocked back and forth and sometimes on rare occasions made an effort to move her little knees forward only to collapse on the ground and grunt in frustration.
“Am I raising a little bird whisperer huh?” You shook your head as you held up Mila in a standing position with one hand and her other hand was opening and closing as to call the bird.
“It’s about that time we go Mila” you sighed. Looking at the time on your phone and it read 5:30, the sun would begin to set soon and you didn’t want to risk Mila falling asleep in the car and ruining her sleep for the night overall.
“Come on” You lifted her up. Grabbing her diaper bag and beginning to strap her into her stroller. You plucked the pacifier out of her mouth and replaced it with a baby puff. To which Mila gladly took and started knawing on. You were happy that she took it without a tantrum or fuss. “Off to the car we go” You sang to her. Making her give you a gummy smile, with a single tooth.
As you were pushing the stroller, you couldn’t help but feel a pair of eyes watching you. Your car keys jingling with every step you took. Rushing to get into the car, you didn’t feel like you were in any immediate danger. But you weren’t about to risk it with your baby with you.
You swiftly turned around. Only your head.
Squinting slightly you were met with a curly haired man. Dressed in some sports shorts and a tshirt.
His wired earphones had fallen down to his neck as he looked at you. There was some sort of softness to them that you found yourself very familiar to.
He didn’t look much different since the last time you saw him. He was still as handsome as ever. He looked more mature too. You assumed he had been out for a jog. The weather was perfect and he did live in Kentucky as well. The only reason you managed to not see him was because you heard he had been on tour.
He stepped closer to you.
“How have you been?”
“I’ve been good. What about you? Keeping yourself busy with the music?” The way conversation flowed so naturally for the two of you seemed as if you had never called out of touch with eachother. As if there want a baby in the stroller you had been pushing that was related to him down to the last strand of DNA.
Jack puffed out some air. Looking down at the stroller. You were fully turned around now, your hand still securely on the handle of said stroller. He couldn’t see the baby inside. But it was eating him up not addressing the elephant in the room.
“Can I see her, please?“
You gulped, didn’t even let him ask a second time before you were turning the stroller to face him. Mila had finished munching on her snack and was currently laying back against the stroller. The pacifier that had been clipped to her purple onesie now tucked away back into her lips.
You could almost hear the inaudible gasp Jack let out. He approached his little girl closer.
Spinning out, waiting for ya (for ya, for ya) to pull me in (for ya)
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
“Yes Jack, yes. She’s yours. And I’m so sorry” You cried. The tightness in your throat grew with more pressure. Little did you know he already knew.
“I know..Urban um, Urban told me four months ago. I just…I just thought you…I thought maybe you didn’t want me around for a reason. I’ve already fucked you up so much YN. I couldn’t do it to you a second time. But I should’ve came to you when I found out” He whispered to you. Blinking slowly at you. You didn’t know what to say to him. So Jack thought you were angry at him.
“Hate me all you want but” Jack let out a shaky sigh and his hand with his PG ring on it went to touch his face to hold him back from breaking down right in front of you, and the baby girl that shared the same curls as him who was sucking on her pacifier and staring at him with heavy, droopy eyes.
“Please don’t let her hate me”
You shakily shook your head and cried. “Jack I could never do that, I could never hate you either…. I-I’m so sorry I should’ve told you sooner” You watched with blurry vision as he neared you. His arms wrapping around you. His touch was so warm, he smelled just the same.
“We both did wrong, but I can let you guys walk away from me this time YN, I just can’t”
“I don’t want you to”
“Can I pick her up? I just want to hold her so bad” He whispered in your shoulder. You felt wetness stain the material of your shirt. You wouldn’t nor did you have the heart to deny him of that.
“Of course, please do. She’s missed so much of you”
You smiled and watched with happy eyes as he unbuckled Mila from her stroller. The little girl offering him a smile. Similar to his in so many ways. You watched as he held her close to his chest. Pressing kisses all over her forehead, her plump red cheeks.
He was in love and you could tell. Because you knew that feeling all too well. You three would be okay.
And the truth was, people hurt eachother by instinct. A safety mechanism to protect themselves from potential hurt. Exploring emotions throughout life is just what is part of growth. We’re just creatures of Habit after all.
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vivithefolle · 2 years
Hot take: the only reason people can ship Dramione and its polar opposite Romione is because Hermione isn't really well developed in the books. We don't know the extent of her motivations, goals and desires, so people just project onto her and turn her into whatever they want. Ron/bad people ships aren't as common as Ron/good people ships, because Ron is a fleshed out character who has his own dreams and deal-breakers. People can't project onto him that much because he's already his own person.
Hmm, I wouldn't say it's that.
Issue is, you've got tons of people who project onto characters that have ZERO in common with them.
How many times have you read
Hermione is totally an introvert
Hermione was HORRIBLY BULLIED by Ron
Neither of these statements are true: they're a result of people mistakenly projecting onto Hermione their own traits, because all they recognize of her is "girl who reads". They aren't interested in anything beyond the superficial resemblance (and let's be honest, had JKR made Hermione antagonistic or made her seriously fuck up on something important, half of them wouldn't be so eager to identify with her, either).
Hermione is empathetically NOT an introvert: she's not a shy, timid girl that hugs her book to her chest, demurely looks away and mumbles that she'd like some time alone. Hermione is an extravert with bad social skills, she wants to communicate, she wants to discuss, she thrives off a good debate. That's why she so often butts heads with Ron, and seems to "never argue with Harry" (which is false, but that's another projection/misconception): Ron bothers to engage with Hermione, while Harry will either tune her out or try to avoid her (especially more so later on when she lectures him about shit he doesn't want to do (Occlumency!)).
Ron's behaviour towards Hermione wasn't bullying either; it can even be said that Hermione was vaguely harrassing Harry and Ron ("Harry couldn't believe someone could be so interfering") because at first the points system and showing she's the best student are all that matter to her, and she sees them as wasting her effort. Harry and Ron just rebuke her then flee; that is THE OPPOSITE of bullying. Bullying is seeking a victim and never. Letting. Them. Go. It's deliberately picking the lone person in the crowd that's unlikely to fight back. It's deliberately isolating them so they can be an easier target, it's harrassing them til they snap because it's "funny".
Ron never does any of that. Ron might say or do stuff that Hermione dislikes and she'll make it known and the two will have a pointless argument then not talk to each other for an hour, then it's all forgiven and forgotten in time for dinner.
It IS true that Hermione is less defined as a character than Ron is, especially when it comes to their family situation: Ron has a context surrounding him. We know his family is big, that they're poor, and that he's the sixth son just before the only daughter (who was born less than a year after him, meaning Molly was already pregnant when Ron was a newborn!!). This gives us so much info about Ron already, how he might act, his relationship with his family, what topics he might be uncomfortable with...
Meanwhile Hermione's parents are dentists... that's it. We don't know what else there is. The name "Hermione" can indicate that maybe they're into English classics or Greek mythology and that's that. We don't know if they're lower middle class or upper class, we don't know if they're living in London or in some other place, we don't know anything about them and not knowing anything we can't put Hermione in a specific context. We don't even know if she actually was bullied at school, it's just a headcanon based on the collective experience of a generation of bookworm schoolgirls! Hermione does get characterization pertaining to social justice, but it becomes pretty secondary (not to mention a lot of it really seems like lip-service or virtue signalling when you consider how JKR goes about it).
Ultimately it's not really about Hermione, Ron or Draco; it's about shipping themselves with the Next-Door Sexgod Childhood Friend or the Redeemed Racist That Saw The Light.
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luz noceda for the ask game
Anon you caught me right before I was Abt to go to sleep but I can't not do this. It's for my girl (feel free to send me more while I sleep btw these r fun)
favorite thing about them: LITERALLY WHERE DO I EVEN START. She's one of my top ten protagonists of all times. I love the lessons she learns, the way she learns them, I love watching her grow and struggle and thrive. I love her so so so much. To keep things simple(ish) I will say that my favorite thing about Luz (which I've mentioned once or twonce before) is that she's an objectively cringey, very ND coded kid who's still given the utmost love and respect from the narrative. She gets to be objectively fucking uncool and this story still loves her. And it's nice it makes me feel loved by proxy
least favorite thing about them: I mean, I'd say in season 1 it's the tendency to flatten the boiling isles and it's people into 2 dimensional tropes for easily comprehension, but that's also one of my favorite flaws of Luz and the narrative always makes an interesting point out of this attitude. Maybe it's the suicidal ideation bc it really scared me the first time I watched thanks to them. I knew nothing bad was gonna happen (within reason), this is Disney, but I was like DAMN THEY'RE GOING THERE!!!
favorite line: okay I actually cannot in good conscious choose one bc my friend once informed me that me and Luz just. Talk the same. Same silly idioms and phrases same whimsical expressions and syntax same humour, etc etc. It's a chicken egg situation and do not know who started it but I know that it's frighteningly accurate. So I'll just go for the safe classic "the only thing I've ever really wanted was to be understood" bc. Y'know. Best moment in the whole show and everything
OTP: you guys already know I'm here for lumity but I will let you guys in on the fact that when I first watched the show and was still on the early episodes of season 1 where Amity is a dick I was firmly on team willuz. I still love them <3
nOTP: Luz and Hunter. It's just really not for me, even if I can see why it appeals to others. I'm too attached to the familial reading of their dynamic and the doors that opens up analysis wise. Also my irl brother is a hunter kinnie and I just outlined my credentials for being a Luz kinnie so /j
random headcanon: she played guitar when she was younger! The one in the basement belonged to Manny and he'd sit her on his lap and show her simple chords and riffs. She got a ukulele so she could practice. Then when Manny died she fell off playing it bc it felt wrong doing it without him, even though she still played uke sometimes. She picks it back up though during the season 3 timeskip and post canon! Also she was born in New York and lived there til she was 2/3, at which point she moved around a few states until landing in Connecticut at the age we see in the thanks to them video diaries (I wanna say 7 or 8?)
unpopular opinion: I also think Luz gets characterized as more bitter/vengeful/surly than she really is, especially in fics set around season 3. She wants to be happy, to have fun with her friends, she just feels like doesn't deserve it. Also I low-key think Luz is like. A genius. Just in an unconventional way. She rediscovered a lost form of magic and then taught herself it all on her own. She probably struggles with long division but I mean it when I say she is literally a genius imo
song i associate with them: TOO MANY TO NAME MAN!!!! LITERALLY!!!!! The ones on my brain rn are sweet hibiscus tea by penelope scott, underground and life on mars by david bowie, people pleaser by yet to bloom, towards crescent park by bad moves and fine, great by modern baseball
favorite picture of them
Tie between the iconic "to be understood" frame (boarded by Emmie Cicierga) or like. Literally any Dana art of her but specifically the "see you in 2023" gif cycling through all of luzs most iconic fits. I love both of those sm
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blonde-freckles · 3 years
And darling I will be loving you 'til we're 70
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He can feel the building begin to shake under his feet before it comes down. He only has a split second to dive under the closest table, with barely a moment to check his surroundings before it happens. The room shakes, windows rattling as the walls come crumbling down around him. It’s all a blur, thick dust clouding his vision. He can hear the screams echoing out across the building before it falls to silence, he’s trapped encased in rubble and dust. He hears the faint squeak of his radio struggling to pick up a channel through the collapse.
He can feel the panic starting to crawl up his lungs as he shifts his weight, so he's no longer holding it all on his knees.
He’s half way through calling in his location when Hailey’s voice cuts off the radio. “Are you okay? Are you hurt? What the hell Jay? I thought you were waiting.” He can hear the desperation in her voice as he squeezes his eyes shut trying to control his breathing.
“I’m okay...really, it’s barely a scratch. I’m just a little stuck right now.” He lets out a shaky breath before pulling the radio close to himself, he’s not sure who’s he’s trying to convince, himself or Hailey. “I thought...I thought I could talk him out of it.”
He really thought he could. He thought he had this. There was something about military cases that stirred something up in him, something no amount of hour sin therapy could ever fix. His need to help his brothers. The belief that what they’d seen bonded them in a way that would never be able to be broken, and no matter how many times he got burnt by this belief he never gave up trying.
The radio falls silent but he knows she’s there, he can hear her quiet breaths through the radio. “Fire is on the way Jay.” Her voice is quiet and controlled and in full work mode but all Jay can hear is her quiet breathing. This morning he’d spent the first few minutes of his day just watching her breathe, his arms wrapped so tightly around her, their legs tangled under the soft white sheets as the sunlight filtered through. Their warm little bubble, so safe and secure.
“Help...” A quiet voice breaks out drawing Jay's attention, it’s faint but he can hear it. “Help me please...”
His eyebrows furrow as he tries to work out the direction the pleas for help are coming from. He makes out a small gap in the distruction where the light is filtering in, carefully he reattaches his radio to his duty rig, shuffling down on his stomach, he pulls himself forward through the gap.
A steel beam lays across an elderly gentleman's legs, he looks late 70s maybe, with light grey hair now covered in dust, his hands holding tightly around the beam desperately pushing against it.
“Sir...” Jay jumps into action, crawling faster as he makes his way through the gap. “Sir are you all right?”
His brain kicks into work mode, shutting off any lingering thoughts on not making it out of here alive as he assesses this situation. The mans bleeding pretty heavily, his legs crushed on the beam that might be the only thing stopping him from bleeding out. It’s far too heavy for Jay to lift or even try to shift, instead he manages to use his belt as a makeshift tourniquet.
He calls through the radio, listening intently as Brett comes over the air waves to get an idea of the gentleman’s injuries. When Jay does manage to finally slow the bleeding the radio crackles back to silence and Jay looks down at his blood stained hands, wiping them on his jeans in the hopes the gentleman won’t see just how much there is as he sits beside him.
“You’re a detective you say?”
“Yes...erm sorry I never got your name.”
“Arthur Brady...I would say nice to meet you but...” The man half chuckles as Jay gives him a short nod wondering how he could be so chipper in a moment like this, surely he can feel the extent of his injuries, even if he can't he can definitely see the severity of the situation.
“Whatever you do Jay keep him talking until we get there.”
Bretts words echo in his mind.
“Arthur...Arthur talk to me...tell me what brought you here today.”
Time seems to tick by slowly, the faint crackle of Jays radio fading in and out every so often. Fire had arrived, but it was gonna be a long wait until they could get to them. The building was not on steady ground and the aim was to get as many people out alive as possible, however long that took. Hailey's voice had only come through the radio once more in that time, just to say the bomber's body had been pulled from the wreckage near the exit...he hadn’t made it. In the meantime Jay continues to probe Arthur with more questions in the hope it will keep him awake, but he’s also glad for the distraction that it provides him. Sitting still, having nothing to do...that’s never been Jay's speed. He learns that Arthur was at the bank to get some cash out for his granddaughters 21s birthday, he has two daughters and a son and 6 grandchildren. He was a wedding photographer for 47 years before he retired 10 years ago.
“My wife Katherine...oh she’s beautiful. You know we’ve been married 53 years this year..." Arthur explains as he pulls a worn leather wallet from his top pocket, handing it over. Jay could see the old photo inside, it’s slightly faded but he can make out the image of a bride on her wedding day, the vail thrown back over her hair to reveal her smiling brightly at someone behind the camera.
"So what's the secret to making it work?" Jay questions, his gaze falling back to his own phone and the photo of Hailey that lights up his background. He’d dragged her along on a hike a while back, with the promise of getting doughnuts after. She’d been laughing at something he’d said as the sun went down behind her, making her blonde curls glow and he’d snapped the pic before she’d had a chance to protest.
"Marry your best friend. Marry someone you can laugh with. The kind of laugh that makes your belly ache, and your nose snort. Marriage is hard. Life is harder. There are days when you'll wanna walk but as long as your relationship is buried deep in friendship you'll always find your way. You think you might know someone like that?" Arthur asks with a slight twinkle in his eye as he nods towards the phone in Jay's hand.
Jay nods, a soft smile growing on his face as he runs his thumb across the photo on his screen, handing Arthur back his own photo. “Yeah I think I do...and she’s almost guaranteed to be just outside this building right now, she’s gonna be so pissed at me for being here.”
“I don’t think Katherine will be too happy either...will you...will you tell me about her?...what’s her name?” He nods down towards Jay's phone again.
“Hailey.” Jay whispers softly, he can already see her arms folded across her chest, tapping her foot impatiently on the street, eyes trained on every person emerging from the wreckage. Honestly what he wouldn’t give to hear her knowing tone telling him that she’s sick of hospital waiting rooms right now.
“She sort of came out of nowhere, I wasn’t really looking for anything when we met, actually...there was someone else when we met. I couldn’t even tell you the moment everything changed...trust me I’ve tried to work it out but it’s just like one day she was my partner and friend and the next she was the one person I could never live without. I remember looking over at her years ago and thinking I could lose all this...this job. This job that I’ve let define me for so long but it wouldn’t matter as long as I was with her.”
“Sounds like you’re in deep...How come you’re not married?”
“Oh we haven’t been dating that long...I...we still have some things to figure out.” Jay swallows, if he’s honest he’d marry Hailey tomorrow. He’d have married her six months ago given the chance. As soon as they started dating he knew he couldn’t ever imagine spending his life with someone else. He knew it a week in, he’d come in from an early morning run to find her sitting on the kitchen island coffee cup in hand, his t-shirt hanging loosely on her body as she read the morning news. She’d handed him his coffee without so much as a second glance and he’d known in that exact moment. It had taken everything in him not to get down on one knee right then and there.
Things had changed since their first I love you, he was even more careful with her. He didn’t want her to be overwhelmed, he wanted to help her in any way he could. She was trying, really trying and she had gotten good at letting him know when she felt flustered by their relationship, when she needed space or when she needed reassurance. He was all too happy to comply, he was happy to do whatever it took to make this work.
“Don’t waste time...not with the people you love.” The sad look on Arthur’s face like he’s almost defeated makes Jay think the elder man might be close to giving up as his eyes flicker shut briefly.
“Tell me more about Katherine.” Jay urges, he wraps a hand around Arthur's wrist, checking his pulse as he does. It’s weak.
“She’s the dream. I was a New Yorker you see, born and bread...was only here for a wedding 54 years ago when I saw her through the window of a cafe”
“And you knew right then and there?”
“God no.” Arthur begins to laugh but it turns into him choking as he struggles to catch his breath. “I don’t believe in love at first sight. Love...real true love takes work and a lot of it. You’ve got to choose that person every single day.” He croaks out, his eye sparkling as he recalls the memory in his mind. “What I did know was she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. I was a young man at the time, full of a confidence I had no real right having.” Jay chuckles, he’s been there, the cocky confident guy in his 20s thinking he knew it all. “I could never have known the love that would’ve formed, so deep it almost shook me to my core. I’d never been in love before, but I’d seen others, especially in my line of work and then I got it, I got why people behave the way they did. I remember thinking if this is what love feels like I get why it starts wars.” He’s words trail off and Jay watches the way his head drops slightly.
“Hey, Arthur...Arthur we’re almost out you hear me. Stay with me now Arthur. Katherine is waiting, she's still waiting for you.”
“Will you tell her...”
Jay shakes his head furiously. Leaning up as he twists his radio, calling out for an update. “No no...I’m not going to pass on any messages.” He mumbles, grabbing hold of both Arthur’s shoulders. “You’re gonna tell her Arthur...Katherines waiting for you.”
“You tell her I loved her and that she made my world a better place.” He mutters before his eyes roll back and Jay begins to bark down his radio desperate for anyone to respond.
It is only seconds later the loud ringing of a drill sounds and Kelly Severide’s voice echoes around them. Jay can feel the relief flooding through him as the familiar uniform comes into view.
“Jay...” The bright sunlight is a stark contrast from the darkness he’d been buried in the last few hours, the buzz of the scene hitting him is almost deafening as he hears orders being shouted out. “Jay...” Hailey’s voice stands out amongst the noise. As he steps out away from the building, he’s ushered past the destruction zone and he can hear Brett asking him to sit but he’s too focused on finding Hailey as he scans that area.
He hears more commotion behind him watching with bated breath as Arthur is pulled from the rubble, he’s attached to a bodyboard, as the next set of paramedics rush to his aid.
He doesn't even see her approach before he feels her arms wrapping tightly around him, he releases a breath he’s been holding since the building first blew as his arms wind themselves around her waist, he sticks his face into the side of her neck letting the wisps of blonde that’s fallen loose from her ponytail tickle his face as he does. They’ve never been ones for any type of public affection, while they’re on the clock anyway but right now he can’t bring himself to care. He breaks away after a while, already missing her touch but he knows they have an audience. He watches as they lower Arthur down onto the gurney wheeling him their way.
“Is this her...is this your Hailey?” He coughs, struggling as they place the oxygen mask over his mouth.
Jay can see Hailey glance his way, shooting him a silent question. “Yeah, this is her.” Jay nods, crouching down closer to Arthur.
“I’m gonna go get Katherine okay? I’m gonna bring her to you Arthur so don’t go anywhere.” Jay grips hold of Arthur’s hand, making sure the man sees the sincerity in his eyes as Sylvie lets him know that they need to move now. “Take care of my girl and I’ll take care of yours okay?” Jay asks, glancing back at Hailey who’s just watching silently.
He steps back letting them get him into the ambulance as he turns back to Hailey. He can see from the look on her face she has a lot to say and he’ll happily listen to everything but just not right now. “Hey I’m okay I promise I’m okay and I'll sit and get a full checkout at the hospital just to please you but first I have something to do, please just trust me and keep Arthur company until I get to the hospital.”
“Erm sure okay...”
Jay smiles as she agrees without question, pressing a firm kiss on Hailey's forehead surprising her before he’s rushing off through the crowd without another word.
Hailey loses sight of Jay almost as quickly as she finds him, her heart is still thumping in her chest as she tries to keep reminding herself that he's alive, he’s alive and safe and doing whatever the hell he does. She'd done as he asked, joining the man he'd been pulled from the rubble with into the ambulance.
The ambulance roars into life and she watches as the elderly man begins to pull down his oxygen mask much to the dismay of the newest recruit to 51, his hand shaking as it reaches out for Haileys.
She takes his hand in hers. It’s cold but it squeezes onto hers tightly. She’d heard the tail end of their conversation. “You take care of my girl...I’ll take care of yours.” She’s not sure what Jay has planned but she trusts him, no questions asked.
“That man loves you more than life itself dear.” Arthur croaks and the tears that she refused to let fall in front of all their colleagues finally fall, splashing against her cheeks, his words catching her off guard.
The E.R is a mess, overrun with victims from the blast, no one can tell her anything as Arthur is rushed off for surgery, she’s not family, she has no right to know. So instead she takes a seat in the corner out of the way of the chaos.
She thinks she might be dreaming when he finally emerges through the doors, still dressed in his blood-stained clothes, an elderly woman holding tightly to his arm as he leads her through the crowd and towards the front desk. His eyes find hers quickly like he doesn’t even need to search for her, he just knows where she is and the small smile that plays on his lips as their eyes meet is enough for her.
It’s hours later when Katherine and Arthur are finally reunited. Jay helps Katherine towards his room, stopping in the doorway as Hailey hangs back. She’s still not sure what the infinity with this couple is but she’ll go along with it if that’s what Jay wants.
“That’s gonna be us one day.” He mutters quietly as the door slips shut and he steps back out into the hallway. Hailey raises her eyebrows in surprise as Jay makes his way around her, his arms encircling her waist as he leans his chin on top of her head. Both of them watching the elderly couple through the window. The way Katherine caresses Arthur’s face as he presses a kiss to her hand. The look of pure joy to see each other is so evident in their faces.
“Minus the major bleed and building collapse I hope.” She hums, leaning back into his embrace, finally feeling at ease as the weight of the day seems to slip away.
He nestles his face into her neck, pressing a light kiss to her skin. “I make no promises...”
“Hey...” she laughs, shaking her head as she places her hands on top of his, she can feel his lip quirk up into a grin against her neck and it makes her own lips turn up. “How are we going to grow old together if you keep being so reckless?”
“That’s what you love about me.”
Hailey turns in his arms, slipping her arms around his waist, one hand stroking his back softly. “I assure you it’s not...but I do love you.” She whispers the last part, she still struggles to say the words but each time she does it feels a little easier, like the words that were once so dark get a shade lighter each time she says them or hears them fall from his lips.
She watches as Jay takes a sharp breath, before resting his forehead against hers, closing his eyes softly just breathing her in. “I’m gonna say something. It’s not a question it’s just a thought...okay? I’m giving you fair warning for when the time comes.”
Hailey narrows her eyes but nods anyway, letting him pull her to the side as the hallway becomes busier. “I love you...you’re my best friend and...”
“And I’m gonna marry you one day.”
Her blue eyes widen for a second and Jay bites down on his lips to stop the smile that comes every time he looks at her. He can see the thoughts whirling through her mind like waves crashing around the ocean. He feels her arms squeeze his waist a little tighter before she simply shrugs. “Okay...” she mumbles , laying her head back against his chest as she turns her gaze back towards Arthur and Katherine. They stand there for a moment in silence and he wonders if she can see what he can...a glimpse at their future. His thoughts are confirmed when he feels her lips pressed to his cheek curling up into a smile against him. “Okay...I’ll marry you one day.”
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angsty-omi · 3 years
pull the trigger.
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CEO!Akaashi x Agent!Reader
synopsis: You were assigned to kill one of the richest businessmen in Japan, Akaashi Keiji. How? by getting close to him. By pretending to be an innocent, naive little girl. By pretending you actually enjoy his company. By pretending that you actually loved him. The plan was simple enough, and if you were successful, you’d be rich enough to retire for yourself and your future grandchildren. So, what happens when you couldn’t pull the trigger? Even worse, why didn’t he flinch?
“Agent Y/N, you’ve been assigned.” your boss notified.
It’s been so long since you had been assigned. After you accidentally blew up the evidence last mission, your boss hasn’t been to keen depending on you. This was music to your ears, so what did you do? Jumped gleefully and instinctively squeezed your boss. You realized what you were doing and how unprofessional it was, so you slowly latched off of her. Your boss just coughed awkwardly before she began, “This assignment is a big one, meaning there must be no flaws to this plan. One mistake and you’re done for, literally.” ending with a slit-throat gesture. You were confident in your skills, and aside from that one mission, everyone depended on you. No wonder why your boss came to you for this. You glad-fully shook her hand, in which expressed your disparity for a new high.
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To start, you had to change your look a bit. See, you researched Akaashi Keiji, from his likes and dislikes to his convictions. Every conviction he got away with money. Dirty bastard. Every single job left you guilt-less because you knew these people were corrupt and somehow reasoned that your job was ethical. First, you started with a trim. Your split ends would’ve definitely caught the eyes of the girls from his front desk. Then, you used the budget money for this mission to buy luxury items. From Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, was this really for the mission or for yourself? No one really knows. Finally, and most importantly, you had to snatch a job as his personal assistant. The organization already falsified documents for you. After today, you go by ‘Akiyama Ami.’ As you walked out of your office, your coworkers couldn’t even recognize you. One even put a gun to your head, and having to state who you are.
You smirked, “Matsuda, I am deeply saddened if this is how you treat your advisor,” whispering in his ear. 
“Senior Y-Y/N?,” he stuttered, putting his gun away immediately. You grabbed his arm and forcefully pushing it to his back, “please make sure you never make that mistake again,” you stated. 
“Y/N, leave him alone already,” a voice joked.
You knew that voice. It was your long time partner, Atsumu. From when you both were rookies, you guys worked cases together quite often. Never more than that. 
“Atsumu, this is my first case without you... aren’t you going to miss me?” you pouted. 
“Don’t give me that look, idiot. Be safe out there okay? I can’t always save your ass like from that time you exploded our only evidence.” he shook his head in disappointment.
You punched his shoulder, and he ‘over-dramatically’ ached in pain. “I’ll be fine, Atsumu. Plus our person literally looks like a prissy privileged boy, doesn’t he?” you pulled up Akaashi’s Business Insider profile. For the next ten minutes, you guys were bullying the hell out of him. Until finally, you had to go. Your cab was already ready for you, so you hugged Atsumu goodbye. Platonically, you always thought you’d get married to him. He was handsome, strong, and witty. And he knew your job situation, so you never would have to feel judgement from him. 
From the cab ride, you got to fly in a private jet. There, was your boss, two intelligent analysis, and a linguist. This was your team, and who’d you tell your intel to. The whole flight consisted of breaking down the plan, even down to what time you have to walk in the elevator. The destination was in Tokyo, where Akaashi’s main headquarters lived. 
“I’ve made an appointment for your job interview,” One of them said.
“Here’s your resume,” The other said.
As you skimmed through, you spit your drink.
“I can speak more than five languages?!” your eyes widened.
“壊れた日本語で話せます” you quoted.
“What does that mean?” your boss asked looking at you surprisingly.
“It means I can only speak broken Japanese,” you nervously scratched your head.
“It wouldn’t matter, the job application is asking for english-speakers” the linguist stated.
As the plane started to screech, due to the wheels contact with concrete, you knew it was your time to shine. You practiced all your lines during the flight, so confidence soared through your body. On sight, there was a limo waiting for you. You waved goodbye to your team, and entered the lanky vehicle. 
The condominium the organization gave you was luxurious, their budget must’ve been high-grade. Broad birched doors, huge window panels that let in a lot of natural light, and a master bedroom. Your first move was to jump on the feather-light bed. Your feet sunk deep into the mattress every hop. Leaving you tired, you went straight to sleep. 
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Today was your job interview. Even though everything was fake, you couldn’t help but feel nervous. If you didn’t go down the agency path, is this what you would’ve felt as a normal person? While the coffee was brewing, you decided to look at your grand closet, not knowing what to wear. There was already an outfit set out for you. With it, there was a note:
Good luck! ;) -Atsumu
As you read it, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. The outfit he picked wasn’t even that bad. It was an emerald green two-piece, with a pale blouse underneath. 
“Not so bad,” you thought, while looking at yourself in the mirror. 
There, stood the building where the infamous person lived worked. Heels tapping the black marble, you stood in front of the front desk. The girls that worked there looked roughly young, around their early 20s. As they stared at you up and down, you could feel their judgement. 
“Welcome to Fukurodani Headquarters, how may we help you?” One girl asked.
“Hi, I’m Akiyama Ami, I’m actually applying for the personal assistant job. Where could I meet my interviewer?” You warmly asked.
The girls bursted into laughter. What was so funny? Did you miss out on the joke?
“Excuse us, its just... that’s one way to call Akaashi Keiji,” 
“Akaashi Keiji... is the interviewer? That’s even more stressful than a random person. It does make sense though, as a personal assistant there should be a close relationship,” you sighed.
“Close relationship? Please, you’ll be lucky if you can even give him coffee. Get in line.” The front desk scoffed in agreement with each other. 
“That’s enough,” a voice commanded.
“Are you Akiyama Aki? I’m ready for you.” 
Your face went pale. As you slowly turned around, there he was. The man himself, Akaashi Keiji. As an agent, you’ve went through strenuous training, so from the outside you looked relaxed as ever, but on the inside the butterflies in your stomach started awakening. He was a very attractive man after all.
“You must be Mr. Akaashi, let’s begin!” you enthusiastically smiled, while following him into his office. 
“So Akiyama, tell me about yourself?” Akaashi read off a list.
“Well I was born in the states, but my parents are foreign. They enforced me to take a lot of language classes, hence why I know quite a lot.” You were dying inside. It was a half-true statement though, you were from the states and your parents are foreign.
“It says you speak French, Aimez-vous boire l'eau des toilettes?” He smirked. 
You had no idea what he just said. The silence was deafening, so you just laughed it off. You’ve been told your laugh is very contagious, so you used that to your benefit. Your laughter increased, his did too. 
After you both calmed down, he continued with his next question, “Out of all of the candidates, why should I hire you?”
“Well I guess my stats match up with everyone else, but what’s not on the textbook is my characteristics. I am dependable, calm, and honestly easy to work with. I will do my best to help you any way I can, and keep your stress levels at ease.” You smiled with confidence. 
“Any way huh?” Akaashi whispered to himself. You acted like you didn’t hear his whisper. As an agent it was also one of your many talents to keep an ear out for anything. 
“Akiyama, congratulations! you’ve gotten the job.” Akaashi put his hand out.
“R-r-really? That was only two questions” you tilted your head to the side. You could feel his glare as a response.
“Well, thank you anyways! My parents will be pleased.” you gushed as you shook his calloused hands. Parents? Please, more like your boss. You swore you could hear a ‘cha-ching’ sound effect in your head.
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Over the next couple of months, you’ve been working under Akaashi. If he was staying up til’ 2 AM at the office, so were you. Continuously brewing coffee, while also printing papers, and keeping him company. 
However, one day the routine changed. Prior to this day, your boss had just kept you up for the next order, so you were extremely tired. During the 2 AM session, your eyes slowly started to drift off, feeling the wave of drowsiness pound into your head. Akaashi walked into your office and was going to ask you for copies, until he saw you sleeping head down on your desk. At first, he was going to viciously shake you awake, but seeing your dainty face in the moonlight he couldn’t bring himself to. This was the first time he saw you vulnerable. Typically, when he would ask if you were tired, you would just shake it off with a bright smile. However, he knew. He could tell that you were pushing for him. So, he draped over his blazer around you, in hopes to insulate some warmth and went back to his office. Minutes later, you jerked yourself awake. You felt a strange piece of clothing around you, so you pinched at it while analyzing. Does it look like a weapon? No. Does it have any toxins? No. Could this harm you in any way, shape, or form? It honestly just looked like a plain blazer you thought. As you checked the shoulder pocket, there was an ID. 
“Akaashi’s jacket huh?” you said to yourself, not even noticing the smile that crept up on your face. As soon as you caught yourself, you immediately slapped your face. Oh no. Quickly, you sent a picture of the ID, so that the agency can create a replica for future secret documents and shoved it back inside. 
Knocking at the entrance to his office, he looked up at you with bagged eyes. His sleepiness radiated off of him, so you did what you promised on the first day-- relieve his stress levels. You pulled down the shutters of his clear office so no one could look in. In addition, setting up the couch to where there was a pull up bed under it.
“Miss Akiyama, if you’re trying to seduce me you could’ve just said so,” He flirtatiously grinned. You rolled your eyes in response, and grabbed him to the bed.
“I like where this is going, Ami, I didn’t think you were so bold.”
“Just shut up and get some rest, I’ll appoint some things out so your projects aren’t due.”
As he opened his mouth, you anticipated that he was for sure going to deny. However, no words came out of his mouth, instead he grabbed your wrists and pulled you onto the bed with him. 
“I’ll accept, on the conditions that you, too get some rest.”
Too tired to argue, you complied. As you both fell asleep, with his arms wrapped around you.
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a/n: i was planning on making this a one shot but i feel like this might be a multiple part-er(?)
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kaywinchester · 3 years
Dark Power
@gracie-and-the-superwholock-gang asked: An angsty long-ff or series request, Sam daughter reader based off of the song In Control- by Nemesea.She was born before the event of the pilot. (like 17 months old by the pilot).So when Sam left her w/Jessica,Azazel did something to her before he killed Jess.She showed minor symptoms of powers and stuff up until the end of the Apocalypse arc.But then sometime when God(season14) came back or whenever you think is best for the story.Powers, darker self, fallow the song, accidentally hurts others
Word Count: 1,521
A/N: I will most likely end up turning this into a series because it sounds like an awesome plot (thanks for the request btw) but I hope I wrote it the way you pictured it lol :)
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“You’re leaving. Just like that?” Jess asked Sam.
“Jess, it’ll only be til Monday.”
“What about Y/N?”
“She’ll be fine with you. Everything she needs is here, and I know you can handle her.” Sam said.
Y/N was Sam Winchester’s daughter. Sam was dating someone briefly during his senior year of high school. When his girlfriend at the time told him she was pregnant and was going to give up the baby, Sam had to make one of the most difficult decisions of his life. Either he could agree with the mother or take full custody of his child. It was not easy telling John or Dean. There was a lot of yelling and frustration that night, plus John didn’t agree with Sam going to college so there was a lot of tension between the two. But it all came down to Sam choosing to raise Y/N himself. For a while, he questioned his decision and wasn’t sure if he was ready. But when he held his newborn daughter for the first time and looked into her glistening green eyes, he knew he had chosen the right path. Sam promised himself he would do anything in his power to protect his little girl.
College was another obstacle Sam had to make a decision on. It was something he had wanted to do when he graduated high school. It was his opportunity to move away from the hunting life temporarily and pursue what he wanted to do. After lots of planning and thinking, Sam found a small apartment on campus that he could move into with Y/N. While Sam would attend classes in the morning, Y/N would stay with a sitter that lived nearby. Then, all afternoon and evening, Sam would be home studying and taking care of Y/N. Until he met Jess......
Sam was surprised a girl like Jess took interest in him, and he was worried she would change her mind when she found out he had a daughter. To his surprise, she stuck around. Jess moved in with Sam after six months and helped take care of Y/N. Their schedules lined up to where someone was always home with her. It was difficult at times but they made it work.
That’s when Dean came in. After a long time of not talking or visiting, Dean barged in unannounced that night. It scared the shit out of Sam in the process and pissed him off a little. Jess walked out into the living room and switched on the light.
“Sam?” She called out.
Sam and Dean stood in the middle of the room. Dean looked over and saw Jess holding a very sleepy looking Y/N. She had grown so much since the last time he saw her. Dean explained the whole situation with John, Sam was not happy to hear the news. He was just settling into his new life, he didn’t want to worry about hunting.
“Dean, I have Jess and Y/N, I can’t leave.” Sam said.
“Look, I have a few leads on dad. How bout we just go on with this for a few days. I’ll have you back by Monday.” Dean insisted.
“I don’t know, Dean. Dad is probably just caught up somewhere and isn’t checking his phone.” Sam explained.
“No. It’s different. I know it.” Dean told him.
Sam agreeed to help Dean, but it pained him to get back into his past, especially with his daughter in his life now.
“Promise you’ll be back by Monday?” Jess sighed.
“I promise.” Sam said as he kissed Jess’s forehead. He kissed Y/N’s tiny cheek. “I love you both. I’ll call you tomorrow morning, alright?” Sam reassured as he picked up his duffel bag and left.
Sam sat in the passenger seat of the impala while Dean drove. It had been a while since he had sat on the leather seats of baby.
“How old is Y/N now?” Dean asked, breaking the silence.
“Eighteen months...... She’s starting to crawl a little bit.” Sam smiled to himself
“What do you think you’ll end up doing? I mean, after college. You gonna have that cookie cutter lifestyle? Eh? Maybe have a little garden in front of the house type stuff?” Dean asked.
“I don’t know, Dean. I try not to think about it but, I know having the past that I do, with hunting and everything. I don’t know if I can get rid of that. I always wonder if I made the right decision with Y/N. What if I try to escape hunting and something ends up happening to her that I can’t control? It’ll be my fault. I just don’t want her to grow up scared all the time.” Sam explained.
“Well, she’s you’re kid. She’s a Winchester. Whatever happens, she’ll be strong....and she has a pretty cool dad. And uncle if I might add.” Dean smirked.
Meanwhile, back at home..... Jess was keeping Y/N entertained while getting ready for bed. Y/N was in her play pen with some toys around her. Jess had gone to clean up the bedroom a little bit.
The curtains started moving with the wind from the window. The lights in the room flickered slightly. Y/N looked around the room for Jess or Sam, but she was alone. A dark shadow figure appeared in the corner behind the door. Y/N spotted it and locked her eyes on it. The figure moved slowly from the corner to reveal a man, with yellow glowing eyes that stared at Y/N. She didn’t know who it was, but as far as her little brain knew, it looked like any other person. The man walked closer and kneeled down to her pen.
He reached out and placed his hand on Y/N’s head. She wriggled around a little bit when her eyes flashed and light emitted from her being. The man smirked and stepped back, the light subsided and Y/N looked up at the man with a look of shock. She started crying which alerted Jess.
The man walked over to the window and looked back at Y/N before disappearing into thin air. Jess walked back into the room and picked up the fussy child, placing her in her arms. Y/N stared at the window, too young to know what happened, and too young to know what was coming.
It was Monday and Sam and Dean hadn’t found much on dad, but they did catch up with each other and got to re-live the hunting life for a few days.
“I really wish we could do this more often.” Dean sighed as he parked baby in front of Sam’s apartment.
“I know, but you know how it goes. You can’t just call it quits once you start on a hunting spree. It’s one or the other.” Sam stated.
“Take care.” Dean said as Sam grabbed his stuff from the back.
“I’m home!” Sam called out as he entered the apartment.
“In here!” Jess shouted from the other room.
Sam walked into the bedroom to see Y/N in her jumper. She smiled and giggled as he walked over to her.
“There’s my girl!” Sam cheered as he lifted her up into his arms. Jess was in the shower so Sam rested on the bed with Y/N on his chest.
He closed is eyes and took a deep breath, happy that he was home. All of a sudden, Sam felt something wet dripping down onto his forehead. He flinched and opened his eyes to see the worst thing he could possibly witness.
Jess was on the ceiling looking down at him. “Jessica!” Sam shouted as the ceiling burst into flames. Dean happened to be checking a lead on his phone in the car as he heard Sam shout. He flew up the flight of stairs into the burning apartment. Sam was standing in the room looking up at Jess while Y/N sat herself up on the bed screaming.
“Sam!” Dean shouted as he grabbed Y/N and pulled a resistant Sam out of the room.
The two of them rushed outside and looked up at the burning apartment. Dean looked over at Sam. His eyes glossed over as tears formed. Dean remembered back to the same night he had to carry Sam out of the house when his mom got caught in the fire. The same pain filled the air.
The fire department finally arrived and put out the flames. They asked Sam if there were any belongings he wanted them to grab, if they were still useable. He told them to grab any baby items that were still okay, and a few family items that he explained.
Sam was numb. It hadn’t hit him yet that Jess was dead. It all happened so fast. He could’ve put himself or Y/N in danger from his emotions. He wasn’t paying attention in the moment. Thank god for Dean. So many thoughts were going through his head. He didn’t know what he was going to do with himself, and Y/N especially.
All he knew was, something was out to get him and his daughter. And it was not a good sign.
Requests Are Closed
Read Part 2 HERE!
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sparklyfairymira · 3 years
Prompt & Fic Updates (Updated 5/9)
Because I have a lot of fics and prompts upcoming, here is a list so you can see what's in queue and when my WIPs are set to update. Generally speaking, I will stick to this schedule as much as a I can, though it might change from time to time.
Chapter 3 (Final): 6/23/21
Chapter 3 (Final): 6/30/21
BELLARKE/MINTY/HARPHY Chapter 3: 7/7/21 Chapter 4: 7/21/21 Chapter 5: 8/18/21 Chapter 6: 9/1/21 Chapter 7: 9/13/21
Chapter 2: 7/14/21 Chapter 3: 8/9/21 Chapter 4: 8/25/21
Chapter 7: 6/25/21 Updating every Friday
See below the cut for my upcoming prompts
Expected publication date: 6/26/21
Seelie Princess Clarke is set to marry Unseelie Prince Wells, her childhood friend as has been arranged since their birth, but there is nothing less in the world that she wants to do. So she decides to run from the court but somehow ends up in the Shadow Court—somewhere that no Seelie should ever be. But then she meets the King of the Shadow Court Bellamy and something is drawing her to him. Bellamy can’t believe his luck with one of his subjects shows up at his door with a Seelie Fae and not just any Seelie, it turns out, but the Seelie Princess. He thinks that he’ll be able to use her to finally have his court recognized by the other two. He wasn’t expecting her to be his soulmate but as soon as their eyes lock, he knows. And he knows that he can never let her leave him.
Expected publication date: 7/3/21
Clarke is a nurse who works hella late nights in the ER and walks home. She’s attacked one night while walking home — nothing happened because a (tall, muscular) stranger happened to be nearby and pulled the guy off her. But the man in question, Roan she learns, tells her that if she’s going to walking home in the city at night she should learn how to protect herself. So she signs up for a self-defense class...and Roan ends up being the instructor. He teaches her how to defend herself, and she starts growing more confident in herself in general. Confident enough to ask him out after class one day. Let’s just say they never make it to their dinner reservation.
Expected publication date: 7/10/21
Clarke falls in love with Bellamy the moment she lays eyes on him. He's smart and handsome and has a fire inside of him that she finds mesmerizing. Sure, he's always been secretive, but his secrets are a small price to pay for his love. But then she learns what those secrets are, and suddenly the price doesn't seem so small. He's not what she thought he was, and even though she loves him, she plots to take him down
Expected publication date: 7/17/21
Their group consists of six. Bellamy, a convict with a thirst for revenge. Miller, a sharpshooter who can’t walk away from a wager. Monty, a runaway with a privileged past. Raven, a spy known as the Wraith. Clarke, a Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums. Murphy, a thief with a gift for unlikely escapes. Somehow they managed the impossible heist only to be backstabbed and Raven to be kidnapped. They get Raven back and they get their revenge but nothing ever comes for free. "We were all supposed to make it, " Monty says softly. Maybe they'd been naive but they had never questioned their survival—no matter how dicey the situation seemed. But Bellamy is dying in Clarke's arms—the only place he wants to be—and Raven is telling her that she has to accept it. Only Clarke knows that she doesn't have to. She may not have the jurda parem but it's already changed her powers. She can do this. She knows she can. She pulls on all of the power that she can and forces it into Bellamy's body as the last breath leaves his lips. Or a Six of Crows AU that picks up at the end of Crooked Kingdom with slightly different results.
Expected publication date: 7/19/21
Emori isn't the sentimental type. When you grow up the way she did, you tend to learn to not get attached to things. When you get attached, that opens you up to loss. And she's had about all the loss she can handle. But then she meets Bellamy. He's a grad student at NYU, this hot book nerd whose hair is always a mess and who comes to her bar to do homework like some sort of weird. Says he grew up basically in a bar, and the background noise helps him focus when his apartment gets too quiet. And he's...not her type. He's got kind eyes and his hair is always a mess and he's getting a master's so he can teach history and he wants to travel the world to see all of the places he's going to teach students about in person. He wears his heart on his sleeve and makes stupid jokes and chats with everyone he sees. Meanwhile, she's got hard edges and a rough exterior no one's ever gotten close enough to even try to crack. Well, no one until Bellamy. And the closer he gets, the more she starts to think maybe the risk of opening up is worth the reward...
Expected publication date: 7/24/21
Riot Night changed Clarke’s life forever. A gang war between the Grounders and the Reapers had reached a head that night. The first riot began at the abandoned amusement park where Clarke and Raven were attending an underground MMA fight. Clarke makes sure that Raven gets away but finds herself in danger only to be rescued by three extremely attractive mystery men. Three mystery men that framed her as the ringleader of Riot Night. It’s eleven months later and she is coming back to Arkadia for the first time in the eight months since she was acquitted of all charges. As she arrives at her mother’s house she discovers that the three mystery men are her new housemates and they have no intentions of leaving. Now all that she desires to revenge—no matter the cost. When she finds herself in danger it is her new housemates that vow to keep her safe. Can Clarke learn to trust Bellamy, Murphy, and Roan? Does she need to trust them to sleep with them? Because it has been a long eleven months of celibacy and they are all stupidly hot. Based on the Madison Kate series, a reverse harem enemies-to-lovers story involving lots of sex and lots of violence.
Will be added to WIP list w/ expected publication dates after the first chapter is posted.
Expected Publication date: 7/31/21
Murphy is married to Clarke Griffin, a hotshot doctor who's on her way to becoming the youngest chief of surgery ever at Arkadia Memorial. But their marriage is more show than anything these days, and neither of them is in love anymore. She's constantly at work, and he's left to his own devices. That is until he meets Emori at one of Clarke's hospital galas. The affair they startup is supposed to be fun, a bit of distraction from Murphy's otherwise mundane life. But then real feelings develop, and he isn't sure how he's supposed to tell Clarke that he thinks he's found the one...and it's not her.
Expected publication date: August
Clarke, Princess of the Arkadian ocean, and Bellamy, Prince of the Mecha sea, were not supposed to ever meet—let alone fall in love. There were engagements to uphold, treaties to sign, and wars to win. But they do meet and they fall in love—deciding to leave it all behind. Before they can run away together their two kingdoms unite to banish the princess and the prince to separate oceans, to separate their souls, despite the sea witch's warnings. But soulmates always find a way back to one another. Can Bellamy and Clarke find each other and right a wrong from centuries ago?
Will be added to WIP list w/ expected publication dates after the first chapter is posted.
Expected publication date: August
Growing up Octavia never understood why the foxes would follow her around. It wasn't until she hit her teen years that she learned that she was a Kitsune—the Queen of the Kitsune. In a world where the supernatural is viewed as evil, she has to learn how to rule her people but also how to live in the world into which she was born. Lincoln is a dragon shifter—a warrior with one purpose: wipe out the Kitsunes. He doesn't know why their two people are at war but he has never approved. When he meets Octavia it is easy to forget that their people are enemies. Can true love overcome everything for these natural enemies?
Expected publication date: August
Octavia's father left when she was just six years old, leaving her feeling unloved. It is her big brother Bellamy that picks her up and helps her put herself back together again. He is the first man to show her that they don't always leave and that she isn't unlovable. Octavia begins modeling in her teens and her father shows up under the guise of catching up and getting to know one another—but really all he wants is money. Luckily her stepdad Marcus is there to help her put herself back together again. He's the second man to show her that they don't always leave and that she isn't unlovable. When Octavia meets actor Lincoln she is cautious, afraid to put herself out there but he wins her over. And then they're married and starting a family. When she gives birth to their daughter she vows that she will never be like her father and it is Lincoln that shows her what it truly means to be a father. Inspired by "Piece by Piece" by Kelly Clarkson
Expected publication date: August
Clarke and Murphy grew up together and they caused a lot of trouble together in their teens. They left Arkadia as soon as they were both eighteen and set out to make lives for themselves. They turned to robbery for an easy way to get some cash, but then a job goes wrong and Clarke gets caught and Murphy just runs. She’s spent the last six years in jail and he’s never once come to see her. Now she’s out and she wants revenge. But as soon as her eyes land on him, all those old feelings come back and she can’t decide which is stronger—her love for him or her need for revenge.
Expected publication date: August
When Octavia discovered her powers to control the weather she had been excited but a little overwhelmed. She tried to teach herself how to use them since there were no sorcerers or sorceresses in her village. Unfortunately, she’d lost control and massacred her entire village—her mother and brother included. When she was found out they tried to kill her, spewing hate and telling her that she is a monster. So she became the monster that they accused her of being. Years later when she meets a soldier named Lincoln who has been injured, something happens that she never expected—the ice around her heart begins to melt. Lincoln isn’t afraid of her and he is kind to her. She doesn’t understand it but she finds herself falling hard.
Expected publication date: September
Bellamy and Clarke have been married for five years and they're just as happy as the date they got married. They love their jobs, their dog, their friends, their life. When Clarke's childhood friend Roan begs Clarke to be his date to his mom's wedding, she and Bellamy decide what's the harm—especially with Roan willing to foot the bill and pay her for her time. Bellamy's only condition is that he goes to. Roan agrees which should be the end of it—until the couple realizes that they're falling for Roan.
Expected publication date: September
Clarke found the staircase in the middle of the woods—a place she’s been a million times before and it had never been there. Something was drawing her to them and as she climbed and climbed, clouds began to appear around her. When she pushes through the door she finds herself in a whole new world. Bellamy welcomes her to the City of Clouds and explains that the only way she could have found her way there is if she was looking for an escape. Clarke doesn’t want to admit it but she was looking for an escape from the pressures of her life—her mother’s expectations and pressure to marry Finn. It was all just too much. The City of Clouds is beautiful and she’s never known a place like it. And she’s never known a man like Bellamy before. And now she’s not sure that she ever wants to go home.
Expected publication date: September
Clarke, the Winter Queen, has only ever known cold and logic. Bellamy, the Summer King, has only ever known warmth and emotions. When their two realms suddenly start bleeding into one another they have to figure out how to stop it. If they happen to fall for one another in the process, who can blame them? Can he teach her how to feel? Can she teach him how to use his head and his heart?
Expected publication date: September
Bellamy Blake was seven years old when his mother was murdered and he and his sister were stolen away to live in the treacherous High Court of Faerie. Ten years later, and Bellamy desires nothing more than to belong there but many of the fey despise humans. Especially Princess Clarke, the youngest and wickedest daughter of the High Queen. To win a place at the Court, Bellamy must defy her and face the consequences. Consequences deep down he's not ready to face—like falling in love with Clarke even though he can't stand the mere sight of her. A Cruel Prince AU
Expected publication date: October
The sorceress of Arkadia, Raven, has only one job—to keep Prince Murphy alive until his coronation. There have been multiple attempts against his life and it has been decided that she is best equipped to protect him. She takes him far from the palace so that she can protect him. What she wasn’t expecting was to fall into bed and then in love with him.
Expected publication date: October
Clarke is the beloved queen of Arkadia and when Azgeda declares war on Arkadia, she is right there beside her soldiers fighting. During a battle, she is wounded and she’s not sure that she will survive but a man rescues her and nurses her back to health. Bellamy tells her of the chaos that the world has become since she went missing—water turning to blood & crops dying. It seems that there is some kind of curse on the land. Clarke immediately tries to drag herself from bed but she can’t even stand. Eventually, he agrees to see her home so that she can right their lands. And if he’s a little bit in love with her, who can blame him?
Expected publication date: October
A continuation of chapter 39 of "We are all caught in the in between (Of what's real and what's a dream?)"
Expected publication date: October
A continuation/epilogue for my fic A waking dream of life and light (hath left me broken-hearted)
Expected publication date: October
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century AU — Clarke grew up on the Ark with her parents and loves everything about her life in space. But after getting into trouble one too many times, her parents are sending her to spend some time on Earth with her Aunt Diyoza. To say Earth is a huge culture shock would be an understatement. But things begin to look up once she manages to make some friends, especially Bellamy, the cute boy who is fully fascinated by her life living among the stars. Everything is actually going great until Clarke discovers something that puts life on her beloved space station in jeopardy.
Expected publication date: November
Arkadia, once a prosperous land filled with magic is slowly crumbling beneath the darkness that spreads from the forest that borders their lands—the magic all but lost and forgotten. As the darkness spreads, Arkadians begin to sicken and die. Following his mother's death and his sister falling ill, Bellamy decides that he shall brave the darkness and destroy Wanheda. Wanheda, the Commander of Death, used to have another name—Princess Clarke of Arkadia. In order to keep her people and her lands from being overwhelmed by evil, she took it upon herself to keep the darkness at bay. Into the forest, she went and made her home in a tower far from anyone and everyone that she has ever known. For centuries she has taken the darkness into herself to save her people and it has slowly been seeping into her soul until she has forgotten her former self. Now all she knows is the darkness. Can Bellamy save Arkadia and Clarke?
Expected publication date: November
Clarke bought a little cabin in the woods so that she could get out of the city. She just can’t do all of the people and all of the constant going anymore. Everything is going well until she gets bit by a wolf and then on the next full moon, she turns into a wolf herself. She’s scared and confused—not to mention lost—when the black wolf finds her. She immediately knows that he’s like her—a werewolf. He helps her through the night until they fall asleep under the stars. When they wake up naked, she finds out that the black wolf is a very hot guy named Bellamy who has a proposition for her. Bellamy was born a werewolf, a gene passed down by his mom. He was raised as part of the pack and Marcus, the pack leader, was training him to take over when the time came. But then another pack came and killed most of their pack. Those that they didn’t kill they took prisoner—his sister being one of them. The only reason he’s alive is that Marcus had sent him out of state to meet with another pack. He knows that the wolf that bit Clarke is in this pack because he’d been watching her when she got bit—he just hadn’t been fast enough to stop it. Bellamy tells Clarke that he can help her get revenge on the man that turned her into a werewolf as long as she helps him get his people back. She doesn’t hesitate, her thirst for revenge and blood running too deep.
Expected Publication Date: November
Lincoln sets sail one week following his wedding to Octavia, promising to return in six months, leaving her with nothing but a paper boat. It's been two years and everyone thinks he's dead. But then rumors reach her of a man who looks likes her dead husband, swimming in the sea—with a tail instead of legs. So she steals her brother's boat and sets off to find her husband.
Expected publication date: November
Clarke finds herself in love with two people: Bellamy and Lexa. Neither of them can stand one another and it's probably at least in part due to the fact that she refuses to choose between them. Tired of the pair's fighting she tricks them both into coming over at the same time and tells them that she will not choose. If they cannot get along then they can both leave. It's either both or neither of them. Reluctantly they get to know one another and realize that maybe the other isn't so bad.
Holidate AU. FWB. June holiday. Expected Publication Date: 6/28/21
Holidate AU. FWB. July holiday. Expected publication date: 7/12/21
Holidate AU. FWB. August holiday. Expected publication date: 8/23/21
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sxnnimoon · 4 years
History No More
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Klaus x reader, Damon x reader( briefly)
Summary- You’re back in Mystic Falls due to Klaus having some business to handle so you being pregnant and not wanting to stay in the house all day you venture off where you bump into a few people you really hoped you wouldn’t but small town means unexpected meetings.
You didn’t want to be in Mystic Falls for two reasons. One being you do not want to relive your high school days as almost every single person is still living in this town. And reason number two being you are a wolf turned hybrid and am carrying the child of The Klaus Mikaelson. But here you were in the Mikaelson mansion awaiting Niklaus’ return from doing lord knows what. You decided he was taking too long to arrive home so you went for a walk downtown and maybe stop at the grill to get something to eat. Although you hated being here it did have it’s perks. It’s not even the town you hated though. It was the history that was made here. You were too busy in your thoughts when someone bumped into you.
“I am so sorry.” the person spoke.
“It’s alright no harm done.” you said.
You looked up to see it was none other than Hayley Marshall, the one your now fiance decided to sleep with while you both were on a “break”. You don’t blame her though, you blame Nik. he may be horrible to most and had his way with women but if there is one thing for certain he did know how to pick them. 
“I didn’t know you guys were back in town.” she said.
“We just got in last night, Nik had some things to take care of so I thought I'd take a breather from all things him.” you spoke out of breath.
You were about to walk away when Hayley grabbed your hand.
“I know you probably hate me for sleeping with Klaus but believe me I was drunk and I don’t necessarily sleep with anyone I just met.” she said worry in her voice.
“Believe me love I wanna hate you but I don’t, what I can do is blame Nik for putting his dick somewhere he knows he shouldn’t have, regardless of being on a break.” you spoke powerfully.
“And I will spend the rest of my days making up for it.” Nik came up behind you. “You can’t possibly still be mad at me my love?”
“You bet your ass you’ll be making it up to me. I am not carrying this baby for nothing.” you elbowed him.
“Well this is my que to go, see you guys around I suppose.” Hayley said walking away.
Klaus turned to face you. 
“Mine as well, I’ve still got a bit of things to do yet so you’ll be on your own til then, Rebekah is on standby in case you need something alright? I don’t need my queen worrying too much.” he gave you a quick peck before vamping away.
You decided to head to the grill as your little one was getting hungry, you made your way to a table when you bumped into someone who was the last person you wanted to see. 
“Y/N/N, I see you’re back in town.” Damon spoke,
Yes, Damon Salvatore. Back in your highschool/college days you guys went out and things ended when you found Damon in bed with your then best friend, Elena Gilbert. You were two years older than her but you’re guys families were part of the founding families so you were always close. 
“Damon,” you said, turning. “Didn’t expect to bump into you.”
“And I didn’t expect you to be pregnant so guess we’re both caught by surprise.” he said admiring your growing belly.
“Shocking I know.” you held your belly. “Say how are things with Elena?”
He rolled his eyes.
“Things are fine, and yes we are together.” he said.
“I’m not surprised.” you smirked.
“Sooo who's the lucky guy?” he asked, a hint of sadness lingering.
“You’d think me crazy.” you smiled.
“You? Crazy? HA! Never.” he smirked looking away.
“Okay you ass,” you pushed him. “But if you really want to kn-”
You were cut off by your phone ringing. It was Elijah. You ignored him deeming it not important. You then put your phone on silent not wanting to ruin the conversation.
“Anyways, you really wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” you giggled.
“Try me.” he said.
Before you could speak, Nik entered the grill dramatic as ever.
“I see this is where you’ve been hiding.” he sassed.
“Relax Niklaus,” you soothed. “I am not harmed, I am perfectly ok. She is perfectly ok.” 
You rubbed your belly.
“Please tell me you didn’t get knocked up by a Mikaelson.” Damon face palmed.
“Damon Salvatore, I’ll be damned. I didn’t expect to see you so soon.
“Me either but I guess it’s your lucky day.” Damon retorted.
“Now care to tell me how you two know each other.” Nik asked.
“You remember how I told you I never wanted to come back here because of the history it holds?” you said. “Well damon was that history.”
“Bloody hell.” Nik said, “You mean to tell me, this whole time Damon was the one who made you want to forget this here town?”
“Yes.” you responded.
“And that is my que to go.” Damon said before vamping away.
“Nik it was years ago. I’ve moved on clearly.” you held your stomach. “He cheated and all feelings were lost.”
Nik began to speak, but you cut him off.
“And before you say anything the Hayley situation is very different from this one. Damon and I were together when he cheated on me with Elena. You and I were on a break when Hayley happened.” you held his face.
“I just don’t want you to hate me for going and sleeping with someone regardless of it being a break.” he said looking away.
“It’s all in the past and this,” you held your belly. “This baby is our future.”
He gave you his signature smirk. He knew your baby would be spoiled no matter what. That baby had him whipped and they weren’t even born yet.
**Fast Forward 3 months***
You all were back in New Orleans, and by all you meant all. You couldn’t be happier your son was to know his family as he was nearing his due date any time now. To say you didn’t want him out was an understatement. You wanted him out. You were miserable. Klaus tried his best to help ease whatever it was you were feeling but it just wasn’t enough. You had been reading peacefully while Klaus was painting, when you felt a very sharp pain. You whimpered but tried your best to ignore it. You didn’t think anything of it. You went back to reading when it happened again this time Klaus taking notice.
“You alright love?” he said.
“I’ll be alright just a bit uncomfortable.” you said another one coming.
You had gotten up to go to the bathroom when you felt liquid coming down out of you. It wasn’t pee. Your water had broken. Your son was coming and he was coming fast. You nearly fainted when Klaus caught you.
“The babies coming.” was all you said.
Klaus yelled for Freya and Rebekah. Seeing as you couldn’t walk or had no interest in moving as your son really wanted out. Klaus sat behind you on the floor as Freya checked you out.
“I see his head, you're going to have to push now Y/N.” she said. “On my count you’ll push ok?”
You tried nodding. Freya counted to three and you gave your first push. You let out a scream. You didn’t doubt Klaus but he was honestly trying his best to help you through the pain you were experiencing. Freya had you push a few more times and your son was born. You let out the biggest sigh, he was here and healthy. Rebekah took him to clean him up a bit while Freya made sure you were alright and fixed you up. Klaus was in tears. The moment Rebekah brought him back, you were in awe. He was gorgeous. He definitely looked like Klaus just with your lips. Klaus and helped you to the bed and he couldn’t keep his eyes on your guys son. He finally had a family. He was going to be the best father anyone could have. A month goes by and you couldn’t be happier with the little family you have. You had been focused on your writing since Klaus has been on daddy duty all day to give you some free time, he really has come a long way. You could only feel your son was the missing piece to the puzzle your guys life was. He was happy and so were you. 
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chaoticevilbean · 3 years
Four In One : Chapter Four
With the help of his alien comrades, Lance had a plan of action ready for his big reveal. While Hunk made dinner, Allura kept the other Paladins out of the lounge and Coran and Lance began to work. On the farthest point away from the nest they installed a small platform that would fit Lance when he was sitting down. It was perfectly level with the nest and Coran added a few blankets there despite Lance saying he was fine.
"Nonsense, Number Three. It may be temporary but that doesn't mean it can't be comfortable."
They attached a ladder to the platform so that Lance could reach it and headed out, their work finished. Sort-of. Coran made a beeline for the kitchen and Allura dragged Lance off to someone's old personal quarters without any explanation. She sat him down on a chair and disappeared into a closet, leaving him confused and slightly worried.
"So, I realized while I was waiting that you probably can't use some of the same products that we do," the princess spoke over her shoulder. "So that got me thinking. How are we supposed to groom your wings after this reveal if none of the products do much good? You've obviously taken the time to groom them yourself, and you do it well, but you also know all the techniques and ways to make use of what you've got since they are your wings. And I remembered a certain fellow back on Altea who had wings. He was half Altean, half Gullruck, which is a scaled bipedal race, much like those dragon-borns that Pidge showed me. And he was born with both feathers and scales, because Alteans are primarily feathered and Gullrucks don't have wings, but they always have scales, even hybrids." Allura stepped out of the closet with a large box in her hands, grinning. "So I looked it up rather quickly and found that I was right."
"Right about what," Lance inquired carefully.
"One of the Blue Paladins of Voltron was the Altean-Gullruck. This," she set the box down in front of Lance, "is his old wing-care products. Even after ten thousand years, these will be usable. One of the marvels of the Gullrucks' ingenuity."
Lance leaned forward to gaze into the box, and his breath left him in shock. There were oils and cleaners, and tools for getting under feathers and scales alike, and there were treatments for rotting and for molts. As a teen who valued self-care and had struggled to groom and maintain his wings for his entire life, it was a box filled with treasure.
"Lura," he started, swallowing when his voice came out thick. "Lura, this is the best present ever." For her part, the princess didn't seem too uncomfortable at the new nickname, or at the emotions playing out on Lance's face. In fact, she promptly pulled him into a hug, speaking softly in his ear.
"I'm glad I could help, Lance."
The two hugged for a few ticks more before releasing each other, which started them onto the task of going through the box. Allura explained what each word on the containers meant, since most of them were written in Gullrooki, and Lance was still learning Altean. They sorted the products between scales, feathers, and both, and by the end of it, the conversation had taken a full turn into Lance's nightly self-care routine and how Allura might begin to try it.
"There you two are," a voice called from the entrance. The two turned to see Shiro poking his head into the room. "We've been looking all over for you, and Hunk was about to cry when I told them I heard you talking."
"Sorry, Dad," Lance responded distractedly as he picked up the organized box. "Allura and I were talking self-care and she might do a facemask tonight, so we had to make sure we have enough supplies. She's definitely gonna do it again once she tries it." The Blue Paladin strolled past Shiro easily, once again oblivious to the way his words affected those around him. He went straightaway to the dining room, where he was crushed by a hug from Hunk
~ ~ ~
"Did he- did he just," Shiro stuttered out, unable to form the sentence bouncing in his skull. None of the kids had ever- they joked but none had said- they never directly called him-
"I think he did," Allura hummed as she patted his metal arm on her way out the door.
"He said 'Dad'," Shiro whispered to himself. "I'm a father!"
Another thought came to him of his ex-SO, co-parent of Keith.
"Adam's gonna kill me!"
~ ~ ~
Dinner got all of them into the best moods they had been in since they were kidnapped by the Blue Lion slash woken up 10,000 years after the destruction of their planet. Hunk had made garlic knots and spaghetti, meaning Pidge and Lance both nearly cried at the Earth foods, or the best equivalents they could get. Keith tried to add cheese to his pasta, but it was quickly snatched from his hands by Shiro, who informed the team that Keith was lactose intolerant and it was amazing that this was only the first time so far that he had attempted death by dairy. The Red Paladin had pouted- "It's a scowl!" "I'm pretty sure that's a pout." "Urgh!" -until Lance promised he would get Keith a new knife at the space mall if he avoided lactose 'til then.
When Shiro called for grooming, Lance's stomach twisted a little, and not from eating too many garlic knots. He was about to reveal his biggest secret yet, and he could barely handle his emotions. Nonetheless, he was right behind the others as they rushed into the lounge, only paying small glances at the new platform. Lance separated then, climbing up to the temporary structure he and Coran had built and situating himself among the blankets.
"Um, loʻu uso?" Hunk called, falling back into their old titles now that the others wouldn't question it. "What are you doing over there?"
"Sì, e cosa sono queste cose aliene?" Pidge added, testing her new knowledge of Lance's skills as she looked at the new box. Yes, and what are these alien things? The others stared at her but she waved them off, motioning for the distant boy to answer. Lance was silent for a dobash, allowing his team time to take in his tense shoulders and fidgeting hands. The boy cleared his throat before turning so his side was to the group.
"Hunk, mi hermano, do you think you could groom my wings?" he asked, quiet. Hunk, for his credit, wasted no time in responding.
"Of course, although you probably need to come closer." Lance shook his head, smiling slightly, before releasing his hidden wings and slowly but surely unfurling a bottom one. It made it's way past the edge of the nest and stopped about halfway unfolded as the tip touched the wall. The other appendages were there, and with a lower one extended, it was clear there were four instead of two.
The team was silent in awe, and when he turned his head, the Cuban boy could see that they were staring at the feathers and scales. Only this morning he had brought up someone having all four mutations, and now they recognized that as a test to see if they would accept him. All the times he made sure they knew he wanted them as a flock, but never let his wings show was his way of handling what he probably considered his biggest secret. Shiro was glaring at Coran, who sat next to him, noticing the man's lack of reaction. Keith was doing the same to Allura, though neither glares had heat. It was the sort-of glare that said 'how dare you know this before me'.
"We're gonna need a bigger nest," was the first thing said. It was said by Hunk who was holding a feather brush in his hand and realizing that the wing before him was only an eighth of what they would need to groom.
"You're lucky that Coran and I suspected before Lance showed us," Allura spoke as she fluttered out of the nest with the box that was now easily recognized as Lance's wing-care products. Shiro almost facepalmed at how he hadn't noticed when it passed him earlier, but thought better of it after remembering what Lance had called him.
Lance pulled his wing back in, though no longer hiding them, and leapt from the platform. with just enough of his wings out to glide down gently. His heart was ready to burst from elation as he watched his Space Flock rush to pick up their grooming supplies and as many blankets and pillows as they could. Keith tossed several pieces of bedding at the Cuban, who caught them with slacked movements in his daze. When they had all made their way down, Lance found himself in the center of the bunch, following the now moving Allura.
They were led by the Altean to a nearby room, one that none of them had entered due to lack of necessity. It might've once been a room meant for parties, much like a ballroom, but now it had a floor of pillows and blankets and quilts and rugs and comforters and sheets and cushions. The walls were lined at the bottom with more soft materials, all thick enough pad the hard surfaces. Pidge instantly dropped her load and dove into the nest, sinking into the fabrics with a sigh... and continued sinking until she was barely seen where she was laying on her back.
"Pidge, did you die?" Keith asked.
"Only on the inside." They all gave sighs of relief, before setting up the supplies on the edges of the nest so they didn't sink in. Pidge's brush took a while to find since it had sunk nearly as much as she had, but Coran pulled it out on his first try.
Lance was still on cloud nine when Hunk shoved him into the middle of the nest, which was over 70 by 70 feet squared.
"Spread out your wings, Lance," he instructed, setting down a few of the tools and products from the new supplies. Lance complied, extending all four of his wings out as far as he could. Upon finding that he could do so and have plenty of space on all sides despite his wingspan of roughly sixty feet, he flopped backwards, submerging his torso in pillows and cushions. His smaller set overlapped the larger, warmth seeping into the bedding below.
"Eeyuh," Lance spluttered as something small wriggled its way between his wings. Lifting the lower right just barely, he saw a mess of brown hair and green pajamas and feathers.
"Pidge, what are you doing? We're grooming right now," Shiro deadpanned. Hunk extended a hand to pull Lance upright, dislodging the youngest human.
"Ugh, gosh, you're heavy," the Samoan panted.
"You try having a sixty-four foot wingspan on top of a fifty-eight foot wingspan. I can lift thousands of pounds with these babies because they weigh at least a hundred pounds."
"Let's just get this started," Keith complained. He looked like he was in pain, though Lance couldn't tell why. Coran seemed like he knew, if the amused smile was anything to go by.
"I'll explain what the products are if you need, but I believe Lance can inform you all as well," Allura declared, before plopping down next to his upper left wing and beginning to groom the feathers. Hunk took this as his cue to start on the scales of the left wing, passing Pidge a feather brush so she could help Allura. Keith and Coran joined Hunk as Shiro moved to aid the girls. Lance didn't pay much attention to what they were doing, instead relaxing more than he had in a long time. It was an amazing day and an amazing night, and now he would get to truly join in on grooming. And Allura was going to let him put a facemask on her. The Space Flock had Lance reminiscing once more.
"You know, my family used to do grooming every night," he began, drawing the attention of his flockmates. "We have a lot of people, so we'd set aside an hour or two after dinner to groom. We'd have the younger ones learn to groom on the adults, and they were all really quick students. And afterwards, your wings would be so soft and clean because they were really determined to be like all of us older kids. One person would have two to four people grooming them at once, and we would move from person to person until everyone got a turn. The little kids are always last, and they absolutely loved the attention. And when I came along, I was last as well. Every time, even when I grew up. Every person there would gather round and the kids would cause a little chaos by running between my wings and annoying me enough that my feathers fluffed up. We had a communal nest as well, since no one wanted to move once we were all groomed."
"Sounds nice," Pidge sighed. Lance fluffed his feathers lightly so they hit the littlest teammate in the face. "Oy!"
"Don't look so sad, Pidge. I was telling you what my flock does: grooming every night, teaching each other, working together on each person, and almost never separating to sleep. Sound familiar?"
"Aww, ou te alofa ia te oe, loʻu uso," Hunk cooed. Aww, I love you, my brother.
"Well, you certainly proved we're a family whether we like it or not," Shiro muttered, seeming to forget that the kids always heard his words, no matter what he said or how low he said it.
"Huh, what was that?"
"No, no," Keith started wagging his finger at the leader of their flock. "You said he had already proved we're a family, even if we don't want to be."
"What the quiznack does that mean, Dad?" Lance demanded. "I have not once proven that."
"Say what your titles for us are when I point," Shiro sighed. He pointed at Pidge first.
"Mi hermana." Keith was next. Lance smirked as he spoke.
"Mi futuro esposo." Hunk giggled, prompting him to be the next 'victim'.
"Mi hermano." Coran.
"Tio." Allura.
"Mi hermana." And finally, Shiro pointed at himself.
"Padre." Lance's eyes widened, and he attempted to correct himself. "I mean Dad, no, hermano, I meant hermano!"
"I get it," Allura drew out. "He calls us all family, correct?"
"That's right, princess," Shiro confirmed. "I knew it the moment he called me Dad the first time."
"You mean just now?" Pidge asked.
"No, he said before the demonstration," Keith amended.
"No, actually. He said it when I found him and Allura looking at these wing-care products."
"Quiznack," Lance muttered, turning his blushing face away. The others chuckled and continued their work, the six of them onto the lower left wing as they moved together.
"Wait," Keith suddenly piped up. The others once again gave their attention to their flockmate. "You called Pidge, Allura and Hunk your siblings, Shiro Dad, and I'm guessing you called Coran your uncle. But what did you call me? Me futurow espossoh or something?"
"You'll find out when you acknowledge your feelings," Hunk stated, turning back to the grooming after his words.
Keith just turned bright red.
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euvirginia · 3 years
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PART 1/2
stepford smiler
tw mention of mental illness - anxiety & depression
virginia will always have a smile on her face, no matter what. a cursed blessing, a power bestowed to her by dionysus allowing her to maintain a permanent poker face. on the outside, virginia comes across as yet another ditzy social butterfly. bubbly, carefree, and annoyingly optimistic, it doesn’t seem like there’s much that can actually faze her. a lover of the spotlight, she makes sure she’s hard to miss, always one you can hear coming a mile away and brightening any room she walks into. at her core, she’s extremely friendly, always  needing wanting someone to talk to. an expert at small talk, priding herself in always being able to fill up awkward silences. of course, this is nothing more than a mask she puts on because the truth is virginia viamontes, is utterly and devastatingly broken. she’s been like this for a while. always having the perfect smile on her lips while laying awake at night by the demons that haunt her. the insecurities and fears that run through her mind are never ending. part of the reason why you’ll rarely find virginia on her own is because of how easily it is for her to get sucked into her own thoughts. she’s terrified of never being good enough: not being talented, not being smart enough, not being beautiful enough, not being worthy enough — of literally not being enough for anyone. she’s completely numb inside, the smile she puts on being nothing more than a facade to get her through the day. she works extremely hard and bends over backwards for others only to feel like she’s let down someone every time. it’s something that has gone untreated for years with virginia refusing to admit that how she feels isn’t normal or accept that she needs help.
abusive parents
tw mention of emotional neglect, mention of death
while virginia cares deeply for her parents, her mother especially, the relationship she has with graciela viamontes and dionysus is rocky to say the least. as a child she idolized the romantic fairytale her mother had created about how her parents met. graciela spinning a story of how dionysus was her prince charming who fell to his untimely demise before vi was born. going so far as to take the girl to visit ‘his grave’ all throughout her childhood. it wasn’t until virginia’s powers manifested and graciela realized that the vague note dionysus had left behind about how he was a god and would be back once vi got older, that she realized her web of lies was soon to be untangled. it completely devarstated vi. while it was something she never confronted her mother about, it did cement some deep seeded issues in the girl. her mother became distant after it was revealed that vi was a demi-god, resentful almost. she still provided for vi but things were never the same. she stopped being the person virginia would go to for anything and everything. she knows her mom’s never looked at her the same either and vi’s almost sure that she blames her for her failed broadway dreams. the tipping point coming during virginia’s senior of high school when vi wanted to go to julliard and graciela insisted she attend eonia. while she was accepted into both, graciela kept pressuring vi into attening eonia in athens due to it being the ‘safer’ option. an argument that lasted weeks, with graciela refusing to help vi with anything college related, backing her into a corner until she had to attend eonia. it caused them to not speak for weeks with her step-father serving as a mediator between the two. ‘til this day, virginia’s almost certain there’s a part of her mom that fears virginia. every decision she’s made feels like it’s been something to keep vi at arm’s length all while keeping a very cautious eye on her, especially when it came to how virginia engaged with her step-father and baby sister. then there’s dionysus. meeting dionysus was such a let down, mainly because he was nothing like the version graciela had created. he wasn’t interested in virginia, never giving her the validation or love she so desperately craved. she spent years trying to please him, doing everything in her power to get just an ounce of something from him. once her step-father entered the picture, vi did manage to get that father figure she yearned for but it never took away the pain of knowing that no matter how hard she tries, dionysus will never care. with both of them being neglectful in their own way, it’s caused a lot of problems with how she involves herself with others.
never my fault
accountability has never been something virginia has learned to take. there’s always someone within arm’s reach to blame, somehow never making things her fault. she’s always merely reacting to the actions of someone else. she’s been like this since she was a little girl. during her playground years, this would translate as virginia incessantly bugging her classmates to the point of them lashing out at her. of course, what most adults would see were the crying little girl who was being picked on, vi conveniently not mentioning how they had said no multiples times before before losing their temper on her. the older she got, the more trouble she seemed to get herself into. never acting alone and always putting the blame on whoever she managed to wrap into her mess. it’s evident with her relationship with others, the victim card being something she knows how to play all to well. whether it’s a fallout with a friend, a break-up with a significant other, even a fight with a siblings - she’ll say she’s never the one at fault. someone always did something leaving her to come out of it scot-free, at least that’s the story she’ll tell.
i just want to be loved
there’s an innate need of wanting to be loved. between the web of lies her mom made up, endless rom-com’s virginia grew up watching, and lack of love she received from both parents, she was definitely influenced at a young age to feel a certain way toward love. whether it was familial, platonic, or romantic, she’s always yearned for it. the need to be validated and liked by others stemming from just simply wanting love. she’s definintely a hopeless romantic at heart, falling way too hard, way too fast. she let’s her emotions get the best of her, usually in an unhealthy way that always leaves her feeling like as much as she wants to be loved, she either doesn’t deserve it or will never get it.
her own worst enemy
tw mention of mental illness - anxiety & depression
if there is one thing vi has always seemed to excel at, it’s been sabotaging herself. doesn’t really matter what the topic is, if there’s a chance things might go wrong, vi makes sure she’s the one that makes it go wrong before things have a chance to blow up on their own. there’s a sense of power that she feels she has with this, like if she can somehow control the situation, she can control her emotions upon the outcome of things? unsurprisingly, it never ends up working in her favor. her insecurities and fears always getting the best of her. at the end of the day, she hates herself too much to allow herself to be happy. it’s an annoying contradiction, considering how much she actually wishes to be happy. she’s just so set into her self-loathing ways that she sabatoges any type of happiness or success that seems to be near.
alliterative name
her name was specifically picked as an alliterative name. first, going off the nickname ‘vi’ and finding what name fit: viviana, violet, viviette, were some of the contenders before picking virginia. hence, before the revamp she was virginia vinh and is now virginia viamontes.
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meowdymista · 4 years
vi. ditmas & devil’s backbone
Part of the Devil’s Backbone project - Masterlist - redrafted on ao3
Notes: as I mentioned, this whole project began because I didn’t like how unhealthy Abigail and John’s relationship is in RDR2. There is a second unhealthy relationship I feel isn’t dealt with in game... I like slapping people in the face with the truth and this bitch really needed a wake up call
BTW, I should mention that whilst I do not expect any takers, if there is something else you want to see in this project, I’m open to requests :)
There’s whispering behind the door. Arthur makes a harsh remark-
“He’s not my son.” More murmuring. “It don’t matter - he ain’t mine.
“Naw, you had your chance, Mary. Quit it - you were married, you could’ve had children. Don’t pretend like you didn’t for my sake.” A pause. “Why? ‘Cause the way you left me was that it was the end. Either you’re lyin’ right now or you were playin’ me.” Another silence. “You can’t honestly think I waited. I’ve had a son, Mary. Isaac was born and buried whilst you was off pretendin’ I didn’t exist. No, o’course I didn’t love her the way I loved you, but you didn’t exactly give me a choice-
“You have to be kiddin’ me right now - you were married. You went and married someone else - what did you think I was gonna do? Wait? For what?
“He ain’t my son!” he bellows. “Even if he was, you think I’m gonna take him from his mother? Where’ve you been all this time? I can’t believe you’re askin’ me this.
“Well, you was wrong.” A silence spreads, thick and unforgiving. “Even if Jack were mine, Abigail’s alive and well - you ain’t gonna be his mother. You can’t come in and cherry pick the boy because it suits whatever damn fancy has taken you."
A sob breaks through, but Arthur is firm. “I ain’t goin’ to be that man, Mary. I’ve spent my life loving you, but if you think I’ll take a boy from his mother for us, then we ain’t ever going to work. He had a father, an’ he was as good for him as we are for each other. I ain’t shiftin’.”
“If you cared-!”
“If you gave a damn, we wouldn’t be in this mess! I could understand if you had been there for him, but you were elsewhere when this boy was born. I ain’t even entertainin’ the idea, Mary. I ain’t.” 
“You would give us up?”
“With you bein’ so unreasonable?" He heaves a heavy sigh. "This ranch belongs to Abigail and Jack. Jack belongs to Abigail. You wanted us to run, but now we don’t gotta - say the word and we can walk outta here. I ain’t a fool - I know the law’s gonna come for me one day, but if it’s tomorrow or ten years from now, I’m willin’ to give you everything to my dyin’ day. I will give you every last breath in my body, but I won’t uproot their lives for you. They’ve been through too much.”
She mumbles something about wanting to be a mother.
“Is that it? There’s kids out there tha’ need a home still - orphans and the like. We can take one in-”
She must roll her eyes because his tone lowers, teetering dangerously.
“You’re forgettin’ I was one of ‘em. If it weren’t for Dutch and Hosea-” The roar rips through the thin walls. “They were better to me than my own father! They would have taken you in as well, despite your spoiled attitude but of course Daddy didn’t like me-”
“Daddy is dead!”
“And so is Hosea!” There’s a thump. “So is my mother and father, but you don’t see me cryin’ about it! Naw, you come in here and want to make another boy an orphan, take him from his mother so you can play house!”
“I want a family for us, Arthur!”
“Then why did you wait ‘til you promised your hand to another man?” A pause. “Yeah, I know about it. I knew ‘bout your daddy too. I’ve made enough excuses for you over the years, Mary Gillis, but I still had faith.” A bitter scoff. “I’m a fool when it comes to faith. I put it in all the wrong places, and when it comes down to it, it’s worthless. Ain’t worth a penny.”
“Arthur, you need to rest. You’re getting yourself all worked up over nothing-”
“Ain’t nothin’, Mary.” They must be looking each other in the eye, speaking silently. “I spent years tryin’ to get where I am, and I’m still not good enough. I could be the king of England and you would find fault in me. I give up.”
“I give up, Mary. I- I give up.” The bed creaks as he lowers his weight, his face burying itself into his hands. “I hate how much I loved you. I’m still the man you met all them years ago and… I can’t pretend I’m somethin’ I’m not. Not anymore. If you really loved me, you wouldn’t have so many excuses up your sleeve."
"You were the only one. You were the only one for so long and I’ve lost so much waitin’. I’m startin’ to wonder if you would ever looked twice without money in my pocket.”
“Arthur, please-”
“No, Mary.” His voice is low, barely more than a whisper. "I'm too old. We're too old to keep messin' like this."
"I'll leave him!"
"Naw, you won't." He sniffs loudly. "An' you shouldn't. You've had me for a fool for many a year an'- an' losin' you… losing you weren't even the worst part. Hosea... Isaac… Lenny, Sean, Eliza! Hell, watchin' Dutch lose his head? Tryna pick up the pieces after we lost Marston? All of tha' still hurts a lot more than you choosing your daddy over me. It hurt more then and it hurts more now!"
"Arthur, please! Don't say what you can't take back!"
"Why not? After everything you put me through, why is me tellin' you the truth of the situation too much?"
"Because I know you don't mean it!"
"Oh, but I do mean it, Mrs Linton. I do." A prolonged silence is broken only by the woman's sobs. She must try to move closer because Arthur breathes out heavily. "Naw, that ain't a good idea. I… I'll fetch Ms Roberts. She can help you clean up an'- an' get ready for your journey."
Abigail barely scrambles away from the doorway in time before it is wrenched open, a sobbing Mary Linton reaching for him. "Arthur!"
"Mary! I can't keep doing this! I can't!" The door closed again, muddling the sound. Abigail creeps forward, peeking through the gap of the door.
He is kneeling with her on the floor, cradling her face in his hands as her fingers brush his leg.
"I knew the moment I laid eyes on you that your image was going to be burned on the inside of my eyelids. I've thought about you every minute of every day since that moment, and I know it ain't gonna just go away. But we-" He lifts her hand and holds it against his chest, pressing her palm against his ribs to feel his heart. "We ain't gonna make it. We was never gonna make it."
"It doesn't matter whether I got dragged to Guarma. We was over years ago. I… I can't trust you to love me the way you say you will after what happened with your daddy. I can't."
"But Daddy-!"
"I know, Mary. I know, but my life here with Abigail and Jack? That's what's keepin' me goin' now. Every time I hold you I can feel myself gettin' angry at all the lost time, an' it ain't worth it no more. You will always mean everything to me but what we had is in the past now. I can't keep playing this game. I won't."
He seems surprised to find her so nearby and clears his throat, obviously uncomfortable at the thought of being overheard. "Would you mind helping Mrs Linton? She's going to be leaving us tomorrow an' well…"
He trails off with a sigh. His bloodshot eyes are all the more blue as he stares into the embers of the fireplace.
"Of course, Arthur." She touches her fingertips to his arm in condolence and is surprised when he clasps her hand, eyes still staring blankly.
"I'm gonna go for a ride with Gwyn. Think you'll be alrigh'?"
Her breath catches as he meets her gaze. "Of course. Take as long as you need."
He nods, patting her hand as he turns his head back to the fading light of the logs. Abigail stands up straighter and retraces his steps into Jack's bedroom.
The usually so gracious woman is crumpled on the floor sobbing into the mattress. As Abigail steps forward to help her up, the door slams shut, causing her to flinch and sob all the harder.
"C'mon now, let's get you sorted."
She resists Abigail's tug, wiping her streaming face over the back of her hands. "I don't understand what's gotten into him. He promised me…! Whenever you call, I come - what's changed?"
She fights the urge to roll her eyes. "Does he need to have changed? You're moving onto your second husband-"
"It didn't matter with Barry!"
She sighs sharply, folding her arms unable to bite her tongue. "You have no idea the shit we have been through to get here." Mary tries to interject, but the floodgates have been opened. "We have been through literal shit since you last showed your face. Right now, he is all me and my little boy have left! We lost his father, we lost Dutch and Hosea, and we have lost all of our family - what you see here on this ranch is all that's left of that life." She picks up a perfectly folded blouse and throws it at the open travel bag across the room. "He is a good man, and he has been in love with you as long as I can remember. I couldn't understand why everyone else hated you when you made him so happy, but I guess you opened my eyes on that now."
She continues to throw items at the bag, getting more agitated as she goes. "I gave you as good a welcome I could, but Arthur was right about just how spoiled you are. You ain't ever had to work a day in your life! You ain't had to go hungry so your boy could have clothes that fit! You ain't ever seen the time and energy Arthur puts in to make sure everybody else is alright ‘cause you ain't ever stayed long enough to see it with your own eyes. You're a fool for letting a good man like him go!"
"What would you know?" retorts Mary, still picturesque with mascara running down her cheeks. "What would you know about any of this?"
"Because he's been right in front of me too!" Abigail huffs, pushing loose tendrils out of her face. "I loved Jack's father, I loved him as much as you love Arthur, but he was either useless or he didn't care enough to pretend to give a damn. We argued worse than you two, but I loved him and it's only now that he's gone that I- I can be myself. I can just be a mother. I ain't fightin' no more, ain't tellin' myself all these 'if only's. I've seen Arthur do the same right up until you showed up at the gate. Since then he's been miserable an' I'm personally peggin' it on you."
She gets to her feet, pulling a skirt from Abigail’s hand. “Are you sweet on him?”
A laugh slips out before Abigail can swallow it, and it’s greeted with Mary’s palm flat against her cheek.
Abigail’s head snaps around with the force, and catches a glimpse of Jack’s eyes in the crack of the door.
“You’re a strong woman, Abigail Roberts.” The smoke furls over his lips, the blue steel of his gaze staring out over the horizon. “You’re a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for an’... well, if you won’t do it for Marston, do it for Jack. You’re his mother an’ the one constant in his life - I like to think you would give me the boot if you thought it was best for you both.”
Mary steps forward, squaring her shoulders. “What have you been telling him?” she yells between sobs.
“I aren’t him, I ain’t her, or any of your stooges! You don’t owe me nothing - I don’t owe you nothing! Nothing! I’ll spit in your eye - I did! I told them! Yeah, I told ‘em, an’ I’d tell ‘em again!”
“What have you done to make him hate me?”
“Now I’ve got God’s ear! Mr Milton and Mr Ross, about the bank robbery. An’ I wanted them to kill you! Oh you ain’t so big now are yer?” Arthur murmurs in Dutch’s ear, his hand over his, pushing the gun to the ground as she laughs manically into every stunned face that’s gathered around to watch.
“Not so big now! Are we, your majesty?”
Abigail feels the gunshot through her gut even though there is no physical wound to be seen. She shakes her head, her anger melting into the air the same way her blood had soaked the hollow. “You wouldn’t be here if he hated you, Mary.”
“Arthur and I have always had an understanding and now you’re in the picture-!”
“I’ve always been in the picture. We’ve known each other since I was eighteen years old and every time I told him how nice I thought you were, he would brush it off sayin’ you had better ideas than him.” Abigail shakes her head, trying to forget how brutal he could be when it came to himself. “I don’t know what ideas they was, but he deserves better than that. If he ain’t the best idea you’ve ever had, then you don’t deserve him. I don’t know anyone who deserves him, but I know I won’t have a grown woman throwing a tantrum in my house because it took her twenty five years to realise her mistake.
“I will leave you to pack your things, and I will be civil. Hell, I will even throw in a good word for you, but if you ever darken this doorstep with the intention to harm anybody under this roof, I will kill you myself - Morgan or no Morgan. Now get outta my house.”
A low whistle comes from the kitchen table. “You sure told her, Miss Roberts.”
“An’ where was you?” She snatches the bowl from in front of Uncle and tips the contents back in the pot, ignoring his protests. “You was sittin’ on your ass, letting everyone else do the work as always.”
“Come now, Abigail, I’ve got-”
“To go find Arthur and make sure he’s alright!” She throws him his hat from the table, her hands on her hips as she glares.
“I’d love to, but it’s the lumbago…”
“I’ll go, Ma!”
“You will do no such thing, Jack Marston. Go prepare the cart for Mrs Linton tomorrow morning.”
“Yes, Ma…”
She turns to Uncle, her gaze stern. “Just go make sure he hasn’t been jumped by them Skinners up near Tall Trees.”
“Arthur’s more than capable.”
“I don’t care! Go find him!”
“You women and your hormones.” Uncle grunts, holding his back as he gets to his feet slowly. “Y’know I thought I’d miss your monthly nagging stretch, so far it’s like you’ve crammed all nine in the past coupl’o months - here’s to it getting better!”
Abigail’s face flushes. “What do you mean?”
He waves his hand dismissively. “You know what I mean. I ain’t stupid. Jack’s too young, and Arthur looks the other way, but back in the day ol’ Uncle needed to be able to tell who was available-”
“Don’t be dumb, Uncle.” Abigail swallows the upcoming nausea, ignoring the ringing in her ears. “Go find him before I feed you to the Skinners myself!”
“Alrigh’, I’m goin’, I’m goin’ - your secret's safe with me.” Chuckling, he waddles away, leaving Abigail to sink into the chair and bury her face into the darkness of her arms.
A creak of the floorboards forces her to lift her head, her anger flaring at the man that dares disobey but it melts when her gaze fixes on Mary.
"Is that why?" she hiccups. "Why he's choosing you and your boy?"
Abigail breathes out slowly, choosing her words carefully. "No, Mrs Linton. He- I haven't told him yet."
Her large eyes swell with heartache. "Is it his?"
The hesitation sends her staggering outside.
"Mrs Linton! Mary!" Abigail hurries after her but outside she is only greeted by a confused adolescent and an amused Uncle.
"What the hell did you tell her?" Uncle chortles.
Jack is flabbergasted. "She just jumped on a horse an' took off! I thought we was taking her in the cart?"
"Which way did she go?"
"North." His hands wring themselves. "Ma, d'you think she knows abou' the Skinners? She was headed straight there."
Abigail swears and slaps Uncle on the arm. "What are you waiting for?" she cries. "Get after her!"
"I thought you wanted me to go look for Arthur?"
"He can look after himself! She can't round up the chickens in the pen! Go get her!" 
The horse whinnies and gallops out the gate. For the second time in as many minutes, Abigail sank down on the porch and began to thud her head against the post.
"What happened?" Jack's arm is hesitant as it wraps around her shoulder, but it helps to ground her.
"Nothing, son. Can you run a quick perimeter? If you see Uncle Arthur, tell him about Mary. Fightin' or no, losin' her won't do any of us good."
He hesitates, but as the tears spill over, he stiffens and mounts his horse obediently. Abigail sags.
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
Paige/Jinny enemies to lovers - is it still enemies to lovers if only one of them knows they're enemies?
ok, so this is pre-season four, bc it's the only way I can see it working. sometime in season two/three, Jinny's latest master comes to San Francisco. maybe he's trying to impress the source, wants to kill the charmed ones, etc. point is, he's in SF, and Jinny is out of her bottle for some reason, and she takes advantage of being in a crowded city to make a break for it, punches her master in the face and just books it the hell out of there. she's not really thinking, bc he can always just order her back in, but he comes after her nonetheless, grabs her by the arm and gets physical.
enter Paige.
she's just coming off work, she's had a long day and she's tired, but when she sees some creepy old dude with his hands all over this young woman, very obviously threatening her, she goes a little bit apeshit. she cold-cocks the demon, yells for someone to call the cops, makes a huge nusiance of herself until everyone on the street is looking. and the demon knows he's outnumbered and he's too smart to make a further scene, not when he's got Jinny's bottle to control her with, so he takes off before things get worse. only he dropped the bottle when Paige punched him and Paige picked it up to give it back to Jinny, inadertantly making her Jinny's new master.
not that she has any idea of this, because she has no idea magic even exists, she just thinks she rescued Jinny from some kind of abusive relationship. for Jinny's part, she's not about to tell some random mortal that she's a genie; she doesn't know what kind of wishes Paige would make right off the bat, and she can't risk losing the chance to get wished free. so she decides to bide her time, gain Paige's trust, then betray her later by getting her to make a very crucial wish.
but Jinny underestimates Paige, and Paige's compassion, and that when Jinny tearfully insists she can't go to the police, Paige will take her home with her to take care of her because she's obviously terrified and traumatized. and when Paige asks who Jinny was fighting with, Jinny calls him her master, so Paige is now convinced that she rescued Jinny from some kind of sex trafficking situation that Jinny doesn't bother to correct.
Jinny tells Paige that her family is dead, and she has no home, and Paige offers to let her stay on the couch. and she offers Jinny new clothes to change into, and free run of the fridge, and a shoulder to cry on if Jinny ever wants to talk about what she's been through, and Jinny's kind of baffled bc no one's ever treated her like this. not in the underworld as a lowly demon just trying to survive, not when that sorcerer seduced her and then cursed her into the bottle, and certainly not from any of her previous masters. it's been a long time, if ever, that she's experienced kindness, and she finds that she kind of likes it.
she lives on Paige's couch for a while. days, then weeks, then months. she and Paige get along well enough that Paige just never asks her to leave, plus Paige is aware of the whole 'alone in the world, nowhere to go' thing and she's not about to throw Jinny out into the street. Jinny goes out and explores the city and then gets a job at a coffee shop near the apartment, bc Paige never ordered her back into the bottle, never set any limitations on how far she could go, and she's kind of bored and maybe a little addicted to the shop's coffee and what better way to have a free, unlimited supply. she finds herself talking to other people, and helping people, and slowly doing more and more good. her bottle sits on a shelf somewhere in the apartment, gathering dust.
Jinny maybe also starts seeing a therapist. Paige's suggestion, to help her deal with the trauma she's lived with for so long, and normally Jinny would laugh at the idea of spilling her guts to a mortal, but it's rather cathartic to talk things out, at least as much as she can without revealing magic. she asks Paige to come with her to one of the sessions; Paige holds her hand when her voice starts to break, takes her out for ice cream and a long walk in the park afterward.
Jinny's been living with Paige for almost six months when she realizes that Paige keeps the fridge stocked with the fancy lemonade Jinny loves, that she's got a toothbrush in a cup beside Paige's on the sink, that she knows Paige's favorite coffee order to bring to her at work as a surprise. that maybe she's falling in love with this mortal she's supposed to be tricking.
she has a bit of an existential crisis then. she's supposed to be evil; it was what she was born to be, it was what all those masters made her with their treatment over the centuries. but Paige doens't treat her like she's evil, doesn't treat her like any of the others. Paige treats her like she's something wonderful and worthy, Paige smiles when she sees Jinny making breakfast in the morning, says 'thanks, babe,' in that scratchy voice that tells Jinny she's still half-asleep and not actually listening to what she's saying. Paige is - Paige is maybe in love with her, too?
Jinny's not entirely sure how to deal with that.
so she doesn't really; just shoves it to the back of her mind, thinks about it every once in a while but not for very long. certainly not enough to be obsessing over it. she has a mission after all, and she can't let these pesky feelings for Paige get in the way of her revenge.
but then Paige comes home that night having crashed a stranger's funeral, and she's all wired and jittery and she asks Jinny if she wants to go clubbing, and then they get attacked by a demon and Jinny's mind is made up. Paige is hers, and no demon, not even the Source's personal assassin, is getting his hands on her.
Paige's new sisters being the Charmed Ones might be a bit of a bigger obstacle, but Jinny will deal with that after she finds a way to tell Paige about the whole genie thing. and find a way to get free without trapping Paige (or anyone else bc Paige wouldn't like that) in the bottle. and then she has to tell Paige how she feels.
omg. tbh ten times funnier if leo as a whitelighter can sense jinny is a genie and goes hey what’s with the the genie and paige is like jinny? and piper and phoebe are like GENIE?? and jinny’s like okay word i guess this is how i’m meeting my gf’s family also yes paige i am a genie but to be fair! i also didn’t know you were a witch. so like. i didn’t wanna scare u or anything. also funnier if piper or phoebe or hell even prue frequented the coffee shop jinny went to actually scratch that prue was a regular at the coffee shop jinny works at and they do chat a lot bc like. idc prue comes in on her lunch break or something to get away from bucklands and just chat blah blah blah they kind of become acquaintances where u barely know each other but r still homies and then prue kinda stops coming in and jinny’s like oh okay bummer ig but then like four weeks later prue shows up not remotely at her regular time with a camera bag slung over her shoulder and jinny’s like ??!!! okay spill and prue talks about how she quit her job at the auction house and is finally pursuing her dreams of photography and how liberated she feels blah blah blah prue & jinny talk about the concept of freedom with jinny definitely having her takes we’ll say prue has an art show with her photography and tells jinny about it jinny of course brings her girlfriend paige bc paige is also an artist they get all dolled up for the art show blah blah blah and they even like idk buy one of prue’s photos and have it in their apartment bc like again paige is an artist i think her apartment would be filled with a lot of art. paige even briefly talks with the photographer herself - what an interesting woman! and at some point in 2001 prue stops coming to the coffee shop and jinny wonders what happened to her but accepts that she’ll never really find out and doesn’t worry about it too much maybe she moved somewhere new and is taking amazing photos & living her best life. at least that’s what jinny hopes. flash forward to paige and jinny minding their own business in their apartment when piper and phoebe kick down the door like power of three spell now we need electricity come on lets go! and stop dead in their tracks bc that photo over the dining room table. where did you get that photo. and paige is like we bought it at an art show and jinny’s like yeah the artist used to get coffee at the place where i work and piper and phoebe are like that’s prue’s photo. that’s that is a photo prue took that’s her work and paige’s mind is kinda reeling bc holy shit she like. she met prue before. and she didn’t remember til now but she met her and they talked about their favorite artistic inspirations and the studio where they were both taking self defense classes at at the time and she had talked she had met prue before. prue had liked her. she had met her sister.
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Rules of Engagement: Fake It ‘Til You Make It
The road is still rough along the side streets of Radiant Garden, the concrete pathways lined with cracks and crevices deep-set as Yen Sid’s frown lines and rough with rubble and particularly stubborn weeds that spring up against all odds—dandelions, mostly. The Restoration Committee has higher priorities. So, Roxas has become something of an expert at curving his skateboard around the worst of it, coaxing his wheels out of divots and dips without stopping his progress entirely. 
He’s cleared some of the alleyways around Axel’s forge of debris himself, and now glides from the main thoroughfare onto one such side street to avoid running into anyone else and making himself any later than he already is. 
Although, he thinks, as he glances up to the suns, climbing higher toward midday, and readjusts the bags beneath his arm, at this rate another half hour won’t make a huge difference. 
Roxas inhales a mouthful of charcoal and jumps his winged board over the most jagged pothole in the alley, his wheels rattling their objections as he sticks the landing and slows. The forge’s back door, which they all keep meaning to replace, is a hastily hammered together collection of boards, painted black with fire-retardant and sprayed with a jagged white 813 by whoever does that sort of thing. 
Probably Demy, Roxas supposes, trying to mark the spot for his wildly erratic delivery route.  
Like many of the recompleted Organization members who had been reunited with their own bodies, (or else given the Radiant Garden scientists quite a shock when they had awoken in the replicas’ chamber), Demy had chosen to take advantage of Leon’s offer to help repopulate and rehabilitate the world many of them had been born in. In doing so, the members had to prove themselves a benefit to society through hard work, education, and community service. 
Jiminy Cricket offered them each regular therapy sessions, and they were required to pass a psychiatric evaluation before permanently moving to any other worlds. So far, rumor had it, only Isa had managed, but he had chosen to stay. They were each assigned “Sponsors of Light” to aid them in their progress. 
Xigbar likened the entire situation to house arrest on more than one occasion, but the former Org members mainly kept their grumbling to themselves. There were certainly worse arrangements to be had than being allowed to carry out their new lives in exile on their former home world. They’d all died enough times to know that. 
They were held accountable by both the Restoration Committee Leaders and the new Council of Keyblade Masters, who, with the assistance of keyblade armor, were able to make their rounds through the worlds faster than Sora’s Gummi Ship ever had and keep the peace. Roxas, Axel, and Xion had been asked to join them on their peace-keeping journeys, and, maybe, probably, eventually, they would. But, after being forced to exchange so much of their youth so far for fighting Heartless 24/7, they had decided to live as close to normal lives as they were able, for the time being, (and the Keyblade Masters had likely breathed a private sigh of relief, especially since Axel’s exact initial response had been ‘Fuck that’). 
Roxas hops off his skateboard, pops his board up into his waiting hand, and sets it against the aged brick wall beside another rebellious pack of wispy white dandelions that he and Axel haven’t found it in their hearts to uproot.  
Roxas doesn’t—hasn’t ever—knocked on the door to Axel’s forge, and he doesn’t today. Still, he can’t stop himself from thinking of it as Axel’s, even though Axel considers it theirs—even though Roxas has spent many long, sweaty days, helping Leon and his crew construct the thing and harnessing his fire magic to learn the basics of the trade at his boyfriend’s side. 
At the end of the day, it’s Axel’s peace time passion project, something besides finishing up his education and keyblade training, something that’s entirely his own. So, at Roxas’ insistence, it’s Axel’s name on the sign out front, and the deed, and the contracts with the Restoration Committee.
And he’d had to fight for it. 
Most of the former members of the Organization weren’t permitted to take up quite such dangerous lines of work. Isa, for example, had been in charge of coordinating gardening, landscaping, and agriculture with Laurium for several months before The Council of Keyblade Masters (Aqua, Terra, and Riku) permitted him to take up a management position at Leon’s side, allocating human resources for the Restoration Committee. 
Similarly, Xemnas’ venture into penning New Radiant Garden’s first newspaper were heavily criticized, and his articles and e-newsletters regularly vetted for ‘Dark Propaganda,’ so that the first twenty editions were nothing more than tremendously, intrusively accurate gossip rags, and, when that didn’t fly, painstakingly, comically accurate accounts of the town’s most mundane events, including an in depth feature report on Leon’s favorite sandwich toppings, complete with quotes and multiple eye witness accounts. 
It took half a year (and some nudging from Isa) before Xemnas was allowed to print anything remotely political or consequential, though once he began, he quickly proved himself just as capable of factual, unbiased journalism as he had been at penning a wickedly witty exposé on Xigbar’s brief but passionate on-and-off-again romantic trysts. (This was, of course, before Xigbar got himself tossed in the castle dungeon for allegedly attempting to portal his Sponsor of Light off a cliff. Although his sentence is up for appeal, last Roxas heard, because Xigbar claims he thought ducks could fly.) 
Axel’s fortunate that he didn’t have to spend a year proving himself (and has been told so—repeatedly.) 
The town needed a forge, and Axel was uniquely qualified for the position. (And the Council had wanted him out of their hair. He had proved quite persistent.) So, Axel had gotten what he wanted. Seventeen petition speeches later. 
Isa warned them it was a lot to take on in addition to classes, keeping up with their keyblade training, and community service, but Axel enjoyed using his fire for something constructive and Roxas saw the peace it brought him, so they made it work.  
“Yo, Axel! ‘M back!” Roxas calls, pushing his way inside with the ridge of his hip and scuffing his sneakers against the mat to remove the excess construction dirt. “I know I said I was gonna be, like, ten minutes tops, but, I mighta gotten distracted…”   
“In here, Roxas…” Axel answers from inside the shop, above the clang of metal on metal and hiss of sparks. “Come in here where I can see you.” 
Roxas passes through the back hallways, neatly lined with the stray supplies and freshly forged weapons and tools, in styles and cuts inspired by a variety of worlds, and enters the central workshop. Large windows allow breaths of fresh air and cast white light that’s hard to look at and doesn’t do as good a job at illuminating the large open space as the orange and yellow blazes of the large central fire burning at the heart of the forge beneath its stone chimney. 
Everything is cast in flickering shades of flame and shadow: the mounted anvil, racks of tools, barrels of water and sand, carts bearing hunks of metal needing repurposed and the neatly arranged shelves toward the entrance, mounting wares to be sold. Even Axel in his tight, light fabric britches, tunic, and heavy leather apron is cast in gold, white, and crimson as he works, stretching gleaming white molten metal between his bare fingertips with the ease of a sculptor shaping clay. 
“Well, hey, sexy.” Axel grins, head cocking to get a better view of Roxas, as carelessly attractive as ever, his hair windswept and his cheeks and ears slightly flushed from his skateboarding, or maybe just the rising temperature of the shop.
Roxas’ smile broadens in spite of himself. “Hey…” 
“That errand took seven hundred times longer than anticipated.” Axel shapes the hot metal between his fingers, and it looks sticky and elastic, like dough. He flicks his wrist, causing flames to engulf all of it once more, and begins to swirl it into an elaborate spiral before balling it up again.
“Sorry, Axel.” Roxas winces, chagrinned. “First, I had to wait for Leon to get out of a meeting, so I could give him the supplies and explain what was what. Then we delivered them, and then he wanted me to lend him a hand with a quick project, only it wasn’t actually a quick project, in reality. 
“Then I was on my way back here, swear to the gods, but I stopped into Aerith’s house for just a minute to say hello to Xion, and she wanted me to taste-test her cupcakes, and she was so excited, I couldn’t say no, and then, on my way out, I ran into Xemnas, and you know how much Xemnas likes to talk, and I just kinda lost track of time….” Roxas scuffs his foot sheepishly, the arm that’s not laden with bags stretching behind his head, ringed fingers rubbing at the back of his neck, a habit of Axel’s he’s picked up for himself. “Again.”
Axel chuckles, a sultry purr that Roxas only ever hears him use when there’s no one else around, deeper and less controlled than his usual mocking, lilting laugh. “It’s okay, Roxas, I don’t need the whole mission report. I wasn’t really expecting anything less after the last five times.” He turns toward the chimney so the piece he’s working on won’t drip molten steel to the floor, and flicks a hand carelessly over his shoulder, spraying sparks, as he teases, “I know you don’t know how to say no to people.” 
In actuality, Axel knows no force in the universe could make the powerful keyblade wielder do anything he didn’t want to do—not any more.  But, the guy is far too helpful for his own good. 
“Well,” one of Roxas’ brows rises, and his smile tilts, as he draws closer and deadpans, “I was raised by a cult.”
Axel snorts, catching Roxas’ eye before turning toward the anvil, shifting the shape of the steel in his hand into something more distinctly sword-shaped, as he steps and then setting it down, dismissing the fire engulfing his hands. “Is that why I’m doing all these orders for Leon?” Axel hefts a large hammer from the ground and props it against his shoulder, before turning to glance at Roxas again. “And here I thought I was just a good guy.”
 Axel brings the hammer down on the sword with a harsh clang that sends up sparks that remind Roxas of the fireflies the pair of them chased the time they tried camping on the edge of town. 
 “You are a good guy,” Roxas assures him firmly, stepping up to the other side of the anvil to watch Axel’s progress and to see his face, glowing golden bronze in the light. A black smudge of ash on one of his cheeks reminds Roxas of the tattoos he used to wear. Roxas feels an unexpected pang, something to the left of nostalgia. 
Axel brings the hammer down hard again with a grunt and then wastes a couple precious seconds to grin back. “I love it when you lie to me.”
“Axel…” Roxas’ tone grows exasperated, his smile thinner, more wry. He hopes Axel doesn’t mean that, but admires his blatant refusal to stay in line with whatever overstepping behaviors the powers that be demand of him in the name of what’s “right.”
 “Roxas…”  Axel mimics his tone, and then huffs and keeps swinging. It’s a conversation they’ve had a hundred times before in one form of another. 
Another few blows pass in silence broken only by the song of metal and hiss of smoke and embers, and then Axel lifts the sword-to-be by the hilt, reshaping the metal with the heat of his palm as he does, smoothing out the jutting upper ridges of the hand guards under his thumb while inspecting his handiwork. 
 Roxas follows his movements in quiet admiration. Axel’s swift motions have a practiced ease and fluidity not unlike the way he fights, slicing through Heartless with his chakram… 
Axel frowns a bit at a flaw Roxas’ eyes can’t detect, and jerking his head to indicate Roxas step back, dunks the sword into a barrel of cold water and then raises it, steaming and silver, into the air with a single sizzling swipe. 
Roxas hums in admiration as Axel sets the weapon down to cool atop the anvil with a mild sigh, the steam around his hands evaporating quickly to reveal his face, tired but unflushed. “I’ll fix it later. Think it’s time for a breather.” 
Roxas nods, and Axel sets his tools to rights and steps up to join him. Without discussion, they seat themselves on a wrought iron bench below one of the wide, open bell-shaped windows at the front of the shop. From there they can feel the breeze breathe against their flushed faces and listen to the birds calling out to each other in the park a few blocks down. 
Once they’ve settled themselves, their thighs pressed against each other, ankles linking, Roxas licks his thumb and reaches out to rub at the smudge of ash on Axel’s cheek. “You are doing a good job,” Roxas reiterates. “You know that, right? Like, fucking…” his words fade off, vulnerable and fragile in their quietness, “incredible.”
“Roxas…” Axel catches Roxas’ hand in his and closes his eyes above the gentle brush of Roxas’ calloused thumb. With his hand wrapped in Axel’s, Roxas can feel the racing of Axel’s pulse and the sticky heat and ash coating his skin. Axel inhales deeply, trying to relax and smiles, lazy, superficial. “Roxas, Roxas, Roxas… You’re the good guy. I’m just along for the ride.” 
Axel lowers their hands into his lap, though Roxas hasn’t quite fixed the smudge on his cheek so much as streaked it into the teardrop shape it had reminded him of in the first place. Axel wraps both of his hands around Roxas’ and pats it in a way that feels both condescending and sweet. 
Roxas laughs, a short skeptical bark. “You’re the one always bragging about being made a Guardian of Light.” 
Axel exhales through his nose, somewhere between amused and frustrated. Roxas feels his pulse start to simmer down.
“Yeah, well, you weren’t there.” Axel half smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes, though they seem to glow, Heartless-like, in the dark space. He jabs Roxas in the arm with his elbow to lighten the gravity of the accusation. “The standards were fairly low.” 
Roxas huffs and is about to elbow him back, when Axel leans in and rests his cheek in Roxas’ hair, a gesture which makes Roxas’ insides so gooey he can’t think of a response right away, except to curl his hand tighter into Axel’s.  
“I was selfish. I just wanted to get you back,” Axel continues. “You, and Isa, and the others… That’s all I thought of while I was training. You, especially. I mean, they’d told me you were as good as…”
The feel of Axel’s entire body shivering makes Roxas’ spine go rigid, especially in the pervasive heat of the smoky room with its still merrily burning hearth.  
“But I didn’t, couldn’t, believe them,” his voice cracks, fingers tracing the bones of Roxas’. “Not for a second. I mean,” his voice starts to get shallow, so he pushes for playful and misses the mark, “what kind of gods would bring back me and not you, right?” His laughter reminds Roxas of glass breaking.
“Hey,” Roxas’ words take on an edge, flat and blunt, “don’t. Don’t do that. We saved the fucking worlds, you and me,” he reminds him. He’s had to remind himself on more than one occasion since, when the other Keyblade wielders had lost patience with him, and when he had lost patience with himself.   
Axel shakes his head slightly, further mussing Roxas’ soft hair, still warm from the noon rays of the Radiant Garden suns. “Honestly, after I saved you, the rest of the worlds didn’t matter so much.”
Roxas wishes he could meet Axel’s eyes, but doesn’t want to jolt him and interrupt the soft, warm, exhales ruffling his hair. “But you did it anyway,” Roxas insists, raising their folded hands until he can press his lips against Axel’s knuckles. 
“Well, yeah,” Axel scoffs at himself, his bravado and hypocrisy and desperation, “but…” He trails off, distracted as Roxas’ lips dampen his skin, and then Roxas lowers their hands again, as if Roxas has finally started to forget such a casually intimate gesture could have gotten them killed once upon a time.  
“Why?” Roxas coaxes.
Axel scoffs again, thinking of everything that had been riding on those moments in the Keyblade Graveyard. He remembers the blinding white glow of Kingdom Hearts overhead burning his eyes even when he shut them—the electric pull of its gravity, threatening to encompass every place he had ever known and every place he and Roxas could have, like the Darkness that had swallowed his childhood home whole, alive, and squirming. 
“Whaddya mean, why?” Axel sputters, voice growing louder with indignance. “There wasn’t a why.” He laughs at the absurdity of it, shaking his head again, sounding more than a little manic. “I only did it ‘cause I was there and it was the right thing, the only thing to… Oh.” 
Axel lifts his head from Roxas’ hair, and Roxas twists his neck to meet widened green eyes. 
“Oh,” Axel repeats more softly, as Roxas’ lips curl into a satisfied grin. 
“The right thing to do. Huh.” Axel reaches up to rub the back of his neck. “Faked it ‘til I made it, I guess.”   
Roxas rolls his eyes, but his tight-lipped grin splits open into a real smile. “Idiot.” He reaches up to cup Axel’s cheek in his palm. “I am so fucking hopelessly in love with you.”
“Yeah,” Axel mumbles and bites his lip, eyes darting to the side in embarrassment, and then back to Roxas’ because he can’t help himself. “I know. Sucks to be you.” 
The pair lean in for a kiss, but Roxas falters and pulls back, arm caught on the three bags weighing it down. 
“Oh!” His eyes widen, glancing down and then back up. “I forgot. I brought you something to apologize for being gone so long.” 
Axel’s eyes narrow, lips pursing skeptically, his fingertips tracing Roxas’ jaw. “Is it a kiss?”
Roxas shrugs the handles of a paper bag from his forearm and lifts the still warm parcel onto his lap. “Ta-da.”
“Ah, Roxas.” Axel’s nose crinkles, as he leans back, and his free hand reaches to unfold the paper bag. “You didn’t need to go to any trouble...”
“It’s freshly baked, flaky, crescent-wrapped jalapeño poppers from Lar—Elrena’s tavern.” 
Axel peers into the bag to see the savory pastries and inhales a whiff of the buttery, spicy morsels, which sets his mouth watering. 
“You brought me pub food? See? I knew you cared,” Axel teases, his thumb stretching to the edge of Roxas’ thin smile, and giving it a tug up that makes Roxas cackle and glare, his golden brows dipping down below the bangs he gets when his hair starts to fall flat. Axel’s hand curls around the bag, folding it closed again with a crinkling sound. “Apology accepted. But I also want...” His free hand rises to catch the neck of Roxas’ tee and draw him closer, until his nose near brushes Roxas’ again. 
Roxas hums, their lips a breath apart. He can’t hold up the glare, smiles again, a softer thing, his heart beating a slow anthem against Axel’s palm on his chest. “Guess I can do that.” He tilts his head. His pale, unwavering blue eyes burn when they’re so close, like matchsticks held to Axel’s bare skin, but he doesn’t mind. “Forgive me?” Roxas asks on a breath.
“Nothing to forgive,” Axel dismisses, and then their lips slip together. All tension and fear and stress and insecurity evaporates as their hearts beat against each other. Roxas tastes like frosting and smells like spring, wind and petals, and when Axel’s tongue wraps his, it burns like salt and smoke. Axel lifts Roxas into his lap, their mouths moving together and their hands snagging at fabric, tugging each other closer, harder, holding tight, muscle sliding against muscle. Their desperation makes it as impossibly clear as ever that they haven’t forgotten for a moment what separation tastes like, the way it rent hollow, echoing chambers in their chests. But pressed together, kissing, they feel like they are home.
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averyrogers83writes · 5 years
Dreaming of a White Christmas
Title: Dreaming of a White Christmas (Part 1) Author: @averyrogers83 Warnings: Angst (more like fluffy angst), fluff Pairings: Bucky x Reader Word Count: 1702 Summary: Every year you hope to go back home and be with your family for Christmas, but every year you find yourself being asked to work.  Will this be the year your Grinch of a boss lets you go home or will you be stuck once again doing his dirty work. A/N: A little something for @interestedbystander #interestedbystander 12 Days of Christmas Challenge
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Each year you make a promise to your family that this will be the one where you will finally make it home for Christmas, and each year you were forced to work instead.  It had been five years since you had been home to see the family and you were dying to get back. You missed everything about this time of year.  From cold “feel it in your bones” weather to the singing of Christmas carols with your friends and family. 
You grew up in the “Windy City” where every year you and your family would go out the day after Thanksgiving and hunt down the biggest Christmas tree you could find and spend the day decorating it. Each year you’d swear you found one bigger than the last.  
During the day you and your brothers would go out and build a snowman or have snowball fights with your friends until your mom invited you in from the cold with a big mug of hot cocoa and marshmallows in front of the fireplace. 
No matter how old you got you always looked forward to those moments. Snowball fights with your brothers seemed to get more intense and competitive, but you didn’t care.  You still stayed out till your mom called you in with a hot mug of cocoa.  
Everything changed though when you decided to move to Los Angeles for work. That’s when you met him, James Buchanan Barnes; sexy, smart, rich, and the biggest ass of a boss you had ever met.  
Since you had started working for him, he had you doing everything from picking up his laundry to making sure the flavor of the week had exited and left nothing behind.  You were miserable, and when Christmas rolled around and you find yourself being forced to work instead of going home.  The thought of going home for Christmas and being with your family and friends was the only thing that got you through the year with the boss from hell. 
For the past five years it was the same.  Mr. Barnes promising you a week off for the holidays only to come back and tell you that he needed you for some special project or that there were important papers that needed to be done before the end of the year or the job would fall through, and each year you’d swear it was your last and that no matter what you were going to go home, but then you’d chicken out and end up staying there to help him.  
Maybe it was the way he’d bring out those big blue puppy dog eyes when he’d ask you to stay.  Or maybe the way he smelled when he got close to you while you worked, or the way his smile made you weak in the knees.  Yeah he was the boss from hell alright.   No matter how hard you tried you couldn’t stop thinking about him.  You knew you didn’t have a chance with him and besides he was your boss.  All you wanted was a little time away so you could get over him and move on.  
This year, no matter what it was going to happen.  You had your plane ticket ready and your bags were packed.  You didn’t care if you didn’t have a job to come back to, you were determined to finally go home and be with your family.  
You gathered the files the two of you had been working on for the last month, along with his morning cup of coffee and headed to his office and made up your mind that you were going to give him an ultimatum.  Either he gives you the next two weeks off or you were going to quit.  
Mr. Barnes was staring at his computer when you walked in with a grim look on his face, a look you knew all too well. 
“Mr. Barnes I have the project reports ready for you” you stated as you laid them on his desk. 
James glanced up at you and smiled.  “Thanks Y/N, what would I do without you.” 
“Oh I’m sure you’d manage just fine.” 
“No, no I wouldn’t.  Without you I’d be lost.” 
You managed a smile and could feel the dread building up inside.  You knew what was coming next and you could feel your will falter.  No! Not this year.  This year you were going home. 
“Mr. Barnes ...tomorrow is Christmas Eve and…” 
“Oh is it?” was Bucky’s response as he continued to stare at his computer. 
“Yes sir, and I was going to ask to leave early so that I could make my flight home.” 
“You know I can’t do that. This is the busiest time and I need you here.” 
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.  You knew if you looked at him you wouldn’t find the strength to do what you needed. 
“Then I quit” you couldn’t believe the words had left your lips, and as much as you didn’t want to you had to.  This was the last straw.  
“You can’t quit. I need you.” 
“And I need to go home. I need to be with my family who I haven’t seen since I started working for you. I’m sorry, but I can’t keep doing this.” You didn’t give him a chance to say another word before turning around and walking out.  You didn’t know what you were going to do, but right now all you cared about was going home. 
 You were standing outside the home you grew up in, unable to believe that you had finally made it there. The moment you walked into the house you could smell the familiar scents of cinnamon, vanilla, and chocolate. Your dad was sitting in front of the t.v., your mom in the kitchen doing her holiday baking, and Max their Alaskan Husky lay by the fire.  
“Merry Christmas” you called from the doorway startling your parents.  
Your mother rushed from the kitchen covered in flour and wrapped her arms around you, while your dad crushed you in a big bear hug til you had to beg him to stop so you could breath.  You had missed this.
“I can’t believe your home.” your mom smiled with tears in her eyes. 
“I know, I would have called, but I wanted to surprise you.” 
“That you did.” 
“Harold take her bags upstairs and let her get some rest before everyone gets here” she demanded. 
You followed him upstairs to your old room, where your mom insisted on keeping everything just as you had left them. 
“Get some rest, pumpkin. Everyone will be here around six for dinner.” Your dad looked at you again and smiled, still unable to believe that his little girl was home. 
When you came down for dinner you were greeted by your brothers Ben and Jake, their wives, and each of their four kids.  It was no surprise that your nieces and nephews barely recognized you, you hadn’t seen them since the day they were born. 
Just as you were about to sit down to dinner you heard a knock at the door. 
“I’ll get it!” you called.  
When you opened it you couldn’t believe who standing there on your parent’s porch. 
“What are you doing here?”                                                                                           
“Y/N, I’m sorry I…” Bucky stammered, he was clearly not used to cold weather. 
“Who’s at the door?” your mother called as she rounded the corner.  
“It’s my boss, Mr. Barnes.” you managed, still shocked at seeing him there. 
“Well let the poor man in before he freezes to death.” Your mom shot daggers at you as she spoke.
“I kind of wish he would.” you mumbled as you stepped aside allowing for Bucky to come out of the cold, where he immediately beelined for the fireplace to warm himself.  
“What are you doing here Mr. Barnes.” 
Bucky warmed his hands and shifted through his thoughts to find the right words. “Look I’m sorry..I was an ass. I shouldn’t have fired you.” 
“You didn’t fire me. I. Quit. remember” you replied through clenched teeth.  
“Alright fine, but you can’t quit. I need you.”  Bucky gave you that million dollar smile that you could never resist. 
“No, I’m serious I quit. I can’t work for you anymore.” 
“Y/N please reconsider. We can renegotiate your contract.”  This was the first time you ever saw Bucky plead with you this way and you kind of liked it. 
You closed your eyes and out a heavy sigh “Fine, but we’ll discuss this after the new year. Now if you’ll excuse me.” 
Your mom seemed to have impeccable timing.  “So is your friend staying for dinner?” 
“No!” you blurted. There was no way you wanted your smart, sexy, pain in the ass boss near your family. 
“Sure, I’d love to stay.” Bucky smirked as he followed your mom to the dining room.  
“What lord, why me?” you cursed under your breath.  
Somewhere between the passing of the dinner rolls and getting dessert your mom had convinced Bucky to stay in the spare bedroom for the night.  
 After the kitchen was clean you headed up to get the spare room situated for Bucky.  You didn’t say a word to him when he came into the room. All you could hope was by morning he would be gone and you would be able to enjoy your Christmas. 
The next morning you woke up and looked outside your window to find that it had snowed overnight.  Everywhere you looked was covered in white.  Still in your flannel pj’s you jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs, throwing on your snow boots and coat as you rushed outside into the snow.  
You dove into the snow and began making a snow angel.  You had forgotten how much you missed snow until now.  It was like you were a kid again and you just found out school was closed for a snow day. 
You had forgotten all about Bucky showing up out of the blue, until you opened your eyes to find him staring down at you with those blue/grey eyes and that million dollar smile.  
@interestedbystanderwrites​ @hotoffthepressfics​ @buckysforeverprincess​ @shield-agent78​ @patzammit​ @dj-lowkey​ @chuuulip​ @ellaprime68​ @i-love-marvel3000​ @bloodiedskirtts​ @mychemicalimagines​ @drakelover78​ 
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hokkaidossoul12 · 4 years
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I have another OC I made, her name is Myra Yates and she is a shopkeeper, she is about 23 years old. She doesn’t have weapons but instead has powers like  being able to change her form (into five different things or half of one of the things, her five forms are her banshee form (of course), a brown doe, a white squirrel, a brown and red frilled lizard or a light brown cougar). In her banshee form she lets out a screech which can explode eyes and make ears bleed, she can also faze through walls as a banshee, she can also sense if a puppet is about to die or is dead and knows where the bodies are. She has a mother (Josie Yates) and father (Willard Yates), she is good friends with the Faceless bandit, Penny Hemsworth, Mother Dove, Finnley, Dorothy, Cashmere, Corbin Croc, Carrie Lanscaster, Luther galloway, Maude Galloway, Fannie Richmond, Vincent Greers and Vivian Webb, Vivian is also Myra's girlfriend. Her height is around Penny Hemsworth’s height (in my AU).
Backstory: Backstory: When Myra was a young girl, she grew up with her parents, Josie and Willard. Before Myra was born, her parents were very poor and barely had enough money to afford food, water and even a proper home to stay in. Josie was pregnant around this time and both parents thought that there was a big chance that Josie would lose Myra before she was even born. Before they became poor, they wanted a baby for so long but...after they became in dept many months ago because of how much they spend on Josie's pregnancy that ended up both getting into a poor condition. It seemed for them everything was at loss, at least it seemed that way, but... that all changed very quickly for them. Within the next morning, Josie and Willard were both huddled on the ground in their very, very worn down home when they heard a knock on their door. They with both scared that it was someone coming to boot them out of their home, Josie's eyes filled with tears at the thought, Willard comforted his very emotional wife, hugging her and kissing her cheek while telling her "whatever happens...I'll make sure you're safe...even if it kills me." Willard finally picks himself off the ground and shakily makes his way towards the door, he paused in front of door, afraid to open it, but he finally brought himself to grab the rusty door handle and open the door. A young boy who dressed and looked very wealthy stood at the door, it was one of the richfolks' children, Willard was sure that this kid would most likely get Josie and him kicked from his home, he sighed and readied himself for what the boy was going to say. But...the boy didn't do anything that he'd expected, instead the boy asked about his financial situations and told Willard he knew about Josie's pregnancy. Willard was confused and nervous at first but he ended up speaking out honestly to the boy, then... the boy suddenly gave Willard a money slip, this confused Willard even more than it did and looked down at the slip, his eyes widened, there was thirty thousand dollars on it. That money was enough to repay their dept as well as buying a new house, proper food and water, new clothing and much more, but...he also he had to owe the boy back, "t-thank you...b-but what do I-" Willard was cut off by the boy, "don't worry about owing me, I giving this to you because you need it, both of you do..." the boy spoke in a calm sympathetic tone as he gave the older male a small smile. This caused Willard to freeze, his eyes welled up with tears, they young boy's eyes widen and tried to ask if he did something wrong, not understanding why Willard was crying until the older male hugged him, the younger male hugged him back. After Willard pulled away he asked what the young boy's name was, the boy answered, Micheal...that was his name. After a few moments, Micheal said his goodbyes before leaving the doorstep and walking out of the property and in the direction of town. Several months had passed, Willard and Josie payed their dept and ended up moving to a new home, they bought food, water, brand new furniture, clothing and other stuff they needed, then a week onward was when Myra was born. As Myra grew up, she was given all the best care from her parents, but...because her parents were too focused on her and getting her new things they nearly went into dept again, but Willard wasn't going to let Myra be put through what they did, so...Myra's father decided to try finding a job, unfortunately...he couldn't find any sort of job around the time no matter how hard he tried to find one. It came down to where going to run out of food, water and even lose their home. But...one day, Willard found another way to make money, gambling. Both Josie and him thought that it would be a bad idea at first, unfortunately...that was the only option they had left to keep the three of them out of dept, so that's what Willard did. For many months, Myra's father went off to the town's saloon to gamble for money, he was very careful with how he played and always knew when to tap out and go home, which resulted in him coming home with lots of bandit bucks, which was plenty of money to keep them out of dept for months on end. It got to a point where even Myra's mother began to gamble too, both of them getting plenty of money afterwards, this went pretty smoothly three years. That was until one day, a mysterious figure had began making an appearance in the saloon, drinking and gambling til it's hard content, but...it seemed to also have a knack for cheating certain puppets who had big win streaks. One day, both Myra's parents decided both to go to the saloon during the night, they of course got someone to babysit Myra before planning to go out. As Willard and Josie were gambling that night, they mysterious figure was there watching them gamble, they both knew that the figure would try start a game with them and cheat them out of their winnings...so they thought of a plan...but it wasn't a pleasant one, they thought if they out-cheated the figure and make them lose the match. Of course, they were right, the figure did try to start a new game with them so they went along with their plan and...their plan worked, Josie and Willard won the game by out-cheating the figure but...this seemed to anger the figure a lot. Suddenly, the mysterious figure stood up from their chair, stood up from the table, grabbing the big table before the figure growled and smashed the table with it's bare hand, breaking it in half. Josie and Willard got up from the table backing off, the figure storming over to them, suddenly the figure revealed itself to be a black ghoul with blood red eyes. It towered over them, it's voice deep and menacing, "SO...YOU THINK YOU COULD OUT-CHEAT ME, HUH? WELL, YOU'RE VERY NAIVE FOR DOING THAT..." the ghoul chuckled before grabbing Josie and Willard by both their throats and throwing them both into a table, the table tipping to the ground with Willard and Josie underneath, bruising the couple badly, the ghoul laughed as he floated over to the couple. "YOU SHOULD'VE STAYED HOME WITH YOUR PRECIOUS DAUGHTER! BUT NOW...SHE'LL SUFFER FOR YOUR MISTAKE!" then before Josie and Willard could react, the black ghoul suddenly formed into a ball of dark light before disappearing out the saloon door, Josie and Willard looked at each other in panic as they raced out the door as quickly as they could out the door and tried running as quickly as they could back home to Myra. Meanwhile, Myra was sitting next to a heater in the living room, warming herself up as she sipped on some flavored milk. Soon...it was time for young Myra to go to bed the babysitter went to Myra and waited for her to finished her milk and once Myra was finished with it the babysitter took Myra's now empty cup and went to rinse it and put it away, but...once the babysitting had gone out of the room that same ball of dark light had fazed through the wall and into the living room in front of Myra, suddenly the dark light had formed back into the black ghoul, young Myra looked up at the figure with fear in her eyes as she shook. Then, without a warning the black ghoul grabbed Myra, lifting her off the ground, locking it's eyes with her as tears welled up in the corners of her eyes. Then, when Myra's parents had finally made it to the front door and bursting inside their own home, they along with the babysitter heard young Myra screaming loudly, the babysitter and Myra's parents rushed into the room to save Myra but...it was too late. Myra's eyes turned black as she was being held by the black ghoul, the ghoul let out a cackled before putting Myra down and disappearing, Josie and Willard's eyes filled with tears as they rushed to Myra's aid, their precious little girl laid in their arms unresponsive but not dead. In the morning, young Myra finally came back into consciousness, shaking and crying at what the black ghoul had done to her, so Willard and Josie then agreed to each other that they would never gamble again after what had happened to Myra, they instead made sure of Myra's safety instead. As many years passed onward (Myra would be about twenty) Myra had gained powers since her experience with the black ghoul, it got to a time where Myra had to move out of her parent's home and start living on her own. Once she packed all her things she left her home, she found a small house to move into, she also found an empty abandoned store to which she took it for her own and decided to start her own business. After three years went by, she met Vivian and they became a couple from then onward.  
She Likes: Singing, making and selling her own stuff, crafting cute supplies (like animal stickers, cute stamps, notebooks, mini bags, colorful bottles, music boxes, mini instruments (except for wind music instruments), juggling bags and mini kits), making accessories (like animal slippers, boots, hats, cute bow ties and hair bows, cute mouth and eye masks, glasses, and bell necklaces), visiting Vivian and hanging out with her, socializing with other puppets and making friends with people who she can relate feelings with.
She Dislikes: When she gets flirted with by other puppets (except for Vivian), when other puppets mess with her friends or her (Showell, Fowler, Otto, Vernon and Betsy), being used as some sort of hostage for a bandit, being forced into doing something she's not comfortable with (it causes her to snap), losing control of her forms (especially her banshee or cougar forms), and irregular patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps (she has Trypophobia).
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