#and adds to the mystery of where everyone went maybe?
vaugarde · 1 year
hgh wanna overhaul a main element of starfall again
#vague spoilers ig but its about how asha gets stranded again#i swear ive had a lot of iterations of it bc its like. convoluted ill admit that#the result is usually the same- she gets separated from atlas and castor and quinn- but the how and what happens#is all over the place#at the beginning of this iteration her parents were forced out of the pmd dimension by [redacted] and asha hatched slightly after#so was born into the situation. then all got picked off til only she was left#then the order of who got picked off kept changing. it was either atlas or castor as the final one#and currently its atlas#but then i changed it so that they all get stranded when asha is a bit older so she knows who [redacted] is personally#and gets more time with quinn before she disappears but everyone still got picked off#and now i kinda wanna remove everyone being picked off and replace it with JUST asha getting stranded#as in [redacted] happens and asha loses all 3 at once. really going into just how much it shook her world#and adds to the mystery of where everyone went maybe?#but also everyone being picked off adds some paranoia..... shes paranoid thats an aspect of her character#and this isnt even getting into the mess that is skylar rn. skylar's backstory is a mess#and how they get there worries me bc i think itll be confusing#sometimes im tempted to just. separate asha and skylar and have skylar come in later#but bc of spoilers idk how itd work#and i love them as a trio#but everything just... feels sooo uneven rn and i kinda hate it#its why u havent heard much abt starfall itself tbh i dont like where its at rn#i might honestly have to just tear out a lot of what i have but idk where to start in making it feel good#echoed voice
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agaypanic · 4 months
Could you do Carlisle Cullen x wife fem!reader where she accompanied Bella to the hospital and someone tries to flirt with her and he saw what happened and got jealous even though they have been married for centuries🤭. Add something you'd like. Tag me later! Thanks.
Not Interested (Carlisle Cullen X Vampire!Wife!Reader)
Request Something
Summary: Hearing the news about Edward saving Bella from a rogue van, you rushed to the hospital. While trying to find your husband and family, you seem to attract some unwanted attention.
A/N: tweaked the first part of the request but that’s it. au where esme doesn’t exist
When you had gotten a call from Alice telling you that Edward had saved Chief Swan’s daughter and Rosalie had followed the ambulance they were in to the hospital, you knew you had to go over to play mediator. Rosalie was very clear about her stance on Edward’s infatuation with Bella and the danger that infatuation could put all of you in; it was becoming a constant topic of argument between the two. Besides, it wouldn’t hurt to visit your husband.
The hospital parking lot was a bit crowded when you arrived, you felt lucky when you finally found a spot. It seemed that everyone was concerned about Bella’s well-being, even though you heard that she was very adamant about being okay.
You pushed through the small crowd to get inside and went to the receptionist’s desk.
“Hello, Mary!” You said with a polite smile. Being married to the best doctor in Forks, who worked long hours, had made you acquainted with almost everyone on the staff. “Do you know if Carlisle is busy right now?”
“He’s with a patient, but I’ll page him so he knows to come down when he’s done.” She responded with a sweet tone. You thanked her and sat in the small waiting room, grabbing a magazine off the table to flip through as you waited for your husband or one of your kids to come.
From the corner of your eye, you saw someone approaching you. Thinking it was one of your children or Carlisle, you glanced up. But it was just a stranger, so you stuck your nose back in the magazine.
“Hey.” The man said, sitting in the seat next to you. You subtly shifted away from him. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around before. Are you new to town?”
You were a bit surprised that he didn’t know you or recognized you, at the very least. Even though you usually stayed at home, you were well-known around the hospital and the high school. Besides, your family was a bit of a hot topic, being so pale and mysterious and keeping to yourselves. And this was a small town where everyone knew everyone.
“Nope.” You responded, trying to be polite while also conveying that you weren’t interested in talking much. “I’ve lived here for a few years.”
“Then why haven’t I seen you around?” He leaned forward, a curious smirk on his face. You did your best to hide your grimace.
“I guess we’ve never been in the same place at the same time.”
“Well, that’s a shame. Maybe we should do something to fix that.” You wanted to roll your eyes at his forwardness. To him, you were a complete stranger sitting in a hospital. For all he knew, you could be waiting to see a family member on their deathbed, and he wants to flirt. “Do you wanna maybe go get a drink?”
“I’m fine.” You replied with indifference.
“Aw, don’t be like that. I bet I could show you a good time.”
You laughed, shutting the magazine and dropping it onto the table. You could sense someone coming down the hall, and you knew exactly who it was. And you knew he was making his steps a little heavier than usual to make his presence known. 
“Believe me, I’m not interested.” By the time you were standing and looking down on the stranger, Carlisle had reached the waiting room, his gaze fixated on the two of you. You turned your head and smiled brightly. “Darling! There you are!”
You strode over to your husband and kissed him on the cheek, the faintest lip print being left on his pale cheek. You could feel the jealousy radiating off of him, but the slight snarl on his lips turned into a loving smile.
“Hello, dear.” His arm was wound firmly around your waist, the tips of his fingers skimming your hip. The hold felt possessive, like he needed to make it clear to this mystery man and anyone who passed by you that they had no chance. It was amusing to you that even after a few centuries of marriage, Carlisle still felt jealous when someone tried to win you over, even when you were blatantly uninterested. 
Speaking of the stranger, Carlisle gave him a glaring glance, and he knew it was time for him to leave. When he was out the door, Carlisle softened. 
“What are you doing down here?”
“Alice told me about the van.” You said, pursing your lips. “I had a bit of a feeling that Rosalie would come here to have a word or two with Edward about the whole thing.”
“You, my little angel, are very smart.” Carlisle smiled down at you before nodding towards the other side of the room, where two of your children were quietly hissing arguments to each other. “And they are right on time.”
You laughed a little before letting Carlisle walk you over to Rosalie and Edward to hear the full story, even though you had already gotten most of it from Alice. The entire time, Carlisle’s arm stayed around you, a constant reminder to everyone that you belonged to each other for eternity.
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luv-gukkie · 2 months
★j𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞 ★
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pairing: yandere! min yoongi x f. reader
genre: fluff? || smut || non-idol au || yandere
summary: after a couple of months of just staring at the same four walls, you realize you do love yoongi as much as he loves you, or maybe you’re just trying to survive.
word count: +2.1k
tags/warnings: yoongi kidnaps reader, unprotected sex, yoongi is delusional asf...(a ‘bit’ crazy in the head), pregnancy, murder(s), stockholm syndrome, mentions of drugging, unconsensual touching, dom! yoongi, sub!reader, stalking, reader starts going crazy lowkey
notes: this is more like a small drabble for yoongi :) and its kinda written to show that the reader is losing her mind, sorry if it’s confusing!
༻❤︎︎ ★ ★ ❤︎︎༺
min yoongi was a man of a few words. he liked to relax his mind with his own devices; never one to say much with other people, even to himself. he was an introvert from the very start. his past relationships were always left in pieces; left with girls in tears while munching on tubs of ice cream left and right from such a lousy boyfriend who never cared about them. how he couldn't save their relationship from ruins, leaving it to dissolve with no worries at all for the future of what they could be. if he's honest, yoongi doesn't even know (or care to) how he managed to get women to go out with him. what he thought was just a couple of hookups was actually a relationship to some of his 'girlfriends'. maybe, he just couldn't understand women or maybe, just maybe, he was a sleazy ass who preferred to be by himself.
but, yoongi preferred to say that he loved his alone time more and wasn't prepared for a full-time relationship. the peace that he had built within his mind was enough for him. yoongi didn't really need anything else around him except for money, which was his income from working a boring office job from nine to five; monday to friday with decaf coffee in his hands daily and blue light glasses to protect him from the screen of his desktop.
the constant noise of the people around him were just annoying crowds that he couldn't handle. that was until he landed his eyes on you. it's a day he clearly remembers from sunrise to dawn. how could he ever forget seeing such a pretty face?
it was just his luck that his apartment was far from the city. one word could describe his apartment: perfect. the land was extremely quiet since no one else lived around. the only exceptional noise that would interrupt the silence would be the animals: the deers that would constantly communicate with the others, bunnies hopping around, hummingbirds that chirp with soft ends, or the baby opossums that would sneeze to get their parents' attention. yoongi's house had more than enough of love. he lived for it. however, it never hurts to add more to a loving house, especially when he was missing someone by his side. yoongi couldn't believe his luck on how this apartment was so excluded from the world; from the hands of society. it's exactly what he needed when he wanted to play his guitar with no one knocking on his door to disturb him. or when he wanted to listen to his music out loud, or to keep you safe in his home. its like it was meant to hide someone inside it, and the best part is that no one would ever know. no person can search somewhere they don't know exist. in other words, you were meant to be his.
the second you were inside, yoongi had basically erased your existence from earth. your missing poster left on wooden poles, shops, and shown on the news. and yet, not a single trace of you was found; questions about your appearance went unanswered. everyone was clueless on what could've happened to you. your disappearance was a complete mystery to everyone: where had you gone?
are you still alive?
it was uncomfortable to wake up. your head was pounding and the dizziness that took place in your head only further pushed you to have nausea. "finally." a deep, unsettling voice boomed out of somewhere. startled by the sudden noise, you quickly glance up to catch sight of a man's eyes. he stood right next to the door. that was the beginning of a new chapter. you were slipping away from sanity as time passed. most of the time, you were left alone. 'where am i?'  You just sat on the bed trying to figure out what happened; what was happening. the man who stood in the corner — you learned his name was Yoongi — left after a while. he would talk a little with you before leaving the room, saying something about grocery shopping.
you kept up a calm facade for the sake of survival. You had to or else you didn't know what your captor would do to you. you had full knowledge that he had the possibility of hurting you, or even worse, he could kill you. just like he had the guts to take you from your own freedom and dreams from when you were a little girl.
but there was no stopping time. it crept up until you realized that you've done nothing to help yourself get out. you've sat there day and night, acting like a good girl for him when it wasn't even you who wanted to be there. you've wasted seconds that led into days and you hope that it doesn't go on to years because you've truly lost yourself in this house. so, you prepared and waited until he left to act out. what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.
as soon as Yoongi disappeared from your room and heard another door close, you took the opportunity to do what you don't usually do. all your yells for help and screams of desperation were drowned by the trees. You kept losing hope each wasted second. you were watching it slowly fall away from your grasp, and you couldn't do anything. the remorse of watching as the days went by and you were still stuck in a room locked in by your captor. It was just him and you. You and him. but he swore on the stars that when the time comes, it will no longer just be him and you, but mini-hims and mini-yous waddling around the house.
the small interactions you had with him were uncomfortably awkward for you, and you could clearly tell that he knew. and yet, he stuck around, choosing to stay and 'talk' with you. he didn't want you to think you were alone. he would be there for you.
as the weeks passed, the situation worsened for you. at first it was him moving into the room along with his things, then the part where he started sleeping next to you, and eventually to changing in front of you, touching you, and kissing you. Soon enough, it got more intense. That's when you knew you had to get out someway. You knew what step was next when his touching didn't stop at a few pecks. yoongi began to play with your tits, holding your ass tight to his crotch every night. you just couldn't get away from him.
everything was fucking shut tight. you felt the heat of anger crawling in your body. each window was locked, even the cabinets were locked.  there were also hidden cameras. it was just your luck when you had found one in the bedroom hidden perfectly. you were very surprised when you saw it peeking out of the lights. it just proved to you that yoongi was a fucking lunatic. he had been watching you and you were fucking clueless about it. but it also meant that there could of been hundreds of these tiny cameras recording you. you needed to get out.
you couldn't take it any longer. You were watched every single second. You were touched when he was home. You just couldn't keep it going like this. it was your breaking point. you screamed, sobbed, and whimpered at the fact that you were here. 'pathetic', you thought. there you were crying miserably on your mattress without trying to escape.
you heard the door open and then close, you dug your head into your pillow as the footsteps came closer. "it's okay." You immediately felt the presence of Yoongi by your side, pulling you up into a hug. he was panting. "I was worried about you." The hug got tighter. "I came here as fast as I could."
yoongi had worried about you. in that moment, you realized that maybe you gave up long ago. That's why you let him do what he did, after all, a whole year did pass without your knowledge. missing posters crumbling on the floor as the world continued to revolve without your existence. You had gotten used to his presence, his kisses, his behavior, and his love towards you. You were so frightened at first and used his attraction for you as a shield.
he kissed your lips gently before sticking his tongue inside of your mouth. your arms unconsciously wrapped around him. And for the first time, you let him touch you with his love and lust. the unbuckling of his belt made goosebumps grow out of excitement. With one thrust, your pussy sucked him in whole. Yoongi lowly groaned while you whimpered at the sudden feeling of his cock inside of you."I love you."
Yoongi waited. Were you going to say it back? his hips pounded into you with a harsh pace. You guttered nonsense as you quickly held onto his shoulders for support. the overstimulation flourishing on your cunt as his cock disappeared inside of you. "I-I love you..."
He kissed your nose gently. Yoongi stayed still until you came, cunt squirting around his cock with need. He moved his cock out slowly before filling you back in, his hot tip reach your cervix. a smile on his lips as he continued to repeat his desperate actions. a yearn in him to hear you moan in his ears louder. to make sure his cockhead reached your soft spot good enough that you would be whimpering under him as his cock perfectly managed to hit your g-spot. yoongi sucked on your skin, groaning against it as your pussy clenched around him. you were so perfect. his fingers dived into your hair as you milked his dick dry. his pace got sloppier, soft grunts escaping his throat as you legs wrapped him closer to you. yoongi pushed himself until he was deep inside of you, cumming with a loud moan leaving his lips. limbs comforting each other as the stars shined brightly until the sun outshined them once again.
the constant fear of you leaving had vanished in yoongi. replaced with a loving emotion that never left him once. While you slept in his arms, he eyed you. his fingers tracing over your arms, "I really do love you." And he meant that. That's why no one was ever around the area his apartment was in. He made sure the cameras he brought were in use to protect his territory from trespassers. buying red, bold signs to keep people out of what's supposed to be kept hidden, and for anyone who didn't listen, there's a reason he bought a shotgun. he killed anyone that passed the border between your world and reality. it's really the main reason for the cameras that were placed everywhere: inside and outside.
And as time passed rather quickly, your stomach grew and your tits swelled with milk. yoongi couldn't contain the pure excitement when he found out. you were pregnant with his child; a family both of you were able to grow out of dreams. yoongi smiled as he talked day and night, chuckling as he pressed his ear and hands to your stomach. he couldn't be happier that everything he dreamt of was finally happening.
All he had to do was wait and the perfect family he had planned for years prior had been achieved. you were clueless to everything he'd done, maybe cause of the constant drugs that he put in your food and drinks. secretly hiding away inside the locked cabinets. yoongi's lips kissed your head with softness while you carried his tiny daughter in your arms after nine months of constant patience and care. "I really do love you, __." the tears that swelled up in your eyes reminding you of your past; memories that once rested coming back to haunt you. you felt the knot inside your throat, the disgusting taste of wanting to throw up because of the gruesome sight in front of you. The doctor's snow-colored coat was splattered with his own blood. he was dead, stabbed to death by your yoongi. the knife in the middle of his chest tensing you up along with the other harsh cuts against his skin. "I had to", was all he repeated, "for our baby." his fingers gently wiping the tears from your cheeks, "say it." You felt like you couldn't breathe during that moment. everything was taking you back to day one. "i-", you paused as your voice trembled, "i love you." the pile of blood grew, drowning out the wooden floor. a faint pink colored yoongi's cheeks, "i love you more."
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legendofmorons · 10 months
I’ve had this idea in my head all day, could I get a scenario or headcanons or something about the chain not knowing that twilight and the reader (gender neutral if possible please) are married? Like the reader is from Ordon village and ended up sneaking through the portal with Twilight. I just want to see everyone else have that “wait a minute” moment after like idk months of traveling and now suddenly someone notices that Twi and the reader have matching rings
Definitely Married, not just besties (Twilight)
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Of course! I'm super excited to do this!!!
Pairing: Twilight x reader
Rating: G
Summary: The chain manages to miss that you and your husband are married, you, Twi, and Time enjoy the realization.
Warnings: Vauge injury (no details)
Other: If I missed anything, please let me know.
You'll admit that maybe your husband wasn't thrilled that you followed him through a mysterious and possibly dangerous portal. But he hasn't been too mad, mostly just worried.
Which is fair. It's not been boring on this trip.
The other heroes are fond of you, your skills helpful in many ways. From patching them up, to getting discounts, and even to keeping Twilight from absolutely raging when he finds hurt kids.
It would suffice to say that you fit right in.
You lay in the bedroll you share with your husband, stars above you bright as the others all whisper about plans you can't come to care about.
Unfortunately, Wolfie dosen’t seem to care that you're tryingto sleep, the pesky wolf form of your husband flopping over your torso.
"Wolfie." You warn lowly.
"Oh- (Y/n)! Hey!" Sky smiles from a few feet away.
"Hello, Sky."
"Something wrong, (Y/n)?"
"I'm just tired." You say, pushing Wolfie to lay on your legs as you sit up, "Anyone seen Twi?"
Twilight, in true wolf form fashion, gives a soft bark and noses at your hand. You don't have to ignore him!
"He said he went on a walk. Why?"
"Just wondering, he has a penchant for finding trouble. "
Time laughs at that, "Yeah. He does. We're just talking about our next plan of attack. Any thoughts?"
"We should probably split into groups. Archers and sword fighters." You add with a sigh, reaching to scratch behind Wolfie's ear.
This earns you a happy sound and some tail wagging.
"Smart." Legend says as he works on cleaning out from under his nails with a dagger. All aware of safety and such.
"I think so." You smile.
"How'd you and Twilight even meet?" Wind asks, obviously done with all plans and interested in gossip now.
They others must have been at the strategy for a while if the way everyone immediately tunes in is any indication.
"Oh, well we grew up in Oradon together. We met real young, you know? I hardly even remember a before him."
"You should tell him you like him." Hyrule pipes up, "It's really sweet."
"What?" You ask.
"Tell Twilight you like him!"
You laugh, realizing the others have no idea you're married to your beloved husband. "I'll think about it."
(How do they not know? You two are almost always near each other. There's no shortage of affection. You share a bed roll!)
If later, when Twi is back to human form, you jokingly tell him you have a crush he just laughs and wraps you in his arms and says, "Good."
You fall asleep in Twilight's arms, one hand clutching your ring on the chain it's been on for months now- since the startof the journey. Your other hand rests on his chest.
You sit in your underclothes and pout at Twilight.
Twilight sits across from you as he patches you up while the others wither patch up or help someone else. His gaze is soft, but he's obviously a little upset you took his hits to save him.
"I didn't know you had a ring on a chain." Wind says from where he's wiping off monster gunk a few feet away.
"Oh- yeah. I've had it for a few years now." You say, smiling at Twilight gently instead of looking to the Sailor.
"Kinda looks like the ring the rancher wears around his neck."
"That's on purpose. "Twilight says, adjusting the gauze under the bandage he's finished placid around your bicep.
Time can bee seen behind Twilight, looking smug and amused. The tall gremlin probably has known for a while but he seems as amused as you and Twi to watch the others miss the whole point.
"Why would you have matching rings? Are you super duper best friends or some shit?" Legend huffs.
"Or something." You say, biting back a giggle.
"That's like a married people thing." Hyrule says helpfully.
"Almost like we're married." You say evenly.
This earns a swat at your shoulder from Twilight. "Hey now." He says with a smile.
"Oh my hylia." Time mutters.
"You're married!" Wind declares.
"To Twilight?" He demands, sounding shocked as can be.
"Unless you know someone else named Link from my home town?"
"Don't tease them, sweetheart." Twilight says, " 's not their fault their dense."
"You're married to eachother?" Sky asks, tone going soft like it does when he talks about his Zelda.
"Have been for a few years, actually." Twilight answers, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "Why?"
"Just surprised." Sky says, "I thought you two were pining."
"We all did." Hyrule adds helpfully.
"I didn't. "Time pipes in, "I've known since the second day."
"Show off." Legend mumbles.
"Awww, it's okay guys! We didn't exactly tell you." You say, trying to make them feel better.
"We didn't hide it either." Twilight says.
"You are telling us everything. "Wind says firmly, "The wedding, the proposal, your getting together, all of it."
You laugh, "Sounds good kid."
"Yeah... That sounds good." Twi echoes, and he's so star-struck just remembering the mentioned points of your relationship. He's whipped.
To this day, the chain likes to ignore the several months they missed the whole 'you and Twilight being married thing.
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blues824 · 6 months
Its 💗🌸 /Rosa / @toconolaw ^×^
Staff doing secret Santa with magic music arts teacher s/o! But some how teacher s/o's twk familiar which are chinchillas that gets a bit aggressive/ jealous!!
You requested: Secret Santa
The Wiki said Vargas is shorter than Sam 💀
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Dire Crowley
The fact that you’re married to this man was mysterious enough. However, you had asked about a possible Secret Santa amongst the staff to add some more mystery to the pot. The rest of the staff members agreed, and so all your names were put into a hat, and you drew a name. You had gotten Professor Mozus Trein, and you immediately noted that you might want to go to a pet store to get some treats for Lucius.
One stipulation in this Secret Santa game was that you put a charm on the hat so that neither you nor your husband could choose each other. After all, you both knew each other quite well, so it would be cheating. After everyone drew their names, you immediately went to Sam’s shop with your chinchilla. If there was anyone who would have what you needed, it would be him.
You actually ran into Crowley there, and who his gift was for was rather obvious, as he was purchasing some protein powder. Once you had purchased everything you were going to, which included new inkwells and a crystal pen, along with catnip, your husband had extended his arm to you. You put your hand in the crook of his elbow, and your familiar hopped from your shoulder to his. It took years for the little animal to even let your husband touch you, but now it seems you both have to fight over him.
Leaning your head on his free shoulder, you spoke to him.
“I love you, Dire Crowley.”
Now, he had a bit of a quirk about him. He never says ‘I love you’ directly back. He says it’s ‘too simple’. Instead, he would say something poetic, and it made your heart flutter every single time.
“In the musical tapestry of our connection, your presence is a delicate arpeggio that dances through the notes of my heart, composing a ballad only the two of us can hear.”
With that you both kissed each other, starting to head back to his office, where the wrapping paper and ribbons that you needed for the gifts were.
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Divus Crewel
Being wed to this man meant a life of elegance. He wouldn’t let you settle for anything less. That being said, you were also a professor at NRC, and since you were a staff member, you proposed in the staff meeting that you all do a Secret Santa of sorts. Crewel was all for it… until you put a spell on the hat that would prevent you and him from getting one another. You pulled Sam’s name, and you had to admit that you were completely stumped.
Luckily, your chinchilla has been around, and it learned Sam’s favorite food. That being said, you needed to go to the town below NRC to get the ingredients necessary to make the chicken gumbo that your friend loved so much. Your husband went with you, and a few people paused in the street upon seeing you both, such an elegant and beautiful couple, doing such domestic things… or maybe it was your familiar.
Now, once you got to the grocery store, you both separated so that you could get the things you both required. You had no idea who Divus had gotten, and he did not want you to know until the day you would give everyone their presents. In addition to all the stuff you purchased, you bought some dried fruit for your animal.
You both headed to your apartment, where you started making a huge pot of chicken gumbo. Your husband came up from behind you and put his hands on your hips, pulling your back flush against his chest.
“I love you, honey~” You sang softly, before starting to hum as you put all the chopped veggies into the big pot on the stove.
The chinchilla you grew to love climbed from your shoulder to his, and all the way to the top of his head.
“I love you too, darling,” He leaned down to place a kiss on your temple, but the chinchilla sitting on the top of his head pulled a strand of his hair.
He let out a yelp of pain before removing the animal and placing it back on your shoulder, where it was giving him a death glare that could probably kill a very weak human. He mumbled about how jealous the familiar got, and you just let out a laugh.
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Ashton Vargas
To be this man’s spouse meant that you probably had a very active lifestyle, or you knew where to duck away to hide from his “couple’s workouts”. Luckily, your chinchilla often took your place.  Anyway, at the staff meeting, you proposed that you do a Secret Santa, and Vargas agreed with that idea. Even when you put a spell on the hat that prevented you from getting one another, it was fine. You pulled Divus Crewel’s name, and you had a few ideas that came to mind for your gift to him.
You had to go to town, however, and your husband did not like you going alone. He was a tad worried that something was going to happen to you, so you strolled down the street with your guard dog and guard chinchilla privileges. You decided to get Professor Crewel some gift cards for a new restaurant that has opened up recently. He told you that he was considering going, and maybe he could come back and tell you if the place is a good date location.
Ashton got Crowley, and so you both just went around town to see what he would like. Personally, you would have loved to give him a knuckle sandwich for pushing all of his responsibilities on one of your beloved students, who you viewed as your own children. However, you settled on getting him dumbbells, so maybe he would have a chance to catch the hands you’re going to throw.
Boarding the bus that would take you back to NRC, along with a bunch of students, the Coach that you happened to love pulled you onto his lap, surprising you. You were incredibly embarrassed as a few students started to whisper, but he wasn’t letting you go. Your chinchilla tried to bite him, but nothing came of it.
“Coach Vargas, if you don’t let me go right now, there will be consequences when we get home!” You exclaimed.
However, your husband broke out the puppy-dog eyes. A groan of annoyance made its way out of your mouth before you finally stopped struggling against him, and you resigned yourself to your fate.
“I love you, baby,” The mere amount of love in that sentence made you melt, placing a kiss on his cheek in response. A few nearby students, who you both taught, by the way, started ‘awwww’ing, making you even more embarrassed than before.
“Shush, you! Otherwise you all get detention and you have to help me grade assignments!” A smile was on your face as you made this threat, as you weren’t completely serious. This also made the students laugh, as well as your husband.
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Mozus Trein
You two had grown close because of Lucius. Normally, Trein would never be interested in someone so young, as he was nearing the age of 60 and you were in your 30’s. However, your music lured his cat, and as you played the piano, Lucius plopped himself on your lap. A few years later, you were married, and you found yourself in the staff room during a meeting, and you proposed a Secret Santa so as to get into the holiday spirit. Names were drawn, and you had picked Coach Vargas.
Again, a few ideas came to mind on what you could get him, but a lot of them required you going to town. Your husband also had to go, so you decided to go together. Luckily for you, you were able to head to the fitness section and get what you needed. You also called into a high-end gym in the area and you asked if you could purchase a day-pass for a friend, and they let you..
Mozus headed to the stationery section of the store, and you had two guesses on the names he picked out. Your chinchilla was chilling on your shoulder as you made it through checkout, texting your husband to meet you in the square once he was finished. You then headed to the meeting location, enjoying the scenery and the different people that were in the town.
It didn’t take long for him to meet you there, and he also got some other stuff for when you both headed back home for the holidays. You had another Secret Santa thing going on with your step-daughters and your sons-in-law. The older professor took the animal from your shoulder and placed it on his as he held his hand out to you to help you off the bench.
“What a gentleman~ Thank you, darling.” You said as you stood. He lifted your hand to his lips to place a kiss on your knuckle.
“It would be wrong to teach our students to be something that I’m not,” You both started walking to the bus that would take you back to NRC.
“I love you, Mozus Trein,” You said.
“I love you, too, Y/N Trein,” He answered, a hint of a smile on his face as you place a kiss on his cheek and go to board the bus.
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You were not married to Sam… yet. It all felt like a fever dream, as he had proposed to you in the most casual way possible. You both had met at the first staff meeting, where he kept writing on the corners of your notes. However, your chinchilla was not exactly happy about how you both kept giggling with another, and it even bit one of his fingers. Time skip to now, where you had an engagement ring on your finger, your chinchilla is on his shoulder, and you proposed a Secret Santa amongst the staff.
From the hat, you pulled out the name of the Headmage. Sam could see the anger in your eyes, and he was snickering because he already guessed who you got. You looked like the only thing you wanted to give Crowley was a large stick up his derrière, and that just made him burst out into laughter. He himself pulled Crewel’s name, and his friends on the other side had a few gift ideas.
Anyway, you both headed into town and walked around, window shopping. It was like a moment in a Hallmark Christmas movie, where you both kind of dance around each other, laughing and not taking anything seriously. Even though you were yet to be officially married, you were in a honeymoon phase. Well, you were always in a honeymoon phase because Sam never let the romance die out.
To get back to the Secret Santa shopping, you purchased a calendar for the next year. It wasn’t anything special. You also bought some pens, muttering about how the old crow was lucky you weren’t going to shove them down his throat. Your fiancé just laughed it off and got some gift cards for Professor Crewel. 
“Are you ready, my imp?” He asked after you checked out, holding his hand out to you.
“I wish this didn’t have to end… I love finally being able to spend time with you, love.”
“Who said we were going to go back just yet? I’m not quite done with you either…” He placed a kiss on your lips, and you felt a pressure around you that you knew wasn’t coming from Sam, but rather his shadow.
“You’re not the only one, apparently,” You giggled.
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somanyratsinthewalls · 8 months
I know you already said you'd do it... BUT maybe could I request a standalone fic (not a kinktober one) of a Franky x Reader x Robin fic with daddy/mommy kink, sub!virgin!AFAB!reader
idk if you ship frobin though but if you want to feel free to add that in!
YEAH BABY THIS HAS BEEN FLOATING IN MY MIND EVER SINCE I SAW THAT POST!!! I need more Franky Fuckers in my life. I have zero ships in One Piece EXCEPT FROBIN! They are clearly so in love I can't stand it. Here's the fic, I love it.
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Sex Education
Pairing: Robin x afab!reader x Franky
TW: threesome, cyborg banging, misuse of devil fruit powers, girl on girl, two girls one guy, fingering, riding, face sitting. porn!
“That color is ugly.” Nami comments at the shade of light green you had chosen to paint you toenails. 
“Is it really that bad?” You lean back and admire your half painted foot. It shimmered in the sunlight on the deck of the ship. 
“Looks like barf.” Nami didn’t look up from her work, carefully painting her own nails a dark shade of pink. 
“Well now that you’ve said that, I can’t unthink it. Do you have the polish remover?” You ask.
“I think Robin has it in her room, you can go grab it, puke-toes.” Nami laughed. 
You roll your eyes and stand up. You begin to head towards the inside of the ship in search of the nail polish remover. You reach Robin’s bedroom door and grab the handle and open the door. You three girls were best friends at this point, knocking was a moot point. 
“Hey, Nami said my toes were ugly so can I just grab the-“ 
Your eyes immediately meet Robin’s as she gasps. Fully nude, she is seated on Franky’s lap who was also shed of his swim briefs. His huge hands cradled her pale, plump ass. A slight sheen of sweat covered her forehead as her arms wrapped around his massive neck. 
“Y/n!” Robin yelps out at you. 
“OH my god?! I’m so sorry!” You stutter out and slam the door shut behind you and run back up through the ship. Your mind was racing. Franky and Robin? A thing? I mean… it makes sense the more you think about it… but seeing it first hand was still a bit jarring. Were other people here having sex? Were you the only one who had never done it before? Is this something you were missing out on?
You burst through the door to the deck where Nami was fanning her drying nails. 
“Woah where’s the fire, y/n?” Nami asked you, noticing your panicked expression. 
“Nami I- I went to get the nail polish remover- and I? I don’t know! The door wasn’t locked! I just went in! And she- and they- they were…!” You were out of breath and couldn’t get out a coherent thought. 
“Oh, walked in on Franky and Robin? Yeah they’re like rabbits lately. Good for them, honestly.” Nami went back to fanning her nails. 
“Wait… you knew?” You couldn’t believe it. 
“Duh? Are you that oblivious? Why do you think they’re always mysteriously absent after dinner? Jeez you need to get laid.” Nami rolled her eyes. 
“Wait… are YOU fucking someone!? Is everyone here having sex but me?!” Your eyes bugged out of your head. Were you the only (human) virgin left on this ship? Sure you had urges, but you always just took care of it yourself in the quiet of your own room late at night. 
“Not since that last island, no. Nobody on the crew, obviously, pickings are way too slim. I made out with Sanji once when I was wasted but he was such a bad kisser I told him to get fucked. It was all wet and gross.”
“Really he was that bad—? Wait come on, you’re getting laid too? Is everyone else?!” You returned to the point of your questioning. 
“I mean yeah, y/n, we all have needs. Except for Zoro… I think there’s something seriously wrong with his brain. Sex is great, especially with someone who knows what they’re doing.” Nami gave you the truth. Maybe it was time for you to finally explore your sexuality…
You both turned your heads as a door swung open. A red-faced Robin smiled meekly at the two of you as she walked towards you and sat down at your side. 
“You need to start using those hands to lock doors, girlfriend.” Nami chuckled and rose to her feet. She winked at the both of you and headed into the kitchen. 
“Hi y/n… So… I’m sorry about that. I should have been more careful. It was a private moment and I apologize for you having to see it.” She genuinely searches your eyes for forgiveness. 
“it.. it’s okay. I just didn’t know you guys were together like that…” You blush and look down at your feet. Robin smiled. 
“He’s sweet. I know we might not look like we’d work out, but I find him quite charming actually!” Robin’s eyes sparkled. “And the sex is phenomenal.”
“Oh.. I… um… I wouldn’t know…” You felt your cheeks continue to heat up. 
“Are you a virgin, y/n?”
“Yes.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, talking mostly to yourself. You continue. “It’s not like I’m doing it on purpose… I’m plenty old enough and I’ve thought about it loads… I just… haven’t had the right opportunity…” 
“Well… If you really wanted to change that… I’m sure we could help you.” Robin takes your hand in hers. You look up into her eyes, they were kind and warm. 
“What?” You were confused as to what kind of help she was offering you. 
“If you wanted to experience sex with people you trust for your first time, I have no doubt Franky would jump at the opportunity. I would be there too, of course, to guide you. We’re very… open… to new experiences… if you’re understanding what I’m saying.” 
“Oh…” Your eyes widen. It might be a good idea to finally get that awkward first time out the way, especially with someone you trust and know well. “I mean… yes? Sure. I guess I’m saying yes.”  
“Perfect.” Robin squeezes your hand. “How about tonight? After dinner? My room?”
You nod. You can’t believe you’re casually agreeing to lose your virginity to two of your closest friends. 
— —
That night, after dinner, you excused yourself from the table a little early so you could freshen yourself up. You took a quick shower, shaving your legs and trimming your bush, washing your hair with the most expensive shampoo you could find in the Sunny’s shared bathroom. After the shower you dried your hair and slathered your body in lotion. You felt like you were getting dolled up for a date, not a dick appointment. 
You perused your closet for something to wear. You wanted to look comfy and casual, but still sexy… wait why were you overthinking this? You had known Robin and Franky for years, who were you trying to impress? You shook yourself out of your racing thoughts and settled on a black pair of knee length spandex bike shorts and a black cropped tee. You finished your hair and applied a bit of makeup before spritzing yourself with perfume. You looked at yourself in the mirror. 
“Ok y/n. You can do this. It’s your totally normal friends who are a robot and someone with devil fruit powers who are going to take your virginity. This is fine and normal. Your life is normal.” After a few minutes of hyping yourself up, you make your way to Robin’s room. You take a deep breath and knock on the door a few times, remembering to knock this time after your intrusion earlier. 
Robin quickly opens the door with a bright smile.
“Y/n! Come in! Are you thirsty? I have some wine.” She grabs your hand and pulls you into her room. Franky was relaxing in a large armchair against the wall facing the bed. 
“Hey pretty thing! So good to see ya!” He beamed at you with a cola in his hand. 
“Hi Frank, sorry about earlier…” You meekly apologize and stared at the floor. 
“Hey no problem! Sorry ya had to walk in on me and the lady like that without warning.” Franky pushed his sunglasses up on his head and took a sip of his beverage. 
“Here, y/n.” Robin shoved a large glass of white wine into your hand. She clinked her own glass with yours and winked. “Come sit.” 
Robin retreated to her bed and patted a spot next to her for you to sit down. You took a big gulp of your drink and sat next to her on the fluffy purple comforter. 
“So I was just telling Franky that you’re a virgin.” Robin states casually as she sips her wine. You choke on yours. 
*cough* “Oh um.. yeah…” *cough*  “I’ve never done anything really…” You sheepishly say as you catch your breath. 
“Wow, someone as gorgeous as you? I’d had never guessed. Well don’t you worry sweet thing, we’ll take care of you real nice, right mama?” The cyborg smirks and leans back in his chair. 
“Of course daddy, we’re going to make sure she feels so good.” Robin uses her free hand to start stroking your upper arm. 
“Oh, so we’re like- doing this? Now? Okay uh-“ You stutter out. 
“Well, whenever you’re ready, sweet girl. You’re just so pretty I can’t help myself.” Robin scoots herself closer to you on the bed and starts playing with the hem of your crop top. “Can I take your clothes off? I can take mine off too, if that’ll help you feel more comfortable.” Robin purrs into your ear. 
Robin pulls your shirt over your head, breasts falling and bouncing against your chest. She then slips off your shorts, making you fully nude in front of them. 
“Wow sweet cheeks, no bra or panties? And pierced nipples? Such a little minx.” Franky remarks at your lack of undergarments. You blush at the comment about your piercings.
Robin stood up and pulled her dress over her head. 
“Isn’t she cute?” Robin smiles at you and back at Franky as she slips her panties down her legs and unhooks her bra. Her incredible rack was staring you straight in the face and you unconsciously rubbed your legs together in excitement. Her body was so gorgeous and toned, you wanted to feel it on top of you. 
With both of you completely naked, Robin sits next to you again on the bed. “May I kiss you, y/n?” Robin asks, bringing her hand to your chin. 
“Yes…” You whisper, meeting her gaze. You close your eyes as she leans into you. Her kiss is soft, her lips are buttery and smooth. After a brief moment of pressing her lips to yours, she begins rolling her tongue along your lower lip, silently asking for you to open your mouth. You oblige and she slips her tongue into your mouth to explore it eagerly. You bring your hand up to cup the side of her neck. 
“Mmph!” You huff out in surprise as she slid one of her hands up to your breast and experimentally toyed with your nipple. You continue to make out as her hands play and squeeze at your breasts. Robin pulls back from your lips, continuing her ministrations on your tits, rolling the silver barbells in her fingers.   
“You’re so sensitive, little one, can’t wait to see what else turns you on.” Robin giggles. 
“Spread her legs, mama, wanna see that cute little pussy.” Franky prompts her from his chair. 
Quickly, Robin is behind you, your back pressed against her ample chest. She gentlly takes your calves and hooks them over her spread legs so you were fully exposed for your robot lover. She begins open mouth kissing on your neck from behind and you sigh at the feeling. 
“Can I touch you, y/n? Is this okay so far?” Robin whispers into your ear. 
“Yes… I want you to touch me…” You whimper out, body aching for more contact. 
“But no one has ever touched you here… right? Maybe just yourself?” She slid one of her hands down to cup your mound. Her voice became more sinister. Your face and ears were bright red, feeling embarrassed but your sexual desires were too strong so you pushed the feeling aside. 
“Just me, Robin… no one else…” 
“hmm… So you know what you like? How about this? Do you play with your little clit like this?” Robin coos at you as she begins to apply pressure to your throbbing bud and rub it in circles, your pussy was leaking at this point. 
“Hnnnnn, yes! Yes I like this!” You whine out. 
Robin continues slowly rubbing your clit and kissing your neck. She uses her free hand to pinch your nipples. Wait, was that a third hand? You looked down and you had one hand touching your sex and two on your breasts. You had never thought about it before but her devil fruit powers were certainly useful in this situation. 
“You two look so super like this…” Franky lowly slurs out as he takes another sip of his drink from across the room. “You know she won’t be able to take me if you don’t stretch her first mama…” He adds. 
“I’m getting to it… let me enjoy her first. You’re so impatient my love. Don’t forget who’s in charge here. I want to make it special.” Robin teasingly scolds her boyfriend as she doesn’t falter in her movements against your clit. 
“Mmmm- more please! Wan’ more!” You wanted to feel something inside of you, having been worked up by Robin’s hands. 
“Aww what a sweet baby. I can give you more.” Another hand appeared and one slender digit slid into your aching hole. 
“Robin!” You gasp out and lean your head back on her shoulder. She slowly dipped her finger in and out of your cunt as you moaned in pleasure. She added another finger and you yelped. 
“Have you made yourself cum like this, y/n?” 
“Yes- nnghh! But you’re! You’re so much better! Ah!” You breath out as she pulls and taps on your sweet spot with her soft fingers. 
“You’re too kind, baby.” Robin smiles down at you on her shoulder. “Daddy is pretty big, sweet girl, so I’m going to have to add another finger, okay?” She has another hand stroking your hair. 
“O-okay… Fuck!” Robin adds a third finger into your weeping cunt and bullies them all into your spot. You felt a familiar yet stronger feeling build up in your lower half. You were sighing and moaning as you look towards Franky in the armchair. He had shed his minimal clothing and there was a hand sprouting from the chair and stroking his large cock. You had no idea how that was going to fit inside you, although your mouth watered at the sight of it. It was cut, thick, and gorgeous. Your orgasm was so close. 
“I think- I think I’m gonna cum, Robin! I wanna cum!” 
“Go ahead and cum, sweetheart, want you to feel so good….” She continues her work on your pussy as you slam your eyes shut in pleasure. You feel your orgasm rip through your body and spill out onto Robin’s hands. You moan out loudly. She slowly pulls out her hand and rubs your cunt comfortingly. 
“That was so good, little one! You’re so wet and open, I think you’re ready to take daddy now.” There was a glint of mischief in her voice as she stroked the sides of your arms and kissed your cheek. 
“You… you think?” You were hazing coming down from the powerful orgasm that Robin had just given you. 
“Mhmm.” Robin kissed you on the forehead. “Come here daddy, lay down.” She nodded towards her cyborg lover. 
“Showtime, ladies!” Franky laid down on the bed, as you were sure he had done hundreds of times. “Hop on up, little one!” He beckons you with a large hand. You collect yourself and straddle his huge hips. 
“I.. I don’t… I don’t really know what to do, should I-?” You sputter out, your eyes darting from Robin’s and Franky’s. 
“Let me help, sweetheart… You ready?” Robin leans forward and grabs Franky’s thick cock and lines it up with your soaking hole. You nod.
Another hand grabs your hip and begins to lower you down onto Franky’s dick. 
“Ahh! It’s too much!” You felt the sting of his fat member stretching you out as it entered your virgin cunt. 
“It’s okay! It’s okay just take it slow, okay?” Robin was kissing your upper arm as she guided you down further onto the man below you. “I’m right here…” 
You mewled and whined as you slowly took Franky inch by inch. Eventually you felt your muscles relax as your body was flush to his. He was fully seated inside you. 
“You did it! You did it, y/n! Mommy and daddy are so proud of you! Look how pretty you are with a cock inside you!” Robin gleefully released your hip to tilt your head down to look at where Franky’s dick was balls deep in your little hole. 
“Ohhhh pretty girl, you’re so TIGHT!” Franky exclaimed as he grabbed your hips with both hands. “Never felt anything like this!” He praised you as he rubbed loving circles into your pelvis. 
“I.. I did it…” You were breathless, never having felt so full in your life. 
“Can I fuck her now, mama? Please?” Franky looked up at Robin, pleading to be able to wreck you. 
“Yes, daddy, but don’t scare her off now. Be gentle.” Robin captured your lips in a soft kiss to distract you from her boyfriend planting his feet and beginning to thrust upwards into your tight hole. 
“OH- Robin! Ah!” You moaned against her lips as your lover began to rut into you from below. It was so big and rubbing against your sweet spot so deliciously. 
“I know sweetie, I know. You’re doing so good, taking daddy’s cock so well!” Robin cooed as she pulled back from your lips. 
“Come on mama, take your seat. I want both!” Franky panted out as he thrust into your pussy. 
Robin giggled as she moved to hover over Franky’s face and sat down on his waiting tongue. Robin sighed as she felt his tongue move against her wet folds. She leaned forward into you and wrapped her arms around your neck as you continued getting speared by Franky’s cock. 
“Isn’t this mmhmmm- nice, y/n?” She mewled out as Franky sucked on her clit. 
“AH YES!” You shrieked out, feeling your belly begin to tighten again. You felt a hand rubbing your sensitive, engorged clit. You felt two more hands pinching and pulling at your sensitive nipples. You felt two more hands squeezing your ass cheeks in addition to the large metal ones clutching your hips desperately. There was so much stimulation from every direction you could barely take it. Robin captured your lips in a messy kiss. 
“Come on girls, I can’t take much more of this!” Franky shouted from underneath you both, he was clearly affected by your tight wetness. 
“I want to kiss her for a little, be patient, daddy.” Robin pulled away briefly to scold him playfully. She dives back in to your swollen, wet lips. You grab the back of her head with both hands, the pleasure driving your boldness. The lewd wet slurping of Franky on Robin’s pussy was causing you to clench on the dick inside of you. Robin was keening and moaning into your mouth and you had never seen anything so hot. 
“Fuck daddy, I’m going to cum. Want to cum with me, little one?” Robin looks you in the eye and continues her work on your sensitive bits. 
“YES! Fuck I’m right there, please daddy!” You shriek out.
“Soak me, cum on me, ‘wanna feel it!” Franky pushes into you as far as he can go and your body spasms and creams all on his robot cock. You scream out in pleasure. Robin moans his name as she, too, finishes all over him. His blue hair was soaked in Robin’s gushy release. Robin kisses you deeply as you both finish your orgasms. 
“Let me fill her, please mama, wanna stuff her so bad!” Franky begged his partner from underneath you. 
“Of course daddy, anything you want.” Robin moved off his face and pinched his nipples to encourage his finish. 
“FUUUUCK-“ Franky groaned loudly as he spilled himself deep inside your no-longer-virgin pussy. You fell forward, burying Franky’s face in your sweaty breasts. You were so dick drunk you couldn’t move. 
“Come on little one, let’s get you tucked into bed.” Robin lifted you off Franky’s cock with her strong arms and laid you down under the covers. 
“Th-thank you guys…” You whisper out. 
“Hey, after that? I’ll let you join me and the lady ANY time!” Franky proceed to tuck both you and Robin into her comforter and head out to finish his repairs for the evening. 
“Robin that was… so incredible…” You stroked her jaw as you laid in bed facing each other. 
“Well sweetie, if you want to part of our little arrangement, I think we could make it happen…” Robin giggled at you as she raked her fingers through your hair. 
“Maybe we can talk about it tomorrow…” And you drifted off to sleep. 
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sanjisluvbot · 10 months
[ I’ll add ch 1-16 here tmr I’m just really tired <3 ]
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The silences became unbearable so you decided it was best you spoke up. Your sentences collided, you both stumbling over what the other said. You shared a laugh and decided to let Law go first, anxiously waiting to hear about what was on his mind that made him go complete radio silent at the dinner table.
" Y/N-ya, This conversation is going to make you upset but it's a neccesary one." He started off.
you nodded and waiting for him to continue. He sighed and turned away for a second, anxiety dwelling in the pit of his stomach.
" Before we had really gotten close and I was traveling with you and the strawhats Robin invited me into her study because she had books that would be really interesting to me."
The shock was written all over your face, he was telling you about reading one piece. You gulped down the lump in your throat, Sanji was telling you the truth.
" I'm pretty sure you have an idea of what I am about to say but, I just want you to know I wasn't keeping this from you because I am trying to harm you, and I am not in kahoots with the strawhat crew. ”
You but your lip wondering if the anger was showing itself on your face. You wanted to tell, scream, or even jump him. That wasn’t the right answer though, you knew that, thinking back to all the times you’ve simply done something logical here you always ended up on the wrong side of the stick or sword.
You hummed and looked away from him, “ I choose not to be angry at you. I mean, speaking logically I had done the same thing. Reading the manga and then coming here. I’m just not as free to go back whenever I please as you are.”
Your heart swelled. You felt mature and dignified in this moment, the anger seemed into the back of your mind most likely going to rush forward when you’re alone again but that’s alright. As long as you don’t show them everything will be fine.
“ I mean still… Y/n-ya I betrayed your trust by not telling you this sooner. If I was in your shoes I would probably be screaming from the top of my lungs.”
You laughed. Of course you wanted to do that, to everyone that you’ve encountered in this mysterious world you wanted to scream from the top of your lungs hoping that maybe someone from your home can hear or that maybe god would rescue you.
Unfortunately that’s not reality.
Law spoke about how intrigued he was by your universe. The new technology, the advancements in medicine he’s never heard of. In such a short period of time he spent there he was able to see things people wouldn’t even dream of in this life time.
Bepo and the rest of the crew peeked out the doors and windows amazed to see their never catch him with his pants off captain be so lax. It was like an alien replaced him or he was possessed by a free spirit.
Although you haven’t spent much time with the heart pirates, they adored you. Like basically everyone else they were enamored with the girl from another world, you were this alien creature who spoke so differently, lived differently, just a ball out of left field.
They were more subtle but they watched you as much as anyone else did. They liked the way you did little things and they liked the way you made their captain easier to deal with.
As they watched you two go from awkwardness back to a regular conversation where Law’s smile was prominent and his posture slouched, they wondered what would happen when you went back home.
Of course the captain would miss you, he would probably be even more overbearing just because your presence is gone but they all knew too well what the right thing to do was.
After hearing your story and what you dealt with from the Strawhat pirates they couldn’t help themselves in wanting to protect you. You were too fragile for this world, even though you weren’t even a different species your world is so fragile and life goes so quickly for you. You deserved to enjoy it— even if it meant they would never see you again.
You would always be one of their favorite memories.
The weight on Law’s shoulders was removed. And your comfortable conversation about the stars and what not from your universe could lull him to sleep. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt this relaxed around a person— even his own crew.
Your eyes shined under the light of the moon and the hue made a light shade of blue casting over your brown skin. He moved closer, wanting to get a slightly better look at you. After all you’d be leaving in the middle of Wano. That thought brought a sharp pain through Law’s chest and a vein popped out on his temple.
He didn’t want this to be one of the lady times he seen you. Law wouldn’t say it out loud— he couldn’t. Knowing you, you’d probably become spooked by his demeanor. But he was sure that he wanted you in his life for the long run, get to know you like the back of his hand and maybe… just maybe…
His teeth gritted- his own thought annoying him while he was trying to focus on you explaining different telescopes that would let you look at the surrounding planets.
He would have to work over time to at-least attempt in forgetting you. He chuckled out loud at that catching your attention.
“ What’s funny loser.”
“ Nothing… I was just thinking of something— continue.”
You smiled and teased him once more making him shy away from showing you his reddening cheeks.
The night is still young and you had so much to talk about, he wanted to be all ears but you just made everything so difficult now.
Luffy was aggravated, you spend less and less time with him and everyone else now. He missed when you would spend all day playing games and just simply having your presence in his vicinity.
Robin told him what happened today and he wanted desperately to be happy but knowing that you and Law were ir already have talked it out made him want to destroy something in front of him.
Nami eyed him, her and Zoro were always first to read Luffy’s emotions and she was tad bit upset at how easily Robin opened her mouth. Telling him any of this isn’t in their best interest right now.
Nami wanted you to stay with them of course but she figured out a different way to ensure that. To ensure that both you and everyone else can finally be happy. But, with Robin or any other crew member coming to the captain every other day to report one thing after another it would be more difficult.
Usually Robin and Ussop would be in her corner but she’s all but alone as of now.
Her thoughts started giving her a head ache and Luffy’s anger was making her anxious. She was going to just put her thoughts to rest for the night. She’s have all the time in the world to figure this out in the morning.
Walking into the other room she bumped into Sanji, who had desserts in his hand and gave her his bright smile. When she declined Sanji’s facade dropped, concern ect he’d across his face.
“ Nami si everything alright?”
“ Yeah Luffy’s just agitated and Robin is adding fuel to his fire. I’m just gonna go to sleep we’ve got things to do tomorrow and I need to devise a plan.”
He told her to wait just a moment in the hall while he dropped off his treats, coming out in less than a minute he smiled at her and offered to make her melatonina tea. She obliged knowing he wouldn’t take no for an answer, and he was obviously worried for her and not up to any of his theatrics.
In the kitchen she sat twirling a spoon in her cup letting every thought and worry fly out of her mouth and Sanji listened intently.
“ I just wish you guys would not tell Luffy things about Y/N and Law so often. We need this alliance— especially right now. In order to win and have Luffy become an emperor we need the heart pirates. I get that we all-”
“ Everything’s going to work itself out.”
She tilted her head and he chuckled at how cute she was mentally begging himself to not make a fool out of himself.
“ We’re all just stressed, too much going on, too much focus on Y/n, and too much pressure from other crews and the people of Wano. I get you’re frustrated— I think we all are even the moss ball.”
“ Well yeah but-”
“ Robin wants to get a reaction out of all of us. Luffy is just an easy target. Luffy would get agitated if Y/n were to even look in Trafalgar’s direction.”
“ I’m just trying to come to an understand of why she wants this reaction out of him right now if all times.”
“ Because just like you she’s devising plans and having a captain who will pop his fuse at just one little thing right now must be vital for it to work.”
“ I guess? ”
She drank the rest of her tea sb headed to her room praying nothing disastrous would come tomorrow.
🏷️ : @chaichaiiskai @mizzhellsingsstuff @herwritingartcowboy @axulaphie @toshirolovebot @futmblr @rhicambo @marim0cha @sasukeswife3 @mitskikinnie100 @alaurannara @angstylittleb1tch
A/N: short chapter Ik but de next Sunday! <3 love you lmk what you thought !!!
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This isn't a fully formed thought, I am just spitballing. But I was thinking about the movie posters by @lukaherehelp and what @lurkingshan wrote here about DFF being a marvel of mystery writing and I started to think is DFF really a horror?
Let me explain, after 4 episode in the past with no hints of anything suprenatural, I am firmly on cap this was all man made, halluciantions and drugs and tech only by humans. If this was suprenatural I would have expected some type hints, like an entity watching the boys at the cabin. Maybe even following them home, eyes in the shadows, stuff like that.
So if you take that into consideration and everything about the horror was manufactured (except the deaths, I guess) do the rules of horror even apply? Every horror elements has been tied to the movie they made, the posters are horror movies only, the temple expands on the lore they used for the movie, the masked killer is from the movie. If it's all tied to the fake movie and the horror elements are all fake, then this isn't a horror story.
Is it both? Because while I would call some of the stuff that happened to Non horrific. I wouldn't call the past 4 episode an horror, a mystery for sure, a thriller definitely but not a horror.
It feels like both the characters and the story are using the horror elements as dressing a way to scare the boys, to torment them, a way to draw us in, to present the ultimate reaction to the cycles of violence and revenge. But it doesn't feel like we are operating in a horror genre, with the genre rules.
I don't know where I am going with this. Mostly I am just wondering about the finale, and what happens when we go back to the present timeline. Because so far the two genres have not operated on the same level, at the same time. We went horror with a pinch of mystery, then mystery/thriller. Then it stands to reason going back to the present will have to juggle both.
I am not saying the story can't do it, or it's a bad decision or anything. This isn't a critique I have just been thinking about everyone calling this a slasher, and expecting slasher/horror endings and I've been wondering about it. Because I looked it up (and I know MDL barely means anything so take it with a grain of salt)
On MDL, Dead Friend Forever is not described as an horror series.
Genres: Action, Thriller, Drama
Tags: Multiple Mains, LGBTQ+, Suspense, Gay Romance, Filmmaking, Steamy Kiss, Mild Gore, Drinking, Smoking, High School (Vote or add tags)
And I looked it up on iQIYI and these are the tags there:
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So, is DFF really an horror??
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aphidclan-clangen · 2 months
question for the creator :3 is it a good idea to log everything that happens for every moon before you draw? bc that's what I'm doing, and I'm wondering if its a thing you did? basically, how did you start?
Yes!! Definitely log everything that happens, especially when you’re starting off. Later on when you have a more fleshed out plot and characters in mind you can start throwing out prompts that don’t add anything and focusing more on the ones that do. (I’ll also get very out of character prompts sometimes, I just throw those out entirely and hold on tight to the prompts that are in character)
I would log 1. the main moon events, 2. as many relationship events as I can, 3. the cats’ statuses/thought bubbles/whatever the sentences on their profile are called, and 4. Patrol events ((don’t forget to check the statuses of dead cats and outsiders!!)
Here’s an example of my logs:
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Everyone has a different way of coming up with a plot, either before the comic even starts or maybe the plot comes along on its own! I didn’t start AphidClan with a plot in mind, I was only drawing the daily events between the characters up until moon 6. Moon 6 onward is when I started building a plot and figuring out lore, worldbuilding, conflict, etc. I got a patrol that said Lilacpaw was murdered by a rogue, so I used that and went with a more murder mystery-esque plot
I would recommend playing ahead! Everyone has their own perfect number of how much to play ahead, I used to prefer it to be around 2-3 moons ahead of what I was drawing, to keep my workload small and spontaneous, but now that I have a much more plot-based story I prefer to play FAAAR more ahead than that so I have a more solid idea of the full story and how/when I want it to end. I’ve played up to moon 78 so far, and we’re currently on moon 20 in the comic
I started my comic very spontaneously with no future goal in mind. It took me a while to get to this place, where I now have a very plot-centered webcomic and a vague idea of how and when I want it to end. You very much make your own plot, and in a way, you make your own characters! The game gives you prompts that you can work with as inspiration for certain story events (like using the statuses “Stormkit wishes Sparkkit would play more quietly” and “Lilacpaw is worried about Stormkit” to create a plot event that adds more to Lilacpaw’s death) but most of the creative aspect you make yourself!
Hopefully that answers your question okay! Have fun creating! ^^
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silli---lilli · 10 months
A Ghost's Ghost
TW: Previous MCD.
Ghost is a ghost. Simon was killed during Graves' betrayal. He's stuck, though, in an apartment in Scotland with unfinished business.
2500 words.
Simon Riley sat in quiet, cool sand and let it run nonchalantly through his fingers. He sat on the ground somewhere in the Mexican wilderness utterly alone. He’d been there for weeks. Long enough he’d lost track of days, lost track of any concept of time at all.
He’d died there. Right where he sat, some dark and rainy night all those days ago. He’d been a casualty of the Shadow Company’s betrayal, he’d taken bullets from multiple directions, caught in an unexpected crossfire.
He’d seen Soap, his Sergeant, tail it toward town and the singular point that seemed to hold him to the solid ground was the hope that he had survived.
Simon “Ghost” Riley was a legend. When Soap Mactavish was assigned to a mission with him, he was awestruck. The man was everything anyone had ever claimed him to be and more. And as much a mystery as he’d always heard. Tall, and strong, handsome, he imagined, under all those layers.
And hurt. He walked around like he didn’t know everyone had read his file, that they knew what he’d faced and what he’d lost.
They built a working rapport, they built a working trust, and Soap constantly wondered about the man beneath the mask. The file was…comprehensive, but it didn’t detail his personality, his likes and dislikes. Soap liked him, Soap wanted to chat with him over a drink, really learn him.
And then they were betrayed, and Simon died. Right there in the mud and blood, surrounded by people he was supposed to be able to rely on.
Soap managed to get out but the way he dropped, went silent, it still haunted him. He’d lost men before. Friends. He let it settle in that part of his heart where he kept all of their memories, and he wondered what it might have been like to truly know a man like that.
Nothing haunted him worse than the knowledge that no one called a family that day, that he’d be flown home, wherever that was, and buried somewhere alone. No one watching, crying, speaking over him. Until something did.
Soap made it to exfil, Graves was defeated, and he went to his own home. They’d lost others but his dreams, his journal pages were full of the masked man. He had big, expressive eyes and a kind voice and it seemed unfair that the world lost him that way. Soap hated lies and betrayal. It got people killed.
He unlocked the door to his place and walked inside. It was so empty that his footsteps echoes. This would be a long leave, maybe he could bring himself to add to his minimal furniture, hang something on the walls. Later. He slid out of his boots, dropped his bag on the ground and left it, seeking the shower and not bothering even to dress before falling into the bed.
Simon sat up stick straight. He’d been laying in his sandy grave now for weeks, but something had startled him. Noises. City noises, cars and people’s voices. He blinked a few times, confused. He’d thought he was in hell, or purgatory, or whatever afterlife no human had thought of, but he hadn’t been expecting it to change.
He was still lying down, but not in sand. On hardwood. Slowly, he sat up. The two bullet holes, one in his back, beneath his ribs and one at his neck, above his vest, they ached even as the bleeding had stopped. He was wearing his dress uniform, to his dismay, and it felt suffocating. Leaving the pants, he shrugged out of the jacket, laying it on the floor.
He knew what he was. The ghost he’d dreamt of being. Stuck in the plane of reality that showed him every possible version of pain possible. Physical, emotional. He guessed it wasn’t over, his soul, however damaged, was stuck there and likely to be damaged further.
He stood. Something about the space was familiar. He studied the plain furniture, the blank walls, and made his way completely silently into the kitchen. The smell. It smelled familiar. His dead heart fucking raced. He knew where he was. Edinburgh. The smell was that Sergeant, the blue eyed one. His detergent, deodorant, sweat. Simon recognized it, and hated himself for it.
He made a habit of not shitting where he ate, but men like Johnny Mactavish were often a meal worth the smell. He was smart, Simon liked him, their trust had been immediate which was rare for him. Maybe that’s why he was there. His soul seeking some place he knew was safe.
He didn’t want to be a burden. He didn’t like the idea of hurting the man, distracting or confusing him. So he made the decision to leave. The clock on the oven showed 4am, little chance of being seen, if that were possible. He reached for the door. His hand slid directly through the door handle. Frustrating, since he seemed to be solidly on the floor. But it gave him an idea. He placed his hand against the door, told himself he needed to go through, and it worked. His arm went through first, and then his shoulder and then his torso and then he was simply standing on the other side of the room. Like the other side of the door was simply the inside of the apartment.
He gave up quickly. He’d never had family, happiness, he’d never had companionship. Maybe, if he was stuck, he could just exist in the presence of someone obviously happy, full of light and energy. Maybe he could take the time to soak in a person and their sweet personality instead of always running to the next thing. Voyeurism might eventually weigh on him too much but no one was telling him next steps.
So he waited. Tired wasn’t really a feeling that hit him. Pain, exhaustion, it was a part of him then and he had a quiet fear in the back of his mind that if he fell asleep again, he’d wake somewhere else.
Soap woke earlier than he’d like to. The sun was just rising, but he knew it would take some time to reset his military alarm clock. He stepped out of bed and pulled on a pair of pants he pulled from his dresser, exiting to make coffee. He hoped he had some, even though it most definitely wasn’t fresh.
Simon sat on the sofa, same as he had been the night before, and watched him warily. He didn’t think he could be seen, but he didn’t understand, and for all the hours he’d been sitting and waiting, he hadn’t come up with a good way to explain his…existence. Let alone why he was there.
But Soap didn’t see him. He exited his room, his eyes tired, a pair of soft black pants barely holding onto his hips. Ghost didn’t know what he was expecting. Johnny thought he was alone. He didn’t look like the sunshine Simon was expecting, but it was early, he’d just gotten back. He looked him over for injuries and found none. In fact he found his dead eyes lingering again and snapped out of it.
Stock still, he wasn’t completely sure he was invisible. Even so, Johnny never looked his direction, taking his coffee back into the bedroom. Simon rose, carefully crossing the living room to the kitchen. He could hear Johnny moving around in the bedroom. He felt sad. He would have liked to know Johnny like this, he was sure. He would have liked to know anyone like this, in every day life. Like humans. He absentmindedly reached for the spoon Johnny had left on the counter, too close to the edge, expecting his hand to go through like it had the door. It didn’t. It clattered to the ground.
Johnny came back to the doorway, and Simon ducked around the wall, near the front door, listening. Had he touched the spoon? Really? He couldn’t be sure. Fear and hopelessness gripped him. He didn’t want to be stuck in that apartment like a prison and make it a prison for Johnny, too.
Johnny frowned at the utensil on the ground. He picked it up, inspected it, and looked around the room before going back into the bathroom.
Days passed. Simon felt more and more heavy with horror as he realized what a restrictive space he inhabited and how careful he had to be to cause no other disruption or have himself found out.
He sat with another horror as well. The man he had been so drawn to had none of the spark he’d seen in him. He’d thought at first that maybe he was simply different in the field, full of adrenaline, but he could sense he was wrong. This was different. He sat long hours, nothing to watch or read, staring out windows or attempting to sleep. He was lonely and sad, and the voyeurism Simon had been guilty about before felt much darker and deeper and more cruel now.
He wasn’t watching Johnny walk around in loose fitting clothing and enjoy his life. He was watching his loneliness and anxiety and PTSD. Things he was so familiar with, things he thought had cursed him to a life of loneliness because no one would understand. But he could relate. Much sadder than thinking they could have enjoyed each other, gotten something out of each other, he realized they could have related to each other. Helped each other.
And he hated it. He’d been imprisoned all his life, and he could never have peace. Not even in death. Maybe it was hell after all, cursed to be this close to a man he found he wanted and unable to have him in any way at all.
One night, Johnny left, dressed sharp, clean shaven. Ghost was jealous, wishing for maybe the first time in his life that he could dress up and leave on a whim.
He walked around the apartment, as he had for the millionth time. He entered Johnny’s room and touched the blankets on the bed. He couldn’t feel them, but he could move them. It wasn’t a power he understood, like Johnny could still have some part of him but he didn’t deserve the sensation in return. He was sitting on the end of the bed, his hands wrapped in the blanket when Johnny returned.
He’d been imagining the feeling, the warmth of being wrapped in a blanket. Of waking up next to someone. The door opened and he heard voices. Multiple. And then he was frozen. Johnny had brought a woman home, and Simon was sitting in his bedroom. He was hit with a horrible possibility, that he could watch them together without them noticing. That maybe he could finally see Johnny enjoy something. It made him sick and he stood and exited, hiding against the wall in the nearly empty sitting room.
“Sure, come in if you’d like.” Johnny offered. “I can pour us a drink.”
She seemed agreeable to the invitation but Simon couldn’t help but notice the hesitance in Johnny’s voice. And the exhaustion. He took out two glasses and poured scotch. He’d downed his and poured a second before she finished hers.
“So…I was going to suggest a movie but I see you have no TV.” The girl said with a small laugh.
Simon watched from the shadows as Johnny shook his head, offering her a returning smile that came nowhere near his bright, blue eyes. They were dark, blown out by the low light, but Simon just knew their color. By heart.
“Sorry, love. Always in the mood for a drink with ya, but not in the mood for much else tonight.” He said sweetly, the excuse so easy to believe.
He walked the young woman to the door, locking it before quickly pouring himself another glass. He stood at the counter to drink it and Simon stepped into the light of the kitchen. He knew by then that Johnny couldn’t see him, but god, he wished. He wished the man knew he wasn’t as alone as he thought.
Johnny undressed. Simon didn’t watch, he only listened, sitting on the sofa, unfeeling, and wondering why he was there. He’d slept without waking elsewhere but he hadn’t been seen. He wondered if there was some purpose to him. If there ever had been.
An hour later, nearly on the dot, a sound caught his attention. Johnny tossing and turning about the sheets and blankets Simon had attempted to feel. He stayed still, but he kept listening, and it didn’t stop. The air outside was cool, Simon knew the window was open from his time in the bedroom, and he knew exactly what was going on.
He entered the room, witnessing Soap in a way he was sure the man hoped would never be shared, and went to stand by the bed.
“Johnny.” He said, as he’d said before. Asked him if he was injured, asked him if he was upright, laughed with, joked with, and as he’d whispered to himself a million times since ‘arriving’ there.
It did nothing, of course, and he could see sweat across Johnny’s brow, the way his hands grabbed at the bed around him despite having kicked all of his blankets off. And Simon didn’t care if he had any purpose in being there, his heart, what was left of it, just wanted to comfort him.
“Johnny, come on now.” He spoke softly, like he might when he was sold and physical and alive. Like he might have if he’d ever actually gotten what he imagined, a closeness like this without the barrier of death between them. “You’re going to freeze.”
He glanced at the open window, wondering if he should try and close it. He knew how obvious it would be. Instead, he reached for Johnny’s arm, his shoulder. His hand didn’t go through, but he had no way of knowing if Johnny could feel him. He knew he certainly couldn’t feel Johnny.
But his tossing and turning stopped and Simon carefully pulled the blankets back over the man’s body, leaving before his dead eyes could cry over his own hopelessness.
Johnny woke, a feeling not unlike the nightmare he’d managed to escape surrounding him. Like he was being watched. He widened his eyes, sitting up quickly, blankets falling from his shoulders, trying to take in the room. It wasn’t really like the nightmare, he realized. It felt like he wasn’t alone, but it was warm and soft and he let it wrap around him as he lay back down and drifted back into a more peaceful sleep.
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imagionationstation · 2 months
Okay so I wanna make a 2012 separated au but I wanna add a rise villain lol
Leo’s raised by Splinter
Raph’s raised by Shedder
Donnies raised by BM
and Mikey’s raised by April or the Kraang idk yet
mainly I think it’d be funny if BM spoiled Donnie and you just get spoiled rich boy Donnie idk lmao
— ♊️
(I am so, so sorry, this has spiraled over the last few days. I am weak. Resistance was futile.)
Okay, so, like 2012 universe but Yokai exist…
So I’m going to assume right off the bat that Leo&Mikey don’t know about the Hidden City because they’re being raised by a human (Kirby) and a previous human (Splinter). How these two managed to get their hands on baby mutant turtles, I couldn’t tell you.
Okay, so I’m going to assume Leo&Mikey meet first. Both living as vigilantes in the human world, they’re bound to run into each other at some point. I doubt Splinter would let Leo travel to the surface solo. So maybe Splinter starts taking him up earlier because he deems keeping the tike with him is safer than leaving him alone.
So they get to know the surface early on. Mikey, because he sneaks out whenever he can, and Leo, because Splinter introduced it to him.
They besties who think it’s neat that they look like twins.
And then they come across Raph.
Now, a twin package is coincidence but a triplet turtle who looks scarily similar to them? That’s sus.
In fact, it’s the only reason that Raph doesn’t immediately kill them on site. He’s affronted, frustrated, and admittedly a little curious. So he decides to settle the mystery by taking them down to the Hidden City for a Mystical Relative test. (They are a thing because I say so.)
He knows the Hidden City exists because Shredder has dealings with Big Mama. They work out deals, where Raph fights in her Nexus and Shredder gets trinkets from the Hidden City.
Leo and Mikey are in awe, but also, they had a City that they could walk freely in beneath their feet the whole time?!
Then they take the test and- huzzah, they’re brothers!
And, oopsy, the witch lets it slip that they have another brother??
They press for more, but all she knows is that Big Mama will be their key to finding him.
So Leo and Mikey are determined to look and Raph is none to satisfied to learn that, not only is his family expanding and they’re both dorks, but now he has to deal with one of the biggest mob leaders in the City? No thank you. He did not sign up for that risk.
He tries to brush them off but Leo is adamant that he help- especially if he knows who she is and how they can arrange a talk with her. Even if it’s a long shot, they have to try.
So, Raph gives in to get them off his back.
And he introduces them to the best chance that they’re going to get to receiving an audience with her- And wouldn’t you know it?
That liaison is Donatello!
Of course, everyone knows that Donnie is of pure Yokai descendancy. Big Mama would never adopt some lost soul off the street. Rumors float about but no one knows for sure how he came into her care. The only truth that the Yokai know for certain is that he’s a genius, one in charge of all kinds of equipment for Big Mam’s Battle Nexus.
But, anyway, Donnie doesn’t fit into the brothers’ physical quota.
Normally, nobody can get close to Donatello, but the minute Raph strolls into the Nexus and asks to speak with him- the genius spawns. Body guards are shooed away at the request for privacy as the intelligent turtle eagerly brings them to his workshop.
It quickly becomes clear why Raph was so reluctant. To say that Donnie was ecstatic to see him was an understatement.
Unfortunately for the loner turtle, he’d become a lock for Donnie’s OCD. And similar to how he sees April in canon, he’s (PLATONICALLY) smitten. His obsessive side makes Raph into his idol and his compulsions lead him to do everything possible to try and build a friendship. Even if that means disregarding every single one of his Mother’s rules when it comes to interacting with fighters.
Raph hates the attention, but Donnie’s their best shot.
And Donnie doesn’t hesitate to promise them a meeting.
I’m dying imaging them going on a hunt for a long-lost brother, and Donnie’s standing right there the whole time- 🤣
Assisting every step of the way in the search for himself, with everyone being 100% sure that it cannot possibly be him because Big Mama is good a sewing lies.
Donnie is absolutely a rich kid. He’s utterly mortified when he finds out that Leo actually lives in the sewers of all places.
This AU would be all the more hilarious if Donnie slowly starts to realize that Raph isn’t the perfect person that he thought he was, and the obsession calms, but then he finds out that he’s Raph’s brother and completely loses his ever loving mind.
It would be brilliant.
I imagine Big Mama to be a fun mix of self-centered but genuinely loving. I think that would be an interesting take for her to spend his lifetime using every available opportunity to take advantage of his skills and manipulate his actions… But also, she would wipe out everyone in the entire Hidden City for him in a heartbeat if she thought they posed him any real danger.
On that same note, I think about the episode where the RISE first meet her, and like, how she would react if Draxum came and launched vines not only at her, but at Donnie too. And she instantly loses her cool.
“I may have a revision to do. Big Mama has two rules. One does not steal from Big Mama, and NO ONE touches her tottering TURTLE.” 
I just think she’d be great.
I keep coming back to this-
So I keep envisioning this moment somewhere in the future where the Kraang or somethin’ pose this huge threat, and Donnie (as manipulative as his mother when he wants to be, which isn’t often) is basically like “We are not making deals. I will find a way to go on this mission and I will probably die if you don’t give me reinforcements. You can support me and I’ll keep building for you, or you don’t and you’ll lose your heir.”
Not exact words but you get the gist.
He’s so stubborn in the show. I want to enhance that.
I just want him to bob between innocent and confident. His pride shatters at the slightest negativity, but he also knows exactly what to say to get what he wants. He’s a good boy, but he’s not a pushover to anyone but Raph and his Mother. He’s not a big fan of changing the terms at the last second, but that’s not to say he hasn’t before.
The very first time that Donnie saw a Battle Nexus fight, he’d been the ripe age of four years old.
His mother was sitting in her private viewing area, perfect as ever, as he stared down in the arena in awe. He’d been ecstatic to see the fights that his mother spoke so fondly of, studying the fighters curiously as they faced on another. 
He quickly fell into the excitement, encouraged by his Mother’s laughter, cheering along with the crowd. That is, until he watched the gorilla Yokai pin it’s opponent to the ground and tear it’s arm clean off.
The scream of agony was drowned in the hollars of the crowd. 
He feel silent, a cry tangled in his lungs for another reason altogether. He looked back at her, as she smiled and watched the crowd go nuts, and then sunk in her lap. He squeezed his eyes as shut as they could be, fists over them, and blood painted behind his lids. He moved his fists to the sides of his head, but he could still hear screams.
He could remember it so clearly. His mother turned him to look at her, peeling his fists away from where they pressed against skull. She had seemed disappointed, looking down on him. Then her expression relaxed as she cooed, “Is it to loud for my whisperous turtle?” 
He nodded, desperately, as she waved one of her assistants over.
They took him to his room. He locked himself in the bathroom to sob, unable to erase the image of gore stains from his mind. He’d passed out, right there on cold tiles, and woke up pressed against his mother. Granted, he woke up screaming, sobbing, and certain he was drenched in his own blood, but she rocked him, calmed his fears, and sang him back to sleep. He slept uneasily in the safety of her hold.
He spent the next week refusing to leave the room.
Eventually, his Mother encouraged him out. A year later, she took him back to the Battle Nexus. The results didn’t change. It repeated for a few more years. The nightmares got progressively more gory.
When he was ten years old, she promised him that he never had to watch the fights if he didn’t want to. He waited until she was out of sight to crumble under the weight of relief and self-loathing, her frown permanently etched in his mind.
From that day on, Donnie made it his life’s mission to support her like she always supported him. He might not understand the arena, but everyone who visited the Hotel loved it. There was no end to the complements and requests that she received when they were attending to matters outside it. She lit up under the attention. He saw no harm in making weapons and armor for the fighters, rewarded with his mother’s glowing smile and proud laughter.
She loved to show him off. The earth to her sun, helping give life to what she’d created. He gave what she asked for, sprinkling his own inventions here and there. He preferred to focus on the defensive wear; she loved the offensive weaponry.
He actively did his best to avoid the arena.
…Until the first time he glimpsed Ribenji on her screens.
Ribenji means vengeance in Japanese. Because Shredder is obsessed with it. And Raph will be his ultimate warrior of vengeance against anyone who crosses his path. Hehe. I think I’m cool.
I don’t pretend to fully understand Big Mama. I just love writing her.
Does Donnie’s name change? Perhaps.
Though I suppose I could see Big Mama having an interest in the Renaissance. That might be something up her alley…
“Donnie dearest.” Donnie doesn’t look up from his work, wielding the last of the armor in place. He’s down on one knee and it allows his mother easy access to the top of his head, planting a kiss before stepping back to let him finish. “How’s my lil’ turtley-boo doing with Mama’s big project?”
“Almost finished.” He promises, turning off the wielder. She’s never pleased when he works and talks. She claims it makes her feel less to his work, and he’d never want to make her feel insecure. 
A hand is on his shoulder, keeping him on the ground as she knocks against the metal with deceptively delicate knuckles. “Did you add the mystic fiddeydoodles that I so graciously found for you and you so endlessly prodded me for?”
Donnie feels a blush creep up his cheeks. He hadn’t wanted them at first, but after she’d mentioned how influential they were to putting on a perfect show, he couldn’t resist a couple of requests. “Not yet, Mother. I’m working on it. I swear. It will be ready when you need it.”
He studies her face, imploring, and she smiles down at him. She lifts her hand. “I know you will, my little genius. You always keep your promises.” 
“I’m taller than you.” He points out as he stands, rather than acknowledge the twist of nerves which reminds him that even one failure could tear at her trust in him. 
“Perhaps in this form.” She taps her broach and then she’s hovering over him, smirking with a flair that makes him rolls his eyes. “But you’ll always be my little teensie weensie tottering turtley-boo.” 
“Mother.” He mumbles as he takes off his goggles. His face grows hot, glad for the seclusion of his lab. “I’ll be fifteen in three days.”
“That you will.” She hums, brushing his cheek with one of her smaller appendages. “My magnifferent, brilliant boy.”
She turns away to examine another of his projects. The only reason that she visits the lab is to get a run down of his latest one. He loves that she has a genuine interest in his work, even if she’s not particularly interested in the construction itself. She supplies his needs and works with his wants. What more could a turtle ask for? 
At the same time that Donnie wants to shrivel up and hide when under her undivided affection, he can’t help but appreciate the attention. He never knows when he’ll get to have her doting every hour or if he’ll find himself isolated for a month. 
Donnie quickly reprimands himself. They spoke about his intrusive thoughts. He shouldn’t think that way. He’s not completely secluded with the Hotel staff taking care of him and Gus hanging around. It’s all in his best interest. He’s safer within the hotel than out with the rif-raff in the bar or on the streets. 
…It is nice to be noticed, though. 
He steps closer to her, fiddling with the goggles. “Mother.” 
“Yes, little one?”
She lifts one of his weapons from the table. He hopes she doesn’t test it. It’s not nearly to her fine expectations. “Have you- have you had any dealings with Saki, by chance?” 
“Oh, my dormy genius. You know Mama hates talking business when we’re together.”
“Yes, Mother, of course.” He deflates a bit, watching her sigh.
“If you want to ask after his feisty Yokai pet, all you have to do is say it.”
“Have you seen Ribenji?” Donnie blurts eagerly. “Has he fought recently?”
“I don’t see your fascination with the Yokai when he barely gives you the time of day.”
“I know, Mother, I apologize for being this way.” He says, because it’s what she wants to hear. “But it’s been itching at my brain for some time. I was working on something for him, a side-project that could greatly improve his performance, not that it’s not good already, he’s a brilliant fighter, more than that, he’s inspiring and swift and he handles himself really well, which makes since for a Yokai Foot ninja, but I thought he might appreciate-”
“Donnie, dearest.” Mother sets his weapon down, and he quiets, running the strap along his hand. “I know you idolize the warrior, but please, no more side projects. Focus on your list. I don’t want you getting tuckered out.”
“But Mother-”
“Mama knows what’s best for you.” She tsks as she disappears behind her human form, a whirlwind of magic before she sets a hand in his arm. “This obsessing is unhealthy.”
“I was merely wondering if I could see some clips-”
“A wondering mind is a mind of worries.” She’s not scolding him, but it sure feels like it. The need to plead is still tangling in his airways, kept caged by the calm of her stare. “Refocus it on what’s important. Like your fantablous weaponry! And Mother will worry about her business with Saki.”
“But you always say that I should tell you when something bothers me.” He reminds quickly, ignoring her sharp look. “And it really bothers me that I haven’t been able to check in with one of your champions. Isn’t the arena meant to be mine one day?”
“Not for a good while yet.” She warns. “Until then, Mama would like to keep you away from the fiddlefaddles that bore you so.”
“Bore might not be the right word-”
“So you would like to resume your studies, then?” She looks at him, hand over her heart. “Why, you could have simply said so.”
He sighs, “You’re twisting again, Mother.”
“Do you or do you not want to give up your little hobby?”
“Oh, of course, I want to give up the one thing in the endless hotel that brings me any joy. I dream about it every night.”
“Always with the sarcasm.”
“Mother, please.”
“Mama has given her final word. A proper son knows when to debate and when to obey.”
He nods, shoulders slumping, and she considers him. She sets a gentle hand over the fist that holds his goggles, “Oh, my dear, you know it hurts me to see you disappointed. What if you were to finish your contrabulations and your beloved Mama were to see if she could get you some footage of the latest shows?”
“Oh, would you?” He breathes, daring to believe it. 
She leans against him, on her toes to plant a kiss on his chin. “I will leave you to your work.”
Mother turns to leave, and he beams after her. “Thank you!”
A smooth backward wave. “Anything for my turtley-boo!”
I like to think she’d call him little to remind him of his place, tease him about the fact that he’s taller than most Yokai his age, and she sincerely still thinks of him as the tiny, weak turtle that she adopted more than a decade ago. She’s an excellent multitasker.
Anyway! Thank you for the dopamine! Sorry for the spiral!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hear me out on this one, WHAT IFFFFF mulan inspired reader🤔🤔🤔 they we're fighting any ROR god and that god fell inlove with her🤭 leaving the fight to a tie cause i said so😒
Like reader was a masked assassin, they have this mask/helmet that covers their head and wears those heavy bulletproof vest so they look really intimidating and mysterious plus they don't really talk much cause they're an assassin🧍‍♀️So when brunhilde recruited the reader to fight for humanity without knowing that they're a woman maybe because they just nod and did an 👌 sign.
Fast forward to when they're already fighting the reader having the weapon of switching to any guns they chose they suddenly got bonked to the side smashing their mask injuring them in the process (and possibly giving a concussion) the whole arena goes "OMG- THEYRE A WOMAN !??!!🤯🤯😱😱" (cause yk how they only have men competing) anyways- while they're all shocked the reader then used this opportunity to pin the god they're fighting and point a pistol to their head and looking at em straight in the eye 🫣 feel free to add more😏
So live laugh strong badass women than can kill you😍
-Red Obsidian was your nickname, your codename, a feared codename of one of history’s most powerful assassins.
-Nobody knew you true identity, as you were always masked, always hidden, those who had managed to see you were usually your targets, who never survived.
-You hide yourself well, your Red Obsidian persona was a completely different person, a man, as you wore baggy clothes, padded with tactical gear, and a large helmet to hide your face.
-Ask anyone who had seen you, those who had hired you, would say that Red Obsidian was a man, which helped keep authorities off your tail when you went out and about in normal girly clothes.
-Those who needed your service went to a secret location, one that only those who know where to find you, would tell people to go. They were to leave a photo of their target and your payment, either cash but you did take payments of gemstones, both cut and uncut.
-If your payment turned out to be fake or counterfeit, then you would go after the one ordering the hit, as nobody double crossed you and got away with it.
-When you finally died, dying in an earthquake of all things, you were called to Valhalla, as you were a feared warrior, one that Valhalla would need.
-You didn’t have to do hits anymore, but you would stalk various people, for exercise and for fun, both gods and humans.
-When Ragnarok was announced, Brunnhilde approached you, asking you to fight for humanity.
-You were silent, as you didn’t talk, but you gave her a thumbs up, agreeing to fight for humanity, as it was something to stave off your boredom.
-Your valkyrie partner was the only one to figure out that you were a woman, when she fused with your soul, to create your weapon, a Holy Gun, which could change into different guns at your will. You asked her to remain quiet about your true self, as you preferred to not be bothered by others who you know would give you shit if they found out their killer was a woman.
-Your opponent was strong, giving you a real challenge, a real fight. You were a bit out of your element, as you were an assassin, you usually handled things from a distance away with a well-aimed bullet, you couldn’t do that in the stadium like this.
-You had taken a few hard hits, felt even through your padding, the pain felt exhilarating, you felt so alive!
-A bad blow to the head sent you spinning head over heels, blurring your vision only momentarily before you quickly rolled to your feet, grabbing you gun again to aim another shot.
-You felt lighter, and you froze, seeing your hair fluttering in the wind and that’s when you saw the gawking face of your opponent and everyone around you, “YOU’RE A GIRL?!?!”
-You stood, sighing softly as you rubbed the back of your head, exasperated while you heard shouting from your previous targets, yelling at you because you were a girl.
-You flipped them off, not caring before you removed your padded gear, since your secret was out, not caring now, stripping down to a pair of tight yoga pants and a pink and black sports bra.
-You picked up your gun again and grinned, “Don’t go easy on me now!” before you charged, leaping up, even more agile than before, your opponent dodging your bullets by mere centimeters.
-Was stunned to see that he had been fighting a woman this whole time, guilt quickly building in his belly before you charged at him.
-You were a warrior, not just a woman, and he steeled his nerves, swinging at you again.
-You landed on top of his club with dainty grace, shocking everyone as the two of you played a cat and mouse game for a while.
-You stunned everyone when you managed to leg sweep him off of his feet, sending him to his back and you were quick to stand over him, your gun pointed between his eyes.
-You were both panting hard, both covered in wounds as you stood in a stalemate.
-Hercules immediately boomed, “MARRY ME!!”
-Everyone gawked, including yourself, as you were stammering, face turning red like you were a maiden, leaping back.
-Hercules repeated himself, completely serious while many were cheering for the sudden proposal while others were telling him to kill you now that you had been taken off guard.
-You felt your head steaming, as you had never dealt with anything like this before, before you clutched your gun and whacked him on the head, sending him to the ground before you fell back, unable to take his passion anymore and you fainted.
-The battle ended in a draw, the first of Ragnarok, but the first thing you saw when you woke up was Hercules smiling down at you, worried about you, asking if you were okay.
-Your face was quickly red again, as you never had someone care about you before, before Hercules grabbed your hands in his own, proposing again.
-He instantly blocked a kick from you, still a bit stunned that you were a woman, annoyance quickly building that a woman had been kicking his ass for the whole of the match.
-He charged, holding his chained blades in his hands and was stunned when you caught his wrists, flipping him over in a monkey flip, landing so you were straddling his waist, your gun, now a handgun, pointed between his eyes.
-You felt his blades against your torso, locking you in a stalemate as either one of you could kill each other in an instant.
-Everything was still for a moment, everyone was looking at you both, seeing which one would strike first.
-Loki then smirked up at you, his tongue licking his lips, “Now this is a sight~ I just wish you sat just a bit lower~”
-Your bitch slap, sending him flying across the stadium, was heard even outside the stadium as you were bright red, shouting at him, calling him a pervert.
-Your cute reaction was amusing to see by everyone as the match ended in a draw and you ran to the backstage area, holding your cheeks like you were a pure maiden.
-He showed up to your room after you were both patched up a bit later and before you could slam the door in your face, he quickly slipped inside, hugging you as you tried to get him away, “Don’t be so cold~” he found your flushed face amusing and became a pest that never seemed to want to leave you alone, as he found himself intrigued with this strong battle maiden who reacted so cutely with affection.
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dreambigdreamz · 23 days
fanfic idea for future reference 😌 it’s a swanlake x eothiriel
This is completely rough draft and I have a lot to work on, but I just found it again amidst my profile from long ago and just had to keep it for sake. And maybe I’d like to share it too — especially @meluiloth because you so kindly tag me everytime but I am always lazy to do anything related to writing 🥲 this one’s in honour for you and all your kindness in tagging me.
So like, the latest one is a Swan Lake plotline where it will start off as a suspense story. (No one else would be reading this and it will be a long time when I finally write and any who read will have forgotten about it so I'm going in all spoilers yes?) Éomer visiting Dol Amroth, the seat of his new friend Imrahil, and when he goes on his solitary late night walks on the beach, he keeps sighting a mysterious silver figure dancing, yknow. And when he tries to follow her once, he sees that she vanished as she ran into the Palace Garden. Now this Palace Garden is the beautifullest of places with flowers, shrubs, and fountains. But there is a big golden cage too, and in it is a snow-white swan that the whole royal family seems to love so much. THAT SWAN IS LOTHIRIEL CURSED BY A WITCH AND HER SOUL WILL BE A SWAN UNTIL SHE FEELS THE LOVE OF A MORTAL MAN AND RETURNS THAT LOVE. 
Like, whenever a young man asked for her hand, she always refused and one young man went to ask help from the witch to make Lothiriel love him back but instead the jealous witch turned her into a swan and she now only has human form in the absence of daylight and ahhhhh
Very simple and plain, Iknow but. For some reason I'm so excited for it to play out. 
I mean, everything about Eomer is simple and plain but so beloved in my eyes 😍
Yeah like a sort of Beren and Luthien meeting. Very simple, but when made with care and love, it makes my heart burst eek I feel like what will hinder Lothiriel's falling in love with him is her being so foreign to that. For sixteen years she was kept safe under the watch of her spinster aunt and doesn't lift an eye at a young man unless her elders permittedly tell her so. So I'm sorry but this girl's mentality was wrecked very beautifully and she simply doesn't know how to handle love
And for the next six years she was a swan, so very very unused to human company in general. Lol me materialising introverts in a poetic way. I think you'll be onboard with that idea. I don't know about you, but I feel so frustrated that I want to go out and mix in with people but it's so difficult to let go of the old restraints that had been for so long.
AND YES HAHAHA I am so making her foreign to love, and even a sequel where, after they have already admitted to each other's love, the curse still isn't broken and she begins to suspect it's because her love for Eomer is really imaginary. She 'loves' him only because she wants to break the curse. She has never known what is love to actually realise what she is feeling is really love. She doubts it. And truly, yes, she is a little selfish and she begins to be scared she'll never love anybody truly and this curse is to be forever. And they set out on a quest to find a way to break the curse and on the way she finds out what it truly is to love someone selflessly, without expecting anything in return, to want someone to be happy even if it means without you in their life. 🤓🤓 I just had to go and add that bit of angst in.
Like the first fic could be called 'So this is Love' and will end as they admit their love. So it's an open ended ending for everyone, those who wants to have the happily ever after can stop there. But the second fic sequel is gonna be like 'What is Love' and will start off with her still turning into a swan even after everything. It does have a happy ending though, I just have this scenario in my mind that they're coming back from the sea on a raft and she runs throgh the water up the beach to her gasping parents, IN DAYLIGHT. She's human in daylight so it means the curse is broken!! And they just share a hug :) I have this quote 'No I've never loved anyone before. If my parents died, I'd cry, but only because I wouldn't know what to do with my life next. Only because I would feel so lost without them to take care of me.' And in the end she finds the true meaning of loving :))) Because, whatever it is, love is love, selfless or selfish. If you love someone, for whatever reasons, it is still love, isnt it?? But for her she's been trapped in the cage of her mind for so long, not trusting anybody in case 'it doesn't work out'. Like, most of my heroines they are scared because they've been hurt before. For her, she is imagining all the hurt that could happen and limiting herself from the joy that was possibly waiting. Ahhh me 😁😁😁
I feel like this is going to be my healthiest pairing yet. They both admit to their flaws in so honest a way and come to terms with their imperfections. Like they actually got to talk!!! The quest symbolises their journey to compatibility, yknow, learning more about each other, and not only that but adjust to each other's problems. For example, Eomer himself realises he did not expect some selfish outbursts from this angelic creature and realises he had fallen in love with her shadow instead, her beauty and dancing in the twilight. He soon learns a lot more about her and learns why she is this way and also like why she is selfish and how to remedy that (she hoards up her favourite cakes all to herself and threatens him not to touch them).But that is bc she has been brought up privileged and not had any contact with anybody outside the world that she doesn't know how to fit in.
I'm so proud of it. 
Like first, you fall in love with someone for their outside. Then you have to endure and try to get to know their inside and then once you know what they are like, it is up to choice to try and get along or leave then. I think that's the three crucial steps to love :] And only after that, can you attest whether that love is 'true' as in compatible for the long run.
Yeah! I need a real life 🫠
Eomer’s flaw is chiefly that he takes things at face value because that’s how he was brought up. The Rohirrim doesn’t have much disguises and are straightforward and honest, you know. And he takes it that way. And when he first saw Lothíriel, that was the case: he took her to be a beautiful creature, a heavenly being. He has to learn the depths and layers of everything. 
And like, one incident is when he’s to leave the next day and asks if she’d wish him to return some day. She says, what would it change if she wish or not? That he’d try to come back at all cost if he knew she wished for it. She starts saying something like ‘But I could tell you that I wish for you to never come back here again. Would that prevent you from doing so?’ 
‘It would.’ 
Startled, she asks ‘Why?’ 
‘Because you said so.’ 
‘But I could be wishing something entirely different and may voice something else because of . . . propriety. And I am only saying this for example, mind you. Would you still take it at face value of what I said, when you probably know it to be otherwise?’ 
‘Then you are disregarding my— the person’s genuine wish?’ 
‘No. Though you may be wishing something different, I respect the decision you made to not speak of that wish. For whatever reason you thought it fit to keep your true feelings a secret, I will have to respect that decision of your mind that chose to not tell me your wish.’
Is this too cheesy—
I’m sorry I’m so proud of this atm tho
please let me know what you think 🥹🥹
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the-fluff-piece · 9 months
I just want some f***ing sleep and comfort
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Part 3 of the Sanji x reader modern day AU! Last time, Sanji made breakfast but had to leave. When you knocked on his door a few hours later- there was a mysterious sexbomb in his apartment!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4 coming soon!
And also check my headcanons and other stories
She has fallen asleep - in his arms! He had to smile. It was the biggest sign of trust he could have hoped for. She cuddled up against him and felt safe enough to fall asleep. He had feared that after he lost control and just kissed her she would be afraid, but she wasn't. She had slept in his arms.
He would have loved to stay with her, watching her and enjoying her company, but he had to go to the restaurant - saturdays were busy, he couldn't leave his collegues alone.
And than there was the kiss.... he tilted his head back to stop the nosebleed. She felt so soft and inviting, her body was so sensual and sweet.
He couldn't stop thinking about their short exchange about love, though. Of course he loved women. Whenever he saw a beautiful woman, he was basically in heaven - that must be love! But being with her had felt different than that - better. More relaxed, more meaningful. It was easy to talk to her, easy to be around her. He felt like she accepted him just the way he was. Was that love?
He had to admit to himself that he didn't know a whole lot about it. Not like his parents were a great rolemodel in their marriage. He sighed, doubt gnawing at the edges of his mind.
"Sanji FIRE!" someone screamed.
"Huh?" He lazily asked, realising a second to late that the steak in his pan was burning. He must have stood there, lost in thought, for a long time.
"Woopsie" Sanji exclaimed and took the pan away from the stove as his collegue threw a safety blanket over the flames to quench them. Everyone looked at Sanji like they wanted to filet him - he'd been fucking up everything today.
Zeff gave him a hearty slap in the face.
"The sauce is absolutely ruined! What's wrong with you?" He screamed at Sanji and shoved a spoonful of overly salty sauce in his mouth.
"Nhm Smmmrrry!" Sanji tried to apologise around the big spoon in his mouth.
"DISH DUTY NOW" Zeff exploded and Sanji ran towards the big dishwasher to get away from his stepfather's wrath.
At least he had more time to daydream now. Where was he? He couldn't remember. Doesn't matter.
He spent the rest of the night fantasising about what she would feel like, what she would taste like, producing heavy nosebleeds in the process. He had left the syphon to dry in her kitchen. Maybe he could get it tomorrow and make her more coffee and bring some cake.
When he got home, he fell into bed, exhausted. His guest was already asleep.
He couldn't wait for tomorrow to come and closed his eyes.
This whole thing was stupid. After a perfect morning of eating and cuddling, you had fallen asleep and Sanji had left.
And there was a supermodel in his apartment, half naked, while he was away at work. Maybe he's a player after all, called his "friend" for some fun before work, and didn't think you'd find out. What a pig! Another guy to add to your endless list of disappointments.
Grumpily, you went to bed that day and intended to leave all that behind you. Instead, you dreamed about Sanji, his soft hands on your body and that little beard tickling your face as he kissed you. Damn stupid dreams. Intense dreams. Waking you up and making you feel like somethings missing, something is supposed to he different.
Maybe you cried a little because you felt so pathetic and stupid the next day. Maybe you traded your hangover-headache for a crying-headache. Maybe you lay on the couch all day and watched funny animal clips. Maybe-
Your old-fashioned doorbell announced a visitor - the shouted "mademoiselle" told you that it was Sanji.
"Go away" you answered through the door.
"Oh, am I interrupting something? Thank you for bringing the cream whip thingy back! I just wanted to invite you to dinner! I'll be making risotto!" He explained from the other side.
"No thanks" you answered.
"Or maybe something else? I can make anything you want!"
"Feed it to your girlfriend" you told him. Ha, got him.
"Who?" He asked, confused.
"Don't play dumb. She was there when I gave you your thingy back yesterday" you angrily shouted, remembering the girl with big bubble breasts, wearing his hoodie.
There was a short silence on the other side of the door.
"You mean Reiju?" He asked, sounding strangely relieved.
"Who?" Now you were confused.
"That's my sister!" Sanji happily explained.
"You should totally meet her for dinner. How does 7 Sound?" He asked, absolutely sucker punching your anger in the gut.
You opened the door to see if he was just mocking you.
"Your sister?" You croaked at the beautiful man in front of your door. He looked absolutely delicious with a pair of narrow, Black pants and a perfectly fitting dress shirt. His expression turned soft as he caught the first glimpse of you.
"You look like you need a blanket and a tea" He told you with a soft voice. "I have some time before dinner." He said and moved to enter our flat.
You hadn't decided yet if you should let him in, but when he came near you he leaned close and whispered: "I missed you so much", melting your defenses.
He put his arm around you and pushed you towards your couch and proceeded to the kitchen, where he cooked tea like he had lived in your apartment for years. He set a small timer and brought you a cup with a teabag in it and a little saucer on top to keep it warm.
"Three minutes" Sanji said and twisted the egg timer accordingly. He sat down with a sigh, gathered your blanket and wrapped it around you with a tight hug.
The intimacy between you two felt awkward and new again. He sat down a few inches from you, looking like it felt strange to him, too.
"What's up mademoiselle? Are you a little sick?" He asked and felt your temperature by putting his hand on your forehead.
"At least no fever" He concluded and looked at you, expecting an answer.
What were you supposed to say?
Sorry Sanji, I thought you were already cheating on me, even though I told you I didn't want a relationship. I felt bad and wanted to scorn you for it?
Instead you muttered "just a little tired..." and already felt him breath a faint kiss on your hair.
"You don't have to meet Reiju if you don't feel up to it" He whispered. "The last thing I want is for you to feel uncomfortable. We could eat out or..."
"No, it's okay!" You assured him. While not being sure about anything at all anymore.
"Great! I'm sure you'll get along so well" He beamed.
"I can't wait to make dinner for my two favorite women in the world!"
It was an intimidating thought: meeting his sister after not even one real date - and she looked like a supermodel.
You kind of regretted it as soon as you knocked on the door. Reiju opened the door and looked stunning in low rise jeans and a tight shirt. How did she get perfect hair like that? Good thing she was his sister, or you would be really worried.
"Greetings, Y/n! Come in!" She said and stepped aside. She was again very cold and formal. You handed her the one bottle of wine you still had at your apartment to not show up empty handed. She took it and nodded. "Sanji is in the kitchen. Come in."
Your nose detected a delicious smell; no doubt the risotto Sanji had talked about. Now it was your turn to look around his apartment: next to the door was a small rack filled with fine shoes, sneakers and slippers. The man had more shoes than you, by far.
The living room/kitchenette area looked minimalistic, but stylish. For the most part - the small kitchen was stuffed with various utensils, jars and boxes. It was hard to see - a few candles provided the only light. You could make out a small leather cough and a dead plant in a corner.
Your heart jumped when you saw Sanji, a towel over his shoulder, stirring a pot. He wore his most heart melting smile.
"Hi my sweetheart, my princess!" He grinned broadly while preparing three perfect looking plates of risotto, topped with fresh herbs and slices of mushrooms. A bottle of white wine was already open on the table; it was small, but Sanji made it look like the finest table in town.
When you sat down, facing both of them over the round table, you felt awkward. Sanji was wearing a dark shirt with a fine jacquard tie and black pants - he could have posed on the cover of a magazine. Right next to Reiju, who looked like a sports model. Seeing them next to each other was astounding - they really did look a lot alike. Fine faces, long legs. Curly eyebrows.
"I'm so happy you're here! And already meeting my family, it's like a dream!" He drummed on the table like an excited child.
"Indeed, marvellous" Reiju looked as neutral as ever, "so surprising that Sanji now has a girlfriend!" She raised one curled eyebrow. You suddenly had to think about vulkans.
"Well we're not a couple, we just met two days ago!" You protested, getting red as a tomato. It was both kind of flattering and too much, too soon.
Sanji looked at Reiju with an apologetic smile: "she's not exactly my girlfriend, but I care a lot about her. A lot"
He said it with passion and sincerity. Like he meant it. And then, he looked at you: "try it! It's a mushroom risotto with grana padano. The simplicity of the recipe is really showcasing the fresh ingredients."
Candlelight was reflecting from his blue eyes. They glinted in a completely new colour as he observed you closely. He rested his head on his hand and waited for you to take the first bite.
You could feel his gaze on your lips as you lifted the fork to your mouth. As expected, it was perfect. The rice was soft and almost one with the rich, creamy broth it was cooked in. The mushrooms and cheese had a rich, earthy aroma together. The fresh basil on top perfected the taste. It felt like a warm, comforting embrace after this lonely day.
You could see by his smile that he understood you liked it, but had the discretion not to stare too much in the presence of his sister.
"Well done, Sanji. It's good to know you're putting your talent to good use" Reiju ate with a faint smile.
"So tell me y/n, what is your occupation?" She asked, straight forward.
The dreaded question. Your work was boring. Explaining it again was boring.
"I work at the tax office." You said simply.
"How interesting! What does that entail?" She asked further.
"Well I work at the office, I check paperwork, I do paperwork. Very boring" you gave the usual speech. It was a lot of crazy tax law, forms and meetings with boring people.
Sanji coughed loudly, almost choking on his wine.
"Sanji?" Reiju asked and patted his back, "What's wrong?"
"Lady.." he coughed, "..Office...lady!!" Sanji looked like he was on drugs. His nose was bleeding again and he looked at you like a dying man would look at an oasis in the desert.
"Y/n-chan...is a sexy...Office....lady!" He stammered. Was ge drooling?
Reiju completely ignored him, instead she absent mindedly patted his hair and continued the conversation like nothing happened. So she knew about his strange habits.
"Are you two close?" You asked her before she could think of more questions.
"Yes, but I live abroad and we don't see each other as often as I would like." She looked at her brother, still mumbling about office ladies.
"How about you - what do you do?" You asked.
"I am modeling. I was booked by a client in the vicinity, so I got to visit my younger brother." She smiled at the mumbling mess beside her.
Modeling - of course. But she said it like it was any other work.
The rest of the evening was filled with polite conversation between you and Reiju and Sanji's further inquiries about your work and how often you wore tight pencil skirts and stockings.
It was nice to see him with his sister, they were so different, but you could feel their deep connection.
"There is one thing you should know" Reiju said towards the end with a concerned voice.
"The rest of the family wants to visit you soon. You better watch out." She said ominously. It seemed to concern Sanji as well.
"Whatever they want, I don't care." He stated coldly. He suddenly looked angry. And scared.
"What does that mean?" You asked them.
"To not trust strangers!" Reiju said.
No worries? That's what People say when you should absolutely worry!
"No worries!" Sanji tried to drown her voice out.
So, that was an accidental post 😳 I just wanted to work on it but tumblr did some strange things and just posted it. So sorry if the end feels rushed and is full of typos xD
And the taglist:
Anyways, next time it's Monday and we're getting a visit at work!
Also: The Vinsmokes come to town - what do they want?
@yeeeeezly @waitingmydemons @stariski @livwritesfics @violetmatcha @roronoazorohater @queen-of-elves
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marauderundercover · 1 year
us against the world
“Now this might sound controversial, but I think that went well.” Jagged says cheerfully, sticking the key into the ignition. Marinette huffs out a laugh, shaking her head. 
“If by well you mean the school is still standing, then sure, it went well.” She says. Jagged frowns, pulling the car away from the curb. 
“What’s wrong, M?” He asks, his cheerful tone switched for a serious one. Marinette frowns, turning her attention out the window. 
“I just- I don’t think I’m going to fit in at that school. It’ll be like being around a bunch of Chloes, and I just- I don’t know.” She sighs. 
“Just- just give it a chance, yeah?” He asks softly. Marinette nods, silently. She would try to like Gotham Academy. Just like she would try to like Gotham itself. “You start tomorrow, but I’ve got an interview I’ve got to get to in New York. Penny’s gonna stay behind and make sure you get to and from school okay.” Jagged adds. Marinette turns to him, raising an eyebrow. 
“You’re going to go do something without Penny?” She asks. He nods. “You know I’m fourteen, right? I can take care of myself for a few days.” Jagged frowns. 
“I’m not leaving you alone for your first day of school, Mari. I know- I know that I’m not your dad, and that I’m not the best person to try and be a parent for you. But I’m trying, kid. I really am. And part of that is making sure you have support when you need it. Starting at a new school is definitely something that you need support with.” He says.
“I think you’re doing fine.” Marinette says softly.
“Thanks, kiddo.” Jagged says, just as softly, as he turns the car down the excessively long driveway. Gotham, Marinette had decided, was odd. But she would try to enjoy it. 
Staring up at the building looming over her, Marinette tries hard to not panic. It was just school, after all. Sure, she was transferring in two months after everyone else had started. And she was in a new country. And she was alone. But that was fine. Everything was going to be fine. Sucking in a deep breath, Marinette pushes through the front doors. And immediately runs into a person. 
“Mon dieu, er, I’m so sorry. I just kinda shoved the door open and I wasn’t really looking where I was going because I’m so early and I thought that no one else would be here yet and-” Marinette begins to ramble, nervously wringing her hands. 
“Tt. If the doors to the building are unlocked, there is usually someone else inside.” The boy says stiffly. Marinette glances at him, trying to figure out if he was being serious or sarcastic. Deciding to just count her losses, she nods. 
“Right. Well, sorry again.” She says. The boy simply hums in acknowledgement before walking away. Pushing her bangs out of her face, Marinette sighs. The first classmate she’d met and it’d gone horribly. Go figure. Hopefully once she had her schedule, things would go better. And who knows, maybe mystery angry guy wasn’t in any of her classes. 
Marinette was going to have a long, long talk with the kwami when she got home. Theoretically, they probably had nothing to do with her horrible luck. But not only did she share almost every class with the angry guy, but she was also assigned to sit next to him in said classes. Including being assigned his lab partner in biology. You would think saving France from a crazed meglomaniac would give her enough good karma that she wouldn’t have to worry about sitting by grumpy boys who refused to talk to her in every class. Apparently not. Walking into the cafeteria, Marinette can feel her panic creeping in once again. Tables were full, or nearing full, and she had no friends. It wasn’t easy when everyone else already knew each other, and had routines that they’d been following since August. Scanning the room, she spots a fairly empty table, but pauses. The guy from earlier was sitting there, angrily tearing apart his sandwich while another boy talks animatedly to him. It was the last thing she actually wanted to do, but seeing as it was the most empty table, she’d have to just go with it. Better to sit away from the two boys quietly than sit at a table where people were going to ask her a million questions that she didn’t want to answer. Stopping at the edge of the table, she clears her throat and tries not to flinch when the boy from earlier sends a small glare her way. 
“I promise I won’t talk to you guys, there’s just- most of the other tables are full. Could I sit here?” She asks, direcitng her question to the talkative one instead of the angry one. His eyes widen slightly, but he nods. 
“Oh, uh, sure, of course. Um, you can sit closer to us if you want.” He offers, nodding to the chair at the end of the table closest to them. Marinette hesitates. 
“Oh, well I wouldn’t-” She starts, but the angry boy cuts her off. 
“Just sit. Lunch is only twenty minutes and you’ve already wasted nearly half of it.” He says, his voice lacking the venom she’d expected. Marinette sits and pulls out the lunch that Penny had packed her, her lips twitching up at the note. 
“What’s that?” The talkative boy asks, leaning slightly in. Marinette feels herself blush involuntarily. It’s not that she was embarrassed that Penny had left the note but- well, she was in high school. 
“Oh. Er, my-” Marinette pauses, trying to think of a good word for Penny. “Guardian put a note in my lunch. I think she was worried since it’s my first day.” She says, shrugging. 
“Guardian?” He asks. Marinette winces. 
“Yeah. Guardian.” She says. He opens his mouth, probably to ask another question, but his friend cuts him off. 
“Harv, cool it with the questions.” He says. His friend- Harv?- pouts, but nods. 
“Sorry about that. I’m Harvey, by the way. Harvey Dent.” He says. Marinette smiles. 
“I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” She says, glancing at the ‘angry’ boy. She raises an eyebrow to him and he snorts. 
“Really? You don’t know me?” He asks, and it didn’t sound pretentious. Instead, he sounded shocked. And a little tired. Marinette shrugs. 
“Haven’t been in Gotham for very long.” She says. 
“I’m Bruce.” He says. “Welcome to Gotham Academy.” Marinette smiles back at the boy. Maybe Gotham Academy wouldn’t be as bad as she thought it would be.
So this idea came to me and wouldn’t leave my head. Let me know what you guys think! I have a general idea for where I want to go with this, and once I have a little more, it’ll move to AO3 (as is typical for my stories). 
Permanent tag list: @stainedglassm  @laydeekrayzee @doll246 @queenz-z @deathssilentapproach-blog @literaryhiraeth @unoriginalmess @crazylittlemunchkin @buttercupsbitch @toodaloo-kangaroo @kking13  
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bloodbuzz-ohio · 7 days
What set abuse allegations did Rachel Bilson brush off?
Here's a rough timeline... sorry I went maybe deeper into detail than you were expecting
Mischa to E! on May 14, 2021: "[...] sort of general bullying from some of the men on set that kind of felt really shitty. But, you know, I also loved the show and had to build up my own walls and ways of getting around dealing with that and the fame that was thrust specifically at me. Just dealing with like the amount of invasion I was having in my personal life, I just felt very unprotected, I guess is the best way to put it.”
Within I want to say a week or two, Rachel and Melinda are asked about Mischa's interview on their podcast (or Danny Pellegrino's, it really doesn't matter, it was uploaded as part of the show podcast for 106) and they both say they never saw bullying on set. And they both extend an invitation to MB to come on their pod to explain herself? It's maddening.
RB says, trying to be funny, "I mean come on, clearly she was having fun. I mean, this episode she’s just making out with Ben McKenzie. What could be so wrong? And listening to Rooney.”
And because we know now that Ben and Mischa dated during s1, that's extra salt in the wound. Rachel of all people was aware of their saga, even if it was 20 years ago. As if dating someone and listening to live music..... means there was no mistreatment?
So then the show's mysterious entities speak to Page Six on June 2, 2021, probably mad that Mischa's interview is now costing them money because the podcast purports the show experience to be sunshine and rainbows and that Mischa herself was the problem, not them.
Their set source (I repeat, this is a 20 year old show with a random set source talking to Page Six) says, “So now she wants to go say that she was bullied,” the source continued. “It wasn’t that she was bullied. People didn’t appreciate waiting for hours for her to show up.”
The source also added that Barton — who played Marissa Cooper until she exited the series in Season 3 — had a momager who was “annoying.”
“It was a mess,” the source sniffed.
And that's its own POS mess. They also try to throw MB's mother under the bus in the book by saying she...... advocated for her daughter? By working as her manager and being on set? Nuala is on my shit list for a 1000 reasons and none of them are because she was on set advocating for her child/client. They really thought they did something with this Page Six hit job.
But Mischa responded to it with this kickass statement, "There was a lot going on. Whether I was late or not doesn’t excuse certain behavior from individuals in powerful positions. Everyone experiences things differently and where I acknowledge some of my past behavior may not have been helpful in certain instances, I will tell my truth when I feel ready.”
Then on June 11, 2021, Mischa published this op-ed in Harper's Bazaar UK.
There's radio silence on the issue until Adam Brody appears on the podcast for 126 in November 2021 and the pod women tell him (poorly, I may add) about the E interview from May. He says he didn't see any bullying but that he rarely worked with MB. Says he feels good about his own behavior with her. He does say that set is not a protective environment and several other nice things about her that put him in my good books forever.
Then there's true radio silence until Mischa finally agrees to be on the podcast during a weekend fandom convention she attends with Melinda and Tate in August 2022. They film the pod ep in December 2022 and it's posted in January 2023. None of the bullying allegations are discussed.
The allegations are also never mentioned in the celebratory book that is published in November 2023.
MB is asked about on-set bullying on CHD in February this year and in her answer mentions backtalk with some people behind the scenes, and brings up friction with guest stars.
Since then, Mischa has posted photos on IG that Rachel has commented on and Mischa replied to one of them in kind so I'd say things between them are... decent.
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