#so we have to decided for ourselves what to give them instead and just pretend we gave them what they actually wanted
traumato · 2 years
On a related note, as much as i feel like 24h convenience stores are Necessary to at least some extent, i feel like them having delivery should be illegal lmao
#like 98% of that is just not wanting to do my job but also#jfc if your cigarettes are that important at 3 am get off your ass and get them yourself#no one's gonna take them to you if you're not gonna tip and you're not if you're already paying an extra $5 delivery fee#but i won't find out about that for another 3h#(also shoutout to the person that ordered a pizza#and a couple of different other foods that i had to cook#but we a) didn't have the pizza they wanted and b) didn't have a way to scan the pizza they wanted#and corporate throws a fit if we actually use the 'we don't have this' option they paid to add to the app we use for deliveries#(which includes an option for the customer to specify what they want instead)#so we have to decided for ourselves what to give them instead and just pretend we gave them what they actually wanted#but i couldn't find a barcode to scan for what they wanted and there was Like an entire ass dozen options that looked like they could be it#on the 'look up a barcode' system we have#none of which actually worked#and then after half a fucking hour of looking things up#trying them and getting 'this is the wrong barcode!' in response#(a full 45 minutes after the person placed their order and 30 minutes after it was picked up#all three while the fucking thing screamed at you if you went more than a minute and a half without doing something#because clearly the only reason you as the only person working would not deal with a customer who is not there and who knows when they will#is because you Forgot#and not that you're the only person here and there are actual customers in the store that need your attention#or literally anything else that might but)#anyway the person who picked up that persons order forgot the actual fucking pizza and at that point i was fucking done#so i marked it as 'we don't have it' but#I'm 100% expecting to get shit for it so lmao
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carionto · 1 year
We'll do it our way
Been reading a bunch of Humans are Space Orcs and the like, and got me thinking - what if when aliens found humanity and our level of technology and method of propulsion for space travel, they decided that since explosions are way too hazardous and risky, that they're just not gonna let us leave on our vessels (via BS alien magic space tech). As a sort of intergalactic rite of passing (and poor results in the past of elevating a species like that), we have to figure out on our own how to not blow ourselves up once in space. But humans can be spiteful. We "have" to go in a direction they want? Fuck that. Aliens put a dome around Earth so we can't leave? Okay, that's a clear and practical problem to solve. Let's fix that instead!
It had been just over sixty local cycles since First Contact with Humanity, and exactly sixty since the Federation had unanimously deemed it necessary to position a Responsibility Barrier around Earth.
Through countless observation relays, mass field generators, warp inhibitors (and the less spoken of and even less used laser batteries), any vessel - outside of local communication satellites, unmanned research vessels, or suborbital test vehicles - were prevented from leaving the planet.
Upon discovering Humanity, the Exploratory Commission Fleet quickly discovered a very hardy, innovative, diverse, violent, and adaptable advanced civilization on the cusp of entering the interstellar stage. There was one problem. Humans used explosions. For. Everything.
Their orbital spaces were already littered with micro-debris from their regular ventures into the local system. Practically every type of propulsion utilized highly volatile solutions, and they didn't even pretend to hide or be embarrassed by their history of weaponizing, well, anything and everything to be frank.
Wars and violence were common among nearly all sentient species, but there was something… peculiar, about how nonchalant the Human diplomats were about their supposed "solutions" to "tragedies" of the past.
We explained to them the dangers of their methods, showed examples of what happens when such line of thinking, without discarding these explosive ways, leads to - impassable fields of junk around once well traveled planets, now isolated; hastily jettisoned parts causing mayhem and destruction years down the line; entire Habitation Stations and their occupants reduced to faint rings around their homeworld from an "unplanned ignition"
We explained why we could not simply give them our safe technology, as they have to on their own give up the irresponsible ways first, lest they turned what was once safe into yet another means to an end. They "said" they understood, but it was all too clear the Humans would not follow our advice just like that. Hence the Barrier. This really angered the Humans.
They said it was stifling, that it was barbaric to "imprison" them like that. We tried to explained again why, but they would not listen, but we knew better. This had happened before and we would not allow it to happen again. It was for the greater good of both the Humans and the rest of the Galaxy.
For nearly sixty of their cycles, Humanity continued to advance and develop and flourish. We watched them with excitement at every new avenue of research they steered towards, silently encouraged them to keep going with every failure. They were getting close in several fields, we could see that Humanity was on the precipice of the right track. Then, one day, with a slight shimmer enveloping the planet and an eerie silence on all frequencies, the Earth just… vanished.
The Humans kept their true activity a secret, only after careful analysis of seemingly unrelated and unremarkable records did we figure out they were investigating a long abandoned line of research by all others in the galaxy - interdimensional travel. But there were no other traversable dimensions. That had long been tested by everyone - you can twist and bend and cut through the ones we have, but you are always bound to at least one of them.
It remained a mystery as to what truly happened to Humanity. Officially it was called a tragic scientific accident on an unprecedented scale. Earth and Humanity were memorialized as a bright species with infinite potential, but a recklessness that would serve as one of the starkest examples in the annals of Galactic history.
Until, nearly a millennia later, Earth just… popped back in. Right where it would have been had it continued to orbit around their star, almost as if that's exactly what it had been doing.
There was only a memorial station close to its original orbit, and some small research outposts dotted around the local system - it was decided to not terraform or colonize any of Sol's planets or install major stations within the system, as both a sign of respect to the deceased and a warning to all about the dangers of foolish science.
By the time the scrambled and panicked messages reached the nearest Coalition world and a small squad sent to investigate, everything had changed. Not only did they find Earth and Humanity, they were met by dozens of the largest space worthy vessels anyone had ever conceived of let alone dared to construct; orbital shipyards that each would put the production capacity of whole planetary SYSTEMS to shame; and a defiant attitude unmatched even by the previously thought exaggerated tales of our brief history with Humanity before the Vanishing.
The message we received from the Humans was simple:
"Thanks for the advice, but we do things our way. Now, let's start over, from an equal footing, shall we?"
(more while we were gone)
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petew21-blog · 3 months
The curse of Hecatoncheires
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Zayn shouted at us: "All is set guys. Let's get to the table"
Me:"Can't we just play Dungeons and Dragons just as we always do? This seems complicated. It will take us much more time to learn that then playing"
Zayn:"No, we're gonna play this. It's basically a modified version of what we always play. But much more fun."
Alex:"Ok, let's play before the weekend ends. I really wanna do something fun instead of just sitting here."
Zayn:"Oh, you're gonna have enough of fun today.
Ground rules:
We play the story just as we always do
The dice is a way of deciding conflict. But in this game you're not playing against the game. You're playing against each other.
The conflict can be won by throwing a higher number then the other. If you throw a higher number you win what the other person bet in that round"
Me:"Bet? We're gonna bet? With what? We don't have anything."
Zayn:"Actually you do. You have your bodies, your body parts. You can bet them. And the winner has 3 options a) keep your part he won over you, b) swap his part he bet with you or c) donate a part to someone else"
Jordan:"Zayn, this has to be one of the worst game ideas you ever had. Not only it's complicated, but we're just gonna pretend that our parts are not ours but belong to someone else?"
We all started laughing except for Zayn. He was serious. He then threw a cube on the table. It was the same as ourselves we usually played with. But this one glowed.
Zayn:"I see the explaining of rules will be better to do during the game. Right?"
We started the game. Each of us had to bet a part of our bodies.
I bet my feet, Zayn his thumb, Alex wanted to bet his head but Zayn advsied him not to, so he bet his arm. And Jordan wanted to boycot the game as always so he bet his dick.
We play for some time like always. But then me and Jordan stepped on the first fighting platform. Zayn:"Ok, Jordan. It's your time to choose your oponent"
Jordan:"I choose you (he pointed at me). I want your smell feet haha" He then threw the dice with number 15. Fuck I have to throw higher than that. The chances aren't that big tho. I threw the dice and saw the number 7.
Jordan:"Haha. I win your feet!"
Zayn:"Ok now you get to choose a/b/c. A is keeping it, b is swapping it and c is giving it to someone else."
Jordan:"Fine. We'll I'm going with option a. I want to have extra feet."
Suddenly the cube shined brightly. Me and Jordan screamed in pain. I looked down and saw my shoes fall off. Jordan was screaming horribly. He threw always his shoes. His socks ripped and at the same place where his feet grew, another pair grew out. Oddly familiar pair. Jordan looked down in shock.
Jordan:"What the fuck!!! Zayn what the hell is this?! What did you do?"
Zayn:"I already told you the rules. So this is the first option. I wanted to make our game a bit more special, cause I noticed how you guys grew more bored each game we played. So this should be more fun"
Alex:"This shit is incredible" he touched my feet on Jordan's body. I could still feel them a bit but I couldn't move them. Jordan was speechles and touched them too.
Jordan:"Holy shit dude. I have two pairs of feet. I have your feet man! Wow. They're really big. And really smelly. Have you washed them recently?"
Me:"Hey! Of course I did. I just... sweat a lot. It's a condition. I can't help it."
Zayn:"Ok, you have to pick another betting part and then we can continue"
I picked my dick just as Jordan has.
We proceeded and then Alex got in a duel with Zayn. Alex won.
Alex:"Ok, so... I don't want to be a freak like Jordan. I want to swap our two parts"
They also screamed. Alex's arm disappeared and now instead of it only Zayn's thumb was visible. Zayn's arm now instead of his thumb grew out another arm. It was massively long
Alex:"Zayn, but you said we would swap the parts. I just wanted your thumb instead of mine not this shit. I look like a freak. And so do you..."
Zayn:"Well those were the rules. If you want to swap the identical part and not the one that was threw in as a bet, you have to say so. Ok my new part to bet is my index finger"
Alex:"Bet something meaningful atleast. You now have my arm to bet"
Zayn:"Ok, you're right. I bet my feet."
Alex:"Ok, I bet my whole leg, cause I don't want this game to last the whole day"
We continued. I couldn't really get of the chair without my feet. "Guys I'm gonna have to pee sooner or later. Some of you might help me."
Zayn;"Don't worry about it. We'll help you out somehow."
Now it was my time to battle someone. I picked Jordan and won. "I want to swap our dicks."
Jordan stood up screaming as his dick disappeared. He looked down and my own emerged. I looked down as well and saw his in the place where mine was."
Jordan:"Did you do this on purpose? I have to pee now dude."
Me:"Haha, yeah I did. I wanted to know if it would work."
Jordan ran (or limped with his new set of feet) to the bathroom and locked himself in:"Play without me. I'll be back soon"
We played the story for a while without any conflict, but now we had to wait for Jordan to come out. He really took some time in there.
He got out of the bathroom sweaty, smiling and with his shirt tucked behind his shorts
Me:"Dude, don't tell me you have..."
Jordan:"Hell yes I did. And I must say you have a magnificent dick. The cum shot on the wall is the biggest proof of it."
Me:"You're disgusting Jordan. What if I did the same?"
Jordan:"Don't act like you don't want to right now."
Zayn:"Guys, let's play, you can get even in another way."
Me:"Jordan, don't be a pussy and bet something big this time."
Jordan:"Fine I bet my lower body half, dick excluded. I'm keeping yours for a while"
Me:"Don't be a bitch. I bet my whole body without my head... And Jordan's dick"
Jordan:"Fine, well so do I."
Alex and Zayn just observed amused. We continued.
Now Alex dueled me. I lost. Jesus no...
Alex pitied me I think, but maybe missed his arm. "I want your body you betted to be swapped with mine."
I now had feet again, but lost an arm in the process. I could feel Alex's muscular body form under my clothes. I used my remaining hand and trailed the abs under my shirt and the beautiful pecs. Then I flexed his biceps"
Alex:"Enjoying it huh?"
Me:"Dude, I never knew it feels so good to be this tight"
Jordan threw the dice and this time - number 20
Zayn:"Shit. I thought it would take some more time before I had to explain this one. Ok, so now we all are under the curse of Hecatoncheires."
Me:"What's that?"
Zayn:"It's a beast from greek mythology with hunderds of heads, hands and legs"
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Alex:"So what does that mean for us?"
Zayn:"You now have to throw 15 or above to not be cursed."
Jordan:"What happens if we fail?"
Zayn:"Well... let's play and see shall we?" Zayn diverted from the question
Zayn threw 15, lucky guy. Alex threw 5 so he was doomed. Jordan threw 19. It was my turn now. Fuck 2
Zayn:"Ok, guys. You now have to go next to each other. And hug"
We did so. Nothing happened at first, but now we were both stuck. We couldn't move from each other. We were merging. I just watched as Jordan's horrified face ran from the room and Zayn went to get him.
But me and Alex were still merging. Now our body had a massive chest made out of our two harlves. My other parts were moved to the left side while Alex's moved to the right.
We were left with one extra pair of lehs without feet and only one extra arm and a thumb next to my arm.
Our dicks grew out right next to each other.
I couldn't look at Alex. He was directly next to my head. Limiting to see. We tried to get to the mirror. But our movement was really unorganised. We eventually got there to see what kind of a monster we became.
What caught my attention was our new combined crotch
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The lines of two dicks were clearly visible
I took my only arm and with my hand I grabbed our crotch
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Alex:"What are you doing man? That's my dick!"
Me:"I'm sorry Alex, but that's our dicks right now. I can feel both of them"
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We both put our hands on them. We both could feel every part of our merged bodies. But I could control only the left part and Alex controled the right side of our body.
Alex:"Well, shitting is gonna be interesting"
I could feel we were both horny. I was a bit more because of the fact that the dick on my side was actually Alex's and Alex now had Jordan's
I unzipped our jeans. Alex gave me an approving smile. I lowered to jeans to see the new creation now
Alex:"I can't believe Jordan's dick is bigger than mine. I always thought he was small."
Me:"Well yours isn't fully hard yet, so don't worry."
I grabbed his dick and started jerking it. So did Alex, but he was jerking Jordan's dick. The whole time we were moaning in sync as we both felt the same. We knew how the other one felt. And in sync we shot loads from our dicks"
Just as we finished Zayn and Jordan came back into the room
Jordan realising that it's his dick that Alex was now holding got angry and went towards UA
Zayn:"Wait, Jordan you can't touch them!"
Jordan ran straight to us and probably wanted to scream something but ended up being absorbed into us. The pain started again. Jordan now emerged between us. New arms grew out, new legs, my dick in the middle and Jordan's head right between us
Zayn:"That's what I was trying to tell you. It's called a curse for a reason
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Our new body was now a mix of hands everywhere trying to feel everything. Jordan was still screaming. But me and Alex knew that it was the first massive wave of all our feelings combined. The more people were part of our body the more pleasure we had. It was ecstatic and overwhelming.
Alex:"Come on Zayn. Join us"
Zayn:"I would, honestly. But someone has to reverse this"
We sat down next to the table to continue playing. I now controled an Jordans left arm and Alex controlled his right one. Jordan was now trapped until we were joined by another person.
Zayn kept playing. Quite nervous from what he caused. He finished the game out of fear as he watched us enjoy the senses of our combined body
The game ended but nothing happened. We didn't care. We were now feeling amazing. All three of us.
Zayn:"I... I don't know what happened. I thought it would all revert back to normal."
We stood up and slowly crept behind Zayn reading the manual to the dice
Me:"Oh don't worry about that. We can sort this out tommorow"
Alex:"What a great game you set up for us"
Jordan:"Truly one of the best. And you didn't even get to enjoy it enough"
Me:"I think you should relax now."
We got really close and Zayn probably got suspicious, but it was too late for him. I grabbed his arm and that was all that was needed for him to merge into us.
Zayn:"Oh god, this really feels amazing. We can feel everything multiplied"
Hecatoncheire:"We are amazing. We love our body. We are Hecatoncheire! And we need more beautiful bodies to join us!"
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Start of A New Life (Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader)
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WC: 4.3K
Warnings: pregnancy, childbirth descriptions, slight mentions of difficulty concieving
A/N: dad!christian for you all!!! this is so not proofread lol. hope you guys enjoy and i’d love to hear your thoughts thru ask/reply/reblog 💗 apologies for any errors! feedbacks are highly appreciated 🤍
Two red lines. “Pregnant - 2-3 weeks”. Another two red lines.
My heart suddenly skips a beat. My hands start shaking and I feel a gasp just leave my mouth. I can’t believe what I’m seeing right now. Is this real? I thought to myself. I have to take another look at all three pregnancy tests that I’m holding on both of my hands just to make sure I didn’t see them wrong and of course, nothing changed. Tears start to fall from my eyes, I am on cloud nine knowing a mini me – or my husband – is growing inside me. It’s happening… It’s really happening! 
Christian and I have always wanted children of our own, and we have been trying for a baby for more than a year. We are well aware that not everyone will get pregnant as soon as they start trying, but honestly, at some point it can be exhausting and painful during the period. We had gone to the doctor, got ourselves checked up and luckily no issues were found, so the doctor just suggested we keep trying and be patient. There were times when we were so close to giving up – I was sick of seeing negative results over and over again – but we reminded ourselves that if it’s meant to be, it will happen when it happens and there are couples who have been trying to conceive way longer than us and still haven't succeeded.
I used to constantly apologize to Christian whenever I got a negative result on the pregnancy test because I felt like the problem was me and I was afraid I could never give him a child – I truly wanted to fulfill one of his lifelong dreams: becoming a father. And every single time Christian would tell me to stop apologizing to him and quit being hard on myself because it was never my fault. I knew he felt disappointed to see a single red line instead of two, but like always, he cared a lot more about my feelings. He never failed to comfort me during those times and would go out of his way just to make me feel better – and I am forever grateful to have such a loving and supportive partner for the rest of my life.
Christian has been in training since this morning – shortly before I found out I’m pregnant – so I decided to plan a special, little way to reveal the grand, long-awaited news before he goes home. I really cannot wait to see his reaction and I’m “positive” it’s going to be the sweetest thing ever. Since he transferred to his new club, he usually comes home from training feeling all happy and pumped up – imagine how he will be when he finds out he’s going to be a dad! My man may not be the most expressive person in the world, but I know no matter how little he would show his emotion on the surface, he is going to feel immense happiness deep inside his heart.
I searched through Pinterest for some references and after a while, I finally made up my mind. I don’t necessarily have good eyes on aesthetics and stuff so I just go for a simple way. I go look for some adorable little pregnancy announcement onesies, a gift box, and a few small decorative pieces so it would at least look cute and pleasing. I arrange the “present” as soon as I get home, put the box on the kitchen counter, and write a note on the outside – it says: “For my special man ♥ ps: no question asked! ;)”.
A few hours later, he finally comes home.
“Y/N, sweetheart, I’m home!”
Usually, I would come to him at the front door, greet him back and we would start sharing about each other’s days. But this time, I’m pretending not to hear him and make myself look busy in the kitchen – even though Christian and I actually cleaned the entire kitchen last night. To be honest, the reason I’m doing this is to cover my nervousness. I know he’s going to be excited but a little part of me worries he would change his mind about having a child after so many failed “attempts”.
“Y/N?” He sounds confused.
He then goes around the house looking for me before eventually finding me in the kitchen. I can hear his footsteps but I keep pretending like I am completely unaware of him. He comes over to me and hugs me from behind, and greets me with kisses – and of course, I act surprised when he does that.
“Hey baby, did you not hear me?”
His raspy, gentle voice gives me chills. It never fails to make me feel weak on my knees. But for now, I have to keep my act together.
“Oh sorry, I got so caught up here washing dishes!”
I’m trying to make an impromptu excuse but I’m pretty sure it sounds really weird to him now. I mean, right now there are no dirty dishes to wash except one mug I currently have in my hands… I just know he is a bit confused.
“Umm, Y/N, didn’t we just wash th-”
“So how was training?” I cut him off before he questions me any further.
“Well, great as always. Tired, sure, but you know…” He pauses to kiss my neck, “whenever I see you after training, I am so recharged right away.”
I bite my bottom lip and feel my cheeks are turning red. Ugh, focus Y/N… Remember the big news you have yet to tell him! I remind myself quietly.
“Recharge? What am I, a phone charger?”
I instantly regret that lame, super unfunny joke I just said. He chuckles, I believe he is just being the supportive partner he always is.
“Okay, yeah, that’s a good one, Mrs. Pulisic.”
“Oh by the way, I think I see something that looks like a gift right over there,” he points to the gift box over the counter, “is that for me?”
“I don’t know… Maybe?”
“What is it?” He straightforwardly asks about it.
“Christian…” I sigh.
“What did I do to deserve it?” He quickly asks again.
I turn around, rolling my eyes at him to show him in a jokey way that his questions annoy me.
“My goodness, Christian, just open the goddamn gift!”
He quickly walks across the room while saying the phrase “What’s in the box? What’s in the box???” repeatedly. I carefully watch every little move he makes – I really want to cherish this moment.
“Awww, baby, am I really your special man?” He cutely pouts and puts his hands over his chest when he reads the notes.
I can’t help but laugh at his adorable face.
When he starts opening the gift box, I can feel my heart jump a little. I subconsciously start fidgeting my fingers and shake my legs – I really am that nervous. I almost certainly know that he’s going to react positively but, what if I could be wrong?
Before I know it, I see him gasping, then has his hands covering his mouth, with both of his eyes widened. He then turns to my direction with the look of disbelief written all over his face.
“Y/N???” His jaw drops and his breath hitches.
“Are we… Are w-” He is really caught off guard by this big news he is losing words for a moment.
“Uhm, sorry, I uh, I wh-” he pauses for a good second before continuing, “Are we having a baby???”
“Yeah…” I excitedly nod in response. “I just found out this morning.”
He then runs back to me, hugs me tight and buries his face in between my neck and shoulder – I can slightly feel his tears over my shoulder.
“You’re going to be a dad, Christian.” I whisper to him.
And just like that, I just made him cry even harder.
“My love…” He sobs. “Thank you… Thank you. I love you!”
He looks down and puts his hand on my tummy, then his eyes go straight into mine.
“It’s a bit surreal thinking about how our child is now growing inside you… You’re unbelievably amazing, Y/N.”
He then kneels in front of my tummy while holding my waists with both his hands, and talks to our growing child.
“Hi little angel, I can’t wait to meet you… I love you so much already.” He kisses my tummy after.
We started telling our family and close friends a few days after the first sonogram. Everyone was so happy for us and has been very lovely and wonderful to us – especially me, of course. Both mine and his family would go all the way to make sure I got everything I need, and the moms have been offering generous help and willingly guiding me through my first pregnancy whenever I need them to.
During the ultrasound, Christian didn’t let go of my hand even for a second and asked the doctor so many questions that I didn’t even think about – apparently the night before he had done his research and I was not aware of that. When we got to see our growing fetus on the screen and listen to their heartbeat, Christian – who usually doesn’t really show his emotions on his face –  became very emotional and it kind of freaked me out. Being a dad is truly one of the biggest dreams he has ever had. Now that it’s really coming true, his emotions are all over the place and because he is not used to experiencing such overflowing emotions, he is still trying his best to manage them. Though I think that is adorable, I just love to make fun of him for it.
“You know, Chris, I’m wondering who the hell is actually with a baby?” I poke fun at his “hormonal” reaction. “Because it’s like your hormones are going crazy while I’m here able to control my emotions.”
“Oh shut up,” he moans, “what’s happening is that my heart is warmer now while yours is still ice cold.” 
My jaw drops at his immediate, clever clap back. Oh how I love sassy Christian!
“Stop it!” I laugh really hard. “That’s a good burn on me, Pulisic!”
Since Christian found out we are expecting, he has been extra attentive, present and caring to me. Though I appreciate it greatly, it can be too much sometimes. Therefore I would ask him to back down a bit and thankfully he never fails to understand that I still need my space.
No matter how busy he might be, he never wants to miss going to every doctor appointment. He also always pays very good attention to our baby’s development – he even has a binder made specifically for it. He gets excited all the time when the baby kicks, and when the baby is kicking so hard he would talk to my tummy.
“Sweetheart, please be good in there. Don’t hurt Mommy, okay?”
“My little angel, don’t kick Mommy’s tummy that hard, please. Let’s not make Mommy feel hurt.”
He always communicates with the baby and every time, they would respond to Christian. It’s like they have bonded really well even before they meet, and the thought of him being so close with our child really melts my heart.
He loves taking pictures of my growing bump. Every single time he would tell me I look really beautiful while carrying our child, and my reaction would either be thanking him shyly or telling him to shut the crap – depending on my mood that day, really. Pregnancy has given me mood swings lately I can’t even predict how I would be feeling that day whenever a new day starts. But Christian has always had a lot of patience and I admire how he would perfectly handle me no matter how good or bad my mood might be. Yeah, he is without a doubt going to be the best parent and I can’t wait to witness it.
We decided to not find out about our baby’s sex because we want to surprise ourselves. Besides, we really don’t care if we’re having a boy or a girl. We don’t want to set certain expectations especially when it comes to their sex or gender because all we care about is that they’re healthy and come to this world all safe and sound. Although, we have prepared some names – but we don’t feel like making the final decision before the baby is actually born.
Today I woke up at 4 in the morning to a cramp on my stomach – a bit similar to the menstrual cramps I used to have at the beginning of my period. It comes and goes irregularly, and at first I got scared thinking something bad might be happening. But then I remember what my doctor had explained before: the cramp might be a sign of early labor. I then wake Christian up, letting him know I am possibly entering the early labor stage. When I tell him about it, his eyes widen all of the sudden and he slightly jumps off the bed.
“Wha- Y/N should we just get you to the hospital right now???” He sounds so worried.
“No, I don’t think so. Let’s just time each contraction and when the contraction interval is around 5 to 7 minutes, then we can go.”
I have to explain it calmly because he is visibly alarmed. Even after I do so he is still looking so tense.
“Chris, I’m alright. You can relax for now.” I assure him.
“Okay,” he takes a deep breath before continuing, ”if you say so.”
Almost 15 hours later, the contractions start to come closer apart and when I check my phone, the interval of last contraction to current contraction is 5 minutes, so I tell Christian that it is finally time to go to the hospital. Already dressed, he immediately grabs the car keys and sets up some blankets on the passenger’s seat in case my water breaks. After that, he goes back into the house to grab hospital bags then puts them in the trunk of our car. Not long after, he sees me struggling to get into the car, so he gently helps me and once I get in, he makes sure I am sitting comfortably before locking all the doors at our house.
“Okay, everything is set, now it’s time to go.” He says as he starts the car.
He looks at me for a second and gives me a kiss on my forehead before he takes the wheel.
“Let’s go have a baby, shall we?”
The midwife informs me that I’m now 10 centimeters dilated, meaning it is finally time to push. I am still in incredible pain and genuinely terrified to do so because I don’t know if I can still bear the pain while pushing a full-sized human baby out of my vagina. Also, I have heard about this thing called “ring of fire” – it’s the strong burning sensation that you will experience when your baby is crowning – and now that it’s about to happen, I can’t stop thinking about it. While getting into the birthing position, I turn to Christian who is standing next to me.
“Christian, I’m scared…” I whimper. “I don’t know if I can do this…”
Hearing what I say truly breaks his heart. He hates knowing I’m scared yet he can’t do anything about it except giving me the encouragement he knows I need. He then looks deep into my eyes, smiling at me while caressing my hair, with his other hand holding mine tight.
“Yes you can, my love.” He softly says.
“You are the strongest person I have ever known so I know you know you absolutely can! It’s okay to be scared but baby, I’m here.” He kisses my forehead. “Let’s go meet our little angel, yeah?”
I nod and take some deep breaths to prepare myself. Then I let the doctor know I’m ready and they immediately tell me to start pushing.
One push, two pushes, those were not so bad. Starting from third push, it starts to feel very, very painful.
“You’re doing great my love!”
He is basically being my ultimate cheerleader the whole time. He doesn’t let go of my hand no matter how hard I might grip his hand. He says he doesn’t feel a thing though I know he is lying his butt off for my benefit.
“Chris this hurts so bad…” I bawl, squeezing his hand hard. “This really hurt…”
His eyes suddenly become all teary. He can no longer hide his ache seeing the woman he loves greatly has to endure unthinkable pain to bring his child into the world.
“My love I’m sorry…” He weeps. “I’m sorry you have to go through this… But sweetheart you know you can keep going, a few more pushes and our baby is here…”
I keep pushing even though at some point I didn’t feel like I could do it anymore. But having Christian there gives me the strength I need during the birthing process.
“Y/N, let’s give one big final push!” Says the doctor.
“Uh, yeah, okay…” I say to them as my breath hitches.
I’m already very exhausted but unfortunately there’s no way I can stop. I can feel my baby is crowning and this “ring of fire” sensation is no joke – so when the doctor told me to do one final push all I can think of is that this pain will be over soon.
“C’mon sweetheart! You can do this!”
I hear a loud crying from my baby.
“Congratulations, it’s a girl!” The doctor excitedly announces.
“Oh my God, honey, we have a daughter!” I turn to Christian and see him already flooded with tears.
“Our little princess…” He sobs. “One more beautiful girl for me to love for the rest of my life.”
Christian and I can’t stop looking at our newborn daughter. 
“Chris, look at her… She’s so tiny.”
“These little fingers are the cutest.”
She wraps Christian’s forefinger with her entire hand.
“She has your lips, Y/N.” He points out. 
“Yeah… But she mostly has your features so I was basically just an oven!” I jokily grunt.
“Well you know it isn’t my fault that my genes are more prominent, is it?” he playfully replies, “I’m just that good.”
I roll my eyes, pretending to be irritated.
“Smug butthead.”
“Hey, watch your words, Mommy!” 
Christian got me laughing and blushing. He just reminds me that I’m a mom now! It feels like we just had the talk about growing our family yesterday and the next thing I know I am now in a hospital, just giving birth to our sweet little angel who is sleeping peacefully in my arms at this moment. This still doesn’t feel real… Our lives are now officially changed forever and I couldn’t imagine mine before her.
“Hey,” Christian wraps his arms around me and rests his head on my shoulder, then whispers, “I love you.”
I have not stopped smiling and I can feel my smile getting wider.
“I love you.” I reply.
“You’re my everything, Y/N.” He adds.
“Oh no, you’re about to say some sappy monologue aren't you?”
“Yeah, here it comes…”.
Before he says his little speech he kisses me on the cheeks.
“Y/N… I can never thank you enough. You have made my dreams come true and I still don’t know why I deserve you in the first place! Thank you for making my life a lot more perfect than I ever imagined.”
I’m starting to sob.
“I hated seeing you in so much pain just to bring her into the world.” He continues. “I wish it was me instead… But you continue to amaze me with your strength. And now, I love you so much more – more than I ever love anyone, even myself. Ever since you came into my life you have changed my world for the better. I never wanted to live my life with anyone else but you, and I’m beyond grateful we have a beautiful child together.”
“I will take good care of my girls for as long as I live…” His voice starts to shake. “I love you. I love you so much. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, Y/N.”
Tears immediately streaming down my face. I just gave birth so my hormones are all over the place, and his beautiful speech doesn’t help. He got me speechless and extremely emotional.
“Ugh,” I jokingly grunt as I wipe my tears with my hand, “how dare you make me cry, Pulisic.”
And suddenly we see our baby giving us her first big smile – it’s like she is reacting to all the love and emotions her parents are experiencing right now!
“Awwwww!” Christian and I make the same sound in unison.
And of course, it makes me cry even harder. Christian is emotional too, by the way, but not as messed up as I am currently. He grabs some tissues and gently wipes my face – which is all wet thanks to the river of tears – with them right away as I am still holding our daughter.
“Y/N, my love, I don’t think you will ever stop crying from now on, no?” He laughs.
“Obviously not!”
“So, have you two decided on baby girl’s name?”
Christian and I instantly look at each other when the nurse asks that question. As I said, we have prepared some names for our baby but we have yet to choose the perfect name for her. Christian then grabs a piece of paper with the list of names from his pocket and as soon as the nurse leaves the room, we start discussing right away.
“Okay, uh… Which one do you love the most, Y/N?”
“I don’t know, Chris,” I reply, “there are too many options.”
“Well you can’t say you don’t know,” Christian sighs, “we have to pick two.”
An idea suddenly passes through my head.
“Why don’t we try this out: we say any name we each feel perfectly fitting for her at the same time. What do you think?” I suggest.
“Yeah okay, it’s worth a try.” He agrees.
“Alright, let’s say it in the count of three.” I instruct him.
“One, two, three…”
He didn't sound sure at first, but then changed his mind immediately. “Oh, I like both names!”
“Dylan Emery Pulisic… It has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
I agree with him. I look at our little bundle of joy in my arms and I just know those names were made for her.
“Yeah, that’s definitely her name.”
Even though we are now taking care of our newborn together, Christian did have to  fight just to get enough paternity leave. It was not easy for him because Dylan was born in the middle of the season and he is one of the most crucial players for the team, but he really wanted to take care of his daughter especially during the first few weeks of her life. Not only that, he feels like I have done so much already and he wants to also take care of you while you recover from the whole pregnancy and childbirth periods. He wouldn’t even mind getting less playing time when he comes back, because in his own words: “Now my priorities are my girls, football is much less important than both of you.”
Before Dylan was born, Christian had been practicing basically everything to prepare him for fatherhood. He can change the diapers, clean and bathe the baby, perfectly wrap her, he knows how to help soothe the baby, burp her after feeding – anything, really. He truly is excited to embrace this new life as a parent.
Dylan’s first week at home was hard, I had to adjust my sleeping schedule because until she’s a bit older I have to feed her every 2-3 hours and it messes up my sleeping. Not only that, she would loudly scream and cry all of the sudden and it mostly happens in the middle of the night. But Christian is always there, ready to help no matter how tired he might be – it’s a bare minimum but not all dads would be very hands-on like him – and I’m beyond grateful I don’t have to do everything alone. We always stay up late together, like when I have to feed Dylan at 12 AM and 3 AM. Most of the time, when we heard Dylan crying in the other room, he would tell me to go back to sleep and offer to take care of her. I would see them from the baby monitor and I’m telling you, he truly is the best dad. Seeing him being so loving to our daughter makes me already think about having another baby… But obviously both of us want to focus on raising Dylan so we decided to put the conversation on hold until Dylan is old enough to be a big sister.
Two weeks after Dylan came into the world, Christian decides it is time to introduce her to everyone at Milanello. So he brings both of us to the training grounds and shows her off to the staff and players. The club even got Dylan a mini home jersey kit as a way to welcome her to the Milan family.
One of his teammates greets us the second we get into the dressing room and ask about his current state. And to be honest, Christian’s heartfelt answer to it reminds me how lucky I am that I get to do this parenthood journey with him.
“Christian, hey! How are you feeling now, bro?
“Well I am a husband and a brand new father, so from now on I will always be feeling a lot happier than I have ever been. I am now on the start of a new life, thanks to my amazing, beautiful girls.”
taglist: @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @swimmingismywholelife @chilwellspulisic @bracedes @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14 @masonsrem @landoslover
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jacksprostate · 8 months
Tyler is hopping around on his pogo stick again. When he lands, it's with a mushy thump as he sinks into the rotting floorboards. Sometimes he gets stuck and just tips over instead of bouncing back up. It makes him stumble and jump ship. Moment of perfection ruined.
I need to renew my driver's license, I say.
"What are you telling me for?"
If Tyler's bed had a backboard, this is how it would sound before he and Marla pounded through to the next room.
I am Jack's throat of bile.
"Fine," Tyler says. "We'll go."
I do not say, we? Questioning Tyler is an amateur move I've managed to avoid for two months now.
Getting to the DMV takes three buses and a thirty minute walk. Presumably, they've decided you'll be driving there. Sometimes I think about the Audi I had before my Dakapo halogen torchiere speared it. One of Zeus' modern day lightning bolts, making sure the debris from my exploded condo totaled my car.
I could've gotten the windshield replaced. Somewhere, in a junkyard filled with unloved 50s salvage, there's the crushed up cube remains of this year's luxury sedan.
Tyler spends the entire time walking one half step behind me, making me lead him around. It makes me feel blind, like I'm a thirty year old boy still trying to get his father to take him places. I am the world's most easily played instrument. Whenever I look back he's grinning, chipped teeth and split lips.
It's a Saturday and we've arrived two hours or so after opening. This means that when I get my ticket stub, it reads an obscenely high number. I will be sitting here for the next six hours. Give or take.
The thing about seating in a government building is they know you have no choice to be there for at least two hours, if you're lucky. Naturally, the chairs are cheap, yawning plastic bolted into the floor at a height most optimal for slightly tall seven year olds.
Tyler and I toss ourselves into the only two person gap we can find, between a large man giving Bob a run for his money on hormone reversal and a frail woman in her eighties. Both look like I'd see them on a weeknight. I wonder if this is where Marla lurks in the time between when she's fucking Tyler and fucking up my support groups.
"You don't need this shit," Tyler says.
He's slouching into the chair, arms crossed and legs long and in the way. If I were to look where his shirt is rucked up, I'd see his skin disappear into the dark gap between his chiseled hip and the beige slacks he puts on when he pretends he's pretending to be a nice person. It's an obvious farce, since he hasn't even bothered to put underwear on.
This is one of those things that I try not to think too hard about, but I have something like four hundred minutes left to wait around here. I should've brought a few National Geographics.
I need a driver's license for my job, Tyler, I say. The old woman gives me a look.
"Christ." Tyler spits on the floor. I try not to be jealous. My seat neighbor, she gets right up and goes to the other end of the building. "Just roll over, why don't you."
I can tell, this will be a lesson. He gets this huge sureness about himself, like his dick is so big it's slapped his face into that smug false contemplation.
I need some kind of ID, Tyler.
Tyler says, "No you don't. Your bank already has you by the balls with your social security number. You ride the bus around. You're at the airport so often the airline staff recognize you. You only drive when work sends you to a small town, which happens fuck all three times a year. Tell me, you get a good fake, you think the overworked and underpaid car rental employee writing down your information would notice it unless you crashed his car? You know if that happened it'd be because you did it to kill yourself, so where's the problem?"
You could be a perfect driver and die on the road at any second, I protest.
We're attracting attention. Not Bob shifts around. Our conversation is quiet but unnerving.
Tyler says, "Does it feel nice, signing yourself up like a feedlot steer?"
Fucking hell, Tyler. It's not like anyone wants to do this. No one wants to be here. Not everyone can work three night shifts and have no identity according to the government.
Tyler says, "The only thing stopping you is the little set of rules you've set up for yourself."
What does Tyler know about my ability to do things?
"More than you," Tyler says. "You didn't think you could fight. You didn't think you could live without your perfect IKEA nest."
He's right. I still want to kick him to the floor and introduce his teeth to the tile. I notice, Not Bob has cleared the area. Retreat to safety. Bomb detonation in five, four. We've got a three seat berth on each side with people standing packed against the walls of the place.
A lone security guard floats our way.
"I'm going to have to ask you to leave, sir."
It's not the way that the men at fight club have started calling me sir. The security guard is looking at me like he knows about my condo blowing up, and he feels awfully sure about the cause.
I need to renew my driver's license.
Tyler says, "If we pay taxes for this building, these workers, doesn't that mean we pay your salary? You're going to kick out your kindest boss?"
"If you don't leave, I'll have to call the police."
Tyler says, "Can't even do it yourself?"
I think, every second of this day has been excruciating, and I have been awake for 77 hours.
Tyler socks the security guard right in the jaw, and the crowd goes wild.
It happens like this: Tyler hits the security guard with all four knuckles, all the people start screaming, and the security guard goes for his gun. I am standing in the middle of this hurricane, calm like a baby that's just been left in the car in 90 degree weather. I start walking.
Behind me, Tyler wrestles for the gun. He tosses it towards the kiosk that spat out my waiting ticket. He lets the security guard hit him in the gut. The face. The face again. He's on the ground, bloody spit threading his rebroken smile, and the security guard is kicking him in the gut. Tyler curls into a ball, the security guard kicks him in the kidneys. This will give Tyler bruises like size thirteen boots and make him piss blood for three weeks.
I reach the door, and Tyler's crawling after me. The security guard has come out of his haze, and now the crowd is staring at him. The headline: local DMV worker brutally bludgeons mentally ill constituent. People stare at him, now aware of the violence he is capable of. They wonder. He wonders.
Tyler limps out the door. We get on the bus and the driver stares at us and does not make us pay when we walk past him to the seats. The driver had a black eye. We saw him at fight club last week.
We sit, and I tell Tyler, because of him I'm definitely on a list now. Like they had for all those communists, but now it's for schizophrenics who might bomb their local state Department of Motor Vehicles location. I tell him if I get a letter saying I have to show up in court because I beat up a government worker, I'm sending him, and he can have fun explaining that to whatever rancid old judge presides over our case.
He laughs, and laughs, and laughs.
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hazbinstohell · 8 months
Just Roll With It-Charlastor
Part 2
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Summary- They will have to tell the Hotel Group. Charlie knows they aren’t going to like it…she thinks anyways…
Alastor gets them to the hotel quickly, and Charlie stops him before he heads inside, “Hey, we shouldn’t tell them yet…”
Alastor narrows his eyes at her, “Well, how are they supposed to go along with our ruse, darling?”
Charlie huffs, “Just…let me tell them ok. You telling them is going to make them freak out, we will be bombarded with questions. Just…let me handle it, ok?”
Alastor shrugs, and opens the doors. She follows…not expecting the room to be dark.
Charlie enters behind Alastor, silently hoping nothing has happened. They had as much enemies as friends after all. Suddenly the lights flip on, and she jumps in surprise…
“CONGRATULATIONS CHARLIE!” The group yells, and she is amazed by all the commotion!
Their friends at the hotel have a banner made, decorations and even a cake for her. Angel stands with two flutes of champagne, which looks like one has already been started on. Vaggie has popped a celebratory popper, and Sir Pentious and Nifty are looking at her like she is the most amazing thing that has ever graced their presence.
Charlie moves around Alastor, who is smiling but not quite looking at the group, instead, he is watching her.
“What is all this for!”
Angel laughs, “Come on! You didn’t think we’d figure it out!”
Charlie looks to them all one by one, and finally notices Husker, who is also throwing back a drink, but toasting her first. Charlie narrows her eyes, “Figure out what?”
The others laugh, and she chuckles in confusion. Alastor comes forward, and leans into her, “Why, she was a force to be reckoned with, yes, indeedy!”
Charlie gives him an insufferable look and he looks at her with a tilt of his head. She sighs, “Well…”
Husker was the one that spoke, “Didn’t think you’d have it in ya, Princess.”
Angel Dust comes forward, offering her the drink, “I did! Always knew our Charlie here could get those guys going. She knows how to play those angels like a fiddle now!”
Charlie looks at the drink a moment, “I…uh…”
Alastor beems at her, “Truly, it was quite the performance! I am so honored that our Princess and I came to an agreement quickly and officially with the Angelic Armies…didn’t we, Charlie?”
He’s behind her, his smile devious as his hands come to rest on her shoulders, pressing her into him. She decides to take a sip of the champagne, in order for her not to say anything yet.
Vaggie comes forward, “So? Are you going to tell us everything? You know we are ready to help at a moment’s notice!”
The team all nodded their approval, and Charlie’s face fell, “You…all approve of this?”
Angel narrowed her eyes, “Charlie, honey, don’t be so narrow minded! If you need the help, we got your back!”
Nifty jumped up next, “Absolutely! I can make things look amazing! And it will totally help us make this year the best!”
Charlie is so confused by everything, “What is with people and …”
Alastor steps forward, “That is absolutely right! Everything will need to be absolutely perfect for Charlie! She is counting on all of us this year! Why, it’s going to be quite a show when it’s all done…”
His eyes turn almost murderous as people look over to him, but shrugged because they were used to it. Charlie set down her glass and started to twist her hair, “I don’t know guys…it’s a lot to ask…”
Vaggie came forward and held her up by the shoulders to encourage her, “We are here for you, Charlie! We know how much this means to you!”
Charlie again, seems to look questionable at her, “Oh…I…ok…I mean, I guess it could be…fun…to…pretend awhile?”
Alastor starts to walk away, laughter bubbling up as he goes to the bar.
Angel realizes finally something is…off…
“Charlie what do you mean by pretend? We have gotten the souls before there?”
Vaggie let’s go of her, “Yea…what do you mean pretend? We saw it ourselves, another 365 days on the countdown…”
Charlie looks to Alastor who waves at her, “Oh…for fucks sake, AL!”
Alastor pops up right beside her, and she jumps slightly, he leans forward, “Are we telling them now, darling? I cannot wait much longer!”
Charlie groans, as everyone looks on, “We did get an extension for one year…but…Adam confused what I said and SOMEONE-“ she looks at Alastor, whose shit eating grin is displayed proudly on his face, “Decided to ‘roll with it’ so now Adam thinks we are being married in a year…”
Charlie winces and even closes her eyes, preparing herself for the onslaught of questions, yelling -at her and him- and all the in between. But the group was quiet…for once…and she opened one eye.
All of them were looking amongst each other, a few mumbles could be heard. Even Alastor stood a bit closer to Charlie as if he was expecting a similar reaction, and was made to pause.
Charlie finally blinks, and looks around, “Uh, guys?”
Husker looks at her, “Well…I’ll be damned again…”
Nifty looks over at Alastor, “Well, it is why you’ve always been the boss!”
Vaggie’s eyes are wide, but in surprise, “It’s so dumb…but…”
Angel shouts, “Oh holy shit, we are going to get to plan a full on pretend ROYAL wedding! Damn Charlie what a fantastic idea!”
Charlie, for another point of her day deadpans as everyone starts to chit chat amongst themselves! Alastor turns to place his hand gently on the small of Charlie’s back, “Well, at least we will have enough to make it feel real on the outside to the people e. It does seem, my dear, the idea holds and your friends are all for it…”
Charlie whines, “It’s a wedding, Alastor, they are looking for, not the souls…”
Alastor leans down to her, “Be it as it may, we are going to prove ourselves that we can get the souls they want, and we pretend a while that we are going through the motions of marriage. All you have to do my dear, is trust in me and our team of miscreants.”
Charlie sighs, “But I’m the Princess, Alastor. The people will want proof…”
Angel intervenes here, “Oh please. Alastor may act like he doesn’t want anyone touching him, but him touching you? He’s always all over you Charlie. Believe me, if we didn’t know you, I’d thought you and him would have been tangoing to bed every night.”
Alastor looks at him with distaste but realizes he isn’t wrong…he’s always touching her, spinning her around dancing, dragging her to go see the sights…hell, they usually spend hours in the office chatting. It’s really like much doesn’t need to change! Alastor smiled at Charlie, “You are a special person to me Charlie, I’m sure we can play it up for the people!
Charlie’s hands cover her face quickly, while Angel turns, “Now! Who wants to help plan a wedding!”
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lyranova · 10 months
Hi, I Love the idea of your Halloween event. It's so cute!
If it's okay with you....may I ask for a fic with Fuego and his wife s/o?
Hiya anon! Aw I’m glad you liked my event, I’m sorry this took so long. And of course, I hope you enjoy this despite it being so short!
Word Count: 453
Warnings: None
Tagging: @thoughtfullyrainynightmare
“ Are they coming?”
“ I’m sure they are.”
“ But…what if they don’t?”
“ Then we’ll just eat the candy ourselves.”
“ Tsk, where’s the fun in that?” Fuegoleon Vermillion’s wife tutted with a small pout on her lips. Her husband chuckled softly before he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“ I don’t know, it sounds pretty fun to me.” He muttered, his lips pressing against her shoulder. He smiled a bit as he felt her shoulder shake slightly as she chuckled.
Today was Halloween, and while Fuegoleon wasn’t really one to celebrate it, he decided to give it a try when he learned how much his wife loved it. Soon, it became a holiday he enjoyed as well.
Normally the two went to a ball or party that one of their friends or one of the other nobles were throwing, but not this year, instead the two decided they were going to try something new.
And that was giving candy to Trick or Treaters.
While his wife tried to hide her excitement about it, he knew better, especially after he saw her carrying bags upon bags of candy to hand out.
“ We have enough candy, so when we’re done passing them out, we’ll still have some to share with each other.” She told him softly as she glanced out the window for the tenth time that hour.
“ Unless you suddenly decide to give them all to the children.” He muttered teasingly, as she glared at him and a chuckle escaped his lips they suddenly heard a knock on the door.
His wife eagerly moved out of his arms and towards the door, eliciting another chuckle from him as he watched her move. She quickly cleared her throat, straightened out her costume, and opened the door with a gentle smile on her face.
“ Trick or Treat~!”
“ Oh my, look at these lovely costumes!”
For the rest of the night Fuegoleon watched lovingly as his wife passed out candy and talked gently to the children as she complimented their costumes. She laughed with their parents, pretended to be frightened when the children tried to scare her, and handed out as much candy as she could.
He tilted his head as he watched her kneel down to talk to a timid child, a small thought popping into his head.
Maybe next year, instead of passing out candy, the two of them would be out trick or treating with their own child instead.
Fuegoleon’s wife turned to look at him with a curious gaze, and he quickly shook his head and motioned for her to continue.
Later, after they were done passing out candy, he would ask her for her thoughts on having a child.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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gengarlive · 10 months
a/n: maybe one shot, maybe a new dark au who knows :):) summary: it’s bloody and raw, but i swear it is sweet content: valkyrie x reader | noncon cw | pussy eating, reader has NO physical description! you are straight up called a dog and forced to eat her pussy! 
“Prove your worth to me, and maybe I’ll keep you around.” The Valkyrie sneered as she held your chin in her hands, barely a scratch on her or her guards while your people littered the hall. “Do you understand me, mutt?”
Rage and exhaustion made the hair on your arms prickle, holding their stare as you spit on her face. 
A desperate final act of rebellion.
She didn’t flinch or bother to wipe the saliva from her cheek, keeping a steady hand despite the twinge of annoyance in her voice. “Look at you, trying to get a rise out of me already, mutt, but trust me, I’ll break you in far before that happens.”
All you can do is contemplate your options - wrists bound and surrounded by the bitch and her guards - half hoping the exhaustion would take you and rob her of whatever sick game she wanted to play.
Valkyrie finally frees her hand so she can force you to your knees, snickering to herself at the control she has over you, as she allows others to speak.
“I say we just take them here, your liege, no point in being prudes about it, fuck them and make a show of their final moments in their precious little home -” A brute with an equally gruesome scar over his eye is the first to speak, eager to enjoy any sort of reward for a successful mission.
Quickly jumping in was a darker haired snake of a creature, “- might as well discard all the extra weight here and parade them around after, it’s not like they’ll need any of that antiquated equipment anymore.”
They continued to chime off their depraved ideas one after the other, obsessed with the idea of flaunting you around your home, and would have continued if not for her.
“No. Think, fools.” She sounded more annoyed corralling her own people than dealing with you. “Weak as they are, why would we allow ourselves to let our guards down? How pathetic would it be if you died and we had to share that it was because you were thinking with your cocks instead of your heads.”
A dejected silence overtook them and you had to bite back a smile at their idiocy - silently grateful that their sick wishes would not come to fruition.
“Make yourselves useful and cover me, half of you on guard, lest another dog decides to show up.” They act on her orders immediately, giving her just enough room to unbuckle her pants and stand above you, burying your nose in her bush as she took her time finding a comfortable hold on your head and grinding into your mouth - musk and sweat flooding your senses. “Nothing like a good submission and fight to get me nice and wet, don’t you agree?”
She stops for a second, pretending to wait for an answer before burying your mouth against her, not allowing any space for you to breathe comfortably. “Submit and show me you can listen if you want to breathe, mutt. Be a good pet.”
You hold off as long as you can, but being so desperate for air with her scent and taste inescapable muddled your judgment - you begin to do as she ordered, lapping at her greedily like a starving dog.
A low whine slipping past your lips as she finally pulled your head back to take in how you’ve fallen, chin wet with saliva and her juices, lungs desperately filling with air as you panted for her. 
“What did I tell you? Look at what a good pet you can be if you listen.” Valkyrie waits to see if you’ll register her words and try to fight back, but when she’s not met with any vitriol, she lets out a contented sigh and buries you between her legs again. “Now make me cum so we can leave this filthy place and show you your new home.”
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In December 1993, TK Strand was born. Now, almost 30 years later, it’s time for a fandom celebration!
Window of submission is now: 07/11/23 - 01/12/23
Hi guys. I have decided to shift from a hard deadline to a window of submission instead. This, in large part, is so I might not miss my own fandom event! I’m also hoping it’s gonna allow people in similar situations time to finish anything they might have been hoping to post/share for the event. Happy creating to all you!
Let’s get creative to celebrate our favourite disaster magnet paramedic!
Any medium of work is acceptable, from fic to fanart, videos to gifsets, as long as there’s a focus on his birthday where possible. If that’s not possible and you just wanna make something out of appreciation for TK as a character, that’s great too! It still counts! Anything at all you’d like to create to mark the occasion of TK Strand’s 30th birthday. (Also any genre is fine. Give us birthday fluff. Give us gritty birthday angst. Give us birthday smut 👀)
Although TK’s birthday is canonically in December, I thought it might be nice to give ourselves three months to the day to work on our pieces, meaning they will be posted on November 7th, which in fact is Ronen Rubinstein’s 30th birthday! I thought this might be a nice little way to mark our appreciation for both Ronen and TK.
On November 7th, please tag all works with #tkstrandturns30 and I will put together a masterlist in due course.
Below the cut are 30 prompts for possible birthday related shenanigans. Please ensure that when November 7th arrives, all work is appropriately tagged so we can help each other stay safe and informed. Happy creating!
Carlos stresses over what to get TK for his birthday, TK bombarding him with constant guesses all the while.
On TK’s birthday, Carlos takes him somewhere they’ve never been before.
Flashback to a previous birthday.
On TK’s birthday, one of their plans goes terribly wrong.
Another pet is added to the mix.
TK is moved/overwhelmed/astounded by the beautiful toasts/speeches his friends and family make at his birthday party.
TK becomes aware that his father’s latest midlife crisis is a direct result of the prospect of having a 30 year old son.
Carlos and TK celebrate alone.
Carlos buys TK an “experience” of some kind for his birthday.
TK and Carlos spend TK’s 30th in New York.
Someone ends up in the emergency room.
TK has his last near death experience of his 20s.
TK and Carlos discuss what they want from the next decade of their lives together.
Carlos hides 30 small surprises in the loft.
TK’s friends plan a surprise party, which either goes remarkably well or astonishing badly.
On or around TK’s 30th birthday, someone from his past makes an unwelcome appearance.
TK’s 4th coma. Will he wake up in time to see his birthday?
TK and Carlos plan a trip, and get stranded on the way there.
Owen is an emotional drunk at TK’s party, causing an unusual amount of chaos.
TK gets a birthday text from an ex.
TK thinks Carlos has forgotten his birthday.
TK receives an unusual gift from one of his friends.
TK leaves his birthday party for a moment of quiet introspection.
Enzo sends TK a birthday gift: something that belonged to Gwyn.
Carlos brings the wrong cake home from the bakery.
Carlos dresses as a clown for the party, not realising Owen is afraid of them.
TK accidentally finds out what Carlos is planning for his birthday, and has to choose whether to tell him, or pretend not to know.
Carlos and TK do something new in the bedroom.
TK gets the PERFECT birthday gift from an unexpected source.
Lou II wears a party hat, but who on earth got it onto his head?
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Much like s3 this is going to be all over the place because I need to vent about the newest episode and the season as a whole because I have really tried to remain optimistic and positive but episode 6 is pushing my limits. And if you liked the episode, and are enjoying the direction s3 is going in that's great, love that for you, there's a reason why this post has a critical tag keep it moving it ain't for you.
I am starting to get so annoyed with this show, and the more I think about it the more annoyed I get, and ultimately I'm left at a place of dissapointment and disillusionment with this season. It had so much potential, so many roads that could have been explored, and it started out so well! Then turned into a sloppy, inconsistent mess that made what used to be the main character into a side character and seemingly forgot all about his journey. And I won't pretend like there haven't been things that I've enjoyed this season because there have been, there's even things I've really liked in this latest ep, and there's been episodes I've liked, but six eps in it's time to accept the fact that this season is not as well written as the past two. The episodes by themselves are inconsistent in tone and quality, and the season as a whole doesn't flow as smoothly and cohesively as seasons one and two did. I'll be fair to the show and say that maybe this season should have been dropped all at once because maybe if it's binge watched instead of week to week it's different but I doubt it, I'm pretty sure that when I do binge it I'm just gonna notice the issues even more.
I've never made it a secret that I would love to see Din as Mand'alor, I think he'd be a great leader and think the show has shown that even giving us a glimpse of that this very season with ep 5. But, I'll echo what others have said, if he wasn't meant to be Mand'alor, if that's not the direction they wanted to take the character in that's fine but take me on the journey with him. Let me see him struggle with the decision, with the weight of possibly having to rule his people, let me see his journey as he decides that ruling would not be for him, let him actually use the darksaber, let him try to learn to wield it and not just in a training scene of the spinoff. But don't give him this weapon that's so important for his people, tease us about him becoming a leader, only have him use it like 3-4 times, not properly adress that he has it, and then have him give it back to Bo-Katan through a loophole. Because let's not lie to ourselves it was a loophole. And then expect me to be okay with it!
My problem is not that Din is not Mand'alor. My problem is the way that it's written.
We are not getting to see and know his feelings and thoughts, on anything! I'm gonna bring up an issue I had with the last episode which was the Armorer suddenly being okay with Bo-Katan removing her helmet. For some reason, a lot of people failed to understand why some of us found it sus or didn't like that of her. She had known Din his whole life, he had dedicated his whole life to his covert yet she didn't give him a chance to even explain why he had removed his helmet in the first place. And maybe the Armorer has realized she's wrong, maybe she's had some character growth and she's changed her opinion. Fair. Valid. Show me. Show me her reaching that growth, show me what her thoughts are, better yet show me her talking to Din about it, she doesn't have to tell him about the Mythosaur but show me them talking about this, show me what Din's thoughts and feelings are towards this. Din removing his helmet was made into a big deal but I'm supposed to take this at face value and not want acknowledgement of it in any form because...it was solved within the first two eps? No.
The thing is also that I could deal with the season storyline being inconsistent and not cohesive if it at least the magic and emotion and personality was still at the same level. But because we're not actually going on the characters journey, and we're not seeing their thoughts and feelings explored more than a surface level, and we're barely getting Din and Grogu which was the most special part of this show a lot of that is lost.
The writers either genuinely want me to just take things at face value, or trust them, and neither works for me.
And I've been optimistic that it's all been leading up to something, and maybe it is there's still time, but the way I'm feeling right now it's as if the writers are playing with fans - Din fans to be specific - and I don't like that. I'm just very disillusioned with how this season has been handled and I'm worried that regardless of how it ends I won't end up liking it- especially if the rumors are true which I hadn't been paying attention to but now I'm starting to wonder if there's some truth to them and Din will either be fully written off or he'll officially become a side character.
There's still two episodes left, hope is low but not dead, maybe we'll be surprised and they'll do a 180 and reveal everything was leading up to something and it'll be amazing......I'm not optimistic but I really want that to be the case because I do still love this show.
And maybe once the season ends I'll look back on it and- I can't even type it I was gonna say maybe I'll look back on it and see the genius but I'm done lying to myself. But maybe I will look back and like it more, and have a more positive view of the season as a whole.
Show, please, get your shit together.
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Independent Work - The Truman Show
5. What to you is the most memorable part of the film?
The most memorable part of the film for us was the ending scene. Not only the was the set beautiful and unique but the narrative significance this moment held was incredibly tangible. 
The set is very simplistic, and makes use of a few defining features to make is so memorable. The use of a singular colour mixed with the uncanny-ness of the set design emphasises the absurd nature of Truman’s predicament and the manufactured world he had been living in his whole life. The monochrome light blue set colours, calm waves, and use of sunny weather imbue this scene with a sense of tranquility and peace. This makes sense — the storm has passed (both literally and figuratively), Truman has made it through his toughest hurdle and found his way to freedom. The scene is the moment of falling action in the film right after the climax, and therefore creates a much more serene atmosphere compared to the previous scenes. 
This moment is not only significant for Truman’s character, but also for the audience. 
Up till now, the film has provided a social commentary of our culture of surveillance, and our obsession with the spectacle, reality tv and celebrity culture. It confronts how we have commodified the lives of individuals for our own consumption. However, most of this criticism is directed at characters in the film, and although they represent the attitudes of people in the real world, it can be easy to pretend that you’re looking in from the perspective of a outsider instead of one of the people the film is critiquing. It can be easy to be alienated from these people that clearly appear so morally corrupt that you couldn’t possibly identify with them. 
When we first watched this scene, we initially felt upset. What happened after he left the set? We wanted to know and felt frustrated that the director decided to end the movie at this moment. It was here that we realised that we were acting exactly as the fans of The Truman Show had been acting throughout the movie. It made us notice that I also felt entitled to his narrative, his life. This scene pulls the mirror up on the viewer and forces us to confront our own beliefs and consumer habits. It makes us realise that we, too, are an audience deriving pleasure and entertainment from Truman’s exploitation. 
Its this meta-narrative acknowledgement of a character who was abused and exploited for our own enjoyment and capitol finally leaving the perception of not just fans of The Truman Show in the movie, but also out of our perception of the narrative and out of the hands of both their oppressive institutions and the writers. It finally gives Truman the sense of agency he was denied his whole life, even to the point where he is allowed to leave us, the viewers, and the movie writers/producers that have controlled his life up until now. 
This is what makes this moment truly memorable for us, because it forced us to look inwards and confront and correct some behaviour that we had thought ourselves above. 
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soulsxng · 1 year
@arcxnumvitae | It's the crackship roulette baybeeeee! | Accepting!
Nirbhi & Somnio (Both of them would probably feel some kind of kinship or understanding with each other in that both of them were "trapped" for a long time; albeit in different ways. They can bond over talking about some of the different places that they've traveled to!)
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"Oh! I hardly ever meet aaaanybody that's been there before! What did you think about it? What time of year did you go?" Nirbhi knew that she was asking a lot of questions of the demon, but she couldn't help it. She was the type who could talk to just about anyone in general. So when it came to something like this, that she really loved? It was even worse than usual. "I ask, because if you go toward the end of fall, there's a phenomenon that sometimes occurs where the snow will start to glow at night, like an aurora! I missed it myself when I went, and now I just have to go back, one day!"
Baphomet & Huaxiu (...Wait, why another god? Are the dragons collecting gods?? I don't know how much Huaxiu would like Baet, if I'm being honest. Then again, Baet has an energy that somehow makes people that typically shouldn't like him, like him anyway...so I could be wrong?)
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"Well, well. I came to talk to Aro about something, but I didn't expect a dragon to answer his door. If that's the case...I would imagine he's still asleep-- actually, wait...let's not get ahead of ourselves, hmm? Not every day you meet one of the esteemed Red Eyes of the Dragon God, after all." A smile curves at Baphomet's lips, and he offers his hand to Huaxiu in greeting. From what he could sense, there were five, no...six other dragons inside, as well the Inari that he had come to speak with. They must have come for Ativere's festival. "My name is Baphomet. And you are?"
Melchior & Eilidh (Immediately, I know that Io would love Eilidh. Not even in that way necessarily, but...she has that type of energy that he tends to gravitate toward in people he likes to hang around with)
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"I don't mean to bother you, but would you be willing to help me out with somethin'? It won't take long, I promise." The demon was on a job, and the person he was tailing seemed to have started getting suspicious that they were being followed. Rather than jump in, and potentially see bystanders caught in the fighting that would no doubt come from it, Io decided that it would be best to just blend in for a bit, instead. "Pretend that you know me? Talk about something, walk with me a little...we could sit down at that cafe, if you wanted. I'll even order you something. What do ya say?"
Enoch & Aur (You know the "I'm in danger!" meme? That. That's the feeling I get from this. For various reasons. That aside though, I feel like they would probably get along pretty well with each other? The dragons are out here collecting deities, and Aur is collecting Questionable Company lmao)
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"King Camhlaidh. My most humble apologies if I was in your way. Please, go ahead." Of course Enoch had noticed Seelie's ruler approaching already, and had positioned himself in such a manner that they would cross paths. Cloudy wings give a little billow as he bows deep, straightening again soon after to follow leisurely alongside Aur. "It would seem that we both had a similar idea, in taking a small respite from the crowd. Between the toasts and such, things are getting to be rather boisterous in there, aren't they? Even more-so for you, I would imagine-- and while that tends to mean the party is going rather successfully-- a break would be more than well-deserved."
Callan & Amara (I could at least see them being friends! From what I can tell, Amara has a somewhat similar personality type to Callie's best friend...though hopefully a little less energetic? Not to mention, one of the familiars that Callan's mom is bound to, takes the shape of a phoenix, so he would love to meet a real one!)
"He's usually a little better behaved than this...I guess he really likes you, though. It's okay if you pet him; he won't bite or anything." Pale blonde locks swish back and forth with the shaking of Callan's head. The Cephlani's arms crossing over his chest as he regards the odd looking raven that had settled on Amara's shoulder. Though it didn't seem to have any eyes (or any evident facial features at all, really), the bird seemed to be intently watching the food that the phoenix had in his hand. Giving a little purr, followed by a few noises that sounded like kisses, like it was trying to butter Amara up.
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"Oh, he wants your food! I'll get him, sorry. Thistle, come on, you can't just fly up to someone and demand that they give you their stuff. Talk about rude..."
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randombrainworm · 1 year
Worm reads Discworld, part 1/41
The Watch sub-series: Guards! Guards!
“Listen, if anyone ever sets fire to this city, it’s going to be me.”
OR: A drunk, a dragon and a dwarf, but somehow nothing’s quite what it seems.
Of course I’m starting with this one. Of course I am. It was an obvious choice. That bastard (affectionately) Samuel Vimes owns my heart. He’s a cynical pragmatic who’s done with the world but at the same time cares deeply about his city, he knows what it means to be poor, to scratch the bottom of the social ladder from the other side of the pavement, his job is the only meaning of his life for a long, long time until she meets a Lady who takes care of dragons for a living (and is quite obsessed with them in fact), is way taller and stronger than him and on a direct opposite of the wealthy spectrum (not that money matters to Vimes) and falls fast and hard for her (relatable. I too would ask Lady Sybil for her hand in marriage). And YET, Vimes’ character doesn’t experience a major shift, he doesn’t decide to give up on his job in Watch and focus on personal life only - no. Unlike many protagonists, Vimes proves that it’s entirely possible to hate-love your job and not abandon it while at the same time make room in your life for something more.
But I’m getting ahead of myself (forgive me, I could write essays about Vimes and Sybil and the importance of the Watch). So let's get back to the book itself:
Ankh-Morpork is presented to us in a low point. It’s functioning (somehow), but things aren’t going extremely well. The Watch is a joke, a bunch of nobodies who don’t know any better summon a dragon that, for most of the book, may or may not exist, and the supposed heir to the throne is… An interesting case of a dwarf.
Now, having read later books, I really like Carrot, but the first book didn’t really sell him to me until the last dozen or so pages. Admittedly, he too had to try to wrangle the chaos that’s Ankh-Morpork (which makes this story a good starting point in my opinion - we can watch the city through the prism of an outsider, not that different than ourselves) but I didn’t see much of the “Where people went wrong was thinking that simple meant the same thing as stupid.” (a sentiment explored multiple times in “Men at Arms”). I suppose my main problem was that because of the book’s structure I wasn’t sure until the last moment in I should treat him like one of the main characters or an important support to Vimes’ arc.
General remarks:
The overall plot was pretty straight-forward and you could quite easily figure out where it was going, even though the strangeness of the Discworld still managed to make me raise a brow (the rats… If only they could read). The characters (always Pterry’s strength, in my humble opinion) are diverse and interesting and there’s just enough of the outer layer peeling off to get us hooked in their future development (simple watchmen who maybe are ready to risk their lives instead of pretending All’s fine, even if they do it with eyes tightly shut; the genius Patrician who always has plans B to M at ready). The magic is a tad bit confusing, but that's a given in this series and the fact that it was the first book on my reading list definitely didn't help. The Watchmen getting a swamp dragon as a pet was precious, especially the bit when Carrot bought him a rubber hippo. Not to mey it's good to see a middle-aged woman who's passionate about something and isn't a snob or a blushing mess. Sybil's friendship (?) with Nobby was especially nice, people seen by others as weirdos solidarity for the win!
GREEN - from my experience, the first book in the series is always either a total success with later ones being unable to reach its level (this happens when the author put all their good ideas into the first book and had to scrap something together because of the tight deadline) or the first book is the weakest and the rest of the series gets increasingly better as the author gets a feel of what does and what doesn’t work. This is the second case, I believe. Guards! Guards! is a strong basis to build on, should it be other author I’d probably give it PINK, but I know what PTerry is capable of.
Until next time,
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darksoulwizard · 1 year
One of the most memorable episodes of my school life was when I reached senior high school. My first day at school was such a day. It was the month of August 2022. I was the 16 years old. And I am still 16 years old right now. My family decided that I should enroll in face-to-face classes rather than an online class so I could interact with and communicate with other people instead of always staying at home.
After I finished enrolling myself, I waited for a few days for an announcement about which class I belonged to. A few days later, school starts. I felt nervous and could not think of anything else.
School is both stressful and fun. Almost everyone in this world has been or will go to school at some point in their lives.
One of the funniest episodes in my school life was when our teacher in practical research 1 asked us to introduced ourselves and choose one object that could describe ourselves. After my other classmates introduced themselves, it was one of our friend’s turns. She introduced herself and told the teacher that the object she chose to describe herself is a sunflower. And when our teacher asked for a reason why she liked sunflowers, she just answered that she just liked them.
One of the most dramatic episodes in my school life was when my classmate in 7th grade had an argument. It was really a heated argument, and they kept shouting at each other to the point that my other classmates needed to stop them. A few minutes later, they got exhausted from shouting but still didn’t stop arguing. And one of my classmates told my other classmates to stop them or they might faint. After my classmate said the word “faint”. My classmate, who is having argument, pretends to faint. I can say that he is pretending because when my other classmates pursued my other classmates to call a teacher, He stood up, like he didn’t pretend to faint.
One of the happiest episodes of my school life was the first time I heard her laugh. And when she moved into our class in the second semester, I was shocked. One of my best friends knows that I have a crush on her and keep teasing me about it. And the more they teased me, the more I fell in love with her. And I really like it when she calls me by my nickname.
One the saddest moments in my academic career was when she started distancing herself from me because I think she knows about the feelings I harbor for her. But I’m still thankful that she didn’t completely distance herself from me. But I’m still sad because she views me differently now. Before, we could go home together and play together, but now we hardly greet each other. And I can only see her properly every time she plays volleyball. Because she will never know that I am watching. Because I’m only watching her from far.
And also, one of the happiest moments in my academic career is when I am with my friends, or when I and my friends go to a lot of different place after school. I am really grateful to have met them and to have them as my friends.
The most annoying thing that happened to me in my school life was when someone touched my phone without permission and had the audacity to put a password on it. And every time I remember, or someone reminds me about what happened to my phone, I always hope that the person who put the password on it stumbles. And also, one of the most annoying things that happened was when we practiced our molecular dance. Because our choreographer is expecting too much from us and thinks that we could master the dance steps right away after they teach them to us. And letting us practice under the scorching heat of the sun and giving us a ridiculous reason that it can energize us, but instead I end up getting sick and can’t get up from bed for almost two days.
One of the most memorable episodes in my school life was when I was in 8th grade. I was not expecting that I would be ok at my section because I am a returnee.
I was not expecting to be happy and comfortable with the people around me. They are so friendly. I remember the second day of my school year when one of my classmates approached me, he asked my name, and told me that I was so funny yesterday. Then he asked me to join them at the back, and that day was so funny and memorable to me because I did an unexpected thing. We have our subject teacher telling to us what we need to bring or what book we need to buy for her subject, and me and my classmates got bored and had nothing to do, so I start the unexpected thing that I was talking about earlier so I licked my new school shoes because I cleaned them and wiped it using baby wipes and alcohol. then one of our classmates saw me licking my shoes, and she called other classmates to see what I was doing, and they started to laugh and make fun of me.
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nazuqi · 2 years
im doing this instead of studying haha,,,
this thread right here
this one's for nazuqi
1) What were their first impressions with each other??
nazu: oh a new kid
me: omg a nice person
2) Who fell in love with who first?
we do not know when we each fell in love it happened and when we realized it we discovered we'd been in love for who knows how long
3) tell me how did they catch feelings for one another like what was their 'i just fell in love' moment
none, we realized we just. loved each other cannot be apart we miss each other
4) what was their first meeting like? Was it a disaster, Or was it a lovely encounter?
i got lost and nazu found me :> disaster on my end because i got scolded for being lost but we met each other and ever since then,,,, lots happened
5) what are their love languages to each other?
words of affirmation, physical touch, acts of service
6) who confessed? And how did the confession went?
nazu, because i waited. haha... i had to leave again and he was afraid we'd never see each other again
7) how long did they developed their feelings to each other before actually confessing their love?
too many years to count
8) show me what type of ship dynamic are they
childhood friends, looks like they're married even when theyre not
9) if your ship was a series / movie, what genre would it be?
slice of life
10) what is the biggest obstacle to their relationship? and how do they overcome it?
being apart physically,,, we video call and call and make sure to visit often
11) do they deny their feelings to each other at first? Or was it just pure love?
12) what do they love about each other the most?
the other just feels like home. comfort, love, rest- the whole package
13) what do they have in common with each other?
just. on the same page usually
14) what are their friends / family's reactions when they finally found out that they are dating?
as if they knew before us
15) tell me how their first kiss went
quick, sweet, wanting another and another
16) who is more affectionate?
equally i suppose
17) do they have their special place to hangout with? like a secret garden or somewhere that only they know
18) pretend that someone asked them to describe their s/o, how will they describe their s/o to that person?
will say a bunch of things and then like. blank out and say that they cant do it (for both of us)
19) who are the 'protectors' of your ship?
20) what happens when they get into a big fight? do they apologize easily?
very rare to happen, will give each other space and then hold each other to figure it out. no apology needed until we decide we need one. we find out what happened first and go on from there
21) what are their dream house like?
just has to be not too big, cozy, and a very comfy space to relax in. qian is thinking about lofts...
22) do they consider on having kids? if they do show me what their lovechild is like!
we do...
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23) how will they react if they knew someone is trying to tear their relationship down?
we would compose ourselves and work together to stop them
24) what things do they tend to argue about?
who gets the better part. we both make the argument that the other has to
25) are they interested in getting married? If so tell me how the proposal went!
yes. first proposal was a playground proposal lmfao so that doesn't count but technicaly. if the proposal is the first question of if we should get married, it would be me being like "hmm i wonder what our life would be like if we get married" and then by the end of tht conversation we both understood that we wanted to get married . but i made nazu do the official one that we told everyone about. was a little fancy. we chose the rings together tho
26) how will their wedding look like? outdoors? Indoors? and how many people will attend?
indoors,,, mid to small wedding i suppose. have a dance floor, soft and pretty :> maybe bunny theme
27) tell me a funny moment that happened with your ship
first time i sat on his lap in public rumors started and then like a day later we had to make an announcement that yes we are dating
28) does your ship have their own theme / duet song? if so what song is it?
dreamin chuchu
29) who is your ship's number one supporter?
ionno ?? e
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Hello there :), you as prime minister would definitely be a cultural reset, a power move the world ain’t ready for!
I bet you’re more smooth than you give yourself credit for, see flirtatious eyes and pretending to fall, you ain’t fooling nobody haha. Also if midnight dances with a cute girl in the rain would feel like heaven, don’t get me started on snowball fighting with a cute girl during Christmas.
I deeply relate to you regarding hiding this part of ourselves, if I had to take a guess on why, I would say it’s a combo of protecting my vulnerable self and a society effect. Our everyday life connections usually feel superficial, it’s hard getting to really know somebody, we’re always running and busy with everything and nothing, don’t get me wrong we meet beautiful souls and great friends along the way, but really knowing these human beings takes a long time and I don’t know if we’re truly capable of letting go and let somebody know 100% of us, I hope we are.
I love your positivity and I couldn’t agree more, I think we need to be more kind to one another. Life is funny, life is weird, life is painful, life is beautiful and i also don’t know what life is haha. We really don’t know nothing about this world, I have no idea what we’re doing and what our purpose it’s supposed to be.
Omggg yesss pleaseee take me with you!!Lets runaway and write a bunch of books, we can write all genres, self help, crime, romance, thriller, poems, whatever! You really have no idea how these words warm my heart ahaha sometimes I think about it, like in another world I would be somewhere in the woods writing, in another I would have a coffee shop in a small town. What about you? What are you doing in another world?
Well, whatever place your words come from, I believe that are a lot of people out there that need to ear it, although some aren’t ready for it yet. The world is better place because you’re on it 💕
I also love staying in touch with nature, I love going for walks just to get fresh air, with music or no music it really depends on the mood, it’s lovely either way. I’m drinking my water haha thank you, hope you too. I didn’t see a lot of flowers today, but it was pouring raining and I decided to go for a run in the middle of it haha, it was quite the experience but it brought me peace and it reminded me of you.
I hope you get to eat some chocolate, because well it’s pretty self explanatory, chocolate’s amazing and I really hope you aren’t one of those sociopath people who hate it haha. Stay well :)
Hey anon 👋, hahaha yeeeeees 👏🙈
Ha ha whaaaat? O.o nooooo, Oh shit bloody nuts your on to my game 😅😂. Oh my gosh, yeeeessss. Snow ball fights.
I agree with you, people have been brought up differently and it’s so hard to break the cycle of the shit you’ve seen and been put through. It’s a challenge on its own. I think we hide things about ourselves as we feel ashamed. People either leave before you know them or just don’t want to get close so they don’t get hurt.
Yeah life is funny and weird as non of us actually asked to be here, if you ask me I think that’s hella rude. But seriously, life is just so fully of life, it’s filled with such amazing things. How things are growing so quickly and how far we have come. I believe we find our own purpose, our own happiness, our life is ours and nobody can take that away from us. It’s in our hands and we have to take control of it. We might get lost as things will get in the way but we can either destroy ourselves or make it the best life. Humans are masters of destroying their own minds and lives. We have to look a lot deeper than just see things that are there. Instead of seeing an object, look deeper into it. Without the rain and sun we wouldn’t have a rainbow, there is just so much more to life than just work and living. But life can be suffocating but it’s not life itself it’s the things around it that are causing you the suffocation and damaging you. We pick our destination so make it a fucking good one.
Right I’ll be waiting outside with my bicycle lol, I have a spare helmet ?? 🙈. Your world sounds hella fucking peaceful, it sounds so warm and made me feel like I’d be comfortable and at home. I hope you escape to your world when things get tough. My world?? My world is crazy ahaha. One version is, having a restaurant/spa/coffee place as I’d cook food for everyone and watching them eat my food as they smile into the bite they took. My place would be in some woods but on a high hill with a beautiful sparkly Diamond like waterfall. The best sunsets and sunrises as we are high up with the best view. Spa to help relax and the coffee show to see people come together, drink my hot drink as they sink into their chairs and holder the mug a littler tighter. Listening to their problems, gathering the darkness and letting it go as the sun goes down and the darkness burns in the sunlight. The most memorising, spectacular sky’s, the moon and stars. Filling my soul and making me feel light, as if I can fly with no worries. The smell of wood burning, the light restoring the light inside my soul. Taking peoples darkness and turning it into hope. A place where there are no judgments nor expectations. Filled with love and kindness.
That is so kind, you’re so freaking kind thank you for your words. You’re a positive human being and awesome no lie. I hope that light never dies inside of your soul and that it keeps burning 💕.
There won’t be much flowers as the leafs are falling. It’s still freaking amazing. Did you do well on your run? That’s so sweet 🙈. Did you feel the rain or just get wet? I’m glad the rain brought you peace, peace is good for the soul.
Chocolate is amazing, tastes hella good 😍. Who can hate chocolate??? I actually don’t eat chocolate because I can’t stop if I do. I have to have a mini fight with myself inside my mind tell me to stop 😅😂. I hope you’ve been well and that things have been good for you.
Also, if all you did was breath and do nothing, that’s enough and I’m proud of you. Sometimes getting through the day is an achievement within itself.
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