#so when I got the chance (and when I calmed my nerves lol) I just went over and started a conversation
🦉 🩹 if you’re still doing them!
Unexpected Surprises - Jack Delroy/Reader
Warnings: Gender neutral reader, no use of Y/N, mentions of Minne's sickness and death, Jack is a miserable drunk, sad unrequited kisses, the reader makes a deal.
Wordcount: 5486
Summary: 'Night Owl Co-host' wasn't the job you signed up for, and you really weren't prepared to be a TV personality when getting coffee for the real stars was what you were expecting, but maybe you could do this as long as your new friends kept cheering you on.
Notes: According to my docs I've written for Jack more than anyone so far, him and Abner have so much love in my inbox and I'm so happy for that 😊 I almost missed this one since I saved the starts in my drafts, so I'm super glad I looked lol. Bit different plot this time, so far it's my only fic without smut for him haha but I've wanted to explore this kind of friendship for a while, so I'm glad I was able to get the chance to, I hope you enjoy it~ 💗💗💗
When you went in for your interview at UBC Studies, you expected to get stuck with the unfortunate but decent-paying job of getting others some coffee, taking some calls, and being bossed around by some snooty TV people who thought themselves better than you. What you didn't expect was for them to take one look at you, hear your voice and match it with your outgoing personality, and instead give you a job alongside their newest sign, Jack Delroy, as his co-host. You didn't know a thing about the guy, just that he came from radio, and those people had a tendency to be just as stuck up as their television counterparts. You weren't excited, but the paycheck was miles better than what you would've gotten had you gone with the internship, so you spent the next month preparing your best showman self for the cameras with the help of your friends and family, who were all excited to see you make an absolute fool of yourself on live television.
Schadenfreude, your oldest foe.
The dress rehearsal ran fine, the seats all empty as everyone practiced their cues for the first show, got used to where they'd be sitting or standing or pointing their cameras, backstage abuzz with energy as people grabbed coffee to calm their nerves about tomorrow and sneakily poured in a little extra flavour of their own when that didn't help. The man of the hour himself, Mr. Delroy, or Jack as he wanted everyone to call him, seemed pretty okay, he'd only had a chance to give you a quick hello before he was being rushed off to go over his markers, and you were in the middle of wondering where the hell you were supposed to come in when you were ushered off to the area beside the band. You were to stay there primarily, offer your own comedic quips as you saw fit as long as they were sponsor-safe, but for the most part you just had to rehearse your own bits to go along with his teleprompted speeches.
Basically: stand there, look nice, boost him up.
So you did just that, your grin as wide as it would go as everyone practiced, you really needed this job and you were not about to serve coffee to these people after being their boss, your charm on full blast just like his as final checks were given and everyone celebrated in early excitement for tomorrow night. That was another thing, getting stuck on Night Owls meant you had to become one, no more early bedtimes so you could get in a good 10 hours; now you would be getting home at almost 2AM after everything, and still be expected to get up at 7 so you could be a model citizen and do things like shop and go to the bank and socialize. You dreaded that part more than the job itself, already feeling tired as you pulled into the lot and dragged yourself over to his studio. 
It was already busy again, other shows already filming as you traversed the back halls you were now familiar with, and you made sure you looked presentable before stepping backstage to find Jack and go over your very first routine together. You found him talking to your producer, Leo Fiske, who was already smoking what had to be his second pack of the day and running on pure nerves while Jack looked so wired he might've actually been able to run a mile or two before the show started. Neither noticed you until you approached, Jack’s eyes meeting yours a second before Leo turned and grabbed onto your shoulders.
‘The hell have you been?’ he instantly demanded, Jack muttering for him to calm down as you tore yourself free and readjusted your sleeves.
‘There's still an hour before the show, I'm not late,’ you defended yourself, Leo shaking his head and motioning towards everyone already there.
‘I dunno what kinda job you had before this, but if you're an hour early you're already an hour late,’ he explained, Jack hushing him again before Leo noticed something else and had to run off and fix it before he could continue with you. You just stared, used to his eccentric personality already, so you weren't upset or anything, but this would definitely not help your desire to go home and go to bed in the upcoming nights.
‘Don't worry about him,’ Jack said softly as he watched him go, your hand already up to wave off his concern.
‘I really don't,’ you admitted with a chuckle, and as you went for your own coffee you realized that this was the first time you'd actually been alone with him since production started; despite being co-hosts, both of your attentions had been torn elsewhere the past month, all your smalltalk and introductions surrounded by other people and large gaps as you stood in your places and worked out what activities you'd be doing as the show went on. ‘So, big night tonight, huh? I've never done anything like this before, if I mess up I'll have to quit,’ you joked, and he just drank the rest of his coffee before shaking his head and tossing the cup into the trash.
‘Nah, I've seen how quick you are on your feet, if you make any mistakes I'm sure you'll be able to spin it and make the audience laugh, and that's all that really matters,’ he told you with a smile, and you felt something flutter in your stomach at the sight of it; okay, weird, he wasn't usually your type and was technically more your boss than anything despite being around the same age, you'd have to decipher that one when you got home tonight. ‘Besides, if you can't think of anything I'll be sure to cover you, I've done my fair share of, you'll forgive the expression, fuck ups on air,’ he admitted lowly with a wink, the fluttering turning to something stronger as you just nodded back. 
‘What're you doing still standing around? You think you're gunna wear that on camera? I told you to match with Jack, there's gotta be something in here we can get you in- Jesus, tomorrow you two are going shopping together so you don't clash like this again.’ Leo was a flash flood of words as he came up behind you, your eyes wide as you had seconds to take in what he was saying before you were being herded off towards the section of backstage dedicated to makeup, hair, and costumes. Jack just chuckled as he followed after so that the poor woman would know how to match you, your carefully picked outfit respectfully torn off of you behind a curtain while Leo flipped through the available backups while ignoring the advice of the costumer. 
By the time midnight was finally about to hit, you were wearing an entirely new outfit, Jack was making sure everything was in place, and Leo was halfway through that second pack as you took a deep breath and headed out in front of everyone. The seats were all packed to your surprise, you weren't sure for the longest time if this new late night show would be able to compete with the others, but as you got into position and the band started to warm up, you felt a new confidence take over as you pictured how hard Jack had been working to get here, how much he wanted this. As such, you gave it your all as you announced your sponsors and very first guests, your best professional voice on as you mimicked other hosts you'd been watching to prepare for tonight. The music was loud behind you, upping your energy even more as Jack’s cue ramped up, and when you called out his name and everyone cheered you felt a bit of pride join the butterflies as the door opened and he danced out.
‘Good evening, Night Owls! I’m your host, Jack Delroy, and thank you for allowing me into your living rooms for the first of what I hope will be many, many shows,’ he declared as he took his mark, an extremely brief prayer to the heavens you noticed was not part of his rehearsals offered up now that he was in front of the cameras. ‘I’d like to thank everyone who helped bring this dream to life, especially my dear mom and dad back in Berwyn, Illinois, who I know are sitting in front of their TV set, big smiles on their faces, watching “The Tonight Show” with Johnny Carson.”’ A drum beat was hit right on cue as he made a pained face, the audience eating it up as you also couldn’t help but laugh despite hearing the bit over and over while he practiced, and the smile that followed kicked those butterflies into overdrive as he gazed up at everyone starting to fall in love with him already.
You felt that pride only grow as the night went on, Jack feeding you all the energy you needed throughout the show until you didn't need it anymore, the two of you meshing so well it was like you'd always known each other. All of his jokes landed, his personality translated greatly to the camera, and you couldn't help but tease when a woman in the audience called him handsome, his face lighting up faster than the 4th of July at the comment. You saw it and couldn't help but join in, Jack hiding from the cameras playfully as the audience agreed, someone else saying they'd been listening to his show for years and that he did not have a face for radio, and when he laughed loud you laughed right along with him.
All in all it was a successful first night, very much so if you did say so yourself, and when it was over and the cameras were cut you all gathered out on stage for hugs and cheers as the audience gave their final applause and headed out the doors. Leo, who might have burned straight through to his fourth pack you did not doubt, hooked his arms around both your neck and Jack's, big kisses pressed to your cheeks as he promised champagne for everyone who was still awake enough to stick around. You wanted to decline, go home and sleep, but the moment you saw Jack loosen his tie and accept a glass for a toast you found yourself not so tired anymore.
You got more used to your new schedule as the weeks turned to months, Night Owls getting more popular as time went on to everyone's delight, and as you became closer as co-hosts you ended up finding a pretty good friend in Jack as well. Being a proper night owl was hard, but he helped you get into a livable routine of it as he invited you out before the show, made sure you got used to eating so you wouldn't be running on empty despite the late hour, a quick coffee not enough to cut it you learned after the first week.
It was while you were out on one of these pre-show dinners that you learned about Madeleine, his girlfriend that he'd met a couple months ago and officially asked out with the news that Night Owls was in the Top 10. Your smile faltered for just a second before you caught yourself and shook her hand, and she was polite and beautiful as she sat down next to Jack and blushed as he wrapped his arm around her and kissed her neck. You'd never seen him like this before, so doting and flustered and very clearly in love as he couldn't keep his eyes off of her, and you kept your smile up all the way through their talks about how they met, how much she adored him while he tried to switch the conversation to her, up until you headed for the show, and when you walked through the doors Leo took one look at you and offered you his whiskey without a word, a new one already poured by the time you drank it back.
You weren't jealous of Madeleine, you weren't, but by God if you didn't feel a twinge every time she showed up backstage on her way home from one of her own shows to kiss him goodnight. He was head over heels and it showed when he went on stage, his energy unmatched as he delivered the best hours of his life to the masses every weeknight. You were there for every single one, never letting the facade crack as you stood next to him, played off his jokes, spun the wheel and got more hugs than him from happy winners as his slightly younger and conventionally attractive counterpart, as Leo once described you, and even acted alongside him in some random sketches since you both weren't actors and your campiness brought charm to it. 
You weren't jealous of her, but you couldn't deny your feelings for him the night he announced his engagement, not even a year into their relationship, as Jack tapped his glass with his knife and got everyone's attention. He declared it to the room, everyone who was able to attend out for a big Night Owl dinner to celebrate one year on air, and after you all toasted to that he surprised you all with invitations to the wedding, which was to be a small gathering of just their family and closest friends, which he now considered all of you to be. You toasted to that as well, but didn't realize you'd started crying until Leo handed you a tissue and offered to pour you more wine, since you'd just finished off your glass. You didn't stand out, some of the others were crying too over the news, but you had a feeling that Leo knew your tears weren't in joy for the happy couple when he offered you his handkerchief next.
It got better with time, honestly you didn't even think that your crush was that strong to begin with, it was more so the fact that your best friend was taken than anything, and you were able to push past it with great success. As the first year turned into two you only became closer, and you didn't even feel jealous anymore when you and Leo were invited up to Madeleine's family cottage up in the mountains that Christmas. You had a wonderful time, and you joined in the teasings right along with her as Jack was gifted the ugliest sweater you'd ever seen in your life, which he of course wore proudly while denying its ugliness, although you could not tell if it was just another bit or not. Gifts were exchanged, drinks were had, and when you fell asleep in the spare room while watching the snowfall outside you felt like you'd found yourself a family with those three, and that meant much more to you than any crush ever would.
It broke your heart when Madeleine's diagnosis was shared with you that morning a few years in, genuinely shattered it as his voice cracked and he had to cover his mouth to stop himself from breaking down. ‘We just received the news last night,’ he confided in you, the two of you currently having breakfast together because he couldn't be home when she wasn't there. ‘Her parents are coming down, her sister is at the hospital with her while she's doing more tests to be sure, I don't… I stopped smoking inside for her, she hated the smell of it, and she's never smoked a day in her life, I don't understand, I just don't-’
You reached across the table to place your hand on his arm, and he held onto you as he finally did break down, people glancing over to watch and guess as you fought not to glare at them. You moved to his side of the table, protecting him with your silhouette, and when the waitress came over to take your orders you asked for a bit more time while he hunched over his cold coffee and just breathed.
The atmosphere was solemn as Jack wheeled Madeleine backstage to get ready, both of your friends looking like the life had been sucked out of them as everyone gave her their polite but quiet hellos. You went last, only going because Leo nudged you directly in the spine to get your legs to move, and she took off her oxygen mask so she could pull you down into a tight hug.
‘Take care of him for me,’ she whispered in your ear just quietly enough for you to hear, and you knew you were crying before you could even pull away.
You gave them all the space they needed during the show, no time for quips or jokes as she talked about how they met, their hands clasped the entire hour as everyone just listened. No one hid their tears, not even Jack as she told him she loved him, and she was still beautiful as you saw him whisper it back to her.
When the show was over there were so many goodbyes, no one honestly knew how much time she had left, and she still made sure to talk to everyone until it became too much and she needed a break. The crowd thinned then, until it was just you, Jack and Madeleine, and even Leo, who refused to leave until he could lock up the place, although you all knew why he kept hanging around. He didn't even smoke as she was brought back out to their car, your producer graciously helping Jack lift her into her seat even though she insisted she could, just to be polite.
You felt useless as you just stood there, making sure the chair wouldn't roll away until it was folded and placed carefully into the backseat, and when you and Leo waved them goodbye he didn't even complain and say that life was tough so you'd better get used to it when you clung to his jacket and cried about how unfair the world was being to your friends.
Madeleine passed two weeks later, and it was to no one's surprise when Jack went missing.
Even you didn't know where he was as you waited in your apartment for a single sign that he was still in New York, your phone pulled so far into the living room to make sure you'd hear it from any room if it rang that you’d tripped on the overextended cord a couple times already. It was weird not going to work, but even still your body didn't let you sleep until 2AM as usual no matter what time you climbed into bed. Despite that, it was hard to wake up knowing that Madeleine was now gone and Jack was nowhere to be found, and you ended up a bit of a recluse once the tabloids found out where you lived and tried to see if you knew anything.
You didn't, which stung, but even if you did you'd never say a thing to lead them to wherever he was, you could never betray your friend like that when he was hurting so much.
It was around midnight during the middle of the second week that your phone finally rang, and when all you heard on the other side was Leo's voice giving you an address you had barely enough sense to write it down and race over as fast as you could. You found Jack there, at Leo's second house just outside New York, the address unlisted so the vultures couldn't get to him when he needed a break, the man of the hour looking so tired and drained it was like a part of him literally died along with her, not just figuratively. The first thing you did was want to hug him the moment you saw him sitting in the next room, but before you could Leo grabbed you by the arm and all but dragged you through the nearest door, which ended up being a much too spacious closet for one Leo Fiske, you thought.
‘Take it easy on him, he almost went back to Chicago,’ he told you in a hushed voice, which only made you feel worse because you wouldn’t have known. ‘He’s been crashing here since the funeral, said home was too painful or something, only just today let me tell you he was here cause he isn’t about to run anymore.’ He tried to play it off that he didn’t care and that this was a nuisance to him, but you could see in his eyes that he was just as worried as you were.
‘I will,’ you promised as you kept yourself from crumbling, just knowing that he’d been here hiding from the world because his pain was too much made your heart ache, and when Leo finally let you go you approached him carefully; he was hunched over a photo album, it stuffed with the years they’d spent together, a bottle of whiskey on the coffee table and his half-filled glass in hand as he looked too miserable to even cry anymore. ‘Jack?’ you asked softly, and when he looked up it was almost like he didn’t even see you as he expected to see Madeleine once more, like this was all one big bad dream and he was about to wake up.
‘Oh, when did you get here?’ he mumbled when his eyes focused and saw you, and you couldn’t hide your own pain as you moved to sit down.
‘Just now, Leo called me,’ you explained, a bit of space between you as he nodded, drank the rest of his whiskey, and turned the page.
‘Ah yeah, I told him he could, didn’t I?’ It wasn’t really a question, and he didn’t wait for your answer as he tried to pour himself more and ended up dropping the bottle. It shattered against the hard surface of the table and spilled the dark liquid everywhere, his album almost falling into it before your hands quickly shot out to save it. At the thought of him almost ruining what he had left of her he broke down again, whiskey dripping onto the carpet below as he hid his face in his hands and started to cry.
‘I got it, Jack,’ Leo quickly said as he tossed down some embroidered towels to soak it up, clearly money wasn’t an issue for him as he ruined even more of his expensive things to help his friend, the album set safely aside as the two of you cleaned up his mess.
‘My fault, it’s all my fault…’ he moaned as his legs were lifted and more towels were tossed down, his movements starting to sway as the alcohol took hold of him. ‘Minnie, what did I do…?’
‘I think it’s time he gets to bed, you’ll find it upstairs, 3rd door on the left,’ Leo muttered under his breath as Jack almost fell onto the cushions, gravity starting to take hold as well. You just nodded and stood, hoisting his arm over your shoulders and helping him stand while Leo took care of the mess, the sound of the couch being moved following you all the way to the stairs. You trailed whiskey footsteps behind you for a bit, shiny shoe prints that showed where you’d been as you headed up, his head still lucid enough that he didn’t fall or leave you to support his weight entirely.
His bedroom was a wreck, the splendor of the house lost in the mess he’d made in his depression, but you just carefully stepped around fallen clothes and his open suitcase until you reached the bed. He collapsed onto it and just sobbed, it making him look small for once as he curled up, and you were in the middle of taking his shoes off for him when he looked up and something flashed across his face. ‘Oh, there you are, when did you get here?’ he asked again, and you swallowed the thick lump in your throat as you placed his shoes on the ground.
‘Just now,’ you repeated, and he nodded before staring at the empty space beside him. He whimpered as he ran his hand over the comforter, it was too empty after so many years of her being beside him every night, and when you sat down and his hand found yours in the dark you didn’t object. He pulled you into that space, eyes unfocused again in his drunken haze, he was absolutely ruined and you wished you could do more for him as you brushed his hair out of his eyes and let him find comfort in your presence.
‘What did I do… this was never supposed to happen…’ he was murmuring to himself, and you just whispered that it was okay, his hand finding your face next as he traced the shapes in the dim light. ‘It was never supposed to turn out this way… you have to believe me… please believe me, Minne…’ You shut your eyes, your hand trembling as you held his hand and tried to decipher what he meant, but you were never able to as he suddenly let out a small gasp, the hand gently brushing your cheek now pressed against you fully. ‘Minnie?’
Your eyes shot open to see him staring at you, his own glazed over from the whiskey as he saw her in your face, and you only cried harder as he started to sit up.
‘I’ve missed you, I missed you so much,’ he told her, but she was you, and he couldn’t hear your voice as he wrapped his hand around the back of your neck and held you close. You didn’t look anything like her, but it must not have mattered as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, his lips cold against your skin as he sobbed, and you were ready to pretend until sleep took him when you felt him kiss you properly; you pulled away, startled, but he held on tight and tried again, the tears never stopping as he whispered apologies against your mouth, and when he tried a third time you kissed him back.
You hadn’t had feelings for him in years, there were no butterflies as your friend then curled against your chest and hugged you around the waist as he kept mumbling nonsense only he understood, but you’d give him one more minute with Madeleine if you truly could, you would trade anything for that. You couldn’t find Jack Delroy in the man falling asleep against you, he was missing just as much as she was as you rubbed his back and let him rest, and when Leo came upstairs and found you like that he just sighed and walked over. He didn’t say a word as he helped free you, his handkerchief offered to you again as you wiped your eyes and blew your nose, Jack now sleeping as peacefully as his heart would let him.
‘I’ll stay with him, it’s been bad tonight, you head home for now,’ he said softly, and you nodded before giving him one final glance and walking back to the front door. It felt even colder out as you headed for your car, the keys in your hand when you heard footsteps behind you, and when you spun around you saw a stranger standing there, leaning against Leo’s car. ‘Who’re you?’ you demanded angrily, you were not about to allow some lowlife paparazzi to invade this place and take pictures of his grief, but he had no camera on him, the stranger just holding up a hand nonchalantly.
‘Just a friend of Jack’s, I heard he was here,’ the man replied, and your brows furrowed instantly.
‘I know Jack’s friends, I’ve never seen you before,’ you hissed, and he shrugged and pulled out a cigarette.
‘We met back in Cali years ago, when I heard what happened I came down right away.’ He lit the end with a large, Zippo lighter, an owl etched into the side facing you you were just barely able to see in the moonlight, and it clinked loudly shut as he blew the smoke your way. ‘You two, you seem pretty close, anything going on that I should know about?’
‘Wha- how dare you insinuate anything just weeks after his wife-’ you started to threaten as you stepped closer, and he held up his hand again and brushed shoulder-length, blonde hair aside with a small laugh.
‘Easy, it was just an observation,’ he chuckled, but you still wanted to punch his lights out as he blew more smoke towards you and made you cough. ‘You’d still do anything for him though, right? I mean, working together for so many years, becoming that close, it must tear you up inside to see him like this, doesn’t it?’
‘Of course it does, they’re my family, Madeleine was my friend, if I could help him in any way then I would, it’s not even a question,’ you spat out, your voice rising just enough for him to motion for you to calm down before you garnered any attention from nosy neighbours.
‘So if you could help him, you would?’ he asked cryptically, and you didn’t know what kind of friend he was supposed to be, but you wouldn’t lie about this, not when you still had his tears drying on your shirt.
‘Yes, I would trade anything to be able to help him get his life back,’ you said seriously, and you swore you saw the stranger’s blue eyes shine as the clouds above uncovered the moon.
‘Interesting, you really care about him, huh?’ he thought aloud, and when you just nodded he chuckled again and held the cigarette between his lips. ‘I’ll ask our mutual friends back in Cali if they know any tricks to get him outta this funk, he’ll be back on camera in no time,’ he told you, cutting off your anger at his depression being condensed down to just a ‘funk’ as he held out his hand for you to shake. You didn’t want to, but he wasn’t letting up as his smile only grew, the corner of his mouth twitching eagerly as he waited, so you just sighed and grabbed on for the world’s fastest shake when he held on tight, grabbed his cigarette, and pressed the end directly into the back of your hand.
‘Ow! What the fuck?!’ you yelped as you pulled back, but there was no mark to go along with the burn, and when you looked back up you were alone again, the clouds covering the moon once more as an owl hooted in the darkness beyond where you couldn’t see.
Two weeks later, Jack was all over the news again as UBC announced his return, along with the addition of his new co-host, an old TV veteran by the name of Gus McConnell who meshed with him so well it was like he’d always been there. You smiled as you heard the news, something in your chest aching as you watched from your parents’ couch; you’d gotten sick the past week and had to quit your old job, temporarily moving back home with them since it was getting bad enough you couldn’t take care of yourself, unfortunately, but everyone was hopeful for the future thanks to your determination.
The memory of whatever your old job was was hazy now as a cough wracked through you, but that didn’t matter much as you got cozy under the blanket and tried not to let the pain overtake your excitement. You’d been a fan of Jack’s for years, you could still remember his first show so clearly almost like you’d been there, but you’d never had the time to grab yourself a ticket to join the studio audience no matter how much fun you thought it would be. The segment wasn’t long, just a quick announcement since he’d disappeared somewhere for a month, but you still watched with bated breath as a date showed up on screen.
His return show would be the following Monday, a fresh start to make up for his absence, and already you were excited to watch as you grabbed the remote and flipped from the news to a movie you could fall asleep to despite the early hours of the day. You were a night owl, tried and true, and you wanted to be awake for midnight so you could catch that night’s rerun in preparation for Monday, the small, circular birthmark on the back of your hand throbbing faintly as you shut your eyes and fell asleep.
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woodsfae · 8 months
B5 s03e12 Sic Transit Vir table of contents - previous chapter
A two month break isn't too bad compared to my seven month break last year, right? hah
Ivanova seems to be having a naked-at-work dream?? Lol, yes it was. I am actually amused that even in her dream the staff had the nerve to act like anything was out of the ordinary.
Vir checking out his future throne! Get it.
Was Vir also having a dream? Interesting way to open an episode, if so.
Londo having a totally normal reaction to having a bug buzzing around your apartment. Maybe going after a bug with a sword is actually good enrichment for him? I'm impressed that he got it.
"Do you know that you are smaller than I thought you were?"
Ah, Londo's second-greatest weakness, a beautiful Centauri woman. (his first greatest weakness is someone offering to commit war crimes to elevate his political standing.)
Awww, Sheridan and Delenn are so cute nowadays I can hardly stand it. Just…oozing adorableness at each other at all times.
VIR. You are an ambassador in your own right. Don't be so deferent to Londo!!! You are peers!!
Who tf arranged this marriage?? I hope Lyndisty is nice if they do get married. Ah, answered immediately. One of Vir's uncles, and Lyndisty's mother.
She seems nice. I tentatively like her. And it seems that Vir does, too!
"If you give me a chance, I promise you: when we cross beneath the swords and boughs…it will be for love."
I hope so!! I don't like it when bad things happen to Vir. He takes it like a champ but it's like watching someone kick a puppy.
"Do you think I'm pretty?" "Oh, deliriously! But I always associated delirium with fever. So…there you are."
Wow! I feel like that was definitely his first kiss.
"If kisses could kill, that one would have flattened several small towns."
Lyndisty is coming on SO strong it worries me that she's going to be nefarious. But Vir probably would need any partner to be much more….bold than he is.
Sheridan made Delenn a Minbari dish!
Not well it seems. Their courtship COULD be so rocky, but both of them are so determined to be genial it's actually so smooth!
Well Sheridan did say that nothing stays calm on B5 forever. What instigated this attack, though?! And Zack Allen, if you wanted the attacker to survive, maybe don't shoot them in the head??
Personal grudge against Vir seems…unlikely. And makes me way more suspicious of Lyndisty.
As horrified as Ivanova is to be asked what ladies like in bed, she's definitely a better option to ask than Londo, Vir is right.
Well now idk what Vir is talking about and also don't want to know! Keep that cursed Centauri sexcapades knowledge away from me please.
Delenn is wildly good at speaking indirectly but completely clearly. Wow! If she flirted with me like that I would simply perish.
All two thousand Narns that Vir got off Narn are dead! That's a hell of a motivation for a revenge killing. And the immediate cut to Lyndisty, again, makes me very suspicious of her.
FUCK YOU LONDO. ugh. gross fucker.
Ahhh, Vir faked killing them. Good for him! But maybe he faked their deaths too well, since there's assassins after him now. Vir has been doing so much good work, wow!!
FUCK YOU LONDO. why does he always have to be such a nasty, power-climbing, fascist dick?
"They're Narns, Captain, they don't need a reason for murder." goddamn shut up.
Lyndisty is a "nice" racist. It isn't their fault they're an inferior species, but their inferiority is justification to genocide them!
oh god.
not such a "nice" racist after all, though none of them are, really.
Wow B5 always goes hard. this is dark as fuck. Lyndisty helped murder entire Narnuan villages to "curb aggression," She might be one of the most gleefully murderous characters that's appeared on the show so far. Perhaps second only to that panacea episode with the war criminal.
Here's the puppy-kicking. Stop, Londo. Fuck.
Someone else to be sad for Vir about! No more vacation on Minbar, and emotionally attached to genocidal fascist who has personally murdered hundreds of Narns with her bare hands. Yikes.
And we never found out what happened to the Narn that Lyndisty captured! Hopefully he got free and then snuck into her shuttle back to Narn so Vir can be a widower. He'd get over it.
time for some arthuriana
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crypt-tids · 5 months
A bit of a mushy storytime because my anxiety has been mean to me the last couple days and has lead me to deep diving into some stuff that kind of ended up making me feel better now that I've put the pieces together. (It is about my relationship so feel free to skip it if you've had enough of my rambling lol)
My bf was engaged 5 years ago, had been with that person for 4 years, had an apartment and pets with them, and had a wedding date set and everything. less than a month before the wedding, a huge hurricane hit, fucking everything up for a long time, and they had to postpone the wedding. 5 months later, they broke up. If that hurricane hadn't hit, they would have been (unhappily) married and I never would have met him.
He hadn't dated anyone in all of that time because that relationship was so emotionally abusive and manipulative that he didn't want to deal with it again.
In the fall of 2023, I got out of a horribly wishy washy, non-committal situationship with a person that would manipulate me into trusting them anytime they felt lonely, inevitably ending when they left me for the third time, using my sexuality as their excuse (which left a horribly deep scar that lead to me breaking down crying when I told my bf about my sexuality because I was terrified he would do the same thing to me--he did not). I tried a couple dating apps, went on 1 date, talked to some flakes that made big promises and never delivered, and then decided I was fucking done with it all and I didn't care anymore. I just wanted to put dating behind me and live alone because it was easier.
In January, I worked at an event I didn't want to work at at all, I did it only because my mom wanted to do it.( The guy I had been casually talking to at the time said he would try to show up to meet me. He never did, and never brought it up again and we didn't speak again after that.) anyways, my mom took a picture of our table to send to her customer/friend to see if she wanted anything. I just so happened to be in the picture. That was the first picture of me that my bf had ever seen that made him want to ask me out. If I had been a little more convincing and stubborn with my mom, we wouldn't have been at that event. There would have been no picture of our table to send to anyone, and my bf never would have known that I existed.
It took him over a week to work up the nerve to give my mom his phone number to pass along to me. 2 days later, I decided "what the hell" and texted him. In all of that time he had been drafting a text that he was terrified to send, and was just about to push through when my text came through for him.
It's so weird how seemingly unconnected events play such huge rolls in our lives. I almost didn't get to meet the only person I have ever genuinely, without any doubt, been in love with. The only person that has ever told me that my anxiety and insecurities weren't silly and that he understood them and wanted to reassure me through them. The only person that took it upon themselves to research asexuality on his own to better understand me and why I was asking him to be patient with me. He almost married someone that would have made him miserable, and because of a hurricane, a horrible hurricane that my office building is still not fully repaired from 5 years later, I got the chance to meet him.
I always read about how much people hate it when their partners snore, and I find snoring annoying in general myself. My ex-girlfriend had one of the loudest snores I've ever heard, and I fucking hated it. It would keep me awake and I would try to shuffle the bed a little to snap her out of it for a minute so that I could fall asleep. (That relationship oxidized really fucking quick, not because of the snoring, but it was a huge mess that involved her gaslighting me and leaving me with yet another depth to my relationship trauma that to this day makes me horribly anxious sometimes). but the sound of my bf snoring is the best most calming fucking sound in the world. I will fall right to sleep with it. I don't know what it is about his snore, because I know that his ex regularly teased him and complained about it because she thought it was annoying, but I love it.
He is genuinely the most calming presence in my life and is the only person that has ever made me feel like moving forward/change wasn't something to be afraid of. If things had been just a little different, I'd still be single, and we never ever would have met, or even crossed paths. I can't help but feel like all of that is cosmically important. Like it wasn't an accident, but the universe had carefully planned out the events in our lives because we were supposed to be together from the very beginning.
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babyfairy · 1 year
life updates again lol
🧸 i’ve been watching revolutionary girl utena recently (canon lesbian event) and i love it!! wish i would’ve watched sooner. the OST is so good lol. i’m on episode 20 now so i’m blazing through it 😭 it’s right up the avenue of the sort of thing i’d be into though so i’m not surprised. it’s very very good but i can 100% understand why people say to approach it with caution and check a trigger list beforehand.
🧸 i am healing from my binge eating disorder one day at a time 🫶🏼 haven’t binged in a few weeks now which is huge. i am seeing positive changes in the way my body physically feels so it’s nice to see things pay off. i don’t want to get into it too much because it’s a sensitive topic both for me and in general but i’m doing my best to get to a place where my relationship with my body and with food and eating is a lot more positive than it is now
🧸 we restarted our longest running dnd campaign yesterday. was a very very hard decision to make but for the best in the long run. starting with a clean slate is weird and a little nerve wracking lol but i had a lot of fun and it’s been a long time since i’ve been able to spend time with my friends and feel “normal” the entire time so i was glad we got the chance to play. i’ve been struggling so much with interpersonal relationships and relationship OCD lately that i wasn’t really sure that things would pan out. self destructive behavior and paranoia etc etc etc. dnd is one of my biggest outlets and i am a lot more sad without it not to sound like a huge nerd. so i’m happy we got to start playing together again.
🧸 i’m trying not to stress too much about money lately but it’s hard lol!! there are so many things i want to do and buy and people to buy gifts for and trips to take and it’s so overwhelming sometimes trying to plan and budget all of it out. i need to be better about saving money but it’s difficult during summer especially when there are countless birthdays going on around me lol it’s hard to keep up. i wish everything wasn’t so expensive 💔
🧸 overall i am doing better the last few days and my period started which means my latest episode was more than likely caused by PMDD which is…👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 very embarrassing weirdly enough! i wish PMDD were talked about more because the impact it has on me and on my relationships is immense and i always feel guilty placing “blame” on it because i don’t want it to seem like a copout. i just don’t think a lot of people understand how much it distorts my thoughts and feelings (even more than they already are, which is truthfully quite a lot!) and it’s very scary and upsetting to deal with. and knowing that it always comes back really sucks. like having a designated week during the month where i am literally crazy and unstable and nothing really provides any relief is so shitty and embarrassing on top of everything else i already have going on lmao i wish i could catch a break. gonna try and enjoy things while i feel relatively calm and rational 🙃
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st-eve-barnes · 1 year
Okay, so I need to talk about last weekend again and more specifically Arnas this time (you guys can skip this if you don't wanna hear me go on about the con again lol)
This whole thing is just, as @neonhairspray would say a turn of events😂
Meeting Arnas was hands down the best comic con experience I've ever had (and I've had a few good ones). I mean Mark had already set the bar so high by being the most chatty and down to earth actor I've ever met, I didn't think anyone could top that. But Arnas just took me completely by surprise. Going into his solo photo op I could see how sweet he was with everyone, sweet and so energetic, this man loves to pose and touch people and give everyone what they want. When it was my turn I just walked up to him to say Hi and put my arm around him for the photo but instead he hugged me, a real genuine tight hug. We were then interrupted by the photographer because the girl before me had to take her photo again, so I had to step back and he actually apologized for that (not his fault!). This only meant I got to say hi to him again and get another hug so win win for me lol Then he looked at me like "okay what are we gonna do?" and I just asked if we could hug again for the picture and he pulled me even closer asking "Like this?". I met this guy for two minutes and we already hugged three times.
I saw him again later for the group photo shoot (with him, Mark and Alexander) This was the most chaotic thing ever, the girl from staff said no poses but Mark had already told us earlier he loved doing poses and obviously Arnas did as well so we weren't sure what to do then. We had two photos with them and the first one happened so fast I don't even know who was where lol (apparently I was in between Mark and Alexander) For the second photo my husband explained his idea for a pose and Mark and Arnas were so overly enthusiastic they forgot to inform Alex of the plan. It was seriously like a couple of overly excited puppies jumping about while me and Alexander were like "wtf is happening?" lol Eventually we got it right and the pic turned out so fucking perfect, they were all so sweet and really dedicated to give us what we wanted. It's not always like that, these guys really gave their all.
Because Arnas was so nice, me and the husband decided on a last minute idea to also get an autograph, for @neonhairspray because she was the one who introduced me to him in a way. The original plan was actually to let him do a little video but the girl from staff at his table didn't allow that so I came up with the idea to just let him write something in Lithuanian for my Lithuanian friend as I felt that might feel a bit more personal as well.
I've never really done an autograph before except for Sebastian Stan and that was, well literally just him signing something without even looking up at you, there was no interaction. This was very different, standing in line and having done the selfie with Mark earlier I knew you actually got a chance to talk to the actors here. Now I'm not a talker, I'm Ewan in this scenario, introvert to the bone especially with people I don't know and my husband knows this. He asked "shall I explain it to him?" as he so often does, taking the heat off me because he's a sweetheart, but I was quick to decline this time.
I had talked to Mark earlier and he was very chatty and sweet but I still felt so nervous but this time my nerves felt under control.
I don't know if it's because Arnas had been so open and warm during the photo ops and I had already met hem but I just felt very comfortable talking to him. He has such a calming presence, despite his very active chaotic energy lol, but as an introvert it's those kind of people who bring you out of your shell and he really did that for me. He took his time to listen to my request, asked questions and then after he wrote the message he also translated it for us so we knew what it said. We talked some more about how he lived in The Netherlands for a while and he actually speaks a bit of Dutch. (Hearing him swear "godverdomme" is ingraved in my memory now lol) He was so open just chatting with us, I don't even remember everything we talked about. He thanked us in Dutch afterwards and before we left he got up from his table to hug me again, and then even hugged my husband. This man is a hugger, I mean he didn't have to do that, he could have just stayed in his seat like most of them do and it still would have been an amazing experience but he, again, went the extra mile.
By then he had won over my husband completely as well btw. After we hugged my husband thanked him for being who he is and being so wonderful with all the fans and said it really meant a lot to all of us and you could just tell Arnas was genuinely touched by that. We both walked away on such a high because that felt like the best, most sincere interaction we've ever had with an actor.
In other words, Arnas is my favorite now and Ewan better step up (I'm kidding!) But yeah, it's been 3 days now and that serotonin boost is still lingering.
Btw @neonhairspray when we told him we actually wanted a video for you but weren't allowed he said "oh send me on Insta and I might look into it" So, just so you know, the message is sent and it's up to him now ;)
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ok wait now i wanna talk abt weird/interesting things from my experience getting top surgery. ive seen other ppl talk abt some of these things b4 but not all of em
i thought my surgeon was gonna do the incision, like, underneath the curve of my tiddies?? he ended up kinda slicing thru the middle of them, so my scars run over the middle of my pecs, not underneath them
speaking of; ig my pecs are more developed than i thought since my chest isnt like perfectly flat but rather both my pecs have a layer of fat/flesh on them and i can feel the muscle underneath
also the dip/space inbetween from when i had tiddies looks p much exactly the same, my surgeon said sometimes it ends up buldging out and a revision is needed but thankfully that didnt happen to me
the discharge nurse let me know afterwards that my tits were 11 kilograms (right 6kg and left 5kg) like no fucking wonder i have back pain at the tender age of 19
so yknow how pain raises ur body temp and makes u sweat?? immediately upon waking up i was so warm and damp i told a nurse id soiled myself and needed a change of underwear, i hadnt! i was just really fucking sweaty lol
i also threw up twice after waking up (fortunately into containers both times), turns out anesthetic doesnt agree w/ me, also it was like a dark bottle green?? since id been fasting from the night b4 ig i was bringing up nothing but bile
pre-surgery they cldnt get the IV in my left hand and had to switch to my right and ig that made my heart rate pick up bc one of the asistants immediately came by my head and talked to me to calm me down, he was rlly nice :)
im p sure i conked out within seconds of them getting the IV in and starting up the anesthetic too, none of that 'count back from 10' shit, i took like 2 and a half deep breathes and was OUT
from a combination of the iodine and natural swelling/bruising my chest looked REALLY yellow for like 3 weeks after surgery
i got sent home the same day i got my surgery, they keep some ppl over night if theres complications but apparantly i was all good to go after resting in the post-op ward for few hours
speaking of, i woke up, puked, got some water, dicked around on tumblr, called my mum, took an 'i lived bitch' selfie, slept for a few hours, woke up, went on tumblr again, got dressed w/ some help from a nurse, pissed (by myself, woo!), and then got discharged
my scars are uneven! my left incision goes further under my armpit than my right one, and my scars vary in thickness, it actually looks kinda like ive got two scars on my left side bc it thins out so much in the middle for a few milimeters
my nipples are also a lil uneven and they ended up puckering up as they healed so i kinda looks like ive always got stiff nips oops, also theyre more brown than pink
apparantly that might be bc they took the nipple graft from my areaola bc they werent able to graft the actual nipple, idk ¯_(ツ)_/¯, obvi it doesnt look perfectly like a cis guy's nipples but i knew the chances of achieving that were relatively small + p dependent on how i healed so like im not too bothered by it
my surgeon used dissolvable stitches and one of em ended up poking out thru my scar a lil b4 it disolved, which was weird
showering w/ a plastic sandwich bag duct taped to ur chest so u dont get ur scars and nips wet is An Experience TM i'll tell u that
my scars stretched!! it happens!! esp if u raise ur arms, which u will inevitably have to do eventually, idk if they'll ever fade on their own or if i'll need scar revision treatment in the future but fortunately they didnt go keloid
my surgeon used what he called crosshatched stitching rather than drains so that saved me a lot of discomfort, i DID get a slight build up of like, i think around 40ish mls of fluid in my left side a few weeks after surgery, but my surgeon dealt w/ it by p much just poking it w/ a syringe and draining it out lol
which i didnt even feel him do at the time bc of the nerve damage lmao, which was weird asf since i could very much SEE him sticking the needle in but couldnt feel it at all
i regained my mobility like, straight away?? my surgeon said bc im young + relatively healthy it was likely that id bounce back from surgery quick but like,, i had none of the exhaustion, pain, or immobility ive seen ppl describe??
i couldnt lift my arms very high for a while obvi but like i was fine dressing myself and even washing my own hair if i just leaned over
having to sleep upright for a few weeks after surgery was v annoying since i usually rotate like a shawarma trying to find a comfy sleeping position
the post-op chest binder was sensory hell bc it was scratchy and it kept slipping down my back since it had no shoulder straps, also i accidentally bruised my ribs a lil bit by wearing it too tight oops, the fuckin relief i felt when they told me i cld stop wearing it
the post-op 'please wear these at all times so u dont get thrombosis' socks were p comfy tho, idk why they didnt cover my toes tho
regaining the sensation around ur scars is weird! my right side's been completely fine but ig bc my left scar is thicker + longer ive been getting some pain n tightness, its not a persistent issue or anything but its just kind weird bc ive never had any surgeries or major injuries to heal from before this one
u will have to get ur boobs felt up and examined probaby multiple times b4 surgery, this will feel very different from touching ur own boobs and, in my case, was ticklish??
my posture has improved somewhat since getting top surgey, what not having 11kg of weight hanging off ur chest and compressing it in towards ur ribs/spine for roughly 9 hours a day will do to a mf ig
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moondragon618 · 2 years
Just remembered something I experience occasionally that I could project onto c!Tommy lol
So I'm pretty sure this thing that I'm referring to is hypnagogic hallucinations, which are hallucinations that happen as you're falling asleep (there's also hypnopompic hallucinations which happen as you're waking up, which I also get but not nearly as often lol). They can be visual, auditory, or somatic (feeling or sensing something that isn't there), and usually only last like a minute.
Basically it's like your brain activates dream mode a little too early and you end up awake but partially dreaming (and with hypnopompic ones it's like you wake up but your brain forgets to turn off dream mode).
Also apparently it's a pretty common thing but I never see anyone talk about it (outside of like, sleep paralysis) so enjoy my over-explanation ig lol
Anyway now for what I'm getting at with this: hc that c!Tommy also has them. This will be very much based on my own personal experience ofc (but like. with added angst lol).
I'm thinking if Tommy's had them his whole life like I have, he probably assumes it's just a weird sleep thing that happens sometimes, and figures it's just his brain still dreaming after waking up or smth (basically how I thought of it before looking into it lol).
They're probably not all that distressing at first; just stuff like seeing some unidentifiable shape in the dark or briefly hearing the sound of voices nearby. Like at worst, maybe he panics for a moment bc those furnaces in his house look a lot like a creeper that somehow got inside while he was sleeping. But after a few moments of staring intensely and trying not to be noticed, he realizes it's not moving. And is fading out the longer he looks at it. And he definitely just woke up seeing shit again lmao.
But here's where it gets interesting:
It gets worse over time, especially during and after exile (and I imagine as the trauma piles up his sleep quality just gets progressively worse which definitely wouldn't help at all). You can probably figure out where this is going lmao
Imagine; Tommy trying to get some actual sleep for once during exile. He's finally slipping into unconsciousness when he hears it.
"Drop your stuff in the hole, Tommy."
Suddenly he startles awake, instinctively getting up and running out of Tnret (fuck he must have slept in or something-), mumbling apologies as he drops all his stuff in the hole-
But there is no hole. He just dropped all his stuff on the ground. He looks around in confusion as the anxiety fades, only to find that there's no one around, and it's like the middle of the night, and what the fuck was that about-
Sometimes he hears his voice, and sometimes he'll catch a glimpse of green and a white, smiling mask in the dark. It's very nerve wracking in the moment when he can't be sure if it's real or not.
It scares the shit out of him a couple times when he's hiding out at Techno's, enough that it takes him a bit to calm down even after he realizes it's not real. (There was also that small part of him that was happy to see Dream again, but he prefers not to think about that.)
He especially hates it after Dream is put in prison, and it gets even worse after his death and revival. It's like Dream is still haunting him, even when he's locked away. It makes him even more scared to sleep, as if the nightmares weren't bad enough.
It's a million times worse after the prison break because there's a non-zero percent chance that Dream is actually there.
He usually isn't. But there were a couple times it really was him and Tommy assumed (desperately hoped) that he was just seeing things again :)
You could also easily throw some sleep paralysis in here too, I just really liked that exile scenario I mentioned earlier lol. I could go on about the possibilities with this but this is getting long so I'll leave it at this for now lmao <3
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YOOO i loveee your content so much. finally some GOOD sub content , love your writing style! can i request frank castle getting pegged/ and/or ass ate for the first time lmao? how do you think he'd react
Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoy it ☺️
I’ve been asking myself for a while if Frank would want to get pegged, so this is my chance to explore that and it ended up a lot longer than I expected
Ass eating is an added bonus lol
After planning and prepping for the night, Lenny decided to start things off with something Frank was familiar with. They could ease in from there.
He was flat on his back, hands gripping the sheets to keep him from tangling them in her hair as she traced the crown of his dick with her tongue. His nerves made everything a little more intense then usual, and he had to bite his lip to muffle his moans when she bobbed her head lower or sucked one of his balls into her mouth.
By the time her attention moved lower, he was already breathing heavily. She pushed one of his legs up higher and kissed the back of his thigh, slowly dragging her lips down, down, until she could swipe a quick little lick between his cheeks.
His whole body clenched up at the feeling, thighs tensed to close back together. He tried to make himself calm down, just take what she was giving. Lenny was making soft, reassuring sounds as she rubbed his thighs, encouraging him to relax.
“Do you think it would be easier if you rolled over?” she asked.
Maybe. At the very least, he wouldn’t have to worry about crushing her head between his thighs every time he had a strong reaction to something.
So, he flipped, positioning himself on his hands and knees.
Her hand appeared between his shoulder blades, pressing gently. “On your elbows,” she told him. “Easier for you to stay relaxed and better access for me.”
His face flushed as he eased himself down onto his elbows, ass up and knees parted.
“Okay?” she asked.
He swallowed, giving her a quick nod. “I’m good.”
She smiled and leaned forward to kiss his shoulder. “You’re very good.”
Shaking his head, he couldn’t help but chuckle. He did his best to keep that attitude as she settled behind him.
This time, he was a little more prepared for it when she licked him. The flat of her tongue swept across his hole and he exhaled shakily, fists clenched even as he tried to fight the urge to tense up.
She worked slowly, staying broad and gentle until he began to loosen up, easing him into it as she focused more on the tight ring of muscle. She kept a firm grip on his thigh, fingers pressing into his skin as she traced his hole with the very tip of her tongue.
His face was burning and his eyes were squeezed shut against the onslaught of new sensations. He knew it was gonna be sensitive but he hadn’t realized it would be quite so much.
Just as he was about to ask her to slow down, to ease up, something, she took hold of his balls.
His mouth fell open because that, the careful kneading combined with the insistent press of her tongue, was just right.
A desperate sound broke out of him and Lenny moaned softly in reply.
He buried his face in the pillows, mind fogging once he just let himself relax into the intensity that rose and fell with every touch. It felt like he was about to vibrate out of his skin from all the tingles that spread through him, and he was fairly sure that he wouldn’t have minded if he did, so long as Lenny kept doing what she was doing.
She stopped after a little while, making him whine at the loss, but she quickly promised that it wouldn’t be the last time they’d do that. He’d been getting louder, and she knew him well enough to suspect that he’d been close to coming. She wanted to make sure he was still up for the next part.
He took some time to steady himself while she got everything ready, securing the harness around her hips and thighs, getting the bottle of lube out and making sure she’d be able to grab it as needed. She also slid a towel under him because she knew the best course of action was to go slow and use plenty of lube, which was likely going to be a bit messy.
Getting him ready was almost like starting back at square one. Coaxing an entire finger into him was very different from doing the same with the tip of her tongue and he made that very clear.
After a fair amount of praise, encouragement, and gentle increases in pressure, she managed to slip a single finger into him, right to the knuckle.
“Fuck,” he breathed as she pulled out an inch and pushed back in.
She smoothed a hand over his back. “I know.”
“That’s one?”
“That’s one.”
Once he adjusted a bit more, she added more lube and started working in a second finger. There was still some resistance, but it seemed easier for him. His hips were rocking ever so slightly along with the glide of her fingers. At that point, there was enough lube that it was dripping down his balls and he couldn’t bring himself to feel embarrassed about it. He was concentrating on being good, on following her instructions, on keeping himself from tightening up.
The stretch was strange and made him want to squirm. But, as it eased, he felt more of the drag, the slide of every move, and that stoked a fire in him.
She curled her fingers a little on one thrust and brushed across something that made him shiver, breath catching.
She did it again and he moaned openly.
“Here?” She pressed her fingers into him more deliberately.
All he could do was pant out an “uh-huh”, vision going white at the edges, his cock aching and heavy between his legs.
“Let’s see if I can hit that same spot with the toy.”
The words barely registered in his mind before she drew her fingers out. Any remaining tension in his body evaporated, leaving him slumped forward and dazed.
He lifted his head and looked back at her. He’d forgotten what the dildo looked like, so the sight of it was all that he could think to comment on, blurting out, “It’s fucking blue.”
Lenny’s eyes widened and a laugh escaped before she could stop it. “You picked it out!”
“And it’s blue,” he stated again, fighting a smile of his own.
She gave him a playful spank.
“Hey! Careful, Len. I might be into that.” He gave her an exaggerated look of warning.
“Shut up, Frank,” she giggled. “I am trying to fuck you.”
He smirked, propping himself back up a little bit.
Joking around helped. It swept aside some of the concern, kept the tension and seriousness from becoming overwhelming. Cleared his head.
He held onto the lightness of that moment as she lined the toy up and pushed forward. The stretch was there again, but he could get through it, grit his teeth until it eased into something better.
She gave a few small, tentative thrusts, working the toy a little deeper each time.
“That’s it,” she praised, caressing his hip and lower back. “Just a little more.”
He huffed quietly, holding himself steady. It wasn’t a very big toy. Once they’d agreed to try pegging, he’d made sure to get something that would work for a beginner. But, even after the prepping, it was still a little bit wider than Lenny’s fingers and took some getting used to.
And, after a few more slow thrusts, her hips were flush against his ass, the toy buried to the hilt.
He blew out a breath, loosening the tight grip he’d unknowingly gathered the sheets into.
Drawing back until only the tip remained, Lenny shifted her hips before pressing back in. She wanted to find his prostate again and hopefully get the same reaction as before. That dazed look, the unabashed moans, it had been perfect.
There was just the achingly slow push and pull for a few minutes, allowing him to get used to the whole situation, and for her to find a rhythm that let her adjust her angle as needed. Before long, they worked up to a steady rocking, with more force behind each thrust, but still that mind-numbing drag as she pulled out. She kept a firm grip on Frank’s hip and used it as leverage and a way to take more control, not letting him shift around too much. He was grunting and moaning with each thrust, but she wanted to push harder, give him more.
Frank was on the verge of being overwhelmed. Everything happening was so new, so much. His knees were starting to ache, sweat sticking to his skin, and he didn’t even want to think about the mess they were making with the lube, but it was good.
Then, Lenny flattened a hand on his lower back and pressed down, nudging his thighs just a little wider, and thrust deep.
His brain stopped working.
A jolt travelled through his entire body, forcing a sound out of him from someplace deep in his chest.
She grinned, breathing hard from exertion, and rolled her hips into that same spot.
His arms faltered, unable to support his weight anymore, leaving his face buried in the pillows as he moaned.
Lenny leaned over him and slid a hand into his hair, still gripping his hip with the other. She didn’t pull or tug on his hair, just held it in her fist and used it as another anchor point as she ground into him. The sounds he made and the way he kept arching, the muscles in his back and shoulders bunching and relaxing, over and over, was incredible. She could hardly remember to breathe, mind racing with the things she wanted to do to him.
Frank’s head was empty of everything other than sensation. There was the prickling on his scalp were Lenny gripped his hair, the sticky sweat on his back, the ache in his groin from his thighs being spread too wide for too long as he was steadily pressed flatter against the sheets, fucked into the mattress. He felt the toy dragging against what seemed like every nerve in his body, filling his skin with sparks. The towel under him was smeared with precum and lube, his cock rutting against the fabric with each thrust from behind.
“Len,” he rasped, barely coherent. “Please.”
She was almost shaking at that point, determined but quickly tiring, more turned on than she could remember ever being. Her thighs were aching and slick, slippery with excess lube and her own arousal. “Come, Frank,” she panted. “I want you to come.”
His body reacted before he could even think to say thank you.
He came with his dick wedged between his stomach and the towel, painting both in a sticky mess. At that same moment, every last bit of strength just melted out of him and he would’ve sworn that he died for a split second there, simultaneously feeling like was floating and like his body weighed ten tons.
Lenny was slumped over him, forehead resting against his shoulder blade while she tried to catch her breath.
The toy was still buried in him, but she wasn’t sure she could move even if she wanted to, and thankfully, Frank didn’t seem to mind.
Still, she had to check. “Okay?”
He managed something that looked like a thumbs up and she patted his hip affectionately.
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bleedingichorhearts · 7 months
Imagine trying to survive having that train of four absolute studs run on you.
That is to say, I think you'd need major aftercare after a gray knight and three alpha legion.
𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐫
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𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: You, you are something else. This my first attempt writing with multiple characters at once, let’s see how this goes. No official name for the warband/group yet.
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets.
𝕾𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞: Having one on you was one thing, having four was another.
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: Idk, I just write, lol.
𝕬𝖈𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖊𝖉𝖌𝖊: If you are under the age of 18. Shoo! Go away! Skedaddle! Why you reading this in the first place? Be 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 for/of yourself. Has not been proofread.
TW // SMUT/NSFW, Filthy, Cursing.
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Walking along the dirt trail, the smell of wet pine and dirt evaded my senses. Calming my tense nerves of today.
Everything seemed different today. Not just because of the dark clouds rolling in, but because of how different the Astarte's looked to be. They were more... uptight, cranky even if I wasn't around, it confused me. It wasn't like them for them to be so, abrasive.
Whatever they were conflicting about had got me on edge because I did not want to see another house torn down again, but who's to say something to an almost 7-foot tall, armored Astartes, who can possibly throw you more than 100 yards? No one really, well... maybe a mother or a crackhead.
Nevertheless, I didn't want to be there if a full out brawl happened at the house. I didn't want to be caught in the middle of it. So, I've managed to sneak pass their senses while they were too busy sizing each other up or at least, I thought I did.
Hydra wasn't even paying attention to the argument at hand. He was more focused on someone far more interesting than this petty argument. Someone who is trying to slip under their radar, undetected. This was his chance.
He moved forward, sneaking away from the warband, leaving his brethren to the Knight where he went to the tree line their little serpent disappeared to. Her scent clinging to the flora there, his instincts going haywire.
He didn’t hesitate to pursued her scent quickly with his mind yelling at him. Knowing if those dark clouds rolled in, they would cover her scent and he'll have to wait for it to pass and that's something he's not fond of.
The trees moved with the wind that came with the dark clouds. Tiny rain drops falling from the darkened sky, hitting my coat. The smell of the rain enhancing the smell of pine, it made the area feel nostalgic.
It was cold, but it felt nice to be away from the Astartes for a while, even in this weather. It might have not been a good idea, but you take what you can right? Since when was the last time, I had time by myself without the eyes of the Astartes?
Stopping underneath a tree, I looked up to the sky. Watching how the dark clouds moved slowly above, yet the branches were quick like the rain drops that hit my face. It wasn't pouring just yet, but it will be very soon as a rumbled shook within the clouds.
I crouched down at the unexpected noise, barely feeling a gauntlet of an Astartes that touched the collar of my coat. My heart jumping in my chest at the suddenness.
The wind whipped in my ears when I turned to look at the Astartes. His form crouching and angry looking. His red visor glowing perfectly against the darkening sky. The rain becoming more quicker and harsher than it was.
My heart thumped in my ears louder than the thunder. Thoughts racing on my predicament. Were they angry at me for leaving them? Did they have pent up anger? What made them seem so angry?
Though, I was glad that I had a few run ins with Solor to be able to evade at least some of the basic moves they had, but this was an Alpha Legion, they had all sorts of tricks up their sleeves. They were unpredictable.
He rushed forward and I took off, not wasting any time to avoid the Astartes. Knowing just how fast they could be by personal experience.
I didn't know who it was chasing me. It could be any of the Hydras, but the sky had gotten darker with each minute, with each breath. It was getting harder to see, to identify who exactly it was. Which, in some way makes it thrilling.
There was something about it. Having an Astartes chasing you down within the forest while you know they are much bigger, better, and faster than you. That Astartes can track you down like no other human can. It brought a fluttery feeling to my stomach as I thought about it.
The sky rumbled as I took a sudden sharp turn. My body heating up despite the rain pelting down on me. I heard the Astartes behind me running into the tree for how fast they were. A loud snap echoed off through the sound of the rain. A low growl left their helmet, not expecting that move.
Zigzagging between the trees, slowing him down when he got too close for my nerves. I made sure to keep low to the ground. The soaked flora around me whipping against my own wet face.
Barely hearing a frustrated growl, I spotted a building up head through the heavy rain. It’s blocky shadow lit up from the streetlights just outside of it. Thinking if I made it there, I could get a moment of rest before going off again.
Heading for the building. I nearly made it, but slipped on the muddy ground as the Astartes gauntlets picked me up by the waist. Making me realize just how close he really was. I wouldn’t even have to time to rest there.
His body turned to take the impacting into the building, breaking the wall open. Both of us landing onto the ground with a loud crash. Some sparks going off between armor and cement.
Dazed, and breathless. I needed a moment to recover from the run while the blue Astartes switched spots. His armored form now hovering above me as I turned my body around, ready to crawl my way out from underneath the Alpha Legion.
A hiss sounded off, then multiple clunks of an object bounced off to my side. Looking over, it was the Astartes helmet.
“Hydra?” I questioned the Astartes behind me. Unsure if it was the right Legionnaire. His arms wrapping around my form and dragging me back flush underneath him. Body curling over mine just to whine into my shoulder.
Confusion wrapped my mind as I thought the Astartes were mad at me. They were staying far away from one another hissing, arguing in their own language. Sometimes trying to start fights with one another.
Another clunk sounded off. A gauntlet sliding down my waist before resting just above my core. A sudden heat, twitching beneath me.
The realization struck me, my stomach doing flips while I clenched around nothing. His gauntlet taking a part of my pants and ripping it off with ease. A pleased purr leaving him as he slowly dragged himself lower and lower.
“Wait, wait, I don’t think I can-” I gasped and clenched my teeth. A whine leaving me as I tried to move away from the painful stretch of him, but his arm; that wrapping around me kept me in place. A warm coo tickling my ear.
He would have eaten her out first. To taste what sweets she had to give, but she smelled so good. Her arousal and scent clouding his heightened senses strongly, getting him dazed off of her.
He wanted to push in more, but he knows just how small their little serpent is. Her walls already fluttering around him, gripping at him like a vice, making him groan.
He curled up as much as he could around his little serpent. His head nuzzling into her face, as his hips grinded down into her tight walls. Another whimper leaving her.
“Hydra.” She called his name. Her body quivering beneath him. Her hand coming forward to grab onto his gauntlet that held him above from crushing her. Pushing her body backwards in him, and just like that, he was a goner.
He rutted up into her, a cry leaving her as she clutched onto his gauntlet. Her walls clenching around him while he snarled out. Desperate to give her what she wanted. Desperate to breed her.
His other arm; still wrapped around her, kept her in place as his pace got faster, and faster. He could feel the bulge he created from just being inside of her. He could feel her submitting to him with each thrust, her body tensing up.
That’s it, little serpent. Cum for me.
She cried out underneath him, clawing at anything she can get a grip on. His armored chest rumbling against her back with his own moan. His teeth nibbling on her shoulder.
He felt her twitch beneath him as his seed stained her walls. His hips slowly gridding into her for a more hopeful effect. Slowly working himself up to pull another one.
“Little serpent?” The voice of Asclepius called out. Hydra snarling out until he realized it was just his brethren. Hips still grinding as he chittered to his brother. Telling him just how yielding their little serpent was being. They could have done this a long time ago.
“Brother, give her sometime to recover.” Asclepius reminded his brother. A whine coming out of him, then a chuff. “She won’t be able to.”
A whine left me as I felt Hydra move, feeling suddenly empty before I was gently pushed over on my back. The cold ground sending a shiver up my heated skin.
“There you are, Little serpent.” Asclepius purred. His armored form keeling down between my legs. His gauntlet slowly dragging against my thighs, slowly tearing off the rest of my clothes.
“A-Asclepius?” I called out. Confused on when he got here or maybe he was watching?
“Yes, little serpent? Think you can take another?” He asked, picking up my leg and throwing it over his shoulder. A groan coming out of his mouth as he exhaled. The scent of her driving him crazy. “Oh, I think you can, little serpent. You smell so good.”
He gave a singular lick to her thigh, tasting her, and hydras arousal on the inside of her thighs. Her cute little whimpers making him all to eager she shove her down on him as well while he lined himself up and slowly pushed himself in. The length of him brushing up in all the right places in side of her gummy walls.
“Hydra.” She called out to the Astartes in front of him, reaching out for his brother. Not bothering to acknowledge that he was pleasuring himself with his own hand as he came forward, kneeling in front of her.
She grabbed ahold of his armor, and tugged his form closer. A high pitched moan coming from her as she tensed up. Shuting herself up by giving Hydra a sloppy kiss. A rumbling purr going through him.
"Already? Come on my litter serpent, you can give me one more, please?" He groaned and begged. His form leaning over hers. His teeth nibbling on her neck as she moaned into Hydras’ mouth.
“I-I don’t kno-” She tried to speak, but got shushed by Hydra. His skillful tounge, and his thrusting inside of her not helping her thinking process at all.
“Come on, little serpent.” He said, his pace picking up at the thought of climaxing with her to ensure probability. His gauntlet squeezing her thigh.
A silent cry fell into Hydras mouth. Hydras seed staining the front side of her body while his recoated inside of her. His hips gridding into her just like Hydra did.
Nearly plopping to the ground, if it weren’t for Hydra to catch me. My legs were numb, and started to get sore as he lifted me up bridal style in his arms, and placed me on a nearby surface. Soft purring coming from both the hydras before it was replaced by a much deeper rumble.
“I believe, it is my turn then?” They asked. The two hydras backing off slightly, growling out in dissatisfaction.
“It’s only…fair.” Asclepius responded. A deep hum coming from the voice who I barely recognized as Solor.
"Oh, little maiden." He purred out. His gauntlets settling on my hips, practically covering them. “How far did you think you could go?”
I whined. Sh*t, f*ck. I don’t think I can handle him.
“No matter, I’ll always find you.” He cooed, taking off his codpiece. Lining himself up.
"You smell like them. I don't like that." He stated, getting some disapproving growls. "Let's change that, little maiden."
Her back arched up in shock. Mouth dropping open in a silent cry. Legs desperately trying to close around him in attempt to push him away.
Solor growled out, pushing himself in more. Winding her to the surface. Tears staining her cheeks as she managed to let out a whimper.
Solor cursed in his language. Thrusting deep, and hard inside of her. Each one giving her stars in her eyes.
“S-Solor, please.” She begged, receiving an angered growl in return.
“Who are you, to run from me?” He snarled. His hips snapping up, getting a loud cry. “To run off like that?”
Her body shook around him. Another cry coming from her mouth as her body twitched around him. Her vision fading black as worried coos echoing out around her.
“Yes, they we go my little maiden.”
Waking back up was not pleasant. Everything hurt. A single move I’ve made against the soft blankets of the bed made me ache. A pitiful whine leaving me.
Gentle hands pulled me into a chest. A chuff of hot breath on top of my head as deep purrs soothed my pulsing brain. His hands dragging up and down my numbed out legs.
Trying my best to return the much more soft gesture. I could only nuzzle myself underneath Leviathans chin; recognizing him from his longing purrs alone.
I whined at him feeling him gently as he could slid himself inside of me. His girth giving me a stretch, but his deep purrs were soothing.
"Please, be gentle." I whined at him, getting a soft coo in response. His hips slowly thrusting into mine. Soft moans heating up his neck while I nibbled a little. Earning a teasing, but slow thrust.
I softly called his name, feeling that build up once again. Arms trying to wrap around the giant in front of me in order to stabilize myself as I approached my high. Feeling how his seed filled me.
We didn’t move from one another. Simply basking in the afterglow the session had provided. His hands gently tracing all around my body. Avoiding specific areas that were bruised until eventually I feel back asleep.
Aftercare was a completely different session.
Leviathan took me to the bathroom. His arms settling me down softly into the bubble bath with him sliding right behind me. His purrs creating vibrations through it making me laugh at it. His head nuzzling the top of my head.
Asclepius took care of me afterwards, bandaging anything up they might have caused last night. Providing kisses here and there to sooth my pain when in reality he felt bad for causing such damage.
Hydra provided some food and water. Making sure I ate after the heavy sessions, but luckily enough he didn’t provide raw meat either.
Last was Solor. He came in at the end of the day. Slowly coming in through the bedroom door before crawling onto the bed. His forehead touching mine in a silent apology before he completely laid his head down on my chest, nuzzling into it. My hands slowly threading through his hair.
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gettatranslations · 1 year
Kimi no Kawari wa〜 Doko ni mo Iyashinai yo〜♪ Yumigeta Ako (23.09.09)
(T/N Title is lyrics from Kimi no Tojo)
Good evening🌝
I'm Yumigeta Ako🛑
Thank you very much for your comments yesterday!
After all、sunny was everyone's favourite weather〜!
It's really exciting when it's sunny on days you're hanging out with your friends right!
When I went shopping with my friends on sunny days、we often stopped by the park on our way home〜❗️
I always rode the swings 😀
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Also today was our 1st day of performances at Yoyogi National Stadium First Gymnasium!
First of all I was shocked by the size of the venue during rehearsals。I knew it would be larger than Budokan but even knowing that I was like 「Huh?」…
I was so mega nervous that I think my face was serious the whoーle time 😂
On top of that I was so uptight in rehearsals that my pitch was completely off and my voice was much deeper than I hoped… So I practiced again before the performance to get it just right❤️
But then I was even more nervous for the actual show、like so nervous that my hands were actually shaking!
Everyone have your hands ever shaken from nerves?
I hadn't before so when my hands started shaking I panicked 笑lol
But Nonaka-san talked to me lots before the show!
She said 「This is a festival so enjoy it okay!」、which really calmed me down😀
And one of the songs that Morning Musume。'23 performed for the first time was、
「Kimi no Tojo」…。
I was so so grateful to be able sing the bridge of this special song。
I really worked hard to make the most of this rare chance👍
So I was particularly nervous before Kimi no Tojo、but before we performed it Oda-san and Yokoyama-san hugged me🥹‪
What did you think of 「Kimi no Tojo」?!
I really like this song、but since it's a Kenshuusei song you don't get the opportunity to perform it at regular concerts right!
The dance is cool too💃 I'm glad I got to do it!
Haaー today I was helped out constantly by everyone、but I also got to enjoy challenging lots of new things、so it was really fun❗️
I'm excited for tomorrow too!
I'll sleep well tonight!
Well then it's time for today's 【Gettaa Life】✨
Today we also performed 「HEAVY GATE」 「Koi no Jubaku」 「What is LOVE?」!
All of the song's lyrics were really different、and they're not songs that you can just smile the whole time forー!
But I don't have many variations for facial expressions so I was pretty worried about what I should do、
So I watched lots of Sakurai Rio-san's past LIVE footage…!
Sakurai-san's expressions are amazing✨
I love Sakurai-san's villainous expressions!
Do you know what I mean
When she raises one of her eyebrows…笑lol
I watched lots of videos of Sakurai-san !
What did you think?😂
I worked really hard and was conscious of my expressions while performing so I hope I was able to convey some emotions!
I'm sure some people didn't notice my expressions yet so I'll keep working hard from here on too💪🔥
I Getted 「My first step on the road to mastering facial expressions」✨️
Maybe I should try asking Sakurai-san for some tips…?
That's all!This has been 【Gettaa Life】!
T/N News and information has not been translated
Today I ended up having loads of throat sweets because I was so nervous���
They were plum throat sweets 🛑
I really like them because they have a sweet plum flavour!
I bought lots of different types the other day🛑
Well then I'll see you tomorrow!
This has been YumiGettaa Ako!Good night🦖🦖🦖
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loganhowlctt · 2 years
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amatchinwater · 2 years
Hey there, can you write an Eddie Munson x gn!reader where the reader is into witchcraft and has spiritual beliefs? They might be collect gemstones or read tarot and i would like to see how Eddie would react this
Hello, lovely, thank you for the request! I sure can! I personally think he'd go crazy, but in the babbling excited kind of way.
Will I Graduate? | Eddie Munson x gn!witch reader
Summary: Jason sees your pentagram ring and accuses you of being a Satanist. Eddie steps in and protects you from his wrath. After declining his offer to sit with him at the Hellfire table, he goes with you in the woods outside of school where you explain to him that you're actually a witch and not a Satanist. Eddie asks you to do a tarot read for him with absolute heart eyes.
Warnings: Jason (I really feel like he should be a warning lol), witchcraft, tarot readings, crystals, (I don't see them as warnings, but hey everyone is different), nervous reader
Words: 2118
a/n: I, like the reader, haven't done tarot in a very long time. This is by no means a guide book or probably one hundred percent accurate considering I had to do research because my memory was failing me. I checked with my actual guide to tarot book to make sure I didn't mess anything up, but I'm not perfect. I hope you like it my love and thank you so much for the request!
Requests are open! Master list
Not my gif!! Credit to creator!!
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At this point, it really shouldn’t be surprising to you that Jason has it out for you. Between the fact that you always come to school wearing all black and the fact that you try your best to keep your head down, it was a recipe for disaster waiting to happen. The whole point of keeping your head down, and talking to literally no one, was so that this wouldn’t happen. But Jason “I’m the king of assholes” Carver, never really gives a fuck about what people want. Even more so when what you want is solitude. 
Having friends wouldn’t be a bad thing, in fact you’d actually like to have someone to talk to. But there’s just never really been anyone in school that hasn’t looked at you like you’re some kind of freak. You’ve only been at Hawkins High for about four months now. So still being the new kid definitely hasn’t worked in your favor either. Today just seems to be the day that shit wants to hit the fan. 
“What’s that?” Jason sneers, yanking your hand curling into the strap of your bag. You try to yank it away, but his grip is tight and firm, your finger going numb under the pressure. “You a satanist freak, too?” The jock pinches the finger adorned by your pentagram ring. 
Fighting away the eye roll, knowing that will only make matters worse, you keep your voice small. You really don’t want to piss him off further, “no, Jason, that’s not-”
“A freak like you doesn’t get to say my fucking name,” he spits, grip only tightening, your jerking movements making it worse. “Are you fucking stupid?”
You grunt, trying to get him to release you, the tip of your finger turning purple, “let me go.” 
“Just tell-”
“You heard ‘em, Carver,” a voice booms behind you. “Let them go,” the calm, powerful tone is one you’ve heard quite often in the cafeteria. “I’d really like to not tell you again, man,” Eddie warns. 
With one last sneer, angry blue eyes narrow at you, “fine, touching them will probably give them a chance to sacrifice me or something,” dropping your hand harshly. The moment you’re released, Eddie’s arm curls around your shoulder, protectively curling you to him. “Fucking freaks,” Jason takes one last jab before storming away. 
“You alright?” Eddie asks, leading you towards the Hellfire table and you freeze. 
“Y-yeah,” you look at the group of boys, nerves souring your stomach. You appreciate Eddie helping you out, but you’re not ready to be the center of attention in a friend group you’ve never properly met before. Honestly, you hadn’t even wanted to be in the cafeteria, but your growling stomach got the better of you on your way to the woods behind the school. “Listen,” you start, fumbling with the wrapped sandwich in your hand, “thank you for helping me with Jason.” You step out of his grip and he lets you, smile only widening. 
“Us freaks gotta stick together, right?” He winks at you, trying to lighten the mood and then tension in your shoulders. You manage a small laugh at his antics. “I promise, we won’t hound you or anything like that. But if you want to sit with us, you’re more than welcome to.” 
“Thanks, but I was actually heading out to the woods for lunch,” you sheepishly smile, tucking your head to your chin. 
“You really shouldn’t go out there by yourself,” Eddie’s voice sounds so full of concern that your heart swells. “We just want to be your friend.”
“I-” you stop yourself, not really sure where you were going with that. Then the words spill out of your mouth unfiltered, “you can come with me if you want to. Protect me from all the squirrels and bunnies,” you tease, keeping it lighthearted. Having company might actually be really nice. 
“Okay,” he beams at you, “let me grab my stuff.” Eddie rushes over to the table, relaying a quick message to the boys before grabbing his metal lunchbox. Bounding back over, his smile hasn’t gone away, “ready.” 
“Not that it’s any of my business,” Eddie asks, watching you twirl the pentagram around your middle finger. “But are you a satanist? I don’t judge, just curious.” Curious enough that neither of you cared that the bell for lunch’s end rang well over an hour ago. The two of you started talking and simply couldn’t stop. You feel like you’ve learned all there is to know about him and really hope that you get to call him a friend after today.
You like your solitude, but there’s something about Eddie being effortlessly kind that’s drawing you in. 
You laugh softly at the question, not even a little surprised by it. “No, I’m not. People see a pentagram and are quick to assume that devil worship is the only religion that it could be associated with. I don’t work with him and have no intentions of doing so.” Your plan was to come out here and look for more crystals. Last week you were walking aimlessly and found a small chunk of smoky quartz. You were so shocked, you’d hoped you’d be able to find more if you came back. “I’m a witch. Or Wiccan if that makes you less uncomfortable.” 
Eddie’s eyes light up, “so can you like, cast spells and shit? Like, the whole nine? Or what? Sorry,” his eyes widen, expression twisting with guilt, “that was super insensitive. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be. I’m just excited. I’ve never met a witch before. And playing DnD I’m more than a little familiar with wizards. I just want to know more about you. I’m sorry.” 
Giggling at his struggle, you bite away a wide grin. “It’s okay, Eddie,” you assure him. “I haven’t done much in the way of spells aside from some protection on my house and my person. Well, I do know of a type of spell that will basically see if someone wishes you ill will and how to return it back to sender. But I also charge my crystals under the full moon to help balance them and myself. And I read tarot- kind of, it’s been a while and I’m a little rusty.”
“No fucking way,” if at all possible, it looks like Eddie’s eyes are about ready to pop out of his head more than before. “Is- is it rude to ask you to do one for me?” 
“A tarot reading?” You ask, chest tightening with anxious energy. You always keep a deck on you, but it’s been a long time since you’ve done one. You’re not even sure if you remember the meanings of all of the cards, it’s been that long since you practiced. But Eddie’s eyes are sparkling with excitement and sincerity, giddy as he practically bounces in his seat on the picnic bench. “O-okay. Yeah,” you clear your throat, “yeah, I can do that.”
“Hell yeah,” his lips curl at the edges as you dig into your bag, trying to find the small pouch that contains your deck and the crystals you use to help you. 
Finding the felt fabric, you pull the purple bag with gold ties out. “Seriously, it’s been a really long time since I’ve practiced,” you warn him. “I don’t remember a whole lot aside from the basics. So, please, don’t make fun of me if I have to do this by the book.” 
Eddie only shrugs, “when I first started as a Dungeon Master, I went by the book too. It takes time to learn everything and be able to do things on your own. I won’t laugh at you. Promise,” he places his hand over his heart as he vows to you. 
Pulling the strings, you pull out the deck of cards that’s styled to look like Lord of the Rings, your crystals tumbling out onto the tabletop. 
“As if you couldn’t get more fascinating,” Eddie coos. Your eyebrows pinch in confusion. Pointing at your deck, “Tolkien is a personal favorite of mine,” he explains, “didn’t know tarot cards could look like that.”
“Maybe I’ll take you to the shop just out of town that I go to,” you hide your smile in your focus of arranging your crystals in a small circle on the table. “There’s a lot of things there that you might actually enjoy.” 
“I’d like that,” Eddie responds and you don’t see the fond expression on his face when he does. “Whoa,” ring clad hand pointing at one, “that one looks really cool,” he says in regards to your tiger’s eye. “What is it?” 
“That's a tiger's eye,” you lift it, letting the light catch and flash golden hues in the brown, “see how it kind of looks like the eye of a cat when the light hits it just right? It’s kind of like my crystal, I use it with everything,” you reach into your shirt, pulling you the small black cord holding a tumbled stone. “It’s great for protection, empowerment, and deflecting fearful thoughts.” 
“And the others?” He asks, looking at the rest placed around the table. 
“That’s jasper,” you point to the red and brown crystal, “it helps to keep someone grounded.” Going around you point at, “pyrite, think of it like a shield. Sodalite,” you continue, “helps decipher messages and focus during meditation; great when trying to read tarot. And finally, crystal quartz,” you point to the biggest crystal you own, it’s a mini tower. “This guy not only can purify and charge other crystals, it works as an amplifier. Spells, intention, whatever you’re trying to accomplish, really.”
Eddie’s resting his chin in the palm of his hand, mouth open in wonder. 
“That’s how I understand it at least,” you shrug, not wanting to misinform or anything like that. “Your own research will help too. Not that you have to. Okay,” you sigh, taking a deep breath to try and center yourself. “I’m just gonna keep it simple,” you say, shuffling the deck. “Think of a question and we’ll see if the cards are willing to talk. Okay?”
“Am I finally going to graduate this year?” Eddie asks without missing a beat. 
Closing your eyes, you continue to shuffle the deck. One card throws itself out, but you keep going, feeling like it’s not quite done yet. Sure enough, two more cards get sfly out, clattering to the table. When you open your eyes, you see the Ace of Pentacles staring up at you. You can't even contain your smile, "that's a really good sign," you tell him. "The Ace of Pentacles is a sign of good luck, that if you go for something, chances of success are high. Wanna look at the rest?" You ask, pointing at the two that fell face down. 
"Fuck it," he grins, "let's see them." 
Flipping one over you find the Two of Cups and your cheeks burn. Typically meaning the romantic joining of two people. You don't know if you and Eddie are there yet, you've only just spoken today. Wracking your brain, you remember the other potential meaning, "this signifies a close bond with another person; romantic or otherwise. In regards to your question, maybe the cards are saying you need help in achieving your goal." 
"Someone to help me study?" Eddie muses.
"Maybe," you tell him, "this isn't an exact science. Especially when I'm no expert." 
“We’ll see about that,” Eddie smiles, flipping over the last card. You’d be angry about someone else touching your deck, but considering this read is technically for him, you don’t mind his energy being transferred into them. “Uh, so wands…is that a king? A Knight?” 
Inspecting the card and seeing no lavish crown on the man’s head, “that’s the Knight of Wands,” you inform him. “He shows great signs of determination and willpower. If you want it badly enough, you have the means to do so. Unless they’re teasing or playing tricks, I’d say your odds of graduating this year are really well. Eddie.” You smile at him as you collect your items back into your small pouch. 
Just as you both stand up from the table, the final bell of the day rings. “Wanna hang out at my place? You can show me that anti ill will spell.” Eddie asks, throwing his arm around your shoulder again, “see if Jason is more of a dick than he seems? Maybe you’re also the study buddy that I so desperately need. You any good at math?” 
“Very good, actually. I’d like that,” you agree, wrapping your arm around his back as he leads you out of the woods, “do you have an egg?” 
Eddie tag list: let me know if you'd like to be added
@only4wakingup @decadentpaperduck @ruinedbythehobbit @wolfhrdds @live-the-fangirl-life @imnotsiriusyouare
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c4llezz · 2 years
Requested: No
TW: mentions of death, bullying, blood, the hunger games lol
Genre: Angst
A/N: I might have been carried away a little with Chaeryeong's
Expect mistakes, happy reading!
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Reaping day always scared Yeji, she was always fearing getting picked and having to go to The Hunger Games, leaving her family and probably dying in the process. Now she was 19 years old, her name wasn’t on any paper, but yours was, and that alone made her anxious.
“Hey,” you said softly “Everything is going to be all right, 5 years and my name hasn’t come out, is not going to happen now.” Yeji had come to your house after helping her mom at school and you could sense she was nervous about the next day's events.
“But you do have a high chance, your name is 42 times there!” she said “I told you you shouldn’t ask for more food, I could give you some.”
“That was a terrible idea, your food wouldn’t even last a week if you did that.” you argued “And there are also more people with their names 42 times in there.” That didn’t calm Yeji’s nerves at all, she had a bad feeling. “Stay the night, maybe it’ll help you calm yourself” she agreed but she couldn’t get too much sleep thinking about what could happen, she just hoped your name wouldn’t be picked, after tomorrow you were both free of being chosen and that was the only thought that got her to sleep a few hours, being available to live without worrying about some stupid competition to entertain rich people.
The next morning after getting ready you and Yeji went to the plaza where the reaping would take place, getting separated since you had to be in front with all the other kids who could be chosen. After all the boring routine you were all used to, it was time to pick the 2 tributes. Yeji felt her heart was going to leave her chest for how hard it was beating. The escort put their hand inside and picked a piece of paper, then unfolded it, and then read the name written on it “Y/N L/N!”
Without much noise, everyone turned slowly to look your way. Yeji couldn’t believe it, she couldn’t have heard it right, “Y/N L/N?” The one at the microphone repeated, only confirming that you were actually going to be one of the district’s tributes. She then saw you walking to the front, hand covering her mouth preventing her from making any sound. She wanted to scream, to do something to help you. But she couldn’t because that would make things worse for you, so she just stood there making eye contact with you, later watching you being escorted out with the other unfortunate soul that had to go to their death with you.
She was not going to watch TV until she knew the games were over. She was not going to watch you die, she could not handle that. Then she felt arms wrapping themselves around her, probably her mother's, and that’s when she broke down crying, she was never going to see you again and all the plans you had were not going to happen.
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The concept of The Hunger Games has amazed you since you were a kid, and even when you started to understand everything that came with it, you still were curious about it. Watching how some of the tributes got their food made you ask your father to make a bow for you so you could practice, your mom was not fond of the idea but your dad made it to you anyway.
Living in the District that provides the Capitol with meat (District 10) meant there were animals almost everywhere. You took that to your advantage and whenever you saw one of them out of the farmyard you’ll practice your shooting with them. It was not really okay, but they were going to die anyways, and usually the animals who ‘escaped’ were food for the District’s citizens. So, you kind off became the one who provided people with illegal meat.
“Hey there, Princess,” you said after Lia opened the door to her big house. She was the daughter of District 10’s mayor and your classmate. She was also your first kiss, second and fifth too “we don’t talk about the other ones), “I came here with your, almost daily, meat delivery” you pointed to the black bag on the floor next to your feet, “Where do I leave it?”
She open her door wider so you could enter inside “You can leave it in the kitchen, thank you” she said guiding you to the kitchen, you following right behind carrying the heavy bag. “What have you been up to? We haven’t talked much this week” she asked after you had left the bag where she told you to.
“Nothing much, just earning money here and there. I’m saving money to buy a birthday present for someone”
“They must be really special if you are making such an effort”
“She’s not bad,” you said smiling at her, and when she smiled back at you, you swore you were going to have a heart attack right there and then. She was the most beautiful girl you had ever met, and she was your girlfriend, well not yet, but she was going to be soon you knew it. A little later you went upstairs to Lia’s room “I can’t believe this is our last year participating in the reaping and I’ve never been chosen” you said sitting on one of the chairs adorning her bedroom.
Lia turned to look at you with wide eyes “What?”
“What, What?”
“You want to participate in The Hunger Games? Are you crazy?”
“Crazy for you,” you smirked, but it slowly faded away when you saw her face. “I mean, I think it would be fun, don’t you?”
She shook her head “No! You are going to your death, do you think that’s fun?”
“I don’t think dying is fun,” you said “but I think the competition would be fun. Climbing trees, swimming across rivers, running in a big field of grass, I want to have that adrenaline.”
“You can feel adrenaline in other ways”
“Like what?” you asked. Instead of giving you a verbal answer she kissed you, you were not complaining though. Even if you had kissed other people before, it never felt the same, her lips were soft and tasted like a mix of strawberries and cherries, you were definitely addicted to them.
She pulled away after a few seconds and joined your foreheads “How many times?” she whispered, you didn’t need to ask what she was referring to, you already knew.
“You don’t have to worry.”
“How many?” she asked again.
“Not enough to be selected” you reassured her, and she believed you, not knowing that, that night was the last time she was going to kiss your lips because you had lied to her and your name was more than enough times to be selected.
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Living in District 2 had lots of benefits, it was the most loyal to the Capitol and the president liked that. People had better living conditions, not even close to the ones in the Capitol, but better than in other districts. District 2 had produced many of The Hunger Games champions, children with privilege trained just for them. Ryujin was not the exception to this, she grew up thinking the biggest goal in life was being in the games. She trained day and night preparing for them, that’s how she met you.
“That’s not how you do it,” she turned around at the sound of the voice and saw you standing there with your arms crossed over your chest.
She looked you up and down, noticing your dirty clothes and slim appearance, before saying, “And what would you know?”
You raised your hands in surrender “I just wanted to help you. No need to be rude.” You extended your hand asking for the rope in her hands “May I?” she eyed your hand early but gave it to you nevertheless. She watch you impressed as you tied knots around it, they were firm and well placed, you definitely knew how to do it.
“How did you do that?” she asked “Could you teach me?”
“How about we make a deal?” you proposed, “I’ll teach everything I know, and I know a lot,” she rolled her eyes at your bragging “and you can give me some of all the food you have at your home” you extended your hand to seal the deal “What you say?” She thought about it, it was not a bad deal, she did have a lot of food that her family could share and if she wanted to make her dad proud she need the training, so she shook your hand and after that, your relationship only grew.
“I think I’m ready. Tomorrow I’ll be the first to volunteer,” she told you after the last training session you were going to have before the games started. You liked her confidence but she was only 15 and you still thought she needed more training
“Are you sure? You don’t have to rush it, you still have 3 years to prove yourself”
She turned to look at you “I’m sure. Are you doubting my skills?”
“Is not that, I just think you can learn more things and wait a little more” you voiced your thoughts
“Well, I don’t. I’m going to do it” she said angrily and then left making you sigh. She was so stubborn, if she volunteered she had a high chance of dying, and you were not going to let that happen.
The next day you were the first one to volunteer and the last thing you saw was Ryujin’s angry face looking at you with so much hatred behind her eyes. But you didn’t feel bad, if she hating you meant she was not going to die soon you’ll do the same thing a thousand times.
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Chaeryeong had always had a hard time at school, her classmates made fun of her for being quiet, and her teachers had big expectations of her because of her older sister. Her older sister was amazing at everything, you were hungry? Chaeyeon could cook. You were sad? Chaeyeon could give you great advice. You were failing math? Chaeyeon could tutor you and you’ll have great grades in no time. She was popular and had many friends, something Chaeryeong hadn’t, and did I mention she had gone to The Hunger Games and won? Well, she did, thanks to that their family now lived in The Victor’s Village. The only thing her sister didn’t have was you.
You were Chaeryeong's everything and she couldn't imagine a world where she wasn't with you. The first time you talked was when you had defended her from some older girls making fun of her, the conversation was short because she didn't talk much, then your friends called you and you left.
Chaeryeong thought you were never going to talk to her again but the next day the first thing you did after arriving at class was sit beside her. She noticed you talked a lot, she didn't mind though, and listened to everything you said only talking when you asked her something. At the end of the day when your mom arrived to take you home, you hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek before walking away, leaving the shy girl with red cheeks. Six years later, Chaeryeong was sure she was going to marry you after finishing school, yeah you still had two years left but that was the only thing she could think about every time she saw you.
Since you were out trying to sell some things to the shop owners and earn some money to buy food before t, you had agreed to meet up in the plaza. On her way there she saw some of her classmates, who she tried to ignore to not cause any scene but luck was not on her side because the group started making their way toward her. “Hey you!” one of them called but she continue walking until she felt someone grabbing her shoulder and turning her around, “I’m talking to you, are you deaf or something?”
Another boy, who she could recognize as the Mayor’s nephew, came closer too when she didn’t answer “She might be, answer when you’re being talked to,” he said pushing her back and making her stumble almost making her fall to the ground if it wasn’t for the hands that had caught her in time.
“What do you think you are doing?” the person behind her said, she sighed recognizing your voice.
“Aww, did I make the little puppy angry?” He said making some of his sidekicks laugh
“Would you like the little puppy’s fist in your face?” you asked with the same tone
His face turned serious “Are you looking for a fight, Y/L/N?”
You shook your head slowly “No! Of course not! I only fight with people who actually know how to.” The comment seemed to hurt his ego because the next thing you saw was a punch sent in your direction hitting you straight in the nose. You obviously were not going to walk away so you punched him back making him fall to the ground where you punched him again, again, and again until some people around pushed you away from him, Chaeryeong leading you away from the chaos.
“What were you thinking? You punched the Mayor’s nephew! Don’t you know the trouble you got yourself into?” she scolded you
You wiped away some blood running down your nose “He pushed you! And I didn’t start anything”
“You provoked him”
You shrugged “Is not my fault my comment made him mad”
She just shook her head “Come on, my sister can help you with your nose” she said grabbing your hand, making you hiss in pain “And with your hand.”
“Thank God for Lee Chaeyeon!”
After four days your hand was almost healed just in time for the reaping day. You weren’t really worried about it, your parents both had good jobs where they got money from, not much but enough to not make you enter your name more times for food), and with your girlfriend’s sister winning once their family had quite the money which they give you some when you were struggling.
Even when you saw the boy you had punched talking to his uncle, you didn't worry. But after seeing the Mayor talking with the person in charge of picking up the tributes and then looking your way, you knew you were doomed, and when you turned to look for the boy in the crowd and caught him already looking at you with a smirk on his face you only confirmed your suspicions.
Chaeryeong looked at you and saw your pale face and your scared eyes, looking at the direction you were staring, she understood immediately what it meant. She was not ready to lose you, the only thing (person) that she had was going to be taken away from her and not even in a legal way, you were supposed to finish high school and then get married before her sister did, but now it was not going to be possible.
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For the past years, you had learn a lot of things about Yuna. She was the most kindhearted and brave person you had ever met, she was selfless but never let anyone step on her and she would protect her loved ones without thinking about the consequence.
She had got in trouble with the Peacekeepers a couple of times for stealing or covering you because you had stolen something and she had some scars to prove it, but she didn’t care and she always told you she would do it again because she was your best friend and that’s what they do.
In return you helped her treat her wounds, your aunt was the unofficial doctor in the District, and she had taught you a lot of things about sickness and remedies that she had learned with your grandmother. Your family was full of “doctors” and you were well known around the District, every citizen who was sick or had suffered from an accident went straight to your aunt, and when she was not home you were the one who helped them even if you didn’t have the same experience as her.
It was late in the night when you heard something hitting your window, you let it pass thinking it was just a fallen branch but when it happened again and again you decide to check on it. You opened the window to look outside when suddenly something hit you in the eye “Oh my god, I’m so sorry Y/N!” you heard someone say and you recognized the voice instantly.
“It’s fine,” you said rubbing the sore spot, you walked downstairs and opened the door for her to come in “What are you doing here?”
“I couldn’t sleep thinking about tomorrow” she answered. Tomorrow, the reaping day, The Hunger Games. You knew how much Yuna feared the 4th of July, you always told her nothing was going to happen to her and until know nothing has happened, that’s why she was at your door at 1 in the morning, looking for your comfort.
“Do you want to take a walk? Clear your mind?” you asked and she nodded “Okay, just let me grab a coat and an ice.” After you grabbed those things you and Yuna started your walk, wandering lonely and dark streets. “Tell me how you feel.”
She sighed “I’m scared, I don’t want to be chosen, I don’t want to die.”
You grabbed her hand and gave her a squeeze “You are not going to die, and you are not going to the games, I feel it in my heart”
She smiled “I always trust your heart. I don’t trust mine though” she mumbled the last part.
“What did you say?”
“Nothing” she said quickly, you frowned at her actions but you didn’t have time to say anything because soon Yuna’s mom found the both of you and took her daughter home.
The next day the both of you were lining up with the other kids. The tall girl lifted her hand to her mouth and started bitting on her nails, you noticed this and took her hand in yours sending her a comforting smile. The moment of picking the tributes arrived, the woman at the front picked the paper and read the name “Shin Yuna” You felt Yuna tightening her grip in your hand and she turned to look your way with wide and teary eyes.
Then some of the Peacekeepers came walking in your direction grabbing her by the arms and you did the first thing you could think of “I volunteer as a tribute!” you shouted and all the people around turned to look your way
“Very well” The woman at the stage said “It seems we have a volunteer here”
The Peacekeepers holding Yuna let her go and then grabbed you “Y/N! What are you doing?!”
“I told you, didn’t I? You are not going to the games” you said letting the men take you.
Yuna watched you go tears leaving her eyes, she had always got in trouble defending you and now you were doing the same, but this was so much worse. She could handle a few hits, but you were going to The Hunger Games, there was less than a 5% of probability of you getting out of there alive, she should have trusted her heart and told you everything she felt, now she was going to wait and hope you came back.
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ghostlygeto · 2 years
hi i love ur writing :) can i pls request 20 from the meaningful gestures prompts with akaashi? the non dialogue one lol. maybe just before a big game that you can tell hes nervous for?
of course you can!!!! akaashi is one of my favorite hq characters so i will gladly write for him <3 ty for the request sweets
pairing: akaashi keiji x reader
warnings: fluff only >:) not proof read
wc: 370
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20. Softly resting a hand on your lover's shoulder as they face something more difficult than ever, not bothering to exchange words as the touch does it all the same. You've got this in the bag.
Most would describe Akaashi as calm and level headed, never nervous. You’d have to be to deal with someone like Bokuto all the time, to keep him balanced. But most people don’t know Akaashi the way you do.
Akaashi shows his nerves in a different way than most. His face remains calm, unmoving. But he’d mess with his hands, pick at the skin around his fingernails. It’s subtle enough that none of his teammates picked up on it, but you did.
And of course you would, you love Akaashi. You’ve memorized everything about him at this point. So when you spot him messing with his hands and picking at his skin, of course you rush away from your spot in the bleachers to comfort him.
You had to get his attention from the entrance of the court, as you weren’t allowed past a certain point. But he noticed you quickly, rushing over to make sure you’re okay.
“y/n, what are you doing down here? Are you okay?” Though his focus now was on you, he was still messing with his hands, peeling away the tape around his fingers.
You put your hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes. You could swear you watched how he relaxed, as if all he needed was to feel your touch to feel better. You didn’t even need to say anything.
“Thank you, y/n. I love you.” He smiled down at you, quickly placing a kiss to your forehead before turning around, “I have to go back to the court to warm up. Thank you again, truly.”
“Good luck, Keiji.” You watched as he ran back to his team, who spotted you in the background which resulting in several waves and a shout from Bokuto.
It seemed your efforts works, as Akaashi performed better than he had all season during that game. All thanks to his beloved partner, and he made sure you knew that by blowing you kisses every chance he got.
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send an aot or hq character and one of these for a short fic!
likes, reblogs n comments appreciated <3
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spilledkauffie · 3 years
Dating!BaronZemo HCs Pt.2
Gimme, gimme, gimme a— sugar daddy!! Part 1 HCs
(Sorry, I meant to post these last night, but life lol)
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Wrapping yourself in that stunning jacket— obviously if you’re somewhere and you’re cold, without hesitation, he’ll set it around your shoulders, holding you close with one hand. Other times it’s more so to get his attention or tease him. And walking around in nothing but your underwear/lingerie and his jacket definitely works to get his attention fast!
Similarly, dress shirts— when you wake up and don’t quite feel like getting dressed, you’ll just grab one of his dress shirts, button it up halfway and call it a day. The lingering scent of his cologne and the softness make you feel safe, cozy, and a little bit sexy all day.
↳ you didn’t think it was that big of a deal, until you were making breakfast one day. He walked past the doorway, giving a causal glance your direction and a “good morning, darling,” but stopped after a few steps. Retracing his steps backwards, he leaned back to see if what he thought he saw was actually what he saw. Looking you over he walked towards you, two fingers pressed to his lips; you gave an expression that innocently asked ‘yes?’ / “Is that…mine?” he questions, you look down yourself, but before you can answer, you got a very sudden, deep kiss.
Sweet Tooth— Baron has a sweet tooth, which means you get to try all different kinds of decadent desserts, literally imported from their origin country so they can “taste as they’re meant to, directly from their loving creators.” Whenever he comes home from a different country, you can always expect some kind of local treat. It’s also his best excuse for when he’s gone longer than expected. You cross your arms and put on your best upset face, only to be met with him saying, “but I brought back chocolate.” Trying okie himself, he walks towards you, you try not to smile knowing exactly what he’ll say next. Slipping an arm around your waist, holding the chocolate box to his side, he tilts his head, “want a taste?”
Learning to drive stick shift (if you don’t know)— it’s an absolute mess at first, of course. It was like a stop and go game, but not on purpose! The first time you nearly had a breakdown you were so upset at yourself for not getting it right. Staring at the steering wheel you were moments from crying when he tucked your hair behind your ear and placed a finger under your jaw, turning you to face him, “you’ll get it darling, like all things practice and patience is required
Flowers!!— you get showered with flowers constantly. It’s not just a dozen or a few bouquets it’s literally a room full of arranged flowers with different colours, types, and arrangement patterns. You’ve woken up to a bed covered in rose petals. He also tends to leave a rose on your nightstand when he gets up before you.
↳ he’ll walk into the flowered room casually, morning coffee in one hand. Circling the room, his fingertips stroking petals, “wow, someone must really have a crush,” he says, before looking back to you, as if he had nothing to do with it. He just loves to see you uncontrollably happy and smiling, nuzzling against the soft flowers as you breath the scent in.
Vintage films— vintage and classic films are some of his favourites, they have the perfect combination of class, romance, and charm. You snuggle up, leaning back against him, with a blanket over your legs, his arm around you, and watch. You have to smile to yourself every time he tells you “this is my favourite part,” because it’s precious, plus he says it about three times every movie.
Poetry— he’s actually a great fan of classic poetry, so it’s no surprise that you get it recited to you a lot. It’s sweet and romantic; one of your favourite times to hear it though is when you’ve had a long day and just want to calm your nerves. Wherever he is, you’ll cuddle yourself next to him and ask for some poetry. Stroking your skin, he’ll either grab a book of poetry, or just go off memory, softly, but meaningfully reciting it, as you close your eyes.
Walk in closet— the man has a great taste in fashion, so there’s not a chance you’re going to be left out of his fashion doting. Silk, velvet, lace, vintage, jeans, shoes galore, literally anything and everything! When you come home from shopping, it’s a routine that he gets a glass of alcohol and finds a seat, whilst you show him everything you got. And when you ask his opinion he actually gives it, not just an “oh that’s nice,” but legit fashion opinions. “I think that would go best with,” type suggestions.
↳ occasionally you get a pause, followed by “I think that would look best on the bedroom floor,” from him. To which you say, “okay, good to know, that one turns you on then” with a smile, biting your lip as you twirl your hips.
More cute nicknames— he calls you his “little dove” / “darling dove.” When you come home late, you typically make straight for the bedroom to absolutely just fall face first onto the fluffy duvet cover. Hearing a familiar footstep come down the hallway, you lift your head and wait for his appearance. Glass in one hand, he leans against the doorway, “I thought I heard a little birdie come in,” he smirks, making you smile, as he walks to the edge of the bed, sitting, he reaches his hand to rest on the other side of your body, “how are you, my dove?”
Top of the shoulder kisses— it’s just a habit he has when walking past you. It can be super sweet or super erotic, there is no in between. It’s either a soft press of his lips against your skin, maybe lingering a little, or it’s an intense, nearly love bite, sensation. When it comes as a total surprise, you silently inhale, pushing up onto your tiptoes for a brief moment, but just enough for him to notice. 
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Hi! Could you please write headcannons of Armin with a shy, bookworm s/o? Thanks!
Armin with a shy bookworm s/o❣︎
Warnings: none!
lol i feel like these are also just fluff headcanons because this is my first time writing for him so i went a little overboard-?
Anyways, I hope you enjoy and have a great day or night!!!
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- He was probably the one that talked to you first
- He saw you reading a book he liked and wanted to talk to you!
- its not every day he finds someone who loves books as much as him!
- He will sit himself down next to you and talk about how much he loved the book you were reading and ask you about other books you like
- If you give him book recommendations, he will definitely read them!
- And he would come back to you just to tell you how amazing the book was!
- He understood you were shy so he took every chance he could to talk to you!
- This leads to you two becoming really close and really good friends
- He will tell you about the ocean and how he wants to see outside the walls
- If you are also a part of the survey corp, he would love to explore the outside world with you!
- If you aren’t, he will just stick to stories about how the outside world looks
- He gets so excited when he describes the outside world too, telling you every detail
- Eren and Mikasa started shipping you two before you guys even became a couple
- Eren and Jean even made a bet to see how long it would take before you two got together-
- Eren won btw and Jean got upset-
- However, you two were a very cute and happy couple!
- You always wished for Armins safety whenever he went outside the walls
- He will always try and calm your nerves, telling you that he will come back safe
- He really didn’t want you to worry about him so much
- He didn’t blame you though
- He would spend all his free time with you
- This boy will give you things or do small actions to cause you to become flushed
- In result will lead to him becoming flushed as well
- He will buy you books and lend you books of his own as well
- You guys have the cutest library dates
- where you two just read a book together like a cute little couple
- Oh and that book he saw you reading when you two first met
- He still has the book<33
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