#so why doesn't he deserve to be in a safe warm and kind place where other patients don't steal his clothes
sanjarka · 29 days
god it's all so very shitty and there's nothing i can do about it.
#my dad still in the hospital and i think he's a bit better a bit less manic but who knows#he feels like a stranger again and i don't knoe how to talk to him (again)#and it would feel better if i knew that at least while he's in the hospital he's getting the proper care but no#i've been to visit him two times in my whole life and the conditions are absolutely horrible#a moldy run dowm building with prison like bars bars on the windows and staff that isn't payed and supported enough to care#they just drug people#but then it's not really safe for him to be with my sister and mom while he's manic cause he gets violent and can't hear no#and will steal from my moms wallet for cigarettes CAUSE HE'S MANIC AND THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE IN MANIA DO#so why doesn't he deserve to be in a safe warm and kind place where other patients don't steal his clothes#all these people deserve better#and when he eventually gets ''better'' then what he can't work he can't support himself but i feel my mother is done#i can't blame her either for not wanting to be married to him anymore cause it's frankly none of my business#and because it's something she probably wanted to do for a really long time but she doesn't want him to be left alone#sure he can go live with his brother and his family but i can only imagine the hate and anger they would show to my mom if she makes#that sort of decision#but i also want my dad to be his own person to be confident and strong#is that never going to happen?#i really fucking hate all of this
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blingblong55 · 6 months
My kind of love -Keegan P. Russ
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Based on a request:
Just a thought : Keegan strikes me as the guy who would hold wife! reader close to him when they sleep in their bed. Or he'd carry her when he finds her asleep on the couch. ---- F!Reader, fluff/romance, established!relationship, boyfriend!keegan, cuddling ----
A/N: thanking Bon Iver and Niall Horan for this fluff🙏
It's four in the morning, Keegan comes home after nearly ten months of deployment, his duffle bag placed on the floor. Steps soft to not wake you up, after all, he is meant to surprise you with his early arrival. As he was about to go and check on the dog, who slept by the sofa, he noticed a blanket, your blanket. He approaches you, his gaze softens the second he watches his beautiful sleeping. You look so peaceful, so calm and in this moment when things for months went so wrong, this view is all he can adore.
"My love, I'm home," Keegan whispers, in his arms, he carries you to bed. They say people have a certain amount of luck and you are proof of that. Maybe out there in the cruel world, he doesn't have much luck but in this place, a warm, cosy and safe place he calls home, he knows luck is there. No one can say they are lucky because they don't have you and he does. A million men can say your name, a million more can watch you but just one gets to come home to you. One man in a sea of billions gets to kiss you, to listen to your ramble about crazy theories, to listen to you hum a tune and to love you and be loved back.
That man is him and in this precise moment, he knows why he proudly waited day and night to hide that ring in his pocket. If he wasn't a romantic, he would propose to you right here right now but he wants that moment to be magical because his precious girl deserves it. "Keegan, it's you," your voice so soft. Fuck, why must you make his heart melt like this? Why must you- damn you! Why do you love him? Why do you see what others don't and why must you make him blush just from the sound of your voice? Couldn't you be any less cruel to his weakened heart? Oh but he loves it, he loves that voice, that touch and stare, he loves the kisses and the 'Did your job go well? Are you hurt? Did you miss me?' he loves it all.
"Of course, it's me, darling," he sets you down on the bed and covers you with the sheets. "I'll be back," his lips touched your soft skin before leaving to take a short shower. You lay in bed, not being able to sleep without him anymore, you wait for him. Once he snuggles to you, you can feel his fresh skin, how his embrace wraps you with love and with care. "Did everything go to plan?" you ask as you nuzzle your face on his chest, a low chuckle escapes his lips as he brushes your hair. "It did, which is surprising," he kisses the top of your head and drapes his leg over yours.
In a warm bed, you and he lie, legs intertwined like they are the perfect match. Your back to his chest, soft breathing filling the room. As you close your eyes, he finds himself admiring your beauty from his angle. His arm wrapped around your waist, keeping you close for the rest of the night as the other arm caresses your head. His fingers brush through the hair, and slowly, they make their way to your forehead, where he slowly catches himself falling asleep.
Until morning and maybe even after being awake, he keeps you in his hold and under those warm bed sheets. "I love you to the moon and back- no, let's keep going beyond the moon," he whispers as he keeps holding you close. If only he dared to propose already and make you his missus. But only the brave wait for the exact right moment.
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randombush3 · 1 month
cherry wine
jenni hermoso x reader
part one
i hate this but i'm posting it anyway LOL
also sorry if it doesn't make sense but just like don't read into it 🙂
thanks @codiemarin for part two's idea xx
i also feel like every character deserves an apology in this
p.s. not proofread soz
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Jenni decides that she doesn’t mind too much. 
She is happy in Mexico, and, just like in Paris, her escape becomes a person, not a place. 
You have moved, and now you speak Spanish. She still doesn’t know where you are from. 
Your husband, however, is a lot more forthcoming. He works in oil. He owns a quarter of the club; he bought the shares without a second thought. You have no daughter but your husband wants women’s football to have a future. He isn’t a bad man, which Jenni hates. 
He is kind – filthy rich, but kind – and it makes it hard to hurt such a good person. 
Fortunately, ‘hard’ and ‘impossible’ are not synonymous. 
Motherhood brings about no thaw, but your iciness is what has always made you so enticing to Jenni. 
She memorises your address, and she is now the one who appears. The security guards open the gates for her when the time is right, and if it isn’t, they hustle her to a nearby bar and instruct her to wait. She waits obediently. She waits because you always call her back at some point. 
When you are with Jenni, cold fingertips warmed, eyes burning with desire, the tightrope she walks widens. She plants her feet with certainty, however false it may be. She looks down at the wire to avoid the world that blazes around her, and she never dares to look ahead because she knows that it is never going to be the right time to ask. 
It looks ugly, but it’s clean. 
Jenni is happy to be with you; happy here in Monterrey, just as she was happy there in Paris. 
Happy to hide and drag herself out of your bed past midnight. 
His bed. (She tries not to think about it.)
The complicating factor is the two little boys running around the mansion, chased by tired nannies who aren’t sure how to explain why their mother needs to be left alone with their favourite footballer. That’s what Jenni becomes, unluckily, because your husband is so forward-thinking that he takes the boys to see the girls. 
Although your piercing eyes can make Jenni shiver, the boys are unaffected. They run rings around everyone, but Jenni can sometimes bark out a command and get them to sit. 
Often enough, they sit an appropriate distance from your bedroom, patiently waiting for your private meeting to be over before hounding Jenni the minute she emerges. They take no notice of her tousled hair or wild eyes, and their attention flings Jenni’s tears back inside of her whenever you get a bit too harsh with her, so it’s all good. 
When her mother calls and asks why Jenni has learnt French now instead of when she played there, she tells her not to fuss. 
Jenni is removed from those who care about her, but the haze of comfort you provide blinds her to her mistakes. 
You are hers and she is yours. 
She lies in the palm of your hand and likes when your fist closes around her. She feels safe that way. 
She likes when there is blood because the blood tastes as sweet as cherry wine. Blood is proof that you are real. Your blood runs hot like tar, and she is glad to be rooted to the spot. 
Weeks go by, and Jenni’s latest medal begins to strangle her. 
You are starting to fall in love. 
It’s never happened before. 
It’s not dutiful and it’s not because you are too weak to overcome a woman’s nature; incapable of recoding the innate forces of motherhood. It’s not as taxing or exhausting, and it is certainly not the chore you thought love would be. 
Love is radiation, in a sense, and you cannot conceal it. 
Jenni is unaware that she should dress herself in lead, but suddenly everything is contaminated and, apparently, it is all her fault. 
He’s away. 
Jenni knows he is away because he said goodbye to her when he visited the team during their training session. He wished her luck for the match, he professed his faith in her to bring his club success. He is slowly losing the French accent when he speaks, he is slowly catching up to her. 
He’s away but this time she can’t shake the feeling of him in your bed. 
It’s never happened before. 
She still wants it, but her crime is flashing bright red in her mind. 
You, guilty too, flee from the lawless land you have built.
“We’re going to the Maldives for our anniversary,” you inform her, even though there is no reason for her to know. She is not this ‘we’. 
She’s actually never been included in a ‘we’. 
“And the boys?” Jenni asks with interest. She’d prefer them to tag along. It being less romantic would make her feel better. 
“The boys are staying here.” You turn around and face the window as she rises from the crumpled sheets. The blinds part enough for you to catch glimpses of laughing figures chasing each other around the poolside, shouts sounding frantically from their nanny about watching their step. “You’ll visit them while I’m away, right? They really like you.” 
“I really like them.” You smile. It reaches your eyes and Jenni sees the reflection of it in the glass. Wishing her hands could frame you, she feels encouraged to continue. “I like anything of yours. I adore you.”
Your response is as closed as a fist, but your ribs flare open and your heart is on display, thumping and thumping, and Jenni knows that she is holding the key to a rusted lock. It’s neither shiny nor new, but it is the right one this time. 
Jenni guards the key in your absence but she is going to hand it back to you. 
She does visit the boys, driving over daily, rolling her eyes when the guards remind her that you are not yet done with your holiday and punctuating her sentences curtly. They ask her about Spain. Jenni finds herself explaining lesbianism too. 
She can’t help but associate Spain with people she’d rather not think about, but the boys strike her as perfect blends of you and your husband and she is very quickly forcing those thoughts into her mind. 
She books a flight and she goes home, ensuring there is an overlap with your holiday so that you are the one who has to do the welcoming when she returns. 
“You’re not really here for work, are you?” Alexia sees right through her, amused by Jenni’s foolishness. “I have a girlfriend, Jenni.” 
“I need to forget mine,” Jenni replies quietly. 
Her attempt is futile and her desperation wanes the moment her plane lands. 
She tried. 
She can’t escape from it though; from you. 
You are still falling in love with Jenni. Distance didn’t stop it like you thought it would. 
You tried. 
Your husband grows busier and leaves more often. 
There is more time to fall in love with Jenni, and it suffocates you like some brainwashing, poisonous gas. 
You search for a cure for your illness, but there is no cure for the absence of infirmity. 
Your plan to drive her away is to echo how traumatising Paris must have been, but sleeping with Jenni furiously is infuriating. It doesn’t work! 
It doesn’t last, and, like some tired soldier, your fire is blown out and only softer, sweeter, more merciful embers remain.
There is no fight left, but you are in denial. 
The battle is lost and won, yet the victor is unclear. Is it Jenni, who is clutched closer and asked to sleep over? Is it you, with a delicious ache in your muscles and steaming blood coursing through your veins? 
“Do you love me?” 
You pale at how obvious you must have become and you don’t know how to answer. 
Jenni decides that she doesn’t mind too much. 
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mktrashheap · 5 months
Lin Kuei brothers and a taller s/o. M! reader.
Height was the first thing he noticed, even before your fighting abilities and he'll not hide that fact.
He's not blind to beauty and strenght, but what will be the deciding factor is how he's treated.
Be kind to him. Patience and understanding is key.
Tall, strong, handsome and is kind to him? Marriage material.
He has neither the time nor the inclination to be in a relationship that will go nowhere. Wants you to be part of the Lin Kuei and marry him.
Likes to spar with you. Wants you to be the best and is also a way to spend time together.
He's a Grandmaster, he can't indulge in displays of affection, not that he has the time nor the inclination to.
However, he'll take whatever opportunity to spend quality time. It wounds him that he can't enjoy his beloved as he would like.
Hold him and kiss the top of his head. He won't say a thing, but he looks forward to it.
Likes to boast about you. A lot.
Bi-Han would never settle for someone any less than what he deems perfect and once he finds his one and only, he's full of it and is absolutely boastful.
His husband is glorious and most importantly, his. The rest can cope and seethe.
Has a preference for sleeping resting his head on your chest. Why? Because after a day of demands and stress, it's where he relax. It's the best place to get his hair played with, it's soothing to hear his beloved heartbeat, it's warm.
Kuai Liang:
Unlike Bi-Han, he doesn't care that much for height. Sure he appreciates it, but height in of itself isn't what's going to win him over.
Will find enjoyment on it though. A lot of it.
Likes to be embraced in private. Hug him from behind and leave no space between the two of you. He'll gladly welcome it like you're his own personal sweater. Makes him an itsy bitsy warmer.
Accidently rubs his butt against you. Plays dumb about it.
Will use training as an excuse to climb you like a tree.
Don't get him wrong, he'll train pretty seriously because gods forbid something takes his boyfriend from him. But he likes to have some silly fun from time to time.
He's sleeping over you. During the day he seldom has time for himself, much less to spend with his man, so at least when it's time to sleep he wants to.
Since his boyfriend is bigger than him, he can sleep upon him without worrying he's going to crush him and that's exactly what he'll do.
Sorry, this is the rule.
What can he do? To him, you're the most comfortable place to sleep. Even more so when you're so kind to pass your hands on his back. Liang will find a comfortable position and he's out.
It's like sleeping with a weighted blanket. A warm, heavy blanket that won't let you get up before it does.
You won the genetic lottery and the love one, this guy is a keeper. Congratulations.
Earthrealm giant power couple.
He's glad there's someone taller than him tbh. Given his Czech origin, he's not that phased by height per say, but since moving, he's often the odd one out because of it. It serves him fine for his work line and he's proud of his physique, but it's uncomfortable to be on the spotlight wherever he goes.
He now gets to have someone to be uncomfortable with!
He's a little shit though. His boyfriend will hear EVERY tall pun and joke in existance, Tomáš is living for it.
Be patient. Life dealt shitty cards to him, he deserves the joy.
Won't mind if you get back at him in private. Will do it even more.
However, doesn't appreciate other people making puns.
Oh, you're sparring with him. Life is out to get him and he wants your skills the sharpest. Also, there's few people more qualified than him for it.
Likes to be close and in private, likes to cuddle.
Likes even more to kiss while sitting on your lap. Tomáš is a big guy himself, he doesn't get to have a chance like that easily so he'll take full advantage of it.
Will adapt to whatever are his boyfriend's preferences, but if he has his way, he'll be the little spoon. It feels comforting, loving and safe to him.
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gapsbetweenlovers · 1 year
the way to his heart: part three
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The brazen question Carmen just posed nearly sends you into cardiac arrest. Your heart suffers an emotional beating during the ensuing silence you offer him. Pangs, punches, and paralyzing shockwaves complicate your breathing pattern and render you speechless. 
What's the other option? 
Well, given that Carmen is taking your reticent reaction with a downward tug of humiliation on his lips and an awkward clearing of his throat, you suppose you could dwell on the logistics of his question while he patiently, albeit pitifully, lingers in your drawn-out bewilderment. You should stutter out some sort of coherent response, anything, but your unintended form of slow torture is kind of what he deserves for springing such an abrupt change of pace on you after months of radio silence. 
Option #1: Take him home like you originally planned to. You still remember where he lives since the brain doesn't allow people to forget places once suffused with painful memories. Despite the strange feelings that would no doubt be dug up if you saw the lonely place in which he hides himself, the overall process would be harmless and devoid of muddling things any further. It's simple — You can drop him off, and if he invites you inside, you will politely decline and soften the blow with a parting embrace that could be the last one. 
Option #2: Give credence to what he's insinuating. Or, at least, what you think he's insinuating. He... wants to kiss you, right? The closeness in which he currently sits next to you is too warm and inviting to be solely a coincidence. And he's been staring at you differently all day, his sunken blue eyes holding your gaze so intensely, it's like they're trying to tell you something he can't quite verbalize himself. Then there's his lips. You had the gift of making them lift into a smile more than once today, and whenever they did that remarkable thing, it was hard not to imagine kissing them greedily. 
Basically, there's a safe option and a this-could-potentially-ruin-everything option. 
You stare at Carmen's side profile in deep contemplation, weighing the two hypothetical outcomes of such an unexpected end to your night. And he was the one to initiate it, which is mind-boggling in itself. This emotionally distant man you've held onto in hopes he'd let his defenses down is now suddenly creating an opening to fully love him again after an excruciating wait. 
Then again, you could be totally wrong. Maybe the other option Carmen is thinking of involves you leaving him alone on the beach so he can smoke and wallow in his woe. 
"I can drive you home, so you don't have to take the bus," Carmen says quietly, the sound of the ocean waves almost overpowering the dejected tone in his voice. You notice it anyway. He's ashamed he let himself become so vulnerable, but he should know by now that that's all you could ever ask of him. 
"No, stay," you insist, grabbing his arm before he can begin fleeing the scene. Panic surges in your chest. "Stay and talk to me. You were doing so good." 
Carmen shakes his head a little. "Doesn't matter what I have to say," he murmurs while anxiously tapping his thumb on his knee. If only he had a spoon to occupy his fidgeting fingers. 
"I care about every word that comes out of your mouth." 
When his gaze shifts to yours for a split second, he appears mentally tormented. "Why are you so empathetic toward me?" 
"Because it's what you need," you say gently. "Plus, believe it or not, empathy can help with the healing process." 
Carmen shrugs semi-passively. "I guess." 
Silence transpires. It's challenging to carry out a fruitful conversation when he sets up mental blockades in fear of wandering into sensitive territory. You don't ever attempt to knock them over, though. Patience is a virtue, and you know he'll one day find the means to reopen his wounds in his own time and allow himself to experience grief in all its raw, unpredictable glory. 
The misery of grief is that there's no endpoint. It's a never-ending cycle that only wears a person down over time. It may get easier as the seasons change, but it always lies in wait like a predator camouflaged in the tall grass, ready to ambush and tear open the flesh of wounds you thought were healed.
Just when you're about to speak again, Carmen, with that broken look in his eyes, asks, "Do you remember Mikey's funeral?" 
Caught off guard, you tilt your head curiously and reply, "Yeah, of course I do. Why?" 
Carmen looked devastatingly handsome in his black tuxedo and matching bowtie. He stood next to his parents and sister in the funeral home while a long line of people offered their sympathies one by one. You observed from afar, watching him give fake smiles and handshakes. There was inconceivable grief simmering underneath the surface, and the bags under his eyes were sorrowful enough to show he was hurting deep in his bones. 
His hands were calloused and restless. His soul was shattered and bereaved. 
When you finally approached Carmen as the last person in line, the tears you forcibly kept settled in your waterline spilled over with a gut-wrenching amount of condolence. You saw Carmen blink abruptly like he was lost in an insensate stupor and flinch back to the present before you were thrust into his arms. He didn't cry. There were no choked breaths or sniffles, no drops of wetness on his skin. He was hollow. 
You, however, were inconsolable and filled to the brim with mournfulness. Sobs racked your body, and you tried to keep them as quiet as possible, but the ache in your throat needed too much release. Carmen softly shushed you as you wept, one of his hands reaching up to cup the back of your head while the other wrapped around your trembling shoulders. 
You should have been the one comforting him. You loved Mikey dearly but had only known him for a fleeting time. Carmen grew up with him. They were brothers together, and they didn't get to say goodbye. Why were you the one falling apart? 
"I'm sorry," you managed to vocalize, giving him weak solace. "I'm so sorry, Carmy." 
He took a deep breath that seemed to drain everything out of him, then exhaled tiredly into your hair. "So am I." 
"I didn't shed a single tear that day," Carmen says, a shaky, self-deprecating sigh escaping him. "And I-I thought about that for a long time after. Felt really guilty." 
"Everyone grieves differently. You were numb and hadn't processed it yet." 
"But he was my brother. And there was just... nothing. Complete emptiness." 
"Don't beat yourself up over it. I'm a very sensitive person," you admit matter-of-factly. "It doesn't take much for me to get emotional." 
"I know." He swipes back a gold-tinged curl that fell over his forehead. "God, I know, and it fascinates me." 
"It fascinates me too. I'm pretty sure I've cried over a sunset before. 
Carmen gawks at you like you just confessed to a prison-worthy crime. "What? Seriously?" 
You grin, admiring the moon and how it reflects off the rippling lake. "There's nothing quite like a Midwestern sunset. Sometimes, they're so breathtaking that I just sit and tear up over how beautiful this world can naturally be. How lucky are we to collectively experience such a spectacle? And it's different every day. Imagine how dull Earth would be if we were handed the same sky repeatedly." 
He accepts your random soliloquy by pursing his lips and nodding slowly. "Heard." 
"Anyway, I used to despise how sensitive I was. It took a lot of time and effort to embrace my fragility. But now I'm glad simple things like a sunset can trigger those emotions and make me feel alive." 
You've learned that being sensitive is not a weakness. The inner strength and intuition that comes with feeling things profoundly have led you far in life. Now, you can hopefully guide Carmen, who's lost in a labyrinth of his own affliction, to the same place. 
"I think maybe... you're my sunset?" It leaves his mouth as an uncertain question, and a disgusted grimace quickly overtakes his face. "Wow, that's the lamest thing I've ever said. Never mind. Jesus Christ." 
All at once, your heart pounds, expands, and takes flight. This is what you've always craved from Carmen, this soft side that seldom sneaks out. His cheeks are flushed with adorable chagrin, and the correct choice between your two options is so fucking obvious. 
"Just kiss me if you're gonna say stuff like that." 
Carmen's eyebrows rise higher than the goddamn exosphere. Good. It's his turn to be sent into cardiac arrest. You don't know how you expect him to react to your boldness. Right now, he's looking dangerously close to the vicinity of your lips with the slightest hint of a smile. 
Then he laughs and says, "You're such a dork." 
"Well, am I—" 
Two of his fingers are suddenly hooked under your chin, and before you can take your next breath, he lurches forward and connects his lips to yours, shutting you up in arguably the most effective way possible. Your nose slides perfectly in place beside his, and your hands travel to the sturdy slope of his shoulders. You hang on tight, scared to let him go. He needs this. You need this. It's been too long since the last kiss. The last one was painful and left seeds of sadness in the grooves of your soul. 
Carmen's lips are chapped, but you quickly mend them by delicately parting his mouth using your tongue. The instant taste of cigarettes and oranges makes you groan with pleasure, and Carmen slides his tongue over yours, drinking your sounds. It's muscle memory the way you move with him — the physical dance of romance, the push and pull of sensuality. It leaves you longing for more when he eventually retreats his touch to get some air into his lungs. 
Your skin ignites as you chase after more of his affection. Carmen's mouth ends up near your ear, his fingers fiddling with the fabric of your dress. "Missed you," he whispers, swallowing thickly. "I didn't mean to cut you out of my life. I love you. I do."
The hug you give him speaks a thousand truths. "It's okay, Carmy. Shit happens. You're working through it." 
He hums in agreement. "And, uh... thanks for not giving up on me. I know I'm a bitch to deal with, but having you here makes me want to be better." 
You kiss his warm cheek, then stand and offer him a hand. "We're turning over a new leaf starting tomorrow. You and I have some serious things to discuss — the prospect of therapy, your concerning smoking addiction, and the status of our relationship, just to name a few." 
"All right, boss." Carmen slides his hand in yours and hoists himself up with a groan. He then pats his lower back. "Piggyback. C'mon." 
You don't hesitate to climb on his back, snugly wrapping your arms and legs around his buff frame. It's awfully familiar. Back in New York, on his rare nights off work, you'd both get wasted and stumble out of bars or clubs with you clinging onto his back because you didn't want to walk in your heels, and you'd rather not walk barefooted on the filthy streets. He'd carry you wherever he felt like, the city alive with neon lights and the darkness failing to catch up. It was a time when you could both forget about the crushing reality of life. 
"So, where does kissing fall on your list of things we need to discuss?" Carmen asks, effortlessly hauling you toward his car. 
The moon should be envious of how brightly and beautifully you smile. "Oh, we can get a head start on that right now." 
When his blissful laugh echoes around Chicago, the grief slowly becomes replaced by a swelling wave of catharsis.
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stevetonyweekly · 5 months
SteveTony Weekly - December 30th
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Welcome to the final SteveTony Weekly of the year! Tomorrow I’ll be sharing my short list of favorite reads of the year--enjoy these and be sure to leave comment and kudos for your authors if you enjoy them! 
ends of the earth by meidui
“We have a new deal,” Tony interrupts. “From now on, you feel like you messed up, you come home to me. You come home to New York and we figure it out together. If you’re on this cross country road trip and living on a farm because you like it, fine, I’ll come out and visit. But if you’re out here because you’re sorry, I’ve got some bad news for you, buddy. Not even you could fix the entire world.”
They always slip so briskly and unexpectedly into conversations like this. There’s never been anything between them to thaw. Tony has been a bullet through the heart since they first met and he’s still lodged there, and Steve doesn’t know how to get him out.
He doesn’t deserve Tony coming all the way down to Illinois with his million watt attention and a slice of that blunt kindness of his.
the steve rogers rating system by meidui
Tony has an internalised Steve Rogers rating system, but it’s not standardised. It’s also not a foolproof system because Steve behaves in ways that crash it all the time.
everything and the kitchen sink by meidui
Steve eats a lot after the serum (and stashes snacks in his utility belt).
How Close Am I To Losing You by tinystark616
Three different stories about the first time Steve says "I love you" to Tony.
Unseen, unheard by lomku 
Tony and Steve have a furtive encounter. Tony wishes they could have more.
you'd think they'd be married by now by FunSizedMomo 
Tony can cook.
Steve loves Tony's cooking. And baking.
Oh and he loves Tony too.
Thoughtful Indulgences by HeLovedYou (come_chaos)
Tony takes Steve to space for their second anniversary together.
Sun Spots and Other Warm Things by s_p_r_o_u_t
Steve takes care of Tony on a bad mental health day. Lots of sappy fluff!
Nothing Wrong by tinystark616
As the Avengers' leader, Steve always praises each member of the team for their good work.
Except for Tony.
In Arrears by Sineala 
Steve had nearly forgotten what day it was, because he hadn't exactly wanted to write "roleplay elaborate landlord/tenant sexual fantasy with Tony" on his calendar where other people might see it. He suspected Tony actually had written precisely that on his, but, well, that was why he and Tony were two different people.
Coincidences by ladyshadowdrake
Steve hasn't been to a Quidditch game since his mother was still alive, but the US is playing in the World Cup, so why not? He definitely doesn't expect to run into Tony there.
light of my life by tinystark616
Steve has always loved Tony's arc reactor.
And he's always loved Tony.
Make Me Laugh, Make Me Come (At the Same Time) by Sadisticsparkle (sadisticsparkle)
This was it. After many months of sudden invasions, unexpected heists, and at least two zombie outbreaks, they had an entire night for themselves.
this love came back to me by complicationstoo 
It's been two and half years since the last time Steve and Tony saw each other, but the pieces fall right back into place when a chance meeting connects them again.
fourth time's the charm by complicationstoo 
Three times Steve's gifts for Tony didn't go as planned, and the one time it went right.
dreamt of you all summer long by complicationstoo
Steve spends months after the breakup trying to forget Tony, but it never seems to work. That's alright, though, because Tony can't forget him either.
once in a lifetime by meidui for Areiton
“You should be worried that I'll break into your apartment, steal your identity and flee the country with all your money,” Steve says, one arm slung lazily across Tony's chest, playing with the key to his safe. “You shouldn't go around handing out keys to people, you know.”
Tony makes a low, offended noise and grabs Steve’s chin, making him laugh. “Is that what you think I do?”
By The Numbers by JenTheSweetie
“I’m not certain that obtaining a larger vessel will assist him in vanquishing this most dangerous sea creature,” Thor said firmly.
Or, five ways other than battles that the Avengers measured a year.
The Ballad of Captains America by JenTheSweetie
“The thing I want you all to remember, when this is over,” Tony said to Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov, Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, and Bruce Banner, and fuck, they really needed to find Thor, or possibly Thors, “is that I was planning to use this for good, not evil."
do i wanna know by JenTheSweetie
When Steve Rogers woke up, they told him a lot of things.
They told him they’d fixed things been wrong back before, and that the world was better now. They told him that SHIELD was where he belonged, that they took only the best and the brightest and the bravest. They told him that with his help, they were going to save the world.
They also told him Tony Stark was dangerous.
But Steve Rogers once jumped on top of a grenade, so really, it’s all relative.
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zhongrin · 5 months
Rin if you want lore for the fatui zhongli au. You have a power that helps grant someone some control against karma but not remove it. You are a reincarnation of an adeptus that had the ability to remove karma. Xiao feels warm and safe when he's beside you.
Zhongli actually has fully been corrupted by Karma and his personality is that of a much more evil young morax. You know in his archon outfit his arms look like it has geo power flowing through him. Yeah imagine it through his whole body. The only reason why his face looks normal is because he chooses for it to be like that but he can make it cover his whole face to scare you. He changes his name to Жадность or Zhadnost when In public.
In this au, Xiao was raised as a weapon his whole life and the only love he has ever seen was between you and Zhongli. He thinks this what love was. Maybe you can teach him a different kind of love. Xiao being an adeptus has two delusions which electro and geo. When he uses those delusions, he actually wears a mask that looks like the Yaksha that matched that element. (Electro-Bosacious, Geo Menogias)
Xiao in this au has karmic corruption that effects his arms, eyes and face. It coated his arms in a black color and his eyes glow green and his face starts to have grown horns and it looks like his mask starts to become his face on the top half of his face. Your husband has a special ceremony for Xiao if his karma fully corrupts him. This ceremony is when he either becomes a harbinger or takes Zhongli's place as he has just become like his father and embraced the corruption. His name becomes Испорченный or Isporchennyy.
You can convince your husband to sign adoption papers for xiao but your husband as he says Xiao is too old for that.
Nakazanie has some differences between him and Al haitham. Al haitham has some morals Nakazanie doesn't. Nakazanie is a better fighter than Al haitham. You see scars on Nakazanie'd body. Nakazanie is much quieter too the point you might he is a statue. You also can see something weird with his eyes, his eyes actually switch colors. Your husband has a special control over him that instantly makes him follow orders from Zhongli only.
He has one other mask besides the one you chose the design of. This mask is when you have done something wrong.
When you did something wrong, He is forced to wear this mask which has a voice modulator that makes him sound exactly like Zhongli. The mask that has an eye that has the exact hue and eyeshape of Zhongli's but with a much bigger size Zhongli's. The patterns around the eye are similar to that of king desheret's symbol but with chains. It also has a built in camera where Zhongli can watch you with.
Weird thing that happens in lore, If Zhongli is jealous that Nakazanie is getting too much love. He makes Nakazanie put on the mask (the one you didn't design) on and makes him watch when you and Zhongli display affection silently. If you make zhongli extra jealous, Zhongli does it with his (Nakazanie 's) mask on and makes Nakazanie wear his (Zhongli's) mask on as he clearly thinks you love him more than your first husband.
The eye colors dictate his mode with Nakazanie
Nor Combat personality-Red and green
Your husband's brainwashing-Amber
……. brosch i need to. i need to rattle you for this, this is such a good au i'm shdlfhwouedijaonuhedkjasd i've hoarded this enough, it's time to release it to the world 🤲🏻
evil young morax? sign me UP- i mean what /hj
Жадность.... greed hmm. fitting. i imagine with him in place, pantalone will become his subordinate instead of a fellow harbinger bc northland bank would be under his supervision instead?
xiao learning 'love' from watching zhongli's deranged obsessive love i'm 😭 i'm squishing him he deserves all the parental affection he's been deprived of...
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........ i am beginning to regret accepting al haitham ;;;; he's suffering through so much orz
(some doodles utc bc this au made me brainrot a bit too much 👀)
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there's an old snezhnayan saying that's been passed down for thousands of years in the villages near zapolarny palace.
"if you see a lady bearing a fatui insignia in a coat embroidered with a golden dragonー"
"ー run. run, and never look back."
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" t h e y a r e w a t c h i n g . "
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lupicalled · 5 months
the hairbrush works smoothly through silky, freshly-conditioned silver locks, ex-knight having long since washed away dirt and picked the twigs and leaves from razor's hair and simply indulging in the act of grooming. as razor grows up, makes new friends and hones his survival skills in the wild, diluc feels as if he's seeing less and less of him--to help him integrate into society to the extent that he's comfortable, to see him thriving and loved and cared for was always the end goal of taking him in, but he hadn't expected the bittersweet ache of missing him even when he hasn't really gone anywhere.
but he can be content with these moments, the increasingly rare occasions when the two of them can simply sit and enjoy each other's company, if it means giving the young wolf room to grow and learn in his own right. hairbrush set aside, diluc begins to weave his fingers through razor's hair, carefully separating it into strands that he starts to manipulate into a loose braid.
" ...you're a good kid, razor, " dawn admits rather suddenly, leaning forward to press his nose into razor's crown, nuzzling him gently like his lupical might show affection. his voice is a bit morose, but certainly not without its sincerity, " i'm very proud of you, and i always will be. don't ever forget that. "
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despite his usual silence and avoidance of humanity, razor was, at his core, a very tactile person. grooming was how he communicated with his lupical, the family not like him. he could understand them to some degree, not with human words but actions and sounds, but it always came back to touch. licking, nipping, bathing, even the way the pack slept together all held meaning. touching humans was different, it was hard to know exactly what a certain touch might mean. but he knows this.
diluc has always seemed to understand this, understand him in a way most other humans didn't. he's learned over time spent with the man, that it came from their general disposition; a desire for comfort with oneself, but also an innate need for connection. he's always found it hard to express himself with words, thankfully diluc required none of him. teacher was wonderful, kind and smart and pushed him to explore new things. but diluc? diluc nurtured the parts of razor that he couldn't change, and never made him feel bad for it. it's why he comes back. like a dog returning to the place it knows is home, time apart vanishes when he returns. diluc doesn't pry what he's gotten in to, where he went - razor will tell him, he doesn't mind. but he knows diluc doesn't expect it. wolfkin knows to expect a warm meal, a warmer bed, and a unique bonding he hasn't found elsewhere. 
he could fall asleep like this, which is unlike a boy raised in the wilderness, always keeping one eye open. but diluc's hands are warm, the brush melodic almost. he feels safe. red eyes slot open when diluc speaks. 
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"proud," razor parrots, as he often does when trying to make sense of words he's heard. he's not sure what prompted diluc to tell him this, now of all times, but he likes how the word makes him feel. he doubts it would feel the same if someone else said it - it makes him feel warm because it is diluc who does, "i carry name, now," he turns to look at diluc behind him, hand curled with thumb out, so he can point it back at himself, "i am ragnvindr. i will always make proud, so i know i deserve it." // @piercingdarke
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sneezyminniejo · 2 years
can you write something where Hyunjin doesn't actually know that he's allergic to cats, and danceracha is having a practice, and Minho brought his cats, and Hyunjin can't figure out why he can't stop sneezing.
Here it is. Hope you enjoy
Self Discovery
It was a relatively normal day for the members of Stray Kids. 3Racha was in the studio, working hard on the next album. VocalRacha had been asked to make an appearance in their dongsaeng’s variety show, so they were spending the next couple of days filming with the members of Xdinary Heroes. It was decided that for easiness sake XH Seungmin would go by his stage name to minimize confusion.
Meanwhile DanceRacha was planning on working on some choreography for some of the b sides of their other albums. They didn’t need to make any more choreography for any of their other albums, but there were a couple of songs the entire group felt deserved a choreo. Only, Minho hadn’t yet arrived. Felix and Hyunjin had been waiting for their hyung to arrive for the past half hour, and they were starting to worry, as their hyung is normally quite punctual. Felix was in the process of texting Minho to ask him where he was , when he entered the studio pushing a stroller.
“Hyung, what’s with the stroller?” Felix asked, completely dumbfounded as he watched his hyung carefully place his backpack on the ground. Helix recognized it as one of those bubble backpacks to carry pets in.
“Sorry I’m late guys. I was arguing with security about letting these guys in. It’s international cat day, ya know. And it’s only fair that they be treated like the gods they are and see where their human spends the day.” Minho said this nonchalantly as he opened up his backpack and opened up the stroller, letting all three cats out so they could begin exploring the practice room. Hyunjin and Felix both sat on the floor and started chatting with each other while the three felines explored their new surroundings.
The trio talked while stretching for around ten minutes before Minho got up and turned on the music. The cats were still exploring the room, but they were mostly examining the scents from their gym bags, so it was safe to start practice. They started off by warming up to other groups’ songs, such as Eleven by Ive and Good Boy Gone Bad by TXT. They finished off warm ups by dancing to Maniac. Minho and Hyunjin just kind of stared at Felix for a moment during the chorus when he started doing the Macarena instead of the choreography. The trio then broke out laughing for a couple of minutes before getting to work.
They decided they were going to start off by doing the chorus. While they were working on a specific move for the chorus, Hyunjin felt his nose begin to get itchy. He did his best to ignore and wound up rubbing at his nose a couple of times. He was relieved when the sensation went away.
They decided to start with Chronosaurus. They were currently working on a part where they had decided that the rap line was essentially going to plank, while the vocal line sat on their back before jumping up one by one. At the moment, Hyunjin was in the plank position and Minho was hovering over his back. They were discussing the best way to transition into the next move, when Hyunjin felt a much more urgent prickling sensation in his nose.
Minho had fully sat down on Hyunjin’s back, preparing to try the move they had just finished talking about. Unbeknownst to the ninety-eight liner, the oldest millennium liner was majorly struggling.
“Heh-stschh, oww.” Minho quickly got off of Hyunjin’s back when he expressed pain. Hyunjin also sat up as soon as Minho was off of him and he was rubbing his forehead. Hyunjin wound up sneezing again a moment later. Felix had gone over to the computer and grabbed a couple of tissues, then brought them over to Hyunjin.
“Are you okay Hyunjin? What hurts?” Minho asked as he tried to give the younger man an examination.
“I’m fine hyung. I just whacked my face on my fist when I sneezed.” Hyunjin said with a little bit of a blush forming on his cheeks. He shoved the tissues into his pocket then went back into the plank position. Clearly saying that he was fine to continue practice. The trio continued to work on the chorus for the next hour. Unfortunately, Hyunjin kept interrupting their flow with occasional sneezing.
They’d finally finished the chorus and were ready to start working on the first verse. Hyunjin had managed to go the previous hour without needing to blow his nose. However, his nose was now running and he was feeling rather congested. Not to mention the itch the had been plaguing him thus far. He had been doing his best to hold back the sneezes, managing to only sneeze once every several minutes. He was sure he was on the cusp of a proper fit, so he held up a finger and ran over to the tissue box.
"HEH-stschhhh, HIH-stschhh, heh-stieghhhh, hih-stschhhh-stieghschhh." The sneezes weren't necessarily loud, but they were forceful enough that they were bending him at the waist. Hyunjin's head nearly collided with the desk, but he was able to turn away in time. The last sneeze had actually propelled him forward a couple of steps, making him have to double back to get the tissues.
He looked and saw that Minho and Felix had decided to take a water break. He blew his nose a couple of times before joining them on the floor with his own water bottle. The cats had been sitting on the couch, watching the humans as they practiced. However, they got up to join the humans as soon as they realized that there were laps to investigate. Soonie had naturally gone to Minho, Doongie had gone to Felix, and Dori decided to climb into Hyunjin's lap.
“Hyunjin-ah, are you feeling okay?” Minho asked. He didn’t bring up the sneezing he’d been doing, but it was clearly the reason for the question. Hyunjin appreciates his hyung’s concern, however, he’s not entirely sure what the answer is.
“Kind of hard to say hyung. I feel okay right now, but I think I might be getting sick.” Hyunjin sniffled when he finished talking. He legitimately felt okay. He was just sneezy and his eyes were getting watery. The only explanation he could think of was that he was in the beginning stages of a cold. Both Minho and Felix nodded in understanding, and Minho said that they would probably cut practice short so that Hyunjin could get some rest.
After ten more minutes of drinking water and relaxing with the cats, it was time to resume the choreography planning. Unfortunately, Hyunjin’s condition appeared to be declining rapidly. The amount of sniffling he’d been doing had increased significantly during the water break and he needed to blow his nose before he could resume with working. He also found his eyes beginning to itch and quickly rubbed at them in hopes of making the feeling go away.
They decided to work on the chorus a bit more, because the transition they currently had between the first verse and the chorus was a bit clunky. Hyunjin’s nose and eyes were getting progressively more itchy and he ducked into his elbow to sneeze three times. He excused himself to blow his nose again. He could feel that the itch was still there and once again building.
“HEH-stschhh, hih-stscshhh, HIH-stschhh-istschhh, heh-stieghietschhh, hih-ngxtshhieshh.” The tissues that Hyunjin had grabbed were completely soiled by the sneezing fit. He grabbed some more tissues so that he could properly blow his nose and rubbed at his eyes again in the process. Hyunjin was starting to not feel great and decided to tell Minho that he was definitely sick and needed to go home.
“Hyung, I think I should go home. I’m starting to feel good at all.” Minho nodded before looking at the younger. When he did look at Hyunjin, his eyes widened a little.
“Hyunjin, are you allergic to cats?” Hyunjin looked confused at the question.
“Not that I know of. Why?” Felix seemed to understand the line of questioning and jumped before Minho could respond.
“Jinnie, you were totally fine before hyung brought his cats. Since then you’ve been sneezing a fair amount and now your eyes are really red.” Upon hearing the last statement, Hyunjin went to rub at his eyes again, only to have Minho grab his wrist.
“Don’t do that Jinnie, you’re just going to make it worse. I’m pretty sure you’re allergic to cats. I’m going to bring my babies home, and Felix is going to bring you back to the dorm. You are going to take a shower and change your clothes. If there’s any in your medicine cabinet, you’re going to take some allergy medicine and you should start feeling better soon.” Both Felix and Hyunjin nodded and began packing up their things before leaving the room.
Felix and Hyunjin went to Hyunjin’s dorm, since that’s where his clothes are. The older member did as he was told and showered, while Felix went through the medicine cabinet to look for some antihistamines. He found the medicine and left it on the counter before leaving a note saying that he was going to his dorm to shower and change as well.
Several minutes later, both Hyunjin and Felix were now sitting in the living room of Hyunjin’s dorm. Hyunjin had a box of tissues and both men had a mug of tea. Hyunjin had to admit he was feeling a bit better after the shower, and only time would tell whether or not the meds would help. Since the trio had decided to be done for the rest of the day, Felix and Hyunjin decided to play some video games. They texted Minho what the plan was and he responded that he’d join them after he dropped the cats off at his house and showered.
The trio had been playing for a couple of hours when 3Racha and VocalRacha returned from their schedules at roughly the same time. Chan immediately got concerned at the small pile of tissues that was on the coffee table and questioned the three dancers about it.
“It’s a long story, hyung. But apparently I’m allergic to cats.” Hyunjin said somewhat nonchalantly. Both Felix and Minho snorted before Minho told the group exactly what had happened.
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sopebubbles · 2 years
Friendly Fighter Fodder (vol. 1)
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Please grab a warm beverage of your choice and gather round! Maddie and I want to share some of our thoughts on the ongoing BTS series, "Fighter." If this isn't your thing or you rather make up your own opinions or wait until the end to read this kind of thing, no worries! This is all just for fun because creating complex characters is one of our favorite parts of writing!
It's also important to note that there will be no spoilers here. Anything discussed will be based on information already available through the story. And with that being said...
It's time for some armchair psychoanalysis 🥳🥳🥳
Ready Jungkook?
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He's ready.
So it's pretty safe to say that Y/n and Taehyung did not have a healthy relationship. They were both lying to each other. Y/n didn't even give her real name. And at this time, still doesn't use her real name. When discussing the break-up, Maddie brought up a great point... "Their relationship was unhealthy, so why would their breakup be healthier? Like, did Val explain things clearly to him? No, not at all! But is her mind in a normal place at all? Is her mind even capable of working 'normally' after so much trauma? No. She's legitimately thinking: the person I am, the real me now is such a fucked up person that Taehyung cannot possibly ever love me and I won't sit around and beg him to because I don't deserve that [love]."
Personally, I feel really bad for Y/n. Outside of everything else she's been through, she never let herself grieve the relationship she had with Taehyung. She did genuinely care about him, she even says that she loved him, but rather than accepting that which she doesn't feel she deserves, it's easier to tell herself it's all a lie. Neither of them were truthful, but it doesn't change that they had something real. Yeah. But I also think her love of him was love for the version of herself that she was with him. So mourning for their relationship is a lot about mourning the life she can't have too.
Think about it this way, between 15-20 her life wasn't her own at all. This is the time when we do so much discovery about who we are and Y/n was literally just trying to survive. Now for the last two years, she's had "freedom" and she let herself believe her life could be "normal" only to find out what she's known deep inside all along...that it was only a facade. And now she's dealing with that realization while hiding in a home with people she doesn't know and whose profession she hates and has severe trauma-associated with. Yes, exactly and it isn't as if she's consciously dealing with all that. No, she's worried about killing Joaquin because she thinks that will magically make all her problems disappear. Right. And I think there are a lot of people believe that trauma recovery always makes a person behave in sympathetic ways when that's simply not true.
I think a really important point is that her mind is a real mess and she has coping mechanisms for quieting that. Mainly through exercise. Which is why she craves it. Her sense of self is a mess. But at the point in life where most people are trying to find that sense of self and being able to try new things and meet new people to form those pieces of identity, she was a prisoner, fighting for her life. So, if her personality appears a little erratic, well, of course it does. I think on some level she's trying to figure out what the best personality is to survive and get what she needs at any given moment, but she has no flipping idea what it is. What I find really interesting is that when she justifies her feelings against Taehyung, she says that she was lying about her past and he was lying about his present, which is why he was worse than her. But in a lot of ways, Taehyung is actually the same guy she dated. He just also happens to be a gangster. Meanwhile, Val is a persona in her mind that she created because she thinks "good things" happen to girls named "Val." So yeah, Taehyung is being a massive dick in a lot of ways and he is not respecting Y/n's space, but he's just acting how he's always acted. I mentioned it in comments before, but I'll say it here again. Y/n expressed her insecurity at being left. Y/n expressed her insecurity about Taehyung not wanting to have sex with her. Y/n feels really insecure about who she is and what she looks like and whether or not Taehyung will accept her as she is. So him being possessive was a way to reassure her. He was trying to do the right thing.
Even if his behavior mirrored Joaquin's in a lot of ways, I don't think Y/n consciously recognized that. Or at least not at first. She hasn't made relationships or gotten to know people on her own before, and here she is falling for this guy who treats her like a possession and no, it's not healthy but it's what she's used to.
Y/n isn't any less toxic than Taehyung is in this situation, and she doesn't know how to be.
I think, and I wanted to illustrate this with that discussion of dreams in today's chapter, that she still really only thinks of safety, not even necessarily of happiness. She hopes that maybe, when she's safe, then happiness will find a way. That something will be clear then. She just literally doesn't know what that could even look like.
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Oof. I think we'll stop there for now. Please look at this cozy picture of Tae as a token of my gratitude. Thank you for tuning in! We love interaction, so stop by any time!
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sakurarisen · 1 year
웃:  three people that are important to my muse
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Headcanon Time!
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There's Zack - It's him who Sera can and will always credit with saving her, in more ways than she can actually put into words, but he's also someone she loves more than there's stars in the sky. To her, he accomplished his goal of becoming a hero long ago; he's generous, kind, sweet, helpful... Zack is an eager puppy in human form, and even when he comes back to her after Nibelheim, he's still putting everyone else before himself. He fusses over others in his own unique way and never has a harsh word for anyone who doesn't outright deserve it, and it's his smile that makes everything right in her world.
He's her other half in several ways, and he understands her ad gives her a place to belong, even when she feels she doesn't deserve it. Sera's been able to bounce things off him and show him her worst sides, and even though things started out rocky, he's never failed to prove himself willing to learn and to explain, and take her hand with a gentle touch she's never found in anyone else. Zack is her star, and she'll never not have him on a list like this. <3
There's also Sephiroth, who while she's heard stories of and fully believes them, she can't for the life of her see them when she looks at him, especially pre-Nibelheim. Sera's sure he's as fearsome as the stories told imply - He wouldn't be called a hero for no reason, after all! That's a titles one has to earn, especially when it's all of Midgar who agree with it and call him such! But to Sera herself, he's warm. Friendly. Comfortable.
She's sure she should probably be more respectful or fearful with him, but it's so hard to be when even silence is comfortable, something she doesn't normally like, and 'time out and about' is often walks around Midgar and soft talks. He's very brotherly, Sera's long since decided, and she's come to see him as such - Though it's perhaps that reason exactly why his later turn on the planet itself hurts so badly. Even though she's had a reputable source come to tell her the Sephiroth she knows is long since gone at that point, it's hard to believe it... She only hopes he find peace when he's done with whatever it is he feels he needs to do.
And thirdly, there's Shayan - Her son she really wishes would stop asking for his own pet chocobo. XD He's a miracle in and of himself and she still doesn't understand how he's here - really, she never will understand and that's fine by her - but she absolutely treasures him. He's what gave her the strength to escape Midgar after Nibelheim, kept her breathing and functioning, and above all else, helped her see she wants to see tomorrow even more than Zack did - She wants to see a world where he can grow up and thrive, and despair over what had become of her and her family after having to run was something she couldn't allow to win.
He's a gentle, kind, and considerate child with his father's eyes and determination, and she's almost certain he knows more than he lets on. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't... Whatever the answer there, it doesn't matter, so long as she can see him safe and smiling. <3
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phoebe-delia · 2 years
fate left scars upon his face with all the damage they had done
I'm having some writer's block at the moment, and when that happens I tend to sort of go one of three ways. 1. I don't write. 2. I write hurt/comfort. 3. I write about something kinda revenge/badass/dramatic.
And THEN the new MCR song came out, "The Foundations of Decay," and it sooo fit the fic and gave me intense Harry vibes, so it's now a songfic.
Also this is dedicated to @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm, the biggest MCR fan I know.
CW: brief smoking, CW: mentions/heavy discussions of and references to canonical child abuse, CW: mentions of and references to physical and emotional child abuse, CW: mentions of scars, Also Dumbledore bashing. Finally, a huge thank you to the lovely @crazybutgood for the very helpful beta! Enjoy some cathartic angst!
Harry’s robes clung to his skin, sodden and soaked with the rain. But despite the wand safely and conveniently stowed in its holster, Harry didn't cast a Warming Charm or an Impervius. He simply let himself shiver against the cold and the boots become muddied as he trudged through the forest, past rows of crumbling headstones to the large, ornate marble tomb.
He stopped several yards away, close enough to see the tomb in all its regal glory but far enough not to make out the name he knew was carved worshipfully into the stone.
Harry stared at the ornate display, so incongruous with the natural greenery of the surrounding trees. Silence hung thickly in the air, a sickly sweet kind of peace that spread over everything like molasses. The rain had slowed to a moderate drizzle, its rage beginning to quiet.
Fitting, really, since Harry's was just beginning.
“Did you know where I got the scar on my face?” he asked the tomb, letting the sound of his voice prod at the static stillness.
The marble had no reply, so Harry continued. “I wonder if you noticed it when you saw me again for the first time. I wonder if you saw my face and recognized my forehead and then looked at my cheek and did a double-take at the scar that ran across my tender skin.
“It was still pretty new, at that point. It wasn’t the first they’d given me, but the others were a bit more hidden. There’s a place on my back where he broke the skin with his belt, and when I snuck into the bathroom to clean it, I couldn’t reach. And there’s a burn mark on my leg, where she threw a pot of boiling water at me. Not to mention the fact that I still flinch when I hear the oven timer go off, and the smell of brandy makes my skin crawl. You don’t see those scars; no one does. That doesn't make them any less real.
“And I never knew what I did to deserve it. Never knew what my crime was, exactly. I tried to stay small and quiet. I tried to be as good as possible, to be of use to them, worth keeping around. Worthy of food, water. Worthy of life.”
Harry walked closer, watching raindrops slide down the smooth marble. He stared right at it, pretending he was looking straight into twinkling blue eyes. 
“And I don’t know why you never seemed to notice me tugging down the sleeves of my robes for the first weeks of each school year. I don’t know why no one, other than my closest friends, seemed to care that I would eat ravenously for the first few days and that I’d start tucking non-perishable food into my pockets at the end-of-the-year banquet.
“You know, when I look back at that time, the difference between you and them becomes more and more blurred. Sure, they made me feel like shit most of the time. But at least they were honest,” he spat. “You lied to me. You acted like you cared about me, and now I realize that all you ever cared about was keeping me alive. Not happy, not fulfilled, not loved—alive. 
“And now you’re gone, and I’m so full of grief. I’m grieving for Sirius—” Harry’s voice cracked, but he continued, “who you abandoned to rot in Azkaban. And for Remus. And my parents. And for myself, because you let me die, little by little, every day for 17 years until I was just broken enough to fix the world.  
“I don’t miss you, but I mourn the fact that I’m having this one-sided conversation with a slab of fucking rock instead of with the coward buried underneath. I wish you were here, not because I want you in my life, but because I want the satisfaction of cutting you out of it forever.
“This,” he said, gesturing to the tomb, “is an altar to a false god. You weren’t the infallible, wise elder everyone wanted you to be. You were just as fragile and weak and dumb as the rest of us; you were just better at faking it.” 
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He slipped a cigarette between his lips and held the lighter to the other end, revealing the flame with a soft click. He let it ignite the end of the cigarette and tucked the lighter back into his pocket before he sat down on the long marble slab, leaning back on a hand as he studied the engraved words in front of him. He used his free hand to take a drag of the cigarette, blowing smoke right over the headstone.
“You told me to pity the living, and not the dead, and that all sounds very poetic and profound, but I’ve done both,” Harry said, before pausing to take another drag. “And I know this…life, post-war, is still going to get harder before it gets easier. But I’ll prove you wrong. Because I don’t need you to tell me fortune cookie truths about life. I value my friends and my family. And Draco, who knows the scars on my body and mind nearly as well as I do, and who makes me happy and fulfilled and loved.” He glared at the headstone with defiance. “I will make my life into something you can’t pity me for.”
With that, Harry leaned over and tapped the ashes of his cigarette against the headstone, letting them spill a bit before he crushed it against the slab and let it drop there, the last bits of smoke still curling into the humid air. 
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pochipop · 2 years
hi!! two things💖 1. i love love love your writing so much! i even read the ship fics you posted despite not being a big fan of the ships themselves and i ADORED THEM, especially the monoma x shinso one! and 2. can i get a sfw alphabet post for childe like you did with diluc? thank you so much —🧸
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#. synopsis! — a childe headcanon for every letter of the alphabet .
#. characters! — childe .
#. warnings! — none .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @yyolkchi (reblog/spam) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
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A: affection. | are they affectionate? how do they show affection?
Childe is painfully unpredictable. Sometimes, his affection will be shown through jokes and teasing, playful antics that let you know he's comfortable around you and wants you to feel safe in his presence. Other times, he's just physical. He'll pepper you with kisses, hold you close to him, —whatever he feels gets his point across the best at any given moment. He's not much one for sappy words or large declarations of love, but you feel his appreciation in every touch. What he offers is more than enough.
B: bizarre. | something strange they do or a weird quirk they have with or without their partner?
Childe has an odd habit of leaving obscure items in strange places. He's not forgetful for the most part; he remembers where he places things, you just don't understand why he'd want to put his mask inside of a lampshade instead of just putting it on the desk itself, or why he feels the need to leave bags of mora in the vases of potted plants.
C: comfort. | are they good at comforting their partner? how do they do it?
Childe isn't always the best at being comforting, but he tries his hardest. Most of the time, his idea of comfort consists of just talking things out and throwing you some jokes to giggle at so that you feel better over the course of things. A warm hug or a forehead kiss never hurts though.
D: domestic. | how do they feel about settling down? do they cook/clean?
Childe isn't really one for settling down in a traditional sense. He has no problem devoting himself to you romantically, —but not traveling, staying in one place forever. . . That's a tougher pill for him to swallow. In regard to cleaning, he's not a big fan of it, but does it in order to keep himself from living in filth. He doesn't love cooking either, especially when he's doing it alone, but he's been to his fair share of new places, and he's picked up lots of tips, tricks, and recipes along the way, so he likes sharing those with you, —and he likes it even more when you give him a hand in the kitchen, or vice versa.
E: ending. | if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?
Childe would probably do it over note, too scared to see your expression if he were to do it in person. He would beat himself up over it for quite a while though, knowing you deserved to hear it face to face and not just from writing on a piece of paper.
F: future. | do they think about the future? how does it look?
Childe does think about the future. He always has, and since entering a relationship with you, he's no different. He likes to daydream about all the places he wants to travel with you, all the sights he wants to see with you by his side. Childe also thinks about how it'll feel to grow and change alongside you, and for you to do the same in turn. He's excited for whatever the future holds, especially since it's with you.
G: gifts. | how often do they give their partner gifts? what kind of gifts are they?
Childe brings gifts home often. Since he travels frequently, when it happens that you can't go along with him, he's always sure to bring a souvenir back with him. The type of gift can vary depending on where he traveled, of course, but often he brings home little trinkets for you, and now you have a collection of them displayed somewhere in your room. He might also surprise you with some accessories every now and again: earrings, necklaces, rings, etc.
H: honesty. | are they honest with their partner? do they keep secrets?
Childe does keep some secrets, —not because he wants to, but because some things are better left unsaid. In his line of work, that is especially true. You try not to pry too much, worried that doing so might put him in an uncomfortable corner. He appreciates your willingness to trust him, even if it's blind sometimes. For what it's worth, Childe does his best to be honest about what he safely and comfortably can.
I: i love you. | how fast do they say the L word? who says it first?
Childe is surprisingly open with his feelings, much more than one might expect. That charming exterior is majoritively who he is on the inside as well, but he has layers to him just as anyone else. However, he doesn't say he loves you quickly, and when he does, you know he means it. It's coming from the heart. He is more likely than you to say it first.
J: jealousy. | do they get jealous? does it show?
Childe doesn't tend to get jealous, at least not in a genuine sense. He might feign it every now and again in hopes of getting some extra attention from you, —but it takes a lot for him to feel anything real in that department. It's in part because he's generally very confident in himself, and part because he trusts you and knows that you'll stay loyal to him.
K: kisses. | what kind of kisses do they like to give/receive?
Childe likes to give many kinds of kisses; it just depends on his mood and the setting. If he's trying to be subtle, a kiss to your temple or along the ridges of your knuckles will do the trick just fine. If he's trying to be romantic, expect passionate kisses from his lips to yours. If he's being playful, your cheeks and jawline are a lovely place to pepper kisses all over. As for receiving, Childe likes cheek kisses because he thinks they're a sweet gesture. He also enjoys your lips on his neck, as well as the space just below his ear.
L: likes and dislikes. | favorite and least favorite things about being in the relationship?
Childe's favorite thing about being in a relationship is having someone to return to. So often, he felt lonely traveling from place to place, returning only to find himself alone with no extensive emotional bonds. His siblings are usually far away, and it's not easy to see them often, so having you there to greet him feels like the greatest gift he could ever ask for. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Childe's least favorite thing about being in a relationship is the uncertainty of it all. Normally, the unknown thrills him, energizes him, leaves him craving more. . . But in this relationship, he would rather make it so that the both of you could feel stable at all times. Of course, that's not quite how interpersonal relationships work, and he'll just have to bear the storm as the both of you go along, —but at least he has you to lean on along the way.
M: mornings. | how do they spend mornings with their partner?
Childe isn't a morning person unless he needs to be. Sometimes he's there, sometimes he isn't. . . With someone like him, it's complicated sometimes, and you just have to roll with the punches. When he is there beside you, it takes him forever to wake up, and even longer to actually get out of bed. At this point, he's mastered the art of tricking you into laying with him for "just five more minutes" —which can blend into hours if you're not careful. His groggy voice is so enticing, and he's so warm, it's hard to resist.
N: nicknames. | what do they call their partner?
Childe tends to stick to the basics when it comes to terms of endearment. "Babe" is the most common one he uses, with an occasional "honey" thrown into the mix.
O: out of character. | what is something people would be hard pressed to believe they do/enjoy in a relationship?
Childe sometimes gets sentimental out of nowhere. You'll find him sitting up in bed at three in the morning, thinking way too much, or you'll find him sitting outside on random afternoons completely lost in his thoughts. It's not super common, maybe once every month or so, and having you to talk to helps him through it. He's embarrassed about that side of himself though, so it's best to not mention it once it's passed.
P: pda. | do they like public displays of affection? if so, what types?
Childe follows your lead on that. If you're open to it, he's not opposed. Nothing super intense, —just some small gestures here and there for the most part, but leave it to him to have his arm around your shoulders wherever you go.
Q: quirk. | what is something they do that their partner finds cute or endearing?
Childe squints at things he doesn't understand. It's really cute and very endearing, but also a little funny. It's obvious it's just a habit and he doesn't quite know how to break it, but it amuses the absolute hell out of you.
R: rough times. | arguments? how often and in what manner?
Childe is stubborn, and that doesn't bode well for either of you sometimes. He's not very good at apologizing either, and he can be hard pressed to admit when he's wrong. Still, he's able to put his pride to the side for you more often than not, and arguments don't last more than a few days. He sucks at the silent treatment and hates to be given it even more. He'd rather you say something sarcastic to him than say nothing at all. Thankfully, you don't tend to argue often because the both of you are pretty easy-going. Most arguments are typically more filled with bitter sarcasm than anything else. It's very rare for him to raise his voice with you.
S: sensitive. | what's a sore spot for them that their partner should steer clear of?
Childe would be hard pressed to forgive you if you were to ever comment on his relationship with his family in a negative way. He already feels like he's letting them down, which is why he lies to them and insists that he's many things he isn't so they don't lose their positive image of him. Whatever you do, don't say he's a bad brother. . . That would be a hard wound to mend. This is a topic it's best to wait for him to approach you on first, by all accounts.
T: thrill. | do they need surprises in a relationship, or do they prefer a routine?
Childe doesn't mind thrill, —he loves it, actually. But he experiences it all the time doing what he does as a harbinger. If you can match his tempo and give him something new at every turn, he'll be sure to roll happily with the punches. However, if you prefer a simmered version of his lifestyle, he understands and respects that, and he has no qualms about diluting himself down to meet you were you are in that department. He's not picky.
U: unacceptable. | what is something they cannot tolerate in a relationship? what is something they would never do?
Childe could not sustain a relationship with someone who couldn't respect his family. Being with Childe means caring for and accepting his siblings especially, —so that's something to really keep in mind. On the flip side, Childe would never stifle his partner, whether it be socially, physically, emotionally, creatively, etc. He knows how much he values his own sense of freedom to choose his own route, and he wants the same for you.
V: vanity. | how concerned are they about their looks? are they insecure about them?
Childe does care about his appearance, but not to the point of being vain. He might make jokes about how handsome he is if he spots himself in reflective surface or something, and he might make little comments here and there, but when it comes down to it, he values a million and one things over how he looks. Tell him he's handsome every now and again though, and watch him light up. It feels good to hear that every once in a while!
W: wild card. | random headcanon?
Childe is willing to sing/hum a song to help his partner fall asleep, and would do so in a heartbeat if asked. He especially likes doing it when you're curled up in his arms like a kitten and he knows you can feel the soft vibrations from the back of his throat as they trickle down to his chest where your head rests.
X: xoxo. | how often do they hug/kiss their significant other?
Childe's love language is often physical. He prefers kisses to hugs, but delights in either, and likes it when you breathe in his scent when he holds you close to him. Hugs are a bit rarer than kisses though, although he'd never deny you the luxury. Childe kisses you often, especially right after returning from something work-related. Most times that he greets you, it's with a kiss of some kind, be it forehead, cheek, or a peck on the lips.
Y: yearning. | how do they feel when their partner is away?
Childe will survive, but often does so begrudgingly. He would much prefer to not be so far away sometimes, but duty calls, and he must answer. His souvenir buying is one way he expresses that without having to say all the mushy words himself. Childe thinks about you a lot when the two of you are apart and takes a great deal of comfort from knowing you're still under the same stars as he when you're not physically together.
Z: zzz. | how do they sleep with their partner? how do they sleep alone?
Childe sleeps better when you're beside him. He's not positive on why that is but has boiled it down to the comforting feeling of your warmth. He's a cuddle bug, —likes to be close to you even while he sleeps, and his preferred sleeping position is you draped all over him, legs entangled, face on his chest or in the crook of his neck while he simply rests on his back. When he sleeps alone, it tends to be less refreshing, but he still tends to lay on his back, although he might switch to a side on occasion if his back is aching.
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zv5x · 2 years
Ur so fast w requests I LUV U—!!!! And ur writing makes me twirl my hair nd giggle nd shit its SOOO PERF. Eddie with a reader whos rlly scared that hes another freak but warms up 2 him once they see he isnt out to hurt them? Male reader pl0xLOL<3
Yan!Riddler • Nervous!Male!Reader (Headcanon Format)
I love you too, Anon! I wrote these in HC format! Hope that's alright! Gosh I love rambling ^^ (Eddie's underwater adventures as header) tw // use of the yandere trope , toxic relationships , manipulation , delusional and harmful mindsets , violence , violation of privacy
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❓ Edward was already aware of your fear. He didn't understand it, but he couldn't blame you for having it in the first place. After all, just look at where you're living! Such a terrible place, he shouldn't be mad at a man as amazing as you for simply being weary of new people. He just has to spend time around you, so you get used to his presence. That's all, that's how easy the solution is
❔ Still, his heart couldn't help hurting at the fact you might have been scared of him as well as the general population. He knew he was different, but he just had to wait until you saw that too. Edward was very adamant in getting to know you, but tried his very hardest to not give you too much information on his love for you. Yet. He didn't want to scare you off. Just like how wouldn't rush to pet a stray cat before letting it sniff your hand first
❓ Soon enough, though, you begin to warm up to him, much to his delight. He's so happy! He can finally spend more time with you without scaring you, it's practically a dream come true. You told him that you trusted him, and that he was nothing like the other creeps out there in the city streets. He knew that was why you were originally reclusive, and nodded in complete agreement to everything you were saying. The people out there were horrible, evil, and you had to put yourself first. He understands, especially because you finally came around.
❔ Now he's able to protect you, to really hold you in his arms and be able to keep you safe. He'll promise you just that, as long as he's around nobody will harm you. And he means that. Anyone regarded as stepping out of line are immediately paid a kind visit from the Riddler, and Edward will show absolutely no mercy to those who he believes to have harmed his beloved
❓ Speaking of you telling Edward you don't think of him as a creep, you might be slightly off. Not that Edward thinks of himself as creepy, not in the slightest! The opposite, really. But, he can't get the thought out of his head of you being upset at him if you found out what he does when you're asleep at night all alone in your house. It's so easy to get in, you know? Take a few (hundred) photos of you sleeping for his collection, take a few peices of your clothes, and just gently stroke your hair and face whenever he can tell you're too fast asleep to wake up from it
❔However, any doubts about his actions are quickly disregarded with a shake of the head. He doesn't mind what he's doing, and you shouldn't mind either. He's nothing like the bastards that crawl around the city. He's nothing like them at all! Edward is protecting you, keeping you safe. It's only fair he's allowed to worship you like you rightfully deserve, right?
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papel-creativo · 3 years
It’s always been you - Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Sumary: In Bucky’s new life there are difficulties and the memories of his past still haunts him, but specially what he did to you. Being in a relationship, it’s time to talk about it.
Warnings: Minor spoilers from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, implicit nudity, insecurity.
Author’s note: Hi, it’s been a long time since I wrote anything, and it’s long and a little messy. Anyways, if you read, enjoy! And requests are always open, I looove this man with all my heart.
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Life today is hard for him, too fast, too different, always changing, and with everything that has been going on in his life and considering where he came from a few years prior, it is tough to keep up.
But he manages, or that’s what he usually says to his therapist, which is also a new concept to him, going to a person he doesn't know and telling all his secrets and private thoughts. That didn’t even exist in the 20th century… It did, but it was so rare for someone to actually go to one.
He arrives just in time for dinner, hungry but too tired to fix something to eat. Nightmares have been preventing him from getting rest for the past few nights, and after seeing his therapist he had planned to come home and sleep.
But the minute James hears the shower running, hunger and fatigue were immediately put aside. Of course she is there, the lights of the department are on and the smell of food coming from the kitchen were enough to be aware of her presence. He naturally enters the bathroom and make himself comfortable on the floor.
“Hello, doll”
“Hi, Bucky” She says, happy that he finally arrived “How was therapy?”
“Just the usual, nothing much to tell” She actually knows about it, the woman called her a while ago, concerned about James, of his lack of honesty in the sessions and the wall he rises, not only with her, but with everyone.
“Did you talk about the nightmares?” It's a sensitive subject, the nightmares he has every night, and one of the reasons he still refuses to sleep in the same room as her.
“A little bit” What a liar “It’s just that she started with that little book of her, and you know what I think about it”.
“You’re impossible, honey” Hearing her chuckle makes the man smile, it always does “Do you want to join in? The water is good”
The smile on his face disappears and his whole body tense up.
“No, thank you, I will shower later”
“Oh” Bucky’s answer is no surprise to her. They haven’t gone further than some kisses and lingering touches, but James always stops before anything happen and (Y/N) is aware of the why, and it’s time to talk about it “Bucky, we need to talk about this”
“This?” He decides to act like he doesn't know what she's talking about.
“We have ignored this long enough, even though I have told you a million times that I forgive you, you clearly have not accepted it” The only sound in the room is the shower still running, as Bucky remains silent.
He doesn’t want to have this conversation, the memory of what happened hurt him too much, the kind of pain that you can’t bear, that makes you hard to breath and install itself in the pit of your stomach, almost making you nauseous.
“(Y/N), I don’t want to talk about this” His voice comes out restrain, he wants to leave the room, but what if something happens, what if someone comes in without him realizing and-
“I know you don’t, but this is hurting you, love, and seeing you like this hurts me too”
She is ready, the things he had done to her are already forgiven and forgotten, the moment he was the winter soldier and he almost killed her because he was in the wrong time and place does not represent the man he is now. The scar on her abdomen, that cross her side to side, although for a long time it was something she was self-conscious about, is now a reminder that she is alive.
As soon as she opens the curtain, the ex-soldier turns around, choosing not to see her, avoiding the sight of her body with a scar that he put there.
“Look at me, Bucky” (Y/N) says softly.
“Bucky, please” He is stubborn, not attending to her plea. In that moment, she starts to feel insecure, maybe the reason he doesn’t want to turn around is because of her and not him “Do you hate it? My body? Is that it?”
“Doll, you know that I would never-” It’s too late now.
“Am I really that disgusting that you don’t want to see me? Touch me? Bucky, if I am the reason that you’re suffering, of your nightmares, you don’t have to feel obliged to be with me, it’s your happiness what I want” Tears invaded her eyes, her insecurity is confusing her, making her think and say things that aren’t true.
“Stop, I can’t allow you to talk about yourself like this” Bucky finally turns around, desperate to let her know that all of what she just said is a lie.
“If it is too much for you, we can let each other go, I will understand, I don’t want to keep you away from your peace and mental health” She grabs a bathrobe to cover herself.
"You are not getting it, doll" He grabs her wrist gently "You are the only reason I am trying so hard, why I left Wakanda and stay here, why I keep going to the therapist and-" Emotions are flowing out. of him and needs a moment to compose himself. "I love you, and I think you are the most beautiful woman I have seen in my life; you are the reason why I want to be a better man, a man who can be by your side for the rest of our life"
"You love me?" She looks at him with watery eyes, and James couldn't help but stroke her cheek.
"Yes, with all my heart, without a doubt"
"And do you feel my love for you?"
"Yes, so much so that I feel like I don't deserve it"
"You deserve to be loved, James, and I love you." She guides his hand to her scar, and his eyes finally look at it, noticing the tattoo that surrounds the mark. It is the silhouette of a heart "I thought that you, big stubborn, wouldn't listen to my words, so I had to show it to you somehow, and something as silly as a heart seemed like a good idea"
"When did you get it?" He follows the line of her tattoo with his hand, making her tremble.
"When we started dating and you showed me your arm" he puts on his bathrobe "It's my official pardon for you"
"You look perfect, I'm sorry I made you feel anything but that” Bucky stands to hug her tightly, feeling like a heavy burden fall from his shoulders.
“Can I kiss you, Bucky?” The question makes him feel whole and safe.
“Yes, I love the feel of your lips” Their lips are almost touching, just enjoying the warm and excitement before a kiss.
“It’s you, Bucky, who I love, always”
“And it’s you, it’s always been you, doll”
With that, their lips finally find each other, passionate, longing, full. Bucky kisses her like he needs her to breath, finally touching her like she deserves to be touched, sweet and with care, but with hunger too. Because it’s her, he’s not afraid anymore.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
(n), beautiful accidents turning out in beautiful journeys.
Nothing to explain, just Vampire!harry.
Smut, Smut and Smut.
Masterlist , Let's talk about more vampire H!
Author's Note: This's me just testing waters with my fantasy writing skills. It got deleted at first and I had to write everything again with fat sad tears. Tried my best hope ya'll like it. Reblogs are always appreciated and I kinda deserve it for this one *sheepishly*
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She ignores whatever he's saying craving the overwhelming feel of stars and flowers when he bites her, "Can you bite me, please?" He startles at that brows skyrocketing.
Giddiness stirring in his stomach and how bad he feels to brush her off, he has to do it for her sake. "Now, that's not an escape ye' should seek fo' right?" He gives her a stern look when she whines throwing her head back.
Y/N interrupts Harry amidst his meal and ends up him clinging to her.
Kittens. One hell of the beasty creatures they're. You'd give them your heart but they'll prefer their two hours sleep over it. Such type of beasty wee landed Y/N into such situation. She's been searching for Meowsie her cat for fifteen minutes now when she heard a feeble cry of an animal. The tall trees with it's roots snatching at soil - the moon at it's peek. Gasping she crouches down for the rescue of a deer with it's fur wrenched in blood. 
When she does so her eyes struck at the sleekness of a pair of loafers stubbing yellow leaves under it. A groan of annoyance whirling in air and gulping she rakes her eyes to find a tall, swiney man staring down at her in offence like she disturbed him. 
He's gorgeous. Features that of greek sculpture with silk kissing it, eyes –well she can't figure them out in her fear. "Who're ye'!?" He snarls and she toppled back on her bum with a squeak, "Aish. should be asking you the same." She shuts her eyelids. He thinks she's very stupid for leisuring in an abnomished forest at this hour of night when every creature's ready to strangle her alive. 
"Who're you?" She emphasizes each word grabbing the broken branch and pointing it towards him mustering some courage not letting her brave cascade waver. 
His first instinct was to say that he's vegan. But, why should he when he's not. He doesn't like lying. 
He steps from under the shadows of trees rims glimmering under the beautiful moonlight, "Could be anythin' ye'r little brain's been thinkin' of." He smirks towering her and scrambles back. Her facial expressions blown out more from the fright he's causing. 
Poor little thing. 
Before, he could fill in her curiosity his prey escapes into darkness gaining his attention. He growls throwing his head at his shoulders — Harry isn't that of tantrum throwing person (a practice of one hundred year has taught him that bitterness brings you nothing) but he's been devastatingly hungry and the feeding clubs grossed him out. 
The smell of grinding bodies, sweat and the combination of different human's blood makes him sick to core rubbing his appetite away. He's bored of them. 
Her sweet glazing auroma calls him to trap her and take a succulent bite out of her but before that she benefited the opportunity running away from him exiting the dark forest only to find Meowsie snuggling inside her bed. 
"You batty creature!" She huffs, "No wonder I'd be found – dead one day because of you." 
With whoever; she bumped in the forest wasn't human at all Y/N thinks. 
.                                  .                                .
She's been fighting her sweet tooth for so long but it's not helping her. She muttered a fuck it before lecturing Meowsie, "No sneaking." When Meowsie meowed bobbing her head she cheered, "Good baby." Like a proud momma. 
It was success. Reaching the nearest store and buying the oreo yogurt to savour it immediately. When she strolled outside gloomy vibe hit her causing her nerves to shudder winter chillness freezing her toes.
The cup hits the pavement and she emits a loud scream as a brutal force rams her in a brick wall. 
A groan of pain rumbling in her chest and she shuts her eyes as a shadowy demon creeps up her calves agonisingly trying to pop her in two. 
Counting on her death when it screeches in horrifying noises being ripped into bits and pieces mercilessly. When she squints her eyes open she finds the mossy jade eyes peering down at her more pissed than he was in the forest, "do ya humans don't sleep at night? Or are ye' a mouse that steals good-ys at night?" He traps her head with his hands on either side of wall and she grumbles at his insult of calling her human. But isn't it what she is? A human? 
"I -- don't be mean." She pouts hissing at the dull ache in her legs and he sighs voice getting gentler, "Can ye' walk?" When she nods he scoffs with a thick accent lips quirking and nose scrunching. He wanted to leave her at it but the scared look on her tightened his chest and he felt his responsibility to walk her home safe and invest if she got hurt. 
"No you can't!" He winds his arms around her encouraging her to put all of her weight on his side as he walks her. "Who're you. And how did ya do that?" She asks with a timid voice. He doesn't want to scare her away but the truth's he's been keeping an eye on her for days. Muttering a curse to himself whenever she'd have her nightly visits without a care for herself. Silly human. 
"Harry." He replies without a care and if it wouldn't be for the pain she's feeling she'd have never let him inside her home. "I can't even eat my yogurt in peace 'cos of you Harry." She reproaches as he sits her on sofa taking her ankles and putting them over his knees. 
[That's how I felt when you interrupted my meal you little pesty thing he wanted to mutter but held back.] 
Taking out the potion Nana gave him that heals painful scars. 
"It'll hurt a bit little mouse." He murmurs pulling out the cork of bubble shaped bottle she flinches, "Don't call me that!" Staring at the way her ripened gnashes disappears in beautiful spirals. "Then stop acting like a coward-y mouse." He stands up looking down at her slumpy with sleep. He shushed her, "'s okay. . ." with each dab feeling sorry for exposing her to his world and now the demon who was manifested without a precise spell thought they're co-related kept lingering around her and well he couldn't leave such an innocent girl to be harmed by evils.
"Not gonna tuck ye' in bed, now." He stands up chin doubling raising his hands in defence albeit he's privy for such actions. Too domestically affectionate for him. 
"Please." She doesn't want to be here on uncomfortable sofa and wants to snuggle inside her blankets. "Fine." He rolls his eyes not giving heed to the angelic details of her home for that it'll create a soft spot in his heart for her. 
His body swimming in her scent once stepping inside her room and he tucks her under quilts grabbing Meowsie akwardly and putting her beside Y/N so she could cuddle with her. He stares her for time and Y/N doesn't hear door shutting and he's out of her bleary vision in a tick 
.                                  .                           . 
White swarms over the crimson in hues with yummy smell spreading everywhere along with the waves of Y/N melodic hum. Meowsie tries to rip the muffin batter and Y/N smacks her paw away ending up having a standoff stare competition with her in the kitchen. 
She literally heard her saying mean mommy. 
Y/N thoughts are all over the place. All she could think of is his's stupid beautiful face and they way his gentle touch made her feel floffy from muscles. He shouldn't pesk her like that. The white chocolate chip pops and she was about to see if they were done when a rasp crawled in her ear making her jump and causing the pyrx bowl to hit the oak counter, "Been thinkin' of meh, lil mouse?" 
"What the fuck. Harry!" She spins sending him into fits of laughter with squeaky scream.
"Not funny. Don't you guys not go somewhere unless invited?" She gasps putting her hand atop her heart and Harry's eyes follows her commotion, "'course we do. Got some manners 'n shite." He scoffs with cupid bow quirked up and nose scrunched. 
"Then where are your manners now?" He smirks at that leaning at her level, "You manifested me s' hard it broke rules." Heat splashes on her cheeks and she notices the intricate details of his features finding them dull and sick than his prior glow. She gasps in shock taking his hands leading him to sofa and sitting him with a push to his shoulders. 
"God. You look terrible what happened?" He gives out a smile at her care throwing his head into headboard cushions, as she scrambles back to kitchen to take out muffins from oven she asks worriedly proper concerned for his health, "Would you like something?" 
A warm mug of delicious bubbling blood thank you very much.
He wanted to mutter but his throat went dry from the headache making him all dizzy. He's been death starving for days now cause his appetite seems to vanish and tongue wouldn't accept any kind of blood since the day he smelled the gush of crimson running inside her veins. 
"Can I bite you?" He regrets the moment it slipped from his tongue. Y/N doesn't seem to mind instead mulls about it for a moment putting two warm hot cocoa milk and red velvet muffins on the lil coffee table. 
"Will it keep you alive?" When Harry closed his eyes in gentle affirmation she cranes her neck to side like she has seen in many movies. "Okay. Go then." He smiles weakly taking her fingers ever so tenderly in his hold and ushering her in his lap. 
"If you wouldn't mind — it'll be more comfortable like this. ." She just nods knees bended on either side of his thighs and his mouth waters at her appetizing sweet smell. He rakes his nose along the curve of her neck swearing that she's made of puddle of how soft her skin's. His senses wrecking havoc as his fangs glistens at the surface grazing against the barrier of her sensitive spot. 
"Aa-a!" She cries out and He pulls her back anxiously brows kinking, "Didn't even bit yet." 
"Surprised is all." She confesses shyly and Harry shakes his head with a silly smile letting her fist the hem of his shirt tight as he wrapped his arm around her waist smushing her closer to him and keeping her head in one place stopping her from squirming..
"Ticklish baby mouse ye're." Saying this he pushes his fangs into her flesh and she created a mousey noise head lulling. He gives out a moan-y growl at the taste of first droplet hitting his tongue. He doesn't think he could stop from now on. She tastes like the nectar birds of heaven could feed on. 
His body coming to life. Inners feeling fresh as ever again. 
She feels float-y. Like taking a nap over clouds and letting the zephyr cocoon her and she stuffs her face in the crook of his neck breathing him happily with a loopy smile.
This's oddly satisfying and calming. He wants to take care of her. She's a beacon he always wants to keep protected from the storm. He gasps feeling himself nourished all over again after days of starvation. Lapping at the shiny drops of what's left making her giggle and he could easily recognize that smell. Of her arousal. 
She's all worked up in his embrace snuggling closer to him. He has been in this position with many people before but once they serve his purpose they'd been walked away to take care of.
"Don't go lost on me little mouse y'need to eat somethin'." He settles her over his thigh taking the mug and muffins. 
Tearing it in two and bringing it to her mouth as she lays her head against his shoulder. He sighs happily feeling full as she nibbled slowly, "Thank you." He wipes the crumbs from the corner of her lips feeling the petalness of them and wondering what he shouldn't be wondering at all. "'S okay." She quips with cracky voice making Harry chuckle and sipping onto his own warm milk.
.                                  .                               .
Harry didn't know a human could attract him like a magnet to metal. She manifested him once and now he's always at her cosy home, he likes the radiance of sunshine that promises from her presence. They watch movies till the clock doesn't strike six in the morning, have secret rendezvous hidden from the eye of normal people at the places Y/N has never been, he has his weekly bites from her and in return brings her every Oscar Wilde's books from his shelf. 
Biting her's the most pleasing yet excruciating part because the way she melts like a honey over him like she depends on him and the sweet smell of her wetness that billows in the room makes Harry gripe at her sides, sometimes drinking more than her petite body could handle. He feels awful after that. 
Cuddles her to sleep and makes the walnut pie he learned from his Nana which apparently is a witch (she isn't actually his grandma — he has long forgotten about his real family). 
Harry took her to the vampires museum and when her marshmallow lips baubled in astonishment at the wings of Angels displaying on the burgundy wall. He kept his arms wrapped around her waist the whole time eyeing anyone that would look towards her weirdly (humans aren't allowed at vampire premises, but who dares to point a finger at Harry? No one.) One of the reasons he hugged her in a smushing coddling suffocating way to lather his scent all over her leaving her flustered and confused. Y/N has finally met someone that shares the same sleeping schedule as her insomniac ass. "We better leave before they hang me angel here too." His breath was hot against her neck running shivers down her spine. 
His words carrying amiability and seductivity causing Y/N to gape at him. Did he just call her his Angel? He definitely did. Annoying leech that's fucking up with Y/N's emotions. 
They didn't talk about it at all after that. 
Harry did with Nana. Freaking out to her how his emotions are always spiraling for her. That he wants her all to himself. Wants to feel her in ways that's beyond just the touch. Nana just laughed it off and made him eat his coconut pie. He almost choked on his bite. Adam apple bobbing in pain when she cleared to him – that; The they indeed have bonded to eachother. 
Her blood runs inside him. His marks are on the most precious spot of her body. Where lovers claim their affection — how could he not feel like that towards her? She's sure that Y/N also feels the same for Harry. 
Harry was getting done with some cluster of work when a stab of pain invaded his whole body prickling uncomfortably against his skin. Something's up. He could feel in his bones that his little mouse's not okay. When he goes her home he's met by pure silence making him more anxious than he already is.
He picks Meowsie from the floor rubbing her crown as he steps inside her bedroom. She's layered under many fold blankets in her bed shrinked into a pea and her head perks up when Harry's voice reaches her, "Angel. . ." She throws everything aside tackling him to mattress making him squeak.
He smiles petting her hair as she purrs against his chest fisting the hem of his shirt tightly. "One of those days?" He asks genuinely not stopping his gentle action and she bobs her head  vigorously bottom lip wobbling, "Oh my little mouse – c'mere what happened?" His gaze flitting between her's as he cups her cheeks squishing them adorably. 
She ignores whatever he's saying craving the overwhelming feel of stars and flowers when he bites her, "Can you bite me, please?" He startles at that brows skyrocketing.
Giddiness stirring in his stomach and how bad he feels to brush her off, he has to do it for her sake. "Now, that's not an escape ye' should seek fo' right?" He gives her a stern look when she whines throwing her head back, "Then can I bite you?" She just wants to distract herself from the unbearable headche of her history course. 
He chuckles breathily at that sighing because could he say no to her? No. He smiles down at her dimples denting in his cheeks, "Kay. Go then." She stuffs her face in the dip of his neck sniffing the marbled beach fragrance of him that of summers I'm December's cosiness. Her teeth grazing at the curve of his pale skin and Harry closes his eyes in anticipation. He feels intimidated by this little human being like no other. His little human.
Her teeth grazing against his cold skin and Harry almost whined letting a moan slip his eyes rolling back into his sockets as she bites him. His hands on her ass twitching to grope at the flesh when his cock stirred with her heat leaking against it. She creates sweet filthy noises succling the mark and "Enough." Harry cleared his throat and the haze in his head bounding her wrists between them pulling pulling her away looking at her sternly when she whines. 
"Baby. . talk to me." He caresses her cheek with his knuckles but she ignores his words floating in her all headspace staring the mark she created. Tracing the beautiful hue of love bite with her fingers, "How did it feel?" Harry's eyes flutter with charming smile as he kissed the hand which's not busy memorizing him. 
"Like a lil mouse ticklin'" She leans at that kissing her work of art, giving wet little sweet kisses up his jaw palms running down his midriff as she whispered. 
"This?" Her hips stuttering with his swell sitting delicious between her panty clad pussy lips, she peers up at him from her under her lashes as her lips rested against the corner of his pillowy full mouth. 
"And this?" Test of his patience. "Like I've never felt before." Saying. He smudges his lips against her's in a succulent, sweet and affectionate kiss. Lapping tenderly with his pink wet tongue at her mouth to deepen the kiss squishing her cheeks in the process. Swallowing her whimpers and whines down his throat like she's most precious. She humps his bulging cock with erotic swivels of her hips and Harry griped at her sides to leave blue blemishes in some hours.
He closes his eyes still smiling foolishly resting his temple against her's – noses doing eskimo kisses. 
"Can we talk now, what's disturbing my angel?" He tucks her hair back kissing her forehead and she bobs her head embarrassed at her tantrums. "It's silly. 'M gonna fail my history exam." His eyes twinkle, "Just havocin' your brain for this?" 
"No worries. I gotcha."
. . .
This's how they ended up like this surrounded by notes and papers. Harry complaining with an unbelievable scuff, "What do they teach ye' kids now days? That didn't happen at all in history." Still ending up helping her with learning which ended up him giving her his slender fingers fucking her with them to let her work for her reward.
"No pet. Wrong answer." He tutted eyes still on the quiz card and it's the sight for sore eyes. She cramps her thighs around his wrist and he curled his fingers rubbing her walls in return as a warning, "Come on lil mouse ye' right there." He leans from the edge of his chair to snatch a chaste kiss from her parted ones.
"189-5?" She mewls not sure of her answer and Harry again pressed his lips against her's murmuring against them driving a third finger inside her and rubbing her clit in circles with his thumb, "such an intelligent girl. doin' s' good fo' me – wanna cum?" He bites at her earlobe gripping the quiz cards tightly.
"Yes. Please‐" He cuts her off taking his digits out making her whine and squirm loudly. Sage coloured panties clearly drenched in her slickness as Harry licks her sweet juices like a hungry kitten from his fingers wrapping his magenta lips till his knuckles — if it's a lollipop humming around them vulgarly.
"Harry No!" She huffs making grabby hands at him and he squeezes her bossom thigh to push her down, "Harry yes. Now -- tell me babe where Buddhism originated from?" He wets the pad of his thumb nonchalantly eyeing her playfully and Y/N just wants to kiss that pink pretty tongue as he turned the page around.
She grabs his hand moving them closer to her swollen pussy head falling at his mere graze, "Please." He gives love nibbles at her cheek flickering her clit to tease her.
"What baby?" He murmurs gliding them up and down her slit causing her to rock her pelvis against his touch his freezing fingers adding upto sensation. "Want your fingers." She gasped breathily because before her request Harry was stuffing her back with his fingers massaging the sweet shell of her g-spot.
Her tummy coiling with pleasure and she threw her arms around his neck parted lips pressing against his throat, "Last quiz and then ye' can come all over me fingers." He tells her pinching her thighs. His cock weeping in his pants. The world around them deafening to glitter noises and Harry puts his chin atop her shoulder raising the card infront of her shoulder as she thrashed in his arms.
It was for his last criss-cross of swipe when she gushed all over him with noises that stroked Harry's ego and this time he gave her a hickey coaxing her orgasm from her high, "Hmh. S' warm I could stay inside ye' forever." A sugary smooching voice echoes in room when he kissed the spot between her ear and neck.
Y/N thinks Harry has successfully made a nest in her heart.
. . .
They were flopped over quilts in her bed moon glowing happily in love with them together and Y/N turned in his arms admiring each glimmer of his skin with an awestruck puppy eyes, "You're such an Angel. . .so pretty." He chuckles softly bringing her closer to her chest to hear her heartbeats.
"People think otherwise my mouse." He gives out a 'oof' sound giggling when she climbed up his torso heels of palms pressing against his pecks. "You're for me resting in the depths of ye'r skin — that went through love and sorrows, nourishment and pains until god decided you were meant to be mine. . ." She sucks in a breath cupping his beautiful face to lull it side to side. Harry could bite her whole made of petals and honeycomb she is. He stares her zoning out for a moment.
"Sorry. But seeing ye' with my bites makes me s' hard. . ." He whispers. "Bite me again then." She nuzzles in the crook of his neck pressing her wet crotch down against his hard dick pressing against his zipper.
"So polite and carin'." He grins smacking kisses against the thin skin of her shoulder reaching the mark that's still pudgy and purple. She moans getting him out with shaky fingers and kissing him heatedly in full vigour making slick filthy noises. He slaps her bottom ripping her panties to throw them carefully rubbing his weeping blushed head in between her clenching pussy lips to smudge their arousals.
Whimpers of bliss whirling in air when he slipped inside her slick cunt filling her to brim his balls pressed against her bum, "Fuck. Just how I imagined — tight 'n snug. I love ye'r cunt baby." He gritted grinding his pelvis against her's in slow teasing motion hitting one spot continuously.
"Feels good. . ." She cries softly thighs quivering by his sides and he wrapped his hand around the nape of her to bring her down for another passionate kiss, "Would ye' bond to meh? Huh - lemme cum inside ye'r pretty pussy? Make it mine?" He mumbled wet-ly against her lips sucking her lower one to make it all plump and pinkish.
"Make me yours." She gives out a squeaky whimperish moan when at her words he licked his mark biting it. Her walls creamping around his cock to feel each, ridge and thick vein and she turned a loopy butterfly in his arms.
"Ye' can't cum unless I give ye' permission and I've had plenty to drink. . ." He growls grabbing her jaw eyes turning oyrx and she wipes her own blood from his mouth to press her thumb against his tongue letting him suck. Now, she doesn't have one mark only it's plenty that of flowers scattered on canvas.
He stretches his legs wide toes curling holding her down from her hips to fuck into her with rough mind forging thrusts, "Yes!" Y/N whispers with hoarse throat that she hasn't spoken from months.
"Cum fo' me. Over me cock baby wants to feel ye' Angel." He moans fondling her breasts in his large calloused palms smauching kisses at very skin he could find to shower his love to. Y/N comes a wave of shiver running from her soles to head as she just created noises straight out of porn.
Her creaming around him. Warm and slick cum dribbling down his balls didn't last Harry too. He came inside her in thick spurts of ribbons leaving blueprints at her arse.
They remained like this for some moments. Cacooned into eachother breathing eachother Harry memorizing her to memorize the memory he could never forget and caresses her cheek with the back of his hand.
He lays her on bed gently slipping out of her shushing her with pecks on mouth when she whined from sensitivity, "Gonna take care of ye' little mouse." He bends her knees kissing them stroking the insides of her shivering thighs to calm her down taking his discarded boxer from side.
"Want you to squeeze baby -— I came alot." She does as he said and he cleans her with his clothe showering her in kisses and praises.
Running a steamy bath with essential lavender and rose oils and bathe salts. Resting her between his legs to feel her skin everytime against his skin.
"I love you. Gonna keep ye' forever." He whispers in the silence of night and she smiled with fuzzy heart. Feeling good and fluttery. "I love you too."
Shrugging she retorts playfully, "I'd be all old and wrinkly but you'd be still this gorgeous now that's unfairrrrr." He just laughs at her cuteness creating obnoxious kissing noises while kissing her face.
"Gross." She mutters bashfully eyeing him and he fake offends tickling her sides causing the water splash from rims, "Wasn't gross when I was fucking your brains out—" She tries to smack him in between laughters.
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