#so yeah I cried so much during this rewatch oh my
hinaliix · 1 year
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So guess who finished rewatching Trigun stampede and cried the whole time ✋
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aaaarsonist · 7 months
Okay, here goes nothing. Some spoilers ahead.
Today will be my first time rewatching "Rise of the titans".
Context of the first time I watched this movie: I binged Trollhunters and 3Bellow in a month while preparing a final exam, and Wizards was my reward the same day I took it. They were literally my emotional support during that awful month, and I'll always be thankful for them. Even 3B, although I didn't enjoy it as much as the others and seemed endless, it served to keep me company and distract me a little from the stress. So, when the movie was confirmed, I was super excited. I talked a lot with two of my friends who watched the series, and arranged with one of them to watch the movie together the night it came out with a Netflix party. It didn't end well.
As I said, Trollhunters was a very important emotional support. Not just because of that month, but because everytime I felt down, I watched my favorites episodes, the one that made me laugh, and the one that made me cry, "Hero with a thousand faces" and "Jimhunters". So what did I do when the movie ended?
I cried from the anger. I cried because they erased everything I loved, like all the things that helped me feel better were absolutely nothing. I cried because I had lost something that made me feel good, complete, and had been left with a hole in my chest. Yeah, I could still watch the series whenever I wanted, but then I'll remember "oh yeah, this is pointless, Jim's not the Trollhunter and will never be, and all of this will never happen" aaaaand I would cry again. It's like, why did I even watch Jim overcome his fears, his insecurities, form bonds, grow up, if none of this will ever happen? Just to have the knowledge that Jim remembers everything and will suffer from it? Yeah no, fuck you.
I know it sounds dramatic, but I've always felt strong emotions towards the things I formed a strong emotional bond with. I remember sending my friend voice messages crying my heart out and then falling asleep completely drained.
So, yeah, I don't feel a lot of good things about this movie. The wery few things I enjoyed from the movie (again, I'm talking about the first time I watched, we'll see if it changes) are:
The animation.
The only thing I can't argue with is that the animation is fucking amazing. The backgrounds, the fights, the magic. It looks fucking great.
Eli's design and Aja in queen mode
Ignoring everything that comes with it (the reunion with Steve, the stupid pregnancy thing) I'm a simp for them, they can step on me whenever they want. My feelings towards Aja may or may not change today though lol
The Jlaire moments
Not much to say here, I cried with everyone one of them and I love their relationship so much.
Aaaaand that's it. I don't remember any more good things. I wish I could listen to the voice messages I sent my friend but there's no sign of them.
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yumedoca · 3 months
I've finished the episode and I am literally crying. No, this is not an exaggeration, I am actually crying and I don't think I've literally straight up cried for an episode like this since 'Since your parting' and I'm crying much more than I cried back then. It was beautiful, thank you David Productions, it was perfect. It is now my favorite story in the remake now (it was already my favorite in the manga anyways).
I've already analyzed the story entirely here but I want to talk more about my favorite bits and addition in the remake (and other stuff)..
Nozomi's diary entry at the start was done so beautifully. The vibe which comes across is so soft and innocent, perfectly showing of Nozomi's pure heart. The soft coloring, the music, how they showed the writing, her voice acting (and the snow globe 😭) It honestly felt like I was watching another anime..
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Speaking of the music, it seems like they made new BGM for this episode and let's just say, it's perfect..
..and the animation quality is just superb..
Oh my gosh, the way Nozomi becomes sad when he's unable to hold her hand... poor Nozomi :'(
Ataru commenting on how the scarf has his initial on it. As an artist, I can say it make people really happy when someone else points out the details in their work so I'm sure it made Nozomi really happy too..
Also, I love the colors for everything Nozomi made. I think it's a combo of the of original anime and manga's versions, which is very cute.
I love the addition of people not being able to see Nozomi, making Ataru seem like a loon. It makes him look stupid (while also wearing winter accessories during summer) but he doesn't care..
The whole date is so damn cute by the way, I think I was already tearing up by this point..
The whole moment where Nozomi was in the dark, I was literally screaming for Ataru to come out and be with her cuz I couldn't stand seeing her like that.. the poor girl..
Nozomi's soft smile as she rests in peace.. and now I'm crying again...
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One detail I love which isn't remake original is how proud Sakura and Cherry are of Ataru after the date, like they didn't have much faith in him about him not breaking her heart at first but now they are very much proud of him..
"I'm gonna keep it on a little longer."
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The way Lum looks at him in the final scene.. You just know this is when she fell in love with him all over again..
"Maybe I should become a ghost too."
"What? Don't be stupid."
Yup, I'm crying the second time after rewatching it (for writing this post)..
This is actually now one of my favorite episodes of all time now, no kidding. Ataru Moroboshi, you very sweet boy, I love you so very much..
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angelmichelangelo · 10 days
I read your answer about 07 Mikey and it also kinda gives the vibes of Bayverse Mikey, specifically the version of him from the second movie. His main thing is that he wants to be out in the world and meeting new people, and he actually cries when the police turn on them and call them monsters. Im genuinely so obsessed with that scene.
I'm kinda new to the fandom and as I understand the bayverse movies are so-so in most people's opinion. But those were my initial entry point into the franchise back in like 2015/2017, so they do hold a special place in my experience.
For the actual ask: thoughts on Bayverse Mikey?
OHH OHHHH BAYVERSE MIKEY!! i do actually very much like those movies. like yourself, a big part of it is just nostalgia because i got into tmnt like as they were coming out but. they aren’t like the WORST movies ever. they have their flaws and there’s definitely a lot of things i do not like about them but.. im one of the few that will hype this movie up so. thank you for enabling me.
off the bat i wanna say everything about bayverse mikey is special to me. completely ignoring and erasing the whole. awkward weird april crush he had going on. bayverse mikey is actually so enjoyable. he’s funny he’s just Typical little brother but oh my god is he so sad :( again he’s just the perfect culmination of that whole “sociable extrovert forced to be introvert” type that most of his iterations are but this one.. this version just hits different.
one of my favourite plot points ever is that when it’s revealed that there is a very real chance that they could become human and live normal lives, the first thing leo does upon discovering this is make it VERY clear that mikey is not to find out. of course, it takes all but 10 seconds for him to find out because raph has overhears and gets SUPER offended on his brothers behalf (again. something they do SO WELL is the mikey and raph duo in this movie vs leo and a begrudging donnie, something not often done!) and of course, mikey is just so conflicted the entire movie and it’s wonderful.
he’s so tortured in that sequel. he’s SO desperate for a normal life. he has the chance, right there and leo basically snatches it out of his grasp and he kinda just rolls with it because it’s his brothers or nothing at the end of the day, and that’s SO SAD!! but going back to the whole point of leo being up in donnie’s grill like “yeah ok whatever there’s a retromutgen keep that under wraps, mikey is to NOT find out about this” just proves that each of his brothers understand how much their brother is hurting for a life of normality. i think i made a list once regarding which turtles would be most likely to want to be human/live amongst the humans and mikey almost always came up on top.
he’s always the “cool party fun dude” which is often code for comic relief character but when you look into it. these are characters that are forced into a hard, cruel life away from society. characters that for a good 15ish years, only know each other and their father. imagine mikey spending all that time, desperate for normality and for friends… like yeah he has his bros but he knows there’s more out there in the world and he wants it so much more than the others do.. and that’s why leo gets hot on donnie about keeping the retromutagen a secret. he knows what mikey will be thinking. he’s watched him play it out a million times over as kids, and leo is just so afraid that in giving him a choice, he’ll lose his brother because of it…
and when mikey does get to experience the world for the first time, he’s called a monster and almost killed. leo warned him of it and yet he still had faith that he had a place in the world only to be proven wrong almost instantly.. that’s so devastating. i remember sobbing in the theatres during that scene and i still do shed a tear when i rewatch because damn!!! mikey being sad is so gutwrenching:(((
but yes. i don’t think we ever talk about bayverse mikey and all his trauma enough simply because those movies get a somewhat bad rep. again, im not claiming them to be perfect movies. sadly all of those points i just mentioned kinda fall flat when you remember the, ahem, shell tightening comment he made… but i digress. he’s a sad little turtle that deserves more love than he’s given. and i shall love him :P
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snapscube · 2 years
During your mlp rewatch, did your opinions of any of the characters or episodes change from your initial perspective?
Oh yeah a ton. I am essentially a COMPLETELY different person than when I first watched, so it’s inevitable. Notably, my increasing love for Applejack with the justification of “she’s the pony for adults” is based in truth in spite of being a stream joke at the time haha.
Also, in general, and this is completely non-exaggerated, when rewatching Seasons 1 and 2 i swear I cried like, every other episode. The early episodes of the show are filled with so much warmth and love and comfort and kindness and it was just such a stark contrast to the world I’m used to experiencing nowadays and the COMPLETE and TOTAL lack of cynicism kept bringing me to tears. It sounds silly but like, it’s such an important thing for me and it really just made me fall in love with it all over again.
Going into specific episodes is something I’d like to do at some point actually, cause I think it’d be fun, BUT today is not that day.
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
1x03, rewatch, part 2.
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HELLOOOO??????? bi bi biii :')
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Phil as Jamie <3
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"it's made me question my own faith" i'm sorry, what kind of a straight man calls his teammate pretty and says THAT and it sounds like a euphemism for questioning his own sexuality? huh?
and the fact that Roy sees how much of an influence Jamie is on the team. yeah, no, i wouldn't know what to look for when watching for the first time. this rewatch is making me even more unhinged about them. i mean, i shipped them off the bat, but rewatching this during s3 is truly something else.
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Jamie is an absolute brat in s1 & i dislike his hairstyle very, very much this season (and it adds to the character's look), but damn, Phil is slaying it.
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Jamie is absolutely not up for a confrontation, and we all know where that comes from. even when he punches his dad in the face and then cries in Roy's arms. damn it, abuse takes such an awful toll on your life and mental health and the ability to function and be a decent human being. even to have ordinary conversations with other people after that, and how anxious it immediately makes you.
Jamie deserved (and still does) SO much better.
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what a little piece of shit <3 the fact that Isaac and Colin REALLY were looking up to him, wow. sweet summer kids, so young. then Isaac becomes the leader of the team, and Colin... yeah, well, if they won't connect the dots of Colin and Jamie's sexuality, that will be a waste of a perfect opportunity.
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oh shit. oh fuck. here comes tedependent. also, you're telling me the owner of the fucking sun also owns the independent? capitalism sucks.
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something something SOMETHING
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*deep sigh* i ship them, you all. wouldn't know to look for that on my first watch, too.
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why do you always find Roy when playing? sure, you just can't help yourself, i get it, but damn it, Jamie.
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Jamie and his CLOTHES. (in Roy's voice) this bitch.
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Phil fought for that more or less straight face, lol. how they must have loved working with Jason.
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youngpettyqueen · 11 months
I totally agree with your latest update on your post about Charles. I saw this meme earlier and it definitely made me think of him. I won’t comment on who I think the first part applies to.
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so glad you agree ok cause I am a Charles defender first and human second
and to elaborate on that sentiment like. yes Charles is rude and pretentious and arrogant, he's got flaws, but that's not all he is! boiling him down to just his negative traits no matter any context is just a disservice to his character, both as he comes right from the get-go and the growth he goes through over the course of the series. he's just as complex and layered as anyone else!
honestly after a rewatch im far more sympathetic towards him earlier on than I was on first watch. like, the arrogance and pretentiousness aside, because those are separate- his anger at being at the 4077 is completely justified. he has every right to be angry. this colonel literally sent him near the front of the line because he was a petty asshole who was pissed off about losing bridge. im not saying Charles was behaving particularly sportsman-ly but the colonel was absolutely wrong for that. and like, I get that they needed another surgeon at the 4077 with Frank gone, but Charles also had every right to be angry with Potter for keeping him there. it was fucked up!
but to switch gears to his virtues- not all of Charles' kindness was part of his character development I dont think. him defending the kid with the stutter comes to mind immediately, because we know he felt so passionately about that kid because Honoria has a stutter. there's also Yessir, That's Our Baby- he gets MAD on behalf of the injustice that baby faces! that's big brother instinct, but thats also just. kindness and care. oh, and the patient who loses mobility in his hand and is distraught because he's a pianist, and Charles goes out of his way to get him music he can play with only one hand? his whole speech about how he always wanted to play, but never had the gift? he's so passionate in that one! and of course we cant forget his family's tradition of anonymously donating to people in need around the holidays- for all his family's flaws, ive always loved that detail, and ive always loved that he tried to do it even in Korea. those are just examples off the top of my head, there's absolutely more
and then there's the kindness and care he exhibits as he grows as a character. when Potter reveals to everyone he's the last one of his old friend group still alive, Charles CRIES with them! he's emotional during Millie Carpenter's funeral and Hawkeye's eulogy! just the entirety of Sons and Bowlers, dont even get me started- he stays with Hawkeye the entire time, even when Hawkeye doesnt want him to and tries to chase him off, talks with him and comforts him and opens up to him and is vulnerable with him. the entirety of GFA and his arc there
like yeah Charles isnt always nice he has flaws he's not perfect but he's capable of so much kindness, he's so passionate, and he just cares SO much. he just doesnt show it often! he'll move a mountain for someone even if he would never admit to it! reducing him to just his negative traits is again just such a disservice to his character he's so much more than that
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p-receh · 5 months
Ooo wait are your thoughts on the two boboiboy movies?
Wah, Nice one!
I've had nostalgic memories when I rewatched movie 1. Particularly because it was the last entry I followed before I went on hiatus. ... 8 years ago I think?
Whereas I watched the second one during my marathon session this year.
Due to 'my messed-up order of watching' this series, I ended up knowing big spoilers about The movie 2 and I forced to give up my 'anti-spoiler' act before I watched it. Kinda of a bummer for the general view, but you know what? It made the scene more fascinating to watch!
"Oh this is Retak'ka? THE Retak'ka?"
"No wonder why Adudu is so into martial arts now."
"So that's how Ice got his bow eh?"
"Oh Fu-Yes! The debut of Fusion Elementals!!!!"
From a general technical standpoint, they stepped up their game drastically. Of course, it's for movies after all. They went bold for expanding the areas, improving the graphics, increasing action scenes, and also adding more music as well.
At the same time, they also upgrade Boboiboy and Kokotiam gang's power so it's making it a 'bit' op for the sake of spectacle. It's not that bad in a negative way, I understand that because the enemies themselves were hella strong as shit. (the first one used a black hole and the second one used all-in-one power hunger fest that could also destroy the galaxy. Logically the earth's supposed to be gone by now :/).
I loved what they did to the lighting and hue for both movies. it's like watching smash bros ultimate but in the movies(weird reference I know but hope you get the idea :/)
The details! Holy- IT'S SO PRETTY~~~
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Both of them were also establishing the expansion power of elementals and what they can do about it. The first one was the fight with all elementals showcased and the second one was the alternative way of fighting by combining two elementals.
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Alsoooo both finally managed to properly introduce the one and only .... Boboiboy Hatless! :D
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I'd say they had a fair share of hiding it perfectly well. Cleverly teasing the audience to grasp 'Why the hell do they keep hiding his hair with that particular angle?' Because... If I'm not wrong, Boboiboy was one of the characters that falls in the same category with Upin&Ipin: limiting the haircut for animation efficiency during the first production.
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So when his hat does let off, It is always an impeccable scene to watch. That trick never fails to amaze me. (like Professor Layton's hat case :3)
Now I wonder how much screen time his hat is off for the movie 3? I'm sure it takes a lot more than the previous one since his 3rd tier is pure hat off(and dyed hair).
If I want to say from my opinion. Movie 1 has its standout over Movie 2 and vice versa. Both have ups & downs yet they are equivalent to each other. For instance: the timing to add their theme song was a bit out of place in movie 1 so the latter fixed that, whereas the Fang and Ying banter in their language was lacking in movie 2 when the former had this iconic scene (sound on recommend) :]
Oh speaking of Music, my god their theme songs are epi~~~c
I remember how hyped I was when one of my fav local band, D'masiv, created a credits song for Movie 1 AND Galaxy season 1. But heck all movie themes in order are wholesome af!!! 'Masih Disini' - 'Dibawah Langit yang Sama' - 'Fire & Water' are in my repeat playlist recently. So overwhelming that I actually cried? The montage during Fire & Water played was not a sad moment but heck I cried because it's soo touching for no reason.
Oh yeah, I forgot it's a family movie so they have rights to not make any deaths scene. I can understand why yet I'm still disappointed.
I cried. HARD when I saw Tok Kasa collapsed. It portrayed emphatically well and worked for new characters that was introduced a bit short.
Then, not long after that, we got this
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(I guess they didn't want to do another httyd 2 moment. It's too painful for kids to watch)
So... There's my review. Honestly I don't know what goes on for movie 3. It could be anything after season 2. But if I may guess...
It's between father and son now...
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owls-den · 1 year
Hii. What is your opinion on the pokemon XY anime gang?
Hi! Thanks for the ask!
Oh man, I have a lot of thoughts regarding XY! Let's see...
Ash: I like the way he was portrayed this season honestly. He was very likeable and went through a lot of key character moments especially thanks to his Greninja. I had multiple moments where I just told my friend "man he's such a cool guy". Very good portrayal of his character :))
Serena: I'm a bit mixed with Serena. I like her but also feel like she didn't have as much character as any of the female protags before her. I liked her character arc but it felt a bit rushed weirdly enough? There was also a lot of fanservice around her which felt a bit weird (and the romance with Ash was... Well, no shade to Amourshippers at all but I did not see the chemistry. It felt like they didn't want to commit with it. If anything she had more chemistry with Aria imo) and in the finale everyone had a role except her (Bonnie was calming Zygarde, Clemont was taking care of the Lumiose tower, Ash was battling Lysandre but... Serena was just... There.) All in all I like her but she feels a bit like wasted potential? Of course that is merely my opinion on the matter. I think she improved dramatically in her small appearances in Journeys <3
Clemont: I love this little guy! He has such a nice bromance with Ash! His catchphrase and the ensuing running gag somehow always gets me. I just like that they committed with the character. He's very distinguishable from Cilan and Brock which is a plus in my book and gosh, his role in the finale broke me. I cried twice and the Citroid "death" was one of them. Clemont makes me happy :))
Bonnie: I honestly really like Bonnie! She was well written in my book and she had a lot of moments where my cynical ass had to sit down and say "... Yeah, that's cute actually". She fills me with uncontrollable cute aggression (that feeling when something is so adorable you just have to squish like bug) especially with the way she was with Zygarde. Remember how I said I cried twice during the finale?... Her singing to a rampaging Zygarde was the second time.
Some minor characters below!
Professor Sycamore: I love that he appeared often although his plot relevance is more in relation to Alain than it is to Lysandre in this. I'm a bit sad that he doesn't actually know Lysandre before the events of the Mega Evolution Special because MAN it would have been fascinating to see him torn up between the man he loves as a dear lover friend and his son assistant! Loved his dynamic with Alain <3
Tierno: HE GOT SUCH A GLOW UP??? Like I didn't care much for Tierno in the game but NOW HE'S IN MY TOP TEN FAVE POKEMON CHARACTERS???
Shauna: Wish she had appeared more because I really liked her <3
Trevor: Such a tiny guy! I think a tiny bit of his bite was lost in the anime adaptation but I still really love his friendship with Tierno. Boy best friends!
Sawyer: I love how it introduces the concept that EXP might exist or is a pseudo science in this world?? He's a tiny guy who packs a punch and that's great for him :)) very likeable.
Miette: I want to like her and I do but this whole "love rival" was introduced and then severely underutilized 😔
Alain: Is it a secret that I love Alain? I was making fun of him a lot during my first watch, calling him a bit of an edgelord but, hey, that's how I show my love. After multiple months of intense roleplaying with my friend I ended up... Really REALLY loving him??? And now whenever I rewatch his breakdown I feel terrible inside 😢
Mairin: You know how Bonnie fills me with cute aggression? Mairin is even better at triggering it. I love her with every fibre of my being <3 Her dynamic with Alain is everything to me. (He just wants to see her smile again 🥺🥺🥺🥺)
Lysandre: Might as well talk about him! I did like his portrayal (even if the line of "protecting the professor at all cost" at the start sounds super parasocial considering they never formally met?????) and he has some crazy good moments for only being introduced in XYZ and the Mega Evolution Special. He's grand ! I still can't believe the scene where he flungs himself off of the tower exists but it made me gasp very loudly!
SORRY FOR THIS LONG POST I didn't know if you met just the main four or more soooo here are my thoughts on most of the main cast?? Anyways haha hope you enjoyed that? Overall I really liked the entire XY series especially XYZ. It started a bit slow for me but had a lot of cool moments I'll remember for a while.
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jamtoasties3316 · 1 year
Honestly, my favorite idea is Fernando training omegas. Especially Carlos, but Charles and Esteban too. He is efficient but sadistic and relentless. He likes when his omegas fail because he can punish them later.
His omegas are not his mates but his property. Sometimes he shares them with other alphas not because he's a good friend (we're talking about Fernando) but because he may see it as a test for his omegas or to show off to other alphas.
Fernando is organized enough to have many saved videos of him training his omegas. His other hobby aside from training and breaking omegas, is photography, specifically photographing omegas at their most vulnerable moments. He has one of those elegant photo albums that you put on the coffee table for your guests to look. That's his not-so-hidden talent.
The album is full of crying omegas with smudged makeup, drooling, cum on their faces, and a disoriented look, in different situations, from simple photos showing only their faces to the most extreme scenes.
The only times the omegas can wear clothes are in certain humiliating scenes, such as skimpy cow-patterned lingerie. The rest of the time, they are naked and available for free use, except for their collar and a leash when necessary.
I also think that Fernando would like titles: Alpha, of course; Sir, the other one they can use (when they're allowed to talk); maybe Papi, depending on the scene because he likes how it sounds when they cry it.
I go crazy for Fernando, and I have many ideas about conditioning omegas.
Oh yeah Fernando would be such a toxic Alpha, I agree! He loves tricking Omegas and then breaking them!
Even during training he sets them up to fail because the punishment is the best part, his favorite photos and videos to rewatch!
Carlos is his first slut, his pretty property to break and treat like a dog. Carlos crawling around naked in Fernando's home, collar on tight and ass spanked red. He would make Carlos call him papi especially, because its so humiliating to him! He has Carlos Snr come over to fuck Carlos sometimes too, showing how cute Carlos is when he cries getting spanked too!
He likes Max in a tiny cow print bikini, ridiculing him ror his thick tits and thighs. He likes fucking Max's throat, making those blush lips even more plush and leaving him with tears and cum on his face! Max hates anal so Fernando fucks his ass a ton because he likes it when Max screams.
Charles gets tied up, given water to drink until he can't hold his bladder, crying as he pisses himself! Charles's pussy is the cutest when it's gaping and leaking and it has his own chapter in Fernando's photo album, just closeups of Charles's cum drooling holes.
Esteban is so confused when Fernando shows interest in him because he doesn't get much Alpha attention at all. He is kinda excited to go home him Fernando, but it's not the first time put of his dreams! Fernando bends him over the table, tears his panties off and shoves three fingers in that virgin pussy, fingerfucking him hard as Este cries, until he is too stunned to move. Fernando fucking him hard and shoving his cock in Este's ass a few times too and after coming in his pussy, he orders Este to keep the cum in, hitting his cunt with a thin cane every time a drop of cum drips out!
Fernando is very proud of his album of photos, that grows every year!
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theflyingfeeling · 9 months
Hi hi helloooooo!
There has been a scenario/headcanon/thought whatever this is that I've been thinking for the past two days and it's stupid but I want to share it now 😭
Due to lack of Olli/Allu content (you know they have been in the US for a week already and what have we gotten? Only one pic of them 😤 (and this is a joke btw)) I've had this headcanon that during/after Aleksi's streams Olli realized "oh shit I actually have feelings for him" and that it's not normal to stay awake waiting for the other to text or rewatch the streams when you can't sleep🤧
or vice versa (I'm pretty sure I've talked about this before??) the chat makes Aleksi realize that it's, in fact, not normal to smile so widely when getting a text from Olli or check his phone every minute waiting for an answer 😭 (and maybe Aleksi sees the cute tiktok edits all the kids make and the comments and he realizes that it's not really that platonic after all)
and maybe Aleksi gets scared and thinks he really shouldn't fall for his bandmate and oh no it CAN'T be happening and it's his biggest fear andandand- it leads to Aleksi avoiding Olli and making up excuses why he wants to room with someone else and poor Olli gets so confused and sad and aaaaaaa 😭🥺
I think there was even more to this but I can't remember now 🧍‍♀️ also now when I have written this I realize we actually talked about something like this didn't we?? Well now I talked about this more sorry 🤧
(and once again sorry for all the grammatical errors I'm just writing whatever comes to my mind 😭)
Hello there hiiiiii!! 🥰
Yeah I think we discussed something similar not so long ago but guess what!! I'm absolutely down for talking about this some more because hell yeah feelings realisation and pining and angst and all that heart-wrenching stuff!! 😌
I see your 'one of them realises they have a crush and get scared and proceed to avoid the other because that'll sure solve the issue' and raise you 'what if they both did' because 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 that would be even more terrible, with both of them having the oh shit moment (simultaneously, unbeknownst to each other), thinking they shouldn't be having feelings for the other and start avoiding each other, yet they get sad when the other is avoiding them as well, because even though they avoid each other they still want to be together and they miss each other so much and maybe Aleksi cries about it against Niko's shoulder (without actually telling them what it's about) and Olli does the exact same with whoever he's rooming with and-- 🥺🥺🥺🥺
But yeah, ngl I've been thinking about something similar a lot as well recently. It's just too easy to imagine Aleksi in his studio at ass o'clock with a stupid smile on his face every time he gets a new notification from Olli, and omg Olli watching Aleksi's streams when he can't sleep? Because he misses him so much and then he realises he misses him maybe a little too much? Yeah okay great thanks, I'll be thinking about this for the rest of week probably 🤧😭💕
(okay hiding my final thought under a cut because of reasons 😅)
And like. All that^ is obviously just headcanoning and very much Not Real, but at the same time, we've got to remember that Aleksi choosing Olli as his ghost story buddy for his spooky stream - because he knew Olli would 1) be awake, and 2) be totally down for it - and that Olli was, in fact, down for it and just abandoned whatever he had been doing to do even more than what Aleksi asked of him, way past midnight (!!!!), is something that actually happened and is thus Very Real, and that's gotta tell you something, I mean hellooooo?!?!?! And no I will NOT shut up about this already because it's still the cutest shit ever, and so I'm asking you, is it really so far-fetched and impossible that two friends and bandmates who clearly enjoy each other's company a lot develop some feelings for each other? Like, just teeny tiny feelings?? I for one don't think so 😤😭
To conclude, your honour, they're in sweet bisexual love and probably don't even know it yet 😔
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inosukeslefttoe · 1 year
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i’m pulling this shit out of my ass and all the emotions i’ve been having because i decided to binge devilman crybaby today. I first saw it in 2020 during the pandemic and decided it was one of the best pieces of media i’ve ever consumed. i was worried that my opinion of it would’ve changed by now BUT IT HAS NOT.
it honestly just such a beautiful piece of media,, i think i could talk for hours so i’m not even gonna mention the aesthetics and soundtrack and imagery and references and just focus on like. feelings.
THE CAT SCENE. became so much more obvious and important this time around. basically. akira is the cat and ryo is the one crying. we all know about akira empathy abilities and his weird “you’re crying too” when it seems clear that ryo ISNT and that he has no feelings. EXCEPT HE DOES !! he doesn’t know it at the time but deep down inside him is the ability to feel sadness and therefore the ability to love. tbh i think the reason he didn’t believe in either of those things at the beginning was because they’re both just so. human. ANYWAYS the way that akira sobs upon the cats passing despite the fact that he Knew it was gonna die mirrors how ryo cries for akira in the end. ryo knew akira was human and that he would eventually pass,, AND THEN HE EVEN FUCKING FOUGHT HIM TO THE DEATH AND KILLED HIM ?? yet he still cried over his corpse. and like ,, that literally makes no sense because HE KILLED HIM HIMSELF so why does he cry ?? why does he mourn this weak human that he knew was already dead ?? BECAUSE HE HAS FEELINGS. HE HAS STUPID MESSY IRRATIONAL HUMAN FEELINGS. OF LOVE AND HEARTBREAK AND SADNESS AND LOSS. and i think that might be part of what scares him the most. he lived his whole life thinking he was emotionless and superior and strong,, and as long as he had akira by his side to be the emotional one of the group he’d be fine repressing all his shit. but now akira is gone and he’s left to sit in his feelings and except the fact that he HAS them and that he’s a little bit more human that he thought. oh and also i just think that for someone who always talks about how the strong beat the weak etc etc ,, it seems a little silly for ryo to fall in love with akira who is the softest and (no offense) physically weakest baby boy out there. he literally had this coming.
the baton scene !! this one didn’t hit quite as hard as the cat scene but i still want to talk about it because i <3 repetition. i think it’s supposed to symbolize how throughout his life akira tried and tried and tried again to get ryo to feel his feelings and be able to give and accept love. no matter how many times he tried and failed, akira never gave up and still loved ryo because that’s what people do with those they care about !! and i think it just breaks my heart that ryo couldn’t accept the baton until after it was too late.
oh yeah and this is possibly my favorite development and new thought after my rewatch. um. so yknow how ryo doesn’t have any memories of being satan at first. i think that maybe this means that he could possibly not remember other things too. this might be a bit of a stretch but i feel like the point of being a demon or being trapped in hell is to yknow ,, BE IN HELL sooo ,, where i’m going with this is that i think that ryos hell and punishment from god is to be thrown into different variations of earth with different variations of humans and in all of them he finds akira and falls in love with him and only knows it until it’s too late. and THATS why akira/all the akira variants can tell him that he IS in fact crying, because they know with their magic empathy abilities that he DOES love them more than anything. i might be off but i love to torture myself <3 but like ?? it sorta makes sense especially with god rebuilding the world after ryo destroyed it. like what happens to ryo ?? where does he go ?? back to hell ?? back to earth ?? i personally like my little theory
i have never read the bible fully but i wanted to mention how i think it’s so interesting how all the religious imagery is like ?? flipped if that makes sense ?? like the imagery of akira vs ryo makes it seem the opposite of how it should be. and i wonder if this also applies to other scenes with more obscure imagery or references like the miko donkey scene ?? idk but i might look into it more. i think they did this because it’s supposed to show how nothing is ever truly black or white with humanity. emotions and love and sadness and just people in general are all so multifaceted and can’t really be explained with any exact science. by switching up seemingly obvious imagery and confusing the viewers a bit i think they show how everything is just on a huge greyscale
okay i think that’s it for now but i WILL update this if i have another thought
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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 thoughts. Scattered because pain.
- I gotta say right off the bat, best trilogy in the MCU. It’s not even close. And I’m so relieved that they stuck the landing.
- I thought having a Guardians photo album for the end credits was cute. Though it didn’t escape my notice that IW and EG didn’t pop up much (and understandably so.) Hell, the Christmas special got more representation in it than EG did. But the shot of Rocket, Groot, and Thor landing in Wakanda is all they really needed from IW anyway. lol.
- Actually, side bar: Speaking of IW/EG, it just occurred to me after rewatching EG yesterday, where the hell was Kraglin during all that? He joined the team at the end of V2 and appeared to be living on their ship, so what happened? Sean Gunn does Rocket’s mocap, so it’s not like he couldn’t be on set. I guess it doesn’t really matter ultimately, but it’s something I noticed.
- Cosmo was delightful. I knew the “bad dog” gag would would pay off eventually. But still. How dare.
- That fight set to “No Sleep Till Brooklyn.” *chef’s kiss*
- D: “You think I’m stupid.” That cut deep.
- Mantis defending Drax from Nebula was great in context, but it also felt very pointed in a way. Or maybe I’m just projecting because of stuff I’ve seen from other folks in this fandom regarding him and Mantis.
- I know there are issues with Drax’ treatment of Mantis in V2, but their dynamic has become a surprising highlight. The way she freaked out when she thought he died and the way he cried when she left were so impactful.
- The squishy bits of the Orgoscope were unsettling.
- THEY LET PETER SAY “FUCK.” I had to back up the movie to make sure I didn’t mishear. It’s so funny to me that after all the hullabaloo in the fandom about who should/will say the first full, untranslated “fuck” that in the end it came out of Quill and in a pretty mundane moment as well.
- Starmora - I’m actually glad they went the direction they did for Peter and 2014!Gamora. It wouldn’t have made sense and frankly, would’ve been cheap if she’d just fallen for him instantly, because prime!Gamora didn’t either. They were a slow burn and came about, in part, due to the influence the team had on each other.
- I loved when the High Evolutionary’s subordinates turned on him, even if doing so didn’t work out for them.
- Blurp needs to go hang out with Morris from The Legend of the Ten Rings.
- Peter almost dying at the end had me close to raging out. I would’ve been so upset, for so many reasons. Mantis screaming for him and Groot trying to save him destroyed me.
- And since I’ve been putting it off *sighs* ...let’s talk about Rocket. First off, I’m very glad he survived. I’ve worried since V2 that he was a goner and was very glad to be proven wrong. Still, as worried for his fate as I was going into the film, the thing that concerned me the most was finally getting into the nitty gritty of his backstory. I knew from the bits of the comics I’ve seen that it was going to be highly upsetting and... yeah... that’s putting it mildly. Case in point, the fact that the first word out of his mouth was “Hurts.” And it just gets worse from there. Just pain all the way down.
- G: “I’m family!” N: “So is he.” Between that line and Nebula crying upon hearing Rocket’s voice again, the five year gap clearly made them very close. And it makes sense given all of their similarities, too. That Nebula thinks what happened to him is worse than what she endured speaks volumes about what was done to him.
- And finally, everything with Batch 89 was obviously heartbreaking, but oh my God, Floor. I don’t know why that character in particular tugged at my heart, but she did and... yeah. There’s that.
So, yeah, in short, this movie made me a mess, but all the Guardians films do and I’d be disappointed if it didn’t punch me in the face.
Metaphorically, of course.
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angieowlie · 11 months
Writing Progress #18 🪶
Sooo a couple weeks ago I finished writing Vol 1 draft 2!! 😆
AAAHH it was such a beautiful day. The night before whilst in the shower, I was struck with THE cutest way to end the book and gaaah I love it so much! 😆 I had a really good writing session that day as I finished the draft. A couple days before - as I was nearing the end - I got really emotional. I was crying a lot because I didn’t want it to end...I just felt so happy with this draft. Isn’t it weird how you want something to be over and done with, but once it’s happened you long for it to go on, instead of ending? T0T
Anyway, I had a celebratory quesadilla from Chipotle 😂 (Not dim sum this time, lol.)
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Right now I’m taking a writing break~ I actually wrote a list of stuff I wanted to do during this time (including, but not limited to, rewatching Banana Fish 😂💔)
I haven’t done much writing since, just a drabble here and there. Strangely enough, I had thought this break would be a fun and relaxing time to rejuvenate and refill the creative well. But I’ve actually been stressed as HELL 😂🙂 Work has been super busy, there’s some family and friends stuff going on, the weather is HOT as shiz, and I realize now that perhaps my daily routine of writing in the morning before everything else has been what’s keeping me anchored all this time. Huh 🤔 Perhaps next time, for the next writing break, I should still do some light writing in the morning, something unrelated to the series, but make myself sit down and write nonetheless.
Anyway - I’ve done some fun things that weren’t on my list, too!
We went to watch Elemental, and lemme tell you, I cried so much, my eyes were so dry up till the next day. It was so good, my god 😭 The crap marketing did not do it justice at all!! I also couldn’t stop staring at Ember’s nose the whole time because it kept flickering because she’s made of fire 😂
(Side note: that attack on AO3 had scared the HELL outta me. But I’m glad things are okay now!! We will not be brought down so easily!!)
I’ve also been making space to prioritize reading. It’s been good. I’ve been finding a lot of titles I’ve never heard of before, sampling on Amazon first before borrowing from the lib. Something I’ve started doing is going to the lib on Saturday morning and just sitting there reading for like an hour or so. I find that blocking off a chunk of time and just, like, read uninterrupted REALLY helps to get yourself immersed into the story. So yeah, haha. I think that ’bout sums up what I’ve been up too.
Oh! One last thing. Today’s actually the 2nd anniversary of the day I started to seriously write this series 😸 (At this point I have so many anniversaries to celebrate each year, but whatever 😂 Romanticize your milestones, yo!)
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hazbincalifornia · 5 months
Hazbin Liveblog Episode 8
And the finale!
Oh yeah, I bet you'd like to see Alastor get fucked. /shot For real though, the animation here is so good.
Lilith mentioned again. Hmmmmmmmm.
Angel getting off the pole by flipping around like it's an actual pole is a nice touch.
I like Angel's little hat.
6/10 for going 'but if we don't win' during a pep talk, even if it's followed by something sweet. Cherri's unimpressed look is great though.
Oh, Niffty. I love not dying too, Vaggie. My favorite thing to do.
The animation on Alastor's little head-waggle is fantastic.
Alastor and Niffty moment, eeeee! Mimzy's right, he really is sweet if he actually likes you. He let her put a crown of roaches on his head and just laughed a little.
Oh, Angel is in love in love.
He's doing his best!!!!
Two dicks semi-canon, huh.....
Aaaaaand I'm tearing up at the soft ballad love reprise of More than Anything... love always matters, whether familial, romantic, platonic, or something in between.
And the kiss is lovely, not too quick but moving in at the same time and confident the other reciprocates. That's so sweet.
I never really noticed before, but why do all the exterminators have different horns? You think they'd all match either Adam (as the leader) or Lute (as the general that isn't Adam but is one of 'them'.)
The more intense Lute is, the more I like her.
So all exterminators are women? Wonder how that happened, if Adam decided he just wanted to lead an all-girl army or they were all made off one specific base.
Oh hey, cool outfits from Charlie and Vaggie! I like the Apple symbol on her mask/helmet thing.
Cherri looking butch and me looking Gay, mayhaps... I also love how Angel tore the middle off his suit and, although I can't quite tell from the style, hotpants. He's going down with his midriff exposed, by god.
Oh hey, Velvette isn't straightening her hair! Probably not worth it if they're laying low where nobody's watching. I love her dress too.
"Let the slaughter begin" I am going to rewatch that a few times. Just for me.
Niffty is definitely helping by stabbing the corpses. I love her.
I just noticed Charlie's in a cute little crown! It looks good on her, subtle but tasteful.
Ponytail Vaggie Fucks. And she WILL be fucking Charlie by the end of the week, I'm s. That's a look meant for eating pussy.
Adam coughing after taking down the shield... he's probably not used to putting in any real effort, just taking down helpless sinners like fish in a barrel.
"First man, next to die" is a banger of a line.
And the Alastor Swear tally is up to three!
"Jazz is for pussies" is nothing next to the first man line. Up your game, man, you're talking to a real wordsmith. Alastor's whole Thing is obnoxiously talking you to death.
I am like 90% sure whoever put in the 'edge-lord' line was snickering to themselves while writing it. He is, but we love him. (Viv's comic joking about how he's an edgy deviantart oc was just going around again the other day.)
I actually wheezed out loud at 'too much fucking red'.
Alastor absolutely pinned it- Adam's coasted for far too long and doesn't have any real, dangerous bite behind his bark. Alastor's probably fucked over dozens of overconfident pricks just like him.
See, 'radio is fucking dead' is a better line! Don't know how much sense it makes for Adam to know to say that since Alastor didn't really introduce himself as the Radio Demon, but still.
Oh. Oh he fucked up.
Alastor swear count is up to four, and the first one that's not carefully calculated.
On one hand: This is Bad. On the other, as a Favorites Getting Fucked Up Enjoyer: This is great.
I love how Velvette and Val seem to be watching Vox freak out over the actual screen.
And a thousand fic-writers cried out in anguish at Vagatha being decanonized. Was that ever canon or just a fanon thing?
You know, it makes perfect sense the fireworks thing from the pilot could be used in combat.
Yeah, you did walk right into that one.
Aaaaa big brother Angel is so good. Poor little eggy.
Oh fuck Charlie looks badass, and of course it would be like a magical girl thing.
I love how brutal Lute is- slamming her head violently against the table especially. There's no attempt to make the girl on girl fight 'sexy'.
Oh wait, she has a tail???? I didn't see it at first, but it's a good look on her.
Called Vaggie was going to pull a 'you only get to live because I let you'. Brutal that she lost her arm though, but deserved.
Okay, I actually shrieked out loud with laughter at 'I'm going to fuck you' and it went dead silent and cut to everybody's expressions and Angel has the fucking best smug grin. I sense as soon as I return to twitter at least five people I follow will have that as an icon.
"Wait, what did I say" and it goes right back to fighting. Comedy gold.
Niffty killing him is pitch-fucking-perfect. I never would have seen it coming but I also adore it. Niffty the king-slayer.
The switch between drama and jokes in this episode are really on-point. I do think Adam obliterating Pentious in half a second was... a bit much, though.
Charlie... they were never going to listen.
A reprise of 'happy day in hell' with a theme of 'the show must go on'... that's brilliant. I love Jeremy's voice, it's perfect.
Alastor looks completely fucking unhinged and I'm Looking Intently.
WHAT? WHAT????? Is he like..... replacement Adam now???? Or just proof redemption works?
So.... Lilith masterminding Alastor's deal not proven or disproven, but she did make a deal with Lute somehow to kill Adam. Iiiiiinteresting.
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gamora-borealis · 1 year
I thought I was the only one who wanted a compilation video of all the guardians appearances minus Gamora's death scene. I always have to fast forward past her death and then I pause and replay the scene where Peter hits Thanos in the face. Thanos getting wacked in the face repeatedly is incredibly soothing to me. I'm not sure I'll ever look back on parts of Infinity War with fondness. The movie started out as if I was eating one of the best meals I've ever had and then suddenly someone peed on my plate, dumbed it on my head and stabbed me with my fork. My whole appetite was just gone. I'd pay good money for one long gotg movie with the murder and abuser is so sad bits edited out.
Yess I feel this so much 😭. I remember that I was trying not to spoil myself before going into IW but inevitably caved and checked some document or something of spoilers I saw being shared on twitter and I remember being like... this has to be fake. Why would Gamora die??? And I was going to see the earliest possible showtime in my area so low-key I was like maybe this person is lying. But at the very least the idea had been introduced so by the time they finally got to it I was like oh it's happening. And I kinda could tell because they were giving us such good Starmora content too. But I still couldn't believe how bad it was. I had been struggling really bad with my depression at the time and had just started taking antidepressants but wasn't used to them yet and I literally went home and cried and cried and my mom was like, really concerned about me actually. The Guardians, especially Gamora, had recently become my really strong comfort characters so it was such a hard shock. I can't imagine having zero warning going in. And the image of it is still seared in my brain too 😕. I remember being so mad when people were making fun of Peter afterwards for fucking stuff up and I'm like... okay but that's how I feel too!!! And that part felt pretty genuine to me!!! And Doctor Strange said it was the only way it could have happened!!!
No and then Endgame killing Nat in the exact same way was so awful too. I really liked Nat when I first saw the Avengers when I was like 12 because I was like "heck yeah girlboss," and to kill her in the same exact traumatic way, that for any character is just like, disgustingly brutal (especially with what they show), was like what the fuck is wrong with these writers!!! And like I was mostly expecting a resurrection of Gamora and to see them be like, no, and we're gonna do a repeat with Nat was just sooo disappointing. Especially when they were the ones making up the logic of how this shit all works!
I remember during the height of the pandemic (I think, who knows what time is anymore lol) I went back and rewatched the parts with the Guardians and was like, this stuff is actually pretty good. Like especially the stuff with Gamora and Nebula in Endgame was actually pretty cool too. But it really was unsatisfying considering to have it all end with Gamora being like "who is Peter" and them trying to make it funny. Because the situation was not funny to me!!! I mean maybe with better timing it would have been funny idk. But maybe watching it without her death makes it a little better, ya know?
But god the way everyone was like not even sure if Gamora was still around afterwards because they didn't even show her going off on her own... They absolutely should have done at least that. At the very least, the ending being so dumb with all the Captain America time travel stuff was like, yeah okay I can officially say these movies are a literal joke. And upon rewatch they really made Thanos so overpowered for no reason too!!! Don't even get me started lol.
I definitely feel much better about all of this after Vol. 3 because even though they didn't end up like, restoring her memories/old self or something through the soul world like I wanted, I think it was still handled pretty well. And I can see now that James Gunn probably saw Gamora's arc as over with Vol. 2 because in this movie she went in such a different direction and he said in the first draft of Vol. 2 she was going to sacrifice herself. So at the very least I don't feel as robbed or anything about where her story was going, except wanting more focus on her in Vol. 3 because I love her and of course I wanted them to more fully address her and what happened. And maybe more of her was scrapped for time with everything going on, but at the very least it's easy to imagine what was left out (with her but also how the Guardians were dealing with her being gone). My totally alternate version of what really should have happened in Vol. 3 will always live in my head though, because I spent like, four years thinking about it lol.
I'm still salty that she ever died though of course, don't get me wrong. Especially in the way that she did. Maybe if it was like, oh she sacrificed herself it would have felt better (which is why I would just cut her death scene at the part where she tries to if I were to include it at all in said compilation). Luckily I'm coping with it better now.
I really want to rewatch Vol. 1 & 2 before going to see Vol. 3 again, and that's why I especially want a version of IW/EG with all the other shit cut out lol. It's what we deserve!!!
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