#so yeah I’ll just wait till people cool down
sanktaninazenik · 2 years
Many thoughts and feelings on season 2 of Shadow and Bone. Some positive. Some negative. But overall I just have to say: women.
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iceandpeaches · 7 months
hi idk if you know the summer i turned pretty but there’s a scene where a character says “My chest physically hurts not being able to tell her how. much I love her” and I can just imagine luke being in love with a poseidon!daughter where her dad doesn’t approve of anyone for her. He tells percy about his chest hurting and will catch glimpses of Luke actually placing a hand on his chest whenever percy’s sister is around or walks away 😫😫😫 bonus if he actually PRAYS to poseidon angst but fluff ughhh
oh anon you cooked… the praying to poseidon part made my own chest hurt hurt.. i'm kinda familiar with tsitp but i never watched it.. sorry this is kinda long!! i hope this was good🙈🙈🙈
my chest hurts; luke castellan
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for years, luke had been hopelessly in love with you. from the moment you step foot at camp after being attacked, he knew he wouldn’t love anybody other than you. he was excited he could spend time with you while you were still unclaimed, but upset when you were claimed by poseidon. he couldn’t spend every moment with you anymore, by your side, your best friend. 
he was devasted that he couldn’t see you from the moment he woke up till the moment he fell asleep. with you now residing in the quiet and slightly eery poseidon cabin, you were only part of his dreams if the gods allowed it.
and with poseidon being your father, he wanted to be in your life. which meant that with you and percy, he wanted to keep his children safe from the world and people that could harm you. which is why, poseidon declared to deny any boy who asked for his blessing to date you. upon hearing such, luke never gave up hope. he’d find a way to persuade your father, somehow. 
luke headed to your cabin to look for you, walking in since he knew it would be open. it wasn’t like there were hundreds of kids running in and out all day. 
“hey y/n– oh. is she not here?”
luke glanced down at your younger brother, sat by the body of water that sat in the middle of your cabin. poseidon kids. 
“yeah she’s.. mad at me right now. she went for a swim.”
“oh. then i’ll wait for her to come back.”
luke sat by percy, fingers tapping against the area that held a pool of water. he got bored after a while, turning to percy he stared out into the opening of the cabin door. 
“hey percy.. could i tell you something?”
“yeah, what’s up?”
“it’s just.. i want to be with y/n. i think about her all the time. and it hurts, like my chest physically hurts. to be able to tell her that i’m in love with her.”
luke gripped his shirt, thinking about every moment you smiled at him, laughed at his jokes, your eyes lighting up everytime you mention something about the water or going for a late night swim, every hug, everything you did. there was something so special about you, and he wanted you to know how special you were to him. percy watched as his friend’s grip tightened on a portion of his clothing, brows creased into a frown. 
an hour or so passed, and you’d come back from your cool off swim. luke’s lips curled into a gentle smile, noticing that your hair was wet which emphasised the curls in your hair. your expression brightened upon seeing luke, your towel wrapped around your shoulders.
“luke! what are you doing here?”
“well, you’re late.”
“bracelet making with the hermes cabin.. duh! only the best cabin ever.”
you refrained from laughing, patting him on the back. you nod in acknowledgment, grabbing a fresh camp tee and a pair of shorts to slip into running toward the bathrooms to go change. luke smiled, feeling pressure in his chest again which caused him to grip his shirt as he followed behind you. 
for the next few days, luke’s chest hurt more than it usually did. for after every interaction with you, he had to take a moment to himself to breathe it out. several times percy had caught him with a hand on his chest whenever you’d walk away to tend to another camper’s needs. luke could’ve sworn he felt raindrops and thunder every now and then, hoping it wasn’t poseidon angry at him or something. 
luke tossed and turned in bed, the thought of you still fresh in his mind. you never left his mind, all he thought about was you. he slipped out of his bunk, then out a window to find a spot to burn an offering – not to his father, but yours. he lit a match, putting in into his tin can then burning away a piece of bread he had wanted to finish off in the morning which he’d miss most.
he watched the bread burn, tossing it into the small tin can. he fiddled with the drawstring of his hoodie, thinking of what he’d like to say as a prayer to your father.
“hi mr poseidon. i am luke castellan. son of.. hermes. i.. i don’t know how to explain this.”
he fumbled with his words, his mind incapable of configuring sentences he would’ve formerly said to the poseidon. it was messing with his brain. 
“i like your daughter. and i know that, you’d want her to have a guy good enough for her. i may not be that guy but.. i was hoping.. am i saying that right? uh.. i’m seeking for your blessing to, give me a shot?”
“i want to be that guy for her. i’ll take care of your daughter with my life, i’ll be there for her when no one else can. i promise, sir. i’ll love her, comfort her, take her side no matter what…”
he gulped, the flame dancing as he spoke. he wasn’t sure if poseidon would hear into his concerns, but it was worth trying. he hesitated to seal his promise, but he loved you. he’d do anything for you.
“sir, i’ll take good care of her. i promise.”
it almost sounded too desperate. luke blew out the flame, heading back to his cabin to not get caught by harpies. his heartfelt confession made his burden slightly lighter, actually being able to sleep this time.
"luke castellan, son of hermes. i've heard your prayer."
huh? who was that? luke opened his eyes, seeing the god of the seas in front of him. he swallowed the lump in his throat, bowing down only to feel poseidon's hand on his shoulder.
"will you keep to your promise? everything you said?"
luke glanced up at the god, nodding. yes. everything he said in his prayer. he'd keep to his promise. poseidon was staring him down, luke slightly intimidated by the death glare the god was giving him. the god's eyes reminded him of your eyes, every wave reflected in them.
"yes, sir. i will keep to my promise."
"how will i know for sure?"
huh? luke thought he'd made it clear with his intentions. but then he remembered – poseidon would deny him. poseidon would've never cared what luke had said in prayer, poseidon already deemed him unfit (like any other man) to date his daughter.
"but si–"
"you already know what i'm going to say, luke castellan."
"sir plea–"
luke woke up sweating. he looked around as he caught his breath, was that real? or was that all a dream? did poseidon really visit him in his dream? his chest hurt. his chest ached. his chest felt it was burning. for all he knew, he might've just lost his chance to love you. he didn't know if he could leave his cabin when morning came, he just wanted to disappear.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 months
Like a Challenge - An LDV Malec Story
“Tutoring, Mom? Really? The rest of us didn’t get tutoring.”
“It’s different these days, hun. The curriculum is extremely competitive now,” his mother points out, walking past him down the stairs. “It’s as if they want the children to fail in class.”
“So, what if he fails a class or two?” Alec asks without thinking.
Mom stops in her tracks and turns around, incredulous. “Please tell me you’re joking.”
“He’s in fourth grade!” Alec throws up his hands. “Nobody cares if he fails at math!”
“I care,” Mom huffs.
“Do you really care if he fails math, or are you just worried about your friends finding out?” Alec cocks his head.
“Do you really not want him to go for tutoring, or are you just complaining because you don’t want to drive him?” Mom counters, raising an eyebrow.
Right. Never argue with a lawyer.
“Mom, come on,” Alec groans, trailing after her. “I have lectures.”
“You don’t have lectures on the weekends,” she points out, pausing at the bottom of the stairs. “And the last time I checked, you don’t have a social life either.”
“That was unnecessary!” Alec scowls, crossing his arms. “I have plans to hang out with Jace on weekends, you know.”
“Great, take Jace with you.”
“Alec, honestly, I ask you for one thing-”
“Okay, here we go-”
“-And I do so much for this family while managing my full-time job-”
“Jesus, Mom! Fine. I’ll drive him!” Alec relents. 
He knows full well that she only asked him because he was the only one who’d drive through Manhattan traffic on the weekend without complaining (much) about it. 
Izzy just straight-up said, ‘No, thanks.’ Alec wishes he could be that indifferent too.
But maybe it’s not a bad thing. 
His little brother is growing up fast, and Alec worries that Max will pull away any day now. He’ll be a teenager in a couple of years, and Alec will have graduated from Columbia. Max will be too cool to hang out with his boring older brother.
So, yeah. Maybe this is an opportunity to bond. God knows he struggles with it. He’s good with Izzy, and Izzy is good with both of them. But Alec and Max never really clicked for some reason. He usually blames the age gap, as it prevents him from thinking too much about other possible reasons.
“Thank you, darling, drive safe!” Mom blows him a kiss and heads out the door.
Alec heads upstairs to find his brother, only to discover that Max is already downstairs, sitting in the passenger seat, waiting for him.
“Someone’s excited for tutoring,” Alec chuckles as he slides behind the wheel. “Is Mom forcing you too?”
“No, I want to be good at math,” Max hums in response. “Dad says I need it if I want to study programming.”
“Buddy, you’re nine,” Alec shakes his head fondly.
“Maybe I’m a child prodigy,” Max shrugs and leans out of the window. “How long till we get to Brooklyn?”
“Shouldn’t you know that, Child Prodigy?” Alec grins.
Max scowls and looks out the window again, unimpressed. Alec isn’t really sure how to get through to him. Nothing he ever does or says seems to interest Max.
Except for one thing.
“Do you think when you’re president, we can skip the line when we go to Five Guys?” Max asks suddenly.
It’s one of his favorite things to do - asking Alec the most random hypothetical questions about his future as the president of the country.
The rest of the family, and probably the rest of the country, mostly care about how he’s going to change lives. Max just wants to know if they can skip lines and get discounts.
Sometimes Alec wants to become president just to make those dreams come true.
“They’ll probably close it down for us,” Alec replies. “We’ll be the only people there.”
“That sounds sad, Alec,” Max says casually.
“I guess,” Alec murmurs, trying not to let it sting. Kids, man. Oof. “But we’ll have each other, right?”
“I guess,” Max echoes, going back to people-watching through the window.
When they arrive at the address Mom gave him, Alec climbs out of the car and escorts Max to the building. They climb the stairs, Alec holding Max’s hand.
“I’m not a child,” Max mumbles, tugging at the strap of his backpack with his other hand.
“You are literally the legal definition of a child,” Alec laughs. Max rolls his eyes.
Maybe this is why they don’t vibe. Maybe Max doesn’t want to feel like a child, especially with siblings old enough to go to college. But Alec doesn’t know how else to treat him - like a baby, something precious and important. 
“Why are we taking the stairs anyway?” Max complains.
“This is an old building,” Alec explains. “Most on this side of town don’t have elevators.”
“Do you think when you’re president, you can make elevators compulsory for all buildings?” Max asks.
“I don’t see why not,” Alec shrugs. “It would make buildings more accessible for people with wheelchairs.”
“Or you could ask people to build flying wheelchairs,” Max suggests. “That would be accessible and fun.”
“Would you be interested in being one of my advisors?” Alec asks, maybe a little too genuinely.
“We’ll see,” Max hums, as if considering all the offers from all the potential presidents.
Alec can’t help but smile. His brother is too good. 
Which is why he doesn’t need this stupid tutoring. Max is perfect. He is hardworking and probably the smartest of them all. Alec doesn’t want Max to think there’s something lacking in him, even if there is, he doesn’t want Max to feel like it’s something to be fixed.
Sometimes you’re just bad at stuff, and that’s fine.
Max knocks on the door, and Alec quickly crouches down. “Hey, listen. We don’t actually have to do this.”
“Really?” Max looks surprised, as if he didn’t know that was an option. “What about Mom?”
“We could tell her you went to class,” Alec grins. “We could just hang out in the arcade for an hour instead.”
“Really?” Max gasps, eyes wide with excitement.
So, that’s how you become the fun sibling. You lie to your parents and play loose with your morals. 
Got it. Alec can do this all day.
He’s about to throw Max over his shoulder and run down the stairs when the apartment door opens. Alec looks up.
“Hello?” The man on the other side smiles warmly. “You must be Max. I’m Magnus.”
“Er, it’s Alec, actually,” Alec straightens up immediately. “Alec Lightwood.”
“I was talking to the child, but it’s nice to meet you, Alec Lightwood,” Magnus says with a small roll of his eyes. His gorgeous eyes. “Max, do you want to come inside?”
“Uh,” Max hesitates and turns to Alec. “We’re actually here to sell Girl Scout cookies. Right, Alec?”
Magnus leans against the doorframe, an amused smile playing on his lips. “Are you a Girl Scout then?”
“Yes?” Max replies, uncertain but determined.
“Not that I am opposed to breaking gender roles, love, but you don’t seem to have any cookies with you,” Magnus points out.
“It’s in the car,” Max informs seriously. “We’ll go get it.”
“Hold on there,” Alec grabs Max by the shirt and pulls him back. He smiles awkwardly at Magnus, who steps aside to let them in. “He’s just joking.”
“Joking?” Magnus raises an eyebrow, settling into a small circular dining table for two. “Trying to be a stand-up comedian, are we?”
“No,” Max scowls, clearly not amused.
“No?” Magnus shakes his head with a smile. Gorgeous. Gorgeous. Gorgeous. “What do you want to do when you grow up then?”
“I’m gonna make video games,” Max declares confidently.
“That sounds fun,” Magnus says, genuinely interested.
“You’re not gonna ask me what I want to do when I grow up?” Alec asks, trying to keep his tone light.
Magnus gives him a look, then sighs dramatically. “What do you want to do when you grow up, Alexander?”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
“I’m gonna be the president,” Alec announces.
“That doesn’t sound fun,” Magnus remarks, turning back to Max.
“Shall we get started? I know a lot of people don’t like math, but I’ll try to make it fun for you, hm?”
“You do this a lot?” Alec asks, settling onto the couch, unable to resist.
Magnus glances at him, amusement flickering in his eyes. “Alexander, you are interrupting my class. But if you must know, yes, tutoring is my side gig.”
“What’s your main gig then?” Alec presses, intrigued.
Magnus tilts his head, a playful smile dancing on his lips. “You know, your mother doesn’t pay me to talk to you.”
“Can I pay you to talk to me?” Alec grins, undeterred.
“I don’t think you can afford it, darling,” Magnus hums, turning his attention back to Max.
Alec doesn’t disturb them afterward. He settles on the couch, fiddling with the book he brought. But he can’t focus. His eyes keep drifting to Magnus, who is quietly tutoring Max, a smile ever-present on his face. Max seems engaged in the lesson, asking questions now and then, laughing at whatever Magnus tells him.
An hour and some intense pining later, Magnus wraps up the lesson and even offers Max a cookie.
“Do I get a cookie?” Alec asks with a grin walking up to the man in the small kitchen. 
“I don’t think you’ve earned it,” Magnus shrugs, putting the box of cookies away carefully. “Is there someone else who can accompany Max next weekend?”
“Do you find me distracting?” Alec cocks his head.
Magnus lets out a dramatic sigh, as if annoyed, but it’s not a no. “Does your brother know?”
“He knows I’m gay,” Alec shrugs.
“Does he know you’re flirting with his teacher?” Magnus corrects.
“Max, do you know that I’m flirting with your teacher?” Alec calls out.
“You keep staring at him a lot,” his brother says with a slight frown. “Is that what flirting means?”
“No,” Magnus says seriously and turns back to Alec. “If you’re coming here again, I’m going to have to ask you to behave.”
“What if I find him a better teacher?” Alec suggests. “Can I come back here and not behave then?”
“You can find him a different teacher, but I doubt you’d find him a better teacher,” Magnus replies haughtily.
“You didn’t answer my question,” Alec notes.
“I quite like Max,” Magnus says to that. “I’d like to keep tutoring him.”
“Yeah?” Alec can’t help but smile at that. “He’s good?”
“He’s curious,” Magnus replies. “I like curious children.”
“And he seems to like you too,” Alec points out. “He’s usually very quiet. He laughs with you. Never laughs at my jokes.”
“Maybe you’re not as funny as you think you are, Alexander,” Magnus suggests.
Alec laughs at that, shaking his head. “I guess it’s just an older brother thing. He doesn’t like anything I do.”
“Appreciation is not the same as affirmation,” Magnus says. “He might not show it, but he seems to believe in you anyway.”
“Is that right?” Alec asks, amused.
“I’ve known him for an hour, and he’s already mentioned four times that when his brother becomes president-”
“It’s just a silly game he likes to play-”
“He says when, not if,” Magnus points out. “He believes in you. Sometimes that’s enough.”
“You got all of that in an hour?” Alec asks incredulously.
“I am very perceptive,” Magnus shrugs.
“Do you want to go out on a date with me?” Alec asks, feeling like enough foreplay has been had. Well, not enough, but maybe they can pick it up later. Hopefully.
Magnus stares at him for a long moment, fiddling with the hem of his blue shirt. “Did you mean what you said before? About the president thing? Is that really your dream?”
“Yes,” Alec nods without hesitation.
“Then it is best that you keep your distance from me,” Magnus points out.
“Why?” Alec asks.
“Because dating someone like me will make things difficult for you,” Magnus replies.
“Magnus, I’m a gay man trying to be the president of this country,” Alec laughs. “It’s already difficult for me.”
“So why on earth would you make things more difficult?” Magnus demands. 
“Because I like a challenge,” Alec shrugs. “And you’re really fucking gorgeous.”
“Huh,” Magnus says in response. “Well, you should’ve probably started with that.”
Alec chuckles. “So?”
“So?” Magnus echoes.
“You gonna give me a cookie or what?” Alec asks.
“Not yet,” Magnus hums. “Perhaps you should give me your number, and I’ll let you know if I change my mind.”
Alec does his best not to jump into the air and pump his fists. He nods solemnly instead. “That sounds fair.”
“Alec, let’s go!” Max shouts, picking up his backpack and wiping his hands on his trousers.
“I’ll see you next week, Max,” Magnus tells the boy with a smile. “Remember your homework, hm?”
“Okay,” Max gives a thumbs up.
“I’ll see you next week too?” Alec asks.
“I suppose you will,” Magnus smiles at him. “Have a good day, Alexander.”
“Yeah, it’s not gonna get better than this,” Alec calls over his shoulder as he grabs his brother’s hand and heads down the stairs.
“Alec?” Max says as he climbs into the passenger seat of the car.
“Yeah, buddy?” Alec asks as he gets behind the wheel.
“Are you going to marry Magnus when you become president?” Max asks him.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Alec scoffs, giving his brother a smile. “I’m gonna marry him way before that.”
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harrywavycurly · 7 months
I can just imagine bff Harry and reader always sharing gossip over wine or coffee😂
Hiii lovey!!! Oh yes you know those two always have gossip to share with each other!! So I hope you enjoy these little conversations between them when one of them has something to tell the other😂💖
-find everything Where We Started here✨
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“Harry? Are you decent?…Harry?” “Hmmm?” “Are you asleep? Get up I have something to tell you.” “S’not even seven in the morning….it can wait.” “It absolutely cannot wait now get up and I’ll have coffee waiting for you in the kitchen.” “Wait you’re…in my house? This isn’t…a dream?” “Do you dream about me often?” “Don’t be mean it’s too early to be mean.” “Oh stop whining and get up.” “Just tell me what it is and then I’ll decide if it’s worth getting up for.” “Niall has a girlfriend.” “Niall? Niall Horan? Niall James Horan of One Direction…that Niall Horan?” “Yes! Now get up!” “When the bloody fuck did this happen?” “While he was in London now please get up we have to go meet her.” “Meet her? When?” “For breakfast now I’ll pick your outfit if you’ll please start getting out of bed and go brush your hair and your teeth.” “Wait wait wait…Niall has a girlfriend and he didn’t tell us till we are headed to meet her? That’s a bit uncool don’t you think?” “Well uhm…I might have…known about her-” “and you didn’t tell me?” “He asked me not to until he knew it was serious.” “How long?” “How long what?” “Have you known about her?” “Uhm…since their first date…uh…two months…ago.” “Jesus! How did you manage to keep that to yourself for so long?” “It was hard now…get up.” “Sorry I’m getting up…but you’re not picking my outfit.”
“Did you drag me to a library to tell me this so I couldn’t scream?” “Possibly…yes…yes that’s exactly why I brought you here.” “Harry you can’t just drop this on me and not expect me to want to squeal and jump up and down this is huge news you asshole!” “Shhhhh you’re going to get us kicked out…it’s not that big of a deal it’s just a movie.” “Just a movie? It’s not just a movie…it’s a movie that you have one of the main roles in and you’ll be acting alongside Florence Pugh.” “And Chris Pine.” “I’m so excited!” “You are so loud…let’s get out of here before you get us put on some sort of list for people who are banned from public libraries.”
“Did you steal that bag from my closet?” “No I bought it off your website…you have these in your closet? And didn’t give me one?” “I figured you’d ask if you wanted one? You asked for the Pleasing sweatshirt when it dropped.” “So…why did you call this emergency picnic?” “I have some…news.” “News? About you or someone we know?” “Someone we know…” “ohh please enlighten me…who’s it about?” “Mitch…and Sarah…” “oh my god did they break up? Don’t make me cry Harry it’s not even noon.” “They are having a baby.” “Oh my god! I just said don’t make me cry!” “Ouch don’t go hitting the messenger! I just found out like an hour ago.” “That’s so exciting oh I love this for them.” “Yeah it’s gonna be cool to have another baby to be the god father of.” “Bold of you to assume you’re going to be this baby’s god parent.” “I’m the one who introduced them so uh yeah…I’m gonna be a god father.” “More like the weird uncle.” “Weird? I’m not…I mean…I’m not too weird like creepy weird or anything I’m just…me.” “Yes you’re just you and that’s why everyone loves you so much…you’re weird and it’s great.”
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riordanness · 7 months
out of the woods - [h.haddock]
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wordcount: 0.9K
warnings: this sucks
requested: no
I stumbled through the woods, tripping over branches and roots. My boots were pretty worn out, and my feet aches from yet another long day of walking.
How far I’d come, I had no idea. For all I knew, I’d been running away for a year, although my common sense told me it couldn’t have been more than a week or two.
And yet, I still hadn’t found anyone. I’d vowed I wouldn’t stop until I found civilisation, but so far, no people at all.
Living off of berries and streams, I’d been travelling away from my old village. I walked everyday from sunrise till it was too dark to walk safely.
The first day had been the hardest. My wounds were still fresh, both my physical and emotional ones. I’d spent half the day crying, and the other half finding new leaves and moss to patch up my wounds as best I could.
Shoving a branch out of my face, i skirted around a tree and entered a clearing.
“Whoa,” I said. A huge chunk of the earth had been scraped away somehow. It was almost as if a huge something had slid down the embankment, taking most of the dirt with it.
On a whim, I decided to see where it went. I crept rather cautiously down the slope, staying near the protection of the trees. At the edge of a big drop off, I crawled up, peeking over the rim.
I gasped aloud, ducking my head. A dragon? And not just any dragon, a Night Fury! I crouched on the ground, breathing as quietly as I could.
I risked another glance at the dragon. That was when I noticed the boy. A skinny boy with dark ruffled hair was creeping toward the dragon. I realised the dragon was bound with ropes.
As I watched, the boy studied the Night Fury. He slowly pulled a small knife out, holding it up. I narrowed my eyes. Surely this kid wasn’t going to kill the dragon all on his own? He looked more scared than the dragon!
The boy dropped his arms, looking defeated. Then, he began cutting the ropes off the dragon. My eyes went wide. This was going to end very badly for the boy, and very tasty for the dragon.
I considered calling out to the boy to tell him to stop being an idiot, but my voice caught in my throat. I couldn’t manage to get the words out.
The dragon attacked the boy the moment it’s bands were cut off. It pinned the boy against a boulder, staring at him. Just as I was covering my eyes (peeping through my fingers, of course), the dragon roared in the boy’s face, then turned and took off.
The boy shakily reached for his knife, got unsteadily to his feet, walked like two steps, and promptly collapsed.
I waited a few minutes just to be sure. Then, I crept over to the boy. I took his knife, shoving it in my belt beside my own. Then, I shook him awake.
“Hey,” I said quietly. I didn’t want the dragon coming back. It might be hungrier the next time.
The boy sat up groggily. “Who are you?”
I narrowed my eyes. “You are an idiot.”
He blinked. “Um… what?” He rubbed his head, messing up his brown hair even more.
“Letting that dragon loose?” I said. “Dumbest thing I’ve seen in ages.” I held out my hand for him to take. “But that took guts, I’ll give you that.”
The boy seemed hesitant, but he took my hand. I pulled him to his feet. “Thank you?” he said, but it sounded like a question.
“That was a Night Fury,” I said softly. “Who managed to shoot it down?”
“Uh, I did.”
Now it was my turn to be surprised. “Really? Cool. How many dragons have you got so far?”
“That was my first…” He frowned a little, his eyes glancing away from mine.
I raised an eyebrow. “Huh. That’s cool, anyway, I guess.” I paused. “I’m y/n.”
“Nice name,” I commented, trying to hide my smile.
He rolled his eyes. “Yeah. Love it.”
I laughed slightly. “It could be worse.”
“Yeah.” He eyed me, a smile playing at his mouth. “I could be called y/n.”
“Hey!” I protested.
He laughed, so I just rolled my eyes at him, managing a smile.
“So where are from, anyway?” Hiccup asked. “You’re not from my village.”
I hesitated. “No, I’m not.” I wasn’t sure how much to say. Not that I thought Hiccup was an untrustworthy guy; he seemed alright to me thus far, but I wasn’t one to tell people my personal stuff.
“If you don’t want to tell me, don’t,” Hiccup said. “But if you need a pace to stay, I’ve got a spare bed.”
I met his eyes. “Really? That… that would be great, actually.”
He smiled. “Then it’s settled. Come on.”
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cheesysoup-arlo · 5 months
More than friends?
You are Aarons younger sister, You’re a Junior (same grade as Janis and everyone, except Aaron) you have a crush on your long time best friend, Janis. You’re somewhat out but only to a few people (out to Ms. Norbary, Janis, Damian, and your brother) You don’t know about Cady and Janis’ scheme to take down Regina. Also you and Janis have kissed before but you two say you’re just friends, both worried the other doesn’t feel the same (you’re both a little dumb and very gay)
After the fight of Janis and Cady at Cady’s house, (Y/N) is at Janis’s house waiting outside for the girl to arrive, shortly after (Y/N)’s arrival Janis arrives with Damian “(Y/N) what are you doing here?” She says surprised but very happy to see you “well I was at your art show and wasn’t able to get these to you” you hand her a bundle of paper flowers you made “and my brother told me you and Cady had a fight so I decided being here now might be better than waiting till school tomorrow” you say with a small smile and a shrug “aw cute also bye I’ll see y’all tomorrow” Damian says as he leaves “bye” you and Janis say at the same time, waving goodbye to him “that’s really sweet of you I really appreciate, um do you want to come in?” janis says looking at you hoping you say yes “if it’s not a bother to you I’d love to spend some time with you” you say with a smile “yeah, please come in” Janis says letting you in and you both head to Janis’ room, It’s covered in art, like all of it “woah your room is really cool” you say looking around taking it all in “oh uh thank you” Janis says with a big smile, blushing a lot “wait, is Janis ‘Imi’ike blushing?” You say in a teasing tone “whaaa nooo it’s…paint?” Janis says trying and failing to think of a good lie “hmm not convincing” you say with a smirk, realizing you’re really close to each other. You two are quite for a bit, it’s a comfortable silence, Janis stares into your eyes “woah, your eyes are like the night sky, so mysterious” she says causing you to blush “are you trying to flirt with me and get me to kiss you? Because it’s definitely working” you say wrapping your arms around her “mmm maybe? do i have consent to kiss you?” Janis says with a small smirk and her eyebrow slightly raised “oh absolutely” you both lean in, It’s a gentle kiss and it last a while until you both in need of air “woah that was” *deep breath* “amazing, you’re a really good kisser” you say with your nose touching hers “thank you, you are really good too” janis says blushing more before pulling you in for another kiss. You both pull away “can we watch a movie and cuddle or if that makes you uncomfortable we can-“ Janis started to ramble until you cut her off with a quick gentle kiss “you cute when you ramble” you say pulling her over to the bed the on top of you causing Janis to blush a lot “you’re warm” she says looking up at you “is that a good thing?” You ask slightly confused Janis nods snuggling closer to you “so um… do you wanna tell me exactly what happened with you and Cady?” You ask slightly hesitant “well, she was supposed to come to my art show but she said she had a family trip. I checked insta after my show and saw a bunch of people posting at cady’s house. I was pissed so I went over to her house to check it out, I ended up yelling at her and she said ‘it’s not my fault that you’re obsessed with me’ and-“ Janis says getting upset, you gasp genuinely surprised because you thought Cady was a nice girl “no way? she said that?” You say also getting upset “yeah…” janis says not looking at you, you pull Janis really close to you and start playing with her hair something you’ve recently learned she likes “um can we actually stop talking about this…please” Janis says looking up at you “yeah of course…um you said something about wanting to watch a movie?” You say trying to remember your conversation from earlier “oh yeah, hmm can we watch…actually I don’t know what I want to watch” Janis says with slightly confused frown “we could do something else?” You say trying to hint at something “like what?” Janis says with a confused head tilt “like this” you say as you lean in and kiss Janis, she pulls away
“woah, don’t get me wrong I really like you, like more than a friend but don’t you think this is a little fast?” Janis asks concerned “oh um, maybe? I don’t know…if you want to take things slow that’s totally ok I hope I didn’t just ruin our night completely…I’m sorry…” you’re worried you went to far and looks down at your hands, you mind is scrambled and your thoughts are racing. Your thoughts are interrupted by Janis gently grabbing your chin to make you look at her then pulling you in for a quick gentle kiss “you don’t need to be sorry, I think it’s cute that you want to make out with me already but can we just talk about what we are first because I don’t want to assume how you feel about me, we’re friends first above everything, your friendship means more to me than anything…but don’t tell Damian that he’ll be mad that I like you more” she jokes slightly at the end hoping to make the topic change smoother “our friendship means the world to me but I really want to be more than that and I’ve know about this feeling since like freshman year, which is kind of crazy to think about especially with everything that happened before that…” you say recalling the chaos of middle school, the spin the bottle incident, the bunsen burner incident, Janis being kicked out of school for a semester, you staying friends with Janis and Regina through it all was confusing and hard but Regina couldn’t get rid of you because of your brother and there was no way you were letting go of Janis she was your everything. “Honestly I think I’ve liked you longer than that but I finally came to terms with it freshman year” you say blushing a little trying not to make eye contact “aww you’re being so cute” Janis says with a laugh poking at your arm “…I think I’ve always liked you but I never told you because at first I was scared to tell people I’m gay, then the whole thing with Regina, and honestly… I just never thought you’d like me like that…” Janis says a little embarrassed “well I definitely do like you like that” you say making eye contact with her “get over here cutie” you say opening up your arms to cuddle with Janis, she immediately wraps her arms around you “so…are we girlfriends now?” Janis asks hesitantly “um yeah…but I don’t know if I’m ready to tell people since well my parents still don’t know about me being…” you voice trails off at the end “oh…well we don’t have to tell people, we can be girlfriends and just tell Damian?” Janis suggests “I think I like that, yeah I like that idea” you say smiling a little “so my lovely girlfriend, wanna cuddle?” Janis asks “I thought we were cuddling?” You say looking at her confused “mmm we’re not close enough” she says as she tangles her legs with yours, pulling you closer to her and making the both of you lay on you sides so you’re facing each other “aww you’re such a softie” you say playing with her hair “only for you cutie, only for you” Janis says giving you a gentle kiss causing you to giggle a little while blushing. You are still playing with her hair and she is softly drawing patterns on your back under your shirt. Janis starts falling asleep and so do you.
A/N: this was just chilling in my drafts unfinished and in a weird format that I fixed so I hope y’all like this lol
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fruity-mercenary · 1 year
Hey!! Trying something New! :D i wanna get back into writing so ima do some reader and characters, oc and canon, and canon and canon writings whenever i get bored! I’m currently on a waiting list on A03 so i’ll post it here for now! I would deeply appreciate feed back and suggestions! (Especially since I struggle with character Dialogue and Comedy even though its my favorite genre 😅) i do hope you enjoy however! <3
This is the first one! Its Earthspark Bumblebee and Reader (you) You wake up sick and he does everything he can to make sure your comfortable and cozy.
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The first thing you see when you wake up is big, blue, worried eyes staring down at you. At first it’s a little confusing, but as you come to you realize it’s Bumblebee.
You smile weakly and stifle a small cough that turns into a larger one. You shift and pull the blanket closer as you shiver. It fits just right, its soft and gray, with little white dots that turn into stars.
“Are you okay? Can i get you anything? Soup? Water?” Bumblebee bombards with questions. Hes gentle as adjusts your pillows. You take a moment to comprehend what he just said.. “tissues… maybe a cough drop..?” You Sniffle and cough but not has harshly as before.
“Yes! Will do!” he hops up quickly, rushing off to find said things, the ground shakes softly as he walks to cabinet to cabinet in the base under the barn. Your thankful the hay hasn’t followed into the cozy space.
You feel kinda drowsy and start to close your eyes. You wonder whats taking bumblebee so long. It isn’t long till he comes over and hands you glass “hehe..so there really isn’t any human things down here! But i’m sure Dorothy can make some soup and get you those tissues and cough drops! Would you like that?” He asks politely as he nervously rubs his neck
You laugh softly as bumblebees awkwardness, it’s obvious he cares about you and wants to make sure you feel better. You cough into your hand, not wanting to get your germs on him even if he can’t get sick. “That would be nice…” you say in soft, hoarse voice
He smiles and jumps up with a little hop in his step. “Cool! Cool cool! I’ll go get that!” He points to the door and rushes to go, stopping when you call out his name. “Yeah!?” He becomes calmer, frowning, he wishes you well.
“Thank you…” you curl up closer to yourself, coughing hard. You hope to feel better soon..you like the though of fresh air and to play tag with the terrans. Maybe a walk in the woods to clear your mind.
Bumblebee smiles softly, tilting his head at the gratitude. “Anytime, get some rest” he says in that warm like honey voice he uses when hes appreciative.
You feel your eyes start to close.. you watch him leave.. a part of you doesn’t want him to go, you feel like crap, your shivering, coughing and sniffling. You want to curl up next to him to feel the warm of the engines. You know hes gone to take care of you and he’ll be back. But theres always the anxiety that maybe he’ll get caught up on a mission or its all a dream and you’ll wake up in your room you had before you met bumblebee.. but as you think all this you breathe out your mouth and drift off to sleep.
When you wake up again you still feel sick, but you’re awake now, still wrapped up in a blanket and in the cozy nook area. You smell the wonderful soup, surprisingly its still hot too. Though now your head is propped up and instead of a head rest, your head is in bumblebees leg. Is oddly soft even if its still metal. You smile but still feel bad you are getting your germs all over him.
He seems to be sleeping. Or maybe meditating? Its hard to tell but you like it all the same. You grab a tissues that was on the bed side table, along with a few cough drops, the un-drunk glass of water, and the soup with a spoon. It makes you happy that you have so many people (and bots) who want to nurse you back to health. Especially bumblebee.
He looks down on you as you grab the bowl of soup, he smiles and uses his index finger to rub your hair. You two dont need to speak to know how much you care for each other. Bumblebee will be patient as he helps you get over you illness. He’d love for you to be smiling and running around, tracking his speed record and practicing basketball.
Bumblebee isn’t too familiar with human sickness but he definitely knows you dont feel good, just by the way you sound when you cough is telling enough. And though hes a little grossed out by the too-late-uncovered-sneezing he cant seem to care that much.
Bumblebee notices the small frown on your lips, even if you seem to be enjoying the soup. he grabs the remote and puts a show on. He skips threw a few channels, he cant seem to find something until you sit up.
“Stop!” You cough out
He stops switching channels
“Go back.. back further.. keep going…… stop! Forward” you whisper, though the soup is soothing it still hurts to talk. “There..” you smile when you slump back down and curl up closer to bumblebees engines, they feel warm on your shivering arms, exactly what you needed to keep cozy to the max.
You look back at the tv when bumblebee turns the volume up. You told him to stop and go back because the channel had your favorite movie on. You could recognize it form any part, especially since the movie was already 30 minutes in.
“You like this movie?” Bumblebee wondered, since being a scout he didn’t really get to just sit down and enjoy many earth films. He saw bits and pieces when the terrans decided to watch something but it wasn’t really his speed.
“Duh!” You cough and blow your nose. “Sh sh.. the best part is coming up!” You smile as you make bumblebee watch. His reaction is what you’d expect. Your glad hes into your favorite movie, cause then he couldn’t stay your friend.
You were kidding, you didnt know what you’d do without bumblebee. Hes sweet, a bit silly even if it doesnt mean it. And a bit oblivious to some of the jokes you made. But its what made bumblebee, bumblebee and thats what you loved about him. You may there watching the movie. You’d make some comments if you were feeling better, but you wanted to finish your soup and down your water.
You weren’t tired but weren’t quite awake either. You just lay there, content as you could be in that moment. Bumblebee puts his hand in your back and you feel soothed. If you could you’d bask in the moment forever.. minus being sick. You got comfortable agains bumblebee oddly soft metal and focused on the movie.
Especially since bumblebee liked it too… it made you happy and safe. You already had a list of movies in your mind of what you think bumblebee might like.. once your feeling better a slumber party was just the perfect thing for the both of you.
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huanglong-diyidou · 1 year
some football player prevents you from studying (itto x reader)
If only… if only that stupid jock didn’t come into your life. 
Here you were, in your dorm, with an extremely loud 6’6 behemoth and an extremely unfinished literature assignment. “What didja think of my football match, huh? Didn’t I play like a CHAMP? Did you SEE that touchdown I made? Huh? Did you? Did you? I was so cool, did you see me at all?!” Itto pesters you. You’d just come back from spectating his football match. “Itto, if you don’t shut up right this instant I will throw you out the window.” you reply, annoyed. You could not care less how much that idiot weighed. God, couldn’t he take a hint and leave you alone?
To be fair, this was partly your fault. You decided to cave in after he asked you a million times to hang out right after the game. You agreed on the condition that he’d let you work on your assignment. Condition quickly forgotten when Itto started pointing out all the decorations on your walls. “HEY, is that a band? Ooh, is that figurine from a video game? Is that- IS THAT A DILDO?” He shouts, as he lifts up a karaoke microphone. You just shot him a death stare. Is he this stupid or is he doing it on purpose? “Itto. Put the microphone down. Also, you can either stay quiet, or leave! I gotta finish this!” you said. “All right, all right… I’ll leave you and your precious assignment be…” he said, pouting a little and rolling his eyes.
And now here we are, twenty minutes later and hardly a few sentences typed out. Itto’s voice is still blasting in your ears. You shot a look at the time. You still had until midnight to submit it, and it was 5pm. You had the time, but didn’t feel like waiting till the last moment to turn it in. It’s not a good idea, and you learned it the hard way. You are proud of yourself for actively avoiding this mistake. Now, if only there was some peace and quiet. “Hey, Itto. What’ll it take for you to stay quiet until I finish this, huh? Name anything. Anything at all.” You were desperate. “Huh? Really? Anything at all? For realsies?” He smiles, fangs out. “Are you suuuuure?” Something about his tone makes you think you’re gonna regret this. “Yes. Anything.” you reply. “Alright! Then… you gotta let me take you out on a date!”
…Did you hear that right?
The Arataki Itto wanted to go out with you? Is this some sort of prank?
 Knowing him, it probably was. But… he’s not the type to hurt people’s emotions like that. Did he really mean it?
“Uh… are you gonna just stare at me the whole time or are ya gonna say something?” His voice snaps you back to reality. You hadn’t realized you were spacing out.
“Ah… I mean… HEY! You can’t just.. ask me out like that?! What is wrong with you? I mean… yeah! I’ll go out with you!” you say. 
“SWEET! I’ll pick you up at eight!” and with that, he vanishes. Just rushed right out, not even letting you say another word. God, you’ll never understand what goes on in his brain.
Still, you couldn’t help but slightly blush at the notion of going out on a date. You mentally refused to have a crush on anyone, but… He isn’t horrible to look at. And he’s very sweet. And so goofy. And nice. And good with children… and… and… you have a crush on him. Darn. Yeah, there’s no way you can focus on your lit assignment now. 
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ryuichirou · 8 months
Today’s replies! One about SnK, one about SPTO, a bunch about TWST.
6ubble-gum asked:
Every so often I'll find ur tiny founding titan arts again and spend a good long few minutes gushing over it lmao. snk is dead to me but tiny founder is alive and well (espec the fleas art)
Ahh it’s so sweet that you remember and look at it from time to time! I’ll repeat myself, but wow it is truly surprising that our SnK stuff isn’t totally forgotten. I feel like even I don’t remember the majority of it…
I’m very glad our teeny tiny Founder (with his little fleas) makes you happy~ God I remember when we drew it and these were the newest chapters…  wild times.
Anonymous asked:
Speaking of Yandere Todd, I can already imagine him being extremely jealous of Mobile. Mobile would have to fight Wallace’s ‘evil ex’. They would have a fight to see who’s the better psychic for Wallace. And then Wallace watched all of this with a drink in his hand while he cheers his boyfriend on. And then he might call for a restraining order on Todd. That’s what I can imagine
OH NOOO I love how absolutely devastatingly one-sided this is. Wallace cheering Mobile on, Mobile winning…  At least Todd got his participation prize… which is a restraining order 😔
Jokes aside, I find it endlessly amusing that Wallace just keeps hooking up with psychic guys. I don’t necessarily think it’s intentional, but I do think Wallace benefits from it very nicely. In a lot of ways…
And it does make the psychic vs psychic scenarios very possible, I would honestly love to watch them fight. Or to draw them fighting... For some reason though (lol) I get a feeling that Mobile is more powerful than Todd. Gotta train more! For Wallace Wells! 💪
Anonymous asked:
I found your art on pinterest, here's the link: [I edited out the link]
Thank you for letting us know, Anon! Unfortunately, I don’t know if there is anything I can do to take it down… But we still appreciate you letting us know. Pinterest doesn’t respond to the request promptly.
The comments are hilarious though. Love it when people talk about me as if I’m a cryptid that steals people’s fingers and eats their kids.
Anonymous asked:
Do you think Idia and Lilia will ever do cosplay together and if yes, what couple are they cosplaying?
I feel like Lilia is that force in Idia’s life that could make him consider things that used to be a definite “no-no” to him, and we do know that Idia actually doesn’t mind cosplaying as long as his head is hidden… And the whole cosplay thing sounds like something Lilia would want to try at least once, so maybe that could happen. If there is a combo of a character with his face (and head: can’t show burning hair) completely hidden + someone tiny and adorable? In any way, Idia is definitely going to overthink this whole thing, only for Lilia to change his mind and tell Idia that they should switch costumes with each other at the very last moment lol
Anonymous asked:
Got Azul, Jamil, Idia, and Riddle on a loading screen today and I blame you for immediately thinking about how much of a dream come true it would be for Azul to have all three of them 😂
Haha YESSSSS YESSSSSSSSS (proud of our bad influence)
It really is a dream come true, what a wonderful harem of reluctant lovers that don’t even like Azul all that much. But it doesn’t matter, because all three of them are his and his only <3
Good for him!
Anonymous asked:
have you seen ruggie’s club outfit?? he looks so good, i can’t wait till we get to see what his bottoms—i mean leona and epel look like in their club gear
Yeah I have! It’s very cool, it suits Ruggie a lot. He really does look like he is about to go and dominate some bitches lol
It’s also cool to finally see the uniform that magift players wear… is this the first time we’re seeing it? They usually wear their PE uniform... It’s a great design, and once again, Ruggie deserves to look cool. Good for him too!
Anonymous asked:
Random thought but Riddle being both in Heartslabyul and Horseback riding club... He's really constantly surrounded by big-tiddied green men :3 Good for him
Oh god I keep forgetting that Sebek also has a constant presence in Riddle’s life… you’re so right omg, what a sick twist of fate. Widdle Widdle (little Riddle) and big-tiddied green men that just keep spawning around him AHHH
Seriously, good for him. Am I ending the third reply in a row with this phrase? Well, everyone got what they deserved…
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Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen
I haven’t seen this one a long time, but I remember it better than the first one
Optimus is back in the intro 
“Our worlds have met before.” Not haunting at all
That title was quick and smooth!
“Suck my popsicle!” Hahah nice
“His here. I smell him.” I wonder how that works
OH THAT IS A BIG ONE Lol the twins really are brothers
“Man I’m good.” Yes you are Irionhide
“Pull over!” …. Lol Optimus thank you for keeping your sense of humor
“You’ll learn that in college too.” Sir what else did you learn? 
Wow… They really made her sit like that to paint the bike. Taking points from that
Love how they show the symbols being planted into Sam’s brain. That is really cool
Oh great, the blender is alive. Just what we need! Wait… did they just-? They did! Omg the adult jokes in this movie XD
And they just fixed the yard too! Poor Bee just wanting to help
“I want a pool and hot tube! I’m going to skinny dip and you can’t say shit!” Starting to think someone was a bit wild back in her day lol
“You are an autobot! You shouldn't be living in my dad’s garage. You are suffocating.”  Awww Sam
….. Huh okay not expectating Sam to touch Bee’s chin to make him look at him
Sam you aren’t normal and never will be
No idea if Bee is being dramatic or he really is crying. Either way I’m glad it was added to the movie
“I love you, Bee.” and he loves you too Bee
Wow Sam you can tell Bumblebee you love him but not your girlfriend? 
Wheelie :3 
DUDE!! Soundwave’s design is so cool! A one of a kind big time
As a sibling I have heard and said “It’s meant to hurt!” after causing harm to sibling
It’s actually nice that they added the coffins being taken off the plane to show that death is still a huge threat in this movie
As Optimus transforms the music is not holy but more upbeat like a hero kind of deal. Very fitting 
“God made us in his image. Who made him?” Good and fair question. Humans always think they are so amazing till we meet something greater then ourselves
“Don’t tempt me.” Yeah I got mad for you buddy. Don’t disrespect the people that fight for you
I love Optimus looking down at him and saying, “Easy.” He knows he was getting angry. Optimus knows his comrades, even his human ones
“What if we leave, then you are wrong.” THE SOUNDTRACK! That fits so well with his low key warning
“That’s a good question” Awww he's such a cutie!
Sam meeting his new human bestie :D 
“What size shoe you have?” Haha Sam the Sass Queen is back lol
I love how Optimus main goal is to keep earth safe. He doesn’t want to watch it be ruined like his own home was. Sam just wants to be normal. He doesn’t want this. While they are talking, soft music is playing. Showing the burden both carry and what awaits them. 
MEGATRON LIVES AGAIN Okay this is really cool. We see Megatron put Starscream in his place. Then we see him showing respect to The Fallen. Going as far as calling him master. The Fallen even calls him “my disciple”
I wonder how The Fallen knew that Sam has the knowledge now
Man the CGI in this movie is so good
Poor Sam. He has all that knowledge in his head and his mind can’t handle it
“You're such a little girl!” “I’m not talking to you for ten seconds.” Yeah I wouldn’t either. Good on you Sam. 
What I love about Megatron is that his voice is creepy and yet gentle
Sorry I had to skip the worm part. That was just gross. That lost points for me lol
The slow down for the bullet is so good
The chanting as the cons chase Optimus and Sam is so good
Why did Sam jump over the log like that? 
“I’ll take you all on!” and cue the uplifting music
That head rip is sooo good
“Sam! Where are you?!” You can hear the fear in his voice. All he knows is Sam has already been taken or worse
“Sam, run. Run..” Even in his last moments Optimus is worried about Sam
Man… I can’t even imagine the guilt Sam must be feeling at that moment…
Sam watching the news with such pain on his face…. He just wanted to be normal
I love the twins so much lol
I hate that guy
Yes please give Sam a hug. Sam this isn’t your fault. This will never be your fault
“Don’t tell my mother.” Said every child in history
Ha! Wheelie is the best again. Wait, is that even his name? 
I love how no one bothered to check if the old fart was a con or a bot lol
I love the sound Jetfire makes as he wakes up. His such as old fart, I love him
HA! Leo pushing Wheelie away while they are hiding 
Grumpy old man on the run! “It’s a choice. It’s an intensely personal decision. So much negativity. Who wants to live a life full of hate.” Old man spiting knowledge 
“His faithful, Sam.” Girl I love you but what happened wasn’t Sam’s fault
Wheelie stop humping her you horn dog
“I have my own issues! It started with my mother!” Me too buddy
“Do you know what he transformed into?!” “No!”
Haha I love this movie so much
Haha everyone is going flying. Well done Jetfire
“Only a Prime can defeat The Fallen.”
“Optimus Prime?”
“So, you’ve met a Prime?”
I’m not crying! I have sand in my eyes! 
Man Jetfire’s excitement about hearing a Prime was on Earth is so sweet. He sounds really young with how excited he is. 
Grandpa pointing out the obvious 
“Scared? Scared of your ugly face!” “I’m ugly? Well, we’re twins, you stupid genius!” Perfect sibling insults
Bumblebee is “I don’t care who started it! I’m finishing it!” Big brother at work lol
Oh god the siblings fighting was useful for once
Ohhh that soft haunting sound… Music is stunning as always
It gets louder once the matrix is seen
Sam not giving up is so.. Man… Once he believes in something, he will not back down from it
BAD BOYS ARE HERE Go Jetfire! He still got it! “I’m too old for this crap.” Me everyday 
The balls that started it all
Oh no! Sam! The soft music, the faded voices, everything slowed down… Then you hear his parents' cries. All they know is that their son is hurt. They don’t know he's gone. 
Then there is Bumblebee. They let us see his pain. They let us hear it too. 
The Primes coming to Sam is awesome. They let him know why he is there. Answering his question. Low key telling him his prime. “The Leadership of the Matrix isn’t found. It is earned.”
Aw he finally tells her that he loves her
Of course he came back for you Optimus! You died saving him!.... They died saving each other… 
Jetfire’s joy at seeing Optimus makes me smile again 
Damn The Fallen is powerful
Oh Jetfire… No! Your death will not go in vain!
Optimus can fly now. This is going to be fun~ “Die like your brother!” “They are your brothers too!”
Totally not giving me headcanon ideas
The soundtrack once again being soooo good! Megatron calling out for Starscarem after losing half of his face is interesting
“Give me your face!” and “I rise. You fall.” Are cold af lines and I love them so much
The fight is a bit short but I don’t mind. It’s gore fixes it for me
“Cowards do survive.” That is true. Sometimes in order to win, you must survive first
Yes! Thank you for letting the parents hug Sam. They watched him die and come back! Like man! They need therapy after that
Optimus and Sam standing next to each other is so cute! Dad and son vibes lol
Yay! Sam gets to go to college!
I will rank this movie as 9.5/10
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simp4ghostie · 10 months
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Ghost ~ Oneshot
MDNI 18+
Fem reader y/n x Ghost
Feel free to leave suggestions!
The lieutenant and you had always gotten along well. During missions the two of you seemed almost in sync. Your ability to become an unstoppable duo made you have quite the dynamic. Ghost recently suggested you come to his room in the barracks, the sexual tension was killing them. Fearing backlash or the possibility it was a setup somehow, you declined.
After a long mission you’re both headed back to the barracks, chatting as the two of you walk side by side.
“y/n I have a gift for you, I just need to grab it from my room” He states rather monotone, however his accent makes every syllable like liquid gold.
“Are you sure it’s okay for me to go into your quarters Lieutenant?” Her voice soft beside him.
“I’m the boss, I say it is so it is” He grumbles.
“Yes sir” She follows him to his door and walks in behind him. His quarters are quite simple to her very decorated room.
He locks the door behind him and stands there staring at her back. The curve of her body. Ghost was going to have her.
“The box on the kitchen counters for you” He says nodding in the direction of a plain black box.
Your eyes trail over to the box and you walk over to it, lifting the lid off. What you see is something you would have never guessed your lieutenant of all people would gift this to you.
You reach in and pull out a decently sized Pink vibrator. “Sir… wha-“
Ghost stalks up to you and grabs the back of your neck, forcing you to look up at him.
“Cut the shit y/n. We’ve both made our wants very clear. And since you won’t let me fuck you, I got you this” he says grabbing the toy from your hand,”So you can fuck yourself while I watch”
“Simon… we shouldn’t, what if someone catches us?”
“There’s nothing in the rules saying we can’t” He says his gloved hand stroking your hair, “Want me to show you how it works?”
y/n looks up at him and nods her consent.
He puts a hand on her chest pushing her backwards against the wall. Slowly trailing his hand down to her pants popping the button open and pulling them down and off.
“Bloody hell” he groans when he sees your lacy black panties. Hooking his finger in the hem and pulling them off as well. Exposing your pussy, he turns the toy on. It starts to vibrate and he places it on your clit.
“aah fuck!” you cry out as the sensitive bud is being overstimulated.
“So responsive, your cunts already dripping” He practically growls. You feel the cool texture of the fake cock at your entrance. It slides through your slick folds quickly.
“oh my god” y/n cry’s out and moans as she feels him turn the vibration up more, the part on the outside touching her clit driving her mad.
He pushes another button and it starts to thrust inside of her slowly.
Moans and whimpers escape your lips, as he lets the toy fuck you.
A sudden knock at the door beside you makes your eyes bulge.
“Stay quiet” Ghost instructs. He cracks the door.
Panic fills you hoping they can’t see you.
“Hey Johnny” Ghost says calmly.
“Hey Ghost! I was looking for y/n, have you seen her? I was supposed to drop off some files for her but she never answered her door” you hear Soap say.
Suddenly Ghost hits a button to make the vibrations even stronger. Your chest heaves and you clamp your hand over your mouth to silence your moans.
You were so close to coming, the feeling building up and making you overly sensitive.
“Nope I haven’t. Maybe she’s in the showers, or training room” Ghost says casually.
“Alright I’ll check the training room, if she’s not there I’ll wait till tomorrow. By the way I think your phones going off I hear it vibrating” Soap says.
“Yeah I hear that too, Thanks Johnny. Good luck” Ghost says to him with a wave. Shutting the door and locking it once again.
“I need you to be a good girl and follow orders. Is that clear love?” His deep voice demands.
“Yes sir” y/n replies.
“My bed, naked. Now.” He says and pulls the toy out of you. It’s dripping with your wetness.
“Fuck that’s delicious” he moans and brings the toy to his mouth pulling his mask up to expose his lips, licking it and groaning. You notice the tent in his pants, and promptly go to his room. Quickly you toss off your shirt freeing your tits and lay on the bed.
Simon enters the room with a chair in his hand and sets it at the foot of the bed. He sits down and his eyes meet yours and then trails over your naked body.
“You are more perfect then I imagined…I want you to use this on yourself” He tosses you the toy. You take it and lay back on his pillows.
You watch as he unzips his pants and frees his cock. You practically drool at the sight of it, it’s about 8 inches long and girthy with veins. He fists it with his gloved hand stroking slowly as he watches you tease your pussy.
The toy stretches your pussy making you moan in pleasure.
“Fuck… Simon” you moan as you watch him stroke his cock.
“That’s it doll…. Keep going” he pants breathlessly.
The pressure builds in your lower belly, as you work yourself.
“Ghost please” she begs staring at his cock mesmerized,” I need you”
“What do you need Love? Tell me. Use your words.
“I need you inside me” she whines and arches her back.
Ghost gets off the chair and gets on the bed standing on his knees. He grabs your ankles and drags you to him. Quickly grabbing the toy and throwing it somewhere, it doesn’t matter he doesn’t need it anymore.
“I only got a taste earlier, I need to fucking feast” he growls out and puts his mouth on your pussy. Licking and sucking on you. Nipping your clit with his teeth.
“Oh fuck, oh my god Simon don’t stop” y/n cry’s out tears at the corner of her eyes from the overwhelming feeling.
His mouth moves intently on you, drinking down your wetness like he’s dying and it’s the only thing that can save him.
You cry out as you come, feeling Simon growl against your pussy. Making your sensitive puffy flesh pulse.
When he lifts his head he looks at you completely feral. His eyes heavy with desire, the skull mask making your stomach get butterflies. Watching him crawl up your body and position his cock at your entrance, rubbing the head against your pussy. Spreading your sloppy pussy juices over himself.
“You ready for this y/n?”
“Yes sir” she says with a smirk.
In one flush moment he shoves his cock all the way inside of your hungry pussy.
“Aw fuck!” You cry out at the sudden intrusion.
You’ve never felt so full in your life. He leans down breathing heavy by your ear.
“You feel like fucking heaven love” he groans against your ear.
Slowly he begins pumping into you, stretching you comfortably. Without warning he picks the pace up, pounding into you. The obnoxious noise of bodies slapping and wetness filling the room. Along with your cries of pleasure and Ghosts loud groans.
“Simon… I’m close”
“Me too y/n” he starts pounding harder and you arch your back, pressing your tits into his chest with a cry as you release.
Suddenly he groans and you feel a flood of warmth inside your pussy, and the throbbing of his cock pulsing. Filling you up with his cum.
“Dear god..” he says and slowly pulls out of you. He watches as the mixture of your cum leaks out of your pussy.
You smile at him as you say,” thank you Lieutenant”
His eyes meet yours and raises an eyebrow.
“For what y/n?”
“For the gift” you say with a smirk.
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tv-girllover07 · 11 months
Something metal 🥁
Kevin schlieb × fem!reader
Movie: Metal lords
Part 6
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Blue italic= there thoughts
Green italic= Kevin narrating
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(Scene skip ⏭️)
We’re the music room wanting, Hunter put posters all over school for a bass player, now we’re waiting for someone to show up after waiting an hour, hunter walks out of the room to see If anyone’s out there,
so after waiting we start to get bored and start playing random tunes, after four hours and no one shows up Hunter and I fell asleep but we get woken up by a voice “Sorry I’m so late. Glad you guys are still here” Hunter and I get up
“No…No problem” I told him “No, yeah, not at all. Uh…Yeah. Um, so…Um. What do you know?” Hunter asked while picking up his guitar “Well, how about you guys start playing and I’ll work my way in.” The guy sounded like a douche, Hunter looks at him “Cool” Hunter walks up to me “How far have you you gone in the…the thing--“ “Yeah. I… I got through Metallica, Judas Priest. I’m in the middle of Slayer right now and I’m having a little bit of trouble--“ “Okay. Okay. Let’s try, uh… Let’s try “For Whom the Bell Tolls”. Okay? You got it, Kev?” He asked me and I nodded my head
“One, two, three, four. One, two” Hunter and I start playing then the guy joins in, he seems not bad till he starts acting crazy and walks closer to Hunter making Hunter back up into the amps so we stops playing but the guy continues playing “Yeah. Okay, cool. All right, man” Hunter pushes him back a little “Let’s…That was cool. Le-- Um, let’s try playing the song. Let’s try playing the song and we can see how we vibe together as a band, and then we’ll work on all the stage-show elements later.”
Hunter tried to reason with him “Right. Cool.” He agreed “Two, three, four” I said then we start playing the song, and then guy starts kicking things down and starts playing random notes so Hunter and I stop playing and he even unplugs the cord to his guitar but continues playing. I nodded my head knowing this was a fail.
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Scene skip ⏭️
Hunter and I walk out of school hearing Clay talk to his drummer Hunter puts an arm around my shoulder walk towards his car “We don’t need a bass player to beat those stooges. Just keep it us two” he said so I said “Okay. Like, uh… White Stripes” Hunter scoffs
“Weak. No, here, check this out.” He heads me one of his AirPods “It’s just two guys.” I put the AirPod in and listen to what it sounded like just people screaming, i don’t want Hunter and I to be like that, I could barely hear
“It means that we wouldn’t gave to split our contest winnings three ways… Something to consider” I didn’t like this I couldn’t hear anything Hunter was saying. We see students crowded around Hunters car, Hunter runs over to see what’s wrong, his window is smashed with the words “Suck It Cunt” on the window in red spray paint and his tires slashed Robbie speaks from behind me “That’s mean” I turn and look at him “Yeah, it is.”
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Scene skip ⏭️
I get to my house and flop on my bed. It doesn’t feel like a good to tell Hunter that I don’t wanna be in a band that people being tortured. But I think it’s time for him to seriously consider the only good option we have. No, it’s a great option. It is time to speak truth to power. I pull my phone out of my back pocket and put on my glasses.
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Scene skip ⏭️
“We have, like, two weeks, and she can learn everything in two days.” Kevin said and pointed to me, I stand there not knowing what to do and play with my thumbs
“It’s nothing personal, Y/n. It’s just your not consistent with the image we’re trying to project… like I told Kevin.” I lean my head back “Is it because she’s a girl?” Kevin asked him and I was wondering the same thing
“No.” Hunter said looking at Kevin “Well…what about Joan Jett?” Kevin pointed at me agreeing “Doesn’t she rock?” I asked “Um, the-- What about The Runaways?” Kevin asked and I nodded my head “That’s Joan Jett.” Hunter said getting bored
“Okay. Well, there’s Lita Ford.” “That’s The Runaways.” Hunter also said “And there’s, um… There’s, uh… What’s her-- Um…” Kevin starts rambling “Kevin” Hunter try’s to stop him “Uh, what-- what’s… What’s the one with the song…” Kevin looks over at me, I try to think with him
“Kevin. Kevin. Kevin. Kevin. Kevin, we are a metal band. We are not an indie metal band. We are not an alt-metal band. We are not a sort of metal band. We are a metal band. And for us to have a cello player instead of a bass player would be completely gay” Hunter said a little loudly which hurts my feelings
“Uh…” I look at him then to the walls from all the male metal posters he has up and I nod my head “You’ve gotta take all that in context” Hunter said and I sighed
“Gay?” Kevin speaks up “Gay? Our band is called Skullfucker. Skullfucker. You named it that to impress girls? We’re gonna die virgins in a band called Skullfucker” I look over at Kevin and my eyes widen and he looks over at me and realizes what he said and looks back at Hunter “What I meant was, we’re not--“ Hunter cuts him off “Oh, come on. Like she didn’t know” Hunter said and looked at me.
Part 7 🥁
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edensbuttercups · 2 years
Spill the beans - Bob Floyd x reader
aka: the Coffee shop AU no one asked for
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A/N: This was all born from a comment shared with my best friend after mentioning that one of the baristas at my local café kinda looked like Bob and... yeah. So here is a coffee shop au, set before/in a parallel universe were Bob isn't a WSO?
As always, requests are open and comments are very much appreciated! Thank you for reading and hope you're all having a good day ♡
Words: 3k
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It was a rainy day, far too rainy to do anything that wasn’t indoors, but staying home just didn’t feel right, so you slowly got ready to the sound of your current playlist playing in the background, choosing your favorite sweater, jeans and boots combo and smiling when you saw the result in the mirror, one of the best autumn outfits, cozy yet cool.
Headphones on, you closed the door behind you, feeling the chilly air nipping at your skin, not enough to justify the need of a jacket though, your sweater warming you up just enough as you made your way down the street, no clear destination in mind until you noticed the small café that had opened on Monday, small white balloons from its inauguration still tied by the door. You slowed down, peeking in at the curated decor and empty tables, glancing up to look at the white-lettered sign. Spill the beans. You chuckled at the name, shaking your head softly as you considered stepping inside for a coffee.
It was the middle of the week, and most people were probably at work or running errands, but usually at least someone was at the caffés in the area, but apparently not today. It was clearly open, judging by the retro sign hanging by the door, so you took a deep breath and walked in, feeling the cold air getting trapped behind you as the door closed, the warm air wrapping you in a sweet embrace, the scent of coffee and baked goods enveloping you. A clatter could be heard from one corner, a clatter that was immediately interrupted when the sound of the door allerted the man behind the till of your entrance, making him pop up with a surprised expression, morphing into a warm smile when he saw you. “Welcome to Spill the Beans!” He bowed his head lightly, trying his best to keep his nerves under control as he spoke, “would you like to sit or will you take your coffee on the go?” “Oh, I’ll take it here.” You nodded, glancing outside the door, the rain not relenting and only getting worse. You knew you had packed a book and a notebook, giving you something else to do while you sipped your coffee, depending on how long you decided to stay. He glanced behind you, smiling. “Yeah, not the best weather for a stroll, I guess. What shall I get you?” You moved towards him, peeking at the menu behind him. Usually, your order didn’t change much, but today, considering the new location, you decided to actually read all of the items. He waited patiently, trying to avoid looking at you too intently but unable to hide the smile that graced his features when he saw your concentration, shifting your weight from one foot to the other before making your choice, watching him as he nodded, muttering a “Coming right up!” as he turned on his heels, getting to work on your order.
He was tall, and pretty, and you hated how cheery he sounded, even when you could tell he was nervous. You assumed this was his first time working as a barista, probably only starting just before the café actually opened, his movements slightly unsure as he prepared everything, knowing where everything was but fumbling around nonetheless. “Here you go.” He said politely, setting down the drink in front of you, a foam heart decorating the top of it. “Cute.” you muttered, looking up at him to see him smiling back at you, glancing to the side to pick a cookie from the little pile that was set on the plate, placing it by your coffee. “It’s the only coffee art I’ve learned so far. But as a thank you, you get a cookie.” You laughed at that, nodding and thanking him once more, reaching for your coffee and cookie before choosing a table, not far from him in case he was up for chatting, something you truly didn’t mind, but far enough to not be overly present.
He didn’t approach you, only sending curious glances your way right until when you stood up, taking the empty coffee cup back to him with a kind smile. He didn’t want to say that he was smitten, not so soon, but honestly? Maybe he was. “Probably one of the best coffees I’ve ever had.” You said, not fully lying, but also wanting to compliment him again before leaving, knowing how stressful starting a new job could be, especially when it was in a new field. “Oh, thank you. That’s very kind of you.” He took your cup and placed it in the sink, turning back to look at you. “Well, I’ll be seeing you again…” you glanced down, not finding a name tag, but he caught on quickly. “Robert. But my friends call me Bob.” “Well, thank you…” you hesitated a second, wondering if you could call him Bob, if you could call him with the same name his friends used. “Bob?” You asked. “Bob.” He nodded, smiling softly. You chuckled lightly, nodding. “Well, have a good evening, Bob.” “You too.”  He watched as you left, cursing at himself when the door closed for not asking you for your name, hoping that you’d be back.
And you did. You went by at least once a week, always enjoying the coffee, yes, but most of all his company. 
He handed you your coffee, a little cookie resting on the small tray by it. The first time he did it you just assumed it was a one off, a little gift, but now he did it each time.  You had asked him, once.
“I’ve been baking them. I just try simple recipes, but I thought you could try them and if they get your stamp of approval then they get added to the menu.” He said cheerfully, pointing at the glass case that held the cakes and, now that you noticed, all of the small baked goods you had told him you loved. “So I’m your little lab rat.” You joked, picking up the cookie and bringing it to your mouth, missing his head shaking, trying to assure you that wasn’t it, his words getting stuck in his throat when you hummed in delight, eyes closing at the taste. It wasn’t overly sweet, and was crunchy, soft, and chocolatey in the perfect way. It was almost scary how good he was at this. “These are delicious.” You said, holding the cookie up and pointing at him with it, “Did you taste this? It’s so good.” He nodded, blushing at your compliments. He watched as you broke the remainder of the cookie in half, handing some to him. “But it’s for you.” He argued. “No, I want to share it with you.” You said, watching his blush darken, “It’s so good.” you repeated, smiling when you both finished eating it, a comfortable silence falling over you. 
It took a few times to figure out which times were the quietest, and out of those which worked best for you, and that’s how you found yourself usually sharing the café with Bob only, occasionally with one or two other people, getting most of his attention. 
“I was thinking about something.” he said, setting a glass of water down for him and resting his elbows on the counter, glancing at you. “Well, let me in on it, then.” “So this place is called Spill the Beans.” He spoke matter of factly, as if you had never actually read the name of this café before now.  “Yes.” “Well, what if each time you came here, you spilled the beans?” he said, air quoting the last part. “Spill the beans on what?” you took a sip of your coffee, laughing lightly at his suggestion. “Just about you. Tell me one fun fact each time you come in.” You stopped and looked up at him, his words making you blush. It was silly, a simple suggestion but oh so sweet. “You want to know about me?”
Almost every day you came here now, not always for coffee, sometimes just for a quick chat, because yes, you couldn’t lie, he was cute and you liked him. But to know that he wanted to know about you too? That made your heart beat a little faster than you would’ve liked to admit. He fumbled with his words, suddenly nervous about actually having to explain himself. “Anything. Your favorite color, season, drink? Or a memory, a joke, a poem you like?” He offered, standing a bit straighter now, looking at you expectantly.
He had been thinking about it for some time, the idea of knowing more about you always on his mind, but not knowing just how to ask you until one morning, when he read the white letters on the door, coming up with the idea. You smiled at that, thinking about it. You told him your favorite color, asking for his, conversing. It felt nice, this extra little excuse to know more about each other. 
You had told him a good amount of things about you, coming up with a good few beans to spill, loving his reactions when you’d talk of a funny memory, or share a little piece of you, his comments always respectful and curious. 
A few weeks went by, and you walked in, shaking your umbrella and leaving it by the door, immediately feeling at home once more in the small café, spotting Bob looking up at you from behind the counter and waving, smiling at you. He grabbed a small pastry, like he always did, this time fancier and more complex, handing that to you as you sat down in front of him, shivering slightly when a drop of rain fell from your hair down your neck, his gaze following it briefly before meeting your eyes once more. “Here you go.” he smiled, tilting his head as he awaited for you to say something. You laughed, taking a moment to think about it. There still were memories to talk about, jokes that you had noted down on a piece of paper to recite to him, wanting to hear him laugh, but today you felt a little bolder, so you settled on him, glancing at him as you saw the tight blue top that clung to his figure so well, half-hidden by the brown apron that you adored so much, jokingly telling him one day that you wanted one for Christmas, the little drawn coffee beans too adorable to let go of. “I think blue really suits you.” you finally muttered, pointing at his t-shirt, his eyes widening when your comment of the day had to do with him. “Yeah?” he asked, surprised. “Yeah. You wore a blue top last week too, I think? Really brings your eyes out.” you confirmed, taking a bite of your pastry and offering him a smile, seeing his cheeks darken as he muttered out a thank you.
He was cute, with his reactions, his confidence growing around you only to be easily taken away with a compliment. He turned, grabbing two glasses and filling them with water, placing one in front of you and holding the other one, raising it slightly. “Hydration is important.” He explained, taking a sip and trying to make his cheeks go back to normal, feeling them burn and knowing how silly he probably looked. If only he knew that’s not what you were thinking at all.  “I’ve been spilling a lot of beans.” You said, breaking the silence as you looked at him turn away once more, grabbing a cup and getting to work. You learned that rainy days, especially during the week, prompted less people to take a break that required them to leave the office or their place of work, which meant that there always was a good chance, on days like these, that you’d get him on his own.
He had spilled some beans too, in normal conversation, to be fair. He’d told you that he took this job as a favor to his friend. He wasn’t supposed to stay here for too long, just helping out until needed, but he actually had started enjoying it a lot, even if he hadn’t decided how long he’d actually do this for. He told you that his original plan had to do with the Navy, although he never fully explained, getting interrupted by a customer walking in, and you never asked, giving him the chance to bring it up again himself if he chose to.
You knew he liked baking, probably that furthered into cooking but you weren’t sure, and that he loved country songs, especially the ones that reminded him of home, and that he smelled like pepper and spice and oak wood, but sometimes he smelled of vanilla, if he had spent the day in the kitchen. And you knew that he crinkled his nose when he said something and was afraid of how you’d take it, or would tap his fingers three times on the counter before turning to prepare a drink. There were a lot of little quirks you had noticed of him, his way of speech, his look. The way he dressed, that was something that you always appreciated. There was a simplicity in his elegance, the way he managed to make a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt look elegant and casual with some simple details. You always tried not to stare, both because you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, and because you didn’t want to admit that he was the reason your heart beat a little bit faster every time you walked in.
“Yeah, I guess.” He laughed, twirling around to place the coffee in front of you, the foam no longer showing a heart, but upgraded to a swan, something he had shown you so proudly when he had learned. “But I like hearing about you, so…” he trailed on, looking up with a shy smile, even if you could see just how comfortable he felt around you now. “Ah, but you see, I like hearing about you too.” The rain pattered lightly against the windows, the only other sound being the soft music, jazz covers of classics that just fit the place so well. You saw his breath hitch at your words, his smile growing again, his back straightening as if that was all enough to give him all the confidence he needed. “Yeah?” He asked. “Yeah.”“Well, I guess if I had to spill the beans…” he said, words carefully chosen to make you laugh again, those three words said so many times they had become a running joke between the two of you, “I’d say that I like you.” You stared at him for a moment, words hitting you slowly, the meaning of them sinking in after a while.
He liked you. He liked you? He liked you.
You smiled, opening your mouth to speak, the sound of the door opening interrupting you. Bob looked at you for a moment, his cheeks burning once more at the revelation, wondering if he had overstepped, if he had made a foolish choice, before moving to the side, welcoming the new customer. “Coffee. Black.” He spoke quickly, throwing his case on the chair near yours, sitting on the one directly next to it. You glanced at him, his tight black suit not helping with the general vibe of his, so you shuffled slightly, picking out a notebook from your bag to go over a to-do list, settling instead on doodling when you looked up and saw Bob, so carefully preparing the order, seeing his cheeks red and knowing what was going on in his mind. If you had been a bit quicker to speak…
You drew quickly, the sketch nothing but messy lines that showed the man in front of you, something to do to avoid participating in the silence that lingered around you. “Thanks.” The man muttered, drinking his coffee quickly, leaving the money on the counter as he left, the door soon closing behind him, leaving the two of you alone again.
Bob looked over, the little doodle still in front of you. He smiled, not commenting on it but finding it incredibly adorable, as well as humbling, that you decided to doodle him, of all people and things you could’ve chosen from. “So.” you both said at the same time, chuckling awkwardly. “You can go first.” You said, before realizing that he had already said something before, and this was probably your turn. “Actually.” You added, laughing again. You took a deep breath, looking at him. “I like you too.” “That’s a huge relief,” he joked, “I was already planning how to save myself from that one while I was making the coffee for that man.” You laughed, shaking your head, “No, no, I… I was really happy to hear it. It was just… unexpected I guess?” “How so?” He asked, truly curious. “Well, you’re… amazing.” “You are too.” He said, without hesitation. “You are. You’re amazing.” You blushed, his words so honest. “Thank you. Well, I feel the same. I really like you.” “Well, I guess then maybe… I can ask you out?” He said, hoping once again that the answer would be positive, his nose crinkling as it sometimes did. “Definitely.” “Well, then… Then would you maybe like going out with me? On a date?” He asked, nervous but smiling, the words he had longed to say for so long finally freed. “Yes. I’d love that, Robert.” you said, using his full name just for the fun of it. “Do you know any cute cafés?” You joked, seeing him open his mouth before closing it, laughing. “Maybe dinner?” He added, quietly. “Yes, lovely idea. Looking forward to it.” You longed to kiss him, but you wouldn’t, not now, so you just nodded, writing your number on the page you had doodled him on, ripping it out and handing it to him with a smile, making your way out the door content, excited and looking forward to the date, turning back to see him inside, clutching the piece of paper like it held the answers to the universe, cheeks red and smile not wavering. He was very cute, and you were so happy he had spilled the beans.
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silly-little-soul · 2 years
Hi! Hope you're having a good day/night! I'd like to ask for HCs (or whatever format you're cool with!) for Casimir, maybe something just like how he would spend the day with MC when they're not working on the House?
Romantic is fine! I hope that's not too vague of a request! Thanks! :)
A/N - Hey, I’m so sorry for the wait I finished this weeks ago but forgot about it I’m sorry ;-; hope you enjoy! (Also thank you really much for being my first Tumblr request)
(I’ll fix the format of this post when I have my laptop later today)
Fandom: Fictif, Monster Manor
Format: headcanons
Type: Fluff, a bit comedy
Warnings: none I can think of
Summary: spending time with Casimir
Relationship: Casimir x Reader (Written as romantic but save for like one all work platonically)
Characters featured: Casimir, briefly Mimi and the house, Rainier mentioned
Note: maybe OOC, some of these are kind of far fetched (Also I didn't read any of the paid scenes so I’m sorry if I got something canon wrong)
Renovating is pretty exhausting so of course a lot of work means a lot of rest. There's many ways to do so such as sitting down with some tea and snacks, reading together or to each other, cuddling or watching movies; either way you spend this time together quite often 
speaking of movies, movie and show nights! At first at least there might be more of Casimir nerding over the technology than watching though /hj. Someone just please show this man the Beauty and the Beast. Or Transformers. First one is self explanatory, second one I just think would be funny. Also maybe Howls moving castle. That might be super far fetched but I think he'd like studio Ghibli. 
Bonding with Mimi! Casimir really wants to gain back her trust and having you be there calms him Mimi. Though it's better than it used to be already there's still some tension between them and you're definitely helping. You also get to spend time with both of them so that's definitely a win!
You cannot convince me this man doesn't go into hour long rants and rambles about his interests after you asked one simple question. He can get pretty lost in it once he started and tends to get a little embarrassed about it once he realises. Cmon, he was all by himself for multiple centuries, he's not used to people being around. You encouraging him to go on, asking questions or referencing things he told you later on means a lot to him. 
Of course it goes both ways, he absolutely loves listening to you talk, especially about things you're passionate about and will try to bring it up again later or engage in your hobbies with you together. He genuinely wants to know about you and your interests, for one he hasn't really heard from/about anyone else for a very long time (not counting cats and buildings) and also you're, of course he wants to hear everything you have to say
Okay okay okay this one's my personal favourite: hide and seek.​ I actually might write a whole own thing about that at some point soon because it'd just be so much fun!​ The house is quite big with super many hiding spaces. Now it's not something he'd suggest and yeah it might take some force persuasion to convince him but if you ask him really really nicely hell probably say yes, or just annoy him till he agrees (even more effective if Rainier joins). Alternatively just hide somewhere so he has no choice but to search (you definitely gave him a heart attack the first time you did that)
Casimir is old fashioned (I mean- how wouldn't he be) so your regular date nights are pretty classic. Usually it's a romantic dinner (brought to you by The House TM), sometimes it's dancing (like that one paid scene(? Is there one? Or am I mixing something up? Idk); he was taught to be a gentleman and he's gonna use that /hj
Bringing him modern things from shopping trips. It started off by you bringing him something he was curious about after you mentioned it and quickly developed into a habit of you bringing him trinkets whenever you're out. His curiosity makes you much more aware of how interesting even little thins can be and soon turned to you coming back from trips out the house with a bag of things like toys, gadgets and other fun things from the dollar store or similar. You then spend the day looking at what you brought, how it works and so on. Imagine spending the day with Casimir trying out a bunch of toys you bought or found with your old stuff (the type for children, don't think wrong here)
adding onto this because I love the idea of doing fun childish things with him (you'd have to be the one to initiate them though, potentially ‘force’ him, but he secretly enjoys it). Silly sleepovers with pillow forts, movies, teeny magazines (I want to just hand this guy a stack of these teen magazines and see what happens so bad), and snacks! 
related a bit to the one above but spa days! He definitely needs some more self care. I do kinda think he likes stuff as skincare and and used to have a routine (nobility and stuff) he likely had to cut short or even drop it completely with the house's hostility. But now you're there and not only are there so many products your world has for this, it's also much more fun together, leading to entire days planned only for spa and wellness activities (like doing each other's nails, I have a little theory connected to Casimir and acrylic nails but that's all I'm saying on that)
I feel like I have to say something to end this smoothly sooo Casimir supremacy!!
(Requests open)
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ARB Birthday Special: Rintaro Himura
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 ~~ July 16th ~~
“The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.”
Login Lines:
“Eh? What the hell are you here for? My…birthday? …Fuck it is today, isn't it?”
“To be honest, I don't care much about celebrating my birthday, but I guess thanks for reminding me.”
Voice Lines: 
“I can't believe I forgot my birthday. *sighs* Whoop de fucking do. It's just another day. I don't see what the big deal is.”
“Let's see what people sent me today for my birthday. Death threats from people whose loved ones were my victims? Check. Fucked up love letters from rabid fangirls saying they want my children? Check. Honestly, I prefer the death threats over the love letters.”
“God, when was the last time I had a decent birthday anyway? I can't remember. I'm pretty sure it was at least before my bitch of an egg donor ran out.”
“No wait. The first birthday I had after Akari was born that…was pretty special. Akari was a couple of months old by then, and she was already trying to say more than that "goo goo gaga" shit. I guess she was just waiting for the right moment because on my birthday she said her first word. Rin-nii. I remember feeling so proud back then.”
“Eh? What the hell do you want, Old Man? Damn getting soft, aren't we? Well, aren't I fucking special? *smirks* Made it my mission to personally annoy you till the day you die, Old Man. Alright, alright, thanks for getting me something then.” 
“Damn Old Man, this is actually pretty useful. God knows how many times I've crushed them. Eh? You’ve been smoking these motherfuckers for how long? So you can't tell me shit about smoking. Alright, you got yourself a deal, Old Man. A mistake I'm sure multiple fuckers regret. *pauses* Also…Akihisa…thanks for everything.” 
“Goddamn it, Touya, it's just my birthday. You don't have to make a big deal out of it. Fuck…alright Touya, we can celebrate it. Just stop staring at me like that, you little shit. Do I even wanna know what you got me, Touya? *sighs* Alright, let me see it then. I swear if it's a knife from your collection.” 
“Oh shit, this is actually really nice. At least it's something that actually suits my style. *sees pricetag* Uhh…Touya? How the hell did you afford this? *blinks* Oh gross! I did not need to know that you fucking sex fiend.” 
“There you are, Akari. I haven't seen you at all today. Don’t tell me you’re trying to avoid your big brother. *pauses* Akari just…just having you back is the best gift I've ever received. Well, I'm kinda curious now. What did you get me?”
“This is a cool figure you got me Akari. *jumps* Oh fuck it just moved and…it's flying around now. *whistles* Holy shit you built this Akari? Wow…I'm stunned. I've never seen anything like it. Ouch! Motherfuck just shot fire at me?!? Huh? Well, that'll come in handy. Shit, I was never good with names but…how about Astaroth? He does, doesn't he? Well then let's get along Astaroth.”
Akihisa Lines:
“Rintaro, I'm glad I caught you. I wanted to give you something considering it's your birthday. *snorts* Hardly, but I suppose I'll make an exception just for you today. Have I ever told you how much of a little shit you are? You know you could be grateful that I even got you something, Brat.” 
“I know how much you hate it when your cigarettes get crushed so I got you this case for them. Perhaps one day you’ll reach a point where you give up smoking those cancer sticks. I’ve been smoking longer than you've been alive, but I’ll make you a deal. You cut back on smoking, and I’ll do the same. Don’t want you dying too early. *sighs fondly* Seems like it was yesterday you were forced into my prison cell. *ruffles hair* Don't mention it, Rintaro.”
Touya Lines:
“Rin-chan~! Happy Birthday! Nuh-uh, birthdays are really special. That's what all those movies say. It's also your first birthday since we got out of prison. So we have to celebrate it! *pulls out puppy eyes* Yeah! I have so many things for us to do today. It's gonna be so much fun! Ah! I got you a present too! *giggles* Here!” 
“I saw the jacket in the window of a store one day and thought it would be perfect for you. Hm? Oh, I just told the store owner I would [CENSORED] and [CENSORED] if he gave me a discount on the jacket. What? You asked!”
Bonus! Akari Lines:
“Rin-nii Happy Birthday. *nods* Ah, yes, that. It's your birthday and the first one we've been able to celebrate together in a long time. So I wanted to make sure your gift was perfect. You deserve something besides that Rin-nii. So here. I hope you like it.”
“Not quite Rin-nii. Watch this. Activate. *giggles* It's your very own dragonbot. It's just something I've been working on for a while. I was just waiting for the right moment to give it to you, and what's more perfect than today? Of course! Just in case you don't have your lighter in you. Oh, also, he doesn't like being called it. He's got feelings too, ya know? Now you just gotta name him! *smiles* He likes it! Promise you'll take good care of him, Rin-nii.”
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smoosnoom · 2 years
was this chapter happier? yes. did I cry anyway? no shit.
“It’s deserved, even, all this burning, if he were to be finally honest with himself, and he doesn’t flinch when the fiery water hits his face.” well, i hope it’s not a projection this time cause mike in this chapter reminds me of.. myself during my depressive episode🧍🏻‍♀️it’s my turn to self-project
“I’m not doing this anymore. I can’t.” i don’t think i said it last time but bc see mikes pov i kinda forget that will canonically is/was in love with mike. and he was trying to push his feelings away during this 4 years. maybe even longer.
“Max steps forward to violently punch Mike in the arm” love that max didn’t hug him. not her style at all
““Seize the day,” Dustin claims, and opens the door, the winter air creeping in.” did dustin become fan if dps or he just learn latin phrases for fun?
“All he has is a bare basement and a sinking feeling in his stomach. He feels vaguely sick.” just stopped to say it’s beautiful
“It stings when he confesses, “I miss you.”” well that was the first time i crying reading this chapter
“When Will returns, he has a styrofoam cup in his hands. “Here.”” he’s clearly hurt but that shows that he still cares and will care about mike no matter what. idk does it make sense?
“Will is almost quieter when he says, “I missed you, too.”” and that where i cried for the second time. i have a thing for “i miss u” ig
“There is, unfortunately, no Steve Harrington behind the counter to sneak them into the movies” i hope steve got real adult job
“Staying in Hawkins for a little before I figured out where I want to go next sounded pretty nice” oh i see where it’s coming
“Loved, he thinks, loved, appreciated, wished –“ “wished” hits HARD
““Of course, I did,” Mike says, not having checked behind the television. “On an unrelated note, I’ll be right back.”” this one made me giggle. but more cause of the thought that they’re coming back to their little bubble, starting to feel comfortable enough to joke around. and it’s happening naturally and pretty fast
““It’s so different down here,” Lucas notes” ok, somehow ive been waiting to tell my thoughts about basement till this moment. i.. don’t think empty walls r bad thing. i think it’s like the omen of the new beginnings? yeah, my old basement was cool but it’s time to make new memories. happier. without the burden of the past. it’s like rediscovering the place u used to visit exclusively with the people u don’t talk now.
““I enlightened him!” Dustin claims, sitting opposite of her, and El snorts beside Mike.” well dustin stays the party member with the best taste 😀
one last thing i wanted to say about this chapter is that ur style has changed. diffidently in a good way. i’ve mentioned one sentence that i like but tbh.. i could choose any of them and that would be true. and i had to check vocabulary more often
oh no 😭 IM SORRY FOR MAKING U CRY ALYA hopefully the next one it is Tears of Joy 🫶🫶
LMAOO if it helps . we can both self project . mom says it's my turn with the self projection
omg that is a Fantastic point bc mike doesn't know !!! at all !!!!!! i tried to make wills frustration obvious for u know . dramatic irony but also that it makes sense for mike even tho he doesn't know the full length of it all 🫡 im so happy u noticed omg
YEYY3A OMG i am so glad u think so too 😭 i rly couldn't write max hugging him it felt Wrong
HELNGPOY dustin dps fan in this au 🫶 it has no relevancy but idc !
thank u alya ☹️ ily
NOOO no more tears . writing only Happy from now on (🤞 no promises ...)
it does make sense !!!!! it does !!!!!!!!!!!!! they're both hurt but they also Care so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
characters admitting they miss each other no matter how much it hurts . it will always get to me too </3
HELEP yes steve and robin rooming together and attending to their Adult Jobs
alya i need u to shut down ur big brain so the final chapter IS A SURPRISE OK
wished !!!!! u get it !!!!!!!!!!
YAYYYYY im so glad u thought it was natural, i was kind of second guessing myself bc it felt like Maybe it's too quick for them to joke again . but whenever i meet up with friends i haven't seen in months or even years it is always so easy to slip back to who we used to be, you know ?
"it's like rediscovering" alya u absolute angel . my graham cracker . my vanilla latte . u get it U Get It oh my god it's alll about change !!!! and it doesn't always have to be bad !!!!!!!!!!
im so flattered u think so !!!! i think i definitely took a different tone to this fic and im rly happy u noticed :] it means the world to me and im always so happy whenever u drop by my askbox with a Huge commentary like this 🫶 it means the world to me ive reread this like . nine times !!!!!!
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