#also it’s still pretty fresh so I want to give some time to fully sort out how I feel about it
sanktaninazenik · 2 years
Many thoughts and feelings on season 2 of Shadow and Bone. Some positive. Some negative. But overall I just have to say: women.
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lilacxquartz · 3 months
JJK × READER I Asking them to peel you some fruit
asking them how they’d peel you fruits of various sorts :)
w.c: each piece is under 500 words
themes: reader insert, fluff, slight plot
included: satoru gojo, suguru geto, choso kamo & kenjaku for some chaos
mdni • ao3 link
Satoru Gojo:
Satoru was still fast asleep while you were up and about, roaming your shared apartment with a new thought in mind. When he finally came to, he jolted slightly back at the sight of a tangerine being held before him.
“Huh?” he sleepily murmured, rubbing his eyes.
“How would you peel this?” you asked, offering absolutely zero context otherwise.
“Baby, it’s five in the morning,” he said as his eyes scrolled over to the alarm, “can’t you come back to bed?”
“Not until you settle this for me,” you relented, “Shoko did this for her girlfriend and she needs the sleep more than you do.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, I need my beauty sleep,” he smiled as reeled you in, causing you to drop the tangerine as it rolled onto the bed.
“Please?” you asked again.
“This one of those silly tests again?” he asked as he watched you straddle his body, not a bad sight all things considered.
“It doesn’t have to mean anything,” you sulked in response, wanting him to finally comply, “I just want you to peel the tangerine.”
Satoru stared at you for a moment and laughed softly to himself while shaking his head, this was absolutely a test of some sort but he decided to play dumb just to settle your strange curiosity.
With a look of complete determination, he took the tangerine and pushed his thumb into the centre of the fruit and peeled the tangerine all in one go before taking a segment and propping it into his mouth, pulling you down into a kiss to take a bite of the same piece.
You were caught a little off guard as he did so, only expecting him to peel it and not much else.
Swallowing your half of the bite, you blinked multiple times as he repeated the same thing again.
“You’re so silly,” he teased you as you kept giving into such a thing without protest nor question, “this satisfy your question?”
You nodded and you hummed, feeling pretty damn happy the longer it all continued. The taste of fresh citrus invading your lips only to be secured with a kiss again and again.
Suguru Geto:
Breakfast was an important time of the day for both Suguru and the girls because it meant having a dedicated time slot for just pure quality time for the day.
This was one of those traditions that you easily adapted to because it allowed for you to not only ease yourself into their daily routine but also to normalise your presence around the girls.
It was tough at first, awkward even, but you as the time passed you all by, breakfast wasn’t the same anymore if you weren’t sat at the table.
While you were in the middle of eating, you plucked an apple from the fruit bowl and chucked it at Suguru with a thought in mind.
“Can you cut up the apple for me?” you requested.
Suguru just barely had time to react to the sudden projectile launched into his face, albeit catching it smoothly.
“Can’t do it yourself?” he teased despite leaning back and reaching for a paring knife, starting to cut the fruit into evenly sliced wedges.
“I like it when you do things for me,” you commented, knowing he would do anything for you without questioning it too much.
He hummed as he continued to finish up slicing the fruit for you, going as far to flay the peel slightly while fashioning some sort of intricate pattern before handing you the first slice.
Tweezing it between your fingers, your eyes narrowed with amusement, “Sugu, is this a bunny?”
“Yes,” he replied fully seriously while decorating another slice before giving one to Nanako and the other to Mimiko, “I used to do this all the time when they were a bit younger.”
“That’s… so sweet?” you smiled, feeling yourself fall in love even more.
“Is that so surprising?” he huffed a little, taking a bite of a slice for himself.
“Not at all actually,” you replied, smiling as he did so. In fact, it all actually made perfect sense to you.
Choso Kamo:
You frowned a little as you stared at the kiwis ripening a little too well in the fruit basket, wanting to eat a couple while not wanting to deal nor touch with the fuzzy fruit. Something about it made your skin crawl.
Choso noticed this as he couldn’t ever stray too far away from you, catching up to you the moment you left the bed.
“Are you okay?” he asked in a polite tone, noticing your intense expression. He didn’t like it when anything was bothering you at all and he wanted to help right away.
“I am,” you replied, momentarily breaking away from what must have been suspicious focus, “just mostly confused why I ended up getting these things even though I always end up throwing them away.”
He redirected his sights towards the kiwis and titled his head, “T-the kiwis?”
“Yeah, I don’t like those fuzzy things,” you sighed.
“But do you like them otherwise?” Choso asked, his tone carrying slight confusion.
“…Yes, just don’t like the peeling process,” you admitted.
“Then I can peel them for you every time you want one, I don’t mind,” he offered, “do you want one right now?”
You nodded while continuing to stare at the fruit, “Yes, w-would you really do that for me every time?”
“Of course,” he said, grabbing a peeler from the kitchen drawer, “it’s never a bother if it’s something that makes you happy.”
You nodded once again while feeling a blush form in your cheeks, staring at the death painting with such love. It was a bit of a messy experience as the fruit juice covered his hand, but he didn’t complain for a single second.
Watching him as he continued to cut up the fruit and arrange the slices nearly over a side plate, you took his offering from him as he watched you happily snack on the kiwi.
While you were thinking just how lucky you were, he was thinking the exact same.
Walking up to Kenjaku while he was tinkering around with something on a work table, you presented him with some fruit. A clementine to be precise. You placed the piece of citrus right in front of him, pushing it so that he would let go of whatever he was doing and hold onto it instead.
“Peel it,” you requested.
“You know, most people say please to these sorts of things,” he half heartedly replied with a snort, but reluctantly taking the fruit with a narrowed stare.
With a resigned tone, you added a hint of politeness to your request, “…Please?”
Kenjaku took a scalpel of some kind and began to slice open the peel, carefully removing the orangey flesh and then began to tweeze the pith away from each and every segment and discarding it as such.
“Hold on, I asked for you to peel it, not perform surgery on it,” you added.
He shushed you, seeming to enjoy your building discomfort as he went over the top with peeling the clementine, going as far to meticulously pluck out each and every single pearl of the clementine’s vesicles, neatly arranging all parts of the citrus onto a tray before handing it back to you.
In a resigned sigh, you supposed that you should have been thankful that he did this for you at all and didn’t try to poison you for fun, so you resigned with your extremely dissected clementine and slinked back to the room instead.
“Thanks, I guess…” you mumbled on your way out, wondering just how on earth to eat such a thing.
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varpusvaras · 6 months
It's a pretty afternoon on Coruscant, for once.
They are standing just at the entrance of the Jedi Temple, waiting for Wolffe to come out, and Fox is enjoying his moment of sunlight without having a barrier over his head, when there is something flying towards his head. In a snap, he has raised his hand and caught whatever it is.
"Nice catch!" Fox looks over to see Wolffe jogging towards them, with a small bag in his hand. He glances down at his own hand and to whatever he had just caught.
It's a fruit of some sort, round and with a very light and soft pink color.
"Souvenirs from General Koon", Wolffe says, opening the bag in his hand. "He called these Hallous and said we had to try them."
He starts to give everybody else a fruit from the bag as well. It's moments like these that Fox kind of wishes he also had a Jedi, who would call them all by their names and give out fruits and other treats. Fox isn't even sure when the last time was that he actually ate fresh food.
Everybody is taking a bite out of their fruits already, not bothering to wait until Fox gets his musings to an end. They all seem to enjoy it with smiles on their faces, so Fox takes a bite as well.
Fox hadn't thought before this that it could be possible for a food to punch him inside his mouth, but now he has to believe it. The fruit is spicy like those hot peppers in the stew that Thorn had bought in one of the first weeks of their posting, and it leaves a rough, tingling afterburn in Fox's mouth. The same afterburn follows the piece of fruit down his throat when he swallows, making him cough.
Cody, who is standing closest to him in their circle, reaches to pat him on his back.
"Don't choke", he says. "Wolffe probably doesn't want to go and tell General Koon that his fruit killed you."
Fox draws in a deep breath. He looks all of them over. Rex and Bly are still munching on on their fruits, with not one twitch in their expressions.
Fox's eyes are burning with gathering tears. He hurries to wipe them away.
Is his spice tolerance this bad? He hadn't thought so before, but...
Fox looks back at the fruit in his hands, then back at the others. They are almost done with theirs.
Fox is not going to give them any more reasons to make fun of him. They've been doing it lately more than enough, about everything they just possibly can. He takes a second bite and keeps his face still.
He's almost out of breath after the last bite, but he doesn't let it show. Thankfully nobody is pointing it out, too busy with heckling Bly at the moment because he just happened to accidentally call his General by her given name.
The burning feeling inside his mouth and throat don't leave him fully until the next day. He really, really needs to work on his spice tolerance.
"Oh, love", Breha is giving him a slightly concerned smile. "I'm sorry."
"It's fine", Fox manages to mumble, before he has to sneeze again. Thank Manda, he already had a tissue in his hands. His eyes and nose are burning.
Breha sighs.
"I should've made sure", she says. "You haven't really lived anywhere with this much...nature, before."
"You couldn't have known", Fox coughs. "And really, the Kaminoan's were supposed to engineer us without these kind of promblems."
"I don't think that's possible, with how many of you there are", Breha says. "Some things like this must've slipped, or happened during the gestation."
Possibly. Fox is not going to pretend that he understands anything about genetics.
Breha leaves for a moment, and Fox hears her move around the kitchenette area their living quarters have. She comes back with a steaming cup in her hands.
"The Hallous are in season in the Northern Hemisphere", she tells him, setting the cup in his hands. "They make a sweet tea blend infused with them, and it's good for your immune system."
Right. Fox guesses that something that spicy might as well burn all the nasty gunk in his airways away, so he takes a sip. He scrunches up his nose a bit from how much it burns, and Breha gives him another tissue, before getting up again.
She comes back a few minutes later with her own cup, and starts on her work while calmly sipping from it.
Fox is honestly impressed. He hadn't thought that Breha had much of a spice tolerance. Bail certainly doesn't have, and much of the traditional food of Alderaan is very mild and puts great emphasis on clean flavours. Oh, well, he learns something new every day. This all just now means that even his wife has a better spice tolerance than him by far.
He finishes his tea. It doesn't make him feel any better, as now his throat is even more scratchy than it was before. All it really does is making him even more tired, but he can't really sleep because of how hard it is to breathe.
He glances longingly out of the window. It's pretty out there, with gentle sunlight and green trees and everything in blossom, and he is allergic to all of it.
Fox grumples and closes his eyes.
Bail comes home the next week with a mild cold, and Fox watches him drink the tea like it's water. Alright, now this is really just embarrassing.
Fox tugs nervously at the collar of his suit. It's dark blue and goes together with what Breha and Bail are wearing, and he suddenly feels like he is out of his depth. Wearing the armor had given them all some sort of anonymity, even to him with his distinct paint job. It's probably going to take a while until Fox gets used to people looking at him, and looking at him without it.
It's also still strange to not be the one who is standing on guard, but to be the one who is guarded. Fox's job tonight is to stand there, look presentable, and not make a scene.
Things are still a bit...tense. There have been deglarations of peace and all that, but in many places, it still feels like one wrong move can light up everything again.
Fox can't help himself but to keep an eye out for everything that happens in the room. This is the first time after the War that Breha has travelled anywhere that is not in the Deep Core, and Fox is not going to stop himself from feeling protective of her. She is his wife, after all, and Fox has all the training necessary to keep her safe, if the situation demands it.
In the meanwhile, he tries to fullfill his primary job. Stand there, look presentable, and do not make a scene. He is still new to his position, so he is not yet expected to make some deep political statements.
Stand there, look presentable, and do not make a scene. He can do this.
Things are going well when they are served the first drinks of the evening.
"Here, Your Majesty", the server gives Breha a glass first, and then turns to Bail and Fox. "Your Highnesses. We do appreciate a lot of the same flavours as you in the Deep Core, and I think you will find this drink familiar. It's made with Hallous concentrate, to bring out the natural flavour powerfully and really make it the star of the drink."
"Thank you", Breha smiles brightly at them. "That sounds lovely."
Fox also thanks the server as he takes his glass, and does not show anything as their host gives out a speech and then a toast, and drinks with the rest of the guests. He manages to keep his face still by breathing deeply through his nose. All those years of training saving him in this moment, even if nothing what he learned while growing up was supposed to prepare him for a situation like this.
The drink is awful. Absolutely disgusting, if you ask Fox. It's so spicy that it stops tasting like anything at first, and then leaves a raw, bitter burn all the way down to his chest. His tongue feels immediately like it doesn't fit into his mouth properly anymore, pressing painfully against his back teeth. Fox really, really does not understand how every single person in the room can drink something like this and not automatically make even the slightlest of faces. Is this really just a thing he doesn't understand about people who were born into Royalty? Is it really just that much of an acquired taste, and him not liking it just shows that he really is just a nobody compared to them all?
Fox is proud of how well he managed to power through it, all of those things concidered. He tries to swallow a bit, to wash the taste out even a little, but he's barely getting his own spit down.
He sucks in a breath between his teeth. It's not reaching his lungs properly, leaving him feel weirdly unsatisfied. He tries again. It's barely getting past his lips, which feel...oddly numb. Huh. Was the spice really hitting him that bad?
Then it hits him that he can't breathe.
Fox tries to swallow again. It gets stuck somewhere at the back of his throat, the same place where all the air is getting stuck as well, and he clears his throat a bit behind his hand. It helps a little, letting him get something down to his lungs, but Fox has been choked out before and he knows when it's not enough.
It's not enough.
Sateen is with them, and he is standing closest to Fox and Bail, with Breha's own bodyguards standing next to her, and Fox, in his rising panic, sees him turn towards him.
"Fox?" Sateen asks, keeping his voice low as he steps closer and carefully grabs Fox by the arm. "Are you alright?"
Fox tries to say no, but then there is white static taking over his eyes and he vaguely feels himself pitching forward-
-and he wakes up with something heavy on his face and a rush of cool air, and he gulps it up desperately. It enters his lungs with a deep, sweet relief, and then makes him cough.
There is a hand on his forehead, large and warm and familiar. Fox has the mind to open his eyes.
The first thing he sees is Bail's extremely concerned face above him, and then somebody else's as they lean closer to him.
"Deep breaths", they say, and Fox obeys. The more air he is getting in, the more aware he is becoming of his surroundings, and that is when he notices that there is a lot of commotion all around him.
He tries to look back up at Bail, to ask what is going on, but the other person telling him to breathe is really insistent of him doing just that and not talking, so Fox relents just for a moment longer.
He does glance around from the corner of his eyes, though. The whole room is in absolute chaos, with people shouting and screaming in a rising cacophony, and with multiple Guards in different uniforms trying to contain it all with seemingly very, very bad results.
The people leaning over him are talking something about oxygen levels and adrenaline and blood pressure and a lot more that Fox doesn't have the capacity to understand right now, so he just breathes.
He does feel a sense of disappointment in himself. His job had literally been just to stand there, look presentable and not cause a scene.
He isn't standing, most likely doesn't look presentable while lying on the floor, and this definitely counts as a scene.
Fox presses his eyes back shut. Just his luck.
Rex: I can't believe that you out of all of us managed to almost cause a full blown conflict because everybody thought you were poisoned, while you were just having an allergy attack
Rex: I thought that was a thing only Skywalker and General Kenobi were able to do
Fox: Shut up
Bly: No, no, really. You really couldn't tell that you were allergic to that stuff? You've seen all of us eat them with no problems!
Fox: You guys are all a bunch of weirdos, how was I supposed to know that you all didn't just enjoy eating shit like that?
Wolffe: Next time you see us eating something without problems while you are actively choking on it because it tastes like molten lava to you, please call us a bunch of weirdos out loud. That could save the Galaxy in the future, apparently
Fox: Cody, Ponds, they are bullying me. I almost died!
Ponds: and almost caused another conflict while doing so
Cody: Stop it, everyone. We're glad that you're okay, Fox'ika
Fox: Thank you. At least somebody here still loves me
Cody: BUT, there is a saying Obi-Wan used to say-
Fox shuts down his commlink at that point. Bail gives him a sympathetic look from the chair next to Fox's bed.
"Are they making fun of you?" He asks.
"Of course they are", Fox huffs, and then resists another urge to just reach to his back and scratch. "I almost died and I'm suffering and they're making fun of me."
Bail takes his hand gently to his.
"I'm not making fun of you", he says, with humour in his voice but enough soft love in his eyes that Fox lets it be for now.
"Thank you", Fox says, squeezing Bail's hand. Partly to show back affection, partly to stop himself from giving into the urge to scratch. "How long do I have left?"
Bail looks at his chrono.
"Another hour", he says. "I'm sorry. We just want to make sure this doesn't happen again."
"It's fine", Fox sighs. "I would rather it doesn't happen again, either, but why does testing for allergens take so long?"
"That, I do not know", Bail says. He then straightens up a bit to take a look at Fox's back.
Fox sees the grimace on his face, even though Bail tries his hardest to wipe it away quickly.
"I'm karked, aren't I?" Fox asks.
"Well, I wouldn't say so", Bail tries to smile placatingly at him. "I'm sure it's completely normal for it to look like that."
He, very wisely, understands to shut up after the next look Fox gives him.
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oneshlut · 11 months
Hello!! This is my first request!
I was wondering if I could request headcanons for humanoid!fluttershy x fem! Dragon-humanoid! Reader?
Like the reader moved into the town and and the mane 6 went to introduce themselves but the reader was really intrigued by fluttershy and is really sweet and caring towards her?
(by humanoid I mean like, Pegasus characters still have their wings and unicorns still have their horns and so on)
Sorry if this is too much 😓
Thank you!
A/N: oh it's not too much at all! these detailed requests actually give me a lot to go off of, thanks a bunch for requesting! <3 (also, i hope you dont mind that i refer to the characters as ponies, dw, they're still humanoid!!)
Calm (Humanoid!Fluttershy x Fem!Dragonoid!Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: A new pony moves into Ponyville! Or, a uh.. dragon? Either way, everyone is excited to meet her, but one pegasus catches her eye..
After you had left your past town due to a horrible new mayor, you were looking for a fresh start. You had previously lived in an all-dragon town, so moving to Ponyville was.. an experience. A positive one, at that.
As you could probably guess, the first pony to meet you was Pinkie Pie. She shaked your hand, energy beaming from her smile, as she then dragged you through the town square. Along the way, she asked you a million personal questions, ranging from "Are your parents dragons?" to "Why did you move? I thought it was great down in your hometown! Especially for a girl-pony! Eek! Sorry! Girl-dragon!" She hardly gave you time to respond before she started asking the next question.
It was nice to get a tour of the town! But, uh.. you were more interested in getting to your new house right now. You sighed internally, you still had so much to unpack..
Pinkie Pie then lead you to her very own bakery. Knowing now, how she acted like she was on lethal doses of sugar, it made sense that she would own a bakery.
Inside were 4 other ponies that she called her friends. One earth pony, two unicorns, and.. one pegasus. One of the unicorns complained about somepony named "Rainbowdash" not being there. You assumed it was some sort of get-together. Quite convenient for you, huh?
As the 6 of you are talking and chitchatting about how and why you moved here, (many questions asking about your wings, horns, other dragon features), you noticed a pony in the back who hadn't been talking the entire time. When you looked back at her, noticing now she was a pegasus, she met your gaze. Only for a few moments did you keep eye contact, when she squeaked a bit and looked away. Hm..
Afterwards, you had learned all the ponies names, except for one. You waited for the remaining 4 to leave until all that was left was you and her.
Immediately, Fluttershy thought you must've been mad at her. Why else would you want to talk to her? Alone, for that matter. She apologized profusely for anything she could've done, but seeing the confused look on your face told her she was wrong.
She muttered a quiet apology before quietly introducing herself. Fluttershy was surprised you heard her at first, but then went in to shake your hand, realizing it was slightly scale-y. So you really were a dragon..
Most of the time she was absolutely petrified seeing a dragon. But you were different. You weren't huge--but you weren't small, or a child, like Spike. You had fully grown wings and horns, but not big enough to be intimidating. She noticed the way you were gentle with her palm while shaking it, and felt an unusual red tone rise to her face. She's never met a pretty dragon.
It took a while, but she eventually got used to your presence. The more you spent time with her, she began stuttering a lot less, her voice became slightly more confident, and her wings weren't tucked away like they were when you first met her. Much like her wings, she began to open up around you. Sooner or later, you had become one of her closest friends.
When it came to Fluttershy, you were very sweet, kind, soft, patient... That's how she described you in her head anyways. Having someone as soft as her, especially with nature and what not, warmed her heart to the brim.
She would rant to Angel for hours after meeting up with you. Angel took one look at her eyes, how they lighted up when she talked about you, and immediately knew she was head over heels. It was amusing, so Angel kept his mouth shut. Not like he could say anything anyways.
Fluttershy was as oblivious as ever. To her, all she saw in you was a friend. Don't worry, sooner or later she'll understand. When she does, she may or may not pass out.
One day, you had come over to visit Fluttershy in her cottage. She wasn't there.. hm. Maybe she was just out running errands. With nothing else to do, you sat by a nearby pond, letting your spiny wings cover you. It was around fall, meaning the air was just now getting a bit chilly.
You closed your eyes and breathed in the calm atmosphere, taking in all the sounds with your now heightened senses. Birds chirping, running water, animals chittering or scattering, the small wisps of wind in the air, the sound of footsteps, and--.. Footsteps?
You opened your eyes and turned to find Fluttershy sitting beside you. She apologized for not being home when you arrived, and explained how.. peaceful you seemed. When she asked, you reassured her that you were "far from bothered" by her joining you.
Closing your eyes again, the two of you sat in a comfortable silence. Instinctively, you wrapped one of your wings around Fluttershy's shoulder. She prayed that you didn't open your eyes to see the mass amount of blush covering her face.
And with one bold movement, she placed her head on your shoulder, the two of you now peacefully sitting in the small patch of nature.
Fluttershy was calmer than ever before.
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onestepbackwards · 1 year
Our Angel Pt. 3
Hello! Welcome to part 3 of my Greaser Submas x reader series!
I will admit, I kinda struggled this chapter. I had a lot going on when writing this. Regardless, I still hope you all enjoy this short chapter!
Summary: It has been a few days since Emmet had left your home. Just as you are about to give up hope on seeing him again, a stranger who looks just like him knocks in your door…
CW: minor mentions of injuries, mentions of getting jumped, mentions of toxic family
Word Count: 2825 Words!
Like my writing? Come check me out here and support me! Every bit helps!
First: Here
Previous: Here
Next: ?
It had been a few days since Emmet had snuck out of your bedroom window.
Just as you had predicted, you haven’t seen him since that day.
It honestly was a little… disappointing.
The thought was silly, that you kinda wanted to see the greaser again. He had been a little goofy, but he was sweet. Even if he was a flirt.
It made your life interesting, for a day. For the first time in years, just helping a guy out had made you feel more alive than you have in a long time.
Because of this, you hadn’t been able to get him out of your mind.
He had been such a breath of fresh air! …If you don’t count the fact that you had been terrified for two days that he might die in your bathtub.
When he was fine(ish) though, he had been nice. A lot nicer than at least half the people you knew.
You just hoped it wasn’t the concussion doing most of the talking. However, you had your doubts you would ever find out.
He hadn’t come back, after all. Nor had you seen heads or tails of him on your walks back from campus.
“Figures…” you mumbled, head in hand as you sat at your desk. At least you got to experience it when you did. It would be a fun story to tell when you were finally free of this place.
Though you would admit, when the doorbell rang, your hopes shot up.
You squashed them down, of course. No doubt it was a friend of your parents or a salesman or something.
At first you tried to ignore it. Your parents weren’t home, after all, and you didn’t want to deal with someone selling you something. Or even worse, your dad’s stupid work friends, or your mom’s friends from her book club.
After a second series of knocks, however, you heaved out a sigh. Closing your book, you left your room, and headed to the front door.
You opened it, already putting a fake smile on your face, preparing to deal with whoever was willing to bother you.
“Hello, how may I….”
The words died in your throat, however, when your eyes met silver ones.
He was back.
At first, you fully believed it was Emmet. Silver hair, silver eyes, similar get up. However, something was off about him.
This guy… he had no injuries.
When Emmet had left your home, he had a nasty black eye, bruises everywhere, a busted lip… you doubted he could heal that quickly.
He also had his hair parted slightly different, and his clothes were completely black, instead of the white shirt. A small detail, but you felt it was off.
There also seemed to be what you assumed as a tattoo of some sort peeking out just from under the mans’s jacket collar on his neck. You had seen Emmet shirtless, and he definitely didn’t have that tattoo as far as you remembered.
Then there was the frown on his face. It was something that seemed so out of place for Emmet. However, he didn’t seem upset. In fact, he straightened up almost excitedly when you pulled open the door.
You both stared at each other for a moment, neither saying a word.
He was just as pretty as Emmet was. Were they siblings?
The man seemed to snap out of it after a moment, and began to speak.
“Hello there. I am Ingo, Emmet’s twin brother.”
You blinked, perked up, and took that in.
It made sense. You were sure if you hadn't seen Emmet with all those wounds, they’d be practically identical. The only differences being the smile, clothing choices, and the way they part their hair.
“How is he? Is he alright? Are his injuries healing okay?”
At that moment, a switch flipped in Ingo’s mind, and you didn’t even know it.
But you did see his eyes grow a teeny bit wider.
It seemed he wasn’t as expressive as Emmet was.
“Yes! Thanks to you, he is healing up nicely! There haven’t been any issues so far with his healing.”
You slumped against the doorframe, relieved. If you were being honest with yourself, the thought of his well being had been weighing on you since he left that day. If he even made it home, or recovered at all.
“Oh thank goodness. I had wondered if he was alright after sneaking out after being unconscious for so long. With those injuries too, no less.”
Giving Ingo a small smile, you didn’t notice how his cheeks had grown slightly pink.
“Thank you so much for letting me know!”
Now you would hopefully be able to sleep a bit better at night, knowing Emmet was gonna be okay.
This man, Ingo, you think he said his name was, cleared his throat.
“I wanted to give you this.”
You stared at him blankly for a moment, before looking down.
He was holding out a piece of paper in his hand. Hesitantly, you took it from his grasp.
Much to your surprise, it was a set of numbers, along with his name written in cursive. Not something you expected from a greaser, but you knew from Emmet looks were deceiving.
“Are you… giving me your number?” You asked, feeling your face heat up as it really hit you over what he had given you.
You… never had a guy’s phone number before outside of school, since that was always for projects…
Ingo gave you a look, one you had a feeling was a more serious one than his regular face.
“Yes. If you need anything, anything at all, call me. I’ll take care of it for you.”
Shock must of been evident on your face, becuas his look seemed to shift into a somewhat amused one. His frown wasn’t as prominent, and the look in his eyes seemed lighter.
“But… why?” You asked, genuinely confused. He didn’t even know you, and you had a feeling having this guy’s favor was probably a big deal.
He tilted his head at you, confused as to why you would ask.
“Because you saved Emmet’s life. We both owe you a great debt. If you had not helped him, he very well could have died.”
His words settled into your stomach like rocks. Yeah, you knew he was in bad shape, but thinking how Emmet could have died without your help was an unsettling thought.
“Ah…” you only managed to mumble.
You then let out a squeak when Ingo was suddenly directly in front of you. His right are rested against the door frame above you, and his other hand was suddenly gently grabbing your chin.
“I mean it. Anything you want or need, it will be yours. I know Emmet is especially desperate to do anything you wish.”
Your face was red, and you found yourself sputtering at the sudden shift and contact. It didn’t help you swore you could see a smirk pushing through that ever present frown.
“We owe you so much. Please, even if it’s just to talk, call or message me.” He asked, having you look at him. Gone were the traces of the smirk, and his face seemed serious again.
Slowly, you nodded.
“I-… okay.” You agreed, you heart hammering in your chest.
All you were doing was agreeing to take his number and tell him if you needed anything, so you didn’t have to call him…
But the thought of getting to make sure Emmet got better whispered into the back of your mind. This way, you could make sure he was okay….
This was a risky game though. You knew greasers were trouble, so you would be playing with fire the more you associated with them.
Though you couldn’t help but wonder; was it really that bad that you wanted to talk to them, to make sure one was okay? They certainly didn’t seem all that bad…
Unaware of your inner turmoil, Ingo backed away, though he seemed much happier and brighter than when you had first opened the door.
“Excellent! Now, would you like to-“
Before he could finish, your phone made a small jingle, signaling your mother had messaged you. Ignoring Ingo, you scrambled for the device, and opened your messages.
Your heart nearly fell in your stomach. It seems your mother’s shopping trip was ending early, saying she couldn’t find everything she needed and would be home shortly.
Panicking, you didn’t notice the look of concern on Ingo’s face as you slipped your phone back into your pocket.
“I-I’m sorry, but you have to leave.”
The man’s eyes widened, taken aback by your sudden panic.
“What? Why-“
You shushed him, and looked further out the door and down the street.
“My mother is on her way home. If she sees you, she’ll freak out and start yelling. She’ll probably call the cops too.”
Quickly, with a quiet ‘sorry’, you grabbed his shoulder, and turned him around. You pushed him down the sidewalk towards what you assumed was his car.
“I’m so sorry, but she can’t see you. I promise to try and message or something, but for your sake, you must leave!”
You absolutely hated doing this to him. He seemed nice, if not a bit more reserved than Emmet. But you knew if your mother saw a greaser of all guys talking to you, she’d blow a gasket. She’d make accusations, scream, yell, probably ground you…
Then she would tell your father, who would make things worse. He may even go as far as to pull money for your tuition, or even try to get these guys arrested for just talking to you.
Even as an adult, you were still shackled to your parent’s wills.
Thankfully, Ingo didn’t resist you, and quickly walked with you to his car. Before he went to his door to get in, he gave you a look.
“Are you going to be okay, Angel?” He asked, his voice surprisingly soft compared to how loud it had been before.
You blinked, brain nearly freezing at the nickname.
“I-Yes-I’ll be fine. I’m more worried about what could happen to you. I can’t be seen talking to you or Emmet by my parents, and my mother is on her way home.”
Ingo’s lips tightened into a fine line, and he gave you a brisk nod.
Before he turned to walk over to the driver's side of his car, he surprised you.
He grabbed your hand, and pulled it up to his lips, giving the back of your hand a kiss.
You sputtered, feeling hot all over again.
He smirked against the back of your hand, before releasing you.
“Take care, Angel. I look forward to hearing from you.”
You almost didn’t register his words, too flustered from the gesture. It wasn’t until he climbed into his car, and shut the door, that you were taken out of your daze.
“W-Wait, I-“
He drove off with a wave before your brain could finish catching up.
Standing there a bit dumbly, you could only watch as his car turned a corner, and out of your sight. You ended up not moving for a few minutes, nearly jumping in surprise when your mother drove up behind you with a honk.
Spinning around, she rolled down the window as she pulled over closer to the sidewalk where you stood.
“Hey sweetie! Why are you standing out here?” She asked, a bit confused. She even tried to look in the direction you were facing, trying to see what you were looking at.
“Um…” you spoke, trying to keep the panic out of your voice.
“There were some rowdy kids on bikes yelling just a minute ago down the street. I was just…. Seeing if there was anything wrong.”
Your mother tutted, and then scoffed.
“Probably just some no good brats from a few blocks down. Don’t worry about them dear, they are nothing but trouble. They would drag you down just for wanting to help.”
She then rolled up her window and began to pull into the driveway, but you hardly noticed. Your mothers words echoed in your ears as you followed her inside to help woth groceries.
‘They would drag you down just for wanting to help.’
Would they, though?
Ingo stared hard at the drivers wheel in the driveway at home, heart racing.
You, he didn’t know what to expect when he met you…
And yet…
You were so cute and sweet!
He had wondered if Emmet had exaggerated at all when he talked about you, but given how Emmet seemed so infatuated…
It made Ingo wonder just what was so special about you before.
His brother didn’t talk about you like you were just some flame he wanted to win over, oh no. He talked like he had been in love.
That had been surprising to Ingo.
Both twins had their fair share of partners, but neither had acted like this before.
No doubt Emmet will throw a fit when he finds out Ingo went to see you on his own without taking him, but Ingo had to see you in person. He had to see what kind of a person you were without his brother nearby.
Only the best would be allowed to properly date his baby brother, instead of just being a small flame for fun.
After meeting you, Ingo began to understand. You fit that criteria perfectly.
Ingo now knew why Emmet was so infatuated with you.
You were already cute, that much was certain. You were gorgeous, even.
But Emmet hadn’t been kidding when he said how sweet and kind you were.
How you were so worried for his brother still, who was a stranger to you.. Ingo knew right then and there that Emmet had not been exaggerating one bit. You, someone who didn’t know either of them, truly cared if Emmet was recovering.
You didn’t even care if you were talking to a greaser, you just genuinely cared if a stranger was okay.
Ingo felt his heart skip a beat in that moment. You really were an angel.
When he gave you his number, you didn’t even seem scared, or excited. That last bit may be a surprise, but given him and his brother were leaders of their group, many people wanted to be in their favor.
You just seemed a little hesitant and confused. He decided to take that as a good sign.
Ingo then sighed, pressing his head against the steering wheel once more.
It wasn’t uncommon for him and Emmet to share a partner, they both had similar tastes after all.
But he knew Emmet was already possessive and protective of you. There was a good chance he’d fight about it after he learned of Ingo’s own interest.
“Oh hell…” he mumbled. He couldn’t fight with Emmet. Not yet. Not when he was still healing.
After that?
It was fair game.
Until then, all he had to look forward to was you messaging or calling him.
Ingo’s frown then deepened after he thought about it.
Would you be able to safely?
You had seemed rather spooked when you got a message on your phone, mentioning something about how your mother can’t see him with you. All for his sake, you had said, but he felt there was a lot more to it than that.
Emmet mentioned you had him sneak out a window, that he would most likely have the cops called on him by your parents if they saw him.
Add that with what little tidbit he learned today… he wasn’t liking the picture that was forming in his head.
Were you safe? Were you okay?
Ingo began to also understand what Emmet meant when he would mention he was worried for his Angel.
Ingo gripped the steering wheel.
He had to figure this out, nor would he just let you sip through their fingers. You were a diamond in the rough, he could already tell.
If you didn’t want them? Fine, they could live with that. They could be happy being your friends and protecting you.
But oh, they wanted you. You really were an angel.
One Ingo had decided, they both would do just about anything for.
Now all he had to do was wait for you to call or message him. He’d take this slow, and let you lead. Ingo was sure Emmet was thinking the same thing, even now.
Thrumming his fingers against the wheel, he heaved out a sigh.
Until then, he had to go inside, and pray Emmet was still in bed healing.
You would no doubt be incredibly upset if he hurt himself again, after all. Something Ingo proudly used against Emmet when he tried to crawl out of bed.
Ingo grinned, happy to finally have a means of temporarily wrangling in his brother.
Yes, Ingo would enjoy this opportunity while it lasted.
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lcngliive · 8 months
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below the cut, you'll find my combination plotting and starter call! i absolutely did steal sunny's lil thing for this, ily sunny xoxo - but here is my call! I will be dropping a good number of the threads that I have in preparation for this bc I am overwhelmed at the sheer number that I have in my threadtracker and haven't been able to fully catch up - so I'll be using this as an excuse to get some fresh threads for my characters!
I'll be capping my starters at four per character and three per mun, please be specific when asking for a starter! ( just a note, any threads for blind dates don't count towards this number! )
so if you'd like to plot, give this a lil like! I will also be sticking it in the plotting channel in discord and will be messaging people about plotting in the morning!
anakin skywalker going with padme amidala
anakin is absolutely not in the mood for a ball or anything of the sort, but he's here to be with padme, despite everything that's going on in his head. he will be avoiding the rest of his family and just sticking with padme and when she's busy he will be standing around awkwardly. he used to be up for things like these, mostly so he could spend time with padme and let loose a little, but now, it just puts him on edge.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
annie james going with chris hartley ( blind date )
annie loves any excuse to throw together a fancy dress and wear tit just so people will ask her about it. she signed up for the blind date thinking it would be fun and it probs will be - she's never really done anything like this and hasn't actually dated since coming to the city. she will be drinking (even tho she's not technically allowed here ) and dancing the night away. will be just up for a good time tbh.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
ansel of briarcliff
ansel is admittedly not a party girl, but she's recently aware after being unaware in the city for a few years so - they're looking for anyone they might know. might even be convinced to dance if someone cute comes along, who knows.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
astraea illen going with sheev palaptine
astraea loves a good party and the excuse to wear a fancy dress even more. they're going with sheev, which imo is a match made in hell lmaoooo - but they're both hot so ? let them have fun. will 100% be being his arm candy for the night and will probs force him to dance with her. they'll also be keeping an eye on any jedi, making sure they stay away from kore and her friends.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 sheev
ben solo going with ariana dumbledore
parent night out! ben is glad for just something nice and chill for once, he actually wants to spend some uninterrupted time with his fiance without three kids lmao. will probably be forced to dance with ari, not that he's complaining, he actually does kinda enjoy it but will never say that out loud :).
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
bo katan kryze
bo absolutely hates parties like this, always has and they always will. it reminds her too much of the parties her parents would have as a child - but she's still here. will be standing in the corner drinking and may even be convinced to flirt if a pretty girl comes around so who knows, you might get them to dance.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 2 / 4 hera, ellie
cami o'connell going with alani tiure ( blind date )
cami has been on a few blind dates in her time, but this one seemed interesting - the whole idea of the masked ball. also means that there's some room for chaos when no one can really tell who she is. will be drinking (probs both kinds) and dancing the night away while probs causing trouble with her date.
drinking (maybe both kinds :) ) || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
cass is just praying for one normal night where he and his fam can just have fun and not have to worry about any problems that they might have. will be getting drunk and dancing (sorry to the ic who needs to deal with him) he just wants to spend some time without having to worry about everyone so this is perfect for him.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting ( with nesta exclusively) || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 aluma
cerridwen going with parvati patil ( blind date )
cerri is def more of a stand to the side and observe kind of person, they aren't really one for dancing - so she will just be standing chatting to people tbh? will also not be drinking to keep an eye on the inner circle just to make sure no one breaks anything (this is absolutely @ cassian and it's hilarious bc i play him and he's an idiot)
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
eros vane
eros has never been one for a party, but he does love any excuse to get drunk so, this is right up his street lmao. he is lowkey still annoyed abt his kid not knowing who anyone is, so will be getting blackout drunk to forget about that for a while - also might flirt a lil, most of it won't end up going anywhere, but he is not against leaving with a handsome person if you know what i mean, wink wink.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 alastor, kore
ewan mckinnon going with maddie mckinnon
alexa play one normal night from the addams family. all ewan wants is one normal night to not worry about anything but having a good time with his wife and dancing with her. he's trying to forget all of the problems and just going to have a good time. but will that happen? who knows.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 maddie
feirge going with leslie macher ( blind date )
feirge absolutely has no idea what any of this is? but regardless of it, she's enjoying herself. does she know what drinking and dancing is? absolutely not, but will she be doing it? yep. sorry to anyone who interacts with her, she might get really drunk. she might even be a weepy drunk, so uh sorry to anyone who knows her. signed up for a blind date, has no idea what it is lmaoo.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
godric gryffindor going with addison montgomery ( blind date )
it's been years since godric has been to a party like this, and also years since he's had any sort of date. but he's interested in everything that's happening. can be persuaded to dance probably and will be exploring the museum to see what's around all while drinking.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 sylvie, helga
hades is absolutely only here out of formalities because of his position amongst the elite of Washington dc. he's not here for any other reason other than to say hello to the right people he needs to and then he is absolutely leaving early.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 3 / 4 feng yu, jane, apollo
imogen cardulo going with garrick tavis ( they forced him )
im absolutely dragged garrick here with them and will be forcing him to have a good time, and if that means getting plastered - so be it :). imogen isn't really a party girlie, but they're here to forget about everything that's going on in her life for a night at least and maybe dance around like an idiot for a while with her friends.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 garrick
jiang cheng going with wen qing
okay this man is absolutely as stiff as a board, def does not mix well with others - so who tf knows why he's at something like this??? but he's trying to be better at interacting with people. will probably be lightly drinking and networking with people. he's going with wen qing, idk why either of them thought it was a good idea, but here they are. also me and kasey did not plan their fits lmaooo.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 2 / 4 wei wuxian, jiang yanli
jing xi going with cullen rutherford
she's never really had the chance to experience anything like this before, so part of her is excited, but the other part is also nervous. she'll most likely be dancing the night away and just enjoying herself without any cares in the world. will also be exploring the museum.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
kaltain rompier going enid sinclair ( blind date )
parties and balls are what kaltain was brought up on, but after everything that happened back home, they're always on edge, scared that something will happen - so she will be sticking close to the walls and 100% looking for an out. has a blind date, but doesn't know why she even signed her name for it - so will be possibly sticking closer to those they know before most likely leaving early.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || hiding in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
kirei monsula going with omega ( just besties )
absolutely just two besties going to the ball, platonic af, no feelings involved. kirei absolutely has feelings for omega but does not know it yet. they're absolutely getting drunk (sorry mom and uncle kasil) and making out with her bestie ( that's what besties do wdym ). will be dancing and exploring around the place and is also up for a lil chaos as well.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
lan sizhui going with brittnay matthews ( blind date )
sizhui is absolutely not a party person, but this looked like fun, so he's going to at least attempt to enjoy himself and spend the night either exploring or just chatting with different people. he signed up for the blind date thing and isn't 100% sure about it yet lmao.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
lucien vanserra going with elain archeron
lucien lowkey has mask trauma after having to wear one for a fucking long ass time, but they're here to have a good time with their wife and not to think about all of the shit that's imploding within his life rn so. also @ feyre do not make a fox mask joke, that's supposed to be ur bestie :(((( .
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
marion lochan
marion used to love parties when she was still back home, the idea of putting on a fancy dress and just enjoying herself is something she hasn't had the chance to do in a while, so she's excited. she's probs going to be exploring the museum trying to learn everything she can while she's there also while dancing and drinking a lil.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 lu junyi
mira sorrengail going with keelan cardulo
mira just wants one normal night to dance with her girlfriend and just have some fun without anything happening. so she'll be getting drunk - might cause some trouble lmaooo. but she's out here just having a good time, so she will be getting drunk for once and just enjoying herself.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting (just with keelan lmao) || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
na'rena zenn going with cindy moon ( blind date )
rena is still trying to get used to how she looks now, but is absolutely a sucker for a party so - catch her getting drunk af and flirting with pretty people and dancing. she will be exploring the museum and will be up for some chaos so :)))) also rip to her friends, bc ur probs gonna need to find someone to carry her home.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
parker halliwell going with roxanne weasley
parker is absolutely going to lose her mind if she doesn't get one normal night out with roxy - all she wants is to dance the night away and spend time with them without things going wrong. will be exploring, dancing, drinking and having a great time.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
penelope garcia
penelope loves parties and she loves getting to wear cute and fancy clothes, so this is right up her street. they'll be networking and speaking to people all while drinking and dancing - will be making friends with everyone and anyone, so good luck to people bc pen will talk ur ear off.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 alex
ridoc going with alicent hightower ( blind date )
ridoc is here to have a good time, not a long time lmao - will absolutely be getting drunk so sorry to anyone who knows him. you might find him passed out in one of the exhibits lmaooo. but other than that, he'll be dancing, exploring the museum and annoying his friends.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
sarra palpatine going with with nigel thornberry ( blind date )
sarra is here mostly out of formalities, since she works in the white house, but is actually determined to have somewhat of a good night. considering the last gala had monsters, she's going to be on edge, but will try and have fun. signed up for a blind date, but she's not sure about the idea of it lmao.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 sabina
shin hati going with needy lesnicki ( blind date )
this is absolutely not shin's scene, they do not like people and don't know why they're here. will probably just be standing in the corner and drinking. will be keeping an eye on people as she goes.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 zash
sidney prescott going with rosalie hale ( blind date )
sid is absolutely on edge with all of the ghostfaces around, but she'd going to attempt to have a good time - will that happen? who knows. is absolutely packing under her dress so, rip to anyone who tries her. but other than that, she'll be trying to enjoy herself and probably drink a lil and dance.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 2 / 4 rosalie, monica
silena beauregard going with clarisse la rue
did silena force clarisse to come with her? yes xoxo. silena loves dressing up and wearing pretty clothing, so this is right up her alley - esp with being a daughter of aphordite, the goddess of love, even tho they have no idea that's their mom lmao. but she loves the idea of valentines day and love in general. will desperately be trying to ignore the feelings she has for her best friend, but might blurt them out after a drink or two who knows.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 2 / 4 clarisse, jester
sirius black
sirius is absolutely not having a good time, but they'll be getting drunk as a skunk and will probs end up passed out somewhere, but what's new for him lmao? might even be convinced to dance or they'll just be standing in the corner moping mostly bc marlene is unaware as has no idea who he is lmao.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 1 / 4 ramona
varian going with amren
varian is just excited for a normal evening with amren, no chaos happening and he's hoping that nothing does happen, bc they deserve a normal date night pls nd thanks. will be drinking and probs exploring the museum, seeing what this world is really like.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
vesta blackbeak going with anastasia tremaine ( blind date )
vesta loves chaos, they are a lil demon and will cause as much trouble as she can. will be drinking and probably dancing. is going to be ignoring that some of the thirteen don't know who they are and will probs be dragging the ones that do remember her to dance, so soz to them. is def up for a lil chaos, so if ur up for that, vesta is the witch to see.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
winter celchu going with paige swanson ( blind date )
winter absolutely put her name down for a blind date as a formality with the white house. she will also be spending time with her sister and helping her get to the #presidentflorgana state again, she will absolutely be no better - will be dancing and drinking just to forget all of the stuff that's happened in the last year, will also be steering clear of people she doesn't like. will need to be carried home, sorry ahsoka xoxo.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
zoe nightshade
zoe is absolutely not a party person, but they will be there just to keep an eye on the demigods in the city - despite the fact that they're not a hunter anymore. she still feels obligated to protect demigods, even the men, but they will probs be sticking close to thalia, the only person that they know very well, despite them having no memories.
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
starters: 0 / 4
21 notes · View notes
fanstuffrantings · 8 months
Once more thinking about a fairy tail rewrite and how I personally would've handled Juvia as a character. Going to ramble under the cut and I want to note it will be a pretty heavy departure from canon. Also be diving in a bit to my changes for Gray.
I really love the concept of Gray and Juvia not ending up together romantically, instead Juvia and him become ride or die friends. He becomes agitated by her increasing crossing of his boundaries and eventually ends up snapping enough for her to start breaking out of her delusions about him.
During this time of her being down about Gray, Lucy and Levy encourage her to start growing friendships with other people in the guild. That she should pick up some hobbies. This results in an odd friendship with Droy once the connection between rain powers/plants is made. She takes up gardening and becomes incredibly excited about growing crops so the guild can have fresh produce made by her own hard work. Yes, maybe Droy could use his plant magic to move things along faster, but having something to focus on and learn about makes Juvia so insanely happy.
We'd get downtime episodes where you'd see Juvia in the background asking around the guild for recommendations on what she should grow and getting together with Droy to figure out the details on how to make things work. What nutrition certain plants need and how their care differs from others.
Part of the excitement of juvia not being with the main group during arcs would involve wondering what new plant life we'd see outside the guild once everyone made it back.
And as her circle of friends and interests grows, her obsession with Gray starts to subside. She's still a massive supporter of him and all he does, she makes signs and shirts to cheer him on in the grand magic games. He was the one to actually make her feel like a person worth something for the first time in her life, but there's no romance. In fact Gray doesn't have romance with anyone during the series.
Juvia however during her time with other members of the guild begins to acknowledge a good portion of her love for Gray came from him being the first person in her world in so long, and her friendships with other people helps her understand what love can feel like when it's built slowly.
In my rewrite I'd angle instead for her to slowly form a romance with Droy, which I know sounds weird with what the canon is. And fully explaining it would need me to explain how I'd alter Jet and Droy.
Largely I wish there was more focus on Juvia bonding more with everyone, playing into an idea of her and Gajeel having a sibling bond of sorts where he has a soft spot for her that led to him joining the guild. Mirajane giving her a list of crops to grow that would cut down on guild costs for food that often ends up destroyed in bar fights anyway. Juvia and Romeo having little battles where they try to prove whether Natsu or Gray is the superior fighter. Post time skip Juvia excitedly making dolls and toys for Asuka because she wants to give all the love she never got in her childhood.
Juvia lockser growing beyond her obsession.
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I’ve got some Whole Man questions and I hope it’s okay because it’s a story I truly enjoy but I lack history knowledge and I’m not as smart as you.
1. (Not a historical question) I imagine Rosey maybe having a baby face despite what she’s been through, like maybe when she smiles people are reminded how young she is. Any accuracy to how you envision her?
2. Does the Captain have an STD of sorts for real or is he wrongly diagnosed under Colonel’s orders?
3. And if he does carry an STD, is Rosey okay with it being passed to her? The latest chapter when she asks him if he is refusing to sleep with her in fear of getting her sick how exactly did all that work back then? Is he sick like Aida?
4. What exactly is the Captain ill from?
5. Is Rosey saving him money now that she’s running his books or is she still trying to figure out exactly what stretches his money so thin?
I’m sure I’ve got more that are currently escaping my mind so I might pop back in later with them if that’s alright! Like I said I love this story I just get a bit lost sometimes! Not because of your writing but because of my lack in knowledge!
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I am soooo glad to be asked these sorts of questions, I could talk your ears off about this particular story and as it’s rather complex and uh, vague??? i do sometimes wonder what confusion I may have sewn at times with the unfolding and it’s nice to have a check as to wether those confusions are being unsnarled properly. Also, I am a history nerd, everyone has their areas of passion and study and excellence, I’m just so glad this series caught your affection anyway.
1. The baby faced softness: oh yes, very accurate to how I imagine her, a rather stern and unconventionally pretty resting face that belongs to a woman who has been through hell and deprivation rather than the young fresh girl she ought to be. But then her smile can wrought a complete metamorphosis in softening her face, I like to think her teasing little looks she sends Captain Presley the more confident she becomes around him have a similar effect of making her look younger and arch. I never wanted to give her an full faceclaim as in my mind she’s very much original. I also wanted y’all to feel free to imagine as you like, it did start as a reader insert, after all. But here are a few gals from ye olden days that resonate with my vision of her. mainly the third, I see her AS rosey.
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2. Mm, ok yeah so, it’s rather likely he had one? At some point? But the entire fuss made over it and the credit it’s given for ALL his ailments is entirely fabricated. And not out of poor doctoring but an intentional (by the colonel) misdiagnoses to keep him both in thrall to the drugs and shamed regarding the very cause of his current misery. I have always intended he have something like malaria or the like, which is borne by biting insects and can cause damage to vital organs permanently in those who survive the initial illness and often flares as a chronic fevered illness, effecting the liver and blood and mind. There were treatments already available for it back then but chiefly belonged to indigenous people and the brilliant minds of the medical system at that time had no desire to learn from “primitive” people who actually lived and survived amongst the most afflicted areas -shocker. 🙄 I guess I sorta answered your fourth question here lo
3. Yeah so this will be interesting to tackle, as I fully believe he is concerned with passing anything to her although his genuine reasoning is in regards to waiting for marriage. As for Rosey? I think she already doubts that’s his full trouble but then she is not very educated on any of these conjugal things or the side effects of prostitution. The captain has watched, with Aida and others, the slow or rapid decline of so many succumbing to his erstwhile occupation -in fact, his chief tolerance for Aida and providing for her is a guilty sort of attempt at charity with the hopes that if he is kind to her and merciful, the same mercy might be granted him when he declines similarly. A bit of a bargain with God. So Rosey is perhaps not as concerned as she should be, but that may work in their favor if he’s misdiagnosed. Also, back then -and this is criminally tragic- plenty of women caught and died from stds given them by their philandering husbands, men who weren’t “disreputable” in any polite sense but did indulge in prostitutes and came back to their unsuspecting (or worse suspecting but helpless) wives and infected them. This even resulted in congenital infection, many babies died from their fuckwit father’s spreading this to their wives. All of this is an impolite history Rosey would be unaware of but Captain Presley would be keenly cognizant of.
3. Rosey is trying. 😂 Boy is she trying to save and to play detective but honestly? I think we already know where the money is going just as we know where the real Elvis’ money chiefly went -to Parker. While Elvis is left with his half share that must also pay for the boat, the coal, the wages, much of the bribes, multiple dependents off the boat and of course, his occasional bouts of outrageous generosity and indulgence in fine things.
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faithlesbian · 1 year
fresh off my s7 rewatch i keep sticking on the scene after they find that potential that's hung herself in the night. buffy has to cut her down and bury her body in the garden, which is awful, but then she comes back inside to a room full of grieving, traumatised children, shovel still in hand, and says "anyone want to say a few words about chloe? let me. chloe was an idiot. chloe was stupid. she was weak."
for the rest of that scene she lashes out at pretty much everyone in some way with the reasoning that she's been "carrying them" and that they need to start pulling their weight. that scene is a tough one to watch just from how needlessly cruel she is to the potentials, watching them flinch when she throws the shovel she used to bury their dead friend is especially affecting, and while she's not technically wrong that willow and spike have both been holding back and not giving their all due to fear of their own power, verbally abusing them about it is really only gonna make it harder.
im usually a buffy stan first and a person second so watching her be so genuinely mean is hard for me, but the more i think about it the more i realise its not actually that ooc -- we know a major theme of s7 is the isolation of being the slayer, buffy acknowledges multiple times that she pushes people away and doesnt know how not to, the resolution of the main plot is her finding a way to share her power with the world. buffy's self-isolation and lashing out at her support network is an established trauma response that we first see in s2 when she's still reeling from being killed by the master. buffy in s6 had only recently started overcoming her suicidality before nearly getting raped by spike, so it's fair to say she's equally as unmoored in s7 as she was in early s2 if not way more so. in s3 she attacks a domestic abuse victim when she's struggling to come to terms with how she herself was hurt by angel, so her calling a suicidal teen "stupid and weak" after being suicidal herself actually does track. this is how buffy acts when she's at her most traumatised.
the thing that gets me about this instance compared to the others, though, is how bad a job they do at showing that. i think its pretty easy to say calling a suicidal teen stupid and weak is bad, right? doing so in front of a bunch of other vulnerable teens who are in the same boat is worse, right? no matter how unusual the circumstances, that kind of verbal abuse isnt going to help anyone "toughen up", its just abuse. but buffy doesnt apologise for any of it, willow defends her saying it, and i genuinely cant tell if she's narratively framed as in the wrong or not. buffy barely gets a chance to acknowledge just how traumatised she is this season, the PTSD symptoms she has from the rape in s6 just sort of go away after a while which is exactly how PTSD doesnt work, scenes like this get glossed over and used to build up to her friends kicking her out of her own house, which is such a majorly discoursed scene i dont wanna touch it with a barge pole but we all know that was not the ideal way to deal with any of that, right? the way she acts, which so clearly draws on how she's previously behaved when textually struggling with trauma, is never fully questioned or explored, leading to an ambiguous framing where an argument could easily be made that its meant to be seen as justified "tough" behaviour in a high stakes plot that demands it.
for the main plot to be resolved by buffy breaking the cycle that led to her original trauma, but to also fumble the depiction of that trauma an its effects, is deeply frustrating. because yes! too much had been expected of her by everyone in that room for too long! but part of the reason is her own refusal to ask for or accept help, and that distance between her and those around her is only made worse by her lashing out at them. and she deserved to process that in an emotionally cathartic way at some point before the finale
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t4tozier · 1 month
answering this ask but cutting out some of it sorry anon <3
Anon here that had the Jace did porn in college idea (also just to be absolutely clear I meant to say “lost half elf twink gets railed by group of viscous half orcs”, not orcas, bloody autocorrect).
Kinda going off that but how about Jace being a pretty popular Cam model like on only fans or something in order to make a bit of extra cash during college and just not stopping once he starts teaching, he also definitely finds it fun and enjoys reading all the comments and feeling wanted.
[rumors start spreading about it when he starts at aguefort and one of the teachers is like it's just a rumor it'll die down] And Jace without even looking up from whatever he’s doing just casually replies that oh yeah it’s all true, they’re my videos (poor Henry hopclap whos worked at aguefort for less than a year and just wanted a drink in the teachers lounge almost choked to death when he hears that).
Porter suddenly makes it his life mission to find those videos. Also to go with Porter having a paladins upbringing and still having a bit of that mindset, he thinks that anyone who does sex work must be desperate and forced into it in some way.
He begins to fantasize about being Jaces knight in shining armour almost and ‘rescuing’ him from it, only for Jace to turn around and be like ‘lol why would I stop I enjoy it plus I get payed?’
Alternatively before Jace became a teacher, Porter during a particularly bad dry spell ends up coming across Jaces video and becomes somewhat of a fan.
And not long after the new sorcery teacher turns up, and holy shit, it’s him (I’m not even sure Porter new Jaces real name at that point and instead only by the online allies he used)
Porter with an almost celebrity like crush of Jace and the knowledge that he’s seen him naked fucking himself with a extra large Goliath sized dildo along with a number of other stuff, just sort of short circuits and completely ignores Jace.
Everyone takes this as Porter being rude and overly gruff, instantly deciding that the young fresh overly friendly sorcery teacher isn’t worth his time, including Jace who then makes it a goal to befriend Porter and takes every opportunity to try and chat and ask him about himself. Xx
okay love this. i love porn/sw aus where they don't stop after getting in a relationship because like. they like doing it and it's not something they need to be "saved" from. i can see jace continuing to make videos even after starting at aguefort and kind of coming down from his club era because like you said, it's some extra money on the side and he has a soft spot for some of his regular fans. i love freak porter hunting down jace's onlyfantasy After finding out that he has one. he's fucked coworkers before what's the harm in jacking off to their page? or subscribing,,,
but also porter being that one tumblr post that's like "i had a crush on a girl and didn't know how to handle it so i slipped a note in her locker that just said 'get out of my school'." that's porter in the second option. jace is also a little freak though and casts detect thoughts one day just out of curiosity and sees That video of him where he used his mage hand to open himself up for a DP. fully just porter's surface thoughts because he glanced at jace when he bent over. perv <3 and then jace starts being all coy and teasing because now he Knows why porter's being the way he is and it's fun to pretend like he has no clue while simultaneously giving this man blue balls.
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eve6262 · 1 year
now vs then
OT 2 SPOILERS // Throne and Father-centric, not ship (hopefully obviously).
Sometimes it’s hard to read Father.
Mother is obvious. She doesn’t bother hiding her emotions, because why should she? She’s the one with the whip, the one who makes the plans; her obvious glee makes her all the more frightening. Mother doesn’t care about that sort of thing.
But with Father, it’s harder.
The two of them are in one of the upper rooms of the den. Most Blacksnakes aren’t allowed up here, having rooms in other buildings across the New Delsta backstreets or something in the basement, but Father said she was special because of how young she joined them, so she lives in the den. The killing and crime she could do without, but a fluffy bed and pretty pictures are nice to come home to.
Father sits at the desk, though he’s turned around the chair so he can watch her practice her knife work. Every now and again he gives a pointer- “A little more momentum, less force-” and she complies. There’s a smile on his face.
His eyes are...harder to read.
There’s something that she thinks is supposed to be pride, in there. It’s probably to do with his own knife skills- second to none and killer of the most well-guarded targets, he’s certainly got reason to be proud of that. She’s gotten well enough into her own skills to understand how hard it is to fully master so many different blades and wield them as well as he does.
But something else is completely foreign to her. It’s not like the way his eyes glitter when he describes the fresh scent of blood, or the thrill of the kill. It’s not like the way his eyes haze over a little when he’s had one too many glasses of whiskey, and his voice gets a little raspier. It doesn’t even look like the time she mentioned that she liked talking to Pirro because he was nice to her, and he knelt down on her level and said, “If he ever tries something on you, you come tell me, okay?”
She, of course, said, “Why would I need to do that?”
And he laughed. And then looked her dead in the eyes and made her promise. Maybe it’s a personal thing.
It’s always a personal thing with the Blacksnakes.
Not for Throné, though. She likes Pirro, is friends with Scaracci and Donnie, but she doesn’t go out of her way to hate other people. Nobody’s ever done something so mean to her she wanted to hurt them. It’s never been personal. Maybe that comes with being barely twelve years old, maybe that comes with hating the smell of blood. She isn’t sure.
Not a lot of things are concrete aside from her collar. The way Mother’s temper flares at the slightest disgrace; what was courtesy yesterday is disrespect today. The whip marks may never truly heal from her skin, especially from that one incident with the blood.
She hated that.
But Father’s eyes had been something special.
That’s what it is now, she realizes. The second thing in his eyes. Whatever it was, it’s the same thing as when he bandaged her back after Mother whipped it bloody. She was only ten at the time, and her own eyes held tears she was trying furiously to hold back, but they simply wouldn’t have it. It’s been more than a year since then, and now she knows better. The tears will be stayed, or else Mother’s wrath gets worse.
It also gets worse when she doesn’t see tears, to be fair. There’s no winning in this house unless you’re Mother or Father. Or maybe one of the dealers at the poker tables.
Father makes a noise in her throat and she stops on instinct. Looks up to him- even sitting down he’s so tall- and walks over to her in that strange gait she’s heard Pirro call a ‘stalk’. “Good job, Throné.”
He pats her head. She closes her eyes and pouts, because now her hair is all messed up, and he laughs. But she does miss the warmth of his hand when he pulls it away. Still, she fixes the part around her eye, now out of place and hard to see through properly.
“Come on, then. I have some work to do. Do you wanna come with me?”
“...Okay,” she says, because accompanying Father on his work is better than staying in the den with just Mother. Even if there’s the smell of blood.
“I hoped you’d say that,” he says with a familiar glint in his eye, and beckons her along.
It took a while for her to figure out what that look in his eye meant.
She didn’t think about it even after he died. Even after the word “dad” spilt from her lips like the blood from his stomach, the life leaving him even as he held her hand and wanted nothing anymore but the love from a daughter he’d thought he’d lost. He had it, in the end. Claude didn’t get what he wanted, and neither did her true mother, and neither did Mother-
But maybe at least Father is happy in whatever hell he’s in. Happy that he got his daughter.
It took a long, long while. But she finally saw it again.
In Osvald’s eyes.
Elena has apparently discovered some huge conspiracy within whatever organization controls the labeling of soulstones. Naturally, Osvald agreed to accompany her, and Throné was bored, so she decided to tag along. In secret, because Elena is a nice girl and Osvald’s daughter shouldn’t be caught mingling with thieves.
He’s probably noticed her by now, though.
She’s ranting about something or other. It sounds remarkably less like the man himself and more like Partitio rambling about whatever new invention he’s discovered, excited almost more than Ochette catching a whiff of good meat. The look in her eyes is soft but determined, a combination she’s never seen before but wants to associate with pure-hearted children.
Osvald is of course proud of his daughter. It’s in his eyes- pride, and what she can now safely define as affection.
It’s almost unfathomable to think it was in Father’s eyes.
Because wasn’t that what it was all about? Mother cared for nothing, Claude dispassionate, Pirro setting aside whatever reservations he had in search of luxury. But Father was nothing like any of them. He told her where to go, gave her a warning but knew she’d follow because he never cared about this game. None of it- not the garden, not the tests, nothing.
He wanted a daughter. And Claude took that away from him. So he hid, and bid his time, and knew that the only thing that could get him his daughter was his skills with a blade, and so he used them. And then, when he had her, he realized:
What did he have to give her?
The answer wasn’t much. A life of crime. Of death. That she didn’t enjoy, he must’ve realized. That fateful day, when he asked if she liked the smell of blood, and she asked for the raspberry jam she loved back home. He’d given her some, but looked contemplative as he stared out a window. Perhaps he forgot, in all his quest for the things he wanted, that not everyone was as bloodthirsty as he was.
And yet he tried anyway. He did, in the end, give her the one thing she wanted- her freedom. With Father alive, there could be no freedom, even if he had simply handed over the key. He knew the truth- the spiraling, awful, toxic truth. He knew the Lostseed tale and the man who presided over a fallen kingdom.
It was a gift to him, too. A chance to finally leave the hell of a cesspit that was life for him- a wife taken, his daughter raised into this awful cycle, having to deal with Mother as a cohort.
“Father. Wherever you are...”
She starts down the path, realizing that Elena and Osvald are gone. She’ll catch up. She always does.
“I hope you’re happy.”
this is pretty short and really only has me as the target demographic so I thought I'd post it on tumblr instead of ao3 if you want me to post it on ao3, leave a comment and I'll post it though, I get not wanting to read your fanfiction on tumblr lmao
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tyote · 4 months
net ramble
every once in a while i download a fresh browser and don't install any addons just to see what the raw internet is like, and whoo boy, it's rough out there.
this time i installed fresh google chrome since i haven't used it in forever. i played their little game and setup their built-in privacy settings, and even flipped on their ad personalization and preference switches. i raw-dogged it like that for a few hours, then installed a manifest v3-compliant ad-blocker to see how those are progressing.
impressions after a few hours:
— chrome's ad privacy options and all that jazz actually do seem to cater a lot of ads to stuff i'd actually want to see. doesn't help the websites that completely fill your screen up with ads and overlays, though.
— on that note, holy shit. banners on top of banners with videos in the corner and newsletter signup requests sliding down from the top of the screen... are there really still people who browse the web like this? when i see a site that has basic little ads in non-intrusive spaces, i almost feel bad because they're trying to do it right, and getting their ad revenue cut by the ad-blockers people always have on to cut out all the insane stuff other sites do.
— youtube is... strange. i get ads on the front page, but haven't gotten a single in-video ad yet. i don't know if there's some sort of grace period on a new install, or if they serve you less ads if you're using chrome. even after installing an ad-blocker, i left it disabled on youtube just to see how long it would be until i got an in-video ad, and still haven't gotten one after hours of auto-play in the background. for comparison, i booted up edge and got an in-video ad about three videos in. strange.
— the manifest v3 version of ublock origin (ubo lite) seems to work pretty well, even on basic settings. using it in edge, it seems to work for youtube as well, though you have to crank the slider all the way to the right and give it the extra permissions. the only thing missing is the element zapper - not sure if that will ever be doable in mv3. there seem to be less filter lists to choose from than in normal ubo, but i haven't noticed anything slipping by lite's filters. i did maybe notice some differences in cosmetic filtering (like when it removes the blank space where an ad would be) but i don't know if that's another mv3 limitation, or was just because i was mostly using the "basic" filtering setting for most sites.
trailing off...
i've been using firefox for a while now and i almost hate how snappy chrome seems in comparison. i had to fiddle with about:config in firefox forever just to get scrolling to feel good, and even more to "soup it up" to the point where it was fully taking advantage of my rig. in chrome i can flip a few flags in chrome://flags and achieve similar results in less than 5 minutes.
the difference in loading times on youtube have been noticeable - i'm not sure if the conspiracy that google is slowing things down for other browsers is true, or if it's a firefox issue, or a little bit of both. i did notice a slight stutter when loading videos in edge, but it's also getting bloated as hell at this point, and still wasn't as noticeable as firefox.
digressing way off the original point of the post... it just makes me clench my fist that the only major alternative browser outside of the chromium-based monopoly still seems behind. i respect the firefox devs but man, i wish there was more real competition besides them, if for no other reason than to foster innovation through competition.
i'll likely keep using firefox on principle for the time being, but i'll be keeping an eye on how things go as the manifest v3 transition keeps going along. it's already tempting to just pick up a de-googled chromium build from woolyss, but i've already put so much time into tweaking firefox that i might as well stick with it for a bit longer.
if the best ad-blocking and privacy extensions are able to keep their efficacy as mv3 settles in... i dunno. right now, it feels like a lot of people have over-estimated the doom and gloom surrounding mv3, but we'll really just have to wait until the dust settles and see how much security and privacy is really lost once the ol' reliable extensions make the migration (or refuse to, or are unable to)
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eviltiddyproductions · 9 months
finished search www and I have thoughts but I’m also sleepy.
i wish to say spoiler but if you’ve seen the first 3 episodes of this show, honestly even 2 you’re not going to see much change and can see everything from a mile away.
the three women in the show are on the poster and carry the show very well on their shoulders. there is so much energy, history and chemistry that you’ll feel all of their fights, arguments and moments of reconciliation. just a treat to watch on screen
the romance in this show is pretty flat. Cha Hyun and Mrs Song get extremely late and slow developments in their romance and to be honest I found myself rooting for them and their scenes with their respective partners more than the main leads, Bae Tami and Park Morgan.
if you’re watching it for these two, all the best 😭 because nothing changes for them! as seen in the first two episodes, he puts in more effort and decides to be the one to wait/chase after her because he clearly likes her, she likes him too but has work commitments and is unsure of the age gap so pushes him away.
that happens in a loop for the rest of the show (give or take)
even when they find stable ground this finds a way to come back and it’s tiring 😭
I feel like I’ll end up writing an essay here because I was truly disappointed by them. There was a certain point when they’re finally giving it a shot after what seems like eons of going back and forth on it that I thought, oh we could go somewhere. We could build a relationship or trust or some sort of plan here but nope 💀
they both have different outlooks on how their future looks, she doesn’t want a family, he does. both have solid, valid reasons.
you’re smart enough as an audience to know that they’ll either stick through it or break up; as she mentions it as well. you either cave in or break up.
then why must these things bubble up so quickly
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we’re all aware, they’re aware and yet we never see them fully give it their all.
Park Morgan rightfully calls her out on this multiple times and it’s visible too, that he’s the one holding onto that relationship; she’s always ready to let go.
That’s most of the show. He does fight for this relationship but you forget he’s young because they both seem to make this feel so stressful. 😭
fellas are y’all supposed to be stressed in the honeymoon phase?
whether he was randomly being pushy or it was genuine confusion, him asking her why she’s ready to live with him but not marry him and her being immediately ready to let go of this relationship is what they are 😭
it feels like my sister is always looking for excuses to leave him and he seems to want more while being a little caged up himself with his emotions. like just be vulnerable and fun!
writing this makes me realise we had like 2 episodes of fun. i wish their argument was more than the age gap and marriage thing. it can always come back to it but it started feeling like a chore and an excuse very quickly
you could actually get drunk if you started taking shots everytime this was mentioned in the show.
anyway they frustrated me enough to write this incoherent ramble and I’m still not done! because if this show wanted me to root for them so bad they should’ve given us something to hold on to. all I have is disappointment and sighs.
let’s not start on the last episode because technically nothing is officially resolved even then. that’s life! but I was truly tired of it 🙏
I deadass thought I’d hear them randomly argue about it again 💀
this show is fun and fresh and yet also made me want to turn it off. i didn’t feel the chemistry between the leads like the show wanted me to. like at one point I truly was left wondering why these two were bothering with each other anyway because sometimes as a viewer you’re just not able to pick up on the spark and this everything else was just more tiresome to endure💀
TLDR (honestly you don’t even need to read this, this is straight up rambling)
watch it for the women <3
they’re fun and fresh and have whole identities outside of their relationships. they truly care about one another (well Mrs Song and Tami have a tumultuous relationship but it’s fun to see people log heads) I ended up enjoying it.
Scarlett (Cha Hyun) is rightfully a star! could watch an entire spin off on her.
(Lee Jaewook in a telenovela styled show, need it now !!! he’s very sweet in this show and shout-out to the ex husband/husband of Mrs Song, I was confused for a good chunk of the show about his intentions but he’s just sort of in love with his wife who is divorcing him)
much to think about
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vquacki · 3 years
It's My Fatherly Duties!
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It's My Fatherly Duties!
Short DAD Scenarios 
Characters: BONTEN - Rindou Haitani, Ran Haitani, Sanzu Haruchiyo
~ Inui Seishu, Kokonoi Hajime, Izana Kurokawa, 
~ Souya Kawata (Angry), Nahoya Kawata (Smiley)
Warning ⚠︎︎ : Mature content, cussing, MINORS DNI
Note : requested, I added some characters. Hope ya don’t mind! These are pretty short, just little things I put together. Word barf kinda..? Anyways- I hope you enjoy :))
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R I N D O U 
His lashes fluttered open when he heard a loud crash coming from the hallway, along with a string of cuss words sounding like his daughter's voice. 
“What the hell was that?” You groaned, not a single word was uttered from your husband when he sprung out of bed, bolting to the bedroom down the corridor.
“Tohru?!” Rindou yelled, flinging open the door. Revealing your teenage daughter fully dressed, half way through her second story window. A facade of pillows under her blanket seeminging meant to be her ‘sleeping body’.
“Oh dad, I-”
“What the hell are you doing” The man was fuming by the ears, pajamas ruffled when he jolted out of his slumber. 
“Is Tohru okay?” You peeked from behind the broad shouldered man. 
“I was just going to get fresh air!” Your daughter lied, making up a somewhat excuse to appease her angered father. 
“Hey Tohru! Hurry up and get down here!” You heard a boy's voice call out, looking over at Rindou’s face to see the man's darkened expression.
“Who the fuck is down there? Is that a boy?!” He growled, stomping his feet over to the glass. Pushing past his daughter to take a look. 
“Oh shit- her dads here. Let’s book it!” The kids whispered, but loud enough for Rindou to make out, hastily running down the dark street. 
“You little shits! Don't you dare come back here!” Rindou growled, slamming the window shut in the process. 
“What! Dad!” Tohru whined, 
“You're so grounded young lady!” Rindou shouted, not caring for the sleeping neighbors beside his shared condo at three in the morning. 
“Rin, she was just having some fun!” You defended, you were also like her when you were her age, trouble makers run in your blood. Actually Rindou couldn't even talk- he was running roppongi at her age.  
“No! She's just too young to be hanging out with boys!” Rindou’s brows joined together as he withered in front of you. 
“But we dated when we were her age-” You deadpanned at him, 
“Grounded! My final answer!” 
R A N  
Ran was coming home from a late night bonten meeting, mouth agape when he saw his daughter’s feet dangling out from her window. 
Fearing the worst he sprinted to the ground below his child, hands outstretched to catch her if she were to misstep. 
“Mitsuri!” His voice boomed,
“Eh? Dad?!” His daughter stuttered, slowly slid out the window, climbing down like she had done this many times prior to this awkward occurrence. 
Toes easily touching the grass with ease, not a scratch upon the females porcelain skin. 
“Ran?” You yawned, cracking the door ajar. It was late, you waking up to your husband's screams outside your house. 
“Mitsuri, what are you doing climbing out your window like a maniac?!” Ran scowled, hands running through his messed up hair. Sweat dripping down his temple from the not so pleasant adrenaline rush. 
“I was just gonna hang out with some friends..” your daughter answered, fingers gripping the edge of her shirt, scarily waiting for her dad’s reaction. 
“At this time of night? .. out your window?”
“Phone privileges. Give me it.” Ran demanded, palm stretched out. 
“But-” no question she was a tad bit spoiled by her father. You being the bad cop, while your husband played the good cop for his beloved daughter. 
“If you want to go anywhere all you got to do is ask!” Ran plucked the phone from his daughter's hand, a wave of relief washing over him. Secretly thanking whatever being watching over him that it wasn't some sort of gang related subject. 
“This is what you get for spoiling her!” You laughed from the sidelines, hand clutching your stomach.
“This is your fault too ya know!” Ran argued. 
“I’m the one who tries to discipline her! But someone always lets it go!” You emphasized the special somebody. 
“Whatever” Ran sighed, This was a lesson for the usual carefree man, a special lesson he wouldn't forget in the many years to come with his unborn future children. 
S A N Z U 
It was Sanzu’s best day of his life when his daughters were born, the two only being about one year apart. They were spoiled to the core, anything they wanted their money liberl father blessed them with. He thought they were the sweetest things ever, them both being a daddy's girl after all. 
He never would have expected to see both of his daughters outside his humble abode, standing beside two boys, most likely a double date. 
He stared in shock, hands pressed firmly against the glass, teeth gritting. 
“Huh? I tucked them into bed an hour ago” You rubbed your eyes, riding yourself of the sleepiness threatening to drown you. The pink haired only tutted his teeth, swifty twisting the door knob to confront the four children outside. 
“Oh you better run” your oldest daughter whispered, gesturing for the boys to make haste from her deadly father. 
“You better not come back here, unless you want trouble you fuckers!” Sanzu yelled, red in the eyes from anger. Not bothering to chase after the two scoundrels. 
“Dad, mom! What are you guys doing awake?” Your youngest asked, sheer panic in her eyes, watching her insane fathers unpleasant smile. 
“I swear you two will be the death of me” Sanzu uttered, shoving his hands into his pockets. A irked gleen in his orbs as he stared them down. 
“They were just friends dad, stop overreacting” the older daughter said, 
“I- You little shi-” He bit his lip to suppress his anger fueled words, knowing well it would definitely hurt his precious children's feelings. Having regretted it later if he were to say those sinful words. 
“Now now Sanzu, let's head to bed” You wrapped your arms around your lover, dragging him inside the house. 
“You can sort out their punishment tomorrow, after a good night's sleep” , coating him with reassuring words. That day he learned how misjudged he was of his children, even so he still loved them with all his heart.
I Z A N A 
Izana had his feet kicked up, relaxing in his office while he watched the moon. He had a clear view, the street lamps positioned next to the sidewalk, the side of his beautiful house facing his office window. He was enjoying his free time, mind taking over his body while he thought about his life choices. He was in ease until he saw his son's window light up, a long string of rope being tossed out the opening. 
Sitting up from his chair, he rushed over to his clear casement. Throwing his window open, a boy and girl standing beneath his son's window. The two holding the rope still as your child tried to slid down. 
“My my Yuki, where are you off to?” Izana laughed, nerves finally relaxing when he figured out what was going on. Calmly settling into the frame, head leaning on his chin. It wasn't like he had the right to be upset, he did much worse when he was his son's age. Robbing, fighting, killing. You name it, Izana’s done it. 
Sneaking out was nothing compared to what he did, but he wasn't gonna just let his son go. He was more wise now, he knew for a fact he didn't want his son to end up anything like him. Sure, he wanted the boy to have fun, but in a normal kid way. 
“Dad! Um- I”
“You better get your arse back up that window before I drag you around with that rope” Izana smiled, Totally different from the sentence he was portraying. Not forgetting his manners, giving a nonchalant wave to the other two kids. 
“Zana? Who are you talking to?” You asked, placing a cup of tea you had prepared for Izana on his desk. 
“Oh no one doll” Izana answered, closing the window before walking over to you. 
“Let's go to bed, yeah?” He proposed, trailing his hands around your shoulders, guiding you to the door.
“But the tea I made”
“Im tired~” 
Overall the male wouldn't want to talk further about the situation, nor would he discuss it with you. Trivial matters held no place between you both, as long as the child did not dare do it again. 
I N U I 
Inui wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead, the AC wasnt working at the motor shop. Him, draken and yourself were sweating bullets, the hot material around you not helping. You had decided to help the pair around the shop, cleaning what you could. Or helping with cashing every customer out, it would've been an easy task if it wasn't blazing hot. 
Leaving your daughter home alone, obviously thinking she’d stay and do her teenage things. You couldn't be more mistaken, astounded as you watched her fiddle around with a boy across the street at the ice cream parlor. 
“Y/N please don't tell me that Kagura..” Inui’s jaw dropped, the wrench that was once in his clasp dropping to the ground. Startling the concentrating Draken that was crouched over a motorbike. 
“What's wrong Inui? Y/N” Draken twisted his body around, raising a brow when you two just started muttering to each other like two creeps. 
“Is that... a boy” Inui held his chin between his fingers, squinting to get a better view of his kid. 
“You trying to catch flies with your mouth Inui? Close your yap” You whispered, 
“Y/N! She's too young, I feel like I just held her in my arms not too long ago. She can't get married just yet!” Inui argued, he would've been on the verge of tears if he didn't have a reputation to uphold. 
“What? The fuck are you on Inui? She's probably just with a friend!” You patted his back, reassuring the man. 
“Boys and girls can be friends ya’know” you added.
Cueing the two children across the road from you, feeding scoops of ice cream to each other.
“I don't think friends do that..” Inui looked over at you, eyes widening when you swung the motor shop’s door open. Hands coming around your mouth to amplify your words,
“Kagura, is that your boyfriend?” 
“WHAT?” Inui almost fainted, the ledge behind him holding his wobbly frame up right. 
“I didn't know you guys would be here!” Your daughter jogged across the street, leaving the boy sitting by himself. 
“And no! Just a friend” She answered your embarrassing, blushing as she stared down at the ground.,
“I sense some lies” you wiggled playfully at the flustered girl. 
“What! Anyways, Sorry I left the house without telling you” Kagura apologized, 
“Just don't do it again, without my permission..” Inui stated, 
“Especially not with a boy.”
Bribing people is his forte, and if they did not obliged? Threatening always did the trick. 
And that's exactly what he did when he saw his descendant out with a male. All was dandy until the boy came running back, babbling about how his girl was the so called ‘love of his life’.
“Hey brat, you got a death wish?” Kokonoi asked, leaning against the door frame. 
“Koko go easy on him, he’s just a kid” You nudged the man, a mischievous grin plastered on the males face. 
“And I kinda think it's cute” You said, a small smile erupting from your daughter that was not so far behind her parents. 
“I approve, kid! I like your romantic drive!” You clapped, 
“Y/N!” Kokonoi pouted, 
“You better not try to bribe him with money again” You threatened, waving a finger at the whiny man. 
“Yeah! I like him too, dad!” Your daughter agreed. 
“You're like twelve, go play chess or something” Kokonoi barked, crossing his arms in disapproval. 
“Dad, I'm sixteen!” 
“That's what I said” 
S O U Y A 
He almost had a panic attack at the sight, having to shield the man from the scene playing out. Your twin daughter saying their goodbyes to their dates, followed by a kiss. You removed your hand when the boys were no longer in view, riding off in their motorcycles. 
“Shira, Nihra” You held Souya up by the shoulder, the light headed male limping towards the worried kids.
“What's wrong with dad?” Nihra questioned, eyeing her ghostly pale father. 
“He's out of it” You giggled, 
“I'm not crazy am i?” He stood tall, letting go of the arm you had draped around him. 
“There was boys-” His voice cracked. 
“You saw that dad?” Shira sweat dropped, watching as her fathers should leave his body. 
“Next time ask before you go out” You smiled, you weren't too strict on the two. They were Souya’s children, earning most of their adorable traits from him. Even his fighting skills. 
“This better not happen again, i'm trusting you” Souya grumbled.
“Sorry pops” The two girls remorsefully sollied the man, both hooking onto one of Souya’s arms as they helped his shell into the house. 
N A H O Y A 
Nahoya was beyond pissed, infamous smile widening. Taking fast steps towards your daughter and her significant other. 
“Look boy, I don't know who you are. But my daughters not up for grabs” Nahoya grinned, cracking his fingers. 
“O-okay sir” the boy was jittering, body trembling from the males intense arua. 
“If I catch ya here again” he used his finger to slash his neck, motioning to the death that would happily greet the boy if they were to ever meet again.
“Yer dead meat kiddo”  Nahoya laughed, watching as the boy ran for his life. 
“Dad, that was really extra!” Your daughter sneered, a pout on her lips. 
“Shut up!, you're grounded rat!” Nahoya shouted. 
“Yeah Nahoya, there was no need to threaten the poor kid. He looked like he was gonna piss himself.” 
“Exactly the effect i wanted”
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End Note : as I said this was a word barf T-T, so it’s quite short.
Reblogs & Notes are always appreciated! Take care! ♡︎♡︎
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just-a-creep-babe · 2 years
~Proxy Headcanons~
Now that I started writing for X-Virus, I wanted to elaborate on the proxy dynamics~ I’ve been having sO much fun expanding my version of the crp world, I hope y’all enjoy ^^
Requests are closed but commissions are open!
Masterlist: x
Alright, so Masky, Hoodie & Toby make up the main team of proxies
They’ve worked together the longest, have one of the best dynamics, and are the fastest, most effective & most reliable
Masky & Hoodie specifically are like Slender’s prized possessions
Getting them to submit was a long process—but the wait was definitely worth it
Their thorough corruption means that they’re permanently linked to The Operator, so they’re basically always on duty
All they know is work & their sense of undying loyalty to their boss
Slenderman does, of course, have countless other proxies scattered around the world
But their physical distance from him makes them slightly harder to control—and even those fully submitted to him are generally not as proactive as the main three
In the main trio’s team, each proxy has a specific set of skills necessary to get the jobs done
Masky tends to be the leader of the group
He’s good at giving orders, organizing the team, correcting misbehaviors—that kinda stuff
Once they’ve infiltrated a target’s dwelling, he’s also good at charging in & taking the victims down
Boy’s like,, very strong so he can easily knock people out & carry them wherever needed
On the other hand, his stamina is... not the best
He gets tired in combat pretty easily & sucks at chasing victims
The cigs don’t help tbh
Hoodie, on the other hand, is more-so the brains of the operations
He’s excellent at stalking, gathering intel, sneaking into various places, messing with victims’ minds, and coming up with plans to outsmart opponents
Masky’s the leader, but Hoodie’s the mastermind that pulls the strings from the shadows 
He’s just quieter, less strict & has more of a laid-back attitude, which doesn’t meld well with leadership
Finally, there’s Toby
He’s considered the “executioner” of the team
He’s probably the best fighter—mostly by virtue of not feeling pain & having lots of energy
Though this does mean he often gets taken out of action because he’s reckless & gets injured very often
Because he has excellent stamina, he’s also the best at chasing targets 
Toby’s also considered ~the wild card~
He’ll often disobey orders or “forget” the plan entirely
Which makes him harder to control, and which is why he butts heads with Masky so damn often
If he wasn’t so scatter-minded/prone to disobedience, he might ultimately become Slender’s favorite
Which stirs up even more conflict between him and Masky
Luckily, Hoodie’s a good mediator between the two
Overall, the trio’s relationship is... complicated
Toby looks up to Masky—and he lowkey sees his teammates as parental figures
Deep down, Masky also cares for Toby, so they have this weird family kind of dynamic alongside all the bickering, death-threats & near-constant fights
Ah well, I digress
The last proxy I wanted to mention is the most recent one I’ve started writing for; X-Virus
As I’ve stated before, because of the already established dynamic of the first team, he didn’t join the main trio
Instead, he works as a lone wolf, making him a sort of Jack-of-all-trades
He’s super resourceful, which might be his biggest strength
He’s still relatively fresh—but he’s young, hungry & eager to impress his new master
Slender sees a lot of potential in him, which is partly why the main trio’s so weary of him; they feel threatened by the new arrival because they most certainly don’t wanna lose their place to some fresh meat
But, honestly, Cody’s also concerned with a few of his own... personal projects, so he isn’t as dedicated to the job as he could be
If he was determined to do so, he might’ve won over Slender’s favor by now
Still, his time is yet to come; Slender hasn’t finished testing his limits—and he’s excited to see if he’ll eventually break
Other proxies, such as Kate the Chaser and Ani the Wight, for example, work for Slender but aren’t as close to him—both location and favoritism-wise
They usually operate from a distance and, like I mentioned, are more prone to failing missions, getting injured, disobeying, attempting to escape, and so on
They‘re generally less effective than the main team, but still, they have their uses
The amount of proxies Slender has is ultimately unknown—and their abilities/influence under The Operator vary, which is what makes Slender such an influential force in the over world
Surrounded by an army of pawns, the eldritch being is borderline untouchable
Few demons would dare threaten him—and his proxy make damn well sure of it
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demonsandco · 3 years
Howdy! Your demon 3rd form Luci is AMAZING and Hot! How tall is he? Can his tail do the peacock fan thing? What happens to the undercarriage? Does he have a mating dance?
How do you feel about mate markings, and hoe demons are territorial with their boo
Lastly, where do you think the bros place their pact marks on mc and thensves?
Sorry. I hope this makes sense. I'm really high and I saw your Oct 1 post and I can't not ask bc now i. Abt stop thinking about jt.
Goodnight,! I lovr your blog
Hehehe I’m happy to hear you like Luci’s design and I hope you have a good/night, too!!
Luci’s a very pretty boy and I love talking about his demon form. He can be anywhere from 6’6’’ to 7’10’’ depending on his form or how he’s feeling that day. His tail can do the classic peacock fan, but he never does it on purpose. It usually rattles and fans out without his consent whenever he feels a strong emotion, and he absolutely hates it. It’s practically the only part of himself that he can’t control fully, and it makes his emotions surprisingly easy to read. He doesn’t actually have a mating dance of any sort, but he is fond of inviting his partner to actually dance together! Slow dancing with them quickly becomes one of his favorite pastimes.
I think mating marks and some demonic possessiveness is,, uh,, very hot hhh, but I plan to make a full headcanon post about it, so I won’t add anything more here!
Now, on to pact marks! (Spoilers I suppose for up to lesson 20 and specifically lesson 16)
On themselves, they’d let MC pick the location, the fact that their partner chose it makes any location special. If they don’t have a preference, though, the mark would end up being in the same place that their mark is on MCs body.
Lucifer prefers placing his mark somewhere bold and exposed, staking his claim on his partner and making sure any demons that pass by will be able to see it, and know to keep their distance. Being the last to make a pact with them, he has to work around his brother’s marks, but his first choice would be across their chest, the top resting at the hollow of their throat, and reaching down to the middle of their chest. Any place that is rarely covered up is acceptable in his eyes, too, if their chest is already taken, like on their neck, on the back of their hand, or even somewhere tastefully on their face, as long as he can be sure it’ll be visible.
Mammon is the first one to make a pact with them, giving him practically unlimited options in terms of placement, but he knows from the start where he wants to place it: right on their neck. As much as he complained about the pact, at first, he wants everyone who looks at them to see that they're his human. He could be convinced to shift it to their hands, but he’s very stubborn about it. He wants his mark to be a loud and clear statement of their bond, as well as an added bit of protection. Not many demons would mess with someone so clearly marked by a demon lord, after all.
As much as Leviathan wants everyone to see his mark and know that they’re his human, too, he feels much more comfortable placing his mark somewhere slightly more hidden. He doesn’t feel the need to flaunt his power quite as much as some of his brothers, and the mark itself is enough for him, not needing it to be obnoxiously noticeable. His first choice is somewhere like the inside of their wrist, or perhaps somewhere on their lower leg, like their calf or ankle. That way, while it won’t be visible in their school uniform, he’ll still see his mark now and again in quieter moments, while spending time and relaxing together.
At first, Satan considers placing his mark somewhere where it would be visible, difficult to hide, purely out of wanting to get a rise out of his siblings, but he changes his mind when the time comes to actually pick a spot. He feels that it would do their bond more justice to mark them somewhere more private, making it feel more personal to him. He picks a spot along their hip or upper thigh, a place that’s rarely exposed, but he knows it’s there, and that’s what matters. Plus, he often finds himself placing his hand there when sitting together, an almost unconscious gesture, but he enjoys feeling the energy of his mark on their skin when does it.
Asmodeus humors the idea of placing his pact mark somewhere rather naughty, and ends up picking a suggestive spot at first, right above their pelvis or on their inner thigh. It’s not something he put a lot of thought into, considering he agreed to the pact out of curiosity, wanting to see just how powerful they could become as a sorcerer. It’s only afterwards that he starts to understand how he feels about them, and requests to shift his mark. He wants to place it in the hollow at the bottom of their ribs, a delicate spot close to their heart. They’ve already left a figurative mark on his heart, so he wants to leave one on theirs as well.
Beelzebub doesn’t put a whole lot of thought into his pact mark placement. He values the pact itself greatly, the bond he shares with them being important to him, but he doesn’t need a mark to show that. The mark ends up manifesting somewhere based on what part of his own body he happened to be thinking about at the time, most likely on their stomach, upper back, or bicep, due to him feeling hungry and sore from working out more often than not. Either way, he doesn’t mind the location, and he isn’t bothered that it’s not easily visible. If he really felt the need to leave a noticeable mark on them, he’s perfectly capable of leaving a hard to miss, yet temporary, mark with his teeth.
Belphegor spends a lot of time thinking about where to place his pact mark. A pact wasn’t something he thought he’d ever want, so he’d never considered it before, until now. It’s an important decision for him, though, with it not only being his first pact, but also the first step into a fresh start together. His pact is an apology of sorts, and a promise to never hurt them again, so he chooses to place his mark on the back of their neck, or somewhere along their spine, placing a physical promise of safety in the same area that he had once used to kill them. He hopes they can make that connection themselves and understand what it means to him, because he’d never be able to get all that out verbally.
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