#so yeah thats been going on in the background for a little while now
crescentmoonrider · 6 months
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controld3vil · 6 months
popcorn bucket
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pairing(s): dune 2 cast x actor!reader (ALL platonic) synopsis: dune dune DUNE. thats it. notes: this completely out of genre for me but i genuinely really like these actor!reader fics !! they're soooo good. and the reader is intended to be gender neutral :D OH and no beta read..
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"Maude, a.k.a Maude'Dib for Nerdist!" There was a laugh coming from Rebecca Ferguson as you situated yourself next to her. "Hi! How are you guys?" The blonde woman who supposedly to be your interviewer, Maude Garrett, warmly welcomes the two of you with friendly gestures. "This is my first one of these,"
"This is my second actually," you recuperate back a loveable grin, scouting your back towards the chair. "For you... I'd imagine," then cast a glance to your seatmate, for her response.
"I've been doing them but this is my first." As Rebecca situates herself, holding her phone in one hand, and you, patting any creases found on your trousers. "I'm- I'm down to it - I'm googling..."
A short pause but no matter, as you leaned towards Rebecca's screen and read it out loud. "Dune's Popcorn Bucket,"
"Yeah I don't understand, what's happening?" she shifts the screen for you to have a better look before looking up at the interviewer in pure confusion and bizarreness. You knock your head sideways, trying to discern the confusing photo. A small pout forms on your lips as your brain toggles what exactly you're looking at.
"Oh, you don't know about the AMC popcorn bucket?!" The kind woman exasperates, eyes widening in pure surprise.
Not a second later, your eyes look up at the revelation. "Oh, I see it now!"
Rebecca lifts up her phone and presents what the two of you are looking at. "I'm seeing something but I'm not sure what's going on? What it is?" She still didn't understand what it was and you swirled your hips towards her in a swooshing motion.
"You're supposed to put your hand in there and eat the popcorn," Pivoting your head a little, a grimaced look is plastered on your face. "It's the worm!" The camera zooms into your disturbed expression and then cuts to the Garrett looking straight at them, giving a moment for the audience to register what had happened.
Your costar turns to you and her expression quickly switches to a mischievous one. "Oh." Your strained childish smile almost falters as you try to hold your laugh in.
A few significant chuckles from the blonde interviewee while Rebecca looks back and forth from the film crew to you, her, and the camera. "I don't think they had an intern that had a, you know, "different mindset"."
"How uhm,"
"Sensual!" A short muffled laugh escapes your laugh coming off as a snort as you instinctively cover your mouth out of embarrassment. Rebecca's word of choice definitely caught you off guard which caused some ruckus behind the camera as well.
"How sensual! That's the perfect word for it," The camera pans towards your red puffed cheeks, looking forward nodding alongside the interviewee who is taking the conversation so charismatically well.
"Yes! Yes!"
"You could say you have to ride the sandworm to earn your spots," Garrett teasingly says while Rebecca and you nod in agreement.
"Well look at that. That's what happened back in the days of MGM, but thankfully we've moved on," she replies tiddling with the toothpick in her mouth as you held your breath for a second. A delayed puff comes from Garrett, looking at the actress beside you in shock.
To say the three of you had a blast through the next hour of the interview.
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In another interview, you were paired up with Josh Brolin who had played Gurney Halleck. In respect of your character, his pupil, you couldn't help but feel excited because in very few instances had they given you the chance to be in an interview with him.
Lainey Lui who was eager to talk the both of you, sat across from you both in front of a majestic poster of the project. The title, Dune Part Two was shown in its iconic font. The background was a still of one of the sets used in the film which displayed muted colors and curves.
The woman briefly introduced herself and you did the same. Spotting Brolin, you give a small wave before taking the seat beside him where he earnestly wraps his arm around your back. In full comfort and level of readiness, you felt the tiny jitters fly away.
"It's nice to see you two! So what about introducing Gurney and being able to reunite with someone that means so much to him?"
With a variety of cast members, the film was expansive to bring its sets to life. You felt it on day one of filming the first Dune movie. Yet you become more determined to do more when the production of the second film comes. It was phenomenal teamwork, from the film and cast crew. People in wardrobe and makeup were dedicated to making the costumes feel authentic and lived in. The works of Denise Villeneuve is something you've been fascinated with for a while, dating back to his early works.
It all comes back circle to Josh Brolin, remembrance in all of the heartfelt scenes he had done with Timothee of Gurney's and Paul's reunion. He reminds the interviewee that Paul's relationship with him is strong and familial. And that initially the scene was improvised due to their filming schedule.
"He really is like an anchor for him." "Yeah because for the past nine months, he's been spiraling and lost his family." Brolin nods in agreement, making an analogy with his fingers swirling down in a circle. You couldn't help but feel captivated about what they said, placing an elbow on your knee to better listen.
"And- This means no offense to your character!" Lui, the interviewer almost frantically calls out, moving the attention to you. And suddenly you wake from your trance of listening to being pulled back to their conversation.
"Oh no no! Not at all!" As you try to sweep the worry off, waving your hands in a panic.
A soft chuckle erupts from Brolin, seeing how almost innocently you want to pay no heed to the attention. "Of course, Gurney's moment with Paul could never amount to his and Nerre's- I mean I think their relationship really evolved in this movie than the last one," He sarcastically dismissed, crossing his arms while you dramatically gape at your co-star.
"Of course it did! What are you tryna to say, Brolin?" You leaned forward in your chair towards his direction almost like a child would when wanting to make a point.
"Come on, I hope you're not choosing favorites between your family," The interviewee cutely teases, giving a smile.
"I just think- You know for not having to see him for so long, you could've," It was a tiny joke you and the cast had made before while filming the exact scene he had discussed. In a similar scene to where Paul reunites with Gurney, he reunites with Nerre, your character, his pupil, and has been a father figure too. Shoots were slightly rocking as your reaction to seeing Gurney for the first time on the scene didn't go as satisfactory as Denise Villeneuve had intended. Instead, the two of you (and very much of the crew) couldn't stop giggling at your attempted sad faces. Nerre in the final cut, when meeting Gurney becomes teary-eyed and ultimately cries in his arms. While in actuality, you couldn't take it seriously enough to go rushing to give Brolin a hug. "Put much more of an effort to look happy?"
"That!" You wave an X with both arms, embarrassed how your own co-star would drag you out like this. "I say was very much my fault but we got the take in the end!"
"Sure we did," The older actor aimlessly nods, not once believing your words, having the biggest grin on his face. Evidently, the interview goes smoothly with occasional hits and jabs between the both of you regarding your performance. And sooner it comes full circle back to you and the dynamic of Gurney and Nerre.
"As you've said earlier," your head snaps back to the male actor poignantly, as if mocking, "I don't think Gurney and Paul's relationship would deter anything with Nerre. They're very tight-knitted because we are all family essentially," You spread your hands out as if mimicking a large circle, "I know a lot of people wanted to see Gurney and Nerre's growth and I'm glad we got to see that. But it's essentially Paul that we're seeing spiral toward madness. So it makes sense to see him meeting Gurney more meaningful."
"Yes, it really shows the stakes they all have to deal with!"
"Exactly, my point!" One last look from Brolin as he makes eye contact with you before raising his hand for a high five. Were you now going to compete for Josh Brolin's favoritism against Timothee without his acknowledgment? Of course, you are.
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Out in the deserts of Abu Dhabi, the vast bodies of sand were infinite. Much of the crew delivered and prepared props, and essential needs as their number one priority. In it's hot weather and shivering nights, the film production didn't discover much disturbance from the weather. It was rather quite pleasant under it's wake luckily. Some crew were happily taking pictures and filming some of the crew walking around to promote their upcoming project.
"This costume rocks!" You jump off from a small rock platform into the frame of the vertical camera focus and give two thumbs up. You then waved towards the cameraman with an enthusiastic smile. "Good morning!"
"Good morning!" Rebecca Ferguson's shout can be heard on the other side of the set as the view pivots towards her in full costume of robes and blue tattoos. "Another day of shooting!"
Day in and out, the production in Abu Dhabi was fun for you. It wasn't much of a nuisance you had feared due to the sand and hot weather but surprisingly pleasant with the luminescent scenery always present behind every camera view.
In another clip, it's shown in the grand hall at the climax of the movie. Where the massive amount of extras were standing, circling the space in the middle for the camera crew to shoot. Timothee was off in the background, practicing his moves with Austin Butler who supposedly would have a spontaneous battle against each other. On the side, you were happily chatting with Florence Pugh in her exquisite attire as Princess Irulan and Christopher Walken were only a few steps behind. You looked beyond curious and happy. A cute short was captured of you trying to poke the small blades on Florence's costume.
The camera expands to reveal all of the other cast such as Zendaya and Rebecca and Javier Bardem chatting. And Denise Villeneuve improvising a scene with Josh Brolin.
Lastly an endearing story comes from your story of Zendaya dragging you with water as you try your best to stand on your feet. You forget who had your phone (Was it Timothee? Or Josh Brolin?) but they were behind the camera, following you around as you struggled to walk to the table full of water cauldrons.
Zendaya was by your side, having a hand on your back, says, "Come on, you can do it!" An determined yelp for your name and you childishly groan.
"I feel like my legs are gonna fall off!"
"You should've taken more water with you kid!" It was Brolin's voice from the far right which confirms Timothee was the one behind the camera. The set production was a few feet, resulting in why cast members always to bring water. Yet from an odd perspective, you had tired yourself out too much. It was as if you had just run a ten-meter run.
Though it felt a marathon, you were doing fall stunts constantly up and down the hills of sand. And to say you were exhausted was an understatement. A chuckle erupts and the air feels lighter when Javier Bardem arrives into frame, seeing your poor state.
"Drink some more water!"
As your next story slides to you chugging down a full hydro flask of water like an animal thirsting for air. Your female costar beside you looked at you in horror, almost terrified of stopping you.
"Hey slow down!"
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This wasn't the final moment of your press for the film. However, it was the most captivating and relishing one. In the room full of your favorite people and an interviewee dedicated to the works of Dune, Naz Perez, you all delved into the complex characters you all portrayed onscreen and discussed the juggling topics of characters, love, and how to ride a sandworm.
One by one, the woman pointed out interesting questions for all of your cast to expand upon and you couldn't help but be pulled into a trance to what everyone said. From the dynamics of the new characters beginnings to the interior struggles they had, the room felt revelating of the dedicated work of Denise Villeneueve.
Until Perez perfectly transitions her attention to you after listening to Austin Butler's performance. "Speaking of elevating performances," A few of the people on the couch cooed and awed as you bashfully clamped your hands together in an innocent manner. Your name is spoken out. "Nerre's transformation in Part Two is really eye-opening. For someone who had started out as a young, skilled, and playful warrior to a more serious and revengeful one, how do you think they helped Nerre evolve as a person?"
"I've wanted to point this out before, yeah Nerre kind of starts out a free-willed comedic character," You nod trying to find the right words to describe your interpretation of your character. "But then after "losing" Gurney and being separated from everyone, they could only look forward towards the perpetrators which were the Harkonnen. And for that, they're consumed with the idea of revenge, taking back what was once theirs, their home. You see this when Paul or the other Fremen question their motives because that's a dark path to go by," Each person you mentioned turn their heads to listen to your words carefully, knowing how dedicated you were to the film.
"Right, and for better and or for worse, they have matured. They're being front about the decisions being made, and what's happening in Arrakis, so tell me the conflicts they must've had to deal with others."
"Mmm I would say a lot of their internal turmoil " You were hesitant to say if it was going to spoiler territory. But glancing towards everyone, made you feel assured you were doing fine. "Is always guarded against others. But upon the last film, I believe the revelation of the destruction of House Atreides opened their eyes to first found war. And it terrifies them you know, you have to put in perspective they were young teenagers. So seeing that and then meeting these new characters who are vastly different and want for change, motivates them to induce war. So it brings conflict to almost everyone because war will attract more chaos." You attempt to piece together your last remaining sentences, looking up and down at the interviewer.
"No words can be better said," Perez dazedly comments, placing a hand over her heart you flaunt lovingly. "Reminds me of a certain psycho."
"Right! You know Feyd-Rautha and Nerre could've been besties!" You snapped your fingers which made both Zendaya and Florence burst out laughing. While Austin stares at you smiling, nodding in agreement.
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lemonyboy97 · 7 months
Heyyy I like your writing, and I was wondering if you could do like fluff/comfort of like Val, vox, and/or alastor with a reader who gets really socially anxious and shuts down when they get overwhelmed?
Wasnt sure what gender reader was so i did neutral, thank you so much for the ask! I havent gotten one in forever and i was fresh out of inspo ❤️❤️🫂 love you anon! (Also i threw in different relationship dynamics to spice things up and also because i cant imagine alastor being ANYONES 'boyfriend', that man would go from 'close friend and confidant' to 'fiancé')
Pop in and leave me a request on my new blog!
Fiancé!Vox, Boyfriend!Val, Husband!Alastor (seperate) x gn!anxious!reader
Warnings: brief mentions of sadism, anxious reader (obviously), not quite my definition of a panic attack but close to it
(Im going to do some loose headcannons about each of the boiz, then include a oneshot for each of them)
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I feel like Vox would be the best out of the 3 in this scenario, as he's the least sadistic. Vox is a very protective lover, he's also compassionate and doting (behind closed doors). If Vox notices you (its really a matter of when not if because this man WILL notice) becoming overwhelmed or overstimulated he is gently guiding you away from the crowd to check on you, 'Are you okay?', 'do you want to leave?', 'is there something specific bothering you?' are FAQs (frequently asked questions) His way of dealing with the issue is removing you from the situation altogether- taking you back home, wether thats to your shared apartment or the Vee's headquarters depends on whichevers closest.
You and your fiance, Vox, are at a release event for the newest VoxTech drop. Vox is proudly harping about the newest Tech he’s developed, an even prouder arm around your waist; how could he not be proud with his pretty little love on his arm? (He calls you his ‘pretty little thing’, ‘little love’ no matter your gender or size) He’s so absorbed in his success that at first he doesn't notice the subtle tremble in your hands, or the way you curl into him as if trying to hide, or maybe the way you flinch at the bright camera flashes. But when you let out a barely audible whine Vox immediately turns to you, all ears.
Vox suddenly realizes how overstimulating this all must be; the flashing cameras, the loud and frantic crowd, the music in the background, the shouting, the rowdy demons who are protesting- oh god how could he have been so negligent?
Vox is immediately passing the reins over to Velvette (much to her dismay), and gingerly leading you through the crowd, towards the back door.
“It’s alright, lovely, just through here… There we go…”
His words are gentle, and the hands on your shoulders to guide you are 10x more so. He leads you out the back and to the limo, and once you’re sequestered away inside he just waits- He knows when you’re ready for touch you’ll initiate. He knows that for now, just the knowledge that someone is aware and looking after you is enough to help de-escalate the situation.
“There you go, doll, breathe yeah? In…. Out…. In…. Out… good job, love, doing so well for me”
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Val is definietly more of a 'what do you mean?' Kind of guy, or 'just breathe?', you know? We know from his workers (ahem angeldust ahem) that he isnt the most... understanding with weaknesses and the like. So- while I feel like Val's approach is a bit more 'deal with it by not dealing with it' than Vox's, it is still heartfelt for his wonderful gf/bf/partner. Even if he wont directly address it, Valentino is the type to try and reassure you through touch, wether thats what you need or not, thats what he's got because this man KNOWS he is brash and he doesnt want to make things worse.
You had walked to Valentino's studio to bring him homemade lunch after he was complaining about his imps being 'inconcievably incompetent'. You are now awkwardly standing backstage, out of sight, as he directs a particularily.... raunchy... scene. You are visibly uncomfortable with screams and various sounds of... mixed sensations.. echoing around the set, along with flashing lights and dizzying scents. Altogether they make an array of overstimulating inputs, and after setting down said lunch on a side bench, a pretty note tucked into the lip of the basket, you stumble back outside, trying to catch your breath. Val follows you shortly after, he caught sight of you from across the set.
Valentino carefully sits beside you, pulling you into his side.
"You alright there, babycakes?"
You shakily nod, but Val sees right through you. He sighs and kisses your temple as he absentmindedly rubs your shoulders.
"Thought I warned you 'bout my work hours, baby"
You slowly explain that you just wanted to surprise him with lunch and he smiles, kissing the inside of your wrist.
"Damn, sugar, shoulda started with that, hm? Why don't I pop in and grab it- then we can share it out here while you get your head back on."
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This man. This. MAN. It can go one of two ways depending on where your relationship is with him- but in this you are married so- he would be so attentive- like. You would barely be feeling the 'oh hey, this is a lot' feeling and Al would pick up on it and knight in shining armor you away from it. Alastor just KNOWS. He has like a sixth sense when it comes to you. He is so finitly attuned to every fibre of your being that you cant even hide it from him. He just KNOWS. Like- you're in cannibal town (because be real y'all go on dates there all the time and Rosie adores you) and the children are being rowdy but 'its alright, i can manage-' oh and there's Susan- 'yes susan, we are married- no, no susan you cant see my ring im a bit worried you might try to eat my finger- No, really i insist-' oop and here comes Alastor, scooping you up with a charming grin, Rosie on his heels. 'Come along now darling, our dinner is waiting'
You and Alastor are in the hotels lobby, greeting guests for a party Charlie is throwing to 'encourage the inhabitants', Alastors hand is protectively on the small of your back like always. The arriving demons are a bit rowdy but nothing too bad- the real issue is the howling, rambunctious laughter coming from the bar, poor karoke all but screamed into the low quality microphone (much to Husk's annoyance), flashing strobe lights arouns the room turning the guests pink, green, blue, pink, green, blue, pink, green, blue-
Careful fingers snap in front of your face- effectively lurching you out of your spiraling thoughts. You swallow thickly and look up at your husband, shaky smile plastered on your lips.
'Yes, Al?'
He frowns as he gaze flits from one eye to the other, then, his mind seemingly made up, he summons his shadow, scoops you up, and shadow travels back to you twos shared room.
"Oh lovely, this certianly wont do"
He dotes on you, rubbing your tense shoulders, kissing the crown of your head, murmuring sweet nothings to your skin as he lays you down in your shared, king bed. And later, once you're half asleep and content in his arms, he lovingly murmurs,
"No more of Charlie's so-called 'parties' for you, my sweet"
A/n: Reblogs are always encouraged and appreciated! And yes i did like my own post. I am very proud of this, i wrote it in one day WHILE (legally) high on loopy pain medicine
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earlysunshines · 6 months
watch me take my time 
park jihyo x fem!reader ; fluff, smut ; read tutor perks first! this is pt. 2
synopsis: surprising the woman you're dating with tea and pastries turns into a steamy evening, and a more sentimental morning after
warnings: mommy kink ; jihyo receving, reader giving ; jihyo in control for the most part ; smut! ; smut :3 ; and smut ; cursing ; fucking on the couch!!! ; face riding ; yeaahh anything else i didn’t mention ; not proofread, as always lol 
a/n: hey! i wasn't sure what to do for a part two, i never know. i didn't really expect tutor perks to get THAT much attention. anyway, I just went with whatever I felt like, i hope you guys like it. lmk what you think!
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the parking garage was quite mesmerizing, adorned with lush greenery and meticulously planned layouts. it was a stark contrast to the parking spot on campus that was a fifteen-minute walk from the main campus. compared to the $225 spot at your university, this was undeniably better.  
“is this the right place?” sarah, your roommate, asks. “because if it is... you coined a whole sugar mommy.” 
“oh shut up.” you say, blushing. sarah laughs at you, then gives you a little hug. 
“whatever, get out my car. i have to go see my girlfriend.” sarah says jokingly, to which you respond with a roll of your eyes.  
“yeah yeah, see you, love you, bye.” you mutter before getting out the car and shutting the door, watching sarah wave at you teasingly. 
walking towards the actual building — littered with plants and the beauty of the exterior catching you off guard — just the sight of it was enough to make you nervous. still, you manage to open the door and step in, feeling intimidated almost immediately just from seeing everyone inside the lobby. 
the corporate image time ten was right in front of you: men in suits tailored to perfection exuded an air of confidence as they made way through the bustling lobby, their attention divided between important phone calls and firm handshakes with other mirror images of themselves. meanwhile, women clad in sleek blazers formed clusters, their conversations punctuated by polite laughter and the occasional sip of coffee.  
it was safe to assume that you didn’t really fit in, you couldn’t help but feel like a fish out of water in the moment. so, while clutching a bag of pastries and a cup of iced tea from your shift at work, you made a conscious effort to blend into the background as you walked up to the lady behind the desk up front. thankfully, that wasn’t too hard given everyone had been occupied with their own things. 
the lady, a shorter looking woman with hair tied up professionally, looked at you unamusingly. she raised a brow as you looked at her, putting a finger up to pause you in place since she looked like she was preoccupied with a phone call.   
you balanced the small brown bag of pastries and iced tea in one hand, then moved over to fix the tote bag on your shoulder. the lady finished her call, then turned to you and spoke in a monotoned, uninterested tone. 
“hi, how can i help you?” 
“hi, um, is jihyo here? she’s still working, right?” 
“and who are you?” she asks, looking offended that you even asked that question.  
taken aback, you grow a little bashful and respond, “y/n l/n, i'm a...” you clear your throat, “friend of hers. she said if i wanted to stop by, now would be a good time.” 
“yeah, alright. you expect me to believe you that miss park said you could stop by?” 
“excuse me?” you say, immediately feeling belittled by her tone and look at you. “what do you mean by me? is there something wrong?” 
the lady lets out a noise thats a mix of a laugh and a scoff. she sighs, looking down at her desk and pointing down at a paper before responding.  
“miss park is a very busy woman, you know that, right? i have to make sure that this is an urgent thing, otherwise, you can see yourself out the door.” 
the condescending tone in the desk lady's voice grates on your nerves, sparking irritation within you. you resist the urge to roll your eyes, instead fixing her with a steely gaze as you suppress the retort bubbling up inside you. 
"i get that jihyo is busy, seriously," you reply evenly, your frustration simmering beneath the surface. "i'll call her right now if you need confirmation. i have her number and everything. she even texted me—" 
"she what?" the desk lady interrupts, her expression shifting from dismissive to incredulous. "you-- you have her personal number?" 
"of course i do, it's jihyo we're talking about," you respond matter-of-factly, feeling a twinge of satisfaction at the surprise evident in the woman's reaction. 
"i didn't think—wow," the desk lady stammers, clearly caught off guard. she clears her throat, attempting to regain her composure. "miss park doesn’t give anyone here her personal number. s-sorry, i'm a bit taken aback. i'll have someone escort you. i'm sorry for the inconvenience, miss—" 
"it's y/n," you interject, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the sudden shift in demeanor from the desk lady. it's almost amusing how quickly she seems to have changed her tune, now treating you with an unexpected level of deference.  
the desk lady nods and begins making arrangements for your escort, you can't help but feel a sense of validation at the realization of just how highly regarded jihyo must be. the fact that you have her personal number suddenly feels like some sort of badge of honor, you must be lucky to just know her or interact with her casually—especially in bed, that must be better than any trophy or award. maybe even better than a grammy or something. 
a tall, frail older man is by your side in the next minute. before you leave, the lady smiles at you – maybe a little forced given the unnatrual expression – then picks up the phone again, seemingly dialing a number. 
the man leads you to an elevator and presses the second to last button, indicating the 11th floor. as the elevator ascends, you stand beside him, taking note of his impeccable posture and the condition of his suit. not a single crease in the fabric, he had to be some kind of perfectionist.  
when the elevator doors slide open on the 11th floor, the man steps aside and gestures for you to exit first. his actions are formal, almost ceremonial, and you can't help but feel a sense of significance in the gesture. despite being just a girl who's clocked off work, you find yourself appreciating the unexpected treatment. you’re not against any of this treatment, however. 
once you step out of the elevator, the man gestures for you to follow him down the corridor. as you walk, you can't help but be captivated by your surroundings. the corridor is lined with large windows that offer expansive views of the city, bathing the space in natural light and providing a breathtaking backdrop as you continue through the building.  
the floor itself is decorated with tasteful elegance, oozing an air of professionalism and refinement. everything is thoroughly arranged, from the sleek furniture to the artful accents that adorn the walls. it's a space that balances functionality and cliche professionalism with an aesthetic appeal, creating an atmosphere that feels both welcoming and authoritative. if this is just one of the floors, you can’t even imagine how wonderful the rest of the building is. maybe jihyo will get to show it to you sometime. 
passing by the employees that type away or take calls, he leads you to a room that has large windows, displaying the blinds that block whatever – or whoever – is inside. a sign is plastered on it that says park jihyo, indicating that this is right where you wanted to be. 
he knocks on the door three times – somehow sophisticated and professional – then says in his deep voice,  
“miss park, i'm sorry to interrupt. you have a visitor.” 
silence takes over for a bit before the door is opened, revealing a tired looking jihyo in her blazer and slacks. she doesn’t see you at first, sending daggers at the man covering you before saying in a stern tone, 
"chang, you know i'm busy with emails—" jihyo begins, her voice trailing off as she catches sight of you standing in the doorway. immediately, her demeanor softens, a faint smile playing at the corners of her lips. 
clearing her throat, she regains her composure and gestures for you to enter her office. "ah, y/n, come in," she says, her voice warm and welcoming. turning to the man, chang, she nods in appreciation. "chang, you're dismissed. thank you for escorting her." 
chang nods respectfully and takes his leave, leaving you alone with jihyo in her office. as the door closes behind him. jihyo wastes no time in closing the distance between you as soon as the coast is clear. 
her hand finds its way to the nape of your neck, pulling you close with a gentle yet firm touch. you feel a rush of warmth as her lips meet yours in a soft, tender kiss. her smile is evident even in the midst of the kiss, and you can't help but mirror her expression, returning the affection with the curve of your own lips. 
you pull away, lips inches apart. jihyo smiles at you sweetly. 
“what are you doing here?” 
“you said you would be relatively free, i just got off work. i got you something to eat, figured you’d be hungry and... i wanted to see you.” 
it's been almost three months since your first – very intimate – night with jihyo. the two of you continue to see each other, both intimately and regularly. dating jihyo has been pretty nice, though both of you have times where you don’t have time to see each other, so it’s nice to have moments like these. 
as the weeks turn into almost three months, your relationship with jihyo continues to evolve. jihyo asked you out on proper dates, rather than her eating you out, she wanted to eat something else and get to know you better.  
despite the demands of your respective schedules, the two of you make a concerted effort to see each other as often as possible. whether it's her inviting you over when her nephew isn’t around to evenings spent curled up together on the couch or having wine and a conversation. every moment shared with jihyo was precious 
dating jihyo has brought a sense of joy into your life, a feeling of being understood and cherished in a way that you've never experienced before, none of your high school relationships made you feel this way. and while there are times when conflicting schedules and obligations pulled you apart, those moments only serve to make the time you spend together even more precious. 
“you’re so sweet honey, come, sit.” jihyo says thankfully, guiding you to the large couch that gives you an even better view of the city. 
you sit next to her and place the goods on the table, then immediately. she rests her head against your shoulder. a smile plays across your lips, and slight worry seeps into your skin. jihyo must be tired, judging from how limp she is against you, so you grab her hands and hold them gently, rubbing her knuckles and letting her relax a bit. 
as you sit down next to jihyo and place the goods on the table, you can't help but notice the fatigue etched into her features. she leans her head against your shoulder, a smile plays across your lips as you feel her weight against you, but a slight twinge of worry creeps into your heart. jihyo must be exhausted, judging from how limp she is against you. without a word, you reach out and gently take her hands in yours, intertwining your fingers with hers. 
you begin to rub her knuckles soothingly, hoping to ease some of the tension that seems to have taken hold of her. her fingers are a little bonier, hands noticeably more mature given the slight age gap between the two of you. a ring is around the base of her middle finger, something expensive looking with a small apricot-colored gem in it. in the warmth of your touch seems to relax her, and you can feel the tension slowly melting away as she leans into your embrace.  
“you seem drained, was work exhausting?” you ask, turning to face her. 
“just some really incompetent men and everything has been getting on my nerves. lots of deadlines that need to be met and some of my employees have been slacking.” jihyo sighs, “things are getting better, though. i made some... arrangements that should have things back in order.” 
“i see.” you say, playing with her fingers. you press a kiss to the top of her head and reach for the iced tea, moving the straw to her mouth. “this should give you some energy, it’s the house tea, something peachy and sweet.” 
“aw, you’re too kind, doll.” she says, pouting her lower lip before taking a sip. she takes a few more sips before grabbing the drink from your hand and setting it down on the table, then pecks your lips. “you’re seriously a gift, darling.” 
almost three months and her little petnames still make your heart race, you don’t know if you’ll ever get used to them. 
“sweetheart, if it’s not too much, could you massage my upper back? there's a lot of tension, god, it’s killing me.” 
“of course.” 
jihyo turns away from you so that her back faces you, and you place your hands on her tense shoulders. squeezing lightly to get her accustomed, she immediately relaxes into your touch, sighing as you massage her. she moves her head down so you can reach more of the stiff areas, and once your thumbs add more pressure, she lets out a louder sigh, more of a groan that makes you giggle, and leaving some room for imagination to other ways that can make her sound like that. 
as jihyo turns away, her back facing you, you instinctively place your hands on her tense shoulders. with gentle pressure, you begin to massage her muscles, hoping to provide some relief from the tension that has accumulated there from whatever she’s been up to all day. 
at first, jihyo tenses slightly at your touch, but as you continue to knead her shoulders, she gradually relaxes into your hands. a soft sigh escapes her lips as she leans into your touch, allowing you better access to the stiff areas of her muscles. 
you adjust your position slightly, moving your hands to target the areas of greatest tension. with firm yet gentle pressure, you work your thumbs into the knots, eliciting a deeper sigh from jihyo's lips. the sound is more of a groan, and it sends a shiver down your spine, igniting a playful giggle. 
“ah- great.” she says through gritted teeth. she moves her hair over to once side, then asks, “can you get this side for me?” to which you respond with a hum. 
as you continue to massage her shoulders, you can't help but let your mind wander, imagining other ways to draw out this genre of sounds from her. but for now, you're content to focus on the task at hand, providing jihyo with the comfort and relaxation she so desperately needs. and as you feel her muscles begin to loosen beneath your touch, you can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that you're able to provide her with some relief.  
however, this doesn’t necessarily mean that your mind is completely free of other intimate scenarios. 
jihyo gets a little louder, failing to suppress the groans that slip past her lips. your hands slow down, instead, you start to slide your hands down her back and around her waist, gently placing them on the sides. leaning closer, you place a chaste kiss on the skin that isn’t covered by her hair, smirking into her. 
“what are you doing honey?” she asks softly, turning her head just barely to catch you in her peripheral.  
instead of responding verbally, you press longer, lingering kisses along jihyo's neck. with each gentle caress of your lips, she begins to relax further, her body responding to the intimacy of your affection. 
sensing her movement, you feel her hand come to rest lightly on your head, her fingers tangling softly in your hair. the sensation sends a shiver down your spine, a warmth spreads throughout your body as you continue to place kisses along her neck. 
slowly, almost imperceptibly, jihyo begins to turn toward you, her movements guided by the gentle coaxing of your lips against her skin. as she shifts, her hand remains on your head, the gentle pressure of her touch grounding you in the moment. with each kiss, you feel the tension melting away from jihyo's body. 
finally, when she’s turned towards you, you catch her lips with your own. jihyo hums into the kiss, her hand moving from your head to the base of your neck, then to your shoulder. 
you pull away briefly to mutter, “feeling better?” to which jihyo responds by pulling you in by the hem of your jacket, closing the distance again. 
as the kisses between you and jihyo grow soft and slow, a familiar heat begins to build between you. your tongues meet again, this wouldn’t be the first time for sure. 
feeling a surge of need coursing through you, you subtly shift your position, guiding jihyo down until she's reclining on the couch. with a smooth, fluid motion, you position yourself on top of her, your body pressing against hers, heat radiating off the two of you. 
in this moment, you find yourself taking control – in contrast to how it usually goes. as you deepen the kiss, your hands roam freely over jihyo's body, tracing the curves of her figure before sliding your hands under the edge of her shirt. she gasps at the feeling of your fingers on her skin, leaving you to kiss the corner of her mouth and trail down. 
with jihyo beneath you, her body yielding to your touch as you trail kisses down to her neck, you feel a sense of power and satisfaction wash over. you nip gently at her neck – careful not to make any noticeable marks – while she claws at your clothing. 
“baby-- darling, god,” she groans as you nip at the right spot with your teeth. she lets you indulge for a few minutes more, clearly enjoying it as much as you do before halting your actions as you slide your hands up closer to her chest under her shirt. 
you pause, pulling away and looking at her with confusion, “sorry, too much?” 
“never too much,” jihyo assures, placing a hand on your cheek while she catches her breath. “my employees are outside.” 
your eyes widen, then you get the message and mutter, “oh.” 
jihyo giggles at your response before lifting her head up to kiss you deeply again, pulling away with a noticeable sound made from your lips parting. “you’re adorable.” she says before grabbing your phone out your pocket and checking the time briefly. “my nephew isn’t home, so how about we get situated at my place? i should’ve left the office thirty minutes ago.” 
“anything you’d like.” 
with jihyo’s purse in your hand, you follow her into the house. the lights are off and it’s clear that no one’s home, leaving many possible opportunities for the two of you and even more scenarios to run through your head.  
“have you had dinner? and don’t say you’ve had those pastries, that’s not enough darling.” jihyo says lightheartedly, though stern enough to let you know she’s serious. she places her purse on the counter and takes off her blazer, which reveals the shirt hugging her figure neatly. she's looking through the purse now, back faced you and you can’t help but check her out briefly. “if not, i'll order takeout.” 
“that’s perfect.” you respond. jihyo turns towards you and grins, walking over and pecking your lips. 
“yeah, i'll grab us some wine. order anything you’d like, love.” 
“i’ve been craving bento bowls, is something japanese fine?” 
“anything is fine, i'm starving even after that scone.” jihyo giggles, “also, it’s almost six. i have a little work call to answer, but after that we have the rest of tonight and the weekend if you’re not occupied with classes.” 
“perfect, i'll just order for pick up then and then i'll be back in time for us to eat and whatnot. sound okay?”    “that’s lovely, then i'll have to find my favorite wine for us. the best for the best.” 
you giggle before pressing your lips against hers again, pulling away just barely before she closes the distance again. her arms rest on her shoulders as she pushes you closer, then she deepens the kiss. 
without thinking, you move yourselves over so that jihyo’s against the counter, your hands sliding under her shirt yet again and lips sliding down to the soft skin on her neck. she groans at the feeling, tilting her head back to give you more access to her as she tightens her hold on your shoulder. 
“later tonight,” you mutter in between kisses, rubbing circles on her skin under her shirt. “let me help you relax, yeah?” you nip at her skin lightly and she lets out a sharp breath, hand moving to the side of your neck. “let me do the work this time, you deserve to sit back for once.” 
“y/n--” jihyo begins, but is cut off by the sound of a phone ringing against the counter. she groans in frustration; this is the angriest you’ve seen her. her brows furrow and she tenses her jaw as she picks up the phone, then looks at you apologetically. 
“you should take that.” 
 jihyo sighs, then kisses your nose. “you should order dinner.” 
“mhm.” you mumble before kissing her jawline, removing your hands from under her shirt and jihyo whines just barely. her skin seems colder now that your hands aren’t on them, tracing patterns and rubbing up and down the landmarks.  
jihyo gave you the keys before you had left, so you didn’t have to ring the doorbell or anything – you assumed she’d still be on that work call. 
as you enter the room, you find jihyo standing against the counter, her posture tense and her expression drawn with frustration. she's wearing something different: a cropped t-shirt and comfy sweatpants instead of her work attire. with one hand, she pinches the bridge of her nose, while the other holds a phone to her ear. she listens intently, her brow furrowed in concentration, as she navigates the seemingly irritating conversation on the other end of the line. 
one arm crosses defensively while her gaze remains fixed on some distant point on the wood floor. to her left, on the smooth marble countertop, you notice two glasses and an unopened bottle of white wine.  
“yes, i already have my employees on it.” you hear her say, tone stern yet level. “look, according to the results and feedback we’re doing fine, so i don’t understand why this meeting is still in session. i know you want to be secure, but doubting me won’t secure what’s already set. everything is fine, so go talk to samuel if you really want to bicker with someone who can’t do their job. he's been slacking with his unit; i've seen the data. goodbye.” 
a small “ugh” is muttered under her breath before she places the phone down, then looks over to see you standing in the entrance of the hallway. a smile tugs at her lips immediately upon seeing you. 
“two teriyaki salmon bentos for the struggling college student and her beautiful, older, hardworking, hot older woman.” 
jihyo snickers, laughing at your stupid little titles. “calling me old?” 
“well maybe... i’m into that though, so stay old.” 
jihyo rolls her eyes at you, then watches you pull out the to go bowls out onto the table nearby. she walks over herself and brings the glasses and the wine bottle over. before she takes out the cork with her tool, she places a kiss on your cheek and mumbles against you a soft, “thank you.”  
you grin and kiss her back before going back to the kitchen to grab utensils, and then back to the table to sit down next to your lover. 
grabbing the boxes and handing jihyo a spoon, you ask, “how was your day? work seemed rough.” 
a sigh leaves her lips, her aura radiating exhaustion and irriation, yet she stays calm and content before your eyes.   
“just a lot of deadlines and dreadful people to deal with today, but it’s over and you made me feel better.” 
“i’m glad.” you say, putting a hand on her thigh. “let’s eat, maybe you’ll be less exhausted.” to which jihyo responds with a nod and a kiss to your knuckles.  
the sliding door in front of you two gave a great view of the setting sun, which made dinner quite romantic. jihyo shared more about her day, though it was mostly complaints mixed with frustrated grunts and groans when bringing up the men she had to face. you on the other hand, shared some small anecdotes from your shift and your roommate's own drama to jihyo, which she enjoyed listening to. before you knew it, dinner was finished – bowls clean and all, barely any remnants of the food left – which urged you two to throw away the plastic containers and head to the couch to sit and sip on wine. 
jihyo sat beside you and swirled her wine around before sniffing, then took a small sip. you did the same, eyes lighting up from how good it was, which made jihyo laugh. and then the two of you went on to talk about more small things, ranging from what annoyed each of you during the day and things you both looked forward to.  
the next thing you knew, your head was against jihyo’s shoulder, and your now empty glass was set on the table with hers.  
“at least the day is over, hyo.” 
she snickers upon hearing the name, then turns to you with a smile.  
“sorry, don’t like that name?” 
“no, i love it. it's cute.” she assures, “adorable.” 
“yeah?” you say, grinning. shifting yourself up to sit up right, you brush a strand of hair behind jihyo’s ear. “any plans tomorrow?” you ask, staring at her lips blatantly. 
“no, what are you up to darling?” 
you giggle and run your hand down to her jaw, placing your thumb on her lip and applying subtle pressure. 
“let me help you relax tonight.” you simply answer, smirking devilishly. “seems like you need it.” 
in no time, your lips make their way over to hers, you kiss her slowly and savor her. she places her hand on your shoulder, gripping slightly as you deepen the kiss.  
your hands find their way under jihyo’s shirt again in no time, though at first, your fingers simply brush against her skin before doing anything big. you're taking your time exploring her, finding out which area on her rib makes her kiss sloppier or her breath shorter. you feel her responding to your touch, her movements becoming more urgent, more fervent. 
jihyo's hands roam over your body in tandem with your own explorations, one hand in your hair and the other on the base of your wrist. you're both consumed by the heat of the moment, kisses with more tongue, breaths heavier, and jihyo’s groans getting louder. it's perfect. 
you create a gap between the two of you after pulling away, your own breath heavy. jihyo looks at you: red, puffy lips and peach colored cheeks from the intimacy.  
looking down at the edge of jihyo’s shirt, you silently ask to take it off by playing with the edge of the fabric. 
“take it off.” she says lowly, almost an order. 
nodding, you slip the shirt off, gazing at her clad chest. 
you've seen her naked before – more than you can count on one hand – yet, she still manages to leave you in awe.  
“fuck, you’re beautiful.” you sigh, immediately making your way over to her neck. “i could have you like this all day.” you groan against her skin, right before sucking near her pulse point so harshly to the point where she moans your name out, subconsciously gripping your hair and tugging so roughly it hurts your scalp.  
blindly, you start to unclasp her bra, discarding it somewhere in the room – you could care less where it landed – and tending to the new area exposed. 
a brush of your finger on her nipple already has it perked up, making her groan loudly. saying it’s music to your ears would be an understatement, it’s better than any symphony. 
“y/n, baby,” jihyo moans, feeling a wetness pooling down in between her legs. “ah-”   
your mouth lands on her chest, then down to her tits. you press a chaste kiss to her tits, making her look down at you with furrowed brows and parted lips. with full eye contact, you travel to the swell of her breast, finding your way to her nipple and swirling your tongue around. the way you suck on her sensitivity is enough to make her groan right in front of your face. the way her mouth gapes and oh, how lovely she sounds; you could get used to this for sure.  
and later you pay attention to her other breast, treating it with the same care and evoking more lewd sounds from the older woman. the way she folds under your touch, twitching and slowly losing herself while she’s weak to you; jihyo could use more rest days, especially ones that have hours dedicated to you indulging in her. 
moments later, after earning at least a song’s duration of jihyo’s indescribable pleasure seeping from her lips, you decide to look at the mess you’ve made.  
marks of pink ranging to a darker red – even a near purple – are littered all over her skin, from her neck to all over her chest area. you bite your lip at the sight, rubbing your finger along a few of the hickeys. 
“y/n, baby,” jihyo starts, looking at you intensely. “shirt off, down on the couch now. don't make me ask twice.” she orders breathlessly, narrowing her eyes and expecting immediate obedience – which she receives without question. 
despite how much you’ve riled up and left her, she still has that natural authority. there's absolutely no way you could disobey her, at the end of the day, no matter what you’ve done to her; you belong to jihyo now, no doubt. 
“yes ma’am.”   
as you slip the shirt off in one motion, jihyo uses that short duration of time to slip off her comfortable pants, discarding them and slipping her panties off. she watches you – who's watching her in return – you're propped up by your elbows as you watch her sit on your lap, feeling your pussy throb just from the feeling of her bare cunt on the denim covering your heat. 
“good girl, always. you know how to listen to me, glad you know your place.” 
“of course.” you say, looking at her with desperate eyes. 
“you know how i've told you about today, yeah? it was so difficult, so many incompetent people. you’re going to listen to me, okay? you're gonna let mommy use you just like the good girl you are, got it?” 
taken aback by the new title, you hesitate to respond, too entranced by the sight in front of you: jihyo completely naked, on your nap, with her hands resting on your abdomen to hold herself up. when she doesn’t get a response from you, she grinds harshly against your lap, earning a pathetic whine from you. 
she presses her hand down on your abdomen harder, earning a sharp breath from your lips. 
“you answer me when i talk to you, i won’t say this again.” 
“y-yes, sorry.” 
she leans closer, her face above yours and gaze sharp. “yes who?” 
with no hesitation, you correct yourself. “yes mommy, i'm sorry, i'll be a good girl from now on.” 
jihyo smiles, pleased to say the least. 
“down on the couch then honey, on your back.” she says gently, though there’s still that stern tone.  
you gulp, then nod. jihyo smiles as you set your head down, putting your arms off to the side so your hands can gently caress her thighs. she gets up on her knees, repositioning herself so that her cunt is hovering above your chin, then stroking your cheek lightly. you look at her with puppy eyes, silently begging for her to let you get a taste; she gets the message almost immediately, then sets her cunt right above your mouth. 
your hands reach for the sides of her waist, moving her down just an inch so you can get a taste of her arousal.  
she groans again, throwing her head back before looking back at you with creased brows: your cheeks are red, your eyes are closed, and you’re humming against her while you eat her out ravenously. the last time you had eaten someone out had been a while ago, and jihyo’s been the one fucking you to oblivion since the first night with her. you're following her body, sliding your tongue up her folds and sucking on her clit once you reach. she gasps and grips your hair the way you like it, rough and demanding. her nails dig into your scalp, and you let out a little moan yourself, turned on just as much as you are when she’s doing everything to you. 
attentive to the sounds she’s making, you keep doing what earns the more pleasing reactions. she's griding against the flat of your tongue, forcibly pushing your mouth into her wetness the more you indulge. she's moaning louder, her deep, mature voice growing breathy and higher pitched the more you please her.  
and then she shifts your lips over to the left side of her clit, so you suck and lick and groan until the living room is filled with the sound of squelches of her pussy and your mouth coming into contact mixed with moans that fade into nothing as they’re caught in throats. jihyo's cursing more and more, holding you in one spot with that one hand gripping onto your hair like there’s no tomorrow whilst she grinds herself on your tongue and completely uses you. 
“y/n, y/n darling, honey, fuck, ah-!” she cries out, shaking until she isn’t, propping herself up with one hand on your hip bone and the other loosening her grip on your now disheveled hair. she grinds slowly now, still stimulating the aching between her legs whilst you clean up all her climax with your tongue.  
slowly, you take your time licking up her folds, savoring her. a press to her clit later and you're pressing more on her inner thigh until she shifts herself off your face and back to your lap.  
she runs a hand through her hair – some strands sticking to her forehead.  
you catch your breath, then sit up a little bit, jihyo still in your lap.  
“feeling better?” you ask, your hand settling on her explosed ribcage before moving up to cup the bottom of her tit.  
“much better.” she grins, fixing the hair she’s ruined. strands fall over your face, she runs a few fingers through to fix it up again.  
laughing, you lean closer to press a kiss to her lips, smirking once you part away. 
“y/n,” jihyo begins, twirling a piece of hair with her fingers. “you’ll be a good girl, right?” 
you nod. 
“good, because the night isn’t over.” she says menacingly, looking at you with darkened pupils. “on the ground, on your knees. you're gonna eat mommy out until she’s satisfied, got it?” 
“yes ma’am, yes mommy.” you say, immediately switching positions.  
jihyo watches you move over to the ground, the visible patch of arousal apparent on your denim as you kneel. she traces down the grooves of your torso, indulging in the sight before sitting back and spreading her legs.  
seeing her like this, you lick your lips. you're like an obedient puppy, eager to receive her approval and eager to serve her in any way she sees fit. 
jihyo raises her brows at the sight and smiles devilishly at how pathetic you look. she gives you the green light after relishing your submission.  
just like every other morning, you’re stuck in jihyo’s bed half naked. some sports bra covers the upper half of your body, and boy shorts hug the skin just below your waist. the older woman’s hands are wrapped around your waist, one hand sitting on the exposed hip bone that pops out, and she’s warm against you, her chest rising and falling against your back. 
shifting subtly in your place, you turn over to face her.  
her face is bare, no makeup on and it’s just jihyo before you. she's rubbing her hands on the exposed skin on your hip, mumbling something groggily under her breath. it's been a while since you’ve seen her like this – it's been a bit since you’ve been alone with her, really alone, just the two of you and no one else or worry of interruption. 
“mm, honey,” jihyo mumbles, and you can’t tell if she’s awake or asleep while saying this. “closer.” 
you find your nose in the crook of her neck, smelling faint hints of lavender while you press closing. she rubs your shoulder with her thumb, tracing patterns and shapes you can’t really put a name on. the sun hits her eyes, you hear a little groan, and then a little yawn that gives you the hint that she’s fully awake. 
a hand finds itself tangled in your hair, then massages your scalp. “did you sleep alright?” jihyo asks, voice gentle and caring as she holds you. 
“i slept great, you?” 
a kiss is pressed to your forehead and fingers play with the rim of your boy shorts. a soft smile plays across your face, you close your eyes and breathe out. 
“sweetheart.” jihyo hums, tapping your shoulder.  
“i realized i've never really, fully expressed how thankful i am for you.”  
upon hearing jihyo’s sentimental words, you pull away from where your face had been nestled, face to face with jihyo now. 
“i haven’t been that, well--” jihyo’s face flushes – to oyur surprise – she looks down at your clad chest, then back at your eyes. “relaxed. you helped me unwind, thank you.” 
you can’t help but giggle, finidng all of this so cute. jihyo had been ordering you around last night, moaning so loud the neighbors probably heard. you can still feel a little ache in your scalp from how roughly she was pulling at your hair; everything about the night before was so lewd. it's funny how vulnerable and cute jihyo’s being right now, letting her heart do the talking. 
“you’re adorable, hyo.” you sigh, looking at her with admiration. “i’m glad i was there to help, and i'm looking forward to helping out whenever you want.” 
“y/n.” jihyo begins, placing her hand on your cheek and looking at you like you’re the most precious thing in the world. “will you be my girlfriend?” 
giggling again upon hearing the seriousness in her voice and the adorable look on her face, you nod. 
“of course.” 
at the end of the weekend – a beautiful sunday evening, the sky painted hues of pink and purple – you’re in your desginated spot: the passenger’s side of jihyo’s car. 
both of you sit in silence as jihyo exits the freeway, some pop song playing on the radio. her hand is intertwined with yours, elbows sitting on the little compartment that seperates the two seats. she's humming along and it’s music to your ears, you’re smiling ear to ear as you watch her. 
sunglasses sit on the crown of her head, her side profile staying in its place while the scenery behind her flashes by as the car moves forward. she's beautiful. 
once you reach your apartment complex, jihyo parks somewhere close.  
“don’t move, just stay there.” you warn her, sounding all serious and looking at her with raised brows. 
“darling, what?” she asks, a little smile tugging at the corner of her lips. she giggles once you leave the car hurriedly, rushing towards the other side to open her door. 
“miss park.” you say, putting your hand out. jihyo laughs, amused at your little gesture. she takes your hand and steps out, rolling her eyes at you. 
“you’re unbelieveable.” 
“well, after seeing how scared everyone was at your work place the other day, i feel like i should treat you better.” 
“you’re my girlfriend, not my employee y/n.” jihyo scoffs, then kisses the back of your hand.  
once you make it to your apartment, you knock on the door, waiting for the familiar face to open the door for you.  
sarah opens the door a few seconds later, eyes widnening upon seeing you and jihyo right in front of her – hands holding and all.  
“oh my god you really did manage to get with her.” sarah says in disbelief, making you roll oyur eyes and the little comment making jihyo snicker. “you’re jihyo? wow, oh my god, you look so young – i mean, you are, like--” 
“i get what you mean, thank you.” jihyo responds lightheartedly, smiling at the woman in front of her.  
the two of you step in and sarah is still examining jihyo, baffled by how unreal she looks – and wow, your descriptions and rambles about this woman did not prepare her for this meeting. jihyo sets herself down on the couch and sarah pulls you to the side quickly before the two of you join her. 
“oh my god when you said older woman i didn’t expect godly cheekbones, jawline sharper than a knife, and fucking luxury to show up holding your hand.” 
“she’s amazing.” 
“ugh, you’re drooling.” sarah sighs. 
you smile at your roommate like a proud little kid, pushing her lightly before joining your now girlfriend on the couch.
maybe majoring in education was worth it, you think to yourself as you watch sarah grin at the two of you from across where you’re sitting. despite your dreadful research papers, essays, and mock lectures – all of it was worth it if it meant meeting jihyo.  
sarah puts a leg over the other, leaning back against the smaller seat in your living room. 
“you know, y/n has been gushing over you since like, the first time she tutored your nephew. she's kept me up at night just talking about--” 
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cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
*Shuffles in* HEWWWOO
I GOT ANOTHER (I'm so sorry) Alastor x Chubby!Reader 😔
(This might seem weird and so so strange but I swear it's not perverted and shouldn't be seen as such)
Magic is in hell, yeah??? SOOO what if Alastor tries to his dark voodoo sprinkle magic but IT BACKFIRES or something while he tries to fix that one wall in the show that keeps getting destroyed or helping charlie with something 🤔 and he turns into A KID BUT A HUMAN KID BACK WHEN HE WAS ALIVE and everyone kinda justs bombards him with questions and comments (not Husk in the background smirking because Alastor is an asshole to him so he's planning all the ways he can get his revenge, Charlie freaking out, Angel cooing at his cuteness, vaggie cursing up a storm, niffty sulking because he's no longer a bad boy) and I would imagine that child Alastor is kinda like '🥹who are all these weird creatures, where am I, where's momma' ...😭 chaos ensues, Alastor just wants his momma so he's crying as loud as he can because 'I'm lost' (HES A MOMMAS BOY AND I FEEL AS A KID HE WAS INNOCENT AND SWEET) the hazbin hotel residents immediately try to calm him down but he only gets louder THEN LIKE AN ACTUAL ANGEL here comes reader back from shopping or waking up and is welcomed to all the commotion, and after making her presence known Alastor just sniffles at her, tears streaming down his face 😢 reader immediately going to tiny Alastor to help and tiny Alastor who thinks reader is a fairy? Angel?? Goddess?? Some warm welcoming figure that he's gonna marry (like playground kids sometimes do??) so he's calming when she goes to help him,' he's been kidnapped' looking back at the hazbin gang, more tears coming, reader immediately going into caretaker mode and cares for him throughout the whole ordeal, while Alastor gushes about his momma or talkinging readers ear off about anything and everything (Charlie figures out it only lasts all day somehow) so Alastor sticks with reader and helps her with her duties at the hotel, never leaving her side, at the end of the day before he goes to bed
Angel teases tiny Alastor about reader being his mommy que reader blushing and sputtering from reader only for Alastor to turn to Angel with disgust and determination on his face to proudly announce to Angel that reader is gonna be HIS WIFE INSTEAD only for husk to scoff in the background and says something about Alastor being a smiley freak or something for Alastor to doubt that reader will marry him, that thats never gonna happen, only for reader to kiss Alastor on the forehead and declare that that doesn't change anything because Alastor has always owned her heart, something sweet???? To reassure kid Alastor then reader takes Alastor to his hotel room to sleep, to later on in the night to sneak into readers bed because 'momma cuddles with me till I fall asleep', sleepy cuddles, soothing humming for child Alastor to ask before he falls asleep if reader really will marry him when he's older and Reader half asleep herself and full of love for the man he'll grow to be says yes, but to take her out first or get her flowers ya know???
When reader wakes the next morning to flowers surrounding her bed and her favorite breakfast presented to her with a bashful adult Alastor saying he's kept his side of the deal now its readers turn, readers faces lights up and smiles big enough to hurt her cheeks and they date and get married ☺️😣
(I'm sorry it's a weird request and soooooo fucking long but .....please..)
A/N I literally love you and your requests. Hi. Also I am making her a rabbit again because I feel like that would be something that a kid would not find scary and would be very excited about as a demon form.
Mishap of Magic (Alastor x Chubby!Rabbit Demon!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: Nothing except that Alastor is a little kid for most of this fic.
Word Count: 3,463
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
Click here and leave a comment if you want to be added to any taglists or send me an ask.
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It wasn't the first time it had happened to Alastor but, it had certainly been a while since the last time he'd had to deal with such an issue. Magic was a fickle thing, obstinate at the best of times. He had found a certain agreement of sorts with the metaphysical but, it still backfired on occasion.
Alastor had been trying to fix the wall -- the fucking wall. Somehow, every time there was an issue with the hotel, this same exterior wall was involved. It was inconceivable and deeply irritating, especially now that it had been the trigger. Alastor could feel the world shifting, feel himself shrinking and then, nothing.
"Uh, what the fuck?" Vaggie broke the silence, stress seeping into her voice.
"Oh my gosh! Vaggie!" Charlie exclaimed, grabbing onto her girlfriend's arm and shaking it violently, a bright smile lighting up her face, "He looks like a little kid!"
"Damn," Angel laughed lightly, "who woulda guessed the strawberry pimp was actually a cute at one point in time."
Alastor looked around in confusion. A tangle of limbs, wild creatures and bright colors. Husk smirked, trying to hold a derisive laugh at bay as he placed a bottle on the shelf of the bar.
"Charlie," Vaggie sighed, turning to her overexcited partner who at the moment was cooing over how small Alastor had become, "you do realize we have to change him back."
All the joy fell from Charlie's face in an instant.
"Hey, uh, little guy?" Pentious began, awkwardly advancing towards Alastor, "You wouldn't happen to know how we can fix this? I-"
"Stay away!"
His voice was small and shrill, panicked as Alastor backed away from Pentious' advancement. Sir Pentious stopped in his tracks and Charlie let go of Vaggie, coming up beside him.
"It's okay, Alastor." she said in a tone of voice that was trying very hard to be everything except for panicked, which is what it actually was, "He's not going to attack you.''
It became evident almost immediately that that had in fact been the wrong thing for Charlie to say. Alastor's eyes filled with sudden tears.
"Where... stay away from me!" he exclaimed, "My momma told me not to talk to strangers."
Charlie and Vaggie exchanged a glance and Charlie sighed.
"We're not strangers, we're you're friends. I am Charlie, that is Vaggie, Husk is in the bar, this is Angel, and here is Sir Pentious. Remember?"
"I don't know any of you scary things!" Alastor exclaimed, tears beginning to drip from his wide, wet eyes and roll down his cheeks, "I... I want my mommy. Where is my mommy?"
"Oh! No no no!" Charlie exclaimed, trying to reach a comforting hand out to the child but he backed away again.
"Where is my mama!" he yelled, now absolutely sobbing, "I want... I want..."
He sniffled, trying to catch his breath as he looked frantically around the room. Charlie turned to Vaggie, pulling at her hair.
"What do we do!" she asked her girlfriend who shrugged, as much at a loss of how to handle the situation as her partner was.
"Man, if I 'da known he was this cute and... and frail under that whole persona all along." Angel sighed wistfully, crossing his lower set of arms.
This time Husk really couldn't stop the laugh that left him. Before anyone could ask what was so funny, if he knew anything about what was going on, the doors to the hotel opened and Y/n waltzed in. Her arms were laden with bags and she wore a bright, sunny smile.
"Al!" she called out, closing the door gently behind her, "You'll never guess what I found at the market!"
"Um, Y/n?" Sir Pentious tentatively began, taking a step towards her as she turned to the group.
"Fresh strawberries!"
As her eyes fell on the scene before her, the smile fell from her face, replaced with an expression of alarm. The bags fell from her grasp, spilling groceries across the floor as she rushed to the young Alastor's side. His mouth was slightly open, tears still falling openly from his eyes, as she crouched before him. The white skirt of her dress pooled gently on the floor around her feet as she raised a handkerchief to his face, gently patting his cheeks with its edge.
"What on earth is going on?" she asked softly, her voice laced delicately with concern.
"Well, Alastor was fixing the wall and then he just... poofed? I don't know! We don't know what happened and we don't know how to fix it and he keeps asking for his mom and... and... and..." Charlie trailed off, looking around helplessly at her companions.
Y/n's gentle gaze never once left Alastor's. She smiled softly at him.
"I see, are you lost?"
Alastor nodded weakly, sniffing once.
"And there are all these big scary monsters around!" he told her.
"Ah, I see." Y/n sagely replied, "Am I a big scary monster too?"
She didn't mean it in any way except as an attempt to assess the situation further. Alastor's cheeks flushed slightly pink as he shook his head, looking away bashfully. Y/n smiled softly, turning his face gently back to her.
"Would you like to stay with me until we can figure out what is going on?"
The tears had stopped now and Alastor nodded enthusiastically. Y/n dabbed the last remains of saltwater from his cheeks, slipping the handkerchief into her pocket. In a single, swift and practiced motion, Y/n lifted Alastor up, resting him on her hip. His hands immediately went to one of her floppy ears, running his little hands over it in awe.
"Bunny." he stated and Y/n nodded.
"Yeah, I am just like a bunny, okay?"
Alastor met her eyes.
"You're pretty like a bunny too!" he announced proudly and Y/n felt her cheeks grow slightly warm.
"Ah, what a little charmer." she noted, tapping his nose lightly and Alastor giggled.
"How are you so good with him?" Angel asked and Y/n turned towards him as Alastor continued to fiddle with her ear.
"What do you mean?"
"He just kept crying when we were trying to help."
Y/n shrugged slightly.
"I was the oldest growing up. I always had to take care of my baby cousins and stuff like that. Besides, little kids are the sweetest a this age!"
Angel's eyes flicked between Y/n and her enthusiasm and little Alastor who seemed absolutely awestruck in her arms.
"Yeah." he scoffed, "That is all it is."
"Now, Alastor." Y/n hummed, turning to face the boy who immediately met her gaze, his earnest air only endearing her to him further, "I have some work to get done, I cook here at the hotel. Do you want to come help me?"
"Uh-huh." he nodded vigorously and Y/n smiled.
"Well, that's a relief cause, you know, I could really use your help."
Alastor's eyes lit up at the notion, that she needed him, that it wasn't just an empty offer.
"Yeah I could." Y/n confirmed, "How else am I supposed to know if the fruit is ripe or the meal is good if you don't try it for me first?"
Alastor giggled and Y/n turned, glancing at her bags still splayed out on the floor.
"Pen, can you help me with these?"
Immediately, the snake demon agreed, grabbing the fallen produce and placing it back into the bags before hoisting them onto his shoulders. The trio had made it about halfway across the lobby to the service door that lead to the kitchen when Y/n paused, looking back at Charlie over her shoulder.
"Charls, I'd quiz Husk about this if I were you." she advised gently, "He seems far too pleased at the situation to not know exactly what is going on."
The day sped by in a whirl of something akin to unbound joy. It was a peaceful reminder of the person she had been to take care of Alastor like this. They had always been close, he didn't own her soul or anything but Y/n and Alastor had been friends for years. When he had asked her to come help out at the hotel, she had jumped at the opportunity to spend time with him after so many years.
Despite their closeness, neither knew all too much about the other. There was always an unspoken barrier of sorts in the way. For Y/n, it was a mild attraction to the man. He was a moralist at heart with a strict code completely of his own he always stuck to and Y/n admired him for that. She wasn't sure what the disconnect was on Alastor's side but, in the moment, she didn't care. She had learned more about the man through this strange experience than she had ever hoped to, it was a gift.
It was his capacity for love, she realized as she lead him into the lobby to say his goodnights. Y/n had never realized how deeply Alastor cared about the people in his life or the world around him, he hid it so well as an adult. Child Alastor had no pretenses, he was completely and entirely himself with nothing held back. In a weird way, it almost strengthened the feelings she had for him as an adult, being allowed to experience him like this.
All day, he had trailed after her, doing his absolute best to complete every task she assigned him and talking all the while about how much he loved his home and his mom. It was sweet, it was endearing, it was verging on dangerous. Y/n tried not to think about it as she held his small hand.
The pair came to a stop by the bar where the rest of the hotel's residents were sharing a drink. Charlie had found out earlier from Husk that this change in Alastor should only last a day and Y/n found herself nearly morose at the idea. She loved Alastor as a man, respected him, but he lost that openness he had had as a child, she realized. It was a shame that come sunrise, she wouldn't be able to have such open communication with the man again, a shame that the only open communication she would ever have with him was when he was a child incapable of adult though. Y/n squeezed his hand gently.
"Let's say goodnight, okay?"
Alastor looked doubtfully up at Y/n, still put off by the rest of the gang.
"They're your friends, I promise. Would I lie to you?"
Alastor thought it over before shaking his head slightly. He turned to face the group.
"Good night." he announced, his voice trembling just the slightest bit.
"Good job." Y/n hummed and Alastor smiled in pride.
"Damn, is this how you guys always are?" Angel laughed, taking a sip from his drink, evidently already intoxicated, "I mean, I knew you were friends before you came here, but are you always such a mom to him?"
"No!" Y/n indignantly replied, her cheeks flushing slightly pink, "We're just friends."
"Nah," Angel smirked after a moment, "you're totally his mom."
Y/n opened her mouth to reply when Alastor let go of her hand, stepping in front of her with his hands on his hips.
"Y/n is not my mom." he insisted to Angel who raised his eyebrows.
"Yeah, then what is she?" the spider demon asked and Y/n glared at him.
"Y/n is the prettiest ever and when I grow up she's gonna be my wife!" Alastor proudly announced, "She is nice and gives the best hugs."
Angel and Husk both broke out into peals of laughter.
"Like you could land a girl like her." Husk scoffed.
"What do you mean?" Alastor asked, his words slurring slightly together from exhaustion.
"Hate to break it to you kid, but when you grow up, your creepy ass could never."
Alastor frowned deeply at this remark. He looked back at Y/n, his eyes bleeding helplessness. She felt her heart crack and crouched down beside him. Tucking his hair behind his ears, Y/n placed a soft kiss on his forehead.
"Don't listen to Husk." she smiled gently at him, "You have always had a place in my heart."
Alastor's face lit up at this and he turned back to Husk. Taking Y/n's hand back in his, he stuck his tongue out at the cat demon who rolled his eyes in response.
Once up in Alastor's room, Y/n tucked him in to bed and told him a story. Alastor's sleepy eyes struggled to stay open and when she moved to leave, it took some convincing to make him let go of her arm. With promises she would see him first thing in the morning, Y/n let the door close gently behind her and let out a sigh. She had forgotten how much work kids could be, she was exhausted.
She had barley made it back to her room, barley crawled into bed, when there was a soft knock at her door. With a sigh, she threw the covers from her legs and walked to the door, opening it with an irritated expression which softened the moment she saw who stood on the other side.
"What's going on, honey?" she asked, crouching down to Alastor's level and cupping his cheek gently in her soft hand.
"I can't sleep." he bashfully replied, "Momma cuddles me until I fall asleep."
"I see." Y/n hummed, getting to her feet and stepping to the side so he could enter.
Alastor looked up at Y/n in doubt and she gave him a nod of encouragement. It was all he needed to rush into the room and jump up onto her bed, snuggling down into the pile of covers. Y/n watched him for a moment, smiling softly, before closing the door and joining him.
Immediately, Alastor wrapped himself in her arms, snuggling into her chest. Y/n was frozen for a moment in indecision, but tiredness prevailed and in her sleepy state, all that mattered was that it was Alastor. Her oldest friend, the one who had never failed her. She pulled him close, resting her chin on his head.
"You're so comfy." Alastor mumbled through a yawn and Y/n chuckled.
"Its because I know how to enjoy all that life and the afterlife has to offer." she hummed softly in response, her breath tickling the top of his head, "Most men would prefer someone who looks different than me but, luckily I am not existing for men."
The pair fell silent for a moment. Sleep pulled at the edges of Y/n's ears, dragging her eyelids down. She hummed a gentle tune, a lullaby she had long since forgotten the words to but that she could hear her own mother in.
"Well, those men are stupid." Alastor grumpily replied, maneuvering himself around in Y/n's grasp so he faced her, "You look like a fairy."
Y/n cracked her eyes open, ruffling Alastor's hair slightly.
"Why thank you, I do try." she smiled.
"And I meant it."
"Meant what?"
Her eyes were closed again, her voice dreamy.
"When I grow up, I am going to marry you."
"Oh, are you now."
"Yes." Alastor insisted, and in his insistence, through the shrillness of his childlike tone, Y/n could hear him as an adult, as the man she knew, "When I am grown up, I am going to ask you to marry me. Will... you would say yes, right?"
Who would have guessed, the feared and decisive Radio Demon could doubt. Y/n smiled.
"Well, you can't just ask a girl to marry you right off the bat."
"You can't?"
There was a genuine confusion in his voice, Y/n had expected nothing less from a child. Still, she couldn't help but view him through the lens of his adult self in this moment. Maybe it was the exhaustion, the proximity, the dark, how lovely he was when he had nothing to protect himself from, when he did not yet know of the filter he needed in order to conduct himself in the world and not get fucked over by it.
"Nope." Y/n shook her head slightly.
"Why not?"
"Well, you have to court her first."
"Court her?"
"You know, ask her on dates, buy her flowers: woo her."
"Well then I will do that too."
The last thing Y/n remembered before the world gave way to sleep was Alastor asking what her favorite flower was.
"Hyacinths." she had told him, "The purple ones. But don't you dare buy them for me unless you have something to apologize for because they ask for forgiveness. Instead, buy me peonies, they are for new love."
The heat of Hell's false sun was what woke her. Y/n grumbled, rolling over in bed, the course of the day before re-materializing in her head. She smiled softly at the memory, a certain sadness creeping in at the fact that she would probably never be that vulnerable with the man again.
A faint, almost peppery smell reached her nose and Y/n cracked her eyes open. Around her was a world of soft pinks and whites, cascading petals and the most beautiful display of protracted death. She gasped slightly, sitting up in bed. Looking around her small room, she realized it was filled to the brim with peonies in different stages of life. As her eyes traveled to the foot of the bed, she found Alastor standing there, his cheeks flushed and a tray in his hands. On the tray was a stack of pancakes, all cut into the shape of flowers to match. Y/n laughed lightly, smiling up at him from where she sat in bed.
"What's all this?" she asked and his cheeks grew brighter still.
Alastor looked away, clearing his throat.
"I'm keeping my side of the deal."
Y/n searched her mind, looking for any trace of what he could possibly mean.
"The deal... oh!" it suddenly hit her, the sleep riddled conversation they had had the night before.
Her cheeks flushed pink, mirroring his and picking up the colors of the flowers he had surrounded her with. She smiled brightly at Alastor, pulling herself from the bed. The hem of her nightgown rippled gently against her legs as she approached him. With grace, she plucked a strawberry from the plate and popped it in her mouth.
"Are you asking me out on a date?" she grinned coyly up at him.
Alastor rolled his eyes.
"I'm... doing the things so... just..."
His discomfort was palpable, unfamiliar. She reveled in it.
"Do you actually like me?"
"I thought I told you. You know, when-"
"I thought that was just mindless chatter." she interrupted, "Little kids are always saying stuff like that."
"Well, I wasn't."
Y/n laughed and Alastor placed the tray carefully on the edge of the bed, turning back to her.
"Did I misinterpret what you said?"
"Not at all." Y/n said, taking a step closer to him.
"So you will marry me?"
She laughed again, she couldn't help herself. Y/n could tell that if Alastor was able to do anything but smile, he would be scowling at her reaction to his sincere question.
"Ask me out on a date."
"Ask me out on a date!" she insisted and Alastor sighed.
"Fine. Would you..." he took a deep breath, nerves running wild, "would you like to go out... with me..."
"Oh wow, so confident." Y/n teased.
"Y/n." Alastor warned and her smile widened even further.
"Yes, Al. Yes, Alastor, I would love to go out on a date with you."
"Wait, really?"
"Yes." Y/n nodded, her hands clasped behind her back as she swayed slightly on her feet, "I will."
Before she could register what was happening, Y/n was in Alastor's arms. He lifted her off her feet, spinning her around.
"Wait!" she shrieked, "Alastor, put me down! Aren't I too heavy?"
"Not at all, my dear." he hummed, holding her close now.
"Still, put me down!" she bashfully requested and at last he conceded, her feet finding the cool of the wood once again, "How long have you been... you know."
"That, my dear, is for me to know."
He tapped her nose gently and one of her ears shifted in response. Y/n crossed her arms.
"Not fair." she whined.
"Eat." Alastor commanded, unable to be moved on this point, "Meet me downstairs after. We're going out."
@willowshadenox @i-love-jafar @elfyeet 
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pyr0-kai · 11 months
Could you maybe write a mike x reader that the reader has a crush on Mike for a long time now secretly but dont dare tell him because she just can't is too shy and Abby helps reader and Mike to find together with her drawings since she noticed how they look at each other every time but no one says anything and maybe with just fluffy please. The reader knows mike a long time and knows what he is going through and Mike did become distance from the reader but the reader is still here for him when he needs it too.. And they kiss too :)
Hiiii, thank you for my first official request!! I hope you like it!
There shouldn’t be anything to spoiler-y just some tooth rotting fluff and bad writing!! (And one spicy reference ish? Nothing too bad)
Also So sorry, my art class was watching the little mermaid today so its been in the back of my mind.
Abby, The Little Matchmaker
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You had moved in next door to the Schmidt house a few years ago. Mike was watched out the window the day you moved in, while eating breakfast with Abby one morning. He saw you outside of the window, and he wasn’t trying to stare, but ended up staring at your driveway, watching you bring in and out boxes of stuff from one of those large moving trucks. Abby finished a little doodle before looking up, seeing her big brother staring. When Abby spoke up, he zapped out of his little trance.
As a lot of time had passed you had gotten to know him somewhat well. Sometimes he would talk with you from the other side of your fence, or you two would sit on the curb or one of your porches together and just chat about random stuff. As he became more focused on his work, trying and failing to keep a good few job, he slowly began to, unintentionally, become distant. No longer speaking to you directly. But he still would watch you from the window of his kitchen if he saw you pretty [hair color] flash in the corner of his vision. Often seeing you playing with your younger sibling, or younger family members.
Once he landed the job at Freddy’s, he knew he would need help. And you were the best and only person he could really think to ask. It was awkward but, you agreed. Excited to officially meet his little sister, and hopefully see more of him once again. Thats how you ended up watching over Abby once he started working late nights.
Abby was very shy at first, but as time past, and you spent more time at the Schmidt house, she began to open up a bit, talking more and inviting you to draw with her. She also noticed though, how awkward you were with Mike. How you two both seemed to like each other a lot, but it was strange.
One evening however, it was just you and Abby. One of her favorite movies, The Little Mermaid was playing in the background, and she was drawing. Not looking up from the paper, she spoke.
“Hey, [Y/N]?”
“Yeah Abby? Whats up?”
“Do you like my brother? I mean, Like-Like him?”
Your face flustered at that question.
“N-Not like that no… We are just friends really.” You replied, voice cracking a bit.
She turns her head and looks at you.
“Oh really? At dinner sometimes when I mention you, he always says you’re pretty and appreciates you being friends and taking care of me at night. Also, sometimes when i’m not asleep yet, I hear weird noises, and your name coming from his room.”
She notices your face and how red it gets from hearing her speak. She knew you had a crush on him, no matter how much you tried to deny it. Then she turned her head back, smirked to to herself and grabbed a new piece of paper, before heading back into her room, to plan.
Later, Mike invited you to stay for breakfast. He was cooking up some slightly burnt scrambled eggs while you were tapping your nails on the kitchen table. After what Abby had told you, it became even more difficult to talk to him.
Abby came out of her room a few minutes later, a piece of folded paper in her pj pocket. She sat at the table, across from you, wishing you and Mike a good morning. You 3 ate Mike’s slightly burnt food, as Abby told you about a project she’s excited to start at school. Once the food was done, and the dishes were put in the sink, Abby perked up again.
“I drew this for both pf you! Don’t open it until I’m back in my room please!”
You and Mike both nodded as she dashed off into her room to get ready for school. You stood next to Mike as he unfolded the sheet of paper. The inside revealing a picture of You, Mike, And Abby, all happily hugging. You and Mike looked at each other, admiring each other’s eyes. Before you both heard Kiss the girl, from The Little Mermaid start playing from the Cassette player in Abby’s room.
You two both looked at each other, the paper still in Mike’s hand.
“Did Abby tell you that I like you?” He asked.
“Yeah, did she say that I like you..?”
You replied.
But you’re dying to try
You wanna kiss the girl
Yes, you want her
The song played, while you and mike looked each other. He gulped before leaning in slightly for a kiss, and you met his lips halfway. The kiss was everything you both wanted, soft, loving and passionate.
“I love you…”
He spoke.
“I love you too…”
You replied.
The song ended from Abbys room, and you both heard her shout
You and Mike both laughed before he pulled you into a tight hug. To this very day, the specific picture Abby drew is framed and sits on a shelf. She draws all 3 of you together much more, loving how happy it makes you all. This always ends with a group hug, as well as you and mike sharing a loving kiss.
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stargirl-int3rlud3 · 11 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫.
straw hat crew x gn! reader
🗯 ! swearing, flirting, suggestive language !
synopsis; how i interpret opla characters would react to having a lover who has water powers. — ♡ ᵎᵎ
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LUFFY; He thinks that you are the ABSOLUTE coolest person alive, like what??? you have water powers?!!!??? Luffy is so pumped and will ask to see you do little tricks ALL the time, but it's okay because he's cute. When he sees you use your water powers for the first time he's like "WOAH WHAT WAS THAT AND WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU COULD DO THAT??!!!!!!" If you kick Luffy's ass using your water powers he's 10x as impressed, but when he sees you kick somebody's ass using it he's in the background like "WOOOOOOOO!!!!! THATS MY PARTNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
You and the crew are in the midst of kicking this pirate and his crew's ass. Now you guys are kinda getting you're asses kicked so you choose now to use your water powers. A wave of water picks up one of the pirates by his ankle and spins him around before throwing him into the oblivion. While you go to help Nami, Luffy is stood with his jaw practically on the floor. He continues to watch you as you form a water-y fist to punch a pirate guy off of Nami. He's even more shocked now, his eyes bulging out of his skull. After the fight is over, Luffy approaches you about the topic. "Why didn't you tell me?!" Luffy says, a little bit more hurt then he intended. "Tell you what?" You ask, confused and concerned. "THAT YOU WATER POWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Oh, yeah, I don't know I just- I guess I didn't want you to really look at me differently or anything" "Of course I still see you as my cute partner that I had seen you as before I knew, but now you're my cute and cool partner" You place a hand on your chest, pretending to be hurt but he gives you a sweet smile and you drop your arm and hold it out to give him a hug. "Soooooo, are you gonna show me some cool water tricks you can do?" "If you'd like" You smile, pushing your fingers through his hair.
ZORO; He thinks it's really cool, but will refuse to admit it to your face. Secretly, he fangirls about how cool you are. Then, he gets to thinking and realizes what an awesome power couple you two make. Greatest swordsman in the world and a water master. Name a more iconic duo. When he first notices you using your water powers he's like "Woah..what the hell that was pretty cool". If you kick Zoro's ass he may be sour for a good 30 minutes or so, but deep down he thinks that it was kind of hot that you did. At first he's afraid to tell you this info because he is still same old Zoro who has a hard time opening up, but when he does he has never been more glad. You take that info and run with it, aka you ask Zoro to help you "train" or just challenge him randomly just to kick his ass. If he thought getting his ass kicked was hot wait until he watches you kick someone else's ass.
You had asked Zoro to help you train, in which he gladly agreed. He was fully ready to hand your own ass to you, that was until a random wave of water washes over him making him lose his footing and fall to the floor. You stand over him with one foot on his chest to keep him down. He let's out a scoff before pushing your foot off of him and stomping away. Part of you felt bad, but you knew that he would get over it and he was just being a sore loser at the moment. And you were right, by the time dinner had rolled around he was way less pouty than before. As everyone sat around the table, Zoro scooted in closer than usual to you. He placed his hand on your thigh, confused at the gesture but too hungry to really care, you leave it alone. That's until towards the end of dinner, Zoro's hand starts to form little circles that turn into big circles against your thigh that make you instinctively squirm. As his hand gets closer...and closer....and- You stand up leaving the dinner table quickly, making everyone stare at you and then Zoro. Zoro shrugged as if he hadn't done anything, "What's their problem?" After Zoro finishes his dinner, he finds you in his cabin were you are intensely staring at your balled up hands. He makes a noise to alert you of his presence and that's when your head whips up to stare at him. "Why'd you do that?" You ask. He leans over and whispers in your ear, "It's kind of hot when you kick my ass" You blush a little bit, but let out a little giggle at Zoro's oddness. One in which he doesn't appreciate.
NAMI; She thinks it is so badass. Her partner has water powers?Fucking awesome!! When she first sees you using said powers she's so amazed and wants to know everything about it. How it works, what you can and can't do, how you obtained such powers. Those such things. If and when you kick Nami's ass with your water powers she'll except defeat and tell you how cool and awesome she thinks it is. Similarly to Zoro, Nami also finds it quite attractive to watch you kick ass and protect her.
As much as you hated to admit it, Nami was currently getting her ass handed to her. Not wanting to see anymore of your partner getting hurt, you form a small tsunami to wash out the person currently causing harm to your lover. Confused where the hell a small tsunami came from, Nami looks in your direction as you continue to form mini tsunami's to take out the several bad guys you were fighting off. She stares at you in utter awe and amazement. Not only did you just protect her from getting her ass whooped but you also looked pretty damn good doing so. Later Nami would approach you about it. "So." "So?" You look at her confused. "When were you planning on telling me you have water powers, huh?" "Oh,I- I don't know...I wanted to tell you but I didn't think you'd believe me" "Of course I would believe you, I...I love you" "AWWWWWWWW NAMI I LOVE YOU TOO" "Okay, now don't make it weird" Anyways, from this day on Nami will ask you to use your powers to help her with tasks. Nami loves the help and you love being Nami's company, it's a win-win.
SANJI; OMG OMG OMG!!!!! He is so so super excited!! Like, that's so cool to him. To be fair he thinks anything about you is fascinating but this especially. He's your #1 fan and will fight anyone who judges you over the power. Sanji is forever a lover. ANYWAYS, when he sees you using your powers for the first time he is just so awestruck and head over heels for you. Anything (and I mean, anything) you do is so special to him. He makes it his mission to learn about these powers. When you kick Sanji's ass, which he let's you do even without your water powers, he is the happiest man in the East Blue. I'm a firm believer that Sanji likes to be topped but that's besides the point. When he watches you kick someone else's ass he is very proud even though he wishes he could protect you more often than he can.
You just told Sanji one day, like you were bored so were like- "Hey Sanji?" "Yes, Darling?" "I have water powers" He drops the pot of water he was just carrying and stares at you. Now you kinda feel bad so you use your water powers to clean up the mess and Sanji just watches with the biggest eyes. After he's out of his shocked state he grabs your face and holds it close to his which evidently makes the hue in your face turn a bright pink. "That." Kiss. "Is the." Kiss. "Cutest" Kiss. "Thing." Kiss. "Ever." Kiss. At this point you're a bit overwhelmed (in a good way) by Sanji's kisses, but get a hold of yourself. "Does that mean I can help in the kitchen more?" "Only if you don't burn it down" He laughs at your eagerness to be with him more.
USOPP; Much like Luffy, he is so excited and wants to see you do all kinds of tricks and thinks it is the most hilarious thing when you pull water pranks on him with your powers. Usopp is kind of used to getting his ass kicked so it doesn't bother him too much, now for kicking others asses, that's a different story. Usopp is constantly having to be brave and I think he would truly appreciate if he was the one being protected, of course he'll protect you if you need it, he just prefers what he prefers.
You and the straw hat crew were currently being attacked by other pirates and as you witnessed Usopp running around scared for his life, you felt a pang in your heart. Without a second thought you used your water powers to whisk away Usopp from danger and instead right by your side where you knew he'd be safe.
At first he's freaking out cause why is he being lifted into the air by a wave of water. Then, once he realizes it is your doing he calms down before freaking out again.
You had to settle him down before telling him that you just didn't want to make things weird. He told you that he didn't think it was weird at which then led to him telling you how much he likes being saved by you. You use this knowledge to your advantage and takes every oppurtunity to save and protect Usopp which always ends with him going on and on about it with Nami and Zoro who then complain to you about it later (I didn't add Luffy into the mix because he wouldn't complain, he'd just be like "that's very cool of you.").
☆ | YIPPEE!! This one is cool, I liked writing it
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narcissarina · 6 months
Hellooo pookie! :D
Could you write a fic about Re2 Leon, like a really lovey dovey one where he's a rookie and he falls in love with his lieutenant or something like that? 🧘
Hello, babyyyy. Yes I could write something like that but I swear I read a similar fanfic about it. And yes it's a leon fanfiction too, but I hope I did well ^^!!!
Here's part 2 if anyones looking for it
𝑆𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐴𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
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𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕, 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒅𝒖𝒕𝒚.
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 2,961 (mf wrote a whole oneshot🥲🥲)
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Leon heard that someone transferred to R.P.D, he doesn’t know who nor what rank they are but he reckons that it’s someone with high respect if he see his buddies getting worked up and actually doing something.
The boy had his head bowed in his desk, it’s been just two days when he was warmly welcomed, it was his first day and it was very memorable. His eyes were heavy and almost took a nap when someone slammed a file on to his desk, “wake up, rookie.” One of his co-workers said with a smile on his face.
They all heard a car pulled up, all of them got tense as one of Leon’s buddies kick him out of his chair and stand up. The room was silent and the car engine died, he could see an officer jogging up the small stair and opened a door for a someone.
It was you.
You had a long leathered black coat and wore a sunglasses, the aura you’re giving is dark and intimidating. You take a look around before turning to one of the officers, “This is R.P.D?” you asked, your tone flat and strong. A female officer nodded at your statement and flashes you a smile, “yes, ma’am. Do you like the interior..?”
Leon swore he heard a scoff, “it’s a mess, take that down and you all shouldn’t have bothered decorating, we have a job to do. Chop-chop.” You clapped your hand as the others rushes what they’re doing, the female and male officer led you to your office and made you familiarize around the area.
Heels clicking as they faded quickly to the background, Leon found himself standing idly and frozen when his friend bump into him. “Don’t you have work to do?” he asked Leon in a nervous tone, “I’ve already done my part.” Leon whisper back to his friend.
“If the Lieutenant heard you two whispering and not doing any work, you guys are fucked.” His other friend bothered to turn his head just to warn Leon and the other. Before the black haired guy leaves Leon to do his work, he got a grasp of his arm, “that’s Lieutenant?” he asked.
“Yeah, and if I were you. I wouldn’t make eye contact with her.” He says and left, getting his documents done. Leon was left alone standing beside his desk, he sat and think for a moment.
The moment he caught your eyes, he felt his heart skip a beat. Your voice was simply beautiful and angelic to him, is he falling for his Lieutenant thats just new to R.P.D? His thoughts were swirling as he felt his cheeks burning crimson, he feels like a little boy who has a big crush on someone and act like a little puppy.
While you were flipping through files and files, “wrong, wrong, redo.” You mutter, letting the two nervous officer hear your disapproval. “Not enough, now go.” Clicking your fingers together and scoot them away from your sight, you think there is just so much mess in this station and it needs fixing and more organizing.
You lean down to one officer and stare at the monitor, “I need people to patrol this area.” You point to the bottom right of the screen and beside it, “yes, ma’am!” Leon could hear they’re super nervous and scared of you, why? He’s just resting his elbow on top of his desk and resting his cheek with both of his palms.
Your eyes shot to him, thinking to yourself that there’s one officer who’s just chilling and doing nothing, you tap on a random officers shoulder—not bothering what they look like or get their name, “who’s that?” you asked, “oh, that’s Leon. He just started two days ago, a rookie.” You nod at their words and dismiss them.
Heels click and Leon heard them, he tensed up as he felt your presence behind him. The boy slowly turns and looks at you in the eye, maintaining an eye contact which most of the officer couldn’t do. “Rookie?” you called.
He stood up straight and put his heels together, “yes, Lieutenant?” his voice almost squeaked as he spoke, “why am I not seeing you work, Mr. Kennedy?” you knit your brows together but you’re not frowning at him. His heart race as you stood close to him, your arms folded and you shift your weight to your left.
Silence filled the room, it was eerie as the other officers prayed for Leon’s being. He spoke with a nervous smile, “I just finish my part..?” you nod at his words, thinking at the back of your head if this rookie is playing games with you.
You tut his words and let out a sigh, “is that so?” he nods, standing straight as he adjust his uniform. He was intimidated but felt his stomach flutter. “Nope, I heard that excuse before, rookie.”
He swallowed his saliva, his adams apple bobbing as he do so, before you could speak another word—someone cut you off, “ma’am we got a noise complaint…” said a female officer, you nodded and look at him. “You go, rookie. Since you don’t have anything to do.” You flash him back with a smile, he chuckles and salute you, “yes!” before heading off.
Now that you have him gone and run some errands, you got back to exploring the place once more as officers rushes to you to give you their printed document to get approved on.
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You never know this, but each day. Leon’s adoration for you grew stronger, you were oblivious to Leon crushing on you. He just felt so warm and fuzzy and he loves it, the way your eyes met his to either scold him for bringing in a wrong document or that there’s errors in his reports—he didn’t mind that, he just loves to hear your voice and your attention to him even if it means he did frequent mistakes.
Gifts also started dropping off on the doorstep of your office, you once asked all of them, “who gifted this to me?” but they all shake their head, not knowing who keeps dropping gifts on your office doorstep. Leon made sure that no one sees him dropping them off though, otherwise he's caught.
He would get to work early so he could drop them off, then watch your face in a frown or confusion as you read the note that was attached. Making you grow curious who is it from.
This continues, and of course. Your nagging continues to Leon, he just grew to love it. He has his head bow on his table, you slam the file down as he flew back to his chair and rub his eyes with his wrist, “listen here, rookie. I don’t tolerate too much mistakes when you’re under my care.” You frown at him, grabbing the two of his armrest and pushed him back to his desk, the others just focused on their work and pretend they didn’t see a thing.
“The file you just turned in? It was good, but too many errors and I need you to redo them, asap.” You grit your teeth but try not to be too intimidating, Leon just looks at you in the eyes with love and adoration, you were cute when you’re mad. You see something in his eyes and sigh, you let go of him and mind your posture.
“Look,” you turn his chair and pushed him back at his desk, open the file he turned in and took a red pen from his desk. “This is fine, but this and this are…” you guide him through this and point out what he needs to do and how he properly does it, surprisingly, he listen to every word you said and nodded each time you asked him, “do you get that?”
It took a minute and Leon didn’t realize that you were leaning over his shoulder. He froze in place and feel his ears and cheek heat up, “I’ll be expecting you to redo this and turn it in, okay?” you spoke to him, finding anything in his eyes but you found none but his adoration for you.
“Leon, I’m not that scary, okay?” you sound like as if you’re talking to a child, “but if there is something that you’re having troubled with, you can come to me and I’ll guide you.” You added and pat his shoulder as you pull yourself together, “do you understand rookie?”
“Yes, ma’am.” He flashes as grin.
“Good boy, now keep up a good work.”
You turn your heels and walked away, returning to your office and plan things here and there. Leon blushes and lightly slam his forehead against his desk and brush his fingertips against his shoulder—where you were almost brushing against him.
He was too zoned out about you calling him a good boy as he earned a hard slap on his back, “g— fuck!” he curses and put his hand where it hurts and stings, “ow?!” he faces his buddies as they sat next to him, “the Lieutenants into you.” One spoke with a donut in hand, “I mean, why wouldn’t you go after her. She had a whole cake packing.”
“what cake?”
You just earned two screams and yelp from the two officers beside Leon, “Lieutenant…” his friend from the right swallows his saliva while the other put the whole donut inside his mouth, “do you two have cake? I would love to have one.” You hum, raising an eyebrow as you await for their response.
“N-No, n-no ca—”
“We just finished eating it, sorry we didn’t gave you one, Lieutenant.”
Leon saw a sad frown planted on your face but manage to keep your cool back, “it’s all right, I hope the cake you two ate is Red Velvet,” you nod at them, Leon open his mouth and asked, “is red velvet your favorite?” your attention to the blonde boy, “yes it is, now focus on your report Mr. Kennedy.”
And with that, you walked away again.
After that conversation, Leon got better at handing you his reports and documents—once he was assured that he can turn to you without having trouble to make up some mistakes to have a reason for your attention, he’ll ask for your help and feel your chest at the back of his head. When he does a good job, you praise him and give him a pinch in the cheek which you grew accustomed on.
Leon looked forward every time your hand made contact with his face, either giving him a pinch or gently pat. He’s so god damn in love that he’ll cover up your murder for you if you ever murder someone…
He wants more though, he wants to be able to hold your hand, grab you by the waist or bury his head on the crook of your neck and inhaling your scent that he'll grew to love. He was a puppy in love, you noticed his behavior and made him run errands for you: getting you your coffee, driving to your favorite café to get your favorite snacks.
You noticed how much he acts like a puppy when with you, but when he’s with his co-workers nor friends. He is chill and could look at them in the eye and hold conversation, but with you? He’s a stuttering mess and couldn’t hold eye contact for more than five minutes.
You waited him to make his move, you step inside the station as you were greeted with three officers inside as they always arrived early. Leon is having his nap to his cubicle, he looks so peaceful and unbothered by the bright light inside the station.
Your heels clicked and wall to your officer and dangle your key, you feel eyes on you as you quickly turn your head and catch a glimpse of Leon eyeing on you then quickly bow his head to his desk and pretend to be napping. You look down at the ground on cue as if you knew there will be another gift for you.
It was a red velvet cake, didn’t you just say that you love red velvet a few days ago with Leon’s friends?
You took it in and place it in your desk, Leon was watching and chuckling to himself like a kid that’s been falling hard.
Few hours later.
The station became busy again for the day, Leon is doing the best he can to help his co-workers with papers when they need him to double-check the files they’d be turning in. Since they all knew that Leon hasn’t been scolded for these fast few weeks. They wouldn’t be dealing with your intimidating remark and can handle Leon’s kind and soft words.
“oh no, you need to change this.” He points to the mistake that the female officer has, then another file was shoved in to his face. “This is good but this seems unnecessary.” He circles around the thing that needs to be removed in the males officers report.
Leon was packed with officers and files in his desk, someone taps his shoulder, “Lieutenant wishes to see you in her office.” Then walked off, they all look defeated and sulk at the sudden need of the Lieutenant to Leon.
A smile flashes to his face and stood up, “thank you,” he said and hold back his excitement when he walks towards your office door, he knocks and waited. “Come in,” and he did.
“Quite packed, huh?” you remark, looking up at him as you held the small cake in your hand and a spoon to the other, “they’re approaching you rather me,” you said and sliced a piece and ate it.
“It was… fine.” Leon said and closes the door behind him, “you need me for something, ma’am?”
“oh no, I just got made an excuse to get you away from the crowd.”
This made Leon smile as you were considerate to him, “although, I do need to clarify something.” You gesture to him to sit on the chair, he sat and tense up.
“Were you the one who’s been dropping gifts on my office doorstep lately?”
His heart dropped, his heart race and he looked down. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about…”
“Leon, I installed a small camera on the door, I literally saw you putting down the cake and getting all giggly when you put the note in.”
Ah, he was caught. He got no more excuses so he confess, “yes… I did…” he mutter, he looks like a dejected puppy that’s going to get his punishment, “don’t you like them?”
“it’s cute and all, but you’re getting distracted from work, honey.” You lift his chin to make him look at you in the eyes, the pet name craved at the back of his head—your hand touching his chin, good god he’s fucking melting right under your touch.
The sight made you smile as you put the pieces together, “your reports and files that you turn in are quite an improvement, there are no mistakes nor unnecessary things in them.” You could imagine him having a tail and wiggling it when you praises his works, mostly importantly—praise him.
“You did good today, haven’t you?” you teased him, you could feel him tremble under your touch, “been a good boy too, helping his co-workers because they don’t want to face a big and mean Lieutenant.” You act as if you were literally talking to a child when Leon is a grown ass man.
His nails digging to his knees and nodded, “not mean…” he mutters, “what’s that?” you grab a hold of his chin and made him look at you directly, “You’re not mean, you’re lovely…” Leon mutter and you squish his cheeks together, you hum at his words and sat down to your desk.
“Is mr. Kennedy confessing?”
You tease him, as he holds himself back. Your thumb caressing his cheek and pushing a strand of hair out of his face. He grit his teeth and couldn’t hold himself back, you were caught off guard when he quickly got up from his sit and pushed you back to your desk and bury himself on the crook of your neck. Finally inhaling your scent and melt on top of you.
You two were silent as you pat him in the back, “good boy.” God that two words definitely made him melt more as you mistake it that he’s wagging his tail like an excited dog. “Want you…” you heard him, his lips brushing against your ear as he looks up at you and brush his nose to yours as he leans in to kiss your lips.
You didn’t resist and kissed back, your hand gripping on to his shoulder and the other on his bicep. He held you by the waist, you didn’t knew his hands would be massive too, he’s melting to everything. Your lips, your touch, your voice, everything. He is worshipping the ground you’re standing.
“not today,” you stopped him as he pulled himself from your lips, he sulks and looks like a sad little puppy that didn’t get his treat. “Not until you finally proved yourself to me, Leon.” You hum, cupping his cheek and pinching it again.
He smiles and nodded, saying he’d do everything to prove himself to you—you don’t know how much he’ll pour his entire soul to love you and please you and fit to your standard. He never thought that his silent affection would come to this, but it did and it worked.
He's yours and he’s going to do his best to make you his.
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OK OK OK, I LOVE HOW THIS TURNED OUT!??!?!??! It turned out like an office romance lol. I HOPE I DID WELL!!! Reblogs and asks are appreciated <33
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iznyangwoni · 2 months
EASY TO LOVE | chapter seven !
warnings: suggestive, mention of drinking and getting drunk
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“No phones allowed?” You hear someone ask as you go up the stairs, towards the vip section. Jungwon is holding your hand, not wanting you to trip and fall because of those heels, or the dark of the hallway.
“Just the rules, puppy.” You say, now seeing its Jake the one speaking. Jungwon high fives him. You give your phone to the bodyguard in front of the door and turn around to look at the two boys behind you before entering. “You guys better put those phones away.”
The room is full of people you know, you hang out with the same five people all the time but you’re choi y/n, people know you. You say hi to Heeseung, a guy from the same band as jay, who is having a chat with Nicholas and him. Jungwon catches up to you, which is perfect timing since now you can introduce him to your friends.
“Ay, Princess! And that must be uhm… what’s his name…” “I’m Jungwon nice to-“ “YEAH JUYEON YEAH!” Safe to say Nicholas is drunk as fuck. The older guy pats Jungwon’s back almost violently, while somehow remaining friendly. Jay rolls his eyes and smoothly moves the younger away from Nicho’s grip.
After a few minutes and a couple of more shots, theres ten of you sat on some comfortable couches, a coffee table in the middle, a couple of bottles, some full some already empty, and charli xcx is playing in the background. This really is your vibe.
“So? Are we playing?” Yujin, a girl that Wonyoung invited, speaks.
“What are we playing?” Jungwon whispers into your ear. You’re so squeezed in the sofa that one of your legs is basically on his. “Just the usual truth or dare, if you dont answer or do the dare, you drink.” And so the game shortly begins. As usual, its boring at first, when no one, except for the poor moka, is drunk enough to do bold shit. After a couple of rounds, its when the fun really begins.
Jay is dared to read his last sext, which we all regret hearing, Wonyoung is dared to give her number to the ugliest, poorest guy she can find at the party, meanwhile Nicho has to share his most obscure kink. Your head is spinning after the fourth round, giggles escaping your mouth for no reasons at all.
That is until you’re called to choose. Truth or Dare? “Dare. Of course.” Heeseung is the one chosing the dare for you, and you can tell by how he acts that he is not sober at all, but thats fine, since you probably look even worse than him. “You were a dancer, right? Why dont you show your new little toy how good of a dancer you are?” He points at a pole, most likely used by real pole dancers in the club.
You laugh, you’re no pole dancer, but you do know how to move. Even before you get up, Jungwon is looking at you in awe. He doesnt like how everyone has been calling him your toy all night, but fuck. The thought of you, in that little dress and boots, dancing on a pole? It was driving him so crazy he didnt even had the time to get mad at the nickname.
You get up and look at him for a second, you want to whisper in his ear, but your stability right now is not the best, so you almost fall on him, his hands promptly on your waist as you giggle again. Your lips brush his ear, your voice breathy and drunk. “Don’t get too hard, mh?” Jungwon closes his eyes, letting you go as he just mumbles.
You put your hands on the pole, meanwhile someone turns up the volume of the music. Your head is spinning too much, you barely know what you’re doing, but by how everyone is cheering and clapping their hands for you, maybe you’re not doing too bad. Your eyes meet Jungwon’s and god, he looks like he’s about to lose it any second.
If only he wasnt so stubborn, he would’ve already gotten you off of that pole and inside a room instead. If he wasnt so stubborn he would’ve probably kissed you an hour ago. And now he is so drunk, his mind on how your dress is slightly going up, how your hair looks meanwhile you’re having the time of your life, those thighs of yours..He can only be glad when the music stops and you clumsily go back to your seat on the couch.
His hand immediately goes to your thigh, squeezing it tightly, so deep his nails might dig into your skin. But you dont say a thing, you let him do that without complaining, and his heart is about to explode. “Jungwon its your turn! Truth or Dare?” Jungwon is looking down, trying to calm himself.
“T-Tru- No. Dare. I want a dare.” He doesnt even know who asked him. Only after a few seconds he raises his eyes up, the person speaking to him has the coldest look in his eyes that he has ever seen. Sunghoon seems to be wanting to take the younger by his hair and punch him. But his voice is calm, almost challenging. “Take your hand off of Y/n.”
You’re still breathing erratically, your chest going up and down so fast, and you dont know if its because of Jungwon’s nails digging into your skin, the alcohol, the dance you just did, or maybe all together. Jungwon looks at you, then at his hand, and lastly at Sunghoon. You honestly expect him to take his hand off, no one dares to fuck with Sunghoon this way. But Jungwon just leans towards the table, his free hand reaching for a bottle of tequila.
“I prefer to drink instead.”
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they-call-me-emmy · 10 months
The Past is The Past 3
Part 1 and 2 on my account <3
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Summary: Tara was faced with her 3 ghostface, and this time got so seriously injured she was in a coma. When she wakes up, she has no memory of the past 3 years...including you, her girlfriend.
Notes: Imagine this as our gals scream 7...since Jenna apparently quit and left me fucking DYING
Warnings: Uh, injury, violence, blood, our boy ghostyface with knives. Coma and memory loss if thats even a warning. Swearing. Uhm. Shitty 7th grade writing.
Tara pushed the food around her plate using her fork. She'd barely eaten a bite all dinner, busy glaring at Sam and avoiding any sort of eye contact with Y/N.
"So." Sam began, putting a hand to her mouth and pausing, to finish chewing. "Y/N. How's life been treating you? I haven't seen you around in a while."
There was a second of silence as Y/N finished her food.
"Fine." She stated, setting her fork down on her napkin. "Work's been rough, but nothing besides that."
Sam nodded. "You work at that bookstore, right? The one with the bunny in the window? I drive by it on my way to the grocery store."
Tara had no idea what they were talking about. She hadn't gone shopping since she'd come home. What bookstore? What bunny? It was like listening to people speaking nonsense.
"Yeah. That's the one. Shifts have been longer recently, we're low on staff."
Sam nodded, continuing to eat. Y/N cleared her throat.
"Tara," Tara startled from her daze at the sound of her name, in Y/N's voice no less. "Sam's been telling me your getting back into horror? Is that true?"
Tara glared at Sam.
"I've always been into horror."
Y/N nodded, pursing her lips, sensing the tension in the room. The need to just...not talk.
"I was-" Y/N cleared her throat and took a sip of water. "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to watch some of your favorites...y'know, the few we watched in the last year you really enjoyed? I wouldn't mind re-watching them with you."
Tara couldn't help but feel weird. She's watched movies with this girl. She'd watched horror movies. She'd watched horror movies and enjoyed them. With this girl? This girl she hardly knew now?
Y/N nodded.
"I've been busy lately." Tara pushed a cooked carrot into her napkin. She didn't like those.
Sam rolled her eyes. "Tara, you've been sitting on your ass for the past week-"
Tara suddenly stood up. "I'm finished. I'm going to go wash the dishes." She took Sam and Y/N's plates and left without another word.
Tara knew they'd talk the moment she left. She hovered at the door, running the sink in the background so they'd think she was cleaning. Maybe they'd mention the big thing tonight. Maybe they'd say something that would finally help her understand her past.
"I'm sorry she's being an ass." Sam's voice was muffled through the kitchen door.
"It's fine. I wasn't expecting a heartwarming welcome. I mean, come on, I'm practically a stranger to her. And it's hard on her too, Sam. Remember she's struggling too."
Tara would have felt mad if anyone else had said this, as if they pitied her and felt sorry for her state of mind. But hearing those words, those words in Y/N's sweet voice...felt like reassurance that someone understand how she'd been struggling.
"I know...I'm trying to get her to...connect. Y'know? Re-enforce those bonds...god, you two were like peas in a pod. I can't imagine how long it'll take for that to be back, especially with her new...attitude." Sam sounded empathetic, but there was still a twinge of annoyance in her voice.
"I'm not expecting it to just click again...but I can wait. I'm assuming you haven't told her?" Y/N asked.
Tara could feel her heart beat a little faster. Was this it? Was she about to learn what this secret was that everyone seemed so desperate to avoid?
"No. I don't feel like it's the right time. I mean, you see the way she is. Putting that much more pressure on her is bound to do no good."
"You have to tell her at some point." Y/N said. "You and her would both prefer you telling her rather then her randomly learning one day, or even worse, getting a flash of memory from it. The doctor did say those happen, especially with traumatic experiences, at least in her case."
"I don't feel like now is the right time."
"Soon, Sam. Please. The girl deserves to know. This is important."
I'm a slut for comments people.
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sofia-cloud · 1 year
Hey!! Do u mind writing a spider noir x fem reader (they live in the same universe) where the reader and Peter are already dating but he decides to confess that he’s spider man to her? Btw i absolutely love ur work! Stay safe and make sure to take breaks <3 (also sorry if this Req doesn’t make any sense I tried my best to explain it 😭😭)
— love you more ᥫ᭡.
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- pairing: Spider-Noir x fem!reader
❀˖° contents: pure fluff, peter is so lovely, dating, hugging, praising, pet names.
❀˖° summary: reader and peter are dating since few months, then peter decides to tell reader his identity, there are alot of emotions going on through the story.
❀˖° notes: sorry if this too long but noir is something else ya know 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒
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You and Peter have been dating for 2 months now, you are very comfortable with him and he is always comfortable with you.
Since yall date you do nothing but think about him, you can't get him out of your head, the way he talks to you, how he smiles at you, how he holds your hand when you go on a date, he was simply perfect for your eyes, your love for him grew more and more and didn't slow down.
One day he invited you to the movies with him, you accepted of course, you wanted to spend as much time as possible with him.
When you got to the cinema he hadn't arrived yet, maybe he was late you thought, but 15 minutes passed and there was no sight of him yet.
When you're almost resigned, you hear someone in the distance calling your name, you turn around to see who he is and it was Peter yelling at you to wait for him from afar.
“ 'm sorry, i had an unforeseen event and..” Peter said trying to catch his breath.
“Its okay, dont worry 'bout me, worry about the movie” you said as the movie had already started 20 minutes ago.
“I see, so you wanna go home or do you want to see another movie?” He told you with a sorry look, he really didn't want to be late on a date with you, but unfortunately his other life as a spider noir didn't give him any choices.
“Well, I want to spend time with you so it's okay if we see another movie” you replied by putting your hand on his shoulder smiling at him.
He nodded and then you entered the cinema.
“That was a good movie,” you said giggling a little and holding his hand.
“Yeah, it was for sure,” he replied with a smile back.
He accompanied you home while the sun was setting, you had spent a good time with him, and he also did with you.
The more time passes, the closer you get and feel that you have more and more feelings.
The dates continued, but it must be said that he arrived 70% of the time late, you didn't understand why he always arrives 15 or 20 minutes after the time you gave yourself, if it didn't suit him then he could tell you but he didn't.
Peter doesn't want you to think that for him you go in the background or that you're not important enough to him, unfortunately he doesn't decide when the city needs him, there is one and only spider noir in the world, and it was him.
Precisely for this reason, he thought a lot about the decision to tell you his identity, you were the person he trusts the most, and he can't keep hiding it from you, he doesn't want you to come up with bad ideas, he felt comfortable with you, he doesn't want to ruin the relationship you have created in these months.
At this point he prefers to let you know now, he doesn't want it to be too late to tell you.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“Can I come over, my love?” He told you on the phone.
“Yeah sure, there's something wrong?” You answered him, noticing that he was nervous by his voice.
“I needa tell you something really important” he only answered you this and attacked.
What does he mean by this? Did something happen between us? Lately I see him a bit in his thoughts, maybe he wants to tell me the reason why he's been behaving like this lately. These were your thoughts when he told you this, you were afraid to know but you were also impatient, you wanted to know so bad the reason, but at the same time you were nervous.
“Sorry dove, I really need to go” he told you as he put his jacket back on and got out of his chair.
“But u said we'll go to-“ you tried to answer, a little disappointed with his behavior, but you were stopped by him,
“I promise one day i'll explain you everything, just remember that I love you” he told you softly as he stroked your cheek with his hand, then gave you a kiss in the head and said you goodbye.
Damn it, you couldn't get mad at him, he was so sweet and adorable with you, whatever he's going through you would have listened and tried to understand him, he's not the type to leave this way for nonsense, if he has to leave it will be for a good reason.
And he knew you trusted him, that you would wait for him, that you would give him time to confess everything to you, by now he no longer needed to say to leave, you understood him immediately when he made that sincerely sorry look.
“Love, i-“ he tried to tell you while you were having dinner at your house, he took a look at the window, he always gave a look at the window before leaving, you didn't understand why but it didn't matter.
“You can go babe” you told him as you smiled softly at him and put your hand on his arm.
There was no reason to get angry, you trusted him a lot, you know he would never lie to you, you know he would never let you down, that's why you didn't ask where he was going, you had to wait for him, you always tried to put him at ease and he did the same, your esteem for each other was very high.
“Youre the best” smiled back at you as you saw him walk out the door.
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The steps were fast, the breath accelerated, nervous look, sweaty hands and lost in the thoughts, am I really going to tell her that i am spider noir? How will she react? That I'm just a liar? A guy who deceives people for fun? These were Peter's thoughts on his way to your house, you were both agitated, you didn't know what the other would say and react, the fear was high but the patience is no less.
You heard three knocks on the door, got up quickly, opened the door and Peter had a nervous look in his face. He could say the same for you, he wanted to greet you but no sound came out of his throat, he kept telling himself to take courage.
“Hey, you good darling?” You said, noticing that he was nervous, so you tried to calm him down by putting one hand on his shoulder.
“Hi dove, yeah im good.. What 'bout you” he tried to create a normal conversation, hoping to improve the situation for whatever reaction you would have.
“Im great too, so are you gonna tell me?” You answered while you invited him to sit on the couch with you.
He accepted your request and sat down next to you, you looked at him, waiting for an answer, and the only one you wanted was a yes.
“Yeah, but promise me you won't be disappointed or angry with me love,” he told you, looking into your eyes in a deep, sweet voice towards you.
“Of course babe, ill never get mad at you, you know that” you said as you smiled softly to put him at ease, you weren't a touchy person, so you know you wouldn’t.
“Okay then.. you know when i kept going away without giving you a good reason, or when i arrived late at our dates? Well, theres a big reason, really big.” he communicated to you in a sincere and serious voice.
He was waiting for your reaction, with that he didn't want to worry, he meant that he would never send you into the background for something unimportant, you were too important to him, so he preferred to tell you now, hoping it wasn't too late.
“Love you know you can tell me everything and i will always understand you, whatever is the reason, even if is the craziest reason, ill always be on your side” you answered softly, damn if he loved you so much.
“Even the craziest reason? Even if im.. spider noir?” He didn't even know with what courage he said it, his heart accelerated the beat, waiting for some significant reaction from you.
“What?..” your reaction was shocked, but it wasn't clear whether it was positively or negatively shocked, so he kept saying,
“ i know you think im joking or lying but its the true, and i wanted to tell you now because i was scar-“ tried to say but was stopped by you,
“This is..” you kept looking at it with the same expression as before,
“Please trust m-“ was stopped a second time, when you suddenly hugged him, he opened his eyes wide at first, confused by your sudden gesture of affection, so it meant that you were neither angry nor disappointed , his heart began to calm down, and Peter found himself at ease so he returned the hug, still slightly confused.
“Amazing. This is amazing Peter” you said as you held him tighter against you.
“I love you more than anything, remember that.” he told you, as you continued to hug.
The next few months Peter and you were still in love if not more. Now that you know that he is spider noir, he often carries you in his arms, while admiring the city at night, Peter stopped over a skyscraper.
“The moon is beautiful, isnt it?” You said as the full moon lit up your face beautifully, you looked like an angel in Peter's eyes.
“But you're definitely prettier dove” he confessed to you as he sat on the edge of the skyscraper, you sat next to him, and rested your head on his shoulder.
“Love you, Peter.” you answered almost whispering,
“I love you more.”
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reblog and comment if ya like💓
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skullvgirl · 4 months
isagi at the met gala : garden of time
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incl. my favorite omg, when is season 2 coming out i wonder 💔
warnings. none
an's. i saw this from somewhere and also just wanted to post. its fluff, hopenu enjoy. might make a part two somewhere soon
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MAY 30th, Thursday : Arrival
SPEAKER : and now, coming to you live from Newports Canada, the new and impressionable team members for BLLK have just arrived !
as you can hear in the background there are a multitude of screams going off from the many fans of this new group has, thankfully i was lucky enough to book a registered speaking time with the players as well as their manager and head coach.
[ the camera pans to Anri and Ego next to her. Anri smiles and waves, Ego stares blankly ]
SPEAKER : Oh my gosh its so great too meet you both, Anri and Ego right?
[ they both nod ]
SPEAKER : Great, so tell me about what you two have on today, I'll start with Anri if that's okay.
ANRI : yeah, yeah—excuse me if i stutter, this our first time being here ever—
SPEAKER : oh no, no, you're totally okay
[ Anri giggles nervously, Ego continues too stare quietly ]
ANRI : so today I have on customs from V-KULL and Marc,—my shoes are from Marc, dress is from V-KULL, I'm obviously not the star of the show so I don't do anything too crazy, don't @ me, but I still think the garden look represents, kinda what the boys will bring to the table yeah?
[ what she's wearing ]
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SPEAKER : wow! yeah no, you look amazing, and don't worry i think its a very chique and straightforward look that you went with, you look great !
ANRI : [ flushed ], oh really? thank you !
SPEAKER : no problem! and moving on too you Ego, describe your look for us will you?
[ Ego yawns into the camera with unfiltered apathy ]
EGO : Suit is from TOGS, boots are from Marc, Tie is from V-KULL,—watch is from Versacé. [ he lifts his watch to the camera approvingly ] Anri picked it all out. She also forced me here so.
[ what he's wearing ]
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SPEAKER : hahaha, okaayy, well thats great It looks like Anri did a great job. I see you have a more the more emphasised look on the sunflowers, could you tell me about that?
EGO : What? Oh yeah, sun flowers grow in gardens right? That's the inspiration, pretty much. [ deadpan ]
ANRI : his mom—also, [ she glances over to Ego for a moment ] used to love sunflowers, so there's that too. [ nervous laugh ]
SPEAKER : oh, we'll thats beautiful! thank you for sharing—oh and would you look at that ! the BLLK team players have just arrived, I'll pass it onto you Y/N.
[ Ad. Coming back from break with Y/N in her interviewer dress next too an all smiles Isagi ◡̈ ]
YN : thank you, SPEAKER—and to pick up right from where you started I'm here with Isagi Yoichi, our D1 forward and first interviewee of today, so Isagi—how are you?
ISAGI : well thank you for asking, I'm doing pretty good. [ thumbs up, glance at camera ] I'm just so greatful me and my boys had the privilege to be invited out here and uh, yeah my great manager and coach have really been helping me with that also so yeah. [ slightly awkward smile ]
YN : well thats great ! Im glad to hear you're feeling good, while the rest of your teammates arrive can you tell me about the look you have on today?
ISAGI : yeah no problem I uh, so I'm actually in a set with two of my buddies from the team, when they get here I guess you'll see that, but uhm suit is from TOGS, all the little embroidery was done by V-KULL apparently, shoes are from MARC and gloves are from MARC as well [ smiles ]
[ what he's wearing ]
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YN : wow, yeah no thats beautiful!—
ISAGI : like yourself. [ straight face, not making eye contact ]
YN : [ eyes buldge, professional voice, suddenly nervous ] PFFT—why thank you, this is only my interveiw dress, but in case anybody was wondering, dress is custom from V-KULL, everything else is from ALL SAINTS haha. [ nervous laughter ]
[ what you're wearing ]
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ISAGI : [ glances at your shoes, is now locked in on your shoes ] Thoes are cute too, matches your skin really well. [ the camera zooms in on his face, his skin is a pretty tinted red ]
YN : [ you look at your shoes ] Thank you! Like I said their from ALL SAINTS so. Ya' know, it's all facy smancy and stuff. [ laughs obnoxiously ]
[ a moment of silence passes as you and ISAGI both stare at each other. then the two of you suddenly burst out laughing ]
ISAGI : TAHAHHAA—ahem, well I think my teamates have just arrived—sorry guess my time it up. Why don't you take it from here YN?
YN : AKKAKAK— [ fake cough ] yeah, that'd be great—I'll see you around probably [ =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪‧̣̥̇) ] ! Love you, bye !
[ ISAGI had already began to turn around but turns his head and smiles [ ദ്ദി(˶‾᷄ᗜ‾᷅˵ ᵕ) ]
ISAGI : Bye, Love you too !
[ camera pans back towards YN, struggling to keep it together ]
MAY 31st, Friday : The Day After
many, many, many people people were already estatic when it waa revealed that some of the BLLK players were or had been invited too the MET GALA as guests of honor so imagine their faces when everyone across the world waa telling them that one of these said players was flirting with the very beautiful YN. no really go on, imagine. thats right, they went ballistic. edits left and right, requesting interveiws from both sides, and lord the buckets of fanfics poured and dumped onto the already growing fanbase the BLLK players had. isagi specifically, alot comments were made about his attempt too be smooth.
"he was so adorable looking at her like that, wish someone would look at me that way..."
"and don't even get me started on YN and the way she was acting, all shy and cute like it wasn't her job to be talking to him. it was funny really."
"isagi is such a simp it's crazy, although it makes sense why someone would act that way–i'd be the same if i got a chnace to stand so close too YN"
that is only a snippet of what this oh so daring interview had to offer. interviews with the whe team ( coming soon ) revealed that not just ISAGI had eyes for our precious interviewee. but enough about that, back too YAGI or ISAN ( ship name, deal with it ) something we couldn't forget, and I quote.
YN : AKKAKAK— [ fake cough ] yeah, that'd be great—I'll see you around probably [ =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪‧̣̥̇) ] ! Love you, bye !
ISAGI : Bye, Love you too !
how crazy is that? like I said, the edits go crazyyyyy.
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an's. shhhh, noooo, shuuush I don't have bigger responsibilities than finishing this....events?? whats tht???
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onlysushicat · 3 months
writing an idea because I tried drawing it on my phone but it was lame af
Long background setting for a simple Davekat drawing: Karkat gets a wriggling day party, at maybe Rose's or Jade's house because they could be the biggest, with every 🎉friend🎉 he has. AU where everyone gets (kinda) along and all the people are alive etc etc
It starts calm but slowly turns into a mess as midnight passes with everyone drunk or passed out in some room, some making out some just trying to stay awake looking out for each other.
Karkat is sober even tho everyone tried to get him drunk, he just kept drinking water after each shot. So after some dancing and eating goes out to look for Dave who was missing since 2hours ago. But then Dave is the one appearing out of nowhere, looking the opposite of sober.
Karkat: Ugh you finally decided to come back, where have you been, and your shades?? Your hair is a mess and your clothes are all fucked up
Dave: yeah i mean, its a party its supposed to be fucked up in a way. my shades i think broke and fell down some hole when i wrestled with Jake some time ago, dude is built like a tower. And my bro decided we end in a truce even tho I was the one winning for sure
Dave: man you look so much like my boyfriend did u know that
Karkat: Excuse me? Dave Its me, I'm Karkat
Dave: you even share the same name, thats rad. you should meet him someday i can take you home with me, but he would get soooooo jealous seeing you 'cause youre such a cutie
Dave: liiike, your nails and fangs could make me cry tears of joy just from imagining the things those could do. even your horns are shining tonight, did you polish them???? thats awesome dude
Karkat: Last time I had to wait half an hour just for you to say you liked my laugh without looking away from my face, youre unbelievable.
Dave: have you seen Roxy? we can both search for them. they said i would have a drink made from them anytime i wanted and im feeling so thristy for some liquour rightnow
Karkat: Ok I can take you with them but after that youre coming home with me so you can rest. This party is giving me fucking migraines.
Dave: dude i was joking about taking u home, im loyal breaking no promises. sorry but i wont change my man for anyone
Dave: unless we get permission from the man himself
Karkat: Can we please go home now????
Dave: yeah sure whatevs
The walking back to their house was calm, Karkat helping Dave a little by holding him from his arm while he kept talking about the things he did at the party. Karkat just nodded because his head hurted like hell, in his head he tried to understand why he had so many people over instead of doing something more chill.
The sun was gonna rise soon but they both went to sleep anyways, Dave in the same outfit he wore the whole night and Karkat changed his pants only for something more comfortable.
* Snore, mimimi *
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angelbambisworld · 6 months
I finally did it. I sought out Gene's sex tape despite everyone's warning not to. Here are my following thoughts(In no particular order)
1. Why does my silly little pookie bear have everything off except for his shirt? He's so silly 🥰 Show us your tits, damn it!🤬
Also his pants were still around his ankles but that's pretty small potatoes compared to all the other shit.
2. I don't know why the tape is in black and white. I wanna see Gene blow that girls back out in glorious technicolor, goddamnit!
3. People clown on Gene for doing that girl while Foreigner's "I Wanna Know What Love Is" played in the background but idk. There's something oddly adorable about a guy who hypes himself up as this nefarious hot daddy sex god and he's fucking someone to a slow and sweet love song. What a fucking goofball. I love this man.
4. Yeah the sex was kinda mid but like idk what people expected. I think Gene was like in his 50s or 60s when the tape came out. Old people just fuck differently than young people. That's just how it is sometimes. Unfortunately I still am in good faith that he could get me off. It's Gene, after all 😅
5. That rockstar dick list wasn't lying, Gene is of average size and I want that thing in my mouth so so bad😭. It seriously looks mouthwatering delicious to me(But maybe thats just the insomnia talking rn. I've been up all night 🥲 When i could be going Uh! All Night with Gene instead😂🤣😭)
I swear the only way out of my obsession with him is through euthanization
6. At one point Gene tries to kiss the girl but she keeps turning away from him(See this is why it should've been me he was fucking. He would've walked out of that room COVERED in lipstick marks.)
7. I'm shocked there was no pussy eating at any point. Disappointed!
8. Even back then, Gene's ass was fat and jiggly. And I pray it continues to stay that way forever 😤🙏🙏
9. Gene's dad bod has me going positively bonkers as usual🥵
Overall, I thought it was...Interesting, to say the very least. Its definitely not as disgusting as everyone hypes it up to be, in my eyes. But now I know what sex with Gene Simmons is like(At least how it was for that girl, whoever she was) and the worst part is???
All this new information I've learned only makes me want him MORE!!!😭😭😭
I truly am Gene's nastiest fangirl.
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blood-injections · 1 year
Ooookay killjoy suitehearts masterpost here we go, been putting this together for a while now since everyone started posting their suitehearts stuff..
So I kinda have two versions of stories for them, i mean thats the great thing about writing and headcanons is that they can varie from story to story but anyway! this is like their main story and what I'll write if I ever get to writing a story focused on them, and varients of it will be similar with some like little changes if theyre more like background characters in something. But the two versions rn are just this main one and a slightly differing one for some other stuff in my drafts bc this main one is focused in the city bc the suitehearts are just such an underground rebel crew to me versus loud and proud killjoys in the desert, while the variation story is one where they are in the desert, or at least theyre like split between the city and desert, you'll see.
Some like basics before I get into their individual stuff, yeah they have, well mostly have their crazy looks, they're a crew of theater kids lol, not really they just have a sense of whimsy. I'll post art of each of my designs for them eventually their outfits arent as crazy because they have to like be able to fight and run and shit in them, but they stick with the colors and facepaint, because facepaint throws off facial recognition scanners so that the cameras cant track them, so they might as well have fun with it, and they turn it into part of their killjoyesque personas, the facepaint becomes them, marks them as crew and their personas kind of become characters in urban legends that everyone in the citys heard of.
Dr. Benzedrine
Dr. Benzedrine? More like Mr. Medical Malpractice. Kidding. Mostly. He grew up in a wealthy family with parents that were good citizens and he always wanted to be a scientist or a doctor, to help people, and he was smart and they had money, so he was able to get into school and be just that. To learn all about science and medications and surgery and over the years he moved up the ranks, until he was one of the best surgeons in the city, and one thing about doctors, especially surgeons is that they have to be clear minded, not drugged up and foggy headed. And one thing about being good, about being a respected professional? Its like being an exterminator, you're never off the hook but the people in charge? They dont care as much about the state of your head, as long as you're loyal. So Benzedrine has benefits, and one of them is getting clean, of the decidedly mind altering stuff at least. But with clarity of mind for the first time in his life comes horrifying realization, because as a respected surgeon, he sees shit, because hes working in places that screams echo down the halls of and he can just tell that somethings wrong. He snoops and learns of re-education and of what happens to captured killjoys, interrogations and experiments and those are people and hes sickened. The more he digs the more he learns and the more he develops an intense hatred for better living and maybe he starts.. doing experiments of his own. Beause he works on a lot of respected folks, a lot of higher ups. He never botches a surgery but he starts messing with things, fucks with something while hes at the operating table, something that can't be traced back to him but that'll take the patient out in say, a couple months.
He's never disgusted by what hes doing, only finds pride in it, and maybe his hatred has twisted him but he likes himself better that way. The officials catch him snooping, though, eventually, but luckily they don't expect a thing, especially not when hes grown a master at lying. Because he's a respected doctor that has in their minds proven himself loyal, and when he bullshits his way through them finding him snooping about the lower levels of the hospital, they're nothing but happy at the fact he's grown curious about re-education, in fact they show him around, tell him all about it, their words are all propaganda and lies about how they're helping the people there, of course, but he smiles and nods along and makes comments like he agrees wholeheartedly. They say if hes interested in helping these people too, they can get him a position. He asks of he can still be the top surgeon if he takes up this position too and they say of course! As long as he doesn't overwork himself theyd be glad to have him assert himself in different fields of research.
So, he starts working with the prisoners. Because thats what they are. He sees them come in beaten up and hissing and spitting and he gets to see them grow complacent as they forget their whole lives in favor of some made up sob story and how theyll be so much happier once they're introduced back into society after their treatments. They'll only go on to be sanitation workers or office nuts at best, maybe scarecrows if they seem smart, but half of them will probably be plagued with nightmares once thyre released, broken memories trying to break through the chemical haze. They'll relapse, snap, do something drastic and they'll either be dracced or sent right back here to repeat the process all over again. Re-education isn't a complete fix, a guarantee of normalcy. It'll never be, not as long as they're just traumatizing people and praying they stay comatose long enough to get work done.
Hes there when a new batch of them come in, delinquents from the rebel underground, he learns, which flips his world upside down, theres a rebel underground? And they're apparently dangerous enough to be treated like captured killjoys. He sees these new patients come in in bonds, theres five of them captued, some silent and glaring and the others screaming until theres a needle shoved in their neck.
His new position is that of a twisted sort o psychiatrist, they gave him a whole slideshow to get ready for it. It told him to get in their heads, learn the secrets that interrogations couldnt get out and replace them with better living propaganda, until theyre nothing but smiling citizens ready to be let back into society. It's fucking brainwashing, nothing but, he fucking hates it. But they trusted him to do it and now hes here, but since he's here maybe he can help. Not brainwash these people, but help them, and if theyre really part of a rebellion, maybe if he helps them get out they'll take him with them and he can help people that probably actually need it, not just rich assholes from the center city.
Thats his plan, and it works, it takes a while to get the patients to trust him but once they do, they all get out. Sandman, Crab, and Donnie were all part of that group and its how the four meet and bond and start becoming a crew. Dr Benzedrine picks his name and quickly becomes a very valued member of the resistance because theres medics, but no professionals, let alone surgeons.
Mr. Sandman
Street kid, his parents were ritalin rats that stirred up too much trouble and got dracced when he was pretty young. He was hiding under a bed when it happened and Better Living didn't find him, but they didn't bother looking because he was a poor autistic little kid that they saw no use in. So they left him to his empty shitty little apartment in the slums. They never kicked him out, so hes luckier than most that he still had a place to sleep, but once he ran out of food he had to head to the streets, figure out how to either get food or money to survive. He learned and he grew up dealing illegal merchandise, not as low as you could stoop, but pretty low, low enough that if you're busted you could get dracced. But it kept him just afloat enough to not starve.
Illegal merchandise is stuff like outlawed music and media, cds he burned himself off the originals, cassettes, vhs. Just whatever he could get his hands on. And when he could get a signal, he'd play the stuff over the old radio equipment in his basement, making sure to scramble where the signature was coming from, because he'd definitely be dracced if they found out he was putting that stuff on air. Not like it got out of the city, bli has shit that doesn't let any signals in or out, but once in a very rare while, he'll get some faint killjoy frequencies and record whatever he can onto cassettes.
But even though he was dealing in secret and even though he didn't want to be a cog in the machine, even though he wanted to be one of those juvie halls, the rebels on the streets that you can hear hollaring at night, throwing bricks at scarecrows and running off before facial recognition gets them, he strived to get into the Better Living Academy, because it hasn't crosed his mind that he might not be stuck in battery city yet, like most people that rebel, he doesn't want to be on his streets his whole life, so he tries getting in to learn anything, even to get some shitty cubicle job, as long as it means maybe he could actually afford more than the shit slum slop he pawns for. But at he end of the day, he isn't on his pills and he knows they won't like that if they find out, and they keep turning him away anyway for his temperment, for his oddities, because he's still autistic and the bright lights and white expanse of bli spaces make his head scream and he just doesn't get half the questions they ask him and if he has his own questions, they dont explain things furthur for him.
So he gives up on that plan, whatever, at least he's still got his shit to deal out, at least he isnt drugged up like everyone else he saw in the screening rooms for the academy, all empty in the head. He can think, at least. And he has his music, he likes music.
Then he meets Horseshoe Crab, a really weird fellow who takes most of his stock for a hefty handful of carbons that'll get him along for a couple weeks, and the guys so nice he's suspicious, until their deal is interrupted by an ambush, a patrol scarecrows that must've gotten a tip about them, and Horseshoe pulls out a fucking gun, shoots the two closest ones and takes sandmans arm and has him run. At that sandmans convinced the guys not nice at all, hes just fucking crazy, but he runs away after him anyway because the guy just shot two fucking crows, he knows he'll probably live to see morning of he sticks with him. Turns out Horseshoes a juvie hall, like an actual one, not the brash gangs of kids that run around and say they are, actual juvie halls are untraceable, a solid underground, a real rebellion, well hidden from Better Livings watchful eye, its something you have to be smart enough to find and brave enough to join. And sandmans thrust right into the center of it, just a street dealer that followed a crazy guy with a gun that pulled him into a safehouse in the slums that was down a maze of dark alleys, and theres so much illegal shit inside he kind of wants to call it in just for the hefty reward he could get, but he also kind of wants to drop to his knees and worship it all. Theres books, weapons, color. And a few rough looking people that at their sudden entrance, scan them and one goes. "Dammit, Crab."
Long story short, they're members of the fucking rebellion and theres a short but terrifying debate of whether or not to shoot him, but Horseshoe defends him and it turns out the rebellion likes people that risk their lives to deal rock and roll, because he basically gets an invitation. And well, that was his real dream, the one hes had since he was a little kid, wanting to be those unapologetic rebels in the street messing with bli for shits and giggles. This is obviously more than that, but still. So he accepts, and hes thrust into the center of it all. He has to prove he can be trusted by going on so many missions or passing along packages and illegal goods, but once he's proved hes no rat hes showed the base, how to get into the rebellion underground. Its a scattered maze of random apartments that are safehouses, and then the actual underground shit, the tunnels and whole rooms and shit, the stuff from what Battery City used to be that bli just built over and forgot about.
He and Horseshoe become quick friends and he learns that crabs not just a juvie hall but a zonerunner, that he risks his life sneaking in and out of the city to deliver news and supplies to the killjoys out in the desert and vise versa. Sandman turns out to be quite useful, because hes good with computers and especially, radio equipment, since he grew up with that stuff in his basement and copying all that music and playing some over the frequencies when he could, and he fixes up their old shit and becomes the radio operator of the underground rebellion, the voice of the voiceless. He's basically the cherri cola of battery city, as in hes given the task of feeding news to the juvie halls on the streets and so he's always on the air and monolauging what is just weird poetry or random stories to any untrained ears, but while cherri colas thing is actualy just poetry, sandmans is actually speaking entirely in code that only juvie halls will be able to pick apart, because PAX AM isn't some far off station in the zones like WKIL, no, it broadcasts from inside the walls of battery city and better living could always be listening in. Did I make this his thing entirely to play into the lyric all the walls lean in to listen? Maybe.
Hes actually known as Mr Sandman now, took the codename when he became their radio operator, but the suitehearts aren't a thing yet, no, thats still a long way off. Benzedrine isn't even part of the rebellion yet. He also gets his distinct style, encuraged by the juvie halls who just like killjoys push for everyone to be an individual and fuck the citys mandates, so goth gnc bitch it is. The longer hes in the underground the more disconnected from gender he gets.
There's a raid to the underground, someone must have tipped bli off. A solid blow is dealt to the rebellion in the form of a good number of juvie halls being captured, sandman one of them. Now being some low level dealer can get you dracced, but being a real juvie hall gets you something much worse, re-education, because you have to be smart to be a rebel and have survived this long, and bli can use those smarts, as long as they tear you down to a blank slate first. Thats what re-education is, picking you apart piece by piece, drugging you up and pouring propaganda and altered history down your throat until youre a 'functioning member of society'
He's assumed dead or beyond saving from the mindfuck of re-education by the remaining rebellion, who after this bust has to move base to a different part of the city. But about six months after he was taken and the radio went silent, his voice mysteriously reappears, speaking in code about the old base, where the escaped suitehearts went back to and found abandoned as they expected it to be, but had hopes of scrounging old supplies or this, broadcasting their return.
The juvie halls find them and bring them and the radio equipment to the new base, and Mr Sandman is officially the voice of the voiceless again, now with a crew.
Eventually they get fancy tech or an antennae or something thats just strong enough to get a signal out to the zones, and theres always been a slow feed of news between the killjoys and the juvie halls via zonerunners, and the cnnectiom can still be stratchy, but now on the good days Sandman can talk directly to doctor death defying to get news out to the zones and vice versa.
Horseshoe Crab
The only sand pup of the suitehearts, grew in the zones with his dad, who was in the helium wars, but he was dusted when Crab was about eight and he went right to gravel gerties, where he stayed until he joined a group of the older kids when they left gertie to go on their own, and let him tag along even if he was the youngest of them by far. They were all crash queens and glitter brains and he put up with them for a while, but eventually drifted off on his own, and was sixteen when he forst got hired by Tommy to meet with some runners in zone one when they cane outta the walls and to help them get their supplies back to his shop. These jobs always paid well, with either his share of supplies or a handful of carbons, so he kept doing them and eventually tagged along with the runners to go in-city to the rebels there. He liked it there, oddly enough, liked meeting so many different types of rebels, because killjoys are.. killjoys. Theyre all gearheads and glitterbrains but juvie halls tend to be more serious while still having fun. They understand the risk of what they do. Killjoys are just kids with guns, they have growing up to do or things to lose before theyre level headed enoughfor Crab to feel lile he gets them.
So it becomes his thing, zonerunning, getting supplies out to Tommy's and news into the city and vise versa, he makes friends in the underground and eventually meets sandman, then gets caught with him and meets the others too. He isnt around all the time, still does runs, and takes Benzedrine in and out with him if theres someone in the zones that desperately needs a real doctor.
Donnie the Catcher
Hell of an engineer, even figures out robotics, he grew up working in a garage in the neon district, and as he got older, started helping out androids that needed repairs in secret. Its looked down upon to help androids, simce theyre not human and not seen as human, and thats what their service hubs are for, to request repairs, but he knows theres no real help there, not if they're an older model or anything other than some high ups customized pornodroid. Most droids just end up recycled in the incinerators or rusting in the streets, so he does what he can to help when they start falling apart.
He doesn't agree with bli, with how he treats these people, and when a service droid named Jenny that he's helped a handful of times invites him to the underground, because droids can be juvie halls too, theyve gotta be fukin brave to be, because where human juvie halls will be reducated or dracced, rebelling droids will just be shot for going against their programming. Donnie tells Jenny he has to stay and support his family at the garage, but if he can help out he'd be glad to as long as he can get back to the garage at the end of the day. Thats how he becomes a juvie hall. One day down the line he heads to the base and he was there for maybe a half hour when the raid happened and he was captured with the others. He was newer than sandman and crab and had never really crossed paths with them since he didnt spend a whole lot of time in the underground, so hes meeting them for the first time when theyre brought in for re-education. He was one of the ones that stayed quiet and glared, mostly worried about Jenny, that they were there and maybe caught in the raid, becaue she may be all metal but they totally kissed a couple times.
When they all escape he becomes a full time resident in the underground, knowing he can never go back to the garage a fugitive. But not seeing his family is better than the alternative of having been reducated and torn apart at the seams. Besides, once he's got the suitehearts, they're all inseparable.
That's it, once they're a crew, all their experiences and skills combined, they're a unique group for sure. Sandman and Crab already have their own looks and weird relstionships with gender, but Donnie and Benz have never put much thought into the individuality stuff, Benz a slave to Better Living his whole life and Donnie focused on working and surviving. Eventually they find their weird styles, colors theyre fond of as a fuck you to bli, and then the facepaint, it marks them as a crew and as people ready to fight for their cause. Anyway what if I said Donnie transfem she/he(and yes. rocking the beard) :3
As for the second version, its mostly the same, its just like.. the zones version for stories where they know they fab four. They're all younger and they're basically split between the city and the zones. Their backstories are pretty much the same except Benzedrine got out before he was even really a surgeon, hes still a damn good doctor though, and Sandman left to be a killjoy instead of sticking around the underground. Crabs still a zonerunner that gets Benz in and out to help people and when hes in the desert he bunks with sandman in his concession stand turned weird little trailer in the outskirts of zone two. And Donnies zoneborn too instead of Mrs androidfucker in the city, shes Sandman's good friend and mechanic when he gets into racing at the crash track. They're all good friends and still very much a crew, theyre based out of he zones, Benz too, theyre just still a bit spread out at times when someone in the underground needs help.
Ugh man is there anything missing idk well if there is I guess I can add it later. Okay the end 👍
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sunny6677 · 1 month
Careless Whisper.
A Kevin x Eyes crackfic.
Kevin can't stop thinking about a certain eldiritch entity he saw the first time the kids brought him trouble.
Chapter 3/Finale: A Confession.
There it was. The thing. Eyes. Standing right before him with several layers of beautiful tentacles that spread through the ripping vast area of cyan. Beautiful spider-like eyes spread across its mush as it gave a low snarl. And it cocked its mush to the side. Kevin felt a grin slowly start to spread on his lips.
He could hear it. The sound of that faint saxophone. In that same romantic melody that made his heart thrum with such delight. This was it! He was here with his love at last. Yet he began to feel a slight tinge or nervousness as he sat there in the things grasp.
Kevin swallowed, biting his lip. "..ehehh.. its been a while, hasn't it?"
"...yeah. Ahahah.."
Kevin nervously chuckled, his entire face layered with coats of red blush. If he had enough will to move, he'd most likely be fumbling with his hands right now.
"Hah.. no. No." Kevin denied, being a little unsure of what that meant as he gave a soft grin. "I just.. its—it's been a while, and.. we haven't really gotten to see eachother since that one time. So.. so I came down here."
His eyes trailed over the things long, dark red tentacles. And he gave an oddly high pitched giggle, slightly wiggling around in Eyes' grasp.
"You're—you have really long tentacles. Heh."
Heat spread across Kevin's face, pink tinting the cyan area around him as he bit his lip once more. "So—um.. what's—are you... hahahah.. are you seeing anyone, or..?"
"Y'know, uh.. going out with anyone?"
"..NO?" The thing denied, speaking in a somewhat puzzled tone. "I HAVEN'T BEEN COURTING ANY FLESH. I'VE JUST BEEN CONSUMING THEM."
"Con—consuming them? Thats.."
He grinned.
"..wonderful. Ahah.."
Truly, the idea of it was. Being able to be consumed and forever within such a beautiful being. He tilted his head to the side, his eyes trailing over the thing one last time. "Where's—where's your family from?"
"..I see. Heh.. then that means we can start one."
"Nothing! Hah.. uh.. li—listen, I.. uh.. I know this is sudden. But you're just so—you're so.."
He swallowed. The saxophone became louder, surrounding the area completely as a male singer sung in the background. "So.."
The thing just looked down at him, it's eyes darting all over the place.
"God, you're just so perfect! I dunno if monsters go on dates with people or not. But—but I wanna know if you'd wanna go out sometime. Y'know, just to get to know eachother, and.. and stuff.."
"Wh—huh? No! No.. I'm.. I came here because I wanted to see you again. I can't—I.. I just can't be without you!"
Kevin felt himself begin to go higher, slowly floating back toward the hole. Yet, the desperation of wanting to talk to this thing again made him feel a rush of anxiety as he wiggled around.
Kevin screamed, "Wait—no! Please!"
The thing stopped, looking up at him.
"I.. I need you! I've never felt so much love for anyone in my life! You're beautiful, you're kind, you're voice is like a soft melody.. I could just listen to you forever. I wanna be with you! I wanna be by your side! I—I fucking love you, okay?! And I don't know why, but I do! So—please.."
He bowed his head, beginning to feel tears that were eager to seep out from his sockets. His voice sounded high pitched, as if he were a heartbroken high-school girl. "Please.. I need you. I need to go on a date with you. I need to get married to you. I need to have a family with you, and just.. be with you. I wanna dance with you. Give you flowers. I even wanna confess to you on a balcony, like in Romeo and Juliet.. so.. please.."
He pleaded, "Please—will you go out with me?"
The thing was silent. The saxophone fades slightly for a moment. It seemed to think, just sitting there with him in its grasp. The area around him slowly lost its pink tint. His heart thrummed with embarrassment. Shame. He knew none of this made sense. He knew falling in love with this.. thing didn't make any sense. But he couldn't deny his feelings.
..suddenly, he felt himself begin to lower in the things grasp. Not just that. As he looked back down at it, he saw that it was getting closer, it's several eyes growing slightly half-lidded as a pink flush began to appear on its.. 'cheeks'? Did it even have cheeks?
It bowed its mushy head, letting out a rumble of a sigh. He felt his face grow warm, blinking away tears.
"..wh.. wait, are.. is—is that a yes?"
"..oh.." Kevin smiled from ear to ear, hearing the music fade back in and slowly grow louder as the area around him became completely pink. "Oh, Eyes! Hahahah.."
Eyes didn't smile, only calmly staring down. But if he were able, Kevin would bet he'd be smiling. The thing pulled him closer, speaking in a low voice.
"Are you kidding? Of course you can! Hahaha.. hmm.."
A dreamy smile slowly made its way onto Kevin's lips as the thing slipped a tentacle around his waist, letting his arms go free. He lifted his hands, placing his hands on its tentacles. And as they locked eyes with one another, bathed in the passion of their romance—a new atmosphere overtook the room.
The cult watched from above. Candy Dealer blinked slowly, observing as their deity moved around from different parts of the room, swaying back and forth with the odd grinning man in its grasp. The thing would sometimes bend, with the man in its tentacles. As if it were carrying the man bridal style. This was supposed to be a ritual. Well, it was a few seconds ago.
He furrowed his brows. One of the cult members, an older ma with gray short hair named Ignacio, had taken off the mask of his cloak in complete shock. Standing there with his mouth completely agape, and his brows furrowed. Even the thieves shared the same heavily puzzled expression.
Meanwhile, the two weird kids he had seen a while ago had entered not long ago, still wearing the same Halloween costumes. They watched with blank expressions from beside the cult members as they just.. danced.
The skeleton costumed kid blinked. He wanted to be happy for Kevin since they were friends, and for Eyes too, but everything about this felt so.. weird. The pumpkin costumed seemed to think so too judging by the confused expression on his face.
As they stood, Ignacio could only huff out one thing.
"..what the fuck—?!"
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