#so yeah the WS dreams he's Bucky
fandomfluffandfuck · 4 days
Okay okay. I just had this beautiful mental image of competence kink Steve. And my brain produced two fairly different images: Steve sees Bucky do something incredible during a mission. Idk what. And *oh*, he pops a boner right there and then, as much as the cup of his suit allows anyway. He can barely wait to get off the quinjet post mission, much to the team's amusement, to blow Bucky and then fuck into next week because holy shit hot
Or, Steve having an unfairly wet dream about WS!Bucky in the leather and incredible skills with all the knife tricks and so on and feeling very guilty about that. Because getting the horny from something Bucky had no control over? Not cool, at least in his mind. Bucks somehow gets him to spill though, and then ties Steve up and uses his knife skills to get him out of his clothes very efficiently, leaving Steve there as a panting and moaning mess Uh yeah my brain melted a little
For reference, my ask box is no longer open for requests, but this is from before I closed it, so I will be writing for this ask.
Oh, fuck yeah, I love competency kink. We can certainly talk about that and soak in the brain melt together, lol
Besides, we all know that that fucker has one
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gifs by @/linusbenjamin
and this moment haunts him 😏 because of it.
Plus, that single shield catch isn't even to mention the million other examples I could think of for Steve's fixation on the Winter Soldier. The ghost is strutting around in what's practically fetish gear, like, c'mon, give Steve some slack. It's leather and straps and shimmering metal and decisive, confident combat. Motherfucker.
I am SO fucking down to think about Steve watching Bucky execute some incredible feat on a mission and getting turned on because of it, and I will expand on that in a minute. But, also, the second option, too. YES. Steve wet dreaming about the Winter Soldier? God, it's more than just likely, that shit absolutely happened.
(I did write something about those wet dreams in this ask answer under "war paint")
(Also, you need to see this art, that is... yup. Knives and bondage and competency.)
Okay, competency on missions driving Steve insane...
(warning for canon typical violence!)
It happens like this: one instant Steve is solely focused on strangling the underling that's freshly come at him 'cause he's just trying to get through the masses of them before he can actually disarm this whole fucking shitty, dangerous situation alongwith it's leader, and the next instant Steve is totally, completely, and entirely distracted from getting an arm around this fuckers throat, squeezing off his air between his forearm and bicep. It could not be farther from his mind, really.
Rather than thinking about how he can best discard this underling and move on to the next--always plotting his following move, what punch should he throw, what kick, where's his shield, how should he throw his shield, who's around him, and are they his teammates or this month's big enemy--he's aching, not thinking, aching to drop to his knees. It is a visceral, very unchill reaction that Steve can't fucking control. There is no way on god's green earth.
The wanting to drop like a fly isn't because he's tired and ready to give in and surrender, nah, he could do this all day, it's because he's at fucking full mast in his uniform pants so suddenly that he needs a goddamn break from himself. His own hyperreactive body. It's dizzying, debilitating, how his blood rushes from circulating oxygen as fast as it can to his bulging, burning, working muscles to pooling heavy and hot in his cock.
All that hot, thick blood filling his dick out as he moves and twists, grappling with his fucking random ass bad guy, and threatening, incidentally, to rub himself salaciously against the hard pressure of his athletic cup.
His cup is cupping him.
He's big, he can't not. He's got no fucking room. It's... yeah, it's, just--
Jesus Christ.
Steve's aching to drop to his knees and more. It doesn't stop at getting to his knees. One moment and he has the worst kind of desperate craving crashing through him, leaving him hankering for the sensation of firm, muscular legs squeezing around his throat, the pressure tight on both sides, making him feel like his head might explode as he gasps for air or he might pass out without any air or he might cum from pure fucking lust at how hot it is or all of the above all at once.
All at once.
It is an onslaught of arousal. Just. His appetency is un-fucking-checked for the tingling, sharp burn of fingers raking through his hair and pulling hard until he feels it in his scalp and skittering down his back, richly feeding the fire at the base of his spine. He needs to feel body heat suffocatingly around his neck and shoved up against him from behind. Heat painted like thick, sticky tar up the nape of his neck to the crown of his head.
And all that weakening fucking hunger is inspired by one instant. A single flash that he catches, lightning-fast, out of the corner of his eye.
Dark leather molded to fit a shapely body perfectly, sinfully, waves of hair flowing like water, and the distinct glint of silver metal caught in the sun, flashy and, just, sexy.
Bucky, who's barely just been able to be comfortable in combat again after deprogramming but is ever-skilled. Honed. Deadly and gorgeous as a honey trap.
Bucky, who has spent more hours in the gym training with Natasha than anyone else combined--something about mutual trauma and understanding and trust.
Bucky in elegant, lethal motion, wrapping himself like a lithe snake around his own steroid-fit underling, his burly thighs squeezed around the baddies thick, muscular throat, his veins bulging in strain, balanced perfectly on his broad shoulders, and keeping the power in his own mismatched hands. The palm of his hands, like it's easy.
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Bucky is fucking winning, it's plain to see. No sweat.
Bucky has shocked this baddie by mounting him, throwing his weight around with ease in a way that shouldn't be possible for a man his size. Better, Bucky has thrown him even further off, fisting a hand into his hair cruelly, pulling so hard that his choices are to let his hair be ripped out and deal with the gritting pain or follow the hold and put himself in worse danger, prolonging the time before the pain. The unnamed baddie follows, of course. Anyone would follow someone as intoxicating and beautiful as Bucky. But he's then pinned there, throat fully exposed. Perilous. The most animal form of submission, this time forced and humiliated by defeat.
Bucky is the dominant fighter.
He is in control.
And he is making it known with what would be sickening glee if Steve was anyone but himself--if Steve wasn't so fucking aroused by watching Bucky wield himself as a weapon of his own choosing, taking control, and reveling in doing good.
With his thighs around his neck, Bucky deftly plucks a long, sharp knife from its holster strapped onto his mouth-watering thigh and twists and twirls it around his fingers before holding it against the underling's throat. The threat is crystal clear and needs no further explanation: move and its lights out for you.
So, the underling folding to his mercy, Bucky slowly, slowly contorts his body, displaying his oh-so flexible spine and positioning his mouth right above his ear. Steve watches him whisper into his ear--his pink lips curling over the hushed syllables in the heat of chaotic, loud battle--and shivers.
Goosebumps come to attention all across Steve's body.
He's unreal.
He's so gorgeous and so good and so charming.
At whatever he tells him, the baddie nods stiffly, all the color drained from his face, and Bucky retracts his knife unhurriedly, perfectly moving according to his own schedule, and confidently sheathes the blade it once more. Then, neatly, he unclenches his thighs from around his throat and slithers off his shoulders. It's almost a dance--totally smooth, well-rehearsed choreography.
He defies gravity.
As soon as Bucky is far enough from him, peeled away, the underling scurries off like a frightened rat, stumbling as he sprints off. Bucky watches him go with an unhinged, almost-pitying smile, an expression just for himself, as if to say, that's right, you better run. Tell the others, too. You fuck with me and it's over. Don't bother coming back.
Steve whimpers.
Realistically, it--Bucky devastatingly executing one of Black Widow's signature flipping, twisting moves as if it's his own and something developed specifically for him, an over 200 lbs man of pure muscle and metal--all happens in the span of seconds. Or, maybe it happens faster. It may not even be a single second. But for Steve, it plays in slow motion; it lasts ages in his mind.
Still, really, just it's one instant, and then his brain chemistry has been fully altered. Immediately. His wires have been crossed over and shorted out. Sparks fly. And his reboot back to being a functioning fucking human comes in the form of a punch to the face.
Steve groans through the pain of a fist colliding with his face, wincing, and opening and shutting his jaw to have it crack back into place. He's gonna fucking feel that later. But, for now, he has to ignore the heavy, aching throb of his cock, the pain in his jaw, and get back to fighting.
Later, he tells himself.
Later, that'll be his treat for getting through this shit day. He can kneel and beg, forgetting himself as a drooling, heaving, out-of-breath, hot faced mess at Bucky's feet, fumbling over words as he incomprehensibly pleads to have his shapely thighs wrapped tight around his head, his neck, his waist even, anything. Just hold him there until he fucking dies a happy death between those legs.
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somanywords · 1 year
fic writer tag game
Thanks for the tag, @tessabennet <3
Rules: Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
This is getting harder to play now that I've got 11 fics out in the world (wooo!), but here are 5 that I really enjoyed writing--some that are really fun to reread, even by myself who spent way too long editing, some that made my brain work really hard, and my very first one ever, which still makes me smile. :)
Another Song, Another Spring (stucky, modern au)
Bucky smiles into his phone. “Yeah, thanks, Mom. Actually, I had a few questions? What age do babies start mimicking language, aka cussing? And what age do they start walking?” “Is this for your book?” his mother asks suspiciously. “Yes,” Bucky says, staring into the eyes of the baby on his couch. “Yes."
2. tryin' to talk with a fist in ya mouth (newsies, canon verse)
Jack from start to finish, a tired and kicking beast of a story. Featuring growing up, finding yourself, and finding others, although not necessarily in that order.
3. say it soft and it's almost like praying (stucky, divergence post ws)
Natasha says, “Look, whatever the truth is about you, we have no way of really knowing the Winter Soldier's intentions. He’s not all there, he’s not who you remember. He’s a hot mess, Steve.” “Why does everyone think that?” Steve says, and he’s nearly yelling, but not quite, because he doesn’t need to, not when they’re so close. “Why does everyone keep saying he’s a mess—have you seen me? ”
4. Misplaced Pencils (stucky, canon verse) (1st fic! 1st baby!)
“Ma, I’m going to start drawing,” Steve says. “Are you now?” she asks interestedly, sitting across from him. “What kinds of things will you draw?” He stares at his spoon, giving the question the full attention it deserves. “…Things every artist should know how to draw,” he starts slowly. His Ma nods. “Things that are interesting to me…and Things that are beautiful,” he finishes. Or, Steve and drawing throughout the years. Also Bucky.
5. the grey sea and the long black land (six of crows, post canon)
In the dream, she wakes up each morning and knows exactly who Inej Ghafa is, the churning sea inside her finally quieted. Inej sifts through the new tentative foundations of her life to learn which direction is forward--Told in fifty sentences
This one went around a while ago, so if you've already played, feel free to ignore or point me to your posts--@turtle-steverogers @its-tortle @zenaidamacrouras1 @greyhavensking @between-a-ship-and-a-hard-place @blurglesmurfklaine @aimmyarrowshigh @darter-blue and anyone else who wants to share <3
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bvccy · 4 years
Tenderness and Ferocity | 3. The Dream and the Third Day
Pairing: Winter Soldier!Bucky Barnes x Hydra!Reader Fic Synopsis: The Winter Soldier is starting to make stupid mistakes in the field, which is Bucky's way of trying to wrest back control and sabotage his handlers. Hydra brings a new doctor to figure out what's wrong with him and fix it. As she spends time with him, she becomes fond of the Winter Soldier, and he becomes fond of her. Bucky has other ideas. Or, a fic in which the Winter Soldier is the good guy and Bucky is actually the bad guy. Warnings for this chapter: Angst, Smut, Noncon Word count: 2334 Read on AO3: [link] [Previous Chapter] [Fic Masterlist] [Next Chapter]
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"Life in essence can only be sustained because of the discontinuity. Why else does one sleep? Not to rest, but above all to forget. [...] If one could prevent mankind from sleeping, I am convinced that a massacre without end would ensue; it would mean the end of history." — Emil Cioran
All the useless gadgets clattered, without clattering, to the floor. The exposed skin of her back shone against the pressing dark, under a light that wasn't there. Her arms stretched out in front of her to grab the table, to clench in little fists, to crawl away from him... He clasped both her wrists in one heavy hand while he held her by the hip with the other. The stranger looked unfamiliar and out of place, yet boyishly handsome, a lissome thoroughbred cut from pale stone.
He'd already yanked her shirt halfway down her back, leaving a delicate pair of peachy straps to cut into her shoulders as she tried to pull herself up and away. With his other hand, he raised the black flag of her skirt inch by hurried inch. Two flesh hands, pawing at her squirming silhouette.
Those legs that had teased him so were now buckled in a tangle of red lace, at once parted and constricted and leaving her fully victim to him. Above her he loomed, then leaned, slowly down to feel her warmth, his dark green shirt sticking against her back.
In a voice dry with disuse he taunted her to say that she wanted it, to beg for it, though he sounded utterly disinterested and his eyes — he couldn't actually see his eyes, but he could hear that same disuse and disinterest ringing in their glare. She whimpered underneath him but said nothing, insulted from both directions by his grimy touch and transparent insults.
"Ignorance is bliss, isn't it?" said the stranger — but not to him, nor to her — as he buried his face in her fragrant hair and his hips into hers and himself into her... But no relief came, nor satisfaction, and it felt like no matter how close he got to her, couldn't be further away.
He battered and battered and broke through, with great delight at just the effort, and he made tremors rise then relent in her tense legs. Her high heels tapped against the floor in a trembling rhythm that undercut her plaintive moans until he stopped, and settled inside her, and laughed against her shoulder in a harsh exhale. He taunted her over how she sounded, how she felt, how he felt in her.
The more she withdrew, the more aggressively he followed, always fighting her and pulling the fight out of her in honeydew dollops that had nowhere left to go but to seep and stain his nice trousers. Her shoulders went up in a useless attempt to hide, but he squeezed her wrists in warning and bit her shoulder, the nape of her neck, anywhere he could reach that would punish her until she learned to stay still.
"Oooh yesss, that's it... I hate you so much." he laughed in manic joy, eyes falling closed against her throat.
The hand that held her hip squeezed her closer, pressing her so desperately against him like he was trying to crawl up inside and never leave. She whined in pain, muffled by her arms and the table. The stranger cooed against her ear and teased against her hips, turned her inside out and back together, discordant with her mewls and wails as he clung to her and she unconsciously to him the more his galloping pace opened her up and brought her out to meet him.
He wasn't so much pleasing himself as punishing her, and only interrupted his focus to laugh or hiss at some new-discovered throbbing, a frisson to rub against, a frothy surrender that he worked hard to push through until she took it again.
"I'm gonna kill you," he snarled down at her. "I swear I'm gonna kill you..."
No amount of resistance could carry her through his punishing thrusts, and no surrender was enough, and it all went on and on until the threads holding her up started to unravel, leaving her a blushing rough and bloody shade that the stranger could claim as an extension of himself. He rubbed away the parts that weren't base and grimed up what was left. Only thoughtless sounds came out of her now as she struggled to fit him, and fit into him.
The stranger heaved hotly with the effort of holding still, feeling over and through her deliberately and seeking still more, pressing his body down to suppress her new, aching, wet shivers.
With a pain melting through her surrender, down, down into pleasure, she tried to plead with him and she moaned his name, his real name, but after the first flush of recognition he stopped caring because he knew he wouldn't remember it anyway and —
Wait, why wouldn't he remember it?
Eyes shot open only to be greeted by the cement ceiling of his cell. The Soldier sighed and turned his head, looking at the corner where the bulbous little camera was. He looked to the door and saw the parting screen still closed shut — he was awake too early. With a groan, he turned over in his cot and pressed the cold metal hand where he ached.
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On their third session, after the guardsmen left, he stepped into the room to find a collection of strange equipment and wires on the table, and a mix of subtle scents coming from two wooden containers. She sat in her chair, waiting for him with a smile, her sleek legs crossed together tightly. She wasn't wearing her lab coat anymore.
"Good morning." she said as they closed the door. "Come on in, sit down. None of this stuff is going to hurt you, I promise."
Reluctantly, he obeyed, his boots sounding slow and heavy through the room as he made his way toward her. He let himself fall in the seat and rested his hands on his tense thighs.
"It's just a GSR monitor. I'll only strap these around your fingers, you won't feel a thing." She demonstrated by wrapping one around her finger, wiggling, holding it up for his doubtful eyes. He had no choice anyway, so he rested his right arm on the table. She took his hand and opened the palm up, holding it gently while her other hand went to a little tube and scooped up a salty-smelling goo.
"For conductivity." she explained as she rubbed it just barely in his tough skin. "Be grateful it's not an EEG, otherwise I'd have to rub this stuff into your scalp. You'd look like a punk that got lost in the rain." she laughed, but it died quickly as the Soldier frowned and shifted in his seat.
Then she took two of the straps and wrapped one around his index, another around his middle finger, and turned his palm back down. She clicked the machine on and it beeped in confirmation, beginning a reading of his skin and what was going on underneath.
In plain terms it was a rudimentary lie detector, meant to scan for stress and some primitive emotions. Maybe he knew that or he didn't, but she could tell she had to work him into it, calm him down before she could get an accurate reading of what moved him.
"Do you know what time it is?"
"You have a watch." he grunted, looking at the worn leather strap around her wrist.
"Yes, but do you know?" she smiled.
"0803 hours."
"Yes. Do you know where we are?"
"Headquarters Alpha 3."
"Good. Do you know what day of the week it is?"
"Did you sleep last night?"
"Did you have any dreams?"
"No." he said with a sardonic smile. The line on the monitor moved ever-so-slightly, but it could just be a reaction of their tiff about it the other day. Or, he was lying to her again.
They spent the rest of their session with him strapped up to it while she made use of a couple of boxes and the little things inside. With eyes closed, he had to guess what she placed between his fingers: a piece of velvet, silk, a pocket watch, a cufflink, a snow globe.
The edge that separated the Asset from whoever he was before was smudged only so slightly, by necessity, the way it was with all the other soldiers in the program — they could still talk, after all, and read and write, and still employ the complexities of hand-to-hand and armed combat, all things they learned in a past life and used now for Hydra's ends. What made her soldier the best was how sharp that edge was, how steady — until it wasn't.
He retained good coordination, if his finely drawn clock was anything to go by, a steadiness that an unbalanced brain would have found difficult. They had tried, with past soldiers, to split the two brain hemispheres physically, severing the membrane that bridged between them in an effort to isolate the old soldier from the new.
The right hemisphere housed contextual perception and feeling, while the left was honed and focused and precise. They even grew to slightly different sizes, in parts, even though the skull that covers them is evenly shaped. It remained in mainstream medicine a mystery, one that Hydra explored with relish.
But all that resulted from their experimental surgeries were monstrous malfunctions. As it turned out, the left hemisphere dominated most of the body even when separated, and Hydra's soldiers were left imprisoned in the right brain, at best controlling one arm and some eyesight.
Removing the whole left hemisphere also didn't yield any improvements, even after recalibrating what remained. There were even more extreme experiments suggested, but they were deemed too damaging to put the soldiers through, too harmful for staff morale, and too uncertain in their results.
It was clear that a successful subject had to keep all his faculties, all the useful memories in whatever form, while imposing the dominance of the right hemisphere over the left. In a way, the Soldier had been there all along, growing with the unwitting owner of that body, learning, judging for himself and reaching, inevitably, different conclusions.
There always was something slightly more sinister in the right hemisphere, which only emerged when it was freed from the left, or when the left was in a dream state and its control dropped. So it was clear which side Hydra drew its soldiers from, when it freed that part of them with their infernal brain-machines.
The wavering of that edge also explained why her Soldier had such excellent memory, remembering even obscure European countries well, but also their capitals, which Hydra never saw fit to teach him. And as she went through more little things that stood out against the strictures of their base and his missions, it emerged that, though steady, the line that separated her Soldier from someone else was kept at his convenience.
The man underneath was generously lending his memories of what fancy little cufflinks and snow globes felt like, just so the Soldier who had never seen them before could give the right answers. But what she needed to figure out was how much of the control was the Soldier's intention, and how much was unconscious reflex. If the man aimed to sabotage his missions, would the Soldier even know? Worse, if he wasn't aware of anyone else sharing his brain, could he really control him?
Would he want to?
For Hydra, her mission was simple: root out the part that dissents, make it submit. They were too focused on efficiency to know what they were truly asking for. They had no idea how bad it could get, or how good...
"That's enough for now. You can open your eyes while I get the next batch, we're almost done. This last bit is just some food tests."
"As long as it's not from the mess hall."
She was halfway to the sink, a small wooden crate in her hands, when she started laughing. "I promise it's not. So it's true what they say? Way to a man's heart..."
"Is through his rib cage."
Her laughter rang through again, but he kept his eyes straight ahead, focusing on the sound of her running her hands under the water, arranging things on a plate, and wiping her hands dry on the threadbare cloth that hung there.
"Close your eyes now." she spoke as she stepped closer from behind. The plate clinked as it met the metallic table, right by his hand, and he smelled and felt the heat of her as she stood right in front of him.
"I'll give you some things to taste, and you just tell me what they are. And they're all pretty soft. Alright? First one. Open..."
Something was nagging him from the back of his brain again, jeering at him for the childish position he was in, but he couldn't think of anything to feel ashamed over.
"Good. Now, swallow and... again..."
"That's right. This next one is a bit, well... Just open and tell me."
He bit into a soft and shapeless thing that tasted like, if anything, a green paste. "I don't know what this is."
"Avocado. Maybe you've never had it before. Better make a wish, then."
"Never mind. Open for me again..."
"Yes, that's a mint leaf. It's perfectly safe, you can swallow. Now, this one will come in a spoon, so open wide." She let the cloying thing slip on his tongue and the taste spread in his mouth in a way that was familiar but unusual.
"Tastes like... roses."
"Yes, that's rose petal jam. If the Director only knew what I spent my funding on, spoiling you..." she giggled, but it died quickly as he kept frightfully still and his jaw tensed. From the corner of her eye she saw the GSR give an angry twitch.
"Right, one more and we're done. Open, and tell m—"
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metalbuckaroo · 3 years
Wet Dream
SUMMARY// “so, what was your dream about?”
WARNINGS// wet dream, a slight and very brief mention of nightmares, unprotected sex, maybe angst?, cursing, brief insecure bucky
AU// bodyguard!ws x mafia!f!reader, bodyguard!bucky Barnes x mafia!f!reader
NOTE// this was originally written for kinktober and I completely forgot ab it, so here it is like 2 months later hdhajau
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There were nights Bucky couldn't sleep, the free range he was allowed to have of your house helped with easing that. Occasionally wondering the larger built home to find something to busy himself.
Trying not to make any noise, he cracked your door enough to check that you were still sleeping and safe. Nearly jumping out of his skin when he heard your soft voice in the dark room.
"You can come in." You said in a quiet laugh.
Bucky cleared his throat and opened the door more, light from the hallway filling the room. "Didn't mean to wake you up." He murmured, gently pushing the door closed as you clicked on the lamp beside your bed.
"I was already awake." You shrugged, giving him a light smile as you pulled the covers back for him. "I don't know if I should..." he hesitated, standing at the side of your bed.
The frown that pulled at your lips made his heart ache, your hand reaching out to him. "Please?"
Nodding, Bucky slipped under the blankets, laying on his back and trying to relax at the close proximity. His whole body tensing for a moment when you cuddled into his side before he finally did relax- heart racing at the sudden intimacy as he rested his metal hand against your upper arm.
"Try to get some sleep." You said softly, putting your arm around his thick waist.
Bucky had fought off sleeping for what felt like the whole night. Fearing that he had dreamt you sleeping so peacefully tucked into his side, and he'd fall into an agonizing night terror.
But, for once, that wasn't the case.
It was like he could taste your lips on his again, feel the way your hands tugged at his hair and your cunt clamped around him- milking him for everything he had.
He could see what every inch of your figure looked like bare to him, even if he didn't have the chance to see it in the dim light of the alley.
It was a dream so vivid he didn't know if he wanted to wake up from it and face whatever the day had to offer. Instead, he wanted to stay in the peacefulness of sleep and imagine what your soft skin would feel like in his calloused right hand. The dreamy way your body moved above him as you fell apart.
He didn't realize the hushed groans and pants that passed his lips while in the deepest sleep he'd gotten in a long time. Slowly being pulled out of it by the feel of your fingertips against his cheek.
Blinking his eyes open, he looked around the brighter room. The realization that he was still in your large bed, curled in the thick blanket and holding you close to his chest as you looked at him.
"Are you okay?" His voice was scratchy, warm hand absent-mindedly running up the back of the silky night dress you wore- feeling the goosebumps that prickled your skin from the action. "I'm fine. Good dream?" You said with a light laugh, tucking some of his hair behind his ear.
"I, uh, yeah." Bucky swallowed hard, hoping you didn't know exactly what it was about.
He sucked in a sharp breath when you urged him onto his back, straddling his hips as your fingers carded through his hair. "What was it about?" You asked as he sat up, his hands following every dip and curve of your sides as he wet his lips. Looking at you through his eyelashes.
Bucky cleared his throat lightly when your hands glided down his chest, curling in the hem of his shirt as your lips slotted over his. A soft moan passing your lips when his tongue pressed to yours, feeling every inch he could reach.
You pulled away when his fingers of his right hand wrapped around your hand to stop you from lifting his shirt. "Where'd that fire from the alley go, Soldat?" You teased, trying to ease the worry that you could almost feel radiating off of him.
"You don't wanna see it." Bucky murmured, lifting his left up to brush his bionic thumb over your lips. Knuckles ghosting across your cheek and down your neck until his fingers stopped at the thin strap of your night dress.
"It won't change my mind. Promise." You assured, placing a brisk kiss to his lips as he hooked a finger under the flimsy strap. "Swear?"
"On my life."
Bucky nodded, letting you guide the shirt upwards as he lifted his arms. His head dipping down to litter feathery kisses along your shoulder as you dropped the fabric beside the bed, not wanting to see your expression when you looked at the mess of scars that joined metal to man.
"Bucky?" You said in almost a whisper, his arms going tight around your waist. Hoping it wasn't going to end so soon as he hummed in response.
Your fingers laced in the back of his long, thick hair. Tugging it lightly for him to look at you. "I just want you to know you're obnoxiously handsome."
You were certain it was the first time you'd seen a smile creep onto his face, even if it was a small one as he gripped the hem of your night dress. His bottom lip disappearing between his teeth as he pushed it up until you finished taking it off and threw it to the side.
‘Beautiful.’ The thick accent coated the word, cold and warm hands gliding up to knead the supple flesh of your chest as he bucked his hips up. Pressing his clothed erection against you as you moved off of him. A low whine pulling from his throat as his hands reached for your bare waist again when you moved away, hands slipping down so he could hook his fingers in the waistband of your underwear. Easily tearing them at the sides as you helped to shuffle his briefs down.
Bucky wasn’t sure he had felt the same sensation as the one he felt when your bare skin pressed to his. Warmth sprouting in his chest as you sunk down on him, cold and warm hands splayed on your back to hold you close as your body molded to his in a way he could only describe as perfection.
His face stayed buried in the crook of your neck, peppering kisses to the skin as his hips rolled up to meet yours. The fullness he brought aiding in how quickly your high started to build. Your breathy sounds mixing with his lower grunts in the thick air as you released around him.
Bucky’s hold on you tightened, teeth nipping at your skin as thick spurts of his release filled you. Your high starting to die down as he pulled away for another glance of how soft your skin looked before everything would fade away into a more professional standing.
“So, what was your dream about?”
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gay-jewish-bucky · 2 years
I feel like I’m the LAST ONE ON EARTH to know this but my girlfriend just informed me Bucky’s backpack in WS is full of journals that he wrote bits and pieces of his memories into to try and piece it all together and I’m WEEPING and wanted to share
oh gosh yeah the memory backpack that he's so desperate not to lose that he even has the buckle done up 😭😭😭
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iirc the basis is a comment seb made during the cw press tour when asked about it as well as the cw prelude comic which shows bucky having intense flashback dreams and writing them all down in his notebooks when he jolts awake
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buckyismybicycle · 2 years
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Hold Onto Me: Chapter 6
Pairing: WS!Bucky x Reader [AO3 LINK] Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings: canon-typical violence, canon-divergent, angst, fluff, music soothes the soul y’all, falling in love, fugitive life, so many other tags to come Summary:  You happen to get caught in the Winter Soldier’s attack one day, but you don’t expect to ever see him again. You definitely don’t expect him to show up at your home, bleeding. You definitely, definitely don’t expect to want to go on the run with him.
♬ ♪ ♫ Miami heat, palm trees in the breeze You're the the sweetest thing The sweetest thing I've ever seen Sand at my feet, ocean after that Silver light of the moon dancing on the waves You're the sweetest thing that I ever did see Like a bird taking way Tears that set you free You're the sweetest thing that I ever did see ♬ ♪ ♫
He alternates between his training and giving your body time to recover. You can feel yourself getting stronger, day by day, thanks to Bucky’s training and your own determination. It feels amazing, like you could take on the world. And you would. For Bucky. You look at Bucky, his head in your lap, eyes closed, looking like he hasn’t lived through the horrors that he did. Yeah, I definitely would.
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Before you know it, the second month has come to an end and even you know this was a luxury to stay this long. You take a picture of the Eiffel Tower puzzle before dismantling it into a few ziploc bags and throw them in your bag. You go to thank Mrs. Brown, and after one final sweep and the last shopping trip, you both slip out in the evening to the harbour. You pass the beach one more time, steal a kiss under the stars, and let Bucky plan your next stop.
Indonesia was a difficult choice. Bucky almost wanted to retreat to one of the smaller islands in hopes of it being uninhabited, yet he knew that there wouldn't be a way for them to leave the island after if they chose to. In the end, he chose Bali, another tourist-rich population. Hiding in plain sight had worked out fairly well last time. Maybe he could buy a small boat and find an island later.
He looked at you, smiling ever so slightly as you embraced the journey. How did I get so lucky?
Bucky thinks about the day he ran, how his instincts said go! go! and yet he couldn’t leave, not without seeing you. It was supposed to be a farewell, a last kiss, a memory for him to hang onto and yet when he’d shown up, you had already uprooted your life. For him. For the possibility of him. Sometimes he thinks it’s a dream. Or maybe a nightmare, like he’s still in cryofreeze and one day he’ll open his eyes and this whole thing - and you - will be ripped away from him. Now that would be cruel.
It turns out to be a little harder to hide in the capital, which is fine. You both stick out too much here so he simply comes up with a new plan.
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He decides to tuck you away somewhere, so he sends you ahead with his list, trying not to laugh at your scrunched up nose when you read the word ‘chicken’. He’ll take care of that part, and scouts out the bay too.
It’s one of the countries he was never sent to, at least, he doesn’t think. Indonesian definitely isn’t in his repertoire, so he’s thankful that money is universal. He doesn’t bother to barter with HYDRA’s blood money, he just exchanges it and spends it. He can, in fact, buy a small fisherman’s boat and it wouldn’t even make a noticeable dent in the cash he had. It wouldn’t make far travels, but with this, he could circle these islands for a solid while. That’d be nice. So now, he owns a boat, he has his dog tags, the clothes on his back, this stolen black duffel bag that probably still has blood on it somewhere, and the things inside. And a chicken. A few months ago he’d had nothing, so he seems to be making out okay so far despite HYDRA doing everything in their power to prevent it.
“Is this our fine steed?” He sees you smiling up at him, bags swinging from your hands as you sidle up to him. He takes them from you and puts them inside the boat.
“I thought we could find a more private island, bunk there. Not too far from here, we’ll need supplies, but far enough.” You nodded.
“Aye, aye, my Captain.” He turns away from you so you don’t catch his little smile.
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It’s almost like picking up exactly where you left off in Australia, settling into a new routine. Bucky works tirelessly on making not just a shelter but something akin to a hut, that can withstand a fair amount. He wants nothing but the best for you. The best he can do, anyway.
Some distance away, Bucky sets up a campfire with the cauldron, and you work on making a fish stew with what you bought in Bali. Bucky’s finally intaking food as opposed to soups and nutrition shakes. The number of calories he needs to sustain himself is kind of alarming so you always make as much as you can. He wasn’t quite comfortable with some foods yet, so you work with him slowly and a part of you is giddy with the honour of watching him react to something for the first time.
You’re both exhausted, and each take a turn dipping in the waters to clean off, your bar of soap wrapped in a banana leaf. It felt good to get the sweat and grime of today’s work off.
Bucky is finally ready to show you his project.
“This is amazing, Buck,” you look at the structure in awe. ���How did you even learn to do this?” He shrugs, like it’s no big deal.
“It’s not much,” he gets out, worrying his bottom lip like he was nervous about your reaction.
“It’s perfect, and it’s home,” you tell him easily and his eyes widen as they stare at you. It looks like Bucky’s brain was on the fritz, so you took his hand and went inside, where he’d laid the thinner tree trunks like flooring, palm leaves tucked on top to soften the ground. He’d built a makeshift bed, which really took up most of the room inside, and the blankets you’d purchased laid on top.
“Bucky?” You turn to him, eyes shining and bright. He swallows thickly, unsure of how to handle any sort of emotional confrontation at the moment.
“What’s wrong, angel?” He asks, afraid of the answer. This isn’t good enough. I don’t want to live like this.
“Nothing’s wrong. I just… I have to tell you that I - I love you.”
His whole world spins with those three words and his brain feels like it’s processing the information too slowly.
“It’s okay, if you don’t feel the same way back,” you continue. “I just - ever since I met you, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I thought I had nothing. No one. I didn’t even want to get out of bed some days, figuring there was no point. You make me feel so alive. I’m having fun, for the first time in a long time. I was afraid to say it, in case you didn’t want to know, but I can’t keep it in any more. You literally built us a home, I mean -”
Your knees buckle as he kisses you, possibly harder than ever before and your eyes sting because you think that maybe, this is his admission too, and you push your body towards him until every part of you possible is touching, stumbling toward the bed. You’re both too warm and tired from today’s activities yet entangle yourselves willingly, passionately, scrambling on top of the blanket nest.
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marvelsgirl616 · 3 years
Buckys Angel:
Hi, this is the first fic/Drabble I’ve ever wrote so 🙃 yeah. Idk it’s all over the place. I also skimmed through it so yeah…
Warnings: fluff, angst?
Summary: buckys just thinking about his angel.
Waking up from the best night of sleep you’ve gotten in a long time. opening your eyes to see him making your coffee. He walks over to hand you your (perfectly made coffee at the right temp and amount of creamer) Thinking to yourself “I don’t know how he perfected my coffee” But you don’t know that he’s been watching you so when it came to mornings like these he could impress you and make you happy. You don’t notice him trying to pick up on your little habits and routine. He plays off him staring at you as “just admiring my breathtakingly beautiful baby doll”
One of his favorite facial expressions on you is the “I told you so/ I got my way.” You always smirk and scrunch your nose up while doing a little happy dance. Sometimes he just gives up on the point he’s trying to prove just so he can see you make that face.
It means the world to him when you surprise him when you make him his favorite lunch/snack and pack it for him (especially if it’s going to be a stressful mission with Sam and Torres) You always leave a little note telling him how much you love him, to be safe, and assure him that everything will be okay. (Sometimes you leave a little *p.s when you come back I’ll be wearing your favorite lingerie set :)*)
Whenever Sam sees the note + lunch and Bucky has that “God I love her so much” glow and smile…he can’t help but smirk.
Bucky has hinted at proposing but he wanted to make sure he was stable and he felt like he could trust himself. He wanted to make sure you were safe and didn’t have to worry about him. (You always do and will for as long as he’ll have you) You truly are an angel, ever since you two started dating his nightmares have decreased. Of course the first couple of months they got worse because you were starting to creep into his dreams. He tried not to think about you before bed, he didn’t want to have another dream where he/WS hurts you or you’re taken by hydra. You told him to call whenever he had a nightmare so you could sing one of your favorite childhood lullaby’s. He doesn’t know how you do it but you manage to get him to fall asleep within minutes of hearing your voice. You recorded the lullaby so in case he couldn’t get ahold of you or you were busy he could listen. He puts it on a loop and can't help but smile. When you first stayed the night he couldn’t sleep, he was tense yet so relaxed watching you sleep. All he wanted was to curl up and sleep with you, but all he could think of was “what if I have a nightmare and hurt her”
You woke up and saw he wasn’t sleeping. You assured him you were safe and trusted him. He was no longer the winter soldier. He was free. “The nightmares can’t hurt me, you can no longer be triggered by those words. I feel 100% safe with you. I promise if anything happens I’ll try to help and if I’m injured or can’t get you back then I’ll call Sam.”You’ve never been hurt or had to call Sam. You truly were his angel. Even when he was feeling the urges and voice of the WS just one look at your angelic face and hearing that angelic voice assuring him it’ll be okay. You got him back.
He knows Steve would’ve loved you and protected you as if you were his sister. lHe wishes he could tell Steve about you and show him how much you’ve helped him but he’s gone. He left…but sometimes Bucky takes his favorite picture of them together and tells him all about you.
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You brought the 40’s Bucky back.
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
I just love how realistically you made this storyline! Some people would directly jump to Bucky forgiving her and be all like “heyy shh it’s ok, I understand” blah blah blah.
The truth is life is not like that! I mean yeah, he may understand her, she didn’t know him personally before the mission, she was manipulated just like he was when he was the WS, she was lied to just like him when Pierce was telling him they’re making a “better world”, etc.
BUT. He was betrayed. And personally I think (for now at least) the feeling of betrayal overcomes the feeling of understanding her reasons. I mean he was obviously head over hills for her. He thought he finally found peace(which we know how much he craves for), comfort, love, someone who feels like HOME. Like FINALLY coming home from war. Like he found someone who would never judge him for his past, and that’s a very big something for Bucky especially because he obviously has trust issues and anxiety i guess. And he finds out everything was a lie. He is heartbroken so he may understand her reasons but he can’t forgive her that easily.
So big THANK YOU dream for this story. Finally what i was looking for!
Omg darliiiing thank you so much! ❤ It means so much to me to hear this! ❤
I completely agree, the fact that he understands her and her reasons doesn't mean that he would be so fast to forgive her 💔 I think deep down he wants to forgive her, but like you said, she actually felt like home to him, like he was finally coming home from war 💔 If he wasn't as in love with her, or if they were casual, it wouldn't have hurt that much. He would feel betrayed but he would be able to look past it but he actually trusted her, which makes everything so much worse 💔
Bucky desperately needed to feel "loved" and Shrike made him feel that before ripping it out of him, and that's why he is having such a hard time to listen to her let alone forgive her ❤
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I've really been enjoying TFATWS. It's really good show, but there is one thing about it that still bugs me a bit (and problem that's been in the mcu for years, actually).
I've complained about this before, but I want to talk about it a bit more here.
In the last 11 years of Bucky's mcu story, he's always been a sort of prop (sebastian brought his all to it and made him real but that was sheer force of will). He barely had any lines and his story seemed to exist more to highlight other people's pain, primarily Steve but even Tony in CW. He was fought over, discussions about who he was and even his right to live were done mostly over his head (sometimes while he was standing right there). Even free from Hydra, it seemed he was still defined by his relationship to others and viewed through their perspective.
Now in TFATWS, he finally has dialog, a story, etc, but when it comes to his trauma, he's still being defined by his external effects on other people. Therapy seems to revolve around his victims and the things he did to other people, his identity issues revolve around what he'll do to others if he slips into WS mode, his de-programming is to prevent him from hurting others. His nightmares revisit the harm he did to others. Now this is all fine, because it would be a big part of him.
But very little has been done to address Bucky as a victim in ways that affected no one but himself. You mean to tell me this man never dreams of that machine and how painful it was? Or whatever violence they did to him while with Zola to keep him under control? The deprivation and experiments they subjected him to? Or the feeling of waking up mid-surgery to a room full of nazis sawing your arm off? What is was like to remember your family and having those things ripped away from you again and again?
Bucky's trauma is layered, it's both related to his guilt and the things he's done, but it's equally about being kidnapped and tortured, so the show could give, if not equal weight, at least some nod towards that as well. They may have with the "he'll do anything you want" moment but even then, most viewers would automatically connect that to his work as the winter soldier before really thinking about the implications of complete dehumanization and enslavement that it also brought up.
If Bucky ever manages to come to peace with his work as the winter soldier, he still has a whole lot of personal trauma that needs to be addressed. In fact, I'd argue he can never really come to peace with his work at the winter soldier if his personal trauma is never addressed. The winter soldier only existed because of Bucky's abuse so if he doesn't think about himself as an abuse victim, he'll always blame himself for what hydra made him do.
It almost still feels like the writers think that if you remove all of Bucky's external effects on other people, he's no longer interesting as a victim of violence himself. Or maybe because he's a man, they simply don't think that way about his trauma.
As I said, I love the show, so it isn't a hate post, I just wanted to get this into words.
And if any anti-B*cky people (which, how do you exist? what a weird character to choose to hate. Like, oh that victim of abuse? Yeah, can't stand that dude lol) somehow find this post, don't bother. Beyond the temporary annoyance of having to read your irrational, narrow-minded opinions, I don't care about you and will just block you.
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mitsususu · 4 years
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Whendoestheshipsail wrote 20 explicit fics (and counting) during 2020 Covid lockdowns. Not only is she a powerhouse of a writer, she’s also a great person. Do you like BDSM? Do you like Bucky on top? If you like to see pretty boys crying, check out my Favorite Top 10 Stories:
“Twitterpatted” (E, 9k)
Steve posts videos to Twitter. A man with the dick of Steve's dreams responds. Alas, they work together.
+ Shrunkyclunks. Everyone wants Steve’s perfect ass, but Steve is a picky size queen who demands Stamina. Bucky can keep up and more
“Captain Sugar Baby” (E, 18k)
He's waiting in line for coffee with Natasha at the downstairs kiosk in Stark Tower when he overhears two young women talking about needing sugar daddies.
It goes downhill from there.
+ Shrunkyclunks. Captain America goes undercover as a sugar baby and lives his Best Life 
“Put it in the Smithsonian” (T, 4k)
After Bucky falls from the train, Steve gets Bucky's letter. In 2012, Steve's therapist suggests he writes one back.
+ Post Train to Post WS. Heartwarming epistolary where Steve works out his grief and sexuality.
“A Most Unsuitable Omega” (E, 70k)
“I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that being on the bottom shelf at the back of the classified room isn’t a great sign,” Phil says. “Well, it’s alphabetical,” Sam says, shrugging. “So, it’s not necessarily proof that he walked in and chose the most unsuitable omega of all — oh. Oh yeah, you’ve chosen the most unsuitable omega possible. This is W. The Winter Soldier Program.”
+ Shrunkyclunks. A/B/O. The one with old-fashioned movie star Rock Sherman, comfort pillows, McLeod’s department store
“Knot Interested” (E, 66k) 
“What if I don’t know the answer to some of the questions?” Steve asks, looking up from the table.
“Then you leave it blank or ask me, I guess,” Phil says. His gaze cuts to the paper and then away, trying to not be nosy or something.
“Can I put down null or unknown for secondary gender?” That’s what he used to do.
The pause is uncomfortable. “Null? Well, is that accurate?”
“I used to be. I had the serum and nothing has changed as far as I know.”
“Well, my understanding of null means you’ve never popped a knot or gotten slick? Just… never.”
“That’s correct,” Steve says. And Steve’s feeling something that might be embarrassment. Maybe shame? It’s awful to be a freak again.
Enter, one Bucky Barnes.
+ Shrunkyclunks. A/B/O with playmating and Beta Bucky. This one is dear to my heart because I made a lot of book covers and magazine articles for it 
“A Perfect Handful” (E, 20k)
Steve Rogers has always been embarrassingly small. Everywhere. When he gets the serum, he's relieved he'll finally be proportional, perhaps even well- endowed. That isn't what happens. He's exactly the same size as he was before. But now, with his larger body as contrast, his dick and balls look even more minuscule. And he has breasts. Ridiculously large, overly sensitive breasts. No one wanted him before and they won't want him now, either. Well, no one except Bucky.
+ Pre-War to Post WS. Small dick Steve through the ages and the Bucky who loves him
“The Good Inside” (E, 26k)
Steve doesn't know how they got to this point of Bucky being so sweet and mean to him all the time. Breaking him down just so he could cuddle him and love him back together again. Every little surrender makes it better, makes Bucky dote on him more. The first time Bucky called him a princess, made all sorts of threats and promises, Steve wasn't happy about it. Now it seems like the only thing that matters.
+ Shrunkyclunks. Steve’s journey of kinky self-discovery with Attorney Bucky  
“Very, Very Easy To Be True” (E, 56k)
No one bothered to ask Steve his designation when he came out of the ice (he would have lied, but the point is that no one asked). He looks, acts and talks like a dom, complete with the aggressive hyper-masculine growl and swagger.
Plus, it says dominant in his file.
Steve knows how shitty being a submissive is. He saw his ma deal with it everyday. Saw how it turned a strong woman weak, how it took her attention away from him and ruled her life and his when she couldn't control herself. Steve's always been better than that. Fury and rage has fueled him, kept his designation safely hidden. Steve sees a dominant and he's buzzing with anger.
Then he meets Bucky Barnes, who is apparently a genuinely nice dominant. That's when everything goes to shit.
+ Shrunkyclunks. Super Dom Bucky exceeds all expectations in the best way
“Somebody to Have” (E, 68k)
It isn't love at first sight for Steve Rogers, but that's only because he isn't quite sure what love is. Once he experiences it, once he knows what it feels like to have someone choose him, he won't ever let it go.
+ TFA to Modern. The touch starvation fic
“Songs About Happiness, Murmured in Dreams” (E, 29k)
Steve Rogers died in 1955. After a mission, but before they'd both been sent back to cryo. Steve had died on top of him, bleeding out from bullet wounds meant for Bucky. Bucky's lived with the secrets of what they were to each other, how exactly Hydra got the both of them to comply, going on missions with Nat and Tony, and as long as he doesn't dream about the past, then he's almost okay. Then the base where Steve died is discovered and Bucky has to go in to clear it. Behind a wall is a cryo tube holding an alive Steve Rogers. Decades later, still brainwashed by Hydra and wanting to please his handler. How do they go on when the only way to survive is to be apart?
+ WW2 to Modern. Delightfully dark and leans into heavy sadism/masochism
*More stories by this author in the Firefighter list
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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BBB Week 1 Roundup!  WE HAVE HAD SO MANY FILLS ALREADY!  It’s so exciting!  
Click through and go leave all these wonderful creators some love!
Title: Into the Wild Collaborator: tisfan Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Y2 - IMAGE: Natasha Ship: Bucky/Natasha Rating: Teen Major Tags: moodboard Summary: MoodBoard, song lyrics
Title: An Eerie Sort of Silence - Chapter 4 Collaborator: Tonks22 Link: AO3 Square Filled: U1 - Bucky/Tony Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: soulmate AU Summary: Bucky and Tony get closer, but in true Tony fashion, still haven’t talked about their bond. Word Count: 1104
Title: Flower Shop GIF Board Collaborator: shield-agent78 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K5 - Flower Shop AU Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard Summary: Bucky decides the best way to ask you to marry him is by the use of flowers.
Title: What’s Your House? Collaborator: shield-agent78 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Y5 - Hogwarts AU Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Gen Major Tags: Moodboard/GIF board   Summary: Moodboard/GIF board
Title: Defeat Collaborator: shadow-ravin Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Y3 -  Art Style: Pastels Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: art  Summary: The Winter Soldier with Cap’s shield and my head canon of Cap when he discovers that  Bucky is the Winter Soldier and learns everything he has been through
Title: Linguistics–Sound Track Collaborator: shield-agent78 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Y1 - Matchmaker Jarvis Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Teen Major Tags: none Summary: Soundtrack to the upcoming remake of the story Linguistics
Title: Undercover Sex Collaborator: shield-agent78 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K4 - Sam Wison Ship: Bucky/Reader/Sam Rating: Explicit Major Tags: poly-relationships, sexual tension, language, fluff, sass, good-natured teasing, smut (anal, m/m and f/m), bondage (light bdsm) Summary: Series where Bucky and Sam both meet the woman of their dreams, but she’s unable to choose between the two men so they decide she doesn’t have to. Word Count: 1783
Title: Smile Collaborator: shadow-ravin Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B2 - Writing Format: Drabble Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: drabble  Summary: The Asset remembers Steve. Word Count: 100
Title: Winter Soldier Mittens Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Y1 - cyborg Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: fandom craft Summary: Mittens with the WS symbols sewn on
Title: Make It Home - Chapter 3: Impromptu Dance Lessons Collaborator: pherryt Link: AO3 Square Filled: B1 - Team Bonding Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Gen Major Tags: Fake relationship, hurt!Clint, deaf Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes recovering, nightmares Summary: Nobody's seen Clint since SHIELD fell, until now. Word Count: 10,838
Title: Maximum Occupancy and Other Polyamory Concerns Collaborator: Wiggle Link: AO3 Square Filled: C4 - Crossover of your choice Ship: Bucky/Clint/Steve/Tony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Some drinking, less than canon typical violence, pre-relationship kind-of, m/m/m/m Summary: This week on How I Met Your Fathers, we answer the big questions: Can you put out a dumpster fire if it's raining men? *Hallelujah* Word Count: 1447
Title: Push the button Collaborator: Kalee60 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U2 - Bucky/Steve Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content Summary: When Bucky Barnes meets Captain America for the first time, he doesn’t expect to embarrass himself so spectacularly with only four words. But from the ashes of his mortification comes a proposition so unexpected that he doesn’t even think twice about agreeing to play along. Pretending to date Steve Rogers should be hard, but it isn't… not at all. In fact it’s the easiest thing in the world. So what happens when Bucky wants to shift their status from fake to something more permanent? And more importantly, would Steve even be interested in more than just friends? Word Count: 6233
Title: Make It Home - Chapter 4: Welcome Confessions Collaborator: pherryt Link: AO3 Square Filled: - Stark Tower Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Gen Major Tags: Fake relationship, hurt!Clint, deaf Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes recovering, nightmares Summary: Nobody's seen Clint since SHIELD fell, until now. Word Count: 14,245
Title: Care Collaborator: ABrighterDarkness Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y2 - Handle With Care Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: Bucky Barnes recovering, Artist Steve, Tattoos, Fluff Summary: Steve had noticed his discomfort and he had come up with something of a plan. Bucky wasn’t sure that it would work the way that Steve hoped but he thought that he might have agreed to it regardless. Word Count: 2119
Title: Bucky Barnes, The Boogie-Woogie Bugle Boy Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: AO3 Square Filled: C3 - free square Ship: Bucky & Steve Rating: Gen Major Tags: fluff and humor, Bucky’s memories Summary: It started with a trumpet, continued with a song, and ended with a memory. Or, how Bucky became the Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, nobody let him forget it, and then he remembered it. Word Count: 3706
Title: Not a Good Idea Collaborator: Ravin Link: AO3 Square Filled: B3 - Paintball Ship: STucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: Paintball, crack, humor, fluff Summary: In which the Avengers play paintball. Word Count: 427
Title: [Podfic] ain't too proud Collaborator: Ravin Link: AO3 Square Filled: -  Kink: "Please let me come" Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Begging, mild kink, period-typical homophobia, referenced erectile dysfunction, pre-serum, World War II, Orgasm Delay/Denial Summary: Podfic of ain't too proud by mwestbelle recorded for Bucky Barnes Bingo 2020 for my square Kink: "Please let me come" Author's summary: "C'mon, Stevie." Bucky spreads his arms. "What do I gotta do, beg?" Steve snorts, but Bucky drops to his knees, arms still flung wide in a parody of supplication. "Please, oh please come down from your tower, Princess Goldilocks. Do it for your old pal Bucky." (Bucky begs, Steve likes it.)
Title: Distraction Collaborator: ABrighterDarkness Link: AO3 Square Filled: U5 - Seeing Red Ship: Stucky, Stuckony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Secret Crush, Canon Divergence, Mission Fic, Injury Summary: It wasn’t the first time that Bucky’s attention had been drawn away from his task on an op when that tell-tale flash of red passed through his peripheral. Word Count: 2461
Title: Be Bold and Brave it Collaborator: darter_blue Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y5 - Eyeliner Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: Modern Setting, Modern Bucky Barnes, Fluff, Bottom Bucky Barnes Summary: 'You think? It's not too much?' Bucky is twisting and turning to try and see his ass in the pants - and, you know, without being able to turn his head three hundred and sixty degrees it's not super easy, but from what he can see, it's pretty darn good.  'It's a lot, but in a hot way.' Nat is looking him up and down, with her chin in her hands, like an art curator. 'But it's missing something.’  'Yeah, a shirt,' Bucky says. Because he might look great. But he's not one hundred percent sure of this whole vest only look.  'No, I know!' and she disappears into the bathroom for two minutes. Bucky can hear her rattling around in something. Whatever it is, Bucky will be talked into it, however reluctantly. Natasha is very persuasive.  'Okay! I've got it.'  And with a sweeping flick of her wrist, she displays the black eye pencil from her make-up kit.  'Oh no.'  'Oh YES my friend.' Word Count: 3993
Title: Armor Kink Collaborator: shadow-ravin Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B4 - Kink: Armor Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard Summary: Moodboard featuring Bucky in his armor. Actually it mostly came out as featuring his arm, but that should count for armor too right?
Title: Close Combat Collaborator: calmena Link: AO3 Square Filled: C2 - Kink: Cock-blocking 'bots Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Roomba!Ultron, Roomba!JOCASTA, Porn with Feelings, Crack Summary: The one where Tony and Bucky are busy in the bedroom, and Roomba!Ultron has his own opinions about that. Word Count: 1370
Title: Last Week, a Lifetime Ago Collaborator: ribbonsflyingoutthewindow Link: AO3 Square Filled: U1 - AU: Canon Divergence Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: Mention of Peggy's death, OCs' deaths, Endgame fix-it, Angst, Hopeful Ending Summary: “I wanna talk to him and that’s the hard part. I don’t even know how to talk to him now. It’s like he’s not the same person.”---Bucky struggles to understand Steve after Steve spends decades with Peggy and then returns to him.This is a good part of the Endgame fixit that I swore I wouldn't write, but never say never. In this, Steve chose to stay back, not for selfish reasons, but for a selfless one. And he's still young when he returns because, of course he is. (The serum didn't suddenly stop working. Russos/Markus/McFeely are just idiots.) Word Count: 2641
Title: Winterbirbs Collaborator: pherryt Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C4 Square - Bucky/Clint Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary: Basically, all the birds.
Title: Bucky Bear Collaborator: crazycatt71 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y1 - image of Bucky Bear Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: fandom craft Summary: My 1st fill for Bucky Barnes Bingo is a Bucky Bear I knitted
Title: Monster Collaborator: phoenixgryphon Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U1 - AU: Regency Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: art  Summary: “Everyone is a monster to someone. Since you are so convinced that I am yours, I will be it.”
Title: A Good Morning Collaborator: ABrighterDarkness Link: AO3 Square Filled: C5 - Kink: Teasing Ship: Stuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Explicit Sexual Content Summary: As erratic as his sleep patterns tended to be, moments like these were rare but among his top favorite. He had awoken from a deep sleep that had been surprisingly free of nightmares, with two of his favorite people in the entire world almost completely surrounding him. And it only got better from there. Word Count: 2422
Title: One of these days I'll take courage and hug you Collaborator: rya_204 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y3 - Recovering Bucky Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: angst, touch starved Summary: The Winter Soldier was recently found and placed in the Avengers Tower. Word Count: 1170
Title: Debriefing Collaborator: DocOlive Link: AO3 Square Filled: B5 - Non-penetrative Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content Summary: Bucky's got other things on his mind during yet another debriefing. Word Count: 2497
Title: Double Team Collaborator: HogwartsToAlexandria Link: AO3 Square Filled: B4 - Kink: Power Dynamics Ship: Bucky/Pepper/Natasha/Tony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content, BDSM, polyamory Summary: Sometimes Pepper needs every type of stimulation she can get, most times, all three of her partners are ready to give her exactly that, as long as Natasha will be their conductor. Word Count: 1518
Title: Humanitarian mojitos Collaborator: diner_drama Link: AO3 Square Filled: U5 - Twitter war Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: meet cute Summary: Bucky Barnes knows full well not to mix Twitter and alcohol, but when his dumbass roommate Clint makes mojitos and points him towards Captain America's takedown-via-tweet of President Ross' foreign policy, what's he supposed to do? Word Count: 1460
Title: Pressure Points Collaborator: darter-blue Link: AO3 Square Filled: U2 - Kink: Mile High Club Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content Summary: Bucky Barnes hates to fly. And this flight is starting out worse than normal. Except for the hot, built, blond sat beside him… Who has shoulders for days, a voice like molasses, and some very interesting ideas about how to ease Bucky’s anxiety… Word Count: 3724
Title: and now, the end is near Collaborator: hawksonfire Link: AO3 Square Filled: C3 - Free Space Ship: Bucky/Clint/Steve Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content Summary: A three-part tale in which our boys are content. Word Count: 2411
5 notes · View notes
cchellacat · 5 years
I had a Wintershock dream: Takes place in Civil War, where everything is basically the same except Bucky and Darcy met during his days on the run [and dated and weren't careful enough - and oops! His little swimmers are as tough as he is apparently].
Anyways! They're both brought in together [She ain't happy about that thing he's forced in, he's not happy she's there period], he's with the psycho and the red book of horror, she's with assface Thaddeus Ross who's taken too much of an interest in the fact that she might be carrying a potential super soldier.
Winter Soldier makes his alarmingly violent escape bulldozing through the masses. She makes hers by placing a good kick in the balls and a punch in the throat and says "Yeah, that's right! The Winter Soldier's baby momma can kick ass. Die mad about it" and proceeds to trip on her way out with some blame shifting "Wow, a fascist and he trips pregnant woman? You are scum."  
Woke up before I could determine if WS and Darcy were reunited, so I came up with two scenarios:
1) WS goes looking for Darcy, throws Ross out the door [and onto whatever unsuspecting Avenger was on his tail, probably Tony], and escapes with his lady love like some very brutal knight in shining armor. Their found later by Steve and Sam and things take their canon course.
2) WS takes on his tunnel visioned escape, things take their canon course [with a good dose of worried Bucky] - and Sharon shows up with Darcy and their stuff. On proceeds a very sickeningly sweet reunion with our two brunettes [and D making Steve swear on his patriotic ass to make sure B makes it out alive, or he'll miss out on having the baby named after him].......
Also Bucky doesn't stay in the ice long [thank god for Wakandan geniuses], so he doesn't miss much, but he sure does get a teary earful.   
Sunmitted by @wildestheart4ever
Wow! That was some dream! I wish I could remember mine more often and in such detail! I’m on board for scenario number one. Love me some white knight winter soldier!
8 notes · View notes
heymusings · 5 years
Things I loved in individual Marvel Movies (FYI...there’s a lot)
Iron Man
The epitome of showing character development within the time frame of a single film through Tony Stark.
Pepper Potts pretty much being Tony’s baby sitter.
A man who has everything and nothing.
It’s literally just a well balanced action movie.
The fact that is was mostly just RDJ improvising and the other actors having to work with it.
Tony realizing he is part of the problem and finds his purpose in trying to fix those problems, and by doing so working to become a better person.
The fact that Tony is still not a fully realized “hero” at the end of this film-- he still has some quirks to work through and is a little too arrogant.  But this really sets up for even more amazing character development in the next films.
It is a movie of its time-- terrorism and greedy businessmen as the villains.
The fact that Tony and Pepper are not a couple by the end, even when I ship them.
“I am Iron Man”  The instant new trend of not hiding their identity.
Tony: Throw in a little hot rod red.  Jarvis: Yes, that will help you keep a low profile.
Pepper buying herself a birthday present from Tony.
Tony seeing her in the dress.
Pepper “taking out the garbage”-- burn
Tony’s suite tests and Dummy trying to put out a fire.
Tony making the first suite in the cave-- i love that montage
Stane’s moment in realizing how the suite worked-- it’s such a silent but great moment
“Don’t waste your life.”
The acting that takes place in the moment Stane takes the reactor out of Tony’s chest is amazing-- RDJ doesn’t even say anything.
Pepper getting the thumb drive out of the office-- and having the forethought to have Coulson follow her-- Coulson just sitting there waiting (it was oddly funny to me).
The eventual use of the SHIELD acronym
Proof that Tony Stark has a heart.
I don’t have anyone but you.
Iron Man 2
Tony and Pepper kissing for the first time....admittedly the first two films came out at a time when the thing I mostly cared about was shipping.
Stark clearly still developing as a person and superhero...I love me some character development.
Stark refusing to give the suite
“If your priority was to actually to...”-- Tony questioning governmental control
“I am Iron Man.  The suite and I are one.  To turn it over will be to turn over myself which would be tantamount to indentured servitude or prostitution...”
The Iron Man suit as a “shield”--- interesting.
I love watching Tony in his workshop.
Pepper taking charge several times throughout.
Natasha totally taking out Happy when he assumes she can’t.
Pepper actually coming to like Natasha as her assistant.
Tony dealing with his mortality
Tony: Were you aiming for him or me...I can’t tell!
Happy just ramming into Whiplash with the car over and over again.
I told you I don’t want to be part of your super secret boy band.
Fury and Tony talking about Howard Stark and how he was one of the founding members of shield.
Shout out to the tessaract.
Phil: I will taze you and watch super nanny as your drool into the carpet.  Got it?
The ex wife.
Tony: Hammer tech? Rhodey: Yea.
Two seals fighting over a grape.
Phil leaving to go to New Mexico-- Thor shout out.
“Nice work kid.”
War machine and Iron Man working together to beat the iron suites-- I am partial to the shots of them in the Park area
Natasha beating the shit out of all the guys as she makes her way down the hallway...doing so very nonchalantly-- while happy takes on one guy.
Tony: You have a big gun but you’re not the big gun.
Hammer’s shock that Pepper is having him arrested while Pepper just glares at him totally unafraid of him.
Captain America shout out.
Pepper and Tony kiss.
I was here first, get a roof.
Tony: Text book narcissism?....agreed.
Getting the guy who hated Stark to present the award at the end.
“Funny, how annoying a little prick can be.”
Iron Man 3
Tony interacting with Harley  
The question if Iron Man is the suite or the man-- Tony clearly needing to come to terms with the question if his heroism comes from the man or the suite-- and has to do so by accepting his weaknesses.
Tony proving he can still be a hero without the suite. He is a mechanic-- him infiltrating the mandarin mansion without the suite and just a bunch of every day items is amazing.  This film just reminds us that his bad-assery comes from his mind. It is honestly just one of the best Stark moments all around.
Continuity in how Tony is affected by what happens to him.
Pepper coming to the rescue.
The fact that Tony went back for Dummy after his home was attacked.
In the end Tony is sure that even without the suite he is still Iron Man-- You can take away my tricks and toys, but the one thing you can’t take away...I am Iron Man.
The Dora Explorer watch
Honestly, I hate working here.  They are so weird.
Captain America
Agent Carter totally beating the men into place and Steve clearly loving it.
Bucky: Weren’t you smaller?... What happened to you? Steve: I joined the army.  Bucky: Did it hurt...is it permanent?  Steve: A little...so far.
The introduction of the heart of the character-- good man vs perfect soldier
He’s artistic-- this really says something about his character.
The flag bit will not make me laugh.
Peggy Carter...enough said...literally...everything about her.
Steve using the garbage lid as a shield-- I just like the foreshadowing... someone get that man a shield.
I can do this all day-- even when he is tiny and doesn’t stand a chance he doesn’t back down against a bully knowing he won’t win (but he still called out the bully)
Knowing Peggy touching Steve’s chest was technically an honest reaction by the actress-- she was literally so shocked by seeing him without a shirt for the first time.
The fact that I can say, “aw look how cute and little they are,” about both Bucky and Steve.
Steve jumping on the grenade...is this a test?
He’s still skinny.
“You have no idea how to talk to a woman do you.”
“Waiting for the right partner.”
“How do you feel?” “Taller.”
“I could do this all day.”
Peggy making a kill shot on a man that is in a car and at quite a distance.
Peggy non nonchalantly shooting at Steve to test shield, but mostly out of jealousy...and Steve looking ready to pee himself. 
Kid: go get him, I can swim.
The extreme differences in the reactions to the “performance” in the cities compared to the camps.
I really like the leather jacket.
“Where I am going if anyone yells at me I can shoot them”  “Undoubtedly they will be shooting back.”
Peggy: You can’t give me orders.  Steve: The hell I can’t, I am a Captain.
Steve: You sure this thing works? Howard: It’s been tested more than you, pal.
Do you know what you’re doing? Steve: Yeah, I knocked out Adolf Hitler over 200 times.
Until the end of the line.
Bucky: You don’t have one of those do you?
Bucky refusing to leave Steve behind.
Cap and Bucky leading the rescued men back to camp.
I couldn’t call my ride.
Bucky: That little guy from Brooklyn that was too dumb to run away from a fight, I am following him.
Bucky: I am visible, I am turning into you.  This is a horrible dream.  Steve: Don’t take it so hard.  Maybe she has a friend.
Bucky’s face of pure confusion after realizing Peggy wasn’t going to give him the time of day.
The subtle development of the friendship between Howard and Steve.
Bucky’s sniper skills.
Bucky: Remember when I made you ride the Cyclone at Coney Island? Steve: Yeah, and I threw up.  Bucky: This isn’t payback is it?
Bucky: I had him on the ropes.  Steve: I know you did.
Any time Bucky and Steve work together-- it just comes off very natural.
Bucky wielding, if only for a moment, the Captain America Shield.
Peggy and Steve’s kiss
I am not kissing ya.
Steve’s sacrifice.
Steve being able to think coherently enough to recognize that something is wrong when he wakes up by realizing the baseball game is too old.
The shot of Steve on a modern New York City.
“I had a date.”
Captain America Winter Soldier
The opening running scene (rather than something more actionesque-- and the banter that builds as Steve continuously passes Sam... this also really sets up the fact that this is a film that concentrates almost solely on characters (despite having great action sequences).
On your left....two passes later...Don’t say it.
Steve’s speech over the intercom, “...It’s a price I’m willing to pay.  I may be the only one...but I am willing to bet I am not.”
Steve in glasses.
The Winter Solider-- his knife skills....the clear progression throughout the film as he becomes more and more conflicted.
“I am 95, I am not dead.”--- I need more information about this line.
“Does anyone want to get off?”
Natasha and Steve as a team-- Steve becoming more trusting of her
The fact that of any movie he could have watched after waking up Steve watched “Saw”
Steve/WS hand to hand battle
“This isn’t freedom; this is fear.” (Steve seeing Shield as a bully...he doesn’t like bullies)
Steve’s progressive realization that the power of the individual to make choices is more important than orders from an entity that may have ulterior motives.
Falcon/Sam treating Steve like a regular guy and just developing a loyal friendship that I appreciate.
 WS catching Steve’s shield with one arm.
Until the end of the line.
Bucky/WS’s murder walk.
Nat: Where did Captain America learn to steal a car? Steve: Nazi Germany, and we’re borrowing, take your feet off the dash.
It’s really not your style Rogers.  Steve: You’re right, it’s not, it’s hers (then commence Nat still trying to find Steve a date).
Captain America Civil War
Bucky noticeably uncomfortable when he first hears the sirens, then his relief when they pass him and the immediate return to being on edge when he notices the man looking at him from across the street.
So many reminders that Bucky’s nature is not toward violence.
Steve confronting Bucky in his apartment only for Bucky to run, trying so hard to avoid a fight...but the fight that happens I love, especially in the stairwell.
Bucky going after the reactor of the Iron Man suite-- noticeably not going for killing blows during the final fight and despite Tony full out trying to kill him.
How tired and sad Bucky sounds when he tells Cap, “It always ends in a fight
Wanda: You guys know I can move things with my mind right.
Wanda: You were pulling your punches.
Steve’s talk with Wanda about doing and saving who you can and that it doesn’t always mean everyone.
Tony managing to disarm the greatest assassin with nothing but a gauntlet while wearing a three piece suite.
Steve’s clear conflict regarding his friendship with Tony and willingness to forgive him at the end.
Wanda’s relationship with both Clint and Steve... I wanted more of this.
Steve understanding the dangers of the accords more than Tony (based on experience)-- and the importance of his message, “you can’t save everyone,” but you can save the majority.
I admit...this movie got me so worked up about how Tony wants so much to start pushing away the blame for even one lost life that he becomes so willing to place all the responsibility on a governmental power rather than the individual (as Steve believes) even at the cost of putting targets on the back of his friends/allies.  I will never not be shocked at his shock when he talks of Wanda as a weapon or his shock when they put them all in prison. But I also love that I got so worked up about this-- it makes for a great watch.
“No you move.”
Bucky and the motorcycle-- wow, that was not only cool...but it was really, REALLY hot.
I can’t control their fear-- only my own.
I retire for like what five minutes and it all goes to shit.
You want to mope go to high school.  You want to make amends, you get off your ass.
I can’t, but she can.
You locked me in my room.
Bucky being totally done with all the weird stuff going on around him.
“I can do this all day.”
Geez, Tony.  How old is this guy.
Bucky moving in front of Sam to protect him from Spiderman.
You couldn’t have done that earlier? (I hate you.)
Can you move your seat up. (No).
“You don’t deserve it-- My father made that shield”-- he sounds like a child trying to defend himself and his actions.  Steve dropping the shield and taking Bucky is pretty much him winning the fight-- taking the higher ground-- good man vs. good soldier being reiterated here.  The shield doesn’t take away from Cap’s strength at all-- what made him a hero is his heart, the fact that he is a good man and he doesn’t need the shield.  This is something that Tony is still learning and coming to terms with in his developmental arc.
This is the first time that we see Tony truly angry during his first with Steve-- he is being driven by his instincts to get revenge at that moment-- he is devastating but it takes away from one of his strengths-- thinking things out.
Tony is in the wrong regarding his trying to kill Bucky, he even practically admits it when Steve attempts to get him to see reason, “I don’t care, he killed my mom.” Tony is in the wrong and yet Steve still understands Tony’s feelings, yet he can’t let Bucky die even from someone he calls a friend-- this just makes for good emotionally intense conflict that is matched by the actual physical conflict.
Steve: He’s my friend. Tony: So was I-- this line literally emotionally devastates both characters.
Steve: I can do this all day. (Cap refusing to back down to protect his friend).
Tony losing because of one moment Bucky helps Steve simply by providing a seconds distraction.
Natasha being there for Steve at Peggy’s funeral
Tony trying to appeal to Steve’s past in order to get him to sign the accords using pens from Howard (one for each of them) and Steve’s response, “Some would say it bought us closer to war.” What a way to immediately set up where these two stand.
The idea that there are two sides to “right”-- Steve concentrating on moral and Tony being a realist... it really calls in to question which side you agree with most, and I love that.
Steve: If I see a situation going south I can’t ignore it.  I wish I could.  Tony: No you don’t.  Steve: You’re right, I don’t.
Tony clearly trying to use the accords as an excuse to help him stop because he keeps finding excuses to not stop even when he wants to for Pepper
Did you know?-- the fact that it finally is made clear that Steve is not perfect and is willing to lie.  He has reasons, but I think it is great to realize the contrast between the legend of perfect Captain America and Steve Rogers.
Steve realizing that the accords are similar to what Shield was doing in trying to deter war using fear/threats/control before it happened (which never works)-- Steve’s, “She’s a kid!” vs Tony’s, “She’s not a U.S. citizen and they don’t grant visas to weapons of mass destruction!” is really Steve’s break away from any possibility of him signing the accords. 
Tony’s greatest fear of being alone coming to pass as he is left at Avengers headquarters alone.
Steve: Where you from kid? Peter: Queens. Steve: Brooklyn
Tony never really seems to truly agree with the accords (not only does he also break them) on a moral level and he seems haunted by it throughout the film, while Steve is made stronger by his decision because he is sure of his position 
Tony: I am trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart. Steve: You did that when you signed-- how upset Tony is vs. how calm and matter of fact Steve is (who is surer of themselves?)
Frigga and Loki’s relationship
Darcy... she needs to be around more in the other movies.
Not that it’s a favorite thing, but I am honestly always confused how Thor is so hero worshiped when he’s kind of a dick at the beginning, and then when Loki starts doing similar things that Thor did he’s the bad guy (not saying he should have done them...but double standards and hypocrisy abound in this movie).  The more you watch the more you realize that everyone treats Loki like crap... like wow, they were all lucky Loki loved Thor and his family or he would have done something much sooner.
Loki’s manipulations.
Sif: I did.  Thor: True, but I supported you.
“ What happened, silver tongue turned to lead?”
Loki’s entire storyline.
Loki using magic and daggers-- his fighting style is so interesting, wish we saw more of it.
“Go home little princess.” “Damn”
Loki being touched by the frost giant.
Loki more actively protecting the warriors three and Sif on Johtunheim than Thor.
Loki’s face while listening to the argument between Odin and Thor.
Darcy: Does he need CPR, because I totally know CPR.
Darcy: Yeah, we can tell you’re hammered, it's pretty obvious.
Jane: I grazed him, but she tasered him.  Darcy: Yes, I did.
The number of times Jane hits Thor with a car.
Loki’s confrontation with Odin and the pure emotion that Hiddleston portrays in that moment.
Thor’s new found love of pop tarts and coffee
Next time you decide to taser someone make sure he’s already in the car.
Jane and Darcy’s reactions to Thor’s attractiveness.
“I used to know this scientist.  I pioneer in gamma radiation.  SHIELD showed up and I never saw them again.”
The first introduction to Hawkeye...being told to grab a gun but taking the bow and arrow instead.
Barton: You want me to slow him down sir or are you going to send in more guys for him to beat up.
Thor: You’re big- fought bigger.
Barton: I am starting to root for this guy.
Science Fiction as a precursor to science fact.
Science Fiction is just science we don’t understand yet.
My realization that even as early as the first Thor film Thor and Loki’s earth fashion sense was already very much established- high power businessman vs. “very comfortable/casual”-- symbolic, maybe.
The fact that Loki as a villain is perfection-- he is a match for Thor, he is personable, his motivations are similar but he has different methods, and you can see some reason in them.
Donald Blake shout outs.
Loki going from being rather meek at the beginning compared to his second return to Johtunheim to strike a deal with Laufey.
The fact that Loki clearly had no intention of letting Laufey kill Odin.
Heimdal’s learning that Loki is a better sorcerer then he was given credit for and can cloak himself even from the gatekeeper.
Thor and Jane bonding over science/magic.
We got xena, Jackie chan and Robin hood.
“Found you!”
“Is that one of Stark’s?”
Thor’s sacrifice- I love the drama of it.
Thor’s powers being returned- again, very dramatic.
So this is how you normally look-- it’s a good look.
Loki: I never wanted the throne! I only wanted to be your equal.
Thor pinning Loki just by putting the hammer on his chest.
Loki: I could have done it, father!Loki’s look of devastation when he is again rejected by his father.
Thor Dark World
Ta Da!
Loki totally ignoring the chaos of battle around him as he reads a book.
“I like her.”
You’ll what? Kill me? Evidently, there will be a line.
Loki: Now they’re firing at us.  Thor: Thank you for the commentary Loki, it's not at all distracting.
Loki and Thor teaming up and using Loki’s magic in battle... I would have loved to have seen more of this team up happening in the films
To be honest, the only real saving grace of this movie was Loki... which I can get behind.
“I didn’t do it for him.”
Loki lecturing Thor about his escape plan and Thor pushing him out the open hatch in their ship.
Loki being revealed on the throne.
“Oh dear, is she dead?”
“I think you missed a column”
Loki’s reaction to Frigga’s death.
Loki’s look after having yelled at his mother.
Frigga attempting to make Loki’s imprisonment comfortable, she will never not see him as her son.
Who put me there! (There are so many levels to that statement and the acting is amazing).
Thor Ragnarok
The whole play that Loki had written for himself and his pure enjoyment of it while pretending to be Odin.
“Beg your pardon?”
“You had one job. Just the one.”
“I am not a witch.” “How come you dress like one?” “Hey (offended).”
Thor’s powers
“I’ve been falling for 30 minutes!”
Hela-- love her-- a little anti-climatic ending.
Loki’s epic eye roll.
“Oh shit.”
Thor totally fangirling over Valkyrie.
Thor’s story about when he and Loki were 8 and Loki pretended to be a snake before stabbing him.
“It’s in my brain now”
Thor being full out God of Thunder and the soundtrack during the scene is amazing.
“I am not doing get help.”
“Do you have a better plan?” “No.” “We’re doing it.”
Loki cheering the Hulk smashing Thor.
Loki using his daggers again...I still wish we got to see more of that.
Your savior is here.
“I saw you coming.”  “Of course you did”
“I’ve never met this man in my life.” “He’s my brother.” “Adopted.”
“I’m here.”
There is something I greatly enjoy about the shot of Loki being taken in shackles down the hallway of the Shield based-- he definitely still feels in control even then.
Learning to become a team and not just automatically being a well-oiled machine.
Tony and Bruce’s science bromance
There will always be men like you.
Loki: I am listening.
Tony: Doth mother know you wearath her drapes.
Fury: 10 bucks says your wrong...Cap paying up on his bet with Fury.
Cap’s simple response: You should have left it in the ocean.
Avengers theme
I’ve got red in my ledger, I’d like to wipe it out.... the whole scene between Loki and Nat and the changing power dynamics during it is simply great writing and acting. And the end line of Nat’s being, “Thank you for your cooperation,” to show she came out on top in that battle is extra awesome.
She turns out not be another pretty face--- and then Natasha proceeds to annihilate them single-handed
Coulson calling Natasha through her targets phone then arguing with him on the phone that she’s too busy working, while also being tied up.
Natasha being convinced to leave her mission by being told Barton was compromised.
Bruce is on the run but still trying to do good.
Mark Ruffalo as Bruce
“No its won by soldiers”...fade into Captain America’s first intro in the film.
Tony: Like Christmas, but more me.
12% of a moment.
Tony: his first name is agent.
Pepper:  Is this about the Avengers initiative...which I know nothing about.  Tony:...I didn’t qualify for.  Pepper: I didn’t know that either.  Tony: Apparently I am volatile, self-obsessed, don’t play well with others.  Pepper: That I did know.
Phil and Pepper being chummy with each other...I would have enjoyed more of this.
Coulson totally fan-boying over Cap.
Coulson: I watched you while you were sleeping.
Natasha:  I thought Coulson was going to swoon.  Has he asked you to sign his trading cards yet?  They’re vintage, he’s very proud.
Bruce:  They want me in a submerged pressurized metal container? (sees its actually going to take flight instead) Oh no, this is much worse (in complete sarcasm).
Cap immediately accepting Bruce.
How obviously uncomfortable Bruce is upon first going on the helicarrier surrounded by people.  Such good acting.
Cap: Mr. Stark. Tony: Captain
Fury: Ant, meet boot.
Stark needing entrance music to confront Loki.
The near instant tension between Cap and Tony after capturing Loki.
Loki: I am not overly fond of what follows.
Cap: Stark, we need a plan of attack.  Stark: I have a plan, attack.
Loki: I remember a shadow, living in the shade of your greatness.
Tasha: He’s killed 80 people in two days.  Thor: He’s adopted.
Cap: I knew that reference!
Hill: When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics.  Tony: Last night.
Tony: I am a huge fan of how you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster.
Tony: An intelligence organization that fears intelligence? Historically, not awesome.
Bruce being uncomfortable naming the Hulk and calling him ‘the other guy’
Bruce looking so uncomfortable during the first act of the film
Tony and Cap bringing up phase 2 at the same time in two different ways-- action and intelligence.
Tony: I am sorry Nick, you were lying.
Bruce: I am not leaving just because you get a little twitchy.
Tony: How is this now about me?  Cap: I am sorry, isn’t everything.
Cap: You may not be a threat but you better stop acting like a hero. Tony: Like you?  Everything special about you came out of a bottle. (pretty much this entire conversation)
Cap: put on the suite let’s find out.  Tony: I am not afraid of you old man. (explosion) Cap: Put on the suite.  Tony: Yep.
Cap: It seems to run on some form of electricity.  Tony: Well, you’re not wrong.
Loki: Are you ever not going to fall for that?
Phil: So that’s what it does.
Man: You an alien...no...well, then son you’ve got a condition.
Tony: He wants a monument with his name plastered...son of a bitch.
Thinking he is going to die wants to call and talk to Pepper.
Tony: We have a hulk.
Tony: We may not be able to protect the earth but you can damn well be sure we’ll avenge it.
Cop: Why the hell should I take orders from you.  ( Cap destroys some aliens...cop then immediately obeys orders.)
Bruce: That’s my secret... I am always angry.
That epic Avengers assemble round shot.
Barton not even looking while he makes a kill shot.
Fury: I recognize the council as made a decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision I’ve elected to ignore it.
Hulk saving Tony
The “A” left on Stark tower.
Avengers Age of Ultron
The reaction of the Avengers when discovering Barton’s family life.
The fact that Barton has a normal family life.
Please be a secret door...yay!
Tony: Good talk.  Random Hydra Extra: No it wasn’t
The teamwork in the opening scene
I somehow found myself shipping Nat and Bruce.
“A great deal of complaining and tales of torn deltoids.”- Thor
“He’s the boss”- Tony about Cap
“He’s fast and she’s weird” - Maria Hill
“What kind of monster would allow a German scientist to experiment on him in order to protect his country?”- Cap to Hill
“Unlike you, I don’t have a lot of time...will...Thor be there”
Sam: following cold leads on our missing person's case (Bucky).
“He’s also a huge dork...chicks dig that.”- Natasha flirting with Bruce by describing him...then Cap totally shipping them.
Cap: I’ve seen her flirt up close...As may be the world’s leading authority on waiting too long...don’t.  Bruce: What do you mean up close?
The team trying to lift the hammer.
Cap: Together.  Tony: We’ll lose.  Cap: Then we’ll do that together too.
Black Panther references
Tony admitting that watching his friends die is not as bad as watching them die and he doesn’t.
Tony: I cracked into the Pentagon when I was in high school on a dare.
Cap: I really miss the days when the weirdest thing science created was me.
Barton: You’re no match for him, Captain.  Cap:...Thanks, Barton.
Natasha: Cap, keep them occupied.  Cap (out of breath): What do you think I’ve been doing?
Wanda....everything Wanda
Wanda: Ultron can’t tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it; where do you think he gets that?
Vision handing Thor’s hammer to him like its no big deal.
No one listening to Pietro so he comes back with a gun...”get off your asses.”
Cap: You get killed, walk it off....you didn’t finish....what were you napping.
I actually never realized just how snarky Steve is in this movie.
The teamwork between Thor and Cap is awesome.
Wanda’s entrance as an Avenger...YES!!!!!
Cap: We are not clear...we are really not clear.
Pietro: Keep up old man.  Barton: No one would know...no one...last time I saw him Ultron was sitting on him...quick little bastard.
The fact that the above line was improvised by Renner.
Thor:...I am running out of things to say....you ready.
Pietro’s sacrifice. Wanda’s reaction after feeling it.
Barton names his son after both Natasha and Pietro.
Cap and Tony arguing that Vision picking up the hammer doesn’t count...and an elevator is also not worthy.
Wanda: I’ll protect it (looks at Hawkeye). It’s my job.
Vision: He’s right, he hates you the most.
Hulk having an obvious soft spot for Natasha
Natasha opening up to Bruce about her past.
Tony: Like the old man said, together.
Natasha: Still think you’re the only monster?
The whole idea of what makes a monster and how many people view someone else or themselves as a monster is so interesting and play a huge role in characterization.
Steve refusing to leave the flying city as long as there was even one civilian left there... Nat agreeing with him, “There are worse ways to go.”
Fury’s entrance and Steve’s, “Fury, you son of a bitch.”
Avengers Infinity War
Cap’s entrance by walking out of the shadows
Tom Holland’s improvising his death scene.
We don’t want to kill you, but we will.
Earth just lost her best defender.
Wanda being a complete badass-- she literally destroyed a stone with one hand and held off a nearly fully powered Thanos with the other
Caps glorious beard.
“I see you copied my beard.”
Strange seeing only ONE possible win in thousands...then giving up the stone... we’re in the endgame now...it was the only way.
Shuri making Bruce feel like an idiot.
Someone get this man a shield.
Steve and T’Challa running to the front of the battle line.
“I hope they remember you.”
Bucky alive and well
You speak groot...it was an elective.
Bring me Thanos!!! (In fact, the entire scene of Thor arriving to join the fight is cinematic gold)
Thanos on the farm-- yes, let them reiterate he won...like wow... you don’t get that much
What was she doing up there all this time?
“She’s not alone.”
Loki revealing the tessaract...trying to take Thanos on alone...and getting in one last jab with, “You will never be a god.”
Quill attempting to mimic Thor’s voice.
Any interaction between Thor and Rocket
Rocket engaging Thor in a meaningful conversation to comfort him-- such a huge growth is seen in his character.
Quill: What kind of weapon are we talking about here.  Thor: The Thanos killing kind.  Quill: Don’t you think we should all have a weapon like that.
“Stop messaging his muscles.”
Thor: Your bodies crumble as your minds collapse into madness.  Rocket: Is it weird I want to do it even more now?  Thor: A little bit.
Thor: He’s never fought me.  Rocket: Yes he has.  Thor: He’s never fought me twice.
It will kill you.  Thor: Only if I die. 
I’m way past asking for permission.
The 50% of me that’s stupid, that’s 100% you.
Rocket being picked up by Bucky and both continuing to shoot.
Oh, I’ll get that arm.
Thor being heartbreakingly optimistic and hiding his pain behind a smile until Rocket asks, “What if you’re wrong?” and Thor responds, “What more could I lose?” and Rocket’s, “I could lose a lot.”
The snap...”Oh god.”
You should have gone for the head.
You’re an Avenger now.
Peter: I should’ve gone home but it was such a long way down... If anything it’s kind of your fault that I am here. (Tony’s face is great)
Tony: The kid has seen more movies.
Tony and Thanos’ confrontation.
The adults are talking.
Steve giving his all to hold back Thanos with his bare hands and Thanos’ face of momentary confusion that a single man could hold him back even for a second.
My constant wondering what the result would have been if Tony and Cap were together in any of the scenes-- they work best together despite their contrasting personalities.
Doctor Strange
An arrogant man being forced to reconsider his world view and grow
Strange’s reaction to killing a man is perfect for the character but also just great acting from Ben.
Strange being called Master Strange and not wanting the title and being very adamant about not wanting the responsibility
Refusing to kill and being called a coward for it, but refusing to budge from his belief which results in a very interesting and wholly creative end battle... and fully earning and owning the title of Master.
Strange: You lack imagination.  (No you lack a spine).
Dormmamu, I’ve come to bargain.
A hero actually using an infinity stone.
Say what you want about this film but I honestly think it has a great character arc for Strange.
The cloak.
Strange’s jokes.
Strange using astral projection to learn more.
The Incredible Hulk
It was better than the first one...remake it with Mark Ruffalo and we’ll talk.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Introduction to Star-Lord
The mugshot line up and jailbreak
“You said it yourself bitch, we’re the guardians of the galaxy”
Dance off distraction... also perfect part of his characterization.
Quill trying to get Gamora to join in on the dance off.
The circle moment where Quill first becomes emotionally open and asks for help-- ending with Rocket’s “We’re all standing now.”
Peter coming to terms with his mother’s death as signified by his finally opening her final gift to him.
We are groot.
Rocket’s commentary while on the public while tracking down Quill
Rocket: What’s a Racoon?  Quill: You are stupid.  Rocket: Ain’t no thing like me except me.
Rocket’s bed fur.
Gamora: You must be joking.  Rocket: No I really heard they find you attractive.
Let’s just say I really like Rocket.
Quill: A bomb? And you just leave it laying around? Rocket: I was going to put it in a box.
Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2
The Guardians team...this movie was pretty disappointing in most areas but I did enjoy the interactions among the characters.
Ego brainwashing Quill through so much of the film to convince him that he is above his team and be swayed to Ego’s side
The bodies of Ego’s children reveal
Yondu being revealed to be the hero and the real father figure
You look like Mary Poppins...Is he cool....Yeah... I am Mary Poppins y’all.
Peter’s discovery of the cause of his mother’s death-- that moment is amazing cinema
Ego: You are a god...if you kill me you’ll be just like everyone else.  Quill: What’s so wrong with that? (aka being perfect doesn’t mean shit)
By the end, the Guardians become a family.
Rocket and Yando interaction... they’re both assholes that care.
Rocket’s shock that the colors shined for Yondu in his death... Quill accepting and sharing in Rocket’s pain in that moment.
Spiderman Homecoming
If you’re nothing without the suite then you shouldn’t have it.
The car intense car scene-- amazing cinema there
Peter: Come on Peter...come on, Spiderman. 
Training wheels protocol
If you even cared you’d actually be here.
The adult is talking.
Peter is pretty bad at keeping his secret.
MJ reveal
Peter deciding to continue being the friendly neighborhood Spiderman for a while longer.
Happy having kept a ring on him for years.
Peter speaking revealing he can understand and speak Spanish when the shop keeper talks about Aunt May.
The father-daughter relationship is adorable.
“I hope you don’t catch him.”
My days of breaking in and stealing shit are done.  What do you want me to do? (I want you to break into a place and steal some shit.)
Scott as a father.
Ant-Man and Wasp
The montage of what Scott does in his spare time while under house arrest.
Again...father/daughter relationship.
The fact that Scott and Paxton go from viewing each other with low opinions in the first movie to seeing each other like family... it's so healthy.
Black Panther
Killmonger’s entrance into the throne room and very nonchalantly stating that he wants the throne before demanding to be asked who he is and letting it rip.  The calm to intense anger is awesome.
This corset is really uncomfortable so can we wrap this up and go home?
What are THOOOSSEE?!
Everyone is shooting at me...wait let me put on my helmet.
Okay...let us just assume most of this list would consist of the wonder that is princess Shuri.
Great another broken white boy for us to fix.
T’Challa’s growth as a character by coming to understand the world differently through Killmonger’s actions.
The fact that T’Challa and Killmonger actually want similar things but come into conflict by their complete opposite ways of going about accomplishing their goal.
Stand up, you are a king.
The fact that T’Challa surrounds himself with females rather than men as his most loyal, fierce, and intelligent people.
Killmonger and T’Challa sharing a sunset and having a moment of understanding before Killmonger’s death.
The truth behind Killmonger’s reasoning and goals.
“Would you kill me, my love?”  “For Wakanda?  Without question.”
You can’t blame me, I almost died.
The moment I believe T’Challa became king: You were wrong! All of you were wrong!  We let the fear of our discovery stop us from doing what is right!
.....I’ll add more, I’ve just been working at it for so long as I rewatched the films I am just posting it now and will add on later
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Gone For Too Long (one-shot)
Requested: @bumblebet2 thank you, love, for requesting! I hope I did it justice :))
Summary: Reader leaves for a mission that should take around a week, but as the days roll by, Bucky gets more and more worried.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: mentions of sex; swearing
Genre: general fluff
Word count: 4432
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   “Buck, it’s gonna be fine,” Y/N rolled over to see her boyfriend of five months, a thumb moving to smooth out the worry lines on his forehead.    His hand snaked around her waist, pulling their naked bodies together, the same way they had been just minutes ago, the smell of sex still very prominent in the air.    “I know, I just can’t help but worry,” he wove his hand through her hair, the Y/H/C strands catching the early morning sun, making an angelic glow cast around Y/N. “I mean I know you have no problems taking care of yourself, I’ve seen you on the field.” The girl snorted at that. Yeah, he had seen her on the field. That is where they had met.    The Avengers had been called out on a last minute mission and everything had turned to absolute shit in a second. Hydra had taken over a town in South Korea and even with the help of SHIELD, it was a massacre. Civilians were being evacuated as quickly as possible, yet it still seemed for the one person they saved, five dropped dead. Until Y/N and her team had shown up, the Guardians of the Galaxy sweeping in quite literally.    “What brings you here, Quill?” Stark shouted through the comms, knowing quite well their signals had intercepted one another and linked, courtesy of Rocket’s tech skills when they'd first met while fighting Thanos.    “A detour. Had to drop off a friend and well it looks like you were in some need of help.”    “What friend?” Bucky grunted while knocking a guy out.
   Suddenly a shadow from above dropped to the ground, two swords impaling the agent that had gone into Bucky’s blind spot. “Me.” A girl with bright Y/E/C eyes, shiny Y/H/C hair and the sweetest smile he’d ever seen extended a fingerless-glove gloved hand. “Y/N Y/L/N, a pleasure to meet you.”    “Bucky Barnes, and trust me, the pleasure is all mine, doll,” he couldn’t help the smile that formed on his own face.    “And I’m Sam,” an annoyed voice invaded the ears of the pair. “Would you mind going back to the mission, Frosty? You can flirt later.”    Bucky’s cheeks heated up at the statement, which was somewhat true. The girl was beautiful, but she’d definitely be out of his league. I mean, come on, who’d want to be with a monster like that? But Y/N’s answer surprised him very much so as well as ignited a little bit of hope, even if it had been a throwaway comment. “I don’t know, what was it- Falcon? I’m kind of a multitasker. Can do a few things at the same time,” the girl’s punch landed square on a Hydra agent’s jaw, the impact being so harsh, his head knocked to the side and his neck snapped. “And B-T-Ws, I’ll flirt with whomever I want whenever I want, so please stop being jealous and shut your mouth, thank you very much!”    The super soldier had fallen for her then and there. Not only was she beautiful, she could hold her own, taking down ten agents in the span of three seconds. Though almost immediately any confidence that he’d gathered while fighting alongside the fiery girl, dissipated when she had launched herself into the arms of the dark-haired Asgardian prince.        “Loki!” her joyous laughter boomed over the now quiet battlefield, the Avengers gathering together and being joined by the Guardians. “Oh, how I’ve missed your idiotic ass.”    The raven-haired man chuckled, clutching tightly on to the girl. To Bucky, it seemed obvious there was something between the pair, so right that second, he decided to distance himself from the girl. Especially given the fact that she had decided to stay here on Earth and would be living with them at the tower. Life just liked to take away any possibility of him being happy. But he deserved it, at least that is what Bucky thought.    The first few months had been torturous. She was everywhere and always around him. At least for Bucky, it seemed that way. It was like his senses were now only tuned in on Y/N. Wherever she went Loki went too, so his only tactic was- be quiet and disappear. But that didn’t last long.    Their rooms had been set up on the same floor. When Bucky had moved in he wanted to be on his own, and now his floor was the least occupied one. Well, each floor would house only three people, the living space being giant, but that wasn’t the issue. His issue was the nightmares that plagued him every night.    When Y/N had moved in, he actually tried to stay awake during the night and sleep through the day, but because of the constant missions, that really wasn’t a possibility. So he had asked Friday if it was possible to make his room soundproof, but due to safety reasons, she could only turn it up to 50%. And seeing how Steve could still hear him from the floor above, even without having the super hearing, Y/N would have no problems at noting how loud his screams were.    But if they did wake her up, she said nothing. She didn’t mention it, didn’t ask him if everything was alright, nor did she get pissed off or looked sleep deprived. Until one night. It had been a particularly vivid dream, the blood splatter on his skin felt so real, he jumped up in the bed with a gasp, only to find a pair of gentle palms on his cheeks, where the red liquid had been, two bright Y/E/C eyes filled with concern looking into his cerulean ones.    “Shh, it’s okay. None of that was real,” her voice cooed, his heart rate immediately stabilising just at the sound of her speaking.    “ ‘M sorry... I’m sorry...” he put his head in his hands or tried to, but Y/N didn’t let go of his face, stroking his features in a soothing motion.    “ ’S okay. I wasn’t asleep, and I’m just glad you’re alright.”    He looked around his room. It was barely furnished, as Bucky hadn’t even attempted to decorate it, leaving the walls bare and cold, but just Y/N’s presence seemed to soften up the hard edges of the table and fill the room with warmth and love. “How, umm, how did you get in?”    “Friday.”    “Oh, right…”    Bucky lowered his head, Y/N’s palms sliding from his cheeks to his own hands. His heart skipped a beat as she didn’t seem to mind the metal arm, her fingers tracing invisible shapes on both of them as if the left one wasn’t the mark of a monster.    “You wanna talk about it? The nightmare?”    “No… not really… don’t wanna keep you up any longer…”    She chuckled, looking into Bucky’s eyes. “As I said- I wasn’t asleep, and I don’t think I’ll fall anytime soon.”    “How,” he cleared his throat, “how come?”    “Insomnia.”    Bucky was surprised at the statement. “But you never look tired.”    “Perks of having makeup.”    He took his left hand out of her palm to rake it through the messy tangles that was his brown hair, immediately missing Y/N’s skin, even though he couldn’t actually feel it. “What do you do then?” Bucky wanted to know what the girl spent her time doing, seeing as she hadn’t ever walked into his room before.    “Mostly hang out with Loki and read. He can’t really sleep either.”    Loki. Of course. His cheeks heated up remembering how close the two were, on mission briefings always sending suggestive glances across the room.    He retracted his flesh hand from Y/N’s, but his eyes caught the sight of almost disappointment flashing through her face. No, it couldn’t have been that.    She deeply sighed. “Bucky, why do you keep avoiding me? Did I do something wrong? Did I upset you in any way? If yes, then I’m sorry I didn-“    “No, doll, God no!” he immediately grasped her hand, now it was his thumb tracing her knuckles. “I just… don’t want to step over a line. Especially seeing how close you and Loki are. I don’t wanna give the wrong impression…”    “The wrong impression?” there was complete and utter confusion written across her face. “Loki? What are you on about?”    The Winter Soldier didn’t look up from their connected hands, he couldn’t face the girl.    “Buck,” a gentle finger slid underneath his chin, making their eyes meet. “Do you think I’m together with Loki? Is that why you didn’t talk to me?”    He was in a trance, the New York lights glinting in her irises, making a little galaxy bloom in her eyes.    “Buck, we’re only friends. Really good ones, yes. He saved my life on quite a few occasions while I was out there in space. Even allowed me to stay on Asgard at one point while I needed refuge. Yes, we hang out a lot, yes we love spending time together, and yes I love him,” Bucky’s heart shattered at the statement before being mended back with what Y/N said next. “But no more than you love a family member. Besides,” it was Y/N’s turn to blush and look down at where Bucky had stilled his movements, yet hadn’t let go of their hands, “I’ve been asking him advice on something…”    “On what?” it came out like a whisper, his head subconsciously leaning in closer to her.    “Well for one, I wanted him to help me figure out why you were avoiding me, but now that that’s out of the way… I wanted him to give me advice on how to ask someone out. I’ve had the largest crush on him since the second we met, but I never seemed to find any courage to do so. And he didn’t seem to like me like that, so I wasn’t sure what to do…”    Her eyes bore into his, the breath catching in Bucky’s throat. “And now?”    “And now,” she scooted closer, their noses brushing against one another, “now I think I know where he stands and why he was so cold to me…”    “Yeah?” he could feel her breath fanning over his face, Bucky’s heart beating so fast he was almost positive she could hear it.    Y/N’s eyes closed, one palm moving to cup his unshaven cheek, gently stroking his jawline. “Yeah,” she whispered and connected their lips. To his own surprise, Bucky didn’t freeze, a hand snaking around her waist in an instant, to pull their bodies closer. He wanted to be closer. He needed to be closer.    The man was soaring. He was in heaven, their bodies moulding together like two pieces of a puzzle, no, it was more than that. It was like he had been missing a part of him, a part he didn’t know he needed or craved that much. Like his soul being revived and was now whole.    He pulled on her T-shirt, the girl’s legs straddling him and he leaned back and she rested her elbows by his head, so her weight didn’t press down on him, to which Bucky responded by flipping them over, so he could be on top. The movement eliciting a laugh from Y/N, her fingers immediately weaving through his hair. Only when the pressing need for air became too much did they pull apart, their foreheads resting together.    There was a giant smile on Bucky’s face. “I know I sorta skipped a few steps here, but would you like to go out on a date with me?”    “Yes, of course,” Y/N laughed, stroking his cheek with one hand while gently scraping the back of his neck with the other, “If you didn’t I’d be real upset with you. Especially after this kind of a make out.”    His head dropped to the crook of her neck, the body shaking with laughter. It was bliss. Pure bliss. “I’ve had the biggest crush on you too,” Bucky mumbled into Y/N’s skin, the lips fluttering over her collarbones.    This time it was Y/N who laughed. “I mean, I would hope so. Otherwise, it’d be very awkward, given where your hands have been,” a mischievous smirk adorned her face making Bucky blush, but before he could do anything, she reconnected their lips, her tongue invading his mouth once again.    They spent hours like that- their bodies tangled together, arms around one another and kisses only interrupted by the occasional giggle from one or the other. They watched the sun rise above the never sleeping city, Bucky feeling more alive than ever, despite the sleepless night.    And now, almost half a year into their relationship, she still made him feel like a boy who couldn’t wrap his mind around how the hottest girl in the school could like him back like that.    “Soldier?” she cooed, her own brows furrowed up in concern, Bucky’s attention snapping back into the moment.  “Hey, there Sarge. You spaced out on me.”    “Sorry,” he mumbled moving to kiss her collarbone and allowing himself to breathe in her scent. She smelled of lavender and rosemary and something else that was just Y/N. “ ‘Was thinkin’.”    “About what?” her fingers scraped his skull, eliciting a satisfied groan.    “How I don’t want you to leave. How I don’t want you to go alone.”    “Buck, you know I’ll come back. And besides, Nat and Clint are coming with me, so I won’t be on my own.”    He hated it. Hated the times when either had to go on a solo mission or just a mission where the other party wasn’t with. “Yeah, but you’re going without me…”    “It’s only a week.”    “A week too long…” he mumbled pressing a kiss now right under her ear, right next to the sweet spot.    The morning sun was slowly rising over the skyscrapers, windows glinting in orange, yellow and pink colours. Y/N moved a long brown strand away from his face and pecked his lips.    “Come, let’s go eat. I’m starving and we still have time to relax a bit before I have to go.”    “Don’t wanna,” he pressed his head back into her neck.    She let out a mock gasp. “You don’t want food? You? The Bucky Barnes doesn’t want food?”    He shook his head burying himself further into the girl’s chest.    “Breakfast means we start the day, and if we do that you’re gonna leave.”    Y/N’s body shook with laughter, while she pressed a kiss to the top of his head. “I’ll be back before you know it. And when I do, I expect to be greeted by a mountain of pancakes and waffles.”    “Chocolate chip?”    “Duh, I’m not a savage.”
   It has now been two weeks and Bucky was going almost insane, baking pancakes every day with the hope Y/N would come home. Last time he’d received any sort of update was on day five when Clint had sent a simple morse code message that it would be a bit longer than expected. They needed to stay down low, so contact was kept to a minimum.    By the middle of week three he had given up on baking, some of his teammates actually being happy about it. The amount of food that started to pile up was getting ridiculous, given the fact that their biggest eater Thor was back on Asgard and Steve was on this green-juice diet, Bucky himself having lost his appetite a while back.    He was sitting in his room, the TV playing some film he wasn’t paying any attention to, eyes roaming over the New York city skyline. He hadn’t left the tower in almost a week now, ditching Steve’s pleas to go on a run with him and snapping at everyone left and right. The nightmares had also come back full swing. After he and Y/N started dating, they subsided, becoming less and less prominent with every day until they actually disappeared. To somehow make them not as bad while she was away, he’d even gone into Y/N’s room and taken one of her T-Shirts. Though at this point in their relationship her attire mainly consisted of Bucky’s own clothes.    At first, the scent had started to disappear from her pillow, the smell slowly fading into nothing. So he draped her tank-top over the pillow but again, after a few days it was like she had never been there. In his shower he kept Y/N’s shampoo bottle open so his nose would inhale the scent, the same way he always loved to burrow his head into her hair, the notion calming him down, reminding that she was there with him. Now he had basically taken every piece of clothing that was in Y/N’s closet and brought to his room. But still, it didn’t seem to comfort him, not the way Y/N’s presence always did.    With a deep groan, he got up from the mountain of covers he had burrowed himself in and went up to the kitchen. The worst part was the not knowing. Was she alright? Did everything go according to plan? Was she sleeping? Was she eating? The constant nagging inside his head made everything a bit worse.    His bare feet padded over the cold tile floors making no sound whatsoever, the living room coming into view as well as the adjoined kitchen. Grabbing his favourite mug with the words ‘everybody knows someone called James and he is usually a fucking legend’, courtesy of Y/N on his birthday, Bucky brewed himself a strong cup of coffee, knowing fairly well he wouldn’t go back to sleep. Rather he’d go to the control room and wait for any updates.    But the minute he was by the staircase, the sound of two voices talking and a male groaning and arguing back invaded his senses. Immediately he went to where the words were coming from. And there she was- battered, bruised and clearly tired, but in one piece. Which he couldn’t really say about Clint.    “For fucks, sake, help us out here a bit and carry your own weight,” Nat muttered to the man.    “Well if you had gotten shot in the leg, you’d realise how painful it is.”    “I know, because I did,” Y/N rebuffed, holding her own side with the other palm. “Yet I don’t act like a little bitc-“    She didn’t get the chance to finish the sentence as two strong arms, one made of flesh, one made of metal, scooped her up and pressed the smaller body into Bucky’s larger, more muscular one.    “Buck- can’t- breathe-“    “Don’t care. I’m not letting you go. Not now, not ever.” Without a word to the pair left in the common room, he carried the girl to his room, while Nat protested that she needed someone to help and get Clint to the med-bay, otherwise all his bitching would drive her insane.    “Some friend you are,” Clint muttered at the redhead.    “Oh shut it, arrow boy.” That was the last thing Y/N heard from them as Bucky had quickly made his way down to their level, throwing his door open and as much as he just wanted to throw Y/N on the bed and ravish her body for the remainder of the night and the rest of the upcoming day, he went into his bathroom and gently placed her down, the heels of her combat boots making a soft click.    “How bad are you hurt?” his blue eyes scanned over every inch of her body, looking for any sign that she was gravely injured.    “I’m fine, Buck, it’s just a scrape. A big one, but nothing that I can’t live through,” her fingers grasped his chin and before he could do anything her lips were on his, making his worries instantly melt away.    “I’m okay,” she whispered, pulling back from the man, but still keeping their foreheads pressed together.    “I know… I know…” the love Y/N saw shining in Bucky’s eyes made her almost pass out. “Come, let’s get you cleaned up.”    Bit by bit he removed her tactical gear. First came the boots, Bucky being very careful as the stiletto heels weren’t a fashion statement. Not when with a tap against the floor vibranium spikes shot out, the edges razor sharp. Then he unbuckled her belt, her guns and knives and the remaining ammo clattering to the ground. Somehow all of that felt more intimate than the times when he had undressed the girl with lust clouding his mind. Unzipping her suit, Y/N elicited a painful hiss.    “ ‘M sorry, doll.”    “It’s okay. Was my fault,” she pointed to the now bluish-purple side, her upper half of the body left in only a bulletproof sports bra. “Took a hit for Nat.”    Bucky only nodded his metal hand gliding over a bruise, causing a surprising moan to come from Y/N. His eyebrows shot up in question.”    “ ’S cold. Feels good.”    He didn’t dare add any pressure on it, but he left the vibranium arm on her side as he helped the girl remove the pants part of the suit and now she was just left in her underwear. There was dirt and grime covering almost every inch of her body as well as smaller cuts and bruises, but Bucky couldn’t find anything that he should be worried about.    Taking off his left arm from her side he went to the shower and turned it on, putting the setting to warm this time. They rarely took showers together, Y/N preferring for the water to be, as he called it ‘hot as the fucking Hell itself’. But he knew that it would be too painful for her to stand under a stream like that, so removing his own shirt, he made sure it was on the verge of being just the way Y/N liked it, but wouldn’t cause additional harm.    “Buck?”    “Yeah, doll?”    “Why the hell is my whole closet in your room right now?”    He turned back to see Y/N now braless, a smirk etching its way onto her face. Bucky raked a hand through his hair and went to hug the girl from behind, pressing a kiss to her neck.    “I missed you and your smell was fading.”    “So you just decided to move my stuff to your room?”    “I’ll take it back, I promise… just needed to feel like you were here.”    In all honesty, he didn’t want to go and replace anything. He’d wanted Y/N to move in his room since day one, and given how they were the only two on the floor, they were sorta living together, but he hadn’t gathered up the courage to ask the question yet.    “It’s okay. I kinda like seeing it all here. Besides, I do practically live in your room most times, so this isn’t that strange.”    “It isn’t?”    “Buck, I sleep in your shirts every night. I parade around in them as if they were our clothes, not your.”    “They look good on you,” he mumbled into her skin, a shy smile blooming onto his lips.    Y/N chuckled, a hand going up to weave through his hair. “Thank you, but that is not my point. My point is that whenever you go away on a solo mission or whenever I don’t get to see you for what is longer than a day, I always carry around something that smells like you. It’s…”    “Comforting…” Bucky finished the sentence for the girl. Y/N spun around, his arms still remaining on her waist, the metal one cooling the hot skin of the bruise.    “Yeah.”    Bucky just wanted to stay there like that- with Y/N in his arms and the notion that she was back and safe unravelling the tension in his muscles.    “Let’s get into that shower,” she mumbled into his chest.    His only answer was a nod as his palm grasped hers and lead them to the running water. For a second Y/N let go of his hand, confusing Bucky but then he saw how the girl was struggling to remove her underwear, the pain of leaning over making tears slip down her cheeks. Immediately he was by her side and helped her out.    There was nothing dirty about the situation, just a lover helping out his love, but still, a blush crept up on Y/N’s neck and cheeks.    “Thank you, Buck.”    Pressing a kiss to her forehead, he discarded his own sweatpants and boxers, stepping into the steaming shower after her. He pulled her close, letting the water cascade down them. It was quiet for a while, the two people relishing how it was to be held by their loved one.    “So I’ve been meaning to ask this for a while now…”    “Hmm?”    “Would you wanna move in whit me?”    He felt Y/N’s body shake with laughter, though Bucky really couldn’t understand why. Hurt flashed across his mind as maybe Y/N thought it was a ridiculous idea.    “Well given how pretty much everything I own is already here, courtesy of yourself, I don’t really see an issue with that. I mean, less work for me, as I won’t have to carry back all of my clothes.”    And suddenly warmth of what could only be described as pure happiness and love spread through his chest. The feeling being a confirmation of what he had known since the beginning- he was irrevocably in love with the girl and he’d never have it any other way.
Tags: @who-cares-rn @thunderous-flower @lumelgy  
A/N: cute Bucky is cute :))
P.S. tell me what you think :)
P.S.S. please send in requests or if you wanna be tagged in future stories, drop a message
P.S.S.S. please don’t repost without credit :)    
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
Group Ask 11
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said:
I'm looking for a oneshot fic where Bucky has brain damage from an accident or other event post-WS. It's from Bucky's perspective. He has memory problems, lives with Steve and Sam I think, but most of the time he doesn't remember he has memory problems or even recognize them sometimes? One part has him mentioning a wall that was punched but he didn't remember he was the one that punched through it. Would you know of it? Thanks <3
statistical-nightmare said: Anon 1 might be looking for Memorari by NocturneByChopin
Anon said it could be  clean up that blood all over your paws by beardsley
Anon 2 said:
hi! i'm looking for a fic I read a while ago where captain america and the entire mcu was a fantasy made up by steve and bucky as kids. steve was very sick (bucky might've been sick too idk) and he was dying so they would tell each other stories about these superheroes that they made up. any ideas? thanks for all your hard work!
Anon said it could be  from across the distant shore by lanyon (major character death)
Anon 3 said:
im looking for a fic where steve and bucky think they're being subtle when they're not and tell everyone theyre together only for all (or most of them) to be like yeah we already knew 
Anon 4 said:
I'm looking for a fic where Steve is in a coma and he dreams Bucky, only it isn't a dream and Bucky is real? They have scars from childhood that they got on the same day that means their soulmates. Sorry I can't be more helpful!
Anon said it could be  The Space in Between by perfect_plan
Anon 5 said:
im looking for a fic. i think it was a recovery fic. part way thru bucky remembered that he killed howard and he was horrified and told steve but it turns out steve already knew. i think tony might've known too. i just remember bucky freaking out and saying something like "i think i killed howard" and being really surprised when steve was really calm about it and just like "i know"
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imaginetonyandbucky · 7 years
Tony has terrible nightmares, but because of the chair Bucky no longer gets dreams at all (which makes him feel less human). Cue trying to support each other even when they are kinda jealous. Also, you guys are fabulous!!
A/N: I thought this would make a lovely short angsty-turned-fluffy ficlet…then I realized it’s me and that’s never going to happen. So it’s a bit of a Hulk-sized fic with enough angst to down an Asgardian demi-god, but enough fluff and fun to - hopefully - make it all worth it ^^ It takes place post-WS movie *glares fiercely at CW* and is entirely from Bucky’s POV. Enjoy the ride!
Dream a Little Dream of Me Ch1/4
I shuffle into the kitchen, nodding at the two early-bird occupants ingreeting.
“Morning to you too, grumpy,” Clint rolls his eyes and extends his hand tome, holding a large pot of coffee. “Here, try the Stark Potion of Life.”
I sit down, glaring at the offering. It’s a nice gesture from the archer,but the sight of the sloshing dark black beverage turns my stomach. And tothink he called it a Potion of Life.
“Yeah, good decision, dude,” Sam clasps a firm hand on my shoulder and ittakes all of my regained self-control and then some to not flinch away or worse– murder the birdman where he sits next to me. “That thing could kill anAsgardian demi-god with the caffeine high it induces. No idea what Stark putsinto it but it should come with a biohazard warning.”
“True, but it can also revive dead people,” Clint shrugs, putting the potback on the far side of the table. “Tony resurrects with it every morning.”
“S’what he gets for staying up so late in the workshop. JARVIS should set acurfew for him,” Sam suggests and removes his offending limb from my arm so hecan continue to munch down on his sandwich.
“I assure you, Mister Wilson, I havesuch protocols to execute, if needed,” JARVIS replies and this time I doflinch at the unexpected sound.
Even after months spent in the Tower, I still can’t shake off thejumpiness. At first I – and everyone else – thought it was just because it’s anew place for me, full of unknown things just waiting to catch me off guard. Sothey said it’s completely normal and fine, that I’ll get used to it.
But I’m not getting used to it.
No matter how comfortable I feel around the other Avengers, the moment oneof them breaks into my personal bubble, I all but physically shrink and have towill myself not to push them away – or straight up run away.
JARVIS’s disembodied voice never fails to startle me no matter how carefulthe AI is with me – I appreciate that he at least noticed my anxiousness andalways tries to announce himself first somehow, in a lowered voice too, but itdoesn’t seem to make a difference to my fried brain.  
The Avengers on the other hand have little regard for my personal space orthe discomfort they cause with breeching it - mainly because Steve doesn’t andmainly because I don’t have the heart to stop them. I shrugged Steve’s friendlyhand off my back once and the face he made? I’m not quite ready to see that oneagain.
Everyone is just so nice to me even if they have all the reasons not to be.I don’t wanna ruin that even if it’s starting to threaten the bits and piecesof my remaining sanity.
“Sweet! What was it about?” Clint brings me out of my reverie with hisexcited whistle.
“What do ya think,” Sam wiggles his eyebrows.
“Oooooh, dirty dreams. Tell me everything,” Clint folds his handsflat on the table in front of him, leaning closer. “Who was it?”
(Read-more ahead!)
“Nah uh! I ain’t kiss and tellin’!” Sam pouts, leaning away from the table.
“A-hah! So there was kissing!Alright, now we’re getting somewhere!”
I watch the two bird men – as Stark affectionately calls them – trying tolook neutral. Although the idea of fleeing the room without a word is an optionI’m starting to consider.
“You’re married, dude. You don’t need frisky dreams, you’ve got real life!”
It’s Clint’s time to pout, but he aims it my way. “Married…so what? It’sgossip! Friskier the better, right? Soooo?” he adds, regaining his mischievousgrin.
“So?” I repeat and let a little bit of the Winter Soldier creep into mystare, despite trying to avoid everything connected to the HYDRA-made assassin.I know what Clint’s up to – he has this discussion with the rest of the teamevery morning, but I always manage to dodge it. Not today it seems.
Where is everyone this morning anyway?!
“What about your dream? Anything gossip worthy?”
Sam leans back on the table in apparent interest and that’s where Iseriously think about the run and hide maneuver.
I would love to answer his question, in high details, I really would. I’vegot issues, I know that. A little bit of small talk between guys is not one ofthem though.
Only if it wasn’t this damn topic.
“I…don’t remember,” I reply, hoping the lazy shrug gives my statement morecredibility than my voice.
I remember. Every little detail – in fact. The empty, dark nothingness thatare my dreams is not that difficult to remember.
“Boooring,” Clint groans and buries his head back into the cornflake bowl.
I didn’t lie to him completely, to be honest. I don’t even remember thelast time I properly dreamt. It was way before HYDRA, that’s for sure. Butsince my scattered memory is being difficult even at providing me with namesand faces of my long lost friends, remembering dreams or the process ofdreaming itself was out of the question.
I tried all kinds of things to coax my subconscious into dreaming. Just oneshort silly dream. Hell, even a nightmare, just something.
Instead, I close my eyes and see nothing. I fall asleep and see nothing.And when I wake up, that’s how it makes me feel.
Like nothing.
It’s what HYDRA wanted me to be and the sons of bitches succeeded. Afterthe chair, the conditioning, the mistreatment - there were no dreams. Even whenthey put me under and let me frozen to be used later for weeks, months and evenyears, I still dreamt of nothing. And it served as a perfect reminder of what Iwas – the Winter Soldier. An empty shell of a weapon for HYDRA to wield andnothing more.
I don’t know why this particular thing bothers me so much, but it does.It’s like HYDRA decided to take everything away from me – everything that made mehuman. Even the smallest of things like dreams. So now that I’m trying to takecontrol of my life back, I can’t seem to piece my humanity back together, nomatter how far I reach. And everyone around just reminds me how broken beyondrepair I really am.
They laugh, joke, hug and bicker playfully with each other.
Dream at night.
And I can’t do any of that, not without faking it. How do I even begin tofake dreaming?!
“Jeeeez…I think I’ve just seen all the way down to your bowels, Tony, whatthe hell?” Clint cringes, looking over my shoulder.
I glance behind me just in time to see Stark finish what must have been ahuge yawn and his admittedly exhausted face then twists into a squinty glare,burning through Clint’s head. It quickly melts away though when Clint onceagain makes the coffee offering.
The engineer’s eyes light up at the sight and in two long strides he’s bythe table, letting Clint pour an unhealthy amount of the black liquid into hislarge, crimson mug.
“Resurrecting twice in one day? Did you have that bad of a night?” Clint asks, putting the pot once again as farfrom them as possible, as if the coffee is a hazard just by proximity.
Stark halts his gulping for a second there and stiffens. With a nonchalantshrug he then rounds Clint to sit down near the coffee pot like nothinghappened but I notice the momentary slip. “How about three nights…Fury’s goddamn project is giving me a headache,” heexplains further and something about it just doesn’t feel right. Both Clint andSam just chuckle, clearly not finding anything wrong with his explanation.
“What does the Lord of the Kinks want now?” Clint snickers, but Starkdoesn’t seem to share his amusement. And that’s a red light right there.
I don’t know the man very well – from all the Avengers I probably knowStark the least – but whenever he graces the team with his presence, even inthese early mornings, he never fails to brightly smile and respond to Clint’sjokes in kind. I was trained to notice these things – or rather, the WinterSoldier was. Paying attention to the surroundings and the people was vital tomissions, after all. And it’s probably the only part of the Soldier programmingI don’t mind, because it allows me at least some insight while my social skillsremain to be questionable.
“What do you think? He leveled threehelicarriers with the ground. I would tell him to go demand new ones fromHYDRA, but I doubt they would indulge him…as if they even could with their nextto nonexistent technical skills,” he snorts into his mug, taking another longgulp. His eyes travel across the table, resting on my left hand with a frown,but at the same time with a spark of interest.
Steve warned me right away that the engineer will try to get his hands on my hand as soon as I move into the Tower. To be honest, I dreadedthat more than meeting Natasha – again. But contrary to Steve’s warning, Starkmerely offered me the option to come down to the workshop for repairs if neededand made no attempts to touch or handle the metal arm in any way since, clearlysurprising everyone.
Now that I think about it, it’s not just the metal arm but the whole of my personthat Stark stays clear from. Not that he would outright walk in gigantic circlesaround me or simply not even walk inside a room I’m in, but unlike the rest ofthe Avengers, Stark doesn’t touch.
No clasping on the shoulder like Thor and Sam, no half-hugging like Steveand Clint, no sudden – albeit gentle – hand on my forearm like from Natasha orBruce and not even any prompt for high-fives like from Rhodey. Stark partakesin the hugs and such with the others but never with me, specifically.
I’m grateful, really. But at the same time suspicious as to why. Maybe hedoesn’t like me, hates me…is afraid of me? But other than the touching, theengineer doesn’t behave any different around me, isn’t ignoring, glaring orotherwise mean to me.
It’s so confusing.
“You gotta save me and my gossip fix for the day then!” Clint demands afteranother minute of simply complaining about Fury. “Sam refuses to share hisfrisky dream with me, this dude doesn’t remember his and Nat said she wouldtell me…but would also have to kill me afterwards so…you’re my only hope, man!”
Stark does the thing again – pauses mid sip for enough time for a trainedeye to notice, body tensing and face neutral before falling back into the act.Because that’s what I recognize it as – an act. And here I thought I corneredthe market on acting.
“Sorry, bird-brain. Haven’t done much sleeping, remember? The doubleresurrection,” he adds, pointing at his second big mug of coffee this morning.
“Ah…damn! What now?” Clint whines, moving the half-empty cornflakes bowlaway.
“Wait for Thor to wake up,” Stark suggests casually. “He will definitelyhave some frivolous magicky dream story for you.”
Clint groans and finally collapses onto the table, head buried in hishands. “Never again,” he raises his head only for a moment to squint at Stark.“Last time he spent an hour telling me how he talked to a toaster in his dream.A toaster. A talking toaster.”
“And then he tried actually talking to this one,” Sam chuckles, nodding atthe toaster on the counter.
“So much for that…and I’m not waiting for Cap to tell me all about hisvanilla walk in the park or whatever, seriously. His dreams are more boringthan his war stories.”
“Hey now,” Sam glares at him. “Those are pretty funny!”
“The first time around. After a dozen it gets a bit…repetitive,”Clint returns the glare.
The two of them start discussing the other Avengers’ dream stories, whileStark quietly continues to sip on his coffee at the other side of the table.
I’ve had enough.
After yet another dreamless night I really don’t need to sit here listeningto this. So I get up without a word and leave, hoping perhaps a run could settlemy thoughts.
I catch Stark’s frown following me on my way out but try not to think toomuch about it.
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