#so yeah took the thing from the sillies and made something serious out of it ur welcome <3
sillyuin · 1 day
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Pairing: Dino x Female Reader.
Warning: alcohol.
(Fluff stuff. Pretty much self-indulgent).
"I love you!" you shouted at the air. Raising your face, both of your eyes met. Chan was numb, staring there with a blank expression
You and Chan were dating from some time now, that night wasn’t a particular one, both of you just happened to have some free time, so going for some food and drinks sounded like a good plan. You went to a restaurant and had a wonderful evening, he was cheerfully telling you about his day and how much he waited to be there; he was indeed happy to spend that time with you. At some point of the night, your head was feeling a bit dizzy, probably it was drink or maybe, just maybe something else, so you got up from the table and went out to get some fresh air.
“Just keep calm” you mumbled to yourself “just breathe… Everything is…”
 “Hey!” you jumped as you heard Chan’s voice “You were taking so much time, so I came to see if everything’s okay”
He was looking at you with so much fondness that you felt like fainting. How could a real person have that pretty face? You were there, fighting yourself to keep your thoughts in its place, when his voice made you snap out of it.
“Let’s get inside” he said as he held you by the wrist “you must be freezing on this terrace”
But you couldn’t move, you stepped firm on your feet and he noticed immediatly that something's was wrong.
“Maybe you drank too much” he took a step closer “your face is way too red; I’ll call a taxi for you”
“No! I’m fine!” You took a step back, he just started laughing at your silly behavior.
“It’s okay sweetie, leave it to me. Come here”
You saw his back as he walked away from you, and you felt it; like a lightning that falls to the ground, something came right from your chest.
“I love you!”
He turned on his ankles and stared at you with a blank expression on his face.
“What?” he whispered.
Your knees were trembling but you were too determinated.
“I love you, Chan” you said in a lower voice “And the whole night I was just trying to…”
“The whole night?”
“Yeah! I’ve trying to hold it, but it just…”
“That’s my line!”
You stood silent for some seconds before realizing what was just happening.
“Excuse me!?” Any dizziness you may have had was now a thing of the past.
“You heard me when I said that I love you!”
The terrace was alone and in completely silence, the only sound there was your weak laughter, however, you couldn’t resist and you bursted in laughter.
“Hey, stop, I’m being serious here!” Chan was holding it, but seeing you so happy melted his heart in a second, and accompanied you in your joy.
He held you tightly as you put your arms over his shoulders, feeling his warmness filling every inch of your soul. He loves you as much as you love him, and in that moment there was nothing more important than that.
“sweetie” he whispered in your ear “remembered when I said that here was cold?”
“I wasn’t lying. I’m freezing over here”
Stepping away a little from him, you took his hands and placed it on your face.
He smirked, then softly kissed your lips.
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classyrbf · 23 days
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SYNOPSIS...after still messing around with your ex husband, you began to wonder if you’re still in love with him after finding out about his new girlfriend…
INFO...ex husband!toji x fem!reader, reader & toji have two kids, megumi is readers bio son, jealousy, smut, angst, arguments, alcohol, drinking problem, family problems, arguing in front of kids, toxic behaviors, crying, mentions of divorce
OTHER...likes and reblogs are appreciated
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It’s been about three weeks since you found out about Toji’s new girlfriend. You still haven’t met her or properly seen her yet, but from what the kids tell you, she seems nice. It still felt weird having to get used to the idea that your ex had actually moved on. It was silly to think about, you know. Having been married over five years and getting a divorce, you’d think that means you would be done with your ex, but no, it was quite the opposite. Toji and you were still at each other, flirting, kissing, having sex. Neither of you had essentially ‘moved on’ from one another. It was normal for the both of you. It just never clicked in your mind that he would actually leave and live his life like a divorce is intended to do.
You’ll pin that blame on yourself, thinking too much into what you had with him is what caused you to feel this jealousy in the first place. Having remembered how you were once her spot, being the girlfriend that he took everywhere and did everything with. Hell, shes even met your kids before she’s even met you. It was clear Toji felt serious about her, otherwise he would’ve never brought her around Megumi and Naya. That thought made something twist in your chest.
“Mommy?” Your daughter’s little voice pulled you from your thoughts. Her big eyes watching as you applied your moisturizer in the bathroom mirror, a stuffie in her arms.
“Yes, baby?” You smiled, kneeling down so you were eye level with her.
“Daddy is at the door. He’s asking for you.” She blinked, squeezing the stuffed animal in her arms. Usually Toji just comes on in announced, startling you when he suddenly speaks, but you found it weird that he was now waiting at the door to speak to you. You grabbed your daughter’s hand, walking her to living room where Megumi was watching teen titans and eating popcorn. “Ooo, is that starfire?!” You daughter ran towards her brother, letting go of your hand.
Your eyes landed on Toji who leaning against the door way, dressed in a black hoodie and gray sweats, a stoic look on his face. “Hi, mama,” he greeted.
“Hey, what’s up?” You asked, folding your arms across your chest.
“Can I talk to you really quick? Outside?” He nodded his head in the direction behind him.
“Yeah.” You nodded, following his footsteps as you shut the front door behind you. “Something wrong?” You looked at him.
“I won’t be able to take the kids this weekend,” he sighed, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “Sorry.”
“What do you mean? Why?” Your brows furrowed, standing there confused.
“I got…things to do,” he meekly answered. He kept his answer as vague as possible leaving little to nothing for you to go off of, but deep down you had a feeling it had something to do with his new girlfriend.
“Things to do? Like what?” You questioned, poking the inside of your cheek with your tongue.
“Nothing important,” he quickly replied, sucking in a breath.
“If it’s not important then why can’t you take the kids? They’re not gonna be happy about this,” you try to explain. You couldn’t understand why he was being so secretive towards you all of sudden, especially when it came to his time with the children.
“Can you just accept the fact I can’t take them? Please?” He seemed to be getting impatient, rolling his eyes every time you questioned him on something. It was obviously bothering him.
“Does it have to do with your new girlfriend?” There was no harm in asking him, curiosity getting the better of you.
“That’s none of your business.” He tone was rough and stern, almost like you hit a nerve.
“Oh?” Your brows raised in surprise in his sudden change of attitude. “I think it is my business considering this involves your time with our children and the fact you bring her around our kids, Toji. It’s a simple yes or no question.”
He let out a scoff, averting his gaze in a different direction. A sigh left his lips as he ran his hands down his face. “Here you fucking go,” he groaned. “You’re getting jealous.”
“I’m sorry?” Your eyes narrowed as you stared at him.
“You’re getting jealous of her, aren’t you?” His question hung in the air for several seconds as you stared at him in disbelief.
“Here you go assuming shit like always. See this is why we can never have a normal conversation, cause you always wanna start something! Where the fuck did that even come from?” You were starting to see just why you and Toji got divorced. There was some truth to his words, about being jealous. Though, you were too stubborn to admit such a thing to someone like him. What good would it do you anyway? He’d probably just laugh in your face and walk off. “Have your weekend to yourself, Toji. I’ll find someone else to take care of Megumi and Naya.” You turn around to enter the house, not having the energy to argue with him.
“Woah, what do you mean someone else?” His hand is wrapped around your wrist as he pulls you back towards him. “Why can’t you?”
“Cause I have things planned! Pretty sure Shoko won’t mind watching them.” You snatch your wrist back from him, only for him to grab onto you again, pulling you back. “What, Toji?!” You ask in annoyance, sighing loudly.
“You got things planned? With who?” It almost made you laugh how he was the one asking so many questions, trying to peak in on your life.
“That’s none of your business,” you casually say as you stare him. His jaw clenches, finally letting go of your wrists. Both of you stared at each other for what seemed like several minutes when in actuality it was only a mere second. You had a date on Saturday night, someone you met while you were out shopping for groceries. He was handsome, and kind enough to ask you to a dinner, even offered to pay. It would be wrong if you said no because you wanted to say yes, so you did. His name was Kento Nanami. “Goodnight, Toji.” With those words, you walked back into the house and shut the door behind you, locking it.
“Mommy, what did daddy want?” You daughter asked, peaking up from behind the couch.
“I’ll tell you two tomorrow, just keep watching your show.” You smiled at the both of them, quickly rushing to your room to try shake off the funny feeling that you had. Why couldn’t he just be upfront with you? Tell you the truth? You wouldn’t mind if you he needed time to himself, but to come out and be secretive about it was a different story. Then, to start arguing with you simply reminded you of the times he and you fought over the stupidest things. Maybe you shouldn’t have gotten so defensive, but you couldn’t help it.
You tried not to dwell on the situation too much, instead thinking about the date you soon had. You got walked over to your closet, skimming through the hanging clothes in search of a perfect dress to wear. Something elegant yet sexy is what you were going for. You didn’t want to wear anything too over the top in fear of scaring him away, but you wanted something that also showed him you weren’t a prude.
Finally, you landed on your favorite black dress, the corners of your mouth forming into a smile as your eyes scanned over the piece of fabric. “Perfect.”
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missetbilu · 3 months
perv!fred weasley x fem!reader, smut
when fred overhears you and the girls chit chatting about boys that you fancy, he can’t keep his mind from wandering, nor his hand.
warnings: perv concept, jerking off
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"Come on, Y/N, there's gotta be someone you fancy." Ginny elbowed you, trying to get a response.
Angelina, Hermione, Ginny and yourself were in your favorite little spot in the library. A very secluded area, where you could study, sneak in some food, talk, without prying eyes or ears.
Although in that afternoon, you were not very much enjoying the topic of choice. Boys. Too shy to come clean about your little crush, you would much rather gossip or even focus on the charms essay due next week than engage in the conversation. But the girls were not having it.
"Yeah, even Hermione admitted to being completely, head over heels, in love with Ron." Angelina teased.
"Hey!" The girl blushed and looked away for a second, but curiosity got the best of her and she gave in to the argument. "She's right tho, you're the only one left."
"I just don't think of any guy here like that."
"In this castle full of boys, you expect me to believe not even a single one of them is your type?" Ginny said.
"Unless you're into girls."
"I'm not." You laughed at Angelina's curious expression. "I like men."
"Then name one you would" Hermione stopped herself mid sentence, suddenly a bit shy, "...you know."
"Fuck?" Angelina completed her thought and they all laughed, Hermione also shushing her and looking around to make sure they were alone.
"Alright." You took a deep breath and tried to sound as nonchalant as you possibly could. "I guess Fred is kind of cute."
"Aw dude, are you serious?" Ginny's disappointment was so clear in her face that the three other girls bursted out laughing.
"Shhh, guys, I don't wanna get kicked out." Hermioned said between giggles.
"Sorry, babe, but this was too good not to laugh at." Angelina responded, still chuckling.
"Too good? All my friends wanna fuck my brothers."
And you all fell into laughter again.
It had been a week since Fred discovered that spot of yours to hang out. Whenever you and the girls disappeared from his sight, he would get anxious, wondering where you might be.
Until the day he was looking for a potions book, but found something far better: you.
He managed to hide in the corridor next to the one where the group of girls would sit on the floor and chit chat. Usually he took no interest in the conversations you would have. But not that day. Throughout the whole week he listened to each silly subject the girls brought up, only paying attention to the sound of your angelic voice when you made a comment. That day it was different. Once the tables turned from homework to guys you fancied, Fred felt his heart skip a beat.
He was nervous, his palms becoming sweaty as each of the girls rambled about one boy after the other. He barely listened to the guys his sister brought up, nor to the mentions of his brothers. What mattered most to him was what you were going to say. He was so afraid of hearing another man's name fall out of your pretty lips; so afraid you would confess to feeling attracted to someone else.
But he was also infatuated with the possibility of his name being the one in your mind. You quietly listened to what your friends had to say, too scared to say something yourself, Fred saw that in your expression as he tried to eye your figure from the place where he was hiding. Just thinking about it, being him the person you kept yourself from mentioning, made his trousers feel a bit too tight. His hand travelled down to his growing bulge, but he didn't move it, he didn't want to risk not hearing you.
Your silence allowed his imagination to run wild. Maybe this whole thing got her thinking about how good I would fuck her, and she's afraid of sharing those filthy thoughts. He stroked his cock once, over the fabric of his clothes. Or perhaps she's so lost in the desire of getting filled up with my cum, she didn't even notice how quiet she's been... oh fuck... He did it again and had to hold back a moan.
Fred knew he shouldn’t, but it was as if he had no control over his actions. His hand slipped past his boxers and he stroked his dick, trying so hard to imagine it was you doing it.
Has she ever had a wet dream with me? He wondered. She would wake up sweaty and out of breath. Her panties are completely damp, but it's not because of the sweat, it's arousal. I bet she would be embarrassed, looking around the dorm to see if the other girls are sleeping, before she goes under the covers and... He gasps quietly, his hands going a bit faster now. And she lets her hand touch her dripping cunt... He bites his lip to stop himself from cursing. Her sweet fingers would tease her clit and she wouldn't be able to stop a moan of my name from coming out.
"Alright." When the word left your mouth he slowed down his movement, focusing on the head of his member. It was almost painful the way he teased his tip, trying to pay attention to what you were about to say. He even held his breath, that and the expectation making him even more sensitive. "I guess Fred is kind of cute."
Fred was really thankful for the loud laughter of the group that followed your confession, because the minute he heard your sugary voice saying his name, it was too much. He came in his hand with a low grunt.
He didn't listen to anything said after that. He didn't move or took his hand off of his trousers. He was in shock. As much as he wanted that outcome, it felt unreal now that it happened. He had imagined how you would sound saying you fancied him, what words you would choose and what exactly would be the look on your face. But none of it compared to the reality of it all.
You, such a perfect picture of beauty, intelligence, kindness. The most incredible, endearing and angelical woman he had ever set his eyes upon, out of all people, wanted him.
Fred waited until you all had left to pick himself up from his spot on the floor and attempt to use some spells and his robes to hide the stain in his pants. He did a good job, it wasn't too noticeable, but deep down he didn't care. There was something, or rather someone, much more important in his mind.
He stood in front of the corridor where you had been just a few minutes before. "I guess Fred is kind of cute." That played in his head over and over again, like a broken record. And Fred definitely didn't want to fix it.
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sanjisboyfie · 7 months
shanks being your doting boyfriend
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(slightly himbo) shanks x male reader
NOT PROOFREAD mb. small, slight manga spoilers??? sorry guys + LMFAO i hadto ctrl + f every single time i used "arms" and switch it to "arm" also im so soorrryyyy its kinda rlly short.....forgive me also idc???? if this seems ooc to me shanks is just a silly lil guy.
— oh god. the power you hold. you actually singlehandedly could change the course of the entire one piece universe if you wanted to. why??? because one of the four emperors of the sea follows everrything you say like a lost puppy. he hangs off of every word that leaves your lips with a dumb, lovesick grin on his face. his head is empty, just thoughts of you. good thing you use this power of yours for good and keep this man HUMBLE.
"[name], can you please tell your idiot boyfriend to just do the dishes, i can't-"
"beckkkkkk, why are you bothering me and my boyfriend's personal time together?" shanks whined, little spooning his way into your side. his stubble was scratching your skin, making you itchy around your neck and shoulder, especially with the way he was so aggressively nuzzling his head. "we haven't even woken up yet,"
"yeah, and you were supposed to be on cleaning duty last night and you instead chose to spend that time coddling [name], so look where we are now,"
"i'm the captain, goddammit! why do i have to do something like cleaning duty?"
"ask [name], he made that rule,"
shanks' aggressive demeanor turned into putty as he pouted at you. it was not a fitting expression for someone that had a reputation like his and also his age (too old to be acting like a kid).
"babbbbyyy, why are you making us spend less time together? is it because you hate me?"
"shanks, just go fucking do some cleaning in the kitchen. it's a shit show and it's pissing me and the chefs off. get a grip, babe," you scolded, pushing his pouting face away from your own.
with a look of hesitation, shanks finally backed off and got out of bed. as he was putting on a proper pair of trousers on, he was muttering about his own boyfriend was bullying him. his comments went ignored by both you and beck — who was watching with a look of disbelief on his face.
to see his best friend, captain, and one of the four emperors of the sea so easily swayed into doing chores was something he doesn't think he'd ever get used to. no matter how long you and shanks have been together, seeing the red head so obediently follow orders was infathomable.
— shanks -> really intimidating status as captain of the red hair pirates -> turns into complete mush when you walk into the room. without fail, he physically deflates into whatever seat he's sitting in and holds his arm out to you invitingly, waiting for you to sit on his lap.
shanks was supposed to be in serious mode. he was sitting in front of some pretty high ranked marine officials, who were after his crews' heads. he wasn't the type to hold hostages, just to let them go back running to their navy base, but considering the crew was on a vacation of sorts, he needed to know how they were able to track them down.
it lingered in his mind that there was a chance there was a mole in their ranks, but he didn't want to accept that as it would be a painful reality.
"so, how did you know we'd be at this island to recover?" shanks questioned, eyes glaring holes into the marines' faces. they were shaking where they sat, except for one who tried holding a tough demeanor. "i'm not going to do anything to you if you just answer my question,"
just as the marine was about to spill all their information out, the door of the room they were in was slammed open. shanks' haki faltered slightly as he was able to recognize that it was you, and with that imbalance, it sent the marine officers over the edge and made them pass out instead.
you took in the scene, bleakly apologizing for interuppting. shanks didn't have the heart to scold you, so instead he just took you into his arm with a wide grin and said, "no, no, it's alright. i was beginning to miss you anyway, doll. was wondering why you weren't with me," he pouted into your skin, making you laugh.
"turns out one of the lackeys you let on board recently was the reason why these guys showed up out of nowhere," you informed your lover, who hummed in interest, "took a while, but was able to get him to crack under pressure."
shanks sighed in content, hugging you even tighter, "i love you so much, you're so sexy when you take control,"
another laugh escaped your lips as you heard your boyfriend almost drunkenly sing you praises, "it was nothing, the guy had zero resolve anyway,"
"you're so amazing, baby," he continued complimenting into your skin, acting as if there weren't three passed out marine officers in front of you two.
a couple of the lackeys of the crew came bounding into the room and almost froze when they saw their intimidating captain cuddling into your side like an eager puppy.
"u-uhm, captain?" shanks only hummed in acknowledgement as he held you tight to his side. "what do you want us to do with these guys and that bastard traitor?"
"oh, just keep them tied up and then leave them on the shore when we depart — they probably won't survive with all the wildlife around here," shanks hummed, waving his hand dismissively. you were standing in between his legs and he was relishing in the skinship you were allowing him.
"should we tell the rest that we will be setting sail soon then?"
this time you interjected, "yeah, i'll come with you, boys. i'll make moving the bodies easier."
the crew's face lightened up at your familiar kind behavior, but then stiffened when they heard a groan coming from shanks.
"but [name]!! these guys got it, just stay with me longer, please,"
"oh, shut up, idiot. just go back to the main event and lift up the spirits of our crew, they probably wanna hear words from their captain after such a traitorous bastard infiltrated us,"
shanks sighed at your mini lecture, but dragged himself to follow your footsteps. he was holding onto your hand and his feet were practically stomping into the wood.
"who even made me captain, i never asked for this," he sighed, making the crew weakly laugh to fill the awkward silence while you just tried apologizing for your boyfriend, and captain's, idiotic behavior.
— shanks really cherishes the alone time he can spend with you. living your lives as highly wanted pirates makes your daily life hectic. and, thankfully, the foundations of your relationship only led to you two being able to keep that strong trust, respect, and love for each other so alive.
it was nighttime and the ship was rocking ever so slightly with the waves. for once, you switched cuddling positions and had your head resting on shanks' chest. your fingers were drawing mindless shapes on the exposed skin while shanks' arm was squeezing your plushy flesh every now and then.
"you know, i love you so much, right?" he confessed into the night air, the genuineness of his emotions being made obvious with how softly he spoke.
"i love you too," you easily said back, not thinking twice.
"but, do you know i love you?" shanks repeated, sitting up and holding onto your waist to make sure all your attention was directed on him, "i know our lives don't make our lifestyle easier and i know i get really busy when times get rough, but i needed to tell you again that i love you so much [name]."
you grinned at his sincerity, leaning forward and pressing a soft, gentle kiss to his chapped lips. he reciprocated in a second's notice, but you pulled away before he could deepen it (as he usually did whenever you two kissed).
"i know you love me shanks, you are the sweetest lover i can think of. your kindness and humanity remind me everyday that this life is worth living if it's with you," shanks smiled at your words, nudging his forehead against yours to entice you to pull in closer to him.
your lips locked once more in a passionate filled kiss. your bare chests were now skin to skin with one another and it took a couple minutes of desperate kissing for shanks to be satisfied.
and when you finally pulled away and settled back onto his chest, he squeezed you once more and asked, "you've had other lovers besides me?" in reference to what you said earlier.
cue an eyeroll and pinch to his sides to make him shut his pretty mouth for some needed peace and quiet.
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Tall girls
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Pairing: Dean x Reader Word count: 2,575 Warnings: Oral, smut Request: my request was for a story where the reader is short ( like 5'1") and she has a crush on Dean. She overhears him at a bar one night flirting with the waitress and he says that “he likes tall girls”. Of course the reader is heartbroken. With some fluff and a little smut please. Thank you and so glad you are back.
Read on AO3
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Pulling your hair up, you laughed. “I’m serious.” Sam smiled. “He screamed this high pitched scream, looking completely terrified. It was a damn cat.” You were cracking up at the expense of your long time crush- Dean. “You know what he says right after?” You shook your head, trying to breath. “He looks at me, this weird smile, and goes ‘that was scary!’” He did his best to mimic Dean’s voice. That made you laugh even harder. He was telling you funny stories, trying to distract you from his brother. Sam knew about your crush, and didn’t want you getting hurt when you saw him off being well…Dean.
“Wow.” You breathed when you could finally talk again. “I wish I had been there.” Hearing Dean’s voice, you furrowed your brows. Glancing around, you spotted him not far off with a waitress.
He was leaning on the table she was clearing, that smirk on his face. “Oh, I like tall girls, sweetheart.” His green eyes looking up and down her long, sleek body. He licked his lips unconsciously, something that you knew he really did when he saw someone he wanted to sleep with.
Turning away, you downed your beer. “Another?” You asked Sam.
“I’ll get them.” He gave you a sad smile, slipping off his stool and heading towards the bar.
Leaning on the heel of your left palm, you played with a napkin, simply staring at it. There was no joy in your face, and you were trying not to tear up. Afterall, it was just a silly crush, and now you knew that he’d never be attracted to you, right? You were far from tall. Hell, you barely were past five feet tall! Letting out a breath of air, your chest ached as if being crushed.
You heard feet, and the slight scraping of the stool near you, but didn’t look up. “Hot damn.” You heard Dean’s voice, and knew he had a cocky grin on his face. “That is a fine lady, and I got her number.” He gloated.
Without a word, you got up and walked out, wiping your cheek. Pulling out your phone once you were outside, you texted Sam.
Going to my room. See you in the morning. I’m sorry, I couldn’t listen to him brag about scoring her number…
Hitting send, you shoved your phone in your back pocket.
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Sam furrowed his brows when he returned with the two beers to see you missing. Setting them down, he felt his phone vibrate and pulled it out. He groaned before replying.
Sorry. I’ll slap him upside the head. Wait up and we’ll watch something. Be there soon.
Of course, she would know soon could be up to an hour with them. Dean grabbed one of the beers and took a swig. “What the hell’s up with Y/N/N?” He asked, curious. “Almost as soon as I sat down, she got up, and walked out. Not a word. Hell, didn’t even look at me.” He scoffed, shaking his head.
“You’re an ass, you know that, right?” Sam glared at him.
Dean looked confused. “What the hell did I do?!” His tone let Sam know he was a bit offended.
Sighing, Sam sat on his stool. “You know we could hear you with that waitress, right?” Dean shrugged like it was no big deal. “Y/N/N has feelings for you. Can’t see why, though. She heard you tell the waitress you like tall women, Dean.” He took a swig of his own, clearly unamused.
“Wait, what?” He wasn’t sure he was hearing things right. “Did you just say she has feelings for me?” Sam gave him a bitch face, not wanting to answer such a stupid question. “Fuck.” He groaned, putting his forehead on his arm that was on the table. “That was her texting- wasn’t it?”
“Yeah. Said she’d see me in the morning that she couldn’t stand to hear you ‘brag’ about getting her number.” He told him. “I told her I’d slap you upside the head and to wait up, that we’d watch something.”
Dean licked his lips, sitting up. “Keep texting her, keep her awake.” He said, sliding off his stool.
Sam furrowed his brows. “What’re you gonna do?”
He smiled. “Chick flick moment.” He shrugged, and Sam looked at him like he was insane. “Flowers, showing up at her door…that stuff.”
“So, what, you’re gonna show up with flowers, apologize for being a man-whore, and then go call miss tall waitress?” He scoffed. “That’s…low.”
“No, you dick.” He shot back. “I’m going to show up with flowers, apologize for being an ass, and…” Dean let out a breath. “Tell her I feel the same. Let’s just hope she doesn’t slam the door in my face.”
Sam was actually shocked at that. “Wow. The Tin Man does have a heart.” He looked impressed. Dean shot him a look as he walked away, leaving Sam alone in the crowded bar.
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Once in your room, you kicked off your shoes and sighed. Another night alone, and another ride home in the morning with Dean grinning like an idiot. Shaking your head, you swallowed, trying not to cry. However, as you started to undress to change for the night, you broke.
You had just pulled on a shirt that you’d swiped from Dean ages ago when your phone went off. At first, you wanted to ignore it, but couldn’t. It was from Sam, so you plopped on the bed to text him. You were glad that you had someone to talk to about all this, and he never teased you about it.
Soon, he had you laughing through the tears, time passing like nothing. Before you knew it, there was a knock at your door, which confused you. Sam was still talking about things at the bar, so you had no idea who it was. Looking at the time, it had been about an hour.
Setting your phone down, you picked your gun up off the nightstand and quietly made your way to the door and looked through the peephole. Dean with flowers was the last thing you would have thought you’d see.
You opened the door and raised an eyebrow. “Dean?” Your eyes were still a bit red and puffy, as was your nose from wiping it, but you didn’t care.
Dean’s heart fell further at the sight of you. “Fuck…” He sighed. “Oh, uh, these are for you.” You were surprised when he blushed lightly, handing you a small bouquet of your favorite flowers. Honestly, you didn’t know that he had known what they were. “C-can we talk?” Seeing Dean like this wasn’t something that happened much.
Nodding, you stepped aside and let him in. “I thought you’d be with the waitress. They are beautiful, though. Thank you.” You said, looking down at the flowers. Chewing your lip, you set them gently on the stand by the tv, having nothing to put them in.
He handed you a bag. “Here. For you, too.” Once you took it, he sat on the end of the bed, his leg moving like there was no tomorrow. “I hope you like it.”
Confused, you opened the bag and couldn’t help but smile sadly, the tears coming again. It was a Y/F/C stuffed Y/F/A with a little heart that said ‘I love you’. You looked over at him. “Did Sammy tell you about me being upset and you felt bad…so you came over?” You asked. “Don’t feel guilty, Dean. It’s okay, I get it.” Sniffing, your eyes went back to the stuffed animal in your hand. Your thumb rubbed the soft fur.
It took Dean a moment to process what you’d said before he got up. He cupped your cheek and made you look at him. “I feel guilty because I hurt the woman I love.” He told you, his eyes on yours. Sighing, his thumb gently wiped a tear from your cheek. “Sam was sitting at the bar while I ran around finding you that stuff.” Dean chuckled.
“That’s why he was so adamant about texting me?” You mused. “I thought he was just really bored or something.”
Dean chuckled lightly and shook his head. “Nope. I told him to keep texting you to keep you awake.” He grinned.
You licked your lips, thinking. “But what about you saying you like tall women? I’m pretty far from that.”
“I never said I disliked short women, did I?” He smirked, looking proud of himself. “Just because I like one type of woman doesn’t mean I don’t like another.” You nodded slightly, knowing he had a point. “Now, I’m going to kick off my boots, toss my jacket over there, and get into bed. Then we can watch a movie, or get some rest.”
“What if I want something else?” You asked quietly, somewhat nervous.
He furrowed his brows. “Like what?”
Pulling him to you, your lips crashed to his. The surprise quickly wore off, his arms wrapping around your waist, kissing you back. “You.” You pulled away just enough to breath that one word.
“I don’t want to rush you into anything.” He kissed your forehead.
You shook your head. “You’re not.” You smiled up at him, love in your eyes. “I trust you.” The three words seemed to ease any worries that he had, the sides of his mouth pulling up into a smile. You pushed his jacket off his shoulders, your lips moving desperately against his.
His fingertips brushed up your thighs, to the hem of the shirt you were wearing. “I love how you look in my shirt, sweetheart.” He grinned, causing you to blush. Pulling it over your head, he groaned when you were standing almost completely bare before him. All you were wearing was a small pair of underwear.
“You’re overdressed.” You teased, pulling his shirt off of him. Kissing over his chest, your fingers worked on undoing his belt and then his jeans. Dean let out a low hiss of pleasure when your teeth scraped his nipple lightly. “I’ll need to remember that.” You chuckled.
As soon as you had his jeans unzipped, he surprised you by pulling you up and moving you towards the bed. His hands were on your hips, his eyes on yours. “You’re beautiful.” He smiled softly.
Your knees hit the bed and you dropped, crawling backwards towards the pillows. As he pulled off his boots and rid himself of his clothes, you hooked your thumbs in the band of your underwear and shimmied them off. Biting your lip, you tossed them at him, laughing when he landed on the tip of his erection. Even Dean couldn’t help but laugh, either. He brushed them off before crawling towards you, kissing up your legs.
He parted your legs, moving to lay between them. His hot breath sent a shiver down your spine, earning a smile from the green eyed hunter. Your train of thought was cut short when he began licking and sucking at your most sensitive areas. Fists gripping the sheets, you tried to squirm, only for his hands to hold you in place. One of your hands went from the motel sheets to his short, dirty blonde hair.
Dean moaned when you gave it a tug, the vibrations going right through you. “Dean…” You breathed, right on the edge. “Please.” You half whined. He didn’t disappoint, curling two fingers into your wet heat. They hit that sweet spot as Dean’s mouth continued as it had been. “Oh, fuck, Dean!” You moaned, arching your back, your legs shaking.
He slowly worked you down before placing a kiss above your slit. “Way better than I imagined.” Dean told you, kissing up your body.
Pulling him into a kiss, you moaned at the taste of yourself on his lips. Your hand gripped him, slowly pumping as you moved him to his back. Your lips moved to his jaw, your hand still moving. As you moved down, you inhaled the scent that was all Dean. Leather, that cologne that he would never tell you the name of, a hint of the bars that he’d been to, and just a touch of his natural musk.
Nipping his hip, you finally released his erection, trading your hand for your mouth. Your tongue flattened, never leaving his skin as you moved. Hearing your name moaned from his lips, your eyes fluttered closed, earning your own moan in return.
You could have stayed there until he finished, but he didn’t want that. “Come here, baby.” He breathed, lust dripping from his words.
With one final suck, you moved so that you were laying next to him. Kissing him, you had your chest pressed close to his. “Condom?” You brushed his nose with yours.
“Of course.” Dean nodded, getting up and moving to his pants. Once he had it, he dropped his pants and ripped open the package. You watched as he rolled it down his shaft, rubbing your thighs together.
When he was back over you, you were in awe at how much love radiated from his eyes for you. “Don’t keep a girl waiting.” You teased. Chuckling, he kissed you as he lined himself and rocked his hips forward.
Once his hips were flush against your body, he broke the kiss, burying his face in your neck. “Fuck, you feel so good.” He groaned, moving his hips perfectly.
Your nails ran lightly down his back until your hands gripped his ass, enjoying how it felt having him on top of you. “Oh, Dean.” You panted.
At the sound of your voice, he gripped your shoulders, thrusting into you. His mouth was all over your neck, and you knew that you’d have marks after. The thought pushed you over the edge. He felt you start to clench around him and gave it everything he had. “Cum for me, sweetheart.” He groaned through gritted teeth, knowing that the second you came, he’d be right behind you.
Pushing your head back into the pillow, you breathed his name over and over as you clenched around him. “Oh, God.” You whimpered, knowing he was about to finish as well.
Dean thrust a few more times before holding himself against you, breathing heavily as he filled the condom. Kissing up your neck, he slowly pulled out. “I’ll be right back.” He pecked your lips before getting up. Walking to the bathroom, he pulled off the condom and tossed it in the trash.
You heard him wash his hands, and then he was walking back to the bed. Nothing was said as he crawled in next to you, pulling you so that your head was on his chest, his arms around you. You put your arm over his stomach, listening to his heartbeat. “Dean?” You asked softly.
“Hm?” His eyes were closed as he laid there, content.
Licking your lips, you held him a bit tighter. “What does this make us?” Your voice shook slightly. “I don’t want to push you into anything.”
Dean kissed the top of your head. “We’re us.” He replied. “We have each other. No more flirting with waitress or bartenders for me. No more getting your heart broken because I’m an idiot.”
You couldn’t help but grin, closing your eyes. “Night, Dean. I love you.”
“I love you, too, sweetheart.” He felt happier than he had in a long time.
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 8 months
With Discretion - Part 3 ^**
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Sorry for the delay friends! I had a night lol But here is part 3! I'm panning on doing a little holiday check-in for this pair so it's supposed to end a little abruptly. More to come over the christmas/ny season!
Read the other parts here
Warnings: infidelity, mentions of insecurities, sexism, divorce. Oral (m receiving), face fuck, sex (unprotected p in v)
WC: 17.5K
It was nearly 6:30am when you were awakened by some knocks on the door. You groaned and yawned before trudging out of the comfort of the large king bed that you had melted into for the night. When you opened it up, eyes slightly squinting a bit through the blurriness of your vision you saw Harry holding two large mugs and wearing an amused smile on his face. 
“God, I knew you woke up pretty.” He said softly and you sniggered as you opened the door to let him in.
“Oh, sure thing.” you replied groggily with a giggle as he stepped inside.
“Good morning, by the way. I ummm, just wanted to come by and see the sunrise with you. I can leave if you’re still in need of some more sleep, but I was trying to hint at it yesterday when I mentioned it and-”
“I did get the hint. You beat my alarm by 3 minutes actually!” You smiled, “I just wasn’t sure if ummm…you’d be joining me or not, but I’m glad you’re here.” You assured him. “M’just gonna brush my teeth and ummm, grab a sweater or something.”
“Yeah, it’s a bit cold out.” He said and then just made his way outside to the balcony and while you went into the bathroom to freshen up a bit. As soon as you were more awake and cozy you headed out to join him on the balcony. “I tried the new milk steamer they have in the kitchen and made cappuccinos, I think.” He said as he handed you one of the mugs and you smiled, “Didn’t sweeten it or anything though.” He warned as you looked down into it.
“S’alright. Good coffee doesn’t need sweeteners.” You said with a smile.
“Well I hope it’s good then.” He joked and you both laughed softly before turning to the horizon that was turning a lighter shade of blue now, a very light hint of orange starting to emerge from the darkness. “Did you sleep well?” 
“Yes, thank you. I need that bed though, it’s phenomenal.” You hummed and he smiled.
“It really is. I’m glad you were comfortable.”
“And what about you?” You asked him.
“Good too. Had a dream…a nightmare actually about some thief breaking into my home and stealing all my tiramisu!” You immediately burst into laughter, “Don’t know what could’ve brought that on but… that’s what I dreamt of.” he said with a grin.
“Yeah, I wonder…” you joked with a playful roll of your eyes and a gentle nudge of your elbow into his side. You let your laughter subside and the sound of the waves on the shore took over, bringing a peaceful silence over you for a few minutes. The sky was clearing up more and more by the minute, showing off its splendor without any hesitation.
“Are you nervous about going home?” Harry asked you and you set your cappuccino down on the thick rail of the balcony.
“A little bit.” You admitted, “Wish I could just fast forward to the end of it all.” You sighed and he extended his left arm over your shoulders and pulled you into his side.
“I’m sorry.”
“Thanks.” You sighed and looked at the sun starting to peek up over the horizon, “You were right, this is gorgeous.” You hummed.
“Yeah, it’s really something.” He smiled as he leaned his head against yours. “You know, I could give Cal a raise so he has to pay you more in alimony.” He mused and your body started shaking with laughter before it inevitably squawked out of you. Your head was thrown back as he laughed along with you, really happy that this is how you reacted to his little joke.
“Ah, that’s funny…” you hummed when your laughter died down. 
“I’m like 25% serious.” He added and you shook your head.
“You’re silly.” You smiled before sipping at your cappuccino.
“Just a little bit.” He grinned. “What’s the first thing you’re gonna do after you settle the divorce?” He asked and you hummed pensively.
“Take my Italian vacation…” you hummed, “I’ve been begging Cal to take me on a romantic getaway to Italy for years! Like a month-long thing though. I want to get to know the entire country.” You smiled. “But I think I can take myself on a romantic getaway.” You said and he hummed.
“That sounds like a wonderful time. Italy is probably my favorite country.” He hummed. “Does your entire trip have to be…by yourself? Or can you afford a little extra baggage for a few days?” He asked and you twirled around and smiled up at him.
“A few days, huh?” You asked and he nodded with a coy smile, “Mmm…perhaps that’s arlright.” You smiled.
“Ok… and well for the rest of your trip, I know a lot of really excellent spots, have a lot of friends in Italy. Chefs, architects, artists…could fix you up with them when you’re in their region? See the best parts of each place.” He offered.
“Ummm, yeah! That sounds phenomenal. It’ll take me a bit to plan, but I’m definitely interested in that.” You assured him.
“Alright. When you have a date let me know.” He said and you nodded. You just stayed looking at each other and your heart fluttered when his dimple started carving deeper into his cheek.
“What?” You asked and he shrugged.
“Just…excited for you, I guess.  Like, you’re going to be just fine. I really love that for you.” He said and you felt your cheeks warming with a blush. 
“Thank you, I think I will be fine too.” You agreed.
“OK, the good part is starting!” He said and twirled you back around and you both set down your mugs. You smiled at the now purple and orange ranges of colors that were painted across the sky as the blazing sun started showing more of its brilliant face. Your smile widened with each passing second as more of it started to emerge seemingly from nowhere at all. It was breathtaking to say the least. 
You couldn’t help but feel that this was the perfect thing to witness as the sun rose on a new journey in your own life. It was kind of poetic. It made you smile as you leaned a bit more weight back on Harry and he held you a bit closer. The moment was solemn as you both kept the quiet between you and just let yourselves feel the awe of the moment.
Harry was in his head as much as you were though. He was thinking about where things would go with you from here. He supposed you’d want some time to just reacquaint yourself with yourself. He figured that you would probably move out, but would you stay in New York or head off somewhere else? Would you go back to work and give up your business? Would you even be interested in a romantic anything with anyone for a while? Because he wanted that with you…or to at least try. He had huge crush on you and the more time he spent with you the bigger it got. Obviously, he didn’t know nearly enough about you, but he was interested in getting to know you deeply. He was quite enamored with you just from what he’d already seen and experienced for himself. 
“What’s your favorite color?” You suddenly asked and he smiled.
“Like your eyes?” You asked and he chuckled.
“No. Like…a jade color.”
“So basically your eye color.” You sniggered, teasing him.
“Yeah, I guess so then.” He sighed in defeat, “Just makes me feel calm. And you?” 
“Right now…mmm, like an orange color. Like…oh, well just like that I guess.” You said as you pointed to the little sliver of sky right above the rising sun. “It just makes me feel warm and fuzzy…I don’t know.” You said.
“Yeah, I can see why.”
“It just looks so…happy.” You shrugged with a smile, “I can’t wait to just…feel it for myself again, you know? Like from the inside.”
“You will.” He assured, “I promise you will.” He said with certainty and you turned around, your eyes met his. You reached for his face and he wrapped his arms around your waist and you kissed him deeply. You melted against his warmth, loving the feeling of your lips meeting together passionately. You hadn’t felt this riled up in years. You could jump out of a plane with how invincible you currently felt. As you pulled apart and your eyes blinked open they met with his. Harry’s lips twitched up in a grin and you just nuzzled down into his neck timidly.
“I really like you.” You confessed and he just squeezed you a bit tighter.
“I really like you too.” He hummed with a smile as he stared at the sunrise. 
After that lovely moment between the two of you, you went your separate ways and it was back down to reality. You had just been watching TV, waiting for Caleb to wake up when your phone rang and you saw it was a call from him.
“Did you leave?” He asked tiredly.
“No. M’upstairs, had Gerard give me another room.” You explained.
“Alright. Well ummm, I’m just gonna have a shower real quick and we can stop somewhere for breakfast, yeah?”
“I’d rather not. Just want to get home and have that talk.” You said to him.
“Sweetheart, I’m so fucking hungover.”
“Cal, you need to stop stalling.” You sighed.
“We can even start the conversation in the car! I just feel horrible right now and need to get something in my system.” He groaned.
Not even twenty minutes later you were sitting across from each other in the booth of a little diner off the first exit of the highway. You had already had your coffee, so you were just getting through some French toast while Cal nursed his second cup of coffee while he forcibly nibbled on some toast and bacon. You were looking at him expectantly and it appeared like he wanted to speak but the words were stuck somehow. You sighed in disappointment and surrendered, just glancing down to your food instead of him. You had just finished cutting off another piece of your French toast, just about ready to guide it into your mouth when he spoke up.
“I want a divorce.” Caleb’s words were low, but clear. Coward. He couldn’t do it while you were looking at him.
“Good. I do too.” You said cooly and he let out a quick, dry laugh. His response made you look up at him. “What?” You asked.
“That there is one of the things I…hate about you.” He said with a smile. His eyes weren’t full of contempt or spite, they were more amused than anything, it confused you for a second, “I used to love it though. S’one of the things I loved the most about you.” He said with a smile, “The way you’re so collected…so unaffected by everything.” He said and when you realized he wasn’t being a dick you smiled. “You’ve always been too good for me. I knew that.” He said with a hint of defeat in his voice.
“I met Dani. She threw up.” You said and he frowned upon hearing this.
“What’d you say to her to make her react that badly?” He questioned as he glanced down into his mug.
“Nothing. She just…felt so guilty I think? I actually pulled her to a trashcan before she puked all over herself.” You informed and he hummed.
“Well, it’s big of you to be nice to her.”
“Why? She didn’t do anything to me?” You pointed out and he smiled and nodded.
“Right.” He sighed before licking over his lips nervously. “It’s different with her.” He said and you now glanced down at your food again. “She’s just as brilliant, but in a more…reserved way.” He said and you chuckled.
“In a way that’s less intimidating, you mean?”
“Yeah, I guess so.” He said.
“Since when have I felt that way to you?” You questioned.
“I don’t know…I suppose I’ve always felt that way to some extent but over the last couple years it’s been…too much.” He explained. 
“Is it something I’ve done?” You asked. Wanting to know if there were things that you did to make him feel less than. Because if there were, you definitely wanted to clear the air with him about those things. 
“No. No. You’ve always been lovely.” He assured you. “It is an issue with me, 100%.”
“OK.” You said quietly. 
You still had so many questions for him, but were soon back on the road and you’d occasionally type them into your notes app as the questions arose. When you got home the tensions seemed to rise between you two. It was a nervous type of tension versus one of anger. You were very past the point of being angry at Cal for his cheating. You were still a bit irritated for the whole dinner thing, if you gave it some thought but your time with Harry had made the shit show worth it, so you were no longer dwelling on it.
“Should we get a couple drinks?” He asked you nodded and followed him to the bar area in your home. You hoisted yourself up onto one of the stools as he headed behind the bar. He just served you both a scotch on the rocks despite it only being about 11am. “Well, it’s five o’clock somewhere.” He said as he handed over your drink and you just knocked it back quickly while he savored his. 
“So Dani…how did that happen?” You asked him as he set his tumbler down.
“Just working together. She’s really good at stats, so I would always check my work with her. I felt like maybe I bugged her a lot, so I just started being a bit more friendly to not…annoy her as much, but I soon realized that I liked her vibe. It started out really platonic, like just work stuff, then we started getting lunch together every now and then, then afternoon coffees and ummm….yeah. It just happened over time.” He explained.
“How long?”
“We were together for a year.” He explained and you nodded. 
“And before then? Have you…been with other people?” You asked and he sighed.
“Yes.” He confirmed and you swallowed thickly.
“The whole time?” You asked, not being able to look at him.
“Yes.” He confirmed shamefully and that’s when the tears started to form.
“Jesus…” you whispered.
“I just don’t think I was ready to get married when we did.” He said and you took a deep breath before scoffing.
“It was your idea to get married, Cal!” You said with frustration and he sighed.
“I know…I just…thought that that’s what you wanted. Like when we talked about it, it just seemed like you were excited for it and I just thought that…if I didn’t show you that I was serious about you that you’d…leave me. That’s why I proposed to you.” 
“I mean who isn’t excited at the prospect of getting married but…did you want to marry me?” You asked him.
“I was sure I would want to down the line…like I didn’t do it just like that. I mean, I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t think I would get there. I mean…I’ve always had a wandering eye…I just thought it would…change.”
“Well if you’ve never tried to work on that before it just wouldn’t suddenly go away, you know?” You said and he shrugged.
“Well, s’too late for that now.” He said.
“Yeah…” you whispered as you wiped a stray tear from under your eye, “So now you’re in love with Dani?”
“Yeah and she wants absolutely nothing to do with me so…” he said with disappointment.
“How did she find out?” You asked.
“I have a note on my phone about how to bring this up to you and she saw it. I had to explain it to her and she just blew up on me.” You looked at him like he was an idiot.
“I think anything less than that would’ve been a bad reaction, Cal. If she loves you too and just discovered that your whole relationship is actually an affair of course she lost her mind! She probably feels awful!” You scoffed.
“Well, I told her that I’m in love with her and that I wanted to be with her though. Like, I wanted to end things with you for her and like…I guess I hoped she’d come around with that information, but it’s been months and she will barely even look at me. ”
“Can you blame her?” You questioned and he sighed.
“Guess not. I don’t know if she’ll ever forgive me but…either way, I think that our marriage has run its course.” 
“I think so too.” You agreed and he sighed. “I ummm…knew you were cheating since the beginning of the year.” You confessed and his eyes met yours. “You accidentally made a reservation from our shared account while I was on there looking at a reimbursement from a client. I showed up to your office before the time of the reservation, thinking it was like a work thing, best case scenario.” You explained, “Obviously, you weren’t there… but then I started noticing other things and inconsistencies when you’d talk to me about supposed work trips…and I just…didn’t know how to bring it up.”
“It wasn’t your responsibility to.” He said and well, that much was true, “Honestly, I haven’t been happy with you for a long time, Y/N. I should’ve said something about it when my feeling started to change. I’m really sorry, you didn’t deserve this.” He apologized sincerely.
“Thank you.” You said and he nodded.
“So ummm, I think we need to meet with Shawn to draw up some divorce papers.” 
“Yeah…I’ll call him tomorrow morning, see if he has some time this week.”
“Perfect. Ummm, I think I should probably go stay somewhere else.”
“Yeah, if you want to.” You said to him and he nodded.
“I actually ummm, already have another place in the city. It’ll be easier with work and all.”
“Oh! Ummm, yeah that’s alright then.”
“It’s with my money by the way. I haven’t used anything we’ve put together for that. Or for Dani. Or any woman for that matter.” He said, as if that would somehow make all of it better.
“Alright, well thanks.” You chuckled and he shook his head. 
“Again, I’m really sorry for all of this, Y/N.” Cal said and you smiled sadly.
“Yeah, me too.” You whispered.
“OK, I’m going to pack a bag. Just let me know what Shawn says.”
“Will do.” You said before he chugged down the rest of his drink and then left quietly. 
You still had so many questions, but you didn’t know that they were even worth asking anymore. The more Caleb had spoken the worse things had gotten for you. You sniffled a bit, but just held in all of your tears because he really wasn’t worth it. You slid off of the counter and washed the tumblers before setting them on the rack beside the small sink to drip dry. You then reached for your phone and texted Cecilia to see if she was available for dinner. Thankfully she was and you just avoided Caleb by doing miscellaneous tasks around the house until he was gone with a large suitcase and duffle bag.
You got showered and then ordered in a fat pizza so that you and Cecilia could binge out a bit while you shared what had happened. She knew that you suspected Cal of cheating and that there was plenty of evidence against him, but wait until she heard all of this…and well, Cece’s responses never disappointed.
“That dog!” She gasped when you finished telling her about how he said he’d always been sleeping with other people. Now you were in tears because you were grieving your life…your time…your youth! You were so young when you got married to Caleb but you were in love with him then, so you thought it wasn’t a bad idea. But you wish you’d been less naive, you wished you’d listened to your family and your friends who were concerned about this decision. For the first time in your life you felt like you were stupid…over a man’s mistakes! It infuriated you that you felt like that. Why should you feel bad or regretful over things you’d done out of love? It made no sense, but here you were, actually feeling regret for marrying Caleb.
“Do not bring sweet, innocent dogs into this.” You hiccuped before setting your wine glass down. God, you’d be in the shit tomorrow with the hangover you knew you’d have. You had a bunch of meetings with some potential vendors the next day since the lady you used for all your tents and table rentals was moving out of state and taking her business with her. Plus you now had to contact your lawyer to tell him about the divorce. It was just going to be a bad day tomorrow. 
“You’re right.” Cece said with a pout, just as drunk as you were, “What a scum bag.” She finished and you sighed.
“Do you remember Harry?” You asked randomly and she turned to you with a furrow in her brow.
“Harry from the club?” She asked and you nodded as you sniffled.
“That’s his boss.” You said and then bit your lip, “We…fucked…well he did all of the fucking…” you confessed and she turned to you, jaw on the ground.
“You did not!”
“I did.”
“That night?”
“Yeah.” You confessed. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him this entire time. Like he was so fucking wonderful! And ummm, last night too while Cal was off somewhere, drunk off his ass. Harry railed me in the kitchen until my legs were as weak as overcooked noodles and then he licked tiramisu off my tits and I have a huge crush on him!” You blurted out and Cece started screaming and laughing. You both looked insane, all snotty with swollen eyes from crying together and now screaming and giggling like school girls over the most fantastic lay of your life.
“Oh my god! He’s so hot…even licked tiramisu off your tits…that sounds like a dream…” she hummed in approval.
“It really is.” You said quietly. “I mean, he’s always so nice to me. That first time, at the hotel, he told me if I was his he’d never take me for granted like Cal does.” You said more solemnly.
“Sounds like he likes you too.”
“Oh, he does…Even suggested that we just be friends til everything gets sorted out with Cal, which is so sweet of him.”
“He sounds fake.”
“Right!?” You exclaimed, “Like way too good to be true.”
“If he’s so perfect why isn’t he with someone?”
“He did mention before that he hadn’t met someone who he really wanted to settle down with, so he’d just been seeing people very casually.”
“Awww…what if you’re the one he wants that with?” She cooed in her drunkenness and despite the butterflies in your tummy at the mere idea of getting to date Harry, you tutted.
“I don’t think we know each other that well.” You reasoned, “As long as he’s not all fragile like Cal I think there’s a chance. I mean, I toughened up because Cal said I was too soft to be an entrepreneur! I honed in on those traits and skills. I stepped into my power, not just as a business owner, but as a woman! And now he tells me I’m too abrasive and intimidating? Like…what if Harry likes those qualities in me now, but like Cal, he’ll soon discover that he wants someone who’s of an easier disposition as a partner?”
“You mean a pushover?”
“I don’t think women who aren’t outspoken are pushovers…” you clarified, “But like, some of us are just a bit more outspoken, you know? I don’t think I’m tactless or rude about it, and certainly not emasculating-”
“Men emasculate themselves. If Caleb has never felt that he’s been good enough for you then at one point or another all of this would’ve ended anyway. The problem in this marriage was him, babe. Get it through your head! Don’t let him make you feel like being who you are and stepping into your power were the problems. Like you said, he wanted that for you and now that he feels less than he thinks it’s bad? Sexist. Sexist. Sexist!” Cece said with harsh claps for added emphasis and you smiled.
“You’re right.” You ceded.
“Of course I am!” Cece guffawed and you sighed. “Do you think Harry will fire him?” She asked.
“Harry’s not petty like that, I don’t see why he would. I mean, Cal’s good at his job and like, as much as Harry and I are friendly, my personal problems with Caleb have nothing to do with their work, you know?”
“I guess you’re right. Though, I do think it’d be more satisfying for everyone involved if Cal stays working there and has to see you with his boss.” Cece said and you laughed.
“I wouldn’t want to rub his face in it…”
“Oh please, what do you think he did to you last night at that dinner, babe? Intentional or not, he set you up! Genuinely, how did he think people would react to the news of him being married out of nowhere?” She questioned,  “You need to stop taking the high road and just hit below the belt, just once! It feels so good, I swear it does!” Cece pleaded with you.
“Yeah, we’ll see…” you hummed with a smile. “Like I don’t want to make him feel bad on purpose, you know?”
“Fuck that! He deserves it and you deserve to see Karma doing her best work to restore balance to the universe.” She said simply and you giggled. Count on Cece to always want to see justice served, it’s not that you didn’t, but you just didn’t like forcing Karma’s hand. You knew it would all happen in it’s due time and you could wait. 
You were doing really well on your own. You’d started putting more effort into your business, which saw it growing. You’d started taking better care of yourself, and much to Cece’s dismay, channeled your rage into a new hobby - gardening. Which as peaceful as it was meant to be, was actually full of rage because you absolutely hated it. You hated dirt, you hated how needy plants were…but were trying to learn to love it. She’d scolded you many times over the fact that you weren’t just plowing Harry every chance you got. But like you had explained to her and him before, you just needed to figure things out for yourself before you involved anyone new in your new life. You had spoken to him on the phone a few weeks back for an hour, just catching up and checking in on each other, but apart from that he was giving you space which you desperately needed.
Maybe you didn’t love Caleb anymore, but you were still grieving everything that could’ve been. No one who gets married out of love goes in thinking that it’s going to end in divorce. Sure, it’s always a possibility, but every person went into it hoping that they would beat the odds, not become a statistic, yet here you were. Thankfully though, the divorce proceedings were going swimmingly thanks to the prenup, which you had insisted on if only to prove to Caleb all those years ago that you were in it for love and not his money. Cal had always been very generous though and helped with a lot of your debts from school and other big expenses from when you were younger and struggling. But thanks to that, you were both leaving the marriage without many losses. Though Cal’s generosity was once again proven when he assured you that he’d take care of the legal fees since he’d been the one who’d ended the marriage long before you guys took a step towards divorce.
You were still trying to find a place of your own to live. Cal had charged you with overseeing any renovations on the house that would make it more marketable so at least for the time being you weren’t being rushed out of the house. But you were debating on whether you should stay in the suburbs or head into the city. However, the more you looked into it the more you were convinced that New York City was not a place you wanted to live. Sure, it was gorgeous, but it was a bit gross, prone to flooding, infested with tons of critters, and those were just a few deal breakers among other inconveniences. And finding a place that had minimal exposure to all of these things would cost you an arm and a leg. Also, your clientele was largely in the suburb areas, so you were staying put for now until you found something else.
You’d already done a lot of renovating to the home when you purchased it, so there wasn’t too much apart from some flooring changes to the staircase and renovating the half bath and it’s connected outdoor shower that was used for your luxurious saltwater pool. You had just shown out the flooring guy when your work phone started ringing and you glanced down to see a number you didn’t recognize and let it go to voicemail as you weren’t really able to take any new clients right now. It was a bit later in the day when you realized that this caller had left a voicemail. So you put it on speaker as you opened up your fridge to grab a snack when you heard a shaky exhale through the speaker.
“Ummm, hi Y/N. This Is Daniela, I got your number from Tamika. I hope you don’t mind.” She spoke nervously, “Uh, I was wondering if you were available for a talk over lunch, o-or dinner or just some drinks sometime this week? I just wanted to talk about ummm…Caleb.” She said, “This is my cell, so feel free to call me or text me. Ummm, yeah, bye.”
You bit your lip as you thought about it for a moment. As much as you didn’t want to get involved in the throws of their affair, you at least wanted to clear the air with her and assure her that you didn’t blame her for the demise of your marriage. You had your divorce hearing in a month and you didn’t want to start making Cal think you were ganging up on him with his mistress, so you wanted to tread lightly. You decided to consult with your trusty best friend before calling Dani back.
“Hey girl!” Cece greeted cheerfully and you instantly smiled.
“Hey! How’s your day?” You asked and she hummed.
“It’s been…interesting.” She said, “But I have a feeling it’s about to get better.” She sang and you chuckled.
“I’m just calling for your input, nothing to do with Harry-”
“A damn shame.” She interjected and you sniggered.
“Dani called me. She wants to meet up with me.” You said and Cece perked up.
“I don’t know if I should go though.”
“OK, why not?” She asked.
“I just don’t want Caleb to think I’m plotting against him. Like, we’re just so close to finalizing the divorce and going our own ways. I don’t want to stir up any trouble.” You explained.
“Then just tell him you’re gonna talk to her. You don’t have to keep it a secret.” Cece said and you groaned.
“I know! But I know he’s going to say no and give me shit about it-”
“Well too fucking bad! At least you’re giving him a warning!” She said and you giggled.
“Right…I might also be nervous because…I’m thinking of perhaps asking to see Harry after.” You confessed and Cece’s excited shriek made you giggle, “Not for sex.” You said.
“Boo…” she grumbled and you rolled your eyes.
“I just…miss him a bit. He’s been so understanding, but like…I forget about the stress when he’s around. He makes me feel…really good.” You said and Cece cooed.
“Awww babe, I really think you should talk to Dani and then get any sympathy you have for Cal fucked out of you so good you don’t have problems for the next few years.” She said and you laughed loudly.
“God, Cecelia…” you scoffed.
“It’s what you deserve.” She said simply and you smiled.
“You know, I should just call you when I need to hear what I want to hear.” You mused and she cackled.
“What’re best friends for?” She asked and you smiled. After agreeing to meet up over the weekend for brunch at yours, you decided to call Dani back. You agreed to meet for lunch on Friday, which was good, hopefully you could arrive a bit early and surprise Harry. Your eyebrows furrowed when you heard the front door open and walked over to the entrance of the home to see Caleb walking through the door.
“Hey!” You greeted him with a smile as you approached him and he smiled as well as he swung the door shut and walked up to you and quickly kissed your cheek.
“Hey, you look great!” He complimented you, “How’s it been?” he asked as he pulled back.
“Good. The flooring guy just left a bit ago, he’s gonna remove the carpet from the stairs. And then the contractor is coming tomorrow to see about the pool shower/bathroom.”
“Perfect.” He smiled.
“Yeah. And what brings you here?” You asked.
“I have a business trip to San Diego.” He said as he made his way up the stairs, “It’s legit.” He added as he glanced back at you, wearing a smirk and you rolled your eyes.
“And you had to come here for?” You questioned, as you made your way into your previously shared bedroom that was now just yours.
“I need t’pack my lighter clothes. S’still summertime in California!  Or have you been gone so long you already forgot?” He asked as he walked into your closet and you plopped down onto the bed. “Can you grab my suitcase from the trunk of the car? I forgot it!”
“Yeah!” You called out and headed downstairs and grabbed his empty luggage from the car. Soon you were placing it on the bed and he was coming out with a few shirts. He seemed in a chipper mood, so you were going to bring up the Dani thing while he was.
“Should I take the yellow one?” He asked of the light yellow shirt he brought out.
“No, it kinda washes you out. Also you’ll look like Dwight Schrute.” You said and he chuckled.
“You’re right.” He said and set it aside and grabbed another instead.
“It’s good you’re here though, I was actually going to call you about something later.”
“What was it?” He asked as he inspected another shirt.
“Ummm…Dani called me.” You said and he glanced up at you. You saw the glint of hope in his eyes.
“What did she want?”
“Just to talk. We’re gonna have lunch on Friday.” You said and he sighed, “And I don’t intend to…shit talk you to her or anything. I think she’s just…feeling a bit lonely. Probably wants to make sure I don’t hate her or something.” You said and he nodded.
“Yeah, I think she needs that.” He said and you hummed.
“How’ve you been doing?”
“I mean, way better at work now that I have nothing else to do.” He said with a small smile, “Just getting by, I guess… waiting every day hoping that she’ll talk to me…let me explain…anything really.” He said a bit sadly as he proceeded to fold up some trousers, “I didn’t know I could feel so strongly about a person. I mean, I thought that with you that was as much love as I could feel. We just connected so well you know?”
“Oh I was there…” you recalled with a smile and he did as well.
“I felt challenged. Like that sounds…bad, but you were something to work towards, you know? You kept me on the edge of my seat. So good that you made me want to be better. To be more…hence the whole CFO thing. I felt like I needed to aim higher.” He explained.
“But with her?”
“With her I felt like…enough for the first time in a really long time. And I can’t discredit any of our marriage, because you’ve pushed me to achieve a lot of the things I wanted to achieve. But I don’t know, it just kind of felt like…”
“Like we never quite found the sweet spot?” You asked and he nodded.
“Yeah. It’s like happiness was always just out of reach. Like I could see it, but I couldn’t get there.” He explained, “Was it like that for you?” He asked and you shrugged.
“I guess so, but I didn’t know it until you said it just now.” You explained as you extended your hand asking him to hand you some of his undershirts to fold and pack up. He did so easily, “I mean, as you know, my parents are still married. But they’ve never been all that affectionate with each other so I didn’t think there was anything wrong with how we were you know? Like that was the picture I had growing up, always striving for more, and well, they’ve made it this far.” You said and he hummed.
“Right… my parents are like that too. Do you think they settled?”
“Well historically, men settle for partners more than women.” You explained and his eyebrows arched upon hearing that, “It’s called settling for Ms. Good-Enough. So men are more likely to settle for a partner who meets most of their expectations rather than the person they really want out of fear of missing the train, or whatever people call it.” You said, “At the end of the day I guess we’re all scared of being alone.” You said as you dropped a neat stack of his undershirts in his luggage.
“Yeah, I guess so.” He hummed, “Do you think Dani will ever forgive me?”
“Yeah, I’m sure she will but I don’t think that necessarily means she’ll give you another chance.” You said to him and he frowned, “I mean, you have to understand just how humiliating this is for her. You let her fall in love with you and made her think that she was your one and only, only for her to discover that she was actually your side chick! I mean, that doesn’t mean your feelings weren’t real, but it’s…shitty to find out you’re the other woman. It’s happened to me before in college and it sucks. Moreso when I got bitch slapped for “seducing a taken man” when I had no idea he was taken! I think that’s why I’m nice to her because it’s not her fault and I shouldn’t take out my frustration on her. Like it sucks to be in that position. You wonder if there’s any world in which you would’ve been the first choice. Or if you were the first choice, would that person still go off and find someone else? And it feels like…you just can’t win. Either way you feel horrible about yourself and it doesn’t matter how much love exists, you still feel stupid and foolish for falling for something like that. I know that you love her, Cal, but you really hurt her and you need to respect how she navigates this.”
“Can you at least tell her to talk to me? I just want to properly apologize to her. Not some rushed interaction like we’ve had. I won’t try and change her mind I just need her to know that she…means everything to me and that I fucked up. I need her to know that.”
“Cal, I don’t want to mettle. I don’t want to be her friend, I just need her to know that I don’t blame her.” You said and he nodded in understanding.
“Do you hate me?” He asked after a beat of silence.
“No, Cal. I just wish…I knew about all of this early on so that we could try to…not make such a big mess.” You said and he smiled.
“Yeah. Next time.” He said and you smiled. “What about you? Anyone new on your radar?” He asked and you considered talking to him about Harry for a moment, but quickly decided against it, you could keep this to yourself until you actually figured it out.
“No, just been focusing on me and the business. Hanging out with Cece a bit much…been drinking way too much on the weekends.” You said and he chuckled.
“Cece is fun.” He said and you nodded, “I’m surprised she hasn’t hooked you up with the eligible bachelors of New York.” He chuckled.
“Oh believe me, she has tried!” You laughed as you reached over and grabbed another pair of slacks he had brought out.
“Of course. She acts fast.” He said and you nodded. “Well I am always rooting for you. I hope you know that.”
“I am rooting for you too.” You assured him, “So long as you’re being good.” You said and he grinned.
“Yeah, lesson learned.” He stated with a smile, “My flight doesn’t leave until 9:30pm. Want to have some dinner and drop me off?” He asked and you side eyed him.
“Only if I can drive the Quattroporte.” You said and he grinned.
“Fine.” He agreed, much to your surprise. But he was lonely and just needed to be around someone. You felt bad for him, but there really wasn’t much you could do about that.
Cal’s flight was leaving from JFK so you drove a bit closer to get some dinner in that area. It was nice just chatting, talking about your plans after everything was finalized with your divorce. You took your time and were really enjoying how amicable things were between you two, and finally the time came to drop him off at the terminal.
“Thank you for being so gracious about everything, Y/N. I don’t deserve it after everything I’ve put you through. You’re…remarkable and I was right.” He said and you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
“You being too good for me.” He said and you smiled at him and shook your head.
“Have a good flight.”
“Thanks.” He said before getting out of the car. He grabbed his luggage and with one final wave he was heading inside and you were heading back home. 
The next two days went by rather quickly and you were now nervously trying to pick something out to wear to lunch with Dani that would probably also make Harry swoon just a bit. You were planning on getting there a bit early to see if Harry had a few minutes and were manifesting that he was available. You ended up choosing to wear a nice fall outfit with some flared, tan corduroy pants, a thin black turtleneck long sleeve, and some pointed black, heeled boots. You grabbed your purse and hurried out and took off for the city. You had no idea why you felt nervous, but your stomach was in complete knots the entire drive. 
Finally, you were inside and riding up the elevator to the administrative floor, fidgeting with the rings on your fingers. It was nearing lunch time so there were people hurrying about as you calmly made your way past reception, the other offices, and back to where his office was, according to the map you scanned when you walked off of the elevator. You saw Tamika straightening out a few things at a desk near Harry’s office and approached her.
“Hey Tamika!” You smiled at her and she glanced up at you.
“Hey Y/N! What a nice surprise to see you up here.” And then her smile faltered a bit, “Oh ummm, Dani told me she was meeting with you. I’m sorry about everything with Cal.” She said and you shook your head.
“It’s alright. I knew about it a while ago. At least we can end it amicably.” You said and she nodded.
“Yeah, as long as he’s not an asshole about it.” She said with you sniggered and nodded.
“No, he’s been very good about it.” You assured him, “Are you heading to lunch?”
“I’m actually, leaving for the day. I only have afternoon classes today.” She explained.
“Oh OK.” You said and she smiled.
“Cal’s away on business in San Diego but-” 
“I actually wanted to talk to Mr. Styles-er Harry for minute. Is he in by any chance?”
“Yeah, he’s in there.” She smiled, “You can just go on in.” She assured you with a smile and you nodded.
“Thank you! I hope class goes well.”
“Thanks! Have a good weekend.” She said before grabbing her bag and waving as she headed off. You waved back before turning around and walking the few steps over to Harry’s office. You gave a few knocks before pushing open the heavy, partially frosted glass door and peeking in. 
As soon as Harry detected some movement he glanced up from the documents in his hands and you saw his face light up at the sight of you.
“Oh my god, hi! What’re you doing here?” He questioned as he immediately pushed himself up from his seat as you headed towards him. You hummed happily as he hugged you and you hugged him back, letting your body fit against his so perfectly.
“Dani asked to meet me to talk over lunch.” You informed as you started to pull back, “Thought I’d drop in and see if I could stick around in the city afterwards. Maybe we can go to dinner?” You suggested and he sighed as his hands found yours and glanced down.
“Sorry, tonight’s no good. I have plans.” He said with a small pout.
“That’s alright, kinda dropped in unannounced didn’t I?” You shrugged.
“Just for transparency’s sake, it’s a date.” He shared, “It was a set up.” He sighed, “I don’t know why my friends meddle-”
“Because they care about you.” You said and he chuckled.
“They’re really bad match makers though.” He chuckled and you giggled.
“Well good thing it’s just a set up then.” You said and he grinned.
“Still get nervous though. Kinda seems unfair to agree to date people when you’re not interested in them.”
“Very true, but hey at least you’ll be nice about it.” You said and he smiled and nodded.
“Yeah, always.” He assured as his thumb ran over your knuckles gently. “What about tomorrow? Do you have plans?” He asked.
“Just brunch with Cece. Gonna get day drunk and lounge around in the pool.” You said with a grin and he smiled.
“That sounds great. Can I crash it? I hear you have a really nice pool.” He hummed and your smile widened.
“Yeah! I think Cece would love that more than I would.” you giggled and he chuckled.
“She was cool.” He hummed and you smiled.
“I’ll let her know you said that.” You said and he nodded.
“Yeah, please do. So ummm, should I bring something?”
“Ummm, we’re doing more breakfast-y food, so I think it’ll be best to make that at mine.”
“Settled. I’ll bring the champagne then.” He concluded with a smirk and you laughed happily and hugged him again. He seemed surprised, but was quick to hug you back.
“Oh, I’ve missed you.” You hummed without really thinking too much about it and he chuckled.
“I’ve missed you as well.” He said quietly, his large hands slid down to your waist and you pulled back. Your eyes met his and then fluttered down to his lips.
“I know we said just friends but-”
“That’s alright, I can make an exception.” He whispered as he leaned down and attached his lips to yours. You hummed happily and let your hands glide up his brawny chest before draping them over his shoulders, your bodies moved closer together, allowing your kiss to deepen. He gently nipped at your bottom lip which made you smile, “What?” He breathed out, his smile matching yours now.
“I just really like how you kiss.” You whispered and he smiled before leaning back in and you teased at his bottom lip with your tongue. He opened his mouth a bit more to let you in. You moaned against him when you finally got to taste his tongue. He sighed as his hands slid down to your bottom before squeezing and then giving a very quick little spank which made you gasp and pull back from the sloppy kiss you were sharing. “Mr. Styles!” You exclaimed with a shocked expression.
“Sorry, these pants are very nice.” He mumbled and you smirked.
“These I did wear for you.” You admitted.
“Well thank you, I love ‘em.”
“You’re welcome.” You giggled.
“Maybe I can get in them sometime.” He hummed with a smug look, “Like just to try ‘em on, they’re nice.” He clarified, but the mischievous glint in his eyes confirmed his double entendre and you chuckled. “So what time tomorrow?”
“Noon-ish? I’ll text you my address.” You said.
“Perfect. Can’t wait.” He hummed before dipping down again and kissing you once more. Just as things were getting steamy your cellphone started ringing. You two broke away from the kiss with a wet sound and you sighed as you pulled your purse between the two of you. You saw it was Dani calling and you answered. You glanced up at Harry as you brought the phone to your ear.
“Hi Y/N, I’m just wrapping up. Should I meet you in the lobby?”
“Yeah, that’s good. See you there.” You said and then hung up.
“Time to go?”
“You nervous?” He asked, hands sliding into your back pockets and you giggled as he did this. He then started pushing you closer to him again.
“A little bit. Obviously she wants to talk about Caleb, but I just don’t know what about. M’not at all gossipy, so I hope it’s not just to talk shit.” You chuckled.
“A little shit talking might take place.”
“Well, yeah she can vent if she needs to. But Cal and I have been able to be very amicable and I don’t want to do anything that ruins that vibe. I did tell him I was meeting her and he said it was fine.” You share.
“Well I don’t know Dani all that well but from what Tamika tells me she’s really sweet. And so are you, so I’m sure it’ll be fine.” He assured you.
“Right.” You exhaled and he chuckled.
“So I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah. And do me a favor, bomb the date, yeah?” You joked and he knocked his head back in laughter.
“I promise you I’ll do my very worst.” He assured you and you chuckled before tiptoeing and kissing his cheek before he slipped his hands out of your back pockets and let you go. “See you tomorrow.”
“See ya’!” You sang before hurrying out of his office and back to the elevator. 
Once in the lobby you quickly found Dani and shook her hand as she officially introduced herself. The place she had in mind for lunch was a little cafe around the corner. So as you walked over you made some small talk. Soon enough you were seated and reading over the menus provided. You were a bit anxious to know what it was that she wanted to talk to you about and as she kept hopping from topic to topic about food and drinks and dessert you started to get a bit impatient.
“Good afternoon, what can I get you guys?” The waiter suddenly came up and you glanced up at him and ordered your food and drink first and then Dani went ahead and ordered. After he left, assuring you the food would be out soon you glanced up at her and she smiled a bit nervously.
“So what did you want to talk about?” You asked her and she sighed.
“I just wanted to clarify that I didn’t know about you at all when I agreed to be with Caleb. I feel really guilty about it though and I don’t know how to make it stop.” She confessed.
“Well I can assure you, I have no beef with you. I don’t blame you at all for his behavior or for his choices.” 
“So you’re not getting divorced because of me?” She asked and you shook your head.
“Not you personally. I mean, Cal is in love with you and that made him realize that we needed to divorce. And for me learning about his relationship with you definitely was a factor in why I wanted. divorce, but there are other factors to it as well. I mean, why wouldn't I divorce someone who doesn't love me?” you explained and she bit her lip.
“Has he cheated on you before?” She asked and you nodded.
“Yeah, for years apparently.” You sighed.
“Oh…” she said with a small frown.
“I only found out about his cheating at the start of the year. So when he was with you already. He hasn’t been with anyone else other than you lately though, if that’s of any consolation.”
“To some extent it is…I mean, he keeps trying to talk to me and apologize and explain himself, but I don’t think there’s a justifiable explanation for any of this.” Dani said and you nodded.
“Yeah, I agree.” 
“I love him. I love him so much, the last few months have been torture, but I’d be a fool to trust him after what he did to me. And now hearing about how this is just something he does…like it doesn’t just stop because you love someone, you know?”
“That’s precisely what I told him the other day. He’s made a habit of his infidelity and there’s no way that’s going to change unless he really works hard at breaking that habit.”
“Right…and I mean, I’d have to be an idiot to forgive him and get back with him.” She sighed.
“Not necessarily. I mean, if you trust him and you work together to make sure you’re on the same page and that you expect the same things out of the relationship it could work. I mean, it’s all based on trust and if you trust that he won’t screw up again, then great! But if you don’t trust him there’s no sense in putting yourself through something like that. You’ll just be full of doubt and miserable and no one deserves to constantly be living on edge like that, you know?”
“Yeah…you’re right.” Dani exhaled in surrender and you frowned a bit.
“Dani, Caleb does love you though. And he is sorry for lying like this. He asked me to tell you that.” You explained.
“I know. But I mean this was maybe my first real adult relationship and like…to discover that I was just the side chick!?” She exclaimed and your frown deepened.
“I’m really sorry, Dani. You didn’t deserve that.”
“I know! It’s why I can’t…I can’t trust him or give him another chance without feeling like a fool for it.”
“Well, seems to me you know which direction you’re leaning towards.”
“I do. It’s just…kind of hard to hold my ground on it.” She explained.
“I mean, you can always change your mind down the line. And well, something tells me Cal will be waiting as long as you need even if it is just to tell him that it’s done for good.” You said to her.
“I just don’t want to waste his time-”
“Girl, he’s wasted both of our times! He’ll be fine.” You emphasized and she chuckled.
“Very true.” She shrugged.
“And look, the last thing you want to do is waste your own valuable time! I’ve been with Cal since I was 23. We got married when I was only 24 and he just told me that he got married to me because he was scared I would leave him if he didn’t commit big right away. All those years are time neither of us will get back and we weren’t even with the right person!” You said and she sighed and shook her head sadly, “I know you’re not asking for my opinion, but if I can just impose it for a second I’d say to just choose you. Heal from the heartbreak and when you’re feeling more level headed about it all revisit it. See if you still love him or if everything has worn off. But make sure that whatever step you take next is for your benefit alone.” You advised and she nodded.
After that part of the conversation you two just ate and talked a bit more about your next steps. She wanted to know how you were moving on from this as well, which in reality was just a taking it day by day approach. Just from your time with her, you gathered that Dani was smart and very sweet and you could see the similarities between your way of being and hers. She was still learning how to assert herself though. For lack of a better term, she was still a bit of a pushover and maybe Cal liked that. It helped him keep her by his side. Thankfully, you had learned better in grad school. You’d learned the hard way not to bend over backwards for everyone and you could still be kind and helpful, just not at your own expense. When Cal told you that you were just harder to deal with than Dani you thought maybe it was an issue with you, but it was all with him. Dani was easier to manipulate because she still considered Cal’s feelings even when it was tearing her apart. You hoped that something you said to her resonated and made her think twice about her choices with Cal in the future. He seemed to be intimidated by women who had owned their power and well, you just couldn’t see yourself being with anyone like that ever. 
All along you thought that he was the one encouraging you and empowering you to do more out of love. Empowering you to tag on a second masters. Empowering you to go for jobs you qualified for. Empowering you to pursue your passion and start your own business. And you let him because you thought the he was just being supportive and wanting to see you grow and excel. But now that you looked at your life and your accomplishments, you saw how he felt that he had given all of that to you. But after you were done with school and found your confidence and worth you didn’t need his help as much. You were more than capable on your own and that made him feel less than. Like he wasn’t good enough for you because you didn’t need his help to succeed. Suddenly everything just felt so transactional between the two of you and that just put a bad taste in your mouth. But at least you were going to be free of it very soon.
Thankfully you beat the rush hour traffic out of the city and were able to stop off at the grocery store to pick up the food you’d be having for brunch the following day along with something to make for dinner. You also got yourself a nice bottle of wine and decided that homemade pizza was the way to go for dinner. Your mood improved when you remembered that Harry would be joining you tomorrow as well and you tidied up around the house with a little more pep in your step. After the cleaning bits you were in for a well deserved shower, so you washed up, exfoliated and shaved, and were soon rushing down the stairs in a big t-shirt and some tiny shorts to make your pizza. Your stomach was growling intensely, begging you to eat as soon as possible.
You were playing some of your happy music, singing and dancing around as you prepped your pizza while the oven pre-heated. Everything was going according to plan until your doorbell rang and you pulled up your phone to check the camera to see who could be out there at nearly 8 at night.
“Oh my god…” you whispered to yourself in shock as you saw none other than Harry, standing at the door with a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a tote bag over his shoulder. Your heart just about melted at the sight of him nervously biting his lip as he waited for an answer. What was he doing here? You took some calming breaths as you set your phone down and scurried out to the front door to let him in. You unlocked it and opened it up with an inevitably large smile that he was already mirroring upon seeing you on the other side of the door. 
“Hi.” He greeted you with a slightly bashful grin.
“Hi! What’re you doing here?” You asked him through a nervous chuckle.
“I know it’s a bit late now, but I-uh was wondering if you still wanted to do dinner? With me?” He asked hopefully and you bit your lip to suppress your smile for a moment.
“Your timing couldn’t be more impeccable. I was actually just about to throw a pizza in the oven.” You said, pointing behind you with your thumb. 
“Really?” He grinned and you nodded.
“Really, ummm come on in!” You chuckled and opened the door wider and he stepped forward. He immediately looked around the foyer before his eyes settled on you as you locked up. When you turned and saw him taking you in, you glanced down at your choice of pajamas bashfully. “Sorry, I’m a bit slob-by right now.” You explained.
“You’re not slob-by.” He assured with a small smile, “You look cute.” He shrugged and you laughed a bit, “M’serious. Like, yeah you usually look so put together, but this is nice too. You look cozy.” He assured and you chuckled.
“Thank you.” You accepted his compliment as he chuckled as well.
“Oh, got these for you.” He said as he extended the arrangement of flowers towards you and you took them.
“Thank you, they’re lovely.” You thanked him, “They’re not re-gifted are they?” You teased with a smirk and he chuckled.
“No, I swear they’re not!” He assured you, “I ummmm, didn’t end up going to the set up thing. I may have…sent her a $200 DoorDash gift card…” he said and you burst into laughter.
“No!” You gasped.
“You said, verbatim, do my worst!” He defended through a chuckle.
“I actually never said that. You said it yourself! I only told you to bomb it, but obviously, I was kidding.” You laughed as you shook your head, your eyes meeting his.
“No you weren’t.” He hummed knowingly as you bit your lip and shrugged.
“OK, I wasn’t…but that’s…I can’t believe you did that.” You chuckled as you shook your head again, “And here I was thinking you were incapable of being an asshole.” You teased.
“I also brought you some tiramisu.” He said as he raised the shoulder that had the tote bag hanging on it. “For like… old time’s sake.” He said.
“And I was right! So completely incapable of being an asshole.” You said and he chuckled, “Come on back to the kitchen.” You said and he followed you trough the house. “Can I get you anything to drink?” You asked as you set down the flowers and opened up the fridge, “I have…a very lovely red blend chilling in the fridge, I have…Coke Zero, water, or if you want a cocktail you can look through the bar.” You said as you turned around.
“Water is good for now.”
“Please.” He said and you reached in for the pitcher of water and set it on the counter.
“Can I hand you this cake?”
“Yeah, of course!” You said as he pulled out the individual serving of it and you set it on a shelf in there.
“Can I help you with anything?” He asked you.
“Ummm, let me hand you a vase for the flowers.” You said as you scurried around to get one out. And soon you were handing it over as he got some water in it, while you served him a glass from the pitcher.
“Here’s your water.” You said setting it down beside him.
“Thank you.”
“Yeah, of course!” You smiled, “Ummm, I only bought pineapple for my pizza.” You said.
“Oh! I mean, I already knew you had good taste, but that’s just perfect.” He hummed with a grin and you rolled your eyes playfully at just how over the top he was.
“Glad you like it, if you didn’t I would’ve had to ask you to leave.” You joked as you headed back over to where you had left you little can of drained pineapples unattended upon his arrival.
“That serious is it?”
“Oh yeah! Huge dealbreaker.” You responded smugly as he came up beside you.
“You know what my dealbreaker is?” He asked as he looked down at the pizza.
“What?” You questioned.
“When people are light-handed with the cheese.” He said to you, “Look at this!” He reprimanded playfully and you giggled.
“It’s not that I want to be stingy, I just have to be mindful of my tummy.” You defended. “Specially now that I have an unexpected guest!” Harry laughed at your excuse.
“Fine. But next time I’m gonna bring you those Lactaid pills so you can eat all the cheese you want.” He said and you smiled up at him.
“Wow, my hero. That’s so romantic of you.” You responded and he hummed.
“I know right.” He hummed smugly as you scattered the pineapple all over the pizza’s surface. “So how was lunch with Daniela?” He asked.
“Good. I think she just needed to talk about her plans. Cal had mentioned to me that I was abrasive, but I think he just likes that Dani is still quite…easy to talk into things. I mean, I was that way when we were first together because he’s older. I assumed he was wiser, knew better, knew more than I did, you know? So she still gives a lot of weight to how her calls will impact him and his feelings.”
“I see.” 
“Yeah, so I just reminded her to ensure that whatever she does next, that she’s doing what’s best for herself. Like, I know Cal hopes she’ll take him back and maybe she wants to, but she’s doubtful, you know?”
“Yeah, understandably so.”
“Right. And I mean, I also explained to her that living like that, with doubt in your partner is just awful and draining. So to only get back with him if she knew for a fact that everything was different this time.”
“Do you think it would be different?” Harry asked.
“I think so…Cal is so in love with her and I’m sure he would put in far more effort than he ever did with me. But at the end of the day he still broke her trust and that’s always going to be hard to recover, you know?”
“Yeah. Well, I think it’s good you were able to hear her out, give her a bit of advice.” He hummed and moved out of your way and hurried to open the door of the oven so that you could slide the tray in.
“Alright we have about 20 minutes.” You said as you closed up the door and then reached for your phone to set a timer.
“Cool. I’ll help you clean up a bit.”
“Oh, thank you.” You smiled and then just asked him to wash the things you had used to spread the sauce and the few dishes in the sink while you packed up the things you had used for the pizza. “So are you driving back home tonight and then coming back in the morning?”
“No, I was gonna get a room somewhere close by. I do own a home close by but I have a tenant there right now.” He said and you hummed.
“Well you can  stay here if you want?” You offered, “We have guest rooms and that way you won’t need to have another expense.”
“Only if you’re OK with it, Y/N.”
“Of course! I’ve stayed at your holiday home free of charge, let me at least do the same for you.” You smiled and he nodded.
“OK, thank you. I’ll go get my overnight bag from the car and ummm, possibly change into something more comfortable.”
“Yeah, sure!” You said and he hurried out to his car. 
You text Cece quickly to let her know that Harry had come by tonight and she responded so fast you swear she broke a record. She asked you to be extra nice to him, which you knew what she meant by that, but to please let her know if she needed to just find an excuse to cancel on you for brunch. You rolled your eyes upon reading that, but soon Harry was coming back into the kitchen.
“Let me give you the room upstairs.” You said before guiding him up the steps. “Sorry, we’re renovating the bathroom in the room downstairs. It has a door to the backyard as well, so we use it for the pool.” You shared as you reached the top of the stairs and flicked on the lights before you continued guiding him down the hallway.
“That’s alright. I’ll be closer if you need me. Or if I need you! You know, for safety reasons.” He tagged on and you sniggered as you stopped before the closed door. “Don’t laugh at me. You make me nervous.” He confessed lowly when you opened up the door to the room. You turned to him with some confusion as you moved aside to let him in.
“Do I really?” You asked him and he nodded as he stepped in further, “Why?” You questioned through a small laugh as you flicked on the lights. You were now a bit concerned with what he would say next. Would he be just like Caleb? Intimidated by a fully realized woman? Afraid that your power meant less power for him? 
“I just…don’t feel in control.” He explained with a slight furrow in his eyebrows as he set his bag down at the foot of the bed. “It’s not something that happens to me often so I don’t…know how to act sometimes.” He admitted with a nervous smile, “Like I just…word vomit or my thoughts get jumbled up, like they did just now, and it’s weird for me to feel this way.” He explained.
“Oh…” you said back quietly and then smiled. “Well, I must admit you make me nervous too.” You confessed as you stepped further into the room.
“See, I’d never know that.” He said with a small smile as you sat at the end of the bed as he proceeded to unzip his bag. “You always appear so poised and just collected.” He said as he removed his toiletries bag to get to his sleeping clothes.
“I assure you I am not.” You smiled nervously and then your smile faltered a bit. “That’s actually something that ummm…Caleb mentioned when he told me he wanted to get divorced. He said he used to love it and it’s one of the things he hates most about me now. I mean, he wasn't actually like, being a dick about it when he explained.” You said softly and Harry frowned as he looked up at you. “I guess he meant to say that he felt that I was emotionally impenetrable to some extent. Like I’m hiding behind the nonchalance?” You explained.
“Hey, look at me.” He said and you glanced up to him, “I don’t think you’re hiding. I think you’re just…maybe a little bit guarded.” He explained and you nodded, “And not in a way to elicit interest or speculation from others. S’just to ensure that you’re showing your vulnerability to the right people, to the people who you can trust. I don’t think I could ever hate that about you when it’s the thing that just…keeps me on my toes.” He smiled and you did as well, “I like it when you let me in and show me what exactly it is you’re thinking and feeling.” He explained.
“You’re right about it all. I mean, I used to be the biggest pushover, so now I just…ensure to be a bit more reserved to gauge who deserves more of me and who doesn’t. I don’t know, maybe to him it was some game, like I was playing hard to get or something? But it’s just that after being treated like a door mat for so long you start to toughen up, you know?”
“Yeah.” He hummed. “I don’t like that he gets to you like this.”
“Me either…I mean, usually he wouldn’t but like a part of me wants to feel some sense of responsibility for what happened so that there could be a logical explanation as to why he betrayed me this way. Like if there’s something, anything, I could fix or do better next time to prevent getting cheated on then I’ll be safe, you know? Then I could for certain say I did everything I could and the issue is with the other person. But when he says it’s just because he has a wandering eye then…I feel like an idiot because I basically walked into this situation, you know?” You explained to him.
“If he has a wandering eye he would’ve found any number of reasons to cheat, love. People like that always have an excuse and always find a way to shift blame. There is nothing you can or could’ve done better because it’s all in Cal’s hands. It always has been. His inability to have some respect for his wife and marriage and his lack of some basic self-control are his issues alone. S’got absolutely nothing to do with you, so get that out of your head. It’s absolute garbage.” He said with conviction and you bit your lip and nodded. Harry was right, these things were Cal’s issues alone and you were not interested in continuing to take any fault for him.
“You’re right. So right…” you hummed, “Well, I’ll leave you to get changed.” You said and he nodded as you closed the door behind yourself and headed back down stairs.
The night had been fun so far. Your pizza was good and you both had a couple of cocktails as you watched bake off, shouting at the TV screen as if you were watching the Super Bowl.
“If Janusz get’s kicked off I will throw a fit.” Harry mumbled, before letting out a shaky breath.
“His ice cream is not going to set in time…” you said with fear and just moments later you were both groaning as he served up his technical dessert. It was a completely melted mess. 
“Alright, he’s still got the show stopper to get back on his game.” Harry said and you hummed in agreement. Completely entranced as you watched the show stoppers until they were presenting it to the judges.
“Sandro’s got to take star baker.” You hummed.
“Yeah, he was basically smashing it the whole time.” He hummed in agreement. Moments later they announced Syabira as star baker. “What?! No!”
“No! Boo!” You both griped, “Her first custard was completely liquid!”
“And she failed the technical! It was absolute shit!” He added with gustó and you giggled a bit. “Sandro was robbed…” Harry shook his head. And then you watched as they let Kevin go with small frowns.
“I’m about to cry…God.” You muttered and he chuckled and pulled you into his side. You smiled as you rested your head against his shoulder and then you cuddled a bit closer.
“Go on and get comfy then.” Harry said softly and you smiled as you just had him lay down so that you could lay over his chest. The next episode came on and you both watched it quietly like this for a bit.
“Harry?” You spoke tentatively.
“I really like you.” You said softly. His heart started pounding hard at your confession.
“I really like you too.” He said as his hand ran up and down your back soothingly. “Literally think about you every day.” He confessed. You pressed yourself up a bit and smiled at him.
“Yeah!” He chuckled through his confirmation, “Wanted to talk to you a bit more but I figured you just needed some space to get everything sorted out.”
“Well thank you for considering that but ummm…you can talk to me whenever you want. Just throwing that out there.” You said with a grin and he chuckled.
“Can I kiss you?” You asked and he smiled.
“Yes. Please.” He barely got the words out before you were connecting your lips to his. 
You had no idea how, but just being around him made you feel like you were on fire. Your lips moved eagerly with his and you melted against him at the feeling of his big, warm hands siding down to your waist and pressing your body even closer against his. Your neck was growing a bit sore from your position so you decided to straddle his lap before connecting your lips to his again. The soft, wet smacks of your kisses made your tummy tingle. You reached one of your hands to his, guiding it down your backside. Harry was quick to take the hint and grabbed handfuls of your bottom before guiding you to rut against his lap. You could feel the bulge of his cock growing through the sweatpants he had on and you shifted on his lap, feeling his fingers dig into your bottom. It made you grin into the kiss and your eyes flickered open as you slightly pulled back. Harry opened his eyes and looked at you before glancing down to your lips, he started reaching to kiss you again, but you slightly pulled back with a teasing smirk and he smiled.
“Please.” He whispered.
“Please what?” You questioned innocently.
“Please kiss me.” He clarified and you lowered yourself back down only to skim your nose along his before kissing the corner of his mouth and he chuckled as he dug his fingers further into your bottom, “Please.” He requested again. It was making you excited, hearing him beg for you, “Please, baby.” He whispered.
  The impatience in his eyes was feeding a part of you that had been starved for so long. Your eyes were swimming with a dark need and every part of you just wanted to blow his mind and have him so horny and needy for you that he kept begging and begging for more of you. You wanted him to keep thinking about you nonstop, you wanted to make him feel so fucking good. Take such good care of him like he always did to you. You grabbed the side of his face gently with your right hand and he leaned into your touch as his eyes fluttered closed.
“Look at me.” You whispered and his eyes slowly blinked open to meet yours. They were also dark with lust and glanced down to your mouth again. You ground yourself against his clothed erection and you smirked as his eyes fluttered closed as a deep groan rumbled through him. “Gonna take such good care of you, Harry. I’m gonna make you feel so good, just how you make me feel good.” You whispered. “Want you t’do whatever you want to me when you feel it, OK?” You requested softly and he nodded.
“Yeah, baby.” He assured, “We’ll feel it out together, yeah?”
“Yeah.” You smiled before kissing him again. You suddenly sucked on his bottom lip before sinking your teeth into it and tugging it back. Your eyes met his and they followed yours until you were kissing his chin and then up his jaw. Harry extended his neck and you smiled before kissing right under his jaw, gently sucking, latching your lips to his skin. 
“Harder.” He muttered and you sighed and sucked harder. His hands squeezed your butt until you let go. You kissed the bruised little patch and then sunk lower. You kissed over his bobbing Adam’s apple and then the base of his throat.
“Take off your shirt.” You hummed seductively and then pulled back. He sat up quickly and haphazardly tore off his shirt before dropping it on the ground. Upon seeing his exposed body again you lunged at him. He sniggered softly as you immediately felt up his abs. He may or may not have flexed a bit harder so that your fingers could really feel the dips of his well defined, washboard abs. Then your hands roamed up his chest. So broad and firm, you could practically grab a handful of him. You sunk lower yet again to kiss over his pecs. You scratched down his left pec as your tongue swirled over his right nipple. You felt him twitch beneath you as you nipped at it gently before you sunk even lower. You kissed each one of his abs and around his belly button before kissing down the trail of hair leading to his cock. You stopped at the elastic of his sweatpants. 
“Let’s get these off.” you said and he helped you tug them down along with his briefs. His thick, heavy cock sprung up quickly as soon as his briefs were down his thighs. You quickly got them down to his ankles and he sat up and kissed you as he toed them off. His hands held your face securely as he licked into your mouth. You moaned into his messy kiss and reached for his cock. He sighed in relief as you squeezed your palm around his tip. You felt his precum smearing against your skin and you rubbed it over him before making a fist around the head and stroking up and down slowly.  “You’re so fucking big.” You mumbled into his mouth.
“I know, but you still take it all the way don’t you?” He responded and you nodded.
“Yeah. Love how you feel inside.” You panted.
“Mmm…suck my cock.” He ordered and you pecked his lips before sinking again and not wasting any time to get him into your mouth. He moaned the second your were sucking on his tip. You were messy with it, letting yourself salivate at the taste of his skin on your tongue. You got a little bit greedy and sunk down halfway. After a few seconds there you sunk down all the way and he groaned and dug his fingers into your hair as his tip met with the back of your mouth.
“Fuck…oh fuck…” he exhaled with eyes squeezed shut. You breathed through your nose as you tried to get him down your throat and gagged and he pulled you up quickly. “Breathe, baby. Breathe and try again.” He hummed, “Fuck, please try again. Need to get down your little throat.”
You swallowed thickly before sinking back down, taking your time to get him in deeper. Then you felt him start thrusting up slowly while his hands guided your head over him. He was locked on his pace, which helped you know when to expect the nudge of his tip to the entrance of your throat.
“Doing so well for me. Gonna go a bit deeper now. Breathe f’me. Then let it out nice and slow.” He said and you did so and when you started to exhale he started pushing your head down even lower. You hummed around him and he moaned at the vibrations around his cock. You were dripping saliva but neither of you seemed to care. He starting thrusting up a bit faster, just nudging down your throat, “Fuck, that’s a good girl…” He groaned deeply, “Take my fucking cock. Take my cock down your throat.” He grunted as he fucked your mouth until you just couldn’t hold off anymore and choked around his cock. He pulled you up and panted hard as he gripped your hair hard in his fist. You swallowed hard and caught your breath before resting your head on his thigh and smiling up at him. He smiled down at you too and then bit his lip as he watched you sink down and lave at his balls. You were gentle as you sucked one in between your lips. “Shit…fuck th-that’s fucking good.” He moaned, pushing your face closer to his groin. You moaned before popping off and sucking the other one just the same until his legs were wriggling beneath you. “Fuck you’re gonna make me come…” he moaned and you quickly popped off and he was panting. “Shit.” He chuckled breathily and you hummed and kissed his thigh.
“Can I ride your cock?” You asked and he nodded.
“Yes. Please baby, ride my cock.” He begged. You knelt up and slid your shirt off before standing from the couch to get your shorts off. Harry sat upright but slouched against the couch. He wrapped a fist around his cock as he watched you undressing. “So fucking pretty.” He hummed and you smiled as you approached him and then knelt  over his lap.
“Ready?” You whispered and he nodded. He glanced down, holding his cock up at your entrance to let you lower yourself. You started to drop your hips, obsessing over the feeling of his cock sinking into your sopping pussy. You felt the pressure increasing against your entrance until it finally gave and he plunged deep into you. You both moaned in satisfaction as you relished in the feeling of his cock finally being inside of you. “Fuck you’re so deep.” You smiled against his lips and he hugged tight around your waist and pulled you down as he thrust up hard. You gasped as he reached new depths that made your thighs tremble because his tip was rubbing right into your spot. You were covered in goosebumps in seconds before an involuntary moan spilled out of your throat.
“Fuck…that’s it isn’t it, baby?” He hummed haughtily as he thrust up into it again.
“Yeah.” You whimpered, “Right there…please don’t stop!” You keened as your toes curled. You started to grind down against him going faster and faster until your were gasping and choking on a cry as your orgasm rolled through your body like a giant wave. You tingled and shivered and seemingly vibrated in ecstasy. You felt so secure as Harry hugged around you tight, continuing to move you over his cock, helping you ride out your orgasm. You started to ride him again, adding a little more bounce to your movement and he groaned and surged forward to latch his lips to your nipple. He sucked hard as you ground down against him.
“You’re so good.” He hummed before sucking it back in again. Your hands raked into his hair and he groaned as you tugged a bit roughly at the roots. “Fuck, you feel so good, baby.” He praised, “Can I take you to the bedroom?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yeah, let’s get up there.” You grinned and without regard for your clothes rushed from the TV room to the bedroom he'd be in. 
He followed you in, not really minding the door as he trailed behind you, hands on your hips. He turned you around when you got to the foot of the bed and he picked you up and tossed you up further onto the bed. You laughed as he clambered over you, kissing you as he parted your legs to fit himself between them. You bit your lip as he lined up to your entrance again and started to push inside. Your jaw dropped as you exhaled in relief at his girth stretching you and filling you up. Harry’s eyebrows were creased as he tried to keep it together and just held himself deep inside before drawing himself out. You whined at the lack of his intrusion and he grinned.
“Please, Harry. Please.” You whispered.
“Yeah, baby? Want my cock?” He teased and you nodded.
“Yeah, please. Need you back inside.” You keened and he prodded at your entrance, teasing you by just letting his tip push into you before he’d draw his hips back. You lifted yours up trying to chase after his cock, desperate to feel him back inside of your tight, hot walls. “Harry…” you whined, eyes locking on his and he chuckled at your desperation before just dipped back inside to the hilt. He rolled his hips into you and made your eyes roll back in pleasure. He immediately started to pick up his pace, the thwacking sound of his balls against your ass was making you feral. You were cursing and whimpering as his cock hit all of the right spots. You fit a hand between your bodies and rubbed at your clit in quick circles until your were struggling to breathe, body tensing up as your pleasure started to reach it’s peak.
“Fuck, you’re so close. I can feel it, you’re so fucking wet for me and squeezing so hard, baby.” Harry hummed with hunger as he maintained his thrusting pattern consistent. It was building you up, pushing you towards the edge with each one until you were trembling.
“Oh! I’m coming!” You cried out loudly as you rubbed your clit faster until you were withering around Harry’s cock. He moaned as he started thrusting harder and deeper into you. You winced with each merciless thrust to your poor, sensitive, dripping pussy.
“You OK? Want me to stop?” He asked and you quickly shook your head.
“Please no.” you whimpered and he chuckled lowly.
Should I keep going and flood your little pussy with my come?“ He panted.
“Yes please, I want it so bad.” You mewled and he groaned.
“Fuck…fuck, I’m right there…” he moaned before he choked out a groan and dropped his weight over you and he sunk as deep as possible, releasing his load deep inside of you. He was panting but found your mouth with his. Kissing you sloppily as he hummed in pleasure. He was tingling and you were loving the warmth and weight of his body over yours. “Fuck, I missed you.” He sighed in satisfaction and you smiled as you hugged around his back.
“I missed you too.” You hummed happily.
After lazing around for a bit Harry headed off to have a shower and you ended up telling Cece that you guys could just meet up for dinner and she was very supportive of that decision. You joined Harry in the shower and had another go in there before he ended up dragging you out and eating you out on the bed until you were seeing stars. Your chest even burned a bit from how shallow your breathing was.
“Fuck…oh my god…” you panted as Harry kissed his way up your body before reaching your lips and kissing you quickly, “Think we’ll need to sleep in my room, the bed’s all damp now.” You huffed.
“Do you mind?” He asked and you shook your head.
“Not at all.” You assured him.
After he got dressed you were both settling into your bed. He pulled you closer into his body, spooning you so that you were nice and snug against him.
“Thank you for coming over.” You hummed quietly and Harry smiled and hugged you just a bit tighter.
“There’s no where I’d rather be, baby.” He assured you. “The divorce is final in a few weeks right?”
“Mhmmm.” You confirmed.
“Can I take you out or is it too soon?” He asked quietly and you turned around.
“I’d love to go out with you.” You said, practically beaming from ear to ear.
“Oh great, I’ll plan something special for us soon. I’d say tomorrow, but tomorrow, we’re spending it in bed. Have to make up for lost time, so rest up.” He hummed before kissing you and you easily fell into it until he turned around and asked you to scratch his back and you talked quietly until you both dosed off. 
The next few days were absolute bliss with Harry. You got a peek of his domestic side and were absolutely obsessed with how sweet and thoughtful he was. Of course the reunion with Cece was as exciting as you’d imagined. There were tons of laughs and inside jokes now and of course, the promise that Harry would be around a lot more. He had made breakfast for you Sunday morning and then drove you around to do your errands for some events you had coming up in the next few weeks. You spent some time in the hot tub, mostly making out until you just needed to have a shower and have another good shag before bed. Your body was sore and tired, but you hadn’t felt so good in so long. Good in every sense of the word. You felt at ease around him and the evidence was in how you passed out on his chest as he played with your hair tenderly.
“Hey, baby.” Harry mumbled against your temple as you stirred a bit.
“Hmm?” You groaned groggily.
“Sorry it’s so early, but I’ve gotta go to work.” He said and you frowned, your weekend together had flown by.
“Right…Monday.” You huffed with dread and he chuckled.
“Yeah, love.” He said before kissing your forehead, your cheeks, and then you puckered your lips against his softly. “I have a dinner meeting tonight, but I can come again on Tuesday? Can even get off early, help you set up for that event for your client?” He offered and you nodded immediately and he chuckled. “Alright, baby.” 
“Drive safe.”
“I will. I’ll text you when I get to the office, OK?”
“OK.” You hummed, “I’ll walk you out?”
“S’alright.” He assured and you shook your head and sat up.
“I insist, baby.” You said and he smiled and gave you a second to stretch before you hurried down the stairs with him and out to the door.
“Miss you already!” He called out the window and you grinned and blew him a kiss before he drove off.
You and Harry had been seeing each other on the DL for four months now. He had asked you to be his girlfriend on new year’s eve and you’d been spending all of your free time together. Shortly after the divorce with Cal was finalized you guys were able to sell the house and you’d found somewhere else to live by then which was actually a bit close to Harry’s own place which was rather convenient as your relationship grew more and more serious. Personally, you were thriving and you were looking after yourself so much more than before. Harry was an incredible partner and you swore that everything you felt for him couldn’t fit inside of you in any way, it seemed to be overflowing and you were seriously considering telling him you loved him over your holiday in Italy.
Cal had been doing a bit better than before. Dani ended up asking to be transferred to the London branch of the company and had been there since January. Obviously, this completely devastated Caleb, but he seemed to also just focus on bettering himself. You didn’t really talk often after he told you Dani left, he wasn’t sure who to talk to it about, but you encouraged him to find a therapist to work on himself and he assured you he would try his best. He would reach out every now and again though, he was still feeling a bit lonely and you were itching to tell him that you and Harry were together. You hated feeling like you had to hide your happiness, but Harry had insisted on telling Cal himself before you went on your vacation. He said that at least this way you’d be gone long enough to give him time to get used to the idea without feeling like you guys were shoving your relationship in his face. You agree to let him do it in his own time, but also it would save you the difficult task of having to tell your ex-husband that you were in a relationship with his boss; you couldn’t see that conversation going well in any capacity.
Harry was also very happy with you. He loved to see you thriving and he was more than thrilled that he was playing such a pivotal role in your happiness. He feels that he had always been a pretty good partner, but with you it was just different. He lived for the times he made you smile. He was also very excited for your romantic Italian holiday, it was just three weeks away now. He had planned to stop in England for a few days on the way back so that you could meet his family, he just felt like he needed to make all of the right moves with you because he wanted you in his life forever if possible. 
He was currently typing away at his computer furiously, just trying to get everything settled before he left. Just then a few knocks on his door sounded.
“Hey Harry, you wanted to talk to me?” Caleb asked as he came into his office and Harry glanced up at Cal.
“Hey mate, yeah. Have a seat.” Harry instructed and soon Cal was settling into one of the seats in front of Harry’s desk.
“What can I do for you?” Caleb asked cheerfully.
“I’m going to be out of the country on holiday for a month in a few short weeks and I just wanted to touch base with you about some of the things I’d like you to be in charge of while I’m gone.”
“Yeah sure.”
“So I’d like you to head all of the client meetings for that time period. You’ve been doing so well with that, I trust you the most to make things work and to cut the best deals. There’s a particular client that I really want to land, I’ll email you all that information and my personal files on the client. Please look over it when you get a minute today and we can discuss some strategy tomorrow.”
“Additionally, you and Daria will be overseeing all operations in my absence. That being said, you’ll receive a bonus for all the extra work you put in for that month. I know it might make you have to shift your schedule somewhat so please just take note of any extra hours and I’ll will ensure you get some OT for those hours as well.”
“Not necessary, Harry but thank you.” Caleb nodded in agreement, “So where are you heading off to?” Cal asked and Harry bit his lip for a second. He knew you didn’t mind him telling Cal about your relationship, in fact he had been the one to ask if he could break it to Cal because of their overlapping professional relationship and well, now was the moment to do it. He had even tried to do it a bit sooner but when he’d seen it was a rough day for Caleb he’d put it off. But this needed to happen now.
“Italy.” He shared and Cal’s eyebrows arched up in surprise.
“Oh, nice! Y/N is going to Italy soon too. Not too sure of the dates but-”
“That’s actually another reason for why I wanted to talk to you.” He said and Cal looked at him expectantly, “I’m…with her. Y/N, she’s my girlfriend and we’re going on holiday together.” He said, just getting it out there and Cal’s eyebrows arched up even further.
“Oh…” was all he said and Harry nodded, waiting for his next response expectantly but he didn’t say much, just kind of looked at his desk.
“I wanted to tell you because well, we still work together. I know that your marriage ended not too long ago, but I just want you to know that whatever has gone on outside of work is not any of my business so long as you keep doing excellent work here. And I have certainly treated you as a great employee and friend to some extent and ummm, I hope that you will do the same for me now that I’m with Y/N. I guess, I'm just saying I hope this doesn’t impact our professional relationship.” Harry explained.
“When did this happen?” Cal asked, seemingly ignoring what Harry had just said.
“Officially, I asked her to be my girlfriend on new year’s. I think we’re getting serious now though.” Harry said.
“Already, huh?” He asked with a sad smile and Harry nodded.
“Yeah, I’m ummm…in love with her and I want to see this through.” Harry admitted to him and Caleb cleared his throat and nodded.
“Right. Well, thanks for telling me. I don’t love her anymore, but it’s just…a weird situation, you know? It’s fine though, I’m glad you’re happy with her.” 
“Of course. And well, Y/N wanted to tell you a bit sooner but I insisted I break the news to you since…we’re the ones who will continue to see each other day to day.”
“No, I get it. She’s…great and I mean, you’re lucky to have her in your life.” He said and Harry nodded.
“Thank you, I know.”
“What ummm…what brought you guys together?” He asked.
“I think the dinner at my place in September really sealed the deal. I mean, I thought she was beautiful and smart and just the way she helped Tamika and well, Dani…I just thought she was really great. Then ummm I went to check on her since I could tell she was…a bit sad about the way the night had gone for her and ummm…one thing led to another and…well…” he sighed and Cal looked surprised.
“I’m really sorry.” Harry apologized because he had never meant to get in between you two. And though he had omitted your previous interactions, he felt that having sex with you while you were upset with Cal could make him think that Harry had something to do with you also being eager to get a divorce from him. 
“Well, it’s not like I didn’t deserve it.” He said and Harry frowned a bit, “Just…treat her right, yeah?”
“I will.” Harry smiled and Cal returned the gesture.
“And she’s happy?” He asked Harry who nodded.
“Yeah, very happy. She’s doing great.” Harry confirmed.
“Good.” He hummed.
Obviously, things were just a bit weird for the rest of the day but Harry felt nothing but relief knowing that he’d been able to finally tell Caleb about his relationship with you. He loved you, it had happened so quickly for him, but just getting to say that to someone had made it all the more real. For the rest of the day he felt this pressure over his chest, an anxious need to tell you exactly how he felt for you. He didn’t want it to go unsaid for a minute more.
And when he got to your apartment that night and heard some Frank Sinatra playing through the door he immediately smiled. He loved that he could see you whenever he wanted now, though that did nothing to get him to stop thinking about you all day every day.
“Baby, is that you?” You called out as soon as you heard the front door close with a heavy thud.
“Yeah!” He called back as he set his things down and slipped out of his shoes, “It smells amazing!”
“It’s a chickpea masala soup!” You announced and soon you felt Harry wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Hi, baby.” He greeted as he kissed the side of your head.
“Hi!” You greeted him happily and then spun around to grab his face, “A kiss please.”
“Another?” He grinned and you nodded, “Of course. Anything for m’girl.” He hummed happily and pressed his lips to yours. After a few distracting and wonderful moments of your lips together you parted and you reared back to look in his eyes, “Told Cal about us today.” He shared.
“Oh? How’d he take it?” You asked right away.
“Fine. He was just surprised.” Harry explained and you nodded.
“Good. So I can come visit you at work now.” You grinned.
“Course. I’ll always make time for you.” He hummed happily and you kissed him again, “Ummm, as I was talking to him I ummm realized something. Well not realized, because I’ve known but realized that I needed to do something about it. And I just really need to tell you that I…that I love you.” He said and your eyes softened as they met his.
“Do you really?” You asked with a little smile.
“Yeah, baby. You’re everything I didn’t know I was missing. The moment you came into my life it was changed, for the better, of course. And I don’t want to let another minute pass me by without telling you that despite all the time and hurt that we’ve endured, we met when we were supposed to and I can’t imagine my life without you in it. My whole heart is all yours, always.” He said sweetly and you pouted in endearment with a thumping heart at his confession.
“I love you too. With every piece of my heart and I don’t even want to think about life without you, H. Thank you for loving me.” You said and he chuckled as he kissed your forehead.
“No, thank you for making me feel whole. I’m so lucky to have met you, I’ll never ever get tired of showing you what you mean to me, baby.” He assured with a happy smile as your eyes teared up.
“Oh, I love you so much.” You sighed as you hugged him tight and he hummed happily.
“I love you.” He whispered happily.
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@sunshinemoonsposts @anotherdudetteinthisworld @matildasatellite @sad-avocado @sunflovverharry @cherrysulewski @daphnesutton @gurugirl @jessitpwk @permanentllyharry  @here4thefanfics @slutfortigertattoo @angelbabyyy99 @freedomfireflies @behindmygreyeyes@mellamolayla @nikkisimps @dioc4ne @straightontilmornin @mema10 @fkinavocado @hazuniverse @lolyouallsuck @kathb59 @fictionalmensblog @criesbc1d @mamassssontour
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honeyshiddendesire · 2 months
So You Thought I Was Nice?
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Pairing: Paulie x Fem Reader
Warnings: 18+ duhhh lol Minors Begone!!! Rope Play, bondage, dom! Paulie, vaginal penetration, friends to lovers, rough sex, mating press, dirty talk/ degradation (silly girl, messy girl, sloppy thing, nasty girl) pet names (darling, doll, sweetheart), messy pussy eating, pussy smacking, creampie
*My first Paulie smut cause he is underrated and needs extra love!! If you don't like Rough Paulie keep scrolling please!!**
Summary: You unknowingly get Paulie all worked up and he has to show you he’s not as nice as you think he is.
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“Ugh I just wish someone would be rough with me. Is that too much to ask?” You sigh as you sit on your friend's couch and instantly you hear Paulie let out a sigh. “Listen darling I’m all for hearing you vent …but this is too much for me.” He can’t help but groan as he runs a hand over his face. You pout as you look at him, his hands lighting up his cigar to get his nerves to calm down but you only press on. “I’m serious Paulie and come on you’re my best friend. Who else am I gonna say this too?”
“Hopefully anyone else but me.” Paulie’s continuous groans make you roll your eyes as you toss a pillow at him. “Oh hush Paulie you’re a big boy you can hear this kind of stuff unless you’re too nice for sexual things.” Paulie glares your way before shaking his head, “Better watch it doll you’re gonna get on my last nerve if you keep this up.”
If you keep rolling your eyes they were gonna fall out but his words just had you in full sass mode, “Yeah right it’s like I said you’re too nice. Besides, what cha gonna do anyway, hmm? You’re just like the other soft guys I have sex with, all bark and absolutely no bite at all.”
“Alright that’s it. Get your ass up.” His command was said with a red face that makes you break out into a laugh which only makes him see red. Instantly your hands are being pulled together by a long rope. “What the - hey!”
“I said…Get up. Now.” He grunts with a puff of smoke, yanking at the rope making you sit up on the couch. “Or did ya think I was too nice?” You couldn’t even think of a comeback, this spark in Paulie making your breathing pickup. You wondered what his next move was but you also wondered what yours should be as well. Should you play nice or keep being a brat just to see how far he’d go. Both options sounded good but you took too long for his liking. Putting out his cigar in the ashtray on his coffee table he stepped toward you with a very uncharacteristic smirk that you weren’t used to.
“What’s the matter, doll? You scared?”
“N-no.” You can’t help but stutter out but it comes off all quiet and you mentally beat yourself up for it. You’re usually such a brat but something in you just wants to comply. “Want me to let you in on a little secret?” He asks, leaning down toward your face, tugging on the ropes so you’d get closer, his hand holding your chin to look at him. Your eyes focused on him as he grins at your expectant expression, “I love breaking bratty girls like you.”
You gasp as he picks you up, tossing you over his shoulder carrying you into his bedroom where he tosses you on the bed like a sack of potatoes. “Safe words shipwright.” He tells you as he ties the rope to his metal bed frame. Your breath hitches as you see him move to stand at the foot of the bed, his hands removing his jacket dropping on the floor. You knew he was fit from his job but seeing him remove his shirt in front of you to reveal cut abs was a sight to behold. “Careful doll, you keep looking at me like that and I don’t know how I’ll hold up.” His tone was stern but he still wore his signature blush.
Removing his belt he winds it in his hands snapping it to make a loud sound that has you yelp, “Now you better behave or I’ll have to use this on you. Got it doll?” Without realizing you found yourself nodding along and he just smirked. “Good.”
He made quick work of your clothes leaving your bottom bare and ripe for his greedy eyes to view. Paulie scowls as he looks at your soaked cunt, “Look at how fucking messy you are, such a sloppy brat getting all wet just from a couple words. Disgusting.” Though his words are harsh you notice how his blush only deepens and he licks his lips, eyes never leaving your pussy. You squirm from his gaze and he only clicks his teeth pushing your legs open, “Behave.”
“No.” You mumble and he only grins, “No? Yeah I’ll get you to behave real quick.” Paulie says as he pushes your legs back and dives straight down to your leaky core. A scream ripping from you as he swats at your pussy, before licking you like a starving man. Sucking at your clit roughly making you squeal out his name in shock, “Oh fuck Paulie!”
“Ah ah ah~ a lady shouldn’t curse.” He grins even though you have the mouth of a sailor he still had rules that only he could break. Biting your lip so you can keep your curses all muffled as he shoves his tongue inside your pussy, circling around to get a taste of your juices. Nipping at your clit gently until you were squealing and squirming even more. “Paulie what the hell!” You can't help but yelp again as he slaps your clit, “I said behave.”
“Okay okay!” You whine out and he just chuckles before diving back in, shaking his head and sucking at your clit, his strong hands pushing your legs back to keep you still. You were a wreck, you didn’t think him of all people would be so sloppy then have the nerve to back up as if admiring his work and spill out utter filth. “Damn you’re such a messy girl, leaking all over the fucking place. Nasty pussy making my bed all wet.” You frown breathing deeply but there’s no weight to his words as he simply dives back in like you’re the best meal ever. “Tastes so fucking good mmm.” Paulie’s moans make your eyes roll back as they send vibrations throughout your body. You couldn’t get enough of him and neither could he.
“Paulie~!” His name leaving your throat in a whiny moan that makes him slap your thigh gently. Your sounds making his brain fuzzy and eat you with your passion, running his tongue through your folds, sucking at your lips and clit before kissing you all over. Stars danced across your eyes as you felt yourself cum in his mouth, a moan leaving you as you felt him squeeze at your thighs with a bruising grip that left you dizzy. Your voice was gonna be wrecked when he was done with you but you had a feeling that wouldn’t be the only thing he wrecked. After he left you shaking he moved to kiss up your thighs sloppily until he sat up and undid his pants, licking his lips as you watched with your chest heaving. He grinned as he looked at your flustered expression, legs shaking and chest rising and falling rapidly, “Easy there baby don’t want you passin out on me.”
Paulie felt a spark of pride seeing you like this laid out for him and it grew when he saw your eyes go wide just as he let out his thick cock from their confines. The tip leaking and red waiting impatiently to finally dip inside your wet caverns that he wanted to destroy. “Gonna make you apologize for all that shit talking you were doing earlier. I’m not gonna go easy on you sweetheart so you better be ready.”
Nodding your head rapidly you couldn’t help but give a breathy answer, “Please Paulie fuck- please show me.” SMACK! “Fu~ sorry!” You almost curse again but stop yourself after feeling the sting on your thigh again.
“Making me repeat myself again doll? Guess you really did want someone rough huh?” He taunts to you before kissing up your body, his cock grinding against your sensitive folds, “I’m gonna have to fuck some manners into you and this pussy for making such a mess. That sound good to you sweetheart?” He asked and you found yourself nodding quickly, your voice lost as you felt every vein pressing into your throbbing clit.
“Good girl.” Paulie whispers against your lips making you lean up trying to kiss him and he only smirks, “Didn’t think you were so needy.” You whine as you feel him grind into you hard, tongue licking at your bottom lip before dominating its way into your mouth. You release a moan at the taste of yourself, his tongue swirling around yours and you sigh into the kiss legs wrapping around his waist to cage him close to you. You feel him pull his hips back making your heart race in anticipation, a moan being muffled by his tongue stuffing your mouth as he thrusts his cock deep in your wet pussy.
“Fuck~” Paulie groans as he leans back untangling your legs from his waist just to push them back into the mattress. You throw your head back as you feel him push deeper into you, “Yes!” This is what you needed all along. You just never realized that Paulie of all people was the one that could do it for you. He left you speechless as he picked up a brutal pace, pulling all the way out just to slam his full length back into you, never giving you or your pussy a chance to adjust. Toes curling and eyes rolling at the feeling of finally being used how you so desperately craved, “Paulie!” His name leaves your lips like a broken song that he wanted to play on repeat all night and he was gonna make sure he heard it.
“Like that ya brat?” His voice groans out, jaw tense and face a deep shade of red, blonde hair falling in front of his face as his goggles were long forgotten on the floor. You couldn’t find the words and just nodded in response, moans broken getting louder by the second and he could only scowl. “Can’t speak anymore huh?” You just whine as you feel him grip your thighs harder, his eyes looking down to where you both were connected.
“Slutty little pussy.” He mumbles as he watches his cock getting soaked by your creaming cunt sucking him in deeper. His hands on your thighs definitely gonna leave a bruise that you couldn't wait to see in the morning. The sound of slapping skin filled the room, the headboard rocking loudly along with your screams of pleasure were like music. It made his ears rings and he needed you to cum but he wanted you to beg him for it. Slowly his hips down has you whining and looking at him with pleading eyes that made him smirk.
“Awe what's the matter, brat? Ready to admit that I ain't so nice?” He taunts but it's breathy and makes your pussy clench. He looked so hot like this, hair a mess, face flushed and abs rippling as he had you folded. “Yes! Yes Paulie you're so fucking rude!”
Scowling he reached up and pulled your hair till your back arched with a moan, “Naughty little brat you just don't listen do you? Say you're sorry if you want to cum.” He groans, leaning down to bite at your neck, making you gasp. “I'm sorry Paulie please! Pleasepleaseplease lemme cum. I'll be good! Ugh I'll be so good I promise!” You whine and he leans down to nip your bottom lip.
“Yeah you'll be good for me finally? No more fucking those softies huh?” Paulie's words catch you by surprise but honestly you couldn't agree more. With the way he was fucking you there was no way you'd go back to anyone else when he was giving it to you so good.
“Yes Paulie I promise! Ah~! I'm all yours please let me cum!” You found yourself pleasing and he rewards you with a deep kiss and his hands going back to open your legs more. Hips picking back up their brutal pace on your cunt that was gonna be his by the end of this.
“Whose pussy does it belong to from now on then?” Paulie asks and all this filthy unexpected talk just took you for a world wind. It was too much and you couldn't take it at this rate. “Yours Paulie! It's all yours!” You scream out to him and he licks at your lips. Looking in your eyes as he says, “So cum for me baby.”
“Oh~Yes!” You scream in ecstasy, eyes rolling back and body arching toward him as you spray your pretty juices all over his cock. A deep groan leaving him as he cums right along with you, hips stuttering for a moment as he fucks ropes of cum deep in your pussy.
You didn't realize when he undid the ropes in your afterglow until he spun you around to lay on his chest. Both of you falling back into the mattress with a long sigh of satisfaction. His face red as a tomato hoping nothing more would be said or he'd die of embarrassment.
You had a huge smile plastered on your face as you looked up at him, his arms tightening around you hoping to squeeze the words he knew were coming out. “Wow Paulie I didn't think you had it in you.” You grin and he just groans loudly in response. “Oh hush it will ya. Don't make me gag you.”
Your eyes beamed at his statement and he only blushes more realizing he made a mistake in his words. “Really!? Can we try that next time!”
“Dammit you shameful woman! Do you always think with that pussy of yours?”
Staring at him with a big smile that he can't seem to look away from you nod your head, “Yup!”
Paulie just knew he had his hands full with a lady like you by his side.
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rosie-writings · 4 months
Breathe Me Out, Drink You In
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Summary: After the wedding, you and Sam find each other alone in the dressing room and again in the bathroom of your wedding night suite.
Warnings: Sam x Reader smut, Unprotected sex, Semi public, Blowjob, Sex in bath, all the fluff during rough sex
Words: 4.5K
No Y/N Used
Title is from ‘Telomeres’ by Sleep Token
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Sam had the eyes that I would wake up to every morning for the rest of my life. 
I could tell; feel it. Somethings people simply know. And I knew. As ridiculous as that sounded, I knew how it sounded, it was true. 
The first time I saw him, it took my friend yanking on my arm to get me to look away. After I answered her, I looked back at him, and his eyes, ever blue and unblinking, still held my body. 
I went home with him that night, and it wasn't a secret for anyone. He kicked out his roommates who were there at that club and their sparkling eyes and jeering smiles were the last memory I had before I got that blond alone. 
He woke up first and brushed my hair and kissed me awake. I didn't leave for two days. 
I also don't remember the last time I had sex that much in two days. It was enough to almost ask my therapist if my addictions swapped up for a weekend. 
I didn't leave until his sleepy looking roommate—the one with the dark hair and leather jackets—came home not caring what he ran into or heard because he simply wanted to sleep in his own bed. I couldn't blame him. I wondered how much he ripped into Sam, after I left, for having to hear us through their shared walls. 
For such a large house, I was caught off guard that their bedrooms shared walls. 
Now it made sense. They wanted to be as close as possible to each other without actually sharing a bed at night. 
It took fourteen months for Sam to propose to me. Then he told me he spent the past seven trying to convince Colby. 
Our lives mended easily. For as big of YouTube channels they both had and shared, I was completely shocked that I didn't know who they were. They didn't know me, but I too made a living making silly videos. 
“Out of everyone, though,” Colby eventually pulled me aside at our engagement party two months ago, “I'm not surprised he chose you. I mean; you're both made for each other. In what other world would it feel right for a couple to get engaged seven months after meeting?”
Seven months after meeting. 
That was how I knew Colby knew that I was the one for his best friend; he agreed the first time Sam asked, but he didn't want to lose him. He didn't want to lose him to the possibility of being heart broken. 
It was clear as day, now, to all of us; our entire friend group. 
I was theirs, they were mine. 
And Sam and I were one. 
“Literally-Literally—no really—I told her that—” Sam broke into laughter as the music drowned his words. I smiled and tried to keep down my own laughs as much as possible from the recognition of the story he told. His arm hung around my neck with a drink in his hand. While he was distracted in conversation, I sipped from it. Tara gave me a look. “So I told her that—I was like ‘Yeah no, no we’re getting married in May, you know,’” Sam’s voice was soft as he remembered the words I listened to him tell that one Hotel manager. God, he was so awkward in that moment I was surprised his face didn’t flare pink.
”And she gave me a look and looked her up and down and tells her that she wasn’t the one girl we’ve brought there.” At that point I burst out laughing. I remembered the hotel; it wasn’t even a hotel that gave us enough substance or evidence so we fucked around during the entire video.
I still get hate for not being serious enough in that video.
”And I look at her, apparently shocked, and before I say anything she goes ‘You see a lot of things working at hotels for as long as I have-‘ I cut her off laughing and she’s just glaring at me, I go ‘Oh you mean that one blonde and brunette? That’s literally Kris and Celina our best friends from Canada.’ And I’m not joking, right at that moment, Colby’s coming back from grabbing shit and doesn’t see her and says ‘Alright babes, ready to find ghost pussy?’” Sam takes a step back, and my best friend who tood across from me burst out laughing; the friend next to her dropped her jaw.
”To be clear,” I laughed. “It was almost three am by that point, we had two energy drinks, and from our first investigation, we knew there wasn’t jack shit there so it was like moral support for us to not start breaking down sobbing.”
”Oh my god!” Our friend cried as she sucked literal tears in. “That’s why she gave us such weird looks when we checked in!” Tears actually fell by now. My best friend and a couple other girls also stayed at the hotel a week after me, Sam and Colby stayed, and they booked the same room under the boys’ names since it was in the middle of a chain of investigations we did together. It was easier for them to book all the rooms under their names, and the girls and I booked all the flights.
”Dude, there is no way I’m going back,” I sobbed. “It was too funny.”
”I’m so embarrassed,” Sam gasped through laughter. “Like what does she think—“
”I know,” my best friend cried. 
Our voices were roughened by the alcohol and the sheer decibel we had to shout over the music and other heightened conversations. We were outside; the sun set halfway behind the ocean horizon and shot orange stripes across the once blue sky. 
It was the night before our wedding.
Instead of individual bachelor/bachelorette parties, we combined our weddings parties and went out. This was a lounge we went to once before, and we talked about it for months and months after. It was a phenomenal night. Of course we chose this place for this special moment. 
Sam didn’t leave my side all night.
I tried my hardest to not look at him because if I did, I would never look away and then it would escalate into things our best friends would be traumatized seeing.
“I love you,” he said later in the night when the strand lights that encompassed the ever large pergola outside the lounge we danced under. “God, I love you so much it scares me.” I nodded. I didn’t move other than the tiny movements we made; we stopped dancing completely regardless of the loud music and other busybodies around us.
“I know,” I hummed. My arms rested around his neck. He caved towards the drag of my thumb on his skin. “Love you too, so much.” My voice fell into a whisper. 
The next time I saw him, it was at the altar. 
I told him I wanted him to wear white too because he was just as much mine as I was his. We were married in the garden of a hotel downtown; the reception inside opulent but simple and blended with the art deco chandeliers and plush green carpets. Other than the room, there really was no color in our wedding. 
Everyone wore white. My bridesmaids’ dresses were a-line slip in champagne and the groomsmen wore off white suits with minimal black accents; the only thing that separated Sam and I. We didn't wear anything other than white. 
After, when the adrenaline settled and the taste of Sam's committal kiss still on my lips, we stood upstairs. We took photos outside before we shared a flute of champagne privately. 
“Alright, reception is in 10.” I remember Colby telling us as he ushered the rest of the wedding party out. A wave of nervousness hit my stomach when he led them all out. My best friend gave me a look and I swore my face burned. 
As the door closed, Sam moved into my vision. He looked at me without saying a word. My ears rang in the silence; I figured that his did too. Then, his hand reached up and held my face. I basked in his gaze as his eyes raced all over me.
He kissed me sweetly. I hummed as I tasted the same champagne in his cool mouth, and I took him deeper and deeper until his body flushed with mine.
”Sam,” I moaned quietly. His mouth raced down my neck and my hand tangled in his hair. I pulled him back since much was on my mind.
“I haven’t been able to-to basically worship you all day. You look unbelievable, you think I’m not going to take this time to touch you?”
“Sam—“ I gasped his name when he rushed me and pinned me against the wall with a kiss. Melted into it, my hands wrapped around his neck, and he pried his hips in between my legs. ”Oh my god,” I gasped when I realized what he wanted; what we were about to do. “We have ten minutes.”
”And you haven’t been wanting me to touch you for the past two hours?” My face heated.
That was what those explicit messages he sent me while I got ready with my bridesmaids were for.
”Hurry,” I whispered, and so he did.
One of my legs was over his elbow as he finished tugging at his pants. 
“Oh my fucking god—“ His whisper rushed out fast as his fingers navigated my underwear—the lingerie I planned for him to tear off later, not now—and shoved his fingers into the warmth he created.
”No-No,” I moaned as his fingers filled me over and over. “Just get inside me.”
He didn’t fight it. Something about our precarious situation and lack of time added fire under my skin; I liked when he listened to what I demanded of him. Of course it was only in these situations. 
“Fuck me,” I whispered with a tone that was entirely too sweet for the vulgar words. “Holy shit—” He held my neck, thumb hooked under my chin, as his other hand left an imprint in my hip. 
“Yeah?” He was so quiet that I hardly heard him, and it left my legs so weak I was grateful he held me up. “I'm going to cum in you and then we're going to party with our friends at the reception and my cum is going to stay there making a mess between your legs and you're not going to clean it up, right?”
“Fuck—Yes,” I gasped so entirely quietly and meekly that I had to close my eyes. I almost passed out. With a louder moan, he leaned against me and placed kisses on my neck.
“Touch yourself-Touch yourself for me, make yourself cum with me,” he whispered in my hair. I shoved a hand in between us and made myself see stars with him. “Yeah,” he laughed when my legs gave out. He fucked into me harder to keep me up against the wall. 
“Going to,” I cried. 
“Yeah?” He teased; his voice raised in a breathy question and he stood back up again. Our noses almost touched he was so close. “Better cum so hard around me; make me cum, make me fill you.”
He was right there. 
My eyes were closed; tears burned my eyes. I wondered if one fell because his thumb wiped under my eye. 
“Know you want it, don't you? I know you want me inside you out there. I know you love thinking about my cum dripping down your legs in front of everyone. Love feeling me inside of you all the ti—”
My orgasm grabbed me by the throat and pushed me against the wall. 
“Oh shit—” he moaned loudly as his body lurched forward into mine. God, he was right. I loved it. I also loved that my body could demand his orgasm from him at my will. 
He moaned my name as he finished our climaxes and held himself against the wall as well. 
We caught our breaths; his forehead rested on mine. 
“Come on, my love,” he gasped breathlessly. Then he kissed me slowly as he gently pulled out of me and let my leg down. I stumbled into him but did not pull away from his mouth. 
I thought about his taste as we walked hand in hand downstairs where we were announced into the reception. 
The night was a blur.
Between kisses, dances, tears, and drinks, I forgot most of the night. I knew I was happier than I ever had been, and with Sam’s hand in mine, it was enough for me. 
Until we were alone.
I remembered my arms coiled around his. I remembered leaving kisses across his face and neck. It took everything in his power to keep his hands on the wheel as my hands roamed his body.
It was like my senses came to me the moment the door closed, and we were alone in our silent hotel suite. 
My heart raced as his hands brushed my hair over my shoulder. I looked down at the loose waves as his fingers undid my dress. Every brush of his fingers down the skin of back sent waves of chills across my skin. I swallowed tightly. When my dress was loose enough, I stepped out of it and he lightly tossed it back; draped over the chair for us to deal with later. 
Then I turned and faced him. His eyes hazed with need, and I grabbed his neck and kissed him tightly. He hummed into my mouth, and I drank in every noise he made. 
I couldn’t resist. My fingers went for the buttons of his clothes, and he sighed a breath of contentment and tipped his head back in pleasure. His hands never left my body as I unbuttoned his jacket and tossed it to my dress. Then I worked on his button up and it slipped to the floor leaving him only in his pants.
He only had an inch on me—at least—with these shoes on, and I had to admit, I liked it. But then he dove down to his knees.
“Sam,” I gasped. My hand tangled in his hair. I didn’t care that his hair was sweaty and warm, and his body even more so. We were both disgusting by now. After the long day we had of covering our bodies with our thick clothes, sweat, kisses, and arousals, of course it wasn’t perfect. Of course we weren’t clean. But what did it matter?
And that was when my heart skipped beats. 
I looked down, and Sam stared up at me darkly as his hands moved down my legs to unclamp my shoes. The image of my body standing in front of him—hardly covered in the ivory lingerie—while he kissed my skin and untied my shoes almost took both of my knees out.
When my shoes were with his a few feet away from us, he kissed up my body and paused at my thighs. He still was on his knees, and I was sure I held onto his hair so I wouldn’t fall over.
”Oh my god—“ he gasped.
To be honest, it was disgusting. I felt gross and my lingerie was nasty by now, but heat flooded my body when his fingers trailed the remnants of his cum that had slipped down my skin during the reception. 
“Sam,” I repeated his name. What other words did I know? I moaned as his tongue replaced his fingers and finally, he pulled the lace to the side. “Fuck—“ I gasped when his mouth moved up and up until it tasted my arousal. “Please.” I stumbled. “I-I can’t—“
”I know,” he sighed after he selfishly stole a few more seconds of tasting me. Then he stood up. “God, I love you.” He kissed me. “I love you, love you,” and he kissed me again. It took everything in my power to let him go.
My stomach fell from its place when he walked to the bath and ran the hot water. 
I walked over to him. My hand raced over his back. He stood up to me, kissed me. 
“Okay,” he sighed. “Get in, I’ll get us drinks.”
”I-I mean, okay, but I’m still wearing—“
”Get in,” he gently doubled down. His smile fell slowly, eyes darkened. My thumb popped from the lace around my body I held onto. 
I got in. 
My hair draped over the back of the tub to keep it from getting wet for now. As the water filled, bubbles brother up around me. I have never sat in a bath with clothes on before; maybe this was just lingerie, but it felt odd. My body heated when I imagined Sam taking off the lace soaking wet lace. I watched as the water covered my body inch by inch.
When Sam came back into the bathroom, he placed the drinks down. My eyes weren’t on anything except him. He turned to me, and before he could do anything else, I rose to my knees. He sucked in a harsh breath when my fingers grabbed him by his belt.
He gasped my name and his hand brushed into my hair. Thankfully he didn’t stop me; I was pushed sick with waiting for him. I pulled his pants and underwear away—just enough for easy access—and looked up at him. He stared down at me with glossy eyes. 
I took him in my mouth without looking away from him.
But he looked away from me; eyes closed with pleasure and head tipped back. I moaned around him and he stumbled forward.
”Oh my god, baby, let me in with you.” I hummed again, and this time his fingers yanked on the roots of my hair. I gasped for air when I came off him. He tore his clothes off the rest of the way and got in with me. 
Immediately, I moved over to him and straddled him. 
I kissed him before he could do anything else. His hands raced up my slick legs and invaded the lace around my hips. Our moans mixed as I grinded down on him; his hands leading my motions. The water was already hot and the heat that ignited under my skin didn’t help.
I was long past aching for him.
I needed him more than I needed to breathe, to see.
With a shaking breath, he moved the lace to the side and I sank down on him. His head tipped back and I kissed down his neck; the vibrations of his moans against my lips made me move my hips faster and faster.
His hand linked under my jaw and our breaths mixed between open mouthed kissed.
”You feel so good,” I whispered. He smiled. “It’s kinda counterintuitive for you to put me in the bath just to make me all dirty again,” I said. 
“Then let me clean you,” he said, and I still drank down his words, his breath. He leaned over and unzipped my bag, and from the bag inside of it, he grabbed my bottle of body wash. 
He left it on the floor for a moment. He turned back to me.
I gasped when he pushed me back and I was empty again. He sat up and forced me to sit on my knees on either side of his legs. I watched as my fingertips snaked up his arms; the water once hot turned cool under my touch, and chills ran through me at the feeling of his skin under my hands.
Then I noticed the way his eyes ravaged my body. Fingers slipped under the bottom of my lingerie and he took one glance at my eyes before he unclasped the lace behind me. His lips left warmth and kisses and bites on my skin.
My breath was taken from me when the lace slipped off me completely. It hung over the side of the tub.
”Sam,” I gasped, and he moaned as he kissed down my neck and tasted every part of me. My hands tangled in his hair as his lips traveled down and down; he left red and purple bruises over the curves of my chest. I wondered if he tasted the quickened beats of my heart.
He pulled away to grab the soap. I watched as he poured some in his fingers.  
I couldn’t help it.
His hands were so incredibly soft and slippery over my skin as they washed me. He washed every part of my body, and after, his hands slipped back over my chest. 
I sank down on him again.
”Fuck,” he gasped quietly. I thrusted myself up and down, and I didn’t care if the water moved more, if it splashed where it shouldn’t.
”Oh shit,” I moaned, and my moans increased as his mouth replaced his hands. I knew my skin was bitter with soap, but he still tasted me and sucked on my skin until I was flushed. The electricity of his tongue and mouth over my nipple shot straight down in between us, and it didn’t matter we were submerged under water anymore; I was so wet he nearly slipped out of me. 
“Yeah like that, oh my god—“ he moaned when I quickened my pace.
”Need you,” I gasped. My legs were too fatigued for me to do much more; there was no traction in the tub, and I slowly lost strength.
He lifted me up. 
“Sam—“ I cried when he forced me around. My eyes met the only light in the room; the orange glow behind the mirror. 
Then my hands grabbed on the edge, and I held myself up as his hands raced down my back, my hips.
He yanked off the soaked lingerie and tossed them aimlessly. 
There wasn’t a warning; no more hesitation. I knew that I was so far past the point of foreplay and teasing, and from the force he used on me, I knew he must have been in the same position. One of my knees hung on the ledge while another was still in the water. Sam thrusted into me and grabbed onto my waist so I didn’t slip anywhere.
”Holy shit! Please, oh my god—“ My moans fell incoherent as he finally fucked me like I needed. He too gasped a string of moans, and his nails dug into the slick skin of my sides.
“God you’re so perfect,” he groaned. “Always take me so well.”
”Sam, please.”
“Please what?”
”I’ve needed you for so long.”
”You’ve had me all day,” he laughed.
”Then fuck me. I need to feel you so hard for days.” He cursed under his breath again. He stood me up and used clean water from the faucet to make sure we were rinsed clean.
”Out,” he said. I rushed out of the tub and grabbed a towel and dried off to not get water everywhere. He haphazardly did the same, but his eyes never left my body; I saw them in the reflection of the mirror.
And then I was shoved against the counter. 
“Sam!” I cried and I watched our reflection as he thrusted into me again. He lifted my leg, and my knee rested on the edge of the freezing granite. 
“Watch me,” he demanded and my eyes met his in the reflection. “Watch us; watch me give you want you want.” 
“Oh shit,” I cried roughly. His fingers gripped the roots of my hair and he yanked to keep me upright. If my world wasn’t rocked in that moment, I would have blushed from the sounds of our bodies colliding and moans bouncing off the walls. 
“Sam,” I cried his name until tears formed in my tired eyes. “I’m so close.”
”Then cum for me, my love,” he said gently. “Want you to cum so hard for me.” I gasped and choked on my breath when he grabbed my arm and shoved my hand in between us to lure me closer and closer to my climax.
My knees nearly gave out when it washed over me. He didn’t slow down; he fucked me harder. His hands held up my hips since I clearly forgot how to, and he didn’t give me space to come down after my high.
”Sam! Fuck—please—please! Oh my god, it’s so much—“
He grabbed my throat and yanked me back. His mouth was so close to my face, I felt the warmth.
 “Is it really too much?” His voice was low and sent thick chills across my skin.
”Yes! Need-Need you to cum.”
”Yeah baby? Where do you want me? Inside—“
”In my mouth. Want you to cum down my throat.”
”Fuck,” he gasped and let go of me. “On your knees,” he demanded and I didn’t mind if they were bruised when they met the floor. I looked up at him as he grabbed my hair and thrusted deep into my mouth. The tears finally fell, and as he tried to pull back and lighten his thrusts, I yanked him in and pushed my tongue up against him tighter.
”Holy shit—“ He gasped and his lips parted. I sucked harder, and watched his face twist with pleasure with every movement of my mouth. I knew. I knew him inside and out; I knew what would bring him on my knees for me. So I didn’t go easy.
He moaned my name. I loved that tone; the tone of warning.
”Fuck!” He cried and another moan of my name became sweet music to my ears. “Coming—“
My eyes snapped shut as the first wave of burning tore down my throat. He held onto my hair for dear life as I drank him down, and before his orgasm was even finished, he forced himself out of me. I opened my mouth before I swallowed the rest of his fluid, and as more striped my tongue, the rest slipped out of my mouth and down my cheek.
”Holy shit, holy shit, you fucking—“ Finally, I opened my eyes and he knealt down in front of me. A smile matched with a blush pulled at his face as he wiped his cum from my face with his thumb. 
He kissed me regardless of the mess of my face and mouth. I pressed the remnants of his cum into his mouth and he moaned and kissed me deeper, firmer. 
He pulled away when air was necessary.
”Come on,” he sighed. “Want to lay down and hold you, love you.”
”So this wasn’t you loving me?” I shot back with a smirk. He rolled his eyes.
”Everything I do with you is out of love, even if it’s fucking you like a slut.”
”Oh, okay that’s good,” I laughed, and he helped me up.
After we cleaned ourselves up, he brought me the forgotten champagne and even if it was lukewarm now, we drank it down and kissed one more time. As he left the bathroom with my hand in his, I stole one last look at myself in the mirror.
Behind me, light drops of water reverberated in the room from my soaked lingerie that hung over the faucet in the tub. 
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reverie-starlight · 11 months
crawling back to you- fushiguro megumi
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just something silly I started a while back that I'm finally finishing up!! i'm very in love with megumi and since I was doing a season one rewatch with my dad, I have plenty of megumi-centered thoughts I can't talk abt with him. but I can write them!! and YES okay the title was a failed bug pun.
warnings: just fluff! death of a spider, though. megumi is a little annoyed, but it gets resolved super fast, so no angst at all.
gn! reader, no specified gender or physical description, but they do stay in the girl's dorms for this fic for the sole purpose of being nobara's next door neighbour!!
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You opened your door and stopped in your tracks when you saw something scuttle across the ceiling from the corner of your eye.
A loud gasp was released and Nobara, already in her PJs, peeked out from her door to see what the fuss was. “Y/n? You okay?”
You frantically beckon her over, your eyes never leaving the beast that decided to infiltrate your room. She made it to your side and followed your eyes.
“Ew! Why’d you have to show me a spider right as I’m about to go to bed? Now I’m going to be paranoid all night, thanks a lot.” She crossed her arms and made a yuck face.
“Nobara,” you started, deadly serious, clutching her arm. “I need you to use your hammer and nails to get this thing. We don’t have to get close to it that way.”
She looked as though she was seriously considering it for a moment before reluctantly shaking her head. “Y/n, cursed energy is for jujutsu work, not creepy crawlies. Besides, it’d leave some nasty holes in your wall.”
You sighed and almost resigned yourself to having to find a long stick or something to get it with. But then she spoke again.
“What about Fushiguro? He brings out his demon dog for you to play with all the time, right? What’s one more non-curse related job for a frog who’d probably love a snack?”
This finally brought your attention away from the eight legged monster on your ceiling. You looked at her with so much admiration and thanks and hugged her tightly. “Oh, Nobara you’re a genius! Thank y-“
You visibly deflated when you realized that your boyfriend wasn’t exactly happy with you at that moment.
Nobara winced. “Ouch, is he still upset?”
You nodded and frowned. Of course this would happen at a time you didn’t have him as back up.
It was a petty argument that got you into this situation- in the shared kitchen for the students, you accidentally ate a snack of his that he had been saving, which you apologized for. Great! Should’ve been over with after that, right?
…Except you accidentally did it again the next day AND forgot to put his milk back in the fridge that he had just measured out for some recipe he was excited to try.
And even though you apologized and he reassured you that it wasn’t that big of a deal, mistakes happen, he still wasn't letting you hang out in his room after training as usual. He seemed to be annoyed with you at the very least.
With the long week he’s had from being sent on two missions back to back, you understood why. He really need the mental break that you accidentally took away.
So yeah, you really doubted that he’d be willing to kill a spider for you when he’d barely even talked to you in the past 24 hours (save for his usual good morning text and a peck on the cheek when he saw you in person).
Nobara patted your back and sighed. "I think you should go ask him anyway. He's probably suffering from Y/n withdrawals by now, you know? Yuuji said he was sure he caught Fushiguro pouting on their jog earlier. Could be a good sign."
You looked at her hopefully and smiled. "Thanks, Nobara, but I think I'll just wait until morning. I'm sure if I could just find a-" your attention was drawn back to the ceiling and a feeling of dread washed over you. "Nope, I'm going right now, the spider's fucking gone," you quickly shut your door and stepped away.
She made a blended noise of disgust and fear. "Alright, I'm out. Good luck and don't let that thing out. If I see it in my room tomorrow I'm putting my nails through your clothes." She waved and headed back to her room.
You waved back and headed the other direction, towards the boy's dorms. Since it was getting late, you had to be mindful of noise so you wouldn't get caught by any faculty member- especially Gojo.
If he were to catch you "sneaking" over to Megumi's room, you were pretty sure you'd never hear the end of it, and even more sure that it would just irritate your boyfriend further.
So you put your stealth to the test until you were finally at his door. You quietly knocked three times, hoping it was loud enough for him to hear it.
When he opened the door, he raised an eyebrow at you and checked out in the hall before dragging you inside so you could talk at a somewhat normal volume.
And of course you wanted to take the time to make everything up to him, to talk it out for real and not have him be annoyed at you anymore- if Nobara said he was starting to have Y/n Withdrawals, then you had already been feeling the effects of Megumi Withdrawals since his first mission earlier this week- but right now the most pressing matter on your mind was the spider currently lost in your room.
So you decided that sweet talking him was the way to achieve your goal of getting his help.
"Megumi, love and light of my life, my one and only, my beloved-"
"Please stop."
You got down on your knees and took hold of his hand. "I am so sorry that I have ailed you this week, I promise that I will be more mindful moving forward and use my eyes to look for your name on things in the fridge-"
"You don't have to beg for my forgiveness, get up." He was basically a tomato, his whole face red and slightly covered by his hair. If you weren't on such a time crunch, you might keep going just to tease him.
"And I come to enlist your help on a quest that only you have the required tools to complete!"
"Ah, there it is. So you just need my help, then?" He tried to keep the disappointment out of his voice, but you caught it and immediately stood up to explain yourself.
"Baby, no, I do genuinely want to apologize and fix things! But um... yes, I do actually have a problem that only you can help me with."
He sighed and regarded you for a moment before nodding. "Alright, what is it?"
You immediately lit up and shook his hand excitedly. "Really? Thank you so much!"
"So... what is it?"
"There's a spider in my room, and I lost it and I need your toad to eat it."
He gave you a deadpan look before throwing his head back with a long sigh, looking at the ceiling. "Alright, let's go."
On your way back to your room, you fell into silence. Mostly because you didn't want to get caught being out past curfew, but also because neither of you really knew what to say.
Once you were in front of your door, you opened it and let him in. He summoned his toad and helped you search for it (by helped, you really meant he did all the searching while you stood outside and quietly directed him to where you saw it last.
"Can you at least come and help me look?" He asked, currently looking around on the floor under a couple of bags.
You hesitantly walked in, surveying everything before standing next to him to double check.
He broke the silence first. "You know... I really wasn't mad at you for any of the kitchen stuff. I know I told you that already, but I feel like you don't believe it."
You sifted through some clothes. "No, I did. I guess I was just sad that you weren't letting me hang out with you as much. I totally understand it- you needed a break from everything and I respect that, but I wish I could have helped before you got to that point. And I'm serious, I'll keep a better eye out before I accidentally eat your stuff." you both kind of laughed at that.
It was silent again for a couple seconds. "I'm sorry I kind of pushed you away and isolated myself."
You smiled a bit. "I'm sorry I kinda tipped you over the edge."
You turned to face each other for a moment before he wrapped you up in his arms. "You didn't. I promise next time I feel overwhelmed I'll let you know so you don't think I'm upset with you," he mumbled.
"Thank you... I love you."
"I love you too."
You stayed like that for a moment before you pulled back a bit and smirked at him. "Nobara told me that Itadori said you were pouting on you jog together earlier."
He blushed. "I was not. He doesn't know what he's talking about."
You giggled a bit and cupped his face. "I would bet a million yen that you were!"
He groaned and tried to gently pry your hands away from his face. "Stop it... I was not pouting, I don't pout."
"You so do! You're doing it right- holy shit Megumi the spider is right there gET IT PLEASE-"
The sweet moment was ruined by the spider from earlier scuttling across the ceiling over your bed. You jumped onto your boyfriend for protection, even though he couldn't do much while supporting your entire bodyweight so you wouldn't fall. He managed to send the toad after it, and it happily chased it with its tongue.
The spider was no more.
You settled back on the ground and patted the toad on the head before Megumi released it back to the shadows.
You sighed in relief.
"Thank you, my love, I appreciate it."
He nodded at you. "No problem. I should head back to my dorm now before-"
"Want to stay with me?" You tentatively interrupted.
He paused and looked towards you. "We'll get in trouble if we're caught."
You tugged on his hand a little. "Please, Megumi? I've missed you this week..."
He sighed and let you pull him to your bed, hiding a small smile when you cheer. "Fine, but I'm leaving before the sun comes up. I'm not letting Gojo think he has anything over me."
You giggled. "That's fine," and then you both got settled under the covers.
He'd be lying if he said he hadn't missed you while he was isolating himself, but he pushed any thoughts of that away and fell into a peaceful sleep with you in his arms.
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this took foreverrrrr but it's finally done since I have time to write today!! ty for reading, hope you all enjoyed <3
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angelanderson · 11 months
living on a farm with abby & having a pet lamb 🧍🏾‍♀️ I’m so delusional
so cute :,) sorry this took so long to post! loving farmer!abby should i make this like an actual fic serious instead of just hcs? lmk!! <3 18+ under cut. men + minors = blocked. 💘💘💘
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♡ farmer!abby who brought you home a pet lamb one day after you’d been begging her for weeks. “a pet lamb for my little lamb,” she’d tell you as you squeal with delight.
♡ her pet names for you include: ‘baby, little lamb, darlin’, doll, and sweetheart’.
♡ she’d build you a little garden area to grow your favorite flowers. she looks forward to the new bouquet you make each week out of them for the kitchen table vase!
♡ farmer!abby is obsessed with the days you just wear one of her white wife beaters (she calls them pleasers) and panties around. she bought you ones with lil white bows to match with her tanks.
♡ she started growing fresh vegetables and fruits once you two started dating. she loves being able to grow and give you the ingredients you need to bake! + you bake her favorite things for her as a thank you.
♡ farmer!abby is allllll about that fresh produce. she often uses what she grows to cook for you! she’ll cheekily tell you she wants you for dessert. even if it’s silly, it still gets you going. “since i made dinner, you can be my dessert.”
♡ sticks to her usual uniform of white tank, blue jeans, and boots while she’s out and about dealing with farm tasks. the way her arms look in her tops will always make you feel a lil feral…
♡ farmer!abby is the best with animals. in fact, she loves to rehab recuse animals when someone calls her about it. the few farm animals you have are all recuse fails. she just loves them so much— how could you say no to her puppy dog eyes?!
♡ farmer!abby will call you outside just so she can fuck you. she likes to see how loud she can make you because she knows it’s just the two of you around for a few acres.
♡ she’s a soft dom at heart! she loves that you let her take control while she makes you fall apart. she’ll make you cum as many times as you want, however you want when you’ve been extra sweet. “my pretty girl. just taking me so good, aren’t you, darlin? that’s it baby, just take it. i think you can cum just one more time for me, yeah?“
♡ but if you’re acting out? she won’t put up with it. she knows you’re her sweet girl, so she expects you to act like it. “what happened to my sweet doll? you know that i gotta teach you a lesson now, don’t ya? lay on your stomach, ass up. now.”
♡ her strap? makes you see god practically every time. abby’s an expert at knowing how to hit that sweet spot inside of you. “yeah? right there? you look so good riding me.” she definitely comes from fucking you when the strap rubs against her just right. and yes, she’s the type to say “save a horse, ride a cowboy”
♡ she’ll have you on your knees when you’re eating her out. something about the way you look up at her through your ruined mascara eyelashes does something to her. she’ll even have you sticking your tongue out so she can fuck your face. hands pulling you closer by your hair n all.
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gaymaramada · 6 months
hey so how do you think the rottmnt brothers would deal with having a crush where the boys ask crush what they want for xmas? And crush just holds up a cardboard sign that suddenly appears out of nowhere that says “All I want for xmas is you” and a ? At the end. They smoothly asking the turtles out via xmas and Mariah carey song breaching containment and it playing everywhere. Crush saw their chance and took it
Managed to bang this one out on the big day! Happy holidays everyone! ❤️
Confessing to the Rise! Boys on Christmas
Christmas-centered, GN reader + pronouns
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He doesn’t know what’s better: the fact that you’re asking him out, the fact that you’re doing it through Mariah Carey, or the fact that you must be a magician because whERE DID THAT SIGN EVEN COME FROM???
You can practically see the fireworks going off in his head as he bites his lip to keep a giddy grin at bay.
But he’s still Leo, so he’s gotta be cool about this.
“Y’know, I’m a little disappointed you didn’t sing the song…”
You raise your phone to reveal the song already pulled up and smugly press play on the song in question.
And he buckles over in laughter.
You two spend the evening watching Love Actually in honor of the cardboard sign bit.
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Ah! A silly reference! How quaint!
Doesn’t answer his question though.
His love language is gift-giving after all, and the concept of himself being a gift (while flattering) is far too vague for him to go off of.
You’re just gonna have to tell him word for word that this is a confession, okay?
The moment it hits him, he is — for the first time in his life — rendered speechless.
He’ll just stare at you blankly for a solid minute before stepping out of the room and doing that thing Ken did in the Barbie movie where he just goes
He comes back out as gracefully as ever and takes your hand,
“While it would have saved the both of us some time had you deterred from the theatrics, I cannot deny the amusing charm of your request. If all you desire is my company… I’d be happy to provide.”
(He does still want to get/make you something physical for the holidays, though)
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Oh you better believe he is elated.
My guy is so bashful and smiley it’s almost too cute.
“You— wha— me?? Aw, c-come on, Y/N, you’re making Raph blush…”
He does try to laugh it off as a simple reference to the song, but when you continue to insist that you’re being completely serious, his face begins to match his mask.
He looks up to you so much (except physically, of course :p) so the idea that you value him just as much gets him emotional.
He’s embarrassed by his Lovesick Stink, but you don’t mind it!
Once the initial surprise wears off, Raph gets much more confident and even a bit cocky when it comes to the two of you.
“Oh, yeah? Well guess what, little brother, I don’t even need to try to impress anyone because Y/N just loves Raph for Raph! And Raph feels the same about them!”
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You should have known he’d start to sing, let’s be real.
Of course, then he complains afterwards that the song is stuck in his head.
After a short karaoke session, you tell him your answer again, gentler this time, and it clicks.
Mikey’s eyes sparkle as he breaks into a huge grin before pulling you into a hug.
“OHMIGOSH Y/N!!! Aww, I want to be with you for Christmas, too!!”
And of course you two spend the holiday making different kinds of crafts and sweets.
Gingerbread houses, ornaments, paper wreaths, peppermint bark, you name it.
The whole fam is excited about your creations, and you and Mikey lace your fingers together, proud to have made the holiday special for both each other and everyone else.
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The Jeep
Eli’s sixteen and Stiles wants to give him the Jeep, Derek might need some persuading.
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 “I’m just saying—” Stiles said, sitting back against the velvet covered bedhead. “He’s sixteen now, he’s got his licence, he’s going to need a car.”
“Then we’ll get him a car,” Derek replied from the ensuite.
“Why not just give him the Jeep?” Stiles pressed.
Derek peered his head around the corner of the doorframe. “Because that thing is held together by duct tape and prayers.”
“Then we’ll get it fixed up,” Stiles suggested.
“Or we just get him a new car,” Derek countered, stepping out of the ensuite. He turned the light off behind him and climbed into bed beside Stiles. “One with better safety ratings, GPS, Bluetooth, and all that. A car that’s not going to break down or fall to pieces every time he reverses out of the driveway.”
“A car that crumples like a paper ball at the smallest dent? I mean, I hit Jackson with that Jeep and it barely made a dent.”
Derek huffed out a breath, struggling to smother his laughter and trying to keep a serious face.
“We’ve been through a lot, and – for better or worse – that Jeep has survived everything we have,” Stiles continued. “It may not have Bluetooth or GPS, but it still works after all these years.”
Derek sighed.
He had to admit: Stiles had a point. That Jeep, despite all the damage and duct tape, had held together over decades.
But there was something else; something Stiles wasn’t saying.
Derek leant back against the pillows, turning his head to look at Stiles.
“And…?” he prompted.
“It’s going to sound stupid,” Stiles started slowly, “but it was my mum’s car. My dad gave it to me as a way of holding onto her. I always felt like… it felt like she was watching over me. And as silly as it sounds, the thought that she’d be watching over Eli gives me some comfort.”
Derek reached over and took Stiles’ hand in his. He laced their fingers together and gave Stiles’ hand a gentle squeeze.
Stiles blinked back the glistening tears that welled in his eyes.
Derek brushed the ball of his thumb over the back of Stiles’ hand.
“Okay,” he relented. “You can give him the Jeep.”
Stiles straightened, looking at Derek with a mix of shock and joy.
“On one condition,” Derek added quickly. “We get a complete refit: new engine, brakes, airbags, full service—all of it. And we’re taking the police scanner out.”
“You can replace it with one of those fancy radios with Bluetooth and GPS,” Stiles offered, leaning his head against Derek’s shoulder.
A small smile turned up the corners of Derek’s lips.
“Deal,” he whispered, turning his head and pressing a soft kiss to the crown of Stiles’ head.
 “Eli?” Derek called out from where he stood by the front door.
He heard the footsteps on the wooden floorboards as Eli emerged from his room. “Yeah?”
“You got a minute?” Derek asked.
“Am I in trouble?” he asked as he made his way down the stairs and over to his dad’s side.
“Should you be?” Derek asked as he held the front door open, letting his son step out onto the front porch where Stiles stood waiting for them.
He paused for a moment, his eyes darting about as he searched his memories for anything he might have done that would get him in trouble.
“No,” he answered, but there was an upward infliction at the end of the word that made it sound like a question rather than a statement.
“You’re not in trouble,” Stiles reassured him.
“So, what’s up?” Eli asked.
“Well,” Stiles started. “You’re sixteen now and you have your license, and since your dad and I need the cars all the time—”
“And since you’ve proven you can be responsible and trustworthy,” Derek added.
“—we’re giving you a car.”
Eli’s eyes opened wide, his jaw hanging open. “Seriously?”
Derek nodded.
Stiles dug into his pocket and pulled out the key, holding it out in front of him for Eli to take.
Eli recognised the key.
He stared at it in stunned silence.
When he found his voice again, his words were barely a whisper.
“The Jeep?” His voice broke around the word, his eyes glistening with tears of joy as he looked from the key to his dads’ faces. “You’re giving me the Jeep?”
“It’s all yours,” Stiles told him.
Eli reached out and look the key from his dad.
“It’s been fully serviced,” Derek told him. “It has a new engine and everything.”
Eli glanced over his shoulder at the dusty-blue Jeep. “Can I…?”
Stiles nodded.
He leapt off the porch and bounded over to the Jeep, pulling open the driver’s side door and sliding into the seat. He didn’t turn it on; he just sat in the driver’s seat, bouncing up and down slightly with uncontainable happiness. He couldn’t help but laugh with excitement as he let his hands grip the soft, worn leather of the steering wheel.  
Stiles and Derek stepped over to the car.
Eli bolted upright, his eyes widening as he remembered something.
“Does it still have the—?” His words died off as he answered his own question: he pulled down the sun visor to see the photo of Stiles wrapped in Claudia’s arms. He was four – maybe five – years old in the photo, the sun shining on their faces as they both looked at the camera, caught half way between smiling and laughing. He carefully pulled the photo out from where it was held in place by elastic, holding it in his hands as he looked at it fondly.
He sniffed and blinked back tears, trying to hide his face from his parents as he turned to hand the photo to Stiles.
Stiles shook his head, gently pushing Eli’s hand back. “That’s for you.”
Eli looked at him, his brow furrowed slightly with confusion.
“She’s always watching over you,” Stiles said quietly.
Eli didn’t say anything. Tears fell from Eli’s eyes, trailing down his cheeks as he looked down at the photo again. He offered his dad a shaky smile as he slotted the photo back into its place. He looked at his grandmother’s face one more time before carefully and lovingly putting the sun visor back up.
He wiped away his tears with the sleeve of his jacket. “Thanks, Dad.”
Stiles offered him a kind smile.
“There’s an emergency kit in the back,” Derek told him. “First aid kit, blanket, bottled water, snacks, a change of clothes, and a few other things. And, most importantly…” He stepped around the hood of the Jeep and opened the passenger side door. He reached into the glove box, pulled something out, and held it up.
The moment Eli and Stiles saw it, they both burst into laughter.
A brand new roll of duct tape.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 7 months
Did someone want more goofy Steve, or was that just in my head? Either way! Hope you enjoy it!
Steve had been so serious when he first met him officially and not just what Eddie heard through the rumor mill. Of course, they had met when Eddie was framed by murder by an interdimensional deformed octopus monster, so of course, he was serious. He didn't think Steve could be so fucking goofy.
It was the first evening that he was hanging out with Steve and Robin since everything happened. Everyone was mostly healed, physically, at least. Steve had invited him over for dinner and a movie. He couldn't resist seeing him again. He was told to just walk in, so he did just that and walked all the way into the kitchen. Robin was sitting at the island while Steve was making dinner. The radio was playing softly in the background.
"Hey, Teddy," Steve said.
"It's Eddie," he said.
"Yeah, that's what I said," Steve replied with a goofy smile.
Eddie narrowed his eyes at Steve while Robin scoffed as she looked through a magazine. Suddenly, the song turned to a Bob Seger song: Old Time Rock & Roll. Robin groaned as Steve hollered. He turned off the stove, turned up the radio, and grabbed a wooden spoon. To Eddie's surprise, he hopped up on the island and started singing along.
"Would you watch the magazine?!" Robin yelled.
To Eddie's delight, he ignored Robin, causing her to move to the other side of the kitchen. He couldn't help but cheer for Steve with a wide grin on his face. Eddie pulled out his wallet and slipped a dollar into his belt as the song ended.
"For your good service, my liege," Eddie said.
"A dollar, Munson?" Steve scoffed as he pocketed the money. "I think my ass is worth more than a dollar."
Eddie held out his hand and helped Steve down from the table. Robin was hiding her face behind her magazine and muttering something that Eddie couldn't quite make out. The next time Eddie witnessed his goofiness was at a get-together at Steve's place with the party. It was Dustin who was eager to show him.
"Can we show Eddie our handshake?" Dustin asked eagerly.
"You two have a secret handshake?" Eddie asked, trying not to feel jealous.
Steve grinned and proceeded to show him. It was a spectacular goofy sight that ended with Steve being stabbed. There was fucking swordfighting. The thing that really amazed him was Steve’s goofy laugh. His mouth was wide open, and his eyes were closed as he laughed hard. He looked stupidly cute, and it made his heart beat faster. Once Dustin was pleased with his reaction, he left. Eddie pouted.
"I wish we had a special handshake," Eddie said.
"Oh, you do? Well, we can fix that," Steve said with a smirk.
He reached out and took his hand in his, holding it softly as he rubbed circles into his skin with his thumb. Eddie blushed.
"You're just holding my hand, man," Eddie replied.
"Oh, I am? How silly of me," Steve said and let go. "I'll stop."
Eddie was disappointed in himself as Steve walked out of the room. He did seem to enjoy the sight of Steve walking away from him. The next time they hung out, it was without anyone else. For some reason, Eddie was nervous about that. They were watching a movie and filling up on popcorn. Eddie was trying to focus on the movie and not let the fact that Steve was practically pressed up against him overwhelm his senses. Eddie yawned and stretched, his shirt raising up.
"Oh, that's cool," Steve said, looking at him.
"What?" Eddie asked.
Steve pressed his finger to the skin of his hip. Oh, yeah, he had forgotten about his new dragon tattoo. Eddie shivered against Steve’s touch and laughed.
"Oh, are you ticklish?" Steve asked.
"What? No!" Eddie scoffed. "Metalheads are not ticklish."
Steve grinned and pounced on him, his nails digging into his side. Eddie giggled as Steve’s hands inadvertently pushed his shirt up as they tickled him. Suddenly, Steve’s face was a lot closer to his.
"What was that about you not being ticklish?" Steve asked.
"Okay, okay, I'm ticklish," Eddie grinned.
"Hmm, knew it," Steve replied.
Their faces were even closer now, Steve’s hands were pressed against his skin. His whole body was tingling. Steve moved forward, and at the last second, Eddie turned his head. Steve’s kiss landed on his cheek. Eddie Munson wasn't like that. . . Or was he? Eddie cleared his throat, and Steve quickly climbed off of him.
"I'll go get you some water," Steve said.
Eddie sat up and watched Steve walk away. His shoulds were slumped in disappointment. Why did Eddie feel like an idiot? It wasn't his fault that he wasn't into men. They didn't hang out for a while after that, and it caused Eddie to miss him terribly. Weeks went by, and still Eddie hadn't heard from him. He decided to take charge and call him up to invite him to the Hideout to watch him play.
"You want me there?" Steve asked.
"Of course, I want you there," Eddie said. "And just come as you are. There's not a thing about you that I would change."
"Okay," Steve said. "I'll be there with bells on."
Eddie snorted with laughter. Of course, when Steve did show up to the Hideout that night, he really did come with a string of bells around his neck. Eddie nearly died laughing. He never played so hard for anyone in his life. He flashed Steve with a sweaty grin and started unloading the instruments into his van. He was out back when he heard Steve jingling behind him. He knew Steve was going to do something, but he didn't expect him to wrap his arms around his waist, pick him up, and spin him around. Eddie shrieked with laughter.
"You were great, man," Steve said once he set him down. "I'm going to see if Frank needs help."
Eddie watched him jingle off with a smile. When he turned around, Jeff and Gareth were standing right in front of him. He yelped.
"What?" Eddie asked.
"I didn't know you were dating Steve Harrington," Gareth said.
"I'm not dating Steve," Eddie said, scoffing. "And I like women."
"You know you can like both, right?" Jeff asked with narrowed eyes.
"Pardon?" Eddie asked.
"You can like men and women," Gareth said.
"It's called being bisexual," Jeff said.
"Oh," Eddie said as he thought about it, and suddenly everything fell into place. "Oh my God! I like Steve!"
"Yeah, we know," Gareth rolled his eyes.
"You knew?" Eddie asked.
"You were being fairly obvious," Jeff said.
"If you knew, why didn't you tell me?" Eddie asked.
"Because we thought you knew!" They said together.
Eddie stared at them, and they stared back expectantly.
"Well, are you going to do something about Steve?" Gareth asked.
"Oh, right!" Eddie exclaimed and took off.
He ran back into the bar where Frank told him that Steve was in the bathroom. He didn't even think about it before skidding into the bathroom. Lucky Steve was only washing his hands. Eddie made sure no one was in the bathroom before locking the door.
"What's going on, Eddie?" Steve asked.
"I just figured out something about myself, and I wanted to tell you," Eddie said excitedly. "I'm bisexual!"
"That's great, man. Thanks for telling me," Steve said.
"I should have realized that night when you tried to kiss me, but I was so stupid, and I'm sorry, but I know now that I like men, and that I like you. I like you, Steve," Eddie said and moved to kiss him.
"I have a boyfriend," Steve blurted out.
"Oh," Eddie said. "Of course. That makes sense. I waited too long. I'm going to go. Bye!"
"Wait, Eddie!" Steve exclaimed, but Eddie ran out the door and far away from him.
Eddie lay in bed later that night, feeling extremely sorry for himself. Of course, he would miss his only chance. That was just the kind of luck he had. He sniffled as he buried his face into his pillow. It was stupid. It's completely stupid. He ignored the knock at the front door. It was probably just someone coming to mess with him. The front door opened and closed. Footsteps sounded down the hallway, and Eddie tensed up. The bedroom door was pushed open, and Steve entered. Eddie quickly turned away from him to hide his tears. Steve pounced onto the bed next to him but Eddie still refused to look at him.
"I broke up with him," Steve said.
"You didn't have to do that," Eddie said.
"No, but I did. We both knew going in that it wasn't serious and that we were both trying to get over someone," Steve said. "I still wasn't over you. I was going to tell you that and that before anything could happen with us that I needed to end it with him, but then you ran off."
"Shit, I keep fucking things up, don't I?" Eddie asked turning around.
"Oh, baby," Steve said, cupping his face and wiping away his tears. "That's not true at all. Let's get you to the bathroom and get you cleaned up."
Steve pulled Eddie out of bed and dragged him into his bathroom. He cleaned the snot first and then used a wet rag to wipe his face clean. Eddie sighed as he did it. Steve dropped the rag and placed a kiss on his cheek. Eddie turned his cheek and kissed his lips. Steve sighed against his mouth, placing his hands on his hips. Steve grinned as he used his fingers to tickle Eddie's sides. Eddie laughed against his mouth and pulled away.
"Steve!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Sorry, couldn't resist," Steve said, flashing him a cheeky grin.
"You dork!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Yeah, but I'm your dork," Steve grinned.
Eddie laughed and wrapped his arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. Steve Harrington was an absolute dork, and he was all Eddie's.
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mysterycitrus · 5 months
i know you've been talking about jason lately so i'll ask about smth different... robin jason (sorry)
idk idk lately i've been wanting to take a peek at his robin comics for the sake of writing fic (ofc...) but i'd like to hear what u think before that, a summary of sorts if u may (i also wanna contrast what u say with what i get out of it so yeah)
i feel like his robin days are so muddled by his identity as red hood later on, and even before that it was his death. u had people constantly blaming jason for dying in text (or else they'd have to admit bruce can make mistakes and everyone in dc is allergic to doing that) and painting him like someone reckless and violent (classist editorial u need to DIE), and then people in fanon painting him like a sweet fella who would do nothing wrong and as well as being bruce's Only Actual Son etc etc for the sake of making the situation around him all the more sadder (yeah yeah pathetic meow meow we've all seen it)
and i'm just curious bc i rlly wonder what the actual comics say about him, most likely something in the middle of this? exams are killing me but my god i'll come back to life after im done just to read jason robin's days... have a good day !!!
the difficulty with reading about jason as robin is that there are three primary periods that all differ fairly dramatically from each other — pre-crisis jason todd is a strawberry blond acrobat who’s almost adopted by dick grayson before becoming robin; post-crisis jason todd is a kid from crime alley who steals the wheels off the batmobile before becoming robin; and post-crisis, post-utrh jason todd is a very angry, very violent kid who becomes a cautionary tale after he gets himself killed (something he is often blamed for).
we can walk the line here. pre-crisis jason isn’t particularly relevant because so much of robin!jason’s stories depend on his reinvention after the reboot. all the crucial factors leading up to death in the family — growing up in the alley, both his mothers, his relationship with the robin mantle, his developing relationship with dick grayson, his slow schism from bruce, his relative isolation from other superheroes — are all crucial to who he is, especially after his death.
fanon about jason is annoying because there are valid criticisms that can be made about how he’s written with regressive, classist stereotypes, but as always it pivots way too far in one direction. jason wasn’t the “happy” or “angry” robin in the same way that dick wasn’t the happy or angry robin — they’re both characters that possess more than a single emotion. it’s true that jason was later written to be more explicitly violent (to contrast him with dick) but also like… they’re both pretty similar characters that differ in interesting ways. dick created robin to be a symbol of hope and joy. jason carried that on when he took up the mantle. they can both be angry at stuff without the world falling apart. it’s not that serious.
the dialogue about dick being a child soldier but jason being the true son makes me want to tear my hair out. jason became robin because bruce missed dick and was afraid of being alone. they’re both his gd kids. acting as though bruce wayne doesn’t love dick grayson so much that extra-dimensional beings can clock it is so fucking stupid. it once again ties into fanon’s obsession with each character only getting to be “one” thing. tim is smart, which means he’s the smartest. jason said robin made him magic, which means he’s happy all the time. dick chased after zucco in a grief spiral, which means he’s the violently angry one, with no other character traits. dick can’t have been nice to jason because he’s nice to tim, etc. seems a little silly, no?
i think i’ve only read jason’s brief run as robin once, though ive gone through a death in the family + a lonely place of dying a bunch of times, so ig my advice for reading him is to keep in mind the context in which he was created. dc comics was reeling from losing dick grayson as robin, and were really throwing anything at the wall to get something to stick. many, many negative tropes are baked into his introduction, and thanks to writers like jeph loeb and scott lobdell they have compounded over time. jason’s updated backstory is, with actual critical intent by the writer, a really good examination of how poverty and class will affect how someone views the world. his death was not his fault — and removing sheila haywood from that warehouse purposely makes his story less tragic. he was a good kid! and he was angry for a good reason. if jason had lived, i believe he would’ve carried on the robin tradition and left bruce behind once their differences became insurmountable.
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kyufessions · 8 months
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synopsis: just a regular movie night with the dreamies featuring boyfriend! renjun
pairings: idol, boyfriend! renjun x g.n. reader
genre: fluff
word count: 0.7k
a/n: had this little idea before bed lmao, enjoy <3 also this is just something silly and not to be taken seriously at all, thought it was funny tbh
general taglist: @jwnghyuns • @eaudenana • @soobin-chois
nct taglist: @jungsusvillain
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one thing renjun loved about you was how well you got along with his members so effortlessly. since day one, you had matched all of their energies really well. so when they started inviting you over more frequently the longer you dated renjun, you felt like you practically lived there. but you didn’t mind it, especially on movie nights where jaemin got to pick the movie since you both had similar taste in them. tonight he had chosen the intern, a film you had yet to watch but one he had recommended to you time and time again. when you told him you had forgotten for the hundredth time, he immediately put it on and ignored everyone’s groans. but to everyone’s surprise, it was quite intriguing. their focused stares made that quite obvious.
while everyone took up space on the couch, you and renjun made a makeshift space of your own on the floor with pillows and blankets. in between your legs laid his body, his head resting on your stomach as your fingers played in his hair. when you first started dating, the members (especially haechan) would tease you both for any type of affection that was shown around the dorms whether it was a kiss or a hug. but now they just jokingly roll their eyes on occasion with a small “get a room” or ignore it since they’re so used to it. but there is one thing they still tease him about when it comes to your relationship, kind of.
tapping the top of your boyfriends head, he quickly looks up at you with his round and curious eyes. “yeah, baby?” he asks in a whisper, turning his body a little bit more to face you in case it was something serious.
you crack a small smile at his gesture, leaning down and placing a peck to his lips. “would you mind grabbing me the rest of my ice cream from the freezer? we can share it because i don’t think i can finish it all tonight.” he nods without hesitation and springs up from his spot on the floor, dunking under the screen as he slowly makes his way to the kitchen.
jeno calls out for renjun as he sees him walking away, pausing the movie. when his head turns, he crosses his arms against his chest. “can you grab me a can of orange soda?”
“me too!” haechan chimes in, smiling childishly.
as each member starts listing off what they want from the kitchen, renjun interrupts them midway. “do you guys not have two legs and two arms?” his eyes scan each of the members, a shit eating grin on his face as he walks away to grab the ice cream in the freezer and two spoons.
the members look between each other, baffled at his response. they of course knew he was joking, but decided to pout about it anyway. being the bigger person, you got up from the floor and went to the kitchen to grab the sodas. renjun noticed you walking in, taking a double take and chuckling at you.
“couldn’t say no to them?” he asks, watching you shake your head in disagreement.
“no, it’s not that.” you respond, double checking you have everyone’s soda accounted for. “i’m just nicer than you.”
renjun gasps, putting the hand that held the ice cream pint to his heart. “i’m hurt.”
you stuck your tongue out at him and walk back out to the living room with him following suit, the boys cheering as they see the sodas. you place them all on the living room table and grab two- one for you and one for renjun. he watches as you plop back down onto the blankets on the floor, getting back into the same position as before and opening your arms for him to cuddle into. he just smiles at the sight of you, the members groaning at the PDA.
“just make out already!” jaemin groans, further protests rising after jaemin’s comment.
“maybe don’t do that, actually.” chenle says, grabbing the remote and pressing play on the television. “no one wants to see that.”
renjun scoffs and ignores all of them, dunking under the TV and crawling right back into your arms to cuddle into your warmth. for the rest of the movie you both just watch the film in peace, feeding each other ice cream with the occasional kiss.
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smuttyfang · 9 months
Price, One More Time
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I’m just a filthy whore for this man. Sorry.
Words: 3.194
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Sitting in the bar on your day off, you take another sip of your drink. It felt like you spent every day off that you had here, drinking time away. Not that you were having a hard time necessarily, just that you couldn’t get your own fucking captain out of your mind. God, something about him just had you so worked up over him. The feeling wouldn’t leave you no matter how hard you tried. His charisma, his confidence, that fucking smile, the way he walked, the way he talked, his accent, fuck. It consumed you at this point. So you sat here, drinking yourself silly only to go home alone. Truthfully, you genuinely liked him as a person of course. You knew he was such a caring man, always taking care of and worrying for others. Always knew the right thing to do. You respected him above all else. But.. wouldn’t it also be nice if he would just bend you over a table and rail you senseless? Of course it would.
“You really shouldn’t spend so much time here, love.” God dammit. There the problem (and the solution) was, as if on cue. Of course using that fucking nickname, too. Like he heard your thoughts. That sweet accent dripping from his tongue made your heart melt. “You’re gonna feel like shit when we go out again.”
“Yeah I know.” You sigh, taking another sip of your drink. You realize now how much you’d actually been drinking, feeling the dizziness setting in.
“Why don’t I join you this time?” You felt your heart literally jumping for joy as he took a seat at the bar next to you. “I didn’t have any plans.” He smiled at you so sweetly before ordering himself a whiskey. You could tell he was worried about you. His whiskey was quickly placed in front of him and he started drinking. “I know it’s not quite my business, love.” God, there he goes again.. using that name. “I do have to tell you that I’m worried about you. It’s not good to spend your days off like this.” You put your face into your hands, sighing.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make you worry. I’m just.. really fucking frustrated.” He watched you for a minute, like he was trying to gauge how to approach the subject without upsetting you.
“I’m here.” He says quietly. “You’re on my team, and I’m here for you. That focus is needed when we are on missions. If there’s anything I can do, all you have to do is ask, love.” Feeling the warmth and change in your body from the alcohol, you breathe in deeply and sigh.
“You.. could help, yes. But I don’t know how you are going to feel about it.” He orders another whiskey after finishing his first. You want to scream at him all the things you’ve been feeling about him, for the sheer desperation and frustration you've felt this whole time, but you fight it and try to approach him gently.
“Tell me.” He says, watching you with worried eyes. It makes you feel even worse seeing him like this.
“I.. can we go somewhere more private?” You ask. He nods, paying for one last quick drink before leaving the bar with you.
“I’ve got a room close by, we can talk there.” You nod your head, mostly staying silent as you follow him. It doesn’t take long for you to arrive at the room. He allows you in. It’s quite a simple room, good enough for a soldier having a few days off. “Sit down on the bed and tell me what’s wrong, love.” You stay standing.
“Price, I-“ You kept getting choked up trying to spit it out. You felt a lump in your throat, and the harder you tried the bigger it felt.
“Now you’re really making me worried. Is it that serious? Are you in danger of some sort?” He holds his hands up, trying to get you to calm down.
“No, no! I’m so sorry. I’m- I’m not in danger.” He breathes out.
“Good.” He nods his head. “Okay. Tell me.”
“I appreciate you being patient. I just.. listen to me.” He watches you, crossing his arms. You can tell what that means. He’s getting impatient. “So. Do you remember how we used to always flirt with each other?” He chuckles.
“Yeah.. you just stopped one day. All at once..” He sounded almost sad, but you weren’t sure.
“I stopped because it just.. it was never going anywhere. It felt like torture, not being able to do anything about it. Not being able to just.. initiate anything.” You sighed, feeling pathetic for acting like this. “But you still keep doing it, and I can’t get you out of my fucking head.” You can’t meet his eyes, but you hear him move toward you.
“Do you want me out of your head?” He asks. You feel him getting close to you.
“God, no. I don’t. But I want you.. physically. Not just in my head. I need you in both ways. John.” You’d never called him by his first name before, and you almost felt afraid of being reprimanded. You hear nothing but silence for a few moments as he thinks.
“Look at me, love.” He sweetly uses his finger to lift your chin and make you look at him. You felt your heart flutter. “Do you remember the reason you told me you joined the military?” He asks you. Of course you remember.
“I wanted to be more brave.” You tell him.
“That’s right. Well, then, perhaps you should try something new.. something that scares you. Kiss me. Just to see if there's any chemistry.” You looked at him, your face hot from the mixture of embarrassment and alcohol. He comes close to you, placing his hand on your cheek. “Do it for me. Prove to me how brave you are.” It was like a switch flipped in your brain. You’d do anything on this earth to make this man happy, and you did.
“Yes, sir..” You pressed your lips to his as quickly as you could manage. It lasts only for a few moments, but it felt like your mood had completely flipped. You were over the moon. You wrapped your arms around him as the kiss came to an end, his face flushing with a blushing hue. As you both pulled away, Price looked at you, watching your reaction. “So.. chemistry?”
"That's most definitely chemistry.” He replied, letting out a chuckle. " My, my.. you're good at this. How about another kiss? Just to be sure, of course?” You couldn’t help but giggle at his comment.
“I would never tell you no.” You chuckle as you kiss him once more, lingering even longer this time.
"I'm very appreciative that you took this initiative all by yourself. I’m proud of you. " He praised you as one of his hands cupped your cheek. Fuck, hearing him praise you made you feel like you were on top of the world. Nothing and nobody else could make you feel so excited. He leaned forward to place a second kiss right on your lips, slowly breaking away. A slight smile showed on his features along with a blush on his face. “Most definitely chemistry..” He added on, as if stating the obvious.
“It wasn’t easy, I’ll tell you that.” You sigh nervously. “I have an easier time shooting bad guys, but you make me so god damn nervous. In a good way.” You chuckle, still shaking a little. He notices this, gently holding your hand to get you to steady yourself.
"Is it because you have genuine feelings for me?" He asks, tilting his head to the side with a raised eyebrow. "I want you to speak your mind. I know my charms are rather hard to resist. But it seems you really have it bad for me, don't you?”
“God, John. You have no idea.” You shakily sigh. “You are incredible in so many different ways.” He grins with that cheeky smile he always does.
“Oh? Tell me more.” You roll your eyes at him.
“You already have a big head, I don’t want to make it bigger.” You both laugh with each other. “But really.. you’re so handsome and kind. You’re caring. You always know what to do. You always have everything under control. You’re.. amazing.” Price seems to crumble a little bit at your words, looking down at the floor and genuinely smiling.
“Thank you, love. I.. do the best that I can.” You see his eyes light up as he smiles at you. “You’re absolutely beautiful, do you know that? I’ve not been able to take my eyes off of you ever since I met you.” It felt like your dream was actually coming true and you were ecstatic.
“I don’t know about all of that, but thank you.” You smile at him, but upon looking at him you notice that he is no longer smiling. He looks down at you, tilting your chin up to look him directly in the eyes.
“No, no. You don’t get to do that.” He shakes his head. “Take the compliment correctly.” Your heart feels like it’s fluttering like crazy now, looking up at him like this.
“Yes, I’m sorry.” You say.
“Sorry, what?” He asks, smiling at you cheekily.
“Sorry, sir.” You say, completely under his spell.
“‘Atta girl.” That’s better.” He noticed you leaning into his touch as he held your face, feeling you push yourself as close to him as possible. The look in your eyes said it all, that you were absolutely desperate for him. “My god, you really want me. Don’t you?” His face turned into a serious one. You felt absolutely pathetic over this man, but you couldn’t help it.
“I really do. I do.” You tell him. He looks like he can’t believe it, like he’s never had someone so needy for him before. You became more aware of his cologne as he shifted around a little bit. He smelled so good. One more thing to add to the list of reasons you just couldn’t stop yourself around him. Once he regained his composure a little, that signature cheeky grin returned.
“You still have to take my orders though, you know that. Right?” You nodded your head as he leaned down to kiss your neck, already making you whimper a little bit for him. He chuckled. “Then strip. And lie down on the bed for me, love.” You quickly nod your head, stripping all of your clothing away and tossing it aside. He does the same after you, and you watch him closely. He was so nicely built. His back was one thing you loved so much. It had a nice curve to it that was hard to look away from. He had some hair on his chest too. You couldn’t help but bite your lip finally getting to see him like this. You could also see he was getting hard, and he was a pretty damn decent size. As you eyed him, he raised an eyebrow at you. “I gave you an order, didn’t I? Love?” He questioned you. You quickly moved to the bed, crawling onto it and lying down for him. He quickly followed you, crawling on top of you. He looked down at you. “Apologize for not doing it when you were told.”
“Fuck..” You could cum right then and there. “I’m sorry, sir.” He nodded his head.
“That’s a good girl. Don’t upset me again, do you understand?” You nodded your head, but he shook his. “Say it.”
“Yes, sir..” You practically moan out, making him chuckle. He begins kissing you again. He starts with your lips, moving to your neck, then moving lower and lower until he reaches your breasts. He looks up at you and never takes his eyes off of you as he takes one into his mouth, sucking on it. Your eyes roll to the back of your head just from him doing this, pleasure coursing straight down between your legs. He pulls away with a ‘pop’ switching to the other one for a minute. He leaves them hard and wet, then working his way down your stomach. He pushes your legs fully apart.
“Put your legs on my back, love.” He requests.
“Yes, s-sir..” You whimper out, lying your legs across his back as his face now sat right between your legs.
“You are so gorgeous, good god.” He admitted, making you feel like you could cry from joy. That feeling was almost immediately gone once he used a finger on you. He ran it up and down your whole slit, before pushing it inside of you. You arched your back, pushing forward to him as much as you could. He chuckled. “Sensitive, are you?” He uses another finger before putting his tongue directly on your clit. He knew what he was doing. You felt your body twitching with pleasure as you moaned for him.
“Fuck, fuck, John..” You whined. He chuckled against you before pulling away for a moment to speak.
“You taste like heaven, love.” He goes right back to doing his job, his tongue assaulting your clit. It doesn’t take long for you to reach your climax, your body convulsing and writhing beneath his touch. He chuckles as he watches you struggle to stay still. As you come down from your high you look down at him, and see him smiling. You laugh.
“Well, now you’re definitely going to have a big head. You’re.. incredible at that.” He smiles at you.
“I do my best.” You smile. Getting up and moving him away a little bit.
“Will you sit back now? For me?” You ask. He quickly nods, leaning his back against the headboard of the bed.
“Work your magic, love.” He tells you. You rest yourself comfortably between his legs, finally taking a hold of his cock. He twitches in your hand. You look up at him, directly in his eyes, as you take him into your mouth. He groans seeing this, tilting his head back in pleasure as you begin bobbing up and down on him. “Fuck, you look so good like that.” You keep going, wanting more and more praise from him. He rests his head comfortably on the headboard, letting you do what you do best. Once he got close, he began groaning more loudly. His cock started twitching, and he began cumming down your throat. You swallowed every bit of it, letting him finish fully before pulling away with a ‘pop’. You smiled at him and he smiled back.
“So soon?” You tease him and he sighs in pleasure.
“It’s been a long time.” He told you. “Now get up here.” You quickly comply, putting yourself in his lap. He wrapped his arms around your back, pulling you as close to him as he could. You kissed, the tastes of each of your juices mixing together. You both pull away, completely breathless.
“You’re just as amazing as I’ve imagined all this time.” You tell him. He smiles, running his hands up and down your sides.
“Oh, you’ve imagined this before?” He asks, again with that damn grin. You roll your eyes.
“Seriously? Of course I have. Every fucking night pretty much.” He holds your chin with his thumb and forefinger, pulling you close to him.
“Well, I’m right here. And it’s really happening.” You feel him getting hard again beneath you. You reach underneath you, taking it into your hand and holding it up. You were ready to take him inside, but you had a thought.
“So, sir. Is this really what you want?” You try to tease him, but your composure is quickly crumbled and broken by him. He looks at you seriously and sternly. He is still holding your face with one hand, while his other hand trails up and down your body. He clicks his tongue in disappointment at you.
“No no, you don’t get to do that love. You’re not the one in charge here.” He looks at you, with such a serious face, but talks to you so sweetly that it completely melts you. “You should apologize for talking to your captain like that.” You immediately become a dumb mess for him.
“I’m so sorry, sir. I don’t know what I was thinking.” He rubs your lips with his thumb, smiling at you kindly.
“You don’t need to think, love. Leave that to me.” You nod your head for him. “Good girl.” He tells you. “Now, take what you want. And don’t make me wait. We have waited long enough, haven’t we?” You nod your head readily, taking his cock and positioning yourself above it. You begin sliding down on top of it, moaning loudly as you sit down on him. You both moan for each other. You feel full and complete now with him inside of you.
“Oh, oh my god..” You can’t even form words to describe how good he feels.
“Sweet mother of..” He grunts. “You’re tight.” You can’t control yourself. You start bouncing up and down on him. He helps you, lifting your body with his arms and helping you gain leverage as you bounce. Your body feels like it’s on fire as he kisses you and holds you so closely. “Love, you’re incredible.” He tells you, watching you as you bounce up and down on him desperately. He can’t control himself either, becoming more and more feral as he thrusted up into you. “God I want to finish inside of you.” He tells you through his heavy breathing.
“I’m good, I’m good.. don’t stop.” He understood what you meant, that you must have been on some type of birth control. Who cares? You could take a plan B. He didn’t care at all at this moment, completely losing himself in the pleasure of you. He became erratic and lost his composure completely as he got closer to the edge. He suddenly held you down on him hard as he came, grinding your hips on him as he came inside of you. He was pulsing and filling you with his seed. You felt so warm and full, sighing in pleasure and joy as you let your head fall to his shoulder, trying to catch your breath.
“God, that was perfect..” You tell him. He nods his head.
“I completely agree. I just.. I haven’t felt that good in so long. I lost myself in you.” You smile at him, feeling a bit sad for him.
“I want to take care of you. I want to make you feel good. Always.” You kiss him. You notice the red hue on his face as he looks at you with a light in his eyes. Then of course, he goes on again being cheeky..
“Maybe we should try it out one more time. Just so I can be sure it really feels so good.” You laugh at his comment, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss once more.
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