#so... i might have gotten back with my groomer
xx-rememberthepast-xx · 10 months
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gothicayomi · 6 months
Edit: I made a post about Alex’s reponse: Here
Okay. The Alex callout is so fucking wishy washy that I’m genuinely getting whiplash. When I first read Ven’s callout document several days ago, I honestly skimmed it because I’m the type of person who has always just assumed callouts are fully honest. And siding with the victims immediately is always a must, especially if it’s about grooming minors, or severe abuse. At that time I was also under the impression DB was a minor, thus I automatically denounced Alex Kister. However, last night I wanted to see any updates regarding this development and I’m so glad I saw Ven’s tumblr post before he updated it, because it provided vital information (such as reminding everyone DB is an adult during all this) and I was able to see people’s responses to it. I decided to reread the document with this new, updated information in mind and I’m very upset with how badly this has gotten. Particularly about how feeble Ven’s doc is and how some of the things they said rubbed me the wrong way. For now, I’m just pointing out some things that really stood out to me with how much it didn’t make sense or it was particularly antagonizing toward Alex.
So… in the tumblr post Ven made, they were saying that the point of the doc wasn’t to say Alex was a groomer. And yet they made it VERY CLEAR that Alex’s gender identity was, in their opinion, a way for Alex to “lure victims”. Basically calling a transfem a predator cuz she expressed her gender identity AND sexuality relative to her gender identity to her partner and not minors. but Ven was also backing up from that claim, which clearly was the whole point of the doc???? But it was never stated in the introduction of the document. So first of all, I thought that was weird. It just said “Alex’s predatory and manipulative behavior.” Here we go.
So. Apparently a content creator wanting to make friends and connect with people is parasocial? Sure, content creators have to be aware of their “high status” or whatever, but i think people are also weird for idol worshipping in the first place. Alex (which I’ve seen stated uses any pronouns) has been self aware about parasocial relationships from the beginning and he’s not saying he never was aware of it. 😐 but several screenshots of him explaining himself tells that he never even thought about the potential power imbalance— he wanted some fucking friends.
These screenshots would show someone expressing their discomfort and assert their boundaries. And Alex always seemed very genuine in their apologies and would acknowledge the person’s feelings wholeheartedly. None of it was brushed off by her in the screenshots. She never downplayed anything. And yet you guys are still offended???????????????? Let me get this straight. You want someone to own up to their mistakes and apologize for making you feel weird, but when they do, you’re somehow still upset? Hm. Make it make sense. Like what the fuck you want, blood from a rock??????
By the way, what’s transphobic to one trans person might not be transphobic for someone else. As a gender-fluid person, I’m not going to be pissed off if a different gender fluid person “”“changes their gender every day”,””” (i say this particular thing because I’ve seen people act very upset over it while others aren’t) because it’s not my fucking business and it doesn’t affect me or my daily life. If they’re comfortable and happy, that’s all that matters. I have no say in what other trans people makes them comfortable with themselves. What’s transphobic is invalidating another trans person’s gender identity, expression, and sexuality, (which CAN co exist by the fucking way) and demonizing it just because you don’t like that person or you don’t want to try and understand them. Just so you know. :) that’s like misgendering someone on purpose just because they’re a terrible person, or saying neopronouns are invalid.
Here’s the thing: when you’re exploring gender identity, you’re not going to get it on the first fucking try. From what I’m seeing in the docs, this was Alex around the time they were first stepping into that comfort zone. They were trying new things. Wanting to feel comfortable. Wanting to be validated. Wanting to connect with other trans people. That’s what every trans person wants. You seriously shamed her for that? To the point where Alex admitted they felt so ashamed of their gender expression that they lied about saying it was joke? All to reassure everyone and make people feel better? Fuck you. You don’t fucking get to say what someone should and shouldn’t do regarding their body and gender— he wasn’t saying explicit things to the minors. Not stuff similar to what was said to Ven or D8 so why the fuck is anyone tripping??????
I will say that I understand why Ven would be concerned about this in the first place since when they dating Alex, Alex did make sexual comments about wanting to wear their clothes and look like them. I get it. But Ven, you were his partner, obviously when you guys were comfortably having intimate discussions that he’d be willing to share vulnerable desires with you regarding gender identity woven with sexuality. But why did you automatically, outside of your personal conversations with him, try so desperately to search for that in his convos with other people? When they had nothing to do with you I understand wanting to be concerned and looking out for other people but this was so blown out of proportion that it’s insane.
Alex trusted you so much. And one thing I was really disgusted by was the creepy ass way of you posting screenshots of his sexual fantasies. If Alex does decide to post YOURS you sent to HIM, you have no fucking right to be upset over it, okay? :) fair’s fair, my dude.
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So this screenshot being posted after Ven writing in the document “venting to a minor about his sexual frustration” all I have to say is Ven what the fuck are you talking about? being touch-starved isn’t Inherently sexual. Why the fuck is Ven saying this is sexual frustration. ?????????????????????????????????????????? So it’s sexual when it’s said to a minor? Oh okay, good thinking, Ven. /sarcasm. I didn’t know cuddles and hugs were bad. I guess grown adults shouldn’t cuddle their children, or adults can’t hug their child family members. Idk what to say about the “I wish you lived closer thing” tbh because i don’t know what the person said— it could have been taken out of context. Which brings me to my next point.
Ven stated there were people who came forward with their own screenshots of what Alex said. But if someone is going to crop them into tiny little boxes and obscure what the victim said before and after, it’s going to be pretty fucking difficult to even make a proper judgment on whether or not the context is inappropriate, or if it was said to the actual victim themselves in the first fucking place. Sure, the screenshots aren’t fabricated, but we don’t know who the fuck they were sent to. That’s on y’all.
Btw I’m so fucking convinced none of these ppl have ever experienced normal, healthy friendships or relationships, oh my fucking god. No fucking basis for proper judgment, imo.
One thing that also pissed me off was Ven targeting Alex’s mental health and symptoms throughout the doc. They targeted Alex’s paranoia and suicidal tendencies. First off, I’m pretty sure everyone part of tmc + the fandom know that the most prominent themes of tmc are SUICIDE and religious trauma. I once saw Alex post a tweet about various poetry written during his high school years venting his depression and suicidal ideation. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had been struggling with depression and suicidal ideation way before that. I’m gonna be so honest, after seeing the way Ven twisted a lot of this around, when I look back on Ven saying “Alex said he’d kill himself if I broke up with him” makes me think Alex could have said something like “you mean a lot to me and I’d be devastated if we split.” like. I can’t be the only fucking person who thinks this. Alex has always been self aware. I know he’s really struggling right now.
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LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO BITCH YOU ARE SO STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!! You either genuinely don’t know what paranoia is (symptom of mental illness) or you, of course, are genuinely trying to demonize an aspect of someone’s symptoms they can’t control. All to justify your bullying against Alex. Maybe research what paranoia is, and you’d be more understanding of Alex.
Mental illness doesn’t fit into your neat little boxes, by the way. And everybody experiences mental illness differently, so don’t act like you 100% know what someone is going through. I understand wanting to see the people you care about getting therapy and professional support. But you don’t have the right to demonize them when they aren’t being outright shitty.
Not to mention, every single fucking time Alex would explain their feelings and perspectives, Ven, you would shut them down in the doc. Invalidating Alex’s feelings. That’s the sort of thing manipulative people do, just so you know, Ven!! The same type of person you claim Alex is!!! Don’t throw stones in glass houses. That’s coward behavior, and projection is damaging to both parties.
Im gojng to be so deadass right now. If I could nitpick every single little detail in Ven’s document that I found weirdly uncomfortable or suspicious or confusing, I’d be making my own goddamn google doc which would be two or three times as long as Ven’s.
This entire matter genuinely could have been dealt with privately. Alex even expressed that and Ven shut him down!!! Do you know how fucking frustrating that is? And no, Alex never shut you guys down so don’t even try and twist the blame back onto him. You wanted him to own up to what he’s done and said, but y’all don’t want to do the same. Sigh!
Also, what the fuck is the takeaway supposed to be? Y’all said he isn’t a groomer. Ven said somewhere in the doc that people aren’t trying to be transmisogynistic. But clearly you are fucking using Alex’s gender identity against her. I hope you burn in hell. Also, since none of the minors were being groomed, what the fuck are you trying to prove?????????? That wanting friends is fucked up and evil???? That you and D8, grown ass adults who were consensually engaging in sexual conversations with Alex, were fucking manipulated? Evidence shows you guys were comfortable with expressing your discomfort and asserting boundaries, but like I said, y’all are still pissed off Alex took accountability. You’re adults. Act like it.
I could go on and on about this shit but these are the key points I wanted to bring up. I saw the post that donut made and I read through it thoroughly but since there is no evidence suggesting Alex was grooming minors, and he was genuinely apologizing for making Donut and other people uncomfortable, it honestly came off as a kid (kids shouldn’t even be in online without a fucking parent’s supervision anyway) being a kid: immature. So I genuinely do not give a fuck. Have your parents watch what people say to you online.
I’m a 23 year old adult who’s been in both toxic and healthy friendships and relationships with people and I can honestly say y’all are fucking stupid for even writing these dumbass callouts. I’m looking forward to Alex’s response and I will be supporting him unless there is substantial evidence showing Alex is a bad person. Ok?
Feelings and perspectives are valid and important on both ends. You don’t need me to tell you that. The point of this post is that the doc was very feeble and lacked proper documentation at numerous points. you shouldn’t purposely misconstrue Alex’s words and actions just to make him look bad, especially if your evidence (screenshots, in this case) isn’t consistent or fully exposed. I will mention what I said earlier: plenty of people here, from what I saw, were able to express their feelings and assert boundaries just fine and Alex was completely open, and whoever needed that help definitely got it. Despite everything that has happened, I’m glad people did have others who understood what they felt.
I may be editing this post if I find I think certain things need to be (re)addressed or corrected. Because like I said, there are various things I want to point out. Stay updated or not!
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guilty-pleasures21 · 7 months
The end of this town
@queen-shiba as promised!
Part 1
Part 2
Warnings: descriptions of sex including blowjob (f recieving), penetration (p in v) and slight somnophilia (consensual of course!)
“If you'd like us to take care of the horses as well, that'll be another five gold pieces, sire,” the slippery man sitting behind the counter informed Dara. ‘Slippery’ not just in the metaphorical sense - with that cunning grin he kept giving Dara - but the man had so much oil in his hair and beard, the Afshin truly believed he'd slip right out of his hands if he tried to grab him.
“Fine,” Dara replied, forking out the money begrudgingly. “But for that price, they'd better be getting honey-coated apples for breakfast!”
“Oh, rest assured, young master, Hassan is the best horse groomer this side of the country,” the man declared, grabbing at Dara's coins with glee.
“Well, there's not much competition if you're the only horse groomer this side of the country, is there?” Dara muttered under his breath. The man ignored his quip, that slippery smile still stretched across his face as he handed Dara the keys to the two rooms he'd booked - of course he wasn't going to let that Qahtani brat anywhere near his precious X while she was asleep. He turned around to head back to the tavern area, then realised that his surroundings had gone deathly silent. Suddenly, a loud cheer erupted, causing Dara's heart to start pounding in his chest in fear. Was X all right? Had she gotten hurt? Was she feeling threatened? That last one was especially bad, because then she might feel inclined to use her powers, and then she'd drain herself again. He dashed over to the drinking area and rushed over to X when he saw her swaying on her feet as Ali held her up.
“X?” Dara asked, wrapping his arm around her waist and cupping her cheek in his hand. She looked even more exhausted than when they'd gotten here - she definitely must have used her powers. “Are you all right, janam (my life)?”
X nodded sleepily, her eyelids fluttering shut as she fell against Dara's chest. “Mmm. Just tired. Wanna sleep.”
“All right, let's get you to bed,” Dara agreed, his fingers brushing through her hair soothingly. Then he raised his head to glare at Ali. “What did you do now?!”
“Me?!” Ali scoffed, keeping his voice at the same low pitch as Dara - they really didn't need any more attention on them than they already had. “I was trying to stop her from thrashing those men and drawing attention to us!” Dara's eyes flashed at Ali's revelation, but before he could continue reprimanding the younger djinn, X tugged on his shirt and let out a little whine.
“Yes, yes, I'll bring you to bed, janam,” Dara reassured X, turning around to start leading her up to their room. He stopped momentarily to toss Ali's keys to him, but didn't spare him a second glance as he continued walking with X.
“What happened, jaaneman (my soul)?” Dara asked her as he helped her to their door. X groaned in response, then let out a contented hum when he lifted her into his powerful arms and carried her over to the bed.
“They had no manners,” she mumbled sleepily as Dara helped her get her boots off. “They kept calling me rude names. But everyone hated them anyway.” Someone had dared try to insult his precious Banu Nahida?! He'd make them pay - he'd hunt them down and-
“I took care of it, Dara.” X tugged on his arm, sensing his anger as the heat began to build up around them. She wriggled aside to make some space for him beside her. “Come to bed.” She liked being cuddled up against him; his hard muscles pressing against her as he murmured sweet nothings into her hair, his calloused palms wandering all over her bare skin as he admired her soft curves. And he was always so warm, even when she was shivering with cold, her body unable to regulate itself after she'd spent too much magic.
Dara sighed, then settled himself at the end of the bed so he could start massaging her legs. Aside from her having fought an entire village that morning - and then God knew how much of the tavern just now - they'd also been walking the entire day, so she must have been thoroughly exhausted right then. Dara leaned forward, letting his hands climb higher and higher up her legs.
“Mmph!” X let out a little squeak as her legs twitched in response to the way he circled his thumbs around the insides of her thighs. She was so cute like this, her eyes remaining closed even as her features scrunched with arousal. Dara grinned at the sight, then curled his fingers around the waistband of her trousers.
“Janam,” he began softly, the low pitch of his voice barely concealing his excitement. “Can I … Is it okay if I …”
“Touch me?” X supplied unabashedly, a small giggle escaping her lips as she said it. “Please.” He was always so nervous when he asked her for it - so embarrassed by his needs and his desire for her, even when they'd already made love so many times before. But only until he'd gotten all her clothes off, then he'd forget all about his nerves, his thoughts consumed entirely by her naked body, all ready and waiting for him to admire.
“I'll be gentle,” Dara promised her, tugging her trousers off before discarding them on the ground. He pulled his own clothes off, then lifted her legs to wrap them around his waist so he could lean over her to start taking her top off.
“That’s what you always say,” X teased him, her voice heavy with sleep. But he was gentle, soft and sweet like every touch was a blessing he’d been granted. She still remembered their first time, after she'd confessed her feelings to him and he'd responded hopelessly.
“And I will never be able to let another man touch me, Darayavahoush,” she'd replied, her stomach curdling at the very thought. Dara had sucked in a breath, his muscles tensing as he'd imagined running his hands across her bare skin. But then he'd taken a step away from her.
“I … I might never be able to give you children, X,” he'd admitted, voice weighed down with fear. She'd smiled and cupped his cheek in her hand, her fingers brushing along the rough stubble lining his jaw.
“But you need to continue the Nahid bloodline,” he'd told her, his voice losing its resolve as his eyes continued to rove over her body hungrily. X had taken a step forward, quickly closing the distance he'd tried to put between them.
“I'm not going to let anyone else touch me, Dara,” she'd replied stubbornly, “even if you won't. I don't ever want anyone else to have me but you.” She'd let her eyes trail over his hollow cheeks then, his angled jaw, his wide lips. Then she'd brushed her thumb across his bottom lip, her mouth watering at how soft it felt against her skin. His eyes had darkened as she'd brought her mouth closer to his, his pupils growing with lust even as he'd stayed frozen in position, waiting.
“You're my Afshin, Darayavahoush,” she'd whispered, her warm breath grazing his lips teasingly. “And I am your Banu Nahida. Aren't you supposed to look after me? To cherish me and make sure I am well taken care of?”
He'd clenched his fists, his entire body heating up with desire as she'd smiled against his lips. She'd slid her fingers into his hair then, twisting the wavy strands between her fingers, and he'd parted his lips with a gasp, allowing her to slide her tongue between them and into his mouth. By God, she'd tasted sweet - sweeter than any of the desserts he and his sister would try to steal from their mother's kitchen when she wasn't looking. He'd kept his eyes open as she'd kissed him, his hands remaining frozen by his sides so he'd refrain from touching her. But he hadn't been able to stop his mouth from moving against hers, from winding his tongue around hers and licking up the sweet taste of her. Then finally, she'd pulled back and he'd found himself able to think again.
“I need you, my Afshin,” X had told him, undoing her robes and slipping them off her shoulders. “Aren't you going to take care of your Banu Nahida, Dara?”
“X,” he'd breathed, his voice hoarse with desire. She'd giggled at his tone, then taken a step back, that playful grin still stretched across her rosy lips as she'd looked up at him.
She'd let her robes pool on the ground by her feet, exposing her luscious curves to him: her delicious breasts, her hollowed waist, her rounded cheeks. Then she'd taken his hands and lifted them to her chest, letting him brush his calloused palms across her nipples. She'd shivered as he'd touched her, and he'd growled her name in response, his self-restraint hanging on by a thread at that point.
“You're so soft, jaaneman,” he'd murmured before dropping his hands down to her waist. She'd grinned at that, then dragged her finger down his throat to the collar of his tunic.
“Why don't you take this off and find out how much of me is really soft to the touch?” X had challenged him, stretching onto her toes to nip his earlobe. His jaw had tightened at her words, his breathing getting more laboured as his body begged him to give in. Then, as if he'd been in a trance, he'd pulled his clothes off, his eyes never leaving her naked form as she'd walked over to the bed.
X had lain down on her side, her silky curls tumbling over her shoulder as she'd propped herself up on her elbow. Dara had felt his heart begin to flutter as she'd let her eyes trail over him, her lips twisting with delight as she'd licked them hungrily. Then she'd curled her finger, beckoning him to her before sitting up again.
“Come here, janam,” she'd commanded him, flashing him a naughty smile as she'd pat the space in front of her. “Your Banu Nahida needs her Afshin, Darayavahoush.”
And for the rest of the night, he'd found himself incapable of doing anything besides worshipping his Banu Nahida, in exactly the way he'd been made to do.
Dara lowered himself to the bed and began pressing soft kisses to the insides of her thighs, his lips quickly making their way up to her centre. Then he pressed them to her folds and grinned as she sucked in a breath before he pulled her into his mouth. He licked and sucked on her gently, his tongue sweeping up her length to circle her nub of sensitive nerves before dragging back down to tickle her entrance. She shivered at the feeling of his mouth closed around her most intimate parts and he let out a chuckle when he felt her c*m beginning to leak into his mouth. He groaned against her in satisfaction and she shuddered again as the low rumble of his voice danced along her bones. She’d keep drifting in and out of sleep as he teased her, her brain shutting down momentarily whenever another wave of arousal hit her. He liked to take his time tasting her, the movements of his tongue always slow and appreciative as he swirled it around her vagina. X let out a whine as her body writhed helplessly, her arousal growing at the feeling of Dara’s tongue sweeping around her insides and lapping her up thirstily. Finally, he increased the pace of his movements, his tongue flicking against her walls hard and fast until her back arched off the bed and she came for him.
X frowned when she was done and gingerly hit Dara on the chest as he climbed up over her. She always looked so cute when she was annoyed with him, her lips twisting into that little pout beneath her scrunched up nose. Dara chuckled at her irritation, then bent over to begin kissing and nibbling on her neck. X sighed at the feeling of his broad chest pressing down on her and she slung her arms around his neck lazily. She scratched his back lightly, delighting in the feeling of his sinewy muscles beneath her palms, then he nipped her earlobe and she bucked her hips against his before flopping back onto the bed. X turned her head to the side and relaxed into the mattress, spreading herself out and letting Dara do whatever he wanted with her body.
“So beautiful, janam,” he murmured, brushing his lips and fingers down her torso. He squeezed her breast in his hand, then moaned against her collarbone before grazing it with his teeth. “So perfect and so delicious.” He moved his mouth lower to press soft kisses to her nipple and X bit her lip as her body stretched itself out again in response to his stimulation.
“You have such beautiful breasts, jaaneman,” Dara praised her before closing his mouth around her soft flesh to suck on it. A whimper escaped X's throat as she felt her arousal begin to seep onto her thighs again, then she giggled.
“I'm glad you like them, jaane delam: they were made for you, after all,” X joked, sliding her fingers into his hair. She let out a low moan as he circled the nipple that was in his mouth and flicked his fingers across the other. He gave her breast one last suckle, then pulled away, releasing her with a wet ‘pop’.
“You were not made for me, atashe delam (flame of my heart),” Dara informed her, his lips stretching wide as he took in her beautiful form beneath him, “but I was made for you. It doesn’t matter what you look like, I would have found you the most beautiful woman in the entire world.”
He took hold of himself then, and rubbed his length along her folds, coating his tip in her sticky juices so he could slide himself into her. X clutched onto the bedsheets and wriggled around, shifting in position to better accommodate his rapidly hardening bulk. Then she relaxed again when he'd buried himself firmly inside of her.
“And I would have loved you even if you didn't look so handsome while brooding,” X mumbled, yawning as her body contorted with delight at the feeling of him filling her up entirely. She reached a hand up to slide it along his chest, admiring the hard planes of his body, then she tugged on his shoulder, whining for him to move closer to her.
Dara chuckled at her impatience, but lowered himself on top of her and slid his tongue into her mouth when his lips landed on hers. X ran her hands all over his neck and shoulders and back as she kissed him, the movements of her fingers lazy and appreciative. Her body contracted around him, her walls squeezing his centre and begging him for more, and she whimpered at the feeling. Dara grinned and rolled his hips against hers, his hard length brushing against every inch of her walls as he stretched her out. He started slow, his thrusts deep and rhythmic as he moved himself in and out of her, then he picked up his pace and the bed began to creak beneath the force of his movements.
“Mmm … Not so loud, janam!” X warned him, curling herself around his deliciously muscled form. “Ali might hear. And then he'd never let me marry his brother and take over the kingdom.” She grinned as she said it, letting him know that she was only joking: as if she'd ever marry that useless fool - not when her heart had been so completely captured by her rough and overprotective warrior.
“Then maybe I should be louder, jaaneman,” Dara retorted, matching her tone. “I don't want you marrying that good for nothing womaniser either.” But in truth, he liked how quiet it always was between them: his low groans, her soft giggles, the tender praises that would fall from both of their lips. It was like nothing else existed in that moment but the two of them, the entire world falling away save for the luscious form of his precious little Banu Nahida beneath him.
Dara slowed down again, his thrusts careful and deliberate, his tip prodding against that one spot that always had her writhing with desperation. But it wouldn't be enough, he knew; she wouldn't be able to come unless he was hitting her hard and fast, until he was filling her up with such pleasure that her body wouldn't be able to contain it anymore. So he increased his pace again, not caring who heard them this time. X whined in protest, but then began moaning softly as her brain went numb at the feeling of him brushing up against all her most sensitive parts. Finally, her hips bucked up against his and she dug her fingers into his back as she came for him.
Dara slid his hand under her waist and held her up against him as she shuddered with pleasure, and then he was coming too, his warm seed spilling into her and filling her up entirely, making her as his. X let out a little whimper at the feeling and Dara growled as she wrapped her arms tighter around him. He lay her back down when he was done, then got up to find a towel to clean her up.
She huffed in irritation when he pulled himself out of her, her body already starting to shiver as his warmth left her. But he shushed her gently and brushed her hair away from her face as he reassured her that he'd be back soon. It wasn't long before he was settled back between her legs and wiping her down with a damp towel. X sighed at the feeling of the warm cloth against her skin, then quickly wrapped herself around Dara when he slid into the bed next to her. He laughed at the speed with which she'd attached herself to him, then readjusted their positions so she was resting more comfortably in his arms.
“I love you, janam,” X murmured, her words slurred with sleep. Dara smiled and cuddled her closer to his chest.
“I love you too, jaane delam.”
Ali tossed his keys onto the table in front of the innkeeper, his bloodshot eyes heavy with tiredness.
“Do you have any other rooms available?” he asked, taking care to keep his features covered. The innkeeper narrowed his eyes at him, studying him cautiously.
“What's wrong with your current room?” he asked him suspiciously. Ali hesitated, searching for the appropriate words.
“The walls … are a little too thin,” he replied finally, “and my neighbours are a little too loud.” The man grinned, immediately understanding his predicament. He took the keys from Ali and handed him a different set.
“I'm afraid we haven't been able to fix that particular problem just yet,” the man apologised, not looking very sorry at all. He leaned closer to Ali and his lips curled into a sly smile beneath his oiled moustache. “But we could always provide you with a little … ‘distraction’, if you'd like?”
“No thank you!” Ali replied quickly, snatching up the keys and backing away from the man. He wasn't that bothered by the sounds, if he was being really honest - they hadn't been too loud save for the occasional creaking of the flimsy bed. He just didn't want to hear those sounds coming from people he actually knew; from people he could actually imagine doing all the things that they were doing to each other. He shuddered at the thought, then headed for the stairs to go find his new dwellings. “The new room will be enough for me!”
He didn't care what the Afshin said; next time, he would be the one getting their rooms.
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frindoka · 10 months
my art timeline :-)
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hi! i’m making this because i was inspired by maxpawb’s post i saw on toyhouse , which then led me to look at all my own art that is still somehow intact in my storage. this only details stuff from when i started posting online, not from when i started drawing traditionally as a wee lad. partially because my sketchbooks are lost and partially because i never really wrote down dates on my art to begin with.
a lot of dates are lost, due to the aforementioned problem of me not writing things down.. and also i have awful dissociative memory problems so there’s way too many gaps in my life. but i really did want to do this to see how much i could find & how much i could recollect.
content warning for VERY brief mentions of grooming, as well as minor mentions of real shitty friends
everything is under the cut! there might be another rb if or when i hit the image limit. curse you, tumblr.
date: ??? , i had to be around like. 11 at the time
this was when i joined warriors amino and i deleted my account because i got in trouble for having social media, LMAO. i eventually came back with a new one though. this is probably one of the only surviving art pieces from when i was THIS YOUNG, everything’s on an ipad that’s so broken it won’t even charge
i learned how to use the smudge tool on ibispaint at this time and thought i was the coolest bitch on the block for my blending
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may 2019, i was like 12
my return to amino (and brief period on deviantart, which i never used again lmao) i was specifically on wings of fire amino + warriors amino. i was obsessed with airbrush shading.
this is one of my first fursonas which was a wings of fire fanflight called kitsunewings or smth. and also my first species character (he predated the dragon), a bayfox, which was drawn in krita. i never used krita again after this. coincidentally, i was also never active in bayfoxes after submitting him.
i crawled back to ibispaint no matter how many new free programs i tried.. (also tried firealpaca once. i couldn’t even figure out how to draw a line…)
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may 2019, 12
the rise of my longest lasting fursona. she got stolen on a shitty app called anime maker once. i can’t remember if she’s older than the dragon, andromeda, but her older iterations definitelt are. this character was just the FIRST first fursona that i actually called that, since i didn’t even really know what a furry was at first
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june 2019, 12
my first commission that i sold for like 30 deviantart points (i only used the site for commission purposes, as mentioned before i never really used it lmao)
also i tried to make a closed species on wings of fire amino. second image. it was terribly stressful ; this was around the time i met my longest lasting group of friends (hi freak bin! 5 years <3) and.. some of the worst people i’ve ever met in my life at the same time, LMAOOO
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also here’s this kokichi ouma dog i made before i even knew what danganronpa was. i would find out much later, unfortunately
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march 2020, still 12 (cause of my august birthday 😒)
there’s a really big gap in my files here. sad! my art kicks into gear at this point tbh, i like how i did the lines. wish i had the energy for such clean lineart still :-(
i think around this time i lost contact with the people who were my groomers (which i would realize later) and i’m thankful that i don’t even remember what their names are.
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april 2020 - july 2020, 12
okay these aren’t awful actually. HOW WAS MY ART SO DETAILED. i admire baby frets power, jesus christ
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i also did a design raffle when i hit 500 amino followers which is still the most i’ve ever gotten as a following. pretty crazy, i wonder who owns this dude now, i still think they’re cute
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august 2020, 13
wow i’m 13 now look at that. i had to go digging for this one, only one i could find that was remotely close to my birthday (it’s the 25th!) this was a drawing for my friend bea lol
was still friends with some pretty shitty people from wings of fire amino, and it was really taking a toll on me. i don’t remember drawing as often as i used to during that time because of all of that.
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december 2020, 13
i wish i could still draw backgrounds.. i need more practice
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january 2021, 13
okay honestly these are really cute. i don’t know wtf kind of motivation i had for this much detail. the shading is pretty damn good
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april 2021, 13
still going strong with the shading and backgrounds. not much to say around this time either lol. the first one is an older design of mine, but they’re pretty damn cute.. i wonder what happens to the desgins i lose track of? but ik this guy has a toyhouse profile i just refuse to look through my like. 200 pages of character designs on there…
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july 2021, 13
PUDDLE! PUDDLE OH HOW I MISS YOU. my original favorite oc, i got so much art of him & drew him so much he reached 100 pieces in less than a month. i also met my best friend through this dude.
my art got.. blocky? here? idk what i was doing with all of that but it lasts for a while. lol
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october 2021, 14
one year older and i got neo twewy for my birthday and it changed my life permanently. in several ways. anyhow, here’s frindoka furries.. they live in my files forever and will never b drawn again because they got redesigned several more times LOLLLLL
this is the month after i broke off permanently from my shitty old friends, with support of some other friends of mine. thank you guys… i did proceed to get harassed and made paranoid over my text messages by the shitty friends cause they were mad i got one of them banned from a furry adopts server for being literally dangerous. i do know it was them bc it was admitted to & they were some of the only people i gave my phone number to. i was kind of dumb for that
i was happy after my birthday because 13 was one of the worst years of my life. literal constant spirals and breakdowns because this is when i realize i was, in fact, groomed. i’m well and handling it better now.
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january 2022, 14
my first d&d character, the mark of my eventual spiral into heath insanity… shadow how i miss you. i ended up redesigning them later on
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march 2022, 14
i got into a pokemon arpg around this time and it took over my life for MONTHSSSS. kind of a shitty community in it though, but i appreciate how it improved my artwork. i’m back at the backgrounds! it’s shut down indefinitely now. rip eeveemporium
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april 2022, 14
I FOT BACK INTO WAKFUUUU😭😭😭 also got pretty comfortable in my identity as a transgender nonbinary person, but i would get MORE comfortable about my identity later on :-)
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this is going to be continued in a reblog because i did, in fact, hit the image limit. oopsie daisies
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dreaming-marchling · 6 months
Director's cut around anything in The Warlock's Cat? I absolutely adore the story.
The Warlock's Cat Tidbits :)
Also, hopefully cats weren’t deathly allergic to romaine lettuce, carrots and what tasted like balsamic vinaigrette. All Alec knew was that cats hunted mice, what their diets were like after that was a mystery. Nobody could actually be allergic to a carrot, right?
Just in case anyone out there is unclear, cats totally can't survive on a vegan diet, they have to have meat. So nice try with this salad, Alec, but this did absolutely nothing for you lol
He braced himself, flexed his claws but didn’t attack. He didn’t want to attack. Alec was just resting up, he’d get out of here as soon as he could but he had no way of communicating that so the cat probably…
It licked him.
Aside from the kindness from Chairman here, cats groom each other to bond but often the groomer is asserting dominance over the groomee. So in cat speak, Chairman is also saying "this is my house but I like you" while he grooms Alec. Further enforcing Magnus' thought later that Chairman and Alec are friends and that Chairman is the alpha in the friendship lol (and that they're both aware and okay with that)
To his great surprise, she turned to him and nodded her head as well, “I am the Sirin. It is a pleasure to meet you as well.”
The initial outline didn't have the Sirin. I just wanted some various Downworlders to show Alec how similar their people were and that Magnus was nothing like what Maryse had said. I decided it'd be fun to have a non-humanoid being come to Magnus so I started researching. When I discovered the Sirin from Russian folklore I fell in love and had to include her.
This is a picture of her and her counterpart Alkonost (the Sirin is on the left)
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[By Viktor Vasnetsov, Birds of Joy and Sorrow (1896)]
This is my favorite artwork of them but there are many other great ones (plus plenty that stick a pair of featherless tits in the center of their bird chests, if that does anything for you lol).
The spell carried Alec all the way to his bed in Magnus’ bedroom where there was some green stuff – oregano? – scattered around. Alec didn’t stick around to figure it out, he just rushed back out to the living room but Magnus was gone.
I've said before that I was heartily tempted to include an "Alec on catnip" scene but didn't because the technically un-aware and un-consenting drug use on Alec's part would change the overall lighthearted tone of the story too much but please know that after the story eventually Magnus manages to convince Alec to give the catnip a try and he gets some potent zoomies and really enjoys himself rolling around on the floor over and over again lol. He likes it better than alcohol.
Once more, the conga line departed the loft via portal.
Listen, if I was rich and could pay the cast to act out scenes from my stories, I'd obviously totally pick the really major romantic moments or big revelation moments or hurt/comfort moments, like I've got a list I could choose from happily. This one though... I would be genuinely tempted even though it's not major in any way. It's so dumb at a certain point, like it forever cracks me up. I was cackling writing this. I don't really do funny confidently but like, I was genuinely laughing at how ridiculous this had gotten.
Under no circumstance was he telling them about the litter box situation. If they loved him they wouldn’t even ask.
This occurred to Izzy and Jace both but they do love him so they didn't ask.
He was small. He was furry.
He was a cat.
Originally the story was meant to end with Alec going to talk to Magnus and them realizing they're in wuv and kissing. I was having too much fun though so I added the whole cat shifter thing.
“The next person who finds you and thinks you’re a stray might be a more modern and responsible cat owner.” Cat said, glancing at Magnus before she turned and smirked at Alec, “I was encouraging Magnus to neuter you. Sorry about that.”
After the story ends, Magnus casts a few spells on Alec to ensure that any catting doesn't get him in a bad situation like a tracking spell and, discretely and importantly, a notice-me-not spell on his balls. I didn't know how to weave that in but like, it's important lmao.
“Sorry if this is rude but is your cat a cat?” Alec asked in one rush.
I added this shortly before posting because readers had been commenting about Chairman's perceptiveness. Give me a hint of an excuse to talk about Chairman Meow the familiar or the old forest god or literally all the many headcanons and thoughts I have about this cat, seriously. Any excuse.
Then came something glowing red. Alec picked it up gingerly and was surprised to read Kīlauea Lava from January 22, 1884 Eruption.
This is a real eruption of a real volcano. I researched this. Why? Are any of you vulcanologists? I don't know why I was so intent on accuracy here but good opportunity to tell people now: this is a real volcano eruption.
Magnus laughed, “Shall you tell your mother or would you like the High Warlock to do so?”
Maryse listens to the explanation of this and literally stares at them silently for like a full minute before turning and walking away. It's like long after Valentine that Maryse again acknowledges that her son is a cat shifter.
Thank you for asking!!
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nerdlog · 1 year
Why is no one talking about the new porn ID laws in the US?
In order to "keep kids safe," several states including Mississippi, Virginia, Louisiana, and Utah have passed laws requiring for porn sites to ask for your ID to access their content.
I am not hyperbolizing when I say this might be the most dangerous law I have ever seen passed since the Patriot Act. The issue is that these laws are being passed by old guys who haven't gotten an erection since Bush was president.
The primary use of this new system is to prevent minors from accessing porn sites. However, think about what your first experience to porn was. Mine was just looking up "boobs" on google and scrolling until I saw something. Turning off safe search makes this method work even easier:
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Unless these laws are going to lock EVERY form of web scrubbing besides safe search behind an ID then I have already found 1 of many ways for a curios kid to find porn.
One of the other ways is something that no law maker has ever thought of: going to the second fucking page of Google!
The law just went into effect in my state, so I just looked up "porn" in my browser to see what sites I couldn't access:
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Only one website on desktop actually blocked my search: Pornhub. On mobile, xhamster also blocked me from accessing but I don't see it as often. XNXX is French, so I don't think my state can do anything to force them to check my ID, so what will happen is that anyone choosing between a site that has them take a picture of their ID and a website that doesn't will pick the path of least resistance.
This is pretty bad when you realize that most porn on XNXX and other foreign and niche porn sites steal their content from onlyfans, official porn accounts, and paywall porn sites like Brazzers. This law will destroy sex workers' bottom line as more people move to porn scrubbing sites with shady names like maxiporn or zzztube.
The third group this will effect is the consumer. I know you horny bastards probably love your porn as much as I do so this is what will most likely happen within the next few years. The second that republicans take control of the senate, a federal version of this law will take place because no 65 year old Democrat wants to be labeled as "pro-porn" or a groomer. Every US based porn site will require your ID tied to your account. One day, a site you have visited will get hacked, and they will get a picture of your ID. With it, they can use it to make fraudulent purchases, like what happened in this Reddit post from 2 years ago. What is more likely is that millions of americans will be pushed onto sites not worried with the law that allow malware ads to run freely during every video. We will be pushed back into the dark age of porn online, where every click could install a worm.
I tried contacting my senators, but all they could muster was a half assed automated response. If anyone has a better way to protest, please rb with your suggestions.
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mimiri22-6 · 2 years
*gets exactly one post about Dream drama* Oh god now what has he done. *can't find the origins on twitter because I want my revived account to be as bare bones as possable so I'm following like no one involved* Finds the #supportdream or whatever tag. it's filled with 70 hate/30 that's my streamer. I have got little no info, only the victims story falling apart and apparently dreams a+ handling of these kinds of situations has gotten no better.
on one hand, some things don't add up. sometimes dream does know she was under 18 sometimes she lied about her age. on her twitter at least, im assuming she could have done the same in dms.
Plus, a little thing w me; I have this fucking uncanny 6th sense for shitty yters through their voices, doesn't work when their singing, I figured it out after Ry*n of Achievement Hunter did something simular to these allegations dream is getting. I have never felt uncomfortable or worried about the people around dream whenever I've heard his voice. Well, that's a lie. I can't figure out what it means, but in certain situations, his talking did put a poker in my back. It wasn't immediate or noticable most of the time, but sometimes I could feel it. It might have been because his manhunt series is very edited down and he's not actually the one to talk in them the most, and on the other side of the coin could be because I want to punt his dsmp character into the sun, not because I think/thought his character was anything like him, nah, because his friends say he's the nicest man alive. No matter what it is or how small it is, it is good to take note of every little thing just in case. I've clocked many yters like this years before any shitty actions came to light, I'd say it started all the way back w Cr*ytic. I still watched them because I didn't know my instincts were like this, but I do take note nowadays whenever I get that little shiver up my spine to RUN.
...what the fuck was I writing about? how did I get here? it's been 90 minutes.
on the other hand, uh, he doesn't seem like the type???? was that what I was going to say?? ok, maybe he isn't groomer level, but maybe it's the racism my brain is clocking. idk why but I just can not let him off the hook for the Indigenous memorial graffiti incident. for some reason it feels like it was just swept under the rug and I could have sworn I saw dream respond to it in his very braindead way he handles those sorts of things "my fans can do no harm🥰did you know I'm .8% native🤗it's so goofy and fun, I hope they vandalize another memorial for me😍" y'know, that type. or I could have just mistook his response for the spongbob yelling as a response to the memorial. either way, he is not good at the defending words thing. Like, one of the worst I've seen honestly. Just hold your fans acountable and tell them what you're uncool with upfront. Like maybe not vandalizing memorials for marginalized groups you have an ounce of blood w.
idk how this turned into my essay on dream, ig this was a long time coming for me because I just have a lot to say about this man that I just can't hold any longer. I was happy for him and his friends Finally getting that fucking visa and plane ticket less than a month ago, but I think that was more my being pissed off at the system then being super invested in these people anymore. hold tight, I'm not done overanalizing this man yet. there will be a slightly longer than avg tldr at the end tho
Dream's relationship with his fans is weird and rubs me the wrong way. He isn't strict w them, not straightforward. The only other cc I know w simular nsfw fancontent to him is Badboyhalo, and he clearly stated he's fine w seeing sfw art of him and skeppy(I keep forgetting to aquant myself with whatever drama skeppy got into to make people hate him now, I think I remember it being stupid, but I could be wrong) being buddies and pals platonic soulmates if you will, and he acknowledged that there was going to be nsfw content of him regardless, BUT it was clear he didn't want to see it, he didn't wanna stubble apon it. With recent stuff going on, not the most recent allegations, but the face reveal and the twichcon t-shirt incident, I think Dream is actually in a simular boat, but he's just so fucking bad at this saying your clearest intentions and thoughts on the matter that he's in the middleground of nearly anything other than I love my fans, please don't harrass anyone, but then not saying anything when it goes down. the only time i've seen him say anything alnong the lines more solid on these things was in the twitter space interview w i forget who and i can't find it anymore. not even in my watch history. fucking weird. anyway, I just spent a half an hou looking for it and I don't know what I was talking about anymore...oh right, his relationship w his fans needs to change if he doesn't want this shit happen to him. wether this real or not, because there is a universe where the most recent alligations are fake, the fact of the matter is that since he has such a huge following there will be people that fake something like this just to pull his career down.
on the one hand, he's ramping up in activity because of his face reveal and people looking to kick him while he's on the rise is bound to happen, on the other hand, victims speak out at those times because they don't want the abusers to do the same to someone else while in the thraw of fame and massive power.
I've lost so much of my train of thought since i started writing this so
TLDR; Her story is falling apart at places, he's not handling the sich well, like usual, he gives me the heeby geebies sometimes and, yes, that needs to be noted, this is bound to happen again and again if he doesn't set real solid boundaries with his fans On His Main Account and if he Doesn't Give His Fans A Phone Number To Freely Call And Text Him On REALLY WHY DO YOU THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA-Also the indigenous disrepect is Loud and is the reason why I don't follow him on anything anymore(as far as I know, I may have missed a profile somewhere, but idk. I don't think I have, but the possability is there)
As more time goes on I get more and more uncomfortable w him, but w the other yters that turned out to suck, the reaction was instant and I had to learn to ignore it, but w him I'm learning the opposite.
anyway, im tired and im gonna do something i actually like now. fuck you bye love you be safe, uhhhhhhh, i hope he learns to not be a fucking dipshit for his friends sakes, but if he doesn't i hope his friends and dsmp members knows this is icky and dips when it gets too much. i do not care about the stans, but the fans that dream has helped through dark times in the past few years, i hope you can find it again in someone else or youre ok, uhhhh, my brain is tired and im melting, wait that's backwards oh well, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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openly-journaling · 1 year
Wrath: Sat, April 8th
It's been difficult to remember to journal. Life has become so wonderful since getting down here. Every week we have a sleepover with our partner. We go out and eat or see things or stay inside and snuggle.
Sadly we accidentally tore up the side of our car a little. It's not horrid but the worst part was when it hit our landlords truck. He was kind and understanding and our insurance is covering it. The rain came down and blinded us last minute as we were pulling in to park.
So.. an idea of our schedule is work Monday-Thursday and our boss says he'll start teaching us how to train dogs on Fridays. Saturdays we spent with our partner and Sunday we basically sleep all day.
We still have to do taxes, and apparently this state has a state tax that has to be paid also. We are considering dropping on our GED since our boss has offered us business.
I just guess when we're happy we feel there's less to journal about. On one hand it's like our journal is just a place to drop our vents and occasionally when things are good.
But life still isn't perfect. Because of this safety feeling we've gotten headmates that seem to be fighting and stirring up trouble. I'm guessing to keep us on our feet. Memories from old traumas are trying to slip back in and for once we're not sure how to cope. It was easy in survival mode where it was focus on the now not look back at what was unless necessary for experiences.
We've also gone back to living terrible maladaptive daydreaming stories in our head that we struggle to control. But this has nothing to do with being here. It's being in America in general.
They said it will get worse before it gets better. I hope it gets better. I'm tired of living in fear that this might not last. So I've been living each day to the fullest.
I saw a TikTok about how fear isn't the only tactic of control. But disgust is far stronger than fear, which can be dissipated quickly unlike the feeling of disgust.
--Politics, religion, anti-lgbtq mentions, child grooming mentions, etc--
People have disappeared mysteriously from protests trying to protect trans people or the LGBTQ in general and are still missing apparently. I don't know if that's true but I believe it.
They have controlled Christianity with disgust by telling them we (the LGBTQ) are child groomers. That we hurt children or that we are perverts trying to get into the opposite gender's spaces. They have said that gay men are gross and disgusting for hitting on straight men who are uninterested despite cis straight [white] men doing the same thing to women. And those men still miss the point. They have said we're murderers despite the fact that most every killer is a cis white man. They attack poc and say they are horrible people and all of them are wrapped up in drugs and sex and are generally bad people. That anyone they don't agree with must be disgusting and gross in some way.
I want to turn it back on them so bad. Put up signs that list of all the priests who have harmed children. To put up a list of all the cis people who have created shootings. I want to put up signs talking about how disgusting Christianity is for wanting to kill people they don't agree with.
I want to prove them right. Because no matter how much I scream and cry at the top of my lungs, those blind sheep will continue to see us as monsters. I don't want to prove everything right. Obviously no intention of hurting children. No. I want to prove them how violent we supposedly are. I want to fight back. I'm tired of being backed into a corner.
But the more we fight the more we are also stigmatized. We have every right to fight back and we don't. Whether it's because of fear or simply that we don't have the capabilities right now. The government would just call Martial Law and leave us among ourselves to fight probably.
And us fighting each other is exactly what the government wants. The government wants to keep us divided. But how the hell do we get through to christians? To boomers who have had everything easier, their future promised to them? How do we face boomers that see us as whiny, dramatic, ungrateful, spoiled and lazy? How they see us as disrespectful. How much do they fear us that they have to keep coming up with more labels of disgust over us that they might continue to feel high and mighty?
If we turn those tables onto them will it make things worse? Will they get more violent? Will they open their eyes? They talk all the time about being oppressed but they don't really know what oppression is. Clearly.
If we turn the tables on them, talk about how lazy they are by taking some time off work instead of working hard, or talk about how disgusting they are for taking children to church with them to groom them into religion.. what would happen? They want to just deny everything. And when we deny shit we're apparently liars... Flops
I'm tired of using my words. I'm tired of just sitting here waiting for shit to happen. And if I had nothing to lose I'd sure as hell be doing something. But until they take everything from me, I'm bound to mental chains that keep me in place. Besides. It's best to wait until the right opportunity. When the trouble finds me first. When there's no backing out and it's life or death.
Until then.. I'll stay in this.. place. I don't plan on hurting anyone of course. Even I don't think I have it in me. Not here. I just want to stand my ground. That's all.
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It's 12:30 p.m. on the 8th. I'm upstairs folding laundry. The habit tracker saved my butt again because I almost didn't do my chores this morning, but wanting to keep my streak going really motivated me.
I'm supposed to do a workout today, so I need to find motivation for that next. I wish doing chores counted as working out, haha.
My boyfriend said he was going to give the dog a bath today, which means tomorrow it should be time to bathe the cat. Poor guy's fur keeps matting up, and I think we might be losing the battle even with the dematting shampoo, hair detanglers, and combs we bought.
If we can't get it under control by the next paycheck, he's going to the groomer. He's not even a very active cat, so I'm not sure why he keeps getting mats. They're popping up in his armpits and between his thighs. I wish we could bathe him more than once a week, but the shampoo says to wait, and it also traumatizes him less. We still have the combs and detangler spray to use in between baths.
Outside of the pets needing a bath today, there isn't much going on. I need to decide on dinner for the night and make sure the dishes are done before bed, and that's about it.
Today being Wednesday is supposed to be the day I message my friends. I promised myself I could have one hermit day a week if I made myself message people at least one day a week as well. Forcing myself to be social is really helping. I rekindled a friendship from way back that had gotten a little quiet.
Now we catch up weekly, and I'm loving it. He has led a very interesting life, and I wouldn't have known about it if I hadn't made the steps to reach out to him.
I have a few people I still need to reach out to more, but I am okay with having just one extra person to chat with for now. I'll take it slow so I don't get burned out socially.
Sorry this post got long, reader. I've just been thinking a lot today. Also, I'm feeling a little cranky today, maybe PMSing. I'm happy to be alone upstairs while I'm moody. I need to channel all that energy into getting that workout done today, as I promised myself.
0 notes
Private Lessons (2020)
Sometimes, I like age-gap stories, and sometimes, I don’t.
This is one of the instances where I do.
One of the things I like about this one is: Neither character is predatory. They just like each other. I don’t know whether them starting a relationship when they’re still teacher and student is strictly ethical or not, but neither crosses any big lines in my opinion.
Open to the professor, Yeong Il, waking up student, Jae Hyun. Jae Hyun has not turned any poetry assignment, and he’s fine with receiving an F. However, he quickly makes it clear, “I’ll come to your class no matter what.”
Yeong II wants to know why Jae Hyun is clinging to the class, and Jae Hyun counters Yeong II is clinging to him.
The thing is, Yeong II isn’t. He might already be attracted to Jae Hyun, it’s not exactly clear, but throughout everything, he is operating under: Student needs help, I will help, and in return, student will utilise help to turn in appropriate work.
So, Yeong II decides to give remedial help to Jae Hyun, and Jae Hyun is down for this, except, he wants to meet outside of school. During this, it’s also established Yeong II has no cellphone.
Yeong II suggests a place they can meet, and Jae Hyun readily agrees.
There’s a mini-montage of them meeting, and then, Jae Hyun gives Yeong II a cellphone.
I don’t think any subversion was intended, but with groomers often using electronic gifts in order to further their predation, this is interesting to me. Jae Hyun may or may not have a job, but he doesn’t the money to spend on a smartphone. Yet, he seems serious about buying Yeong II a smartphone when he does have the money, and I read his reaction after saying this as him realising he’d maybe just revealed certain things that he’s not quite ready to, and so, he tried to flip things back by saying Yeong II, the older of the two, should be giving him a gift.
He doesn’t want anything material, however. Yeong II might be buying the beverages they’ve been seen drinking, but that’s not a particularly big deal.
The cellphone is so that he and Yeong II can be better connected. All he wants is assurance, if he calls, his call will be answered.
I don’t know how cell plans work in South Korea, but this college student who, again, may not even have a job, has gotten a phone for a professor. I’m not sure such a thing could be presented without extremely weird overtones in more western countries.
And I’m not sure what I think about Yeong II accepting it.
After this, in a different meeting, Jae Hyun has once again fallen asleep, and Yeong II either realises or fully accepts he has feelings for him here.
Later, in the dusky sunset, Yeong II waxes lyrical about poetry. Props to the actor for selling the character’s love and commitment to this particular form of art/literature. I definitely think he’s the type of professor who made the right career choice for himself.
Yeong II is basking in the moment of sharing his love for poetry, and looking at him, Jae Hyun is just basking in the moment. It’s like the meme of someone staring at something whilst a person stares at them.
In this case, Yeong II notices, but questioning whether he has something on his face, he’s probably genuinely misinterpreting the stare.
Then, there’s a moment, and he does realise it’s happening, but he isn’t going to kiss his student here. Instead, he says it’s time to go, and Jae Hyun would rather keep sitting in the sunset with him. “Stay with me. The night view is so wonderful.”
Or the sight of his professor in the moonlight. Semantics, really.
Later, Yeong II writes poetry to express his feelings.
Look, I was the kid my classmates prayed wouldn’t get prodded by the teacher to speak during English and literature classes, because, I could and would make my disdain for both poetry and Shakespeare (minus Much Ado About Nothing) along with my alternate views on Jane Austen’s work known. As far as I know, no one ever had a crush on me, but if they did, they did the right thing by never trying to give me a love poem, because, even though I was not a cruel kid, I likely would have badly mishandled such a gift.
TL/DR version: I will not be analysing the poems in any way aside from noting they’re love poems.
During this, Jae Hyun calls, and he comments on Yeong II not sleeping.
I’ve had people wake me up by calling, and I don’t know how exactly I sound, but they’ve always known I was sleeping. I can believe Jae Hyun can tell Yeon II wasn’t sleeping based on how he answered/sounded when he did so.
What I don’t get is: Jae Hyun called when he thought Yeong II should be sleeping. So, either, he was expecting Yeong II to not be woken up by the phone, or he did intend to wake him up despite the fact he thinks Yeon II should be sleeping.
Am I missing something?
Jae Hyun wants to talk about the fact they’re apparently not meeting after school anymore, and he talks about how nice the experience was for him.
Meanwhile, Yeong II probably can’t/doesn’t know how to mute his phone so that he can beat his head against the desk, and I do have genuine sympathy for him here. He was doing what a good teacher would do, and in the process, he found himself confronted with feelings for another adult, but that adult was not only fairly younger but also his student.
He just didn’t want to give an F to a student who had potential but refused to utilise it, and now, he’s fallen hard.
Jae Hyun teases about how he might still not turn his poem in, and Yeong II is all, don’t even joke about that, you will turn it in.
Next scene, he’s semi-frantically going through the turned in papers to see if Jae Hyun’s is there. It is, and further, it’s a love poem. It’s a confession.
The first is obvious even to someone like me, but I’m not sure if he realises the second or not.
Leaving, he sees Jae Hyun outside with a friend, but before he can make his presence known, he hears them discussing him. At his friend’s questioning of all the time spent with Yeong II, Jae Hyun claims all the time spent with the professor is just to get a good grade, and he makes a bet he can get an A.
During the night, puppy Jae Hyun is excited about the view, and he asks why Yeon II called him.
I’m wondering if Yeong II actually texted him instead.
Giving the phone back, Yeong II says Jae Hyun is getting an A+, and also, goodbye forever.
I don’t think Yeong II would give the grade if he didn’t think Jae Hyun deserved it, but there’s definitely an element of, here, I’m giving you what you want, you don’t need to keep doing this. Giving the phone back furthers this. It was a true gift. Jae Hyun never even teased he should get a higher grade in exchange for it, but it’s tainted now.
So, Yeong II is giving it back. You got what you wanted, I know the truth of why you gave this to me, and knowing the truth, I’d rather not have it. I’ll give you what you want for my own reasons, but I won’t let myself be used a second time.
Of course, Jae Hyun is confused and suddenly hurt.
It always gets me when another character asks a variation of, “Did I do something wrong?” I almost always feel bad for them, but also- in an actual romantic relationship or friendship, if a person’s reaction to you doing something wrong is to just abruptly end things, then, maybe, you’re better off without them.
Followed by this, though, is if his poem upset Yeong II, and I definitely feel for Jae Hyun here. Whether good or not, he was fine with getting an F in a class where the main draw was just getting to be around this one person (while other people were around, too). Then, he got to spend time with his crush outside of class. He wrote what I’m assuming is a semi-decent poem, again, I don’t think Yeong II would give such a high grade if it weren’t deserved, and this poem was also him not quite shooting his shot but definitely putting his heart out there in case Yeong II happened to decide to pick it up.
And now, it’s like, why couldn’t you have just given me the F and let me continue to silently pine in a sea of people? Why’d you have to insist on me putting myself out there just for you to not like what you see, not like me, when I do?
It could have all ended here, but maybe hoping for some sort of closure, maybe just wanting to make sure everything was fully severed and they both knew it, or maybe just not being the type to leave things half-done, Yeong II says, “It’s such a small college.” He reveals how he heard the conversation.
And it’s subtle, but I really like how Jae Hyun takes all this in and reacts.
Insistent it’s not what Yeong II thinks, he’s nevertheless much less upset.
Getting up, he physically blocks Yeong II from leaving, and when Yeong II desperately begs to be left a little bit of dignity for himself by ordering, “Don’t be rude to an old man,” Jae Hyun gets a little irritated by the age gape being brought up.
“Who do you think you are,” Yeong II demands.
Here’s the answer:
“You want to quit your job?” He explains, if his friend knows something, like say, he has a massive crush on his professor, then, everyone else will soon know it. Going further, though, “Are you okay if my friends find out the truth? ‘Cause, I don’t care. If you’re fine, I can tell everybody that we’re in a relationship.”
Of course, uneasy, confused, a little frightened, Yeong II is all, We’re not.
They weren’t a few minutes ago.
I love this. The answer is Jae Hyun is Yeong II’s, and now that he knows his feelings are returned, he’s going to make Yeong II his. I’m fine with keeping things private until this won’t majorly disrupt your life, but knowing you feel the same, we’re now in a relationship. You do not get a say in the last part, only in the part whether other people are allowed to know or not at this point in time.
Naturally, though, Yeong II is a bit shell-shocked by all this, and exasperated but determined, Jae Hyun makes it clear he’ll be a guide when necessary. Whether he’s ever been in a relationship before or not, it’s intuitive for him to act on his feelings as opposed to more reserved, self-contained Yeong II.
There is one point where I wish the translation was clearer. He says Yeong II doesn’t know, “how to do to someone you love.”
Is it supposed to be what to do with someone you love? Is it supposed to be how to do someone, which, doesn’t have to be sexual but such phrasing usually does have such conations?
Moving on, he gets Yeong II to close his eyes, and he gives simple peck to the lips.
And when, after reopening his eyes, Yeong II doesn’t run away or insist this is a mistake, they share a proper kiss.
When they walk off together, Yeong II lets Jae Hyun take his hand, and Jae Hyun asks if he can sleep over at Yeong II’s house tonight. Heh.
One thing I found interesting is the film is almost entirely from Yeong II’s POV, but Jae Hyun’s feelings are much clearer, to the audience, at least, than Yeong II’s. It’s obvious fairly early that Jae Hyun has a big crush, but it’s not until about half-way in or later that it’s shown Yeong II requites these feelings.
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expfcultragreen · 2 years
I dreamed i was in some weird situation where the older guy i dated in hs was around trying to hook up but then one of my two cellphones went missing (i had the weird little one in a red grip case i had in 2015 and it would intermittently be the one i was missing) and i was having a major melty about the phone issue and kept accusing the guy of stealing it but he wouldnt give it back. He was on a bed and i bit his calf really hard without breaking the skin. Then later i wandered into a room where my parents were being told by someone that i was supposed to have a disiplinary hearing about biting and i might be kicked out of school. I explained that i had been resting in bed when the guy was suddenly behind me "flirtily" starting to choke me but I'd had my hand up by my neck and gotten a finger in so i chouldnt actually be choked. My dads eyes bugged out a bit but neither of them said anything and they didnt make eye contact. Then i was like "i didnt bite thru the skin *shrug* and he stole me phone"
Later i was somewhere outside a building and doug suddenly appeared with a little black kid and he was like telling me to hold onto the kid for the picture that was about to happen because "we want to look like a blended family". I stood there with my hands on the kids shoulders waiting for this picture to be taken. The kids dad suddenly appeared and took a position on my left side (the rest of the photo group was to the right but i couldnt see them) and he was like "hey hey hey, why are you touching my kid, we dont do that (be overly familiar strangers)" and i was like "im really sorry, doug told me to hold onto him for the photo?" And the kid went to cling to his dad and said "yeah i didnt want to have a strange man touching me" and i was like ohhhh wow he's going to ask doug wtf and when confronted, doug is going to say he didnt do that and the kid backing up my version was just confused and its all because im a groomer
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beelspillowpet · 4 years
Hiya!! bros + side characters react to a werewolf mc???
Heya!! I’m not that great with the side characters yet unfortunately, which is why I’ve been avoiding them up to this point. 😭😭😭 I’ll try my best regardless!
What the f*ck.
Like actually what the f*ck. A werewolf?? Now he isn’t one to judge- out loud at least- but he can’t help but feel that this is at least a little odd. I guess werewolves are technically a hybrid of human and wolf...
There goes his chances of having a relatively quiet and calm year of this exchange program. Luckily though, you get along with Cerberus swimmingly.
He doesn’t want to compare you to a dog too often- he thinks it might be offensive to your kind. So instead, he treats you more like a human. Unless you ask for otherwise- and why would you? He can’t deny that your reaction to scratching behind your ears doesn’t get a bit of a rise out of him. It’s adorable.
He’s wanted a dog for AGES now. Everyone says he’s too immature to be dedicated and take care of one though. But he has you! You’re just good doggie!
You constantly have to remind him that you aren’t a dog- you’re a werewolf. “I hear ya’ I hear ya’. Now who wants walkies?! You do! Yeah ya’ do!”
He’s attached to you very quickly. He probably does get it through his thick skull at some point that it’s rude to just treat you like a literal dog sometimes- he should leave that to Luke, really. So he does tone it down a bit at some point. He’s your best friend for life now, though.
Wow. It’s like that anime he wanted a little bit ago. Living with you anyways. Except its real, and sometimes it’s like hell.
You are only allowed in his room when you’re not covered in fur. It’s the only way to keep his bathtub bed from being hairy, and all his figurines from being being the same.
Otherwise, hanging out with you is kinda fun. He asks you sometimes what it’s like to be this way. Sometimes he thinks about writing fanfictions based on that one anime (One Day Suddenly A Werewolf Appeared in My House and Is Staying Here With Me and My Brothers and Help Why Are They So Friendly!?) with a more realistic approach.
You two aren’t exactly best friends, but you’re close enough. He knows not to show you cat videos, but at least you have those cute dog videos.
His first thought was something like “Jacob, is that you?” Then he cringed, because Twilight was a dark chapter in his life, for him.
He’s not THAT fond of werewolves... but his mind wanders back to the excitement of Mammon nearly getting a dog that one time for the family. He tolerates you, at the very least, but at the most, you two get along quite well.
Everyone suspected Satan as the cat-lover, but SURPRISE! His affinity to cats is merely his attraction to their perceived nature. He enjoys your company, especially if you don’t mind his occasional gushing about cats anyways.
As long as you’re well behaved around other animals (you’re from the Human Realm, no? You should be on your best behavior here.) he would enjoy taking you with him on his random outings, especially to cate cafes.
Oh he can’t fucking wait to do your hair up in little bows and things like that.
He becomes the family groomer- aside from Beel anyway. He loves doing your claws, filing and painting them all these pretty colors that compliment your coat.
Speaking of coats- he’s a little self conscious about the fur coats he has in his closet. If you’re sensitive to those sorts of things, he will be mindful in the future to not wear them around you to not offend. He’s a demon, but he’s not an insensitive jerk! He LOVES you, silly!
Probably doesn’t treat you at all like a dog. In part because you probably get enough of that from Mammon, the pea-brained fool. Doesn’t he know that your true beauty is underneath the fuzzy soft fur!? I mean, just look at those eyes! They’re almost as beautiful as his!
He is BARELY. BARELY. Containing his excitement. If you remember correctly; YES! Beel is a dog lover. An avid one. He isn’t too fond of Cerberus himself, but you’re just his size. Fun sized werewolf. In his attempts at befriending you, he does bring home raw meats and dog treats.
You remind him that you are a werewolf and not a dog- and he calms down a bit. He still gives you tummy rubs after you’ve eaten plenty of food with him. He enjoys the time you two spend together on jogs. He never says it out loud, but it’s like he’s taking his dog for a walk.
He likes spending time with you by default. Please be friends with him. Please like him. He likes you too. You’re his new best buddy, and he’s never letting you go. Prepare for him to lift you up, and squeeze you with his suffocating love, werewolf!
Ya’ll replaced him with a werewolf? Lit.
He’s got a brand new pillow, and it’s name is MC. You two take naps regularly now, you can’t escape his exhausted death grip. He notices that you wag your tail a lot, especially when you’re excited.
He picks that habit up when he sees you. His brothers tease him about it, but he just tells them that they never noticed before. Suuuuure. Over 5,000 years and they’re just now noticing that little habit? Unlikely.
Regardless, he appreciates your company, and that you get along famously with his brothers- especially Beel. Though admittedly, he’s a bit worried that you will accidently scratch him while you two sleep. Nightmares must suck for you, but it certainly sucks for him too if you decided to kick with those claws out.
Oh whose a good doggie? You are! Yes you are!!! Oh YES you are!! This is amazing!!!! The best day ever!!!! Who knew that when he planned this exchange program, a werewolf would end up here!?
He loves talking to you. What’s it like being a werewolf? Are you more human? More wolf? Do you shed? Do you-
Prepare to have the demon prince of hell pestering you and adoring you. You’re his new best friend, sorry Lucifer. Sorry Cerberus. Or rather, you, and he can go on strolls on Cerberus’s back! That would be lovely!
Please. Kill all the rats you find and make sure he doesn’t find them. He doesn’t care that you’re not a cat or anything. Just... do him this one favor.
Otherwise, he doesn’t mind your existence much. He finds the shenanigans you and the others get up to is quite funny, but is mindful and reserved on his teasing and manners around you.
He pampers you, and watches carefully for your interests. If you like certain things, he will be sure to list them down privately and bring them up when needed, the ever attentive and loyal butler he is.
Ok... so he might have a joke or two about you being a werewolf. They aren’t dog-themed, he promises. But would you like a treat? He’s specially baked one for you. It’s a nice cupcake. See? No dog jokes here! :)
Thank God everyone can stop making dog jokes about him now.
Wait, that was rude wasn’t it?! Forgive him! He loves animals! N-not that you’re an animal or anything, b-but...!
Graah! Forget it, okay?! He’s sorry. He’ll do better, and he’ll start by baking you some sweets. You know, Archangel Michael really likes sweets. He’s gotten pretty good at making them himself, so he’s sure you’ll like them as an apology!
He still gets teased about being a chihuahua, though. He is effectively, you’re puppy, as far as everyone else is concerned.
Oh fuck. This is pretty cool.
He won’t stop making dog jokes. He can’t help himself, honestly. It’s too funny.
He appreciates that you don’t take his teasing too seriously, but he seems the least bit surprised that you are a werewolf.
If he comes at you with a fancy knife, he’s planning to make a sacrifice of you. Don’t hold back on this crazy sorcerer, please!
Oh my. This wasn’t expected! This year should be most enjoyable!
Will actually not make dog jokes. Unless you find them funny. He has a few dogshit ones to offer~
Like the others, he seems to see you as the superior to Luke. He’s your puppy, treat him well! Of course he’s teasing, all in good faith. He more than likely has inspiration to write in a character like you now. He does have a good point of reference for werewolves now thankfully!
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Maxwell prompt for Versace & Dior. reader is pregnant right? What if Max is working late one night and something bad happened? Protective doggos to the rescue?
Kicking this off with a bang. Are we? [Prompt Info] [Completed Masterlist]
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Pairing: Maxwell Lord x reader Warnings: language, violence, blood, pregnancy, threats
You don't remember when the screaming started. You just remember it happening. The noise was shrill and loud and you fought the urge to cover your ears as you realized the screaming wasn't coming from you. There was blood. So much of it. Smeared in a striking contrast on the cold, white linoleum as you laid on the floor and held your hands protectively over your pregnant belly. 
Get up. You have to get up.
You were positive you had hit the security alarm on the wall in the kitchen before the stranger had bounced your face off the granite counter tops. But you couldn't take a chance. With a wince, you hauled your upper body up enough to crawl to the small table in the foyer and yank the landline phone down to your level before dialing.
"9-1-1 what's your emergency?"
The calm voice on the other end said. You started to respond but another round of vicious snarling a screaming cut you off. 
"Can you hear me? 9-1-1, talk to me while I get your location."
Blood splattered across the end of your white silk nightgown and you couldn't take it anymore. "DIOR! HEEL!" 
Barking and snapping, almost as if the animal was arguing with you.
"VERSACE! I'm not joki--fuck." You dropped the phone and doubled over in pain. Now that seemed to get their attention.
The dog came to you at once, it's beautiful white fur stained red quite in the same way as your silks. It bowed its head and looked at the much less injured of the two men and growled. Its brother took up your opposite flank and left the screaming burglar twitching in pain on the floor. You put your hand in a clean spot of that lush fur and used it to support yourself. 
"My husband will finish what my boys have started." You made sure to look the man in the eyes as you picked up the phone and told the operator on the other end your address. 
With a groan, you leaned against the wall and put your hand protectively over your unborn daughter. You breathed hard into the phone, but willed your voice to be plain and calm as you told the operator your name. "Someone broke into my home--I’m--fuck. I’m pregnant..."
“Mrs. Lord. Dispatch is on their way. Mrs. Lord?”
He saw the lights before the driver ever stopped the car. His neatly paved circular driveway was filled with police officers and an ambulance. The red and blue lights chased one another over the water of the giant fountain and over the columns of the mansion. His stomach dropped to his feet as he threw open the car door and hurried up the steps. 
"Where is she?" Was the first thing he said as a police officer moved to stand in front of him. "This is my house, now where is my fucking wife!?"
He heard you call for him and all gloves were off. He shoved passed the uniformed man and stormed into the foyer. He would take the repercussions, if there were any. The moment he saw you, however, the storm that brewed inside of him died down. 
You were hurt. The EMT at your feet dabbed the large gash on your forehead and your left eye was already starting to turn a sickly shade of black. He unclipped a wired monitor from your finger and recorded the vitals. He glanced wearily at Maxwell and you waved him away.
"I told you, I'm fine. Please--"
"Mrs. Lord, you might have a concussion. I'd really feel better if you went to the hospital." The young man looked at you wearily, eyes flicking between you and your husband. 
"And I would feel better once the police stop treating my dogs as evidence!" You said, making your voice carry to the officer in charge that was standing in the kitchen.
Maxwell sat next to you on the couch and put his large hand in your hair, placing a firm kiss against your forehead. It grounded you, made you feel more centered.
"What happened?" He said, against your hair.
"She's got a pretty nasty shiner--"
"I wasn't speaking to you," Maxwell snarled at the EMT and you gave his thigh and gentle pat. 
"Let him do his job, my love. That way I can stay here." You leaned back enough to look at him. "Versace and Dior saved me. They really ripped into the guy. So badly that they already took them to the hospital. The kitchen, Max--there's so much blood."
"We'll get someone to clean it." He took your hand and kissed your knuckles. "Where are the boys?"
"Being photographed and making sure they don't have any parts of the criminals between their teeth. I was told I couldn't bathe them until then."
"You won't be bathing them at all. I'll call their groomer." Max’s voice was flat, no gruff, the topic was not up for discussion. 
"It's 1 A.M.--"
"I pay her enough. She'll come. Along with someone to clean the kitchen." 
Both of you stayed quiet as the man at your feet put his stethoscope on his ears and pressed the cool, metal disc to your skin, while looking at his watch. 
“Were you still at the office?” you asked quietly, leaning into his body and inhaling his expensive aftershave. The company had been dealing with a massive overhaul of all of their books and since you were on maternity leave, your replacements had been unsatisfactory. It had apparently gotten to the point that your husband had fired three that week alone.
Max paused and finally allowed himself to put his hand over your belly. "How is she?"
"Sleeping. Kicking my bladder. Practicing her gymnastics on my sciatic nerve. You know--the usual?" You laughed softly and it made him give you a very small grin. That would suffice for now. 
Maxwell took your hand and kissed your knuckles, something that he always did after you told him years ago that it made you feel like royalty. “I’ll be right back.” 
You nodded and watched him walk into the kitchen, taking the police officer in charge off to the side by the large set of bay windows. They spoke in low voices and you watched as Max’s handsome face turned to stone right before your eyes. The face that demanded authority wherever it went. The face that did not take ‘no’ for an answer. Although the men who broke into your house had been arrested and taken to jail, you had a feeling, you had a feeling they would be paying a price much more precious than simply a prison sentence. 
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trashyswitch · 3 years
7 Fluffy Balls of Joy
Chapter 7: The Puppies First Grooming (DIY Version)
The 5 Jacksepticeye Egos decide to try grooming the growing dogs for the first time. This leads to more hard work than they expected, and some play time too.
This fanfic is for Shannon. I hope you enjoy more of the puppies! :)
Henrik walked out of his bedroom and widened his eyes. They had gotten so big! Where did the time go?!
“Oh good lord...You’re getting very big!” Henrik reacted.
The puppies turned right around and howled towards Henrik. Henrik laughed and knelt down, looking at the puppies. “Hello babies! More like teenagers now.” Henrik joked.
“Good morning Henrik!” Jackie greeted.
“Guten morgen!” Henrik greeted back. “Zhey’re huge now!” Henrik reacted.
“I know and SO FLUFFYYY!” Jackie was fluffing up their fur.
“Yeah...Zhey kinda need a hair cut…” Henrik told him.
“Do they though?” Jackie asked.
“Ja. Zhey do.” Henrik replied. “And zhat’s vhat ve’re gonna do today. Ve’re gonna vash, cut and groom zhe puppies.” Henrik decided.
“But that’s gonna be so much wooorrrrrrrrk.” Jackie whined.
Henrik chuckled and looked at him with a side grin. “Should’ve zhought of zhat vhen you brought home 7 puppies and a mama.” Henrik told him.
Jackie sighed and nodded. “True…”
“Oh! Ound I have a collar for Angel!” Henrik declared. He picked up his little Angel, placed the puppy onto the couch, and hooked up the magenta pink collar to the puppy. “Zhere. You are mine forever!” Henrik declared.
“Yay! Another doggy’s been claimed!” Jackie declared.
“Yeah! I hope Marble is enjoying zhe new family.” Henrik said.
“The kids did seem really excited!” Jackie told him.
As soon as Chase, Jamie and Marvin were up, Henrik and Jackie explained to the boys that they were gonna get the pets groomed. And they were gonna do it themself.
Jamie widened his eyes and let out a breath. His whole face basically said ‘this is gonna take forever’.
“I know…” Henrik muttered.
“Not even magic will be able to make this go any quicker.” Marvin told him.
“I know.” Henrik told him.
“This has been a great experience so far...but I did not sign up for grooming a litter of growing dogs.” Chase reacted.
“Okay okay, ve get it! So let’s get started!”
The boys started off with cleaning the dogs first. All 5 boys got their swim trunks and bare backs on, and started cleaning the dogs outside. Each of them had a bottle of shampoo, and were getting the dogs all lathered up. Chase shrieked as his dog shook some of the soap off, while Jamie spat and made throat noises as bits of dog soap ended up in his mouth.
Marvin groaned as the dog he was bathing, winded up rubbing her body all over the grass as she was lathered with soap. Marvin put the soap bottle down and grabbed the hose. “Good enough.”
The boys each took turns to clean the soap off the dogs with the hose, and a bucket of water. Marvin picked up cups of water, and sumped it onto the dog to let it run off the body. Meanwhile Jamie was doing it the easier way with the hose against the dog’s fur. As soon as Jamie was finished, he passed the hose to Henrik.
“SCHEIßE!” Someone shouted.
Chase turned to look at the source of the sound. But he knew exactly who it was. It was kinda obvious…
It was Henrik...With his trunks down to his knees...and the dog holding onto them, pulling them aggressively…
HOLY SHIT it was the best thing Chase had seen all month! Angel was literally pulling Henrik’s shorts down in an attempt to play with him! And Henrik was basically naked right in front of them!
“Sie mich nicht an! Don’t look at me!” Henrik reacted, covering up his sensitive areas with his hand. His face was so red...he looked like a strawberry.
Jamie was the first to burst out laughing and actually snort in response. Chase bursted out laughing right after, followed by Jackie and Marvin. Everyone was laughing at Henrik while he got his swim trunks out of Angel’s mouth. “Trottel…” Henrik muttered. “Let go!” Henrik ordered. “Verschwinde!” Henrik spat.
Angel immediately listened to Henrik and let go of his trunks. With the boys still laughing at him, Henrik growled and pulled his swim trunks back up onto his bottom.
With that hilarious moment out of the way, Chase returned to cleaning the shampoo off of his chosen puppy. While a couple of the puppies proved to despise the water, Chase’s puppy seemed to like it! He was panting, running for the water, and trying to eat the water that came from the hose. Chase giggled at this and splashed a bit of water onto his face. This made the dog shove his face into the grass and rub his back all over the wet grass. Chase was laughing as he watched. But his laughter quickly turned to surprise the moment the dog jumped and tackled Chase onto his back with its wet body.
“Ahahahaw, come on man! So much for being dry…” Chase reacted.
“You’re a naughty little guy, aren’t ya?” Marvin teased Chase’s dog. “Yeah you are! Such a mischievous little nut!” Marvin teased.
The dog started barking and wagging his tail faster than the wind. He looked ready to sprint a marathon.
“What? You wanna run? Or jump around?” Marvin asked.
Suddenly, the dog pounced onto Marvin next and knocked him right down to the ground! “Ohoho man! You’re stronger than I thought!” Marvin reacted.
“He’s like a quarterback!” Jackie reacted.
Hey, that’s not a bad idea” Chase reacted. “There just might be a name idea for you!” Chase reacted. “Maybe Rebel? For Dublin Rebels?” He asked. “Or...” Chase added.
Jamie ran to Chase and fingerspelled a word for him:
Chase looked at the dog and smiled. “That’s perfect! Couldn’t have come up with anything better.”
Jamis smiled proudly.
“Blitz. His name is Blitz.” Chase decided.
Marvin smiled and knelt down to pet Chase’s dog. “Blitz...It suits him!” Marvin told him.
“Never heard of a dog being named something from football before!” Jackie reacted.
“Well, Air Bud is already taken.” Chase mentioned. “And I wasn’t gonna steal their name for the heck of it.” Chase added.
“True…” Jackie mentioned. “Alright! So we have Matilda, Angel, Marble and Blitz!” Jackie declared. “Well, kinda Marble...He’s off living with a new family.” Jackie added.
“Now: Let’s get these guys cut.” Marvin declared.
Boy oh boy, was that a process! Most of the boys only used scissors, while Henrik went for the full shaving to tackle all the hair. “If I shave it, I will not need cut it for a vhile.”
“But she’s gonna look ugly if you do that.” Chase warned. “You don’t want people cringing at your dog, do you?” Chase asked.
A couple seconds later, Henrik grabbed the scissors. “Zhey’re better anyvay.” Henrik told them.
“I wonder who told you that…” Chase muttered with a smirk on his face.
The dog hair that came off the dogs was overwhelming. Chase considered grabbing a vacuum cleaner to use on his clothes, while Jameson was fluffing his choice dog every 5 minutes to get all the hair out. Both cut and uncut hair would fly out of the dog’s coat and into his face.
“I wonder if paying for a groomer would be cheaper and less messy than cutting them ourselves.” Jackie asked.
“Cheaper? Nein. Less messy? Ja.” Henrik replied.
“I didn’t ask you.” Jackie told him. “I asked everyone but you, because we all know what your answer would’ve been.” Jackie explained.
“Youch…My feelings…” Henrik muttered.
Soon, the cutting was finished and the dogs were done. Jackie used a bag of treats to get the dogs to follow him, while Chase and Henrik gathered a majority of the dog hair with the vacuum cleaner. “Who knew we’d be vacuuming grass?” Chase mentioned.
“Not me.” Henrik replied.
“It’s not far off from a carpet, actually. It just breaks a little easier.” Chase admitted.
“Ja.” Henrik replied.
Chase smiled as the dawn looked cleaner. “All done!” Chase declared.
“Now to-” Henrik had turned around and stared with wide eyes at the new mess that had been made.
“Uuuugh...Jackie! Vhy?!” Henrik asked.
“Because they need it!” Jackie reacted.
It turns out that Jackie had taken the time to brush the dog's fur. This created a brand new gigantic pile of dog hair.
Henrik growled while Chase sighed. “I don’t even know if the vacuum can handle much more dog hair…” Chase muttered.
“Ve could make anozher dog vizh all zhis dog hair.” Henrik told him.
“Maybe even summon a new golden retriever with this much hair.” Chase joked.
“Ja, basically.” Henrik replied.
Henrik and Chase took the time to further clean up the lawn with the dog hair. “I wonder...does dog hair turn into a type of fertilizer? Or does it just turn to dead skin that looks like ash?” Chase asked.
“How about ve DON’T zhink of zhat?” Henrik suggested.
“What’s wrong Henrik? Don’t like the idea of dust mites taking over the lawn?” Chase teased.
“Nein! Nein nein nein! Deesgusting!” Henrik reacted.
“Awww, the poor doctor is a germaphobe! He’d better watch out! Cause there’s one evil germ he CAN’T wash off with water~” Chase teased.
“Vell, zhere’s technically-” Henrik’s words were quickly interrupted by a squeal of his own. Chase had squeezed his sides, causing Henrik’s knees to buckle. “VAHAHAIT! NEIN! NOT KITZELN! NAAAH!”
Chase sat right down onto Henrik’s hips and skittered his fingers all over Henrik’s belly. “kitzeln kitzeln kitzeln kitzeln kitzeln kitzeln!” Chase said in almost perfect german.
Henrik shrieked at that and giggled like a little toddler. Chase’s german voice sounded a little too much like his Dad’s teases from when he was a kid. “bihihihitte hör ahahauf damihihihit aaaHAHAHAHAHA!” Henrik’s laughter doubled in severity the moment his armpits were attacked.
“Oooooh! Ticklish in the pitsies, huh?” Chase teased.
“Damn! I can’t even understand you right now! All I know in German are the words ‘Nein’, ‘Ja’, ‘halt’, and now ‘kitzelt’!” Chase reacted. “And those all mean ‘No’, ‘Ya’, ‘Stop’, and ‘Tickle’!” Chase reacted.
“Teheheheuflisch! TEUFLIHIHISCH!” Henrik yelled back.
“I wonder what that means...Maybe ‘bastard’? Or ‘enough’?” Chase asked.
“Ooooh! You called me evil in German?! How dare you!” Chase reacted.
“Evil?! Well if THAT’S the case:” Jackie got into his superhero costume in a snap, and quickly started tickling Chase.
“Wait WHAHAHAHAT?! OHOHO NOHOHOHO!” Chase laughed.
“Jackieboy Man to the rescue!” Jackie declared.
Marvin ran to Blitz and put a treat into Chase’s pocket. “Hey blitz! Sick ‘em!” Marvin encouraged.
Blitz jumped at Chase and tackled the man down to the ground. “OHOHOHOW! Ohoho geheheez! OHOHO NOHOHO BAHAHAHAHAHA!” Chase bursted out laughing as Blitz started digging his snout into Chase’s hip. “BLIHIHITZ OHOHOFF!” Chase tried to tell him.
But the dog didn’t listen and just kept tickling as he dug for the treat. The dog made borking noises and dug its paws in to get the treat as well. But it was proving to be harder than he expected to get it out.
“Naaaaah! You’re fiiiiine! You’re getting zhe kitzeln! Kitzeln kitzeln kitzeln!” Henrik teased. “Ist Rache nicht süß?” Henrik joked.
“YOHOHOU BAHAHASTAHAHAHARD!” Chase yelled as he shoved his face into the grass. “IHIHIT TIHIHICKLEHEHES!”
“Entschuldigung, my irisch friend. I don’t quite understand you very vell.” Henrik complained teasingly. “Vhat does ‘tickle’ mean again?” Henrik joked.
“SHUHUT UHUHUP! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Chase laughed and squealed.
“Rude! So rude!” Henrik reacted. Henrik walked up to the dog, and removed the treat from Chase’s pocket for him. “Zhere you go Blitz.” Henrik replied. “Poor Blitz, being deprived of zhe treats. Especially for being a good boy!” Henrik said in a baby voice. “Good doggy! Zhat’s a good doggy!” Henrik started petting Blitz more and fluffing his fur around.
The dog woofed proudly and tackled Henrik to the ground to give him endless licks on the chin. Henrik giggled at the ticklish kisses and took them. “Zhahahank yohohou Blihihitz!” Henrik said to him.
The dog did one last bark of a reply before licking his face again.
Chase smiled as he watched. Perhaps the crazy grooming idea was worth the precious time with the puppies.
Soon, the boys decided as a collective to call a groomer for their dogs’ next haircuts.
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zoawrites · 3 years
A Walk in the Park
Thanks for the prompt @severeearthquakebanana!
The result is absolute, teeth-rotting fluff and sweetness and I really enjoyed writing it!  🥰
Original Prompt: Rey and Ben are on a walk in a park and find something interesting (said thing can be any noun; person, place, or object)
The evening was aglow with the soft, amber light of the sun as it sank beneath the horizon. In Rey’s opinion this was the perfect time to walk during spring. Not too warm yet but everything was blooming. Cherry trees blossomed along the sidewalk, as well as daffodils, tulips, and a rainbow of wildflowers. Grass greener than an Irish hill filled out the spaces between; it looked soft enough to wrap oneself in like a blanket. Oaks and maples spread out in the lawns beyond; scattered between the trees were benches and a play area for children which was emptying now as their parents guided them home for the night.
A cool breeze fluttered through the trees, lifting the stray hairs at the nape of her neck, and Rey tucked herself closer into the solid body walking at her side. Ben - who was very likely the love of her life - put his arm around her shoulders.
“Cold?” His deep voice reverberated pleasantly through Rey’s body. “I wish you’d worn a heavier jacket…”
“I don’t need one with you around,” she countered with a grin. “You’re all the warmth I need.”
“Funny from the girl who thought I was colder than a block of ice less than a year ago,” he retorted fondly.
“Time changes us all… Ben.” Rey stopped walking abruptly, gaze fixed on a furry ink blot trotting toward them. “Is that dog by itself?”
“Uh, yeah, looks like it. Rey, no…”
But Rey’s only thought was ‘Rey, yes,’ as she knelt down and called the dog to her in the sweetest, most unthreatening tone she could muster. The dog paused, head tilting one way, then the other, before cautiously moving forward. A cold, wet nose touched Rey’s outstretched fingers.
“That’s a good dog,” she crooned and was gratified to see the creature’s long, slightly curled tail start to wag and it stepped closer. “Oh, who’s a pretty doggie? She doesn’t have a collar.” Rey reported, glancing up at her grimacing boyfriend.
“How can you tell under all that fur?”
Indeed, the dog had a hot mess for a fur coat; tight, black curls which were matted in too many places to count. The fur on her head was smoother - more wavy than bouncy (the same as her tail) - but covered her eyes, which were revealed to be a gentle brown when Rey pushed aside the dark curtain over them. The dog blinked at her, batting the longest eyelashes Rey had ever seen on an animal and charming her completely.
“We’re not taking it home.”
Rey turned her head up and glared at him. He gave a long-suffering sigh and Rey knew she’d won.
The next day was spent first at the vet, where Rey had the poor dog checked out - she was fine; surprisingly healthy except for a few cuts that would heal easily with the help of some antibiotics and being thin from malnutrition - and a local groomer. No way was Rey going to leave the dog to suffer from the mats that tugged at her skin. She also splurged on a black and red leather collar… and a few toys…
And a dog bed.
“Sweetheart, why’d you get a dog bed? We’re not keeping her.”
“She needs a comfortable place to sleep, Ben, since you won’t let her on our bed.”
“She was dirty!”
“Why can’t we keep her?” Rey bounced back to the original statement, scowling at him from her place on the couch. Beside her was the dog, lounging happily against Rey’s thigh with a rope toy in her mouth. Her new haircut made her look like a fluffy black teddy bear and Rey couldn’t have been more in love.
Ben waved an arm aimlessly. “Somebody might be looking for her. What about a chip?”
“The vet checked. She doesn’t have one. I think they left her, Ben,” Rey murmured sadly, stroking the dog’s long nose. “They just… left her.”
Suddenly Ben was on the couch at Rey’s free side and pressed his lips to her temple. “You don’t know that for sure,” he said gently.
Rey did know, she knew it in her bones. Because she’d been left, too.
“Let’s put up some flyers around the park,” Ben suggested. “If we don’t hear anything after a couple of weeks…”
“She’s mine.”
A soft laugh brought Rey’s attention back to Ben. He was smiling at her in a way that brought butterflies to her stomach. “Yeah,” he nodded. “She’s yours.”
Rey counted the days after putting the first flyers up with a picture of the dog as they’d found her. Ben’s idea; he reasoned her owners might not recognize her with one of the five thousand new photos Rey had taken since the dog had gotten groomed.
So Rey waited, anxiously jumping if either her or Ben’s cell phone rang.
But two weeks passed and no one called to claim the poor dog, who Rey had deciphered was a poodle mix. Smart and clever, but friendlier than any other dog Rey had the pleasure to meet.
On the fifteenth day, Rey officially attached the dog’s new tag on the leather collar. Magpie. Because she was dark as a raven, but insisted on stealing Ben��s socks and hoarding them under the bed.
Or pooping them out, much to his dismay.
As sixteen, then twenty, then thirty days passed by, Rey forgot what life was like before Magpie’s appearance in it. Ben didn’t seem as enthusiastic about having a dog, but he didn’t make anymore arguments against keeping her, most likely knowing full well Rey would battle fiercely for her. And so the dog became a fixture in Rey and Ben’s life, despite Ben’s initial reluctance.
So much so, in fact, that she was a partner in a very special event Ben planned.
Rey called for Magpie but for longest while the dog didn’t respond. Growing concerned, Rey sought her out, checking the kitchen, the bedroom, the living room, the kitchen again and finally back to the living room. On her third round about the house she heard the tell-tale soft padding of Magpie’s paws and turned with a relieved grin.
“Where have you been, silly girl?” she chastised gently. “I was starting to get worried.” Rey knelt to give the dog a scratch behind the ear, but her fingers brushed against something tied to her collar. Frowning, Rey tugged at the thing, which came loose easily, to find it was a small, black velvet box.
A soft noise behind her startled Rey so that she whipped around and gasped.
Ben was on one knee, a sheepish, nervous smile on his handsome face.
Eyes darting between the box and him, Rey understood suddenly what was happening.
Moments later, Magpie danced around the embracing couple, barking merrily as she tried to catch the light reflecting off Rey’s sparkling ring.
Author’s Note: 
Magpie is inspired by my beloved goldendoodle, Maggie, who crossed the rainbow bridge a little over a year ago. I’ve been meaning to write her into a story and she decided to appear in this one. I hope y’all enjoyed it! ❤️
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“Funeral Home Meet Cute”
fyi this ficlet is INCREDIBLY IRREVERENT about funerals and grieving and just death in general. 
The sound of the entry bell ringing above the door to the client entry made Peter lean his head back and groan in the office. 
Just watch the desk for an hour, Peter. 
No one’s going to come in, Peter. 
Do it or I’ll tell mom what happened to her peonies, Peter. 
He wasn’t even involved in the family business. Corpses were so boring, and the last time he tried to talk to a grieving family, he’d made all of them cry. It hadn’t even been on purpose. 
But noooo, Talia absolutely had to take her dog to the groomer in the middle of the afternoon, which meant that Peter had to watch the lobby. The bell on the desk rang, and Peter scowled. No patience from the client, then. It’s not like the dead person was going anywhere.
Peter carefully arranged his expression into something somber and sympathetic, and stepped out into the lobby. 
Long fingers tapped along the desk, leading to a broad hand attached to a strong looking arm. Peter continued rolling his gaze upward, lingering for a moment on the pale throat, before reaching a gorgeous, if slightly bored looking face. Dark eyes zeroed in on him as soon as Peter entered the room, and Peter found himself preening under the attention. 
“Hello, how may Hale Funeral Home help you?” he purred, perhaps a touch too seductive for the words Funeral Home. “Do you need to arrange a service?” he said. Can I console you with my dick? he just barely didn’t say. 
“Oh, I do apologize,” Peter interrupted, suddenly remembering Talia’s second threat. (If someone does come in, you better act sympathetic as fuck, Peter. Offer them coffee or tea first before you do anything else.) “Can I get you some coffee?” he asked, already moving toward the coffee maker tucked unobtrusively in the corner. 
As soon as he came around the desk, he got a better look at the man’s jeans, and more importantly at the way they clung to his thighs. 
“Milk? Sugar?” he asked, trying to remember how old the coffee in the pot was. “Or would you prefer tea?” 
“I- uh, coffee’s good? Milk, no sugar.” The man had a pleasing tenor that Peter could already imagine saying filthy, filthy things in his ear. 
Peter fixed the coffee, only partially distracted by the broad hands tapping along the counter again. He stepped right up to the man, perhaps a little closer than most social rules would dictate, and handed him the drink. 
“I’m Peter Hale, by the way,” he said, looking up from under his eyelashes. 
“My name’s Stiles,” the man replied, those intense eyes centered on Peter again. He looked less bored now. 
Peter did so love to be the center of attention. 
He lightly placed a hand on Stiles’ arm, in a way that might be construed as merely comforting... or not. 
“Now, how may I be of service?” Peter purred again, leaning in slightly. He watched gleefully as Stiles’ pupils dilated, and wondered how much trouble he would get in for sleeping with a client before securing the funeral details. 
Or at least, he would have wondered, if Talia hadn’t brought her dog back at that very moment. 
“Peter!” she said loudly. Peter and Stiles both leaned back abruptly, startled. “Why don’t you introduce me to our new client?” she said, teeth bared in a smile that looked more like a threat. Peter cleared his throat. 
“This is Stiles . He’s here for-”
Peter stopped, having no idea why he was here. 
Stiles cleared his throat. 
“Uh, Detective Stilinski, is actually probably a better way of introducing myself,” he said, a little awkwardly. 
Talia’s expression immediately turned thunderous. 
“Peter! What did you do?” she demanded. 
“Why do you assume I did something?” Peter said indignantly, while silently wondering which thing he’d done had gotten him caught. 
“No, no!” Stiles interrupted quickly, waving a hand to get their attention. “I just need corroboration for a witness statement. I have a warrant for the information, if that’s necessary. Shayna Miller said she was here on the fifth of last month from two to four.” 
Talia colored slightly, and then busied herself with going behind the desk to check their records. Stiles and Peter stood next to each other awkwardly for a moment. 
“So... you own the Funeral Home?” Stiles said haltingly. 
“I do,” Talia clarified. “My brother was just helping out today.” 
Stiles glanced back over to Peter, eyes darting down to his lips for the briefest moment before looking forward again. 
Perhaps the afternoon wasn’t a complete bust.
“You know,” Peter said slowly, “if you have any more questions, I’m free for the rest of the afternoon.” 
Stiles’ eyes quickly locked back on his, once again intense. He smiled. 
“Yeah, actually. I think I might have a few questions for you.” 
Talia looked up from the computer, disbelieving. 
“Why would you have questions for him? He doesn’t have anything to do with-”
“You run your dead people parties, sister dear, and let Detective Stilinski run his investigations, alright?” Peter interrupted. “I’m sure he has plenty of relevant questions to ask me.” 
“Yeah, actually, I do,” Stiles said, turning to face Peter fully with an incredulous expression. “Starting with what the hell is a ‘dead people party’? You know there’s already a word for that, right? It’s in the name of the business. Right after Hale.”
Peter dismissed the question with a wave. 
“The usual euphemisms get boring after so many repetitions. If others are allowed to say ‘passed on’ or ‘departed’ or ‘called home’ instead of ‘died’, then why can’t I spruce things up with ‘dead person party’?” 
Stiles just shook his head, and disbelieving smile on his face. 
“No reason except business sense, I guess,” he allowed. 
“Alright, I found her,” Talia interrupted. “Yes, Ms. Miller was here. Give me a moment to print this out for you, and then the two of you can take this conversation literally anywhere but in front of me.” 
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