#sociopathic tendencies
blacknoiseabyss · 2 years
[Okay.. I read a thing on here and I need to say something about this cause it fucking pisses me off to an insane degree.]
If someone threatens to harm or kill themselves in an attempt to get something from you. Attention, affection.. wtf ever it may be. You need to know this. Whatever they decide to do or not do
You cannot ever be held responsible for anyone else's terrible life choices!
And it is in no way acceptable behavior on their part to try to put that guilt on anyone. Sincerely. Fuck them!
If someone threatens you with shit like that and you're worried that they might harm themselves or anyone else, contact the authorities and inform them about the situation. Then block the person in question.
You've now done everything you can do. And you need to remove yourself from that person ASAP. This is highly toxic behavior and it will never stop. Do not respond to these threats and do NOT go over to the person in question!
God, shit like this makes me fucking furious.
And if you yourself know that you behave in this way. Fucking stop it immediately! I'm saying this in the most well meaning way possible: You actually need to talk to a mental health proffessional. It's totally unacceptable behavior and you have no idea the level of anxiety and terror you bring upon people with shit like that. Dump that talk on a therapist if needed. They'll deal with it in the way they feel nessasary. No one deserves to be held emotional hostage cause you can't handle your feelings for shit.
End of fucking story.
And I'll say this again:
It is never, ever your fault!
You do not have to carry guilt over other peoples erratic actions. Never allow yourself to do that. Ever.
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tobisiksi · 6 months
tw: suicide mention-emotional maipulation
I refuse to believe that kusuo never tried to lose on purpose in one of kusukes games
a lot of people say that he probably was too egocentric to lose but man, ku gives up on things without thinking twice just for the sake of the others
just like when he gave up on satou when he and hii got together (the only example I can come with rn but there is a lot more)
and don't get me wrong, kusuo IS egocentric, but he knows where to trace a line he has a moral code and the principal rule is "don't be an inconvenience to the others"
so there is no way he didn't tried before
kusuke saw through his facade?
kusuke is insane and a masoquist and he has some suicidal behaviour aaand
I can see him telling kusuo to never try to fake a lost again or else he will off himself
idk he just yk, he's emotionally abusive and he's too obsessed with the idea of kusuo and him playing deathly games
TOO obsessed
he even took himself as hostage and he also kidnapped and brainwashed one of his brothers friends
he would say something like that
but I also believe that he wasn't aware of the heigh of those words
(I believe that he isn't aware of the heigh of all his actions, he just have a really twisted view of what is wrong and right)
I see this kind of scenario happening when they were young, when kusuo stopped copying his older brother (the motorcycle, the little cardboard robot, rock papper scissors, guys he was copying his older brother cuz he thought he was cool) and started to feel some resentment or even pity towards him
kusuke wouldn't take pityness very well, resentment? dont care, being hated? kay whatever but feeling any form of empathy or pity?????
it makes him sick
so he would say something like that but the thing is that he sees his brother as a God who is superior to every other living being
so he thinks that it isn't a big deal because his God had more important things to take care of
wrooooong, your God it's your baby bro who is just a child who used to admire you a lot before you started to get more and more insane progressively and the thing you just said it's fucking up his head because the love and hate he has for you were the strongest feelings his baby brain could feel and now he cannot come up with a way to make you stop envying or feeling resentful cuz of his powers (that he did not choose to born with in the first place) without making you have a meltdown that will end up with you killing yourself
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Dutch doodle I did while half asleep
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reveriedusang · 3 months
It's the way my hyperfixations have reached such a peak of insanity that the friends I've made in these fandoms agree that, between my physical appearance and my personality, it only makes sense for me to be the hypothetical and very broken lovechild of Hannibal Lecter and Lestat de Lioncourt.
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thematicparallel · 13 days
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i'm in love with her, i'm afraid
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I don’t trust anyone that believes Michael and Apollonia was a love story
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navree · 3 months
you can't do the "i don't care about the baby killing because we don't know anything about jaehaerys" bit while carrying on about the mop with googly eyes known as lucerys velaryon. at least i can name A character trait for jaehaerys, luke was personality-less when he showed up and personality-less when his boring ass got munched.
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Sociopaths Lestat
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catarufermecat · 5 days
Abducius doodle page
TW BLOOD, SH, SCARS (its not that bad imo but still)
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no-shxme · 1 month
my general opinion on talon's emotional state is that he feels everything at maximum damage, so like, every time he feels sad it's the most sad he's ever felt, every pain is the worst pain, every happiness is the most happy, but only in regards to himself. (and of course he never likes to show what he's feeling, because then people know too much about him.) i think there's prolly a greater conversation to be had on whether or not he has empathy. imo talon has very little tbh, and is only able to relate it to himself again. (this would make ME unhappy, so maybe it makes XYZ unhappy too.)
i think he probably has some amount of ASPD flavors, but not in an evil way, just in an empathy-handicapped way.
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yeonban · 1 month
The longer I think about Tobias & Johan the harder it hits that, shockingly enough, Johan has retained slightly more of his humanity than Tobias ever did. Specifically in regards to their respective connections with other people.
Johan has always held a deep connection to Anna, his twin sister, and has always viewed her as the center of his world. She's even the reason why he killed their parents; she was deemed to be in danger, and so he took it upon himself to rid her of that danger. Then there's Tenma, who Johan grew to care for after Tenma saved his life. Johan does intentionally traumatize Tenma over and over again, but he never kills him no matter how many opportunities there are for him to do so. He even goes out of his way to liken Tenma to a father figure and subconsciously seeks his understanding and approval. And lastly there are Johan's existential questions that stem from his wish for his mother's love, and which shaped the entire course of his life: who did his mother prefer? him or Anna? who was the unwanted child in her eyes? him or Anna? Despite how far gone Johan is, he does have the capacity and tendency to grow fond of some of those who show him genuine care, even if his way of showing it might be in various shades of toxicity.
Tobias has never had a significant connection with anyone as far as he can remember, because he was never allowed to grow into a child with fully-fledged emotions as Johan used to be pre-Kinder.heim 511. Anything beyond anger and the more recently unlocked "amusement" (<-subcategory of happiness) is completely foreign to him. His parents never granted him affection or positive attention, and only reacted remotely positively (read as: by not beating him up) when he was at his most distant and cruelest. He was taught since toddlerhood how to maim and kill others, which further alienated him from normal human beings. As an only child, there was no sibling he could interact with either, and therefore all of his worldly contact was with his parents, their equally sinister friends and the people they were about to kill. He later ended up killing his parents because he saw it unfit for them to live any longer and as a bother to his life as a result of their abusive and oppressive tendencies, and once he left Wammy's House where he viewed everyone as orphans who will die for the orphanage's cause and therefore people he shouldn't grow to care too much if at all for, he returned to his hometown to kill every single person who used to know him back then despite having been long dead in their minds. Tobias was never taught what an authentic human connection is (regardless if familial, platonic or romantic) and so he has nothing to base his views of others on besides how useful they are to him. Whereas Johan loves Anna unconditionally and regularly suffers so she won't have to despite not receiving anything in return, Tobias only ever grows fond of people who can make him feel something positive (<-thus giving him something; re: the spark of light he's missing). He can grow fond of others, but at the end of the day he will never be as permissive with them as Johan is. He'll never grow to truly care for more than one or two people in his life, and even those people won't technically receive unconditional love from him. He can grow to love someone (the well-known bonding sociopaths do to a person over the span of their whole life) but in his case, it's only "unconditional" until they betray him or lose their spark, after which he won't hesitate to abandon or kill them. That said, if he does get to a point where he feels love (or something akin to it) for someone and they never betray him, always remaining the person he was charmed by? He will give them everything their heart desires and more, and he will never act toxic with them.
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marsabillions · 2 months
“Rosekiller has a healthy relationsh—” boooo booooo boooo!!! Take as stale as old cereal!!!! You are boring!!!!!!
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firesofdainix · 3 months
something that i thought was a missing opportunity in "mania" was a scene where astrodude says to earth that even before he started the apocalypse there where humans that actually loved him or at least saw him as worth of protection. Like ecologists, animal lovers, botanics, activists, or even people that still worshipped him as a god and that a lot of them probably died during the purges which literally makes earth no better than humanity but then he just replies with "they weren't good enough to solve the damage" or something like that, i think it would really drive the point of this being a "evil earth" fanfiction and also combine with canon earth being a petty jerk before his redemption
Yep, that's the main thing I was going for. Earth lumps the humans in one category after snapping, which is "pure evil", completely blaming them for everything that's happened. He's dismissive of the activists efforts to try and curb the effect, showing how out-of-touch and petty he is.
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inkykeiji · 5 months
I always feel you on a spiritual level in that we just love a fictonal feral man with a touch of sociopathic tendencies 🍓🍓
strawberry!!!!! HAHAHAHA seriously i can always count on you to understand me and my taste in fictional men ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
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ravenkings · 1 year
i have to say, notwithstanding me being like “he’s babygirl 💕💖” about him, tony soprano really does not read as a sociopath to me
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nixotinix · 1 year
Art Challenge: Jackson Jekyll: A4
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POV: you're Jackson Jekyll and you're about to commit homicide
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