#soft rays of sunshine
vilochkaaa · 6 months
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。 🌿☀🌿 。
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nemobookaholic · 3 months
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I am soft.
For this angel’s smile. It pours sunshine into your heart and if you lucky it might last a while. 🖤
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xeemaee · 2 months
If Kabru has no fans I’m dead etc etc
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aheckinmess · 2 months
All's Well That Friends Well (Dad Nanami)
(Part 2 of Season of Serendipity.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Dad Nanami, Child Yuji, Original Child Character(s), Ryomen Sukuna, Nanami Kento, Yuji Itadori, Besu Sukuna, Parental Nanami, Dad Sukuna, Soft Sukuna, Protective Sukuna, Canon Divergence - AU, Sukuna Has a Daughter, Yuji is Nanami's Son, I Merged Two of My Series, Because I Thought it Would Be Adorable, Yuji Itadori is a Ray of Sunshine, OC Has Trouble Making Friends, But Yuji Sure Doesn't, Going to Pre-K for the First Time
Word Count: 1,025 words
Summary: Yuji goes to Pre-K for the first time; Nanami worries he'll have trouble adjusting, but Yuji is a little ball of positive energy. Needless to say, he makes friends.
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While Yuji was an extroverted child by nature, Nanami still thought he might need time to adjust to preschool. So when Yuji easily waved goodbye as Nanami dropped him off for his first day at Pre-K, it soothed some of the paternal worry.
“Otouchan, how long is school?” Yuji wrapped his arms around Nanami’s neck and squeezed. “Is it very long?”
“You’ll be here for a few hours, Yuji-kun. But I’ll be back. You’ll be having so much fun you won’t even miss me.” He promised, kissing the young boy’s forehead. “If you need anything, just ask the teacher for help, okay? Remember how we practiced and…?”
“Raise my hand!” Yuji smiled.
“That’s my boy.” Nanami ruffled his hair and stood up. “Have a good day, Yuji-kun. And have some fun.”
. . . . .
Yuji Itadori made having fun his mission. From the moment he stepped foot into the classroom, he curiously trotted around the room asking question…after question…after question.
“What about that? Why do you have that?” He asked Ms. Chotto, pointing at the hundredth object his little eyes had landed on.
“Yuji, honey,” Ms. Chotto laughed. “You’re such a curious little thing, aren’t you? Those are my plants and I keep them on the top shelf so none of my students accidentally eat them. They can hurt your tummy.”
“Then why do you have them?”
“I’m keeping them here for a little bit until I can find a space for them at home.” She explained, turning away to separate two girls from fighting over a doll. “Go find someone else to play with, Yuji, okay? I have to help some of the other children right now.”
Yuji pouted but did as he was told. Pre-K proved to be one of the most fascinating places he’d ever been! He’d already spoken to just about everyone in the classroom, when the door opened to reveal another little girl.
What surprised Yuji wasn’t how tightly she clung to her father, but her hair. Pink! Just like his!
As soon as Ms. Chotto got the pink-haired girl detached from her father, Yuji stood patiently to the side. He watched her hide in Ms. Chotto’s legs until she peeked out at him.
“Hi! I’m Yuji!” He beamed.
Her wide, brown eyes looked up at Ms. Chotto and then back at him.
“I’m Besu.” She whispered. In fact, Yuji barely heard her.
“You sure are quiet.” He said bluntly. When she seemed embarrassed by that, Yuji pointed towards a pile of blocks on the rug up front. “You wanna go play blocks?”
Ms. Chotto muttered something into Besu’s ear. Besu whined back at her, but Ms. Chotto delicately coaxed her in Yuji’s direction. Yuji led the way over to the blocks and Besu sat by him silently.
“I like to build castles. What do you wanna build?” Yuji asked as he got to work. A triangular orange block looked perfect to fit on top of his green stack.
Besu shrugged her shoulders as she grabbed a few square pieces to fit together. Yuji gave her time to give it a specific shape, but when he still couldn’t tell what it was by the third row, he spoke up.
“What is that?”
Once again, Besu shrugged. Yuji huffed, feeling disappointed. He’d expected her to be just like him since she’d looked so similar. But she barely even talked! Sensing this, Besu cleared her throat.
“I just like putting them together. But now I’m making a watermelon.” She explained, picking off a few blue pieces and replacing them when red and green.
“My dad put watermelon in my lunchbox! Wanna see?” Yuji stood before she answered.
“I don’t think we’re sposed to do that.” She glanced at Ms. Chotto and then Yuji’s lunchbox. “You could get in trouble.”
“Nuh-uh. It’s my lunchbox!” Yuji said matter-of-factly.
But when he went to grab it, Ms. Chotto put a hand on his shoulder.
“Yuji-san, it’s not time for lunch yet.”
“Can’t I show Besu my lunch?” Yuji frowned.
“Why don’t you show her when it’s lunchtime? That way you can both show each other what you have.” Ms. Chotto offered.
“Okay!” Yuji agreed, before toddling over to Besu. “Hey, Besu! Let’s wait until lunch and then I can see what you packed, too!”
“Father made me stew.”
“Oh, boy! Will you share?”
“...well, okay.”
. . . . .
While Nanami waited outside the classroom as kids shuffled inside, a man with wild pink hair waited with him. He couldn’t help but stare. Just like Yuji’s, and that’s not common. I wonder if he’s of any relation.
“You waiting on your brat, too?” Sukuna quirked a brow and stuffed his hands in his pockets.
“I’m waiting for my son, yes.” Nanami answered. “It was his first day.”
“Mine too. You have any trouble dropping him off?”
“I thought I might, but he didn’t seem upset. He’s more outgoing, though, so I wasn’t too surprised.”
“I had to pry my daughter from me.” Sukuna scoffed, shaking his head with a smile.
“Ah, she must be a daddy’s girl, then. Does she have you wrapped around her finger yet?” Nanami normally wasn’t one for small talk, but the conversation helped him remain patient as he watched through the window while the teacher struggled to wrangle a boy into his bookbag.
“Absolutely not!” Sukuna huffed, but he turned his head away. “That is…I don’t give her everything she wants.”
Nanami couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Don’t worry. I’m the same with my son. He’s my first.”
“My daughter is my first, too.”
And then the floodgates unleashed. More parents began filing down the sidewalk towards the portable classroom, but Yuji and Besu were the first at the door. Both of them raced and planted themselves directly into their father’s arms.
“Otouchan! You won’t believe it! That girl looks like me!” Yuji turned to Besu to see her the most animated she’d been all day, jabbering on to her father with bright brown eyes. “She’s real quiet though…like Fushi-kun.”
“I see. Did you have fun, then?”
“Yeah! I made a best friend!”
And Nanami smiled when Yuji turned to Besu, waving goodbye as Sukuna carried her away.
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romanarose · 11 months
Why Did You Stop?
Steven Grant x Gn!reader
Romana's 1000 follower celebration
Join my tag list to be tagged in more content!
requested by @soonknight
"hi romana, congrats on 1000! you deserve it and I love your writing! I wanted to send you a request but I'm on a side blog and hate doing anons... I'd love to see a drabble with steven and "why'd you stop?" I'm just in the mood for some fluff tonight, idk. thanks!"
Summary: While locked out of your apartment, your neighbor, Steven, kindly let's you stay over at his flat that night.
"Excuse me, are you alright?"
You wake up to a pretty sight; Steven Grant, your neighbor, waking you.
And the blinding hall lights. Those were annoying.
"Oh, hey Steven." You smile at him sitting up.
"Everything okay? I'm sorry to wake you, love, but I was just worried."
"Y-yeah, yeah I'm fine. I just locked myself out of my apartment is all. Sleeping out here for tonight."
The look of horror on his face make you giggle. "Oh god, no! Why didn't you knock on my door? I'm glad I ordered some late dinner" He held up his take out. "C'mon, up you go" Steven began to hoist you off the couch, even picking up your coat that you were using as a blanket. "Can't believe you didn't come see me. Absolutely ridicules, as if I don't have a perfectly good apartment just across the hall for you to sleep in."
Steven continued to murmur about how you were always welcome over as he set you up on the couch you were all to familiar with after arguing with him over who was going on the bed. You simply refused, you would not disrupt the poor man's sleep. He needed it! Plus, he had a whole ruetine.
You'd been around Steven and his apartment enough that he felt he no longer had to hide the sand and chain and duck tape from you, all the times you came over to watch movie's this last month you saw his place just as it was, mess and quirks in all. You liked that he trusted you with it.
Soon enough, you found yourself bundled up on the couch with the neighbor you'd been sporting a crush on since forever, and as usual, your bodies were pressed up close with Steven laying on your lap. It wasn't long until he fell asleep on you, just as you suspected he would. Steven almost always did, needing his rest so badly, so you'd taken to lulling him to sleep yourself by gently scratching his scalp, massing your fingers through his beautiful thick curls. If he didn't wake by the end of the movie, you would try to make a quiet exit and leave him on the couch with a blanket. Tonight, you were hoping he'd wake eventually so you could send him to bed, but for now you took the time to simple admire him. He real was handsome, so, so handsome it was nearly painful, your heart aching for him, to touch him, to be with him... but if you told Steven that, would you lose moments like this? moments when you felt so comfortable, so safe, so at peace... you'd miss it all so much.
"Why'd you stop?" Steven's voice was soft and small below you, and it's then you realize his eyes open, watching you watching him...
"Oh! Oh sorry, Steven" You go back to scratching him, but he keeps looking up at you, his brown eyes large and gentle.
"You looked sad, darling. Anything wrong?"
"No, Steven, nothings wrong"
He didn't believe you. Steven sat up, his face close to yours. "No, somethings on your mind. What is it?"
Still, you hesitate. You could tell him... but you could also ruin it all. "Well... I was just thinking... and... and you can say no and I don't want this to ruin our friendship but... maybe I could take you on a date sometime?" You held your breath.
Steven's face was unreadable besides surprise. "You... you want to go on a date? With me?"
You couldn't help wringing your hands together. "Yes? I mean, if you want to. If you want to remain just friends then that's-" You were interrupted by the most unlikely of events. Steven Grant kissed you.
His lips on yours, you relax into him, opening your mouth slightly for the kiss to deepen just a bit. Nothing salacious, nothing raunchy, simply you and Steven feeling your passion for one another.
"Darling, I'd love to go on a date with you. But I'm taking you."
You smile at your sweet Steven, so beautiful and so kind. He was finally yours.
This is inspired by the time during winter break i got locked out of my dorm bc I lost my keys at work and a kind coworker drove me home and i was able to get into the building bc my student ID by not my dorm room. The RA n duty never answered my damn call. I was mad. lol. anyway i didn't let it get me down, i made due and slept on a couch and was greatful i had a warm place to sleep in the -30 temps but Fen actually gave me this idea for Stevenw hen I told them about it XD
thanks for everyone being patient on these, my anxiety ha been like. severe. i dont want to be dramatic but it's been bad bad bad all summer and im honestly struggling. I appriciate the patience and the understanding that i gotta do it when inspiration strikes and im feeling it.
@fandxmslxt69 @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @k-ra @eyelessfaces @ivystoryweaver @steven-grants-world @campingwiththecharmings @ahookedheroespureheart @littlenosoul @runa-falls @lokisv7ikrie @mikaelak
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nicodrawings · 1 year
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babygirl except it’s a 64 68 year old british man
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johnthescientist · 1 year
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raylex · 11 months
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A little drabble I wrote full of fluff and comfort when I was sad. Super short because my laptop's keyboard broke and so I wrote this with a virtual on-screen keyboard. 0/10 experience. Anyways, enjoy! ❤
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Soft shuffling was heard through the quiet depths of the Clearleaf Forest as one particular limbless critter searched the woods for the presence of his lover - whom he knew well enough to assume that he was more than likely spending his free time on such a sunny day relaxing against a tree, like the nature lover he was at heart.
The aforementioned limbless critter - of course known as Lex - slowly and carefully wandered across the tall, wild, overgrown greenery, keeping his eyes peeled to the ground below him. Every step he took was thoughtfully calculated, making absolutely sure not to accidentally cross paths with a lost bug or a blooming flower hiding between the blades of grass - whether fauna or flora, he didn’t want to cause any harm, after all.
Just as he had hoped, his intuition hadn’t failed him, as he began to pick up on the sound of an apple being crunched on nearby.
His pace quickened as he followed the sound of chewing, and sure enough, it didn’t take long for him to be spotted by the source of it; naturally (and fortunately!) being none other than the good old hoodie-wearing hero of these lands, Rayman, who wasted no time in throwing away the remaining apple core in his hands and flashing a bright smile at his partner.
“Lex!”, he beamed, though Lex only responded with a weak wave and a half-smile, before pointing at the patch of grass next to Rayman, as if silently asking for permission to sit down.
Rayman’s grin didn’t falter, and he nodded, scooting ever so slightly to the side to allow for more space, patting the spot. “You know there’s always room for you wherever I go. C’mere.”
With that, Lex found himself stepping over to Rayman’s side in silence. Placing his back against the thick, mossy oak tree behind them, he slid down to land on the grass below, which was littered with fallen leaves from above. Wordlessly, and before Rayman even got a chance to speak himself, Lex leaned in to rest his head on Rayman’s shoulder - at least, the closest thing he had to a shoulder - as he let out a breathy sigh. Rayman could practically feel all of the tension in Lex’s body leave as he comfortably propped his head down on his lover.
“…Rough day?”, Rayman spoke, his hand moving up to play with Lex’s coarse hair, occasionally letting his fingers run through the strands. The familiar feeling of his gloves’ worn out fabric helped put Lex at ease as he simply let out a hum in affirmation. Rayman nodded in response, continuing his acts of comfort.
The two stayed like that for a while, before Rayman lowered his hand ever so slightly, letting it gently slide down the back of Lex’s head and eventually rest on his upper back, where he traced circles through his thick sweater. Lex melted into the touch, weakly smiling as he nuzzled his face up against Rayman’s. This prompted a gentle chuckle from the hero, whose motions slowly came to a stop, though he kept his hand in that same place. With this, he readjusted his position slightly, moving even closer to Lex and wrapping his free hand around him as well, enveloping him in a warm hug.
“You okay like this?”
Lex nodded, lowering his head to rest on Rayman’s chest as he snuggled in as close as physically possible, the soft fabric of his beloved’s purple hoodie grazing his cheeks. Rayman - whilst still holding Lex in his embrace - couldn’t hold back a lovestruck smile at the sight, planting a tender kiss in Lex’s hair.
Lex’s lips curled upwards at the sensation as he felt his worries and woes drift away to the sound of Rayman’s peaceful heartbeat.
“…We can stay like this for as long as you want,” Rayman tenderly cooed, doing everything in his power to make Lex feel content and calm. “You don’t have to say a word. You’re safe with me, baby. I promise.”
And so, as the sun shone through the foliage to warm the two sweethearts in a dim sunbeam, a sense of peace fluttered through the air. Maybe everything was going to be okay.
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adhd-merlin · 10 months
please let my boy sit in the sun he doesn't have it at home.....
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~ Foggy Area ~
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decaflondonfog · 6 months
day 7/30 of 30 microfics in 30 days
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i nearly wrote one where könig was ill on his birthday but then decided to go the full fluff route agdkfhdjd sorry for the almost-crimes, big man!!!!!
KORANGI • BIRTHDAY for @caroll-in
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hrh-princessanne · 1 year
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12 June | Princess Anne pays visit to Grimsby unsung heroes
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mlp-supernatural · 23 days
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fuck of desitel ponies for tday
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AHDJAJSJANEHEHD DW I NEARLY CRIED WRITING IT I AM SUCH A SUCKER FOR LOVERS/CLOSE FRIENDS PARTING WAYS 😭😭😭 honestly though if he told me he was happy for me i would do a complete 180 and i mean I would whip around on my heel and I would literally hold him so tight I’m not even jk 🙁 giggles YES i had to top it off with beabadoobee !!! Don’t you know already stsg fans can’t be happy !!!! Okokokok to apologise for the sadness I have brought more poly stsg because I’m stsg anon and I can’t go a day without thinking of them 💪💪 .poly stsg x reader who’s also a sorcerer but is just a complete ray of sunshine. As in the world is exploding in front of their eyes but they’re js like ‘oh that’s unfortunate :(‘ and just generally tries to have a positive and optimistic outlook on the world n be kind to those around them (My fav type of people) but the funny thing is that wanting to be a sorcerer probably means that you stayed with satoru when the incident™️ happened — So imagine stsg seeing each other years later all cold and >:| but you were kept behind for whatever reason and they’re in the middle of talking to each other when you come bounding up behind satoru like “oh sorry I’m la- OHH HEYYY SUGUUUUuuu :D” ASGHAGSHA 😭😭 no because to be perfectly honest that would be me in that situation because I could care less that he left or that I haven’t seen him in 10 years ITS SUGU??? ILL TAKE THAT W THANK YOUUUU 🤩🤩🤩 ahdhs i feel like there are so many possible scenarios with poly stsg x sunshine reader aughhh!!! Hehehdhxhs thank u for listening to my brain rambles once again :𝟥 — YOU KNOW WHO (stsg anon) !!
STSG ANON MY BELOVED MY ANGEL first of all i’m so so sorry for how long this took me to answer T_T uni has been uni-ing lately …… AS ALWAYS U FEED ME SO WELL THOUGH pls know i always smile so wide reading ur asks !! :’3 they bring me sooo much joy i am opening your scalp gently and kissing your beautiful genius brain <33
AND GOSHHHHH THIS IS SUCH A SWEET SCENARIO PLS 😭😭😭😭 I LOVEEEE THIS SO MUCH this reader reminds me so much of haibara.. like i firmly believe this is how he would’ve acted with geto HAIBARA ASIDE THOUGH… this is just. so tasty. 😵‍💫😵‍💫 so sweet !!!
like .. a reader like this would completely fuck up stsg’s attempts at acting hostile towards each other because they’re just so sincere??? just happy to see geto again!! and i think it would hurt gojo and geto both because you’re still the same as before, you make them feel like you’re all still in high school, but you’re not and it hurts :((( i can see geto enjoying it though… he just gets all soft knowing you don’t hate him. he assumed that both you and satoru would but you welcome him back so warmly!! makes him want to pinch your cheeks the way he always used to <33 i think he would jokingly but not really so jokingly suggest that you join his side and you’re like… :0 PHDJFJ just all sweet and apologetic because you want to be with him and you appreciate the offer but you like being at jujutsu high…. and he just kinda chuckles because it’s such a casual reply. it’s so you. it makes him feel warm.
(… i also feel like this reader would be very good for stsg because, again, their sincerity and sunshiney attitude would essentially force them both to be sincere too and i think that’d clear up a lot of misunderstandings between them.. yes i am suggesting that this reader + satoru could’ve gotten suguru back i know it’s delusional but idc reader would go up to bleeding dying suguru and boop his nose and ask him to come back to them and he would stfu and listen <3333)
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