#soft thoughts with g
topguncortez · 1 year
bradley is the type of soon-to-be dad that sleeps through most of the contractions until it’s time for you to push
jake is the type of soon-to-be dad who complains about the food and will smuggle in snacks for you
bob is the type of soon-to-be dad who hovers the whole time and never leaves your side.
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imissoldtumb1r · 2 months
soft inspø
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suzyandthefox · 2 months
You're cold, you're sobbing, you're scared.
This place is a deathtrap, you will surely die if I were to leave you here.
I pick you up, you tremble in my grip, begging to be let go.
"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry."
I hold you to my chest, press you against my heart, you curl around yourself and cry, hoping for the best.
"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry"
You shiver, cold to the touch and frozen to the bones, a little frail thing.
I have to keep you safe.
I lift you to my mouth, jaws opening wide to receive you, you find no strength to fight against me, and no voice to beg me.
"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry."
I take you to a slow journey through me, tight muscles hugging you with care and empathy, they feel your pain, they feel your fear.
My stomach welcomes you, it's walls cupping your form and giving you warmth that you needed.
"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry."
The heat is too much for you, and you were already tired, your exhausted body gives up and you close your eyes, my flesh wraps you and swaddles you.
I murmur soft whispers and sweet nothings to you, as I caress where you are.
"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry."
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glitchedoutnoms · 29 days
Prey who wants nothing more but to be eaten and tucked away from the outside world. But every time a pred opens their mouth to invite them in, all the prey can do is scream, cry and scramble away as fast as possible. No matter how reassured they are that they wouldn't be harmed or how dull the preds teeth may be, the prey just cannot help it.
Prey being deathly afraid of sharp objects like needles, knives or teeth. Prey having a pred s/o or friend who helps them overcome that fear so they can both enjoy the noms. Perhaps the pred gets the idea to let them rest the prey's head/body on their tongue to try and get them used to seeing the preds teeth and be reassured they won't harm them.
Mouth therapy for an anxiety ridden prey just seems so wholesome and comfy oml
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Hero’s eating villains, love that shiz
villain is monologuing about some silly things, maybe threatening to eat the hero, but while their talking, the hero quietly gets free and walks over silently, letting the villain have their talk as they stand over them, waiting for them to realise they where being stood over by their worst enemy, who is rather tired, overworked and hungry.
the villain looks up, pausing, before being lifted by the tired hero, and after much protest, pushed down their throat into the awaiting stomach of the hero, and attempting to bargain their freedom (maybe their scared, maybe their not) and is the only response they get are half assed “mhm”s or yep”s feels the hero lay down, yawning as the pass out.
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thefanciestborrower · 2 months
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Ain't nothing better than eating your bestie and washing him down with a glass of Ktarian beer
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ruby-the-kaiju · 3 months
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I’m not the only one who got “vore” vibes from AM right? Like…
Like tf you mean “in my hungry belly” 🤨🤨🤨🤨 VINE BOOM
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imissoldtumb1r · 2 months
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makothegayyburrito · 2 months
ever just get into the rp mood and you wanna ask your friend so bad to rp??? Like dude I have so many ideas but I don’t wanna seem like a bother. Let me rp with your tiny and giant ocs I love them sm!
especially when it’s been too long since you’ve done noms. I just wanna hold your precious little ocs pleeeaasssee
Character ai is good but HUMAN CONNECTION
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sillyromance · 11 months
Good day everyone!
I like thinking about protective vore scenarios where both involved are two absolute, unfixable sweethearts who care about the ones around them more than about themselves... But actually, a prey doesn't know that they'll be safe in a pred's stomach. Perhaps, there was not enough time for explanations or the pred didn't have an ability to tell the prey what they were going to do; but anyways, the big guy ends up struggling to swallow their panicking friend who is quite unhappy about the situation. The pred sincerely hopes that it'll be easier for everyone when the prey reaches the destination, but, unluckily, they are wrong; the little one continues wriggling and trashing around, mercilessly squeezing and scratching sensitive stomach, making their protector suffer in pain. The latter is too kind to make any attempts to stop their friend instantly, for example, punching their belly roughly or yelling at their friend; they just hug their sickly growling, aching middle, feeling tears flowing violently from their eyes and say: "Listen... You're safe, pal... Please... Don't. You're hurting m-me..."
The prey entirely ignores the first part of the sentence; however, they stop fighting right away as they hear the last words. Like... No doubt, they want out really bad, but...They didn't mean to harm anyone, their friend in particular! It appears that all this battling was completely instinctive. The prey goes brightly red of shame; they mumble apologies all the time, sobbing because of the thought they could cause irremediable damage and stroking, kneading tender walls they're sinking in, their hands tremor as the tiny remembers how hard they were beating their comrade a minute ago... And outside, the pred, blushing too, just coos at them, reassuring that the prey did nothing wrong and they don't need to reproach themselves for the fear which was nothing else but natural.
It can be a completely opposite variant as well; the prey has done something bad - they have committed a prank or made some mess... The pred gets extremely mad for some reason and, in spite of their kind soul, decides to punish the guilty one by trapping the latter away in their stomach. With a heavy heart, they gulp small, trembling body of the prey down. The pred expects threats, screams and furious banging on their insides from the consumed friend, and they emotionally prepare for that. But instead... Their ears catch faint crying. The little one curls up tightly in noisy, wet environment, completely giving up on the all joys of life and a possibility to see daylight again. As far as it's discovered, the pred is hit so hard by this, that they immediately forget their irritation and hide their face in hands, paralysed by shame and horror of what they've done. The giant begs the tiny to forgive them for the giant's dared to scare their precious little friend with such cruelty. Meanwhile, the prey comforts their big friend, rubbing the flesh moving around which gently embraces them - and insisting that they are the only one who should be sorry for showing poor behaviour.
These small ideas are connected to Skyfire from G1 (I've finally begun to watch it, this show is literally mind-blowing!) He is one of my favourite characters from this series; and whenever I see him, I can't get a thought out of my head about what a compassionate, and soft, and loving being he is (when it doesn't come to decepticons, of course). In order to that, I think he would fit perfectly for the situations I described.
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blue-carrot10 · 6 months
Decided to do that little thing:'3
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Vore ship dynamic
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thefanciestborrower · 3 months
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So….so Gatsby am I right?
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ak319 · 17 days
Yan G!P Princess x fem reader
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(Your name is Deniz in the story)
"Princess here!"
"Princess Kade , here!"
"Where did you both first meet?!"
"Is our new princess in the castle?!"
"How long I’ve waited to hear these questions, to see the desperate anticipation in every man, woman, and child’s eyes about my marriage with you. The day they would be dying to know about you, about us."
That’s what she said. She released the article, just as I expected. So, I lost. I finally lost. And I would have lost no matter what.
It’s been two weeks since... I can’t even bear to say or think about what happened. But yes, two weeks, and I’m still stuck in this damn room, watching her answer questions with such delight. The lies she’s telling, as if she’s trying to craft a fairy tale. And she’s done it. She told them how she first saw me playing and was captivated by everything—my sportsmanship, my personality, my beauty. Then, when someone asked about her previous failed engagement with Juniper, she outright denied even knowing her and excused herself, slamming the car door. That means she’s coming back to the palace—probably to spend more time with me here.
I would just sit in the corner, ignoring her as best I could while she tried to talk to me. But she still remained, informing me about the commencement of the arrangement and how she had spoken to her assistant to arrange some classes for me—ranging from media etiquette to royal protocol. At first, I cursed at the mere idea of it, but when she said I wouldn’t be allowed to use my phone, I had no choice but to comply. But I’ll make sure to make those classes as miserable as possible. Let’s see how long the teachers last.
My parents went back home and will be invited back for the wedding. I video-call them daily now that I have the strength to. Ever since the incident, I had been blaming them, even though I knew it wasn’t their fault. I just needed time. Clara and Leo finally picked up my calls, but not from my phone--from the palace’s telephone. Yes, apparently, Kade ordered this too, and I had no choice since the calls from my phone are still blocked. It’s just another way of monitoring me because Kade knows Clara could help me somehow. But I also know that if I tried to ask for help, it would only create problems for Clara. So, in the end, I could only cry during the calls while she cursed Kade and her family non-stop.
The door opened after a subtle knock, one I knew all too well. Why is she even bothering to knock? It’s locked from the outside. Kade entered the room with her usual air of authority, her tall, statuesque figure clad in a form-fitting black turtleneck that highlighted her regal bearing. Her hazel eyes, sharp and observant, flickered with a mixture of contentment, control and...concern?
"Good morning, love. Hazel informed me you skipped breakfast again. You shouldn't skip meals like this. I don't want you to faint when you're walking down the aisle. I care for you, alright? For your health. And I know you definitely don't want me to force feed you." Yep. I'd rather kill myself.
"Well forgive me Your Grace, for not eating due to getting literally , kidnapped."
"I am not having this conversation again." She slumped against the couch.
"Ever thought about how I don’t want any of this either?" I watched her jaw tighten as she turned on her laptop and started working on her project, as if my words meant nothing. She always sits in this room to study, turning it into her own workspace. She even had the nerve to ‘introduce’ me to her friends on a Zoom call once, pretending everything was perfectly fine.
Ignoring my complaint entirely, she announced, "The wedding is in August, so you’ve got one month to adjust. Your classes start next Monday."
I decided to play her game and ignore her right back.
"Kade, what will happen if I kill you right now?"
"Death sentence, love." She responded nonchalantly, flashing me a quick, almost amused smile. I scoffed and leaned back into the sofa, staring out the window. "In a way, we’d be reunited," she added with an unsettling calm. God, this woman is next-level delusional.
"If you could be even a tiny bit positive about this, I might consider taking you outside."
"I’m perfectly fine here," she sighed, her eyes still glued to the screen. "Are you sure, love?"
"Yes. Very." I stood up and headed to the bathroom, seeking a brief escape from her presence. When I returned, she was still there, now on a group call with her legs propped up on the table. She gave me a quick wink before turning her attention back to her work.
I decided to use my phone while she was occupied. When she finally left, I knew she'd be back for supper and then dinner. I groaned into the pillow. The door couldn’t be locked from the inside, there was no LOCK! It was clear she’d planned this meticulously, which only made it even more stomach-turning.
As I settled in with a book, a knock at the door interrupted me, distinctly different from Kade’s.
"Can I come in?"
Who the hell--wait a minute. Is that... Princess Romana?! My future sister-in-law. NO! EW! Stop thinking that way! How did I even think of that-?!. I quickly shook off the unsettling thought and answered with a hurried "yes." I had no idea if she’d be as crazy as the rest of this family, but something in my gut told me she was different. I only knew a little about her from the media, she lived in Windsor with her own family, not here in Buckingham.
The door clicked open, and she walked in, looking just as confused as I was.
"Seriously? Whose idea was this?" Before I could even register her question, she muttered to herself, "Who am I kidding—of course it was that sister of mine." She turned to me, her expression softening. "Anyway, um, Deniz. Nice to meet you. I’m Romana, if you-"
"I know, Princess Romana... hi." Damn it, why did I interrupt her? Forget it. Why does it even matter?
"Can we have a talk, if you’re comfortable with that?" She folded her arms and gave me a polite smile, and for the first time in what felt like an eternity, I felt a sense of warmth. She felt like... home. Maybe because she was the first person I’d interacted with besides Kade.
"I-y-yes." I cleared my throat , trying my best to hold back my tears.
"Thank you. Please, have a seat." I moved to the edge of the bed, facing her, still wary of her unexpected appearance.
"I'll be honest with you, okay? And don’t be scared of me. Be as open as you want to be." She paused, her gaze fixed on her folded hands in her lap. "I read the article and was shocked at first, but then I was happy and decided to call Father about this sudden news because my dear sister wasn’t picking up. Then I got a call from someone here, someone loyal to me, who filled me in on the whole-" She licked her lips, searching for the right word-"situation."
That was the final trigger for me, and I let my tears flow.
"God, I am so sorry for what they did to you. What my sister did. I just can’t wrap my head around all of this. It’s bloody diabolical." She gave me a moment to collect myself, her eyes brimming with sympathy and regret.
"Look, Deniz, the situation between Kade and me has been complicated. We started off with a strained relationship, but as we grew older, things improved significantly. We eventually became quite close. I am thoroughly aware that she has a tendency for being stubborn. My father, as you might expect, has always had a special fondness for Kade, which has influenced many of his decisions. I wish I had known about this earlier, I would have done everything I could to intervene. Though, given his position as King, it might not have made a difference."
"It’s not your fault... it was mine."
"No. Don’t blame yourself. This is what I’m trying to explain. Kade has a habit of getting what she wants, and this time she’s gone too far. I had a huge argument with her when I arrived. She shouldn’t have done any of this. But now-" She sighed, her expression heavy with regret. "The articles are out, the press is all over it, the situation has spiraled out of control. As much as it pains me to say this, the marriage is going to happen."
It felt as though my heart was being slashed once again, and all I could do was absorb her words, powerless and numb.
"I wish I could make this better for you. Right now, all I can offer is the small comfort that Kade has failed as a person, but there’s a slim chance she might be a good partner." I shook my head violently and stood up, pacing in front of the window.
"God, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. The reality is, you will have to leave this room eventually and confront the world she’s created outside. I’m not trying to manipulate you or play some sort of Stockholm syndrome game, I’m just stating the facts."
"You don’t have to keep reminding me," I snapped, frustration seeping into my voice. "She comes here every day to make sure I know just how much she’s made my life a nightmare!"
She ran a hand through her sleek black hair and nodded. "I understand. But Deniz, I’m here for you. My wife, Adelyn, is too. We’re both with you. You can call on us anytime, we’re staying here for the time being." She approached me with a somber look. "I’m like your sister, okay? You can trust me. Now, come on. Let’s go outside."
Her words sounded reassuring, so I nodded in agreement.
"Can you gimme a few minutes?"
"Of course. I’ll wait outside." She offered a comforting smile before stepping out. I sighed and wiped away my tears as I sat down to gather my emotions. I felt a bit better than before. The fact that I cried not only from my own situation but also because her presence reminded me of my family touched me deeply. She seemed genuinely honest, a stark contrast to the insufferable Kade. God, why did my stalker have to be a fucking princess? At least a normal person might have faced arrest.
(Kade's POV)
"So, you met my sister?" I was relieved to see you finally eating. It pained me to think of you outside walking with Romana and my sister-in-law as I came back from the gym, but at least you had opened up to someone here. Still, I hated it that it wasn't me.
"What did you two talk about, love?"
"Nothing. Nothing that concerns you." It should fucking concern me. But I’ll let it slide for now, I don’t want you to go silent again. I need to keep you talking. I trust Romana to some extent, but I hope she didn’t poison your mind against me. My fists clenched under the table as I thought about how Romana seemed to have it so easy. She married the love of her life without the struggles I had to endure to be with you. But then again, what kind of love is it if you didn’t have to fight for it? It was such a bittersweet feeling.
"Look, it’s not like I’m keeping you a prisoner here. You could have gone out into the gardens any time."
"Well, I don’t think the lock on my door agrees with that statement." You slammed your spoon down on your plate, your frustration evident.
"Deniz, love, that lock isn’t meant to imprison you. You’re volatile, okay? I can’t have you breaking everything in the palace like—like you did in our room."
"Oh, how marvelous," you retorted, sarcasm dripping from every word. "Are you still not over that? Must be so, so hurtful, right? Even more painful than being forced into a marriage? Tsk. God, one can never fathom the daily struggles of Princess Kade."
I couldn’t help but chortle at your biting sarcasm. "God, Deniz. You’re still the same."
"And you’re even worse," you shot back, your voice laden with exasperation
"I wonder what or who made me like this, hm~..."
"Yourself, Kade." I shook my head, catching a glimpse of Julian returning from his jog over Deniz’s shoulder.
"Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that you’re free to do whatever you want here, except vandalism. Also, I need to discuss our honeymoon trip-"
"Fuck no, Kade." I grabbed your wrist as you tried to head back inside, my frustration evident.
"No, Deniz, we are having this conversation. It’s important."
"NO! EW! How can you even suggest I go with YOU—"
"DENIZ!" I sighed in exasperation, seeing you flinch. God, this is tougher than I thought it would be. "Deniz, love, I just want you to read the schedule. Nothing more, nothing less. You can make changes if you want. I won’t say a word. I promise."
"Well, then cancel it altogether! That is what I WANT!"
"You know that’s not possible. Now please—" You swatted my hand away from your wrist and flopped back down into the chair. "Thank you. Richard." I grabbed the file from him and slid it towards you, which you snatched with your usual resentment. "Don’t ever touch me like that."
I swallowed another wave of pain and annoyance. 'No, no, no. Kade, you have to endure this. I know it’s painful, but it will get better over time. Just focus on how cute she looks reading it and how you can’t wait to take her as your wife'.
The days began to blend into one another, thanks to the interminable classes I was subjected to. I did my best to irritate the teachers, but they remained astonishingly patient. I had never encountered such patience before. Clearly, Kade had trained them well.
Gradually, and unfortunately, I was also taken by Kade to spend time with her family. Thankfully, Romana and her wife, Adelyn, provided a calming presence, along with their adorable 4-year-old son, Idris. I knew I was, in a sense, surrendering, but what choice did I have? I was still aware, as evidenced by my panic attacks. I would never forget what Kade had done to me, no matter how loving she appeared now. I only wished she could understand that.
As my headache returned, I stumbled to the bed, desperately hoping to awaken from this nightmare the next morning. Instead, my mind replayed memories of my previous life, Kade's conversations, Romana’s reassuring words, the King's disapproving glances, and the Queen’s pitying looks. The upcoming interviews and the wedding itself loomed over me. I turned the pillow to the dry side, though it was already damp with tears.
"Just rest, Deniz. Close your eyes. It will be okay. Shhh...just call your parents first thing in the morning."
The earlier walk with Romana replayed in my mind.
"Can you get me divorced from her in the future, then?"
Romana stopped and turned to face me. "That would be possible when I become Queen. I could grant you permission. But that time seems far off, and..." She sighed. "There are other factors to consider, including Kade’s own consent."
"Fuck everything."
"Indeed." Adelyn gently patted my back in sympathy.
Part VI
(AN: Kade be like - but still loving it.)
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(Meanwhile the reader)
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lesbianoms · 7 months
Hhh I love preds that tease their meals
That love em to death and would never actually want them to suffer, but still enjoy the rush of fear that the prey gets in their eyes as they dangle them over their mouth or pounce on them, ready to swallow them up…
The prey is a begging, crying mess. The pred finds this cute, whispering, licking those tears away and humming “you look so pretty when you cry”. Then into the gullet they go…
Sure, it’s not the best experience for the prey. They’re freaking out and begging for their life, struggling and squirming in that slimy sac that serves as their new home, terrified. The pred is in heaven. But rest assured, that either digestion is painless or that the pred is just gonna keep them around as a pet…
Either way, they care about their little darling meal. Something akin to love and hunger all at once as they coo and poke their stomach, listening to all those sweet gurgles inside, mixed with the most adorable squeals…
And the prey will be fiiiiine. It’s not like the pred intends to harm them. After all, why would they want to damage their most precious prey? If it’s digestion, then they’ll exist as somewhat sentient pudge on the pred’s middle, being gently caressed and stroked and kissed. If it’s endo, then the pred gets so many more opportunities to toy around with them. A cherished little plaything <3
Hhhhh if I did fandom vore stuff you’d better believe I’d be writing about my otp in this scenario 😩
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bramble-mouse · 1 month
Giants with glowing innards that make their stomachs relaxing, ambient places to lounge in
Giants with vegetation growing in thier bellies and fresh spring water instead of stomach acid
Giants robots with a fully equipped home in thier stomach for thier tiny friends to live in
Giants with bellies that secret a healing liquid inside of acid and slowly relieve pain, illness and injury the longer you sit inside
Plushy giants whose insides are patchwork and feel like falling asleep in a cozy pillow nest
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