bonemaxxingballerina 2 months
make your disorder an aesthetic, you will become obsessed 馃挐馃巰馃┓ and skinny.
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cloudymindddd 1 month
i鈥檝e updated my cw twice this week 馃ス let鈥檚 keep it goingggg
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2lazy2purr28 10 days
Life hack:
If you need motivation to lose weight, buy yourself tight and revealing clothes and force yourself to wear them in public. Make yourself as uncomfortable as possible.
Or go shopping and find something to wear you really love, something you just cant leave the store without! Then buy it, but in a size or two down.
You鈥檒l cut those calories realllll quick 馃槀馃槀 and you have cute clothes to wear that fit nicely when all is said and done! Win-win!!馃挒
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anabela77 14 days
Quiero verme al espejo y notar que baje much铆simo de peso, sin necesidad de pesarme. No voy a parar hasta conseguirlo, hasta que todos lo noten y me recuerden que lo logr茅.
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j0lg 27 days
Does anybody have any circles that I can join? I鈥檓 new to the app and want to see how others are doing!!
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chrstvi 10 months
Safe foods/Tips
Safe foods
Comidas/snacks bajas en calor铆as.
10 frutillas/fresas medianas (35kcal)
1 manzana roja con yogurt sin az煤car (aprox 126 kcal dependiendo del tama帽o de la manzana y la marca del yogurt)
2 galletas de arroz con mermelada sin az煤car (70kcal aprox)
Coca cola zero calorias (Una botella de 591ml trae aprox solo 1.2 kcal!)
1 huevo cocido(70kcal con yema 17kcal sin yema)
1 gelatina sin az煤car (100g) (var铆a un poco pero puede ir entre las 50kcal e incluso 10kcal)
1 taza de caf茅 negro sin az煤car ni crema (5kcal aprox)
1 pepino grande (completo 34kcal la mitad 17kcal)
100 gr de apio, son como dos tiras largas (16kcal)
100 gr de lechuga, m谩s o menos 10 hojas medias (15kcal)
Por 煤ltimo hay mucha recetas ricas y f谩ciles en tik tok que son bajas en calor铆as.
Cortar pepino con pela papas as铆 haciendo varias tiras sientes que estas comiendo el doble.
No comas mirando el tel茅fono ni la tv
El agua con lim贸n ayuda mucho a la sensaci贸n de saciedad
Come lento
Siempre intenta cortar frutas como fresas,manzanas, sandias, en pedazos peque帽os.
Si vas a comer unas galletas, papas etc siguiendo la indicacion de porci贸n no comas directo de la bolsa, s铆rvete en un plato y guarda el resto si comes de la bolsa es m谩s f谩cil comerse toda la bolsa.
Revisa al reverso de los empaques las porciones sugeridas.
El arroz, fideos en su versi贸n integral son menos calor铆as.
En restaurantes en vez de jugo o gaseosa pide alguna limonada.
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bonemaxxingballerina 2 months
if you cant stop e@t1ng, make 0cal sugar-free drinks/drink flavor mix into frozen treats. you can b1ng3 these & gain nothing.
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also try these 4n@ desserts. 馃巰
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cloudymindddd 28 days
i actually woke up today craving to 猸愶笍ve. like I want to feel empty and hungry. looks like nothing is on the menu today 馃グ
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starfame 21 days
I wish i didn't hate myself.
I wish i didn't harm myself.
猸愶笍ving myself and being ultra skinny is a solution.
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j0lg 25 days
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trauma dump//
i talked to him last night, told him how much I appreciated him and how much I love him, told him how amazing he is and how i鈥檓 so thankful about how he was patient with me. we talked about our flaws, we talked normally and slept on the phone. i probably should鈥檝e have reached out to him but god i missed him so much. i missed hearing his voice, i missed his laugh, i just miss him as a person. he told me he still loves me and he鈥檒l be here for me, we were only a little toxic at the end, i just didn鈥檛 want him to remember me badly, i want to him to remember the good times we had; when we would stay up talking on the phone just laughing, playing games together, i just don鈥檛 want him to think badly about me. he says who knows we might talk again in the future but who knows he just said it in way that he might look for someone new and i asked him but he said no he鈥檚 not,, i just said if it really was love for him he wouldn鈥檛 try to find someone new in a couple months i don鈥檛 know i just think it鈥檚 dumb, i love him and he鈥檚 the first person i鈥檝e ever felt like this about, i dont want anyone for a long time, i just can鈥檛 handle another heartbreak but i guess we鈥檙e all different. i just miss him so bad right now, i miss how we were before all the fighting. we could鈥檝e both done better, he could鈥檝e tried to be way more patient sometimes he would lash out on me sometimes. he would misread messages and get mad then start name calling. i could鈥檝e been more affectionate and stop being nonchalant about things. i just love him so much and hope he doesn鈥檛 find anyone for a while, because im gonna improve on myself and want him to wait. gonna get th!n and be more affectionate for him.
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