#solar bake
blueberry-mufffinz · 6 months
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Solar's Death Left Me In Shambles So We Cope By Drawing
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the great korvish bake off
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 6 months
No, no, Jack can canonically speak cat (source: DAY in the LIFE of Sun’s CATS in VRChat). He actually should be translating for Solar.
He can speak cat, but Solar is too tiny yet of a cat to fully speak cat himself other than meowing for food, warmth, or attention.
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foodandfolklore · 11 months
Jar of Sunshine - Lemon Curd
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So I've shared stories about Lemons and I've shared stories about Eggs. Both items are staples in cooking and baking, but I thought I'd share a recipe that uses mainly these two ingredients. Lemon Curd.
Now, I'll be the first one to admit that the name "Lemon Curd" for a dish is not the most appetizing sound. It almost sounds like milk that has curdled so bad, it's as sour as lemon juice. Instead, I call it a jar of sunshine, as magically, it harnesses the best parts of the ingredients' solar energy. Lemons have been connected with the sun and this recipe uses mainly Egg Yolks. This allows you to help bring out some of the best aspects of solar energy like Passion, Courage, Energy, Inspiration, Rejuvenation and Joy. The later two I find I get the most out of with this recipe.
Need: 1 Cup White Sugar 2 Tbsp Lemon Zest 6 Egg Yolks 1/2 Cup Lemon Juice 1/2 Cup Butter 1/2 tsp lemon extract (Optional)
Zest your Lemons and add to sugar. Incorporate these together well to activate the oils of the lemon zest. You can shake in a bag, use a food processor, or just mix really, really well.
Juice your Lemons, taking care to keep seeds out. Add your juice and egg yolks into a pot. Whisk well. Slowly add your sugar and lemon zest mixture, stirring well with whisk. If you want lemon extract, add it now.
Place your pot on low heat and whisk continuously. Keep stirring until the mixture thickens and starts to bubble. This is going to take a while, but don't stop stirring or turn up the heat. It’s ready when you stick a wooden spoon in and it coats your spoon in yellow.
Remove from heat, and add your butter. Make sure it is cold and cubed. Continue stirring until butter has melted.
Pour your finished mixture through a fine mesh strainer. This will ensure your curd is smooth and silky. Put mixture in a glass jar with lid. Let cool at room temperature for an hour before lidding and putting in fridge. It will set completely in fridge. Will last several weeks in fridge and months in freezer.
Tip: -Do not stop whisking when eggs are on heat. Failing to do so may cause the eggs to overcook and become lumpy. -If your stove doesn’t go low enough, consider cooking in a double boiler. -Two Lemons should yield your needed Zest and Juice. -Use fresh lemon juice. The pre squeezed stuff you can get in a bottle will not cut it. -You can easily separate egg yolks from the egg white by tipping the egg back and forth between the shells. Or Gently use your hands to separate the yolk from the whites. -Do not fret if some egg white mixes in with your yolk. -Let your lemon curd cool completely before using it in baking. -When you make your lemon curd and you want it to have max solar energy, make sure you are cooking during the day. Not at night or in the evening. -Use less or even no lemon extract if you do not want your lemon curd to taste too strong.
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wikipediapictures · 3 months
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Cinnamon roll
“[first image] The raw dough has been rolled out, spread with cinnamon filling, rolled up, and cut (with a string) into individual rolls. Seven rolls have been placed in a pan for the final proofing, which will take about an hour. [second image] The shaped and filled cinnamon rolls have proofed (rested in a warm place) to rise for the final time. They are ready to bake. [third image] These cinnamon rolls are being baked in a solar oven. (The plastic bag around the edges of the pan is part of the solar oven.) This picture was taken about two-thirds of the way through the baking process. The dough is dry on the surface but still obviously raw. [final image] These cinnamon rolls are fully baked and ready for eating. These cinnamon rolls were baked in a solar oven.” - via Wikimedia Commons
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roseredsnow · 9 months
My first post for Solarpunk aesthetic week 2!
I wasn't sure why at first but baking and cooking from scratch felt like a very solarpunk thing to do.
At first I thought it may be because of the more communal aspect, borrowing ingredients from others if you don't have something, and sharing what you produced if there's too much.
But I've come to the conclusion to me it's more about time.
Walking to the garage and back to pick up a load of bread takes ten minutes minimum where I live, with a car to get further out just buying bread and nothing else is still only an hour max.
But baking bread? The time it takes to mix and then rise and bake is so much longer.
And having the time to do so is currently a luxury, during lockdowns in 2020 at least here in the UK everyone was suddenly making bread from scratch, partly because of people hoarding but also for something to do.
Since then I haven't heard of a single person around me doing it.
So here's to currently having the time to bake and the two weeks my parents were away leaving me with the house to myself while my brother was at college/work.
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Crackers I made from scratch because I forgot to buy some when I got other shopping. Not the best but still liked them.
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Pizza from scratch
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Ginger cake thing (didn't have ingredients for regular gingerbread, attempted to make ginger shortbread but didn't want to use more butter then needed more flour but only had self rasing so)
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An attempt at pasta the other day that was way too thick but hey, first try.
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noogit9000 · 1 year
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The name tag is finished
I did a couple art fight attacks while the paint dried since I didn’t do any yesterday (whoops)
All that’s left is to add the red accents and attach the zipper to the hoodie, expect this Tuesday night (Wednesday morning)
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bigpyrolizard · 6 months
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Helped make some solar eclipse cupcakes for the day, they turned out pretty good.
The disks on top are melted black chocolate that I used a straw to make some moon craters.
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solcarow · 8 months
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p-receh · 8 months
Sorry i'm bothering you again with the elements (sadly i'm not patient enough to wait for your boel post 😔)
One thing i find really fascinating is how certain elements get along better with specific kokotiam + certain fandom hcs that i adore
Halilintar despite butting heads with fang a couple times seems to get along/work with fang the most (granted this could be the cause of petir/hali being boi's go to elemental). Another fun hc that is.. kinda(?) Confirmed is that Hali and Ying do races
Taufan always seems to get along great with Yaya, we all know the infamous cookie episode but Taufan canonically likes baking and is actually pretty good at it! Some parts of the fandom also likes to believe that Yaya is just specifically bad at making cookies.
But is pretty good (at least edible) in other foods and pastries. Another reason why both can get along great is bcs taufan can fly so there was a moment where the fandom hc that Taufan and Yaya occasionally travel together and later cook/bake the cultural food they're at (pretty sure it was during 'Fly with Yaya' this hc was pretty big). Bonus: the rest of the kokotiam later on join these 2 on their travels
Blaze and by extension ANY of TTM get along great with Gopal
Ais also gets along great with Gopal
Duri seems to get along with anyone but we see more interaction of him and Fang
Solar is actually probably the only difficult one since we know the least about him and he has so little screentime and barely interacts with the rest of kokotiam T^T but there are 2 hcs
The first (and this was before Sori aka before we know hes an overthinker) is that hes really close with the girls. Him and Y&Y have a study group and/or occasional research sessions
The second is that hes close with Fang, granted this one is more of the fandom wanting that Sun and Moon / light and dark being close trope (to the point between the elements, solar was a favored elemental to be ship be-it platonically or romantically with fang)
Gempa is the only exception. He gets along with everyone, probably has smth to do with him being the most like regular boi
P.S i know all the elements get along with all of Kokotiam (they are all boi after all)
Yeah yeah, my bad anon for keep you waiting.
I'm honestly so disappointed at myself that I missed so many things during my absence.😔
But anyway, yeah. I noticed all Kokotiam (or Kokotaim? I personally prefer the former one ^^') gang already know each of the elementals and they already make bonds outside of TV and comic series. Hence why we got so many small strip comics and official images like these
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And this also goes back to my previous rants about elementals in this post.
Uwaaa makes me jealous to all people know this sooner T_T
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digi-sams-au-hell · 1 month
I use “daddy issues” to describe Eclipse’s complex feelings towards their Moons because it is simply the funniest and simplest way to describe that shit. What better term is there for “person partially responsible for my existence who played a significant role in my development and caused me significant amounts of trauma who I still subconsciously love and wish to be family with despite also hating and wishing they were dead and am so very resentful towards but I still crave their love and validation.” But most of them do not actually view him as a parental figure, just an estranged sibling.
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blueberry-mufffinz · 9 months
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My Ability To Draw Has Been Snatched So To Take It Back I Drew My Favorite TSAMS Character :)
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solarmorrigan · 9 months
Here I am, minding my own business scrolling tumblr, when I happened upon your food porn reblogs. I have to say I feel attacked! Lol! Everything looks so delicious & I’m trying to eat less sugar & carbs, so no fair!
*This is totally in jest, the pics make the food look so good! I enjoy seeing them, I’m just hungry now!!
A targeted attack, clearly
(actually, I was feeling really sick earlier today and was mindlessly clearing out my likes in an attempt to distract myself and didn't realize I'd basically just spammed everyone with food posts until I checked Tumblr several hours later. If I didn't find the Windows rendition of the grimacing emoji so repellent, I would insert it here)
(maybe I can find some nice protein/veggie recipes to reblog next??)
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no-i-cant-decide · 6 months
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Latest blanket I've been working on. All that's left is to crochet the border and weave in the tails (waaay fewer tails than my previous granny square blanket thankfully haha). It kinda reminds me of Elmer the Patchwork Elephant from the children's book series from my childhood 🐘
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fabulous-joys · 2 years
ghoul: *describing the kind of birthday cake they need for party's birthday*
newsie: okay, gotcha... and what do you want the cake to say?
ghoul, covering the phone to look at kobra: do we want a talking cake?
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keelymakesstuff · 3 months
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Testing the solar oven and threw some bread in it. About 275° for 2-3 hours. Good but didn't get that nice browned top
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