#solar switch. org
friedqueenunknown · 2 years
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free-shippers · 2 years
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a-d-nox · 2 years
nyx, the goddess of night (asteroid 3908)
:) it’s my twentieth post! time flies! but i thought that i should introduce myself: i’m a. d. nox and this is my asteriod alias! nox is the roman goddess of night - but the greek aspect is the only one with an asteroid :/ so i endure it lol. but “a. d. nox” has been my alias since before i wrote/finished my manuscript back in 2020 - this tag and i have a long history! i created it for my book but it has yet to be published… so there is where my username originates from, but what else? well i thought i would share 20 astrology facts about me with y’all!
1) i’m a scorpio moon (with a capricorn degree lol - help), 2) i also have a 8h stellium (sun, moon, and mercury (retrograded ofc)), 3) my nyx asteroid sits in my 8h at 29° (i just learned that this year so it’s a bit wild that i go by nox), 4) everyone flinches to hear i have a sag venus (capricorn degree) but they double flinch when they hear it is conjunct pluto with a .58 applying orb (yes i have been in love before and no i have never physically stalked anyone lol), 5) i’m pluto dominant (13.3% per walter pullen lol), 6) my strongest aspect is my jupiter opposite pluto (64.27 power per dear old walter again), 7) i have a grand trine (mars, saturn, and neptune), 8) my favorite placement in my chart is my 7h virgo mars at 25°, 9) yes, my saturn is in retrograde and yes, i am not and have never been close with my father, 10) my pluto persona chart has a 3h and 5h stellium *clown emoji*, 11) my IC persona chart has an 11h and 7h stellium *double clown emoji*, 12) i have chiron in my 9h and i have yet to drop out of college lol - i’m going to be a senior this year, 13) my academia asteroid persona chart has the mystic rectangle shape - i have a 8h and 12h stellium which makes sense i studied forensic psychology for 3 years and last semester i decided to switch to literature (maybe 9h chiron is on to something lol), 14) chart preferences: placidus and tropical, 15) i read astrology conservatively but i’m a liberal - conservative and liberal are law terms: conservative=as it is written (if the asteroid groom is dedicated to the caltech engineer then that’s what it’s about (plus the software he developed)) and liberal=meaning to evolve as time goes on (groom is the potential husband for the liberal astrologer), 16) my favorite non-mythological asteroid is utopia (1282), 17) all my favorite people have a lot of capricorn and sagittarius placements - i tend to get along best with fire moons, 18) i’m living on a chiron square asc and a moon trine asc line and all i want is to leave but im holding on until my degree is wrapped up to leave (which is gonna happen next year, my solar return says 9h jupiter 0° in aries and a 4h stellium with sun, mercury, and venus so i’m going get out of here one way or another), 19) i have venus in my 9h ISTG i have THE WEIRDEST relationships with my profs they all love me :’) my org crime professor said see you next semester to me on the last day and i was like i don’t have you next sem and he was like oh :’( and these summer classes, i am texting with profs and casually emailing with them (the one was telling me how she was traveling to utah lmfao), 20) i have 11° in jupiter (5h) and uranus (7h) for my tumblr’s birthchart and that’s super cute BUT EVEN CUTER I HAVE A 4H STELLIUM (awww) it’s like we’re family up in here (pluto (27°), mercury (4° - awe), and saturn (17°))!
this was pretty fun to throw together - feel free to reach out to me to talk more about astrology in general or about my posts (i just beg of you to not write just “hey” or “hey, how are you?” i can’t do topical convos (8h mercury, remember? lol)).
back to the regularly scheduled program: the mythology and astrology of nyx, goddess of the night.
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Nyx is the daughter of Chaos and is considered a primordial. A primordial means that the being precedes Titans, Olympians, and mortals. She emerged from Chaos when time was created as a means to create balance in Chaos's creation. She is the maker of many things: Day, Sleep, Death, Moirai (the Fates), Aging, etc. She bore Uranus with Phanes and then Cronus with Uranus (lol don't say it, we know). She is essentially the reason the eras in myth exist - and myth exists at all. To gauge her power and intimidation level: Zeus is terrified of her. Once upon a time, Hera decided that Zeus was incapable of ruling so she called upon Sleep - Hypnos, as he is better known as - to help her with her plan. Hypnos placed Zeus in a deep sleep while Hera took over power of the gods. But Hypnos was not strong enough to keep Zeus asleep - Zeus was irate, Zeus blamed Hera but Hera convinced Zeus it was Hypnos's fault. Hypnos ran Tartarus - when they reached the darkness cavern, Nyx emerged. Nyx towered over Zeus and told him to leave and forget whatever it was Hypnos did if he knew what was best for him. Zeus immediately left. But when she is not scaring gods, she is changing day to night with her husband, Erebus. IN MY OPINION Nyx in a chart represents a) creation, b) how and where you create balance in life, c) being a mother, d) how and where you create change around you, e) where you are viewed as intimidating and/or all-knowing, and f) your relationship with the darkness.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of nyx along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of nyx AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede nyx!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: chaos (19521), zeus (5731 / h42), hera (103), kronos (h43), and hypnos (14827)!
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my “suggest a post topic” button if you want to see a specific post or mythical asteroid next!
here’s to 30 more posts ‘til another big post!!
click here for the masterlist
click here for more greek myths & legends
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rjzimmerman · 3 years
A crack in the armor of China investing in coal plants. One small crack can lead to bigger ones and then ....... we all win when China decides it needs to pull out of the business of financing coal.
Excerpt from this story from Climate Change News:
China’s biggest bank has walked away from a coal power plant in Zimbabwe, campaigners said after meeting bank officials last month.
The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) said it would no longer finance the 2.8GW Sengwa coal power plant, according to an email summary of the meeting shared between campaigners and seen by Bloomberg.
The Go Clean ICBC coalition of environmentalists, mostly from countries hosting ICBC coal projects, formed in January to urge the bank to switch its investments to clean energy like solar and wind power. The coalition was offered a meeting with bank officials on 16 June, according to a briefing note shared by CNRG Zim on Twitter.
Summarising the discussion to fellow campaigners by email two days later, 350.org reported ICBC had said the Sengwa plant was a “bad plan due to environmental problems”. Nathalia Clark of 350.org clarified to Climate Home that there had been no official communication from ICBC and negotiations were ongoing.
If confirmed, it would be unusual among a wave of cancellations of Chinese-backed coal projects in appearing to be driven by the bank’s policy, rather than hurdles in the host country.
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internutter · 5 years
Challenge #02560-G003: Human NO!
A: A Dyson sphere just millions of solar panels covering a star
B: But why do we need that much energy?
A: To make a black hole bomb
https://youtu.be/ulCdoCfw-bY -- Anon Guest
Ever since Nikola Tesla accidentally invented radio[1], Humanity has been obsessed with transmitting energy without using some form of wire between points A and B. The instant they had the means, they switched to becoming obsessed with gathering as much energy as possible. Most species were sated with enough to deal with every obstacle, but Humanity loved having more.
Deathworlders tend to be instinctually in need of having enough to deal with every possible misfortune and at minimum two of the impossible ones at the same time. Most roll their eyes, muttering about Deathworlder contingency plans under their collective breaths. Some rare few dare to ask questions.
The star the Humans were building around had no planets, so logically there was no reason to be building there. It was far from the usual shipping lanes. Yet the Humans were installing top-of-the-line solar panelling at a safe distance from the surface of the star. What separated this stellar body from literally millions of others like it was that it was a slow-burning star with a lifetime measured in billions of eons. It was only natural that curiosity won out over caution.
[Be sure to visit internutter (dot) org for a link to the rest of this story, and details on how to support this artist. Or visit steemit (dot) com (slash at) internutter for the stories at their freshest]
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cmweller · 5 years
Challenge #02560-G003: Human NO!
A: A Dyson sphere just millions of solar panels covering a star
B: But why do we need that much energy?
A: To make a black hole bomb
https://youtu.be/ulCdoCfw-bY -- Anon Guest
Ever since Nikola Tesla accidentally invented radio[1], Humanity has been obsessed with transmitting energy without using some form of wire between points A and B. The instant they had the means, they switched to becoming obsessed with gathering as much energy as possible. Most species were sated with enough to deal with every obstacle, but Humanity loved having more.
Deathworlders tend to be instinctually in need of having enough to deal with every possible misfortune and at minimum two of the impossible ones at the same time. Most roll their eyes, muttering about Deathworlder contingency plans under their collective breaths. Some rare few dare to ask questions.
The star the Humans were building around had no planets, so logically there was no reason to be building there. It was far from the usual shipping lanes. Yet the Humans were installing top-of-the-line solar panelling at a safe distance from the surface of the star. What separated this stellar body from literally millions of others like it was that it was a slow-burning star with a lifetime measured in billions of eons. It was only natural that curiosity won out over caution.
[Be sure to visit internutter (dot) org for a link to the rest of this story, and details on how to support this artist. Or visit steemit (dot) com (slash at) internutter for the stories at their freshest]
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thelilacdruid · 5 years
Climate Change: Call For Action Part 2
Calculate your carbon footprint at the United Nations online carbon platform. https://offset.climateneutralnow.org/
Here are a few ideas for reducing your individual carbon footprint. If you can only do one or two, start there. It’s better than doing nothing. There are many websites available online with lists of ideas for reducing individual carbon footprints and sustainable living.
Change Your Diet. The best choice is to cut out red meat and dairy. World-wide, there are about 1.5 billion cows and bulls. They emit about two billion metric tons of CO2-equivalents per year. In addition, clearing of tropical forests and rain forests to get more grazing land and farm land is responsible for an extra 2.8 billion metric tons of CO2 emission per year. Approximately 18% of the total release of greenhouse gases world-wide. But if you are not ready to cut meat and dairy, then there are alternatives. Reducing red meat intake by half, reduces your diet’s carbon footprint by 40%. Grow your own produce. Buy food which is grown locally. Buying locally grown produce, reduces greenhouse gas emissions from transportation and refrigeration. Eat all of the food you buy. Food waste counts for 8%of the greenhouse gas emissions in the world today.
Avoid Single Use Plastics. Single use plastics are things like plastic bags, straws, coffee stirrers, soda and water bottles and most food packaging, all of these get thrown out after a single use. Plastics are made with petroleum and natural gas, both of which are fossil fuels. We produce roughly 300 million tons of plastic each year worldwide. World-wide only 10-13% of plastic items are recycled. The nature of petroleum based disposable plastic makes it difficult to recycle. Petroleum based plastic is not biodegradable and usually goes into a landfill where is degrades, releasing toxic chemicals which make their way into our air, food and water supply. Use reusable shopping bags and food containers.
Reduce The Amount of Paper Used. Paper pulp and paper mills produce air, water and land pollution and contribute to deforestation. The amount of paper and paper products is enormous, paper mills produce about 400,000,000 tons of paper and paperboard per year. For the US alone, 6.5 million trees are cut down every year to produce 16 billion paper coffee cups. Worldwide consumption of paper has risen by 400% in the past 40 years, with 35% of harvested trees being used for paper manufacture. 80% of paper products used worldwide ends up in landfills. Decomposition of the paper in landfills produces methane, a greenhouse gas with 21 times the heat-trapping power of carbon dioxide (CO2). U.S. EPA has identified landfills as the single largest source of methane emissions in the U.S., and the decomposition of paper is the largest contributor to the methane being generated. Opt out of junk mail, sign up for e-statements, pay bills online, use a list maker app on your phone or tablet. Digitize your documents. Switch to an e-reader or tablet. Use dish towels instead of paper towels, handkerchiefs instead of facial tissue. Buy recycled post consumer waste toilet paper. If every household in the United States alone, replaced just one roll of virgin fiber toilet paper (500 sheets) per year with 100% recycled toilet paper, we could save 423,900 trees.
Cut Home Energy Use. Turn off lights you’re not using. Wash clothing at lower temperatures. Hang laundry out to dry, weather permitting.  In cooler weather, put on a sweater, keep afghans on chairs and sofas and turn the thermostat down. Close heating vents in unused rooms. Use water efficient shower heads and use timers to take shorter showers. Change all of your light bulbs from incandescent to CFL or LED lights. If you own your home and have the money: update the insulation, consider more efficient water heater, furnace and air conditioner. Install solar panels.
Reduce Carbon Emissions From Transportation. The largest source of greenhouse gas emissions comes from fossil fuels. The biggest culprit from transportation is airplanes, followed closely by automobiles. Limiting the use of fossil fuels such as oil, carbon and natural gas and replacing them with renewable and cleaner sources of energy, all while increasing energy efficiency. If you travel extensively for business, try to reduce your transportation carbon footprint in other ways.  To cut car emissions, try walking, biking, public transportation, car-pooling, working from home. If you’re looking to buy a new car, look into fuel efficient, hybrid or electric models.
Consume Less, More Wisely. Buy less. Buy Locally. Understand where the items you buy come from and what it took to get to your local area. Buy high quality things and make them last. Buy things that are designed to be repairable and make sure that is what happens. When you have finished with them, sell or donate. Choose the most energy-efficient white goods. Don’t leave the house without a reusable cup and reusable water bottle.
Form or Join a Community Action Group By joining with other like minded individuals, your own voice grows. There are many local organizations or check out https://350.org/get-involved/
Clean Up Investments. Use your investments to push for the future you want. Avoid fossil fuels and invest in clean energy, renewables and reforestation.
Contact Your Local and National Government Representatives Let them know your concerns about the global crisis and the actions you want them to take.
Boycott Corporations Who Continue To Add To The Crisis Stop buying their products or shopping at their stores.
Talk About It. No one will know what you are doing or why if you don’t talk about how important it is. Share your ideas. Let your passion and love for the planet and all of her creatures be known. Let family, friends, co-workers, etc. know that climate change is a global crisis and we are each responsible for doing our part.
If you can’t make the changes to your lifestyle, for whatever reason, consider donating to a trusted green project. Lists of green projects can be found online and at https://offset.climateneutralnow.org UNFCCC certified projects.
There is a lot of work to be done, we can make a difference and for the sake of our children and our children’s children, we must keep trying.
Until we meet again, may your life be filled with love, laughter and many blessings.
The Lilac Druid
Shared from https://wordpress.com/view/practicaldruidryforthe21stcentury.home.blog
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lacommunarde · 6 years
Things You Can Do To Combat Climate Change as an Individual (and as an individual without a lot of energy)
You can not be one of the people disbelieving climate change.
You can call your local congressperson and say you recommend they vote for or against given bills (or if they were one of the originators of said bill, call them and thank them).
If you know anyone in a key district not voting, contact them and recommend they vote and tell them why, and then recommend they call their politicians.
EPA standards are key. Call for them not to be repealed.
If you own any stock in a company, even like one share, even a partial share, you can attend shareholder conference calls and recommend they do more to make their company environment friendly.
Do you use gas or oil heat or electricity? Is it possibly to switch to solar or wind or some renewable form of energy? Check if it’s possibly in your area.
Do you go to school? Could you recommend your school go green, both in energy and in dishware?
Educate yourself as to what green solutions are.
Take things to the repair shop or the second hand store or freecycle place instead of throwing them out.
Don’t buy gas from Shell ever (unless there is nowhere else to buy gas).
Consider carpooling or public transportation.
Look up various voluntary sustainability standards. If you see one you think is effective, recommend it. Start a petition either on moveon or care2.org or something to get multiple people involved in demanding a company sign off on it.
Plants trees and high oxygen/pollution swallowing plants. NASA’s got a list. Only if possible.
If you have need resources like a lawn mower of something, consider pooling resources with neighbors and getting one for the neighborhood.
If all else is the same, vendors at farmers markets don’t have to travel as far to the market with their goods as do supermarket vendors. Most take food stamps too. Again, only if you can.
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furrybarbarianpeace · 3 years
We are all aware of how powerful, resourceful, dependable solar energy is. Its social and environmental benefits are profound.
According to clean energy council org – 24% of Australia’s electricity generation came from renewable energy in 2019
That’s the rate at which Australia is welcoming solar & other renewable energy sources with open arms.
Along with positive social and environmental impact, solar power is equally economically advantageous.
In this article, we are going to make you familiarize with top financial takeaways from solar.
Let us learn what they are in the upcoming section.
Economic benefits of solar energy:
Independent energy: First and the foremost in the list is energy independence one gets after installing a PV system. There are two ways to set up a photovoltaic system: 1. Grid-connected solar 2.Off-Grid solar. Both the options are cost-effective and help you save a large sum of capital on the annual energy bills.
When you opt for a Off-grid solar system, you no longer are attached to the grid-connected utility company’s electricity. The batteries in an off-grid PV system store excess energy and use it during night times and non-sunlight hours.
Grid-Connected systems allow you to use solar electricity in the day time and grid current in the night time. The net metering mechanism in this type of PV installation further reduced your electricity bill.
Whether Grid-connected or Off-grid photovoltaic system, the bottom line is you end up saving money on energy bills.
Job creation: A large amount of solar capacity is being installed across the globe, reporting a spectacular surge in job creation. The solar industry has created many different types of skilled job positions like manufacturers, installers, engineers, sales representatives, marketers, among others.
As the world acknowledging and employing solar energy, the jobs openings are to grow exponentially. If we talk about Australia alone, the large scale and rooftop solar have accounted for generating more than 10,000 jobs.
The overall renewable energy sector in Australia recorded an enormous 27% growth in employment in the financial year 2018-19.
So, employment is one of the extraordinary economic benefits of solar energy.
Improved real estate value: A solar equipped commercial building or a house can bag profitable deals when putting up on the resale market listing. Solar energy lets you save money on energy bills and at the same time gradually improves your property value. Having PV panels installed on a home can make it sale faster – this is one of the substantial solar energy-economic facts.
People happen to know the advantages of having a PV system. The buyers are more likely to go for a solar equipped house/commercial complex. Owners could also add up a chunk of solar installation price to the home while selling.
In this manner, solar refinance your property.
Solar rebates by the government:  To help boost commercial and residential solar installation, the government of Australia has introduced various solar rebate/incentive schemes. One can avail federal or state rebates on the rooftop solar system and battery storage. The renewable energy rebate considerably reduces the cost of setting up a PV system for houses or businesses.
Small Scale Renewable Energy Scheme is run by the government to provide small businesses and homeowners with incentives and encourage solar energy utilization in the society. Under this scheme, one can install small scale PV system, solar water heaters and heat pumps.
The federal and state government solar incentive programs allow users to have an economically worthwhile renewable energy transition.
Long surviving equipment: Solar panels can function more than two decades. A photovoltaic solar system requires less or no maintenance. The electricity generation process from the sunlight is a noiseless, straightforward phenomenon.
Since the equipment comes with sufficiently good live span and solar demands no special maintenance attention, it saves both time and money for you. As far as running periodic checks and cleaning panels are concerned, one can easily do it at home with proper care and right method.
Robust equipment is one more strong economic benefit of renewable energy.
To recapitulate,
With social and environmental benefits, the economic gains of solar make it the best energy alternative. You can switch to solar, save money and make a difference. AVIVA Energy offers unmissable Perth solar deals for you so that you start saving money even before the installation.
AVIVA assists their customers right from the discussion phase to the post-installation client support. From residential installations to commercial, off-grid to agriculture solar – AVIVA has proven their excellence in a variety of different solar needs to be one of the best solar companies in Perth.
Embrace solar, save the planet and grow economically solvent– with AVIVA Energy
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projectourworld · 4 years
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Hi Everyone, My name is Alexander Davey
Firstly full disclosure, I work in international aid which means that it is very difficult to avoid flying, something I am very uncomfortable with. However, in other ways I am trying to get my sector to mend our ways. In 2016 I got the HQ of my org in Dakar, Senegal equipped with solar panels and batteries for a 50-person office. I also upgraded the solar energy for their office in Gambia to cover all the needs. In my current job in South Sudan with Norwegian Refugee Council our whole emergency team is now switched to solar energy in two remote static offices and our mobile teams. We are aiming to switch two more static offices away from diesel generators this year. We have almost finalised an order to retrofit a LandCruiser as an electric vehicle which will be one of the first field EVs in our sector. We send our waste paper to a local project that recycles it into briquettes that are sold as charcoal substitutes. We have significantly reduced our use of single us plastic. My home base is the Isle of Bute in Scotland where I am a volunteer trustee on the local community forest which is part Atlantic Rainforest and part plantation. The commercial part of the forest we plan to phase over to original tree species. 
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jcmarchi · 8 months
The next solar storm is on its way – and may cause more problems than you think - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-next-solar-storm-is-on-its-way-and-may-cause-more-problems-than-you-think-technology-org/
The next solar storm is on its way – and may cause more problems than you think - Technology Org
We live in such times – we should be prepared for the worst and take adequate precautions. We should wear helmets and knee braces when riding bikes if our feet can no longer support our weight. In winter, we must salt the pavements and preferably wear scarves.
Aurora as seen from Talkeetna, Alaska, on Nov. 3, 2015. Credits: Copyright Dora Miller
And to think that there are people in the world interested in things happening as far as 400,000 kilometres away! Kristian Solheim Thinn is one of them. He is a research scientist at SINTEF Energy Research working with electrical power components. 
“The only real protection from solar storms is to switch off the electricity. Is that tabloid enough for you?”, he asks, before adding:
“If a major storm occurs, we must either live with it and hope that our distribution grids will not be severely damaged, or simply prepare for the fact that we will all be without electricity”, he says. These are the two extremes.
Vulnerable transformers
Solheim Thinn has been talking for some time and explaining the situation slowly and very patiently. He tells us how in 2019 he installed sensors in a transformer in Ogndal in Trøndelag county. The intention was, and still is, to measure and analyse what happens when solar storms collide with the Earth’s magnetic field, creating problems for all of us – not least in northern latitudes where the field protects us far less than at the equator. As Solheim Thinn puts it, the problems caused by solar storms are the result of what he calls geo-magnetically inducted currents (GICs).
It was, of course, no coincidence that the transformer at Ogndal was chosen. Since the distance between neighbouring transformers is so great, it is easier for the solar storms to create problems.
“We are currently as well prepared as we can be”, says Solheim Thinn. “Overhead cables are resilient in the face of solar storms, but we have to consider the transformers because they represent the weak link in the chain. In Norway, our transformers are connected to the main distribution grid, operated for the most part by Statnett, and it is these that are the problem.
– Why is this?
“They are connected to earth, which means that any current induced in the cables passes through the transformers and onward to ground. This creates no problems at lower voltages. However, things are very different during solar storms.
Solheim Thinn explains that our transformers are designed for alternating current. So, when direct current is geomagnetically induced during solar storms, they may start to generate internal heat. This results in increased, or so-called reactive, power consumption that disrupts the distribution grid. This then causes high frequency noise that may result in problems for the control system. Eventually, the transformer cores may become what is known as ‘saturated’.  
This in turn causes safety mechanisms to cut in, hopefully disconnecting the transformer before it is badly damaged.
But it doesn’t end there. If one transformer is in trouble, the next in line has to take over. But this means that the second transformer must carry twice the load. This may be more than enough to cause it to throw in the towel as well – and in this way a domino effect will develop.
 “In the worst case, we’re talking about a total blackout”, says Solheim Thinn.
First of all, it will start to get cold
This is why the grid operates under a number of precautions. In 2019, the Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning (DSB) compiled a list of ‘things that can go wrong’  here in Norway. The list includes issues such as the impacts of extreme weather events, flooding, pandemics, cyberattacks, and not forgetting the mother of all catastrophes – solar storms, which were classified as a real threat.
It’s patently obvious that there isn’t a lot we can do about solar storms. When they arrive, we have anything from between 18 and 72 hours to prepare ourselves for something that cannot be stopped. Let me explain. We will only find out how big a solar storm is one or two hours before it strikes the Earth.  They can arrive very suddenly.
A recent SINTEF report reveals that there is currently no Norwegian system for solar storm warnings.
“The upside is that during the most intense storms we will get to see some fantastic displays of the northern lights, even as far south as Florida”, explains Solheim Thinn.
The downside is that the impact will be felt for many long months afterwards, and the researcher has no shortage of issues on his list. Disruptions to satellite navigation systems will make things very difficult, even for ordinary vehicle traffic. The vessels that we rely on to maintain oil and gas production in the North Sea will not be able to operate as they should. Excavators that depend on GPS guidance systems will grind to a halt. Both high and low frequency radio transmissions will cease, and you will not be able to fill your car with fuel.
“Petrol pumps also rely on electricity”, says Solheim Thinn.
“After two hours, the batteries at the base stations supporting the mobile network will run out. We will then lose mobile coverage and things will really begin to go downhill”, he says.
First of all, it will start to get cold.
And when this happens, it will be up to us ordinary folk to have done our homework in advance. The DSB has compiled a contingency list for households. Nine litres of water, two packets of crispbread, a packet of porridge oats, three packets of dried foods, or tins, per person, as well as warm clothes, blankets, sleeping bags and a battery-powered DAB radio.
The solar storm of 1859
One of the most famous solar storms in recorded history was the Carrington event of 1859, named after the British astronomer Richard Carrington, who was observing some intense sunspots.
“The event occurred during one of the famous Californian gold rushes, and one urban myth suggested that the light was so intense that miners were able to pan for gold at night”, says Solheim Thinn. “The telegraph lines glowed red in the dark and the terminals caught fire”, he says.
In 1921, we saw evidence that solar storms could create problems even when technological infrastructure was in its infancy. For the three days during which this storm continued, electrical fires were started all across the world. The worst examples were in New York. Trains were brought to a standstill, so the storm became known as the ‘New York Railroad Storm’.
 In 1972, a solar storm detonated several thousand sea mines along the coast of Vietnam.
“This was the first occasion on which problems were reported with satellites”, says Solheim Thinn.
 In 1982, problems with as many as four transformers and 15 power lines were recorded in Sweden. This event also caused disruptions in Norway, but no blackouts occurred.
 In 1989 a solar storm caused a nine-hour outage in Quebec.
 “We also experienced solar storms in 2003, 2017 and most recently in 2022, when the company Space X lost 40 of its satellites”, says Solheim Thinn.
According to the New York Times, the storm cost Elon Musk more than one billion kroner.
Things could have been much worse. In 2012 the planet experienced a near miss.  It is calculated that if this storm had struck the USA, it would have caused in the region of 20 trillion dollars of damage. This is equivalent to twice the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global, and would have been as catastrophic, in financial terms, as a large asteroid colliding with the planet, less the social and human costs and loss of life.
But enough of these horror stories. Let’s get back to Ogndal in Trøndelag, and what has been discovered there.
The unpredictability of space
 “If you can’t measure it, you can’t prove that it exists”, says Solheim Thinn.
 “We’ve installed sensors in the transformer at Ogndal in order to take measurements and calibrate our data models”, he says.
Several factors have to be considered, one of which is solar activity, which is not too difficult to monitor. The US Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) is a mine of information, but there is one problem – the difficulty of making reliable long-term predictions.
The Tromsø Geophysical Observatory has deployed several magnetometers with the aim of measuring the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field. One of them is in Røyrvik, which is between 150 and 160 kilometres away. The magnetometers measure both the natural geomagnetic field and the magnetic perturbations generated by solar storms.
Naturally, these measurements are in real time, but they can also help us to understand how the geomagnetic field is influenced by events in space, including the solar storms that induce currents in our distribution grids and transformers.
“We also have to know about the electrical conductivity at depths of several hundred kilometres below the Earth’s surface”, says Solheim Thinn. This is because the geo-magnetically inducted currents also penetrate deep into the Earth’s crust, and in turn impact on the inducted currents flowing through the transformers”, he says.
Solheim Thinn explains that it is difficult to construct reliable predictive models because electrical conductivity in the different geological layers within the crust is very variable. It is especially difficult to assess electrical conductivity at the transition between the sea and land. The ocean exhibits relatively high conductivity, while the opposite is true for land areas.
“On the other hand, it is not difficult to identify correlations between magnetic field measurements and actual geo-magnetically inducted currents in our distribution grids, provided that both are being measured at the same time”, says Solheim Thinn. It is possible to calculate a ratio that describes their inter-relationship”, he says.
Long seabed cables installed on the continental shelf are very vulnerable to solar storms. One of the studies cited in the SINTEF report focused on the influence of the conductivity of shallow offshore continental shelves, similar to the situation in the North Sea. It demonstrated that the geo-magnetically inducted current would be three times as strong if the ocean had not been there.
Solheim Thinn has also made a couple of other finds. The ionospheric electrojets that circle the Earth’s magnetic poles travel for the most part in an east-west direction. Researchers have believed for some time that solar storms impact on electrical power lines in different ways, depending on the direction from which the current is travelling. But this has now been shown to be untrue.
“It makes no difference at all whether power lines are oriented in a northerly, southerly, easterly or westerly direction”, says Solheim Thinn. They still remain just as vulnerable”, he says.
Solheim Thinn also believes that there are differences in resilience between different transformers. In recent years, transformers have been purchased that are resilient to solar storms for a given period because they are designed not to overheat too quickly. It has been shown that three-phase transformers installed with five-limbed iron cores become saturated more quickly than the three-limbed type.
“For this reason, it is now recommended to install three-limbed three-phase transformers in the most important and most vulnerable substation facilities.
Approaching a solar maximum
Most people are aware that the sun exhibits periods of greater and lesser activity, defined within an 11-year cycle. Solheim Thinn explains that during the first two years after the sensors were installed at Ogndal, only very low levels of activity were recorded. However, starting in 2021, and during the remainder of that year, six measurements were made indicating so-called moderate effect activity.
“During moderate effect activity, our transformers will remain resilient, but this may not necessarily apply to the grid”, says Solheim Thinn.
On 4 November 2021, a transformer went down at a neighbouring substation in Namsos, about 70 kilometres from Ogndal.
“The safety mechanism was tripped, and this disconnected the transformer”, says Solheim Thinn. “Our findings indicate that there is a connection between reactive power consumption, geo-magnetically inducted current, and changes in the magnetic field as recorded by space meteorology instruments. In other words, when we measure strong currents, we observe a simultaneous and major peak in reactive power consumption. If we exceed the safety mechanism threshold value, this trips the transformer’s circuit breaker”, he says.
However, even if a transformer takes a time-out and goes down, as happened in Namsos on that late autumn day, this was hardly noticeable to electricity consumers. This was because other transformers stepped in to do the job. The electricity grid operates with a so-called ‘buffer’, or reserve capacity, which in this case kicked in to avert a crisis.   
“However, it was a close call and a stroke of luck that the Ogndal transformer remained in operation”, says Solheim Thinn.
“In 2024 we will be entering a period in the cycle when solar activity is at its highest. Solar storms are classified on the basis of their intensity. A G1 storm is a small one, while the most intense is classified as G5. 
“We expect to see four G5 solar storm events during every 11-year cycle”, says Solheim Thinn. “The current cycle is expected to display its highest levels of activity in 2024 and 2025”, he says.
– What will this mean?
“We will most likely experience control and safety issues in the electricity grid”, says Solheim Thinn. “We may experience a collapse or blackout of the grid, and some transformers may be damaged. We will also experience problems with satellite navigation”, he says.
We can in fact only hope that the worst doesn’t really come to the worst.
Source: Sintef
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grazynamarx782-blog · 7 years
Planet Town Planning Time.
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An exploration of everyday life aboard the International Space Station, and the shocking causes the objective is actually still rewarding. Difficulty Days: August 2-January 2, 2018: Uranus retrograde A staff or technical project could be challenged when bothersome Uranus starts a five-month turnaround with your partnership edge. Class, concert halls, metropolitan properties, nightclubs, playgrounds, public libraries, and shopping malls are actually only a number of the stadiums in which the public could keep the methods and results from music learning. Libra period starts on September 22 this year, therefore you possess a total month to tie up staying projects or blow up the network and analyze the long year as well as sunlight cycle you are actually wrapping up. Structured Saturn finishes a five-month retrograde on August 25, after backstepping with Sagittarius and your interaction property considering that April 5. Your thought and feelings will certainly get more clear, as well as you'll come to be even more concentrated on the goal ahead.
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Since the Republicans' breakdown to repeal and also switch out the 2010 medical rule, some legislators have actually gone over making use of the CHIP reauthorization as an auto for policy adjustments needed to assist stabilize the health plan market. Here is more information on dudefabricsen.info have a look at our website. Then on August 21, the 2nd installation from 2 RARE Leo brand-new moons-- an overall sun eclipse-- happens cleaning belong an amazing option to form a secret partnership. August 25: Solar system reversed conclusions Drill sergeant Saturn ends a five-month retrograde in your residence of lasting finances, relieving monetary troubles. That one change, among the thousand others that mosting likely to Mars will require, will alter the whole dynamic from lifestyle in space. Though political breaks down obscure the hyperlink, there is no economic protection for the gray without financial possibility for the brown. A college's graduation fee (coming from IPEDS) mattered for TWENTY per-cent from the social flexibility score, along with half from that being actually identified by stated college graduation fee and the other fifty percent stemming from contrasting the mentioned college graduation cost to an anticipated college graduation price based on the amount from Pell receivers and first-generation students, the percentage of trainees acquiring trainee financings, the confess fee, the racial/ethnic and also gender makeup from the pupil body system, the lot of students (general and also permanent), and whether a college is largely household. One crucial explanation the provision was thus obscure was actually that Education Team representatives had never put together an official method for customers to get relief. The second eclipse gets here on August 21, as well as that's an overall photo voltaic (brand new moon) eclipse-- in addition to the second of two uncommon, back-to-back Leo brand new moons (the very first was July 23). To be crystal clear concerning the meaning from my comparison, I didn't aim this the technique John Godfrey Saxe performed when he mentioned Laws, like sausages, stop to inspire respect in proportion as we understand exactly how they are actually made." What is actually going in the leading of the meat-grinder following month isn't really a bunch of made a proposal regulations, but the Trump administration on its own.
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Obama, Trump's predecessor, likewise brushed up into workplace along with significant assurances and, even with large numbers in Our lawmakers, had greater than a year to bring about health-care reform as well as monetary law. Some economists expect that President-elect Trump's vowed financial stimulation will take temporary work development.
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. Dir from CONCEPT, a non-profit crafts org, right here in Mojave, CA. In tribute from Music In Our Schools Month, my institution has created and also is actually creating Aire: the 1st Yearly Recorder and also Wind Celebration" for our region on March 4th, for which our experts will certainly host 200-400 3rd & 4th grade recorder trainees from 4 Elementary Schools to go through and also perform a 12-noon performance. A feature from Music In Our Institutions Month ®, the label Concert for Popular music In Our Colleges Month" reflects the Concert's spot in NAfME's yearly month-long event from institution music! The basin in between Trump and also his forerunners is especially sentimental, certainly, following the presidency of Barack Obama, a guy that via his very own skin layer color never ever had to resort to the detached memorials of white colored presidents.
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In our opinion, photovoltaic eclipses could be a small amount easier to endure because they carry bold beginnings. August 4 carries the third in a trio from effective squares () in between forthright Jupiter and deceptive Pluto. August can dish out heady passion As Well As too much attend your scalp, as the affection planets, Venus and also Mars, trip through distinguishing zones of your chart.
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lodelss · 4 years
Livia Gershon | Longreads | November 2019 | 7 minutes (1,863 words)
My family’s natural gas-fired furnace is 23 years old. That’s aged; the average lifespan of a system like ours is 15 to 20 years. I live in New Hampshire, which gets awfully cold in the winter and, every October, I wonder whether we’ll make it to March. If the furnace fails this year and we replace it with another one like it, we’re committing to burning fossil fuels until about 2042. If my household switches to electricity, which is better for the environment than what we’ve got, our gas bills will nearly double, to around $2,800 every year. Recently, I called Bill Wenzel, who owns a geothermal heating business the next town over from me.
A geothermal heat pump is like a refrigerator in reverse. A hole is drilled deep into the ground, where the temperature remains steady at 55-ish degrees, then the system warms up the air some more and pumps it through the house. Wenzel told me that one of his systems would probably cut my heating bill in half. It would also provide essentially free air-conditioning, since it can circulate 55-degree air in the summer, too. The trouble is that, including the cost of drilling a bore hole, installing a geothermal system would run $30,000, compared with something like $4,000 to just throw in new gas furnace.
New Hampshire does not encourage geothermal heating with climate-conscious tax breaks or environmental subsidies. There is a federal renewable energy tax credit that would reduce the cost to me by 30 percent, but it’s slated to phase out over the next several years unless Congress takes action. Wenzel said that he does most of his business over the border in Massachusetts, where a hodgepodge of state incentives, combined with the federal credit, cut the price in half and provide no-interest financing. “New Hampshire stinks,” he told me. “That’s why I’m selling a lot in Massachusetts.”
When we think about the climate crisis, we tend to think on two levels: a global one, where the players are nations and international bodies, and an individual one, where we’re asked to make personal changes that, in theory, add up to collective transformation. But in the United States, we know that the federal government is a disaster, and it’s hard not to feel like making an individual choice is more about relieving guilt than it is about real change. If I squint, I could almost make the math work on a geothermal system by moving to another state—here in New Hampshire, not so much. And even if my family wanted to suck it up and spend thousands of dollars on green heating, we’d know, deep down, that it wouldn’t make the slightest difference to polar bears or climate refugees. Wenzel told me that a lot of people make the same calculation.
Still, from the case of my home-heating system, it quickly became clear: at the moment, the most significant place for climate action in this country is at the state level. Lately, states have been passing a wave of ambitious climate legislation, not just in Massachusetts, but also, this year alone, in Colorado, Maine, Washington, New Jersey, and New Mexico. Groups like the Sierra Club; the Union of Concerned Scientists; and 350.org, an international climate action nonprofit, have supported those laws. “As soon as Trump was elected to office, it was really clear that attention needed to shift to the states,” Emily Southard, US Fossil Free Campaign manager at 350.org, told me. Local organizations with connections in state houses have pushed their governments to address the climate crisis; some of the same has happened in cities, too. “Your traditional green groups that might do more insider lobbying have moved with frontline groups that are seeing the first-hand impacts, whether it be polluted air or water from the fossil fuel industry,” Southard went on. “They can speak to different elected officials in different ways, and can hold their feet to the fire.”
The best recent example of state-level progress is the passage of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), signed into law by Andrew Cuomo, New York’s governor, in July. Southard told me that it contains the strongest emission standards in the country. The force behind the CLCPA was NY Renews—a coalition of more than 180 environmental, social justice, faith, and labor organizations—that demanded not just an end to the burning of fossil fuels but also a sincere investment in green infrastructure. Of particular focus, they argued, had to be poor areas and communities of color, where environmental problems tend to hit the hardest. An estimate by the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst predicts that a plan on the scale of the CLCPA can create more than 160,000 steady jobs in renewable energy and energy efficiency; in New York, at least 35 percent of investments in housing and public transit will go to low-income or otherwise “disadvantaged” communities.
As soon as Trump was elected to office, it was really clear that attention needed to shift to the states.
  How will the CLCPA affect life in the state of New York? “You would expect to see a ton of additional public transportation—bus lines, maybe light rail—so that you and your family would not need to rely as much on your vehicle,” Arielle Swernoff, of NY Renews, told me. “In terms of the health of your community, you’d be looking at better air quality. Rates of asthma would go down. In terms of jobs and industry, solar and wind and renewable jobs tend to be much more stable than fossil fuel jobs; maybe your neighbors would be working in renewable energy.”
Swernoff said that the vision for the CLCPA was based on that of PUSH Buffalo, a founding member of NY Renews. PUSH—which stands for “People United for Sustainable Housing”—lobbied the State House for the legislation’s passage; many of those involved had already been doing work that the new law will expand, such as installing renewable power systems and weatherizing homes. Rahwa Ghirmatzion, PUSH Buffalo’s executive director, told me that when the group formed, 14 years ago, it didn’t have a focus on climate; the initiative grew out of a 400-person community meeting. “Most worked in service-industry, minimum-wage jobs,” Ghirmatzion recalled. They talked about how winter wind leaked into their apartments and how, during the cold months, they sometimes paid more for their utilities than their mortgages. Yet there were plenty of skilled construction workers, handymen, and plumbers in the community, plus empty houses and vacant lots.
In the years that followed, PUSH Buffalo used tactics like civil disobedience to force the local fuel monopoly to fund weatherization. With additional money from the 2009 federal stimulus and a 2012 New York State law that it also lobbied to pass, the group renovated more homes with the best available solar power and geothermal systems. PUSH opened a “hiring hall” for green-construction workers and started training Buffalo residents returning from prison and young people not on a college track. They’re now planning a 50-unit project with a zero-carbon footprint that includes supportive housing for people with substance-use disorders and mental illness. “We thread workforce through every single component,” Ghirmatzion said.
Organizers such as these draw connections between local needs and the global climate crisis; they’re effective lobbyists for state regulation because they’re looking out for their livelihood. The steps can be incremental, to be sure; Swernoff said that NY Renews will have to keep fighting for real progress. Currently on the agenda: getting the state to pay for its energy transition by setting a penalty for polluting industries and influencing appointments to the Climate Action Council, the body charged with implementing the CLCPA. Some member organizations are also fighting a fossil fuel pipeline. Overall, though, she has a sense of hope. “It’s really easy to just get discouraged by the lack of action at the federal level, and I feel and understand that, but I think it’s really critical that states are taking these steps,” Swernoff said. “The work that we’ve done, and that other states have done, figuring out policies, figuring out how this works, are also impactful.”
Setting a goal doesn’t guarantee reaching it. In California, a national leader in climate legislation, implementation has been a serious challenge. From 2016 to 2017, for instance, the state reduced carbon emissions by just 1.15 percent and, according to Next 10, a nonprofit that monitors California’s climate efforts, if that pace continues, the state won’t reach its 2030 goal until 2061. James Sweeney, a professor of management science and engineering at Stanford University, told me that California has made strong progress when it comes to generating electricity from renewable sources, but that conventional vehicles and agricultural emissions remain a problem. “The bottom line is that California set very ambitious goals, but then you measure the actual progress toward those goals, the progress is not as dramatic as the goals set,” he said.
Everything we do determines just how bad the problem becomes.
The key to meaningful change, Southard told me, is grassroots engagement. Almost every state battle on environmental legislation has come down to the work of people who have felt the stakes of the climate crisis—those who lost their homes in New York during Hurricane Sandy in 2012, or in California during the devastating recent fires. Southard, who is based in Denver, told me that much of the attention in her state is on fracking; climate activists have formed alliances with other local interest groups for whom the environmental consequences are personal. “Here in Colorado there’s been a real coming together of those diverse constituencies,” she said, “to make sure any climate legislation isn’t just about a renewable energy standard—where it might mean that we’re putting a lot of solar on rooftops but we’re not closing down a coal-fired plant in a people-of-color community.”
In New Hampshire, for the past two years, Chris Sununu, my state’s governor, has vetoed bills that would have helped develop a more robust renewable energy industry. But the climate movement is growing here, too. In September, in the state’s biggest environmental protest since the seventies, a group of 67 activists got themselves arrested while demanding the shutdown of one of the last coal-fired power plants in New England. Sununu, a Republican, remains resistant to climate action, yet it’s not hard to imagine that, as in other states, the environmental movement would expand and join forces with other grassroots forces to craft a comprehensive plan he can’t ignore. Maybe my aged furnace will even hold out long enough that, by the time it dies, a geothermal system installed by well-paid local workers will be a viable option.
When contemplating the climate crisis, it’s easy to get stuck; even the best signs of progress we’ve got might not be enough. But everything we do determines just how bad the problem becomes; Southard said that state and local action can provide a template for federal laws—so far in the 2020 campaigns, there’s been lots of talk about ambitious plans to help the U.S. reduce its monstrous carbon footprint—and they also matter on their own. As she told me, “Every time a municipality or a state is passing climate action, then it’s knitting together this massive framework which we need to truly address the climate crisis.”
Livia Gershon is a freelance journalist based in New Hampshire. She has written for the Guardian, the Boston Globe, HuffPost, Aeon and other places.
Editor: Betsy Morais
Fact-checker: Samantha Schuyler
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beachgearusa · 5 years
6 Best Things to Do in Surfside Beach SC
Surfside Beach SC is commonly overshadowed by close by Myrtle Beach. Although it doesn’t have as many world-class attractions as Myrtle Beach has, Surfside Beach is properly price at the least a day journey for vacationers. Indeed, Surfside Beach has earned such a excessive popularity for family-friendly enjoyable that it’s informally referred to as, “The Family Beach.” Whether you’re day-tripping from Myrtle or spending your whole trip right here, this text has acquired you coated. Below, we’ll go over the top issues to do in Surfside Beach, SC and allow you to know the best approach to get right here.
Main Things to Do in Surfside Beach, SC
1. Bring the Kids to Wild Water & Wheels
Does your loved ones love waterslides? How about mini golf? Racecars? If you mentioned “yes” to any of those solutions, you then want to put a visit to Wild Water & Wheels Waterpark on the top of your record of issues to do in Surfside Beach, SC. TripAdvisor definitely did. It’s true! Anyone who doubts us can mosey on over to TripAdvisor’s record of “things to do in Surfside Beach, SC” and see Wild Water & Wheels in then primary slot.
So, what’s so nice about this waterpark? Visitors on-line say the Wild Water & Wheels is an distinctive family-friendly expertise with loads of thrilling water slides, tube rides, and a wave pool. Besides the waterpark, Wild Water & Wheels has a racetrack, mini golf course, and a kiddie space. Note, Wild Water & Wheels is simply open in {the summertime}. You can discover Wild Water & Wheels at 910 Highway 17 South.
2. Walk Along Surfside Beach Pier
No record of issues to do in Surfside Beach, SC could be full and not using a stroll alongside the city’s namesake seashore and pier. Most reviewers on-line say the Surfside Beach Pier space is extraordinarily tranquil and splendid for a dawn or sundown stroll. There are loads of restaurants and outlets to take a look at in this space. Consider eating at an out of doors restaurant because the solar units in the space.
Fishermen can forged a line from the pier for a small fee. Surfside Beach permits each backside fishing and float fishing. Whether you go for an influence stroll or take it sluggish, a go to to the Surfside Beach Pier is an important cease on anybody’s go to of this pleasant city.
3. Go Shopping Around Town
As talked about above, there are many outlets to browse whereas strolling round Surfside Beach. Although there are numerous residential properties right here, you’re positive to discover a bunch of native shops close to the touristy pier space. Just a few native shops that get particular mentions on travel blogs embody Eternal Wave Surf Shop, Beach Beads & Glass Studio, and Coastal Comics. If you’re searching for a discount, head on over to Hudson’s Surfside Flea Market at 1040 Highway 17 South. Definitely plan just a few hours to take a look at the native outlets in this fabulous city.
Other Things to Do in Surfside Beach, SC
4. Eat Local Beach Grub
Like most different seashores alongside the Atlantic shoreline, Surfside Beach has distinctive seafood joints that may fulfill your foodie cravings. Just a few of the very best restaurants in the town embody The Golden Egg, Joey Doggs Burger and Fries, and Crabby Mike’s Calabash Seafood.
For a candy deal with, positively don’t neglect to make a journey to the extremely reviewed Meyer’s Ice Cream Parlor! Besides the style, the very best function of Surfside’s restaurants is that they’re all extraordinarily reasonably priced. If you need a fancy-dancy effective eating expertise, nevertheless, you’ll have higher luck in Myrtle Beach.
5. Schedule a Spa Treatment to De-Compress
Feeling tense? Finding it tough to loosen up? Then possibly it’s time for you to e book a therapeutic massage at one in every of Surfside Beach’s spas. One of the best-reviewed spas in the realm is the Rejuvenation Spa on the Grand Beach Hotel. In addition to basic Swedish massages, you’ll discover loads of the newest rest strategies at this and different spas in the realm.
Feel free to schedule your first Reiki session, get a waxing, or order a balm bathtub with aromatherapy. Hey, it’s your trip; you’ve earned the correct to pamper your self! You can discover the Rejuvenation Spa at 9449 Collins Avenue.
6. Take a Day Trip to Myrtle Beach
Let’s get actual for a second: there aren’t tons of of issues to do in Surfside Beach. Please perceive, we’re not placing Surfside Beach down…it’s simply, you realize, you would possibly get the urge when you’re right here to take a brief journey to Myrtle Beach. It will solely take you 20 minutes to drive from Surfside Beach up to Myrtle Beach. Once you get to Myrtle Beach, you’ll discover too many issues to see and do!
Besides the seashore, a number of the hottest tourist areas right here embody Broadway at the Beach, the Myrtle Beach Skywheel, and Ripley’s Aquarium. And, in fact, be at liberty to splurge on some effective eating experiences when you’re in this foodie’s paradise. After you’re exhausted by all the pleasure at Myrtle Beach, be at liberty to retreat to the extra relaxed tempo of life at Surfside.
How to Get to Surfside Beach
Now that you realize all the good issues to do in Surfside Beach, SC, it’s that point to work out how to get there. Unsurprisingly, the closest airport to Surfside Beach is the Myrtle Beach International Airport (IATA: MYR). Anyone flying from far-off will more than likely have to land in both Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport (IATA: ATL) or Charlotte Douglas International Airport (IATA: CLT) earlier than transferring to MYR.
The excellent news is that when you do land in MYR, it’s solely a brief drive from the airport to Surfside Beach. Head south out of the airport onto Jetport Road and switch proper on Harrelson Boulevard. At the second cross take one other proper onto US-17 BUS South and comply with for nearly six miles. You ought to see the doorway onto Surfside Drive in your left.
Final Thoughts
Surfside Beach could not have all of the pizzazz of Myrtle Beach, nevertheless it does have its personal distinctive attraction. People who like a laid-back beach-going expertise will actually get pleasure from a visit to Surfside Beach. Take one other look by means of this record of issues to do in Surfside Beach, SC to work out what you’d most get pleasure from in your journey to the area. Oh, and positive to convey pair of sun shades if you happen to’re visiting in {the summertime}!
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from Beach Gear USA http://beachgearusa.com/2019/04/29/6-best-things-to-do-in-surfside-beach-sc/
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trentnlipton · 5 years
Why You’ll want to Not Head over to Mold Removal Kauai.
Coal Vs. Wind, Green Wins In The Long Run
Maintaining green energy in the home is probably the best ways to be sure that the environment is being protected, while cutting energy costs. Purchasing an electric car is not necessary for this particular to occur. This information has some terrific, methods to improve energy efficiency.
Throughout the heat of summer, wear natural-fiber fabrics instead of turning on air conditioner. Cotton and linen wick away moisture through your skin so that you stay cooler. Light colors allow you to feel cooler than darker or warmer colors.
Unplug your chargers whenever they aren’t being utilized to charge your devices. All of the chargers you use for mp3 players, mobile devices, laptops as well as other devices draw in some charge when they’re plugged in and aren’t getting used.
Wash clothes with cold water, as much as you are able to. Almost 90% from the power you utilize to complete laundry is simply accustomed to heat this type of water. If your laundry detergent is a top quality brand, the use of cold water won’t affect the cleanliness of the clothing. Additionally, usually do not run the washer until it is full in order to increase your energy use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl8VgT92DjM
As opposed to using fuel oil to heat your own home, try to generate a move to biodiesel. Switching to biodiesel is normally doable without system modification. Biodiesel is cleaner and more efficient to get rid of than oil, and possesses an improved affect on the planet.
Keep drapes drawn when you find yourself not home. They will help you to keep your temperature as well as the energy consumption of the home down when the house is vacant. Generally, your home’s south-facing walls and windows obtain the most sun exposure. Dark drapes, or even energy-efficient lined drapes, are your best bet.
Take full advantage of solar powered energy to heat your home’s water without going broke. Buy a solar water heating system. There are actually systems available that circulate the high temperature both directly and indirectly. Indirect systems are the most useful option for people with frozen pipes throughout the winter.
Remember to ensure that you properly maintain the fridge. Since the refrigerator is definitely an appliance that consumes a great deal of energy, it is important to ensure that is stays in top-working order. Vacuum the coils frequently to remove the dust that can build-up and lower efficiency. Inspect the door’s seal for tightness and cleanliness.
Swap out your tank water heater for the tankless type. These still use gas and electricity to heat water, however they heat only everything you use as opposed to continuously heating the whole tank. You can get tankless heaters that give you the whole house, or ones that supply only one faucet.
When you are on the fence about if you should invest funds in green energy for your residence, have your overall equipment examined by professional plumbers or HVAC experts. They may offer an estimate of what amount of cash inefficient appliances and systems are costing you, plus they can advise you what upgrading or replacing such systems will definitely cost.
From switching to energy efficient bulbs to changing out your furnace’s filter, there are many of simple techniques to make the home more cost effective. Set an example so others will realize how important going green could be! Take advantage of the tips in this post and place them in place today..
from The Ideal Home Improvement DIY Website http://www.ump-europeennes2004.org/why-youll-want-to-not-head-over-to-mold-removal-kauai/
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l33tg4m3r · 6 years
furthermore, is it possible for the infrastructure of the internet to collapse? For example, if we visualize it as the US Highway system, could some digital roads and bridges become too unstable/untraversable that they prohibit entry to adjacent regions? If the energy crisis reaches critical mass and oil deposits are exhausted our power sources will have to switch to renewable energy such as solar and hydraulic. And from my limited understanding of computers, the servers that host the most trafficked domains and sites require x amount of energy to remain stable (ie. cooling to prevent overheating). How much energy does solar allow for compared to oil-based electricity? If the components required to create solar panels in order to equate the energy output of coal, etc. weren’t sufficiently produced by the time the fossil fuel industry starved, we’d be left with a maximum energy available to power servers. So I guess rather than a collapse of infrastructure, it would be more accurate to predict a restriction of the “”Circle”” data (the circle shrinks from a diameter of 4 to a diameter of 1.5)? To be more specific: is it possible for let’s say Wikipedia to ““lose”“ parts of its disseminable information since the servers that house data on taipers, plums, and neolithic tools wouldn’t have sufficient power to run. So even though the information is still concretely stored, there’d not be a way to readily access it? And what technocratic org would spawn to decide which servers to keep running and which to shut down?
The idea of hibernating information is intriguing and I think can be seen paralleled in libraries, especially research libraries. Also the idea of the ““massless”“ identity of electronic informationis wild; though the true mass could be said to include the circuitry and cables required for the data to be accessed.
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