#solok x oc
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Captain Solok/Human OC | 🚧
Chapter 1: First Clue ✅
Chapter 2: Shots Fired ✅
Chapter 3: Your Move ✅
Chapter 4: Petrichor ✅
Chapter 5: Surrender ✅ (Alt ending)
Chapter 6: Houdini ✅
Chapter 7: Demands ✅
Chapter 8: The Doctor’s Wife ✅
Chapter 9: Quick! It’s the Fuzz! ✅
Chapter 10: A'lazabs
Chapter 11: Glitter 🚧
Chapter 12: Needs of the One 🍑 🚧
Chapter 13: Magnet 🍑 🚧
Chapter 14: Soft Spot 🔪 🚧
Chapter ???…👀
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Captain Solok/F Human OC | complete ✅
Light 🍑 | [read]
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treksickfic · 3 years
Lately I’ve been waiting to write until I feel like writing, but I know from past experience that never works for me. What I have to do is start writing, even if it’s necessary to force myself, even if my brain is yelling at me about all the other things I should be doing, and then the joy and eventually the motivation follows. So as an extra push, I’m going to list all my current WIPs and ideas and then choose one to work on tomorrow. No need to interact, I just wanted to get this down before I fall face first into bed and slip into unconsciousness because it’s been a long, long week. List behind a cut so you can read or scroll on past. Unless you’re on mobile, then RIP your scrolling thumb, I suppose:
1. (Enterprise) Maggie x Mestral, the OG human/Vulcan couple. Why did Mestral decide to stay behind when the Vulcan rescue ship arrived? Didn’t he know he could get injured or ill and then what was he planning to do?  Nice Vulcan you have there, would be a shame if anything happened to him.
2. (AOS) Gen with Spock and Kirk and Bones and a teensy bit of Spuhura. Basically an eight-chapter story (so far) as an excuse for everyone to take turns cuddling up with Spock in a biobed. It’s therapeutic for him. Really. It’s all because of some weird virus endemic to Vulcan.
3. (TOS, ish?) Bonus chapter to the Spock x Reader fic “In My Heart,” because if I don’t whump Spock just the tiniest bit, a fic never feels completely finished. I’m not as excited about this one but the chapter is done and just sitting there waiting for an edit.
4. (TOS) Second chapter of “Retrograde,” which wasn’t a very popular story. But despite that, I wrote more of it because Spock had to contract the same virus as Kirk, right? The correct answer is “yes.”
5. (Discovery or TOS, depends on which flavor of Sarek you prefer) A new Sarek x Amanda. Another sickfic, of course, and written just because I need Sarek miserable and uncomfortable and then Amanda has to play with his hair because reasons.
6. (OCs) First chapter of a story with my lovely OCs, T’Vath and Ayla. another Vulcan/human couple, both in Starfleet Medical. (If by some small chance you remember T’Vath from a PBEM last year, shhh, no you don’t.) These two dumbass young women adore each other but haven’t quite realized it yet. It’s a sickfic, because hello, have you met me?  And yes, there is a playlist named “Songs for Dumbasses Who Don’t Know They’re in Love.” It is very fitting for the aforementioned dumbasses. Ayla has lost her first patient and is devastated; at the same time, T’Vath is having what she thinks is an allergic reaction until she starts running a fever and collapses. Oops. 
7. Damn it, I am not going to let the wonderful writers who are so feral for Vorik (Voyager) and Solok (DS9, ONE EPISODE PEOPLE) influence me. I will not. I will just continue to read their stories and blush furiously during the smut. And not write one of my own. Probably.
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creature-of-the-stars · 11 months
Thank you! This work just reached 2000 hits and 100 comments 🥺
To everyone who has read this/is reading this, thank you so much for your time and attention. I'm not very speedy when it comes to writing this fic, but I'm grateful for your patience. Hopefully, I will wrap it up by the time it hits its first birthday (sometime in November, I think?).
Read Chapter 7 -> here
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Chapter summary: Solok finally gets some answers out of his stowaway.
Tag list (let me know if you want on or off this list): @bigblissandlove1 , @deepspacedukat , @horta-in-charge , @emilie786, @darkmattervibes , @wafflingchemist , @romulanhorsegirl , @starrynightgardens
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creature-of-the-stars · 11 months
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Chapter 8: The Doctor’s Wife -> read here
Summary: brief snapshot into the lives of the ship’s doctor and her wife. (F/F)
No warnings, just fluff
Tag list (let me know if you want on or off this list): @wafflingchemist @bigblissandlove1 @starrynightgardens @darkmattervibes @deepspacedukat @horta-in-charge @romulanhorsegirl
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Chapter 5: Surrender
Star Trek DS9: Captain Solok x Female Human OC
Chapter Rating: SFW
Strange occurrences on the T'Kumbra alert security and Capt. Solok to the presence of a stowaway on board.
Huge thanks to @bigblissandlove1 for their reassurance and suggestions 💚.
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Chapter 1: First Clue
(posted on Ao3 under by my Tumblr name ToeBeansMcgee
Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: Mature  Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply  Relationships: Captain Solok (Star Trek)/Original Female Character(s)  Characters: Captain Solok (Star Trek), Original Female Character(s), random crewmen, Chief of security  Additional Tags: stowaway, cat and mouse game, human creativity unnerving a stuffy vulcan, Mind melds, Surak give me strength, maybe if I meditate the horniness away I won't feel it, human sarcasm is confusing, but also illogically endearing, Cunning, Clever, Reluctant Admiration, Hiding in vents, messin up cameras, human x alien, human/alien - Freeform, Human/Vulcan, human female OC/Solok, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Enemies to Lovers  Summary: 
Getting chucked out into a distant point in unknown space during a brutal war with the Dominion would have been bad enough, but now there was a new problem. Strange little happenings on the T'Kumbra alert security and Capt. Solok of a stowaway - an undoubtedly human stowaway. Eager to indulge his need to prove Vulcan supremacy, Solok starts a game of cat-and-mouse fully expecting to trap this intruder in his claws. He doesn't realize until it's too late that he may not be the cat - he may have let himself become the mouse.
**this is a repost because I had some formatting changes**
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Chapter 4: Petrichor
Star Trek DS9: Captain Solok x Female Human OC
Chapter Rating: SFW
Strange occurrences on the T'Kumbra alert security and Capt. Solok to the presence of a stowaway on board.
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Chapter 2: Shots Fired
^link to Ao3.
(posted on Ao3 under by my Tumblr name ToeBeansMcgee)
Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: Mature  Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply  Relationships: Captain Solok (Star Trek)/Original Female Character(s)  Characters: Captain Solok (Star Trek), Original Female Character(s), random crewmen, Chief of security  Additional Tags: stowaway, cat and mouse game, human creativity unnerving a stuffy vulcan, Mind melds, Surak give me strength, maybe if I meditate the horniness away I won't feel it, human sarcasm is confusing, but also illogically endearing, Cunning, Clever, Reluctant Admiration, Hiding in vents, messin up cameras, human x alien, human/alien - Freeform, Human/Vulcan, human female OC/Solok, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Enemies to Lovers  Summary: 
Getting chucked out into a distant point in unknown space during a brutal war with the Dominion would have been bad enough, but now there was a new problem. Strange little happenings on the T'Kumbra alert security and Capt. Solok of a stowaway - an undoubtedly human stowaway. Eager to indulge his need to prove Vulcan supremacy, Solok starts a game of cat-and-mouse fully expecting to trap this intruder in his claws. He doesn't realize until it's too late that he may not be the cat - he may have let himself become the mouse.
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