#some are for riding my bike
copperbadge · 11 months
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Considering this morning that it might be time to cull my water bottle stash.
[ID: My kitchen table, with a window behind it, covered in water bottles. There are two collapsible bottles in front, four small bottles, and seven larger water bottles of varying kinds. Overall it includes several promotional branded water bottles, some with stickers covering the brands, two Nalgene bottles, a Yeti, and one with the McDonalds logo on it I got from a giveaway, incongruously, in Chinatown.]
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 3 months
“you get the weirdest choice so you’d probably get taro milk” who’s gonna tell phil that taro is one of the most common, popular, safe, and classic teas to use for boba
anyway, drop your go to boba orders in the tags/replies.
my go to is jasmine green but i also get taro a lot. always happy with thai milk and oolong. and matcha.
and in a mango smoothie.
ok i like so many i’m the wrong person to ask (no one asked me) but tell me yours lmao
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wis-art · 11 months
When I was a kid (maybe like 6-12) i was very often """misgendered""" as a girl by doctors, cashiers and general adults. Once we had a picture day at school and had photo of me sent back with girly border cause photographers thought of me as a girl lol
I guess all the signs were there I just didn't know what transgender is cause nobody told me
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skeletalheartattack · 4 months
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#for context. a few weeks back i was playing on a fast respawn 2fort server#mostly because i just wanted to just. hang out somewhere without any real serious gameplay happening#that said. for the first few hours i was playing on there. was mostly playing gunslinger engineer and detonator pyro#and we had a good push up into their base but were stuck just at the entrance. with a heavy hold from the enemy team#but after a while. i just kinda got bored and wanted to just fuck about with the taunts and loadouts i had#first thing i did was play pyro and do the cheers taunt before getting on my bike and swerving a bunch as i drove#but i dont think anyone could tell thats what i was doing#so after a bit i just changed to scout. and started just riding my skateboard#(i also did the drinking and riding bit a few times but i eventually just ended up skateboarding around)#(one bit being me on the top of the bridge. doing the cheers taunt. getting on my board. and then skating off the bridge and killbinding)#so at some point. i kept getting stuck in place for some reason. like speficially on bumpy ground or... in the air#and the moment i got stuck in the air (for 30+ seconds mind you) i was just like ''my quantum board technique''#and from there. i just acted as if i was playing the newest Pro Skater game#saying stuff like ''i have to do manual ollie combo for 150000000 points''#or like ''i have to find grindrails on this level''#eventually found my way into the sewers and said something like ''IVE FOUND THE HALF PIPES''#before saying like ''man they really screwed up the physics since the last game''#a soldier on the other team was trying to find me the whole time saying ''wheres tony hawk''#specifically because he had a tony hawk avatar. and i only realized after he said something about it#anyway. after all that i skateboarded into a minisentry and died#and my last message was supposed to be ''my combo has ended'' but i ended up typing 'bombo'#and it made me laugh SO hard i couldnt backspace. and added on with ''my sweet bombo''#and then i left because i had nothing more to do there. my bombo had ended and i had to move on.
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snickerdoodlles · 2 months
Very Important Question about Vegas's Youtube era: how colorful is his cookware? Did Macau and Chay get him pink and green pineapple patterned mini-muffin trays?
Vegas's kitchen is so colorful. his kitchen looks like a cute kitchen pinterest board threw up all over it. nobody can tell if his aesthetic is retro or industrial or countryside or what, because it's this eclectic mishmash of individually cute instagram worthy things thrown together in a way that almost works but doesn't, because a proper pinterest board is always a hot fucking mess when taken in its entirety.
it first begins with items of whimsy. Macau shows Vegas a picture of a dinosaur ladle, Vegas says "what the fuck is that? father would never allow for those" and that alone manifests 12 of them in his shopping cart. feels very weird about it when they arrive and banishes the box of them to the forgotten corner of a cupboard. then Macau buys Pete his first pineapple jar. and like. it's a pineapple. that's all it is. Pete sticks it in Vegas's kitchen and Vegas is stuck staring at a ceramic pineapple that just looks like a pineapple, unable to figure out why it feels weird. Macau gets Pete a second pineapple jar, except this time it's also an owl face, and Vegas can't figure out why he wishes he was looking at that one instead of the regular pineapple one. he wants to hurl both of them at a wall so hard they leave a dent as they shatter. he wants to put them in a window where they'll be framed as the sun rises on them. he buys a spatula with a bee pattern on a whim all by himself and is so on edge about it for the next two weeks he whips welts onto (a very happy) Pete's back.
over the course of time, all of Vegas's kitchen supplies become items you'd expect to find on pinterest. bird salt and pepper shakers. cutely bland patterned jars labeled COFFEE and TEA. an industrial chic spice rack that sits under his cottagecore herb wall. highly specialized mini pans that make foods in special shapes. so many pastel pots and pans. at first Vegas is always saying stuff like "someone got that for me" or "my father would hate it." but it's not about that. later he's defiantly indifferent and daring about owning them at all. but it's not really about any of that either. it's really just...Vegas letting himself have cute things. things that would be called ~girly~ or ~ruin~ his image. there's actually several items he's just neutral about (like the soft pastel colors--not really his thing tbh! but a good pot is a good pot) or even sometimes dislikes (mini muffin trays = yay!, mini pans that only cook one(1) thing = frustration)-- but like. Vegas is allowed to have them. he's even fine to like them if he wants to. it doesn't matter that he has them. the image they paint of him doesn't matter. and that feeling of just owning cutesy, whimsical, or downright weird kitchen shit as he pleases without it being anything else is its own high for Vegas and his traumas ❤
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songofsunset · 2 months
Go to store for curry ingredients??? Make curry? Or freeze meat but pick one
Lesson plan
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foreignobjecticus · 25 days
Having lots of hobbies is great! No matter how much you achieve in a day, you will always also have the Guilt of 'I should be doing Other Hobby' gnawing at your insides. :)
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teethburger · 2 months
you know how Jekyll drinks his own mystery chemical concoction and then immediately goes “I must be wise”? yeah that’s me every time I have an alcoholic beverage
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cherry-alive · 1 month
Most of the time it's not that big of a deal, my symptoms are mild and I have ways to work around it in most areas. But sometimes my lack of coordination and fine motor skills is really really annoying. I feel really happy when I look pretty, and want to do things like braid my hair or paint my nails or wear makeup or put on clip-on earrings or do jewelry clasps or do up little buttons or whatever. And I can't do any of that stuff easily, and some of it I can't do at all. I don't have the tremor in my hands I had when I was on lithium, at least, that sucked. But my coordination and motor skills are still pretty poor and it makes it really hard to do a lot of things like that, and it's just frustrating. I'm trying to learn how anyway but I just wish it was easier.
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marvelann · 4 months
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I had a day today
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vacancy90 · 8 months
The pleasure! The joy!
I made it to the summit of Mont Ventoux today! ⛰🎉💪 2nd attempt yay!
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Keep reading for the full report and more pics 😊
What a day! Everything went according to plan and sooo well. I'm still stunned.
So I rented this super cool e-race bike. Unfortunately I chose the frame a little too small but anyway, it worked OK. I set out from Malaucène at 13:30 and reached the summit after 1.35 hours. Which is pretty insane speed for the 22 km climb. I felt almost bad everytime I passed someone going up "the honest way". I was flying up the road at about 12/14 km/h on average. The fastest speed being 28.5 km/h. And now let me tell you - this was still sport and an effort! It's by no means riding like on a motorbike. It was still a matter of pedalling and pedalling and pedalling and the sun burning down on me. Also, always skipping between the 3 levels of support. I couldn't go full support all the way, the battery wouldn't have lasted that long. So, yeah, I am super proud and happy and it was so cool to eventually take that famous pic in front of the summit sign. I have such a massive respect for everyone who mad it up there by pure muscle power. And many were even riding much further than only the 22 km climb. They've come from other towns and had quite a journey behind them as I learned from some. There was a couple, I think on their honeymoon because the woman was wearing a veil under her helmet, and they reached the top together by muscle power. They were so cute.
Before I continue, take a guess what hurt the most after over 40 km on that bike?
a) the legs
b) the bottom/lady parts
c) fingers
Ok, so, I'm up there, happy, proud, enjoying the stunning views and a caffeine bar but didn't have too much time as I had to return the rented bike soon. 🥲 NOW - the descent! Oh. My. Lord! As much as it was fun, it was scary! Thanks to the little bike computer I could see my speed. The average was about 40 km/h with a peak at almost 60 km/h which was freaking scary! I was literally flying. On slippery flat pedals, on a too small bike. Lol. I tried to imagine what it would be like going down over 70 km/h, let alone 100 km/h. Everyone who does that must be freaking nuts! I mean, the road here was shared with cars, motorbikes, camper vans, walkers even (oh and one guy on roller skis) so no way to go faster than that and not without the right shoes and pedals. That's for another day 🤫
So, what hurt the most? The fingers! Jfc, braking for 22 km is hard! I had to take 3 breaks on the way down to shake my numb fingers back to life. Also they became sweaty and I was scared what'd happened if I slipped? So yeah, 2nd most: lady parts, because of the too small bike and the saddle was a bit too low 🙈 (but shoutout to the super bib shorts I bought here, great padding)
I arrived back in Malaucène much earlier than my "service car" ;) and had some time to chat some more with the very friendly rental dude. Told him I only started cycling a few weeks ago. His response was "Oh, congratulations!" (How sweet) and he had a cute doggo there minding the shop ☺
I could keep talking about today forever but I'll stop now. Here are some pics and one of a souvenir from the summit 👜😄
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cherubytes · 10 months
to me the funniest thing about making a warrior cats ultrakill au is that you don't really have to change a lot to make the characters and story fit into the warrior cats universe. being able to enter cat hell without dying was literally a major plot point for one of the arcs, so having some random kitty go and fuck shit up over there is totally believable as far as im aware.
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thetarttfuldickhead · 10 months
 “Go see a windmill” is the Roy Kent version of “go touch some grass”.
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This is a universe to catch all the feelings I have for this man in the mid to late 70’s. It’s gonna be my least impressive, least dramatic, very plotless, indulgently meandering and self soothing fic that fixes all things through *love* -it’s gonna be so fluffy we might as well cure cancer and invent time travel while we are at it
I just think maybe a lotta love making and monopoly games and gun shooting and babies laying on his sweaty chest would have bumped down his blood pressure and cured him a bit, ok? Like, that’s the fluffy dumpster fire premise this fic has been built upon. And I’m not apologizing.
I cannot believe that with all my love and proselytizing of Big Daddy fame on this site I have only written two pieces for him. Both of which are tonally similar to what this universe will be. They’ll get folded in.
So, have at it and suggest below everything you ever wanted to see Elvis have and do and be from the year ‘77 and on!
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freehand crocheting once you've learned a few of the basic stitches is like "WOAH I'M ACTUALLY DOING THIS??"
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pisshandkerchief · 11 months
I have got to stop doing things without thinking of the Repercussions
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