#some of the tethered dresses were fun
maracllea · 5 months
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MET GALA 2024 - Garden of Time - some of my favorites, no particular order after miss Z
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peachesofteal · 5 months
Ghoap x female reader / 18+
Everything was fine.
Your phone was quiet, but that didn’t mean anything. You would wait. You’ve waited before.
Sometimes it took a while for them to ring. They had a life together, a home, things to take care of. They had lives to rebuild every time they touched down, got home, got out of their work clothes. Pieces to patch, blood to wash clean.
You weren’t their girlfriend. They aren’t beholden to you, there’s no sacred vow tethering the three of you, no promises or pledges. You don’t know Johnny’s middle name, or Simon’s, anything about their families, their private lives. You barely knew about their jobs, only holding the scraps tossed to questions lobbed back and forth across pillows. They leave little marks across your mind, little spots of scars, knowledge scratched into your skin, sunk into your body, but never too much.
You weren’t a part of their life, really.
You were a part of the dark hours. The soft ones. You were in the orange rays of sunlight cresting over the city, and the emerald abyss of pitch black night. You were the flickering yellow street light, the grey blue smoke of Simon’s cigarette. The in between. Here in the moment, gone with morning.
For months, you had spent their time home pressed between them, folded beneath them, balanced above them. They made you sing. Made you scream, made you cry.
But most of all, they made sure-
you understood the status quo.
“Say it.” Simon cradled your jaw, thumb and finger full of steel, like he was oblivious to Johnny beneath you, his cock sliding in and out of your body, his fingers dug into the flesh of your hips, your back to his chest, eyes wide and mouth agape, Simon did not flinch.
“I- I’m not-“ a gasp, a groan, words bitten off when Johnny strokes faster, curved deep against the spot that makes you see stars. Sweat builds across your skin, slicking down your spine, and Johnny chases it, tongue sweeping salt clean. You swallow to try again. “I’m not- not yours.”
“Not ours.” Simon’s fingers wrapped around the engorged length of his cock, stroking leisurely, eyes half lidded. “You’re not ours, sweet girl. But we’ll take care of you, when you’re here.”
So, you fell into it. Fell into them. Got comfortable waiting for the phone to ring, going weeks or months at a time- holding your breath. You got into a rhythm, syncopated behind the swell of their voices, their bodies, their souls. Along for the ride. A passenger.
It was fine. You weren’t looking for anything serious anyway. Maybe someone to hang out with here and there, grab a drink, have some fun. All of these things, they gave you. All of these things were provided. Granted, you only went out with them to a dive around the corner, a dark, bottomless place with tar licked floors and worn away wooden bar. The kind with dusty stained glass pendants swinging over pool tables that have seen better days, wrought iron back patio furniture that squeaked when Simon would pull you onto his lap and hook the hem of your panties to the side to stare at your pussy, hungry and desperate glint in his gaze under the silver glow of moonlight. He’d flip up your dress and stroke you with the back of his knuckles, just the down the seam, cooing, telling you how lovely you look, asking how much you missed them.
They never took you out for meals, or dates, or anything like that. They kept you in bed, buried beneath them, wrung out, drained dry. They took and took and took until you had nothing left to give. They’d feed you, make you come, fill you up and put you to sleep. Rinse and repeat.
And it was all… fine.
Even tonight was fine. Johnny had emailed, said they were back in service range and they’d be around soon, if you weren’t busy. Typically, a phone call came later. Late, in small hours, when half the city slept.
So when you fell asleep to nothing, you weren’t surprised. They’d catch up with you.
They always did.
You didn’t hear from them the next day. You forced it away easily, didn’t let the unease nag at you, pasted a smile on your face for your friends when you agreed to meet them for dinner.
No strings. You’re not their girlfriend, you’re not theirs. You’re cool. It’s cool. You’re fine.
Besides, your friend had gotten a reservation at a very nice restaurant in one of those shiny new hotels that just went up.
You shoved the boys from your mind.
You were the cool girl. You were unaffected.
You’re fine.
“So how’s work?”
“Oh, it’s fine. You know, same shit different day.” You roll your eyes, touch light on the thin stem of a wine glass. The red is a shade darker than your nails, and your lips, and it tastes like sweet cherries soaked in acid. Stringent. Sweet. You’re about to reciprocate the question when the bulk of a man catches your eye, handsome width of a shoulder you’d know from a mile away.
Interest in your friend’s conversation evaporates, and your tongue turns tarnished, sticking in the back of your throat like an overgrown thorn.
It’s Simon. Your heart pounds, and you drink in the sight greedily, elated to see him outside of their flat, or in the bar. Thrilled to get a glimpse of him in the real world, in a restaurant, a real, tangible place, in a real, tangible moment.
“I’ll… be right back.” You manage, slipping from the both to the wall, openly gaping across a room full of diners. As he moves, you mirror it, coming closer and closer to a hallway, a lead off down to the bathrooms.
“Simon.” His name slips from your lips without permission, a build up of excitement and anxiety, all twisted into one heap that darts out in front of your intentions, your resolve. Not cool.
You expect him to be surprised, certainly. You expect to see that small spark, the little fire burning behind his irises, expect him sweep the length of your body.
You don’t expect the surprise to be blanketed with the white fog of indifference. The grey slab of a stone wall.
It confuses you. Startles you. And when you take a step-
Johnny turns the corner, an arm slung around the waist of a pretty, thin, blonde.
His lips part, brows knitting together in slow motion. The girl, their date, it seems, is oblivious. She only bats her eyelashes at Simon and then gazes up at Johnny, sweet and hopeful.
You turn cold. Your fingers go frigid, ice cracking through your veins and attacking your heart, slowing your pulse.
The room spins.
And you’re alone in it. Dining room chatter falls away, drowned out by the thrumming between your ears.
You’re alone. Alone, staring at them, trying to piece it all together, trying to breathe, trying to be-
“I uh…” You teeter, precarious in your shoes that now feel like a mistake, like your dress is a mistake, being here is a mistake, getting up from the table-
You’re not their girlfriend. You’re not theirs.
“I’m just gonna… go.” You begin to backpedal. Johnny says your name, says it quietly, and takes a step, lurching forward, an animated corpse seeking its last meal.
“Bonnie, ye-“
“I’ll see you around.” You blurt, stepping back out of reach. Johnny’s fist clenches, and he casts a dubious glance towards Simon, who’s tense and focused on you. “See ya.” You croak, and then spin on your heel, trembling all the way out the door and into the cold, crisp air.
Very uncool.
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onmyyan · 2 months
Cold cases warm faces pt.2
A/n: part two for the lovely anon who requested it, thank you for your sweet words I'm so happy you're enjoying my work!! 🥰 Headcannons and a drabble at the end part one here
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Shortly after you're brought to your new "home" a fight breaks out over who gets to feed you.
You sat silent and amused by the situation, after all it wasn't every day you got kidnapped by a group of vigilantes
At first you thought this was a betrayal, thought you'd end up in a box or something worse, but then the argument breaks out and you can't help but grin at the lovestruck idiots before you.
Leaned back, legs spread an aura of confidence pours out from your bound form.
Dick was the first to approach you, crouched down to be eye level with you, Dick smiles at you like you held the sun in your hands.
"I'm sorry about all this- I know you have questions but there's pressing matters to attend to," he rolls up the sleeve of his costume revealing a toned forearm, you could hear his blood flowing, calling your name like a siren song.
Before he could come any closer he was yanked backwards by Jason, the behemoth of a man glared down at his older brother an air of danger around him.
"the fuck you think you're doing Dickie? If anyone's feeding her it's me."
"and why is that exactly?" Tim speaks up, his question on everyone's mind
"Because I'm healthy -"
This argument included everyone but Damien, who amidst the commotion, slits his arm open with his sword, proudly displaying his wrist with gleaming eyes, "Take it." He says quietly, as if the words were only for you to hear.
Without hesitation your lips are wrapped around his wrist, fangs sinking in with not even a flinch from the man before you
After this a schedule is worked out.
You could escape if you wanted to, but you were having too much fun with them all.
Five men fighting tooth and claw for the slightest bit of affection from you
You're dressed in the finest luxuries money can afford Bruce wouldn't admit it but he loves dressing you up , lathering you in gifts
Dick is utterly enamored by you, he love listening to you talk about your past, as long as you don't bring up past lovers of course .
Jason is your lapdog he rarely leaves his side, absolutely needs to have his head in your lap while you speak of anything and everything
Tim studies everything there is to know about your kind because he completely intends to join you in eternity
Although he's not the first to approach you about this subject, that title goes to Jason, one afternoon during one of your many talks, he breached the subject of your maker, someone you hadn't thought about in years.
“It’s difficult to explain to humans. Hell I wouldn’t have understood it 100 years ago,” you paused to lick your lips, scouring your mind for the right words to describe the answer to their question. “A sire bond is kind of unavoidable tethering between a maker and their well, sire.” Jason’s eyes didn’t dare look away from your form, eagerly drinking your word. “If she told me to jump I’d have to ask how high.” Your hands rubbed together, an anxious habit from your human life that hadn’t shown itself in centuries. The mere thought of your maker left you with a complex cocktail of emotions, clearly visible on your face, an ugly feeling settled at the pit of Jason’s stomach, he’d never seen such a look on your face, and for it to come from some woman he didn't know- he forced himself from his darkening thoughts at your sudden movement.
You were now pacing the room, gracefully maneuvering around the space. “For the first few years it’s all but impossible to be without them, it’s like this incessant burn that can’t be soothed without them.” He nodded, all too familiar with the feeling.
"supposedly your closest bond is that of a maker and their sire
"Turn me" your shock couldn't be hidden but he didn't let you sit in it for long.
"I'm dead serious. You're the air in my lungs and the idea of you spending eternity alone don't sit right with me, I've already died once, whats one more time?"
"I love you- every fiber in my being was pulled into existance to love you. Please let me."
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madamechrissy · 1 month
Lucid Dreams
Pairings: Nanami Kento x Fem Reader ( reader is a ghost)
Summary: You died a year ago, and now a really hot Nanami Kento moves in to the apartment you're tethered to. You love to fuck with him, shuffle his papers, knock over his things, but you also love to watch him sleep. One day, he ends up seeing you. And... yep, how do you move on to the next realm? Maybe by getting railed by Nanami!?
NSFW- smut, lovemaking, explicit sex, she's a ghost so supernatural kinda?
Word Count- 3.5k- one shot
Hehe this is just a cute little story I got a request for. (It's literally crack fluff smut) Happy ending don't worrryyy. Just fluffy silly cute shit.🤭
Nanami Kento stepped into his new apartment, it was all redone since you had lived there, what’s it been since you died, a year now? You looked at how handsome this man was, dressed in a suit impeccably, sliding the jacket off to reveal toned, perfect arms. You step closer, and suddenly he shivers, as if he could feel your energy, but there’s no way…
Your energy had been fading lately, perhaps the longer you have been dead the less you have, but something about his presence made it flicker once more. You’d had fun haunting the last couple that lived here, ugh but their love annoyed you, because it’s not like you got any love in the twenty five short years you had on this plane of existence.
You expected heaven or something? Or some other life… but no, you just lingered here, in your old apartment, which looked nothing like it did. You could get down almost out of the building, just enough to stare at the moonlight longingly, remembering what it was like to talk.
You don’t talk, no one would hear you anyway.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” You murmur as this blond sexy man rolls up the sleeves of his dress shirt, revealing toned forearms.
Maybe you do speak?
You watch him every day, for a week, come home and do the same routine, over and over. He takes off his glasses, he sighs, he sets down his briefcase, he sighs, he goes to take off his jacket, he sighs. Yes this man sighs a lot, and pinches the bridge of his nose, exhausted from the long hours he clearly works.
You worked a lot too back in the day, overworked yourself to death, hoping for an early retirement, until someone hit you with a car
Maybe that’s why you can’t leave, you’re still so pissed, when you had to look down at your body, when you had to see your parents cry, before they left and never came back around. You couldn’t see them, no you were stuck here, and you don’t know why, endlessly lonely and bored. But… now?
Nanami Kento is here, and you enjoy his presence. You watched him from the shadows, your translucent form barely outlined against the wall. As the days turned into nights, you observed him with a fascination that flared up deep inside you, watched him as he slept, when his usually stern face would relax. You would always brush his hair back, but then one day you realize something.
His hair moved.
You touched him!? He opens his eyes, and you gasp, hovering over him, and the hazel eyes widen, but then he blinks, and you disappear. Nanami sits up, shirtless and chiseled within every inch of his life, fuck the man is absolutely beautiful, and he’s looking around the room.
“Hey, is … fuck I’m losing it. Is someone there?” You gasp, backing away from the bed then, as Nanami looks around, clearly sleepy and confused.
“Yeah.” You whisper, curious, and he bolts up, and then you see it, the bulge in his boxers, and you flush bright red… can ghosts blush!? Maybe? He was clearly huge, and apparently ghosts can get wet too.
“Listen, I need my sleep. Please don’t annoy me.” You’re in shock, at how casual he is, and you laugh suddenly, apparently he notices because he glares. “Seriously, go… do ghost things and let me sleep.”
He’s back in bed, and if your heart still beat, it would thud.
You keep watching Nanami Kento, but now you mess with him, jumbling up his papers, just to enjoy the delight when he would yell at you. You would move his toaster just an inch, mix his spoons and forks, laughing maniacally as he would get so flustered, shifting them back. He is always so meticulous, that throwing him off becomes your new thrill.
On one evening, you watched as he flipped his light switch several times, each attempt to illuminate the living room met with flickering bulbs. You’re giggling as you keep fucking with the lights, clearly annoying this man, and you could feel bad, but he’s so cute when he’s annoyed.
“What now?” He mutters, and your laughter echoed softly in the corners of the room. Nanami’s head whipped around, eyes narrowed in irritation. “You are here again. Can you stop fucking around? Do you need to watch a movie?”
“You’re asking a ghost to watch a movie?” He whips his head again, as the storm outside rages, and the lightning illuminates the room, and suddenly his eyes are dead on you, wide in shock. Your eyes go wide right back. “Fuck… can you…”
“See you. Yep.” You fade away, frightened then, and he reaches for you in a few long steps, gripping your arms. You feel his touch, just like you had when you were alive, hot on your skin. “I’m touching you!?”
“I don’t know how you can even see me.” You whisper, and he just keeps holding you, this six foot something gorgeous man, and you don’t know how you look to him. “Am I ghost like?”
“No, you look like an… alive person. Is this offensive to you?”
You laugh softly. “No, I’m not offended. I know I’m dead. Just didn’t know how I look to you, to me I look the same.”
“You look beautiful.” You freeze, as does he, a blush on his high cheekbones, his lips pursed a bit. “I see you in my dreams. You give me those?”
“No, I wouldn’t know how! Um, you do?” He nods then, and you tentatively cup his face, feeling the stubble on his jaw. “Fuck if I was alive I’d have been simping so hard for you.”
“Simping? You talk odd.”
“You talk like an old man.”
“Not a ghost at least.” Your eyes widen, and he goes to apologize, but you just laugh then, breathless. “I’m sorry.”
“I can’t believe this. Hello, Nanami Kento.”
“What happened to you?” He murmurs and you sigh, looking down, enjoying his touch far too much.
“I was hit by a car.”
His beautiful hazel eyes fill with concern, why can you even feel his warm breath, his body heat? How?
“I'm so sorry. Why are you…”
“A ghost?” He nods. “I don't know. I was a good person, just worked a lot like you. I didn't have anyone too close. I don't think I have unfinished business.”
“That's horrible. Are you stuck here?” You nod. “How often do you watch me. Hmm?”
You giggle at his question. “Not when you're naked. That's not very consensual is it.”
“Uh huh.”
“Your body is beautiful though from what I have seen.” Nanami blushes again, and it makes his cheekbones stand out even more. “Hey don't worry I'm not trying to date, I'm dead.”
He grimaces, he still hasn't let go of you. “Your humor is morbid.”
“Morbid? I'm dead. Duh.”
“Dear lord. Listen how can I help you move on?”
“Tired of me knocking your cups over?” You smirk and he glares down at you. Fuck he's hot.
“I'm very tired of it, yes. But also I'd like to help. What's something you wish you did before you died?” Nanami asks softly and you hum, touching his chest then, feeling the heart pumping blood in his veins, his hard muscles under your palm.
“Wish I worked less and relaxed more. Wish I had a life. Wish I had loved. Fuck my life was depressing…” you frown as you speak, and Nanami studies you seriously. His hands are sliding down your little shoulders, down your slender arms, making you tremble.
“I know how that feels. I could say the same. Well what do you-”
“Can I try something?” You whisper, cutting him off. He nods. You tiptoe, because no you can't float, that's so bullshit by the way, and you press your lips to his, feeling them hot on yours. You moan softly as little sparks float, making you feel alive. He is tense, unmoving. “There, a perfect kiss. Have I moved on?”
He shakes his head, and your breath catches when he yanks you to him by the waist, pressing you up against his hard body. “You're still here,” his voice is husky now. “I've had some interesting dreams.”
“Oh? Tell me.”
“Where you're on top of me in my sleep… where you're sucking my cock and I can't see you.” You blink rapidly, as his words fill you, and he's caressing your lower lip as he talks.
“Oh yeah?” Your hands trail down his perfect abdomen then, feeling it tremble. “Ghost head, huh?”
“In another dream I get you to manifest long enough to return the favor. And you dissappear once you cum all over my face.”
Now you are soaked.
Wait can you still fuck!?
“How rude of me not to ghost cuddle you afterwards.” You grin then and he moans softly, as you feel how hard he is against your tummy.
“How long until you disappear again?”
“I don't know, this is all so weird. Fuck I'll try though.” He snatches you up then, and your legs wrap around his narrow hips, then you're slammed into the wall, and somehow you don't just go through it, your physical form is there, as he holds you up. He kisses down your throat and you cry out, hands in his silky blond hair.
“Nanami!” You whine out, and he kisses down your chest, as you eagerly grind against him.
“Even better than the dream…” His words make you ache, yearn for more, to be real to not be dead. Fuck the life you could have had.
“Nanami I can't. I can't do this. It'll hurt too much having a taste.” He looks at you then, lips parted, big hands sliding your top right off your head. Huh, that comes off?
“Why shouldn't you. It's not fair what happened. How long have you been alone?”
You're crying, and yeah ghosts can cry, those tears are falling and disappearing as they do. “But what if I move on and can't see you again?”
Your eyes lock, as you realize what you're saying. “If it's your time, darling, it's your time. But for now, I'd love to fuck the reason I'm constantly hard. If I fuck you well enough, would you please stop shuffling my papers?” He pouts then, and you giggle, fuck you’re a ghost but you’re giggling, in his arms.
“I promise.” You brush his hair back, as you had so many nights, having watched him sleep, having watched him just existing so beautifully, and now? He could finally see you.
Your lips meet in another kiss, and then he’s sliding a hand to cup your breasts, nipple rising against his hard palm, fuck he’s just so warm, and alive… you errantly wonder if you feel weird to touch. What does a ghost feel like? But when he sinks two fingers up under your skirt (Yep you died in a skirt) and groans-
“Fuck you’re so hot.” You figure you feel pretty good. And fuck if he doesn’t make you wetter than you’d ever been alive, he makes you feel alive almost. But you’re still not tethered to the Earth, you’re only tethered to Nanami.
“Please…” You whisper, and he eagerly lays you on his bed. “Oh shit, I was scared I’d fall through!”
He chuckles. “You’re kinda bad at being a ghost you know.”
“Yeah, you aren’t very sneaky.” He slides your skirt off, kissing up your thighs, and you feel his hot breath where you’re soaked, making your hips rock up. “I saw you a lot of times but I wondered if I was hallucinating. I work too much.”
“You really do. Nanami promise me… you’ll… oh fuck!” He licks you then, right up your slit, groaning against your pussy.
“Promise what, Darling?” He murmurs, and you struggle to remember.
“Oh… promise you won’t- ah - work so much. It didn’t do me any good, Nanami… now I’m dead and-”
“You feel alive to me. You feel perfect.” You’re crying, your little glittery ghost tears, as his eyes, seductive and lidded stare up at you, and he grips your thighs. He laps you up and you fall apart, like nothing you’ve felt before, yanking on his usually perfect hair.
“Fuck, worth dying for a taste of this.” You whisper out, and then he’s got two fingers in you again, working spots you have no clue are there, his mouth sucking in your clit, and you shatter, cumming all over his handsome face.
“Good girl.” He murmurs, and you cum again as he scissors his fingers into you. “Should I say Good Ghost?”
“Both work, shit, shit you’re so good. I wish I’d had you around.”
“I wish I could have met you.” He murmurs, leaning above you then, and your thighs wrap around his hips, as your little hands run up and down his body. Somehow this feels perfect, this feels right. “This is insane, isn’t it? Are you just a dream?”
“No, Nanami… you’re the dream. Maybe there’s something good for me… mnh! Oh fuck.” He’s rubbing his tip along your folds, and you soak him. He’s so huge, and thick, bigger than you had alive, but there’s no pain, just ridiculous pleasure when he slides inside your entrance, his brows together, lips parted.
“Oh fuck… Darling.” You cry out then, gripping him so tight, so afraid how quickly this would end, as he’s kissing you, as he’s entering you, stroking faster and faster, the bed creaking and the headboard smacking the wall. “You feel so perfect. You’re just so, so beautiful.”
“Oh my god!” Was there a god for you? Maybe Nanami was it. As he works over you, as he tears you apart, until you’re spasming around him, sobbing against his neck, as he keeps making you cum, fucking you from one orgasm to the other. “Nanami… mnh.. Nanami!”
“Don’t even… what was… your name?” He whispers, grunting as he fucks into you, and you struggle to remember, what was it? Oh. You tell him, and then he whispers it in your ear, as his cock is steadily slamming into you, against your cervix, so deep you felt you two were one.
“Kento… call me… Kento…” He huffs, slowing now, your thighs are pressed up, and if you weren’t a ghost? You’d let this man get you pregnant.
That’s how good it is.
“Kento! Oh Kento… it’s so good I- ah!” He’s pressing your thighs against your breasts now, groaning as he fucks you so hard, until he slows, and his eyes catch yours in the night.
“Darling, can I-”
“Can’t get a ghost pregnant- ah- do it!” He’s moaning now, and he fills you with a few more pumps, before hot liquid shoots inside of you, and you cum right with it, clinging to him like he’s your life line, rubbing your hips up for more. He kisses you, so sweetly, over and over, and you fall into it, into his arms.
“I don’t want this to just be once. Don’t go.” He murmurs then, and you’re crying now, as he leans down, easing out and making a mess of your cum and his, and you feel yourself fading. “Darling, please.”
“I don’t wanna go either. I don’t.” He’s holding onto you, and you feel it, some odd pull, like you’re being split in a million directions. “I wish I could have known you, Nanami Kento. Please, don’t make my mistake. Just live, okay?”
You see his own eyes glittering with tears. “I feel like I should have known you… you look so familiar…”
“Maybe we’ll meet in another life?” He just sighs, holding you close, and you hum, eyes fluttering shut. Ghosts don’t sleep, right? Why were you… sleepy?
He’s caressing your cheek, and you hum happily. “There were more dreams. Maybe… stick around? We can try them all?”
You smirk a bit, looking up at this beautiful man, one you wish you could have known in your short life. You brush his tear aside, smiling. “You deserve more than a ghost, stuck in the apartment.”
Then you fade.
It was a beautiful time with…
You wake back up, in your body and you’re… alive!? You rush to the mirror, realizing you’re in your apartment. You check the phone, and it’s the next day, the day after you died. No fucking way…
You rush out, and bump right into him.
Nanami Kento!?
You look up at him, wide eyed, and he’s staring at you curiously, a little smile on his face, he looks not as tired as the Nanami you knew, is he the same, you wonder? You realize he’s stepping out of the apartment next to you, and your mind goes insane, have you been in a coma, was it a horrible dream?
“Hey there, I’m Nanami Kento, just moved in.” He holds out his hand, and you take it, trembling, and he frowns a bit. “Sorry, are you all right?”
“Uh… no. No I’m not. Do I look familiar to you?” You ask then, softly, and he nods just a bit, a blush decorating his cheeks. Yours joins as you remember vividly, his tongue on you, his cock inside you.
“Very familiar. Do you work at the same building as me maybe?” You shake your head, sighing, and you realize he has his briefcase. “You are familiar but I just can’t really place it.”
“Huh… sorry I’m being weird huh? Should I let you go?” Then you wonder, can you leave this apartment? “Actually. I gotta go somewhere to.”
“Well, come on then.” He tilts his head, pushing up his green framed glasses, and you touch your chest, feeling your heart beat steadily. Was this heaven, was this another dimension?
Then as you all are outside, a car zooms toward you, careening off the busy streets, and you remember, this is when you die.
“Fuck!” Nanami has thrown both of you out of the way, onto the sidewalk, and he’s on top of you, breathing heavily. His eyes go wide then, as do yours. “Oh my god… you were dead in my dream.”
“I dreamt of you… that I was dead… I…” You’re trembling, and he eases off you, helping you stand on shaky legs. “Was it some prophetic dream? Was I supposed to meet you? This is fucking weird. I’m not dead!?”
He chuckles then. “You’re so not dead. I remember it all. It’s like a fuzzy dream though isn’t it?”
“Oh my god. You saved me!” You’re sobbing, and he holds you close, and you feel it all crashing, everything together. You can’t explain shit, except you are supposed to be in this man’s arms. Your neighbor.
“Should we get you checked out? I knocked you on that concrete hard.” He brushes back your hair, inspecting it then. And you just giggle.
“Do you remember fucking me too?” He’s bright red, his nostrils flaring just so, and then he’s dragging you back into the building. “Hey!”
“Fuck work.” He slams you against the wall of the elevator, pressing one too many buttons, as he cups your face, sighing. “You told me not to work to death, I remember it all.”
“This is fucking crazy.” He nods, but he’s kissing you, and oh god it feels even better, as your own heart thuds against his.
“I won’t let you fade away again.” You hear the emotion in his voice, and your arms wrap around his neck. “You were a really annoying ghost.”
“I was good in bed though.” He moans, your tongues are entwining, teeth clinking as you messily kiss, and then you’re in your apartment, ripping each other's clothes off, in a maddening state.
Both of your phone alarms go off, and you laugh softly.
“I was gonna wait a year to relocate.” He murmurs, and your eyes fly open, as you realize what changed. “Something made me leave.”
“I’m so happy. Fuck… do you think ghost pussy is better by the way? I need your expert opinion.” He’s chuckling now, yanking at his cheetah tie, and you stop him, shaking your head. “Oh no, leave that on.”
So you died… but then you didn’t? And Nanami Kento saved you, and he already knows you, he knows where to touch and where to kiss. You all both don’t go to work that day, no, you are going to get some R n R. <3  Somehow, and some way you were supposed to always end up in his arms, it feels like heaven.
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wooahaes · 4 months
tender and loving
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pairing: non-idol!mingyu x fem!reader
genre: established relationship au. romance.
warnings: reader is in a dress. food. gyu and reader are down bad for each other im afraid
word count: ~1.3k
daisy's notes: the day i actually push myself to write a romance novel w some of this prose its over for u bitches /j
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“I thought about bringing a guitar, actually.” Mingyu stretched himself alongside one side of the picnic blanket, propping himself up on his elbows. His eyes were twinkling as he looked at you, beaming at you as he watched the way the wind fluttered your skirt and rustled your hair. “But I thought it’d be too much.”
It earned a laugh from you as you shifted on your half of the blanket, carefully folding your dress’s skirt underneath your legs so that it would stop flapping against your legs. Thankfully, you had on tights so flashing anyone wasn’t much of a worry, but you were still a little annoyed by the way the fabric smacked against your legs. This spot wasn’t perfect in location, but the company you kept made up for it plenty. Mingyu had made all the food that sat between the two of you now, and lovingly fed you the first bite of whatever you wanted, just to dote on you even further. You had told him days ago that you didn’t want to do anything fancy for your birthday—no parties, no big elaborate dinners, no expensive restaurants… Just the two of you enjoying the day out together. You would celebrate with your friends later during the weekend, but you just wanted to spend the actual day with the love of your life. 
So he woke you up that morning with a kiss and a question: how about a picnic tonight? It was lowkey enough that you agreed easily, and he kissed you again before saying he’d be back after running to the grocery store. He needed to make your favorites, after all. His only request for you was to wear something that made you feel pretty, hence the dress you were wearing now with its flouncy skirt and soft fabric. He was just in a button-up and nice pants, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Simple, but still nice enough looking. When you asked him about it on the drive here, he’d just reached over, squeezing your hand.
“I can’t outshine you today,” he teased with a playful grin. “It’s your day.”
It just earned a laugh from you as you swatted at his hand, only to take it back within your own a moment later. Some days you could get Mingyu giving you the sweetest praise, worshiping you wholeheartedly and lovingly telling you how beautiful he found you. But most days, you had this Mingyu: a silly man who adored you with his whole heart, but felt teasing you like that. The two of you had been together long enough, after all. You poked fun at him, too, when the mood struck you. All of his friends did, so why wouldn’t you? There was an unspoken line between the two of you: if it bothers you, we’ll talk about it and apologize. And you did, a few times back when the two of you were still navigating the relationship. He made a comment that rubbed you the wrong way, you teased him and accidentally hurt his feelings…. Every incident was met with a patient conversation afterward.
“We’re adults,” he had said to you one day, playing with your fingers idly. He always seemed to be touching you in some way, as though he was tethered to you, unable to go too long without reminding himself of that. “Aren’t we? I used to fight with people when I was younger and didn’t know how to talk things out.” He stopped for a moment, fingers intertwining with your own. “I think you’re good for me like that.” 
You had rolled your eyes. “I think your friends did more for you than I did.” 
“Mm. Maybe.” He ran his other hand through his hair. “But I think I’m more patient because of you.”
And maybe he was. He’d taught you to be bolder, to accept compliments better. Mingyu had been good for you, too. Now you just admired him as he looked out at the setting sun in the distance, golden rays kissing his skin and warming your own. Was this it? You quietly began to pack away empty containers into his bag, leaving the dessert aside as you moved to sit next to him. He looked over, watching the way you slowly reclined back so you could gaze at the sky. He shifted next to you, back pressing fully against the ground as he kept his eyes on you. 
For the longest time, you couldn’t define the way Mingyu looked at you. “With love” had been the most basic way you could, because it truly was the simplest way to boil the look down. The tender look in his eyes was unmistakable, especially when he started to smile softly at you no matter what you were doing. He wore a similar look when he was with his friends and family, though: that gentle sense of nothing but love for the people in his life visible in his eyes. At first, you’d had a little bout of jealousy that he could simply love so much. But with time, it grew to be something else you adored about him. Mingyu was a lover, through and through, and it astounded you how much he cared for people without limit. 
But that didn’t change the fact that you noticed he looked at you in this slightly different way. Then one day, it hit you while the two of you were in a museum. He’d been staring up at a piece, his hand holding yours, as he quietly whispered to you about some facts he’d read online about it. It wasn’t the exact look he gave you, but the way he lit up in intrigue was enough to tell you that that was the missing piece. He looked at you as though you were a puzzle he was still figuring out, every day showing him a new detail. Like you were a masterpiece he wanted to understand, brushstroke by brushstroke. The soft look of love in his eyes always carried this need to know every little thing about you and commit them to memory. Was that why he was always touching you? So that he could remember the exact feel of your skin underneath his own? And was why he studied you so intensely on the nights you shared baths together, always pointing out a different little spot or blemish or scar he hadn’t noticed before? Perhaps it was.
Mingyu reached over to take your hand in his own, loosely playing with your fingers as he watched you. “I love you.”
You turned your face, meeting his gaze. With a smile, you curled your fingers around his hand and drew it to your lips so that you could press a long kiss against the back of it. Yet you saw the way Mingyu’s eyes burned into you. He moved so that he could give you a chaste kiss that almost lingered for a few seconds too long. But with the two of you still in public, Mingyu wouldn’t push. Not when there were families around with their kids and older couples enjoying the warm weather. Instead, he just pressed a second kiss against your temple.
“Happy birthday,” he said for the third time today. “Let’s go home. Okay?”
He took the words out of your mouth, and you just giggled as you gave him a quick peck. It wouldn’t be a complete day if you didn’t tease him at least a little. “After dessert?”
He just chuckled, reaching for the container. With a tiny peck against your nose, he answered you with stars in his eyes, “After dessert.”
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @synthetickitsune @wonuziex @porridgesblog @staranghae @weird-bookworm @bangchansbae @laylasbunbunny @bewoyewo
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missmielyhoran · 1 year
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[Warning- Angst to Smut to Angst, Grumprry, Jealousrry, Insecure and jealous reader, foul language, unprotected sex (wear condom kids! real babies are not fun), Harry kind of confessing his feelings and him being an asshole as usual, shitty smut, maybe some grammatical mistakes]
Masterlist \\ Series Masterlist
Harry wasn't a very cheerful person to begin with, and it wasn't like he had some childhood trauma that made me him this way no, he was born this way.
He was also the young CEO of his dad's reputable car company. He had to put on a serious face to make a bunch of old shits to take a 27 year old seriously.
Right now, though that wasn't the case for his grumpiness. It was you.
You were away on a stupid work trip to Manchester with Edwin, fucking Edwin! Why was his girl assistant on a work trip with someone else, you may ask? Cause of his stupid ass.
Harry, just a day before the trip, fired the person who was supposed to go with Edwin, and the next person who knew about the project was you and him. Now Harry couldn't go for obvious reason, so you had to go, and he has been chewing on concrete since then.
Adding to that, you haven't been replying to his messages, and when you did, it was a picture of you, in the shortest dress he had seen, and you were not wearing it for him but to go out with that chipmunk!
No messages followed after that, not even a reply to his message. He had to make a fake Instagram account (he hates Instagram) so he could see what you were up to.
He missed you, but he was too much of a grump and egotistical to admit that.
Harry knew he was fucked. Having sex with your assistant was bad enough. If he got into a relationship with you, his reputation would be tethered, and it would cost your job also. He couldn't ruin it for you. He knew how much you loved this job.
But hell he wanted to give in.
You will resume the office tomorrow, and he dreaded going into a meeting without you.
He sighed as people started to fill up the room. The new dealers and his employees who are working on this are also there. Alicia was the one who had to present today, and his temporary assistant was nowhere to be seen.
"Where is Casey?" He asked Alicia, who shrugged her shoulders. Harry was on the verge of losing his cool. He doesn't realize how he employed so many incompetent shits but he was about to fire some.
Alicia started her presentation but Harry couldn't focus on it. It was times like this he realizes he's nothing without you. His coffee is shit unless you make it. He hates everyone elses format unless you do it. He hates everyone else unless it's you.
Suddenly, the door to the room opened, and you were there breathless, in front of door heaving like you just ran marathon. The light coming from behind made you look like an angel. For him, you were.
You walked inside, apologizing to everyone, your heels clicking on the floor. You were in your formal outfit, a long black dress, stiletto, with your hair in a bun. You picked up his water bottle and drank the whole of it and then took a deep breath.
When you looked up properly, everyone's eyes were on you. You gave a sheepish smile and stood beside Harry, "Sorry, please continue."
Harry smiled to himself behind his hands. He looked up at you beside him, your focus on what Alicia was saying and taking notes. You were too sincere for this job. Sometimes Harry himself didn't care that much like you do.
And he doesn't want to fuck that up.
Soon enough the meeting ended and Harry was back at his office waiting for you to come meet him. He couldn't talk or hold you anywhere else other than the comforts of his office cause of the obvious reasons so his office became your secret haven.
When you didn't come in for the next fifteen minutes, he got up and decided to look for you. As soon as he stepped out of his office, he heard your laugh. He walked towards the sound and then saw you leaning on the wall, your hand holding Edwin's biceps, and a big smile strected on your face.
He clenched his fist beside him having all minds to break that bastard's face and then fuck you in front of him but he refrained himself.
He slid his hands in his suit pants pocket and stood up straight, channeling his inner grumpy CEO. "I didn't realize I paid you for laughing?"
Both immediately stopped and turned towards him. You looked at him through lashes a small mischievous smile on your lips.
"Oh, we were just making plans for arriving at dinner party tonight together sir nothing else," you said with a smile. Harry knew what game you were playing, and he would make sure you paid for it later, but right now, he had to make you not go with that douchebag.
"You're my assistant, I need you with me," He said and turned towards Edwin, "I hope the project file you went to Manchester for is complete?" He asked, knowing damn well he hasn't. Along with being an absolute moron and flirt, Edwin was also lazy. If he wasn't one of his friends' cousin's son, he would have kicked him out way before.
"N-no sir, I'm going to do it." He stumbled over his words, feeling scared under Harry's piercing mad glare. Harry hummed, "You better before the dinner, I will need it"
"No yo-" You go to speak, but one look shot by Harry, and you shut up.
"And Ms. Y/N I hope you also get on with your backlogs, I need to discuss something with you so we will travel together" He said holding eye contact with you, his eyes looking darker shade of green than his usual light. You clench, you thighs together, feeling yourself getting turned on by his authoritative voice.
"Yes, sir." You give him a nod, and with that, he starts to leave but then stops. "And make sure you also fill all the recent bank details also," He says, making your eyes widen.
"Sir, there are only three hours left in dinner. My backlog alone will take a lot of time-" You speak, but he cuts you off again.
"Then you better get started, Ms. Y/N" He shoots her a look over his shoulder and goes back into his office.
Harry was being a prick, he knew, but if he had to make you work extra so you wouldn't get to talk to that guy or any guy in general except him, he would.
You like the exceptional woman you are did all that just in time. You were half an hour late, but you did five hours work in just three and half so, he let it slide.
Now he was in front of your house to pick you up. He he wondered sometimes what you would be like on a date. What you would wear, what you would order or how it would end. Of course, he knew your food order on the tip of his tongue, but a date was different.
He was taken out of his daydream by you opening the car door beside him. You sat down smoothing out your slik dress. It was the same color as his shirt, a bluish green shade, and theme of the new project. Your hair tied slicked back with side parting and a soft makeup.
"Your files, sir," you said, throwing all the files in his lap and then turning back around to look out of the window. He bit down on his lips, finding your grumpy attitude amusing.
"Sweetheart, that's no way to talk to your sir," He said darkly, his fingers inching towards the back of your dress. Your breath hitched when you felt his cold fingers on your open back but made no effort to look at him and swatted away his hand.
Harry smirked and pushed the button to roll up the partition, separate driver, and them.
"It's that how it's going to be hm? You know very well what happens to brats baby." Harry said, running his finger up and down your back. He sat more comfortably, spreading his legs.
You sideyed him, your lips in a subtle pout. "We still have to pay Mr. Wilson and make an order to manufacturing comapny"
Harry just hummed and kept moving his hands up and down on your exposed back, making you shiver every time. His cold fingers, in contrast to your hot skin, were excruciating.
"You're one brat, my love and if I wasn't so addicted to you, I would have thrown you out" He said right in your ears. One half of you was turned on, but the other half had one thing going round and round.
"I'm not just a pussy for you to fuck" You said through your teeth and slid a bit away from Harry.
Harry shocked stared at the side of your face. Where the fuck that came from? He was confused, irritated and turned on by your attitude.
He went back to say something, but then Harry's office phone rang, making both you and him groan. Harry picked it up, "What?" he asked.
"Great why don't you also fucking quit while you're at it" He said clenching your jaw, "Yeah then ask your uncle to give your incompetent ass job in his own company" With that he ended the phone call.
"Driver take us to office first then to the party" He said to the driver and then turned to look at you but you had your arms crossed over your chest and kept huffing and puffing like a mad toddler.
"If you don't quit it sweetheart...lord help me" he said, feeling angry at your attitude. He got to see you and have you after so long, and here you were acting like a damn brat. He would have no problem, but you won't even let him touch you!
Harry wasn't a man of words. He didn't know how to express himself. The only thing he knew was sex.
But you just gave him a side eye and went back to looking out of the window.
Both you and Harry arrived at the office. You were still mad at him but also very turned on and frustrated. He was looking damn good in that suit, but you had to be mad and show him you knew your worth or it would all be down to shambles.
Right now, though you were searching for the file you needed for the project that Edwin lost after completion. How? God fucking knows.
"How I manage to have this big company and still hire this many incompetent idiots will be beyond me" Harry grumbled and slammed close drawer, making you flinch in surprise. "Not one task can be done properly"
"Why did Casey not suck your dick good enough? That you're so mad" you said before you could stop yourself.
"What did you say?" Harry asked, genuinely confused. He walked towards you, caging you between the wall and himself.
The cat was out of the box might as well...you thought.
You rolled your eyes and looked in eyes, "I said did Casey not suck your dick good enough that you're so mad" You said through gritted teeth.
"Casey? I haven't even seen that woman since I hired her" He said in confusion, not even bothering to think about the rest of the words.
"Don't lie to me. I heard her talking." You said and tried to push him off, but he took your wrists into his hands and brought them to his chest.
"Are you jealous sweetheart?" He asked with a smirk. "Fuck you Harry" you tried to hit him bit failed and stood back against wall huffing.
Harry just chuckled and kissed your cheeks. "How do I know you didn't take the opportunity and fuck that moron. Considering you didn't even bother with my texts" He asked, leaving small kisses all over your face. This is what confused you if he wanted other people. Why did he show you this affection?
"I was mad" you said, pouting.
"Oh sweetheart" He said with an airy laugh. His hands let go of your wrists and gripped your chin to bring his lips to his while the other one went down your body and gripped your thighs.
You hated how your body reacted to his touch. How you got wet instantly like a bitch in heat and Harry took full advantage of that.
He brought his fingers higher up and felt your dampen panties. He smirked against your lips, and you pinched him in annoyance when you felt it, but that only made him moan.
"Don't tease me" You said breathless, your eyes dark like his filled with lust and desires.
"What do you want?" He asked, kissing all over your body and controlling the urge to give you the darkest hickey ever.
"You. In me. Right now." You said with all the authority you had in you. Harry laughed again like he found all this amusing.
How people found this man who cracks dad jokes with you and laughs at everything grumpy and menacing?
He quickly pulled you up on the large table, laying you down. Not only did you have to be quick to be able to reach the party on time, but you also had weeks of pent up frustration.
You pulled up your dress while Harry freed his pants enough to pull his dick out. He slid aside your panties and slid in without any prep.
It was embarrassing.
"Fuck sweetheart you're so wet" he said groaning when he felt you clench around him.
"Missed this-fuck" he said as he started to move. "What fucking me? I don't fucking believe it. I can bet anything you fucked Casey as soon as I boarded that flight" You said whimpering.
He was an asshole but god did his cock feel wonderful. He felt wonderful. He was wonderful but you for him was just a quick fuck.
When you heard Casey talking about how she gave Harry a blowjob yesterday, your heart broke. You had no right to feel that way, he was your boss and you were his assistant and you were fucking him but somehow you tricked yourself into thinking you were something more for him.
"You think I fucked someone else?" he asked fucking you harder making you lose your ability to speak.
"I don't even cum fucking my own hand, you think I will fuck someone else?" He said bringing you up from table by the grip on your neck.
"I-I know it" You said, feeling your orgasm nearing, your eyes rolling back of your head.
"I don't care what you heard Masey talking about but the only pussy my dick has been in is yours" He said bringing you in a messy kiss.
"I was miserable cause you didn't reply to my texts you think I will fuck someone else?" he asked looking into your eyes with so much intensity you lost yourself into them.
"Fucking hell I even hate everyone else but y-" He stopped himself before he could complete his words. The reality slapping on his face hard. But you were too far gone in your ecstasy to care.
Harry also reached his high quickly after you. Your head was laying on his chest as you took long breaths to calm down your breaths. Your heart was beating so fast because of what he said and how hard he fucked you. Butterflies were dancing in your stomach.
It lasted while it could.
Suddenly, he did all 180 and pulled out of and tucked himself in. His demour cold and closed off like like he's with everyone else.
"Get cleaned up" He said and quickly walked out. While you moved towards the washroom to clean yourself up with tears brimming your eyes.
Taglist- @tenaciousperfectionunknown @that-daydream-look @harryspirate @tiaamberxx @lomlhstyles @vmpellie @sunshinemoonsposts @jayde515 @yeehawbrothers @sleutherclaw @ikea2-0 @thechaoticjoy @astridcommings @grapejuicebluesrry @gxbiqs
He's a dick :(
Like, Comment and Reblog pretty please
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void-bitten-ghost · 6 months
AU with Angel and -urgh- Val, getting married in Vegas. It's the usual last minute thing with Angel doped up to the eyeballs and completely fucked up while Valentino coerces him through the brief but binding ceremony.
Cue the morning after. Angel coming to with a raging hangover and running to spill his guts in the bathroom. It's only when his vision finally clears up that he sees the golden band around his finger, hears it *tink* entirely too loudly against the porcelain toilet bowl.
That's when the reality of his bender cracks it's whip on his back. He can't be fucking married to the guy???? It was only supposed to be a bit of fun???? A bit of excitement and security while he let go. And if, in those quiet moments, he gave fleeting thoughts to maybe possibly getting his feet under him some day, returning home, taking up the family business... well, that was his business.
This though? This fucked everything. This was a tether he absolutely did not fucking want.
He makes a break for it.
Something, something, heel breaking while running through the casino to an exit and crashing into someone. Someone big and imposing and, now that his hidden cards are scattered on the table, fucking PISSED.
But guess who this fuck was playing against?
None other than old Husky boy himself, who, up until that point, had been in some pretty deep shit with this game. He'd been trying to catch the dickhead red handed all night, he just needed the right distraction.
And lo and behold, he got it. Now to get the prick out of his casino without said distraction biting his face off--
That's when he sees the rage in the younger man's face turn sour. A wave of deep, dark fear washing over before panic strikes and he's tripping over the hem of his dress to dip and hide under the poker table.
The prick is gone. Dealt with by Husk's people the moment the illegitimate cards were on the table and he gave the say so.
Then he sees what the young man was hiding from.
A lecherous tower of a creature starts tear-assing his way through the tables like a toddler being forced to eat something it doesn't like. Husk can only lift an incredulous brow at the display, soon dropping his gaze to the bedazzled yet ruined creature under the table who quickly shakes his head.
In a fit of... something. Pity, perhaps. Husk may have dropped his wings just a little bit lower than usual, the tips brushing the floor just so to maybe conceal something or someone. If they wished to hide, that is. Purely hypothetical, of course.
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atlaculture · 1 year
Possible Water Tribe Weddings Pt. 2: Sakha-Style - The Bride-Welcoming Ceremony
I’ve gotten quite a few asks regarding what sort of wedding traditions the Water Tribe would have. This has been a difficult question to answer, as the Water Tribe’s primary cultural inspiration (Inuit/Inupiat) traditionally didn’t have wedding ceremonies; pre-Christianized marriage was simply a matter of moving in together and starting a family. I recommend reading through Mostly-Mundane-ATLA’s blog, if you’re interested in learning more about Inupiat and Inuit culture.
That said, I also recognize that ceremonies can be a great source of inspiration for writers and artists. So I’ll be covering the wedding traditions of the adjacent cultural inspirations for the Water Tribe.
Also, the engagement necklace practice we see in the show is unique to the Avatarverse.
Sakha Pt. 2
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Another source of inspiration for me when building up the culture of the Water Tribe is Sakha culture. Sakha people primarily live in Russia's Republic of Sakha, a region located partially within the Arctic Circle. Since Sakha weddings are pretty elaborate and multifold, I'm going to say these are marriage practices are more NWT than SWT.
I'm going to add a "Keep Reading" line for this post, as the process is quite lengthy. I've split the details of Sakha marriage into two-parts.
After the payment celebration party, the groom would pick a day to officially retrieve his wife and take her to his family's home; the young couple would also be accompanied by the bride's family and friends on the journey. At the groom's home, there would be another celebration waiting.
This "second wedding" was to welcome the bride to the groom's home and land. When the couple arrived, there would be a horserace between the bride's party and the groom's party. This was all in good fun, with the belief that the winning family of the race was responsible for blessing the marriage with the most happiness and prosperity. Similarly, if the bride's horse stood straight and alert as it was being tied to the home's tethering pole, this was seen as a good omen for the marriage's health and fertility.
Once the race was over and everyone gathered into the home, the bride would then change into her fanciest dress. Rather than describe what a traditional Sakha wedding dress looks like, I'll just show some examples below:
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Once the bride was done dressing, she would stand on a white horse-skin rug in front of the family's fireplace. She would then provide an offering of meat to the spirit of the home, by throwing pieces of meat into the fire. She would also recite a prayer, stating her duties as a wife and asking the spirit of the home to protect her marriage. Everyone would drink horse milk wine (kumis) in support of these prayers. She also must offer a prayer to the spirit of the land. She would do this by tying horsehair to an outside tree near the entrance of the home and praying to be accepted as a new resident of the land. She would then pour kumis mixed with animal oil on to the tree as an offering.
After the bride was done with all of her prayers, family and wedding guests would be free to offer their own blessings to the couple. This was achieved by "feeding" the home's fireplace with offerings of meat and prayers. Everyone was expected to drink kumis after each offering and prayer. These prayers were usually for fertility, health, safety, fruitful cattle, and general happiness. After all the formalities were finished, everyone would feast and partake in kumis. This celebration would last two to three days.
At the end of the wedding, both sides would exchange gifts. The bride's family would give gifts of cattle, fur, and meat to the groom's family. In turn, the groom's family was expected to give the bride's family similar gifts but twice as many in quantity. An especially wealthy groom would give away horses as wedding gifts for the bride's party. Invited guests (non-family) also received gifts from the groom’s relatives as well. Finally, the bride was similarly expected to give wedding gifts to the groom's family as a thank you for welcoming her into their home. There would also be more kumis drinking before the bride's side departed to leave the bride with her new family.
There is also a post-wedding tradition for Sakha people known as Terkyttyy or "coming home". The bride takes a trip back to her family home about three years after the wedding, usually not long after she has fully recovered from having her first child. She and her family would exchange gifts; the expectation is that the bride's family give the new mother bigger/better gifts than what she's giving them. This essentially acts as a post-birth baby shower.
If you're wondering where I got all of this information from, click here.
While I'm tempted to write about the wedding traditions of other northern Siberian ethnic groups, I think I'll stop here for now--- mainly because this is a really time-consuming series. However, if you look at the marriage practices of other Siberian peoples such as Nenet or Evenki, you'll find that their practices fall somewhere between the simplicity & practicality of Chukchi weddings and the spirituality & ceremony of Sakha weddings. I think this is due to many Siberian ethnicities being culturally and ancestrally a mixture of Turkic and Indigenous North American. But this is just a theory of mine, so feel free to correct me if I'm totally off the mark.
Anywho, I think Chukchi weddings feel more SWT while Sakha weddings feel more NWT, since the Northern Water Tribe is more spiritual and patriarchal. However, I also think you could mix some of these traditions together for either group, since they are "sister tribes". After all, the Fire Nation's wedding traditions certainly aren't from one exclusive culture.
Like what I’m doing? Tips always appreciated, never expected. ^_^
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leclsrc · 1 year
wake up babe its # leclsrc3000 time... can we get a breathing deeply and bouncing legs for some wedding vibes w/ charlie (We being me and my 4 cats)
test run – cl16
Filled with nerves, Charles asks for advice on his vows.
auds here... i would love to see the cats <3 hope u like this!
“Okay.” Charles fiddles with his tie, blinks a few times, and takes a few nervous breaths. He’s confident in the words, but still his eyes find refuge on the tattered, folded-up script he’d spent the plane ride over reading and scribbling to perfection. “Okay, here goes. Don’t judge with the edits.”
“Do you remember when we first met—you made fun of my parking, and I bought you a coffee, and we stayed in the café until it closed at midnight? The coffee was shit, but I was full of energy all the same. If I told myself then I’d be marrying that girl, the parking bully who joined me in making fun of the coffee, I’d be shocked, yes. But I would also be happy. Everyday I get to be with you is shocking, because you’re the best person I know. But there are a few things you—and a lot of people in the crowd—don’t know about how we met.”
He gulps and reads over the lines for a bit. “For starters, I wouldn’t have parked outside that café if Lorenzo, my brother, did not pester me to get him a croissant at nine in the morning. And he wouldn’t have wanted the croissant if Pierre, my good friend, didn’t post a picture of a croissant the day before. And Pierre wouldn’t have posted that picture if he was not gifted a box of them by Lando. I could go on and on, but the sentiment stands, in a sort of soulmate roundabout way. I was destined to find you.
“It’s difficult for me to say the words I want to say, which is why my reception speech will be in Italian.But this doesn’t mean I don’t love you—in fact, I’m convinced it means the opposite. My love for you, however new it is in my life, can last me my next five lifetimes. I love our crazy days together, I love your coffee order, and I love that you still bully my parking. I love you, my dearest.”
He stares at the last two words, my dearest, which he’d written last minute. As he does, he realizes his knee’s bouncing with nerves and he has to manually stop it, lost in thought. It reminds him of all the nicknames he uses for the people he loves, unique and a bit silly, but it’s a trademark of who he is in the end. It reminds him of kisses and love and the proposal in late November. 
Two heavy inhales and exhales, then he looks up. Across him, in a bridesmaid’s dress holding a bouquet of lilies, you allow yourself to smile.
The stunning realization that you’ve loved much too late, that you’ve realized the gravity of your feelings on somebody else’s wedding day, hits you, a spear to the back. You turn slightly and face the window, watching the wedding prep on the lawn outside, trying with quiet desperation to blink your tears away. You hope he doesn’t ask too many questions, because you’re short of words; selfishly, all you really feel like saying is stay. It was a long time ago, being in love with him. But he let it go. It’s you who’s still tethered.
He comes up beside you. “Was it good?”
“Amazing. She’s going to love it.” In the pain and the haunting and the regret, you only wish you were lying.
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feudalconnection · 8 months
The Nomination Period for the 1st Term 2024 Inuyasha Fandom Awards is now CLOSED!!
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Hey everyone!
Below the cut you'll find a complete list of all of the Fanart nominations received for this term! You can also find it on Google Docs.
Click here for the complete list of Fanfiction nominations.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this term for taking the time to do so. We hope you enjoyed your experience! If you do not see your nomination, please reach out to us as soon as possible!
We strongly encourage that when you view a work of art or read a fanfiction, please reblog or leave a review to let the creators know how much their work and talent is appreciated!
As a reminder, we are giving 3 weeks time to enjoy all of the creations. The voting period will begin February 6th and end February 20th.
In order to be able to vote, you'll need to register so we can keep it all neat and clear. We will be posting the link to the voting form on the first day of the voting session.
Got a question? Check out our FAQ or send us an ask. You can also message one of the mods directly!
Thank you to everyone who nominated for making this 1st Term absolutely wonderful, and happy voting!
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Best Action/Adventure
“Versus the Demon Lord” by @amara-sessh
“Fighting some demons at night” by @marycrispies
“Tethered” by @rinshairandthoughts
Best AU/AR
“Untitled” by @florsdellunalluna
“Sense and Sensibility” by @kalcia
“Kagome the Princess of the Wolf Tribe” by @dudiinx
“Sailor Moon Crossover” by @valgreys
“Moonlight” by @dudiinx
“Untitled” by @hycopank
Best Canon Universe
“Naraku” by @lady-lin
“Keep You Safe” by @nartistadigital
“Cuddlebugs” by @feudalobo
“Casa” by @pachworldx-1
“Untitled” by @fishybehavior
Best Angst
“Untitled” by @liquidashesart
“Spirit Run” by @classysassy9791
“distance makes the heart grow fonder” by @elevenharbor
“Cupid in love” by @pachworldx-1
Best Dark
“Nextlahualtin” by @moonkissedart / MoonKissedA (AO3)
“I just want your heart” by @akulols
“Inuspiration” by @stardust414
Best Humor/Parody
“Zoomies” by @purpledemonart
“Finish him” by @generalmoony
“Untitled” by @tiroma-art
“Izayoi’s Expressions” by @tmetta
“Fish Eye Lens SessNara” by @devilatelier
“Untitled” by @mama-ino
“All Dressed Up” (art in story) by @rinafananditshows
“Get Along Shirt” by @jane-imes
Best Kiss
“Beast in the Basement” by @kalcia
“Moonlight” by @dudiinx
“Untitled” by @dekirufran
“Fireworks” by @xtaisanax
“Untitled” by @inumysuzue
Best Character
“Shippo” by @nartistadigital
“Blue Moon” by @len-barboza
“Inuyasha” by @stoneofmaya (X, formerly Twitter)
“琥珀. Kohaku.” by @toutousai
“Kagome Stained Glass” by @razdazberry
“Kouga” by @gantzfelt (X, formerly Twitter)
“InuKimi” by @anime093se
“Waiting for Him” by @alicepupurred
“Nighttime Ride” by @classysassy9791
“Untitled” by @justafewsmallsteps
Best Duo/Pairing
“KogKag romantic blizzard” by @razdazberry
“Sango and Kagome” by @fuko-sshi
“Mommy and Daughter Time” by @katballesteros
“Miroku & Sango” by @xmonday-mintx
“Destiny in their veins” by @alicepupurred
“Here’s my girls” by @justafewsmallsteps
“KaguKik” by @moonnueart
Best Doujinshi
“distance makes the heart grow fonder” by @elevenharbor
“A pupper tryin to be like her dad” by @briizer
“Family” by @heavenin--hell
“Way of the House-Demon” by @lucymorningstar257
“InuKag Week Day 6: Courting” by @jess-oui
Best Redraw
“I Understand” by @len-barboza
“Manga Redraw” by @heavenin--hell
“they were the blueprint” by @badanaday
“Inktober” by @tealybopper
“Inuyasha & Kagome redraw” by @midiatamente
“Dearest” by @xtaisanax
“Red #40” by @brain-rot-hour / GoblinOnAHorse (AO3)
“Deck the Balls” by @brain-rot-hour / GoblinOnAHorse (AO3)
“Inuyasha dragon au (second picture)” by @moonkissedart / MoonKissedA (AO3)
“Fun at Sea” by @spiralofdragon
“Happy Valentine’s Day” by @jane-imes
Best InuKag Romance
“Eternal Gift” by @clearwillow / BrigidTheFae (AO3)
“Untitled” by @dellmain
“Domestic” by @rubbesart
“Untitled” by @shizuki502
“Untitled” by @actiasz
Best SessKag Romance
“the night before Christmas and there was only one bed” by @stardust414
“Untitled” by @stellesappho
“Sesskag Festival Day 1 - Rejuvenate” by @julytheartist
“Tokyo Tower” by @julytheartist
“Thy Mate” by EnchantedInk_AG (AO3)
“Sesshoumaru. I love you” by @inumysuzue
“Untitled” by @kiliinstinct
Best Romance
“kohaku & rin - they're cute together” by @elevenharbor
“KogKag romantic blizzard” by @razdazberry
“Falling for You” by @eliza-faust-diary
“KagSan” by @moonnueart
Best Group Depiction
“Overcoming the past” by @valgreys
“Baby Inu with his parents” by @eliza-faust-diary
“Un moment de tranquilitat a l'època Sengoku” by @mmezo
“inuyasha! 🌙” by @eggramenart
Best Fluff
“the night before Christmas and there was only one bed” by @stardust414
“Starry Night” by @katballesteros
“Baby Inu with his parents” by @eliza-faust-diary
“SessKag as Kids” by @ivii20
“chibi” by @ivii20
Best Overall
“His hair makes me so happy” by @devilatelier
“Kagome Stained Glass” by @razdazberry
“Thy Mate” by EnchantedInk_AG (AO3)
“Untitled” by @lilacfoxarts
“dancing in the moonlight” by @masitadibujante
“Nighttime Ride” by @classysassy9791
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l-lend · 1 year
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This is part of the @cloneficgiftexchange. The person I got was: @captainpains
I hope you enjoy some Victory Ball AU with Captain Rex
Prompt used: "You think you're hilarious, don't you?" "Yes, yes I do."
Warning(s): a touch of angst if you squint, fluff, shenanigans
Word Count: 836 Words
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@locitapurplepink, @burningfieldof-clover, @writing-positivelyexisting, @rain-on-kamino
Your bottom lip remained captured between your teeth as the speeder came to a stop. The building looming over the city streets twinkled in the night. A beacon for personnel to gather while dressed to the nines. A hand curled around yours, smoothing over your knuckles.
“Rex, are you sure?”
The captain's smile offered slight relief to your nerves, “I'd have the pleasure of escorting no one else.”
The corners of your lips twitched as your cheeks gained some warmth. Your free hand tracing over the fabric of your formal attire. The door slid open with a whispered hiss. The low hum of chatter from the sea of dress uniforms accented with their partners for the evening wrapped in shades that match the colors typically adorning their armor.
He extended his hand to stabilize your ascent. His gentle grip a tether ushering you into the bright lights and décor. Once inside, the air carried an electricity of restless troopers charged up from crowded flights to Coruscant and enough spirits to drown a sarlacc.
“Where t-”
If they were not out in the open, the captain would have attempted to drag you away from the grinning trooper closing in. The captain sighed and swept a hand over his close kept blonde hair before the other trooper was in ear shot.
“Cyare, this is Arc Tr-”
“Just Fives is fine,” He greeted, extending a hand for you to shake.
His smile growing as his eyes went from your face, to the captain's and back to you.
“So this is the lovely creature that has the captain's eye.” Fives chuckled, “Thanks by the way. Rex would let us go early any time you called.”
A giggle slipped past your lips at taking in Rex's pout, “Glad I could help.”
“He's got good taste. You look better in our colors than we do.”
Rex's arm curled around your waist as he eyed his subordinate, “I couldn't agree more.”
Footsteps skittered against the polished floor. The soft squealing of dress shoes on the surface in an attempt to slow down.
“Fives!” huffed another trooper, “Hardcase...trying to...outdrink...big guy...from 99.”
The arc trooper raised a brow, “This I gotta see,” He shot a parting grin, “You two have fun, alright?”
The pair of troopers took their leave with Fives launching a two fingered salute. The captain shook his head with the hint of a chuckle as soon as the pair of troopers were out of earshot.
“They'll be the death of me.” He murmured, soon offering a smile.
“Shall we?”
With your own smile creeping across your lips, you crossed the threshold entering a space set aside for the main event. The dance floor changing hues as droids adjusted lights to music. A throng of troopers and dates alike crowded the floor. Dances ranging from sweet and chaste to motions that would be provocative even in the confines of clone bars.
Music cut through any dance floor chatter as another song began. The clone captain studied your expression. Your glances to what drew your attention; that sparkle in your eyes he never tired of. When you turned your gaze back to him, his hand swept out to the floor before you.
Your hand slipped into his, surrendering to the undertow of the dance floor. A hand cradling your lower back as you both found place within the rhythm. Your features creasing as he moved. Never once jostling you despite the movements of other dancers. You closed the distance. Your free hand inching higher along his shoulder.
“You think you're hilarious, don't you?”
He chuckled, “Yes, yes I do.”
Your pursed your lips, “You said you couldn't dance.”
“Thought I'd surprise you.”
“So was it Jesse or Commander Tano that was your practice partner?”
“...General Skywalker called in a favor with Senator Amidala.”
The sight before of the calm and composed captain of the 501st Legion avoiding your eyes, warmed your heart. However it was the dusting of along the tips of his ears drew you closer until your lips graced his cheek. A gesture that was chaste, but also a spark which could light an inferno if left unchecked.
“Pulling out all the stops tonight? I'm honored.”
“It's a special night.” He replied, continuing his guidance in your own section of the dance floor, “The galaxy and my brothers are safe.”
The warmth in your chest unfurled like a slumbering loth cat prompting you to reorient your arms to envelop him: A clone who had seen unspeakable horrors on the battle field, yet refused to let the life he never asked for turn him bitter and jaded.
His hand began a soothing circuit along your back. Fingertips barely making their presence known.
“You alright, Cyare?”
You looked to him; his feature twisted in concern. The lights of the venue seemed to cast him in a halo.
Your lips crashed onto his. The embers resting in your chest roaring to life. Much too soon, lips parted for air.
“I'm glad you're here.”
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vacantgodling · 2 months
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#34: Elodia Pesante
The only part about being a martyr that is left to be desired, is being properly buried. Without that grace, your spirit cannot pass on. Tethered to the place where you died, you cannot blame your companions for being unable to save you. But grasses and roots have already begun to tangle over you in this magic-laden place, and you fear perhaps, that you will be doomed to linger here forever; for even The Lady of the Mists does not traverse here. Your hope comes in the form of the tears of one who does not know you but weeps—and for their compassion, you suppose you do not mind granting one last favor.
“elodia” means foreign riches. “pesante” refers to heaviness when speaking musically. quite the juxtaposition as elodia herself is quite light on her feet.
age at time of death: 34, cis female (she/her), romance: yes, sex: yes, preference: no preference, anything goes for her
though in helix’s entry i mentioned her whereabouts are unknown, this is mostly in reference to her body though most do not know she’s dead. however, she has defininitively passed on, but no one has been able to bury or recover her from within the labyrinth. for this sake, her spirit still lingers, as only the buried can pass on.
in life, elodia was a sunkissed woman of about 5’4” with curly light blue hair and soft lavender colored eyes. she had freckles and beauty marks all over her body and long lashes that naturally had a bit of a curl to them. many said that she looked somewhat dreamy and ethereal, and if she came to your bedside to aid in healing you it was like being visited by an Oracle in a dream. as a spirit, elodia’s skin has flushed to a paper white and her eyes have lightened until they are nearly white as well. she is a quiet spirit, tethered to her remains and unable to move any further than a few feet from them. its a painful reminder of what happened to her, though she doesn’t regret it.
a MEDIC in life, elodia was greatly interested in the study of longterm illnesses especially caused by labyrinth exposure and before becoming a field medic, spent much of her time at silverkeep working directly with patients who would come there seeking aid. her research books were lengthy and extensive, and are still referenced to help identify all sorts of labyrinth ailments though they are unfortunately incomplete. she left to get more detailed research and after passing guild examinations, she was placed on the second AGoE team, with jihi, helix, charissa, and altair. she was happy to serve as their medic, though she has always been a worrier especially after charissa and altair who tended to outdo themselves for the sake of it.
elodia had a soft charm to her, a girl next door type but she was also unwaveringly kind. she would think nothing of it to do everything she could for even a perfect stranger. from a young age she was interested in helping others and medicine because her mother was quite sickly, so she was always the “nurse” from a young age. despite this, she is much stronger than it would appear. she is unflinching in the face of death and destruction and can perform necessary but gut wrenching treatments such as amputations without batting an eye. she just wants whats best for the world but she understands that there are sacrifices that must be made to help others—which is what helps her spirit finally be free later on in the plot.
3 fun facts about them: despite her cool-toned palette, elodia is actually quite fond of warm browns, pinks and frilly dresses. some say she is near unrecognizable when she steps out of the hospital because the way she dresses is so different. she’s an avid reader and always had a pile of to read books hidden under her bed at both the dorms of silverkeep, to her bunk in the AGoE. she hates alcohol so is always somewhat of a “designated carriage driver” when she and her team would go out. however, she would absolutely let them feel the wrath of any bad decisions they made the night previous despite knowing at least 7 hangover remedies.
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phoenixduelist · 1 month
An updated version, it isn't really inspiration, more like discovering her in other characters:
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Levi Ackerman from Attack on Titan: a testament of her godlike level of swordsmanship (imagine how terrifying she would be if she had the AOT gear-), near inhumane resilience and the lengths she would go for the ones she holds dear. Unlike Levi, ultimately she can't hold onto her humanity when facing losses. A few of her moves were modeled after his, especially her calculated whirlwind leaps and more elegant cuts.
Khan from Star Trek Into Darkness: now this is where things start getting interesting, uncanny and riddled with creative cruelty, determined vengeance, seamless manipulation and looking like a sleek predator while doing so. Here's a post where I've made a brief comparison & a video which never fails to give me chills and go: Yeah that's The Devil in her full bloody glory. Yet just like him, she is still capable of genuine care: ‘My crew is my family, Kirk. Is there anything you would not do for your family?’ sounds exactly like her.
Loki, mostly Thor the Dark World characterization: This woman can't die. And when she does, she doesn't. She manipulates, tears people apart with just words and take her utmost delight in doing so. While she doesn't lie out of pride, there are still way too many similarities regarding mentality to body language. The double, triple crosser, the already fearsome negotiator with acerbic wit and always two aces up her sleeves.
Azula from ATLA: after two songs and a deeper look into her; Azula embodies Rozália's viciously brilliant intellect and combat experience. The striving perfectionist secretly clutching at the remains of her sanity. Being almost untouchable in combat but her greatest enemy is herself. This has officially convinced me to put Azula here. Along with the thought if I ever make an Avatar verse, after the dungeon Rozy is only capable of bending electricity & blue fire due to her shattered mind.
Yuzuru Hanyu: Two times Olympic Champion, at least 19 record breaker and regarded as one of the greatest figure skaters ever lived; he is how Rozy sees fencing & swordplay. She is a very graceful, elegant fighter and not above some extra flair for the fun of it. She firmly believes what she does is a form of art at her level. I narrowed it down to two performances. Airy, elegant, yet powerful and making a statement at the same time.
Michael Flatley: Lord of the Dance. He is also tied to her fencing skills and showoff nature, along with a glimpse of her personality beneath all the blood, gore, grime and suffering. She's playful, tethering on arrogance, her footwork is nothing short of insane. And her wardrobe is definitely taking more after the Spanish, she is not above dressing almost as a Matador and strut around on English colonies.
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No Hellsing because I sadly don't know her but Nikolina + 9 for the 50 tropes thing? ✨
9. There’s only one bed and we sleep as far away as possible from each other but wake up cuddling
AFDHFFHJD so… answering this nearly a full year later. I had this like 90% done in my drafts for ages and forgot to actually post it. I only remembered because I was scrolling through my inbox for any fun prompts I might do and saw the ask.
Anyway, ambiguously set at some point during R&R after the gang escape the white cathedral and meet up with Nikolai again. Let’s pretend Nikolina got separated from the rest somehow lmao
Featuring a Darkling tether cameo bc I am who I am as a person, I guess!
Alina didn’t mind sharing a room— it was more cost efficient, and likely safer if they had to leave in a hurry. Sharing a bed was a little more uncomfortable though.
“I think the innkeeper may have misunderstood,” Nikolai said slowly.
“It’s fine,” she grumbled, too exhausted to care very much. She sank heavily onto the one bed, unraveling the shawl around her neck that hid the collar. “It’s only one night.”
“I could try to get another room?”
She shook her head. That would just draw more attention to them, the last thing they needed was to be memorable.
They had been mostly camping out in the woods at night, trying to steer clear of populated areas as best they could. They wouldn’t have been staying at the inn at all if Sturmhond didn’t have contacts they were intending to meet in the morning. Contacts that might even help lead them to the rest of the group. Alina hoped they were safe.
Nikolai sat down beside her. “I’ll have you know, I snore horribly.”
He gave the bed an exaggerated pat. “It doesn’t seem like a very good bed, to be honest. I don’t think it even has fleas. I could just take the floor.”
She snorted. “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s no use if you’re stiff as a board in the morning. What if you have to run away because you bad mouthed someone?”
“That would be unfortunate.”
“You just stay on your side, and I’ll stay on mine.” And truthfully she was too exhausted to care much about propriety at the moment. And sleeping on an actual bed was a very enticing prospect. She suspected Nikolai was probably feeling the same way.
“I can’t wait to tell Oretsev you insisted on sharing a bed.”
She turned to glare at him. “I could still change my mind. No gloating.”
He held up his hands placatingly, but his grin didn’t slip. “Fine, fine. I’ll leave that part out of the tales of our daring exploits.”
“I just hope we’ll get a chance to recount tales at all,” she replied.
And that was that for the moment. They busied themselves the rest of the evening taking the opportunity to replenish their supplies, and prepare for the travel yet ahead of them. It was a careful thing, they both had recognizable faces. And the last thing they wanted was to be caught before the rendezvous in the morning.
Alina took her turn washing while Nikolai ventured out again to get food.
She’d quickly dressed again and was brushing out her wet hair when she heard it, smooth as silk, almost a whisper. “Where are you, Alina?”
Somehow, she didn’t jump. Though she felt the Darkling’s cool gaze on her. Though her stomach twisted with sudden dread. “I think telling you defeats the point of being in hiding.”
“Why run, Alina? You know I’ll find you eventually. The longer you take the less inclined I am to show you mercy.”
“I’ve seen what you call mercy. I don’t want it,” she bit out, just as the door opened.
“Suit yourself,” he replied, calmly, and with that the apparition dispersed.
Nikolai walked in some time later, carrying a tray of food from the kitchen downstairs. Slim pickings, but that had been the case for awhile now, with the drawn out civil war. And frankly she didn’t have much of an appetite after the Darkling’s brief visit. But she forced herself to choke down what she could.
To his credit, Nikolai seemed to sense that her mood had turned since earlier, if not the reason why, and so he didn’t make many attempts at conversation. She was grateful for it.
Then there was the business of sleeping. It was less awkward than she was expecting. She told herself she was too exhausted and in her own head to care very much.
So she extinguished the lamp, and lay down on her own side of the bed, carefully turned away while Nikolai changed. It was likely testament to his own weariness that he hadn’t made any quips or half hearted attempts to flirt with her.
She listened to the rustle of clothes and then the soft footfalls as he approached. The listing of the mattress. Despite everything she was very aware of how close he was, even when carefully keeping to his own side. The already cramped room just seemed smaller in the dark.
“This is preferable to sleeping on the floor,” he admitted, finally.
“Much easier on your delicate, princely sensibilities, right?” she replied without turning around. She was almost a little afraid to.
He only laughed.
Still, it didn’t take very long for Alina to fall asleep.
She woke some time before dawn, disoriented. Not quite sure where she was or how, except that it was more comfortable than she was used to.
Her memory caught up to her about a minute later. And the realization that she was very much not on her own side of the bed. Just who she was clinging to, and whose shoulder she’d buried her face in. From the steady rise and fall of his breath, Nikolai appeared to still be asleep. Fortunate, he’d never let her live this down.
Gingerly, she tried to disentangle herself without disturbing him. With any luck, they simply wouldn’t talk about this in the morning.
Send me a ship and a prompt for a mini fic!
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therichantsim · 1 year
I was trying to keep this short enough for a reply because my last one was so long, but…
First, let me say that Giddy Up and Footloose was so much fun!
It was after the bowling dress that I said to myself, "watch she win," but it was more like an upset during the playoffs, like coming from behind kind of win. But this? This is an upset in it's own right. I don't think most readers thought that her braggadocious attitude could come off as charismatic, and yet… I would be surprised if their bars weren't halfway in the green.
I thought he had chemistry with Noemy, but this is off the charts in comparison, even considering that they didn't really flirt. Of course I didn't know what the date was going to be like, but I knew it wasn't going to be dressage or a mountainside rescue, so it could only be something playful. And that underscored for me that Yasmine's date wasn't structured like the others in terms of flow.
But even with that, I think that these last two dates were actually the most fruitful in terms of Quinton seeing, not quite to the heart of them, exactly, a bit too early for that, but at least being able to see… wait for it… what they're made of.😉
So, I'm not recanting, but I believe the juxtaposition does offer a different perspective on the outcome of Yasmine's date. I have other thoughts about this that are tethered to a couple things, including, something you said in response to my previous ask and, that, rather than a romantic relationship, the date would seem more like the start of a mentorship, but I'll hold off on those until later if they're still relevant when later comes.
And Chanel was the first to ask about his kids! I was not surprised that it was her, but I was surprised that I forgot that Noemy didn't. I remember thinking (assuming, really) the convo Quinton and Noemy had on the plane would lead to her reciprocating the question in someway, but it never happened. Well, it did, but it was about his late wife and they never made it to the kids. I'm not keeping score because I'm actually only rooting for Quinton at this point, but I know that he is, so that had to earn Chanel some points.
I think the main thing this date represents to me is the beginning of a solid friendship, which is sooooooooooooo important in the long run. Having the hots for each other is all well and good, but for most sex-favorable couples, sex happens in between everything else. So, knowing you can vibe with them during everything else is a great foundation. Though, I suppose that vibe won't matter as far as endgame goes if their pink bar stays low, because, again, they didn't really flirt, at least not in a way that the game recognizes.
Up to this point, save for Lucy, who I like personality-wise, I've been indifferent about the rest, just observing, but this date has definitely moved Chanel into the like column. And that's all thanks to the way you're choosing to translate their traits and bio info into personalities in action; it's what I'm enjoying the most.
Me reading this ask. I love you and thank you for your feedback.
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Now below the cut.
I can honestly say Chanel surprised me as well. I came into this with one or two sims who had backstories that truly tugged at me. Now, after a weekend of playing these sims, I am all over the place. I just knew Quinton and Chanel would end up with a negative bar. She's in the negative with two of her housemates. However, I was surprised at how Quinton's mood was around Yasmine. Especially since they hit it off so great at the bowling alley, but I guess that's why one on ones are important. Giddy Up and Footloose was really Andraya's date but she reacted negatively towards the horse. So, I went to look at her likes and dislikes and saw dislikes animals. Then re-read her bio and same thing. I don't know how I missed that. So yes, the execs (meaning me) messed up. So nosey and persistent Chanel came in handy because was not about to build another venue. She literally came outside and interrupted their interaction. It's just funny how everybody eventually showed up at the bar while she was having her date with Quinton. Even Dani but she was barefoot for some reason, so I sent her home. It takes all my strength to not cheat or intervene when these sims act unfavorably or against my interest. I have one possibly two sims I'd like to see win but since these sims have been surprising me in ways, I could not have imagined I'm going to let the chips fall where they land. The story has been literally writing itself. I do take some liberties with posing because sims don't do certain things like walk and holds hands. Also, they move too much when sitting or standing while talking so I will use conversation poses after I've done the game play interactions. Saying all that to say it is 85% organic and that's more than what USDA and FDA can say about our organic food.
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worldheadcanons · 1 year
☆ the white lady of balete drive!
starring. . . feminine, white lady!reader and philippines. warning for vague mentions of death. 
author notes; bit of an angsty piece tbh.. this was such an interesting ask thank you! i loved learning about the mythology and everything behind this! i tried to incorporate some actual tagalog into this piece, i hope it’s alright. also i was unsure of what name to use for the philippines so i just stuck with philip.
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— so much time had passed since your death— close to a century, no doubt— that you barely remembered the details of all that occurred that unfortunate night. you spent little time pondering it. all you knew is that your soul was tethered to this place and it would continue to be stuck there for centuries longer unless you found peace. peace could only come from satisfaction, and satisfaction could only come from saying a true goodbye to the ones you loved. that’s all your soul wanted.. a true goodbye. 
— you had failed to remember the intricacies of your passing, but you managed to hold onto your memories of when you first met your eventual lover. he was a love that you never knew in life. only in death. philip, he called himself. you were standing on the side of your road, balete drive, your long white dress blowing gently with the soft winds of the night. a taxi came by and you eagerly waved it down, signaling that you’d like to drive somewhere. you were a younger spirit then, less somber. you were already well known as the white lady of balete street. fortunately, the taxi driver unlocked the doors instead of driving off. you told him where you’d like to go as you crawled into the car. on the inside, there he was. philip. even now, you remember clearly how dark it was and how his handsomeness was visible despite the fact. 
— you gave your name and asked for his as the taxi driver started to pull off. he made a mishap, saying his name was philippines before correcting himself. ‘philip,’ he said. ‘just call me philip’. you giggled a little before smiling and complimenting his name. you had foolishly hoped that night to make it past balete drive. once you hit aurora boulevard though, you phased right through the seats and trunk of the taxi, like a ghost. reality hit you hard. the car kept driving on, leaving you behind, floating in the middle of the road. it was embarrassing and yet you had secretly known it would happen. it happened every time you tried to leave your street. you weren’t sure how you’d say goodbye to anyone at this rate.. 
— the next night you prepared yourself for round 579,457,216. not that you were really counting. a taxi came down the road, slowing down as it came closer to you despite the fact you hadn’t waved yet. perhaps the driver knew of you and your habits already. it came to a stop and you went to speak with the driver but their window remained rolled up. a young man stepped out  from the back seat. you turned, recognizing it as the man from before. “hey,” philip greeted you with a smile. in one hand was a phone and in the other, a food container. “i brought siapao*.”
— how he knew that you were fond of siapao would forever remain unknown. the two of you sat and ate, talking throughout the night about various things. it had been a while since you’d conversed so freely. it was just like you were human again. you and philip began to meet every other night, talking together. soon your meetings became a nightly routine. you had noticed the man never seemed to grow tired. still, it was all good fun. the two of you had grown close. closer.. and even closer still. philip had tried to kiss you one day, but he merely fell through you. his face hit the ground and you laughed it off, disappointed but not surprised at the fact that he couldn’t touch you. from then on the two of you were romantically involved. he’d sing with you some nights, show you everything the world had to offer on his phone, and occasionally bought you things knowing you couldn’t do much with them.. he was a boyfriend and after a while a sort of husband, but it was only nightly.
— that was all a long while ago. it had been decades since then and you were still trapped on balete drive. philip still came by every evening, your meetings still just as romantic. it was as though you two were kids, sneaking away under the guise of night to enjoy each other’s company. you hadn’t changed at all and neither had he— you had never asked about it though, assuming that he was similar to you. a spirit roaming amongst the living. it had been so long. so so long. physically, you hadn’t grown an inch. mentally, you had grown leaps and bounds. after years of boarding taxis in a desperate attempt to see your family, you eventually settled down into your spot. no longer would you flag down taxi drivers for rides. instead, you’d have them deliver small letters and packages for you. this would be your way of saying goodbye. it was hard to write so philip had agreed to write for you. you wrote many letters together, sending them out one by one until you finally felt satisfied. you had said everything you had to say, everything worth saying. well.. almosteverything. 
— it was hard, extremely hard, knowing that you had to say goodbye to philip. he was the last person you had ties to on this realm. he came by balete drive, smiling like he always did. you smiled too, although yours was bittersweet. he sat down beside you and the two of you started to converse, just like you always did. after a little while, he let out a soft, content sigh. when you raised an eyebrow philip simply smiled at you, “i’m always happy when i’m with you.”
— “you’re making this hard for me philip,” you shook your head, glancing away from him. “i have something to tell you but.. you’re making this so hard.”
— philip leaned in closer to you, frowning at the look on your face. you smiled, but your eyes were sad. he’d never seen you so.. torn. “what’s wrong?”
— “philip.. i’ve enjoyed my time with you very much. you know that. but.. i have to go.” you replied softly. “i have to go. i can’t stay here anymore.” you gestured briefly to the street you were on. balet drive. before he could really register, you leaned in close and for a moment, your cold lips met his warm ones. you could feel philip shiver slightly from the difference in temperature. it was the only thing the two of you hadn’t done.. and now you had done it. and now your time was up. the kiss lasted only for a second, as you started to fade from earth. your already translucent appearance began to lighten. you were becoming less visible by the second. you pulled back, taking in philip for the last time. “*mahal kita. mahal na mahal kita, philip.”
— “*dito ka lang!” he cried out into the night, grasping at the air once he realized that you were leaving him. 
— it was too late though. your spirit managed to murmur one more phrase before leaving, “*walang iba ikaw lang.” with that, you had disappeared. there was nothing left of you besides a small breeze in the air. philip called out your name a few hundred times, desperate for a reply that he knew he wouldn’t get. he cried at first, selfishly. you had finally found satisfaction on earth. he should be happy for you. you were at peace. you were at rest. you were.. gone. sent to a place he’ll likely never get to see. he was a country, after all— something he had neglected to ever tell you. you were gone.. but you were never forgotten.
— to this day, he still visits balet drive. although it isn’t nightly anymore, philip often comes and sits by the side of the road. he still wears a smile just like he did before but it’s always bittersweet. his mouth is upturned but his eyes hold seas of sadness. every so often he’ll feel a cold breeze, one that makes him shiver the same way he did that faithful night. he likes to believe that it’s you. that you’re still around in some way… and that you still love him just as much as he still loves you.
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— *”mahal kita. mahal na mahal kita, philip” should translate to “i love you. i love you so much, philip.” — *”dito ka lang” should mean “stay with me” or “stay here” (i used multiple translators and got mixed results with it). — *”walang iba ikaw lang” should mean “there is only you” (but again, i got mixed results).
if anyone who actually speaks tagalog can help with these translations or give me better phrases to use, please contact me! i’d like for this piece to be as accurate as possible!
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