#some poor friends of theirs. rip.
salad-storm · 1 year
sakusa and atsumu are both horribly sore losers but for different reasons. sakusa is because he's the youngest sibling and his older siblings have a massive age gap to him - he never learned how to lose. But atsumu has a twin brother who he fights with for everything. He Needs to win.
I think what results from this is no one wanting to play boardgames with the two of them anymore. They try once only to realise, again, that skts are the worst and never play anything with them again
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rjzimmerman · 1 month
Excerpt from this story from Audubon:
The night of June 10 was warm, but not too much so. After days of rain, Concord, Massachusetts, wrung itself dry. The moon edged toward fullness. Rarely in need of an excuse to wander, Henry David Thoreau took it anyway. He followed Concord’s train tracks out of town and into a moonlit meadow. There, he encountered an iconic bird of the United States: the Eastern Whip-poor-will.
With their cryptic plumage and nocturnal habits, Eastern Whip-poor-wills are rarely seen, but the male’s loud, rhythmic songis hard to miss. Thoreau heard them that evening—five or six at once. A few nights later, when the moon was full, he encountered a dozen or more. “Perhaps this is the Whip-poor-will’s Moon,” he wrote in his journal in 1851.
Into the early 20th century, whip-poor-wills were sheer magic to those who inhabited their breeding range and awaited the species’ return each April and May. An important seasonal sign, the first whip-poor-will’s call signaled an end to frosts and marked the moment to plant sensitive crops, like corns and beans. Farmers let cattle out to pasture. Children knew they could play outside barefoot.
Quirkier and more personal rituals developed around their appearance. One could make a wish on his song, roll on the ground three times for a year without backpain, or shake a pocket full of coins for a year of financial success. Some people believed the repetitions of his name, which he can sing for many hours, predicted how many years they would live or, if they were unmarried, how many until they’d wed. In an article that circulated widely in 1941 and 1942, the United Press reported that an Alabama man—known to friends and family as “Uncle Rip”—waited to have one of his two annual haircuts until whip-poor-wills returned.
The whip-poor-wills’ tune was also part of the nation’s emotional landscape. To 19th century poets, whip-poor-wills might sound mournful, plaintive, and grieving. To John James Audubon, the “cheering voice” of the whip-poor-will was his “only companion” on nights alone in the woods. Others heard the sound of loneliness. When Hank Williams wanted to convey that emotion, he sang of a whip-poor-will who “sounds too blue to fly” in his often-covered 1949 classic, “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry.”
Yet in the decades since Williams belted those classic opening lines, much has changed for the whip-poor-will—and for our own relationship with the species.
While many kinds of birds are experiencing population declines, whip-poor-wills are especially vulnerable to habitat loss, pesticide use, loss of prey, car strikes, and predation. Ornithologists estimate that the Eastern Whip-poor-will population decreased by nearly 70 percent between 1970 and 2014. But their decline may have begun sooner. After World War II, agricultural and suburban development swallowed great swaths of woodlands. As early as the 1950s, writers like Knoxville News-Sentinel’s Lucy Templeton, whose “A Country Calendar” often included reports and lore about whip-poor-wills, worried over their disappearance from local landscapes.
We’ve changed, too. Many people moved away from the rural towns where they grew up amid birdsong. In the suburbs that replaced bird habitats, we homogenized landscapes with decorative plants unwelcoming to whip-poor-wills. If whip-poor-wills seemed to abandon our world, we also abandoned theirs.
To describe the human consequences of species decline, the lepidopterist Robert Michael Pyle coined the term “extinction of experience,” an ecological insight gained through his own moments of loss. 
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raptorfae53 · 1 month
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OK so after a bunch of you liked my post regarding Arachnus prime and with all the new info revealed at tfcon 2024, I think it'd be right to show off the plan I concocted for the rest of TFA season four surrounding it:
Episode 1+2 - The Trial of Megatron
Now considered heroes team detroit are joined by some new faces as megatrons trial commences ,but a visiting travelling show unmasks itself as a surprise jailbreak! But theirs more than meets the eye to this seemingly chaotic scene.
Tldr: Megatrons trial gets Interrupted by the stunticons trying to bust him out of prison and the verdict of which has him thrown in jail indefinitely, Megatron himself isn't too displeased with this however and intends to manipulate everyone around him to get out, starting with the new magnus,Sentinel.
Episode 3 - A Devestating plan.
DirtBoss is back,and with the promise of free oil has roped some new bots into his latest scheme,one involving getting that troublesome Bulkhead out of the picture for good,or rather putting him to better use...
Tldr: Dirt boss cronenbergs a combiner out of Bulkhead,Scrapper,Mixmaster, and four other bots (the animated versions of Scavenger, Longhaul,Hook and Bonecrusher).
Episode 4 - Planet of the Micromasters
After Bulkheads disappearance,bee is acting more sullen and avoidant at the rest of team detroit. So when a jaunt through Detroits new spacebridge leads him to a planet full of tiny Cybertronians who immediately take to him as their leader,it's going to take the whole team to pry him back home,especially since his "subjects" aren't ones for sharing...
Tldr: Bumblebee understandably isn't taking the respective disappearance and death of two of his friends well, and team detroit open up about how the situation has affected them too to get him back from the micromaster horde.
Episode 5 - Triple trouble
Sentinel unveils a new team of autobots to deal with the decepticon menace,the triple changers! Stronger than the average bot with three distinct modes,but these new supersoldiers have a dark secret that causes chaos their grand unveiling...
Tldr: sentinel buys the blueprints for blitzwings triple changer tech from lockdown (who has his own plans for the tech...) to build new Autobot triple changers, and it goes terribly and predictably wrong.
Episode 6+7 - I think I'm a clone now
New autobots are popping up all over detroit,causing trouble and chaos regardless of intent across the whole city,and they all look like Optimus Prime! What or who could be behind this?
Tldr: Blackarachnia clones optimus multiple times (four to be precise, resulting in tfa versions of optimus primal,toxitron,pyro and nemesis prime) in order to figure out how to purge herself of her technoorganic side,only for them to escape and wreak havoc across the city.
Episode 8,9 and 10 - Sideways in spacetime
Thrown through a rip in spacetime by a spacebridge accident, Optimus and Blackarachnia and pals find themselves in a parallel world where their fates were switched and Blackarachnias attempt to get home unleashes a whole new breed of monster into their reality!
Tldr: this previous post.
Episode 11 - It came from Cybertron
In optimus and ironhides absence, Sentinel sends a new bot, Cosmos to keep tabs on team detroit, but when a chance encounter leaves this bot thinking he's an actual alien invader,trouble follows...
Tldr: desperate to keep in control of everything Sentinel sends his secretary to keep team detroit in line and overworked as is,it pushes poor cosmos over the edge and he goes crazy,and the optimus and Ironhide-less detroiters have to catch him before he's hunted for sport by Master Disaster and Nemesis Prime.
Episode 12+13 - Transform and Rise Up!
"Megatron" unleashes his superweapon,a machine that turns cybertrons metal surface into a beast infested jungle!!!, leading to Sentinel Magnus to finally give in and unleash Megatron to deal with this "predacon" insurgency as a last resort, It doesn't end well...
Tldr: Sentinel finally snaps,makes a horrible decision in the heat of the moment fueled by stress and prejudice and all of Cybertron pays the price as the autobots are forced into exile on earth.
I hope you like this long-in-the-works post regarding tfa season four, I do have plans for a season five to wrap everything up once and for all (as well as introduce tfa versions of even more characters including the other maximals and sixshot) but I'm still considering how exactly to structure and plot it,in turn I will probably do some more writing and possibly some art for the characters and scenarios introduced here, so do watch this space!
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ravencromwell · 5 months
Finally decided to indulge in the Siuan/Moiraine meta I've been wanting to write for ages now, musing on the differences in psychology ensuing from their significantly different arcs within the book and show and why Siuan's actions at season 2's apex are entirely in psychological sync with her show portrayal, even if they swerve wildly from the books.
Let's start with some Siuan back-story context. In the books, Tear was undeniably an unfriendly city for those with the One Power. But that translated, in practical terms, to Aes Sedai keeping their stays there brief, and girls who could touch The Source being quickly bustled off to the Tower. There were no Aes Sedai advisers, as in other kingdoms etc., but neither was there the virulent hostility of the show.
Siuan left Tear quickly in the books—the first day she was discovered to have the Power, but only because a sister was traveling through and didn't wish to delay returning to The Tower for such pesky things as sentimental goodbyes. Was that harsh? Absolutely. But the world of the books is exceedingly harsh in some respects, giving girls little to no choice about becoming Sisters, should they be discovered harboring abilities. (Much of Nynaeve's back-story involved hiding her powers precisely because she didn't fancy being ripped from The Two Rivers.)
Siuan faces a much different harshness in the show. The show doesn't do a great job explaining this, but The Dragon's Fang, which is etched onto Siuan's door before her house is unceremoniously torched, is a sign of immense contempt for Dark Friends. Within show Tear, a wary mistrust of Aes Sedai has curdled into something much more dangerous. All use of The Power is suspect, because if men's half was tainted, there's nothing to say women won't go suddenly mad, too.
It's worth remembering as well here that book Siuan was roughly fifteen when she went to The Tower. Now, I'm totally blind, and audio description doesn't give me an age for tiny show-Siuan, but if she's anywhere near puberty, I'll eat my metaphorical hat. And instead of being shepherded to The Tower, she had to flee for her life.
In her family's only means of support, I might ad. Book Siuan was by no means well-to-do, but she was firmly in the middling ranks of the working poor. Show Siuan's family are on the fucking destitution brink y'all. And she took her father's livelihood. Dying destitute ain’t fuckin pretty.
Siuan is not a stupid kid, and she clearly adores the shit out of her papa. The first thing that little girl did the millisecond she got any privileges? Wrote to her papa.
And more than likely, Berden never wrote back. It wouldn't take her long to figure out what'd happened. Moiraine is at great pains to tell Alana Jenny was not "her" support dog, and we laugh it off as oh, look at Moiraine being all adorably prim. Which in one sense, it totally is. But I'd almost guarantee you there's a deeper layer there: it wasn't "hers"; it was "theirs" because once Siuan found out her beloved papa was dead, they both needed something to cuddle.
This may seem like somewhat of a digression, but I'm maundering on because in the books yes, Dark Friends are evil. But they're evil because they caused a terrible cataclysm many thousands of years ago that killed lots of people, and they wanna do it again. There's no personal skin in the game for our beloved ladies, except they get thrust into the job through a convergence of some very complicated circumstances—I'd recommend any show-only watchers read "New Spring" because while I love almost all the changes the show has made ferociously, the way Siuan and Moiraine undertake the search is vastly more plausible as presented by Jordan there.
For Siuan in the show, by contrast, Dark Friend has _very personal ramifications. Dark Friends caused the corrosive mistrust that got her papa _killed! And Moiraine, better than _anyone, knows how that broke her.
And she _knows full well she could be deposed simply for having a relationship with Moiraine. The sensible thing to keep all the awful people from committing terrible crimes that will reverberate down the centuries to impact a little girl just as she was impacted would be to keep both their noses clean. And yet, she loves Moiraine so much that she'll take that risk to maintain not only an alliance about Rand, but a romantic relationship which could, realistically, be discovered much more easily.
And now, Moiraine, the woman who parroted back her beloved father's words of farewell about how Siuan was as clever as a pike and strong as the tides seemingly willfully lied; seemingly became a _Dark _Friend. Even her admonition that Lanfear is "too strong" must bring up so many awful questions: just how long have they been working together for her to know that? Because from Siuan's perspective, what it looks like is Lanfear coming in, guns blazing, to save her accomplice, Moiraine.
When Siuan says that there are rules and they have to abide by them, it's reflecting profoundly deep fears—not only about what Rand could do, but the kind of hatred toward those with The Power it could foster. For twenty years, she's put those fears aside. And now it appears that her going against Tower Law has lost her Moiraine to the Forsaken, and made terrible outcomes nigh on inevitable. And people are really confused about why she looks beaten?
Hell, from her perspective, forget Lanfear's entrance. The very fact Moiraine seemingly lied to her and is now talking about love must seem such a cruel mockery: laughing at Siuan's weakness; just as, perhaps, she was laughing at her with that parting comment in The Tower: an Amyrlin Seat still so swayed by what her papa told her so many years ago. (Yeah, we know it was as close as she could come to an I love you, but how the hell is Siuan supposed to know that, given everything?) This was not willful emotional abuse on someone she knew to be acting in good faith, but a reaction to the person she loved enough to risk the fucking Amyrlin Seat for becoming a monster!
Do I wish they'd picked _any other direction for their relationship? Yes, yes I damn well do. There was plenty to play with for angst factor by having the coup go down as it does in the books: Moiraine not being there to save her when all Siuan wanted was more time together, for one thing. Moiraine needlessly obfuscating in front of Siuan and  the other Sisters in S1, when Leandrin already knew! about the Two Rivers folk. Thinking she was being canny, when all she did was get herself pointlessly exiled so she couldn't protect Siuan? Quite enough of an angst sandwich, thanks ever so, without this new development. But! if they were going to include this, Siuan reacted precisely as I would expect her to, given the context I've outlined above, not in some madly ooc fashion worthy of the tags descending into emotional abuse discourse.
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chaeinedup · 11 months
First encounter
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"Can the day go any slower?"
You couldn't agree more with Innie, sure working at the diner is not as bad as it could be. You get to dress up a little, be in character for a few hours and since the rest of the employees is your friend group, it's almost the perfect scenario. Until you want to rip out Beomgyu's hair when he jokes around a little too much, but that comes in the contract you sign when you choose to be friends with a guy like him.
"We just have an hour left until our shift is over and then we can finally rott in bed for the rest of the day."
Lily always tries to make everyone see the bright side in everything but poor girl is stuck with two sarcastic bastards (You and Jeongin) and a very impacient pisces man. She's the perfect balancing factor, she tries her very best to bring the excitment out of each and every person in the room, works for 5 minutes and then she joins the misery bandwagon.
The bell above the main door made all of you perk up and fix your posture, this sound means business.
"Okay, I'll take their table", those are words you never expected to hear from Beomgyu's mouth on a toasty Tuesday at 6pm. But everyone just assumed he was trying to impress god knows who, or he just couldn't stay still anymore.
"Here, so three cheeseburgers menus with two vanilla milkshakes and one chocolate. I'm gonna go to the kitchen to help Jeongin, you and Lily take care of the drinks."
"Sir yes sir" you jokingly roll your eyes at him.
Your favorite part of this job was making the milkshakes, number one because you can make them really pretty and number two there's a recorrent "joke" you have going on with your coworkers.
For each costumer that orders a milkshake, they will get an extra cherry on theirs if any of you think said person is cute, crush material cute. This has led to many discussions on who has questionable taste, who pulls absolutely no bitches and who's always thirsty. Safe to say you don't belong to any of these categories, thankfully you have not only a type but standards as well, something Beomgyu couldn't brag about.
Once Lily was finished with the vanilla ones she approached you while widening her eyes.
"TWO CHERRIES!!", she whisper-yelled, "Do you even know which one of them ordered the chocolate???"
"No, but I have a feeling I'm gonna get it right, one of them is sitting alone while the other two are sitting on the same side, I bet you a month of kitchen duty that he's the one who ordered this one."
"I'LL BET ON IT", Innie shamelessly yelled from the kitchen window.
You threw a glare his way that made him giggle in amusement. Beomgyu quickly grabbed the plates to serve and you followed right behind him with the biggest question known to mankind. !Is the cute guy you have an eye on, the one that actually ordered the chocolate milkshake!
Once you said "Chocolate?" and he let out a "for me, thank you." you cheered knowing Jeongin had yet again lost another bet and will be heading to his third consecutive month in the kitchen. Victory feels good.
You went back to the counter, doing some cleaning, when Beomgyu approached Lily.
"Wait tell me my eyes are decieving me, but... not one... but two cherries?"
"Hey don't look at me, it was y/n."
Beomgyu was frozen in place, he actually thinks he just witnessed a serious crime.
"Hey and proudly, I'd do it again, I mean have you seen him? It was worth whatever you're about to say."
His words didn't seem to be real, there's just no way that you just gave one of Beomgyu's best friends... two cherries....
Your world was falling apart mainly because your actions will definetely have consequences, but also because Beomgyu couldn't seem to be able to hide his resentment.
You had to just smile and say everything was okay so the costumers wouldn't just run out the door, as they probably should.
While coming out of the kitchen doors Jeongin cheerfully announces "I'm the one that lost the bet but it seems like you're the real loser" and you might just have to agree with him.... again....
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previous// //next
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
BROOOOOO girly yandere has my entire heart and i <3 them
Imagine girly yandere with a darling who goes along with girlys touchy feeliness, they’re just as affectionate! Always calling girly yandere their wifey, sometimes just holding their hand “just cause”, being comfortable enough to hug and maybe even sit on yanderes lap out in public with no worries cause hey! This is their bff, ofc they’re ok with it!
(Meanwhile Girly yandere is just absolutely eating up all this attention. Regardless of what darling thinks, girly sees this as darling claiming them so that means darling and girly are off limits! Especially darling, or else)
Carrying around cutesy bandaids for those “mysterious” cuts and scratches girly yandere gets sometimes! Cheerleading practice maybe, darling knows girly always pushes themselves out there. Always going to yanderes games, girly yandere and their team works so hard afterall! Maybe Girly yandere getting a little aggro and possessive when their teammates get a little too close for yanderes comfort.
(Darling is THEIRS and everyone knows that, EVERYONE)
Maybe darling is just kinda like that with everyone!!! They dont see what they do as romantic in anyway, but lately, it seems everyone has become aversive to darlings affection! It hurts darlings feelings when people they used to be able to hug and hold hands with and just be comfortable suddenly turn cold and practically bolt when darling lays a hand on them! But its alright, girly yandere doesn’t act like that! You can keep all your snuggles and affection for them
(Like how its SUPPOSED to be darling<3)
ANON IM GONNA KISS YOU!!!!!! ive been WAITING for someone else to be just as obsessed with more 'fem' yanderes!!!!!!
CW: graphic depictions of gore, violence and car crashes
sure, seeing you cry in their arms is hard, especially when you dont know why everyone is avoiding you and you go from everyones friends to just girly yan's but fuck, its so worth it to have you asleep in their arms, body pressed against theirs, face a little puffy from all your crying. (poor thing.. dont worry love, you just need me..)
its worth it to see you direct all of your loving attention towards them, to see you stop talking to all of those pathetic losers and to finally realize theyre all you need! just them! sure, its hard work maintaining this. every talk to a young athlete? theyre so arrogant, thinking theyre on top of the world, the strongest person in any room! the one that can do anything! so when girly yan, a 'measly' cheerleader threatens them, obviously they just roll their eyes and keep trying to talk to you, ignoring the way their skin prickles and the back of their necks go cold when girl yan glares at them.
so, all girly yan needs to do is show them their place, which is away from you and below them. maybe they'll spread rumors and get them expelled but thats only if the athlete stays on their semi good side. if the athlete goes out of their way to irritate girly yan? i already see the two racing, hearts pounding, screams ripping through their throats before girly yan wins and bludgeons them.
now, girly yan is a monster when theyre pissed! their kills are very... violent and overkill. they forgo simple weapons like a knife or gun and goes for anything that requires whole body use. axes, baseball bats, hatchets, rocks, anything that helps her release some of their pent up anger and after theyre dead, they'll keep going. hitting them over and over again, usually focusing on the head (if they still have one at this point, hehe!) or on their arms. usually their victims are barely identifiable, nothing but bits and blood, almost always having to be ID'd by dental records from the pure brutality and good luck with getting the cops to investigate, the head of police is their parent! besides, its a small town, probably just a drifter! (don't worry darling, i'll protect you!!)
and i love seeing girly yan quietly singing to Dolly Parton or some other country girl music while cleaning themselves up, watching blood go down the drain, hair up in a towel as they wash their face with facial cleanser, going about a normal girly night routine but with blood stains in the shower, a hand print or several around door knobs, clothes and shoes sitting in the hamper for tomorrow. its just so... horrific!!! <333 normalcy with some horror!!! we always see other peoples skincare routines, what they do as they get ready to sleep and recharge for tomorrow, how they go about their routine, their ritual with such ease, confidence, habit! how scary is it to imagine someone going through their ritual with a bloody axe sitting in their shower?! or self defense wounds covering their arms or blood under their nails!! just the subtly (and not so subtle signs) that something horrible went down!!! like the horrifying feeling of seeing someone get hit by a car, that singular bone chilling moment of seeing their skull hit the hood, see their body bend at impossible angles, the second you feel your mind exist your body to protect you from the trauma of watching how easily their limbs flailed, how easily their body just folded and bent like a ragdoll and then seeing them get up and act like they were fine (adrenaline darling, it does amazing things.) when they most definitely arent and you just feel like puking!!!!! <3333
okay, sorry, you really shouldnt think of car crashes like that, it was just the only thing i could think of when you feel something is just. wrong. and the only other person there acknowledges this and just keeps going on with their day.
i love girly yan so much,,,, def one of my more violent ones <3
i love writing gore too! one of my fav things to do but im always a touch worried about scaring ppl off so maybe ill just work on giving more trigger warnings when theres going to be gore
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yasukematsudadefender · 11 months
I'm so obssesed with Junko and I'm angry that Kodaka doesn't want to tell us her backstory. So I do this my own way and I create her and Mukuro backstory and their family history, so I write about my hc's. This is part 1 beacause it would be too long.
Soo girls in the early years of their lifes lives in very poor conditions. Their mother didn't want to cure her postantal depression and personality disorders and she never really cared about her children. Junko (Mukuro too) was terrified about her mother and she was upset that her mother didn't even love and look after her. Sisters parents didn't get along. Their mother was obssesed with their father. He was so possesive and unstable. Their father never wanted this relationship. When he was young, he was in secret relationship with the Junko's and Mukuro's uncle. When his father (grandfather of the sisters) found out about this his son is gay, he got furious and force him to being in relation ship with mother of the sisters (their uncle sister).The only happiness in Junko life was her father. He tried his best being good i loving father. He loved Junko so much and saw in her his mini him. They both were very smart, talented and "prefect". Junko also was more similar to her father than Mukuro. Their father loved Mukuro too but didn't give her as much attention like He gave to Junko and Mukuro was really upset because of it. Their father was so unhappy with sisters mother. He cheated her with a lot of men and had sex with them, even when his kids was in home. He missed their uncle so he tried to forgot about him doing this. But that was so uncomfortable for a little kids. When Junko and Mukuro was seven their father k!lled himself. He has been treated for depression since he was a teenager. Some time before his death Junko she dumped his medication down the drain by accident. Because of this her mother started to hate her and she blamed her for all situation. That night when their father died, Junko and Mukuro were taken from mother because of neglect and poor conditions. A few days after they moved into the orphanage, Junko met Matsuda. She was fascinated him from the beggining. Nobody like Matsuda in the school because of his actions and Junko was the only person in the entire orphanage who got the guts to associate with him. But Junko wasn't as assuned as him. Every teacher love her with all their heart and her grades matches to this. She had attention of all kids in her class but she still looked only at Matsuda. She didn't want to be friends with any of this fake, boring and annoying brats. They became friends slowly. Junko often was coming to Matsuda and accost him by ripping his manga off or asking him for help in homework. They didn't even notice when they really became a friends. (Mukuro never liked Matsuda and was so jealous of Junko). The sisters have to meet with their mother once a week. During these meetings occured to physical and verbal violnece. After theirs father death, their mother became more depressed and she became addicted to drŮgs. Junko hated her life as it possible. She missed her dad and felt so guilty about it. She thought that she should k!lled herself, not her dad. She was tired that everyone thinks she's "prefect". So many people demanded too much of her and something she couldn't give them. It made Junko stoped enjoy of life even more, made her bored and feeling not enough. She wanted to be better and better, she studied a lot. She stayed at night to learn everything by heart and won't let down any of her guardians and teachers. To meet expectations the people around her, she started to dangerous diets (she literally was (169 cm/5'7" and 45 kg/99 lbs... she can had relapse because of modelig) and really tiring, and long exercises. First person who see that with Junko is something wrong is Matsuda. He saw how she throw up the food and that she lost weight drastically. He told the guardians about it. She was watched by them during the meals but when they all see there is a real problem Junko was hospitalized. When Junko was in hospital she was mortally offended at Yasuke. After time she realized that Matsuda wanted her good and she asked him to visit her in the hospital. After a few months Junko can leave the hospital because she gained weight enough.
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 70
Chapter 70: “Hide-And-Seek”
No way could I ever blame Lucas for being so worried. He’s finally getting the chance to receive an answer to the question that’s been burning in the back of his mind for over a decade and he’s gonna be faced with either instant relief or regret and the anticipation has this poor man is shaking.
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Thankfully Emma is the bearer of good news and this drives the dude to some very happy tears.
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Okay but how does Yuugo end up with one of the black gloves if Lucas was wearing both when they separate? Does he go back and take it off the ripped off arm (if Leuvis disposes of it instead of eat it) or and I forgetting something completely? It could be the first idea since Yuugo does end up with the plaid vest that one of the other Glory Bell kids was originally wearing, but I honestly can’t remember at the moment.
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Honestly a miracle that Lucas didn’t die here. Dude had to have lost a hella lot of blood thanks to that missing arm. And the wound on his face.
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Aside from the obvious “I wish we knew more about this character,” I would’ve liked to just see their entire character design. With how great all the other GP characters look, I’m sure I would’ve loved it, especially with that braid of theirs.
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I couldn’t imagine staying in one place for thirteen years without ever being able to go outside. (Lucas would excel at quarantine). At least Yuugo left the shelter every so often to hunt for food, though he was far more lonely.
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There’s just so much pain.. all that grief, guilt, hopelessness, on top of the scary reality of the world he’s doomed to live in. Lucas truly is so strong in every way imaginable for holding on this long and still have the energy to strive for the children to have a better life.
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Forget what I said about Lucas not leaving the windmill because he obviously had to go out and recruit the children himself, right? But that just raises more questions for me, like did he go out and ask every kid if they wanted to revolt against the demons or did he perhaps just send Oliver or one of the other kids to do it or what?
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Lucas is having such a lucky day, from finding out his best friend is still alive to finally learning why WM has asked the kids to journey to A08-63 in the first place.
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Big props to Yuugo for willingly heading straight back into his worst nightmare, all to save one girl he doesn’t even care for that much at the moment.
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Favorite panel/moment:
It’s only been one day and my boy is still as pissed off as ever. Gonna be quite some time before we see him again too but the wait will be worth it.
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End of volume 8.
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pangolinheart · 1 year
I almost never read the journal entries in final fantasy xiv but I happened to be looking for something and in my search found that the journal entries for the Stormblood Dark Knight quests are actually "written" by Esteem AND I- Here are some choice selections from the sb drk quests, from the mildly amusing to the ones that ripped my heart out:
Four more times must he do this. Four more times must he employ his powers to make broken men and women whole, so burdened by his deeds he is. Again you consent to the plan for...reasons. 
But, for now, Sid could do with a drink. Or a nap. Or one, and then the other.
...you realize it is none other than the woman who led the protest against the peace conference at Falcon's Nest, and poisoned your drink, which was not very sporting at all. 
...she admits she once looked on you with hatred, but no longer. Fight, if it be your will, and if the gods show you favor, then so be it. And when we are called to account, so be it.
Her heart knows naught but guilt. Seeks naught but forgiveness. Ware the penitent, for theirs is a compulsion all consuming. 
Myste is nevertheless troubled, as is his wont, though at least he is grateful. And you are still a good person, apparently. That's nice. 
And so, in a fit of what can only be described as temporary insanity, Sidurgu has proposed that you return to Moghome. Apparently he hopes that the fresh air and the quiet might cheer the boy. Alternatively, he may long to punch a moogle in its furry little face. 
Myste stares out at the endless expanse and speaks of loss, which we know all too well. So, so many friends and loved ones. Close your eyes and you can see them pass, one by one, in solemn procession. A lesser woman would be tempted to forget, but we know better. 
As feared, Sidurgu will require some time to recover from his wounds. So poor is his condition that he is not even fit to make the journey back to Ishgard. Alas, this means that he must enjoy the company of the moogles at Moghome for the foreseeable future. But all is not lost─he did give you leave to punch a moogle for him. 
He laments his fate, wishing he could go back and convince his former self not to place his trust in the Griffin...but if such things were possible, you wouldn't have a broken shield, now would you? 
She is not the first, nor will she be the last to betray you. She will implore you to see reason, to seek solace in the fiction. And when you refuse, she will have no recourse but one. As I did not. Be ready.
And now, the betrayal. Myste believes that the only way we can atone for our sins is to “undo” them with his simulacra. Every life we took, every death that weighs upon our soul, he would make amends for it all with his beautiful lies. I can end this charade, godsdammit, I can end it! Now is the time! You need me! YOU NEED ME!
The little girl who wanted to make this cruel, twisted world a better place, futile as that is. She's going to get us killed one of these days...but what can I say? I love her. I forgive her. And you... 
(the very last sentence really got me afhajkfla)
... he knows that your destiny leads you elsewhere, for you are still a hero. You are still a good person.
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adastra121 · 11 months
Shake On It
Summary: A short and quick Touchstarved drabble involving Mhin and my Hound!MC Alon, set right after the "The Other Side" cover, where Alon convinces Mhin to team up with them to find answers for their respective curses.!
“So, what d’ya say? You in?”
There were several reasons why teaming up with the thief was a bad idea. And yet…
“Fine,” Mhin decided. “For now.”
Temporary. This would only be a temporary arrangement. That was the very nature of Mhin’s quest in this godsdamned city. It’s the very nature of you and that’s why you’re here.
“Fantastic!” the thief exclaimed.
And suddenly, for some godsforsaken reason unbeknownst to Mhin, they spat into their gloved palm.
“Let’s shake on it, partner!”
They extended her newly spit-covered hand to Mhin, and the hunter recoiled, disgust written clear in their pale eyes.
"What the fuck."
"Come on, you were literally covered in Soulless spinal fluids when we first met, and a little spit swapping’s too much for ya?”
“Ugh, it’s even worse when you put it that way.”
Alon let out a loud laugh. Everything about the thief was loud, their voice, their bright clothes, their character. She closed her fist save for their pinky finger. “Alright, alright, how’s this instead?”
Of all the other contracts the hunter had taken before, this was one of the more juvenile methods of binding an agreement that Mhin had encountered. There they were, a thief and a mercenary, two outlaws in the dingy alleyways of Eridia’s underbelly, about to seal their partnership in unlawful business with a pinky swear.
For a moment, Mhin only stared down at her hand in plain, unmoving silence. Alon was beginning to think they’d turn this down as well when Mhin looped a pinky around theirs in the kind of forcibly quick and purposeful manner you’d use for ripping off a bandage before the pain could flare or swallowing down a medicine before the bitterness could hit your tongue. Alon beamed, shook their joined hands once for good measure and let go before the crease between Mhin’s brows could deepen any further.
“Had to use the same hand, did you?” grumbled the hunter.
Alon grinned and wiggled her fingers on their gloved hand. “I put this baby on specifically for making deals. You bet I’m gonna use it!”
​​“…You stole one singular glove for the sole purpose of shaking hands,” Mhin deadpanned.
“Er. Borrowed one singular glove. With full intention of returning?”
“For the poor owner’s sake, I hope you don’t.”
The thief let out an almost derisive snort — Mhin noted that was the first time they heard such contempt from her — pulling the glove off their ever-bandaged hand and shoving it in one of their many pockets. “Don’t you worry there, my friend. The owner is decidedly not poor. I’m pretty sure this thing is threaded with real gold.”
“I see you’re not arguing the point about the singular glove.”
“Heh, point taken! I’ll borrow two next time, eh? One for each of us, since we’re a pair now — get it? Like a pair of gloves!”
Mhin shook their head with a deep sigh, resisting the urge to bury their head into their palm. “Tell me it isn’t going to be this ridiculous with you the whole time.”
“I assure you, Mhin, I'm treating our partnership with the utmost importance and sanctity demanded of a pinky swear.” Alon had dropped the smile from her face, adopting a more serious tone — it didn’t last very long before their lips tilted into a mischievous grin. “And I’m not about to violate that by lying to you.”
“I'm already regretting this.”
“Whoa! No regrets, no shake-backs, this is gonna be great, I promise! We’ll talk more on this later — I’ll send you the details.”
Alon gave them a one-finger salute as they sprang off and Mhin didn’t even need to look to know it was with the pinky. But they did — and caught the playful wink the thief tossed over their shoulder, far more casual and familiar than Mhin would expect of a stranger. 
Though Mhin supposed they weren’t quite strangers anymore…
“Look forward to working with ya, partner!”
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doodle-pops · 2 years
Omg for some reason I can imagine Fëanor/Celegorm trapping the friend in a little corner or something saying they wanted to show or talk to them about womething and then towering above them menacingly with a pointy finger and going "Listen here you little shit-" 🤣
OH OH! OMG! What about s/o drunk and hugging their best friend and going "I love you my bestie!" I can already see Fëanor out of his seat and zooming over 😅😅
Oceanly 🌊
Yooo, that's a death sentence you're giving that poor friend of theirs. Hands are going to be thrown.
Continuing from this.
They already know your friend liked you, so you doing this just sends them into a frenzy. They're aware that you have no clue about your friend being in love, but they know that your friend is loving the attention/affection. If looks could kill, they'd be dead in an instant. They've cracked the glass in their hand and spilt their drink while flashing a fake smile and dying to break their hands.
CELEBRIMBOR, FINGOLFIN, FINGON, Finarfin, Finrod, Aegnor, GALDOR, Egalmoth
Spontaneously combusting and fire and brimstone are falling from the heavens to strike your friend where they stand. They've already ripped you off them and are ready to lunge. Impatient to throw a few hands. "Don't touch my lover." "I'm not touching them, they hugged me." "Do you wish to be hit?" Have they braced your friend and are gripping them by their collar? Yes.
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alternativememories · 3 months
both sides...
i have a friend who has sucked for a while now. i've been thinking about writing about it for a minute but i've been putting it off like everything with our friendship lately...but part of who i want to be is someone that shows up, even when things fucking suck, and i can't waste any more time. i know what i've got to do and it's time to rip the band-aid off. our friendship is over and i've gotta be real about it.
i'm fucking sad, man. i see him as a younger brother. so much of how we see things and approach things is similar to one another. the ways that he has sucked for some time are really similar to how i struggled when i was younger. he had a breakup recently, which in the big picture i thought would actually end up being good for him. i think both he and his ex have stuff that they need to work on individually and that this would be a good opportunity for him to get himself squared away.
but the spiral continues. the last time i saw him we talked about where he was with things and where he's headed and it was mostly half-assed excuses. it's apparent that he's not showing up for himself, let alone anyone else for that matter. he smokes, which has kept him comfortable in the cycle of not showing up in any meaningful way, and he lacks accountability. he's living with his parents right now and it seems like they're enabling his behavior.
it's shitty. we lived together up until the end of october and to be honest it was toxic as fuck. it came down to money and cleaning. in moving in, we agreed to not have his now-ex on the lease to keep things simple in case they ended up not working out as a couple. however, when she ended up staying at the apartment more than A and i and we wanted her to pay toward the bills, it was an issue *eye roll*. initially, the conversation about contributing was shut down bc homie talked to other roommate and he supposedly said that he didn't care if she paid and that was the end of it...(we'll revisit this)
at one point during this conflict, there was a text about wanting to be friends after the lease would end...i've thought a lot about that since. it took me some time to figure out why i couldn't help but fixate on it, but with where we are now i think i know the answer. the statement operates through an inherent assumption that how things were handled was damaging to our friendship. to be honest, it was. the bills conflict was infuriating bc the argument against contributing was school loan payments being high; meanwhile in watching behavior they ate out all the time. and you know, everyone has bills. but not everyone takes advantage of their friends to pay theirs.
with the cleaning thing, it became clear that he was frustrated by the cleanliness of the apartment but never communicated what those expectations even were. eventually we landed on a chore-board. but this wasn't without its problems bc it just led to them not being accountable for their share of the chores; beyond that, there was noticeable passive-aggressiveness toward the other roommate who tbh idk if he ever even agreed to in the first place. weird to someone to a standard they never agreed to but maybe that's just me...
when he and his ex broke up he told me a very specific story of what led to the fracture. i want to say that i found the specificity odd but dismissed it bc i was excited to have my friend back. when they were dating he was very reclusive and we were barely friends anymore. truthfully, we moved here in a pandemic and while i have loads of coworkers, he's really been my only friend here...but a few weeks ago i found out that it looks like he's lied about those specifics of the story that he told me, knowing that it fundamentally changes the reaction. it's manipulative.
in thinking about it, i've really tried to explain away or excuse the poor behavior...but to be honest, it's inexcusable and with what he's lied about, there's no recourse here...there's no way to police the behavior, and with him lying about it, no way to trust anything he says that it's even stopped. now i'm wondering what else he's lied about to get what he wants. the first thing that comes to mind is the bills conversation. it's a fundamental breach of trust and i don't think our friendship can be repaired. it fucking sucks and this fucking sucks but it is what it is...because he sucks.
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shibe-myths · 1 year
ANGST TIME! Ro reaction to the mc getting all dressed up for a date but it’s with someone else?
Oooooof, Poor ROs. I'm gonna assume this is in the crush stage. And as I write this. I'm starting to realize that some of these romance options have more red flags than I knew.
Lady B: She hides her feelings well, going out of her way to use the opportunity to help the MC get ready. Be that doing their makeup, picking out their clothes, smothering the mc with words of advice. Anything to have that extra bit of time. And when the MC leaves, she tasks one of the Masked Mercers into watching your every move.
Bernie: They can't quite hide the fact that they're disappointed. Pouting slightly as they appraise the MCs outfit. Sticking closer than they should, never straying as the MC gets ready. Hell, bernie would even take the time out of their day to chat with the MC's intended date. Threatening them in such a way that it would go over most people's heads. But, if you look closely, there is an EDGE to their gaze. As if the only thing on their mind is to rip that rat bastard to shreds.
You never do go on that second date... hmm.
Laz: If Laz has an interest in the MC, I can see them downright blackmails your date into bailing. And it will work, trust me. As the hours would tick by, Laz would go out of their way to ensure that you end up despising that jerk by the end of the night. And then, like a good friend, they'll curl up unreasonably close with some shitty romance novels and sweets.
To help with the heartache of course.
Amyntas: He outright BITCHES the entire time. Finding anything and everything wrong with your date. All the way down to the way they breathe. (Its just so fucking annoying, ya know). By the time that douchebag decides to show their face. He's puffed up worse than a cat. Pacing up and down the halls, half ready to go feral.
And he will go feral if let loose.
Bishop: He does nothing that night, maybe wish you luck. Stays up late to make sure you get home safe. But when you've come back? Safely tucked in bed? He forces Indie to go find your date for details. Every last one. He has to know.
That his ideas of seducing you are better than theirs.
Indigo: She's pulling out the wine and fancy oud. Serenading the MC as they get ready. Fluttering about with all her bits and bobs. Letting her magic slip in here and there until the MC is practically vibrating with excitement. And then she sends them off to have their fun. Like any sane, rational woman whose secretly madly in love with their friend would do. She isn't jealous, she swears.
Okay maybe a little.
Peri: Bold of you to assume that Peri isn't already your date.
here's the secondary romances.
Asha: She laughs and asks if you'd like her to spare your date a plate. What? You're obviously not going out THIS late at night. Besides, Flin wants to bake cookies with you. And how could anyone refuse that lil dragon pout?
Lace: Spends the entire time that the MC is getting ready, getting progressively more annoyed at the fact that your date didn't think to invite your beloved sugar baby along. He's the prettiest boy in the whole of Ibereli gods damn it. He should ALSO be wined and dined!
Somehow your date ends up as their own third wheel, trapped in a crippling amount of debt as Lace drags you about the bazaar. Happy to be spoilt like the prince they truly aren't
Ribbon: She straight up asks if she could possess your date so that you two could ruin the fool financially. If that doesn't work she'll give a lecture about knowing your worth and to keep an extra blade on you, just in case.
The stranger: Wishes you luck, but otherwise ignores you for the rest of the night.
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elliewiltarwyn · 9 months
FFXIV Write 2023 | Prompt #16: Jerk
is it anachronistic to have ffxiv OCs call each other jerks? maybe, however have you considered [throws down a smoke bomb and vanishes]
-1338 words
Elilgeim’s in an alcove down the hall, staring out the window at the frozen landscapes, when Mia finds her. She doesn’t need to wonder particularly hard about what’s on the other woman’s mind.
“Couldn’t sleep?” she needles lightly as she approaches, the candlelight emanating from the plate in her hand flickering across Elilgeim’s Roegadyn features.
Including the side-eye she gives Mia as she takes a seat on the bench next to her. “As if it’s possible to sleep after a day like today.” She can’t argue with that. She can’t really think of another thing to say, though, and so they sit there, the Roegadyn white mage and the Hyur free paladin, brooding in silence to themselves in the depths of Camp Dragonhead in the middle of the night.
What a pair we make, Mia sighs to herself. Out of all of the fellow Scions and Archons she had fought alongside, for her, Elilgeim, and Alphinaud to be the only ones to escape the banquet turned bloody must be… some kind of irony. She can’t think of a time any of them has had a kind word to say about the others, between Elilgeim’s insubordination, Alphinaud’s pompous impatience, and Mia’s virtues constantly clashing against theirs… and yet here they are cooped up for refuge in the same camp. If it wasn’t for Tataru, Mia wouldn’t be wholly certain they’d live through the night without ripping each other’s throats out.
…No, that isn’t true, Mia admits to herself. There’s too much self-blame and grief going around for any of them to truly aggravate each other anymore; the sight of poor Alphinaud with his head in his hands, weeping over the crushing weight of responsibility, had broken Mia’s heart. Even now: Elilgeim usually refuses to share a meal or a table with her, yet here they are sitting side-by-side, because who else is left? Her eyes burn as she squeezes them shut, the painful parade of the faces of their lost friends refusing to cease their march through her mind’s eye. 
(Each and every Scion they had been forced to leave behind in their flight stings painfully, but it’s Lilyana’s stand in particular that breaks Mia’s heart. Surrounded by Crystal Braves and Brass Blades at the entrance to the sultana’s secret tunnel, the miqo’te rogue had stepped forth and urged the others into the tunnel first—only for her to make several hand gestures they had never seen before and blast the entrance with a bolt of levin the moment the others had made it in. Through the crumbling rubble now cutting them off from each other, Lilyana had shouted at them to go, I’m going to hold them all off—I’m going to prove I can protect you all, the way you’ve protected me! 
As if Mia hadn’t been the one best suited to that role, as if dear sweet Lily hadn’t already proven her worth several times over…
There had been a small gap in the bricks through which Mia caught Lilyana’s eye for the last time, and the sad smile on her face before she turned and, with a savage war cry, leapt forward into the mass of soldiers before her, knives flashing and untested magicks exploding. She knows that smile is going to haunt her forever… All these friends, lost, for what…?)
“Hey, Mia?”
Mia jerks back, stunned, and stares at her seatmate, who is resting her cheek on the knee of her leg drawn up onto the bench, and—for the first time ever—is looking upon her with something beside frustration or even anger. Mia feels it may be a bit optimistic to read the way her face is arranged as trust, especially given who it is, but she really hopes it is. With tears brimming in the edges of her eyes, Elilgeim swallows a lump in her throat and quietly says, “Thanks… for surviving with me.”
It’s literally the first time she’s thanked Mia for anything, and with the enormity of this gratitude’s source, she has no idea how to process that. She blinks rapidly for a moment until she can finally draw out the words “Same… to you.” And it’s true: as frustrating as Elilgeim has been, as much as they’ve butted heads… she’s genuinely glad the other woman is here with her.
A tiny, wry smile quirks on the corner of Elilgeim’s lips. “Bet you wish it was anyone else, huh?”
Mia rolls her eyes and elbows the other woman in the side, eliciting an exhausted chuckle. “Someone with a sense of propriety and respect, maybe.”
“I have a sense of them; I just don’t pay them any mind.”
“Obviously.” She groans in exasperation and lays her head against the stone wall. “Jerk.”
“Heh. Sorry.” Mia blinks rapidly again. Truly a night of firsts. “I suppose I shouldn’t antagonize one of the few friends I have left.” Just one after another, really. On multiple levels…
“Friend, huh?” The word itself isn’t strange on Mia’s lips; the thought of directing it at Elilgeim is.
There’s a strangely warm glow in Elilgeim’s eyes as she looks upon Mia. “Somehow, in spite of everything… aye. Friend.”
“Interesting.” Mia can’t help but smirk at her. “Does being your friend grant any special privileges?”
“I suppose I could prioritize you with my curative spells,” she drawls, raising an eyebrow like the suggestion is most absurd.
“I’m generally taking the brunt of the damage. As far as I can tell, you already do.”
She winks. “So imagine what it’ll be like now that I actually consider you a friend.”
Mia throws her hands up and shakes her head in long-suffering resignation at her. “Truly, beyond mortal ken.”
“What, were you hoping for something better?” Elilgeim teases, nudging her back.
“I don’t know, it’d be nice to get nickname privileges or something.”
“I hate to tell you this, but Mia seems like an incredibly difficult name to abbreviate.”
“Not me, you jerk,” Mia sighs in exasperation, shoving the toe of her boot against the side of Elilgeim’s leg and eliciting a chuckle. “If I got to call you something only friends can.”
“Yeah? Like what?”
“Ellie.” It just slips out, easy as a breeze.
A sudden silence falls over the both of them, and when Mia looks up at Elilgeim, she seems frozen in place, staring right back, eyes wide, lips slightly parted. It dawns on Mia what she just said then, and she feels a horrific blush creeping up her face.
“...Huh.” Elilgeim shakes her head, waking from her reverie, and squints down at her hands, considering. “...Yeah, I guess that is a name you could derive from Elilgeim.” She blinks, then looks up at Mia, whose face feels like it’s on fire. “Funny. We ran with an Ellie for moons, and I never thought about that.” Her mouth twists a little. “...I liked her. Shame she wanted to zombify Ul’dah.”
That’s right, the false Mythril Eye reporter. “On the other hand,” Mia says slowly, grinning sheepishly up at the other, “you have to admit zombifying Ul’dah sounds pretty appealing right now.”
Elilgeim blinks down at her for a moment, and Mia wonders if she went just a step too far—and then suddenly the Roegadyn bursts into laughter, and that snaps the cord of tension winding Mia tight and lets her crack up too. “You’re not wrong there,” Elilgeim chuckles, wiping her face. She favors Mia with an interesting side-eye, like she’s carefully observing something before coming to a decision on what to do about it. “...I must admit: I don’t think I’d mind Ellie.”
A small excited thrill ripples through Mia’s veins then. “So… I get nickname privileges after all?”
“...Sure. Yeah.” Elilgeim—Ellie winks at her. “Though—maybe not in front of everyone else. Wouldn’t want them to think anything’s changed between us.”
Mia rolls her eyes and elbows her again. “Of course you wouldn’t. Jerk.”
“Couldn’t possibly be anything else to you,” Ellie says, with the most fondness Mia’s ever felt directed at her. “Could I?”
“Somehow, no. I guess not.”
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xiv-wolfram · 1 year
Wolfram's Journey - Comic Script
Shadowbringers - lvl 80
Wolfram has a very civil discussion with Emet-Selch. /s
Catch up on my WoLComics (Chronological List)
Please remember - just because an OC hates your favorite character it doesn't mean their writer hates you. (Or even the character.)
This is the script for a future comic. Posting for those who don’t want to wait to get the story. Numbers indicate frame number.
Post Hades fight. Hades, Ascian robes pierced standing at the edge of the arena. Wolf in the center. The Scions (off frame?) on the far side. Narrator - "Wolfram (The Warrior of Darkness) and the Scions have just defeated Hades, but Wolf has some things to get off his chest before the Ascian is gone. Hades smiles sadly - "Can you truly say you would not have done the same for your loved ones?"
Wolf, standing far away, smiles sadly - "I cannot deny that I would try to bring back my loved ones were I in your position… and so I empathize with you…to a point. I do pity your civilization."
Hades smiles sadly - "Remember…remember us. Remember… that we once lived…"
Wolf scoffs - "Ah, and here is the point where you lose me. I do pity your civilization. And I don't blame them for you. You… Thinking back on my journey there were so many more deserving of my remembrance than you. Like entering the Waking Sands to find the bloodbath your Garleans had made of the Scions Headquarters. Holding that poor Sylph as she passed. Wondering if my friends had survived."
Wolf sad/pained expression - "I remember standing in that husk of Dalamud surrounded by dragons. Enslaved and suffering for centuries. Forced into continued prayer for their god Bahamut. Denied death. Their feelings were so overwhelming. I could never forget them. Your Allagans did that. Their sins are your own."
Wolf walks towards him, Hades confused. Wolf grinning - "I remember my friend bleeding out in front of me. Struck down by another of you Ascians. Trying my best to comfort the other Scions despite my own grief as I knew theirs was far greater. I remember the experiments I put down in the Crystal Tower. Xande was your doing as well, correct?"
Wolf furrowed brow close up shot - "I remember a man, so scarred by what your Garleans had done to his home that he betrayed those who trusted him. He maimed and tried to kill the person I care for most in this world just for the mere possibility of revenge against your empire."
Hades looking down. Wolf walks closer, sword drawn, grinning bitterly - I remember watching another friend blown out of the sky by magitek. A beautiful soul. She spent her short life fighting for peace and didn't live long enough to see it fulfilled. Your Garleans did that. I remember Azys La… that hellscape of pain. Every creature cried out for death …and I gave it to them as well as your comrades fool enough to get in my way."
Hades concerned. Wolf reaches him, tilts Hades chin up with his left hand, grins madly and whispers - "I suppose because of the Garleans - you get partial credit for my family being ripped apart in front of me. For this darkness inside that prevents me from following my heart. I'll go ahead and blame you for all the pain I've caused him while I'm at it."
Wolf, straight face, speaking normally - "Anyroad, my memories. So you know where I went next, right? Back home. *My home* that was ripped away by the empire you created. I saw what they'd done to my country. To my people. A nation of my kin ground into the dirt under the heel of yours."
Wolf's eyes glow white. He grasps Hades' robes, lifting him off the ground. Hades straight face. - "Aye I'll remember you. Every time I think of this blood soaked world you've created. So I've only one thing left to say -"
Wolf leans closer and yells - "FOR ALA MHIGO!" Runs his rapier through Hades' neck. Hades eyes go wide.
Catch up on my WoLComics (Chronological List)
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cloudydreams21 · 2 years
No Turning Back
Still setting the scene! The first three chapters were part of one big one, but I've decided to operate them into to different chapters for now.
Chapter Song: Them Changes-Thundercat
Check out my Archive of Our Own and Wattpad under the same username cloudydreams21 ☁️
Ricked Cocktails
Chapter 2|Part 2
Rick had settled himself in some bar called 'Ricked Cocktails', hoping to fuel his self-loathing. I mean, if you want to punish yourself, a bar filled to the brim with drunken versions of yourself must be ideal.
The Ricks a few seats over on the circular bar seemed to be engrossed in a conversation, C-149 listened in.
"T-the Rick who works with me, a-after work I saw- I watched him get in a ship with one of them, g-goddamn I was so fucking jealous." The Rick groaned taking a long draw a cocktail called the Rickleberry.
C-149 rolled his eyes. 'God, these Ricks are fucking desperate.' Rick let out a chuckle to himself before tipping his glass of vodka down his throat and ordering another one. Vodka always seemed to be his go to when filling his flask. The bartender, who happened to be a Morty, measured out a double. But before he could place the bottle back behind the bar, Rick had whipped it out of his hands and took a swig. As the Morty began to complain, a bartending Rick cut him off with a stern glare. He then turned to C-149 offering a curt nod, before going back to make more cocktails for the slew of inebriated Ricks.
Rick C-149, happy with this turn of events, continued to eavesdrop.
"I a-always use my interdimensional goggles, at least one-once a week. Only way I can get a peek at that s-s-sweeeeet ass." He snorted as the other Rick joined in.
C-149 was familiar with interdimensional goggles. He had created his own pair maybe seven or eight years ago. After perfecting them he saw through the eyes of another Rick, Rick B-814. He was sat at a dining table for a meal. His adult daughter Beth was there, along with her idiot husband Jerry, Summer who was maybe ten years old and, Morty who couldn't have been older than seven. There was young woman there too, around the same age as Beth was, who sat right next to him. She looked at him with soft smiling eyes and B-184 seemed to return the smile.
Feeling nauseated from his lack of self-discipline, C-149 had ripped the goggles off and cursed himself for his curiosity before locking them away, he didn't need to see their lives. He hadn't even questioned who that young woman was, assuming she was perhaps a family friend. But he couldn't help but notice her strange beauty that had briefly dazzled him. How had he not connected the dots when visiting the Citadel just a couple of years later.
"Yeah, y-you know – I-It's like that body was moulded by Ricks. Mwah!" He paused to chef's kiss. "Christ, I mean if I hadn't chosen to live here."
The other Rick offered a rebuttal chuckling. "Nah seems like a lot of hassle. R-ricks are – we – we're meant to be alone. E-even so most of the Ricks th-that do end up meeting theirs were the ones that didn't abandon their B*ruuerp*eth when she was a teenager. I think most of them- t-they met when she was twenty *ruuerp* or something. Which cancelled out most of us l-living on the Citadel by that p-point. E-either way most of them ended up in some fucked up hateful lover's bullshit, or 'looove'-ing her..." The sarcasm dripped from his lips. "-or-or well, fuck— fuck knows, some never pursued anything with her, preferring to keep their distance, still pinning to this day. They are much worse off than you'd think. Those of us who never met her are l-lucky compared to those poor bastards. C-can you imagine, a Rick, pining? Oh a- and others...I guess some Ricks could still have yet to meet theirs." He concluded, finally finishing his rambling.
Rick C-149 rolled his eyes and got up to leave. He began toppling off his stool but saved himself before he hit the floor. Pleased that the vodka was finally having an effect, he made sure to snatch the bottle off the bar before making his way outside.
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