#some rando: hating kissing is weird
piss-stained-jorts · 1 year
saw some clown on here whining about other people not liking kissing and reducing it to the gross parts and that it’s indicative of a society that fears flesh (which yes it does but that’s not how to go about making the point) and blah blah fucking blah
anyway instead of being a salty bitch and getting into an internet argument with some stranger I’m gonna be a Big Adult and use my rage and spite to remind all of you that
hating kissing is okay, you’re not weird or broken or a prude,
whether you’re asexual or allosexual it’s fine if you despise swapping spit with another human being, it doesn’t mean you love them any less, and you’re FINE. love is expressed in different ways. humans celebrate each other differently, love comes in different forms, it’s fine if you only want to kiss people you’re close to or not at all or literally anything in-between, and shaming people for hating an act of intimacy is fucked up. show love how you want. enjoy the company of others how you want. you don’t have to see kissing as anything more than the gross parts, and “reducing” it to that or whatever is just as okay as romanticizing it as something more. it’s just some ritual humans made up, and we’re allowed to feel literally any fucking way in the world about it.
live your life. be free. 
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ms-demeanor · 4 months
Hey, I just saw the weird anon hate thing, and at one point you said "did you get someone to pretend they think I'm cool to get close to me". Was that a throwaway line, or did somebody actually do that? Because that's a really fucked up thing for somebody to do, and I'm sorry if you had to deal with that.
I know that I'm a number of assumptions deep and could be reading into things, but that seemed fairly specific and reasonable to ask about.
Oh I spent most of a decade being bullied by my girl scout troop, several of whom would pretend to be nice to me so that they could humiliate me public.
The clearest example of this is the troop leader's daughter convincing me to tell her who I had a crush on then announcing loudly at lunch that day that she had started dating him, kissing him in front of me, and telling me I should be happy for her.
My parents wouldn't let me quit the girl scouts because they knew I was weird and awkward and couldn't make friends and figured at least this way I'd have *some* friends and what this means is that I was relentlessly bullied by people who knew more about me than anyone else who then threw me out of the troop in high school when they found out I was queer because they said that made me a threat to the troop of younger girls we mentored.
So yeah like, it is very adorable that an internet rando would think that calling me embarrassing would matter to me.
You all have only learned to love the cringe, I was born into it.
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xmycxx · 1 year
tattoo!artist ellie x reader (more headcannons)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Sketchbook hc's
A/N: This is just, general stuff i was thinking of bc y'all loved this AU and i finally have some time
Dates with tatto!artist ellie
i feel like ellie, specifically tattoo artist ellie wouldn't like the huge romantic dates like going to a fancy restaurant and overdressing for it
she'd def take you to a fair and hold your hand on the rides you think are scary though
you mention you like a brand? she's subscribed to their mailing list so she knows when they have stuff on sale (bc she knows you hate spending more money than you have to) and takes you there
and you're still clueless, you just think she has some sort of magic intuiton for saving money
she prefers smaller, more meaningful dates, to the point where she'd much prefer watching a movie over at your house with a pizza over getting anxiety over going somewhere fancy
The gays def know that getting tattoo's are fuckin EXPENSIVE
so ya girl is rich and basically fuckin loaded bc of it
in turn, once she gets comfortable, she love love LOVES spoiling you
"Babe," You called out, frowning in mild exasperation at the item in your room. It wasn't that you didn't appreciate the gesture. It was just that the top was 80. fucking. dollars.
"Yea?" Ellie asked, feigning innocence and following you in your room, grinning when she saw the t-shirt in your hands. "Fits?"
"Ellie, it's almost the same price as the headphones i use," You argued, a little exasperated with this. She rolled her eyes, grinning and coming to place her hands on your hips.
"C'mon, try it on?" She asked, unfazed as you shook your head.
"Please? For me?"
By god, she could get you to do anything by just saying that. You did as she asked, and you loved it. You never would've bought it for yourself, but when you modelled it for Ellie, her smile was worth more than 3 of those tops.
You don't really go for the more expensive gifts, knowing Ellie prolly won't appreciate them much
handmade! gifts!
like, let's say you gave her a handmade bracelet or something
or like, a gimmick (gonna use a personal example here)
your friend has some spare clay or something, so you take a chunk and model it into something you knOW is super super dumb
you take the dimensions of her fav tattoo pen and make a lil snake or sm to wrap around it and make it with huge googley eyes bc it looks so creepy and weird it's hilarious
you give it to her, trying your hardest not to laugh
she finds it fuckin HILARIOUS
she doesn't use it in the shop, scared of being called a simp
instead finds a marker she uses for sketching and puts it on that, it's her favorite marker now
Affection? hugs? kisses? awkward?
i feel like ellie is not very big on pda when you first start out
like very hesitant, doesn't want to cross any lines
if you're more affectionate, she still keeps you at arms distance until she's sure she wants to indulge you
if you're not affectionate like me then it actually works for her, she slowly initiates the affection
i think she'd love hand holding the most
espECIALLY when you trace her tattoos or her lil callouses on her hands
ugh she meLTS
not huge on the PDA, like the mandatory cheek kisses, forehead pecks etc.
if you're huge on it, welcomes it with open arms
if you're not, goes for the basic linking pinkies
you actually asked her once why she doesn't like it that much
"why do i need to show other people you're mine? I mean, I'm pretty secure in the fact that you're my girlfriend, why does the rando across the street need to see my tongue down your throat to get that?"
you choked on your drink at that answer
however, that attitude takes a 180 turn when she's jealous
A/N: Give me headcannons for jealous ellie, i have nOne. Also, what do y'all think of this?
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frostbitemutt · 5 days
some Jack marston hcs? Low honor more specifically 👀
Oh dear. But, Yes. Yes I will. This is low honor. Don't expect anything less than awful 💀.
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Yandere! Low honor! Jack Marston hcs
Warnings: gender neutral darling, yandere trope, forced "relationship", obsession, stalking, harassment, unwanted crude flirting, perverted comments, non-consensual kissing and touching mentioned (nothing explicit), breaking and entering, kidnapping, violence, murder, sadism
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Main traits:
✘ John Jack Marston Jr. Better to just call him Jack. A raunchy 19 year old trying to imitate his less than a saint father. On track to being an outlaw... yeah.. you're pretty fucked. He's an absolute little shithead.
✘ I'm going to assume you're a local townsfolk, maybe a store clerk, farmer, or maybe you're just his neighbor. You'll know when you've caught his eye. He makes it more than clear. Hounding you around town. Cat-calling you.
✘ His comments are perverted "They tell me I'm at my sexual peak sweetheart..", "Come on, just one kiss.", "are you are aroused as I am?".. and other comments. Very much to your dismay. Dosen't matter your gender. The perversion dosen't stop at words. If you don't have your curtains shut.. you may have to deal with a peeping Tom. His hands wander where they shouldn't, attempting to grab at you, pull you in close enough for him to kiss.
✘ He's possessive of you. You're not in a relationship. Hell you're not even friendly with him. You're definitely less than that. He still feels you're his regardless of the fact you hate his ass. No other man or woman needs to be looking or touching up on you. That's his job. Not theirs. He won't stand by and let someone else harrass you either. To him it's only okay when he does it. Hypocrite. Threatening, dueling, and shooting people left and right.
✘ Just like his daddy, he's violent. Wouldn't John be proud? Probably not. I already mentioned him shooting randos down. Your friends? They're found with a ludicrous amount of bullet holes. Lover? Yeah their head got blow clean off with a shotgun, sorry. You ain't off the hook either. He'll tackle you to the ground and manhandle you in a fit of anger. He'll shout real loud too. Sudden and explosive is how his temper runs.
✘ Sadism is something that shines through a bit in Jack. Now he's not going out of his way to harm or hit you most of the time, unless he's feeling petty. Maybe he'll give you a mildly harsh kick to your side. However that dosent mean he isn't at all. Your tears, your screams, your sobs, and your insults...make him feel all funny inside as he'd put it. Yuck. He'll laugh and snort at you most of the time. Mocking you and your fear. Maybe even make some pig noises at you to add some salt to the wound.
✘ You swear, you wake up at least once a week to a weird noise in your home. Window or door suddenly cracked open, not even cracked, more like wide open. Yet you can't find no one. Oh, yeah, mutiple items go missing too. Lots of clothes. Toothbrush. Notebooks if you got any. Were there always boot prints in your carpet? Your bed feel oddly warm? Nope. It was Jack. Who else.
✘ Escape is certainly.. difficult when he goes to kidnap you. He abuses the fuck out of his lasso. Running away on foot? Lasso. On horse? Get the fuck over here. Lasso. Move more than 30 feet from him? Lasso. That point he's doing it cause he thinks it's funny. Unfortunate for you. Not to downplay the fear that comes with it. Thinking you're free, only to be yanked off your horse and hogtied to the back of his.
✘ It's all much worse when he has you isolated, in his home. No police you can snitch to, bystanders to chase him off, or neighbors of yours to questioning him snooping about. He's dosen't bother restraining himself, he was barely before. Sloppily kissing you, hands grasping wherever he can, shoving you against the nearest solid surface. It's vile.
✘ You'll have to endure more of his tantrums than ever. Grumbling when you refuse to talk to him, because why would you want to? Pouting and stomping his foot when you push him away from you. Going on rants when you won't stop crying. His mood changes day from day. Luckily after a bit you might be able to read his face and tell when he's about to to blow a fuse. You can brace yourself for his delusional complaining.
✘ Don't loose all hope. Escape is possible. Now I'm not going to say Jack's stupid, he isn't. However we're still talking about a 19 year old. (I'm almost 19 I can throw shade). He doesn't have a plethora experience like his dad or an older outlaw. He's a new adult on a violent power trip. If he leaves the house, check the locks, he might have forgotten one. Try to knock him unconscious in his sleep or.. more permanent if you're absolutely certain you can. That's the more risky option. If you can act well enough, you can possibly convince him to let you outside with him. If he does? Book it.
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rubywolf0201 · 6 months
You know, I'm worried about the hypocrisy of people in relation to Arajin who hate him because he doesn't want to fight with anyone while there are other characters who are also annoying. zabu; he is a bully and only cares about his friends at first he was horrible to arajin and he only changed his behavior because of matakara. Marito; It's horrible the way he treats Matakara, mocking him, I'm happy he got a beating. arajin's mother also bothers me the way she talks to arajin's friends like ideal age for what? Unpopular opinion, if there was no Senya or Matakara in the anime, Arajin would suffer heavy bullying and would also be beaten a lot.
Yeah i can definitely see your POV on some of that really. Though then again, Episode 1’s establishment was kind of a little weird if you ask me. Like we see Zabu and Komao during their first introduction, targeting Arajin during his first day in Ichizu High. It’s a little bit strange on why they targetted him but I’m sorta assuming they want to recruit him into Minato Kai though their body language and later scenes doesn’t seem like it as said later scene have both they or rather Zabu bully him out of pettiness (I gotta rewatch the series as soon as all episodes are aired).
Then in Marito’s first introduction, we see him beating up Arajin for being near his sister and not to mention that prior to using Senya, Arajin was unaware of their relationship and was also innocent (well defenseless despite having Senya around) but later episodes establish that he is a little bit neglectful towards Mahoro (tho i can’t blame him to some extent considering girl kinda of violate his personal boundaries and was close to kissing him in his sleep in Episode 2 😬) and Utsumi revealing that neither Minato Kai nor Siguma Squad are the typical delinquent gangs to go after innocent people, something which is again showcased in Episode 3 where Marito rescued out an innocent student from the NG Boys clutches. Although, I’m inclined to think that he more or less attack randos for being near his sister or so but everything about the Jin siblings sorta confuses me so I’ll leave it up to someone to correct me on this.
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yandere sugawara hc?
ily sm for this.
fun fact: i actually kin sugawara.
tws: blood/gore, murder, gaslighting, manipulation, Stockholm Syndrome, stalking, non-con, somnophilia, kidnapping, murder-suicide
Sugawara would, at first, admire you from afar. Watching as you joke with your friends, eat your lunch, and so on.
Sugawara would develop a crush on you that way. He would notice all the cute habits you have and the way your nose crinkles when your friends say something weird/gross, the way your eyes brighten when you laugh. He would notice everything.
Sugawara would find you on social media and stalk your page, looking for things to talk to you about. If he doesn't know/isn't interested in something you are, you better believe that he will research it.
Eventually, Sugawara would notice that he has competition. Whether it be you crushing on someone else or some rando crushing on you- he would be jealous. So so so so so jealous. He can't stand it.
Suga would work up the courage to speak to you and you two would become friends. He'd ask you to come to his practice games and he would ask you to hang out.
Suga would for sure be delusional but have moments where he realizes what he's doing is wrong. He would justify it somehow. Saying that he wasn't stalking you, he was just making sure you were safe... all the time. He wasn't killing people in cold blood, he was just making sure they didn't hurt you.
Before the murders start, he would secretly spread rumors about you. Horrible things. He feels bad, kind of. But, he knows that you'll be happier with him. He's the only one that's worthy of you.
And, when everyone leaves you, you'll cling to him. He'll be so happy. Don't even think about trying to reconnect and explain yourself to those losers, they didn't even ask you if it was true. They just left. Truly a blessing in disguise, if you ask him.
Suga would sneak into your room at night and take things from your dresser, like your panties/underwear/boxers and use them at home to get off. He'd cut portions of your hair off while you sleep, using it for voodoo.
Worst of all, when you fall asleep, he would use your hands or your thighs you pleasure himself while he touches you. He would be drunk off of your sleepy moans and the adrenaline. He secretly hopes you would wake up.
He would also take pictures of you. Pictures of you changing, pictures of you sleeping, pictures of you laughing, staring off into space, crying, etc.
When he starts killing people off, those 'friends' of yours would be first. Suga eliminates people that catch on and people that speak ill of you, as well as people that have feelings for you/people you had feelings for. He doesn't really want to hurt your family, but he will if he has to.
Suga will without a doubt, kidnap you. He'll run away with you to a cabin deep in the woods and keep you there. He'll lock you in a room until he can trust you.
Sugawara will keep you locked in that room, chained to the bed until you learn to lean on him. Sure, you'll hate him at first, but when you realize that he's all you have and he's the only one who will ever love you, you'll behave.
Sugawara will for sure feed you, clean you, bathe you, give you water, etc. He will take care of you, using the chains as an excuse.
He would also sleep beside you. He would cuddle up to you at night, kiss your forehead, and tell you all the good things that the two of you could have if you would just behave. He would also force affection maybe including sexual intimacy.
Sugawara uses the training system. He will reward you when you behave and he'll punish you when you break a rule. Behave, please. He'll cripple you if he needs to.
Suga is delusional, remember? So when he forces you you say that you love him, he knows you mean it.
Body worship. Suga loves everything about you. Doesn't matter your size, color, blemishes, etc. Will worship you in entirety.
He won't tell you that he kills people handles people for you. He wants you happy at all times, so he'll do anything to keep it that way.
If you have a uterus, Suga wants to have tons of children with you. Will definitely use your child to keep you in line.
If you manage to escape, he'll catch you before you can get help and take you back home.
If you manage to escape and get help he'll kill you and them himself. If he can't have you, no one can.
However, if you stay with him, when both of you turn eighteen and he trusts you enough, he'll integrate you back into society and tell everyone that you two decided to run away because you wanted to be safe. You'll be a wonderful housewife/house-husband/ house... spouse??
They'll never figure out that he was the murderer. He's too smart.
"[Name]-chan, I love you so so so so so so much. You love me too, right? Right?... I'm so glad. I knew you loved me."
"Don't cry. I'm just making sure you're safe."
"Sweetie, don't worry about them. They didn't even ask if you did those things. What friend leaves you over some silly rumor?"
"Don't worry, baby. I'm here. I'll always be here."
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freyafrida · 7 months
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i'm assuming the rec they're referring to is this lovely post by @gogandmagog, to whom i must thank for unearthing this fic, lol. i wrote this chapter back in 2012(!!!) so unfortunately i don't remember what exactly i had in mind for shirley and pencil girl (love that nickname), or if i even had more of a story in mind. i don't see myself writing another chapter for arco iris (although never say never?) BUT i did have some vague headcanons and influences so i will share them!
anyway. what did shirley say to her afterwards? i didn't have a full idea for this in my head and i'm of two minds about it! i can see him just ignoring it because whatever, he's not interested in getting his name written up on the side of the schoolhouse and it's none of his business why Pencil Girl decided to, apparently, lose her mind one day after school. i can also see him being pretty straightforward and asking her about it and being completely embarrassed that she's sweet on him and again, having zero interest in getting his name put on a Take Notice.
either way, they both pretend it didn't happen for a few years, but Pencil Girl never quite gives up her little crush on him, and she and shirley grow to be friends in adolescence after he gets over being flustered by her existence. they exchange sympathetic letters during the war, maybe get into wacky adventures as college kids, and fall in love along the way. the end.
so, some background: this is very niche, but as a kid, i was very into the boy/girl battle series by phyllis reynolds naylor (which i also wrote fic for in 2012 -- maybe that spilled into arco iris?). i didn't do it consciously, but in hindsight, i think i was inspired by the dynamic between the characters wally and caroline. wally is the most introverted of his brothers, thoughtful and quietly imaginative, while caroline is an attention-seeking theater kid who drags wally into her mischief. they're both annoyed by each other because they're middle schoolers, but they're also both imaginative and slightly lonely because everyone thinks they're weird, and they find they (unwillingly) understand each other on that more fundamental level. anyway! it's not a 1:1 comparison, but i think i was imagining shirley/pencil girl from a similar place. we know shirley isn't totally opposed to mischief (see "well-deserved spankings" in RV) and while we also know he hates to be badgered with chatter per RoI, i was also picturing him as a bit matthew cuthbert-esque, where he doesn't mind exuberance as long as he's not expected to actually respond in kind (that's how i interpret "badgering", anyway).
i was also semi-influenced by the dynamic between kyon and haruhi in the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya, haha. obviously none of this is evident in that very short chapter, but uh, that's the backstory if you're interested, or if it gives an idea of how the rest of the story might go!
i also was actually influenced by the jenny penny section of anne of ingleside! i first read that book as a teenager and tbh i took the jenny penny section and all its judgment about Dirty Houses and Fighting Adults and Not Saying Your Prayers a leetle personally, lmao. i found the blythes pretty snobbish in that story* (this livejournal post is a pretty good summary of how i felt about anne of ingleside at the time). so i also had the loose headcanon of the blythes having to deal with someone a little socially inappropriate, who they wouldn't approve of very much. again, this was way too much to be evident in the actual chapter, but this is where the whole "girl who kisses rando boys in classrooms" concept came from, if you're interested.
anyway that's how shirley/pencil girl would've gone. hope this didn't ruin it for you, nonny, and thank you for reading ❤️
* i mean, upon reread, there are actual issues with the pennys: jenny is a more intentional liar than anne ever was, and the grandma makes di show her her underwear??? weird. but also jenny is, like, the lone realistically troubled child in a book of unusually twee children, and i found her surprisingly sympathetic for that reason. anyway. i had feelings.
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millipede-menace · 1 year
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The bands back together! And they’re old lol
Art Notes/Rants below ⬇️
it is very long, I got a lot to say apparently lol
❗️They’re all aged up btw! In case you’re all wondering why i’m even redesigning them lol
🐱Chizu Mini Rant: I hate Chizu’s design in the show. Not the clothing more so the body model. I hate that they made her the stereotypical curvy cat girl with a tiny hourglass waist and tiny hands and feet. Really weird proportions, Like we’re going back to the betty boop era but no one else in the show looks like this? (Also, No hate to people who are curvy btw love you) It just doesn’t feel like it belongs in the show. Maybe if she were shorter, it would work better? Idk Also she’s like the only one in a full skin tight suit (like I get animation, but they didn’t even bother giving her implied loose clothes or armor like the other ninjas? Maybe bc she was undercover? but then she should’ve been wearing something closer to the bg character models) It’s like they’re trying to make her sexy but like why?????? for why????
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I really liked the concept art of Chizu. She’s got a more sharp/rigid and square silhouette but still some curves (w/o it being weird). She still has tiny hands but her head isn’t the size of a watermelon and her face isn’t super tiny, the proportions are good. She’s all power stanced up lol She looks mean and menacing, someone not to trust or mess with. It’s literally spot on. ✨chef kiss ✨ It’s also probably why they didn’t really go with it, they probably rounded her out to be more appealing for the reveal? or she was hard to animate cause she did have baggier pants idk. Who am I, but a rando with a hard boiled egg for brains.
Art Notes: I took a lot of inspiration from the comics and I did want to keep her iconic red so she was still recognizable & stand out from the neko ninja. I made her a regular black cat! (with the idea of black cats being less likely to be adopted & be strays) (;-;) (I know she was kidnapped but still!! The stray cat vibes!!!) I gave her a more lean and tall figure, kinda like the comics but also to play off of Kistune’s height and it give scrawny stray cat vibes . . . again lol. It’s also a body shape I don’t see a lot in physically strong female characters (or maybe I do and just don’t remember? Idk but she can definitely kick your ass & she’s not here for anybody’s bullshit lol) I gave her the iconic ponytail from the comics along with the comb Kitsune usually wears. I wanted to give her green eyes (bc black cat & red and green) but i just kept them yellow. Maybe i’ll go back and change them. Her outfit is mostly inspired from Karai (bc she’s a ninja from eons ago & the gang is a little more traditional) just (pretend cuz i’m lazy) with traditional Japanese patterns. Chizu definitely got kunais and stars up her sleeves, but bc she doesn’t have to be a ninja anymore, I imagine her more into wearing pretty dresses with patterns and cute things. Stuff she never got to wear/ enjoy as a kid, you know. The show really wants to push her to be a bad ass girl boss who hates everyone and everything and is too cool and edgy for games but idk. I like to think she left the ninja stuff behind her and started living her own life based on exploring things rather than just being the cool ninja with an edgy backstory. I think she uses ninjitsu as a means of self defense but doesn’t like being connected to it b/c of the kidnapping and stuff. (We also see how she doesn’t really care about the tradition of ninjitsu cause during the show, she has no fucking clue what to do with the neko ninja, she just wanted them to stop hurting people and wanted to free the babies lol) Usagi and Kitsune are the ones who indulge her childish side. She wears a lot of red but her favorite color is pink. Kitsune def hypes her up and goes feral when she wears pink.
🦊 Kitsune Mini Rant: I hate Kitsune’s clothes in the show. Idk it just doesn’t look right on her. It’s got no shape it’s got no hiding spots for stolen goods. It’s not Kitsune. I like the concept art fit, it’s really cute. (She looks like a mini tank who will fuck you up in a cute way) but still #1 thing missing. Hiding spots for stolen goods!!! She needs some loose sleeves or flowy clothing like in the comics. (btw: I know it would be harder to animate in the show therefore I accept what they gave her but still!!!)
Art Notes: I’m not too sure about Kitsune’s fit tbh. I’m still workshopping it. She just needs something with loose sleeves! (Like she for sure is stealing shit and putting it up her sleeves, you can’t tell me i’m wrong/ it’s also where she could keep her fans!) I think i’m obsessed with her sleeves cause I imagine her gambling or playing a game of cards with a bunch of dangerous criminals and someone accuses her of cheating and she goes “What?! Me?! No, no. I’m just that good or maybe . . . you’re just that bad-” Then all the stolen cards fall out her sleeves and she just goes -fuck. and it turns into this picture vvv
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ANYWAYS!!!! I gave her short hair bc idk, a girls gotta change it up sometime 💅 I actually liked her hair mimicking a fox tail but I feel like she would get bored of it and chop it all off one day. She's definitely the one who cuts and dye’s her hair at 1am then cries about it the next day. She’s got visibly longer ears and sharper face. Kitsune and Usagi wanted to get piercings together cause they’re besties and want to be edgy (she lowkey got it on her left ear to match Chizu) and so they did and Usagi’s Auntie was so PISSED lol. They got chewed out. Her hands and feet should be a little darker but i forgor. Also she’s got dark teal wrappings so it would be hard to tell anyways. I gave her the crop top with buttons from the concept art and the sleeves from the comic. They have the same maple leaf print from her comic too (i’m just lazy) and the cuffs are just lined to mimic the layers she had. She’s got her little pack, she’s also got some more smaller ones on the back (kinda like Leo). She also made a comment about not having money to buy herself shoes so . . . she’s got no shoes lol. It just wrappings under her shin guards. (no shoes just like Leo smh) It helps her be more sneaky tho >:)
Oh and they’re dating but i feel like that’s a given lol. I saw people shipping them at first and it literally went -> *sees ship* Oh they’re shipping the only two main female characters together again- yeah that’s greeeat- *Watches the show* oh. nvm I retract my sarcasm, they’re def gay for each other, thats nice. This is nice -w-
which is pretty funny, cause I think they don't like each other in the comics? (from what I saw in the singles panels I used as a reference at least) Chizu’s legit ready to kill Kitsune lol
Post Note: I totally forgot Chizu chose a bow and arrow as a weapon so now she’s just the stereotypical tall archer . . . i’m gonna go now ;-;
Gen Mini Rant: Holy Moly dudes, he was sooooo hard to draw ;-; I don't hate his design at all, actually it's one I like the most. I just don't like that there's not a lot of contrast on the 3D model and he kind just blends into a purple blob. (for me at least) I defiantly didn't do him justice but that's the best it's gonna get (from me that is.)
Art Notes: Don't look the feet . . . for any of them but mostly Gen lol. I don't really like the purple I chose but every color combo I did just looked bad idk. I can't do color, don't look at me man. Me and purple do not mix. He's still a bounty hunter so I wanted to keep his armor but I wanted him to have a long tail-coat/cape-ish jacket cause he would look cool as hell with one of those >:) (prob not practical but still) I wanted to add elbow and knee pads, but he's a rhino, he can take it. Also how can bad guys hurt him if he's too busy beating them up with his brass knuckles? He's still got his clubs but he likes clanging his fists together. lol His horn grew back! He's also got a goatee and everyone makes fun of him. The gang always threatens to shave it off in his sleep. I took more inspo from the show than the comic cause I don't really know Gen in the comics and what I did find was just miyamoto usagi but purple ;-; (clothes wise)
I wasn’t kidding, I had a lot to say, any survivors?
Feel free to suggest or critic my designs!! :0 Im not a design person and its mostly just for fun, but i looooove hearing people’s takes, especially hot takes >:) i like poking brains, its fun ^^
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blog-name-idk · 2 years
Mold a Pretty Lie | 04
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Banner by @persphonesorchid <3
Pairing: professor!Jin x Fem undergrad!Reader
Genre: College!AU, Unhealthy relationships, toxic relationships, virgin reader, eventual yandere, eventual smut
Summary: They say love is like a garden that requires regular care and attention. Kim Seokjin, your kind and handsome professor, is more than happy to cultivate the vines that bind his heart to yours.
Word Count: 4,358
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Kissing, non-consensual kissing/assault, sneaker destruction
AN: A huge thanks to @eserethriddle for beta-ing this chapter for me. Also check their fics out, they're amazing. Hope y'all enjoy!
In the weeks that followed, there were no more incidents where you nodded off in Dr. Kim's class. You made sure of it. Your professor didn't mention it again, other than leaving a blue Powerade on your desk the next time you met him to work on your research project. It was objectively the best flavor, and you did your best not to read too much into his thoughtfulness.
However, your best wasn't good enough, and each one of his smiles and silly jokes added another bud to the flowers blooming in your chest.
You craved when he'd lean in close enough for your imagination to go wild, the way he would rest a distracting hand on your shoulder when he reviewed your work, the sparkle in his eyes when he was pleased. You didn't go chasing after more contact than that, but you did find yourself lingering longer than your allotted hours, chatting to your energetic professor about this or that.
At first you had been reticent, wary of taking up too much of his time, or god forbid, coming across like some of the students who stalked his office hours. But he was often the one to engage you, to ask about how your semester was going outside of his class. It was hard to believe he cared, but his face lit up in genuine interest when you spoke, and it was hard not to bask in the warm glow of his approval.
Why were you such an idiot? You were smitten, daydreaming about a man there was no hope of ever attaining. You knew it was a waste of time to keep pining after him the way you were, but how exactly could you prevent your stomach from flipping upside down with each smile?
What's wrong, my pretty tulip?
You winced at the nickname, a joke at your expense Phoebe had "hilariously" come up with in high school. Because you were a virgin in both sets of lips. It was fucking weird and gross and she never let it go despite the fact that you hated it.
I have a stupid crush on someone I have objectively zero chance with
Yeah, no
Yeah, no
You were NOT going to open yourself to ridicule from your best friend by admitting you had enough of a crush on a professor for it to be a problem. That was just asking for her to make fun of you. If she kept pressing, you'd send her a picture of Jimin or Taehyung or something, but not if you could avoid it.
You're so boring
This is why it's unrequited
Omg rude
Lol you know I'm joking
Well you know what they say
If you say "the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else" I'm blocking you for being cliche as fuck
It's a cliche for a reason babe
It's not like you're in love with the guy right?
You just need a distraction that'll help redirect your thinking
Just start flirting with a new cutie, works for me every time
I guess that makes sense…
Wouldn't that be like, kinda rude to the other person though?
I said flirt not propose to lmao
And not just a rando, someone you actually could like
How are you of all people trying to question me, hmm little tulip?
Ugh yeah yeah fine whatever
… Thank you for the advice
Miss you babe <3
Miss you too <3
You stared at your phone for a moment, lost in thought as you considered your friend's words. You could kind of see where she was coming from - you were probably just infatuated with your professor because you saw and interacted with him multiple times a week, and your wishful brain mistook his kindness for some sort of preference. Dr. Kim was so wonderful that it was just normal human nature for you to become enamored - maybe if you reframed your mindset and let yourself get swept up with someone else, your silly crush would fade.
"Sierra?" you asked one weekend, wondering if you had soured her desire to party with you. She hadn't tried to cajole you out since that not-so-fateful night, and you never asked why in the fear that you would hear that she now hated you. Your roommate perked up and looked at you from her bed, where she was laying on her back and scrolling through her phone. "What are you doing tonight?"
"Haven't decided yet, what's up?" she replied curiously. She didn't look apprehensive at your question, so that was probably a good sign.
"I just - I thought it might be fun to go out or something…" you said tentatively, studying her face for any flashes of annoyance. Instead, her eyes lit up.
"Really?" Sierra asked excitedly, sitting upright on her mattress. "I didn't put you off partying with me?"
"Really, I - wait what do you mean? I blacked out and spent half the night throwing up."
Her words made no sense, why would you not want to hang out with her anymore? Instead of rolling her eyes and agreeing with your assessment the way Phoebe might have, she laughed.
"I guess that means you don't remember when I tried to hug you and then threw up on your shoes instead."
"I thought that was my vomit," you exclaimed. "And I thought you were annoyed with me, and that's why we never went out again."
"I thought you didn't want to hang out with me!"
The two of you stared at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter.
"We're idiots," she said through giggles, looking just as relieved as you felt. "Alright, let's party tonight! Maybe minus the puking."
You laughed at her addendum, nodding in agreement. "I can work with that."
You weren't exactly sure how you had ended up here, shut in a bedroom with Sierra and a group of other strangers. The two of you were on the far side of tipsy, but nowhere near as drunk as you had been the last time. And now you were staring at the bottle some guy - Chad? Brad? - was holding up.
"Spin the bottle? Seriously?" scoffed Sierra, crossing her arms. You were inclined to agree - sure, people were inclined to play horny drinking games, but you didn't think anyone played spin the bottle specifically out of middle school, or bad teenage sitcoms. At least with Truth or Dare or Never Have I Ever, you sort of learned about the people around you.
Plus you could definitely say that you weren't particularly interested in locking lips with anyone in this room.
"Yeah, it was nice to meet you all but I think I'm gonna go back to the party," you said as diplomatically as you could.
"What, too much of a prude?" ChadBrad asked with a smirk, and you fought the urge to roll your eyes. He was attractive, sure, but arrogance clung to his shoulders like a bad smell and you were not into it.
"No, I just have standards," you retorted loftily, getting up from the floor and heading to the door. "I'm seeing too many frogs, and not enough princes."
Sierra laughed gleefully at ChadBrad's startled expression and followed you.
"Sorry buddy, no amount of Smirnoff Ice in your mini-fridge is gonna get either of us to hook up with you," she added, and the guy scowled as the others in the room began to snicker.
The closing door cut off the sound and the two of you giggled as you walked back to the main party.
"Dang girl, I thought you were this meek little mouse, but that was hilarious," Sierra said with a grin, making you laugh. You were so caught up in talking to your friend that you forgot to watch where you were going, and ended up colliding with a warm, solid body. The warmth was offset by a cold trickle down your shirt and you jumped back, realizing you had made whoever it was spill their drink.
"I'm so sorry, I - Tae?"
Your friend stood before you, eyes wide, hair tousled, wearing a loose white button-up that made him look like a medieval farmhand a heroine would run away with.
"[Y/n]?" he asked, surprise etched on his face as his eyes roved down your figure. Sierra had convinced you to wear another crop top, and you fought the urge to cover your stomach as his gaze fell on your bare skin.
"Now here's a prince," Sierra whispered in your ear, making heat rise up your neck as you realized what she was getting at. "Hey Tae. I'm gonna get a drink, you need a new one?"
He jumped as if surprised she was there, and she snorted as if unsurprised.
"That would be great, thanks Sierra."
She nudged you as she left.
"Get it, girl," she whispered in your ear wickedly, making you cough and splutter before she slapped your ass and left, cackling. God, your roommate was a menace.
"I didn't expect to see you here," Taehyung said with a smile, and you had to smile back, a little hypnotized by the stars in his eyes. He really was beautiful.
"I thought it was time to give partying another shot," you replied sheepishly, still a little embarrassed by how your previous night out had ended.
"I'm glad," he said softly, something in his eyes making your stomach flutter. "Sorry for spilling on you."
You had actually forgotten, but now that he brought it up you were all too aware of the stain on your shirt and the stickiness of beer on your skin.
"It's my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going," you assured him.
"Let me help you get cleaned up at least," he offered, grabbing your hand before you could protest and setting off to find a bathroom. Your fingers slotted perfectly into his, and he tugged you easily through the crowd. Phoebe's advice rang clear in your mind, but you silenced it as you followed. You were certainly attracted to Taehyung, but he was way out of your league… right?
He found a bathroom and ushered you inside, shutting the door behind him. It dulled the sound of merrymaking outside, and the sudden intimacy brought another slew of jittery panic into your chest. One that was clearly only one sided as Taehyung glanced around before finding a roll of paper towels.
He ripped off a sheet, running it under the faucet before handing it to you.
"Unless you want my help," he said with a wink, waggling his eyebrows. You laughed and slapped his shoulder before accepting his offering, too intent on cleaning yourself to notice the way his eyes watched you hungrily. You dabbed at the shirt as well, before deciding it was a lost cause and that the beer would probably come out in the wash.
"Thanks, Tae," you said with a smile, tossing the crumpled cloth in the trash and looking up to suddenly find him right in front of you. He was close enough that you had to look up to meet his eyes, and you stepped backwards with a surprised "eep" when your back hit the sink counter.
"How much have you had to drink tonight?" he asked intently, not moving from where he was standing. You were suddenly all too aware of your exposed skin, of how gorgeous he looked, of how his dark, mesmerizing eyes were locked on your own.
"N-not very much, we just got here a little while ago," you stammered, staring back at him as your pulse sped up. His lips curved into a devastating smirk and he stepped forward, closing the scant distance between your bodies.
"Good, then I can finally do this," he murmured, one warm, gentle hand coming up to cup your cheek as you felt your eyes go as wide as saucers. Then he was leaning in, and those plush lips of his were coming closer, and closer.
They were warm and soft, and you felt your eyelashes flutter shut as you leaned into the feeling. He backed away almost immediately, and your stomach dropped. Was he disappointed? Were you a bad kisser? But it had only lasted a couple seconds, were people really able to tell that quickly?
"Was that okay?" he whispered, cutting through your panic. He was gazing at you with an uncertainty that mirrored your own, and your heart sang with the realization that he was nervous. You felt your own lips twitch into a smile and you nodded, reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck.
"Yeah," you whispered, standing up on your tippy-toes and tilting your face up in an open invitation.
This time, the kiss was less tentative, and Taehyung's free arm snaked around your waist to pull you snugly into him. You gasped at the press of his warm, warm body against yours, and he took the opportunity to pull your lower lip between his teeth, nibbling slightly. Oh. That was… very pleasant.
"You're so pretty," Taehyung murmured, pulling away. You almost asked why he stopped, until his lips dragged across your jaw to press light, fluttery kisses against your skin that left hot embers in their wake. The new sensation made you whimper, and he froze as his grip on your waist tightened. Fuck, were you not supposed to do that? It was getting hard to think straight when he was holding you so close, whispering sweet words in your ear.
Then he latched onto the sensitive skin of your neck and he sucked, sending white hot shudders down your spine. A moan left your mouth before you could stop it, and Taehyung groaned before capturing your mouth again.
He took advantage of your parted lips to glide his tongue against yours, and another mortifying sound escaped your throat at the sensation. It was wet, hot, and slimy, and should have felt gross, but instead you found yourself clinging to his shirt as your legs turned to jelly.
"Fuck, you sound so good," Taehyung groaned, shifting from your mouth to run his tongue along the shell of your ear.
"T-Taehyung," you gasped breathily, not exactly wanting to stop but worried about him taking this further. His hands slid down to your butt to press your hips against his, and with a jolt you realized he was hard against your thigh. He felt your body stiffen, and immediately pulled back.
"Sorry, too much?" he asked, his voice a husky rasp.
"A little," you admitted, swallowing down the desire to find out what else he had to offer. As much as you were enjoying yourself, you were already starting to feel a little overwhelmed. And the way Taehyung was currently looking at you made you want to both kiss him forever and run away and hide. "Maybe we should get back to the party."
"I'm sorry," he said again, looking away. "I've wanted to do that forever, I got a little carried away."
Something warm glowed in your chest at his words, and impulsively you grabbed his shirt to pull him in for another kiss. The dazed way he grinned at you when you let him go was more than enough to bolster your confidence, and this time you were the one who intertwined your fingers with his.
"Let's go find Sierra."
Finding your roommate ended up being more difficult than you'd thought, and Taehyung reluctantly agreed that it would be easier for you two to split up to find her.
"Don't forget about me while you're gone," he said with a pout, brushing his lips against the knuckles of your hand before finally letting go. You watched him leave, stomach positively giddy with butterflies, before you turned around as well. A clammy hand gripped your wrist roughly, and you jumped, whirling to face the culprit.
"Saw you leave the bathroom with that guy," came the obnoxious, unwelcome voice of ChadBrad. He smirked at your frown, ignoring the way you tried to shake off his hand. What was he doing? Why was he looking at you like that?
"It's not really any of your business, is it?" you replied coldly, but to your alarm he just looked even more smug. His grip tightened, and you felt anxiety rise like bile in the back of your throat.
"So you're the type that likes to play hard to get, is it? I like that," he said with a leering grin, stepping into your personal space. You backed away as far as you could with your arm still captive, and gave him your best glare before scanning behind him to see if Taehyung was still around.
Please let him still be here, you begged silently. To no avail. You were alone, and no one else in the room was even looking in your direction. And the music was so loud you doubted even a scream would catch anyone's attention.
"Let go," you ordered through gritted teeth, trying to sound more confident than you felt. He merely matched each step you tried to take away from him, and when your back hit the wall you realized you were trapped.
"Trusting your safety to two college boys you don't know very well… well, I'm glad the night ended alright, but it would break my heart if anything happened to you."
Your professor's words echoed in your head as you tried to think of a way out of this situation, wishing you had listened better to his advice.
"Good girls say please," ChadBrad taunted, caging you between his arms. "But you're a bad girl, huh?"
Fucking ew. Despite the obvious disgust on your face, he still seemed to think it was going well, and you caught a whiff of gross beer breath before his clammy lips were on yours.
It was revolting, and you felt your skin crawl as you tried to push him off frantically. You kept your lips sealed tightly shut against the nauseating prod of his tongue, but the asshole wouldn't fucking move. Your heart was pounding for completely different reasons than with Taehyung, and it was getting harder to breathe through your nose as you pushed and pushed to no avail. Finally, you did the only thing you could think of, and kneed him as hard as you could between his legs.
That worked, and he leaped away with a yelp.
"What the fuck, you bitch," he spat at you, doubling over as you scrambled away from him, massaging your wrist and breathing hard. You could breathe through your mouth now, why didn't it feel like you were getting any air?
You didn't bother to gift him with a response, too focused on getting the fuck away for something as trivial as a final word. You stumbled through the house, desperate for Sierra or Taehyung or fucking anyone familiar at this point.
To your relief, you spotted a familiar head of hair near the kitchen and almost tackled Sierra in your haste to get to her.
"Whoa there, cowboy!" she said with a giggle as she righted herself, though her smile slid off when she saw your expression. "What's wrong?"
Your heart settled at her reassuring face, and as the adrenaline ebbed away you suddenly felt a lump in your throat. You opened your mouth to respond, then closed it when you realized frustration and anxiety were welling up behind your eyes.
You swallowed and took a deep breath, but all you could do was sniffle to try to keep back the disgusting feeling clawing your throat. Sierra's eyes widened and she wrapped a protective arm around you. You obeyed blindly as she steered you through the throngs of people, focused solely on not freaking out in front of a huge audience.
"Babe, talk to me, what happened?"
With a start you realized you were on the lawn outside and looking into Sierra's warm, worried brown eyes.
"I - that guy - "
To your utter mortification, that was all you got out before the tears came in earnest. Your face was immediately pressed into a perfumed, ample chest as your roommate hugged you and rubbed soothing circles into your back.
"It's okay, you're okay. Just take your time," Sierra said comfortingly as you whimpered and hiccuped into her shirt. Fuck, why were you crying so much? Nothing bad had really even happened, you were fine! Why were you being such a crybaby? First Dr. Kim, now here?
Finally, you calmed down enough to tell Sierra what happened, and her expression went from concerned to livid.
"And where the fuck was Taehyung?" she asked calmly, making your eyes widen. Her voice was even, but her eyes flashed with what could only be described as castrative fury.
"We only split up for a second to look for you!" you explained hastily, and suddenly you were the one rubbing soothing circles into her back. "We were gonna meet back up in the kitchen."
Sierra relaxed slightly, but tension still thrummed under her skin. You wracked your brain for something to calm her down, but crying had made your head irritatingly foggy.
"Oh hey, you found her!"
You both looked to see Taehyung smiling, though it faded when he saw the anger on Sierra's face and the tear stains on yours. He took a step forward, only to stop immediately when Sierra stepped in front of you. Despite it being unnecessary, you felt a surge of affection for your roommate.
"What happened?" he asked softly as Sierra crossed her arms and tapped her foot at him, clearly unimpressed.
"Some asshole assaulted her, that's what happened," she snapped, her words cracking through the air like a whip. You winced and tugged at her arm.
Taehyung's eyes went wide with shock and he looked at you with worry.
"I'm so sorry, [y/n], did I - " he began, looking horrified and guilty. You realized he thought Sierra was talking about himself, and you shook your head frantically.
"No! It wasn't you!" you protested immediately, stepping past Sierra's protection to grab Taehyung's hand. "It was someone else." He only looked mildly relieved, and his eyes were still filled with concern.
"I shouldn't have left you alone," he said quietly, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. Embarrassment threatened to drag you under and you winced. It wasn't his fault at all. You were just the one who was so pathetic that you apparently couldn't handle five minutes alone, and then cried like an idiot even though you weren't even hurt.
You felt Sierra's hand on your shoulder, and you looked at her questioningly.
"Will you be okay with him for a second?" she whispered in your ear, so quietly you knew Taehyung wouldn't catch it. "I forgot something inside."
You nodded, giving her a wobbly smile you hoped was reassuring. Apparently it was good enough, though she shot Taehyung a very stern glare.
"Behave, I know where you live," she said with deadly seriousness. The tension was broken by your chuckle, and both of your friends relaxed a hair. "Okay, I'll be right back."
The two of you were left alone, and suddenly you found yourself unable to look at anything but your feet.
"I'm s-sorry," you hiccuped, sniffing as you tried to keep a fresh wave of tears at bay. You hated yourself for crying so easily. You swiped at your cheeks and remembered the way Dr. Kim had dabbed your face so gently in his office. You should have listened to him. "I ruined another night out for you guys."
"What are you talking about?" asked Taehyung gently, squeezing your hand. "I always have a great time with you."
You shook your head in disbelief, still not able to meet his eyes. He was sweet to try to make you feel better, but you couldn't find it in yourself to believe him. Had it really been just a few minutes ago that you had been giddily thinking about his lips against yours?
Taehyung put his forehead against yours, but you didn't look up to face him. You couldn't.
"Getting to kiss you already made this the best night of the year so far," he murmured in your ear, and you wanted to believe him despite yourself. He pulled you into his chest and you took a deep breath, letting the warm, spicy smell of his cologne wash over you. "And getting to spend time with you out here makes it even better."
"Even though I'm being a buzzkill?" you asked hesitantly, voice muffled as you timidly wrapped your arms around his waist.
"Nothing can kill my buzz unless it's Jimin having a hair meltdown," Taehyung announced confidently, and you found yourself smiling into his chest.
"Thanks, Tae," you whispered, finally tilting your face up to look at him properly. He grinned happily back at you, squeezing you tight.
"There you are!" he exclaimed goofily, then shocked you into laughter by tickling your exposed sides.
"Don't do that, you jerk!" you scolded, swatting at his hands before he could get more than a few giggles out of you. He smiled and put his hands up in surrender and opened his mouth to say something, when rapid footfalls distracted you.
"Let's go!" said Sierra urgently, grabbing both you and Taehyung's hands and dragging you stumbling behind her.
"W-what?" you spluttered, suddenly very grateful the two of you had worn sneakers to this party. Why the hell was Sierra walking so fast?
"I poured all the Smirnoff Ices into that dipshit’s sneaker collection," your roommate revealed, turning back to you with a devious grin. Her eyes were alight with tipsy misbehavior and justice. "I want to be well clear before he finds out."
Sierra's admission startled a snort of laughter out of you, and Taehyung looked at her in outright awe. Perhaps this night hadn't ended so badly, after all.
Still, you decided you'd heed your professor's advice and steer clear of parties in the future.
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Tags: @moonleeai @random-and-out-of-context @amenjiminsan @innebulae @lonewolfsinclair @seoqity @lilacdreams-00 @chowb @shescharlie @mazmaz30 @definetlythinkimanalien @seokjins-luigi @lucci-girl @xicanacorpse @bighitbabie @8loominghell @jung-nika-hoseok @staradorned @zealouslightcookiebasketball @kissme-ornot
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dogcodedcatboy · 4 months
❣️ 🫂 💔 💘 :33
HI JERM !!!! thank u for sending me asks as always u are very. kind and im glad to see u in my notifs my beloved mutual!!
aaroman pining is haunting bc they're just both so fucking Weird to eachother especially when they first start 'hanging out'. their relationship starts off purely sexual and then turns in to something else (this post is something btw). roman cant be gay for real so he microdoses it with a cool rando, much less risky than doing it with people adjacent to the company (ie. 'you hired your personal trainer to jerk you off' via succession canon). no feelings involved. the idea of *romance* is far too actually gay and stupid and he would /never/ do that...he just thinks aaron is cool and wants to see him all the time and maybe kiss and etc etc etc WHATEVER. so very in denial. ANYWAY the actual questions
❣️describe a time one of you almost took a chance at making a move on the other, only to chicken out.
for the purpose of their whole thing im narrowing this to mean like, an exclusively romantic move. roman would worry about this more actually. aaron has done hookups and can (sometimes begrudgingly) navigate around those boundaries. roman is less experienced. wondering if it'd be weird of him to buy aaron...flowers? its corny but it's a thing people do, maybe a nice way to say 'thanks for blowing my back out, my good sir'. he'd spend a great deal of time looking at rose bouquets online before eventually feeling stupid and worrying that aaron would also think he was stupid.
🫂 what's one significant moment of physical contact you had during the pining stage
ough...first time aaron stays the night in whatever hotel they meet up at...he's used to the pump n dump and just like, ubering home. maybe roman would call him a ride, if he's feeling generous. but one night its just so late, and theyre both just tipsy enough to not want to fuss about cars and shit, so aaron stays over. they share the bed and keep a little valley in between them. roman's not a cuddler and he's made that clear. but that hotel ac is COLD. and maybe he can stand to warm his feet up on aaron, maybe he should just scoot back a little for maximum body heat theft. aaron allows this, of course, falling asleep butt to butt with their legs tangled together.
💔 were there ever any moments of angst or jealousy thanks to the hidden feelings?
aaron is a beautiful BPD princess ... and roman is a traumatized abandonment + daddy issues princess... the weird jealousy despite having what starts as a no strings attached thing is absolutely bonkers. roman hates that hes not the only person aaron has this arrangement with but literally cant do anything about it. aaron is much more jealous during their relationship but in the beginning as he's starting to catch feelings he still gets weird about stuff. (once aaron lays eyes on stewy and sees him put a hand on romans shoulder casually in conversation one time its literally world war three in his mind. getting his gothgirl bff to cast evil spells)
as far as plain angst...i mean its roman there's so much angst and denial and trauma to work thru. and aaron as well. i can hardly go in to detail or this would get even longer.
💘 (if applicable) what moment made them realize they were in love with you?
this is difficult bc i think roman is horrible at figuring out his own feelings. i think he realizes hes in love with aaron like 4 times before he lets it stick. just like catching a glimpse of aaron laughing with a group of people across the room..caught off guard by aaron's stupid sexy voice and the way the light makes his brown eyes look like that and the way people can't help but stare at him because he's so magnetic...and then hes like. fuck. what. no. what was that. i was possessed. but eventually he can't ignore it.
theres a rlly great prose bit i wrote w the help of a friend abt roman having a shitty family thing happen at some kind of family/waystar event. he finds aaron and the two of them sneak out of the thing. aaron taking roman for a walk around the city. they stop at the restaurant aaron works at and he sneaks in the back to make them fancy pesto grilled cheese sandwiches and they sit by the water and talk about life and /feelings/, in the limited way that roman can talk about that stuff. he ends up opening up more than he thought he would. and i think he realizes then that he Really loves aaron and doesnt want to just be fuckbuddies or whatever they are
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who-is-shades · 1 year
raz's dnd campaign
we have wheatley the warforged artificer, senna the high elf cleric noble, teya the firbolg necromancer, and parsley hazelbreeze the fairy barbarian.
in the town of homestead. senna is tending to the sick and injured and doing church stuff. teya is book shopping. parsley eating food in a tree. wheatley is trying to shop and failing.
a tall robed person walks into the village and uses magic to make himself louder. he says anyone seeking gold power or adventure, his god told him to find these people and help them fight evil.
parsley calls him sus and asks why his god chose him. his voice sounds weird, but it does not sound like spingledorf sadly. (wheatley notices the tone difference, war forged?) wheatley shows up and goes cool neato lets go. parsley bugs wheatley about this.
senna moves over elegantly and asks about the quest. she is sus but accepts the quest and receives a token. she bows and leaves. (so polite)
teya is excited to join for adventure and jumps right in for a story. parsley is forced to take a token cause he cant go without one, but hes still hella sus.
other people are also bothering the robed guy for tokens. just randos. the tokens start beeping and glowing green! we vanish from where we are! (parsley did drop it out of surprise but they still got teleported too cause raz took pity lol)
we appear in a dome like structure. LOTS of people are there. lots of warforged at the edges, watching us. wheatley notices they look new. he starts screaming. parsley goes wtf. senna is very sus. teya is frantically writing all this down lol. its also night we can see stars.
the dome is made of strange metalic material and looks green. (this is totally a space station wtf) big glowing pillar of light and a platform in the middle appears. looks like a siloulette of light person is there. he thanks us for taking the quest and calls himself the god.
everyone is super sus of him lol. hes gonna trial us first, asshole. touch the token to leave the trials. some rando's leave. zorbolt the great evil wizard wants his power and he wants us to stop him. hes the god of constructs. zolbolt can control the robots. poor wheatley.
"am i disqualified?" nope cause he was made by a different race of people so hes resistant with a special ward. parsley is concerned everyone else is in danger.
the god tells us we dont have to travel together but it is wiser to do so. its very dangerous. he cant send his constructs so its up to us. he also doesnt know what he looks like cause his scouts get nabbed too.
3 trials! dangerous. can die. cool. the first trial is a deadly maze! he gives us 200 gold and summons shops and lets us buy shit yay. time to prep. parsley tries to intimidate the shopkeeper into lowering the price lol. gets a shield.
senna, before shopping, is giving encouraging words and 'holy blessings' from temple and stuff poggers. then goes to the weapon shop.
teya tried to play it cool by greeting parsley in sylvain. then she buys some mythrill chainmail cause shes super squishy. wheatley goes and buys some spells. he accidentally holds up the line lol. senna bumps into teya at the shop. senna apologizes and curtsies a little. she offers her assistance to teya. she blows a kiss to her and continues to the shop. (moss: i hate her. me: SHES JUST FRIENDLY!)
senna gets a shortsword! wouldnt let me bargain smh xD parsley goes to the potion shop (the shopkeeper is wearing a wizard hat awww) and gets a bunch of healing potions. used all his money. wheatley got his spells nice. hes emotional seeing a living warforged.
teya also uses all her money to buy healing potions. senna approaches wheatley and asks if hes ok sitting on the floor. hes fine so he sits by her. he goes back to watching the warforged. she watches too. they are both ignored. teya also comes and joins us. parsley sees this and goes wtf. wheatley is just so happy to see warforged. senna is sympathetic to wheatleys loneliness. we try and get him to join us. he doesnt want to lol loser.
the building shakes a bit and were told to leave. closing time! senna helps teya up and leaves. the shop sinks into the ground. time for the trial! maze time.
alone in a dimly lit room. darnit no friends :( were all gonna die.
teya has 3 paths to take. left right and straight. she avoids a pressure pad!
senna has 4 paths. straight, right, left, and diagonally right and left. i notice a weird beam of light like a lazer trap. i step over it carefully.
parsley has 1 path. he looks for traps first and notices a button. he presses it. he hears a loud noise and a spike is coming his way! its right on his ass. enemies in front of him. he flies right over them and the spikeplates kill the enemies. he notices a lever but goes past. the spikes stop at the branching path.
wheatley has 2 path. he goes left. he finds 2 automatons! they go on the attack! he fails to dodge. this whole thing is a toddler slap fight and hes losing. the god speaks into his head encouraging him to kill the robots. he has too. raz feels bad so a robot kills itself. he's had enough so he fuckin runs.
teya notices a statue. IT FUCKIN MOVES AND SWINGS A SWORD AT HER! she dodges tho fuck yeah. an armos! its resistant to fire damage oh no. teya barely survived death saved throws. the statue thought she died so it went back to sleep.
senna has 3 paths. i go right. i see teya! IT WAS AN ILLUSION! FUCKER! FALL IN A PIT FULL OF ENEMIES! fuck you raz. 2 automatons again. i killed one instantly with lighting damage get fucked! insta killed that one too! a ladder forms and i carefully climb the ladder and continue down the path.
parsleys turn! 2 paths. he goes right. he doesnt notice the trip beam lazer and activates a trap. the door behind him closes off. and ahead. uh oh trapped in a room. the floor opens! a clockwork kind of creature attacks. parsley won easily lol jammed the gears.
wheatley goes left! he sees senna?! speedwalks right up to me! ITS REALLY ME YES! i heal him for 13 and 6 pog. we exchange info and press on! were going right! i notice theres a pressure pad and stop him from stepping on it. but he lands on a pressure pad. great. FIRE IS SHOOTING AT US FROM THE WALLS! WE GOTTA BOOK IT! SMASHY SPIKY PLATES IN THE NEXT ROOM! dex roll oh dear. we made it thank god. i give wheatley a thumbs up.
we can only go left now. its teya on the ground again! an illusion again? i slowly approach. the statue moves! i dodge epically! it attacks me. whiffs the attack lol. wheatley also misses them. i stab it with my new sword. it attacks wheatley! barely slaps him but does 10 damage. i hit it again. it attacks me again and whiffs lol. cmon wheatley you can do it! crit fail. thanks bud. he hit his head. i attack it and its still fuckin alive. it attacks wheatley. back and forth a lot.
i hit it and cracks begin to form! it crit failed to attack me LOL it fell over. i hit it ITS STILL ALIVE DAMMIT. at least it cant get up lol. definitely cant hit me lol. holy shit wheatley kills it! ITS GLOWING AND SHAKING OH NO! WHEATLEY DONT TOUCH IT. it explodes. good job dumbass. he had to roll a dex saving throw. hes dead. but i have a spell for that!
i make teya and wheatley drink some of teya's health potions i found. i healed her for 9 which is most of her health lol. shes awake now! i healed him for 8 so hes still a little fucked but alive. senna comforts teya. poor girl.
back to parsley! one hallway cuts off somehow but he goes right. classic swinging axes. he got through like an action spy movie. he can only go left. lots of levers and buttons. all colors. oh no. hes stupid and doesnt see anything does so he presses a purple button. the door closes behind him and the ceiling gets spiked but nothing else happens. pressing it again doesnt have anything happen. HE PRESSES ALL THE RED BUTTONS. THE FLOOR SINKS AND THERES FIRE! YELLOW MAKES IT ALL STOP! welp hes free now to go through a path and he goes right. and then left. HE FINDS US.
hes not impressed lol. senna brings him up to speed. 3 hour short rest (doesnt bring my spell slots back oh well) we can only go left now. 3 paths left right forward. hug the right wall! long hallway. a pecular door with intricate designs. humanoid robot. looks tough. it insults wheatley oh no. parsley asks if its the way out but were probably gonna get attacked if we get closer. i say fuck this and launch sacred flame at it. IT HITS HIM! he charges a ball of energy and shoots it back! it does nothing to me! ROLL INITIATIVE! gotta get closer!
slowly going forward. parsley misses his javelin attack but i hit with crossbow. teya uses firebolt. the android attacks parsley with another energy pulse and whiffs. wheatley tries to use one of the spells he got to like charm it or something, but total failure. parsley goes rage mode and yeets a handaxe at him but misses. he catches the fuckin axe dammit. he yeets it back! he gets hit damn.
senna makes it up to him and grabs him and electrocutes him for 16 take that asshole. teya uses firebolt again. im standing right there. she moves to the side to try and hit him and not me. does not hit lol but at least i didnt get hit. his hand turns into a glaive wtf. FUCK YOU 15 wtf. second attack misses thank god. wheatley just insults him and shoots him with a crossbow and actually hits in his eye!
parsley goes into a frenzy and stabs him in the head from above. fuck yeah. senna is like barely alive. shocking grasp again cause fuck you. hes so mad cause now i back away from him. teya firebolts again. hes SO mad at me he shoots his bolt right at me. im unconscious lol death saved.
wheatley uses his crossbow! miss. hes so mad that he sucks lol. parsley keeps raging and stabs him in the other eye. too bad parsley cant shut up lol. teya forces a potion down senna's throat! senna manages to stand and goes 'thanks beautiful'. (gay real)
robot attacks parsley cause he doesnt shut up! he does heavy damage and threatens to slice his wings off. parsley goes down and barely survives. robot is blind so us ranged attackers have advantage.
wheatley shoots the crossbow again and misses again. i got crit 12 crossbow take that! robot keeps trying to taunt us into speaking so he can find us. teya and firebolt again. crit 20 fuck yeah 18 damage great job teya! we kill it! senna is still sus it might explode like the statue. wheatley checks the robot. he pulls the bolts out of its body. senna runs forward and stabilizes parsley. the android disappears in a beam of light.
senna takes a potion from teya and makes him swallow a health potion. wheatley looks so sad poor guy. the door opens and reveals a dark room. teya walks into the room and disappears. senna encourages wheatley and he goes too. parsley gets up finally and we also disappear. back at the arena.
a few other people got out too. not as many. 14 others left. god shows up thanks guy. rewards! money and a level up! tavern, food and drink party stuff appear for us. senna tries to give teya her earned money but she doesnt want it, so she tells her shes getting a date anyway.
parsley goes to get laid with a big buff lady! epic fail lol. the beefy barbarian man wants some tho *dab*
wheatley gets to eat an energy ball lol. and gets to talking with another warforged lol. tries to explain what warforged even are. he causes an existential crisis. (this went on for a long time lol) (my job is to open and close doors)
senna and teya are just being gay lol.
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cowgirl-catboy · 2 years
Okay like,, here are my scrambly thoughts on Wednesday tm
Obvi I’m super happy for everyone who’s really enjoying this series and having fun! These are just my silly little thoughts!! She’s a little long!!!
I don’t think Tim Burton understands the addams family at all! None of the plot choices really make any sense at all if you think about it as the addams family. If you pretend its just a show abt some randos its a fun time, but as soon as you’re like, hey this is supposed to be the addams family it kinda falls apart. This man really just borrowed the aesthetic of the addams family without understanding why or how the addams family.
Because like, the entire bit of the original series is that yeah they’re weird but like, they’re essentially the perfect family. Everyone loves and supports one another. The gag is that the “scary weirdos” are actually totally sweet. To make that joke work you need “normal” people who are not as cool and they need to LIKE EACH OTHER! 
So first! Tim Burton says “this bitch hates her parents.” Like whAt! Like the tension in the Addams family almost always comes from an outside force and the family sticks together to triumph. Like, I can see playing Wednesday as “ew please stop kissing” kind of teenager, but to be like “SHE HATES HER MOTHER FOR NO REASON BESIDE ANGST,” you are subverting the core of the Addams family!
Second! Tim Burton rly said “lol stick Wednesday in a school full of other weirdos” like sir!!!!! NOW YOU DON’T HAVE ANY NORMAL PEOPLE TO PLAY THE STRAIGHT MAN. Then this bitch has to be weirder than all the weirdos! (And if they’re weirdos too, why wouldn’t they accept Wednesday????) So if you can’t make her Weirder she then has to be Dislikable and Unpleasant which isn’t really fun for the viewers unless she’s also Better than everyone else, which this man ALSO FAILS! Case in point: the fencing scene! Part of the appeal of the addams family is that they’re cool and elegant, Tim Burton rly said “nah we’re not doing that”
Third! The Addams’ family WHOLE THING is being LOVING and ACCEPTING!!! In the Addams family: family values, they’re literally like “Debby we can get behind everything but pastels tm” They don’t disparage “normal” people, they just think they’re a little weird and wear ugly clothes! I don’t think Wednesday would be horrified by Elle Woods! I don’t think she would hate everyone at her school! I think she might be vaguely exasperated by somethings, but would generally be supportive and kind. 
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cheriechrome · 2 years
 rule breaker - m. Estapa (part 2 of the rule)
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part one
details and warnings - grace hughes x mark estapa, brothers best friend, slight alcohol reference, angst but not?
word count- 1518
Oh shit.
grace's pov:
Well, dam when this boy meant “we can talk about this later” he really meant later. It has been almost all of winter break and mark has gone m.i.a, not a single text or call. Which is strange considering before I spilled every thought in my brain about him while crying on his dorm floor we used to talk every day. It’s all I've have been able to think about all break constantly checking my phone in hopes I would see his name. At first, I just thought when he said “talk about this later” he maybe meant when we got back in person but he probably would have told me that. So then that led to phase two of my thoughts which were oh god he hates me, I felt like I fucked up big time. Sure most normal people don’t kiss people they hate or don’t like back but who knows maybe he felt bad, I was kinda a hot mess that night.
 The only thing that made this all worse is I was home. Now, normally I didn’t mind being around my family, especially now that it’s rare that we are all together for very long anymore. If I was at school still I could always use the class or homework excuse but now I can’t. I was stuck in a house with three nosy brothers and parents who knew me too well. Quinn was the first one to point out, that I seemed down and were constantly checking my phone. All four of us were hanging out in the living room when he asked, I tried to brush it off and say I didn’t notice a difference in myself but of course none of them bought it. 
“I don’t know you just seem really anxious lately, I asked Luke if something had happened but he had no clue, so did something happen?” Quinn said genuinely worried.
“Maybe it’s boy issues” jack chimes in. shit.
  “No, I've just been stressed it’s no big deal guys trust me.”
It took some more convincing and maybe a small lie that Beck was the one having boy issues and I was waiting for updates that's why I was constantly checking my phone. They finally somewhat believed me and let it go.
Now that school has been back in session for about two weeks she thought maybe it would be better but Mark is still being weird. He’s definitely ignoring her the best he can which is making her thoughts about this whole thing even worse. Grace and the freshies were hanging out like they normally do when the topic of formal came up. In all the mess of everything, she had forgotten about it which sucks considering she had now just been reminded that she has about a week in a half to get a dress and a date. Out of all the school events happening right now of course the one she needs a date for is when she is knee-deep in boy trouble. 
“Shit I completely forgot about formal what the fuck am I supposed to do for a date?”
“I would say one of us could take you but we already have dates sorry Gracie” Ethan apologized. 
“It's okay, plus I don't know if I want to be the girl who has her brother's friends take her for pity, I’ll figure it out.” 
“I don’t have a date yet actually, no pressure if you want to find someone else and if Luke's chill with it” Mark spoke up, that was maybe the first full sentence he’s really said to her since everyone got back. It felt like the wind had been knocked out of her. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn’t have been a big deal but given everything that happened, it was a very big deal.
“Yeah if Grace wants, I’d rather have her go with someone I know rather than some rando, plus it's one night,” Luke tells him.
“Yeah, I’ll go with you mark that's perfect.”
What the fuck just happened?
“So he basically gave you his blessing? That's great!” Beck said once grace basically busted the door to their dorm down.
“Well no, he added in “it's only one night” obviously as a no funny business kinda thing.”
“Ok well that's dumb cause a) you are a whole adult and b) you are your own person.”
“True but what’s weird about this whole thing is Mark completely ignores me all of break and is weird when we came back but all of a sudden he doesn't have a date and asks me? What is up with that”
“Well he is a boy and they don’t make sense, but maybe it hit him that the rule is a thing and broke it by kissing you, to me, it seems like he's distancing cause you like each other obviously but he doesn't want to fuck up” 
“But the whole date thing?”
“Well I know I don't kiss people I don't like back so he probably couldn't bring himself to ask anyone else, which is cute.”
“Maybe,” I say still thinking about it.
Formal came in what felt like 3 seconds. Mark was still being distant the only time they talked was telling him the color of her dress and making the plans with everyone else. Everyone had met at Blanks to pregame. Once she got there it was awkward at first like any dance thing except now they were all adults which somehow made it worse. Also, the weird tension between grace and mark was not helping at all but soon that tension faded and it was nice, like how it used to be. Right now she was talking with Beck and some other people kinda taking a break when she decided it was kinda stuffy inside so she excused herself outside. She was sitting there for about 5 minutes when she heard the door open.
“Hey,” it was mark.
“Hi,” she said shortly.
“You okay?” he asked concerned about why she was outside.
“Yeah it just got stuffy in there and I needed to just clear my head a bit,.” 
“What’s got you down?”
she looks at him like he just grew a third head because there's no way he doesn't know why.
“Are you serious?”
“Yes what is wrong?”
“Mark you have to be playing dumb, what's got me down is I confessed my feelings to like the one person I'm not supposed to and he kissed me but then disappeared and only talked to me when he had to, he’s kinda making it seem like he hates me. That's what has me down.” He’s quiet, he just sits there and doesn't say anything.
“I’m sorry, grace I shouldn't have ghosted you I just- I just realized I had fucked up because your right we shouldn't do this but now I don’t care, the past two months of barely speaking has killed me you bring this light to my life that I've never felt before, and I fucked up by not talking to you so if you hate me now I get it but please just know I feel the same way and I could never hate you, I’ll find a way to make this work cause I love you,” he says rambling in a similar manner to how drunk grace did, so now it was her turn to cut him off with a kiss. It felt like years had gone by, by the time they pulled away from each other. 
“I love you too but how are we gonna do this,”
“I mean sure your brother kinda made it clear this is a one-night thing but at least he was somewhat open to me taking you, people hide relationships all the time so when it feels like time, maybe when team stuff isn’t as serious as it is right now we’ll tell him but I know that I will wait for you until you are ready if that's what you want.”
 “I think I can work with that Mr. Estapa,” she says looking up at him and realizing they have been holding hands this whole time.
“Oh one more thing I got you this,” he pulled out a little black bag, when she opens it inside is a gold necklace with a heart pendant.
“Mark oh my god you didn’t have to do this.”
“Look on the back.” On the back was a tiny engraved 94.
“You always talk about that Taylor swift song with the necklace with someone's initials so I thought this was subtle enough until I can get you the real thing.”
“It's perfect thank you.” she jumped up and kiss him again. She holds out the necklace and lets him put it on for her.
“Let’s go back in before people start looking for us yeah?”
“Yeah ok,” she says taking his hand and going inside. Keeping her crush on him to herself was hard enough how the hell was she supposed to be his girlfriend and keep that a secret?
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Commander Buir
Follow-up to this post. Not in any particular order, just spitballing ideas, with contributions from several friends on discord.
Like presumably it takes long enough for them all to meet up again that Anakin and Cody do, in fact, end up treating each other like family, just so I can have that good good "well, guess I'm Dad now" energy. Shmi isn't entirely sure what's going on but she's not a slave anymore and her kid seems to like this rando mando, so.
Anakin gets to have a mom and two dads, though one of the dads is arguably younger than him.
Also when they all meet up again and Cody explains the "General Skywalker got shrunk" thing, there are three reactions: (General) Obi-Wan: Oh, Anakin. Obi-Wan: [gestures to take him, ends up with an armful of clingy padatoddler] Anakin: You can't blame this on me, Obi. Obi-Wan, a little teary, because babies cause emotions: Of course I can, you absurd human being. ------ Rex: That's... my general. Anakin: I am, Captain. Rex: Cool cool cool I'm gonna go stand where I can't, uh, break you. Anakin: I'm not THAT fragile! ------ Ahsoka: [gasp] Skyguy is SKYKID! Anakin: Padawan, this is-- Ahsoka, grabbing him and cuddling: Oh my goodness you're adorable this is the best day ever. Anakin: This is humiliating, Snips, put me down. Ahsoka: Never.
Anakin hates being a toddler because of the lack of independence but Cody keeps picking him up when he's cranky and just holding him until he falls asleep and that's... nice.......
- The brain limitations aren't quite as bad as the situation with Sokanth and Ylliben in the other AU, but - Even if his brain is mostly adjusted he’s still got a tiny body with different needs that he’s not used to. Like, he needs to sleep more but he’s got more energy than usual when he’s awake and it’s all weird.
Cody carrying around toddler Anakin like "God you give me ulcers but you're adorable, you little shit."
Inconveniently tiny body aside, Anakin has a pretty great time in this au. His family are all together and safe and within reach. His wife isn't around, but toddler brain means he doesn't have the Romance Drive, so that's not as bad as it could be It could be significantly worse.
@atagotiak asked: Does Anakin get annoyed about being called cute? - To which I say, He bites the first few times but Shmi tells him that's Naughty so he stops. - Babies are cute so you packbond with them before they’re annoying, Anakin is cute as a self defense mechanism - He’s extra annoying so he needs to be extra cute
You know how you need to keep an eye on toddlers so they don't, like, fall down the stairs or put something toxic in their mouth? - They need to keep an eye on Anakin specifically so he doesn't rewire the ship they're in while they're in hyperspace. - He has less self control on account of being smol. He still has all the mechanical knowledge! Just less comprehension of y’know, consequences.
Anakin, with a sippy cup: This is demeaning. Ahsoka: Your hands don't work great enough to avoid accidents yet. Anakin: It's still embarrassing.
General Kenobi can't just kill Maul, not when Maul is baby right now (sixteen, which is baby enough) so he just. Kinda. Kidnaps a baby Sith. (It's fine. He's fine.)
General Kenobi (not to be confused with Padawan Kenobi) decides to declare Maul his new padawan because someone has to deal with this teenager, and Plo already claimed the rest of Ahsoka's training. And Anakin's three, so.
"What do we do with Maul?" "Eh, I can handle him. I dealt with teenage Anakin getting arrested for illegal pod-racing twice a month, I can work with this."
Maul bites, but only slightly more often than Anakin, it's fine
Ahsoka definitely bullies Maul whenever possible
Consider: Rex holding very still because Anakin wanted to be tall, so he climbed Rex. Being unexpectedly climbed is better than being unexpectedly yeeted. It's still extremely nerve-wracking. - Cody is perfectly capable of running around with a backpacking toddler General, but Rex freezes like a statue. - Ahsoka finds this hilarious
You know how little kids like to be thrown around and swung in circles and stuff like that? This must get even more ridiculous with force users. Can throw a child real high and catch them safely. - Rex panics whenever Ahsoka throws her chibified Master
Literally everyone except Rex loves being yeeted. Even Maul can appreciate a good tactical yeet no shut up he's not having fun this is TRAINING - Rex is Suffering - Cody, a very Tired Dad, deserves to mock his vod'ika a little, as stress relief - Rex, a certified Little Brother, shoves Cody off something tall. Jokes on him, Cody thinks freefall is fun too.
Tia asked: So the people who didn’t exist yet got flung bodily back in time and Anakin did the mental time travel. Why did Obi-Wan not become Padawan Kenobi? (I mean “because I want it that way” is def a good enough answer I’m just wondering if there’s any reason.) - Which, well, it really was mostly "I want to" but here's two options, both of which come down to Blame Daughter and Father. 1. They figured a responsible adult Jedi Master was needed to convince people. 2. Nobody was supposed to get de-aged but Daughter figured they needed to make Anakin less liable to kill things for a few years. - Also IDK the Force God-Manifestations also took away any risk of rapid aging and early death from the clones because uhhhhhhhhhhh I said so
Rex and Ahsoka are fumbling their way through a relationship where ages are just really confusing and awkward, so they're keeping it to just kisses and cuddles for a bit.
Cody is so tired he doesn't even realize anyone's hitting on him until it's been three years of co-parenting with Shmi and his General. - Somehow Anakin knows Cody is in a relationship before Cody does. Cody has never been so embarrassed. - How did he manage to be less observant than Skywalker? -- it was sabotage; all his brain cells were taken up in managing said Skywalker -- Because Skywalker was up at three in the morning whacking a training droid with a stick so he didn't have the energy for Relationships
Also Shmi's come-ons are super subtle, while the General's are... well, Cody's gotten very used to ignoring anything ambiguous on that end because fraternization rules, and also because Obi-Wan flirts a lot with everyone. So.
Please imagine Cody and General Kenobi walking around with Anakin tucked into a toddler sling while they do whatever work they've ended up with at the Temple. - Yes, Cody is helping the Jedi figure out the best plan of attack to take down this slave ring because his grasp on tactics is phenomenal and he knows how to deploy people at greatest efficiency, but also he's got a nosy toddler on his hip who keeps offering his own insane-but-competent ideas. - General Kenobi ends up with a Council Seat just on account of, like, being the kind of person he is. As often as not, he's got Anakin tucked into his robes, chewing on the ear of a stuffed tooka or something.
IDK what Shmi's doing but apparently Legends had it that some of the administrative and support positions in the Temple were held by non-Jedi civilians? So probably something like that.
General Kenobi: Ahsoka's babysitting. Anakin: I'm her master, I don't need babysitting, this is-- General Kenobi: Fine, then you need supervision, so that you don't blow up a training salle again. Anakin: And you think Ahsoka would stop me? General Kenobi, eye twitching: Fine, I'm leaving you with Plo.
Even if he’s mentally an adult Anakin always needs supervision Look at canon! Anakin was left without supervision for like two days and he became a Sith
Quinlan gets distracted by how attractive General Kenobi is and tells Obi-Wan "dude, you're gonna be so hot once you can get rid of the stupid haircut" and Obi-Wan pushes him into the nearest pond.
They end up with this weird "Uncle Jango" situation (uncle to Anakin, via weird brotherhood-ish to Cody) because Rex and Cody are just like "Uhhhhhhhhh yeah okay" about him eventually, and Jango just like. Drops by. Trying to Earn Affection Of Blood Kin by bringing weird gifts for them and their (ugh) Jedi.
"Okay, Rex'ika, I stopped by Shili--" "What?" "--and apparently this is a delicacy there, so just... your girlfriend will like it." "She's not my girlfriend." "..." "Okay, I can't call her my girlfriend. Jedi have rules about that sort of thing, and--" "This will make your Jedi happy, probably. Just take it, kid."
Baby Anakin got his arm back but for some inexplicable reason still has The Eye Scar. He matches Buir.
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lomlscott · 2 years
RANT !! this has to be said.
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the fact i just realized there’s an “anti scott mcall” tag just baffles me. it’s just weird. you can dislike scott but there is zero reason to make an anti tag.
sure, he made stupid mistakes but it’s the fact y’all want him out of the show? he’s the fucking main character and no one’s perfect. he’s a flawed character and let’s not act like your favs aren’t deeply flawed as well?
most of the people who interact or interfere with this tag are sterek or stiles stilinski fans which is pretty sad. y’all are either mad cause tyler p said the sterek ship is “twisted” (even though it’s really not that deep) or y’all just hating to hate. SMH LOL.
since scott McCall appreciation week is starting tomorrow imma just say that many people think that his character is “bland” or “boring” compared to the other characters which is wrong. everyone is entitled to their opinions so let me state mine real quick.
scott tends to be “bland” to most stiles fans because that’s who most people focus on for “comic relief” on the show. that’s why no one notices the good things he does for the others around him.
also, there are ppl in the anti tag saying how tyler posey is a racist (when it isn't even true) just because their bitter. aka, the same people who bash on tyler p but stan peter hales actor- who has been called out for many problematic things?
the hatred of scott mccall literally gets too much to the point where there are people are hating on the innocent, "im the hot girl" scene. WHAT?? HOW COULD SOMEONE HATE SCOTT IN THAT SCENE. i literally thought it was so funny with stiles and isaac and so adorable.
tyler p's done some stuff irl but anti's have gone way too far, just cause he has a fucking only fans doesn't mean shit. sterek fans/anti tyler p and scott mcalls have gone way over the top and made fun of how scott looks and his jaw- comparing it stiles/ dylan o brien. LIKE.. come awn now yall. literally everyone is attractive in the show and the haters can't pull any of them lmfao.
scott mccall has also done things, ALL the characters have but yet you feel the need to attack him only? like that time scott believed theo over stiles, that was dumb. really dumb- like why would you believe some rando over your bestfriend. but now yall are just throwing words in.
no one mentions how stiles treated scott like a literal dog during the first few seasons, when he couldn't control himself just because lydia kissed scott- (scott wasn't even himself) no one mentions how stiles made fun of liam's IED. no one mentions how he was always negative towards isaac. no one talks about how he literally pushed his dad into drinking more alcohol even though noah was known to have an alcohol problem. stiles acts as if he knows isaac's trauma, but really he doesn't. he also played with malia's feelings, i could list a whole lot of things- but im not a hypocrite. i can list a whole lot of things with scott as well.
so really what i'm saying here is that all characters have flaws- and there's no reason to make an 'anti' tag because that's what makes them realistic.
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
How do I move on from being canceled? I mean I lost everything I no longer have friends and every server I was in I got kicked from. It’s kinda hard to start over after all those years of building my blog up and my reputation now it’s all gone. My life is over all because I pissed off the wrong people. I already tried groveling to them but it didn’t work they just told me to fuck off and that the damage is already done. I need to get people to like me again I am so lonely and isolated.
What are you trying to do: be an influencer or make new friends?
The way you've phrased this sounds like it's the former, in which case, plenty of people never do bounce back. But if you want to have a social life, every day is a new first day.
I meet new people all the time, and it's because I put myself out there in public and because I like meeting new people.
My tumblr follower count is steadily climbing these days, which is a new and weird thing for me, but follower count is not friends. People you're in discords with are not friends, not automatically.
Friends are people you actively choose to be with over and over and who make the same choice about you.
I've made new friends over the last few years. Usually, they started as people I saw in group discussions on discord or who reblogged some of my posts, but we became friends when we started having one-on-one discord PM conversations routinely or when I started meeting up with them for coffee.
Merely being in a space where fans are actively doing something is not the same as making genuine social connections one-to-one with individual fans. If you don't have a specific relationship with a person aside from the group relationship of fellow discord members, you are not friends. That's what makes it so easy for them to ditch you en masse.
But new friends are always possible because there are a shitton of lonely fans out there. Sure, the people you know of right now are all connected to the groups that kicked you out, but there are heaps of other people you've never heard of.
I've had genuine friend breakups over the years. It happens. But people who ditch you during a cancellation are not friends. Those are acquaintances, and spineless acquaintances at that. You don't need those people in your life because they'll ghost you or stab you in the back the moment things get tough. Even if you got them to take you back this time, it wouldn't change the fact that they're not worth wasting time on.
What does it even mean to build your blog up?
This is some influencer nonsense, isn't it?
If you want to be someone who cannot just be discarded, then you need to make content that is original to you, and you need to make it now, not just rest on your laurels. Reblogging with good tags is nice and all, but people aren't going to see you as a distinctive artist they can't do without.
Write some good fic. Post it to AO3. The randos who like your fandom and who aren't in-group enough to be in those discords will find it. If you get comments, reply to them nicely and strike up a conversation. Put your social media accounts or contact info in your end notes and invite readers to interact with you.
If art is more your thing, draw or paint something new.
Make a vid. Cook a fandom-themed meal, photograph it, and post about it. Write up your fandom memoirs.
Make something.
No, you won't magically have a million fans kissing your butt or a new friend right away, but putting yourself out there is how you meet people. Being non-bland is how you get people to really like you. It's also how you get people to really hate you. They go hand-in-hand.
Fundamentally, though, follower count is a measure of how much you can accidentally sic your fans on someone else. It's a sign of power you may not actually want and will probably wield by accident. It's already happening on my tumblr in a way that never happened to me in all my fandom history before, so this is going to be just peachy. The sort of thing I think you mean by building your blog up is flattering to one's ego but mostly a curse. It's also unpredictable and not worth stressing about.
Loyal friends happen through intentional social interaction one-on-one. You can lose thousands of followers, and it doesn't necessarily mean you'll lose friends.
Plenty of people in fandom start over every few years intentionally. It's not a big deal in and of itself.
It sounds to me like whatever you want, it isn't real friends, and whatever you had, it wasn't either.
I think you need to define what it is you want from fandom, what you think you had, and what you'd like to have again. "My life is over" is extremely vague. You need something concrete if you want any actual useful advice.
I get the desire to hide, but if we don't even know what kinds of fandoms you're in, we can't even suggest discords to join.
We also have no idea what you were canceled for. Are you an anti who ran afoul of your anti friends, but you'd be a pestilence in any anti-censorship space we'd send you to? Did you part ways by realizing you're more anti-censorship than your ex associates? Did you repeatedly trigger people by accident?
What steps you should take next depend on the details, dude.
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