#some unity bs
eatmyson · 6 months
ps1 kaveh
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littlefankingdom · 2 months
I was recovering from Paris under the occupation and back in 1792, when suddenly, Assassin's Creed Unity hits me with a new whiplash
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braskide · 1 year
i call this: girl dinner
[ tidus ( narrator ): she says, "i'm sorry". he says, "it's fine". she's "willing" to face sin. she's "privileged". i didn't understand. ]
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maiteo · 3 months
They’re really trying to push this togetherness shit huh 😂 just ironic considering who the captain is and everything about him is the complete opposite of “together”
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theshiftingwitch · 1 month
Reality shifting
Demystifying the basics:
In order to have a better grasp of the concept of shifting, we must address the beliefs that brought us here in the first place.
Shifting got really popular on TikTok in 2020 (thank you DracoTok) and with it, misinformation came a plenty. So let's deconstruct the notion, pull it apart, and make it as simple as we can.
What is reality shifting?
To shift is to become aware of a different reality.
That's it. That's all there is to it.
Like changing the channel or flipping through the radio, all of creation is finished and all of the possible realities that you could potentially think of already exist. All you have to do is switch your awareness from one to the other.
But how did we get here? How do we do it? CAN we do it?
Well, let's see:
In order to believe in shifting in the first place, you have to at least be a little bit spiritual. And if that's the case, then ask yourself this:
Do you believe that you are the universe having a human experience? That you are the creator and the creation?
If the answer is yes, then you have a grasp of the basics.
You see, there is no fundamental separation between you and the universe. You are not a separate entity from the Cosmos.
You are the Cosmos.
This idea is not new. It is not some new age spiritual BS that sprouted into existence a few decades ago. It is an ancient philosophical and spiritual belief spanning back decades. Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism emphasize the concept of Atman (the soul) being identical to Brahman (the ultimate reality), suggesting a unity of consciousness. Many mystical traditions, from Sufism to Christian mysticism, have explored the idea of divine consciousness within the human being. Contemporary spiritual movements often incorporate this concept, emphasizing personal transformation and connection to a higher power.
In simple terms, you are all that there is, all that there was, and all that there will ever be.
So if you answered no to my previous question, read this again and tell me your thoughts.
Now that we got the basic concept out of the way, let's talk about shifting, other realities, and your moral compass.
If you agreed that shifting is becoming aware of another reality that you already exist in, and if you're on board with the notion that you are the divine, the creator, the universe herself, what is actually stopping you from shifting?
Nothing is standing in your way, nothing is blocking you from shifting. There is no more work to be done, no more attempts to fail, no more research to explore. All you have to do is let go. Release this hold that perfection, stress, and eagerness have on you, breathe in and know that you have already shifted.
It is done.
You are successful.
In the same vein, if you are completely and utterly convinced that you are the universe, you are all there is and all there will be, you are everything and nothing, what makes you so sure that your current form is your true one?
If you believe in reincarnation then you know that you have had many faces, many bodies, many races, many ages, many lives, many experiences...
Same with shifting. This reality is not the metric in which you measure someone's righteousness. It is not the one and only form in which you are stuck within forever. You are the creator, and you, as you experience yourself, already are all of the ages, all of the faces, all of the genders and the races and the ethnicities and the creations around you. You are the rock and the house and the cat and the butterfly. You are the mean neighbor who constantly complains and the little girl skipping rope on your driveway. You are the bus driver who is always grumpy and the old lady at the market who always smiles when she sees you. You are the dictator causing havoc and the victim suffering from oppression. You are both the bad and the good, because that is the essence of your experience. You are me, I am you. We are the one consciousness.
Morality is by no means subjective, but it is also your creation. You made the rules and you enforced them and you rebelled against them. You are the one and only.
So why measure someone's morality by where or who they decide to shift to? Why judge their existence and believe yourself superior for adhering to a set of rules you created? Nothing is set in stone and no two people shift to the same exact reality, so why hinder yourself? Why limit your experience?
Do you have any idea how lucky you are to know about shifting in the first place?
There are currently 8 billion people at this point in time in this reality, and you happen to be among the very few who are aware of such wonderful experience, of such divine knowledge. Are you really going to spend that time judging other people's choice of reality? And on the other hand, are you really going to let other people dictate, police, and limit your experience?
At the end of it all, we all go back to the same origin.
The one great consciousness, where there is no judgement, no superiority or inferiority complex, no finger pointing and virtue signaling. We simply exist.
Have fun on your shifting journey, know that your experience is yours and that you decide how it goes.
Be a good person, live your best lives, and spread love as much as you can ❤️
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sorin-sunchild · 7 months
Ok last post about this but here's some simple points that it's imperative you read and understand if you genuinely care about trans people especially as one yourself;
A) No sex or gender is virtuous or sinful by default. It's a persons words and actions which determine what kind of person they are. Leave this 'innate sin' Catholic bs at the door and send the pedestal you're forcing trans fems to sit on out with it.
B) Therefore any trans person can be transphobic, transmisogynistic or transandrophobic including if they're amongst the group targeted by the intersectional terms. All of these types of bigotry are unacceptable, regardless of your personal perceived impact on yourself and others. Nobody should be subject to any kind of bigotry.
C) This does not mean ALL members of X group are Y kind of bigots but it also doesn't mean that no X group members are Y kind of bigots. It's good to be careful of these lines of thinking in anyone if we want to get rid of it but see point A.
D) Holding individuals accountable and opposing the general ideology of transmisogyny, transandrophobia and general transphobia (including nonbinaryphobia/exorsexism and transmedicalism) is more affective than demonising a whole group based on their identity. If members are radicalised or bigoted already, they're not changing their minds because you yelled at them to kill themselves nor are they unworthy of redemption.
E) Listening to people directly about the bigotry they face is the key to understanding bigotry you might not face yourself.
F) Trans unity is the tool we need to craft a fortress so strong we can weather any storm but it won't work if we believe that's enemies in our own lines.
G) Using female-orientated insults towards trans mascs is still misogynistic. Using male-orientated insults towards trans women is still transmisogynistic. Telling anyone to kill themselves for existing loudly and in a way you disapprove of, puts you in the wrong automatically. Telling someone or a whole group to kill themselves also invalidates anything else you wish to say before or after said statement.
H) Failure to understand any of this means you are helping no groups, or even yourself, instead you are likely contributing to trans harm. Including harm to the groups you are most personally invested in helping.
Equality doesn't mean making the oppressed the oppressors and it sure as hell doesn't mean the oppressed oppressing each other. Stop doing the TERFs jobs for them.
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weaselbeaselpants · 1 year
Let's all be real and have a little moment of unity here, kids.
Lily Orchard is the very worst of both Antis and Proshippers.
For Antis, she's blatantly the kind of fandommom who doesn't actually care about the problematic aspects of writing/characters unless it's a character or ship she doesn't like (hence why Family Guy is good actually and never worth any real scrutiny despite it being Family Guy). No nuance where she'll agree to disagree w people about her own tastes which r problematic. No respecting other people's triggers or comfortzones or safespaces. 100% "if you like Cattdora, you like abuse", "if you like HunterxWillow ur a boring homophobe", "Rocky Horror is evil and nasty and ur a 'bad gay' 4 liking it" - cuz she said so and she has other people's actual lived experiences, critiques and trauma to back up her vendetta.
For proshippers, ....be real she's THAT KIND of proshipper (I know some of you will refuse to call 'that kind' of person a proshipper, but I mean...). Ya'll know the one. Ur out here w your unapologetic A/B/Os and Catdoras and Stolitzs or whatever saying "let people ship/like things you don't; stop being a bully" and IN COMES THIS asshole who's definition of fetish and paraphilia are so obviously one in the same. The type who likes incest and noncon and incestnoncon A LOT and makes one too many Colleen Ballinger-esque jokes abt minors for you to not be dialing 911, but then they'll punch you with a "are you being INTOLERANT of my sexual expression" bs to gaslight you about you not liking their predation?
Between obviously having made Stockholm and denying that she could have done so, along with her behavior, she's managed to run the gambit of being that one BIGOT and CREEP of a bully everyone else in the space hates. Like an evil fandom Hannah Montana.
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fehtism · 7 months
Do you have any advice on how to build Fee? I like her a lot, and I tried to bs a build with what I had lying around but it's far from ideal... I can't really afford to pull Marth (the new Lyon is taking all my orbs how foul), but I'm grinding codices to give her vital astra, probably? I sometimes run her with regular astra instead of galeforce
Last time I tried to properly read what skills do in heroes was years ago and the wall of text genuinely hurt my eyes, so I'd really appreciate the help!
Thanks in advance
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hello ! thank you for your ask
i'd like to let you know that vital astra is only inheritable by /infantry/ axe lance and sword units.
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here is a pretty premium build but i will give some other options for skills
the +atk iv isn't so important to bother using trait fruit for it
arcane devourer is infinitely better for her than arcane eljudnir but it is not the end of the world if you cannot get it. eljudnir is good enough for the cooldown acceleration alone
please refer to this post for a more in depth explanation of the difference between the two arcane swords : )
no quarter as a special is the definitive best choice for any melee unit that 1) cannot access damage reduction pierce (i.e. flier/cav without dr pierce in prf weapon) and 2) is not running a gambit build
it is however extremely contested fodder and incredibly hard to acquire currently due to it being locked to winter dimitri. iceberg is a good option in the meantime as well as moonbow, glimmer, and ruptured sky (scores high in arena).
i cannot recommend running galeforce on her without arcane devourer's special charges as she will have an extremely difficult time having more atk than her opponent to get the extra cooldown charges from heavy blade 4. this mostly locks her options for extra special charges to legendary hinoka. as a flier she is unable to get the effects of infantry pulse or run a skill like flash sparrow (outspeeding would be far easier for her) or atk spd pledge or a tempo skill. this makes it extremely difficult to precharge her galeforce without the usage of like . velouria or askr combined with the quickened pulse sacred seal.
atk/spd unity allows her to boost her most important stats in both enemy phase and player phase as well as turning debuffs into buffs. this can be stacked with legendary robin's grand strategy effect. you can inherit atk/spd unity from a few units but i would recommend inheriting from rearmed tana as you can get guidance 4 at the same time (probably a better option than rein snap for her c slot).
atk/spd unity is also available on attuned peony (allowing you to inherit atk oath echo attuned skill), fallen maria who is in the standard pool, and on some other limited units.
a cheaper option for her a slot would be atk/spd catch as it is available in the divine codes.
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atk/spd catch 4 is available on the summer dimitri combat manual in divine codes 4.
guard bearing 4 is fee's best damage reduction b slot option as it doesn't rely on a difference in stats and it allows her to run low cd specials. guard bearing 4 is unfortunately locked to rearmed ingrid (arguably a waste of her fodder due to just how Good arcane luin is) and nabata juno, neither of which are in the standard pool.
until you can acquire guard bearing 4 feel free to stick with flow feather 3.
fliers have a lot of c slot skills they can run currently and her best options are guidance 4, soaring guidance, and s/d rein snap (not in any particular order). the guidance skills allow for warping for allies and s/d rein snap both debuffs foe's spd and defense and combat and grants +1 movement to some allies.
other options she can run in her c slot are: pretty much any tier 4 smoke skill (i.e panic smoke or fatal smoke), def/res or atk/spd ploy (ONLY WITH STILL WATER SACRED SEAL), and atk/spd oath 4 (available in divine codes.
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atk/spd oath 4 can be inherited from the m!shez combat manual in divine codes 4.
she should run either distant counter sacred seal or atk/spd catch if on the same team as a far save armor. still water 3 should only be used with ploy and it will hurt her already middling defense.
hope this helps !
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transunity · 2 years
The following is a response to an ask we got recently. A decision has been made not to post it, but to discuss some of the attitudes present in the ask.
The ask itself was concerned that the mods of this blog do not have any trans community outside of online groups. They argued that 'transunity' is the default in irl queer and trans spaces and they assumed that those of us who find solace in transunity are baby queers who have no irl connections.
This, as you can imagine, couldn't be further from the truth.
I'm a final year Uni student in the UK and I have irl trans (and queer in general) community. In late January in fact I was at my friend's ( another transmasc) birthday party with a room full of other trans people. Some folks have moved away from the uni town now, but I know and knew some bigender folk, binary trans women and agender folks- we'd meet up regularly in the student union before their courses ended!
Other mods have also expressed they too have vibrant irl trans connections.
But that's beside the point:
I might be lucky enough to have irl trans community. But not everyone is safe or able to have that. Irl trans groups are also not havens of transunity or free from transphobia. A few of my former irl trans friends went on to spout transmed bs against some of the nonbinary folks present and one started believing in baeddelism and hurt me and another transmasc quite badly. So me and my friends no longer associate with them. Those unable to have irl trans community deserve unity with other trans people too. Even if disunity was only an online problem (it's not) - don't folks with little irl community deserve to be able to associate with other trans people online in peace?
Exclusionist and separationist trans folk don't leave their ideologies when they log off. They can and do bring it into the real world. It is complacent to suggest that disunity only exists online. Or that if it is online, it doesn't matter.
It's important to use transunity's framework in all aspects of life- it doesn't exhaust usefulness just because you've switched off the pc for the night.
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sapphyreopal5 · 20 days
I was the one who asked you about the blog. I am not her or a friend of hers. I just wanted to know what how you felt about her opinions. I just do not want to blindly believe someone on the internet without hearing other opinions first before I come to my own conclusion. I am sorry if it came off as self serving. But I saw that you referred to them in one of your past posts and just wanted to know how you felt about her opinions. I just like to hear everyones side of things and along with any proof that they have. Hope you have a great day!
Gotcha the reason I brought that up is because a. I've had other users basically send their followers after me in the past, and b. When someone is directly tagged they can see the post and get a notification for it. It does leave less room for someone to speak their opinions if they somehow do not get along or something. I'm no stranger to controversy with others or to disagreeing with people but do keep that in mind when you directly tag someone in an ask like that. This is why I said it seems self serving. Assuming you're telling the truth, I apologize if it seems like I was being accusatory in any way. So with this being said, they make decent debunking posts when it comes to Gen's advertisements and also her stories like her naked in the hotel one, the quack doctor that basically conned Jared into buying a hyperbaric chamber, the companies she advertises, things like that.
When it comes to questioning Gen's parenting (or even Jared's), I've noticed that user gets a bit... defensive of Gen? They acknowledge that she overshares but it is rather interesting they insist the kids are very blessed to have parents that can provide everything they need and want. Also, they do not question those kids all being in therapy even at the age of 3 and under 10 (and being in therapy for over 4 years). If they are so blessed, why are the kids in therapy? Brain exercise, riiiiiight just like Gen said 🙄 I will question just about anything and everything under the sun, I'm impartial like that. If Gen don't like being criticized about her parenting or what I have to say, guess what? Sheshould shut up about when her kids are sick, shut up about her kids being in therapy, shut up about her challenges parenting them, and for God's sake shut the hell up about if they get in trouble at school or at home (or do shit like sticking their finger between Christmas tree light prongs and calling Jared to make him talk to said kid about it on FaceTime). Every parent gets questioned at some point, IT'S WHAT PEOPLE DO! Too freakin' bad if she and others don't like it lol...
Another thing that kind of gets on my nerves about the page is the bringing up left wing versus right wing views. I don't care about people's politics so long as they are CIVIL and have sound reasoning for their beliefs. In recent weeks, they have made it a point that if you are a right winger then you'll probably dislike Gen for different reasons and that they ought to make a post to stop any confusion. I personally do not understand the point of bringing up people's politics, nor do I look at people's political views when it comes to having common interests. Believe it or not, right wingers and left wingers CAN be friends and they CAN like or dislike the same things or people for the SAME reasons. Whatever happened to valuing actual diversity to expand our world views and perspective of things, and also UNITY?
Like I said, I think they do a great job debunking Gen's ads, knows some history about the Pads and calling out her BS on other respects. However, I will say that sometimes they try a little too much at times to look impartial but end up instead coming across as a fence straddler or even turning a blind eye to things (not the most intuitive in my opinion).
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katharinepar · 2 years
well, now I will have to ask your opinion 👀
Lol! Okay, I’ll fold. I already talked about this a bit on my Instagram, but beware the 500 year old spoilers ahead! (Also, I’m writing this from my phone as I am still in the hospital so bear with me in terms of typos!)
Here is what I did like: the soundtrack was tolerable (modern, but not terrible); Anne and Henry’s respective actors had palpable chemistry as performers; the filming locations are all visually sumptuous; it’s flush with well-known historians with keen insight into the Tudor court. Tracy Borman, one of the ‘talking heads historians’ and a leading voice in BS&R, is also the author behind Private Lives of the Tudors, a book I continuously go back to in my own research (it isn’t infallible - but it is incredibly detail-oriented and I hold Borman in some esteem for that). I am also one of those people who happens to enjoy dual perspective docuseries - this one, in particular, is split between the actors in all their regalia and the grounding, guiding hands of the historians. The manner of filming was similar to The Boleyns on PBS, except more of an emphasis is placed on the actors in BS&R, and it is certainly a great deal fluffier.
Here’s where you’ll allow me to nitpick, though: there were a few hits within the costuming department, I’ll allow them that. Some of the bodices worked in reflecting the Tudors’ love of tapering, V-shaped waists, and square décolletages adorned with jewels. However, as the show progressed, the hits became fewer and far between - and from the very start, the headdresses were atrocious. There was nothing remotely Tudor about them.
And here is what I loathed:
The driving ideology behind BS&R - especially from Borman’s perspective - encompasses the idea that Anne was ‘not like other girls’ (taken verbatim), an ideology that is both lazy, obsolete and downright frustrating ESPECIALLY considering this program was meant to be from a ‘feminist’s’ point of view. I would pay good money to scrape that phrase from every historian’s lexicon, for the love of God. It is especially tasteless when done in unison with tearing down Catherine of Aragon, Jane Seymour, & Jane Boleyn. Ir seems the only appropriate analysis for a woman like Anne Boleyn is that of comparison to her female contemporaries, in which Anne is always depicted as a woman ahead of her time and her rivals and peers as unthinking, unblinking paperweights. The show also strangely chose to go down the route of depicting Anne as coming from literally nothing - “plucked from obscurity” - which is laughable?? The Boleyns were well-connected and Anne was privileged enough to enjoy an education abroad, so I’m genuinely baffled that the idea Anne was a mangy lil peasant was even mentioned? And oh, yes, didn’t you hear that Anne introduced the idea of charity to the monarchy? 🙄
With this in mind, I also had trouble believing that the powers that be behind BS&R have any concept of ‘feminism’ at all - at least, not the intersectional kind. Anne’s portrayal as a hyper-proto-feminist is a very far take from existent 16th century sources and the contexts of Early Modern England. Anne was not a feminist. We may view her actions as being triumphant through the lens of women’s history, but none of her behaviours suggested she was anything more than influenced by the lofty standards set by medieval queens - such as the distribution of charity, care for the poor, interest in the spread & heartiness of religion, etc. I could understand if the directors sought to paint Anne as an independent woman through her influence of Henry’s state affairs, but we know from primary sources that Henry did not welcome her input - he wanted a quintessential queen, giving birth and sustaining the Tudors image of strength and unity - in the way that he had formerly accepted Catherine’s (at least for a time, particularly in matters of international warfare.)
The prolific use of modern speech also becomes, at times, grating - at others, it makes Anne seem like an idiot. George Boleyn uttering the phrase ‘haters gonna hate’ caused my skin to crawl (despite this I liked the casting for both George and Jane - wish they had been given more of a spotlight). When the academics are using formal speech and the actors are using phrases like ‘bestie’ and ‘screw the Pope’ it’s like… are we designing these characters to seem relatable or just plain stupid?
I also found myself stretching my imagination in order to believe the actress who plays Anne is ‘actually’ Anne Boleyn. She plays Anne as a quirky Bridget Jones type instead of the cool, charismatic, and intriguing firebrand we have come to know. In that vein, I did enjoy certain glimpses of Anne’s more ‘charismatic’ and fun-loving side: these traits are almost always done away with in order to portray Anne as a slick femme fatale, but we know it was to boisterous, convivial courtiers that Henry was most attracted. Showing Anne laughing, having female relationships, and bantering with members of the court from high to low status is perhaps the most ‘revolutionary’ thing BS&R accomplished - it is, in my opinion, one of the better parts of the show.
But what I was really looking forward to in BS&R - considering we were promised a ‘feminist’s’ take on Tudor history - was a fleshy portrayal of Catherine of Aragon. I didn’t dare dream we would have this in Jane Seymour, and indeed, Jane only appears on the sidelines for a single scene. Anyway, I had hoped with names like Borman, Lipscomb, and Emmmerson attached, the show would have opted not to revive Catherine as the dark-haired shrew we were so close to burying. Alas, Catherine was only given two lines - all dripping with jealousy and hatred towards Anne and Henry - before she is erased from the narrative completely. She is only mentioned again when Anne sports flamboyant yellow tulle at her death. But let me tell you, Anne hammers in that neither Catherine nor Henry ever loved each other in every episode - which is just… not true.
If BS&R is what the producers had hoped to be a ‘gateway drug’ into Tudor history, they succeeded; I can understand why casual watchers may enjoy the story of two sex-obsessed, madly in love, desperate to break the mold royals. But for anyone looking for a nuanced, meaty, comprehensive view of Anne Boleyn and the Tudor court, Blood Sex and Royalty is a resounding disappointment. 🥲
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rf-times · 1 year
Since I barely see people touch on this subject often and you are one of the best radblr accounts, I want to share a thought with you and see what do you think about it. This will be a bit long...
So lately I have talked to a friend about how the conceptualization of the so called “peak trans” disconnected from the whole understanding of the neoliberalism ideology was regressive to radical feminism in many points, to the point of becoming one of the strongest backlashes we have to deal with currently. At first sight, this perception can sounds exaggerating because radical feminists like Janice Raymond and Sheila Jeffreys had always touched on this topic criticizing the MEDICAL COMPLEX who profits from countless people's agony due to misogyny, homophobia and overall hatred for gnc people. Unfortunately, this powerful and accurate criticism of transgederism was gradually replaced when be a gc became so popular, almost like a queer identity without the glamour ofc but still interesting enough to appeal to some people. The main unity factor? Be able enough to define what is a woman! From the white supremacist to the liberal “leftist” /“feminist” who is just upset bc was called “transphobic” after devoting themselves to transactivism and want to vent about it to apolitical women who think men in dress are the only dangerous men on earth, everyone is welcomed and then the feminist resistance(called 'gender critical'), that was initially created to oppose to the censorship in academic feminist spaces who only accepts liberal approach of feminism while reject the rest, don't exist anymore but the effect of what was left of the gc movement is permanent. “radfem” also became an identity, “terf” too and anyone, literally, ANYONE who disagrees with transactivism/queeractivism, even if a little bit, are thrown in the same bag as “radfem” and “terf” and these labels CAN MEAN ANYTHING and the worst part is that we aren't even able to define ourselves bc transactivists/queers are doing it instead of us because they receive political capital from the liberal right and we have nothing.
Radical feminists aren't anti trans people in any sense, our criticisms are POLITICAL, not individualist. With that said, due to this polarized debate, many people do get attracted to radfem spaces bc of a lot of things except for feminism. Many women don't want to at least read feminist books, they just want to talk all the time about transactivists and think peak activism is fighting TRA's all day. There are also women who consume radical-leaning content like we consume products. They tend to think if they have enough feminist knowledge, they're shielded from misogyny and it also gives them a free pass to ignore/belittle other realities, since the other women are so inferior to them. But sometimes it just drains them bc the constant negativity without any real changes is emotionally damaging and add nothing in a personal level let alone collectively.
All these examples above are integral parts of the neoliberalism, this alienation, disconnection with reality and inability to uniting as a class bc things can have so many meanings and oppression can't be oppressive if you are empowered enough lol
This is why I think the conceptualization of “peak trans” often ignore strong social/political forces that controls our society and appeal away too much to a moralistic approach that was never present in Radical Feminism. I often see women here bragging about how rf can't be infiltrated by men(or male ideologies) and I wish it was real but it isn't. Radical Feminism does have a admirable story of resistance to male ideologies but thinking it wasn't already infiltrated with neoliberalism is bs. Even communism was taken by liberals and has been losing its essence day after day, since even some political communist parties in countries like Brazil are funded by the USA liberal right. Besides the negativity of my ask, I still believe in better days to all of us but I think the first step is to fight for radical feminism, the real one, not what people generically label as “radfem”.
Thank you so much for the ask, I really love getting stuff like this. It's definitely because people would 'peak trans' from different ideologies, many of which have little in common, from those who still believe in some form of medical transition as a good form of treatment to dysphoria, to conservatives, to people who have never questioned the medical industrial complex. Radical feminism is devalued and turned into an identity as you say and indeed many women who buy into radical feminism don't go into it with a sense of empathy or goodwill towards other women. At this point I find most trans discourse tedious and it's so clearly noticeable on here how a post making fun of trans ideology > post connecting trans ideology to larger feminist concerns > non-trans feminist concerns, in terms of attention. It isn't enough for us all to agree what a woman is, that isn't a coherent political movement.
It gets to the point where if I see a post where someone is talking about genocide or women being murdered or a graphic horrific cultural institution I find myself waiting for the inevitable part where they say "AND YET TRANS PEOPLE THINK THIS OR THAT" Like the only way so many radfems even talk about feminism anymore is solely through the lens of making a point about trans ideology.
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pluralsword · 2 years
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We mean every word of this meme, and it makes us so happy as a trans sapphic knight/sword lesbian to see these iterations from a different source (knights), it reminds us of the simultaneous invention phenomenon although this is more than several years after this talk in the transformers community really got rolling, so we think it’s more accurate to call it ‘parallel contextualization,’ that’s what we think it should be called anyway.
So since we were at this at midnight we didn’t do our due diligence and research, sure these are knight inspired but the pokemon wiki notes are pulling some game theory bs to suggest that they’re based on the stories like El Cid, which we didn’t realize was what was going on until this morning when a spanish trans woman in a server we’re on was like ????? ?Que? No tiene nada que ver con El Cid! So yeah we had to edit this.
ID the Pokemon Armarouge and Ceruledge standing next to each other on a black background, with text underneath in Arial:
TIL Pokemon Generation IX reinvented trans Rodimus & Arcee (likely via spanish tales of knights): where Armarouge's HRT is bestowal by favorable will of fair unity (the Matrix) taking things head on, while Ceruledge transforms in spite of the brutality of war & death (Cee's stories) becoming an expert killer with old pains who still finds a home & friends to fight for (the Poke team &/or other Pokemon). Nothing new under the sun, just new names & contexts. That's some trans aesthetics 101 <3 End ID.
It’s just extra funny to us that Ceruledge is closer in color scheme to stealth camo/combiner hunter Arcee (canonically trans) and a Ceruledge’s two swords literally are across the trans flag spectrum, and the description of swords absorbing leaking life energy of opponents fits into the vampire thing some people like for ‘Cee. Meanwhile Armarouge will shoot fire at you from their own body just like Hot Rod/Rodimus. For transformer fans who don’t know what we’re on about the G1 Hot Rod and IDW1 Rodimus pages should help show the story while IDW1 Arcee’s gets the most at we’re talking about but it’s really all there in ?Arcana Magnus to be (please she ought to get a Matrix)?’s page too. We don’t really have the time/energy to get into the Rodimus trans affirmation from bearing the Matrix discussion in IDW1 how happy Rodimus is with the Matrix in that is basically why aside from the original film’s literal transformation, while trans Arcees reformat one to five times to find their euphoria while tackling big questions of societal structure and love of oneself, sometimes starting and getting involved in a gender revolution or ending an imperial legacy and getting to hear one of the people responsible declare to her “let’s go lesbians!” before dying more or less.
Here’s the kicker: they’re both in part fire types (Arcee famously has fiery swords), and evolve from the same pokemon: Charcadet.Take this as a you can grow up into whatever knight of good cause you want if you find the wisdom and love to do so, and hey if figure out you’re trans on the way join the team lmao XD
For those looking for the Pokemon visuals, in depth physical descriptions of Armarouge and Ceruledge below, sourced from Bulbapedia:
Ceruledge is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon. Its body is primarily black, with blue colorations on its head, arms and legs. Its head has sharp pale blue "ears" protruding from either side, and has a fire burning above it that resembles the plume on a knight's helmet. Its eyes have pink irises and wisps emanating from its white pupils. Almost all of Ceruledge's body is covered in an old dark purplish blue suit of armor, filled with grudges.[1] A plate with three pink indentations on its center covers Ceruledge's face. Instead of hands, Ceruledge wields purple-cyan blades created from both fire and ghost energy — specifically, the lingering regrets of the deceased. These blades can grow into great swords in battle, increasing Ceruledge's power in the process.
Armarouge is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon. Its body is primarily black, with red colorations on its cylindrical legs and hands, the latter resembling oven mitts. Its head is also red, with yellow sharp "ears" protruding from either side. The top of its head is yellow and has a fire burning on top, resembling the plume on a knight's helmet. Its face is covered with a black mask with three holes at the center, and its eyes have red irises and wisps emanating from its yellow pupils. Armarouge's torso and shoulders are covered in a yellow suit of armor and levitating large yellow pauldrons, respectively. The suit of armor has red accents on it.
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ragnarssons · 1 year
let me explain why i’m so happy the darksaber got destroyed: - first off, it only got wielded as “a symbol to lead mandalore” by the wrong people, pre viszla, darth maul, moff gideon, all people who provoked to some degree the destruction of mandalore, and/or civil war among mandalorians. - second, it’s the weapon that served in satine’s murder: so um no, i don’t want bo katan, satine’s sister, to have to wield that shit just to lead their people. - the way to obtain it is through combat: it’s literally a “myth” to push mandalorians to fight among themselves more and more. on a season where the theme is literally “unity among a people” no matter the differences, well, get rid of that shit that only brings trouble. - literally all this elder wand bs loophole. nope. rules are shaky and let’s get rid of these. of course it’s a cool weapon, just like any lightsaber yknow, but it’s been the seed of so many conflicts and internal conflicts among mandalorians... that shite needed to go.
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aroacemisha · 2 years
About Me & The Blog!
Hi! My name is Misha (he/him). I’m a queer Russian artist and writer [art & writing tag: #misha’s creative stuff; original characters/stories tag: #misha’s original stuff]. Born in February 10, 2004. I’m also an atheist and likely neurodivergent.
I also like The Owl House. I have an AU [tag: #retired leaders au]! It’s focused on Belos, Steven (the AU version of Steve), Hunter and Kiki, aka the Wolf Fam, and they’re the characters with the most significant changes. More info about the AU can be found under the #rlau info tag. It’s a good uncle AU btw.
Small summary: The Day of Unity turned out to be a massive disaster, and once Belos finally returned from being stuck in the Human Realm with Hunter and the Hexsquad, he publicly admitted to his lies and resigned. The other highest ranking members of the EC - Hunter, Steven and Kiki - left with him, hence the AU’s name, and the Empire dissolved.
Some more info about the AU can be found in this post. I’ll make a proper, better structured info post eventually.
[Edit]: Since I changed my username, the link in the long thread no longer works. Here is the updated link.
If you’d like to ask anything, whether it’s about me or my content, or if you just want to say something to me, feel free to send an ask!
I have a positivity tag: “#positivity”, and I’ll link it here if you wanna scroll through it.
I’m not really into n$fw content, but some (mostly mild) stuff might show up, mainly in text form or character dialogue. I tag non graphic/less graphic stuff with “#cw: suggestive”, and more graphic stuff with “#nsft stuff”, though I’m not 100% sure on where the line is for me.
(I also try to tag triggers, generally with “#cw: [thing]”, like “cw: flashing” or “cw: blood”, and some are censored like “cw: sui mention” and “cw: sa mention”. If there’s anything you’d like me to tag, send me an ask)
A few more things, in no particular order:
Do not repost/reupload people’s art without permission. If you like an artist’s work and want to have it on your blog, press the “reblog” button (the recycle looking button). If you want to share it on a different platform, just don’t, unless the artist gives you permission. Or just post a link to the work instead of the work itself!
And stop with the “idk who made it, I found it on Google” bs - don’t post the work you found, and if you want to share it, do reverse image search and find the author and share their work the proper way instead of stealing. Have the bare minimum of respect for the creator.
“Do not repost” also applies to downloading someone’s work, tracing or editing it, and then posting that version. It’s fine to trace art as a form of study/learning, but only if you either keep it to yourself and don’t post it, or you get the artist’s permission to post the traced/edited version.
Please tag your ships when you post content with them. It helps people who like it find it, and helps people who dislike it avoid it by filtering the tag. This includes “OC x canon” stuff (tag the specific OC/ship btw, not just “OC x canon”), “s3lf insert x canon”, and I’d say especially “x read3r”, or frankly, any kind of read3r insert stuff, even if it’s not ship.
Pr0shippers will get blocked. “Pr0shippers/anti-antis/c0mship/pr0fic” or whatever you call yourselves, get out. If you treat p3do and inc3st relationships as some kind of “cute/fun tropes”, or you willingly associate with people who do, I want nothing to do with you. This includes people who ship distant relatives (you are still shipping relatives and doing so knowingly)
No, this does not mean I’m some kind of puritan who doesn’t want dark topics to ever be touched on in media, it just means I think they shouldn’t be watered down into a “cute/fun trope” and should be approached with sensitivity.
If you’re an exclusionist, you’re not welcome here. This includes people who tag “queer” as “q slur”, as well as label and pronoun policers. There will be people whose identities you don’t understand, and that’s fine, leave them alone. Stop doing our oppressors’ work for them. Queer discourse also comes and goes every few months and it’s always the same “trust me bro my exclusionism is totally legit this time bro this group of queer people is totally evil and harmful bro just trust me”
“Tme/tma” (transmisogyny exempt/affected), are meaningless labels that do nothing but cause infighting within the trans community about who has it “worse”, or who has “privilege”, when no one does. A violent anti-trans bigot is not going to ask your pronouns before assaulting you if they perceive you as trans (or any kind of queer). Drop the labels if you use them. Also read this post by an intersex person.
If you attack people for criticizing cops, billionaires, large corporations, etc, gtfo. Go lick those boots elsewhere.
Russia/Putin stans/apologists are also not welcome here. Same for those who are “neutral” or think that “both sides are bad” (no they are not). And if you’re one of those people who act like Ukraine has no autonomy and is only resisting because the West is pushing it to do so, sincerely, go fuck yourself.
That’s about it I think. Though remember that you won’t fully know all of my beliefs from a couple sentences or even a couple paragraphs.
(Edit: For TOH fans, filter “#huntl0w negative” if you don’t like seeing negativity towards the ship. I try not to mention it much, but occasionally I voice or reblog criticisms of the writing (it’s pretty bad if it’s meant to be romantic), and some behavior from particularly aggressive fans. Btw in case you’re wondering, no, I don’t like L*nter, they are a canonically familial relationship)
[This post gets updates sometimes]
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I am a great admirer of your work CoAD, so I want to preface this by asking forgiveness for my boldness.
How did you manage to get a senior PCU officer as an informant/agent for this blog? For my own reasons I have a cause against the PCU and my own associates who are supporting me from within. These associates of mine and said individual tripped over one another when they were gathering information. I will not name the individual, but I am curious whether they have always supported the blog and CoAD or if they had a change of heart due to the nefarious deeds of the PCU.
My associates didn't mean to disrupt any activities, our causes and intentions aren't dissimilar so I would like to apologise for that. There are putrid individuals within the PCU who did things to someone I cared about deeply that are unforgivable.
As you've commented there are so many cracks within the fortified wall that the PCU have erected to the point that a few more knocks will shatter it and the whole project will collapse. When it does, the various factions and personalities in the PCU will begin fighting amongst themselves. They won't be able to hide behind a large baying mob of forum shock troopers or use their unity to defend them.
The individual who I'm concerned with will have nowhere to hide and I will ensure that the whole server knows about his sinister behaviour and crimes against undeserving innocent players.
If I could give you a tip CoAD, I would recommend to continue to look within the PCU. There are players there who ended up there not entirely by choice, but were subjected to the tyranny and regime of the PCU by the power hungry choices and whims of their guild masters and officers. Many of them followed along for fear of harassment and ostracism if they dared to leave while doing no harm to other players. Now they're understanding that they finally have a way out. Ironically, it might be such players who make the strikes that will shatter the wall from within.
Perroy will have no positive legacy and the dark shadow he tried to cast over Argent Dawn will soon be brought down forever. As for his enablers and those who actively did his bidding to further their own power, ambition and internet clout I have the following message: You know your walls are crumbling, your master isn't here to protect it and you will face the consequences for your vile actions.
This is quite the detailed post already so we shall try to be succinct and to the point as much as possible. Our 'senior PCU officer' is actually one of our editors and was hardly a 'senior' member at the time. They were one of the officers in the opening stages of the PCU, back when it was seen more as a 'light hearted in-joke' that turned into something far more foul. We asked them if they were okay with us expressing their reasons for dissatisfaction. Which are as follows:
"Largely, there were a few of us who were against the idea of the PCU being a formal thing, it was started as a joke in voice chat that got into Perroy's mind clearly. One of our regulars even spent almost an all nighter with Perroy on and off trying to get him to reconsider it; obviously failing. What got me was the, as best as I can call it, 'Rotgardification' of the other guilds. RG boys were put in positions to hold the reins so to speak when Perroy wasn't about and there was a standardization process put in place. Which included the mega cringe stuff like mandatory upvoting and ERP witch hunts which incidentally got a friend of mine suspended temporarily because harassing other players, even those doing stuff they shouldn't really be doing, isn't a good look for Blizzard gms. I guess the straw that broke the back for me; was seeing /pol/ tier arguments happening between members and it really seemed more like the PCU was being made into a tool to harm RP rather than promote it. I made some bs up about my hours at work picking up too much and I quietly left. Race changed every single character I had associated with them; probably a good idea since now it looks like even former association with them is rightfully seen as a big red flag."
To answer thus the question, our former PCU member turned editor saw the writing on the wall early on and decided to leave after seeing how bad things were getting. We have over time had many former PCU members reach out to us and offer us insights into the minds and operations of the collective. The greatest irony is the most prolific contributors against the PCU are the PCU itself.
We are well aware that there are those who ended up inside the PCU not of their own choosing, but if a former leading officer inside one of their guilds can leave then a normal rank and file can leave much easier without causing a stir. As it stands the PCU big names know that their time is up, what is left is functionally operating on what little good will is left inside the group and the diehard 'vanguard' element which will never publicly show themselves as weak where they can. The problem with the latter group is that the vanguard elements were never large to begin with, ironically even inside the Rotgarde itself. Several vanguardist minded guilds have all but failed spectacularly because these people are more about the idea of rping than actually rping. Highblood Myrmidons, Blood of Martyrs, Eternal Sisterhood have all imploded through a mixture of ennui and purity testing drama. There are two vanguardist type guilds left in the PCU, the most prominent being Grim Gest and Ardent Pursuit, the second of which is borderline moribund as well. At this stage it's just watching the sad and quiet end of the PCU spiralling the drain as it tries to find some sort of redeeming quality to itself.
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