#somebody request something for Matt I beg
me-elo1111 · 8 months
Unfortunate Circumstances (Keith x GN reader)
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A/N: judging by how well this post does I’ll try and write more, if you have requests send them in I’ll write for all characters 🤍 and ships (klance nation I see you dw please give me something to write with those two) my friend asked for an x reader so this is what we’re doing first. reader is gender neutral in this one because everyone should feel included ofc!
Needless to say… you were stuck. Not even just stuck you were trapped with someone you could never in a million years be compatible with.
Keith Kogane, paladin of the red lion.
And a deranged smartass who ALWAYS had to be right about something… no matter what situation, if you were with Keith, it was his word against yours. And being the leader of Voltron it was almost always his word. Funny thing about it though he’d never act so rude and stand off ish to anybody else in the group… it was just you…
On a normal day you could definitely conquer this man’s attitude but this was in fact not a normal day. You were supposed to be relaxing after weeks of fighting and working against the galra but the universe had different plans. Very different plans..
“It’s just a small mission, just gather some samples for Coran and then you’ll be out in a few moments.” You remember Allura reassured you, patting your shoulder.
You gave a very hesitant smile, and continued to stride forward to the red lions hanger. Better to get this done and over with.
How silly you were to have hope for once…
“It was one simple task! How did you mess up THAT bad!?” You yelled into Keith’s ear.
You were both sitting in the red lions cockpit, Keith in the main seat and you leaning against the inner console next to him.
“In my defense I didn’t SEE that ship there!” He groaned, head in his hands.
He felt embarrassed. Not about the fact that he messed up on a mission, but about the fact that he messed up on a mission in front of you. And looking at your tense figure with your arms crossed and a sour look on your face just made it so much worse.
You wouldn’t ever know in advance, but he held you in way high regards. So much so that he found himself not being able to even have a normal conversation with you. Not like communication was his strong suit anyways. But it was a lot more worse with someone like yourself. He never could key in on the moment he started having romantic feelings for you. Sure the thought would creep up into his brain but he would just shove it away to be unheard of again. Because why would someone like you like someone like him? It never made sense in his brain. So he made it his mission to drive you away so you wouldn’t notice how much of a mess he is… But in doing so it wounded you guys here. Red was down trying to charge itself, and here you were yelling at him while he wallowed in his own pity.
“Well Keith where do we go from here?” You asked the pilot, who looked at you with something similar to… shame? Embarrassment? Yeah, something like that…
“the team knows where we are, it’s only a matter of time before they come for us. But until then, I guess we just sit tight and wait..” he trailed off, trying his best to avoid unnecessary eye contact with you.
“Whatever. At least it was you messing up this time instead of me.” You shrugged.
“Now I won’t have to get yelled at more than I have to.”
He straightened in his seat. And looked over.
“Excuse me?”
“You’re excused.” You muttered.
“No what did you mean by that? Who yells at you?” You sat in disbelief before giving him a slight look.
He seemed to get the message pretty fast and quickly looked away from you.
“Look- I’m sorry.”
You looked at him… “go on.”
“I don’t mean to take it out on you I just uh.. I just worry about you… is all.” You could see his face turn slightly red as he shielded it from your vision while you stared at him.
KEITH worries about YOU.
Well this surely was not on your bingo card this year. In a way it makes you feel sort of light inside, since now you can push all those intrusive thoughts about him hating you away… but also- KEITH WORRIES ABOUT YOU- and you’re being a dick by yelling at him for getting you two into this mess. You sighed as you started to walk out of the cockpit to exit the lion. Seeing this Keith scrambled out of his chair, running after you with a slight bit of worry.
“Wait where are you going?” He asked as he caught up to you.
The hanger door opened and you both exited the lion, you paused for a moment as your nose inhaled a new scent. One that you were definitely not used to.
You looked at him as you both stepped out, the coolness in the wind hitting you like ice as it blows through your hair.
“We need to talk Keith…”
A/N: I got mixed feelings about this. But I just wanted to Drabble before I got serious about writing this into a whole parted story💀 anyways let me know babes JEN JEN OUT 🫡
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cellophaine · 2 years
Congratulations on 1K!!! You deserve it so much your writing is honestly so amazing!
If it's not too late I'd love to request a Matt Murdock x reader where y/n is in an unhealthy relationship and Matt finds out (queue angry protective Matt) and takes her back to his place where she admits she thought she was genuinely in love with her now ex. Idm how you end it or if you want to add or change anything to this.
Please feel free to ignore this request if you don't want to write about this stuff or if I'm too late or just if you feel like it haha 😊
Hope you are staying healthy!
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Warnings: Depictions of an abusive relationship.
Author's Note: Thank you Anon!! I'm very much conflicted about how this fic turned out, but I hope you'll enjoy it anyway!
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GIF Credit: @/malydiamakingifhunts-blog (Somebody get Charlie in JPCU – Jordan Peele Cinematic Universe – immediately. IMMEDIATELY.)
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You stared out of the window, watching raindrops race down the glass pane. The building across the street started to morph into something else behind the fogginess in your eyes. Sleep pulled at your eyelids, begging you to rest for a second. The two cups of coffee you had earlier did nothing to help as you felt progressively worse throughout the day. Your eyes fluttered slowly, trying to stay awake as your grip on the pen loosened.
A hand came down on your shoulder, disrupting your daze state, startling you. The pen slipped out of your grip, falling to the floor with a sharp echo. You raised a hand up in defence, only to lower it when you saw Matt.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I called your name, and you didn't answer."
He pulled his hand back, showing you that he meant no harm. You let out a relieved sigh, smoothing a hand down your face in the hope of dampening the embarrassment you felt.
"Oh no, it's my fault. I should've been more focused. Sorry, it won't happen again."
You stood up abruptly, walking around the desk to retrieve the fallen pen. Matt put his hand out, stopping you before you could return to your desk.
"Are you okay? You seem … distracted. Tired, even."
You released a shaky sigh, smiling at Matt even though he couldn't see your vain attempt in pretending everything was okay. Even with your verbal confirmation.
"I'm fine. It's just one of those days."
You squeezed past him and returned to your seat. Your silence, along with the rustle of pen on paper, ended the unfinished conversation that left Matt with even more questions and concern. Because the thing was, it wasn't just one of those days. This had gone on for over a year, he noticed. You were always tired, muffling your yawns with the back of your hand. Your body seemed to droop when you thought no one paid attention, as if you were only propped up by skin and bones. You spaced out more often; you stopped hanging out with him, Foggy and Karen after work. He noticed how you tensed up, your muscles tightened, as if you were briefly paralyzed when another person put their hands on you. You didn't act this way before until a new presence forced himself into your life. Matt had his suspicions, but he couldn't confirm them since you always pretended that you were okay. He didn't want to overstep the boundaries you had set up before your friends. Before him.
It was 10:47PM, and you were still in the office. He knew because he stayed with you. You locked up in the office all day, and if he wasn't mistaken, you hadn't eaten at all. Something felt very, very wrong.
"It's late. You and I should go home."
You looked up from the computer, eyeing Matt standing at the door to his office. You held back a yawn, answering him through the bleariness in your voice.
"You can go ahead. I'm almost done with this. You don't have to wait for me."
Matt tilted his head slightly to the side, his brows knitted in worried lines.
"I'd like to walk you back. It's late, and you know how the neighbourhood can be."
"It's okay. I … I want to stay here."
Your voice grew smaller in the last sentence. Matt perked up at the sliver of an opening, and he took that chance, slipping through the crack you ever so slightly left exposed.
"What do you mean?"
Your body tensed up, and Matt almost regretted asking you. But he advanced.
"Is everything okay at home?"
Matt tried to keep his voice level, not to alarm you of his impatience to find out what was wrong. You sighed heavily before continuing.
"I had a big fight with my boyfriend ...."
Something clicked in place in his head. Too many things started to unravel themselves, creating a predicament of threads woven deeply into the root of his mind, yet, they let him see the complete picture.
".... about how much time I was spending at the office. He accused me of cheating on him."
You sniffled dryly; your hands played nervously with the manila folder.
"Anyway, you're right, it's late, we should go. He's probably not angry anymore. He's expecting me."
You busied yourself, gathering the stacks of the document in front of you, oblivious to Matt's silence. His suspicions were confirmed, but instead of the satisfaction of being right, Matt felt a chill racing down his spine. He was terrified of what had been happening right under his nose, but above all, he was furious. He couldn't see it, couldn't hear your cries for help. But you hadn't known of them, either.
"I don't think you should go back to him."
You stopped in your tracks; the sound of paper rustling in the quiet room fell dead in the weight of what Matt just said.
"You can't tell me what to do. You're not my dad. You're not my boyfriend."
Your tone turned cold as the need to be defensive rose in waves. With your vulnerable state, you couldn't afford to be weak in front of anyone else, for you were afraid you would break.
"I am your friend who's worried about your well-being. Shouldn't that mean something? And just because someone is your father, your boyfriend doesn't make them entitled to your life and decisions."
You scoffed; your voice made a mockery out of his sincere concern.
"And how ironic is that you're making my choice for me."
"I can tell that you're lying. You don't want to be with your boyfriend right now. In fact, you're scared. Am I wrong?"
Matt knew he stepped over the line, but it was too late for that now. Your chair scraped unpleasantly on the hardwood floor as you stood up, outmatching his fiery counter.
"I'm not scared of him! Stop putting words in my mouth."
You didn't bother to be quiet at this hour of the night, not when your friendship was discarded to the side like a broken toy.
"Then stop denying it! Even a blind man like me could see that you're lying."
"Fine! I'm fucking terrified of him!"
You choked on your outburst, drawing in a sharp breath. The weight of the words sunk in, racing in your conscious. You had never admitted it out loud, not even to yourself. You saw your boyfriend for what he truly was –abusive, controlling, manipulative. But you ignored the sirens in your head, for you believed that no one would love you as he did. So you bought his excuses, putting up with his toxic behaviours and abuse.
You sobbed, clenching a fist over your mouth to stop the uncontrollable whimpers from coming out. Your body shook hard, and you felt like you couldn't stop. The dam was broken, overflowing with grief for parts of you that died to please your boyfriend. You were exhausted, but your mind was free of burden.
Matt hated that he was doing this to you, that he was the one who inflicted more pain on you. He was afraid this would happen, and he would never be able to get you back. You could walk away from his life and never return. His heart pounded hard in his chest as the thought squeezed at his heartstring, making it harder for him to breathe. But Matt knew he would rather lose you than see you enduring the pain.
You were pulled into a warm, comforting embrace of the only other person in the room. You felt Matt's hand coming up to the nape of your neck, pulling you to him.
"Do you have anywhere else to go to?"
You shook your head after a long pause.
"Do you have someone you could stay with?"
Another shake of your head. His heart felt like it was bleeding as the walls of his ribcage closed in, crushing the throbbing flesh and vessels.
"Please, don't go to him tonight."
His voice trembled as he begged you. The unconcealed intensity of his plea resounded in your mind, and you shivered at the sheer rawness.
"Stay with me instead. I'll keep you safe."
You looked up at him, still safe within his embrace, and saw the serious expression on his face.
"I know I might not look like it, but I do pack a punch."
That pulled a watery chuckle from you as you wiped your face off with your sleeves. Finally, you nodded, your damp cheek dragged across his white dress shirt. Matt felt like a boulder was lifted from his chest, and he could finally breathe again.
His place was just like how you remembered. Dark, and weirdly impressive. Matt hung your coat up and pointed you in the direction of the light. You trailed behind him as he walked before you to the living room.
"How long has this been going on?"
You felt dread creeping in at the coldness of his voice. You hadn't expected that from him, at least, not at this moment when you still felt vulnerable. You could see the anger etched onto the stubborn lines of his brows and the deep frown on his lips. The silent fury seemed to pour from him, burning in his unsighted eyes. He was the predator looking for a prey to devour.
You involuntarily took a step back.
"I ... I can't. It's complicated."
Matt could feel your uneasiness, and he regretted his question. He ran a hand through his hair, calming down the rage that still burned at his skin. His face softened as his next question came.
"Are you hungry? What do you feel like?"
Your stomach responded at the mention of food. You clutched at your waist, hoping Matt didn't hear that.
"Anything at all. I haven't eaten all day, so I'm not picky."
You lingered at the end of his couch, not knowing what to do with yourself. Your hand picked at the sleeve of your blouse nervously. The soft material stuck to your body like a second skin, and you desperately needed to change into something else. You didn't want to bear the weight of this exhausting day anymore, not when you were in a safer place.
Your phone vibrated in your pocket, startling you. You searched for it in your bag, reading your boyfriend's name on the screen. Fear spiked in your heart again, and you hastily declined the call. Scrolling through the notifications, you swallowed hard at the multiple missed calls, voicemails and threatening messages. You turned the phone off with shaky hands, dropping it into your bag. You looked up to see Matt coming out of the bedroom with a stack of clothes in his hands.
"If you want to freshen up, the bathroom's right there. I think it might help you feel a little better."
You smiled at him gratefully, taking the bundle from him with a word of appreciation. Under the hot stream of water, you let the reality soak in. You were here, in Matt's place and not your boyfriend's like you were supposed to. You were terrified of what he might do, and you couldn't help but quiver at the thought. Taking a deep breath, you reminded yourself that you should deal with this one step at a time.
You came out of the shower after trying to make Matt's clothes fit better on you. His sweatshirt hung off your frame; the end of the sleeves reached past the tips of your fingers. His sweatpants were no exception.
The smell of food made your mouth water as Matt beckoned you to join him. You ate in the comfortable silence until Matt spoke up, breaking your peace bubble.
"What happened? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I ... I want to be there for you."
He tried to keep his voice level, not letting it betray his simmering rage. You dropped your head, allowing a heavy sigh to escape.
"Promise me you won't hire a hitman to go after him?"
Matt made a cross on his chest where his heart was.
"I promise. Cross my heart."
You put your food down, wrapping your hands around yourself, suddenly feeling exposed. You told Matt how your relationship progressed in the past year since you met your boyfriend. A seemingly perfect gentleman who knew what to say at the right moment. He wooed you with flowers, dinner for two at some fancy restaurants, date nights at the theatre and so much more. It was all a front to pull you into his web of deception, and by the time you realized what truly went on behind his mask, you were in too deep. He craved control and power. He rendered you helpless with his sugarcoated lies, manipulating you into a mere decoration by his side. And when you didn't listen, the real terror began.
"I haven't truly felt safe and happy in a long time. But, still, I really was ... in love with him. Or so I thought."
You felt goosebumps rising along your arms. You ran your hands up and down, trying your best to calm your frazzled nerves.
"I think what made me love him was the idea he gave me. That he was the one for me. So he couldn't do anything wrong in my eyes."
You trained your eyes onto the coffee table in front of you, not noticing how Matt's hand clenched tightly on his side. The grip made his knuckle turn white, his finger dug into the palm, almost breaking his skin.
"I accepted that as if it was my idea of love. So when … when he hurt me, it felt like his way of showing how much he loved me."
Overwhelmed with all the conflicting emotions, you buried your face into your hands, letting yourself break down in front of Matt for the second time that night. He pulled you in, his hand found its way to your head, resting your face in the crook of his neck. It was as if the fog was lifted, and he could see better than ever. Matt whispered at your temple, hoping that you could feel the truthfulness in his words.
"I won't let you go through something like that ever again."
That night, you fell asleep on his bed, with his hand on your hair soothing you. You were unaware of what happened after you drifted off, and you wouldn't know about that, at least for a while. Matt closed the bedroom door, heading straight for the hidden chest. He gave you his words that he wouldn't hire a hitman. But he didn't promise he wouldn't go after your boyfriend himself. So Matt went out, following the invisible trail of blood you left behind, seeking out the root of your torment in the dead of night.
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(Please let me know if I missed anyone, or if you wish to be removed.)
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princehairsupremacy · 4 years
15, 59, 62, 134 with jealous dom harry, please!!
15. “But I don’t have anything to wear.”
59. “You’re mine.”
62. “The fuck are you wearing.”
134. “Don’t move or you’re not coming tonight.”
Main Masterlist
Prompt List
Send a request
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: car sex, oral (f receiving)
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“Love? Are you ready?” Oh you were totally ready, you had on a little skimpy red dress with some black heels and nice smoky eye and red lip to go with your dress.
“Yeah!” He walked into the bedroom and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you, gaping at your outfit.
“The fuck are you wearing.” He walked up to you and moved his hands to your waist, you smiled at him but he shook his head. “I think you should wear something else.”
“But I don’t have anything to wear except from this.”
“That’s not true, I’ve bought you a bunch of clothes, wear the other clothes.” He walked over to your shared wardrobe and pulled it open, pointing at your clothes. “See how many other clothes you have, can you wear them?”
“Harry, can you just let me wear what I want. You’re being a dick.” He slumped his shoulders and shut the wardrobe, nodding his head. “Thank you, can we go now?”
“Yes, I’m sorry.” Harry grabbed his coat and you both walked to the front door, getting into Harry’s car and heading to the club where you planned to meet some friends.
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You walked in and spotted your group of friends straight away, they were in a corner on a couple of couches together and they may be smoking weed. Typical.
You started to walk over and Harry placed his arm around your waist, moving you into his side almost possessively. You looked up at him, he was looking elsewhere and he looked really annoyed. You decided to look where he was staring and you spotted a group of young boys who were staring at you, when they spotted Harry and the look on his face they turned away immediately and decided to just talk amongst themselves.
He walked over to your friends with you and one of your friends, Matt, whistled when you walked up. Harry’s nostrils flared and he tightened his arm around your waist, you placed your hand on his shoulder and he looked down at you, relaxing himself almost immediately. “Sorry.”
“Just calm down.” He kissed your forehead and you both walked to the end of the couch, there was only one space left so you sat on Harry’s lap, not like you minded doing that anyway.
You were sitting sideways in his lap and you eventually tuned out of the conversation happening with everyone, laying your head on Harry’s chest and just thinking.
You heard somebody call your name and you lifted your head up, seeing that it was Shaun that’d called your name. “Nice dress. You should definitely wear that more often.”
You felt Harry tense up and you gulped. “Thanks.” You looked at Harry and he had a very pissed off look, he looked at you when you turned your head and juoi knew you would need to calm him down again. “Harry, it’s fine. Just a compliment, calm down please.”
“I can’t calm down, I don’t know if you noticed the amount of people that keep looking at you but it’s a lot. They keep looking at you and it pisses me off because you’re mine.” Harry spotted another man looking at you and rolled his eyes, placing his hand on your cheek and pulling you in for a kiss.
His kiss was rough unlike his usual ones, he normally would let you settle into it, gentle at first and taking his time with you. You felt his tongue poke at your lips and you pulled back. “Are you alright, Harry?”
“Just had to show these idiots what’s mine. Shouldn’t be looking at what’s fucking taken.” You felt his hand on your thigh and it started to move up slowly so you pushed his hand away.
“Not in front of our friends, Harry.” He pulled his hand away and grinned, bringing his hand instead to the strap of your dress and playing with it.
“Bathroom then?” He looked up at you and smiled but you scrunched your face in disgust and shook your head.
“We’re not fucking in a disgusting public club bathroom.” He pouted but you still shook your head, you could only imagine the amount of germs and filth in the bathroom of a club. Not happening.
“Car then?” You rolled your eyes, no one probably has ever been more desperate for a fuck.
“If you’re this desperate for it then we might as well do it.” He smirked and kissed your cheek, turning towards your friends.
“Sorry guys, she’s not feeling too well, gonna have to get her home and into bed. She’s practically begging for a cuddle.” You rolled your eyes again, more like he’s practically begging for a shag.
Your friends all let out an ‘aw’ and told you to feel better. You were fine, this was Harry’s fault that you had to leave. “Bye guys.”
You stood up and Harry moved his arm around your shoulder, smiling proudly as he walked out of the door with you and to the car. He opened the back door and looked at you. “You first, love.”
You shook your head and ducked down, getting into the car and shuffling to the middle seat. Harry got in and closed the door behind him, turning to you and shuffling over until he was right next to you. “Thanks for doing this, darling.”
He leaned down and kissed you again, a little more gentle this time as he had calmed down. He pulled back and pushed your shoulders down until you were lying back on the seats. He turned his body towards you and you lifted your legs up, moving them to either side of his body and bending your legs at the knees.
“It’s hard to fuck in a car, too bad though, we’re gonna do it anyway.” He laid on you slightly and kissed you, moving his elbows so that they were beside your head and holding his body up slightly so he wasn’t leaning all his weight down onto you.
He moved his kisses down to your neck and you pulled at his hair. “Mind if we just get to it?”
“You don’t want my tongue or fingers? They always get you screaming my name-“
“That’s exactly why we can’t do it, Harry. Do I need to remind you that the car we are currently in is still parked outside the club we were just in.”
“Fine, we can do that when we get home then.” He moved your dress up your thighs and kept going until it was halfway up your stomach, he huffed and looked up at you. “Are you sure you don’t want at least my fingers?”
“Not now, Harry.” He pouted and moved your underwear to the side.
“Just a little, love? Can’t you keep quiet?”
“Fine, Harry. A little.” He grinned and pressed his thumb against your clit, leaning down and sticking his tongue into you. He moved his tongue in and out of you, you bit your lip and placed your hand over your mouth, doing your best to keep your loud noises to yourself and only letting out small noises every so often. “Okay, Harry. That’s a little.”
He moved his thumb away from your clit, dragging his tongue up to your clit and continuing what he was doing with his thumb. “Oh shit!” You threw your head back and grabbed onto his long hair, tugging it.
He pulled away and you caught your breath, giving him a stern look. “What? Did you not enjoy it?” You knew he wasn’t asking a serious question, you could tell by his tone and mischievous smile.
“You agreed to a little.” He moved his thumb back to your clit and rubbed in gentle circles, tilting his head at you.
“Anytime I don’t make you cum is a little, so I did what I agreed to, can’t tell me I didn’t.” He moved his thumb away from your clit and you grabbed his wrist so he didn’t do it again, even though you knew he could overpower you anyway.
“Just fuck me, it’s what I asked for and what I’m asking for again.”
“You willing to beg for it?” You gave him a disappointed look. “Well sorry for suggesting it, can you let go of my wrist so I can fuck you then?” You let go of his wrist and he held himself up with his left arm, using his right hand to unzip his trousers and try to pull them and his boxers down at the same time just enough for him to get his cock out.
He wrapped his hand around his cock and positioned it so he was ready to push into you. “Ready?” You nodded and he moved his hips forward, letting go of his cock and leaning his head down to rest his forehead against yours.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and he started to move his hips faster suddenly. “Gonna make you forget those guys even looked in your direction tonight.”
He grabbed onto your hips and started to move his hips faster against yours, he moved one hand over your mouth when he thought you were going to get loud. “Gotta be quiet, remember?”
You moved your hips up and he pressed them back down. “Don’t move or you’re not coming tonight.”
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you moaned against his hand, grabbing onto his shoulders and squeezing tightly. “Feel good, huh? Do you remember who you belong to? You belong to me don’t you? Me only.”
He moved his thumb back to your clit again and you used all of your self control to keep your hips from moving, you knew Harry was serious when he said you wouldn’t cum tonight if you moved.
He rubbed your clit fast and you couldn’t help yourself, you came almost immediately and he smirked. “That was fast, love. Must be a record. You really like this that much?” He kept moving his thumb on your clit and you couldn’t help your hips from bucking up. “What’d I say? Was gonna make you cum again but now you can’t. So don’t.”
You expected him to stop touching your clit but he didn’t, he wanted to make it hard for you. “Please cum, Harry.” You had tears in the corners of your eyes from trying to keep yourself from coming and Harry bit his lip.
“Wait, love. Don’t rush me.” He kissed your forehead and you grabbed onto his hand on your mouth.
“Please stop touching my clit, Harry. It’s a bit too much.” He moved his thumb away and kissed your cheek, moving his head to your neck and slowing down his hips a little.
“Sorry. You’re not crying are you?”
“No, I was just a little overwhelmed. Keep going.” He pressed his hips against yours and moaned lowly, trying to keep quiet.
“I’m gonna cum now...”
“Pull out, Harry.” He pulled out of you and grabbed his cock, moving his hand until he came onto your stomach. “Shit, have you got something to clean that with?”
“I keep tissues in the car.” He leaned over and grabbed a pack of tissues from the front and opened them, using a few tissues to clean you both up. “That was fun, we should do that again.”
“Shut up, Harry.”
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mustyrosewater · 4 years
their responses to the words “make me.”
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as i’m sure we all know, the two words “make me.” are some of the most used in a brat’s vocabulary. greatly inspired by my good friend @the-door-matt​ (who is a self proclaimed brat.) i have decided to write how pedro’s characters respond to said sentence. good luck, and god bless the brats. 
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javier pena :
baby, are-
are you sure you don’t have a death wish? surely you do if you give a man like javier pena any from of attitude. 
all day, you’d been trying to get under your co workers skin, simple things such as taking just a little bit of extra time getting your coffee, making you late. wearing those bell bottom jeans you know hugged your ass just the right way, anything you could do to get on javier pena’s nerves, you did.
you don’t even remember what he asked you for, maybe he’d asked you to hand him a pen, or even pass him a file that was sitting beside you; all that you remember, is leaning forward slightly from where you were sitting on the desk and tilting your head before saying those cursed to words.
“make me, pena.”
admittedly, you should have known better, but for some strange reason, you’d just felt the need to push one his buttons, at least you’d been wise enough to do this when it was after hours, only the two of you left in his office to sort through reports and such. 
you should have known that from the way he turned deathly still and looked up at you slowly, a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips. if look’s could kill, you’d most definitely be dead. you could only watch as he slowly took the cigarette from his lips and squashed it in the ceramic ashtray on his desk. 
next thing you know, javier has gotten up from his desk and is now standing in front of you, a hand now wrapped gingerly around your lower throat, not applying any pressure, simply sitting his hand there and keeping you still. 
“is that how it’s going to be? you’ve been trying to get under my skin all day missy.” 
as he speaks, his head lowers from around your throat to begin ghosting along your covered skin, barley applying enough pressure to feel his touch, just enough to know that its there.
“this is what you want? is that why you’ve been trying to push my buttons all day hm?”
legend has it you had trouble walking the next day, bruises on your hips and thighs certainly saw to that. needless to say, javi didn’t get attitude from you except on some very special occasions. 
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francisco “catfish” morales : 
you took his hat, babe, why did you take his hat?!
he’d been searching for it since he woke up, after he’d had a shower, only to find that his hat wasn’t waiting for him on the bedside table as it always was. there was also the matter of the fact that you were nowhere to be found. 
he came down the stairs slowly, only now hearing movement in the kitchen. when he finally poked his head around the corner only to find you in the kitchen, leaning on the counter and waiting for toast to pop did he spot his cap sat snugly on top of your head, turned backwards allowing him to see the logo of the oil company. 
you must have heard him, because you turned and offered him a big smile, though he could read the mischief clear on your face. 
“morning.” you practically sang as he approached, wrapping your arms around his waist and standing on your toes to kiss the end of his nose. his hands sat snugly on your hips as he stared down at you like you would stare at a puppy that had been caught chewing on its owners shoe. 
before he could reach up to take his hat back, you broke away from his hold once you’d heard the toast pop. 
wasting no time, frankie only shook his head. “give it back.” he knew you knew what he meant, but you only turned around, giving a mock clueless look.
“give what back, babe?”
“my hat, give it back.” he didn’t sound angry, not even annoyed; if anything, he sounded like he was enjoying this little game you’d started with him.
“make me, francisco.” 
you quickly realized you’d fucked up when his eyes suddenly darkened, as he moved closer to you and had you pressed up against the counter in a manner of seconds. his breathing had suddenly grown heavy and he was practically grinding against you. 
as you breathed out a few soft moans, shutting your eyes and wrapping your arms around his neck, you felt the cap being pulled off of your head, opening your eyes just in time to see him placing his cap back on his head.
your mouth hung open as he smiled down at you and turned around heading for the front door. 
“don’t even think about it francisco.” you said, wrapping your arms around his waist and pulling him back into the kitchen, hearing him laughing as he spun you around and pushed you back onto the counter, continuing his trail of kisses. 
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shane “dio” morissey : 
oof, well, i can tell you that you fucked up.
dio is not somebody who likes to be given attitude in any shape or form, not getting his way, whether it be through manipulation or force, is an entirely foreign concept our resident goth boy. 
literally, doesn’t even matter why you said it, or what it was about. all that matters is that the words “make me” are like flicking a switch in dio’s mind that suddenly has you pressed against the wall with his hands wrapped around your throat as well as dio practically seething the most pornographic sentences into your ear.
don’t expect to be experiencing any release though, dio is going to do whatever he wants, and that means that you won’t be cumming until you’re crying, not until you’ve learnt his lesson.
whether that means you spend hours with his head between your thighs or rather hours bent over the bed with him pounding into you relentlessly until you can’t take anymore, it’s all the same to dio. 
he’s not going to let you cum until you are in tears baby cakes, not until you’re crying out that you can’t take any more and that you’re sorry, this is never going to happen again and that he needs to stop.
well, then he will, only long enough to gruffly let out “make me.” before resuming his torture on your body.
yeah, you won’t be walking straight for quite a few days after that, sorry not sorry. 
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oberyn martell :
it’s the giving an actual prince attitude for me-
no, for real, despite the fact that oberyn is a prince, we know that he doesn’t take it too close to heart when it comes to thinking he’s above certain things.
however, you? being a brat? haha yeah that shit’s not gonna fly. as soon as you say that sentence and give him that look, it’s over. oberyn doesn’t tolerate you being a brat unless he wants you to be a brat.
he will simply repeat his request, allowing you one more chance to be good for him, when you retaliate with another “make. me.” this time pausing between words, oberyn simply shrugs, he gave you a chance, can’t say he didn’t try.
he walks towards you and picks you up, dropping you down onto the bed, staring down at your as he unlaces the lather belt holding his tunic in place. he lets it fall off of his shoulders leaving him only in his loose orange pants as you stare up at him, narrowing your eyes and biting your lip. 
he’s not stupid sis, he knows that this was what you wanted all along, seven god’s forbid he actually lets you get away with it though.
overstimulation and spanking is all that you’re going to get, all while he nonchalantly tells you “i gave you a chance to be good my little dove, if you want to be bad, see what you get.” before he lets another smack come down hard on your thigh. 
much like our friend dio, oberyn isn’t going to stop until you’re on the brink of tears and apologizing profusely, just pleading, begging for him to let you come. 
however, unlike dio, oberyn will cave in and let you because he’s lying if he says that look when your eyes roll back and your mouth hangs open turn him to putty in your hands. 
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din djarin : 
ok look, he tried, he really did.
when you first replied to his request to pass him a tool with a mischevous “make me.” he only stopped for a second before resuming what he was working on.
“i’m serious.” he replied as nonchalantly as always, only causing a pout to form on your face.
“so am i.” you shrugged, moving the tool box out of his reach with your foot when he let out a sigh and reached for the tool himself.
“i’m not in the mood.” he grunted, standing up to tower over you, staring you down through the vizor of his helmet. you couldn’t even see his face, but knowing that under his helmet he must have been starting to get annoyed only brought a smirk onto your own. 
the tool that was clasped tightly between your hands was the next object of his staring. he reached for it, only for you to place your hand behind your back, not once breaking eye contact with the bounty hunter. 
though his helmet you could hear the pissed off huff he gave, right before he grabbed your other wrist and spun you around to push you down onto the crate you’d been previously sitting on. unable to move, you could only wait as he pried to tool out of your hand and suddenly let you go, only turning back to what he was working.
pouting, you turned around, expecting to see him continuing his work, instead, you watched him chuck the tool back into the tool box before he looked back at you, reaching forward to grip you by your shoulders and lead you into the room that two of you shared on the crest.
only checking once to make sure the kid was asleep, he shut the door behind him and shoved you down onto the bed, beginning to unbuckle his belt, only staring at you through his vizor. 
he fucked you into the mattress that night, so hard that you had bruises on your hips when you woke up, walking out of the room only to find him working once again, missing the small chuckle that emitted from him as you limped past him.
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maxwell lord :
sorry my love, maxwell lord IV doesn’t take orders from anybody, especially not you. the two of you had gotten into some petty argument, something about how you’d already responded to star labs saying he’d be attending their charity gala, and now here he was, claiming that he no longer wanted to attend purely based off of the fact that one of the sales rep’s had given him a dirty look as they were leaving. 
you were stood in front of his desk, arms crossed and tapping your foot impatiently, staring at your boss as he propped up his feet and gave you that smirk that was all to familiar and all too infuriating. 
without another word, you simply threw your hands up and grabbed your coat, turning around and walking towards the large mahogany doors you knew would take you out of his office.
“don’t walk away from me.” his voice rung out behind you, as well as the sound of him standing up from his chair. 
you didn’t reply, only continued walking; just as your hand touched the door handle his voice rung out again, though much colder, much more harsh.
“don’t you take one more step out of this office.” 
you whipped your head around to look at maxwell, your eyes suddenly wide with insult, who the hell was he to order you? well, technically he was your boss, but still. 
you took a few steps towards him, your heel’s clicking on the marble floor before you stopped and stood in silence, letting your eyes linger on his face before finally speaking. 
“make me.” 
without even waiting for a reply you turned around and continued your retreat out of the office that you were sure cost more than your own house three times over. 
but before you could leave, you felt hands on your shoulders as you were spun around harshly to meet the angry eyes of maxwell, his breathing was heavy and his perfectly gelled hair had moved slightly out of place, leaving a few strands sitting on his forehead. 
“is that what i have to do to get you to fucking listen to me once in awhile hm?” as he spoke, he turned the two of you around and continued until you were pushes against his desk feeling the hard wooden table digging into the backs of your thighs. 
all i’m gonna say is, expect to be bent over that desk and prepare to hide the bruises around your thighs from by the time our man is done with you.
you may have begun to order him around a lot more often after that occurence, who knows. 
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max phillips :
okay well, for one 
why are you saying “make me” to your boss
especially when your boss is max phillips  
it was, in all honestly, because you were having a bad day, technically your shift wasn’t starting for another ten minutes, you’d only just sat down at your desk and let out a sigh as you heard your boss’ office door opening as well as those infuriatingly well polished shoes appearing in your vision.
without even saying good morning or anything, max was already on your case about those reports that were meant to be on his desk by this afternoon.
not even waiting for a reply, he patted you on the shoulder and reminded you that you needed to start working.
without even thinking, as he was walking away, you blurted out a snide “make me.” it was meant to be quieter than it came out, a little snap only meant for your ears, and yet, somehow, he seemed to have heard it loud and clear.
the second, and i mean the second, those words leave your mouth, max’s head will have spun around to look at you in disbelief, sparing little to no time before he’s placing his hands flat on the desk of your cubicle and narrowing his eyes at you, only to growl:
“my office, right now.”
hope you’re ready bby, cause max certainly is. 
all your coworkers have to pretend that they don’t know exactly whats going to happen when max asks you to close the door behind you.
max practically shuffles his desk into the wall while bending you over it and fucking you into tomorrow, in his mind, this was his way of showing you what an attitude like that would get you
they also pretend that they can’t hear the banging and muffled moans coming from his office, he’s their boss, they can’t say shit. 
by the time your waddling out of his office, sheepishly adjusting your dress and collar, all while max leans in the door frame with a confident smirk plastered on his face. 
this is then followed by him demanding that everybody stop staring and get back to work.
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jack daniels a.k.a agent whiskey : 
i love our yeehaw man, you love our yeehaw man, we love our yeehaw man.
so i can’t work out why you would want to get on this mans nerves.
it starts out small, little things that you know will push his buttons, stealing his hat off of his head once, then twice and then finally a third time.
you sat on his desk beside where he was working and grabbed the hat off of his head for the third time after he’d taken it back, placing it on top of your head and flicking the brim upwards playfully.
you knew he could stop you from taking it, but he was either enjoying this more than he was letting on, or didn’t have the heart to stop your fun, either way; what had started out as fun was very noticeably beginning to annoy him.
he sighed deeply when you grinned at him, swinging your legs back and fourth from where you were sitting.
“babygirl, light of my life, will you please stop taking my hat.” 
his voice was audibly tired as he looked up at you, only to see you grinning.
“but i like it, it looks better on me.”
by the sound he made, you could tell you were right, or at the very least, he really enjoyed seeing you in his hat, but despite that, he still lifted a hand to reach for it only to have you lean away from his reach
“i’m gonna have to ask for that back sugar.” 
“make me cowboy.”
as soon as you said that, his eyes noticeably darkened as soon as you said it, leading to him standing up and stepping in front of you, standing between your legs. 
“i won’t ask again babycakes. give me the hat.”
your only response was to lean in and smile at him.
“make. me.”
that was the limit, within mere blinks of an eye you found yourself bent over whiskey’s knee as he sat down in his office chair, the hat still on your head.
“i gave you the chance babygirl, no arguing now.”
your ass is gonna be red by the time your out of that chair, and i can confirm you will indeed be walking weird tomorrow.
but hey, it was worth the hat, wasn’t it?
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pero tovar : 
baby i hope you know what you’re doing..
you stole his coin purse off of his belt while walking past him in the market, you’d stolen several coin purses today, this was just the first one that caught you.
you were only a few meters away when you’d heard him yell out from behind you, resulting in you breaking into a sprint through the crowd in order to get away from the mercenary now hunting you.
it took a few minutes of running before you were able to successfully escape, hiding behind a building and leaning against the wall huffing and puffing feeling like you were going to be sick.
finally calm enough to continue on, you turned the corner only to run bang smack into said mercenarys chest, the now very angry mercenary.
“you made me chase you through three streets senorita.”
despite attempting to turn and run once more, he caught you almost instantly and had you slammed against the wall.
“you’re one of the only people that have been able to outrun me, but despite this, you stole from me. give it back.”
maybe it was the high adrenaline, or the fact that the close proximity was allowing you to feel his breath on your cheek, but for some reason, you decided to dig your own grave even deeper.
“make me.”
the growl that left that man was nothing if not animalistic, the next thing you knew, you’d been swung around and having your chest pressed against the wall as he grinded against you, dipping face down to breathe in your scent.
“if we’re going to be like that senorita...”
yeah, needles to say you had a very fun time from then on out explaining to people how you met your latin lover. 
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dave york : 
death. ELECTRIC CHAIR. did u really, reeeaallly decide to give a trained assassin attitude? ur funeral babes. 
i don’t even want to know how it happened, but as soon as that man heard “make me.” leave your pretty little lips. oh mama.
you were bent over the kitchen counter, hand through your hair, pulling it back and other hand blissfully placed around your neck, gradually applying more pressure.
“oh, you thought that was fucking funny? you want me to make you? you little fucking whore, i’ll make you then.”
trust this man will be leaving several bruises all over your body, this is literal hate fucking at a certain point, there is no other way to describe the way this man reacts to attitude of any kind.
words cannot describe the state that you are left in, but as much as it hurt, the aftercare is worth it. waking up to him laying soft kisses along your shoulder, all the bruises and bitemarks.
bringing you coffee while running you a bath so that the two of you can relax and let your body recover from the absolute torture and pleasure it has been through 
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Prompt: Y/N is a respectful narcotics agent, she worked hard to have her work recognized in a prominently male work field. She‘s assigned to the most important case of her whole career, investigate and apprehend the biggest drug dealer of U.S.A, the only thing she didn’t count on, was for the bastard to be so damn charming.
Word count: Long-ish
Pairing: Mob!Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings: +18, dirty talk, blackmail, cursing, conspiracy.
Tagging: @ziasaph , @marlananicole , @mindofasagittaruis , @reigns-5sos , @nicolewoo , @bayley-no-friends , @lilred91 , @auawdo , @lustyromantic
Notes: Where is this going to?...To catch up with the previous chapters just hit my Masterlist! Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) You can check out my other stories on my Masterlist and my newest story as a fixed post. Okay,now let’s get to the fun part, shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
I walk from Matt’s office to my desk in utter shock.
*What the hell is going on?* Is all I can think about. What seemed to be the opportunity of a life time (career wise) is becoming a true nightmare. One I couldn’t wait to wake up.
“Hey, kid! My office, NOW!” Jeffrey screamed
*Oh God, that’s all I needed right now*
“Yes, Jeffrey?” I reluctantly asked
He urgently closed and locked his office’s door
“Why did you locked the door?” I ask suspicious
He ignored me and motions for me to sit down. He was so nervous that it would be irrelevant to try to do anything but obey him.
“Happy?” I said bitterly
“Did you knew I was being tracked?” He whispered
“What do you mean?”
“Someone wiretapped my house!”
“Wait, wait. What? Are you serious Jeffrey?”
“Do I look like I’m joking to you, kid?” He angrily whispered
“Why would someone wiretap you?”
“How the fuck would I know? The only thing I know is that it came from the Bureau”
“How do you know that?”
“Because we are the only ones who use that type of technology. You can’t find that shit on the streets! Which makes me think why the fuck is somebody from this building minding my business?”He whispered screamed again
“Ok, first of all, you need to calm the fuck down! You’re little temper is not helping me to think at all. And you’re practically demonstrating to the person who did that, that you know about the wire. So take a deep breath, old man” I whispered and in an attempt to calm himself down, Jeffrey lit up a cigarette.
“Alright, where did you found the wiretap?”
“On the cable modem. We leave it at the leaving room”
“Ok, have you had any problems with your internet signal?”
“No. Why?”
“Sometimes in order to place a wire inside the house, they cause an external problem in the signal so you’ll call the cable company and someone from investigation will get inside the house to put the wire, pretending to be someone from the cable company” I explained and he gave me a puzzled look
“What?” I ask
“How do you-“
“They did that in New York to catch the Mob bosses. What kind of cop are you Jeffrey that doesn’t know about the biggest take down of the five biggest mob families of New York?” I tease
“I’m getting old, that’s my excuse” He laughs
“So if nobody came to fix anything, they must have came in normally then....has anyone from the Bureau came to your house recently?”
“Oh fuck. Everybody, kid”
“Yeah, two weeks ago, remember?”
“Shit, your birthday party” I dropped my head in defeat
“We have at least 30 suspects” He mumble
Something tells me whoever is doing this is trying to put me against Jeffrey so I decided to come clean with him
“Jeff, someone requested for a tracker on Roman Reigns”
“Please tell me you’re shitting me” He murmured “Who signed?”
“Apparently me”
“WHAT?” He screamed
“Shhhhh, someone will hear you!”
“What do you mean with ‘apparently you’?”
“My DEA ID number was in the requested by space”
“And how could someone get that?” He asked
“According to Matt, anyone who’s smart enough. He said is not that difficult, you just need to know where to look” I sighed
“Do you know when it was installed?”
“Yesterday, as I was there. Whoever did it wanted to make sure the timing matched perfectly....My biggest fear is for him to find out before I can remov-“ I was cut off by my phone ringing with an unfamiliar number.
“Y/L/N” Was my greeting
“Good morning, agent Y/L/N.”
*Oh fuck no!* I thought
“Good morning Mr. Reigns, how can I help you?”
“Well, I would like for you to join me for lunch, I have a subject I would like to discuss with you”
“I’m afraid I can’t, sir. I have a lot of work and-“
“Oh I’m certain your work can wait agent Y/L/N. Since you have some explaining to do”
“I beg your pardon?” I was already preparing myself for what I knew it would be inevitable
Roman laughs amused “Y/N. Did you really thought you could put a tracker on me and I wouldn’t find out? C’mon baby, I thought you were smarter than that!”
“Mr. Reigns, it’s not what you think-“
“I’m not gonna discuss this through a phone call. Be here at noon!” His voice colder than a bucket of ice
He hung up, before I could even protest it.
“What is it?” Jeffrey asked
“He found out and wants me to explain it” I faintly whispered
“Fucking great!” He grunts “Are you gonna go? Do you want me to go with you?”
“I have to go, I got no choice. And no, if I show up there with you is just gonna make things worst”
He nods “What are you going to do, kid?”
“Pray Jeff...pray like a fucking nun!”
“There she is! The little sneaky spy” Roman smirked at me “Please, sit” He motions to his office chair. The same one I sat the first time I was there.
“So, are you going to explain to me about this little thing?” He dropped the tracker on my lap
“Mr. Reigns, I know how this looks to you but I can guarantee, I didn’t requested this”
“You didn’t? Then how come is your internal identification number upon the request by line?”
*Of course he knows about that too*
“That’s what I’m trying to find out, sir”
“So what? You’re not trying to pull up the old trick that somebody is setting you up, right Y/N?”
“I know is hard to believe and if was in your position I would have the same disbelief as you right now, but unfortunately that is the pathetic truth”
“Do you expect me to believe that, agent Y/L/N?” He chuckled
I stare at him, responding “No, Mr. Reigns. I expect you to be reasonable, I would be naïve to think that I could do such an immature move like putting a tracker on you and expect you not to find out about it. As a matter of fact I would be straight up dumb if I thought that, that would ever work. So no I didn’t do it, somebody else did and that’s the reality, now whether you want to believe it or not it’s not my problem” I was taking a big risk talking to him like that, but it was the only thing I could do right now, bluff.
Roman places both of his hands on my thighs, leaning down until our faces are uncomfortably close.
“You play a dangerous game, Y/N. A very, very dangerous game” He licks my bottom lip “But I like that, it turns me on” Roman dragged his nose upon my neck, breathing in my scent
“You turn me on” He whispers in my ear “The things I can see myself doing to you are pure torture because that’s all what they are: imagination, and I want them to become reality. I want to see you spreading your legs for me, I want you in all fours on top of my bed, I want your pretty lips around my cock, I want my face in between your thighs, I want to fuck you in whatever pace I feel like it, I want you to take every inch of my cock, I wanna feel you stretching around me baby, moaning for me to go deeper and harder”
This man...The things he says, his voice so deep, his cologne filling up my nostrils and intoxicating me on his scent, on him.
“Roman” I whispered, but he continued
“You know there’s a chemistry between us, I know you can feel it too babygirl, so why hide it? Why suppress it, when we can put this stamina to good use, baby? I want it, you want it, it’s a simple math”
“That wouldn’t be very professional, I’m afraid” I mumbled
He leans back to look me in the eyes
“The tracker isn’t very professional as well is it?”
“I already told you it wasn’t me”
“And do you think a judge in court will care? There’s your personal DEA number in there, a number that technically only you have access to it and as far as I’m concerned that little tracker would be considered an invasion of privacy, I could sue not only you but the DEA for that. I mean, I signed an official document allowing you to search for anything you want in my professional life, not on my personal one and that tracker was installed on one of my private cars. Do you see my point, Y/N?”
“You want me to fuck you in order for you to keep your mouth shut” I angrily murmured
“Well, biologically speaking I would be the one to fuck you not the other way around” He smirked
“You’re so low, Roman” I spat
“Roman? No more formalities I see, I like that” He smiled
“Not happening” I shake my head vigorously
“What? Do you find me so repugnant that the thought of sleeping with me is that horrifying?” He asked amused
“It’s not that-“
“Oh, so you do find me attractive?” He asks pretending to be surprised
“Modesty doesn’t suits you, Mr. Reigns” I mocked
“So what is it?”
“If I do it, it’s gonna be like signing my guilty sentence. I would be screwing you to somehow make me innocent” I answered
Roman pulled me up from the chair, hugged my waist resting his hands mere inches from my ass.
“No baby, screwing me would be the equivalent to not getting fired, not having a billionaire lawsuit filled against you and not spending the rest of your life in prison” He smiled, now caressing my butt cheeks
“So babygirl, what’s gonna be?”
Please let me know your thoughts on this series so far, feedbacks are always nice and appreciated 🥰❤️
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alj4890 · 4 years
Prompt Request/Rachel Green Friends Quote Prompt
(Matt Rodriguez x Addison Sinclair) with the quote, "Come on, Name! Let's go have sex!" As requested by @krsnlove​
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(Matt x Addison) in a Choices Red Carpet Diaries fanfic.
A/N A little angsty in parts but fluff always abounds with this particular pair 😉
Messed Up
"ADDISON!" Shannon cried out.
She and Holly burst into Addison's West Hollywood apartment.
"I'm in the kitchen." Addison yelled out.
The two friends rushed in there, expecting to see mass amounts of blood, broken bones, perhaps even a severed limb. 
The emergency text they had received earlier had said, 911 I'M DYING!
Instead, the two found their friend with an open tub of ice cream, a bottle of rum, and a can of whipped cream.
Holly folded her arms. "I thought you were dying?"
"I am." Addison whined. "I messed up big time tonight." She squirted some whipped cream in her mouth. "I either have to die or move to another country."
"Addi." Shannon slumped over the bar. She held her hand up and put her thumb and index finger close together. "I was this close to getting Chris ready to talk about our future."
Holly softly snorted. "I was sorting laundry." Her usual smirk formed. "I'm all for an embarrassing story."
Addison dropped her head back. "I can't believe what happened."
"Just tell us." Shannon pleaded.
"Remember when I said I was going to that party of Marianne's?" She scooped ice cream in her blender, poured some rum and milk, then added caramel sauce. Within minutes she had the three of them some boozy milkshakes.
Holly and Shannon took their drinks to the couch while Addison settled in her oversized chair.
"I might have made a fool of myself." She began.
Earlier that night...
"...and these are a sample of what the fall styles will be." Marianne flipped through some of her mockups.
"These are gorgeous." Addison gushed. "I can't wait until the Milan fashion show."
Marianne smiled indulgently at her favorite former student. "I'm going to end it with your winter gown designs."
"No! Really?" Addison squealed and hugged her. "I can't believe it! Thank you so much!"
The doorbell rang.
"Enjoy the party." Marianne winked and hurried off to mingle with those that had come in.
"Someone's happy."
Addison spun around. "Evan? Where--when did you get back in town?"
"Yesterday." His bright smile glowed against his tan skin. "I was hoping I would bump into you."
"Really?" She couldn't quite keep the bitter skepticism out of her tone. "When--"
"Hold up!" Shannon interrupted with her hands up in the air. "Evan was there? Evan, I'm the biggest cheating scumbag walking, Richards?
"Yep." Addison shot another burst of whipped cream in her mouth
Holly rolled her eyes. "Your mistake that you are dying over doesn't have anything to do with your ex, does it?"
"Kinda." Addison stirred her milkshake. "Anyway, at that moment...you know who walked in."
"Looks like the tabloids are correct." Evan whispered.
"Huh?" Addison followed his gaze and felt her heart drop.
Matt had arrived with that skank, Elisa, on his arm.
Shannon choked on her drink.
Holly added more rum to her own shake. "You're not wrong. She is a definite skank of the first order. A destroyer of men. A plague upon the innocent. The pain in my a--"
"And let's continue with the story." Shannon quickly interjected. "What is our sweet and precious Matt doing with someone like her?"
Elisa Marinova smiled as she held fast to Matt's arm. The famous model made sure to be on her best behavior while around the movie star.
She basked in the attention she was drawing by having someone like Matt by her side. It was just the change she needed to reinvigorate her career. Her agent could not have given better advice than to pursue Hollywood's nicest guy.
Surely if he appeared to like her then everyone else would and the acting offers she coveted would begin to pour in.
"Can I get you anything to drink?" Matt asked.
"I would love a cosmo." She watched him walk away and smoothly settled within a circle that had a number of producers and directors in it.
"Who was in the group? Was Thomas? Please tell me either he or Marcus was." Shannon begged. "I would love to see them set her in her place."
"They weren't." Addison sniffed and held her glass out for Holly to add more rum. "Tommy Phelps was there and he kept going on and on how he needed her smokin' body in his next film." She took another hit of whipped cream. "The very movie he has cast Matt in."
Holly shook her head. "You still haven't gotten to the embarrassing part."
Addison dropped her head in her hands. "Evan called out to Matt."
"Rodriguez!" Evan motioned with his head. "Get over here."
Matt's friendly smile firmed into a thin line when he saw Evan's arm around Addison. "Hey. How are you?"
"Good. You?" Addison asked.
"Can't complain." He muttered. His eyes lingered on her a moment then focused on Evan. "How did the shoot go in Prague?"
"Great." Evan replied. He squeezed Addison closer. "Missed a few people while away." He winked at Matt. "Luckily there were a few locals that kept my morale up."
"That sleeze! He actually said that he hooked up with locals while hugging you?" Shannon held her glass toward Holly for another refill. "He--he--somebody needs to punch him!"
"You at least stepped on his foot?" Holly asked. "Stomped on his instep? Quick elbow to the groin?"
Addison shook her head. "Not exactly." She tucked a blonde lock of hair behind her ear.
"So you and Elisa?" Evan said in a low tone. "Nice."
Addison and Matt glared at him.
"How did you manage that?" Evan asked, oblivious to their annoyance.
Matt rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, we aren't exactly--"
"I was afraid you forgot about me." Elisa cooed while settling her arm around Matt's waist. She focused her practiced smile upon Addison and Evan. "I don't believe we've met."
"This is Addison Sinclaire." Matt said. His smile turned tender. "If you're lucky, you have worn at least one if her creations."
"Oh, you're a designer?" Elisa asked. "I don't think I've heard of you." She shrugged with a laugh. "Of course, I do typically work only with the top of the fashion profession."
"That skank!" Shannon hiccupped. "If you ever dress her, I will burn the outfit." She took another sip of her melted milkshake. "Preferably with her in it."
"Shh!" Holly hissed. "I need to hear the embarrassing part!"
"Evan Richards," the movie star introduced himself while Matt and Addison fumed at the intended insult. "Weren't you a Victoria Secret model a couple of years ago?"
Elisa giggled. "I was." Her eyes cut in a coy manner. "You have some memory there."
"One has to in my line of work." His eyes drifted down her figure. "I think it helps to remember someone when they have such distinguishing characteristics."
Holly clapped her hand over Shannon's mouth. "Don't stop!" She commanded Addison.
"My Matt said the same thing." Elisa leaned her body against his side. "Didn't you?"
Shannon ripped Holly's hand off her mouth. "I would give anything to have been there to tell that b--"
"I wish you had." Addison picked up the bottle of rum and poured more into her empty cup. "It would have helped me keep my mouth shut."
"Finally!" Holly slumped back into the couch. She held her glass up with a grin. "What did you say?"
"I don't think I said--" Matt squirmed, trying to be free of her.
"Evan thinks the same about me." Addison declared. "Don't you?" She elbowed him in the ribs.
Evan dragged his eyes from Elisa's chest. "Huh? Yeah, sure do." He smiled down at Addison. "Everyone knows you're cute."
"Addison," Matt's tone gentled. "Can I talk privately to you for a moment?"
"Is it okay with you, Evan?" Addison tried to keep a look of adoration on her face as she gazed up at the slimeball.
"Sure." His lips curved. "I believe Elisa and I can keep each other occupied."
Elisa stood up on her tiptoes and kissed Matt's cheek. "Don't be gone too long."
He untangled himself from her and followed Addison to a secluded corner.
"What did you need to talk about?" She asked.
"You're not seriously back with that jerk are you?" He asked.
Addison narrowed her eyes. "No, but it is tempting."
Matt rubbed his hands over his face. "Addison, I can't stand the thought of you going down that road again."
"Why?" She prompted, hoping he would say what she wanted to hear.
"Because you're too good for someone like him." He replied. "You're one of my closest friends and I don't--"
"Friends." She mumbled. "Is Elisa a friend or something more?"
"I--" he colored some. "She would like us to become closer but--"
"And you talk about my taste in men." Addison folded her arms. "I can't believe you would choose someone like her to date."
Matt's temper flared. "I think of the two of us, your choice is much more worse than mine."
"No one is worse than your gorgeous Elisa." She glared up at him. "I didn't know you were the type of guy to go for looks only."
"I don't--" Matt's jaw spasmed as Elisa and Evan interrupted them.
"Matt, is she upsetting you?" Elisa carressed his bicep. "Why don't you let me take your mind off of everything?
Addison refused to witness Matt leaving with this skank. She grabbed Evan's arm. "Come on Evan. Let's go have sex!"
Matt's jaw dropped. "Addison! Wait! I--"
She jerked Evan along behind her, ignoring Matt's pleading.
Once outside, Evan pulled her into his embrace. "Baby, I knew you couldn't resist me." His lips barely brushed hers. He groaned and doubled over. "What the hell?!"
"Don't ever touch me again!" She yelled, shaking her hand. His abs were not the place she should have hit.
"Wooooohooooooo!" Shannon bounced on the couch. "I'm so loud--cloud--proud of you." She slurred.
Holly narrowed her eyes. "So Matt thinks that you are here with Evan in naked congress?"
Addison nodded after downing her rum. Tears filled her eyes. "Why didn't I tell him the truth?"
"The one where you think he has a cute butt?" Shannon asked with a giggle.
"The one where you secretly write his name and yours in little hearts?" Holly tipped the bottle toward her lips, swallowing down a gulp of rum.
"The one where you have six babies within the first ten years of marriage?" Shannon reached for the bottle while a goofy grin formed.
"Yes!" Addison exclaimed, burying her head in the throw pillows. "He'll never like me like that now!"
"Whatcha doin?" Holly slurred, when she noticed Shannon tapping on her phone.
"Drunk texting." Shannon sputtered, causing both her and Holly to laugh.
"What's Chris saying?" Holly leaned over to read the text and ended up sliding off the couch.
Addison and Shannon laughed until they were crying at the look on Holly's face.
"He's on his way!" Shannon struggled to her feet. "I gotta meet him at the door."
Holly patted Addison on the back. "You be good. We'll check on you tomorrow."
"Thanks." Addison hugged them both. "You guys are so great."
Shannon broke away when there was a knock on the door. "There he is!" She stumbled over, holding the wall when she got dizzy and opened up the door.
"Matty!" She threw her arms around him. "Thanks for hurrying!"
"I was driving past when I got the text." His brow was furrowed as he noticed how drunk the three ladies were. "What's wrong?"
Addison stared at him slack-jawed.
"Addison messed up!" Holly's glasses were askew as she grinned. "She meant to tell you to come here for sex instead of that walking STD."
"Holly!" Addison cried out. She covered her face, praying that everyone would leave.
"We'll go so you two can Mar--hic--Mar--hic--Vin Gaye it." Shannon swayed as she walked out. "G'night!"
Holly followed her while humming Let's Get It On.
He closed the door and silently studied Addison.
She twisted the bottom of her pajama top while avoiding his eyes. "Have a seat."
He stepped into her living room and bent down to pick up the rum bottle. "Seems like you had a better party here."
"Heh. Yeah." Addison mumbled.
Matt sat down in a chair near where she sat on the couch. "Addison, I--"
"Matt, I--"
They both hesistated. She motioned for him to go first.
"I'm not with Elisa." He explained. "She asked me for a ride to the party and I didn't know how to get rid of her."
Addison looked up at him. "Thank goodness. She's such a skank."
Matt snorted and coughed on his laughter. "Anyway, Shannon's text said you needed to tell me something important and that I had to rush over."
"Oh." She rubbed her sweaty palms on her pajama pants. "Well, I'm not with Evan. And I didn't have sex with him." She shuddered. "Makes me want to throw up thinking about it."
Matt smiled at her. "Good. I'm not sure what the masculine form of skank is but he is definitely that."
Addison giggled and looked up at him. "I'm so glad you're back home."
"Me too." He murmered. "Why don't you get some rest and I come by tomorrow? We can spend the day at the beach. Go by that Chinese resturant you love so much for dinner." He gently cupped her cheek. "There's something I would like to talk to you about."
She searched his eyes for some clue to what he wanted to talk about. "I'd like that."
His smile made her own form.
He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Me too." He wished her a goodnight and opened her door.
Addison scrambled off the couch and called out to him as he headed toward her building's elevator. "Did Shannon text anything else?"
Matt nodded. "She did."
Addison quirked an eyebrow in silent question.
The elevator chimed and the doors opened. Matt smiled at her as he stepped into it. "She said we needed to finally admit how in love we are."
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movedyourchair505 · 5 years
Napule Nights - trentasei
Jade meets Penny and David, as promised. Thanks to Elana for always figuring difficult stuff like this out with me x
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In all of the underground space of the headquarters, the conference room was the lightest one Jade had seen yet, still looking around and scanning her surroundings, but she was barely picking up on anything, her initial determination to not lose track of her sense of detail gone up in smoke as soon as Alexander had decided to seat her at the opposite end of the table, staring straight at him, yet there were several chairs and people in between, and in protest, she'd leaned back in her chair, crossed her arms in a way that drew attention to nothing but her chest, the lace top of her silvery pink dress not covering any more than actual lingerie would have, lace trailing down into a satin skirt, additional lace on the sides drawing attention to the skin of her thighs.
She watched him at the other end of the table, balancing his cigarette between his fingers and taking the occasional drag, the smoke veiling his gorgeous features for no longer than a second each time it left his lips, yet she couldn't help herself from staring, forever drawn to stare due to the complexity of his face, the simplest movements exciting, the way he scrunched his nose up in disgust ever so slightly, exposing the distaste for something someone else at the table said. She could tell he was purposely not looking at her, his dark eyes resting for longer than in mere passing on everyone but her, but he had her full attention, not a single movement unnoticed by her, her fingers aching to touch and adjust his hair that he'd slicked back in a rush earlier, and it was threatening to fall out of form now.
On the car ride to the headquarters, she'd been completely unable to keep her hands off him, the constant ache she had for him only intensified after they'd almost been late because he hadn't been able to deny her when having been woken up with her sat on top of him, teasing him, and only having waited for him to wake up to lower herself down on him, but as soon as he'd been aware, as soon as the sleep had lifted from his mind, he'd flipped them, refusing even that early to let her dominate him, and had instead fucked her into the mattress in return, hard and fast and in a way that left her insatiable, her frustration only increased when he'd cautiously seated her at the other end of the table, opposite him and far away, his words too weak to be a threat. “I can't 'ave yeh distractin' meh, yeh're too fookin' frustratin'. If yeh wanna beh in this meetin' yeh 'ave teh be'ave.”
The hint of a challenge that she knew he was well aware of and had strategically used against her was the only thing that kept her the way she was, that kept her from actually making an effort to distract him, and he was as much of a distraction himself, so much so that despite having insisted on being part of the meeting, despite her best efforts, Jade could barely focus now.
Half of his arms were exposed, the sleeves of his peach coloured shirt rolled up and contrasting his tanned skin, the jacket to his matte black suit hung over the back of his chair. The mark she had left on his throat was still visible, beautiful and making sure everyone knew she'd been there. She was desperate to sink her teeth into his skin again, make him moan quietly the way he hadn't been able to suppress, toy with his chain and make his jaw tense the way it did now as he listened calmly to one of the suggestions a man to her left made.
Alexander took another drag of his cigarette before crushing it in the ashtray before him, his glance passing Jade as he looked around and his heart jumped when he saw that she was still looking at him, seemingly not intending to break her stare any time soon.
When his eyes met hers, even if it was just for a moment, the intensity made her shiver, excited her and she pressed her lips together, biting the inside of her cheek as she felt a dull throbbing ache between her legs as soon as she'd allowed her mind to wander, pictured him rising to his feet and making her crawl towards him, grabbing her by the throat and forcing her down into position on the table, everyone else watching or leaving, she didn't care, she just needed him, felt her underwear dampening from the sheer thought of feeling him inside her again, her eyes fluttering shut for no longer than a second, but of course that he'd seen, the smug satisfaction on his face when he licked his lips leaving her determined to concentrate the lust she had for him to the inside for now.
Each time he spoke, his deep drawl either surging through the silence or cutting off someone else, the authority in his low voice had her reeling, wishing he was close to her, wishing he was taunting her, telling her she was his, telling her he loved her.
“Jade” he hummed, the way he said her name snapping her out of it as much as it made her wish she was making him moan it. “Wha' do yeh fink?”
She swallowed hard, her jaw tensing and she sat straight in her seat, lifting her chin. Bastard.
“About what?” She asked reluctantly, ultimately more frustrated with herself than him because him and her both knew that she could help if she actually paid attention, and she couldn't help but be annoyed that she was wasting this chance. She wanted to spite him as much as she did the men around the table regarding her sceptically, as if she was somewhat inferior, their gazes alternating between her face and the bruises around her neck, most failing to stop there.
Alexander licked his lips, the corner of his mouth twitching with amusement as he couldn't help but feel pleased with himself for having caught her, he loved watching her beg him to fuck her as much as he liked her to beg him to help with the business, and he knew that it would have been wrong to tell her based on her wandering mind that she shouldn't have been in the meeting, but the simple question was worth the tease now, despite the matter being more than serious, and once he'd had his fun with the expression on her face, he spoke again. “I've sent out sum of our best men teh track down Mancini. I 'ave not yet decided specificleh wha' teh do wif 'im.”
She swallowed, silently grateful that he hadn't intended to completely humiliate her in front of everyone. “Is it wise at all to track him down?” She questioned.
He raised his eyebrows, her question catching him by surprise. “Jade” he said. “He 'urt yeh. Look wha' 'e fookin' did teh yeh.” His gaze was insistent, and she knew what he was trying to tell her, he should have seen it coming.
“But I'm okay” she said, the look in her own eyes softening and she wished she could touch him, squeeze his hand, stroke his hair or touch his shoulder to soothe him. “Don't play into Alfonso's hands that way, please. Not for me.”
He let his eyes wander, looking at the men that had advised him as well as his father well before. “Gentlemen?”
“If Mancini had touched my bird that way, I'd be out there searching along with the others” one of the men to his right stated.
Jade tensed. “They only did this to get a rise out of him” she said, shaking her head, now it was her looking around hopefully around the table, searching for someone that had common sense. “In a time like this, offense is the wrong move.”
“I don't know how much your bird knows, Turner, but with the state of the business, she might have a point” another man said, raising is eyebrow at his superior.
Turner's jaw locked, a hard swallow followed that made his throat strain underneath the mark, then he rose to his feet. “Weh'll take a vote tomorrow” he said, adjusting his rings as he looked around at the other men. “Dismissed.”
Jade rose from her seat the moment the first man opened the door, crossing the room with few quick steps and adjusting her white fur coat, her heels clicking on the ground and her body relaxed visibly when he turned to her and gave her a look of disbelief. “Alexander, don't do this” she said, pressing her lips together as she drew his jacket from his seat and held it out for him.
“Wha' were yeh finkin'?” He asked.
She pursed her lips, walking around him to adjust his collar over the jacket. “You asked my opinion, baby” she said, smiling as she reached to brush his hair back, feeling him relax right into her touch, breathing out slowly, but his eyes widened again when he looked at somebody over her shoulder, yet with a slight tug on his hair she had his attention again. “What?”
“I swear if one of them fookin' looks at yeh again...”
“Hey, hey” she said, shaking her head. “I wanted to be here, Alexander. Let them look.”
His eyes grew wider. “Let them-... Jade, I...” He sighed, once again soothed by the way she ran her fingers through his hair.
“I'm all yours” she said, pressing herself close to him, purring with satisfaction when his hands came down on her hips. “And I'm just trying to help.”
“Well, yeh didn't fookin' be'ave, did yeh? Yeh still work for meh.”
A smile spread across her lips now and she tilted her head slightly. “Mmm, what are you going to do, baby? Fire me?” A deep sense of satisfaction spread inside her when she saw the corner of his mouth twitch and he rolled his eyes.
She hummed, moving her hand slowly up his chest and underneath his shirt, scratching lightly at his shoulder, the light in his eyes drawing her in hopelessly and she leaned in, yet jumped instantly when she heard the door click, the groan of annoyance vibrating in Alexander's throat only making her want him more.
“Si?” He asked, raising his eyebrows expectantly at Helders.
“I'm sorreh, boss, yehr father wants teh see yeh.”
Alex tensed, his jaw clenching and with a sudden shift, his face was expressionless. “Then please take Jade 'ome” he sighed, stepping back and adjusting his jacket.
“Actualleh” Helders said. “'e's requested teh see yeh bof.”
Jade's eyes widened and she turned to look between the two, Helders' face now expectant, Turner's with shock written all over it. “When?” He asked, swallowing hard.
“Reyht now, boss” Helders stated. “Yehr parents are 'avin' lunch in the citeh and they want yeh teh join them. They're waitin'.”
Jade was speechless for a moment, her heart racing with the sudden fear that she'd messed up because they'd asked for her to come along specifically. She looked worriedly at Alexander, tense and desperate to hear his decision, unsure what she would have preferred, but there was not a single moment of contemplation, without another word, his hand came down on the small of her back and before she knew, they were following Helders out of the office and down the corridor towards the doors.
“A-Alexander...” she said. “Maybe I should change?”
“There's no time” he stated, his face cold and he nodded for her to get into the car as Helders opened the door for her, Cook on the other side opening it for him.
“I'll be two seconds...” she said hesitantly, desperate to catch his eyes with hers as they sat beside each other in the backseat. “You know I won't take long.”
Her heart stopped when his eyes finally snapped up. “Jade, there's no time. Weh can't let them wait.”
She swallowed hard, diverting her gaze and adjusting her coat. It wasn't like she had never been judged for the way she looked before, harassed and mistreated, and she knew that nothing they could say, not even Alex's father could even scratch the surface of her confidence. But what would undoubtedly bother her was their judgment of her transferring to Alexander, because as sure as she was that he stood by her and his decision for her, it would build up his own stress and would set back any progress he'd made with the business during the past few days, and she hated the thought of it, hated to be the reason of causing him unnecessary difficulty, not that she wasn't worth it, not that she didn't enjoy him sticking up for her, but he already had enough to deal with as it was, she'd already added enough, and she was determined to for his sake behave in a way that would solely benefit him.
She stayed silent for the rest of drive, hated the way the situation brought her back to a tension between them she had almost forgotten about now, and she breathed out shakily with relief when she felt his hand searching for hers between them on the seat, his long fingers intertwined with hers instantly as he gave a light squeeze, his jaw tense as she finally looked up at him, her mouth opening, but before she could speak, the car came to a stop, Helders and Cook stepping out and opening the doors for them.
The moment Jade set her second heel down on the pavement, Turner was by her side, linking his arm with hers and giving a nod to the two security guards in front of a restaurant Jade only knew because a very decadent client had once taken her there to impress a few business associates, and she gathered the white fur across her chest and her bare shoulders, knowing that even though she looked and felt better because of her choice of clothing, she could have chosen something just as sexy that would have been more appropriate, although she couldn't help the satisfied smile that spread across her lips when a few heads turned as they entered, as interested in her as they were in the man whose arm she was now attached to, and she hummed when he drew her closer to his side, the gesture enough to fuel her confidence and strengthen her intentions.
She prepared herself for an order, instructions to act a certain way, she'd gotten used to it by now, it was always the way whenever entering a room, men whispering to her, hushed demands to follow before reaching the table. But not Alexander.
“Yeh look fookin' incredible, il mio amore.”
She bit down harshly on her lip, her whole body shuddering and she squeezed his arm, there was no time to respond, let alone sink down on her knees and worship that incredible man the way he deserved, but she certainly wasn't going to forget the look in his eyes, forced herself to focus as they came to a stop.
Neither his father stood as Alexander pulled a chair back for Jade, nor did he even acknowledge her at first and she held her breath, sitting down hesitantly, then turned her head as he walked around to greet his mother, leaned down to kiss her cheek and she rubbed his back gently. “Mamma.”
“Ciao, cucciolotto.” His mother smiled, shifting in her seat and waiting for her son to sit down before her eyes finally made it to Jade who was glad for the distraction, the intensity of the older man's stare an instant intimidation she hadn't expected, and while she'd always respected his name, was well-aware of where he had taken his family name, she had never been this overwhelmed, reputation and face combined sending shivers down her spine. “Jade, si?”
Jade nodded slowly, taking a deep breath before she drew her coat from her arms and hung it over the back of the chair, soothed only by the way Alexander's hand came down on her knee, a gentle squeeze following. “Si” she said, swallowing as she could feel two unfamiliar pairs of eyes on her, relieved when Alexander cut in.
“Why did yeh need teh see us bof?” He asked.
His father's face remained unchanged and his eyes searched behind them, then snapped at the waiter, holding up two fingers before he lowered his hand and looked back at his son. “Yeh are aware that you are not yet the owner of me business, aren't you, Alexander?”
Jade felt oddly out of place, despite the ease of which she was able to win anybody over, she was well-aware that this was not the moment to make use of that skill, instead she focused on Alexander, the way he swallowed, visibly distressed.
“I am aware” he said slowly, licking his lips.
“And are yeh aware that this means I am still watching yehr evreh move, figlio?”
Alexander pursed his lips. “If this about the men I sent out teh find Mancini...”
“It is, yeh alreadeh risked so much by sending out more men than yeh were allowed to find Alfonso's other base, and now yeh're doing exactly what he wanted teh achieve in the first place?”
The way his father tensed had him leaning back slowly, his body tensing with a matchable anger and sense of frustration, he had nothing to say for himself, no way to justify himself. “I might call it off” he said quietly.
“Oh, grazie a Dio” the older man muttered, but there was a mocking tone behind his voice that Jade recognised only too well. “I thought yeh'd lost all sense because of this girl.”
Alex's jaw tensed, his lips pressed together for a moment to compose himself before he was able to give a collected response. “It were actualleh Jade's idea.”
“It's also because of her that yeh risked so much in the first place, bello” his mother said, her voice much softer, but her words only made it harder for Jade to stay quiet, yet she'd vowed to behave, to go along with whatever Alexander wanted to do, though admittedly, it was getting increasingly harder. “And now yeh've moved her into yehr place...” she continued. “Yeh've not done that since...”
“Adriana.” His father's voice was firm, the look on his face more frightening than anything Alex himself could have been capable of.
Alexander bit his lip, glaring back at his father. “And yeh think I dun't kno' tha'?” He snapped. His fingers were shaking, he'd been meaning to keep Jade from being a part of a conversation like this, afraid all along that it would only drive her away and yet there she was, sat by his side and allowing them to talk about her as if she wasn't even there, her fingers cupping his on her knee, and he was only momentarily distracted as the waiter placed a glass of martini in front of them each and he took it thankfully, his fingers closing around the cold glass and he down it all in one, licking his lips. “Scusa.”
His father gave a respectful nod before his face turned cold again. “This is not just about her though, Alexander” he stated, his eyes dark as he looked at his son. “I thought I could trust yeh teh take over the business soon, but now I'm not so sure. Yeh have made decisions that I could not predict, yeh are losing focus, yeh are falling deeper and deeper into this feud wif Alfonso, yeh're getting distracted...”
“Padre” Alex interrupted, shaking his head, eager to explain himself now that he had something to say for himself. “At this point, Alfonso is a greater threat teh the business than yeh fink. And if 'e takes wha's mine, I will not let 'im get aweh wif tha'...” His jaw was shaking and he swallowed hard, a shaky breath escaping his lips as Jade squeezed his hand. He was desperate for more, knew that she would be able to soothe him with a few simple touches, and he was struggling to compose himself. “I joost refuse teh beh disrespected.”
“Alexander, yeh've disappointed meh.”
His mother sat straight, looking at her husband. “David.”
Jade had been biting her tongue, had forced her hand that was interlocked with Alexander's to stay still, but her other hand was shaking, she was struggling hard to keep still and when she saw the look on Alexander's face, she couldn't contain herself anymore. “Stai zitto!”
It was like a moment of slow motion in which all three pairs of eyes fixated solely on her, more so than throughout the entire conversation, and she was trembling, a fear rushing through her that she could not remember feeling last. She was going to regret this, but there was no going back now, and she used the moment of utter shock on the older man's face in front of her to continue. “He has done nothing to deserve that” she snapped.
She bit her lip. “Alexander has been working more and harder than I've ever seen anyone work, without exception. He upholds his name and lives up to it, furthering the business and all the while trying to establish a maintaining superiority over another business that makes all of this a whole lot harder. He shuts down any disrespect towards your family name, and this is what he gets?” Her lip was quivering, she couldn't hold herself back, not even the touch of Alex's hand on her thigh, nor the warning gaze his mother gave her could stop her now. “People on the street are afraid of you for the wrong reason, clearly.”
Alex breathed shakily, not daring to take his eyes off Jade, staring in awe, and he was as worried about his father as he was fascinated by the beauty beside him. He didn't have it in himself to apologize for her, because why would he, why would he apologize for something he had never dreamt of having but now realised he couldn't live without?
To Alexander's surprise as well as Jade's, his mother spoke first, leaning forward and extending her hand to Jade who took it rather hesitantly, her heart jolting as she felt the warm squeeze. “I just want teh say...” She glanced to her husband who she could tell was conflicted, fuming even, yet trying to stay calm and she shook her head. “No, David, she's reyht” she said decisively before looking back at Jade. “Gioia.”
Jade's eyes were wide as she looked back at the woman in front of her, was almost holding her breath again, her fear merging slowly into curiosity, she was truly lost for words now, managed merely incoherence. “I-I … scusa, I just...”
“No, there is nothing to apologize for, bambina, not when yeh are speaking up for me Alexander like this.”
A shaky breath escaped from her throat and she could only feel Alex's hand resting on her thigh, refusing to look away from his mother now, she was taken aback, could hardly comprehend what was happening as the woman nodded towards Jade's drink and she lifted it at the same time as she did hers, giving a hesitant nod when she cheered with her and downed it all the same as Alexander, quick and rushed to ease her nerves.
“Allora” she nodded. “I think weh're done here.”
Alexander rose to his feet, needed no telling twice and Jade missed is touch for just a second, watching him walk around to kiss his mother's cheek before he placed the fur coat over Jade's shoulder, his hand found the smell of her back and he nodded to his father, the heat of his hand searing through her dress as he led her away.
“Alexander” she whispered, pressing herself to her side, her fingers shaking as she clung to his arm. “I'm so sorry.”
He lifted his eyes, the softness of chocolate and everything he'd ever admitted to her in his eyes threatening to bring her to her knees. “Dun't yeh dare, doll” he said, reaching to brush her hair back gently from her face. “They like yeh.”
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panda-noosh · 6 years
Secret Santa {Matt x Reader}
Words: 4.3k 
Summary: In which Matt is your Secret Santa, and he has the perfect idea for a gift. 
Genre: fluff 
Notes: masterlist 
   Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.
   “Let me see that.”
    Before Matt could reply, Pidge had snatched the sheet of paper from his hand and was already reading the contents - the contents which had made Matt’s stomach flip upside down with nerves.
   It wasn’t a big deal. He knew it wasn’t a big deal, because this was something that everybody was doing. Secret Santa was a store tradition, and Matt had participated in it every single year since he had signed on with the clothes shop he currently worked at.
    But god, how was he meant to buy something for you?
    Just the thought had his head reeling with stress. Once upon a time, he was the best at Secret Santa. Anybody was lucky to have him, as he truly did go all out to buy things that the person would like. 
    But now, looking over Pidge’s shoulder, rereading your name which was lazily scrawled on the piece of paper, Matt’s mind went completely blank. There was a level of pressure buying for the person you’ve been head over heels for for nearly three years.
    “Surely you’re not freaking out over this,” Pidge said suddenly.
     Matt’s eyes snapped up, startled. “What do you mean? Of course I am.”
   Pidge scoffed, shoving the piece of paper back into Matt’s hand before leaning casually back in her seat. “You’re being ridiculous. You and Y/N have been best friends for ages now - you should know what they like.”
    Matt blanked. That was a mighty fine point, and one he hadn’t thought about. Because of course he knew what you liked - you liked music, liked reading books on your break, liked Gummy Bears and white jelly beans. You liked having bath bombs every now and then, a face mask every once in a while to relax with.
    And yet going through your list of hobbies and interests was not helping Matt in the slightest.
    “I can’t just get them something boring,” he grumbled, sitting down on the chair beside Pidge. She creaked a single eye open and regarded him. He could feel the judgement coming off of her - she knew of his crush, knew of his feelings towards you because how on earth was he meant to hide them from the one person who could read him like a book? It wasn’t possible.
    “You’re not gonna get them an engagement ring or anything like that, are you?” she asked.
    Matt flushed. “No. But I want to get them something special.”
   “You’ve never thought this hard about a Secret Santa gift before.”
    “You wanna guess why?”
   Pidge frowned, but placed a small and gentle hand on his arm anyway; she understood. He knew she did. She had seen him fluster over you for years now, seen him fall deeper into the trap that had been set from the moment he first stepped through those doors with his CV and his National Security number in his hand. 
    He would think about it for a little while longer. Perhaps a good nights rest would bring him a good idea - at this point, he could only hope.
    He inhaled sharply - you were working today?
    He tried to recall the rota that had been hung upon the wall the previous week - his name had certainly been on it too many times for him to count, but he had only seen your name sprawled upon the sheet a few times throughout the week. Long shifts, but less days. That was how your schedule was going.
   And yet here you were, on this frosty Monday morning with your hair tangled in a set of Christmas lights, balancing on the top rung of a ladder as you tried to remove them from your ponytail.
    “Oh my god,” you groaned in frustration, snapping Matt out of the stupor he had fallen into upon sight of you. “Can somebody help me?”
    Matt was immediately bolting upright, straightening up his Christmas jumper and rushing towards you. “Here, here. You shouldn’t be up there like that.”
   You looked down, clearly startled that somebody had genuinely heard you - it was still a few hours before opening, meaning nobody else was actually present. You had clearly requested help without actually meaning to acquire said help.
    Nonetheless, Matt was by your side in an instant, placing a gentle hand on your hip and guiding you down the ladder with as much care and ease as he could with how his hands were trembling. They flinched away from your hip bone as if somehow touching you there was taboo.
     “Oh, Matt,” you said once you were finally back on the floor. “I didn’t know you were in today.”
    “I didn’t know you were in today,” he replied, before nodding to the mess of Christmas lights still tangled in your hair. “Uh... What were you doing, exactly?”
    You flushed, reaching up and tugging at the tangle. “The boss asked me to hang some more Christmas lights up above the bookshelves. I thought I’d get it done early, but apparently it’s not a one person job.” You smiled sheepishly, finally managing to pull the lights from your hair. “I must look like a right idiot.”
    “No!” The word shot from Matt’s mouth before he could think better of it. He flushed immediately, looking away from you before he could be subjected to the startled expression that overtook your features. 
    He coughed awkwardly and shook his head, trying to soften his own insistence. “No. No, you didn’t. I can do the lights if you want?”
    You raised a brow. “Are you sure? You have to open the shop today, right? I don’t want this cutting into your break time or anything.”
    Matt shook his head dismissively, already grabbing the string of lights from your hands. You watched him - he knew you were. He could feel your gaze burning holes into the back of his head as he climbed up the ladder and started hastily pinning the Christmas lights to the bookshelves. 
    The silence was crushing. It wasn’t awkward, considering he had something to do. It wasn’t like the two of you were just standing before one another, doing nothing, saying nothing - you were craning your neck to and fro, trying to get a good look at what Matt was doing.
    Nonetheless, the silence was suffocating him, and he had to speak before his face got any redder.
    “So, are you doing anything nice for the holidays this year?” he asked. It was a stupid question, clearly meant as a conversation-starter, but it was the only thing he could think of right now.
    You sighed. “Not really. Spending the day with my family, working for most of the days leading up to it.” You shrugged as if to say ah well, before your face lit up. You were suddenly smiling, tapping your fingers against the ladder in excitement.
   “What?” Matt asked, unable to hide his chuckle.
    “I was just thinking about that Christmas market that’s coming here in a few days. I’d love to go to that. Have you heard about it?”
    Matt had, considering his father was the one who was organising it. He didn’t say that, though, but instead pursed his lips and feigned ignorance. “No. Does it sound good?”
   “It sounds brilliant,” you gushed, still grinning. “I saw some pictures of it online and it looks absolutely beautiful.” Suddenly, your grin was fading, returning to that tired frown you had been wearing before. “I think I’m working everyday it’s on, though, so I shouldn’t really be getting my hopes up.”
    Matt frowned, very nearly tipping over on the ladder with how quick his eyes shot down to gouge your expression; as soon as he saw you, he wanted to look away, because you didn’t look happy. You had pursed your lips and was looking idly around the shop, one hand still holding the ladder, knuckles white with your grip. It made Matt’s stomach curl. You were the type of person who should never be frowning, should never look upset. 
    Matt looked back up at the work he was doing, mind running at a thousand miles per hour. He could scarcely help it - was this his opening? If he could pull this off...
    “There’s always next year,” he said softly, biting his lower lip to stop his grin from showing.
     “You’re really asking me this during the busiest month of the year?”
    Matt resisted the urge to clap his hands together and beg. Instead, he ran his hands through his brown hair and looked over at Coran with eyes that did the begging for him; he needed this. It was perfect.
    “Please, Coran. I promise I’ll work extra time in January, but Y/N and I need this day off. Just one day!”
    Coran sighed, leaning back in his chair with that air of authority he always seemed to hold. He spoke a great deal of nonsense, but anybody with two eyes could see that he knew exactly what he was doing at all times - he was a decent businessman, meaning Matt could twist his arm if he tried hard enough. People like Coran thrived off of deals.
    “What if I can’t find anyone else to cover you both?” he asked.
    “My sister has already agreed to come in and cover my shift,” Matt replied. “And I’m sure I can get Shiro in to cover Y/N’s. You won’t be short staffed - I promise.”
    “Those were supposed to be your shifts.”
   “I know that, Coran, but Y/N and I have been in work almost every day for the past two weeks. Do you not think we deserve this break?”
    Coran pursed his lips. Matt hadn’t meant to use the deserve a break card, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
    “You have both been working hard,” he mumbled, sparking hope in Matt’s chest. “And this is for your Secret Santa gift?”
   “Mhm.” Matt fumbled in his pockets, tugging out the tickets for the Christmas market. He had gotten them from his dad for a discounted price - there was no way in hell he could let his plans fall through now. “Look, this is proof. I’ve even got the tickets already.”
   “And how do I know you’re not just gonna spend the day doing inappropriate things behind my back?”
    Matt spluttered, cheeks flushing red. “Excuse me?”
    “Are you and Y/N not together?”
   “No! We’re just - We’re just friends!” Matt shook his head hastily, desperately wanting to skip to the next subject matter before Coran could do what Coran did best and make the situation even more uncomfortable. “What do you say then, huh? Just this one day off, I’ll work overtime, and I won’t be leaving you short staffed. It literally does not affect you in any way, shape or form.”
    Coran looked up at him. Matt knew he must have looked like a desperate child right now, but that’s what he was - desperate. 
    Finally, his boss sighed and shrugged. “I guess I can give you both the day off. But only because it’s the holidays!”
    Matt was already on his feet, grinning from ear to ear, the tickets pressed tight to his chest. “Ah, yes! Thank you so much! I promise, I won’t let you down!” He span on his heel, stumbled over his chair on his way to the door. “You’re the best, man! The best!”
    Coran mumbled something along the lines of “The things I do...,” but Matt could barely hear him over the roar of his own heartbeat, pure bliss taking over his being as he stampeded out of the room and began planning for his special Secret Santa present.
     Quickly, Matt straightened up his Christmas jumper. It was now or never. Sure, he had been up since 6am, working nonstop and dealing with stressed out customers, and sure, asking you out on a date wearing an ugly Christmas jumper was not going to leave the impression he wanted, but he had no other choice. The market was coming to town tomorrow, and god only knew the next time Matt would get a day off.
    So, he took what he could get, and made the most out of it.
   Running his fingers through his hair, he made his way towards you. You had only been in work for an hour, rebuilding an old Christmas LEGO display that a kid had come and knocked over the previous day. You were still at it, sitting on the floor in the corner of the shop with the instructions laid out beside you and a concentrated look on your face. Your tongue peaked out from between your lips, and it took everything in Matt not to chuckle at the adorable sight.
    He approached behind you, kept his hands behind his back, gripping the tickets tightly. And then, using all of the courage he could muster, he pulled his hands out and waved the tickets in front of your face, startling you out of your daze.
    It took a moment for you to realise what he was actually waving in front of you. Your eyes darted over the papers hastily, narrowed, before your brows shot up in realisation and you were suddenly spinning around and throwing yourself into Matt’s arms with a ferocity he had definitely not been expecting.
    He grunted, stumbling back. He just barely managed to catch himself on the table behind him, one hand wrapping around your waist whilst the other shot out to stop himself from falling over. Nonetheless, he was delighted with your response, and was too much in his own head to pull away.
    You nuzzled your nose into his neck. He could just about hear your squeals of excitement, muffled by the flesh of his neck, but it was enough to have his own face lighting up in delight at the fact that he had been correct - you did like what he had given to you.
    “Matt!” you groaned, tugging away from him. You kept your arms wound around his shoulders, looked him in the eyes in a way that made his knees go wobbly beneath him. “You really didn’t have to do that for me. Are you serious?”
    Matt grinned. “Of course I am. Merry Christmas, from your Secret Santa.”
    You gasped, eyes shooting up. “You’re not supposed to tell me you’re my Secret Santa! That’s the whole point.”
    He shrugged loosely, too excited to care about his little slip-up. “Oh well. The secrets out now. So, what do you say? Are you willing to accompany me to the Christmas market tomorrow?”
    “Are we both not working?”
    He grinned even brighter. You caught the flicker of his expression, and it was clear that he didn’t even need to respond for you to understand that he had got you both the day off. Your face softened in gratitude, before you were slowly shaking your head and tugging Matt back into a hug, quietly thanking him with your embrace.
   You were right when you had claimed that the market was going to be beautiful, because that was exactly what it was.
    From the moment the two of you stepped through the Grotto-themed front gates, the air shifted. It was something magical, the kind of mood that anyone would associate with Christmas immediately being thrown upon his very being. It was a direct contrast to the grouchy form he had been in these past few weeks - with work, and his stress of his Secret Santa, he hadn’t really been given the time to cherish the holiday season. He drove past Christmas decorations without a glance in their direction, grumbled to himself at the thought of buying gifts for anyone. 
    But stepping foot inside of the market with you by his side had somehow revived the festive cheer he was so used to feeling around this time of year. It brought him back a piece of his childhood, and he couldn’t help but smile at the feel of it.
     You beside him only made the day ten times better. You both walked around, talking about everything and anything because you could, because the freedom of being away from work and hasty customers allowed you to finally walk around and just get to know each other in the way Matt had craved for months now. 
    You were bundled up in an oversized, waterproof coat, your scarf peeking out of the top of it and covering the lower half of your face. Matt wore similar attire, only he kept his scarf pulled down and hanging loosely from his neck. You had already commented multiple times that he looked like a drama student, and he had already teased you about how you looked like you had just come fresh from the North Pole.
    “Look at me; always on theme,” you had replied, before the two of you had chuckled and continued walking.
    The stalls were gorgeous. Christmas lights twinkled, only becoming prettier as the sun set and they were forced to pop out at you a little bit more. Little Christmas nic-nacs were set up; snowmen teddy bears, gingerbread men treats, snow globes that depicted the North Pole. Matt wanted desperately to buy you one, but his anxiety got the better of him - would his feelings become too obvious if he were to buy you something right now?
     You didn’t seem to mind. You were too busy gawking at the nearby pastry stand, a fresh batch of Christmas muffins having just been set up on the counter. You had gasped, darted off towards them before Matt could even fully comprehend you were no longer by his side.   
    “Y/N?” he called, startled. He followed after you, muttering apologies to the people he was forced to push past in his haste to catch up. “Where are you going?”
    “Look at these!” you exclaimed, snatching Matt’s hand and tugging him into your side. He couldn’t ignore the way you snuggled into his arm, pointing at the fresh pastries before you like an excited child. “Oh, should we try one? How much are they?”
    “Fifty pence each, my dear,” the kind old man dressed as an elf replied in passing.
    Matt was immediately tugging a pound coin out of his pocket, tightening his hold on your arm to stop you from doing the same. You frowned, glancing up at him with furrowed brows. He simply smiled before he placed the pound coin on the counter and ordered two of the fresh muffins.
    The old man handed you both the treats and sent you on your way with a jolly “Merry Christmas!” that you responded to by grinning from ear to ear and yelling the phrase back to him, causing Matt to chuckle as you both walked away.
    “You didn’t need to do that, you know,” you said once the two of you were a little further away and the excitement of fresh pastries had died down. “I need to buy you something now. That’s the only way this is going to be fair.”
    “I don’t want you to buy me anything. I’m your Secret Santa, and this is my treat.”
    “You’ve already spent so much on the tickets,” you protested. “Look, just let me buy you a gingerbread man or something. Or we can get our faces painted! I can pay for that-”
    “You’re not paying for anything.” Matt looked down at you, noticed the small dot of frosting on your lips. It took all of his strength, but the confidence that came with you hugging his arm was enough to have him reaching out and gently brushing his thumb against your lower lip.
    You flushed, crossing your eyes in an attempt to see what he had done. He scoffed, shook his head and looked forwards, trying desperately not to let the flutter of his heart get in the way of the confident aura he had just been showing.
    You sighed like a five year old having a huff, shoulders slouching. “Fine then. But I’m gonna get you a super good Christmas present - something big.”
    Matt raised a brow. “You’re getting me a Christmas present?”
    “I feel like I kind of have to now.”
    “It was Secret Santa, Y/N. You don’t have to get me anything.”
    You raised a brow and glanced over at him. “Why are you being so generous right now? Nobody in their right mind would pass up the opportunity of a free Christmas gift.”
    “Is that not what you were just doing by insisting on paying?”
    “My present was the tickets.”
   “Your present was the experience, meaning I should pay for-”
   “Okay, okay, let’s not argue over who pays for what,” you said, quickly dismissing the topic. Matt grinned and nodded. “Should we stop and get a picture somewhere? I’d like to remember this.”
    Matt flushed, having not expected the request at first. Of course, he wanted nothing more than to remember this memory, but the idea of you actually considering the same thing had not been something he had thought of.
    Still, he nodded and tried to keep his cool. You grinned from ear to ear, wound your arm through his again and started trailing him towards the small, multicoloured-lit fields that were behind the main stalls. There were multiple backdrops set up for public use, and you dragged him towards one of the empty ones.
    It didn’t look like much, simply two pieces of wood set up in an arch with a backdrop of a fire set up in the background. It was peaceful looking, lit up only by the fairy lights draped over the arch.
    The two of you politely asked a passing person to take the picture and quickly got into position; Matt’s heart was beating at a thousand miles per hour, but he somehow managed to wrap an arm around your waist without his hand trembling. That would be embarrassing, and he had sworn to himself this morning that he would not make today awkward by letting his feelings get in the way. It simply could not happen.
    You wrapped both arms around his middle, grinning from ear to ear. Matt was fairly certain that you would be able to hear his heartbeat hammering in his chest if you were to lean towards him any more.
    “Alright, three...two...” The man taking the photo abruptly stopped counting, his eyes flicking up in surprise. Matt narrowed his own eyes, following the mans gaze to the space above his head.
    “Of course,” he mumbled to himself.
    Because of course this had to happen - stupid Christmas traditions that just had to put him in the most awkward situation.
    “Looks like you two have to kiss,” the man chuckled. “That’ll be a nice picture for the in-laws, eh?”
    Matt flushed, glancing up at the mistletoe which had suddenly appeared above his head. “Actually, uh, we’re not-”
    Before Matt could finish his sentence, however, your hand suddenly came up, cupped his jaw and tilted his head down. You stood up on tippy toes, and then your lips were on his and he wasn’t entire sure what to do or how he melted into the sensation so quick, but it was happening - in fact, it felt like his entire body was melting.
    It was almost a natural reflex for him, though he wasn’t sure why. His lips moulded into yours as if this wasn’t the first time he had kissed you. His hand wrapped around your waist a little tighter, pulling you closer until your knees were clashing together and Matt could smell the faint scent of candy cane coming from the fabric of your scarf. 
    He had only kissed a handful of people in his time, but this was unlike anything he had ever experienced. And he knew it was cheesy, knew he was probably just basking in the delight that was being kissed by the one person you wanted kissing you, but that’s truly what it felt like - like this was how it was supposed to be. There was no rising panic in his stomach, no sudden reflex to pull away and ask if he had done a good job. He just held you close to his body until the photographer chuckled and was approaching him with his phone held out.
    “I got a good few pictures on there for you,” the man said, bowing his head kindly. “You kids have fun now, okay?”
    Matt nodded dumbly, your hand still resting on his cheek, your eyes still burning into the side of his head. Once the man had walked away, he looked down and met your gaze, swallowing thickly. Your eyes were blown, lips that had already been swollen from the cold looking even more plump, even more inviting. He wanted to swoop in and kiss you again, but looking at you now was so much more rewarding than any kiss would or ever could be.
   You nodded slowly, though Matt wasn’t sure why. He simply nodded along with you, tightening his hold on your waist and refraining from grinning - would his goofy grin ruin the moment?
    Suddenly, you chuckled, shook your head and kissed him again. It startled him, but he kissed back immediately. When you pulled away, his lips chased your own, wanting more but not quite being allowed.
    Your hand slid from his face, down his chest before you shyly looked away. Beneath the Christmas lights, he could see the way your eyes awkwardly shifted to the left, the way you scraped your foot in the dirt. He reached out and gently folded his fingers in your own, a silent comfort that what you had just done was not something you should be regretting.
    You looked up at him, smiled warily and said, “Merry Christmas, Matt.”
    And with a burst of confidence, Matt leaned down, pecked your lips and said, “That’s one of best presents I think I’ve ever received.” 
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acupofmatt-blog1 · 6 years
It’s killing me ‘cause we’re at the end → MATT & SCOUT (SOLANÍS)
Tagging→ @acupofmatt @scxutshonor
Location→ Matt’s apartment
Date→ August 12, 2018
Summary→ Scout makes the realization that her and Matt’s relationship can’t last, and they finally get the goodbye they needed. 
NOTE: Feel free to listen to my playlist about Solanís :)
Scout felt like her stomach was tangled in knots. There was some sort of irony here that she couldn’t wrap her head around. This was the happiest her and Matt had been in a long time. They were making each other laugh and smile, Scout was in love, so why did she have the nagging feeling in the back of her head that they were doing things wrong. There was Lara and the fact that their new beginning was causing her so much heart ache. Scout didn’t mean Lara any ill will, so the fact that her actions helped hurt her caused Scout to feel incredible guilt. Then there was the fact that Matt still openly had feelings for her, Scout knew those feelings couldn’t be turned off like a faucet, but there were times Scout felt like a consolation prize. Like maybe Lara was the giant teddy bear prize at Coney Island, and Matt was too scared to try and win her, so she settled for the smaller more attainable prize. Scout tried to push those thoughts away as she saw Matt re-enter the room, but try as she might they still lingered. In an attempt to push them further away she approached Matt wrapping her arms around the girl she loved, leaning up on her tip toes to give her a proper kiss, “I love you, you know?”
The greatest surprise of all, to Matt, was that her and Scout were doing so great. They were in love, their arguments never ended in screaming and sleeping in fire escapes, and they were finally communicating (or at least diving in the realm of it). Things couldn’t be going better for them. Matt was starting to believe that maybe their painful time apart was needed in order for them to be in the better place they were in. And, slowly, Matt was starting to feel less horrible about what she did to Lara. There was no doubt in her mind that she still loved Lara, but Scout was the familiar face she couldn’t forget and feel so comfortable with. And Matt loved Scout. Matt loved her so much, it was terrifying. But Matt trusted Scout with her heart this time around. Because things were different and time had passed and broken hearts were a thing of the past. This was it—they were it. Scout was it. A lazy smile appeared on Matt’s face when she walked back in the room and saw Scout, humming when Scout embraced her and kissed her. God she loved Scout and her lips and her hugs and how she was too short to do them but she still did her best. “Yeah? I love you too, Sol.” Matt pressed a gentle kiss on Scout’s cheek. “Say it again.” Matt whispered. “That you love me.” Matt cupped Scout’s face. “I love to hear you say it.” Matt pecked Scout’s lips before humming.
It was the moments of complete and utter softness like this that made Scout believe she could ignore every single one of their problems. If they could channel this love, it would be enough to sustain them, right? She felt ridiculous for even trying to humor that, Scout knew better. She knew better to believe that love was simply enough, no matter how much she wanted to believe that. Matt’s request pulled at her heartstrings, she didn’t want these words of love to come out like goodbyes, so why did they feel that way? Scout licked her lips, her eyes flickering to Matt’s before breaking eye contact, “I love you, Matty. I love you so much.” Scout broke away from the embrace, suddenly unable to stand still as she paced for a moment, she knew they needed to have this conversation, but Scout just wanted to stay in paradise for a little longer. She knew if she walked away this time, it would have to be the end of their story. They couldn’t keep doing this to each other. “Matt… I need we need to talk, about us."
Matt smiled at the repeated words and kissed Scout’s cheek before raising an eyebrow when Scout began to pace around briefly. Matt knew this body language all too well. Scout had something on her mind. And she’d listen. Because Scout and her were better now and they were communicating and things were supposed to be better than ever. Matt tilted her head at Scout’s words before nodding slowly as she sat down on the bed. “Okay...what about us?” Matt asked, biting her lip. “Did I do something wrong? Did I say the wrong thing? If I did, I’m sorry, baby.” Matt licked her lips. “We’ve been doing so great, right? Like, really great. Better than before—so much better...” Matt’s stupid word vomit was coming back in full swing because Scout saying they needed to talk rubbed her the wrong way and now she was worried something was wrong. Matt didn’t understand how because they were doing so well and that had to mean that they were working and there was no reason for things to take a wrong turn.
Scout frowned as Matt’s instinct was to apologize, what she had on her mind wasn’t anything Matt had to apologize for. As much as she wished she could be the sole resident of Matt’s heart, she knew it couldn’t be helped. Scout stood facing Matt, her hands cradling her cheeks, “Babe, we’re better than ever.” That was the truth, which made what Scout needed to say next even harder. The words were delivered with a sadness that didn’t quite match the words she was speaking. “But I can’t stop thinking about Lara, and the fact you’re still in love with her.” There was no use sugar coating it, Scout knew Matt loved Lara. She knew Matt loved her too, but it was hard going from being the sole receiver of those affections to knowing somebody else also had a hold on her heart. “I love you, Matt. I love you so much, but what if we’re doing this all wrong?"
Matt furrowed her eyebrows before sighing at Scout’s concern. “I’m working on getting over it, Scout. I don’t even talk to her anymore. I’m—“Matt sighed again. “We’re not doing anything wrong. We’re getting it right and I’ll get over her and you have nothing to worry about. I only want you, Scout.” Matt kissed Scout’s cheek. “Just you.” Matt whispered, kissing Scout’s jaw. Matt didn’t like being reminded about Lara because it was a painful reminder that she caused pain to Lara and she regretted it immensely. But she didn’t regret Scout. “I love you so much, you’re...it. “Matt nodded. “I’m going to get over her, baby, I promise. Because she’s not you. I’ve loved you longer and you came back and those feelings came right back. We always come back to each other and that has to mean something.”
Scout’s eyes fluttered shut as she tried not to think about how this was the last time she’d likely be held by Matt, or feel her lips press against her jaw. She needed to pull away slightly, if she remained too close, Scout would never be able to say what she needed to say. They were like magnets in that way. Scout’s hands remained gently on her cheeks, she needed to allow herself that simple touch. “Matty what if it doesn’t mean what we want it to mean?” She asked, her voice cracking with sadness. “What if it just means we’re really good at falling into old habits?"
Matt shook her head. “If this is an old habit, then, I’m sorry. I don’t want it to die.” Matt shrugged as she sighed. “We...we’re doing so great, Scout, why are you backing out? What do I need to do to fix this?” Matt asked, feeling absolutely pathetic for showing how upset it was making her. “Just...don’t do it. I know what you want to do.” Matt felt her eyes well up with tears. “And I’m begging you not to do it. Please.” Matt felt her voice crack and gulped. “We can be something amazing, don’t ruin it—don’t give up on us so fast, Scout. We’re not finished yet—we still...” Matt groaned, unable to get all her thoughts across. Matt felt like she was to blame—like she did something to ruin what her and Scout had going on. Or Scout was being a coward and running like she always did and the thought was infuriating her. Matt felt like a switch. She went from being a pathetic lump of sadness to just a raging fire burning within her. “Just leave, Scout. It’s what you’re good at.” Matt scoffed as she pulled away from Scout. “You’re scared that this is working. It’s terrifying you that there’s someone willing to stick around for a long, long time. You’re so use to temporary that you can’t stand the fucking thought of anything permanent.” Matt crossed her arms, trying to cover up the fact that, above all, she wanted nothing more than to cry and beg Scout to not leave her.
Once that switched flipped in Matt and she went from sadness to anger, Scout’s eyes flickered to the door. Now would be about the time she’d make a run for it, even if it was just to skate around the block a couple of times, but she wasn’t going to run from this. Not in the way she usually did. Scout did reflexively back away, those words stung, but something told her they were meant to. “I’m not leaving, Matt. We need to talk about this.” Scout looked down at her scuffled sneakers finding it difficult to look her in the eye. They’d been here multiple times, teetering the edge of a break, but something deep within Scout’s bones felt a sort of finality here. It made her sad, she always sucked at goodbyes. “I am scared, but not for those reasons. I’m scared that every time we do this we just ruin each other a little more and we’ll never truly be happy because of it. Things are good right now, we’re honeymooning all over again,” she offered with a brief smile. “But things are gonna get real again, and we’re gonna fight… then we’re gonna fuck to forget about the fight. Is that the kind of forever you want?” She asked, no accusation in her tone, just hope that Matt would make this easy on her.
“What is there to talk about, Scout?” Matt questioned in a light, defeated laugh. “You don’t want me anymore.” Matt gulped to hold back the sob lingering in her throat. “Nobody does. I guess you got the fix you needed from me. It’s fine, it’s whatever, I’m use to this.” Matt let out another laugh, because it was easier to just laugh at how stupid she was to think for one second that maybe, just maybe her and Scout could really work out. That maybe someone could see Matt as someone permanent in their life. Yet here she was, knowing deep down that Scout was saying goodbye, and that there was nothing she could do to stop it. Matt shook her head. “Why would you do this, Scout? Come back to me only for you to leave again?” Matt gulped and ran a hand through her hair. “Make me really believe we would work out this time? That we were going to be better? I really believe we can but you’re not even giving us a fighting chance to prove that, I can’t fucking believe you…” Matt looked down at her feet. “It was supposed to work this time, Scout! This is our chance; why would you throw that away? I want this. I want us so badly. And you’re just going to leave again? Just like that? Fuck you.” Matt spat. “Fuck you so much.”
“Don’t,” Scout’s voice broke. “Please don’t put words in my mouth Matt.” She released her fists that were balled up, needing to release that tension. She took a few deep breaths not wanting this to turn into one of their shouting matches. They were above that, Scout could believe that much. “I want you so bad, Matt. Don’t you get that? I want you so bad, but that’s not enough. We can’t… we can’t always get what we want. Not when it’s not what we need.” She looked down sadly, she hoped Matt would one day understand she wasn’t leaving her, she was leaving their complicated past. Scout finally looked back up at Matt as she was wondering why, Scout wished she had a satisfying answer. “We weren’t thinking. We both just jumped, it’s what we’ve always done. We jump and worry about the consequences later, but I can’t… I can’t wait for those consequences to sneak up on us this time, Matty.” Scout took a step into Matt’s space, knowing she was very well setting herself up to get slapped, but she needed her to understand her next statement. Scout placed her hands on either side of Matt’s face forcing the girl she still loved to look at her, “You are going to find somebody who never once puts you through the shit I put you through multiple times. You hear me? I’m not good for you as much as you want me to be. What we had was real, it was passionate, but a flame like that can’t burn forever. You’ll find that forever flame, Matty, but it ain’t me."
Matt willed herself to listen to Scout’s words and with every word, Matt’s heart broke even more because she knew Scout was right. She knew everything they’ve done has all been impulsive and reckless and Scout had that effect on Matt. Matt never thought things though with Scout, and their recklessness would later bite them in the ass. For so long, Matt pushed this fact out of her head because cold, hard facts overpowered simple theories—theories that maybe Matt and Scout could work. Matt felt tears form in her eyes when Scout placed her hands on Matt’s face and knew she couldn’t keep up the angry facade any longer as she listened to Scout tell her the reality of their situation. That they weren’t forever and that they couldn’t work as hard as they tried. And tried they did. “I wanted it to be you...” Matt’s voice cracked. “I wanted it to be you so badly.” Matt began to feel the emotion building up in her throat. The continuous eye contact with Scout and the soft touch only reminded Matt what she was going to lose. And how much she didn’t want that to happen. “And... it’s just...you’re not...” Matt started to cry. “Why can’t we be enough Scout? Why is none of this enough?” Matt shook her head, knowing this was the most vulnerability she had shown to Scout during the course of their complicated relationship.
Scout felt her own eyes well with tears mirroring Matt’s. Normally this would be about the time she’d make a run for it, but even if she wanted to, she was too tired. This was hard, but the running was exhausting. Maybe if she’d stuck around and done this the first time, they wouldn’t have put themselves in this situation all over again. Even with that on the forefront of her mind, Scout didn’t regret this. Was it reckless and stupid? Yes, but she also got to hear Matt’s laugh a few more times and remember what it was like to have somebody fight for you so fiercely. “It’s not me, but you can’t stop looking okay? Promise me that.” Scout knew she wasn’t the first person to burn Matt, but she truly hoped she would be the last. Matt deserved to be happy and it broke Scout’s heart that it couldn’t be with her, but she loved Matt enough to want her to find it. “I don’t know,” she offered with a sad shake of her head taking a seat next to the girl. “I wish I had all the answers, but for now I think I gotta get out of New York. Right now it just bums me out.”
Matt hummed when Scout told her to promise she wouldn’t stop looking for love. That was the last thing Matt was thinking about. Every single breakup and heartbreak Matt endured only solidified her conclusion that love wasn’t meant for her and there were only people who loved her in short timeframes. And maybe that was all Matt could ever receive, and she would have to learn to live with that. Matt looked over at Scout when she took a seat next to her and Matt sniffled. “I’m always going to love you. And I know this is over.” Matt began, reaching over and holding Scout’s hand. “But can you stay tonight? Can we just...pretend that tonight nothing is over yet? You can leave in the morning, but can you at least give me one more night with you?” Matt asked with a pleading look. “I’m not ready to say goodbye just yet.” Matt whispered as she kissed Scout’s cheek and felt a tear slide down her cheek. “Please...just one more time.” Matt pleaded.
Scout gave Matt’s hand a gentle squeeze as she linked their hands. She wanted to siphon every ounce of comfort she could from this moment knowing it would very well be the last time they’d see each other for a long while. Scout really wished it didn’t need to be that way, but Matt wasn’t the kind of person she could remain friends with while in love with her. Scout would always be a little bit of a fool for her if their history was an indicator of anything. She looked over at Matt who was all but pleading with her to stay, but Scout knew that wasn’t a good idea. “I can’t Matty,” her own tears were now freely falls as she wiped them away with the sleeve of her sweater. “If I stay… I won’t be able to leave. Saying goodbye in the morning would be ten times as hard.” Scout stood up knowing this would the the hardest part. The leaving. Scout reached into the back pocket of her jeans, and pulled out a piece of line ruled paper with her signature messy handwriting on it. “I wrote you another song, I never got to put it to music though, but you should have this,” she said handing over the paper and pressing a kiss to her forehead. Goodbyes sucked, so she didn’t say it, “I love you, Matt,” she decided on instead. With that she turned to leave, making the mistake of taking one last look at the girl she had to leave behind again. Scout grabbed her backpack and her longboard and rushed out of Matt’s apartment knowing if she didn’t make a clean break now she never would, and they both deserved better than they could give each other.
Matt nodded weakly when Scout told her that she couldn’t stay. And Matt understood why she couldn’t, but she just wanted to hold on just a little longer. She wanted to keep Scout long enough that she could forget, even for just a moment, that this—this reckless, sometimes beautiful, often extraordinary, and always messy relationship of theirs—was over. Matt looked at the piece of paper in Scout’s hands and fresh tears formed in her eyes as she took the sheet. “It’s already my favorite song.” Matt willed herself to form a small smile, closing her eyes when Scout kissed her forehead and letting out a shaky breath. “I love you too, dickhead.” Matt opened her eyes and looked at Scout with a soft smile. “I always will.” Matt watched as Scout left, working her hardest to maintain her composure because this was the last time she’d probably ever see Scout, and she wanted it to be less painful than it already was. But once Scout officially left and closed the door, Matt started to cry again, wiping away tears. This was the goodbye she wanted a year ago with Scout. Except Matt sincerely hoped there wouldn’t be a goodbye this time around. But at least they gave each other this. They deserved at least this. They gave each other one last time to get it right, and Matt liked to hope that they did get it right. It was just short lived.
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dat-town · 7 years
Touch of Midas
Characters: king!Changkyun & Nyx!reader (goddess of night)
Setting: mythology au, royal au
Genre: angst
Warnings: -
Words: 1758
Summary: A young king makes a deal with a goddess but it doesn’t end well.
Totally unnecessary information: Nyx had an affair with Dionysus who dealt with Midas. And yes, the Beautiful MV gave me the idea.
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Each step of yours extinguishes the light of a candle by your side. Your presence alone is enough to doom the glorious corridors to impenetrable darkness. Only the silver moon shines through the wide French windows, and only because you order it to, just as you let everything else dissolve into the black void behind you.
Nobody dares to stop you. No human, not even the royal guards, would be that crazy to say no to you. Or even look you in the eye because they all fear what they would see there. Oh, pitiful weak humans! They know so little about how the universe works. Yet, their awestruck glances follow you everywhere, adoring the footprints you leave behind, hanging on your every word and envy your beauty and indescribable power. But they don't build you altars like they do for deities of harvest, prosperity and wisdom. They know you too well: you aren't swayed by gifts as you go on your own way. You, an eternal creature of nature, do what you want to do and don’t care about others’ opinion. That’s what makes you dangerous, even in the eye of the Olympian gods.
The guards on both side of a huge, fancy door bow into your direction, eyes casting downwards, body trembling in fear. They know that you could end their insignificant lives with a snap of your fingers, wipe them out of history like dust. There’s nothing to stop you and they are at your mercy, just like their king behind the gilded doors. Their vulnerability makes you smirk and the lovely curve adorning your features widens at their submission when they fling the door open for you.
That’s right, humans, treat me like a queen.
The sudden golden light of the shadowy room is blinding, but you recover quickly and smile down at the figure huddling up in the dim corner.
“Hello Changkyun,” you greet him keenly and the boy's shoulders shake at your mellifluous voice.
“Stay away from me!” he shouts both in despair and anger, stumbling to his feet. He’s the epitome of madness when he steps into the fireplace’s blazing light. Hair messy and torn, eyes with black circles, skin pale and worn but still so handsome. A young king on verge of losing his sane mind.
You coo at his childish protest and step closer, so close that you’re standing in front of him, breathing the same air. Yet, he doesn’t budge, only turns his head away, hanging it down in defeat. He’s also aware that throwing a fit wouldn’t help him and you partly like him for his quick wits. You touch his cheek gently with one hand, admiring the softness and flaws of it. Oh, so lovably human!
“You asked for unbelievable richness. Don’t you like my gift?” you blink at him innocently, long lashes fluttering despite knowing very well that you never give anything that you don’t benefit from. He’s just another naive, sulky kid who doesn’t like what he got in the end.
“It’s a curse,” he huskily replies, trembling at you touch.
It’s the first skin-to-skin, almost human contact in weeks he had without death following him. Tears prickle his eyes at the memory of those who he accidentally touched and turned into a golden statue. Because everything, living or not, he got his hands on turned into the finest metal, a massive piece of glimmering gold ever since he met you.
At first, the young king beamed at the richness he could have and how easily he could make his poor, indebted kingdom shine again. It was the reason behind his deal with you after all. But soon, he realized that he couldn’t sleep on a bed made of hard metal properly, he could only eat with golden cutlery and couldn’t have anyone near him in case they would get hurt, to put it nicely. His life became a havoc surrounded by tons of shining gold.
“Well-well, aren’t you ungrateful?” you click your tongue, fingers softly tapping at his chin, motioning him to look at you. When he does, you can see his wild, grief-filled eyes, the matt colour of loss. What happened to that lively boy eager to take the throne and write his name into history as one of the greatest kings? Did the responsibility change him? Or did you break him?
“Take it back,” he’s begging now, so pathetic. You shake your head relentlessly. You are a cruel deity, or so they say. They are not wrong, though.
“So bossy. Is it the way you should talk to your goddess while asking for something?”
Changkyun looks up at you like one would look at the moon on the darkest nights. As if you would be a guiding force, his only hope.
“Please… please, I don’t want it anymore,” he pleads with eyes wide as oceans, beautiful as the night sky itself. You swoon over them and their resemblance to yourself in their deepest pits. Perhaps you are getting soft for him and the mysteries of his soul. Or do they call it fondness? That stupid urge to keep him around even if centuries pass like minutes for you?
“What can you give me in exchange?” you croak an eyebrow curiously, taking his request into consideration. To what extent he would be willing to go, you wonder. Would he sacrifice his crown, his beloved people or even himself? How important it is to him to live freely, without the weight of this doomed ability?
“Anything,” he replies without hesitation as if he had nothing more to lose or he couldn’t imagine worse to come. A king, one of many, has just offered you his life; his body, heart and soul for you to play with and command to as you wish.
“Oh, be careful with what you promise!” you warn him a little too late with a muffled giggle and a sly smile. He’s already yours. But why not test it if you can?
You take a step back, looking around carefully in the old treasury, now full of gold and glitter. You still remember the first time you came here, into an empty room only with a handful of money. Changkyun must remember, too, the day he made a deal with somebody worse than Hades himself. You.
“I’ll lift your curse on two conditions,” you say, slowly on purpose, just to tease him, to see if he breaks but the boy patiently waits for you to finish. What a noble gesture! “You see all this? The things you got from me?” you pat the golden objects within reach, never taking your eyes off of him as you strike the coup de grâce. “You’ll lose them, and you will be the one to destroy them all. Every single one.”
The look the king takes around the room is almost nostalgic, like saying goodbye but being okay with it. He seems utterly calm, still and stoic like a marble statue.
“You want me to burn this place down?” he asks in a resigned tone, a sigh escaping his throat.
“Yes, basically,” you shrug nonchalantly and step back close, gently brushing a strand of his hair out of his forehead. You watch as his eyes turn into the colour of dark nights lacking stars and the moon. You see home in the shade of his orbs and you bet you could build up Tartaros in the depths of his soul. “You are too pretty to be a mere human. I bet Aphrodite adores you.”
Oh she has to! The bow of his lips, the curve of his eyes and the fall of his fringe alone is so perfect that even the children of the goddess of love and beauty would be envious and you wouldn’t blame them. No wonder why he caught your attention. Why you looked down on this peculiar human on your lonely nights. Why you offered him a deal in the first place. You want him for yourself and you actually know a way.
“When you die, I want you to tell the ferryman that your soul is mine,” you tell him firmly your end of the deal but as it seems, your condition doesn’t take him by surprise.
“Alright?” you raise a brow at his confidence. Most people fear their afterlives and they would rather not even talk about it. They tend to think the rest of their precious soul is the most important thing in the world. But you, having eternity in the palm of your hands, know better: there is no glory at the end of the road, only misery. Suffering for something they can never have. Peace.
“Then let’s seal the deal. I’m sure you know by now how it works.”
Of course, he does. How can he forget the kiss that sealed his fate? You are smiling when you lean closer and brush your mouth against the king’s. His chapped lips somehow taste like gold yet all the same he tasted like last time: a mix of youth, hope and honey. A little bit of exasperation, too.
You gifted him with unfortunate wealth and he gives his soul willingly in return. That’s all you ever wanted and it makes you smile contentedly.
You leave the palace before morning comes but it seems like walking in daylight the way it burns behind you. You look fondly at the golden flames eating up the place and suddenly you yearn for something you can’t have.
Because you and the night are one and the same. You never leave its side, nor it leaves yours and you do the most you can with things touched by the Sun (destroy them) and the fire in humans’ souls (put it out). You bring the season of cold darkness yet you long for warmth. Ambitious kings and boys with sad eyes just happen to be your weakness.
You can chain them to yourself as you wish but they will never love you. Who would choose the night over day after all? Who would love you, the daughter of Chaos, a soul full of black holes and hidden golden stars?
Maybe he does, oh he does! He just doesn’t know yet.
You turn away from the golden fire but you can still feel it burn. Your heart. You don’t dream but if you could, you would dream about this: the daylight in his heart and the nightfall in his eyes. Him. Your favourite mortal who is loved by the night oh so much.
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Since Shiro suffers from memory loss, could you maybe do a story request of him reuniting with the reader and him trying to figure out who they are? I got really inspired by that one song "Fragements of time" by daft punk
I hope you enjoy!—————–
An itch. It began with an itch. The slow, yet monotonous feeling of something bothering the back of his brain, as if somewhere, deep inside himself, there was a man who knew everything and was begging to get out. 
It didn’t happen as often as it used to. Shiro, at the beginning, had the most unfortunate consequence of any form of brutality and imprisonment- memory loss.
It was like he was watching a movie being cut and edited. A fast forward, a rewind, a cut scene, new dialogue. Everywhere you looked, there was something newer, something different. Changing. Always changing. 
The world would never stop for one man, and to himself, he added bitterly, least of all him. 
A side of him that never has shown that often, he was bitter. He was angry, he was frustrated- almost exasperated at this rate. Because there was that bloody itch. That memory that bugged him endlessly.  
Something that he just wouldn’t let go, though the desperation to do so was paramount. 
But you really were the most beautiful person he had ever seen. 
On a cold, rainy day, when the fog had cleared up enough for the world to continue on- busybodies, workers, school children passing by- and here he was, off to the grocery store for some milk. 
It wasn’t even on purpose when his eyes had decided to look up. It was more or less some bimbo who ran into him, making him drop his phone and all. 
Biting a remark on his lip, he simply reached for his phone, only to get knocked down by somebody again- this time with a muttered “sorry” trailing after it. 
Well, at least someone has some form of common courtesy, no?
He stood back up this time, putting his earphones in and throwing some Daft Punk on-
You were there. Across the way, with your dazzling, shimmering eyes that shone through everything else on this day. An umbrella in your hand, a coffee in the other, you were heading off to your destination- wherever that may be. 
There was a feeling that shocked through his body, almost like electricity, one he had not felt before. The recognition he felt was beyond all reason, it was like his body knew you but his brain had not; suddenly thrust forward into feelings and emotions that felt so new and so old and so…so…
He stood there on the corner of the street, passerby moving around him without even so much as a flinch, and watched as you took a left and entered the bookstore, disappearing from his sight thereafter. 
Other than realizing he might have looked either incredibly dumb or possibly creepy, Shiro’s heart began to pump wildly. Overcome with anguish and pain, and the oh-so-familiar loneliness…
things that hadn’t crossed his mind since his days of imprisonment.
He wanted to cry he was in so much pain. His heart and chest felt like they were about to burst. 
Why was he crying over a complete stranger? Why does his heart hurt? You’d looked nothing like family or a good friend or-or-
or a…lover?
You had really forgotten how kind his eyes were. Four years with no sign or news of him, and yet, he’s still on your mind, never too far away. 
Though really, you could only imagine how Katie feels, or her mother, knowing that whatever the fuck kind of conspiracy-coverup with Matt, Mr. Holt, and Shiro’s deaths was, but it still made you sick to your stomach. 
It was less about grievance and more about the why that has plagued you all these years. 
Part of you- and yes, it really did feel like a terrible thing to say- wanted to leave Shiro in the past. 
Part of you wanted to raise absolute hell to the people responsible, and leave for yourself if he was still alive.
You took a sip of your coffee, followed up by a sign of discontent, today was just going to be one of those-
A doorbell rung, loud and clear, signaling someone entering from the front. Setting your drink aside, you flattened out your workwear and posed for a smile,
“Hello, and welcome to-”
Well, speak of the bloody devil. 
He was covered in scars. One most noticeable and prominent across the bridge of his nose. At the front, his hair was stark white, and just to verify even more that he went through hell and back-
A metallic arm rest on his side, a leather bag swung over it. 
The man you thought to be Shiro was panting, remnants and evidence of tears were one his face. 
“W-who…” He began, his voice startled you, “W-who are you?”
Everything became a blur, your body freezing in its place, your hands shaking wildly from sudden tremors that shook through your core. 
“I-” You started, again, pausing like Shiro, only this time it was because of shock. You could even feel the blood leaving your face, and your stomach twisting into butterflies, “I-I-I-Sh-Shiro?”
The world had collapsed from then, in a deep and astute silence. The cars and people that rushed on by fell mute and the air were as tense as a taut string, just waiting to be snapped. 
“H-how do you know my name? H-how do I- why am I-”
You suddenly broke. Like a flood with a dam, all the lies you’ve been fed, all the late-night thoughts and despair- 
Four years.
Four long, agonizing years of hell for the both of you, and here he was.
“I…I was your-your-” You tried your best to make out your response past your own sobs, but it was simply too much.
You could tell by the sadness in his eyes and the desperation that sparkled from it, that he had been down this road before. 
Memory loss. 
It was just your luck, no?
You clear up enough to say softly, through a croak, “Love, Shiro. W-we were dating.”
It was a marvel that he could ever forget you. 
It really was. 
Shiro would still kick himself occasionally, he’d fall into a mood where he’d thought he was the worst person alive. 
But he’d never let that win. He’d never let those bastards get inside his head and destroy him.
Time. He would remind himself. Time heals all wounds, and as he looked to you, with all of your life and love, he’d smile...
Because you were sure worth the wait.
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