#someone is drunk singing
adraughtofamortentia · 10 months
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Had this Headcannon that when Multi-Lingual Dick and Jason get drunk they start singing Ballads in Spanish. Yeah some classical shit like Vicente Fernandez but also the most wild Selena you've ever heard.
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dear-ao3 · 4 months
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jacobseed · 18 days
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"dep, what is all this?" wheaty can't contain his surprise or curiosity to the mountain of records she tossed on his table. theo grins as she sifts through a few of them. "music, my darling wheaty. in return for helping you, how about you play me some tunes on your radio?" she points out a few that are her favorite and a couple that are a must have. the temptation to listen to every single record crosses his mind - there's some good bands hiding in the stack and a few he hasn't heard before, but then a rotten thought takes over. "you aren't asking me for this just so you can throw parties again, are you?" "how could you possibly think that?" theo holds her hand against her chest as if she were wounded by his words. "but if i do, i will be sure to invite you. deal?"
DEPUTY DRIVING THROUGH HOPE COUNTY PLAYLIST with vast and beautiful sceneries, both day and night flying by. music to be played on the jukebox in the spread eagle while the whole town takes time off to feel alive for just one more night.
taglist: @imogenkol @statichvm @tommyarashikage @risingsh0t @strangefable
@ravensgard @firstaidspray @pitchmoss @pavus @florbelles
@carrionsflower @josephzeppeli @thedeadthree @leviiackrman @roberthouse69
@confidentandgood @carlosoliveiraa @g0dspeeed @rolangf @bigbywlf
[taglist opt in]
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lovevalley45 · 1 year
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bonivers · 23 days
my neighbor is playing someone like you by adele loud as hell LOL someone check on them
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endlessdreamerxoxo · 2 years
They have to know, right?
This is such a random thought/question, but do the members of Corroded Coffin know about Eddie’s massive crush on The Queen of Hawkins High, Chrissy FUCKING Cunningham?.....They have to know, right?... Eddie is not exactly a subtle guy and they were there for that infamous meet cute at the middle show talent show that Eddie remembers after five years? I need to know their povs about that whole encounter.  Seeing the lanky eight grader with a buzzcut, who they all admired and looked up to for starting a heavy metal band at 14,  falling completely and utterly in love with a tiny strawberry blonde cheerleader in the 6th grade with pom poms that was nearly bigger than her body, and them not having a fucking clue what is happening before their eyes to their cool leader.  Just Eddie blushing like mad as small and cute Chrissy compliments them on their very first real live performance and Eddie just being tongue tied over trying to compliment her cheering without knowing anything about cheer. 
I wanna know about the evolution of his crush from then into the present from their pov. I wanna know how Eddie’s crush progressed from mere blushing to full out drunken/stoned renditions of  ‘ I Was Made for Lovin You’  by KISS in the earliest hours of the morning after a show at the Hideout and everything in between. I wanna know what kind of threat/blackmail that Eddie used/had on them for them not to tell everyone about this crush that goes against everything he stands for. 
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lady-nuggetz · 4 months
Hello, I hope you are having a wonderful day! I hope you don't mind answering my questions or just pick one. My questions are as follows; in your hcs, how and why did Fang become a mercenary? If he wasn't a mercenary, what would he be? and finally, if Jest is passed the aux cord (if she is even allowed in The Queen at all) what would she play?
Thank you so much for your time! I love your art!
As to answer your question, I went on a whole ramble about my hc for Fang's backstory in this ask post here!!
To summarize, I hc that he grew up wealthy, but was incredibly spoiled which caused him to get thrown out and forced to live on his own, which caused him to turn to being a mercenary as a get rich quick idea. He's self taught in things like guns and machinery!
If he wasn't a mercenary he probably would've worked at McDonald's idk, using little guns was always his true calling.
AND THIS ONE IS MY FAVORITE, if Jest was passed the aux, she'd play a multitude of things, depending on the setting. She is in fact allowed in the Queen, though she just rides on top of Fang's car seat since there wasn't any room left! A better space to pester him while he drives.
Naturally she plays tacky and trendy pop music that she unironically enjoys, the likes of Brittany Spears, Gwen Stefani, and Avril Lavigne [Which I often listen to while I draw her]. She's aware that Fang doesn't like it most of the time so she just puts it on to upset him.
However, on rare occasions where it's simply her and Fang riding the Queen, she puts on music he actually enjoys, which I like to think is stuff like classic rock and punk music [Micheal Jackson too!!]
And they'll just sing songs together while riding!
Thank you for asking, it's always a joy to answer these!!!
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selfinserttothestars · 7 months
Catch me and Grim roaming around Ramshackle poorly singing the random blips of Wham!’s “Last Christmas” that we know and mumbling the rest of it through giggles like drunken idiots
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b4rk1ng-l0t · 1 year
Imagine if Thatcher, Leon, and Father Ward entered a bar
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silbeni · 3 months
Drunk Ryoma hijinks
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Yelling THAT’S MY BAND the entire ATL set after realizing Alex was drunk and having a silly time 😍
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Hawkeye and BJ would have gone wild over Escape (The Piña Colada Song) by Rupert Holmes and no one can convince me otherwise.
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crayonsandclovers · 9 months
my friend who's in a garage band has just sent me their cover of "i wanna be yours" by arctic monkeys and it's SO FUCKING GOOD like i dont want to post it here because she would have to ask the entire team and stuff but i just want you to know that im going to obsess over it for the next week and my brain is going to be only full of this cover and nothing else
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oatbugs · 2 years
found a bunch of old voice memos and this is the first time i've listened to my own voice and thought yeah it makes so much sense that people have loved this person . woah
#personal#i was singing a song under another song (saw my wings with the bodies in the gutter). there is someone else and i cant#recognise their voice . i think maybe i was drunk and maybe so were they . i have no idea who they are but their voice is so pretty.#i ask them if theyre ok and they ask if im sure im okay with this. and then they say see you soon and theres the sound of the door.#theres the voice of someone else after this too. they say listening to chase atlantic feels like sex . i have no idea who this person is.#this file is full of strings rising and falling. reverb of a massive space. some symphony inside interrupted by another symphony.#i remember laying on the floor of the orchestra hall to listen and to hide. i remember laying my hand on the floor and thinking i could#recognise this piece just by the way the ground vibrates.#i've been thinking a lot about mereology. sorry for not talking about nihilism the past week - everyone around me has been falling apart.#this month i have watched others be stricken by grief. the other side of the equation. one day i will create a poem about the way holes are#one whole part. the way disconnects are connected to the fabric of absence. (i saw your guts without the skin attached)#i could hear how in love i was when i asked the unknown voice if they would like some water. i blew out the candles and one stayed lit.#you don't need to tell me. forever and ever. strictly fall for academics and people with a passion. asked my mathematician about manifolds#and he asked me about his hair. i will wake up tomorrow if only it is to spend half an hour making tea. the concept of going to my country#is an oncoming train with a minute's delay. i told them i want to be their friend and they told me theyd like to meet up soon#and test how deep they can bite like good friends do. do you feel ashamed of my degree? do you feel ashamed of#your dry lips? skull fast-tracked to the floor. i have a jar of hand-picked dried damask roses for tea. ill tell you about k-theory until#you shut me up.
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ionianwanderer · 1 year
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