#someone please make the world go slower
thepartyresponsible · 1 month
prompt fill! someone asked for jason todd and truth serum. this was also supposed to fill the request for "who did this to you?" with phil/jason, but i didn't make it to "who did this to you?" part. sorry! i'm trying to keep these under 1k.
anyway, this one's a bit bleak, but educational. here, jason learns an important life lesson: if you go undercover as a criminal, sometimes people believe you. and phil learns to reorder his interrogation questions.
warnings for drugging people without their consent. the drug in question is a fictional truth serum.
- - -
Using this particular drug on a nonconsenting person is a crime in most of the world. A recent amendment to the Geneva Convention marked its use on prisoners of war as a war crime. There’s a blanket ban on its production and use in the European Union. In the United States, administration by law enforcement personnel was ruled a violation of the Fifth and Eighth Amendments.
But SHIELD is not at war. Nor is it a law enforcement agency. And Phil Coulson is not in territory controlled by the United States or the European Union. The man in SHIELD custody undoubtedly has rights of some kind, but the extent of those rights – and who might be obligated to protect them – is currently unknown.
“It’s messy,” he says, to Fury.
“It’s a mess,” Fury replies. “Clean it up.”
- - -
He’s younger than Phil expected. But he has no right to judge anyone for sending their young to die. After all, he looks older than Natasha, possibly older than Clint.
And Natasha and Clint might be dead. In some ways, SHIELD’s no better.
“Your name, please,” Phil says.
“Jason,” the man says, a slow, sleepy mumble, and then his eyes open, and the panic hits.
Phil’s grown familiar with panic. He’s seen it in civilians and soldiers, in diplomats and dictators. He’s seen it every time he’s encountered this drug.
When it was first developed, early adopters trotted out the old lie: if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. But everyone has something to hide. Everyone has a secret they would swallow their own tongue to protect, and here’s a substance that takes that choice away, a wonder drug that retains awareness while negating will. A life-saving torture device.
“Fuck you,” the man says, which is far more spirit than most manage.
“Jason,” Phil says, “my agents are missing.”
“Fuck you,” Jason says, again. “That’s what happens.” He’s double-blinking, struggling to focus. Phil’s done this six times. No one's ever managed this level of control. Usually, they’re drooling by now, spilling secrets and saliva into the collar of their shirts.
Something’s wrong.
“You’ll have to excuse me,” Phil says. “We must have miscalculated your dosage.”
- - -
Medical reports back half an hour later. There was no miscalculation. The man has a tolerance they assure him should not be possible.
“We gave him a second dose. He should be amenable now,” the doctor says. “If he doesn’t stop breathing.”
Amenable, Phil thinks. He explores the hollow inside him where the horror should’ve been. It’s a terrible thing they’re doing. He knows that.
But his agents are missing.
“Thank you,” he says. And he goes back to work.
- - -
“You know,” Jason tells him, glassy-eyed, barely looking Phil’s direction, “if you ask the wrong questions, I have to kill you."
It’s an interesting threat from a man who cannot lie.
“And what are you afraid you’ll tell me?” Phil asks.
“Identities,” he answers, chest rising slower than a sleeper’s.
“Ah,” Phil says. “Yes, we’ll get to that.”
“Batman,” he adds, unexpectedly. “Nightwing.” He swallows, clumsily. When he breathes in, he chokes. Phil watches him almost drown for a moment and then he reaches across the table and tugs Jason’s head forward so he can breathe.
He barely has the coordination to breathe, but the contact makes him flinch hard enough to shake the table. Phil wonders who made a creature like him.
“Who do you work for?” he asks.
“Nobody.” And then, almost smiling, voice dropping into a guttural growl, “Justice.”
Which could be good news. Killers with a mission are predictable, once you understand their cause. “And who decides justice? Who gives you orders?”
Interesting. Most freelancers don’t work at this level, and the ones who do should have extensive SHIELD files. “Who’s been signing your checks lately?”
“Checks,” Jason says, and laughs. “Fucking checks.”
He’s been thoroughly dosed with a drug designed to make him highly suggestible and meekly compliant. Phil’s starting to understand why capturing him was such a costly undertaking.
“Whose money is in your accounts right now?”
Jason makes a noise, some gusty grumble of complaint, and then lists off a dozen or so of the very worst people alive. The most interesting names are the ones Phil doesn’t recognize, but he’ll have to get to those later. The window is short; his time is running out.
A single dose is risky. Some people never fully recover their independence. They’re rendered permanently docile, suffering from a kind of chemical lobotomy that good people across the globe have outlawed. A second dose doubles the odds of permanent damage. After the third, some people won't even breathe without orders.
They’ve given him two already.
“These people who’ve been paying you,” Phil says, “which of them is paying you right now?”
Jason sighs. “Nobody pays me. I stole that money.”
“You---” Phil pauses, looks at his notes. He re-reads the names, marvels at the insanity of stealing from any of them. “You stole from those people?”
“Stole from ‘em,” he says, “killed ‘em. Well, killed some. Gonna kill the others. It’s, you know. A to-do list. I’ve been busy.”
Phil wonders if he’s been wasting his time, if he’s drugged a delusional man. “You don’t steal from people like that before you kill them.”
Jason tilts his head so he can look up him, furrows his brow in something that is almost a coherent expression of disdain. “You never have any fun, huh?”
Phil might be dealing with someone far more dangerous than he’d predicted. “You do this for fun?”
“Yeah,” Jason says. “And for justice.”
Justice, right. Of course. “And who taught you about justice?”
“My dad,” Jason says.
Which is good. Which might be helpful. Truth has its uses, but, in Phil’s experience, leverage gets more accomplished.
“And who,” Phil says, “is your father?”
Jason’s eyes track his direction but don’t quite land. His mouth closes and then opens again. “Batman,” he says.
“Oh,” Phil says. “Shit.”
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
Doc wakes up slowly. He's had a lovely night of sleep, cozy in bed, dreaming of fantastical misuses of withers. Hotguy gave him an autograph and personally thanked him for finally blowing up Scarland's sound system and getting one over on anyone who might make a button. For some reason, Scar's alien from season six was also there, and then it exploded. That was pretty great too. And everyone had clapped for him, and told him he was the best, most important creeper in the world, and that all of his enemies were just haters, and that they would absolutely listen to all of his opinions, which were perfect, always. And they covered the Hermitcraft server in fresh, ripened tomatoes, and everyone helped him garden them.
It really was a lovely dream. He didn't particularly want to wake up, except perhaps to tell everyone about all of the aforementioned perfect opinions. But alas, even after a perfect, lovely, cozy night of sleep, mad doctors must wake up--
--and scream, as a menacing figure holding a knife looms over his bed. He throws a punch at whoever the person is before thinking and hisses, overestimating his strength and knocking them over. He scrambles for his light.
"Owww," says someone from the floor. Wait.
Doc peers over the edge of his bed. "Grian? What on earth are you doing, man?"
"Almost falling on my knife. You know, this is harder than I thought it would be," Grian says. He is holding his knife in one hand and cradling his now very crooked, bleeding nose with the other. Doc would feel bad, but... ehhh, it's Grian. Who had been standing over his bed with a knife. He probably deserved it for... something or other, Doc'll figure it out.
"You need help?" Doc asks.
"Right. No. Let's get back to this," Grian says, standing up and brandishing the knife again. The effect is much less frightening now that the lights are on, there's blood dripping down the front of Grian's sweater, and it's clear Grian is a bit uncertain of how to look intimidating. "I need you to know Mumbo only has one best friend."
Doc blinks.
"...okay, man?" Doc says.
"What?" Grian says.
"Yeah, like, I don't know what you're talking about. Mumbo and I sometimes talk about redstone, but--"
"You talk about redstone? How dare you! Mumbo is mine, you hear? Mine!"
Doc blinks again, slower. He considers pinching himself. This would be an odd addition to an otherwise lovely, perfect dream, but dreams can become weird nightmares pretty quickly, you know? That would explain why Grian's doing whatever this is.
"I mean, I don't know, he normally comes to me about it?" Doc says.
"Cheater..." Grian says.
"What?" Doc says.
"I can't believe you two! Guh! That was my offended noise!" Grian says.
"Look, uh, I don't really understand what you're doing here man--"
"I'm warning you off of Mumbo! I heard around the block you're his best friend now, so I'm going to kill you now unless you stop that."
Doc squints. "With the knife?" he asks.
"Yes, with the knife!"
"And why am I his best friend?" Doc asks.
"You got the crown! Mumbo said whoever got the purple crown would be his best friend! That's not allowed, only I'm allowed to be his best friend! So I'm, I'm being all threatening! And stuff! Please tell me I'm being threatening," Grian says. "It's been a while since I had to do something like this, I'm modeling off of a different guy I knew, but you know, it's very important to me that you're warned off properly! So there!"
Doc looks at Grian for a while.
"Yeah, uh, man, sure. I'm... really threatened," he says.
"Really?" Grian says.
"Yeah. Really. Very threatened. Hey, uh, my elevator buttons are Grian-proof, supposedly, but I don't know if--"
"Are you--are you trying to distract me by offering me buttons? I'll have you know that doesn't work anymore! Not when it comes to Mumbo!" Grian says. "Although. Hypothetically. If you were telling me there were buttons I could press that you think wouldn't have consequences no matter what I did. That sounds like a challenge."
"Yeah, man, I mean, uh. No. Don't press my buttons--"
"Gotta go bye," Grian says, very quickly, and he shoots out of Doc's bedroom. Doc stares after him through the door.
"I'm going back to fucking bed," Doc says, because frankly, this has convinced him he doesn't need to be awake. And also a security system. A security system that can roast pesky birds. He's sure he can come up with something. Mm. Roast bird. He falls back asleep, vaguely convinced he'd dreamed up the whole incident.
(In the morning, he finds a very grumpy Grian stuck in his elevator. Well. He supposes having to fix it is worth the expression on Grian's face there.)
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the-dawn-star · 2 months
Hi, can you please write a scenario where a teen reader escaped from yandere platonic Mikaelsons family after discovering they are vampires that kills people accidentally? Thanks a lot.
A/N: I changed the idea a bit, hope you don't mind. Thanks for the request! Now, to bit more depressing topics: I have been feeling awful lately and I'm sorry that the update pace has been a lot slower. Let's hope I can fix that at some point.
+500ish words.
TW/CW: Reader throws up, Kol kills people.
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This couldn’t be real! This isn’t real, it’s all just a really bad realistic dream!  
You had walked to the house after a day of school. Your day had actually been pretty good, and your last class had been canceled. You had been excited to get home, to relax, but your plan didn’t go as well as you had thought.  
You had walked in to see blood, so much blood.  
And the bodies, all the bodies on the floor in pools of blood.  
And Kol..., someone that you had trusted for so long. Kol who had another dead corpse on his shoulder.  
And Rebekah sitting in an old armchair without a care in the world. Like this was normal.  
You were close to throwing up and you covered your mouth with your hand, scared of making a sound and having the siblings hear your presence.  
You could barely hear their bickering. It felt like their voices came from far away. The blood, the bodies, all of it was too overwhelming.  
You pressed your back against the wall, frozen in your place. You couldn’t stop yourself from throwing up all the day’s food to the floor.  
No sounds could reach you, no you must have been heard.  
“Oh, angel, what are you doing here? I thought you had another class! Are you okay? Are you feeling sick? Have you eaten anything spoiled or something?”  
Rebekah’s questions might have been comforting if not for the fact that there was a pile of bodies in the other room.  
Tears pricked in your eyes, and you pulled as far away from Rebekah’s touch as possible. It was too much... 
The rest of the afternoon went in a haze. You yelled and screamed and fought, terrified of the siblings.  
But at the end you lost the fight, tired while Kol held you in his arms you fell asleep exhausted.  
Waking up back in your bed was like heaven came true from a nightmarish day. It all had been just a dream... 
You took a deep breath only to be brought back to reality by the fact that your eyes were itchy and your throat dry. The moment of happiness was crushed in a second.  
You jumped off of your bed and ran to the door. It was locked from the outside... 
You wanted to scream, to curse the whole family and their stupid corpse pile.  
But before you could start any of it the door unlocked, and Elijah came in.  
“Elijah, what the hell is going on?” You asked, backing all the way to the bed.  
“My siblings aren’t very well versed in hiding their nature, I must apologize for what you saw.” 
The warm Elijah was nowhere in sight, the Elijah who had practically worked as a father figure for you.  
“Elijah please, I don’t understand what’s going on,” Your words sounded more like a plea, but you couldn’t help it.  
Elijah walked closer to me giving my forehead a gentle kiss.  
“Do not worry, in a few days the vervain is out of your system, and everything will go back to normal...”
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screams-in-writing · 2 months
oops my hands slipped
what do you mean I’m obsessed over this man? I have no idea what you could possibly mean I think I like him…a normal amount. :)
A lazy day off would have been the same old, same old, had you not met a certain someone several months ago. A certain someone who appeared to have gotten it into mind that these days off were for the two of you to dote upon one another, not run errands.  
That certain someone sure did love having your full undivided attention on him; delighted in every second of it, come to think of it. The novelty of being in the company of someone who wanted to be there. And when his mind wasn’t on his never-ending quest for high-ratings and whatever else he had planned (that he had yet to reveal), he showered that attention back on you with an intensity that bordered on almost alarming.
Mr. Puzzles was quite an intense individual when he was focused.
Which was why you were currently stuck in bed in your pajamas at ten in the morning, the man alongside you clearly requiring attention from the way he’d been curled up around you from behind for hours and hours.
For the time being, he was quite content to use you as a body pillow while he hummed some new song he wanted to implement into some future show. It was a novelty to Mr. Puzzles to be integrated into a team, after being on his own tor so long trying to do everting himself. It was slow going to convince him it’d turn out well; at the very least, he hadn’t dragged anyone into the world he held within his head for…at least a month, if that. He could be very passionate if an idea grasped him in the moment.
The static currently emanating from Mr. Puzzles’ face was a nice, warm and ticklish sensation to you; likely why he’d craned down to press the screen to the nape of your neck after avoiding the hair this past hour.
Muffled laughter sounded over the squirm of surprise from you when his arms gently squeezed tighter around your middle.
There came a light, heavy two to the side of your neck.
Then again, slower this time.
Nuzzling was awkward but somehow, the man with a tv for a head was able to make it work, somehow managing to be even closer to you as he pressed in to firmly rub his screen into neck and occasionally, shoulder, through fabric.
A cheerful morning news show clip briefly played in response to you asking him if he was awake and not just laughing in his sleep with automated laughs.
With a wriggle backward, Mr. Puzzles reluctantly loosened his arms from around you to allow you to turn over in arms. From the expectant expression displayed on the screen tilted down toward you right now, Mr. Puzzles had an idea of what you wanted. 
After receiving silent consent in the form of leaning his body, and in turn, his tv head closer, you reached up to lightly trace fingers along his screen. The light touch made Mr. Puzzles’ face and multi-colored smile switch briefly into static gray and white fuzz before a pleased expression popped up with a great big doofy grin that hid the, as you liked to call it, ‘crazy unhinged madman that trapped people like puppets in his head’.
It was a work in progress, that.
No, you did not want Mr. Puzzles to trap your coworkers in the world inside the tv he held sway over, even if you couldn’t help but laugh at the antics initially as well as the absurdity of it being possible (right along with a man who had a tv for a head). Right before scolding the man and making him reluctantly relinquish the unwilling participants aka a small number of your coworkers.
Currently, Mr. Puzzles face sagged into your touch, hands bracing on either side of your shoulders to loom over you without falling over. A quick, sneaky turn of one of the dials on the left side of his head made him jerk his body to the side and back. But then with a sly look, indulged you by briefly playing some cheesy romcom on the screen before Mr. Puzzles’ made his move when one of your hands went to shoulder. 
Gently, carefully, he leaned his lanky body over so his screen could press to your face, making you close you eyes to enjoy the odd sensation of electrical currents and fuzzy static as a teasing voice spoke from the speaker of the tv.
“I see you, my newest star actor, quite close up. Have you anything to say to your…riveted watcher?”
“Your watcher of one for the morning?” Blindly reaching up, you turned the screen down a tad and planted a big ole kiss on the dumbass’ screen with an overdone ‘mwah’ sound. “How’s that for an answer, Mr. Host of one?”
Static sparked out the top of Mr. Puzzles’ antenna and the sides of his screen. His tv head briefly jerked back, revealed a slightly unhinged, if very intense look fixed directly on you.
“Quite the compliment, I’d say.” Mr. Puzzles purred, tone a little deeper as static overlapped his voice, digital eyes intent on you. “Would you care to do a repeat performance? To see if it was truly a 5-star rating for my show of one?”
You dragged this smug asshole man down by the shoulders to pepper his screen face in kisses while he mock-defended himself with dramatic flair. Then, all at once, Mr. Puzzles rolled the two of you over on the bed so you could sprawl yourself comfortably on top of him, playing with the collar of his dress shirt as he similarly fidgeted with your hair.
“Are you quite certain you don’t want to be my co-host?” Mr. Puzzles prodded with a wide screen across the screen.
“You asked me that already.” You pointed out, a faint shudder rolling through you as Mr. Puzzles leaned up to rest the side of his boxy tv head against your own to whisper smoothly, lowly, conspiringly.
“Until you give me a direct answer, my dear.”
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schizopositivity · 1 month
Hello, I’m starting the process of trying to unlearn the harmful messaging, misinformation, and stereotypes surrounding psychosis/schizophrenia. I’m coming from a place of humility and ignorance - fully trying to abandon all of my preconceptions about these experiences and the people that have them. I found your blog while looking for people’s personal experiences and understanding of these conditions. Thank you for sharing this information and your perspective with the world! It can’t possibly be easy, and the honesty you share is helping people like me finally learn the right way. Thank you for all the work you put into this blog and for sharing it with the world.
As I was reading through your backlog, one of your posts discussed how medication can often specifically remove the positive symptoms of these conditions. I was wondering if you could explain in a little more detail what the positive symptoms are? It was my first time encountering this idea and I want to make sure I don’t get misinformation. If this question is insensitive, please feel free to discard it - I’m asking in the best faith and don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. Thank you for your time!
Aw thank you! Sometimes I forget that people reading my posts don't already have a certain baseline understanding of terms commonly used for schizophrenia. So this is a great chance for me to teach people about the way schizophrenia symptoms are commonly categorized.
Since schizophrenia can include many different symptoms that are treated using different methods (or are untreatable) the symptoms have been put into 3 categories.
Positive symptoms are symptoms that add something to a schizophrenic person's life that many people don't have. Positive in this context just means "adding to", not as in "good" or "happy". Positive symptoms include hallucinations, illusions, delusions, catatonia, disorganized speech and disorganized thoughts. These symptoms are typically treated with antipsychotic medication. These symptoms can also come and go throughout someone's life.
Negative symptoms are symptoms that take away something in a schizophrenic person's life that many people do have. Negative in this context just means "taking away from", not "bad". Negative symptoms include avolition (lack of motivation), anhedonia (lack of pleasure), alogia (limited or lack of speech), flat or blunted affect, and social withdrawal. These symptoms might be treatable with therapy and social support. These symptoms are consistently present throughout someone's life.
Cognitive symptoms are symptoms caused by a difference in brain structure that causes a difference how the brain works in schizophrenic people. Cognitive symptoms include slower processing speed, impaired working memory, reduced attention and vigilance, reduced verbal learning, trouble with reasoning and problem solving, impaired sensory perception, and impaired social cognition. These symptoms might be treated with therapy. These symptoms are consistently present throughout someone's life.
(Not everyone with schizophrenia will have every single symptom listed in each category)
Here are some simplified infographics:
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tmntxthings · 6 months
Ok so, hi! I hope you're doing well! I really really like your blog and was wondering if you're still taking requests? If your not thats completely fine.
but If you are could you please please do a the rise boys with a reader who's like their little sister? i cannot for the lofe of me find very many of these, and I adore them.
Your writting is AMAZING btw! Make sure to eat food, drink water, and get some sleep! <3
Big Brothers
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author’s notes: :D am i doing requests still? …yes?! it may not seem like it but I look over them all… just lacking in the motivation department rn, esp with this semester, but booyakasha we ball xD thanks for requesting <3 author's note 2.0: I wrote Raph's part in JANUARY and i finally finally finally had the will power to finish Mikey's tonight, the semester is over yayyyyyyy!! Hopefully my motivation will rejuvenate and I'll be writing way more consistently... hopefully lollll hope you enjoy~~
warnings: none to note, unedited, mayhaps a curse word ?
Where do I begin? He’s always the type to protect those around him. It doesn’t matter whether you’re just a regular citizen or someone he knows and loves, this turtle will protect all! He’s got a big heart.
Much like April you stumbled into the boys life at an early age. Yet unlike her, you were younger than the entire group. As a tot, Raph made sure you were never left behind, hiking you up on his shoulders along with Mikey.
Both of you giggling about the height and saying “look look I’m flyingggg!!” making superhero poses, just the works. Standard oldest brother material. He was still a kid too so there were some accidents, of course you fell off once or twice.
But he was quick to distract you from any boo-boo’s, swooping you back into his arms and snuggling his head close profusely apologizing for getting a little too rowdy. “Don’t cry!! Look Raph’s gotcha! All safe and sound!”
“Does it hurt bad? Let’s go get patched up by Lee hmmm? Raph bet’s he has the prettiest bandaids for you!”
If the group is playing a competitive game, like tag or hide & seek, Raph’s making sure you’re having a fun time. Not feeling left out or being picked on too much. In tag he may run a little slower so you are able to catch him, he would happily be ‘it’ a thousand times if it meant you beamed that mischievous smile. “Tag Raphie!!! Hehehe”
In hide & seek he’ll hide with you or better yet find you the best spots to hide. “Okay Raph’s going hide now too, goodluck and don’t make any noise!!”
As the group grows from tots to teens and the world isn’t as sparkly, and dangers lurk every corner Raph becomes more concerned with your safety. Though there’s not much he can do while your at school, any time you hang out with the bros other than the lab he’s always got a watchful eye.
“Ohhhhh guys look at this!!” Window shopping being one of your favorite past times as they walk the streets of NYC. Raph can’t help but call out for you to “Wait!” or “Watch out!” Something about those sidewalks cracks that always trip you up. And don’t even get Raph started on how many times you’ve bounded ahead of the group only to get lost.
“C’mere you!” Raph’s pulling you close and giving you a noogie. Definitely not caring as you screech about your hair. “What’d I tell ya about running off??” He continues messing with you until you either slip out of his grip or call out mercy. “You had me worried!” He breathed out with a stern look. “Awww Raphie I’m not little anymore!” You teased, but to him you’d always be his little sister. Just like Mikey would never escape being the little brother.
Oh my lord the trouble you two get into. Pranks? Yeah. Lots of them. The two of you are menaces together, and unlike Leo, you get off the hook with batting your sweet innocent eyelashes. “Whaaaaa Leo told me to!!” And he’d scoff, yelling out traitor as you stuck your tongue when Raph’s back was turned.
Despite always slipping away from punishment, Leo didn’t mind you throwing him under the bus. In fact he was quite impressed with your tactics. One of these days he’d catch you on video being a brat behind Raph’s back! So count your days because they were numbered.
While Leo is down for throwing caution and safety in the wind, if things get serious.. let’s say someone threatening you? Whoever’s spouting such nonsense better run for the hills. He doesn’t deal kindly with those who hurt his family. Especially his little prankster of a sister. “Run that by me again? You said what about my sister??” Fun, silly, charismatic Leo is gone! He’d have a glint in his eyes that scream ‘you’ll pay for that.’
What else?! Though he claims he’s nothing like Raph in regards to being wrapped around your pinky finger, he totally is. “Hey Lee can you portal me to school?? I don’t feel like walking!” He’d complain saying how you’re using his rad powers for such a lazy reason (even though he’s guilty of such a thing) but after he gives you an earful of complaints he’s opening up a portal.
Don’t think he won’t waltz in right after you. Much like those older siblings who love to embarrass their little siblings. Calling after you to “Have a greaaaaaaat day!! Big brother wuvs youuuuuuu!!” And it’s similar if he’s picking you up from school. He’ll portal in with a speaker and blare music, mostly Nicki Minaj.
Those little puppy dog eyes you can pull off with Raph have no influence when it comes to Donnie, he has footage of your two-faced nature, having big crocodile tears at one moment and an evil grin at the next, unlike Leo who has never been able to successfully capture you in the act, Donnie has and he lords it over you as blackmail for most things, like a big brother usually does
He only brings it out when absolutely necessary, mainly whenever the two of you are in a back and forth banter that has gone too far, "Oh yeah? I seem to recall a certain purple turtle reading some very interesting fanfiction with Atomic Lass last night!" You puff up satisfied when Donnie gasps at such a true accusation, the utter betrayal! "C'mon guys don't start fighting" Raph will speak up as Donnie whips out his phone going for his passcoded camera roll.
"Oh Raphala I have something to show you!" Donnie will sing as he turns the phone over to reveal the beginning of a video of you and its one that has you immediately screeching. Jumping up from your spot to run and try and tackle Donnie to the floor, but he expects this as his battleshell takes off into the air, putting himself and his phone out of reach. "Turn it off!!! Stop it Dee!!! I never said what exactly you were reading!!" You plead as he swoops and dodges the pillows and really anything you can get your hands on to throw.
So yes, he has the dirt that you would hate Leo to get his hands on so Donnie and you have a bit of an understanding of one another. Other than that though you can find solace in his lab anytime. He doesn't mind your entry because unlike his brothers you don't start touching or breaking things. You treat his inventions carefully and he has fun explaining to you their potentials.
As tots Donnie was definitely quizzing and spitting out random facts to your malleable brain, a lot of it ended up sticking so you understood him to some degree on an academic level, but most of all he had prepared you for school to which you were forever grateful
Now you may not say so in words but with each passing grade you would go down to the lair and find Donnie specifically to show off your assignments, beaming proudly as he would smile and singing his praises about how well he had taught you. He realized that maybe he had taught you too well since you were a master manipulator when it came to tear ducts but he couldn't help but smile at that, proud to have another evil genius in their midst
He knew what it was like to be treated like a baby despite being only a few years younger, so it came as no surprise that he would agree with you whenever you wanted to do something adventurous, something on your own, "Guys, she's old enough to go out to the movies with her friends!" Even if he sort of knew your crush would be going as well, Mikey was not going to be the brother to hold you back from falling in love!
Now heaven forbid that little heart of yours gets stomped on. The person who did so will obviously be on some sort of shit-list by all the turtles, but I think Mikey would be the one who has to be watched out for the most, he destroys people who hurts what he loves, that pizza place episode with the rock band is a prime example! He'll turn savage, lunging for violence, striking to enact karma on those who deserve it the most
Of course he will be the best brother to go to if you want to have some deep emotional talks, Dr. Feelings to the rescue, and though it hurts him to know you've been stabbed in the heart, he will be there through the whole break-up process! Cry session with tubs of ice cream or whatever sweets you desire, Mikey's a great cook so baking isn't that hard for him. He will listen to all the rants and raging that you need to get off your chest, adding in quips when necessary. Then when its time to detox fully, delete pictures, unfollow on all social medias, block their number, get rid of the gifts and physical reminders, he's there with a box, repeating how strong you are and that you don't need them nor these things!
Unlike Leo, if you and Mikey wanted something, a pair of puppy-dog eyes was better than one, even Donnie could not hold out for long if the begging was done by both of you at once, "Donnie c'mon pleaseeee set up the switch! We wanna play Mario Party!" "I thought we were gonna be playing Minecraft-" "You guys its easy you don't need me to set it up." "PLEASEEEEE"
And no doubt Mikey is whipping up your favorites in the kitchen. He loves to hear your heartfelt "thank yous!!!" and "Angieeee it's so tasty! 10 out of 10!!" You know exactly how to curry his favor when you go topside and grab him new ingredients to use. That and shooting compliment after compliment his way. Sometimes he will trust you to stir or cut up veggies when he has too many things going on at once in the kitchen. The vibes are immaculate when you get the aux cord to the speaker in the kitchen, the both of you singing out all kinds of music and going into little dance breaks when a song is just too good to not groove to!
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lovesuhng · 7 months
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couple: bestfriend! yuta x bestfriend! reader
“Please sleep over”
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Today was the day before your best friend Yuta's birthday. For weeks you were thinking about different ideas of what to do to make that day even more special and you decided to do something that would definitely make your friend happy: buy a ticket for the concert of The Last Rockstars, a super band formed by the four biggest Japanese rockstars and great inspirations from Yuta.
“Come on Yuta, get off that couch, go take a shower, change your clothes because we’re going out.” You said, entering your friend's apartment, who was lying on the couch watching something.
“Hi Yuta, how was your day? Your birthday is tomorrow, right? What are we gonna do to celebrate? These are things I would like to hear. And I don’t want to go anywhere today.”
“Maybe you’ll change your mind when I tell you where we’re going” You said, taking two papers out of your bag. Yuta changed his expression instantly, his eyes widened, not believing what he was seeing.
“Don’t tell me that’s…” “Two tickets to the sold-out The Last Rockstars concert? Yes, it is, but since you said you don't want to leave the house, I'll see if someone else wants to…”
You were interrupted by the tight hug from your friend, who lifted you off the ground and then gave you several kisses on your face saying “thank you”, some of them being dangerously close to your mouth, but even as your heart beat faster, you ignored it a little, seeing the happiness on his face.
“Now you have to get ready soon because we only have two hours before the show”
Yuta got ready quickly and a few minutes later you were already at the place where the show was going to take place. You could feel that he was very nervous about being about to see his idols, so you just held his hand and smiled, trying to calm the man down.
The show started and you could see the sparkle in your friend's eyes. He screamed, sang at the top of his lungs, got emotional and that made you have fun with him, after all, you also knew some songs, not all like Yuta, who was the biggest fan in the world. Some moments in the show, when they played slower songs, he hugged you and anyone would think you were a couple and that didn't bother you, you liked it more than you could imagine. It was almost two hours of great fun and, on the way out, you even bought band shirts to wear as a “couple outfit”.
You went to drop him off at home and made a point of going to the door of his apartment.
“Seriously, when Hyde appeared, I thought my heart was going to come out of my mouth and that I was going to lose my voice because I screamed so much. It was surreal.” You just laughed at how excited your friend was talking about every moment of the show.
“I can already see that you won’t stop talking about this show for the next few months”
"Thanks to you." Yuta placed his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to him. "Thank you for everything."
“No need to thank me, you know I would do anything for you.”
“Even give me a birthday kiss? It’s past midnight.”
You blushed in embarrassment, but nodded. Then, Yuta came over and kissed you. The kiss was much better than you expected, after all you thought about what it would be like to kiss your best friend constantly. You felt him smile between the kiss and, if it weren't for the fact that he was holding you, you would definitely fall, as your knees practically turned to jelly after that.
“Wow. Happy birthday” You said, still with your forehead pressed against Yuta’s. “Well, I think I better go, we’ll meet later to celebrate your birthday.”
"Wait!" Yuta said as soon as you were out of his arms. “Please sleep over.”
Even though you found the request unexpected, after all you had never slept with Yuta, you couldn't deny your best friend's request.
“This is going to be the best birthday I’ve ever had.”
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wolven91 · 10 days
An Adventure
"Wait! Wait, hold on. You can't just... do this?" Said the young man, exasperatedly, running up the metal ramp.
He had just run up to another human, a female by the looks of it, and halted her advance up the ramp towards a runner transport with a touch on the arm. A quick squint at the signs designated this runner as a shuttle craft for the much larger transport craft that waited relatively close to the Galactic Community station. The human hadn't grabbed her or spun her round, but the brief touch had the even slimmer human spin on her heel and raise her voice, knocking his touch away.
"I can do what I want!" She cried out, snarling at the male.
"I know that! But what about us? I thought we were happy? Where's this come from? We can talk about this." The young man nearly begged, his eyes frantically searching the other's, flicking from left to right. It was evident from the observer's perspective; whatever he was searching for wasn't there.
"'Us'? 'We' aren't anything. All 'we' had was convenience." She dismissed. The young man looked shocked and took a small step back as if physically slapped. He blinked dumbly whilst the young woman crossed her arms and settled onto her back leg, seemingly waiting for the slower human to catch up.
"Con-convenience?" He repeated, as if not understanding the word.
"Yes. You're literally the only other guy in the system, and you were fine when I didn't have options. But I don't have to stay here, I can be someone now!"
"I'd never stop that! You were always 'someone' to me. But, I'm not going stop you from being someone, wherever you like, but what about... about us?! We were dating! And-and now you're leaving without so much as a goodbye? I thought you were kidnapped! This came out of nowhere!" The male replied, gaining steam for a moment, but the female merely pivoted, taking him off the subject.
"Liam, do you know what humans are right now?" She asked in a lower tone.
"Endangered?" He replied honestly and factually.
"No, you idiot! We're famous! Humans can have whatever we want! All we have to do is demand it and every single one of these-these... these aliens! Will give it to us!" The youth nearly shouted, gesturing an arm at the various creatures that were walking too and fro nearby. The distance was not enough to drown out the words and they gained more than a few frowns from the denizens of the station who had all been aware that they were hosting not just one, but two humans.
"But it's dangerous Cass, there's a reason we've all been broken up. What happened to Ned wasn't his fault, but if we disregard what they're telling us, we'll end up the same!"
"Oh fuck Ned and fuck you. I'm smarter than the pair of you and know how to stay out of danger, plus the GC baby proof everything!" She a paused and swept a hand through the hair on the side of her head before continuing in another low, but now hungry tone.
"Now everyone is on a level playing field, I can be bigger than any human that came before! I don't need a marketing team, I just need to go to one of the core worlds, and I'll be the next best thing just because I exist!" The human declared, a righteous grin spreading across her face as she once again fantasised about how her life was about to change. How she was only weeks away from becoming the celebrity she had always deserved to be.
The young man however seemed stuck.
"What about..." He paused, as if realising something. When he continued, his voice was almost so small it was nearly too quiet to hear.
"This'll make you happy?"
"Obviously." She snapped.
The gulp was obvious from a distance as the male swallowed around the lump in his throat.
"Please be safe Cass. For me?"
The young woman rolled her eyes and sighed dramatically. She then pointed at his chest.
"You're paranoid Liam. You're going to grow old here, safe as everyone else and when you're old and grey you're going to regret your whole life. You could have everything you ever wanted, but you're too afraid to take a step out the door and take it." She reached down and grabbed her bag. "One day you might grow a spine."
With that, she span on the spot, and stomped into the transport's private booth and the door slid shut behind her. She didn't even glance back or hesitate a moment. The young man however, stood there for the extra few minutes it took for the transport to finish bordering and begin pulling away.
The lone human raised a hand and waved at the retreating vessel before the airlock doors shut it from view.
The observer, who had been quietly stealing EMNs from the unattended stockpile that had been left next to the transport dock, snorted in disgust, and stalked away from the sight, their ill begotten bounty quickly secreted away.
== 0 ==
Liam was despondent from that day onwards.
Whilst his relationship with Cass had been strained at times, they'd been happy... Hadn't they? He'd combed through his memories looking for evidence of where he'd failed, where she'd given him a sign that he'd missed.
As he sat on a chair that rested on his balcony, he'd held his head in his hands as he mulled over their lives.
She'd not appreciated the overprotective nature of the other beings, that was certain. Aside from this, she merely lamented the loss of Earth, frustrated that it was necessary that humanity be split up. She was mostly just bored with the lack of social media to provide her entertainment. The jokes of the various aliens never really landed with neither Liam, nor Cass as both of them experienced the station in a different way so the analogues to social media that were available didn't fit the bill. It didn't scratch her itch.
More than once had Cass gone on a rant about the aliens and how they weren't like humans. Liam was aware that Cass had been trying to get a social media career off the ground ack home as she saw that as a way to live a good life without joining the rat race.
"She must have saw another chance." He mumbled, sighing and scooting back down into the chair. It was odd, having a balcony that led to the inside of a station. There were giant lamps that turned on and off as the day and night went by, but there was never any wind or rain.
Liam missed that sensation.
He'd wanted to go somewhere and feel the wind on his face again, but that was just a dream for now. He'd been told to stay put by the GC, and it didn't feel right to just...
'One day you might grow a spine.'
Her words slammed into him and pointed an accusing finger directly at him. Judging him. Telling him exactly why he'd been left behind by her. Liam pulled a face and a pit in his stomach opened.
What if he tested the length of his lead?
If he appeared at wherever Cass was, would that be enough to prove that he wasn't trapped by the GC? That they could both be free together?
"Oh, fuck what am I doing?" Liam asked no one as the young man stood and walked with purpose to his front door. His body moving while his mind reeled in frantic panic.
== 0 ==
Kelsh opened and closed her hands as they rested on the bar in anticipation, in a sort of 'gimmie' gesture. Her claws unfurling and curling back in as she licked her chops, eyes locked on her goal.
As the large cold beer was placed down on the bar in front of her before being pushed into her grip, she clasped it with both hands and tipped her back, drinking greedily. She'd been waiting for this for roughly three weeks. Ignoring that the bastards had been deliberately stalling her payment for good received, she now was rather flush with credits that these wimpy GC cretins accepted.
It was as she was downing her first pint that her second arrived and a human walked in. It was only because she was facing the door that she noticed the creature slip into the dingey bar and head over to the freelancer board. Kelsh lowered the glass, and placed it down more carefully than normal as she watched the creature browse the board.
That was when she remembered; this was the 'human' that had been left on the landing pad by its mate.
Her eyes widened as she realised that this creature was her meal ticket for the foreseeable future. No one would dare search a vessel with a human on board. The GC were petrified of giving the humans a bad impression of their oh so 'perfect' galaxy.
As she rose from her seat, a sneer sprung to her lips as a vulptanis beat her to the punch and began a conversation with the human. Kelsh picked up the pace and approached the human's back, before looming over the vulptanis. It took a second for either of them to notice her.
"We'll need to take a detour as we have other commitments, but we can provide... provide..." The haughty vulptanis's face dropped as she tilted her head back to observe the imposing hyenid.
"Fuck off." Kelsh ordered and the vulptanis obeyed, scuttling away with their tail between their legs. The human practically jumped, spinning on the spot, and craning his neck even further back up at the towering creature. Kelsh merely put her forearm against the passenger board and leant over the human, who placed his back against the board as she crowded him.
"If ya' gonna' be travellin' the black, ya' gotta' find a cap'in who's not gonna' run off the moment someone tells 'em to 'fuck off'." Kelsh explained down at the human who was looking rather pale at this point. She grinned wickedly, not quite drooling at how fragile he looked. He wasn't saying anything, so Kelsh spoke again.
"Look, ya' lookin' at t' passenger board. So ya' wan'in to travel, yeah?" She prodded, gesturing at himself, then the board. She had an idea where he was wanting to go, but she needed to know for certain. Her belt was mere inches from his chest, but she had left an escape route that went straight to the front door of the mercenary bar.
The human didn't run though, breaking her expectations and instead; nodded. She tilted her head in approval and placed her free hand against her chest.
"Alright, I'm a cap'in of a ship. I can take ya' where ya' goin'." She explained, placing her free hand against her hip, his eyes following it and naturally eyeing the curve of her thigh and stomach. To look her in the eye, those little eyes had to cross the rest of her too and her grin widened as they lingered by accident.
"But ah... " the human cleared his throat. "Y-you don't know where I'm going?"
"A good cap'in knows how t' make profit wherever she goes. Where to?"
"The 'core worlds'?"
Kelsh smirked, she suspected as much, but nodded.
"Theres a few of 'em. Got an idea which?"
"No... I'm looking for someone."
"A'rite. That's what they call a 'rollin' contract'. Ya' stay on board as we go n' my crew provide protection. Ya payin' in credits or material?" She asked. Chances were he only had credits, but his belongings could sell for significant money to the right buyer.
"I haven't agreed to go with you yet." He retorted, a frown briefly crossing his features. Ah! Unexpected, but welcome. He wasn't a complete welp.
"Aye, true. But ol' brushy tail there left ya' with the scary 'Nid. That's ignorin' that she just said she wan't goin' to the core straight away. That'll be vulp space where they're goin'. Outside of GC space. You goin' w' that type? The one that doesn't 'get' what it means to be a 'ooman'?"
Kelsh watched the human's face as he came to realisation that his protection was thanks to him already being somewhat deep within GC space. The further out he went, the less protections he had to going missing. He needed someone reliable, rough enough to protect him and willing to go deeper without delay. His precious mate would be getting further and further away.
"I'm goin' inwards. Toward the cores. Up to ya' though." She explained, curling her fingers on her free hand to 'casually' inspect her claws.
His scent was not lost on the older hyenid either. There was fear, excitement, and a spicy undertone of lust with how close her body was. Kelsh could happily stuff her muzzle into the nap of his neck and inhale until she could breathe in anymore.
But she resisted as the tiny creature eventually came to a decision.
"Do I have time to collect my things?"
"'Course. Bay 4, ship's called the 'Gnarled Gnoll'. Ya' ask for me when ya' get there. They won't bite if ya' tell 'em I sent ya'."
"Whats your name?"
"Kelsh, yours?"
"Liam. Pleasure to meet you ma'am."
Kelsh's laugh was long and loud, her head flinging backwards as hysterics washed over her. Never in her life had she thought to be called 'ma'am' before. This was going to be great!
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promptthebear · 1 year
Kissmas Day 9
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Prompt: Distracting kisses from someone that are meant to stop the other person from finishing their work, and give them kisses instead
Pairing: Sandor Clegane x Reader
CW: Female reader, lots and lots of swearing (It's Sandor c'mon now), reader is pregnant, some mentions of canon typical violence. If i forget anything please let me know!
A/N: Hello! This is a little different from the last few fics I wrote. I was going for like something cozy? So the pacing is a little slower and it's sort of a "not much happens but there's vibes" kind of fic. Hopefully you all enjoy it. I just really wanted to give my boy a story where he's safe, well fed, well rested, and doesn't have shit trying to kill him for like five minutes.
It was still dark when Sandor awoke, and colder than a wight’s arse. He could see the earliest light of dawn, though, through a nearby window. Pale yellow rays were starting to kiss the tops of the large, gloomy pines that encircled your cottage, and he knew it would be several hours yet before the sun would provide any proper warmth.
Grumbling and cursing under his breath, Sandor pushed back the furred hide that served as a blanket and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He hissed when his feet touched the floor, the chill so fierce it bit at his soles, even through the two layers of woolen socks he wore. Everyone, from great Kings to common fools, knew that Winters in the North were bitterly cold. But it was one thing to hear the tavern stories and another thing all together when you were trying to live through it.
He wondered, as he tugged on his boots, why he didn’t make for the Free Cities and Dorne like the few remaining knights did when the whole world finally fell apart in flame and ruin. Yes, the stories of the fine wines and glimmering cities where even beggars could be Kings might have been exaggerated, but it couldn’t be any worse than here. At the very least, it might be nice to live somewhere your piss didn’t freeze midstream and your cock didn’t stick to your hand each time you used the privy.
Sandor turned the idea over in his mind, finding that its appeal grew with each passing moment. However, any thoughts of leaving vanished the instant he glanced over his shoulder and caught sight of your face peeking out from under the edge of the blankets. Your expression was peaceful, almost serene.
He leaned over you, his hair falling around his cheeks like a curtain, and placed a quick kiss against your temple. You stirred slightly in response, your eyelashes fluttering as a soft moan escaped your lips.
Sandor chuckled and reached out to deliver a gentle pat to your side before answering.
“Nothing. Gonna go cut some firewood. I’ll be back before you’re up.”
You mumbled something in reply, too faint for him to make out, before sleep’s embrace claimed you once more. He chuckled again and fondly shook his head.
At one point, nobody wanted to spend a night in his bed, not even when he'd gone to a brothel. Those girls had been too frightened of his face to give him more than a few hours at most, leaving him to wake to a cold bed and empty purse the next morning.
You, on the other hand, were comforted enough by his presence to stay through the night. You even claimed you slept more soundly when he was with you. It had taken a while before Sandor believed you, but after over a year of waking with you warm and content beside him, he was starting to see that you’d been telling the truth.
The bedroom door squeaked as it opened, which made the large, shaggy dog the two of you kept leap to its feet and growl deep in its throat. Sandor shushed the animal, which immediately bounded over from its spot by the fireplace, tongue out and tail wagging at the sight of its master.
“Stupid mutt.” Sandor said, as he began to rumple and massage the dog’s ears. “Good thing you’re loyal, or else what use would you be?”
The dog, which you’d so cleverly called Nameless because Sandor had refused to give it one, eagerly leaned into his touch and gazed up at him in squinty eyed delight. You’d found the poor beast roughly around the same time Sandor had been able to walk again, where he’d been left to die in some abandoned crofter’s hut.
At first, Sandor had wanted nothing to do with the animal. As far as he was concerned, you didn’t need another mouth to feed, what with him still half crippled and you were only able to set the most basic of rabbit snares. There had barely been enough food for the two of you, let alone a walking gut disguised as a dog.
He’s a big, black dog you’d insisted on just like your crest. If that’s not a sign from the gods, I don’t know what is.
Bugger the gods had been Sandor’s reply, but in the end, he’d yielded, if only to have some peace from your griping. Since then, Nameless had followed Sandor around like a second shadow. He’d cursed the beast and the bitch that whelped him each time he got underfoot, but eventually this gave way to begrudging acceptance and finally a quiet sort of affection.
Whoever left Nameless behind had, whether they knew it or not, forfeited a skilled hunting dog. Despite his sweet nature with people, he could catch rabbits and squirrels as skillfully as any wolf, which kept you and Sandor well stocked with meat despite the North’s unforgiving climate.
Once again, Sandor found himself questioning why he’d chosen to live in the frozen arse end of the world as he tried to open the front door. A thick layer of ice had settled over the tiny cottage you called home, a parting gift from last night’s storm.
Despite ample shoving and force, the door was refusing to cooperate. With each attempt, the aged wood groaned and creaked as though in protest, but wouldn’t budge. Though he couldn’t see it, Sandor had a feeling the damn thing had frozen shut in its frame, which was a much more common occurrence than he would’ve liked it to be. With a muttered oath, he threw his shoulder against the wood, swearing louder at the shock of pain that came after.
A thin sweat had broken out on Sandor’s brow when he finally gave himself a moment to breathe, half slumped against the bastard door and wishing agonies upon whichever fool god made ice to begin with. He stole a glance over his shoulder, hoping the racket hadn’t woken you, and was greeted with the sight of Nameless. The dog was sitting a few feet behind him and watching the entire process as though it was a Mummer’s show Sandor was putting on especially for him.
“Are you just going to look? Or are you going to be helpful for once in your sorry life?”
By way of response, Nameless rose to his feet, stood for a moment, squinted at Sandor, and then let out a quick, loud sneeze that sent forth a spray of drool and dust motes into the chilled air. Satisfied, the dog sat down again with a bump, and stared at his master. He cocked his head to one side, and spread his mouth wide in a lolling, doggy grin, as if two of them were sharing some sort of secret joke.
Sandor couldn’t help but grin back, albeit a little lopsidedly, before returning to the problem of the door. Once upon a time, he could’ve split the bloody thing in two with the heel of his boot and a well-aimed kick, but he had been a different man then. The Hound, with all his strength and rage, had died with Gregor the day they both went over the falls. Now, all that remained was Sandor, who had to huff and puff and struggle with frozen doors just like anyone else.
When the door finally gave way, it did so with a mighty crack, which shattered the morning air in a flurry of loose snow that tumbled off the roof and bits of ice that shimmered like diamond shards as they fell.
Sandor stumbled outside, shoulder first since he was mid shove when the door decided to open. Instantly, he was blinded by the sheer, sterile whiteness of fresh snow and sunbeams that cut like yellow knives after the dimness of the cottage. For a moment, he had little choice but to wait and lean against the door frame while his vision cleared.
Despite the early hour, the woods were already awake and teeming with life. Around him, Sandor could hear all manner of birdsong, as well as the chattering of squirrels and the far off call of a solitary deer.
From behind the cottage came the sounds of the sheep, small, squat, shaggy creatures with more wool than brains between their ears. They bleated mournfully from inside their little shed, hoping it would get them fed all the sooner, but their cries stirred no pity in Sandor’s heart. He could hardly stand the sight of the fool things, with their empty eyes and the way they ran in panicked, useless circles every time they were frightened.
When you’d first asked Sandor why he hated the sheep so much, he told you it was because he had no patience for anything, man or beast, that was too stupid to know how stupid it actually was. You’d laughed at that, a bright, musical sound that made warmth bloom in Sandor’s chest, but you hadn’t left the matter alone like he’d hoped.
As far as you were concerned, there was no point in wasting time hating something so pathetic and harmless and so you persisted. If Sandor was stubborn, you were twice as much, pestering him with that unfaltering cheerfulness each time you went you to feed the damn things. Eventually, he relented, the name and reason tumbling from his lips like rain after a drought.
From the ashes of Sandor’s rage, shame had blossomed, and with it a thin, choking vine that clenched a little tighter around his heart each time he’d thought of the boy. He’d lived what felt like a thousand different lifetimes since that fateful day by the river, and no matter how much he’d drunk, fought or fucked, he couldn’t seem to shake that one particular ghost. It was as though a small part of Mycha had always been there, slowly poisoning what little shreds of goodness Sandor had managed to grasp hold of, and for a while, he supposed that was what he deserved. Until you came along.
You, who had dragged Sandor out from the water when he was little more than a half drowned corpse. You, who had set every broken bone, stitched every wound and fed him spoonfuls of broth even when he’d cursed you after each one. With your constant, stubborn, infuriating cheerfulness, you had talked Sandor into talking, smiled him into smiling, and somehow loved him into loving you back. You had become the sun that rose and set on each day of Sandor’s life. You were what got him up in the mornings and kept him working until dusk. The thought of losing you, or worse, having you cast him aside, scared him more than dragons, others, and his cunt brother ever had.
That was why, in the end, Sandor had chosen to tell you the truth. At least then you’d hear it from him, instead of whatever exaggerated horseshit the village gossips would invent. Ugly as it was, Sandor knew honesty would be his friend in this matter, and he’d had more than his fill of liars after spending so much time in service to the Lannisters.
And so you came to know the whole sordid tale, one dreary morning in the sheep shed. He spared no detail, no matter how gruesome it was or how poorly it reflected on his character. If you were going to keep loving him, it was best you knew the sort of man you’d chosen, lest the truth curdle what little affection he’d earned.
At first, Sandor wasn’t sure how you were going to take things. He half expected you to try to brain him with the bucket of sheep’s feed, then drive him off in a hail of shrieking and chunks of dung. Tears were also a likely possibility, though you didn’t really seem the type. But learning that the man who you’d let into your home and bed had the blood of an innocent child on his hands could make anyone behave strangely.
When he’d finally got up the courage to stop staring at his boots and look into your face, you, as always, surprised him. You were smiling at him, that same warm, gentle smile that Sandor remembered from the moment he’d woken up in your arms.
I know is what you’d said. I’ve always known, and I love you anyway.
You’d reached for him after, setting aside your bucket so you could bring your hand up and caress his scarred cheek. Sandor had leaned into your touch, like it was the only thing keeping him from breaking apart into a million pieces. Of course you’d known, who in all the Seven Kingdoms hadn’t heard the stories about King Joffery’s rabid dog and the things he’d done? He should’ve given you more credit.
From there, it had been easy enough to tell you why he hated those sheep. Their cries, the sheer terror in their eyes each time he approached? They reminded him too much of that boy, and regardless of how you felt about it, he was not entirely certain he’d ever be able to forget. It was one thing to have your forgiveness and another thing entirely to be able to forgive himself.
Give it time is what you’d told him And let me worry about the sheep. You’ve got enough to do around here, anyway.
The sound of Nameless’ barking is what suddenly tugged Sandor from his memories and back into the here and now. Somehow, the dog had managed to squeeze past him without Sandor noticing, and he was now diving face first through the fresh snow, on the hunt for grouse tracks and anything else that would provide a decent chase.
Sandor watched for a moment, unable to hide the smile playing about his lips. The sight of the big dog, now sporting a healthy dusting of snow across his shoulders and muzzle, was enough to brighten anyone’s mood. He supposed, after almost starving to death on his own, the idiot creature was simply happy to be alive long enough to see another day.
The two of them would go and check Sandor’s traps later. With any luck, they’d snag a rabbit or two that you could roast for supper and have plenty of bones left for Nameless to enjoy. But, in the meantime, you wouldn’t be cooking anything if there wasn’t any wood for the fire.
It hadn’t warmed up any by the time Sandor walked to the woodshed. The snows frozen crust crunched under his feet as he walked, while his breath floated away in thick, white clouds that dampened his beard. His axe, stuck blade down in the stump a few feet away from the woodshed, was a welcome sight.
It was by no means half the weapon his greatsword had been, but Sandor found comfort in the way its worn, wooden handle fit snugly into his grasp and in its blade that thirsted for pine sap instead of blood.
Before long, the sound of logs splitting filled the air, mingling with the soft creak of trees in the wind and an occasional bark from Nameless. Sandor quickly found his rhythm, letting the weight of the axe guide his arm on the downstroke and pushing aside each long with his other hand to be stacked in the shed later.
He went on like that for a while, cut, push, another log, and do it again. The repetition of the work was soothing, almost meditative. It brought a sense of peace to Sandor the way only busy hands could.
Cut, push, new log, do it again.
It was like the axe was an extension of his arm, with the beat of his heart matching each thud of the blade and his breath moving in time as the axe swung through the air. There was most likely going to be a fresh tree fall after last night’s winds, no doubt with plenty of new wood for Sandor to haul home. It probably wouldn’t hurt to bring a length of rope and the sledge when he went hunting with Nameless later. If they didn’t catch anything, at least they wouldn’t be coming home empty-handed.
The young pine he was currently working on was halfway gone by the time you’d made an appearance. Sandor hadn’t heard you at first, too absorbed in what he was doing. It was only after you’d said his name for the third time that he’d finally stopped and turned to look at you over his shoulder, squinting at you as though he wasn’t quite sure who you were or where he was.
“What are you doing out here?”
His tone, like everything about him, was gruff. You smiled at him all the same, knowing that for Sandor, gruffness and worry were often interchangeable.
“Came to check on you. You’ve been out here for hours.”
Sandor glanced upwards and was surprised to find the sun sitting squarely above his head. A sheen of sweat had also broken out over his arms and forehead, and he could feel where it was pooling in the hollows of his back. With a sigh, he set aside his axe and removed his heavy woolen cloak, before turning back towards you.
“Have you been asleep this whole time?”
The slight tilt of his chin in your direction indicated your odd choice of garments. Born to a wilding father and shepherd’s daughter, you always swore the North in your blood kept you from ever truly feeling cold. Still, a sleeping shift, boots, and knit shawl tossed hastily about your shoulders was a questionable choice in midwinter, even for a Northern girl.
You shook your head and gestured back towards the cottage where steam had fogged up the windows.
“I started the laundry, wanted to make use of the sunlight while we still have it. I figured it didn’t make much sense to change until my other clothes were dry, and then I could wash these next.”
Sandor listened to your explanation, his face unchanging save for an arched brow. When you finished, he raised his arm and pointed back at the cottage with a thick finger.
“You should be inside, you fool, woman. You’ll freeze your tits off out here.”
You laughed before wrapping your shawl a little tighter around your shoulders and closing the space between you and Sandor with a few steps.
“If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times. I’m a Northerner. I don’t get cold. We’re not as pampered as you Southern city types.”
Sandor grumbled softly and shook his head, something about “tongue lashing harpy bitch.” There was no venom behind his words, however, only affectionate resignation. Instinctively, he brought his hand to rest on the curve of your stomach, a protective gesture towards the child you’d been carrying for the last five months. You reached up for Sandor’s face, cupping the scarred side as you usually did against the palm of your hand.
Sandor’s eyes fluttered shut in response to the touch, and for a moment, years seemed to fall away from his expression. He turned his head slightly to the side and pressed a kiss against the skin of your wrist. You loved seeing him like this, vulnerable and content. It was like a glimpse into the past, when he was young and full of hope. However, his eyes opened all too quickly, and he was back to being the Sandor you knew. Older, grumpy, and entirely done with your nonsense.
“Inside. Or I’ll sling you over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes and bring you there myself”
You rolled your eyes, knowing he’d do no such thing, not while you were pregnant, anyway.
“Fine. But I want a kiss first.”
There was more grumbling, but Sandor did as you asked, catching your mouth against his while his hands snaked down to encircle your hips. You leaned into the kiss, pressing your body as close to his as you could get while still keeping your feet on the ground. His beard was coarse against your cheeks, and he smelled faintly of the woods and sweat. The heat of him seemed to envelope you, like a familiar blanket.
You stood like that for a while, the two of you bathed in morning sunshine and kissing as though you’d never get a chance to do it again. When Sandor tried to pull away, you chased him, closing the space between your mouths by wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him downwards. This kiss was a little messier and rougher than the first, most likely due to Sandor’s surprise, but you didn’t mind. It was only when you nibbled at his bottom lip that he broke the kiss off in earnest, catching your two hands in one of his and trapping them against his chest.
“None of that. I told you, go inside.”
You stared up at Sandor and pulled your mouth into an exaggerated pout.
“One more? Please? And then I’ll go, I promise.”
Sandor swore softly under his breath and used his free hand to adjust the front of his trousers before leaning down to claim your mouth again. For a moment, it seemed as though you were going to get your way. Sandor had brought his other hand up to twine in your hair, which only served to deepen the kiss. You welcomed it eagerly, opening your lips and running your tongue against the seam of his mouth. He let out a groan in response, the hand that still held yours squeezing tight. You squirmed against him eagerly, trying to wrap one of your legs around his and haul yourself upwards, your hips seeking the friction they so desperately craved.
This, however, didn’t have the desired effect. Sandor began to laugh, and then placed his hands on your shoulders, gently pushing you back so you could no longer reclaim his mouth.
“I’m not a tree, you little minx, so stop trying to climb me. You said one more, you’ve had one more, and now you’re going to go inside or else.”
One look at Sandor’s face, and you knew there was no use in pushing your luck. With a long, suffering sigh, you stepped away, already mourning the absence of his mouth and hands on your body.
“Fine. But I better see you again before it gets dark. I’ll need to wash those clothes you’re wearing, and I’m not warming up your dinner twice.”
Sandor grunted, the noise vaguely affirmative enough that you took it as agreement. You turned to head back towards the cottage, only to stop mid step when you felt the familiar sting of an open hand strike your ass. You spun back around, your shawl spinning about your shoulders, and stared at Sandor, who grinned wolfishly back.
“That’s not fair!” you sputtered, your already pink cheeks flushing deeper.
“Nothing ever is,” came the reply.
You shook your head, turning once again to leave. Sandor let you do so without further torment, watching the way the sunlight made your hair glisten and the subtle swing of your hips as you walked. Nothing was ever fair, but sometimes things got close, even for an old dog like himself.
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its-in-the-woods · 26 days
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Chapter 2 of down the rabbit hole
Chapter one here chap three
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating: Not much for this, brief mention of SA, mention of alcohol.
Slow build like novel damn length okay, Very Fluffy, Pinch of Angst, Relationship Development, Hurt/Comfort, Older man/ Younger(30s) women, Alternative universe, fictional work (IDK WHY BUT I AM PUTTING IT) Probably more as I go.
Synopsis: Working in film as a make-up artist is hard enough, but then Walton Goggins requests you, well it's way too easy to fall down the rabbit hole.
Note: they are both single, all for fun.
WARNING I do not have this all written out, I do have it plotted out, but it may be a little slower for chapters to come out. Please bear with me. If you know a Beta to edit please send them to me.
*Before we get into things. Thank you 100x for all the love. It means the world to me*
Somehow four weeks have slipped by. As always, TV series runs like a machine on fire while driving through a snowstorm. Long days, and even longer nights. You wonder briefly why you chose a profession that meant you average four to five hours of sleep. But then Walton brings the whole trailer their favorite coffee and you just shrug the thought off. Working with the cast and crew was like being in one big dysfunctional family. One part hated each other, one part was fucking each other, and another part just held on for the ride. You liked to think you were in the last group, but sometimes when you caught Liz glowering at you, you wondered if maybe you were in the first group. 
“Why does she hate me?” You ask Trevor as you try to eat lunch. Fish wasn’t your first choice but it’s what they had had. 
“Who?” Trevor asks, munching on some strawberries, how the man ate as much as he did and remained tiny was amazing. 
“Liz.” You sigh moving your fork around the plate.
“Liz hates everyone, don’t take it personally.” He grabbed a couple more pieces of fruit. 
“Have you seen the way she looks at me? Like, why bring me onboard if she was just gonna avoid me like the plague?”
“She’s jealous of you.”
You turn and raise your eyebrows at him. “What are you talking about?”
Trevor lets out a snort and chomps down on some cheese. “Girl. Don’t play down your talents. You have worked your damn ass off to get here. One of the best makeup artists out there and Liz knows it. Why do you think Mr. Goggins likes you so much?”
You shrug and pick through your food, the fish was not sitting particularly well. “I am not better than anyone else.”
Trevor swats at you playfully, “Shut up. You can wrangle through asshole actors like no one else. You take zero shit from anyone and you get stuff done on time or before they are needed. You’ll be one of the most valued artists in town in no time.” He chuckles and pushes his own plate away. “Just make sure you bring me along with you.”
You grin back at him. Trevor had never jerked you around like most others. He was right, you did a good job and people appreciated your blatant lack of kiss assery. You fiddle with your fork for a moment before deciding that you had enough for the day. 
It was Thursday, which meant the week was almost over. The end was in sight and your bed was calling your name. You’d probably sleep the weekend away and indulge in some overpriced Chinese food. Your thoughts about sweet and sour pork are broken when someone announces they are coming in. Liz walks in and looks you up and down. Dear god, that woman has a chip on her shoulder. She went and pulled out a couple of empty totes. 
“It’s going to be you and Trevor tomorrow and the following week.” She says her lips pressed firmly together, as she talks she goes through drawers grabbing different products.  “Walton is here doing some scenes, Laura will also be here but she shouldn’t be on camera. If she is, I've emailed you notes and pictures.”
You nod, not bothering to look at her as you continue to wash your brushes. Liz continued to add to her bin.  “Sounds good.”
“Look, I know we haven’t been exactly- Friendly.” You turn to look at the woman, she is putting the lid on to the tote. Writing info on a sheet of paper on the top. “But, you do a good job. The director has been very happy with everything. “
“Thank you.” You reply, giving her a small smile. “I appreciate that Liz.”
Liz nods back at you and grabs the tote, waddling out the door. It’s probably the closest you’ve come to liking her. You sit there for a moment, taking in the compliment, maybe things are changing for the better. 
Friday is here, and you decided to bring some timbits to celebrate the end of the week. The usually bustling studio lot was quiet. Construction and Set Dec had busied themselves with various other needs. It was refreshing to have a little quiet. You had even been able to park your car right beside the trailer. As much as you loved the absolute chaos that was a film set, the calm was a nice balm. You knew that before long you would miss the chaos, and it would be back with vengeance. 
Laying things out you felt like you could breathe. You had put on some gothic country on the stero, something that only you and Trevor really enjoyed. Both of you had moved from rural areas to do your job. It was another reason why you enjoyed his company. Trevor had set himself up on the second workspace, the two of you spreading out a little while the boss was away. 
“Hello. Lady and gentleman,” Walton’s voice shrill as he came up the stairs. The man was a never-ending ball of energy. You were positive you could do a month of night shooting and he still would come in chipper as if it was his first day. 
“Hey Walt,” Trevor said with a grin, it was hard not to be happy around the man.
“Excited for the weekend?” You ask as you drape him with a cape, popping off his sunglasses and grabbing his other glasses off the counter. As he rereads some lines. 
“I sure am. It feels like it’s been an extra long week.” He sighed, rubbing at his hazel eyes before grabbing a timbit. “These things are delicious, I am going to steal the whole box..” 
You slap playfully at his hand.“Hey now! Make sure I get a few” He gives you a crooked smile and holds one up. You don’t hesitate to lean forward and let him feed it to you. He swallows and looks up at you, as the realization dawns on you as to what you just did. 
“Well-Umm- Next week doesn’t look to bad,” Trevor pipes, shooting you a look, his voice squeaking slightly.
“This is true, just the three of us enjoying a few short days,” Walton says, you are desperately trying to move past what just happened as you grab a moisturizer and apply it gently. His eyes follow you.
“I can certainly say I will enjoy not having to drive all over the place.” You reply, trying not to let your cheeks flush. Reminding yourself sternly that you were a professional and for Pete’s sake you’d been working together for over a month now. 
“You have the craziest eyes.” He whispers as the two of you look at each other. There is no way of hiding the fact your cheeks are burning. Trevor graciously comes over and starts to fuss with his hair. 
“Thank you,” You reply, words caught in your throat. Turning to start packing your set bag, anything to hide the fact that you were bright red. You look up to see Trevor raising his eyebrows at you. You look away and finish things up before sending Walton off to set.
“What was that?” Trevor drawled as he slid into the chair, the look on his face made you want to crawl under the counter. 
“What was what?” You try to dismiss things even if your face is on fire. What the hell had just happened?
“He just fed you a damn donut hole and you are blushing all over Goggins?” Trevor pushes fiddling with a comb, and you really want to throw something at him. 
You freeze a bit and look up at him in the mirror. “Don’t do that.” 
“Do what? See the fact that you two have been goggling over each other for the last four weeks. You just ate food out of his fingers. Wait what does he taste good?’
You do throw a powder puff at him. “You. You stop it. I don’t know what the hell I was doing. It just kind of happened.” 
Yes, you had noticed the little things, but really the man was friendly with everyone. He had always been touchy-feely, but maybe there had been more that you had missed, including eating food out of his fingers. You remember him kissing you on the cheek yesterday morning before leaving. But there couldn’t be anything there, there was nothing there you repeated to yourself. 
“Oh give me a break. He brings you coffee and touches, and kisses your cheek every day. The man has been fawning all over you.”
You bite your lip and turn to look at your colleague, ‘He does that with everyone, Trevor. He’s just friendly.”
You’re now madly stuffing stuff into your bag trying to get out of this newly warm trailer. Trevor snorts and puts his things into his bag. You wish he would drop it, but he was never good at leaving things alone. 
“You keep telling yourself that, sweetheart,” He giggles in an imitation Southern drawl. The two of you hop out of the trailer. You aren’t sure whether to smack him or hug him, either way, there is a job to be done. 
It was a textbook day, Walton had nailed almost everything. The man could act there was no doubt about that. The character was a belligerent drunk detective trying to solve a cold case. The script was dark, moody, and well horrible. You didn’t shy away from horror, but true crime always made your stomach flipflop. Your stomach also flipped as you watched Walton go from looking like he was gonna bite someone's head off, to all smiles and laughter. 
You, Trevor, and Walton are walking back to the trailer together. It was actually sunny out, a rare moment for the Pacific Northwest. Costumes had been busy with some extras so you decided to start with him and finish with the others. 
“So do you two have any plans for the weekend?” Walton asks, walking in between both of you.
“I think I might have a date on Saturday,” Trevor replied cheerfully. 
“Oooh and who's the lucky fella?” Walton sing-songed.
Trevor looked flush for a moment, “Decon, from props actually.”
Walton chuckles elbowing Trevor “Well that sounds like an excellent Saturday. Man is gonna have some fun.”
Trevor shakes their head and rolls his eyes “He better show or I am going to have to send you both after him”
Walton bares his teeth and growls, which send everyone into a fit of giggles. Decon be aware, there was a madman coming for you. You thought as you get to the trailer opening the door.
“And what about you, little lady,” Walton drawls, that damn southern accent creeping in. 
“Nothing special. Think sleep and Chinese food are calling my name.” You reply as everyone settles in. Really that would be the best way to end the weekend. 
“Oh, Chinese food sounds amazing.” Trevor pipes in, turning on some tunes. 
“Who needs sleep, it's not that important.” Walton chides as you get to work. “I was wondering if you both would like to come to a small bar not far from here. Transport can drive us there and back, a few of us are getting together for some drinks.”
You catch Trevor's gaze, a sly smile spreading across his face. “Oh, I would love that! Little get-together with our mess of a family.”
“What about you?” The lead asks, rubbing your arm. His hands are warm, you’re surprised to feel a few calluses on his fingers. 
“Oh. Yeah sure. That would be good.” You give a small smile, trying not to let your mind wander too far. If you were honest, the prospect of getting together with a bunch of coworkers was low on your want list. But the look on Trevor's face tells you that you aren't allowed to say no. Your stomach clenches as the memory of a wrap party gone wrong rumbles past your mind. You push that down. It had been almost seven years since that happened, these were different people. People you knew and trusted.
“Fantastic, I am excited to have you both there,” Walton exclaims before closing his eyes to let you finish your job. 
Once Walton is released to Costume, you and Trevor busy yourself with cleaning the trailer. Getting extras cleaned up and making sure everything is ready for the early morning come Monday. You can tell Trevor has been watching you but you can't make yourself say anything. Anxiety has pooled in your stomach like a cold stone and you are struggling to shake it.
“What's wrong?” Trevor asks bluntly sitting down in a free chair. You shake your head and keep your hands moving.
“Come on now. I've never seen you get this clammed up over an invitation to a party. To be fair I've actually never seen you go to a party–” Trevor’s words trail off realization washing over his face. “I know you like your peace, and quiet, but what is going on”
You collapse into the other chair with a deep sigh. Trying to find the words, you really didn't want to explain things too much. That said if there was anyone who'd understand it be Trevor.
“When I first got into the industry.” Your mouth feels so dry even at the thought of it. You grab your water bottle taking a swig.“I went to a wrap party. Got drunk and a guy from Sound took advantage of me. So I've never gone to one since.”
Trevor looks shocked, sadness creeping in at the words. “Hon.That is awful.”
“It happened almost a decade ago. It's fine. Just makes me nervous.” You let out a breath. You weren't going for sympathy, despite it being the worst night of your life, all you wanted was understanding.
Trevor comes over and gives you a big hug. You feel tears prickle in the corner of your eyes. As you let yourself sag against him. You were so thankful for this man, that he was understanding and seemed to care about you. 
“Honey, nothing like that is gonna happen to you tonight. We'll go together and enjoy ourselves. And if any man or woman tries to hurt you I will beat them with my handbag” Trevor reassures you with a small smile. You both chuckle at the last statement 
You sniffle a little, grabbing a tissue from the counter to dab at your eyes. “Thank you, Trevor”
He gives you a reassuring nod as you both get ready to go out. You were determined to make it a good night one way or another. 
Chapter three
Maybe.. maybe.. I will post the next chapter tomorrow cause I am too excited not to share it. Likes, comments, and reblogs are so greatly appreciated. Y'all keep this northern person happy.
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whxre-bxby · 9 months
Could you do a recoms x recom!reader where all the guys suddenly go into heat (?) at the same time and reader is like 'oh shit' and tries to run but they catch and Fuck her?
Kinda like cursed by blue but then with reversed roles lol
Yes my lady, here it is
F. Recom Y/N x Recom Lyle, Mansk, Prager, Lopez, Ja
"Get It Together"
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Summary: read the ask :)
Warnings: smut, tiny bit of angst and fluff, cursing, non-con, breeding kink, mating, heat cycle, unprotected sex, oral sex, penetration
Word Count: 4085
A/N: sorry that the uploads are slower, I'm busy and losing motivation just a little. I've also revived my Harry Potter obsession
Today felt weird. Weirder than usual. Waking up in an Avatar is already odd enough, but something seemed even more different today. The team seemed different. 
Quaritch is desperate for you all to help him successfully find and kill Sully, so you’re back in the forest again. The Deja Blu squad seems to be spending more time outside than anywhere else. But you’re not complaining. To you, the world of Pandora is beautiful. You’re not as afraid of it as before. Probably because you’re no longer human. But that’s your secret. You’re scared to find out what would happen to you if anyone found out you like this planet and its nature. 
The Colonel split the squad into two groups again. He led his team while Lyle led yours. Lyle was ranking second highest out of all of you, so he was put in charge. He’s leading the way through the large leaves and past the hundreds and thousands of trees. Behind him, Mansk is following. You’re after him. Trailing slightly behind you is Lopez along with Prager and Ja is watching the back. 
You were pleased with this group because you all got along well. But today is different. No one is talking. You’ve tried to initiate a conversation multiple times but they either don’t listen or just nod and hum in response. Even Lyle has his mouth shut today. Not a soul seems to be in a good mood, so you decide not to push it. There’s no need to start an unnecessary fight. 
“You always wear that?” someone says behind you, suddenly breaking the long-lasting silence. 
You recognise Lopez’s voice and when you turn around you see that he is looking at your lower half. 
“The shorts?” you ask while continuing to walk. He glances up for a split second before fixating his gaze on your shorts once more. His head nods. 
“No. It’s just warmer today.” you answer him, not thinking anything of his question. Maybe he didn’t even know the RDA provided shorts. 
‘Fuckin’ right it’s warmer.’ Lopez thinks, wiping his hand across his forehead. It was warm but the temperatures here never reached the high of making their Avatar’s sweat. He doesn’t know what’s going on with him and why his body temperature seems to be through the roof, but he notices he isn’t the only one. Lopez had vaguely scanned the others and everyone seemed to be struggling. Everyone except for you. And he doubted it was because you’re wearing shorts. 
As you keep walking, you can feel Lopez’s stare on your body. It never leaves and when you look over your shoulder, he doesn’t seem to notice or bother to hide it. 
“Can you not?” you ask, making him suddenly lock eyes with you again. He looks confused. “I can feel you looking.” 
Lopez internally curses himself for being so obvious. He didn’t mean to, but his judgment is not trustworthy today. His ears occasionally ring and his mind seems to go blank. Especially when he looks at you. 
Prager lightly punches his shoulder, seeming to tell him off through actions.
“What’s he doin’?” Lyle asks, calling out his words from the front. You open your mouth to reply but Lopez quickly intervenes. 
“Nothin’.” he says, making Lyle turn around and cock an eyebrow. 
His words make your ears tip back. He never acted like this. 
“Walk in front of me then.” you say, stopping so that he can overtake you. 
Lopez shakes his head, taking your arm and pulling you along. 
“So that Prager can get a look? No way.” he scoffs and Prager glares at him. 
“The fuck does that mean?” you ask, pulling your arm from his. 
Mansk had turned around and saw how Lopez held you. It pissed him off too. 
“Keep walkin’.” Lopez says, avoiding eye contact. 
“What is up with you, today?” you ask with a small chuckle. 
But not even Lopez knows how to answer that. His behaviour is confusing him too.
You shrug it off, continuing to follow Lyle and Mansk. Many minutes go by in silence and you think that things have returned to normal again. 
They haven‘t. 
In the next few seconds, you feel your tail brush against something. Assuming it‘s a plant, you don‘t bother checking. But then it happens again. And again.
Finally, you turn your head and see Lopez much closer than expected. It gives you a little fright. 
“Shit-“ you gasp, inhaling deeply to calm down. “Lopez, what are you-“ 
“Look at her tail.” He exclaims, interrupting you and taking your tail into his hand. Ja walks up next to him, looking down at it. 
One of his hands is holding its middle while his free one caresses the tip of your tail, examining the soft hair coming out. You’ve also noticed that yours was longer. And your stripes continued all the way down. Everyone else had their tail partly shaved. 
“Check out the stripes.” Ja chuckles, watching the odd pattern of so-called stripes spiral up your tail until their eyes reach its base. The rest is covered in clothes.
“Yours are different from ours.” Lopez murmurs and you stop walking, trying to snatch your tail away but they won't let you. Both of them are still looking at where your tail ends and you don’t understand why they’re so fascinated by it. 
“What’s it look like?” He asks, looking up at you with a shit-eating grin. Your eyes go wide at his bold question and you frown. 
“Doesn’t concern you.” You snarl. What’s under your clothes is none of his business. 
“Hey!” Lyle calls from the front. He and Mansk both turned around, watching the interaction before Lyle felt like he needed to step in. “Let ‘er be.”
Lopez meets his eye, staring him down for a few extra seconds before scoffing and letting go of you. Once free, you’re being touched again. Lyle is guiding you by your shoulders to the front, not wanting Lopez around you anymore. 
You just go with it, assuming he has some kind of plan. At the end of the day, you trust Lyle with your life, so you don’t question his decisions. 
While walking away, you feel Lopez’s and Ja’s fierce eyes on you. Behind them you can hear Prager panting and nothing seems to make sense anymore. 
You keep walking and you hear Lyle faintly call them both insulting names under his breath before he stretches his arm around you. He starts by throwing it over your shoulder and your walking pace stutters. Mansk is keeping a close eye on what's happening, as is everyone behind you. He doesn’t want Lyle crossing the line either. 
But your presence and the close physical contact have Lyle under a sort of spell. It makes him crave more from you and within minutes, his arm is around your waist and he’s holding you to his side. You’re body tenses and you stop walking. Everything is so confusing you can’t even think straight.
Lyle looks back at you and your concerned eyes before Mansk grabs his arm and removes it from your body. 
“What are you doin’?” Lyle asks him, wanting to snake it around your waist again but you push it away. 
“No, what are you doing? All of you!” You shout, looking around. You’re about to exclude Mansk from the lecture you plan on giving them but you notice his pupils dilate and target lock on you. It makes you forget what you were about to say. Luckily you recover quickly.
“I don’t know what the fuck is going on with you, but you need to sort it out right now so that we can focus on this mission!” You shout, folding your arms in front of your chest and glaring at all of them. 
There’s a few seconds of silence. As if they need extra time to let your words sink in. 
“All right.” Lyle growls. His voice is lower than ever. You want to nod and thank him for his agreement but the look in his eye tells you that you’re not both thinking of the same thing. 
You thought that maybe they all got in a fight and didn‘t want to mention it around you. But the dark hunger in his expression suddenly makes you feel like you need to escape. 
You don’t know why you feel the need to run when a part of you longs to be around them. 
Lyle is walking back up to you and his arm stretches out to grab a hold of you once more but Mansk once again intervenes. It seems as though his last functioning cell of common sense told him to help you. But right after he pushes Lyle’s arm away, he’s just as lust-blinded as the rest of them are. You see it in him now too. 
Which is why this time, you don’t hesitate to run. Your feet take off in the opposite direction and you’re sprinting through the forest. 
You hear Lyle growl at Mansk before your ears pick up the sound of hammering footsteps behind you. They seem to be moving faster than yours which surprises you because a human’s survival instinct is the strongest.
However, you’re not human anymore and neither are they. It seems as though your new bodies have a stronger instinct than just survival. 
You’re fast, but unfortunately not fast enough. All weapons and tools have been dropped to chase you. They have to catch you by hand and force. The way nature tells them to. For once, they must give in to what their body craves and forget their human morals. 
But their rut doesn’t just affect them. Being around them, hearing them, smelling them, seeing them, and feeling them kickstarts hormones in your own body. Ones you were suppressing until you started running. Running and chasing are apparently common during heat-cycles so the instinct that told you to run is also the one that betrayed your mind and gave all power to your body and its needs. 
Lyle caught your arm, making you stumble and slow down. With his next step, he managed to wrap an arm around your middle and lift you off the ground but the sheer force of the turn had you both falling into the grass. 
You shriek as he spins you both around once before you hit the ground first with him falling on top of you. Immediately, you struggle beneath his weight, trying to crawl out from underneath him but you can’t move him. 
Suddenly, you felt like it wasn’t Lyle who was holding you down. You know it is, but he’s never growled and acted like this. It feels so foreign to you but then again, you feel your body doing things you would never do. 
Almost instantly his large hands start tugging your clothes off of you but for whatever reason, you lean against his touch. 
You’re still trying to hold on to your common sense, desperately attempting to not give in to his touch whereas Lyle is a lost cause. 
Your last spark of hope forces you to kick Lyle’s middle but he is unfazed. 
“Sorry- can’t help it.” he breathes out, pulling your shorts down your legs. Well, there you have it. You’re done for. Might as well enjoy it then.
The others have already caught up with both Lyle and you. Ja wanted to get closer but Lyle snarled at him, making him back off. You guess that since he has the highest rank in this team, he wants to go first. 
Lyle’s body feels strange to him and foreign. It’s overheating as well and the only answer to help him feel normal again is in front of him. His large hand comes up to knead the flesh of your ass before he’s hastily opening his belt and clawing at his pants. 
You know what to expect at this point. It’s inevitable really. There’s five of them and one of you. You can’t escape even if you manage to push Lyle off. And quite frankly, the longer you inhale his musky scent and feel him on you, the less you want to leave. It irritates you how easily your body is swayed by them but you can’t help it either. 
Lyle grabs the side of your underwear, hooking his fingers underneath it and literally tearing the fabric off your body. If you were in your right mind right now, you would have felt exposed. But no, you don’t even feel the need to hide from their eyes. In fact, their presence seems to make you more aroused. 
Suddenly ripping you from your thoughts is the feeling of Lyle pressing something right up against your entrance. Feeling its form, you straight away know what it is and without any hesitation, Lyle starts to push it inside you. He hisses as your walls clamp down on him, not seeming to be used to this intrusion. But it doesn’t stop him. The man is desperate for you and desperate for release. 
Within seconds he has bottomed out, holding himself inside you for an extra few moments to contain himself. But it’s no use. The second he starts to move, completely loses himself and his motions become primal.
Lyle doesn’t start off slowly either. He’s already harshly fucking himself into you while his fingertips dig into the flesh of your hips. You spread your arms slightly past shoulder distance to steady yourself while your hips push back against him. 
Everything suddenly feels sensitive and all his touches spark more excitement in you. Which is why Lyle knows he won’t last long. You feel too good and it’s been too long. 
“Fuck- so good,” he groans, wrapping his hand around the base of your tail to pull you back against him. Small whines and whimpers leave your lips whenever it feels like he is pushing the air from your lungs. 
“M’ gonna fill you up,” he grunts, speeding up his thrusts. You weren’t expecting any of this to last long, but you know that just because he’ll be done soon doesn’t mean you will. The other four men around you look even more interested in you than before. There is no way you’re leaving without having to go through each of them first. 
“Gonna make this pussy mine.” he growls, not stopping his rough thrusts until his hips stutter and you feel him spurt his cum inside you. You still your small rocking movements, taking all of him into you. His large hands are holding onto your waist while Lyle gathers himself. His problem seems to be cured for now. But the others are still very bothered by it, so the second Lyle pulls out, Mansk takes his place. He pushes Lopez to the side because he can’t wait any longer. 
Mansk falls to his knees behind you, immediately pushing your tail to the side to see your throbbing cunt. God, what a luring sight it is. Especially with Lyle’s cum slowly dribbling out. It just makes Mansk want to wash it out and replace it with his own. 
To your surprise, Lopez settles himself in front of you. You can hear Ja complaining but Lopez doesn’t care. Sure, he would much rather be where Mansk is but right now he’ll take whatever he can get. His skin is glistening in sweat and he just needs to feel you on him in any way possible. 
Mansk’s pants are gone faster than Lyle’s and he doesn’t even need to line himself up with your entrance to guide himself in. He’s so hard he just bucks his hips forward blindly while pressing his chest against your back. He feels his dick sink into you on his third attempt and it has him melting against you. Mansk is and has been desperate for this kind of relief for so long. The fact that it’s you he’s getting makes this so much better for him. 
Lopez has managed to free his aching erection from its restraints as well and is now panting while watching you stare at him. He can feel your hot breath fan against his bare skin and it causes his eyes to flutter closed. He never thought he could get this close to you. 
Mansk moves behind you, making your body jolt forward. Your cheek brushes against Lopez’s dick and you give up on staring. The sight has your mouth salivating. Not only are they all so big, but fuck he looks so needy. 
You turn your head, opening your mouth and licking up his shaft. He groans and you notice the goosebumps erupt on his skin. Lopez is so hard it hurts so he attaches his hand to the back of your head, hoping to encourage you to finally help him out. You obey his silent pleas and open your mouth wider to welcome his tip. His breath gets caught in his throat and he doesn’t exhale until you’ve swallowed down almost all of him. 
“Fuck, such a good girl,” he purrs his praise, gently rubbing your cheek before holding the base of your queue to help guide you along his dick. 
Mansk’s thrusts are already getting sloppy so you arch your back to give yourself to him, making it easier for him to reenter you. 
Then you focus on the heavily breathing man in front of you and decide to finally focus on him. You gulp around him, feeling his tip in the middle of your throat. Having something stuffed so far down your mouth is not a pleasant feeling, but seeing how it drives Lopez wild just gives you the equal pleasure he is receiving. 
You don’t need to move your head, he’s already pulling his hips back and slowly pushing them forward again for you. All you have to do is not choke and not let him feel your teeth. This gets twice as difficult when you have fangs but so far you’re succeeding. 
You flatten your tongue out and occasionally swirl it around him when he draws back. 
Both of them have sped up their thrusts and you feel Lopez’s dick twitch inside your mouth which lets you know that he won’t last much longer. 
Mansk is now hugging your waist and one of his hands digs into your thigh. 
You start to feel your own orgasm slowly build up but with the way they’re feeling, you know you’ll still need more time until you start feeling euphoric.
“Shit, take it.” Mansk growls, biting your shoulder while he humps you from behind, shooting his load into you just like Lyle. But you honestly don’t care about that at the moment. You even doubt whether your Avatar is fertile. 
Mansk is regaining his breath above you when Lopez hisses and throws his head back. His hips reflexively buck forwards and he covers your tongue in his cum, making it flow down your throat. You lick him clean after swallowing everything he gave you before gently pulling away. 
He smiles down at you, lightly tapping your cheek in praise before getting up. 
Mansk carefully pulls out, running his hand over your smooth back and humming appreciate before Prager is urging him to move. He listens. You display yourself for Prager byopening your legs and lifting your tail but he seems to have other ideas. The sight makes his stomach twist in excitement but he still turns you onto your back. You’re looking up at him and he flashes you a smirk before Ja interrupts your moment. 
“Seriously, what about me?” he asks, not seeming happy with the sudden position change. 
Prager’s ears flatten back against the sides of his head and he frowns at Ja. 
“Work it out.” he growls. Then his hands find your knees and he opens your legs for him. He wants to properly see you, not just use you. 
Ja huffs in annoyance before lifting your upper body and resting your back on his lap. Prager runs his fingers over your entrance, parting your lips before pushing some cum back inside you. His motions make you shiver and you roll your hips forward while Ja open his pants just enough to relieve himself.
Your body starts reacting to Prager's touch and you realise he’s helping you reach your high too. But since he’s having a hard time containing himself, he removes his fingers from inside of you and replaces them with his length. Suddenly, it feels so good. You’ve gotten used to the intrusion now and it’s becoming pleasurable. 
You turn your head to the side, noticing Ja trying to win your attention over. His dick is next to your face and at this point, you’re too tired and too unbothered to question anything. You just do. They’ve already seen all of you, you have nothing to hide anymore. 
You open your mouth for him just like you did for Lopez but right before you want to wrap your lips around him, a gasp leaves you. Prager has started moving inside you and the new angle and change of position have you enjoying all of it. 
Quickly, you fill your mouth with Ja’s length to prevent moans from slipping out. Those are still something that makes you often feel embarrassed. You know it’s stupid because usually, you want to be able to hear how you’re pleasing someone. But then again, you happen to be in a forest full of creatures that may not welcome you. So you don’t want to be screaming and crying on his cock (you do, but you won’t). 
Your head gets all fuzzy with how good Prager is treating your body. You feel so stimulated that whimpers and moans do leave your body. However, they’re muffled through Ja but the vibrations of it drive him wild. 
He’s been touching himself while watching you with Mansk and Lopez, so he feels like he will spill any second now. 
Prager is just diving into you at this point. His hand comes up to apply gentle pressure to your clit while his other lifts one of your legs onto his shoulders. Everything is good right now. You have no worries. 
“You gonna cum?” he asks, knowing you can’t reply with words. You frantically shake your head, slowly arching your back off the ground in preparation for your orgasm. 
He grins and his pace never falters. 
Behind you, Ja is a groaning mess. He’s just watching you struggle to angle your head for him but he can’t help you with that. He’s so close, you just need to continue for a few more seconds. You do and in moments following you hollowing your cheeks for him, his tail trembles as he cums. Some of it spills out onto your lips but you don’t mind. You just need cum yourself. 
Prager doesn’t stop, in fact he just slightly increases his touch on your clit and you cry out once before your legs tremble and your orgasm floods your senses. Feeling you clench down around him has Prager in pure bliss and he follows almost straight after you. 
What an odd scene this is. You hadn’t expected your day to go like this. 
Lyle comes to your aid while the two soldiers redress themselves. 
“You alright?” he asks but he can’t hold back the cheeky grin on his face. 
“Yeah-” you breathe out. “I’m just so done.”
He chuckles, handing you your shorts and helping you put them on.
“You fuckers, it’ll stain the cloth.” you mumble, knowing all the cum will just leak out of you for the rest of the day. 
“Don’t worry, you can get a refill later.” Lopez smirks as Lyle helps you to your feet and you punch Lopez’s shoulder. 
A loud sigh leaves your lips. 
“I can’t even walk back now.” you whine in frustration. 
“I’ll carry you then.” Lyle offers with a grin and Mansk smirks. 
“No, I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” you say, realising you’re contradicting yourself. 
Mansk raises an eyebrow at you and you wipe your hand over your face. 
“I just like to complain.” you mumble, starting to slowly walk ahead. Your first few steps are wobbly, but you manage because Mansk and Prager walk next to you, letting you use them for support. Lyle leads the way again. 
He’s calling off the mission for the day. We just have to come up with some excuse as to what happened. 
Tag List: @ken-dala @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @numarusworld @number1gal @ikranwings @jatwow
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astrum99 · 5 months
I can’t stop thinking about angel anatomy.
How are they made? What are they made of? If we break them down limb by limb, flesh by flesh, molecule by molecule, would we find the same structures that echoes our DNA? The same stable, constraining carbon? The same heavy metals? The same blood that flows with life, with death? Are they made of the same stardust that echoed in me?
Do they have a brain? A large raw organ, fragile and limited, capable of complex imaginary hallucinatory mathematics with scheduled periods of unconsciousness to make up for the capacity? A liver and two kidneys? To distill the holy light from the contaminates of the polluting environments akin to a dialysis machine cycling the liquids within the veins? A spine that holds strong? Riddled with the same 33 bones and ridges and intervertebral disks and fluids and sensitive nerves and has a habit of bending over for tedious work? A stomach that stirs and shifts constantly? To hold food? Souls? Light? To churn and froth at the consumption of concepts? An appendix? This small unless thing that rests and nestles between the layers of warm, worm-like intestines? How many teeth do you have? How many fingers? How many knees? What is the shape of your nails? What is the colour of your esophagus? How deep are the socket of your eyes?
How fast does your heart beat?
Is it faster? Slower? Do you even have a heart?
Do you feel in the same way that I feel? The pressure of processed wood against my feet, the nagging buzzing of LED light above my head, the smell of faint smoke from a cooking disaster weeks ago. The sound of people laughing unruly in the distance, putting on a show in the TV program that no one watches. The dampness of the towel against my face. The pain of a needle sliding into soft flesh that gives way willingly to metal. The bruises blooming slowly, aching like love. The chirping of songbirds, the shape of cumulus clouds, the haziness of a morning fog that really stayed for far too long. The way that my mother worked around the hard peels of an orange with the sharpest knife in the kitchen, just to present the sweetest parts to me. The tenderness of a shoulder touching mine before stealing my blankets (again) with a giggle that indicated no remorse. The sluggish sunlight that sneaks through the shades just to press a kiss on my forearm. The sorrow and passion of the symphony on the last show on the last tour, followed by cheers and drunken (revered) confessions during the post-performance celebration at 3am in a random bar of a random city. The foot print of an animal in the first winter snow of the year, like a human pressing their hand print on to the cave walls, chanting I am here I am here I am here, chanting remember me remember me remember me.
Do you bear the shame of sacred inabilities as we humans do? Unable to see beyond the visible spectrum of light? Unable to distinguish the difference between wet and dry, only to assume based on temperature and texture? Unable to know if someone else was speaking of the truth? Unable to see inside someone’s mind? Unable to thread words in a way that completely gives you away like you intended to? Unable to turn back into a child and speak of love so easily? Unable to run forever and ever? Unable to peak into the veil beyond space and time and death? Unable to tell your pet that you’re sorry for making them take the awful medicine and please don’t hate me please don’t hate me please don’t hate me? Unable to be remembered and recognized, at least not wholly, at least not without mistakes?
Do you ever feel the strangeness of existence? Why you? Why now? Why here? That sometimes it feels like the world is five degrees to the left and you are just out of sync enough to keep going. That sometimes you are so overwhelmed with the the giant coincidence that is the world so you weep uncontrollably at the wonder of it all. That you feel like suffocation as you dig into the earth with your bloody fingers because a bird hit your window and died and you didn’t know and you kneeled by it for an hour before realizing it wasn’t breathing.
It died so long ago. It won’t get up again. The first time you held a bird was its cold hard corpse. So small between your palms, so fragile. It’s feathers iridescent. You have never seen one so up close. It was the prettiest and the deadest thing you’ve ever touched. It feels like the world. It feels like a prayer. Do you understand?
Do you regret like me? Love like me? Despair like me? Do you dream like me? Pray like me? Cry like me?
How close are you?
Let me touch you.
Please, I have to know.
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neverchecking · 1 year
Hi I am 🪷 Aron from couldninetonine
And I have a request for you if it ok.
Can I request yandere platonic sage , sky, time, warrior, four x child zoni reader.
Like the reader is rauru and queen Soni little baby half breed daughter. Half elf and half zoni. And they found her in her little bubble pod that a flower a lotus. And how they fell for her big doe eyes and big ears. And teaching her the ways and have her call them papa's and how they keep her safe. Please and thank you
omg hi! I love cloudninetonine! It is totally okay to request!
I haven't done a lot of platonic yandere, but this seems fun!
Imagine them calling the boys their papa bc her real dad is dead lmao-
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・❥・@lovanmari and @wayfayrr I got some DILF Sage for yall
・❥・Sage as a dad. First off-- who in their right mind is trusting him with a kid?
・❥・Nah, I kid, I kid. When he's given a child, one so small and innocent and one that he connects with? It burns something within him.
・❥・He was a child soldier (I think canonically BOTW Link was in the army by age twelve?), and when he sees this small child who's relying on him? He swears they'd have a better life than he ever had.
・❥・He absolutely refuses to let his child anywhere near anything sharp, too hot, too cold, explosive, etc.. If there's any chance at injury, his flower bud isn't going anywhere near it.
・❥・You know that his kid is eating like royalty. Every single day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. And dessert. And you know that dessert is the best damned thing in the world.
・❥・Sage as a dad is probably just as unhinged, but in more protective way? Lynel look in their direction? Here kid, look at this butterfly, Papa will be right back- He's back within three minutes tops and look! He's got the fur for a new blanket for you!
・❥・Cece tries pinching your cheeks? He's glaring down at her, daring her to try.
・❥・Someone tries offering you a treat because your just so adorable? He knows his kid is cute, nice try. Nothing is getting past him. He's a bit of a helicopter parent.
・❥・Not a bit. It's a lot.
・❥・He loves playing with your big ears, ones that you'll grow into, flopping them about even as you get red-cheeked and angry at him.
・❥・He'll make it up to you eventually :)
・❥・He also spoils you absolutely rotten. He has his rules, yes, and expects you to follow them, but his rewards are things like trips to the Zora Domain or a sand seal ride in Gerudo. Never Eldin. Are you kidding that's an active volcano site?!?!
・❥・The sages are one-thousand percent your personal body guards. You don't go anywhere without your dad and at least one sage.
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・❥・Sky is absolutely smitten from the start.
・❥・You look at this man and tell me he's not dad shaped. You can't.
・❥・He doesn't even care to learn what a Zonai is. All he knows is there are none here and your all alone and your his now. He doesn't make the rules
・❥・He is also another protective dad, but he's a little more willing to let you experience the world around you. You wanna see those flowers over there? He's following! You wanna go for a dip in the river? Great idea, he's helping you! You can go explore, but never alone.
・❥・He absolutely introduces you to Crimson right away. Crimson is the perfect co-parent guardian. Crimson is always pulling you into her side, ruffling her feathers and grooming you.
・❥・Like you become Sky's kid and Crimson's chick. They are two halves of a whole soul so it makes sense.
・❥・HFHFDOFDHN imagine sleeping on Crimson's back while Sky leads the two of you through a forest or sum ;^;
・❥・Or soaring through the sky with you pointing at every cloud you pass and Sky harnessing you to his chest while Crimson flies much slower than normal.
・❥・Sky can cook basic things, but he definitely spends more time with village moms and elders learning more.
・❥・He for sure carves toys for you out of wood. Like trains or maybe a doll of Crimson.
・❥・You get the fluffiest blankets stuffed with Loftwing feathers
・❥・Groose is such a good uncle-sidebar. Even if Sky isn't...jazzed about letting you out of his sight, he will trust Groose. For an hour.
・❥・Which he is within earshot of for fifty seven minutes.
・❥・He's kind of torn between letting you be with Zelda-- who adores you-- and not. she's the reincarnate of Hylia. What if you get dragging into the wretched reincarnation curse as well?
・❥・He wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy let alone his fletchling.
・❥・Fi for sure has a beacon on you at all times.
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・❥・He's more...withdrawn when it comes to first meeting you
・❥・Afterall he's in a war.
・❥・but...so are you. And you are so much younger than he is.
・❥・and what self-respecting parent would let their child wander so far? None that deserve their child.
・❥・So you become his. He doesn't do take backsies.
・❥・When you stutter out that your old, irrelevant, unworthy father was a Zonai, he does take that with some caution.
・❥・But no one even knows what a Zonai is. Ravio has a general idea-- a race blessed by the gods-- but thats as far as he gets.
・❥・That's okay. You were his now and he didn't care what you were. You were perfect just the way you are <3
・❥・Wars as a dad is probably pretty strict. But he lets you out of his sight more than the previous two.
・❥・You get schooled and have friends, but are expected home right away.
・❥・He doesn't like your friends. Not a chance. But because he's such a public figure he needs to give you a semi normal life.
・❥・Which means those dumb friends and parent interventions and schooling and hours away when you could be spending time with him!?
・❥・He probably sneaks you out of school often to go for treats at a bakery or a swim in a river. What are they gonna do, tell the Hero no?!
・❥・Artemis loves you. He trusts her with you while he's dragged away for things he cannot control. She has the power of Sheik on her side and proved her worth to him in battle.
・❥・You definitely have a fairy on you at all times which reports back to him.
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・❥・Fours is so fun for one reason and one reason alone.
・❥・the minish.
・❥・They probably are the ones to alert him about your presence, giving their small knowledge of the Zonai race.
・❥・They chirp and chitter at him until he brings you back to the home he shares with his grandpa (Uncle? It's one of the two). The older male was out at the moment leaving Four to figure out what he's going to do with you.
・❥・Obviously he keeps you. No one else can handle such a task! You're so delicate and so rare and the minish already love you.
・❥・So your his. no ifs ands or buts.
・❥・The forge? Off Limits.
・❥・It's too hot with too many sharp pointy things and open flames and its dirty.
・❥・Not for his kid.
・❥・When it comes to cooking, he can do it, but like sky, he's not overly good.
・❥・but! You guys can learn together. Under his strict supervision. Where you sit at the counter. Away from the fires and knives. It's a bonding experience.
・❥・Back to the minish, they love you. They love playing with you and calling your attention away while your dad deals with someone whose watching you a little too closely.
・❥・They leave small trinkets for you all the time! Which four keeps in a box. Because you could choke.
・❥・He's also another one to make your toys! Little metal horses and wooden doll houses.
・❥・If he needs to run out for a few errands or something, he's not leaving you with anyone. Oh no not his kid. No, he's splitting. Two stay with you, three depending on the errand, while the other runs out.
・❥・You aren't allowed the Four sword. Ever.
・❥・He would never wish that upon you. Even if you love the colors and it helps you differentiate between green and red and blue and Violet.
・❥・Thats probably how you learn some of your colors in fact.
・❥・Even as you grow up, you cannot get away with anything. The minish are snitches and it would do you good to learn that. And fast.
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hubookunaluwawa · 11 months
the horrifying realization that someone genuinely knows you
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it wasn’t supposed to go this way. it was supposed to be easy. casual. fun. but now, you feel like puking. because the second those forbidden words left his lips while he was buried deep inside of you, after a night of the both of you pretending not to know how the other felt, all hell broke loose in your heart. you were able to keep your composure through the end, but once he cleaned you up and fell asleep, you quickly grabbed your stuff and got the hell out of dodge.
your throat tightens up, and your eyes start to sting as you head for the bus stop. one minute passes. then five, and then ten. and then, as if this night hadn’t been bad enough, droplets of rain began to drizzle from the sky. this bus couldn’t be coming any fucking slower, you think, and you nervously tap the side of your leg, hoping with all your might that he didn’t realize you left, because if he did–
“hey!” you feign innocence as you quickly glance at him, “what’re you doing up?”
“i could ask you the exact same thing,” he returns, his smile masking something foreign… something vulnerable.
“oh, well, yeah, i mean, i have an 8 am class, so i have to head back to my place.” you feel your easygoing facade beginning to crumble as you continue to stare straight ahead at the road. you felt gross, lying to someone you always felt so comfortable around. you just hope he doesn’t realize it before the bus gets here.
“i mean, i thought you said you don’t like doing… this…” he motions between the two of you, “the morning before an early class. said it fucks up your internal clock and stuff,” he remarks in a tone that makes it crystal clear he’s not buying a word you say.
you turn to look at him once again, and he’s staring at you with a hooded unwavering gaze that you’d mistake for apathy if you didn’t know him any better. unfortunately, you do know him better: enough to notice that the unfamiliar look in his eyes is blatant fear, as if he thinks you could disappear at any moment. and then, how much he knows you hits you all at once, and you’re left a scared little kid with no idea what to do.
“yeah, i guess i just forgot.” you’d have to be in complete denial to think he couldn’t hear the distinct crack in your voice, fake smile be damned. the two of you stare at each other for what feels like hours until the tears threatening to spill from your eyes make you look away.
“y/n.” but his eyes are still on you.
“mhm?” don’t.
“y/n, please.” only on you.
i can’t.
“i need you to tell me if i just fucked everything up back there.” the desperation in his voice is unmistakable, making you catch your breath. your face falls, and your heart hurts more than you ever thought possible.
“why’d you say it,” you whisper, “why’d you have to go and say it?” and his heart shatters at the brokenness of your voice because it was him who did this shit to you.
“when we started this, we promised it wouldn’t turn into anything. and it was fine when it was just me feeling something, but it won’t work with the both of us–”
“why?” something’s changed. he’s angry. “why won’t it work? why can’t we let it work?”
“because shit like this never does!” you scream, and you can feel everything you’ve been bottling up inside for the past few months escaping your body in one go.
“it never does,” you say with a quiet laugh. “we’d get together, and then you’d get bored with me–”
“i could never get bored with you–”
“–or i’d get bored with you,” you continue while noticing the fleeting look of hurt in his eyes that’s quickly overshadowed by anger, “and then we’d only be with each other out of obligation. we’d be ruining a really good thing just for the chance of something different, so just forget it, because whatever… it is that you feel won’t last,” you say as if it’s the funniest thing in the world while gesturing towards him.
“oh, fuck you.” he laughs, tugging his hair in frustration.
“fuck you!” you retort, delirious from the fact that this conversation is even happening at all.
“no, fuck you for trying to tell me that what i feel isn’t real.”
“okay,” you scoff as you begin to walk away. you don’t know where you headed, but as long as he’s not there, you know it’s where you need to be.
“and fuck you for making me love you! in more ways than just one!”
you freeze for probably the 50th time tonight, and you finally look at him again to see the shine in his eyes as he speaks.
“please don’t disappear when i tell you this,” he practically whispers to you with a once-again fearful look.
and you don’t. you’ve heard your fair share of “i love yous” in your life, and they all meant the same, substanceless, conditional thing. and so, the more you heard it, the less you believed it. you’ve seen relationships–both yours and those of the people you care about–fall apart because people will romantically love those that they don’t even like platonically. so you believed, and continue to believe, that romantic love without a platonic basis is an incredibly common recipe for disaster. you know this, and yet, you don’t think you could run from him right now even if you tried.
“i’ve never felt what i’ve felt for you with anybody else. i think about you all the time. like, you’re the first thing i think about in the morning and the last thing on my mind every night. and whenever i see you, it feels like what everybody talks about in the movies and the songs, and it’s like the heavens open up and everything makes sense and my world’s brighter because you’re in it. i’m completely and utterly head-over-heels in love with you.”
he just thinks he is, you try to remind yourself, but this shit isn’t real. it’s just infatuation, a burst of attraction, a trick of the mind. it’ll go away eventually–
“but it’s not just infatuation like you always say.” you mentally curse him for being able to read your mind and peel back your layers so easily, but he takes a step closer to you as he speaks.
“because you’re also the one person i feel most comfortable around. i could be having the worst day of my life and seeing you for a few minutes would make it the best, because everything about you makes me happy! everything! i mean your smile and your eyes and the way you giggle at the corniest jokes and the little crinkle you get on your forehead when i say something dumb and… how you make me feel safe enough to talk to you and know you won’t think i’m crazy, and how passionate you get about the things and people you care about: all of it has me completely obsessed with you, and all i know is that i wanna keep making you breakfast in the mornings and holding you close at night and going on late night drives with you and hearing you laugh because your laugh makes me feel like i’m dreaming whenever i hear it and i can’t help but laugh too because i just can’t believe that, out of everybody on this planet, you keep choosing to be here with me and i just… i love you, y/n. and even if this doesn’t last, i wanna be with you for as long as i’m able, because it doesn’t feel like my love for you is ever gonna go away.” 
and he breathes out the final declaration with a confidence that leaves you stunned because holy shit you’re actually starting to believe him. you can’t tell whether the wetness on your face is from the pouring rain or your own tears. maybe it’s both. but all you know is that, now, he’s holding your heart in his hands. and the scariest part is that he’s holding it with as much care as he’d treat his own heart. no, as much care as you want to treat his. and then, he starts to ramble, which you’re sure you’ve never seen him do (in fact, you’re pretty sure this is the most you’ve ever heard him speak).
you can’t stop yourself from looking at his lips, and the space between you grows smaller and smaller until it ceases to exist.
“i mean, it’s like you’re branded on my heart. you have this insane amount of control over me and i’m constantly wanting to be around you and hold you and make you happy because you feel like home to me but in the best way possible and i just want to be that for you too, and if you don’t feel the same way, that’s completely cool, and we could just forget this conversation ever happened, because you’re also my best friend and i don’t wanna lose you, and i–”
your lips taste sweet against his, and your hands cup his cheeks with a delicateness that makes him feel like crying, and he feels happier than he thinks he’s ever felt because he knows what this kiss means.
you take a moment to break apart, the tip of your nose brushing against his as he chases after your lips, and you desperately proclaim, “i’d never get bored of you either. i love you. i love you. you’re all i want.”
the bus you were waiting on passes you both by, and he meets your lips again, sighing into the kiss with relief. and you both make a silent promise, right then and there, to never let each other go again.
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starlitheaven · 1 year
notes. wrote this back in november when I was sick with covid and running a fever!
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GOJO — as someone who rarely gets sick, he turns into a huge baby when it finally occurs. plays the perfect part of an ailing maiden in a period drama, looking ridiculous in all his six foot three glory. but as comedic as he tries to be about it, he truly does feel terrible. satoru is sensitive to cursed energy and alcohol—sickness is no different. body aches, chills, scratchy throat, headaches. still, he wouldn’t expect you to take care of him or anything, just checking up on him would make him happy. at his core, satoru is easy to please with affection.
GETO — in typical suguru fashion, he’d be pretty far into his illness before most people could even realize that he’s sick. a simple “I’m just tired” when questioned works for most people, but he should’ve known that you’d see right through it. that your keen eye for him would notice all the little tells that crack amongst his charming visage. and when you urge him to go home and get some rest, he's taken aback. the idea of resting and taking time for himself feels selfish for him, because he's supposed to be strong. but being taken into your smaller hands and being cared for softens his resolve. you teach suguru that being strong also means thinking of himself.
TOJI — like gojo, toji rarely gets sick. he's just as sensitive, but he prefers not to show it, as he's been conditioned to believe that the world would rather see him dead. it's become a defense mechanism now, to believe that no one has his best interests in mind. that no one cares about him. so, toji does his best to continue on as normal, but this slight shift doesn't get past you. you're quick to notice that he moves slightly slower than usual; he's more withdrawn and detached. once you realize that he's sick, you drop everything and fuss over him. teas, stews, medicine, anything that you can think of. you baby the fuck out of him, and it takes him by surprise. toji pretends to hate it—he scoffs and brushes you off, tells you that you're making a big deal out of nothing. but you reassure him that it's nothing, it's important that you take care of him until he gets better. toji holds you a little closer at night, pressing a kiss to your temple and treasures you even more.
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darkshadowdeath · 3 months
Ok but like picture this:
CW is the personification of time, hes a time god, so while he can stop time, speed up, slow down, he isnt always consciously aware of the speed of time. BUT, lets think of time as a part of him. So, when he likes people, wants them to succeed, even peripherally, time seems to be in their favor.
People often say oh time flies when you’re having fun and drags when you’re not. What if this were actually true. CW isnt always focusing on the people he likes, but time is him so it also favors these people. They will always just make it to class right before the bell or save someone just in time, an attack will be a second too slow.
For danny, however, CW is basically a grandfather. CW loves danny. So time is like an eager puppy that wants to please him. If hes having fun with his friends and thinks, i wish it could always be like this, time fucking dilates for him, it really does go slower. When hes bored time speeds up just a little bit.
That was a long ass lead up to my fic idea but anywayss. Imagine danny gets old, time passes, but not really for him. Its probably a mix of being a ghost and CW being his grandfather, but hes stopped aging at some point. He loses his sense of time. When its always stopping and starting and speeding along and slowing down, it tends to lose some of its meaning. So he lives and lives until one day he realizes the world has completely changed around him. He’s become something of a homebody, staying in his home for months at a time, imaging the stars, recording star maps, generally enjoying his life.
Theres a knock at the door. More of a thud, really, and when he goes to check it out, he finds a man- a man bat? -slumped against his door. He’s baffled. But the man- man bat? -is injured, so he brings him in.
He tries to take the armor off, before giving up it just phasing it off of the guy. Not all of it, he leaves the cowl over the top of the face and the underclothes stay put, he’s not disrespectful, thanks you very much. He does what he can to patch the guy up. Its much easier to do on someone else rather than himself. The man bat guy doesn’t seem to be badly injured, a broken ankle, a fractured wrist and bruised ribs, but what really seems to have taken him out is a bad concussion, he guesses, judging by the fat ugly knot on top of the dudes head.
It is no matter, he thinks, he will just have to stay here and recover. And so danny drifts off, to put some food aside for his unexpected guest and to get back to work.
He genuinely forgets about the guy until he hears a thump. Trying to sneak out, the man bat has fallen. Now, normally, theres no way in hell Batman would have fallen. But when he’s seeing in quadruple and his head pounds with every beat of his heart, he can probably forgive himself for this little mistake. Maybe.
Danny floats on up to him.
Y am i writing this all out lol. I was just gonna outline my idea and dip 😭.
Basically, he helps bats recover, but finds he really likes hanging out with him. So time comes into play and slows down, just for them. When bruce is finally healed and can reach out to someone, the world has changed again. Shit went down in gotham. The city has changed. He doesnt understand at first. Its not really wirher of their faults, but hes- he doesnt know how he feels, sad, mad, frustrated, at a loss. He feels it all, in great detail, and it weighs heavily on him. But well, hes made friends with danny in the years- years???!! - hes been with danny. He goes back. They make up and stay together til bruce succumbs to old age bc he isnt the same as danny. Nvr was and wasnt going to be but at least they could enjoy their time together. The end.
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