#something about scar being hyped about the halloween
angeart · 11 months
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ghost scar wanted to play around. with spooks and tricks 'n treats and pumpkins and knives. and grian indulged him for a while. but then, by the end of the day, grian found a quiet corner. and did what he wanted to do.
which is to light a candle and remember the dead.
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rinstrumental · 3 years
childe headcanons
modern au
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he LOVES christmas soso much (may or may not be self-projecting) but definitely the type of guy who starts putting up the tree one day after halloween ends. also buys gifts months in advance but doesn’t wrap them because he can’t wrap for shit 
oh yeah speaking of halloween childe goes fuckin crazy at the parties, especially if it’s a weekend. he doesn’t put much effort into his costume... probably just puts on a basketball jersey or something... but it doesn’t matter because he brings the fun with him
anyone who knew him as a child would describe him as, for lack of a better word, ‘destructive and chaotic’. has scars all over his body, each with a story behind them, which he will gladly spend hours telling you about
AMBIDEXTROUS and makes jokes ab that tying in with his sexuality tartaglia bisexual icon [REAL]
lots and lots of freckles because he loves spending time outdoors but never wears sunscreen. in turn he also gets sunburnt a lot but has also developed a sort of resistance?? yeah he powers through those burns 💪
one of those bitches who live it up every single night and has a social life packed to the brim but still manages to scrape impressive grades while being on track team and math olympiad and occasionally subbing in for the basketball team yada yada yada
despises reading he has not voluntarily picked up a book since fifth grade 
not really a hc since its basically canon but hes GREAT with kids if he sees a parent struggling to calm down their crying kid in public he goes right over, makes the child stop crying and charms the socks off the parent like the charismatic little shit he is
alright just because he’s a family man does NOT mean he is a ‘malewife’ (well maybe this is only true in a modern au but). mans will do anything to avoid doing the chores and probably pays his siblings to do the job for him which he often gets scolded for 
a total sucker for disney movies. maybe it’s because of all the times he’s been forced to watch them because “TEUCER IS TOO YOUNG TO BE WATCHING THE SHINING.” but childe has grown to like them! his favorite is tangled because he can do the stupid smirk thing eugene does
tiktok famous for being hot. well not really tiktok famous but one of his “thirst trap” videos blew up and the hype died within a week. but it lives on in his heart 💔
took guitar lessons when he was younger and dropped it in middle school when someone compared him to ed sheeran (no hate to him LMFAO) he picked it back up in high school because he heard somewhere that girls like guys who can play instruments. also tries to compose songs bless his heart but they are all horrible 
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cassahina · 3 years
Headcanons for my favorite queer Danganronpa ships (+AroAce Chihiro): Dr1 & Udg~
- They are the two who start dating after consistent events of being done with everyone else’s shit together. It was probably the fifth time Leon got his good throwing hand stuck in a pickles jar where they decided to say fuck these people and make out in the closest that night, ditching their friends game night in the middle of charades.
- When Celestia first saw Kyoko’s hands without her gloves on, she was shocked. Not so much because of the scars, but because of the look of shame and discomfort that was blatant in Kyoko’s features. That night they had a talk and Celestia repeatedly told Kyoko that she was beautiful and reassured her that Celestia adored her. That would be the same night where they shared their first “I love you”s.
- Kyoko is one of the very few people who know about Celestia’s vampire fetish and always teases her about it. For Halloween she decided to surprise her by dressing up as one, and Kyoko swears she has never seen Celestia blush so much.
- Celestia loves to teasingly flirt with Kyoko whenever Kyoko is busy. She definitely looked up pick up lines and fancy French terms of endearment to use before Kyoko starts her work. Kyoko always rolls her eyes at Celestia’s antics, but deep down inside they both know they are the highlight of Kyoko’s day.
- Sayaka loves to kiss the few scars Mukuro has and has only shown her. It’s always a very intimate and vulnerable moment for the two, and Mukuro always gets a bit worried and insecure when she shows them so Sayaka happily reassures Mukuro that she is beautiful before showering her in kisses.
- Mukuro has definitely beaten up a few guys who have stared at Sayaka for too long in a certain way before. Having an idol for a girlfriend is rough, but thankfully it allows her to flex her amazing strength and muscles, which Sayaka always finds hella attractive and will thank her with a kiss, regardless of whether the paparazzi is there or not.
- Mukuro sometimes has nightmares about Junko. During these nights Sayaka will come in, spoon her, and quietly sing Mukuro back to sleep until she is snoozing again while snuggled up in Sayaka’s arms.
- Mukuro has a wolf onesie while Sayaka has a koala bear onesie and they always have cuddly dates in them at least once a month (once it was every night of the week for two months). Mukuro always gets bashful wearing her onesie, meanwhile Sayaka is just gushing over how cute her girlfriend is.
- They always share a bed ever since the udg events. Even when Toko got over her worry about ghosts, they still share a bed and stay up late talking to each other until they both pass out. It’s really helpful for times when one of them has a nightmare as sometimes Toko doesn’t wake up, so Komaru just quietly holds her and soothes Toko as she calms down in her sleep.
- Jill loves to gush on Komaru and show off. She’s actually decently strong, so they will carry Komaru around and bench press her at times to show how strong they are and how they can protect her like how they protect Toko. (Jill is a protector alter for Toko’s DID system, and that protective nature rubs off onto Komaru after they start dating and as Jill grows more and more fond of Komaru)
- Komaru and her girlfriends love to take baths together. It started off when Toko was in a depressive swing and Komaru helped her get through the necessities (cooking Toko meals, brushing her hair, etc.) and it ended up making Toko very happy, so they continued to do it. Toko likes bubble baths and Jill loves bath bombs, and Komaru always brings scented candles so it’s always just a nice relaxing moment between the girlfriends.
- Toko is a little spoon who will never admit that fact out loud, while Jill is a big spoon. Komaru loves it because she constantly gets to be both the big spoon and the little spoon, and cuddle times with her girlfriends always leaves her in a state of pure bliss.
- Mondo was probably Taka’s last straw before he accepted the fact that he liked guys. Like he is chill with gay people but he never fully saw himself as one, constantly questioning it but thanks to heteronormativity he repressed those thoughts a bit, and then he looks at Mondo and went “ah, so this is what it means to ‘gay panic’”.
- Mondo likes to follow Taka to help him keep the others in line with school rules. Whenever someone seems to question Taka or is about to berate Taka for being so stringent, they get a death glare from Mondo that reads “you better listen to my boyfriend”. Taka always thinks it’s his authority that makes the others listen out of respect, and Mondo doesn’t have the heart to tell him the truth.
- Bro is their casual tough guy way of a cute pet name for each other. This is mainly because Mondo called Taka babes once, and Taka gay panicked so much that he passed out. Poor baby couldn’t handle how soft it made him. It was both very concerning and very cute to Mondo who ended up watching over Taka until he regained his composure.
-they are like so supportive of everyone else, either being the big gay brothers or the dads of everyone else. They have a mlm-wlw solidity with Sakuraoi where they take care of everyone and all the baby gays. They also have monthly game nights where they playfully compete against each other in a joke battle between the gays and the lesbians. Just lots of lgbtq+ jokes and fluff and support, all in good fun and never any hard feelings towards who wins and who loses. Really they are just a badass yet very considerate and soft couple with one another.
- Aoi definitely asked Sakura out first, and knowing her it was either to get something to eat with her or to work out together. They both really admire each other so they would be down for whatever, but neither is big on PDA in public besides hugging and hand-holding and the occasional kiss on the cheek or pet name. It took the others about a month to realize the two were dating because they were so casual about it and both forgot to tell the others, figuring the other had already done so.
- So much body positivity from both of these girls. For real, imagine comments like Ishimaru accidentally calling Sakura a guy happens all the time, so it probably means the world when Aoi just love spams a million gender neutral and feminine compliments telling Sakura how beautiful she is and how Aoi can’t believe she is dating the most gorgeous woman in the world.
- Meanwhile, Aoi sometimes worries about her weight as she is not only an athlete but also from constantly being judged for eating doughnuts so much and her other comfort foods. But Sakura tells her that those things make her happy and when she is happy she is beautiful because Aoi has the most captivating smile. They both in a way just remind each other that they are both beautiful and loved every day, but both know that the other genuinely means it.
- Sakura is amazing at baking and Aoi melts over the wife material her girlfriend is. Whenever she is stressed, Sakura bakes something with one of the other girls to cheer Aoi up, and they end up having a cuddly sleepover. Aoi in return always makes sure to comfort Sakura whenever she is stressed, with Sakura not being the type to let things get to her often so Aoi is always the worried, accepting, and loving girlfriend when Sakura needs it.
- They are AroAce, but they are open to QPPs. I see Taka and Mondo being the most likely candidates, but they are more like Chihiro’s gay dads though.
- Chihiro has said sexuality can fuck itself. Taka passed out from both the sheer shock and horror of that moment.
- They probs have the worst anxiety when trying to explain the Aro spectrum and how QPRs work, so they are extremely appreciative for their friends who accept them and love them for who they are.
- They are the softest thing, I would imagine them being an amazing snuggler platonically cause they still love cuddle time, they just ain’t into romance. They are also super supportive and great at being a hype person. They are generally just precious and deserve the world and all the validation it has to offer to them.
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mypersonmyg · 4 years
Couples Costume | JJK
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pairing: jeongguk x reader
genre: fluff
rating: pg
wc: 1.3k
warnings: mentions of blood, fake blood,  spooky times, 
summary: it’s halloween and jeongguk is ready for a spooky time (ig, idk)
a/n: happy halloween peeps, i literally just wrote this in the last hour and i wrote it with the Collar Full couple in mind, but it can be read as just a random little drabble. while i’m here i guess i can also say that november is drabble month so expect this everyday or don’t whateves...also might have a header later but i don’t have time now lmao
also also this is unedited so have fun :-)
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“I still think you should’ve gone with the bunny,” You emphasize with a sweet kiss to grimaced cheeks, Jeongguk still grumbling about a stray drop of red dye fallen against a distasteful tongue. “Then  you wouldn’t even have to worry about the fake blood.”
Your boyfriend’s disagreement is paired with the dab of a blood stained tissue touching up the precipice of similarly stained cheeks. You seem to realize simultaneously that your lips had just fallen against those cheeks, never much thought into such simple displays of affection.
“A bunny? The carrots were a one time thing, plus that’s so juvenile.” Your eyes meet in reflection, your tongue poking through pursed lips in disagreement. “It’s Halloween, not Easter.”
Your own costume begs the application of red stain, Jeongguk insistent that you play victim in his thorough depiction of Halloween horror. It was upon deaf ears that he convince your conveniently absent roommate to play the part. It’s a couple’s costume and I’m not dating Taehyung, he had so brilliantly quipped.
“Just because it’s Halloween doesn’t mean you can’t be cute.” He turns, the raise of his brow a precursor to feigned dramatics.
“Are you telling me that I’m not cute?” In a mess of ruffled fabric his hand falls to a mangled chest, the sentiment doing little to stop the cross of your arms and the pout of your lips.
“Shut up, you know you’re cute.” Your hip lightly nudges his own, making room at the heavily covered counter. “But I’m gonna look like I got hit by a bus and that’s not cute.” 
Your hand wraps around a dye covered tube, the contents spurts and now you’re the one sporting a grimace, the image of cold goop against bare skin an unpleasant one. Your hesitance is visible, Jeongguk grabbing the tube with a chuckle. 
“You don’t have to wear it,” He shrugs, tossing the tube, hands coming to tug at his bloodied sleeves. “I personally think you’d look beautiful even after being hit head on in rush hour traffic, but I think you’ll look beautiful in anything so you don’t have to wear the costume if you don’t want to.”
You’re aware of the double meaning, Jeongguk’s persuasive nature never lost, but you’re also positive that he wouldn’t hold it against you if you walked right back into your bedroom and stripped yourself of the ripped clothing. Not a word more falls from his lips as you continue to watch the progression of his costume. It’s the brief knock at the door that draws the attention of both of you.
“You guys ready to go?” Taehyung pops a crown adorned head around the frame, curls freshly permed and tickling rosied cheeks. You’re positive he spent at least an hour on his hair alone, but offer no tease, still in the midst of an intense inner debate. Jeongguk turns to you, brows raised in question. 
“Give us like twenty minutes, I have to make myself look gross.” You relent, a hand tracing a brilliantly placed scar against Jeongguk’s chin. He’s unable to contain himself, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he presses a kiss sloppily to your forehead.
“Fine, but hurry please? I’m not getting any younger.” 
Jeongguk takes control, the swipes of brushes against sensitive skin gentle. You chuckle each time his lip falls between his teeth, the quick withdrawal a result of a taste still unacquired. He demands your back to the mirror, an artist not ready to unveil his timed masterpiece. His quick movements are steady, his wide eyes endearing in every sense as you watch him work. 
With a few final passes against the bridge of your nose he’s tossing the brush, hands landing gently against your hips.
“Ready?” He hypes, teeth on full display, your hands doing everything they can not to grab hold of his sugar cheeks. 
“As I’ll ever be,” You nod, eager to see what he was able to throw together in such a short time. He turns you, an immediate gasp befalling you in response. Not beautiful, but a masterpiece by any standards. 
Much like every aspect of his being, Jeongguk’s canvas was used to its full capacity. There were cuts, scars, and stitches galore. No inch of you is left untouched by your buzzing artist, every precise stroke of his hand turning you into something so gruesome yet eye catching in the best way. 
“So?” his chin rests against the slope of your shoulder, nose nudging at the shell of your ear as both of your eyes focus on the image before you. You turn to him, muscles stretched so eagerly that they pull at drying paint.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” He pulls away, hands quickly cupping darkened ears. You nearly coo, the infatuation of long withheld affection never failing to grip you with his every movement. “Don’t be shy now you dork! I love it.” 
“Yeah,” Your hand falls into his own to drag from the tiny bathroom back toward his own. You spot his camera easily, perched atop his desk, the lens already eagerly staring you down from the doorway. “I think this is one for the books.”
His agreement is immediate, hands brushing against his chest so as to clear the risk of smudge. He positions you in front of the window, light easily filtering in, the backdrop filled with leaves fluttering against the autumn wind. He takes a few shots, camera poised for a few more when you hold a halting hand.
“We have to take some together!”
“But I’m-” He points at the camera with a shrug. “I’ll get some of you and Taehyung.” 
“It’s a couple’s costume, remember?” You flip his earlier words, a coy smile stretching your scar stained cheeks. “And Taehyung and I aren’t a couple.” 
“I swear, you’ll be the death of me.”
“Actually, love, I think you’re the death of me,”  His eyes roll with dramatic flair, his body moving to find his tripod. He digs it from the depths of an overflowing closet, contents readily unknown, and makes quick work of assembly. He sets the camera, timed for a few rapid shots.
You attempt intimidations, face pulling into an image of terror. Jeongguk follows your lead, the two of you spilling over in laughter by the third frame. Your surprised by the sudden tild of your chin followed by contented warmth, Jeongguk’s lips easily pulling you into heated comfort. 
You continue to fold in, flashes of the camera long forgotten in your lustful haze. It’s the deep clearing of an impatient Taehyung that pulls you apart. 
“Oh, how cute. Now can we go before I make that blood on your face real?” 
“Did you just threaten to kill me?” Your response is half filled with humor, though Taehyung scoffs in return. 
“I would never! I was talking to Jeongguk,” He clarifies, gesturing to your unperturbed counterpart, his hands still embracing you. “I will not, however, take responsibility for what may or may not happen to you in the process.” 
“You jerk!”
“Hey, I’m just saying, if he’s gonna hold on to you like that there may well be crossfire.” He doesn’t wait for response, turning on his heels, the trail of his costume left in his wake. “If you two aren’t in the car in the next ninety seconds the only people who are gonna see those sick costumes are us three.” 
“The nerve,” You step away from Jeongguk, his hand eager to find your own once more.
“I guess it’s a good thing you look hot mangled, baby, because I’m never letting go.” 
“Aw,” You spew in exaggeration.
“That’s disgusting, I’m definitely leaving you just because I had to witness that.” You don’t hide your laughter at your friend’s antics, but you hold on to the warm feeling in your chest as Jeongguk holds you close. They may have been said with the intent of lighthearted banter, but you have no doubt that they’re true all the same.
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emile-hides · 4 years
Overwatch Horror Movies
Welcome to October -1st, where I remember to make a post about how each Overwatch character reacts to Horror Movies because it’s my passion.
If I call you out, tag yourself. That’s your government assigned kin.
Ana - Not her favorite Halloween activity, but she’ll watch them if the person she’s watching with is a screamer. She finds their fear more entertaining than the movie.
Ashe - Easily startled by jumpscares. A real Scream Queen. Her instinctual reaction is fists up. She’s knocked a few heads after getting startled.
Baptiste - Enjoys the cheesy, over the top with cliche horror movies. He’ll laugh though really anything but torture porn gorey garbage.
Bastion - Is baby, but doesn’t really have a sensor to understand the fear that he should be feeling. Gets PTSD flashbacks at too much gore and gunshot sounds.
Brigitte - Likes suspenseful movies that have a spooky atmosphere and a real story. She will punch a hole though the screen if she gets jumpscared.
D.Va - Laughs and says it’s just a movie and it’s such a dumb concept, but will become extra paranoid after Serial Killer/Slasher movies. She checks locks three times over, leaves all the lights on at night, and refuses to go anywhere after dark for about a week. However, horror games with the same premise have no effect on her.
Doomfist - Hates horror movies. Hates the choices protagonists in Horror movies make. Makes Talon agents write an essay on what to do if a serial killer is after you after seeing the dumb choices in Horror movies.
Echo - Don’t show her a movie with jumpscares! She will attempt to pull off scares of her own! While at first they’re jumping out from around corners, she’ll get better the more she does it. Brigitte will end up punching her.
Genji - Desensitized to gore and horror in general. Growing up around Spirit Dragons and then being trained by Spiritual Monks kind of ruin the whole scary ghosts thing for you.
Hanzo - Same as Genji on being desensitized to it all, but if a dog dies he will refuse to watch the rest of the movie.
Junkrat - Enjoys the gorey shit. The more horrid the better, he’ll probably laugh when someone gets their arm tore off. Easily freaked out by Zombie movies, though.
Lucio - Is Baby 2.0. An absolute coward, will spend 80% of the movie with his face buried in a pillow. Will need someone to share a room with a few nights afterwards.
McCree - Always found Ashe’s reaction to horror very funny, so he’d watch them with her. Discovering Gabriel Reyes had the same reactions was the best thing to ever happen in Blackwatch. Demon possession movies freak him out.
Mei - Is Baby the Third. Easily started, screams VERY loud. Spends the entire movie with her ears covered and eyes shut tight. Might cry.
Mercy - Being scared makes her angry. Something about the startle of a horror movie just pisses her off! She’ll jump and scream a little, then go into a rant on the movie’s horrid quality.
Moira - Finds her fellow veiwer’s reactions more interesting than the movie itself. Enjoys making snacks that fit the movie’s theme, and look uncomfortably like real fingers and eyeballs.
Orisa - Like Bastion, doesn’t fully understand what’s being scared is? She doesn’t like to watch them though, because she does not enjoy violence, and is worried Efi will see them. 
Pharah - Wasn’t allowed to watch any horror until she was 18, so she tried to make up for it all in one night, and immediately scarred herself. Violently refuses to watch anything scary ever again.
Reaper - He watches them for the aesthetic of it all, Halloween is his Holiday and he will partake in all Halloween related events, but he’s a coward. Ghost/Demon possession movies mess him up the worst.
Reinhardt - He’ll remind anyone who’s scared “It’s just a movie” and laugh. Get’s startled at a jumpscare, but nothing will actually stick with him. He’ll probably have something similar that happened to him to talk about after the movie though.
Roadhog - Doesn’t enjoy watching horror movies, especially gorey ones. Not because they scare him, but because he sees enough of that shit in his day to day life already.
Sigma - Does not react well to being scared. The existentialism of death and the eventual end horror movies promote can set him off on a tangent, and eventually lead to a break down.
Soldier 76 - Loved Slasher movies, found them thrilling. Nothing ever sticks with him after a movie, he’s very rational. He doesn’t believe in ghosts in the slightest.
Sombra - She doesn’t find any horror really all that great, it’s all very predictable. She might spend the entire movie nitpicking how boring it is.
Symmetra - Says she believes horror to be a waste of time. In reality as a kid she saw a few ending scenes of a really gorey horror movie that’s stuck with her ever sense.
Torbjorn - He’s seen enough real horrors, movies don’t effect him that much anymore. He never really pays attention to what’s on the TV anyway.
Tracer - Very, VERY easily startled. She blinks and recalls almost every jumpscare, and keeps her face covered during most scenes. Despite being a massive coward, Lena really enjoys scaring other people.
Windowmaker - As expected, not easily frightened. She finds a lot of horror to be exceedingly boring, and will probably fall asleep during the movie.
Winston - Easily swayed by movies. He clings onto others or a pillow when he’s scared, and will be on high alert the entire movie. Once it’s over though he can rationalize pretty easily, and move on.
Wrecking Ball - Gets really hyped over monster movies! If he’s watching alone, he’ll act out the scenes as they’re happening, especially as the monster.
Zarya - Not a fan of horror, but if her friends are watching them, she’ll join in. She’s typically the calming prescience for cowards to cling to and hide behind.
Zenyatta - Not his first choice, but he’ll watch with friends. If he gets too scared he’ll offer to refill snacks and drinks to give himself a moment away from the screen. He uses his Orb of Harmony to calm anyone frightened after the movie is over.
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oscars-wifeyyy · 5 years
Chapter 6 (The Innocent)
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Today was the football game that determined whether they were going to playoffs, but Elizabeth couldn’t care less. The day consisted of students wearing Freeridge High colors, teachers wishing the football players good luck, and the players wearing their jerseys. Lunch came around so Elizabeth began walking to the table that the crew usually sits at, but stopped when she saw that no one was talking to each other so she switched direction. She avoided them at all costs and started doing homework that was assigned that day so she didn’t have to worry about them when she got home. By the end of lunch, Elizabeth was done with her homework and texts were coming in from Oscar and the crew, all of them asking if she was going to go to the game. She replied to all of them, telling them she was going.
School had ended and the crew went to their respective homes to drop their bags off then meet at the stadium. Elizabeth decided to hitch a ride with Oscar and the Santos so she dropped her bag in her room and ran out to Oscar’s place to see that they weren’t leaving yet so she sat on the porch steps next to Cesar. “What’s up with the crew, salad?” “I don’t know, honestly,” Cesar sighed, “all I know is that I want to be with Monse,” “Do you, Salad?” Elizabeth gave him a sad smile, “why did you kiss Olivia if you wanted to be with Monse?” The two sat in silence, but Elizabeth knew the feeling so she wrapped an arm around Cesar’s shoulder and leaned her head on his shoulder. She silently hoped that everything worked out for the better and the group was gonna go back to the way it was except Monse and Cesar were gonna be together. Both were in too deep with their thoughts when Oscar and Santos came out of the front door. Oscar saw the position they were in and felt a sense of jealousy and anger. Oscar cleared his throat causing Cesar to stand up in a rush and stuff his hands into his pockets, shuffling his feet because the younger brother felt the older brother’s glare. The Santos were chuckling and made their way to the car. “Oscar, it ain’t like that. I swear,” Cesar cleared his throat. “‘Scar, chill. He’s just bummed because he and Monse aren’t getting together and it’s gonna take awhile for them to even date,” Elizabeth put a hand on his forearm before jumping in the front. The ride there was short and the moment they arrived, Olivia was there waiting so Elizabeth rubbed Cesar’s back in and attempted to comfort and encourage him before going with Oscar to the area that some Santos were occupying. In the span of two months that Elizabeth knew Oscar and started talking to him, she got closer to a few Santos that were like her brothers now, Sad Eyes especially. Nobody could decipher the sibling connection that they had when they met; however, his girl had gotten jealous, but soon saw that it was like a sibling bond. His girl now had gotten to know the girl and felt like Elizabeth was her little sister. Rico, Sad Eyes, and Lorca were there so she felt less lonely. “Sad Eyes!” Elizabeth yelled, running to him and jumping to hug him, “Rico! Lorca!” “We don’t get a hug, puta?” Rico crossed his arms. “Of course you do, drama queens,” Elizabeth rolled her eyes with a smile, moving to Lorca to give him a hug, but he held a hand out. “Spooky, get your girl,” Lorca pointed to Elizabeth, “she’s being a puta,” “I swear y’all like children,” Oscar rolled his eyes as he sat down on the stands. “Aye, hermanita,” Sad Eyes rested an arm on her shoulder, “I’m going to the snack shack, you want anything?” “Nah, I’m good, hermano,” Elizabeth pushed his arm off, “thank you though. Where is guerita?” “ella tenía trabajo hoy,” Sad Eyes said, leaving the gang to go to the shack. “Liz, ain’t that your homie on the field?” Rico pointed to Jamal on the field. “It is,” Elizabeth looked confused, “I’ll be back y’all,” she walked away to find the crew and when she saw them, she ran up the stairs two at a time, “why is Jamal on the field? How?” “Me,” Ruben said, “Ruben made a special appearance in the coach’s office and got him on the team,” “For what reason?” Monse asked. Jamal’s parents made an appearance with a full face of makeup and foam fingers along with other cheering instruments, “isn’t this exciting? Are you excited?” “Yeah! Excited, stunned, surprised,” Monse faked a smile. “It’s been a long time coming after that record breaking run of injuries,” Cesar said. “I know. I thought we would have to put that boy in a bubble,” Dwayne laughed. “Still might,” Elizabeth muttered. Time passed to the fourth quarter and Elizabeth was back with the Santos sitting next to Oscar, feeling the heat. She leaned back onto the seat behind her and groaned at how hot it was. Oscar looked back at her and turned his body to face her. “Wassup, mamita?” Oscar lifted an eyebrow. “It’s so hot,” Elizabeth groaned, “why is it always hot?” “It’s Cali, babe. It’s always gonna be hot,” Oscar chuckled. A fight broke out which broke Oscar’s focus on her and Elizabeth looked at the commotion that caused the whole team to get ejected. The coach was trying to argue with the referee that he couldn’t eject his whole lineup, but he dejectedly went to the bench and started putting in the benchwarmers. All the benchwarmers were on the field now and getting ready to start a play. When the play started Jamal was able to catch the ball and he started running as if his life depended on it because it did. “Let’s go, J!” Elizabeth cheered while laughing, unaware of the stare that belonged to the Los Santos leader. The crew ran to her and cheered along side of her as Jamal had reached the end-zone and did All Fall Down. Once the hype was down and the football players went into the locker room, the crew walked out after Oscar told Cesar and Elizabeth that he had to take care of something. Elizabeth decided to stay back because she knew that Cesar and Monse had to talk so she went to the bathroom and did her business. However, when she left and went to the duo she saw Monse leave and start crying so she ran to her and put an arm around her. “It’s gonna be ok, Mon. You let him go, didn’t you?” Monse nodded, “give me an hour and a half. I’ll be at your place in my pajamas with ice cream, junk food, and Netflix ready for us,” “You don’t have…” Monse started, but Elizabeth interrupted her. “Shut up, bitch. I’m doing it,” Elizabeth smiled at her friend. “Thank you, Eli,” Monse hugged her, “you’re the best girlfriend I could ever ask for,” “Anything for the love of my life,” Elizabeth winked at her. “I love you for this,” Monse chuckled. “Babygirl, I got you. Now go home and cry ‘cause I know you want to. Be there soon and stay safe. Don’t open the door to strangers and all that bs,” Elizabeth kissed Monse’s cheek. The two separated ways as Elizabeth jogged to the red Impala that was waiting to go to the Diaz household. Once all of the Santos that rode with them were dropped off and were finally on their way to the Diaz house, Elizabeth turned to her Santo, “‘Scar, can you take me to the store after I dress in my pajamas? I gotta get some things for a girls’ night with Monse tonight,” Oscar nodded and went to Elizabeth’s house after dropping Cesar off at their house. Elizabeth saw that no one was home so she let Oscar get in the house while she went to change. He looked around the main room and saw pictures of Elizabeth and her parents, noticing that she looked like a perfect mix of her mom and dad. Footsteps were heard coming so he turned to see what was Elizabeth’s pajamas, seeing spandex shorts and one of Oscar’s hoodies that she stole on Halloween. She grabbed her overnight bag that had her extra clothes and necessities, as well as her Polaroid camera, extra films, and face masks. The sophomore had put her bag on the couch to see Oscar looking through all the pictures that her and her parents had put up around the house, “Ready?” Oscar turned to look at her, “yeah, you have the same eyes as your madre,” Elizabeth nodded with a smile as the two exited the house and into the car. She had quickly sent a text to her mother telling her that she was gonna spend the night at Monse’s because she was heartbroken over Cesar. Her mother sent a quick ok and the duo left to go to Walmart and get the best deals as well as get as much stuff as they could get. When they got there, Elizabeth sat in the cart and waited for Oscar to push her to get the stuff that she wanted and the stuff that Monse liked. It took awhile for the two to be done, but it happened after 30 minutes so they went to the self service check-outs. Elizabeth got out of the cart and started scanning the items, watching the numbers go up to two hundred dollars worth of food and filled up three bags. She took out her wallet to pay, but she got beaten by the man that had pushed her around in the cart who paid by bills. “Oscar! I was gonna pay,” Elizabeth glared at the older man. “Don’t be a pendeja,” Oscar smirked at the girl, “we aboutta be together anyways so get used to it, princesa,” “I’m getting the next one,” Elizabeth pouted. “Don’t be a baby,” Oscar smirked at the younger girl. She ignored him and walked to the Impala with him following, but he was occupied with the thoughts of her actions being funny. When Oscar got inside the car, Elizabeth stayed quiet and silence filled the car. “Eli, come on,” Oscar tried to grab her hand, but she pulled away, “don’t be a brat,” “Oscar, I don’t like when you spend that much money on me. I can pay for these things myself,” Elizabeth crossed her arms. “Yo se pero I want to. You don’t have to or need to spend your money because you got other things to worry about,” They finally arrived at Monse’s house so Elizabeth opened the door and grabbed her overnight bag, slinging it over her shoulder, then grabbing the three grocery bags. She got out of the car, but put her stuff down and went over to the driver’s side to kiss Oscar’s cheek through the open window. “Thank you, Oscar,” Elizabeth softly smiled, “you’re a sweetheart when it’s just us. Don’t worry I’ll keep that information to myself,” Elizabeth winked and went back to the sidewalk, grabbing her stuff and making her way into the house. When she made it into the house, she saw Monty and Monse having a moment so she stood outside for a moment before making her presence known, “Welcome back, Monty,” Elizabeth held up the bags, “ready for girl’s night?” “I’ll leave you girls to it,” Monty stood up to leave, “Eli, thank you for being there for Monse,” “Anything for my best friend,” Elizabeth hugged Monty, “now go sleep,” Once Monty closed the door to his room, Elizabeth closed the door to Monse’s room and jumped onto the bed. She pulled her overnight bag onto the bed and unzipped it, revealing her clothes, face masks, and the Polaroid camera. Elizabeth pulled Monse’s hair band from her wrist and pulled back her hair to put it back and apply the peel off mask to her face. Once everything was set and they took a few pictures, Elizabeth sat across from Monse. “Now, tell me what happened,” “I let Cesar go and made him go with Olivia,” Monse’s eyes teared up. “Oh, honey,” Elizabeth hugged Monse, “this calls for a romcom and junk food,” The two spent the night watching movies while eating the snacks and drinking the drinks. It was a night needed for the two girls to catch up and console.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Would you ever become a fan of a team you hate to please your spouse? Hmmmmm the only sport Gab and I have in common is MMA, and we’ve never watched a pay-per-view together. I imagine it’d be fun if we were cheering for the opposite people hahaha.
Can you handle scary movies? Yeah but I only watch them if there’s at least one person with me. I find scary movies boring when I’m alone :/
How often do you get a new purse…and for guys a new wallet? I’m not very picky about stuff like this so I only get a new wallet – or rather Gabie gets me one, because she likes buying me stuff lmo – if I notice my current one is super worn out already.
What is the most money that you have ever spent on getting your nails done? $0. I’ve never had a ~pampering day~ for myself, so I don’t know the hype.
Once a cheater, always a cheater? Like most of life’s experiences, cheating is not a black-and-white situation. < My answer for the most part is yes, but I also agree with this. 
What word describes your last relationship? My first stint with Gab was hasty.
Do you have a fake I.D.? No. Never had one, I was always too much of a goody two shoes to have one made.
Would you date someone 5 years older than you? No. Any kind of age gap is just not my thing lmao. But who knows, maybe I’m just saying this because I’ve only ever been with someone who’s the same age as me.
Have you ever been fingered? I have been blamed for things I didn’t do, sure -__- < LMAO yep.
Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks? Of course, as long as she doesn’t get reliant on it.
Honestly, if you wanted to get laid right now, could you? Not for another two weeks because the whole region is on lockdown.
Do you like deviled eggs? I’ve never tried them but they look SO good in the shows/movies I’ve seen them in??? It’s not a common dish here at all, so I’ve only been hoping to come across them at a party or something. 
What is your favorite horror movie? Probaby the original Carrie.
Has a little kid ever fallen asleep on your lap before? Nope. I think I’d melt if that happens.
What’s your favorite kind of float? (coke, root beer) I don’t like those and have never had them.
If you heard your best friend’s significant other was cheating on them, would you tell them? Even if you couldn’t prove it? I’d tell her I’ve been hearing a rumor going around, but I’d still kind of assure her by saying nothing’s been confirmed. Then again Angela hears about stuff days before I do, so there’s always a chance she’d already be aware by the time I tell her lol.
If you discovered you were pregnant at this point in time, would you keep it or abort it? Why? Keep it then give it up for adoption. Am pro-choice but it doesn’t mean I’d get an abortion for myself.
What is the last thing you googled? I had to Google what deviled eggs are made of for that ^ question above cos I never did figure out what’s in it - I just know it looks really good.
How far away do you live from the closest mall? 15 minutes, but that’s because I live very far from the village’s main gate and most of the 15 minutes would just be driving out of the subdivision.
Have you ever jumped off a high dive into a pool? No. I’ve never done high jumps/dives in general, I’m scared of the possibility of falling wrong.
Ever had sex in a public place? Semi-public. < Yeah, same.
What foods can you absolutely not eat? Olives, raisins, fruits, ice cream with nuts, sinigang.
List four things about your facial appearance: I have a scar by my left eyebrow, my left earlobe piercing is ripped from an accident 11 years ago, my left eyebrow in general has uneven hairs from years of plucking them out, and because my face is on the dry side, I generally don’t have acne. Do you like hot, cold, or lukewarm showers? It depends where I am or what time of the year it is. I like hot showers when I’m in hotels and want to feel completely relaxed, lukewarm when it’s colder at home, and cold when I’m at home and it’s summer.
Favorite holiday? Halloween and my birthday, if those count. Holidays are generally not my thing.
Have you ever taken part in a threesome? No.
Have you told your parents all of your secrets from when you were a teen? Lmao yeah right. That’s one of the worst decisions you can make if you have Asian parents.
When drinking hard alcohol do you take shots more or make mixed drinks? I have more mixed drinks but that’s mostly because my friends and I drink in chill environments more than parties. Also because they’re cheaper lmao - a single shot of tequila is usually already equal to a full glass of a mixed drink. If we’re going to college parties or birthday parties, then I don’t mind downing shots.
Have you ever been to an arena concert? Yeah, that’s how it was in both the Paramore gigs I went to. Do you plan on having both your parents at your wedding? My dad yes. It depends on how my mom is going to act a year or a few months going into the wedding. I can very quickly cut her out of the guest list.
Has a friend ever really hurt you and you never told them? Athenna did this many times but she’s always been unapologetic and it would make no sense if I tried to be honest with her.
Have you ever stayed on a ride at a theme park to ride it again? Maybe only for my school fair’s octopus ride, but other than that I hate rides and can’t get on them.
Do you work any holidays? No work.
Last funeral you attended? I haven’t been to a funeral, just wakes. The last wake I visited was unfortunately Nacho’s.
Where did your mother and father meet for the first time? The hotel they were both working at. The hotel had just newly opened and they were also fresh graduates at the time and they were both working in the kitchen, my mom being a bar waitress and my dad a cook.
What is your oldest sibling’s middle name? I am the oldest sibling. My second name is Isabelle.
Have you ever stayed in a cheap motel? No.
What are you currently dressed in? CM Punk tee that’s a little big for me, and shorts.
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Moonlight (M)
Pairing: Werewolf!Jimin x reader
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Genre: Smut, fluff, maybe a lil angst idk
Summary: It’s Halloween and also the first full moon you’ve experienced since you were bitten. 
Warnings: dom!Jimin, sub!Reader, dirty talk, use of the word “bitch”, knotting, slight impreg kink
Word count: 12,360
A/N: It’s still Halloween where I live so technically it’s not late 🤷🏽‍♀️🎃 
Prompt #51: “The full moon is out tonight. You know what that means.”
You rest your chin in the palm of your hand, pouting up at your friend Jiwoo as she stands at the head of the large table.
“Okay everyone, let’s go over the plans for next week,” She announces, uncapping her pen excitedly. She stands in front of a dry erase board with everyone’s names written on it, beginning her presentation immediately. “This has to be the biggest and greatest party ever thrown, you hear me? And greatness takes time, that’s why we have to start getting ready for it now, so I need everyone to listen.”
“We’ve only been preparing for a whole month and a half.” Jooheon mumbles sarcastically with a roll of his eyes. Jiwoo catches this and addresses him.
“I like to plan ahead,” She replies in a sweet voice. “Not everyone is an unorganized, lazy procrastinator like you, sweetheart.” 
He scoffs as she continues, starting to list off names and what job everyone is assigned to. Food, drinks, decoration, costume ideas, theme management (whatever that was), getting approval from neighbors, music, etc. You’re only half listening when she calls your name, assigning you to the role of the hype person. You were responsible for handing out fliers and invitations to as many people as possible and making sure everyone knew how great this party was. After all, Halloween is not only spooky season, but also party season and you were sure to be competing with various groups of people for party guests. Your best friend Halin was also assigned to this job and she easily accepts.
“I’ll be in charge of the social media advertising, (Y/n) can handle fliers and invitations.” She announces, tweeting a photo of one of the fliers before handing the stack to you.
“I don’t know why you want me to be the publicist, I know the least amount of people out of all of us.” You huff. It was true, you’ve always kept a small friend group that you kept close to you, never really straying too far from those people, especially since you met Jimin and his pack. 
You’ve been with Jimin for a while now. You first met him a little over a year ago, found out he and his friends were werewolves 9 months ago, started dating him 6 months ago, and moved in with him 4 months ago. Oh, and did I mention that sometime within the last month he bit you accidentally on purpose, turning you into a werewolf as well? In all fairness, you asked for it. When you first started dating, you begged him to change you because you “wanted to be like them”. You hated being the boring human living in a house of wolves who lived a completely different lifestyle than you. It’s not like your human self was anything special in the first place. You explained to him that you’ve thought about it long and hard and that you wanted it, but he still refused, claiming that he didn’t want to change your normal way of life irreversibly; to which you responded that your life hasn’t been “normal” since you met him and got involved with his pack. For months you pleaded with him, until one night he finally changed his mind, biting you when you least expected it while in the consuming depths of pleasure. “That way it wouldn’t hurt so bad,” Jimin explained afterward, licking at the bleeding wound. The transformation was a slow learning experience for you and the pack, none of you knew what would happen when a human was bitten, but it’s been a month and you’re just now starting to see the effects.
For one thing, you’re a lot more aware of your surroundings. You hear and see a thousand times better than you did before, although still not as well as your wolf friends, are a lot stronger and faster than before, and on occasion you really crave rare cooked steak. Physically, you haven’t changed much, except for the shift in color of your irises, turning an even more vibrant shade of the color they were before. Of course you claimed to your friends that they were contacts when they first noticed, immediately going out to buy actual contacts to bring them back to their original color. Jimin said that you may feel more impulsive or aggressive now, but so far the worst that’s happened is that you’ve lashed out on an annoying stranger on the street one day. Oh, and the whole first week after you were bitten when you couldn’t keep your hands off of Jimin. Your sexual desire was so strong that he kept you in the manor until he was sure you wouldn’t rip off your clothes and jump him in public. He entertained your lust a few times, but for the most part he maintained his self control, watching you intently as you pranced around the house naked, trying to entice him with your body whenever you were alone and getting super possessive whenever anyone went near him, male or female. But you were over it now. For the most part.
“You don’t need to know a lot of people to hand out fliers.” Jiwoo states flatly. “All you have to do is walk around and tell people about the party. Find people our age, look for groups, that type of thing.” She says with a shrug. “I believe in you.”
Hesitating, you grab the fliers and lean back in your seat, zoning out again. It’s hard not to be nervous to bring up the party to Namjoon, your pack’s Alpha male. Although he has a heart of gold, he’s still very strict and isn’t afraid to put any members of the pack back in their place. And now that you’re officially a member, his power over you is indisputable. Anything he says goes.
You remember when you first told him Jimin bit you, although you got the feeling he could sense it right when you walked into the room. Both of you sat as he stood over you, assuming his dominant position above you as unnecessary apologies escaped your lips. He just smiled his beautiful dimply smile and reassured you that everything was okay and that the pack would gladly accept you as its newest member, especially since you were already living with them and were so close to everyone. You remember him lecturing you on how important it was for you to be more reserved now that you were also a werewolf and will start experiencing various changes. 
“Of course you can still go out in public, hang out with people, just make sure to keep yourself unnoticeable. You might need to buy some contacts,” He states, taking note of your eye color. “But as long as you keep your canines away, everything should be fine.” Were those supposed to come in? You had yet to find out. 
When he told you that you had to keep a smaller group of friends, you sunk in your seat. Not only did that mean that you couldn’t expand and befriend new people, but it also implied that you might even have to drop some friends and become more distant from the ones you were close to.
Seeing you deflate a bit, Namjoon hurries to lift your spirit. “I’m not saying you have to go into hiding, just be cautious. You don’t have to drop all of your friends, it’s just that the less people there are around you, the less chance there is for people to find out about us.” His logic made sense, of course it did, that’s one of the reasons he was the alpha. You know he’ll think about every situation thoroughly and have the clearest judgement, but that’s also why you were scared to bring up the party.
“Hey, what’s on your mind?” Halin asks, scooting her chair closer to yours while the meeting continues in the background. 
“Huh?” You snap out of your thoughts at the sound of your best friend’s voice, eyes focusing on her face. She raises her eyebrow and it prompts you finally to respond. “Oh, it’s just, uh,” How do you say this out loud? “I’m just worried Namjoon won’t let me go to the party because of...” Tilting your head, her eyes drop to the faint bite imprint that has healed nicely, the scar 100% Jimin’s non-replicable mark on you that claims you as his mate.
“Really? He’s pretty chill, I’m sure he’ll let you go.” As the only person who knows about werewolves and your current situation, Halin is the only person you can confide in with your concerns and really anything personal. She found out about Jimin’s pack the same time you did, both of you witnessing their transformations accidentally and sharing the horrifying moment when you thought your lives were about to end. But somehow you were spared by their kind leader and trusted with the heavy knowledge of their supernatural existence. 
Even though Halin is a part of the in-group with you and the wolves, she’s not nearly as connected to them as you are. She doesn’t spend as much time with them, doesn’t date any of them, and refused to live in their manor with you when offered the chance. She just had too much that she would be leaving behind in the outside world, too many people who would start asking questions; unlike you who had few connections and uncaring parents who rarely asked about your whereabouts. So she let you immerse yourself in their life style and promised to keep you connected to the human world. She was your cover when you or the boys start acting strange around everyone, without her, they would have been discovered long ago. 
“I don’t know... something makes me think Joon won’t want me out at night around a lot of people. He’s really protective of me, especially now.” You fiddle with the hem of your jacket nervously as you think of the possible rejection.
“C’mon, it’s not like you’ll be alone. You’ll be in an enclosed space, around a bunch of people, under the cover of darkness and costumes so no one will think you’re being weird or anything, I’ll be there, it’s a perfectly safe environment. What could go wrong?” Halin leans back in her seat in silent confidence and you let go of the subject to focus on the rest of the meeting again.
“Absolutely not. I’m sorry but that’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard.” Namjoon says, nearly laughing in disbelief. You sink in your place, shoulders moving from their tensed, anxious position to slump forward in disappointment. “So let me get this straight: you want to attend a party in an enclosed building with limited and few exits and private spaces, filled to the brim with people in costumes who will probably be drinking more than they can handle, on one of the most hectic nights of the year for our kind?”
“Well, when you put it that way it doesn’t seem as fun.” You mumble, refusing to lift your eyes up to the alpha.
“Not to mention the loud music, flashing lights, and claustrophobia. What happens if you get overwhelmed? We don’t even know to what extent you’ve changed and how that’ll have an effect on you, especially in public. I’m sorry, (Y/n), but every worst case scenario is running through my head right now and I can’t be responsible for letting you go to that party. God forbid, you hurt yourself or someone else.” He stares at you as you let his words sink in, and although his tone was gentle, you couldn’t help but feel intimidated. Namjoon has explained his case— quite clearly at that— and it was obvious that you would not be going to the party.
“I-I know, I’m sorry for asking.” You’re not going to argue with him, there’s no way you could. You don’t even know what your limits are and a situation like that is not the best time to test them. Your face heats up in embarrassment, you knew this would be his response, but you let Halin convince you otherwise and now you’ve just made a fool of yourself. A part of you wishes Jimin were here to comfort you, his presence is always calming, but you didn’t want him to know you were planning on going out without him because he would have probably said the same thing as Namjoon. 
“But,” The leader’s voice sounds, an exasperated sigh of compromise following the word. “If it’s your friends’ party and they’re all expecting you to help out, I wouldn’t say no to letting you go early to help set up.” 
“Really?” You perk up immediately, eyes bright with hope. 
“Yes, but I want you back here before it starts.” With your cooperation, Namjoon let’s you go and you leave his office with a giddy hop, skipping through the empty halls of the mansion and almost bumping into Jungkook, the youngest of the pack.
He stops you abruptly with his hands on your arms when you nearly knock him over— well, knock yourself over on his sturdy form— and you pause to look up at him, then resume bouncing in place excitedly. 
“Woah, what’s going on?” The young one asks, your excitement contagiously latching onto him. 
“Can you keep a secret?” You whisper, leaning in close. Jungkook was like your best friend out of all of the other wolves and his childlike innocence drew you in, almost like a cute little puppy. He nods at your question. “There’s this Halloween party next week and Namjoon just gave me the okay to go!”
“He did? He’s never let any of us go to parties before.” He pouts, a bit skeptical.
“Well, he didn’t exactly say I could go, but he said I’m allowed to help set up before the party.” Jungkook laughs at your reply and ruffles your hair a bit, continuing his path and silently urging you to follow, which you do.
“That’s not the same thing.” He grins, glancing down at you.
“Yeah, but I haven’t been out in so long. I just really don’t want to be stuck here on Halloween this year.” 
“Why, what’s wrong with spending time with your new pack?” He asks with wide puppy eyes, a fake look of hurt on his face.
“What do you guys usually do on Halloween?”
“Binge watch scary movies and laugh at how terrible they are.” He shrugs nonchalantly and you crinkle your nose. That was definitely not how you wanted to spend your spooky day, especially since there was a perfectly good party you could be attending, even if it was only for a little while. 
You and Jungkook continue to walk through the long winding halls of your home, decorated with redwood flooring and dark painted walls. Despite its old age, the mansion somehow keeps an updated look, the antiques blending in perfectly with the more modern furniture and artwork hung around the many large rooms. The enormity of the building can be a bit overwhelming at times, it’s high ceilings and tall door frames making everything look so much bigger and more complex than it actually is. When you first started hanging out here, you would get lost all the time and rarely left Jimin’s side in fear that you would never find your way out on your own, but eventually you became comfortable with the space. The other two females of the pack, mysterious women who were traded by a rival pack in exchange for peace, welcomed you warmly when you moved in. They showed you the layout of the place and shortcuts to help you get around, even giving you some hints on how to find the other members when you were feeling lonely— tricks that you could only use once you were bitten due to your enhanced senses. Jimin and Jungkook helped you adjust a lot too. Setting up labels and maps in commonly traveled areas until you finally learned most or all of the house you would be living in. But you still stayed with Jimin every chance you got, the two of you were practically inseparable.
When you and the young wolf reach the common area, you hear the front doors open followed by the sound of heavy bodies padding through the entrance, which you easily identify as Jimin and Hoseok before you can even see them. Your senses sharpen at your mate’s arrival and you jog ahead to meet him, turning the corner to be met with a gorgeous wolf with shining eyes, his gray-brown fur looking fluffy yet sleek on his muscled figure. The tail at his rear flicks quickly before the wolf transforms into an even more beautiful man, already fully clothed, but dirty from the forest that was just ventured. 
You never were able to wrap your head around how they managed to stay clothed. One night, Jimin tried to explain it to you while you were cuddling in bed. Apparently it had something to do with the magic that his kind possessed, preserving his human during transformations, but you could never fully understand. It was just one of the mysteries of the supernatural and you were fine with settling on the answer ‘it’s magic’ and a kiss on the forehead from your loving boyfriend. 
“Honey, we’re home!” Hobi happily announces to the house, heard by everyone in the building but still largely ignored.
“Hey, jagiya.” Jimin greets, a huge grin playing on his lips as he wipes away sweat from his forehead. 
“Wipe your feet, you dirty heathens.” You hear Yoongi shout from his spot on the couch in the next room just as his pack-mates were about to step off the long foot mat with their muddy feet.
“Okay, grandpa.” They both roll their eyes and you catch Yoongi’s satisfied hum as he listens to them drag their feet along the the surface until they’re clean enough to walk on the hardwood. 
“How was your run?” You wrap your arms around Jimin’s neck and look up at him lovingly, and smiling brightly when he does the same. 
“Refreshing.” He answers simply with an equally toothy grin. “We hunted a little, checked our borders, nothing special, but it felt so good to shift after so long.”
He takes you in his arms, lifting you up just high enough so your feet were off the ground and he could walk the two of you deeper into his home. Plopping onto one of the couches in the living room, you drop onto his lap, legs to one side of him and arms still circled around his neck. 
“Why don’t you ever take me out with you?” You whine, pouting cutely. 
“You know I don’t feel comfortable with you being exposed like that. It’s very dangerous outside, especially at night with other packs so close to us. I can protect you, but I don’t want to put you in danger in the first place, if I can help it.” He tells you this gently, though its direct, an outplayed topic that you already knew the answer to but still liked to ask just in case he ever changed his mind. He changed his mind about biting you and that turned out alright. Looking you over, his gaze lands on your bold eye color, the flecks of gold in them making you look ethereal. “Maybe eventually, when we know more about your new self.” You know he’s talking about you gaining control over your newfound power. You’re still not even sure if you’re fully transformed yet or if you even have a wolf— nothing about werewolves is a slow process, so everyone is still surprised and perplexed about how long it’s taking for everything to come in. You don’t even have canines yet, a distinct feature of a werewolf that you should have by now. Namjoon has been doing some research, but there’s still a lot to learn.
“Okay,” You accept, his answer expected. “I just missed you a lot.” Cuddling into his chest, you allow him to wrap his arms around your waist and nuzzle into your neck. 
“I missed you first.” He whispers. “You left me alone all day.” Something you learned pretty quickly about Jimin is that he is very protective of you. He doesn’t like when you go places without him for extended periods of time, and this feeling only got stronger after he bit you. When you’re uncomfortable, he’s uncomfortable, so he tries to shelter you as much as possible, which the timid and introverted part of you is fine with. But the defiant side of you does not appreciate it so much, hating how it feels like you’re always being kept on a tight leash by him. 
“I was with Halin, I have other friends outside of this pack.” You laugh, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. 
“I know.” He says, his plump bottom lip jutting out and you lean up to kiss his pout away. 
PDA wasn’t something you liked before you and Jimin started dating. You didn’t feel comfortable with people seeing you be overly affectionate in public, and you guess  it was because of your shy nature, but ever since you’ve become a part of his pack, you’re completely fine with being all over Jimin in public. Part of it could be because werewolves don’t find it odd to be loving with their mate in front of others, so they never frowned upon it when Jimin would decide to make out with you in the middle of everyone. But you and Jimin are nowhere near as open as the couple sitting on the loveseat across from you, Yoongi and his mate Yebin, one of the females from the rival pack who had captured the heart of the beta. It seems like they’re always on the brink of ripping each other’s clothes off, just like they’re practically connected right now. It doesn’t help that Yoongi is already shameless as is. Werewolves are even accepting of the natural process of sex, specifically when one of them is in heat— once you were cooking with Jin and he brought you along to drop off the meals to the members that were still in their rooms, including bringing a whole tray full of meat and water bottles to Taehyung’s room where he and his mate, the other rival female, were fucking recklessly during his heat, paying no attention to the male who walked in casually and sat down the tray at a far end of the room, being sure to keep his distance as not to aggravate Taehyung. Everyone involved seemed unbothered while you stood with a reddened face and dropped jaw in the hallway. Of course, that was before you were also a wolf and went on a sex crazed spree for a week. 
“Come here, I wanna show you something.” Jimin pulls away suddenly and you raise your eyebrow at him, curious. His arms drop from your waist, prompting you to move from his lap so he can stand and he grabs your hand and laces your fingers, pulling you out of the room and through the manor, winding through the halls, climbing stairs, entering unused doors, until you’re lost again and have no idea where you are. This is certainly a place you’ve never been before.
“Where are we going?” Your curiosity gets the best of you and you break the silence, only to receive an even more confusing smirk from him. Eventually, you reach a ladder and he lets go of your hand to ascend, opening a hatch on the ceiling and gesturing down to you for you to follow. He offers his hand, pulling you up the rest of the way until you’re both standing on a random section of the roof. His fingers twine with yours again and he holds on tightly as he walks gingerly on the shingles until he reaches a spot that he’s satisfied with and he sits down, pulling you along with him. 
“Have you ever been on the roof before?” He places your tangled fingers on his lap as you look around in awe.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been on the roof of anything.” You state, taking in your surroundings. You can see far and wide, far past your boarders of the forest and even all the way into the small town from which you originate, it’s lights looking like dim fallen stars. But the actual stars in the sky take your breath away. You’ve never seen the night sky look so clear, not a cloud in sight and the stars shining almost as brightly as the moon. The cool autumn breeze blows by and rustles the leaves around you, but Jimin can only notice the way your hair blows around your face, the red apples of your cheeks seeming to glow in the moonlight, and his hand reaches up to move away the stray stands before he can stop himself. When you turn to look at him again, he smiles endearingly.
“Well now you have.” You both giggle. “I used to come up here all the time when we first met. I would just sit here and stare at the lights over there,” You follow his finger with your eyes back to the town in the distance. “Wondering where you were, what you were doing, if you were safe. If you were thinking about me. I thought it wasn’t fair that I was always thinking about you, but I didn’t know if you thought about me the same way. And when you found out about what I am... I was terrified. I was afraid of what might happen to you and Halin because you aren’t supposed to know about my kind, Namjoon could have easily killed you. And when he didn’t, I worried even more about what you would think about me and if you would be scared whenever you saw me. That was my worst fear.”
You stare at him in awe at his confession. Something flickers in his eyes when he pauses, then Jimin pulls you in front of him between his legs to lean against his firm chest so he can wrap his arms around you tightly. He holds you as if you would fall off the roof if the wind blew too hard, protecting you from the world that you observed from above. Jimin is a beta wolf, he’s strong and has the qualities to succeed Namjoon as the alpha one day. He only bows down to their leader and is very dominant in every way, showing few emotions on his handsome face, but you seem to be his only weakness, the only one to make his cold exterior melt into the warm, passionate, and loving boyfriend that you’ve come to know him to be. 
“But you accepted us and stayed, wanted to be a part of our world even though you knew it was dangerous. You loved me for who I was and didn’t run when I told you I wanted you to be my mate...” His rambling trails off and there are a few moments of silence. But it’s not the awkward silence that consumes the air and makes it thick, suffocating. It’s light and comfy, both of your minds swimming with thoughts. Jimin soon breaks it, though. “Do you trust me?”
There’s a moment of shock from you as you feel him tense slightly behind you, breath almost still in his chest.
“Would I have let you mark me if I didn’t?” You retort with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood slightly to get him to relax. It works, to an extent.
“Yeah, I guess that’s true.” He’s still a bit tense and you can feel the weight of his thoughts in the tight hold of his arms. Turning, you cup his face in your hands and force him to look at you.
“Yes Jimin, I trust you.” With your heart and your life. 
“I’m sorry for coddling you, I know I seem a bit overprotective at times and I don’t mean to make you feel like a baby.” He apologizes gently, a crease forming between his eyebrows. “It’s just... I can feel when you’re uncomfortable. When you’re anxious. And it makes me want to protect you from everything, even if it’s not a threat. Our emotions are more connected now that you’re officially my mate, and my instincts go wild when you’re feeling anything remotely negative. I’m trying my hardest to get this under control, so please be patient with me, it’s a learning process for me too.”
“I understand,” You say, sweetly kissing the dent between his brows. “I’ve been stepping out of my comfort zone a lot and I guess I should apologize for that. I didn’t know how it made you feel.”
“I’ll try not to worry so much, you’re your own person and you should be able to do whatever you want without needing my permission.” He looks at you with soft eyes and you debate whether or not you should tell him about the party. You aren’t going, of course, you’ll just be there to help set up, but he still might want to know about it. But then you think of how he’ll probably want to go with you to keep watch over you for nonexistent threats, and you decide against it. He just said you don’t need his permission, so this shouldn’t be a big deal. Having nothing to say, you instead reply with a smile and a kiss, cuddling with him in silence, watching the landscape until it gets a little too cold and you both retire to bed.
The following week goes by fast, you go out everyday to hand out fliers to strangers and to hang out with Halin around town during her lunch breaks. She talks your ear off with rants about how Jiwoo keeps stressing over the party and how her job won’t give her the day off on the Friday of Halloween, but you listen intently to everything she says and even find it relaxing to hear about her struggles. A few times she asks about if Namjoon has changed his mind, either about letting you help set up or about you not being allowed to stay for the party, and each time you say no. Honestly, you haven’t asked. He was reasonable and most likely right about what you could handle, so you wanted to respect his advice and warnings and not stress yourself out too much. But the more Halin talked about how cute her costume is, who was going to be there, how much fun it was going to be and how much she’ll miss you the whole night, the more you thought about disobeying the alpha and staying for the party, even if just for a little while. You told her that Jimin didn’t even know about it and that you didn’t intend on telling him the details, but that Jungkook was aware of it and had even snuck a flier from you, so if anything were to happen, he was the safety net. 
Halloween approached faster than expected and before you knew it, you were gathered in the living room with the pack, receiving a lecture from Namjoon.
“Alright, lets get this over with.” The alpha sighs, looking at each of your faces. “Just like every year, I’m not going to stop anyone from going out tonight if that’s what you want. But please note that there will be a lot more people on the streets, especially children, so please be cautious and aware of your actions if you do choose to leave our borders. Aside from that, we’ll be having our annual movie marathon, this time it’s Hoseok’s turn to pick the movies.” There’s a collective groan that sounds around the room and Hoseok rolls his eyes.
“Whatever, I have good taste.” His lips form a cute shape that only he can produce and you just want to squish his puffy cheeks. 
“You always pick lame movies. There’s so many good ones out there and you have yet to choose one of them.” Taehyung frowns, giving the older wolf a strong side eye of irritation. 
Taehyung, Jimin, and Yoongi are the Betas of the pack, strong-minded and often a bit rough around the edges when interacting with the others, yet most of the time it’s all in good fun and they never truly intend to be mean. Being the Omegas, Jin, Jungkook, and Hobi are most often picked on, but they’re known for their playful, childlike qualities. In your opinion, Jungkook doesn’t really have an Omega personality aside from his innocence and tendency to joke around with Jin a lot, but his aggression, physical athleticism, and quick reflexes probably will earn him the status of Beta one day if he keeps up the good work. Yebin and Insook, the two other females of the pack are of different rankings; Yebin (Yoongi’s mate) being an Omega, and Insook (Taehyung’s mate) a Beta. They hold everyone together, talk sense into the males when they’re being irrational, do majority of the hunting, and protect the manor when the males go away to check borders. They’re both very sweet, but you find that Yebin is more quiet and submissive than Insook, which you guess in in her nature. Insook has been known as the pack’s mother in a way since she is always disciplining the Omegas and taking up responsibilities. But for some reason, they respect you far more than you expected, Insook even asking for your approval on various occasions since you’ve been bitten, and you wonder if your wolf will be a Beta in the pack, or even a sort of Alpha female, at least amongst the other females if that was possible. You try not to think about it too much.
“Well, you guys always pick ones that are too scary for me. Then me and Jin don’t enjoy ourselves and you tease us about it.” Hobi whines, folding his arms.
“Taehyung, you got to choose last time, give him a chance.” Insook glances at him from her spot beside him and He mumbles under his breath for being scolded, but he doesn’t move his arm from around her shoulders. 
“I’ll make the snacks! I just bought some really cute Halloween themed baking decorations and I can’t wait to use them.” Jin obsesses, thinking about all the pastries and snacks he could make. 
“Okay, I want everyone back home before the moon rises, preferably before dark. The full moon is out tonight. You know what that means.” He doesn’t have to explain what happens during full moons, everyone already knows, and they nod in acknowledgement of his request. You nod, but there’s a small voice in the back of your head convincing you that this doesn’t apply to you. You’re not a full werewolf yet, so there’s no need to worry, right? Only full wolves feel the effects of a full moon. At least that’s what you tell yourself. “I can’t stress this enough, please be safe.” Namjoon closes with this and dismisses everyone, it’s about noon so they all go their separate ways, including Jimin, who promised to go to the store with Hobi to get some last minute movie night things.
“I’ll be back later, just call me if you need anything.” He says to you on his way out of the door, offering you a small peck on the lips as he exits. 
“You still going out tonight?” Jungkook approaches you with a grin, showing off his sharpened canines that have already started to grow.
“Shhhhhh!” You hold a finger over his mouth and look around anxiously, listening for Jimin to exit the house and waiting until he is out of earshot. “Be quieter.”
“You haven’t told him yet? He’s gonna worry if you don’t tell him where you’re going.” Jungkook pushes your hand out of the way, but gives you his soft, wide-eyed look.
“I know, but he hasn’t asked me. I told him I was hanging out with Halin today and he barely questioned it. I think it’s because he feels like he’s coddling me a bit and is trying to back off, so I won’t tell him if he doesn’t want to know. I know he’ll probably just ask to tag along anyway.” You didn’t mean for it to sound like you didn’t want Jimin with you. Of course you did. But you also wanted a little independence, freedom. You rarely go out without him, it was almost as if he was your personal bodyguard or something, but sometimes you just need to do things on your own. And Jimin respects that, so that’s why he won’t intervene in your plans tonight, as long as you’re safe. “Plus, you know where I’m going so if anything goes wrong, I’ll just call you.”
“Okay, I guess.” Despite the uneasy feeling Jungkook gets from the situation, he agrees. It seems like you’ve got it all figured out and he’ll also respect your capability in protecting yourself. At least someone knows. 
“(Y/n),” Namjoon comes up behind you and you both turn to look at the leader. “I need talk with you for a moment.” He motions for you to follow him out of the room and you trail him quickly, glancing back at your friend as he looks on. Hopefully you won’t get your privileges revoked at the last minute. 
“Is there something wrong?” You ask nervously, hands clasped together in silent prayer. 
“No, but I want you to know the risks of going out tonight. I completely trust you and I don’t find it necessary to keep you locked up here if you don’t want to be. I just want you to make sure that you understand why you need to be cautious.” With a nod of affirmation from you, he proceeds. “You’re different now, you won’t perceive things the same way and sometimes that can be scary. Be aware of your surroundings and try to stick to your comfort zone as much as possible. Full moons are times when our senses enhance by 10 times, so we usually stay here, or at least within our borders to prevent anything unexpected from happening. We don’t know how you’ll be affected by it, but I read up on some old books and they say that you might experience added aggression, irritability, high anxiety, sensitivity to outside stimuli, as well as intense alertness and even paranoia.”
“Wow, you sound like a commercial for heart medication.” You mumble, both of you chuckling slightly at the comment before Namjoon straightens up again. 
“I’m serious. Just... be careful. Don’t put yourself in stressful situations if you don’t have to and make sure you’re back before the moon comes out. It’s usually not up fully until an hour after sunset, plan accordingly.”
“Okay, I will.” You nod again, receiving a long stare from him as he searches your eyes, before he finally nods back and allows you to go. 
You spend the rest of the time before the party getting your costume ready and doing your makeup. You weren’t going to actually be at the party, but you still wanted to dress up and get in the spirit. Halin told you that she would meet you at the edge of the woods at your usual spot to pick you up in about a half hour, and you rush to finish everything before you have to leave. Even though Jimin didn’t ask for you to do this, you still ask Jungkook to escort you out of the woods, a job that your boyfriend is usually glad to do, because you know that it is what he wants. You could make it through on your own, you’ve travelled the path more times than you could count, but it was just safer and easier to have someone with you. When it’s time to leave, the young wolf shifts and let’s you ride on his back until you reach the border of the trees where he drops you off and tells you to give him a call when you’re ready to come back. 
“You look so good!” You tell your best friend again as you help decorate the building. 
“Do I look as sexy as I feel?” She asks, jutting out her hip.
“Sexiest fairy I’ve ever seen.” You wink at her, smiling when she does a twirl, showing off all the glitter and sparkles adorning her skin and fake translucent wings. Her skimpy outfit shows off a generous amount of skin and you’re a little jealous of how confident she is to be able to go out in something like that. Your costume is a little more modest (just slightly): you’re dressed as a werewolf of sorts, complete with a plaid crop top and bright blue high waisted shorts, topped off with ripped fishnets, boots with a heel, clip on ears and matching furry cufflinks for effect. Your makeup outlines your face sharply and gives the impression of a snout, your painted dog nose seeming to pop out. You didn’t know what else to dress up as, so naturally this was your go to idea. Jungkook laughed at your outfit at first, saying that he couldn’t even tell what you were supposed to be, but you quickly set him straight by telling him that it wasn’t supposed to be an accurate representation. Initially you bought a matching tail, but he advised you that it was too much so you scrapped it. 
“You both look so cute!” Jiwoo comes up beside the two of you and sets down a plate of freshly made snacks in the shape of skulls and witch’s cauldrons. “I especially love the eye color, (Y/n).” 
Your smile falters for a second when you remember your forgotten contacts, but you play it off since it goes with the theme. You thank her and resume working, arranging cups and plates, hanging things from the ceiling, and covering light bulbs with colored tissue paper to make everything that much more spooky. Proud of your work, you go over to your other friends to see if there was anything you could help with.
“Uh, yeah, we need to move a few of these sofas into that room over there, this is going to be the dance floor.” Jooheon directs as he focuses on hooking up the speakers and DJ booth. 
Complying, you walk over and grab one of the arms of the large couch, pulling it with ease across the floor, then lifting it when you find that it was leaving marks on the tile. You repeat the process with the other sofa and return to find Jooheon and two others looking at you with confused and shocked faces. 
“Did you just lift those by yourself?” One of them asks, bringing your attention to the strength you were supposed to be hiding. Your eyes widen and you freeze, momentarily stunned. 
Seeing this, Halin jumps into action and comes out of the room behind you, coming to stand next to you while stretching her back.
“Pfft, no, Halin helped me move them.” You recover quickly glancing over at your best friend who nods in response.
“Oh.” They all seem to dismiss the event with your excuse and you let out a sigh of relief, looking to your savior with thankful eyes as you walk away to find something else to do. 
“Watch it, you strong motherfucker.” She laughs, elbowing you playfully in your side. 
“I forgot!” Usually you don’t even have to use your strength in public, this just came naturally. 
Within hours the entire house was transformed into the perfect Halloween venue, seating areas designated, dance floor and music set up, food set out, decorations hanging from every surface, now all that was left to do was to wait for the guests. You suppose this is about when you were supposed to leave. Set up was complete and the party would begin shortly, it’s best to get out before it becomes crowded, but things were just getting started and you really wanted to see all of the planning come into fruition. The alpha’s words echo in your head, but the rebellious side of you wasn’t listening, which might have had something to do with the full moon that was due to appear soon, seeing as the sun was already starting to set. Well, you still had an hour so why not have some fun? It didn’t take long to get home.
As people started showing up, you were assigned door duty, checking people’s invitations and making sure they weren’t carrying any contraband like alcohol, etc. (there was a bar there if anyone wanted drinks). The position gave you a view of the sky and you checked occasionally to see the sunset’s progress, and when the last sliver of light disappeared behind the warm colored leaves in the distance, you abandoned your post to enter the party with Halin. 
“There’s a lot of people here.” You state in awe, looking around at the already crowded rooms. Sure, you were the one that let all of these people in, but you didn’t really get a true sense of how many there are until you get the chance to see them all in one place. Unconsciously, you shuffle closer to your friend. 
“Hell yeah, I’m excited! Stick close to me we’re going in.” You latch onto her arm as she pulls you ahead into the crowd, pushing past people until you’re in the center of the floor. She immediately starts dancing to the music, jumping into the sway of the party easily while you stick out like a sore thumb, suddenly and inexplicably nauseous. 
In hindsight, Namjoon was completely right. As you look around, you notice that you don’t know anyone, which wouldn’t have been an issue if you weren’t so riled up already. The loud music pulses through the building and it’s almost deafening, to the point where your head hurts so much that your eyes feel like they’re about to pop out. Someone bumps into you from the back and you jump in surprise, your yelp drowned out by the noises around you. Even the scent of food and alcohol 3 rooms away wafts into your nose and practically makes you dry heave. Halin seems to notice your discomfort and moves to grab your hands, swinging your arms back and forth to the beat, and you can feel every point of contact you have with other beings, the people rubbing against you, the heat coming off of their bodies, the brush of their costumes and your own against your skin, and it’s all too much. You pull away from her abruptly and make a break for the exit, walking blindly through the people until you find yourself in an equally crowded seating room. Holding yourself, you search for a place to sit, but find that all of the seats are take, so you end up standing awkwardly as people pour in and out of the small room. 
Jimin frowns deeply. The sun went down 15 minutes ago and you’re not back home yet, nor have you contacted him. He’s parked on one of the couches surrounding the flat screen tv that is currently playing the beginning of some ridiculous horror comedy movie that Hoseok picked out, snacks splayed all around him as his pack mates talk and eat, unaware of his unease. He shifts in his spot, used to wrapping his arms around you, and he wonders where you are. There’s this feeling in his gut, an unsettling one that rests in the pit of his stomach and makes it tighten into knots. His hair stands on edge, but for some reason he doesn’t think it’s because of the full moon slowly climbing up the night sky. A few minutes pass before he allows the worry to consume him and spring him into action. Nudging Jungkook with his foot, Jimin catches the attention of the younger wolf and leans in to whisper. 
“Do you know where (Y/n) is?” There’s a hesitation from Jungkook and this does not go unnoticed, so Jimin asks again, this time louder. 
“Shhhh, go somewhere else, we’re trying to watch a movie.” Jin hisses, hand stuffed in the popcorn bowl that’s already half empty. Jimin rolls his eyes and stands, grabbing the other male’s arm to guide him out of the room to continue their conversation.
“Do you know where she went?” He tries a third time, trying to contain his rising temper. The added anxiety on his already irritated conscience makes him a little bit more aggressive than he intends. But Jungkook doesn’t seem too affected.
“Well, I know she went out to a party...” He starts cautiously. Would you want Jimin to know where exactly you were? He wasn’t quite sure if he should tell him. 
“Where is the party? I can feel how uncomfortable she is right now, I need to find her.” There’s worry clouding Jimin’s bright eyes and he taps his foot impatiently.
“I don’t know where it is,” The younger one shrugs and thinks back to where you said it would take place. “But she’s with Halin, I’m sure she’s fine.”
As much as Jimin wants to believe this, he can feel his skin almost start to tingle, his instincts telling him that you were unbelievably stressed and overwhelmed, and nothing Halin could do would be able to help that. Only your mate would be able to console your fears.
“No,” The word is almost growled and he fights to contain his wolf that threatens to come out. Right now Jungkook was impeding him from reaching you and if he hadn’t been the only one who knew where you were, Jimin would have long removed him from his path. “I need to get to her right now.” The desperation in his eyes betrays his aggressive words and Jungkook sympathizes. You must actually be in trouble.
“There’s a flier with the party info in my room-“ Before Jungkook can even finish his sentence, Jimin is dashing up the stairs and searching his desk for the bright orange piece of paper that reveals your location. Then he’s out of the door without even saying anything to anyone else.
“Hey!” Namjoon shouts, but he’s long gone. “Where the hell is he going, the moon’s almost out!” 
“He’s going to find (Y/n), he can sense something going on.” At Jungkook’s words, the alpha already knows what’s happened. You’re overwhelmed, which means you didn’t heed his warnings and were still at the party. He trusts that Jimin will be able to save you from your distress and relaxes back into his seat with a shake of his head, ignoring the questioning stares of the others. 
Taking a few deep breaths, you try to calm yourself down, but the hot air around you only makes it feel like you’re suffocating. Never in your life have you felt so... trapped. You bring your eyes to the ceiling, trying to think past the haze of your headache and figure out a way to bring yourself back from this panic. The full moon was probably all the way out by now, how long have you been in here? Calling Jungkook to come get you was probably the next logical step, but your hands fumble in your pockets and they shake so hard that you can’t see the screen on your tiny device. Distantly, you register your name being called, and look up to see Halin squeezing her way through patrons to get to you.
“(Y/n), I’ve been looking everywhere for you! Are you okay?” Her eyes are wide when she sees your shaken state, the frantic shifting of your eyes barely able to focus on her form in front of you. “Y-your fangs!”
Fangs? Without thinking, you lift a hand to your mouth and are met with the sting of the sharp point of your canine cutting into the pad of your thumb. Looking down at the digit, you observe a drop of blood form and stare at it in shock. Halin turns on the front camera of her phone and holds it in front of you so you can see yourself, shiny new teeth sticking from your mouth similar to how Jungkook’s were before you left the house today. 
“I have fangs?” On any other day, you would have been excited by the change, more evidence of your transformation signifying that you’re closer to being a full werewolf. But now it only brings you more fear, looking around at the people who don’t seem to notice. You try to cover them with your lips, but they still are noticeably hanging in front of your bottom lip, along with your eyes that seem to glow in the dark now. Suddenly you’re frozen with fear, unsure of what to do. You’ve long forgotten that this is a costume party and no one thinks your appearance is strange, you’re only focused on the fact that you should have listened to the leader and left before the party started. Regret sets into your throat and threatens to choke you with the weight of it; you’re stuck in a party full of unfamiliar faces, loud noises, bright lights, strange smells, and you can’t even think straight enough to find the exit. Your heart beats too fast and you almost think you’ll pass out from how heavy you’re breathing.
Halin is saying something to you, but her words are muted and all you can hear is the thumping of your heart and the various noises created by the other humans surrounding you all too closely. So you just stand there, thoughts running in a million directions before focusing in on one. A scent. One that triggers something in you that melts your body enough to allow you to look around. That smell, the smell of comfort, protection. Jimin. He locks eyes with you and shoves people out of his way until he’s right next to you, pulling you into his arms.
“I-It’s too much, Jimin.” You whisper into his chest and all he does is shush you quietly. 
The first thing he notices is that you’re hyperventilating, panting against his chest in big gasps, but after only seconds of being in his presence your breathing begins to even out. He’s a bit disheveled as well, but now that he’s found you he can relax. Everything around you becomes silent and all you can sense is your mate, his arms wrapped tightly around your shaking frame, his heart synchronizing with yours and calming it, the puffs of air that blow gently on the crown of your head, the hand that runs soothingly through your hair. There’s nothing else but him and you feel your body move away from the ledge it was hanging onto. 
“Are you okay?” He murmurs, only loud enough for your sensitive ears to hear. You nod weakly and then he’s pulling you out of the building by the hand, leaving Halin standing there in confusion and guilt. She lets you go, there’s nothing she can do for you anyway. 
Once you step outside the cold air rushes into your lungs, allowing you to take your first breaths of clean air. Jimin walks a distance away from the party until you’re out of sight, and then turns to inspect you. 
“Are you hurt? Did anyone touch you?” His hands roam you to make sure you’re unharmed as you shake your head, still unable to form words. When you find your voice, you look up at him.
“H-how did you find me?” You’re glad he did, but you half expected Jungkook to go on the search for you first since he knew your curfew and where you were.
“Why didn’t you come home before sunset?” He deflects your question with his own, eyebrows knit in what you perceive as concern. 
“I didn’t- it wasn’t-“ You fumble for words, unsure how to answer him. “I’m not sure.” Defeated, you sigh and slump, knowing full well that you had the chance to leave at any time and chose not to. 
“(Y/n),” For the first time, Jimin takes in your appearance. He notices your eyes and teeth, leaning in to touch your mouth and make sure they weren’t prosthetics that you added as a part of your costume. When he confirms they are real, he looks up at the sky and sees the moon peeking above the tree line. “Come on, we need to get home.” 
You walk to the edge of the trees and enter the forest, looking both ways for bystanders before Jimin shifts and you hop onto his back, holding onto his ash brown fur until you’re in front of the manor again. You both enter the house and head straight into your bedroom, not even giving the rest of the pack a passing glance as all of their ears and heads turn toward you silently, the entire room already half transformed but still completely engrossed in the movie and snacks. Jungkook and Namjoon stare at your back a little longer than the others, but they don’t say anything and return their attention to the screen. 
Neither of you know why you’ve ended up in the bedroom, that’s just where Jimin’s instincts led him, but now you were standing face to face in the locked room, staring at each other in silence. Looking into your boyfriend’s eyes, you see a swirl of emotions, something that you thought was anger that was really something more like lust. His pupils were blown, the slim irises reflecting a golden color that glows in the lighting of the room. He approaches you a step closer, looking over your costume and makeup with curiosity. 
“So, you went to a party?” He asks lowly, but it comes out as less of a question and more of a statement.
“Yes, Jiwoo planned it.” You respond with a gulp, unsure where the conversation was going.
“And you didn’t invite me? Didn’t even tell me where you were going?” His eyebrow arches as his hand raises to play with a strand of your hair that falls in front of your face.
“You didn’t ask, I thought you didn’t want to know.” Your voice is quiet and shaky, but for a different reason this time. 
“At first I didn’t, but I realized that I’m a mess without you. I couldn’t even sit comfortably on the couch when you weren’t next to me, I didn’t know what to do with myself.” His palm caresses your cheek and you lean into his touch, something sparking up inside of you when he stares into your eyes deeply. “I want you by my side. Like I said, I can feel your emotions, I can’t help but want to be there to protect you.” 
His hands trail down your skin until they land on your hip, fingers playing with the waistband of your shorts. You shiver at the prospect of what’s to come, a raging sensation burning inside of you that yearns for your mate, who is standing so close now that you’re nearly occupying the same space. 
“I’m sorry,” You don’t really know what you’re apologizing for at this point with your mind so scrambled like this. “For not telling you about the party.”
“And?” He whispers, mouth so close to yours.
“For staying out past dark... on a full moon.” Your voice has also dropped to a whisper, your arms moving on their own to wrap around his torso. 
“Why did you tell Jungkook and not me? I’m hurt.” Jimin breathes into the crook of your neck, right above his mark and you can feel the ghost of his lips there. “You seem to have a problem with authority, disobeying our alpha and keeping things from me.” He tuts at you while pulling away, fingers now at the front of your top, and with nimble fingers he pulls the knot between your breasts so that it unravels and your shirt falls open, pushed off your shoulders until it pools at the ground. “Did you forget who you are, princess?”
Your exposure sets off the untamed desire within you and before you can help it you’re launching forward and locking lips with him, moaning at the sensation of his hands pinching at your nipples. The kiss is a bit awkward with both of your canines out fully now, but you don’t mind, somehow managing to avoid getting cut by the sharp fangs. 
His fingers glide down smoothly into your shorts, putting in little effort and minimal force to rip them from your legs, leaving you in nothing but your fishnets and heel boots. You try to remove his shirt through the sloppy kiss, hands intending to pull the material over his head, but instead it tears off his body in the same way your shorts did, giving as much resistance as a wet tissue. There’s no time to marvel at your strength, though, because the beast inside you is urging you both forward until you land on the shared king sized bed in the middle of the floor and Jimin is flipping you onto your stomach. You crawl onto your knees in front of him to present yourself in just the way he likes, weight resting on your elbows and back arched to accent the roundness of your ass. Jimin sucks in a breath of air and slaps the flesh with a flick of his wrist, palming at the globes roughly as a primal growl rumbles in his throat.
“Look at you, dripping down your thighs and waiting for me to fuck you.” He coos, observing the glistening liquid that coats your legs. “Are you gonna be good for me, baby?” You hear the sound of tearing and feel a breeze between your legs, coming to the realization that he’s torn the center of your leggings and was now face to face with your heat, peppering your skin with kisses. Pressing your eyes shut, you try to stay still as he takes his time studying you, hands spreading your cheeks and thumbs opening your lips so he can get a clear view of his treasure. 
“Yes, I’ll be good for you Jimin.” You whine when you feel his tongue glide up your weeping slit, lapping up your juices.
“Do you remember who you are?” His words are spoken into your core, lips traveling down to capture your clit between them and you nearly squeal.
“Yes! I’m your bitch, Jimin! I’m your horny little bitch!” A growl of approval sounds from him when he runs his fingers up your slick inner thighs and your legs are shaking around him with the struggle of holding you up. The copious amount of fluid pouring from you signifies that you’re more than ready to take him inside you and you fight your inner instincts that tell you to beg for him and submit. But in reality, you’ve already fully submitted to him anyway and he knows it. Jimin pulls away to dispose of his pants and underwear, releasing his furious cock that strains and throbs against his hard abdomen. You peek between your legs to catch a glimpse of it, your mouth going dry and your heart jumping to your throat at the sight. You want him so badly, want to feel him deep inside you as soon as possible, and your hole tingles and aches in impatient anticipation.
“You ready for me, baby girl?” He asks, rubbing the tip between your lips to slick it in all of your wetness. “I don’t think I’ll be able to hold back tonight.” 
“Please just fuck me,” You whisper, already out of breath just from the thought of what’s to come. “I need you.”
Jimin groans your name as his final effort of resistance against his primal instincts finally break. When he starts pushing inside of your warmth, you notice a difference. He’s slightly bigger than normal, his intrusive girth stretching you farther than before, and you almost double over in shock, but after a couple of seconds your body accepts him and opens up. His hands grip your waist with bruising force and you feel him shake as his cock continues to penetrate your entrance slowly, inch by solid inch. By the time he bottoms out, you’re both panting and trembling slightly, sweat dripping down his hot skin as if he’s been consumed by a sudden fever. Your patience is short and you push back into him, whimpering and swiveling your hips to entice him into action. There’s a moment where he adjusts himself before he’s slamming roughly into you rapidly.
Your jaw falls slack as he fucks into you, his steel grip on you making sure you can’t move an inch away from him. Silver moonlight floods into the room, casting beautiful shadows on your bodies and seemingly adding to his strength and speed. You arch your back so that he can reach deeper into you, head tilting and eyes rolling to the back of your head at the depth he gets. 
“Oh my god,” Getting comfortable with the pace, Jimin goes a bit harder, making you claw at the sheets to the point where you’re surprised they haven’t ripped yet. “hngh- oh shit.” 
“You like that, baby? You’re taking me so well.” Your lover smirks at your inability to speak, taking in the details of your contorted face and flushed cheeks. Both of you are glistening, the room feeling a thousand degrees hotter now, and even starting to fog up the windows on the far wall of it. 
His hands creep up your back and to your shoulder, pushing you down so your face and chest are pressed into the sheets beneath you. At the new angle, Jimin can thrust so much deeper and you feel the engorged tip of his cock grazing your cervix in the most delicious way, more unintelligible moans and noises falling from your lips when he kneels on one knee and snaps his hips impossibly harder. The smell of sex wafts through the air and there’s no doubt in your mind that it’s strong enough for your pack mates to smell even from their position downstairs. Sounds of moans, sticky skin, and the headboard ramming into the abused wall fill the room along with your pants, and it’s so loud, your ears picking up every creak the box springs make under your weight, every inhale and exhale, every ticklish slap of his loaded balls against your labia, every grunt from him and whimper and whine from you. But none of those things compares to the overwhelming sensation of Jimin inside you, his cock filling you so completely that you don’t even have space to think.
“Jimin, more,” You’re able to pant out among the slew of continuous moans.
“You’re a greedy bitch, aren’t you?” He remarks with a dark chuckle. A hand slithers around your midsection, hovering above your clit tantalizingly, and you whine loudly.
“Please!” You cry out, on the verge of ecstasy already and only needing a small push to get you there. You’ve slid up the bed so much that you’re nearly laying flat on your stomach now, but your ass is still propped up for his use. Jimin leans over your frame and cranes his neck down to nibble on your ear, tongue dancing random patterns on your skin that make your head lull to the side. 
“Cumming already?” You nod frantically to his question, hips bucking against him in search of anything that will throw you over the edge. “Good. I want you to cum all over this cock like a good little bitch. Show me how much you want me to fill your tight little pussy with my seed.”
Finally, his fingers dip down to rub harsh circles into your clit, tingles of pleasure shooting up your body and making you scream into the sheets. God, it all just feels too good. Jimin finds it in himself to go just a bit faster, the ridges of his length brushing against you in the perfect way, and soon you’re hit with the blinding relief of orgasm. You shake uncontrollably, sound coming from you in broken intervals as you struggle to catch a breath, head thrown back onto his strong shoulder as he keeps with his pace, riding you out until your body sinks back down to earth. He moans with you the entire time you convulse around him, using your tightness to get him closer to his peak, but he slows down a bit when you come back to your senses. 
Placing gentle pecks on your neck and jaw, he rolls softly into you, ignoring the roaring monster inside of him that tells him to keep going. The gentleness doesn’t last long, however, because as soon as you’re okay to continue, he drops to his elbows and pistons into you relentlessly, dire to release the pressure that has been building at his base the entire night. 
“You did so fucking well, princess,” He rasps, voice a gravelly mumble against the shell of your ear. “I’m gonna fill you up so much, just like you deserve. Until you’re womb is swimming with my babies. Would you like that?” He asks, body moving faster and faster as the words pour out of his mouth. 
“Mmhmp, fuck, I want it so bad!” You groan, body as limp as a noodle by this point.
He makes a sound behind you, almost as if he were in pain, and only gets in a few more pumps before he’s stilling inside you, pressed all the way until he’s kissing your cervix. You feel him tense as he swells inside your walls, his tip inflating steadily and stretching you uncomfortably so. You’re no stranger to his knot, having experienced it on multiple occasions, but that doesn’t mean your body doesn’t protest it every time. Naturally, panic starts to set in when your walls are pushed to their limits and beyond. You try to move away, wiggling to escape the pain, but Jimin has you locked to his body, arms wrapped around you and molding you to his front so you can’t go anywhere while he’s still anchored deeply inside you. Soon, he starts shaking and breathing even heavier, moaning your name as the first waves of his orgasm crash down on him, his face buried in your neck as he’s overcome.
“(Y/n),” He chokes out when you continue to squirm. “Don’t move... please.” He sounds strained, grunts and deep rumbles caught in his chest as his cock spurts copious amounts of semen into your womb. You try your hardest to remain still, but fuck, it hurts. You will yourself to relax, your shaky body slowly calming under him when he leaves kisses on your skin, his hot breath soothing you under his trembling figure. 
It takes a few minutes before his knot starts to deflate, his breath returning to normal and your hearts synchronizing as he lays on top of you, holding his weight on his elbows. You can feel the load of cum start to leak out of you as soon as he pulls out, your overfilled pussy feeling worn and aching. He moves to cup your heat and you jump at his touch, surprised and unprepared for the contact.
“Don’t waste a drop.” He speaks, knowing that you’re on birth control and won’t be having his pups any time soon, but the animal in him can’t help it. Your cheeks flame at this, thinking back on the intense night you’ve had and the intensity of your connection to him, and Jimin notices your sudden shyness. “What is it?” 
“Nothing.” You roll over and he lays beside you, pulling you closer so you can cuddle up into his chest. “I just love you... a lot.” At this he grins. 
“I’m so happy you’re my mate. I’m so glad I marked you.” He stares at your scar for a moment, the teeth imprint a forever reminder that you are his. “Listen, I don’t think I can ever not be protective of you. I want you to have your space, but I can’t stand to be without you. I feel like half a person when you’re not around.”
“I don’t want space, Jimin. I want you. I think I learned that very valuable lesson today.” You laugh, looking into his eyes lovingly. “Along with the lesson to never listen to Halin again. She’s the one that convinced me to go to the stupid party in the first place.”
A hearty laugh sounds from him and you smile at the brightness in his face. “She meant well.” There’s a long pause where the both of you just look at each other, not saying anything. But then he speaks again. “You look good with fangs.”
His comment reminds you of your new appearance, as well as your costume for the night, which has now been ripped to shreds, and your makeup that has smudged all over your face. 
“Do you think they’re here to stay? Like yours?” Jimin shrugs at this, thinking of what might happen. Maybe the full moon triggered something within you and let out your wolf. Maybe it will only last for tonight. Who knows, all he knows is that he’ll love you either way.
“I guess we’ll have to see, but for now, let’s get some rest. You’re gonna need it for round 2.”
“Round 2?” You raise an eyebrow in question, but he says nothing else. “The night is still young, who says we’re stopping at two?”
“You horny little devil.” He giggles, poking your nose. “I guess you’ll have to wait and find out about that too.”
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kachuwritings · 6 years
A Night to Remember
a/n: It is finally here; my Stray Kids Halloween special,,,5 days too late. I’m sorry, real life got in the way, I procrastinated like mate, stop procrastinating and I underestimated the amount of work this would cost me. With that being said, I worked my ass off for this special and i hope you all like it since I put my blood, sweat and tears into this. <3
word count (all 9 parts): 11.5k
main part: 1.8k+
summary: A story in which Stray Kids take you to a Halloween-themed amusement park on the night of October 31st and there’s different kinds of attractions you can go on. This is a 9 part series with this here being the main part and one part for each member. In the end, click on the attraction you want to go on and get your date with a surprise member.
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=> moodboard credit to the lovely @marriael who made it specially for this series.💖
It was definitely a Halloween spent differently this year. No trick or treating, no giving out candy, no dressing up or Halloween parties since this time your friends decided to take you out on a trip to a Halloween-themed amusement park on the spooky night of October 31st. Claiming they wanted to make the first Halloween they get to spend with you special and a night to remember, whatever that was supposed to mean. Literally the only information they gave you regarding this trip was that it’s going to be at night and they had promised it to get spooky but the latter just sounded like an empty threat to you. After all, you knew your friends, and they were bigger cowards than you, yourself, especially the one whose looks resembled a squirrel.
Apart from squirrel boy there was also a sneaky one who seemed to be attached to squirrel boy in your group of friends, an overly enthusiastic yet sleep-deprived leader, an ethereal, gorgeous angel you still weren’t sure was actually human, then this small bean who claimed to be dark and intimidating, though everyone could see he was actually quite the opposite of it, his freckled best friend with the voice of a demon, an innocent-looking boy who could roast you better than any BBQ ever would, and not to forget the braces-wearing baby. And now, tell me again you weren’t at least a little bit worried about what’s going to happen tonight. They could’ve at least provided you with the name of the amusement park or its location but as soon as you asked, Chan only replied to you in a suggestive whisper, saying it was a secret.
What had you gotten yourself into?
Hyunjin texted you this morning to be at their dorm at 6pm, so you still had enough time for the one-hour long drive, and now that you were standing in front of their door, you already felt the excitement bubbling inside of you. Sure, you’ve been to amusement parks before but never at night and on top of that on Halloween. You had sworn to yourself to kick the butt of whoever was going to scare you, no exceptions made.
Not long after you knocked on the door, footsteps could’ve been heard from inside the room, approaching the door. A tall boy with messy black hair revealed himself after opening the door to let you in. He looked classy and fashionable even in a simple black and white striped sweatshirt and grey sweatpants. His hair seemed to still be somewhat wet since you could see little droplets of water glistening among the mess of black strands.
“Good evening, Hyunjinnie.” You smiled, lifting your hand up to ruffle through his messy and still slightly wet hair, making the boy giggle.
He reciprocated your smile and greeted you as well, following you into the living room of their dorm, after you disposed of your shoes next to the door, where you then plopped down comfortably to wait for them to get ready.
While you made yourself comfortable and fetched your phone out of your bag, Hyunjin disappeared into the kitchen just to appear next to you seconds later again with a glass and a bottle of water, which he both placed on the coffee table right in front of you, before heading in the direction of their rooms and the bathroom, getting ready himself, or so you assumed.
“You guys are worse than girls getting ready for prom. We’re going to a Halloween-themed amusement park and not a catwalk…or wait, are you now telling me you’ve played me and we’re heading somewhere completely different?” You rambled on as they finally showed up in the living room, all styled and ready to leave.
“First of all, hey!! We’re not worse than girls,” Changbin pouted.
“Exactly. And no, don’t worry. We’re taking you to that amusement park for sure.” Though something about Minho’s smirk while saying that made you worry after all.
The drive to that ominous location where the amusement park was supposed to be located at turned out to be funnier than expected and it actually calmed your nerves down a lot, almost to a point where you laughed about yourself for thinking those eight dorks would really try to scar you for life. You were all listening to the whole I am YOU album, which they had just dropped around a week ago and jamming along to all the songs. Jeongin was a smiley baby as always and screamed the song lyrics together with Jisung while Felix sang everyone’s part in his deep voice with Changbin, Hyunjin and Seungmin trying to imitate him. Minho looked at them in amusement, though with a raised eyebrow and then gave you a look that equalled an eye-roll, to what you grinned back at him. Sure, it was loud inside the van but it was also a blast and everyone seemed to get more than hyped for an unforgettable night.
Finally, the van that Chan was driving came to halt and you looked out of the window to discover that you actually headed to an amusement park, its name already visible from afar due to the huge, ascending neon sign on top.
Scream Shadow Land, it read.
‘Sounds promising,’ you thought with a hint of sarcasm.
Chan, who had already climbed out of the van from the driver’s seat, shooed everyone out and guided you to the entrance. The big neon sign gave the surroundings a light orange glow which made you think of pumpkin soup, or maybe it was all the pumpkins standing around as decoration that suddenly made you feel hungry.
After Mr. Bang was so nice to pay for everyone’s entrance tickets, you entered the big park and came to an abrupt halt after walking through the gates. The park looked huge and there were so many attractions, you didn’t even know which one to go on first.
“It's beautiful, right?” Chan suddenly appeared next to you.
“Yes, it's mind-blowing. Thank you for taking me here.” You replied in awe.
The park was lit up by all the attractions and streetlamps, there were even glowing pumpkins standing around. It wasn't packed but there were definitely quite some people who wanted to spend their Halloween night the same way as you planned to.
“You need to keep an eye open, y/n, sometimes they try to scare you and suddenly jump out from a dark corner in a creepy costume.” Jisung advised you with a grin.
“And if you're not careful, they'll kidnap you and bring you to their dungeons.” Minho chimed in from the other side next to you.
“Guys, are you trying to scare me now because you’ve realized this amusement park is rather beautiful than scary?”
“We might,” Seungmin whispered into your ear, making you turn around hasily, slightly startled at him standing right behind you all of a sudden.
“Jesus, don't give me a heart-attack, Minnie.” You exclaimed while dramatically clutching your chest.
“I want to ride the roller coaster,” Jeongin whined from a few feet away from you.
“I'll pass,” Jisung gulped, getting reminded of that time they went to an amusement park during their reality show.
“C'mon guys, let's get going!” Chan announced, signalling the rest of you to finally get away from the entrance and start the adventure.
“Since we came here to surprise y/n, they can choose what ride they want to go on first and then we'll just see who'll go with them, okay?” Changbin suggested, giving you the opportunity to choose freely.
Now that made you nervous. Not the part that you could choose, that was awesome, but the part when he said that someone would join you then. Of course you silently hoped for a special someone but how big was the chance to pick exactly the one ride he wanted to go on, too? 1 in 8, so you had to choose wisely.
You were here with eight dorky but wonderful guys and you would've been lying if you said they didn’t make your heart beat faster. After all this time you had spent over at their dorms as their friend, you felt so close to each and everyone of them though there was this one member you had always felt a bit different around. You didn't want to admit it at first but over time you had to be true to yourself and give in to your growing crush on him. Whenever it was the two of you alone, you felt your heartbeat speed up and your hands getting shaky. When he touched you casually or brushed his hand against yours, a wave of electricity shot through your whole body, and someday, all of these signs became so painfully obvious that you had to admit it to yourself.
“Look at all those attractions! Which do you want to ride first?” Chan asked you, inspecting your profile from the side and unknowingly shaking you out of your little reverie.
You did look at them. But how on earth would you be able to choose. There were at least eight different attractions that piqued your interest.
There was a dark and huge building if you took the path to the far left, it was clad in spider webs and looked really spooky. In front stood a person dressed in a skeleton costume with a scythe and there was a pool with blood red water right next to the entrance from which green light and a lot of smoke came out. Next to it was a similar building but instead of an actual haunted house it looked more like a dark ride. It had drawn ghosts all over the façade and seemed inviting for a little spook. You weren't really sure which scared you more though. If you took the path right in front of you there was a huge carousel with three different floors first and right behind it you spotted two tall towers, one being a gyro tower and the other one a drop tower. Those attractions seemed more or less harmless and fun. Last but not least there was also a path to the right which led you to a roller coaster and a swing ride. If you followed the path even further it would lead you more into the centre of the park where the giant and cliché Ferris wheel was located, from which you could see all over the whole park and even more. You were beyond amazed by all these attractions.
“Which one do you choose?” Felix beamed his contagious smile at you, tearing you out of your thoughts.
“Uhh... I think, I choose…”
Roller Coaster | Haunted House | Drop Tower | Gyro Tower | Dark Ride | Ferris Wheel | Swing Ride | Carousel
“Oh really? I want to go there, too!!” A familiar voice sounded from next to you.
“Alright, let's pair up and meet here again in two hours!” And with that, everyone went their own ways in pairs.
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altheterrible · 5 years
Autumn, Mini pumpkins, Pumpkin Spice?
Autumn: What’s your favorite thing about autumn?
For me, it’s definitely the cooler weather. I have extensive scarring from self-harm, so I always wear long sleeves, and that’s really miserable all summer. Autumn brings cooler temps and relief.
Mini pumpkins: How do you decorate for fall/Halloween?
We go all out for Halloween. We usually do something zombie themed in the front yard, and inside we have lights and spider webs and bats dangling from the ceiling. It’s so great being an adult lol.
Pumpkin spice: is pumpkin spice worth the hype?
I love pumpkin spice, okay. But even I think it’s a little overdone. Caramel apple is a valid choice as well for fall, as is maple.
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hp-again · 7 years
Rereading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: Chapter Sixteen - A Very Frosty Christmas
CHRISTMAS TIMEEEE IS HEEEEERE (its not even halloween yet but the hype is so real)
“Well, you can’t break an Unbreakable Vow...” “I’d worked that much out for myself, funnily enough.”
savage harry strikes again!!!!!
- HAHAH fred and george are roasting ron about lavender asking if she has brain damage and ron A WIZARD retaliates by throwing an actual fucking knife
“Percy definitely not showing his ugly face, then?” asked Fred. Mrs. Weasley turned away before she answered. “No, he’s busy, I expect, at the Ministry.”
literally pains me to read percys name FUQ A DUDE FOR HURTING MOLLY 
Malfoy was definitely up to something, and Snape knew it, so Harry felt fully justified in saying “I told you so,” which he had done several times to Ron already.
ah yes harry because that is a very unannoying,  non-dickhead thing to do and will totally get people to see your point of view
- ‘a cauldron full of hot, strong love’ will forever be my favorite title of anything ever
- also people are still being mean to fleur and im not here for it yall!!!!!!!!!!
- the ministry is still holding stan shunpike in azkaban :’(
“But I do not forget that during the year I taught at Hogwarts, Severus made the Wolfsbane Potion for me every month, made it perfectly, so that I did not have to suffer as I usually do at the full moon.”
ok..as much as i hate snape. gotta give respect where its due. like he was a DICK to remus when he was teaching and hes the one who got him fired but like he could have made things so much worse for him by fucking up the potion so ill give him that at least.
- 1. POOR BB REMUS is being forced to live with the werewolves to try and get them to not be on voldemorts side and it hurts my heart 2. fenrir greyback is mentioned and EW
- hahahahah ron just got his christmas present from lavender and all i can say is... FUCKING SERVES U RIGHT FOR MAKING HERMIONE CRY u a lil shit head in this book ron..the fuck outta here.
He hesitated a moment, then said, “Is Hermione really going out with McLaggen?” “I dunno,” said Harry. “They were at Slughorn’s party together, but I don’t think it went that well.” Ron looked slightly more cheerful as he delved deeper into his stocking.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- kreacher got harry a christmas present and harry didn’t get him one in return. sure, it was a package of maggots BUT STILL. its the thought that counts. sweet angel kreacher. 
- more random than harry and ginny? REMUS AND TONKS. like forreal where did this come from??? was jkr just in a very like loving mood when she read this book? idk but girl i am CONFUSED
- scrimgeour and percy just busted into the christmas feast and I DO NOT APPROVE ONE BIT. scrimgeour is trying to be like ‘who wants to go on a stroll with me?? eenie meenie minie... HARRY POTTER’ and it SUCKS yall
“You never get it right, you people, do you? Either we’ve got Fudge, pretending everything’s lovely while people get murdered right under his nose, or we’ve got you, chucking the wrong people into jail and trying to pretend you’ve got ‘the Chosen One’ working for you!”
“I haven’t forgotten, Minister...” He raised his right fist. There, shining white on the back of his cold hand, were the scars which Dolores Umbridge had forced him to carve into his own flesh: I must not tell lies. 
literal chills. HARRY IS GOING AWF
“Well, it is clear to me that he had done a very good job on you,” said Scrimgeour, his eyes cold and hard behind his wire-rimmed glasses. “Dumbledore’s man through and through, aren’t you, Potter?” “Yeah, I am,” said Harry. “Glad we straightened that out.” And turning his back on the Minister of Magic, he strode back toward the house.
*im a boss ass bitch plays in the background*
WELP if you liked that, follow me for more chapters!
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a-pan-in-a-van-blog · 7 years
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Post Alton Towers Scarefest 2017 Review
 So… it’s almost been a few months since I was Alton Towers’ Scarefest 2017, and I’ve finally taken some time to write my Review of this year’s Scarefest, SW8 Developments and Alton Towers’ changes as a general.
As per usual, Scarefest is always decorated all the way down Towers Street and this year Alton Towers added the wonderful ‘SCAREFEST’ lettering at the end of the green. And of course, Towers Street is accompanied by the Hallowe’en version of Alton Towers’ theme tune – In The Hall Of The Mountain King and various other Hallowe’en themed songs. The park’s walkway’s audios all get changed for Scarefest. Which is a nice touch. But apart from that there isn’t any significant changes (around the park) that is different to how the park is usually – with exception to the big pumpkins that you can have photos in/with and the fact that the Towers are gorgeously illuminated with blue & green lighting – but this year red & orange lights were added to the advertisement of SW8 (Wicker Man) as the logo was projected onto the Towers too.
The only annoying thing is the big flood lights that light up path ways of a night, yes, they’re nice and the different colours give an eerie or spooky feel to the park (depending on which section of the park you are in), but they’re always noisy with a loud humming noise, unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about it as Alton Towers hired quieter ones this year.
 Family Attractions
The Alton Ancestors: It was my first year witnessing one of the Alton Ancestors’ shows, which run for 10 minutes every half hour all throughout the morning till mid-afternoon, when they head over to Gloomy Wood for their last show at 5pm which lasts another 10-15 minutes. They also do ‘Meet & Greets’ throughout the day too.
Entertainment Rating: 7/10
Scare Rating: 3/5
Trick or Treat Stage: An attraction more for the little ones which hosted children’s shows like, “Patch’s Trick or Treat Party”, “Phil & Franklyn’s Ghoul School” and “Skelvin’s Spooky Storytime” as well as other entertainment like character photo opportunities and fancy dress competitions. I didn’t join in, however, from what I could see the shows were pretty decent entertainment!
Entertainment Rating: 6/10
Scare Rating: 2.5/5
House Of Monsters: House Of Monsters was Alton Towers’ first Scare Maze for families and it looked pretty good! Based in Cloud Cuckoo Land, it was a teamwork and challenge based walk-through maze with some jump scares and minimal kiddie-scares, it seemed very well themed and nicely polished off and according to the YouTube Channel - Theme Park Worldwide, it was really enjoyable for anyone and is worth the £5 and Shaun said he could see it being a permanent attraction at Alton Towers for the next few years. I really wanted to do it, but unfortunately, I wasn’t able to in the end due to money and time. By the looks of the popularity of the attraction, I reckon Alton Towers will keep it for a few more years or at least keep changing the interior and story every so often.
Entertainment Rating (Guess): 8/10
Scare Rating: 3.5/5
 Thrill Attractions
Rides In The Dark: as per usual, there’s AWAYS rides in the dark! And if you’re going to ride anything in the dark, I’d always recommend Rollercoasters - some more than others. So here’s my list of best to worst Rollercoasters to Ride In The Dark:
1.       Thirteen:
Yes, it’s a kiddie-coaster, and no, it’s not the fastest and certainly not the best in the park – but… I love how it winds itself through the forest and how close you get to the woods – it makes me feel close to nature. The darkness gives an element of the spirit of Thirteen and therefore, the ride feels a lot smoother and quicker. Especially, when you are in true darkness, the drop and the reversal feels *just right* to the theme and the story.  
2.       The Smiler:
Again, not my favourite Rollercoaster, I must admit, but riding The Smiler in the dark (and rain) is a wonderful sensation, especially for people with SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder), The Smiler itself is a very sensory ride as it includes all 5 senses (7 if you include Proprioception & Vestibular) in a very unique way. The track can feel very rickety at times, but once it has rained, the ride feels smoother and therefore, more enjoyable as you can take in more of the visual.    
3.       Air/Galactica:
I have ALWAYS loved Air, currently known as Galactica, in-fact it’s my favourite ride at Alton Towers; I always look forward to getting on it and it’s always one of the first rides I get one when I go (if not my first ride). But I still, shockingly, haven’t been on it in the dark! However, I placed it at number 3 due to the Portal Theming that they have used for Galactica looks STUNNING in the dark! It’s an absolute beauty! And I can also imagine that flying feels amazing in the dark too!
4.       Nemesis:
I can’t even explain how much I have been wanting to ride Nemesis in the dark! But for one reason or another, I’ve not been able to… but from speculation alone, it looks amazing as you’re either in complete darkness or illuminated by blood red lighting and I can’t imagine the adrenaline rush of sitting in the front row! So, I have placed Nemesis in 4th place due to lighting and smoke effects alone.
5.       Oblivion:
I’m sorry to say, even though Oblivion is a great ride, riding it in the dark makes no difference to the ride experience… sadly… the only positive I have to say to this is that you get some really nice views of the Towers illuminated at night – which is a really special sight to see. Plus, you spend a majority of the ride in a dark tunnel any…
6.       Rita
Again, nothing much happens to the experience of riding Rita in the dark… that might just be a personal thing as I don’t enjoy Rita that much. However, I haven’t rode Rita in a few years, as I didn’t get to ride Rita during my last visit as the ride was closed for most of the 2 days I was there.
 Another thing, even though I wouldn’t recommend doing Duel or Hex during the evening – (because there’s literally no point as they’re indoors) but going from the dark outdoors to the dark indoors creates a great and gothic atmosphere about it – especially with Hex! It’s a real-good Halloween treat!
 Rides In The Dark: 10/10
Worth Doing? Yes!
Do It Next Time? Always!
 Scare Mazes:
 As per usual, Alton Towers displayed a wide range of Scare Mazes for Scarefest. And once again – Alton Towers charged for them all… ALL Scare Mazes were £8 EACH. Or you could get 3 Scare Maze tickets for £20 (except for The Welcoming: Be Chosen which had to be bought separately), which is a saving of £4 – (unless you have a Merlin Pass - then you’d save another 20% off the total price) if you were to pay for them separately. However, if you got the 3 Scare Maze Ticket Pass AND a ticket for The Welcoming: Be Chosen, it’s a total of a whopping £28 (£33 including House Of Monsters)! Plus, your entry ticket (which is £55!) – one day at Alton Towers’ Scarefest is £83 (or £88 if you include HOM) minimal – plus food, travel, hotel etc… I know Scare Mazes are “Extras”, however, you go to Scarefest for the Scare Mazes and Halloween Attractions, you wouldn’t go otherwise, and I know for a fact that Alton Towers has always (until the last few years) had at least one Scare Maze open all (or most) of the day and ran for free. It boggles me that Attractions like House Of Monsters can last for 15-20 minutes and is only charged £5, Scare Zones are Free and you can be in them for as long as you like and Scare Mazes like Altonville Mine Tours: The Legend Of The Skin Snatchers are £8 and lasted less than 10 minutes! It also annoys me that Disabled Guests can’t get a Carer Ticket for Free or Discounted too, as if I wanted to enter a Scare Maze – I can’t go in without my Carer at all, whether or not he/she/they wish to go in with me anyway.
 Here are my reviews:
 Terror Of The Towers: What Lies Within;
Terror Of The Towers has been at Alton Towers for 13 years (6 years under its current platform), and is the only permanent Scare Maze at Alton Towers with its unique history and storyline, the Scare Maze itself has been barely touched and has always been continuously popular every year. So baring this in mind, I took the plunge into making sure I got to do this Scare Maze as it was such a legendary Halloween Attraction.
 For some people TOTT is their favourite for others it isn’t… (I guess it depends on taste)… for me – I was disappointed… for something SO hyped it was nothing but a let-down. I enjoyed the spookiness to it and the theming was good but I felt like not much of the story came through the Maze. There wasn’t many actors and even though it was eerie to walk through, considering I was second from the front (with my Grandad upfront), I didn’t feel scarred. I counted my screams and I sadly only screamed a grand total of once and that was at the very beginning with a jump-scare. Apart from that – nowt! I was laughing more at the young lady who was 5 places behind me who didn’t stop screaming. The only part of the Scare Maze that was anywhere near terrifying was the Finale that didn’t seem to end… we had to complete a Maze in complete darkness with only a couple of weak strobe-lights to show the way. And because of my anxiety, I became quite panicky as I was pretty much leading the way as my Grandad (bless him) couldn’t see very well as he didn’t have his glasses on and I couldn’t see in-front of myself – we almost went the wrong way! Luckily one of the actors told us to turn around and we finally managed to find our way out.
 In all fairness, if you’ve never done anything like this before – then it’s an experience like no other and you’d find it very scary and like most things – our first is usually the best.
 However, to me it felt like a cheap version of The London Tombs… It was pretty much the same-kind of experience (like some of the rooms, actor costumes and the shoulder holding) but it had a story and the Towers have soul to them – which is a great positive, plus, I love the ending it’s pure sheer terror and panic – the real feeling of not being able to escape. But for £18 in London, you can dwell into The London Bridge Experience (which is a more detailed (and budgeted) version of The London Dungeons) AND The London Tombs which is (depending on the size of your party) an approximately 10-20 minute Scare Maze – about the same quality as TOTT (if not, better) and has MANY more actors, (no, there’s not a story linked to it, but each room has a different theme and the finale is a chainsaw ending), personally for an extra £10, you have a good 2-3 hour horror experience WITH a Scare Maze which is worth your money.
 Scare Rating: 2/5
Enjoyment Rating: 3.5/5
I Paid: £8
Was It Worth The Money? No
What I Would Pay: £5-£6/Free
Is It Worth Doing? Yes, because it’s a decent Scare Maze and it’s a Legendary Halloween Attraction at Alton Towers. Not only that – different people have different tastes in horror and thrills. Plus, I think you would be disappointed if you left Alton Towers without doing it.
Would I Do It Again? Not unless it was Free, (much) Cheaper or a part of a Scare Maze Ticket Package. Otherwise, I don’t think I’ll be doing it again this year, unless, I was with a party of friends and/or the story/maze has been changed or extended.
Overall: I feel like Terror Of The Towers: What Lies Within is feeling very ‘worn-for-wear’, the same story has been done for 6 years now and very little has been done to the Maze itself – the actors are still making people jump in the same places and you feel how… monotone… it all is… on the other hand – it was spooky to be walking through the Towers in the dark.
 Altonville Mine Tours: Uncover The Legend Of The Skin Snatchers;
It was Altonville Min Tours’ second year at Alton Towers’ Scarefest and generally got positive reviews from the public – despite the shortness. I wasn’t too eager to do this Scare Maze as the theming didn’t fit the park and (as a personal complaint) I don’t particularly like Wild West/Hill-Billy Mine stuff let alone horror stories or films about cannibalism, incest or necrophilia etc.
 However, I gave it a go due to good reviews and the fact my Auntie wanted to do it and she didn’t want to do it alone. And I am SO glad I did! Yes, it was short (too short in-fact), for us the entire experience from queuing to leaving the Scare Maze was around 10-15 minutes tops, but it was a lot of fun! I loved the minimal lighting from the helmets, I enjoyed the fact the actors could touch you (i.e. they grabbed my face, held my head, played with my hair, stroked my back & shoulders – allsorts) & I loved how the Maze had different heights and surfaces to walk on or under. The story shone throughout the Maze – I understood who each of the actors were, what was happening and the story of which was supposed to be conveyed was. I liked how it was a free-flow Maze and you could spend as much time in there as you liked (within reason), I mean if you hung about for too long then you do get rushed through a little bit –probably because they don’t want the next group to catch up with you. But even though this Maze lacks in Thrills & Scares – it pays off in theming (the Maze was so heavily themed if you had an allergy to Latex you couldn’t go in! And not only that – the Maze was also pumped in with scented smoke machines!) and the talented actors who do really well in interacting with guests – including the actor who had to perform in nothing but his pants!
 The only disappointing thing I could mention was that there were a few pyrotechnics towards the end, but they weren’t very loud and the finale as a whole was quite… deflating. Apart from that – I can’t fault the Maze with the exception of it should be much longer for the amount of time you’re in there for.
 Scare Rating: 3.5/5
Enjoyment Rating: 5/5
I Paid: £8
Was It Worth The Money? Yes.
What I Would Pay: £8 again if it’s the same (or higher) quality as last year, but I would be happier if it was longer or there was more jump scares, if it *was* a longer Maze – I’d be happy to pay £10, however, I do believe £5-£6 is a fair and reasonable price for the attraction.
Is It Worth Doing? Yes! Both on its own or with other Scare Mazes.
Overall: I feel like Altonville Mine Tours: Uncover The Legend Of The Skin Snatchers is at its peak on the Bell Graph, I really enjoyed it last year and if it returned to Scarefest again, I’d most likely do it – even if it was the only one I did. It’s not immensely scary but it’s not a push-over Attraction either. I do believe if that Altonville Mine Tours did come back – the Maze HAS to be longer or the experience as a whole should be extended (i.e. a video or an activity beforehand) and I can’t stress this enough ALTONVILLE MINE TOURS NEEDS A BETTER FINALE! #JusticeForTheAltonvilleMineToursFinale
 The Welcoming: Be Chosen;
The Welcoming: Be Chosen was a brand new Scare Maze for Scarefest 2017. The Welcoming was a prequel ‘Experience’ to the upcoming ride, Wicker Man, which was under a Project name of SW8 (Secret Weapon 8), from late 2015 - December 7th 2018 (due to the Official name release by Alton Towers and Merlin Entertainments on December 8th 2018), much like how The Sanctuary was to The Smiler.
 I was intrigued by this fact, so this was my third and final Scare Maze I chose to do, as it also helps that I really liked the idea of a ‘Wicker Man’ type Scare Maze as it was a ‘different’ type of horror – it wasn’t ghosts, ghouls and things that go bump in the night – it was more pagan and magic type horror; the fear of an unknown experience… and the potential that The Welcoming may not come back next year once Wicker Man/SW8 was built as we no longer need to ‘Be Chosen’.
 Plus, I am a Wiccan, so this is right up my street. Yeah, it’s slightly offensive to my religion but I’m not goin to have a hissy-fit over it. And besides, it’s only a bit of fun, eh?
 (I didn’t choose to do Sub Species: The End Games as 1. You get chased. 2. You get touched excessively and pinned to the walls. 3. You can get pulled out of the maze, made to stand alone in room on your own in the dark for anytime between 30 seconds and 2 minutes. 4. There are alternative routes where you might have to crawl. All-in-all, I didn’t fancy it. I know a lot of people say it’s the best one because it’s the scariest but I always worry about being put in a room on my own because of my epilepsy, plus, I don’t want to go through on an alternative route on my own due to anxiety. And I really don’t want to crawl… No thanks…)
 We got to do The Welcoming: Be Chosen around 8.30-8.45, so it was really dark and chilly and overall – it was the perfect time to do this Scare Maze as it caused a brilliant spooky and gothic atmosphere – it was like we were in the 1973 film ‘The Wicker Man’ (I presume that film and AHS’ Roanoke where big inspirations for The Welcoming: Be Chosen and the theming & story behind SW8/Wicker Man). I usually say ‘don’t do scare mazes in the dark’ because again, it’s a bit like doing indoor rides in the dark – there’s no point as you’re not going to notice, however, I found as The Welcoming was a Scare Maze outside (like a Scare Zone), this particular one was better at night as the atmosphere is better. And even for other (indoor) Scare Mazes doing it just as when the Sun goes down means; just as you exit – you’re going out to darkness and I feel like that really does add a special Halloween touch to it.
 I really enjoyed The Welcoming, there was lots of actors, lots of set and theming – which was nice to see, I was worried on how detailed it was going to be as it was an open outdoor one. There was a large flame pyrotechnic at the start – which was impressive, but soon disappointing as the theme of fire wasn’t really carried on… It was a nice walkthrough, a few jump scares and a few grotesque rooms but overall – nothing horrifying. But it was an enjoyable experience where I had a few laughs and a few screams it was a really nice free-flow where we could, once again, take our time and walk at our own pace (so to speak). I enjoyed looking at the hidden details in the set and admired the actors’ interactions with us, the guests and nothing really scared me until… we had to place a bag over our heads.
 Then that was the scary part.
 Not because I couldn’t see. But because I feared of having a seizure.
 I did know it was going to happen, don’t get me wrong. But it was a slight fear of the actors not letting me take it off. Y’know… just encase.
 I was daunting this part, but I put the bag over my head as instructed, and I made sure my mouth wasn’t covered – so I didn’t get too hot and I could breathe, and after that, it wasn’t too bad. We had to hold on to some rope with our left hand that ‘guided our way’, once I had my hand on the rope, I forgot I had a bag on my head and I wasn’t scared anymore, it also helped that I kept my right hand on the person in-front of me and the person behind me had their right hand on my shoulder, so there really wasn’t much to deal with. I could still see light and the basic outlines of shapes and the only thing that troubled me was my hearing was muffled. And once I got the hang of using the rope, I got through it in no time at all! The best (and also scariest) part for me was when one of the female actors pinned me against the fence (whilst I still had the bag ON MY HEAD) and wouldn’t let me go for a good minute, I started laughing and said ‘Well, this isn’t the worst date I’ve been on.’, by the time she let me leave she said (in her growly character voice), ‘Now that’s what I call I blind date!’. I must also warn you, during the hooded section, they do sometimes touch your arms and legs a bit, it’s more to see if you’ll jump or not, but I was way too focused on feeling for the rope and concentrating on my breathing than anything else.
 The second half of the Maze was great – it was a little more horrific than the rest and there was a lot of mood and strobe lighting in a wicker tunnel – which was nice. It’s a shame there wasn’t more fire effects throughout – not even small pyrotechnics or light effects. And the finale was so ineffective that I can’t even remember it!
 Out of all three Scare Mazes I paid for, I enjoyed The Welcoming the most! It was fun, inventive and certainly an experience I’ll remember!
 Scare Rating: 4/5
Enjoyment Rating: 5/5
I Paid: £8
Was It Worth The Money? Yes.
What I Would Pay: £8 or £10 if it was improved or had more scares.
Is It Worth Doing? If you haven’t done it before and it’s back this year, then yes, do it! On a personal note, I don’t think I would do it again this year due to the fact that it was both boring and exciting at the same time (a bit like microwaved chicken nuggets). If The Welcoming came back for Scarefest 2018 with a different tag-line or story and therefore, it was a different experience (even if it was only a slight change), then yes, it would be worth paying to do it again.
Overall: it wasn’t as scary as I wanted it to be or it was hyped up to be, the loudest scream I did was the jump-scare of the bag being pulled off my head by an actor; to me if it weren’t for the hooded section (and some of the grotesqueness some of the sections had to offer), The Welcoming: Be Chosen could’ve easily been an (over 12 or 15s) Scare Zone. Considering, the Scare Maze was called The Welcoming: Be Chosen, I would’ve thought there would’ve been a room/section where there was some guest participation or a ritual of some-sort that would’ve taken place in the middle of the Maze, as nothing about the whole experience pointed towards anything about any of us or the actors “being chosen” and there wasn’t a lot of story in the Maze either… I didn’t quite know what was going on, when we wasn’t hooded, all it seemed to be was “here’s a village, show yourself around it”. It’s like you showing someone (who’s not seen Doctor Who before) a picture of the TARDIS and then that person is supposed to understand the entire show from that picture… it doesn’t work like that… and considering how important this Scare Maze is to Wicker Man/SW8 – it doesn’t seem much story development has been put into it, sadly.
I do hope The Welcoming comes back this year so it can link in with Wicker Man, even if it is for the one last season, however, it has shown that Alton Towers’ guests aren’t a big fan of Scare Mazes that include a hood over your head (i.e. The Haunting Of Molly Crowe – Scarefest 2015), unless they change the layout/experience, I think The Welcoming: Be Chosen may not come back for this year’s season even with it being connected to Wicker Man/SW8.
 Freakshow Scare Zone
It was Freakshow’s 3rd year at Scarefest last year at Alton Towers. And it was more popular than ever! A Scare Zone is ultimately, just a ‘dressed up’ walkthrough with actors, music/audio, light, smoke and/or other effects and lots of scenery and theming. Basically, it’s a short family-friendly Scare Maze and it’s (usually) free at most Theme Parks. They’re not supposed to be scary (as such) just jumpy and a lot of fun for every one of all ages.
 I went through the Freakshow Scare Zone a few times both in day and night (and without actors too), I find that it’s a lot more fun during the evening as the dark makes the lights and smoke effects more affective and again, it creates a great atmosphere.
 During the day is nice too as you get to see it all without being bombarded with actors in your face and you tend to find less people go through during the day as well and you can take photos of the theming before it gets too crowded or smoky.
 It opens at 5pm, i.e. “that’s when the performers come out to play”, but apart from that it’s free to venture throughout the entire day and you can come and go as you please as many times as you like and the best part is that you can take as much time as you like (literally) and you won’t be rushed along. You could stand there on the spot if you wanted to.
 The actors do a really good job of interacting and entertaining the guests, all very lovely and all very talented. They put on a show about 5 minutes before 5pm just as the gates open too!
 Out of everything at Scarefest, I did enjoy Freakshow the most. But that’s usually the case with Alton Towers’ Scare Zones. The Free Entertainment/Attractions are usually the better ones!
 Scare Rating: 2/5
Enjoyment Rating: 5/5
I Paid: Nothing, it was FREE!
Was It Worth The Money? Yes!!!
What I Would Pay: I would obviously still keep it Free, however, if Alton Towers did start charging for Scare Zones, I would pay £2 or £3 maximum – only if it was a REALLY good one! But I believe Scare Zones should always be free, end of. It’s a walkthrough for Gods’ sake!
Is It Worth Doing? Yes! And again and again! Well, it’s free, so why not?!
Overall: I can’t fault Freakshow. It’s a bit of a short one compared to Zombies! Scare Zone in Scarefest 2014. But apart from that, it’s perfect! It’s a lovely way to spend a couple of minutes just to have a laugh! I hope it stays for one or two more Seasons! Not only that, Alton Towers just needs to invest in one or two more Scare Zones as it’s what people want!
 Park Changes:
Cbeebies Land;
Cbeebies Land; this isn’t going to take too much time up, as I didn’t get to see the whole area properly, due to having a limited amount of time in the enormously vast park (even though we were there for a solid two days). First of all, I love what they’ve done to the area and even though Cbeebies Land has been installed at the park for a good 3 years now, it all looks so lovely and ‘brand new’, which is a great advancement on targeting families with young/mixed-aged children. From the entrance to what was known as Old McDonald’s Farm and Storybook Land, has now been completely transformed to the bright, colourful and immensely interactive Something Special Sensory Garden, which has been specially designed for all children of different ages and abilities to enjoy. Of course, by contract from the BBC, Cbeebies Land and the Cbeebies Land Hotel ‘has’ to always be well-kept and to be put first before any of the other attractions at Alton Towers Resort, however, with this being said, I believe, from what I’ve seen some of the ‘upgrades’ have had a really shoddy job i.e. ‘Get Set Go: Tree Top Adventure’ formally ‘The Nutty Squirrel Ride’, yes, I might be a bit biased because that particular ride (and all those rides in that area) were a part of my childhood and it’s very nostalgic for me and to see it get defaced like that is incredibly heart breaking. Yes, I like the idea of Cbeebies Land and the Hotel and it’s doing the Park a lot of good and giving the Resort as a whole a new ‘name’ and brand again, however, I feel like the Park could’ve done a lot more with the area, whether they just re-themed and renovated the area and actually spent some TLC (Towers Loving Care) with the area, i.e. if they turned it into a Fairy Tales Themed Area, Alton Towers could’ve linked it to Scary Tales – the Scare Zone that Alton Towers had (near the Dark Forest) a few Scarefests ago that was incredibly popular and was only a Scare Attraction for one year, sadly.
Cbeebies Land was well worth the instalment, however, I believe all Alton Towers needed to do to Old McDonald’s Farm was to re-brand and refurbish the area and ‘make it their own’ so to speak and evidentially, and save Merlin Entertainments a lot of money that could’ve been spent elsewhere i.e. TLC around the park or the development of SW8.
Secondly – Changes Around The Park:
Forbidden Valley;
The last time I visited Alton Towers Resort was around 4 years ago, and since my visit last October, I noticed a lot of changes. One of course was the change of Air to Galactica. There isn’t a lot different to Galactica than there was to Air (which was to be suspected), with the exception of the VR and literally ONE piece of track theming which is, of course, the portal. Forbidden Valley hasn’t changed much in regards to the theming of Galactica, nor the Queue Line or the Ride Station with exception to a few of the Ride Logos plastered around. There was a ‘slight’ paint job on the inside of the Ride Station with a new video explaining the Galactica Experience, but apart from that, nothing was changed much, to me Air shouldn’t have been a ride to be updated with VR and the entire ‘Space Exploration’ Theming has ruined the idea behind The Forbidden Valley. I unfortunately didn’t have enough time to ride Galactica with the VR as when I got to the queue, Galactica, unfortunately, malfunctioned and I didn’t have enough time during that day to go back to ride Galactica either in the dark or with VR, which I have been wanting to do both times I’ve been at Scarefest and I have annoyingly missed.
A few more changes I saw in The Forbidden Valley were:
-The removal of the wonderful Top Spinner Ride – Ripsaw, which was incredibly sad to see.
-The Rollercoaster Restaurant with an extravagant queue to match the prices.
-The TLC on Nemesis’s Ride Station – which looked gorgeous on the Nemesis Monster, of which NEEDED a really good paint! I’m so impressed of how much Alton Towers has looked after this ride over the years it has been standing.
-And finally; the removal of Nemesis: Sub Terra’s Ride Signage. But don’t be saddened, as the building and queue line still stands and there is a sign outside the ride from The Phalanx hinting that there may be a new attraction soon, however, this was completely due as Nemesis: Sub Terra has been closed since the 2015 season as it was underwhelmed by the public. Hopefully, if anything does come out of this – a new attraction could be open by 2019 or possibly 2020?
Another (temporary) change was that the foot path from Mutiny Bay to Katanga Canon was closed due to the construction site of SW8 (Wicker Man), luckily it was open from 4pm due to the park in Peak Season. The footpath will be fully open once SW8 is open in the 2018 Season.
 Adventure Land;
When I was last at Alton Towers, Adventure Land (and it’s only ride) was pretty occupied by SEGA and the Sonic The Hedgehog franchise, and since then Alton Towers Resort has lost the rights to Sonic and now Adventure Land’s only ride, Spinball Whizzer (was Sonic Spinball), just stands - still operating, but with no theming or development into the area whatsoever. To me, I think Alton Towers just uses Adventure Land now as spare space for Scare Mazes at Scarefest (i.e. Freak Show) and storage. I truly believe that Alton Towers could expand the area for Adventure Land and at least put in some flat rides, some theming or maybe an activity or indoor dark attraction.
 The Towers & Gardens;
After YEARS of visiting Alton Towers Resort, I have NEVER been in the Gardens and I have rarely been in the Towers and as far as I and others have seen from both my and family visits, the Towers and Gardens have never really been in great shape. Luckily, both the Towers and the Gardens were closed for most of last season due to Alton Tower’s TLC Program, not letting the public in or near the grounds. And as per usual, The Towers are closed for just over half of the season to the General Public anyway for the preparations of Scarefest anyway. When I visited Alton Towers this year, The Towers’ renovations looked incredible! And the Garden reconstruction was a brilliant transformation! No more peeling paint or cracked windows, just beautiful 18th Century History.
 Not only that, Hex: The Legend of the Towers, got a well-deserved re-vamp too! From gorgeous new signage to bigger TVs, Hex got the works! I know I haven’t been on Hex in a long while, however, Alton Towers did make sure that Hex stays as one of the best Madhouse Rides in the world, the Octagon looked incredible, the tree got brand new LEDs and the interior of the Towers looked fully restored, everything from the paintings to the artefacts looked like they’ve been kept in a great condition as well as some improved scenery and décor added. I may have only had one ride of Hex last month, but it was the best experience I’ve had on Hex in a very long time.
 X Sector;
With the exception of added lighting on and around Oblivion, (which is temporary and only for the purpose of Scarefest and Fireworks), it’s sad to say not a lot has been done to the X Sector. Oblivion’s queue line and ride station really needs some love and care to it or an all-in-all re-theming to match The Smiler and The Ministry of Joy. Within two days, I only got one ride on Oblivion and whereas it used to be one of my favourite rides at Alton Towers, I’ve unfortunately had to lower its ranking. Unless you sit on the back row, you’re going to have a shaky ride. The track is still as timeless as it was when it was built and I will still ride the mighty Oblivion, however, I may be a little bit reluctant to ride straight after Enterprise. Of which, is a ride I don’t want to go on much more and I feel like it should get replaced with a different thrill flat ride. On the other hand, I’ve actually changed my mind about The Smiler. Out of all the times I’ve ridden The Smiler, the last 3 rides I had last month were probably the best! Yes, The Smiler is a bit rocky and the track has aged terribly and isn’t as smooth as it was when first built. And usually, with The Smiler, it’s a Marmite ride, you either REALLY love it or you REALLY hate it. 4 years ago, I started off not so keen, now I love it! The Smiler is a ride that you have to go on with the certain conditions:
-Late Evening
If you don’t ride The Smiler with 2 (or more) of these conditions, then what’s the point? I honestly can’t enjoy this ride unless it’s a raining night at Scarefest. End of. A part from that, really, just don’t bother.
The only thing I hate with The Smiler is the queue line and the Ride Station.
-Firstly; the Ride Station is so… out-of-sync with the theming of The Smiler… it’s just really off… and it’s a shame because The Smiler itself is incredibly scenic and then the Ride Station is an entire eye-sore.
-The queue line itself does a good job with theming etc. and I like that. It sticks to the storyline of the ride (I.e. you’re tightly compacted and you feel like a lab rat), which is really good because it’s really rare you find that at Theme Parks. But it’s probably just a personal thing, but it makes me feel rather panicky because of my anxiety, plus, the indoor queue line is dark, squashed and there seems to be not much order. Also, I find that The Smiler Staff make the Disabled Queue wait a long time, because to me I feel like Disabled Riders (both Ambulant and Wheelchair-bound) should be higher priority because we physically cannot queue for one reason or another.
-I also feel like the Ride Station and Queue Line have seen much better days with it being wet, muddy, paint peeling, projectors & audio failing at times. I know that sounds picky, but considering The Smiler is a new ride (which has been running for just less than 5 years now), I would’ve thought the Maintenance would’ve been high-priority for the park, but again, that’s just a personal thing.
 Cloud Cuckoo Land;
Again, due to losing the copyright’s to Blue Sky’s Ice Age, Alton Towers no longer has Ice Age 4D in the Theatre and this has resulted in Cloud Cuckoo Land getting de-furbished to its original state, which would’ve been really nice if they did a good job of it. All Alton Towers have done is re-paint the area in astonishingly bright colours that would put a UV Techno Party to shame and poorly remove and/or cover the Ice Age décor and scenery. The Cloud Cuckoo Land entrance signage has had a REALLY shoddy job to the point where you can STILL see the Ice Age sign underneath. As well as Ice Age 4D, three other rides/attractions have been removed since I was last at Alton Towers;
-Wobble World has been removed (permanently), as the building is now used for The House of Monsters during Scarefest.
-Charlie and The Chocolate Factory: The Ride, obviously an IP Ride that Alton Towers lost the copyrights for and is also permanently closed for the time being and is currently blocked by a (custom-designed) wooden fence and bright flowers. Hopefully, something will be done soon as there’s literally only 2 Dark Rides left on the park, it’ll be nice to see another indoor water ride (or any water ride for that matter) installed on park.
-Twirling Toadstool, a chair-swing ride that has been on the park for many years and has been a park favourite throughout many age groups, has been taken off park temporarily for TLC.
Cloud Cuckoo Land is too much of a huge area just for 3 Flat Rides, and it is a shame to see this area be neglected over the years, however, it is nice to see the Cloud Cuckoo Land Cars back up and working again with a brand-new look for 2017. I hope that in either the 2019 Season or 2020 Season, Cloud Cuckoo Land gets some proper TLC, a brand new dark ride and a new theatrical or cinematic show in their Theatre.
 Gloomy Wood;
Poor old Gloomy Wood… is again, another area that’s always left out of major TLC, considering how popular it is – even with one ride!
Last winter Duel’s signage and the exterior were given some TLC but it isn’t noticeable unless you’re looking for it. Duel’s ride lighting was changed to LEDs for cheaper running costs, however, this was a mistake as you can now see the mechanisms that move the Ghosts and Ghouls inside the Ghost Train.
I had a few rides on Duel at my last trip and they weren’t as enjoyable as I remember. Yes, it’s still a fun family ride that I do enjoy very much and you’d be stupid to not go on it at Alton Towers. But I’m starting to feel like it’s losing its touch. Duel: The Haunted House Strikes Back is such an iconic ride at Alton Towers and Gloomy Wood has some of the best theming in the area and has usually been well kept over the years, yet, it’s never as well looked after as other sections of the park.
I’m glad that there’s been some added track and monsters to Duel since last time I rode Duel, although, Alton Towers could’ve used that spare money to sort out the problem with the laser guns (as they stop working before the ride finishes), the ride audio (as its muffled in certain places and sometimes two or three tracks overlap as you’re moving from section to section), the spinning tunnel (as it hasn’t been working for YEARS), or the queue line (as it’s incredibly too-worn-for-wear, so to speak).
Speaking of the queue line, it is nice that Alton Towers actually put in pumpkins and other Hallowe’en decorations in the queue line during Scarefest, which happens to be the only Hallowe’en decorations I found around the park with exception of Towers Street.
 SW8 a.k.a. Wicker Man:
SW8’s name was Officially released on 8th January 2018 after waiting since late 2015, however, a lot of Theme Park Enthusiasts had found a leaked name of ‘Wicker Man’ and ‘Wicca Man’ floating around the Theme Park Community since early-mid 2017, due to this speculation, that was the theory of what SW8 was going to be named – so the ‘name release’ wasn’t much of a surprise.
Putting this aside, this still hasn’t dampened the excitement of the Theme Park Community as the original concept art has now been released and it looks STUNNING, not only that the ride is going to be the World’s First WOODEN Rollercoaster to combine the element of fire, with a 6 Story Tall Wicker Man Statue busting into flames as you ride through its chest! Usually, wood and fire do not mix well, so that’s why “most” of the flames will be special effects using lights & projections and the “real” flames won’t be touching or anywhere near the riders at any time. If done correctly, the fire effects will look gorgeous and this is going to be a ride that changes the future of Alton Towers and its further developments for a long time and this will hopefully, create a new outlook on the futures’ of Theme Parks nation or even world-wide!
It is said that the ride will be Multi-Sensory and has been speculated that there could also be a smoke filled tunnel as well as other ‘World-First Effects’.
I am really looking forward to riding Wicker Man, as it is the first new Wooden Coaster to be built in 21 Years and not only that Alton Towers have also said that Wicker Man is going to be an ‘Experience’ and have a few video screenings beforehand (like Hex), I’m really excited to see the Theming of this new ride as well to finally see another ride join Gloomy Wood!
I saw Wicker Man get partially built at Scarefest last year, and it looks AMAZING! It was hard to see from ground level as 1. The fencing is in the way. 2. Being in a wheelchair gives you bad angles. However, seeing it from the Skyride (a bird’s eye view) was something else! It’s a phenomenal piece of track that looks like it’s going to do the park some justice for once and claim back its reputation of great coasters! The Wicker Man Statue has been seen on social media sites like Instagram recently and it looks AWESOME!
I can’t wait to see it in all its glory and the fire effects in the dark will be spectacular!
Wicker Man will be a great success!
Well Done Alton Towers!
 (A big THANKS to the YouTube Channel - Theme Park Worldwide, who have been constantly doing Vlogs on Alton Towers’ 2017 Season and the SW8 Construction Update Videos!)
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zefurrwrites-blog · 7 years
Commission - Horns of Lynel
“I can’t believe Halloween is only a few days away” a young woman said hopping onto the sidewalk. She was trailed by two of her friends, both of them coming back from the gym while she, from work. “Yeah, it’s crazy how fast the year has went by” the young man coming up next to her said. “Hey Leon, we still on for games later? I gotta go home and change” he said to the blonde haired young man. The boy in question fixed his glasses and adjusted the gym bag on his shoulder. “Yeah sure Chris, I have to shower and stuff anyway. By the way, have you guys gotten your costumes for Caitlin’s party yet? I totally forgot” he asked them. Chris groaned and face palmed his forehead. “Hell, I forgot all about that thing. What about you Miranda?” he said nudging the young woman next to him. “Sorry boys, some of us are proactive” she said winking at them. “I finished my costume weeks ago.” Chris snorted at her. “Guess being a perfectionist fashion major helps huh?” She narrowed her eyes at him. “You bet your ass it does. I didn’t spend all those sleepless nights just to sew for the rest of my life.” Chris continued to laugh and provoke their friend and bicker. Meanwhile, Leon was lost in thought wondering what he should wear to the costume party. Knowing Caitlin, he’d have to go all out since her parties are always over the top. “Leon!” Chris said bringing out of his thoughts. He friend slung an arm over his shoulder grinning at some idea he cooked up. “Since you and me don’t have costumes yet, I was thinking tomorrow we can go costume hunting.” Miranda rolled her eyes. “This late into the Halloween season? You two will be lucky to find costume ears around here.” “Aw, ye a little faith Miranda, I’m sure there’s still something around here.” Leon laughed at his friends. “I’m with her on this one dude. It’s even too late to order anything online I bet.” Chris pouted. “Aw come onnnnnn man. Pleeease? I’ll be your best buddy” “I thought you were my best buddy.” “Yeah but now I’ll be even better than that” he persisted. “Besides, you know how Caitlin gets. If everything isn’t perfect we’ll catch the coldest of shoulders and pay later on.” Leon shuddered at the last time they dropped the ball on a Caitlin related event. He still remembers the ice burns. “Okay fine, we’ll go costume shopping tomorrow then” Leon conceded. Chris’ eyes lit up. “Sweet! I’ll just spend the night then haha.” Miranda shook her head at the two of them. They got to her house and she waved goodbye to them. “I’ll see you guys at the party on Saturday. Don’t be late~” she said and closed her door. Luckily they all lived relatively close to one another. Miranda was by the gym where Leon’ car was parked. He loaded his stuff in and got in the car with Chris following. *** That evening, the boys played a variety of video games cycling through various gaming systems. “Well, this game really is worth all the hype” Chris started. “Right!? It’s an awesome Zelda game” Leon said excitedly. Breath of the wild was currently his favorite in the series. “Gliding, climbing whatever the heck you want, tons of eye candy, and taming the horses.” “How crazy was that last shrine dude?” Chris told him taking another handful of popcorn. Leon almost flailed his hands in frustration just remembering. “It was insane! That damn labyrinth with that storm? Was cool that it gave a lot of cool stuff though.” Chris nodded at that. “Was worth the hell we had to go through with those guardians. Luckily, we knew to shield before being weegee’d to death.” Leon spit out his soda at that laughing. “The barbarian headdress item is pretty awesome. Gonna add to the randomness of my character’s outfit.” Leon looks over at the time yawning. “It’s getting pretty late, we should call it a night. Gotta get up tomorrow to go ‘Halloween shopping’ right?” Chris punched his shoulder. “Smartass, but yeah we should head to bed.” He said packing up his switch. Leon turned off the living room and lights and headed for the stairs to his room. “Night man” he called down. “Night dude” Chris said settling in on the couch. *** “Ugh that was the third costume place. It’s like a tornado of wannabe cosplayers came through here” Chris said slumping against a brick wall. Leon sat down next to him and shrugged. “Well, it is like Halloween in 2 days so what’d you expect?” “A lot more than this at least. Even the lame costume are gone!” Leon laughed. “Well I guess we know better for next year right? Ready to call it a quits?” Chris stood up dusting himself off. “Screw that, we’re gonna find something. Just gotta find the right shop.” Leon sighed. “Dude, we’ve been at this for hours. I’m pretty sure we’ve hit every costume place around town. No one has anything. Face it, we’re 50 shades of screwed over.” Chris narrowed his eyes at his friend. “With that defeatist attitude we are. Where the heck are we anyway?” he said looking around. “Ummm downtown somewhere? I’ve never been to this part of town though. Everything’s kinda run down or old” Leon said looking at the old buildings. Some of them have seen better days. They looked to be still usable but others looked half destroyed. Mold and graffiti littered the places around them. Not many people were around either. “Internet says this used to be the old downtown before all that renovation. The city just kinda left this place to rot” Chris stated reading his phone. “Knowing the mayor, she’ll bulldoze this district for some fancy apartments no one in this small town needs anyway.” Leon said continuing to walk along the old, cracked sidewalk. Chris followed after him. “Who knows? Maybe we’ll get a new mall or something.” “Yes, cause that’s just what this place needs” Leon laughed. The two kept walking along the sidewalk for a few more blocks. Leon was about ready to call it a quits again and go back home. Caitlin could just do whatever unspeakable things she wanted. Chris pulled his out of his thoughts stopping him mid step with a hand to his chest. “Whoa dude, look at that!” he said pointing to an old, slightly decrepit building. The sign outside read ‘All Hallows Eve Wardrobe’. “Dude, this is it. Come on” he said pulling Leon towards the place. “Is this place even open? It looks super old.” “And probably has the coolest costumes too.” The boys walked up on the wooden porch to the shop which creaked under their weight. “Is this place even open?” Chris said peeking through the window. Just then, the door flew open shocking them both. Chris turned tail to leave. “Nah man, I’m out” Chris said before Leon grabbed his arm. “Oh hell no, you dragged me all across this city all day. We’re going in” he said pushing his friends towards the door. Once inside, they could see how old yet modern the inside was. It smelled like closed-up room. Costumes were all around the store. There were racks of clothes, shelves of items, and display cases full of trinkets and masks. Leon and Chris walked around the shop looking at all the stuff. “Wow, some of these costumes are surprising up to date given the…décor” Chris said motioning to the outside. “Can I help you gentlemen?” a voice said making Chris jump and Leon shout. The man behind them laughed. He was older, could be about their parent’s age in his 40s. He was tall, had short white hair and sideburns wearing a grey buttoned shirt and slacks. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you boys” he said apologetically. “It’s fine” Leon began. “The door just flew open and we didn’t know if anyone was here or not.” “Ah yes, I must get that old thing fixed. But please, feel free to browse. We don’t get many visitors these days after the renovations.” “A lot of these costumes are really well made mister….” Leon trailed off. “Norman. Call me Norman” he said offering his hands. Both Leon and Chris shook it introducing themselves. The boys browsed around the costume shop more at ease now. Chris found a realistic Dracula costume he liked and ended up buying it. Chris came across a display case with the coolest thing he saw. “Is this..is this a lynel mask from Legend of Zelda?” he called out to Mr. Norman who was behind the counter at the register. The man smiled a wicked smile not lost on Chris who raised an eyebrow. “Ah yes, yes. One of my best creations. Hand made with some love.. and a touch of magic” he said winking and chuckling. Chris didn’t pick up on the creepiness too mesmerized by the mask. He picked it up and observed it up closed. It reminded him of a Japanese oni mask. It had the horns and everything. Lion-like face with a scar across the left eye and a bit of a white and black mane behind the face mask part. “I’ll take it!” Leon said excitedly. “Excellent choice” the shop keeper smiled. *** Leon kept the mask in its case all that day until it was time for the party. Caitlin rented out a local park for the evening’s festivities. There were tents around and caterers serving food. The part seemed to be in full swing, music playing distantly in the background. The rest of Leon’s outfit was in the back he brought with him. An authentic looking barbarian’s vest and pants to go with his faux weapon. He was going to change in the bathroom to not ruin it beforehand. Chris and Miranda were already there mingling. Some were saying how Chris was acting a little bit “too” into character. Leon took the mask out its case and exited his car. He put it on heading for the park bathroom when he felt his entire body rumbling and he struggled to stay uptight and fell to his knees. He felt as if the ground was shaking underneath him. He grabbed his head in pain unsure to what’s suddenly come over him. The hands holding his head were quickly darkening. The skin turning greyer before settling on a dark grey. The same grey was trailing down his body. He felt little pinpricks along his skin that was fur growing out. The grey fur turned whiter on the backs of his elbows where it grew out thicker than the rest. His nails were lengthening and sharpening into claws. He grit his teeth that were also becoming sharper. The seam of the mask once visible was disappearing more and more before no trace of it could be found on his skin. Leon’s forehead hurt as it felt like something was drilling into his head. In actuality, the horns from the mask were fusing and becoming a part of his head. They grew out taller and curved slightly before the change stopped on his head. Once blue eyes opened back up to reveal glowing red ones. Leon felt his mouth and nose stretch out to join the empty space between the mask and his changing face. Soon he could smell and see through the nose and eyes of it as if it were his own. Leon’s hair also was growing out at an astonishing rate. His once blonde hair was becoming lighter and lighter going from bleach blonde to pure white. The grey hair from the mask mixed in with his new mane forming grey streaks along it. So much of it grew down his back tangling into messy braids. The young man felt the rumbling start up again in his lower body and fell onto his butt. He watched as his clothes ripped. Shirt straining where new muscles were forming. His upper body and abdomen becoming more defined. His pants were torn to shreds as his leg muscles expanded. Leon felt an uncomfortable pressure in his feet that bubbled until he felt relief when his shoes popped off. What he saw was not his feet however. He saw hooves. Black hooves with fur trailing up his ankles where his feet should be. The fur was thick around his new hooves. It reminded Leon of a Clydesdale horse. He felt a slight a slight discomfort feeling the joints in his new legs pop and his leg bend inwards. That subsided however once he felt a pain in how lower abdomen. He lifted his the remnants of his shirt revealing two new appendages growing out at a fast rate above his thick navel hair. They were the same color as his normal skin before they started darkening and growing fur to match his new form. The growth forced him to stand although the position awkward. This changed once he felt his legs start to grow further and further away from his body. He was confused for a second looking behind him to see how much larger his lower body has becoming. His new front hooves supporting him as the hair grew thick around his ankles. He felt his tailbone, or at least that’s what it felt like, start to move away from his spine. Growing out inch by inch before the flesh was covered in the same hair color as his mane. Leon thought the changes were finally over til his saw parts of his body lightening to a luminescent white in striped patterns across his new body. The changes stopped along his new tail. “Incredible!” he boomed in a much deeper voice. He stumbled a bit trying to use his new legs but worked up a trot to join the other party guests shocking them all with his realistic his “costume” was. Caitlin pouted being outdone at his own party. Norman watched from the trees of the park nearby laughing to himself. “Two more satisfied customers.” END
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Bigger Monsters, Higher Expectations
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Stranger Things 2
Put up those Christmas lights and stock up on Eggos - Stranger Things has finally returned!
I can relate to fans of Stranger Things on a very personal level. I have merchandise from the show all over my room, I’ve binged the first season likely over twenty times, and I’ve even met three of the young stars of the show. But like most fans, I was nervous about what would become of the sequel of this captivating show. Would it make sense? Would it answer some of the burning questions that the first season had left me with? Would I even like it? The answer to all of the above is yes. Good work, Duffer Brothers. 
We pick up around October of 1984, almost a year after everything had become stranger in the town of Hawkins, Indiana. It seems that things have gone back to normal now that the craziness is behind everyone. However, it seems that some of the events that plagued Hawkins have left permanent scars on a number of its victims. We catch up with the characters just days before Halloween, or as Mike Wheeler (Finn Wolfhard) calls it, “the best night of the year.” Speaking of Mike, it is highly upsetting to see that his heart is still broken now that his love interest, the telekinetic Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown) has quite literally vanished into thin air. When we catch up with the town Sheriff Jim Hopper (David Harbour) he appears to be keeping secrets about something... or someone. The mother of “the boy who came back to life”, Joyce Byers (Winona Ryder) is trying to focus on herself now that her son is safe and sound. She has a new boyfriend Bob (Sean Astin), who she had known back in High School, though it is clearly implied that Joyce was very popular in her teen years and had not even known Bob’s name. Nancy Wheeler (Natalia Dyer), and Steve Harrington (Joe Keery), are, as the final episode of season one sneakily revealed, still a couple even after the violent altercation between Steve and Jonathan Byers (Charlie Heaton), the shy, mysterious older son of Joyce who is also in love with Nancy. However, it seems that Steve’s days of being top dog at Hawkins High School may be coming to an end, as he has finally met his match. Billy (Dacre Montgomery) has just moved to town. He’s the intimidating stepbrother of Maxine (Sadie Sink), another new character who is quick to make friends with Mike, Dustin (Gaten Matarazzo), and Lucas (Caleb McLaughlin). 
The first thing that stood out to me about this season is the killer new soundtrack. An eerie mood is set in almost every scene through the use of chilling drums and synthesizers. At any moment in time, our feelings about what is happening can jump from gloomy to cheerful. Well, as cheerful as a show about monsters from another dimension can possibly get. Anyhow, it is safe to say that where there is an important moment in an episode, viewers are sure to find a fitting song to accompany the story on its path. Matt and Ross Duffer even threw in a few fun tunes, such as the Ghostbusters theme featured in the Halloween episode. 
The most notable element of the entire series (and the reason why it draws audiences of almost all ages) has to be its ability to capture the nostalgia of the '80s. There are shots of the boys riding iconic Raleigh chopper bikes (shots similar to those found in classic films like E.T.), appropriate television programs and commercials of this era, along with spot-on costume choices. 
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It is a well-known fact that sequels often do not live up to their predecessors. The plot of Stranger Things 2 is not quite as fresh, rich, and fast-paced as the show’s debut, but this does not mean that it is not worth watching. Most of the action and intensity picks up at around episode 5 (by far my favourite of the season) with a slight decline around episode 7. But fear not, it is the lovable characters that continue to keep us hooked, and I promise that there is a satisfying ending. On the contrary, the character development seen this season is absolutely phenomenal. A certain character (I won’t spoil, you’ll just have to watch!) who was often left in the background last season is built up as a hero in an extraordinary way. I’ll also give a solid A grade for the overall cinematography this season. I either found myself leaning in closer to the action, or away from it during some of the more chilling moments. The stunning visual effects are a fantastic addition to the series, making our encounters with the various monsters nothing less than a thrilling experience. 
As a super-fan, my verdict is that season 2 is a must-watch for people who love the show as much as I do. Though the plot progresses at a slower-pace, is slightly less gripping and does not leave viewers with as many important questions as the last season did, The Duffer Brothers have done fantastic work in creating a satisfying sequel to one of the most hyped-up shows on Netflix. On top of all of this, the Halloween release date is pure genius, I applaud the creators for that alone. By the end of the season, we are still left with a large conflict that I look forward to exploring once season 3 rolls around. 
For those who have not watched the first season yet, I highly recommend that you get caught up as quickly as possible! And if you have already binged the series, Netflix has also put out a behind-the-scenes feature titled “Beyond Stranger Things”. Enjoy!
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kejoreanarchives · 7 years
Super Mario Odyssey and My History with the Mascot
My apologies in advance.  This is something of a stream of consciousness post. When I was in first in first grade, I had an accident where a chunk of my left hand was gouged off by some playground equipment, missing the bone by a quarter inch.  Why do I start this post with this?  Because it is a story about how important Mario was to me growing up. 
When this incident occurred, I was climbing up a  large PVC pipe slide that we were pretending was a warp zone pipe from Super Mario Bros.  This was nothing new, I was often Mario in a small group of kids who would pretend to have grand adventures at recess every day.  Some other kids were shaking the pipe from the outside for dramatic effect when I set my hand on the bolt holding the slide down, resulting in injury.  The scar on my left hand is a very much a reminder of the playground games we played, even after the pipe slide was removed for being unsafe.   While Mario was not my first exposure to gaming (the neighbors across the street from me in kindergarten had an Atari 2600), it was the first game to really capture my imagination.  The music catchy music, the colorful graphics, spooky underground levels, and smooth gameplay kept me enthralled to the small gray box wired to the television in my room.  On Saturday mornings, I would watch the Super Mario Bros. Super Show, in all its ridiculous glory.  I saw The Wizard and was super excited for the big reveal of the movie, Super Mario Bros 3.  My excitement was so feverish, I begged my mom until she ruined my blue snow pants to make me a Raccoon Mario costume for Halloween when I was in second grade, which I wore not only to school, but to an appointment at a Children’s Hospital I had to take half the day off school for.   Growing up, every new Mario game was on my list for birthdays or Christmas presents.  I even saved up money I got from get well cards after a surgery to buy a Nintendo 64 and Super Mario 64 on launch day, hobbling around excitedly on crutches.  And while Mario 64 was amazing at the time, it was not as magical as the previous games to me.  Maybe it was because I was getting older, maybe it was the sudden jump to 3D, and the weirdness of the game itself. I found myself liking the game, but not loving it to the degree that I did the previous iterations.  
Time passed on.  When Mario Sunshine came out while I was in college, I didn’t purchase it.  I played a bit here and there borrowing it from friends, but it never really captured my full attention.  I found myself missing more and more iterations, never really playing any of the games to completions when I did purchase them.  I felt a little pained, like a piece of my childhood would be left behind. Then Super Mario Maker came out. It was not really a Mario game, not in the traditional sense.  The creativity on display and the quirky extras hidden in the game had me coming back for a while, my interest in the overall clad plumber restored.  But the poor performance of the Wii U, and the rumors surrounding the then NX had me somewhat pessimistic.   That changed when I saw the first trailer for Super Mario Odyssey.  The colorful, lively environments instantly rekindled the flame of my imagination.  Mario’s movements were as fluid as I see them in my mind’s eye. Seeing the classic enemies with new gimmicks had me hyped. As I saw more of the game as release date crept closer, I felt my heart swell with joy.  Mario was back in my heart.
I attended the “midnight” launch for the game last night in my Halloween costume.  Blue Overalls, a bright red long sleeve shirt, white gloves, and Cappy.  The faces of the poor, beleaguered GameStop employees lit up.  I got my copy and have been playing it as much as I can since.  I am several hours in and I have come to this conclusion: Super Mario Odyssey is the realization of my childhood dreams. As I run through rich forests, sandy deserts, and bustling cities I find myself searching every corner.  The waves of nostalgia hitting me with every costume change.  The festival in New Donk City causing me to tear up with joy.  This is a game I want to share with my nephews, fostering the same love for imaginative whimsy that took root in me at their age.  I needed this game.   To put an end to all this self indulgent rambling, I’ll leave the brave few who made it this far with this.  Find something that gives you joy, that reminds you of your more innocent times, and that is something you want to pass on to a future generation as something formative.  In these times, everything seems far too dark and pessimistic.  Make time for something awe inspiring.
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cgleome · 7 years
50 More interesting questions
Rules: fill this out and tag at least one person you’d like to know more about! Or just fill it out! Or don’t! Answer only some of them! Make up your own questions! “What kind of requirement is that”, you ask? A reasonable one! Who am I to tell you what to do? Anything goes!
(Posted by @redpantychan No one every does these when they’re not tagged so I thought I’d hop on it)
1. What kind of food can’t you stand?: Peppers! I hate them. I also don’t eat meat but I *can* technically stand it.
2. If you could choose one minor inconvenience to never have to deal with again, what would you pick?: Emotions. I hate them. Though if I had to pick something more minor... I’d be able to go online whenever I wanted! No lack of service or rules stopping me!
3. Have you got any useless talents?: I know a lot of dead languages.
4. If you could be really really good at one thing, what would it be?: Singing (I have no musical abilities at all but then I never really tried to learn)
5. Name a few people you think are extremely good-looking: Orlando Bloom, Chris Hemsworth, John Boyega, Nicki Minaj, Angelina Jolie, and young Catherine Zeta-Jones.
6. What was your favorite way to pass the time as a kid?: Video games!
7. What is something you’re proud of?: How well-adjusted my guinea pigs are (even the formerly neurotic one and the one who used to kill people)
8. What’s one character flaw in people that you just can’t tolerate?: A lack of compassion
9. Do you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower?:  A follower but I can be a leader when I need to.
10. What kind of student are/were you?: Very good! Always an over-achiever
11. Butterfly effect question! Has there ever been a seemingly minor decision you’ve made (at the time) that ended up having a profound influence on your life?: Well, working at the job where I met my ex, though I probably would have found someone else like him if it wasn’t him.
12. Name your most irrational fear/aversion: Fish (I HATE them! Particularly when they get out of the water)
13. Are there any fictional characters you find especially relatable?: Yoosung Kim... I can’t think of any others really.
14. If you drink, what kind of drunk are you? Alternatively, what sort of person are you at parties?: I’m usually a very happy drunk. I love everyone!
15. Do you fall in love easily? Or does it usually take a long time for you to trust someone?: It’s hard to say. I’ve only “loved” one or two people but I fell quickly both times so I guess easily.
16. Would you rather have one close friend or 100 casual friends?: One close friend.
17. Do you consider yourself to be more of a slob or a neat-freak?: Slob though I do try not to be.
18. Describe a place (imaginary or real) that you would find incredibly cozy:  I always like to say I’m going to live inside a volcano in the middle of Iceland. It would be warm from the lava and it would be hard for people to find me or get to me...
19. Do you have kids? If not, do you want them someday?: Nope and nope.
20. What was your favorite book as a child? Star Wars (I read the novelization of the original trilogy)
21. Name one thing you just don’t get what all the hype is about: Game of Thrones
22. Name one thing that you think is tragically underrated: Guinea pigs (seriously, they’re the best animals EVER)
23. If you had to be glued to a person for a month, real or fictional (who you have never met), who would you choose?: Probably Zain from BMP
24. What’s something you’d like the chance to do someday?: Travel to Africa and Asia
25. Do you typically speak your mind when you have a controversial opinion? Or do generally prefer to not rock the boat?: It depends. With close friends I will. In large groups, probably not. In most situations I will but I’ll try to word it carefully.
26. What’s the dumbest fad you’ve been caught up in?: Pokemon Go (I still play it actually)
27. What’s something you thought was cool as a kid/adolescent, but now cringe at yourself for?: The Monkees
28. What’s a trait you consider to be very admirable?: The ability to stand up for yourself and think on your feet (I can’t do either well)
29. Is there a particular kind of item people always tend to give you as gifts? (For instance, people always get you things with ducks on them because you like ducks, etc.): Not really. Maybe Bigfoot things...
30. Do you speak multiple languages? Which ones?: English and German (not counting the dead ones)
31. Would you rather live in the big city or the countryside?: Somewhere in the middle but countryside if I had to choose
32. Has there ever been something you were certain you’d hate, but ended up loving?: Blood sausage. I don’t eat it anymore but it’s AWESOME!!!
33. Do you mind being the center of attention, or do you prefer the spotlight to be on someone else?: I prefer the spotlight be on someone else.
34. Favorite holiday?: Halloween (though I don’t do anything for it now)
35. Are you a more go-with-the-flow type of person, or do you need to have things planned meticulously?: A bit of both though I guess more of a planning person
36. Is there something you loved so much you wish you could forget it and experience it all over again? (A tv show, book, series–anything.): Humm... Maybe Lord of the Rings but it’s been such a major part of my life that I’m not sure I’d be willing to give that up. Maybe UHF of Cannibal the Musical
37. What hobbies do you have?: RPs, watching youtube... that’s about it. I should get more.
38. If you could have a superpower, but it was only mildly useful, what ability would you want to have?: The ability to freeze time for everything but me. So I could like take a nap while everything else was on hold. If hat was too useful, maybe the ability to sleep anywhere, which I sort of have already.
39. Something people are always surprised to learn about you: That I’m kind of a perv
40. Something that took you way too long to figure out: That my (first) ex was abusive and that I need to stop hating myself.
41. Worst injury you’ve had?: I still have a scar on my ankle from when I skinned it at age 3
42. Any morbid fascinations?: Serial killers and true crime (though less now than I used to)
43. Describe your sense of humor: Random and also dry
44. If you had to be born in another era/place, which would you choose?: Maybe the 70′s so I’d be able to find a job in a better market. Or in the future if the world’s a better place then.
45. Something you are irredeemably bad at: Drawing and singing
46. Something that sucked but you’re glad you went through: My graduate-level history classes
47. Would you rather have a really godawful ugly tattoo in a place that is only slightly inconvenient to conceal with clothing (upper arm, thigh, etc.), or the coolest, most beautiful tattoo ever in the middle of your face? (Neither tattoo can be removed or concealed with makeup, and the ugly tattoo will deeply offend anyone who sees it.): Awesome one on my face.
48. Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist?: Pessimist
49. What would be the most flattering compliment someone could give you?: When my ex said that I was an awesome person: kind, smart, funny and he couldn’t figure out why I thought I would be alone or deserved to be (though he broke up with me so I guess he figured it out).
50. Something you feel people often misunderstand about you: It’s hard to say since I seem to see myself very differently from how others see me. I guess people tend to think I’ll be more aggressive and outspoken about my beliefs than I really am. For example, I don’t like to tell people I’m a vegetarian because I feel like a lot of vegetarians are embarrassing. Like, I honestly don’t care what other people do or do not eat (unless I’m feeding them and then I want to know so I can accommodate them). I’m also agnostic/atheist but I admire religious people and often wish I had their faith. I find most atheists embarrassing too.
I’m going to tag @praxid @master-claude @maybe-avery @and-beastly @emergencysquid @chibiarmygeneral @db-rabbit @cristy--love @the-recovering-cynic (if you guys want or anyone else who wants to)
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