#and lend some guiding light to it
angeart · 11 months
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ghost scar wanted to play around. with spooks and tricks 'n treats and pumpkins and knives. and grian indulged him for a while. but then, by the end of the day, grian found a quiet corner. and did what he wanted to do.
which is to light a candle and remember the dead.
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natsaffection · 2 months
One step at a time. | N.R
Natasha x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Natasha and the team help you cope with the loss of your leg.
Warnings: Detailed description of loss/Grief and mental health issues
Word count: 3,9k
A/n: Had something in mind..✨
The Tower was already buzzing with activity. It was rare for everyone to be together, but when they were, the Tower seemed to vibrate with energy. At the center of it all was you, the bright and lively soul who illuminated even the darkest corners of the team.
You had a way about you that drew people in. Your infectious laughter could lift the heaviest spirits, and your smile seemed to spread warmth. Your optimism and unwavering positivity were like a beacon, guiding your teammates through their toughest times. Everyone admired you, but no one more so than Natasha Romanoff.
Natasha was always the stoic warrior, rarely showing her emotions. But you had effortlessly broken down those walls. With your steadfast support and genuine kindness, you became Natasha’s closest confidante and, although she would never say it out loud, the anchor of her heart.
This morning was no exception. You bounced into the common room, your eyes sparkling with excitement. "Good morning, everyone!" you called out, your voice like a melody echoing down the hall.
Tony, tinkering with a new gadget, looked up and grinned. "Well, if it isn’t our sunshine," he teased, causing the rest of the team to laugh.
You made your way to the kitchen, where Steve was pouring himself a cup of coffee. "Morning, Cap," you said cheerfully, reaching for a cup for yourself. "What’s on the agenda today?"
Steve smiled, appreciating your tireless positivity. "Just a meeting in a bit. But first, breakfast. You know the drill."
As you were about to sit down with the others at the table, Natasha came in from her morning training. The moment she saw you, her expression softened. "Hey," she greeted, kissing you on the cheek.
You beamed at her. "Nat! I was just getting some coffee. Want some?" Natasha nodded, a rare smile tugging at her lips. "Thanks, I could use it."
Days in the Tower were often filled with training sessions, meetings, and occasional sparring matches. You had a knack for brightening even the most mundane activities. You organized movie nights, cooked meals for the team, and always found time to lend an ear. Your favorite spot was the rooftop garden, where you often pulled Natasha to relax and enjoy the view.
One evening, as you lay in the garden, you asked Natasha, "Do you ever wonder if we make a difference?" Your eyes reflected the sparkling stars. Natasha was surprised by the question. "Of course we do," she replied firmly. "Every life we save, every fight we win, it all counts."
You smiled, a small, wistful smile. "I know. Sometimes it just feels like there’s so much darkness. It’s nice to have a reminder that there’s still light." In that moment, Natasha realized how much you meant to her. She placed a hand on your shoulder. "You are that light. Never forget that."
Your laughter snapped Natasha out of her thoughts. She watched as you interacted with the team, your eyes full of warmth and kindness. Moments like these filled Natasha’s heart with emotions she had long buried. She felt a protective urge towards you, a desire to shield you from the harsh realities of the world.
"Nat, you’re awfully quiet this morning," Clint, ever the observant Hawkeye, gently teased. "What’s on your mind?" Natasha offered a rare, genuine smile. "Just enjoying the moment," she replied, her gaze meeting yours again, making her heart swell with joy.
The mission seemed straightforward on paper: infiltrate an old HYDRA facility, gather intel, and get out. They had done it a hundred times. But as they moved through the dark, abandoned corridors, an eerie feeling spread.
"Stay alert," Steve's voice crackled through their earpieces. "Something doesn’t feel right." Eager to help, you moved up with Natasha. "I’ve got your back." you said, flashing a confident smile. "Just stay close to me," Natasha responded, her protective instincts kicking in.
They advanced cautiously, each step echoing through the silence. Tony’s scanners were active, searching for hidden threats. Suddenly, a blip on the radar caught his attention. "We’ve got movement," he announced. "Southwest corner, two floors down."
Steve gave the signal to move in. They split into pairs, covering each other's backs as they navigated the labyrinthine building. You and Natasha moved with practiced precision, your trust in each other evident in your fluid movements.
"How many are we dealing with?" you asked, scanning the shadows. "Looks like a small group," Tony replied. "Shouldn't be a big deal."
"Famous last words," Natasha muttered, making you laugh. As they reached the designated area, the building began to tremble. The walls shook, and the ceiling cracked. "It’s a trap!" Tony shouted, but it was too late. The structure collapsed around them.
"Y/N, Watch out!" Natasha called as debris began to fall. They dodged the larger pieces, but in the chaos, you were separated from the group. You called out, your voice filled with fear but still hopeful. "Nat! Tony! Where are you?"
A beam crashed down in front of you, blocking your path. You turned to find another exit, but it was too late. A massive steel beam, loosened by the collapsing structure, fell toward you. You tried to dodge, but it struck your left leg, pinning you to the ground.
Pain shot through your body, intense and unrelenting. You screamed, a sound that echoed through the collapsing building. The team heard your cry and fought through the rubble to reach you.
Natasha found you first. Her heart sank at the sight of you, trapped under the beam, blood pooling around you. "Hey, I’m here," she called, her voice trembling with uncharacteristic emotion.
"I-It hurts so much," you gasped, tears streaming down your face. "I can’t move.."
"It’s going to be okay. We’ll get you out of here. Just stay with me, okay, detka?" Natasha said, her voice calm despite the panic she felt inside.
The rest of the team arrived, and together they managed to lift the beam just enough to pull you free. They rushed you back to the Tower, the urgency of the situation weighing heavily on them.
In the medical wing, the doctors took over immediately, wheeling you into surgery. The team waited outside, the air thick with tension and worry. Natasha paced back and forth, unable to sit still, her mind filled with fear and guilt.
Hours seemed to stretch into eternity. Finally, the doors to the OR opened and Dr. Cho approached the worried group. Natasha stepped forward. "How is she?" she asked, her voice barely steady.
Cho sighed, pulling down her mask. "She’s stable, but the damage to her leg was severe. We did everything we could, but we couldn’t save it. We had to amputate above the knee."
The words hit Natasha like a punch to the gut. She nodded slowly, trying to process the information. "Can I see her?"
"She’s still unconscious," Cho said gently. "But you can be there when she wakes up." Natasha nodded again and followed Cho to your room. She sat by your bed, holding your hand and whispering comforting words. When you finally began to stir, Natasha’s heart pounded in her chest.
Your eyes fluttered open, and you looked around groggily. "Nat?" you murmured, your voice weak. "I’m here, Y/N," Natasha said softly, squeezing your hand. "I’m right here."
You smiled weakly, your eyes beginning to clear. But then you noticed the expression on Natasha’s face, a mix of relief and something else you couldn’t quite place. "What’s wrong? I’m okay, I’m here.." you asked, a hint of fear creeping into your voice.
Natasha struggled to find the words, her throat tight with emotion. Before she could speak, Cho stepped in, her face serious as she chose her words carefully. "Your leg was severely damaged by the beam... Y/N, we did everything we could to save it, but… it wasn’t enough."
"What do you mean?" Your eyes widened, your breath catching. "I’m so sorry. We had to amputate your leg above the knee." Your face went pale, your voice trembling. "My leg… it’s gone?"
Cho nodded, her eyes full of compassion. "Yes. I know it’s incredibly hard to hear. I’m truly sorry."
The room fell into silence. You continued to stare at her, your mind overwhelmed by the news. "W-What..?" you whispered, shaking your head. "No.. I.. I can feel it, that-" throwing off the blanket, your eyes widening in disbelief at the empty space where your leg used to be.
You tried to move it, but it wasn’t there. The realization hit you like a tidal wave. You said nothing, just stared at the empty space, your hands trembling.
Natasha leaned closer, her voice full of empathy. "I’m so sorry, Y/N. We’re here for you. I'm here for you.“
But you were in shock, unable to fully grasp the reality of your situation. Tears streamed down your face as you struggled to cope with your loss. Natasha stayed by your side, holding your hand and offering what comfort she could, knowing this was just the beginning of a long and difficult journey for both of you.
The days in the medical wing were a whirlwind of pain, medication, and the constant hum of machines. You lay in bed, your eyes often vacant as you stared at the sterile white ceiling. Your once bright smile was gone, replaced by a hollow expression that pained everyone who visited.
Natasha was a constant presence by your side. She held your hand, whispered comforting words, and even tried to coax a faint smile from you. But you were distant, your light dimmed by the weight of your loss.
One afternoon, Steve and Tony visited you, bringing a bouquet of colorful flowers. "Hey, sunshine," Tony greeted, his usual confidence tempered by concern. "We brought you something to brighten up this place."
You glanced at the flowers and managed a small nod. "Thank you," you murmured, your voice barely more than a whisper.
Steve sat on the edge of your bed, his eyes full of empathy. "How are you holding up?" You forced a smile, but it didn’t reach your eyes. "I’m okay, Steve. Just... tired."
They all knew you weren’t okay. The vibrant, happy Y/N they all loved was disappearing, and it broke their hearts to see you like this.
As the days turned into weeks, the team visited you regularly. Clint brought your favorite snacks, books to keep your mind occupied. But despite their efforts, you remained distant, a shadow of your former self.
One evening, as Natasha sat by your bed, she gently brushed a strand of hair from your face. "You know, it’s okay to not be okay," she said softly.
Your eyes filled with tears. "I don’t know how to be myself anymore," you admitted, your voice breaking. "Everything feels different. I feel different."
Natasha’s heart ached for you. She leaned in closer, resting her forehead against yours. "We’ll find a new normal, Y/N. Together. You’re still you, and you still mean the world to us."
Finally, the day came when you were discharged from the medical wing. The team gathered to bring you home, their faces a mix of relief and concern. As they helped you into the wheelchair, Natasha knelt beside you. "Ready to go home?" she asked, trying to sound hopeful.
You nodded, but the sadness in your eyes was unmistakable. "Yes. Let’s go."
Back at the Tower, the atmosphere was subdued. You moved through the halls with a quiet distance, no longer organizing movie nights or cooking meals. Most of your time was spent in your room, avoiding the rooftop garden you once loved.
The team watched helplessly as you withdrew further. Your laughter, once a joyful sound that echoed through the Tower, was now a distant memory. You no longer greeted anyone with your usual cheerfulness, and the light in your eyes had gone out.
Natasha was the most affected. She missed the Y/N who pulled her to the garden to watch the sunset, who made her laugh with silly jokes, who had become her rock. She tried to reach you, to break through the wall you had built around yourself, but it was like trying to catch smoke with her hands.
One morning, Cho informed Natasha that it was time to remove your bandages. "It’s common for patients to need emotional support when they see their stump for the first time," she explained gently. "It would be helpful if you could be there for her."
Natasha nodded, understanding the gravity of the moment. She entered your room, finding you standing by the window. "Hey," she said softly, closing the door behind her.
You turned around, surprise flickering across your face. "What are you doing here?"
"I thought I’d sit with you while Cho removes the bandages," Natasha replied, trying to sound casual.
"I don’t need you," you said, your voice rising with frustration. "I can do this on my own."
Natasha shook her head, her expression determined. "I’m staying, Y/N. No arguments."
You glared at her, but Natasha’s resolve didn’t waver. Finally, you sighed in resignation. "Fine. Do what you want."
Cho entered and began the careful process of removing the bandages. You kept your eyes fixed on the ceiling, determined not to look. Natasha held your hand, offering silent comfort.
As the last layer of bandage was removed, you caught a glimpse of your stump out of the corner of your eye. Your breath caught, and you turned your head, unable to avoid it any longer. The sight of your leg..or what was left of it, triggered a wave of nausea and despair.
You tried to hold back your tears, biting your lip until it bled. But the emotional dam broke, and you began to sob uncontrollably. "I-Ican’t do this... I can’t live like.. t-this..."
Natasha pulled you into a tight embrace, her own tears falling silently. "You can, Y/N. And you will. We’ll get through this together, I promise."
You clung to her, your sobs shaking your entire body. Cho, seeing the emotional toll, finished quickly and quietly left the room. The team, waiting just outside, could hear your cries, their own hearts breaking for their friend. They knew they couldn’t fix this for you, but they would be there every step of the way, offering support as best they could.
The days that followed were some of the hardest you had ever faced. You were engulfed by a whirlwind of emotions, grief, anger, and a deep sense of loss. The team continued to give you space, but they were never far away, always ready to offer support.
Natasha stayed close, offering a steady presence that you found both comforting and frustrating. It was a delicate balance, and Natasha navigated it with patience and love.
One morning, you woke up to find Tony standing at your door, a wide grin on his face. "Good morning, sunshine. Mind if I come in?"
You sighed and sat up in bed. "What is it, Tony? If it’s more flowers or breakfast in bed, I might scream." Tony laughed. "No flowers. But I have a surprise for you. Something I’ve been working on."
You raised an eyebrow. "I’m not really in the mood for surprises, Tony."
"Trust me, you’ll want to see this," Tony insisted, stepping aside to reveal a sleek, high-tech case. Curiosity piqued, you watched as Tony opened the case to reveal a prosthetic leg, crafted with meticulous precision and advanced technology. It was sleek and metallic, with intricate designs hinting at its capabilities.
"Is that...?" Your voice trailed off, your eyes wide with disbelief.
"Yes," Tony said, his grin widening. "I built it especially for you. It’s got the latest tech. It’s strong, lightweight, and it’s going to help you get back on your feet, well literally."
You stared at the prosthetic, emotions swirling inside you. "Tony, I don’t know what to say."
"How about we start by trying it on?" Tony suggested gently. "Natasha and I will be with you every step of the way." With a mix of apprehension and skepticism, you nodded. "Okay."
The process of fitting the prosthetic was meticulous. Tony and a team of specialists worked carefully to ensure it was comfortable and secure. Natasha stayed by your side, offering silent comfort.
As they adjusted the straps and made final tweaks, a wave of fear washed over you. What if it didn’t work? What if you could never walk properly again?
"Are you ready to try it out?" Tony asked, his tone encouraging.
You took a deep breath and nodded. With the help of Natasha and Tony, you stood up cautiously, feeling the weight of the prosthetic beneath you. It felt foreign, unfamiliar, but it also felt like a new beginning.
"Take it slow," Natasha advised, holding your hand firmly. You took your first tentative steps. It was awkward and shaky, and you nearly stumbled. Frustration and anger bubbled up inside you. "This is impossible," you muttered, your voice tinged with defeat.
"You’re doing great," Tony reassured you. "Just keep going, one step at a time."
You continued, each step harder than the last. The prosthetic felt unnatural, and your movements were jerky and uneven. After a few laps around the room, you stopped, breathless and frustrated.
"I can’t do this," you said, tears of anger and disappointment streaming down your face. "I can’t walk properly. This is useless!"
Natasha stepped in, her eyes flashing with determination and frustration. She cupped your face in her hands, forcing you to look at her. "Now listen to me, Y/N," Natasha said firmly, her voice both angry and urgent. "I know this is hard. I know it’s tougher than anything you’ve ever faced. But you have to keep going! I can’t stand to see you suffering like this!"
You stared at her, shocked by the intensity in her voice.
Natasha continued, her grip gentle but unyielding. "You keep talking down to yourself. But you need to channel that anger where it belongs. At us. At me! We couldn’t get you out of that building in time. I couldn’t get you out in time, be mad at us, but stop tearing yourself apart."
You felt a surge of emotions, anger, determination, and something else, something stronger. You nodded slowly, your tears falling faster. "Okay, Nat. Okay."
The following days were filled with intense training. Tony and the team set up a rehabilitation room, equipped with everything you needed to regain your strength and mobility. Natasha was there for every session, encouraging you and celebrating every small victory.
The training was grueling. You had to learn how to balance again, how to walk with the prosthetic, and how to cope with the physical and emotional challenges. There were moments of intense frustration and doubt when you wanted to throw the prosthetic across the room.
One afternoon, after a particularly hard session, you sat on the floor, sweat dripping from your forehead. "This is so hard," you said, your voice tinged with exhaustion and defeat.
"I know," Natasha replied, sitting next to you. "But you’re doing amazing. Look how far you’ve come." You looked at the prosthetic, your eyes filled with determination and a glimmer of hope. "I just want to feel normal again."
"You will," Natasha assured you. "Step by step."
As the weeks went by, your progress was slow but steady. You became more comfortable with the prosthetic, moving with increasing confidence and grace. The team watched with pride, their admiration for your strength and resilience growing with each passing day.
One evening, after a successful training session, Tony gathered everyone in the common room. "I think we need to celebrate," he announced, holding up a bottle of champagne.
You laughed, the sound bright and clear. "What are we celebrating?"
"Your incredible progress," Tony replied, popping the cork. "To Y/N, the strongest person I know." The team raised their glasses and toasted to you and the journey ahead. You looked around at your family, your heart filled with gratitude and hope.
But despite your progress, you often doubted your worth, especially in your relationship with Natasha.
One night, as you lay in bed together, you couldn’t shake the feelings of inadequacy that gnawed at you. Natasha lay next to you, reading a book, while you stared at the ceiling, lost in thought.
"Natasha," you began hesitantly, your voice barely more than a whisper. Natasha looked up, concern immediately etched on her face. "What’s wrong?"
You took a deep breath, trying to gather your courage. "Do you still find me... attractive?" Natasha frowned in confusion. "Of course I do. Why would you even ask that?"
You turned away, your eyes filling with tears. "I’m not the same person I was before the accident. What if you don’t want me anymore?"
Natasha set her book aside and moved closer, gently turning you to face her. "Y/N, look at me," she said softly. "You’re still the same person I fell in love with. Your strength, your kindness, your spirit..None of that has changed."
You shook your head, your voice trembling. "But my body has changed. I don’t feel like myself anymore. I’m afraid you see me differently."
Natasha cupped your face in her hands, her eyes filled with unwavering love. "Your body may be different, but that doesn’t change how I feel about you. You’re beautiful, Y/N, in every way that matters. I love you for who you are, not just for your appearance."
Your tears flowed freely, and you clung to Natasha, your fears slowly dissolving in the warmth of her embrace. "I’m sorry for doubting you," you whispered. "It’s just... sometimes it’s hard."
"I understand," Natasha said gently. "But you’re not alone in this. We’ll get through it together, remember?"
Months had passed since your accident, and your hard work in physical therapy had paid off. With the unwavering support of your team, you had regained your strength and confidence. One morning, you woke up with a renewed sense of purpose. You strapped on your prosthetic and joined the team in the kitchen.
"Morning, Y/N!" Tony greeted you with a broad grin. The entire team was gathered, and Steve stepped forward with a small black box.
"We have something for you," Steve said, handing you the box. You opened it to find a sleek, high-tech communication device. "Is this...?"
"Welcome back to the team," Tony announced. "We’ve got a little mission for you, if you’re ready." You felt a surge of emotions. "I’m ready."
The team briefed you on the mission: a simple reconnaissance at an industrial complex. As they flew to the site, Natasha held your hand, offering silent comfort. Upon arrival, they split into pairs, you and Natasha working together.
As you navigated the complex, you felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. You encountered a group of armed men, and your training kicked in. With Natasha by your side, you quickly overwhelmed the threat.
"You did it," Natasha said, pride shining in her eyes. "We did it," you replied, feeling a deep sense of fulfillment.
Back in the Quinjet, the team congratulated you. "Welcome back, Y/N," Steve said, clapping you on the shoulder.
You looked around at your teammates, feeling deep gratitude. "I missed this. Thank you all for believing in me." Tony grinned. "We never doubted you for a second."
As you flew back to the Tower, you felt at peace. You had faced your fears and overcome your challenges, stronger than ever before. With the support of your team and Natasha's love, you knew you were ready for whatever the future held.
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uolarieclosed · 3 months
park sunghoon ☆ ! the perfect pair
━━━ in which your academic rival not only fueled your anger but your love …
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SCHOOL BOYFRIEND SUNGHOON who started out as your academic rival. you hated the smile on his face whenever he showed off his full score, and he hated the way you mocked him when he got an answer wrong.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND SUNGHOON who can’t keep his eyes off you whenever you study together. the dim light of the library making your lips look more appealing than ever before.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND SUNGHOON who indirectly confessed by pulling you back into his car to kiss you, his hand wrapped around your sweater to keep you close.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND SUNGHOON who asked to be your boyfriend through one of your favorite book quotes.
‘I would not wish any companion in the world but you, you are my everything, so let me be yours.’
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND SUNGHOON who keeps his arm around you while you walk the halls, hand sliding down to your hip to pinch you teasingly.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND SUNGHOON who likes to stay behind with you while you finish student council work. however, he uses this opportunity to corner you against the desk and kiss you.
“sunghoon, someone might walk in.” you slap his shoulder, wanting to push him away but he was just too intoxicating. “just a little kiss, i can’t wait any longer.” he says before smashing his lips onto yours.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND SUNGHOON who keeps your scrunchie on his wrist while he goes into the senior class, knowing how many girls are pining over him.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND SUNGHOON who leaves little notes in your locker, hoping they cheer you up.
‘for some reason every love song makes me think of you XP’ — your lovely boyfriend
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND SUNGHOON who flexes his muscles when he calls you into the locker room, enjoying the way you blush. sunghoon will then have you sit on his lap while he guides your hand to run down his biceps.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND SUNGHOON who lends you all his caps/jerseys, knowing that everyone can spot his belongings from a mile away.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND SUNGHOON who back hugs you whenever he can. he doesn’t care who’s watching or what he’s doing, his arms will be around you while his lips attack your neck.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND SUNGHOON who brings you a snack during every free period.
“what’s this?” you examine the bag of chips. “i heard your stomach growling during class.” sunghoon shrugs, tugging your hair lightly with a smug grin.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND SUNGHOON who is still your biggest rival and sometimes your competition with each other can blind your love.
“we both know i’m always gonna beat you, baby.” although he meant it endearingly, he hadn’t realized how hard it hit you.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND SUNGHOON who grovels for as long as he has to to have you back in his arms.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND SUNGHOON who stands on your doorstep with a bouquet while vigorously ringing your doorbell to have you come out.
“what i said was stupid, i’m sorry. please love me again.” sunghoon frowns, stepping into your house as you open the door wider.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND SUNGHOON who knows exactly where home is—you.
© 2024 uolarie
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attapullman · 4 months
Robert's Laundry Service | Neighbor!Robert "Bob" Floyd
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Summary: A broken washing machine and a clogged bathroom sink lead you and Robert to explore the next part of your secret relationship.
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: Bob Floyd x afab!reader, no use of pronouns, no y/n, a little angsty, very smutty, 18+ ONLY as always, unprotected PinV, use of sex toys, language, a lot of cum mentions, neighbor!Bob being perfect as usual
A Note From Mo: Did anyone else miss neighbor!Bob? He needed some love, and that's what he's getting today! Thank you to @roosterforme for inspiring this idea that I took entirely too far. If anyone needs me, I'm going to be hoping that he moves into the empty apartment next to mine 🙏 p.s. this takes place before Stupid White Car
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It’s hard to pay attention to the bad diagnosis he’s giving when your visual is just those threadbare grey sweats. Painted to his strong thighs, poking out from behind the washer like a personal serving of eye candy. You’re meant to be shining the flash light, but you long abandoned that task in favor of the view.
“…you can borrow mine in the meantime. I’ll call a guy Monday.”
Reluctantly, you draw your eyes from his lower half. Just as his words sink in.
“It’s broken?!”
Robert gives you a kindly amused grin. “Sweetheart, did you hear anything I’ve been saying?”
You grace him with a sheepish smile, caught red-handed.
“The tube disconnected from the wall and needs to be properly - professionally - connected before you use it again. I know it’s not the same, but you can do laundry at mine until someone comes out. I can make you tea and we can watch that undercover dating show you like?” His soft smile is as sweet as his offer.
You narrow your eyes at him playfully. “Hey now, you like that show too.”
Those cornflower blues shine, glad you’re not objecting. “I do, but only because it’s funny when you yell at the drama.”
He wraps his arm around your waist and guides you away from the laundry, back to where the two of you had been trying to decide on takeout over a game of checkers. Allowing him to drag you down to the couch, hips colliding into the soft fabric, you resume a lovely afternoon with Robert. 
Robert, your helpful Mr. Fix It neighbor. And maybe, one day, your boyfriend.
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Robert lending you his laundry room for the weekend is so generous. It feels a bit silly carrying your delicates through his back yard (especially when you know a few pairs are crusty from your…sleepovers) but you’ll take his selfless offer if it means clean laundry and a lovely afternoon spent with him. 
As you work your way past the kitchen, you’re caught off-guard once again by how charming his home is. The little bits of personality, the framed photographs and handmade trinkets. While you know he can’t get any more perfect, his home makes a compelling argument.
The laundry room is fairly unremarkable - washer, dryer, large farmhouse sink for the unsavory jobs too nasty for the kitchen - but you do like his view of the neighborhood from the window. You’re almost curious if anyone will walk by and notice you standing in the wrong house, lacy balconette bra in hand.
Already regretting the amount of folded laundry you’re going to have to haul back through the gate after this, you begin prepping a load of lace and satin. Brainstorming ways to expedite the process, you overshoot pouring detergent into the water-filled drum and spill the cobalt goo all over your hand. Shit.
You rush over to the sink, subjecting yourself to freezing water to wash the detergent off your fingers. Once sufficiently clean, you reach for a cloth to dry off. And that’s when you see it. 
Oh. You’ve never seen one in real life before, just in porn and the odd naughty ad while scrolling. It almost feels as if you’re being punk’d. Like if you sliced through it, it would actually be cake.
A cock ring, soft silicone and all. Casually sitting on the sideboard, freshly cleaned.
Every muscle in your body freezes as the implications of seeing something so private wash over you. Something meant between lovers that you had never seen in the weeks since that fateful night you let him in for a cup of tea. 
It’s been a few days since you had last slept over. A scary sinking feeling fills your gut…was there someone else? 
You had been so focused on the neighborhood not knowing. Staying in your homes, using the back gate. It wasn’t like you had ever verbalized your intentions with him. You couldn’t blame him for thinking the two of you as casual, as much as it twisted your insides.
As your thoughts spiral, there’s motion in the doorway and Robert is suddenly there, big shoulders and a soft smile on his face at seeing you in his space. Exactly where he wants you.
“You get it going in here? Find the detergent okay?”
Those kind cobalt eyes follow your gaze to the sink, where you can’t break your focus on the dark silicone device. The one he meant to put away before you came over. His cheeks flush as he steps into the room to attempt to explain why he has something so private sitting out - in his laundry room of all places.
But as he goes to open his mouth, you cut him off. “You don’t have to explain. I don’t need to know everything in your….sex life. You’re obviously welcome to do whatever you like in the privacy of your home.”
His eyebrows raise, unsure why you seem so upset when the only issue is a clogged sink in the ensuite last night. 
You edge around him, desperate to get out of this space - his space - away from everything that reminds you of him as he figuratively slips through your fingers. “We never discussed being exclusive, so I get it.”
“What are you-?”
Tears threaten to spill over as he follows you toward his back door. “But if I’m being honest, I’m not sure I’m comfortable with us seeing other people, so-”
Robert’s eyes bug out of his head. Seeing other people? His blood pressure rises as the dots connect behind those pretty eyes, and suddenly he’s racing to cut you off. You’re faster than you look, but before you can turn the handle of the back door he’s plastered his body against the wood, effectively blocking you from leaving.
The pain behind your eyes begs him to move, to let you run back to the safety of your own home so you can cry and despair over not locking him down sooner. Of course there’s someone else. Of course you’re not the only one who can see how great Robert Floyd is.
“Robert, I need to leave. I need a moment alone. Please.”
But he holds his ground. The second you walk through that door he knows he’s lost you. His eyes are cautious behind those thick lenses, wanting to obey your wishes but the risk of losing you making every nerve stand on end. Whatever is wrong, he can fix this. He will fix it.
“Sweetheart.” His fingers reach into the space between you, hand clenching into a fist when he’s unsure whether he’s allowed to touch you right now. “There isn’t anyone else. I promise, you’re…you’re the only one.”
You eye him hesitantly, wanting to believe his words. But that cock ring has never made an appearance in your sleepovers. Never once brought up when he’s standing between your parted thighs, lips slotted against yours.
“I really want to believe you, I do. But why else would you be cleaning your, erm, toy?” You can’t bring yourself to say cock ring without bursting into frustrated tears.
It’s now that the fight within him drops, and immediately his shoulders release. Embarrassment floods his features and he drops his gaze, no longer able to look you in the eye. This is not how he anticipated bringing this dynamic into your relationship.
“That…it’s…I-I use it when I’m alone. I like to, uh, edge myself.”
His cheeks are flaming and the burning despair inside you dissipates into intrigue. A flame traipses through your abdomen, curious and hungry.
“You use it…alone?”
He desperately nods, tentatively reaching out to grasp your hands, needing to feel you. Those thick, strong fingers rub against your knuckles soothingly. Despite the whiplash of emotions conflicting inside you, his presence immediately soothes and you lean into his touch.
“The nights you can’t come over…I prefer to save my orgasms for you. Only you.”
His blush reflects yours as you look into those ocean-deep eyes, the desperation clear across his features. He’s being honest, laying out every last secret he’s got to keep you here.
“So, there’s no one else?” Your voice feels so small, barely a whisper in the kitchen.
He shakes his head definitively, using his grip on your hands to bring you closer as he stares deep into your eyes. “There’s no one else. And the fact you would even think that means I’m not doing a good enough job proving how much I care for you. Because I like you so much, sweetheart, so, so much.”
The tension in your body breaks, and you allow yourself to lean into his strong body. His panic dissipates as he holds you to him, one arm flush against your waist as his hand holds your face to his chest. He’s never letting you go, of that he knows for sure.
He can’t believe there would be any doubt in your mind of his intentions. The sleepovers, the dinners in, the way he’s made a home between your thighs…that makes you official, doesn’t it? He’s never been one for the right words, but he was pretty sure his actions proved he was in this for the long haul. 
You’re too important to mess up. To allow any seed of doubt to spread. 
His nose traces along your temple, warm breath kissing the delicate skin. “Can I take you to bed, sweetheart?” 
Your face lifts from his chest to take in his honest face. The loose tendril of sun-lightened brunette that’s escaped his neat hairstyle. The thin lopsided smile you trust in. Eyes behind corrected lenses that are serious and playful in the same breath. 
In lieu of an answer, you mold your lips to his, drinking in his taste you’ve deprived yourself of for days. His kindness and sincerity sink into you, surrounding you the pleasantly overwhelming way his body does as he wraps around you. Holding your hips as he swallows your tongue, shifting himself to feel every dip and curve of your body.
As his lips find your neck, the laundry room comes back into view. A delicious thought swirls in your mind and the words burst from your mouth.
“Can I see?”
He nuzzles against your jaw, grinding his erection against your thigh. 
“See what?” He’s distracted by how good you smell, how soft your skin feels beneath his fingers.
“I want to see you with the cock ring. Show me, please?”
Arousal floods his mind, images of you naked beneath him while his balls throb with cum just for you. No words needed before he’s pushing you in front of him to his bedroom. He’s ready to show you just how devoted he is to you.
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Sitting on the edge of the bed, it feels like the first time with him all over again. Anticipation of the unknown, drowned in heavy lust. 
His eyes rake over you as he enters the room, lust darkening those soft blue eyes. You’re exactly how he wants you always - in his bed, eager for his touch. Right now, he’s yours.
Taking the spot between your legs, strong fingers stroking along jean-clad thighs, his broad frame bends toward you to rest his forehead against yours. That button nose knocking into yours. 
“There’s been no one else since the day you moved next door. I’m yours, only yours.”
The build up of emotions behind your eyes threatens to spill over as he presses his lips to yours. Cups the back of your head as he leans into you, applying the softest pressure. Pouring every ounce of his devotion into his kiss.
Your legs wrap around his slim hips, needing to feel his security and care. He’s the most helpful man to exist, and you know he’ll guide you through this dynamic. 
Kisses turn sweet to frantic to passionate as Robert holds your face. Your lips are chapped when he finally pulls away, strong chest rising and deflating. You know you mirror his disheveled aroused appearance. His hand reaches behind to his back pocket.
He holds the black cock ring between you, freshly washed, gleaming in the afternoon sunlight peeking through the curtains. “Are you sure about this?”
Your apprehensive eyes meet his, although a slight smile plays along your lips. “Play dirty with me. Please.”
Condensation beads on the lower rims of his glasses as he dips his face to kiss you, his skin flaming hot. The kiss is sinful yet curt, not wanting to lose himself before practicing restraint. You run your tongue along the seam of his lips, savoring his flavor. He hums against your mouth as your hands find his waist, heart picking up speed as your fingers find the button of his jeans. 
Robert clenches the cock ring in his fist, already struggling to hold his load as the softness of your skin wraps tightly around his hardening cock. 
His eyes are lidded, thin mouth already agape from the pleasure of your fist stroking firmly up and down his shaft. Can barely keep focus between the way you squeeze his deep pink tip and the spectacular view down your top, his mind running wild at the all the skin he needs to touch. He’s practically forgotten the reason for his view until you lick your lips sweetly and ask.
“Can I put it on?”
Fingers unfurl and present the silicone ring to you, warm from his clenched fist. You press the ring between your fingers, taking in the smooth design and thick circumference. Glide your thumb along the little button that makes it vibrate. 
He’s panting above you, already wrecked at the vision. The only two things he deems worthy of his cock, right in front of him. 
Bringing the ring up to your lips, he watches as you run your tongue along it, gathering your saliva to glisten along the silicone for a smoother glide. Your fingers effortlessly slipping along the edge before you touch it to the sensitive tip of his cock. 
His fingers curl around the nape on your neck, holding the hair there, grounding himself. Between your ministrations and the pressure of the ring slipping down his length, he’s dizzy with stimulation. His cock immediately swelling in response. Lip between his teeth to contain the gruff moans you’re desperate to hear.
Your eyes are focused on the firm grip the ring has on the length of him, sliding down until your thumb is brushing his heavy ballsack, pulsing with need. 
“Sweetheart, I’m not going to last.” He’s panting against your forehead, trying so hard to be patient, but wanting nothing more than to thrust into your fist and chase his orgasm. 
You tilt his chin to press a chaste kiss to his lips. A promise to take care of him, because you and you alone are responsible for his pleasure. Always.
Sliding back onto the soft coverlet, you raise your hips to remove your jeans. Skin growing warm at the wanton look of need in Robert’s eyes as you unbutton your top. His voice but a whine when you sit in front of him in nothing but the delicate chain around your neck. 
“So beautiful.”
It’s impossible to tell whose whimpers are more desperate as you run the shiny-slick swollen head of him against your core. Moaning as it catches on your entrance, ready to sink deep into those velvet depths. Voices becoming one as you impale yourself on the thick shaft that’s all yours.
He can’t believe anything could be better. This is Nirvana. Until you reach between to where your bodies meet and hit that tiny little button.
“Fuck!” He never swears, and yet that filthy word streaks through the room with a bite. Yelped loudly as he buries his face into your neck. The combination of vibrations and warm, tight pussy sending him into a spiral. Groaning out praises into your neck like it’s his last day alive.
You can’t help the grin on your face as you experience him come undone. How had you been denied the pleasure of watching him like this? The salt of his neck, the wayward curl stuck to his forehead? It’s a toss up if you’re getting off on being stuffed with his engorged cock or by watching the way his chest heaves for breath as he fights off his orgasm.
“Are you going to cum for me?” You’re drunk on power watching him like this, rutting his hips into you over and over for a pleasure that won’t come until you decide. His nod so desperate it goes right to your clit. His swollen cock stretching you beyond what you thought possible. The frisson of skin on skin, those tiny yet powerful vibrations, and his affection for you is overwhelming. 
The ring fully still in place, your orgasm wracks your body, convulsing over the sheets. Barely able to notice his soft lips brushing the arch of your breasts as he consumes your satisfaction. Drinking in the sounds of your moans as they mix with his wet thrusts. 
Your sleepy eyes are all he focuses on as he chases his orgasm, fighting past his usual routine of stopping here when he only has his hand. Right now he gets to have it all - the constricted blood flow, the vibration, and you. Perfect, wonderful you. His hands fist in the bedding, rooting himself, as sinks his hips deeper with precise strokes. 
He can do this. He will show you you’re the only one for him.
Body quivering, his face is bright red as he thrusts, exertion bringing the vein in his forehead out with a matching bead of sweat. Robert feels his body take on a new consciousness as you ask for his cum once more.
His grunts are filthy - animalistic and deep. The first stream of cum he’s ever experienced with the ring on filling your stretched pussy, claiming you as his. Head fuzzy, he takes a moment to pull himself from your soft embrace and jerk his engorged cock, shot after shot of cum pumping out across your body. A painting only he gets to witness.
His tank now empty, you feel the soft thump of his body fall beside yours. Hear him catch his breath in the quiet afternoon air.
Exhausted, his face knocks into yours - glasses already lost to the coverlet - as he comes to reality once again. Strong arms reaching to pull you to him. Lackadaisical kisses to your cheek before risking a glance down and laughing abashedly.
“T-there’s so much cum. It’s everywhere.” Another kiss. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” 
The carefree yet sheepish grin he gives you melts your heart. You kiss him back, not needing to look as you feel his seed dry on your skin in the golden hour light. He very truly marked you as his, just as he is yours. 
Smoothing your fingers through his hair, memorizing every little detail of his face - what a handsome face - you ease his embarrassment. “It’s not a big deal. We’ll just throw the sheets in the washer and enjoy dinner. It’s fine, really.” 
His washer currently filled with your delicates complicates things, but your big, sweet smile soothes his self-consciousness. He returns the grin back, holding you closer. 
That night is spent eating Robert’s lasagna and playing cards until every light on the street went out. It’s far too late when the sheets are finally clean and dried, and even later when they’re successfully on the bed. But it’s worth it to him when you crawl under the duvet and beckon him closer, needing one last kiss from your boyfriend before sleep.
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strvberrydoll · 7 days
omg I feel like if anyone could write this right it’s going to be you. we need arthur FLUFF with a reader on her period!!!
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cw: fluff, toothaching fluff, period cramps, arthur is a sweetheart, please arthur marry me :( wrote this on my notes app, grammar errors
wc: 1,8k
a/n: this piece was so comforting to write aaa thank you anon for the request <33 i hope this will soothe anyone who’s having period pain rn, i suggest you listen to this song and this one, i had them on loop while writing this. This piece is shorter than the others but I think it suits the mood in a way,, idk ! enjoy!!
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The last few notes of the sweet melody coming from Javier’s guitar floated quietly in the air.
The night had fallen gently over the camp, wrapping everything in a quiet, soothing stillness. The campfire flickered softly, casting a golden light on the nearby trees, creating a cozy circle of warmth for those near it. Most of the gang had long since retired for the night, leaving only the faintest murmur of voices in the distant watching post and the occasional pops and cracks of burning wood.
You stood near the fire, trying to find some relief from the chill in the air, but more than that, you were trying to ease the dull ache that spread through your body. The cramps had been like little devils on your lower belly throughout your day, starting as a minor constant discomfort but now growing into something more relentless, making you wince with every movement and your back aching with every step.
Your day was filled with chores left and right as some of the girls left camp and went into town under the request of various groceries items for Pearson’s wagon. You wanted to join them but unfortunately your body had other plans. You came up with a simple excuse and promised to go with them another time. You hadn’t mentioned the true cause to anyone—it was just your period, no need to alarm anyone after all—but now, at the end of the day, you were desperately ready to crawl into the comfort of your bed and hope the night might lend you some kind of relief.
Arthur had been finishing up his usual nightly chores, checking on the horses and bringing them fresh hay. He always had a fondness for horses, no matter if they were his or someone else’s. His love for them often found sketched freely in the various pages of his journal. As he made his way back from the hitching post his eyes scanned the surroundings, making sure the camp was in order for the night. His eyes, like magnets drifted to your figure near the campfire.
You could feel his eyes on you, catching the small signs of discomfort you tried so hard to hide behind your calm demeanor. But he noticed something was off, he always noticed. The way your hand kept drifting to hold your stomach, the subtle wince that crossed your face when you thought no one was looking—it didn’t slip past him.
The crunching sound of boots on dirt floated in the air making its way towards you. You knew who it was and you took a moment to regain yourself and put on a calm façade.
“Y’alright, darlin’?” The gentle rumble of his voice pulled you out of your thoughts as he came to sit down on the log beside you, his gaze full of quiet concern as he searched your face for any hint of discomfort.
“Sure,” You tried to smile through the ache, not wanting to make a fuss. “just a little sore from the day. It’s nothing.”
But Arthur wasn’t one to brush things off, especially when it came to you. He studied your face for a moment, his brow furrowing making a small expression line form between his brows in that familiar way that told you he wasn’t about to let it go. Without saying anything, he slipped a warm, steady hand to the small of your back, moving it in small comforting circles.
“Come on,” he sighted, his voice still soft but insistent. “Let’s go somewhere more comfortable.”
He guided you away from the fire and toward the tent. You didn’t argue. The idea of lying down, of finally resting, sounded too good to resist.
The two of you slipped into the quiet of the tent, Arthur hand left yours to go and close the front flap of the tent and light up the creaky old lantern on the makeshift bedside table, the lantern casting a soft glow over the familiar space.
The moment you sank down onto the bed, you let out a long sigh, curling up slightly to your side in an attempt to relieve some of the tension in your belly. But even then, the cramps persisted, growing stronger by the minute.
Arthur knelt beside the cot, his arms folded on the soft mattress watching with that careful, gentle intensity of his. He reached for the blanket, tucking it around you with a tenderness so far different from his usual hard front he put up with everyone. Then, without a word, he got up, kicking his boots away and settled down beside you, his large frame stretching out on the bedroll as he gently pulled you into his arms resting your head on his firm chest.
“You’re alright, sweetheart,” he whispered. His breath warm against your temple as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you higher against his chest.
You melted into him, resting your head against his chest, your body relaxing instantly in the comfort of his embrace. Arthur’s warmth surrounded you, his steady presence already making you feel better, more at ease. His hands, rough from all the manual work, moved with a soft, gentle care. One hand drifting under your nightgown towards your lower belly, the action far from sexual while the other moved to untangle your hair from the simple hairstyle you had for the day.
“That time of the month?”
You let out a muffled grumble against the fabric of his red union suit as an answer, making Arthur let out a small laugh.
“I can tell it’s hurtin’ you,” he said quietly, his voice low and soothing as his thumb began to rub slow, comforting circles over your stomach. “Let me help.”
You closed your eyes, letting out a soft breath as the warmth of his hand started to ease some of the ache. His touch was gentle, massaging your lower belly putting just enough pressure to soothe the tension without causing more discomfort. The pain didn’t go away completely, but the care in his movements, the way he held you, made your heart sing with joy making it easier to bear the pain.
“That’s better,” you whispered, your voice soft with relief. “Thank you.”
Arthur’s lips curved into a faint smile, though you could feel the ghost of worry still lingering in the way his hand moved over your belly, never stopping, never hesitating. “You don’t gotta thank me for takin’ care of you, darlin’,” he murmured, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “I’d do it every day if I had to.”
“Be careful of what you wish for, Mister. I might start to demand more if you spoil me”
“Oh I can’t wait,” he teased. “Forever at your service mylady.”
His words made your heart swell with warmth. Arthur wasn’t the type to shower you with flowery words or grand gestures, but it was in moments like these that his love showed itself at its truest form—in the quiet, steady way he was always there, making you smile, always looking out for you, even when you didn’t ask for it.
For a while, the two of you stayed like that, wrapped up in a cocoon of warmth. The moon rose higher in the sky and the outside world faded away. Arthur’s hand continued its slow, soothing movements, his touch tender and full of care, and little by little, the pain in your belly began to ease ever so slightly. You felt the tension melting away under the work of his hands, the cramps becoming a dull background ache rather than the sharp, insistent pain it had been just an hour ago.
“Y’know,” Arthur said after a long moment of comfortable silence, his voice a soft murmur in the quiet, “I remember Miss Grimshaw used to make me and John chamomile tea when we had stomach cramps.” his hands never stopped their movement.
“Marston used to drink a lot of it—that poor bastard always seemed to eat the nastiest shit he could find around,” he laughed lightly, reminiscing of the early days of the gang when a camp cook seemed such a privilege.
“Anyway, I can make you some if you want,”
You smiled against his chest, the simple thoughtfulness of his offer making your heart ache with affection. “That sounds nice,” you whispered, though truthfully, you were already feeling better just being in his arms.
“I don’t know how much it can be of help but it’s better than nothin’”
Arthur shifted slightly. “Stay put. I’ll be right back.”
Before you could protest for the lack of his warmth against you, he slipped out of the tent, moving with that same quiet efficiency he always had.
A few minutes passed, you were almost asleep when Arthur came back and with him the chill night breeze entered the tent waking you up.
“There,” he said softly, his deep voice full of quiet satisfaction as he sat the mug down the bedside table. He sat down beside you, pulling you up into a seated position before handing you the tin mug filled with the golden brown liquid. “This should hopefully help.”
You nestled into him, feeling the warmth of the mug and the steady, grounding presence of Arthur beside you. It was amazing how he could make everything feel better, just by being there—by holding you and letting you know, without words, that he was there for you.
A comforting silence fell on both of you as you drank your tea slowly, feeling your whole body relaxing with each warm sip you took.
After a while, the pain in your belly faded into the background, and you found yourself growing drowsy in the soft cocoon of warmth and care that Arthur had created around you. You laid down again and Arthur followed your action putting your head on his chest. His hand moved to your back, tracing lazy, soothing patterns there, his fingers brushing gently over your spine.
“Y’know there’s no need to hide when you’re hurtin’. You’re always helping everyone around, sometimes you gotta stop and look after y’rself.”
“Arthur,” you whispered, your voice full of sleep and gratitude. “I love you so much, I don’t deserve you.”
He huffed a soft laugh, his breath warm against your skin as he pressed another kiss to your temple. “Ain’t no such thing,” he murmured, “you deserve more than me.”
His words, so downgrading for himself yet full of love for you, made your heart ache in the best way.
“You’re everything I need,” you whispered, your voice barely audible as your eyelids grew heavy. As you drifted off to sleep, wrapped safely in Arthur’s arms, the pain and discomfort of the day faded away completely, replaced by the quiet, steady warmth of his love.
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
The Teach Me Masterlist
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BestFriend!Harry x You
*This story contains Mature and Explicit Content. Take care of yourself first, only consume what you feel comfortable with!💞*
~ Teach Me* (Pt. 1)
Harry needs a little practice in the art of Eating Pussy, and who better to ask for help than his best friend? You.
~ Show Me* (Pt. 2)
Class is in session, and this time, Harry needs a little help exploring his favorite kinks. And you're more than happy to lend a helping...hand.
~ Hurt Me* (Pt. 3)
You and Harry have struck a deal. You'll help him explore some of his favorite kinks and in return, he'll practice each one on you. A rather...bloody sweet deal, if you do say so yourself.
~ Feel Me* (Pt. 4)
The search for kinks has only just begun as you and your best friend Harry officially cross...The Line. ...so what happens when it's over?
~ Love Me* (Final Part)
You and your best friend Harry have a few things to figure out. So why not figure them out while you’re riding his face?
The Extras:
~ Find Me*
Harry has never been in his subspace before. Until today.
~ Watch Me*
It wouldn't be a party with Harry if there wasn't some light fighting and exhibitionism...right?
~ Lead Me*
You're on your period and your best friend Harry is determined to help you feel better. Your only condition? He's not allowed to look.
~ Use Me*
You bring home a new outfit, and your best friend Harry decides that it's high time he show you exactly what you've been missing with a little payback. Blindfold and all.
~ Guide Me*
Your best friend Harry wants to experiment with something else in the bedroom. A collar...and a leash. The only catch? He wants them both in your hands.
~ Take Me*
The one where you and Harry decide to move in together. And christen every inch of the new apartment.
~ Break Me*
The one where Harry edges you into your subspace for the very first time.
~ Tease Me* (Halloween Extra)
The one where you and your best friend, Harry, are invited to a Haunted House. But ghosts aren't the only thing fun about this party.
~ Tell Me*
The one where your best friend Harry suggests a fun, friendly little game of horny Simon Says.
~ Remember Me* | (1 Year Anniversary Post!)
The one where you and your best friend, Harry, reminisce over the first time he ever ate you out.
The Blurbs:
The one where Harry and Bee use a pussy plug*
The one where Harry and Bee use a pussy plug pt. 2*
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moonstruckme · 9 months
hiii!! i love your writing so much i think i’ve read every single thing you’ve ever posted. i’m genuinely obsessed 🫶🫶 i was wondering if you could write something where the reader and remus have been dating/talking for a little while and she hasn’t had her first kiss yet and she starts to get nervous everytime she thinks he’s abt to kiss her and she runs away?? i’m ngl this is based off of very real events in my life 😭😭
i love you so much!! hope your doing amazing
Hi gorgeous, thanks so much! This is soooo relatable of you haha, I have a library of hilarious stories about my very hyper friend who kept literally springing away from guys she liked who were trying to kiss her, but it does make for some very interesting (and often very sweet) conversations!
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
On your first official date with Remus, the two of you went to a drive-in movie. You kept your seatbelt on the entire time. 
You only realized halfway through, mentally kicking yourself for being so jittery you’d lost all sense of normalcy, but by then it felt too late. It’d be awkward to take it off halfway through the movie, try to play that off as casual. You’d made your bed. You didn’t unbuckle until Remus dropped you off at your house at the end of the night. 
On your second date, you’re determined to be less uptight. You want him to know that you really do like him, even if your nerves make you jump and flinch whenever he gets close. At the Italian restaurant, it’s difficult to find a pasta dish without garlic, but you manage it. You’re a girl with an agenda. The two of you split a chocolate cake for dessert. It’s delicious, probably, though you can’t focus on much besides Remus’ story and the way his mouth moves as he tells it. How he tucks one corner of his bottom lip between his teeth when he’s trying to hide a smile. 
You have to hope belatedly that you haven’t somehow smeared chocolate all over your face while eating. You’re not at all confident you would’ve noticed. 
It’s a short walk back to your place, and you manage to jabber the whole way, a masterclass in self-sabotage. Remus doesn’t seem to mind, his hand light and cordial on your back as he guides you up the steps to your door. You savor the touch. It takes every ounce of willpower you have not to spring away. 
“It sounds really interesting,” he says graciously as you finish your tangent about the book you’ve just read. “I’ll have to pick up a copy.” 
“I can lend you mine,” you offer. “Maybe I can bring it the next time we hang out?” Your voice tips up hopefully at the end of the question, and warmth touches your cheeks. 
A similar pinkening spreads across Remus’ freckles. He smiles at you, the scar across his lip stretching. You’re spellbound. 
“Yeah, that sounds great.” You might be imagining it, but you could swear his eyes flit to your lips. “I had a great time tonight,” he says. “I really like talking to you.” 
Your voice is soft. “I like talking to you, too.” 
He takes a step towards you, and it’s like your muscles stage a coup. You take an involuntary step backward, a smile plastering itself uncomfortably on your face. 
“Thanks for everything,” you say brightly. “Goodnight!”
You spin and go for the door handle, and you’re nearly inside before you hear Remus’ quiet “Wait.” 
You turn. Lead in your bones. 
Remus is holding his palms up as if to show you he’s got no weapon. 
“Sorry,” he says, “I just wanted to…you know I’d never do anything you didn’t want me to, right?” 
You’re frozen stiff. 
“Like, even if I thought there was a chance you didn’t want to, I would never…” He shakes his head, looking lost. Guilt settles like a stone in your gut. “I guess I’m a bit confused. If you don’t want to do anything, that’s completely fine, but sometimes it seems like you want me to kiss you, and then you don’t…” 
“Rem,” you say. You feel like you’re breathing through a straw. “Remus, I’m so sorry.” 
“Don’t be sorry, sweetheart, it’s not your fault—” 
“No, it is. It’s not—I don’t want you to think I’m scared of you or anything. I’m not, it’s just, I get skittish.” You can’t make yourself look at his eyes, your gaze stuck just shy of his chin. Your face feels aflame. “It’s not you. I’m just nervous.” 
“Oh.” It’s a soft thing, more exhale than anything. Then his fingers curl under your chin, tipping your face up. “Well, you can relax, love. I was never going to make a move unless I got a clear signal from you first. But we can just take that off the table completely, if you’d like.” He gives you a small, gentle smile. “I only want you to feel comfortable.” 
Your heart zings right up into your throat. “I do feel comfortable,” you blurt. “I don’t want it off the table.” 
Remus’ eyebrows flick upwards. “You don’t?” 
“No,” you murmur, bashful. 
His eyebrows come slowly back down, puckering slightly as he tries to figure you out. His eyes narrow until his lashes kiss. His tongue pokes into his cheek, just a little. You miss nothing. You find yourself taking in a quiet breath, steeling yourself. 
You move across that tiny bit of air between you and find him there waiting.
It’s everything you could’ve hoped for and yet startlingly simple. Remus’ lips are warm and soft, pressing into yours with an intensity that you suspect is nonetheless restrained for your benefit. He tastes like chocolate cake. 
His mouth meanders over to the corner of your lips, granting one quick peck to your cheek before making its way back to the center of your mouth, reverent. He backs away slowly, easing you out of it. 
“Wasn’t really expecting that,” he admits.
“Me neither. Was it alright?” Your voice is a bit breathy. “I’ve never done that before.” 
For a moment, he’s quiet. 
“That was your first kiss?” 
You swallow, rubbing your lips together as you nod. 
“Sweetheart,” he grins, “you’re a natural.” 
A giggle spurts out of you, dizzy with the taste of him and the novelty of it all. “You mean it?” 
“I wouldn’t lie to you.” He mimes drawing a cross over his heart. It occurs to you that you both seem infinitely more at ease than you have since dinner. The corner of Remus’ bottom lip goes between his teeth, his cheek dimpling. “I mean, there is something to be said for practice, though.” 
You don’t fight your own grin; it comes out in full force. “Mm, I think I’ve heard something about that. Practice makes…defective, right? Something like that.” 
“C’mere.” Remus rolls his eyes at you, but as his arms wrap around you his smile mirrors yours. 
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xiaoseminence · 2 years
𓆩✬𓆪 𝕋𝕖𝕪𝕧𝕒𝕥’𝕤 ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕥 𓆩✬𓆪 (𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 𝕊𝔸𝔾𝔸𝕌)
Summary ➵✬ When you wake up atop a golden altar, surrounded by the beloved characters from your favorite game, you will learn how far their fervent devotion truly goes. (Harem, GN pronouns) Warnings ➵✬ Heavy Yandere, Worship / Religious practices, Dark Topics, Slighty Mature / Suggestive scenes
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“May the sacrifices we offer you appease you, our beloved creator. In these times of hardship, please guide us and lend us your strength” 
The words reverberated in the hall, making it seem as though they were coming from all around you. You hadn’t opened your eyes, and yet an almost blinding ray of golden light was visible even through your closed lids. You barely registered the horrified gasps and shouts of astonishment as the strong smell of incense burned your lungs with each breath. 
Was this… Death? The last thing you remembered was a train speeding towards you, headed for an inevitable collision. By the time you even noticed it, it was clear that you wouldn’t manage to escape its trajectory - too engrossed in the game you were playing on your phone to save yourself. 
The people you knew always thought that death would be painless, a void empty of emotions or sound. And yet… Why was it this loud? By now the gasps had been replaced by hectic shuffling, too many muffled voices yelling over each other to the point that you couldn’t make out a single word. As if you had just emerged from a frozen lake, your senses suddenly returned to you all at once - brain now on high alert. Where were you? With a movement so fast that it made your head throb painfully, you ripped open your eyes and sat up. As soon as your lashes parted to take in the sight in front of you, your (e/c) orbs were met with shimmering cores of gold and ruby. 
It took you a second to realize that you were face to face with a person, as their skin as pale as moonlight and eyes as crystalline as jewels made it easy to mistake them for a delicately crafted statue. Yet your shock seemingly couldn’t compare to that of the man, who visibly trembled to the point that his legs gave out under him. 
He fell to his knees, and then… he lowered his head so far that it barely touched the stone floor beneath. As your eyes quickly darted around the room to make any sense of this situation, you were met with many other people following the example of the man in front of you. Some of them fell to their knees in an instant, creating a loud thud that echoed in the large, temple-like building, while others lowered their gaze in more of a demure manner, letting their bodies slowly follow suit as they sank to the ground.
Where were you? And why did the man in front of you seem so familiar? His golden eyes, brown hair tied with a black ribbon, and elegant attire were connected to something in your memories, yet said memory evaded you like a word stuck at the tip of your tongue. 
“Your grace-”, his breath shuddered as he spoke, yet his voice held a sense of desperation. “Thank you for honoring your worshippers with your presence”. You tried to speak, ask what kind of twisted afterlife you’d been sent to, when his next words caused your thoughts to fly into a frenzy. 
“Your first apostle, Rex Lapis, is forever at your service. Command me as you wish, your grace” 
Rex Lapis? This couldn’t be true. And yet… it made too much sense for you to deny it. He looked just like the character you had managed to acquire just last week, after hours and weeks of your time poured into collecting as many primogems as you could. And… you could have sworn that you heard someone mention the word “Teyvat” when you first gained consciousness in this… hall. 
It was as time had frozen still, as no one dared to move a muscle or even so much as breathe. When your eyes fell onto a statue at the far end of the temple, you too froze in place. It was your face. Etched into immaculate white stone. The statue depicted a person sat on a throne, long robes draped around their body and pooling at their feet. Even as a statue, the cloth was depicted perfectly. And even if the mighty posture and perfectly dignified expression did not resemble your current state at all… it was unmistakably your face staring back at you with lifeless eyes made of marble. 
“Ningguang?” As if to test your theory, you had spoken the first name that came to your mind when you looked at the audience. There were many people, hundreds, maybe even thousands - but you had spotted her form kneeling in the very front row. Her attire was different from what she wore in the game, her white and golden dress was replaced by a red hanfu. But her long hair, which was colored like freshly fallen snow, with a red tassel tied to it was just like you had first seen her in the game.
At the mention of her name, she seemed to flinch a little in surprise, before she dutifully raised her head, albeit not fully. She lifted it only to the point of being able to gaze up at you, her ruby eyes peering through long white lashes, glinting expectantly. 
“Yes, your grace?”
You couldn’t believe it. It was real. But… What would you do now? They seemed to revere you as maybe royalty - or even a deity. Closing your eyes, you allowed yourself just a moment to force your brain into thinking of a plan - any course of action that would seem reasonable and not put you in danger. For the start, this should be simple - play along while you discover more about this world around you. The only problem was… how would you play along when you didn’t know what they expected of you. 
Reminiscing back to the moment you first woke up in this world is something that nowadays, you didn’t do often. On occasion you wondered whether you would have done anything differently, knowing what was to come. Though, as you now rested in the arms of one of your consorts, half aware of the sugary promises of love and servitude they whispered into your ears, you didn’t regret it as much. Yet the road leading to this state of peace in your mind and acceptance of your situation had been a very long one. ➵✬ to be continued 
Word count ➵✬ 1.05k 
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aestherin · 1 year
seatmates | scaramouche x gn! reader
a random drabble i thought of at school bc of course my mind is floating :D
i was scrolling thru my drafts when i found this i totally did not forget about this i swear </3 also not proofread bc i don't have any braincells left :DD
wc: 589
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You have always hated two-person desks.
Especially those that are too narrow you and your seatmate practically have to be squished against each other in order for both of you to fully utilize the desk.
"Fucking move," Scaramouche hissed.
"No, you," you pushed against his arm which had bumped into yours earlier.
He sent death glares your way, all of which you paid no attention to. After almost a year of sitting next to each other, it was second nature to build a system that's immune to the silent and furious side-eyes of an angry cat. How long has it been? Ah.
It all started when you made the grave mistake of being late for the first day of classes. No one else wanted to sit next to the menace that is currently sending daggers your way, and so you ended up sitting on the remaining available spot — the one beside Scaramouche.
The experience wasn't all that bad, though.
Sure, sitting beside him felt like being together with a grumpy old man, but even he had some soft moments. Like when he'd let you peek at his notes when you don't understand what the lecturer was babbling about (this comes with some mockery from him, but you shrug them all off).
Or like that one time you were shivering from the AC and he let you borrow his hoodie (this came with him uttering lighthearted remarks about how you should always be prepared because what if he wasn't there to lend his hoodie? Just what are you going to do without him?)
You returned it immediately after getting it washed but he told you to keep it. It's now your favorite hoodie.
Sitting next to Scaramouche was a give-and-take situation. He would begrudgingly lend you a hand, and you would do the same. He used to disturb you from whatever you were doing just to borrow your correction tape so many times that at one point, you just laid it out on your desk, free for him to use. Luckily, he got the message and just started using it whenever he needed to. Was it just your imagination or did he really start needing the correction tape less when you just laid the thing out on the desk?
He also once left his earphones at home and kept bugging you to let him listen to whatever was playing through yours because he swears even your trashy music taste is much more bearable than listening to whatever your classmates were chattering about.
That's what he said but he now listens religiously to the playlist you've been playing on repeat.
As an attempt to get back at you for what you did earlier, he bumped his arm against yours — which was writing notes, at the moment.
Across the organized scribbling of letters and words on a page of your notebook was now a long, thick line of black ballpoint pen ink. You gasped, mouth ajar at the painful sight of a mess.
"Dude! What the fuck?" You sharply turned your head towards him, only to find that he'd already looked away from you.
"Scara, you bit—"
He only sighed.
Your attention was swayed by him slowly and gently intertwining both of your hands above the desk.
"Don't worry about it. I'll rewrite your notes for you later."
He finally gazed back at you. Blood rushed up your face as he used his hand to guide yours to his lips, pressing a light kiss.
"At least after we eat out for dinner."
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loveinhawkins · 5 months
Ficlet prompt: Lighter
Truly will enjoy whatever that might inspire for you, but I do especially love all your steddie work that takes place between scenes of s4!
thank you for the perfect excuse to think about another before the battle scene. (also i hope i’m recognising your username correctly & if so i love your video analyses 💕) •one word ficlet prompts
Eddie throws the lighter with no warning. It soars in an arc across the field, a glint of silver in the sun, and Steve catches it with one hand, of course he does. Eddie remembers the running joke in the true basketball glory days, Steve Harrington, an excellent catch: in every sense.
Eddie would always act like the whole thing annoyed him, but now, as he watches Steve grin smugly, he can only be fond.
“Figured you’d need it when you’re, uh, flambéing.”
Steve’s smile fades, just a little; Eddie wonders if the terror he’s feeling is obvious, even from a distance.
“Like, it’s my uncle’s, so be careful,” he adds, rambling. “I’ll want it back, man.”
Steve considers him. Pats a patch of grass, come here.
Eddie does.
He sits down as Steve flicks the lighter a couple of times, the flame winking in and out of existence. It’s a soothing sight, almost makes him forget that they’ve spent most of the day fashioning weapons—like so long as Steve’s got a light in his hand, things are gonna be all right.
It’s a child’s logic. Eddie can’t help it; he never could.
There’s a soft click as Steve shuts the lighter. He puts it in his jacket pocket with unnecessary care. A gentleness.
Eddie knows he’ll keep it safe.
And then Steve’s twisting round to reach another pocket, brings out another glint of silver.
He flicks it up in the air, catches it before dropping it into Eddie’s palm.
“This is my lucky quarter,” Steve says with uncharacteristic solemnity, but his lips are quirking in amusement and—
“You’re so full of shit,” Eddie says through a laugh, “you literally just bought that jacket.”
His fingers curl over the coin anyway. He feels the warmth leftover from Steve’s touch. Wonders if Steve felt something similar with the lighter—if he can lend their improvised charms some power through sheer force of will.
He slips the coin into his pocket.
“I’ll kinda want it back,” Steve says pointedly.
Eddie smiles. “I’ll take care of it,” he says.
He doesn’t want to sound afraid, but he can’t promise anything. Can only think of Steve carrying the lighter and hope that it holds: an amulet, guiding him home.
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xrstuve · 6 months
SOMETHING ABOUT YOU | abby anderson x fem! reader !
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notes : this is a part2 for sweet treats!! dedicated specially to @luciaiellieswife for requesting another part :)) hope you enjoy this!! made this with lots of love <33
also, you don’t have to read pt1 to undertsand pt2!!
recommendation! : i’ve been listening a lot to the beatles lately, and i rlly recommend the song “something” for this specific fic!!
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after a night of chasing each other around, getting messy and even ending up burning the cake, you found yourselves cuddling in the couch, only the faint sound of the tv could be heard in the background.
you shifted your body upwards, laying your head on top of abby's chest, in attempt of getting closer to her. abby had her arms draped over your figure as she caressed your waist, her fingers moving in a circular motion underneath the hem of your top.
you could feel your tired eyes itching to shut after hauling around the exhaustion of a crazy day, yawning as you felt abby shift her gaze from the tv to you, a small smile playing on her lips.
"you sleepy, baby?" she takes a strand of hair out of your face, her eyes lingering on yours. "i can take you to bed if ya want?" she says, her full attention directed towards you as you turn your body around, arms wrapping around her neck while you hum softly.
"mhm, i'm getting pretty sleepy already" your voice barely audible, making abby let out a small chuckle, taking in how adorable you looked all droopy eyed, the television light enhancing your features.
"okay angel, c'mere" abby said as she made her way out of the sofa, lending you a hand so you could sit up. she turned the tv off and turned back at you, chuckling as she saw you with your arms raised up, waiting to be carried. she wrapped her arms around your legs, while yours tangled on her neck, placing your head on the crook of her neck while abby adjusted herself, carrying you in bridal style all the way to your shared bedroom.
she softly placed your body on the mattress as you rolled over, placing your head on the headrest, waiting for abby to finish changing. she swiftly took off her grey hoodie, the small action exposing her lower back as her toned arms were in full display. you couldn't help but gawk at how good she looked.
taking in each move, your eyes still remained fixated on her figure while she took off her pants, leaving her in a tank top and some boxers. she slowly turned around, not long until she catches you staring at her, she sends you a sly smirk.
"liking what you see princess?" you just nod your head, too sleepy to even respond with a coherent sentence. abby took note of this as she approached you, sitting herself down next to you. "up" she said, signaling for you to raise your arms up as her fingers grazed over the end of your shirt, lifting it over your head as she helped you change into your pajamas.
her hands made their way to your bra, unclasping the material while she helped you take it off. her hands moved around your body so delicately, peppering soft kisses on your shoulders and whispering sweet nothings to you while you just hummed contently.
right after finishing with you, abby made her way to the bathroom. all you could hear was the faint sound of the faucet being turned on, accompanied by some rustling. abby came back with a damp towel on her hands, as she kneeled in front of you.
"c'mere baby, lemme clean you up" she placed her hand on the bottom of your chin, tilting your head upwards as she placed the warm towel on your face, cleaning up the leftover makeup that still remained as you let your eyelids flutter shut, sinking in the warm feeling.
"mhm.. all done" she says proudly as she presses a sweet kiss to your forehead, taking a hold of your hand as she guides you to the bathroom. you lean your body against the sink, grabbing your toothbrush and gently brushing it against your teeth as you leisurely combed your hair.
after finishing your nightly routine, you and abby make your way back to your shared bed, getting comfy under the covers as you move your body closer to her, being engulfed by none other than her strong arms, getting a hold of your waist and pulling you closer to her.
abby's tender kisses danced delicately along your jawline and all the way up to your ear, eliciting a soft giggle from you due to the ticklish sensation. your hands instinctively found her neck, drawing her nearer until your foreheads met in an intimate embrace, exchanging shy smiles like secrets shared in moonlit whispers.
"i love you" you whisper, those three words you yearned so much to tell her ever so often, rolling off your tongue so sweetly. you press your lips to her cheek, while your fingers drew tiny shapes on the nape of her neck, tangling along with her blonde locks.
abby averted her gaze from your lips to your eyes, sending you a soft expression as you continued to confess your love for her.
"thank you for always taking such good care of me." you smile, and abby couldn't help but feel her lips reciprocate, tugging upwards into a wide smile. she leaned even closer (if that were even possible) and rested her nose against yours, her eyelids fluttering open to look at you.
"i love you too baby." she whispered back, not loosing a single moment of eye contact with you. " .. and i'll always make sure you remember that." you could feel her determination marked on her words, everything she said always felt so heartfelt, intimate and full of meaning.
you could not express how lucky you were to have her. something about her tender care left you breathless, making you feel butterflies flutter in your stomach that were unable to get rid no matter how hard you tried. i guess that's just how it felt to be so deeply in love. the same feeling like a teenage boy falling in love for the first time, enveloped in the euphoria of being utterly and irrevocably enamored.
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hi hi!! it’s been a while since i’ve been active on here 😭 school has me all over the place that i’ve barely had time for anything honestly. but i’ve finally finished my finals!! so i’ll be writing wayy more often now hehe 💗 more stuff coming soon, so stay tuned!! 🫶
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thebestofoneshots · 11 months
Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 6.2 K Warnings: None Prompt: It's all about planning. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
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Chapter 18: Friends will be friends
Somehow, the pranks you'd pulled with Remus had ended up all over the school, hidden by students in the most inconspicuous places so that distracted and unsuspecting kids would stumble upon them and get a good jumpscare. Steven SkeIIignton, as he’d gotten baptised by Marlene who’d gotten a hellscare later on the Halloween party, was still in the closet, and had already gotten at least 20 kids to jump out of their skin in the past week.. .
As a matter of fact, it was often the gophers who would nonchalantly ask their friends to retrieve an item from the wardrobe or hand them a sweater they claimed to have left inside, all in the hopes of giving them a good stratle. And the cycle would just repeat itself. At some point, people even started being wary when asked for small favours like that. It was hilarious. 
Meanwhile, James was determined on making his date with Lily absolutely perfect. He did not want to rush it, and so he had you, Sirius, Remus and Peter wake up even earlier so that you’d talk about possible plans. It must have been like 4:30 in the morning when you heard a knock on your door the first time. You hadn’t been sleeping well at all, so you rushed to see who the hell would be knocking on the door only to find James’ head poking out from the invisibility cloak.
“Hurry, you’ve gotta come with me,” he whispered. 
“I’m in pyjamas?” You argued, and you really had only a pair of shorts and a light shirt, your covers had a warming spell, so you didn’t need much warm clothes, even with how chill the November night had already gotten in Scotland. 
“Doesn't matter, I’ll tell Sirius to lend you something if you get too cold. Now come, it’s urgent!”
You rolled your eyes, picking your wand up and did what James asked since it sounded important. Once you stepped outside he quickly wrapped the cloak around the two of you, holding it carefully above your head, you were huddled beside him as he guided you up a couple of stairs. Since you were still a bit sleepy, you didn’t quite register he was taking you back to their room until you saw their door “James, an emergency?!? What happened?” you asked genuinely worried now. 
“I’ll tell you once we’re in the room, we don’t want anyone to see us,” he said as he opened the door and brought the two of you inside. He took off the cloak and you took a couple of steps from him, without James’ body heat irradiating onto you, the sudden drop in temperature made you wince. 
“Do you not have a heater in this room?” you complained. 
He just shrugged and then clapped his hands loudly “All right boys, wakey, wakey!” he shouted, before using his wand to turn on several lights around the room, you squinted as he did since your eyes were not used to so much brightness. 
Peter was the first one to startle awake, looking at you and James very confused, “(Y/N)?” 
“Get your own girlfriend and stop dreaming about mine Wormtail!” Sirius, who had the covers on top of his head to avoid the light, said irritated.
“I wasn’t-“ The boy started. 
“–She’s here,” Remus said, sitting up on his bed, and rubbing his eyes. He was wearing a soft brown plaid pyjama shirt, and didn’t have all his buttons done, he kinda looked like the softer version of his sexy pirate outfit from the party. But like, really soft and cuddly. 
“Who’s here?” He asked, finally kicking the covers off his head, and hollymotherofmerlin, that’s what he looks like just waking up? You wondered as you tried not to shamelessly stare at the way his hair was beautifully sprawled on the bed. “Stashine? What are you doing here?” 
You turned to James, “Yeah Prongs, what am I doing here?” You asked, arms crossed over your chest, mostly because of the cold. 
“I need your help.” 
“For what?” Asked Peter with a frown. You shot him an annoyed look. “Didn’t mean it like that…” he added. You were all too sleepy for decency. 
James went and sat on top of the rug in between the beds, and motioned for you to sit next to him. “Come on, I didn’t wake her for you to stay in bed all day, hurry up!” he urged the rest. Peter stood from his bed, he wore a long sleeve white tee and a pair of red plaid pants, and he sat right in front of the two of you. Remus stood up and sat next to James, almost across from you. He had matching pants and a pair of fuzzy socks on. Sirius unsurprisingly was the last one, he lazily brushed his hair with his fingers before he stood up, he had a black queen shirt and his pants had electric guitars stamped all over them. You wonder where he’d gotten those muggle clothes when James spoke again, “Ok kids, we need to plan this together.” 
“A prank?” Remus asked. 
“You’re bringing her in?” Asked a leery Peter.
“She’d be of great help actually,” chimed Remus, a little defensively. 
“She really would! Didn’t I tell you about the libra-“ he started. 
“-It’s not a prank you wankers!” James said, interrupting the little fight Sirius and Peter might just start “All though I do think you’d be useful in a prank,” he said turning to you and thinking of the Magical Theory project you’d been working on. 
“Jee, Thanks Prongs!” you responded, almost sarcastically, “but if it’s not a prank, then… What's the emergency?”
“There is no emergency, I said it was urgent.”
“James, mate, you either tell us what the hell is going on in your head or I’ll go back to bed,” Sirius threatened “It’s like 5 am.”
“4:30 actually,” you corrected him. 
“4:30!? PROOONGS!” Peter whined. 
“It’s about Lily!” 
“You brought me here for Lily?” You asked with a frown. 
“You woke us up because of your crush?!” Remus complained, he was about to snap at James and go back to his bed. As much as he loved his friend, he needed his sleep. He did not want to be snappy all day because of a lack of it. 
“It’ll be just a moment, then you can go back to sleep.”
“I thought you were flying today,” Remus said and turned to you, you had your arms wrapped around your legs, and you were rubbing them every now and then, “You cold luv?” He asked. You nodded.
“I meant you and Peter,” he responded “These two will come flying earlier today anyway, the game’s just around the corner, I have to make sure they’re in top shape.” 
Remus extended his hand and pulled a sweater from the chest at the end of his bed, before throwing it at you. “Thanks Rem,” you said, pulling the sweater over your head, it was so big you could even cover your legs with it, which you did. And fuck, she looks adorable, Remus thought before mentally slapping himself for it. 
Sirius then used his wand to levitate his cover above your head, letting it gently fall over your head, “It’s pretty cold in here, right Starshine?” he asked softly. Sirius could sometimes be so gentle it startled you, but you nodded, turning a little red as you wrapped yourself around the covers. Remus’ sweater wasn’t too warm, but it was soft, and it smelled like chocolate and old books, exactly like the boy, which you had always considered a very pleasant smell, nice, it’s nice, your mind whispered. Meanwhile, Sirius’ cover was still warm since it was the one he had been using earlier, it did not feel like it had any charms on it, which meant it was all just Sirius’ body heat, you wondered how nice it’d be to sleep beside him as you snuggled yourself deeper into the clothes they had borrowed you, relishing on the soft combination of scents. 
“Can we focus?” James pressed. 
“You haven’t told us why we’re here, James,” You reminded him. 
“It’s about the date,” you nodded, prompting him to continue, but it was a little hard to take you seriously wrapped in so many covers like that. “I want it to be the best date of her life.” 
“Take her to Hogsmeade,” Peter proposed. 
“Take her flying,” Sirius offered, “it always works with girls.” 
You threw him a surprised look “Does it?” 
“Worked with you, didn’t it?” He told you with the sweetest little face he could pull off. 
“You’re such an idiot,” you said as you went for a playful hit on his shoulder, but he stopped your hand and pulled it to his lips instead, kissing it softly.  
“Maybe, but you love me anyway,” he responded cockily, leaning his cheek on your hand. 
“How about a date in the Room of Requirements?” Remus said loudly, trying not to sound bitter as he interrupted the two of you. 
You were still staring into Sirius’s eyes when he spoke but turned to Remus when what he said piqued your interest “The what?” 
“The Room of Requirements. It’s this room that sometimes shows up, only when you really need it, and it basically becomes whatever you need it to be. I stumbled into it when I was looking for my homework once, and it was this massive lost objects storage room,” he explained.
“But then he went with me and it turned into a room with a huge cauldron on the inside, basically enough space for us to brew the potion we wanted to brew for a prank. That’s how we discovered it was magical,” James explained.
“That sounds incredible! But… What if it turns into something that scares Lily away?” 
“Like what?” James asked, confused. 
“Well… I don’t know what you require Prongs, but if by bad luck you think the wrong thing and a freaking bedroom shows up, Lily will probably never talk to you again.” 
All the boys laughed at that, even Peter, who seemed to be a lot more at ease now “She just called you horny mate,” he told him in between chuckles. 
James had just gone red, which caused everyone to laugh even more “That rules out the Room of Requirements,” Remus said with a playful smile. 
“But we should go, tho, seems like a cool place.” 
“Not scared of what may show up, Starshine?” Sirius teased, leaning onto you.  
“Why? Are you?” you teased back. 
James cleared his throat, “Any other ideas?” he asked, looking straight at you “Where would you take Lily on a date?” 
You thought about it for a second, “To a picnic by the lake,” you said simply “I’ve seen Lily sketch a few things on a little notebook that she carries around with her all the time.” 
“It’s her journal,” James clarified. 
“How do you…?” 
“He tried to steal it once,” Remus said casually. 
“Dude, that’s awful.” 
“I was 13! I genuinely thought it’d be a great idea,” he clarified “Besides it was Sirius’ idea.” 
“I said it as a JOKE!” The other said, it seemed like a small little quarrel was about to start regarding that particular incident, which just made you look at the two of them, diverted. 
“The journal…” Remus said to you, asking you to finish your earlier thought. 
“Right, so, she likes drawing,” James stopped staring at Sirius and turned his attention back at you “I’d get some art supplies or something, and take her to a nice place by the lake so we could draw something together, take some of her favourite treats from the kitchens, and maybe some soft music too, she likes ABBA a lot. Then I’d go for a walk with her, while our paintings dry, and just be super nice and listen to her talk. She knows so much, it’s always fun to hear whatever she has to say, so it’d be fun for the two of us.” 
“You’re lucky she’s not your love rival Prongs, she’d definitely sway me with a date like that,” Remus teased, as if you needed to take him on a date to sway him. 
“You draw?” you asked him, he shook his head “Sirius does tho.” 
You turned to your boyfriend, amazed “I’ve never seen you draw.” 
“He only draws when he’s alone, I discovered by accident,” Remus answered instead.
“You should show me one day,” you told Sirius with a soft smile.
“Good luck with that,” Remus responded, “he almost beat me once for taking his sketchbook from his hands.” 
“Wait, really?” You asked the taller boy.
“If we’re done with date planning, can I go back to bed?” Peter asked. 
James took a look at his watch, and nodded “Sure, we’ll meet tomorrow at the same time for the details,” he said. 
“Prongs, 4:30? Two days in a row? for real?!” Remus asked, a little annoyed. 
“Yeah, we could just do it after classes or something.” You offered. 
“Yeah, as if sneaking you into our room in the middle of the night wasn’t hard enough,” James answered.
“I could just… walk in?” you said with a little frown.
“Nope, too suspicious, Lily will notice, she’s clever like that.” 
“I could just tell her you’re helping me get some quality time with my boyfriend.” You said, pointing at Sirius “You literally sleep in the same room, no one will think anything of it.” 
“Except that you’re shagging Sirius,” Peter said casually. 
“It’s her boyfriend though, and they won’t shag with the rest of us here,” Remus said logically.
“Who knows?” Peter said with a shrug “Maybe they’re into that kind of stuff, wouldn’t be the first poly wizards in the history of the world.”
“Poly what-?!” You asked confused.  
“-Shut up guys! That’s… It’s not entirely a bad idea…” 
“Poly isn’t a bad idea?” Peter asked, just to fuck with James.
“What? No, not that Wormtail, shut up! The other thing…” He turned to you, “We bring you here with the excuse that you’re gonna see Sirius, and then we plan the date,” James said. 
“You don’t mind that luv?” Remus asked with a little frown, always so considerate. 
“‘Course she doesn’t, we’re dating,” Sirius said matter-of-factly as he placed his arm over your shoulders and brought you closer to him.
“Sirius.” Remus said sternly “She’s a girl, it’s not the same for them, there’s double standards.” 
“Why don’t we meet in the Room of Requirements instead?” you suggested, “No one finds out, no one thinks we’re shagging or whatever, and no one suspects we’re planning James’ date either?”
“Gosh, you’re so clever, aren’t you Starshine?” Sirius said as he brought you closer and placed a kiss on your head, or at least over the covers you had around it. 
“Sounds good enough for me,” James said with a smile. 
“Fantastic, I’m going back to bed,” Remus said as he stood up and walked straight into his bed, gently laying down and covering his face with a pillow. Peter followed suit, although he just threw himself on the bed head down. Sirius only laid his head on top of yours, since you had yours on his shoulder already. 
“We’re going flying now, aren’t we?” He asked with a sigh. 
“We are indeed,” James said animatedly, a smile playing on his face, he was the biggest morning person you’d ever met, you definitely couldn’t relate, even if you loved flying as much as he did, mornings were just tough on you. From what you were looking at, Sirius was the same, in fact, James was the odd one out of the entire room. 
“I should go change,” You said, as you motioned to get up. 
“You can’t!” James said, moving his hands in the air, panicked, “Lily will ask why you weren’t in the room, she might be awake by now.” 
He wasn’t wrong, Lily might be awake by now, she sometimes woke up earlier to add final touches to her homework or do some of the readings you were left by teachers “But I can’t go flying with shorts and a shirt, I’ll freeze!” 
“Keep my sweater,” Remus mumbled, still from under his pillow. 
“Problem solved,” James said with a smile. 
“The shorts, James.” 
“You could just stay and cuddle with me,” Sirius offered with a shrug “James can go flying by himself. Promise my bed is warm and we could–” 
“–No way! Quidditch match is in a week, you can’t skip flying now!” 
Sirius took a deep breath and groaned, patting you lightly on the back so you’d stop leaning on him as he moved to his own chest, rummaging through it and picking up a pair of pants that didn’t fit anymore “You think this would fit?” he asked. 
You raised your eyebrows, and then tilt your head lightly, analysing the situation “It just might,” You said taking it from his hands and putting it against your body. 
“Sweet, go change then,” James said as he pretty much pushed you into the bathroom, he was damn lucky you’d put on a pair of trainers when he asked you to come without a warning of his plan. 
You sighed once you were inside their bathroom. You couldn’t help but look around a little as you put on Sirius’ pants. Their bathroom was almost a mirror to yours, it had a small cupboard next to the sink with a lot of potions, aftershave and even some Sleekeasy’s, you wondered who was the one that used it, since clearly, it wasn’t Potter, even if his dad had invented it. Probably Peter, you thought, he always has a rather put-together look going on.  When you were done you realised the pants fit well enough, all thought they were a little loose on the waist. You put your trainers back on and threw some water at your face and hair, to get it to somehow look decent, it’d gotten even messier since you’d placed Sirius soft covers over it. 
When you walked out of the Bathroom James was sitting on his bed while putting on a pair of shoes while Sirius was putting on his thick quidditch sweater. “Got a hair tie?” You asked him. 
He turned to you and nodded “Come,” he said softly as he patted his bed. You did as he rummaged through his side table “Want me to tie it for you?” 
You almost gave him a questioning look but shrugged in the end, turning around so he could do his thing. He was soft, a lot softer than you remember him being in the Great Hall a couple of months back, but you weren’t moving as much this time either. And he also had a brush this time, he gently brushed your strands a couple of times before he started to softly pull your hair back. You visibly relaxed as he was running his fingers through your scalp, allowing him to make your ponytail however he wanted. When he was done he leaned closer and pressed a cheeky kiss on your neck. 
“Done luv,” he said as he buried his head deeper into your neck, enjoying the way you smelled today. 
“Great, let’s go!” James said, completely oblivious to how much Sirius was enjoying himself. The boy gave him an annoyed look as he separated from your neck, but James wasn’t even phased. He was used to Sirius’ temperament, and he also knew he loved flying with you in the mornings. 
The three of you walked down to the courtyard and James started giving you exercises to warm up. After that, he gave you a couple of instructions and had you speed back and forth from tower to tower. He was flying beside you as you sped through the buildings and avoided the obstacles that came on the way. 
He also had you practise resistance, “The match might be long, we need you to pay attention to everything that’s going on and not to lose concentration because of tiredness.” he told you, he had you hold yourself in the air by grabbing onto the broom with your hands and also practise the same trick you’d done on the trials, over and over again, until your arms were trembling. All the while he had Sirius beat the quaffle back and forth, with the help of a spell that had it bounce back at his face every time he shot it away. 
“Prooongs, I’m tired,” He complained, as he flew to the side so the quaffle wouldn’t hit his face “Aren’t you Starshine?” 
“Yeah,” you sighed as you let yourself fall on your broom, allowing your head to rest on the handle as you laid flat on it “And we should probably,” you yawned “start going back, we have class in 30 minutes, I still have to put my uniform on.” 
“Watch out!” You heard James scream as Sirius’ bludger rapidly sped towards you, you raised back into a sitting position and flew downwards as you grabbed onto the ball with both hands, trying to slowly reduce its speed. 
“The chest.” You struggled to say as the quaffle fought its way out of your grasp, Sirius flew straight down and opened the place where you kept all of the quidditch stuff, you flew right after him and forced the bludger into its spot while the grey-eyed boy wrapped the protection chains over it. Once the bludger was secure, you let yourself fall on the ground, exhausted. 
James rushed down when he realised the commotion his little practice had caused, it was far away from the worst thing that had happened on morning flights, especially since you had joined them; you and Sirius would constantly do stupid shit that could get you three kiIled, especially because James had somewhat of a lack of self-control, and all that Gryffindor bravado mixed with the endorphins of flying, almost always had him joining your little shenanigans “You ok?” he asked “please tell me you’re not hurt anywhere,” he said as he reached closer to you and started inspecting your hands “we can’t have out star keeper injured just before the ga–“
“–James!” you reprimanded. “Quidditch?! Really?” 
“You know I didn’t mean it like that!” he told you, a small regretful frown on his face. 
You scoffed playfully, “I sometimes forget James’ priorities consist of Lily Evans and Quidditch, exclusively,” you joked, though you knew it was a lie, technically James’ priorities consisted of: his friends, getting Lily Evans to like him back and Quidditch, in that order. Unless a quidditch game was around the corner in which case, number three became priority #1. 
“‘M sorry luv. Are you ok? Not because of quidditch this time.” 
You laughed but nodded “Yeah, ‘m good. I just… want to lay here for a bit.”  
Sirius threw himself next to you, “We’ve got class.” 
“I know,” you answered, “I’m just… really freaking tired today, didn’t sleep well either.” 
“‘Cause of Prongs?” he asked, and you felt him reach for your hand, tracing small patterns with his finger over your palm.
You shook your head,  “Not that… I’ve got those nightmares again.” 
He turned to you, a sympathetic look on his face “I wouldn’t let anything happen to you, you know that, right?” You nodded, not sure how much Sirius would be able to do against your nightmare. But leaned in to give him a soft kiss on the cheek, but he was faster, and he moved to give you a kiss on the lips “Been wanting to do that since I saw you standing in my room,” he said “That and other things.” 
“Ugh, get a room! I swear, We were better off before you two started dating,” James complained as he started gathering up his things. 
“Shut it Prongs, you’re just jealous,” Sirius said before giving you another kiss. 
“20 minutes to get to class.” James reminded you then. Sirius groaned, but finally stood up, extending a hand to pull you as well. You took it gladly and stood next to them, as you levitated the chest towards the storage room under the bleachers. 
“How about I go change and bring your cloaks while you gather some food for me? We can meet just outside the great hall?” 
“That’s a brilliant idea!” James told you as he pulled a pair of keys outside of his pocket, and threw them at you, you caught them with ease “Mine is hanged next to my bed.” 
“Mine’s on my dresser,” Sirius added. 
“Sweet, I’ll hurry up and meet you in a bit, deal?” You said, before taking off. 
“What about my goodbye kiss, Starshine?” Sirius shouted. 
“I’ll give you a hello kiss when we see each other again instead Puppy,” you said casually, throwing a wink his way. 
Once you arrived at your bedroom, you realised everyone was gone. Which made sense, the girls should have gone down for breakfast several minutes ago, it was you who was lagging behind. You quickly took off the clothes the boys had given you and put your uniform on, taking Remus’ sweater along with you when you walked towards the boys’ room. You used James’ key to open the door and went straight to James’ bed, taking his cloak in a swift motion before realising Remus was still in his bed. 
He was soundly asleep, his chest rising and falling slowly, looking ever so peaceful. You stared at him for a minute, not realising you were staring until he frowned and moved a little in his sleep. Peter had clearly left a while ago, his bed a total mess, since he had rushed down to get a good fill of breakfast. You approached the boy “Hey Rem!” you whispered, as not to startle him, but he didn’t budge, which prompted you to move closer to him and gently place your hand over his shoulder, shaking it just slightly “Remus, class is about to start.” 
Remus, still half asleep, and thinking you were Sirius, grabbed your arm and threw you onto the bed next to him, placing his forearm over your chest to hold you down in a move that you could only describe as a martial arts movement you’d seen in comics at some point.
You gasped, it all happened too fast “Ooofff... if you didn’t want to wake up, you could’ve just told me…” you joked as you stared right into his eyes, he was hovering over you, pressing you into the bed a little harder than what would be comfortable. 
“Dollface?” He asked confused, quickly getting off you “I’m sorry, I thought you were Sirius.”
Dollface? That’s a new nickname, you thought. “Do you normally push Sirius onto your bed like that?” you asked with eyebrows raised as you sat back on the bed to look at him better. 
“It’s an inside joke,” Remus explained “Sirius did it to me once when I tried to wake him up.” He yawned, “Why are you here again?” He asked, a little confused. 
“Came to get the boys’ robes,” You said, lifting yourself over him, who was sitting on the other side, to try and find James’ uniform that you’d grabbed previously. Remus held his breath as your hand crossed over his lap casually. Can she hear my heart racing? he wondered. The robe was now pooling on the floor, no longer neatly ironed as it had been, you winced when you noticed the state it was on, and let yourself fall back on Remus’ bed as if it were your own with a sigh “James went a little savage with training today,” you complained “I feel like my arms will fall off.” 
Were you being a little dramatic? Probably, still, Remus felt like the only person you could complain to, you didn’t want to appear weak to anybody, let alone James who was way too preoccupied with the game, but with Remus it was different, you genuinely felt like he wouldn’t judge you for being tired, or for not managing to quite keep up with the other boys’ stamina. 
“I might have something that could help,” He told you looking through his drawers. 
You shook your head quickly, “Nu-uh, last time I took some of your medicine Remus, I ended up so freaking high I kept blabbering about how pretty Lily’s hair was, how nice your hands are, and how thirsty I was for Sirius.” 
“You… like my hands?” He asked with a frown, taking a look at them, especially at the scars on them.  
“And that wasn’t the only thing I said either,” you responded with a sigh, finally standing up, “We should probably go,” You told him, as you grabbed his sweater from the spot you’d left it next to your bag “Where do you put your dirty clothes?”
“What for?” He asked, turning around “Oh, that?” He approached you and took it in his hands before giving it a whiff “It’s not dirty,” he said before plopping it over his head. 
“Didn’t I sweat it?” You asked with a little frown.
“Nah, it smells fine,” he said casually as he walked over to the bathroom, that was a lie, it didn’t just smell fine, it smelled bIoody delightful. He gave it another whiff as he sat on the edge of the tub and then quickly remembered what he was doing. Cursing himself for it and banging the wall, causing a potion bottle to fall on the ground and break into hundreds of tiny little pieces. 
“You all right?” he heard you asking from the other side of the door. 
“Yeah, fine, fine.” He said as he pulled his wand out and whispered “reparo.” 
When he was out of the bathroom, Remus already had his school pants on, he didn’t bother to change his pyjamas nor his sweater before he plopped his robe on top. 
“You found Sirius’ robes?” he asked as he approached you, you were rummaging through some of the drawers next to Sirius’ bed. 
“He said on the dresser, but he didn’t say where on the dresser,” you complained. 
“Bottom left drawer,” Remus replied simply, he was over at his desk, gathering some books and placing them on his bag.
You leaned down to get it and finally found the robe, pulling it out just to have a small sketchbook drop from it. You opened your eyes wide as you picked it up, looking back at Remus “Is this the–“ 
“–Yeah,” he said. 
“You never got to see it, did you?” He shook his head in response. You looked at the small notebook, so tempting. Not only for you, in fact, it was just as tempting for the two. “Imma… Imma put it back…” 
“Yeah, great idea,” he said and helped you close the drawer after you put the notebook back in the dresser. 
“We’re super late.” He told you. 
“Let’s run!” You said with a smile as you approached the door. 
“Weren’t you knackered?” 
You shrugged “We need to get to class anyway,” you said, nodding your head with a smile, Remus thought it was the most tempting smile he’d ever seen in his life. 
“Fine then, let’s run.” 
The two of you started running right after, down the stairs, through the common room, out of the portrait and towards the other set of stairs. You slid down some of the stairs’ handles and then continued running. Remus was keeping up with you easily, and he was having lots of fun. He was actually admiring the way your hair flowed behind you when you turned to him “Come on, we gotta hurry!” you said with another one of those diverted smiles that made him want to kiIl himself for liking you so much. When the two of you finally arrived outside of the great hall, Sirius, James and Peter were already there. 
“Told you they’d come together,” Peter told Sirius “You woke Moony up, didn’t you?” he asked. 
“Yeah,” you said, leaning down and using your own knees for support as you regained your breath “he sleeps like a log,” you added. 
“I wouldn’t say that…” Remus said, also panting a little. 
“You ran all the way here?” James asked. You only nodded. “That’s great for strengthening your legs,” he said with a small approving nod. You threw his robe at him “Oi! Careful luv.” 
“Stop pestering her about quidditch you plonker,” Remus said, finally standing straight, and handing Sirius his robe, their fingers brushed lightly as he did and he almost flushed. Fucking hell, this needs to stop. He made a mental note to call Alice later, she was really good at helping him forget, or at least distract enough to calm the urges down a little.
“Well then, let’s get going,” Sirius said as he handed you a sandwich wrapped in a napkin. 
“You didn’t get anything for Rem?” you asked as you walked alongside them toward the classroom. 
“Wormy didn’t tell us you hadn’t eaten until we were outside,” James said apologetically. 
“No problem, we can share,” you said, giving it a bite and handing it over to the boy so he could do the same, he seemed rather hesitant “Unless you think sharing food is gross… We could cut it or–“ 
“No, it’s fine.” He said as he took the sandwich from your hands. 
“It’s not like you’ve never exchanged saliva anyway,” Peter shrugged casually. 
That had Remus choking on his bite and coughing a couple of times, you took an empty water bottle from your bag and whispered “aguamenti,” before handing it over to him. You then placed your hand over his to drag it closer to your mouth and give the sandwich another bite. Remus had gotten so red at that point you started to worry, maybe he was actually choking on something, he wasn’t. “Remus are you–“ 
“I’m fine, just, I choked for a second,” he lied. In truth, he’d actually gotten flashbacks to the time you’d both kissed when you randomly grabbed onto his hand and thank Merlin it seemed like he was choking because if he hadn’t he was sure Sirius would punch him in the face for it, and maybe he actually deserved it. 
You all got to class a little late that day, Professor Bins had you practise a couple of cleaning spells as a punishment. But the five of you executed them so impeccably, that he ended up giving you house points for it. 
Later on that day, you were sitting alongside the girls in the Great Hall during lunch when you heard the owls started to arrive. A few minutes later, a package wrapped in brown kraft paper dropped down right in front of you.
“Is it? it?” Marlene asked.  
“I think so,” you nodded, ripping the paper open, only to find your quidditch sweater, along with the rest of the uniforms, you smiled widely when you saw it proudly put it on “It’s stunning.” 
Marlene nodded in agreement, she still remembered the day she got her first Quidditch uniform delivered. Sirius was walking towards the table and as you were adjusting the sweater and whistled. You dеadpanned at him as he approached you with a cheeky grin, biting his own lip to avoid making it bigger “It suits you.” 
“Thanks Puppy!” you replied, smiling as well. He sat beside you, unnecessarily close, not that either of you minded.
“All of your gear is here?” He asked as he looked through the rest of the items in the bag. 
“All the new stuff at least,” you responded. The rest is already in my room, especially the protective stuff; James gave me some from when he was smaller, they’re still in great condition.
“Oh, you’ll take my goggles then.”
“I’ve got some of my own.” 
“I’m aware,” he said. “But if you’re wearing James’ clothes, then you should also wear something of mine.” 
“Because.” You frowned at his answer. 
“For luck,” Peter intervened. “You know what they say, something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue.” 
“You can’t wear something blue on a match against Ravenclaw,” Tom intervened, even if he wasn’t a player, he was very passionate about Quidditch, mostly because he was friends with a bunch of players. 
“Isn’t that for weddings?” Beth intervened as she placed a piece of bread in her mouth. 
“No, I’m pretty sure it’s for luck,” Peter repeated. 
“It is for weddings,” Lily said then, “It’s a muggle thing. Besides, if she’s wearing some of the old stuff from James, she wouldn’t need anything else. That would be enough for the borrowed thing.” 
“Oh, I know! You could wear blue undies!” Tom said suddenly, you threw him a warning look “What?” he said, “Ye lads ’re looking for problems, I’m getting solutions.” 
“I’ve got this really old hair broach you could wear.” Beth offered. 
“So that’s… Something old from Beth, something borrowed from James, something blue: Tom’s idea for the underwear, and something new,” Marlene said, pointing at the bag filled with new equipment as she said the last bit. 
“Brilliant, now she can get married,” said Mary ironically, “Will you really do such a ridiculous thing for luck?” She said, turning to you.
“I, for once, think she’ll look great in blue undies,” said Tom with a shrug. That earned him a kick on the shin from Sirius, “Auch!” he complained “I was just saying.” 
“You’ll still wear my goggles right?” He asked, throwing you his puppy eye look.
You sighed but nodded “Sure thing Puppy, I’ll wear your goggles.”
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Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
TAGLIST: @rayrlupin @callmelovergirl @warcelia @ireneop @endversewinchester @moonyunebi @smuttysluttybitch @mazzymoons @drugs-for-memes @sofiacblair @vmpir3lvr @remuslupinisbae @rabluver @willgrahamisalesbi4n @thatobsessedreader @orkwardx0  @itskailey24 @hell0-kittie @belovedmoony @blacksgarden @loving-and-dreaming @cassie-love20 @starchaser-lily @zucchini-queenie @springflwer07 @sseleniaa @cometsghost @orkwardx0 @imdoingbetternow @sbrewer21 @remuslupinsbae @maxinehufflepuffprincess @wifiatthetrainstation @unstablereader @msblacklupin @oliversaurus @jaylienpotter @remussbitch @hermionelove @izuoyarmin @themarauderswife7
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A/N: I had the absolute worst time trying to post this episode and I kid you not I almost cried out of distress. But it's finally working! Thanks to many tests and also to our lord savior ChatGPT who helped me find the pesky/problematic words. Hope you enjoyed the cute Remus moments, much love!
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bitterchocoo · 6 months
Pookie please!
At first I'm fine with the open ending of Welt x Reader ome. But then you go on ahead and make a sequel with a cliffhanger. Please my heart can't take it.
I won't force you t continue it if you don't want to. I just wanted to say it's amazingly written. And if you did ever wanted to go back continuing that, I'd be looking forward to it. (Be it more angst or bittersweet ending or even happy one. I'm content because I'm just that starving for Welt x male reader)
The very long awaited part three
Yes, Your Excellency
Part One | Part two | Part Three (You're here)
Welt Yang | M. Reader
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"I will gladly play the part, so that you may shine, my sun."
Once upon a time in a kingdom far away..
Lived a princess only 14 years of age.
There wasn't anything this princess couldn't have with a boy just like her serving as her right hand man..
"Yes, Your Excellency."
Those are the words he have said to her multiple times, from the very beginning. He was there as he watch his Lady build an empire from nothing. Her anxiousness... her fears.. her loneliness... her suffering..
He saw it all.
His dear Christine.
She was truly.. the light in his tunnel..
Even after everything, she still smiles and answers to her people. Truly a kind and thoughtful ruler.
And he's more than happy to be by her side. To guide her. And comfort her at her lowers.
She was everything to him.
The Stellaron Crisis brought many disasters and ailments. The suffering the people felt, their loved ones who are clutching their last straws. It breaks his heart. Truly it did.
It breaks his heart that Her Excellency has to watch her people suffer.
Her face which was once filled with joy was replaced by a somber expression. Her tone was so soft and full of life has turned sorrowful.
It breaks his heart... Truly... it did..
How could they.. turned such a beautiful person who's full of life into.. this..
It's unforgettable!
And as her right hand man, he will solve this Crisis and finally... bring back that smile that once adored her face.
He endured many sleepless nights and devoted himself to his research. He doesn't care what it takes. He will save her. The Stellaron Crisis is out of control, what if Her Excellency gets infected by its disease? What if she was suffering from the ailment this entire time! He has to! He has to save her! Whatever it takes!
"You worked so hard on trying to solve the Stellaron Crisis. I can see why you're Her Excellency's right hand man."
The day the Nameless arrived at their humble planet, claiming wanting to help and lend their aid. He was skeptical. How could these... people.. be as what they claim to be? How could he know they won't harm anyone? How could he know they won't harm her?
He didn't say anything as he kept vigilant.
They complimented him. Calling him a responsible and caring man for devoting himself to his research on the Crisis that had plagued his home.
Of course.
How could he not?
When she is also affected by it?
She doesn't deserve this.
She doesn't deserve any of this.
Her beloved kingdom.. on the brink of collapsing..
Oh how heartbroken she must be..
Which is why...
He's taking things into his own hands.
He can't just sit idly and see her suffering like that everyday.
"Whatever it takes?"
"How bold~"
"Then why don't you accept our offer?"
"We can help you!"
Their voices are loud. Oh so loud. They begged and persuaded him. Trying to get him on their side.
"We can give you power.. so you can protect her."
Their offers are very tempting. Very very tempting.
The Nameless.. as righteous as they are.. never would he thought one of them could be so interested in him. That man talked to him so casually as if they're old friends, maybe more.
He was never good with names.
But his name seems to stick to him for some reason. The chatter and the gift that man had given. It somehow.. stuck to him in a way he never knew existed.
He felt like he had gone insane.
They're strangers and yet.. it felt like.. they knew each other for so long..
"Oh? What's this?"
"Have you found another?"
"How cruel of you.. to forsake your beloved.."
No... No.. No!! Nonononononononononono!!! He can't!! Her Excellency!! She's—!
"You can't deny it though."
Shut up.. just shut up!
Their voices grew loud as their demans became more tempting by the second.. The Nameless.. as righteous as they may be.. Could he truly trust them..? Trust them to.. solve this Crisis..? Trust them to.. save her..?
Of course not.
How could he? How could he trust them? They're just some random people!! They came uninvited claiming they wanted to help!! Who do they think he is?! He's Her Excellency's right hand! Christine's right hand!
"You know what..? Sure.. I accept."
"They're nothing but fools."
"No one can save her."
"No one but me."
202 notes · View notes
theroseredreaper · 1 year
hey hey sorry to bother you with another request
I'm having a really bad day with anxiety and so I was wondering if you could do a thing about Sebek, Vil, and Leona and helping the reader handle their anxiety/calm down when it gets too intense?
sorry to add more onto your requests and you don't have to do it if you don't want to of course. Anyway take your time and remember to take care of yourself please Mimi
It’s not a bother at all! I’m sad to hear that you’re having a bad anxiety day and I hope that this can bring you some comfort. I’m more than happy to write this for you, Ryker. And yes, I’ll remember to take care of myself too. <3
Brief Trigger Warning, as per the request: This piece includes the reader in various states of anxiety and panic, and describes the beginnings of different kinds of panic attacks.
Sebek Zigvolt, Vil Schoenheit, & Leona Kingscholar Helping An Anxious Reader
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Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek paused from his studying at the sudden stop of the soft scratching of your pencil on paper across from him. He took in the tense set of your shoulders with a frown, eyes searching your face, only to find you completely unfocused and staring blankly at your homework.
You were spiraling again, weren’t you?
He cleared his throat at your flinching, scooting closer to gently pry the pencil from your trembling fingers.
“Are you alright?” His voice was now softer, attempting to make his volume a soothing murmur. “You’ve stopped working.”
He kept his eyes on you to keep track of your reactions, reaching out to give your hand a reassuring squeeze at the shaky inhale you gave him. When you were unable to give him a further response, throat too stopped up with anxiety, he gently rubbed his thumb against your knuckles to reassure you.
“Is it your classes again?” He glances at your half finished homework, giving your hand another squeeze. “Worry not!” He attempts to offer you a smile, not in the practice of being brightly reassuring like your other friends might be. “Classes are simply another form of training! I’m quite adept at mathematics and alchemy; any help you should need, we’ll cover all your bases together!”
His smile relaxed at your subtle nod, glad to see that you were beginning to calm down. He gave your hand one more squeeze before letting go of your hand to give you back your pencil.
If it is not your classes that you are worried about,” he began, trailing off for a moment before looking back up at you to return your gaze, voice a touch unsure, “I am more than ready to lend you my aid. Whenever you need it.”
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Vil Schoenheit
You turned a corner, only to find that it was the exact same as the last three you had walked down. The same stained glass windows, the same carpet runner, the same vases and wainscoting in an endless maze all around you. Why hadn’t you accepted Epel’s offer to guide you through Pomefiore before he left for Spell Drive practice? Where was Rook, or even any other Pomefiore student, to ask for directions? Why had you even accepted this stupid errand from Crowley anyways?
Just as the hallway was beginning to stretch before you into an endless tunnel and your breaths were turning into short, shallow, gasps, a pair of hands gripped you by the shoulders and anchored you back to reality by the strength of them holding you close. The hands belonged to Vil, who looked down at you with a frown. His eyes searched your face, brows pinched with the severity of his concern.
“You got lost, didn’t you?”
You could only helplessly nod, light headed and unfocused. His eyes narrowed and he tsk’ed at you, stepping back so that he could wrap an arm around your back to guide you from the hallway and to his bedroom. He directed you to sit on the chaise in front of his bed as he left for a moment before he returned with a glass of cool water.
“Sip slowly,” he instructed. “And match my breathing.”
He sat beside you, placing a hand on your lower back to silently encourage you to straighten up and ease your shoulders as he began to slow his breathing for you to match. His fingers traced idle, nonsensical patterns on your back in soothing repetitive as he breathed in and out with you. He stayed beside you even after your breathing had regulated, eyes on you to ensure that you finished the glass of water.
“Have you calmed down now?” He waited for a nod, and pressed a kiss to your forehead when he received one. “Good. Now, what was this errand you were sent on?”
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Leona Kingscholar
You and Leona were seated in Ramshackle’s living room, settled in for a quiet afternoon of friendly chess matches and snacks to pass the time. Or rather, the two of you were trying to do that, but were constantly interrupted by the incessant buzzing of message notifications coming from your phone. Even though your free time in between classes and all the errands Crowley had you running for him were scarce, everyone you had met and aided on campus up til now would constantly be sending you messages in search of your help with menial tasks.
After the tenth message in under a minute had your breath hitching and dropping a bishop, Leona plucked your phone from the table to silence it, exhaling a sigh through his nose. He’d often argue with you sometimes about your proclivity to help these selfish students that took from your precious free time with no regards to you, but today, before he could open his mouth to make a comment on the selflessness that grated on his nerves because it meant you were always putting others before yourself, he was stopped short by the look upon your face.
Your brows were furrowing as you bit your lip in an attempt to stave off a hot flush of tears from overcoming you, arm outstretched as if you weren’t really sure if you actually did want to take back your phone from him to answer those messages begging for your help.
Leona scowled and put the phone down, out of reach from you.
“Stop that. You’ll give yourself a headache,” he admonished, no bite to his words as he reached over and soothed the furrow between your brows with his thumb. “You gotta let yourself slow down. All this runnin’ in circles that everyone’s havin’ you do is gonna make you crash and burn. Got that?”
He waited for you to give him a nod that you at least heard what he said before he pushed aside the chess board to pull you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you securely.
“They’ve been handlin’ everything just fine without you runnin’ around, bendin’ over backwards for ‘em. Today won’t be any different. You’ve earned some rest. So relax, yea? I’m right here with ya.”
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(A/N): I hope you enjoyed and that this was able to bring you some comfort, Ryker! I apologize in advance if any of these characters felt OOC.
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gazeofseer · 13 days
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Direction of light to the browns of your life (;
Browns, what grounds you and what burns
You, deeply underneath too.
Pick a Image
Fatalist is term used for the one who confuses the go with the flow to become prone to act or intent and choosing not to play which will keep them under the fate, is a state of your fear, dear.
Instances of yours : You so badly wanted to take a decision about something quite recently but you step back and waited for the fate to decide for you, but you got more confused now that a week has passed because your fear covers non existential ideologies to appease your mind's guess.
You are a damsel but not in distress but in the capture of your mind's vivid imaginary and illusions that seems like a vision but is not, remember this is the world of manifestation whatever comes here is a by product of your state of being not of your state of reactions and idealism, it is birth out of your actual reality.
So there is a lot of confusions now, to clear which you need to seek your intentions do you really intent towards what your presume to be your purpose? Question that bloody dream does it dares to manifest when you will fail or will it vanish like a delusion you just had to gauge your mind off the bait?
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Overthinking is not a disease it is a power of your discipline that flow of thoughts you find a way out of your head quite smart right? Quite logical and prideful to feel right as always, but where do you hide those wrongs, those mistakes, that makes you feel like sinner to do so? You don't strive for perfection, you actually like one, great pretentious can be a great tool unless it becomes wavering, unsettling and making high while feeling the lowest in this moment right?
So much of right, I hear a feminine voice with chuckles shows how confident you are about everything you have, and the way you identify yourself with things, but when you endear it as an experience it's annoying, you start nitpicking, for your thoughts it found a flow in your mouth that you keep bickering, playing to some extent, what leaves bitter in this after all? Is the distance you feel within your authenticity and a convincing truth you lied around about.
You are not sad, not in pain, not in guilt or even regret you are disappointed in yourself, for the way you feel, for the way your head takes over all your heart like a devouring death you smile upon.
You need to really, really stop giving value attention, to your thoughts it's mere exertion of your senses let that go liar are those who say you become what you think, you become what you believe in, you become what you feel like is the mere intuition's guide.
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Shed many scales left my scars, even broken the light from the star I held so tightly underneath the sight of wars I had, battles I am fed with, all I could ever be is tired even with the best of the person, I had to feel sorrow and pitful, like an aftermath I stayed in people but with a different story to state of torns, I don't know anything, but I always told about everything, I lend hands and ears, and get rewarded with swords and screams.
Warrior, My champion how does it feel to be your very own thing? Great right then what is the guilt lying in there? There is a cobweb of perception you have crawled your mind through break that, your giving too much importance to the words of others getting absorbed in take your time alone and chose silence sometimes words must fail you so you can see what people mean was truly never about you but the way they feel, they want, they need about you. Do not get into the play of says and opinions they are void. Anyways you have strong instincts and intuition you either way don't need that.
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findelyfantasy · 6 months
How Different Elves Would Comfort You When You're Sad (Ft. A Mix of Characters from The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit!)
Just a little something I threw together with a random accumulation of characters I was thinking about at the time. This was really fun to work on, and I might do a part two some time in the future!
She’s wrap you up in the warmest embrace if you asked for it.
Provides the most beautiful and comforting words to help you through your emotions. She wants you to know that some things are out of our control, and that it is okay to feel these negative emotions when they come up.
If you need to vent, she offers to go on a walk where you can talk it out. She’s always there to lend a listening ear when you need it. 
Tauriel doesn’t touch you when you’re upset, she just listens and talks to you. She tries to ground you the best she can with her words.
If there’s something around that’s overstimulating you, she’ll get rid of it immediately (or try to reduce it to the best of her ability).
She always apologizes for whatever happened to you. Not in an “it’s my fault” kind of why but in a “this should have never happened to you” kind of way.
She’s always up to give you space if you need it. Tauriel knows how it feels to need time alone to process difficult emotions, especially sadness, so she understands completely if you need to be alone. 
He always takes you somewhere secluded where you can comfortably let your emotions out without being watched or judged by others. Thranduil likes to keep his Darling safe from watchful eyes that might use moments like this against you.
He comforts you as you cry, letting you burry your tears stained face into his shoulder. He cradles your head in one hand, the other placed firmly on your back, grounding you.
When you’ve finished crying, he wipes the tears from your face and kisses your knuckles. 
If you so wish, he’ll then kiss you other places: your cheek, your lips, your neck 
Seeing you cry breaks Arwen’s heart.
In all honesty, she feels like she needs to cry at the sight of you so upset.
When you’re upset, Arwen traces patterns on your back and shoulders as you cry into your hands. You appreciate the touch. 
When you calm down a bit, she wipes your tears away and guides your face to hers, making your foreheads touch. 
Legolas only touches you when asked directly, but when you do ask for physical comfort, he gives it to you in full force. He hugs you so tight, knowing that the pressure usually helps you calm down. 
He whispers nice things in your ear, little comforts like “This feeling will pass” or “It will be all right in the end, trust me.” 
Legolas is also the king of distractions. He knows that your mind will dwell on whatever is bothering you until you have something else to think about. When you’ve calmed down significantly, he talks to you about the trees or recounts a fond memory of his. Sometimes he even reminisces on a time that you two have spent together, which usually makes you laugh or sigh fondly at the memory. 
Celeborn is a man of not so many words. He comforts you through actions rather than speech, but the impact is just as significant. 
Whether you two are lying down or sitting somewhere together, he traces careful patterns on your back after checking in to ask if that’s something you want. 
In the moments where you’d rather not be touched, Celeborn listens. He knows the need to vent is something that comes up when you’re upset, and he wants nothing more than for you to get it all out. He listens intently to what you have to say and is great at interpreting your speech as you hitch and sputter out your words if you’re still in the middle of crying. 
When you’ve finished saying your piece, Celeborn provides light encouragement and advice to help you regulate your emotions and work toward making your situation better. 
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