#something more sleek visually
clonehub · 2 months
did i tell yall about Dune my genderfluid clone OC dune. he's really cool. do the OGs remember them.
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crusty-chronicles · 6 months
Hiei Courting Headcannons
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In honor of the Live Action series (Even though I don't Have High Hopes For It)
Now, we all know Hiei is a very stubborn demon. Especially when it comes to his feelings. When he realized he liked you and didn't just tolerate your presence, he fought hard to deny it.
So what if he spent most of his time with you? Who cares that the first place he goes to after coming back from the demon world is your house? It didn't matter that his eyes seemed to soften whenever you were around.
No not one bit.
But the second Kurama threatened to court you himself, well Hiei couldn't just sit down and let that happen. Didn't that fox understand he shouldn't touch what wasn't his.
1. Showing off to see if you're interested
Hiei may be a demon, but he has some semblance of manners. His pride wouldn't allow him to claim you until you accepted his advances. Any creature who dared force themselves onto another was the lowest of the lowest.
So, his first step is showing off during fights.
Letting the enemy bloody him up more to show that injury didn't affect him.
Using more spirit energy than was needed to end another demon with just one blow
Stopping you from fighting because he'll "take care of it. You humans are too fragile."
He'll also use his Jagan more frequently.
You lost something?
Well look no further, he can track it down precisely and easily.
Praise him even once or say in passing he's really strong, and he'll take that as you being interested.
Even if you're just trying to be nice.
2. Wearing Richer Colors
I firmly believe Hiei courts more like a crow than the usual beast. He's sleek like one anyways.
Now if you didn't know, most birds attract mates with their bright feathers.
In Hiei's case, he'll start to wear dark, yet rich colors to get your attention.
Strength is one thing. Any low-class demon can demonstrate strength and be happy about it.
What Hiei is looking for is to see if you're attracted to him. If you find him visually appealing.
Though he's not a vain creature, he still yearns for the confirmation that him and him alone captivates you.
He'll start with darker blues. Maybe change up his cloak a little.
And when that doesn't work, he moves onto purples. Getting teased by Kurama for 'changing up his style.' But he stays determined.
Eventually moving onto a burgundy. And the way you were immediately drawn to him then made it worth it.
Relishing in your compliments on how 'the color really suits him' and 'it matches his eyes perfectly.'
Letting you grab at the fabric and inspect it until he asks why you like it so much.
"Well I always thought your eyes were pretty. It's nice to see something that reminds me of them."
He's a prideful smug bastard after that. Not even comments from Yusuke can tick him off that day.
3. Bringing You Shiny Objects
Once again, he courts like a crow.
Now that you've shown interest in him, it's time to properly start showing his affections.
Hiei isn't one for flirting or compliments. He's more prone to showing rather than telling. And in this case the way to do that is to bring you little trinkets that catch his eye.
Usually, it'll be small gems he stumbles across in demon world.
Rubies, diamonds, and emeralds. All things he knows where to find thanks to his prior occupation as a thief.
He's not trying to buy your affection. He knows you're not that vain judging by the pushback you always give when he presents you with a jewel.
No, rather he's trying to show that he can provide for you. That you'd never have to worry about scrounging around to survive as long as he was with you.
A protector and a provider.
He also notices how you treasure the less valuable items with as much fondness and care as the others.
He had asked you why you slept with a chunk of pyrite on your bedside one time. And your response let him know he wouldn't give up on pursuing you anytime soon.
"Because it was one of the first things you gave me. Don't you remember? You said something along the lines of fool's gold for a fool's heart. I think it's sweet you even got me something at all."
You didn't care about what he brought you. All that mattered was that it came from him.
If that didn't mean you accepted his advances, then he didn't know what would.
4. Scenting
Ah, yes. Back to the classics
Once you've accepted the gifts he's continuously given you, Hiei takes it as you liking him back.
He's aware human and demon courting processes are very different from one another.
But he's exactly not human, is he?
When it comes to demons, once you've accepted their advances, your mates.
In a sense, it's like dating. Only except a dissatisfied partner will kill the other in most cases.
With this in mind, Hiei happily accepts the fact you're his and immediately moves onto the final stage of courting.
Scenting you so that other demons know to back off.
Think of it as your last out if you realize what's happening and actually don't have feelings for him.
The scenting process will start with Hiei showing up to your place of residence and staying with you.
Not yet following you around, but making sure to spend time in each room.
If he has to leave somewhere, he'll leave either an article of clothing or his sword.
It confuses you at first and you think maybe he just trusts you.
But you start to think otherwise when he starts getting touchy.
Laying in your lap and ordering you to stay still, only to find out he's fallen asleep on you.
Or letting his face rest against the crook of your neck. Which you didn't mind all that much.
It was quite funny to see someone as tough as Hiei become completely docile around you.
You weren't too worried until he followed you out when you went to buy groceries.
"You don't like being around people. Don't you wanna stay home until I get back?" You asked him.
"I've already shown you that you're a very fragile creature compared to me. It's best I accompany you so you don't hurt yourself."
Usually you would have argued back, but it was clear something was off with him.
These past few months had been strange with him either trying to get your attention or trying to stay directly next to you.
You wouldn't figure out what it was until your other three friends showed up.
Kuwabara wanting to have a movie night and you offering your home to do it.
When the three of them arrived, you noticed Kurama and Yusuke hesitate by the entrance.
"Something wrong?" You questioned.
" I can't put my finger on it, but something's telling me I shouldn't go in." Yusuke responded.
Unawares it was Hiei's scent warding him off.
But Kurama knew. He'd known since you opened the door.
It seems Hiei had staked his claim on you.
Yet judging by your calm demeanor, you didn't know that yet.
"Have you noticed Hiei acting strange lately?" Kurama asked.
"Yes! I thought I was the only one. He's been really clingy. I mean at first it was odd he kept bringing me stuff like gems, but then he started following me around like a house cat. It's endearing, but honestly what's going on with him?" You ranted. Prompting a laugh from the redhead.
"I see. Good luck on your new relationship."
Before you could question him about what he meant, a gentle grip around your waist stopped you.
"What're you doing inviting these fools to our home. You know how long it took me to get rid of their scent the first time? It's like you want me to start the whole courting process all over again."
You couldn't say you minded now that you knew what was actually going on.
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gammasnippets · 2 months
[CHANNEL_9] fromis_9 '채널나인' EP61. Spotlighting 🐼 Part.4
fromis_9 Lee Seoyeon
10,141 words (Co-edited by @digipigichopshop)
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To review and edit a video is often more difficult than one might think. It requires keen attention to detail, making sure that every frame is flawless and the narrative flows seamlessly with no room for error. Mess up a bit and it would have to go through additional rounds of revisions. Luckily, the initial editing appears to be free of mistakes so far. You're two videos in and instead of it being one hell of a frustrating task, it's as if you're in the comfort of your home watching porn videos in private.
It's nearly time for lunch. While everyone else is thinking about where to eat and what to have, your attention is still captured by yet another mesmerizing video in front of you. After watching Jiwon and Chaeyoung get ravaged by their partners in their videos, your craving for more intense and passionate moments only grows.
A video with a Panda Thumbnail catches your attention. As you hit the play button, excitement slowly overwhelms you knowing that Seoyeon, fromis_9’s resident rapper, is the main focus of this video. You can't wait to see how things will play out for her since she can portray both the cuteness of a panda and the fierceness of a tiger on camera. Once again, the memorable intro card for "Channel_9" appears and while it plays, you decide to include a brief recap from the previous video to refresh viewers' memories.
As the intro comes to an end and the recap plays, you prepare yourself for what is about to unfold.
The video starts with a glimpse of the opulent bar interior, featuring soft lighting, plush velvet furnishings, and a stylish polished bar. The space appears vacant as though anticipating some thrilling event. Just then, the camera transitions to the entrance where Seoyeon, dressed in purple office attire, cautiously opens the sturdy wooden door and enters.
"Oh! Hello to you all," she greets the cameras as she spots them one by one with a bow.
She's immediately astounded by the stunning visuals of the bar, taking in every detail with wide eyes and a sense of wonder.
"Wow... This place is amazing," she comments as she walks further into the bar, her voice filled with awe.
As Seoyeons steps further inside, she takes in the beautiful surroundings of the bar, with its elegant decor and welcoming atmosphere. The excitement on her face becomes even more visible as she explores the space as if it’s her first time.
After a few steps, she ends up in a large room adorned with a mesmerizing crystal chandelier that shimmers with a soft, enchanting glow.
"Whoa..." she breathes out in amazement as she gazes at the chandelier and everything surrounding it, fascinated by the room’s grandeur. "This is beautiful."
Walking deeper into the room, she gazes at every intricate detail adorning the space until she reaches the bar counter. A man in a sleek suit is standing behind it, carefully polishing a glass. Her arrival draws his eyes and he looks up with a courteous smile.
"Good day to you, miss," the man greets Seoyeon, his voice smooth and inviting.
The lady in purple responds with a gentle nod and a shy smile. "And to you, sir."
"I would assume that you are here for the challenge?" the man asks curiously.
"Ah, yes. I am," she replies, sounding nervous.
"I see," he says as he puts down the glass. "I was told to assist you."
Seoyeon smiles and nods with a delighted look on her face.
"Nice to meet you!" she tells him with a slight bow, her tone sweet and full of energy.
"Likewise. I look forward to working with you," he replies, his tone warm & welcoming.
Seoyeon then lets out a soft chuckle, as if excited for what's about to come.
"So… what are we supposed to do?" she asks.
"I'm afraid I don't have the answer, Miss," he replies. "I was told to wait for further instructions."
"Ohh..." she nods her head. "Maybe it's something related to mixing cocktails? Or how to toss drinks?"
He chuckles softly. "Perhaps you're right."
"Or... It could be just about drinking a lot," she makes a quick jest, laughing nervously at her joke.
"Well, that is something that I certainly wouldn't mind," the bartender smiles at her playful remark before gesturing to take a seat at the bar. "Please, do have a seat."
Seoyeon heeds his invitation and settles on a stool nearest to him.
"Thank you," she replies as she makes herself comfortable.
"So, do you drink?" he asks her politely.
"I do, but not that much," she confesses, her cheeks blushing.
"I see," he responds with a smile. "Would you like a drink?"
She nods gratefully. "Of course. Something light, please."
The bartender nods and starts preparing a drink for the lady in front of him.
"I'll make you a nice mojito," he says, reaching for the mint leaves and muddling them gently in the glass.
"Oh, I love mojitos!" Seoyeon exclaims as she hears his suggestion. "They're so good."
"They do. Yeah," he nods as he pours the different ingredients into the glass, mixing them skillfully.
Seoyeon observes closely as the bartender skillfully moves his hands, impressed by his mastery. He can’t help but smile at the sight of her patiently observing his craft, a hint of satisfaction visible in his eyes. As he completes the mojito and places it gracefully in front of Seoyeon, he leans in closer, speaking in a soft tone.
"Here you go," he tells her, his eyes fixed on hers. "The best mojito you’ll ever have.”
"Why thank you," she giggles as she reaches for the glass and takes a slow sip, savoring the refreshing taste on her lips.
The bartender observes Seoyeon as she sips the mojito, his gaze focused on her parted lips as they touch the rim of the glass.
"So how is it?" he asks, his voice filled with anticipation.
"Wow... It's good," she replies in a soft, appreciative tone. "I've never had a mojito like this before."
"Thank you very much," he responds with a satisfied smile. "I'm glad you enjoy it."
"It's very sweet and minty," she adds, her eyes twinkling with delight. "You can’t even taste the alcohol!"
The bartender giggles at her observation and gives her a nod. Her delighted reaction to the drink almost made him blush. She may be an awesome performer, but her fans are mostly drawn by her innocence towards a lot of things.
As Seoyeon continues to enjoy her mojito, they hear a ring coming from a monitor at the end of the counter, grabbing their attention. As they turn their heads toward it, a message pops up on the screen, causing their curious eyes to meet once again.
"What is that?" she asks curiously.
"That must be the challenge we should take," he replies, his voice filled with intrigue.
They read the following message together that appeared on the screen;
Learn how to be the best bartender!
Your partner will teach you the basics about mixing cocktails. It’s up to you to make the best drink ever!
You have 3 hours to prepare your drink.
Your partner will taste your cocktail. He will provide you with the result.
The screen then transitions into a countdown timer set for 3 hours.
— Digi stopped here but may continue if he has time tomorrow —
"Ooh..." Seoyeon mutters in surprise, her eyebrows raising and her eyes widening. "Cocktail mixing?"
"Indeed," he responds with a smile. "You seem interested."
"Ah, well… You can say that," she replies humbly, a light blush appearing on her cheeks.
"That’s good to hear," he responds, his voice tinged with warmth.
"So, what’s up first?" she asks, eyes bright with excitement.
"Well, for starters… Head over here," he answers, gesturing to come closer.
"Ah, right," Seoyeon says, embarrassed. She then walks around the counter and approaches the bartender.
"Now, I will be teaching you about mixing drinks," he says, his voice tinged with pride.
"Okay, what's the first thing I need to do?" she asks, sounding enthusiastic.
"First, we'll need to prepare the ingredients," he answers.
"Got it."
"You might want to take off your jacket. It might get stained."
"Ah! My bad," Seoyeon chuckles as she removes her blazer and tosses it far from the bartender's workspace.
The video then transitions to a brief montage as Seoyeon and the bartender begin preparing the ingredients for her first few cocktails. They combine liquids and fruits in a shaker, shaking it vigorously to create a distinct sound of ice and liquid blending together. As she continues mixing, they sample each cocktail with small sips, engaging cheerfully while bonding over this interesting activity.
"Mmm, it's quite good," the bartender remarks. "I think it needs a little more ice."
"Okay," Seoyeon nods. "So that’s what it only needs?"
"Yes," he confirms. "A few more ice cubes and it will be perfect."
"Alright. That seems easy," she responds, a small smile gracing her lips.
They continue mixing more drinks, making slight adjustments here and there until they've created a cocktail that both of them are satisfied with.
"Now, let's see if you can make this," he says, handing her a shaker and a glass.
"Sure, I'll give it a try," she responds with a determined expression.
She pours the ingredients into the shaker, shaking it with great care. She then tests the drink, taking a small sip.
"Oh wow!" she exclaims. "Whoo! That's good!"
"Thank you," he says with a warm laugh. "It's something I prepared before you arrive."
"Kinda strong for me but yes! I like it!" she remarks, a pleased expression on her face.
"Do you think you can recreate it?" he asks, his eyes filled with curiosity.
Seoyeon then ponders his question, scratching her head.
"I'm not going to tell you its ingredients, though,” he tells her with a firm tone in his voice. “But it's an easy one so you should be able to figure it out," he adds, trying to reassure her..
"Okay. I guess I can try…" Seoyeon nods as she thinks deeply.
The lady in purple then starts to carefully examine the different ingredients and liquors that are laid out in front of her. She carefully examines each one, trying to determine what could be in the cocktail she was just served.
"Hmmm," she murmurs to herself, her eyes scanning the bottles. "Maybe this will... No, that's not it."
"It’s okay, Seoyeon. Take your time," he urges her, smiling encouragingly.
"Do you think I can make it before the time ends?" she asks him curiously.
The bartender chuckles. "We barely just started, Miss."
"That's true," she replies, laughing lightly.
"There's still plenty of time, so take your time and do the best that you can," he reassures her, making her not rush things.
Seoyeon then returns to the task, now focused on recreating the cocktail she tried earlier. She carefully examines the ingredients, trying to identify their significance. After selecting a few key items, she adds them to the shaker and starts mixing under the watchful eye of the bartender who provides support and guidance.
"I'm not sure if this is correct, but let's see," Seoyeon tells herself as she tests the concoction.
After tasting her work, a delighted expression appears on her face.
"Mmmh. That's pretty good," she exclaims, looking rather pleased.
"Is it? Let me try," the bartender says as he takes the glass from her.
He then samples her creation and a pleased expression appears on his face as well.
"It is quite good. Good job," he tells her, his voice filled with warmth.
"Really? Thank you," Seoyeon smiles happily.
"However, I believe you missed a few things," the man says, his voice laced with a bit of teasing.
"Is that so?" she asks, a mix of interest and intrigue.
"What you just recreated is a Long Island iced tea. Very popular in the US," he explains, a smile tugging on his lips. "You missed adding a bit of gin."
"Ooh, that's what it is," Seoyeon responds, sounding impressed.
"Yes," he replies, nodding his head. "So how do you feel after learning a bit about mixing drinks?"
"It was quite fun," Seoyeon remarks, her face flushed with excitement. "I enjoyed it."
"I'm glad to hear it," the man tells her. "Should we proceed to your challenge? Maybe you would like to learn more, perhaps?"
"Can you teach me more?" Seoyeon inquires, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.
"I could," the bartender answers with a smile. "But you look like you had enough drinks."
The camera focuses on her face, showing her rosy cheeks and glossy eyes, signs of being drunk. She scrambles to check his claims, putting her palms on her cheeks.
"I'm fine. I'm not drunk yet," she retorts, laughing, as if embarrassed.
"Are you sure? The ones you drink are pretty strong," he asks, his eyes narrowing at her, a playful smile dancing on his lips.
"I'm sure," she answers, her voice tinged with certainty. "I'm fine—hic!"
She covers her mouth, embarrassed, hiding her hiccup.
"There we go," the man tells her, his voice soft yet firm.
"N-no. I'm not..." she stammers, trying to hold back another hiccup.
"Well, you are," he insists, his tone playful.
"I-I'm not... Agh!" she tries again as she slowly shows frustration in her state.
"It's alright, Seoyeon. You can be honest," he encourages her, his voice gentle and kind.
"But I'm not. Really," she tries to convince him.
"You sure you are not drunk, yet?"
"No. Yes. I mean—hic! Aww, man!" she hiccups again, a small smile playing on her lips.
The bartender laughs lightly, amused by her stubbornness.
"See, Seoyeon. You're not fine at all," he tells her, his voice filled with warmth. "You've had enough."
"But I want to learn more!" she insists, her voice filled with determination. "We still have some time left."
"We can do that later, okay?" the bartender assures her. "After all, you can't mix drinks if you're drunk."
"Hmmm... I guess you're right," Seoyeon replies, nodding slowly.
"Alright. Let's take a rest over there," he points at a plush couch placed in a corner of the room.
"Okay… Nghh…" she replies, groaning.
"Come, follow me," he says as he gestures for her to walk.
They then make their way towards the couch. Despite having a few drinks, she moves steadily yet he follows closely beside her, supporting her as she goes. Soon after, they both take a seat on the couch, sitting closely next to each other.
"This couch is nice and comfy," Seoyeon observes, a small smile appearing on her lips.
"It is, isn't it?" the bartender comments, his tone soft and warm.
"Yeah," she nods her head.
He then offers her a glass of water, which she accepts gratefully.
"Thank you," she tells him, her voice tinged with gratitude.
"You're welcome," he replies, his voice gentle and soothing.
Seoyeon takes a sip of water and leans her head back against the couch.
"So... How do you find bartending?" he asks her, his voice tinged with curiosity.
"Well, it's been fun so far," Seoyeon tells him, her voice filled with sincerity.
"Glad to hear that," he replies, his eyes meeting hers.
"I'm learning new things with your help," she adds, her tone grateful.
"Anything for a cute customer like you," the bartender compliments her, and a warm smile can be seen on his face.
"You flatter me," Seoyeon responds, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
"Hey. Your face is getting redder," he teases her.
Embarrassed, she tries to cover her cheeks with her hands. "That's because you're flattering me!"
"No need to be embarrassed, though," he tells her, his voice gentle and understanding. "It's the alcohol's doing."
"Ah, yeah... I'm a little bit tipsy, I guess," she admits, her voice filled with sheepishness.
"Just a little bit?"
"Yeah! I'm not drunk!" she argues.
"Really? Because you're hiccuping a lot."
"But I'm not—hic!"
The bartender laughs. "There it is again."
"Ugh. I can't help it," she groans, sounding frustrated.
"Well, I'm sure you can," the bartender counters. "Maybe you just need some help."
"Help? How?" she inquires, her voice curious and hopeful.
"You see... They say kissing helps stop hiccups," the man replies, his voice low and suggestive.
Seoyeon chuckles at hearing his explanation. "Is that so?"
"It does," he insists. "But only if you want to stop it."
"I don't believe you," she retorts, her voice playful.
"Well, then... Shall we find out?" the man offers.
"Fine. Go ahead," she gives in, her voice tinged with a hint of teasing.
The man then leans closer, his face just inches away from hers. You can see her blushing cheeks and biting her lips. He then slowly brings his lips closer to hers, stopping just a hair's breadth away.
"Ready, Miss?" he whispers.
"Mhmm," she nods her head. “Go ahead.”
Seoyeon closes her eyes, waiting patiently for the kiss to happen. But the bartender has other plans. He moves his lips to the side of her mouth and kisses her cheek.
"Ah?" she sighs, her eyes fluttering open.
"Not there, right?" the bartender teases her, a playful grin appearing on his lips.
"Oh, you!" she giggles, slapping his arm playfully.
"My bad," he says, giggling. He then leans in once more. "Here, let me try again."
His lips finally land on hers, kissing her. They start slowly, moving their lips against each other gently and sensually. The two of them eventually get lost in the moment, enjoying the taste of each other's lips. After a while, they pull apart, gasping for air.
"There. Better?" the bartender asks.
Seoyeon examines herself, finding no more hiccups. She then smiles, looking at him with bright eyes.
"Yes," she breathes out, her voice filled with relief. "I think it worked."
"Well that's great," he responds, a pleased smile forming on his face.
The two looked at each other for a moment, a comfortable silence falling over them.
"I hope it won't come back," she says, her voice low and soft.
"It won't," he assures her, chuckling.
"Are you sure?" she asks him, her eyes locked at his’.
"Maybe... But why don't we make sure it won't?" he suggests, smirking.
Seoyeon's face flushes even redder, and she quickly averts her gaze.
"Hmmm…" she trails off, a slight tremble in her voice. “I guess we can try.”
The bartender's eyes then travel along the contours of her face, his gaze settling on her lips. He then leans closer, his nose brushing against hers.
"Shall we try it again?" he asks, his voice husky and filled with desire.
Seoyeon's breathing hitches and her heart pounds in her chest.
"Sure," she answers breathlessly.
He then brings his lips to hers and begins kissing her deeply. Their tongues immediately tangle together as their lips move in sync, like a romantic dance. His hand caresses the nape of her neck, while her hands rest on his shoulders, holding him close. As their lips continue to collide, their bodies become even closer. He gently pushes her body down, making her lean on the sofa, his lips never leaving hers.
"Mmmh... Fuck," she moans against his mouth.
The bartender's kisses eventually trail down her chin and neck. The sensation of his lips against her skin sends her shivering, and she can't help but whimper softly.
"You like that?" the bartender murmurs against her neck, his voice deep and seductive.
"That feels good," she breathes out, her eyes half-lidded and glazed with desire.
"Want me to do it more?" he asks, his lips tracing a line along her jaw.
"Yeah... Mnhh…" she nods, her voice heavy with lust.
As his lips trail down her neck, he gently bites her skin, eliciting a soft moan from her.
"Ah! That's... Ohh!" she cries out, her voice shaky and breathless.
He continues kissing her neck, leaving small bite marks all over her.
"You smell so good, Seoyeon," he breathes against her ear, making her shudder.
"Thank you—oh fuck!" she moans, her head rolling back.
His hands then begin exploring her body. They caress her curves and trace the outline of her breasts. He gropes and fondles them through the thin fabric of her shirt, making her whimper in pleasure.
"Fuck. You're driving me crazy," he growls, his voice dripping with lust.
"Ahh... I was about to say the same thing," she responds, her voice laced with desire.
"I'm happy to please," he murmurs, his lips brushing against her ear.
"And I'm glad to be pleased," she whispers back, her eyes locking onto his.
He then kisses her passionately, his tongue pushing inside her mouth.
"Mmmh!" she moans, her hands tangling in his hair.
Like a hungry animal, he hastily unbuttons her blouse, revealing her luscious breasts hidden behind a red lace bra.
"Shit, Seoyeon... These are perfect," he whispers, his voice hoarse and thick with desire.
"Looks like you're loving the view," she purrs, her eyes locked onto his.
"Oh, yeah. You're a fucking goddess," he replies, his gaze full of lust.
He then places his hand on her breasts and squeezes them, making her moan in pleasure. He then kisses her neck and licks the shell of her ear, his tongue flicking and teasing her sensitive skin.
"Mmmh! Fuck... Yes," she moans, her breathing ragged and labored.
"Do you like that, Seoyeon?" he growls, his lips trailing down her neck.
"Yeah! I love it," she moans, her voice heavy and desperate.
"Then let me show you something else you'll love," he growls, his eyes glinting with lust.
He then moves his hand between her legs and gently separates her thighs, revealing the matching red panties underneath.
"Oh fuck," she mutters, her voice filled with anticipation.
He slowly runs his fingers over her panties, teasing her through the thin fabric.
"You're so wet, Seoyeon," he whispers, his voice dripping with desire.
"You're the one who did this," she retorts, her voice filled with desire.
"Blaming me for it, huh?"
"Y-yes," she breathes out, her voice weak and shaky. "You're the one who has his hands all over me."
"Well, you're the one who looks so irresistible," he counters, his lips tracing the outline of her ear.
She moans, her voice quivering and breathless.
"Ah! Ohh... Fuck me," she whimpers, her voice heavy and pleading.
"Gladly," he growls, smiling.
With her permission, his hand dips between her legs and pushes her panties aside. Her partner is left breathless at the sight of her wet lips. But that didn’t stop him from rubbing his thumb against her inviting folds, making her whimper to his touch.
"Oh! Fuck, you're such a tease," Seoyeon comments, a slight snicker forming on her face.
His fingers continue to attack her sensitive bud, her toes curling as her grip on the couch tightens.
"Mmmm... Fuck," she mutters, her voice strained.
"You like that, huh?" he growls, his eyes dark and filled with lust.
"Oh, yeah," she moans, her body squirming and trembling.
He continues rubbing her wet folds, his fingers expertly pleasuring her.
"You're so fucking sexy, Seoyeon," he breathes, his voice thick with lust.
"Aah! Fuck! Fuck!" she cries out, her body writhing in pleasure.
"On your limit already?" he smirks.
"N-no! I'm just—ooh... So good," she whimpers, her voice breathless and shaky.
He chuckles at her reaction and continues pleasuring her, his fingers rubbing her sensitive flesh.
"Ah! Oh fuck," she cries out, her body writhing in ecstasy.
"My... Aren't you sensitive?" he teases, his voice tinged with amusement.
"Fuck off... Mhnn..."
He then slips a finger inside her wet pussy, making her gasp and moan.
"S-shit! That feels good!" she breathes, her voice shaky and weak.
"Looks like I hit a spot, huh?" he whispers, his voice thick with lust.
"Yeah! Mmmm... Don't stop," she moans, her body trembling and quivering.
He slides his finger deeper into her, his thumb rubbing her sensitive clit.
"Fucking hell! Oh shit," she gasps as her hips buck in the air.
"How does that feel, huh?" he growls at her, his voice thick with lust.
"W-what do you think? Mmmh!" she moans out.
"I bet it feels good," he says, his voice dripping with lust.
"Yeah! It does," she gasps out, her body squirming and trembling. "Now, hurry up and make me cum."
He smirks.
"With pleasure," he whispers, his voice low and seductive.
Suddenly, the camera cuts to a wide-angle shot, and you can see both the bartender's and Seoyeon's expressions change dramatically. The man's eyes widen, and his mouth falls open as he stares at the beautiful sight before him. Meanwhile, Seoyeon's face is contorted with pleasure as she moans loudly and squirms on the couch, her body arching and writhing uncontrollably. They look like they're in a state of pure bliss, a mesmerizing scene of intense intimacy and raw desire.
"Aah! Your… Your thing is—oh fuck!"
Seoyeon's loud, sensual cry fills the room as her body trembles and quivers, her pussy clenching and convulsing around the bartender's fingers. The bartender looks down at her in amazement, his face flushed with arousal and his eyes dark with lust.
"Getting close, are we?" the bartender asks, his voice dripping with desire.
"Yeah. I'm gonna cum soon," Seoyeon breathes, her voice shaking and quivering.
"You like this, don't you?"
"Fuck yeah... I do."
"Damn, you're incredible," he whispers to her ear, his voice hoarse and strained.
She lets out a weak, satisfied chuckle.
"I aim to please," she tells him, a playful tinge in her voice.
The bartender chuckles and leans down, capturing her lips in a searing kiss. Their tongues once again meet in a passionate dance, their bodies pressed close together. As their intense make-out session goes on, so do his fingers, pumping in and out of her pussy.
"Oh shit… Let it out, Seoyeon," he commands her, his voice husky and thick with lust.
Seoyeon's breathing becomes heavy and erratic, her body quivering and squirming under his touch. She whimpers and moans, her pussy clenching and convulsing around his fingers.
"I-I'm so close…" Seoyeon whimpers, her voice filled with desire.
"Then come for me," he growls, his voice dark and husky.
He pumps his fingers in and out of her pussy faster and faster, making her body tremble and convulse.
"Yes! Yes! Oh fuck! Yes!" she screams, her body arching and quivering in ecstasy.
"There. Let go, Seoyeon," he encourages her, his voice low and commanding.
"I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna—oh fuck! I'm cumming!"
Seoyeon's body suddenly shudders and convulses as her orgasm hits her hard, sending her reeling in ecstasy. Her pussy clenches and convulses around his fingers, her juices spraying everywhere. She can be naughty at times, especially around her fellow members. But her current display of eroticism is on a whole different level.
"Mmmh! Ooh! Ohh! Fuck! Oh fuck!" she screams, her body writhing and shuddering in pleasure.
Her eyes roll back and her mouth falls open as she loses herself in the throes of pleasure, her body spasming and quivering uncontrollably. Her loud cries of pleasure and ecstasy fill the room as she rides the waves of her orgasm, her pussy clenching and convulsing around his fingers.
After what seems like an eternity, her orgasm subsides. The bartender looks at her, his eyes dark and lustful, while Seoyeon's are glazed and unfocused. They remain motionless for a few moments, both catching their breath.
"How was that, hmmm?" the bartender whispers, his voice filled with satisfaction.
"Oh f-fuck... It was incredible," Seoyeon tells him, her voice hoarse and shaky.
"You were amazing, Seoyeon," he responds, his voice heavy with desire.
"Thanks. You too," she replies, her breathing still labored and uneven.
"I'm glad I was able to please you," the bartender murmurs, his lips brushing against her neck.
Seoyeon shudders at his touch, her body still tingling from her orgasm.
"Nghh… Y-you definitely did," she breathes, her voice quivering and weak.
"Well, it's only natural for me to reciprocate," he chuckles, his voice low and seductive.
"Is that so?" she asks, breathless and husky.
"Mhmm," he hums, his lips trailing down her neck.
"I guess I should pay back the favor, then," she tells him, her voice heavy with desire.
The bartender then lays himself back on the couch, his hands crossed his head.
"Go ahead, then," he whispers, his voice dark and husky. "The floor's yours."
A smirk then forms on her face, her eyes burning with lust.
Without hesitation, she proceeds to unbutton his pants. She works slowly and methodically, teasing him through his boxers. The bartender's breathing hitches and he bites his lip, watching her intently. Once she has unbuttoned his pants, she slides both his pants and boxers off, freeing his hardened member, already glistening with precum.
"Oh my," she coos, her voice dripping with lust.
She then leans down and takes a close look at his cock, her eyes studying it intently.
"See anything you like?" the bartender teasingly asks.
"Yeah, I do," Seoyeon answers, biting her lips.
"Why won't you indulge yourself, then?"
"If you insist," she tells him, her voice low and seductive.
Without hesitation, she begins playing with his dick, stroking and squeezing it with her hands. She licks her lips and leans down, kissing his shaft from top to bottom. Her movements are slow and sensual, making sure he feels every single one. He gasps and groans, his cock twitching and pulsing. She then takes the tip of his member into her mouth, planting a kiss before sucking on it gently.
"Mmmh, yes... That's it," the bartender murmurs, his voice thick with desire.
"You like that?" Seoyeon asks, her voice low and husky.
"Yeah. Keep going," the bartender breathes, smiling, his eyes closed and his head tilted back.
Seoyeon giggles and resumes her actions, slowly sliding his entire length into her mouth. She gags slightly at first but quickly recovers and starts sucking and licking his cock, slowly bobbing her head up and down.
"Fuck... You're so good at this," the bartender grunts, his hands gripping her hair.
"Mhmm," she moans, the sound vibrating against his member. "Dho yu luhv ith?"
"Fuck, yeah. Don't stop," he growls, his voice husky and full of desire.
As instructed, Seoyeon increases her speed and sucks harder, taking his cock as deep into her mouth as she can. The bartender groans and grunts, his body twitching and spasming.
"Ooh, Seoyeon. Just like that. That's so good," he pants, his voice heavy with lust.
Seoyeon hums in acknowledgment, sending a pleasurable vibration against his cock. She continues sucking and licking his hard shaft, her movements becoming more frantic and desperate.
"Shit, Seoyeon. You're amazing," the bartender groans, his body tensing up.
She keeps her pace and continues sucking and licking his member. The bartender seems to be getting closer and closer to climaxing, his body twitching and his cock throbbing. Suddenly, he grabs her hair and forces her head down, making her take his entire length into her mouth, taking her by surprise.
"Mbph? Mphh?!"
"Yes. Just like that. Suck that cock," he growls, his voice heavy and strained.
"Mmmh!! Mlph! Mlrgh! Mrrrh!"
She gags and coughs, but continues sucking and licking. She places her hands on his thighs, holding on tightly, determined to make him cum. In response, the bartender's hips begin thrusting, his cock sliding in and out of her mouth.
"Oh, fuck, yes. That's it, Seoyeon. Just like that," the bartender grunts, his voice low and strained.
He continues fucking her mouth, his movements becoming faster and more frantic. The room is filled with the ecstatic sounds of Seoyeon choking and gagging on his cock, their bodies twitching and writhing.
"Shit, Seoyeon. I'm close," the bartender growls, his voice thick and husky.
"Yeah. I'm gonna cum. Get ready," he groans, his hips thrusting and spasming.
The bartender then slows his movements, letting her suck his cock at her own pace. With one hand on her head, he guides her head up and down, almost at the same pace as his', taking his member into her mouth with ease. Her tongue swirls around the tip of his member, making him grunt and groan. This synchronous motion of pure pleasure unravels in front of the camera, the erotic act being captured in all its glory.
"Oh, shit. Yeah. Keep going. I'm gonna cum," the bartender growls, his breathing erratic and labored.
"Mhmm, mmmh," Seoyeon nods, her eyes closed, her mind focused on her task.
"Here it comes! Urgh! Fuck!" the bartender cries out, his body trembling and shuddering.
Seoyeon's movements become more frantic and desperate, her pace matching the bartender's. Suddenly, the bartender grabs her head with both hands and pulls it towards his body, forcing his cock deep into her throat. She gags and chokes as his cum sprays into her mouth and down her throat, making her eyes roll back in her head.
"Hahh… Fucking hell," the bartender pants, his breathing heavy and uneven.
He thrusts a few more times, emptying his load into her mouth. You can see in Seoyeon's face that she's swallowing his thick, warm seed, not letting a single drop of it go to waste. But it seems too much for her and she pulls out, coughing and gagging, cum spilling out of her mouth.
"Mmph! Ghck! Gah!"
"Fuck! Sorry, Seoyeon. I couldn't help it," the bartender says sheepishly.
She continues to cough and splutter, the bartender patting her back.
"Are you alright?" he asks, sounding concerned.
"Y-yeah. I'm… I’m fine," she replies, a bit of frustration in her voice.
"I may have overdone it," the bartender laughs, his tone light and cheerful.
"No kidding," she chuckles, her voice raspy. “You almost choked me.”
Seoyeon then swallows what's left of his cum inside his mouth, a satisfied smile on her face. He looks at her with utter awe, amazed at how a small lady like her was able to take his load.
"Fuck. That was hot," the bartender compliments her.
"Thank you," Seoyeon says, licking her lips. "That was quite fun, you know?"
The bartender nods in agreement. "Fuck… You're just making me want you even more."
Seoyeon chuckles. "Looks like someone wants more."
"What can I say? Thinking about what else you can do... It's making me crazy," he tells her, his voice husky and seductive.
She blushes and bites her lips. "I guess I'll have to find out for myself, huh?"
"I can help you with that," the bartender smirks as his hand reaches for his dick, stroking it back to life. To her amusement, it doesn’t take long before her shaft stands up on its own, tall and hard as it was.
She lets out a soft, breathless chuckle. "Well, aren't you energetic?"
"For you? It's a given," he replies, smirking.
"That flattery will get you anywhere," she grins.
"I'm sure it will," the bartender replies. "But for now…"
He suddenly leans in, his forehead against hers, his lips hovering over hers. His hand lands on one of the buttons of her blouse, ready to unclasp it. Their breathing becomes more shallow, adding to the tension in the room.
"This is where I want to be."
Seoyeon is seemingly satisfied with his response, evident in the slight curve of her lips as she looks into his eyes, anticipating his next move.
"What are you waiting for, then?" she hums, her voice soft and sultry.
The bartender's finger slowly slips through the first button, and the second one, then the third. The thrill makes Seoyeon shiver in excitement, reaching for his lips with hers. Eventually, he reaches the last one, and the bartender finally opens her blouse, revealing a red lace bra as her blouse slides down her shoulders, the thin fabric caressing her skin.
He takes a deep breath, his gaze filled with hunger. He immediately cups one of her breasts, massaging it, his lips then trail down her neck.
"Mmmh!" Seoyeon hums, her body quivering.
He then reaches behind her back and unclasps her bra, making her gasp in surprise.
"Red suits you, Seoyeon," he breathes, his voice heavy with desire.
"Really now?" she chuckles, her voice low and seductive.
"I mean it. You look stunning."
She blushes. "Well, thank you—wah!"
The bartender then interrupts her by pulling off her bra, his eyes gazing upon her bare breasts. They're full and supple, perfectly proportioned for her size.
"Oh, wow…" he breathes out in wonder of the mounds of flesh before his eyes.
"Why you..." she chuckles, still shocked by his sudden move. Her cheeks turned a deeper shade of red.
The bartender smiles sheepishly and leans forward, his face hovering above her breast.
“You look good, Seoyeon,” the bartender comments, his voice dripping with lust. “They really look good.”
"They're not much, really," she shrugs, a faint blush spreading across her cheeks.
"Are you kidding? They're gorgeous," the bartender counters, his tone sincere.
"I guess..." she trails off, biting her lips.
"Do you mind if I touch them?"
"And what will you do if I don't?" she challenges him, her eyes burning with desire.
He doesn't answer her and instead proceeds to grab one of her breasts, kneading it softly.
"Mmmh," she hums, her voice heavy and sultry.
"Is this enough for an answer?"
"Maybe… For now," she answers, giggling.
His fingers pinch her nipple, a soft moan escapes her lips. His other hand then massages her other breast, making her gasp and whimper.
"Aah... Y-you're a bit rough, aren't you?" she mutters, her voice strained.
"Am I? I'll try to be gentler, then," he responds, his voice low and husky.
"Don't even try," she says, her voice hoarse and strained.
The bartender smiles and continues playing with her breasts, his movements becoming rougher and more aggressive.
"Hah! Aah!" she cries out, her body arching and shuddering.
His lips then find their way to her breasts, leaving kisses and bite marks all over them.
"S-shit," she moans, her voice quivering and weak.
"Does it feel good, Seoyeon?" the bartender asks, his voice dark and husky.
"F-fuck yeah," she breathes, her voice heavy and strained.
"Do you like it when I play with these?" he whispers, his lips brushing against her ear.
"O-of course," she moans, her voice hoarse and breathless.
"Would you like me to do it some more?"
"Fuck yes..."
"As you wish," he replies, a sly grin forming on his face.
The bartender then places both of his hands on her breasts, squeezing and groping them.
"Mmmh! Ahh!"
"Your breasts are so soft, Seoyeon," he coos as he firmly gropes them, his voice low and husky.
"Ooh! Oh f-fuck," she gasps from his touch, her voice strained and shaky.
"Tell me how it feels."
"Amazing... Mmmh, yeah," she breathes, her eyes fluttering. "I love it."
"That's good," the bartender grins, his voice low and sultry.
His lips then trail down her body, his hands exploring her curves. He eventually stops at her skirt, his fingers slowly unzipping it.
"Let's get this off, shall we?"
"Yes, please," she nods, her voice weak and breathless.
He removes her skirt and panties in one go, leaving her fully naked in front of him. He tosses it high in the air, his gaze fixed on her pussy.
"Now, that's a sight," the bartender growls at the marvelous view, his eyes wide and filled with lust.
"You like what you see?" she asks, her voice low and seductive.
"You know I do," the bartender replies, his voice thick and husky.
She chuckles. "I figured you would."
He takes a step forward and runs his finger along her slit, making her whimper and squirm.
"You look breathtaking," the bartender murmurs, his eyes filled with hunger.
"Mmmh, yeah. That feels nice," she sighs, her body squirming.
"Do you want more?" he asks, his finger slowly tracing her wet folds.
"Y-yeah... I need it," she moans, her voice breathless and desperate.
"Tell me what you need," the bartender asks, grinning.
"I need you. I need you inside me," she whimpers, her face flushed and her breathing labored.
"Is that so?"
"Yes. I fucking want it,” she begs, her voice hoarse and strained.
“Hmmm... Well, then,” the bartender grins, satisfied by her response.
“Please… Oh fucking please…”
Before he gives in to Seoyeon's pleas, he looks at the timer displayed on the monitor. There's less than an hour left before the challenge begins.
"Well, I guess we have some more time," the bartender tells her, a mischievous grin forming on his face.
"Then why don't we make the most of it?" she asks, her voice low and seductive. She spreads her legs wide open, showing him her glistening wet folds.
"Why, that’s a good idea."
He then stands up and starts taking off his clothes, wildly throwing each piece aside. Soon, he's completely naked in front of her. Seoyeon's eyes widen and she bites her lips as she watches this display, her gaze travels along his body. She takes in his muscles and broad shoulders, his strong arms and abs, and finally, his cock, already hard and twitching.
"Like what you see?" he asks, his voice dripping with desire.
"Definitely," she answers with a devilish smirk.
The bartender smirks and leans forward, his forehead against hers, his lips hovering over hers'. His hand finds its way to her hair, tangling in her long black locks.
"I can't fucking wait any longer," he growls, his voice husky and filled with lust.
"Me neither," she pants, her voice heavy and breathless.
"How do you want it, Seoyeon? How do you want me?"
She bites her lips and smiles.
"Surprise me," she challenges him.
"Oh, I intend to."
Without another word, he pushes her down, making her lay flat on her back. He then climbs on top of her and positions himself between her legs. He leans forward and grabs her wrists, pinning her down.
"Oh fuck," she breathes, her body trembling.
"Ready for this?" the bartender asks, his voice dark and husky.
"Yes... Fuck me like you mean it," she commands him, her voice filled with desire.
He prepares himself, pressing his length against her wetness.
"As you wish," the bartender tells her, his voice low and husky.
Without further hesitation, he plunges his cock into her pussy, making her scream in pleasure.
"Ahh! Oh shit!"
"Yeah, that's right," the bartender growls, his voice hoarse and thick with lust.
"Yes... Oh, you're so big," she groans, her voice strained and shaky.
The bartender then thrusts his hips forward, burying his cock deep inside her, making her scream in pleasure.
"Fuck, you're tight," he breathes, his eyes filled with lust.
"Mmmh, yeah... Give it to me," she moans, her voice heavy and sultry.
He grunts and continues pumping his cock in and out of her, his hips slamming against hers. She moans and whimpers, her body writhing and convulsing.
"Ohhh... Yes, that's so good," she moans, her voice hoarse and strained.
"Liking it?" he asks, his voice low and seductive.
"O-oh, yes," she nods, her face flushed.
"I'll make you feel even better," the bartender promises, his voice low and sultry.
He places his hands on her waist and grips her tightly, his fingers digging into her skin. He amps up his speed, pounding into her harder and faster. She gasps and arches her back, her body squirming and quivering.
"Ohh fuck... Oh fuck!" she screams, her voice breathless and ragged.
"Yeah. That's it, Seoyeon," he growls, his voice low and husky.
"Fuck... You're wrecking my—nghh!" she cries out, her voice strained and shaky.
"I'm gonna destroy your pussy," the bartender tells her, his voice thick and hoarse.
"Ooh, f-fuck me..." she whimpers, her eyes rolling back.
He then grabs her legs and lifts them, making her wrap them around his waist. He thrusts his cock deeper into her, his pace relentless.
"There we go," he grunts, his voice hoarse and heavy.
"Fuck, yes! Harder!" she cries out, her body arching and spasming. "Fuck me harder!"
He continues his assault, his hips slamming against hers' repeatedly, his cock pistoning in and out of her.
"Yes... Oh fuck... Mmmh, just like that," she whimpers, her voice breathless and ragged.
"Ugh... Your pussy is getting tighter," he growls, his body tensing up.
"Y-you... Your cock..." she stutters, her words failing her.
"Yeah? You like my cock, huh?"
"I-it'sh getting... Even bigger inshide me... Mnhh," she mewls out, her voice starting to become slurry.
"Yeah. Take that fucking cock," he growls, his voice filled with desire.
"Yesh... Oh fuhg..."
Her eyes roll back, her body twitching and spasming. Seoyeon starts to drool from her mouth, her eyes glazed and unfocused. Her hands grip his arms tightly, her nails digging into his skin.
"Nghh... You're close, aren't you?" the bartender asks, his voice gruff and rough.
"Hngg! Oh s-shit!" she cries out, her body arching and squirming.
He suddenly slows down his pace, making her whine in frustration.
"What the fuck—Mngh?!"
He then leans forward and kisses her passionately, his tongue exploring her mouth. He keeps a steady pace, his cock moving in and out of her slowly, driving her mad. She moans and whimpers, her body writhing and trembling.
"I fuhging lhuv dish," Seoyeon says, her words slurred, her voice barely audible.
"Oh? And what else do you love, hmm?"
"F-fuhking me... Fuhking my pushy," she tells him, her voice breathless and shaky.
"You love this, huh?" he asks, teasing her with slow yet powerful thrusts.
"Yesh... So m-mush," she moans, her voice weak and strained.
"I'll make you love it even more, then," the bartender growls as he pounds her harder, his pace becoming rougher and harder.
"Oh god... I lhuv you," Seoyeon mumbles, her voice weak.
"Mmhm. I love you too," the bartender replies, kissing her again.
Seoyeon wraps her arms around his neck, her nails clawing his skin. Her legs wrap around his waist, her heels digging into his back. The room is filled with the sounds of their flesh slapping together and their lust-filled voices, moaning and groaning as their bodies writhe and grind against each other.
"F-fuck... Oh yesh!"
"Yes. Fuck yes," the bartender growls. "You know you love it."
Despite their paces amping up, their bodies move in perfect sync. Their hips rocking against each other, their rhythm perfect. Non-fans wouldn't think it's their first time being intimate together, their actions are fluid and natural. It's a spectacle to behold.
"Fuck, fuck... Mhhh! I'm gonna..."
"You wanna cum, Seoyeon?"
"Y-yeah. I wanna cum so bad!"
"Then come," he whispers into her ear. "Come for me, Seoyeon."
"I'm... I'm gonna—oh shit! I'm c-cumming!"
Her body tenses up, her back arching. She screams in ecstasy as her orgasm hits her, her pussy clenching and convulsing as she displays another intense orgasm, her juices spraying everywhere.
"Ohh! Oh f-fuck! I-I can't stop cumming! Mmmmh!"
"Fuck yeah... Squirt all over me, Seoyeon," the bartender growls, his voice husky and filled with desire.
Her whole body trembles and shakes, her limbs flailing around uncontrollably. The immense pressure of her orgasm causes his cock to slide out of her.
"Oh, shit! I-I'm cumming again!"
"That's it. Let it all out," the bartender growls, his cock throbbing with arousal.
The petite vixen continues to scream and wail as she climaxes, her body trembling and convulsing. Her juices gush out of her pussy and splash onto the bartender's abdomen, soaking him in her sweet nectar.
"Fuck, you're incredible," the bartender tells her, his voice husky and filled with desire.
Eventually. Seoyeon's fantastic waterworks show subsides, leaving her a trembling, gasping mess. She can barely reply, her mind still hazy from her orgasms.
"Hngh... Mnhh... I..."
"That was the hottest thing I've ever seen," he responds, his voice thick and hoarse. The bartender smiles at her, his eyes burning with hunger.
"You... Y-you're..." she mumbles, her words failing her.
"Amazing, right?"
"Y-yeah. You are..."
"Again, I aim to please."
He then leans forward and kisses her once again, softly, his lips brushing against hers. He grabs her breast and squeezes it gently, making a soft moan escape her lips. His tongue gently enters her mouth, exploring every inch of it, tasting her sweet juices. Albeit weak from the multiple orgasms she just experienced, she responds in kind. She wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Their tongues dance around each other, their kisses deep and passionate.
"Mmmh… So good," she moans, her voice weak.
His hands roam her body, squeezing and kneading her breasts. His fingers pinch and rub her nipples, making her gasp and whimper.
"You really are gorgeous," he tells her, his voice low and husky.
"Why, you're quite the charmer yourself," she chuckles, breathless and husky.
"Only because you bring it out in me," he grins, his eyes filled with desire.
She giggles. "Why do I think it's not the first time you said that?"
"What makes you say that?" he asks, his voice heavy and seductive.
"I don't know, really," she laughs weakly. "You look like the player type."
He chuckles at her. "I promise you, I'm not a player."
"Whatever you say," she says, giggling.
"But I'd love to play with you," he tells her, his voice low and sultry.
"Mmhm. I'm sure you would," she replies, still catching her breath.
The bartender then leans forward and kisses her again, their tongues dancing around each other, their bodies grinding against each other. They lose themselves in the moment, their movements becoming more frantic and desperate.
"Mhnn... It's your turn, mister," Seoyeon coos, her voice low and seductive.
The bartender smiles and nods, his cock throbbing with arousal. He then carries her to the table next to them and lays her down on it. He positions himself between her legs, his cock pressed against her pussy.
"This is gonna be fun," he growls, his voice low and husky.
Seoyeon smiles at him and wraps her legs around his waist, pulling him closer.
"Do your worst," she tells him, her voice low and sultry.
The bartender then grabs her hips and slides his cock into her wet folds, making her gasp and whimper.
"Mmmh... Fuck, yes..." she moans, her voice heavy and strained.
The bartender then begins thrusting his cock in and out of her, his pace relentless.
"Ahhh! Yes! Oh, fuck..." she cries out, her voice strained and shaky.
He continues to pound into her, his hips slamming against hers. He grunts and groans as he fucks her even harder, his movements becoming faster and more frantic.
"Oh, shit! You feel so fucking good," he growls, his voice hoarse and thick with lust.
"Fuck yeah... Give me that fucking cock," she moans, her voice heavy and sultry.
"As you wish," he growls as he amps up his speed, his thrusts becoming rougher and harder.
"Yes! Oh fuck... Yes!" she screams, her voice strained and shaky.
Her eyes roll back and her body trembles, her orgasm building up inside her.
"Fuck... Oh fuck! Sho beeg!"
The bartender laughs. "I know. You love it, don't you?"
"Yesh! Oh fuck... Yesh I lhuv ith!" she screams, her voice weak and almost incoherent.
He laughs. “I thought so."
He then places his hand on her neck, gently pressing down on her throat.
"Nghk... Mnah!" she yelps, her eyes widening.
"You like this, huh? You like when I choke you?" the bartender growls, his voice thick and husky.
She nods, weakly. "Oh yesh... Choke me hard—Nghh!"
He squeezes her throat tighter, making her gasp. He then leans forward and goes for another passionate kiss, his tongue exploring her mouth. Seoyeon can't help but accept it, her lips parting. Their tongues dance around each other, their bodies grinding against each other. As it happens, he revs up his pace, pounding into her harder and faster, his hips slamming against hers.
"Oh shit! Yesh! Jusht like that!" Seoyeon screams, her voice is strained and shaky.
Her body arches and spasms, her nails digging into his skin. His grip around her throat tightens as he continues to fuck her, his thrusts becoming rougher and harder.
"Ohh! Oh fuck... Yesh... Yesh! I'm gonna—oh shit! I'm cumming!" she cries out, her voice hoarse and strained.
"You wanna cum, Seoyeon? You wanna cum all over my cock?" the bartender growls, his voice hoarse and thick with lust.
"Y-yeah... I wanna cum... Oh fuck..." she moans, her voice breathless and strained.
"Let's cum together, then," he growls as he pounds into her relentlessly, his hips slamming against hers'.
"Yesh... Oh yesh! Ghiv it to me!" she screams, her body writhing and convulsing.
"You want my cum so badly, huh?"
"Yesh, pleash!" Seoyeon begs, her voice weak and shaky. "Fill me up with your fucking cum!"
"With pleasure," he breathes out, his tone desperate.
The bartender then repositions himself, he squats on top of Seoyeon with his feet planted firmly on the ground and his hands on her knees, pulling her legs up against his shoulders, allowing him to thrust deeper and harder. This speed is unlike what he’s done to her earlier, this time he's more brutal and animalistic, and his grunts are guttural. Add Seoyeon's wanton screams of pleasure to the mix and it creates an audio-visual treat.
The cameras are capturing such an incredibly indecent act. It's nothing like you've seen in any porn or erotic media. It's primal, it's savage, it's visceral. It's fucking hot.
The bartender's cock pounds into her tight little pussy relentlessly, her body trembling and squirming beneath him. Her eyes roll back and her mouth opens wide in a silent scream, her orgasm building inside her.
"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" she cries out, her voice hoarse and strained.
"Urgh... I'm close, Seoyeon. You ready?" the bartender grunts, his voice heavy and husky.
"Cum... Ghiv me your cum," she breathes, her voice heavy and sultry.
"You fucking slut," the bartender growls.
"Y-yesh..." she stutters, her eyes rolling back. “I’m your fucking shlut.”
He thrusts his cock into her even faster, his hips slamming against hers. He pounds her as hard as he can, his thrusts becoming rougher and more brutal. His breathing becomes more ragged and erratic, his body tensing up. While Seoyeon lets out an animalistic howl, a guttural noise from the back of her throat, the bartender grunts and groans.
"Here it comes, Seoyeon! I'm gonna—Nrgh!" the bartender growls, his eyes rolling back.
"Pleash! Oh, pleash!" Seoyeon screams, her voice hoarse and shaky.
He lets out a loud groan as his thrust his cock deeper inside her, spurting white stuff all over her pussy’s walls.
"Argh! Take it, Seoyeon!"
"Ohh! Oh fuck, yesh!" Seoyeon screams, her eyes rolling back.
After a few strong thrusts, the bartender's hips come to a sudden halt, then bucks them, as he pours his load inside her. Seoyeon can't do anything but lie there and take his load, her body twitching and shuddering, her moans hoarse and shaky.
"Ooh... Fuck yeah," the bartender groans, his eyes fluttering shut.
"Ahh... Your cum... Sho mush... Nghhh!" she moans, her voice low and sultry.
"So tight, Seoyeon…" the bartender whispers, his voice thick and husky.
He thrusts his cock in and out of her several more times as if milking his cock dry. Each time he withdraws, a mixture of their fluids coats his shaft before being pushed back in, creating wet sounds as the excess spills out of her.
After a while, the bartender withdraws from her, a large amount of his cum dripping out of her abused pussy. She moans and writhes as he removes himself from her warm folds. And once free, she starts to squirt uncontrollably. Her lewd juices, mixed with his seed, splattered everywhere. She moans and whimpers as she experiences an intense yet silent orgasm, her body convulsing and twitching like something similar to an X-rated movie. It's obscene and vulgar.
"Shit, you're letting out a lot," the bartender breathes.
"Ohh! O-oh god!" she cries out, her body spasming.
The bartender just chuckles and looks at her, a satisfied smile on his face.
After what might be a minute of her uncontrollable orgasm, Seoyeon collapses onto the table, gasping and panting. She's completely spent.
"Damn, that was hot," the bartender breathes.
Seoyeon desperately catches her breath, her chest heaving up and down. Her mind is hazy and cloudy, her thoughts jumbled and unfocused.
"You did great, Seoyeon," he says, patting her head.
Seoyeon doesn't respond, her eyes fluttering.
"It's okay, you can rest now," he assures her.
Suddenly, a loud ring emanates from a distance. The bartender looks at where the sound came from. The camera then switches to the view of the timer. It's up.
"Damn. Time's up," the bartender sighs.
One of the staff members can be heard speaking up.
"Mister bartender... Seoyeon... It's time for the challenge," the staff member informs them.
"Understood," the bartender nods. "However..."
He shifts his attention to Seoyeon, who's still a picture of a blissful, fucked up mess.
"I don't think she can right now," the bartender chuckles.
"But the challenge," the staff member reminds him.
"Well, I don't really have a say in this," he shrugs. "It's her challenge to do, not mine."
The rest of the staff then discuss the current situation with each other. Meanwhile, the bartender checks up on Seoyeon. He cups her cheek, causing her to open her eyes slowly.
"Hey. Are you okay?" he asks, his voice gentle and concerned.
Seoyeon just responds with a weak smile.
"Can you still do the challenge?"
Looking disappointed, Seoyeon shakes her head, still weak.
"You'll fail the challenge if you don't do it," the bartender warns her, a calm tone to his voice.
"I—ugh... Hahh... My body's too weak to move," she admits, still catching her breath.
"I'm sorry," he tells her. "I didn't mean to get that rough."
"No, it's alright. It was fun, anyway," she tells him, a faint blush spreading across her cheeks.
"Thank you," the bartender smiles, relief evident on his face.
"I… I aim to please," she jests, a weak smirk forming on her lips.
The bartender laughs gently.
"So... Are you forfeiting the challenge?" he asks, his tone worried.
"Yeah... I guess I am," Seoyeon admits, looking down.
"That's unfortunate," he sighs.
"I'm sorry," she mumbles, her voice low and timid.
"Don't be," he replies, his voice kind and reassuring. "It's not your fault."
"Thanks, I appreciate it," she nods.
The bartender then turns to the rest of the crew, telling them what they just discussed. The staff nods in response.
"Unfortunately, Seoyeon has failed the challenge," the staff informs everyone.
"I'm sorry, everyone," Seoyeon weakly says.
"You have nothing to be sorry about," the staff member tells her. "We hope you still had fun."
"That I did," she smiles. "Thank you."
The timer on the monitor then disappears, followed by a message showing up:
"Sorry, Seoyeon. You failed the challenge. The pair should then proceed to the final area after a signal in a few hours. In the meantime, you can do whatever you want together in this area."
Seoyeon sighs. "That sucks."
"At least you still got to have some fun," the bartender replies.
"Fair point," she smiles. "You sure rocked my world, mister bartender."
"Why, thank you," the bartender chuckles. "But again, I'm sorry," he apologizes, his voice filled with guilt.
"Again, it's fine," she reassures him, her hand reaching for his.
The bartender looks at her hand and smiles. He squeezes her hand lightly in return.
"Well, I'm sure you're still tired from all of that,"
"You got that right," she chuckles.
"Then why don't you get some rest?" he asks, his voice gentle and soothing.
She nods, weakly.
"Thank you," she smiles.
He returns the smile and gently pats her head. Cradling her in his arms, he carries her over to a nearby couch, unblemished by their earlier debauchery. As Seoyeon settles into the plush cushions, she closes her eyes and succumbs to fatigue. Sitting down beside her, the bartender's hand rests on her thigh as he observes her drifting off to sleep. Even as the video fades out, the camera manages to capture Seoyeon's captivating figure; and you can't help but admire every inch of her nude body looking serene in sleep.
A few minor adjustments and another video is ready, revealing their intimate moments for the world to see. As you wrap up the video editing, hunger finally hits you after delaying it for so long. You quickly prepare the next episode of the show before going out to grab a well-deserved meal.
Pretty sure everyone will love to see the “captain” in action.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Author’s Notes:
Another Spotlighting chapter down and many more to go! Thinking of a plot is easy with Seoyeon, but executing it is what's challenging. Not only am I clueless about her drinking habits, but I'm also clueless how people "make love in this club". 😅 So I might have to apologize if some (if not most) parts of the story are hard to read. Though I still hope that you enjoyed reading this chapter nonetheless.
And again... I would like to thank @digipigichopshop for lending his time in helping me writing this one. As well was @braaan for this really awesome poster. This might be my favorite so far, to be honest. I like what you did with the spotlight effect. 👍
Once more, thank you very much for reading! 🙇
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webslingingslasher · 3 months
is trouble ever frat!peter’s lock screen? Either before or after the whole situationship thing or secretly during both eras? If so, what picture?
yes! relationship!peter does it proudly, situationship!peter is a bit more stealth. iphones have a wallpaper feature where if you hold the screen down you can swap between photos and i imagine that’s how it is.
peter went home for a week and really missed you and went through his photos and he saw that picture he snapped of you at a party. the background is blurred, proof that the liquor was flowing heavily. you’ve got a smile that shows off almost every tooth and a vice grip on a liter of rum. he doesn’t know why, but he made it his wallpaper for the week and would pick up his phone every five minutes just to look at it.
relationship!peter has a picture of the both of you. something he looks at and is reminded of what he has and how much he truly loves you. it was from a double date night you both had a few months into being official, your friend pressured peter for the photo, he rolled his eyes and gave in. he’s glad he did. it’s his favorite.
you’re wrapped around him in a side hug, peters got a grip on your shoulder. he’s laughing at something your friends date said, he’s wearing the grin you tell him you love. but the reason he has such adornment for the photo is because of the way you’re looking at him.
your eyes are bright and shining, your smile matches his, not because you found anything funny, but because peter’s joy was contagious for you. each time he looks at it he feels warmth radiate, a visual reminder of how much you love him.
(you know i had to add a bonus of trouble finding peter’s wallpaper!! -situationship!peter obv)
‘just sit here and look pretty, i’ll be thirty minutes tops.’
peter had pulled you away from date night with the promise of stopping at his chapter meeting. he had negotiated the first hour, trent, the chapter president, wouldn’t break on the last thirty minutes and demanded peter be there. or else.
you wouldn’t mind but peter didn’t tell you until last minute and now you’re sitting down at an empty table at the library while they fill up a rented room across from you.
‘it’ll be longer than that and you know it.’
‘you’ll be fine. give me a kiss.’ you meet him with one, you grumble down at your phone. ‘my phones about to die, what am i supposed to do?’
peter feigns shock, ‘oh no!’ he looks around, ‘i hope you’ll find something to do in this big, empty library. it might be hard.’
your eyes narrow, you hate his sarcasm. ‘the library doesn’t have instagram reels, peter. how am i supposed to entertain myself while you’re talking numbers and business?’
there’s a miniature battle of silence, you win when peter groans and hands over his phone from his back pocket. ‘here. use mine.’ you reach forward, peter’s giving you unbridled access to his phone, you’d be dumb to say no.
‘nuh uh. you promise me right now you won’t fuck up my algorithm, i spent months perfecting it.’ you make grabby hands, ‘promise.’
the sleek, black screen is in your hold in seconds. your thumbs fly over the screen, you’re in and on instagram in a second. peter looks back once more, ‘thirty minutes.’ you nod, the first video already playing, you wish you could send it to peter. you send it to yourself to send back to him when you’re at a full charge.
ten minutes and you need a refresher, wandering around towards the bathroom you grab a water from a vending machine. cracking the cap, your left thumb pressed into peter’s home screen and his wallpaper separated, another photo right next to it.
you can recognize the edge, you swipe and feel your heart melt into a puddle. it’s you and only you. smiling and posing just for peter. he snapped the pic and saved it, he even went one step further and put it as his screensaver. a backup one, but something tells you he doesn’t want you knowing it exists.
you can keep a secret.
you can’t stop smiling at his phone and the short videos playing aren’t even that funny. you perk at a kiss on the top of your head. ‘told you i’d only be thirty minutes… what? why are you looking at me like that?’
‘no reason. it was very nice of you to offer me your phone, thank you.’
another kiss, you can’t wait til you get him alone. you might be the only one in on the secret, but he was going to be treated very nicely for it.
‘no problem, trouble. what’s mine is yours.’ your heart thumps louder. ‘and now,’ peter gently pulls you up with him, you’re along for the ride.
‘i owe you dessert, let’s go.’ you don’t walk with him, you stay until his hand tugs yours, peter looks back at you confused. ‘i wanna have dessert at yours.’
peter pouts, ‘tarrent polished off the ice cream.’
‘i know.’ peter knows that tone, now he’s standing straighter and acting casually. ‘oh? alright, yeah, let’s go home.’
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romchat · 3 months
In Blossom visual analysis (ep. 1-7): How to film a gothic romance
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Although I'm not completely convinced about some of the writing choices of In Blossom, I absolutely LOVE the show's production design and cinematography. @mademoiselle-red wrote a great post about how main character Pan Yue fits the gothic romantic lead archetype, and those gothic elements are not only present in the script but also in the show's visual storytelling.
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A key element of gothic romance is its atmosphere of mystery and suspense.
Something I really like about In Blossom is that despite its dark subject matter, many of its scenes take place during the day. One of the show's main themes is that appearances can be misleading and the cinematography often plays with that notion by linking light to deception and darkness to truth. Note how many of the emotionally honest beats of Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue's relationship happen at night (e.g., their couple escapades at the Li Residence, Ghost Market, and Life and Death gambling house) while fakery, corruption, and evildoing happen in the day. It's with this subversion of our expectations for light that the show creates an unsettling atmosphere.
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And these lighting choices also help set up Pan Yue as a classic gothic romance anti-hero, someone the female lead, Yang Caiwei, fears but still finds herself drawn to.
Look at how Pan Yue is lit when shot through Yang Caiwei's subjective point of view. The strong use of light creates a lot of contrast--through her eyes, he is a mixture of light and dark, his morality as inscrutable as his shadowy figure.
Camera Angles and Shot Sizes
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The show's use of low angles and close-ups further reinforces the idea that Pan Yue is unpredictable and even dangerous.
In cinematography, low-angle shots tend to make the subject look more powerful and menacing, and the show uses this technique to great effect.
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Even in the intimacy of close-up shots, we can sense the threat emanating from Pan Yue. He’s always shot just a smidgeon too close for comfort.
For example, look at how much Liu Xueyi's face fills the frame in an early "romantic" scene. The shot feels almost claustrophobic as if he's so single-minded about his goals that he has no choice but to dominate the frame (and Yang Caiwei). It's an unnerving moment despite the soft words coming out of his mouth.
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Side Note: I live for Pan Yue's (vampiric) long shots. The production design team was smart for dressing the character in dark clothes with such a sleek cut and drape--he looks like a sexy bat.
The Nosferatu references in Yang Caiwei's tomb are also perfect.
Composition and Framing
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And finally, like any good gothic romance, In Blossom illustrates how love can drive one to despair and even madness.
Because of this, my FAVORITE scene of the show has to be the introduction of Shangguan Zhi. Her obsessive pursuit of beauty in hopes of seducing Pan Yue has left her a shell of a human being, and the scene's composition perfectly encapsulates this with how it focuses on the elegant lines of her body--not her face or personhood.
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Shangguan Zhi is trapped by her delusional fantasy of a life with Pan Yue--see how she's boxed in by the vertical lines of the screen panel she admires--and the show regularly uses architectural lines to show how her desperation has trapped Yang Caiwei as well.
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kelocitta · 1 year
Hey I was just wanting to ask if you some tips on drawing Slugcat legs. I really want to be able to draw these little cuties and I have everything else done but the legs (specifically poses and action) is really tough for me
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It'll depend heavily on how you actually wanna do their legs, but since your asking me I'll assume you like how i do them- I draw them digitigrade when in motion, which basically means that the weight of the animal is carried on the on the toes (the other is plantigrade, which means the back of the foot makes contact with the ground when moving.) This is important since it changes how the leg tends to be formed and rest, but slugcats have a lot of flexibility here.
The other thing to keep in mind is that slugcats are *sleek* and tend to be smooth no matter what pose they're in, so you can hide the specifics of the legs under this and squash and stretch them as you see fit. Think about how fur or feathers tend to hide exactly how the body looks (and thats why so many animals look weird when wet and all that stuff lays flat) As for how I do it, I try to keep slugcats to a tube or triangle shape with most of the weight/fat being in the hips and tail. In most cases, you can get away with just imaging the leg as a flexible ball, and treat the foot as a point (like your pulling on a water balloon). The further the foot from the body, the more that ball stretches. The specifics of whats going *on* in the ball can be hidden unless its its really stretched out
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Mentally I don't put much thought into it, but if you need more structure think of the bones of the leg as three sections- the foot, fibula/tibia (Lower leg bones) and femur (Upper leg bone/thigh). Digitigrade and plantigrade tend to favor certain positioning, but ultimately the only major focus is on how the foot functions. Digitigrade in particular tends to favor this sort of 'z' formation even when fully stretched (Humans, in contrast, are plantigrade, and our legs can be fully straighten out even if they still fold the same way). So if your going for that you'll always want to keep a bit of a 'z' shape even if your stretching it waaay out. When at rest, I keep the foot of the slugcat flat. But anytime it's in motion or would be active they shift weight to their toes. You could keep them fully plantigrade, but personally I think digitigrade allows for easier shows of motion and more natural looking action shots with the upright posture if you dont want to stretch the leg out fully. Also i just like the look of it more. (If you want to get into biology more, this would normally be hard on the legs weight-wise, but I like to imagine slugcats are mixed tripedal rather than strict bipeds, and make use of their tails as a third grounding point.)
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And heres a very quick run over some of the official cutscenes to show similar:
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I personally just wing it when it comes to the sizes of those sections, but a general rule of thumb is that everything gets shorter as you go down- the upper leg has the longest bones, then the middle leg, then the foot. A lot of that is hidden in the body of the slugcat, but keeping that in mind might help keep the leg length feeling natural. (But the biggest secret is that your drawing a fake, stretchy blobby animal so you can bs a lot and be imperfect and honestly just do whatever in a lot of cases and not end up with something that noticeably wrong. This DOES get a little harder if you draw them more lithe or cat like, just because that exposes the leg more) And lastly, if cutscene art isnt helping and you might benefit from a real life reference- rather than using an actual cat I would actually recommend mustelid like a ferret, otter or stoat. They're plantigrade rather than digitigrade, but their form and posturing is a little bit closer to the slugcat and it might help with visualizing the way the legs can sink into the body. I will give a heads up that these are little predators so general search results do tend to show them hunting small animals like mice, if your sensitive to that stick to domestic ferrets for safer results.
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Just remember to fatten them up- they're way longer and thinner than slugcats are
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bsxcrxts · 11 months
minors dni. this work is explicit. do not interact without your age in your bio. you must be over 18 to interact with my works.
Visual inspo
a/n: about 700 words of Steve Harrington having a thing for sheer tights and your thighs! enjoy!
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okay hear me out. you know those sheer tights that were all the rage in the 80s? well obviously Steve Harrington loves those.
maybe he’s pavlov’d himself, since you mostly wear them when he treats you to expensive dates that usually end with him inside you, but the second you get a pair on, he can’t stop looking at your legs, imagining them wrapped around his waist. the two of you have ripped countless sets in the heat of your passion. he buys you new ones.
it gets even worse when the two of you have been dating long enough that you start getting ready in front of him. maybe you’re running late to a dinner reservation and you’re only half-dressed, frantically searching the room for that one skirt that you really like in nothing but your bra and translucent black tights.
Steve doesn’t know why but he’s just suddenly obsessed with your legs. sure, he likes your body all the time, but your skirts always hide the junction of your thighs, and usually when the two of you get back from a date, he’s rushing to take the pair of tights off, not enjoy what they look like on. but right now, all he can think about is your tights, the way your skin tone peeks through where they’re stretched around the tops of your thighs. 
he knows the material is soft, silky even. he’s imagining the feel of it, and before he can stop himself, he’s catching you by the waist and pulling you in for a kiss that turns dirty instantly. you protest only a little, insisting you’ll be late, you’re trying to get ready, and what are you doing, Steve? but it all becomes so obvious when he grinds against you.
“sorry honey,” he breathes, looking at you with his big pleading brown eyes. “you look so pretty,” he adds.
“why are you sorry?” you tease.
“because we’re definitely about to miss dinner,” he notes. 
“rather stay home with you, if that’s what you want,” you say, running your hand along the outline of his hard cock in his slacks. 
he promises to get another dinner reservation for the next weekend before he stops you from shoving your tights off and down your legs. you’re confused for a moment, but that’s all the time you get to think before his hand is cupping your pussy, lightly placing pressure on your clit over the layer of your tights.
“Steve,” you whine and lean into him, grasping his arms to hold yourself steady. 
 “oh you liked that, hm? can feel you getting wet f’ me even through these,” he says, pulling at the material and letting it snap back against your skin. you jump a little bit at the feeling. “y’ look so good. so, so good honey. can I try something?”
you’re nodding against him, stuttering out a yes, and almost instantly Steve’s hand flies to the button on his pants, pulling himself out. he slots his cock between your legs, slipping against your clothed pussy, the smooth softness of the tights making him choke out a groan as he feels you clench your thighs around him. 
he grabs at your ass, fucking your thighs with hardly any self control. you can feel the fabric on the insides of your thighs grow wet with his pre cum, every thrust bumping his cock against the seam of the tights and into an addicting friction across your clit, just enough to tease you towards your completion.
you moan and it sets something off in Steve.
he’s completely falling apart. he’s never felt anything like it on his cock, the sensation of the sleek fabric against him a completely new experience, your gorgeous thighs and pussy surrounding his dick so well, and he tells you as much:
“wanna buy you a tiny little mini skirt so I can see more of you like this all the time.”
“g-god, you’re perfect, letting me use you like this.”
“squeezing my cock so good. press your thighs together honey, just a little tighter.”
 he can hardly stop talking at all, blinded by his pleasure yet shocked at himself– he isn’t even inside you and yet it’s so much, it’s so good, and it isn’t long before he’s cumming, the drips of his spend staining the tights across your ass, thighs, and dripping down your legs.
he’s ruined tights before, of course. ripped them off you, torn them accidentally or purposefully, but this is so different, and you feel so claimed by him. you can’t wait for the chance for him to do it again.
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eleanor-bradstreet · 1 year
Gala (Anthony Bridgerton x Reader)
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Anthony Bridgerton x fem!Reader Modern AU Rated: 18+, just lots of thirst and suggestiveness Word count: 1.9k
Summary: You attend a charity gala with your boss who really is too much trouble in a tux.
Author's Note: Requested by and dedicated to @queenofmean14 Bit cracky and intended to be humorous 😜 Also credit to @broooookiecrisp from whom I pilfered the job details of her modern Anthony.
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“He’s here.” Security announced in your earpiece. Not that you needed them to. You knew the Jaguar as it pulled up. So did the line of paparazzi who started to jostle for the clearest shot. But when he stepped out, you didn’t even know your own name. Anthony Bridgerton, CEO of Bridgerton House Enterprises and your boss, was going to make tonight even more difficult for you.
He had talked to you about his planned outfit beforehand, but you hadn’t gotten a preview and hadn’t envisioned it like this. A perfectly tailored velvet tux jacket accented with a diamond bee brooch. Smart shoes, an effortlessly coiffed wave of hair and most arresting of all, a pair of sleek shades that he slid on as he exited the car even though it was long past sundown. An errant corner of your brain replayed some 80’s song lyrics, but you couldn’t deny that the entire look worked. It worked entirely too well for you as your body flushed with heat and breathing suddenly became a task. The man could wear the hell out of a tux.
Granted, he always looked mouthwatering no matter how he was dressed, and as his executive assistant for the span of eight months you had seen the spectrum of his wardrobe. Everything hung so perfectly on his muscled frame, exuding old money power with a currently fashionable touch. Clothes made the man, but you suspected Anthony Bridgerton could elevate a bin bag. It was a visual challenge you had adapted to in your job, over time finding it easier and easier to speak to him without choking on your tongue first. His arrogant playfulness had helped with that and the two of you had built a deep mutual trust, a friendship even. You had bonded in the trenches of corporate crises enough to sling endearing insults at each other and always be blatantly honest. Except about one thing. You could obviously never reveal to him how desperately you wanted to jump his bones. How your blood simmered when his voice dropped to a certain pitch. How you broke into gooseflesh whenever he shook your hand and met you with something caring in his deep umber eyes. The light flirtation you both fell into from time to time certainly didn’t help either. And now with him in black tie, you began to wonder if this job was hazardous to your health.
Tonight was the company’s annual charity gala. A star-studded event at one of London’s best hotels where celebrities and socialites donated funds for the hospitals partnered with BHE. Anthony would give the closing speech and as planned, was the last to arrive on the red carpet so that he would get unencumbered press focus. You had spent the entire day on site making sure everything was prepped to perfection and now you stood at the top of the entry stairs with the other staff, ready to welcome the MVP of the evening. Given the high profile of the event, you had dressed for the occasion too. You would be seated at his table and weren’t going to be photographed looking like an intern. You had found a dress you loved, a shimmering number that showed off your best assets, and splurged on a hair and makeup artist. Maybe your position made you more akin to the prince’s valet but if this was how you got into the ball, you were going to make the most of it.
You watched Anthony pausing for photos, realizing this was one of the rare times you could observe him from afar. He moved with such confidence, back straight and head held high. He would run his fingers through his greying temples or brush a thumb over his stubbled chin while flashing that killer smile and your legs wanted to give out. He knew how to work a camera. It was one of the many awful, wonderful things about him. But if the attention helped raise money for charitable causes it was all worth it. You supposed your undergarments could suffer for the greater good. 
As he moved along, you noticed he was licking his lips. A peek of his tongue in the corner of his mouth as he faced your direction. He was probably hot under all the camera flashes. But that small gesture was infecting you with heat too. He really needed to stop or you were liable to tumble down the steps and really make a headline. It took all your strength not to fan yourself with the tablet you were holding until at last he ascended and gave you a dazzling smile, falling into step beside you as you moved indoors. 
You hovered in his orbit as he was greeted by the first throng of attendees at the bar and you called for a flute of champagne. When he was alone at last for a moment, you pulled him into a quiet corner and offered him the drink.
“Sorry?” He moved closer, inclining his head. He was curiously still wearing his sunglasses indoors. You could smell his cologne. Amber and smoke and spice and it made you want to sink your teeth into his neck.
“Are you thirsty?” You said louder, shoving the glass into his hand as he chuckled.
“Why do you ask?” He took a sip.
What a stupid question. Couldn’t you just offer him some refreshment? Didn’t humans need to hydrate? Now you had to answer him.
“I um…” You wavered. “I saw you. You were…licking your lips out there so I just figured…”
His brows show up over his frames and he grinned. “You’re very attentive.”
Something shot down your spine. His voice was getting close to that register. “It’s my job to take care of your needs.” You reminded him, though you laid on a heavy layer of sarcasm.
“And you are so very good at it.” He rumbled, reaching the danger pitch. Oh god, he was going to assault you both visually and aurally at the same time, wasn’t he? He was going to flirt with you while daring to look like that. He was cruel, and he knew exactly what he was doing. 
He confirmed it by stepping even closer, turning so the front of his velvet jacket brushed your bare arm and he leaned down to murmur directly in your ear. “You look incredible by the way.”
You swallowed hard, instructing yourself to inhale and exhale. But that wasn’t really helping because his intoxicating scent was making things worse. You had to keep your head. You had to spar with him or else you were going to melt into the carpet. “So do you.” You pursed your lips and gave him an exaggerated once over as if you were only mildly impressed. “The glasses were a good choice.”
He smiled and you detected something genuine, like he was actually eager for your praise. He tapped the frames lightly. “Useful too. I don’t have to give anyone my undivided attention if I don’t want to. I could be talking to them while scanning the crowd and they would be none the wiser.”
This sounded like the setup for a joke. Something about not listening to you as you conducted him through his schedule for the evening. You were beginning to resent those glasses and you would let him know if he tried to get sassy with you.
“So what are you looking at?” You smirked, waiting for the punchline.
He took another sip of champagne, facing you but now you couldn’t be sure if he wasn’t staring directly over your head. “A beautiful woman who is driving me to distraction.”
You rolled your eyes. Of course. The man lived at the office and didn’t really have time for a social or romantic life. He would have to double up and treat a work event as an opportunity for a hookup. Especially at an event as glamorous as this, with so many swanlike women floating around and everyone dressed in their finest, you understood, despite the envy it flared in you.  
“Ah, I see. Is there someone I should invite over to your table?”
He shook his head, downed the last of the champagne and set it aside with a decisive clink. “Unnecessary. You’re already at my table.”
He said it so matter-of-factly it took your brain several seconds to even comprehend its meaning. You must have been going mad. Your heart started to pound, fueled equally by embarrassed confusion and ridiculous hope. There was no way. Absolutely no way on earth he could have said what you thought he said. And even if he had, he was just toying with you, right? 
“I’m not…” You stuttered, hoping he couldn’t see the blush you felt creeping up your neck. “You weren’t…you weren't looking at me.”
Then your breath caught in your throat as he rounded on you, standing directly before you so your back was pressed against the wall and all you could see was him. He loomed, black velvet and chestnut hair and perfect stubble. That scent was making you feral and now you could feel his hot breath across your skin. You could see yourself in the reflection of his dark lenses, peering up at him like trapped prey. This was how you died. Or lost your job. You were sure of it.
“How would you know?” He smiled wolfishly and tapped the glasses again. “All the better to see you with, my dear.” 
You were hit by lightning. The gooseflesh rippled across your skin. Your underwear soaked. All you could do was stand there and tremble as he ran a finger idly up and down your arm. You were surprised sparks weren’t erupting out of your skin where he touched you. 
“Why do you think I was licking my lips?” He asked in a low voice, finally removing the shades to pierce through you with his dilated, chocolate eyes. “I’m afraid even with the champagne, I’m still thirsty.” Then he did it again, flicking that weapon of mass destruction across his luscious bottom lip and staring at you pointedly.
Your brain functioned enough to realize that he was breathing just as heavy as you were. And that he was opening a door, giving you an option. The option you had been fantasizing about since the day you met him. It seemed too good to be true. You were half convinced you were dreaming in a coma after faceplanting down the steps outside thanks to his appearance. But the prickle of your electrified nerves and the river between your thighs felt real enough to persuade you that you were indeed still in your own body. You were not going to pass this up, whatever it might lead to. Really, you wanted to scream aloud like you had won the lottery.
But instead you whispered, “There’s water in the green room.”
He grinned broadly, creasing that dimple in his left cheek that you wanted to lick right off his face. “Excellent idea. I think we’ll need an emergency private conference to…go over my notes.”
His hand found the small of your back and you prayed that your legs would carry you that far. This was really going to throw off the itinerary but you were good at your job, you could adjust. You smiled back at him. “Whatever you say, sir. I’m here to take care of your needs.”
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Tagging: @angels17324 @bridgertontess @broooookiecrisp @secretagentbucky @colettebronte @faye-tale
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1-49 · 6 months
𝟬.𝟬𝟭 𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗮 𝗽𝘂𝗻𝗸 𝘀𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗶𝗱 𝗯𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝘁.
➺ pairing: ballerina f!reader × street dancer osaki shotaro. warnings: none. just fluff & love119. competing. idiots<3; 2k
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Sundays are traditionally celebrated by the dance teams at the academy as a day to have fun and appreciate the variety of dance styles. It’s both hit-and-miss. There are those who love them and those who hate them.
It is also a day on which you’re compelled to see the boy with the freaky movements and baggy clothes, week after week. His street style is in contrast to ur grace. His gentle eyes and angelic smile are in tune though, so ure quite confused sometimes.
Even though his movements re timed perfectly, you find his fluidity to be too harsh and precise. Your dance style will always be superior to his... Or so you believe.
The pair game that all of you’ve been delaying for the longest & playing team against team is one of the worst things that could happen this Sunday. But it is finally happening, it’s final! He is your date for this occasion. And it is just so unfortunate that you will be paired with the boy who has been causing you to have an indecisive impression of him for the longest time.
He smiles shyly at you from across the practice room, and you feel annoyed that you can see yourself smiling back at him thru the reflection of the mirrors. That is just his courteous way of greeting you, following the clatter of applause when your names are announced, and now carrying on with the event is the only choice you have.
Every hand clap causes pressure to build inside your chest. It shouldn’t feel at all like this; however, here he is, a punk wearing clothes that don’t match you & which also create a distinct image from that of ballet.
He makes his way towards the center of the dance floor where you are, step by step. So you close your eyes and allow your mind to filter out all of the noise filling the space. In his presence, you can’t allow yourself to make any mistakes. 
As it is a freestyle duet, neither of you knows where it is going, so all you can do is hope it works out well for you both. Being embarrassed in front of everyone is something you wouldn’t want.
The sweet energy that comes from his eyes is easy to be affected by. You understand the importance of meeting someone halfway, particularly when dancing. Despite the stark differences in appearance, your energies must align.
His big-print hoodie contrasts with your sleek-fitting bodice.
Yours is essentially one with your skin to allow you freedom of movement while at the same time enhancing the visual effect of your dance movements. Contrarily, his wide clothes accomplish the same goal in a different way because they permit him to move freely and showcase his unique sense of flair and style.
With your hair up and attention to your posture, you wait for him. Your old shoes are pink in color, worn out, a bit blood-stained, and exhausted. There are heart-shaped band-aids on both of your leg’s injuries.
The boy seems to focus on them before shifting his gaze to you, with a hint of worry visible on his face. It appears that he is aware of the harm that dancing can cause.
Without you realizing it, his cute concern warms the surface of your skin and gradually makes its way to your heart. He might be a little different, but not by much. You are confident that he would relate to you more than your friends, who are overly preoccupied with social media.
Once he is fully in front of you, he bows his head; his large eyes are partially obscured by his beanie. You find it endearing that he is modest enough to cover up one of his greatest features.
While you both anxiously await whatever kind of dancing and music you will have to perform, you bow your head respectfully and advance toward him, the boy whose name you don’t know.
With every movement he makes, his silver earnings sparkle like stars & serve as his only accessory.
You breathe in deeply. You think it would be humiliating  if he had to hold your hand and see how nervous you really are because the insides of your hand are so sweaty.
The various dancers around you stop clapping and cheering, and there is a brief pause before the music begins. A moment of silence. A time when it is just the two of you, a moment of absolute connection.
Just your luck, Claude Debussy’s Rêverie, L.68, begins to play.
You are the one in control here, so he can probably tell when you show a little change in confidence. Even so, he beams, his browns dripping with sparks. A little strange considering that he has no knowledge of ballet, you think...
That is, until the two of you strike a graceful starting stance, with pointed feet and flowing arms. You are dressed for the occasion in your ballet shoes, while he is in black Nikes... And until he starts moving his body in time with the melody, you may assume he is being sarcastic rather than sincere.
To your astonishment, with his silhouette concealed by all the loose clothing, he starts to transforms into a true body in motion, just like you. Easily translating sound into action— stepping & bowing—then momentarily, he flies. A perfect, graceful sight.
Your tense muscles are in attempt to match his mental pace. You are devising each step to somewhat resemble his, so the harmony of your individual dances will be the same.
Your ballet teacher has instilled in you the belief that “If it hurts, you are doing it right.”
And indeed, it is painful to match someone whose technique you are not familiar with—you have not even danced with him before. However, he is currently everything that you love—challenges and surprises. 
He is the anti-glow, a ball of sunshine, sunk in pools of gray and black polyester. Denying the fine lines on his body that you are certain exist but never see.
Your heart soars straight over cloud nine, as you extend your neck and return to the initial position. By this point, you can be certain that he has some ballet training; if not, he must have had some experience since nothing else could account for his exceptional ballet dancing.
And since all you two have going on is mental chat, you can both telepathically determine that a pair dance would be the show’s biggest highlight. Both of you are progressing in distinct dance styles, but you have one thing in common: you both take things seriously !
When the audience realizes what you were going for, they begin to applaud the choice. The cheering causes the boy’s cheeks to flush. His confidence has never wavered before, but right now. 
And now, after all this time of being cold-hearted, you allow his innocent warmth to seep through your exterior barriers of ice. The tips of your eyes gently wrinkle as you make the ‘It’s going to be okay’ motion with your lips. The words of motivation that flow from your mouth are silent, so only he can read them.
It seems that was all he needed to know...
Carried by the bristling atmosphere, he extends his hand. 
Before, you wouldn’t have trusted him with your hand because of how sweaty it would be and what he would think of it, but now you just care about giving the best performance possible, regardless of how vulnerable that makes you to him. All you can hope is that he is competent at keeping secrets.
The confession in his eyes & the gentle smile on his face tell you that he’s ur greatest confidante.
It is the final thing you notice,
before two powerful hands firmly grab your waist. Which simultaneously it feels as though somebody had taken hold of your body and is finally releasing the butterflies that had been imprisoned inside your ribs. Sharing so much with someone is vulnerable and frighteningly intimate. But you decide to put your trust in the partnership.
Because of how close you two remain, your mind keeps filtering out all the chants and roars of everyone around. Although you know in the back of your mind that your friends will make insufferable jokes about the situation you find yourself in, you don’t care as nothing seems more important than the boy right now.
You almost get the impression that this boy just keeps you on your toes. Your heart races every time you look at him with that warm gaze.
Sliding into his arms is like having a fuzzy coat hug you. His tired breath is practically on your lips. Yet proud and shining, your figures blend together despite their contrast.
‘It takes two to tango,’ as you two start to move faster while swaying to the orchestral tune.
You feel as if everybody in the room is watching your every skin, but not him... With roused cheeks his only route are your eyes and lips. You might assume from the way he looks at you that you are the only girl he is continuously thinking about and lusting for.
‘Enough! Enough! Enough!’ Your thoughts are racing, telling you that you can’t allow these emotions to distract you.
“Do you trust me?” He asks, so closely you can read it off his lips.
He doesn’t even need to say what... your inner professional dancer knows, so you smile, well aware of what is about to happen.
There’s a specific rhythm to dancing that only a dancer knows. The thrill of a strong jump, a good pointing of the toes, or the success of a hard spin when they thought they’d run out of luck, but to trust him with them all in the absence of any prior practice is a terrifying test.
Yet, you do! You do...
You let yourself entirely depend on this punk whose name you don’t know. A boy you have only ever seen between dance classes and on Sundays, and someone who makes your emotions explode at the moment. For so long, you have thought of him as a loser—or, more accurately, you haven’t thought about him at all... In this sense, your perception of him was never fully formed.
Up until this point, right now, when you body is raised by his hands. 
Up, up, and up you go. Looking up, chin up—hands extended like a wings of an angel.
Then down back you go—to your feet, to his chest. To his pretty face, too shiny eyes, and plump lips.
You lend... safety, but your heart is in danger.
In perfect sync. He sees beyond the here and now, beyond your eyes. Making the most of your mutual closeness as though he would never again have the courage to express his feelings for you in such an honest way.
You stare at him intently. Reaching his orbit in the same manner, and exploring the chocolate of his orbs. Savoring his scent, the drops of sweat dripping from his brow.
But despite everything, you understand that this time the contest is about the race—still the first person to cross the finish line is not necessarily the winner... Because,
“How would you feel if you were to win, and what would happen if you lost?” you whisper. You are competitive by nature; all you are doing is making sure.
Naturally, he shrugs his shoulders, and you find yourself desperate to hear his voice just once.
Last but not least, as the big finish approaches—the double individual spin, you cling to him one last time before you part ways, to execute it on their own. 
One less time, you get that perfect sense of unity when your hands entwine. As the ballet performance draws to an end, you keep pouting softly more and more.
And as a result, the boy pulls you until your chest merges with his. In your ear, he whispers, “I receive a date if I land badly.” 
Apparently, he is competitive in nature as you are; just a punk who ensures that he gets the better of the situation...
Not every loser is an actual loser.
© 𝟭-𝟰𝟵. do not copy, translate, repost, and modify my works.
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a-s-levynn · 6 months
About those new masks..
So i saw this take a few times already and i have some thoughts. Obviously it's paraphrasing but you'll see these a lot similar to this if you scroll in ST spaces since yesterday:
"These new masks have too much personality, they said the people behind the music is uniportant but they now have this new personalized look instead of the uniform sleek minimalist one and it is the direct opposite of what they are saying. These new looks do not fit Sleep Token"
Let me preface this: I'm not going to explore specific reasons why people might hate on the masks because... No i refuse to go there, but i will talk about the issues i have around this a bit.
If you are hating on the new masks so much so as to cry about that "this is not what they supposed to be about" you are missing your own point. You are in fact shooting the opposite direction. You are no longer in it for "just the music" but you are very much caught upon the "everything else beside the music." You got distracted. You putting the blame on them instead on yourself for loosing your own point.
There is no moral highground in this whole ordeal. Please respect yourself enought to try not to look utterly stupid if you frothing about something you visibly misunderstood. Do not hide behind excuses. Do not put this on the artists. Own up to the fact that you simple don't like it.
Admit that it's your opinion purely; because ultimately the artist creating their own art will understand creative choices behind their creations more than you ever will. No matter how far you try to bend backwards.
The masks fit Sleep Token because it is Sleep Token who decided to have them. End of story. You can hate it all you want but it is still part of the shabang now. And don't try to mask your distaste over visuals with shouting about the artist not understanding their own ideology.
If you are so hung up on how they look like, more than what the music still is, than stop and think for a second please.. You have it backwards. If you really truly only care about the music, what it is about, what it gives you, than you are not going to give a shit what they are wearing on stage.
Maybe in a passing few sentences but otherwise you are not going to be worked up about it to the point you sent hatecomments to the artist who made them.. It is shameful.
Besides i hate to break it to people but they already had their personalities with their outfits just not this strongly. III had the random whacky shit. IV had the hint's of this comfy leisurly punk-ish techwear whatever going on besides the fancy stuff the past a months since the summer. II had a slightly sleeker but maybe sort of tech-ish look which is now reflected (in my opinion) much more strongly with this new look (which sorta reminds me of a stylized oni or something tbh and that is extremely in line with their older far-east inspired thematics visually, just saying).
They are not handing you the "we are unimportant" part anymore. They are not spoonfeeding it to you. Not in the way they had before at least. They presume you are mature and smart enough at this point to get it. To get to the conclusion that it is unimportant what they look like. And allow them to still have fun with it.
Or just they are being cheeky and went for something that would shake up the people. I don't know, i don't know them or anyone close to them. I don't have answers. But they are trying something new an it is perfectly fine.
Also which would have come off so much differently if Vessel is 100% btw. Be honest, if they would have been able to perform to their fullest abilities, far less people would be so loud over this.. This was just an unfortunate turn of events and when shit hits the fan it usually never just one dose. And my heart breaks for the boys for all this.
Besides, people were so loud about hating that "they looked the same" and "so hard to distinguish" and "easy to replace because of this" ... now they have personalized masks and looks and the same people cry about the exact opposite they did before..
Also it just occured to me that this is basically the same as the lightshow upgrade. It gives you something to look at at the rituals. The new looks are visually interesting, and with the lighting setup they have now they are gonna look like some seriously fun nightmare creatures btw. I love that already.
So all in all i don't know, i don't really have a point here i guess, but the boys are in such a no win situation right now and i hate the fact that people are shitting on them just because they don't fit their idea of "an anonymous collective" anymore. Which is reddiculous and sad because nothign has changed.
It never was about being a blank page. It was about being human. It flies over so many peoples head but the anonymity part isn't about not being a person under there. It is being about that person not having a name. It doesn't matter if the person has a personality or not. What matter there is that no name.
There is no definitiveness. It gives an open invitation for anyone to step into that person but first you need to recognise that there is a person there. And there is no doing that if there are no traces of personality. Or humanity if you will because personalities makes us humans. Don't make me hold a philosophy lecture here on what it means being human please.
It does not matter who that individual it is by tagging a name on them. But it is extremely important that there is a person there. Otherwise there is no connection point. If there is no person there is nothing to understand. But it does not matter how that person looks like. It does not matter what the person wears. Or what that person is called. What matters is that it is a human being. And as such you can understand it. Our at least you should be able to.
Regardless of the design of a mask.
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moralesmilesanhour · 11 months
Hi, hope you're doing well. I was hoping to request Earth 42! Miles with a SO that's really into art. Like fashion and films and literature and all that and knows a lot about art history.
Hell yeah! (I'm an art history major and my mom did fashion design so I got rlly excited at this)
Warning: vague spoilers for 'NOPE' (2022) if anyone cares about those lmao
"...Do you need sumn?"
Miles gave you a weird look. You had been looking him up and down for the past ten minutes, and not in the good way. Your eyes narrowed.
"Your 'fit is bothering me."
The fit in question? A sleek, structured leather jacket paired with swampy-green basketball shorts. The horror.
Miles looked down, then looked at your own monochromatic ensemble as you stood with your arms crossed. Somehow you had made a large belt with a blue tracksuit make sense. Clearly you knew something he didn't.
He tilted his head in curiosity. "What's wrong with it?"
"It's..." your made wild gestures with your hands, "...the silhouette. I don't like that jacket with the shorts, it creates a weird shape to me."
Miles blinked. "I don't follow."
You shook your head, "Just lemme getchu a different pair of pants."
As you threw open and rummaged through your closet, the boy sighed.
"I'm not wearing any of them tight ass skinny jeans."
"I know, that's not what I'm looking for...ah! These could work!"
Miles yelped as he dodged the two folded pairs of jeans you tossed at him.
You turned and pointed him towards the bathroom.
"Try em' on, 'cuz we not going out with you looking like this. Claro?
"Claro," Miles grinned with his hands raised in surrender before making a beeline for the door.
He made no attempt to defend his sense of fashion because, frankly, it was funnier when he let you rant about color combinations and "silhouettes". And he got free stuff out of it.
Miles re-entered not more than five minutes later, shifting uncomfortably in a pair of faded bell-bottoms.
You clapped your hands together excitedly.
"That's so cute!"
The boy's upper lip curled up in distaste, and your face fell.
"You don't like 'em?"
"Yeah, not happening."
"Ugh, fine. Lemme see the other ones, then."
Another trip to the bathroom, and Miles returned in a pair of boot-cut jeans of a much darker wash. The way he leaned against the door frame told you that he was far more satisfied with these. You nodded in approval.
"You need some boots with those," you said, visualizing the ensemble in your head.
The grin on Miles' face immediately dropped at the word 'boots'.
"Absolutely not."
"Come on! They're called 'boot cut' for a reason!"
"The converses stay. Those are off-limits."
He crossed his arms, and you relented.
"Fine. You're so boring."
"I'll be that," Miles shrugged. "Movie starts in fifteen. Let's bounce."
You smacked your boyfriend in the arm as you exited the theater.
"You fell asleep?!?"
"I'm sorry, okay? They took mad long to show the alien!"
"To show the--that's not even the point of the movie!"
Your arms had begun to flail around, and it was taking all of the strength Miles could muster not to laugh.
"Cálmate," he gently brought your arm down before taking your hand. "Tell me everything you liked about it at my place."
"Don't tell me to 'calm down'," you muttered.
"So?" Miles plopped down on his mattress, patting a spot next to him. "What happened while I was knocked out?"
You rolled your eyes, but sat down anyway.
"So like, the whole thing's about spectacle, right?"
"So they get the weird film director guy to help them film the alien, 'cuz OJ figured out that the alien is a animal, like a horse. Then this guy from TMZ comes and puts his life in danger tryna get footage..."
Miles rested his chin in his palm as he watched your eyes light up.
"...Miles, are you listening? And then she did the motorcycle maneuver from 'Akira'!"
"Yeah, I'm listening. Still need to watch that one."
"...then the movie ends with the sister about to get swarmed by reporters, 'cuz the whole point is that, like, everyone's just tryna make money off of the story even though people literally died."
The boy leaned in and pecked you on the cheek. "Very succinct analysis. Now can we play some UNO?"
Miles shoved his cold hands into his pockets and shifted from one foot to another. You gazed into the painted-on eyes of the ancient African headdress encased in a cube of glass.
"Look, Miles! Cool right?"
He snorted, "Looks like one of your wig heads."
"It's bad bitches in every time period," you parried back. "You like that one?"
Miles had moved to your right to get into a staring contest with a mask in a similar display case. It was round with prominent, low cheekbones and jagged fangs to complete its frightening expression.
"Yeah, this shit hard. Can we take pictures in here?"
"Yup. It's a Sachihongo mask. Mbunda style."
He took out his phone and snapped a photo; He had that look in his eyes that he got when he was about to build something for the robotics club. Miles smirked.
"I think this is my favorite section."
This was fun to write! Made me wanna hop on a train and visit the MET again sdfghjk I just had to scroll through they website to make sure my descriptions were accurate. Thanks for requesting!
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thinking1bee · 29 days
You Haven't Failed Part 4
Requested by Anonymous
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Tags: Spidey!Reader, Venom!Reader, So Much Angst, Fluff, Established Relationship, Graphic Depictions of Injuries, Blood, Violence, Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, Smut
Everything Taglist: @sammy90682 @nobody13 @owloftheshadows @captain-josslett @camslightstories @worldovart @finleyfray @acertainredhead @sammm9068 @reginassecretlover
You woke up to bright, warm sunlight filtering through the open blinds of the window. The space beside you was empty. You were beginning to stir, and the feeling of the cool sheets where Wanda’s body was supposed to be was what woke you up. She was gone, but on her pillow was a note. In her elegant cursive, you read what she wrote:
Good morning gorgeous!
I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to wake up next to you, but I got pulled away on assignment. Make sure to eat food and drink water. Nick mentioned that he wanted to see you for something so make sure you stop by his office. I made breakfast and placed it in the microwave for you to heat up. I love you so much.
-W <3
You smiled dreamily as you pivoted onto your back, and stared at the ceiling. Something about Wanda leaving you a note was so…romantic. You laughed softly as you thought about last night, and normally, something like that would have left you sore in the morning after, but you felt good. Great even. You weren’t even exhausted despite being up all night, and you stretched your entire body before throwing the blankets off you and starting your day. It was an hour by the time you made it to Nick’s office. You ate and showered before dawning your supersuit. True to what you told Wanda during dinner, Nick was partnering you up with Peter to sweep a 10-mile radius around Oscorp Industries. You and Peter high-fived in excitement. It’d been a while since you worked with the friendly, neighborhood Spider-man and it was going to be so nice to spend time with him. Though Peter was younger than you, he had his powers longer than you did, and he was the one to teach you everything that he knew.
You and Peter divided the work. You would take the northern half of the radius while Peter took the southern half. You were swinging in between buildings, seeing nothing out of the ordinary, while Peter talked to you via the comm in your ear.
“I’m just saying, Y/n. You should let Mr. Stark build you a suit. With access to nanotechnology and an AI, I’m sure he could make you something that you would like. It is certainly easier than wearing a suit under your clothing or having to change into one. Trust me, I tried that, and it was much more difficult than I thought it would be.”
You laughed, the visual of him struggling to get his suit on in some cramped, little space, entertaining you more than it should. Peter tried for years to get you to go to Tony. Even Tony himself approached you with various blueprints and drawings, saying that he was ready to do this the moment you were. You weren’t sure just yet. Having a physical suit was nostalgic to you, but maybe it was time for an upgrade. You were sure that Wanda was sick of smelling your suit every time you came home from work, though she did take it in stride.
“Maybe I will visit him,” you told Peter, and you could hear the excitement in his voice.
“Yeah, I mean. I like your integrated suit.”
The blue, red, and gold colors were a nice touch along with all the gizmos and gadgets that were equipped to it. Admittedly though, it wasn’t your favorite. Your favorite suit that you saw Peter wear was the Iron Spider. If you were going to wear a new suit, you wanted it to look like that one. The sleek metallic look, and the way it looked like Tony’s Iron-Man suit really had you impressed.
“You won’t regret it. I promise! Besides my suit gives me an advantage that you don’t have.”
“What’s that?”
“FRIDAY gives me access to police scanners. There’s a fight between the police and some escaped convicts at the corner of 12th. I can meet you there?”
Damn. That was a nice perk. The moment he pointed it out, your spider senses went off just as you heard guns firing. “Yeah, I’ll see you there.”
You headed to the confrontation, and landed next to an officer that was taking cover behind his car.
“Hey one of the Spideys are here!” someone pointed out and you gave them a shy wave. You turned to the officer as you ducked with him.
“There are six of them. At least three have guns, while others have short, ranged weapons. Think you can take them?”
“In my sleep,” you said with a smile. “Just make sure you help the civilians.”
“You got it.”
He shuffled away from you, and you focused on the comm in your ear. “Did you hear that?”
“Yeah,” Peter answered. “I’ll be there in 10. Make sure you leave me some.”
“No promises if you take your sweet time getting here.”
Peter laughed before he turned his comm off. You took several deep breaths to prepare yourself. Your spider senses were going crazy, and you jumped to your feet and dodged right as someone tried to shoot you. You raised your arm and fired a web from your hand, the white fluid attaching itself to the gun right as you yanked it out of the hands of your target. You spun it around and launched it back at the person you snatched it from, and you heard the solid impact of metal against skin as it collided into his ribs. He choked on his next breath of air, his face turning a deep red color, before he collapsed onto his back.
“Aw shit, the Spider is here!”
You smiled beneath your mask and got to work. The two prisoners with guns aimed at you simultaneously and fired. You dodged the bullets easily, jumping and flipping out of the way. You shot two lines of web at them, each line attaching to their feet. You watched as they both looked at you, and then at each other before you grabbed the lines and threw them up into the air. They screamed in terror, and you shot more webs at them while they were airborne. The fluid wrapped around their bodies before attaching them to the nearest wall of a building. That was three down and no more guns. Three more to go. The crowd that was gathering around you cheered, and you knew that if Peter didn’t get here within the next minute, he was going to miss on all the fun. One prisoner with a crowbar tried to rush you, but you laughed. His movements were slow and clumsy as he swung the bar and missed. You easily punched him, your fist connecting solidly with his cheek, before he collapsed to the ground, unconscious. Two more. One of the guys was immediately in front of you, and thinking nothing of it, you rushed him. In his hands was a wooden baseball bat, and before he could get close enough to swing it, you launched more webs at him. One of the webs crashed into the bat, and the solid wood was knocked into his forehead before the rest of the webs wrapped around his body. You watched as he went cross eyed before his knees buckled, his body folding like a lawn chair.
There was one more prisoner to go, and before you could even consider thinking about where he went, your spider senses fired off in your head. You don’t know why you did what you did. Any other time you would have flipped out of the way or webbed yourself to safety. You didn’t do either of those. Instead, you turned on your feet and faced the threat, right as that threat impaled you with a machete. The blade went clean through you, in and out. You gasped as blazing, fiery agony erupted to life in your stomach. Blood was quick to pour from the wounds, red staining your suit as you clutched onto the person that stabbed you.
“One spider down. One to go,” he spat as he twisted the blade. You screamed, the cheers from the crowd going silent.
You heard commotion, the attention of the police now on you as they all unholstered their weapons and pointed it at the convict.
“Go ahead!” he barked. “Shoot! Let’s see if you can hit me and not your precious, little hero.”
You’ve gotten your ass handed to you a couple of times, but you had never been stabbed before. It was more agonizing than people made it out to be. Whatever was said about it, did not do it justice. Your vision swam with tears, the pain so intense and nauseating that you thought you were going to pass out. Warm wetness continued to spread, more blood dripping and staining your suit. Stuttering breaths left you. You could hear Peter’s voice in your ear, but it was like he was speaking underwater. You heard his voice, but you didn’t hear his words.
The pain was growing distant, and you thought that it meant that you were going to die, when you felt something happening. Between your body and his, you heard something wet moving. At first, you thought that you were hallucinating, but you saw the prisoner’s face contort in fear as he looked down. He snatched his hand away from the machete’s handle and took a step back.
“What the fuck?!” he exclaimed.
You looked down and saw black, tiny tendrils of oozing mass wrapping around the blade. It traveled, thick and viscous, to the handle, the tendrils wrapping around and around as they moved. From behind, you felt the blade snap, the sharp clang of metal against the asphalt ringing out as the pain in your back disappeared, but you watched in shock as the tendrils flexed and began to push the other half of the broken machete out of your body. That, too, clanged heavily to the ground, the handle and the small bit of remaining broken metal, rolled to a stop to rest heavily in the street. Then, slowly, the tendrils retreated back into your body and out of sight. Your flesh wove itself back together, the pain completely gone. You stood there in a stupor before your hand smoothed down your stomach. Not even a scar. The only evidence of you being stabbed was the large, inches long gash through your suit, and the drying blood that surrounded it. That was all. Beyond that, you felt great, energized.
And pissed.
He just tried to kill you. While your immediate thought had been the pain, your thoughts now shifted to Wanda and how you wouldn’t have saw her again if you died. Though it’d been a few years since she was dusted, to you, it still felt like you just got her back. Now, someone just tried to take you away from her. A fury, the likes of which you hadn’t felt in a really long time, consumed you, and you saw red. You were going to end him where he stood, and you were going to ensure that he couldn’t do to anyone else what he did to you.
Though he couldn’t see your face, the prisoner saw the slow turn of your head as you faced him. He whimpered and started to back away, his hands raised in surrender.
“L-Look, I d-didn’t mean-”
You didn’t let him finish that sentence. You appeared before him in the blink of an eye, there and gone before he could comprehend, and you wrapped your hand around his throat. You hoisted him easily into the air with a grunt and watched emotionlessly as he choked. He tried to pry your hand loose from his neck, but he was too weak. Too feeble. Too breakable.
“D-don’t” he choked out, but you frowned.
You let that one question hang between you and him. His eyes widened, and you said nothing more before you slammed him into the ground. You crouched over his body, grabbed him by the collar of his prison shirt, and punched him again and again. With every connection of your knuckles against his face, a deep satisfaction filled you to the brim. He deserved this. He deserved this for daring to snatch your future with Wanda away like Thanos had. Punching him over and over, feeling his nose break and his jaw shatter beneath your strength filled you with happiness. You smiled as his head snapped back again and again. He went silent minutes ago. The crowd was eerily hushed behind you, and you watched with a sense of accomplishment as his blood splattered all over the ground.
“Stop! Stop!”
A hand grabbed your next punch before it could connect, and you almost retaliated against the person that dared to stop you, a growl leaving your lips, when you came face to face with Peter. You couldn’t see his face beneath his mask, but you could hear the horror in his voice.
“What are you doing?? You’re going to kill him!"
That had been your intentions, but for some reason, hearing it out loud was like an ice, cold bucket of water was dumped on you. The harsh reality of what you almost did dawned on you. You stared at the man, his face almost disfigured beyond recognition, and you could barely hear the beating of his heart. It was sluggish behind his ribs, and wheezy, gurgling breaths left his split lips as he lay unconscious in the street. When you looked down, you saw that his blood coated your hand. It drenched through the material of your suit. You could practically feel the cooling wetness of it on your skin. Your chest heaved as breaths sawed in and out of you, and you stumbled to your feet as you looked around. Everyone was staring at you with a mixture of shock, fear, and alarm. Even the police regarded you with guarded terror.
“Look, I-” you began as you took a step towards one of them, but he quickly raised his gun to you, the grip he had on it trembling with fright.
You stopped in your tracks and clenched your jaw. Then, you turned to look at Peter, who pointed his chin down the street.
“Go,” he whispered.
You listened immediately, and shot a web, grabbing it before launching yourself into the air.
Part 5
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blueeyedgrlwrites · 4 months
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WIP Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Hey, look, new banner brought to you by ADHD and needing something shiny and new. *finger guns*
Today we venture back into the world of lay me down, give me something to feel since this one is the current hyperfixation (and StimuWrite is helping me get out all the words). I hope you enjoy.
“So what time does your pumpkin carriage arrive to whisk you away to your Prince Charming, Cinderella?” Alex checks his watch as he clasps it around his wrist. “Precisely at five, which means I need to head out. Tell June I’ll call her later?” “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, Alejandro.” Nora grins at him from the other side of the world through his screen. Alex rolls his eyes fondly and shakes his head. “Goodbye.” He ends the call and tucks the phone into the inside pocket of his jacket and plucks his keys, wallet and small bouquet of daffodils off the counter before he’s out the door. When he steps outside his building, his jaw drops slightly at the sleek, black, shiny Rolls Royce parked at the curb, a man in a black suit, white shirt, and black tie standing beside it. The man moves to open the door as Alex takes a step forward, greets him with a “good evening, sir,” as Alex climbs into the backseat, and closes the door as he gets settled in. He's had well-off clients in the past, but this is a whole new level of well-off and Alex is now even more intrigued by the mysterious H. Fox.
Tags and a lil visual surprise beneath the cut.
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Tagged by (thank you lovlies): @suseagull04 and @kiwiana-writes
This is an open tag to anyone with words (please tag me if you take it!), and also a gentle tag to: @anincompletelist @anchoredarchangel @inexplicablymine @sparklepocalypse @cha-melodius @happiness-of-the-pursuit @affectionatelyrs @onthewaytosomewhere @onward--upward @bigassbowlingballhead @eusuntgratie @getmehighonmagic @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @rmd-writes @nocoastposts @three-drink-amy @duchessdepolignaca03 @firenati0n @wordsofhoneydew @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @littlemisskittentoes @heybuddy-drabbles @gayrootvegetable @i-am-freyja @indestructibleheart @welcometololaland @itsmaybitheway @iboatedhere @priincebutt @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @indomitable-love @leaves-of-laurelin @lizzie-bennetdarcy @sherryvalli @tintagel-or-cockleshells
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eashn · 11 months
kuroo tetsurō | College AU hcs
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ 𓈈 🀢
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summary: a comprehensive list of the CollegeAU!Kuroo headcanons that have been plaguing me for years. 
warnings: allusions to alcohol, some sexual content, swearing, kuroo’s abs.
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he’s double-majoring in business and chemistry—does hella good in both. 
academic weapon
fairly active in the party scene, but won’t admit he secretly hates it sometimes. prefers the quieter, more refined bustle of the science library or the local cafés. 
didn’t want to commit to the professional level, but still plays club volleyball. never quite finds another team that fits him like Nekoma did. 
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on the outside
those dark locks are unruly as ever. 
he’s always been huge but reaaaaally buffed up after high school: broad shoulders and massive, sculpted lats. chiseled abs and the V-line of a fucking god.
he’s worked hard for that body (more on that under Habits), so he shows it off with what he chooses to wear
fitted tees
those sleek athletic compression shirts
prioritizes comfort—his wardrobe is definitely hoodies- and sweatpants-heavy. see images above for a visual 
owns like, nine pairs of gray sweats. the cheeky bastard. 
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hits the gym like it’s a religion. his routine is immaculate: strength training couple times a week, a run/jog outside nearly every day. he kickboxes sometimes. plays volleyball of course. 
doesn’t take enough rest days
and forgets to stretch afterward. his shoulders are always tight because of it. 
has a fairly decent sleep schedule
but. he’s a caffeine addict. pulls all-nighters at least once a month, flipping through his textbooks while sipping hot, black coffee.
takes his tea without sugar
and his whiskey neat
doesn’t drink much, though. especially at parties, he likes being able to talk intelligently—to nail first impressions with biting wit and laid-back charm. there’s a certain level of self-possession he cultivates in order to achieve that, though, and alcohol tends to mess with it.
always drives his friends home when they’ve had too much.
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he’s good. 
really good. 
aced Organic Chemistry his freshman year while everyone else was shitting their pants
chats with his Business professors during their office hours for fun
his notes are disgusting. loose leaf sheets stuffed into his books, chicken-scratch handwriting littering their margins. 
can’t draw good Lewis Diagrams for shit. his Chemistry TAs give him hell for it.
still, he somehow manages to earn the highest test scores in the class.
competitive. silently simmers when he catches someone earn even a slightly higher grade. he always needs to be the best; he’s greedy for success and recognition. 
total workaholic. grinds himself to the bone.
but also, he really, really loves what he does. the little things thrill him: an Acid-Base titration gone perfectly right, or a really good conversation about Keynesian economic theory. 
he’s such a dork. he’ll never admit to it though
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after hours
he’s not a fuckboy. he’s not.
he just…has a certain effect on women. and boy, does he know it.
as mentioned above, he parties fairly frequently—he’s a hot, outgoing twenty-something, so naturally he’s getting invited to a lot. but again, he doesn’t always enjoy the crowds and the noise, and he really doesn’t like getting wasted. 
but if there’s one thing kuroo loves? 
it’s attention. 
though he lingers at the quieter edges of crowds, pretty girls still seek him out, striking up flirty conversation over the din of party music. 
he’ll admit the talk itself is never actually interesting. none of those women are quite smart enough to keep up with him
but all the same, he goes home with them—because they all want him so much. and god, does that stroke some animalistic part of his ego. 
the truth is, kuroo kinda needs to feel wanted. he’s a man that spends all his time competing—beating himself into shape to achieve his various goals. so, when people make him feel like he’s good enough as is, it’s worth a lot. 
his hidden insecurities are part of the reason he won’t approach any truly intelligent women, the ones he notices in his lecture halls and classes. deep down, he’s a little scared of women that can dominate him academically.
but, secretly? he’s also really fucking attracted to that.
desperately wants to meet someone he can actually talk to, a person that’ll share in his ambition and can keep up with his wit.
but for now, settles just for fucking to relieve stress. wakes up more often than not to an empty bed, with no reminder left behind of the girl that was in it the night before. 
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A/N - thank you for reading! these were wayyyy too fun to write so this might be the prelude to a bunch more collegeAU!kuroo stuff i do in the future. send me an ask or a message if you’d like to be added to a taglist for that! 
requests for haikyuu headcannons/drabbles are WIDE OPEN!!! send in an idea, and follow @eashn​ for more :)
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rubberizer92 · 2 months
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📺 **Introducing "The Rubberized Report": Your Gateway to Information and Pleasure**
Step into a world where news meets pleasure in "The Rubberized Report," a groundbreaking news show that transcends the ordinary to deliver a truly unique viewing experience. More than just a source of information, this avant-garde program aims to keep its audience both informed and aroused, weaving together current events with the seductive allure of the rubberized society.
From the moment you tune in, "The Rubberized Report" grabs your attention with its bold visuals and captivating hosts. With their sleek rubber attire and commanding presence, they guide viewers through the day's top stories with a blend of authority and allure that keeps audiences coming back for more.
But "The Rubberized Report" is more than just a news show – it's a lifestyle. With segments devoted to the latest trends in rubber fashion, exclusive interviews with influential members of the rubberized society, and even tips for maintaining peak arousal, it offers something for everyone, whether you're a seasoned rubber enthusiast or just dipping your toes into the world of pleasure and obedience.
And the audience response speaks for itself: "The Rubberized Report" has quickly become a cultural phenomenon, drawing in viewers from all walks of life with its unique blend of news and entertainment. With its growing fanbase and record-breaking ratings, it's clear that this show is here to stay.
So whether you're looking to stay informed, stay aroused, or simply stay entertained, "The Rubberized Report" has you covered. Tune in today and experience the thrill of news like never before!
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doom-dreaming · 9 months
Halo 1-3 armor: Very nice. A technological marvel. Sleek. I love it. Iconic. I love it in the anniversary version of halo 2.
Halo 4-5 armor: slutty. Fashion icon. Jokes aside, I don't get the hate for this one. I like it. He looks pretty in it. Yes it is a tad impractical in some cases and a darker shade of green. It just means he's a dark green cicada instead of a leaf green one.
Infinite: Honestly, it's probably my favorite one. The design is heavily inspired from the halo trilogy with a modern touch to it. Very Green compared to halo 4 and 5. I love the marks and damage it has on it— the details.
Oh cool, an excuse to look at pictures of him. I do genuinely think it's neat to look at all the designs side-by-side and see what they kept and what they changed, so let's do that. :)
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Original CE graphics next to the Anniversary remaster. Not a drastic change, same basic shape, just more detail, which makes sense. I do like the addition of the glowy bits (shield generator?) on his chest as well as the ones above his knees.
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Halo 2 original graphics (top) vs. Anniversary (bottom; I would have put them side by side but they're not the same size and it decapitated him). Still the same general look as CE, but notably without any glowy/reflective bits (but it looks like whatever those are is still there, above his knees, just matte this time). The chest piece looks more like a breastplate than a roller coaster safety harness. It gives him tits. I love the scuffing and wear and tear they added, especially on his knees and boots. I agree that this is one of my favorite versions of it.
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Halo 3 - it looks smoother than the iteration in 2, and that could be to graphical updates, but compare it to the CE look and it's similar, like they rounded off some of the sharp edges. They sanded my boy. Also, we see the return of the shiny above-knee strips. Still none on the chestplate though. Less noticeable scuffing and damage here, too.
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Halo 4, where 343 Industries took over and things got wild. The undersuit has texture now. The fingers have actual plating on them. The shape is still roughly the same, it's the classic Mjolnir silhouette, but each section has a crazy amount of detail and kibble added to it. They really embellished - where a lot of the original trilogy designs had solid metal, they've added buckles and screws and things I don't know how to describe in writing that give it a lot more visual interest. Like you said, the designs in 1 - 3 were very sleek, the design here looks like a lot of moving parts. Also, the color is closer to the muted green in Halo 3 (or at least that specific picture), which is interesting. And note the removal of the Shiny Strips altogether. I'm like you, I don't get the hate for this one, I think it looks cool.
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In Halo 5, we've gotten sleeker again! And a little greener. A lot of the gray parts of the Halo 4 design have been turned dark green for this one. The undersuit has also lost its very specific bumpy texture for something a little smoother? The coloring on this one is weird to me and I'm just now noticing it, but there are some places that look like they shouldn't be green or black. Like his shoulders? That looks like undersuit texture, shouldn't that be black? And it looks like they filled in the little crop top portion in the 4 design (not really visible in the photo I used here, oops) but it still looks more like undersuit than armor, so I'm not sure what the goal was here. I do think the random stripes of red are a fun touch and...do we have the return of Shiny Thigh Strips once again? Hard to say. Notably NO battle damage in this one, dude looks like a pristine action figure.
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Halo Infinite - this is definitely a callback to the original trilogy design, they even brought the bolts/screws on the boots and hands back. To me, it looks VERY similar to the H2A design, which is a Good Thing. But oh god, they turned up the saturation on the green. This is the greenest he's ever been. And we have the Shiny Strips (even though they're not shiny?) on the legs again! Not on the chest, but they've added a pair to his lower legs. And we've got battle damage again! Yay! To me, this is a best-of-both-worlds compromise between the original design(s) and the level of detail in 4 and 5. I just wish they hadn't gone SO green with it. I also wish they'd kept the actual armor on his fingers. And I don't know if it's just this specific render, but it looks more like plastic than metal to me? Which is an interesting design choice if it was an intentional one.
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