#sometimes I’ll answer them
bubblybloob · 7 months
Guess this place will more or less just be an art blog
It is an art blog
Did you not read the tin
Oh read the tags I had a realization.
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peaches2217 · 2 months
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floweroflaurelin · 2 years
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Huevember day 30: Golden Days of Gilded Helianthia ☀️🌻✨
30 of 30 days complete!! This is such a huge accomplishment, I feel really good! Thank you so much to everyone who followed along for the challenge 💖 I’m gonna go rest my drawing hand but when I come back I’ll be excited to see what comes next!
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linkito · 2 months
I am here to beg and plead for Vex arc tidbits. Link pls, pls share things? Tell me more about all the people? Any art I can convince you to share? I beg?
ok ok fine<33
I was going to work on full character sheets for them but yknow? maybe those can wait until the vex arc proper (gives me more time too—)
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BEHOLD! THE OCS! [Nico, Kane, and Nadia, in that order]
Without spoiling too much, let’s see—
Nico and Kane are two of the strongest warriors at the vex village Grian and Scar find themselves in, and they’re a pair of mates as well. They’ve known each other a long time and grew up on this server, so fighting is certainly ingrained in them.
Nico is a swordsman, very laid back and somewhat snobby, but he has a huge soft spot for Kane. Likewise, Kane is loud and brash and often speaks without thinking—causing many problems with Grian and Scar early on— but he’s smitten as hell for Nico.
Both very typical vexes with more violent natures than what Scar is used to. The stereotypes he was forced to reckon with when coming to this server. And yet, both are still very human, both so very full of life and love.
Nadia is not native to this server. She used to live a primarily peaceful life with her mate until, one day, he met with an unfortunate end. Now a widow, she migrated to this server, though somewhat unintentionally. She’s made a name for herself here though, being the one who founded the village and the unofficial leader of the vex.
She’s very fond of Scar and his more peaceful ways. She has high hopes for him and Grian and their unshakable bond between one another. 💕 (very much a mother figure to them, Scar especially)
Honestly, there’s sooooo much more about them, especially Nico and Kane as Ange and I keep developing them more and more.
I’m so excited for the vex arc. It’s maybe my favorite.
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pixlokita · 9 months
Why don't you allow them to do dubbing for you?
While a few people have been polite enough to ask and properly credit there’s a quite a few dubs that didn’t get permission, didn’t credit properly if at all… even credited the wrong person on purpose. And don’t get me started on people using AI voices to “dub” comics (also without crediting the source) . At least put in the effort. That’s just reposting art at this point :’> anyway it gets depressing when people say they’ve seen your art but couldn’t even find you because of that. I love the dubs that people were nice about tho 💖 it means a lot that they’d go out of their way to do that sincerely because they just liked the comics or contributed to the ideas somehow but yeah it got pretty overwhelming and bad after a while.
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lumiereandcogsworth · 4 months
this is kinda vague cause I don’t have any specific question in mind but can you talk about lumiere and adam’s relationship? just ,, anything about them? cause lemme tell youuuuuuuu something 🫵🏻 I think about that fic where he performs a magic trick for little adam all the time
SCREAM!!! the fact that you think about that fic so much makes me SO HAPPY😭 i ADORE adam & lumi’s relationship so YES LET’S GET INTO IT BABEY!
for starters, i headcanon that they’re 11 years apart. i did this because dan stevens and ewan mcgregor are 11 years apart, lmao. but i also think it makes sense! so i didn’t feel like altering that.
they met when adam was 4, and lumiere was hired as a 15-year-old footman. i think they liked each other instantly. lumiere’s jovial/loud/playful personality perfectly filled in all the gaps of adam’s terrible shyness. queen renée liked him, (she was only like. 6-7 years older than him) and he reminded her of her own younger brothers, whom she dearly missed. this helped adam trust lumiere quicker, as lumiere ended up spending extra time with him.
like in the fic you’re referring to, lumiere quickly picked up on how regularly adam needed to be rescued. mrs. potts filled him in on the severity of the situation here, and how it’s been like this since he was born, so lumiere became pretty protective of adam. he’d try to distract him and pull him out of reality as much as he could. cogsworth was always on the fence about it, because on the one hand, he wants to follow the rules and obey the king’s orders that servants aren’t supposed to be friendly with the family. but on the other hand, he cared about little adam too, and he was glad, in THIS case, that lumiere was so good at being sneaky
a couple years later, plumette joined the crew as a young maid. lumi fell for her INSTANTLY, and they became besties very quickly. she, too, of course, felt so badly for the little prince. she also became trusted by queen renée (who was alwaaysss rooting for those two — she’d get their schedules rearranged so they could work together or get days off together, and even find secret rooms to allow them alone time. she’s the OG plumiere shipper😤)
ANYWAY, my point there is that lumi and plumette very much became the big brother & sister that adam very much needed. they both played with him as much as they could. they’d go for walks with him in the garden when his mother was occupied, they’d race boats across the pond. lumiere would give him piggy back rides around the castle and adam would actually laugh sometimes!! he was so,., not very expressive as a kid. especially not happy emotions. so it always melted their hearts when they could hear his precious little giggle🥹
i’ve mentioned this before i think, but for birthdays and christmas and such, queen renée would send lum and plum to paris to get gifts for adam, since she was often not permitted to leave without the king🙃
lumiere also taught adam how to play chess!!!!! he also taught him some “special moves” (cheating) that guarantee (he’s cheating) victory every time😎 (he taught him how to cheat because beating cogsworth is funny). but he still knows (and never forgets!!!) the basics!!
when the queen got sick… ough. everyone was just trying to take care of adam as much as they could. which wasn’t enough At All, but it was all they could do. and when she died? OUGHDKFJSKJ!!!!!!!! adam was 9 (and a half), lumiere was 20. everyone (except the king 🤬🔪) is very very very sad.
adam would have really really awful nightmares, following her death. he’d wake up screaming and sweating and panicking. he’d cry and just entirely be unable to calm down. lumiere soon learned about this and started sneaking to the west wing at night and sleeping in the hallway outside of his room. and then when he’d hear adam wake up, he’d come in and try to soothe him best he could. he’d climb onto the bed and sit beside him and hold him tight until the crying turned to whimpering. adam would mumble “where is she? where’s mama? i want mama” and lumiere would shush him gently and try to keep him calm and pet his hair, telling him to go back to sleep.
the king soon found out about this (he had too many RATS working for him😤) and forbade it, putting a guard outside adam’s room so no one was allowed in during the night. (and sometimes louis would force him to stay in there during the day too! if he was being particularly difficult (having autistic meltdowns or just in general Being An Autistic And Depressed Child) and no one could control him🙃)
anywaaayyyyyy this is the beginning of the many cracks and fractures that would come to their friendship. adam is sent to boarding school in the fall and he just gets more closed off, angry, sad, you name it! from here. it’s not a 180 flip though. the first few years when he comes home for breaks, he’s still drawn to lumi & plum and still leans on them. i have a sweet fic from when he was 11 that’s 🥹🤧 a precious moment amidst the terribleness. and it’s more lumi doing card tricks!! hehe!! he’s an entertainer, what can i say?🤩
by the time he’s a teenager though there’s basically nothing between them. his father beat him enough times to Stop Talking To Them that he just finally gave up trying. and when his father dies just before adam turned 16, it’s all a mess. adam’s completely cold with all of them. he’s been away most of the time the last 6 years because of school so when he does come back and Stay at the castle, he just really makes it his domain. he invites all the awful friends he’s made in the cities, he creates his corrupt and awful court, he indulges and drowns in his self-loathing. all that good stuff 🙃
and where does it leave lumiere? heartbroken with the rest of the gang. feeling like they failed him. which is so hard because it’s like!!! they did as much as they COULD. if they did any more, if they were less sneaky, less careful, they’d have lost their livelihoods! and they couldn’t risk losing their work OR leaving adam to truly fend for himself. so they settled for the brief moments they could each spend with him, desperately hoping it would be enough for him to turn out like his mother, instead of his father😭
but of course. we know how the story goes. during the curse it’s interesting because he’s just stuck with them. like there’s no other people he could distract himself with. he’s stuck with them!!! and he clearly still listens to them, at least to a degree. i really love the scene where he sees a place setting for belle at the table and he gets PISSED and yells “LUMIERE!!!!!!!!!” and goes to talk to him. and he’s all pissy and grumpy but he’s still talking to him!! and cogsworth!! and mrs. potts!! it’s just so complicated!!!! like it’s not like he’s FORGOTTEN how much they meant to him, it’s just that his mind and heart are so DEEPLY clouded by the trauma of growing up with his father and the anger that he still feels for him, and himself! because of him! AGHGHH!!!
but you know what scene kicks so much ass??? THE ADAM & LUMIERE HUG!!!!!!!!!!! i’ve already perfectly elaborated on it here, and idk if i’ll ever be able to elaborate on it again because it usually just makes me go GJSKFHWKDHWKDHSKSJ!!!!!!!!!!! but that hug is just. CRAZY. “HELLO OLD FRIEND” ??????? i’m gonna throw myself into the sun. adam calling lumiere his old friend is genuinely one of the reasons i fell so FREAKING hard for this film seven years ago. what a line. what a scene. THE IMPLICATIONS OF IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! adam’s cold heart is thawed and is full of LOVE and he HUGS HIS OLD FRIEND, THE ONE WHO WAS LIKE A BROTHER TO HIM, THE ONE WHO PLAYED WITH HIM AND WIPED HIS TEARS AND HELD HIM WHEN HE JUST WANTED THE WORLD TO SWALLOW HIM WHOLE. THATS HIS OLD FRIEND!!!! ADAM LOVES LUMIERE SO SO SO MUCH 😭😭😭
gosh… anyway, as a last, lovely, note. they of course become such best friends. after the curse, they have a couple deep talks that are so Good for them both, but especially adam. and adam learns how to confide in him, how to trust him again. they play billiards and pass the time! they play chess and adam “wins” and lumiere’s like hey dude i thought we AGREED we were only gonna use those moves on COGSWORTH!!! also lumiere becomes his valet for many years, so they’re just always chattin about one thing or another. (it’s usually court gossip though. lumiere being a servant has ALL THE TEA☕️).
they become fathers together, their children grow up together. heck! they become fathers-in-LAW together!! juliette ends up marrying lumiere & plumette’s eldest son, sebastian!!! :”) (and reecy & their younger child xavier are BEST FRIENDS😤 which is also VERY IMPORTANT‼️) their families are just forever intertwined. even before the marriage, they really are family. in a modern suburban au, i just KNOW they’d be neighbors having barbecues at each other’s houses all summer 🤧 anyway it’s just so beautiful man!! adam and lumiere just have such an important bond. they’ve Truly been through thick and thin. it’s such a sweet love, to have a friend as wonderful as they have in each other 🥹
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skyloftian-nutcase · 3 months
Are you bringing back breath of the sky? Btw. I LOVE your work🥹
I will, eventually 😅 idk y’all, my burnt out brain is… yeah. It’ll happen.
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monkie-man · 11 months
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Sorry for the sudden break yall needed a bit of a detox- I’ll be answering asks later today, hopefully clearing out the inbox.😮‍💨
While I was gone I just noticed we hit over 100 followers so thank you!!! 😊 I appreciate you all the support has been insane ❤️❤️
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toffee-beans · 9 months
aw hell I didn’t even know who Mortimer was before scrolling through your blog and now I have a new favorite Disney ship >:(
this is gonna plague my mind for weeks thanks a lot
also ur octonauts designs are the best thing I’ve ever seen.
YESS WELCOME TO THE POLY MICE BRAINROT !!>:] Still going strong after a year or so- love seeing Mortimer getting some love too!! He’s an idiot, but he is MY idiot /lh
Also, you’re too kind thank you so much!! I’m so happy you like the designs!! Couldn’t have done it without my partner @// like ttlemisspostit , they helped me ALOT with drawing em/coming up with outfits and whatnot🥺
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appreciatingtokrev · 2 months
hey guys do y’all remrmber me ..... i am alive and doing well 👍👍
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heartpascal · 1 year
hi my loves :) just a little update for you all
first off, apologies to those of you who have sent in asks that i’ve yet to answer!! i’m about to explain why so pls bear with :’)
so exam season is coming up wayyy too fast, and i’ve been finding writing kinda hard so that’s been going pretty slow (which is v frustrating) but man these deadlines coming up are … a lot. and with an already stressed out heartpascal you can imagine how that’s going 😭 plus my lovely hamster is getting sick and everything just appears to be going wrong!!!
BASICALLY. what i’m trying to say is i’m super sorry but asks are going to be put on the back burner for a little while :( i’ll answer when i can ofc (bc you guys make my days sm better) but it’s all just. a LOT.
i’ll still put out fics when i can, but they’ll probably be quite slow :(
i love you all very much & don’t worry, i’m doing my best to take care of myself (before any of you say anything hehe) but sorta slowing down on here is a part of that!!!
hopefully after exam season is over everything will ease up and it’ll be back to normal on here!!! but i won’t be leaving you guys with nothing so don’t worry <33
AND A SIDE NOTE!!! don’t forget that my dm’s are always open!! if you ever need a chat i will be there as soon as i can be <3
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now that i’m actually on somewhat of a real break for the first time in a while and i’ve recently completed two of my most time consuming fanfics so… i must ask again
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Is No Glory Voldemort snake faced?
i think it starts that way, yes 👍 but then he regains his human-like appearance 🤔
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3584-tropical-fish · 1 month
for the ask game, 24 and 4 perhaps??? :D
whats a compliment about your art that has always stuck with you?
Oh gosh, everything that anyone has ever said, really. But I feel like i have to just. <33333!!!!! about anything tumblr user camlannpod has said about my art for their show. I love drawing Camlann art and it makes me so happy that I can return that happiness to them!! Everyone listen to Camlann right now. It’s so good
piece you wish got more love?
I had to think for a minute but you know what? The TMA clue board I made with my friends. I don’t think that showed up in the tags, but we put. So Much effort into that and I had really wished that more people would see it. Lia especially made an absolutely STUNNING board for it, and I was really happy with all the cards I made!! It’s also just so fun to play. We get dressed up and I bake something and make tea/hot chocolate. Highly recommend. Posts about it here and here :D
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vinnigami · 10 months
Are there any character designs you adore in an RPG but you can’t use optimally? I ask this having found Scathach in SMT IV and I bungled her skills like in V. I love her design but she can’t do Jack for my team ;~;
“optimal” is a scam invented by big Mido to get you to spend all your macca in the fusion room
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