#sometimes feel like people dont care That much. which isnt something i often feel or struggle with in general
yuridovewing · 4 months
As a fellow Dovewing lover, it's frustrating how the fandom watered her down into a whiny brat who never cared about Ivypool. I mean, seriously? Not only did Dovewing care about her sister (reacting in horror when Lionblaze, her own mentor and Jayfeather are willing to potentially sacrifice Ivypool's safety by employing her as her spy instead of trying to get her out of the Dark Forest's clutches, hiding a thorn in her nest to cover for her scarring from her training).
Heck, even the scene where she tries to feed Ivypool her catch during a hunting patrol was demonized because 'she was trying to make Ivypool break the code like SHE does, as if it doesn't matter' and because she got upset when Ivypool started arguing with her! But you guys said she didn't care, right? Plus, people act like being forced into a prophecy is something you should be grateful for, as if it didn't irreparably change her close relationship with her sister? As if Lionblaze and Jayfeather didn't still keep her out of the loop (and for all the fussing they made about keeping it a secret, Lionblaze confesses his power to Cinderheart and Jayfeather doesn't even care).
Meanwhile Nightheart is angry he isn't orange and hates his mom for being exiled and the whole world has to stop for him. 🤪 And Bramblestar is simply so tortured by having an evil father, the only choice is to train with him and his evil half-brother and hide this from his wife! (But remember, it's bad when that witch Squirrelflight hides the parentage of the three from him, even when Blackstar and Leopardstar were still around after being complicit in the torture and killing of halfclan cats.) Why are these male characters sympathized with, even when they actively harm people (Nightheart forcing himself into Sunbeam's life by lying to everyone about being her mate without even asking her if she would be fine with that beforehand), Bramblestar (we all know what he does), but when Dovewing or any other female character is upset, people freak out and call them whiny brats or abusive for (checks notes) asking her partner if he loves her anymore after they argued multiple times in a book. Really makes you think! (Sorry this is so long, you just have based opinions!)
dovewing being characterized as this flighty airheaded vain popular girl stereotype in fanon is like. one of those biggest "we didnt actually read the books" things in the fandom. like theres so much fanart where shes grinning and giggling over the prophecy and shes besties with the trio and shes got preferential treatment, and then in the actual books shes basically the autistic kid no one actually likes. people really, REALLY overexaggerate that one scene where she snaps at ivypaw and brags. (and i dont wanna shit on amvs but i am forever side eying how the animation community handled dove back in the day. more than one person animated her getting murdered. normal.)
i do think its gotten better recently at least. but wow does it feel like at least one person on the writing team has a bone to pick
(also awww thank you <3 no need to be sorry i love getting stuff in my inbox)
#it does also feel so insidious to me just how long the bramblesquirrel conflict was painted as ''equally kind of wrong''#the ppl who put words in squilfs mouth sometimes which. btw ill get to that when i read the book#and tbf part of it is that sometimes abuse isnt as easy to spot if youre primed to the mainstream version of it#like. bramble isnt a born evil wifebeater everyone can see coming from a mile away. hes a complex guy with his own insecurities#and his own goals and people he openly cares about. and even in some fanon stuff i see ppl kinda erase that part of him#(which i wont pretend im above- ive been trying to walk that line myself)#and that doesnt match how abusers are usually percieved by the public. or in this very series.#like. the main excuse for clear sky is literally ''hes sad his sister died and tried to save her! no one changes THAT much''#anyone can be an abuser. you could be an abuser. i could be an abuser. that doesnt mean that we ARE but we are capable of it#and the thing that catches ppl off guard is that abusers are really good at hiding who they are and theyre often charming#i often hear this account of abuse that goes something like ''my parent abused me but no one believed me bc theyre nice in public''#you dont know whats going on behind closed doors. and ik this is about funny kitties at the end of the day but its quite telling#so... yeah bramble has his nice moments. hes got his GREAT moments even. i love his relationship with his mom for example#but those moments dont mean that hes not capable of being worse. of being a monster to his loved ones#its why squilf keeps getting sucked back in. hes not a one dimensional asshole. hes capable of being kind to her.#and thats what makes his disgusting moments hit so much harder#wow ok i got off topic in the tags but yknow. idk i got feelings abt this matter as someone who's experienced toxic relationships
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marquezian · 2 months
I love your gifs so much, they're so well done and also I feel not enough people post dovi n dovquez content, especially gifs so it's so nice whenever you post about them💗💗💗💗 hope you're having an amazing day
🥺🥺🥺 smooches !!!!!! it means a lot
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fmhobeus · 3 months
jjk men and their red flags
a/n: i'm feeling problematic :> tell me what u think (agree/disagree/add more?) this is all for shits n giggles !! non sorcerer au kinda
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kento nanami — (over)protective
but like... to the point where it feels like he's treating you like a child! he doesnt like to see you sweat or even work at all for that matter. he loves it when you cook but has bought covers for all the knifes. if he sees a burn on your hand get ready for a 10 minute long lecture. if you accidentally fall he wont let you get up for atleast 3 days to help you ""heal."" it's almost like he doesnt trust you to take care of yourself :') he probably has like 3 separate first-aid kits everywhere.
suguru geto — emotionally unavailable
i feel like this is explainable to his character (sort of.) i dont think that he'd make you feel isolated at all, he's be an amazing listener and probably memorizes every word you say. he listens to you rant and even trauma dump with insane patience. but at some point it feels as though you hardly know him. he's talk to you a lot but very little of it is personal and you hardly know what he's thinking because his ass is not tell you. he also unintentionally distances himself from people from time to time. this applies to you too and you can feel him getting emotionally distant sometimes. it isnt something he does knowingly but it sure ass hell bothers you.
satoru gojo — very clingy and needy
this nigga. he is so utterly clingy. and at first it's perfectly fine, even appreciated by you. you still love him like crazy of course but it is just overwhelming. he is like a child most of the time, he need you around him and is always accompanying you wherever you go, and he expects you to do the same. he also doesn't believe in "me time" because why would you feel better when you're away from him: (? want to hang out with your friends? what do you need them for: (? he's right there. he is also physically incapable of listening but boy is he good at making up.
toji fushiguro — controlling
he is so controlling omfg. it's usually subtle but sometimes he will outright just say no to things he doesnt like, not caring if you like them. it gets to the point where he actually starts to change your personality. he is very caring and that's his justification for this typa stuff. it is usually harmless stuff but he gets paranoid often. he doesnt let you wear miniskirts out if you're not with him. he doesn't let you befriend people he thinks are into you. he barely lets you buy stuff on your own, he usually gifts you whatever it is youre into at that moment. borderline turned on by fear and you being dependent on him.
choso kamo — has no social life outside you
pretty self explanatory. he doesnt have many friends outside you and isn't interesting in making them either. total loser. so taking him out to events, he probably doesnt interact much and chooses to look at you the entire time, which annoys your friends. he answers their questions pretty bluntly. he's never down to have people over and lowkey hates when you are.
hiromi higuruma — workaholic
also self explanatory. he leaves early, comes home late. you barely see him on the weekdays. sometimes he goes as far as ignoring your calls when in between cases. he calls you periodically but has to have an alarm set to remind him. he loves you very very deeply but is just used to working non stop T_T
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pat-thecat · 2 months
First meetings from Tango's pov... (I'm not much of a writer but I wanted to try it :3, sorry if its not good...)
Tango wouldnt say he was oblivious, sure he sometimes missed some important gossip and some PR announcements but to be fair his work is the car. He couldn't care less for some random gossip or stuff from the PR people, his work is making the car better and he is a simple mechanic, no one to be in front of cameras.
Thats why when conversations about a driver move to Williams came up on the racing community, he payed no mind to them. Tango knew some name was circulating around, but again he really didnt care about it, gossip was common and nothing he is interesting in, can some people call him ignorant? That he didnt even noticed news outlets posting about it or watched his team principal's interviews? Yes, some people can call him that, however he still thinks he isnt oblivious, obviously he will know when a driver moves to his team, he isnt dumb.
Even his good friend Impulse, asks him what his opinion about Solidarity's move to Williams, which takes him by surprise bc if he's not mistaken no one at the team knows who will be the new driver and wasnt Solidarity a Redbull driver? That's what he says to Impulse and that honestly even if he knew, his friend is still on a different team. (Impulse looks at him like he doesnt believe it)
Later, much for Impulse amusement, Tango only discovers that Solidarity would race for Williams after a PR colleague says it straight on his face, apparently it was neither speculation nor a secret on the factory.
And the fact he somehow missed multiple times the presence of the driver in the factory, thats stays only between him and his colleague.
Tango wouldnt say he was that oblivious, of course he now knew Jimmy Solidarity was going to race for William's this season, but it still takes him by surprise when the driver approaches him with two cups of coffee.
"Here, you look like you need some" he says extending one cup to him
The mechanic feels a little taken away by the gesture, and doesnt know what to say. He never thought a driver would do this, he must be mistaken and that's not for him. So he just stares in shock to the said driver.
After some time of silence Solidarity slightly gestures to his extended hand and Tango finally gets the memo that yes, it's for him.
Tango takes the cup and takes a sip, unsurprisingly the coffee isnt exactly like he likes but even so it astonish him that it's close enough. "Thanks", he says softly with a small smile to Solidarity, the driver just smiles in return and leaves, probably to analyse some data.
Even as time continues Tango continues stunned with the small random interaction, till Hunter, one of his colleagues who was watching the exchange, tells him that it was very known that Solidarity was really friendly to every team member and since joining the team he had been randomly interacting with everyone.
Tango then concludes that maybe he is a bit oblivious because there's no way he never noticed the driver interacting with is colleagues.
But surely this was gonna be a one time thing, he was a simple mechanic and there was no way the driver truly cared of him.
Little did he know that Jimmy asked around how the pretty blonde mechanic that worked the whole morning liked his coffee.
This was not beta read and I probably can write more in the future. Since I often do alot of mistakes I'm always shy to post something.... if anyone is interested in beta reading my little drabbles please message me! I would appreciate alot but please dont feel pressured to do it! :D
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interlacrimas · 5 months
hm, i guess its time for headcanons!! (Since its been a while since ive been here or on tiktok, i thought maybe it would be fun!
Hajime is allergic to peanuts, he never tell anyone because he just assume that it was unnecessary info, till when he ate something kazuichi made to him and he fell on the ground, almost dying
Fuyuhiko HATES yakult, as lactose intorelant, he had to drink it very often, mostly as a child and he absolute hates it
Hajime hates physical touch, but he pretend to like it, Fuyuhiko loves physical touch, but he pretend to hate it
Fuyuhiko can tell if izuru is the one talking easily, sometimes people go and say things like "hajime is acting so different today", he stares and just say "probably because it isnt fucking hajime"
hajime smells just like those baby soaps, he rarely uses perfurme, fuyuhiko like those expensive perfumes, he really likes those, specially the strong ones, but he rarely uses them either, because he is embarassed to
Both have shitty families on different ways (btw, this isnt fully headcanon, most of this topic is in fact canon) fuyuhiko's family is violent, they often fight, to the point of death threats between his parents, he had to grow up in an extremely hostile enviroment. Hajime on the other hand had parents who were neglectful, they probably just didnt care about him, his urge for feeling special probably came from this, hajime's parents wanted a trophy, not a child, and they probably let hajime do a LOBOTOMY because, 1 - he would finally be useful, and 2 - his presence wont be missed
Hajime and fuyuhiko both have a hard time sleeping, they spend the night awake talking to each other, sometimes they fall asleep in the middle of the chat, other times they just spend the whole night awake
hajime loves talking about his interests, but never got the chance to do that, once fuyuhiko found out about this he made hajime talk to him about it for hours, fuyuhiko actually make good commentary about it and seem to actually care and get his excitement, which makes hajime happy
Hajime and fuyuhiko are both overworkers, and always call out for each other, even thought they do the same mistake
Fuyuhiko is totally Japanese, hajime isnt, as thought as he is Japanese descendant, he is also latin American, specifically brazillian, he was on brazil between the age of 0 to 10, he then moved to japan, even if it was pretty early on his life, hajime likes the dishes from his homeland and make fuyuhiko try them, fuyuhiko fell in love with the brigadeiro, which was sweet just like he likes, hajime makes them often for him, sometimes when fuyuhiko is alone at his Office he eats them
Just like fuyuhiko like sweet things, hajime doesnt mind food, but he like bitter and spicy food, like REALLY MUCH, fuyuhiko thinks he is insane to drink Juice without sugar or to eat so many spicy things without a cup of water, i guess hajime's favorite bitter thing is...fuyuhiko! I love this analogy, like hajime is a sweetheart and fuyuhiko like sweets, its only far for the opposite to happen!
hajime when he gets mad he often stop talking and just ignore the person he is mad about, fuyuhiko not only mock him and his angry mood, but he often treat the person equally bad, he didnt even care about the motive, he just did, fuyuhiko didnt ask why he was mad thought, he knew it was frustrating hearing this type of question, but still he says things like "just say how much of a bastard this piece of shit fucking is! I have no idea what this mother fucker done but if youre mad it must been pretty mess up"
They like to watch EVERYTHING togueter, hajime is the type to say "no...please dont do it *character* dont do it youre gonna to die dont do it" for the TV, fuyuhiko is the type to "STOP GOING THERE ASSHOLE YOURE GOING TO DIE, COME BACK. COME BACK." In the end the character die and they both stop talking, but probably thinking the Same thing, that it was the most obvious thing ever
Fuyuhiko relationship with izuru is...weird, they often dont talk, they spend their time in silence, which is often more comforting then scary, fuyuhiko sometimes Braid izuru hair, fuyuhiko is aware izuru is just a repressed version of hajime, even if people try to make them different persons
And for the final headcanon, izuru wakes up early at 9:00 to watch mikudayo show, for some reason he likes it, he watched it in the past, and had a few memories that he didnt remember, so he started to watch those episodes everyday, the first time fuyuhiko saw him doing it was like "huh, hajime what are you doing awake right now" to realize it was izuru, he then see the mikudayo program and gets confused, how could izuru like it, he just silent watched too, fuyuhiko now likes the mikudayo program, he just dont admit to anyone
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greyfacade · 3 months
Ask game questions! 5, 7, 8, and 23 for spamton bc I'm legally obligated to ask about him. You don't have to do all of them tho if you don't want!
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
I'm Gonna Win - Rob Cantor
First song I thought of, though I'm sure there are other more suitable songs I could come up with. But honestly, due to my illness I don't get to listen to music often. I'm sensitive to sound.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
There's been some really nice fanart, and I love the fake ad ones people make, and the pinups. I love buying merch from people.
Its also nice when people treat their plushes nicely, or actually see him as more than just the "funny salesman." Don't get me wrong, Spamton's is an awesome a salesman and all, but that's not all he is.
Oh, my fave part though, is how everyone celebrates his fan birthday. Thats super sweet. I love seeing people make fanart for that.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
Hm.. there's lot of great fanart of him, and you can see what I post already.
But I guess his shop sprite. It's fun to talk to him.
I do wonder what he would be like in person though.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Haha... heh.... well, this will get long... (Sorry.)
Mostly just the fact that the fandom is made up of a LOT of hateful people, who hatepost about Spamton because he's "popular," or because their fans of Swatch/Queen/Addisons and are in denial about what those guys did to him so they try to pin it on Spamton by saying "he deserved it" or saying it never happened.
Which is REALLY ironic in a way. But wait, we got more!
(_WARNING: RANT INCOMING!_ You dont have to read this.)
Many people can't get past the "funny salesman" trope. They think the salesman pitch Spamton puts on is literally all he is, that he really is this guy who is silly, obsessed with money, and batshit crazy. Does no one know how entertainment works!? Has no one ever followed a YouTuber or Twitch streamer, or gone to the circus or seen a live show? That how people act in front of a camera, isnt how they act all the time!? Spamton doesn't actually care about money, he said it himself; he does all he does because he's an entertainer trying to survive! The Spamton Sweepstakes, the Fangamer ads, the Twitter replies... while they contain truths and genuine things about him, for much of it, he's playing everyone like fiddles! He's saying whatever the hell he can to make you buy his shit, because funny thing, its his job! And the things is, it WORKS. Everyone totally buys in to it! But while I'm sure he does find joy in what he does, it can also be kind of painful that everyone actually thinks that's all he is in a way... they infantilize him, they treat him like he's crazy/stupid, they stereotype him, they make fun of him, they talk about wanting to hurt him... and they think its okay, because "he's in on the joke." Yeah? You really think anyone would find joy in seeing you make art of them getting abused/hurt/killed? REALLY? Ever thought that maybe... its not actually okay....
I guess I feel bothered by it. Sure Spamton chooses to play up all the stereotypes about him so that people will buy his stuff, and its cool that he can still joke about things like that. But... I wish people saw more of the real him sometimes, and realized he deserves kindness and respect like anyone else.
But I think Spamton is a good example of how people go too far, how they'll greedily take everything from someone, even their dignity, if it means feeding their own happiness. How they can't separate entertainment from reality (... yeah yeah, some irony there as I'm talking about a fictional character...)
In a way, the Spamton fandom, often represents to me, much of the things I hate about the entertainment industry, hell even fandom. I'm glad people love him and buy his stuff, but I also wish they liked him for kinder reasons. I hope that if he continues to be in entertainment, he gets to make something he loves, that allows him to be who he wants to be. Because like many of us, he sometimes gets trapped in a role, determined by other people. And while some of it is true, like he is funny and has a dark sense of humor, and I'm sure he does enjoy many of the things he does... but some of it, I think is sort of forced on him. It's like if you don't act the way everyone wants, they'll get angry or abandon you. And that, thats awful.
(And Im not saying don't enjoy his salesman persona, just that, I wish people saw the rest of him too. Because he's a kind, caring and brave guy, and I really wish him the best ya know?)
.... of course, I admit this might be some of my own self-projection too, but lets not unpack THAT.
You made it this far, wow... uh... *gives you a gold star saying "I just wasted several minutes of my life to an insane fan rant." except all the words don't fit on the star, so it just says "I just wasted."*
... *runs away while you ponder the star*
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psychelis-new · 23 days
do you think things would be more enjoyable if we didnt have the internet in todays world? every time I try to interact either someone shits on me for something that wasnt even wrong in the first place or in general theres just some very overreactive people on these platforms. personally i think older generations had it mildly better bc people werent trying to make themselves known online and instead they put real effort into things instead its like everh other person is a wannabe internet star and instead of people having real characters or personalities online theyre either a brand name or some type of idfk channel name
its like folk expect every response to be received well all the time or to be agreed on for everything they ever say online and if we dont then again we get shitted on for it which also makes it much less fun to partake in these varying subjects on multiple platforms that are supposed to be harmless fun for everyone to join in on discussing
the problem is social media is shoved everywhere and we cant not use these devices or platforms and if you dare ask questions on both tumblr and reddit its like its a shame if its the wrong sort of question to ask so i have to find another blog thats more suited for such questions or people rudely tell you to google it and so on without making extra effort to explain sometning if you dont exactly know what it is. even on reddit ppl have harassed me into deletion even if all i was doing was venting about shit and so i gave up on that site tried tumblr again but its not much different it seems and i tnink even tarot readers sometimes take it too literally or seriously as well thus making it less fun for others to take part
kids nowadays alsl wont ever know how much freedom we had compared to them as kids when we were completelt away from the internet and phones were barely big enough to text on so you couldnt even write a paragraph to people but kids nowadays they practically grow up online thus theyre more likely to find offence when there isnt one to find compared to older generations
yet we need these devices for communication but i feel like society cant really communicate well anymore or its so one sided bc its not face to face communication or usually its someone else trying to need something from others for their own selfish reasons. idfk social media feels more lkke being back in school but worse bc its anonymous practically and theres no conseuquences anymore u basically often have to admit defeat as well bc so many ppl act like they in the right when they can also be wrong or if something really isnt that deep, i also find the things i used to enjoy even music or basic hobbies is becoming either not my style anymore bc of social media or in general people making dramas about shit i dont care about makes music less fun and more toxic
ik u arent a kpop blog but i think something like kpop mightve suited older times better where the idols didnt have to receive so much backlash for every small and minor things but even music groups feel so formatted and less room for error lets put it that way or soon as one group does something mildly wrong people witch hunt that group or idol to no end. its like every other hobby or interest i have seems to always have a toxic one opinion fits all or one reaction for everyone type mentality and its really restricting and unhealthy imho. it always seems tl be about generating bs so people react to bs and from then on its like an endless chain of toxic dump until the next load of bs comes along
i unfollow more blogs than i can count bc of the misinterpretation of words and so on or in general if i find tnem to be too dramatic about things that really arent an issue but they made it an issue like the obsession people or kpop fans have with idols fs and so on. the internet is a toxic waste site at this point but theres no escaping it bc of how much we all need and use the internet as though its replaced our own ability to think freely. then the fast overconsumption of digital media in general is so unhealthy but we cant switch off from it bc of how normalised it is to need these sites and to need so much brief entertainment that does more harm than good to our dwindling attention spans and sites feeling more like echo chambers than safe places to find like minded people
sorry for my long rant but imho its getting ridiculous
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Okay so woah. Where to start from?
Honestly I don't understand exactly what you want from me tbh, but I guess I will just try to give you another pov on your long rant and what you are observing/feeling? Not sure why you're here but yeah, let's see. :)
It's a very wide and complex situation the one we're living these days. The prev generation (not sure which one is yours but there are many different ones here -gonna consider 80s+ kids or so) grew up halfway between internet and running in fields, and having to confront others irl mostly. Not sure if this made them better though, just different (as times were different too). I don't think we can compare, and that's cause this younger generation had to grow up in a society where appearance and wealth is very important. Where you are judged and compared easily since you're born (or that's the main vibe at least) and everything moves fast: 1) social medias as you said, made us be reachable 24/7 and able to be in contact with everyone in the world, an occasion (or a "condemn", as you prefer) past gen didn't have [+ socials are the best and fastest platform (once there was only TV) where everyone -despite the market being now full and this making it hard to stand out from the crowd- can be seen and "get famous" (let's not dig the fastest ways you can, let's leave it as it is. As I'm not going to navigate too far how the increasing adhd has obliged people to rely on fast and short videos -eg. reels- to keep the attention span of those getting bored after a few seconds, probably out of an habit of being online)]; 2) online commerce: it really make us receive anything we want in a matter of minutes (think about lunch but everything really). And why all this is working so well? Because it's meeting a need of us: it meets the urgency we have to see results, be seen, receive, know, getting feedback (hence the misinterpretation when reading comments, which leads to misunderstandings and useless fights -sometimes we are also in a negative mood for others reasons and it may make it easier to others' misunderstand words/intentions -online we only rely on our ability of reading and it depends on our mood too and since I am here, can I suggest you to add some commas/fullstops here and there to make it easier to understand your words? thankies), urgency to answer/get answers too (fast reply/receiving means positive while if it takes time, it may be something negative for us -despite it's not so!). And when we don't get this, when we don't feel seen or appreciated (see haters or every slightly comment that is not "ily<3" -I'm exaggerating ofc, but please understand) especially in a short amount of time, we make it mean we're unworthy. We're bad. We won't be able to fit in in this fast world and we're gonna be left out and won't be able to come back in as it runs too fast. And if you're out of this world, you're out forever and will be forgetten (but it's just an idea we have). I think this is a feeling you are experiencing too to a certain level, despite being from a different gen?
This generation had to grow up with the prev generation's trauma on their back: the fear of the future, of not having a stable job that grants you money, of not being seen, of not being heard, of not feeling enough or worthy. This feeling of unworthiness is doubled because thanks to the internet there are more chances to be seen in the world, and if we don't feel accepted in all we are, if we don't make it now, it hurts x2. Not to mention that every comment one makes has a resonance that can potentially destroy anyone, even the person making it ofc, if they are caught (let's not dig the reasons behind hate, anger/resentment against others -generally still the same old lack of self worth and not being validated and appreciated by friends/family-, idols and such that take up the role of someone we rely on for comfort or to dream; someone that needs to live up to certain expectations; that needs to be perfect and if they fail, it makes some people feel better about themselves -online we compare to others either to feel better about us, or we just get crashed by fake lives and pics made just for the social medias: we forget people can decide what to post and how-; someone that, being a public figure, everyone has the right to know everything out of their life, to the point of forgetting they are people too -but it works for those nosy people to forget about their sad life, and that's the point of it all ig. Focusing on others to forget about us).
Back to youngers, let's suppose some reasons behind their behaviour (just to try to understand the bg, nothing else): parents usually worked 24/7 and didn't had too much time/will to dedicate them; maybe they were emotionally unstable people too, bc of prev 2gen having come out from WWII and similar situations too. Probably, this gen had distant parents emotionally, busy with job, not always paying attention to them if not for a little, but they were provided in other ways, and it may have created in them the idea that everything they want to do or have is right and they deserve to have it at any cost. That their parents can solve any problem for them, probably out of codependency and guilt feelings -for not being there-. And this acted also on the fact that basic human respect of others is not always present -whether it's idols or any random person they come in touch with online or irl-. I also think the internet offered this kids a way out of a situation in their family that may have been tough since early years. And it basically did the same for their parents, finding a new free life there out of their responsibilities and fixed roles, out of their duties even of taking care of their kids. So yeah, maybe kids simply learned to rely and internet and social medias and find comfort, validation and appreciation in it since childhood. Something prev gen couldn't do ofc: we didn't have this coping mechanism's chance.
Youngers these days (but not just them tbh, I think it's from past generations too), in whatever way they can, seeks others' validation, appreciation and acceptance, comfort and support. Something they probably hardly had from parents (probably got judged mostly). They probably just feel lost, but are trying to make sense of it all the best they can (with what they learned). Yk, if we get "pushed away" by others when trying to reach for them, we make it mean we're not good enough, we cannot be accepted, we have to be abandoned and we won't ever fit in. The internet, despite making us "closer" to everyone in the world, is also helping us creating more relationships based on the surface: getting deeper, knowing the other takes time, and we're back to the urgency thing (not to mention that getting deeper is scary, so everyone tries to avoid it)... And ofc it also helps us in not feeling too respectful of others as I was saying. But you said getting rid of the internet would be a solution and that you cannot see a way out of that system. I guess probably you're focusing too much on others and the outside, and not on what makes you believe so? For example: the fact that you feel not appreciated or not welcomed when venting online or asking a question, makes me wonder if you don't just feel lonely? I'm saying this cause of the asks bit you wrote: sometimes we ask others also things we could find online just because unconsciously we want to connect with them. We want a "human" answer. And that's perfectly fine ofc, but maybe not everyone will be able to see this. And we cannot pretend this much... we cannot pretend that others can read our mind or will react to us in the way we want (not saying you were wrong and others right: I have no clue of what happened, I cannot say. But I can say at times we want to feel accepted and seen as good enough and to do so, we may try to correct others/save others, and yk... not everyone will like it. It's not a matter of generations tbh). Also, yes maybe we have lost the ability to communicate, as communication is not made to reply, but we need to first listen and understand the other (while recently we communicate to reply and be right -it's probably a need we have again, the need to feel right and not wrong, maybe we were made feel wrong for too long and we need to be right and in control of things to feel okay and safe?), but... whatever.
I think right now you're probably too hurt by not finding the right way to communicate with others and creating connections, of being seen the way you want, to maybe realize that you can get out of internet and social medias and find connections irl still. You can do anything you want of your life and since you keep suggesting everyone should think with their mind, do it! If you need to get out of here, don't let the internet drag you back in and make you think you cannot do without it... or find out why you need it still. Cause it feels like you want to get out of it but only if everyone gets out if too... am I wrong? TBH a break, at this point, is what I am suggesting you to take, to help you feel better and see things from a different perspective (it works for me to ground again). Or maybe find an offline hobby that will keep you interested. I promise you won't be left out of anything important. You'll find new memes and people to connect with when you'll be back (and maybe they won't be so feral or you will just stop giving their words importance: they're still strangers, people you don't really know or have to interact with, you can let them be angry and still find your own safe place online. It's big here, just find what works for you and be happy. Just remember everyone has their opinion and it feels like they always have to share it, no matter what... get over it or keep sharing yours as well). One last thing: I am honestly really intrigued by the part you wrote about tarot readers not knowing the people behind the screens. What do you mean? Ofc we cannot know the whole world in person, but when you find your reader, they will know your energy. But ofc, you need to believe in this, or it won't work. ;)
I hope you will find a way out of your loneliness and not be so resentful against people that probably are just not for you. I think the moment you'll find out again what you want and what you are searching for, and reconnect with who you are and not what others are saying of you (indirectly, with their reactions to you), all the positivity you have within, you'll attract the right people in, whether it's online or not.
Oh btw, I honestly think the internet is still an occasion we have to make things better in many different fields (let me mention medicine, for example). I think humans are able to make everything they create to be great or terrible. It's all up on the use we make of what we have. If we use the internet to hate others or try to scam others, it's awful ofc. But if we use it wisely, to share good stuff, it's a great chance.
All the best Take care!
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mysticstormflyete · 5 months
tortles 👁👁
Is there any story you feel like sharing about them? Their personalities/vibes/relationships with eachother? (Btw I absolutely love the designs, they are so pretty :))
sorry i haven't answered this earlier,, i've been thinking abt this v hard and saved it,, tysm for the question(s) <3 i will be including april in these (i've actually drawn her but i haven't posted her. oops)
i wrote,, a lot. i am so sorry but i had much to say. so. it'll be below the cut <3
Personalities -
Donnie - He's very quiet (selectively mute). He only speaks when he really wants to. It's even rarer for him to do so w/ strangers. Probably speaks the most w/ April?
He cares about his family a lot, emotions are just ,, hard. And showing them is harder. He actually doesn't really mind physical touch? It's just. normal. to him. even though often times hes not the one who initiates it. He tends to just stand by and listen to what others want him to do. He protects, and he listens. Thats what he does best (which has led to a lot of self-dehumanization !)
Leo - She always appears calm and put together, but shes always up to do something fun. In general, shes very charismatic. People love her charm. She bounces around a lot; shes not often in one place.
She loves dressing up (something she shares w/ Mikey)! She also loves ballet and gymnastics. Wanna blow something up? Shes up for it. Wanna go watch someone do something stupid? Always. Shes the "face" of the group, one of the most social, and the most charming. She uses it to her advantage . obvs :)
Mikey - Everyone loves Mikey. Hes the favorite. The sweetest, the kindest, the most loving. Hes actually a menace, but. yknow. its easy to not realize that when he looks how he does.
hes so sweet !! (he pushed someone into a ditch) So kind !! (he is pointing his middle fingers at u behind your back). He gets away w/ EVERYTHIIING. splinter insists hes not the favorite but that is a LIE. he does actually care abt his family (and his friends) ! and he is actually genuinely kind at times ! but. he is a troublemaker at heart (he gives raph heart attacks every other day).
Raph - he is a very tired teenage mom. very tired. he gets fed up quickly, and he has a habit of jumping to conclusions.
Hes impatient, grumbly, and snappy, but he gets very anxious very quickly (w/ mikey it is 10x worse). he tends to catastrophize, and he is Very protective and overbearing at times. he doesnt even realize hes doing it sometimes. Hes trying his best to be there and keep them safe, but his best isnt enough even if he wants it to be.
April - Shes fun and energetic !! she loves to join in on Adventures and bring trouble where she goes <3 she cares so. SO. much abt the turtles. theyre everything to her (lowkey she cares abt them more than her own family).
she can be a voice of reason, but most of the time she is Not. shes carefree and she loves to do anything and everything!! ... around the turtles, that is. Around her family, shes quiet. withdrawn. she has a very complicated relationship w/ her family, and thats caused many many issues w/herself. She sees the turtles as a chance to be free, but even then she uses a facade. Girlie is going through things.
Vibes -
Donnie - Chillest guy ever. can be intimidating due to,, lack of emotion and How Fucking Tall he is, but hes quiet and like. never aggressive. just a guy u can depend on tbh.
Leo - Shes like. So cool. Calm, charismatic, charming,, she attracts people like flies. shes got v good vibes :] coolest older sister ever.
Mikey - BABY. BABY BOY. he could not do anything wrong ever (ignore everything wrong hes done ever. heehee hoohoo). little sibling vibes to the max LITTLEST GUY...
Raph - have i mentioned Teenage Mom. hes so tired man. mikey keeps pulling on his leash :( (he had to put a harness on him).
April - the gifted child syndrome and the eldest sibling syndrome are strong in this one. oh ! but dont worry, shes very good at repressing it. yknow, for other peoples sake :)
Relationships -
Donnie - Close w/ Leo, eldest siblings (though leo is v close in age w/ raph). He lets mikey come into his room and do whatever as long as he doesnt touch anything super dangerous. He respects raph a lot for everything he does. Besties w/ April :) he loves her a lot. shes family
Leo - She admires Donnie a lot just for,,, who he is. hes dependable and she appreciates it. Mikey is her little brother !! she loves him!! she loves doing things w/ him - like clothes shopping. theyre v close! She makes fun of raph but she doesnt rlly mean it, she just thinks hes fun to annoy LOL. April is also her bestie!! she always loves being w/ april and she talks abt her (april) all the time (and later they become gfs)
Mikey - He rlly loves watching donnie work. its fascinating to him. Watches Donnie a Lot and admires him. he loves leo so much!! shes his big sister! she gave him her bow and goes shopping w/ him, and she taught him how to make bracelets :) thinks shes literally the best. so sweet w/ her. Hes the closest w/ raph, though. theyre almost always w/ each other. hes usually dragging raph to places (by force, typically). he is a menace when around raph bc 1. he knows raph hates it 2. he knows no one will believe raph >:)
Raph - Mutually respects Donnie. they understand each other. leo he bickers w/ a lot, since they have such different mindsets. he finds her annoying, but shes still someone he can trust when it really comes down to it. mikey is A MENACE and he HATES HIM. (its a lie. he loves mikey very much. and he cares for mikey so so much). mikey always gives him trouble everyday. no one else seems to understand how much trouble mikey causes, to his disdain. hes always w/ mikey because hes paranoid and afraid of letting smth happen to mikey. April is someone he tends to talk to a lot, and they exchange information a lot abt their siblings. They understand what its like to have younger siblings and have to worry about them.
April - Donnie is HER BESTIEEE. she tells him everything !! she trusts him more than anyone (a title shared w/ Leo). shes almost always hanging around him if not w/ leo, and shes learned a lot abt donnies expressions and his characteristics. she knows a lot abt him. Leo !! leo is the best! theyre just girls who love each other a lot,,, platonically, of course, hahahaha. unless ... ? :) She tends to be similar to how Leo acts around mikey-- hes literally perfect 2 her. shes most calm w/ raph, and she knows he appreciates it. they sip tea together and talk abt everyday things
anyway yeah. thats it. i did say that i had a lot to say. hope yall liked it bc this took a While :')
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seefasters · 10 months
Oh, i dont mean to overstate potters cruelty or agency in this matter- he cant let charles or klinger go at all and its true that charles is a prick. But to me there always felt like there was a tension to me as a viewer where the show invites you to laugh at charles's and klinger's expense when they make attempts to leave that potter stops. Cus the show knows charles and especially klinger are very well justified in their desire to leave. To me it brings about this sort of intersting disonance, not in a bad way so much as a complex and interesting way that enriches the text. Potters the voice of reason and the authority figure the narrative defers to, especially in the later seasons, but his general feeling on these matters is resignation. "It is what it is" "it cant be helped." That resignation certainly isnt wrong or bad- hes being practical. But its hard to sympathize with it over hawkeye or klinger or even charles's rebellion.
As for going awol as an immoral act i suppose i was mostly thinking of various episodes in which people encourage a soldier to return to the front. I believe mulcahy encouraged a young man whod stolen a dead comrades identity in order to escape the army to return to the front. He also spent a whole episode trying to convincea kid who was trying to come home after his fiancee left him that he needed to return to the front. The show always shows characters being reluctant to do that sort of thing, but later on in the show i feel a real sense of resignation to that status quo. Idk if thats making sense but ive been thinking about it a lot. I feel like MASH's castwide emotjonal arc as a whole often concerns itself with the tension between rebellion (which runs the risk of being unrealistic or dangerous) and resigning yourself to reality (which runs the risk of being callous or despair inducing) i personally feel that the show tends to strike a really good balance, but theres something really interesting to me about the fact that, in my opinion, potter (who is loved by pretty much the whole staff and is generally considered the voiceof reason and wisdom) is also the most ardent voice of resignation if that makes sense? Hes wonderful and smart and more often than not hes right- rebellious acts are unrealistic theyre dangerous they cant be done without serious repercussions, the best way to do good is within the system and slyly- not because its the best way to do it but because it is the most effective way to do it without being destroyed by the powers that be. Him being smart or empathetic or reasonable doesnt make him any less oppositional to the spirit of spitfire rebellion that hawkeye embodies it. Potter dampens that. Perhaps thats by necessity for fear that hawkeye burns out, but to me that sort of effect feels more complicated than good or bad. Potter's mediating presence is an expression of care- he is a buffer between his unit and the cruel beurocratic military machine. But making the weight of the armys control easier to bear normalizes it- it puts a kind paternal face on the military authority they are all bring crushed by. The fact that he truly cares and is working within the system in the manner his is doesnt really lessen thar to me- which doesnt make potter villianous or wrongheaded so much as it complicates his approach at least to me. (Sorry a million billion words. Poter thesis to me- i love him i think hes great and his ideological position in the show is rlly interesting)
i don't think the narrative defers to potter as thee authority figure necessarily - he's the "good" army man and the show has to marry this with hawkeye's (and, in turn, the show's) anti army sentiments, which it does with various degrees of success
i do agree with everything else you said though! the mulcahy thing has always confused me a bit too, like sometimes they give him this black and white thinking and sometimes they give him complex moral problems (if i remember correctly, his opposition to the soldier who stole a dead man's identity was that the dead family won't ever learn that the man died, not that the soldier won't return to the front). and there's the episode where he tries to shelter a soldier who's AWOL simply because the soldier requested sanctuary
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candiliam328 · 5 months
✨ Bean's Top Five Song Discoveries of 2023 ✨
yes i realize it is already well into january 2024 but here, enjoy the songs i found this year that define my 2023. if you're new here, hi i used to make obsessive music posts but now dont have time to make full ones so take this instead: your very own unique insight to my 2023!
this post is dedicated to @disco-tea for somehow being invested in all my music adventures and obsessions, bestie ily 🥺💕
STOP (Lollapalooza Version) by j-hope (Eng. translation // Performance w/ Eng. sub)
im totally cheating already by choosing this when i first listened to jitb in 2022. but honestly? i dont care. i saw hobipalooza for the first time in 2023 and this version was only officially released then so here it is now!
to be frank, watching the performance was a completely different experience to me compared to listening to the studio release. while the original recording sounded conversational, it felt like something was exploding out of him during this performance. he needed to get things off his chest and yet still barely stops himself in his tracks from spiralling. and the juxtaposition !! placing it right after Equal Sign, where he is preaching kindness and understanding and unity and even goes so far to say "it costs you nothing to be kind" ?? and then the sudden immediate whiplash into STOP where he is actively holding himself back because its not true! being kind is hard!!! but he wants to be understanding and practice what he preaches but even he fails and gets "contaminated by the viruses" sometimes. its hard, its real, its raw. and ugh !! this song !!!
Bonus: the moment I always start to lose my mind
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its the way the alternate title to this song is "there are no bad people in the world," a belief he holds deep to his core. and yet only a few breaths later, he confesses that the reality of the world makes him question if people are even human anymore. 😩 like wtf-
but also. its so true. and relatable. sometimes i cant even look at the news anymore bc its so hard to be a hopeful and positive and good person when you are bombarded with only hate and tragedy. i have never seen that feeling captured so perfectly in a song. jung hoseok you king.
tldr i think about this song, its performance juxtaposition, and what it means way too often. eternally sad that the youtube video with eng subs playing those songs back to back got taken down, i rewatched it so much it haunts me. may we never ever forget hobipalooza bc jung hoseok made Choices !!
Don't Wanna Cry by Seventeen (Eng. translation // Performance w/ Eng. sub in captions)
the real ones remember how j-hope took over my life that second half of 2022 and how much i fought tooth and nail the entire way... so yeah lol seventeen took over the second half of 2023 and this is the song that got me out of that denial.
the thing is. i had kept hearing about this song and this choreography and how iconic it was, which is why i avoided it for so long. but as we all know, no matter how much i joke, i am and always will be a dancer. dancing will always be in my blood. so it is very on brand that a good dancer has been what gets me into kpop groups 100% of the time (2 out of 2 groups stanned bc i fell for the main dancer 🫣). and as a choreographer, good choreo will always have an unreasonable chokehold on me. and yet, Don't Wanna Cry has the audacity to exist ?? featuring performance unit leader hoshi with his most masterful choreography for this heartbreaking song ?? come onnn, i had no chance.
i cant say anything about this choreo that hasnt been said before but like seriously, watch this practice video and tell me this choreo isnt one of the most in-sync yet emotionally effective pieces of art you've ever seen. You don't even need the translations to understand the emotions behind it. But when I first saw the lyrics with the choreography, I swear I got chills. Ironically, once DK sang out this line:
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my eyes got blurry. because thats the whole point of the song isn't it? thats the whole reason why they dont want to cry. because they realize their time together is limited, their heart is breaking but each second in their presence is so beautiful and precious, how dare tears get in the way of fully appreciating this time together. its beautiful and heartbreaking and then the timing of falling to their knees right after for a chorus just adds into the hopelessness.
And I know everyone talks about the bridge but like- the bridge.
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Lying to yourself that everything is OK only to fall on your knees again begging "come back, come back, come back". The rawness in this choreo. The almost uncontrollable chest pops in this vulnerable, open position because these words are coming from their heart.
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Also Hoshi still to this day calls this one of his favorite svt choreos. He doesn't brag much about his choreo nowadays but the interviews I could find of him proudly relaying the story behind the iconic "streetlight" choreo just 🥺🥺 me too buddy. choreo can be beautiful sometimes and he did so good with this one. 🥺🥺🥺 choreographer hoshi, king of my heart, thank you for making me fall in love with this song 🥺🙌
I'm Just Another Person Oh God by Daisy the Great (lyrics)
Ah, yes. the Daisy the Great phase. I could have picked the whole All You Need is Time album honestly bc the storyline it has in my head is so fucked up I can't handle it. But in the end, it was a toss up between including this one or Aluminum in this list bc those were the ones I had on loop. for. reasons. 🫣
Gosh, what to say about this song. other than admitting, wow was I going through something for this one. Haven't we all felt this way sometimes though? Wanting something so bad and it not working out and then stepping back like. "wait am i being greedy and selfish with this?" and the answer is no! like actually im just being entirely super normal with this. just like everyone else! only i am also filled with some bonus woe! like ?!??!?! wasnt that the biggest 2023 mood? idk it was for me lmao.
There is something to be said with this album though, that is particularly apparent in this song. It's that kind of cynical wistfulness of wanting something you had in the past. Passion? Naivete? Whatever it is. It's gone now bc of life, the passage of time, and you're being like so super brave and normal about it (clenched fist, arthur meme style). Everything is painted with a bit of regret and "why am i always like this", all wrapped up in a funky floaty song that is almost uncomfortably easy to listen and vibe to bc of how concerning those lyrics can be when you really listen. but hey ✌️ it really do be like that sometimes i guess. shoutout to them for the insane 20yearold something vibes bc daisy the great? they get it ahaha.
Snow on Tha Bluff by J. Cole (lyrics)
Lol surprise.
if you ever want to know how i find music, a lot of my favorite songs are usually found by chance. a random deep dive fueled by curiosity or hyperfixation and every so often, my spotify will give me a gem. this particular discovery was bc for a variety of reasons, i decided to listen to a playlist of j.cole's music and was bopping along appropriately until this one came up and. i had to replay it multiple times.
its very understated. and raw. stream-of-consciousness.
i dont even know but i listened to this one a lot. even as i write this now, its been months since i listened to it but when i was making this list, i knew i had to include this one bc of how much ive thought about it.
there's something about understated vulnerability that always gets me in. nothing about this is showy nor does it really seem to have a point other than him needing to get this off his chest. yet there's such a poignant art to it. the instance he speaks about is v specific but the sentiment is still relatable and somehow resonated with me a lot.
idk i just think this song is so beautiful in its simplicity, which is something i think i should try to emulate more considering i said a whole lot of nothing in this section so i think ill stop this one here.
I Don't Understand But I Luv U by Seventeen (Eng. Lyrics)
if i had to pick a song that defined my december, it would be this one. hands down, no contest. i think i listened to this nonstop the last two weeks of the year. and:
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... yeah.
im realizing as i write this post that i spent a lot of this past year just thinking about music and life. seventeen's songs actually tend to be a bit of a slow burn on me so i had known and even heard this song a few times earlier this year but really it only hit me last month. yet despite listening to it nonstop, i cannot recite to you the actual english translation of the song. bc ultimately the translation doesnt matter. what i love about this song is already there in the title.
"I don't understand but I love you"
after all, isnt that love in its truest essense? love is accepting you may never truly understand everything about a person but choosing to love them anyway. love transcends all language and all understanding. its a choice and an action and this is the song that always reminds me of that when love gets hard.
idk what this all says about my 2023 but love is hard. family is hard. but in a way, i think that's what makes it all so beautiful. just as beautiful as this song. i can and will (and have!) listened to this song on repeat bc the ✨vibes✨ i think it might even have been the first song i listened to in 2024. that guitar riff is so sick and sensual. the ad libs are so cute - the little zoom! at 0:46 and smoke smoke! at 2:02, i sing along to it every time 🫣.
also hearing the girlies lose their minds when watching this performance on the big screen during their simulcast concert was so funny but endearing. i'd never but those girls sure love thirst traps skakakka
the story behind this song too just 🥺 hoshi getting absolutely blown by a fan's comment "i dont understand but i love you," repeating it, saying they could use it as part of their lyrics and then a few months later, this song comes out. you can literally see his eyes light up im just 🥺 so endeared. and the way its a Performance Unit song, a unit that is made of 50% foreign members, and that several pre-debut clips show members struggling with language barriers. idk this song is all so soft, it means so much to me and clearly means so much to them. and there we go, its all in the title for me ✨
✨ if you made it all the way here, wow and thanks! here's to even more good music in 2024 ✨
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sadcypher · 2 years
heyo! this might be an out-of-the-blue request but could you perhaps give to a fellow mediocre student that is going to enroll in their first year of a physics degree (with a focus on Astrophysics and Astronomy) some tips on how to survive university? I am going to be a first-generation student so the advice that has been given to me is rather scarce... Anything from simple tips to your personal view would be appreciated!
oh exciting! Im also a first gen student so I also felt very lost and alone at the beginning.
making friends: socializing and networking specifically at the beginning of the first semester is terrifying but almost everyone feels that way, freshers are desperate to make friends so connecting is easier. Also you will find yourself in situations that are perfect set-ups to start off friendships: group projects, people looking for study groups, freshers events, clubs,... just do yourself the favor to participate here and there! Also dont stress yourself about making these friendships within the first weeks, you meet new people throughout your time at university. Also not sure what your housing situation will be but dorms are also a good place to start connecting with people!
feeling very lonely at first: totally normal but be prepared for it, find hobbies and activities you can do on your own that keep you busy, maybe join a sports club or find weekly community meetups? Maybe regularly call friends or family? I wasnt able to avoid feeling very alone even though I was prepared for it but knowing that the odds are good that it wont be like that forever helps!
physics courses are hard: they are doable but time consuming. Keeping a study routine that is low maintenance but consistent is worth more than doing several insane 16 hours study sessions during exam season. And try to find a study group to go through the materials and for solving practice problems, preferably people that you feel at ease and motivated studying with.
Balance and mental health: please take care of yourself! Dont overwork yourself but also dont slack off because thats a good set up for spiraling; you have to find a system that works for you to balance uni, free time, sleep and maybe work, and dont listen too much to what others do, everyones needs and bodies are different so what works for others might not work for you! Tho whatever you do dont cut back on sleep if you can. Additionally having a safety net can be helpful, universities often offer free (or more affordable) counseling!
Feeling out of place: Especially if one isnt a child of academics it is very easy to feel like you dont belong but thats absolute bs. You have every right to be there. You might have to work harder than others which sucks and is very unfair but you will look back and see how much progress you have made. And something I have experienced is that family is often very discouraging, my parents are repeatedly trying to talk me into getting a job because they dont see the point in going through +5 years of university to end up doing something in physics/astro. So feel free to just trust your own head and gut feeling sometimes. At the end of the day it is your future. And self check for imposter syndrome because that can make your time at uni very very hard. If you talk to people about it I can assure you that 75% will share that feeling, and these conversations often help identifying that it is literally just your silly little brain acting up a bit.
if anyone comes up with anything else feel free to add to this list! And i hope some of these were useful, anon!
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
Mann I hope you dont mind if I ramble about my ocs theres just. No Body else to ramble to them about
SEV. Child of Prometheus because I Can Do What I Want. Basically my thought process for that is like. Before the events of PJO isnt Prometheus like just chained up on some cliff or something. If someone can see through the mist I think they can just yknow. See him and interact with him. So my line of thought was that Sev’s mother could see through the mist and found Prometheus, they struck up a relationship, etc etc, then bam Sev happened. For the longest time Sev has no idea hes the kid of Prometheus(especially before claiming is sworn to the river styx) but eventually he does get claimed and is just like. Well Fuck. That sucks. Atleast I have some kind of sorta useful powers?(I havent thought too hard on what his powers are, but due to the myth of Prometheus molding humans out of clay, I was thinking he has some clay manipulation and as his powers grow can make kind of clay automations?) But anyway, now onto Sev as like a whole, he is a member of Camp Jupiter who joined up not very long after the Titan War? Id say like 6 months after it ended? Maybe a year? Anyway, he ended up joining them right after the group he was travelling with got disbanded(and by that I mean half of them were murdered) as a centurion of the fifth cohort since he had basically no recommendation. He kept to himself much of the time he was there but kind of skyrocketed out of his shell and began being very social all a sudden kind of out of nowhere in recent times.
As a person, he kind of irritates everyone around him. Only people with like incredible patience and understanding can really stand him. He tends to grow on people though. He has about the average common sense of your typical teenager, which is to say. None. He has plenty of self-confidence and is a friendly guy despite his tendency to get into trouble and his lack of regard for others safety and well-being. He’s always sort of had problems caring about others feelings and worrying if they’re hurt, but sees that being so nonchalant often dampens how others view him, so he makes an effort to seem concerned. He never means to be careless out of spite or ill will, and is sometimes bothered by how different he feels about things like this then others. He is not very spiteful and although prone to holding grudges he makes an effort to let go of them before they fester into anything.
theres so many other ocs I could talk about (Chance. Apek. Wolfguy) but I dont want to ramble too much/be overwhelming 💀
I always love hearing about people's PJO ocs!!
Yes! A child of Prometheus sounds epic. Be free, do what you want. The clay manipulation powers idea is really cool - honestly you'd expect more demigods to have geokinesis-type powers based on their parents than we see in the series, so seeing OCs with any type of geokinesis is always fun.
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single-malt-scotch · 9 months
tbh re my post about mcrp when i think about the s9 king ren arc in relation to that-- i didnt dislike it like i disliked s8. thats mostly bc of how it was handled.... which is that if someone wasnt directly involved with ren then like. there was no weird feeling that you were actually missing out on something big. like i didnt need to see ren's rping if a hermit was just minding their own business, they werent being forced into a plot and because of that, they could record and play with no real issues or interference.
its important in any big event that if someone isnt involved, its doesnt feel like their viewers are missing something. i point this out in comparison to s8 because the s8 world was right in your face about what story it was projecting onto everyone. the world getting weird with blocks and the moon getting big and if you watched someone not involved then youre just like watching weird shit in the background... ??? if someone ignored that plot their whole season youre left with some random thing you dont really get or sometimes awkward crossing over w people rping really hard while others werent. but king ren didnt do that in such an obtrusive way-- i didnt wanna see the rp so i didnt and i continued watching ppl who were on their own, without any issues being unaware of the things he was doing.
ren really had his own rp things going on and that was great for anyone who wanted it! and i feel like when i didnt i wasnt missing out or confused the entire time. and when other hermits who werent into rping were in any contact with it, it was just about doing "quests" which... werent rp either, they were just normal things to do. it was just 'hey guys, ren set up this cool thing to do quests' and nothin else. they did not have to put on a character and become part of a story arc. and i still give much props to ren for that bc its again another thing that did not interrupt other hermit's existing season if they didnt want to rp legit. the quests were just getting items, helping the server, fan interaction... so it worked.
even the smallest crossovers of uninvolved hermits didnt cause a continuing issue in their videos-- the point is that compared to s8, this wasnt a world wide event that forced itself on players in a way they couldnt avoid. s8 was on a timer with its plot which caused all kinds of issues imo. king ren impacted the server for a bit but now its like....it never happened. not in a bad way, just that it was not a permanent thing that would affect everyone, you know? even if someone didnt care for anything king ren, you can keep watching with no issue bc from many povs its like it never happened.
i get people like s8 but i see it often loved by those accustomed to the new age of mcrp. which is why i find it annoying when its applied to hermitcraft which is not at all the mcrp people keep projecting onto it. because hc hasnt ever focused on that, or has it done so in a way that works- bc they just dont do that in general.
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shinkaishoujo103 · 10 months
Subaru Akehoshi for the ask game!!📣📣📣📣📣
Hi panda! Ty for the ask and i hope you dont kill me--/j
(ask game here!)
Sexuality Headcanon
Never really thought about it so im mostly making things up on the spot...he's definitely on the ace spectrum to me? probably asexual...maybe even aromantic or demiromantic? oh and bisexual...i may be wrong but he strikes me as the type of guy who doesnt really care about gender and just...loves? idk...
Gender Headcanon
His gender is car/j
OKAY MORE SERIOUSLY i never thought about it either so once again making things up on the spot except its more complicated this time...i guess i dont really have anything so hes just. cis? to me? just a guy...oh orrr maybe agender...as i already said he strikes me as the type of guy to not care about gender much...hes just his own thing or something? idk if i make myself clear. but i get a lot of 'just a guy (gn)' gender vibes from him. if it even makes any sense
A ship I have with said character
Pandaru :3c
But if its with canon characters...i dont really ship him with anyone per se? sure i do enjoy the basics like subahokke, polystars, and appreciate the more underrated ships like subanatsu, subakoga or even subaei...but theres a difference between liking and shipping, isnt there?
Actually the more i think about it, the more the aroace vibes just grows-- its difficult for me to see him in a romantic relationship?
A BROTP I have with said character
Trickstar are numero uno always and forever, naturally! They are just so the bestest of friends, soulmates even, i wish i had what they have...
But i also do like his dynamic with natsume and koga! I find it sweet how subaru and natsume were friends during war era, when they both were fairly isolated, and i remember reading some fairly wholesome moments between subaru and koga...
His dynamic with chiaki and nagisa are also definitely interesting :3c
A NOTP I have with said character
Anyone who isnt panda/j
Okay but actually, nothing in particular? At least i cant think of anything...
A random headcanon
I...do not have anything i think! And coming up with a random headcanon on the spot would probably be difficult so...unfortunately i have nothing, sorry--
General Opinion over said character
Definitely a very complex character, that i struggle to understand sometimes...but he's definitely interesting, and i do like him! He's in my list of characters i gotta get to know more...so actually, i would be interested in an info dump from you :3c because as i like to say, if finding the time or energy to read stories is too hard (which often is--), just ask your friend to info dump about their little guy-- its another good way to go...:3c
I also think he deserves some more love and recognition! And the good kind! He's not the ensemble stars for nothing after all/j
No because i feel like its common for people to mischaracterize him, or even dislike him? or is it just me? so we are definitely lucky to have a subaruP/trickstarP like you in our community, panda :3c
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darianias · 11 months
My opinions on Demon Slayer/ Kimetsu No Yaiba Dub voices.
Please read this section before giving any accusations, I am not hating on people or thier tastes. Also writing this on mobile else I'd make it prettier. But I am bad at summarizing so yeah.
Okay so I recently got Crunchyroll and I saw they offer multiple dub languages which peaked my curiousity. I wrote alot of notes down for my roommate as we both watched them all + the uppermoons for the english dub as we have seen alot of english dub clips on tiktok.
I am more neutral on the sub vs dub thing and think it comes to personal tastes or accessibility. My dyslexia isnt severe enough I can't read subtitles and use them often for my dysaudia. And as I said people have different tastes so in this case I dont really care. As long as we respect each other.
That in mind, we usually go with the ones that we like the voices for more unless the anime isn't dubbed yet. Usually we prefer the sub but often still like the dub and will watch both. Sometimes we hate the dub and a few times we like the dub better. Just really comes down to how we like the voices. There isnt always a reason for it, its just what feels right to us lol. I feel like I can be picky.
Okay so with this in mind the Japanese voices are our favorite and what we like, but I'm here to give my opinion on the English, Spanish & Porugese dubs. And go from favorite to least favorite.
I do NOT think these are bad VAs but more so bad casting.
Its going to roll as:
⭐ favorite tidbit of it as I want to have at least a bit of a positive for each.
Spanish Dub
TL;DR: Would legit watch if I had it had english subs or if I was MUCH better with spanish. 😅🥰
I feel like it mostly hits the mark pretty well, I don't like Kyojuro's voice and muichiro sounds a bit too old. But a few of them sound like the japanese vas speaking spanish, some changes in voice but voices do that when switching languages I find. But overall if not sounding very similar they go for something that fits the character in some aspect very well. Like Sanemi's unhinged rants when he has Nezuko.
⭐ SPANISH OBANAI GIVES ME LIFE. The guy they chose sounds a little hissy in his voice and it just fits so well and makes me laugh bc of that. (Fits well enough outside the hissy part too)
English Dub
TL;DR: Great VAs, BUT the casting person was high or drunk tho. Its so dissapointing and infuriating to me.
THE CASTING FEELS SO OFF. LIKE I KNOW VOICE ACTORS IN HERE AND THEYRE GREAT, BUT I FEEL LIKE THEY GAVE ALOT OF THEM THE WRONG ROLE SISODHIDJS. Some of these feel like the bad dub voices of early 2000s and 90s anime (not saying all are bad, just talking about the bad ones) very annoyingly so. Not my least favorite but infuriates me the most 😅 Inosuke, Gyomei and Sanemi are alright. The hashira overall bother me the most, though it sounds almost like they aimed for a deku-like voice for him which bugs me as like.... that worked for Deku because he's a dweeb.
⭐ The uppermoons sound great! I feel like its pretty spot on, zenitsu as well. Albeit that Zenitsu is more annoying.
TL;DR: Overall least favorite, maybe its that I need to hear more Portugese voices overall? Regardless it just didn't scratch my brain the right way. Like trying to pet a cat like a dog.
so far one of my least favorite, the voices mostly sound so off.  Sanemi is pretty decent, Gyomei's voice is SOOOO DEEP. The Sanemi is kind of similar to the spanish. But most dont feel like they fit at ALL. Misturi's sounds like a stereotypical spanish tv dramas (tele novellas??) Like in cartoons and such. Shinobu sounds almost like robotic, or a voice filter. 
⭐ So far Second favorite voice for Kyojuro I feel, despite me disliking most of the voices??? Very odd 😅😂
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owlets-outlet · 2 years
apparently a kdrama with a female autistic lead came out?? so my autistic ass is gonna watch it and let you know how good it is.
ok so first of all. i feel like this is the first kdrama with an autistic lead ever??? and she´s female too??? LOVE. IT. i am also not expecting perfect rep tho, because its... a kdrama. cmon.
episode 1:
things i disliked:
-first and foremost: the whole “oh no, shes autistic :(( horrible news for me as a dad...” thing is just not the vibe. props to him being a loving father tho
-the whole autistic genius thing is overdone by now
-her geniality somehow “made it better to bear” that shes autistic?? mm
-she´s played by a neurotypical actress. i personally dont care that much, especially considering that SK is a small country and its hard to look for autistic actors, but still
-she´s very much the autistic stereotype that we all know. again, nothing i hate too much, because the fact that theres an autistic female lead in a kdrama is a huge step
-occassionally in the outro graphics and in some of the soundtrack, there are elements of infantilization. guys pls dont play silly music while the mc is forced to relive childhood trauma and her personal space is being violently invaded by an angry, screaming man, thank you.
-this one im conflicted about: ocd like symptoms. yes, autistic people do sometimes who them, but sometimes autistic people have ocd as a separate disorder. also its a stereotypical symptom. but its okay i guess.
things i liked:
-the story is told through her perspective. we also get her narration sometimes, revealing that she is a three dimensional person, just cant express some parts outwardly.
-ramblessssss! theyre p good actually
-she is her own person, capable of making her own decisions and doesnt need saving. she is capable of expressing and communicating her needs. (unless shes having a meltdown, or overstimulated. many people on the spectrum cant, and thats okay, but im glad she has agency, ok,it doesnt happen often in media) only needs support when things get unbearable. very nice.
-law isn´t her special interest, whales are! many shows make the persons special interest their whole personality, glad they branched out lol
-accurate representation of overstimulation and anxiety in public spaces
-connected to the last point, her coping mechanisms and stims are accurate to real life and relatable: noise cancel headphones with white noise, pacing when stressed to ground herself, finger stimming...
-stims actually dont look a caricature!! even though they´re basic and stereotypical, they are real and not overexaggerated
-represents sensory issues well, they arent basic, but personalized to her, which is great! for example: her dad removes all tags from her clothes bcs they bother her, she has a specific safe food (bibimbap)
-lack of empathy is handled well too. she uses logic to determine how others may feel, but it is shown that its something she had to learn! very good
-also!! she. has emotions, just doesnt express them the way other people would!!
-a big one: THE VISUAL REPRESENTATION OF HER INSIDE WORLD ISNT TRIGGERING TO ME. it still may be to some people, but, unlike the music movie (ew), it isnt bright, flashing and fast paced: its flowing, with neutral, soft colors and calm noises
-her and her best friend are the perfect adhd and autism solidarity
-her aversion to touch seems to be handled well so far: she learns to tolerate it, not like it (thank god), for the sake of comforting other people (not to please them, but only when needed)
-its a kdrama. shes getting a love interest. an autistic person being treated as an adult?? with a love interest?? DAMN (the bar is on the floor, huh)
i will update this as i make my way further through the episodes, but im cautiously optimistic so far!
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