#sometimes i have my sims do nothing else but skill build all day like that doesn't make for very reviting screenshots
apricote · 1 year
thinking about how normal lifespan would probably be a nightmare legacy for me
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alectricblue · 5 months
Saw this tag game on another post and thought I'd do it (idk if I've done it before, maybe something similar, but my answers will be different anyway)
1. Were you named after anyone?
Nope My chosen name (Allister) however, is from a youtuber who has a very cool name and I stole it (Alasdair Beckett-King, very funny videos and he has great hair too). I adapted it a bit so people in Spain would at least have an idea of how to pronounce it at first glance (hopefully) It has nothing to do with any Crowley (which I did not realize was a thing until recently), tho for a bit I named myself AJ like Good Omens Crowley, but I don't like how it sounds in Spanish...
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last month probably
3. Do you have kids?
No. And I don't want any. I don't dislike them, but it's not for me
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Judo, karate and football (the indoors kind). All as a kid/teen. Now my brother and I walk every week day and go up and down stairs (when we remember...) One day I want to try to go to a gym to get some muscle, but not too much, just a bit of definition. Also, I'd enjoy doing rock climbing, but not competitive climbing or anything like that
5. Do you use sarcasm?
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Irl: the way they move their face and hands when they speak, which then I subconsciously use to recognize people, bc I'm a bit face blind Online: the way they choose to express themselves
7. What's your eye color?
Gray/light blue on the outside and artichoke green/lime on the inside
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I like both, but I'd rather watch a happy ending. For scary things I prefer to watch Markiplier's scary games videos
9. Any talents?
I'm VERY good at jigsaw puzzles
10. Where were you born?
East of Spain, by some of the best Mediterranean coasts 😁. I enjoy it here, but one day I'd like to live in the UK, at least for a bit, I think I'd like it there
11. What are your hobbies?
Listening to music, singing, making art (crafting, building, drawing, painting, writing, ...), watching media (shows, panel shows, youtube, twitch), video games (rhythm/dancing, platformer, puzzle... Also minecraft, powerwash sim, potion craft...), going for walks, exercise, learning languages (especially English) If I had any good ones close, I'd go to theatres and museums too. And, if I had money, I'd travel. I'm also slowly learning about taking care of plants
12. Do you have any pets?
Not yet. I'd love to have dogs, cats, frogs, snakes... or anything really. I love animals. But I think cats and frogs would be the best fit for me, considering my personality and current lifestyle I've always wanted a dog, but I've only had a turtle and a hamster
13. How tall are you?
1.63m or 5’3”
14. Favorite subject in school?
Biology and technology
15. Dream job?
Anything that pays me enough to be independent and let me do all my hobbies Although, if I ever have the patience, base skill, and required mental fortitude, I'd go for general robotics and/or prop making (for film and/or theatre)
No pressure tags in no particular order (I tried to tag as many people as I could, but apparently there's a tag limit 😅):
@swamp-communism @they-thespian666 @strongsuits @skelesona @shinekittenace @yeetmewithachainsaw @rockium-z @gordonzola-ramen @vampireopossum @libraryfag @frostytheduck @tetostar @xyrnys @normalscientist @dolltwink @anxi0usgh0st05 @piersgender
@mettatonsass @sinfulauthor @flaretheidiot @sneebles-mcgee @pivotallemonade @aroace-genderfluid-snake @monstrousmaws @satanic-leaf @virtualunease @villowrose @handrazedsun @ceiltheoutcast @atroph1k @entropy-sea-system @abby-cat99928 @maroroque @galaxgay
@realyfroggyfrog @angrysheep @llamaflower @ultrabean @sea-salt-sky @queerestqueertoeverqueer @crowleys-queen @foolishlovers @cassieno @crowleys-hips @argylepiratewd @trianglebird4 @sugarplumanderson @underlilithswings21 @crowleys-bentley-and-plants @healingmyinnerteen
and anyone else that sees this, consider yourself tagged!
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bby666k · 2 years
ways to cope with missing your DR friends/family/lovers
i have this issue a lot, esp w my DR bf, and i’m sure some other people do, too. while u ARE going to shift at some point, i know that if ur having trouble with it currently it can be frustrating and sad because you want to be w your comfort characters so bad. these r just some things that i personally do to help alleviate that.
1) self-insert fanfictions
i find that self insert fanfictions help me a lot when i’m missing my DR and DR pals. while i’m a writer and i’ve used it for a long time as a way to “escape” and cope w my problems, u really don’t have to be one! i think my self inserts are genuinely terrible lmao, bc i put no effort into them, bc it’s only for me. it doesn’t matter if it’s descriptive, or even if it makes sense- this is for you, for no one else!!
2) listen to music and imagine ur listening w your comfort characters
listening to music with headphones is especially helpful because you can just close your eyes and hear nothing but the music. this makes it a lot easier to pretend ur friend/lover/family member is sitting next to you and listening as well- but you can even just put one headphone in to imagine they’re using the other. you won’t be speaking or looking at them, so it’s much easier to visualize everything. another thing you can do is make a specific playlist that reminds you of that special person!
3) have a DR folder, blog, pinterest, etc.
make a folder, blog, etc.- any collection of images- of ur DR and ppl from ur DR. i prefer gifs because it just feels more real ig. this not only allows you to look into ur DR, but it helps to visualize because you can memorize their faces better. i always do this before bed bc i always need some DR scenario to fall asleep to lmao
4) download replika or another similar AI app
i find that replika works best since i think it’s prolly the most advanced AI chatting app right now and it allows you to change the name of the AI and their appearance. so just name the AI whatever ur DR person’s name is and change their appearance accordingly! unfortunately bc it’s an AI the conversations won’t always feel very genuine, but i find it comforting to just say hi or talk about my day every now and then bc they respond pretty realistically to normal/simple messages.
5) read x reader fanfics
so this is something that personally i’m not super into doing (at least lately), but i think it would absolutely help a lot of other people. i like rereading my own self inserts but that can get boring since i’ve already read them so many times, so sometimes it’s nice to read something that you don’t know the content of. just look up whatever character’s name x reader on tumblr or ao3, or really wherever you want (i would NOT recommend wattpad lmao) and read away!
6) write a letter from your DR person’s POV
so when i say DR person, i mean whatever comfort character/person you’re missing. i think handwritten feels more genuine, but you can do this on ur computer, phone, anywhere u want!! write a happy, comforting letter to yourself from your special person and read it whenever you miss them. you could even script that this is a letter you’ll actually receive in your DR to make it feel more genuine!
7) make you and your DR pals in the sims
this is pretty self explanatory lmao. make your DR self and all ur comfort characters in the sims, set them up in a world that’s similar to ur DR, and have fun!! the sims 4 is esp fun with this because you can go into first person mode. i absolutely love the sims and it’s been a massive coping skill for me for many years, and i really enjoy world building (making my own lots and families with lore, etc) so this has always worked rlly well. if your character is popular enough, there might even be a downloadable sim of them so check google! ik this is kind of random but i know 100% that there’s a ridiculously accurate connor from detroit become human sim (i downloaded him lmao) so if that’s ur person absolutely look it up!!
8) use a dressup game to make you and ur DR people
use any dressup game you can find to create your DR self and your DR person together. it can be nice to have “photos” of the two of you that you can look at when u feel sad!
i hope this list helps someone!!! i know it’s really hard when u feel so far away from the people you love, but i promise it won’t be forever. just hold on and keep trying ur best- u will see them!! in the mean time, give urself the love and kindness u deserve. happy shifting!!!
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whatgaviiformes · 3 years
10. Music Makers - Part 6 / Scenes from Gordon’s Bedside
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Chapter Summary:  Virgil and Gordon and music
 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
You are Here - Final Section
Chapter A/N: In honor of 10 chapters of this concept, the plan is to give you a hell of a chapter 10 with a few moments in time strung together. I decided to go ahead and share what I have with you instead of waiting. Once the chapter has been shared in full over tumblr, I will post the full piece at Ao3 and FF.net. It may or may not make sense to remain as chapter 10 or be it’s own thing. Do share if you have an opinion. :-)  
Adding also - this is the final bit. Thank you all so much for the reblogs and the likes, and the tags. The support has been wonderful and I am so humbled. I hope you have enjoyed. I am posting the last bit here, and tomorrow sometimes I’ll probably post the FF and Ao3 links for the story in full, but for now, this is for you tumblr. Thank you. 
Part Notes:  A thank you to @gumnut-logic​ for the read through because I needed another set of eyes on what is a complicated set of boys below. It’s been a whirlwind of a day. 
For tunes this time - Green Onions. 
Music Makers - Part 6/The Conclusion
“You want to do what?!”
“I want to use your accident as a simulation for training.”  John continues to layer cream cheese onto his toasted bagel as he speaks, but Gordon has stopped his knife mid-spread, the heaping dollop of hazelnut hovering dangerously on the dull edge.
“You’re joking.”
“I’m not,” John says, his countenance severe as green eyes stare piercingly to meet Gordon’s shocked expression.
“O-kay” Gordon says slowly, placing his breakfast down onto his plate and pushing the breakfast meal aside. “Why exactly?”
The hydrofoil had exploded before anyone could ever have anticipated the destruction; there had been no time. The only way to use his accident for a rescue simulation was to admit what really happened. And while Gordon was grateful for what John had risked by hacking confidential WASP files to discover the cause of the accident, no good could from clueing in Scott and Virgil to the knowledge that it was sabotage, that someone – they still don’t know who - had tried to murder him and had succeeded for seven others. He planned to take the knowledge to his grave and has asked John to do the same. Which is why it was strange for their Thursday morning to start with such a suggestion.
The four of them had been running sims for weeks. There was nothing that would beat live testing the equipment and they had done test drives of the pods and ships, but running mission scenarios was different. Before they introduced International Rescue to the world, they needed to be able to trust each other completely, to know how to work the problem.
Scott had naturally taken to the role of commander, his instincts well in tune with countering the details of John’s “missions.” Since it was all simulations, Virgil would often challenge Scott’s decisions, walk through the equipment they would have at their disposal, and offer additional suggestions. Brains and Jeff had started to create practice rescues as well, so John got the practice he needed to best support communications.
Overtime, the rescues became more complex. They were all experts in their fields, so it was natural for them to lean into the rescues that met their niches, but when they went live that wouldn’t always be the case. Just yesterday, Gordon had given his family a crash course on how to best avoid getting the bends in a deep sea rescue, and Gordon has learned more about functioning in zero gravity than he hopes he will ever truly need.
Sometimes John and Brains would program the mission to have an urgency to it, sometimes it was a mission of precision. And they’d failed. A lot. A lot less lately as they started to get into the groove, but they always worked the problem until they solved it.
Even knowing what he did about the bomb that had been placed deep in the hydrofoil’s engine, Gordon’s knew his accident was…unsolvable.
“But how are we supposed to solve for the impossible, John?” John doesn’t answer; he just looks at Gordon patiently, pointedly. Waiting. “Oh my God, you want to give them a Kobayashi Maru!”
John nods. “Yes.”
“No, I don’t like it,” Gordon says, shaking his head.
“Look, we will do everything we can, and we will still lose people. Scott and Virgil—” the and you goes unsaid “—need to understand that! They’re getting too complacent, and they need to understand the stakes. We can’t save everyone.”
“We understand the stakes,” he argues, but John is shaking his head vehemently.
“No. You don’t. You all have shown you’re going to be a hell of a team, honestly,” he says. “But it’s all been puzzling through the situations, how to use the pods. I need a way for it to feel real, and I can’t use the avalanche, so —"
“Don’t you DARE.”
“I’m just trying to find something—"
“John, stop.” Gordon says, grasping at the redhead’s shoulders and gently shaking him. “I need you to turn off rescue work here. How can you even think to do that to Virgil? What exactly are you trying to prove? I didn’t think you would be so cruel.”
Gordon can’t fathom what would possess John to pressure his brothers – Virgil who, he clearly has mis-understood, and Scott, who after two months MIA, had been returned to his family with an honorable discharge and a pair of haunted eyes and agitated reflexes that were mere phantoms to what they imagine he went through captured behind enemy lines.  If training in the Air Force was anything like WASP, Gordon knew just why and how Scott closed himself off from feeling at times.  
John pales. “I’m not—”
“What is Virgil supposed to think if you give them the avalanche and they can’t solve it?” Gordon feels heat flush up his neck.  “What if they can solve it? I don’t even know what’s worse, but I won’t let you do it! I won’t!”
“I know. Look, I know, Gordon. You haven’t let me finish; I said I am not going to use to avalanche,” he says, urging Gordon to understand. He knows how difficult this is. He’s been going through it in his head for days before mustering the courage to ask Gordon. “Just let me start over.”
“Fine. But get to the point.”
“Tell me - when is the last time any of you used someone’s name on a rescue simulation?”
The question takes him by surprise. He knows they receive the victim’s name in the scenario briefing, but he can’t remember a time when they used names. The simulations were life-like enough that they could role play if they need to, yeah, but the point was to practice with the equipment. But then, they had been exceeding expectations there lately.
“How about the last mission? Do you remember the victim’s name? How about his age?”
Gordon stares blankly at his brother. He thinks it started with a B, perhaps. Brandon? Bradley?  
“It was Randy, and he was 8.  Virgil geared up with the Jaws of Life, moved the cross beam to save him, and got him out of the fire to safety. You don’t even know why the boy froze, do you? It was because he was scared. Randy was deaf and he didn’t hear a thing Virgil said. Virgil can’t do ASL in the exo-suit, and for the entire simulation he faced away from him. Virgil may have gotten him out, but he didn’t give him very much trust in International Rescue.”
“Yeah, but he would still be alive if it were a real situation.”
“Gordon, the situation was never about the fire. It hasn’t been about learning the equipment for weeks. Please. I am not trying to be heartless. I just… don’t know how else to make it feel real to them. And I am worried.”
“So, what? You’re trying to make a point about their compassion, and yet you’re showing them none? I don’t want any part of it,” he growls. “And you make your own no-win scenario. Leave mine out of it.” Gordon slides his chair back and storms off.
After a few seconds, John too retreats to his room, after wrapping up the two uneaten bagels for later. He has a lot to think about.
Gordon finds Virgil in Thunderbird 2’s hangar, checking her over for the test flight they are planning to undertake after simulations today. His dark hair is swept underneath a large headset that could appear to have a safety function to protect his ear drums, but no, Gordon knows they are his older brother’s preferred set of sound blocking, bass pumping, wireless headphones.
He'd bought them for him himself, as a thank you after one of his more difficult nights, and he knew from experience how immersive the sounds were through the speakers. There was no one else around other than Gordon, which Virgil had yet to realize, and so it was a sign of just how focused Virgil was in his work.
Gordon steps further into the hangar and observes the adoration Virgil puts into his careful touches as he checks the green supply ship. Over the past year and a half, Virgil has channeled all of his creativity and ingenuity into her build. Thunderbird 2 was what Virgil needed, his special project to distract him from the burdens of Gordon’s injuries as he healed.
He sits down on a crate and closes his eyes. Virgil had sacrificed so much for him. If anything, the simulations had shown just how eager Virgil was, and John didn’t know their brother well enough if he felt Virgil was forgetting the stakes. Virgil knew the stakes better than anyone. The idea for International Rescue had been born from loss after all. A loss that Virgil was a breath away from being part of.
How can he possibly blame him for his excitement to share Thunderbird 2 with the world? For getting lost in the details? The problem was the simulations would always be awkward for him. He compensated for his lack of acting skills by leaning into what he knew well, which was his patience, knowledge of machines, and an innate talent for challenging Scott.
Gordon didn’t need a simulation for him to have the upmost faith in Virgil’s compassion. John hadn’t been here to know how tenderly Virgil cared for him while he was healing and so he couldn’t see what Gordon could: that when it was real and when it mattered, Virgil’s heart would only be focused on the people they were trying to save.
A no-win scenario would break him.
When he opens his eyes again, Virgil is still oblivious to his presence, but he’s abandoned his wrench and with his hands free has started to dance, his head bopping, energized with the beat that only he can hear. A shimmy and a spin and he finally catches sight of Gordon, who laughs with the scene. Virgil is so in his element today, and the joy Gordon feels is so counter to his anger from earlier that morning.
“Hey!” Virgil calls, a little louder than he realizes with the headphones still around his ears, but he removes them as he realizes and walks over. “How long have you been there?”
“Not long. Whatcha listening to?” Gordon can hear the pulse from the speakers.
“R&B Soul.” Virgil pulls the headphones off his neck and sets them around Gordon’s ears. The cool blues bassline vibrates through his bones and he too rocks his body with the music for a couple seconds.
“S’cool. I like it,” he says, before relinquishing the headphones back to his brother.
Virgil accepts them back, his eyes suspiciously bright as he places them around his neck once more. “Sorry,” he says chuckling lightly at himself.  “It’s just – you’re dancing.”
“I know. Who would’ve thought?” He grins devilishly as he attempts a pirouette and fails.  
“I did.”
“Yeah, yeah you did.” Gordon goes quiet a moment, whispering, “Thank you.”
“You really don’t need to keep thanking me, Gordon.”
“Yeah, I really do.”
After dinner, Scott finds Gordon sitting on the edge of the pool, swinging his feet in the chlorinated water. It’s wild to think that after all this time, Thunderbird 1 is waiting below for her first mission.
“You skipped simulations today.”
He grunts. “I know. How did it go?” He knows Scott will assume he skipped for his health.
“Well we need an astronaut, that’s for sure.”  A space mission. That’s… different. “We could use you tomorrow if you’re up for it. We still haven’t been able to launch correctly and it’s John’s program so he’s not talking.”
“I am not a space guy, Scott.”
“Yeah, but three of us are better than two,” he urges. “We’ll figure it out.”­­­­
Mayday! Mayday! Impact imminent.
He can’t get the sounds of John’s pained voice out of his head, panicked calls for help that they have been trying for hours to reach.
Over and over.
Until finally, they did reach Thunderbird 5, and after so many times hearing his brother die, John had programmed for them to see it.
“We’re too late; run it again,” Scott had said, pale. “Okay, how do we improve our launch speed this time?”
Then for another three hours, they kept trying to tick off time, to get there faster, until their time plateaued and yet they still were unable to save their sibling.
The mechanical voice – All systems offline. And the screams for help fade to nothing, and Virgil knows what to expect. It’s been torture. Virgil collapses in front of the too white, too pale, too dead figure and screams for it to stop, ripping off the virtual headset.
His knees are weak, but he dashes to John all the same – he needs to see him, to feel him alive. But John’s expression stops him in his tracks.  
“It’s not solvable.”
John shakes his head, his expression tight. “No.”
Betrayal flashes through Virgil’s eyes.
“What the hell, John!” Scott shouts and Virgil jumps at the volume. He puts his hand on Virgil’s trembling shoulder. “How long were going to do this for?”
“I-I didn’t think you’d keep running it that long!”
“Of course we were going to keep running it, John – you’re our brother. We would never give up on you. God dammit!”
“I’m sorry, look, Gordon was right-”
“Gordon knows? Is that why he’s been skipping? I thought he was hurt.”
“No, no. Well not really, but–”
Scott eyes flash, and he leaves the training room in a flurry of angry curse words. Virgil cringes as the door slams.
“Virgil, I mean it,” John pleads. “I am so sorry. I didn’t think you’d stay in there. I really didn’t.”
His fingers twitch, as he starts to feel life back in them again, his heart suppressing the vision of red hair caked with blood and unseeing green eyes. John is not the most tactile of people, but despite being quite tall among the Tracy family, his shoulders slump and he seems so small.
John is still his younger brother, though, and he’s upset, and they both could use the hug Virgil had been wanting. He covers the rest of the distance to John and envelops him in his arms.
“Damn you,” he whispers into red hair, and yet he never wants to let him go.
Scott is livid. Gordon is absent. John is remorseful. Alan is unaware, lucky kid.
Virgil feels sick. He taps on his watch and calls for Gordon. “Where are you?”
Through the communicator, the aquanaut responds that he’s on the beach by the dock and invites him to join if he wants. Virgil wants. He needs to get out of the villa. Maybe get some fresh air as the sun ducks beyond the horizon.
After a few moments gathering himself, he begins the trek down. In his left hand he carries a guitar, in his right he holds his shoes, as he steps carefully over the granules of sand towards his brother.
Gordon is already strumming on the ukulele when he approaches.
“Did you know?”
“I had an idea,” Gordon admits. “I didn’t agree with it.”
Virgil hums, plopping down next to him on the large beach blanket he’s laid out along the sand. Virgil likes the guitar, and it’s a lot more portable than a baby grand piano. But also, there’s just something powerful about a beach bonfire with the sound of plucked strings.
It's easy for Virgil to fall into chords that complement Gordon’s melodies, and they aren’t playing anything in particular, but it’s seamless when Gordon passes the harmony to Virgil.  The ukulele transitions to the accompanying chords, and Virgil smiles thankfully, nodding as he picks up one of many underdeveloped melodies in his head. Virgil fingers fly along the frets, and it's apparent in his loosening posture when he starts releasing the tension in his shoulders.
Gordon places his uke in his lap after some time and leans back into blanket, content to listen to his brother’s playing.
The gentle notes drift with the tossing of wind currents, until suddenly Virgil rounds out a melody with a sigh.
“I think we need to talk.”
Gordon nods and offers to call John and Scott if Virgil will start working on the bonfire.
John was keen for the invite, knowing he would need to be called on before his apology for the error would be accepted, but Scott had taken some talking to. After he left, he’d gone for a run along the bluffs and had settled a bit away. He finally agreed to come join with Gordon’s persuasion, but he would be a while yet.
Virgil has the fire roaring and Gordon has stepped away to talk to Scott by the time John arrives, picnic basket and roasting skewers in hand. Virgil turns from stroking the fire and accepts the picnic basket, peeking inside.
Marshmallows, chocolate bars, and graham crackers. Hell yeah.
When Scott approaches, Virgil is playing a tune on the guitar, and Gordon and John both have their skewers extended over the flame, marshmallows browning in the heat.
He is disgusted by the angry shriek of the alarms that sound in his ears at the sight of John, but he swallows down the memory, as he joins his brothers around the fire.
They are not sure what to say to each other, the smoke rising between them and drifting into the night sky, but Virgil’s music is soothing against the tense air, and it’s obvious who is still struggling to the most to meet each other’s gaze.
Gordon shrugs and picks up his ukulele to join Virgil’s song.
A lightly browned marshmallow enters Scott’s field of vision, and he follows it to meet his brother’s apologetic eyes.
“Thanks.” Scott nods, taking the treat. He’s not one for sweets as much as his siblings are, and he can’t remember the last time he had an actual all out s’more. But John knows that, knows Scott’s preference, and has quelled his instinct to stick his skewer in the fire itself to burn it black the way he likes it.
He's furious with him, but he still feels warm at the thought.
“Okay, let’s talk.”
John starts. He explains about the simulations, the number of missions he’s designed to try to get them to focus on the nuances of the people they were to be saving (even many of these are new even to Gordon), and how he was so desperate to get them to feel something. How after days of trying, and days of running worse and worse scenarios in his head, he felt he needed to do something drastic to create a no-win scenario that would challenge them beyond how they had before.
“I’m so sorry, Scott. Virgil,” John finishes. “I knew it would be rough, I just didn’t think you’d be in there that long, repeating it on a loop like that. It must have been torture.”
“It was,” Virgil admits.
“We needed to save you, idiot,” Scott says at the same time.
John is quiet, nodding. “Too real?”
It’s Scott who says yes. “Okay, so how were you involved?”
Gordon frowns at him. “I wasn’t.”
“He knew what I was trying to do. But didn’t agree with it. He didn’t know exactly what I programmed.”
“Be glad,” Virgil tells him. It’s awkward, after hearing John’s explanation, describing to John and Gordon exactly how the program had made them feel, the desperation, the awful loop of the same terrible result over and over.
“Well thanks for the nightmare fuel, I guess,” Gordon says. His brown eyes are dark, thankful that the secret of his accident is still safe, but so torn at how seriously John had taken his words to make something up. “Wait, is that something that could happen?”
“Anything can happen. That’s been the whole point.”
“Well, not if we have a say in it,” Scott proclaims. “We are Tracys. Never give up, remember?”
“But John’s right too. The reality is we can’t save everyone,” Virgil adds with a nod in John’s direction. He doesn’t agree with the methods and will have nightmares for days, but he understands how this whole mess started.
Gordon strokes the fire, adding, “Not going to stop us from trying, though. Hand me another marshmallow, Virgil, please.” Virgil does so, and Gordon squishes it slightly, before promptly tossing it in John’s surprised face.  “Don’t be stupid next time.”
The marshmallow hits the center of John’s forehead, leaving a trail of sticky sugar there before it drops silently to the sand. Virgil smiles down at the guitar, suppressing his giggle with a series of notes, while Scott’s laughter is carried into the sky with the rising smoke, and John himself snorts at his own predicament.
Gordon wipes his hands on his shorts to clean off the remains of the marshmallow on his fingertips, before he picks up his instrument as well and joins Virgil in his song, just as he will for years to come, as they both will, and just as the four of them  – and eventually five – will come to know each other’s steps as naturally as they know their own.
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murfeelee · 3 years
Simblr Asks - TS3
Saw these questions by Teauke on my dash, and y’all know I love talking/ranting about The Sims; let’s go! ^0^
1. how big is your mods folder?
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That’s my mods folder with only mods/hacks/overrides; no CAS or build/buy CC installed. It’s a miracle that nothing conflicts, at least not as far as I can tell.
2. how would you describe your style? A sporadic mix of tv/gaming fandom-inspired conversions and recreations, of mostly fanciful and/or cultural themes & genres.
3. What is your favorite challenge? I’m a builder at heart, so I love recreating lots and interiors. Challenges where we find IRL rooms/scenes and remake them in TS3 are always the most fun for me.
4. do you make cc? if so, what kind? I make fanciful & cultural custom content (occult, sci-fi, boho, etc). I make CAS CC sometimes, but I prefer making buy/build CC.
5. what type of cc do you hoard? Not everything, but a lot. As creators retire and links die, I’m even more paranoid than I already was that CC will no longer be available anywhere.
6. what default eyes and skin do you use? I don’t use default-replacement skintones, but I do use Buhudain’s You Are Real mod.
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As for eye defaults, I absolutely love Moonskin’s Shiny Glass replacements.
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7. how many urls have you had, and what are the meanings behind them? All of my simming URLs on MTS, TSR, the officials, and Tumblr are some variation of my first name, Murfee Lee. Because yes, I am that darn creative.
8. who is your favorite gameplay blog? 9. who is your favorite storytelling blog? Ugh, there are too many good ones out there.
10. who is your favorite cc creator? All of my favorite creators retired years ago: DyM/Hekate999 (fantasy build/buy), Parsimonious (everything), Luna (everything build/buy), Qingshuangtongzi (Asian everything), Amethyst (Asian CAS), Art-Sims (CAS everything), etc. I swear, the day Sandy/ATS3 (everything build/buy) retires is the day I’m having a panic attack.
11. how do you edit your photos? Badly. Tweak the brightness & contrast and call it a effing day.
12. what is the last screenshot you took? It’s a surprise.
13. what do you do when you are unmotivated? I am never “unmotivated,” so much as I am distracted. I think the reason I’ve simmed so long is strictly because I’m always inspired by fandoms. If I get distracted by a tv/game, it becomes my next muse (aka current obsession). It’s not that I get unmotivated to finish the old stuff I pretty much abandon, it’s just that there aren’t enough hours in the day for me to do everything I want. Sometimes I return to older saves/gameplay. Most times I don’t though--unless someone messages me wanting to see it again (and that’s effing rare). 
14. who is your current favorite sim? Sakura and Nasir are my alltime favorite sims. But I must admit that I patted myself on the back pretty dang hard when I created Tsukihime-Sama for my Moon Medicine gameplay. I love every sim I made for that gameplay (which I really need to finish one day, ugh), but my Lunar Moth Goddess? 👌
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15. who is your current favorite sim that is not by you? Every sim that @obscurus-noctem​​ is out here sacrificing goats in order to create. It’s just disgusting how pretty everything on their blog is. Those mersims? Those graphics? That editing? Makes me effing sick. 
16. recreate someone else’s sim in your style. I think I saw a challenge like this a few months/years ago, but never did it. But I DID do the Picrew version.
17. do you talk about sims with people in real life? One of my professors plays SimCity. Naturally, we bonded over how wack EA is. ^_^
18. how many of the packs do you own? All of them, except the Stuff Packs. Barring Fast Lane and Movie Stuff, none of the other SPs are worth the price; it’s just build/buy/CAS CC any MaxisMatch creator.could make for free. I’ve always felt that way about SPs, which is why I never bothered with them in TS1 or TS2 either. I will say though, that TS4′s SPs are something else entirely, which brings me to #24 (see below).
19. how many posts do you have on your blog currently? 2764. JESUS.
20. how many drafts do you have on your blog currently? 363. U_U And most of those are CC sets & gameplay posts I never finished.  
21. how many posts are in your queue currently? It’s a secret. ^_^
22. have you ever moved blogs? Never. I never even changed my theme or URL.
23. are you in any sims related discord servers? Yes, the Creators Cave, but I effing hate Discord; it’s just a royal pain to navigate, IMO.
24. what are your thoughts on the most recent pack? (paranormal) Speaking of Stuff Packs!
If anything, TS4′s SPs are doing way too much (adding new gameplay, careers, lifestates/NPCs, lots, etc!? WUT.) Or rather, its EPs aren’t doing nearly enough. I love that TS4′s SPs add meaningful content. But if they’re raising their bar, that means the Expansion Packs need to rise by the same degree, to stay relevant, if anything.
But EA, in their infinite ineptitude, seems to be scaling back with their EPs! Cutting what should be 1 cohesive EP into multiple SPs & GPs piecemeals the content and cheats people out of money, by having us pay more for less! The TS4 SPs do a lot, yes, but now let’s talk about the Paranormal SP for example:
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Paranormal Stuff does perhaps the most any SP in The Sims 1/2/3/4 ever has, and has by far the most worth for its money...but at a dire cost:
- the career only has 5 levels instead of 10 (thus being nowhere as deep as TS3′s combination of the Ambition EP’s Ghost Hunter and the Store’s crystal ball--which links with the Supernatural EP’s Spellcasting skill)
the crystal ball is a 1-trick pony
unlocking Bonehilda is tied to grinding skill/career levels, only for her to do EFF ALL once she finally arrives (and her face looks like melted cookie dough WTF)
most of the gameplay is tied to the pack’s new lot/venue
and the ghosts are still meh
So rather than TS4 having an actual Supernatural EP, instead it has the ok-but-disappointing Realm of Magic Game Pack (which I’ve already ranted about), the watered-down Paranormal Stuff Pack, and the INCREDIBLY OP Vampires Game Pack (which I’ve salivated over). That’s already $40--the cost of TS3′s Supernatural Expansion Pack, mind you--but with the glaringly absent inclusion of Fairies, Werewolves, AND Zombies. O_O WHAT THE HELL, EA. To get the full Supernatural experience in TS4 is gonna end up running people not $40, but perhaps DOUBLE, if werewolves & fairies get their own GPs (unless EA waters them down in SPs, which would still be anywhere from $50-60). EA is robbing people blind.
25. how many hours have you played sims? I have no idea, no doubt thousands.
26. if you play gameplay, do you play with mods? See #1 above
27. what’s the farthest you’ve gotten in a challenge? See #3 above.
Thanks for reading!
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thepettymachine · 4 years
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Zodiac Legacy Challenge for the Sims 3
If you’re like me, I like a good legacy challenge with nice themes/aesthetics to place/plan out with each heir with enough wiggle room for creative interpretations. No. Well I’ve always wanted to do a zodiac legacy challenge but could never find the rules for TS3 or most of them were made for TS4.  So I guess I thought I would just make one then. 
This was all made on a whim but it’s a strong whim. So enjoy the whim. “@” me if you use the rules since I didn’t come up with a tag for this. 
I like to credit @tainoodles‘s TS4 Astrology Legacy as an inspiration/base for this, as well as many others I’ve found online. 
A buttload of astrology sites
@starplumbob​ and @bravetrait​ for feedback. Thank you alot!
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Without further ado
General Rules:
Finish the goals provided for each sign
You can move onto the next generation when all goals are met or you maintain them until the heir has aged up or both. Up to you.
 You can start on any sign but you must go in order afterwards.
If I were to start on Leo, I would have to do Virgo next.
You can select any of the careers provided for the generation.
You don’t have to use all the traits assigned to a sign, but 1-2 are required.
You can use colors for aesthetic purposes/berry purposes, but they are not required.  
Generation Aries: The Ram  
♈︎ - Is everything a game to you? Well of course it is, you’re an Aries. First sign in the zodiac that also might be banned from playing simopoly. We admire a courageous spirit that knows what it wants, is driven, and is bluntly honest with us but can you let some of us, you know….win?! Not everything has to be a competition. Geez 
Aesthetic Color(s): Red Traits: Workaholic, Ambitious, Brave, Hot-Headed Careers: Firefighter, Athlete, Military, Sports Agent
Excel and reach the top of their career.
Fall In love and marry their first love fast
Has to do something athletic once a week
Master the athletic and handiness traits
Have them battle someone once a week
Generation Taurus: The Bull
♉︎ - What’s wrong with a little luxury in life. Food, art, sex, and your favorite snuggle blanket made of some high cotton that was not cheap is the lap of luxury for you. You can be really stubborn sometimes but once you set your mind on something, you aren’t changing it. It’s all because you know what’s best for you and nothing else matters. Aesthetic is key but you can also be a little bit greedy with your stuff. Sharing is caring Taurus
Aesthetic Color(s): Earth Tones, Pink Traits: Natural Cook, Loves the Outdoors, Frugal, Hopeless Romantic Careers: Gardner, Cook, Nectar Owner
Master the cooking and gardening skills
Be best friends with their future spouse before dating
Learn at least 20 new recipes
Must have twins (can have more children than that)
Have very expensive/luxury items worth more than $500 in your home (it’s all about that aesthetic)
Woohoo with your spouse once a day
Generation Gemini: The Twins
♊︎ - Wow, how does it feel to be a twin. You look every bit like each other except for your dual personalities. Charming and youthful, you both are ahead of the curve as your quick wit and curiosity keeps you moving forward in life. You have alot of skills and talents and love communicating your ideas with others. Just remember where the brakes are at , as some of us can’t keep up. Tough luck you say. 
Aesthetic Color(s): Yellow, mint green, Orange, neons Traits: Charismatic, Childish, Genius, Schmoozer Careers: Teacher, Writer, Private Investigator, Magician
Both twins have to be heir
Have a very close relationship with your twin
Master 5 skills, including charisma
Spend most of their YA dabbling in different careers before deciding on one in their adult years.
Have multiple lovers before choosing/finding the one
Have to teach their children all of their skills and help them with their homework
Generation Cancer: The Crab
♋︎ - Why so crabby? I’m sorry had to throw that one in there. You tend to be a loyal compassionate creative person who wears their heart on their sleeve. Sometimes that sleeve might be drenched in your tears as you can be considered a little bit moody but we love you Cancer. You sense what a person is feeling and you help them through it. What a great lover and friend you are!
Aesthetic Color(s): Light Blue, Gray, Orange Traits: Nurturing, Family-Oriented, Over-Emotional, Brooding Careers: Sculptor, Daycare Profession, Resort Owner/Bed&Breakfast
Sim must have a full relationship bar with their significant other before proposing
Have a lot of handmade items in your home
Have 5 children
Master the sculpting skill
Be best friends with all their children.
Get out of the house once a week
Generation Leo: The Lion
♌︎ - Royalty must be in your blood cause obviously you are the Queen/King and we are all just your royal subjects. With a mighty roar, you demand your spotlight and capture our attention with your spontaneous passionate heart. We follow your lead, my liege. For you will not make us forget it!
Aesthetic Color(s): Gold, Purple Traits: Snob, Brave, Dramatic, Star Quality Careers: CEO, Actor, Singer
Live in a mansion/large house with more than 4 bedrooms
Become a five star celebrity
Marry a big time celebrity
Go on a big dates with your lover/spouse at least once a week
New Me each week - go to the spa and change your boring outfit at least once a week
Master the social networking skill
Generation Virgo: The Virgin
♍︎ - The modest stylish Virgo is always the hardest worker that delivers the best because they expect the best. You love to serve others and always pay attention to details with such an organized perfection towards the things you do. But sometimes that perfection creates high expectations of yourself and let’s just say judgement and criticism is not your color.
Aesthetic Color(s): Green, Brown, White Traits: Perfectionist, Perceptive, Neurotic, Neat Careers: Doctor, Journalist, Bookstore clerk
Have a part-time job, make straight A’s, and join a club as a teenager
Have a college degree
Spouse must be compatible and must share at least 2-3 traits with them.
Can only have woohoo after marriage
House must be clean all the times (no outside help is allowed)
Must learn something new every week
New Recipe, read a new book, learn a new skill, take a class
Generation Libra: The Scales
♎︎ - You’re a giant balancing act, trying to keep everything fair and just. You love being around all kinds of people and also trying to make the world a better place. As much as you are a great mediator and friend, you’re also a great people pleaser. Please take time out of your day not to be around people and just focus on you.
Aesthetic Color: Green, White Traits: Friendly, Good, Social Butterfly, Party Animal Careers: Architect, Stylist, Musician
Get Married to a sim that is complete opposite of you, then divorce them
Remarry a more compatible sim
Have 10 best friends
Host a party once a week
Complete 3 social opportunities each week
Master the guitar, bass, drums, and piano skills
Generation Scorpio: The Scorpion
♏︎ - Ah the mystery of the Scorpio. You have an intimidating front but behind that is an emotional side only certain people are allowed to see. You’re kinda into some dark occultist stuff and you’re also secretive about things. But you’re a passionate lover that can see love as a game of trials. Just a couple of tests to make sure that this is the right person for who you can finally put your guard down around. 
Aesthetic Color: Black, Gray, Red Traits: Loner, Daredevil, Irresistible, Inappropriate Careers: Ghost Hunter, Law Enforcement (Forensics/Super Spy), Cemetery,
You have a 3 dates policy before asking a sim to be in a relationship with you
Has at least 3 enemies (stop holding grudges)
Become an supernatural/occult sim
Master the martial arts and alchemy skills
Woohoo in 5 different places with your spouse
Do something inappropriate once a week
Generation Sagittarius: The Archer
♐︎ - Sagittarius you love your freedom and the adventures that come with it. You keep choosing the nontraditional path of life because you love to move past your horizons and set your own tradition. You’re brutally honest with everything and can tend to put your own desires above your own needs. As you constantly strive to be independent, you may grow distant from those who care about you the most. 
Aesthetic Color: Red, Purple, Blue Traits: Adventurous, Easily-Impressed, Flirty, Animal Lover Careers: Adventurer, Equestrian, Photographer,
Max out a visa in one country (if WA is applicable)
Have 20 friends
Have multiple partners throughout their life but only commit once as an adult
Have multiple kids from different partners (one has to be from another country if WA is applicable)
Have a horse, dog, cat, and/or other small animals in the house.
Be apart of all 3 social groups (nerd, jock, rebel)
Generation Capricorn: The Goat
♑︎ - Baaahh, you’re a goat. Smart and hardworking, Capricorn, you have a “get stuff done at the expense of your health and other things for the sake of achievement and financial gain” -breathes in- kind of motto. You’re so focused on reaching the top, you forget about the other things in life. But your disciplined perseverance and patience will reward you later in life.
Aesthetic Color: Black, Gray, White Traits: Workaholic, Unflirty, Computer Whiz, Bot Fan Careers: Inventor, Bot Arena/Bot Builder, Politician
You don’t date until you’re an adult
You don’t get married until you reached the highest point in your career
Master the logic skill and a tech skill (inventing, bot building, or advanced technology)
Have more than 25,000 in savings (without cheating)
Have your children be straight A students throughout the childhood/teen years
Generation Aquarius: The Water Bearer
♒︎  - Individualistic Aquarius runs on it’s own beat. You have a strong desire for change and evolution to come to the world which is why you have a strong sense for social justice in order to make the world a better place. You care for others and that care might cause you to create a system of prioritizing them above all other things. While love is always a nice thing, you just don’t like the idea of being dependent on each other, so it would be nice if you don’t have to commit.
Aesthetic Color: Electric/Light Blue, White, Violet, Traits: Rebellious, Eco-Friendly, Avante garde, Commitment Issues Careers: Astronomer, Game Designer, Scientist
Master the Street Art skill
Create a Utopia for the future and get a statue in Legacy park.
Have a friends with benefits relationship with your closest friend that results with a child
You never marry
Must live an eco-friendly lifestyle. (no dryer, bikes > cars, salvage everything, grow everything)
Generation Pisces: The Fish
♓︎ - You’re a fish out of water and the last constellation of the zodiac. You’re a dreamer, creative and very intuitive which makes you empathetic and open to other’s feelings. Your symbol is two fish because you tend to constantly swim back and forth between conflicting desires and have a bit of escapism problem . You can’t help it sometimes, it just how it makes you feel. 
Aesthetic Color(s): Aquamarine, Sea Green, Lavender Traits:  Artistic, Sailor, Supernatural Fan, Loves to Swim Careers: Fortune Teller, Lifeguard, Scuba Diver
Become a mermaid/master the scuba diving skill
Marry a supernatural sim
Master the painting and writing skills
Have 2 childhood friends and keep in touch with them throughout your lives
Thank you for trying out this challenge. Feedback is always welcomed thing on this challenge.
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twistedsimblr · 4 years
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So last night or the other night Trev kind of inspired me about M.K here. Because Trev has his own characters but I really got thinking. Still following Trev told me I should make him his own race so perhaps being half and half of this and that that I should possibly do something else.
So just now I just got thinking, Because logic can basically be tossed aside in the sims verse.
M.K really doesn’t have a clue what he truly is, Hes thought he was part demon part vampire with a tiny bit of human. Maybe that’s what people label him as and to an extent maybe it’s true.
But what if M.K is actually really  thought to be extinct breed of ancient vampiric alien monsters that found thier way on earth after wiping depleting most of the aliens you see in game (which have since bounced back thanks to a few intelligent ones who took shelter) literally this alien species had a predator and his race was thier predator his ancestors would trap these aliens by kind of creating a shroud of darkness around them, so they couldn’t run anywhere. They’d freeze up in fear as they would literally fuck with their mind bringing forth thier most terrifying fears, (which is something he can also do but doesn’t use those abilities as much as he did in prison plus because its such a powerful ability it really exhausts him and he ends up getting nose bleeds because of it) But it literally can drive someone to commit suicide. 
 Which the prison system found useful because it would make death look and come back as inconclusive like unfortunate and sudden So they struck a deal with M.K when he was in prison for some time while smuggling  He was sentenced to ten years but it was shorted to about 5 years If he “worked” with them because they were afraid of him I mean I don’t know about you but I’d feel a bit uncomfortable around a guy whose 6′3 and half depending on his hair lmao  and about 318-325 of solid fit fat muscle lmao You work with him not against him. This was after their little testing thing where they believed vampirism was a virus made him sick with flu like symptoms but did not “cure him” this would happen a few times a month to avoid suspicion they were abusing inmates. 
 When M.K was born everyone thought normalish alien and that his mothers death was just complications. He was a big ass baby like 10 pounds which is very big lol but it would soon be discovered he was ... unique abilities He was discovered by a  strong vampire I would say maybe a Brujah type of vampire found him  (This is where he developed his gun skills and other fighting skills He’s also a damn good thief  with magician like precision and dress style lol  when he was still young.It was his criminal family for a time he also learned to read there and so on and somehow became educated mostly on things he needed to know.So he’s not the most educated but he read books when he got his hands on some  But that alien part of him helped him later building a rocket in his basement lol. 
 He would grow fast with a sharp wit  and reflexes demonstrate abilities they themselves didn’t have as well as some they had.
But it was that second dark form that had them so intrigued He would become almost feral a beast almost . So he was feared and respected but was was taken advantage of and was punished if he refused once he started to realize this . He grew tired of “clans” And jumped in and out of many who also wanted to take advantage of how unique he was.
 He was hard to work not one to be tied down to “loyalty but they wanted  him so badly due to the fact he was so unique ” he was a rebel  and often would participate in blood sports which is fighting till someone is beaten to a bloody pulp and dies. He earned the name Big Cat by his finishing move which was a bite and hold to the neck taking a big chunk of them with him as he tore himself away he would usually finish this in his second dark form that they were all intrigued by. Which was a reflection of his ancient ancestors a part of him a much larger twisted version of himself that moved very much like a cat 
When Meg says no to him he doesn’t really take that very well However, instead of intimidate her he’s a very very good manipulator but he approaches this with his sweetness of character he’s always had but due to his lifestyle had to kind of hide. People used him, disguising it as caring about him  He learned to use that to his advantage however and sometimes would fuck clans over and cause them to clash with one another. He soon became hated and was casted out
. Meg is the only person who genuinely cared about him and for a while it took a tiny bit to realize this as he wasn’t 100% loyal to her at first  before they were married So when she didn’t show up at this underground club he constantly frequented where she was a server  Which for a human he thought she was daft for as it was a club mostly for super naturals and aliens in disguise (that was onto on one of the largest underground black markets  Where he often delivered illegal goods hell even people for trafficking didn’t think much of it.
But there was something about that tiny woman she wasn’t a super model and many tried and pined for his attention sometimes succeeding sometimes not. But his heart was never in it ... She was different like him. She wasn’t afraid to be different and embraced she was different. And that pulled him in like a powerful magnet. They sort of became friends ... it was also the reason why NOBODY gave her any trouble because M.K made quite a name for himself
So a few days after she disappeared he actually started to worry and did some investigating after receiving a tip from another smuggler who transported a bunch of females and one of them was human who mentions Malikor.And asked if they knew him.. which they said they did and passed along the tip.  
He finds her location and pretends he’s interested in buying a living doll a toy that once trained and broken would obey its master whether it be to cook clean or perform sexual acts or favors for them. A companion. Hell you could get a male if you wanted. Nobody was safe. Humans were mostly a victim but aliens too were not safe. 
Meg was not very obedient rebellious and labeled. For Experienced handlers only.  When told how she almost bit off a buyers uh bits ( she was almost forced to give a blow job)  to try to deter him he simply smiled and said “ I like my women kinky” Before he knocked out the guy watching over her tent  Meg didn’t know it was him at first until he entered her holding area complete with a sizeable bed a vanity for make up and a dresser for clothing (showers were taken else where and female employees took over that part to get them ready for prospective buyers everyday their hair and make up would be done. Given wigs if needed ) Also they took breaks every hour or so to freshen up 
 She wasn’t given a nice one due to her bad behavior the mentality is kinda like wake up this would be you in rags if you don’t smarten the fuck up and do as your told. When he entered  her area he saw that she wasn’t treated very well it looked like shed been whipped  or flogged what ever but she had marks all over her body. Her initial reaction was to stand at attention so he could or the buyer could get a look at her like some kind of fine car. 
Even test her out. Her face flushed and she became scared and said to him. “Just... just do what you need to do... I won’t resist.”  Though I don’t know why you’d want to... She hugged herself tighter. You can request a bag for my head if you’re into that. 
Judging by how tall he was it wasn’t going to be fun.  For the first time in his life where he’d normally be quick to drop his pants he didn’t.He felt ... sad for her.
 Even though she was wearing something way more revealing than what he typically saw her in She tried to hide herself from him   just took a good look at her slightly running his hands on her almost teasing her and then bent at the waist to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear that sent a chill down her spine. “I’m buying you out of here.”
Upon getting her out He tells her she’s free to go despite him having the contract or reciept of her purchase which he tore up. Just before he leaves however Meg breaks down and explains why she hadn’t been around she lost everything her apartment everything she had nothing. And had been living at work but found herself down below. M.K seeing her upset tells her she can stay with him till she gets back on her feet ...But not with out doing him a couple of favors.
It was more of a self confidence building favor He’d pick out what she wore and everyday it got more and more revealing until one day he didn’t pick out anything at all.;) hid the other clothes so she couldn't find them  it was a slow gradual thing he did as they got closer and more romantic with each other... She never did leave obviously lmao...
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
OK and now a rant that I know I’ve done before but I can’t help it, I’m gonna rant about it again, even though it totally makes me the “grumpy old man yells at cloud” type.
WHY DOES REALM OF MAGIC SUCK SO HARD. Sims usually does magic and supernatural well. We have a total of one (1) magical pack in Sims 4 and it’s awful. The more I play with it the more awful it is.
Like, the build/buy items and clothes are cool, I like the design, but it fits with nothing else stylistically or color-wise. And since the magical items are pretty limited, the interior of every Glimmerbrook house is gonna look the same unless you decide your mage just uses electric lamps like normal people.
I recently decided to play in Glimmerbrook for the first time, and I was stunned by how FUGLY the houses are. Like, I think it’s the worst I’ve ever seen. I don’t expect amazing builds, builders have Youtube channels to show them all up, but these are like... genuinely shitastic. It’s like whoever programmed Realm of Magic could not have been less bored with the idea. Square houses. Stick some fancy magical-looking windows on them and call it a day. Voila, wizard’s house. And don’t even get me started on the magical HQ. Very much NOT a feast for the eyes in any way shape or form. That’s just the icing on the cake, since the gameplay is equally uninspired.
To level up your magic you can just read books and stir the cauldron aimlessly for several days, if you want. You can duel but who wins and loses seems pretty unaffected by level and there’s just one duel animation. I had zero issues with the alleged curses or overcharges while leveling up my spellcaster. The Sages were kind of cool, and they stayed friends with me after I became a Virtuoso... I wish there were an option to make me a Sage and like, take on an apprentice so that “Rite of Ascension” is better than simply giving someone magic.
But what kills me the MOST is how STUPID literally ALL of the spells are. My spellcaster is a good guy, so... the only spell he uses regularly is “Scruberoo.” -___- Yes, top level magician, and all he ever uses his magic for is the dishes. Sometimes I use the repair spell and the gardening spell (one of the two because the other one never ever appears as an option?), but often NO, because if I magically repair things, my Sims don’t level up their Handiness, and if I magically tend the garden, my Sims don’t level up their Gardening. So like... the least useful magician ever. Delicioso is okay but most of my sims have no trouble leveling up their cooking skills since eating is a thing everyone does, but it’s been useful a time or two when I took my TRC fam on impromptu adventures and forgot to pack food >_>
Now if you want to make a DARK wizard, you have options galor! You can be a really evil wizard if you want! However it will wreak havoc on your relationships! The other day a Sims caught fire and I thought using Chillio would put them out. It did, but it also froze them solid, and my sim’s boyfriend was all shocked and their relationship took a hit even after I thawed the poor victim out. Like.
I haven’t tried making a dark wizard because THAT’S NOW HOW I LIKE TO PLAY. And if that’s what Realm of Magic was meant to go for, why didn’t they just straight up make it a dark magic pack? Then not only would we have known what we’re getting into, but it would have implied the potential for a light magic pack in the future, which would hopefully have had more spells to use regularly than Scruberoo.
And the potions - again, only the evil ones are interesting, and the majority are the usual stupid, overdone, desperately needs to be taken out and SHOT, emotions-based gameplay. DO NOT WANT
I really think Realm of Magic was rushed and totally overlooked. Glimmerbrook isn’t even pretty other than the lighting. And there’s like, trucks and stop signs... what’s magical about that. Huge let down. Hate it. Still glad to have magic because I do like watching my spellcaster teleport around and shock people by magically giving them a bath. But it’s the least amount of enjoyment I’ve had from any pack I own, even though it’s the one I was most predisposed to like. Because it’s about freaking MAGIC. How do you mess that up this bad. How.
I really really hope there’s a better magic pack on the horizon before Sims 4 comes to an end but... if there is, it’ll probably be about fairies or something and not add much to the spellcaster role.
ugggghh like you know that cute quirky Sims-esque thing they did where they made it so you can use the cauldron to make vats of macaroni and cheese or chili? Well first of all. It only makes a normal portion despite being a HUGE VAT. And secondly. If my spellcaster is at the cauldron. HE IS ALWAYS MAKING MAC N CHEESE. Never doing magic. ALWAYS MAC N CHEESE. Tells you everything you need to know about this pack, honestly.
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simthesia · 5 years
Pokémon Legacy Challenge by Simthesia
Pokémon Legacy Challenge by Simthesia
Hey guys i decided to make my own legacy challenge based on the Pokémon Series as its one of my favourite games ever and I wanted to find a way to incorporate both! Each generation is based on a popular Pokémon from the series and there are 10 gens. 1.Each heir may bare resemblance to the Generation Pokémon but is not necessary for the challenge, but try and keep to the colour such as yellow hair for Pikachu etc 2. You are fine to use money cheats if you want to, although this may make it a lot easier for you , this is not a rags to riches challenge, unless stated in the generation! 3. Each generation needs to complete both the career and aspiration of the heir, and don't switch the aspirations around. 4. Keep the lifespan set on normal 5. I have added optional rules as i know not everyone has every pack , so if you want to chose some of these to do that's fine or even all of them if you have the correct packs. If you don't,  they are not necessary to the challenge
If you decide you wanna try the challenge feel free to tag me with #simthesiaspokemonlegacy so i can see it !
Generation 1 - Pikachu
Pikachu (Japanese: ピカチュウ Pikachu) is an Electric-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I.
You wanna be the very best , like no one ever was ! You're goal is to be the best at your career , solve lots of crimes and to fall in love with that special person! You love your friends, tomatoes, and are generally always happy! You have a big fear of water and struggle even taking a shower. You quite like getting electrocuted and thunder storms are your absolute favourite !
Traits: Cheerful, Self Assured, Ambitious. Aspiration: Soulmate Career: Detective, Secret Agent
Rules: Master Handiness Skill Learn at least 1 Instrument Have at least 3 Best Friends ( Max Friendship ) Marry your first and only love! (optional: must be called Ash lol) Have at least 2 Children Reach level 10 in chosen Career
Optional Rules: Master Dancing Skill (optional with GT) Everytime there is a ThunderStorm throw a thunderstorm party and celebrate! (if you have seasons)
Generation 2 - Bulbasaur 
Bulbasaur (Japanese: フシギダネ Fushigidane) is a dual-type Grass/Poison Pokémon introduced in Generation I.
You love all things nature, and your happy place is being outside among the plants! You feel as though sometimes they even speak to you. You want to achieve all with nature that is possible and gardening is your biggest passion in life. You love to meditate and just be at one with your thoughts.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Neat, Vegetarian (if you don’t have CL, you can use a random trait) Aspiration: Freelance Botanist Career: Gardener (can only earn money from selling plants unless you have Seasons !)
Rules: Master gardening skill Have at least 20 different plants inside and outside the house Attempt to create every type of Hybrid Plant Have 6 Children and refer to them as your 'seedlings' Marry as a Young Adult and then have your spouse die tragically after completing your family
Optional Rules : Master Herbalism (if you have OR) Master Floristry (if you have seasons) Master Wellness Skill (if you have Spa Day)
Generation 3- Charmander
Charmander (Japanese: ヒトカゲ Hitokage) is a Fire-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I.
You're a fiery personality with the opinion your above everyone else ! You never fit into your family seeing them as 'weak' and want to strive to be the best, and when you can’t it causes you a lot of anger You're loyal to those who earn your trust but are reluctant to let people in Nothing is really ever good for you , you always strive to be better, and your family come second to work
Traits: Hot Headed, Snob, Perfectionist Aspiration: Mansion Baron Career: Engineer (if you have DU) /Run your own business if you have GTW or Business if not
Rules: Reach level 10 in Chosen Career Max skill in Logic and Programming Marry as an Adult, but always be very suspicious of your spouse When you get halfway you can change a trait , as you mellow out Have at least 2 children with spouse, but you aren't a very good parent Achieve 500000 simoleons in money ( no cheating for this)
Optional Rules : If you own Discover University this sim must attend university , with the intent to do a degree relating to the Engineer career Beat Spicy Curry Challenge (if CL is owned)
Generation 4 - Squirtle 
Squirtle (Japanese: ゼニガメ Zenigame) is a Water-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I.
The opposite of your parent you are super mellow and love a good joke ! You also love to play pranks on your family and friends You love water and always want to be in the sea or the pool,  and strive to protect it at all costs. You also love food and are not afraid to take other peoples!
Traits: Glutton, Child of the Ocean (if IL not owned choose any), Goofball Aspiration : Beach life (if playing in Sulani) OR Master Chef Career: Conservationist with Marine Biologist (if playing in Sulani) OR Culinary
Rules : Must live in a different world to parents (if island living is owned it must be Sulani) Max Cooking Skill and Mischief Skill Reach level 6 in fishing skill Have triplets (you may cheat for this ) and they are your only children. Refer to them as your Squirtle squad
Optional : If Island living is owned , they will strive to become a mermaid as they love the ocean and all things water
Generation 5 - Eevee
Eevee (Japanese: イーブイ Eievui) is a Normal-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I.
You have always wanted a big family and to just be the best parent you can be! You love children and caring for others! Your weakness is food just like your parent but you are very particular about where it comes from, and will only eat food you have cooked yourself. You have a creative streak and love to get arty.
Traits : Family Oriented, Foodie, Creative Aspiration : Super Parent ( or Big Happy Family if you don't have Parenthood) Career: Culinary or Stay at Home Parent (earn money from painting)
Rules Must have 8 children and one on these has to be adopted Marry teenage sweetheart and stay married to them for the rest of your life Master Parenting Skill Master Painting Skill Master Gourmet Food Skill Be at least good friends with all of your children Move to live in Newcrest
Optional: Take a family holiday every summer season (if OR or JA is owned )
Generation 6- Mew
Mew (Japanese: ミュウ Mew) is a Psychic-type Mythical Pokémon introduced in Generation I. 
You love to wonder around and explore, you don't like to stay in more than one place at once, and you prefer to be alone. You want to see everything you can and hate being tied down. You love to collect things and hoard them in your house, you could be considered messy. Your child is not ideal for you but you love them all the same.
Traits : Loner, Non Committal, Genius Aspiration: The Curator Career : Begin as a Scientist, leave Job and become a Critic, leave job again and Freelance
Rules : Have only 1 child Move at least 6 times and must live in at least 3 different worlds. Master Rocket Science Skill Go to Sixam Complete Elements Collection Find Sylvan Glade Find Forgotten Grotto
Complete fossils collection
Optional Rules : Have a trusty companion , either a dog or a cat who follows you everywhere you go (Cats and Dogs only ) Explore the Selvadora Ruins (if JA is owned ) Master Photography Skill (if Get to work is owned)
Master Selvadoradian Culture Skill (if JA is owned)
Generation 7 - Porygon
Porygon (Japanese: ポリゴン Porygon) is a Normal-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I.
The opposite of your parent , who loved travelling, you want to live a more grounded life, and prefer to be inside and stable and everything to be clean. You love computers and your passion is gaming, you want to be a top esport athlete and so put all your time into practice, hoping one day you can be the best. You also have a very unique look , some would say mismatched but you think you look amazing. You don't really like other people, you have a lot of social anxiety and going outside is a struggle.
Traits : Neat, Geek Aspiration : Computer Whiz Career: Tech Guru
Rules: Master Video Gaming Skill Master Programming Skill Win a top esport tournament Have 4 Children You refuse to celebrate any holidays as you hate socialising Cant marry a human
Collect all the Mysims trophies
Optional Rules : You build your own Servo and marry it (Optional with Discover University) (if you do this and want the children with the servo, use cheats to become pregnant by yourself or adopt) Master Robotics Skill
Generation 8 - Absol
Absol (Japanese: アブソル Absol) is a Dark-type Pokémon introduced in Generation III.
You have a dark aura about you, and feel a pull to the evil side of things. You love fitness and exercise but at the same time you cant help your desire to become a criminal as you just love to steal things and cant help it Your not necessarily evil just misunderstood and people generally fear you and keep away from you, partly due to your strange upbringing. You also love making drinks and seeing what blends you can come up with. You like going out to strange bars and pubs
Traits: Kleptomaniac, Gloomy, Active Aspiration: Public Enemy Career : Criminal
Rules: Reach Max Fitness Skill Reach Max Mixology Skill You meet your partner who turns out to be Law Enforcement Officer When you reach Criminal level 8 you can optionally have a change of heart and leave your bad path behind you ( must complete public enemy aspiration first) and become an athlete Have at least 2 children. Make at least 3 enemies and regularly torment them
Generation 9 - JigglyPuff
Jigglypuff (Japanese: プリン Purin) is a dual-type Normal/Fairy Pokémon introduced in Generation I. Prior to Generation VI, it was a pure Normal-type Pokémon. 
You love everything musical and are a master performer with a beautiful voice ! You want to be famous and will do anything to get there. You are quite extravagant and love to show off your wealth and love modern luxury
Traits : Music Lover, Materialistic, Aspiration : World Famous Celebrity (if Get Famous is owned) if not chose Career: Actor/ Actress (if Get Famous is owned ) if not Entertainer
Rules: Master Piano Skill Master Singing Skill Master Violin Skill Master Guitar Skill Have 5 children Your partner needs to be another celebrity , and you are viewed as a power couple 
Collect crystals and display them in your house
Own a home worth more than 300,000
Become a 5 Star Celebrity (if Get Famous is owned )
Generation 10 - Goomy
Goomy (Japanese: ヌメラ Numera) is a Dragon-type Pokémon introduced in Generation VI. 
Naturally curious you are a very strong personality , you've grown up with a famous parent and lived always in the spot light and are a very confident individual. You want to be the 'hero' of your own story and are convinced you are a modern day 'superhero or James bond type character' Your heart is in the right place, but you've always been a little wacky and out there. You want to have adventure and then write books about yourself. You have a fun spirit and many people enjoy your company and find you fun to be around
Traits: Outgoing, Insane, Bookworm Aspiration: Strangerville Mystery (if you have this pack )OR Grilled Cheese Aspiration Career: Secret Agent
Rules : Solve the Strangerville Mystery (if you have this pack ) Reach the top of the Secret Agent Career Path Max Writing Skill Write 3 Bestselling Novels -Once you have finished your books you may change the Insane trait to something else Have 6 Children who love your fun spirit Date 5 People before you find the right person Die as an Adult in an accident leaving behind a brilliant legacy
You can obviously carry on after this if you like! 
Thank you for taking a look and if you decide to try it like I said let me know
I will be playing my challenge myself on my youtube channel  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyiWXIF0SurXUhO-ktDsaWw?view_as=subscriber
link if you want to see it !
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klodas · 4 years
get to know me tag - simblr edition
i was tagged by no one 🤡🤡
your name: Jordan but call me j or else
languages you speak: English, and i took Spanish for 4 years and learnt absolute nothing
are you a mermaid: i wish
your playstyle: who plays the game
your simself picture: it wont let me put a picture so oh well 
stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: edits and sometimes cc :))
your favorite age state: y/a
your favorite season: winter 
your favorite holiday: christmas because im a greedy bastard
how was your day: pretty good i did nothing but make edits and chat with people
your favorite career: none they all suck
your favorite aspiration: none
your favorite EP, SP or GP: seasons,and city living
how old is your simblr: barely a year old... baby
have you woohooed: ....
your favorite skill: the painting skill
the size of your mods folder: honestly i do not want to comment
your 3 favorite mods: who plays the game honestly??
your interests (other than sims): i love to draw, and take photos
your favorite sim (picture if possible): i use the same sim in all my edits if you didn't know just different skin color and eye colors and maybe changing the jaw line a little lmao 
which sims games you have played (including mobile games):all except sims 1
propose a crazy scheme: me making edits once a week
best part of simblr: uhm the community is pretty nice and i like all my mutuals :D and @virtygo
worst part of simblr: 👀👀
what other games do you play: overwatch,lis,minecraft,planet zoo,
i tag everyone who has not done it yet :))
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jacquiesims · 5 years
Viper Canyon - Chapter One
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‘The thought had never occurred to her that once they reached Viper Canyon the real work would begin.’
October, 1851
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The Hawkins family stared at the great stretch of untamed land in front of them. It was teeming with promise and possibility, with excitement about the unknown – how would they begin their new lives?
“Well,” Papa was the first to speak. His rumbling voice cut through the air. “Best get to building.” 
And so the Hawkins family rolled up their sleeves.
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By the time Elijah had made it to his homestead, his joints were aching from exhaustion. He’d been back and forth on the trail more times than most probably ever should, but it never failed to take its toll on his weary body.
His tired bones were filled with relief as soon as he could see the front door. Soon, he’d be able to take a hot bath and put his aching feet up by the fire, all he’d dreamed of during the long journey back west.
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“What in Watcher’s name…” 
Elijah opened the door to his home to find it completely ransacked. Books were strewn across the floor, chairs were overturned, and the air was buzzing with a sinister foreboding energy. 
He rested his hand on the cool holster of the pistol inside his coat and carefully went up the creaking ladder to the loft.
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His heart sank as he took in the state of his bedroom. 
The precious chest that usually collected dust at the foot of Elijah’s bed was toppled over, the remnants of whatever the thief had deemed unworthy of stealing left scattered on the floor – cosmetics, cheap trinkets, a pair of worn boots, an unfinished sampler. 
Anger soon consumed the sadness in Elijah’s stomach as he stared at the keepsakes on his floor. The bandit had treated his most cherished remembrances as nothing more than mere garbage.
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Dusk had fallen by the time Elijah gathered the energy to clean up the mess. 
The bandits had left no clue as to their identity. They had stolen everything worth more than a few pennies in Elijah’s home – all of his heirlooms, any money hidden in nooks and crannies…but the things of the most value to him had been heartlessly swept from the trunk. 
He sat down in defeat, staring at the room. It seemed all the more hollow knowing that the chest at the end of his bed was nearly empty. 
A dried bouquet, delicate with age and still smelling subtly sweet despite resting in the bottom of a trunk for years, dangled helplessly from his hands as he heaved a great sigh.
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The bath he had waited so long to take didn’t have the same cathartic effect he remembered. Instead, his thoughts were clouded and muddy. Memories he long thought forgotten swam up to the surface of his conscience like great waves of nostalgia. 
It wasn’t just the memories putting him on edge. No, now he was nervous to be in his own home. He’d once naively thought Viper Canyon to be an innocent place. Now he knew that darkness lingered underneath the façade – he’d been ruthlessly robbed, and that was the plain truth. The bandit – or bandits – could’ve made off with more than worldly goods had Elijah been home that day. 
What if it hadn’t been Elijah? What if it had been someone who didn’t know how to use a gun, or even how to hold their own in a fight? He thought of Winnie and Beatrice, girls who had grown up in the city, who could barely lift a fifty pound sack of grain when needed on the trail. What would they have done if an outlaw made the Hawkins home a target? The thought chilled his bones in spite of the hot bathwater. 
It was in that tub that Elijah McLain solemnly swore revenge on the one that had dared threatened the settlement he now called home.
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Winnie hadn’t realized how hard it would be to start their homestead. 
The thought had never occurred to her that once they reached Viper Canyon the real work would begin. All of her fantasizing about the land out west had skipped over the backbreaking labor of building an entire home from scratch. 
She worked from dawn ‘til dusk, caring for animals, helping Papa build their cabin, fetching water from the town well, and making sure Mamma didn’t need any assistance as she cooked their meals and cleaned the family campsite each day.
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After the first few days, Winnie didn’t mind the work so much. She figured it would make her tough and rugged and better suited for life outside of the city. She even fancied that it made her a bit like a book heroine – they always seemed to have a long list of survival skills that Winnie never dreamed she’d one day learn for herself by moving out west. 
No, what truly bothered Winnie, per usual, was Beatrice. 
Her younger sister did the absolute bare minimum around the camp. Excuses seemed to come to her as easily as breathing – “Winnie, I know it is my day to scour the pans, but I’ve sprained my wrist carrying this crate for Papa! I simply cannot risk this injury getting any worse. There are no doctors around, for Watcher’s sake!” 
It was enough to make her blood boil.
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But thankfully for Winnie, the anger she felt towards her sister was offset by the wonder and awe she was overwhelmed by as she watched her family’s frontier home take shape. 
As if it happened overnight, suddenly Papa had finished the foundation. Her mind raced. Now that the foundation was done, all that was left was the walls and then the roof and they would have a home again. 
It was all she could do to be patient and wait to see what their house would become.
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After two straight months of grueling work, the family often working through the night, the Hawkins homestead was established just in time for winter. 
Winnie looked upon their home with a great sense of pride. Papa had built a grand house and furnished it well, taking infrequent trips to the city and sometimes bringing back help for the most difficult parts of the job. 
The animals had room to graze, Mamma had planted vegetables in the garden, and now all there was left to do was make memories in their new home.
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Winnie was happiest, above all else, to have back the free time in the day she so cherished to read her books. Her classmates may have teased her back in school for always having her nose in a novel, but she found there was no greater joy than departing the life she lived for a few fleeting moments to step into that of a heroine, even if just for an hour when she found the time.
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Beatrice had become increasingly more agreeable now that she was able to retire her stuffy pinnys and aprons for her usual dresses. Winnie wasn’t surprised by this – Beatrice had a reputation for being a terribly vain creature who always placed looks above character. But even Winnie had to admit that it was nice to be back in her old things again. It added a touch of normalcy to life in the desert. 
Now the home was built, Winnie could read again, and Beatrice was back in her favorite dresses. The family was set to rights once more.
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It was there that the family’s luck seemed to run out. 
Each morning after breakfast, Mamma and the girls lined up at the front door and kissed Papa goodbye as he left for the mines. 
Mamma prayed to The Watcher often for her husband’s safe return. Winnie found herself doing the same – Papa came back each night covered in a thick layer of dust, grime, and sweat. He often fell into bed without even taking off his work boots, too exhausted to care. 
All of this work, and for what? Papa had yet to find a single nugget of the fabled Viper Canyon gold. Even the ever optimistic Winnie was beginning to have her doubts.
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The truth was, Papa found himself at the local saloon more often that not after a fruitless day at the mines. 
He contemplated his reasons for uprooting his family and bringing them across the country. He’d always had big dreams – dreams of being rich and giving his wife and daughters the best lives possible. Dreams of that caliber couldn’t be achieved back in the city, not for him. Going from job to job, always being seen as nothing more than a carpenter’s son…that was why he wanted to leave. In Viper Canyon, he could make a new name for himself. 
Or so he thought. At the rate he was going, he would be branded a failure. He had to find gold – and soon. 
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At least he could find relief from these all-consuming thoughts, however temporary it was, at the bottom of a whiskey glass.
To Be Continued
Previous Chapter | Viper Canyon Index | Chapter Two
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(I know this chapter was a little boring and very passive, but I wanted to skip the Hawkins building their house lol. Also realistically they probably couldn’t have built their house in two months BUT it’s Sims so :/ I just wanted to get the story started so more interesting things could happen ASAP!
Let me know what you thought! Thanks for reading. See you in chapter two.) 
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roguebotanist · 5 years
I’ve been playing around with talk to transformer today and thought it would be fun to extend a bunch of sim bios! I think someone may have done something similar recently, but I’m not really sure. Anyway, here’s every sim in Strangetown (bolded parts are their original bios). Long post ahead:
Loki Beaker
As soon as he perfects his latest invention, Loki is sure to get the recognition he knows he deserves. In the meantime, he keeps himself busy by trying to assemble a nuclear reactor out of common household items. During one of his experiments, he accidentally melts the family dog. Realizing that his so-called tools of destruction are so harmless, Loki gladly takes his pet back home and happily adopts it. Fearing that the strange creature will cause more damage if he is ever left alone, Loki goes to great lengths to keep it, including stacking hundreds of baby chicken eggs in the backyard.
Circe Beaker
Circe knows 238 different ways to make someone scream, and none of them are nice. She enjoys taxidermy and collecting coat hangers. She has a wonderful knowledge of names and an affinity for Hallmark, which is why all her books are centered around Christmas and spring holidays. This is particularly important to her, as her whole life is completely shaped by them. The children love to ask questions about things, and they are able to make up as many of the answers as they like. Do you have a huge embarrassment problem? One of Circe's known phrases is 'Where's the finger in your back pocket?'.
Sometimes in the garden, she prances
Nervous Subject
His hobbies include twitching and blinking a lot. He's also fond of travelling and baking. Along with the broad and meaty teeth of a canine, St George the giant groundhog has a day-old beard and a partial gingivitis – which is the inflammation of a plaque inside the teeth. His beard and gingivitis don't hurt his routine; they just mean he's a bit slower and a bit more circumspect.
That's because he's aged.
Olive Specter (yes, it gave her stats)
Olive will stop at nothing to get what she wants. She spends her time collecting mushrooms, sharpening sticks, and excavating her yard. As you might expect, she has a big appetite, and eats anything that she thinks is good enough for her. She's as much of a carnivore as you are, and is able to catch fish or birds at the least opportunity. She doesn't bother with plants, and prefers to live in areas full of food.
Alignment: Neutral evil
Hit Dice: 1d8+2
Speed: 30 feet
Ophelia Nigmos (this one is unsettling and strangely coherent)
Ophelia's hobbies include hypochondria and monitoring the air quality. She worries about the future... and the past... and the present. Especially right now.
Her past memories have become like mantras, repeating over and over in her head. They are the most important thing to her. This time, she's not sure she will remember them the way she did before. She's aching to go back and erase her past.
That which is most important to her--the things she left behind--has been forgotten. And nobody can help her. Nobody.
PT9 Smith
The only thing PT9 loves more than his lawn is his family. When he is not spending time with his children, he enjoys clipping coupons and staring up at the sky. Over the years PT9 has found his place in the aquarium world. He has helped educate people on different types of fish and he has hosted various education seminars for clients who have "fish stories" to share. In his spare time, PT9 enjoys spending time with his wife and his grandchildren.
Jenny Smith
Jenny loves having a career, but she wishes she could spend more time with her family, and maybe make some new friends. She really likes green. She wishes she had more friends. She wishes her mom would talk to her more often. She wishes she had nicer hair. She wishes her nose looked like a horse's. She has a lot of sympathy for humans and hopes to see one in the future. Jenny is a cross between a cat and a dog with a medium build, no special traits, but that means she's got a lot of muscle and a huge body
Johnny Smith
Johnny dreams of being the hero that rides in on a white horse, or at least a cool sports car. He'd go on to become the worst Superhero in all of space and time, which I guess is exactly what a normal, human teenage boy would do.
Jill Smith
When Jill closes her eyes, she sees dolphins. She has her heart set on becoming a deep sea welder someday. She loves dolphins so much, she's often put one in the trunk of her car and hit the gas to cheer her up.
"I love them so much," Jill declares. "I'm a Dolphin Lover."
Pascal Curious
No matter what happens, Pascal believes there is a logical explanation for everything. In his free time, he practices home psychoanalysis and collects conspiracy theories. He's become adept at opening jars containing creepy little bones or fragments of jellyfish, an odd skill in the world of ponysaurus hunting.
"I have been extremely lucky with bone fragments and that's not even being exaggerating," Pascal said.
Vidcund Curious
Serious and exact, Vidcund strives to fit the universe into a nice tidy package. He has an unnatural fondness for African violets. He is literally covered in them, from head to toe, if not technically. This is an odd love-hate relationship, a love-love and a hate-hate; that leaves us to sit and imagine the potential war between the vine and the earth.
Lazlo (”Twilight”) Curious
Not as studious as his older brothers, Lazlo got his degree in Phrenology. He likes to call phone psychics and spends hours trying to bend forks with his mind. His middle name is "Twilight" because his father was a vampire. He hates flowers.
General Buzz Grunt
The General likes to have his clocks set to military time. He used to enjoy barbershop quartet singing, but that is classified information. It's unknown when he fell in love, but it's possible that he was one of the first humans to understand the concept of love.
Tank Grunt
Tank Grunt wants to be just like his old man. He spends his days lifting heavy things, dodging imaginary bullets, and being bigger than the other guy, but deep down inside, he wonders if anyone really knows who he is. He hates it when his grandmother wants him to call her "Mama" and his grandma is pissed, and he just wants to stay in the dark and get away from the boring world around him. If he could just learn to love himself, he'd be unstoppable.
Ripp Grunt
Ripp totally doesn't care what you think of him. He is going to do whatever he wants to do, which is mostly what everyone else is doing. He has this whimsical desire to show off his tattoos, even though they give me nightmares (sometimes it feels like these tattoos are like a big torture device). He is hyperbolic and outrageous and uncouth and rude to the point that he's almost comical.
Buck Grunt
More than anything else, Buck wants to be a pet stylist to the stars. He spends a lot of time wondering why his father never seems to notice him.
"I want to have big hands and big feet, and I'm hoping I'm going to end up a couple of feet longer than my parents are," Buck said. "My Dad tells me a lot of things like, 'My son is going to be that guy who gets attention by the funnest side of you you've ever seen.' "
Cousins' health makes him optimistic about his prospects
Ajay Loner
To pass the hours, Ajay enjoys counting the grains of sand in his backyard. He may be about to blow his last few thousand, so he worries no more. "You can always count them. You just have to keep on keeping on," he says.
Chloe Curious
The complete opposite of her sister, Chloe just wants to meet new people and to have a good time. She can often be found daydreaming or chatting on the phone. She is very positive and has a creative mind, a big help when composing mean tweets. She always makes sure she keeps her emotions under control and is not too outgoing in social situations.
Lola Curious
Intelligent and focused, Lola knows what she wants and how to get it. She enjoys politics and telling those around her what to do. She keeps her enemies close and keeps a close eye on her enemies' backbones. Her love of Doctor Who and her interest in exploration drive her to travel the galaxy.
Erin Beaker
Erin spends a lot of time working on her psychic powers. Of course, she isn't really psychic, but don't tell her that. Erin's already a pro at picking out great dates with potential future partners. Nothing beats having a psychic date.
Kristen Singles
Kristen envisions herself as a world famous sports champion. She doesn't particularly care for Strangetown, but it's only a pit stop on her track to greatness. As much as she hates to admit it, her talent has never been in question, but that's not stopping her from strutting and parading around town in a T-shirt advertising her skills. She's no longer treating her sport as a game, but instead is obsessed with her prowess as a self proclaimed "muscle mom." 
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ako fanfic stuff etc.
hi i don’t know what to title this, and this fic is so rushed and bad honestly, but i just wanted to get it done and submitted before it slips out of my motivation. so yeah, it’s really fucking shitty (i didn’t even know how to end this lmao) but i still wanna share this, i hope you’ll like it
-Submitted by @yandere-sayori
    “Dammit, not again…” Ako sighs, burying herself into her bed, clutching her blanket tightly to her chest and silently cursing Monika for once again beating her to the punch on impressing Sayori. “I swear, I’m going to find some way to win over Sayori’s affection one way or another…! Even if I can’t date her no matter what, I still… I still want to win her attention for once! I want to win against Monika for once!”
    But of course, as bitter as Ako is about losing to Monika over and over again in their little microaggressive competitions to win Sayori’s praise and attention, she somehow knows deep down that she is simply clinging onto false hope that she is going to win someday. It’s absurd to even think she has a chance, especially since Monika’s already Sayori’s girlfriend, so that’s an automatic point in her favour, and an advantage in everything she does to impress her. But nevertheless, Ako still wants to try, as hard as she can, to be in Sayori’s spotlight for once.
    “But… I still wonder how Monika keeps doing this…” Ako sighs, rolling onto her back and staring up at her gray ceiling, “She ought to have some secret that keeps letting her win like this, and I have to find out what her advantage is. She’s always spending free time at school working on… something, in an empty classroom, and that’s really suspicious… I must stay after literature club tomorrow, and find out her secret!”
    With a burning new resolve to do whatever she can to win against Monika for once in her life, Ako goes to sleep, eager for the next day.
    The next morning, when Ako arrived at school a few minutes before school started, she’s approached by Sayori, who gives her a bright smile and an energetic “good morning!”, to which she responds with the usual monotone but still nevertheless enthusiastic, “good morning”.
    “Ako, have you heard about the new museum that opened last night!?” Sayori says excitedly, seeming to have gathered from Ako’s confusion that she in fact had not. “It’s soooo cool! Monika took me there for a date right after its opening, and it’s so amazing! I never thought I’d have an appreciation for fine arts!”
    Argh, of course, Monika once again beats Ako to the punch, bringing Sayori to yet another new location that opened in town. Something just doesn’t add up though. Ako’s been keeping tabs on new events in town so she could find an opening, but she’s never heard news of any fine arts museums being built, and yet this just appeared out of nowhere last night. That doesn’t make any sense at all, and it’s so suspicious that Monika would right be there at the opening to take Sayori on a date there.
    “Oh, really? I don’t believe I have ever seen much of fine arts before. Perhaps you could take me there sometimes?” Ako asks in her usual coy and inquisitive tone, not that she’s purposely trying to be coy, that’s just how she is. “I would like to find inspiration to further improve my own art skills.”
    “That would be soooo fun!” Sayori squeals, already going through her calendar on her phone to try to find the best time for she and Ako to hang out at the museum together.
    Ako’s attention isn’t completely trained on Sayori though. Rather, she is keeping her eyes on Monika, seated a few seats from her, giving her weird stares that Ako has gotten far too used to. Ako stares at her back, as if to challenge her. She is going to find out Monika’s secret today, no matter what.
    “So, we can go… oh wait! Class is starting!” Sayori exclaims, clumsily putting her phone away. “We’ll finish making plans later, okay Ako?”
    Ako nods, “Yes, we can do that. I look forward to it.”
    “Me too!” Sayori sure is excited.
    After school, after the literature club, Ako lingers behind, after having pretended to head home. She stalks around the empty classrooms, waiting for the opportune moment to spy on Monika and find out whatever she does on her laptop. Maybe secret intel on the town’s newest events before they even happen? Contracting companies to build new landmarks in secret with her parents’ money? Monika, what’s your secret!
    Once Ako has ensured that she is in prime position to eavesdrop and spy on Monika without being detected, she starts listening in.
    “Hmm, what else can I add to this town…” Monika mumbles to herself as she tic-tacs away on her laptop, typing something to which Ako is still ignorant. Her words do seem odd though, ‘add to this town’? What is this, Sims 3? “I’ve already done the mall, the carnival, the museum…”
    Strange, Ako knows those to be the new landmarks that just popped up out of nowhere. What could Monika have done with those?
    “Maybe instead of adding new attractions, I should consider other kind of objects I can add. Maybe… ooh, maybe regular nightfairs. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” Monika starts clicking and typing again, Ako finding her words stranger and stranger. “Man, coding complex object files really is a task though, I still haven’t really memorized all of the codes for complex objects yet. Maybe… yeah, it can’t hurt to consult her file again. This is purely for coding consultation, nothing more. …There she is, Ako.obj.”
    …What? “Ako.obj”? Ako suddenly feels a weird chill running up her spine. What… what could this possibly mean? Could this really…? No, that’s impossible, that can’t possibly be true. This doesn’t make any sense.
    “Man, I’m still impressed at how complex her file is. I never knew an object file could reference so many sprites like that to the point where she’s actually animated beyond just a silhouette. And the personality codes and stuff too, just like an actual character file…“ Monika giggles a bit, “To think, all of the new landmarks in town have her coding as their ‘parent’…”
    No… no that’s not right. Ako feels her entire body tensing up, and her breathing becomes constricted. This isn’t right. She’s just an object file…? Not a character file…? And Monika is… coding everything in this reality? On a laptop? And she can read everything about her?
    “…I really shouldn’t, but I kinda wonder about the newest change logs.” Monika pauses and ponders a bit, before going, “Nah, just a peak can’t hurt. I doubt there’s anything there I don’t already know about anyways. Went to school… learned about the museum… making plans… …just found out she’s a–”
    Even whilst cowering and no longer looking at Monika, Ako could feel Monika’s horrified stare in her direction, the… programmer god or something having found out she’s been listening the entire time. Her heart’s pounding, her vision blurry, with Monika’s stare trained on her, Ako feels like her heart’s about to burst from her chest. Not being able to take this anymore, she bolts away from her hiding place, and runs away.
    How is this possible? How can this be? This doesn’t make any sense, and yet it’s the reality. Ako’s just… an object, in a completely fictional world, in a world where there’s… who knows how many real people there are. Maybe it’s just the literature club? It would explain why every random passerby she sees from the top of the old abandoned building suddenly seem like black silhouettes rather than real people. None of them are real either. They’re all objects, just like her. The only ones who has any kind of colour and… life, are the four at the literature club. Ako doesn’t count, she’s not alive.
    Just… why does she even bother? She’s never ever going to win Sayori like that. She’s not even alive, and Monika is… some kind of a freaking god or something, she literally programs this entire world and everyone in it. She can literally delete her file at any moment and just erase her from existence. What makes Ako think she can have any chance of winning Sayori? That’s just… that’s just plain delusion. It’s not like she had a chance to begin with anyways, Monika’s already her girlfriend. Just why even bother…?
    Ako looks down the abandoned building again. She’s never had a fear of heights, but she can still feel the thrill of vertigo running up her spine as she looks down at how high up she is right now. She once read somewhere that if one wants to commit suicide, jumping from the 4th story guarantees a death. She should be sufficiently high up enough to guarantee a swift death. It’ll just be a quick, painful moment, and then it’ll be all over.
    There’s nothing to fear about death. Ako isn’t even alive to begin with. She’s just an object. What happens to an .obj file when it dies? An object is not a real person, an object wouldn’t have an afterlife. Not that a fictitious world would have one to begin with. Taking off her shoes and leaving them behind, Ako’s about to find out what happens after death.
    “Wait-! Please, don’t!”
    Ako stops, just before she steps off the edge of the building, when she hears Sayori’s voice. She had a feeling she was going to try and stop her.
    Still panting from having run so much to catch up to her, Sayori says exasperatedly, “Please, don’t jump, Ako-! Just… please, don’t do this…”
    Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, Ako asks solemnly, “Sayori, why do you care? I’m not a real person. I’m just an object. You should save your energy for someone who actually deserves it.”
    “Ako, don’t… don’t say that…” Sayori cries, desperation in her voice, “You’re… you’re my friend, Ako, and I really don’t have many! I don’t want to see you go, not like this…!”
    “Sayori, I know the truth.” Ako says, her voice depressed, “I’m an object file. I’m not a character file, I’m not a living being, I never was. I don’t belong in… in the literature club. It doesn’t matter if I’m gone, nothing is going to change.”
    “That’s not true at all! It matters to me, to Natsuki, to Yuri, to Monika! It matters to me, and all of our friends!”
    “Monika?” Ako turns around and glares sharply, her expression finally changed from indifference to anger, “Sayori, you know as well as I she’s never going to accept me, that she’s always going to have your affections. She’s not just your girlfriend, she has freaking god powers, Sayori, and I’m just a fucking object. There’s nothing, not a fucking thing I can ever do that’s ever going to deserve your… your love, Sayori…!”
    As much as Ako wanted to keep her angry disposition, in an attempt to intimidate Sayori into backing off and leaving her to die alone, as she finally admits to her true desires, her voice breaks and her tears well up. She didn’t want Sayori to realize her weakness, she didn’t want Sayori to care so she could just leave everything behind, and she’s so angry at Sayori for giving her second thoughts about dying.
    “Ako, that’s… that’s not true…” Sayori tears up herself, finally seeming to realize Ako’s true feelings beyond just her words, “Ako, you’re my best friend, you don’t need to compete with her like this. I know… I know that she’s still being difficult about accepting you, but Ako, that doesn’t mean I love you any less…! I don’t care if you’re an .obj file or a .chr file, you’re my best friend, and I care for you so deeply! Like, there’s just…Ako, you… you and Monika are the two closest people to me in my life, I can’t bear losing you…!”
    “Sayori…” Ako reaches up and wipes away her tears, just as they start to roll down her cheeks. Even now, she doesn’t want to show any weakness to Sayori, wishing she would just leave her alone already. “But why…? I’m not… I’m not even alive, I’m just… I’m just a silhouette given an image… why did you even approach me that day at the library…?”
    “I… I don’t know why I did, but I don’t care.” Sayori sniffs, and blows her nose into her handkerchief before continuing, “Nothing… this entire world is just a game with complex programming anyways, nothing’s real, not even me, Ako. I’m… I’m ultimately just a file too, but I don’t care.. You’ve made my life so much better ever since you came into my life, you’ve been such a friend, even through our ups and downs, and we’ve shared so many beautiful moments together. So I don’t… I don’t ever want to lose you, Ako… “
    Unable to hold herself back any longer, Ako hugs Sayori tightly, sobbing out all of the tumultuous emotions that has festered within her all day, as her best friend does the same, holding onto her tightly and crying into her shoulder. Although she’s still shaky and vulnerable, Ako finds comfort and solace in her best friend’s arms. And, for the moment, finally feels as if all is at ease.
    “Ako, I want to apologize for having mistreated you all this time.” Monika sighs, her laptop closed, “I haven’t been handling my jealousy well at all, and have just been really unfair to you, even going as far as violating your privacy by using your file as a guide. I’m sorry.”
    “…It’s fine.” Ako says nonchalantly, seeming to have returned to her usual monotone, the only signs of emotions on her being the redness around her eyes after having bawled her eyes out. “You just wanted to make a beautiful world for your girlfriend.”
    “Ako…” Sayori frowns and pouts. As flattered as she is to hear that, since it very much is true that Monika has been generating new content for her sake, she doesn’t really want Ako to just resign like this.
    “No, like I said, this isn’t fair to you.” Monika says firmly, and adds, “I promise I won’t open your file again, and that if I really want to start learning to program more complex objects, I’ll learn through legitimate means rather than just copy and pasting parts of your file. In fact, if you want, I’ll even ask Sayori to put a password on your file so I can’t access it-”
    “That won’t be necessary.” Ako says, smiling a bit. “I appreciate the sentiment though.”
    For a moment, Monika eyes up Ako’s smile a bit, seeming to interpret it as a smug smile at having won against her for once, before Sayori suddenly steps in and says, “Okay, the both of you, from now on, no more competing over me, okay?”
    Ako and Monika both turn their attention to Sayori, a curious look on their faces. Sayori continues, “These… these little competitions were nice and all, but now they’re amounting to nothing more than causing trouble. Monika, you’re my girlfriend, and you know I’m always going to love you romantically as my girlfriend. Ako, you’re my best friend, and you are as important to me as Monika is. So just please, stop competing for my attention, okay-? I’m always going to love the both of you a lot, and I’m always going to want to spend more time with the both of you. So just please, get along-?”
    “Yeah, I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.”
    “Very well, I won’t.”
    Sayori gives a small smile, and pulls Ako and Monika both in for a tight hug. “Seriously, I love you two so much, you two have brought more meaning to my life than anything else, and I never, ever want to let you go.”
    “Sayori… I love you too.” Monika returns the hug, putting her arms around both Sayori and Ako, although at first hesitant about being so close to Ako. “I’ll work on my issues more so they’ll stop causing trouble.”
    “Sayori…” Ako says quietly, and returns the hug as well, hugging Monika as well. “…Thank you. Thank you so much…”
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numbah34 · 6 years
First Glance
Author’s Note: I had a thought sometime last week, a thought many of us have probably had before, so I wrote a “little” one-shot AU on it. I’m gonna throw a disclaimer in here and say up front that I DID borrow some lines and scenes from a few episodes of the show; I needed them for the narrative. I claim ABSOLUTELY NO OWNERSHIP of those lines of dialogue or situations therein. This is a work of fan fiction.
Lance had been so excited to begin his first year at the Galaxy Garrison. He had run immediately to tell Veronica, then the rest of his family. They had celebrated, offered congratulations, and talked about all the amazing things he would learn at the Garrison. He was so eager to become a fighter pilot, he could all but hear the heroic stories people would tell of him one day.
Now, as he sat back in his seat and tried to focus on the words coming out of Commander Montgomery’s mouth, he was struck yet again with the realization that school for pilots was, in fact, still school. He quietly sighed and leaned his head back to look at the ceiling, hoping to look merely contemplative.
Growing bored with counting the spots on the ceiling tiles, he soon let his gaze wander aimlessly around the room at his classmates.
Hunk, his best friend, sat alertly and quietly jotted notes down in his notebook. He might get queasy on the simulators, but when it came to academics and theories, he left everyone else in the dust. Lance wasn’t sure he could even imagine meeting someone as smart as Hunk; the creative possibilities for mischief were endless in such a scenario.
His gaze shifted a few seats over, landing on James Griffin. Lance fought the urge to roll his eyes. James was nice enough, and intelligent, too, but it was obvious he knew it. He also had an irksome tendency to want to blame others for being better than him at some of the skills.
Lance continued to let his eyes wander, finally resting on the boy sitting a few seats in front of him. Though this boy was quietly minding his own business, and also occasionally jotting down some notes, Lance could not help his immediate mental reaction:
Ugh. Keith.
Something about this guy just rubbed him the wrong way. It might have been Keith’s natural talent at the flight simulators, or how he was just effortlessly good at so many of the other skills they were taught, or maybe it was his rapport with Shiro, Lance’s hero, to whom Lance had not even gathered the courage to speak. In any case, Lance felt a personal rivalry with Keith.
Keith turned his head to look out the window. Lance also tilted his head to see what had drawn his attention.
Speak of the devil! Not far away, Shiro was walking across the courtyard. He stopped, seemingly waiting for someone. He looked over at the classroom windows, then smiled and waved at Keith. Keith gave a little smile and nodded.
Before Lance could begin internally grumbling, something caught his attention in his peripheral vision. He turned his head and looked out his own window, just in time to see a woman and a girl, who looked to be about his age, walking across the courtyard toward Shiro.
The woman apparently recognized Shiro, and waved. She continued walking towards him. The girl, however, seemed distracted, looking around at the buildings and the complex, slowing her pace, stopping randomly, and taking in her surroundings in wide-eyed wonder. Her mouth moved almost non-stop, as though she were asking questions quicker than they could be answered. As she spun in her roundabout investigations, the skirt of her purple dress flared slightly, and her long, honey-gold hair fluttered around her shoulders. The woman- her mother?- beckoned her over, laughing. The girl grinned and hurried over, following Shiro and her mother into the building.
Lance watched until they disappeared from sight, unable to take his eyes off the girl. Apparently, her grin was infectious, as he felt himself smiling.
She was the prettiest girl he had ever seen. And so curious! Were the buildings and the courtyard really that interesting? Lance would have to look for himself, later.
Who was she? That was the real question. He spent the rest of the lesson thinking about who she could be, and how she and her mother knew Shiro. Perhaps she was a prospective student? That thought made him smile again. Maybe they would be classmates!
Class was dismissed not long after that. As Lance was putting away his materials, he heard a voice call to Keith from the front of the classroom. He looked up in time to see Shiro at the door, waving his rival over.
Lance narrowed his eyes and turned his focus back to gathering his things. Suddenly, he caught a flash of purple out of the corner of his eye. He looked up again, this time to see a much more pleasant sight: the mystery girl had entered the classroom.
She was up by the teacher’s desk, interestedly looking at the class materials from the day’s lesson. Her bright eyes seemed to be taking it all in. Lance, meanwhile, was frozen in place, eyes locked on her, and mouth too dry to speak.
Her head popped up at the sound of her mother’s voice, and she hurried to the door. She paused as she reached the doorway, seeming to feel the intense blue eyes boring into her. She met Lance’s eyes, and for the briefest moment, stared back. Then, she smiled shyly, ducked her head, and stepped out of the classroom.
Lance stood frozen in place for a minute. He felt someone tap his shoulder.
“Hey, man! Ready to get lunch?” Hunk smiled at him expectantly, then took in Lance’s shell-shocked expression. “Um… everything okay?”
Lance felt his ability to speak return. “Who do you think that was?” he asked, voice pitched ever-so-slightly higher.

“Who?” asked Hunk, looking toward the door where his friend had continued to stare.
Lance broke his gaze away from the door and stared at his friend. “The girl! In the purple dress! She was just in here!” he raised an eyebrow. “How did you not see her?”
“I dunno, I was putting my stuff away and not really looking for any strangers coming into the room.” Hunk shrugged. “Why? What did I miss?”
Lance sighed. “The most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”
Hunk immediately rolled his eyes. “Right. So, totally different from every other girl you’ve ever told me about.”
“No, I don’t know how to explain it,” Lance felt his cheeks flushing slightly, “but there was something that just seemed… different about her.”
“You got all that from just one look?” Hunk asked, skeptically raising his eyebrow.
“Listen, I said I couldn’t explain it!” he looked back at the door. “I have to know more about her! Come on!” he picked up his backpack and headed to the door.
“What?” Hunk exclaimed, caught off guard by his friend’s sudden action. “Where are we going?”
“To find out who she is!” Lance called back with a grin as he reached the door. “Are you coming?”
Hunk reluctantly took off after him. “But… but lunch!” he protested halfheartedly.
The two boys spent most of their lunch period walking through the halls and trying to find out where the mystery girl had gone. Lance wasn’t sure what he would say if they found her, but maybe introducing himself would be the best thing to do? He mentally practiced his introduction.
Hi, I’m Lance. Future fighter pilot. …No, no, how about: the name’s Lance. And you are…?
With ten minutes of their lunch period left, Hunk convinced Lance that they had probably just missed her if they still hadn’t been able to find her. They grabbed a couple snacks from the cafeteria vending machines before heading to their next class.
Hunk noticed the downhearted expression on Lance’s face as they walked to class. “Hey, you know, if she was visiting here with her mom, and they were talking to Shiro, maybe that means she’s going to start school here!” He gave him an encouraging smile. “Just because we couldn’t find her today doesn’t mean you’ll never see her again!”
Lance felt the corners of his mouth turn upwards into a small, hopeful smile. “Yeah… yeah! You’re right!” he exclaimed. “I’ll just have to keep my eyes open!”
A few months later…
Lance could not believe that he still had not seen the girl on campus again. Every day, in every class, he would frequently cast a glance out the window to see if he might catch her again. He was met with disappointment time and again.
One day, while sitting in another lecture, he was surprised to see their professor stop in the middle of a lesson to address an alert they had just received. The professor’s expression became somber; news had just come in that the Kerberos mission the Garrison had sent out only a few months previous had gone missing. The suspected cause, he said, was “pilot error.”
Lance jumped a little when Keith shot out of his seat and dashed from the room. He and Hunk exchanged a worried look. Pilot error… Shiro had been the pilot on the Kerberos mission. Shiro. The greatest flight prodigy of whom Lance had ever heard. If he could mess up on a mission… Lance gulped. For the first time in months, he let thoughts of the mystery girl take a backseat to his studies. He could not afford to let himself be distracted.
A year later…
“I’ve been thinking, Hunk.”
“No, no, hear me out, it’s nothing bad, I swear,” Lance reassured his friend. The two boys were busily getting ready for their first day of the new semester, dressing in their cadet uniforms and inspecting themselves to make sure their presentation was acceptable.
“I really hope this isn’t more of your thoughts on our placements for Sim teams. I’m nervous enough about that already!”
“Not this time,” Lance replied, smiling sheepishly.
“Uh-oh, I know that look, too,” Hunk frowned.
Lance plowed on. “Listen, though! What if mystery girl was never going to enroll in the Garrison? What if she was just on a tour? Or was just coming with her mom on some business-related errand? I’ve been thinking about this all wrong!”
Hunk sighed, resigned. “Go on…”
“What if mystery girl is actually from around town?”
“I’m not sure I like where this is going.”
“What if I haven’t seen her again because she has no reason to come here? I’ve been looking in entirely the wrong place!”
“Here it comes…”
“Hunk! We need to take a trip into town!” Lance grinned triumphantly.
“There it is.” Hunk sighed again. “And when exactly do you propose we do that? Our schedule is packed pretty tight this semester. We’re supposed to be learning to fly the simulator! And we’re going to need to practice. That’ll take time. And what if we end up on teams where we don’t get along with anyone?” Hunk felt his anxieties rising to the surface.
“We’ll figure it out! Maybe make a full team outing of it. Call it ‘team-building’, or something.” Lance shrugged.
“I don’t know, man… this just sounds like a bad idea. We’re not supposed to leave campus unless we’re with an officer.” Hunk gulped. “We could get in a lot of trouble.”
“Don’t worry, Hunk,” Lance confidently reassured his friend. “Just leave all of that to me. I’m sure I can figure it out.”
The boys made their way to the administration offices, anxiously wondering about their sim team placements. Spying the list posted in the hallway, Lance quickly scanned through the assignments until he found his name. He turned and smiled widely at Hunk.
“I made it! I’m a fighter pilot!” he exclaimed gleefully, bursting into an impromptu celebratory dance in the hallway. “Hasta la later, Keith!” He cast a salute of sorts into the open hallway, directed at their absent former classmate.
He turned and leaned on Hunk’s shoulder, pointing to the list again. “And look, you’re my engineer!” He grinned at their good fortune.
“Cool…” Hunk almost sighed with relief, then continued with a slight air of trepidation, “Uh, can I do that from the ground?” He looked at Lance nervously, who looked back in mild disbelief.
Lance chose not to dignify that question with a response. He turned his attention back to the list, to see which of their classmates would fill the third spot on their team. “And our communications officer is… uh…” he squinted at the unfamiliar name. Definitely not anyone he had met before. “Who the heck is ‘Pidge Gunderson’?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Right here!” an unexpected voice answered from behind them.
The boys both turned around at the sound of the new voice. There, standing in the hallway, was a bespectacled boy who might have been the most diminutive of any of their classmates. He looked as though he was feeling awkward and a little shy; definitely a newbie.
Lance and Hunk stepped toward their new teammate. “Welcome to the team, Gunderson! I’m Lance, your fighter pilot.” Lance crossed his arms across his chest. Wow, but it felt good to identify himself as a fighter pilot! He had been so worried that he would still be stuck as cargo class…
“Hey. I’m Hunk.” Hunk reached out and briefly shook Gunderson’s hand.
“We’ve got a lot of great times ahead, so we should probably start bonding now,” Lance stated, suddenly remembering his idea from that morning. “What do you say we sneak off campus for some pizza, maybe meet a few of the local girls, tell them about studying to become astronauts…” Lance trailed off, noticing that Gunderson didn’t seem to be looking at, much less paying any attention to him! His eyes grew wide with indignation, then narrowed as he frowned at his new teammate.
Suddenly, Gunderson flinched and cast his eyes downward, pulling his left arm up into a loose, amateurish salute.
“Wrong arm, cadet.”
The three boys all jumped at the gruff voice of Commander Iverson. Lance and Hunk straightened immediately into a proper salute, and Gunderson quickly changed which arm he held at what was still a sloppy salute.
As the commander passed, the new cadet closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief.
“Hello? Pizza? Girls? Astronauts??”
Gunderson opened his eyes to find Lance leaning forward to meet him at eye level, his face about a foot away with an annoyed expression firmly in place. The cadet looked surprised only momentarily, then switched his expression to one of crabby indifference.
“Sorry, I don’t have time to mess around with you guys,” he stated matter-of-factly as he hunched his shoulders and strode away from Lance and Hunk. “See you in the simulator."
Lance straightened his posture and glared after their new teammate. “What’s his problem?” Lance grumped. He scowled, then turned and headed in the opposite direction. Hunk followed after Lance.
“Well, who says we can’t use the excuse of ‘team bonding’ for the two of us to sneak into town?” Lance said, setting his jaw in determination as he walked down the hall.
Hunk sighed. “I was afraid you were going to say that…”
Lance started mentally planning their excursion; he would find the mystery girl. He just knew it.
UGH what an embarrassment that simulator training had been. Lance had been looking forward to finally getting to fly the simulator and impress his team with how well he could lead them, but nothing had worked like he had imagined. Instead, they had failed miserably, argued with each other nonstop, and only served as a cautionary tale for the next group of cadets.
Now back in their room, Lance was stewing over their performance that day while Hunk was getting ready for bed.
Lance thought back to his arguments with Pidge during the test and felt a little guilty. It couldn’t have been easy for him; Pidge had just started at the Garrison not that long ago, and was paired with two people who had known each other for far longer. Lance frowned as he thought of their first meeting and the poor first impression he had gotten from Pidge; what if he had also made a bad first impression? The new cadet was so closed off; they knew almost nothing about him. Perhaps it was time for some team bonding…
Lance grinned. “Hunk!” he exclaimed, startling his friend. “Put those pajamas down and get your civvies! Tonight, we are bonding!”
“Oh, no.” said Hunk. He looked at Lance pleadingly. “Come on, Lance, we’ve already gotten yelled at by Iverson once today, I don’t know if I can take another!”
“It’s going to be fine,” Lance tried to reassure his friend as he pulled on his favorite sneakers.
“Every. Single. Time.” Hunk deadpanned. “That is how many times we have gotten caught trying to sneak out.”
“But this time, we’ll have help!” Lance declared.
“What? Who?”
“Tonight we’re taking Pidge with us.”
“Riiiiiight.” Hunk raised his eyebrows skeptically. “What makes you so sure he’s going to want to come with us?”
“Because there’s no way we’re going to pass that simulator if we can’t bond as a team.” he asserted. “Now stop whining and finish getting ready!”
Soon, the boys found themselves sneaking down the hallway, listening for any senior officers that might be moving through the halls.
“Lights out in five! Everyone back to their dorms, now!” Commander Iverson boomed.
Lance and Hunk peeked out from around the corner to see the commander heading down a different hallway.
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” Hunk whispered nervously.
“You heard Commander Iverson, we need to bond as a team!” Lance brushed aside Hunk’s worried statement. “We’re going to grab Pidge, hit the town, loosen up, meet some nice girls,” he allowed himself the familiar hopeful thought, “maybe-”
“Mm’kay, I’m just, I’m just saying this here, right now, on the record: this is a bad idea.” Hunk sighed.
The lights shut off, and Lance quietly ran across the hallway, Hunk reluctantly following. They ducked down as they reached the brightly lit Instructor’s Lounge, in which several teachers milled about.
“You know, for someone in a space exploration program, you don’t have much of a sense of adventure.” Lance said as he slunk down the hallway. He crouched down by the lounge window.
“All of your little ‘adventures’ end up with me in the principal’s office,” Hunk hissed, checking behind them.
Lance carefully peeked into the window, looking to see if they could sneak past unnoticed. He dropped to his elbows and knees and began crawling determinedly.
Hunk deeply sighed in resignation. “Oh, man…” He also sunk to the floor and began crawling after his friend.
The boys made their way to section L5 North of the barracks, dodging and hiding from security officers along the way. Hiding in some trash bins, they heard a passing officer announce over his walkie-talkie that the hall was clear. As soon as he had passed by, they popped out of their hiding spots. …Well, Lance popped out of his; Hunk lost his balance trying to extricate himself and crashed to the floor.
“I’m fine!” Hunk said to no one in particular, attempting to recover some of his dignity from his fall. Lance, meanwhile, calmly sauntered toward room A-34: Pidge’s room.
As they approached, the door whooshed open, and the boys immediately ducked behind a corner to avoid whoever was coming out. Lance cautiously peeked around the corner, only to see Pidge emerge from his room and quickly scurry down the corridor. He carried what looked to be a large backpack on his back.
“…Where is he going?” Lance asked suspiciously, stepping out into the hall and staring after their smaller teammate.
That had not been how Lance had envisioned the evening going. As the sun rose over the horizon, he once again tried to think through everything that had happened in the last several hours.
He and Hunk had followed Pidge up to the rooftop and caught him listening… to space? Alien chatter? And then the alien ship had shown up, they had run for a closer look, and Pidge had discovered that Shiro, the pilot from the Kerberos mission who had gone missing a year ago, had crash landed and was being examined by Garrison specialists. Lance made a mental note to himself that it had been cool that Pidge had hacked the surveillance cameras in the med-tent. He had idly wondered what else his teammate might be hiding?
Then, Keith (UGH) had shown up to rescue Shiro, but of course that was unacceptable, because Lance had already decided that he and the others would take care of that. One insane car chase later, complete with terrifying cliff jump, the five of them found themselves at a house- or shack? Really, it seemed more like a shack, he thought- where Keith had been living. And now Shiro was telling them about the aliens, and a weapon called… Voltron? Lance could not believe what an adventure this was turning into.
His eyes shifted over to his best friend as Hunk began speaking. “Well, last night I was rummaging through Pidge’s stuff,” he began, pulling something from the bag. “…and I found this picture; look, it’s his girlfriend!” Hunk grinned and gave a little laugh.
Lance’s eyes widened slightly as he focused in on the photograph.
There she was.
The mystery girl.
In the purple dress.
The same one she had been wearing when he first glanced her.
She stood there, smiling, with another boy’s arm wrapped around her shoulders, drawing her in close. …Pidge’s arm.
Pidge’s girlfriend.
Hunk’s eyes darted over to Lance as Pidge exclaimed, “Hey! Gimme that!” and grabbed the picture out of his hand. He saw Lance’s frozen expression: wide eyes, slight frown. Hunk’s own expression changed then as he put two and two together.
He did not have time to dwell on Lance finally seeing mystery girl again, as Pidge seized his backpack away from Hunk and demanded, “What were you doing in my stuff?!”
Hunk went on with his explanation, but Lance wasn’t really listening.
All this time he had been trying to find the mystery girl… and she was someone else’s girlfriend.
He pushed this thought from his head. They were in the middle of an adventure, after all! If he needed a distraction from these depressing thoughts, this was about as good as it could get. “…kind of like a ‘Voltron Geiger Counter’.” Hunk was finishing.
“Hunk, you big, gassy genius!” Lance exclaimed.
Hunk grinned, glad to see his friend wasn’t dwelling on his unspoken discovery. “It’s pretty fascinating, really! The wavelength looks like this!” he pulled out a paper with a visual representation drawn out on it.
“Give me that!” said Keith, taking the paper from Hunk’s hands and carrying it to his collage on the wall.
No one in the room could have predicted that their real adventure was only just beginning.
If you had told Lance just last week that he would be sitting inside a castle, on a different planet in a galaxy light years away from his own, mentally trying to bond and form a giant, robot lion-based ultra-weapon with four other people… he would have definitely thought you were crazy. Very creative, but crazy nonetheless.
Yet, here they were.
They had met aliens- Alteans- Princess Allura and her advisor, Coran. They had each been given a lion to pilot and the title of paladin, and they had even managed to form Voltron once! The real problem, it seemed, was trying to form it again.
They had tried several different ideas and techniques, many at Coran’s instruction, and the latest of these had the paladins sitting in a circle on the floor, attempting to meld their minds by pushing all other distractions aside.
Lance thought of his family. He missed them; he wondered if they knew? Surely by now the Garrison had contacted them to say he had gone missing. If nothing else, his sister Veronica would have been informed almost immediately, and she would have gotten the word out. Not for the first time, Lance felt guilty about the worry his family must be experiencing.
Coran instructed them to focus on forming their lion. Lance and the others seemed to be doing well with pushing their blocks aside as they mentally sent their lion avatars to the middle of the circle to begin forming Voltron. All except Pidge, who seemed to be struggling…
“Pidge!” Keith said sternly, “Stop thinking of your girlfriend!”
“I WASN’T! Hunk was rooting around in my head!” he angrily exclaimed.
Lance felt a little twist in his gut. He had been trying to forget about mystery girl and the recent revelation that she was Pidge’s girlfriend. Having an attractive space princess to focus his flirtation toward had helped some, but he had not been able to put the other girl completely from his mind.
With another assertion to “Clear your minds!” from Coran, the paladins began again, this time with Pidge’s participation. They were doing well, and had almost successfully formed their mini-mental-Voltron, when the green lion flickered back to the picture of Pidge and the girl.
Lance could not stop himself from exclaiming in irritation. “Pidge!”
Pidge let out a guttural growl, then flung the mental linking device to the floor. “I’m done with this!” He crossed his arms defiantly. “Look, I don’t like everyone grubbing around in my head!”
Lance frowned to himself as Shiro tried to calm Pidge down. He couldn’t really blame Pidge for being upset, he thought to himself. He hadn’t been able to put the girl in the purple dress from his mind since the day he first saw her… and he wasn’t even her boyfriend.
Pidge is a girl.
Pidge is a… girl.
Pidge… is a girl.
It doesn’t matter how many times he thinks it, or how he says it in his head or otherwise, this newest twist in their adventure throws him for a loop.
Lance had always figured he was fairly observant. He had sharp eyes, but somehow this fact had escaped him.
Pidge is a girl. He… no, she… had enrolled in the Garrison and managed to assume a false identity and pass herself off as a boy, all so she could have a chance to find her father and her brother. That was why he… no, she… was so sensitive regarding anyone talking about the Kerberos mission.
Lance admired her bravery. All this to find her family… He loved his family, loved them and missed them so much, he could understand her motivation. If something similar had happened to anyone in his family… if it was, say, Veronica who had been mysteriously lost on a mission, would he have done the same? He would definitely have wanted to… And here was Pidge, who by a gracious twist of fate had found herself in what was possibly the best position to make any real progress towards finding her father and brother. But she wasn’t just doing that; she had also agreed to stay and pilot the green lion, to stay and fight a war she didn’t have to, and to contribute her amazing intellect and technological prowess not just to locate her loved ones, but to help a universe of people she had never met and who would never properly thank her. All of that, everything about her, struck Lance in a way that he did not fully understand. But he smiled anyway.
As he lay in bed, waiting for sleep, he let these thoughts bounce around his head. He found himself thinking about the mystery girl in the purple dress, and was a little shocked to realize that he had not thought about her very much lately. Maybe they had just been too busy lately? Or maybe he was distracted…?
He thought again about the picture Hunk had found in Pidge’s belongings. The boy in the picture had not been Pidge at all, he realized. She and her brother looked fairly similar, so the little differences had not stood out to him at first glance; but, now that her secret was public knowledge, and now that he knew her a little better, he wondered how he could have ever been fooled. Obviously, the boy in the picture was Matt, Pidge’s brother. And the mystery girl was not Pidge’s girlfriend at all.
She was Matt’s girlfriend.
Lance sighed. Well… he thought, closing his eyes, I guess it doesn’t really matter. He yawned as sleep overtook him. I probably won’t ever see her again, anyway.
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Assorted Parenting Updates from a while back
I found this post in my drafts folder and I figured it was worth posting, even though it’s now more than six months out of date.
It's been a while since I wrote any updates about my kids, so I figured I'd try to record some stuff for posterity. The one caveat is that everything is great and I wouldn’t tell you if it wasn’t.
A while back, when I felt like I was staring down a lot of years of parenting, I started asking my friends when things got easier. I mostly got two answers: when your youngest turns 3, and when your youngest turns 5. So now, when I have a 5.5yo and an almost 3yo seems like a particularly appropriate time to reflect. 
It really is sort of shocking to me how mature Lydia is. I don’t mean that I think she’s especially mature for her age–more that 5 seems like a shockingly mature age compared to what came before. From the time she was a baby, we did a ton of talking about stuff and explaining stuff, and all that. But at this age she really gets it. Explaining things works. If she doesn’t want to do something, she’s often happy to tell me why, and she’s decent at introspecting, especially if we talk her through it. She seems to accept that there are some things that I will make her do (though I try to keep that to a minimum), and she’ll ask whether I’m forcing her to do something or not. And often she’ll be up for doing it even if I’m not forcing her, even if she doesn’t want to do it, just because I really want her to do it. She recently informed me that she can open all of our child locks, and I was basically just happy about that development. 
By my standards, she’s pretty polite :-).
She’s pretty motivated to observe family rules, and she’s also very much tracking that other families have different rules, particularly around toys and sharing. (In our house, lots of the toys belong to one kid or the other, and a minority of the toys are communal.)
She also sometimes tells me when she thinks I haven’t been being fair to her or paying enough attention to her, which always feels comforting. Though I suppose I never know for sure what she isn’t telling me. 
It’s definitely a bad bet to assume she isn’t paying attention to stuff that people around her are saying.
Her favorite food is pasta with parmesan cheese.
She loves LOL dolls.
She’s been super into singing, and wants me to help her get all the notes perfect. Her favorite songs are Rose Red, Hey Ho Nobody’s Home, and Ah Poor Bird. Other favorites include Once Upon a December, A Million Dreams, and Let it Go.
She builds a lot with Legos and Duplos, and lately she seems to have more of a plan. Like she’ll specifically round up a bunch of a type of piece she knows she’s going to need.
Socializing is clearly important to her, but she seems to get burned out by it too sometimes. And lately she can actually meaningfully spend a lot of time doing pretend play with Zeke, so there’s that too. She has a lot of strategies for getting him to do what she wants when they play. Playing with our nanny is also one of her top things to do.
She started getting carsick lately :-(, whereas she really didn’t before, which is too bad. A lot of the time it doesn’t happen though, and she is fairly self-aware about her triggers.
She has stuff she likes playing on the iPad, and some Wii and PS4 games she likes, but hasn’t ever really gotten into video games or computer games. She loves playing The Sims on my computer with me, perhaps partly because it’s a bit of scarce activity.
For years now she’s had a pretty steady interest in arithmetic. It’s pretty common for her to spontaneously ask about addition, subtraction, and sometimes a little multiplication. We talk about infinity sometimes.
She’ll ask to practice reading with me and Will, but my sense is that her motivation there is largely about connecting with us. I don’t think it feels real to her that she could actually learn to read.
She loves our dogs, and wants more animals. She periodically mentions wanting a smaller dog and a cat.
She’s definitely still a night owl. Our nanny starts at 9 a few mornings a week, and she’s asked me to wake her up for that, since she doesn’t want to miss out. Otherwise, she’ll wake up anywhere from around 8:30-10:30, and she often goes to sleep around 11:30, though sometimes it’s much earlier if she had a jam-packed day, or if she slept less than usual the night before. 
I can definitely imagine what would feel easier about having my youngest child be 5. 
Zeke isn’t quite as into trucks and construction as he used to be, but he likes it a lot. He largely likes watching videos about construction, making slime, playing with kinetic sand, making food, factories, and that sort of thing. Overall, I find his taste in videos pretty soothing. 
He like digging outside.
He has some interest in just about everything Lydia is interested in, and he really likes it when he gets to play with her and her friends.
He likes to play with words a lot, and repeat rhyming and similar sounding words for fun. 
For a long time now, he’s been very good at getting his point across to people, though he’s still definitely at the age where strangers sometimes can’t fully follow his toddler accent. 
He’s gotten pretty good at doing pretend play on his own, in addition to liking it with other people, and sometimes Lydia and I get kick out of listening to him babble to himself when he’s playing in the upstairs area by himself. 
When playing with Lydia, he’s fairly inclined to grab her things, and still sometimes knocks over her creations or gets in her space. It seems normal to me for an almost 3yo, though of course we do our best to stop him. it also seems more deliberate than it used to, in an almost-3-yo-way instead of in a 2-yo way. 
He likes playing with the dogs sometimes, but sometimes doesn’t want them around, and sometimes pokes them sits on them. Again, I do my best to stop him, but the dogs are also fairly skilled at taking care of themselves without hurting the kids, which makes my life easier. He throws balls for Krypto a lot.
Similarly, he’s quite cuddly with me, but there’s often kicking, climbing, and stuff like that mixed in. 
He still gets carsick, though I think less than he used to. This month he’s pretty willing to get in cars to go places he wants, but there have been long stretches of time where he wanted nothing to do with cars.
I basically don’t have to remind him to go to the bathroom anymore, and I believe him if he says he doesn’t have to go. The very high degree of reliability without any reminders is fairly recent though. And I do make a point of getting him to pee before bed, since otherwise he’ll sometimes have an accident at night. Mostly he’s been dry at night for years. 
He’s still nursing, but he’s pretty accepting when I turn him down, and we don’t do it all that many times a day at this point.
I don’t wear him that much anymore, though sometimes I think it would be better if I did, since I think puts him in a good state. As with Lydia, our wearing wound down a lot around 2, with wearing him while out and about being the last one thing to fade away. He’s around 31 pounds, and I’m out of the habit, so it doesn’t feel easy to have him up for long, even though I am an experienced enough wrapper that it’s pretty ergonomic.
Everyone is still sleeping in the family bed, which is a queen plus twin xl. We have no plans to change that system, since it’s working well for us.
Zeke is also basically a night owl, just a little less so than everyone else in the family. He usually gets up between 8 and 9. I try not to let him nap, but even if he has a maximally late-night-inducing nap (like sleeping from 7-8pm) he’s typically not up later than 1am. Which may seem late, but with Lydia thing could get considerably later when she took a late nap at this age. He’s always had a comparatively robust circadian rhythm, for which we are grateful.
I get what’s easier about having a youngest kid that’s almost 3. He’s not in a particularly cooperative stage, but it’s not intensely physical and hands-on all the time the way it used to be. And when I reflect on how much I do trust him, it’s actually a lot. We were camping for a wedding the other week and I asked him to leave an axe alone. Someone there made a point of showing him the axe and how it wasn’t actually that sharp, which I appreciated, and also expressed skepticism that he would really leave it alone because I told him to. But I didn’t have any real doubt that he would leave it alone. Almost always, when he goes into the kitchen, he closes the baby gate after him both on the way in and on the way out. (The baby gates are so the dogs don’t eat food I sometimes leave on the counter. He’s been able to open and close them for a long time.) I basically trust him to run in front of me on the sidewalk, because he’s been reliable for a long time about not going into the street. 
The dogs are doing well. I still spend kind of a lot of time training them, more some days than others. They spend more time outside in the yard than I’d ideally want, mostly to reduce total chaos, but they don’t seem to mind. And I feel better about that situation now that they have each other. Krypto is obviously temperamentally less anxious, but Argos is also obviously better trained. I still don’t have as high a degree of reliability with them around distractions as I would like, but I think we’ll get there eventually.
On my end, maybe the biggest change is that the more years I’ve been doing this, the less I question my overall approach. And when I read articles or books about parenting, I tend to be much more skeptical of what people are trying to sell me. That part feels good! I still think there’s plenty of room for me to get better at things, and I try to, but I also think I’ve come up against a lot of actual constraints, and there isn’t all that much low-hanging fruit anymore.
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nardaviel · 6 years
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Part 4 / ?, now with pets and vampire stalkers.
Once again this is a long and image-heavy post, but at least this time some of the images are of a cute Sim kitten. I finally bought all the updates for Sims 4 so goodbye to all my spending money for this month, but now I can play it again.
I was super excited about getting Kinatsuen a cat, but I wanted them to have the exact cat I picture when I imagine them having a cat so I couldn't adopt any of the stray kitties or any of the ones on the computer. So I just made her as a kitten in Create A Sim from the Manage Households option, since there was no other way to do it... but we can say, for story purposes, that they went out and adopted her.
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Their new gallery portrait. En looks like he's about to pass out. She's too cute for him to handle.
I also changed Atsushi's aspiration to Master Chef and Kinshirou's to Soulmate, because I felt bad having En make progress on his aspiration while they were stuck longing for a family. (Also they weren't getting all the useful satisfaction points you get for doing aspiration things.) Once they've finished these aspirations, I'll give them the original ones back.
I start playing the household and
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this is what I find. Don’t abandon Hou-chan like this, she’s just a kitten ;-;
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She’s so adorable, though. She is an affectionate, clever, and friendly kitty!
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Atsushi admires her cuteness. This seems like a place for a Lion King joke, but I don’t want to detract from the cute.
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It's late so they all go to sleep. Hou-chan follows Atsushi into the room to sleep near him even though she has her own bed al;sdkf I'm just... really charmed... I love her...
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She's so needy... wow. My other Sims' pets aren't like this at all. The affectionate trait is powerful. (But it's cute!)
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Kinshirou fixed a broken sink, and now he's rummaging through the discarded bits for useful parts. I took this screenshot just because it's such a strange sight.
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He’s pissed off that he had to do something so disgusting. Poor baby.
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There’s a big market for Kinshirou’s thoughts on etiquette.
I wish I'd bothered to come up with custom names for the other two books now because it's funny to see things like this but oh well, I guess. He was still learning! His titles weren't very good yet.
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This painting perturbs me. Hou-chan is the only saving grace of this screenshot.
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Fuck. I hate chance cards. H a t e. ...All my legacy Sims and my City Living girl would set up in the street (if they were in the painter career), because they're all that type. But I think En just wants to give up... An excuse not to work, what could be better...
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En's laziness worked out for the best this time. It's a shame about the money, though. They're a bit broke.
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Before work, Atsushi makes a bunch of quick salads so his boyfriends don’t have to cook. (That is to say, I’m working on his new aspiration.)
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Kinshirou and En have a date scheduled, but En comes home tense from work (even though he earned his salary, despite what that chance card result said). So he goes to join Kinshirou in meditating the tension away before they leave.
Sadly, Kinshirou gets bored, and the TV bores him even more because the action channel just isn’t cultured enough for him. You can’t make this stuff up, I swear... And by the time he’s over it, En is asleep. So their date is postponed. There are no screenshots because I was hoping they'd get it together and I wouldn't have to go into so much detail lol
But Atsushi gets promoted! So the night isn't a total waste. He's a mixologist now.
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Yes, darling, we’re all very proud.
I don't know why he doesn't have glasses in his work outfit, by the way. I didn't design it.
His hours are even worse than before, from 6pm to 2am. But he gets three days off now instead of just two, which is a relief.
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Meanwhile, Hou-chan loves her little toy bird so much that she wants to take it with her everywhere, even if that means she has to glitch and walk around stuck in it.
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Atsushi, savior of kittens.
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Atsushi wants to play with her with the wand, since that seems safer, but she wants to use the litter box. So he follows her into the bathroom... Let her have some privacy, Atsushi...
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Meanwhile, En paints a masterpiece-quality painting! Aside from being necessary for his aspiration, that's just really cool!! I'm proud. Not sure whether to keep it because it's pretty or sell it because it'll sell for a lot...
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Nothing really to say here. This is where the camera ended up when I exited screenshot mode, and I thought it looked pretty so I took another screenshot.
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I put it in Atsushi’s bedroom because his bedroom is a bit bare. It can live with the Enatsu painting.
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Gross, Hou-chan.
Okay, well, En is off to work, but Kinshirou and Atsushi can go on a date, at least. They decide on a nice, classy dinner date at a restaurant I built for them. It’s as boringly built as everything else I’ve done before now (I’ve learned how to build cooler things but it came too late for some of the buildings in their save...) which is why I didn’t take a screenshot but it looks okayish on the inside, I suppose.
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LMAO... I forgot I gave him that suit... oh my god... he looks so proud. Atsushi is politely keeping his thoughts to himself.
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They're shown to the one semi-private table in the establishment. Probably because Kinshirou is from a good family, even if they themselves don’t have much money.
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Gosh, they’re cute.
(I am really, really sorry for those little lightbulbs and plus signs and sparkles. They signify that a lot trait is having an effect on a skill that a Sim is building. They’re incredibly annoying in screenshots, but there’s no way to turn them off. It eventually occurred to me to get a mod for it, but only after the end of this post...)
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It takes their food some time to arrive, but at least it gets there, which is more than I can say of the last time I tried to go on a restaurant date in TS4. They don’t mind. It gives them lots of time to talk! Something about Kinshirou’s drink puts him in a flirty mood...
En comes home from work while they’re out. He got a promotion, so he’s in that bizarre outfit again. Luckily, I don't have to see it except in his little portrait at the bottom left.
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To put the finishing touch on an incredible date, they kiss passionately on the top floor of the restaurant.
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Kinshirou makes this face when Atsushi first grabs him, but he gets into it.
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Looks like I spoke too soon.
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Kinshirou got sick on his date, and now he's itchy. Hm.
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Their reward for such a good date! It’s just decor, not actually drinkable. If all goes well, they'll have these littered around the house eventually.
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Kinatsuen receive an evening visitor, a friend of Atsushi’s in another save where I recreated demon AU but emphatically not his friend in this one. Fortunately, they're smart! They know not to invite a vampire into the house.
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Less fortunately, Kinshirou is outside expanding Atsushi's garden. Maybe, he thinks, if he stays off to the side of the house, his dazzling gold suit won't catch Vlad's eye.
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But the medicine has made him energized, and he needs to get all that energy out somehow. Kin-chan, sweetheart, not in your nice suit... although maybe ruining that suit would be for the best.
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En and Hou-chan just became friends! She must have been giving him advice on his painting. ...Also I forgot to change him out of his promotion clothes.
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Now that the vampire has left, Kinshirou is free to return to his kitten.
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She is honestly unbelievably cute.
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Atsushi comes home from work, exhausted and reeking from a night behind the bar, only to find that he can't even sleep in his own bed. His boyfriends missed him so much, they went to sleep there themselves.
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En's bedroom may be messy, and he may not ever put the condoms and lube away, but it's closer than Kinshirou's.
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Must have been a rough night. En still thinks he looks hot, though. Sometimes having a slob for a boyfriend is a plus.
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Enatsu and Hou-chan morning domesticity. En is addicted to painting, I swear. Mixologists and bars aren’t as bad as En and his easel.
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His second masterpiece is even prettier than his first. They're both impressionist paintings so I suppose Sim En is an impressionist painter. That suits him, I think. Unfortunately, painting a masterpiece means he'll go to work in a confident mood when he'd be better off inspired, but you can't have everything.
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Again... Why is it always En who gets in trouble at work...
My headcanon is actually that En wouldn't judge, but, since that's not an option here, he would want to talk about his passion. En is always ready to share his thoughts.
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THAT'S RIGHT. Although it's a bit sad because I still think En would defend her, if anything.
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Atsushi needs to improve his mixology for work. Instead of making yet another drink for himself or wastefully practicing and then throwing out the results, he makes a pet drink for Hou-chan. :D
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The window for Kinshirou to sell his books to a publisher. A screenplay about the magical boys’ revenge will definitely fly off the shelves, I agree.
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No story value, just cute.
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With Atsushi at work, En and Kinshirou decide to check out a community lot (not as a date). I actually made it for Atsushi, but... he'll get here someday. Basically, one of the expansions introduced all these food stalls and a bunch of recipes (honestly like 20+ in total) that you can learn how to cook only after tasting them. But it's hard to track them all down in the places the game initially put them because they rotate, so I just made a foot stall lot.
Unfortunately you can only have so many stall vendors on a lot at a time, so it'll always look like half of them are closed... But I'm still proud of it? I think it's a cute lot with nice Kinatsuen colors, and it'll help Atsushi to have this one place to go to. I'm proud of all the lots I built for them, actually, even if they’re often not very interesting-looking.
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The moment they arrive, Kinshirou goes straight to the Japanese food stall without the least bit of prompting from me. En chooses some spicy Vietnamese food, but by the time he gets to the table, Kinshirou is already halfway done with his dango. I want En to get used to spicy food ASAP because it's out of character for him not to be able to tolerate it. It wasn’t until I started watching them eat that I remembered Sims also have to learn how to use chopsticks... En, I don’t think that’s now they work.
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Getting used to spicy food.
En: Kinshirou, help! Help me, it hurts! My mouth is on fire!! Kinshirou: Ahh, that was so good... such delicate, mild flavors... :’D
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En is grumpy because he wants a vacation, even though they literally got back from one like a week ago. I think this is one of my all-time favorite screenshots just because it's the opposite of what would be IC for them.
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Luckily, I put some bubble blowers on this lot, so he can relax a little. Don't make that face at me, En. This is for your own good.
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...En put in the flirty flavor that makes you angry if you choke, and Kinshirou choked on his very first blow. I guess it's not such a surprise, though. The bubble blowers are basically just game stand-ins for drugs, and Kinshirou would be the absolute worst person to get high with.
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Kinshirou: Ow ow ow ow ow! That hurts! En: Yeah, how's it feel, asshole?
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En: Wait, shit, ow! Kinshirou: You deserve no better for taunting me.
Kinshirou’s face is adorably pinched and angry here. But En is angry now, too, so they go home and go to sleep, after losing some friendship points. That didn’t quite go according to plan. Tomorrow night will be better.
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A Hou-chan’s-eye view. Kinshirou was in the middle of eating breakfast, but she was too cute to resist.
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En took some pictures of Hou-chan and put them up on Simstagram (lol) and !!! I've never had a pet get so many followers immediately like this. Everyone loves Hou-chan.
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I shouldn't have complained about En always getting in trouble. Now it's happening to Atsushi too.
Atsushi is annoyed that his coworker would steal and put him in this position, but he would rather just keep quiet to avoid a confrontation. Maybe someone else will handle it...
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Still better than causing a scene.
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They're finally out on a date! Making identical pleased expressions. Kinshirou's taken En out to a museum because he's a cutie deep down and he knows En will like it. I didn't build this one orz I meant to make them a museum but I turned it into an arts center instead. En will enjoy that more, but he needs to look at things in a museum right now for his aspiration, so...
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Their animations continue to be creepily in sync as they admire the artwork.
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It looks for all the world like Kinshirou's just made a dirty joke about the painting they're looking at, but...
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...this isn’t the sort of work that would make Kinshirou think naughty thoughts. It would take even En several seconds to make an innuendo out of this.
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But then Kinshirou autonomously offers En a public massage... Maybe he's just in a mood.
They spend the rest of the date in that room, mostly on that couch, sitting and talking. So there’s not much to say about it. But it’s awfully cute.
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Sadly. they have to go home early, because En has to work the next morning. He would rather just quit his job, but Kinshirou won't let him.
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He doesn't want to let on to En, which is why he's walking behind him, but he’s ready for the date to end. He’s exhausted.
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The collection grows.
(I know one is more forward on the bar than the other. It's not my fault. I don't understand the rationale behind slot placement in TS4.)
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Guys! Guys! stop eating! Pay attention to Hou-chan! She's just a little kitten and she's lonely!
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Kinshirou is writing my fanfiction for me so that I don't have to. Although I suppose that means he's writing about an alternate world where he and his boyfriends live in a fantasy setting with some dude named Arima, and this Arima guy gets romantically involved with them all.
(I don't actually intend to have a sequel to Veil named Kidosen. I just wanted him to write a sequel and that's the title that came to mind.)
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Their house, the most boring-looking house in the world, but now with two boring stories! I promise, when they move onto a bigger lot, I’ll do better.
The triad decided to spend some of their hard-earned money on a home addition. Their bedrooms are on the second story now and they have a bathroom with an actual bath in it (this was half the purpose of the remodeling; it’s a tragedy for them not to have a bath). Atsushi's kitchen is slightly nicer as well, with a better fridge and some aesthetic improvements. But the household now has exactly §301 to its name. No interior screenshots because the only really new thing is the bathroom and it's not exciting enough to be worth a screenshot. The bedrooms are almost exactly the same and the upstairs landing is completely empty because they ran out of money. The most interesting things here are the sad, neglected plants...
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Atsushi, savior of plants (as well as kittens). He still needs to work on his herbalism. He’ll get to that at some point.
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This is the problem with the goddamn bar. You tell a Sim to start mixing drinks and suddenly it's all they want to do. As soon as he stops needing to level mixology for his career, that thing is getting sold.
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Even Atsushi himself dreams of a day when he can rid himself of the bar. He is trapped.
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At least Hou-chan is proud of him. Or maybe she just wants another one of those pet drinks.
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Atsushi suffers from a moment of self-doubt. Is he doing the right thing, encouraging Hou-chan to drink? She's only a kitten...
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But she looks so happy.
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Yeah. He made the right choice.
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...no story value, just cute.
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She reached 250 Simstagram followers with this very stylish pose. Her charms are irresistible!
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But her love is reserved for Kinatsuen, and for this toy. She can’t stand to be parted from it.
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Not only does Atsushi barely even know his name, but he's also already married?? Nah, dude, if you want to cheat don't drag Atsushi into it.
Atsushi: Eheheh... *nervously ignores phone*
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Atsushi doesn't have work for a couple of days, so he has time to relax and chat with Kinshirou while Hou-chan communes with her ball and takes a nap.
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Atsushi: (Okay, time to try that pickup line I read...) So, Kin-chan... what underwear are you wearing? Kinshirou: Atchan. Please, spare us both.
Meanwhile, that lady who makes weird art bothers En at work again, and he comes out on top again. Maybe she should give up. Luckily for her, he should get promoted today.
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Atsushi is sick. :C He's trying to meet his death with brave stoicism and honestly judging from how he looks I don't blame him for thinking the worst.
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But all he has to do is take some medicine! All better. Time to go find Kinshirou and celebrate his return to good health, if Kinshirou has forgiven him for that pickup line.
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Why is he making that face in the middle of WooHoo... Dare I even ask... Kinshirou, I would have thought you'd be more experienced by now...
Then again, Atsushi is completely satisfied afterwards. So maybe he liked it.
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I feel like I go on about how cute Atsushi's Sim is but honestly they're all adorable. Also, this screenshot made me realize they just WooHooed with a window wide open looking down onto their street.
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Like... he doesn't even go to work in those clothes. I don't get it.
But as you can see he got promoted! He's now an Imaginative Imagist, whatever that means. The painter career doesn't have the most informative job titles.
He honestly doesn't even want to be in the official painter career. He can't wait to get given a super nice easel so he can work from home like Kinshirou, who, by the way, is making the most money by far out of the three of them right now. I suppose that's fitting.
...He and Atsushi wanted to have a date tomorrow, but now that he's been promoted, he has to work. :\ Atsushi's due for a promotion too, so I guess they’ll see in a couple of days what his new schedule is like.
On the other hand, En gets off work an hour earlier now, and Atsushi still doesn't work at all tomorrow, so maybe they can have their date anyway. They were just planning to hang out at home anyway, in true Enatsu fashion.
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It was at this point that the My First Pet stuff pack was released, and, well, long story short, they have a hedgehog now. Guess what its name is?
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Don't do it, Kinshirou. Don't fall for it again...
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But he goes to find Atsushi afterwards, just so that Atsushi knows he still cherishes his friendship more than he does a hedgehog.
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Hou-chan has something to say, loudly enough that Kinshirou is startled.
Kinshirou: What's wrong, Hou-chan? What is it? Hm? Hou-chan: *sad meowing ;-;*
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She needs attention, it turns out. Kinshirou is happy to oblige her whenever she wants. Unfortunately, En is lost in his art and barely even noticed her meowing.
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Atsushi has made his first foray into gourmet cooking! He's pleased with the results, but he wishes his boyfriends were here to enjoy it with him.
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Better late than never. Look how happy he is! It's like in episode 11 when he's feeding the defense club his curry.
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I didn't quite manage to get a screenshot of Lilith at the door, but why do vampires keep knocking on the front door after dark?? It's scary. Maybe the boys just smell delicious or something? At least there hasn't been a vampire break-in, I suppose.
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Hou-chan is suspicious of Zundar...
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...and WISELY SO what the fuck??? What did they do to Zundar? What does this mean???? I have literally no idea. It popped up just as I left the home lot, so if he did something to trigger it, I'll never know...
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While En is at work (orz), Atsushi is taking a trip to the newly-opened Arima Community Garden. They need some people to help do some preliminary work like planting before anything can be harvested.
(This is my way of explaining away gameplay limitations in terms of storyline. I made this lot so that Atsushi didn't have to run around the world finding things to plant, and also so that I had a place to put my modded insect spawners. You need insects for herbalism, but I didn't want to fill their home lot with bugs. But you have to have your Sims plant things on community lots, even if you put the seeds there with a cheat.)
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While Atsushi works on the garden, Kinshirou learns chess from a very red individual named Kengo Fujita who's a member of what is essentially a chess club. Maybe they'll become friends! Atsushi wants to hold a dinner party soon to show off his cooking, so the three of them need friends, or at least people who'll accept an invitation.
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Atsushi is working hard, but it’s a big task.
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Eventually, Kinshirou resigns himself to getting dirt stains on his clothes and steps in to help.
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Gardening boyfriends! Kinshirou looks like he's ready to stab himself with that spade. The light has changed and the shadows are longer. They’ve been here for a while. En is home by now, hopefully having a nice nap.
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It’s late by the time they’re done. For dinner, they have hamburgers from a plate some stranger left on the table. That’s not what I would do myself, in their place, but they both survive it.
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A solid day’s work! But it’s past midnight now and they just want to go home. Don’t judge me for the terrain paint, I did my best.
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En is a sweetheart and waited up for them. In the background, Hou-chan remains vigilant.
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That painting right there is a masterpiece worth almost two thousand Simoleons. En has an amazing talent.
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These are, hands down, the best screenshots in the post.
At work, Atsushi once again refused to report that the cash in the register was low, and it once again got taken out of everyone's tips. Whoever did it the first time must have learned that they could get away with it.
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Wtf he's back
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They know they're being hunted.
Kinshirou: Perhaps he'll go away if we pretend that we didn't hear the bell. If he has no hope of getting inside... we need to act as though we think we're alone. En: Sure. But how do we do that?
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En: Oh, I get it... I like the way you think.
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Vladislaus: *watching through the door* They're completely oblivious to my presence. Amazing.
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En: We might as well make it convincing, right? Right? Kinshirou: Is this something that interests you, then? Being watched? En: What if it is? Vladislaus: I can't believe they haven't noticed me. Their front door even has windows.
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En: What are you into, then? Boyfriends should talk about stuff like this, right? Kinshirou: Oh, well... there are a few things, I suppose... Vladislaus: This is absurd.
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En: Mm. Actually, why don't you tell me later? Kinshirou: Wh— oh... Vladislaus: *peers through the door, trying to get a better view*
Vlad is a pervert. Wow. I never knew. No wonder he and demon AU Atsushi are friends.
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It worked!
Kinshirou: Oh, thank goodness. Maybe we should invest in some garlic braids. En: We can talk about it later.
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This is such a sweet screenshot. Kinshirou can already tell that En is planning some sort of mischief, but he's so relieved that the vampire left before Atsushi got back that he's just amused and indulgent.
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Oh, no... with all the vampire scariness and relieved WooHoo, they forgot to refill Hou-chan's food bowl...
(Don’t worry, Kinshirou came downstairs and did it. I just forgot to take a screenshot.)
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Atsushi is a line cook now! Look at his fancy clothes! He must wear contacts at work. (That's my excuse for why he doesn't have glasses in his work outfits, and I'm sticking to it...)
His work days haven't changed, although he starts and leaves work four hours earlier now, so he won't be getting home at 2am anymore. He and En won't have a day off in common for a few more days, assuming En doesn't get promoted again in the meantime and get another schedule change. But they'll get their date. They’re determined, and so am I. If all else fails, Atsushi can take a vacation day and En can call in fake sick, and they can hang out with Kinshirou all disapproving in the background.
With the day's salary and his promotion bonus, they're able to expand their house again!
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A boring deck to go with their boring house.This is the real reason for making a second story. More than the bath, I wanted to have room for a deck so that they could have a hot tub. :D They now have a grand total of §10 so it's a good thing they have lots of leftover food.
When will they move into a new, less ugly house? When will En get to quit his job? Will En and Atsushi ever get to go on a date? Will there ever come a day when I don’t end one of these posts with a question about En and Atsushi? What in God’s name did that notification about Zundar mean? I don’t know the answer to any of these questions, but we can find out together next time.
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