#sometimes it really does feel like i was just. supposed to be born a boy.
lady-ashfade · 1 year
Bound By Birth
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The yandere boy’s reaction to you being their sweet, smaller twin and being obsessed.
Characters: Lucerys Velaryon, Jacaerys Velaryon, Aemond Targaryen.
Theses aren’t complete HC’s just some I thought about, but if you want a part 2 or a fic based on it please let me know.
Warnings: Yandere tendencies, Obsession, Possessive, Targaryen ways if you know what I mean, stalking, a bit hinted or nswf a bit but nothing is said that much!
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Aemond Targaryen
As soon as Aemond came out of the womb he had lost this sense of warmth and comfort, like he knew you weren’t with him. The new born screamed until you had entered the world a few minutes later and the room felt silent from his crys, only to be full with yours.
From his first breath he knew he belonged with you.
We all know aemond had no dragon that hatched from the egg so he lost that feeling but he had you. The gods had blessed him with something far greater then any dragon he could ever have. Needless to say he thinks of you as his to have since you are his twin.
Little man is possessive from the get go, like he can not bare to be away from you. So you always had him following your trail everywhere you went.
Aemond felt heartbroken when your egg hatched and his had yet too, only to discover the egg was never going to hatch. He was beyond jealous. He and you were supposed to have everything alike, dress the same, eat the same food and share the same toys.
But then that’s when it clicked into his brain you are his dragon. Yes, the gods did this on purpose.
No matter the gender his mind always pictured your wedding day.
Hates it when you train with your dragon and he can’t. Like gets really upset. He does get picked on but you’re there to save him, making him fall harder.
He swears one day he would protect you.
Aegon and the other boys are out of the question for him. You aren’t allowed to hang out with them at all, and if you are? He will pull you away quickly without a word and drag you off away from them.
When he gets his eye taken from him he couldn’t handle your eyes looking at him. Feels ashamed for the curse now on his face because he can’t be handsome or beautiful for you.
But the joy he feels inside when you weep beside him and hold his hand, he feels some sort of pride that you care for him deeply.
Female twin:
Knows you are meant to marry him. He doesn’t even have to convince Alicent very hard to wed you because she needs you to stay safe.
Matching your dresses to his outfit all the time.
He trains to impress you one day, maybe protect you in a fight. If you are ever watching the boys practice he will try his hardest which sometimes leads to him embarrassing himself. But you are there to smile and kiss his cheek with grace.
After that the two of you grow, well he changes into a different man but you stay the same sweet girl.
Aemond has become your protector. Always behind you and glaring at anyone who passes a glance that isn’t welcome. Man is ready to kill with just one word.
Since he is older his mind grows and he can’t stop noticing how beautiful you really are. The body, the hair, or just the sound of your sweet voice. He is addicted and can’t wait to have you as his wife.
Is a beast at fighting now. Gets a boost when you watch from above and see him win every time. Cole is his wingman and will pair him up with someone to put on a good fight just for you.
Male twin
Knows the gods made you smaller and younger then him just so you can be his. From the time he realized what marriage was he was thinking of you.
When you are younger and training he hates embarrassing himself around you, like hated it. Or when you’d pair up with the other boys, even Aegon. Aemond will hate to spar against you and he couldn’t imagine hurting you. But this is more time he can bound with you.
When he loses his eyes- Boy is more angry that he doesn’t look more like you now. You were his twin brother and are supposed to look the same. Aemond does feel the same when he sees you cry for him and tell him he will be okay. But he’s gained a dragon now. One to protect you.
Aemond is just glaring at people while you’re just smiling at everyone. Two separate handsome boys.
He doesn’t care if you’re a boy, you are his twin and he is meant to have you. He hates the thought of you marrying a woman, or anything- Will not share you with anyone.
You both match clothes all the time and he makes sure to tell the servants to dress you both alike or he will be angry.
He is still your protector at all cost and will let nobody harm you in any way. Not his sweet brother.
Just as well, when he grows his mind picks up on your handsome face, your smaller height. He feels better about himself because he could easily overpower you, being the bigger male twin does something to him. He loves it when you get angry at how you can’t grow as much muscle or height as him.
You both train together and he will teach you. Sometimes he will let you win, other times he wouldn’t because he loves you looking a bit sad- You might not be as big or strong but you have speed and can move away from him quickly. He loves to praise you for the smallest things.
Lucerys Velaryon
As I have said in my past fics he is a clingy boy. From birth he loves you because you are his partner in life and he knows it.
Lucerys does cry a lot when he is away from you, but he is also a happy baby as long as he is near you, just like aemond. I think at the young age he just knows you’re his twin.
I picture you however being the first one to walk and he’s just on the floor trying to follow you. Throws a tantrum when you walk away. But, his first steps are when rhaenrya tries to get him to walk and he does…only to walk passed her and over to you.
Growing up he follows you around like a lost puppy. Clings to you where ever you go and if you don’t give him your attention, he will find a way to get it. He does get jealous when jace is around because he’s older, boy just wants you to pay attention to him.
He has planned many pranks with you. Might even do a few on you but feels bad immediately afterwards.
When your father “dies” he realizes his role is to take on driftmark and he fears it. So he gets more possessive after that.
Hates being called Bastard but when someone calls you that? Boy is pulling you away and telling his mother for just the slightest judgement against you. Might even get daemon on it because he is more ruthless.
He tells his mother when he was younger to betroth the two of you and she sees how much you two love each other. However when you both get older he yells at her that he will not marry anyone else but you, no matter what. And he never disobeys her but this was different and she knows he telling the truth.
Even if you are a male he will take no wife. Because that means she would be yours as well. But let’s be honest, rhaenrya is planning to betrothed the both of you to someone. 
He kisses your cheek all the time or holds you hands, doesn’t really care who’s watching.
He still pranks you however, like taking your books and holding them above your head.
He is more clingy then the rest of them but not as dangerous- Well, not himself but will get others to do the dirt work.
Male twin:
He knows he’s small but he’s still young, but you? You’re shorter then him and less muscular and it makes him happy. Because that means he can protect you better then you can yourself.
He compares his frame to yours constantly, you’re such a smaller boy and he picks on you a bit. Not mean, but he can be a bit cocky at times.
You already know you both have matching outfits- Every day. Even pjs.
You both used to spar with each other all the time because it was so much fun, and he didn’t like you going against anyone in the fear of you being hurt.
Older sparring is fun because he isn’t that good at it and you’re almost just as bad. From any age he is so embarrassed to mess up in front of you. But maybe if he beats you then you can praise him for it.
Also, he can be alone with you and no one bats an eye because you’re both boys. So he can be as affectionate as he wants.
But nothing really changes for being a boy or a girl in his eyes, he’s just the same with both.
Female reader.
Younger him thinks it’s like a book about a princess and prince, just like the ones your mother read to the two of you.
Because you’re a female he gets more jealous of the males in his family, not saying he doesn’t for male you but this is different. You can easily be betrothed to any of them, he hates it.
Begs your mother to have you as his wife from a young age as well. It’s your birth right to be his bride. And again this means he has no use of another wife because you can have children. There is no one else he wants.
Matching dresses to his outfits and if you want to wear something else? Pouts. He can’t bare to not be in the same color as you.
Sparring is different because he is so terrified of hurting you. He will not even use force on his swings, but a few low hits. You can cry and get angry he isn’t trying but he wouldn’t care.
Kisses you in private all the time, “You’ll be my wife one day.”
Glares at any male that talks to you, even his brother. Tugs at your hand and just joins at your hip.
You can’t be alone together…Unless he sneaks in your room. Will just hold you until you both fall asleep.
Loves to braid your hair. Like he learns just for you.
Jacaerys Velaryon
He is the first born, so he knows he’s missing you. He, just like the others, is waiting for your presence.
Somehow even baby him wiggles closer to you in the cradle. They had to put you two in the same cradle because he wouldn’t stop fussing about being away from you.
He is more calm at this time, like if you get picked up? He’s going to watch but he’s just chilling unless you are out of his sight.
Loves to show you his toys, even though you have seen them so many times. Loves to share them with you too.
Have you seen those videos of babies hugging each other? Literally him with you.
He isn’t as different from the other two at this point.
Jace learns he is to become king and always calles you the future queen/king. And I mean actually correcting his mother or anyone else.
“The gods put us together, it stays that way.”
Loves when you hold his arm or chase him around playing tag.
Hates Aegon or aemond. He’s okay with lucerys, just don’t give him more attention.
Knows he is a bastard and that makes you one too and he fears for you the most.
Older him is just as bad if not more.
Tails behind you and always have his hand around your waist. Always doing everything together.
Even baths, not in the same room but at the same time- And he’s tried to be in the same tub. But going to clothes, studying and to the same sheets as you.
Gets angry if it’s even mentioned that you would marry someone else. Yells about how you will role beside him and no one can change that.
He’s kinda angry a lot when it comes to you. Wouldn’t really let anyone get too close, like not even your personal time. You want to read a book? Okay, he will be in the corner doing his own thing.
But he’s sweet to you always unless you say you can’t marry him, then it’s just him pushing you to think you have no choice.
Male twin
You think you can get away from this man? Um no, he is always near you.
From a young age he wouldn’t let you out of his sight. Can’t play without him, can’t study without him, or train. Anything you do is what he is doing.
Training with younger him isn’t that bad- Well, okay it’s a bit. He really loves to win against you and does the most. He wouldn’t hurt you but if you fall it isn’t his fault, you should be praising him for being so strong.
Dressing the same each time and will literally throw a tantrum if not. Saying the future king demands it.
After a few years, I think he might be the most possessive about you. The only time you can leave him or go somewhere in the castle is with his mother.
Man is always with you every step, linking your arms.
You already know he is picking on you for being so much smaller then him. I see him as such a cocky man for some reason. Saying things like
“You can’t get that, let me.” “I’m surprised you can even pick up a sword.” “How can a man be that small?”
Training with him older is him teaching you- Mostly useless stuff so he can still win. Just like when he was a kid, loves to win against you.
Matching outfits with you.
Boy knows you are to be king with him and will not stop at anything to get that point across.
Female twin
Boy is holding your hand as you lead him anywhere or him you. He with not leave you for anything.
Matching your dresses to his colors or you wearing his favorite colors- Or him just picking them out for you. If jace doesn’t like your dress he will make you change it.
Is ready before you get done in the morning and comes in as soon as you get your dress on, much to his dismay because he could help you change.
Wouldn’t let the maids touch your skin or go anywhere. The only place that can help you with is your hair and clothes. Loves to let his hands linger on your neck while he places a necklace on you. Or helping you pick everything out.
Escorts you everywhere you need to go. He isn’t afraid to have a tight grip on your waist if you try and get away from him. Can and will gaslight you anytime he wants.
Just like the others he already told his mom he will marry you. You think he will care if she says no? Ha, he wouldn’t care.
While he is studying you are in the corner or with your mother.
He doesn’t really like your time with the other children but is kinda okay with it. Only if you pay attention to him more.
Sneaks into your room at night and will kiss you for as long as he can. Holds you close and brushes your hair until you fall asleep. Doesn’t even care if he leaves marks on you so the others can see.
He does kill in secret if need be or gets them killed by guards, maybe even by daemon or rhaenrya.
Daemon has taught him a few things on how to wow a woman and how to keep you in line, even things to do to you in bed.
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swordsandholly · 2 months
For WIP Wednesday I give you clips from both the next part of Cherry Bomb and Across the Way:
Across the Way Chapter 5
You resolutely march your way across the street - hands balled into tight fists and face set. The open sign in the corner of the window flickers as you approach the shop door. You hesitate briefly, hand hovering over the handle to enter. Are you being annoying? He might be busy. He’s probably busy. You know working all on your own is time consuming. What if he feels like he can’t say no? Deep down, you know you’re being dramatic. They said they’re your friends and neither Johnny nor Simon seem the type to lie about that sort of thing.
You realize, to your shock and horror, that you’ve been hovering in front of the glass door for a minute straight. Oh, he probably thinks your a freak. Part of you wants to turn tail and run - dash all the way across the street and up the stairs and bury yourself in bed. Avoid him and Johnny for the rest of your life after this blunder. It’s can’t be that hard, right? How difficult could it be to skirt around the men across the street in this tiny, tiny, tiny town?
Impossible is the answer.
A weight lifts off your shoulders when you finally step inside, only to be greeted with an empty front of house. Simon must be in the back. Thank goodness he most likely didn’t see your internal crisis in front of his door.
When Simon circles out of the backroom he’s wiping down his hands - the rag obviously stained with unsettling shades of red. His apron is covered in similar hues. He’s rolled up his sleeves today exposing the expanse of his arms. They flex as he moves and it really should not be as attractive as it is to watch him wipe actual blood of his hands like this.
“Afternoon, bird.” Simon grunts casually. He has his usual black surgical mask on, muffling his words ever so slightly.
“H-hi!” You squeak, your planned script getting stuck in your throat. You wish he wouldn’t look at you like that sometimes. That calm, almost bored droop of his eyes as he waits for you to gather yourself.
“Can I get you somethin’?” He cocks his head slightly.
“Uhm…” You shift under his steady gaze, unable to meet his eye and stop staring down at your non-slip work shoes. “I…uh…I made a steak pie with some of those leftovers you gave me and, uh, it’s kind of too much for just me…and I know you usually take your lunch around now and, uh…”
Simon huffs in amusement. “You askin’ me t’ get lunch?”
“I mean, I kind of owe you any-”
“You don’t owe me anythin’.” He interrupts, pulling his apron over his head and hanging it neatly behind the counter. He does that a lot, you realize. Cuts you off whenever you begin to apologize or try to push them away.
Cherry Bomb Part Nine: The Expo
“Are you?” John asks
“Hm?” You hum, unsure of what he’s asking about.
“Happy here?” He leans against the alley wall, cutting the end off a cigar he pulled from the silver box that lives in his back pocket.
In the low light of the alley, his pupils overtake most of his irises. Dark and intense as he looks you over from head to toe. You see it, suddenly. The god that the others do. He’s not as physically large as Simon, or as loud as Johnny, but he fills every inch of any space he enters regardless. You suppose you became so used to being in that radius that you forgot just how much presence he carries. You’ve wrapped yourself in it like a blanket. A shield.
Your cheeks warm and you shuffle your feet. “I… yeah.”
“Good.” John sighs out a cloud of smoke. “It’d be a pain in the arse to replace you. The boys have taken too much of a liking t’you.”
You stare up at him, eyes wide. It’s not like you didn’t know they like you but having it confirmed still makes your chest tight. It makes your eyes sting and you can’t help but break out into a bashful grin.
“John?” You murmur, barely meeting his eye.
“Dove?” He tilts his head.
Some boldness overtakes you - that same one that the others instill in you. Something born from them and them alone. You wrap your arms tightly around his waist, earning a grunt in return, and bury your face in his chest.
“Thank you. For everything.” You mutter, voice muffled. He smells so good - the slight burn of cigar smoke only adding to the depth of it. “I’ve never… been taken care of. Not like you all do.”
There’s a pause. For a moment you begin to panic that you’ve overstepped. That you’ve monumentally fucked up. That-
An arm wraps around you, John’s large hand cradling the back of your head. “Think nothin’ of it, love.”
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thecattishdragon · 8 months
I'm just gonna... -dumps all of my N headcanons-
- Pansexual
- Adhd & Autism
- 20 years old
- Born/created on April 22nd
- Height: 6’6
- Ptsd, scared of loud noises
- Likes carrying Uzi around. Mostly does it when she’s tired or feeling sad.
- Knows a lot about many animals, not just dogs. Often randomly brings up facts about animals during conversation. 
- Has dents and scratches from J and V. Most of them are covered by his coat, so nearly nobody knows.
- Collects random things he finds interesting. Stickers, Books, Rocks he finds cool, and various shiny things are some of the things he collects the most. He gives shiny things, cool rocks, etc. to Uzi :>
- Rubs his claws together and taps them on things to stim
- Curls his tail around himself holds it in his hands when uncomfortable/nervous/scared
- Launches self into the air like a cat whenever startled
- Pets Uzi’s tail like a dog whenever it’s around (It LOVES him for this)
- VERY fluffy and soft hair. 
- likes headpats and scritchies ^^
- Sometimes chases tail when bored (Did this A LOT before the events of Episode One)
- Defensive of Uzi when J is around, Curls tail around her, pulls her closer, etc.
- Gets VERY flustered VERY easily. He can go from chill to a blushing mess just with a small kiss or a flirtatious remark
- His hair is just long enough to be pulled into a little ponytail. Uzi finds this absolutely adorable but TELLS NOBODY
- Often eats things he’s not supposed to. Chalk, wood, dirt, etc. His thought process is “I wonder what this tastes like.. Nothing bad will happen if I eat this, right? 
Ehhh it’ll be fine” Most of the time it’s fine. *most*
- His voice can go veeerry deep.
- Just as oilthirsty as J and V are, he’s just most excited about the HUNT, not the killing itself. He has single-handedly contributed to around 2/4 of the corpse spire
due to him wanting to be seen as somewhat useful
- Does like most anime, even the violent and gory ones.
- Sometimes has flashback episodes or nightmares where he vividly relives all the traumatic stuff that’s happened to him. Completely silent most of the time, tail curled around himself, trembling, sometimes wings covering himself, eyes closed tightly or just staring into the void
- He loves reading. He can read BIG WORDS like DISCOMBOBULATE and ABOMINATION
- Freaks out whenever he’s near a cute animal. Which, to him, is EVERY animal. Tessa has had to stop him from petting a crocodile before.
- Gets spooked and hides under the nearest bed, table, chair, couch, blanket, pillow, etc. or behind Uzi like a dog whenever there’s fireworks or lightning. He does 
think that fireworks are pretty when he doesn’t hear them
- Carries Uzi when she’s tired on long flights
- Separation anxiety
- Has the urge to touch EVERYTHING. Whether it be a cute animal or weird thing he found on the ground, he wants to touch it.
- You know this boi gives the best hugs and cuddles <3
- Clings to Uzi in his sleep and covers her with his wings. Most of the time he doesn’t even do it consciously, he just automatically does it.
- Frequent :3 :0 :D :) :( D: XD :3c etc. user
- Extremely skilled in making/preparing all kinds of drinks
- Was never really the same after the events of the show. He’s recovered well, but he’s not exactly the same. More easily saddened/angered, jumpier, anxiety levels higher, etc. 
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footballlover8 · 1 year
Clingy|| Pablo Gavi
Summary: In which there is a little misunderstanding.
Warnings: Cursing?
Genre: A little angst but fluff in the end❤️
Requested?: Yes/No
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(Not my gif, all credits too the owner)
She stood in the hallway, having just come home from a shopping spree with mikky and Katrine (frenkie and christensen's girls) as she heard three familiar voices. Her boyfriend and her two older brothers.
"No you don't understand, she's so fucking clingy, it's so annoying!"  Gavi explained obviously irritated
"But she's not here any longer" Pedri replied trying too ease his friend.
"Luckily she's out now"
Her eyes stung with tears, how could he say that?
"I can't even go too the bathroom without her being there, she's following me everywhere I go"
The tears fell from her eyes. Yes sometimes she was in the bathroom with him but only cause she was there first and was doing her skincare while he was doing whatever he had too do.
"And don't get me started on the stupid fucking attention seeking, for fuck sakes she does everything too get attention" He groaned, making Pedri and fer laugh.
Did he not love her? Why was he saying this about her? She couldn't be that annoying could she? Even her own brothers was agreeing with him. The two that swore too love and protect her from the day she was born just betrayed her right on the spot.
How was she supposed too get her charger that was literally in the living room with them??? She didn't want too see them one bit, but she had too get her charger, her phone was at 10%!
She pulled the hood of her/his grey hoodie over her head. Her dark brown curly hair falling down.
She walked into the living room and saw the three boys sitting on the couch, the tv on in the background. They must've noticed her presence.
"Hi mi amor, did you have fun?" Gavi smiled, thinking she was going too sit down with them. Pedri and fer also said hi too their little sister.
"Hi, yeah, Uhm I'm just going too go to bed" She said when she saw the charger, she quickly grabbed it as Gavi began talking again
"This early?" Gavi questioned, obviously noticing something was off.
"It's like 7:54?" Pedri jumped in also noticing something was off with his little sister
"Yeah I'm pretty tiered, night" She said about too walk upstairs
"Come here amor" Gavi said, she slowly walked up too him. Gavi reached his hand up and put it on her forehead trying too feel if she was Ill.
"Are you sure you're feeling okey?" He asked taking his hand off her forehead not feeling anything.
"I'm sure" she confirmed.
"Okey, just tell me if you're not feeling well" Gavi said a bit concerned
He motioned for her too bend down a little which she did, and he gave her a quick kiss on the lips.  She felt her eyes becoming glossy.
"Night" she said leaving the three boys oddly confused. The three shared a look. Usually she would've at least given her two brothers a hug.
She just walked upstairs, and straight into their bedroom, she closed the door and let a sob escape.
She didn't even bother changing she just laid down on the bed pulling the duvet up too her chin.
The tears continued falling as more sobs escaped her mouth, being muffled by the pillow.
Meanwhile downstairs.
"Yeah we’ll leave so you can check on her" Pedri said getting up while Gavi nodded.
"Update me" fer said as the two left. 
Gavi immediately locked the door and went straight upstairs. He quietly opened the bedroom door in case she actually was sleeping . He could immediately see her body shaking with sobs.
His heart broke seeing her like this.
He walked over too the bed.
"Mi princesa, what's wrong?" He asked sitting down on the side of the bed.
She turned around, exposing her tear stained cheeks.
"Aw mi amor come here" he leaned down pulling her into his arms.
"You're okey, shhh, it's all gonna be okay" He whispered.
"It hurts" She mumbled into his chest
"What hurts?"
She didn't answer because what really hurt was her heart. It was sort of an aching feeling.
“Anjo, who hurt you?" He asked her pulling her head out from his chest gently
"Was it something that happened when you were with your friends?" He knew he had too come with suggestions, she wasn't gonna say it straight out.
"Mh mh" she shook her head
"Was it after you came home?"
She nodded.
"What happened then princesa? Was it something I did?" He asked and she nodded.
"I'm not sure I did anything too upset you"
"Heard you" she mumbled
"Heard me?" He questioned confused.
"I'm too clingy" She mumbled.
He thought for a second and quickly connected the dots together.
“oh mi amor, we weren't talking about you. Im sorry if it sounded like that, but I could never talk about you like that" "We were talking about coco" He explained softly. Coco was a cat they had too babysit for a few days
"You know how clingy she was"
She felt her cheeks heat up by embarrassment.
"No don't say sorry, I understand that it might've sounded like that, but I hope you know I would never talk about you like that. You don't have too be embarrassed or anything. I love you and would never talk about you like that"
"It just hurt because it was my brothers too, and it really sounded like you were talking about me" She bit her lip, an old habit she had.
"Not me nor your brothers, would talk about you like that, I hope you know that. We love you too much" he kissed her forehead making her smile a little.
He pulled her in closer if even possible.
"I love you mi princesita" he kissed her lips.
"I love you too" she mumbled into the kiss.
“You wanna watch something? We can continue watching that series you liked if you want too?” He questioned looking up into her beautiful brown eyes, the ones she hated but he loved.
She nodded her head at his suggestion. He turned on the tv in their room and held her in his arms as he found the show. Her head laid comfortably on his chest as his fingers ran through her soft, silky hair.
His soft touch made her sleepy, but she wanted too stay awake and watch the series so she fought too keep her eyes open.
“Go too sleep nena..we can finish it another time” He whispered kissing her head as she fell asleep peacefully in his arms
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eff4freddie · 4 months
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2 Sweet 4 Me | Part One
Dieter Bravo x AFAB Reader Words: 3k Minors DNI
Part Two | Part Three | Epilogue
Dieter knows he fucked up, knows he lost you, knows it hurt and that he deserved it. But if its the way things had to be, the way they were always going to be, predestined as he is, apparently born under a vengeful and unforgiving star, then why does it still fucking sting so much?
This is a love story.
Warnings: Drug use, oral sex, M/M, M/F, tiny hint of a miscarriage. Cover image doesn't represent reader. Dieter being angsty and defeated, Dieter beating himself up, Dieter self-effacing and self-sabotaging. Just Dieter.
Dieter had really tried to be good. The problem wasn’t that he got bored easily, or that sometimes it felt like his bones were kind of itchy in an unsettling way. It wasn’t that everyone he knew wanted something from him, wasn’t that they usually got it. It wasn’t that he missed the chemical burn up his nostrils, the glug of the pills caught on the back of his throat. It was all of the above, and a bunch of other stuff his fifth therapist hadn’t yet figured out how to excavate.
He slumped his head back on the couch, his trailer too cramped for someone who won an Oscar, but absolutely the right size for someone successfully snorting it all away. He was in the back row, a long line of trailers all the way down to the highway, such that he had to put on his music to drown out the cars going past, and it was fucking impossible to concentrate on his craft when all he could hear was honking and the drone of the 9-5, of the people coming and going completely unaware that life was supposed to be about creativity and fun and getting your cock sucked by the best boy between scenes.
He had to be careful not to be too loud. Had to hold his cigarette tight between his fingers in case he dropped ash on the head bobbing up and down in his lap. He sighed.
‘I’m not sure this is working for me,’ he said, after a while, his mouth strangely dry, his tongue sticking to the roof his mouth. If you’d been here, you would have told him to drink some water. He tried to swallow down his feelings dry.
The best boy hummed, switching from forcing Dieter’s length down his throat to pumping with his fist while he tongued at Dieter’s balls. That was a slight improvement, Dieter considered. But not enough.
Gently, he took the best boy by the collar, heard the slick of his skin as it eased from the younger man’s mouth. ‘Thanks, though,’ he said, half-hearted.
‘What about if I…?’ the best boy asked, taking two of his fingers and swooshing them upwards into the air.
‘No, no,’ Dieter waved him away. ‘I just need to relax, I think.’
‘I have some edibles in my car, I could go and get them,’ the best boy offered, springing up on youthful knees and sitting, too close, to Dieter on the couch. ‘We could do them together,’ he went on.
Oh, fuck. Dieter could see the look in his eye, had seen it a thousand times. A look like he thought if he swallowed enough of Dieter’s come it’d land him a production assistant gig, a job on a daytime talk show, one of those ones that’s been going for 20 years.
‘Sorry, man,’ he said, standing and tucking himself back into his shorts. The best boy stood with him, hurt crossing his face before a professional veneer slotted over the top. For a moment Dieter stared at him, scared he was going to say something, and not sure what he would say that scared him the most; the offer of more drugs, of more sex, or just to tell him he was due back on set. ‘I gotta pee,’ Dieter said, eventually, scurrying away to the bathroom in the hope that by the time he emerged the younger man would be gone.
He avoided his reflection in the mirror, knew that if he looked, he wouldn’t recognise himself anyway. He could feel the stage makeup settling into his pores, could feel the mascara clumping in the corners of his eyes. Sometimes, when he was drunk enough but not high, when he was jet lagged but not too fuzzy, when he was feeling vulnerable but not unsafe, sometimes then he would look. Study the deepening lines across his forehead, the crow’s feet crinkling his skin all the way to his temples. He’d pull his hairline back, check for any movement, stare into the dark of his eyes and see if the rot was leaking out. He’d wonder why you chose him, husk of a thing that he is, how you stayed for so fucking long.
All of it was just sleight of hand. He’d go out there onto the soundstage, hit his mark and say the words someone else had written, pretend he was somewhere, someone, better. He’d got so good at pretending, at covering up, and making himself disappear that he’d forgotten now how to do the magic trick. It just happened. He won awards for it, the slippage.
On the way back to his rented apartment, because he can’t even commit to a real estate agent let alone to a partner, his driver wound down the window to try and clear the smoke drifting over from where Dieter sat in the back.
‘Sorry, Rudy,’ Dieter muttered, using the butt of one cigarette to light the end of the next. It occurred to him that all he ever did now was apologise. Fuck up. Apologise. Repeat.
That’s what you’d said to him, too, when you’d stood in his kitchen next to your overnight bag filled to the brim and reminded him that ‘sorry is not change’. You were right and you were smart and you were too fucking good for him, had always been. He hadn’t blamed you for leaving. Would have left himself too, if he could.
He wondered what you’re doing, even though it hurt. It’s nearly 11 PM on a Thursday night, so he knows you’re probably taking off your makeup, getting into your sweats to go to bed. He wondered if you’re alone, if that guy from your office, fucking Jonathan, was there with you. For a second, he let himself imagine you’re waiting for him at home, the bedside light still on and a book lying discarded next to you on the blankets as you snooze. He approaches, quiet over the carpet, pulls his shirt off, pushes his pants down over his hips. You smile, but don’t so much wake, as he slides in behind you, feels the warmth of your soft skin on his. ‘Hey baby,’ you say, quiet and half-asleep, and he buries his face in your hair. In the morning he’ll have his filthy way with you but right now he just wants you close, in his arms and under his blankets, inside his four walls. Wants you tucked up safe against him, wants to feel your love.
He looked down at his hands, could still feel the warmth of your skin on them, as if for a moment he wasn’t imagining but conjuring. He believed for a moment that it was possible. Wondered if the yellow stains on his fingertips were from the nicotine or just the orange glow of the streetlights.
His house was quiet when he gets in, because of course it was. He wondered if he should call his weed guy, call his E guy. If he just wanted a whiskey, maybe a little Valium first, maybe just a lobotomy. The silence was making him antsy again, sling-shotting from maudlin to jittery as the silence crept into his bones. He could paint but he couldn’t be fucked. He has a 6 AM call time in the morning. Rudy will be knocking on his door at 5.
He realised he’s too amped up to sleep, but that he needed to if he was going to be in any sort of functional state tomorrow. He really didn’t want to fuck up this job, this little indie shooting on the streets of LA on actual film like it’s the fucking 90s. This was maybe his step back into legitimacy, maybe a chance to show he’s still worth a shot. You were so proud of him when he got it, all those months ago, when even his agent seemed a little misty-eyed at the offer. This was important.
Just Ambien, then.
In his bed, Dieter waited for sleep to take him. He still had the picture of you and him on his nightstand, the one where you’re looking up at him as he holds you by the middle, your smile bright and shining as he stares, warmly, into your eyes. You’d been at some party, and even though he couldn’t remember where exactly you both were, Dieter remembered that moment, the snap taken by a friend who had no idea of its significance. It was the moment he knew he loved you, and felt it without fear. It hurt now, hurt a little then, and he left it there for every time he turns his lamp off. Lets it remind him that there was a golden period of some months where you existed in his life and he was yet to fuck it up.
Sometime around 2 AM he’s woken by his phone, his body moving before his brain registered what was going on. He doesn’t remember setting an alarm, barely remembered falling asleep. He tried to shift some of the fog to the side so he could think.
‘-lo?’ he muttered, his throat dry.
‘Dee?’ you asked, and he could hear in your voice that you were flustered, worried. He sat bolt upright in the bed, pushed over the picture of you as he reached for the lamp.
‘Baby?’ he asked, as he felt his pulse race and the room swim in front of his eyes.
‘Are you OK?’ you asked, and he could hear how tight your voice was.
‘Mm’sleepin’ he said, surprised by how hard it was to get his mouth to work properly. ‘You OK?’
‘You texted me,’ you said, and he felt his stomach drop. Oh, fuck. Oh fuckedy fuck fuck.
‘I did?’ he asked, as he searched his brain for some scrap of memory. All he could now remember was why he never fucking takes Ambien anymore.
‘Yeah, you said you needed me.’
He slammed his hand to his forehead, hoped for a second that he was actually just straight up hallucinating.
You were still talking, and he tried hard to focus on what you were telling him. ‘You said you’d made a mistake, that I was…’ you paused, and he realised you’d pulled the phone away from your face to read his own messages back to him. ‘Too sweet for you, that you broke us, that you are not so much a bull in a China shop as Mengele hanging out in an orphanage.’ He cringed, no matter how poetic it was. And accurate.
‘Then I think you tried to send me a picture-’
‘Oh God, please tell me not of my-’
‘It’s too dark to see, I think its your ceiling. And you’re saying something about falling stars, and comets.’
Despite his mortification, he could hear a tiny bit of mirth creeping into your voice, and he felt it tinkle warm and delicate at the base of his spine. If he waited long enough, sent you enough fucked up texts, maybe he’d even get to hear your laugh.
‘Fuck, I’m so sorry,’ he started, but stopped when you shushed him.
‘Just tell me what you’ve taken so I know if I should call 911.’
‘Just Ambien, I promise, baby,’ he said, and he hated the little surge of something proud and excited that you cared enough to maybe call help for him. Hated that he had been the one to exploit that in you, for the entirety of your relationship, wondered if he’d started to dangle himself off the cliff just to see if you’d still come and save him. Fuck, there was so much to be sorry for. He’d lost track a long time ago.
‘Dee,’ you said, and then you trailed off, and he could hear that you were about to kindly, gently, admonish him.
‘Didn’t even know I was doing it,’ he explained, and he listened to your sad little sigh. He shut his eyes against it, pinched the bridge of his nose. ‘Not that I didn’t want to…I mean, not that I wouldn’t have if I…not just because of the meds, I guess, I mean.’
In the silence, Dieter checked his phone to see the damage for himself. There were a couple of messages that had failed to send, gibberish mostly, and he deleted them before his phone attempted to deliver on his garbled words. There was, indeed, a picture of his ceiling. He wondered if his medicated mind had wanted to show you what it would look like if you were with him.
He read, quickly.
Down in mmy sheeps with me.
Brokei t. Us.
2 sweet 4 me
not so much a bull in a China shop as Mengele hanging out in an orphanage
He swallowed, assumed he must have got Siri to dictate that last one.
‘What did you mean?’ you asked him, and he heard the sheets rustle round you as you settled yourself back down in bed. He felt his heartrate pick up, had assumed you would hang up on him having been satisfied he was still alive. It had been so long since you’d talked properly. Since after you left, but also a little bit since before.
‘Well, he did a lot of experiments on kids, twins mostly,’ Dieter began, and you stopped him.
‘No, Jesus, no. Fuck, Dee.’ You collected yourself. ‘That I’m too sweet for you. You really think that?’
He thought about you staying up all hours of the night to chat to him on Facetime when he was on location, sleepless and anxious over some tiny bit part, in another country. Thought about you pulling the router out of the wall and putting his phone in the safe when the first reviews for Cliff Beasts 7 were looking shaky. When you cried, quiet in the bathroom when you thought he couldn’t hear, over the comments left on his Instagram the first time you were papped together.
‘My life,’ he started, rolling out a sentence both his manager and agent had said to him in the aftermath of the breakup, ‘is not a good fit for civilians.’
He heard you take in a sharp breath.
‘That’s not it though, is it?’ you asked him, and his eyes were getting heavy, the Ambien still in his bloodstream, the day, week, month, weighing heavy on his shoulders. ‘You put me on a pedestal, Dee. I was never too anything for you. I just don’t think you could bare it when I was real.’ 
He thought about that time he’d screamed at you, upended your suitcase onto the floor, while you were packing for a work trip, the hypocrisy of it not lost on him even then. That time when he’d dragged you out to an industry party, his nerves jangling, not able to remember the last time he’d done it sober, only to lose you in the crowd within fifteen minutes of arriving, everyone wanting to talk to him, to rub up on him, his hand slipping from yours in the throng of it, his mind tuning in to the attention of strangers, ignoring or rejecting or minimising that he had all the love he could want in you.
That time when you’d been sick, bleeding on the floor of the bathroom, calling him to come take you to the hospital, and he’d sent his assistant because he was about to shoot a big scene.
He shut his eyes, the shame of it licking at his cheeks. You didn’t come home after that. You returned to his place, stayed in his bed for a few weeks, ate the food in his fridge and haunted his living room, but you didn’t ever actually come home.
‘I miss you,’ he said, because it was all he could say, and because it was true.
‘Dee, don’t,’ you whispered, and he closed his eyes to revel in the sound of it, to ignore what you were saying to him and to just imagine for a second you were saying it with your body pressed to his.
‘Nothing feels real without you,’ he said, and he meant it, meant how he spent all day in clothes that weren’t his, saying words that he didn’t mean, to people he barely knew. That each morning they had to spackle over the hate and the want and the wash out, try to build him back up into a human being. He was so fucking cold without you, in the middle of an LA heatwave.
‘I wonder if you’ll remember this in the morning,’ you said, and it stung him. He felt the hot prickle of tears at the back of his eyes, felt the strain in his jaw as his mouth turned down.
‘I want to remember it all,’ he said, and he heard you huff out a quiet little laugh, not at all what he had been hoping for. ‘Do you miss me?’ he asked, dropping his hand to his chest to try and still his racing, terrified heart.
‘Go to sleep, Dee,’ you said, before the line went dead. He pulled his phone back to check that you were gone.
It was 2:30 in the morning. Rudy would be there within hours. 
Taglist (want to be on it? Drop me a message): @dieterbravobrainrotclub
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Clone Wars headcanons that have been rotting in my google docs
I like to believe that Padme teaches Ahsoka how to make friendship bracelets and she treats it as something sacred and spends an unholy amount of time making some for the people she cares about 
Master Plo gets the first one, Obi-Wan gets the second, Rex Cody and a couple of their boys get some more, Padme of course gets one, and Anakin gets one last 
The reason he was the last to get one is something Ahsoka will never admit out loud but she honestly wanted to take her time with his
And because of that Anakin permanently has a work of art on his wrist like everyone’s is gorgeous but his is something else entirely  
He thanks her truly and honestly thanks her and promises to keep it forever 
When Ahsoka jokingly calls him for breaking the orders rules he comments back “When have we ever listened to those rules” 
He keeps his promise too that bracelet never leaves his person 
He’s lost clothes lightsabers and even a couple of prosthetics but he always makes sure to go back for that bracelet
He eventually repays the gift in kind with a bracelet of his own 
It’s not the best made or pretties thing but Ahsoka can feel the love that was put into it so she makes the same promise he did years ago and keeps it too 
When the twins are born Ahsoka makes them both friendship bracelets 
At first they are small enough for their tiny wrists but she adds onto them as they grow older 
Ahsoka tears up when she finds that they all kept the bracelets she never thought they’d toss them or anything but seeing them decades later does hit her hard because they’re all in perfect condition 
Padme loves to “kidnap” Ahsoka whenever they have the time 
She’ll just request her protection on a diplomatic mission 
Sometimes it is an actual mission but Padme will still make time to take them to her favorite restaurants or cafes so they can have a little bit of downtime
When the war ends the tradition continues even tho everyone knows Ahsoka’s not really there as a security escort 
I find the visual of Anakin and Padme telling Ahsoka, Obi-wan, and Rex they’re married fucking hilarious 
Both Obi-Wan and Rex would try to act like they’ve been fooled truly they do but it all kinda breaks when Ahsoka asks “Wait we weren’t supposed to know?” 
Anakin is just as confused when he asks “What do you mean Soka? How could you have known?” 
And that’s when Ahsoka just starts laughing hysterically and it doesn’t take long for Obi-Wan and Rex to join in when he asks again all Ahsoka says is “Really? Kriffing look at you two” and doesn’t add much else 
Both Luke and Leia try to replicate Ahsoka’s face markings with various levels of success 
They often ask their mom for help and she’s always happy to do so Ahsoka gets filled with unimaginable amounts of joy when she sees her niece and nephew trying to look just like her 
Anakin often jokes that of course he’s not the favorite even in his own home like she’s not the first name that comes up whenever babysitting is on the table 
It’s also not a surprise that both Ahsoka and Obi-Wan become the twin's space equivalent of godparents 
It seems like a necessary precaution all things considered 
Neither of them takes the role lightly but they also vow that it won’t be needed and they do everything in their power to make it so 
After most missions it is very rare for Anakin to let Ahsoka and Obi-Wan out of his sight 
Ahsoka never fights him on this and is perfectly happy to stay by his side and sleep in the living room like they often do 
Sometimes Obi-Wan is called away for a meeting with the council and can’t stay with the two but that doesn’t stop him from joining them later on in the night even if they’re asleep 
Anything beats sleeping in his cold desolate room after some of the more dangerous missions 
Sometimes they’ll go a step further and call Padme just to check in with her and have her on the line as they watch some stupid rom-com
After some of the rougher missions it wasn’t uncommon for Ahsoka to pass out due to the physical and mental strain 
It also wasn’t uncommon for Anakin to give her a piggyback ride back to the ship 
He finds that people shoot him less looks when he’s carrying his padawan instead of holding her in a death grip and not letting go until it’s time to leave 
A lot of people thought they’d grow out of this habit but no it’s a trend that stays throughout their lives 
It just so happens that Ahsoka grows tall enough to return the ongoing favor  
It also didn’t stop at the battlefield either 
Sometimes Anakin would find her passed out in the archives or he would get a message that she was asleep in a friend's room 
And he’d always go to get her because what’s he gonna do leave her there? 
Sometimes when Ahsokas babysitting the kids Anakin will find her in a position that Obi-Wan often told him about 
Sitting in front of the TV with the twins curled up at her side 
And while Padme deems it her job to carry the twins off to their room Anakin takes his long-time role of carrying Ahsoka to hers 
(Because if you think she wouldn’t have a room in their house you’re crazy) 
Anakin always knew Ahsoka would grow up that’s just a part of life and how the universe works 
But nothing can describe the feeling of her growing taller than him 
Envy isn’t what he feels no matter how much people suggest he does sadness isn’t either it’s something deeper than that 
Bittersweet is the closest word he could find because after all there’s nothing quite like watching your younger sibling grow up
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 6 months
Part 10 Trolls Headcanons/ Theories/ Thoughts/ Ideas
This may be my last headcanons list, my friends. Will still do art and stuff but I am fresh outta ideas.
Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part6 Part7 Part8 Part9
Enjoy 💕
Sub Tribes - KPop/Reggaeton/Yodelers/Chaz etc. there's not many of them around because they came from overseas.
King Peppy - Didn't tell Poppy about Viva because he was in the early stages of dementia. (Canon?) For a while he thought Poppy WAS Viva. By the time he realised his 'mistake', Poppy was already grown.
Vacay Island - the brothers sometimes help Bruce at his restaurant. They have name tags with funny 'work names'. Flood, Big Fish, Classy, and Big Brunch. Viva and Poppy have done the odd shift as well, as Pinky and Vista. 😝
Brozone - they became world famous, argued and left BEFORE the cage went around the Pop Troll Tree. (Canon?)
Brozone - there was a rumoured 'unfinished' Brozone song that was supposed to be released after that tour. John finally finishes it and the brothers offer to sing it for Poppy's bridal entrance song. Poppy immediately faints. In my head the song is 'Helpless When She Smiles' by The Backstreet Boys
Brozone - whatever the Trolls equivalent of the Superbowl is, I feel like Bruce and JD would be very into it. Jerseys and face paint and everything.
Bruce - cameras make him self-conscious. If he is in a group he can tolerate it but hates being the only one in the photo.
Bruce - has caught his kids trying to do the Brozone dance routines. He tries to stay out of it best he can and let them have their fun but then they ask him to teach them and doesn't he just melt.
Bruce - has a wedding ring but it is Vacationer sized. He keeps it in his hair mostly but will braid it into his hair like an accessory for special occasions.
Bruce - 100% certain Poppy and Branch's first born would be a boy. "We're a family of five brothers! It took Brandy and I thirteen tries to have a daughter. Trust me, I have no doubt your first egg will absolutely be a boy." *They have a girl* Bruce 😑
Floyd - can only sleep comfortably near an open window. Sometimes can only sleep sitting up.
Floyd - will randomly stare off into space or mutter to himself.
Floyd - *clears throat* I ship Floom! 💕🏳️‍🌈
Floyd - can't stick to new hobbies for very long, he hyperfixates for a week or two then gets bored. Macrame, candle making, soap making, jewelry making, photography are some examples.
Clay - his brothers collectively tried to convince him that he was the adopted brother.
Clay - is quite squeamish. The sight of vomit, open wounds and bodily fluids; Clay will absolutely pass out. Snotty babies make him very uncomfortable.
Clay - gets Viva to braid his hair out of his face only when something really serious is happening *cracks neck* "Viva?" "Yah?" "Braid me" "Yes, Sir." Shwoooop
Clay - Found out the Classical Trolls have a library larger the Pop Village. "Viva, they have a whole wing dedicated to tragedies! Tragedies, Viva!"
Clay - okay, so he and Viva have never been a couple, even if he ever considered it, their work came first and he didn't want to jeopardize what they had. Buuuuuuuttt the thought that another Troll could one day be Viva's person, that she would go to them instead of him for comfort or ideas or laughs or safety or hugs... it makes Clay feel... weird.
Clay - at some point is named some kinda Troll magazines most eligible bachelor. Bro was in a boyband, co-runs a society of survivors, runs a business, is close friends with royalty, has been knighted, has a license to practice accounting and was part of the only known Perfect Family Harmony. He's apparently a hot commodity now.
John Dory - takes night classes to finally get his highschool diploma. Is too embarrassed to tell anyone until he graduates.
John Dory - doesn't get sick often. But when he does, he keeps going to the point of exhaustion.
John Dory - has indeed crossed paths with Delta Dawn before. Both of them have very different versions of the story. "I serenaded her." "The fool was whining something from the inside of a jail cell."
John Dory - has been known to sleep with his eyes open. Freaks people out.
John Dory - will drink milk straight from the carton and put it back in the fridge.
John Dory - teaches Bruce's kids all the swear words and does in fact tell them his rendition of where eggs come from.
Viva - tries to hide sadder feelings from Poppy. Worried that Poppy won't want to hang out with her if she isn't fun.
Poppy - sometimes feels guilty, if things had been different, Viva would have been Queen. Viva tries to reassure Poppy that she is "The right Troll for the role." 👍🏻 Also Viva tries to argue that they both technically get be Queens now anyway.
Guy Diamond - Trolls have eggs when they have powerful feelings of love. Guy Diamond was able to have Tiny because he loves himself so much.
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richeeduvie · 6 months
thank you genius anon for the roman summer house ask. but also richee can you elaborate on this time that roman came out from under the table while drunk… curious to know if he did that for the reason I think he did
"That tickles. Jesus fuck-!"
"I'm not even licking anythi-"
Roman's not. He just finds the inside of your thighs quite comfortable. And your skin smells good. Like really good, it's whatever body wash you're using.
Sometimes, it doesn't feel that taboo to want to peel bits of you off. If he could put you back together without any pain, he would.
"Someone's coming. Just shh."
He rolls his eyes, but his heart feels like the way his mouth purses when he hears it's Kendall.
Roman understands his jealousy. Not very fucking well, but he knows that it's just not right whenever you talk to people. It doesn't even have to be other boys that Roman's sure they want you naked and nippled and for them, it's just...anyone. It's Kendall, but Kendall's a fucking freak. It's Shiv and every adult adult who takes time away from him. It's school and it's movies that distract you.
Maybe it's fucking pathetic? Roman doesn't it. It's not right because it makes him feel sick and small.
And Kendall just keeps yapping. You're too nice to everyone, like it's your job. It's especially peevy when you make it so Kendall's comfortable.
You won't admit it - Kendall won't even admit it, but the brotherly fucker wants you so badly. It's gross. And you should pretty much have the understanding that you don't do well with other people. Just him, even when he's mean. Sorry.
"So, I was just thinking about...you ever hear of go-karting?"
"Jesus fuck."
Roman cringes and lazily comes up from your legs. Not air, cause that would mean he wouldn't be taking in your mouth whole.
"You taste like cake. Yum. Hi, Ken." He furrows his brows, looking down. "Close your legs, you don't want to look slutty in front of my brother."
And Roman tries not to wear a stupid-born smile when Kendall just stares, all the confidence and shitty banter gone now that he's here. And his mouth was just on your crotch. That doesn't need to be said between the three of you.
"Do you - do you guys do that al-all the time? What the fuck? That's not cool, dude."
"Why are you pushing this on me? What if she wanted me down in the trenches."
"...Are you-" You hiccup. Roman fixes your hair. "Is my vagina the trench?"
"It's like - take it as a fucking compliment. Wet, narrow....I'm the only one up in there, right?"
"Don't fucking...Roman. Both of you, what if Dad saw?"
"He wouldn't have?"
Roman scratches behind his ear. He can see a purposeful, slight shake of his brother's body.
"What? Cause you wouldn't have made the fucking effort to come up?"
"Why does it bother you so much? It would've only bothered Dad cause it's just more proof that I am his disappointment baby. A vat of unprofessionalism."
Roman knows why Kendall looks so strangled by the way he came up from under the table, why he still looks tense as he throws his legs over you. You look heated. It makes Roman smile.
He knows why even if Kendall never admits it. Maybe he'll get over you like a normal fucking person. But Roman's selfish as much as he is someone that loves his brother. He deserves a bit of tense nerves, his own amount of jealousy because he's not even suppose to be jealous in the first place.
Roman burps and presses a thumb into your hand.
"Go away, Kendall. You have Stewy cock to make you feel better. About what? I don't think either of us have a clue."
He drags out the word clue and stares into your skin, a low head looking down.
Don't give her that fucking look, bitch.
He looks at your guilted face like you've vomited on his shoe.
"Don't tell me you actually feel embarrassed and bad about it."
"You should've waited."
"Oowee, let's spare Ken's feelings. What feelings am I sparing by making the effort to not remind him that I'm inside you at all times?"
When you don't respond, the casual and sickly humor turns red in Roman. He stares.
"What feelings?"
But he's weak, it never takes much and it takes nothing when he's drank a lot. Like a softy, touchy little hand holding his.
"Wanna pick a movie?"
"...It's gonna be a super dirty movie. The most visible pussy and dick you've ever witnessed."
"You had a panic attack watching the first fifteen minutes of boogie nights and we had to put on the beauty and the bea-"
Roman's heart picks up. Why would you ever bring that up?
"You didn't make that moment feel like something you were gonna fucking laugh at me for."
"I'm not laughing, I'm just saying...do you think you'd get like that if you watched us on camera?"
He blinks.
"Have you been fucking recording us?"
"No! I was just wondering."
"You're not good at that. Fucking Jesus."
"Where are you going?"
Back down. Where it's easier to breathe.
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earthtoharlow · 1 year
Previous Chapter
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theshaderoom: Look who’s back! #Y/NY/L does her first interview since leaving social media for over a year! Y/N talks about becoming a mother and dating #Drake and ex #JackHarlow
“Sometimes, I look in the mirror in the mornings and just say to myself “Oh my God! Bitch you’re someone’s mother!” It’s hard work, but I love every part of it. “
Y/L continues “it doesn’t feel like work though, having Ariel has made me look at the world with a new set of eyes. This sounds spiritual, but I really do feel born again.”
The rapper/model couldn��t hide the smile on her face when asked about Drake!
“Aubrey, brings me so much peace. After everything that happened in my last relationship, the idea of a new relationship was out of the question. Starting a family with him has made me finally understand why it didn’t work out with anyone else. He was always meant to be the one for me.”
Additionally, Y/N reflects on her past relationship with Rapper Jack Harlow.
“I’ll be honest, the day his Vogue feature came out. I immediately called him. What people don’t understand is that I was with him for 2 years, we were planning our whole lives together. I won’t go into details about our conversation but after that I sat back, watched, and cried while letting them have their moment. Which hurt a lot but I’m grateful for it because now I’m with the person I’m supposed to be with.” Click the link in our bio to read more!
view all 14,689 comments
user: aw I’m really so happy for her
user: something seems fishy about them idk
user: see how y/n can do an interview and not talk shit about Jack Harlow?! Even though he deserves it!!
user: Drake can’t keep a women so they’ll be broken up soon
user: I know Jack and all his baby mamas shaking and crying
user: no wonder Stacey is jealous of Y/N
user: she’s so mature because if my ex was slamming my name in interviews I would raise hell!!!
user: she seems to be in such a great place mentally!
user: damn she’s really a mother
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liked by jackharlow, haileybieber, kimkardashian, justineskye, chrissyteigen, oliviaculpo, neelamthadhani and 783,529 others
thatgirlstacey: that look when bitches can’t keep your husband name out their mouth
view all 5674 comments
user: girl, you need to be worried about if Jack had another baby on you
haileybieber: 🤦🏼‍♀️ tell me about it
user: yeah y/n is weird
user: so y’all can talk about her but she can’t?
user: y/n didn’t say anything bad about you or your relationship
user: you lucky y/n didn’t drag tf outta you both
kimkardashian: sending you love 💕
user: ok enough about y/n girl you look good af
user: bitches stay jealous
jackharlow: love running their mouth 🙄
user: you ain’t broken up with him yet?!!
user: you won, you got the man! Leave y/n alone
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jackharlowsource: Jack Harlow and Stacey James-Harlow at the “White Men Can’t Jump” movie premiere!
view all 635 comments
user: my parents
user: damn sorry to hear that
user: they’re so cuuuute!
user: Glad to see they’re still together! I was getting worried especially with reports saying they separated!
user: she’ll never leave that man, same tbh
user: he was never that happy with Y/n
user: goals
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Liked by yourinsta, icespice, partynextdoor, chubbsview, Beyoncé,SZA, urbanwyatt, druski, and 1,425,116 others
champagnepapi: I would clear a whole town for you 🤞
view all 836 comments
celeb: that’s twin!
celeb: love y’all!
celeb: now when something happens in Kentucky we know who did it 🤣
yourinsta: don’t play bout mine 💕
celeb: wipe that white boy like a snotty!
celeb: yeah they need ass beat
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liked by selenagomez, saweetie, dojacat, sza, summerwalker, urbanwyatt, flomillishit, 1dessdior and 678,367 others
yourinsta: For him it’s whatever with whoever 🤞
view all 8,457 comments
saweetie: I know that’s right bby!
user: goals
user: yeah fuck Jack and his wife!!
selenagomez: 💕💕💕
user: love seeing you so happy
user: between Drake’s post and this one, I think Jack about to get touched 😵‍💫
SZA: 🤭 kill bill
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liked by 996,468 users
tmz_tv: Details are scarce, but according to a report on Hollywood Unlocked Jack Harlow was celebrating the release of the White Men Can’t Jump reboot when he was punched in the face.
According to a source, the celebrity-filled after party was going well until Jack Harlow reportedly acted rudely towards wife Stacey James for unknown reasons.
A few guest tried to intervene but the situation got worse. He was confronted about his behavior to his wife and mother of his child.
The source told Hollywood Unlocked that a physical altercation occurred between the guest with Harlow leaving with a “bloodied nose."
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user: ovo crew definitely jumped him
user: deserved
user: imagine getting jumped in front of your family I’d cry
user: drake said he’d spin bout y/n and he meant that
user: I think this is just karma
user: what a dick
user: omg can someone check and see if he’s okay
AN: damn that’s crazy 🤪 I’ve missed toxic Jack so much so I wrote this up! Next part of this AU series probably won’t be up until Father’s Day because we still have to find out if Jack had another baby 😳 so much drama
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 11 months
tags: ghost!gojo x f!reader, mentions of death, manga spoilers, mentions of character death(s), mentions of sick parents, reader being nurturing, satoru being intruiged by reader, reader talking to herself even though she knows she's being listened to, slight fluff at the end, gojo feeling some type of way word count: 2.2k a/n: someone help me name this series. this is the quickest time I've written a pt. 2 after a part 1. also, shout out to mitski's my love mine all mine for the extra kick to finish the end. I was supposed to sleep 2 hrs ago, so here's the unedited chapter. here is part 1. some inspiration to the gojo clan home: photo 1,
5 months into your arrival as his nephew's tutor, satoru thinks you've finally accepted his presence, yet he never plans to outwardly reach out to you because what if you told his family in the estate?
he should feel relieved over this, but bringing his clan in this issue would surely bring more problems than he'd like to admit. if he were 'dead' now, imagine what his clan would do once he really died?
shortly before finishing his fight with kenjaku, satoru was blindly cursed. "I may not be able to bring the strongest with me, but I will curse you, satoru gojo," the words still echo in the back of his head.
"your spirit will remain the same, your being remains, but you will be here no more, in the presence for others to see. you shall remain invisible, a ghost to all, and you'll be lucky to be noticed by anyone who does not already know your inherit value as a sorcerer. known by all, but never remembered."
satoru thinks back to that fateful day, ending the life of a stranger inside the body of his best friend, the epitome of his youth, hopes, and aspirations. satoru remembers the look on his student's faces, blank disappointment. either at him or themselves, but he knows it's geared towards him. shoko's knuckles barely turn white as her lips press into a tight line, while yuuji chokes on air as he's on his knees, other students at his side, attempting to console him while megumi lays unconscious several feet away. he turns out okay in the end, with a minor concussion and a few injuries he'd like to thank shoko for fixing up, the boy lives.
and on that day, gojo satoru died from the face of the earth.
he doesn't know how or why he ended up in his estate. a large, but quaint home with endless scenery and a garden right out of a movie. the house still holds traditional japanese elements, but the peony shrubs his mother had planted stick out like a sore thumb.
just like her.
young, beautiful, and once full of life. hopeful to marry into a family that would one day accept her albeit she was a foreigner, marrying a man whom she thought was serious and sophisticated enough to handle marriage.
but oh how foolish we are to assume the best in others when it comes to matters of the heart.
when he was alive, satoru would regularly check in with the old nanny, ensuring that the shrubs were trimmed and water just right. he knew just how much those flowers meant to his mother. a pretty housewife who no matter what she did was never enough to impress the clan.
until satoru was born. her pride and joy, holding no mind to the comments of his white hair and how he held ancestral resemblance to an ancient sorcerer from within the clan. all his mother knew was that she was head over heels in love with the peaceful human she was able to carry for nine months. no concern for the future, only hope that his son would see and be treated with the humanness he deserved to have. but oh how fate twists. one thing leads to another and his mother now requires a blanket everywhere she goes. she still hangs out in the gardens, spending what time she can with her son who is now 5, nearly 6. and then she's bed bound, finding solace in the brush stokes against the canvas and the warmth of her son.
sometimes, satoru carries the bitter reminder yet anger towards his father. he never saw them happy, only formal and curt, almost as if being together was a chore for him, and his mother's smile would falter when he would avoid a hug from her. the smell of cheap vanilla perfume stained his coat, hanging by his arm, and satoru's mother would simply look towards the ground. almost in shame.
he never loved his mother, satoru then realized as an adult. not even bring her up in the lonely nights, reminisce her life, what they shared, it was as if she was a long-forgotten chapter in his life.
you arrive in august, cheerful and kind. he thinks you won't last long because his family demands unreasonably long hours and surely your boyfriend back home would not approve, but he was surprised, 3 months in your stay that you continued to tutor his nephew. you seemed much more genuine than any other temporary nanny he had when he was a kid, satoru thinks, but then again he and hotaru are completely different in terms of cursed energy.
when november is nearing it's end, you decide to stay a few extra minutes in the garden. hotaru has now joined his family for dinner, and he watches the estate nanny walk towards you and hand you a mug. he can't quite hear what you're both saying since the leaves rustle a little too loudly for his liking, but he notices the 'oh' you make is serious, followed by a nervous chuckle after the nanny had said something.
satoru wonders what you must have said as the nanny suddenly rises from the garden stone bench, looking at his direction as he leans against a tree. she tells you something before departing, and you sigh moments later.
"I can feel you're around, you've been watching us for some time, and I know it." you speak almost so knowingly that it makes satoru swallow the lump at the back of his throat, but the feeling quickly dissipates as soon as the white housecat, mochi, startles you.
you leave shortly after.
12 days of your normal routine pass when satoru notices something is wrong. hotaru doesn't eat as much and at night, he calls for you. "you'll spoil him if you keep letting him be around that commoner," a distant aunt of satoru, one who he wasn't particularly fond of sneers at the nanny, "now he's calling her before bedtime,"
"he's 5," the nanny says, almost defensively. if anyone were to speak to his aunt like that then the staff would have surely been fired, but after working in the estate for nearly 30 years, satoru's father would have prohibited the dismissal of a staff member with this much seniority over something like this. "his mother is ill, and the boy's tutor has been his only maternal rock at this point. he doesn't open up to anyone but her, so we would be doing the nephew of gojo satoru a disservice by treating his nephew the way you treat him." satoru watched at how furiously the woman's brows furrowed then softened, speechless and at a loss for words before she gives up and leaves.
within an hour, you are quick to make it to the estate with a much more informal set of clothes. a pair of joggers and loungewear ideal for the nearing winter. it is past 10 when you hold the boy in his arms, talk to him about his problems, make a pinky promise (not just any promise) with him, and read him a bedtime story you had so thoughtfully decided to bring in your bag.
within minutes, the boy instantly falls asleep tucked to your side and the look you hold in your face makes satoru stare in admiration as he sits from one of the rocking chairs across the room. gently placing the book down, you kiss hotaru's forehead. "I'll see you on thursday," you promise the sleeping child before heading outside where hatoru's nanny greets you. she bows her head momentarily.
"we cannot thank you enough for your work, miss." she says, hands formally clasped together at her front. "we have made sleeping arrangements for you to stay the night. we insist, as a commute back home at this hour is late," she adds, "we have set up nightwear and can even prepare dinner for you miss."
"thank you," you say simply, politely, "I... I really don't mean to intrude nor cause any-"
"oh you could never," the woman says, "please, allow us to be your host for the night. and do not worry about waking up at an hour in fear of inconveniencing us. we have multiple guest bedrooms and would be honored to let you stay."
satoru notices the expression in your face soften as he knows that you can't possibly say no know, so you accept. choosing to spend the night. the staff set you up in a nice, private room with your own exit to the gardens. and the estate chef sends you his best soup and side dishes to fill your stomach on this cold night.
"you clearly don't have to worry about anything in here," you speak lowly but loudly enough for satoru to hear. you sit and lean against your slide shift door, facing the garden as satoru sits on the wooden surface of the 'sidewalk' (referenced in photo one). and he nearly wants to laugh at your comment, swaying his feet that he almost kicks some of the pebbled stones.
"but... hotaru still worries," you definitely have his attention now as you sigh softly, troubled, not knowing the spirit of hotaru's uncle listens to you.
"sometimes... I don't know what to do. sometimes... I feel like I can cross a boundary, but I'm an employee at the end of the day. how can I act as his therapist without... being this motherly to him?"
there was clearly a problem that satoru didn't know the answer to, but he sympathized with you trying to take on as many roles as you possibly could. he knew how complicated his family clan was. how you would always and forever walk on eggshells around them and no matter what you accomplished, it was never enough.
"I try, I really do..." your murmur to yourself, and a long silence passes as you sit in the quietness of the room. "I..." you chuckled, "I'm sorry, I can't believe I'm doing this- talking to myself, hoping something or some spirit is listening when in reality I'm just speaking to myself like a complete fool, or a japanese spirit is here right now truly mind boggled as a girl speaks in english," you stand to your feet and chuckle, heading to your bed. as satoru hears yourself bickering, the corner if his lip tugs ever so slightly upwards.
he wants to say something. thinks about what the possibility of you talking with him would be like. and as you're making your way to the bed, you still go off on a tangent.
"...no, I bet they do understand me." you argue with yourself, lecturing as if you had your own personal podcast, "if feelings are universal, so are energies and vibrations... meaning one of two things." now you're walking back and forth, concentrated on your own footsteps. satoru wants to chuckle, scare you off even, but this entertainment was the best thing he's had since he could remember. so he decided to wait this one out.
"1- the spirits must think I'm an idiot, I mean I already look like one here, but... 2, they can sense my energy." satoru feels his figurative heart drop to his stomach when you instantly look in his direction, did you know he was here all along? he thinks for a split moment, your eyes sharp with knowing.
you shudder, as your hairs stand on the sides of your arms. not unpleasantly, but enough to know some energy besides your own was here. after a short consideration, you speak.
"move a pebble if you're here," your eyes don't leave his direction, and satoru sits motionless, almost afraid you could see the real him, break all notions of metaphysical theories and curses, and then, you walk towards him; sitting criss cross applesauce.
"I know you're here," softly, you whisper, and satoru can see how you're cold, hugging your frame as your jaw slightly tenses. "I just don't know if you choose to ignore my attempts because you want to or because you genuinely can't communicate," your energy warms him, he doesn't know how else to describe it as you lean closer and closer. he thinks that if he were still alive, then you'd probably make fun of his faltered composure.
I don't know how, he wants to say, but deep down, if he wanted to try he could. he just didn't have the guts to do it.
a long minute passes, you wait patiently before you sigh, but not in defeat. "but either way, I'll be here. and your nephew will be okay. I don't know if that's the reason why you're here, but..." you trail, eyes fixated on the garden as your brows furrow and unfurrow, "...he's going to be okay." shortly after, you stand up, closing the conversation, and satoru senses he shouldn't be here anymore as you make your way to the bed. taking his cue, he leaves with a fuzzy feeling in his chest, remembering your words that oddly felt like a promise. one he hasn't been made to in forever.
he could learn to trust you.
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fallen-and-holy · 6 months
Redoing my pinned post!
Heyo!! Call me Mars or Aster, i use he/hymn/it pronouns, and this is my main blog for all things! I'm alterhuman and queer in almost every way possible, and this is my place to be obnoxious about it. I’m also autistic and vocal about it. That’s the summary, more info below the cut!!
About Me
Alterhuman things
Kintype(s): Western dragon; fallen angel/demon; nökk/nixie/nokken
Theriotype(s): Maned wolf (linktype)
Theriomythic type(s): Night (or Forest??) Fury (linktype)
Fictionflicker type(s): Eztli Tokoyami (MHA/BNHA, non-canon); Rust (TMA, non-canon Corruption avatar); the Leviathan (TMA, non-canon Hunt/Vast avatar); Mike Crew (TMA); MK (Lego Monkie Kid); John Doe (Malevolent)
Hearthome(s): Star Trek
Hearttype(s): changelings; canines; space/stars
Archetrope(s): Guardian
Satellotype(s): Harpy eagle (orbiting the Leviathan); red winged blackbird (orbiting Eztli); felines (orbiting both of my dragon kintypes)
Miscecanis/miscanimalis: Beta, scent is ozone and old books with an undercurrent of sandalwood, revolves around all of my alterhumanity but specifically avian, canine, and eldritch behaviors
Queer Things
The short answer for my gender is multigender boy+ butch bear freakthingcreature, the long answer is ‘i dont know if i have a gender, i dont know what a gender is supposed to feel like, but i like being referred to with masculine terms and also there are things that are intrinsically important to my identity so i might as well call them genders’
Xenohoarder, here’s my hoard: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_P8tza81UckHbBm2LaRa_mzihvhPHPq_kNIDICQpAY8/edit?usp=sharing
The label i usually use for my orientation is omni, but the long and short of it is i like men in a fag way and women in a dyke way and men in a dyke way and women in a fag way and absolutely everyone in a queer way
Aroacespec, demirose
Name and pronoun hoarder, my pronoun page is here: https://en.pronouns.page/@fallen-and-holy
Objectum, mostly aesthetic attraction to things like computers but very much in love with the moon, the sea, space, and pretty much the concept of the Vast
quick guide to the first person pronouns I use: i/me/mine/myself refers to me and sometimes my subsystem; eye/me/meye/meyeself refers to just me; wei/muis/muir/muirself refers to me and my subsystem and sometimes my dæmon; we/us/ours/ourself refers to me and Cypher.
Plural, not sure how much im going to talk about that on here. Im a median subsystem with a dæmon as well as having one headmate, Cypher.
I dont really have a DNI, because those dont work and people are going to do what they want, but you will be blocked if you're mean. Additionally, i block/unfollow for a variety of reasons, including ‘i just dont want to see this on my dash for aesthetic reasons’ and i most likely wont remember why.
Fandoms i’ll likely talk about/reblog on here are the Magpod universes, MHA/BNHA, Dungeon Meshi, Fullmetal Alchemist, Lego Monkie Kid, Sanders Sides, Malevolent, and Star Trek
Sideblogs/digital shrines (most aren't very active)
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tyunniebbang · 1 month
pretty people downtown | k.sn
pick your poison — love, lust, passion. who knows what i did it for?
a/n: this is my take on the stereotypical femme fatale role for sunoo <3. i don't really see anyone writing him with such a character yet it fits him so well! manipulative sexy sunoo should be something we explore more ;)
wc: ~800
warnings/notes: gender neutral!reader, extremely flirty sunoo, lots of nicknaming (sweetheart, honey, etc.), discussion about crimes, slightly suggestive
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"kim sunoo, age 21. born in south korea, moved to LA when he was 10. his family history is largely unknown. he's listed as unemployed, but he's been seen around many bars downtown with men and women alike."
god, you might have a big case on your hands right now. and it all came wrapped with a ribbon nicely for you, in the form a blonde young man, sitting elegantly in the interrogation room.
you huff, trying to amp yourself up for a tough mental fight coming ahead. there's no saying on how much he'll talk, so you might end up in there for a long time. nothing rousing in this line of work, you suppose.
checking all your files are present, everything in place, you walk towards the door and get interrupted right before that knob tweaks open. "detective, you know he might be just the one we're looking for." you glance back at your colleague. "be careful, y/n. he's not gentle as you think he is."
"kim sunoo. do you know why you're here today?"
the blank face finally turns to you, perhaps getting some interest in you and your words. those eyes, they bore into you relentlessly and glisten with intrigue.
and he slumps back into the chair.
seriously, is he going to play the silent game?
you had to get something out of this beauty today, no matter what it took. so you continued, "sunoo-ssi. this isn't a laughing matter. you've been accused as a suspect for multiple connected murders. you could end up behind bars for decades."
he immediately shoots his arrow: "the only place i'll like to end up is in someone's bed, preferably yours."
"e-excuse me?" saving yourself from choking from his bold words, you would've never expected this pretty boy's first words to be like this.
what are you thinking, he isn't pretty! he's a suspect for god's sake, get your head in the game...
well, his outfit doesn't help his case. he's in an all black ensemble: a tight fitting turtle neck, a black skirt and fish nets. his earlobes, neck, fingers all adorned with various silver accessories. who dresses like this anymore? it's 2pm for heaven's sake, you think it's more likely to see someone like this at 2am.
sunoo hums, inching closer and closer to you. even if he looks slightly cute with his chubby cheeks and pale skin, you can't shake off the constant uneasiness that he gives you. this man is dangerous - you conclude, why does one singular person give you such the creeps that gnaws at you consistently?
"you can stop trying to read me sugar, it won't work."
"i wasn't—"
"shhh. honey, sometimes beautiful people look the prettiest when they don't open their mouth, hm?"
immediately, your body betrays itself as you feel your cheeks heating up to a crimson red. you hesitate at the finger pressed on your lips right now, mouth sealed shut. is it even normal to feel this flustered when you get complimented by a criminal?
he doesn't even care. he doesn't care that he's sitting in an investigation room, with possibly heaps of crimes stacked up against him. that he may very well end up in jail, with a criminal record, guilty of all the most heinous crimes. he doesn't care — and that annoys you to no end.
all kim sunoo cares about is getting into your pants?
this sly, seductive son of a bitc—
"tell me, y/n. what makes you think i came here to confess a crime?"
...he knows your name.
creepy, you admit. most people who sit in that chair usually want nothing to deal with you, and yet sunoo himself has defied all expectations in the first 10 minutes of meeting him.
"y-you... you think you're innocent? don't lie, sunoo-ssi. it's not a good track record."
"oh but i have a clear one. you have nothing on me, don't you? don't fool me with those thick files. i know the laws inside out, y/n." he spits.
"you've clearly been looking everywhere for your suspect, and suddenly one shows up at your doorstep? come on sweetheart, i know you're smarter than this. i've only appeared because i wanted to." he scoffs, gazing into the one way glass behind you. "it's just amusing watching your team run around in circles before you closed this case cold."
this man's domineering aura is glowing brighter and brighter every second, even though you thought he was already intimidating when you first walked in. it feels like a prey getting trapped in their own trap. you've made one for kim sunoo, so why does it feel like you're the one losing and drowning?
you drop speechless on your seat, unable to find an answer for his little monologue.
"though... you're a fairly beautiful person, love. i wouldn't mind talking to you afterwards, hm? wouldn't you love to know what happens when i mingle with pretty people downtown?"
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What are your honest thoughts on all Descendants boys? From both books and movies?
Oehh that’s a good question! I’ll base most of this off of the movies because I remember them more clearly. Sorry this is so late, I needed some time to sort out my thoughts. Let’s see:
Ben: cutie, golden retriever energy, needs to grow a bit more of a spine but as a recovering doormat I vibe with him.
He’s got a good heart, and he’s definitely going places, but I have no idea who decided a 16-year-old should be king. Hilariously, he’s a better king than his dad because he cares about all of his people, not just the “heroes”. But still, he’s 16, let him have his dumbass teenage years. He’s still in his phase of wanting to please everyone and that isn’t gonna lead to the best decision making. You’re king, Ben, you can overrule your girlfriend’s selfish idiotic plan of closing the barrier. Just tell her “the barrier was opened for you to come through too. If those kids aren’t worth the risk, does that mean you aren’t either? Should we throw you back?!” And she’s change her tune real fast. You gotta give some tough love sometimes.
Jay: cool, I wanna know his gym routine, pretty funny but rash, needs Carlos to temper his brand of crazy (love their bromance).
I love the narrative parallels to the movie Aladdin. Jafar thought himself so far above a street rat and now he’s raised his son to be one so he can continue being a con-man. In the movies, Jay is actually a very accurate representation of your upbringing shaping you into who you are. All Jay knows is stealing, he’s never been taught to pay if he doesn’t have to, so to him stealing’s perfectly fine. It’s normal. It’s a lot more subtle than the whole “who doesn’t like being evil” bit, but the core idea is the same: when all you’ve ever known is one perspective, that’s gonna feel like the objective truth because you’ve never had a chance to try a different one.
Carlos De Vil: Best (movie) Boy, my baby, I love him. What a little nerd (affectionate).
He’s a big part of why I willfully ignore the absolute stupidity that is the third movie’s ending. I’m sorry Mal, wtf is wrong with you??? You set your supposed friend’s abuser free for nothing but some empty platitudes and dare suggest you’ve become an empathetic person?!?! In the books, we get a lot more insight into just how horrible of a mother Cruella is, but even in the movies we see he’s had it bad because of how jumpy and nervous he is. Disney is still Disney so we don’t get much of the healing process, but we see how he calms down and adjusts to a normal life over the course of the movies when he’s out of the bad situation, which is pretty good by Disney standards. Cameron Boyce did an amazing job playing him (R.I.P Cameron) and seeing an abuse victim get comfortable within their own skin and getting the happy ending they deserve is always fun.
Harry Hook: Insane (affectionate), most fashionable drama queen ever, absolutely crazy, more than a few screws loose but in the best way possible, he’s hilarious.
So on the surface, Harry’s pretty simple. A dude who’s lost his marbles and flirts with everyone. He probably has some kind of moral compass, since he didn’t rip Mal’s throat out with his hook when she revealed her little stunt in D3, but it fell overboard at some point and couldn’t be found so nobody knows what it is except Harry himself. Also, he has his sane moments, like during that same confrontation in D3 I mentioned before where he says “And you, King Benny... you're probably gonna throw us all back inside.” It’s the first time I’ve heard him sound… not like Harry. It’s sombre and defeated, a little disappointed maybe? Either way it’s really good acting and it implies he can act completely “normal” but he just chooses not to, which makes me like him even more. He’s just a dude living his best life despite the circumstances he was born into.
Gil: adorable, hilarious, kinda clueless but in a good way.
I love characters that have no idea what’s going on half the time but are absolute sweethearts trying their best. He’s like- the opposite of his dad in every way and I’m living for it!
Gaston Jr and Gaston the third: I don’t have much to say on them, let alone separately, so they get a section together.
Honestly? I don’t remember having an opinion of them. They made Evie happy by wresting, which is cool so they get points for that. Seem like they’re trying to out-gentleman each other to win Evie’s heart and since they’re not being creepy assholes about it they are objectively better than their dad. Very much brawl over brains, the two of them, with their constant wrestling reminding me of Carlos and Jay except they’re both the muscle. Kinda cute sibling relationship, even if it’s in a VK-typical villain-flavored way.
Anthony Tremaine: squeeeee, my type is pretty boys who sigh in annoyance at everything, I guess? We only get scraps but I happily cradle them to my chest.
Uhmmm so Anthony’s personality is mostly up for imagination? The only canon information we have is that he’s most likely Anastasia’s only kid (someone on Tumblr pointed out that, in the scene with the wicked step-daughters, he’s referred to only as their cousin, not their brother) and he’s very bored with his cousins’ antics. Given A Twist In Time the potential drama is endless. Every time Anthony’s mentioned we’re reminded he’s pretty and has good style, and I love that for him. Dude lives on an isle of junk and still looks like a supermodel. Lots of room for my own ideas while still remaining within the realm of “could be canon” with just enough base in there that I’m not just creating an OC, and as a writer and artist that’s all I need tbh.
Hadie: cute, deserves better, I need more of him and Mal bonding
Mal’s half-brother, son of Hades, very cool. I like that he’s trying to turn good and having a hard time, because that’s very realistic for someone who grew up not knowing anything other than evil. Descendants 2 tried to tackle it with Mal, but failed miserably. We know Hades sucks as a parent in descendants (neglect is abuse) so that’s not gonna help him.
Dough: Awww he’s so cute with Evie 🥺
No really that’s it. He’s a nerd that gets the girl, has some very funny moments, but honestly most of his character is centered around Evie? And they’re cute together it’s not a bad thing but there isn’t much to analyze. He’s understandably pissed about someone like Chad getting all the girls while using them, but that’s also only ever seen in relation to Evie.
Chad Charming: what a bitch (derogatory), total coward, I hate him but he’s funny.
So I have no issue with characters who conduct themselves terribly (I love Audrey, (fanon) Anthony, Uma, and many others from many fandoms) if, and that’s a massive IF, they have a good reason for it. And I’ll count “because I can and I want to” as a good reason, because by that point you have someone who’s mean and owns it. I can appreciate the self-awareness and usually those characters are very extra so it’s entertaining. If not that, there needs to be a reason they are the way they are. Audrey has the pressure from her grandmother (and the borderline verbal abuse), Uma has the very real grievance of living in squalor on a run-down island full of the worst of humanity because she was born, what does Chad have? He’s spoiled. A spoiled brat. And he goes from that to an overtly whimpering coward with none of the pretense of superiority in any field. His one saving grace is that he’s a massive joke.
Diego De Vil, Clay Clayton, Gonzo, Jace and Harry Badun, Herkie, Aziz, Jonas, Lefou Deux, Li Shang Jr, everyone else I missed: no opinion, because they’re not relevant enough for the writers to give them a personality.
I have nothing I’m sorry. I barely remember reading their names and I don’t remember anything from the scenes they’re (mentioned) in to get an idea of what to talk about here.
That was… a lot lmao
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sleeplessdreamer123 · 2 years
Fanfic idea! Blind and Sick Lucerys (Lucemond)
Rhaenyra gets poisoned while heavily pregnant with Lucerys, causing an early birth and a blind baby to be born. The maesters told her that he would never be able to see in his lifetime, and that he would never fully heal from the poison, forever needing medicine to live in a dying body. This makes Rhaenyra incredibly protective of him, never letting him leave her side, and once he got a little older, she rarely let's him leave his room without a maester and two trusted kingsguards following his every move.
Jace is protective of him as well, and tries his best to make Lucerys happy, but often leaves him alone in favor of playing with Aegon. Aemond didn't really enjoy being around Aegon and Jace, they often made him the butt of their jokes, a Targaryen without a dragon, so he simply walks around, and stumbles on a lonely Lucerys, who was allowed to leave his room to bask under the sun, petting a small dragon that croons under his hands.
Aemond feels jealous when he saw that a blind, sickly child that looked nothing like a true Targaryen got to have a dragon while his never hatched. He feels even more annoyed when he realized that this child wouldn't even be able to ride said dragon without dying of a cold or a heart attack. What's the use of being able to hatch a dragon if you won't even be able to fly?
Then his thoughts got even darker. After all, he heard the whispers of the maesters whenever they leave the child's room. How weak he was, how he might not survive the next winter, how another cold might end his life. If little Luke was to die soon, wouldn't his dragon be free to take? The dragon was still young, wouldn't it be easier to bond with it once his first person dies?
So young Aemond plots, he began to get closer to little Lucerys, sometimes he plays games that didn't require much movement, sometimes he tells him stories of Old Valyria, often he tries to play with the dragon when Lucerys needed to rest. Little Lucerys enjoys his company, a fresh change to his otherwise monotone life. Rhaenyra allows this to continue, though still wary, her son seems happier, and that's what matters to her. Aemond tries to connect with Lucerys' dragon Arrax, and though wary at first, soon said dragon was used to his presence, though, of course, Lucerys was still his person, and would mostly ignore him in favor of his blind person. That was fine. Arrax will be Aemond's soon. He can wait.
Except Lucerys doesn't die that winter. Or the next one. Or the next one after that. Sure, there were times where Aemond wasn't allowed in his room because Lucerys caught a cold deadly only to Lucerys, and there was a time Lucerys started coughing up blood, much to the horror of Aemond's half-sister, but other than that, he still lives and breathes, as if determined to spite the expectations of many.
Slowly, Aemond loses hope of ever having Arrax as a dragon, and strangely enough, the thought of losing his chance of gaining a dragon doesn't sting as much as it had before. He still goes to Lucerys, little Lucy, he would sometimes call him, just for Lucerys to whine at how girly that nickname was. He still calls him that, of course.
Soon the thought of Lucerys dying worries him rather than delights him, the fear of his death overshadowing his want of a dragon. Soon, the mere thought of Lucerys being taken by the Stranger scares him enough to almost always stay by his side, even when he rests, he just stares at Lucerys' rising and falling chest, assuring himself that the little boy still lives.
He still wants a dragon, of course he does, but the thought of losing Lucerys to get one felt wrong. He suppose he can claim a different dragon. Let the blind sickly Lucy keep Arrax, Aemond has Lucerys, after all.
I'm not much of a good writer, but I do have a ton of ideas, this being one of them. You can see this as an extremely long writing prompt, if anyone happens to want to write a fanfic with this premise, please tell me!
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Have you ever thought about what it would be like if Eomer and Grima met as children lmao (also love your work🤍 I’m a huge fan of what you write and I’m married to Grima as well he’s my wet pookie)
sometimes there are people who come into my inbox with only the best and most amazing messages - you are one of them! (also thank you so much for the lovely compliments! I'm always so happy when people like my Grima nonsense <3)
I have never considered this but it is objectively hilarious. It would require them being the same age, which shifts their dynamic a bit I think since Grima is, at a minimum, like 13 years older than Eomer but really it's much more like 15 to 20 or more, depending if you're doing book or movie Grima re: age. (Book is ambiguous. He's described as "old" but what does that mean? Aragorn's also old! Anyway, I usually head-canon him as somewhere between 45-50. Eomer's like 27 and making some Peak Life Choices Boy Howdy.)
Them meeting as children would be a mess. Grima's that kid who is like "I dissected the dead bird the cat brought in, do you want to see it? The insides are interesting--you can see where it might have been ill and dying anyway" and everyone is like "….no". He also suffers from the "everyone thinks I'm a weird freaky asshole so I might as well be the weirdest freakiest asshole they've ever met" - ouroboros situation. I also think he was born prickly which helps little. His natural personality is like pickle brine and life just made it worse.
(Eomer: it's a good thing pickle-backs exist. Shot of whisky followed by a shot of pickle brine. It's great.
Grima: what are you saying??
Eomer: that you're an acquired taste. and sometimes I feel like I've woken up after a bad night at the bar with Eothain.
Grima: .. ….,. .,,.. you know. I'll take it.)
Eomer is rough and tumble and also trying to live up to the Image of His Father. He's also a prince and therefore used to getting what he wants when he wants it. I think he was also born a bit truculent. Like, the slightly compulsive need to just Start Shit with people on occasion is there in his late 20s, I presume it was there in his childhood as well. It's not a constant thing, but when it strikes Eomer cannot resist.
(will this one day end up with him causing an International Incident? possibly.)
At the same time, I think Eomer was a child with a sunny disposition that dampened really swiftly after his parents died and he became a bit grave and serious in his teens. When you're fifteen and taking up your father's mantel and being told that he was a Hero and you're going to be Just Like Him is a lot to hold and I think Eomer's response to it was to try and be the Grave Heroic Lord that people expected him to be. Another ouroboros, just in a different direction to Grima.
All of this to say - them meeting at like twelve? Disaster. Grima would be weird and trying to figure out how to keep Eomer from beating him up or something but he's not perfected the ability to manipulate people or situations because he's twelve. Eomer would be like "why is this freaky kid staring at me and being weird" then would either try and start shit or would ignore him because Eomer is a Prince and Grima is a Commoner.
Also, I think Grima started doing his thieving at a young age and Eomer is at once offended because that is against the law! and you're not supposed to do that! and only sneak-thieves and villains do that! at the same time I can see ten year old him thinking it secretly kind of cool and badass. There's some mischief in Eomer that Grima can prod into the light of day (not to mention the natural desire kids have to test boundaries and push limits).
They meet because idk Grima's father is in Edoras for business reasons. It's sheering season, there's wool to sell.
(a half-drabble-thing below the cut)
Grima's loitering in a market square watching people and feeling a bit envious of the other boys who muck about together because he wants to be included but he knows if he tries it'll end poorly so he just watches and feels resentful.
Eomer's been taken to market by Theodred for whom Eomer acts as page since it provides him a quasi-apprenticeship in how to be a good Eotheod lord. Theodred being fourteen years older than Eomer has his household established and is in a good position to take Eomer on. Theodred says, ‘You can take a few hours to yourself. Consider it a half-day holiday.’
Eomer is well-chuffed with this development and is sauntering around with some of his mates. Determining if they’re going to make trouble or not – Eomer is conscious of needing to set a good example and wanting his cousin and uncle’s approval so does talk them out of the more insane ideas.
The squad gets distracted at some stall or other and Eomer isn’t interested in the wares so is looking around. He sees a slight, strange looking kid a few stalls over who is leaning against a pole watching them then he watches some of the common kids who are kicking a ball about in the square, others are running hoops &c. Eomer doesn’t at first pay attention to him because he’s just some peasant. Look at his clothes! Clearly not from Edoras. Clearly some boy from a farm or small village.
Then the boy seems to disappear and Eomer thinks that this is strange. He was sort-of keeping an eye on him since Eomer got a sense that he was planning some mischief but now he’s gone. La!
Into thin air.
Eomer’s mates are done with this stall—they want to go to another. Or maybe find a cockfight to bet some of their allowance on. All else fails, they say, we can go up to the first floor of the White Hart and look at the girls passing by.
This all sounds swell to Eomer and the roudy group makes their way towards the back of the market where the more dubious activities occur. As they round a corner Eomer collides into someone who hadn’t been there but a moment ago. It’s the boy from before! The little rat-faced one with the greasy dark hair and large eyes.
Eomer’s back up and dusting himself off as one of Eomer’s friends hauls the boy to his feet, ‘Don’t you watch where you’re going? Eh? We’re walking here, can’t you see?’ He’s jabbing into the boy’s chest and the boy is in turns frightened but also, somehow, sneering at them as if he were their better. The boy is gripping his hands into fists and there is dirt between fingers, as if he had grabbed up something from the ground. ‘What’s that smell? Sheep-shit? Wool? You got wool for brains?’
Eomer is all, ‘Leave him alone. He’s not worth it.’ And his friend laughs, wags a finger at the boy, ‘You’re lucky we’re kind.’ Then they’re off and Eomer doesn’t really think about the encounter until they’re at the cockfight and he goes for his purse to put a bet on and finds it lighter than it was an hour ago.
When they crashed into that boy.
And Eomer recalls a hand near his back then his belt but he hadn’t thought much of it. Just thought the boy was floundering a bit, being knocked over as he was, and Eomer so much bigger than he.
The little bastard nicked some of his money!
The little bastard is good if he got some but not all. Too smart to take the whole purse, too smart to cut it. The fall must have loosened it enough for some of the coin to fall out and the boy grabbed it up. Eomer thinks he should report the theft, because no one is above the law as his cousin tells him with regularity. As Third Marshal it will be Eomer’s job to ensure that justice is dispensed. It will be his job to ensure that the laws of the land are enacted fairly, honestly.
But it was only a few coins. In any case, Eomer doesn’t think the boy could stand the whipping that would follow. He had a pinched, starved look about him. That cringing, mincing manner some apprentices get when their masters are hard handed. When his friend was jabbing a finger into the boy’s chest Eomer had half expected the ribs to cave in.
Best leave him be. He’ll get his comeuppance at some point should the boy makes it to manhood with the same unwise habits.
Fishing out some pennies, Eomer says, ‘I’m going in on the cockerel with the green feathering on its wings.’
‘Only five pence? And that bird is going to lose, look how small he is!’
‘He may be small, but I think he’s got some cunning in him. In any case, thrift can be the mark of a wise man.’
His friends laugh: oh ho ho, Eomer sounds like a grandfather. Look at their friend the prince Eomer, trotting about as if he were a sage.
Eomer rolls his eyes, grabs one of his friends closest to him to knuckle his head, then they are cajoled into behaviour by the pressure and presence of the crowd.
Eomer’s bird wins the day. He preens all the way home.
Years on from then, Eomer will be visiting his uncle and cousin in Edoras and his uncle will say, ‘Come meet the man Aethelrod has marked as his successor, once he can no longer perform the role of Law Speaker.’
Eomer will say that Aethelrod has years left in him, surely? And his uncle will laugh his loud laugh that fills the golden hall: Oh yes, he’ll be long lived. Still, best to think about the future early.
When Eomer follows his uncle out through the golden pillars and the golden doors of Meduseld into the sun, he will see the broad, soft face of Aethelrod at the top of the stairs and behind him a tall man built lightly, with dark hair and large eyes. And Eomer will look at the man and the man will look at Eomer and Eomer will think the face to be familiar though he cannot place it. The man will bow, a perfectly executed action of someone who practices. Aethelrod will thump the man’s chest with his large fist and say, ‘This is Grima son of Galmod, found him out in the hinterlands some years back. He’s whip-fast and clever as an adder. He’ll do well for a Law Speaker, my lord. He’ll do very well indeed.’
And the man with the large eyes will seem to stare through Eomer then he will smile and it will be one of dark amusement. As if there were some joke being played at Eomer’s expense. Eomer’s back will get up, his skin will bristle, he will think that this man from the hinterlands shouldn’t be so confident or comfortable. He has yet to prove himself, after all.
It will be later, months or years on from the introduction, when Eomer will be rounding a corner in Meduseld and he will collide with Grima who has somehow made himself a fixture in Theoden’s household and Eomer cannot help but think there a secret, subtle magic at work. Because who is this man? No one has heard of him? Who is his father? Some shepherd from the east Emnet. No one of note or noble name. And if a man has no name or history can he be trusted?
In any case, they will collide and Grima will step back begging his pardon, he will be bowing, and Eomer will be saying, ‘It’s fine, don’t worry about it’ and Grima will be leaving, their shoulders will be brushing, and Eomer will think he feels the ghost of a hand at his back, his belt-purse, and when he looks over his shoulder he will see Grima also looking back and Eomer will realize oh Gods, it’s that kid. It’s that boy who nicked half my allowance that one day. And he will wonder at himself and how it was he never made the connection, but the moment is over because Grima is gone—back to the main hall where he will weave his plans for advancement and Eomer is in his room, checking his purse, and thinking to himself: I could have sworn there was a cup on the bedside table. A pretty one with gold in the rim. I could have sworn I left it there this morning.
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Hello! Can I request a reader that has the same power as Chuuya from BSD? (Gravity manipulation) with the first years. If there is a character limit you can kick off anyone you want.
Thank you and have an amazing rest of your day/night!
Hiyaaaa!! and you have a good day/night too!! Trey really liked this idea, so, lets goooo!! I'm gonna add some of Chuuya's other abilites too (Enhanced Speed, durability, strength and reflexes) (Also, Trey hasn't watched BSD yet, so please forgive me if it isn't acurate-)
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Gravokinesis is probably a hard type of magic to learn, (since no one in Twisted Wonderland seems to use it, let alone mention anything about gravity magic-) so when he sees you just ever so casually magically lift up some huge rock that was in your way, or tear a piece out of ground he sits there like "How the hell?" and will remain that way for the rest of the day. He does find it cool though, but knowing Ace, he's not gonna admit that. Someone's in your way? pull a huge rock over and smash em'. Someone's annoying you? Bring in the rocks and crush em'. that's basically what you do... or you would do, if it wasn't against the school rules to crush people with rocks... He also finds your magic quite useful too, you can get him out of sitcky situations he probably caused by making him float mid air and dragging him somewhere Riddle can't get to him, and he pays you well when you do it, so its a win-win for the both of you. There are sometimes, though, he just wants to feel like he's flying without a broom.
"Hey, Reader! Lift me up!" he demaned, eyes sparkling with excitement, but still trying to keep his cool exterior.
"Hm? you wanna fly, I assume? Well.... I suppose it wouldn't hurt... just don't do anything stupid." you lecture, Ace giggles, replying with, "I know, I know!"
You cast your magic, making Ace float mid air, he smiles brightly, like hes having the time of his life.
My sweet boy... he'd find it so cool, and asks you if theres any way you can teach him. He loves it when you use your magic on him to make him float, he feels like a bird everytime and something in him flutters like he swallowed a swarm of butterflies. You've also used it a few times to protect him, resurecting bits of the ground to throw off the path of a bunch of idiots that dared put Deuce in harms way.
"Deuce, get back!" you yelled, stepping between him and the delingquents were persuing him, using your gravokinesis, you threw off their path, and lead Deuce safely to the infirmary.
"How many times do I have to tell you to be careful, Deuce..." you lecture as you patched his injuried arm.
"I'm sorry... are you mad?" He asks.
"What kind of ridiculous question is that? of course I'm not. I just don't like seeing you get hurt." you assure him, as you sigh.
he thinks you're pretty manly, being able to do all these stunts and tricks with gravity... If only he could do that... Your gravity, plus your enhanced speed and reflexes make it super easy for you to do these really complex looking combo moves, if I went into detail on them, this would probably exceed tumblrs word limit...
"Oi! Reader! Teach me how to do that gravity stuff! I wanna do all the cool, manly tricks you do!" Epel demands confidently, giving you his signature smirk.
"Hm... fine. But..... I expect you to listen when I teach you, take notes, study it, and practice it, otherwise, I'll quit teaching you."
When he first witnessed your gravokinesis was probably during the magift tournament, when you partnered with Heartslabyul. You speed was greater than anyone else's on the field, you had greater durability and stamina, and your reflexes were so fast, hardly anyone could see when you caught and tossed the disk, you got Heartslabyul quite a few goals with that.
"Reader, mind if I asked... how did you get your gravity magic?" Jack asks you curiously.
"I was born with it, I suppose..." you respond, you honestly didn't remember how you got it.... so you assumed it was something you were born with.
"Is... there a way you could teach me? It could be useful for my workouts..." he comments
"Yeah, I can teach you, I guess, Just pay close attention, okay?"
Though he will not ever dare admit it, he finds it cool and awesome, but of course, his mindset is just "WAKA-SAMA IS SUPERIOR" so he takes your gravokinesis as a threat to WAKA-SAMA's power, thinking how easily you could take WAKA-SAMA's throne. (Yes it is now a requirement for Trey to write WAKA-SAMA in all caps)
"HUMAN! I demand you explain your power at once!" He yells, almost breaking your eardrums
"Ouch! Chill, Sebek! All I can do is maniplulate gravity! is there any further explanation needed?" you yell back.
"YES! I require you to describe to me the innerworkings of your power!" he demands, acting like its a threat, when in reality he just wants to learn it so he can impress WAKA-SAMA!
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