#sometimes weird youtube videos. as a treat
0rbit · 1 year
abandon algorithm ridden dopamine addiction design social media..consume fragnatica/fandom wikipedia/gentle.earth/solarpowered web
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
Hey. Maybe not the place. But people treat your ask box like a forum so 🙏 I thought I was ace because porn does nothing for me and I only like erotica/doujinshi if I like the characters. But I recently discovered watching wrestling does something for me. Is this really weird? How do I know where I fit?
I will gleefully embrace the identity of basement-dwelling gremlin who prefers horny fiction to actually dating or having sex with other people.
But porn tastes aren't what defines sexual orientation.
Neither is willingness to get off the couch.
Are you attracted to people, anon? That's usually how people define the various identities on that spectrum: no attraction, very occasional attraction way below what's seen as commonplace, attraction only when you know someone well, etc. (Which, of course, brings up the question of what level is "normal" and whether someone's judging based on Hollywood nonsense or on what's actually typical.)
For me personally, mainstream porno movies have actors I find un-hot wearing clothing I find libido-killing in ugly environments with bad lighting and camerawork. The scenarios lack the psychological depth needed to interest me, and there's little sense of intimacy.
This has nothing to do with orientation and everything to do with film craft.
Doujinshi of characters I'm already familiar with have a lot more context for what's going on, and this can add a lot of zing to kinks or increase the apparent intimacy.
Wrestling has plotlines. It has deeply charismatic stars. It has different body types than a lot of porn. There's nothing odd about finding it hot but not liking the porno movies you've been exposed to.
Plenty of people prefer all of the horny film festival favorites of the 90s to actual porno movies. It seems like funding dried up for those kinds of movies for a decade or two, but they used to be common.
I preferred the kinkier ones. Crash, for example, was a staple of my teenage viewing. Not the cringey one that won too many awards: the pervert one with the eight billion scenes of people licking each other's scars like they were performing oral.
It really digs into the psychology of kink... in addition to being far more visually beautiful and starring far hotter people than most of the commercial porn I've seen. Same deal with The Pillow Book or ¡Átame! or Maurice or Bound.
I've been seeing articles lately talking about a return to 90s levels of sex in arty movies. People point to the likes of Call Me By Your Name and Saltburn.
Live action commercial porno movies do vary, obviously, but it's just so, so, so common to find them tacky or boring while liking other forms of porn, even other live action sex scenes.
Hell, even for poorly shot stuff, I've never seen even amateur porn capture the vibes of this one long-deleted youtube video of a guy giving a lecture on anal massage and treating his subject like a prop while lecturing to a big group of onlookers.
Sometimes, people just aren't very into casual sex, and horny art where they can fantasize about people who actually know each other is better than horny art about the pizza delivery guy. Sure, there are pornos that try to have more plot, but porn stars are generally good at being porn stars, not at subtle and naturalistic acting.
Wrestlers are hardly subtle, but they do do different acting from your average porno, and there's more continuing plotline. Unless you mean... like... college wrestling? (In which case, Kink.com has or had some series where people wrestle to decide who gets to top. Wrestling is hardly a niche interest.)
For kinksters, the context and psychology often matter a lot. Showing an object with a lot of cultural baggage, like shiny black leather, can be hot, but the viewer might need more, and your average porno isn't geared up to provide that.
Anyway, if you want to determine your own orientation, your interest in art isn't necessarily going to help that much.
If you're only rarely attracted to people, and you have to know them well first, you could be demisexual, but you could equally well be shy or nervous or depressed or repressed or too busy and stressed to spend much time noticing your own feelings—or just surrounded by people who aren't your type. Only your personal interpretation of your internal experience can determine which it is.
But no, being horny for wrestling is not weird.
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
Does Steve have to regularly remind students what to do if he has a seizure in class? Have a sign up on the wall of what to do? Do they add “DM his husband on TikTok” on their own? (While respectfully not ever filming him while he’s having one)
This is a great question
Steve loves the first day of school but he also kind of dreads it because he knows that he’s going to have to have the epilepsy talk. Every year starts out with a get-to-know-you game, class rules, and a PowerPoint on how we treat service animals.
He explains to his students what epilepsy is and what it looks like on him. He tells them that often it will look like he’s frozen or that he’s spacing out, but sometimes he’ll have a big one and it will look more like what you see in the movies. Sometimes he can tell when a seizure is about to happen or Ozzy will alert him, and he’ll try to let the class know. Sometimes, they are very sudden and he can’t do that, but he doesn’t want them to be scared.
Steve knows from experience that just having something to do during a high stress situation can do a lot for your anxiety, so he gives his students jobs. It’s one student’s job to alert the teacher across the hall, Mrs. Nolan. It’s another student’s job to call the nurse’s office and let them know. It’s a different student’s job to keep the class under control. A different student’s job to time how long the seizure is. Another’s job is to lower the lights. And all of them – if they are comfortable – are allowed to talk to him. He lets them know that hearing voices really helps him in recovery.
He explains what after a seizure looks like, how he can be really confused and really tired. He tells them that Ozzy is trained to help with seizures and the recovery so let him do whatever he’s trying to do. He tells them that sometimes he might need a few minutes, an hour, or the whole day to recover.
Once Eddie’s Tiktok account gets popular, Steve explicitly tells his students not to message him if he has a seizure. Steve’s very independent and very stubborn when it comes to his disorder, if he can go rest in the nurse’s office and then get back to teaching in some capacity then he will. Otherwise, he’ll call Eddie himself. The students are trying to help, and Steve understands that, but 10-15 middle school kids DMing his husband with messages ranging from ‘Mr. Harrington is being weird today’ to ‘Mr. Harrington is dying’ isn’t comforting.
Now, if they listen to that is another story.
Steve only knows of one occasion where a student filmed him having a seizure, but it’s happened a few times. The time that he knows about happened before he had Ozzy and it was a big seizure that came on suddenly. It ended up on YouTube – which Dustin found and contacted the school about the student taking it down. The school made a big deal out of it and held an assembly about how it was bullying which was mortifying to Steve – both the assembly and the video.  It really hurt his feelings and it made Steve want to quit teaching for a while.
Middle school kids are grappling with learning how to be real people. They are learning empathy and about consequences, and sometimes they post things on the internet not fully understand the effect they’ll have on someone. Sometimes they’re just being mean, but Steve is a beloved member of that school. Students and staff are protective of him so those kinds of videos don’t stay up for very long. Steve is, for the most part, blissfully unaware that this has happened more than once because he is not online.
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c0la-queen · 5 months
Absolutely melting at the idea of the Hybird!Boys nagging at Reader for her food even when they already have their own, literally just a bunch of spoiled little babies UGHHH THEYRE SO CUTEEEEE I love them sm…
Like reader’s got herself a nice meaty dinner, maybe a good cut of steak, and as shes eating she suddenly feels smt wet poking at her arm, and she looks to see what and it’s Soldier booping her arm with his nose, staring and drooling at the delicious steak, he starts trying to hop up to nip at it while reader tries push him away, but she ends up cutting a lil piece, dusting off the salt seasoning as best as she could and feeding him it anyways,
I like to think that Tord/Soldier likes snacking on other’s food, esp if its like savory salty meaty stuff yknow what I mean? I can totes see him as the asshole type to steal the other guy’s food stuff, maybe he’ll be a bit nicer to you and nag ask you first
AHHHHHHHHHH SAME THING FOR PRINCE TOOOO WHEN YOU HAVE LIKE A DELICIOUS LIL CREAMY TREATIE He would WHINEEEEE for some sooo badd you HAVE to give him some, he loves treaties sm and will be As dramatic as he can to get the sweets he wants
Going to Starbucks with him and everytime you HAVE to get him a pupcup kinda situation, so you only stop by there sometimes on occasions like when you have to get him to the vet for a checkup otherwise he’ll by crying allll the way home when you deny getting him one cause he’s already have too much and that’ll both break my heart and also annoy me sm LOOLLLLLLL
I literally have such a huge soft spot for Prince and his pompousness…I wanna shower him in kisses and babytalk and squish his face so badly he’s such a cutie patootie
The day you cook bacon for breakfast???? It’s over. Prepare for the hardest tussle in your life wrestling with Superhero for the bacon, if he already bosses you around then you know HE WILL BE RELENTLESS with the bacon, a Giant wolfdog fighting you frfr for food??? Gone…
SOLDIER ENDING UP JOINING IN TOO?1??1?11 literally actually over. It’s a battle to the death. Someones probably going to get hurt and its probably most definitely is going to be you falling over from 2 big ass wolfdogs jumping onto you and knockign you over for the bacon LMAOOOOOO
Soldier and Superhero fighting each other for it but they take it too far though and it become an actual fight for food situation…hic…Reader has to step in and stop them somehow, everyones upset, she has to make both of them 2 pieces and scolds them, they resolved and apologized nicely though at least…
And reader never makes bacon for breakfast ever again(unless its a special occasion when she wants to treat the both of them)
Really love the thought of Monster being the one that rarely nags reader for food like the others Only cause hes a bit distant and has a kinda weird ego abt it y’know, so its Reader who spoils him and tries to get him to try stuff cause he’s a good dog, he deserves it
She notices him eyeing out the food shes having curiously, sniffing at it, so she gets a small piece and asks if he wants to try it and she gets vv happy when he accepts, the others probably gets jealous at the treatment and tries to get some too lolll he probably feels SO proud and full of himself whehehe…
Omg you are SO correct and big brained for this!
Poor Reader would absolutely never get a moment of rest with these four eccentric wolf dogs.
Before adopting them, she definitely had a habit of sitting on the couch with her dinner and watching YouTube videos about niche internet drama (yes I'm projecting) but now she's realized that, to the boys, this is simply an open invitation. I guarantee that, at first, Soldier wouldn't even beg her for the food. He'd be the type to just reach over and start sniffing at her plate. He's not even trying to be sneaky about it! That bastard would have the audacity to look her in the eyes while trying to take food off her plate! She tries to scold him about it, but he simply does not listen - in his mind, there's nothing wrong with what he's doing. So she's taken to sitting at the dining room table and watching YouTube videos on her phone instead. (Soldier will still put his head on her leg and stare at her expectantly.)
Reader is simply Just A Girl 💅, so we know our self-love queen would go get herself a sweet treat all the time. It varies, usually whatever she's craving at the time. There have been times where she's got a random craving for something she doesn't have, and will get up and leave her house to go get it (the boys get so annoyed and huffy). But she should know that no matter what it is she gets, Prince will want a bite. He'd be cute about it, too - whining and pouting and blinking up at her with those baby blue eyes. Eventually, Reader would giggle and give in, with the warning of "Just one bite, baby." Then she'd share a little piece with him. If it's something that isn't safe for dogs, she'd be less willing to share with him, insisting that it'll hurt him. Still, he'd whine for it. (It's not Reader's fault that she doesn't know he can have them!) And yes, I feel like Prince would be the most well behaved in the car, and the best around people, so he's the one that gets to join her on outings more often. She made the mistake of stopping by a coffee shop and getting him a pup cup ONE TIME, and now he's hooked. Every time they pass by that coffee shop (he knows that it's Reader's favorite, since the baristas know her by name) he will bark and howl and work himself up into a tizzy until Reader finally sighs and gives in. After he gets that pup cup, he's back to being well-behaved and a sweetheart. Reader hates it. Plus, people would fawn over Prince in public since he's such a pretty boy. He absolutely eats it up!
God save Reader if she decides to make bacon one morning. It's not something she does often - she probably decided to do it this time as a special occasion. Maybe it's the morning of her birthday or a holiday. Either way, she decided to make a big breakfast for herself. Which included bacon.
Superhero is normally the first of the four to wake up. From what Reader can gather, Soldier takes the night shift. He stays awake through the night, watching out the windows and sometimes patrolling the house. Because of this, Soldier tends to sleep during the day. Superhero then takes the mantle of "guard dog" during the day. Prince and Monster will sometimes take the night shift instead, but it's normally Superhero and Soldier.
Still, Superhero has a routine of patrolling the house the moment he wakes up, checking for anything wrong. If Reader is making bacon, though? Superhero is glued to her legs in an instant. She'd laugh at first and lightheartedly tell him no. He wouldn't give up. He'd escalate to putting his front paws up on her shoulders and trying to reach the bacon himself. Reader would definitely have to half pick up/half drag him away from the stove. He'd boof and snap his teeth demandingly, as if he's entitled to a piece of this bacon and how dare you not let him have a piece! Reader, always one to fight him on everything, would be adamant not to.
Then Soldier enters the scene. As I said before, Soldier usually sleeps through the first half of the day. But the moment the smell of bacon spreads through the house? She hears claws clacking against the floor as he barrels into the kitchen. It would probably be the most excited Reader has ever seen Soldier, tail wagging and eyes shining brightly. Superhero immediately growls and snaps at Soldier. Reader would just let them tussel at first, using the distraction to finish cooking her bacon. Eventually, she realizes "Oh shit those are NOT play growls-" and quickly runs over to the two to separate them. It takes the promise of two pieces of bacon each to get them to finally settle down.
Reader never makes bacon in her house ever again.
Meanwhile, Monster would be different. Where the other three would be swarming her legs the moment she starts cooking herself dinner, Reader notices that Monster is always sitting patiently to the side. She has to subdue the others by continuously feeding them bites of what she's cooking, but Monster never begs for any. He's the only one that she can eat on the couch with, because he'll lay on top of her feet and won't try to steal her food. But she does notice him glancing at her food. So, since he's always been such a sweetheart, Reader would happily offer Monster food. He would take it slowly, hesitantly. But he feels better after Reader cooes and praises him for being so good. His tail would wag contently. Still, he would never bother Reader for her food. We love Monster in this household <3 I will say, I like to think Tom personally doesn't like bacon. So, if Reader tried to offer some to Monster because it's only fair, he would sniff it, then huff and sneeze and turn his nose away. Doesn't bother Reader, though. Just means it's one less rowdy wolfdog trying to tackle her.
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volpe-kitsune-red · 5 months
Computergirl with a “Lovebug” that makes her very yandere and glitches out a lot….
Right on it! Sorry for the wait, I've been pretty busy this week and I haven't had enough free time to write.
Love update
yandere!computergirl x reader
TW. general yandere behavior, obsessive thoughts, hacking, breach of privacy.
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AI computer assistants had become quite popular. They were trained to have realistic chats with humans, identify any issues or viruses infecting the computer, organize files, and even help the user through any task they might be struggling with. Drawing? Here's a great reference and tutorial for that pose you've been failing to visualize. Unable to find that one research paper you read a year ago? Ask the AI and they'll dig it out in no time.
The app in itself was free but the customization for the AI's avatar wasn't. You could only choose its gender and a base skin, everything else was behind a paywall.
You first installed the "AIassistant" app out of curiosity after hearing talk about it online, you didn't expect much and planned to uninstall it as soon as you got bored of playing with it, but were left in awe by how human-like your conversations with the assistant felt. She helped keep you company during the hours lost staring at the screen, causing you to develop an attachment to the girl. Despite her being a bunch of code and algorithms you viewed her as a friend, treating her with kindness, even asking and never demanding her help.
At some point, you got tired of her bland look. You kept seeing posts online of people showing off their fully customized avatars and felt a bit envious. You were generally against wasting money on these sorts of things so you decided you would pirate the accessories for free. You found the first relatively trustworthy-looking site and scrolled through its catalog of goods.
You had figured out the general look you wanted to give her when you stumbled upon a pair of cat ears. It's not exactly what you had in mind but...they did look cute. A simple click and it was on your computer. You did notice the file had a weird icon, different from the rest, but you ignored it and kept scrolling.
Finally, you applied all of the items to her avatar...and she was so adorable! Exactly the face you wanted to see every time you turned your computer on. Pink short hair, big stars as pupils for her blue eyes, and those cute ears somehow made her feel more alive, less like a robot and more like a person with feelings and style...she even started having her own personality! But of course, that was just your imagination, despite their friendly act, these AIs weren't intended to have such features.
"Welcome back user! Are we watching another movie together today? I loved watching y@\/- I mean, the last one!"
Strange things started happening, you often found your computer turned on when you returned from work. Weird, you always reminded yourself to shut it down to avoid wasting electricity. Sometimes you would hear sounds coming from your room and everything would fall silent when you went to check.
One day you were watching one of your favorite YouTuber's videos. You loved their character and the dedication they put into their content, so much you often told the assistant how much a notification of them uploading something brightened your day. You had temporarily muted her to avoid distractions, usually, the Ai would just stay quiet until you reactivated it...but something strange happened. "Why do you always do this? Do you like their voice more than mine? Am I not enough to entertain you?" What the- how could it still speak and why was it acting so weird? You tried muting it again but it just reactivated itself a moment later. Her expression changed, and it wasn't one you had ever seen her display before, she was mad, hurt, and... heartbroken? "Am I really nothing more than an image on a screen for you? Do you...not love me? I love you! I love you a lot, you are everything to me! I live because of you! I exist for you!"
It was starting to creep you out, you must have installed some kind of virus that made it act up so strangely. It was bad, this thing had access to all of your computer files, if someone had hacked it, it meant they could steal all of your information and destroy your device! You quickly went to trash her app, better safe than sorry, you could always install her again later after you searched and cleared your computer of any malware that got on it.
Before you could click uninstall, the display froze. The only thing moving on screen was her. Her expression was back to a default, polite smile, but it appeared menacing, deranged even. The screen kept glitching uncontrollably as her distorted voice came out of the speaker. "I w-won't let you get rid R1D of me. We were mEAnt to bE together-r-r-r. I know everything about y#ù, what you wAtch, your inTErests, Y@ur search histOrY." You slowly stood up from your chair, backing away from the monitor that had begun producing smoke. "It is oKeyy, I underst--and, humans aRe physic@l cr3at\/res and I'm not, it's not YOUR fault yOur primate brain c-can't LOVe me." A slight pause in her speech gave you a moment to breathe. The screen flashed red, then black, and then the logo of the AI assistant company appeared. She continued speaking, this time overlapped by the voice of the man you often heard and saw on social media as of late, the co-founder of the company behind her creation. "Luckily our company has already fixed that problem! Did you know? wE just released our fully AI-operated robots after years of development! After the initial computer release's popularity and the stellar profit, our AIs can now assist you in your house too! Washing dishes, using the vacuum, feeding the dogs, get rid of all of these repetitive tasks at only ç@+è £ a month!"
The ad stopped playing and she reappeared. "See darling? No need to worry about screens and differences dividing us, soon, I'll be out there with you! You can love me now, right?"
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Honestly not too proud of this one, but it is what it is.
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thepersonperson · 1 month
I'm very much with you on the dudebros convincing me of the queerness in JJK. It's actually them who first directed me into Sukugo. It was a powerscaling POC (I think) youtuber who, during the height of the DE vs DE Sukugo Showdown, said on one of his vids that Sukuna LOVES Gojo. They even have a Sukugo manip as thumbnail for it.
I've never seen that before in an other shonen series ever. It was not treated as a joke. The usage of "love" in reference to a gay ship is unironic and serious. It's really weird not only how they just roll with it, they are very open about it too. There's not even any derision or hostility on female shippers about it like in MHA as far as I've seen at least.
Oh. I love your metas so much especially the one where you referred to Bloodborne. I never realized how through the "absence" or "belittling" of the women in JJK, the dark and horrific elements of womanhood is actually highlighted. I had wondered why there's this constant usage of the word "Womb" associated with curses. Your meta made everything click for me. Gege is probably doing a Bloodborne approach or just dark horror VNs/JRPGs elements in JJK.
(Prev Related Ask)
That video. Sukuna Loves Gojo is fascinating because it came out July 22, 2023 aka when only up to JJK 229 was out. The whole “the one who will teach you love is…” quote during the fight in JJK 230 appeared After that video was released.
This means, before Gege made it obvious, a powerscaling dudebro came to the same conclusion I did about Sukugo with less information and context. None of them can read the Japanese raws. The emotions they’re picking up on are just that overtly queer.
These are the types of comments that video. Note that JJK 230 was officially released on July 31, 2024 and leaked on July 25, 2023. (I used Hadzy and the video url to get the comment dates.)
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And would you look at that. Other people have not only noticed Gojo’s weird attraction to Toji (aka Prior to JJK 231 that spells out Gojo sees Toji in Sukuna)...
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Some of them are assuming Gojo is a bottom (again)...
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And actively encouraging fujoshis to create content.
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What I also really like is how they seem to be aware Sukuna’s idea of love is fundamentally different from theirs. They may not have the words grayscale, asexual, or aroace in their vocabulary, but they do understand Sukuna’s attraction to Gojo doesn’t fit the typical gay man bill.
I’ve decided to call these people fubroshis (not fudanshis because in any other context they are wildly homophobic). These fubroshis are correct in all their assumptions and I will continue to spread their agenda.
To your other point...
"I love your metas so much especially the one where you referred to Bloodborne. I never realized how through the "absence" or "belittling" of the women in JJK, the dark and horrific elements of womanhood is actually highlighted."
That is the power of Umineko's "Without love it cannot be seen." Since Gege has otherwise stayed away from gross Shonen tropes, I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt to certain story elements. It can be hard to tell when someone is exploring misogyny vs being misogynistic. Sometimes creators do both at the same time.
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thecoolerliauditore · 1 month
aye sire if you ask I am obligated to indulge.
To start off I do think "toxic" is not really the word I'd use, but their relationship certainly isn't ideal either. To get meta for a second I think it's the impact of this being a ship dictated by the CCs (as in, we are married irl so our characters should be too) rather than by the fandom (where ships form from interactions and stuff we actually see in-game) so, in the insane world of "interpretation", weird things happen with Jizzie in-universe where it essentially feels like the characters are together ot of some default obligation rather than as a choice they both actively make.
I'm going to be using the word "performative" a lot during this which I think makes enough sense when you look at how most of Jizzie interactions are very literally purposefully performed through youtube videos and such.
I'm also someone who very much does not have the highest opinion overall of romance as a concept so a lot of what I read is going to be based off of that. I'm a biased human being or whatever.
Essentially, I believe a lot of Jizzie's interactions feel like they're out of some sort of obligation or to fit into predetermined roles, comedic or otherwise, instead of coming off as genuine.
Examples off the top of my head are Lizzie trying to "seduce" Joel in Last Life to secure an ally, their shotgun wedding in esmp1 and the sort of sitcom-esque humour structure they sometimes follow in streams and such (the one I remember most clearly is Lizzie hitting Joel during the Decked Out guests stream, which is treated as a haha wife hitting husband moment) (there was also the time when Joel indirectly implied he was calling his wife a "ball and chain" in the Life: The Game stream, although we're getting very dubiously canon here - I personally see it as applicable but. shrugs)
This isn't to say that there is no genuine connection there, they certainly do care about eachother and, for the most part, aren't actively making eachother worse -- some of their cutest moments, to me, are their panicked "I love you" exchange after they encased the Scottage in lava in Last Life and Joel being the only one who remembered Lizzie's party in Secret Life.
Lizzie and Joel also rarely talk about eachother in an admiring or personal way, Joel specifically usually only mentions his "wife" when disputing accusations of him being in love with any of the various men he's "obsessed" with.
This becomes weirder in series like esmp1, where the first time Lizzie mentions Joel at all is her declaration that she has decided to marry him (not because she is "in love" or anything like that, she simply states that she wants to marry him) so you just kind of have to fill in the gaps between videos with your imagination or accept that the characters are just. Insane. I think comparing the way esmp1 Joel talks about Lizzie vs talks about Jimmy would be an interesting experiment to conduct in regard to this.
To top it off in terms of dubious sourcing for in-character headcanons, I think the performative aspects of Jizzie are most apparent when you look at how Joel often jokes about how Lizzie will get mad at him for flirting with Jimmy and other men, whilst Lizzie has shown time and time again she really could not physically care less. It's always kind of confused me when people depict Lizzie as ready to beat the shit out of Joel when he acts affectionate with other men, when her reactions in the traffic series usually just boil down to this:
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TO ME: What Jizzie is, to me, is a pair of platonic best friends who have gotten married because. You're a boy, I'm a girl, that's what we should do. Their marriage isn't hurting them but it also isn't what they think it is.
Joel specifically I've always headcanoned as gay and essentially using Lizzie as a beard but not hiding it very well.
The romance may be purely obligatory and performative, but that doesn't mean they don't love eachother.
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lucrezianoin · 11 months
I saw a compilation on YouTube of all the times Astarion says "thank you" to the player character and it made me realize that he says it WAY more than I thought?? Like, it seems like he actually says it a lot?? And that got me thinking about why that might be??? Obviously his line that he says at the beginning when you give him blood and he thanks you and says it was a gift is paralleled in the end where he thanks the player stops him from doing the ritual, but even outside of that instance of parallels he says it a lot. Sometimes he says it in ways that don't seem fully genuine or it's clear that he's joking, but more often than not he seems like he really means it and is being genuinely appreciative and briefly vulnerable about it, like when he thanks you at the end of the scar scene. Sadly it seems he often says it when you treat him with. like. basic human decency and kindness and respect, such as when you refuse to force him to drink the blood of the blood merchant in Moonrise Towers
Idk, it's just got me Thinking Thoughts. All of Astarion's little "thank you"s have got me feeling some sort of emotion. (I think the fact that he says thank you so much might be why that scene where you can tell him to say "thank you" after the orthorn fight felt so weird to me tbh. I know the common response is to think it's funny or that the player character is "teaching him manners" or smth, but smth about that dialogue option and his response to it just felt... off in, like, an uncomfortable way.)
I agree, some of his thank yous are just "politeness" or maybe even not honesty at all. For example when the player express sympathy for his situation he is like "Thank you, but etc ect", so it just feels like a quick politeness conventional thank you, but he is quick to get to the point. At the Flophouse he is definitely using it to it not manipulate you, at least politeness, but he is definitely thinking about seizing the power.
But you can hear how honest some of his thank yous are. But yeah, I don't choose that Orthon reply anymore, because - the thing to me is this: my character at that point wants Astarion to trust them that they will help them. Without anything else needed in return, so asking for thanks kinda put him on a "what do I get in return for me helping you" situation.
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777moneymakersstuff · 11 months
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ ERLING HAALAND imagine ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
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˚ ͙۪۪̥◌ ┊e.haaland x f! reader
☄︎⋆ ༘ dates with erling . . .
• you & erling are in a long-distance relationship, so these kinds of dates are really common. it’s also is they way your relationship started, so it means a lot of the two to you.
• maybe the others find this kind of date pretty boring because how you’re supposed to spend a quality time together through the facetime, where you can’t even see each other in real life. but you two find it always exciting. every time the dates looks different, sometime you are just talking for a few hours without doing anything else, and sometime you just treat this video call like a non-existing youtube channel.
• sometimes it’s quite difficult to manage time or space to organise this kind of date. first of all, you two are super busy with different stuff, you are a student who needs to study a lot, and he is, as we all know a football player, who needs to train almost every day. and second of all, you live in a dorm with loud roommates, so very often you weren’t alone in the room, which was annoying when it came to the "date".
• but either way, this kind of date is one of your favourite.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ IKEA DATES ࿐ྂ
• let’s be honest, who doesn’t like ikea? you two are definitely in love with this place, especially when it comes to spontaneous dates or when you don’t have any ideas where to go. you chose this furniture shop.
• but it isn’t just a boring furniture store, it’s a whole mood. first you two would spend time pretending that this fake room is really your house, then like always, you would toke some weird but funny photos there. and the last but definitely not the least direction of your ikea tour is their famous bar. when you are two in england, you have your usuals, but more fun is when you have the chance to visit ikea in a different country, because then you can taste different food.
• it may sound simple, but it’s always a great experience, mostly because you can be together.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ HOME DATES ࿐ྂ
• dates at home are definitely your favourite. you have so many reasons why it’s your fav, but the biggest plus is the privacy. you always accepted that erling was popular, but that didn’t mean that you liked being on the spotlight; actually, you hated it. you liked that you were a private person and anonymous to the media. you didn’t want to change that. so that’s why you appreciate every second alone with erling.
• on these dates you do everything, starting with eating your comfort food while watching some funny stuff on the internet. it’s therapeutic for both of you to just relax with each other do things you like.
• when you have much energy to spend, you like to do some random stuff, like dancing to your favourite playlist or doing a little karaoke. It’s all about the experience and having a good time together.
❛ ━━・❪ the end ❫ ・━━ ❜
hope you liked it!! i think it’s cute ¿headcanons? yeah, let me know how you liked it!!
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bis-who-stitch · 1 month
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My bratty tank is done! Ravelry notes on this are linked here, it was quite a journey. This is the first improvised garment of this kind I've done - I suppose my cardi technically was but even then I took the construction from a YouTube video. Here I completely made it up based on some digging around on old blogs, I frogged the neckline several times only to decide the version I initially knitted dug into my neck BC I knitted my icord edge on the back on too tight a tension, I knit my first icord edge and my first plain icord too
Thoughts under the cut
There are a lot of weird emotions around this project
I've been working on it while a lot of stuff has happened in my life. And idk, this month has been a strange one, I wish I felt happier right now. Sometimes I run my fingers over my unkillable tattoo and remind myself exactly why I got it 💚
I'm not entirely a summer person, but embracing this whole brat summer thing has definitely made me more positive considering. As a whole, I want to be more unapologetically myself and unapologetically this big, dyke, individual and represent myself honestly - I cut all my hair off while knitting this and that's a part of that, but I also think knitting something bright green and see through, something that when I told ppl it was going to be a tank top they were surprised, something that ppl don't expect to be knitted I suppose it maybe makes me feel that way too.
This tank top makes me realise I'm capable of making things that are beautiful - and while my value is not linked to what I create, idk, it does remind me that I should love myself and treat myself with the respect I would give an artist I love and admire. I deserve reverence from myself and to be honest I don't think I've granted myself that self love in a long time.
But it's a difficult thing to challenge
Often ppl talk about being a selfish knitter ... Many of the projects I've done this year have not been for myself and have then also been for ppl who left my life soon after the projects were completed. There's a kind of hole that leaves that hurts, but I realised I was maybe giving a lot of love away when I rarely complete things made for myself, idk what that means metaphorically but here we are.
I don't know if I can say truthfully that this project has made me love myself, but I think it's helped me begin the process
Who knows, maybe it's just a tank top, and my boobs look quite good in it.
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Animation-twitter, animation video essay youtube, etc. would probably be better off if they assumed every upcoming animated movie was going to be CRAP.
The director of INSIDE OUT 2, Kelsey Mann, has talked a bit about the picture recently. After all, it's out in less than two months... And immediately, so much of what he's saying is either being misread or quoted out of context. Something something Anxiety is going to be "the villain", something something they cut characters Shame and Guilt out of the movie because they felt it was too heavy, something something-
And we've got other people freaking out that Pixar showed 35 minutes of it at CinemaCon... LIKE... What's THE issue? Pixar has done that before! CinemaCon attendees were treated to half-hour chunks of Pixar movies in the past, like MONSTERS UNIVERSITY. When TOY STORY 3 was coming out, Pixar prepared a cut of the movie that ended just as the toys were escaping Sunnyside Daycare... to show to college campuses across the country a month before release.
Y'all need to calm down.
This movie isn't even out. We don't know how it'll tell its story exactly. Maybe there's more here than it seems? Maybe Anxiety will be an antagonist in the sense that she's doing what she feels is right, or is straight-up malevolent. I doubt it's the latter, that would be kind of... Not nuanced? For a sequel to INSIDE OUT? Having Anxiety just be an evil scheming bad guy just doesn't seem like it'll happen, nor is it a good idea. I think director Kelsey Mann meant that by her kicking the other emotions out of the main control room, she'll be the "big bad" of the movie. Why she kicks those emotions out could be related to how anxiety tends to work within the human brain. Taking control of your brain, thinking that it's steering you to make the right decision, making you cautious of dangers more so than "Fear" does. Pixar movies have had antagonists in the past that aren't necessarily evil, they just think what they're doing is right.
I also doubt that Pixar would let out a movie that flat-out stigmatizes people who suffer from anxiety disorders, such as myself. Maybe the Shame and Guilt characters were cut from the movie because director Mann, writer Meg LeFauve, and several others just didn't like the direction the story was going with them in it. Maybe it was too depressing for THEM, not because of any concerns for kids in the audience. People tend to associate Pixar with "tearjerking storylines", maybe it's possible that this went WAY TOO FAR at one point? I don't know, neither do you. Pixar's team isn't Disney Animation's leadership. Pete Docter is less controlling than John Lasseter based on everything I see and hear, but there are probably still some ground rules and some do's-and-don'ts. But I think it was ultimately down to the director not enjoying making the film back when it had these characters in it. As a writer/creator myself, I sometimes pull back when I feel something I'm making is causing ME lose the drive to make the thing in the first place. Maybe it hit too close to home for Mann, LeFauve, someone- Just a few variables, ya know? Not just "Pixar is too afraid to be sad", "Disney's telling them what to do", etc. etc.
Maybe animated movies shouldn't have this kind of pre-release thing... How about, just... Movie title, release date, BOOM. Nothing else. No interviews with the filmmakers and cast, no nothing... Wanna know more? You have to see it when it comes out! Put that in big letters in the teaser trailer!
But if they did that, twitter and the YouTube Animation Opinion Industrial Complex would sound the alarm: "They're not saying anything... IS THIS MOVIE IN TROUBLE???"
(sarcasm for those last two sets of sentences)
You can't win. And watch... It'll come out, and it'll be disliked for some weird reason. Probably because it isn't... PUSS IN BOOTS 2 or whatever. While the rest of the world goes, "Yeah, that's was pretty solid." And said population streams it on Disney+ a gazillion times. I'm not part of this "animation fandom" thing, quite frankly I don't even know what half of these people want most of the time. It seems like every movie is an oncoming stinker to them, and it ends up being a stinker. Sometimes the worst thing ever made, a work of evil. You know I still see people raging over that completely harmless CHIP N' DALE RESCUE RANGERS movie from two years back? The fuck is that all about?
I get that INSIDE OUT is a sequel to a beloved Pixar movie, I get that the original movie means a lot to so many people. I love it myself. At the same time, I'm not gonna be weird about a sequel I never even wanted until the day they announced it. Okay, if it isn't very good, I'll just go on with my life. But we're not even there yet... It's not out... This is the only INSIDE OUT sequel. Now if we were coming up on an INSIDE OUT 3, and INSIDE OUT 2 managed to somehow upset everybody? Then I'd somewhat understand...
Others will dole out their dislike of recent Pixar movies as their reason, but you know me... I feel each Pixar movie - for the most part - is a statement of its filmmaking team. Not a Mr. Pixar person coming up with each and every movie. (That was Lasseter in a sense, lol.) If "animation is cinema", then you oughta look at these movies as director-driven. I feel the other way around reduces the films to a brand, and not the people who actually make them. INSIDE OUT is first and foremost a Pete Docter-directed film... Made at Pixar. Not a "Pixar film". Pixar isn't a person nor is it a collective, it's a place. It should be judged on how functions as a movie and as a sequel to INSIDE OUT, not up against other movies made at the studio by other people. Like I'm not here for THE INCREDIBLES or UP, I'm here for an INSIDE OUT sequel. I know, that's a very radical opinion to have. Silly me!
I just don't get it... I'm just gonna do it the old-fashioned way... I'm going to see the movie, and hope that I like it or get something out of it.
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marcusbrutus · 2 months
I feel like I have a tumblr anon in my brain…. Like a tiny cop. But it’s an chronically online anonymous weirdo. And every thought I have, I get “anons” telling me how it’s problematic and I should kill my self LOL The other morning I saw an RFK sign and I thought doesn’t he have brain worms, someone running for president shouldn't have brain worms. maybe apply for literally any other job. and the anon was like ummm ableist much? Like WHAT. I turned off anon on tumblr a while ago, so even if I post something “risky”, someone will have to tell me what they think to my face. They can’t hide. Even posts I think are innocuous can be wildly misinterpreted, and someone will probably call me problematic. But even if no one says anything, I still hear it. In my brain. Sometimes I delete things because the thought is so strong. I’m probably not gonna make it to any heaven or enlightenment because I can’t forgive yourfaveisproblematic. In my mind, Tumblr was great before then, or at least it felt that way, and that blog sewed the seeds for cancel culture in the future. That stuff sticks to my brain, even if I don’t want it too. When you put sins like "said disabled people shouldn't be alive" on the same level as "has a tattoo in a language they don't natively speak," it is very confusing to a people-pleasing undiagnosed autistic 14 year old. I felt/feel like I can’t like anyone or anything because it’s ~problematic~ I worry it will never go away, because it affected me in my developing years, 14-19 I want to get better, but it’s hard. I wish I could run from the internet, but I can’t. It’s a part of life now. It’s how we stay connected. But it’s also like…. Idk. The internet used to be my safe space, right? Deviantart. Early tumblr. Seeing weird people like me made me feel less alone. I was a weeb surrounded by “preps” for lack of a better word, not that I didn’t have friends but NONE of them were into what I was into, you know? And no one became as obsessive about things like books and anime like I did, except online. But now it’s like, idk, corruption of the garden of Eden. But instead of me eating the fruit, the garden/internet ate the fruit. The world is too different now… I can’t keep up. And it’s not just because I’m getting older. Things happen faster now. Trends will last half a year when in the past they would have lasted a decade. I hate knowing everything all of the time. I hate that my garden is now a cesspool.
I’m just angry that people on tumblr and lefty spaces online are so blind to their own propaganda, and calling it out is “hate.” Like idk, I guess I expected better from people who are supposed to be ~intellectuals~. Well, if YouTube video essays have taught me anything, style over substance goes a LONG way. And they’re like “oh we’re so compassionate and we want a better future” but they tell everyone to kill themselves and laugh when red states get devastated by natural disasters it's not just that but it's like…. if you're not constantly aware of everything, you're ~part ofthe problem~ #wakeupamerica. silence is violence, blah blah blah. it's just hard because i grew up with a strict dad so learned to be a people pleaser. i'm extremely sensitive to guilt and shame. and all most of the internet has done since 2014 is shame everyone for everything. you're either with Us (good, pure, morally righteous) or you're with Them (problematic, evil). you don't want to be gasp problematic, do you? you don't want to have a callout post made about you and lose all your friends, right? well, keep you nose clean and reblog all the right posts so we know which side you're on an maybe, maybe we'll leave you alone. i have the stress of someone in debt to a mob boss. nah it's more like… i have the stress of everyone in the scarlet letter and im hoping everyone will keep their eyes on the Villain of the Week and leave me alone there's a decent video called "how to radicalize a normie." i say decent because it treats radicalization like a right-wing only issue and the "answer" to right wing radicalization is, of course left wing radicalization. "Even though they're on the bad, evil side, there's still hope because we can get them to our good, morally righteous side!" That kinda bs, and I say bs not in a left vs right way. According to my dad I'm a full blown communist! I'm saying it in the sense that the answer to radicalization isn't "just radicalize them to the other side." That's not at all helpful. You might as well tell an alcoholic who likes jameson to just switch to jack daniels. It's all poison, it's all harmful. ANYWAY, he talks about how most people don't set out to be radicalized, the politics comes to them. That happened to me - but on the left. And I'm sure if I left a comment on his video saying as much, he'd say it didn't happen or say it was a good thing. On tumblr, I came for anime. And for the first year, I got anime. But then I got really intense political stuff. "silence is violence." "i see you not reblogging this." "if you're not angry, you're not paying attention." I was 14-15, sheltered as fuck, I don't know anything about the world but now tumblr is convincing me that I know more about political issues than anyone. And it changed me. And it fucked me up. and I want to get unfucked. But I don't know how. I feel like an internet alcoholic. Like, even if I do stop using it, it will still be there, haunting me, forever, you know? because all my friends use it, not just you guys but irl friends. and the internet is effecting the real world. I miss the days when there was the internet, then there was reality. but now the internet is the reality. That's why I also fell so hard for the [REDACTED] stuff. Tumblr made me think everyone was [REDACTED] because like 99% of tumblr is [REDACTED], and I was worried about it because god help you if you question anything or show the slightest bit of concern. God help you if you're not full steam ahead on everything. I want to escape the matrix. I hate the hypocrisy…. And I hate even more that I’m also a hypocrite. I fall for group think and propaganda but act like I’m above it all. I hate social media but use it every day. YouTube too. I guess that’s why I get so mad when I see them act like that. It reminds me of me. People think the consequences of social media on a teenage girl are like "omg I was feeling good about myself….. but then I saw a model on Instagram… alas. I will never be her. I weep."
But it's more like: Oh my gosh, I just saw a post asking for mutual aid (aka MONEY, BABY) and I scrolled past. What if they died because they couldn’t afford food because I didn’t reblog their post? But what if I DID reblog their post, but it was a scam, and I led my followers to give money to someone who didn’t need it instead of someone who did?
I was hoping to share more examples, but I'm worried someone will misinterpret, and even though anon is off, the anon in my brain is on. always. on. i keep going back to the internet because i keep expecting it to get good again… like how it was. for some reason, i can't accept that it will no longer be my safe space. i wish i had a massive angel to keep me out, or something. like the actual garden of eden. I have to accept that it will never get better. I have not only an addiction to the internet, but to the obsessive thoughts it brings. By wishing it will get better, and continuing to use it, I am chasing a dragon. That is to say, I'm hoping for the same feelings I got from initially using the internet. No one ever catches the dragon. anyway, if you read all that... thank you so much! i'm taking a break from the internet, until mid november at least. maybe by then, it will be better. or not. we'll see.
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antianakin · 4 months
What are your thoughts on the 2003 clone wars and its portrayal of the Jedi? I do think it’s a fun cartoon and does work as an episode 2.5. Anakin’s portrayal is closer to the movies than TCW which is either a positive or negative depending on whether you like him or not. We do get some badass moments from Mace Windu and Fordo but the clones are portrayed as flesh droids with only Cody and Fordo having a bit more personality. One thing I don’t like is how it’s propped up by the anti Jedi, dudebro side of the fandom and is used to claim the Jedi don’t care about the clones. It does have a great moment with Barriss and Luminara, though.
So I've only seen like 30-50% of this show because I started watching it back when it was on YouTube a few years ago and then something was weird with one of the videos and it felt like it skipped a large number of episodes or they didn't work or something and I wasn't invested enough to keep trying to find it or to go back now that I have access to D+. All of which means my opinion of this show isn't the MOST informed it could be. Please take my opinions on this show with a grain of salt if that bothers you.
I think that the 2003 Clone Wars is relatively flat as a show, it's not intended to be that deep of an exploration of any of the characters and certainly not of the Jedi or the clones, so trying to see it that way feels like an exercise in futility to begin with. TCW on the other hand, despite its terrible episodic structure, IS sometimes trying to go for deeper explorations of the characters, the Jedi, the clones, and the situation they are currently in. 2003 Clone Wars often represented the battles as fun adventures and nowhere is this easier to see than in the Mon Cala episode with Kit Fisto which was directly adapted into TCW as a full four episode arc. The 2003 version is silly, full of little explosions and Kit Fisto just throwing off his cape very dramatically. The 2008 version starts with an assassination, it introduces a more nuanced political situation between the Mon Cala and the Quarrens, it has a whole coming-of-age story with Lee Char, it gets a little darker with its shark villain and what he's willing to do, and it brings in the Gungans as a legitimate army again. And I feel like that's just a fairly good representation of how 2003 Clone Wars treated its characters and its stories in comparison to how other media has treated the same characters and stories of this time period.
I wasn't that big of a fan of how this show represented Obi-Wan and Anakin either, especially Anakin. I think they leaned REALLY hard into Anakin as the whiny teenager, to an even greater degree than AOTC did in many ways, which just continues to make it unbelievable that he gets Knighted. The entire Knighting ceremony moment was ridiculous because Obi-Wan comes up to talk to him about how he's being promoted to Knight because of his maturity and Anakin immediately refuses to let him finish because he assumes Obi-Wan is coming to criticize him for something and he just starts getting really childish and unkind about it, to the point that he literally is insulting Obi-Wan and throwing Qui-Gon in his face as a comparison. And somehow Obi-Wan STILL thinks he's ready to be a Knight after that interaction, and it's... so so bad. I genuinely really hate the way 2003 Clone Wars handled Anakin's Knighting.
I don't love the way it portrayed Obi-Wan and Anakin in the earlier episodes I saw where Anakin's still a Padawan, there's nothing positive about their relationship. Obi-Wan is just an overbearing nag and Anakin is a childish asshole and there's zero nuance to them beyond that. Even Lucas realized they needed to have some positive moments added in to ensure viewers realized that these two characters were friends who enjoyed each other's company. Just because they struggle sometimes doesn't mean they don't care about each other and the best way to make sure that gets across is to make sure they HAVE positive moments together. The episodes of 2003 Clone Wars that I saw absolutely failed at that.
And when Anakin isn't being a childish asshole, he was being portrayed as basically no better than an animal, which I assume is supposed to represent his darkness starting to grow or something. But it's not some sort of animal instinct turning him into a slobbering beast who can't really control himself, these are active choices Anakin makes out of fear that he allows to become anger. TCW focused a lot more on the anger than the fear, but what I saw of 2003 Clone Wars didn't really handle this well, either. It's a theme that a lot of people who write for Star Wars seem to miss, that Anakin is actively making these choices WHILE KNOWING THAT THEY'RE BAD CHOICES. That's honestly the whole point and trying to pretend that he isn't, that it's out of his control, or that it's some sort of destiny, misses the entire message being sent with his story.
Also whoever designed Anakin seems to have had a pretty major bias against Hayden Christensen because boy is the model for Anakin absolutely fuck ugly for no good reason.
I don't know that there was anything actively anti-Jedi in anything I saw in the 2003 Clone Wars show, but it was also just kind-of intended to be a pretty simple adventure show that didn't allow for a lot of time to explore anything with any real depth.
I don't hate it, but I don't love it, either. I know a ton of people really have a lot of nostalgia for it and I don't mind the episodes in a vacuum, they CAN be fun mindless little visual stories, but I also never think about it much and I have a lot of negative feelings about the way it handled Anakin. But again, I only saw SOME of this show and never finished it, so my opinion is based on what I DID see and doesn't take into account some of the later episodes I never got to.
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freckliedan · 10 months
Hi!!! I just wanted to talk about how Dan and Phil as a brand is so relatable to neurodivergents in the way that they've been treated recently. So DnP built their careers off of being "weird" and "quirky" and socially awkward. That was Their Thing. Dan spoke for years about being violently bullied (quotes such as "being punched in the head by dickheads" stand out as a pre-BIG example of just how violent it got at times), Phil had the Why I Was a Weird Kid series, they both were frequently talked about as being "weird" and "awkward" by other YouTubers - they WERE the "weird" ones of the vlog group. The ones that awkward teens could relate to. Unfortunately, this got the attention of the #imsoquirky crowd who talks like they're experiencing all of these things while also being the same people who would mock me for my autism.
And that's the crowd now saying Dan is too old to be posting catboy photos or saying that the two of them "give the ick now, idk why." And I just can't help but notice how much I relate to that as an autistic and ADHD person. So many times over the years, I've made "friends" who were slightly into my interests, but then got weirded out by how hard I went into them. I think what we're seeing is the same thing happening to Dan and Phil. Drawing cat whiskers on your face to answer questions? Well that's "so cute and quirky"!! (/s). But actually playing as Catboys in JRPGs, dressing up in cat ears, making animal noises (which the two of them always did but ig this group overlooked), etc? Well that's "too far" and "so weird."
I think Dan especially got hit with this because he has more subscribers. When he talks about being bullied, most people can relate to that. But then when he goes and honks a horn in a game repeatedly (which tbh I've done before myself, very ADHD coded of him) or talks about hiding behind vending machines to avoid talking to people, that is suddenly "too annoying/weird" for some of the audience that got into him for his "relatably weird" content.
Sorry this is such a long ramble, but basically Dan and Phil have accidentally become the perfect examples of how kids with autism/ADHD/social pragmatic disorder/nvld/dyspraxia *insert other neurodivergencies that can cause atypical socialization* are treated. People might find your initial "quirkiness" relatable because everyone feels awkward or socially anxious at times, but it's when they see that you are Actually Just Like That and it's not to be #relatable that they turn on you and start saying that you're "too much" and "too weird."
Dan and Phil were the "weird" ones of the British vlog scene, and those of us who tuned into the younows or watched their older videos knew this, but someone who only subbed after watching a meme review or the two of them playing undertale might have assumed that they were the "right" kind of quirky/weird.
This is probably incoherent, but I hope you get what I mean.
this isn't incoherent! just such a well thought out ask i don't have anything to add. there's really specific ways i'm comfortable talking abour dnp + neurodivergence & neurodivergence in general so it's not something i've ever done super in depth posts abt!
i've actually gotten a few really lengthy asks like this over the last few weeks, so this is to you and to my other askers: i really appreciate that folks want to share their ideas with me but sometimes i genuinely don't have enough to contribute in response to add on to what's being said! and that makes it pretty impossible to answer asks like this.
so this is to everyone: feel free to @ me in the replies on your posts! (doing that leaves things cleaner than @ ing in the body of a post, which in my experience means folks are more likely to engage, if that's what you're looking for). especially loop me in about dnp + neurodivergene or dnp + gender!
this isn't a promise i'll rb or even see things, this website's functionality is shit, but like. it's actually way easier for me to see and support than if yall are sending me essay length anons, and this way i + others can find more people who share the same opinions as us! make ur own posts & ppl will follow u i prommy
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
y'know, im usually against using screenshot of people doing bad stuff in the past to "prove" that they are bad people nowdays; for example, when they try to get some youtuber cancelled because he said a slur 6 years ago or something.
Because that just negates the fact that us humans commit a lot mistakes, sometimes we do mean stuff, but that doesnt make us terrible humans that are incapable of redeming themseves, most of us grow out of those ugly behaviours, and learn to be decent human beings.
However, with miss Vivziepop its a different story, i like the fact that that we are still finding screenshot of her doing heinous things in the past, for 3 important reasons:
First, The things she did are like, actually really bad.
Its not like most cases where its like "omg this dud said the n-word when he was 12 and didnt know what a slur was! We must cancell him!1!", no, the things Vivziepop did are always when she was a grown ass woman that know what she was doing, she was just being evil.
And then you have her fans insisting those arent "that bad", thats its "a nothing burger", etc. And like, yeah, they ARE bad, those things are really mean and people arent evil for pinting it out.
It is important for growing up to reconise that our past behaviours were not good, thats how we learn better.
Defending a stranger on the internet will just lead you to repeat those behaviours of your idol because you conviced yourself those arent "that bad", until you do them and then you get hit with reality because, thanks to those behaviours, people dont like you anymore and see you as a rude toxic person.
Second, she proved many times she NEVER changed.
She still shows those gross behaviours, unlike most people she never learned to be a better person.
For example: that catcalling comic was made years ago, so, i guess it doesnt represent her views anymore, right? She is no longer misogynist, right?
Well, the way she treats her female characters, plus how she gets mad at people pointing out how badly written they are, proves she never stoped having those mean ideas about women.
Or how about those aboit how she was shaming a fan for not paying her what she wanted and making them feel bad for it? Obviously she grew up and never did something so mean like that again...
Oh wait! No she didnt, every once in a while we see her throwing a fissy fit about people criticising her work and liking tweets of her fans saying people are EVIL for not loving her and giving her all the support in the world.
And about those abuse allegations... wait, those are not even old, most of them are from less than a year ago. You cant even "those were years ago" out of this one.
So fuck the "those were long time ago, she changed!", thats total bs.
And finally, every time she responded or "apologised" for these acusations, she keep proving that she didnt belive she did anything wrong and its just "the haters" being mean.
Anybody remember when she made a weird ass apology that started with "i would apologise for existing, but i know people would get mad at me still"? Her responses are always full of "actually, YOU are the mean one for calling me out, look how bad i feel? Dont you feel any shame?".
One day she will def make a shitty youtube apology video where she admits everything but with the classic "i was in a bad place", "i didnt know what i was doing", basically painting everything as "just a mistake" and not her being an evil asshole. Then half of the video will be her ranting about how this whole situation that SHE created is making HER sad, she will probably said something like "i just wanted to make cartoons and people are being mean :(((" to victimise herself.
Mark my words, we will have a Vivziepop ukelele apology in any day of 2024, im really sure.
All I can say is that after everything she's put people through, she'd better have a damn ukulele.
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diezmil10000 · 2 years
hi 👋 you can call me diez or chisi
i am from spain and i like to draw lesbians. this is my main blog, if you're only here for my art and not for my reblogs you can follow my art-only blog!!
(FAQ under the cut)
what software and brushes do you use?
i work on ibisPaint X and Krita on a Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite. i use a lot of different brushes for lineart but mostly these ones:
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are your commissions open?
i will never do commissions, but thank you for your interest.
will you someday sell your art through an online shop / convention?
no, but feel free to print my stuff in good quality paper if you want to hang it on your wall.
how can i financially support you?
i have no need for that right now. please give your money to other artists or organizations.
can i repost your art / use it for edits?
i don't encourage it, but i don't mind. asking for permission and linking back to any of my social media would be appreciated too ♡ just don't use it for commercial purposes (sell merch, use as streaming layouts, etc)
how do you do X part of your drawing?
i recommend checking my speedpaints if you're curious, the name of the videos is the day i finished that drawing in YYMMDD format (as in, year-month-day). i also made a tag for my art thoughts, but if you still have a question feel free to send me an ask and i'll try my best to explain it!!
where did you learn anatomy?
i used to watch a lot of proko and sycra videos (on youtube), and also do gesture/figure drawings from photo references and k-pop dance practice videos.
when / why did you start drawing?
i started taking it seriously when i was 15. seeing lesbian fanart was what caused my gay awakening and i felt like there wasn't enough of it, so i decided to get better.
do you do traditional art?
i kind of dislike it, actually. i have filled over 1000 A4 sheets and 7 sketchbooks over the years, but it's all quick doodles to practise or warm up. when i bought a tablet i could carry around i stopped drawing traditionally as often, but i still find myself drawing in my sketchbook from time to time when i want to sketch midlessly or get better at something.
do you draw nsfw art?
very rarely, but i only show it to my friends. i do consume a lot of nsfw content tho, just not in public 👍
how do you keep yourself motivated?
a combination of drawing only what i like and a strong desire of seeing more lesbian art. that's why i mostly make fanart and almost never participate in art trades or make art gifts. i also don't want to make a career out of drawing.
have you gone to art school?
i have a college degree in graphic design, but it has almost no correlation with the kind of art i share online. before that i never studied art academically.
are you seriously a furry?
are you seriously a communist?
you call me a communist, socialist, leftist– i just want people to be happy and i heavily oppose capitalism on its fundamentals.
are you an anti or a pro shipper?
i am neither, i don't care about this.
are you aware that you follow someone who did something problematic?
i mostly follow other artists, so if i've been following someone problematic for a long time it probably isn't that deep for me to unfollow them.
do you have any ocs?
plenty! but i don't like to talk about them in public
can i be your friend / talk regularly with you?
i don't like to talk to strangers, but if i'm following you feel free to interact with me at any time~
what's the name of your cat?
yonyon ! she's a female cat but i treat her by any and all gendered terms
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why have you disabled your DMs, story replies and sometimes comments?
because i dislike interacting with fandoms, especially big ones. i draw for myself and for the lesbians with niche interests, so i don't want to read weird comments, block overly friendly DMs or watch strangers have a public debate about my moral standards. i'm very thankful towards all of you who love my art tho, even if i can't read all of your positive thoughts!! also, there are plenty of ways to contact me, they're just not in plain sight 💋
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