#sometimes you gotta ask yourself why the fuck am I spending hours making a gif for something that happened last year
offside-the-lines · 2 months
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Nico on that Swiss show last summer
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aliasimagines · 3 years
It Was You All Along // Dave Lizewski
requested by a lovely anon 💕
Can u write dave x fem!reader where reader Always had a crush on him but he kinda ignored reader bc of Katie but then someone popular asks reader out and he gets jealous and y/n dresses up super hot and he realizes he fucked up
word count: 1809
a/n: i hope this is close enough! ❤️ (i couldn't think of a different title but this one reminds me of Agatha All Along xd)
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"Hey, Dave! My folks are gone for the weekend and I thought we could have an X-men watch party. Wanna come?" 
"Sorry I can't, I'm hanging out with Katie." 
"Again?" you ask a bit louder than intended,causing a few people to look at you in the hallway. You continue with a lower voice "Aren't you like, tired of all the lying? Like, what if she finds out that you're not actually gay, hm? Cause you know she will, eventually." 
"Why do you care so much?!" Dave says, clearly frustrated. 
You raise an eyebrow. 
"Oh why would I? Maybe because we have been best friends since diapers, you stupid asshole!" you say not caring if some students hear you or not, anymore. "But you know what, you are right. I shouldn't care. Go play pretend with Katie but don't come to me, crying when you end up getting your heart broken." 
"Don't worry, I won't." he snaps back. And you turn around and leave but not before flipping him off. You felt the angry tears rolling down your cheeks as you zigzagged between the chattering teenagers. 
You couldn’t  believe how Dave could be so blind! He only had eyes for Miss Perfect. Whom by the way, is a real bitch and would go back to ignoring Dave or calling him a freak if it wasn’t for his little gay act. 
Somehow you made your way over to the restroom and locked yourself into one of the booths.
Dave couldn’t even see you as a potential “love-interest”. Eventhough you were the one who always were there for him, you were always there when he called, running to him like a lost puppy. And he couldn’t even care less. And you hate him for it. But you hate yourself more for still liking him. 
It’s not like you can do something about it, if you could, you would have. But that’s not how it works, so you are just crying your guts out on the toilet trying not to think about Dave.
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In all honesty, you have no idea how you made it through the day. You almost cried during biology but you caught yourself after a few lonely tears. You could feel Dave’s gaze on you but there was no way you would look at him. As soon as the last bell rang you were out of school, hurring past Tod and Marty, not being in the mood for them either.
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The next day wasn’t any different, you didn’t hang with Dave, Tod and Marty like you normally do. You didn’t sit with them at lunch, instead walked over to the only empty table you saw and placed your tray there. You mounched on your food, completely unaware of your surroundings until you hear the chair next to you being pulled out. You look up to see Matthew Greendale, resident hottie of the school sit next to you. 
"Hey, sorry, it's not a problem if I sit here, right?" he asks. You eyed him suspiciously. 
"No, it's fine." 
It's fine?! You mentally scold yourself. You never even spoke to this guy, outside of literature in first year. Why would he sit next to you? 
"I didn't want to sit with all the other "popular jocks" he answered you unspoken question while taking a bite of his canteen-hamburger. “They’re fun and everything but it’s nice to get away from them sometimes.”
You think of your friends who are sitting a few tables away and you can’t help but agree with Matthew.
“Yeah, I feel you.” you say without thinking.
“Hey..We used to sit next to each other in freshman year, didn’t we? It’s y/n ,right?” 
You nod with a smile, honestly being surprised that he remembers you.
“I haven’t really seen you around a lot. But when I do you are always hanging with those comic book nerds.”
“Hey! Comics are great.”
He puts his hands up in a defense.
“Oh no! I didn’t mean it as an insult. Some comics are good, my little brother made read one last month. It was actually great.”
“What comic was it?”
“Oh, uhm..It was about some kind of blind dude in a devil costume.”
“Daredevil?” you ask with a giggle.
“Yes, that one!” he laughs too.
The two of you continue talking until the end of lunch break. He is surprisingly fun to talk to and he even offers to walk you to your next class after lunch. You had such a good time you didn’t even think about Dave, heck, you didn’t even notice him literally glaring daggers into Matthew.
“What’s up with you, dude?” Tod asks snapping Dave out of it. 
“Yeah, Dave. What the shit is going on with you and Y/N?” Marty asks too.
Dave forrows is eyebrows. Yes, what the shit is going on with the two of you? Every since yesterday's 'fight' with you he can't stop thinking. About how he spends most, if not all of his time either with being Kick-Ass or, rather with Katie. It used to be different. He spent every second with you and he just threw you away so he could maybe get laid. And sure, Katie may be hot as fuck but she is.. Well, she is not you. 
"We had a fight, yesterday. I.. And she was right." he explains with a grimace. "But why the fuck is that Greendale asshole is with her?" 
"You jealous or something, dude?" 
"Wha- Of course I am not jealous! Why would I be? You guys are nuts." 
Jealous… The word rolled around in his mouth like a new flavored milkshake he never tasted before. 
Could he be… Jealous? He never thought of you that way, you were always his best friend. Just that. But.. The more he thinks about it the more he can't stop that twist like feeling in his stomach. 
That night he can't focus on crime fighting. All his thoughts are tied to you. Whether he likes it or not, memories of you keep popping up in his mind. How didn't he notice your beautiful smile before? And your laugh? It's like a beautiful melody. And… Gosh! When did he become such a sappy teenager? Oh and another thing.. He kept trying to think of something else, anything else like Katie for example but he doesn't care anymore! 
Dave goes home early with a frustrated growl. The remaining hours of the night he spends with tossing and turning and daydreaming instead of sleeping. 
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(the next afternoon, Atomic Comics) 
Dave bangs his head against the wood table once again. A tired groan leaves his lips when he hears Tod almost choking on his iced coffee. 
"What the tunk, Tod?" Marty and Dave ask almost at the same time. The dirty blonde haired boy keeps pointing outside the huge window that they are sitting next to at Atomic Comics. 
"Is that fucking y/n?!" 
Now all three of them look outside the shop and see you, all dressed up nad seemingly waiting for someone. 
"Holy fuck!" Dave whispers. He stares at you, with his mouth a gap before jumping up from the booth they were sitting at and rushing outside the store. 
"Y/n! Y/-" he yells almost tripping on thin air. 
"Dave?" you question, quickly turning towards him. Damn, you missed him. No! Yeah, you did… "What do you want?" 
"What do I- What, can't I talk to you?" 
"If you wanted to talk you would have in these past days!" you say. Yes, you might have missed him, but it's not like you're gonna show it. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I am waiting for my date to show up." 
"Your.. Your what, now?!" 
"My date" 
"You can't go on a date!" 
"And why is that, Lizewski?" 
"Lizewski? Really, you're calling me by my surname? Are we in such a bad place right now?" 
"I don't know, you tell me. Are you going to tell me what i can and can't do, hm?" 
"I didn't mean it like that. I just…" 
"What, it's fine when you say it but when I do it with you about Katie I'm the bad friend?" 
"No,it's just-" 
"Sorry. Matt's here." you point to the street across the road where you saw the boy walk towards you. "I gotta go." 
You start walking away but Dave grabs your wrist. 
"Please, don't." he mumbles. 
"Why not?" you snap at him but your expressions soften upon your eyes land on his saddened face. 
"I- because I don't want you with him. O-or anyone." 
You raise an eyebrow. 
He took a deep breath before looking around. Matt was waiting patiently by the traffic light so he could cross the road. Dave quickly began explaining. 
"You were right. About Katie. I was such a dickhead, I am so sorry, y/n. I am sorry for ignoring you over her and and.." from the corner of his eye he sees the traffic light turn green. "Shit! I don't want you to go out with Greendale cause I.. Because I like you. Like really fucking like you. And oh my god you look so fucking hot in this outfit, not that you're not always hot but holy shit. I know we are just friends and you don't think of me that way but I ju-"
"Oh my god! Do you ever shut up?" you yell before pressing your lips to his. Dave stumbled back a little, but quickly recovered and kissed back. Your hands cupped his face and his hands grabbed your waist in response. You both tilled your heads, deepening the kiss earning loud knocking from Marty and Tod as they watched the whole scene through the window. Not that you noticed any of it. You didn't hear the passing by car honk at you nor the yells or whistles. You also did not notice Matthew walking away with a sad smile after seeing the two of you. Your touches intertwine and you're pretty sure you heard Dave moan slightly which causes you to giggle into the kiss. You both pull away gasping for air. You look down at your shoes, hoping to hide your flushed cheeks. Dave scratches his back and looks around nervously only to see his two idiotic friends making kissy faces. He lifts his middle finger for them before clearing his throat. 
"So.. Khm.. I guess you like me too?" 
You let out a soft chuckle.
"Yeah, I do." you say looking at him with a smile.
"That's.. Fuck. That's great." he replied genuinely happy. "Wanna get out of here?" 
You nod and you take off. You take Dave's hand and he intertwines your fingers with a smile. Maybe he is truly a superhero. He helps people and he gets the girl of his dreams. The happy ending. 
Dave Lizewski taglist : @sethcohenluvr @your-hispanichufflepuff
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pocketfulofrogers · 3 years
Everything Comes Back to You
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean can count on one hand the amount of weaknesses he has. Despite his every effort to keep his distance over the years in an effort to keep you safe, he find himself at your door a few too many times. Everything changes when it you who calls him.
Notes: My first supernatural piece! A story told through many years.
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September 14, 1996
There were few things you despised more in this world than calculus. The lecture had drug on and on, monotone and continuous, until you felt like you could scream. A miracle of reprieve came when the door opened and in walked a boy who seemed to glide on charisma. He made some kind of offhand joke and flashed a smirk that had half the girls already in his palm.
For you, it was what you saw in his eyes that drew you to him. Something akin to the pieces you kept buried deep within you.
December 22, 1996
You’re sweet, unbelievably so. The way you taste, the way you sound, the way you feel. It’s so easy for Dean to bury himself in you, forget about everything that isn’t in this bed. You had been the solace he didn’t know he had been searching for- offering just a few moments of peace in this life he had no say in.
Most days he believes you may be the light that will save him, other days he believes it unfair to ask such a thing of you.
You nuzzle into his chest and his arms around you tighten. “What are you thinking about?” You ask.
Maybe it’s how tired he is, running between the motel to check on Sammy and darting straight back to the comforts of this bedroom that has him feeling so unnaturally mushy. You’d say it’s the Christmas spirit looming in the air, threatening to infect him with just a bit of joy.
You did love Christmas, and he loved you.
But love was not something he was allowed in this life - stability never something he’d known. Dean knew the drill all too well. The moment he allows himself to plant any semblance of roots, it’ll be time to load the Impala and disappear. Kansas may have been home once, but it isn’t home now.
Still, he couldn’t help himself when it came to you.
Sometimes his mind wonders to what his life could be if he were to just ask you to run away with him. Leave this little town and never look back. No more hunting, no more fighting, just wonderful, uncomplicated, boring life. Life with you.
He’s never met a hunter that’s successfully left the life, though. The longer you knew him, the higher the chances got for you to get caught in the crossfire and he’d never forgive himself if something were to happen to you.
You’re silently watching him, waiting for a response to a question he had already forgotten.
“I should go check on Sam.”
April 18, 2002
“You gave my address to who? Mom, just because someone says they knew me doesn’t mean you should tell them where I live! It doesn’t matter if he seemed like a ‘wonderful young man’ you know there are things out there.” You’re pacing in your living room now, tempted to grab your shotgun.
“Oh, Y/N, stop it with that nonsense. He had a photo of you and now he’s on his way.” Your mother dismisses you.
You groan and toss your head back. “Well hopefully you can describe what he looked like to the cops when they find me-“
Then a car pulls up, engine roaring and rock music blasting. You knew that car, you knew it well. Sneaking up to the window, you take a peek around the curtains and see the sleek black Impala. A man gets out, the leather jacket he’s wearing tickles a memory long buried.
It isn’t until you see his face that it settles in- butterflies swimming in deep rooted anger. The boy who left you with nothing but an aching hole and a postcard with no return address was all grown up and damn if he didn’t look good.
“Gotta go.” You hang up the phone.
When he knocks, you brace yourself- scrounge up all the will-power you have so you can kick him out. There will be no apologies or pleasantries. No sir. None. Not one.
But Dean’s always been one step ahead of you, so, he’s quick to start when you open the door- death glare only momentarily stalling him. “Listen, I know-“
“Get back in your car and go home.”
“Just hear me out for a minute.” He pleads.
You want to tell him to go, you really do, but one glance at those green eyes and every fiber of your being is pleading for you to just wait. Call it hope, call it weakness, call it a desperate need for some form of closure, you let him in.
Narrowing your eyes, you ask him, “Why are you here?”
“I wanted to see you.”
You hate how that almost settles your anger, how after all these years he still had some ridiculous hold on you. “How can you possibly believe I would want to see you after what you did? That kind of hurt doesn’t just disappear, Dean.”
“I know, I know. I’m also here to apologize. I should have said more-“
“More?” You interrupt exasperated. “Please tell me you did not come all this way to ask me to absolve you of your guilt.”
“That’s not-“
“Because you showed up on my doorstep, asked me to pack a bag and run away with you- leave my life and everything I’ve ever known to go who knows where with you. And then, when the sun rose in the morning, you were gone.”
“You hadn’t exactly been happy with me.” He tries to defend himself.
“Yeah, but you know what I did that night? I packed a stupid bag and waited for hours in front of that stupid diner. Waiting and waiting, but you never showed! You just left me! Know what I got out of it? A postcard from Topeka with a half assed ‘I’m sorry’ written on it.”
He falters under your gaze. “Y/N, I am sorry. I really am.”
“I just want to know why, Dean.” Your voice falls and he can no longer meet your eyes. “Come on, there are a million excuses. You couldn’t leave Sam, you couldn’t leave you dad, you didn’t actually love me. Just pick one so I can move on.”
“I did love you.” He bites back.
“Then what, you couldn’t leave the life?”
His eyebrows furrow as he takes a step closer and lowers his voice. “What do you mean?”
You sigh. “I was young but I wasn’t stupid. The family business wasn’t sales, Dean.” His eyes widen. “People started disappearing right before you and your family showed up. They stop disappearing and then all of a sudden, you’re gone. I had my suspicions, but it wasn’t until I met another hunter a few years later that I knew for sure.”
He makes his way into your living room and you want to ask what gave him the idea that you wanted him in your home.
“If you know about that side of this world, then how can you blame me for wanting to protect you from it?”
Of all of the reasons you had come up with as to why the boy you thought was the love of your life had left you high and dry, this wasn’t one. Had he truly loved you? Had he weighed his heart and your life to determine which he valued most? You can’t tell if that idea hurt more than the rest.
“Who were you to make that decision for me?”
“Who are you to expect me not to have?”
It’s quiet, uncomfortably so. Dean rakes his fingers through his hair and your arms tighten across your chest. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. None of it. He wasn’t supposed to have left you destroyed, calling out for him in the middle of the night. You were supposed to have moved on, supposed to have said goodbye to the boy with so much sadness in his eyes and so much love in his heart.
You never really do forget your first, though, do you?
He sighs, drawing your attention back to him, and pulls his gaze from the ceiling. “This isn’t what I came for.”
You tighten your arms across your chest and take a step closer, then another. “Do enlighten me, then. What are you really here for?” You’re dangerously close now, a breath away and Dean can barely think. “What is it you want?”
You look up at him and in a second he’s gone, just like that first day. It’s nostalgic and painful and warm all at once. How was it you still had this power over him?
“You.” He breathes out.
October 14, 2006
“Hey, uh, Fairmont? That’s close to Eudora, right?” Dean asks, trying so hard to seem casual.
Sam peaks around the bathroom door, noticing his brother has been ‘cleaning’ the same weapon for the last thirty minutes, and raises a brow. “Yeah, not too far.” Dean just hums. “What’s in Eudora?”
“Huh? Oh nothing, just thought a detour would be nice with everything going on.”
Sam spits his toothpaste into the sink. “Didn’t we spend a Christmas there?”
Dean stalls. “Well, you know, we moved around so much it’s hard to tell when we were anywhere, really. I couldn’t-“
“No, no, I’m sure we did. I had that English teacher that snored through Shakespeare.”
“Your memory is definitely better than mine, I couldn’t tell you much about-“
“And there was that girl, gosh, what was her name again?” Sam prompts his brother, already knowing the answer.
“There’s been so many girls, Sam, can’t expect me to remember all of their names.” Dean chuckles nervously.
The flop sweat on Dean’s forehead is almost reward enough, but hearing him sputter and flail was just too good for Sam to give up.
“She had the hair and the mom, liked Christmas.” Dean stutters again. “Oh right! Y/N! Aka the girl who’s name you say in your sleep on a weekly basis.” Now he’s red. “How long has it been man? If you could’ve made it work, you would’ve. What’d she say when you saw her last?”
Suddenly the floor is very interesting to Dean. “That I can’t keep coming in and out of her life.”
“That’s all the closure you’re going to get, Dean, take it.”
October 18, 2006
Work had been the worst. The only thing you wanted was a bubble bath and a huge glass of wine. The last thing you expected when you finally reached your driveway was Dean Winchester sitting on your porch, but of course, with the cluster fuck of today, this might as well happen.
You take a moment to collect yourself before stepping out of your car.
“Heard you took down a Rougarou in Tennessee. Thought you said you didn’t want a part of this life.” He raises a brow and you can’t tell if it’s an accusation or an ‘I told you so’ moment.
“Was there for business, it was just good timing. Guess you were right, though, can’t just sit by.” You shrug. He looks like he’s waiting for something, something you’re sure you can’t give him. “What are you doing here?” You ask, sounding more tired than upset.
“I know, I’m sorry. But we had a case nearby and Sammy told me no, but next thing I know I’m in my car and then I’m here. Really, it’s your fault. Should’ve moved.”
You snort. “And you wouldn’t have found me?” He only shrugs. “What is it you want, Dean?”
“A friend?”
“You drove all the way out here for a friend?”
“Guess you could say I’m in short supply.”
You look him up and down, noticing the bags beneath his eyes and something in you aches for him. Of course, you had heard about the passing of John, that may be the very reason he’s here, but knowing Dean, it’s not a subject he wants to touch.
Ten years later and you can still read him.
“Fine, but don’t ask me to run away with you.” You tease. “Twice is enough for this lifetime.”
June 16, 2013
Dean is in the middle of another argument with Sam trying to defend the importance of bacon when his phone rings. Sam’s dramatic sigh of relief earns an eye roll from his brother.
“Dean Winchester.” He answers, but he can’t hear anything on the other end. “Hello?” He tries again and this time he makes out heavy breathing. “Who is this?”
“Dean.” His name barely slips from your lips and to his ears before you groan.
He leans forward quick enough to earn concern from Sam. “Where are you?”
“Sound stressed.” You chuckle before sputtering.
“Y/N, tell me where are you.” His voice is the kind of calm that would usually send ice through your veins, but right now you were struggling just to keep your eyes open.
“Not sure.” Your speech is slurred and the panic Sam sees in his brother’s eyes drives his fingers faster as he works on a trace.
“How bad is it?”
“You should see the other guy.”
“Dammit, Y/N, not the time. Where are you hurt?”
“Broken ribs, I think. This gash in my side seems a little alarming.” You squint down at it trying to determine if your blurry vision was a result of the gapping wound or the nice blow to the head you took. “Objectively, all very bad.” You mumble.
Dean is over Sam’s shoulder now and if he hadn’t looked as terrified as he did right now, Sam would be making a less than funny comment about it.
“Were you on a hunt?” His voice is still cool, but he begins to waiver when he has to strain to hear your confirmation. “Is it still after you?” He has to press the question two more times before he gets a response, by then he’s already started the Impala.
“Finished him ‘for he finished me.”
“Y/N, were on our way.” Dean grits out. “You just hold on a little longer and we’ll get you all patched up.”
You barely manage to hum response before everything begins to fade out, Dean yelling your name in the background.
June 17, 2013
They had only barely made it in time. Dean had come sliding to your side, bandages already in hand. He spoke softly to you, a drastic contradiction to the frantic shake of his hands.
Sam had never seen his brother like this before.
“Dean, I don’t think…”
“No! Just,” Dean tossed the keys to Sam and slipped his arms beneath your limp body. “Get us to the nearest hospital.”
He sat in the back seat with you holding as much pressure against the flaps of skin as he could, still talking so softly to you. Sam’s heart ached as he heard his brother beg you not to leave him and make promises they both know he can’t keep.
When he could no longer feel you breathing, his eyes shot up to the review mirror and Sam slammed on the gas.
Squealing into the ambulance drop off, Sam began to yell for help as he pulled open the back seat door. Dean was frozen, all of the color drained from his face.
Emotion cut off from his voice, he had barely managed a whisper. “I think she’s gone.”
From there, he had spent the last six hours trying to force himself to come to terms with the fact that he had lost one of the only good things in his life. Sitting there in some criminally uncomfortable waiting room chair with his head in his hands.
All he could see was you. You twirling around in a bright sundress with the Kansas sunset kissing your skin. Your eyes closed- lips parted slightly as you slept soundly. You angry, red in the face accusing him of using you as some kind of sick tie to a simpler time.
Was that all she was to him? No, he shakes his head at just the thought of it. To him you were the only thing that made sense. A singular constant that he felt like his whole being revolved around.
But he had never told you.
Finally, by 5am he had almost convinced himself that he would be fine.
So, when the doctor comes out with blood speckling the bottom of his scrubs, he wants to shut down, but he needs to know.
“Just give it to us straight, doc.”
“She’s alive.” He says. “The surgery was tough and she gave us quite a scare, but she is alive.”
His knees almost give out from beneath him.
June 20, 2013
Everything hurts. Your side, your chest, your head, your skin. The gentle breeze from the vent above you is what pulls you out of the darkness. The harsh fluorescent lights are almost enough to send you right back to the comfort of the dark, but a shifting pressure at your thigh piques your interest.
Slowly, trying not to groan despite every muscle in your body screaming, you look to your left. Dean’s arm is draped lightly across the tops of your thighs, his hand curling in at your hip. For a moment you do nothing but watch him sleep, his eyes fluttering behind his eyelids every so often.
He looks like shit.
Dark, sunken bags have built up beneath his eyes and it looks like he hasn’t shaved in days. A part of you feels flattered imagining the fuss he had to have made to not only get you here, but to stay here himself.
Without thinking, you begin to move your hand to caress his cheek. Your fingers trace the lines of his now furrowed brow before you thread them through his hair. The movement hurts, but it’s worth it.
Especially when you’re rewarded with a lovely green as his eyes slowly open. For a moment you think there may be no yelling or ‘are you out of your mind’ speeches when a smile begins to slowly light up his face. And then, as if he’s suddenly remembered what has happened, his smile shuts down into a scowl.
“You almost died.” He hisses lowly.
“Almost.” You echo and try to cough out a laugh, but it devolves into a groan. His alarm doesn’t disappear when you try to wave him off. “I’m fine now, so why don’t you go shower or something? You smell.”
“So you can try to slip out?” He narrows his eyes at you. “Not happening.”
“You’re usually the one that slips out.” You mutter, but he doesn’t hear you. “You can’t kidnap me, Dean.”
“The hell I can’t.”
June 23, 2013
“Bedroom here, bathroom down there. Sam and I are here… and here.” Dean’s pointing to doors as you struggle to hobble behind him on his tour of the bunker. When he stops, you almost run into his back. “Sammy went to grab some stuff from your house, but it looks like you don’t live there anymore.” He only raises a brow when you advert your gaze.
Instead of responding, you turn around to point at a door a couple down. “Mine? Sounds good.” You scurry as quickly as you can into the room, but Dean catches the edge of the door before you can shut it.
“You’re not going to explain yourself?”
You laugh bitterly. “Explain myself? Are you kidding me? I don’t answer to you, Dean.”
“You know that’s not what I meant.” You want to turn away from him, but he’s holding your gaze too intensely. “What’s going on with you? You’re living out of cheap hotels and hunting on your own now?”
“Oh, that’s rich coming from you.”
“Y/N, cut the shit. It’s just you and me here. Have you even told your mom what happened?”
And it’s this comment, this sincere question that takes the final piece of your resistance from him. He watches as the tense set of your shoulders fall and your face relaxes. The malice and resentment slips from your features and it’s a relief.
“She’s dead.” You barely manage to whisper. “Vetala. Didn’t know they worked in pairs. Her husband found her tied up in the kitchen three years ago.”
He’s stunned. It’s probably the only thing you could have said that would steal his fire in an instant. He knew that kind of pain, that kind of drive. He knew it too well. You sniffle before quickly wiping your eyes and his face falls imagining the pain you’re feeling.
To his surprise, the moment is gone as quick as it started when he watches you swallow down your emotions and rebuild that wall in almost an instant.
“Don’t worry, I know you’re not one to be domestic. I’ll be out of your hair the second the doctors clear me.”
It stings. “Just like that?” He asks, not caring this time if you hear the hurt in his voice.
“Why would I stay? You make it clear what you want each time you stop by my house for a quicky and then slip out without a word.” The stunned look on his face is infuriating. “I get it, Dean. It’s convenience and consistency. Not love.”
“Not love?” He repeats your judgement, rolling the word around his tongue and he has to admit he hates the taste. He repeats it again, louder this time and it startles you. “Y/N I gave up everything I ever wanted that night I left you at the diner because I love you. I have tried and tried to stay as far away from you to keep you safe because I love you. I show up on your doorstep in moments of selfish cowardice because I can’t stay away! Almost my whole life I have been drawn to you time and time again and I know it hurts you. It kills me to hurt you, but I can’t stop because I love you.”
Dean’s chest is heaving, his breath falling across your face with how close he is to you now. “You love me.” He has to strain to hear you, but you need the clarification. Love or loved?
“When I saw you laying on the ground, bleeding out, I wished it was me instead. But when I held you in my arms and you…” His voice breaks and his eyes water. “And you stopped breathing…”
Before you know what you’re doing, you have your hands cradling either side of his facing, soothingly hushing him.
“Dean.” You murmur. “I’m okay, you saved me.”
“Stay.” The word bursts through his lips without his control. “Please, just stay.”
A single tear falls from your eyes as you nod knowing that the idea of a place called home had changed over the years, but this, him- he had always remained.
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theficplug · 4 years
Girls Trip {Erik fic}
Warnings: 18+, smut.
{reader goes on a cruise with her girls during winter break post-breakup & meets Erik when she needs him most. The intro to a series. I hope that y'all enjoy this long ass intro x}
“Told you you'd like it! We know what you need.” your friend Lynelle says as you and your other 2 best friends step into the lobby of the ship.
Your original plan was to stay home and catch up on much needed sleep and netflix binge watching during Winter Break but Khadijah, Tasha , and Lynelle (Lennie)  had other plans.
They could never get on the same page to go on a proper vacation but the one time you wanted to be left alone they've decided to get it together. 
2 plane rides and now you're here on a cruise on the way to 'paradise'.
The last few weeks went by in a blur while you were buying bikinis, trying to contain your emotions, and leaving behind your frozen over city for Bali.
You'd be lying if you said that you weren't a little excited to be leaving behind a terrible end to a 4 year relationship.
“Girl I just paid 12 dollars for Netflix this month. I planned on staying home and re-watching The Get Down. I need to at them and ask them when they're gonna add Crooklyn." You say as your phone begins to go off. 
"Uh-uh, just cause your man had community dick don't mean you gotta feel like you did something wrong. You are the sweetest and most caring person I know and gave everything you had for that man. You are a strong beautiful talented black woman. You run your own business and don't need his ass for nothing. And if I were into girls I would've been shot my shot back in the 7th grade. Now, we gon' get tipsy, dance the night away in 23$ dollar heels, and find a fine ass beard to rid-"
You quickly cut off your best friend by answering your mother's call. You held onto Khadi's hand to let her know that her support means everything to you.
"Hey Mama. Yes I made it safe and sound." You say into the phone as you shake your head and laugh at your girls. 
"HEY MA " Khadi says waving as she smiles at the woman on the other side of the phone she's known for over half her life. 
"Hello Khadijah, are you behaving yourself ?" She asks as Khadi shakes her head with her tongue sticking out.
"MY GIRL." Your mother says as they both laugh and point at each other through the screen. 
"I'll talk to you later, enjoy yourself baby. Sometimes a little fun and laughter is the cure for heartache. Love you, be safe." She says before ending the video call.
"Alright , we all meeting up for the foam pool party after the tour right? Cause I need to shower and stuff first." You say as everybody agrees
An hour or two later you were standing in front of the hotel mirror giving yourself a pep talk in your new bikini. You eyed your reflection as you tell yourself that somebody son is gonna love on your fupa, and the 3 years wasted with Derrick isn't going to matter anymore. 
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"Knees. Knees. Come on knees." Khadijah yells as Lennie and Tasha  drop it low and make it clap as a chorus of 'ayyeeee' erupts in the elevator. 
You make your way down to the lobby with the girls after throwing back a few shots in Lennie's room. You past by a group of other girls in the elevator and they were blasting Cash Shit from their phone. 
"Link up with us later." Paris says from the other group before moving over to the party already happening. 
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The drinks are flowing through your system and Tasha is filming you for the gram as you sing along to the music. You accidentally trip backwards onto a man behind you before immediately apologizing and giggling.
"You good mama." He says as he catches you with one hand and the other still holding his drink. Without missing a beat he twirls you to the beat so that you can play it off. 
"What's the nigga name?" He asks as he takes another sip of his drink and tries to act like he ain't see you watching the suds slide down his scarred and chiseled chest to his happy trail.  
"Excuse me?" You ask confused as he flashes his gold fanged grill and cock his head towards the phone in Tasha's hand as she gives you a quiet  'oooh shit okay'. 
"The one you tryna prove a point to. Only name that matters now though is Erik." He says as he grinds against you and move your braids to your other shoulder. 
"Alright Erik, lemme see if you can keep up then." You tease him as you begin to whine on him and ride the beat as he keeps up behind you. You realize you have an audience now with his boys glancing over at you and your girls watching him. 
His hand holds you in place before he asks if it's alright if he kissed you. You nod before you know it his soft ass lips are on yours. He pulls at your bottom lip slightly while you continue to whine on him. 
"Thank you for the dance." You say before you place one final kiss to his lips as the song ends.
You walk over to Tasha before grabbing her hand and leaving to find Lennie and Khadijah 
You knew he was still standing there watching you walk away you turned to give him a look over your shoulder with a raised brow.
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"Stop watching my booty" you mouth at him jokingly 
"YOU CAN'T EVEN BLAME ME. ITS FAT AS FUCK." He yells back to you over the music.
After an hour of dancing and having a good time with friends you only checked your phone once to find 3 messages from Derrick begging you to call him then two talking about how disappointed he was with you.
You stepped out onto the upper deck to tell him to stop calling you and ruining your good time. 
"I can do what I want. I'm fucking grown. All you ever did was sit at home on your ass and criticize me for every damn thing I did. I made sure you were happy when I wasn't even okay… And fucking my cousin was your way of showing me you loved me huh? Don't call me no more and stop calling my mama asking her about me too. " You yell into the phone before hanging up.
You stand there staring out at the ocean for a moment. Trying to breathe deeply and ground yourself so that you don't cry.
"You good?" You hear a voice call from behind you.
"What, you following me now?" You ask Erik as he pulls up one of the lounge chairs to sit next to you and light his blunt. 
"Nah, not at all. I came out here to smoke and chill. All that going on in there really ain't my scene. My boys got me to come here. They got white boys in there doing backflips off the balcony and shit. I probably would've still been at work right now." He say as he exhales and leans back against the lounge chair. 
You laugh softly before shaking your head. 
"That's how I ended up here. I was planning on spending Christmas and The New Year at home with my family. But my friends had this surprise for me to ring in the new year in Bali. And now here I am. I'd still rather be watching Godfather of Harlem. I gotta catch up." You say sitting next to him in the lounge chair. He instinctively wraps his arm around you letting you lay your head on his shoulder.
Granted, it probably seemed weird as hell to be cuddling with somebody you just met and barely knew but to both of you it just felt right in the moment.
"Godfather of Harlem ? That show is my shit. It's slept on forreal… If you ever in Oakland you should stop by sometime. I run a museum based on preserving black art and culture." He scrolls on his phone until he finds some of the pieces and shows it to you. But the main thing that stood out was Stevens Black Art & History: for the culture. 
"Erik Stevens?" You gasp and sit up to get a good look at him
"Yeah , why you looking like that? What's up?" He questions
"Oh my fucking God. We was best friends back in the day. It's me, look, minus the bifocals, braces, and that James Brown bob my mama gave me damn near every day." You say and he stares at you in awe for a second. 
"Damn it's really you." You says quietly as he runs his thumb over your cheek imagining you the way you looked in 5th grade.
You loved Erik growing up and spent almost all of your time together but after his father died you didn't get to say goodbye. He was taken into the system and after that you heard that he was in the military doing who knows what. You tried to find him but after a while it was no use. You couldn't believe how different he looked now. He looked tired down by the woes of life but still as beautiful as the day you met him.
" 'Member this?" You ask as you fish your out of the pocket of your cover-up and start playing Best Friend by 50 Cent. 
You watched as he looked up at you standing up to dance. You pull him up too as he puts out the blunt while laughing and stepping with you. 
"If I was your best friend, I want you 'round all the time. Can I be your best friend, if you promise you'll be mine?" You sing to him as he twirls you around 
"First we get the talkin, then we get the touchin. If we get pass the phone games we'll be fuckin. I kiss like the french therefore my tongue in your ear. Do it like the dogs do it girl and pull on your hair. For me a different scenery just mean a different position. In the tub or on the sink I improvise now listen. In the chopper or on the jet join the mile high club. I'm no fool I know money can't buy me love. But I'm a different type of nigga that make sure that you know. Instead of a rose, there's a hundred dozen of those. See I see somethin special when I look in your eyes. With your legs way back I see this pussy is mine. If you ain't sure when I'm talkin I don't tell you no lies. But there's things that you say that have me wonderin why. When I don't say what I'm thinkin it don't mean that I'm shy. Got on that shit you picked out for me that's why I'm so fly." He raps effortlessly while kissing softly on your neck and all those memories start flashing back to you as you sway with him.
"Damn you still remember all the lyrics to our song." You say to him as you look over to see your girls and some of his friends.
"You out here ?  Bitch! I thought I was gonna have to do an interview on First 48 for yo ass. I was gon' drop a raft over to come find you. You know I can't swim and I don't got my floaties with me." Khadi says as she walks in with Tasha and Lennie . 
"I'm sorry I came out here for fresh air and then ended up literally finding my fuckin childhood best friend. Before the baddest bitches on the planet came to be. There was THEE duo. Everybody meet Erik."
After everyone got to know each other. Y'all brought the party to the secluded little upper deck with the perfect view of the ocean. You had drinks , music, and good company almost enough to forget about the whole situation back home. 
"Girl you know I love you but my feet hurt and Sebastian said he gon' rub em" referring to the man she currently had her arms around. 
"Alright , we'll meet up in the morning for breakfast" you tell them before giving them kisses goodbye and heading out with everybody. 
Tasha and Lynelle were currently singing to each other and sharing cute kisses off to the side. You couldn't help but to smile and think of how true love must feel. To love and be fully loved back like that.
You were standing in front of your opened room door when you realized that his room is across from yours but he had no plans of sleeping in it.
"Uh-uh. Who said you were invited in?" You ask Erik with your index finger on his chest. 
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"I thought you said you wanted to watch Netflix? We can order room service and everything. Whatever you want" he says to you licking his lips and closing the gap between the two of you. 
"I want to forget. I want to have fun. I want to feel loved and appreciated for once. That would be nice." You say quietly as he takes his hand in yours. Pressing small kisses to each of your knuckles.
He hesitates for a moment before leaning in to kiss you slowly. He held your face in his hands as he continued to back you into the room kicking it closed with his foot. 
 "I'm glad that we found each other. After all of this time. " You say to him in between kisses
"Believe it or not I kept that picture of us. The one your mama took of us at the zoo next to the monkeys. I took it with me on tour everywhere. Right next to my mama's picture in my wallet. I never lost a battle. I made it home in one piece. Shits wild." He said zoning out for a moment like he was going somewhere else. 
"Heyyy." You call softly. You move his hands from your waist 
" I've got you." You whisper to him before leading him to your bed and laying him back. 
You wrap your arms around him almost cuddling him as you lay your head on his chest while listening to his heartbeat and sitting on his lap. 
You place a soft kiss to his lips before moving away from the bed to change, settling on a large shirt and nothing else. 
Erik followed suit and just stripped to his boxer briefs before you come back to the bed carrying soda , your laptop, and snacks. 
"And before you ask. Yes, I packed my laptop because work never stops, and yes I packed snacks because I can't find Takis out here." You say chuckling softly while he shakes his head laughing softly. 
You both settle into a comfortable position before loading up the movie. You settled on Nappily Ever After but it wasn't long before he was softly kissing on your neck with his hand under your shirt.
"Gonna eat it from the back. That's cool with you" he mumble into your ear.
If that's cool with me? BIH, I'm trying to let you give me twins. Triplets even. Play it cool. Play it cool . You thought to yourself before saying a silent apology to your girl Sanaa Lathan as you quickly moved the laptop to the bedside table.
"Damn she pretty." He says before kissing each cheek and gripping the back of your thighs. You knew what was coming next as your hands found the headboard and arched your back.
You can feel his tongue begin to explore the back of your thighs to your folds as he bends you forward. 
You hiss softly as his hand began to roam. You looked back at him as his fingers enter you. He begins to slowly and deeply work you open for him. You knew that you were dripping at this point and couldn't contain how loud you're being.
You can hear him let out a groan as he gets his first taste. Before you know it he's devouring you like you're his favourite meal and is completely in his element. His hands are massaging over your cheeks while he suckles your clit and then slides his tongue in. You begin to work your hips down onto it as he's on his knees behind you. His fingers massaging skillfully over your clit. 
"That's how you want it? It's all for you." You egg him on shakily as you reach back to grab at his dreads knowing that you're nearing your orgasm. You thought you were seeing stars but the audacity of this man bringing his hand down hard across your left then right cheek and then the pom-pom itself, did it.
Your toes curled and your head was tilted back as you continued to ride his face and the orgasmic wave crashed over you so hard it took your breath with it. 
You called out his name speaking in all types of broken Xhosa as he begin to lap you up and savour your taste. 
When you stopped shaking he sat back on the bed, proud of himself as he licked his lips. 
You turned to face him and he wasted no time continuing to massage you.
But what you hadn't realized during changing you accidentally dialed Derrick. Who's now on the other end, yelling into the phone 
{to be continued! I hope that it was alright!}
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yourlocalsmutwriter · 5 years
Time's moving slowly - Pietro Maximoff x reader
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You’ve known Pietro forever. Which made it all the more awkward when you developed a crush on him. How could you fall for your friend, who was a total dumbass was beyond you. Sometimes you felt like you two shared a brain cell, like today for example.
“How the fuck did you manage to forget your key, Pietro.” You asked, trying to keep calm. He got you two locked out of his apartment, sadly not for the first time
“I don’t know.”
“Oh wow, what a great answer. Never would have guessed.” You didn’t even try to stay calm anymore, you were pissed off.
“Stop being so salty.”
“We’re locked out, I’m angry. It’s normal, you’re the one that’s too calm.”
“I mean we could always go out again.”
“I guess. It beats waiting for Wanda.”
“This is all your fault.”
“Enlighten me, oh Pietro the wise, how is you forgetting your keys my fucking fault.”
“First of all - if you didn’t live so far, we could’ve gone to yours and second - nerd.”
“You love me for it.”
“Eh, maybe.”
You didn’t tell Wanda about your crush. It felt weird to keep a secret from your best friend, but you couldn’t exactly tell her “Hey I think your brother’s hot”. Plus she was smart enough to figure it out on her own and to decide to do something about it. God knows that you and Pietro were too oblivious to realize. Wanda might be smart, but her methods weren’t exactly that.
“Can you tell Pietro to hurry up. I don’t want to barge on him as he’s putting on his suit or something.” She asked.
“Yeah, sure.”
You knocked on his door and after hearing “come in” you did.
“Hey, we gotta get going. Are you ready?”
“Yeah, will be out in a sec.”. Turning to leave you heard the lock turn and you looked at each other in a panic.
“Wanda let us out, this isn’t funny.”
“Not until one of you makes a move.”
An awkward silence followed that, before Pietro was by your side, threatening his sister.
“I swear to God when we get out of here I’m getting revenge.”
“Oh, I’m so scared. By the way, we don’t even have a mission today. So you two can spend all day there.”
Half an hour passed and neither of you said something. For the past 5 minutes, Pietro has been walking around the room and it was getting to you.
“Could you stop fucking pacing, I’m trying to think of a way to get out of here.”
“Oh, I’m sorry Einstein, am I disrupting your process? Thought of anything?”
“Nope. You?”
“Well if I crash into the door at a certain speed it might open.”
“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard. Do it.” Pietro was gone in a flash and then he crashed into the door. Wanda was listening in to your conversation, but all that she could hear is a thud, a swear and “Wanda, your brother’s hurt, open up.”. She did and then she carried Pietro to the kitchen where she patched him up.
“So you’d rather knock yourself out than confess. Real smooth bro.”
“Shut up, she might hear you.”
You hated your next mission. You had to keep watch with Pietro. At least you two weren’t stuck in a car, but you were stuck in a crappy motel room.
“Remind me why you couldn’t go on the stakeout with Wanda?” You asked him, after spending approximately 5 minutes in the room.
“Are you kidding me- she’s my sister. We’ve been annoying each other practically since we could talk. We’d definitely blow our cover.”
“Makes sense. So how long are we here for?”
“A day, possibly more.”
Trying to pass time was boring. You pretended to read while keeping watch, you trained with Pietro, you played cards and you even danced.
“This is really weird without music.” He said as he spun you around in his arms.
“Yeah, no kidding. We’ve been doing more stuff than them. Shit, I think they can see us. We gotta do something.”
Pietro kissed you passionately and you tangled your fingers in his hair. You wrapped your legs around his legs and lifted you up against the wall. His lips moved to your neck and he whispered.
“Okay, they’re uncomfortable, they’re talking and they’re away from the window. Hop off.” You did, feeling a little hot.
“What was that?” You asked
“They wouldn’t watch us while we were making out.”
“Of course. You have your moments of brightness. Um, could you keep watch, I need to go to the bathroom.”
“Yeah.”. You looked at yourself at the mirror. Your face was red and a hickey was forming on your neck. Good luck explaining that to Wanda. You just splashed some water on your face and returned to the room.
Pietro was laying in his bed and upon seeing you, he moved and patted the empty space next to him.
“Come here”
“Why? I have my own bed.”
“They think we’re a couple, we have to act like one.”
“Fine, but I feel a boner I’m out.”
Luckily, you didn’t have to spend a lot of time cuddling up to Pietro, because soon the mobsters made a move.
You called for back up as Pietro rushed in there. In the end, everything was fine, except for your emotions after the kiss.
You were going to see Wanda, you needed to talk to someone about your feelings for Pietro. You got in the elevator when you saw him. Not wanting to face him just yet, you panicked and pressed the button to close the doors. Seeing that, he just grinned and used his super speed.
“You didn’t see that coming? You’ve been avoiding me, princess.”
“I haven’t. And what’s with the nickname?”
“It suits you. So, are you here for me?”
“No, just wanted to catch up with Wanda. God, could this elevator move any slower.”
As if on cue the elevator stopped. You pressed the help button calmly. This wasn’t the first time this has happened, it was going to be okay. Looking over at Pietro, you saw that his hands were shaking and that he was breathing heavy. You knelt by him and said.
“Pietro, it’s gonna be okay. Breathe. Try counting to ten.”
“Not working.”
“Okay, what about the alphabet? No. How about singing? Nope.”. With no options left you kissed Pietro, placing your hands on his chest. You could feel his fast heartbeat, and you could feel it slowing to a normal rhythm.
You pulled away slowly, ready to kiss him again if needed to.
“What was that for?”
“It helped you calm down, didn’t it?”
“Maybe you should do it again.”
“Dream on, loverboy.”
“What’s with the nickname?” He asked, smirking. There was the Pietro you knew and loved, confident, to the point that he seemed cocky.
“It suits you.” You responded.
Getting back from a mission all filthy was your least favorite thing in the world. Scratch that, getting back from a mission all filthy after Pietro was your least favorite thing in the world. The avatars had super speed, yet he took the longest showers.
“Pietro, you’re gonna use up all the hot water.” You said while banging on the bathroom door.
“You’re always welcomed to join me, princess.”
“In your dreams, loverboy. Now come on, I want to take a shower.”
“You’re gonna have to wait for me to finish.” Except you didn’t. Arguing with Pietro wasn’t one of your talents, but lock picking was. Entering the bathroom you said
“Come on Maximoff, I can’t wait for you all day.”. Hearing your voice, he poked his head out.
“How did you get here, I locked the door.”
“Nothing two bobby pins and some dedication can’t fix. Plus I know we have a shower curtain.”
“What if I open it?”
“You wouldn’t dare.” As if to taunt you he did it.
“Pietro.” You almost screeched when he opened the curtain, revealing his naked body. You had to focus really hard in order to look him in the eye.
“Pietro, close the curtain.”
“Say the magic word, princess.”
“I am warning you.”
“That’s not it. Try again.”
“I swear to God.”
“Fine. You wanna play, we’ll play.” You said and you dropped your towel. He stared at unashamedly.
“Pick up your jaw from the floor, Maximoff. Haven’t seen you drool so much since I accidentally spilled water on my white shirt.”
“Sorry princess, just admiring the goods.”
“You know, you could’ve just walked out and let me shower in peace. Why haven’t you? Or are you enjoying the view too much?”
“I’m not enjoying the view one bit.”
“Oh yeah, prove it. Get in with me. You’ll shower, I’ll shower, everyone’s happy.”. You were shy, but you were stubborn. But Pietro could up the ante. As soon as you got in, he immediately let go of the bottle of shampoo that he was holding.
“Oops, I dropped the shampoo. Could you be a doll and pick it up for me?”
“Sure, anything for my buddy.” Bending down you came face to face with his package. Pietro was packing. Trying to distract yourself from his dick, you squirted some shampoo on your palm and said.
“Here, I’ll wash your hair for you.” You tangled your fingers in his curls and he kissed you, pressing your body against the tiles.
“You know how long I’ve wanted to do this. Then I kissed you and you left me on radio silent. Then you kissed me and then the same thing happened. And now this. What do you want? Do you want us to be together because I do? I like you and…”
“Pietro, shut up.” You interrupted him. “I want you. And for the record, I like you too, now fucking kiss me.” His lips attached themselves to your neck.
“Oh princess, I’m gonna do more than just kiss you.”
“Then do it, loverboy.” Pietro knelt before you, taking your nipple between his teeth and moving his fingers to your entrance. You let out a high pitched moan. He curled two fingers inside you, while his thumb rubbed circles on your clit. It wasn’t long before he found your sweet spot.
“Pietro, I’m gonna.”
You couldn’t even finish your sentence before he pulled away, stood up and teasingly rubbed his tip against your slit.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, just fuck me.”
He hooked your leg around his waist and thrust inside of you. His pace was hard and fast, it was apparent that he wanted this for a long time.
“Pietro, slow down” you managed to moan out.
“Sorry.” He slowed his pace, but his thrusts were deeper. You pulled him in a hungry kiss, tongues battling for dominance, teeth gnashing. It took a few more thrusts for you to finish. He pulled out after that, cuming on your stomach.
“Fuck, if I knew confessing my feelings would get me this I would’ve done it way sooner.” You joked.
“It took, what, being locked in a place for a long time 4 times, for us to fuck. I count that as a win.” He kept on.
“Do you now, loverboy?”
“Yes, I do princess. Now kiss me and let’s actually shower, I’m feeling particularly dirty after everything we just fucking did.”
“Hard to argue with that.”
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
Lmao my dumbass didn’t see matchups as an option ?? a matchup would be cuteee either or!! And I know you SO pick ONE. Please 😂 don’t do both my asks, ONE, UNO, EINS, UN, ODIN. One 😂 you gotta take care of yourself
I found your matchup info. from the other one I did you and I also used things I know about you to write this; hope you don’t mind. And you better hush pffft when do I ever do what I’m told????? So, I’mma do ‘em all. Just let me love you skskskks xp
Hi, I saw you're doing matchup requests so maybe I could try? I am a 5'4' curvy female, really vibrant chocolate eyes, brown hair, little freckles on my nose and cheeks. I am honestly super loud and out there, addicted to Monster Energy so I can be hyper. I am fiercely protective and I can be aggressive defending things I care about. I act tough but deep down I am insecure and deal with bullying a lot :/ ~ @jokershyena​ 
Word count: 1, 765.
Patrick @ you every single day:
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This boy. This. fucking. boy. is head over heels for you. He loves you so, so much. You’re the first one to see him, to know him for his real self, and you were the only one who wasn’t afraid of him. “You’re not afraid of me, are you?” // “How can I be afraid of you? No offence, Peppermint, but you’ve never even broken a pinkie promise.” Pat only falls deeper in love with you for that comment.
 You’re 5′4 and I headcanon Pat to be maybe 5′8, which means that he gets to tease you about the height difference. He’s never rude or nasty about it, but your indignant expressions and playfully shocked gasps make him laugh, and that makes it all worth it to you; his laugh is gorgeous. Both of you give as good as you get, and you both adore this aspect of your relationship. Rest assured, if lines are ever crossed (rare, but it may happen in moments of high tensions or stress), things are talked out and neither of you leave the conversation until it’s been sorted out. Pat never raises his voice at you; even if he’s frustrated, he makes a concerted effort to keep his voice at his usual level. He’s not a fan of shouting, anyway. It’s too aggressive and he’s... not about that. Not unless he has to and even then, he hates it. It’s not who he is or even who he wants to be.
He also adores wrapping one arm around your shoulders, fingers curling around your upper arm, and his other arm going around your hips. His arms are solid heat around you, and Pat puts everything he has into every hug. He squeezes you affectionately, making cute little grunts from the effort as he does so, and he really melts into your touch. He’s been through so much, the poor thing, and he just sinks into everything that you give him, even when he’s the one who initiated the hug. You exchange so many of these touches each day that neither of you can ever keep track of it.
Pat loves your eyes. OMG this boy can and will spend hours lying beside you or on top (or even underneath) of you, his own intense chocolate gaze holding your own. He loves to cup your cheeks in his hands and kiss all of your little freckles. When you’re asleep or your head is nestled in his lap, he likes to trace the small constellations on your face, his fingers light and ghosting across your face as he plays dot to dot. He always has the sweetest smile on his full lips while he looks down at you, his eyes alight with love and with the most tender affection. “You’re so beautiful, Lilith.”.
Nothing makes you fall asleep faster or relaxes you quicker than Pat laying with you while you go to sleep, his fingers in your brown hair, lips on your face and his chest rumbling in suppressed laughter as he loves on his hyena. You saved him from his life in Australia; you took him in when you were just strangers and nursed him back to health and in the process did the two of you fall in love with each other. You rescued him and he likes to tell you this often, just so that you know how much he appreciates everything that you’ve ever done for him, how much he loves you. 
Even if Pat stays out late to play pool at the local bar (he doesn’t drink because he knows you don’t like it; and he showers before he comes to bed so that he doesn’t stink to high heaven of cigarette smoke), he makes sure that he’s home in time for you to go to bed; he wants to be there for you so that you know you’re warm and safe and loved, so loved. He may not understand it at first, but after the first few times it happens, he learns quickly how to help you during and after sleep paralysis and/or nightmares. “Hey, hey, Lilith - look at me. Look at me. There you are. It’s okay, love, you’re safe. Starlight’s looking after his moonchild, hm?” He won’t let you go if you don’t want him to - whatever you need, bb <333
You’re loud and chaotic and Pat vibes so well with that. And don’t you dare muffle your laugh or hold it in - he wants to hear you. “Why do you do that, hm? Hide your laugh. Don’t be like everyone else because you’re not, and I love that. So come on - let me hear you.” His chocolate eyes melt as he looks at you, your head thrown back in laughter, your eyes closed when it’s really going... You’re fucking gorgeous and once he’s heard your laugh at it’s most chaotic, he never wants to hear anything else. 
Pat always makes sure that he smokes away from you - he’ll straight up quit for you if you ask him to, he’s not afraid to do so, but if you allow him to continue the habit then he makes sure to step outside or, if it’s raining or snowing, to lean out the window. He always keeps you in his mind with anything that he does. After the death of his grandpa, you are his entire world and everything that he is, everything that he does, is for you. You’re both so, so full of love and your hearts are huge so you cling to each other so tightly. You’re almost always together - unless you’re attending classes or the other is held up somehow. He’s right there when classes end, pulling you back into his arms to bring you back to bed, his lips peppering kisses all over your face. Just at the point that you’re pressing your face up into his lips, wanting more of everything, he laughs and jumps up in a whirlwind of dark colours as he grabs you a Monster out of the fridge, coming back to you as he cracks the tab. “You taste way sweeter than that stuff,” Pat wrinkles his nose but you can tell from the way he leans in to kiss you that he only likes it because you’re drinking it. He’s feline in some ways and this is one of the more obvious ones.
You are extremely protective and this... oh, and this is something which he really does love you for. When you overhear people in the corridor talking about how Pat set a “state warden on fire” or “sold his liver” and other ridiculous things... he ignores it but you see his jaw muscles tick and you see the way he glances down with a slight shake of his head. Even if he pretends otherwise, Pat is daily harmed by his reputation; something he didn’t ask for or even want, and you never stand for it. “Hey! Don’t you dare talk about my starlight like that! Say that about him again - I dare you.” Pat watches, wide eyed, as you stalk up to those people. The first few times he tries to stop you, but you always shake him off. After that, he stands back with his arms folded over his chest, grinning and chuckling. “Hey - “ he calls out to the offenders, “Don’t you know to watch out for Hyena? She, er - she bites. And not just in the fun way.” With a wicked smirk and a salacious wink, you’re both turned on - time to visit the bleachers! ;)
Pat defends you, too, always. He will not stand for any of it, especially knowing that you deal with a lot of bullying. “Hey - “ Heavily frowning will he call out those who are bullying you - “If you’ve got a problem with Lilith, you’ve got a problem with me - so come on!” and he won’t back down. This is one of those times he considers himself lucky to have such a fierce reputation - all he has to do is say something like that and stalk forward, and people scatter like ashes in the wind. He turns to you, then - “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” and he cups your beautiful face in his hands, his intense gaze checking you over. Pat diffuses any tension by kissing you so soundly that your toes curl in your socks.
When you get insecure about anything, Pat is there with furrowed brows, watery chocolate eyes as he listens to you - the things you don’t like about your body or about your personality or about your BPD and other illnesses - he listens to everything and he pulls you into his broad chest. One arm wraps around your waist and the other smooths up and down your back in fluid motions. Your fingers in his dark curls, your lips feathering kisses all over his face, your legs entangled... you often fall asleep after heart to hearts in which you open up to each other and somehow bond on an even deeper level than before.
“Don’t you ever change yourself, Lilith. Not for anyone or anything - unless it’s for you and because you want to. Don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want. You’re so strong, love. You work impossibly hard and you love even harder. You have a heart of gold, moonchild, don’t you see? I love you, so much. Don’t you ever forget it, okay?”
He’ll bring you to tears but that’s okay. He’ll kiss and wipe every tear away and crack jokes to make you laugh. Patrick loves you so much that it genuinely hurts sometimes and he knows that he’s also cherished and adored. 
“Peppermint?” // “Hm?” // “You’re such a pretty boy.” // An amused chuckle. “You think I’m a pretty boy?” // “You’re my prettiest pretty boy.” You always get kissed for such a wonderful compliment - Pat adores being called a pretty boy. It’s one of his many secrets and only you’re trusted with it. It’s just another way for him to say that he loves you.
Both of you act tough but both of you feel and hurt deeply. You’re always there for each other, through better or for worse, and so long as you’re able to come home to each other, why, you both have the entire world. You’re his hyena and he’s your koala and that’s the way it’s always been and will always be.
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cruecifymesixx · 5 years
Love and Leather /part two/
Word count: 2.9k
A/N: holy fucking shit! A lot of you actually like this. I write long chapters sometimes so I hope that’s okay with everyone, if it’s a lot of reading let me know! I can try to cut it down. I don’t know where I’m going with this story, but that pretty much sums up my whole life :) feedback is always appreciated.
Warnings: Do I actually have to do these? Uhhh language, drug use, idk some other stuff too.
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November 81’
“Vanity common! We’re gonna be late!” I ignored the banging on the bathroom door as I finished the touch up of my burgundy lipstick, “What? I’m finished.” I told Lucia, “Haha very funny! But don’t you look hot!” Lucia said and I smiled.
I looked down at my black platform boots that paired with my ripped black skin tight jeans, just too top it off with a deep red bralete that had rhinestones on the cup. “Why thank you, is Tonya ready?” I asked as I followed her to the living room of our three bedroom townhome in downtown LA.
“I am now!” She said as she finished downing a bottle of beer, we both laughed, “What! Less money I gotta spend on booze!”
“Cabs here!” Tony said while looking out the window. I grabbed my purse and we all left.
“Maybe he’ll remember you!” Lucia said rather hopefully, I just laughed, “I doubt it!” Tonya said, “Thank you! That’s more realistic.” I told her,
“But if he did! That would be so wicked!” Lucia said and I nodded and looked out the window,
I pondered of the idea of a rockstar remembering me, his waitress from over half a year ago. I chuckled at myself, and watched the passing lights of the city.
We arrived and the infamous whiskey a go-go, I looked at the marquee: “Mötley Crüe: a 3 night event” .
“Let me go talk to Jameson, so we can skip the line.” Lucia said as she walked over to the bouncer guarding the door...who also happened to be her flame of the month.
I lit a cigarette and took a puff, Tonya put her hand out and I shared it with her,
“Maybe we can score some blow tonight.” She said nonchalantly and I laughed, “You’re wild!” I told her, “Tonya! Vanity!” Lucia yelled for us and motioned for us to come.
We walked in and a huge of gust of cigarette smoke hit my face. People were against the walls making out, we made it through and saw an empty stage with people all around it,
“First round is on me.” Tonya said and she made her way through the crowd and to the bar, “Lucia!” Jameson yelled for her, “oh be right back!” She said, “please don’t leave....me.” There was no point cause I lost sight of her in the sea of people,
“Awesome.” I said under my breath, and wrapped my arms across my self and made my way to where the bathroom sign was. I jiggled the door but it was stuck, so I pushed some of my weight on it and stumbled into the bathroom,
“Get out!” A long blond haired man shouted at me, He had a woman naked in between his legs, “sorry!” I closed the door and laughed, then went into the other bathroom.
I checked myself in the mirror, and fixed my hair. But was startled when two men barged in and brought out a bag of white powder, “Sweets, you want in on this?” He asked me and I shook my head, “suit yourself.” He said and evened out a line on the bathroom sink i was standing by and snorted a line of it, “Woo!” He yelled and rubbed his face,
“How about a lady like line?” He asked me, and evened out a small line, I smiled at him, “Alright.” I told him and then held one nostril closed and snorted the line of coke. “Fuck.” I said quietly and rubbed my nose, “Fuck yeah girl! I’m tommy!” He loudly presented himself and stuck out his hand, “Vanity.” I said shaking it while beginning to sneeze.
“You seeing the show tonight!” He asked me. I couldn’t tell if it was the coke that was making him wired or if he was naturally like that.
“Yeah, me and my girls.” I told him and he held the door open for me, and I nodded at him, “I’m the drummer for the band!” He said closer into my ear, “oh the opening band!” I asked him and he laughed, “No babe! Motley fucking Crue!” He boasted while throwing up the rock and roll sign and sticking out his tongue,
“Oh! No shit! You’re Tommy Lee!” I said while remembering him from the posters out front, “The one and only!” He replied while fixing his make believe tie,
“Van! There you are! The shows about too...holy shit!!” Lucia said and started smacking my arm while looking at Tommy,
“I gotta go girls enjoy the show! Maybe we’ll see you after!” Tommy said and started walking backwards and then turned around the corner,
“I just did blow with him in the bathroom.” I said into Lucia’s ear, her eyes went huge, “girl! You’re fucking crazy! Tonya has our drinks.” She said and grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd.
We had a spot right up front by the stage I was standing by the amp and pulled out my Polaroid camera, “Lucia! Tonya!” I yelled and they posed behind me and I snapped a picture of us,
I shook it till it started to develop, “beautiful!” I shouted and put it into my purse.
Four guys walked on stage, the blonde one who I then realized was the singer walked up to the mic, “were Motley fucking Crue!” He yelled into the mic and the crowd roared and the girls screamed, they were bigger fans then I was.
A guy in black, skin tight leather pants was standing next to the amp with a guitar, I think that’s the bass player.
I looked up at him and his ice cold green eyes were already looking at me, well at my tits I should say.
That was Nikki.
They started strumming on their guitars and Tommy was banging the sticks onto the drums and the singer began yelling into the mic and the whole crowd broke loose. People were jumping, screaming and pushing everyone around, but I couldn’t take my eyes away from Nikki, something about him dressed in this almost dominatrix costume, with his messy black hair sprawled across his face, really got my heart racing, but then again...it’s just the coke.
My head was by the amp and it was deafening, my ears were gonna be ringing later. Tonya and Lucia looked like they were having a blast, and then Tonya lifted up her shirt and flashed the guys.
“Tonya!” Lucia yelled but then the singer reached down and put his hand on the side of her face.
And they say I’m wild.
An hour later, the music was dying down and everyone was beginning to calm down.
“Alright, thank you Los Angeles! We love you!” Vince, the singer yelled into the mic, Lucia informed me of who everyone was.
The guys began beating on their instruments and then Nikki took his bass guitar and slammed it onto the stage, making it disintegrate into pieces.
“Woo!!” He yelled and the crowd cheered for him, and then they all went through the curtain and too the back.
“I need to sit down.” Tonya said while going to sit at a table since the crowd immediately started leaving, “That was amazing.” She said while pulling out her handy inhaler and used it. I laughed, “You good, hell cat?” I asked her while adjusting her hair, “oh yeah, I’m amazing.” She said, “Lucia!” Jameson yelled and she turned around, “hi love!” She said as she pecked his lips, “Come with me girls.” He said and grabbed her hand, and we followed.
He led us through some corridors and then through two big doors and we were backstage and it was a full blown party. There was half naked women walking around and people were snorting drugs and drinking along the wall.
“I have a surprise for y’all.” He told us and my heart started racing, I think we were about to meet all of them,
Jameson opened a door for us and walked in....Mötley Crüe was no where in sight.
“It’s the opening band!” Jameson exclaimed while showing us, “God you idiot!” Lucia said and smacked him with her purse, “Let’s go.” Lucia said and I turned around and opened the door only to run into a guy and have a glass of beer spilt on my chest,
“Watch it, whore!” He yelled at me and I looked at his face. Green eyes, face paint was smeared, his hair was teased, “You watch it, Rockstar!” I yelled at him and he cocked his head to the side and squinted at me,
“Hey you were the girl with the tits in front!”
Tits in the front, not the waitress. So he didn’t remember me.
“Sorry for that uh...uh Mr.Sixx...she’s a feisty one.” Tonya said, “Yeah she doesn’t know what she’s saying! She’s high!” Lucia added on, “Lucia!” I yelled at her, “Vanity let’s just go...common.” Tonya said while tugging on my arm, and pulling me away
“Vanity...” He said slowly, and wrapped his strong hand around my bicep which brought me to a hault,
“Have we fucked before?” He asked me and I shook my head, “No. you don’t know me, I don’t know you. Thanks for the show it was great.” I told him, and tried walking away “Van! He remembers you!” Lucia said,
“Look at him, he’s coked out! he doesn’t remember shit!” I yelled at her, “Hey I’m right here!” Nikki butted in and grabbed my arm and forcefully made me turn around to face him,
“Get your hands off of me! You don’t get to touch me like that!” I said while sticking my finger in his face and his lips curled into a smirk,
“All right.” He said backing up and putting his hands up, “You came into our diner a while ago...before....all of this.” Tonya said while motioning to the chaotic scene around us four.
“Yeah! She was your waiter! We didn’t want to take you cause you scared us.” Lucia said and Nikki smiled and bit his bottom lip,
“Vanity Blackwood...that was the night I met Tommy....at uh...what is it.” He said while snapping his fingers trying to remember, “Ciprianis. Right?” He said and we all nodded,
“Well...you girls want to party?” His deep voice was smooth as he lowered his head to our height since he towered over us. The girls said yes but I was hesitant about it.
He opened the door, and I was immediately punched in the face by a thick cloud of marijuana. I have no idea how this many people could even fit into this room. Half naked girls were dancing all around while some found themselves whoring themself out to members of the band,
“What did you find Nikki boy!” Vince, the long blonde haired singer said while pushing a girl off of his lap and he drunkenly stumbled over to us,
“This is Vanity..” Nikki he said pointing to me, “and uh...I’m sorry loves.” Nikki said while lookin at the girls, “She’s Tonya and that’s Lucia.” I said pointing at them, Vince’s eyes immediately went for Tonyas body, while his hand gently caressed Lucia’s waist and hips.
“You are a bunch of smokin hot babes. Come sit with me.” Vince said to us and put both arms around the girls and led them to the couch.
There was no way I was sitting on that disgusting thing. I could only imagine what type of fluids and drugs were soaking into it.
“Oh Vanity! Did you dig the show!” Tommy said stumbling into me and I put my arms on his shoulders to get him to stand up, “Whoops!” He said with a cackle, “I enjoyed it very much, it was amazing.”
“You two know each other?” Nikki questioned while sitting down on the couch and grabbing a silver platter that had a small mountain of white powder.
“We met in the bathroom.” Tommy said and I mentally face palmed myself. Nikki’s eyebrows raised as he dipped his finger in the cocaine and licked it off his finger, then bit his lip and gave me a smoldering look
I felt the heat rush to my face,
“She did some blow with me! It was rad my dude.” Tommy said while pulling me into a side hug and I smiled,
“Huh, pretty and a leech.” Nikki smugly said and I was taken back. “You hardly know me.” I told him, “Yeah, man not cool at all.” Tommy said and Nikki laughed bitterly,
“I don’t need to know you.” He told me and I ignored him, “Want some more Vanity! Common!” Tommy said to me while grabbing my hand and pulling me away, “Here doll face.” He said while handing me a small glass plate with lines of coke on it.
“Careful now, it’s not what you think it is.” He whispered into my ear, I looked at him confused, and got hesitant,
“What is it?” I asked him, “I’ll tell you after.” He said with a sly smile and I laughed, he handed me a golden straw and I snorted it up.
I instantly got tears in my eyes and started gagging, “What the fuck is that!” I yelled while laughing, and tommy brought me back over to the guys and girls and I was stuck between Nikki and Tommy,
“It was zombie dust.” Tommy told me, “What is that?” I questioned him and he laughed,
“Damn groupies.” Nikki said under his breath, I looked at him and rolled my eyes and he smooched his lips at me and took a sip out of a Jack Daniels bottle
What a prick.
“One part halcion, two parts coke...shuts down the body but keeps the brain wired.” Tommy said while throwing up the rock and roll sign and sticking out his tongue yet again.
“We’re gonna have fun baby!” Tommy yelled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders,
I looked at Tonya and Lucia and they were in heaven, Vince was probably filling their heads with some sexual comments, and finding a way to degrade them. I chuckled at my self,
“What’s funny, groupie?” Nikki asked me before sniffing another line of coke,
“I’m not a groupie.” I defended myself, his green eyes threw daggers into me, I couldn’t hold eye contact for long and he knew it.
“Then what are you?” He questioned me while licking his lips and rubbing his nose,
“I’m just me, I’m not a groupie...I wouldn’t be caught fucking anyone in this room.” I told him and he looked surprised,
“Why am I having such a hard time believing that?” He said while moving his face closer to mine and putting his hand on my thigh and gripping it,
“Because you’re probably use to people lying.” I told him while removing his hand from my body.
He studied my face intently, “Fair enough.” He took another swig from the Jack Daniels bottle, when he moved it away from his mouth and wiped his lips, I took the bottle from his hand and took a sip.
“Van...are you ready to go?” Lucia slurred her words while standing in front of me, she was having a hard time keeping her balance,
“Let’s get you home, love.” I told her and stood up, but Nikki grabbed my wrist,
“Whoa, no, no....it’s too early.” He said and stood up,
“I gotta get her home, and I need to go find Tonya.” I tried explaining myself to him. He lowered his head, “she’s over there.” Nikki said with a devilish grin and pointed to the left and I turned my head,
Vince had her naked in front of everyone while he was fucking her on the table, “Jesus Christ.” I said and Nikki started cracking up,
“How’s that zombie dust treating you, groupie?” He said while falling back into the couch and snorting more lines. “Asshole.”
“Tommy.” I said while gently tapping his arm, “Ah!!! Van! Another line!?” He yelled, “No I gotta go, tell my friend to meet us outside when...when he’s done.” I said while trying not to look,
“Oh totally dude! I hope I run into you girls again!” Tommy said while pulling me into a tight hug, “If the universe allows it.” I told him and he smiled, “I love the way you think, girl!” He said, and finally let go.
I held onto Lucia as we walked outside, I let her sit down on the ground as I used the telephone booth to call a cab, but I was startled when someone slapped there hand on the side of the metal,
“Can I fucking help...oh...what do you want?” Nikki had follow us out,
“Don’t waste your money...our driver will take you three home.” He said and a limo pulled up along us, and Tonya came stumbling out the door, but both Nikki and I caught her,
“I can’t...fucking believe...I fucked a rockstar...not any rockstar...but Vince Neil...oh Vanity...I love you.” Tonya said slurring her words as we both tried getting her in,
“And you...Mr.sixx...you’re next.” She said while running her fingers down his chest as she sat down in the car, “okay doll face.” He said and winked at her,
“Uh...thanks..” I told him and he nodded, “Have a good one.” He said while I was getting in but he was already walking back inside, “You too, Rockstar.” I told him and he stopped and turned around and gave me a wink then he disappeared back into the building.
Taglist: @venus-calum
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7pastmidnight · 7 years
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Past Curfew- Chapter 1
author: 7pastmidnight 
summary: senior in hs moving into a new town
genre: horror, thriller, mystery, romance, 18+
warning: smut in later chapters
note: this is my first long fic, so please don’t be too harsh in judgement! i will try to release one chapter a week~ all members will be present along with other JYP artists for added characters. there will be lots of texting dialog throughout the story so I used italics to symbolize it~  I tried to type this quickly so i apologize in advance for any grammatical errors.  I hope you all enjoy it^^
italics = texting
y/a/n your aunts name, 
y/a/l/n your aunts last name
y/u/n your uncles name
    Things have taken a turn for the worst. Everything happened so quickly. It’s been less than a month since your dad divorced your mom and kicked her out along with you. Despite feeling bad for your mom, knowing him, it’s not surprising that he would pull such a stunt. He gave both of you a week to pack everything and find a new place. Your mom decided to move in with her sister in Calistoga, a tiny place about 80 miles north out of your hometown, San Francisco. You have a lot of mixed emotions, you feel a small sense of relief for your mom, but you don’t want to leave your childhood friend Jeongyeon. You lived your whole life with her… you couldn’t imagine her out of the picture like that, especially since you both just started senior year. You send her a text. Everything is packed up, we’re about to drive up there now ☹  You are standing outside the house near your moms car. You look back and take in the thought that, this will probably be the last time you will ever be there. Your mom walks out of the front door with one large box in her hands. She crams the box in the back of her white hatchback without even taking one look back at the house. She says, “Come on honey get in the car.”
  You take one last good look at the house before you turn around and get in the passenger seat. Your mom turns on the ignition and starts driving down the long gravel driveway. You pull out your phone to look at Jeongyeons reply. Take me with you ☹
  My mom said she would take me to visit you sometime since its not that far away. Maybe when I visit I’ll hide in your house lol
  We could totally get away with it too! My mom would let you live here. What is even in Calistoga anyway? Sounds lame
Idk literally nothing. It’s way more rural than San Francisco that’s for sure
  Hey I gotta go I have to get ready for school. Good luck! Text me when you get to your aunts!!
   You look outside at the scenery passing by. You suddenly feel a rush of nostalgia, taking everything in like you’re seeing it for the last time. You can hear your mom softly crying to herself over the music coming from the radio. You know it’s hard on her but you’re not sure how to help so you just leave her be. It was only a little after 7 am, the sun is barely starting to rise. You end up falling asleep on the car ride over to your aunts.
    You wake up about an hour later as your mom pulls up to the front driveway of your aunts. You forgot how huge her rustic estate was. You can see your aunt sitting on a chair on her front patio with her yorkie sitting on her lap. Your mom parks right in front of the stairs leading up to the front porch and your aunt walks down to greet you.
   “Glad you guys made it away from that asshole.” She then turns to you and says, “Sorry you had to hear that hon.” You give a slight shrug and walk over to give her a hug. She hugs you tight and lets you go. Then she looks over to your mom and says, “come here you too.”
   As she lets her go and asks, “Have you all eaten yet? I made some breakfast for you and waffles. “Ooh I love waffles.”
   “Oh no sweetie I meant for us and the dog, waffles, that’s his name.” You look down at the little puffball sniffing at your feet. You let out a small chuckle, “that’s cute.” You look up at your mom and she’s hardly smiling. She looks so exhausted. You walk towards the trunk to start unpacking. “Hold on eat breakfast first while it’s still hot. Come on inside.”  Your mom takes the lead and walks in front of you up the stairs. You look around at the scenery and it’s just what you expected… there is absolutely nothing around you except for the two neighboring houses. You must admit though; the autumn scenery is refreshing compared to the city you were used to. You take out your phone to send pictures to Jeongyeon. As you are taking photos you see from a far a guy leaving one of the neighboring houses wearing a black baseball cap, carrying a backpack. You don’t really think much of it at the time and walk inside.
   You take a step inside and walk down the hallway that leads to the living room. She has some family photos on the wall including picture of her with your uncle. You walk into a wide-open living room with high ceilings. Everything looks so clean and untouched it almost makes you uncomfortable. You find your way to the kitchen where your mom and aunt are sitting down at the table drinking some coffee. You take a seat and help yourself to some eggs and turkey bacon on the table. Your aunt looks to you and says, “Once you’re done eating I’ll take you to the high school to get enrolled, let’s give your mom some time to rest.”
               “Okay, that sounds fine.”
“Are you excited to go to a new school?” Your aunt asked.
“Not really… I hope the school year will go by quickly.”
“Maybe you’ll see some cute boys at school… some better than your dad…”
“y/a/n…” your mom quietly snaps.
“Sorry, I’m just trying to give y/n something to look forward to.”
“How have you been holding up since…?” My mom quietly asked.
  “Since y/u/n died?” she chuckles a bit and says, “I’ll admit it’s been a little lonely, but I’ve been having fun spending his money!” What a typical thing for your aunt to say you think to yourself.
   “That’s how I got little waffles here! I named her after your uncle’s favorite food.” She pauses and says, “I’m actually really glad you’re here. It’s a big house, we need some people besides me waffles and Carol to fill it up.”
“I’m sorry who?”, your mom asks.
   OH I forgot to mention Carol? She’s my maid. She comes up during the weekend to clean the house. I don’t know if you can tell but it looks nice in here because of her. Although I mainly hired her so I could have someone to talk about local gossip with.”, your aunt chuckles.That explains why everything looks uncomfortably clean, you think to yourself.
  “Carol will normally stay here during the weekend. When she’s not cleaning she spends time hanging out at some of the local areas around here. She lives in the city, so I think she likes to get away from it sometimes. I let her stay in a room upstairs until she leaves on Monday mornings. Although I don’t think she’ll be happy to clean up after two more people.” Your aunt chuckles.
Your mom asks, “How long have you had a maid?”
    You quietly keep eating your breakfast as you’re ignoring your mom and aunts banter. You look at your phone to see that Jeongyeon replied. It looks like it sucks there. Miss you at school ☹  btw whos that guy in the pic? He looks kinda creepy How would you know who that guy was? You literally just got here. You assume a neighbor maybe? Still, you felt bad. You and Jeongyeon didn’t really have any other friends than each other, you feel like you practically left her there by herself. Not really knowing what to say you put your phone back in your pocket and stare down at the crumbs on the blue flower trimmed plate you just ate from. Your aunt snaps you out of your trance. “Are you ready hon?”
      “As ready as I’ll ever be.” You reply to Jeongyeon saying idfk who that guy is, he looks shady, but I think he’s my aunts neighbor. UGHHHH I’m about to go enroll into my new school. I haven’t even seen it yet but I already know I’m gonna hate it. But the truth is you are a little excited. You never really made friends at your old high school, maybe this time would be different. You say goodbye to your mom and follow your aunt down the hallway out the front door. The sun is fully out now blinding your tired eyes. You get in your aunt’s white suburban Cadillac. Your uncle must’ve had a lot saved up.
   You two drive down a long winding road before you hit the center of the town. You see a grocery store, a library, a park with a large beautiful fountain in the center. The school is far from your aunts, you’re used to school being in walking distance. At a stop light, you see a sign on a telephone pole “MISSING KIM WONPIL”. The guy looks like he’s about your age too. You sarcastically mumble to yourself, “Oh that’s a good sign. I can’t wait to live around here.”
    “Oh the kids around here can be a little crazy since there’s not a lot for them to do to keep them entertained. It’s probably just a prank since October is around the corner.”
“I can’t wait to meet them all…” you reply very sarcastically.
    You two pull up to the school, it’s kind of large considering this is a small town. You don’t see anyone wondering around the grassy and shady front courtyard. You take that as a sign of relief, that must mean class has started already… you weren’t ready to communicate with anyone just yet. Just as you were about to open the car door this loud black dodge charger quickly pulls up in the space next to you, forcing you to shut the door to avoid getting hit. “WHAT THE FUCK?” you think to yourself, you glare out your aunt’s window to give the driver a mean look, but you were taken aback. This handsome, well built, man with blonde slicked back hair and aviator shades gets out of the car and smirks at you. “UGHHH WHAT A JERK” you think to yourself, but then you hear your aunt say, “oh hi Jackson!” what the fuck?? Your aunt knows this guy?? “WHY?” you think to yourself.
   Jackson yells, “Hey Mrs. y/a/l/n I’m running late for class but I’ll talk to you later! Hope you’ve been well.” He runs into the front doors of the school. You get out of the car and look at your aunt with a puzzled look.
“How do you know that guy??? You ask.
  “Oh, when your uncle first died he helped me with lawn work before I hired help. He’s a good kid, just a little wild sometimes.”
    You couldn’t imagine a guy like that helping your aunt, but you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.  You and your aunt make way up the stairs leading to the front entrance of the school. You walk in expecting for the entrance to be a little extravagant, but you were a little disappointed. This school just looked normal.  Navy colored lockers on both sides of the hallway. No students in the hallway, but there were some missing signs of that kid you saw plastered on the walls. They’re kind of taking it far if it really is a prank. The office was up on your left. Suddenly you felt nervous. You take a deep breath and follow your aunt inside.
    There was an older lady with short red hair wearing gold rimmed reading glasses, typing away eyes glued to a computer. Next to this lady was a young man, he was probably a student aid. You blankly stared at him while he was reading some paperwork. He was wearing a black and white stripped shirt, had slightly messy black hair and big ears. He looked up at you and gave you a gentle smile. Shocked, you turn around and observe the room pretending like you weren’t just staring. There’s hallway behind her desk. You guessed that down the hall were the offices of the principals or counselors. Your aunt walks up to the counter, and says “excuse me?”
   The woman looks up from the screen, “oh my goodness I’m so sorry! I didn’t even notice you walked in! You’re here to enroll y/n right?”
“Yes ma’am we are.” You aunt replied calmly.
   “Here, take a seat.” You take a seat in one of the two chairs facing the desk. You feel super nervous now. You really don’t want to be here.
   “I’m so sorry about that! Here if you could start filling out this paperwork Mrs. y/a/l/n.”
   You start to pull your phone out of your pocket to see if Jeongyeon has replied. You’re not entirely sure why you have to be here for this part.
    “y/n, would you like a tour around the school?” the woman behind the desk asked.
    Before you could answer she says, “Jinyoung, could you show y/n around the school?”
    “Sure…”, he says shyly. He stands up and says, “come on follow me.”, he says in a calm tone.
You get up and nervously glare at your aunt before you walk out into the hall.
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Broken Home. 
This is Completely Fiction, nothing in this story is based off of anybody's life, I just wanted to make another High School type story. I love the boys of 5SoS and all the youtubers, so hopefully you'll Enjoy. 
Chapter 5. The party from Hell.
The week went on a usual, I ended up spending the next two days at home, since I was still feeling ill. Luke ended up bringing me all my homework for those two days, he also spent sometime with me as well ( He didn't care if he ended up getting sick, he spent most of his time at school ditching class anyway ). When Saturday came along, I was feeling a lot better. I was woken up around 8 am by my cell phone ringing. I groaned loudly as I rolled over and grabbed it off of my bedside table, " It's Saturday... Leave me alone " I stated as I answered it. Luke chuckled on the other end " Well, that's a pleasant greeting ", I rolled my eyes and sighed deeply " Sorry, but I was up till 1:30 am, trying to get all my homework finished. That's the only way I can go to the party tonight ". " So, you're still going? " he asked sounding like he was wearing a smile, " Yeah, Why? Do you not want me to come? " I questioned with a yawn. " No no, that's not what I want " he exclaimed in a panicked tone, " I just thought you'd change your mind about going ". I sighed once more and thought about what Amy had said that day in the ladies room, she had a plan and I had to do anything to stop it. " There's no way I'd miss this party " I stated confidently. " Wow, this is an all new Henley. Why the sudden interest in this party? " he asked curiously, I didn't really want to tell him the truth, just in case nothing ended up happening tonight. " I don't know, just bored of normal life I guess " I stated with a sigh, but we all knew it was a lie ( He probably did too ). He chuckled quietly " So, is the rest of your gang coming tonight? ", I smirked to myself " Clearly, you know Emi wouldn't miss having some alone time with Michael ". He laughed once more " True ", I sighed again " Well, I gotta go. I totally forgot I had to make breakfast for my brother and two of his friends that slept over ". " Okay Henley, I'll see you tonight then " he stated with a cocky tone,  " Bye Luc-ass " I chuckled as I quickly hung up. I then groaned loudly as I threw off my duvet and walked into the bathroom, quickly taking care of my business and then made my way back into my room, throwing on some shorts and a baggy t-shirt. I threw my hair into a messy bun as I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen, " What do three 11 year old boys like to eat? " I asked myself quietly. I then shrugged my shoulders slightly and decided on just making blueberry pancakes and bacon, because that's what I had a taste for. There was a note from my mum on the fridge, saying that she'd be home around 5 pm, that I had to take Bryce and his two friends over to soccer practice. Then one of his friends parents would be bringing him home. I quickly started breakfast and no more than 10 minutes later, there were loud voices making their way down the stairs. " Whoa, something smells great! " Bryce's friend Jake stated with a smile as he walked into the kitchen, Bryce groaned " What if we didn't want pancakes, what if we wanted eggs on toast or waffles? ". Peter walked up behind Bryce with a large smile on his face " Speak for yourself dude, I never get pancakes for breakfast at home! So, I'm fine with it ", I smirked over at Bryce " You don't want pancakes, then pick out a box of cereal dude! ". Both Jake and Peter chuckled, while Bryce rolled his eyes. " Now you three, go find something to do. This will be done in about 10 minutes " I stated with a smirk,  making the three of them nod and make their way into the lounge. " Dude, your sisters so hot " I heard Peter whisper to Bryce, " Shut up! " Bryce muttered smacking Peter on the back of his head. I chuckled quietly as I shook my head and continued cooking, only to be finished minutes later. I called the three of them back and then handed them their plates of food, then I grabbed my own plate of food and walked towards the stairs. " Uh, mum said no eating upstairs " Bryce stated as the three of them sat around the dinning room table, " Well, mum's not here. Are you guys gonna tell her " I asked with an eyebrow raised. " I won't say anything! " Peter exclaimed with a large smile, " Me neither " Jake smirked. Bryce sighed deeply while rolling his eyes " Fine... ", I smiled and continued on my way up to my bedroom. 
An hour later, I was sitting in bed, scrolling through messages on my phone. My dirty dishes from breakfast were sitting on my bedside table, I just wasn't ready to get up and load the dishwasher yet. I heard the doorbell ring and I wondered who it was, the only way Bryce would answer the door was if he knew who the person was. " Hen, Dan's here! " Bryce shouted as he slammed the front door, " Send him up... And stop slamming Doors!! " I yelled back. Moments later Dan opened my bedroom door and chuckled, " Feeling lazy today? " Dan asked with a smirk. " It's Saturday, what did you expect? " I stated while shrugging my shoulders, he chuckled quietly again while taking off his shoes and climbing into the other side of my bed. " So, are we still going to this party tonight? " he asked seriously, I nodded while sighing " Yeah ". " But, why... " Dan whined, I smirked at his childlike behavior " Because , I told you. Amy's gonna try something and it's going to hurt Emi or Remi, maybe both. If I can stop it, you know I'll try anything ". " But, what if you get hurt in the process? " he asked, making me sigh " It's a chance I'm willing to take ". Dan nodded while sighing, recently I've felt that Dan's not happy with all these sudden Friendships/relationships forming from the guys we used to hate. I sighed deeply as I looked at him curiously " Is everything okay? ", he ran his hand through his hair (  Which was slightly curly, so that told me it was raining out ), " I just worry about you, that's all ". I looked at him confused " What do you mean? ", he shrugged slightly " I just don't want you to put all this trust in Luke and then get hurt, I mean I know he has feelings for you and he wants to show you that he's not an ass, but what if it's all a game to him ". I sighed deeply, but I knew it was a possibility. This all could be laughing behind our backs, but something in the back of my mind, told me the four of them were being truthful. I laid my head onto his shoulder and sighed deeply " Don't worry Dan, I don't care if he has feelings for me, as of right now, I don't want anything more than a friendship. I don't fully trust that whole group yet, we'll see what happens tonight ", he nodded with a small smile. " I'm a big girl Dan, I can take care of myself and you know I'm done taking shit from people " I smirked, making him chuckle quietly " I know, but if anything does ever happen... Just remember I'm always here for you ". I smiled while quickly placing a kiss on his cheek " I know and same goes for me, I will always have your back. Got it ", he smirked " Got it ". 
Around 2 pm, I dropped Bryce, Peter and Jack off at soccer practice, then made my way to the cafe, where I was meeting Emi and Remi for a late lunch. " Bout Time you showed up! " Remi groaned as I took a seat at the table, " Sorry, dropping three 11 year old boys is hard to handle " I stated with a sigh as the waiter walked over to the table. " Hello Ladies, what can i get you today? " the guy asked smiling right at Emi, she gave him a small smile in return " I'll have a diet coke and a Caesar salad ". The waiter nodded then looked at Remi, " I'll have a herbal tea and a chicken sandwich with no mayo " she stated while shutting her menu. The waiter nodded than smiled at me, " And I'll have a cappuccino, a glass of water and a turkey sandwich with tomato and mayo " I smiled a cheeky smile, making Remi roll her eyes. " All right, those will be up soon, let me just go grab your drinks " the waiter said as he flashed us all one last smile, now it was time to cut to the chase. " Remi, what's been up with you lately? " I asked quickly, causing her to furrow her eyebrows " What are you talking about? ". " Well, I haven't talked to you in a few days, it just seems like you're keeping your distance from us " I sighed as the waiter set our drinks down in front of us, " Thank you " Emi spoke with a shy smile. " I've just had some things going on, that's all " Remi stated with a sigh, " Things with Calum? " I asked as I took a sip of my cappuccino. She sent me a small glare " Henley don't ", " Remi, you're one of my best friends. You can talk to me or Em about anything, You don't have to bottle up all these emotions. I know you like Calum, why can't you just admit that " I stated with a sincere smile. She let out a deep sigh as she nodded " I'm sorry, I've just never felt this way about someone before... I don't know how to act around anyone, I snapped at my mum when Calum picked me up last night. He and I have been trying to keep whatever's between us a secret, so I just don't know what to say to anyone anymore ", Emi smiled at her " Well, you're in the same boat as me girl. Michael and I have are keeping us a secret too, Only because he's afraid of what could happen when Aubrey finds out ". Remi nodded letting out a small sigh, I could already tell she was feeling better, sometimes just talking things out can help. " Do you guys trust Michael and Calum? " I asked awkwardly, then wondered why the fuck I asked that question. " Yeah I trust them, I just don't trust their old hoes " Remi snickered, making Emi nod " Agree'd ". Minutes later, the waiter walked over to us, carrying our food. He placed our food in front of us, " Do you ladies need anything else? " he asked with a smile. The three of us shook our heads no, " Thank you " I smiled as he nodded and then walked away from us. " So, what are you all wearing to the party tonight? " Remi asked with her eyebrows raised, Emi smiled widely " I went out and bought a new dress, it's a bit short for my style and it shows a bit more skin than I usually like. I just thought it looked good and wanted to switch it up a bit ". Remi chuckled " I'm sure Michael will appreciate that ", I rolled my eyes but sighed slightly " How about you Rem? What are you wearing ". She smirked slyly as she took a bite out of her chicken sandwich " You know, something over the top. Like always ", Emi chuckled " So, something slutty? ". Remi sent Emi a quick wink, basically saying ' Yeah, it was slutty '. " So, what are you wearing Hen? " Emi then asked with a smile, I glanced at her as I took a large bite out of my turkey sandwich. I shrugged slightly " Normal stuff, jeans and a t-shirt ", Remi and Emi both groaned. " Why! You should dress up a little more, put some effort into your look tonight " Remi stated, " Why? Who am I trying to impress? " I asked clueless. " How about Luke? " Emi stated with a smirk, making me groan loudly and shake my head. " I don't like him like that! " I groaned, " Lies! " Remi exclaimed extra loudly. Causing everyone in the cafe to look at the three of us weirdly, I rolled my eyes and sighed " I'm not lying, you know how I feel about guys. I don't trust that easy and I'm not going to just start dating some dude, just because he may or not have feeling for me ". They both nodded as we heard the bell at the front door ring, usually we would  ignore that, but that's before the people who entered decided to join us at our table. " Well hello there ladies " Ashton stated with a large smile as he sat down next to me, Calum sat down next to Remi ( Clearly ). Emi and I rolled our eyes, " What are you two dong here? " I asked Ashton. HE only smiled widely " Picking up lunch for the boys and I. You see, we had band practice today - ", I cut him off quickly " Yeah, I don't care ". Emi snickered quietly as Ashton smirked, " Aren't you feisty today " he stated. " Oh no, she's always like this. You just don't see it in school " Remi explained smiling over at Calum, " Really, why don't you show it more? " Calum than asked. " Because if I did, Amy and her army of hoes would crush me to the ground. She's already beat me up and I'm sure it'll happen again " I stated as I ran my hand through my hair, " She rules the school " Emi chuckled. " Maybe you should shut her up, with that sassy little attitude of yours. Make her eat crow " Ashton stated, " Oh, one day it'll come and our little Hennie is going to knock the bitch out " Remi stated with a smirk ( Little did they know, that day could be today ). Both Calum and Ashton chuckled, " Well, we'd better get back, but we'll see you three tonight " Ashton smiled. Calum kissed Remi on the cheek and handed her a note, causing me to roll my eyes. " Ok bye! " I stated waving at the two of them, making them laugh as they walked away and left us to finish our lunches. 
Around 7:30 pm, is when I started getting ready. I had thought long and hard about what Remi had said, maybe I could put a little extra effort into my appearance ( What could it hurt? ). I had taken a shower, made sure my hair looked good and even put a bit of makeup on, mostly neutral colors. I quickly changed into my clothes, which was a dark blue t-shirt, a pair of jeans, a leather jacket and a pair of black boots ( That was going to be the best it was gonna get ). I made my way downstairs, letting out a deep sigh. My mum was sitting on the sofa with a book in her hand, she looked up at me with a smile on her face. " Hey, you look great " she stated happily, making me nod in agreement. " I want you to fun tonight so, no fights " she said seriously while pointing her finger at me, I only shrugged my shoulders " No promises ". She scoffed as I walked towards the door, " I gotta get going mum! " I groaned. " Just remember what I said, also no drinking and driving " she yelled, " Yeah yeah, how stupid do you think I am Mum! " I sighed loudly as I walked out the door and over to my car, Dan meeting me there in the process. " Hey Good Lookin! " Dan joked as we both jumped into my car, causing me to roll my eyes and chuckle. " So, are we picking Em up? " he asked with a smile, I shook my head " She told me that Michael was picking her up ". " Oh... " Dan stated with a small chuckle, which only made me laugh as well. It took us 20 minutes, trying to find this stupid party. As 8:30 pm rolled around, Dan and I realized we were lost. " Did you put the address into the GPS wrong? " Dan asked with a sigh, " No! " I exclaimed as I pulled to the side of the road. Seconds later, my cell phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and groaned deeply, but still quickly pressed accept. " Hello? " I asked, " Henley... Where are you? Did you change your mind on coming? " Luke asked in a panicked tone. I glanced over at Dan, who only rolled his eyes. " No, we're still coming, but I got lost " I stated with a sigh. because I was slightly embarrassed. Luke chuckled on the other end, " Don’t worry, what address do you have? " he asked. I quickly read off the address that I had in my GPS, which only made Luke chuckle once more " Well, there's your problem. The house number is 6211, not 6121... ". Dan glared at me while mouthing ' Told you ', I sighed while running my hand through my hair. " Okay, well Dan and I will be there soon " I stated quickly, " Alright, see you soon then " Luke stated and I could tell he was smiling. We quickly hung up and I put the car into drive, Dan sighed dramatically right next to me. " What? " I asked him, he shrugged his shoulders " I just think, somethings gonna happen... Something bad ". I sighed deeply, but didn't reply ( Because I didn't know what to say ). I quickly re - typed the address and then set off towards the party, hoping everything would run smoothly.
20 more minutes later, we had finally found the house. As soon as we arrived, we were met by Emi. " What took you guys so long?! " she  shouted, I guess she had been waiting for us. " We got lost, because Ms. Henley put the wrong address into her GPS " Dan groaned as he got out of the car, " Not my fault! " I stated glaring at him slightly. He chuckled as he slung his arm around my shoulder, " Let's go already! " Emi exclaimed loudly while walking towards the large house. Dan and I followed her, the stench of sweat hitting us soon as we stepped into the house. I looked around for Luke ( For some reason ), I didn't see him in the lounge though, I did however see Calum and Remi getting cozy on the sofa. I decided not to bother them, Dan however walked to the kitchen, clearly needing something to drink. I walked a little further into the lounge, hoping not to run into any of those hoes. Unfortunately, I'm not that Lucky. " Well, look who showed up to her what?.. Second party, aw how cute " I heard Amy snickered, making Becca laugh as well. I rolled my eyes as I turned around, quickly making eye contact with the hoes. " Nice to see you to Amy... Always looking slutty " I stated with a smirk, she rolled her eyes " Whatever. I don't even know why you and your nerd friends showed up, no one here knows who you even are ". I sighed deeply, " You'll  be sorry that you decided to show up, you can count on that " Amy whispered to me before she walked away. I bit my lip and then made my way into the kitchen, where I was met with Dan and surprisingly Luke. He glanced at me quickly, making me send him a small smile and wave.  Weirdly, he just rolled his eyes and ignored my presence. Why would he act all nice and normal over the phone, but then again, maybe that was just a cover to get me here. Amy walked into the kitchen minutes later, running her arms over Luke and then sticking her tongue down his throat.  She was starring at me while she did that, what was she trying to pull? Was she trying to make me jealous? Was she trying to hurt me?. Who knows, whatever she was trying to do, it was working slightly. Because I had this weird pit in my stomach and I couldn't understand why. I rolled my eyes as I walked towards Dan, only to hear Emi shouting a few minutes later. Then I heard a door upstairs slam and Emi rush through the lounge, trying to hold in tears, but it didn't work well once Remi walked up to her. Amy smirked as she walked towards me " Let the games begin ", I quickly pushed past her and towards Emi and Remi. " What's going on? " I asked as Emi hugged me tight, she was sobbing to hard to even speak. " Welcome welcome, take a look around... To see photo's of these two lovely girls, but they're not just any photo's, their private ones. Photo's that were sent to both Michael and Calum " Amy stated loudly as she pointed around the room, that's when I noticed them. you could tell the photo's were sent with confidence, But Amy somehow got her grimy hands on them, only to make fun of my best friends. Remi glared at Calum as he tried to approach her, only for her to push him away and then smack him across the face. Michael rushed down the stairs, half dressed, his neck covered in hickeys and Aubrey strutted down the steps seconds later, fixing her shirt. Now I knew why Emi was so upset. " I can't believe you actually thought that Michael and Calum would actually change for you two, wanna be's... You don't compare to Becca and Aubrey. But, now you know what kind of guys they reaally are " Amy spat with an evil grin, " And you Henley. Luke will never be into you, you're nothing compared to me ". I squinted my eyes at her, my anger taking over now. I took no time lunging myself at her, pushing her towards the ground and punching her square in the face. " Let's see how much better you are, with a broken nose bitch! " I shouted as I continued to hit her, she fought back and so did her two friends, it was basically 3 to 1. " You can hurt me all you want, but don't you ever mess with my friends again! They have more class in their little fingers then you have in your whole fucking, plastic body! " I yelled as I felt punches to my own face and someone pulling my hair, " And as for Luke, I don't like him like that. You can fucking keep him ". Moments later, I felt someone pull me off of Amy, checking to see if I was alright. But, it was the last person I wanted to fucking see. Amy's friends were checking on her, it just made me happy to know that I got the last laugh in this fight.  I pushed Luke away from me, looking at the shocked look on his face. " Don't fucking touch me " I spat as I walked towards Emi, Remi and Dan, who also looked shocked. I hugged Emi and then walked out the front door, the three of my friends following me close behind. I could hear Michael pleading for Emi to listen to him, so he could explain things, but she wasn't having it. I spun around as Emi and Dan got into my care ( Remi had already took off in her car ),  " Just go back to your fucking friends Michael, we all knew this was going to happen. Just leave her alone " I spat and then got into the drivers seat, Michael's face showed hurt, Emi couldn't bring herself to look at him. I quickly drove away from the house, ignoring the pain in my face / head. The car ride was silent, until I sighed quietly " Do you want me to take you home Em? ". She nodded her head, but didn't say anything. Until I pulled up outside her house, she got out of the car, quickly hugging me awkwardly through the window. " Thank you so much Hen, I know I can always count on you " she stated wearing a small smile, I nodded wearing my own smile " You're like my sister Em, there's no way I'm going to let that bitch treat you that way ". She smiled once more, but I could tell she was still upset " I'll talk to you two later ". Dan and I both nodded as she walked into her home, that's when i drove home. Once we got there, Dan and I sat in the car for a few seconds.  " My mum's  gonna kill me, she told me not to get into anymore fights and look what happened " I stated quietly while shaking my head, " At least it was for a good reason " Dan stated with a sigh. I nodded, even though he probably couldn't see it. " Told you something bad was going to happen, Does this mean you're done talking to Hemmings? " Dan then asked curiously, " Oh yeah, I'm blocking his number " I stated bluntly. He chuckled quietly as I sighed, " I'm gonna head in, to the wrath of my mum " I stated. He chuckled once more " Good luck Hen, talk to you tomorrow ", " Okay Danny... Later " I sighed as I  exited the car and waved one more time at Dan as he stood on his porch. Then, I entered my house. Immediately, hearing the words ' You're grounded ' and then Bryce laughing.
Hey guys. I’m so sorry that this story is going down hill, but I’m just in a major funk and going through some things in my life. I just want to say Thank You so much for sticking around and for anyone that still reads my stuff, I love you. I know this isn’t great, but I’m trying. I hope you liked it though. Thank you so much for reading and you’re all Amazing <3<3
Masterlist - http://hello-justawriterofthings.tumblr.com/masterlink
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